
zylstra555I am having an FTP issue. When I log into my FTP account (through VSFTPD) I am unable to upload/delete/modify files in any way. How do I correct this issue?01:21
zylstra555(This is a very quiet channel...)01:23
hansinYeah, I add to the congrats and also a thanks for putting out Ubuntu-Server edition.  I have not updated to 7.10 yet, but I have been happy with all the previous versions.01:50
hansinVery happy, actually.01:50
mikeo2lol installing ubuntu-server if you have a mouse with extra buttons (like a logitech mx530) and you hit the middle button during the install it restarts the machine02:00
ScottKmikeo2: Please file a bug if you haven't.04:21
kgoetzhi all, can someone look at this? i've blown way the debian-sys-maint user in y mysql database, so it cant start06:08
kgoetzbut to reconfigurit the script wants to stop it first, which it cant do, because it wont start06:08
kgoetzand is this a bug? surely you shold be able to reconfigure when its not working without it already running?06:09
sommerkgoetz: I think you need to re-add the debian-sys-maint user.  You can find the password in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf06:18
kgoetzsommer: the password is hashed (looks like it anyway)06:19
sommerkgoetz: in the database or the file?  the one in the file shouldn't be I believe... I could be wrong though06:19
sommeryou could always try it and see if it works... :)06:20
kgoetzsommer: it might just be a complex password *goes to test*06:23
sommerkgoetz: sounds good.  It's sleepy time for me, but if you still have issues I'm sure some one else can help.06:25
kgoetzsommer: thanks, sleep well06:25
kgoetzsommer: thanks, reset the password and mysqld starts again (even if it isnt just listing on localhost now)06:37
Helvascahey guys, I'm looking at setting up a computer to connect to a thin client, what should I have on the computer..?07:57
Burgundaviainstall ltsp07:59
HelvascaI've got the server fine.07:59
Helvascawhat about on the computer that I want to connect "from"08:00
Burgundaviayou need a NIC with PXE08:04
Burgundaviaor a boot cd08:05
nmersiDoes anyone know if Canonical is going to put vmware-server packages in a repository for gutsy like they did for feisty?08:11
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nmersiI had a small problem updating my server from 7.04 to 7.10 (yes I know perhaps was a bit early!) and it stopped upgrading bacula backup. It was only a parsing error because of change in syntax of conf and I modified it. The point is how do I know the rest of upgrade is ok?08:25
ZambeziHow is Gutsy running as firewall?08:35
Burgundaviaas any good distribution is08:36
ZambeziBurgundavia: I have pfSense now, but I need to put two servers together to save money.08:40
sorenZambezi: The plumbing to do that is missing, but it's on my todo list for Hardy.09:38
sorenZambezi: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/redundant-firewall09:38
ivoksi'm not familliar with tomcat09:38
ivoksis it chrooted in ubuntu? :)09:38
ivokscause it returns it can't exec one file... :/09:39
sorenivoks: No idea. readlink /proc/$PID/root ?09:40
ivoksyeah... it's not09:41
ivokssee you later...09:41
Burgundaviasoren: you planning do ebox for hardy?09:41
sorenBurgundavia: Yes.09:42
_rubensoren: looks nice (the blueprint)09:42
soren_ruben: I've got most of the stuff packaged already. I just need to upload and test.09:42
Burgundaviasoren: how does the SOAP interface work with ebox?09:43
Burgundaviawill it let us a create an "ebox-client09:43
Burgundavia" package to instlal on desktops to control them?09:44
sorenBurgundavia: AFAIR it's meant to make it possible to administer several eBox instances (on multiple machines) from just one web interface.09:44
sorenBurgundavia: To my knowledge, there's not a new client in the works.09:44
Burgundaviasuch a client would rock09:45
Burgundaviaas would an ebox module to control a local package cache09:45
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freakyyhi all. i have the following problem since yesterday, after upgrading to gutsy: udevd is taking up 100% of one CPU core. sdb can't be mounted. (device busy) and it isn't mounted. it seems to have something to do with RAID. i uninstalled mdadm but i still have the same problem. more info is here: http://www.freakyy.de/server.txt i would be very appreciated if someone can have look into it and help me.14:54
freakyyand it can't be unmounted14:55
freakyykernel 2.6.22-14-generic14:58
freakyyis installed and running.14:58
sorenfreakyy: Is evms installed?15:10
_rubenfreakyy: -generic, so not using ubuntu-server?15:11
sorenDoesn't matter.15:11
c1|freakyno the generic one15:11
c1|freakyone moment15:11
_rubenasked mainly out of curiousity15:11
sorenc1|freaky: "sudo killall udevd ; sudo dpkg -P evms ; sudo reboot" is likely to fix it.15:12
c1|freakyok ill try15:12
c1|freakyyserver reboots15:15
c1|freakyythank you it worked :DDDDDD15:22
sorenc1|freaky: ;) np15:25
ZambeziI'm having problem with Gutsy server. If I say it's slow, I'm lying. It's painfully slow. I have never experienced anything as slow as this. Anyone else got this problem?15:34
ZambeziIt's been installing PostgreSQL for several minutes now.15:34
sorenZambezi: Anything interesting in dmesg?15:36
sommerZambezi: I think the "apt" servers are under heavy load due to the Gutsy release15:36
sommerat least I noticed time outs using apt-get update yesterday15:36
Zambezisoren: Can't check. I'm installing now.15:36
sorenZambezi: Ah, fresh install?15:37
Zambezisommer: It's the installationpart which is slow.15:37
sommerZambezi: ah different issue then15:37
Zambezisoren: Yes. I dropped the harddrive from 20 cm. That might be a reason. The installation took like three hours.15:37
sorenZambezi: Switch one of the other virtal consoles (alt-f4 is my favourite) and see what's going on.15:37
Zambezisoren: I'm going to benchmark it later to see if it's normal.15:38
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storkhow can i measure the network usage of an application i'm running on a specific port ?19:09
ADLongwellAnybody built their own ubuntu-xen-server-amd64 (see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen-meta/+bug/120536)?19:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120536 in xen-meta "[feature req] Can someone generate a ubuntu-xen-server-amd64 package?" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:21
zamaraxis it possible to change the sources.list automatically like you can in thedesktop20:07
zamaraxI want to upgrade the server and I found a wide open server20:08
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mralphabetzamarax: something other then 'sudo vi sources.list'?20:24
lamont[ 1506.836000] device-mapper: table: 254:5: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed21:52
lamontwhats' that mean?21:52
elmolamont: remove evms21:52
lamontsysrq to the rescue21:54
hansinOnce servers cool down, should upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 be pretty safe thing to do?  I have installed only .deb files except Asterisk and FreeSwitch, which were installed from source.  Would this pose any issues?  Thanks.22:05
lamonthansin: yes.  I'm doing something extremely stupidly known-to-be-foolish22:06
lamontso pay no attention to my issues22:06
lamont(upgrading directly from dapper to gutsy is, um, really realy not something you should ever consider doing)22:07
mralphabethansin: you should be fine22:10
lamonthansin: I've had no issues on any of the machines I've taken from feisty to gutsy22:11
lamontusing update-manager is the safest way to go, of course22:11
Burgundavialamont: think of all the fun you will have with dapper --> hardy22:14
lamontBurgundavia: no.  think of all the fun update-manager will have.22:16
lamontI don't think any sane individual (other than maybe mvo) will actually do a dist-upgrade to get there22:16
ScottKNot that I qualify as sane or anything, but apt-get dist-upgrade worked just fine for my on my test mail server.22:17
lamontScottK: dapper->gutsy, or feisty->gutsy?22:18
ScottKfeisty - gutsy22:18
lamontone step should "just work" (modulo really weird funky corner cases - like nfs mounts with nfs-common not installed).  multi-step is "fraught with peril"22:18
ScottKCome to think of it, I think I did my dapper --> gutsy one that way too and "fraught with peril" is a good description.22:19
hansinlamont: Ok, thanks.  I have already 'hand-changed' my /etc/apt/sources.list file to gutsy repos.  I have done a sudo apt-get update, and was going to do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade once the servers 'cooled down'.  I am running test only; can I use update-manager in console?22:20
lamontdunno. :)22:20
lamontpersonally, I'd just do the dist-upgrade.22:20
Burgundaviathere is update-manager-core or something like22:20
lamontI did update-manager on my workstation, largely to see what it would do.22:20
hansinlamont: And it is only feisty --> gutsy.22:20
lamontnever used it before...22:20
hansinBurgundavia: but do you think I am ok with doing just a dist-upgrade?22:21
lamonthow very amusing.  I have eth1, and no eth022:21
lamontgo udev22:21
Burgundaviathat works, althought the udpate manager is designed to work around known issues22:21
lamontright.  the official program is (generally speaking): dist-upgrade _should_ "just work".  update-manager deals with the rough areas where maybe that's not quite the case.22:22
hansinBurgundavia & lamont22:22
hansinBurgundavia & lamont: Thanks.22:22
lamontthe debian solution to go a bit slower and introduce a feature in release N, and then never actually use it until N+122:22
lamontupdate-manager deals with the cases where ubuntu introduces a feature and uses it in release N22:23
hansinNow that I have hand-updated my sources.list file and already did an apt-get update, what is the best way to download update-manager-core?  I'd hate to use the gutsy version on my fiesty install and screw things up.22:33
hansinMaybe I just dist-upgrade and not worry about it?22:34
* ScottK would just dist-upgrade, but YMMV.22:35
hansinOh well, I just dist-upgraded.  The mirrors/servers seem to ne moving a little better (about 50-100 kB/s).  I'm sure I'll be okay, and if not then I just need to fix it (or at least try).22:43
hansinPart of what I notice that Ubuntu does (well, I have seen this with centericq --> centerim), is that a dummy package is created that installs a different package.  For example, in Fiesty they use centericq; Gutsy uses centerim.  There is a dummy package in Gutsy for centericq that installs centerim.22:57
hansinSo hopefully this sort of thing covers all bases from fiesty to gutsy.  I'll see what happens...23:01
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mastercanehi @all23:29
mastercanecould anybody explain me why important packages like spamassassin or clamav which are needed for most mail- or groupware-setups are located in "universe", not in "main"?23:30
mastercaneit really sucks that there are security-bugs in these packages which don't get fixed by ubuntu core team23:31
mralphabetbecause core team can't be responsible for _every_ package, they work on packages that fit on the install cd . . . and believe it or not, spamassassin or clamav is not required, they are great options and things that should be used, but that is still up to the sysadmin23:42
mralphabetthat's just my take23:42
mastercanemralphabet: many business applications / appliances that are built on ubuntu 6.06 LTS needs these packages, so IMO it's more important to keep such packages up2date than to keep homeuser stuff up2date23:44
Yahooadamhey, i want to fsck /dev/sda1 (my / drive) i booted into safe mode23:46
Yahooadambut it says its busy, how do i stop the proccceses using / ?23:46
Yahooadam(i tried fuser -k / - but that stopped rc and bash and messed up my session ...)23:46
Q_Continuumwhen I run debmirror for Gutsy, I get 'Patch binary missing, falling back to --pdiff=none' - any suggestions?23:47
Q_ContinuumAttempting to set up a local mirror...script worked fine for Feisty.23:47
mastercaneYahooadam: what do you mean with safe mode - "init 1" ?23:47
Yahooadamummm, on the grub boot list there are 2 options (well 3 including memtest)23:47
Yahooadamumm "recovery mode"23:48
mralphabetmastercane: LTS support is a special case, and I don't know that ubuntu has completely solved LTS issues23:48
mralphabetmastercane: there are several people that have needed / required updates to packages that are not in LTS and have had to update their servers to likely fiesty23:49
mastercanemralphabet: an upgrade is not possible, we give support for the systems of our customers, we can not change our pressed cd's, install-cds, software stack, ... within some weeks...23:51
mastercanethe last bugs we reported always got resolved in very short time - new packages were integrated in the dapper repos for that23:52
mastercanebut this were small issues like deadlocks...23:52
Yahooadammeh i did fsck /dev/sda1 -n and got some errors23:53
Yahooadamso im just gonna start again23:53
Yahooadam(i installed with duff ram, and wanted to make sure the filesystem was ok)23:53
mastercanemralphabet: in addition it's really bad that support for all new servers of the world biggest manufactureres like HP or IBM is not integrated into the LTS kernel23:55
Yahooadamwhats the point of the LTS version ?23:56
Yahooadamwho gives support ?23:56
Yahooadami generally found the support for the latest version to be the best support ....23:57
mastercanebut as ISV you can not port your applications to a new ubuntu version every 6 months...23:58
Yahooadammmmm ....23:58
YahooadamISV = ?23:58
Yahooadamanyway, what changes do you need to make? shouldnt you just be able to compile to the latest version and shove it in the reps ....23:59
mastercaneISV = Independent Software Vendor23:59

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