
gnomefreakLjL: can you have ubotwo join #u-r-p00:01
LjLdid it already00:01
PriceChildIt should sort itself out now at least.00:04
gnomefreakLjL: when /msg ubotwo mirrors why does it give me mirrors is not a command?00:04
gnomefreakthan outputs the mirrors fact00:05
LjLgnomefreak: little bug, but it only happens in pm so i'm not bothering to look at it00:05
gnomefreakok cool didnt know if you knew00:05
LjL(besides, one of these days we're going to have synced ubotus, so i'm not bothering to look at anything at all)00:05
LjLi don't like "excess flood"00:07
gnomefreakwhen are we closing u-r-p00:07
gnomefreakLjL: lol00:07
LjLgnomefreak: leave it open for a while still... at least some more 12 hours00:07
PriceChildHey winbond, how can I help?00:13
* gnomefreak wonders if he is asleep how did he reboot bot00:13
PriceChildgnomefreak, He doesn't... its on a cron that checks if its running, and if not, restarts it.00:14
winbondcan someone unban me from ubuntu now?00:14
PriceChildwinbond, one moment please.00:14
gnomefreakits lagging but fixed00:14
PriceChildwinbond, could you tell me what the channel #ubuntu is for?00:15
winbondubuntu support?00:16
PriceChildIt is not for random questions about freenode :)00:16
PriceChildwinbond, please see /msg ubotu guidelines, and you may rejoin #ubuntu00:17
winbondPriceChild, ok , thank you,  i was aking for servers because the irc is lagging for me really badly00:17
LjLwinbond: type !etiquette, !guidelines and !coc in a private query with ubotu. please make very sure that you respect all of that. attitudes like that one you showed in here, a couple of weeks ago, aren't acceptable no matter how upset you are. keep that in mind.00:19
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)00:21
LjLin a *private query with ubotu*00:21
LjLtype /query ubotu00:21
LjLsigh bot's lagging again00:24
LjLi suspect someone's playing with it, excess flood isn't too normal00:24
winbondso is there any other way to access the channels, because i get too much lag when connected to freenode00:25
LjLwinbond: no, the channels *are* on freenode.00:26
LjLgnomefreak: ^00:26
winbondok thanks00:28
gnomefreakthats odd00:28
mneptok!secret download00:28
LjLwinbond: you don't seem lagged now though.00:28
gnomefreakhe did die again00:28
LjLtold you so :)00:28
gnomefreakdamn bot00:28
gnomefreakworked for me for a minute00:28
mneptokgnomefreak: your face seems to be coming apart00:28
LjLplease clean your bans in #ubuntu-offtopic - banlist full00:29
LjLand cchance joined right after i said that.00:30
LjLso interesting.00:30
LjLwinbond: anything else we can help you with?00:31
winbondno thats it,  right now seems ok , but most of the time i get like 30 second lags and then i disconnect00:32
LjLwinbond: take note of the server you're using now (type /whois winbond ) - perhaps it works better than others for you.00:32
PriceChildthink its ok to remove the *!*@*.desm.qwest.net ban.... set since august... and its quite a big one? :/00:33
winbondok , thanks 00:34
LjLPriceChild: april actually not august... (in -offtopic)00:34
LjLseems like some troll who could change very many addresses00:35
PriceChildwow :/00:35
Madpilotjust nuked a bunch of old bans, some mine, some other peoples, in -offtopic00:35
LjLbut that blanket ban is a bit...00:35
LjLMadpilot, it was your ban, remember what it was about?00:35
Madpilotsome persistant troll, I guess00:36
LjLMadpilot: i suppose so, i think we can just keep that mask as a highlight00:36
Madpilotshould be good00:36
Madpilotback later. need food00:37
gnomefreakPriceChild: now that gutsy portion of forums closed the threads where will they end up if it happens still00:38
* gnomefreak hasnt been there but im hearing about them atm and asac wanted to know00:39
PriceChildgnomefreak, what do you mean? what happens still?00:39
gnomefreakPriceChild: from my understanding gutsy part of forums all threads were closed00:40
PriceChildthe subform was archived: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=23700:40
gnomefreakwill they be reopened moved re wrote 00:40
gnomefreakif problem still is there00:40
PriceChildIf you want a thread recovered, please click the "REPORT" button top right of the first post in the thread and request it be moved.00:41
PriceChildThat... or pm me quick before I go to bed :)00:41
gnomefreakit wont happen  tonight but ill let them know about report00:41
jdongwe generally blanket-close development forums by the time the final version comes out, and users who have read the stickies should probably be aware of that.... if a discussion needs to continue users are welcome to PM or report or contact the staff via any other medium they choose00:42
mneptokfeel free to share this with friends/family that want .torrents - http://montreal.canonical.com/torrents00:43
LjLmneptok: what, are the main servers so full one can't even reach a torrent file?00:46
mneptokLjL: yup00:46
LjLmneptok: but surely some of the country mirrors will work, hopefully most of them?!00:46
mneptokLjL: good luck. a lot of them are absolutely hammered.00:47
jdongtorrents are already on demonoid, isohunt, and most of those torrent search engines00:47
jdongif those are ever hammered then the internet is screwed00:47
LjLmneptok: uhm, the se.* mirror that i put in the -release-party topic works for me00:47
mneptokjdong: being on Demonoid doesn't help Canadians00:47
PriceChildmneptok, there's a canadian viewer isn't there?00:47
jdongmneptok: oh yeah, that's right!00:47
* jdong points and laughs at mneptok , then ducks00:48
PriceChildI guess I misunderstood "http://www.demonoid.cc/"00:48
* mneptok points and laughs at the CRIA, gestures at the decades old concept of a "proxy server," and returns to his IP theft.00:48
LjLubot3: bug 100:50
ubot3For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents00:50
JucatoLjL: excuse me, is #ubuntu-effects is still open? what has been the decision? where should I redirect #kubuntu users? am I asking too many questions? :)00:55
LjLJucato: it's closed, redirects to #compiz-fusion, sorry for the confusion, i don't know, yes :)00:56
Jucatooh ok thanks... :)00:56
LjLredirect them where you prefer00:56
LjLwell, that is, to #compiz-fusion00:57
Jucatowell I redirect them to -effects, thinking it wasn't closed based on the last e-mail...00:57
LjLor just reply in #kubuntu00:57
LjLJucato: yeah well not too much harm done, they got forwarded to #compiz-fusion00:57
Jucatoare the #compiz-fusion ok with helping support Kubuntu Gutsy users?00:57
LjLJucato: pricechild is an operator there00:58
* Jucato inserts "people" before "ok"00:58
Jucatoyeah he just quit though :P00:58
LjLJucato: well, that means the answer is "yes" ;)00:58
LjLat least i hope00:58
JucatoI hope so too. well.. good luck to them! :D00:58
Jucatowelcome back our beloved ubotu! :)01:00
LjLJucato: i don't think so...01:02
Jucatoit ain't back yet? :(01:02
LjLyay, seveas too01:02
LjLJucato: i think it'll just excess flood again01:02
LjLalready done it twice01:02
LjLi'm keeping it muted for the time being01:02
Jucatowe probably need to address that for the next releases. if there's something we could do  in the first place :)01:03
LjLJucato: well, we're waiting for seveas to put the automatic bot backup mechanism in place01:03
LjLwhich will also result in making ubotwo work with all commands, unlike now01:04
LjLhm, ubotu *seems* to be kind of working this time... let's hope so... i'll unmute in a minute when he's finished joining everywhere01:05
LjLJucato: i thought i had put ubotwo in #kubuntu, sorry01:06
Jucatono prob :)01:07
ubotuIn #ubuntuforums-beginners, overdrank said: ubotu what is up01:40
mneptoki always roll out some member protection before being intimate01:41
Piciyo ma kb01:44
mneptokwhat about your keyboard?01:44
jdongprobably how an IRC staffer's consersations with parents go01:50
jdong /j; yo ma!; /kb :)01:50
Madpilotyou owe me a keyboard01:51
Madpilotie, I had a mouthful of drink when I read that01:52
jdonglol :)01:56
Madpilot15min until the 7.10 alt torrent is done. shiny02:00
LjLubotu seems unresponsive again, i've joined ubotwo but i'll have to go to bed in a short while02:18
Jucatoboth bots replied in #kubuntu :)02:28
jdongJucato: yep :)02:30
crdlbCould someone delete or fix !ubuntu-effects if ubotu is feeling better now?02:33
ubotuFor help with 3d desktop effects applications or drivers please join #ubuntu-effects, someone there will be glad to help you. You can read http://forum.beryl-project.org/ for most common problems or questions.02:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about effects - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:34
crdlbas it no longer exists :)02:34
jdongcrdlb: where do you suggest we send people to?02:34
Picijdong: we're sending them to #compiz-fusion02:34
crdlbit should mention #ubuntu and #compiz-fusion02:34
crdlbyeah it forwards to #compiz-fusion now02:35
jdongthen work, ye minions :)02:35
* jdong ducks02:35
crdlbalso there are a bunch of channel-specific factoids that are a bit useless now02:35
ubotukitche called the ops in #ubuntu02:35
ubotuPelo called the ops in #ubuntu02:35
PiciMadpilot: hm. I need to fix my kickban alias02:36
crdlbhonest nick...02:36
Madpilotyou kicked, but the ban didn't take effect - I got that. Odd.02:36
* Jucato still doesn't fully agree with the whole redirect thing unless #compiz-fusion people have signified that they're willing to support *buntu-specific questions...02:36
PiciAh, I got a channel sync error02:36
crdlbJucato, well we already do02:37
crdlbnot sure it's a great idea though02:37
crdlbseems like +m'ing the channel and putting something descriptive in the topic would work just as well02:37
Jucatocrdlb: yeah I know that it redirects now. already sent my thoughts to our mailing list before02:37
crdlbJucato, I mean we already take 99% ubuntu questions :)02:37
Jucatoaaah ok :)02:38
Jucatothank you for that :)02:38
Jucatobut you might get more *kubuntu* questions the next few days02:38
Jucatoor weeks... or until we sort things out02:38
Piciubotu: forget ubuntu-effects02:38
ubotuI'll forget that, Pici02:38
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:42
Madpilotis -release-party still open?03:20
crdlbthe party is just getting started :o03:21
tonyyarussoanyone know why the Xubuntu alternate is so much bigger than the desktop?03:21
Tm_TAmaranth: I agree with Myrtti in what she said about your 'joke', FYI03:31
ubotuAtalanta called the ops in #ubuntu03:45
MadpilotAtalanta, we had a long discussion pre-release about new groups, temp. channels, etc03:48
Madpilotdecided that #ubuntu worked OK, basically03:48
* tonyyarusso wonders why people factoid immediately after you !factoid | people them.....03:50
Madpilottonyyarusso, because people do not pay attention.03:50
PiciI don't think we'll ever know.03:50
tonyyarussoMadpilot: I guess....03:51
crdlbtonyyarusso, people also try to run them ;)03:51
tonyyarussocrdlb: that is entertaining03:51
crdlbbash: !ubuntu: event not found03:51
crdlbhelp help help03:51
jdongtritium: you wanna set a ban on unagi's nick altogether?04:26
tritiumjdong: perhaps I should04:26
tritiumLet's see if he acts up04:27
jdonghe seems to think somehow that just because his IP changes it's not ban evading :)04:27
jdongboy I love troll logic :)04:27
Madpilottrolls do logic?04:29
tritiumCrazy trolls.04:30
cdm10Is unagi somehow changing IPs?04:32
jdonghe apparently has some sort of GPRS or PPP internet that changes IP's at every reconnect04:32
tritiumcould ban by nick, or that portion of his IP address which doesn't appear to be changing....04:33
cdm10yeah... but that might ban the entire isp04:34
jdongtritium: how many other unagis would be around?04:34
jdongI think a nickban is the most sane for now04:34
Burgundaviamneptok: !!!04:34
Burgundaviayou around?04:34
tritiumjdong: but he just mentioned changing nicks...04:34
jdongtritium: he can change his nick but he can't change his personality :)04:35
jdongtritium: and if he does the latter, well then we don't have a problem anymore :)04:35
crdlbuse lart :P04:35
tritiumI don't ban often enough to be very quick on my feet.04:37
tritiumI rely too much on auto-bleh, also04:37
jdongok, unagi is starting to troll...04:39
jdongand he has a partner too04:39
tritiumgo for it, jdong 04:40
tritiumor Madpilot ;)04:40
jdongtritium: you mean, "or someone with real access (tm)" :)04:40
tritiumI have real access, silly :)04:40
jdongI don't :)04:41
tritiumOh, heh04:41
tritiumSorry, I figured you were one of the new ops I've not met :)04:41
jdongI only do opping in #ubuntuforums; I serve on the forum council too04:41
jdongit's quite a hellish domain you IRC ops have to handle here :)04:42
jdongstuff moves way too fast for my liking04:42
jdongjesus unagi_04:42
tritiumNo kidding!04:43
jdong /who shows two unagis on h*.area7.spcsdns.net04:43
jdongthat might be a safe banmask04:43
Madpilottime to remember how to do a nickban04:43
* crdlb suggests unagi*!*@*04:43
Madpilotah, and the outraged PMs have started04:43
wii_there's a nother person name wii in the same ch as i how is that?04:43
* jdong suggests *!*@h46*.area7.specdns.net04:43
jdongwii_: that seems to be you.04:44
jdongwith different IP04:44
Madpilotah, and every 2nd word in the troll's PMs was "f*ck". Thanks for justifying the ban, dude.04:44
tritiumgood teamwork :)04:45
wii_jdong: thats not me 04:45
* tritium bets he'll be back with a new IP and a new nick04:46
jdongwii_: same channel list, same realname, same username?04:46
jdongthat's a difficult to believe coincidence, no?04:46
jdongthe user, however, seems inactive04:46
wii_jdong: that wa i saw i swear it's not me04:46
Madpilottritium, yes, but same old attitude, so we'll just keep going 'round and 'round04:46
jdonghave you recently been disconnected from IRC?04:46
tritiumMadpilot: we'll keep an eye out04:46
wii_i was surfin on mega with zoom someone rote me in amsn then i saw konversation blinking then they say something about name allready taken04:47
jdongwii_: ok, then most likely you just suffered a temporary network outage to freendoe04:47
wii_jdong: i dont know i was only looking at videos04:47
jdongwii_: the other one is a ghost of you04:47
jdongit will disconnect by itself in roughly 120 seconds, or you may ghost it via NickServ04:48
tritiumwii_: /msg nickserv ghost wii <passwwd>04:48
tritiumThen, /nick wii04:49
wii_allready in use04:49
naliothwii_: are you evading a k-line ?04:50
Madpilotwii_, do '/msg nickserv help ghost' to get a better explanation of the problem04:50
wii_'/msg nickserv help ghost04:50
Madpilotno quote mares04:50
tritiumso far so good on unagi04:51
tritiummy syntax should be correct, isn't it?04:51
wii_nalioth: whats a k-line04:52
Madpilottritium, looked fine04:52
tritiumthanks, Madpilot 04:52
=== wii_ is now known as wii
jdongnow, you better resolve the kline issue with nalioth ...04:53
wiiwhat is that?04:53
jdongapparently you have been served a network-wide ban?04:54
wiioh that no need to solve it it's good how it is04:55
jdongROFL ROFL ROFL :D04:55
jdongthat was GREAT04:55
tritiumThat's one worth remembering04:55
Madpilotwhat the heck?04:57
jdongare /whois requests handled by the freenode server, or client-to-client?04:58
jdongso (well I guess staff aside), users cannot be alerted if you do a /whois on them?04:59
naliothso should we continue the 'whack-a-troll' game with wii? he's evading a k-line04:59
crdlbjdong, right05:00
jdongnalioth: well I do want to see the fireworks :)05:00
naliothi'm tired.05:00
naliothis he being a prat?05:00
jdongI wouldn't know.....05:01
* jdong joins -desktop/effects05:01
jdongwait that's right, effects doesn't exist05:01
jdongmeh not that I see05:02
jdongI guess deal with it the next time he manages to act up05:02
tritiumMadpilot: still no Mr. Unagi :)05:07
Madpilotgood riddance05:08
jdongok, quick test of ops in #uf, ignore false alarm please05:11
ubotujdong called the ops in #ubuntuforums05:11
jdongok done05:11
jdongcan someone say called the ops?05:19
crdlbcalled the ops05:20
jdongtry again?05:21
crdlbcalled the ops05:21
jdongok, I give up.05:21
Madpilotjdong, if you're trying to set a trigger, use <bang>ops05:22
Madpilotthat is, ! then ops05:23
Madpilotmost of us trigger on that05:23
jdongMadpilot: ah, ok. I was trying to go overboard and match ubotu's statement by regex and parse the channel to join :D05:23
* jdong works on that....05:24
* jdong finds a test channel first :D05:24
Madpilotwhich irc client, jdong? most have some sort of built-in 'alert on <phrase>' from what I've seen05:25
Madpiloteven gaim/pidgin can, and it's pretty useless at irc05:25
jdongirssi :)05:26
jdongcool, the trigger works :D05:26
jdongwait.... wait.... security problem05:27
* jdong comes up with better regex for channels so he can't be lured into an auto-kline05:27
jdongthere's no deathpits match .*bunt.*, are there? :D05:28
tonyyHold me - I'm IRCing from Pidgin05:29
jdongok, I think I got it correctly triggering now, just to ubotu's mask too :D05:30
jdongok, that's enough overachieving for one night05:30
jdong00:29 Trigger 4 added: -publics -channels '#ubuntu-ops' -masks  '*!*@ubuntu/bot/*' -regexp 'called the ops in (#.*bunt.*)' -command  'join $1' 05:30
tonyyjdong: you're setting your client to join anywhere that gets an ops call?05:30
jdongtonyy: yeah :)05:31
Madpilotjdong, Ubuntu/Canonical/Freenode keep an eye on what #ubuntu-* channels are being formed, if that's what you mean by 'deathpits'05:31
Madpilottonyy, is not pidgin horrible as an irc client?05:31
jdongMadpilot: I just wanted to make sure bot-abuse can't lure me into an auto-kliner channel05:31
Madpilotdoubt it. 05:32
Madpilotask our resident staffers, though05:32
tonyyMadpilot: absolutely wretched05:32
jdongwith my scripting skills, I doubt it05:32
jdongaren't there more than one of those magical channels of DOOM?05:32
tonyyI thought Gutsy was going to have FF 3?05:33
crdlbis that even out yet?05:33
jdongtonyy: it does in universe05:33
tonyygood lord, so many bugs05:33
jdong!info firefox-granparadiso gutsy05:33
ubotufirefox-granparadiso: dummy upgrade package for firefox-granparadiso -> firefox-3.0. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0~alpha8+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 58 kB, installed size 128 kB05:33
tonyyjdong: erm, Help > Release Notes links to the ones for Breezy :S05:34
jdongtonyy: eep?05:34
tonyyjdong: I'll have to confirm that elsewhere though - this is an upgrade, no a clean install, and it had some issues05:34
jdongtonyy: mine link to Edgy05:35
tonyyjdong: bah, that's what I meant.  Something in October that isn't right.05:35
jdongtonyy: congrats on finding a bug, I guess :D05:36
* tonyy will file later05:36
ubotuThe following cards are blacklisted in Compiz due to stability & compatibility issues: Intel 965. ATI: Rs480, Rv350. ATI Mobility: x300, x600, x700. More info: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist/05:41
jdongIntel 965 should really be called GMA 3100 too....05:42
jdongoh well05:42
jdongoh boy :)05:55
jribLjL-Temp, nalioth, Seveas  if you are up05:55
naliothjrib: ?05:56
jdongnalioth: ubotu is down, so I guess we need ubotwo in the channels?05:56
naliothubotu: test05:56
naliothok, ubot3 is in #ubuntu and #kubuntu 05:57
jdongwhat's the difference between 2 and 3?05:57
naliothsilence when ubotu returns to us, please05:57
naliothl j l owns and operates ubotwo  and i own and operate ubot3 05:57
jdongah, ok :)05:57
* jdong pokes 2 into #uf05:58
naliothjdong: is 3 good 'nuff ?05:58
jdongnalioth: yeah, lemme pull 2 out then :D05:58
naliothi was not aware you had control of ubotwo 05:59
jdongI'm gonna go sleep anyway :)05:59
jdongnalioth: I just got access a few hours ago :)05:59
jdongnalioth: it's like a shiny new toy05:59
naliothah, well, let ubot3 stay 05:59
tonyySomebody please tell me how to get my account-differentiating icons back in the pidgin buddy list....05:59
* nalioth points tonyy to #pidgin06:00
tritiumGood night, jdong 06:00
jdongnight, tritium 06:00
mneptokBurgundavia: oy.06:13
Burgundaviamneptok: you led a drinking session in Montreal, no?06:20
jriberm is ubot3 dead too?06:23
Madpilotubuntusucks, nice nick. need a hand?06:30
ubuntusucksi want get in #ubuntu :)06:34
ubotuThe #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.06:35
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks06:35
ubuntusucksi china not allow06:36
crdlbyou could get an unaffiliated cloak I think?06:37
ubuntusucksi did find google06:38
mneptokBurgundavia: nope, Fab and Etienne. i manned the fort.06:38
Burgundaviamneptok: right, well, I got an angry email06:39
Burgundaviaapparently there was too much drinking and not enough presentations06:39
tonyyoh dear06:39
ubuntusuckssor not mean i make angry06:39
BurgundaviaI replied saying that this was an informal gathering06:40
elkbuntuubuntulog, it would be easier to take you seriously if you did not have a nick that insults what we do06:40
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: you talkin to machines again? :)06:41
ubuntusucksi person06:41
elkbuntuBurgundavia, what machine?06:41
crdlb"<elkbuntu> ubuntulog"...06:41
elkbuntui've been awake since 5am, im allowed to be braindead06:42
elkbuntuubuntusucks, are you aware that it would be easier to take you seriously if you did not have a nick that insults what we do06:42
ubuntusucksinsults what is insults i find google you use lots06:43
ubuntusucksi want be like you06:44
elkbuntuubuntusucks, your nickname says that ubuntu is bad, were you aware of that?06:44
ubuntusucksi nickname like you to :)06:45
Burgundaviaumm, you are also using tor06:45
Burgundaviaand on about 20 different ubuntu channels06:45
BurgundaviaI am having a hard time believing your story, ubuntusucks06:46
ubuntusucksi find friends tor necessay so i dont trouble with police06:47
Burgundaviawhere in China do you live?06:47
ubuntusucksi friend has in trouble past06:47
Burgundaviaif you are truly Chinese, why not try #ubuntu-zh ?06:48
Burgundaviathen you don't need Tor06:49
Burgundaviawhich is a nice little hole in your story06:49
mneptokBurgundavia: seriously?06:49
ubuntusucksyes irc tor06:49
Burgundaviamneptok: assuming you are talking about my email, yes06:49
Burgundaviayep, #ubuntu-tw exists06:50
Burgundaviaand your english is likely to get you into trouble in #ubuntu06:50
ubuntusucksi connect #ubuntu-tw but no allow06:50
ubuntusucksi connect #ubuntu-zh but no people06:51
ubuntusucksi #ubuntu plz :)06:53
BurgundaviaI suggest you change your nick and then wait in #ubuntu-zh06:53
mneptoknot with that nick. and that's probbaly your problem with #ubuntu-tw. and stop using TOR.06:53
ubuntusucksi connect #ubuntu-zh NO people06:53
Burgundaviaanyway, mneptok, your boys in Montreal did make this person powerful angry06:54
tonyyhey Myrtti06:54
Madpilothi Myrtti 06:55
ubuntusucksno reply #ubuntu-tw 06:55
ubuntusucksi #ubuntu plz06:55
ubuntusucksi #ubuntu plz :)06:56
Myrttithis conversation isn't very productive, I see06:56
ubuntusucksi #ubuntu plz :)06:56
Madpilotubuntusucks, we never let Tor users into #ubuntu. Ever. And with that nick, we're not likely to be helpful.06:56
Myrttiubuntusucks: stop repeating, you're not getting anywhere with that attitude06:56
Myrtti/me suspects the words are too complicated06:57
ubuntusucks#ubuntu plz i stop :) sor06:57
ubuntusucksi sor :) #ubuntu?06:58
Madpilotubuntusucks, No. Your nickname is bad. And we do not let Tor users into #ubuntu.06:58
MadpilotBack in a few - with luck, restarting in Gutsy.06:58
Myrttiubuntusucks: change your nick06:59
Myrttiubuntusucks: don't use Tor06:59
Myrttiubuntusucks: maybe then06:59
ubuntusucksnew ubuntu broked how fix i see 06:59
ubuntusucksUncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.06:59
ubuntusucksKernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)06:59
ubuntusuckshow fix06:59
Myrttiubuntusucks: this is not the support channel, please stop it06:59
tonyyThis is not a support channel.06:59
Myrtti/me considers using remove07:00
* crdlb wonders what's wrong with Myrtti's /me07:00
ubuntusucksplz i just want help i computer not work :(07:00
Myrtti/me has disabled it07:00
Myrttiubuntusucks: change your nick and don't use tor07:00
Myrttiubuntusucks: how many times more do we have to tell you?07:01
=== ubuntusucks is now known as elkkubuntu
elkkubuntui connect #ubuntu plz now :)07:01
Myrttielkkubuntu: change your nick and donät use tor07:02
Myrttielkkubuntu: try to be more imaginative with your nick please07:02
elkkubuntui change nick i connect #ubuntu i must tor07:02
elkkubuntui just need help computer not work you broke it07:02
Myrttielkkubuntu: change your nick to something different, people are getting confused with your nick and elkbuntus07:03
Myrttielkkubuntu: and, you CAN NOT USE TOR on #ubuntu07:03
=== elkkubuntu is now known as myrttiubuntu
Myrttiok, this is hilarious07:03
myrttiubuntunow in #ubuntu plz :)07:03
elkbuntutrolling will get you nowhere07:03
Myrttimay I, my finger is itching with /remove07:03
elkbuntuyou may07:04
tonyyenough of that....07:04
crdlbtonyy, *!?=jo@gateway/tor/* 07:04
tonyycrdlb: Sounds right - I always mess up that option07:04
Myrttihe even pm'd me07:04
* crdlb is now known as BanMaskBot07:04
* tonyy misses his pretty scripts07:05
crdlbit isn't complicated at all, it just looks like it is :)07:06
tonyypidgin + irc = bad idea07:06
Madpilotback, kind of in Gutsy07:06
crdlbubotu is spamming07:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is spamming - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:06
tonyyMadpilot: kind of?07:07
Madpilotgot a couple of bugs in gnome07:07
Madpilotand trackerd is eating my cpu07:07
MadpilotMyrtti, did our tor-using person change their nick to "myrttiubuntu"?07:09
MyrttiMadpilot: indeed07:09
tonyyWhat would be good thing to use for caching internet traffic to save bandwidth for dialup users?  Squid?07:11
HobbseeLjL-Temp: we should request a wikilock on that page, btw07:17
tonyyHobbsee: which page is this?07:18
Hobbsee!staff 07:24
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)07:24
Hobbseewe have a bad user operating under a tor cloak.  please nuke.07:24
Burgundaviasame guy07:25
Hobbseedone -devel adn -meeting07:25
tonyyHobbsee: If you don't mind me asking, how would a normal user such as myself (who won't be at UDS) go about getting people of importance to look at specs they write and consider making them happen?07:26
Hobbseetonyy: good question.  find someone interesting in implementing it, pretty much.07:27
HobbseeUDS is a red herring - the problem is finding those interested in doing it07:27
tonyyI have no idea how I'd do that07:28
tonyyPlanet Ubuntu with crossed fingers?07:29
Hobbseeyeah, or seek people on the forusm07:31
Hobbseei'm not sure where one finds like-minded devs07:31
Hobbseedepends what it is, too07:31
tonyyWell, one of them involves telepathy, so I'll start with dholbach and gang on that.07:31
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:32
Hobbseebloody non-konversation.07:33
MadpilotHobbsee, been causing trouble for a bit now07:33
Hobbseei need nalioths' banscript.07:33
tonyyHobbsee: better than pidgin :P07:33
Hobbseetonyy: true that07:33
HobbseeMadpilot: so i've noticed.07:33
* Hobbsee plays whack-a-troll, channeling nalioth07:35
Hobbseechuga chuga chuga chuga choo choo!!!07:36
* Hobbsee pokes the guy on /stats p07:36
Jucatoubuntuisshit is on the rampage07:38
Madpilotwhich channel now?07:38
Jucato[14:37] [Whois] ubuntuisshit is a user on channels: #edubuntu #ubuntu-bugs #ubuntu-desktop #ubuntu-doc #ubuntu-kernel #ubuntu-laptop #ubuntu-locoteams #ubuntu-mirrors #ubuntu-mobile #ubuntu-release-party #ubuntuforums #ubuntustudio07:39
Jucatodunno if he's still there.. he's tor'ing07:39
MadpilotJucato, still on #ubuntu-doc; I don't have ops there though07:44
* Jucato only has powers in #kubuntu07:44
Madpilotgot lots of powers, but not there. thought i did.07:45
JanChm, there is someone in #ubuntu-kernel playing childish dirty-word-nick-changing-games...07:46
* Hobbsee doesnt07:46
HobbseeJanC: we know07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?how fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?how fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?how fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?how fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:46
JanCI see :P07:46
Hobbseegot him.07:46
Myrttithe staff would be lovely07:46
crdlbout of curiosity why don't you guys just add *!*@ubuntu/member/* to the access lists?07:46
* Hobbsee wonders keep oping her07:47
Hobbseecrdlb: because not all ubuntu members should be trusted with ops.07:47
crdlbheh really?07:47
Myrtti/me rolls her eyes07:47
Madpilotlots of people get membership for reasons that have nothing to do with IRC07:47
Madpilotand haven't a clue what to do with oply pwrs07:48
Myrttior how to behave...07:48
JanCnot everybody can ask someone politely to behave first  ;)07:49
* crdlb finds that very ... disturbing07:50
crdlbgoodbye ops07:51
MadpilotI think we scared him. 07:51
Madpilotnot in there, is it being savaged?07:52
* Jucato wonders what's so scary about that... :P07:52
Myrtti[09:50] ��� ubuntuisshit [i=boodf@gateway/tor/x-6f788becd4133971] has left  #ubuntu-release-party [requested by Myrtti]07:53
Myrtti[09:51] ��� mode/#ubuntu-release-party [+b *!*@gateway/tor/*] by Myrtti07:53
MadpilotMyrtti, good07:54
ubotudholbach called the ops in #ubuntu-desktop07:54
ubotudholbach called the ops in #ubuntu-bugs07:54
Madpilotwe should shut that channel down in half a day or so anywya07:54
ubotumagnetron called the ops in #ubuntu-release-party07:54
ubotuscguy318 called the ops in #ubuntu-release-party07:54
JucatoI guess he's still there...07:54
Myrttiwe need some sort of a kline ...07:54
Jucatowe need staffers..07:54
Madpilotsome of that might have been bot lag07:55
Jucatooh yeah... the bot lagged :)07:55
HobbseeJucato: they'r etrying07:55
Hobbseealready speaking to one, but he doesnt want to call at 4am local07:55
* Jucato waves at Hobbsee07:55
Hobbseehiya Jucato!07:55
Myrttishould I release the ban?07:56
HobbseeMyrtti: which?07:56
MadpilotMyrtti, here, or in #urp?07:56
Hobbseewhy do we still have that open?07:56
MyrttiI have no idea07:56
Hobbseefor people to celebrate gutsy, i guess07:56
Myrttiyeah, well, there's some IRL release parties this weekend07:57
Myrtti/me looks at her backpack07:57
tonyyI'll close urp over the weekend, but might as well let them have their fun today07:58
Hobbseetonyy: fair enough08:00
Jucatohe/it is getting annoying08:00
HobbseeMadpilot: i've forwarded all of tor to here on a couple of channels.  if he wants to come and play, he can do it with a real IP.08:01
Hobbseebut i've only done that in a couple08:02
JucatoHobbsee: is #kubuntu protected w/ that now?08:06
Hobbseefeel free to protect i08:07
JucatoHobbsee: um... you'll have to do that for me. I'm about to go down with something, that's why I asked :(08:07
* Jucato waves goodbye (for now)08:08
BugMaNhi all! Please someone could add my ubuntu/member cloak? my LP profile is https://launchpad.net/~bugman and my mail address is bugman@ubuntu.com09:38
Hobbseeah yes, where are they from?10:16
Madpilotmust be our latest tor troll again10:16
Hobbseemeeting or devel, i wonder10:16
Madpilotso tempting to just ban *!*@gateway/tor/*10:17
BugMaNhi all! Please someone could add my ubuntu/member cloak? my LP profile is https://launchpad.net/~bugman and my mail address is bugman@ubuntu.com my secondary nick is "bugmandue"10:18
Myrttino, didn't someone put all the tor-users banforwarded here10:18
HobbseeMyrtti: only for some of them.10:21
Hobbseeer, some of the channels10:21
Myrttia lot of traffic, I see10:22
Madpilotsomeone is in desperate need of a life...10:22
Madpilotjkimball4, can we help  you?10:22
jkimball4Madpilot: I'm interested in the operation of Ubuntu channels. 10:26
jkimball4Although, it appears I could be kicked for watching channel babble.10:26
Madpilotthis isn't exactly a public channel, jkimball4 - but you're welcome to watch our current trolling idiot bounce in and out of here for a bit if you like10:27
jkimball4I'll let this channel be.  I can always read the logs on irclogs.ubuntu.com10:28
MyrttiNaflol12: had enough soon?10:36
MadpilotMyrtti, you've let staff know about our visitor, right?10:39
Myrttinope, I'm totally unfamiliar with the whole issue, and kinda busy too10:39
PriceChildwth is going on....10:40
MadpilotPriceChild, we offended a Tor-abusing troll. 10:40
PriceChildNaflol12, please stop join/parting10:40
PriceChildYou too Gun_de_gray16 10:40
PriceChildCan I help either of you or are you just leaving?10:40
PriceChildgah not that10:41
Madpilottheres one banned10:42
Madpilotfor the moment10:42
MadpilotNaflol12, bored of this stupid game yet?10:42
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away
Madpilothmm... I think that'll hold10:44
MadpilotPriceChild, I'm about to crash. want to ping staff if idiot Tor-abuser comes back?10:45
PriceChildgah sorry I disappeared for a second,10:45
PriceChildErm I don't really think join/parting a channel crosses freenode guidelines :/10:46
PriceChildUnless we count it as spam.10:46
MadpilotI would10:46
MyrttiI'm ready to count *that* as spam10:46
PriceChildhmmm no nalioth....10:47
PriceChild*ping* rob ^10:47
=== Mez|Away is now known as Mez
Myrttiwhat's up with ubotu10:47
PriceChildis ubotu gone as well?10:48
PriceChildubotu, ping10:48
Madpilotthis particular troll arrived begging for access to #ubuntu while Tor-cloaked. When we wouldn't do that, it began attacking, basically10:48
Madpilotneed sleep. talk to you all soon.10:50
Madpilothave fun with the trolls.10:50
MyrttiHe's SLLLLOW11:05
PriceChildSeveas, ubotu's being annoyin again11:28
Jucatoeven ubotwo's unresponsive in main channels...11:32
PriceChildJucato, muted11:33
PriceChildI've put him back into #ubuntu11:33
PriceChildI did remove earlier as ubotu did catch up11:33
JucatoI've put him in #kubuntu11:33
Jucatohe's just lagging I guess?11:34
Jucatohe replied now11:34
PriceChildJucato, bots take a fwe seconds to sync before they'll respond11:34
Jucatohe's back! hehe11:52
Jucatoand he's gone hahah11:53
Myrttibut ubotwo took over at #ubuntu11:53
Jucatoyeah I'm keeping ubotwo in #kubuntu for now11:54
PriceChildI guess ubotu's sorting himself out now11:54
Seeker`is the madness sorting itself out now?11:56
PriceChildgive him a few minutes, he joins slowly11:57
ubotuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu12:07
elkbuntudid anyone take note of the peak for #ubuntu and the party channel?12:12
Myrttisomeone had the script running12:12
Myrttiin irssi that logs the peak12:13
PriceChildgah ubotu's gone again... :/12:13
PiciPeak for #ubuntu@freenode: 1617 (Thu Oct 18 15:16:23 2007)12:14
PiciPeak for #ubuntu-release-party@freenode: 784 (Thu Oct 18 07:33:08 2007)12:14
PiciTimes are EST12:14
elkbuntuwow, it didnt really go any higher than last release...12:14
Myrttiwas there #urp the last time?12:15
PriceChildgot about 65012:15
Piciubuntu-nl.org looks to be up at least.12:38
Myrttithat's sad12:40
Hobbseeah, cool12:50
Hobbsee(thanks Pici)12:50
Pici(you're welcome Hobbsee) (I think)12:51
=== Hobbsee is now known as LongPointyStick
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
Myrttipoor ubotu13:12
PiciYou can say that again.13:27
MyrttiTLC for ubotu? <313:30
BugMaNhi all! Please someone could add my ubuntu/member cloak? my LP profile is https://launchpad.net/~bugman and my mail address is bugman@ubuntu.com my secondary nick is "bugmandue"14:12
jpatrickpoor ubotu14:15
Jucatohehe yeah14:15
Jucatooverworked, underpaid (unpaid?)14:16
Jucatobut it can't say unloved :)14:16
LjLouch, ubotu is still coming and going?14:18
LjLdoes seveas know yet?14:20
jussi01Jucato: you didnt give it enough !botsnacks ! :P14:22
Jucatohaha :)14:22
Picijussi01: it knew!14:23
Picitalking about food made it come back14:23
PiciSo what should we do with ubotu today? leave him muted and use ubot3 until he becomes stable?14:25
Picior just keep up with the muting and unmuting of ubot3?14:26
LjLleave ubotu muted14:27
LjLit's done this since 12 hours14:27
LjLi don't see why it would stop14:27
LjLubot3 is fine14:27
ubot3Factoid is fine not found14:27
LjLexcept for being an idiot like all bots14:27
Piciubot3 needs a factoid refresh, its pulling ooold stuff14:29
ubot3Pici: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:29
Piciquiet you14:29
Mezubot3, be silent14:29
ubot3Factoid be silent not found14:29
LjLPici: it is? how old?14:29
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents14:29
Mezubot3, gutsy14:29
ubot3Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information14:29
LjLubotwo is more updated14:29
Piciubot3: ccsm14:29
ubot3Factoid ccsm not found14:29
LjLbut ubotwo doesn't know a lot of syntax that ubot3 knows14:29
LjLincluding !x > y see the private message14:30
PiciWell, we need that14:30
LjLyeah, many people use it me included14:30
LjLi mean, !x > y works14:30
LjLit's just adding something after y that doesn't work14:30
Picieven parenthesis?14:30
LjLPici: yeah. the only thing that works (i think) is adding a |, which is how it was in ubotu some time ago14:31
LjL!test > ljl    (ljl, see the private message from Ubotu) | test14:31
LjL!mp3 > ljl    (ljl, see the private message from Ubotu)14:31
LjLubotwo: join #ubuntu-bots14:31
LjLPici: yes, things like "!msg the bot > ljl | ljl, see the message from the bot" work14:32
LjLbut only if you use the |14:32
LjL(i used "msg the bot" because if i use a single-word factoid, my client auto-replaces it automatically =)14:32
LjLproblem is, a lot of people now are using scripts that *don't* include the |14:33
LjLi'll see if i can just hack into the code14:33
Picinal1oth owns ubot3 right?14:33
Picinalioth: ping, can we get ubot3's factoids updated/synced with ubotu's?14:34
LjLi just overwrote the wrong directory14:34
LjLubotwo: test14:34
* jussi01 hugs LjL... there there14:35
LjLnot all is lost... I HAVE A BACKUP BOT!14:38
LjLfor the backup bot14:38
Piciyou are insane14:39
LjLyeah that's not the issue though14:39
PiciNot this time14:39
LjLyeah well it works14:45
LjLwas #ubuntu-effects reopened on purpose14:48
LjLor is it just that there is no chanserv and whoever was in there parted?14:48
Picier... not to my knowledge14:48
LjLthat's not good14:48
LjLit was confusing enough14:48
PiciCan you set the forward?14:49
LjLPici: i can, but i cannot make chanserv join. someone will have to stay in there (a bot or two should do)14:51
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents15:03
AmaranthDBO, Seveas: /cs set #ubuntu-effects guard on15:03
LjLpoor nalioth15:05
LjLAmaranth: sorry for the getting the bot in #compiz-fusion15:05
djennewecan someone help me get back into #ubuntu?15:05
LjLouch no not ubot3_15:05
LjLdjennewe: sure, are you ready for a test?15:06
LjLdjennewe: thank you, you can join15:07
djennewethanks, LjL !15:07
LjLubot3_, change your darn nickname15:07
ubot3_LjL: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:07
LjLi never thought that for a moment15:07
=== nalioth__ is now known as nalioth
LjLnalioth: you alive?15:11
ubotuLjL called the ops in #ubuntuforums15:13
naliothi hate the phone companies15:13
LjLah you're alive15:13
LjLnalioth: ubotu is still gone mad, ubot3's factoid database is outdated for some reason, and if you can set chanserv guard on -effects, please do15:14
naliothLjL: patience, my lovely internet provider went down last night with no notice15:14
nalioth"scheduled maintenance"15:14
PiciAnd we'd like some food too.15:15
LjL"scheduled" doesn't have to mean "notified" :)15:15
naliothwhere is ubot3 needed?15:15
LjLnalioth: in the main channel, ubotwo is working ok now15:15
LjLnalioth: it doesn't have bugtracker though15:15
LjLso perhaps ubot3 is needed in -motu -devel or something15:16
naliothsorry, i just woke up.  is Ubotwo sufficient for #ubuntu and others, or is ubot3 needed there and ubotwo is fine sitting in the corner?15:16
LjLnalioth: ubotwo does seem to be taking the load with no problems right now. it's in #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #ubuntu-release-party and #ubuntuforums15:16
LjLbut nowhere else (i don't even really know what channels ubotu is normally in)15:17
Seeker`whats wrong with ubotu?15:17
naliothwe usually wait for folks to come in here and poke us15:17
LjLSeeker`: it keeps excess flooding15:17
LjLsince last night15:17
naliothSeeker`: he's amazingly lagged15:17
Seeker`so its just that he cant send enough responses without flooding?15:18
LjLSeeker`: no, not quite... it starts lagging a lot (for some reason, probably server load)15:18
LjLthen it tries to spurt out everything at once, and excess floods15:19
Seeker`ah, thats bad15:19
Seeker`what server is it acutally on?15:19
LjLsome of seveas' machines15:20
nalioththats one of the problems, it's not on a oc12 somewhere15:21
Seeker`what speed connection is it on then?15:21
LjLthe connection speed should be ok really15:22
LjLit's the server that seems to get overloaded sometimes15:22
LjLand supybot is VERY sensitive to load15:22
LjLdon't ask me why... but i've never seen another bot that quits when you run a long cp -a15:22
Seeker`thats bad15:23
PriceChildnalioth, what's up with ubot3? :/15:32
naliothPriceChild: what's up with it, indeed?15:32
Seeker`sounds like there needs to be a server farm of ubotus15:33
PriceChildnalioth, oh you don't know then? :/15:33
PriceChilddholbach just poked me for our team report at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/October2007 Seen as we haven't had a meeting, I'm going to put down stuff that we decided during discussion here and ML, things like +1 and -effects.15:36
PriceChildSeveas, nalioth elkbuntu LjL ^15:36
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
elkbuntuPriceChild, fair enough15:37
PriceChildAnything else to put on the report that you can think of?15:41
Seeker`could you not convince Canonical to host ubotu? and put it on a fast server / connectino?15:49
naliothSeeker`: this subject is constantly under discussion15:53
naliothvarious methods of keeping an infobot active at all times15:53
Seeker`I think I read something about the somewhere15:55
Seeker`yeah, ont he irc mailing list15:57
LjLPriceChild: ok16:04
LjLubotu seems to work now though?16:05
LjLhasn't quit for a while, and seems responsive16:05
LjLi'll give it a go16:06
naliothubotu: test16:06
naliothi've pulled ubotu out of all the channels it was in16:07
LjLnalioth: pulled as in kicked?16:07
naliothno, i asked it to part16:08
Seeker`nalioth: ubotu is in -uk at the moment16:08
LjLi'll keep ubotwo in -release-party just to lighten ubotu's load a little16:08
naliothi don't know why we didn't send a backup bot in there in the first place16:09
LjLi did16:09
LjLwell i initially put ubotwo there16:09
LjLthen seveas put ubotu16:09
LjLi suppose he didn't expect it to fail like this16:09
LjLbut i don't think it's really -release-party's fault either16:09
Seeker`what does ubotu do apart from factiods?16:13
LjLSeeker`: bug #2316:14
LjLperhaps not in this channel16:14
LjLoh no16:14
Seeker`bug tracking stuff then16:14
nalioththis is pretty rad.  i've not had a gusty update in 4 days16:14
Seeker`nalioth: I've not had one either16:15
LjLok, i spoke too soon. ubotu is gone again :)16:15
PiciI miss my updates :(16:17
PriceChild*wonders how the forums haven't died  yet*16:25
PriceChildServer Load Averages  11.90  13.03  14.71 | 11,005 Users Online (1,425 members and 9,580 guests)16:31
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away
nalioth#ubuntu hit 1617 users yesterday about 20 hours ago.  seems the max for release day so far16:32
LjLnalioth: yeah i won the bet16:32
LjLi bet between 1600 and 1700 :)16:32
PriceChild*awards ljl a medal*16:32
LjLpeople are tired of our releases :)16:34
LjLeven the botnets won't bother anymore16:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 23 in baz "baz redo should use merge3 for conflicts like most other commands do." [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2316:38
PiciAlas poor ubotu, I knew him well.16:40
* nalioth runs some errands16:43
Seeker`wow, 24 min lag16:45
no0ticmany italian users are complaining about slow dns resolving only under gutsy, is there any issue?16:56
Picino0tic: This isnt a support channel, I think you want #ubuntu :)16:56
LjLPici: he's an op16:58
no0ticI'm an ubuntu-it op, I believed that this channel could be useful to share infos between us16:58
LjLno0tic: can't it be the good old ipv6 issue?16:58
LjLyeah whatever16:59
no0ticLjL, yes, I know that "issue", I'll try to explain16:59
LjLno0tic: or it could be the stupid avahi/resolvconf/whatever17:01
LjLwell i shouldn't call them stupid but they are17:01
no0ticyes, you shouldn't :) I wonder why they are installed by default17:02
PiciLjL: oh17:02
Picino0tic: Sorry about that :)17:02
no0ticPici, :)17:03
LjLgah, i try to grep "dns" in the logs...17:06
LjLand of course there is someone with a dns_56 nickname.17:06
Picigrep -v dns_5617:07
LjLyeah i did :P17:07
LjLanyway i can't find anything special about dns problems17:09
LjLno0tic: in my logs i can't find anything special about dns17:13
jdongLjL: I haven't  heard much relating to dns either17:13
Seeker`I haven't seen any resolution issues17:14
jdong;; Query time: 3 msec17:14
LjLSeeker`: are you saying there's something wrong with the matrix? :)17:14
* Seeker` doesn't get it17:15
LjLSeeker`: nevermind :P17:15
* Seeker` goes to find stuff from shops17:16
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv417:25
jdongha, poor bot17:27
ubotuIn #ubuntu-motu, persia said: !back is Hurray, I've rejoined the channel.  Too many bugs :)17:47
jdongis it time to get all the factoids we want in, before the bot dies again?17:48
LjLjdong: if you want it to die again :P17:48
PiciI dont think it syncs that often17:48
LjLit should stay now anyway17:48
Picidoes it?17:48
LjLPici: yes17:48
LjLif a factoid is added, it stays17:49
PiciLjL: I mean the backup bots17:49
LjLPici: ah, mine syncs just every night17:49
* jdong shakes ubotu a bit17:49
ubotutwss is <alias> twss-#ubuntuforums - added by PriceChild on 2007-09-16 18:52:2117:49
ubotutwss-#ubuntuforums aliases: twss-#ubuntu-offtopic - added by Hobbsee on 2007-04-26 03:45:1817:49
jdongwtf? recursive?17:50
ubotutwss is <alias> twss-#ubuntuforums - added by PriceChild on 2007-09-16 18:52:2117:50
LjLjdong: no not recursive17:50
* jdong looks in confusion...17:50
LjLjdong: the main factoid is twss-#ubuntuforums17:50
LjLthe others are aliases17:50
jdongI see it17:50
ubotuIn ubotu, persia said: ubotu is back !17:51
jdong!twhs-#ubuntuforums is <reply> That's what he said!17:51
* Pici wonders if recursive <alias> es work17:51
LjLPici: they used to break the bot completely :)17:51
LjLthat's been fixed now though17:51
persiaPlease ignore my edit request.  I was trying to understand the parsing routine in a /msg17:51
Picipersia: we will ;)17:51
LjLpersia: we suspected we should ignore it :P17:51
persiaPici: Thanks :)17:51
jdong!twhs-#ubuntuforums is <reply>That's what he said!17:51
jdonggrr isn't that the syntax?17:52
LjLjdong: yeah17:52
Seeker`woo for botlag17:52
LjL!twhs-#ubuntuforums is <reply> That's what he said!17:52
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL17:52
LjLjdong: *shrug*17:52
jribmake a normal one without <reply> first17:52
jdongLjL: how the???17:52
LjLjdong: he hates you.17:52
jdongI tend to have that effect :D17:53
jrib!twhs-#ubuntuforums is foo17:53
LjLjrib, it works now17:53
Picibut twhs already means something17:53
LjLjdong: are you logged in?17:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about twhs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:53
ubotuThat's what he said!17:53
jdongLjL: logged in to what?17:53
Picijdong: ze bot17:53
LjLjdong: to ubotu. not that one normally needs to, but try @login or %login17:53
* jdong no got bot access17:54
LjLjdong: ah that explains it then :P17:54
PriceChildman we've still got a ridiculous number on uf.org18:15
jdong"You press start and up comes the toolbar... that's what she said"18:32
jdongoh crap why's there a + by my name18:32
* jdong quietly /win 4's....18:32
=== BugMaN is now known as bugmandue
=== bugmandue is now known as BugMaN
=== BugMaN is now known as bugmandue
=== bugmandue is now known as BugMaN
BugMaNPriceChild: hi, could you set an ubuntu cloak, my LP profile is bugman, my secondary nick is bugmandue19:09
PriceChildHey BugMaN.19:24
PriceChildbugman have you linked your secondary nick and set an email?19:24
BugMaNPriceChild: hi19:25
PriceChild(you can paste the output of "/msg nickserv info bugman" to me if unsure)19:25
PriceChildnalioth, cloak please for BugMaN (I've added to launchpad)19:25
PriceChildBugMaN, nalioth is /away so you may have to wait a short while sorry :)19:26
BugMaNPriceChild: ok i'm waiting :)19:28
PiciPriceChild: are the ! ops rules in #compiz-fusion the same as in our channels? It set off my hilight but I'm not sure if they use it in emergencies only as we do.19:37
ubotuMartinp23 called the ops in #ubuntu19:50
Piciarg... I keep getting desynced from #ubuntu and cant ban19:51
PiciI'll ignore tat19:55
PriceChildoh dear :)19:55
PriceChild*disables ssh*19:56
PriceChild*wonders why the screen didn't lock*19:56
PriceChildAnd pici I can't type properly so that wasn't all of it :P19:57
PiciPriceChild: I've (properly) typed two of my passwords somewhere on irc, so I know the feeling19:58
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
Seeker`whats wronf?21:46
Amaranthstupid people are joining #ubuntu-effects and asking #ubuntu-type questions21:47
AmaranthOne problem: #ubuntu-effects is #compiz-fusion21:47
Seeker`there isn't really anything you can do to stop that thouhg, is there?21:48
AmaranthBut the ops in #compiz-fusion are complaining21:48
naliothit will take some time for the new changes to become known21:49
nalioththe #compiz-fustion guys should have realized this21:49
AmaranthWell we did tell them it was only a few people21:49
AmaranthSeems people are more interested in the channel thanks to gutsy21:50
AmaranthBut better for them to get to #compiz-fusion than #ubuntu-effects and talk to a wall21:50
AmaranthPriceChild: compiz? :)21:50
AmaranthPriceChild: fix coming in gutsy-updates, gnome-screensaver is stupid21:50
PriceChildAmaranth, nope no compiz21:51
PriceChildAmaranth, Why on earth are people asking desktop-effectsy questions in what they think is -effects? :/21:51
AmaranthPriceChild: The same reason they think #ubuntu-desktop and #ubuntu-devel will give them help21:52
LjLPriceChild, Amaranth: we could perhaps arrange for a +m of #ubuntu-effects with the topic pointing to #compiz-fusion, rather than a plain banforward21:55
LjLerr, forward21:55
LjLwithout ban21:55
Seeker`LjL: getting to used to banning people these days?21:56
LjLwell no i use forward/banforward/redirect a bit interchangeably21:56
LjLbut a channel forward is a bit different from a banforward21:56
LjLalthough the former can be implemented using the latter, if wanted =)21:57
Seeker`LjL: are you forwarding all joins to -party of -offtopic now?22:00
LjLSeeker`: you. lovely, aren't i.22:00
mneptoknalioth: orp.22:08
naliothmneptok: gurg?22:08
mneptoknalioth: mind adding me to #gobuntu?22:08
naliothtype /j #gobuntu 22:08
naliothadd yourself22:08
LjLi suspect he meant the access list22:09
LjL(don't thank me)22:09
mneptok17:07 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You have been added to the access list for #gobuntu with level [-100000000000000000000000000]22:09
mneptokthanks :(22:09
PriceChildlol how rude :D22:10
naliothmneptok: i suspect your copy didn't go far enough22:10
Madpilotnalioth, did that Tor-abusing troll about 10-12hrs ago get a kline finally?22:10
naliothMadpilot: which one? i unfortunately experience 3 or 4 per day22:10
Madpilotnalioth, the one that was join/part spamming in here with two or three accounts22:10
naliothdidn't see it, Madpilot 22:10
Madpilotguess he gave up. I wound up setting nickbans to keep him out of here.22:11
mneptokMadpilot: that "ubuntusucks" guy, allegedly from Taiwan?22:21
Madpilotmneptok, that one22:22
Madpilotwas using a couple of unpleasant nicks - see the banlist here - then just join/part spamming22:22
PriceChildAHEM yipe in #ubuntu22:22
LjLshouldn't be too harmful in #ubuntu22:23
Madpilotthought he was perma-banned?22:23
Madpilotor is that from -offtopic?22:23
LjLfrom offtopic22:23
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
PriceChild<hatta> 1419 nicks and no ops22:45
PriceChild<hatta> hah22:45
Madpilotin #ubuntu?22:47
LjL(where else are there 1419 nicks? :P)22:48
Madpilotwe lurk, it's more fun that way22:48
PriceChildHmm I think he was just amused.22:48
Madpilotya, doesn't seem to be causing trouble despite that entry line22:49
ubotuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more22:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about md5sums - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:51
PriceChild!no md5sums is <reply> See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.22:51
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, PriceChild said: !no md5sums is <reply> See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.22:51
PriceChildbah... and what's that "no" about22:51
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:51
LjLPriceChild: those three wiki pages should be kind of pulled together i think22:54
tritiumMadpilot: Mr. Unagi is back22:54
Madpilotwhich channel?22:55
PriceChildhowtomd5sum and verifyisohowto yeah22:55
Madpilottritium, nuke instantly for ban-evasion, or leave him?22:55
tritiumMadpilot: and I don't get it.  I set a proper ban on his nick, I thought22:55
tritiumMadpilot: he's okay, I think.  Today is a new day.22:56
Madpilotok, we'll see22:56
ubotugordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu22:56
tritiumOur LoCo is having its release party today (I know, a day late...)22:56
tritiumhmm, /set bell_beeps ON, and /set beep_msg_level HILIGHT still doesn't seem to have enabled audible nick highlighting for me (irssi)22:58
mneptoktritium: is it a remote host?23:16
tritiummneptok: yes, I'm sshed into my server23:17
tritiumI have irssi running in a screen session23:17
mneptokif so, there are some very annoyed people at your colo23:17
mneptokyou just turned on audible beeping on that remote machine.23:17
tritiummneptok: oh, no, my server is also my mythtv box in my living room :)23:17
Seeker`whoever is watching tv is annoyed then :P23:18
mneptokwhat sound architecture does irssi use?23:18
Seeker`mneptok: its just the system beep afaik#23:18
tritiumyeah, system beep23:18
tritiumOkay, that explains it :)23:18
wiiwhen i went to  #ubuntu-effects i was fowarded to #compiz-fusion then banned :D ubuntu effects dont exist anymore?23:32
LjLno, it doesn't.23:32
LjLwii: other questions?23:34
LjLhe got that subtle invite, at least23:35
* Seeker` hates the phrase "it doesnt work"23:35
LjL!doesn't work23:35
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.23:35
Seeker`is ubotu better now23:36
Seeker`yay :)23:36
Amaranth!-doesn't work23:37
ubotudoesn't work aliases: work, doesntwork, doesnt work - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 16:49:4023:37
Amaranthaww come on23:37
AmaranthI added that one, stole it from ##php23:38
AmaranthOh, maybe 2006-06-18 is when cafeugo's ubotu went offline and Seveas' came23:38
LjLAmaranth: he implemented that fake "added by" feature only to get all the merit23:38
LjLi found that out long ago23:38
AmaranthI added that before he was even around, I think :)23:38
SeveasAmaranth, I've been around since september '04 :)23:39
Seveasway before ubotu v1 was there23:39
AmaranthSeveas: I don't remember you back then :)23:39
AmaranthWere you an op?23:39
Seveasnot before june '0523:40
AmaranthAh, that'd be it then23:40
Seveasor maybe earlier23:40
AmaranthI think I was as of jan '0523:40
Seveascould be, you were op before me :)23:40
Seeker`wow, Amaranth has been aroudn a while then :P23:40
ompaulSeeker`, so have a few people23:41
* Seeker` only started using linux in october 04, and ubuntu in about may 0623:41
Seveasnoob :p23:41
ompaulSeveas, na that is uber noob23:41
mc44I've been on freenode since 193423:41
Seeker`I've been using irc since about 2001 though23:42
mc44ompaul: using the 24 hour time, obviously23:42
AmaranthSeeker`: I only started using linux (all the time) since Oct '04 :)23:42
ompaulcos I can23:42
AmaranthIRC was about 200123:42
ompaulirc helping people since 94 :)23:42
* Seeker` was spending around 300 hours a month on irc in 200223:42
ompaulmind you 23:43
ompaulwe used to call the channel #no-help after 2.3 freebsd23:43
LjLompaul: and cos 1) he doesn't use 24-hour time 2) he was around since before 1934 according to my logs23:43
ompauland made it official at 2.4 time23:43
ompaulLjL, +3.14223:43
ompaulhave some pie23:43
Madpilot3.142/6 - a slice of pi23:44
ompaulMadpilot, pi over two to you too 23:44
Seeker`hmm, I'm trying to work out when I first joined freenode23:45
ompaulMadpilot, a sine of the times23:45
AmaranthI had a stupid nick when I first joined freenode23:45
Madpilotompaul, we give out pi cos we care, right?23:45
AmaranthGot dragged here from mircx by someone wanting my PHP knowledge to prove some guy wrong in #phpfreaks23:45
LjLompaul: 2.71828   6.626068 × 10-34 m2 kg / s  ?!??!23:45
AmaranthEnded up agreeing with the guy and sticking around23:45
ompaulLjL, you're making light of the subject now23:46
AmaranthWe ended up making Apple look stupid twice in 24 hours ;)23:46
AmaranthFunny how all that works23:46
Seeker`Amaranth: cool23:46
LjLwhen i first joined freenode, i was k-lined23:46
Seeker`I reckon I was first in #ubuntu-uk in november last year23:46
Seeker`LjL: how did you manage that?23:46
LjLSeeker`: secret.23:46
ompaulLjL, and now look at you23:47
AmaranthIf some random guy hadn't wanted to prove his point I wouldn't be on freenode and wouldn't have made online music stores, PHP->C++ compilers, iTMS clients, etc23:47
LjLompaul: yeah, unfortunately the stupid staffer removed the k-line after a while...23:47
ompaulokay I now go to bed23:47
ompaulnight all23:47
Seeker`LjL: how did you get involved with the op stuff? Just the right place at the right time?23:48
databuddycould someone sajoin me to ubuntu+1?23:49
* databuddy will sign on from server or something....23:49
Amaranthno, it's gone23:49
databuddyAmaranth its not gone23:49
Amaranthyou're not baned, the channel is gone23:49
databuddyits forwarded and several hundred ppl are still in it23:49
AmaranthThey should leave23:49
databuddy340ish when my computer locked up23:49
databuddyhttp://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Live_CD_distributions#Create_your_own_Debian_Live_CD  <<--- btw awesome tut on livecd truely custom stuff- should be added to main wiki23:50
Amaranthdatabuddy: The idea is to get people _out_ of #ubuntu+123:50
Amaranthdatabuddy: So you won't be let back in23:51
Seeker`databuddy: I believe it will be unlocked when work starts on Hardy23:51
databuddyplenty of us put in the time...... should still be limited open23:51
databuddySeeker` they said a few weeks or so23:51
databuddywhich is annoying...23:51
Seeker`databuddy: Yeah, after UDS I think23:51
AmaranthIf you want to 'put in the time' gutsy issues go to #ubuntu now :)23:52
databuddyi take it youve not /whois 'd me 23:52
AmaranthAll good then23:52
AmaranthYou don't get a private playground :P23:53
databuddyits hardly private with a couple hundred other ppl playing in the sandbox ~_^23:53
AmaranthNot anymore :)23:53
LjLdatabuddy, last time we kicked everyone out, and everyone whined. so we're letting it die a natural death this time.23:54
LjLbut there's no purpose keeping it open23:54
LjLgutsy is out23:54
AmaranthI just made it +m23:54
databuddyLjL its not a gutsy chan..... 23:54
AmaranthSo perhaps they'll clear out quicker23:54
Amaranthdatabuddy: No, it's for hardy which does not exist yet23:54
LjLdatabuddy: it's the chan for ubuntu+1. there is currently no ubuntu+1.23:54
AmaranthSo the channel does not 'exist' yet23:54
databuddyso lets get to work XD23:54
databuddycan we start with kernel updates plz?23:54
Seeker`databuddy: UDS needs to happen first23:55
Seeker`databuddy: Ubuntu Developer Summit, so they know what they are going to include in Hardy23:55
AmaranthWe have to finalize what to put in it before we start putting stuff in it :)23:55
databuddywe should discuss that in chan first23:55
AmaranthNo one important would be there23:56
AmaranthThe discussion is among the developers23:56
databuddy<<<--- very important23:56
AmaranthPlease do not do this.23:57
AmaranthJust wait.23:57
databuddyyour really not gonna give are u23:57
LjLdatabuddy: yes23:57
Amaranthdatabuddy: Go play in #ubuntu-offtopic or something :P23:58
AmaranthLjL: Wow you're mean23:58
LjLAmaranth: very.23:58
AmaranthYou let him in a +m channel23:58
AmaranthHe'll be back soon :P23:58

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