
sirhaxalotLamego: my gutsy wount even mount the drive partitions00:00
sivikDeryk, pm00:00
sco50000murkyMurk: what should i do then?00:00
pppoe_dudejcole, ah00:00
axjvAlright, what do I do with the selector?00:00
Beta-guyis there a way to update apt-get's package lists?00:00
capiiraon the circle you see a node with a round handle00:00
sivikBeta-guy, apt-get update00:00
notvyay gutsy on my laptop!!00:00
Unbutu[G33Z3RLamego:  ok ill bite whats gutsy? just installed this today  so sorry for noob question00:00
axjvJust 3 square nodes.00:00
MTughanlocellcount: I can look it up. I still have Fiesty on my VM.00:00
LamegoBeta-guy, when the mirrors do not have problems, yes00:00
capiiranah one is round00:00
locellcountMTughan: Cheers!00:00
garuhow long do you guys reckon it would take me to download the livedvd torrent?00:00
axjvI see00:00
capiiramove that00:01
LamegoUnbutu[G33Z3R, Gutsy is the release name for the latest Ubuntu version which was released today00:01
murkyMurksco50000: it's usually a question of trying several routes...best 1st step is goolging for ubuntu + your hardware...usually you aren't the first to crash & burn00:01
sco50000gutsy is the newest version of ubuntu: 7.1000:01
sco50000murkyMurk: ok, i'll try that00:01
siviksco50000, yes00:01
skyrocker67I am going to reinstall 7.04 and do the update instead00:01
Unbutu[G33Z3Rlem so all i have to do is  look in system and  search for the 2nd hdd  and ill be able to pull media files off? thanks for the help00:01
murkyMurksco50000: yes, but new doesn't always mean backwards comaptible00:01
younan1am i the only one? "Getting Upgrade Prerequisites failed:The system was unable to get the prerequisites"00:01
axjvcapiira: How can I get it to take something like a spreadsheet?00:01
MTughanlocellcount: Do you use Ubuntu or Kubuntu?00:01
sivikskyrocker67, why not just skip the install of 7.04 and install 7.10 if thats what you want00:02
MTughanSo GNOME...00:02
Beta-guyI think I screwed my linux up...00:02
capiirano way00:02
locellcountMTughan: yup00:02
stravhe... I'm wondering one thing... is ubuntu goatse out yet? couldn't find it anywhere....00:02
sivikskyrocker67, its kinda a extra step not needed00:02
* kitche thinks people should wait a while before upgrading unless you know what your really doing incase it breaks which it usually does within the first 2 weeks00:02
Deryksivik; pm00:02
LuCypherinter-net: it doesn't works for me00:02
bluefox83younan1, no, i had the same problem..the servers are being sucked dry right now so it's kinda slow going00:02
sivikDeryk, private message00:02
capiirathen you need to use the one from spreadsheet app00:02
MTughanstrav: Gutsy. And yes.00:02
sco50000murkyMurk: i was just answering someone's question: "what is gusty?"00:02
pommerhey people. how do i install themes onto ubuntu?00:02
stray77it took me 7 hrs to download the gutsy dvd but i was also downloading the i386 iso and the amd64 iso at the same time00:02
Derykoh wait00:02
garustrav it came out today 18/10/07 go to www.ubuntu.com00:02
Xore|workfor people who have downloaded the desktop cd's for upgrades00:02
murkyMurksco50000: lol..soz..on auto-pilot00:02
skyrocker67i have 7.10 install but cant get my broadcom wifi working which is suppose to be fixed00:02
Deryki didnt reg my nick yet00:02
Xore|workuse the alternate cd's instead00:02
rkyraccoon55is there any way to get .mp3 and .m4a support in gutsy x64?00:02
garustray77 7 hours?how fast is your broadband?00:02
Lamegoskyrocker67, doing the upgrade will not be a solution00:03
pommerand where can i find good caps for the beryl system. i got venom spiderman thats it o.O00:03
sivikDeryk, go ahead and do that00:03
axjvcapiira: Are you there?00:03
PriceChildrkyraccoon55, play one of them with totem and it will guide you through installing the required packages00:03
robotphoodXore|work, use the alt cd to upgrade?00:03
* nomaS is away: vuelvo00:03
kst-PriceChild so i can remove the desktop effects thing from the main menu? how come this wasnt removed, is more stuff on my system not up to date then? can i somehow clean all this old stuff up?00:03
skyrocker67ok then what the heck can I do?00:03
LamegoI mean, installing the older version and performing the upgrade, will not resolve your hw support problem00:03
younan1bluefox83, you sure its just a bandwidth issue? I've tried it repeatedly on one computer and keep getting this problem, but on another computer connected to the same internet connetion, it worked the first time00:03
Slartrkyraccoon55: mp3 can't be that hard.. I have, apparently, done it in the past and I'm not that clever =)00:03
Xore|workrobotphood: yes00:03
sivikskyrocker67, what kind of problem is it?00:03
ubotwoFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:03
capiiraaxjv there is no way to link to to a spreatsheet app00:03
Lamegoskyrocker67, report the bug on launchpad, or research for the issue on google00:03
dn40% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] <- um still 0%00:03
stray77garu, maxes out at about 420kB/s. the dvd download averaged 174kB/s00:03
robotphoodXore|work, desktop cd doesn't work? because I'm trying to use it right now00:03
skyrocker67I think a pci on00:03
stray77but like i said i had multiple torrents downloading00:04
bluefox83younan1, yeah...cus i had the same problem00:04
skyrocker67cant detect pci00:04
the_darkside_986ok i got into an x-less console in the gutsy live cd but i don't what to do to make x start working... the only error (EE) i got was AIGLX screen 0 doesn't support DRI...00:04
rkyraccoon55pricechild, thanks00:04
axjvcapiira: Erm, how about something like this: http://www.duoh.com/varia/illustrator_charts/00:04
capiiraaxjv then you need to use the one build-in the spreatsheet app00:04
skyrocker67which i beleave is what the wifi is on00:04
rkyraccoon55slart, yea i think i got it thanks00:04
the_darkside_986it looks like the cd's /etc/....... xorg.conf file is incomplete or something00:04
Unbutu[G33Z3RLamego:  o wow i like unbuntu the more i play thanks  i can rip media files off me xp drive thxs for help00:04
garustray77 OMG...you must have a very good connection...I'm downloading now, only one thing, and I'm getting only 20kb/s!lol00:04
capiiraaxjv no way00:04
pazsionI'm having some issues with ubuntu install on an intel i810 chipset00:04
demon_sporkThe Gutsy livecd won't load video correctly for me on my 8800GTS!!00:04
Xore|workif you don't want to have to connect to ubuntu servers (ie, bloody slow) to run updates, then use the alternate cds (see above link)00:05
jacob_can somebody explain to me why when i enter sudo apt-get install k3b doesn't install k3b? is there an alternative?00:05
LamegoUnbutu[G33Z3R, Welcome to Ubuntu ;)00:05
the_darkside_986does anyone know what to do for getting gutsy to boot even with Nvidia 7300 GS card i have?00:05
capiiraaxjv but you could code it in flex00:05
MTughanlocellcount: It was Sans in Feisty too. Sans Bold for titles, and Monospace for fixed-width.00:05
LamegoJacob, what error do you get ?00:05
axjvcapiira: Oh, okay. Well what was that other program you mentioned?00:05
Slartdemon_spork: it didn't work for me neither (using 880 gtx)00:05
garupppo_dude what's with the message u sent me? :s00:05
Xore|worksay no to most recent packages, do them in a week or tomorrow or when the servers aren't loaded down00:05
LamegoJacob, if are using the main mirror, you may ne unable to install packages due to the high server load00:05
stray77garu, are you using cable in canada by chance?00:05
capiiraaxjv also don't have that00:05
locellcountMTughan: weird, it looks totally different since the update... Ah well00:05
buntunub!ubotu fubar00:05
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/00:05
sco50000this is a very busy channel00:05
demon_sporkSlart, so did the install work from the text installer?00:05
garupppoe_dude what's with the message u sent me? :s00:05
axjvcapiira: Or somebody else said dia?00:05
Slartdemon_spork: oh.. I upgraded.. didn't install from scratch..00:05
locellcountMTughan: Cheers for looking though, appreciate it00:05
garustray77 I'm using cable in London!lol00:05
jacob_Lamego never mind, and it's jacob_ not jacob, it now went nevermind, thx anyways00:06
murkyMurkpazsion: yes?00:06
buntunub!ubotu xorg.conf00:06
ubotwoThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:06
demon_sporkSlart, I want to see a clean install of gutsy before I determine it is worth upgrading00:06
Unbutu[G33Z3Ri installed from live cd so while i surfed the net  unbuntu did its ting00:06
Slartdemon_spork: but that new failsafe x thingy just died when I tried to run it.. so much for being failsafe00:06
capiiraaxjv dia is like ms visio maybe it has a such function00:06
pazsioninstal hangs after .. it tries to get online during install00:06
oklopoli'm trying to run gedit remotely, and it says "The application 'gedit' lost its connection to the display localhost:10.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application."00:06
the_darkside_986i used torrents to get "ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso" or whatever it's called... that's the release version isn't it?00:06
stray77garu, thats why, both rogers and cogeco are bandwidth shaping and using QoS to kill torrents00:06
hipitihopColro, and example from my fstab to get you going: // /mnt/pictures-archive cifs rw,exec,credentials=/etc/cifspw 0 10000:06
Slartdemon_spork: I wouldn't have upgraded if I knew how much trouble I would have00:06
garustray77 rogers and cogeco...? :s!lol00:06
demon_sporkSlart, I figured out how to do it!!!!!!00:06
MaartenI swear.... I never before noticed there is a MINESWEEPER game in the console version of aptitude00:07
Unbutu[G33Z3RSlart:  i had no probs what so ever and im on a really poor puter00:07
stray77'fraid so00:07
MTughanHmm... That's really odd. Edubuntu is downloading much faster than Ubuntu on BitTorrent.00:07
pppoe_dudegaru, what message00:07
Slartdemon_spork: oh? spread the wisdom..00:07
demon_sporkSlart, just hit Alt+Ctrl+Backspace and it loads00:07
murkyMurkpazsion: that is not an i810 problem, that is because the servers are being swamped by millions of people all upgrading at once00:07
the_darkside_986i envy all of you? i just want to install and use the gutsy livecd like i would normally always do. i'm not going to settle for text-based installation or any alternate cd's :(00:07
axjvcapiira: I have an idea: Can the trial of Illustrator work on Wine?00:07
hipitihopColro, the key is the credentials=00:07
Slartdemon_spork: so.. restart X and it works? well.. that wasn't so hard00:07
capiiraaxjv dunno i never used wine00:07
demon_sporkSlart, I don't know why, but just restarting X after the live boot worked00:07
Unbutu[G33Z3Rthe have you got the live cd ?00:07
capiiraaxjv but you could run xp inside vmware or virtual box and use illustrator there00:08
demon_sporkSlart, do you want to try it so we can make a post about it on the forums?00:08
younan1bluefox83 the problem fixed itself eventually? just kept trying?00:08
pplsneed help: misclicked and interrupted ext3 format... can i return my NTFS partition back? (cfdisk says fatal eror: cannot open disk drive)00:08
garupppoe_dude [00:03:30] <ubotu> pppoe_dude wants you to know: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:08
demon_sporkSlart, if it is a working solution00:08
Slartdemon_spork: I'll have to try that.... I had to roll back to my old xorg.conf etc by hand before I could get anything up and running00:08
capiiraaxjv or dual boot00:08
stray77garu, id call them up and complain.00:08
dn4is it wise to go from ubuntustudio to an upgrade of Gutsy?:00:08
stray77tell them to quit F$%#ing with your bandwidth00:08
axjvcapiira: Well, my windows partition died on me, so I don't think that's an option.00:08
Slartdemon_spork: unfortunately I don't have an install CD for gutsy... and I'm guessing the download servers are slowly melting as we speak00:09
skyrocker67its a cannot allocate pci-bridge 7 of 8 about 7-8 times on boot00:09
MTughan#wehatevista still exists...00:09
bluefox83younan1, actually i opted to get a torrent and i'll burn it to cd and install later when the servers aren't so bogged down00:09
clmbngbkngif i've been updating gutsy all the way since beta started i should have the final product right now, right?00:09
younan1bluefox83, my var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log says at the bottom "ERROR pre-requists item 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/release-upgrader-dpkg/release-upgrader-dpkg_1.14.5ubuntu11.2_i386.udeb' is NOT trusted"00:09
capiiraaxjv you can also code it in flex/flash and link to a xml file with numbers then you will never need to draw a pie chart again00:09
pazsionmurkymurk, check your PM's00:09
Xore|workSlart: your solution is known as "bittorrent"00:09
Unbutu[G33Z3Rtried apt-get install comiz it aint getting it00:09
axjvcapiira: How difficult would that be?00:09
rayb0ti am trying to get the torrent, it is being rather slow to connect to the tracker apparently00:09
murkyMurkpazsion: checked, none there00:09
Unbutu[G33Z3Rbittorents  bad i like utorrent00:10
garustray77 nah...no biggie...00:10
SlartXore|work: hehe.. yea..the torrent should work00:10
demon_sporkSlart, it took me like an hour and a half using the torrent00:10
younan1bluefox83, why wait for the servers to clear up if you downloaded the iso? (im guessing the alternate)00:10
capiiraaxjv you would need to learn actionscript 300:10
kitcheUnbutu[G33Z3R: huh utorrent is used for bittorrents00:10
Xore|worki downloaded gutsy server in 10 minutes w/ torrent00:10
capiiraaxjv but i think adobe also have afew examples online00:10
stray77bittorrent is a different application than utorrent.00:10
pplscan anyone help noob with partitioning?00:10
axjvcapiira: I think I'll save that for another day. Or if there is some sort of script I can just input my data into...00:10
pppoe_dudegaru, Oct 18 18:47:0100:10
MTughanXore|work: That's better than I'm doing...00:10
rayb0tthe tracker is refusing my connection :(00:10
Unbutu[G33Z3Rhuh but utorrent  not linux i have to download  rtorrent00:10
murkyMurkyeah, alex jones is back..he's funny00:10
stray77same function tho00:10
clmbngbkngif i've been updating gutsy all the way since beta started i should have the final product right now, right?00:10
sisseckdoes anyone remember where the settings for GRUB is located? want computer to boot XP as default00:10
Xore|workdesktop and alternate took longer, but no more than an hour00:10
rayb0tsisseck: /boot/grub00:11
IRKemposisseck: /boot/grub/menu.lst00:11
carlhakoquick q, just installed gutsy on laptop where are settings for compiz key bindings etc?00:11
murkyMurkclmbngbkng: yep00:11
Keef_hi, just a quick question, before I wipe my windows, what's the likely-hood of having problems with two monitors with a 8600GT on the new release?00:11
bluefox83not the alternate..and because since i got the cd iso it's going to have to download from the servers anyways, the servers are very bogged down right now..so i'm going to wait it out a bit00:11
Unbutu[G33Z3Rok apt-get instal compiz aint working says  nothing found00:11
pppoe_dudegaru, EDT00:11
MTughanXore|work: Desktop's looking like 7+ hours here.00:11
capiiraaxjv http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/2/docs/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00001234.html00:11
clmbngbkngmurkyMurk: ty00:11
kst-is there a way to increase performance in ubuntu gutsy again by switching off Xgl on the fly? I need it for gaming.. best would be without having to re-login :)00:11
murkyMurkKeef_: slim00:11
MTughanWhile Edubuntu is less than 20 minutes left...00:11
garupppoe_dude ????????????????00:11
kitchekst-: well if you use Xgl you need to logoff to get rid of it00:11
Unbutu[G33Z3Rso i should type apt-get gnome-compiz?00:12
BUDD}{Agot a small question how can i get transparent menus in ubuntu 7.1000:12
garupppoe_dude what's EDT|00:12
garupppoe_dude what's EDT?00:12
kst-I think I do, using proprietary ati drivers coz the free ones are much slower :)00:12
pppoe_dudegaru, eastern daylight time00:12
Xore|workMTughan: maybe when your edubuntu is done, your client will give more pipe to your ubuntu desktop00:12
younan1bluefox83 thanks for your input, i'll just try to be more patient, bt if it doesn't work out i'll just get the iso and do a clean install00:12
garupppoe_dude ooohh..ok!00:12
MTughanXore|work: Ubuntu was started before Edubuntu.00:12
ColroHow can I mount a DVD image?00:12
pppoe_dudegaru, GMT -050000:12
murkyMurkcarlhako: you need the compizconfig-settings-manager00:12
madsy_who do i open port 6112?00:12
bluefox83younan1, ok, hope it works out for you =)00:13
Ljorringwarcraft 3 xD00:13
pppoe_dudecolbert, mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/image /path/to/target00:13
younan1bluefox83 thanks again, i hope so00:13
garucan someone tell me what's the big difference between the livedvd and the livecd?is it just the fact that the livedvd has more packages?00:13
MegaqwertyWhen attempting to enable desktop effects on an ATI card, I'm getting "The Composite extension is not available" anyone know how to fix this?00:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aclocal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:13
xtlosxquestion guys, i'm trying to do a apt-get update, and i'm pretty sure the local mirror is not working for me, how do I change to another mirror?00:13
Abraxas_Hello..I'm having a lot of trouble getting DRI working in Gutsy... I have a Geforce 7600 GT graphics card, and the nvidia drivers load (and give splash) during X starting00:13
murkyMurkgaru: yep00:13
stray77Unbutu[G33Z3R, read this page -> http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/category/compizberyl/00:13
axjvcapiira: What filetype is a flex script?00:13
astronaughtAnyone else get the following message when trying to boot live cd: "I/O Error  Error reading boot CD"?  I also get the number 004420082 printed at the top left of the screen.00:13
Abraxas_I'm on the DRI troubleshooting page and it doesn't seem to be helping me00:13
sivikastronaught, thats probably because the cd is burned badly00:13
capiiraaxjv http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flex/flexbuilder_linux/00:13
stray77astronaught, did you check the md5sums?00:13
Unbutu[G33Z3Rta stray77 much appreciated00:14
murkyMurkMegaqwerty: you need to install/enable aiglx on ati00:14
kitcheAbraxas_: see if you have load dri commented or not in /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:14
Abraxas_dmesg | grep drm <----gives me blank00:14
sivikwhat happened to our bot00:14
madsy_who do i open port 6112?00:14
MTughansivik: Did he stick it in a fire? :P00:14
MegaqwertymurkyMurk: so, frglx doesn't work?00:14
astronaughtsivik: can i run md5sum on my /dev/hdc device?  will that work as a check?00:14
kas1I have ubuntu on my laptop but want to put it on a friend's old computer.  she's running windows ME right now (horrid, I know).  Anyway, for some reason I can get to the install screen from the cd but then it goes to "(initramfs)" type of prompt....any ideas?00:14
capiiraaxjv with that you can create *.swf files00:14
sivikastronaught, it might00:14
pazsionmurkymurk, check your PMS00:14
garumurkyMurk do I get all the packages by doing a sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade from the livecd installed?or not really?00:14
Abraxas_kitche, I've added load dri because it wasn't there...sadly, after restarting X, "grep -i "Direct rendering" /var/log/Xorg.0.log" is giving me a blank response00:14
Deryki want to be able to do everything i want in a specific directory called /testserver (create/edit/delete directories and files), even if the contents gets updated (new directories etc) without having to do anything at all (only right now).. how to do that?00:14
sivikhow do i get aclocal installed00:14
astronaughtsivik: is there another way to check the CD checksum?00:14
the_darkside_986how do i make X server work During the liveCD?00:14
axjvcapiira: This seems a bit overkill to me, but whatever you say o.o00:14
murkyMurkMegaqwerty: that is the end of my ati knowledge00:14
pplshello ppl, i am in need of advice. Im new to ubuntu and second time install i made a mistake: clicked use entire disk instead of manual when prompted for partitioning; so i interupded it after a few sec and it seems my entire disk is gone. what can i do to rescue partitions?00:14
oklopoli'm trying to run gedit remotely, and it says "The application 'gedit' lost its connection to the display localhost:10.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application."00:15
MegaqwertymurkyMurk: heh, alright, thanks00:15
the_darkside_986it wouldn't let me edit xorg.conf the last time and it looked like a cropped file00:15
sivikastronaught, there should be an option during the boot to check the cd00:15
Derykyou cant ppls00:15
murkyMurkpazsion: I HAVE NO PRIVATE MESSAGES00:15
xtlosxHow do I change the ubuntu mirror I am using... this particiular machine is having problems getting to us.archive.ubuntu.com00:15
madsy_who do i open port 6112? enyone?00:15
kitcheAbraxas_: well glxinfo|grep direct rendering will tell you but if you use the nvidia driver you don't need load dri in your xorg.conf anymore00:15
astronaughtsivik: I get the same message when I select that too...00:15
sivikthe us always suck00:15
Derykppls: after a format, everything gets lost00:15
sivikastronaught, then you might want to burn a different disc00:15
capiiraaxjv just a solution maybe not the easiert but the most effective if you need to do that often00:15
astronaughtsivik: right-o.  thanks.00:15
Megaqwertyxtlosx: System>Administration>Software Sources00:15
sivikit seems like there is something wrong with it00:15
stray77madsy_, on what? your router?00:15
kas1ppls, if it hasn't actually done anything yet, how about taking the drive out and trying to put it on a computer as the slave drive, then just transfer what you need?00:15
pplsderyk, read on forums it might b returned...00:15
demon_sporkI am having trouble mounting ntfs partitions from the gutsy livecd00:16
DB42no #ubuntu+1 ?00:16
Abraxas_kitche: I had thought that... I just added it as a last resort before coming here... it's giving me "no" and suggesting I use LIBGL_DEBUG =verbose...having used that on glxgears I get no debugging info00:16
pplsemm im using live cd and i cant do anything with it00:16
xtlosxOK, it will allow me to change the mirrors?00:16
DB42why doesn't update-manager -d work on getting 7.04->7.10 ?00:16
Deryki want to be able to do everything i want in a specific directory called /testserver (create/edit/delete directories and files), even if the contents gets updated (new directories etc) without having to do anything at all (only right now).. how to do that?00:16
DB42it's just stuck...00:16
xtlosxDo i just need to look on the ubuntu site, and pick anothe mirror00:16
gnomefreakDB42: no -d00:16
MTughanDB42: Gutsy is so new, we don't need it right now.00:16
DB42frost^: shalom00:16
the_darkside_986is anyone else facing an unusable liveCD due to Nvidia cards?00:16
madsy_stray77: dno00:16
ver1982DB42: right now it seems stuck00:16
ale[x]I'm trying to do a automated (preseed) install in vmware but can't get past "Detecting hardware to find CD-ROM drives" which fails, can anyone point me in the right direction.00:16
Megaqwertyxtlosx: just pick another mirror using System>Administration>Software Sources00:16
DB42so how can  i update to 7.10 ?00:16
kitcheAbraxas_: do this grep -i nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf to see if you are using the nvidia binary driver00:17
xtlosxK, thanks00:17
ver1982it will resume00:17
DB42i just botted to linux after 6 month to update from .04 to .10 :000:17
blendtuxcould somebody tell me what port 730 netviewdb2 is00:17
gnomefreakDB42: system>admin>update-manager00:17
demon_sporkHow do I get the permissions to modify the files on my existing install of ubuntu using the Gutsy LiveCD?00:17
garuI'm out00:17
ver1982ive been upgrading all night00:17
madsy_stray77: i must open a port to wc3 on bnet00:17
stray77madsy_, do you have a router?00:17
fjleonguys i have a 320 GB drive. When i try to resize it in the installer, i want to just use 20 gb of space for ubuntu, but if i resize even to 100% the size would be 205.9 GB. what am i doing wrong?00:17
MTughanDB42: 7.10 is the latest version. You can get it from Ubuntu.com.00:17
murkyMurkDeryk: use the -R switch on chown and chgrp commands00:17
Abraxas_kitche: I put it in there by hand, so I must be...but I just ran that grep as a sanity check and I do have Driver "nvidia"00:17
gnomefreakMTughan: hes upgrading00:17
DB42gnomefreak: it's stuck00:17
sivikmurkyMurk, he already tried that00:17
Derykwhich command murkyMurk00:17
ver1982Fetching file 909 of 104900:17
DB42MTughan, i wanna UPDATE not get it00:17
gnomefreakDB42: at what point?00:17
Deryki tried chmod00:17
the_darkside_986if my xorg.conf file is ****'d up again then I will blame k3b or my dvd drive for burning a bad image... :(00:17
MTughanSorry, DB42...00:17
DB42gnomefreak, : clicking "update"00:17
DB42it seems stuck to other people here as well00:17
murkyMurksivik: odd, it always works ;-)00:17
ver1982DB42, just try again00:18
madsy_stray77: all the ports on the router are open00:18
sivikmurkyMurk, yes i know its odd00:18
Deryki did: chmod -R 777 /testserver00:18
kas1PROBLEM: installing ubuntu 7.10 on old computer.  cd loads, hit start install, but then it goes to prompt: "(initramfs)"    I've looked online and not found an answer for the last couple days00:18
Derykand it doesnt work00:18
DB42why doesn't it tell @ what point it's stuck..00:18
the_darkside_986ok i will see if the "more" command will actually display the whole xorg file so wish me luck everyone. bye bye.00:18
kitcheDB42: it might be due to the servers being hammered by thousands of users00:18
gnomefreakDB42: i need to know if the little window shows up at all00:18
gnomefreak.win 1900:18
DB42gnomefreak, nop00:18
sivikhow do i install aclocal00:18
pplswhat i want to know is: is it possible to use rescue tools to rescue files if format(ext3) was interupted00:18
mjkelly93murkymurk: so i just restarted because it was saying no sound cards were found, i logged back in, and it worked00:18
murkyMurkDeryk: say you want user tom to own /test then use sudo chgrp tom /test -R00:18
stray77madsy_, so youre saying your machine is in the DMZ?00:18
gnomefreakDB42: ok close update-manager00:18
stravtribute to ubuntu 7.10: http://inovo.ca/dir/hello.jpg00:18
lumahello my upgrade from kubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 is frozen @ "configure xdpyinfo" if i close it my system is half destroyed half okay :S00:18
murkyMurkmjkelly93: WoooooT!00:18
gnomefreakDB42: anything else openh?00:18
=== grumbel__ is now known as grumbel
oklopoli'm trying to run gedit remotely, and it says "The application 'gedit' lost its connection to the display localhost:10.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application."00:18
Bsimshow do I tell if update manager is doing anything00:19
amrhello, there is open source operating systems and there ]00:19
madsy_stray77: DMZ?00:19
gnomefreakDB42: close it please00:19
Abraxas_the sad thing is, a month ago I had nvidia and DRI..nvidia broke magically on an update, and I ended up in gutsy before finally getting it working00:19
DB42maybe my DEB mirror conf is wrong ?00:19
amrhello, there is open source operating systems and there ]00:19
DB42only xchat00:19
gnomefreakDB42: nope just servers getting hit hard00:19
gnomefreakDB42: open terminal00:19
mjkelly93murkymurk i guess it must have been 1.0.15 but its strange because my last restart didnt fix it00:19
fjleoncould anyone please help me resize the drive, the installer is confusing, i dont know if it is using GB or GiB00:19
DB42gnomefreak, k00:19
stray77madsy_, you need to provide more info about your setup for us to tell you how to open port 611200:19
murkyMurkDeryk: make sure you get the path right...use absolute pathnames if you're not sure. Then sudo chown tom /test -R00:19
amrhello, there is open source operating systems and there are open source apps and open source bios but is there open source email server like hotmail and yahoo00:19
Derykchgrp: cannot access `/testserver': Permission denied00:19
gnomefreakDB42: since its trying to update it may take longer than you think since everyone is hitting servers00:19
Deryktried with sudo and without00:19
gnomefreakDB42: type update-manager00:19
DB42did it already..00:20
DB42same crap00:20
murkyMurkmjkelly93: blame/credit the alsa goblin00:20
gnomefreakDB42: no sudo no -d or anything else00:20
Derykroot@wouter-laptop:~# sudo chgrp wouter /testserver -R00:20
kitcheamr: umm postfix sendmail are two of the well known smtp servers which is what your talking about00:20
gnomefreakDB42: let it sit for >5minutes00:20
kas1CONTINUED:  before the prompt (initramfs) i get a quick "no dmi bios year" type of thing...then the initramfs: and it does not proceed00:20
* Bsims grins doesn't do anything for you either does it DB42 00:20
DB42yeah yeah00:20
Mike9182was the 4gb ram problem fixed in the new release?00:20
DB42bsims ?00:20
gnomefreakDeryk: dont use # and sudo00:20
marx2k_Anyone getting VMWare issues with Gutsy?00:20
mjkelly93murkymurk haha how bout it00:20
sebastesamr: You want a webmail provider that's using open source?00:20
Deryki tried without sudo too, and i dont see an #00:20
DB42i really haven't use ubuntu since 7.04 was out00:20
BsimsDB42: update manager is stuck for me too00:20
DB42ok, now it seems to start working00:20
Deryki didnt type #, i see it automaticly00:20
amrsebstes : yes00:20
soundraymarx2k_: it pauses before booting.00:20
MTughanamr: Why does that matter? Something you want from it?00:21
murkyMurkDeryk: got to / and do sudo ls -lah | grep testserver00:21
DB42downloading the upgrade tool00:21
gnomefreakthe servers are being drained00:21
moofoook i give up on gutsy..maybe in 1-2 weeks again when stuff is fixed :-(00:21
dn4whend id this new upgrade thing come out?00:21
marx2k_soundray: Well that and I cant seem to turn my virtual machine on00:21
amri love the idea of open source00:21
DB42is there any server stats iout ?00:21
ksthow can I disable the whole compiz thing in gutsy? at least for a custom session i add to gdm?00:21
DB42every new vrsion00:21
DB42new ppl come00:21
sebastesamr: http://www.postman.net/00:21
DB42and old ppl update00:21
Derykit gives lots of ? murkyMurk00:21
gnomefreakso your internet conntion matters nothing atm00:21
MTughanamr: Well, that's reason enough... ;)00:21
soundraymarx2k_: and X crashes reproducibly under certain conditions. But otherwise - fine :)00:21
DB42ubuntu needs better servrs00:21
=== Unbutu[G33Z3R is now known as Vista|G33Z3R
* Bsims grins doesn't help most of the mirrors made it to slashdot digg00:21
* witless takes a deep breath and clicks the "upgrade" button00:21
theAtomim running Ubuntu 7.10 PRE-RELEASE version.  How do I upgrade it to latest FINAL release?00:21
amr:) thank you all00:21
marx2k_Unable to change virtual machine power state: The process exited with an error:00:21
marx2k_End of error message.00:21
ver1982DB42: i guess so00:21
Bsimsetc etc00:21
marx2k_Thats the error I am getting00:21
MTughanAH!!! VISTA PERSON!!! Vista|G33Z3R!00:21
PriceChild!final | theAtom00:21
ubotutheAtom: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.00:21
gnomefreakDB42: there are over 1,000,000 people hitting the server at one time00:21
soundraymarx2k_: how do you mean you can't turn it on?00:21
kitchetheAtom: the same why you upgraded to the beta00:22
DerykmurkyMurk: ?---------   ? ?    ?       ?                ? testserver00:22
DB42thats like a fraction of what google gets :000:22
Abraxas_anyone have experience with getting a fugly DRI to start working right in a stubborn box?00:22
marx2k_soundray: When I try powering on the VM, thats the error I get ^^^00:22
WorkingOnWiseI found it once, but cant find it now! The command to tell dpkg to finish installing packages that have been downloaded.00:22
DB42now it's stuck in preparing the upgrade00:22
DB42fetching file 13 of 1900:22
WhitorMTughan: don't be scared, they have nothing on us.00:22
DB42of 2900:22
LjLWorkingOnWise: either "apt-get -f install" or "dpkg --configure -a"00:22
theAtomkitche, dont assume :P  i didnt upgrade, I installed clean version of7.10 beta00:22
Vista|G33Z3RMTughan:  trying unbuntu funky gibbon actually i like  it00:22
DB42ubuntu should go with google00:22
MTughanWhitor: Still not too comforting...00:22
theAtomso I type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?00:22
DB42google after all made an ubuntu OS00:22
murkyMurkDeryk: a line like >>>>drwxrwxrwt  13 root root 4.0K 2007-10-18 23:10 tmp00:22
DB42so they should distribute it00:22
kitcheDB42: yeah it's probably due to the servers being hit hard00:22
BsimsHeh you beat me DB42 I can't even get my lists00:22
mikebotHow do I upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 using the 7.10 live cd?00:22
d2dchatIf i press cancel on the upgrade of Ubuntu..00:22
DerykmurkyMurk: ?---------   ? ?    ?       ?                ? testserver00:22
DB42where is a link to whats new ?00:23
Derykthats my result00:23
DB42bsims: 394/5 :)00:23
gnomefreakDB42: no they stopped making it and its offtopic for in here00:23
d2dchatwill it start off where it left off elsehwere?00:23
soundraymarx2k_: I've never seen this one. So you can't turn it on at all?00:23
southafrikansehello. My CDROM device doesn't mount automatically with DVDs00:23
fjleoni want to resize my 320 GB drive to 295GB (92%) but the installer shows 100% (295 GB) can any one give me a suggestion?00:23
murkyMurkDeryk:  but that ends in your testserver00:23
sandma1Can anyone tell me how to install Flash for Firefox on a AMD64??00:23
MTughanmikebot: The installer should allow you the option to upgrade.00:23
Vista|G33Z3Rmike burn the cd as an iso00:23
d2dchatI have to go home and want to finish the download there00:23
marx2k_soundray: Nope00:23
DerykmurkyMurk: ?!?!00:23
|Flood|hi everybody00:23
soundray!flash64 > sandma1, please read ubotu's private message00:23
mikebotMTughan, I got as far as picking a partition and didn't see anything like that.00:23
soundraymarx2k_: how about feisty?00:23
Sjanohello, i've been wanting to try out ubuntu, i've ordered the cd from their site and stuff... but i wonder... is it tricky to install new things on ubuntu? been looking at compiz fusion and think it looks sweet...00:23
WhitorVista|G33Z3R: make sure oyu get a taste of compiz before you go back :)00:23
murkyMurkDeryk: yes? Do you have ? marks in your listing?00:23
|Flood|anybody installed the latest ubuntu in a VPC 2007 VM?00:23
DB42fjleon, : you sure that 320gb aren't formated to 295 ?00:23
theAtomkitche, when u assume you make an A S S out of U and ME :)00:23
marx2k_soundray: worked in feisty... i think I have to rebuild the kernel mods00:23
Deryklots of them murkyMurk00:24
Abraxas_hmmm... it's saying the BUSID of my nvidia card is 3:0:0...I have a feeling it's not right..what CLI command will tell me for sure?00:24
Slartsandma1: google for firefox32 .. it installs a 32-bit browser that can use the regular 32 bit flash00:24
LjLSjano: it's tricky to install things that aren't in the repositories.00:24
Deryki pasted the line 2 times now.00:24
kitchetheAtom: not really since it's still the same thing00:24
MTughanWhitor: compix doesn't work in VMware...00:24
LjL!packages > Sjano    (Sjano, see the private message from Ubotu)00:24
Vista|G33Z3Rwhitor ive tried installing but i cant pick up a raposatory that has compiz00:24
DerykmurkyMurk: ?---------   ? ?    ?       ?                ? testserver00:24
soundray!software > Sjano, please read the message...00:24
murkyMurkDeryk: that is bad.00:24
elementi have a problem with my headphones00:24
theAtomkitche, but I didnt upgrade as you suggested!  so dont assume00:24
elementusb headphones00:24
MTughanVista|G33Z3R: Gutsy comes with it by default.00:24
WhitorVista|G33Z3R: try the live cd00:24
elementi need a master on thm00:24
Abraxas_(maybe I'm just grasping at straws but .........someone?)00:24
Meroigo_Sjano > Compiz Fusion is included in the latest version of Ubuntu, 7.1000:24
elementso i can control them instead of my speakers00:24
Deryki want to be able to do everything i want in a specific directory called /testserver (create/edit/delete directories and files), even if the contents gets updated (new directories etc) without having to do anything at all (only right now).. how to do that? (I mounted /testserver with sshfs)00:24
murkyMurkDeryk: only seen that on a corrupted directory00:24
theAtomAbraxas_, do you need some straws?00:24
witlessdoes compiz support i915 driver (intel 82G965) ?00:24
Vista|G33Z3Rit does? ahhh then my graphics card isnt supported00:25
Derykit isnt corrupt murkyMurk , its mounted00:25
mikebotMTughan, Is it after that part of installing?00:25
fjleonmanual install says /dev/sda1 is 320062 MB and has 8 mb of free space00:25
bmk789Deryk: chmod 777 <dir>00:25
elementand it doesn't work in all programs00:25
kitchetheAtom: ok I won't but it's the same way as you upgrade feisty and such if you ran that00:25
oklopoli'm trying to run gedit remotely, and it says "The application 'gedit' lost its connection to the display localhost:10.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application."00:25
elementcan someone help?00:25
pradeepwhich is the iso for 64-bit intel arch?00:25
Abraxas_theAtom, preferably some manpages... I can't seem to get DRI working and I've been through 6 or 7 seperate "troubleshooting" guides for it...00:25
murkyMurkDeryk: try this though sudo chmod 666 <dir>00:25
flagelhas it been confirmed that the gobuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso is faulty?00:25
monkeyBoxAny iPhone users here?  How hard is it to get it to work w/ linux (at least to transfer music & video)?00:25
theAtomkitche, ok thanks00:25
MTughanmikebot: I can't remember. I haven't installed Gutsy yet.00:25
LjL!packages > Sjano    (Sjano, see the private message from Ubotu)00:25
fjleonDB42: so it is using almost all disk space00:25
murkyMurkDeryk: 666 not 77700:25
DB42fjleon, whats the prob ?00:25
theAtomAbraxas_, whats DRI?00:25
soundrayoklopol: how are you connecting?00:25
mikebotMTughan, OK, thanks.00:25
DB42!calc 2+200:25
mikebotHow do I upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 using the 7.10 live cd?00:25
Deryki get permission denied murkyMurk00:25
southafrikansehello. My CDROM device doesn't mount automatically with DVDs00:25
Vista|G33Z3R<<< ati xpress 200 isnt supported mind you ATI are very bad at drivers00:25
DB42any israelies here ?00:25
MTughanVista|G33Z3R: compiz works on my Radeon 9600.00:26
dn4I just messaged ubotu bot for mirrors00:26
oklopolsoundray: i have openssh-server running on my linux machine, and using putty on my windows machine...00:26
bmk789Deryk: 664 might work best depending on the folder and its use00:26
Abraxas_theAtom, Direct Rendering Interface..basically nvidia GLX...the nvidia-glx drivers are installed, and I have what -seems- like some level of acceleration, but glxinfo tells me Direct Rendering: no   ..and cedega laughs at me00:26
soundraymikebot: you need the alternate CD to upgrade. With the Desktop CD, you can only do a fresh install.00:26
ubotwoLjL: Error: That person could not be found in any channel you're in00:26
ubotwodri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.00:26
fjleonDB42: i want to resize the 320 gb partition to 295gb, but when i drag the slider to 100% it shows 295 gb (it should be 92% or something, so i am afraid to install)00:26
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/00:26
element!calc 5+500:26
theAtomAbraxas_, ouch00:26
mikebotsoundray, argh, so what do I need?00:26
|Flood|ubuntu website should offer it as a torrent00:26
DB42fjleon, ahh, dunno :|00:26
elementi have a problem with my usb headphones00:26
d2dchatdoes anyone know if when i press the cancel button on the Fiesty to Gutsy upgrade whether or not it will start off where i left off?00:26
soundrayoklopol: do you have an X server for Windows?00:26
Vista|G33Z3RMTughan:  is xpress 200m radeon 9600? only asking cos im noob at this00:27
flagelwho should one talk to about a faulty release-iso?00:27
fjleonDB42: is ubuntu reserving 20gb as minimum and thus shows 100% as 295 gb?00:27
elementi need to add a master to them00:27
d2dchatif i connect from another machine?00:27
kitcheAbraxas_: by chance are you running xgl but I do know compiz-fusion does take accel away on some cards for a some reason00:27
southafrikansed2dchat, no00:27
elementso i can control them00:27
d2dchaterr internet00:27
murkyMurkDeryk: well, your system is telling you that no one owns that directory and that it is returning no access rights00:27
witlessd2dchat: how long have you been downloading?00:27
DB42fjleon, i don't know00:27
MTughanVista|G33Z3R: No, it's not, but you said that ATI sucked at drivers.00:27
magic_ninjahas anyone gotten their mic working with wine and steam00:27
DB42night ppl00:27
barnabysystem-administration-update manager00:27
kitcheflagel: you sure it's faulty?00:27
d2dchatwitless, like 2 hours00:27
amrin the www.postman.net it's not reliable " it says and there is no sign up00:27
witlessdamn.  i just started00:27
Vista|G33Z3RMTughan:  yea my drivers lol00:27
Sjanothanks for the answers, everyone00:27
Abraxas_kitche, I've got beryl open..so I guess the answer is yes...I can always step out of that and hope it works00:27
southafrikansehello. My CDROM device doesn't mount automatically with DVDs00:27
kas1anyone seen "(initramfs)" when installing ubuntu?00:27
|Flood|magic_ninja see element00:27
soundray!alternate > mikebot, please read the message from ubotu00:27
ubotwosoundray: Error: That person could not be found in any channel you're in00:27
MTughanVista|G33Z3R: Actually, you can blame AMD now.00:27
oklopolsoundray: i do not.00:27
amrok which is better gmail, yahoomail,hotmail00:28
WorkingOnWiseLjL: thanks.00:28
d2dchatsouthafrikanse, really? it deletes everything? :(00:28
oklopoldo i install it?00:28
flagelkitche: the md5 are correct, I checked twice, but the installer says a package is corrupt00:28
witlessamr: gmail00:28
pradeepWhich 6.10 ISO should I use for 64-bit Intel x86?00:28
soundrayoklopol: gedit requires an X server to display on the local machine. Use nano instead.00:28
theAtomAbraxas_, u may need to use MS Windows for games then00:28
kitcheflagel: probbaly means you got a bad download00:28
Abraxas_kitche,  actually..it looks to me like Beryl defaulted to Metacity and the like00:28
d2dchatwitless, im at 637 of 130000:28
cousin_luigijust installed gutsy00:28
jarrod_what is the name of the wire that comes from a lcd and connect directly into the mother board in a laptop?00:28
amrwitless can you tell me why do you think so00:28
Vista|G33Z3RMTughan:  no matter i like what ive seen so far and i might even ditch me vista00:28
bmk789pradeep: why 6.10? you mean 7.10?00:28
Abraxas_theAtom, Windows won't run on this box due to some corrupt memory blocks; i've never bothered to troubleshoot00:28
xerawxthe download page sent me to "ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso" is that for intel 64-bit as well?00:28
pradeepbmk789, sorry .. i meant the 7.1000:28
witlessd2dchat: i burned a cd at work but didn't bring it home  :-(00:28
oklopolsoundray: i have X11 enabled on putty00:28
oklopoldoesn't that help?00:28
theAtomAbraxas_, ok00:28
MTughanScore one for open-source... Thanks Vista|G33Z3R.00:28
flagelkitche: no, I md5ed the iso, it's correct, I also md5ed the packages on the CD so it's not a bad burn00:28
Abraxas_bad ram + hot HD = DOA00:29
kitcheflagel: but then again I don't download release isos at the same time as anyone else so I don't run into that problem00:29
soundrayoklopol: not unless you have X on Windows.00:29
|Flood|-=<( anybody tried it in a VPC 2007 VM )>=-00:29
pradeepbmk789, should i use the 64-bit AMD one?00:29
Abraxas_i've come so far though...all i need is DRI running and i'm all set00:29
southafrikansed2dchat, I think so. It's says in the beginning that upgrade installation must complete without interruptions00:29
oklopolsoundray: i see. X server then?00:29
oklopoldo i dl that?00:29
bmk789pradeep: if you really want to use 64 bit, there may be some issues00:29
=== slimjimAFK is now known as slimjimflim
d2dchatsouthafrikanse, who is serving this ? It's not going that fast00:29
sisseckanyone know why ALL the programs i can install are marked as not working on my computer since it is a i386?? and what exactly is a i386?00:29
Vista|G33Z3RMTughan:  this is by far the easiest linux install ive seen  i tried playing with redhat a few times but gave up but  i like this its userfriendly00:29
Surbd2dchat, are you using the update manager?00:29
soundrayoklopol: I think you can get one as part of Cygwin. But I don't know anything else about it.00:29
barnabyI heard that X on ati drivers blanks in 7.10. nyone seen this problem?00:30
d2dchatSurb, yes00:30
flagelkitche: any idea who one should talk to?00:30
Surbd2dchat, i've had to cancel mine a couple times, and it kept all my files00:30
bmk789sisseck: i386 is the base platform of x8600:30
MTughanVista|G33Z3R: Hehe... http://www.userfriendly.org/00:30
hellcattravhey why would sunbird run on my ubuntu install but not fedora 7?00:30
d2dchatSurb, awesome! Good to know00:30
alves_rnanyone install ubuntu in Dell OPTIPLEX 32000:30
cousin_luigiI can't change a sandy background right after login, seems to be related to gdm but not sure where to set it00:30
Surbd2dchat, it was a bit slow to start during the Preparing the upgrade phase, though, so be wary of that.00:30
cousin_luigiany hints?00:30
kitcheflagel: the ubuntu devs of course00:30
sebastesbarnaby: Are you asking about the restricted drivers?00:30
d2dchatSurb, why is that?00:30
Surbd2dchat, no clue.00:30
sisseckbmk789: but shouldnt most of the programs in the add/remove window work then?00:30
soundrayoklopol: my channel list doesn't work. Perhaps you can check for yourself whether there is a cygwin channel.00:30
d2dchatSurb, alright well i canceled00:30
kitcheflagel: but they most likely will tell you to wait a few days and try to redownload the iso00:30
d2dchatSurb, thank you!00:30
|Flood|i bet this channel get real busy in the middle of the night :)00:30
bmk789sisseck: yes, why?00:31
nickrudcousin_luigi: system-admin-login window, second tab00:31
MTughan|Flood|: Why do you say that?00:31
cousin_luiginickrud: thanks, trying now00:31
murkyMurk|Flood|: it IS the middle of the night00:31
jazzcan someone help me00:31
soundray|Flood|: the middle of the night is now.00:31
|Flood|geeks dont sleep00:31
xerawxthis channel is unusable most of the time00:31
pradeepbmk789, I understand that there would be some packages etc ... but I don't want to install 32-bit00:31
flagelkitche: how do I get ahold of the devs?00:31
|Flood|maybe for youz :)00:31
MTughanmurkyMurk: Only 7:30PM EDIT.00:31
soundrayxerawx: you are using it00:31
Vista|G33Z3Rjazz ask the question00:31
pazsionok gnome is trying to connect on a computer that has no connection, how do i bypass this and continue install?00:31
dinianI have a Sony Vaio laptop that does not suspend / hibernate with gutsy. What is a good place to start reading for possible solutions?00:31
barnaby<sebastes>no just my video card- I'm a little leery about upgrading till they work out some bugs00:31
kitcheflagel: launchpad00:31
fjleonpradeep:  64 bit is useless unless you have more than 4 gb of ram00:31
elementhow would i update to gusty00:31
murkyMurkMTughan: 00:30 tomorrow here00:31
bmk789pradeep: then yes that is the right one to download for 64bit00:31
xerawxsoundray: no actually i'm not00:31
cousin_luiginickrud: that's already set how I want it00:31
southafrikansed2dchat, you know that in the beginning everyone wants to download00:31
sebastesbarnaby: The open source ATI driver works fine for me00:31
LjLxerawx: that's partly due to people making irrelevant statement rather than just support questions and answers00:32
cousin_luiginickrud: the sandy background appears only after login00:32
Mark76Anyone ever managed to get Siims 2 working under Linux?00:32
karnage42yeah, the restricted ati driver is working great for me in 6.1000:32
ubotwoFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:32
MTughanmurkyMurk: West coast of Africa?00:32
fjleonpradeep: there isn't an advantage otherwise of going 64 bit, software will not work, use 32 bit00:32
Vista|G33Z3Relement put live cd in  drive  browse the web  while you install00:32
d2dchatsouthafrikanse, I know this, but it would be nice if you could select your download locations00:32
soundrayfjleon: that's not true. 64bit is also faster for memory-intensive apps00:32
southafrikansed2dchat, I took about 2 hours to have Ubuntu upgraded00:32
nickrudxerawx: use xchat (not xchat gnome) and right click the channel tab to turn off join/part00:32
Abraxas_Mark76, good luck! :)00:32
ubotwoGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information00:32
d2dchatsouthafrikanse, and perhaps have bittorrent server setup00:32
murkyMurkMTughan: lol, no london00:32
elementi have 7.0400:32
bmk789Mark76: check the wine appdb00:32
jazzI have a ntfs drive (formatted using dos fdisk and partition magic 8 ) and i want to write to it, but it wont allow me, i have another ntfs drive which is windows ( duel boot ) and i can do nething iw ant to it,00:32
pradeepfjleon, well I have 2 GB of 800Mhz ram00:32
barnabysebastes: did you upgrade pdate manager from feisty? the00:32
elementi want to update to 7.1000:32
olivehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes <-- no 7.10 ?00:32
cousin_luiginickrud: and before the user background gets loaded00:32
magic_ninja|Flood|: you mean PM element?00:32
pradeepfjleon, ok :(00:32
MTughanmurkyMurk: Gah, I need to work on my timezones...00:32
Mark76The Wine what?00:32
fjleonsoundray: not true unless it uses more than 4 gb, like i already said00:32
elementi used to just reinstall00:32
amidanielAnyone familiar with winetools? I'm having difficulty installing the MFC framework through it, as the URL it's using is outdated. Was hoping someone might point me toward a way to fix it00:32
zaphodmcmillandoes anyone have any experience with ubuntu and intel macs?00:32
elementbut now i dont wan't to do that anymore00:32
bmk789Mark76: http://appdb.winehq.org00:32
nickrudcousin_luigi: hm,00:33
|Flood|ooooooook then i'm a install it myself in a00:33
ANTDx1i hope they fixed the tracker bug00:33
soundray!upgrade > element00:33
magic_ninjaelement: you got ur mic working in steam00:33
southafrikansed2dchat, when you upgrade I think it's not possible to do that00:33
sebastesbarnaby: Yeah, I upgraded using the alternate cd to avoid hammering the servers more, just tell it to not update using the latest online sources00:33
elementmy mic works in vent00:33
|Flood|ooooooook then i'm a install it myself in a VPC VM and home for the best00:33
soundrayfjleon: sorry, you've got it wrong.00:33
fjleonpradeep: forget the problems of 64 and just use 32 bit, all your software will work at the same speed00:33
Vista|G33Z3Relement have you burned the live cd as an iso?00:33
cousin_luiginickrud: yes, I'm perplexed as well00:33
Mark76Okay tahnks bmj00:33
sisseckbmk789: did you get my IM?00:33
murkyMurkelementyou got ventrillo working in linux?00:33
bmk789sisseck: no00:33
Mark76TA Bmk00:33
soundrayfjleon: memory throughput is faster with 64, even if you have less than 4GB00:33
kitchefjleon: 64bit is useless to a desktop user completely00:33
magic_ninjaelement: really hoping to get it working under cs00:33
cousin_luiginickrud: and it's not there if I skip gdm and do a startx from init 300:33
nickrudcousin_luigi: I can't log out right now to check for myself, sorry00:33
barnabysebastes: thanks. No problems yet?00:33
sebastesbarnaby: The only issue I had was the lack of window borders, you just need to turn compiz off and install compizconfig-settings-manager00:33
|Flood|magic_ninja element has a mic problem too but that's all i know00:33
Abraxas_now this is odd.. NONE of the NVIDIA blocks in my Xorg.0.log show errors00:33
d2dchatsouthafrikanse, yea i was just saying it would be nice to be able to choose the medium for which you download the upgrades00:33
Abraxas_so I don't get it00:33
cousin_luigithanks anyway nickrud:)00:33
MTughankitche: Unless you're running video editing or something.00:33
pradeepfjleon, I read someplace in the forums that the package difference between 64 and 32 bit is only 1-2%00:33
murkyMurkelement: soz ventrillo in linux?00:33
pazsionHEY, gnome is trying to connect during install, there is no connection..how do i bypassthis?00:33
soundraykitche: there are desktop users who run video encoding, 3D processing and similar stuff00:34
sisseckbmk789 ok the problem is that i cant install any programs from the add/remove windows. they all say something like this: TuxMath cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)00:34
pradeepfjleon, will I be missing out on a lot of packages?00:34
southafrikansed2dchat, oh ok00:34
elementi got ventrilo in linux00:34
Abraxas_in fact, absolutely nothing in that log greps for (EE)00:34
barnabysebastes: Yeah, I heard there were some compiz issues.00:34
soundraypradeep: it can vary *very* widely depending on what the app does.00:34
bmk789sisseck: what machine is this?00:34
fjleonsoundray: i dont think so, it takes the same cpu cycles to address the first 32 bits of address space, if you would need to address more space then of course 64 bit is faster00:34
Vista|G33Z3Relement burn the cd as an iso00:34
elementand i got counter strike source and CoD working in linux00:34
Dan2552hey guys, new to ubuntu; got the new 7.10. Installed the ATI driver with the restricted driver manager - but I can't enable desktop effects, i get a composition error00:34
wizard__hello, is ubuntu safe to upgrade?00:34
kitchesoundray: yes but those aren't desktop users but then again I know someoen that does all that and doesn't use a 64bit machine00:34
murkyMurkelement: is it as an official package or do people still use my old howto?00:34
fjleonpradeep: well, java, flash and such don't play nice, some other too but i dont install much 3rd party00:35
pipegeekWell, this is interesting---with compiz enabled in gutsy, alt-shift-tab (reverse alt-tab) doesn't work.00:35
elementi just used wine00:35
sisseckbmk789 a Znote6214W laptop. intel dualcore00:35
Abraxas_hmm..ok...I'm using Xgl... is there a wya to undo that in Gutsy?00:35
elementdidnt need a howto00:35
soundraykitche: I'm a desktop user who does all that.00:35
jazzsoo nobodies no00:35
jagsUTi am looking for a .torrent of ubuntu 7.10.....anyone have such a link in here00:35
jagsUTi can not find one00:35
bmk789sisseck: 64bit OS or 32?00:35
elementi wish there was a way to make fonts normal in xfire00:35
murkyMurkelement: lol...must've come on leaps and bounds in teh last 5 years lmao00:35
pradeepsoundray, fjleon thanks .. I'll just give it a try. I can always wipe it off and go for the 32 bit. Thanks :)00:35
MTughanjagsUT: You can find them on Ubuntu.com.00:35
Dan2552jagsUT: look around in the download section on the site, I found one in the end00:35
pazsionneed to turn off gnome....00:35
sisseckbmk789: 32 bit00:35
soundrayfjleon: it's not only about addressing, it's also about moving the data between RAM and CPU.00:36
Vista|G33Z3Rdemonoid has  ubuntu 7.1000:36
ScorpKingi have installed kommander. how do i run it? i can't find it anywhere. :(00:36
elementand my multimedia buttons work00:36
Vista|G33Z3Rso has isohunt00:36
pazsiontrying to instal ubuntu, but gnome is looking fro a connection that doesn't exist00:36
Dan2552oh my everyone's talking so fast :(00:36
kitchesoundray: true but that's not really a desktop user really a desktop user is one that just uses the internet and email pretty much00:36
karnage42releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 has some torrent links00:36
nickrudsoundray: what do you recommend for copying non-encrypted video dvd's?00:36
southafrikanseI'm trying to put WIndows to run by default. Can someone tel me where do I get the default number so I can do so?00:36
murkyMurkpazsion: pretty much stuck waiting for it, Will be better tomorrow when teh demand is less00:36
fjleonsoundray: how would a 64 bit  cpu help with speed? i can't believe you without a good article supporting your theory00:36
bmk789sisseck: just a sec00:36
tagHow's the release?00:36
MTughanDan2552: You should've seen #ubuntu-release-party last night...00:36
bbymanif I had Ubuntu 7.1 beta, will the current version of 7.1 automatically update?00:36
zaphodmcmillanintel macs anyone?00:36
elementmy headphones don't work when i play flash in firefox00:37
Vista|G33Z3Rsouthafrikanse:  you need to  edit grub00:37
tagbbyman: yes00:37
PriceChild!final | bbyman00:37
ubotwobbyman: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.00:37
amidanielAnyone familiar with winetools? I'm having difficulty installing the MFC framework through it, as the URL it's using is outdated. Was hoping someone might point me toward a way to fix it00:37
pazsionthere is no internet on this machine murkykurk00:37
MTughanzaphodmcmillan: Yes, but running on OS X with Ubuntu in a VM.00:37
wizard__7.04 upgrade to 7.10 is it safe??????00:37
zaphodmcmillani have that currently00:37
southafrikanseVista|G33Z3R, I have grub open but I can't find the number....00:37
zaphodmcmillanbut thinking of trying it nativly00:37
thedonvaughnbbyman: btw, it is 7.10, 7.1 is different.  it's 10 because it's released in october :)00:37
fjleonit's not like you have more bandwidth for the cpu-ram interconnection (of course if the cpu is just faster then it will)00:37
pazsionmurkymurk: need to bypas this so i can install to HD00:37
zaphodmcmillanbut dont want to use boot camp00:37
soundraynickrud: I've never done that, but I'd probably just use nautilus00:37
MTughanzaphodmcmillan: You need Boot Camp then.00:37
pradeepfjleon, soundray i read in a lot of places that 64 bit improves performance by 30% approx00:37
axjvcapiira: I found a solution using a java applet and editing some html.00:37
ARJoneswizard__: I did it with 0 issues00:37
Vista|G33Z3Rsouthafrikanse: you want windows to load first and linux second?00:37
axjvcapiira: Thanks for helping00:37
nickrudsoundray: really? I'd'a never thunk00:37
murkyMurkpazsion: ahhhh, network less install...hmmm00:38
southafrikanseVista|G33Z3R, yes00:38
southafrikanseVista|G33Z3R, I'm not the only one using the computer00:38
vigridhello, i am running ubuntu 7.04 server. i would like to set it up to accept vpn "dial in" connections from windows clients. could someone point me at a good tutorial please?00:38
Vista|G33Z3Rsouthafrikanse:  its easy you want me to pm you00:38
fjleonpradeep: that doesn't make any sense at all. 32 bit OS would be dead by now00:38
wizard__keep hearing java and other hiccups with gutsy, is that true?00:38
DragginHello hello. New problems...  Tonight, when I wanted to boot into Ubuntu, it went past the logo screen, but before it got to the login manager, the screen just went black and stayed black.  In the virtual console, I then saw that it was complaining about a USB device.  After manually switching them, I finally found that it was my little 56K modem.  Now this modem has been on my system since the day I installed Ubuntu and it's never complai00:38
capiiraaxjv nice, np00:38
southafrikanseVista|G33Z3R, of course00:38
pazsionyea, it's kust hangin now...00:38
ARJoneswizard__: i had no problems with java00:38
apollo2011I am assuming I can't update my repos because the servers are getting hit pretty hard. How do I set up a mirror in my repository list?00:38
MTughanzaphodmcmillan: As I know, no Linux distro can natively boot from EFI, which is the boot system the Intel Macs use. They all use BIOS, which Boot Camp emulates.00:38
soundraypradeep: like I said: it depends on the application, the amount of memory I/O it has to perform, and the extent to which it is optimized for 64 bit architectures.00:38
axjvcapiira: If you want to know, the program's name was 'Pie3D'00:38
Dan2552no idea if anyone answered my question but there were loads of people talking ---- hey guys, new to ubuntu; got the new 7.10. Installed the ATI driver with the restricted driver manager - but I can't enable desktop effects, i get a composition error00:38
zaphodmcmillanmtughan, thanks00:39
wizard__kewl ty......will do the upgrade then.... ty again00:39
capiiraaxjv thanks i was going to ask you :)00:39
ARJonesDan2552: Please look at the community documentation for Compiz on ATI cards00:39
pradeepsoundray, isn't the 64 bit ubuntu build optimized for the 64-bit? :)00:39
speebI can't seem to add some items to my panels.  Specifically Search, User Switcher, and Weather.  They just don't show up on the panel when I add them. :-(00:39
ARJonesDan2552: Your instructions on what to do about that are there00:39
soundrayDan2552: I get that too on an Xpress 200M. It's just not compatible with desktop effects.00:39
bmk789sisseck: have you modified the sources.list or anything?00:39
jazzI will ask again. I have a duel boot machine, windows/ubuntu ubuntu is able to read and write to my windows drive but wont do it to another hdd i have that is ntfs y?? i really want it so both os can see it, can some one help oh ( the linux and windows is on the same physical harddrive)00:39
pazsionhow do i tell ubuntu live cd not to look for a connection? so i can install to HD00:39
soundraypradeep: you're not listening properly.00:39
ARJonessoundray: That is incorrect. I am running the 200M right now with compiz and 0 problems. You just have to follow the documentation00:39
vigridi am running ubuntu 7.04 server. i would like to set it up to accept vpn "dial in" connections from windows clients. could someone point me at a good tutorial please?00:40
nickrudDan2552: you need to install xserver-xgl as well, log out, log in and then alt-f2 compiz --replace && emerald --replace . ATI doesn't support compiz without finagleing00:40
Jimb_Ati always has probs with composite...need to wait for better drivers00:40
Dan2552doesn't work? It's a x1600 ;(00:40
=== slimjimflim is now known as slimjimAFK
Charlottehi all00:40
soundrayARJones: is there a trick? What documentation are you referring to?00:40
Anubishello people... has anyone had any success with the video out Fn button?00:40
MTughanDan2552: Newer cards may not be fully supported. My Radeon 9600 seems to work fine.00:40
amidanielAnyone familiar with winetools? I'm having difficulty installing the MFC framework through it, as the URL it's using is outdated. Was hoping someone might point me toward a way to fix it00:40
pazsionmurkyMURK PM me if you have an answer00:40
Anubisusing an external display as well as your lcd00:40
Dan2552i'll have a look at documentation.... X1600 worked with old XGL00:40
murkyMurkpazsion: I can only think that using the alternative CD might get you there...never done it without a network though00:40
sisseckbmk789: yes activated the main, restricted and universe before but right now all im using is the universe00:40
ARJonesDan2552: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusionATI?highlight=%28compiz%2900:41
nickrudsoundray: I've run compiz on my express 200m, but disabled it because vmware doesn't play well00:41
RonLutHi everyone I need some help... I don't have compiz working at all I think, i don't have the settings of it or something else. i can only choose Extra on visual effects... what should i do?00:41
bmk789sisseck: you disabled main?00:41
Vista|G33Z3Rsouthafrikanse:  you there?00:41
vigridi am running ubuntu 7.04 server. i would like to set it up to accept vpn "dial in" connections from windows clients. could someone point me at a good tutorial please?00:41
axjvcapiira: I have another question: Do you know of any programs that can change bits of an html file on the fly?00:41
pazsionthank you murky00:41
southafrikanseVista|G33Z3R, yes00:41
dinianWhere can I read about power management / suspend / hibernate and possible ways to enable them on a laptop?00:41
Vista|G33Z3Rok i pm you you havent answered00:41
mrjvigrid, there's enough spam in here, your spam doesn't help00:41
Dan2552you're going to get so many people asking  about desktop effects here :p00:41
stray77RonLut, read this page -> http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/category/compizberyl/00:41
capiiraaxjv how so ?00:41
Charlotteguys do u know how i can turn off copuz in gutsy, or how to makequick lunch button on my taskbar for turning on and off???00:41
sisseckbmk789: yeah probably not a good idea. i'll just try and enable it00:41
mikeo2is there a way to dl packages with dependencies from windows?00:41
ARJonesDan2552: Just follow it down to the "Install Compiz Fusion". After that is finished all you literally have to do is reboot and then use the appearance settings to enable it. It works flawlessly on my ATI 200M00:41
soundraynickrud: I'll have another go then. Thanks for the link, ARJones00:41
bmk789sisseck: ya enable it and reload then try it00:42
Dan2552ok I will ARJones - thanks00:42
capiiraaxjv don't know what you exactly mean00:42
mrjCharlotte, under appearance you can set desktop effects to none, some, extra00:42
southafrikanseVista|G33Z3R, I don't have here anything here blinking00:42
nickrudsoundray: if you look back to my post to Dan2552 , that's all you have to do00:42
vigridmrj: your comments about spamming don't help neither ;) do you happen to know an answer to my question?00:42
mikeo2like say i have an ubuntu box that isn't and cant be plugged into the internet... is there a way to dl packages and all deps from a win box then transfer them to the linux box and install with dpkg00:42
axjvcapiira: Say there's a line of code in my html file saying something like: <PARAM name="name" value="x">00:42
RonLutstray77 I already read it... but when I type that command it doesn't adds the settings....00:42
mrjvigrid, no, but in the 3 spams you sent i'm sure you could have googled OpenVPN, etc00:42
kas1Please help.  I'm still waiting to see if anyone knows what I can do to install ubuntu on this old HP computer running windows ME.  instead of loading, the cd takes me to (initramfs)00:42
axjvcapiira: I want to be able to change that x on the fly00:42
monkDoes anybody here emulate maplestory, gunzonline using ubuntu?00:42
PAStheLoDhi. If I've crashed GParted while it was creating a partition, what are my chances of being in deep shit?00:42
axjvcapiira: Like, have a program saying: What do you want the title to be?00:42
tagwow I can't seem to update00:42
pazsionso does anyone know any commands for advanced options during bootup? i want to disable gnome connections00:43
MTughanPAStheLoD: Probably high.00:43
mrjtag, the servers are backed up00:43
soundraynickrud: will try in a quiet minute. Thanks!00:43
FlatsOk I need help with this I have the Inter pro/wireless 2945ABG adapter. I found the intel linux driver which I downloaded but I have to install a ieee thingy first. I do that but then it says I have to "install it into my •kernel• and and build it as part of my •kernel• image" is that something a noob should even attempt?00:43
Charlottegreat thanx00:43
vigridmrj: thanks, that's helpful. i can google openvpn, now that i know something like this exists00:43
tagmrj: I see that :-)00:43
pradeepsoundray, yes i understand the applications00:43
ARJonestag, use the easynews mirrors. they worked great for me00:43
capiiraaxjv don't know anything sorry thats some kind of content management search for that00:43
needhelpplzok guys i just finished installing gusty and couldnt help but notice that i cant preview mp3s anymore? anyone have a solution?00:43
barnabygparted is very forgiving. if you didn't apply your changes you should be ok.00:43
soundraypazsion: people don't seem to understand what you mean by connections.00:43
Vista|G33Z3Rsouthafrikanse:  open grub>menu.lst > scroll to bottom where it says title windows nt/xp blah blah copy all that info paste that at the top of the menu  before the debian loaders then delete the  windows entry right at bottom00:43
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: in my exerience, not much. It has crashed on me dozens of times...always at the finish of a job for some readon...00:43
PAStheLoDMTughan, thanks .. fdisk doesn't see the partition table .. but I'm using files from that drive .. can I dump the one from the memory somehow?00:43
stray77Ronlut, the repos are overwhelmed right now, try later maybe but sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager definately worked earlier today.00:43
bmk789needhelpplz: look in the nautilus prefrences00:43
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, and did it do the job?00:44
mrjvigrid, thats the most softare vpn solution i know of00:44
sisseckbmk789: when updating it freezes but im gonna try and play around with it a bit tommorow. Thanks for the help00:44
bmk789sisseck: np00:44
pazsioneveryone: gnome tryis to look for a network, there is none.. ghow do i tell it to stop and not to try...00:44
southafrikanseVista|G33Z3R, ok00:44
bmk789hamachi is good for VPN00:44
Abraxas_ko, uninstalled xgl..gonna restart X and give it a go....brb00:44
vigridmrj: thanks again, bye00:44
kjpis it possible to upgrade to 7.10 from 7.04 without a cd ?00:44
tagARJones: that is better.  They're still pretty swampped it seems.00:44
PAStheLoDpazsion, disable the "enalbe this connection" in network manager00:44
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: yes, everytime. The first few times My heart stopped...now I just wince a bit....00:44
RootyRootRootWooHI, where can I d/l the Alternative DVD for upgrading from please?00:44
mrjkjp, yes but i wouldnt try it right now00:44
tagI'm getting speeds like 67KB/s00:44
capiiraim off have fun ubuntusers00:44
needhelpplzbmk789: i have it set to always00:44
ubotwopastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:45
bmk789!hamachi| bmk78900:45
stray77kjp, what mrj said00:45
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/00:45
needhelpplzand still no sound, this wasnt an issue in edgy or feisty for me =\00:45
kjpmrj: granted, but whats the procedure? dist-upgrade doesn't seem to trigger it.00:45
demon_sporkGparted on the Gutsy LiveCD just sits there working and never gets done when I try to open it00:45
pazsionPASTHELOD__can i do this from advanced optiones during bootup it's hangin right now..00:45
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, ah.. that either can be great or very unfortunate for me .. I've been messing aroung on my RAID0 array :C00:45
Abraxas_that -was- the problem...removed Xgl and everything is gorgeous00:45
soundraypazsion: listen to PAStheLoD. To do it permanently, disable nm-applet in System-Preferences-Session-Startup programs00:45
|Flood|----------- i installed 7.04 in a VPC 2007 VM btw and never got the internet to work... any suggestions?00:45
capiiraaxjv im off ciao00:45
southafrikanseVista|G33Z3R, going to check it out. Be right back00:45
PAStheLoDpazsion, no, I don't think so ..00:45
mrjkjp, not sure honestly i reinstall with every release00:45
bmk789needhelpplz: its not muted or anything like that is it?   sound works?00:45
Abraxas_i'll wait on versions of xgl to get more stable and try it again someday ;p00:45
axjvcapiira: See ya00:45
mrjkjp, dist-update or something perhaps00:45
needhelpplzbmk789: yes00:45
needhelpplzsure does00:45
RonLutstray77, Sorry but what you mean by saying "repos are overwhelmed right now"?00:45
pazsionalright ima try rebooting then00:46
soundraypazsion: hold on00:46
RonLutmy english is not so well..00:46
stray77they are so busy you cant connect00:46
PAStheLoDRonLut, the servers serving the update data are flooded .00:46
mrjRonLut, it's release day00:46
jarrod_is it possible to convert my lcd signal cable from a salvaged laptop to vga?00:46
bmk789needhelpplz: mp3 codecs installed?00:46
marx2k_Does this make sense to anyone?00:46
kjpmrj:  do you know how I might clone my 20gb disk, with ubuntu installed onto a 160, such that I can simply switch them out ?00:46
needhelpplzbmk789: i let totem download and install them for me00:46
pazsionsoundtray it's on another system next to this one soo.. i can work indipendantly and keep this chat going00:46
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: when it crashes, I restart the ap and check. The job it was spose to do is always done. Hope you have the same experience....00:46
soundraypazsion: no, sorry, wrong track, go ahead and reboot00:46
needhelpplzafter that didnt work i installed mpg321 and still no go00:46
sebasteshrm, I can't get ccsm to start it gives me this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41142/00:46
Flatsne1 know if openvpn will read/use cisco pcf files?00:46
mikeo2are there any programs for windows or an online web script that can be used to find all package dependencies and download them to a folder?00:46
needhelpplzshould i remove totems gstreamer codec and reinstall mpg321?00:46
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise,  yeah I have .. my Partiton table has gone .. :C00:46
kjpFlats: well, they work on completly different principles do I doubt it00:47
stray77bmk789, i just tried to play and xvid file in totem and it prompted me to install codecs00:47
Flatsahh OK00:47
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: is that what you wanted to happen?00:47
RonLutah ok thanks...  i'm new to linux so i'll try later or something...00:47
tagI don't get that "Upgrade available" button00:47
Shaezschei cannot check for updates, the repositories dont update00:47
Jupp2should I remove beryl from my 7.04 before I update?00:47
soundraymikeo2: not really, but there are instructions for using apt offline. I'll dig them out...00:47
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, no I wanted to create a 10 GB reiser4 partition .. but this was an over 1 tera array :/00:47
monkeyBoxIf I upgrade to 7.10,  and I already have compiz-fusion installed,  will it break anything?00:47
cousin_luiginickrud: hey, I've tried again, a startx from console (without gdm) shows me the old monochrome X11 background instead of the sandy one00:48
tagweird, get it on one box but not the other00:48
cousin_luiginickrud: any suggestion will be greatly appreciated:)00:48
PAStheLoDmonkeyBox, hopefully not00:48
mikeo2soundray i have used apt offline but need a way to dl packages and their deps from a windows box00:48
mikeo2without manually clicking on each one00:48
cousin_luigiPAStheLoD: is reiser4 production grade?00:48
Dan2552There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon. Some things, such as themes, sounds, or background settings may not work correctly. The last error message was: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-GxEAKiRVj3: Connection refused. GNOME will still try to restart the Settings Daemon next time you log in.00:48
mrjI think the icons chosen for the compiz manager are horribly undescriptive00:48
soundraymikeo2: so you've got a list of packages to download already?00:48
PAStheLoDcousin_luigi, it says "released" on namesys.com00:48
Vista|G33Z3Rso how do i get root to be able to edit grub  su -s?00:48
nickrudcousin_luigi: not sure, really. I was under the impression that gdm handled that, then handed off to nautilus. In between??00:49
PAStheLoDcousin_luigi, so I thought so..00:49
mikeo2i could make a list from the linux box00:49
dopelgrub failed on the install...is there a way to reinstall just grub?00:49
bmk789Dan2552: i had that problem after i upgraded, try a reboot00:49
mrjVista|G33Z3R, gksudo gedit00:49
Dan2552i just rebooted though, i reboot again?00:49
joerlendI've installed from the server cd. Now, I want to add some software from the desktop cd. How do I add that to sources.list?00:49
mrjVista|G33Z3R, /etc/boot/menus.lst00:49
Abraxas_now to get cedega working00:49
southafrikanseVista|G33Z3R, actually it did work but now I don't have Windows mounted :\00:49
soundraymikeo2: just have a look at these instructions: http://www.batmat.net/apt-offline/00:49
DragginCould someone perhaps just give me a link on the web for something similar?  I don't mind sorting it out on my own00:49
monkeyBoxIS there any way I can see what packages have been installed from a specific repository?00:49
cousin_luiginickrud: yes, apparently...and it's the same as the stock ubuntu single tint background00:49
ZaphodBeeblebroxHi, everyone, I'm in hell here after upgrading to Gutsy. Can someone please help me enabling my NVidia card and OpenGL?00:49
mikeo2soundray trying to dl all the packages from a win box to a folder, then copy them to the linux box and dpkg -i *.deb them00:49
needhelpplzhow do u remove the codecs that totem installs?00:49
to0omhi all, does anyone know why vmware-player isn't in the gutsy repositories?00:50
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: oh my.. I was messing with reiser4 today. seems I don't have the right kernel for seeing the partition, but gparted can make one. I got tired of mesing with it and went to ext3-still journaled, just not quite as fast ...00:50
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: should just be System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager00:50
bmk789ZaphodBeeblebrox: restricted manager?00:50
Shaezschehow can i change the default boot os?00:50
kitcheto0om: it might be in commerical00:50
x_dimitrihi all00:50
joerlendShaezsche: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst00:50
diaficsnore time. Night00:50
mrjShaezsche, edit your menu.lst00:50
bmk789Shaezsche: you can modify your menu.list or get startup-manager00:50
* Pelo wonders how everyone likes the new release 00:50
soundraymikeo2: so you need something like wget for windows?00:50
ZaphodBeeblebroxademan and bmk789: I do that, reboot and Ubuntu starts in low graphics mode00:50
to0omkitche: is that the repository where opera also is in? then it's not; i have that repository enabled00:51
cousin_luigiPelo: I like it until now, codecs and plugins are easily installed00:51
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: what card exactly?00:51
x_dimitriI've got a problem, synaptic doesn't seem to use the authentication information I specify00:51
marx2k_See if this makes sense to any of you: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41141/00:51
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, ah.. I did this Wubi install ... then installed dmraid .. I've even built a new parted .. then tried to make a partition to move the wubi install to00:51
Shaezschebmk789 i tried editing grub menu.lst, when i changed "default 0" to 5 and 6 nothing happened00:51
x_dimitridoes anyone know how to solve this?00:51
ademananyone know if your swap partition can be a lvm logical partition?00:51
mikeo2i need something like apt for windows00:51
mikeo2but for linux apps00:51
dopelgrub failed on the install...is there a way to reinstall just grub without redoing the entire install?00:51
mrjx_dimitri, what do you mean authentication info? your root password?00:51
x_dimitriademan:yes, it can00:51
ZaphodBeeblebroxBTW, I have to boot with kernel if I do with I get tons of errors00:51
ademanmikeo2: i think cygwin might be what you're looking for00:51
x_dimitrimrj:nope, network proxy00:51
ZaphodBeeblebroxademan: NVidia 620000:51
soundraymikeo2: no, you need to read the link I gave you00:51
mikeo2i read it00:51
ademanthanks x_dimitri00:51
soundrayademan: cygwin won't resolve the dependencies for mikeo200:52
mikeo2its if you have 2 linux boxes00:52
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: interesting i've got a 6600 here and everythings working fine00:52
|Flood|lol i see a vista like background on the desktop but it's... brown/orange00:52
PAStheLoDZaphodBeeblebrox,  .14 is old .. even 7.04 had .1500:52
mikeo2i have 1 win on the internet and 1 linux not connected00:52
FlatsIsn't there an open source vpn client that reads/uses pcf files?00:52
mikeo2need to dl the packages from the win box00:52
ademansoundray: ah, sorry, i wouldn't know, i don't touch windows anymore :-)00:52
=== TheCrowX is now known as TheCrowX_
soundraymikeo2: no, it doesn't matter what runs on the box that's on the internet00:52
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: Wubi scared me....I don't trust windows with Linux. I believe Windows is built to fubar the competition! :)00:52
* x_dimitri longs for the day he won't have to touch windows anymore00:52
ZaphodBeeblebroxPAStheLoD: is the newest I see here00:52
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, yeah .. that's the case I'm afraid ..00:52
Shaezschewhat do i edit in menu.lst to change defaul tboot os?00:52
demon_sporkWhenever GParted or the installer partitioner get to the "Scanning disks" stage they freeze00:52
javaJakeHello folks. I'm having issues with xorg.conf and evdev. Here's my pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/741799 and the tutorial I followed: http://andy.hillhome.org/blog/2006/09/27/logitech-mx-revolution-in-linux/ - I don't think I'm using evdev correctly, as my keyboard is going crazy. (Up key acts like Print Screen button, and so on.)00:53
PAStheLoDZaphodBeeblebrox,  where do you see that?00:53
|Flood|x_dimitri careful what you wish for man00:53
ZaphodBeeblebroxademan: any thoughts?00:53
mikeo2pretty much apt-get -d <huge package list>00:53
x_dimitridoes anyone know how to force synaptic to use the specified proxy authentication details?00:53
ZaphodBeeblebroxPAStheLoD: on GRUB00:53
Dan2552thanks for the help guys, desktop effects now working :)!00:53
mikeo2want to do that in windows then copy the files to linux00:53
alexMKHI, is it possible to upgrade from ubuntu7.10beta to 7.10 release?00:53
soundraymikeo2: all you need on that one is some download manager that processes a list of files. Which is where ademan's advice might come in handy.00:53
ubotwoTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - see also !compiz00:53
soundrayalexMK: read the topic00:53
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, Wubi is very great, but it has issues with Fucked-Fake-RAIDs .. like mine on my nForce 5 .. :C00:53
mikeo2soundray ok ill look for that then00:53
PAStheLoDZaphodBeeblebrox, but do you see something like Ubuntu Original ?00:53
demon_sporkwhat happened to ubotu?00:54
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: unfortunately not really, you might try looking at /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:54
=== TheCrowX_ is now known as TheCrowX
kitchedemon_spork: it flooded out00:54
ubotwoI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:54
soundraydemon_spork: evil twin00:54
ZaphodBeeblebroxPAStheLoD: nope... I don't think so... where can I find grub conf to take a look?00:54
flick2hi, i need support, i am midway through the installation00:54
brandoncan you install from ubuntu iso and then apt-get kubuntu and end up with the same exact system as if you had installed from the kubuntu iso????00:54
PAStheLoD/boot/grub/menu.lst maybe ..00:54
demon_spork!ask | flick200:54
ubotwoflick2: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:54
cousin_luigiflick2: what appears to be the problem?00:54
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: onlt raids I ever had good luck with is dedicated external arrays or Windows builtin raid. typically raid 5.00:54
flick2the installation stopped at 82%, saying "Configuring apt" and Scanning the mirror...00:55
PAStheLoDZaphodBeeblebrox,  /boot/grub/menu.lst .. maybe .. or /boot/menu.lst ..00:55
soundraybrandon: almost. You have to install kubuntu-desktop and all its dependencies.00:55
ZaphodBeeblebroxademan: What information I should look in there?00:55
cousin_luigiflick2: your network is possibly slow00:55
ZaphodBeeblebroxPAStheLoD: kk, hold on00:55
flick2the installation hasn't proceeded for 15 minutes00:55
kstI tried to select a different gfx driver in that new gutsy gui (using ati with proprietary fglrx so far, wanted to go for the open source version of radeon), rebooted and now my notebook display only runs in 640x480 anymore and I cant seem to get my gfx card back to normal work... what do I do? :(00:55
|Flood|flick2 it's on break00:55
x_dimitriIs there supposed to be a /etc/apt/apt.conf file? My searches suggest that file exists but I can't find it.00:55
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, oh.. builtin RAID 5 .. sofware raid5  oh.. :0 that's like massive CPU overhead and duplicated IO channels :|00:55
cousin_luigiflick2: I would jump to a console and give an ifconfig eth0 down00:55
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: lines beginning with EE:  are errors, that'd be a good place to stary00:56
nickrudflick2: try clt-alt-f8, you should be able to see a log of the install, maybe there's a clue there00:56
soundrayflick2: your burn might have failed. Reboot and use the boot option for checking the CD.00:56
brandontougher question:  can you do a dist-upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10, putting i386 version over the amd64 version?00:56
soundraybrandon: no, to change architecture, you have to reinstall.00:56
brandonsoundray: ouch00:56
nickrudflick2: but do cousin_luigi 's before you give up and start over00:56
brandonthanks and later on00:56
ZaphodBeeblebroxPAStheLoD and ademan Should I use pastebin to show you guys the lines?00:56
soundraybrandon: all the binaries are different, and the kernel too00:56
flick2nickrud:  no clue at ctrl+alt+f800:56
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: sure00:56
kstcan I use an ubuntu 7.04 live cd to mount my 7.10 .iso from some other harddrive, and then install gutsy from it?00:56
nickrudflick2: was there any text at all?00:57
erat123would someone be interested in helping me configure dual head on ubuntu 7.10?  i have a GeForce 6500GT DDR2 512MB PCIe card00:57
ademanfinally, how big do you guys think /boot should be? i really don't wanna run out of room here...00:57
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: yeah, but when I had 2 drives fail in as many minutes, I was glad to have the overhead... Took about 2 hours to rebuilt 45GB of data...00:57
javaJakeerat123, Gutsy has better dual-head configuration - check it out00:57
flick2nickrud: it just says "* Running boot scripts..."00:57
bmk789erat123: you tried the new GUI tool?00:57
brandonsoundray: I guess i should save my home directory and some configs from /etc and then wipe away -- is that how you'd do it???00:57
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, that's blazingly fast considering windows .. what kind of setup was that? :o00:57
soundraykst: possibly. You need a way to "seed" your hard disk. See the factoid (private message)00:57
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: and the system was only down for 30 minutes...00:57
nickrudademan: very few reasons to have a separate boot partition with grub00:57
soundray!install > kst00:57
|Flood|starting up the partitionner... makes me think of bush saying he's the decider :)00:58
ademannickrud: one of them is lvm, which i'm doing00:58
soundraybrandon: yes. Also see the clone factoid00:58
ZaphodBeeblebroxPAStheLoD: http://pastebin.ca/74180700:58
nbjaymehello all.  is there a way to tell ubuntu which card should be treated as eth0 and which is eth1?00:58
nickrudademan: sure is ;)00:58
erat123javaJake: I've been playing around w/ the screen and graphics utility, but it only shows one monitor00:58
soundray!clone > brandon, private message00:58
ubotwosoundray: Error: That person could not be found in any channel you're in00:58
nickrudademan: give it 200M, why cramp your style?\00:58
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise,  haha . that's even better :]  even in the 99,999%  range00:58
javaJakeerat123, OK00:58
brandonsoundray: sorry, where's the clone factoid?00:58
jazzno luck00:58
javaJakeerat123, well, sorry, I don't have the time to help you out right now. :(00:58
jazzi dont get it00:58
soundray!clone > brandon, private message00:58
ubotwosoundray: Error: That person could not be found in any channel you're in00:58
flick2nickrud: cousin_luigi: i did cousin_luigi's thing "ifconfig eth0 down" and it started to work... but can i do this step which it skipped later on? (how?)00:58
Black_Catma quanta gente c'è00:58
soundray!clone > brandon  private message00:58
ubotwosoundray: Error: That person could not be found in any channel you're in00:58
erat123javaJake: no worries00:58
ademannickrud: alright lol, thanks that seems like plenty, i'll sleep easy00:59
jazzhow come ubuntu can write to my windows but not a seperate drive00:59
r0b-can someone help me find VIA Unichrome Drivers?00:59
erat123anyone else have time to help me out w/ my vid card?00:59
kstthanks soundray... any idea about my gfx card problem? :(00:59
ZaphodBeeblebroxademan: Should I copy the entire contents or just EE lines?00:59
LjLsoundray: nope, sorry :)00:59
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: 4 cpu Win2k AS, 1gb ram, 6 ide drives. Xeons I think.00:59
=== Unbutu[G33Z3R is now known as |box|
kstI tried to select a different gfx driver in that new gutsy gui (using ati with proprietary fglrx so far, wanted to go for the open source version of radeon), rebooted and now my notebook display only runs in 640x480 anymore and I cant seem to get my gfx card back to normal work... what do I do? :(00:59
r0b-for Ubuntu00:59
PAStheLoDZaphodBeeblebrox,  so you can boot .16 , right? And have issues with X.org ?00:59
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/00:59
LjL!tell brandon about clone00:59
javaJakeerat123, try searching for your video card on Ubuntu forums, too00:59
nickrudademan: I've got 5 kernels, 95M00:59
LjLsoundray: ^00:59
soundray!clone | brandon00:59
ubotwobrandon: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate00:59
brandonsoundray: damn sorry again, how see private messages. i'm in konversation00:59
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: I'm a data integrity freak.00:59
flick2nickrud: can i configure apt by "scanning for mirrors" later on? it has to deal with probably a file called sources.list00:59
erat123javaJake: i'll give that a try now00:59
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: you can do the whole thing, we can pick through it fairly quickly00:59
soundrayLjL: okay, thanks00:59
LjLbrandon, you didn't got any. the bot is having problems. look above.00:59
cousin_luigiflick2: you can select software sources later01:00
nbjaymethis automatic way of ubuntu is both a blessing and a course, IMH0.01:00
ZaphodBeeblebroxYes, PAStheLoD. If I boot with 22.14 I have a fsck error and Ubuntu can't even read my home dir anymore01:00
soundraybrandon: please scroll up to ubotwo01:00
devexialweeee this is me seeding at 1.4mb/s  http://i24.tinypic.com/2gsmirt.png http://i24.tinypic.com/2gsmirt.png http://i24.tinypic.com/2gsmirt.png01:00
flick2cousin_luigi: thanks, i will probably require help on that later01:00
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, at 6 drives that's not bad..  well, I like to archive my stuff on DVDs .. but never take them out again :]01:00
flick2restarting now! thanks again :)01:00
HOLOGRAPHICpizzais anyone else's gusty upgrade going at like 19 kbps?01:00
LjLHOLOGRAPHICpizza: type /topic01:00
PurpZeYHOLOGRAPHICpizza: I suspect the servers are a little flooded.01:00
=== TheCrowX is now known as TheCrowX_
soundraykst: what's that problem?01:01
kitcheHOLOGRAPHICpizza: servers are being hammered just like they usually are on new releases01:01
devexialHOLOGRAPHICpizza: try torrent! im dl at 500mb/s01:01
r0b-VIA 1106:720501:01
scottDkoDerA little? :)01:01
ademani'm on the liveCD right now trying to get lvm ready to go and trying to launch certain apps results in a "unable to execute <whatever>: Input/output error",  wtf is that about? i've got 2gb of ram i figure i should be good for memory...01:01
ipxWhat can be wrong if i get this from Xorg.0.log? (It first started when i got gutsy) http://pastebin.com/m6fe75d7001:01
r0b-!VIA 1106:720501:01
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/01:01
LjL!offtopic | devexial01:01
ubotwodevexial: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:01
witlesshow do i upgrade from the command line?01:01
nbjaymeit forced to treat my cards as eth0 and eth201:01
speckerrepos fried?01:01
LjL!tell witless about upgrade01:01
cafuegowitless: aptitude dist-upgrade01:01
no_winblowzno wonder ubotwo is up and ubotu in /msg is slow01:01
iStiKsdoes anyone have a good site for how to upgrade to gutsy from feisty, i installed compiz fusion in feisty so since gusty has it by default will it mess with my previous install and settings if i upgrade?01:01
r0b-i cant seem to find drivers for my video01:01
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/01:01
kstsoundray I tried to select the ATI opensource driver for my x700, was running proprietary before... after a reboot everything is broken, my screen is only 640x480 now and crap performance01:02
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: I could get the company to spend 7000 on the server, but not 700 on a dlt and tapes...go figure01:02
witlesscafuego: don't have to change sources.list or anything?01:02
kstcant set resolution higher either01:02
nbjaymenow for no apparent reason it switched both cards and identified it as eth0 and eth1.01:02
cafuegowitless: Well yes, that would be helpful.01:02
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, yeah, that's the usual CFO BS :|01:02
PurpZeYHave most people's upgrades been smooth? or are there a lot of problems?01:02
WorkingOnWiselol....yeah, they sur is smart !01:02
=== TheCrowX_ is now known as TheCrowX
leexgxi trying to get my windows computer to acces my ubuntu but keeps asking for password01:03
nbjaymeso, i think that allowing users to tell ubuntu which card should be treated as eth0 and eth1 is a better way.01:03
IpMooBetaPurpZeY:   flawless here01:03
soundraykst: I would try restoring xorg.conf from one of the backups in /etc/X11 -- then change fglrx to ati by hand01:03
CryoniqLovely.. did a clean install of Gutsy and now things seem to work A LOT better with my ATI card01:03
iStiKscan anyone help me01:03
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, hm.. should I risk a reboot with a half-dead partition table .. or is there some way to dump the one from the memory (I'm assuming the kernel has one :))01:03
ipxSorry, I meant this one: http://pastebin.com/m51a0936501:03
NukedCryoniq:  you are not the only one01:03
ZaphodBeeblebroxademan: http://pastebin.ca/74181301:03
CryoniqUpgrade from feisty... I cannot advice that.. yet..01:03
gravemindhey guys, Is it possible to do an upgrade from a live cd?01:03
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: you using grub, right?01:03
flithmhey everyone... just going through a fresh gutsy install here.  The fonts are FREAKIN MASSIVE.  Like 100+ pt.  It's crazy.  Anyone else had this?01:03
PurpZeYCryoniq: Magic words...clean...01:03
IpMooBetagrayscale:   u have todo a install01:03
kstok soundray... seems this new gui thing is not exactly working well? :)01:03
hbhow do I install grub onto a fakeraid array?  I'm using the gutsy alternate install cd to setp and configure it but grub gives me a fatal error when it's time to install the bootloader.  any ideas?01:04
iStiKsCryoniq: how bout the compiz fusion since its currently installed already in feisty01:04
HOLOGRAPHICpizzayeh, have there been lots of probles with the gusty upgrade? would i be better of installing gusty from scratch?01:04
KeKoShi, I have a problem with the new gutsy, the sound is very low. what may happen?01:04
|box|you cant login to desktop as root :(01:04
soundraykst: I haven't had much opportunity yet to gather my own experience01:04
brandonis there supposed to be an "install/remove programs" application in gutsy?01:04
IpMooBetabrandon:  yes01:04
codecainecan somebody help me get a wep key from console on new ubuntu?01:04
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, sure.. my Windows is on a separate drive .. wingrub is on it .. and that loads the real grub through an loopmounted virtual partition ..01:04
tritium|box|: use sudo -i01:04
thunterwhy does apt try to connect to archive.ubuntu.com when i don't have it listed in my sources.list?01:04
cousin_luigibrandon: synaptic01:04
mattb0611so I upgraded during the beta phase, no problems. is a clean install still recommended?01:04
dgrhi guys, if i wanted to send a file to someone in xchat using dcc/filesend, to a person using windows/mirc in a automatic way, how can i do that? by automatic i mean without me having to send it, like with mirc/omenserve, they type a command and i autosend a particular file... is it possible/easy?01:04
NukedCryoniq: depending on the card you might need to install xserver-xgl01:04
=== sivik_ is now known as Sivik
codecaineI tried sudo iwconfig ath0 key mykey01:04
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: here's your culprit "(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)" now we just need to know why01:04
Flyzoolahey guys, is there a channel for help?01:05
CryoniqAnyhow.. on to my question :P When I now try to use advanced preferences.. that is.. compiz fuzion.. with my ati9800 card with restricted fglrx drivers.. it says.. no composite extension available.. what to do?01:05
tritiumFlyzoola: this is it01:05
kstmm ok01:05
Flyzoolaok sweet01:05
Flyzoolawell, I'm having troubles01:05
brandonnot synaptic01:05
Flyzoolaand getting frustrated haha01:05
ZaphodBeeblebroxademan: kk, how do I proceed? I've downloaded a driver from NVidia's site btw...01:05
LjLubotwo: part01:05
colby1Ok Finally Got Gutsy up and running.. man is it beautiful..01:05
soundrayFlyzoola: keep it on one line, please01:05
fougI am using Debian Etch currently, I plan on installing Ubuntu 7.10. During installation, to I have the option to important files/folders over?01:05
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: you don't need to do that, install nvidia-glx-new01:06
CryoniqWhat to do when gutsy attacks with a banana? :)01:06
flickcousin_luigi: i have rebooted, it's working fine except when i try to add XChat it says "The list of applications is not available"01:06
nrpAfter upgrading to feisty, I can no longer get into gnome.  it cycles back into console and back into gdm after i log in, and it gives an error that i'm missing libresmgr.so.0.9.801:06
hbno fakeraid support eh? :(01:06
danlock2okay, so i can't apt-get anything.01:06
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: do what cousin_luigi said, i think that's a better bet01:06
boubbinso AIGLX is enabled if im on gutsy ?01:06
fougdanlock2: are you root?01:06
ZaphodBeeblebroxkk, hold on01:06
PAStheLoDhb, well, dmraid works fine01:06
cousin_luigiflick: system/admin/software sources01:06
ademandanlock2: i think the repositories are under incredible stress right now01:06
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: not sure then...real grub is usually installed on the drive, but not a partition. Windows bootloader is installed on the partition. is your bootable partition still there, and it the win partition in the same numerical location?01:06
cousin_luigiflick: then do a reload01:06
nrperr, i mean, upgrading from feisty01:06
danlock2ademan: i think so as well, they time out a lot.01:06
kitcheboubbin: it was enabled in feisty also01:06
HOLOGRAPHICpizzayeah the repos are like about to explode01:06
davequestion, are the gutsy upgrade repo's real bogged down or is my computer being a @#$%@#$01:06
Think_DifferentlWeee. repos are terribly slow. can't even download the package info :/01:06
fougI am using Debian Etch currently, I plan on installing Ubuntu 7.10. During installation, to I have the option to important files/folders over?01:06
newbie1anyone know why IBM T61 Laptop sound breaks on upgrade? I was wondering if theres a program i can run to reconfigure my alsa sound?01:06
kitcheThink_Differentl: read the topic :)01:06
hbPASthelod: Yes it does, but I can boot my system without a boot loader :/01:07
Think_Differentlyerr. i did :P01:07
daveanswers my question01:07
|box|got me gutsy gibbon from demonoid ran live cd so i could brose the net listen to radio while  i installed im impressed01:07
boubbinkitche so running compizfusio should be easy on gutsy ?+01:07
soundray!tell newbie1 about intelhda01:07
kitcheboubbin: if you have the right card yes01:07
soundraynewbie1: please read the private message from ubotwo01:07
haruwhere are the lock files for firefox?01:07
flickcousin_luigi: Software Sources doesn't have a reload button, has a Revert button which is disabled01:07
Flyzoolaok. So I've been trying to get software to broadcast to an internet radio. I installed gnump3d amongst many other apps, but nothing has worked. I installed GNUMP3d from Synaptic, but I don't know how to run it. Shouldn't there be like... a launcher icon or something for it? This is all so confusing01:07
dave2nd question, got a router that keeps dropping my cable connection, anyone think it might work better as a switch with dhcpd installed on one of the computers?01:07
kitchesoundray: ubotwo is gone01:07
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu.01:07
danlock2cuz i was like UGH! i can't update, and was hoping that it was just the repos dying a bit.01:07
cousin_luigiflick: sorry I meant after you selected them01:07
CryoniqDoes the compisite extension is not available mean that fglrx and ati9800pro isn't working for compiz?01:08
brandonthere was supposedly a simpler install/remove programs application here somewhere, but i don't have it. i don't mean synaptic01:08
cousin_luigiflick: just do a sudo apt-get update from console then01:08
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, on my RAID array I HAVE (have faith.. have faith.. :)) just 2 NTFS partitions .. and neither of them are bootable .. etc .. an on one of them there is the virtual partition (just an NTFS file) .. and grub is in a separate file01:08
soundraykitche: can't keep up... thanks01:08
Nukedthe repos still arent working... wow... must be a lot of people upgrading today01:08
hbdoes grub have to install on a IDE source even if SATA is selected as the primary boot source in the bios?01:08
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.01:08
haruwhere are the lock files for firefox please?01:08
kitcheNuked: yes like it usually is that why some of us wait a few weeks :)01:08
ZaphodBeeblebroxademan and cousin_luigi: did it, should I reboot, restart X, what?01:08
PAStheLoDhb, you can build a kernel for yourself with dmraid and device-mapper support01:08
fougI am using Debian Etch currently, I plan on installing Ubuntu 7.10. During installation, to I have the option to important files/folders over?01:08
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can!01:08
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soundraynewbie1: please look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto01:08
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: sorry what was it about?01:08
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu.01:08
Nukedkitche: its also why some of us upgrade a few weeks early01:08
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: installed nvidia-glx-new, what's next?01:09
danlock2foug: create a new partiton to store thos?e files on for the time being01:09
KeKoShi how can i run compiz fusion in gutsy?01:09
PAStheLoDhb, http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Install_Gentoo_with_NVRAID_using_dmraid01:09
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: might as well reboot since it would hopefully load the new driver module01:09
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy release party and questions about download speeds and links, etc. in #ubuntu-release-party | Repositories and release sites may be slow, type /msg ubotu mirrors
soundrayBlama: not really. Have you tried a plug cycle?01:09
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: so your win system partition is hdb or sda?01:09
Flyzoolais there anybody that I can PM about my problem, perhaps?01:09
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: you have to activate it from the restricted drivers manager01:09
flickcousin_luigi: right thanks... i think sudo apt-get update did the trick, stopped at 50% though, probably the server is under stress01:09
fougdanlock2: so there is no way to import them during installation?01:09
WorkingOnWisesdb i meant01:09
HOLOGRAPHICpizzacompiz should run by default in gusty, unless you heve terribe video acceleration01:09
danlock2foug: i'm not sure.01:09
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: hdb or sdb01:10
soundrayFlyzoola: please have a bit of patience, and repost your error description if you don't get a response at first.01:10
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, hda ..01:10
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: I only see one driver there, and I already activated it earlier01:10
WorkingOnWiseand where it the fubar partition table?01:10
flickHOLOGRAPHICpizza: how do i confirm if compiz is running?01:10
r0b-the mirrors are still slow lol01:10
codecaineI can't get my laptop on the network on a static ip I did nmap -sP to see if its on the router and I see it on there01:10
codecaineany sugesstions01:10
hbPASthelod: I'm not using nvraid i's via and i'd prefer to use the ubuntu system.  I have several nodes I need to configure and I'd like the process to be as automated as possible (install cd).  I have the feeling that the alternate cd will do it, but that i'm doing something wrong.  I just dont know what01:10
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaummm... i dont really know lol01:10
cousin_luigiflick: it would be wise to do a mirror scan now, to find out the faster one01:10
|Flood|50% :)01:10
CryoniqAnyone know anything about this ---> The Composite extension is not available01:10
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, hda2 actually .. totally separate drive .. and I've a little 50 megs FAT partition on hda1 just for these purposes ..01:10
|Flood|50% :) in the VM :)01:10
Flyzoolaok. So I've been trying to get software to broadcast to an internet radio. I installed gnump3d amongst many other apps, but nothing has worked. I installed GNUMP3d from Synaptic, but I don't know how to run it. Shouldn't there be like... a launcher icon or something for it? This is all so confusing01:10
ZaphodBeeblebroxPAStheLoD: BTW, any ideas about the kernel thing?01:10
Blamasoundray, If I unplug the keyboard and plug it back in when at the command line I get the error, "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62"01:10
flickcousin_luigi: thanks... how can i do a mirror search, please?01:11
canerare the repos overloaded or smth like that? it is really slow01:11
the_darkside_986i need to mount my freebsd UFS drive from Feisty? is there anyway to do that without resorting to command line?01:11
flickcousin_luigi: nm, it is downloading01:11
mjkelly93murkymurk finally got it working murk,   i got 5.1 working thanks to wishie_ in #alsa, gonna go write up a faq now01:11
cousin_luigiflick: system/admin/software sources /download from/other/select server01:11
danlock2caner: they are bogged01:11
tatortotis there any body who can help me with a usb grub install, I get a black screen with only the word grub01:11
the_darkside_986the reason: i gotta reburn the gutsy iso that is located on my freebsd partition. i do not trust freebsd to burn stuff well01:11
JMiltonhi. i tried apt-get installing some packages i already have, and they were set as manually installed. they were dependencies of a metapackage, and i want them to stay that way - how do i flag them as being automatically installed again?01:11
x_dimitriwhat's the alternative to chasing down dependencies (which in turn have dependencies) when trying to install a package?01:11
flickcousin_luigi: thanks01:11
soundrayBlama: ah, that's usually flaky hardware or a dissonance between the device and the hub. Can you plug it into another socket?01:11
PAStheLoDZaphodBeeblebrox, I don't understand your problem completely. I've just replied to one of your messages but I haven't got the first part .. so if you tell me I can try :)01:11
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: either a reboot or a X11 restart with ctrl alt backspace01:11
kitchethe_darkside_986: then you shouldn't trust linux to burn stuff either01:12
PAStheLoDhb, well, good luck with VIA's .. more than I've got with nv's :]01:12
HOLOGRAPHICpizzamy eyes are about to fall out form trying to read too fast, im leaving01:12
* x_dimitri is getting very frustrated at having to wade through dependencies01:12
ZaphodBeeblebroxPAStheLoD anc cousin_luigi: kk, will restart X first then, brb01:12
Tech-Mikegot a quick question: why in ubuntu resolution 1280x1024 not look as small as vista 1280x1024?01:12
danlock2i can't even apt-get update01:12
ademananyone getting "input/output error" with the LiveCD?01:12
cousin_luigiTech-Mike: larger fonts or greater dpi01:12
danlock2ademan: bad cd?01:12
tatortotis there any body who can help me with a usb grub install, I get a black screen with only the word grub01:12
the_darkside_986i got i/o error on a crap CD i tried.01:13
ademandanlock2: hope not, but i suppose that might be it01:13
hbPASthelod: there has to be something obvious in the install process i'm missing.  guess I'll find it on my own01:13
caner<danlock2> bogged? what does that mean? are you also having problems?01:13
Blamasoundray, I have tried all the USB ports on my computer but all of them gave the same error. I know it isn't a problem with the ports because my USB mouse works fine.01:13
ademanergh, i guess i'll check the cd for errors first01:13
Flyzoolaok. So I've been trying to get software to broadcast to an internet radio. I installed gnump3d amongst many other apps, but nothing has worked. I installed GNUMP3d from Synaptic, but I don't know how to run it. Shouldn't there be like... a launcher icon or something for it?01:13
danlock2caner: they are extremely slow, i can't even apt-get update01:13
danlock2can other people at least apt-get update?01:13
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: hda2 would be partition 2 on physical drive 1....oh I see, you are calling physical drive 1 as hda1 and drive 2 as hda2, while I am calling drive 1 as hda and drive 2 as hdb, right?01:13
danlock2mine freezes @ waiting for headers01:13
ademanthis is why apt-torrent needs to get working01:13
mikeo2yeah mine was freezing for a while earilier today too01:14
cousin_luigiademan: is there such a thing yet?01:14
mikeo2the us.archive one01:14
PAStheLoDhb, maybe .. or maybe not .. try custom boot arguments at the bootup01:14
caner<danlock2> i did. and finally made a xchat install after 5-6 minutes01:14
stray77too bad that havent incorporated torrents into aptitude/apt-get01:14
ries_Hey all, how do I install a dutch locale so strftime in php works with dutch date names?01:14
kitchedanlock2: well read the topic all the mirrors are slow01:14
gravemindHey everyone, I'm trying to figure out if I can use the live cd to upgrade from feisty to gutsy. Is that possible?01:14
soundrayFlyzoola: you can get a list of installed programs with 'dpkg -L gnump3d'. Look for lines with 'bin' in the path. Also have a look at the docs in /usr/share/doc/gnump3d01:14
|box|apt-get install rtorrent?01:14
tatortotis there any body who can help me with a usb grub install, I get a black screen with only the word grub01:14
soundraygravemind: no. you can do it with the alternate CD though01:15
CryoniqAnyone know anything about this when trying to choose Extra in appearence preferences? ---> The Composite extension is not available01:15
mikeo2is your pci card blacklisted?01:15
lImItaOwhere does evolution save its configuration files? .evolution and ...01:15
Flyzoolasoundray: do I just double click these files to launch the app?01:15
gravemindsoundray: thanks. beats having to do download separately for 3 computers01:15
stray77|box|, that not what i mean, instead of everyone pulling from the repos, we could all pull from each other01:15
crdlbCryoniq, install xserver-xgl01:15
canergnome2.2 came with an ugly default font setting. is there anybody who liked it? it looks like windows01:15
soundraytatortot: leave a bit more time between repetitions so new people, who might have an answer for you, can log on in the meantime01:15
jpastoreman gutsy is taking a long time to download...01:15
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, no.. I call hda as The Drive .. hdb as The Other Drive .. and hda1 hda2 hdb1 the partitions .. and I've /dev/mapper/nvidia_facgee--something for my raid and that has nvidia_fagaga1 nvidia_fagag2 and 3 and 5 and 6 too01:15
jazzhow do i get write permission to my new hdd now, i made a new ext3 drive but it wont let me wrie to it01:16
Cryoniqcrdlb: thanks :)01:16
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi and ademan: re-started X (CTRL ALT backspace), but I still see only one driver at restricted drivers manager and it's already enabled... OpenGL still doesn't work :(01:16
Blamasoundray, I have tried all the USB ports on my computer but all of them gave the same error. I know it isn't a problem with the ports because my USB mouse works fine.01:16
KragneracGutsy :)01:16
|box|stray77:  yea i get it but i havent got a torrent client01:16
madsy_i get aborted when i try ghamachi, do anyone know why it says "core dumped"01:16
soundrayFlyzoola: no, double-click, middle click to paste the name, then hit enter01:16
Pie-rateIs there somewhere I can find a summary of the cool new features in gutsy?01:16
lImItaOwhere does evolution save its configuration files? .evolution and ...01:16
kitchemadsy_: because it cored which means it crashed01:16
soundrayBlama: I don't know how to help then, sorry.01:17
BrokenPipeIs there any way to force update-manager to upGRADE from the Gutsy CD?01:17
madsy_kitche:  what can i do?01:17
Pie-rateooh i found it, never mind01:17
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep nv01:17
JMiltonthe answer to my question above was: use 'aptitude markauto'. thanks anyway.01:17
|box|stray77:  you guys been busy today or is it normally like this?01:17
WorkingOnWisePAStheLoD: it sounds like it will survive a reboot...but I'd hav a repair cd handy just incase. :)01:17
soundraygravemind: you can also upgrade one, then copy the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives to the other machines.01:17
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ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: hold on01:17
kitchemadsy_: debug the core to figure out hwy it crashed01:17
ademanZaphodBeeblebrox: sorry your problem is beyond my experience i'm pretty much out of ideas, you might try re-asking your question (with the log pasted) and see if anyone else has any ideas01:17
Name141--I am getting a problem while trying to access my windows network01:17
gravemindsoundray: cool, that works01:17
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others).01:17
ZaphodBeeblebroxok, ademan thanks01:18
Charlottei have a really strange problem with my gutsy01:18
jpastoreI can't seem to find a howto on getting the video out on my dell laptop working...I have nvidia video ....has anyone tried to get this working?01:18
gravemindsoundray: will the alt cd work for gutsy beta too?01:18
PAStheLoDWorkingOnWise, I can boot into windows .. that's on HDA .. I'm concerned about the partition table of the nvidia_fgaga RAID array :|01:18
Name141--"Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: livingroom"."01:18
soundraygravemind: yes, it should01:18
KragneracTime Machine01:18
Charlottegutsy freez for 20-30s every 5-7 minutes01:18
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: I get 2 lines from that cat command: "nvidia" and "nv"01:18
Charlottejust like that01:18
Tech-MikeName141-- i have same prob01:18
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others).01:18
|box|hey i can pull files off my vista  drive and pull it on  this one thats neat01:18
IcemanV9Blama: unplug it and plug it in; wait for a few seconds ... if not, try other port01:18
gravemindsoundray: awesome! Too bad the live cd can't do it though01:18
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: can you post them?01:18
Charlottei can just move the mouse and nothing else01:19
ademanCharlotte: liveCD or installed?01:19
BlamaIcemanv9, tried01:19
|Flood|68%..... i was born in 6801:19
MarcNThe gnome appearance tool hangs on me01:19
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: sure, hold on01:19
Cryoniqwish there was a way to restart xserver without applications closing down also (?)01:19
soundrayCharlotte: that sounds like bad hardware -- the hard disk perhaps01:19
murphygjust installed gusty (via alt cd upgrade from fiesty.   nvidia-settings says that I need to run nvidia-xconfig and restart the x server.   I did this, but nvidia-settings still says that I'm not using the NVIDIA X driver...  any ideas?01:19
|Flood|anybody has any experience with ubuntu in a VM stay close to me plz01:19
Name141--Tech-Mike: and how do you fix it01:19
msoulierstrange, I'm having real problems doing an apt-get update01:19
Charlotteit is a brend new laptop01:19
Charlotte3m old01:19
msoulierand I can't find openssh-server01:19
PovAddictmsoulier: overloaded apt servers?01:19
ademanmsoulier: the repositories are really overloaded right now01:19
w00tzillaanyone able to help me with deluge and gutsy?01:19
Charlottenefor that i was running FF and it was flying01:19
murphygapt servers are overloaded01:19
Tech-MikeName141-- i havnt yet, dont know howto config samba right i guess01:19
PAStheLoDZaphodBeeblebrox, nv is the ubuntu driver .. nvidia is the resticted propietary nVidia driver . and you need the nvidia to use GLX / Compiz .. but I couldn't even use X.org with nvidia (only 640*480 :D)01:19
kitchemurphyg: grep -i nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what it says01:19
|box|msoulier:  think apt-get is either   being brusied right now or theres no install01:19
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62".01:20
IcemanV9Blama: hmm. mine works w/o problem. what brand? mine is logitech01:20
CryoniqBlama: which keyboard is it?01:20
msoulieroh, did something just release?01:20
msoulieror is ubuntu just suffering from its popularity?01:20
ZaphodBeeblebroxPAStheLoD: It was all working fine with feisty :(01:20
[IT]4ngelushi everybody01:20
BlamaCryoni, IcemanV9, Compaq Multimedia Keyboard01:20
ademanmsoulier: lol? gutsy just came out01:20
msoulierademan: ah, missed that01:20
|box|gutsy gibbon looks neat and i can pull  media files off  me vista hdd :)01:20
soundrayCharlotte: I see. Perhaps run gnome-system-monitor to see whether some process jumps to the top of the list when it happens.01:20
w00tzillaAnyone able to help me with Deluge?01:21
Charlottenow i just installed gutsy a couple of hours ago and my firs impresion is  that is a little slower then FF on my system and this strange freezing :(01:21
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: http://pastebin.ca/74183301:21
PAStheLoDZaphodBeeblebrox, hm, strange.01:21
ademanmsoulier: hehe, this channel is at about 150% of what it normally is01:21
cousin_luigiw00tzilla: it's working perfectly here01:21
ZaphodBeeblebroxPAStheLoD: tell me about it :(01:21
stray77anyone got a logitech mx5000 bluetooth 2.0 keyboard and laser mouse to work with gutsy yet?01:21
techjimanyone have any problems with gutsy not  being able to standby after the first successful standby?01:21
msoulieroh, that's not good01:21
[IT]4ngelusi have some issues with acpi and hda-intel01:21
msoulierHit http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/restricted Packages01:21
msoulier99% [7 Packages gzip 0] [Waiting for headers]                       14.0kB/s 0s01:21
msouliergzip: stdin: not in gzip format01:21
PAStheLoDZaphodBeeblebrox, about what? :)01:21
Charlottehow to run gnom-sys..-monitor01:21
Fryguy--techjim: yah i had that happen to me today01:21
w00tzillait starts to import block list then crashes out without any error or anything01:21
[IT]4ngeluscould someone help me?01:21
IcemanV9Blama: no idea about compaq keyboard; sorry01:21
Fryguy--techjim: intel p35 motherboard, core2quad processor01:21
|box|unbuntu been put up on demonoid  thats how i  found it01:21
soundrayhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto  [IT]4ngelus01:21
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: x11 config is messed up..it has two drivers enabled, I assume it loads the latter01:21
techjimFryguy--: centrino, a friend's toshiba laptop.01:21
extrakicksup everyone01:22
PAStheLoD|box|,  lol :D:D a free sofware on a BT Tracker :]01:22
EruditeHermithi, I was wondering whether the intel GMA x3100 has a driver capable of working with compiz?01:22
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: and it should load the first one?01:22
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: yes01:22
Fryguy--techjim: hrmm, not related hardware at all :)  I'd imagine it's not hardware/driver related then01:22
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: and just that01:22
IcemanV9ademan: ubotu is taking a break from being abused ;)01:22
[IT]4ngelussoundray: i red that, but it did not solve the problem01:22
extrakickis there nyword on how to get gutsy to take a gcard off blcklist?01:22
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: kk, let me try to remove that from xorg.conf01:22
PAStheLoDCharlotte, system-> administration -> system monitor01:22
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: try commenting out the second one but I've no idea how that happened01:22
admin_does anyone know how to get the 82801G audio chipset working on 7.10 ?01:22
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ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: ok01:22
|box|PAStheLoD:  lol they just dont care i think they get the thieving feeling even if its free lol but it helps  the ubuntu server if its on torrents01:22
ademanO_o, my gutsy liveCD just dropped into text mode instead of the nifty usplash loading screen, double O_o the screen is all messed up01:22
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msoulierhmm, 404s on the non-free repository I was using01:23
nrpEruditeHermit, it is capable, but it currently blacklisted01:23
witlessdoes the i915 driver work with compiz?01:23
PovAddictademan: screenshot?01:23
PAStheLoDCharlotte, or use htop or top from the terminal .. if you don't have htop then you can get it using  the command :    sudo apt-get install htop01:23
PovAddict(even if you need a digital camera to do it)01:23
soundray[IT]4ngelus: don't know then, sorry01:23
Charlotteand what i have to look for ?01:23
hyper_b0leAny suggestions for a sort of burning suite? for iso's , dvds etc etc01:23
seanIs there a mirror available for synaptic that I can use to download stuff from repositories on? The servers are so slow right now.01:23
ezzieyguywufhow can i get amarok to respond to my media keys on my keyboard (thinkpad)01:23
ademanPovAddict: no idea, but i ctrl+alt+f1 then ctrl+alt+f7 and all is well now, but then again i've been having that other issue "input/output error" or whatever01:23
PovAddicthyper_b0le: are you on ubuntu or windoze?01:23
[IT]4ngelussoundray: thanks anyway01:23
cousin_luigiw00tzilla: no idea, sorry...is that during a recheck?01:24
EruditeHermitnrp: why is that?01:24
PAStheLoD|box|,  thievinf feeling .. haaha ;]]]  ..  yeah torrents are good and were invented for that in the first place :)01:24
FluxDhyper_b0le: gnomebaker?01:24
nrpEruditeHermit, if you open /usr/bin/compiz with a text editor, find the blacklist section, and comment out the line with 965 in it, itll work01:24
soundrayCharlotte: a process that jumps to the top of the list and hogs your CPU01:24
murphyg@ kitche: it says "Driver "nvidia"  VendorName "NVIDIA" BoardName "NVIDIA GeForce 8 Series" "   I have a nVidia 8600 GT01:24
zylstra555I am having an FTP issue. When I log into my FTP account (through VSFTPD) I am unable to upload/delete/modify files in any way. How do I correct this issue?01:24
EruditeHermitnrp: ok01:24
Kragneracsudo apt-get install gutsy :)01:24
nrpEruditeHermit, I dont know the details, but something bad is broken :p01:24
EruditeHermitnrp: oh ok01:24
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: commented out the "nv" driver and left the "nvidia" one. Now I restart X again right?01:24
Name141--I turned of the XP firewalls on the windows machine01:25
|box|PAStheLoD:  why dont they make the raposatories  so we  can use each others comps instead of a few urls?01:25
IanLiuWhere is the torrent file for Gutsy?01:25
=== w4ett_ is now known as w4ett
Name141--but still the same error01:25
IcemanV9ZaphodBeeblebrox: correct01:25
PovAddictIanLiu: http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/01:25
CryoniqBlama: The keyboard doesn't work at all in any way? Does it work when choose what to boot from grub menu (if you have a grub menu that is)?01:25
ZaphodBeeblebroxIcemanV9: ok, brb01:25
|Flood|i thought this version of ubuntu came with improved graphics01:26
murphygkitche ?01:26
ezzieyguywufanyone know how i can get amarok to recognize the media keys on my thinkpad?01:26
cousin_luigi|Flood|: such as?01:26
|Flood|comes with an improved walpaper so far01:26
xtlosxquestion guys, my fiancee is using Feisty Fawn, she hasn't modified anything, and when she goes into update manager, she doesn't see a distribution upgrade... what is going on?01:26
Charlottehmm nothing unusual most of them are "sleeping"01:26
PAStheLoD|box|, the reposities are using HTTP and FTP , and that's totally different from BitTorrent .. azureus has a nice way for distributing it's packages .. that can be implemented and then you  would only need to get the tiny torrent files from the repos01:26
[IT]4ngelusi can hear sound only if i disable acpi, but then video card won't work, could someone help?01:26
Ex-Cyberhow can I do a search on Ubuntu forums requiring all keywords instead of any keyword?01:26
|Flood|such as what is mentionned on theregister.co.uk01:26
cousin_luigixtlosx: she has to do it from console01:26
ezzieyguywufex-cyber: quotes?01:26
cousin_luigiI suppose01:26
|box|PAStheLoD:  are they thinking of implementing  that?01:26
PAStheLoDEx-Cyber, use the quotation marks  """""" " " " "01:26
cousin_luigi|Flood|: depends if the GPU can handle it01:27
StatusQuoany ideas on how to get amarok and mp3s working under 7.10?01:27
xtlosxOK, how do you do that01:27
xtlosxI tried01:27
LunksHi, I'd like to know how to change libnotify popups' colors. Right now, gtk themes only change some part of it (a semi circle is missing).01:27
Ex-CyberPAStheLoD: what's the syntax?01:27
ezzieyguywufanyone know how to get amarok to recognize the media keys on my thinkpad?01:27
Name141--LOL, I am having to use the computer's IP# , not the name.01:27
xtlosxI changed everything in the sources.list to gutsy, and did a apt-get upadte, and dist-upgrade and it only had two packages01:27
Lunkshaha um brasileiro. :P01:27
ademanezzieyguywuf: there might be a plugin for amarok01:27
xtlosxheld a bunch back01:27
Pici!br | Lunks01:27
EruditeHermitnrp: thanks for the info btw01:27
ezzieyguywufademan: haven't had any luck finding one....01:27
LunksPici: I was just welcoming a Brazilian. :P01:27
|Flood|cousin_luigi prolly true... i'm installing this in a VM01:27
PAStheLoD|box|,  you already have the ability to download a lots of things from the releases.ubuntu.com via BT .. but I don't know anything about implementing Bt into aptitude / apt-get .. etc01:27
bur[n]erhi all, just wanted to paste http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/gutsy/desktop/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent  since people will inevitably ask01:27
cousin_luigixtlosx: not sure then01:27
flickthe synaptic package manger seems to be more powerful than the Add/Remove... why do we have two package managers?01:27
LunksPici: I was just welcoming a Brazilian. :P01:27
PiciLunks: Oh. nevermind ;)_01:27
dpvnmehow do you chmod the file alsa-base01:27
LunksHi, I'd like to know how to change libnotify popups' colors. Right now, gtk themes only change some part of it (a semi circle is missing).01:27
Charlotteim thinking that this is may be my bluethoot01:28
cousin_luigixtlosx: I've done a reinstall01:28
xtlosxhow do you do it from the console, does anyone know01:28
bur[n]erflick: because synaptic is "scary"01:28
Charlotterunning all the time01:28
xtlosxoh she doesn't want to do a reinstall01:28
LunksPici: Don't mind. :)01:28
xtlosxjust the upgrade01:28
PAStheLoDEx-Cyber,   if you want to search for cat food then "cat food" .. enclose the search terms in quotation marks01:28
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi. IcemanV9: re-started X. Same problem, and on restricted drivers manager I see only one nvidia driver and it's already enables... Please help :(01:28
Charlottehow to turn it off01:28
seanIs there a mirror available for synaptic that I can use to download stuff from repositories on? The servers are so slow right now.01:28
|box|i downloaded vista  didnt like it ripped it off and went back to xp pro  downloaded this and i like  this linux most everything worked out of the box01:28
catachflick: power/usability tradeoffs, so two target user profiles?01:28
RB2flick: Lower-level items like required libraries, etc. can be downloaded from the Package Manager.01:28
cousin_luigixtlosx: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should do the trick01:28
PiciLunks: I've looked into this before, I havent found a way to do it yet :(01:28
xtlosxhmmm it doesn't01:28
PiciLunks: regarding the libnotify thing01:28
xtlosxit just lets her install two packages01:28
IanLiuOK, now we are going fast!01:28
xtlosxand that's it01:28
|Flood|Ex-Cyber yeah otherwise you'll get scores about eating cats :)01:28
kitchesean: yes but the other mirrors would be most likely slow as well01:28
ezzieyguywufis suspend still broken in gutsy?01:28
xtlosxholds bac a bunch01:28
dpvnmehi guy, i'm trying to chmod the file alsa-base, can't seem to do it.01:28
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: you mean it's still using nv?01:28
LunksPici: oh, yeah. I'm trying this for a long time. ;P01:28
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: how can you tell?01:29
iapx8088I have an issue with the upgrade: update-manager seems to stuck, as well as do-relase-upgrade, but the mirror seems fine. Any idea?01:29
murphygkitche (or anyone), does anyone know how I can get the NVIDIA X driver working?   nvidia-xconfig isn't doing it...01:29
PiciLunks: Theres a gconf key that you can change, but it only changes some of the themeing.01:29
seankitche, faster though? They are REALLY slow and I need sound! :P I guess I could just compile the code I need.01:29
xtlosxseems like a bunch of people are having issues upgrading with the upgrade manaer or whtever it is01:29
AZimmOkay I know there's probably a lot of support requests but I just upgraded to gutsy. When I rebooted, booting stops with a flashing cursor right after the bootsplash. Normal boot worked on Fiesty...01:29
LunksPici: Not the same circle, right? :(01:29
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: wait a moment...is your nvidia card an old model?01:29
kbreitDuring the install, when it tries to update via apt, is there a timeout built in?01:29
LunksPici: Can you tell me where?01:29
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: The same openGL problem is still happening and I see what seems to be the same thing in restricted drivers manager01:29
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: perhaps it's incompatible with nvidia-glx-new, and requires nvidia-glx instead01:29
PiciLunks: I'm not sure, I'd have to google it.01:29
|Flood|i thought this version of ubuntu already came with gutsy01:30
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: It's Nvidia 620001:30
LifeisfunnyDoes someone have the url for 7.10 MD5 Hashes?01:30
LunksPici: Nevermind, I'll try myself. :)01:30
autumnxhi i am trying to access fdisk on linux, i want to remove it off my computer and reinstall win xp01:30
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: same here01:30
Ex-Cyberquotes don't seem to make any difference01:30
PAStheLoD|Flood|,  gutsy is a version of ubuntu ..01:30
PiciLunks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=307268501:30
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: and it works01:30
kstis there a way to configure how/if gutsy automatically starts Xgl for compiz? I'm on ATI and want to use proprietary drivers for performance issues..01:30
|Flood|PAStheLoD crap :/01:30
|box|is there an apt get for realplayer reason i ask BBC radio 1 dont work without realplayer01:30
AZimmLifeisfunny: most of the mirrors have them if you can't find them on the main server01:30
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: oh god... what should I do?01:30
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: I can send you my xorg.conf if you want to have a look01:30
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: it worked out of the box01:30
ZaphodBeeblebroxplease do01:30
kitchekst: not sure which version ati drivers are in gutsy but I know the one on ati website doesn't need xgl at all01:30
RB2|box|: Look up Helix Player01:30
LifeisfunnyAZimm, how do I get to the mirrors?01:31
LunksPici: Thanks a lot, man. Really helped. =D01:31
LunksI'll try this01:31
AZimmHere's one01:31
kstkitche do the new ones support aiglx? YAY!01:31
|box|K thxs01:31
murphygwhat should I have in my xorg.conf to get the NVIDIA X driver loaded?01:31
PAStheLoD|box|,  VLC can stream realmedia , can't it?01:31
Lifeisfunnythe link   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes   doesn't have the 7.10's01:31
AZimmLifeisfunny: Go here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors01:31
kitche!xgl | kst it's probably the same as in feisty most likely01:31
|Flood|PAStheLoD what got me to give this a try is it supposedly is able to read/write to windows file system01:31
autumnxhow do i access the fdisk on linux?01:31
StatusQuostorms....hate the power outages01:31
LifeisfunnyAZimm, thanks01:31
autumnxi need to access it to remove linux01:31
AZimmI found one in the main gutsy folder on the server I used01:31
kitcheautumnx: fdisk is the command01:32
|box|PAStheLoD:  yea but BBC expresly say you need either realplayer or win media player even though i love vlc01:32
lwizardlhow do I either install or enable the gnome theme manager on 7.10?01:32
ApeezeeIs anyone else having problems upgrading to gutsy?01:32
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: http://pastebin.ca/74184001:32
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: could be the glx extension though01:32
kitche|box|: bbc has a linux iplayer version01:32
AZimmApeezee: I am but it's after the upgrade01:32
autumnxbut when i type it it just gives me a list and i dunno where to start01:32
|Flood||box| i tried vlc and it's not intuitive nor user friendly01:32
kstkitche any idea where the parameters for the automatic Xgl start are set in gutsy? and how should i install the ati drivers from website? do i need to uninstall something first?01:32
kitcheApeezee: umm servers are being hammered right now01:32
iapx8088is it advised to use apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade?01:32
ApeezeeI am trying to update but i keep getting errors01:32
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: What do you mean?01:32
rryanHi, I'm upgrading a laptop to 7.10, and in the process, xscreensaver turned on and locked the display. Libpam and so on was replaced by the upgrade, and now it doesn't accept my password to unlock it. What should I do ?01:32
DShepherdlwizardl, under preferences -- appearances01:32
AZimmApeezee: I agree it's probably the servers01:32
PAStheLoD|Flood|,  i can tell you that Ubuntu is capable of doing such marvelous things .. I'm copying from an NTFS drive to another .. ATM ;]01:32
Apeezeekitche: yea, thats what i was figuring..01:32
|box|kitche:  bbc do? cool i look01:32
Ex-CyberPAStheLoD: quoted and non-quoted seem to give me identical results01:32
PovAddic1rryan: wow, fun...01:32
witlessyou must be using air quotes01:33
|Flood|PAStheLoD ahhhhhhh.. that's got to be sweet... thanks :)01:33
murphygkitche: any ideas on what should go into my xorg.conf ?01:33
kitchekst: you usually just pick xgl in the session menu01:33
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: check my cfg at the bottom01:33
kitchemurphyg: for what nvidia?01:33
rryanPovAddic1: yea ... :)     how bad is it to restart during the upgrade?01:33
|box|i use vlc a lot but i use foober 2000 for flac? ahhh thats a point whats the flac player for linux?01:33
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: kk, hold on01:33
RB2iapx8088: yes, I believe so. I personally did a fresh install.01:33
AZimmHelp me  please: Would the new Xorg stuff be why I can't boot?01:33
murphygkitche: for nVIDIA 8600 GT (dual monitors)01:33
PovAddic1rryan: I dunno, I'm just about to start my fresh install and hopefully get rid of windoze01:33
kitche|box|: any player can play flac really01:33
xtlosxvlc is as user friendly as it's going to get..01:33
xtlosxlol how much easier do you want it to be!01:34
etankanyone having problems loading Gutsy?01:34
Charlottelol i saw it01:34
iapx8088ok, will try something01:34
kitchemurphyg: driver "nvidia" you want for your card so if it says driver "nv" change that to " nvidia"01:34
=== slimjimAFK is now known as slimjimflim
|box|k kitche thanks for help im a n00b at this just got it01:34
newbie1I just completed the compilation of HDAINTEL sound for alsa on the entire setup now it wants me to reboot but there are some things after that in the page specifically saying "manuelly Specify Module Parameters" do i need to do these too?01:34
lwizardlDShepherd, thanks I've got about like 50 themes I want to try from gnome-look01:34
SideyBAnyone got experience with ffmpeg?01:34
iapx8088RB2, thanks fot the support01:34
PovAddic1SideyB: I DO01:34
aardvark4hey guys, a quick question: i'm about to install gutsy over my feisty install, and i have a separate partition for /home.  The gutsy installer tells me "there were no users or operating systems suitable for importing from." and then asks me to create a new user.. if i use the same username and tell it to mount (but NOT format) the partition as /home, it isn't going to overwrite all of my data there, is it?01:34
etankall i get after an install is a black screen01:34
PakalakaI am trying to upgrade from feisty and the installaton crashes a beagelDeamon.exe and refuses to continue.  Any one getting this as well?01:34
Apeezeeetank: It won't even download all the packages for me right now :)01:34
Charlotteit was copuz hit 39%01:34
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62".01:34
PovAddic1SideyB: but I g2g install gutsy, ask in #ffmpeg :)01:34
etanki got to try to log in once01:34
etankApeezee: i was seeing that too01:34
haruwhere are the lock files for firefox please?01:34
RB2iapx8088: Anytime01:34
Apeezeeetank: yea, it keeps failing on some files01:34
Apeezeeetank: is that the same issue u are having?>01:35
PovAddic1SideyB: by the way, it's highly recommended that ffmpeg is compiled from source, you'll probably get flamed in #ffmpeg if you use the binary from apt as it's probably old01:35
|Flood|PAStheLoD so with today's ubuntu release is there something else i need to download to get the gutsy GUI?01:35
|box|i do like this better than  xp :)  and vista just suxs01:35
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: should I add those lines if they aren't there already and give it another shot?01:35
etankApeezee: "Scanning ..."01:35
rryanErr, hah I'm dumb. I just switched to a console, logged in and killed xscreensaver... nevermind01:35
StatusQuoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:35
StatusQuo  w32codecs: Depends: libstdc++5 (>= 1:3.3.4-1) but it is not installable01:35
murphygkitche: the xorg.conf file does have "Driver "nvidia" "   however nvidia-settings complains that the NVIDIA X driver isn't loaded....01:35
PovAddic1|box|: Vista is Windows ME 2.001:35
autumnxi am having trouble using fdisk01:35
StatusQuoany ideas?01:35
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: yes01:35
JohnKarahalisHello everybody01:35
etankApeezee: it will finally install but i can not get to a login screen01:35
Apeezeeetank: hmm....  I get to the point where it is downloading packages, but then gives me an error01:35
haruPovAddic1, lol01:35
LifeisfunnyAZimm, new problem, I got my dl from MIT Media Lab and they aren't letting me on the mirror site  :\01:35
Apeezeeetank: well, ur frther than i am :P01:35
autumnxi am having trouble using fdisk on linux01:35
haruwhere are the lock files for firefox please???? :(01:35
JohnKarahalisis anybody in this room a developer?01:35
ademancrap this is driving me insane, nothing is working in the gutsy liveCD, and i checked the cd for errors and all is good01:35
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: I have two lines in the beginning of my xorg.conf: Load "glx" and Load "v4l"01:36
AZimmLifeisfunny: Try one of the other servers; they should have the same md501:36
etankApeezee: you should be able to install with no network straight from the CD01:36
vocxharu, what are lock files?01:36
ademanJohnKarahalis: in what sense? i program stuff, not for ubuntu though01:36
vocx!patience > haru01:36
|box|ademan:  did you burn the live cd as an iso?01:36
etankApeezee: so packages shouldn't need to be downloaded01:36
Apeezeeetank: eck, that means download from torrent. :P01:36
AronRaavHexis it just me or is the fonts on web pages in ubuntu weird/ugly looking, i've tried both opera and firefox but the fonts just don't look as good as in windows or os x, especially s's and w's01:36
LifeisfunnyAZimm, ok, kinda new at this01:36
haruvocx, these are the files that dont let u run another session of firefox on same profile01:36
autumnxi am having trouble using fdisk on linux01:36
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: what happens if you launch glxgears? a crash?01:36
Apeezeeetank: i have CDs supposedly on the way in the mail sometime01:36
JohnKarahaliswell, does anybody here work for canonical as a developer? I'm looking to interview a Canonical developer for a school project.01:36
PAStheLoD|Flood|,  the release contains a bunch of updates to a lots of components .. and the GUI is just a tiny bit of that..01:36
haruso now when i try to run ff it says its already running01:36
Apeezeebut my patience is not that strong01:36
ademan|box|: of course, i mean, it booted too, but when i try to run certain apps i get either a "Bus error" or an "input/output error"01:36
harupaitience suxx01:36
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: I believe so, but let me do it again hold on01:36
etankApeezee: i mean that if you have the CD you should be able to install from it without a network01:36
IcemanV9AronRaavHex: install m$ fonts then01:36
autumnxi am having trouble using fdisk on linux01:37
StatusQuoany ideas what's causing this:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:01:37
StatusQuo  w32codecs: Depends: libstdc++5 (>= 1:3.3.4-1) but it is not installable01:37
Apeezeeetank: I dont have cd, i am updating from w/in fiesty01:37
|Flood|PAStheLoD ok... hopefully i have connectivity to d/l them01:37
haruvocx, if i had paitience i would prolly wait for vista updates01:37
vocx!error > autumnx01:37
ademanJohnKarahalis: #ubuntu-devel01:37
AZimmLifeisfunny: That's alright; find anything?01:37
|box|ademan:  i burned as an iso with brn4free  and it worked a treat01:37
cousin_luigiautumnx: then use gparted instead01:37
`m0wo00t .. I am still updating ubuntu... And many stuff failed01:37
tbussharu: when that happens to me in FF i use htop to kill the process01:37
etankApeezee: i see01:37
JohnKarahalisademan: I'm in there, and no one is responding :(01:37
Apeezee`mo: yea, me201:37
Co2|Hello, I just downloaded ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso from bittorent, burnt it on a cd and tried to boot from the cd without success. Is there a known problem about it ?01:37
|Flood|PAStheLoD i'm about to find out... the install is going through its first reboot01:37
ademanJohnKarahalis: ah, well just be patient01:37
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: 2 errors: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". and Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual01:37
LifeisfunnyAZimm, yeah, it checks out01:37
JohnKarahalisyes yes, thanks01:37
etankApeezee: it aint much better with the CD though01:37
harutbuss, that happens cos older session of firefox has issued a lock01:37
Apeezeeetank: I had a weird feeling about upgrading...01:38
harutbuss, sadly i cant kill ff as its not running at all01:38
AronRaavHexIcemanV9, i've installed msttcorefonts and set firefox to use times new roman but it still don't look good, can anyone confirm that s and w's looks awful?01:38
|box|the more i play the more i wanna learn i think this linux is gonna be more addictive than ebay :)01:38
`m0"The upgrade aborts now, your system could be in an un an unusable state"01:38
canerive installed nvidia-glx and started using berly (with gutsy) but i have a problem that it blink once a few second which is really annoying. anyone had the same problem here?01:38
IcemanV9Co2|: md5sum your recently iso to be sure ...01:38
LifeisfunnyAZimm, I got the one that begins  d2334dbba...   and it's good01:38
harutbuss, in my case i copied over my old profile directly hence copyin the lock files01:38
`m0I wish I just clean installled ...01:38
Apeezee`mo: i got that too01:38
Apeezeelast night01:38
etankApeezee: i never upgrade01:38
ademank i'm gonna re-burn the live cd and see if i have any better luck01:38
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: I don't know..happened to me in the past01:38
AZimmLifeisfunny - Sweet01:38
Co2|IcemanV9: Good idea, I'll do that right now01:38
rbrtwwhen I enable Desktop Effects the font size of the Window title becomes really big01:38
punzadahas anyone installed gusty in virtualbox, I get a kernel panic cpu is too old as soon as I load the server edition01:38
etankApeezee: it always seems to cause problems01:38
Apeezeeetank: yea, usually better to clean install01:38
IcemanV9AronRaavHex: really? hm. it looks fine on mine01:38
Apeezeeetank: but i hate backing up all my crap01:38
|box|ademan:  burn as an iso01:38
vocxharu, well you may take a look at your hidden folders in your home directory, maybe .mozilla or .firefox01:38
tatortotis there any body who can help me with a usb grub install, I get a black screen with only the word grub01:38
`m0This is bogus , they should of made it as easy as Service Pack installs in Windows :/01:38
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: I think removing the driver and reistalling it fixed the issue, but I'm not sure01:39
rgallegohow do I activate the cube on ubuntu 7.1001:39
haruvocx, did :) cant find it01:39
Apeezee`mo: Never say that again. :P01:39
etankApeezee: i know how you feel01:39
`m0I am getting hte SAME error as before01:39
Lifeisfunnynight folks01:39
AronRaavHexIcemanV9, what fonts are you using, and are you using firefox?01:39
flick`m0: made what as easy?01:39
kyleBAKEDwhat is the best way to go about getting xfce working on ubuntu?01:39
demon_sporkhow much HDD space would be required to make a new mirror for the gutsy repositories?01:39
kyleBAKEDrepo or compiling01:39
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:39
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: so I apt-get remove nvidia-glx-new, restart X and then apt-get install it again?01:39
AZimmAnyone know anything about Xorg problems with Gutsy?01:39
`m0It is aasking me to install  sun-java6-doc , I don't know why... It is always failing101:39
ubotuLunks: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:39
vocx!desktop > kyleBAKED01:39
|box|fire fox runs faster in linux than on me  xp lol ffs01:39
ubotukst it's probably the same as in feisty most likely: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager01:39
CryoniqBlama: Looking around about that error message, but no luck yet.. but.. hmm.. is it by any chance plugged into a USB hub? If it is, try test another usb port. Maybe no luck, but can't hurt to try.01:39
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:40
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: disable it from restricted driver manager before01:40
haru|box|, ff is compiled better for nix01:40
`m0nice update messed up01:40
dvoid_hey , whats that program called, that gives you a graphical view of all current connections on the network?01:40
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: and have it install it next time01:40
`m0That means, if we install Ubuntu, we have to reinstall ubuntu every 6 months01:40
Picidvoid_: etherape01:40
Blamacryoniq: very detailed post here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58037201:40
flicki don't know, as a first hand user i am pretty impressed with ubuntu... seems to be working quite well so far for me, things are very intuitive01:40
haruvocx, lol ubotu asked me to look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines for paitience, if only i could do that :P01:40
PAStheLoD`m0 lol :D01:40
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: so, 1) disable from restricted drivers, 2) restart X, 3) apt-get remove, 4) apt-get install <-Is this correct?01:40
|box|ok do i need a firewall  or is me firmware firewall  good enough?01:40
dvoid_Pici, aaah tanx :D01:40
CryoniqBlama: nice :)01:40
`m0cause you have to be lucky to be in the case which it works if updating is successfull01:40
demon_sporkhow much HDD space would be required to make a new mirror for the gutsy repositories?01:41
kstubotu kitche but how does it work in gutsy: does it check for aiglx first, if not available uses xgl?01:41
Apeezee`mo: Just cause it isn't working right now, doesen't mean it is a software issues01:41
* haru cries01:41
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: oh and f course, step 5: enable it on restricted drivers again01:41
rbrtwanyone know why the font size of the window title is really big when I enable Desktop Effects?01:41
Apeezee`m0: there are probally about 1.6 gazillion people tryin gto upgrade right now01:41
rgallegoanyone could tell me how to activate the cube on gutsy?01:41
rbrtwall other font sizes are fine01:41
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: try to reboot instead of ctrl-alt-backspace01:41
haruanyone knows where are the lock files for firefox please?01:41
H264demon_spork: ~30 gigs01:41
cousin_luigiZaphodBeeblebrox: it doesn't make much sense though01:41
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin ok, be right back01:41
demon_sporkH246, how would one go about making a mirror and adding it to the current network of mirrors?01:41
the_darkside_986ok... i cannot get X-server to work at all in the livecd and my card is Nvidia 7300 GS pci-express. i tried altering xorg.conf to use "nv" and "vesa" but neither of those will work. the (EE) is something about AIGLX: Dri not supported on screen 0. does anyone know what the correct workaround is for this. (i've tried booting both default and failsafe modes)01:42
cdm10So, I'm installing 7.10 from a CD, and it's stuck at the "Scanning the Mirror" step, probably because most of the mirrors are down. There used to be a cancel thingy, but now it's not there.01:42
MarcNharu:  look in ~/.firefox/01:42
`m0Apeezee: according to the forums, 90% of them are formatting it01:42
Jonfishdoes fglrx come with gutsy automatically??01:42
cdm10Is it ever going to time out?01:42
`m0Apeezee: cause many of them didn't go well in the past01:42
Alp`did anyone try rainlendar 2 in gutsy? i got this error when starting it:01:42
canerhow can i change the flash plugin for firefox. ive selected it as gnash (64bit) but it is really bad. i couldnt find a way to remove it and use adobe's one.01:42
haruMarcN, u mean .mozilla/firefox?? not there01:42
Alp`rainlendar2: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:42
|box|kitche beeb support linux player? tried  listening to a backdated show on radio 1 and it says i need a plugin01:42
Apeezee`m0: eck01:42
demon_sporkcdm10, they aren't down, they are just really, really slow01:42
aguitelanyone use REALTEK chipset rtl8180l ?01:42
etankno help01:42
newbie1libasound_module_ctl_pulse.so: No such file or directory01:42
demon_sporkcdm10, just wait 15 to 20 minutes01:42
cdm10demon_spork: yeah, but it would be nice to be able to skip this step, like previous versions could.01:42
kitche|box|: beeb?01:42
rgallegoanyone could tell me how to activate the cube on gutsy?01:42
cdm10!repeat | rgallego01:43
uboturgallego: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:43
newbie1trying to run alsamixer01:43
vocxthe_darkside_986, maybe you could avoid loading aiglx and glx modules in the xorg.conf, in the load section.01:43
CryoniqBlama: Weird problem.. tried look at compaq forums?01:43
Pici|box|: no.  no mac plugin, no linux plugin.01:43
cdm10Jonfish: it'll install it if you go to System>Administration>Restricted Drivers Manager. Oh, and one ? is enough.01:43
`m0Wo000t, Screen and Graphics wont start :D:01:43
openbysourceguys i am installing gutsy via the live cd (gnome) and it has stalled at scanning mirrors ... (82 %) what should i do ? it has been long since it is stucked there.01:43
kitche|box|: it's not out fully but I know they have a linux /mac plugin, and Pici yes they do have a linux plugin01:43
heatfanHi everyone01:43
|box|pici so i need to download realplayer then01:43
dan_how would i go about installing the nvidia driver for gutsy?01:43
Apeezeeopenbysource: A lot of people are having issues with updating now, including me01:43
mike05for the mirrors problem01:43
cdm10dan_: System>Administration>Restricted Drivers Manager01:43
mike05i had to unplug the network cable01:43
punzadaopenbysource, mine was stuck there for around 20 mins and then it continued01:43
rbrtwrg: install compiz settings manager, System -> Preferences -> Advanced Desktop Effects, check Desktop Cube and Rotate Cube01:43
Pici|box|: sorry, listen to kitche , I apparently dont know what I'm talking about01:44
punzadagive it time, servers are being hammered01:44
mike05install it then plug in thecable01:44
kstcan someone help me how to install ATI proprietary drivers from the ati website on gutsy when fglrx drivers are already running? what do i need to uninstall if any?01:44
H264demon_spork: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/mirror01:44
openbysourcepunzada: oh okay.01:44
newbie1hi guys do you know how i can resolve the error libasound_module_ctl_pulse.so: No such file or directory01:44
b33rHello when I do sudo lshw -C cpu, the cpu size is 1998MHz although I have intel core 2 duo E6750 2.66GHz, is this normal? :/01:44
autumnxok i am on gparted how do i remove partitions?01:44
Picikitche: Whats the thing about bbc's plugin lock-in to windows that I've been reading about?01:44
tbussharu: The application may have shut down abnormally, leaving the lock in place. To fix this, open the  profile folder and delete the file Profile folders are contained in ~/.mozilla/firefox/ "lock" and ".parentlock"01:44
Blamacryoniq, yeah, no luck... ill just leave the post there to rot for a little see what someone says01:44
cdm10why won't it timeout, and why have they removed the cancel button at this step?01:44
taime1is the installation of the broadcom wireless cards the same as it was in feisty??01:44
v3ctorb33r: may have scaled down01:44
cdm10taime1: should be, yes.01:44
v3ctorb33r: they do tht when not fully used01:44
cdm10taime1: unless restricted drivers manager handles it now.01:44
cdm10taime1: you may want to check that.01:44
taime1i see01:44
autumnxi am on gparted, how do i remove partitions?01:45
kitchePici: people made bbc support all three platforms but doesn't seem to be until christmas when it fully comes out sicne I did a search for bbc linux iplayer and found bunch of links for it01:45
the_darkside_986is there a way to make gutsy try to start a Normal x server not this odd one that won't work...? failsafe mode does not seem to do that...01:45
b33rv3ctor, are you sure?01:45
Picikitche: ah :)01:45
|box|Pici:  is the iplayer just tied into   xp will they be releasing mac and linux players?01:45
b33rv3ctor, is there a way to check my cpu speed?01:45
heatfani am having problems connecting to my wireless internet, if i boot with the CD i can log on to my wireless internet, but if i boot with hard drive i can't connect, can anyone help?01:45
harutbuss, so apparantly my session isnt locked01:45
Pici|box|: ask kitche, he seems to be better informed than I01:45
autumnxi am on gparted, how do i remove partitions?01:45
haruand yet my ff went kapuy01:45
demon_sporkafter installling Gutsy, it stalls each boot after running fsck01:45
kitchePici: it's going to be in flash but right now it's only windows media format01:45
autumnxi am on gparted, how do i remove partitions?01:45
kitche|box|: look up bbc linux iplayer and it should fill you in01:46
flickhi, i just restarted with NVidia restricted driver, it is working fine but doesn't allow me to go beyond 1024x76801:46
the_darkside_986how are you nvidia people successfully making the livecd show a desktop and not a blank screen?01:46
vocx!repeat > autumnx01:46
C-ROCDo I need to remove "NeroLinux" or "Google Desktop" before I upgrade to Gutsy?01:46
flickhow can i edit the configurations to get higher resolutions?01:46
openbysourcei hope after the installation is finished it will not get stucked with downloading the restricted format stuff (as it's not part of ubuntu) ?01:46
tbussharu: ?01:46
demon_sporkthe_darkside_986, which card do you have?01:46
cdm10C-ROC: You probably should01:46
harutbuss, apparantly ls -la doesnt list .parentlock.. just deleted it works fine now01:46
harutbuss, thanks a lot01:46
|box|ewwww F just crashed01:46
Apeezeeopenbysource: just be happy if it installs and works :)01:46
C-ROCi was just hoping not to have to re-index nearly 2TB :P01:46
trprso my upgrade completed. X was extremely sluggish. I discovered xserver-xgl was being used for some reason.. removed it. all is well :)01:46
tbussharu: np01:46
|box|ewww FF just died :(01:47
openbysourceApeezee: yeah while we talk here it has just finished.01:47
`m0I rebooted my updated gutsy, and now I don't see the user listing when loggin on01:47
CoasterMasterso it's relatively normal that I can't connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com today, right?01:47
emeristeHow can I check if I am running a firewall?01:47
ApeezeeMy update manager is apparently knee-deep in mud and is currently spinning it's wheels01:47
kitcheCoasterMaster: yes read the /topic01:47
openbysourceApeezee: but it didn't said anything like it's finished or something like that. it just finished and got closed. had made some drive icons on the desktop though.01:47
Apeezeecoaster: prolly :)01:47
vocxautumnx, GParted is easy to use. Just select delete or erase partition and create a new one in the unallocated space. You need to run from the Live CD or make sure your partitions are not mounted when attempting to to changes.01:47
CoasterMasterkitche, thanks01:47
Apeezeeopenbysource: reboot, see wha happens :P01:48
demon_sporkthe_darkside_986: which card do you have?01:48
autumnxok thanks01:48
openbysourceApeezee: okay.01:48
|box|is it normally this busy ?01:48
emeristeIs there a way to check if I am running a firewall?01:48
bashveankare you running ubuntu?01:48
bashveankthan yes you are01:48
emeristeHow can I know that01:48
heatfani am having problems connecting to my wireless internet, if i boot with the CD i can log on to my wireless internet, but if i boot with hard drive i can't connect, can anyone help?01:48
PAStheLoDemeriste, yes  a lots of online security checks are for that01:48
emeristeLike what?01:48
Pici!firewall | emeriste01:49
ubotuemeriste: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:49
emeristeI thought there would be a way to look at something and see if it's on.01:49
nrdbI have put in an applet that monitors eth0, it is always showing activity, does a NFS mount use bandwidth even when not being accessed.01:49
emeristePici - so it's available but does that mean it's on?01:49
Piciemeriste: no, it means its on, but configurable only with those tools01:49
|box|OI ffs i can pull off media files from me Xp hdd holly molly im impressed01:49
vocxemeriste, ask your real question. Why do you want to know if you are behind a firewall?01:49
`m0Ah nooo, not again... when I updated 7.04 to 7.10, it is hanging up on ALL apt-get commands, it is thinking I have something to install, it always points to jdk-6-doc installation01:50
nbjaymei have two nics one onboard via_rhine and one realtek8139c.  the kernel recognized it and assigned it as eth1 and eth0 respectively.  but network manager shows only eth0 and eth2????? where did eth1 go?01:50
the_darkside_986demon_spork: i have the nvidia 7300 GS card on pci-express01:50
kitcheemeriste: iptables -L should give you a rulle set if you do have one in place01:50
harutbuss, ok i deleted .parentlock and theres no lockfile.. and yet it doesnt run :(01:50
tbussemeriste: http://www.hackerwatch.org/probe/01:50
emeristeI want to know if installing pidentd will put my privacy more at risk on IRC01:50
harutbuss, isnt copying over a profile folder supposed to work?01:50
demon_sporkthe_darkside_986, when you boot the liveCD, try hitting "alt+ctrl+backspace" after it finishes booting and just displays the blank screen01:50
kitcheemeriste: there is no such thing as privacy anymore on irc :)01:50
Veinornot if you configure it right01:51
the_darkside_986demon_spork: i have done that and it just comes back up. the gnome music plays but there is still a blank screen.01:51
emeristeThat's why I said "more at risk"01:51
tbussharu: sorry but I have to run, this might help though http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_in_use01:51
|box|is my firmware firewall  acting as a proxy?01:51
kitcheemeriste: with it and without it it won't matter anyways01:51
demon_sporkthe_darkside_986, don't know what else to do01:51
the_darkside_986demon_spork: i have managed to be able to kill gdm and edit an xorg.conf file but nothing seems to make the blank screen and AIGLX error quit01:51
harutbuss, cant open browser :P01:51
MarcN|box|: doubtful.01:51
`m0It is saving in thte /var/lib/dpkg/info/ directory all the failed installtions :S01:52
tbussharu: right :P01:52
Chojiubuntu 7.10 is taking a while to upgrade01:52
kitchethe_darkside_986: the blank screen is most likely a bug with the nvidia binary drivers just don't use them or upgrade them manually01:52
jkimball4Does #ubuntu+1 redirect to #ubuntu, currently?01:52
demon_sporkthe_darkside_986, I got it working on my 8800GTS and on my GF4 MX440, don't know what to do for your 730001:52
Apeezeewth, it keeps getting to 99% of the multiverse source file, then says failed in the update manager01:52
tbussharu: ok, hold on01:52
kitchejkimball4: probably01:52
`m0So I have to remove each installtion that has a postinst extension01:52
harutbuss, thanks :D01:52
vocxthe_darkside_986, are you sure that is the only error? Search for other errors in the X logs.01:52
Madpilotjkimball4, yes. Until the next version is started, in two-three weeks01:52
the_darkside_986demon_spork: did you do anything special or it just booted up fine? and yes that is the only error i could find in the file.01:52
|box|then my pc isnt at all protected just went to http://www.hackerwatch.org/probe and they  bent me over and   could get what ever they needed01:52
tbussharu: try starting in from cli for error messages?01:52
localgod11ok i have 2 gig of ram so i have been told that i can should limit my swap file to 1 gb01:52
OldakQuillHi, my Update Manager freezes whenever I try to upgrade to 7.1001:53
Chojio ya01:53
Chojitheres a lot of people01:53
localgod11any truth to that?01:53
Chojidownloading it01:53
harutbuss, none.. jsut says ff already running01:53
demon_sporkI can't get gutsy to stop running fsck and trying to fix "superblock last mount time is in the future." every single time, like it never actually fixes it, just says that it does01:53
kitche|box|: by the way using an online scan is a very bad security practice :) sicne they tend to log ips and the scans01:53
tbussharu: do you have htop installed?01:53
demon_sporkand it also freezes after trying to do that01:53
harutbuss, yes01:53
kitchedemon_spork: means your system time is setup wrong01:53
|box|need a good firewall  any sug?01:53
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62".01:53
Chojiwhats your guys download rate for ubuntu upgrade01:53
kitche|box|: iptables01:54
vocxlocalgod11, swap is used as additional RAM. If you have plenty you do not need more than 1 GB swap. But if you want to hibernate all your RAM then you need as much swap as you have RAM.01:54
the_darkside_986does the binary nvidia driver ship with the gutsy live cd? how would i tell xorg.conf to use that one?01:54
kitcheChoji: read the /topic01:54
MarcN|box|: get a cheap little linksys or other firewall/router device.01:54
demon_sporkkitche, yeah, but when that has happened before it just fixed it and goes on with the boot, but gutsy just stops after running fsck and sits there01:54
localgod11so so 2gb swap01:54
ApeezeeChoji: mine is all FUBAR'd...  It gets to 99% on files then fails them, its funy.01:54
heatfani am having problems connecting to my wireless internet, if i boot with the CD i can log on to my wireless Internet, but if i boot with hard drive i can't connect, can anyone help?01:54
SpudDoggis there some kind of "main" log file somewhere?01:54
tbussharu: doesnt show user/lin/firefox/firefox-bin ?01:54
harutbuss, nope01:54
localgod11ok then i want to put my home directory on another parition how much should i leave for everything else?01:54
|box|ive got a netgear router lying about on the floor  i could rig my cable modem through the router thinking about it01:54
MarcNSpudDogg: See /var/log/ for a bunch of different log files.01:54
naurdSpuddDog : Look in /var/log/message01:55
nrdbthe_darkside_986: you could look in the xorg.conf and see what it says its using.01:55
MarcNSpudDogg: /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog and /var/log/daemon.log are usefu.01:55
trprChoji: mine went at 160kB/s .. i changed my repos to a local mirror though before i began01:55
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62".01:55
SpudDoggMarcN, thanks01:55
demon_spork|box|, I have a netgear router lying on the floor that I use as a footwarmer when it gets cold01:55
vocxlocalgod11, minimum install is 4 GB, but if you are going to install other things, then I suggest 15 or 20 GB.01:55
fatgutsyanyone else here use xchat-gnome on gutsy and noticed that the menu & program icons do not appear?01:55
Chojiim doing from update manager01:55
extrakickto get dual screens working agin do i have to edit xorg agin for 7.1001:55
localgod11i only have 12gb to play with01:55
the_darkside_986nrdb: well i can't get to that if i boot into default mode but i can see that it uses vesa when i use failsafe graphics, which allow me to use Ctrl+Alt+F# to get to different ttys01:55
ApeezeeChoji: just be happy if it works, a lot of people are having issues with the update01:55
|box|demon_spork:  ? meaning01:55
PAStheLoDfatgutsy, yeah .. but that's OK for me :]01:56
Chojii am happy01:56
demon_spork|box|, it was just small talk01:56
newbie1ALSA lib control.c  snd_ctl_open_conf PLEASE HELP01:56
maxoI just upgraded to gutsy, but now the fonts in firefox are a little odd. how do I fix this problem?01:56
naurdBlama : Check the driver loader for your USB ports... EHCI or OHCI, I had this problem with some other device and I had to blacklist one of them01:56
|box|brb gonna  shotgun me cable modem through me asdl router01:56
MarcNBlama: unsupported/strange keyboard? I use a usb keyboard and mouse at work no problem01:56
harutbuss, i opened the link in another system.. i think mines the latter cause seeing that i copied over my old profile folder01:56
fatgutsyPAStheLoD, yeah minor issue, i'll file a low priority bug report if there is not one already.. cheers01:56
PAStheLoDfatgutsy, and in the submenus there are icons01:56
ApeezeeI keep getting "bzip2:  (stdin) is not a bzip2 file." in the terminal window when update manager is getting files, any thoughts?01:56
tekhawksome ubuntu related topics are getting a lot of comments on dellideastorm.com right now we have dell talking to us for once lol01:56
the_darkside_986i think i will go mess around again trying to fix this unsolvable issue. i hate all graphics card manufacturers at this point in time.01:57
newbie1ALSA lib control.c:874:(snd_ctl_open_conf) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_ctl_pulse.so01:57
kbreitHow can I debug why Compiz won't start?01:57
tbussharu: yeah, but there is min support for linux issues on that link, sorry01:57
flickhow can i customize compiz?01:57
nrdbthe_darkside_986: can't you use ctrl+alt+f1 when in default mode ?01:57
newbie1could you guide me to what i need to do ALSA lib control.c:874:(snd_ctl_open_conf) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_ctl_pulse.so01:57
harutbuss, np.. thanks a lot01:57
kitchekbreit: did you start fusion-icon?01:57
pplsfaggotry; 100gb mp3s formated:(01:57
kitcheflick: with ccsm if it's installed01:57
PAStheLoDflick, system -> settings -> desktop effects01:58
shinynew_I cant seem to run anything error i get: ImportError: /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.so: undefined symbol: g_timeout_add_seconds_full01:58
kbreitkitche: How do I do that?01:58
the_darkside_986nrdb: the ctrl+alt+f# results in a freezup when trying to use that in default mode.01:58
tbussharu: ok, i know how you feel wish I could have been of more help........Later01:58
kitchekbreit: fusion-icon in the terminal01:58
shinynew_and when i try to upgrade with apt get01:58
ApeezeeWell, imma try n restart, wish me luck, peace out01:58
=== D[a]rkH[a]ck is now known as DarkHack
the_darkside_986either freeze or blinking cursor that allows no input01:58
fatgutsyflick, you can 'apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager' you will get some more options to play with01:58
bashveankflick: apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager01:58
harutbuss, u did help.. the link u sent asks to edit profile.ini .. done tat.. all good now01:58
kbreitkitche: Isn't installed01:58
shinynew_ubuntu-desktop and friends refuse to configure01:58
flickPAStheLoD: there seems to be no settings in System01:58
jimmygoonIs it possible to disable compiz-rendering on one window?01:58
heatfani am having problems connecting to my wireless internet, if i boot with the CD i can log on to my wireless Internet, but if i boot with hard drive i can't connect, can anyone help?01:58
kitchekbreit: hmm kinda funny since thats the official way to start compiz-fusion01:59
emeristeAre ubuntus servers down?01:59
DrUnKnMuNkYI'm also having trouble with my wireless01:59
PAStheLoDflick, options or something apart from Administration ?01:59
kitcheemeriste: no read the topic01:59
Think_DifferentlMirrors seem to be working flawlessly.01:59
naurdemeriste: Probably overloaded...01:59
DrUnKnMuNkYIntel 2200BG i thought should be supported out of the box.. using kubuntu 7.1001:59
PovAddictI just tried the livecd01:59
nrdbthe_darkside_986: oh, don't know then.01:59
newbie1anyone know why libasound_module_ctl_pulse.so would be missing?01:59
PovAddictcan't get network01:59
flickPAStheLoD: System -> Preferences -> Appearance is not comprehensive...01:59
fatgutsyflick, you can 'apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager' you will get some more options to play with02:00
vocxheatfan, of course you need to mention which wireless device it is.02:00
PovAddictso... I need help, but I can't test things while you tell me02:00
flickfatgutsy: ok thanks!02:00
demon_sporkanyone who is having trouble downloading packages at a good speed, if you use an UK mirror, they are not overloaded and thus go way faster than the US mirrors02:00
fatgutsyflick, np02:00
Sivikthe us mirrors are always slow02:00
kbreitkitche: What package is fusion-icon in and what is the path to it?02:00
the_darkside_986nrdb: this is so depressing. there is no graphics card vendor to turn to for reliable, functional, open source 3d drivers. they all hate me and want my money :(02:00
PovAddictcan anybody help me get network working?02:01
kitchekbreit: don't try looking for it in synaptic02:01
PovAddictI have a router, here on WinXP I have it set to static IP but DHCP works as well02:01
PAStheLoDflick, desktop effects , not appearance .. If you don't have desktop effects then use synaptic to get compiz packages02:01
Charlottepov.. wht is ur problem02:01
PovAddicttried both from ubuntu live and none worked02:01
vocxthe_darkside_986, I would still prefer nVidia or ATI over VIA. I guess you are out of luck.02:01
kbreitkitche: So how do I know if I have it?02:01
PovAddictI can't even ping the router IP "No route to host"02:01
Charlottewhat is ur card02:02
vocx!enter > PovAddict02:02
iobeliskhi, i am currently reinstalling ubuntu on my computer and was about partition my drive and thought i could use some help02:02
kitchekbreit: by running fusion-icon really it goes into your menu if you have it02:02
bashveankiobelisk: you need help using gparted?02:02
DrUnKnMuNkYhas anyone else been having problems with wireless?02:02
Charlottepocaddict what is ur card02:02
demon_sporkwhy does nvidia-settings require nvidia-glx-new to be removed?02:02
bulmerPovAddict: can you convert to linux?02:02
kbreitkitche: I don't see it at all.02:02
nrdbthe_darkside_986: I am still downloading (very slow), but with fiesty I needed to install the nv package, and it then changed the xorg.conf to use itself.02:02
PovAddictCharlotte: network card? I dunno, it's built-in02:02
Charlottewhat is the chipset02:03
kitchedemon_spork: no clue it might pull in nvidia-glx or something?02:03
iobeliski have been using gutsy beta for the past few days, dual booting with windows xp, but now want to reinstall ubuntu using the whole disk. when i ask the installer to use the entire disk to install, it does not allow me to create different partitions for home and /02:03
jazzcan anyone help me make an ext drive writable02:03
Charlotterun lspci02:03
jazzi cant seem to find out how02:03
PovAddictbah stupid windows doesnt let me select and copy/paste name02:03
jazzi just got another hdd02:03
jcapotehow can you make the 7.10 installer pick up raid partitions02:03
Separdoes anybody use the kiba dock here?02:03
kitcheiobelisk: you have to do it manually instead02:03
PAStheLoDjcapote,  dmraid02:03
jazzand formatted it ext302:03
PovAddictRealtek RTL8138/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC02:03
iobeliskdo i have to use the manual partitioning method?02:03
jcapotePAStheLoD: would i need to get the alternative install cd02:03
demon_sporkkitche, it doesn't pull in anything new, it just removes nvidia-glx-new02:04
PAStheLoDjcapote, sudo apt-get install dmraid .. then mount /dev/mapper/whatever_youhave[number] ..02:04
broke_dow1i'm broke down02:04
vocx!enter > jazz02:04
maxoI just upgraded to gutsy, but now the fonts in firefox look a little odd. how do I fix this problem?02:04
iobeliskso i select each partition manually, determine mount point for each partition?02:04
nrdbjcapote: I think (not sure) you need to use tha alternate cd.02:04
jcapotePAStheLoD: i can do this from the livecd02:04
Charlottewell if u want to install and use ubuntu yes02:04
whtai accidentally delteed displayconfig-gtk.. reinstalled it and reconfigured the x server, but now everything lags REALLY bad (with compiz). i have an ati card, didn't do this before.  what could be the problem?02:04
naurdPovAddict : This is your wireless card?02:04
demon_sporkI would really like to have nvidia-settings but I can't seem to get it because I have to use nvidia-glx-new02:04
jcapotePAStheLoD: im on the default livecd now02:04
Charlottebut if u just want to "take a pic"02:04
PovAddictI dont have wireless02:04
Charlotterelax and play gnome games02:04
PAStheLoDjcapote, I don't know what this alternative CD thing is .. but yeah you can do stuff from the live cd ..02:04
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noxinhow do i run an order in gvim?02:04
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jcapotePAStheLoD: the alternate cd is the one i installed it with because it has raid support02:05
naurdPovAddict : This card is working out of the box on my Averatec02:05
PovAddictnoxin: ":help", lots to learn02:05
PovAddictg2g dinner02:05
|box|ok ill bite whats iptables and is  it accesable through terminal?02:05
PAStheLoDjcapote, hm, then that should work if you're luck .. a guy about half an hour ago was here sucking with the alternative cd and his VIA raid..02:05
PovAddict|box|: firewall, and yes02:05
vocx|box|, obviously ...02:06
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jcapoteit works awesome in fiesty02:06
iobeliskwhat about the little partition that has the manufacturer BIOS? if i amusing the whole disk for ubuntu, is it okay to delete that partition?02:06
|box|vocx:  thans ill have more n00b q later02:06
kbreitYeah, the 3d window manager isn't being loaded02:06
jcapoteyea i need the alternate cd02:06
MarcN|box|: firewall software for linux.  See 'man iptable'02:06
kitcheiobelisk: if you make has the bios on the hard drive you don't want to delete that partition or else you would have to reinstall the bios02:07
DrUnKnMuNkYanyone have any idea with any wireless problems (intel 2200bg)?02:07
kitcheiobelisk: unless you mean the backup partition02:07
bashveankWhat's a good Linux irc client? I'm using pidgin right now.02:07
vocxkitche, is there such thing? BIOS on hard drive?02:07
kitchebashveank: xchat irssi bitchX epic02:07
SpudDogganyone know what the error "Could not resolve mount point /mnt/Movies" could mean?  the directory is good, i just created it02:07
PAStheLoDbashveank, xchat ..02:07
kitchevocx: yes compaq did it for a long time before HP bought them02:07
dgrhi all, anyone have any idea how i can go about virtualizing windows xp on to ubuntu ??? any help apreciated02:07
pAfter I plug my pendrive, gnome print a message: "Can't mount the volume. Invalid mount option". I use fat32 filesystem on the removable device. What should be happening?02:07
SpudDoggdgr, vmware02:07
bashveankIs Pidgin inferior to those in some way?02:08
techjimanyone understand why my toshiba laptop won't standby for the second time when I shut the lid?02:08
iobeliskwell it is a 3 gb partition. i am not sure if it has the bios installed there. i thought usually the bios is installed on the motherboard itself?02:08
kitchebashveank: pidgin is not really meant for a irc client02:08
MarcNkitche: HP doesn't do that anymore though02:08
|box|ok save me asking n00b question about iptables ill google it02:08
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dgrspuddogg how do i get that? add/remove apps?02:08
iobeliskit did come prepartitioned that way from the manufacturer though02:08
whtai'm getting severe lag with an ati card after reconfiguring x02:08
kitcheMarcN: correct like I stated02:08
kitcheiobelisk: it's probably a backup partition02:08
SpudDoggdgr, your best bet is to go to the vmware site and follow the ubuntu instructions02:08
dgrspuddogg thx02:09
bashveankkitche:But how is Pidgin inferior to a "real" irc client?02:09
eugowhen browsing folders on a windows partition in linux, special characters are displayed incorrectly (like this: "H\303\241k", not "Hák") how do i fix this?02:09
SpudDoggdgr, i had issues installing vmware via apt-get on gutsy's beta versions, don't know if it got fixed02:09
kitchebashveank: it doesn't support some commands but it's ok I guess02:09
joshjoshi have to ask: What's the difference between the 3.4 gig DVD iso and the 700mb desktop iso?02:09
vocxiobelisk, still, tell us the brand of the PC.02:09
ebirtaideugo:  in a terminal or nautilus?02:09
|box|sudo iptables -L -v ? then create mmy own?02:09
iobeliskdo you think i should just let it for now? i could format it later once ive researched what exactly is in the partition. would it be possible to format this partition later and actually have it merge to my home partition?02:10
kitchejoshjosh: more software packages on the cd probably02:10
Jupp2drg, I recommend VirtualBox, is much better than vmware02:10
drama1981dvd has more packages on it.02:10
Jupp2drg, pm and I can help you02:10
crshmanhi all, my ubuntu install keeps swapping the drive device codes after rebooting.....and my raid5 trips out and dies....any idea why?02:10
joshjoshInstalled automatically or just to use the DVD as a repo?02:10
bashveankjoshjosh: repo02:10
RB2SpudDogg: I had a dependency error when trying to install vmware from the repository. I went back yesterday and it was completely removed.02:10
crshmanfor example /dev/sda would become /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb would become /dev/sdc it's wierd02:11
ebirtaideugo: does your terminal emulator support unicode?02:11
drama1981the extra packages dont get installoed. but if you choose to install something that is on the dvd it will pull it from the dvd instead of having to d/l it02:11
joshjoshbashveank, Awesome. I already have it installed, but i might grab the DVD iso just so i can install stuff if my connection goes down02:11
iobeliskis it possible to merge an existing partition to another existing partition while formatting?02:11
drama1981the dvd doesnt have the full repo on it though. but there are quite a few packages there02:11
eugoon a windows box i run: scp -r user@bla:/mnt/whatever . and the folders in the windows dir are fucked02:12
|box|think ill download firestarter02:12
vocxiobelisk, no. You need to erase one partition and resize the other one to use the unallocated space left by the first one.02:12
eugothe char's are messed up02:12
bashveankiobelisk: you can delete one partition and make another one larger, providing they are next to eachother. For real mergin you would need to copy the data manualy02:12
ebirtaidso you're running windows?02:12
iobeliskwould resizing result in data loss?02:12
eugoyea on this box02:12
monkey_instincthow can I do the upgrade with the cd?02:12
eugothe one that holds the files is a linux02:12
eugobut the files are on a windows partition02:13
bashveankiobelisk: Not if you're making it larger02:13
dngrhi.. does the xgl stuff work on the new livecd?02:13
vocxiobelisk, the risk is always there. But normally you should have no problem.02:13
tamgoI am going to ask the question of the day. I'm sure it's been ask tens, if not hundreds of times today, so I apologize in advance. How do I upgrade from the development branch to the stable version of gutsy?02:13
ebirtaidbut you are running the commands from under linux or windows?02:13
DShepherdmonkey_instinct, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:13
techjimanyone understand why my toshiba laptop won't standby for the second time when I shut the lid?02:13
jarrod_anyone here beat gnuchess on easy?02:13
drama1981if you already installed from the 700mb cd. then want to use the dvd as a temp repo you will need to to add it as a repo. sudo apt-cdrom (i believe)02:13
ebirtaidwell then I dont know man ;p02:13
ebirtaidthats a windows problem02:13
monkey_instinctcan I do the upgrade with an ISO file?02:13
demon_sporkwhere do I get the package "emerald-themes" from gutsy?02:13
PurpZeYtechjim: There should be a setting for that in System02:13
vocxmonkey_instinct, no02:13
crshmanany ideas?02:14
kitchevocx: the bot is having a hard time tonight :P02:14
DShepherddrama1981, sudo apt-cdrom add02:14
iobeliskok great! thank you! one last question please. is BIOS usually installed on the HDD or on the motherboard itself? reason i ask is i have a manufacturer partition on my drive and im not sure whether its a back up or the BIOS02:14
eugoi did a ls /mnt/whatever and the filenames are like this: "H\303\241k", not "Hák"02:14
ebirtaidhow are you even executing ls from windows02:14
dystopianrayiobelisk: the mobo itself02:14
gnutroneugo: /etc/fstab sounds like it's mounting /mnt/Whatever without proper charset support.02:14
todkonmonkey-instinct: run sudo update-manager02:14
vocxkitche, seems so. Do you know if it has been reported already?02:14
LjLiobelisk: it's in the motherboard.02:14
kitcheeugo: its a UTF-8 encoding02:14
eugoand thats in the console, so i might start there02:14
flickwhat is the 'super' key?02:14
drama1981DShepherd yep thats it. thankx for correcting me. ive never had to use it but i knew it was something like that02:14
kitchevocx: LjL most likely knows it since he had his bot in here for a little bit02:14
dystopianrayflick: the 'windows' or 'apple' key02:14
crshmanthe windows key @ flick02:14
tamgoflick, that would be the "windows" key02:14
eugoso how do i add my lang to the encoding?02:14
tamgoI am going to ask the question of the day. I'm sure it's been ask tens, if not hundreds of times today, so I apologize in advance. How do I upgrade from the development branch to the stable version of gutsy?02:14
DrUnKnMuNkYalright well my wireless is obviously sort of working.. it's now autoconnected to a network other than mine but i can't access any sort of wireless configuration screen02:15
iobeliskcool! after a few months of dual booting now i can go say a permanent goodbye to windows!02:15
Jupp2monkey_instinct, you should be able to burn the iso and then update02:15
dystopianraytamgo: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:15
dngrdoes the xgl stuff work on the new livecd? or does one have to install to hd?02:15
CreedIs there any plugin or program to have video as wallpaper on Ubuntu? Like DreamScene for Vista...02:15
kitcheLjL: seems like it dies just like the repos tonight02:15
iobeliski sure hope cadega or somethng or the other can play NBA Live though!!02:15
eugoebirtaid might i pm u a sec02:15
GamingXwhat is the channel for support on changing from Feisty Fawn to Gutsy?02:15
princeonboard nvidia video, what xorg config should I use for it?02:15
dystopianraydngr: I don't know about xgl, but the aiglx/compiz effects work right off the livecd02:15
kitcheGamingX: this is it02:15
dngrdystopianray, how do you know if its working or not?02:16
flickthanks... it says "hold down <Control><Super> and move the mouse" to create ripples, which doesn't seem to be working somehow02:16
CryoniqWeird.. installed the xorg-glx and restarted and it puked back at me to failsafe screen and driver config. So.. ATI9800Pro+fglrx+xorg glx = forget?02:16
crshmanis there a way to statically set the device codes in /dev?02:16
|Flood|aye aye aye carramba02:16
MalachiDoes Gutsy automatically include the updated libgpod packages for the new iPod classics?02:16
GamingXoh....So, I just have to upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy...is it?02:16
dystopianraydngr: i'm not sure exactly02:16
canerwhat is the thing that makes beryl blink. it is really annoying to see the screen blink once e few times.. anyone had that problem?02:16
arun__is anyone using the chandler app here?02:16
vocxcrshman, I think there is. You need to research on "udev" and some rules for devices.02:17
lhbhow to make a clock on my desk ?02:17
emeristehow do I use pidentd with ubuntu (im using xchat if that's important)02:17
crshmanah ok thnx vocx i'll start the forum searching02:17
kitcheGamingX: yes but I would wait fo ra hwile or use the uk mirrors02:17
emeristeI think I've just installed it but now what?02:17
emeristeI don't see how to know if it's running or whatever.02:17
emeristeor to turn it on.02:17
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SpiralmindI have no sound after installing 7.1002:17
drama1981lhb clock? like an applet?02:17
lhbgod ,every one is english ,can you tell me the name ?02:18
GamingXWill all the packages that I installed on Feisty remain?02:18
squeecaner: enable vertical sync, that should help02:18
KNYWhen I have compiz enabled, I can't resize my windows; do I need a plugin enabled/disabled?02:18
vocxemeriste, this is a classic read-the-manual answer. You can't expect us to know. I'm not using it by the way, and I don't feel less secure.02:18
kitchelhb: you need a desklet02:18
pliklhb  try xclock - see the man page for ways to make it look pretty02:19
KNYoh, wait "Resize Window" should do it02:19
drama1981lhb i think gdesklets is what you are looking for02:19
DrUnKnMuNkYi can't access any wireless configuration screens in kubuntu 7.10.. the card's autoconnected to a neighbour's wireless but i can't seem to find any sort of configuration screen to connect to my wpa2 network02:19
Sir_Sidman the security servers are being hammered arnt they02:19
KNYAll servers are being hammered02:19
dystopianrayDrUnKnMuNkY: you don't have knetworkmanager in the system tray?02:19
JohnRobertlots of bugs in gutsy02:19
kitcheSir_Sid: all the servers but the uk ones02:19
superkirbyartistHow do I convert MPEG to Ogg Vorbis?02:19
caner<squee> how can i enable it? ive installed compizconfig settings manager.02:19
superkirbyartistKNY: Amen, use bittorrent though is faster.02:19
JohnRobertpidgin dies if you try to connect to msn server (sometimes)02:19
DrUnKnMuNkYi do right now, but it's not displaying anything to do with wireless02:19
Sir_Sidhehe i may just set my repos to head over there for a few days then02:19
JohnRobertfusion messes up your workspaces if you load emacs02:20
KNYsuperkirbyartist, my campus runs a mirror :)02:20
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dystopianraysuperkirbyartist: convert the audio track of an mpeg video file to ogg vorbis?02:20
plikJohnRobert: anything serious?02:20
the_darkside_986does the livecd even work with the vesa driver At all? did anyone even bother to test the results of using failsafe mode?02:20
kitcheJohnRobert: that is an upstream bug not really a gutsy bug02:20
crshmancould i use uids to get around the problem of changing dev codes?02:20
squeecaner:  check the general settings in that config manager, vsync is in there somewhere02:20
KNYsuperkirbyartist, I pulled at 8 MByte/sec on my download :)02:20
superkirbyartistdystopianray, sorry, I meant Theora.02:20
JohnRobertI need to do a clean install I think02:20
superkirbyartistKNY: over 150kbps over here.02:20
DrUnKnMuNkYif i right click on it i only see a section for wired devices and then manual configuration, options, help, quit02:20
ubotwoFor help with 3d desktop effects applications or drivers please join #ubuntu-effects, someone there will be glad to help you. You can read http://forum.beryl-project.org/ for most common problems or questions.02:20
superkirbyartistKNY: Oh... my speed is slow... oops.02:21
|Flood|my enthousiasm is gone02:21
ZaphodBeeblebroxHi guys02:21
MTecknologywhere is ubuntu-effects now?02:21
caner<squee> there is smthn like Sync To VBlank. is it ?02:21
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/02:21
ZaphodBeeblebroxcan someone please point me the error at my xorg.conf file? http://pastebin.ca/74187402:21
ToddEDMhey guys, i want to an easy way to backup my system, and then format and install gutsy02:21
superkirbyartistWhy ubutwo?02:21
squeecaner:  yea thats it02:21
vocxsuperkirbyartist, ubotu is having a hard time02:21
caner<squee> thank you very much02:21
GamingXAfter upgrading to Gutsy, should I install all the packages that I have installed again?02:21
Sir_SidToddEDM, why dont you just upgdrade your current distro directly02:21
kitchesuperkirbyartist: ubotu is slow tonight like the mirrors02:21
superkirbyartistvocx, why?  Hacking?02:22
ToddEDMsid i got problems with grub02:22
the_darkside_986why... just why did they have to try to put compiz in the default livecd configuration? i hope they release a functional updated iso that contains a usable x-server...02:22
squeecaner:  your welcome02:22
ToddEDMand i ant the windows install off my machine tooo02:22
RichWCan I make cron start a process at say 10 at night and stop it at say 6 in the morning every day?02:22
princeXORG Config question: How do I determine which PCI bus my onboard video is on?02:22
DrUnKnMuNkYdystopianray: any ideas?02:22
kitchethe_darkside_986: hmm it's a useable x-server just that for some reason it uses xgl by default02:22
ZaphodBeeblebroxSorry to repeat myself, but can someone please point me the error at my xorg.conf file? http://pastebin.ca/74187402:23
Chojii am upgrading it with update manager and it stoped at 354 and now it says i have 2400 updates redy for instalation what should i do02:23
superkirbyartistdystopianray, MPEG video to Theora video.02:23
whtawhy is nobody in #ubuntu-effects?02:23
ToddEDMSir_Sid: is there an easy way to back up, or just grab my pics and such and burn em to DVD02:23
vocxprince, "lspci" has many options like "lspci -n -v"02:23
seamus7GamingX: did you do a fresh install of gutsy?02:23
the_darkside_986kitche: i have no been able to run x successfully from the liveCD at all tonight. no one seems to know what to do :(02:23
crdlbwhta, it doesn't exist anymore02:23
princevocx: thank u I'll chekc that out02:23
plikRichW: make a script to start the app and c=have cron call that at 10, then another sc02:23
Chojiits upgrading from 7.0402:23
Sir_SidToddEDM, hold on one second02:23
plikscript to stop it called at 6 or whenever02:23
kitchethe_darkside_986: start xorg instead of xgl02:23
dystopianrayDrUnKnMuNkY: do you have knetworkmanager in your system tray?02:24
GamingXseamus7: no I already have Feisty, so I plan to upgrade to Gutsy...02:24
DrUnKnMuNkYyes it's there02:24
the_darkside_986kitche: xorg... well i will try that thanks.02:24
RichWplik: good idea, nice thinking02:24
PeloZaphodBeeblebrox, try changing  section "Device"  > Driver fo NV instead of nvidia02:24
plikwelcome, goodlick02:24
PeloZaphodBeeblebrox, no promises02:24
seamus7GamingX: then I don't understand your question... all of your apps will still be there after you upgrade to Gutsy02:24
amrhell is there any tweaks for gusty yet02:24
emeristeThere is no manual for pididentd is there?02:24
the_darkside_986with a dampened spirit i will once more try to boot gutsy...02:24
DrUnKnMuNkYdystopianray: it's there, if i right click on it i only see a section for wired devices and then manual configuration, options, help, quit02:24
Sir_SidToddEDM, you can burn your pictures using gnomebaker02:25
emeristeDo any of you use pidentd? I just want to get it running and turn it on.02:25
amrhello is there any tweaks for gusty02:25
ZaphodBeeblebroxThanks, Pelo, but that was actually generated by nvidia-xorgconf02:25
kitcheamr: what do you mean tweaks since the same tweaks for feisty should work for gutsy02:25
KNYin the terminal you can set a transparent background and pre-compiz it would show your desktop background and now it shows any windows behind it02:25
KNYcan that be changed?02:25
dgrspuddog i downloaded vmware player, now im getting ubuntu ultimate cd appliance, to virtualize windows xp on ubuntu, am i on the right path? or am i about to brake it all? :)02:25
plikamr: write some  :)02:25
jlgaddisis there an easy way to set up a mirror from just the iso image?02:25
Sir_SidToddEDM, its the equivilant of nero in linux02:25
whtawell then perhaps here can tell why my ccsm doesn't work?02:25
PeloZaphodBeeblebrox,  some ppl have needed to make that little change in the past02:25
ToddEDMohhh ok02:25
KNYjlgaddis, yes02:25
ToddEDMthanks sid02:25
fatbrainIs there any reason I should install the i386 version over the amd64 on my dual-core?02:25
ZaphodBeeblebroxPelo, kk I'll try thanks02:25
fatbrainWill adobe flashplayer work on the amd64 without the "ugly hack"?02:26
KNYjlgaddis, in your synaptic prefs add a new CD repo02:26
Sir_SidToddEDM, np02:26
kitchewhta: did you install it? since it seems it's not installed by default02:26
shinynew_anyone know how to fix "ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.so: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_FromObject" i tried google02:26
whtatyping ccsm gives me several lines of error ending with "AttributeError: 'compizconfig.Plugin' object has no attribute 'Initialized'"02:26
superkirbyartistOne minute left, download is done!02:26
crdlbfatbrain, there is no reason to use amd64 on a regular desktop system, and lots of reasons not to02:26
kitchefatbrain: no it still needs to be ran either with nspluginwrapper or the other way02:26
KNYsuperkirbyartist, what mirror?02:26
shinynew_i just reinstalled pygobject from source to fix _gobject import type_from_name02:26
localgod11so i was think 2gb swap02:26
plikwould some kind soul please tell me how I can use the ISO of the02:26
plik7.10 alternate install cd that I have on a USB key to upgrade from02:26
plik7.04 WITHOUT Burning it as I have no CDrom for a couple of02:26
plikweeks... I did sudo modprobe loop && sudo mount /path/to.iso02:26
plik/media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop   so the iso is mounted, just need02:26
plikto tell update manager (or whatver) where to look02:26
dystopianrayDrUnKnMuNkY: it'll have an option to enable/disable wireless, is it set to enabled?02:26
KNYmirrors.rit.edu is bloody fast, even if you're off campus02:26
superkirbyartistKNY, the releases.ubuntu.com?02:26
shinynew_please i cant launch any applications until i fix this02:26
osmosiswhats a good CLI torrent client ?02:26
KNYsuperkirbyartist, ah02:26
dystopianrayosmosis: rtorrent02:26
superkirbyartistKNY, torrent is best.02:27
amrplik i mean tweaks for speed and power management02:27
vocxfatbrain, maybe not... head to the 64-bit forum for more info and tricks on 64-bit02:27
KNYosmosis, rtorrent02:27
abcde_is there a torrent for the alternative install?02:27
superkirbyartistPLEASE DO NOT USE UTORRENT!02:27
fatbrainvocx: thanks02:27
localgod11is it a problem if my root file system is in the middle of my disk and my swap file is at the end?02:27
PeloZaphodBeeblebrox, is that your whole xorg.conf file ?02:27
superkirbyartistIt is awful!02:27
plikabcde_: yes there is02:27
Sir_Sidsuperkirbyartist, why would you say that...02:27
KNYutorrent used to be so nice :(02:27
kitchewow ubotu just answered me for a question I asked it a while ago02:27
Pelosuperkirbyartist, utorrent is great , waht are you talking about02:27
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:27
ubotwoI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:27
shinynew_superkirbyartist why would you say that?02:27
Sir_SidUtorrent is quite good02:27
superkirbyartistKNY, why Utorrent with built-in gnome torrent?02:27
pibe86hello, i have install ubuntu 7.10,but it does not download anything from repositories02:27
abcde_plik, could you send me a link?02:27
m3gaWhen booting from a gutsy cdrom, is it possible to disable a specific driver (because it hangs the machine)? In my case its the cs driver. I've tried to add nopcmcia to the boot, but that didn't help. Clues?02:27
ubotuFor help with 3d desktop effects applications or drivers please join #ubuntu-effects, someone there will be glad to help you. You can read http://forum.beryl-project.org/ for most common problems or questions.02:27
chillgateswhere is dvd version ?02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubutwo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:27
Dyus36ktorrent is good or deluge for gnome02:27
ZakalethQuick question: How do I assign my F12 key to run a command??02:27
ZaphodBeeblebroxPelo: yes, why?02:27
freetosi'm running 7.04 and my wireless mouse stopped working when i unplugged it and it says something in dmesg about connect-debounce failed, usb port closed, anyone?02:27
plikabcde_: just looking....02:28
|box|why cant i log into desktop as root i could with fed core 702:28
superkirbyartistChillgates: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dvd-codecs-extra-plugins-gstreamer-feel-de-chill02:28
ubotwoPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:28
shinynew_@zakaleth what wm do yo uuse?02:28
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:28
PeloZaphodBeeblebrox,  cause I just realise I don'T see any resolutions anywhere in it02:28
Spiralmindis it normal to have no sound on 7.10 64bit?02:28
kitche|box|: it's disabled by default you can enable it if you wish02:28
KNYonly 7 people in #ubuntu-effects ?02:28
dystopianray|box|: there is no root password by default, and logging into your desktop as root is usually a very bad idea02:28
Zakalethshinynew_,  Gnome - gutsy defult settings02:28
ShpookAnyone have any tips on diagnosing why my computer freezes with Gutsy? I've checked all the common logs, and see nothing out of the ordinary.02:28
whtawhy does compiz fusion lag so much when my beryl install gave me no lag at all?02:28
crdlbKNY, it's closed02:28
ZaphodBeeblebroxomg you're right02:28
ZaphodBeeblebroxhold on02:28
* bur[n]er was getting 800kbps via torrent02:28
|box|yea i know its a bad idea but its helpful02:28
KNYcrdlb, might want to update the bot then02:28
MarcNfreetos: USB subsystem got confused? Reboot.02:28
crdlbKNY, not right now :)02:28
Shpookwhta: do you have an nvidia card?02:28
crdlbit's broken02:28
kitchewhta: compiz with fusion addons isn't even stable yet while beryl was02:28
shinynew_i dont know much about gnome, #gnome or google would be a better place to ask02:28
jlgaddishmm, how does one upgrade to 7.10 without x?02:29
whtashpook: ati.02:29
plikabcde_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/     towards the bottom of the page.... I'm seeding it now02:29
|Flood|----------- and voila.. unless someone has any help for me I've installed it in a VM... i got no network and i spent my whole evening on it... great.. i'll be going to bed soon02:29
superkirbyartistChillgates: how does that work out for you?02:29
bur[n]erjlgaddis: edit /etc/apt/sources.list to say gutsy isntead of feisty, apt-get update & dist-upgrade02:29
MarcNShpook: everything hangs or just the gui? Can you ssh to it?  Could be failing hardware02:29
jlgaddisbur[n]er: awesome, thanks02:29
Shpookwhta: oh okay, there was a problem with compiz running slow and choppy on nvidia cards02:29
superkirbyartistYO BANNED UBOTU!  HOW DARE YOU!?02:29
Sir_Sidsuperkirbyartist, stop using all caps please02:29
fatgutsyjlgaddis, just change your /etc/apt/sources.list from fiesty to gutsy and run and apt-get update then an apt-get dist-upgrade02:29
jdongsuperkirbyartist: duplicate bots02:29
Pelosuperkirbyartist,  we can read lowercase please stop doing that02:30
plikctrl + shift + T is awesome in firefox02:30
kitchesuperkirbyartist: and it wasn't a ban anyways it's a mute02:30
vocxsuperkirbyartist, relax man, they are fixing it.02:30
ShpookMarcN: most of the time the kernel freezes, sometimes just X02:30
smoenuxI'm having terrible sound stuttering in gutsy... can someone help me fix?02:30
CryoniqAnyone can give advice on a good Nvidia AGP card similiar to Radeon 9800 Pro or slightly better that works with Gutsy and Compiz (to hell with this ati %¤&%)02:30
pibe86hello, i have install ubuntu 7.10,but it does not download anything from repositories02:30
localgod11is it a problem if my root file system is in the middle of my disk and my swap file is at the end?02:30
superkirbyartistHow do I convert MPEG video to Theora video?02:30
Dax_DavisHey guys02:30
jlgaddislocalgod11: no02:30
dystopianraylocalgod11: no02:30
=== fd is now known as cacio
Sir_Sidpibe86, the servers are at being hammered, downloads will be very slow and take a while to resolve02:30
seamus7ALL CAPS isn't as annoying as those who complain about them unreservedly02:30
vocxpibe86, read the topic of this channel.02:30
localgod11thanl you02:30
CharlotteOct 18 21:20:35 James-PC kernel: [  107.000000]  [default_idle+60/96] default_idle+0x3c/0x6002:30
Pelosmoenux, I assume you tried different files ?02:30
MarcNShpook: failing memory? Try running memtest from a livecd02:31
Charlottewhay is this means02:31
emeristehow do I configure my firewall to forward 113 to my computer?02:31
Filypesomebody knows if MS Office 2007 works in ubuntu?02:31
pibe86ok, thanks02:31
cafuegosuperkirbyartist: ffmpeg and ffmpeg2theora02:31
dystopianrayCryoniq: maybe a geforce 6600?02:31
Dax_DavisI've installed Gutsy (upgrade from Feisty) and now about 60 seconds after booting up the machine just turns off.  On an HP zd8000 laptop02:31
|box|thxs found howto login to desktop as root02:31
Dax_DavisAny ideas?02:31
dystopianrayFilype: it does not work02:31
kitcheFilype: look at winehq.com and see02:31
ShpookMarcN: I ran memtest for almost 40 hours with no problems02:31
Filypekitche: ok, thanks02:31
seamus7emeriste: install Firestarter and then set an even policy for that port02:31
whtahow can i get back the cursors that feisty used? i don't like this black one..02:31
Cryoniqdystopianray: sound like an option. :)02:31
PeloDax_Davis,  clean install,  the upgrade proceedure is not always relaible02:31
princeANyone know how to get nvidia 6100 onboard video working?02:31
smoenuxPelo, yes... I've tried OGG, MP3, WMV, and Movie Files... all of them have a audio stuttering... normal ubuntu sounds does not seem to stutter02:31
emeristeif i have firestarter installed where do i find it?02:31
nosrednaekimwow.... all the way down to 1384!!02:31
ShpookMarcN: well, let me add, not from LiveCD02:32
Pelowhta, menu > system > prefs > mounse02:32
MarcNShpook: check /var/log/messages for kernel stack traces..02:32
CharlotteOct 18 21:20:35 James-PC kernel: [  107.000000]  [default_idle+60/96] default_idle+0x3c/0x6002:32
Charlotteany ideas is this normal???02:32
dystopianrayCryoniq: but look at benchmarks becuase I don't know how a 6600 compares to a 980002:32
Dax_DavisPELO, you're killing me.  :)  Not a fan of that answer...02:32
IcemanV9Dax_Davis: check /var/log/messages or dmesg02:32
smoenuxPelo, it's a crackling sound02:32
seamus7emeriste: usually System/Administration02:32
FluxDHow do you turn off the 2 drums sound when GDM shows up?02:32
DrUnKnMuNkYdystopianray: the wireless is set to enabled and it's in online mode right now.  it's actually currently connected to a random unsecured network that one of my neighbours must have02:32
CryoniqI had 9800 pro working just fine in feisty with direct rendering.. one would belive it would work better in gutsy.. but noooooo02:32
MarcNShpook: but some memory test you booted into, right? It if runs under linux,windows you can't test all of memory02:32
Pelosmoenux, might be a codecs issue ,  did you upgrade or clean install ?02:32
whtaPelo: i se eno cursor options there, just button config and click stuff02:32
emeristei found it!02:32
Dax_DavisIcemanV9 Do that to look for errors?02:32
Cryoniqspent like 5 hours trying to get it to work now.. =(02:32
Pelowhta, hmm,  hold on02:33
dystopianrayDrUnKnMuNkY: I think I had to edit /etc/network/interfaces and comment out everything but 'lo' in order to fix some knetworkmanager problems, try that02:33
smoenuxPelo, I did a clean install. Funny thing is... In Feisty... the audio was fine, but Video was stuttering... O.o ... now it's the other way around... Edgy used to be fine tho02:33
IcemanV9Dax_Davis: yes .. less /var/log/messages or less /var/log/dmesg02:33
m3gaBooting from gutsy cdrom hangs, last line "cs: IO port probe 0x820-0x8ff:". How do I disable cs driver?02:33
Dax_DavisOk, I'll boot in safe mode and it should stay up long enough.  Thanks guys.02:33
ceinshould i be worried when the gutsy upgrader takes forever to set up cfs?02:33
ceinit seems like it's stalled02:33
seamus7emeriste: just add a Rule to the Policy tab for Inbound traffic02:33
Pelosmoenux, I don't know at this point , sorry02:33
plikso guys, how I can use the ISO of the 7.10 alternate install cd that I have on a USB key to upgrade from 7.04 WITHOUT Burning it as I have no CDrom for a couple of weeks... I did sudo modprobe loop && sudo mount /path/to.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop   so the iso is mounted, just need to tell update manager (or whatver) where to look?02:33
smoenuxPelo, np... I'll keep looking02:34
DShepherdFluxD, go to system -- preferences-- sound.  then the sound tab and change Login to No Sound02:34
FluxDDShepherd: ty02:34
ShpookOkay, well there's one error that seems out of place02:34
vocxplik, can you see all the packages there, as .deb?02:34
vbabiyHello does any one know how to set up the gdm resolution in 7.1002:34
DShepherdFluxD, your welcome02:34
Jonfishwhat repositories should I have to download software?02:34
DrUnKnMuNkYdystopianray: that seemed to do the trick, thanks02:34
Cryoniq(they should make a channel just for graphics card and drivers problem imho)02:34
livingdaylightit takes Guts to use Ubuntu... real Guts02:34
Jonfishis there a list of them somewhere?02:34
Shpook"Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -66777286 ns)" Could this be related to the mild overclock I run? Although it was perfectly stable in feisty.02:34
JonfishI like URPMI more than apt-get02:35
DunasFirefox and Swiftweasel both keep freezing up randomly on sites, including Gaia Online, YouTube, and Wikipedia, ever since I updated.02:35
Pelowhta,  weird, that's were it is in mine but I haven'T upgraded yet,  you'll have to hunt around02:35
jordoexno, it takes guts to use slackware02:35
livingdaylightCongratulations on everyone Gutsy enough to install 7.10 today02:35
kitche!software | Jonfish02:35
AnnoyingSOBThe Dragon see, with seven mantles red,02:35
ubotuJonfish: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents02:35
AnnoyingSOBWielding two swords and crownèd with two crowns;02:35
AnnoyingSOBGreat-grandchild of the faithless Turk, with Koran!02:35
DunasWhat can I do to fix it? ><02:35
AnnoyingSOBBehind him hordes of that accursèd breed,02:35
seamus7Jonfish: you already have the default repositories02:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:35
AnnoyingSOBThat they may devastate the whole wide earth,02:35
AnnoyingSOBAs locusts pestilent lay waste the fields!02:35
AnnoyingSOBHad not the Rock of France its onrush curbed,02:35
AnnoyingSOBArabia’s flood had surely deluged all!02:35
AnnoyingSOBOsman - infernal dream - was monarch crown’d;02:35
AnnoyingSOBThe pale moon wedded, she his apple fair;02:35
vbabiyHello does any one know how to set up the gdm resolution in 7.1002:35
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici02:35
AnnoyingSOBFrom whom sprang Orkan, Europe’s evil guest;02:35
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM02:35
jordoexban annoying02:35
AnnoyingSOBAnd now Byzantium’s realm is nothing more02:35
AnnoyingSOBThan the youthful Theodora’s dowry -02:35
AnnoyingSOBThe star of destiny hangs darkly over her.02:35
Pelo!ops | AnnoyingSOB02:35
ubotuAnnoyingSOB: please see above02:35
AnnoyingSOBNow Paleologos bids Murat in,02:35
AnnoyingSOBTo bury in one grave both Greeks and Serbs.02:35
AnnoyingSOBTheir own ends sought both Brankovitch and Gerluka -02:35
FluxDIs there any way to automount my external and thumb drive when its plugged in . I have to mount manuall now.02:35
Dekkardsorry about the caps02:35
AnnoyingSOBMeet recompense Mohammed gave to Gerluka!02:35
vocx!paste > AnnoyingSOB02:35
kitcheDekkard: tis is better02:35
RenatoSilvahey what about winmodems out-of-the-box on Gusty? Is it really done at all?????02:35
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM02:36
plikvocx: not so far... any idea which dir?02:36
DShepherdthanks Pici02:36
DunasFirefox and Swiftweasel both keep freezing up randomly on sites, including Gaia Online, YouTube, and Wikipedia, ever since I updated.02:36
ceinMy upgrade has stalled on setting up cfs02:36
PeloDekkard,  because a few days/weeks later the answers to the most common new questions have b een figured out02:36
v3ctorRenatoSilva: it configured my winmodem...ahven;t tired it yet though02:36
DunasIs there a way to fix it? Or to downgrade?02:36
IcemanV9Dekkard: that's what i am planning to do ... have had always done that way with every release. :)02:36
PeloDunas,  remove and reinstall flash02:36
RenatoSilvav3ctor: soory, can't understand u?02:36
DekkardPelo: yep.. and IcemanV9  yeah doods.. i think im just gonna keep seeding the upgrade isos.. and chill till its cleared up02:36
RenatoSilvav3ctor: which modem is yours?02:37
kitcheDekkard: it's actually a more vetern move to wait also02:37
vocxplik, nope. I've never used the alternate install, but I wanted to know if each .deb is accessible.  Maybe wait until you have the CD-ROM since I assume you need to boot from it, not mount it.02:37
DunasPelo, how do I do that? /relative noob02:37
jordoexdoes anyone know how to change the odd brown color that comes in between the gdm login and the desktop initalization?02:37
* Pelo points out to Dekkard that he hasn't upgraded yes 02:37
seamus7Dunas: I've almost always experienced freezes with flash and firefox on Ubuntu ...02:37
Dekkardkitche:  especially considering my feisty install is flawless02:37
PeloDunas,  you'll have to  search for and manualy delete flash  files02:37
plikvocx: ok cheers anyway - will keep trying.... if I find the .debs, what do I do?02:37
MTecknologyI installed a 386 kernel... When I boot into that kernel, my wireless isn't recognized, when I boot into the generic, it is... any ideas how I can use the 386 and get my wireless to work?02:37
jordoexand is it better to use ndiswrapper or closed source broadcom drivers?02:37
Shpookfrom what I understand, Ubuntu has the ability to both disable CPU frequency scaling and run one just one core, correct?02:37
kitchejordoex: why not just use the semi open source broadcom drivers since the closed source drivers are the ndiswrapper02:38
seamus7jordoex: go to System/Login Window and change the color there02:38
ShpookAnd booting with /noacpi will disable scaling?02:38
Pelo!wifi | MTecknology02:38
ubotuMTecknology: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:38
DunasPelo, x-x Okay. Thanks.02:38
seamus7jordoex: it's the background color on the Local Tab02:38
v3ctorRenatoSilva: Modem: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller02:38
vbabiyHello does any one know how to set up the gdm resolution in 7.1002:38
Rafael__hey there02:39
rryanShpook : The kernel module 'powernowd' is in charge of CPU scaling.02:39
vocxplik, install them with "dpkg -i <package>" but don't trust me02:39
Rafael__how can i install hamachi in gutsy ?02:39
shinynew_does anyone know how to fix this undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_FromObject02:39
beerfananyone else having problems using daap playlists with rhythmbox?02:39
witless14 hours 55 minutes remaining...  aaaaghhhhhh02:39
kitchevbabiy: system -> session manager it's probably in there02:39
Rafael__not working here. i installed and i did the trick  upx -d hamachi02:39
livingdaylightmy Lenovo R60e is just lurving this Gibbon.... just lurving it02:39
Rafael__what need i do ?02:39
Pelovbabiy, should be the same as for previous versions,  check in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org02:39
shinynew_happens when ever i try to open up a GUI02:39
MajorPoopyPantsubuntu 6.06 with lts - does that mean there will be upgrades and the such for it?02:39
MTecknologyPelo, what irritates me, is it02:39
logreevalHi, i installed the gutsy rc, is there anything special i have to do now that the release is out, or no?02:39
shinynew_anyone, i have fixed a few problems02:39
MTecknology's ipw394502:39
Shpookcan I kill scaling live?02:39
plikvocx: ok, found the .debs all over the place ... will read more about dpkg  -- cheers! :)02:39
dystopianrayMajorPoopyPants: yes, until 2009, 2011 for server edition02:39
billytwowillyhey, is there any way to change which port on the sound card the audio comes out of?02:39
shinynew_but google offers no hope here02:39
RenatoSilvav3ctor: and all the process was fully automated right, like 'just work' promisse???02:39
askandhow do I make tracker find ALL of my files?02:39
kitchelogreeval: just might want to make sure your up to date02:40
MajorPoopyPantssay in 2010 will ubuntu 6.06 server edition be using an old kernel or is it kept up-to-date02:40
vocxplik, be careful you may break your system.02:40
RenatoSilvav3ctor: I'm curious about Lucent/Agere ones02:40
PeloShpook, you are not being ignored , not all answers are known02:40
jordoexseamus7: no, i've done that and it's still brown02:40
dystopianrayMajorPoopyPants: old kernel02:40
* plik has backups :)02:40
v3ctorRenatoSilva: i selected it in the restricted dirvers tool02:40
logreevalkitche: how?02:40
Shpooklol I know02:40
vocxMajorPoopyPants, old kernel, only security patches.02:40
* plik learnt the hard way already02:40
ShpookThanks though02:40
jewbileeIf I installed the 7.10 beta about 2 weeks back, how do I go about making sure/upgrading to the actual release?02:40
PeloMajorPoopyPants,  I beleive the   support for lts is 4 years02:40
dystopianrayMajorPoopyPants: in 2010 you can move to 8.04 LTS and have a new kernel02:40
Optimus55cant update :(02:40
rryanShpook : Yes you should be able to. If you don't want to, you can just set it to it's highest setting (no scaling)02:40
seamus7jordoex: sorry .. don't know then02:40
RenatoSilvav3ctor: can u verify if martian driver or Lucent/Agere winmodem is there on the lsit?02:40
v3ctorRenatoSilva: system > administration > restircted driver manager02:41
v3ctorRenatoSilva: they are supposed to be02:41
v3ctorthe lucent at least02:41
vocxjewbilee, just update all packages according to the update manager.02:41
PaulFehrHello, I downloaded ubuntu 7.10 today, I am currently running the 64 bit live cd.  When I go to install, it goes all file, but when it starts installing I get: "The ext3 file system creation in partition #7 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) failed."02:41
PaulFehrCould somebody please help me?02:41
PeloOptimus55,  first day ,  upgrade servers are loaded,  dl the alternate cd torrent and upgrade from that02:41
xsachahelp! when i use 'sudo' it says: "sudo: must be setuid root" -- what do i do?!02:41
RenatoSilvav3ctor: I'll download gusty just tomorrow02:41
jewbileevocx: update manager has not told me to update anything02:41
Pelo!enter | v3ctor02:41
ubotuv3ctor: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:41
seamus7jewbilee: I believe that all the upgrades you've experienced over the last two weeks have brought you to the final version ... I installed the RC two days ago02:41
jewbileevocx: am I automatically up to date?02:41
dgrhi guys, im trying to virtualise windows xp on ubuntu, i tryed vmware but i cant use it, i got a error, not compatible with amd 64 hardware, any suggestions, thx02:41
v3ctorPelo: i did02:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hdparm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:42
vocxjewbilee, probably as seamus7 says02:42
Optimus55Pelo: cool snaps!02:42
jewbileeseamus7: ok, thanks02:42
jordoexanyone else know how to change the odd brown color that comes in between the gdm login and the desktop initialization? it's not just in the login window settings... or should i just switch to using kdm XD02:42
dystopianraydgr: qemu will work, virtualbox might02:42
rryanShpook:   As i remember it, the different settings are something like  powersave, ondemand, conservative, performance.. etc..  if you set to performance it doesn't scale your CPU back02:42
canerive turned beryl off but the screen keep blinking. this is really annoying . couold anyone pls help?02:42
ShpookAlright, I'll give that a shot. I just want to figure out if this is hardware related or if it's Ubuntu...random freezes aren't fun :-)02:42
Pelodgr, ask in #vmware02:42
RenatoSilvaGuys, is dist-upgrade EXACTLY the same as re-installing from scratch? I'm tired os the 2nd one02:42
cjae_is hdparm obsolete in feisty02:42
* gidim cries.02:42
logreevalanyone know how to make sure i am up to date?02:42
shinynew_god damnit. "ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.so: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_FromObject" someone please help me02:42
dgrok, thx pelo thx dystopianray02:42
gidimUpdate Manager is not connecting for me.02:42
RenatoSilvaCan I use APTonCD to make a dist-upgrade??02:42
rryanShpook : and as for your question about using only 1 of 2 cores, I don't believe Ubuntu would ever do that unless there was a setting that allowed you to turn SMP off.  I don't know what the setting is, but I bet it exists.02:42
PeloRenatoSilva, dist-upgrade should keep your progs and config02:42
* cjae_ hopes for an answer as has been searching for 4 days02:43
jordoexlogreeval: no, you might have more problems by upgrading02:43
PaulFehrThe ext3 file system creation in partition #7 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) failed.  Can someone help me?02:43
MarcNShpook: try booting a non-smp kernel.02:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libata - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:43
un1x01dhas anyone manage to stretch over 3 monitors with Xinerama ?02:43
PeloRenatoSilva,  you can use the alternate install cd to do that , no need to make another one02:43
seamus7RenatoSilva: no ... a fresh installation ensures a clean install ... many people like to do clean installs for that reason ... if you have your file system in its own partition then fresh installs are much less work02:43
Shpookrryan: Thank a lot man, I'm just trying to get this figured out.02:43
logreevaljordoex: what do you mean?02:43
jordoexlogreeval: sorry, wrong response02:43
ToddEDMhey heres another quick question ... would i see and big difference in getting the amd64 version over the regular one??? i have a turion64x2 processor02:43
rryanShpook : nods, welcome02:43
Pelopauldy,  when did this happen what were you doing ?02:44
rryanun1x01d : yep, I'm doing it right now02:44
shinynew_god damnit. "ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.so: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_FromObject" someone please help me02:44
jordoexlogreeval: someone else02:44
logreevaljordoex: ok02:44
un1x01drryan, what is the setup ?02:44
ShpookMarcN: Okay, that went above my head...what is a non-smp kernel? lol02:44
un1x01drryan, i have to use separate desktop per monitor :(02:44
* Pelo wonders why he decided to come in here on upgrade day 02:44
vocxshinynew_, what's the real problem, what do you want to do, which application?02:44
ShpookMarcN, okay, How do I do that rather, I basically know what it is02:44
logreevaljordoex: do you happened to know...i install the gutsy RC, how do i know that it is up to date?02:44
MajorPoopyPantsWHOAH today a new version of ubuntu was released???02:44
* v3ctor wonders why Pelo is here also02:44
swmiller7Anyone here have sling player working under wine?02:44
rryanun1x01d : 1 nvidia PCI-E card, 1 nvidia PCI card..   2  monitors on the PCI-E, 1 on the old one02:44
* vocx knows Pelo came because it is funny02:44
MajorPoopyPantsit seems like just yesterday there was a new version out02:45
PaulFehrI need some help, I'm trying to install 7.10 on a new partition, I get this error when I tell it to install: " The ext3 file system creation in partition #7 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) failed."02:45
shinynew_@vocx well it seems to be anything useing gtk02:45
MajorPoopyPantsyou young whippersnappers and your upgrades!02:45
shmoolikipodhow can i automout my NTFS drives ?02:45
un1x01drryan, can i see your xorg.conf ?02:45
PeloPaulFehr, when did this happen what were you doing ?02:45
telliottHow do I enable widescreen resolutions?02:45
rryanun1x01d : Xinerama allows you to stitch the screens together so you can share windows between them and so on02:45
jordoexlogreeval: just run synaptic and reload02:45
PaulFehrPelo:  When installing 7.10, after i hit install.02:45
plikMajorPoopyPants: according to my timestamp -it was only yesterday  ;)02:45
shinynew_@vocx i have reinstalled python2.5 libgtk-2.0-002:45
seamus7logreeval: go to System Monitor and tell me what it says under System Tab and Ubuntu Release?02:45
pibe86PaulFehr: IS PARTITION MOUNT ON /?02:45
Pelotelliott,  edit the xorg.conf file to add the extra resolutions02:45
un1x01drryan, did u try Twinview ?02:45
PaulFehrpibe86: yes02:45
PeloPaulFehr, clean install or upgrade ?02:45
MajorPoopyPantslol plik02:45
kevleviathanYo, is anybody available to help with an installation problem for gutsy?02:46
shmoolikipodanyone ?02:46
vocxshinynew_, seems like you are missing GTK libraries?   maybe reinstall "ubuntu-desktop" but seems radical.02:46
PaulFehrPelo: Clean install02:46
shmoolikipodthere used to be a tool for that ....02:46
Lounge"open cdrom1" is not opening the bottom cd tray -- not opening!! grrrrrrr02:46
pibe86PaulFehr: is ti logical or primary?02:46
jimmywwokay i have a big problem, i get the error "Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0"      can anyone help please02:46
rryanun1x01d ; Yes, I tried TwinView, but it didn't work because my PCI NVIDIA card is too old to use the NVIDIA drivers, they have to use the old ones.. so TwinView can't join that one with the other 202:46
ShpookWow...this room is busy tonight with Gutsy being release....02:46
seamus7shmoolikipod: is it on the same hard drive as your ubuntu installation?02:46
CreedIs there any plugin or program to have video as wallpaper on Ubuntu? Like DreamScene for Vista...02:46
shinynew_@vocx also i am running xubuntu, what about building gtk from source?02:46
PaulFehrpibe86: one minute, let me check02:46
shmoolikipodyeah, some of them02:46
logreevalseamus7: it says Release 7.10(gutsy)02:46
pwnt-anybody here have used Freeloader before?02:47
PeloPaulFehr,  use gparted from the admin menu and make the partitons first02:47
rryanun1x01d : my xorg.conf : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41149/02:47
seamus7logreeval: I believe that means you are now using Gutsy Final02:47
kevleviathananybody know why the livecd boots to a garbled and distorted screen (laptop with gf go 6150)02:47
PaulFehrPelo: The installer partitioner doesn't work well?02:47
logreevalseamus7: ok cool, if it was a release candidate, do you think it would say?02:47
PeloPaulFehr, it usualy does but occasionnaly some ppl have issues,  pre partitionning helps02:47
PaulFehrPelo: Ok, I'll try that.02:48
jordoexCreed: i saw some vids on youtube... apparently they used xwinwrap; it's possible, but i dunno02:48
Xanthuskevleviathan: did you try the video safe boot option?02:48
vocxshinynew_, too much trouble I presume. Install gtk-base or something like that. What did you do that caused that error message?02:48
seamus7logreeval: I believe so ... but I've read in a number of places that all the updates over the last couple days have brought RC to the final release ... they are one and the same02:48
kevleviathanXanthus: no I didn't, but I've had this problem with 7.04 as well02:48
plikhi pwnt-02:48
newbie1DOES anyone know if the latest kernel version 2.6.22-14-generic breaks the INTELHDA sound card? is there a fix coming?02:48
PeloPaulFehr, also , you can only have 4 primary partitions on any hdd, you might have to make new ones as logical02:48
Creedjordoex, thanks, that looks like it :)02:48
kevleviathanXanthus: I can get it to install if I use that option, but when it boots up after that its the same thing over again02:48
rryanun1x01d : If both your NVIDIA cards are new enough for nvidia drivers, you should try using TwinView to merge them. It's faster than Xinerama.02:48
logreevalseamus7: ok, cool, thanks for the help :)02:48
un1x01di have 2 x Nvida Pci-e and i have 2 monitors on 1 and another one on the other i can't get neither xinerama or twinview working02:48
PaulFehrPelo: this would be the 3rd partition (not including the swap)02:49
logreevalseamus7: goodbye02:49
shinynew_@vocx well it started after i tried to update, and basically whenever i tried to open any GUI02:49
seamus7logreeval: bye02:49
un1x01drryan, yea those are 2x 7900GS02:49
PeloPaulFehr,  it was just a thought02:49
pwnt-plik: have you ever used Freeloader app?02:49
shinynew_@vocx also i am getting an error whenever i try to install ubuntu-desktop02:49
seamus7schmoolikipod: you haven't found none of your ntfs partitions mounting?02:49
rryanun1x01d : does the nvidia-settings tool help at all ?  Are you using the latest nvidia drivers or the ones in the Ubuntu repositories?02:49
plikpwnt-: nope  :)02:49
Dax_>Iceman, this is Dax, I lost my session and don't have the path on those two files you asked me to check on my laptop turning off after the gutsy upgrade.  Can you give it to me again?02:49
seamus7schmoolikipod: automatically .... mine does02:49
vocx!anyone > pwnt-02:49
shinynew_@vocx "gtk-update-icon-cache: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl"02:49
plikwosssit do anyway>?02:49
root_anyone having problems with title bars disappearing with compiz in gutsy?02:49
Crozarroot_: you upgraded or fresh install>02:50
un1x01drryan, not sure, it was so long ago when i installed02:50
IcemanV9Dax_: /var/log02:50
un1x01drryan, how can i check ? which drivers02:50
root_fresh install...its just random, like browsing in firefox, they just disappear, but a few seconds later they come back...02:50
rryanun1x01d : Ok, but you are definitely using the nvidia drivers and not the open source nvidia drivers?02:50
pazsionOk, i'm booted up in ubunto on 800mhz/192mbram...a restart got by not having internet..now i'm loading install to HD...it's takin soooo long..can i speed it up somehow? should processor ID be on or of?02:50
Crozarroot_: all the time?02:50
jordoexhey, just updating my packages from beta is fine for going into gutsy final, right?02:50
shmoolikipodI want to auto mount my NTFS files ... this guide tells me to install some package, but don't tell me witch one <http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_users_read_and_write_access>02:50
pwnt-vocx: Thanks, thats actually a good point02:50
shmoolikipodcan any one help plz02:51
fkumroany have the issue where clicking quit freezes gnome?02:51
root_like if i move the cursor up there it disappears, but i move it off and back on and it shows up again02:51
PaulFehrPelo: with gparted, do I want ext2 or ext3?02:51
Crozarroot_: they disappear only when you switch manager or change decoration02:51
root_it works perfectly, and im loving the effects, just kind of annoying02:51
MajorPoopyPantsdoes ubuntu server edition come with a desktop installed on it as well?02:51
the_darkside_986hi all again. i still cannot get past the "AIGLX: screen 0 is not DRI capable" problem. it, by default, uses the old "nv" driver not nvidia. how do i load the nvidia-glx binary modules and drivers and use them during the livecd? are they even included?02:51
Shpooklol of course, I type some long response about my computer freezing....and it freezes right before I hit enter02:51
Dax_Iceman.  dmesg and what was the other file?  thanks for your help02:51
Peloshmoolikipod,  which release of ubuntu are you using ?02:51
PeloPaulFehr, ext302:51
shmoolikipodPelo: 7.1002:51
pwnt-I'm using application called Freeloader to download my torrents, however the download saying "Done" but its still loading or uploading, im not sure. if i close it will my file be completed or no02:51
emeristedo any of you use pididentd I really need some help02:51
un1x01drryan, how would i check which drivers i use ?02:51
=== cstrippie is now known as Eros_God_of_Pass
jimmyww "Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0"      can anyone help please02:51
rryanun1x01d : You can type 'dmesg | grep NVIDIA' from a terminal, you should see 'loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module x.y.z ...."02:51
localgod11Configuring apt 82% <---been that way for 10 min, normal?02:51
IcemanV9Dax_: messages02:52
shmoolikipodPelo:  i m looking for the tool that do that02:52
Peloshmoolikipod, ntfs are suppose to be read/write  out of the box on 7.1002:52
rryanun1x01d : if you are on 7.04 or later, you can use the restricted drivers manager to see if you are using the Nvidia drivers02:52
shmoolikipodi forgot its name02:52
=== Eros_God_of_Pass is now known as cstrippie
plikpwnt-: Ktorrent is pretty cool - you might have more luck with that instead02:52
fkumrolocalgod11, My install took very long at 82%02:52
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM02:52
root_i can deal with it, was just wondering if anyone else was having the same stuff go on02:52
Shpookjiimmyww: did you just upgrade or make any system changes? Or did the error happen out nowhere?02:52
pwnt-plik: I like freeloader :(02:52
Optimus55is there any way to install by mounting the iso??02:52
shmoolikipodPelo:  not on my machine02:52
Peloshmoolikipod, the guide you are using is for feisty,  don'T use that for ntfs on gutsy02:52
plikgood luck fixing it then02:52
pwnt-plik: and ktorrent is recommended to be ran from KDE. im not in kde02:52
PaulFehrPelo: I got an error.  Tells me to see details for information, there are no details.02:52
un1x01drryan, i am using the drivers, jsut not sure if it's the from repo or from nvidia02:52
pazsiondude how long should it take ubuntu to load the install to hd...it's been goin for 45min now, just loading it02:53
Shpookjiimmyww: I don't know my way around too well, but I'll try02:53
Crozarroot_: not to me , but i want to know what drivers your using in restricted driver02:53
CryoniqAnyone skilled enough to tell if ATI9800Pro will work with the fglrx drivers and with compiz on gutsy?02:53
IcemanV9Dax_: those log files help me to pinpoint the cause of laptop shutting down for no reason long ago; it was the fan ... couldn't keep it cool02:53
Pelo!ntfs-3g | shmoolikipod02:53
ubotushmoolikipod: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:53
vocxpwnt-, that is how torrents work. They keep uploading after you've finished downloading. You should be fine if you close the application.02:53
plikpwnt-: I'm using ktorrent under gnome just fine02:53
kevleviathanOK so even in safe graphics mode, when it gets past the loading screen I get a garbled image that looks like my laptop screen just melted, lol02:53
bruenigvocx, don't tell him that02:53
=== johnny__ is now known as Initd
dystopianrayCryoniq: I think it is too old to work with fglrx02:53
pwnt-vocx: Thanks, that answer my question :)02:53
un1x01drryan, yea the restricted drivers manager shows i am02:53
homerjhey....everyone stop downloading stuff from ubuntu, you're killing my bandwidth and I need some packages02:53
pwnt-plik: ok give a shot to freeloader, u'll love it02:53
dystopianrayCryoniq: should work with radeon though and support compiz02:53
Crozarpazsion: on my pentium3 800mhz , installing was 35 minutes , loading 40 seconds02:53
PeloPaulFehr,  yeah you hardly ever get details,  make it an logical partiton, see if it is any better02:53
Light-How come Wine cant be installed via Add/Remove ? (the checkbox is greyed out)02:53
Shpooklol homerj02:53
root_homerj, what a loser...02:53
pazsionlol hormerj02:53
vocxbruenig, dam! you are right ...02:53
ccaichey ,eveyone02:53
rryanun1x01d : try  'dpkg --list | grep nvidia"  from the console. If you see nvidia-glx listed, then you have it installed from the repositories02:53
localgod11if you download the live cd an reinstall from scratch it only takes a min02:53
pibe86does ubuntu 7.10 have ccms?02:53
bruenighe would have kept seeding02:53
Optimus55homerj: try switching to the middle eastern repos02:53
shmoolikipodPelo: thanks02:53
shmoolikipodubotu: thanks02:54
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:54
malcolmbquestion: say my bios is locked, is there a way to disable system-beep system wide?02:54
PaulFehrPelo: Ok, I'll try that aswell02:54
Cryoniqdystopianray: it is a Radeon 9800 Pro :)02:54
MajorPoopyPantsdoes ubuntu server edition come with a desktop installed on it as well?02:54
fkumrognome freezes on clicking quit...anyone else have this issue?02:54
v3ctorMajorPoopyPants: no02:54
root_MajorPoopyPants, no02:54
harualso how do i get ubuntu to use my usb soundcard instead of onboard02:54
=== Light- is now known as Light-|Test
MajorPoopyPantsCryoniq, hey now an oldie but a goodie02:54
dystopianrayCryoniq: that should be supported by the radeon driver, which supports aiglx02:54
=== Light-|Test is now known as Light-
pazsionCROZAR:  i'm loading INSTAL TO HD, on a socket 370 pent cely 800mhz, 192mb ram live cd:::02:54
un1x01drryan, yum it is from repo, would you recommend removing it and reinstalling with the nvidia driver ?02:54
the_darkside_986i need to get proprietary nvidia drivers working during the liveCD? does anyone have any advice on how to do this?02:54
vocxmalcolmb, I saw that one somewhere. I have forgotten how ... maybe search the forums, could be a module... I don't recall.02:54
MajorPoopyPantsthank you v3ctor and root_02:54
dystopianraythe_darkside_986: does the restricted driver manager not work on the livecd?02:55
Crozarpazsion: ya its your ram ;)02:55
Pelothe_darkside_986,  live cd does not support nvidia drivers,  you need to install using the alternate isntall cd02:55
plikhi flick02:55
Cryoniqdystopianray: Yeah I had it working with aiglx and dri in feisty..02:55
malcolmbvocx: thank you, I'll do that!02:55
Light-How come Wine cant be installed via Add/Remove ? (the checkbox is greyed out)02:55
flickhi how do i set the default mount options?02:55
flickhi plik02:55
RenatoSilvathe nbetter is to do a full install02:55
rryanun1x01d : I'm really not sure which you should use. The repository ones are slightly out-dated. If there is a bug that's keeping you from using the two, then you should use the latest ones, but if it's just that your xorg.conf is wrong, then there's really no reason to02:55
bruenig!fstab | flick02:55
boselectaOK i'm finished downloading. somebody else can have a turn.02:55
ubotuflick: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:55
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM02:55
PeloLight-,  try from synaptic or sudo apt-get install wine02:55
emeristeIn firestarter what does the red text versus the blue text mean?02:55
dystopianrayCryoniq: fglrx doesn't support aiglx so radeon is better if you want to run compiz02:55
pazsionPELO: my nvidia 5500 i think is loaded02:55
Crozarpazsion: i think half the world have more then 512 ram ;)02:56
pwnt-I'm having an error when trying my "Update manager" then click CHECK. here's a screenshot of my error. help please http://shell.lomag.net/~org/Screenshot-3.png02:56
ShpookOkay, so I'm going to revert back to Feisty for a few days and see if my system freezes. If it doesn't, then I can be about 75% sure nothing is wrong with my hardware, and it's probably a problem within the Gutsy kernel, or a bad interaction with Gutsy and a piece of hardware.02:56
localgod11live cd only took me 5 min02:56
flickok, but how do i ask ubuntu not to automatically mount a volume even though it is in fstab?02:56
bruenigflick, change the options02:56
Pelopazsion,  if the live cd doesn'T boot,  it is not supported02:56
the_darkside_986wtf? that sucks. i am hoping that i would never have to use the alt CD. this is just... crushing and demoralizing...02:56
dystopianrayflick: 'noauto' fstab option02:56
pazsionCROZAR: this is a repair on a 98 HP =C02:56
toxidashi everyone02:56
boselectaflick: take it out of fstab?02:56
flickok thanks02:56
RB2Where do I find the Theme Manager? (to use Themes from art.gnome.org)02:56
Cryoniqdystopianray: ah.. so I have totaly apporached it wrong with trying to use the fglrx.. hmm..02:56
bruenigflick, I think the option is called noauto, not sure, look for it in man mount02:56
gidimOkay, now my upgrade is . . . well, upgrading.02:56
rryanun1x01d : can you use one of them at a time ? Can you use 2 monitors on just one of them /02:56
PeloRB2, menu >sytem > prefs > theme02:57
un1x01drryan, if i start twinview on 2 monitors with the 3rd as a single desktop , i get the twinview stretched all over like it was a single monitor02:57
toxidasi've just fresh installed gutsy but it boots up too slow:((((02:57
the_darkside_986which geniuses thought it would be a good idea to package a glx-only x-server but NOT the nvidia-glx drivers needed to make it run? there seems to be no alternative x server at all?02:57
joe-homeI am trying to enable my ATI restricted driver and when I hit the enable checkbox it tells me "Fix broken packages first".  What can I do to install my restricted driver?02:57
Crozaroptions do wonders in gutsy you can make it act the way you want :D02:57
RB2ty Pelo02:57
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=== root_ is now known as ruz322
Light-ok will do Pelo02:57
bruenigflick, it is noauto, I have it in my fstab now that I check02:57
vocxflick, there is an option in fstab which you can add, I think "noauto"    read "man mount" for more info.02:57
danlock2anyone know how to get the second monitor working on a macbook?02:57
plikthe_darkside_986: the ons that pissed you off?02:57
RenatoSilvahow do I restore my feisty software on gusty????02:57
Charlottehey do u guys know some tool to check my hard drve for errors????02:57
vocxbruenig, damn you are faster02:57
rryanun1x01d : Hmm that was the problem I had that made me have to not use TwinView02:57
flickthanks bruenig, vocx02:57
ruz322Charlotte, fsck02:57
bruenigvocx, yeah you basically repeated me about 10 sec later02:57
RB2Pelo: I don't have a Theme Could that be because I installed Emerald and it took its place?02:57
zethero1I need help with Bluetooth02:57
pwnt-I'm having an error when trying my "Update manager" then click CHECK. here's a screenshot of my error. help please http://shell.lomag.net/~org/Screenshot-3.png02:58
|Life|how can I kill my current firefox process if I can't see it nowhere in the GUI. I've tried with "sudo kill firefox" but that doesn't work02:58
toxidasi've just fresh installed gutsy but it boots up too slow:(((( anybody help me pls??02:58
Cryoniqdystopianray: what I have done is installing the ati restricted drivers. In feisty one used the open source drivers I remember. Was some fiddling to get that to work back then. he he02:58
CrozarCharlotte: no need for tool type it in terminal fsck02:58
dystopianrayCharlotte: badblocks02:58
rryanun1x01d : Basically, you need to edit xorg.conf to remove TwinView, and make 3 separate02:58
v3ctor|Life|: sudo pkill firefox02:58
RenatoSilvahow do I restore my feisty software on gusty????02:58
PeloRB2, don't know ask in #ubuntu-effects02:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:58
rryanThen in your ServerLayout, specify each screen as left of the next one02:58
RB2ok, thanks again02:58
ruz322Charlotte, do this, fsck <drive name and partition like so /dev/hda>02:58
rryanlike it is in mine02:58
pazsionPELO: ubuntu, loaded, i can see my nvida 5500 in hardware devies/system it was expanded the first go tho...02:58
plik|Life|: psauxww | grep firefox  , then sudo kill   the process no02:58
PeloRenatoSilva,  install it again , one by one02:58
Charlotte$ sudo fsck02:58
Charlottefsck 1.40.2 (12-Jul-2007)02:58
Charlottefsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=297fd21f-c6f1-4d47-911d-a5cbd1a0125d'02:58
ShpookMy poor hard drive has been reformatted and partitioned so many times....I'm surprised it's still alive.02:58
jimmywwso does any one have a fix "Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0"02:58
Charlottethis is what i got????02:58
Xanthus|Life|: sudo killall firefox-bin02:59
ruz322Charlotte, did you specify the drive?02:59
the_darkside_986they need to upload a REAL ubuntu release without this non-functional compiz and x server so i can proudly once again say that i use an OS that lets me browse the internet while installing it.02:59
Optimus55hey where can i download the alternate upgrade cd? its not on the site02:59
RenatoSilvaPelo: bad news for me :(02:59
bruenigwhy wold you need sudo to kill firefox?02:59
|Life|v3ctor, plex__, Xanthus.. thanks a lot, that was easy :)02:59
Gunner_Srdoes anyone know if i8k 1.27 is the latest version for feisty?02:59
rryanun1x01d : Actually, if you tried mine, it might work, as long as you change the BusID of the video cards to match which ones yours are.02:59
Cryoniqdystopianray: so in order to get this radeon to play along.. what do I need to get it singing aiglx?02:59
pazsionlol dark side lol02:59
vocxpwnt-, you need to wait. Servers are loaded. Wait a few hours, days, weeks or months.02:59
Pelopazsion,  you have the desktop ?  restriced video driver will require a restart so you probably can'T load it wile in live session02:59
localgod11i am isntalling and surfing at te same time02:59
rryanun1x01d : And you'd need to change the monitor settings to match your monitors, mine are LCDs02:59
plikOptimus55: get the torrent from http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/02:59
Xanthus|Life|: you are welcome :)02:59
dystopianrayCryoniq: it should 'just work' afaik02:59
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ruz322Charlotte, and ou should actually do it without the drive being mounted02:59
black_13would splashy disable kernel output02:59
mrjGnome really dislikes saving any changes I've made to the interface after I reboot02:59
spezticlehey can anyone tell me why ubuntu isn't connecting to my wireless network?03:00
pwnt-vocx: I can wait months until I can get the final gutsy update. is that what you mean?03:00
Optimus55plik: sweet beans man, thanks!03:00
PeloRenatoSilva, all your settings will be saved if you backed up your /home folder03:00
Shpookmrj: same here....try google, I remember reading a fix for that somewhere.03:00
plikOptimus55: welcome03:00
pazsionPelo: just saying that it;s there and detected...haven't run any programs to test it, but everything is working fine...this very computer i'm on now03:00
the_darkside_986so, since i am on an nvidia card that sucks... is there anyway to make the nv or vesa drivers work AT ALL during the live CD? isn't there a non-xgl x server on there? Xorg doesn't work it does the same thing as running "X"03:00
vocxpwnt-, .... mmm ... yes?03:00
Powerking89670mrj: if your having a problem with the bars moving to the top, the one on the bottom needs to be DRAGGED to the botom (thats what fixed it for me)03:00
Shpookmrj: you're talking about screenlet/icon locations, colors, etc?03:00
IcemanV9spezticle: i don't know ... you tell me ;)03:00
pwnt-vocx: okay i'll wait few months03:00
Eldemonboa noite03:00
mrjyeah, icons, bars moving around, etc03:00
moukahow do I add a user to cdrec group03:00
Xanthusamr: hello03:00
Cryoniqdystopianray: hmm.. what is the driver named? Radeon?03:00
Charlotte/dev/sda2: recovering journal03:00
Charlottefsck.ext3: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to re-open /dev/sda203:00
Charlottee2fsck: io manager magic bad!03:00
mrjI went through and changed ALL my icons to nice OSX PNGs and they reverted to the originals03:01
* Pelo realy needs to go to bed now, g'night folks 03:01
dystopianrayCryoniq: radeon03:01
amrXanthus plz how to make gusty boot faster03:01
pazsiongnight pelo03:01
Lankenhappy release! I had gutsy beta installed (it worked better for my newish laptop).  Do I just wait for the fracas to subside and update as usual?03:01
ruz322sounds like u have problems03:01
Powerking89670mrj: yea, try dragging the bars, thats what made mine stay :D03:01
RenatoSilvaPelo: but not the software03:01
juanbondI am trying to enable my ATI restricted driver and when I hit the enable checkbox it tells me "Fix broken packages first".  What can I do to install my restricted driver?03:01
DIguanaIs there any way of getting a configuration screen of some sort for the "Visual Effects" in 7.10? I know Beryl had a fairly intuitive graphical preferences app and I'd like to be able to customise the 3D effects beyond simply turning them on or off in the "Appearance Preferences" screen.03:01
Xanthusmouka: System->Administration->Users and Groups03:01
vocxLanken, yes03:01
v3ctormouka: sudo usermod -G cdrec <user>03:01
IcemanV9Lanken: good plan03:01
cafuegoamr: Buy faster hardware03:01
crdlb!ccsm | DIguana03:01
ubotuDIguana: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - see also !compiz03:01
Charlotteany one?03:01
mrjI can't mount my NTFS partitions anymore either, something always breaks when I reboot03:01
Charlotte/dev/sda2: recovering journal03:01
Charlottefsck.ext3: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to re-open /dev/sda203:01
Charlottee2fsck: io manager magic bad!03:01
Crozarthe_darkside_986: just install it if you want to use XGL , but through live cd you cant unless you want to go a long hardway for it to work , and google it :)03:01
spezticlelol well i don't get  an IP... theres 2 available wireless networks. one not mine and encrypted, it will try and connect to that one, but can't cos  i dont have the key, but when i try to connect to my own, it just waits a few minutes... and stops03:01
jdongv3ctor: whoa, don't you need -a?03:01
Shpookdid you change the file's in the font folders?03:01
pazsioncan i run ubuntu in a command based thing or tell it to install to harddrive during boot?03:01
DunasIs there some way to downgrade from 7.10 back to 7.04? :x03:01
ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.03:02
amri am having a new laptop 1.8 core duo with 1 gig of ram03:02
v3ctorjdong: why would i need -a?03:02
WorkingOnWiseI keep getting an error when I try to install anything with Synaptics. It says a package failed to install.03:02
cafuegoDunas: Nope, fresh install.03:02
jdongv3ctor: to append the user to the group, rather than setting the user to only that group?03:02
Dunascafuego, thanks. Bah. Oh well.03:02
seamus7Dunas: do a fresh install using the 7.04 iso03:02
CrozarWorkingOnWise: what error?03:02
amrXanthus on that hardware gusty is slow in boot03:02
jdongv3ctor: or am I recalling a BSD-ism?03:02
mrjWorkingOnWise, the error might help03:02
vocxCharlotte, you are not asking a question. Besides that seems like a borked drive. Do not repeat, better to paste the error. You can run "fsck" on unmonted drives only.03:02
v3ctorahh..sorry, linux usermod seems to bo silly03:02
amrxanthus i am having a new laptop 1.8 core duo with 1 gig of ram03:02
v3ctorjdong: you are correct03:02
IcemanV9spezticle: same here ... it takes me a min or so to connect to my wifi encrypted network (wpa2)03:02
v3ctormouka: sudo usermod -a -G cdrec <user>03:02
Xanthusamr: you were using Feisty before Gutsy?03:03
jdongv3ctor: I only learn from those kinds of mistakes the hard way... multiple times :D03:03
the_darkside_986this is so irritating. i think i will just reinstall openSUSE 10.3 until we decide to make a REAL ubuntu release that does not depend on proprietary drivers that cannot be included...03:03
v3ctorjdong: bsd-ism would not require the -a03:03
Charlottebroken :( it is brend new only a couple of mounts03:03
Dunas'cause Synaptic's not able to download ANYTHING right now, and Firefox, which was fine on 7.04, keeps dying on me in 7.10... so off to fresh-install.03:03
CrozarWorkingOnWise error installing gutsy , recheck md5sum , check if they match , write at low speeds people , and pray your drive is not dead.03:03
DIguanaubotu: Thanks. If any Ubuntu-devs are reading this, it'd be nice to have that installed by default.03:03
mrjthe_darkside_986, sniffle03:03
ruz322Charlotte, when you ran fsck, did you run it while logged into thesystem or from a recovery disc..03:03
emeristehow do you run pididentd?03:03
amr_yes but fesity was slower03:03
pazsion::wants to install to HD, GUI is really slow:::can i tell it to install to HD during bootup?03:03
WorkingOnWisemrj dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1:03:03
WorkingOnWise field name ` a package failed to install.03:03
Powerking89670the_darkside_986: If your unhappy, leave....dont waste your time trying to get a responce03:03
v3ctorjdong: i'm a long time solaris guy, some of those minor differences get lost03:03
Cryoniqdystopianray: hmm.. changed it to readon in screen and graphics, then restarted xorg.. and it was still on vesa.. hmm..03:03
plikthe_darkside_986:  are you gonna say anything constructive, or just bitch all night?03:03
Charlottei m logon right now03:03
Xanthusamr_: fresh install or upgraded?03:03
Cryoniqdystopianray: refused to change it seemed.. lol03:03
the_darkside_986wait though... how did you other Nvidia ppl have a functional liveCD if that depends on nvidia-glx? i'm confused now03:03
vocxCharlotte, maybe there is a way to fix it with "fdisk" but I don't know for sure,03:03
DIguanaHmmm... I guess I should've directed my thanks toward crdlb.03:04
amr_xanthus , i am having fujitsu seimens amilo pi 150503:04
mrjDunas, there's a pretty logical and obvious reason you can't download from synaptic right now.03:04
Cryoniqdystopianray: radeon i meant03:04
the_darkside_986i'm sorry i love ubuntu but i get depressed when i can't get an OS installed.03:04
crdlbDIguana, indeed :)03:04
ruz322Charlotte, you should log off, boot from the recovery disk, and go from there03:04
KantiIs anyone else having problems installing/updating your system?  http://archive.ubuntu.com seems to be unreachable03:04
jdongv3ctor: ah, cool :) -- I just wanted to make sure nobody's default groupslist accidentally gets zapped... since in Ubuntu that's NASTY and will lock you out of root without recovery mode!03:04
ShpookOoh, is there a debugging mode that will log every single little system action, besides the logs in /var/logs?03:04
Kanti(as are others)03:04
pazsionis the dark side also "D-SIDE""??03:04
vocxKanti, read topic03:04
PiciKanti: yes, its very slow03:04
dystopianrayCryoniq: change it manually03:04
plikKanti: lots of torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/03:04
amr_xanthus , i am having vista on dual boot but vista is faster03:04
mrjthe_darkside_986, use whatever distro works best for you03:04
ruz322Charlotte, read up on chroot first, you will need to do that to get access to the file system03:04
Kantioh damn, sorry (i shoulda known to check that)03:04
v3ctorjdong: thanks for looking out ;)03:04
Cryoniqdystopianray: driver "radeon" in xorg.conf u mean? :)03:04
vocxKanti, naturally03:04
the_darkside_986i'm just joking anyway i hate openSUSE. but ppl on the newer nvidia cards... what did the default xorg.conf say?03:05
amr_xanthus , vista is booting faster and more responsive03:05
toxidasi've just fresh installed gutsy but it boots up too slow:(((( anybody help me pls??03:05
Dunasmrj, huh? It's not just Synaptic, Firefox keeps freezing temporarily at times on its own and the file system is giving me problems trying to find a specific file (the flash files, which I was told to uninstall/reinstall)03:05
dystopianrayCryoniq: yes03:05
pinionupgrade to gutsy has hosed my system.  tzdata didn't upgrade properly and it messed up some other stuff.  I removed it, reinstalled.  None of the other stuff will update though.  tried to upgrade again but I'm already running 7.10  I think I'm just going to wipe because I've only been running ubuntu for a few weeks.  How can I save my virtual machine in vmware so that it will use it once I reinstall?  Or should I just reinstall xp and VB03:05
pinion 2005 since that's what I need it for?  please pm03:05
pazsionthe darkside 986---are you also "D-SIDE"03:05
Cryoniqdystopianray: and also change those with glx to aiglx?03:05
Charlottewhat do u mean chrot list??03:05
* Xanthus is seeing a lot of slow boot complaints....03:05
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM03:05
dystopianrayCryoniq: only change the driver from vesa to radeon03:05
gordboyfound a fix for dolphin (7.10) that allows bookmarks to be saved : chown -R username:username ~/.kde/ some of the folders are mistakenly owned by root. the recursive chown fixes that. woohoo03:05
WorkingOnWisemrj when I do "sudo dpkg --configure -a" I get "dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1:   field name"03:05
Crozartoxidas: maybe you installed the wrong match for your system , which file you downloaded? alternate or pc x86 or the amd version?03:05
the_darkside_986pazsion: i have no other alias besides my current one03:05
Cryoniqdystopianray: kk =)03:05
strabesin gutsy, when i quit rhythmbox & it's paused, it plays like .5 seconds of the last song that I was playing. is anyone else experiencing this?03:05
mrjDunas, i was only commenting on not being able to download from synaptic03:05
pavanall.. i have been using gutsy from when it was in RC1 (i think) and usually i see a standard stream of updates almost everyday.. today after the official release.. i just don't see any software updates..03:05
Powerking89670night all03:06
Dunasmrj, is there an alternative to Synaptic right now?03:06
Crozarpavan: i have been trying to update since 11 hours03:06
mrjpavan, you're like the 50th person to say that, so I'm going to assume there just arent any updates posted for the beta/rc's yet03:06
vocxpavan, maybe you upgraded to the final release without knowing.03:06
mrjDunas, nope03:06
plikDunas: aptitude ?  ;)03:06
m1revening all03:06
Evanlecpavan, thats because the servers are jammed right now03:06
mrjDunas, there are apt mirrors03:06
pazsiondarkside-- good =) i'd have to frag you D-SIDE is a person in #linux on underground that's been a real D =)03:06
Evanlecpavan, im experiencing same thing03:06
strabesDunas: apt-get or aptitude03:06
mrjDunas, most of us are just waiting03:06
amr_xanthus, i saw many people on ubuntu forums having the same issue , is that a bug03:06
Crozarpavan: the server updates are closed temporary reasons lets wait for that huh03:06
mrjNo, he wants mirrors for apt/aptitude, not command alternatives03:07
arun__um.. my right click is too sensitive.. every time i right click it just automatically selects the first option from the right click menu.. for example, if i right click on the desktop, it just creates a new folder. it's a bit irritating, which part of the mouse settings do i tweak?03:07
pavanthx guys.... makes sense..03:07
gordboypavan: kdelibs need fixing for kopete. there is a fixed up package, and it should be in gutsy-proposed before too long ...03:07
plikmrj: ooops, sorry  :)03:07
XanthusWorkingOnWise: do a "sudo apt-get update", maybe it refresh the available file03:07
strabeslike alternate sources? Try changing them to the country nearest you03:07
cdm10Yay, reinstalling fixed my Gutsy Beta woes, even though updates should have taken care of them.03:07
plikI'm seeding the alternative install torrent  :)03:07
MerrickBWhere does BasKet hide the icons that it uses when the program is minimized to the Panel?  I had changed it months ago, but when I upgraded to Gutsy, it restored the default icon back to that wretched easter-basket looking icon.03:07
alienseer23when i try to upgrade (gksu "update-manager -c"), using the cd rom or server as repo source, i tell it to install, agree to the install, the upgrade gui freezes up before it loads and hangs indeffinately. Is this fixable? is there an alternate command line upgrade wit no gui?03:07
mrjDunas, I've just been apt getting tiny stuff all night, I tried to apt-get a 40mb file and cancelled it quickly03:07
cdm10strabes: there's a "choose best mirror" option that works great.03:07
the_darkside_986i have a question for nvidia users... does the livecd actually boot up and say that it is already using restricted nvidia drivers?03:07
WorkingOnWiseXanthus: ok.03:07
cdm10mrj: go to System>Admin>Software Sources03:07
ShpookJust as a curious question, is anyone else experiening freezing problems since they upgraded?03:07
the_darkside_986or are the restricted nvidia drivers dl'd after install?03:08
mrjcdm10, I know I can add mirrors, etc03:08
cdm10the_darkside_986: no, that seems impossible... the livecd doesn't have the drivers on them.03:08
pazsiondarkside---i have 5500 loaded..restricted drivers...03:08
cdm10the_darkside_986: after install03:08
Xanthusamr_: I'm not aware of it but i'm worrying about so many "slow boot" messages03:08
DunasOut of curiosity, is there an easy way to search my entire system for files related to Flash? I think that's the reason Firefox/Swiftweasel keep freezing on me.03:08
strabesin gutsy, when i quit rhythmbox & it's paused, it plays like .5 seconds of the last song that I was playing. is anyone else experiencing this?03:08
Evanlecthe_darkside_986, the latter03:08
gordboyi upgraded from feisty to gutsy with hardly a hitch. all fully operational now, and some nice new apps03:08
mrjDunas, locate maybe03:08
mrjDunas, obviously grep would go through the files but take forever03:08
DIguanaDoes anyone know what "<Super>" is bound to on a standard 104-key PC keyboard?03:08
pazsiondarkside-- worked in live cd and after HD install03:08
vocxthe_darkside_986, I don't think the Ubuntu CD includes restricted stuff. You normally install, select the other repositories and then install restricted stuff.03:08
cdm10mrj: if you go there, and choose Other, there's an option to find best server, it works great.03:08
toxidasXanthus: amr_: do you have an idea why is that happening?03:08
cdm10DIguana: windows key03:08
mrjcdm10, cool will do03:08
Evanlecstrabes, no, but is it really a big problem?03:08
Shpookwindows key diguana03:08
the_darkside_986ok... so how did your xserver work? just automatically without any issues via "nv"03:09
cdm10the_darkside_986: yup03:09
amrxanthus , i might have a hint for you , slow boot is in the last part after the progress bar and from typing passsword to a ready to use desktop03:09
MajorPoopyPantshow does ubuntu compare to debian?03:09
strabesEvanlec: it's kind of annoying. i'd simply like to know if anyone else is experiencing it or if it's just my computer03:09
Dunas...ok, and how would I go about uninstalling Flash plugin? :X03:09
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cdm10the_darkside_986: if you've been having problems, have you tried booting in safe graphics?03:09
cdm10MajorPoopyPants: It's easier to use for non-geeks.03:09
Evanlecstrabes, ive not heard of such a thing no03:09
XanthusDunas: search the following directories: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins and /home/user/.mozilla/plugins03:09
sx66xfcewhat up03:09
strabesEvanlec: can you try it?03:09
DIguanaThanks cdm10 and Shpook.03:09
vocxMajorPoopyPants, this is not a place to discuss that. Head to #ubuntu-offtopic03:09
pazsiondarkside-5500 restriced is not enabled...enabling now..03:09
gordboythe_darkside_986: i take it you mean me :) i use radeon driver. no probs whatsoever03:09
the_darkside_986cdm10: i've tried failsafe graphics mode but it does the same thing. blank screen in an attempt to use the "nv" OR the "vesa" drivers03:09
ShpookNo problem :-)03:09
vocx!debian > MajorPoopyPants03:10
strabesEvanlec: pause your music in rhythmbox, then quit rhythmbox03:10
Evanlecstrabes, i dont use rhythmbox currently, just use nautilus and totem ;p03:10
MajorPoopyPants?? im trying to decide whether to migrate from debian or now03:10
strabesEvanlec: oh, ok03:10
amrxanthus , i tried disabling many processes but no speed gain but what maked boot realy fast is disabling compiz03:10
XanthusDunas: delete the files flashplayer.xpt and  libflashplayer.so files when you find them03:10
MajorPoopyPantshey thanks for the bot links03:10
arun__anyone about the mouse problem?03:10
fiveironanyone have probs with gutsy booting REALLY slowly on a laptop?03:10
amrif i disable compiz - ubuntu boots faster03:10
cdm10I don't think Debian is ot here...03:10
cdm10Actually, it is.03:10
Xanthusamr: hmm... compiz03:10
amrbut the progress bar is still slow03:10
cdm10But, comparing it to Ubuntu is not.03:10
mrjmy gutsy boots a LOT faster now than it did in beta03:10
MajorPoopyPantsIRC rocks03:10
EvanlecMajorPoopyPants, if u want to get in on all the fun then go for it ;)03:10
the_darkside_986i am tempted to plug my monitor back into my old ATI X200 just to boot gutsy. i can't wait 'til nouveau pwnz nvidia for all this trouble they're causing me tonight03:10
kevleviathanXanathus: any other ideas on the laptop with 6150 getting a corrupted screen?03:10
strabesfiveiron: in grub, remove the "splash" boot parameter and write down where it's freezing for a long time?03:10
vocxMajorPoopyPants, I mean we shouldn't discuss "which is better" in here, since that may complicate things. Glad I could help.03:11
WorkingOnWiseXanthus: ran apt-get update. went errorfree. same errors with dpkg.03:11
Shpookare there any changes between the release canidate and the final release?03:11
cdm10vocx: he didn't ask which is better, he asked what's different.03:11
fiveironstrabes, actuall thats it... i'm not seeing a spash boot... i just now realized that03:11
DunasAha, there they are.03:11
MajorPoopyPantsvocx, im not asking which is better - im asking how they compare03:11
Ward1983is there a update guide somewhere?03:11
amrxanthus , compiz slows the boot process after system is up but before that it's slower than xp or even vista03:11
pazsion:::anyone who cares:: d/ling and installing restricted nvidia drivers..03:11
the_darkside_986i got a question... once you install gutsy, can you turn off the aiglx stuff and boot a normal x server afterwards that doesn't require any thing fancy?03:11
strabesShpook: nothing significant that i know of. There were very few updates in the two days between the RC and the actual release03:11
toxidasamr: xanthus and i also can't see the bootsplash screen before login03:11
Ward1983guide / howto03:11
cdm10Ward1983: go to System>Admin>Update Manager and hit Check03:11
MajorPoopyPantsBetter is too subjective a term to use in a distro choice03:11
sontai just wanted to say thanks03:11
eb_anyone having priblems with the upgrade from 7.04 7.10?  can't seem to find packages on the server?03:11
strabesfiveiron: then where is it freezing?03:11
cdm10Ward1983: but I'd wait a few days, until the servers speed up.03:11
vocxcdm10, MajorPoopyPants I understand. But then again, you never know what people ask. So no problems.03:12
Ward1983cdm10, and should not all my applications keep working, can i go easily back?03:12
MajorPoopyPantsvocx, no problemo - not trying to cause issues03:12
fiveironstrabes, not sure... will try the non-graphical boot and see if maybe i'm just impatient...03:12
EvanlecMajorPoopyPants, im sure sure there are many differences...03:12
TinyGrasshopperHello, I have an nvidia card (7600) and I'm getting random restarts with Desktop effects enabled, which i don't see without desktop effects. I tried to see what would happen if I disabled the proprietary drivers and tried turning on compiz then. When I restarted it didn't seem to set the right resolution (widescreen monitor) so I don't get a screen, the monitor just says 'Out of Range'. How do I either change the resolution in03:12
TinyGrasshoppercommand line or more preferably turn the proprietary drivers back on in command line?03:12
Shpookstrabes: cool, i wasn't sure if i didn't get an update because of overloaded servers or not03:12
XanthusWorkingOnWise: try sudo apt-get check03:12
cdm10Ward1983: No, you'll have to reinstall.03:12
Ward1983cdm10, all of my software?03:12
guruis there a problem with archive.ubuntu.com or is it just my connection?03:12
fkumrowhat can I remove if i dont plan on using the desktop effects03:12
amrtoxidas : i can see it but a horizontal line is there when i boot from hypernate and system boot very very slow when i boot from hypernate or when powerfailure03:13
EvanlecMajorPoopyPants, probly major similarity is the .deb package system, otherwise i dunno03:13
the_darkside_986i have an idea... ubuntu gutsy should have had the nouveau drivers so at least the liveCD would work just enough so i can install and get the real nvidia drivers...03:13
fiveironfkumro, compiz*03:13
cdm10fkumro: don't remove anything, just disable 'em... they don't take up much space.03:13
strabesShpook: nah, if your sources download then it will tell you if there are upgrades. just run "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade"03:13
Xanthusamr: maybe your graphic card is not well supported by compiz...03:13
vocxguru, read the topic03:13
samiloophaha The upgrade aborts now. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a).03:13
WorkingOnWiseXanthus: ran with no errors. same dpkg errors.03:13
cdm10Ward1983: if stuff breaks during the upgrade, you may be able to fix it by asking here. Otherwise, you may need to reinstall Ubuntu.03:13
jazz632hmm so i'm trying to do a clean install of ubuntu, but my internal cd rom drive is busted and im trying to install from an external (but i cant boot from it). any idea on what i can do?03:13
dystopianraythe_darkside_986: vesa or nv should still work03:13
alienseer23i can't get pas the "distrobution upgrade" gui, it freezes on load. Fix?03:13
amrxanthus, no it works out of box  intel GMA 950 up to 256mb03:13
fiveironanyone have a laptop with a radeon 200m that has hardware acceleration working?03:13
guruthanks vocx03:13
vocxjazz632, get a new CD drive03:13
ubotuNouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support.  Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive03:13
cdm10alienseer23: it might be because the servers are running veeery slowly.03:13
pazsion:::recent connection speeds cable modem comcast :: 20kb -50kb:: eastern us03:14
Ward1983cdm10, i'm talking about my software, if some of it does not work after the successfull update.. what can i do?03:14
Xanthuskevleviathan: what is the exact graphic card's model and vendor ?03:14
jazz632hah yeah its a laptop though so its harder to get one that works03:14
gordboythe_darkside_986: yes you can. edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add - Option "AIGLX" "off" - to the ServerFlags section. also add - Option "Composite" "disable" - to the Extensions section03:14
cdm10!offtopic | pazsion03:14
ubotupazsion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:14
mumrahi'm having problems with synaptic - namely nothing downloads03:14
juanbondI just did a fresh install of Gusty and I am trying to install my ATI restricted driver and I keep on getting "Could not apply changes! Fix broken packages first."  What do I need to do in order to install the driver?03:14
jazz632so i was wondering if theres any other way03:14
x_MSN in Kopete is still broken on final release.  That kinda sucks!  But I love everything else though.03:14
mrthereverendI have an HP pavilion notebook and my touchpad doesn't work03:14
kevleviathanXanthus: nvidia geforce go 6150 in a compaq v6215ca03:14
arun__is xv working with compiz enabled?03:14
ShpookOkay, I'm leaving. If my computer freezes again, I'm coming back to cry on someone's shoulder.03:14
alienseer23cdm10: it happens when i use cd as well03:14
mrjjuanbond, in synaptic click the Broken filter03:14
the_darkside_986@gordboy thx i'll try that03:14
ShpookThanks for the help guys.03:14
amrwhen i type "compiz --replace" it takes 10 seconds to bring me my windows again03:14
zhanxhmmm not all the mirrors have 7.10 yet03:14
vocx!install > jazz63203:14
=== brucewayne is now known as iamnotbrucewayne
mrjjuanbond, find out whats broken and proceed from there (remove it or reinstall)03:14
alienseer23it looks like thre is a dbus errr, end then it hngs03:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about install? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:15
juanbondhow can i find out what's broken?03:15
mrthereverendtouchpad doesn't work03:15
mrthereverendneed help03:15
xsachajdong: hey, thanks. that worked :)03:15
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:15
pazsionubotu:: just replying to someone who asked if ubuntu servers are slow right now::03:15
mrjjuanbond, i just said, in synaptic use the broken filter it will tell you exactly which one is broken03:15
jdongxsacha: fantastic03:15
whoniccais there a gusty only room?03:15
kahrytanCan someone help me fix the fonts on my gutsy system? I did something to cause text on pages to be small. And it's not firefox related.  (http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/snapshot1.png)03:15
amrxanthus : compiz takes 10 seconds to load it self and that wasn't issue on my desktop using gusty alpha tribe503:15
iamnotbrucewaynehello, is there any MD5SUMs for the DVDs?03:15
Evanlec!touchpad | mrthereverend03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about touchpad - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:15
vocx!bot > pazsion03:15
avarnerhello ubuntu! how's it hanging03:15
Evanlec!synaptics | mrthereverend03:15
ubotumrthereverend: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad03:15
avarnerhey who needed help with touchpads?03:15
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caneris there a solution for screen blink?03:15
avarnermrthereverend: hey man i know a little bit about touchpads here what's up?03:15
whoniccaso it official that mp3 nautilus previews on gusty are broken03:16
Evanlecavarner, ^^03:16
mrjcaner, fix your refresh rate to match your monitor03:16
pazsionuboto:: i'm still waiting for somone to answer my question about a HD instal workaround...:::03:16
mrthereverendmine just won't work03:16
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mrthereverendnot sure why03:16
kahrytanCan someone help me fix the fonts on my gutsy system? I did something to cause text on pages to be small. And it's not firefox related.  (http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/snapshot1.png)03:16
mrthereverendmy usb mouse works03:16
juanbondIt's showing me 0 packages broken.03:16
mrthereverendi can click but no pointer movement03:16
vocxpazsion, ubotu is not human03:16
mrjjuanbond, run the command it tells you to run when it says theres a broken package. it should be something like sudo apt-get install -f03:16
pazsioni must be typing to much to fast03:16
WorkingOnWiseXanthus: synaptic add the following to the dpkg error. "A package failed to install. Trying to recover:  "03:16
Evanleckahrytan, did u check system > preferences > font ?03:17
gordboywell my gutsy system is going full steam ahead now. so, so long suckers !03:17
Ward1983can i just keep running my apps while upgrading?03:17
riotkittieyay. i  made the mistake of trying to boot into windows.  then i booted into gutsy to discover my wireless adapter wont come on at all :|03:17
mrjWard1983, i'd recommend not03:17
iobeliski am currently partitioning my drive. i have 1.5 gigs for swap, 20 gigs for root, i have available about 58 gigs left. the majority of this would be /home but i also want to leave aside perhaps 10-15 gigs for other distro installations. i will surely want to install and run desktop bsd soon for example. so my question is what mount point can i give this last partition?03:17
caner<mrj> how can i fix that refresh rate inconsistency?03:17
kahrytanEvanlec, That doesnt exit in gutsy. It's Appearance>Fonts now03:17
jovianybody chinese here?03:17
Ward1983mrj, are all my apps gonna keep working aswell after the upgrade?03:17
mrjcaner, system>administration>screens and graphics03:17
avarnermrthereverend: huh... that's crazy03:17
amrxanthus, can you try now to |compiz --replace| and count how much ime it takes03:17
mrthereverendyah, i know03:17
jovianybody in China here?03:18
juanbondmrj, when I do sudo apt-get install -f,  it's not telling me anything about broken packages.  it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:18
mumrahany news on the repository servers being down? i'm having trouble grabbing any packages03:18
Evanleckahrytan, yea, right i forgot, did u check that?03:18
mrjWard1983, if you have mission critical applications, upgrading to a new version fo ubuntu on day 1 is probably not a good idea03:18
Optimus56where can i go to see a list of all the upgrades/changes in gusty?03:18
kevleviathanso does anybody else have an idea on how to fix video corruption when booting livecd?03:18
caner<mrj> i know but its fixed at 50hz. a laptop03:18
darkguyhey guys, I'm installing gutsy and I'm having a small dilemma here - I want to use XFS for the whole system, but it says GRUB is gonna throw an error when installing and that it'll install LILO. Is this good? what can I do in this case? I want XFS or something faster than ext3...03:18
ale[x]i'm trying to do a preseed install, anyone know how I can skip cdrom detection?03:18
iamnotbrucewaynei'm looking for MD5SUMs, anyone got a link to them for the DVD isos?03:18
pwnguinHow do i take a screenshot of just a window?03:18
avarnermrthereverend: for mine, i could use my touchpad but it didn't work so well with my driver so i had to install another drive that was labled something similar to synaptics03:18
Ward1983mrj, how long would you recommend waiting?03:18
kahrytanEvanlec, I changed it to more appealing font. Verdana. But now webpage text is tiny. It didnt happen in feisty03:18
vocxiobelisk, don't know, maybe just /Other/BSD  not really important since the mount point can be changed later.03:18
IcemanV9mumrah: try your closest neighbor countries' repo server03:18
iobeliskactually i don't think there is anything wrong with upgrading to gutsy on day 1. i have been using the beta version since the day it came out and ive been very good.03:18
avarnermrthereverend: xfree86-driver-synaptics made my touchpad work best03:18
mrjcaner, 50 shouldnt be bad what kind of laptop03:18
Evanlecdarkguy, from what i hear ext3 is just as fast once its properly tuned03:19
pwnguindarkguy: what do you use the FS for?03:19
mumrahicemanv9: where can i grab a sources file like that?03:19
mrthereverendhow do i install03:19
Evanleckahrytan, if u change it back are the fonts normal?03:19
dogmasterHave just downloaded GG 7.10 for server and plan to install it on a Shuttle PC (now running windows XP/NTFS) that I use to host Slimdevices Slimserver and PLone 3.02.   I'd looking for suggestions on the file system to choose and use for these applications when I install 7.10.  Does anyone have any experience using Reiser 3 or 4 with Ubuntu?  After ZFS, Reiser looks like the slickest file system out there.03:19
iobeliskvocx: oh. you mean i can create my own mount points? wow, i did not know that!03:19
mrjWard1983, i'm a systems engineer, i dont upgrade mission critical appliances unless they're broken03:19
avarnerwell i installed mine in ubuntu using the synaptic package manager03:19
kahrytanEvanlec, I tried multiple others. they are still tiny03:19
mrthereverendk, thanx03:19
xsachadarkguy: i find reiser is actually faster than ext3 and xfs is about the same as ext303:19
mrjthats your decision03:19
whoniccahow do i make sure i installed the final version and not a rc1 or something03:19
vocxiobelisk, of course you an create whatever mount point you wish, it is your system you know. You own it.03:19
caner<mrj> hp pavillon dv6000. can the problem be with nvidia and vsync? somebody talked about that today?03:19
cafuegowhonicca: dist-upgrade when done03:19
Evanlechas anyone actually used reiser4 yet?03:20
Ward1983mrj, well i just have some application i would like to keep using, i don't have a server or anything03:20
darkguyEvanlec: do you know where can I find info to do so? - pwnguin: my main pc actually, but I do a lot of stuff HD-wise, I'm just kinda annoyed that the HD just starts doing a lot of stuff just to load some simple app in Feisty, so I'm using the chance to repartition with something better.03:20
mrjwhonicca, dist-upgrade03:20
IcemanV9mumrah: just modify your sources.list; for example change 'us' to 'ca' or 'mx' ... something likes that03:20
danskuhelp, just installed ubuntu 7.10, but now my apt-get doent work03:20
iamnotbrucewayneis anyone able to point me to a list of MD5SUMs for the DVD images?03:20
riotkittieis there anything i can do to get my wireless to kick in? i've tried restarting networking. i've ifup'ed, i've ifdown'ed, i've ifconfiged it up and down. no dice.03:20
iobeliskthanks for reminding me ;) you have been great man, i appreciate it.03:20
Ward1983mrj, i mean applicationS03:20
=== GameMX is now known as GameMX_
amrdogmaster, i used xfs,ext3 and reiser03:20
mrjcaner, i'd google that laptop and gibbon flicker or something03:20
mrjcaner, refresh rate sounds fine03:20
kahrytanCan someone help me fix the fonts on my gutsy system? I did something to cause text on pages to be small. And it's not firefox related.  (http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/snapshot1.png)03:20
un1x01drryan, heh, it worked with xinerama, but gnome-terminal died03:20
whoniccaalso is it me or is everyones nautilus mp3 preview not working03:20
xsachariotkittie: it has drivers?03:20
whoniccaon gusty03:20
darkcrabdoes anyone know why turning on desktop effects would make your system slight unstable, like firefox crashing more and games acting slightly wierd.03:20
juanbondmrj, when I do sudo apt-get install -f,  it's not telling me anything about broken packages.  it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:20
pwnguindarkguy: well you dont want XFS for that. really, look into tuning ext3. reiser takes 30 seconds to mount on large systems, and XFS will lose your data on improper shutdowns03:21
caner<mrj> o.k thank. i will ask it to google03:21
mrjWard1983, if youre feeling gutsy, try it, obviously noone can guarantee your applications will work03:21
iamnotbrucewayneare there any MD5SUMs for the DVD isos?03:21
vocxdarkcrab, because desktop effects are not precisely stable.03:21
toxidasno solution for slow boot-up yet ??? i wonder how many of you have the slow boot problem03:21
logreevalHi, i dont have any sound on my gutsy machine, can someone help me get some sound on this?03:21
amrdogmaster, reiser is only fast when you copy files only but system response is not03:21
mrjjuanbond, the last few lines of the command don't say anything about broken?03:21
Evanlecwhonicca, mine is not working out of the box, this may have been intentional, personally i found that feature irritating03:21
riotkittiexsacha > i'm using ndiswrapper and it's been working fine for well over a month. i tried booting into windows, and when i rebooted into ubuntu...  it was just dead03:21
xsachadarkguy: i agree with pwnguin03:21
darkcrabok thanks vocx03:21
juanbondnope, nothing about broken03:21
danskuhow can i make my apt-get back to work on last ubuntu ? just reinslled and now isn't working...03:21
vocxiamnotbrucewayne, of course, they should be there03:21
jov1anybode in China here?03:21
Evanlecamr, using reiser 3 or 4?03:21
vocx!md5 > iamnotbrucewayne03:21
kahrytanCan someone help me fix the fonts on my gutsy system? I did something to cause text on pages to be small. And it's not firefox related.  (http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/snapshot1.png)03:21
whoniccaEvanlec, even by installing mpg321 which worked previous times it still doesnt give03:21
iobeliskas far as file systems go, i would suggest sticking with ext3. xfs jfs speed variations will not be exhibited on an i386 machine.03:21
mrjjuanbond, run sudo apt-get update03:21
pwnguinxsacha: i need to sell tshirts03:21
haruhow do i change my default soundcard to USB audio03:21
pwnguin"I agree with pwnguin"03:21
amrdogmaster, all are the same speed and responsivness but reiser is superior in copying files only03:22
plikpwnguin: I'd buy one03:22
darkcrabI have a question, is the ext3 mac file system the same as the ext3 linux file system?03:22
darkguypwnguin, xsacha: okay, I'll install with ext3 then - can you give me a link where I can find info on tuning ext3 since I've never heard about tuning it?03:22
juanbondmrj, updating, but i've already rebuilt my package list too.03:22
fatbrainWhen I run the installer from the cd-rom, It freezes at 65% of the "Loading Kernel", any ... commments?03:22
Evanlecwhonicca, well, im not sure how to fix it, but i can verify i get no mp3 "hover" previews in gutsy...but im happy with that ;p03:22
fatbrain(the amd64)03:22
kolbyokay guys, I tried to upgrade to Gutsy three times and it keeps giving me an error with tzdata.03:22
Ward1983mrj, then i'm not gonna update, i would not know wherefore03:22
iamnotbrucewaynethanks vocx, but i'm looking for DVD iso MD5SUMs, not the CDs03:22
whoniccanot me =*(03:22
mrjfatbrain, run the test on the CD03:22
kahrytanCan someone please help me fix my webpage fonts?03:22
iobeliski had a partition with feiserfs though and never had any problems, but i know of quite a few people losing data during a power outtage.03:22
amrevanlec, i am using reiser 3.603:22
dogmasteramr, which version of Reiser did you use? 3 or 4?03:22
fatbrainmrj: Test on the CD also begins with "loading kernel" which get stuck at 65%03:22
Evanlecamr, oh, so sorta inbetween huh? lol03:22
pwnguinis there a GNOME tool to screenshot a single window instead of the full screen?03:22
amrdogmaster 303:23
mrjWard1983, i updated fully expecting broken things and having to fix things, just like with any linux update honestly03:23
vocxiamnotbrucewayne, are you sure there aren't any???03:23
mrjfatbrain, i'd reburn it at a much lower speed03:23
whoniccapwnguin, good question03:23
danskuanyone have any idea why my apt-get isnt workinh?03:23
amrevanlec , no the latest version of reiser 3 is 3.603:23
mrjdansku, whats the error03:23
iamnotbrucewaynevocx, i didn't see any yet (i just did a google search and looking at the mailing lists)03:23
IcemanV9kahrytan: sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts03:23
fatbrainmrj: yarr, tried it but gnomebaker wouldn't write the cd unless I put the speed on Auto :S03:23
CarlF1what happened to the screen shot button?03:23
logreevalsomeone?, i would like some sound, but cant get any...03:23
Evanlecdarkguy, try here http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ext3_Filesystem_Tips03:23
darkguypwnguin: I think it's alt+printscreen or something similar o,o03:23
bsundsrudI'm having trouble with my webcam.  It works in ekiga but won't work in cheese.  Is there a config file somewhere i can edit?  I had to change preferences around in ekiga to get it to work.03:23
fatbrainmrj: I will try some other cd-burning software see if I can limit speed to 2x03:23
vocxpwnguin, yes Applications -> Accessories -> Take screenshot03:23
Ward1983mrj, sure but what advantages has the update for me to risk anding up with a broken working environment03:24
Evanlecamr, and u say the performance is .. comparable?03:24
kahrytanIcemanV9, umm.... I did that03:24
darkguyokay I'll take a look at it, thanks Evanlec03:24
Raineerbruce: i'm checking as well, I've been getting the kubuntu torrent all day, and I don't find any MD5's either03:24
Jonfishwhat do you use to install KDE On ubuntu?03:24
crazy_busI have a core2duo on a asus p5b motherboard.  But its freezing randomly.  It says this is a know problem on edgy https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core_2_Duo_Support but I'm using feisty.  Is this still a problem in gutsy?03:24
danskumrj it doesnt find anything,03:24
Jonfishor do you need a whole different installation?03:24
kahrytanCan someone help me fix the fonts on my gutsy system? I did something to cause text on pages to be small. And it's not firefox related.  (http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/snapshot1.png)03:24
cafuegodarkguy: Did you want to get banned?03:24
Raineerbruce: the DVD that is03:24
IcemanV9kahrytan: restart the browser?03:24
pwnguindarkguy: PERFECT03:24
darkcrabwouldnt you just install kubuntu jonfish?03:24
WorkingOnWisewhen I try to install anything using Synaptic, I get the following error, then nothing, and no packages will install.: dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1:03:24
WorkingOnWise field name `03:24
WorkingOnWiseE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)  A package failed to install. Trying to recover:03:24
darkguycafuego: huh?03:24
JonfishWell I already install ubuntu03:24
darkguypwnguin: :D03:24
Jonfishis there a way to install KDE?03:24
cafuegodarkguy: Don't suggest people hit alt+print screen.03:24
mrjWard1983, my question is why even use linux if you don't expect to have the fun of breaking it and fixing it03:24
tonyyarusso!kde | Jonfish03:24
ubotuJonfish: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gusty and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.03:24
iamnotbrucewaynethey hide the DVD isos pretty good to begin with :P03:24
toxidascrazy_bus: i also have the same problem just freezes03:24
KaiForcewhat's the word on the street - does the gibbon rule or what?03:24
Jonfishthx ubotu03:24
darkcrabwell yea jonfish.03:24
Raineerjon: you can sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:25
v3ctorJonfish: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop03:25
black_13how does splash work??03:25
Jonfishexcellent thanks03:25
mrjdansku, what do you mean it doesnt find anything, you do a search and its empty?03:25
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM03:25
darkguycafuego: why not? it's in the hotkeys preference window o.O03:25
cafuegodarkguy: it's the magic sysrq key combo, which allows for instant rebooting and other special stuff03:25
mrjdansku, or it cant find a download source?03:25
=== vmlinuz- is now known as pwnt-
harui.e. uspash never comes03:25
Ward1983mrj, i don't have the experience to fix things fast enough, it can take me days03:25
amrevanlec , i can only see performance when i copy files , many small files only reiser is superior but other than this ext3 is the same but realy more supported and if you use laptop ext3 is better as it uses less cpu than reiser3 or 403:25
mrjWard1983, best way to learn then03:25
piripaki downloaded gutsy through torrent but moved from folder. how can i share it again?(i have both rtorrent and azureus)03:25
mw-homeapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade is all I need to do, after editing my sources.list, right?03:25
crazy_bustoxidas: have you found anything to fix the problem?03:25
fatbrainmrj: I read something on the core 2 duo support page "APIC turned on in BIOS freezes system during boot" I'll try turn that off and see if it helps :) thanks for help all03:25
Sgt_Shankersanyone know why i cant install new apps using add/remove?03:25
Ward1983mrj, i'm kindof depending on this system03:25
harublack_13, u arent seeing the usplash either?03:25
kahrytanIcemanV9, I told you it's not firefox related.03:25
danskui like, type "apt-get install vnc" it says it doesnt find  vnc03:26
dogmasteramr, thanks for the tip.... I'll start with Reiser 4 and then try using ZFS with Solaris later on, or perhaps stay on Ubuntu when ZFS finds it way over to Linux.03:26
iobeliskdo you think 20 gigs for the root folder is too big of a partition?03:26
toxidascrazy_bus: i've disabled compiz seems ok03:26
mrjWard1983, then don't upgrade it, i've got plenty of other computers to use, in fact i'm ircing from my bsd laptop sitting next to my ubuntu03:26
Evanlecamr, i see, so ext3 still is the fs one should use unless you have some specific need03:26
harudansku, edit sources.list03:26
cafuegodarkguy: http://snafu.freedom.org/linux2.2/docs/sysrq.txt03:26
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:26
seamus7Sgt_Shankers: maybe cause tonight is an incredibly busy night on those servers...03:26
Raineeriobelisk: in my experience that is more than you need, but it won't hurt anything03:26
toxidasbut i also have a slow boot problem do you have it also?03:26
danskuharu, how w03:26
kahrytanCan someone help me fix the fonts on my gutsy system? I did something to cause text on pages to be small. And it's not firefox related.  (http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/snapshot1.png)03:26
gspfrancUbuntu Gutsy today :D03:26
haru!repository | dansku03:26
ubotudansku: please see above03:26
gspfrancUbuntu Gutsy today :D03:26
gspfrancUbuntu Gutsy today :D03:26
gspfrancUbuntu Gutsy today :D03:26
Ward1983mrj, then you're lucky :p i only got a old laptop and this desktop03:26
black_13haru what i am looking for turning off kernel output03:26
Jonfishmine boots pretty slowly toxidas03:26
cafuegogspfranc: stop spamming03:26
kahrytanSomeone help me03:26
Ward1983lets spam gspfranc03:26
vocxgspfranc, do that again and you are out03:27
pwnguindarkguy: daniel robbins (founder of gentoo) had a series of articles on tuning filesystems, but i cant seem to find any on ext3 on developer works.03:27
AncientRelicWhat boot options should I have come for Compaq laptop?03:27
jimmygoonDid anyone else get some ... interesting problems... with the alternative install disc?03:27
|neon|if i had the rc installed do   i need to re-install final release or just do an upgrade/dist-upgrade03:27
amrevanlec , yes sure ext3 is good but reiser is faster but i read it frgments over time unlike ext3 that is solid and never fragment03:27
darkcrabwhat does medubuntu have it besides the w32 codecs?03:27
harublack_13, oh.. my screen just blinks instead of displaying splash03:27
danskuill take a look03:27
Evanleckahrytan, you're gonna ahve to track down what it is that u did to make ur fonts small03:27
kahrytanGutsy is full of bugs03:27
crazy_bustoxidas: I'm not running compiz.03:27
pwnguindarkguy: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-fs7.html is a start...03:27
bsundsrudanyone know anything about webcams in gnome?03:27
mrj|neon|, you can update/upgrade. i personally did a fresh install though03:27
toxidasJonfish: so nobody seems to know why me neither03:27
jimmygoonmy gdm text (the text in the input boxes) is HUGE and out-of-box the window titlebar font is like 72... it takes up like half the screen...03:27
darkguycafuego: ah, I didn't know Ubuntu would get that instead of the PrintScreen feature, sorry - there isn't any place where I can see what can I say or not in this channel... besides if we're not to suggest it, then the devs should remove that shortcut from the hotkeys configuration window then.03:27
|neon|mrj: thx03:27
harukahrytan, so is everything else03:27
kahrytanEvanlec, changing the font to verdana. thats it.03:27
PovAddictback from dinner, and printer configuration hell03:27
IcemanV9haru: someone had the same problem as yours few days ago. i think it's related to xorg.conf ... i couldn't remember what exactly it was.03:27
cyphaseseeing as this is the gutsy support channel now..03:27
ale[x]i'm trying to do a preseed install, anyone know how I can skip cdrom detection?.03:27
Ward1983mrj, i think i'll go for a clean install on the laptop tomorrow then to try it out, i'm not very dependant of that one03:27
cafuegodarkcrab: Possibly a fixed libmp4v2 and/or ffmpeg with mp4/aac support. i've not checked it for gutsy yet.03:27
dasialaI am about to download the liveCD to do a fresh install of Gutsy, but I'm not sure if I want the standard x86 version or the 64bit version.  I have a Dell 1420N with a Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo03:27
Evanlecamr, but is reiser noticeably faster? or is it only faster for copying and small files?03:27
Ward1983mrj, thanx for the info03:27
cyphasehas anyone had problems with their rtl8180 wifi card?03:27
darkguypwnguin: huh :( all I know abou tuning HD stuff is hdparm xD03:28
mrjWard1983, np03:28
Picikahrytan: if everything is still very small, try increasing the font dpi03:28
iobeliskraineer: my laptop has only 80 gigs. what would be an optimum partition size for root? i will be installing a few games and inkscape, scribus and i need to try out a few non linear editors too03:28
Evanleckahrytan, okay so u changed the font to verdana, and now if u change it back it doesnt fix it?03:28
darkcrabthank you cafuego03:28
haruIcemanV9, might be.. on a ati so :( tho xserver works fine :) only usplash doesnt show03:28
kahrytanPici,  where is that03:28
pwnguinPici: what if i think the font's too tall now?03:28
atlantiz_hey how do you install LAMP on Gutsy?03:28
KaiForceiobelisk i would think 10gb should do it03:28
amrevanlec , yes only with multiple small files but large files the same or slightly un-noticed faster03:28
vocxdasiala, x86. If you want to use the 64-bit version head to the 64-bit subforums in ubuntuforums.org and read.03:28
WorkingOnWisewhen I try to install anything using Synaptic, I get the following error, then nothing, and no packages will install.: dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1:        field name `        E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)  A package failed to install. Trying to recover:03:28
PovAddictatlantiz_: you got the 'L' already :)03:28
Evanlecdasiala, there's some in here that would argue withme, but i dont see any reason now to NOT USE X6403:28
Picikahrytan: system>preferences>appearance>fonts and theres a button in there, advanced or something03:28
Mmphhi I am trying to use wubi to install a 64bit ISO, is this possible?03:28
cafuegodarkguy: Yes, it's odd. The kernel certainly does have CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y set03:28
mrjatlantiz_, same as any other version03:28
pwnguindarkguy: basically, consider the size of the journal, and the writeback policy03:28
randomwalkerwhen the package updater updates my kernel it automatically deletes windows from the grub menu03:28
haruWorkingOnWise, paste ur /etc/apt/sources.list03:28
randomwalkerthis is annoying!03:29
haruWorkingOnWise, pastebin ur /etc/apt/sources.list03:29
* cyphase is downloading packages at a painfully slow speed03:29
eb_can't seem to complete the update process, it can't find a couple packages on the server.03:29
linux_studoes kubuntu 7.10 come with compiz fusion by default?03:29
cyphaselinux_stu: no03:29
Picilinux_stu: no03:29
Evanlecdasiala, sorry i meant to emphasize There's No Reason To Not Use 64bit IMO03:29
mrjcyphase, so is everyone03:29
wescotteCan you d/l the 7.10 ISO and upgrade a 7.04 machine from it instead of usign the update manager and doing a distro update?03:29
WorkingOnWiseharu:  k.03:29
darkguycafuego: heh, scary XD I won't do it again, don't worry :p thanks for the advice ^^;03:29
KaiForcewhats the word - hold off on the gibbon for now or what?03:29
Pici!compiz-#kubuntu | linux_stu03:29
ubotulinux_stu: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion03:29
iobeliskwhen i install software, all installation files will go to the root folder, yes? so would a 10 gig partition be too small for a few games and graphical programs? all data files would be in root of course03:29
cyphasemrj: i know, just thought i'd share03:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:29
cafuegodasiala: well.03:29
darkguypwnguin: alright :D03:29
linux_stuthanks cyphase and Pici03:29
cyphasemrj: :)03:29
PovAddictwescotte: if you use alternate CD, you can use the CD as an apt source03:29
kahrytanPici,  that doesnt help either03:29
MasterShrekhey Evanlec03:29
Picikahrytan: Sorry :(03:29
mrjcyphase, do the best server thing in sources03:29
EvanlecMasterShrek, hey man03:29
MasterShreklovin 7.10?03:29
wescottePovAddict: ok cool thanks03:29
mrjcyphase, it pretty much fixes the slow downloads03:29
amrevanlec, use resider if you don't care about fragmentation , cpu usage or support and use ext3 if you like compitability and stability03:29
EvanlecMasterShrek, oh ya ;p 7.10 x64 :)03:30
MasterShrekEvanlec, that realtime kernel is worth it03:30
kahrytanpici webpage font stays the same03:30
MmphIf I install a 32bit ubuntu can I make it into a 64bit with apt-get later?03:30
Pici!reiser | Evanlec03:30
ubotuEvanlec: reiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html03:30
RAdamshow much of a performance hit do I take if I choose an encrpyted LVM?03:30
mrjMmph, no03:30
MasterShrekme 2 Evanlec 64...mmm03:30
|neon|does any one knows if the intel ichr9 raid controller works with gutsy (bbeen that is fake raid)03:30
Mmphthanks mrj03:30
haruRAdams, 81%03:30
Picikahrytan: firefox's fonts are in its own appearance properties03:30
mbosocan UUID be replaced with LABEL in fstab and grub? I can't stand this UUID nonsense anymore03:30
cyphasemrj: good point.. thanx for the reminder03:30
RAdamsharu: how  is that calculated?03:30
PovAddictso, back to my network problem03:30
kahrytanPici, but its not there03:30
MasterShrekmboso, you can use the regular /dev devices in fstab03:30
haruRAdams, 100*rand(1)03:30
dipuanyone has used webcam with ubuntu ... i want to enable it but have no idea .. i have a SONY vaio with built in webcam03:30
mbosoeverytime i dist-upgrade, my kernel segfaults03:30
Picikahrytan: What do you mean its not there?03:31
KaiForceiobelisk I think so, but I'm basing that on my feisty install, i don't have the gibbon yet03:31
EvanlecPici, thanks for that clear-up03:31
RAdamsharu: :|03:31
Picikahrytan: Just go to advanced03:31
sandrothow do you setup the "take a break" thing again?03:31
kahrytanPici,  thats not the problem. it's not firefox related.03:31
seamus7dipu: I have found webcams poorly supported in ubuntu03:31
EvanlecMasterShrek, is it now? are u talking about the Ubuntu kernel or a vanilla kernel?03:31
Picikahrytan: I'm not sure what the question is then03:31
vocxmboso, read the manual for fstab and mount, maybe you can use LABELs also03:31
jk__anyone here with a T60 thinkpad who has upgraded to 7.10 ?03:31
mbosoMasterShrek: yeah i know, but ubuntu keeps updating my fstab automatically. I was wondering if using LABEL would satisfy it03:31
haruRAdams, i dont think anyone has a figure anywho, shudnt be much tho03:31
kahrytanPici,  look at the screenshot03:31
RAdamsharu, you could have just said "there are too many variables to accurately answer that question" X_X03:31
jimmygoongah! buggy buggy ubuntu-alternative! :(03:31
Picikahrytan: link?03:31
MasterShrekEvanlec, well im using the vanilla kernel, but the ubuntu one im sure just has lowlatency03:31
cafuegodasiala: For a desktop box, 32bit is just a tad easier to manage; no extra work to get java applets and/or video to work in web browsers.03:31
Raineeriobelisk: I think 10gb will be plenty good, I've been running gutsy tribe releases and there's nothing different from fiesty which would use more room03:31
KaiForcewhy not JFS for those talking about ext3/Reiser03:31
cyphasemrj: much faster :).. thanks again03:31
mrjjimmygoon, worked fine for me03:32
dipuis there no way i can get built in  webcam working in ubuntu ??03:32
RAdamsharu: ok, thanks. I'll give it a shot. I can always nuke it if it's too slow03:32
atlantiz_mrj, thanks03:32
kahrytanPici, http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/snapshot1.png)03:32
juanbondmrj, when I tried sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx, I got the message: The following packages have unmet dependencies: xorg-driver-fglrx: Depends: libstdc++5 (>= 1:3.3.4-1) but is not installable... E: Broken packages.03:32
MasterShrekmboso, doubtful, might as well just leave it, let ubuntu deal with it, it cant bother u THAT much03:32
harugl :)03:32
danskuhow do I refresh .bashrc to make new aliases work?03:32
RAdamsdipu: laptop model?03:32
EvanlecMasterShrek, well i know feisty had a "lowlatency" version, and i thot gutsy had a newly named "realtime" version similar, but i havent investigated...03:32
cafuegodansku: . .bashrc03:32
jimmygoonmrj, sooo strange. these are the same problems I had with the beta2... but I torrented the new version today...03:32
dasialacafuego: its a laptop03:32
riotkittiephew. finally. that was weird03:32
harujuanbond, did u upgrade? or reinstall?03:32
EvanlecKaiForce, I dunno, why not?03:32
RAdamsevanlec: yes, realtime = lowlatency03:32
juanbondclean install.03:32
kahrytanPici,  the rest of the fonts every else is normal as they supposed to be.03:32
Whisperkillerwhats the problem with gutsy people are having?03:32
RAdamsevanlec: I'm using it now03:32
mbosoMasterShrek: its the kernel segfaulting after an upgrade that bothers me03:32
dipuRAdamssony vaio VGN FE780 G03:32
EvanlecRAdams, right, but is there a patched gutsy kernel that i can just install from synaptic?03:33
mrjjuanbond, see if libstdc++5 is installed in synaptic, maybe reinstall it03:33
cafuegodasiala: Do not server use; go with 32bit.03:33
PovAddictI tried gutsy desktop livecd (i386), after booting, I had no network. I have a router connected via ethernet. I use it from Windows and Mac with static IP, DHCP works as well, so I doubt the problem is the router. Could be the network card on this computer. According to WinXP device list, it's a Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC.03:33
RAdamsevanlec: yes03:33
KaiForceJFS is solid and the developer isn't on trial03:33
jimmygoonmrj, they were problems that eventually got fixed in updates during the beta->rc but this isn't the first ubuntu release where I've had the alt disc be considerably different than the desktop installation03:33
checkershi all, does anyone know of a program like synctoy for windows that I can use on ubuntu? I want to keep my music folder on my windows laptop mirrored on my ubuntu laptop03:33
cafuegodasiala: (desktop applications I meant, not desktop hardware)03:33
Whisperkillerive been in other rooms and people seem to be having problems with gutsy03:33
emeristehow can i tell if pidentd is installed?03:33
Picikahrytan: Whats wrong with that?03:33
PovAddictcheckers: rsync :)03:33
kahrytanPici,  the fonts are tiny in the page03:33
Evanleccafuego, why got 32bit? cuz he on a laptop?03:33
kahrytanin every website03:33
Whisperkilleranyone got any comments on gutsy issues?03:33
v3ctorKaiForce: but it comes from IBM03:33
KaiForcecheckers, ditch synctoy in Windows, use dsynchronize03:33
checkersPovAddict, I was under the impression you needed an rsync server03:33
RaineerPovAddict: I have had an issue with RTL8139 not being seen either. Didn't work in fiesty and hasn't worked up to the latest beta of gutsy03:34
EvanlecRAdams, coolness, that will be easier than compiling a vanilla kernel ;p03:34
mrjjimmygoon, i always have problems with the livecd's so i use alts. dunno, i used alts in beta also, no problems03:34
haruWhisperkiller, they will be fixed03:34
Picikahrytan: The page itself is tiny on my screen.03:34
RAdamsevanlec: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/metapackages/linux-rt03:34
WorkingOnWiseharu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41151/03:34
mrjjimmygoon, are you burning it at a low speed?03:34
cafuegoEvanlec: Because some desktop apps and addons "just work" where they wouldn't on 64bit.03:34
checkersKaiForce, thanks03:34
PovAddictRaineer: I tried SabayonLinux too, same problem03:34
mrjonce again i reboot and my desktop icons are all gone03:34
openbysourceguys i am having serious problem with gutsy's installation03:34
PovAddictbut it worked on my other computer which has a totally different card03:34
VeganCheesesteaki have a boot loader question....  if my main drive is sda  would boot loader be sd0 or sda?03:34
cyphaseRaineer: i had a problem with the rtl8180. not the same, but close03:34
jimmygoonmrj, yeah. these were two different discs too... too "extreme" that this exact thing was messed up then and now for it to be a coincidence...03:34
KaiForcecheckers not sure on Linux an equivalent utility but I'm sure it exists03:34
openbysourceearlier i installed gutsy and re-booted it said Error: no operating system found03:34
Evanleccafuego, lol, yea i spose ur right, but really the gap is narrowing these days, im running 64-bit and havent had anything not "just work" so far...03:34
kahrytanPici,  is the image at full size?03:34
jimmygoonmrj, neither of the bugs bother me (That much) but its annoying03:35
kahrytanPici,  ie shrinked.03:35
openbysourcenow i am again installing it and it has hanged at the same step scanning mirrors (have been here for 30 minutes or so)03:35
RaineerPovAddict: I found several posts refferring to modules which could be loaded into the kernel, but never had any luck.03:35
cafuegoEvanlec: java in firefox.03:35
checkersKaiForce, oh, dsyncronise is for windows?03:35
RAdamsvegancheesesteak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:35
juanbondmrj, synaptic is telling me libstdc++6 is install, i don't see a 5 though.03:35
emeristedo any of you use pidentd ? I need to understand how to make it work with Ubuntu03:35
openbysourceain't there any way i can disable this scanning ?03:35
KaiForcecheckers yes...  i prefer it to synctoy03:35
dasialaI suppose I'll get a livecd of both and see which one works better03:35
PovAddictRaineer: well, that will block me from ever switching to Linux, so there better be some solution03:35
mrjjimmygoon, cdburner maybe going out.. mine started burning crap for about a year then one day just completely stopped reading dvds03:35
Evanleccafuego, from personal experience, i believe that is a non-issue as of now03:35
kahrytanPici,  this have got to be abug03:35
PovAddictsince my question is now 3 pages lost in char history given the channel speed, I'll repeat03:36
Picikahrytan: I'm just not seeing the issue, sorry.03:36
cafuegoEvanlec: it certainly happily crashes on lots of sites here with blackdown jre 1.403:36
PovAddictno network, Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC not being recognized03:36
openbysourceany ideas guys ?03:36
Atalantaanyone using 7.10-release right now?03:36
dasialaNow, I had tried to update to 7.10RC a few days ago, and it wouldn't boot X on startup.  Will doing a clean install most likely correct this problem?03:36
kahrytanPici, if the image is not shrinked, that is exact font size I see.  IT IS REALLY TINY03:36
RaineerPovAddict: My onboard works, but not the realtek card.  I know some people have the thing working, I just haven't been able to get it to work with Ubuntu. It might require a more recent kernel, but I'm disappointed I can't find a module which works03:36
cafuegoAtalanta: Yah03:36
Picikahrytan: What resolution are you running at?03:36
MasterShrekAtalanta, most ppl are03:36
riotkittiePovAddict: does it show in lspci ?03:36
vocxPovAddict, wired? It should work.03:36
Atalantaim wondering if i seems faster to you than the last version03:36
XsteelWolfOMG,slow upgrade03:36
AsusG1_Im using 7.1003:36
Picikahrytan: The screenshot is like half the width of my screen03:36
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:36
mrjopenbysource, go into your software sources and choose select best server, it will test 185 servers and chose the fastest03:36
Raineerno, it will not show up in lspci03:36
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, are you using alternate or live?03:36
haruWorkingOnWise, paste error again?03:36
VeganCheesesteakRAdams: im way too much a noob...i dont understand03:36
cafuegoAtalanta: Not really, no.03:36
PovAddictRaineer: hmm so this card isn't onboard?03:36
Evanleccafuego, in gutsy 64 all i did was apt-get install flash and it installed the nspluginwrapper for me...so its using official flash 9...03:37
WorkingOnWiseatlantiz_: I an on 7.10.03:37
gidimI ran into a snag, not enough free disk space.03:37
jimmygoonmrj, I used my desktop to burn one of the discs... and why would it "misread" in only two spots.. in the exact same spots, on two different drives, in two different ISOs :S03:37
openbysourcepppoe_dude: live03:37
XsteelWolfWaiting for headers,always...03:37
dryrotwhat's the diff between xen and dom0 ?03:37
PovAddictvocx: yes, wired03:37
rflmnzhi people03:37
gidimHow much does this crazed gibbon need? :D03:37
RAdamspovaddict: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=351056203:37
darkguyPovAddict: I dunno much about those, but if it's external have you tried to move it to another PCI slot? I once had a big issue with a sound card and it was because somehow the PCI wasn't recognizing it first or something around it.03:37
PovAddictriotkittie: I dunno, I should reboot and check03:37
EvanlecMasterShrek, have u had any problems with flash on gutsy 64? cuz i havent so far...03:37
jimmygoonmrj, I'm thinking its something quirky about my laptop03:37
MasterShrekEvanlec, too bad nspluginwrapper wont work with jave....03:37
kahrytanPici,  the text size in image is exact size I see in page. Image isnt reduced in size.03:37
rflmnzi've installed Ubuntu 7.10 right now03:37
MasterShreknot at all Evanlec03:37
mrjjimmygoon, sounds like a hardware/media issue to me03:37
RAdamsvegancheesesteak: what are you trying to do with grub?03:37
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, what mjr said, also if that is still problematic, just disable software sources03:37
seamus7dipu: are you using Vaio's MotionEye webcam?03:37
EvanlecMasterShrek, ahh yes, how did u handle the java issue btw?03:37
RaineerPovAddict: Mine is a $40 wired PCI gigabit card, but uses the 8139 chip03:37
PovAddictdarkguy: I think it's not external, but anyway I'd rather not fiddle with hardware03:37
Kantiis there a seperate repository list that i can put in so i dont have to help hammer the sites haha03:37
adminnhow to install beryl on dapper drake ubuntu???03:37
openbysourcepppoe_dude: but i am not asked about software sources during that install wizard03:37
Picikahrytan: I dont know then, sorry.03:37
cafuegoEvanlec: nspluginwrapper doesn't count as "just works".03:37
mrji'll brb03:37
RaineerI could try another PCI slot, never tried that03:38
darkguyPovAddict: heh, ok it was a suggestion :p03:38
VeganCheesesteakRAdams: im trying to install gutsy, but its selecting the wrong drive to put the boot loader on03:38
vocxadminn, you do not, ha03:38
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, no you have to go to System>Admin>Software sources03:38
Atalantacafuego: does the fast user switching seem as fast as in XP to you?03:38
dipuseamus7 yes03:38
adminnwhat why03:38
XsteelWolfWhy isn't chinese available inside my language support?03:38
openbysourcepppoe_dude: oh. weird way03:38
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, before you run the installer. that might work.03:38
pudlandopenoffice freezes on pdf export.  7.04 to 7.10 upgrade.03:38
IcemanV9!beryl | adminn03:38
ubotuadminn: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz03:38
Mmphwhen running the live cd, my cdrom takes forever, it goes fast then slow then fast then slow, etc... is there some boot option to help me out?03:38
kevleviathananybody else have a problem with the partition tool locking up the computer?03:38
MasterShrekEvanlec, nothing so far, i havent really come across anything i need java for, if theres something i absolutely need it for i can use a vm i suppose, im ont going to install firefox 32bit03:38
=== adminn is now known as avt
WorkingOnWiseharu: when I try to install anything using Synaptic, I get the following error, then nothing, and no packages will install.: dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1:        field name `        E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)  A package failed to install. Trying to recover:03:38
VeganCheesesteakRAdams: i have one drive /sda and it wants to put grub on (hd0)03:38
kahrytanDevelopers released gutsy to soon. I have encountered bugs in the distro.03:38
Evanleccafuego, okay well i spose, but i think its gotten a lot better than it used to be03:38
KaiForce8139 support should be solid, i have one in a fedora machine but its down right now03:38
jimmygoonmrj, I ought to be able to apt-get clean and reinstall gdm and metacity (maybe) to fix my two little bugs03:38
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, well it's live CD, it preconfigures everything03:38
rflmnzi've installed Ubuntu 7.10 right now and after install a propertary videocard driver (I have an ATI X1300) I got a Black screen... Does anyone can help me?? PM PLEASE!03:38
PovAddictkahrytan: there is no such thing as bug-less software03:38
seamus7have you checked this thread ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28983603:38
cafuegoAtalanta: No idea, check with someone who has used XP.03:38
RAdamsvegancheesesteak: USUALLY, sda1 = hd0, sda2 = hd1, et. al.03:38
openbysourcepppoe_dude: should i get alternate cd ?03:38
plikKanti: get an alternate install cd via torrent from http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/   and use that03:38
seamus7dipu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28983603:38
juanbondmrj, synaptic is telling me libstdc++6 is install, i don't see a 5 though.03:39
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, well i would try the above first, it's the better, faster way of installing03:39
Atalantacafuego: you have compiz fusion running by default right?03:39
EvanlecMasterShrek, yea i havent really needed java yet so far...but i imagine i'll need it at some point....i thot there was a way to deal with it03:39
avtwhats compwiz lol03:39
cafuegoAtalanta: No, I turned it on manually.03:39
vocxavt, you are using old stuff. Or are you running a server?03:39
Atalantacafuego: hows it look? is it fast?03:39
geartrooper2hello, I know this is a touchy question but here goes;  why does ubuntu return to the login screen when I try to synaptic linux-restricted-modules-*03:39
kahrytanPici,  When i first logged in. resolution was set high so I had to change it. I went to change to 1280 and clicked apply. It didnt change the resolution. It supposed to change it then. I had to log out. That's bug #1.03:39
RAdamsvegancheesesteak: Windows on your first partition, then linux, right?03:39
Evanlecgod this channel is overcrowded right now03:39
haruWorkingOnWise, also pastebin /var/bin/dpkg/available please03:39
AtalantaEvanlec: fr good reason03:39
cafuegoit's not as fast as a rocket but faster than a slug.03:39
kahrytanpici oops 102403:39
IcemanV9!compiz | avt03:39
mrjjuanbond, do a google on installing libstdc++5 you can probably find the link03:39
MasterShrekEvanlec, nothin really except for installing 32 bit firefox03:39
ubotuavt: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:39
VeganCheesesteakRAdams:  actually. windows, swap, linux in that order03:39
WorkingOnWiseharu:  k.03:39
seamus7rflmnx: I've been using the radeon mobile x1300 on ubuntu for over a year .. works great03:39
EvanlecAtalanta, yes i spose, but they got rid of the +1 channel, i dont know, now this one is packed03:39
bjronanyone know where the volume preferences are stored when you, for example, right click on a cd and go to properties->volume, then set the mount point etc?03:40
mrjjuanbond, it's probably out of the repository because its been replace with a newer one03:40
avtvocx its my desktop dualboot dapper with xp pro see dapper has a safe mode boot and I found a tut for my video card driver03:40
RAdamsvegancheesesteak: hd2 is your likely target03:40
rflmnzPEOPLE HELP! I've installed Ubuntu 7.10 right now and after install a propertary videocard driver (I have an ATI X1300) I got a Black screen... Does anyone can help me?? PM PLEASE!03:40
diputhanks Seamus7 .. iwill try that03:40
EvanlecMasterShrek, really? thats shitty03:40
dipucan i use it with skype03:40
tritiumEvanlec: language, please03:40
riotkittiebulletproofx aint lookin' so bulletproof. :x03:40
kahrytanCan someone help me fix the fonts on my gutsy system? I did something to cause text on pages to be small. And it's not firefox related.  (http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/snapshot1.png)03:40
Evanlectritium, sorry my bad03:40
AtalantaEvanlec: why not create a second channel to lighten the load off this one?03:40
pppoe_dude!caps > rflmnz03:40
IcemanV9avt: i don't have compiz running on dapper box .. not need to, it's eye candy stuff :)03:40
VeganCheesesteakRAdams: thanks i will give it a go.03:40
cafuegoThere is no hardy as of yet, so =1 isn't needed eh03:40
AtalantaEvanlec: come to #ubuntu-203:40
EvanlecAtalanta, lol alright, u want to join me? ;p03:40
avtI like eye candy03:40
dryrotthere should be a channel where people can ask if Gutsy is out yet03:41
pppoe_duderflmnz, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to reconfigure your video card and get display back temporarily03:41
danskuhelp, my apt-get doen't install anything, it says it doenst find, for example VLC, don't know how to update sourcelist or what is going on, on 7.04 it was working03:41
MasterShrekso im planning on buying a pcmcia wireless card for this old laptop i have that im gonna give to my mom, anyone know of a good card thats ubuntu-friendly out-of-the-box?03:41
darkguyEvanlec: Hey, do you know if there isn't any problem if I tune the ext3 right after install in this same LiveCD session without rebooting ?03:41
kahrytanCan someone help me fix the fonts on my gutsy system? I did something to cause text on pages to be small. And it's not firefox related.  (http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/snapshot1.png)03:41
tritiumdryrot: there is03:41
CarlF1shouldn't I have been prompted to install a restricted driver if  lspci shows "ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 PF/PRO AGP 4x TMDS"03:41
gidimThe only time I really need java is that Wizards of the Coast website.03:41
seamus7rflmnz: what ppoe_dude said03:41
avtmy video card is radeon sappfire x800 gto03:41
ZaphodBeeblebroxPLease, please, I need help. I've been trying for hours and I can't solve this: I can't make OpenGL to work with my NVidia card. Tried everything! Worked fine with Feisty! Please help03:41
MasterShrekdarkguy, i would reboot just to be safe03:41
parsekhi all, I need an installation help, my laptop hangs at creating ext3 file system at 5%, any idea?03:41
RAdamskahrytan: Preferences --> Appearance --> Fonts --> Details --> Resolution: 96 dots per inch03:41
vocxavt, upgrading to Edgy and then to Feisty and your card may work better. Why do you need Dapper?03:41
juanbondmrj, so the fglrx driver needs to be updated to use libstdc++6 and not libstdc++5?03:41
geartrooper2why does ubuntu hang or restart when I try to install linux-restricted-modules-*03:41
WorkingOnWiseharu: /var/bin/dpkg/available is blank03:41
Evanlecdarkguy, mmmm....i would atleast boot once first...03:41
kahrytanRAdams, thats what it is set to.03:41
mrjjuanbond, no idea honestly03:42
haruWorkingOnWise, o.O03:42
darkguyMasterShrek, Evanlec: okay, thanks :D03:42
the_darkside_986hi everyone. i resolved aiglx error messages in X but I am still getting a blank screen when trying to use "nv" or "vesa" as my video card driver. anyone have any advice for this?03:42
crossbonesok I installed 7.10 beta a couuple days ago and its been working ok, there are bugs with the trackpad driver ("kernel: [664.668000] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost sync at byte 4") and there are crashes and such but that is expected with beta. I did apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade today since final was released today and I get nothing to upgrade! How do I upgrade my 7.10 beta to 7.10 final without doing a reinstall?03:42
danskucan anyone help in pvt? here is too many people talking :)03:42
avtvocx: I cant upgrade my kernal because the video driver will be gone03:42
RAdamskahrytan: is this happening system wide?03:42
juanbondthanks mrj.03:42
MasterShrekavt, youll just have to reinstall it03:42
haruWorkingOnWise, do sudo aptitude update03:42
dipuhi .. does skype 1.4 for linux support webcam03:42
WorkingOnWiseharu:  I did gksudo gedit /var/bin/dpkg/available  and got a blank page.03:42
IcemanV9avt: does fglrx work? if so, then you might have a good chance to get compiz up and running ( i don't know how to install it on dapper)03:42
RAdamsdipu: that depends on the webcam03:42
localgod11should i be able to notice a speed difference going from 64 to 32 but?03:42
vbabiyhey is there a way to install just a svn client not the entire subversion package03:42
ZaphodBeeblebroxplease, anyone?03:42
kahrytanRAdams,  just firefox. and I check it's preferences.03:42
KaiForcedoes compiz have minimum recommended cpu?03:42
dipuRAdams I have sony Vaio Motion eye03:42
openbysourcepppoe_dude: another thing is the migration assistant. it's trying to migrate some /home settings from my fedora 7 /home can i disable that too ?03:42
mrjlocalgod11, no03:42
avtfglrx let me see brb03:42
vocx!please > ZaphodBeeblebrox03:43
seamus7crossbones: all the upgrades since you installed beta have likely brought it up to the final release ... they are now one and the same03:43
imbecilewhats the channel for release info? I'm looking to see how gutsy is coming along03:43
haruWorkingOnWise, do a sudo aptitude update and then check the available file again03:43
geartrooper2why can't I get packages from synaptic03:43
localgod11really cause it seems slower03:43
Flatsit says my $shell is not set to bash. I thought that was the default?03:43
dylixthe servers are sooo slow since 7.10 came out :P03:43
kahrytanRAdams, I set firefox to size 10. what I see isnt size 10.03:43
avthow to test fglrx03:43
dipui got a url ....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28983603:43
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, you should be able to disable that from the installer03:43
Piciimbecile: its been released.03:43
dipuneed to try that03:43
WorkingOnWiseharu: k03:43
unagiwhy is it so hard to dl libdvdcss?03:43
mrjimbecile, its released?03:43
Flatshow can I set it to bash?03:43
juanbondavt, did you get fglrx to install??03:43
seamus7avt: fglrxinfo03:43
openbysourcepppoe_dude: no. i can't find anything like that in the installer03:43
imbecilePici:  thanks03:43
kahrytanRAdams,  I set system wide to size 10, I dont see size 10 in firefox pages03:43
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, if it's not letting you, just chmod 000 /home/user03:43
IcemanV9avt: fglrxinfo03:43
localgod11any idea where i will see CF once i get my driver isntalled?03:43
avtbrb kk03:43
RAdamskahrytan: size 10 in Ubuntu's rendering is much different from size 10 in Windows rendering03:43
ZaphodBeeblebroxI've been trying for hours and I can't solve this: I can't make OpenGL to work with my NVidia card. Tried everything! Worked fine with Feisty!03:43
crossbonesseamus7 thank you for your response... about the touchpad driver, what shall I do about that? it does get annoying at times03:43
Picilocalgod11: system>preferences>appearance03:43
kilopopohow do i install nvidia legacy drivers?03:44
RAdamskahrytan: you likely want size 1603:44
kahrytanRAdams, Size 10 is default size in ubuntu.03:44
dngrhow does one get beryl on 7.10?03:44
H2600I have a not-so-unique install scenario that I was hoping someone could help me with03:44
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, that might work, then afterwords change it back to 70003:44
H2600or at least point me in the right direction03:44
RAdamskahrytan: not for firefox it isn't03:44
mrjH2600, just ask03:44
XsteelWolfI found a bug in gutsy that will allow root compromising03:44
kahrytanRAdams, Im not changing the default size.03:44
whoniccado they ever plan on updating xsys for xchat?03:44
Picidngr: you don't, compiz is installed by default.03:44
Pici!bug | XsteelWolf03:44
ubotuXsteelWolf: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots03:44
RAdamskahrytan: ok. enjoy your small text.03:44
IcemanV9ZaphodBeeblebrox: did you have backup copy of xorg.conf from feisty? if so, you may want to compare with it.03:44
PovAddictRAdams: thanks for the link, I'll go try it03:44
whoniccaits been about a year or so sine 2.1.0 has been released03:44
seamus7crossbones: are you using synaptic touchpad?03:44
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM03:44
Flatsneone tell me how to set the shell to bash?03:44
H2600I have two hard drives, one has Vista installed and the other i use under vista to store some of my files03:44
kahrytanCan someone help me fix the fonts on my gutsy system? I did something to cause text on pages to be small. And it's not firefox related.  (http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/snapshot1.png)03:44
crossbonesseamus7 more than likely03:45
openbysourcepppoe_dude: after i do that i can't run the ubiquity03:45
dngrPici, i want the cube!! :) what do i have to do?03:45
imbecileyayyyy upgrading. I loved feisty I cant wait to try gutsy03:45
whoniccaalso why are we always stuck with a very outdated audacious =\03:45
localgod11does anyones Gutsy run slower than fiesty?03:45
* bjron can't remember the last time he got an answer on this channel. . . . wonders where else he might ask.03:45
H2600can i partition the second hard drive, leaving me stuff there for vista03:45
openbysourcei did chmod 000 /home/ubuntu03:45
avtim in synaptic its trying to install03:45
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, ?03:45
Pici!ccsm > dngr (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)03:45
gladeirhey guys ... ubuntu may come with compiz installed - but there isnt any XGL and i cant install xserver-xgl (dependancy missing)03:45
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, did you unmount?03:45
H2600but then install ubuntu in the unused space?03:45
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici03:45
PiciAtalanta: ?03:45
MadpilotAtalanta, ?03:45
EvanlecPici, he was checking who was op here03:45
cafuegoopenbysource: that's a silly thing to do, why did you do that?03:45
openbysourcepppoe_dude: yeah the installer had unmounted all of that (earlier when i ran the installer and it failed)03:45
dngrPici, thanks03:45
the_darkside_986i disabled composite and aiglx options in X server but i still cannot get the liveCD to run X. do i need to specify different boot options?03:45
Atalantaim trying to figure out who the ops of this channel are03:45
Al00"upgraded" from 7.04 to 7.10 today... ouch -- Video is choppy and messed up (ATI Radeaon 800x PCIe) -- anyone  experience something similar?03:45
seamus7crossbones: i don't have issues with my synaptic touchpad .. not sure what's going on ... ask again specifically about that one .03:45
AtalantaPici: do you know who some are?03:45
Dan_LOk.  I'm highly cheesed.  I downloaded 7.10 from the torrent site.  I selected "gutsy amd64 desktop" which I thought would be ubuntu.  Instead it's something called xbuntu.03:45
ramvigladeir: Try sudo apt-get update / sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl03:45
ZaphodBeeblebroxIcemanV9: I'll try. Thanks. Should never ever upgrade03:46
localgod11does anyones Gutsy run slower than fiesty?03:46
EvanlecPici, shoulda told him, sry03:46
jimmygoonmrj, I just hope that my codecs aren't screwed up like in the beta --- totem was stretching all of my vids wrongly03:46
AtalantaPici: huh? what do yu mean abuse !ops ?03:46
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, what error do you get?03:46
MadpilotAtalanta, ops is like calling 911. Do not use it just to ask questions.03:46
jimmygoonAtalanta got kicked?!03:46
mrjjimmygoon, i didn't mess with movies in beta much03:46
gladeirramvi - ive tried that03:46
cafuegoMy gutsy on the pentium 2 runs slower than feisty on the opteron.03:46
EvanlecAtalanta, doing that alerts all the ops, they dont like it03:46
dzer0I'm using the 7.10 live cd on my laptop now, absolutely LOVING it... But, I don't want to have to spend a ton of time backing up and restoring just to install... is there a way to install ubuntu over windows on the same HD without losing any data?03:46
PiciAtalanta: !ops is only for *emergencies*03:46
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:46
parsek7.10 hangs a text3 file system creation, any idea?03:46
ramviDan_L: Yeah, you wouldnt want Xubuntu03:46
openbysourcepppoe_dude: the error was Error ; no operating system found when i rebooted after the install. the install didn't finised but it never gave any error too03:46
seamus7Dan_L: xubuntu is a variation of ubuntu that uses a different desktop manager and is leaner .. less memory intensive ... primarily for older systems ... you need to download 'ubuntu'03:46
AtalantaPici: in other channels !ops tells you who the ops are.03:46
vocxAtalanta, you can query ubotu so you do not need to use the !ops trigger in here if you do not need to.03:46
unagihow do i install libdvdcss203:46
mrjin here ops pings all the ops03:47
dryrotdoes Xen work in gutsy03:47
plikAtalanta: only if it's set up to do so03:47
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, i thought you were still in live, pre-install03:47
avt***** it installed now what?03:47
MadpilotAtalanta, Pici - everytime you use ops w/ ! a lot of us get pinged...03:47
PiciAtalanta: It pings every single one of us to tell us that something is happening here03:47
lwizardldoes 7.10 still need fuse to support mac hfs+03:47
tritiumAtalanta: don't do that again03:47
AtalantaPici: well in any case, im trying to ask the ops if its okay to create #ubuntu-gutsy for 7.10 support to lighten the load off this channel for a few days03:47
ramviunagi: insert a dvd and try to play it03:47
openbysourcepppoe_dude: now i have again re-booted into live03:47
plikhave a look or the @nest to nicks in the names list03:47
ruz322dzer0, not really, you could leave your ntfs partition in tact and install ubuntu to the free space on the drive, then mount the ntfs from inside linux and copy it over, but either way, you still have to copy it to linux eventually03:47
realshivaunagi sudo apt-get install ...03:47
iobeliskfor some reason i get a partition failed03:47
arun__are there any advantages to upgrading using an alternate cd?03:47
Dan_LSeamus, yeah.  I'm figured.  I'm just cheesed that wasn't clear in the torrent description.03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about svc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:47
crossbonesthere are bugs with the trackpad driver ("kernel: [664.668000] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost sync at byte 4") - syslog; the symptom is the mouse stops responding then moves irraticely as I try to click something, it usually breaks when I am doing several tasks at the same time and I try to click something. Any ideas or should I just file a bug report?03:47
iobeliskis there any reason this might happen?03:47
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/03:47
MadpilotAtalanta, not needed.03:47
the_darkside_986does anyone have a link to an example xorg.conf file suitable for running Xserver from the liveCD?03:47
Al00"upgraded" from 7.04 to 7.10 today... ouch -- Video is choppy and messed up (ATI Radeaon 800x PCIe) -- anyone  experience something similar?03:47
ramviarun__: Youre upgrading with a cd??03:47
tritiumAtalanta: non-official channels need two ##, e.g. ##ubuntu-gutsy03:47
avtwhat about me03:47
PiciAtalanta: That won't happen, we've discussed splitting and the consensus after much deliberation was to not do it.03:47
seamus7arun__: I use the alternate CD when I do fresh installations in order to have more control when partitioning03:48
vocxAtalanta, Madpilot Pici maybe you should talk in #ubuntu-ops03:48
Sir_Sidwhen does gutsy get its backports?03:48
arun__ramvi: considering it03:48
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, you will need the home directory if you are booting into the system, but if you are installing a fresh install, setting chmod 000 to your user directory, and installing into a different home directory should do OK03:48
tonyyarussoSir_Sid: huh?03:48
KaiForceis service pack 2 out yet03:48
EvanlecPici, dont u think its annoyingly crowded in here tho?03:48
Flatsneone tell me how to set the shell to bash?03:48
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, that's if you want to avoid the migration assistant.03:48
ruz322Kaiforce, for what?03:48
avtFGLRX installed now what do I do???03:48
vocxSir_Sid, when the next Ubuntu comes out.03:48
dzer0ruz322: I didn't mean I never wanted to copy it over, just never wanted to deal with using a separate drive for backup... so can I just install ubuntu on my free space, copy files over, then delete the ntfs partition and resize the ubuntu one to be bigger?03:48
danskuis the apt-get slow because the number of people using it right now?03:48
PiciEvanlec: Its not tha tbad.03:48
KaiForceruz its just a joke.03:48
tonyyarussodansku: yes03:48
seamus7dansku: yesw03:48
XsteelWolfdansku, depends on your mirror03:48
openbysourcepppoe_dude: very tricky and weird way again. isnt' there any menu to do the same ?03:48
arun__is there any advantage to upgrading using a cd, than upgrading over network?03:48
IcemanV9avt: fglrxinfo works? glxinfo |grep direct ... if yes, then you're ready to compile compiz on dapper ( i don't have info on compiz howto for dapper)03:49
tonyyarussoarun__: faster03:49
Sir_Sidtonyyarusso, When the backport repos03:49
EvanlecPici, i spose, hard to follow conversations tho, maybe its just my setup03:49
XsteelWolfi was getting 100bytes per sec,just changed a mirror and was bursting 1000kb/s03:49
danskuah, ok :) good to know :)03:49
bjronPici: I dissagree, way too many ppl03:49
tonyyarussoSir_Sid: when there's something to put in them03:49
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, i thought that that specific step in the installer asked to to take that option or refuse it03:49
un1x01drryan, thanks a lot everything worked and gnome terminal has a bug jsut had to patch the nvidia driver a little for now everything seems to work peachy except compiz03:49
plikarun__: net servers are v. busy now so cd will prolly be quicker03:49
H2600i'm new to ubuntu, can i install to a free space on my second hard drive without destroying what i already have saved on it?03:49
Sir_Sidhehe alright03:49
seamus7arun__: updates over the network could be more ... up-to-date03:49
ruz322dzer0, yes, you can do that, you will need to drop your ntfs parititon size first though, then just install ubuntu and copy what you want over, you will need to install the package "ntfs-config" to get access to it from ubuntu, then you can fix your hdd however you want03:49
tonyyarussoH2600: yes03:49
pppoe_dudehowever, i am still running a daily build of gutsy, so perhaps that changed in the release, openbysource03:49
tonyyarusso!dualboot | H260003:49
ubotuH2600: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty03:49
* arang2 loves ubuntu gutsy03:49
ruz322dzer0, wh at version of windows is it?03:49
ice799Hi - I am installing gutsy on an old server machine that has an adapter scsi card with 1 scsi disk attached, and a cdrom drive. It seems that ata_piix is unhappy with the cdrom drive because the installation begins but suddenly fails as the installer is unable to read from the drive. When I check the dmesg, I see that gutsy is scrolling messages about ata being slow to respond and eventually it gives up (and my cdrom drive stops worki03:49
ice799ng) -- is there a workaround for this (the old piix driver worked fine, but that was deprecated in gutsy).03:49
arun__arang2: what do you like most about it03:49
* arang2 wishes they released the patch for gnome 2.20 to 2.20.1 03:50
apeezeeSO i think the gutsy update went ok, but i am having trouble getting the nvidia driver to work03:50
=== thomas_ is now known as thill2708
arang2arun__: for some reason it's snappier03:50
openbysourcepppoe_dude: oh well. what if i give a separate /home to gutsy. right now i am giving only 2 partitions. / and swap03:50
JimdbH2600:  it will ask you during the install and give you the choice to resize the partition.03:50
arang2arun__: might be just the kernel i dunno03:50
dzer0ruz322: I actually just realized that I've got a network share that would be much easier... can I get into the ntfs in ubuntu to copy the files over?03:50
arang2arun__: my game under wine that didnt run with feisty run in gutsy03:50
iobeliski get this error message while tyring to partition my drive: The ext3 file system creation in partition #3 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) failed.03:50
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, generally it is a better idea to make a separate home / root partitions03:50
the_darkside_986i am still unable to run X server from the live CD in gutsy. but in feisty it all works just fine.03:50
iobeliskis there any reason why this should happen? all drives are unmounted03:50
pppoe_dude*separate home and root partitions, openbysource03:50
thill2708I installed the tifm module onto gutsy, but when I insert a sony memory stick into my card reader, nothing happens. Dmesg outputs that a memory stick has been put in the socket, but... nothing happens. Any ideas?03:50
WorkingOnWiseharu: still blank03:50
vocxopenbysource, separate /home is a must, very useful to backup stuff without losing your files03:50
H2600tonyyarusso: thanks, i couldn't find that on my own03:50
openbysourcepppoe_dude: yeah i am also thinking now to give a separate /home to gutsy03:50
FatGutsyI have installed msttcorefonts on gutsy, however the fonts do not appear to be available in openoffice, this used to work in feisty, does anyone know if there is any additional steps to make msttcorefonts work correctly on gutsy now?03:51
ruz322dzer0, what do you mean? if you install ubuntu to unpartitioned space on your hard drive along with windows, then yes, you can pull stuff from the ntfs partition to the linux partition03:51
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, no need, just give it another directory in your /home partition03:51
Jimdbthedarksize:  i had similar issues....replaced by dvd drive and was able to run the live cd under gutsy03:51
GarryFrearang2 What game?03:51
danskuXsteelWolf: what source are you using?03:51
arun__if i have a separate /home partition, will any files get affected if i upgrade?03:51
ramviGatGutsy: Restart X03:51
avtit worked heres the output: http://www.pastebin.org/5267  ********03:51
pppoe_dudeopenbysource, are you planning on running two ubuntus at the same time?03:51
arang2GarryFre: Silkroad Online 1.12903:51
openbysourcepppoe_dude: no. :)03:51
haruthen delete the file and try updating from synaptic again.. do a reload repositories before u install anything03:51
dzer0ruz322: nevermind, I'm going to use a network drive for backup... sorry to waste your time but thanks for the help :)03:51
DShepherdupgrading borked my machine!03:51
ruz322dzer0, lol no problem03:51
Flatsneone tell me how to set the shell to bash?03:51
PiciFlats: What is it set to now?03:51
GarryFrearang2 thanks.03:51
ToddEDMhey guys.... how can i get it so that i can drag and drop files into an existing NTFS partition????... it tells me i dont have permission03:52
arang2GarryFre: de nada :)03:52
ToddEDMcan i log in as root somehow?03:52
Pici!sudo > ToddEDM (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)03:52
Flatsdunno but when compiling I keep getting Warning shell not set to bash03:52
jcapotei just installed gutsy over a formattted / with the alternate cd, now i get an error code 15 when i try to boot the new kernel in grub, the old 7.04 kernel works fine, i heard that grub/fstab now require UUID instead of the old /dev notation, is this true?03:52
vocx!ntfs-3g > ToddEDM03:52
bjronDShepherd: at least your machine will upgrade, my update manager keeps hanging03:52
ruz322ToddEDM, have you installed ntfs-config?03:52
greenmanspiritanyone know how to fix apt after an error due to loosing internet half way through getting a package03:52
unagiPackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:52
unagiThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:52
unagiis only available from another source03:52
unagiE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate03:52
plikToddEDM: better to sudo su03:52
PiciFlats: its possible that its referring to the fact that /bin/sh is symlinked to dash, not bash.03:52
DShepherdbjron, well.. clean install for me. err03:52
IcemanV9avt: yep. then your set to compile compiz ... hopefully, you find something from ubuntuforums - compiz dapper03:52
Pici!caps | mr_wang03:52
ubotumr_wang: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:52
unagiwhat does that mean03:53
ToddEDMif i do sudo in the command line, will i be root in the UI?03:53
Flats•Pici• does it make a difference?03:53
the_darkside_986for successfull nvidia users... how do you successfully use the puny "nv" driver to run a graphical desktop installation? what is the secret trick here?03:53
bjronDShepherd: hmm, yea well that's a little more broken than you'd like eh :P03:53
bmk789is there any linux software that will sound an alert upon a severe weather warning?03:53
plikToddEDM: no03:53
avticemanv9: thankyou :D03:53
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
danskucan anyone tell a fast source-list?03:53
ruz322ToddEDM, the easiest way to get root in the UI is to enable root login, and then login as root03:53
unagiwhen i try to install libdvdcss2 i get that error03:53
jimmygoonwhoa, the plugin install for firefox sucks if apt is in use...03:53
PiciFlats: Yes, it can cause some issues with scripts03:53
zhanxis it possible to encryt the hd after installing with out losing data?03:53
ToddEDMok ruz03:53
rokraIs it easy to go from dapper to feisty?03:53
emarkdToddEDM:  you can always do 'sudo nautilus' to get a root file browser - but be careful03:53
Stubbershey all03:53
plikdansku:  alternate install cd torrent from http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/03:53
=== _3v1n0_ is now known as Trevinho
Evanlecthe_darkside_986, it wont run compiz but it should boot to X no problem...03:53
mr_wanghow do i update using the CD?03:53
ruz322ToddEDM, sudo passwd root, that will let you set a password for the root account and will alow you to login as root03:54
dryrotzhanx: you can encrypted a directory with encfs03:54
Stubbershow long should the install get stuck on "scanning the mirror"?03:54
Davy_Jonesanyone knows and tested a download manager other than d4x?03:54
tritiumToddEDM: better to use sudo, though03:54
jimmygoonin fact it (doesn't freeze) but is un-manipulatable03:54
juanbondHas anyone else been able to install fglrx without any problems?03:54
vocxStubbers, read the topic.03:54
zhanxdryrot thinking the the whole lvm03:54
dryrot9 people are going to activate the bot and yell at you about roo any second now03:54
Pici!dash | Flats03:54
ubotuFlats: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash »03:54
danskuDavy_Jones: I like downthemall for firefox03:54
unagihow do you install libdvdcss2?03:54
the_darkside_986@Evanlec: it is not even running X server properly. Just a blank black screen no matter what I try to do...03:54
logreevalI dont have any sound, can someone help me?03:54
ramvijuanbond: Me. Just ticked the box03:54
bmk789is there any good weather software for ubuntu?  its kindof important03:54
mr_wangthe update severs are too slow how do i update using the CD?????03:54
Davy_Jonesdansku: it doesn't seem to continue from where it leaves03:54
juanbondramvi, ticked the box?03:54
ruz322haha yea, maybe not the safest way, but thats the easiest way to get a UI as root03:54
ramvijuanbond: had to do a repo update first though03:54
dryrotmr_wang: grab the alternative cd to update03:54
tritiummr_wang: they're being hammered today, as it's the first day of the release03:54
ramvijuanbond: in system > restriced drivers03:55
GarryFreso is the upgrade to gibbon from fiesty large and did it take a long time for the dsl users out there?03:55
mr_wangi have the full cd...03:55
Evanlecthe_darkside_986, hmm, are u seeing a splash screen or no?03:55
dryrotmr_wang: i used the kernel.org mirror and it updated pretty quickly03:55
the_darkside_986what does it mean when X results in a black screen but doesn't quit and tell me the error message?03:55
ruz322GarryFre, its not too bad, but it will take a while right now because there are a lot of people upgrading...03:55
juanbondramvi, I've been trying to do that.  When I do I got a fix broken packages first.03:55
PvAdct_ubuntuIT'S ALIVE03:55
vocxGarryFre, of course, read the topic03:55
PvAdct_ubuntuI HAVE NETWORK03:55
the_darkside_986@Evanlec the splash screen and stuff works but when it tries to get to the desktop, it simply gives me a black screen03:55
ramvijuanbond: upgraded from feisty?03:55
anarchisthello all03:55
the_darkside_986@Evanlec but the progrss bar and boot menu works03:55
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM03:55
Evanlecthe_darkside_986, it doesnt kick you back to a tty?03:56
juanbondramvi, trying to install through command i found out it need libstdc++5 and libstdc++6 was installed with gutsy.03:56
the_darkside_986@Evanlec nope03:56
mr_wangi have the full CD... how do i update my os thats installed on the drive without erasing everything.03:56
juanbondramvi, clean install of gutsy03:56
plikPvAdct_ubuntu: now order yourself a decent NIC and trash that realtek junk  ;P03:56
FlatsOK lets go this route, has neone tried to install the ieee80211-1.2.18 program for the Intel pro wireless adapter?03:56
gidimOkay, there we go.03:56
Evanlecthe_darkside_986, okay well i asked because i had a 'no splash screen boot freeze' problem03:56
haruEvanlec, i see xserver but i dont see my splash, any ideas03:56
dryrotmr_wang: do you have the live cd or the alternative cd ?03:56
vocx!upgrade > mr_wang03:56
mr_wanglive cd03:56
PvAdct_ubuntuPvAdct_ubuntu: I should first install a decent OS (the one Im using now) and trash that windows junk03:56
anarchistI'm trying to get my wireless adapter to connect to my access point, can anyone help?03:56
avtI found it!!!! :D http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13125303:56
the_darkside_986you know you can change your boot options to remove "quiet splash" if having trouble with the progress bar and splash screen03:57
hbhow do I get grub to install the bootloader on a /dev/md partition in the gutsy alternate install cd?03:57
PvAdct_ubuntuwhen somebody sends a message and pidgin scrolls the list, the scrolling is like WAY more smooth than from windows03:57
dryrotmr_wang: I'm pretty sure that you need the gutsy alternative cd to upgrade an already existing installation of feisty03:57
plikPvAdct_ubuntu: good point - get to it03:57
PvAdct_ubuntuwonder why that is03:57
Evanlecharu, i just disabled splash screen, for some reason x64 has a number of people including me not even able to boot from the liveCD because the splash screen hangs03:57
plikdryrot: correct03:57
Evanlecthe_darkside_986, yes that is what i did..03:57
haruEvanlec, mines x3203:57
zhanxupgrade failed, on the calculate packags and closed, using the alt cd03:57
ramvijuanbond: and you've got broken dependencies? Start up synaptic and go to Fix Broken at the top under, I think it is view or something03:57
PvAdct_ubuntuplik: I have a free partition (NTFS but empty) so I dont have to deal with repartitioning mess03:57
t3318anyone know how to lock icons on desktop?03:57
Evanlecharu, yea i dont think x32 users are affected...03:57
FatGutsyI have installed msttcorefonts on gutsy, however the fonts do not appear to be available in openoffice, this used to work in feisty, does anyone know if there is any additional steps to make msttcorefonts work correctly on gutsy now?03:57
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM03:57
anarchistI'm trying to get my wireless adapter to connect to my access point, can anyone help?03:57
tritiumFatGutsy: there should not be.03:58
haruWorkingOnWise, any better?03:58
PvAdct_ubuntuI guess getting file from repo is slow as hell_03:58
PvAdct_ubuntukeyboard map is wrong03:58
the_darkside_986i don't know... i've got a fully functional progress bar and splash but an X-server that refuses to admit failure. i can switch to other tty's but X doesn't die automatically03:58
hbno matter what I do /grub/device.map points (hd0) and (hd1) to /dev/sda /dev/sdb respectively.  those are the disks of the raid, but they're in stripe mode they're not independant.03:58
t3318anyone know how to lock icons on desktop?03:58
kendall_is updating the distrbution via the Update Manager broken?03:58
EvanlecMasterShrek, u seen this article? seems interesting...http://www.bit-tech.net/bits/2007/10/16/64-bit_more_than_just_the_ram/103:58
AVARIELi had a terrible experience with gutsy today03:58
AVARIELi mean come on03:58
t3318anyone know how to lock icons on desktop?03:58
juanbondramvi, can i message you?03:58
logreevalplease, anyone knows about sound?, i dont think gutsy detects my sound?03:58
the_darkside_986any chance they can fix this stuff and re-release it soon. i can't wait 6 months for a usable Ubuntu system :(03:58
juanbondramvi, to much going on in here.03:59
vocxkendall_, read the topic03:59
danskuwhere can i find cool programs and stuff that work on tray?03:59
AVARIELfirst, the update manager was working, then it crashed and the system broke so i had to install it from a boot disk03:59
PvAdct_ubuntuhey, I think I dont have sound either03:59
jStefanWhere would i go to ask about compiz+ubuntu ?03:59
localgod11 anyone know where the nvidia-glx driver lives? (what repo)03:59
plikt3318:  chmod chould do it.03:59
harulogreeval, goto system -> preferences -> sound and see if it has ur soundcard03:59
Evanlecthe_darkside_986, why dont u just reinstall and use the nv driver this time03:59
|neon|i hate to do a fresh installed since my sys is running great, i just did an apt-get update and upgrade/dist-upgrade but no packages needed to be updated i been doing updates everydayy does that means my sys is uptodate or should i do a fresh install03:59
k0001hello everybody =)03:59
h08817hey all i did fdisk /mbr and set my system back to windows but left my windows/linux partition on the drive. How can I reinstall the boot loader for linux?03:59
AVARIELoh and i use to display my feisty on a monitor with a dvi and i cant get that working on gutsy...plus when i tried it just messed up my resolution for my normal monitor !03:59
h08817Fiesty fawn is what I have03:59
linuxpoe1Just a quick bounce, great job on gutsy03:59
bastid_raZor|neon|: you are up to date in that case.04:00
PvAdct_ubuntuharu: hmm04:00
unagii dont understand why i cannot install libdvdcss204:00
PvAdct_ubuntuharu: I have no sound either04:00
logreevalharu: it says PnP Audio Device..04:00
vocxthe_darkside_986, if it really is bad, and you are not the only one they should fix it. I remember Feisty got a kernel upgrade almost immediately.04:00
|neon|bastid_raZor: thx04:00
AVARIELguys, what do you think of gutsy ?04:00
the_darkside_986@Evanlec: I cannot even get to the point where I install or do a clean install because X server will never work on the liveCD. I'm on gutsy now but i am afraid to do a dist-upgrade04:00
k0001i'd like to know if there something like "live ubuntu server stats", just to know how many people downloaded ubuntu today =)=)=)04:00
dryrot|neon|: what are you trying to do?  it's not going to 'upgrade you to gutsy' unless you replace every instance of 'feisty' with 'gutsy' in /etc/apt/sources.list04:00
PvAdct_ubuntuoh wait04:00
localgod11anyone know where the nvidia-glx driver lives? (what repo)04:00
PvAdct_ubuntuI do have sound :P04:00
avtvista vs beryl hahaha video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ04:00
the_darkside_986*i'm on feisty i mean04:00
vocx!grub > h0881704:00
jStefanwhere do i go to ask about Desktop Effects (compiz) ?04:00
harulogreeval, u'll prolly need some drivers then :|04:00
mr_wangi can't use the LIVE cd to update my system?04:00
PvAdct_ubuntujStefan: #compiz-fusion04:00
KaiForceunagi no screaming04:00
vocxmr_wang, NO04:00
k0001oh, btw =) guys, YOU/WE ARE THE GREATEST COMMUNITY EVER!04:00
PvAdct_ubuntumr_wang: I dont think so04:00
VeganCheesesteakok now my install is hung up on scanning the update mirror. im guessing this is because of the server load....will it time out and continue or sit there forever?04:00
harulogreeval, test sound throws error?04:00
jStefanPvAdct_ubuntu, thx04:01
AVARIELanybody here sticking to feisty for a bit ?04:01
logreevalharu: yes04:01
dryrotmr_wang: no, you need the 'alternative' cd, not the live cd04:01
vocxAVARIEL, I04:01
|neon|dryrot: i had gutsy beta installed a while ago none reference to another i.e feisty04:01
avtat the end of that movie it shows the winders 98 expo bsod lol04:01
logreevalharu - audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing.04:01
mr_wangthen i just wasted the intire night downloading crap.04:01
KaiForcei am avariel, for a bit04:01
dryrot|neon|: congradulations!  you've installed gutsy04:01
AVARIELvocx: really ? i have a feeling i want to as well04:01
|neon|dryrot: thx04:01
harulogreeval, which soundcard?04:01
Whisperkillerso just to recap....how does everyone like gutsy so far?04:01
AVARIELwhy are you guys for waiting it out a bit04:01
the_darkside_986i am stuck using feisty until gutsy either drops all this compiz out-of-the-box or maybe my CD is just burnt wrong and somehow passed the test04:01
plikdryrot: s/feisty/gutsy/g easy04:01
dryrotmr_wang: do you have a broadband connection?  grab a torrent of the alternative cd04:01
inflexAlright, who's stealing all the bandwdith :P04:01
logreevalharu its on board sound card04:01
Evanlecthe_darkside_986, forget dist-upgrade, will take forever right now, just grab the alternate cd04:01
DShepherdhas anyone upgraded from feisty to gutsy without any problems? both my desktop and laptop borked on upgrade04:01
vocxsx66xfce, too much laughing from you. Please stop and contribute or be quiet.04:02
KaiForcefeisty runs great on my desktop and laptop so no hurry to upgrade04:02
mr_wangtorrent is not working.04:02
tritiumFatGutsy: I just installed them, and they work04:02
harulogreeval, which mobo04:02
Whisperkillerare the torrents running smooth on gutsy?04:02
* inflex successfully upgraded his 7.04 64bit server to 7.10 ... kudos!04:02
logreevalharu  C-Media superior quality audo CODEC04:02
dryrotWhisperkiller: they work.04:02
Whisperkilleryeah i love feisty04:02
AVARIELyeah feisty was awesome ! and i installed gutsy and it went to hell04:02
logreevalharu: asus m2n-304:02
AVARIELlike straight to hell04:02
the_darkside_986feisty is awesome. but hardy heron will be great if they get the new xorg release in there.04:02
Mmphcan anyone suggest a free cd burn software for windows? My nero won let me go lower than 8X and my live cd's are borqued :(04:02
FatGutsytritium, ok thanks mate04:02
tritiumAVARIEL: what went wrong?04:02
PvAdct_ubuntuMmph: I can!04:02
PvAdct_ubuntuMmph: hold on, searching04:02
Whisperkilleri tried installing the gutsy beta like 10 days before release and couldnt get it to install04:03
PvAdct_ubuntustarting firefox from livecd is slow04:03
AVARIELthe updater crashed so i installed it manually with a cd (after getting a server by luck!)04:03
Whisperkillerseems like gutsy launch is going a lot rougher than feisty did04:03
m1rmmph isoburner04:03
AVARIELit all seeme to work alright04:03
unagii dont understand why i cannot install libdvdcss204:03
unagican someone explain it to me?04:03
MmphCool thanks m1r :D04:03
unagiE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate04:03
AVARIELbut my external monitor display which was perfect in feisty didnt work at all04:03
gidimDoes the upgrade hang at "Fetching file 21 of 30" during [Preparing the upgrade] for anyone else? :)04:03
PvAdct_ubuntuMmph: I have an iso burner that fits 300KB04:03
AVARIELand when i tweaked at the resolution04:03
|neon|great everything is working fine for me (knock on wood )   even compiz is beautiful04:03
dryrotunagi: software patents i guess.  i can play any dvd i want with 'vlc'04:03
crshmancan i use uuid's in an mdadm.conf file?04:03
AVARIELit permanently ruined it for my laptop too !04:03
PvAdct_ubuntuMmph: http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/downloads/burncdcc.zip04:03
plikMmph: cdburnerxp.se04:03
EvanlecI dont recommend anyone doing a dist-upgrade at this point....04:03
LordLimecatgidim: possibly the servers being hammered?04:03
vocx!find libdvdcss2 | unagi04:04
unagiwhat do you mean software patents04:04
endxhey, I'm installing gutsy over where feisty used to be...04:04
k0001unagi, afaik libdvdcss2 is kinda "illegal" or something like that04:04
DShepherd|neon|, you upgraded?04:04
the_darkside_986i am afraid to even get the alternate-cd. there is probably no functional X server on it either... and i can't configure my wireless from commandline in order to get nvidia-glx04:04
ubotuunagi: Package/file libdvdcss2 does not exist in gutsy04:04
kbreitUsing the appearance capplet, I try to load the compiz widgets.  It loads, but the window manager doesn't appear to render the window borders.  How can I debug?04:04
LordLimecatwhy not just torrent the alternate CD, burn it, and upgrade with that04:04
endxbut I installed xp and vista afterwards, so I'm using vista's MBR04:04
Mmphwow cool thanks guys!04:04
ScottWegnerHi all...  I'm having a little trouble upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10:  I'm using local mirrors, so it shouldn't be a speed issue, but the Upgrade Manager freezes after the first step every time, and I can see that it's updated my sources.list04:04
LordLimecatMUCH faster, i got a 2Mbps connection on the CD04:04
endxwill installing the boot loader now change it to grub as the main boot loader, or still use vista's mbr?04:04
dryrotunagi: software patents are these things that you can read about somewhere else, i don't want to give someone the opportuniry to start ranting04:04
logreevalharu: any luck ?04:04
|neon|DShepherd: i installed the beta a while back and been doing updates ever since04:04
tritium!dvd | unagi04:04
VeganCheesesteakWill scanning the mirror time out?04:04
ubotuunagi: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:04
unagiso no one in here has libdvdcss2 installed04:04
tritiumunagi: read your help system!!!04:04
AVARIELanyone here have a GOOD experience with gutsy ??>??04:04
harulogreeval, trying04:04
DShepherd|neon|, ok..04:04
mr_wangis the severs still getting bombed?04:04
iobeliskdoes anybody have an idea why the partition editor detects my blank 80 gig hard drive as only 74.504:04
unagiim not asking what software patents are04:04
parsek7.10 installer says that it is the pre release of the ubuntu not the final version, is it normal?04:04
logreevalharu: i appreciate your help04:04
dryrotAVARIEL: im running it right now.  do you have a specific problem?04:04
LordLimecatendx: grub will sort of replace vistas, but will load the vista boot loader if you pick the windows option on boot04:04
unagiim asking what that has to do with the error im getting installing libdvdcss204:04
EvanlecAVARIEL, first of all can u change your nickname so its not all caps please?04:05
tritiumunagi: read the URL I had ubotu send you04:05
crshmanmore specifically, can i use uuid's for devices in an mdadm.conf file?04:05
unagii have04:05
endxright now I have a triple boot system with xp, ubuntu and xp04:05
unagigoing back to my INITIAL question04:05
KaiForceiobelisk its reporting it accurately, your drive mfg counted a gb as 1000mb04:05
endxtrying to install gutsy where feisty used to be04:05
PvAdct_ubuntuendx: two xps?04:05
tritiumunagi: and open up your help system, and read on how to install livdvdcss there04:05
unagiE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate04:05
=== AVARIEL is now known as Avariel
endxer vista rather04:05
RobotBananaQuestion from a newb: If I messed up my graphics driver, how do I start Gnome working around it?04:05
RobotBananai.e. VGA mode04:05
JourneymanI just installed gusty and everything was working well but now compiz seems to be lagging04:05
dryrotunagi: there's probably a unsupported ubuntu software suppository somewhere with what you need to start reading dvds, there are various legal reasons they will not include it in the official dist.04:05
Journeymanlike when I minamize it takes forever04:05
LordLimecatendx: you are trying to have a feisty, xp, gutsy triboot?04:05
Journeymaneven when I ajust the time to the lowest setting04:05
endxso I'm just wondering if I should check install boot loader on advanced right now04:05
ubuntuim on a live cd04:05
plikdryrot: heh :)04:06
ubuntubecause my gutsy crashed04:06
endxno, I'm trying to install gutsy over where feisty used to be04:06
vocx!enter > ubuntu04:06
PvAdct_ubuntuJourneyman: what's your gfx card? also, compiz questions better go on #compiz-fusion, this channel is crowded enough04:06
LordLimecatendx: Why not perform an upgrade?04:06
iobeliskoh, really? i wonder why they do that. anyway, so it is not a case of the partition editor not recognizng part of my drive?04:06
Evanlecendx, gosh why would u want vista AND xp ? lol04:06
kevinOwhen does development for hardy begin?04:06
JourneymanPvAdct_ubuntu, it has nothing to do with my video card, it was working fine04:06
ubuntucould never get my resolution back after i tried modifying it to suit my external display (which worked with feisty)04:06
tritiumdryrot: not quite, read ubotu's response04:06
endxcompatible purposs04:06
LordLimecatendx: do you have a fast connection? if so, torrent the alternate CD, burn it, and stick it in.  It will start upgrading04:06
endxI figure I'd work with a clean system rather than before04:06
bjronbah! I wish they hadn't disabled the little "terminal" triangle in the upgrader, at least I can see what it's trying to do when it hangs :P04:06
* gidim does not want Vista, EVER; keeps XP until figuring out WINE enough to run EverQuest, GuildWars, Diablo 2, Starcraft, etc etc etc.04:07
KaiForceiobelisk unlikely no.  they do it so they can sell you an 80gb drive even though its really 7504:07
PvAdct_ubuntuif I want KDE is it a better idea to use kubuntu?04:07
endxI have an iso of the alternate cd04:07
LordLimecatendx: if you wish to replace feisty, just wipe the feisty partition and install, pretty sure it wont mess up yer triboot.04:07
endxI'm running on the livecd right now actually04:07
vocx!xconfig > ubuntu04:07
Pseudoryx Does anyone know wat is the kernel version of the release of gutsy yesterday?04:07
rflmnzpeople, I have an ATI x1300 and I can't use compiz on the Ubuntu 7.10... Does anyone could help me?04:07
unagiso no one has an answer to what E: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate means?04:07
LordLimecatendx: note that im PRETTY sure, but not positive04:07
endxyea that's what I'm trying to do and thinking04:07
endxjust wondering if I should check boot loader for advanced in the install session window04:07
RobotBanana!xconfig > RobotBanana04:07
tritiumunagi: quit repeating and read instructions that I've given you04:07
vocxunagi, there is simply no package by that name. Stop asking.04:07
LordLimecatendx: yer computer literate i take it?04:07
dryrotunagi: I think a bunch of people have gotten the bot to tell you by now, haven't they ?04:07
Evanlecgidim, amazingly those are all very compatible games with Wine...04:07
endxfor the most part04:07
LordLimecatendx: why not wing it, could be fun04:07
slackernPseudoryx,  2.6.22-1404:07
bjronbah! do I have to *UNPLUG* my network cable in order to get the updater to just use the cd?  I already disabled all the other sources (i think!)04:07
endxI could04:07
k0001PvAdct_ubuntu, of course, since it only contains KDE apps,04:07
unagithere is no package by that name?04:08
canerwhat was the default system font for feisty? i didnt like gutsys fonts04:08
unagiwtf does that mean04:08
iobeliskwell even with 1000 mb to a gig, 80000 mb should come upto 78 gigs04:08
LordLimecathonestly, if you know what yer doin, id go for it04:08
iobeliski dont get it04:08
unagiare you trying to tell me it doesnt exist?04:08
LordLimecatunless you have really sensitive data that you really cant lose04:08
gidimI always get flack from MS fanbois for my genuine mistrust of Vista and my unwillingness to buy it when I have a working XP Home and Ubuntu to satisfy me. :)04:08
juanbondmrj, you still around ???04:08
dryrotbjron: i had a problem like that, i backed up my sources.list file, and removed all the non cd lines, then apt-get update04:08
soctuauthentication failed on gutsy upgrade04:08
vocx!find libdvdcss2 | unagi04:08
k0001caner, Bitsream Vera Sans04:08
tritiumunagi: you're not reading instructions.04:08
ubotuunagi: Package/file libdvdcss2 does not exist in gutsy04:08
jmantra /msg ubotu mirrors04:08
ubuntui dont know guys i think im gonna hit feisty for a while...im not ready for gutsy04:08
LordLimecat95% sure you wont lose your XP or vista access-worst case you could probably edit grub04:08
ScottWegnerHi all...  I'm having a little trouble upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10:  I'm using local mirrors, so it shouldn't be a speed issue, but the Upgrade Manager freezes after we "fetch files".  After I kill the process I can see that the sources.list file has been updated, but nothing else.  Any ideas?04:08
dryrotunagi: are you unable to read private messages on irc ?04:08
Evanlecgidim, but you'd be right04:08
endxah alright04:08
logreevalharu: finding anything?04:08
PvAdct_ubuntuk0001: I mean as opposed to installing ubuntu and apt-getting all KDE04:08
gidimI know, it's sad that they can't accept it.04:09
caner<k0001> thanks. do you agree with me that the default fonts for gutsy are ugly?04:09
CoasterMastersudo !!04:09
dryrotwhat's your email address?  i'm going to email you shirtless photos of richard stallman04:09
endxso I'll work with grub in worst-case scenario? I could live with that04:09
tritiumdryrot: he needs to follow the proper procedures, which he's been give, but apparently won't read04:09
PvAdct_ubuntudryrot: are you registered with nickserv?04:09
CoasterMasterwhoops sorry04:09
harulogreeval, theres some post on the forum04:09
rflmnzPeople, I have an ATI x1300 and I can't use compiz on the Ubuntu 7.10... Does anyone could help me? PM please04:09
endxI just don't want to have to reedit all the boot sectors04:09
LordLimecatendx: as far as im aware, grub just sort of shoves the vista boot loader one step beneath it...and vista does the same with XP04:09
LordLimecatso each boot loader is still sort of there04:09
gidimNow, when Vienna comes out, it might be worth a look. All the rumors I hear make it sound like the *nix of Windows.04:09
dryrotPvAdct_ubuntu: yes04:09
logreevalharu: ok, ill take a look...04:09
endxyea the process of which I installed my triple boot was ubuntu-> xp-> vista04:09
endxso that's what I'm working with right now04:09
* gidim pokes Update Manager.04:09
endxI know I could probably run all 3 with more than one window if I used grub04:10
doofy`is every single repo messed up right now?04:10
Pseudoryx I want turn off some services in the boot up process, does anyone remember wat is the command to do? I remember there was a ncurse GUI allow you to do so04:10
sx66xfcehow do you install beryl?04:10
LordLimecatgidim: vista sounded absoultely awesome when it was announced.  I will never be taken in again. If they want to get me excited, show me a alpha or beta that doesnt suck04:10
hbhow do I modifiy text files on the gutsy alternate install setup?  when I alt-f2 and change to /target to modify a file I can't seem to find a text editor04:10
gidimYou go on, modify those software channels.04:10
k0001caner, i don't know, i'm using gutsy since august, i dont remember which were the default ... anyways i use Liberation Sans as my default font04:10
tritiumunagi: have you gone to System -> Help and Support yet, to read how it's done?04:10
iobeliskeither way i am losing atleast 3 or 6 gigabytes04:10
* gidim nodnods.04:10
endxbut the process of which I handled it made me able to run through those 3 systems with 1 screen selection04:10
grumbelusing closed source nvidia: my mouse-cursor is black&white, instead of properly alpha-blended/anti-aliased, how can I fix that?04:10
wizard__so can someone help me understand why, unlike most people, my wireless works out of the box but my wired DOESN'T in gutsy?04:10
dryrotdoofy`: i found the mirror on kernel.org to be really fast, they have a good net connection04:10
logreevalharu: i am going to reboot to see if the sound is turned on in the BIOS...how long are you going to be here?04:10
wizard__its a real turn of events.04:10
LordLimecatendx: yes, but thats trickery04:10
torki tried to download the new one and it froze on firefox.04:10
doofy`dryrot, ill give it a shot. thank you04:10
PvAdct_ubuntuwizard__: whats your network card?04:10
KaiForceiobelisk please read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_disk#Capacity_measurements04:10
harulogreeval, its just morning here.. so abt 12 hrs :)04:10
torkmy connection here is so slow.... it's at 64 and won't restart.04:10
dryrotwizard__: do you see your wired interface when you run ifconfig ?04:10
LordLimecatessentially, the vista bootloader doesnt appear because it has no reason04:10
wizard__PvAdct_ubuntu: its on-board from my laptop. works in windows and ONCE upon a time worked in linux04:10
gidimAnd you know what bugs me? The Vista security feature everyone complains about, at least everyone I talk to, is the feature we already have. Being prompted for a password to modify the system.04:11
iobeliskokay, thank you very much.04:11
PvAdct_ubuntuwizard__: I had similar problems04:11
LordLimecatoh wait04:11
logreevalharu, cool, thanks again for the help :D04:11
gidimAnd we've had the feature for years.04:11
KyoukipichiI wonder if anyone here knows a command for completely reversing the order of all bytes or bits in a single file.04:11
LordLimecatyou could load XP AND vista directly?04:11
wizard__dryrot: yup, but setting static = no resolve, setting autodhcp = no resolve04:11
k0001PvAdct_ubuntu, of course, since after apt-geting kde, you will still keep the gnome/ubuntu stuff which has nothing to do with kde, and that will make your system completely bloated04:11
logreevalharu bbiab i will try some stuff..04:11
j_ackunagi, you find it?04:11
localgod11can someone tell me where i can manage the desktop effects settings?04:11
LordLimecatthat could require some grub setup, MAYBE...but i still think gutsy will be smart enough to keep grub mostly the same04:11
k0001localgod11, right click on desktop, last option04:11
dryrotwizard__: i don't know what that means.  so can you grab a ip address with it?  sudo dhclient eth004:11
k0001last tab04:11
wizard__dryrot: no i cant04:11
imbecileis there a problem with upgrading lag? 30+ minutes & I am halfway through modifying software channels04:11
unagidryrot..........many people have gotten the bot to point me to the same god damn page i have been to 5 times04:11
* Kyoukipichi needs to know one so he can try it on an AOL CD and possibly hear demonic voices04:11
kr00lplatinumSo I got Ubuntu 10.7 and I can't install anything from the add/remove manager.04:11
wizard__dryrot: and it worked in ubuntu edgy, but not feisty and now not gutsy04:12
LordLimecatquick question--is bullet-proofX implemented?  Please say yes04:12
cdm10imbecile: the servers are VERY swamped04:12
vocximbecile, read topic04:12
tritiumunagi: watch the language04:12
cdm10kr00lplatinum: the servers are swamped04:12
unagiif im posting an error in attempt to get libdvdcss2 dont you think maybe ive been there already?04:12
localgod11is there a way to manage all the options like i did with beryl?04:12
unagior do you n ot think that complex04:12
tritiumunagi: no, because you're not following instructions.04:12
rflmnzPeople, I have an ATI x1300 and I can't use compiz on the Ubuntu 7.10... Does anyone could help me? PM please04:12
k0001imbecile, today is day0, of course servers are doing the best they can, be patinent04:12
tritiumunagi: there is _NO_ libdvdcss package.  You'd know this if you read.04:12
endxcan I use this string and not load boot loader to run with my current configuration: "sudo dd if=/dev/hda of=/media/share/ubuntu.bin bs=512 count=1" ?04:12
cdm10localgod11: install Advanced Compiz Configuration Thingy from Add/Remove04:12
LordLimecatunagi: im not 100% following yer conversation, but im going to guess that you want libdecss, and its not there, and you want to know how to get it04:12
unagii just installed it04:12
avtI cant find libglitz-glx1 in synaptic in dapper drake ubuntu<<<<<<<<<04:12
dryrotunagi: i think it's like asking "why isnt this piece of software that has gotten people thrown in jail and sued included in the default ubuntu repositories"04:12
unagilooks like you were wrong04:12
kr00lplatinumcdm10: So i can't download free programs because ubuntu 7.10 is being downloaded by everyone?04:12
DerangedDingoanyone here who thinks the download is taking too long just torrent it and leave the torrent open afterwards to help other people04:12
cdm10kr00lplatinum: pretty much04:12
PvAdct_ubuntuI have my disk separated in two partitions, I already freed one of them (it's NTFS formatted but no files on it); how can I make the installer use the whole second partition? I don't want resizing it, and I don't want it to use the whole disk04:13
localgod11what about emerald?04:13
tritiumunagi: how hard is it to read: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html04:13
unagithats not what i asked04:13
tritiumyes it is04:13
unagii know why it isnt included04:13
FNXanyone wanna have a private conversation about ubuntu and hacking and such?04:13
PvAdct_ubuntuFNX WTF?04:13
tritiumNo, FNX, that's offtopic04:13
dryrotdryrot: you hurt my feelings so.  anyway im glad you got libdvd666 installed.  oh.  you kept asking 'why isnt it included?????!?!?!?!?!!?" so i answered you04:13
FNXo my bad04:13
vocxFNX, #ubuntu-offtopic04:13
LordLimecatunagi, its because ubuntu cannot legally distribute that package.  Same reason windows doesnt come with DeCSS installed--its illegal in the US04:13
FNXwait wait wait...i said HACKING...not cracking.....04:13
unagionce again04:13
Baxwhat's the command for a terminal to delete a directory and all files and sub directories inside of it?04:13
unagii know WHY it doesnt come with it04:13
vocxdryrot, you talk to yourself, ha04:13
cdm10Bax: rm -r04:14
localgod11how do i make the cube rotate?04:14
gidimAw hell, this is driving me nuts, I think I'll reboot to liveCD, do a fresh install of 7.04 and then patch and then upgrade.04:14
unagimy question was why after following the wiki adding in the repo i was gettign that error04:14
jonfish_how do you get widgets for gutsy gibbon???04:14
kr00lplatinumcdm10: well that's good to know! Why doesn't everyone just torrent Ubuntu 10.704:14
darkcrabLord, why can dell legally distribute drivers?04:14
unagibut its cool04:14
gidimBack later all.04:14
jimmyww_"Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0"04:14
unagieveryone decided to come up with their own version of what i asked04:14
LordLimecatunagi: sounds like the proper repo was not set up04:14
Baxcdm10: then the directory's name?04:14
Madpilotdarkcrab, because they pay money04:14
darkcrabthank you Mad04:14
cdm10kr00lplatinum: it's not the people downloading ubuntu, it's the people upgrading... and you can't upgrade via torrent04:14
tritiumunagi: stop04:14
cdm10Bax: yup04:14
LordLimecatunagi, unless you didnt notice, this channel is really hectic right now, im really only partially seeing your convo.  May be best to check a forum for this04:14
PvAdct_ubuntuI have my disk separated in two partitions, I already freed one of them (it's NTFS formatted but no files on it); how can I make the installer use the whole second partition? I don't want resizing it, and I don't want it to use the whole disk; I basically only want to reformat one partition but not touch the partition table04:14
kr00lplatinumcdm10: screw upgrading just do a fresh install04:15
liberionhey guys does anyone know how ubuntu gets its name for new releases04:15
darkcrabI was also curious about something. When you buy a dell linux laptop, does it come with non-free drivers already set up?04:15
imbecilejust donated $20 us in celebration of gutsy04:15
gnyffelSo, I went and did something stupid in experimenting with DPI. Typed in the wrong number and now everything's too large for me to access the option again. Can I change it on the command line?04:15
vocxunagi, there is no point in arguing. We are volunteers and blah blah blah...you know the rest.04:15
cdm10unagi: < sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh > is that so hard?04:15
tritiumunagi: the process is simple.  1) install libdvdread3, and run the command cdm10 just pasted04:15
* LordLimecat did not know about said dvd install command04:15
tritiumLordLimecat: it's in the help info04:15
|neon|does gutsy supports the intel ichr9 raid controller using dmraid , just wondering since the ichr9 still a fakeraid if dmraid will work04:15
vocxdarkcrab, ask them.There is also a subforum dedicated to Dell computers.04:15
unagilet me push up a few times and repeat what i said before for those that missed it04:15
unagii just installed it04:16
* LordLimecat didnt read that info :(04:16
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz04:16
unagilooks like you were wrong04:16
darkcrabthank you vocx04:16
cdm10unagi: so, what's your complaint?04:16
unagidont have one04:16
cdm10unagi: via sudo apt-get?04:16
dryrotunagi: go away04:16
DerangedDingodarkcrab: if it doesn't you can install them from the repositories. most likely it's the same as if you had downloaded and installed yourself. i don't see a reason for them to alter/add to the OS like they do with Vista. Either way most of Dell's hardware is compatible anyway04:16
sx66xfce!sudo apt-install beryl04:16
cdm10unagi: that's not possible. Watch this.04:16
unagijust saying that all this hostile bs at the moment is stupid04:16
cdm10sx66xfce: there is no beryl any more04:16
FNXanyone else having trouble connecting to the ubuntu us servers?04:16
jimmyww_come on can someone help me with "Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0"04:16
cdm10!info libdvdcss2 | unagi04:16
ubotuunagi: Package libdvdcss2 does not exist in gutsy04:16
unagioh man04:16
MadpilotFNX, they're likely overloaded04:16
sx66xfcecdm10: noooooo04:16
unagithe bot said04:16
unagiit doesnt exist in gutsy04:16
Pseudoryxdryrot: if you want to get dvd playing so much, get yourself LinDVD rpm from Mandriva 200704:16
darkcrabI dont have to upgrade right?04:16
unagithat must mean it doesnt exist at all04:16
tritiumcdm10: we've told him many times.  He doesn't get it.04:16
unagiim so stupid04:17
Madpilotunagi, drop it. right now.04:17
unagithe ubotu knows about every program known to the unix world04:17
jdongPseudoryx: whoa whoa, no....04:17
cdm10unagi: you say you installed from the repositories, and that's simply not true.04:17
unagigee why am i so stupid04:17
FNXMadpilot, ah i see.04:17
LordLimecatunagi, you yourself are acting hostile, and crowding up  an already crowded chat.  The reason people are giving you this repeat advice is because you keep discussing this, and people arent paying 100% attention to you--theres like 500 other people who need help in here04:17
cdm10sx66xfce: if you want to install the advanced config stuff for compiz, install the package "ccsm"04:17
avtI cant find libglitz-glx1 in synaptic in dapper drake ubuntu why??????04:17
darkcrabyea, I never get upset if people dont answer me. There are so many people here with questions.04:17
Flatshas neone tried to install the ieee80211-1.2.18 program for the Intel pro wireless adapter?04:17
unagilets see04:17
sx66xfcecdm10: i am on xubuntu, do I only install "ccsm"?04:18
unagi!info mayaautoscript04:18
ubotuPackage mayaautoscript does not exist in gutsy04:18
cdm10sx66xfce: yep04:18
vocxtritium, damn that was rough... anyway, good luck, I'm off.04:18
* anarchist is away, auto-away after 20 minutes, (log\off pager\on)04:18
darkcrabbye vocx04:18
vocxdarkcrab, later04:18
tritiumbye vocx04:18
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM04:18
liberionso guys where does ubuntu come up with the names for its releases04:18
Flats•haru• you just a login screen04:18
Pseudoryxliberion: is that gutsy is the name of the monkey?04:19
haruFlats, what?04:19
Madpilotliberion, in the bottom of large glasses of alcohol.04:19
dryrotliberion: i think it's whatever mark shuttleworth thinks sounds funny04:19
el_z0rr0Is there something wrong with the us.archive.ubuntu.com repository?  I can't get universe04:19
kbreitWhere does the crash handler plugin log in gutsy by default?04:19
kbreit...for compiz04:19
|neon|have ne1 try the trevino gutsy repos04:19
liberionmadcap_magician, what alcoholic bottles04:19
RoC_MasterMindel_z0rr0, I had trouble with the mirrors today, I just find and replaced us.archive.ubuntu.com with uk.archive.ubuntu.com04:19
cdm10el_z0rr0: yes, there's a lot wrong with it, the servers are swamped because everyone's upgrading at once.04:19
dryrothas anyone gotten xen to work in gutsy ?04:20
Flats•haru• you do get to the gnome display login screen?04:20
RoC_MasterMindTip to anybody wanting to upgrade....change your apt mirror!04:20
haruFlats, yes..i can login as well04:20
TECH_1U know: those servers have to be lagged..loo..I am waiting.04:20
|neon|dryrot: i would like to know also04:20
dryrotRoC_MasterMind: synaptic and i think update manager let you choose different repositories too04:20
aliI am having problem with kde04:20
el_z0rr0I see, thanks04:20
PipotchiI have a problem with a ethernet driver in ubuntu 32 bits (and PCLinuxOS) but I never had such a problem with Ubuntu 64 bits... are the driver differents between 32 and 64 bits version?04:20
unagidont get pissed at me because people in here decided to get bitchy when i told them they were wrong04:20
cdm10el_z0rr0, RoC_MasterMind: If you go to System>Admin>Software Sources there's a way for it to automatically find the fastest mirror04:20
DerangedDingoTORRENT. don't download from the main servers04:20
dryrot|neon|: I can't even get it to work right with debian etch04:20
liberionso guys where does the name gibbon come from??04:20
sx66xfcecdm10: i can not find the package "ccsm" in respo. or add/remove04:20
alisome processes of kde goes not "disk sleep" status without terminating, they hang there04:20
un1x01dis there an alternate dvd version ?04:20
tritiumunagi: ban-evading will get you in worse trouble...04:20
Flats•haru• My problem was before login. Fought with it for a while but your pastthat04:21
endxhey is anybody here running ubuntu on an x500 hp product?04:21
Pseudoryxliberion: sounds the same like Ribbon04:21
el_z0rr0cdm10: I'll try it04:21
unaginot my fault sprint renews ip addresses when you reconnect04:21
darkcrabare the visual effects more stable in gutsy?04:21
liberionPseudoryx, your point ?04:21
cdm10sx66xfce: look for "advanced desktop effects" in add/remove, make sure it's set to All Available Applications04:21
Pseudoryxliberion: just code name, maybe it does not make any sense at all04:21
makzuA gibbon is a type of monkey04:21
corevette_text won't show for me in a pdf04:21
LiMaOhow do i start the cube rotation?04:22
makzuA little one04:22
RoC_MasterMindcdm10, I'm looking...how?04:22
the_darkside_986i have a question. does the liveDVD have restricted drivers or just more free packages?04:22
PseudoryxMakzu: i c04:22
cdm10RoC_MasterMind: in the mirror selection box, choose other, then hit the button.04:22
zulgabanhi hi hi04:22
Flatsguess there is no way to go back is there?04:22
paq7512what is the main difference between the dvd and cd version?04:22
makzuPseudoryx: They're actually pretty cute04:22
eulogy_Is anyone else having long wait times for downloads through synaptics?04:23
TECH_1I am running Ubuntu on a 2Gig (E machine)....It screams..thanks Ubuntu.04:23
RoC_MasterMindyeah, interesting cdm1004:23
corevette_text won't show for me in a pdf04:23
slackernpaq7512, the dvd has options like doing server install, textbased install (like alternate cd) and the livecd where you can install from.04:23
crshmanwould rsync be the fastest way to copy data from one harddrive to another or would the "cp" command be faster?04:23
ZambeziHow is Gutsy on a server?04:23
RoC_MasterMindeulogy_, switch to a different mirror through system/admin/software sources04:23
cdm10crshman: i don't see why rsync would make it go any faster unless you're trying to only sync differences.04:23
makzuSo, I'm trying to install Gutsy now and for a while it's been stuck at 82%, Configuring apt.  Is it just going slowly because so many other people are hitting that server too?04:23
paq7512slackern: thanks but all i really need is the cd version just to try out linux right?04:24
eugook i mount'ed my windows partition, now some filenames which have special characters are showing (e.g. "d\303\255s" instead of "dís")04:24
eulogy_Thanks RoC-MasterMind04:24
WorkingOnWiseharu: reloaded repos in Synaptic, tried installing another package. Same error.04:24
harumakzu, yes04:24
zulgabanhow to get the latest ubuntu on DVD?04:24
dagoberti gotta see if this still works04:24
dagobertDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 004:24
crshmani thought rsync would actually have a higher overhead than just straight up "cp" but ok =)04:24
haruWorkingOnWise, i am out of ideas then .. sorry04:24
eugowhat can i do?04:24
makzuOh wait, never mind, it just burst forward again.04:24
slackernpaq7512, yes, the regular one will let you try it out on a livecd and also let you install while you are in a graphical enviroment04:24
haruWorkingOnWise, u did delete the file tho, right?04:24
eugoi tried mounting it with nls=utf804:25
=== wgheath is now known as xp_prg
slackernpaq7512, the alternate has more options and can be used for installing if something doesn't work from the regular livecd04:25
mossi want to write ubuntu to a cd but its too large for a 650 mb cd04:25
LordLimecatunagi, ip addresses shouldnt be renewed unless youre restarting yer modem04:25
Pseudoryx Anyone know how can I mount MDF and MDS image file? I've fail to do so by following many tutorials on internet. It'd be cool if there is GUI04:25
mosswhat can i do04:25
squeeI'm trying to play something with mplayer and I'm getting "alsa-lib: pcm_hw.c:1242:(snd_pcm_hw_open) open /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p failed: Device or resource busy"  Is there something I can do to force it to not be busy?04:25
cdm10moss: get a proper-sized CD04:25
RoC_MasterMindmoss, buy a set of 700MB cd's?04:25
tritiummoss: but a 700MB CD04:25
unagiif i upgrade to gutsy from feisty will i lose programs and settings?04:25
BeOSMrXwould I be able to install ubuntu 'over' madriva 2007 spring and keep the home dir ?04:25
tritiums/but/buy ;)04:26
avtI cant find libglitz-glx1 in synaptic in dapper drake ubuntu why?????? did anyone see this?04:26
mossits too late right now04:26
unagiim not on a modem04:26
mossi wanted to install it tonight04:26
mosseverywheres closed04:26
mossits 11:3004:26
cdm10moss: so install it tomorrow04:26
unagithough technically the cell phone is acting as a modem so technically it is restarted every time i disconnect04:26
jdongBeOSMrX: no, it is unsupported04:26
mossthis sucks04:26
FlyzoolaI'm having a problem accessing a folder in my computer. it says "You do not have the permission necessary to view the contents of 'folder'". I'm on the administrative account. Why is this happening?04:26
BeOSMrXjdong what's the best way then, if I want to keep my home folder04:26
cdm10moss: we can't help you fit a 680 MB ISO onto a 650 MB CD.04:26
bulmerBeOSMrX: if its in the separate partition that is supported file system yeah04:26
unagimay be a chmod problem fly04:26
cdm10moss: or see if the alternate cd is any smaller, it's a text-only install.04:26
jdongBeOSMrX: is it all on the same partition?04:26
Flyzoolaunagi: what does that mean?04:26
BeOSMrXyes, same partittion04:27
BeOSMrXyou know...04:27
unagiwell i tend to have those problems when viewing ntfs systems when its not set up04:27
ebirtaidfn'Flyzoola: is it on an external drive?04:27
ubuntero_numero1hello everyone04:27
unagiwhat folder are you looking at or where did it come frome04:27
liberionFlyzoola, what system are u running ?04:27
ebirtaidor a windows partition'04:27
jdongBeOSMrX: do you have familiarity with how to mount the drive from the LiveCD?04:27
BeOSMrXi think it would be a better idea to back-up my home dir and then just wipe and install ubuntu 704:27
FlyzoolaI'm on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn04:27
BeOSMrXi have a hdd i can use and back-up my home dir04:27
unagiFlyzoola: did it come from an ntfs system?04:27
flickhi i wish to develop software for ubuntu, but i don't know where to start04:27
bulmerBeOSMrX: better yes04:27
ubuntero_numero1i am trying to install ubuntu on this machine and I get all the way through to the configuring apt screen and then it hangs on 40% anyone know how to pop up a console?04:27
Flyzoolait's also a folder inside my computer. It's the icecast2 folder04:27
jdongBeOSMrX: if you can back up your home dir, that's the best way of doing it04:28
unagialt + f ubuntero_numero104:28
ebirtaida folder inside your computer...?04:28
ubuntero_numero1unagi, thanks man04:28
jdongBeOSMrX: otherwise, you can mount your existing partition from the livecd, rm -rf all subdirs but /home, and then unmount it, then tell the installer not to format the partition04:28
unagino prob04:28
Flyzoolayes. /etc/icecast204:28
unagier well04:28
jdongBeOSMrX: obviously this alternative is extremely hackish and probably not a good idea unless you're trying to earn geek points :)04:28
liberioni see ubuntus naming convention is catchy animal names04:28
BeOSMrXis there a ubuntu DVD ?04:28
unagii think the active terminal is f7 or f804:28
eugohow can i get native characters to show up in linux?04:28
VampyricWhat am I missing, Just did a clean 7.10 DVd install, compizmanager not in synaptics, and don't see Advanced Desktop Effects Settings, or Desktop Effects under preferences04:28
ebirtaidyou're trying to access as root?04:28
squeeI'm trying to play something with mplayer and I'm getting "alsa-lib: pcm_hw.c:1242:(snd_pcm_hw_open) open /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p failed: Device or resource busy"  Is there something I can do to force it to not be busy?04:28
ubuntero_numero1unagi, the mirrors must be getting hammered04:28
Veinorliberion: yep. We're just waiting until Aasimov's Aardvark04:29
Flyzoolaebirtaid: what does that mean? access as root?04:29
unagiif i upgrade to gutsy from feisty will i lose programs and settings?04:29
WorkingOnWiseharu: actually....the file doesn't exist to delete...but I think automatix may be the culprit....I'll know in a few minutes....04:29
liberionVeinor, omg04:29
juanbondWhen I try to enable normal visual effects, I get "The Composite extension is not available" ... What does that mean?04:29
snadgeis there a known problem with not being able to browse the web from 7.10 .. but can ping and dhcp has allocated ip/gateway/dns.. windows works fine on same machine04:29
dryrotsquee: does your sound work at all?  and are you using gnome (ubuntu)04:29
Veinorunagi: not unless you're doing a blank install04:29
slackernBeOSMrX, Yes there is one, It has options to run as livecd, doing a server install and also doing a textbased install, like all the cd's in one.04:29
crdlbjuanbond, install xserver-xgl04:29
Veinori.e., complete install from a gutsy CD04:29
BeOSMrXsweet, what's the folder name ?04:29
ebirtaidfn'Flyzoola: your user account can't write to /etc you need to use sudo04:29
haruWorkingOnWise, it does for me :|04:29
dryrotsnadge: try accessing the web the hard way.  what happens if you 'telnet www.google.com 80'04:29
crdlbjuanbond, that will allow you to use compiz, because your video drivers don't support running it on Xorg04:29
squeedryrot:  It worked a while ago.  I am using gnome04:29
LordLimecatunagi: i cant answer that for sure yet, but i doubt it, i think most settings are stored in .programname folders in your home folder, i doubt the upgrade would delete it04:30
Madpilotunagi, no. but if you keep on ban-evading, you'll loose access to #ubuntu.04:30
squeedryrot:  I've had this happen in the past and it will work after I restart, but there has to be a better solution04:30
dryrotsquee: does your sound work right now?  try System->Preferences->Sound and see if it works04:30
juanbondthank you crdlb!04:30
inigomontoyaare the repositories down or something?04:30
Flyzoolaebirtaid: can you explain that to me? I'm a lunix n00b. this is only my 3rd day using it04:30
jimmyww_"Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0"04:30
unagidammit.....my cruise ship is getting ready to leave04:30
snadgedryrot: i have to reboot into gutsy to test it.. im in windows again, since its networking is working04:30
jdonginigomontoya: extremely busy, and slow....04:30
Veinorinigomontoya: just being hit very hard right now; give them a while.04:30
unagibah i have to work in an hour anyway04:30
RoC_MasterMindinigomontoya, no but us.archive.ubuntu.com is slow04:30
squeedryrot:  that does not work.  It says something about not being able to write to the device04:31
unagijimmyww_:  ususally means bad or scratched disk04:31
mossthe text based install is 693 mb04:31
slackernBeOSMrX, sorry slow access to the servers right now so it might be best if you go to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com yourself and find it, or find a good mirror site for it.04:31
WorkingOnWiseharu: I know it should...Automatix is successfully installing some fonts now...We'll see if it will put things right.04:31
inigomontoyaveinor, jdong, thanks i was wondering if it was my problem or not04:31
LordLimecatanyone having issues upgrading due to repository slowness, try torrenting the alternate install cd, burning it, and sticking it in04:31
abcde_Is azureus buggy since gutsy for anyone else?  as in it crashes04:31
ebirtaidyou're trying to edit a config file right?04:31
jdongjimmyww_: can you do a media check?04:31
cdm10omg, automatix?04:31
LordLimecatthe torrent speeds are incredible, i maxxed out my 16meg line04:31
ubuntero_numero1snadge, did you verify your network settings are correct with ifconfig -a ?04:31
MasterShrekso im planning on buying a pcmcia wireless card for this old laptop i have that im gonna give to my mom, anyone know of a good card thats ubuntu-friendly out-of-the-box?04:31
tritiumunagi: you think that's an excuse for your behavior?04:31
erat123does anyone know the name of a widget that acts like the fisheye panel in mac os X?04:31
cdm10abcde_: it's been buggy forever, try Deluge, it's much nicer.04:31
jimmyww_jdong, how04:31
jdongabcde_: see bug 6802004:31
dryrotsquee: try changing your sound device in System->Preferences->Sound .  also are you in the 'audio' group?  try 'group YOURLOGINNAMEHERE'04:31
avtI have to do this when offline and from the live cd lol http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13125304:31
* liberion glad hes not upgrading right now 04:31
jdongjimmyww_: should be a bootup option04:31
unagiwhat are you talking about04:31
dryrotsquee: i mean 'groups' not group04:31
jimmyww_okay will do04:31
BeOSMrXslackern - i can use this ftp://ftp.telus.net/pub/ubuntu/7.10/ but which is the DVD download, they down show iso size04:31
puffI have a laptop, thinkpad t43p, with a VGA-out as well as the laptop screen.  I was just reading about Gutsy and it said there's improved VGA-out support.  I'm wondering if it's possible to drive a second monitor via the VGA-out and have a different workspace on the second monitor.04:32
anandanbuI m facing a strange problem with ubuntu 7.10 when i logged in now as http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/9554/gnomeerrorjp6.png and the theme also has been changed04:32
unagiand why are you trying to instigate something that happened 15 minutes ago and isnt even an issue04:32
inigomontoyai'm looking to get mencoder, is that package i need named mencoder or is it a part of mplayer?04:32
squeedryrot:  It isn't a group issue.  using mplayer as root doesn't work either04:32
Flyzoolaebirtaid: can you explain that to me? I'm a lunix n00b. this is only my 3rd day using it04:32
Sivikmencoder is its own packages04:32
MadpilotWorkingOnWise, automatix is better at breaking things than at 'putting them right'04:32
dryrotsquee: are you in the audio group?04:32
Veinorafter aasimov's aardvark, we will naturally have Abstract Abo Bat04:32
dotjayi installed ubuntu gustu04:32
squeedryrot:  yes04:32
dotjayiam unable to install screenlets in it04:32
abcde_cdm10, does deluge do RSS?  or have a ip-range blocking plugin?04:32
tritiumunagi: ban-evading _is_ an issue04:33
dryrotsquee: can you play test sounds in the sound control panel ?04:33
slackernBeOSMrX, that mirror doesn't seem to have a DVD, i got mine via a torrent file from cdimage.ubuntu.com04:33
unagiim not evading04:33
squeedryrot:  no04:33
cdm10abcde_: rss yes, i think. not sure about ip blocking04:33
WorkingOnWiseMadpilot: yeah...but since apt is already broke.....04:33
cdm10unagi: they banned you, and you're back, that's called evading...04:33
unagii keep losing service and have to reconnect.....open up xchat to join #compiz-fusion and ubuntu automatically pops up04:33
unagisorry let me leave and change my nick and come back04:33
puffAlso, I have three emacs processes running, one of them appears hung, closing it via the GUI isn't working.  Any idea how I can tell which emacs process in "ps" is which?04:33
cdm10WorkingOnWise: automatix (ab)uses APT, so if it's broken, it won't work04:33
unagiwould that make it better?04:33
dotjayhow can i install screenlets from source04:33
LordLimecatunagi: i would just suggest leaving for a while to let everything cooldown04:34
LordLimecatjust my 0.0204:34
Flyzoolacon someone explain to me what sudo is and why I can't write to /etc from my user account? also, how do I access that folder if it says that I don't have the permission necessary?04:34
unagihe can cool down while im here04:34
BeOSMrXslackern I guess the CD is still good enough for me then, would it be ? i don't need anything anything04:34
slackernBeOSMrX, hmm just a sec, i might have the .torrent file still on my system04:34
BeOSMrXanything special, at least04:34
LordLimecatunagi: he has power to ban, tho, and you dont, thats why thats my advice04:34
WorkingOnWisecdm10: shhhhhh. my dilusion is that Automatix will do good and not evil....04:34
dryrotunagi: you should go to work and come back later when you're less of an asshole.  perhaps when you graduate high school04:34
liberionoh boy and ibe got to service this gutsy gibbon now !04:34
LordLimecatif he really wants you gone he can ban yer subnet04:34
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.04:34
unagiban dryrot04:34
slackernBeOSMrX, just let me check and i'll give it to you04:34
LordLimecatand then you WONT come back04:34
unagihe has bad potty mouth04:34
VeganCheesesteakIm getting Grub error 18 on boot with gutsy. i had the same partition setup with fiesty.. what gives?04:34
abcde_jdong, so the only solution is azureus 2.5?04:34
LordLimecatbut yer free to ignore my advice, just trying to help04:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aclocal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:35
dryrotsquee: there's a command to let the alsa utilities to go out and figure out which sound card it should be using, i think04:35
Flyzoolacan someone explain to me what sudo is and why I can't write to /etc from my user account? also, how do I access that folder if it says that I don't have the permission necessary?04:35
unagiwell seeing as how my cruise ship moves constantly04:35
jdongabcde_: solution seems unclear... I have a manually installed azureus in ~/home/local04:35
dryrotsquee: did your sound ever work ?04:35
dotjaywher can i get some help for my problem04:35
unagii dont think banning a subnet will work either04:35
unagibut my point is im not causing a problem so why is it an issue04:35
CITguyVeganCheesesteak: are you dual booting?04:35
Sivikdotjay: what is your problem?04:35
slackernBeOSMrX, i found it, will put it on a server and pm you the link04:35
jdongabcde_: but it is a known issue that azureus with default Java is unstable, it's better with Sun Java, best when gotten from azureus's site04:35
dotjayi cant install screenlets in gusty04:35
squeedryrot:  Yes.  It worked just a while ago.  There is some command to release all of the audio devices but i can't remember it04:36
VeganCheesesteakCITguy: yes. Vista is first partition.... partitions are vista, swap, linux04:36
BeOSMrXDCC is fine04:36
abcde_jdong, so I should install Sun Java from azureus' site?04:36
dryrotsquee: what happens if you restart alsa ?04:36
jdongabcde_: no, sun java is "sun-java6-jre" in Ubuntu04:36
SivikCITguy, ok, clean install, what do i need to do along with the drivers from nvidia to get the video stuff working correctly04:36
liberionVeganCheesesteak, theres an error when grub was written so you havta log into that parttion and edit the /boot/grub/menu.list04:36
Flyzoolacon someone explain to me what sudo is and why I can't write to /etc from my user account? also, how do I access that folder if it says that I don't have the permission necessary?04:36
jdongabcde_: in fact, if you pull in the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" package then it will pull in Java04:36
dotjayi downloaded the file tried installing it as per the given istructions but i aint gettin any thing in that04:36
VeganCheesesteakliberion: how can i do that?04:36
BeOSMrXslackern is your firewall set for outgoing dcc ?04:36
TECH_1unagi:  continually protecting your plastick(ness)..is appalling.04:36
jimmyww_jdong, i did the thing u said and got the same error04:36
jdongabcde_: afterwards, run "sudo update-alternatives --config java" and select the Java with sun in the path04:36
unagiflyzoola chmod can do it i just dont remember which  number is.....but typically you dont wanna do it anyway04:37
CITguyVeganCheesesteak: there's your problem. Vista will hide the partition and grub isn't able to find the partition.04:37
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: sudo allows you toto run a command as the admin user04:37
dotjaySivik: you there?04:37
jdongunagi: DO NOT chmod /etc to be user writeable04:37
spezticleubuntu forums has a list of compatable wireless cards and mine is listed, yet i'm being told by the system that signal strength is 0% and it will not connect. anyone have insight as to why?04:37
Sivikdotjay: yes, whats up, i must have missed it04:37
liberionVeganCheesesteak, what is your partion name where u have the / of ubuntu ?04:37
unagithats what i just said04:37
parsekI can install Kubuntu but not Ubuntu, ubuntu hangs at creating file system, what might be the problem?04:37
LordLimecatyea, is it normal for vista partitions to not be resizeable? did MS change something with NTFS?04:37
darkcrabwhere is the link that says how many more months of updates feisty has?04:37
jdongFlyzoola: sudo is a way to escalate a single command to root access. For editing configuration files, you need to run "sudo name_of_editor /etc/file/to/edit"04:37
magicrobotmonkeyFlyfox: and by default only the admin has permisison to write to /etc because it contains important stuff04:37
dystopianrayspezticle: ignoring the signal strength, does it still work?04:37
dryrotvista partitions are not resizeable?  really ?04:37
j_acksquee,   alsaconf list ?04:37
RoC_MasterMinddarkcrab, it has 18.04:37
unagiLordLimecat: i have resized mine before it just matters where on the table it is04:37
VeganCheesesteakCITguy: well i had fiesty on previously no probs..i try to clean install over04:37
slackernBeOSMrX, hmm sorry doesn't seem like it, but i got it on the server now, just moving it to the webfolder04:37
darkcrabthank you Roc.:)04:38
RoC_MasterMinddarkcrab, oh...I mean 12.04:38
VeganCheesesteakliberion:  3rd partiion of sda04:38
LordLimecatdarkcrab: i think they have another year, seeing as its been 6 months since its release04:38
iobeliskparsek, i just had the same problem. it is likely that you are allocating more disk space to the partitions than your hard disk contains04:38
squeedryrot:  sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restarts but still doesn't work04:38
liberionVeganCheesesteak, so sda3??04:38
RoC_MasterMinddarkcrab, each  normal release is for 18 months.04:38
abcde_jdong, there are two with sun, 1.5 and 604:38
LordLimecatunagi: a vista partition, or an ntfs one?04:38
spezticleno, it does not it will try to connect to my network, after a minute or so, just quits and says no network connectivity04:38
darkcrabok thanks04:38
jdongabcde_: get the 1.6 one04:38
unagiim running vista at the moment04:38
iobeliski suggest opening up partition editor from system/administrative and creating/editing file aprtitions from there04:38
squeej_ack:  alsaconf list?04:38
CITguysivik: run       sudo apt-get install libc6 libc6-dev linux-headers-`uname -r` xorg-dev make04:38
dryrotunagi: people put up with deliberately being annoying in #perl . you should go hang out there instead04:38
VeganCheesesteakliberion: um yes i guess so04:38
jdongabcde_: faster, fewer memory leaks04:38
Baxwhat's the command to search for a file in a specific directory through the terminal?04:38
unagiwhat did i say that was annoying04:38
LordLimecatinteresting, good to know04:38
Flyzoolaso, how do I access the folder? It says that i don't have the necessary permission to access my own folder. I've looked online for help on setting up my icecast2, but for x or y variables, it doesn't seem to work04:38
parsekiobelisk, how come? i don't think so04:38
liberionVeganCheesesteak, download slackware disc 1 and ill show u how to fix ubuntu04:38
unagijust answering peoples questions04:38
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: so using sudo vi /etc/.. is a good way to remind you to be careful and it prevents applications you run as a normal user from messing around in there04:38
tritiumunagi: just drop it04:39
dotjaysivik: how can i install screenlets from trbz04:39
abcde_jdong, 1.6 isn't in the "--config java" list04:39
unagiwhat did i do?!04:39
LordLimecato.0 what is he doing04:39
iobeliskgo to partition editor from the systems menu and see how much space it detects on your hard drive04:39
unagi<dryrot> unagi: people put up with deliberately being annoying in #perl . you should go hang out there instead04:39
jdongabcde_: did you install sun-java6-jre?04:39
parsekiobelisk, i followed the same thing but Kubuntu works04:39
Sivikdotjay: i have no clue what a trbz file is nor do i know what screenlets is04:39
exlaYo, just installed xubuntu and when im trying to install xhcat it says  Depency is not  satisfable04:39
VeganCheesesteakliberion: if i just mount the disc should i be able to fix?04:39
dryrotyou should!  people spend YEARS being annoying in #perl , they're still there04:39
iobeliskit is likely it will be different from what the wizard detects.04:39
Sivikdarn archive.ubuntu.com repos04:39
jdongdryrot, unagi , enough...04:39
cdm10LordLimecat: isn't vista ntfs?04:39
j_acksquee, alsaconf list  show your soundcards04:39
LordLimecatdryrot: did i miss something, he was answering my question04:39
tritiumdryrot: please, you're not helping either04:39
unagii didnt do a friggent hing04:39
unagijesus christ04:39
unagiwhy is everyone all over me04:39
mr_wangwhy is the update manger running so damn slow04:40
Flyzoolamagicrobotmonkey: so I should just type in sudo vi /etc/icecast2 on the terminal?04:40
RoC_MasterMindSivik, change your repo if you want.04:40
LordLimecatcdm10: i would ASSUME so, but given their undocumented things to FAT, and their changes to CD standards....04:40
cdm10Sivik: System>Admin>Software Sources, then go to mirror, then other, then choose best04:40
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: try gksudo gedit /etc/../file04:40
jshufelt_unagi: cause your amusing04:40
LordLimecatcant be sure04:40
liberionVeganCheesesteak, are u in ubuntu right now then?or when u try to get in u get grub load error04:40
jdongmr_wang: update servers are under extremely heavy traffic04:40
parsekiobelisk, is there a way to install Ubuntu in this case?04:40
CITguymr_wang: everybody's trying to update at the same time04:40
Baxwhat's the terminal command to search for a file in a specific directory?04:40
SivikRoC_MasterMind, i have already changed it like 20 times today and its still being stupid04:40
squeej_ack:  "alsaconf list" returns command not found04:40
LordLimecater......did i miss something, looked like dryrot just instigated problems with unagi04:40
mr_wangget more severs.04:40
TECH_1Because your wilfully arrogance is uncalled for. (unagi)04:40
abcde_jdong, /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java has a *+ next to it, and the others don't, so I'd assume so04:40
jshufelt_took me 8 hours to update 7.04 today04:40
LordLimecatand unagi got the blame04:40
VeganCheesesteakliberion:  i cant boot from hd..but i can bring up the live cd04:40
Sivikcdm10, not gnome and i do it from command line04:40
jdongabcde_: that's good, that's all you want :)04:40
stiev3hmm making my window decoration command "emerald" has failed me, however terminalling "emerald --replace" works.  So to get it going on startup, should I go the route of adding "emerald --replace" to startup programs?04:40
CITguymr_wang: be patient04:40
jdongabcde_: just wanted to make sure installing sun java defaults to it :)04:40
anabellei try to open strigi, and it opens uo kate :(04:40
jpastorehey what happened to the sysconfig dir in gutsy?04:40
alainsame here jshufelt_04:41
cdm10Sivik: well, you'll have to try different mirrors until you get a fast one.04:41
qanwhey - is there a way to get feisty versions of *specific* packages from gutsy?  the haskell (ghc) packages are not completely upgraded so this has lead to compatibility issues04:41
dotjaysivik: any idea in completing the installation04:41
liberionVeganCheesesteak, can u write with the boot disc or is it read only ??04:41
alainserver is realy crowded04:41
j_acksquee, asoundconf list    sorry04:41
Sivikdotjay: no, i have no clue04:41
abcde_jdong, now what do I do with azureus?  go to 2.5 or what?04:41
mr_wangi have been trying all night04:41
CITguySivik: did you get my reply04:41
iobeliskparsek, what does the partition editor under systems menu inform you of available and total disk space on your hard disk?04:41
dotjayok no prob04:41
jdongabcde_: yes, get the latest version of azureus from their site04:41
squeej_ack:  returns "intel"04:41
VeganCheesesteakliberion: let me see04:41
dryrotmr_wang: you could just use a different repo, are you downloading the iso?  you'll get the iso a lot faster if you use a torrent04:41
mr_wangit just sits there and does notting04:41
Pseudoryxabcde_: get yourself DELUGE, it's better Torrent Client04:41
jshufelt_damn... beckett just struck out #1104:41
dotjaySivik have any idea regarding vmware installation?04:41
j_acksquee, have you set this card?04:41
Pseudoryxabcde_: get yourself DELUGE without the need of isntalling Java Run Time04:41
unagi_leave me alone jesus christ04:41
jshufelt_I love my cable card04:41
unagi_i didnt do a damn thing04:41
Sivikdotjay: what version?04:41
localgod11anyone have a clue how to get my windows to come off the cube ?04:42
mr_wangi downloaded the live cd... but i can't update using it.04:42
cdm10Pseudoryx: abcde_is into downloading illegal stuff and wants an IP blocker, which Deluge doesn't have.04:42
Sivikdotjay: i just normally follow the instructions from the vm website04:42
Flyzoolamagicrobotmonkey: "Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed." although a window DID pop up.04:42
parsekiobelisk, right now I am installing Kubuntu but, it was something like 9000MB available 300MB used04:42
TECH_1Unagi:  grow up.04:42
Sivikdotjay: in gesty?04:42
bastid_raZorunagi_: jesus christ just wants your soul04:42
* zulgaban »» µTorrent «» [--------------------] Ubuntu 7.10 (4.23 GB) «» 0% «» Down: 57.3 kB/s «» Up: n/a «» Peers/Seeds 19/1 «» 1d 11h ««04:42
liberionVeganCheesesteak, i believe its read-only so thats why i boot with a slackware disc ,thats how i make my money fixing ubuntu problems04:42
unagi_tech_1 back off04:42
magicrobotmonkeyoh are you ssh'ed into the box or on a local terminal04:42
abcde_Pseudoryx, I like the plugins.  Deluge doesn't have them from what I've been told.  I like the RSS reader, and built-in IP range blocking.04:42
cdm10unagi_: whether what you did was wrong is debatable, but arguing with ops and evading bans won't get you anywhere.04:42
logreevalharu: you still with me?04:42
VeganCheesesteakliberion: ok i will download04:42
iobeliskyou are installing kubuntu on a different partition or are you installing the desktop on the same gnome install?04:42
LordLimecatcan everyone just not instigate problems?04:42
parsekiobelisk, what was yours, what did you do?04:42
exhumeis this where i can report bugs in gutsey?04:42
Pseudoryxabcde_: up to you mate04:43
harulogreeval, yeah04:43
Flyzoolaam I what?04:43
unagi_that sounds like a great idea LordLimecat04:43
dotjaySivik yes04:43
squeej_ack:  I haven't dealt much with audio in linux so I dont know how to do that.04:43
liberionVeganCheesesteak, ok give me about 30 mins then ill ask u if uve got it ok04:43
parsekiobelisk, it didn't install Ubuntu, so I am installing kubuntu on the same partition04:43
TECH_1Thanks Madpilot.04:43
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: did it prompt you for a passwork?04:43
j_acksquee, first  asoundconf set       then       asoundconf set-default-card Intel04:43
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: er, pasword04:43
Flyzoolayeah, and I typed it04:43
exhumeis this where i submit bug reports?04:43
logreevalharu: i have sound, everything works, but my Volume control doesnt work, and i hear this crackly sound when i go over buttons.....apparenlty C-media was a USB sound device...04:43
exhumefor 7.1004:43
PurpZeYCan someone recommend a WiFi network detector that will just tell me the channel (aka frequency) of those around me? I am not looking for a sniffer, I just want to see what the best channel for me is04:43
VeganCheesesteakliberion:  ok thank you04:43
parsekiobelisk, my partition #1:windows, #5:/, #6:/home, #7:swap04:43
|neon|to install vmware on gutsy you need "anyupdate" patch file04:44
rredd4I have the rc, and all of rhe updates.   When I apt get update, it says Release Candidate.  Do I have to manually edit that out or will future updates fix that?04:44
Pseudoryxabcde_: Deluge do have those Functions, similar plugin like rss reader and speed limit plugin04:44
harulogreeval, err yeah.. which is why asked if any sound devices are there T_T04:44
qanwhey - is there a way to get feisty versions of *specific* packages from gutsy?  the haskell (ghc) packages are not completely upgraded so this has lead to compatibility issues04:44
abcde_jdong, Downloaded and unpacked.  Now what?  Should I remove the apt-get installed one04:44
logreevalharu: you dont happen to know how to make the sound less sensitive, cause its annoying hearin a crackly sound everytime i go over a button04:44
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: did you use gksudo or just sudo?04:44
jdongabcde_: yes04:44
shinynew_can anyone tell me what i didnt wrong? I was trying to compile gtk 2.10.13, here is the error log - http://pastebin.com/d379759be04:44
localgod11anyone know how to make the windows float off the cube using CF?04:44
jttPurpZeY, wifi-radar04:44
harulogreeval, rightclick the soundcontrol goto preferences and change it to C-Media too04:44
Flyzoolamagicrobotmonkey: haha I've been trying to get this damn internet radio station working for the past 5 hours. I typed gksudo04:44
jdongabcde_: run ./azureus in that folter to start azureus04:44
iobeliskwell, i had gutsy beta installed on a portion of my hdd, i was dual booting with windows. i did a reinstall today using the entire disk, deleting windows. i too got a partition failed error. when i went to the partition editor, i realised it was detecting a lower amount of total disk space. so i edited my partitions from there and then went back to the install wizard, it detected the new partitions, i gave them mount points from there, fo04:44
Pseudoryxabcde_: AZUREUS take too much time to install, and mucnh ram as well04:44
jdongabcde_: you can create launchers to the azureus files too04:44
PurpZeYjtt: Thanks.04:44
jdongPseudoryx: both are relatively untrue04:44
logreevalharu: it just says USB device...and it doesnt really do anything :-04:45
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: you know how to use vi?04:45
haruharu, alternately use alsamixer04:45
demon_sporkwhen running two X screens, is there any way to open a firefox window on each display?04:45
jdongPseudoryx: Azureus deals fine here with about 150MB RAM usage including its built-in disk cache04:45
harurun alsamixer in terminal and change vol04:45
squeej_ack:  Nope : /04:45
abcde_Pseudoryx, I meant an IP range blocker.  I'd prefer to keep azureus, as I told the other person who said I should switch to deluge.  I like azureus.04:45
jttPurpZeY, sure04:45
jdongPseudoryx: I've been seeding 3 torrents today, totalling about 115GB transfers04:45
Flyzoolamagicrobotmonkey: nope. like I said, this is my 3rd day on any linux based OS.04:45
dotjayi installed vmware workstation in ubunutu but iam unable to start it04:45
Pumpitup when is first beta release of hardy coming out?04:45
Wistesoazureus is teh pwn04:46
shinynew_can anyone tell me what i didnt wrong? I was trying to compile gtk 2.10.13, here is the error log - http://pastebin.com/d379759be04:46
snowdonkeyexhume: Go here to report bugs: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu04:46
logreevalharu, i did, its on 204:46
Sivikcrappy due04:46
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: ok, try sudo nano /etc/icecast204:46
jshufelt_well, looks like everyone is getting installs right...04:46
jshufelt_good luck.. good night04:46
Pseudoryxabcde_: Deluge have Block List function, allow you to block IP04:46
abcde_jdong, it still closes when I run that04:46
iobeliskwow, the servers really are busy today.04:46
shinynew_can anyone tell me what i didnt wrong? I was trying to compile gtk 2.10.13, here is the error log - http://pastebin.com/d379759be04:46
parsekiobelisk, I even deleted and recreated my / partition couple of times but nothing worked04:46
Wistesoit's in java and java is pwn04:46
ademanWisteso: hahah04:46
|neon|dotjay: did you use the anyupade patc04:46
Flyzoolamagicrobotmonkey: the terminal changed all weird. what is it?04:46
jdongabcde_: remove ~/.azureus (apparently the config dir causes crashing too)04:46
Dan_LHey.  Dumb question:   Has anybody tried either feisty or gutsy on a Compaq FS730US?04:46
Pseudoryxabcde_: well it depends on personal taste I guess, I found deluge more simple and run fast04:46
parsekiobelisk, it stucks at 5% creating ext 3 file system04:46
harulogreeval, works?? btw in the preferences for the soundtray icon make sure.. speaker is selected04:46
remerthere seems to be a problem with the ntfs writing implementation for 7.10, at least in the livecd04:47
abcde_Pseudoryx, it automatically blocks ranges, not manually.  I said I want azureus, can you please stop telling me to change.04:47
iobeliskyes parsek, i did that too. but the minute i stopped doing that from the install wizard and did it from the parttion editor it worked04:47
TECH_1I have one Question..When I installed (7.10)..my firewall keeps shutting down..why is that.04:47
jdongPseudoryx: personal taste indeed... there's a lot of good torrent clients out there; he wants Azureus04:47
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: erm, perhaps thats not a text file, what directions are you trying to follow?04:47
Sivik5 more repos that aren't working04:47
dryrotwho was asking about scannning wireless networks?  you can use 'iwconfig'04:47
iobeliskyes, i had it stuck exactly at 5 percent too04:47
logreevalharu: sound works, volume control thingy doesnt...04:47
un1x01dmy Xorg is always at 19.9% mem , i am using Xinerama on 3 monitors at 1920x1200 60Hz, is there anyway to optimize it ?04:47
iobelisktrust me, do as i say, and it will work.04:47
iobeliskuse the partition editor from the system menu to edit your partitions.04:47
remerwhen i delete files from windows while in the livecd, it does not update the amount of space i have left04:47
RoC_MasterMindSivik, did you try uk.archive.ubuntu.com?  I had luck with that earlier todya.04:47
dotjay|neon|: no i installed it from the tarbz04:47
harulogreeval, right click vol control.. make sure ur card is selected and speaker is also seleceted04:47
ademananyone else have problems where the gutsy liveCD throws around "input/output error"s or "bus error"s?  Because i can hardly launch anything within it, oh yeah, and the gnome-settings-daemon refused to start this time around, wtf is wrong?04:47
Wistesoa torrent program that runs fast...    that's like wanting a 64-bit word processor04:47
cdm10remer: it probably put them in the trash04:47
remeri checked, it didnt04:48
parsekiobelisk, hmm, when i goto partition editor, I can not unmount it, and it crashes04:48
remerthe files are gone from windows04:48
theacolyteFor importing windows settings, do you have to reformat the drive that windows is installed on?04:48
cdm10remer: check the trash on the lower right, and also check out the hidden .Trash-something folder on the windows partition04:48
WorkingOnWiseharu: will you pastebin your /var/lib/dpkg/available file please?04:48
Sivikstill sitting waiting on headers04:48
shinynew_can anyone tell me what i didnt wrong? I was trying to compile gtk 2.10.13, here is the error log - http://pastebin.com/d379759be04:48
KaiserRoHey guys, I've got a serious problem.  I'm new to the whole unix thing and I was trying to install Beryl on ubuntu 7.10.  It asked for me to restart, but now I can't get my monitor to display anything...even my bios startup information.  Anyone have any idea whats up?04:48
|neon|dotjay: did you get any errors while installing from the vnet module?04:48
Wistesotorrents are slow but stable, speed is not necessary, and azureus is extremely simple unless you go into advanced mode04:48
logreevalharu: it is, but it doesnt work :-\04:48
cdm10theacolyte: no04:48
EvanlecWisteso, hey where's the 64-bit word processor? ;o04:48
dotjayno it installed perfectly04:48
harulogreeval, thats weird.. works for me04:48
theacolytecdm10: odd, it won't pick up any acoucnts -- not a big deal, just curious04:48
Back2Basicsdoes ubuntu have a flash player that works (in 32 bit emulation) on a 64 bit machine?04:48
remerim in windows now, but it still reports it as having less disk space than there actually is04:48
cdm10theacolyte: yeah, sometimes it doesn't work right...04:49
abcde_jdong, it crashes when I'm trying to install a plugin.  I'll try 2.504:49
theacolyteGot it04:49
dotjay|neon|:the only thing went wrong might be i din configure it for the first time04:49
theacolyteNo biggie04:49
remerand the recycle bin is empty04:49
logreevalharu: i know, this set up seems buggy :-04:49
jdongabcde_: ok; I'm using 2.5 and it seems to work fine on my machine...04:49
TECH_1Back2Basics..U have to use firefox 32 bit.04:49
cdm10remer: no, not the windows recycle bin04:49
cdm10remer: the ubuntu recycle bin04:49
dotjay|neon|: from where can i access the file?04:49
iobeliskis your kubuntu install via apt-get or is it thru the cdrom?04:49
cdm10remer: check c:\.Trash-something04:49
Siviknow its working04:49
=== terry__ is now known as episodic
Back2BasicsTECH_1, i've got that on fedora... it doesn't work.04:49
episodicanyone recommend a good screen capture program better than what comes with ubuntu?04:49
Sivikfedora blows04:49
dredhammercan someone explain to me why i cannot edit the background color of gedit in Gutsy i go to set the preferences and all i see are four background color themes04:49
Sivikepisodic, gimp04:50
magicrobotmonkeyepisodic: xvidcap04:50
dredhammeri can't customize like i could in feisty, edgy and dapper04:50
remerooooo ok, it didnt show up in the trash in ubuntu, but it shows up here thx04:50
cdm10episodic: screenshot, or screen video thingy?04:50
Sivikyeah for uk repos04:50
Siviktheir fast too04:50
parsekiobelisk, how did you correct the partition from partition editor? what did you do?04:50
logreevalharu: oh, its ujust crackly in the sound jack i guess04:50
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - see also !compiz04:50
cyph3x_would anyone know by chance how DDO would run in wine?04:50
episodicscreen shot04:50
|neon|dotjay: i had a similar situaation i used the ./vmware-install.pl and it went thru the install however it it did not work properly until i installed the anyupdate patch04:51
episodicI was just looking ad xvidcap site it is video04:51
magicrobotmonkeylogreeval: i had some crackly sound and switched to oss04:51
juanbondis there a gutsy commercial repo?04:51
cdm10episodic: what are you looking for that ubuntu doesn't have?04:51
magicrobotmonkeyepisodic: yea, sorry, misunderstood04:51
cdm10episodic: *the ubuntu screenshot thingy04:51
abcde_jdong, does 2.5 do plugins?04:51
scaleshey all, what are the best drivers for an ati radeon 9700?04:51
RoC_MasterMindjuanbond, it's called partner, read release notes04:51
episodicsomething that will hover and give me toolbar04:51
logreevalmagicrobotmonkey: i guess the sound is just the jack...04:51
TechnoVikingjuanbond: yes04:51
juanbondcheck thanks RoC_MasterMind04:51
jdongabcde_: it certainly does04:51
Journeymanhey what  are some nice icon trays like in mac OS X04:51
episodicand let me do multiple snaps that i can save that are user selectable04:51
KeithWeissharis the torrent from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/release/dvd/ubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso.torrent official?04:51
=== manchicken_ is now known as manchicken
iobeliskwell, i had the live cd session going on, so none of my other drives were mounted. i exited the install wizard. i opened up partition wizard from systems menu. i first deleted all partitions. then i created new ones as per my desire. and it worked.04:52
JourneymanI know I have seen some but can't remember their names04:52
magicrobotmonkeyJourneyman: avant-window-navigator04:52
dotjay|neon|: but i dont have any such sought of file in my extracted file04:52
jttPumpitup, schedule shows only one beta  march 27 2008  5 alphas prior to that04:52
KeithWeissharis the torrent from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/release/dvd/ubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso.torrent a final version04:52
abcde_jdong, I don't see the "install plugins" option.  How do I install them?04:52
|neon|dotjay: wait one04:52
DerangedDingoKeithWeisshar: The URL says it all04:52
CoasterMasterKeithWeisshar, yes it is04:52
Wistesocyph3x_: most people don't know what DDO is....    but dont expect it to run well04:52
RoC_MasterMindKeithWeisshar, yeah.04:52
quaalservers slow04:52
quaalfix plz04:52
parsekiobelisk, I used cfdisk instead of partition editor04:52
Flyzoolawhat is the best software on ubuntu to broadcast a live radio? I've been at this for 6 hours haha. Anybody know? or any good tutorials? I just want to stream live MP3s04:52
jblpEverything is slow today04:52
Pumpitupjtt>ahh well guess ill have to wait :)04:53
episodiclol, i guess i will just continue to use mwsnap in wine :P04:53
Back2BasicsKeithWeisshar, anything linux related will never be a "final" version.04:53
ademanFlyzoola: like on the internet? wouldn't icecast work well?04:53
arang2guys is it true that 2.6.22(gutsy) has an speed boost on SATA compared to 2.6.20 in feisty?04:53
iobeliskfor all of you guys having problems with downloading stuff from the server, please go and try an alternative server. test the best one via the wizard. it might work.04:53
remerquit thank you so much04:53
dystopianrayarang2: no04:53
jdongabcde_: hmm the option should be in there04:53
Wistesocyph3x: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=470904:53
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: icecast is probably your best bet, you're going to have to figure out the configuration for *Any* of them04:53
VletOr use a torrent! :)04:53
jttPumpitup, are you going to gutsy?04:53
Kantiwhats the link to the wizard?04:53
iobeliskparsek, i did not use cfdisk. so i am not sure about that.04:53
DerangedDingoJourneyman: Go with AWN. Kiba-Dock is overrated. Cairo-Dock has dead development.04:53
cyph3x_Westeso: whats up?04:53
pazsionok, still trying to install to HD on a slow ass system, wondering if i can use command prompt04:53
Flyzoolaademan, I've tried it, but nothing works. Any good tutorials for how to get it working?04:53
Pumpitup<jtt> been on it for a while now04:53
mrunagi_if i dist upgrade will i lose programs and settings?04:53
iobeliskwhy don't you try the partition editor if cfdisk did not work for you?04:53
dotjay|neon|: ah sorry |neon| i have that file and that was the file from which i installed vmware04:53
openbysourceguys i have installed the boot loader (grub) manually. i have written the appropriate entries for gutsy in the boot file. it's working now. what should i write in the kernel line so it shows graphical boot and not text messages ?04:53
dystopianraymrunagi_: no04:53
krankWhat's the main difference between the DVD and CD iso?04:54
magicrobotmonkeyFlyzoola: did you check ubuntuforums?04:54
XsteelWolfWHat's the inititate button04:54
mrunagi_what happens with my compiz-fusion stuff04:54
dystopianraykrank: dvd has livecd + alternate + languages + packages04:54
DerangedDingoopenbysource: the option "splash"04:54
mrunagi_will it conflict with gutsy's desktop effects?04:54
parsekiobelisk, it will do the samething but I can try04:54
ademanFlyzoola: unfortunately i don't know much about it other than it's supposed to be the best...04:54
parsekright now kubuntu installation finished04:54
jdongkrank: DVD has more packages04:54
openbysourcejust write splash at the end of the kernel line DerangedDingo ?04:54
jttPumpitup, ahh great me too but only on desktops have to keep my laptop stable for work related activities04:54
abcde_jdong, where is it?  under what option?04:54
FlyzoolaI'll look into it more. Thanks guys04:54
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can!04:54
jdongkrank: more suitable for those without an internet connection04:54
ademanFlyzoola: i figure there are probably tutorials you can get to from google, or maybe a #icecast channel here04:54
TECH_17.10:..The browser has the built in add ons..flash/java/atc04:54
krankDVD worth getting I suppose04:54
|neon|dotjay: you have to download vmware any update separetaly and run the runme.pl file04:55
mrunagi_anyone know what happens if you already have compiz-fusion installed and you upgrade?04:55
teKnofreaki am on feisty and there are some updates, should i do it before doing an dist-upgrade to gutsy or can i just proceed to gutsy ?04:55
localgod11anyone know how to get my winows to float off the cube?04:55
rredd4can I tile windows in xchat when I am in multiple rooms?  How please04:55
jdongkrank: I personally have a fast network connection so I just get the CD04:55
KaiserRoHey guys, I've got a serious problem.  I'm new to the whole unix thing and I was trying to install Beryl on ubuntu 7.10.  It asked for me to restart, but now I can't get my monitor to display anything...even my bios startup information.  Anyone have any idea whats up?04:55
dotjay|neon|: i din get you04:55
Pumpitup<jtt> what kind of work are u into if u dont mind me asking04:55
Journeymanis there a repository for awn04:55
mrunagi_localgod11: i think its 3d windows or something04:55
ixian_Hey, I have the release candidate of ubuntu 7.10 and it says there are no updates available. shouldn't it update to the final release? or is there something else i have to do?04:55
dotjaywhere can i get those files04:55
dryrotKaiserRo: I thought Beryl doesn't exist anymore04:55
iobeliskyes, people downloading the iso's should use torrents. people having trouble updating repositories, can try a different server.04:55
DerangedDingoopenbysource: I believe so. I removed my usplash option because usplash never worked on my system... if it was still there I'd check04:55
cyph3x_how would i rename my bloody name in IRC? its driving me insane?04:55
jdongabcde_: err,, plugins -> Installation Wizard?04:55
Vletixian_: try running sudo update-manager -d04:55
jttPumpitup, i am a storage engineer for Sun Microsystems mostly SAN work04:56
fujincyph3x_: /nick04:56
RogueShadow40 minutes for torrent... 4 hours for dist upgrade option... I went torrent.04:56
DShepherdcyph3x_, /nick newname04:56
Pumpitup<jtt> woow that sounds important04:56
mrthereverndi can't seem to get my touchpad to work04:56
Wistesoubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386 downloaded via torrent in 10 minutes...   wow04:56
mrunagi_ok well i have to get going everyone..........have a great evening04:56
|neon|dotjay: vmware any update patch is not part of the vmware files someone did some work and came up with that patch because of the compilation errors by the vmnet module do a search in google04:56
CoasterMasterdoes the DVD have the nice in LiveCD desktop installer?04:56
jebbluelocalgod11 Visual Effects, 3D effects04:56
dn4RogueShadow, how do oyu do the torrent style upgrade?04:56
abcde_jdong, that is what I thought.  Guess it isn't there for some reason, I'll look around.  Thanks.04:56
KeithWeissharwhy is the dvd torrent slow04:56
KaiserRodryrot:  well I was following some tutorial trying to get it going.  It asked me to edit some stuff about my graphics card drivers.  Is it possible I actually killed my card?04:56
jebbluelocalgod11 window depth04:56
mrthereverndi can click but can't move the pointer04:56
magicrobotmonkeyJourneyman: yea, just give it a google04:56
_6StringKng_downloading the torrent right now, wish I had a blank cd >.<04:56
jttPumpitup, yes one step above the building janitor :)04:56
ademandoes the livecd use existing swap space if it detects it on the computer?04:56
KeithWeisshari'm only getting 20kb/sec04:56
Wisteso10 freaking minutes04:56
CoasterMasterdn4, if you download the alternate CD, you can use it to upgrade04:56
jdongademan: it does04:56
RogueShadowdn4: I'm just going to install it like I normally would, nothing to lose for me.04:56
cyph3x_it says that its in use??04:57
_6StringKng_gettin like 180KB04:57
dotjay|neon|: ya sure ill give it a try04:57
Vletdn4: best to just pick a faster mirror and run the upgrade04:57
ademanjdong: oh, yay, i may have broken something then lol04:57
XsteelWolfWhere is the initiate button on the keyboard?04:57
Pumpitup<jtt> heh yea i guess so :P in the US?04:57
Wistesoi wasn't watching my speed but it must've been like 1MBps04:57
VletXsteelWolf: what do you mean?04:57
rredd4DSheperd  is it necessary to do a clean install when I already have the rc and current updates?04:57
localgod11jebblue: where is that?04:57
CoasterMasterrredd4, yes it is04:57
jttPumpitup, yes in us little to no international, to canada once04:57
pazsionis there a way i can install to HD without having to boot GUI04:57
DerangedDingoopenbysource: yeah, it's just splash04:57
CoasterMasterrredd4, as long as you have all the updates installed, you have the final release version already04:57
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jttPumpitup, btw what does  :P   mean04:57
logreevalharu: i posted on the forums about the crackly jack, i guess i will see if someone knows...04:58
DShepherdrredd4, umm.. no04:58
CoasterMasterpazsion, yes, you need the 'alternate' CD though04:58
Vletpazsion: alternate cd04:58
jebbluelocalgod11 beryl Settings Manager04:58
localgod11yah i know but where?04:58
=== cyph3x_ is now known as cyph3x
pazsiongah, will ubuntu beable to burn it for me?04:58
XsteelWolfVlet, im trying to do a compiz effect, it ask me to initiate super+f1204:58
sub[t]rnlanyone heard of a fix for the vga= in grubs menu.1st with kernel 2.6.22-14?04:58
PsyberHello everyone04:58
jebbluelocalgod11 Applications System Tools04:58
ixian_is the release candiate the same as the full release?04:58
VletXsteelWolf: 'super' usually means the windows key04:58
sub[t]rnla.k.a no framebuffer support in gutsy?04:58
XsteelWolfyea i got that04:58
rredd4CosterMaster  DSheperd   one says yes, the other says no...  thats confusing04:58
jdongixian_: it differs by a few updated packages of bugfixes04:59
XsteelWolfbut what about initate04:59
magicrobotmonkeyXsteelWolf: try the flying window button04:59
openbysourceDerangedDingo: okay thanks alot.04:59
Psyberhas anyone had any issues with repositories when upgrading to gutsy?04:59
rredd4zrk  english04:59
jdongixian_: if it "works" on your computer, a trivial update will bring you up to final04:59
VletXsteelWolf: it's telling you to hit super+f1204:59
magicrobotmonkeyPsyber: they are probably pretty loaded atm04:59
kurisutofuaaanyone know of any good recipe app's?04:59
XsteelWolfnothing comes out wierd04:59
VletXsteelWolf: 'initiate' is a verb, not a noun04:59
ixian_jdong: oh, well i have the RC and it hasn't updated since a few days ago04:59
CoasterMaster!final | rredd404:59
uboturredd4: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.04:59
openbysourceone more thing, can i configure the compiz-fusion that came default with the gutsy installation ?04:59
jttPsyber, from the looks of things everyone is having some sort of issue04:59
XsteelWolfthanks alot05:00
jdongixian_: just update whenever the update servers aren't dead, at your convenience, and you'll be "final" :)05:00
Vletjtt, everyone that's here posting frantically is, everyone else is fine05:00
rredd4CosterMaster  ok, I get nothing back with those commands.  ty05:00
ubutomupdate manager is frozen... tsk05:00
sanguisdexyeah every one is choking the servers05:00
Kantianyone have a solution for not being able to use the mic, i get this error in the sound panel "gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat:..."05:00
RoC_MasterMindPsyber, change repositories...  Switch to a different mirror--->System,Admin,Software Sources.  Download From--->Other, then click "Select Best Server".05:00
CoasterMasterrredd4, then you are running the latest version05:00
RoC_MasterMindixian_,   Switch to a different mirror--->System,Admin,Software Sources.  Download From--->Other, then click "Select Best Server".05:00
exhumehad anyone else had a problem connecting to battle.net since upgrading to 7.10?05:00
pazsionare there driver for nvida-ubuntu- that are not restricted or actually work. i d/led and installed ubuntu provided.. didn't load and cause ubuntu not to :::::::::::boot...::::::::05:01
Agent_bobnetworking Q,  i have a box with two eth cards.  set static ip's  but the problem is that some times card A is eth0 and some times card B is eth0     anyone know why, or what to do about it ?05:01
jttVlet, ahh true, that is why i never upgrade, full install only05:01
Vletexhume: maybe they're running an ubuntu mirror and are getting hammered :)05:01
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Psybercool thanks RoC05:01
exhumeVlet: what?05:01
sub[t]rnlAnyone pulled off a framebuffer in tty's since upgrading? or is still an open bug05:01
Vletjtt: yeah, I tried the upgrade... things just werem't quite right, so yeah, backup /home and reinstall :)05:01
rredd4I am glad I got the rc, don't have to wait for slow servers because everyone is downloading Gutsy05:01
dredhammeryes upgrading never seems to go well with ubuntu05:01
Vletexhume: hoking05:01
Vletexhume: joking05:01
exhumeVlet: yeah i got it as soon as i said what05:02
inigomontoyarredd4: i got the rc too :D05:02
dredhammer right now i upgraded using the alternate disc and i still have to download more files05:02
* sOSuke say hi05:02
sOSukeplz i need some help05:02
inigomontoyarredd4: did you have any trouble booting the live cd? I had no video until I fixed my xorg.conf05:02
Agent_bobno one ?05:02
Fade2Blaci need help the new feat in 7.10 that lets you  install firmware for wireless cards with Broadcom chipsets how do i use it, because i just installed ubuntu and i cant even get gnome to load because it comes up with an error about my wireless card05:02
sanguisdexcan can I swich mirrors in the middle of and upgrade?05:02
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pazsion::alternate install:: will this be the full install or will i need internet?05:02
jttVlet, i keep one slice on my hard drive for the next release and then swap after it is stable i wrote a shell to perform all the apt-gets i need and then another shell to rsync important files from my rsync repository and wala works about 95%05:03
Wistesoit's just a text installer instead of a live-cd installer05:03
KeithWeissharis the dvd version an all-in-one version, desktop, server, alternate05:03
sanguisdexpazsion: do a seach for you computers setup and installing linux05:03
CoasterMasterKeithWeisshar, yes05:03
jttPumpitup, what does  :P  mean05:03
pazsionwistese thanks...sanguisdex...will there be files missing?05:04
Pumpitupjtt> well nothing much really just a smiley05:04
Vletgood idea - for me, anything 'important' is actually on a file server, so if the workstation dies, whatever :)05:04
SupaPepaAnybody here familar with the Gutsy video graphics mode autodetection/config ?05:04
dredhammerjtt the dvd version is combo of desktop and laternate05:04
sanguisdexpazsion: you may have found some one who already installit it on you moddel computer05:04
Fade2Blacbcm43xx: error: microcode "bcm43xx)microcode4.fw" not available or fail to load05:04
dredhammerand more packages05:04
basicquick q, hoping someone can help me out?05:04
tronyxwhats up basic05:04
basicdoes ubuntu support ddr?05:04
tronyxdance dance revolution?05:04
jttPumpitup, ok i see it used a lot and wondered05:04
jttdredhammer, thanks05:05
sojourneyi was installed icewm in myu ubuntu 5.04 but it not functionally, but i was only dkpg -i icewm...deb,05:05
basicand is there a ver, or plans to release a ver, that will support x64? (and subsequently 4gb ram, etc.)05:05
sanguisdexpazsion: it reallt is a question of will your graphics card wouk w/ the live cd05:05
ubutomno, it only supports edo-ram, basic ;)05:05
tronyxah sorry basic, on those i am not very sure05:05
basicubutom = mean.05:05
freakazoid0223fast-page ;)05:05
Vletbasic: yeah, it's right there on the download page :)05:05
dredhammeronly if the card supports open drivers sanguisdex05:05
Wistesoddr has nothing to do with operating system05:05
pazsionsanguisdex, no converting from 98, and nvida, I have installed on HD with the nvidia system05:05
kurisutofuaaAnyone know any good app's for Chef's?05:05
basichmm.. supporting 4gb of ram had a lot to do with os, i thought.05:05
basicmayybe i am wrong.05:05
KeithWeissharhow long does it take to download the dvd version with a 3mbit dsl connection05:05
magicrobotmonkeybasic yes theres a 64bit ver05:05
basicok, gr8.05:06
SupaPepaI thought there was a "Safe Mode" that's supposed to work with all graphic cards.05:06
thedashis there a way to get rsync to save the file list it generates ?05:06
basicanyone here have exp using cevega?05:06
sanguisdexpazsion: seach for the nveda model and linux05:06
basicits a wine thing.05:06
CoasterMasterKeithWeisshar, it's a ~4 GB file and the servers are slow, your best bet is to use !torrents to try and grab it05:06
Vletkurisutofuaa: I think I saw a recipe database in the repos once :)05:06
Wistesoa 32 bit operating system may not be able to use more than 4gb, you're right there05:06
inigomontoyaanyone having any trouble booting the live cd with 2 nvidia cards in sli?05:06
Agent_bobbasic the os yes  but not the apps.   the kernel supports it.05:06
puffAnybody familiar with netstat?  I need to figure out what process ID is using a certain outbound network connection.05:06
basicif i could find someone in this channel who played eve online it'd be like winning the lottery, lol.05:06
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can!05:06
sanguisdexI had one lap top w/ one ati card in it that worked w/ the live cd05:06
basicpuff: try netstat -h05:06
dn4when was gusty released?05:06
codeshahhey guys, when I do apt-get install... it goes really slow. it is using 'us.archive.''05:06
jttKeithWeisshar, right now and for the next 3-4 days probably about 2 hours05:06
codeshahany ideas?05:06
pazsionyea ati seems to work05:06
basicgutsy was released today i think?05:07
sanguisdexpazsion: and one w/o that I had to use the alt cd for05:07
Agent_bobnetworking Q,  i have a box with two eth cards.  set static ip's  but the problem is that some times card A is eth0 and some times card B is eth0     anyone know why, or what to do about it ?05:07
puffbasic: I already looked at the help.05:07
KeithWeissharis the torrent from torrent.ubuntu.com the same05:07
basicum, ok. one sec puff.05:07
basicprivate convo me.05:07
basici'll find the cmd.05:07
ubutombasic, i play eve casually ;) but with windows, on wine it didn't run too good for me...05:07
cinhow can i refresh my asound modules? i've changed the indexes of my sound cards, i want it to re-load my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base file05:07
Vletbasic: check out Cedega if you wanna run win32 apps05:07
basicubutom, you think i can get cedega to run eve on gutsy?05:07
KeithWeissharis it the same torrent as in cdimage.ubuntu.com05:07
dn4http://www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/mesoanalysis/s6/index2.html <--- In Memorance of Gusty Winds rolling across the planes of the internet.05:07
basici'm ready to walk aay from ms forever lolz.05:07
Vletbasic: that is, games specifically05:07
basic<- avid eve fan.05:07
Wistesocedega is garbage05:07
basicwell.. SUPPOSEDLY.. transgaming is supposed to release a dedicated client wrapper thing,05:08
IanLiuIs there a way to install latest release of Blender?05:08
basicfor eve.05:08
jb0nd38372wish I could find a way to get f.e.a.r to run under / wine or cedega05:08
Psyberanyone know why I would be getting dependency issues when installing Apache with synaptic?05:08
basicbefore q1 2008.05:08
IanLiuvia synaptic?05:08
inigomontoyais it ok to paste links to youtube videos in this chat? or will someone slap me with a salmon?05:08
pazsion<<can't wait to get a credit card again..so i can play EVE- carbon knight paxton still i hope05:08
openbysourcebasic: okay05:08
|neon|Agent_bob: i think you can use ethtool can't remember the command tho05:08
Vletbasic: I tried getting WoW and Quake4 working in wine... kinda sucked... With cedega, it was much nicer even though all it really is is wine05:08
KeithWeisshari'm having trouble even opening cdimage.ubuntu.com05:08
endxI installed gutsy but delesected installing the boot loader05:08
|neon|Agent_bob: try ethtool -h05:08
Wistesono, i mean cedega works but you may as well buy vista if you're going to buy into cedega05:08
endxhow I do access my gutsy now?05:08
basicpuff try netstat -a05:08
localgod11where in the new Compizsetting manager is the setting to allow the windows to flaot off the cube?05:08
jttDr_willis, long time no hear/see05:08
Vletinigomontoya: don't go too off topic - the gods will anger05:09
freakazoid0223WOW is supposed to run well with crossoveroffice05:09
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magicrobotmonkeylocalgod11: try 3d windows05:09
ubutomI don't know if it runs better with cedega, basic05:09
XsteelWolfHow do i create toolbars right at the bottom?05:09
Agent_bob|neon| you mean write a script to set the cards id at boot time ?05:09
inigomontoyaVlet: it's just a video I just uploaded running ubuntu and virtualbox, is that kosher?05:09
sanguisdexoi vey05:09
endxhey, I installed gutsy but deselected the "install to boot loader" checkbox before completing the installation, how can I get into ubuntu now?05:09
sanguisdexI just went form 6 mins left to 2 hours left05:10
Vletinigomontoya: I'm no judge :)05:10
sanguisdexfor the upgrade05:10
magicrobotmonkeysanguisdex: its to be expected05:10
sanguisdexI know05:10
warblerendx: you can load grub from a live cd05:10
openbysourceendx: lol. why you did that ?05:10
dn4I'll be Ubuntu released!05:10
dn47.10 today05:10
Vletlocalgod11: apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager05:10
IanLiuGutsy Pwnage!!05:10
Psyberanyone know why I would be getting dependency issues using synaptic?05:10
Neodudemancan someone help me out? i can't seem to upgrade to gutsy =/05:10
endxI sort of had something else going on prior to this reinstallation05:10
siriusnovauhh is there a gui tool to mount drives in Ubuntu Gutsy?05:11
endxtrying to load the boot sector through there05:11
VampyricDoes anyone know what the effect is called that when you double click on  the top of the window it wraps it up like a blind05:11
endxhow do I load grub from the live cd?05:11
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:11
defryskPsyber, mixed repositories05:11
|neon|Agent_bob: ethtool is tool to configure your nic's its been a while since i used try sudo ethtool eth005:11
Evanlecsiriusnova, yea its called nautilus...05:11
sanguisdexNeodudeman: describe you issue05:11
localgod11magic: i dont see that as an option05:11
magicrobotmonkeyVampyric: shade05:11
VeganCheesesteakliberion: burning the disc now05:11
Psyberdefrysk: is there a way to solve the issue?05:11
siriusnovaEvanlec - i formatted a drive (external) as ext3 but it wont show in nautilus05:11
ixian_localgod11: did you find that option? i'd like to know where it is too..05:11
logreevalHaru: if the speakers dont turn off when i plug in the headphones, is that a mobo issue, or a OS issue?05:11
inigomontoyahey guys, want to see a youtube vid i just uploaded?05:11
defryskPsyber, remove non ubuntu repos might help05:11
XsteelWolfHow do i create toolbars right at the bottom?05:11
wolfen69i just burned kubuntu gutsy, im off to load it up05:12
Neodudemansanguisdex: i went to the Update Manager, and clicked the Upgrade button like the instructions said05:12
Evanlecsiriusnova, USB? it should....05:12
|neon|you see the speed and stuff of your nic with issuing a command you can permanently set your device so it wont change back and forth05:12
inigomontoyaubuntu running xp and vista with virtualbox05:12
localgod11ixian: nope05:12
localgod11let me know05:12
sanguisdexNeodudeman ok05:12
magicrobotmonkeylocalgod11: oh that plugin must not have made it into gutsy05:12
siriusnovaEvanlec - nope05:12
PiousMinionI have an ATI and nV card in my box and ubuntu 7.10 find them just fine, but I don't get the option to enable to second monitor on the nV card.  Should I go write my own xorg.conf  or am I missing something?05:12
lwizardli'm only getting sound from my right speaker05:12
IanLiuIs it possible to install Blender latest version by apt-get?05:12
Neodudemansanguisdex: but in the phase of 'preparing the upgrade' it hangs while Fetching file 28 of 3705:12
VletXsteelWolf: right click the bottom panel and click add to panel05:12
localgod11is there away to install it >05:12
Evanlecsiriusnova, is it a usb external drive?05:12
_6StringKng_sudo alsamixer05:12
|neon|lwizardl: is call surround right :)05:12
siriusnovayes Evanlec05:12
ixian_localgod11: i don't know05:12
Neodudemansanguisdex: it just refuses to move. Process manager also says there's nothing going on05:12
sanguisdexNeodudeman: that is just becaseu so many people are down laoding05:12
magicrobotmonkeylocalgod11: check the forums at compiz-fusion.org05:12
Neodudemansanguisdex: oh.... ok. so i'll just wait then05:13
VletPiousMinion: the control panel didn't find mine either - had to manually edit xorg05:13
sanguisdexI am in the same place05:13
Psyberdefrysk: I just updated to gutsy... shouldent my non-standard repos be removed by now?05:13
localgod11 I want my fiesty back05:13
r0b-when will the Ubuntu servers be normal?05:13
Evanlecsiriusnova, k, type 'sudo fdisk -l' u should be able to identify ur drive from that list...if its not in that list then i donno what to tell ya05:13
ssarangiHi i justed upgraded to gutsy and I have a problem with the internet.. I have a broadcom card for both wireless and ethernet and now i can't access either of their drivers from the restricted repositories since my net connection itself is not working05:13
PiousMinionVlet: thanks.  :)05:13
lwizardl|neon|, nope i should have stereo sound but current;y its mono from the right only05:13
jdodalt+f2...nvidia-settings [enter]05:13
Vletlocalgod11: QQ05:13
haruif it happens in win its os issue05:13
defryskPsyber, if you have non standard repos , they wont be removed by an upgrade05:13
harulogreeval, if it happens in win its os issue05:13
sanguisdexNeodudeman if you are just starting out yu might be better off stopping and getting the torrent05:13
localgod11vlet: QQ?05:13
defryskPsyber, you will have to do that manually05:13
Vletlocalgod11: nevermind ;)05:14
demon_sporkhow do I play DVDs in gutsy?05:14
Neodudemansanguisdex: i'll just wait until tomorrow, or the next day to upgrade. Thanks for the info sanguisdex!05:14
Vletlocalgod11: it means 'cry' :)05:14
tritium!dvd > demon_spork05:14
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:14
ubutomupdate manager just freezes... grr ;)05:14
Psyberdefrysk: ok  what dir is the repos list in again?05:14
PiousMinionlocalgod11:  It's a polish service like ICQ I believe.05:14
magicrobotmonkeylocalgod11: imho its worth it05:14
XsteelWolfdamn,i accidentally delete the taskbar that shows all my running applications,how do i restore it back05:14
NrbelexHi, I'm trying to update my repositories - main, universe, multiverse - and I get to a download with 29 files but the update always freezes at 21. Is this just me? Is it due to traffic?05:14
Neodudemansanguisdex: actually, on a separate note; how do I change the settings of when I close the laptop lid?05:14
defryskPsyber, /etc/apt/sources.list05:14
logreevalharu: does that mean i am going to have to live with turning off the speakers?05:14
antitabso I tried booting up Gutsy on my old Vaio05:14
magicrobotmonkeyXsteelWolf: right click on the panel and select add to panel05:14
Evanlec!acpi | Neodudeman05:14
jimmygoonNrbelex, yes, try tomorrow, I have the same problem05:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:14
PsyberNrbelex:  I had the same problem... just change the servers you are using05:14
harulogreeval, theres a fix05:15
antitaband in the middle of boot it dropped me into "busybox"05:15
oldmanstanNrbelex: it's prolly cuz so many ppl are on at once, try later05:15
XsteelWolfmagicrobotmonkey, then?05:15
Evanleck nevermind05:15
antitaband did nothing05:15
jimmygoonNrbelex, you can also play with the mirros05:15
antitabat all05:15
Dev-Devcould anyone help me with build drivers for my RAID card?05:15
VletNrbelex: probably traffic - try another mirror05:15
XsteelWolfwhich do i select?05:15
dn4Does anyone know the exact Time of release?05:15
Nrbelexhehe, thanks all!05:15
emmahi, need to install opensuse on my hd with gutsy installed , for comparison , how do i do it without messing up the bootloader05:15
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logreevalharu: really?, how do i go about doing this "fix" :P05:15
Neodudemansanguisdex: i'll just check the documentation. Thanks again san.05:15
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:15
defrysk!sources.list | Psyber05:15
ubotuPsyber: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:15
EvanlecDev-Dev, i think thats a little beyond the scope of this channel lol05:15
harulogreeval, mine worked after a kernel update05:15
lexu1I am running Ubuntu Feisty and I would like to upgrade to Gutsy... but my Update Manager is nowhere to be seen..... please HELP!!!05:15
haruso for me it was auto05:15
sanguisdexNeodudeman:: system -> Power managemnt05:15
antitabalright, I05:15
magicrobotmonkeyXsteelWolf: window list05:15
ixian_okay does ANYONE know how to enable floating windows on the cube in compiz fusion?05:15
antitabI'll rephrase05:15
Dev-Devcould you point me to a channel where it is the scope?05:15
localgod11is it me or is gutsy run slower than fiesty05:15
magicrobotmonkeyXsteelWolf: or notification area, depending which you're talking about05:15
Evanlecixian_, what do u mean floating?05:16
antitabI tried booting Gutsy on my 2001 Vaio, and in the middle of bootup it dropped me into a Busybox shell and did nothing05:16
jimmyww_how do i boot from busybox prompt05:16
defrysklocalgod11, its you05:16
magicrobotmonkeyixian_: its not in gutsy05:16
logreevalharu: how do i do that?05:16
ixian_magicrobotmonkey: oh..05:16
gerfanyone else have problems connecting to wireless networks with 7.10, with WPA and TKIP?05:16
b4sicwhat happened to all the cool wallpapers for gnome.05:16
jhozlocalgod11: My gutsy definatley takes longer to start then feisty05:16
jimmygoonantitab, check the cd at the cd-boot05:16
VletDev-Dev: perhaps #debian05:16
lexu1I am running Ubuntu Feisty and I would like to upgrade to Gutsy... but my Update Manager is nowhere to be seen..... please HELP!!!05:16
localgod11just doesnt seam as peppy05:16
Dev-Devty ill ask there05:16
antitabjimmygoon: the CD is fine, I just booted it on my MacBook05:16
harulogreeval, sudo aptitude dist-upgrade05:16
notvdoes opengl work with the ati XPRESS 200M in gutsy?05:16
jimmygoonlexu1 do you not know where to look or is it not installed?05:16
oldmanstanlexu1: run update manager manually from menu, admin i believe05:16
Vletlexu1: hit ctrl-f3 and type: kgsudo update-manager -d05:17
Psyberdefrysk: I just checked and all but my ubuntu repos are commented out...  any other ideas why synaptic would be failing?05:17
lexu1jimmygoon: its not in the menu05:17
sanguisdexlexu1: system -> Admin -> update manager05:17
jimmygoonlexu1, you can always do it manually or open update-manager manually (Alt+F2, 'update-manager' or maybe 'gnome-update-manager')05:17
pazsionlol july 18th.. same problem no replies lol05:17
Dr_willisnotv,  I THINK it does.. thats what i got on my laptop at least.. but its a rather low end card. so it cant do much 3d wise. :)05:17
jimmygoonantitab, oh05:17
siriusnovaOk so I got my external hd formatted to ext3 mounted, now is there any way i can write to it as a user?05:17
XsteelWolfmagicrobotmonkey, it shows up on the top,how do move it to the bottom05:17
siriusnovabecause when it gets mounted i cant write to it05:17
logreevalharu: when i do that, it just says it wants to remove lm-sensors05:17
siriusnovaas a regular user05:17
Psyberdefrysk:  sorry non-ubunut repos are #05:17
Dr_willissiriusnova,  make a directory On the hd..  chown that dir to be owned by the user you want to have access to the drive.05:17
defryskPsyber, a conflict might be the problem due to previously used non-ubuntu repos05:17
Vletsiriusnova: I think you need to change the owner of it's mount point05:17
lexu1jimmygoon: is there a way to see if its installed?05:18
Evanlecsiriusnova, should be able to write to it...did u try it?05:18
defryskPsyber, in that case a fresh install is advisable05:18
Fade2Blackhow do i disable my wireless card so i dont get this error message bcm43xx: error: microcode "bcm43xx_microcode4.fw" not available or fail to load how do i get the restricted fireware so i can get past this error05:18
magicrobotmonkeyXsteelWolf: ahh, first create a new panel05:18
jimmygoonheh, I think the main server is getting pounded even more05:18
NrbelexWill non-free packages be automatically updated through the default updater?05:18
Vletsiriusnova: like: sudo chown yourusername /media/something05:18
harulogreeval, i have no ideas then :)05:18
jimmygoonlexu1, its called "update-manager"05:18
oldmanstanNrbelex: as long as they were installed through the package manager then yes05:18
XsteelWolfAdd a new panel or create?05:18
jimmygoontry running that in a terminal05:18
siriusnovaok cool05:18
VletNrbelex: yeah05:18
logreevalharu: ok, thanks anyways ;)05:18
NrbelexGreat, thanks05:18
Dr_willisVlet,  Im not sure that works for mount points. :) i find it easier to just make a dir. and chown that.05:18
Psyberdefrysk: well poop  and I just got my desktop setup the way I like it05:18
Evanlec!blacklist | Fade2Blac05:18
ubotuFade2Blac: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »05:18
Vletlexu1: hit ctrl-f3 and type: kgsudo update-manager -d05:18
thundr3Is there an easy way to load GRUB from a USB flash drive?  I can't load it from my hard drive.05:18
oldmanstanlexu1: press alt-f2 then type 'update-manager' and hit enter05:18
magicrobotmonkeyXsteelWolf: right click -> new panel05:18
Evanlec!blacklist | Fade2Black05:19
ubotuFade2Black: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »05:19
Psyberdefrysk: is there a way to do a fresh install and keep my preferences ... like my /home directory?05:19
oldmanstanlexu1: sorry, 'sudo update-manager'05:19
defryskPsyber, you could also try using aptitude to resolve the issue05:19
VletDr_willis: well, you'd have to umount the drive first, then the mount point is just a dir05:19
jimmygoonVlet, ctrl+f3 doesn't do anything?05:19
lexu1Vlet: I looked in Synaptic and it was not installed....so I am installing update-manager05:19
Psyberdefrysk: what is aptitude?05:19
Evanlecthundr3, try super grub disk, just google it05:19
Vletjimmygoon: oh... thought that was the shortcut for the 'run command'05:19
ademanis there a command to move volumes in lvm?05:19
Dr_willisVlet,  and mounting somthing OVER a directory. makes the permissions on that dir. Ignored. I do belive. :)05:19
tritiumPsyber: did you put /home on a separate partition?05:19
thundr3Evanlec: thanks, I'll try that05:19
jimmygoon:O did you remove update-manger :O05:19
XsteelWolfmagicrobotmonkey, i did that,what about zooming back to desktop button05:19
dredhammerwell one thing i can say about Gutsy is that bulletproof X works05:19
Psybertritium: no :-( I wanted to but did not have the space to spare05:20
Vletlexu1: open a terminal and try running: sudo update-manager -d05:20
Dr_willisdredhammer,  i managed to break it. :)05:20
koolarryhello is there any place I can download Ubuntu  doc ?05:20
dredhammerone upgrade and reboot later05:20
lexu1Vlet: I am installing update-manager05:20
jimmygoonVlet, nah its Alt+f2 ... Alt+f3 is deskbar in gutsy ... btw, he apparently removed update-manger :S05:20
VletDr_willis: oh, I can be a tard with stuff like that05:20
thedonvaughnVlet: please don't refer people to #debian for ubuntu.  They won't get helped.05:20
Vletlexu1: what? why?05:20
Fade2Blackwhat would hte module name be05:20
Dr_willisVlet,  its just how mounting things work. :)05:20
dredhammerapparently my video card just couldn't be recognized05:20
lexu1Vlet: it was not installed05:20
defryskPsyber, if you have a seperate /home , a fresh install with a preserved /home should be a no brainer to maintain previous settings05:20
Vletthedonvaughn: sorry, I thought it might be a good place for more advanced stuff05:20
lexu1Vlet: also the Add/Remove is not in my menu anymore...05:21
XsteelWolfnvm i saw it thanks05:21
thedonvaughnVlet: nah, it's just that #debian doesn't support ubuntu.  That should be supported here05:21
Vletlexu1: open a terminal and try running: sudo update-manager -d05:21
jimmygoonlexu1, it sounds to me like trying to upgrading your (Butchered) copy might be a bad idea05:21
iobeliskwhoa. i just noticed going to "my computer" via nautilus does not show my /home partition. also, my home folder is created in / not in /home05:21
Psyberdefrysk: so could I just backup /home install then recopy my old /home?05:21
Evanlecanyone else find the deskbar thing rather useless? it only finds "documents music and videos" apparently, very windows-ish05:21
iobeliskis this normal?05:21
jumbersIs there a way for me to set Update Manager to use a mirror? Because whatever it's trying to use, it's not getting anything05:21
thedonvaughnEvanlec: agreed.05:21
Vletthedonvaughn: yeah, completely understood. My mistake :)05:21
adantehi, can i edit the titlebar to add additional buttons?05:21
csc`anyone mind directing me to the gutsy livecd?05:22
thedonvaughnVlet: no worries :)05:22
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:22
nkryptd1Do i use the terminal to set resolution because its not allowing me to set it to my native resolution.05:22
dredhammerthe best bet to updrage05:22
jimmygoonPsyber, I don't know if mine thing was a fluke but I reinstalled (From scratch) tonight and when I copied my home/jimmygoon dir with nautilus... it didn't take all of the regular OR hidden folders with it... I had to do some of them manually :S05:22
lexu1jimmygoon: well hopefully all I need is the update-manager and then I can update and then upgrade05:22
dredhammeris to get the laternative cd or dvd va torrent and mount the image and upgrade with that05:22
Evanlecthedonvaughn, if the deskbar thing is useless, i feel like i should get rid of trackerd too since it seems also useless05:22
jimmygoonlexu1, hopefully :D05:22
Vletlexu1: have you tried just running it from a terminal like I suggested?05:22
jimmygoon:O, I kinda like deskbar personally05:22
oldmanstanlexu1: here are instructions on upgrading: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/UbuntuTutorials/~3/171861024/05:22
thedonvaughnEvanlec: should be able to disable it in System->Preferences-Session05:22
defryskPsyber, just during a fresh install set up /home as /home , do not format is , and use the same username during install, after install and reboot you should get into your original /home/username , with original settings , Always make a backup first of course!05:23
jimmygoonI use it for the yahoo/history/email stuff though05:23
lexu1Vlet: yes..... the terminal crashed05:23
rookie__I have two folders with .avi's and .mkv video files in them. They show the generic totem icon, Both folders were on my system when I installed the gstreamer codec's.  How do I get them to show me video previews like every other video on my computer?05:23
Vletlexu1: o_O05:23
Psyberdefrysk: ohhh i c.  spiffy05:23
jimmygoonupgrade sounds worse and worse05:23
defryskPsyber, I do it all the time ;)05:23
Vletlexu1: sounds like something on your system is unhappy if the terminal crashes05:23
lexu1jimmygoon: ok... I have Update Manager going and it looks all good05:23
Evanlecthedonvaughn, yea i know, just wondering if there was any usefulness to such an obtrusive process...indexes my whole filesystem for what?05:23
KeithWeissharwhy is the dvd torrent slow05:23
nkryptd1Am i supposed to use the terminal for resolution change?05:24
KeithWeisshari'm not getting more  than about 100kb/sec05:24
jimmygoonKeithWeisshar, you dl with torrent much?05:24
iobeliskhow do i get nautilus to navigate through to show my other partitions?05:24
Psyberdefrysk: LOL it shows05:24
Vlet!resolution | nkryptd105:24
ubotunkryptd1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:24
magicrobotmonkeyXsteelWolf: i think theres a show desktop or something05:24
lexu1jimmygoon: is there a way to reinstall that app called Add/Remove?05:24
Psyberdefrysk: thanks a bunch05:24
Evanlecjimmygoon, thats what google is for...i was hoping it'd be a good alternative to the terrible nautilus search feature05:24
Psyberl8tor everyone05:24
koolarryis there a place I can download the Ubuntu  documenation ?05:24
Walter!port forwarding05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about port forwarding - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:24
Madpilotkoolarry, help.ubuntu.com05:24
xTheGoat121xHmmmm just seeing all this, maybe I won't upgrade to 7.1005:24
defryskPsyber, yw and enjoy , be carefull with mixing repos, its usually unneeded05:24
nkryptd1!resolution doesnt do anything when i type it into the terminal05:25
koolarryis it downloadable ?05:25
jimmygoonEvanlec, google? google can't search my evolution email or my history :P that and I kinda like how its integrated into gnome's open/save dialog05:25
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_
oldmanstanxTheGoat121x: put /home on its own partition next time you do an install then you won't have to upgrade05:25
KeithWeisshari'm using bittorrent 6.005:25
VletxTheGoat121x: Keep in mind, that although this place is full of people with problems there are LOTS of ubuntu users who aren't in here with problems :)05:25
Evanlecjimmygoon, google desktop can i bet..05:25
=== TheCrowX_ is now known as TheCrowX
Weng_LapSo, is there a graceful upgrade process from Feisty to Gutsy?05:25
jimmygoonEvanlec, oh, yeah, I forgot they do have that for linux now.. I would be interested to see a comparison between tracker vs gdesktop05:26
Evanlecjimmygoon, and not to mention that google is the first results that come up from deskbar...wtf is that? how much google does a person need?05:26
xTheGoat121xoldmanstan, yeah, that's my next change.  I'm planning on making a shared partition between my XP and Ubuntu partitions.05:26
Psyberdefrysk: how did I mix them in the first place?  I have only added 1 or 2 repos?  I also did not have any problems until I upgraded last night to gutsy.05:26
WalterCan anyone parse my iptables string and tell me if I'm doing something wrong? I'm trying to forward from one IP to another IP: sudo iptables --verbose -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -j DNAT --to
Fade2Blackhow do i install ubuntu restricted drivers05:26
jimmygoonOT, does Beagle index file contents as well?05:26
xTheGoat121xVlet, very true.... Well, I will ask this, do you know, can I opt to NOT have the drive indexed by Ubuntu?05:26
cellofellowThings have been going screwy. Totally unrelated but both happening at the same time, I have my 1280x800 laptop screen, which worked perfectly till I tried to configure a second monitor, is now defaulting to 1280x720. And nm-applet is starting an additional instance of itself every time I log in. (I had 4 last time, now I have 5.)05:26
Kyokuanyone doing the 7.04 > 7.10 upgrade? mine keeps sticking on file 12/1805:27
iobeliskhi. something seems to be wrong over here. i cannot see my /home and /other partitions. only /. also, i do not get a prompt for password when i open up synaptic. for / nautilus says user unknown and i have only read access??05:27
cellofellowjimmygoon: yes05:27
defryskpsyber you could try aptitude dist-upgrade to resolve it, aptitude has more powers05:27
Weng_LapOr do I need to start scheduling downtime to bring up systems by hand?05:27
=== haggard is now known as TheGoodKid
jimmygooncellofellow, thanks, and I feel bad for your 5 instances of nm :(05:27
VeganCheesesteakliberion: ok all set :)05:27
mbosowould there be any issue with me ugprading directly from edgy to gutsy without going through fiesty?05:27
defryskPsyber, also make sure you have multiverse and universe activated in your sources.list05:27
=== Fade2Black is now known as Fade2Blac
clay3482this is probably a silly question but - I after about a week of trying to get it - I give up.  Here is the question - How Can I change the theme of my ubuntu 7.10 install.  The appearance manager tells me that invalid file type for Any theme that I download from art.gnome - Please help05:27
cellofellow6 actually, miss-counted.05:27
koolarryTHANK YOU!!05:28
VletxTheGoat121x: I would assume so - unfortunately, I'm on a freebsd system at the moment, so I can't check :)05:28
cellofellowa simple killall nm-applet gets rid of them, but I get more the next time I log in05:28
xTheGoat121xmboso, actually, on the site it says to ONLY go from Feisty to Gutsy.05:28
IanLiuIs it possible to change the "Desktop" folder?05:28
Psyberdefrysk: what does aptitude do?  BTW, my upgrade last night gave me funky errors about repos and not being able to install some stuff properlly05:28
Evanlecanyone found a FreeNX package for Gutsy??05:28
jimmygoonclay3482, try going to "Customize" and then dragging the themes into their respective tabs...05:28
petafile_I've got a radeon x600 mobility gfx card.  Do I want to use the ati driver or the radeon driver? (screw fglrx)?05:28
juanbondGutsy is soo nice05:28
cellofellowPsyber: aptitude is a more powerful addition to the apt suite. It has more powerful dependancy resolving.05:28
juanbondI have to admit, installing on my laptop has been really nice.05:28
defryskPsyber, aptitude does apt-get with more resolve options05:28
cellofellowPsyber: and a nice 'gui'.05:28
eulogy_Psyber: I that is the case, go into administration then software sources and make sure everything on the front tab is checked.05:29
ademanthe livecd hardly works for me... lol, i'm hoping the installer will be better05:29
xTheGoat121xVlet, ok, thanks.  I honestly have no need for my files to be indexed or any of that stuff05:29
Evanlecdefrysk, can u explain what u mean by resolve options?05:29
rawakeanyone here use bongo? i just installed everything and started it up but i can't figure out how i'm supposed to log into the web interface and where i'm supposed to configure it... the docs on the site are pretty vague... can someone point me in the right direction of getting started with bongo?05:29
IanLiuIs it possible to change the "Desktop" folder name?!05:29
VletIanLiu: perhaps you could remove your ~/Desktop and replace it with a symlink called Desktop that points to the location of your choice... not sure if that'll work, but worth a try :)05:29
eulogy_Psyber: Then run update manager and click check to download any respos. you're missing.05:29
PumpitupHow do i know if compiz is running  and configure it under kde?05:29
VletxTheGoat121x: yeah, I'm just turning that off05:29
ademanVlet: i'd think that'd work, but it's kinda a crappy solution05:29
iobeliskhas anybody had the problem of not being able to access certain partitions? and not having write access to root?05:29
defryskaptitude can resolve dependencies up to the point to uninstall a complete os to get the package installed05:29
cellofellowI guess I'll reboot instead of just relogin, and see what happens.05:29
ademanwhy not make a symlink somewhere else to ~/Desktop05:29
codeshahhey guys, is aptitude install very slow for everyone ??05:29
codeshahright now that is?05:29
iobeliskcodeshah, change your software source serve05:30
clay3482jimmy "what correct tab"05:30
ademancodeshah: the servers are under a lot of stress05:30
Psybereulogy_: I just ran update manager  it seems to be working... but somethings just are not install properlly05:30
mbosoxTheGoat121x: ok, thanks. will upgrade to fiesty first05:30
Gunner_Srwhere can I get more information and talk about i8k?05:30
cellofellowaptitude installs just quickly, my inet is slow though, so download is slow. Apt of any stripe HOGS bandwidth though.05:30
IanLiuIt is because my Desktop is translated to Portuguese, which becomes "Área de Trabalho" and it is too hard to type..05:30
Vletademan, IanLiu: yeah it is... then perhaps the path to the users desktop dir is located in the gnome configuration manager05:30
codeshahademan, but what should I change them to?... I am using the us.archive... hmm05:30
troxorIanLiu: there's probably a gconf setting- one sec05:30
Evanlecdefrysk, so aptitude is better in that sense as its more thorough?05:30
tuntunIs there a way to burn all of the updates as they are downloaded onto a cdrw so I can use them again after reinstalling; and can then it remove any intermediate updates that are superseded?05:31
Psybereulogy_  odd software sources were disabled in the sources list05:31
iobeliskhas anybody had the problem of not being able to access certain partitions? and not having write access to root?05:31
musikgoati had a cp crash about half through on a 30gb media files transfer from one disk to another in one machine.   do you think rync would be best to find the files that are not copied to finish the transfer?05:31
ademanVlet: well changing it there would shaft all non-gnome desktop environments, you may not care about this, but most DEs expect your desktop to be at ~/Desktop05:31
Starcraftmazterhow do you upgrade from 7.10 beta to 7.10 ?05:31
defryskEvanlec, if used with care it can be better05:31
iobeliskstarcraftmazter: you just update through update manager.05:31
ademanmusikgoat: rsync can cure cancer, so sure :-p05:31
Toma-!final > Starcraftmazter05:31
=== christian__ is now known as christian383
iobeliskrun sudo aptitutde upgrade && sudo aptitude update05:32
Evanlecdefrysk, oh? so its more dangers? interesting...05:32
musikgoatademan, do you know the rsync command for a differencial copy?05:32
IanLiuActually, my Ubuntu is in Portuguese, which translates Dektop to another thing. I wanted to turn it back to Desktop05:32
kilopopocan you guys help me05:32
troxorIanLiu: never mind, nothing specifically, but there is an option I like05:32
KaiserRoIs there any chance I killed my gfx card bios while trying to set up beryl?  I cant get any signal to come from it05:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glcore - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:32
eulogy_Psyber: Under Ubuntu Software, make sure Canonical, community, proprietary drivers, and software restricted by copyright are checked. Also make sure you're downloading from US. some guy earlier had his set to Mexico.05:32
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:32
jimmygoonStarcraftmazter, just install any updates that ubuntu has for you05:32
Starcraftmazteriobelisk: there seem to be no new updates for gutsy05:32
troxorIanLiu: open gconf-editor and go to /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir :)05:32
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:32
IanLiuOh nice!05:33
eulogy_Psyber: Under the third party software tab there should be two canonical sources, check those if they're not already.05:33
defryskEvanlec, its a smarter tool with more power05:33
kilopopohow do i generate xorg.conf05:33
iobeliskthen you are all good starcraftmazter.05:33
jimmygoonStarcraftmazter, you don't have to do anything else (special)05:33
ademanmusikgoat: pretty sure it defaults to differential, if i'm not mistaken you have to use a switch to turn it off05:33
troxorIanLiu: np, enjoy05:33
Evanlecdefrysk, i see05:33
kilopopohow do i generate xorg.conf05:33
eulogy_Psyber: Under Updates, the only thing that should be checked under Ubuntu Updates is important security updates and recommended.05:33
kilopopohow do i generate xorg.conf??????????05:33
StarcraftmazterI thought there would be a final wave of updates once Gutsy was released, guess not then05:33
iobeliskstarcraftmazter: try running sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude update. if nothing installs, youa re all good.05:33
Psybereulogy_: when I upgraded last night I got an error involving util-linux:   now when I use synaptice this is where the dependency issues arise05:33
Starcraftmazterok thanks05:33
iobeliskokay now, can somebody please help me05:33
eulogy_Psyber: Apply those, it should ask you if you want to reload and do so.05:33
defryskkilopopo, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:34
musikgoatthanks ademan05:34
iskaldur_hi, im running one of the alpha versions of gutsy gibbon right now (with kubuntu)...how do i upgrade to the release?05:34
iobeliski just reinstalled ubuntu, but now nautilus does not recognize my home and other partition05:34
defryskkilopopo, running defauls should do05:34
kilopopodefrysk, can you send me your xorg.conf05:34
ademanmusikgoat:  -W, --whole-file            copy files whole (without rsync algorithm) btw05:34
ademanmusikgoat: from the man page05:34
iobeliskalso, i dont seemt o have write access to the root partition05:34
defryskkilopopo, nope, it would be useless for you05:34
christian383hi, can someone tell me the checksum of the gutsy DVD iso pls?05:34
MasterShrekiobelisk, what filesystem is it?05:34
defrysk!sudo iobelisk05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sudo iobelisk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:34
kilopopodefrysk, can you check if it has glcore dri and other stuff enabled?05:35
defrysk!sudo | iobelisk05:35
ubotuiobelisk: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:35
cellofellowhow can I get my video settings back to the defaults (well, the sort-of defaults. I still want to use the restricted driver. :)05:35
troxoriskaldur_: you're probably already up to date, just apt-get dist-upgrade to double check05:35
jimmygooncellofellow, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver05:35
MasterShrekcellofellow, what are "defaults" in your mind?05:35
petafile_I have a 1280x800 monitor using the radeon driver.  The "LCD Panel 1280x800" monitor doesn't have a 1280x800 resolution option in Xorg.conf.  what modeline should I add to get that resolution?05:35
defryskkilopopo, use pastebin for your xorg.conf and ask again05:35
indravenihi all05:35
tuntun christian383: you can find it on the ubuntu download page05:35
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:35
MasterShrekpetafile_, ideally, but it doesnt always work05:35
KaiserRoIs there any chance I killed my gfx card bios while trying to set up beryl?  I cant get any signal to come from it05:36
indravenii have an issue with my notebook and projector05:36
defryskkilopopo, including what your prob is05:36
petafile_MasterShrek: ?05:36
Psybereulogy_:  any idea why util-linux would be having issues?05:36
indraveniprojector is working well and good with my notebook05:36
theacolyteWell done team, well done... this is amazing, best release yet!05:36
cellofellowMasterShrek: whatever it was before I screwed with the Screens and Graphics utility. My 1280x800 who-knows-what-brand laptop monitor working at native resolution.05:36
christian383i could only find one for the CD05:36
jimmygoonKaiserRo, its software, not firmware, it doesn't flash. so no05:36
indraveniwhen i am playing some movie in notebook when connected to projector, there is no movie played int he output of projector05:37
MasterShrekcellofellow, follow jimmygoon's suggestion and do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:37
TECH_1Theacolyte: it is pretty cool05:37
ubajasUbuntu 7.04. Connecting with SSH works fine internally on the subnet behind the router, but connecting from the outside causes "Connection refused" to appear. The port is forwarded properly, and the message is immediate. Connecting to a port that is not forwarded times out after a while, which means the forwarding should not be the problem. What could cause this?05:37
indraveniwhere as all other desktop content are well seen and movie is played well enough in the notebook05:37
iobeliskyes i understand about sudo guys. i opened up nautilus to check if my home files were in its own partition. but all it shows is the / partition, nothing else. i created 3 paritions on install. / ext3. /home et3 and /other reiserfs05:37
kilopopodefrysk, Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:37
TheDukeNYTypically how long does it usually take shipit to deliver a cd in the United States?05:37
defrysk!ask | Charlotte05:37
ubotuCharlotte: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:37
jimmygoonwoops, I switched xserver/xorg around :P thanks MasterShrek05:37
KaiserRojimmygoon:  thanks...I didnt think it could mess it up.  I guess it's just a bad coincidence05:37
cellofellowTheDukeNY: like 2 months.05:37
indravenionly the projector output is black in totem player05:37
MasterShreki didnt even realize jimmygoon =P05:37
jimmygoonTheDukeNY, 2-3 weeks, but I'm in KS so I don't know if that matters05:37
indraveniwhy is this happening ?05:37
indraveniis there any extra configurations need to be done ?05:38
Charlottei lost my sound after plaing with ndiswrapper05:38
defryskkilopopo, thats not a question05:38
kilopopodefrysk, i get an error when i do glxinfo05:38
jimmygoonindraveni, I was having problems with some of my codecs outputting b/w only as well... I just kept reinstalling them and then it was okay for a while...05:38
MasterShrekindraveni, use a different player, mplayer or xine, and look maybe changing the way the dual-head setup is, xinerama or something else maybe05:38
kilopopodefrysk,  this is what it shjows Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:38
ubajasindraveni: Usually the cause of missing video output on a projector is overlay issues.05:38
iobeliskanikush@anikush-family:~$ !sudo05:38
iobelisksudo | anikush05:38
iobeliskusage: sudo -K | -L | -V | -h | -k | -l | -v05:38
iobeliskis that right?05:39
Charlotteeverything was perfect till i decidet to uninstall ndiswrapper 1.47 and update to v1.4805:39
defryskkilopopo, nvidia driver ?05:39
indraveniubajas, overlay issues ?05:39
MasterShrekCharlotte, if it was working why did you update?05:39
Charlottei unistalled the oldone then installeverthing again and now no sound05:39
kilopopodefrysk, nvidia driver is already installed05:39
indraveniMasterShrek, i will try that05:39
EvanlecMasterShrek, so u finally built your own custom kernel that works? I finally concluded that it wasnt worth the effort, only thing i wanted really was the realtime version i think05:39
defryskkilopopo, nvidia-glx ?05:39
jimmygooniobelisk, it stands for "SuperUser DO" .... so like "touch /file" fails... but root can do it ... so "sudo touch /file" works... etc.05:39
defryskis installed ?05:39
iobeliskis it possible that ubuntu did not mount the other partitins and wrote my /home folder within the / partition?05:40
jimmygoontotem-gstreamer seems to get better all the time, but it still sucks ... compared to vlc05:40
Pie-rategaah livecds are so sloooooooooooooooooooow05:40
kilopopodefrysk, nvidia-glx-legacy05:40
Psybernight all05:40
drew_any clues on why my old thinkpad's extra keys don't work anymore (feisty -> gutsy)? hotkey-setup package?05:40
TECH_1Kilopopo: Plunins?05:40
jimmygoontotem skrunches all my vids up05:40
indraveniMasterShrek, is your guess is like, totem is having some problem  ?05:40
MasterShrekEvanlec, i think it was worth it, optimized for my processor instead of generic x86_64 its amd64 now05:40
kilopopoTECH_1,  plunins?05:40
IcemanV9Pie-rate: what do you expect? ;)05:40
jimmygoonindraveni, try vlc, imo05:40
Pie-ratewoah love the new default wallpaper05:40
MasterShrekindraveni, possibly, i always had better luck with xine05:40
ubajasSo, "connection refused" when connecting from "the internet", but not on the local subnet. What could cause this?05:40
defryskkilopopo, and restarted x after install ?05:40
kduboisPie-rate: I absolutely agree. its amazing05:40
kilopopoTECH_1, i do not have any plugins installed05:40
EvanlecMasterShrek, humm...but i thot ubuntu automatically installed the correct kernel for your architecture...05:40
jimmygoonPie-rate, I like the second one thats installed and not chosen by default05:41
kilopopodefrysk,  yes i restarted x05:41
kilopopodefrysk, can i see your xorg.conf05:41
iobeliskwhats the command to check disk space thru the terminal?05:41
indravenijimmygoon, ok i will try them05:41
defryskkilopopo, kk one sec05:41
Charlotteit says "no volume control GStreamer plugins and/or no devices found"05:41
iobeliskhow do i see a list of disks mounted and corresponding disk information?05:41
IcemanV9iobelisk: df -h05:41
Pie-ratejimmygoon: its ok...05:41
EvanlecMasterShrek, as evidenced by uname -a "Linux ubuntu64 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 21:45:15 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux"05:41
Charlottehow the hell this happand???05:42
iobeliskok i see my other partitions over there. how do i access them thru the nautilus GUI tho?05:42
tritiumCharlotte: language, please05:42
MasterShrekEvanlec, Linux dp-lappy #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Oct 15 21:17:16 CDT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux   it says x86_64, but its set in the config for my amd k8 family processor, more optimized than generic x86_64 i believe05:42
iobeliskvia the GUI what i see is  Computer- FileSystem (corresponding to only 14g which was the size of my / partition) and then home within that folder05:43
MasterShrekCharlieSu, try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base    also try it for alsa-utils05:43
EvanlecMasterShrek, hm, interesting...whats the preempt mean?05:43
MasterShreklow latency05:43
MasterShreki think...05:43
MasterShreklol i dont even remember05:43
defryskkilopopo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41154/05:43
altbinbplanyone here using automatix?05:44
Evanleclook at us, we're real experts ;p05:44
Evanlecaltbinbpl, no!05:44
MasterShrekone sec Evanlec ill look at it...05:44
gameforgeHello, Kubuntu user here... in Adept Manager, when I click Manager Repo.'s -> Download From -> Other... -> Find Best Server, it just closes the "Software Sources" dialog and chooses the main US server (which is hammered right now).  It doesn't seem like it's doing anything.  What should I do?05:44
jimmygoonaltbinbpl, ugh05:44
dystopianrayaltbinbpl: don't use automatix05:44
Pie-ratehey, ubuntu.com told me "latest linux kernel" for gutsy, but uname -r says 2.6.22. latest is
MasterShrekyes Evanlec its low-latency05:44
jimmygoongameforge, sadly the mainserver is getting hammered more than the us mirror05:44
defryskaltbinbpl, automatix is NOY supported here so dont ask05:44
Charlotteany ideas05:44
dystopianrayPie-rate: gutsy has 2.6.2205:44
altbinbplworked great in feisty but seems broke for gutsy05:44
musikgoatPie-rate: it was the latest05:44
IcemanV9gameforge: use different server .. try 'ca' or 'mx'05:44
jimmygoonaltbinbpl, what all do you use it for to install?05:45
EvanlecMasterShrek, ah cool, i think im goign to just get the lowlatency kernel meta package thing05:45
musikgoatat rc even i beleive05:45
J-_Hey, is there a book I can study from to get Ubuntu certified?05:45
thebaileygutsy will only let me display in low resolutions, i have an nvidia GeForce 6800 and all the noobish things i know to do dont seem to help... any advice?05:45
dolphinheadedmari did the upgrade by downloading the alternate install cd, using that as my only repo, "sudo aptitude upgrade". now I get an error "Could not find the Gnome installation, will try running Failsafe xterm session", every time, help?!?!  please?05:45
Pie-ratemusikgoat: i hear 2.6.23 has a new scheduler and other such nice things05:45
altbinbplused it for the vmware server and ntfs tools05:45
EvanlecJ-_, u can become Linux+ certified from CompTIA thats all i know tho05:45
MasterShrekEvanlec, you can also change the timer frequency of your processor, i bumped mine up to 1000hz which is apparently the best choice for systems requiring fast interactive responses to events05:45
troxorthebailey: you probably want the restricted driver05:45
defryskaltbinbpl, no automatix broke gutsy so do a fresh install and stay away from automatix or ask somewhere else05:45
musikgoatPie-rate: there are some additions i've read,  I imagine you could update to it, but i don't know if you can get it from the main repo05:46
tuntunIs there a way to burn all of the updates as they are downloaded onto a cdrw so I can use them again after reinstalling?05:46
gameforgeIcemanV9, jimmygoon: Well, I got mirrors.kernel.org to work, but it got so far and told me that the repo was out of date... I haven't had much luck choosing other random servers - any other ideas?05:46
EvanlecMasterShrek, no kidding...u did that during setup-xconfig ? my question then is who wouldnt want fast interactive responses to events ??05:46
ezzieyguywufwhere can i get a good walkthrough for compiling some source05:46
thebaileyi have the restricted driver turned on and it wont let me go above 640x48005:46
jrib!compile > ezzieyguywuf (read the private message from ubotu)05:47
Evanlec!source | ezzieyguywuf05:47
ubotuezzieyguywuf: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html05:47
CapaHHi, I just upgraded to Gutsy Gibbon --- and my mouse has grown afterburners... I breathe on my mouse and it flies across the whole screen ---  how can I fix this?05:47
jribezzieyguywuf: you shouldn't ever have to though05:47
dolphinheadedmarafter install i get an error that there gnome cannot be located, and i get bumped to xterm....help, please05:47
MasterShrekEvanlec, i dont know why for sure some of those things arent enabled by default, but i guess its because some processors cant handle it and you would want the config that the most machines would support05:47
ezzieyguywufjrib: i'm trying to control amarok with JamSE and i have to use the bemused server and install a patch with it and apparantly the only way to do that is to compile from source05:47
foxjazztake your 45 auto out, and shoot the mouse05:47
CapaHhaha this is soo bad... I tap the table near the mouse and it bobs like 3 inches05:47
TECH_1Use unleaded05:48
CapaHI barely tap the table and my mouse moves about 1 cm05:48
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LordLimecatmy mouse runs and hides :(05:48
CapaHHow can I lower this mouse sensitivity? anyone?05:48
defryskTECH_1, lol05:48
foxjazzuse a cat?05:48
xamerHello, I just upgraded from 7.10 beta to stable, on a toshiba a70 notebook, boot time takes about 10 minutes , with beta it was 1 -2 mins05:48
mm13anybody know anything about ATI mobility 2400 hd drivers?05:48
troxordolphinheadedmar: sounds like an incomplete install, if you have an xterm, type sudo `apt-get install ubuntu-desktop`05:48
jribezzieyguywuf: read the link from !source in that case.  You want to rebuild the package with the patch05:48
tuntunCapaH: check the bloody preferences?!?05:48
musikgoatfoxjazz: that involves a rimshot i'm sure05:48
mm13I'm new to linux, just playing around with it and haven't found anything05:48
troxorCapaH: alt+f1 to get the menu, then navigate to preferences for mouse05:48
IcemanV9gameforge: there is a page on mirrors -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive05:48
ezzieyguywufjrib: ok thanks05:48
dolphinheadedmartroxor: trying05:48
MasterShrekxamer, do a boot without splash and see where its hanging (remove the word splash from the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.list)05:48
EvanlecMasterShrek, yea i spose that makes sense....can you really "feel" it tho? or could it just be psychological? i want to see proof of this lol05:48
jflashPlease, is there anything wrong with this file:
regulatehowto boostrap05:49
christian383can nobody tell me, where i can find the checksum for the Ubuntu Gutsy DVD iso? Cant find it on ubuntu.com05:49
MasterShrekEvanlec, it boots much faster than it did on the generic 2.6.2205:49
CapaHtroxer: I was there, the ONLY option I saw related to this was acceleration which was set to 2.0 -- I lowered it as far as it could go (1.0) ---- but that did not help a whole lot, I need some additional setting (using KDE btw)05:49
ubotuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more05:49
benny_ok.. so where's the spinning cube?05:49
jribjflash: yes, you are using breezy which is no longer supported05:49
psyferrehey folks, I downloaded the new amd64 iso for gutsy, but when i choose install from the boot menu the screen just goes black.  I had no problems installing ubuntu studio 7.04... any ideas?05:49
troxorchristian383: it's on the download page, one sec05:49
MasterShrek!compiz | benny_05:49
musikgoatchristian383: releases.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/05:49
ubotubenny_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:49
tuntunchristian383: where did you dl it from?05:49
EvanlecMasterShrek, really? it boots faster huh...well i spose that might be because its not loading all those modules maybe?05:49
regulate4 srs05:49
dzer0I'm looking for a good, simple, latex/pdflatex system for ubuntu 7.10... on windows I used miktex and led, which was painless to install and I loved led's environment, but I want something like that for ubuntu05:50
MasterShrekEvanlec, well, i didnt mess with the modules yet, i figure i can do that anytime, i wanted to get the processor optimized first05:50
regulateis there a kickstart type way that can work in a chroot ?05:50
* defrysk is too old for a channel with 1369 visitors05:50
foxjazzpsyferre it's your video card05:50
MasterShrekill recompile when im bored in class some day or something lol05:50
christian383from releases.ubuntu.com was a torrent05:50
jflashjrib, but this is the OLD repos05:50
musikgoatchristian383: and also the MD5 checksum05:50
jflashthose are*05:50
Journeymanthe apt system is a piece of junk05:50
CapaHDoes anyone know how I can set mouse sensitivity to be MUCH lower in xorg.conf for example?05:50
CapaHMy mouse is unusable05:51
troxorchristian383: if the torrent completed, the checksum verified correctly- torrents have built-in checksumming05:51
jribjflash: it is unsupported which means you don't get security updates05:51
musikgoatchristian383: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/MD5SUMS05:51
defryskJourneyman, you should know , if you say so05:51
Journeymanwhy when I try to uninstall a dev package it also removes the package the dev package is for05:51
MasterShrekCapaH, cant you set it in your gnome configurations?05:51
christian383yes, but only for the cd05:51
gameforgeWell, I have a list of repo mirrors in Adept... I already tried a Canadian one, there aren't any Mexican ones listed - the page IcemanV9 posted has one, and it shows Gutsy, but I have no way to add it. :(05:51
chalcedonygreetings Journeyman05:51
jribjflash: you should upgrade or do a fresh install of 7.1005:51
troxorCapaH: if there's an option explicitly defining mouse acceleration in xorg.conf, comment it out05:51
MasterShrekJourneyman, because the dev packages depends on the original05:51
musikgoatchristian383: i missed what sum you were looking for05:51
jflashjrib, it's a virtual account, i cant upgrade on my own05:51
EvanlecMasterShrek, oh...but i dont see how processor optimization would really affect boot times...05:51
christian383the md5sum05:51
dga!compiz | dga05:51
musikgoatchristian383: for what tho?05:52
jflashjrib, i'm not trying to get sec updates, i need to install python-twisted05:52
MasterShrekEvanlec, who knows, but it is definitely faster05:52
tuntunmusikgoat: the gutsy dvd05:52
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christian383dont know what you mean...05:52
gameforgeIt's OK, I'll just wait until the load lightens up - in the meantime, if anyone is so willing, the Kubuntu Gutsy DVD has about 6 seeders and hundreds of leechers, so if anyone has the ability to help out, it would be greatly appreciated - I've only d/l'd 100 or so megs in over 3 hours on a 7 mbit connection, and I have a 4+ share ratio...05:52
chalcedonydoes anyone know about installing Skype on edgy ? E: Couldn't find package skype05:52
christian383exactly... the ubuntu gutsy dvd05:52
MasterShrekgameforge, just download it via http then05:52
gameforgeMasterShrek: There's no http download for the Kubuntu Gutsy DVD, just BitTorrent05:53
anabelledo anyone know any signal strenght differences between bcmfwcutter and ndiswrapper?05:53
jflashguys, i'm trying to access the Breezy repos. I can't upgrade to dapper cz this is a VPS accocunt05:53
jribjflash: well the only thing that is wrong is the fact it is breezy05:53
DanMulveyalright guys, i have a noobish question05:53
defryskgameforge, why not get the cd ?05:53
MasterShrekgameforge, i was not aware, why do u want the dvd? cant u just use the cd and install other packages from the net?05:53
christian383i am already seeding the ubuntu dvd05:53
ezzieyguywufjrib: although the link that uboto provied was helpful, i don't see how to apply the patch05:53
Journeymani also keep getting /var/lib/scrollkeeper/lv/scrollkeeper_cl.xml:1: parser error : Document is empt05:53
ezzieyguywufjrib: all is says is to use apt-get05:53
DanMulveyim installing gibbon on my xp laptop, and i want to dual boot, but im not getting an option to resize my partition...any thoughts?05:54
EvanlecMasterShrek, yea....i dunno, it is enticing but it sounds like it could be headaches...not to mention taking a couple hours to compile..05:54
macdDanMulvey, choose the manual partition option.05:54
jribezzieyguywuf: 'man patch' is very readable, feel free to ask for details if it is not clear05:54
kingnothingAfter updating from 7.04 to 7.10, X is no longer working. I'm getting a fatal error: no screens found. any ideas?05:54
JourneymanYaY for having to reinstall05:54
gameforgedefrysk, MasterShrek: Well, I'm trying to upgrade - I don't want to wipe out, I've been upgrading since Dapper... I could do the whole upgrade from the net, but the mirrors are all busy and my "Find Best Server" button doesn't work - with the DVD, I could upgrade (mostly) locally.05:54
DanMulveymacd: wont that overwrite the xp partition?05:54
ezzieyguywufjrib: thanks05:54
macdDanMulvey, no, it will let you resize and partition to install05:54
MasterShrekEvanlec, it takes 45 minutes to an hour, but theres no real headaches if u follow the guide i used, youd have to recompile any extra drivers you had tho (nvidia, etc.)05:54
troxorDanMulvey: you can also use the gparted livecd if all else fails- it's a pretty neat little util05:54
dolphinheadedmartroxor,it worked !05:55
dolphinheadedmarthank you!05:55
DanMulveythanks ill try that05:55
MasterShrekgameforge, you would have been upgraded by now if you wouldnt have decided to use the dvd05:55
troxordolphinheadedmar: no problemo- enjoy :)05:55
sanguisdexone maore package to go!!!!!05:55
dystopianrayis it possible to create a bootable usb drive from an ubuntu livecd?05:55
Toma-dystopianray➔ yep05:55
gameforgeMasterShrek: well I've got the DVD downloading on another machine, I'd like to use the built in upgrade... been trying for hours05:55
boohon my laptop,  cpu and hdd are always busy... trackerd and mount.ntfs use ressources... like 81%... what is the purpose of trackerd ?05:56
gameforgeMasterShrek: I'm also worried that if my mirror goes down in the middle of the upgrade, it will leave my system borked05:56
EvanlecMasterShrek, got a link to that guide by chance?05:56
MasterShrekgameforge, no it wont, if it doesnt finish downloading all the packages, it shouldnt try to install any of them05:56
MasterShrekyea Evanlec one sec...05:56
Evanlecbooh, trackerd is for search function, u can disable in system preferences > services05:56
sanguisdexgameforge: I have been dling using the built in upgrade since 11  estern time this moring05:57
nnonixI'm being told there is no boot/shutdown splash in the final release (clean install) of Gutsy. Can anyone confirm or deny this?05:57
sanguisdexgameforge: just get the image05:57
kyled185booh: it should stop using so much resources after it's indexed everything05:57
fnadeaui'm having problem with my sound card, no sound comming out.  Seem to be recongnise and loaded properly, but still no sound.  SB Audigy.  Any clue?05:57
tuntunchristian383: I dont think they did a dvd release this time, according to this: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/05:57
Journeymanwhere is the ubuntu torrent05:57
jrib!torrents | Journeyman05:57
ubot3Journeyman: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/ (DVDs)05:57
Evanlecnnonix, deny ?05:57
troxorfnadeau: did you check all the easy stuff, like volume, connections, etc?05:57
wastedfluidanyone here  familiar w/ troubleshooting s2disk on gutsy?  I'm having no luck.05:58
RedRoseAnyone else having trouble pulling stuff from apt-get?05:58
Dr_willisfnadeau,  odd. My Audigy2zs works good - does it SEEM to play? just no sound? ie: a music player has the little bars jumping up/down?05:58
MasterShrekEvanlec, http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu05:58
ubot3Factoid motd not found05:58
ezzieyguywufjrib: i sitll have a question about patching. http://hcmeyer.de/bemused.patch that is the location of the patch i want to install, do i just save that webpage and run patch file.name of whatever i call it when i save it?05:58
wastedfluidRedRose: repo's are slow, today was release day05:58
pazsiondang how do i get to console in ubuntu? or just tell me how to instal videocard driver..nvidia..05:58
nnonixEvanlec: you did a clean install of the final release and you get both the boot and shutdown splash screens?05:58
FlannelRedRose: The serves are more than likely getting hammered.  Try a different mirror05:58
gameforgeMasterShrek: good point, although it already broke my sources.list once :)05:58
Flannel!nvidia | pazsion05:58
RedRoseFlannel, Howso?05:58
DShepherdmy gdm resolution on my laptop (hp) is not right. any one know how i can fix it05:58
ubot3pazsion: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:58
Derek_hello all05:58
boohok.  Anyway, my laptop is very very slow... I am not sure it's ubuntu problem or hardware...  HP  AMD-64-Dual core05:58
Jordan_U_What does this command ( which is running without my having started it myself ) do? "/usr/sbin/synaptic --hide-main-window --non-interactive --parent-window-id 58720259 --update-at-startup"05:58
Evanlecnnonix, well...i actually used RC1 but it had a boot splash, i disabled it tho cuz i like to see whats going on ;p05:59
Jimdbmust be a toshiba laptop05:59
christian383well, what did i download then?05:59
MasterShrekgameforge, you said youve been upgrading since dapper?05:59
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy, my screen blinks till it comes to GDM05:59
benny_man.. trying to install new packages is painfully slow.05:59
sanguisdexdone dling yay!!!!!05:59
Journeymanbah, I am going back to windows I think05:59
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MasterShrekgameforge, thats cr8zy lol05:59
boohI thought Dual Core 64 bits faster...05:59
gameforgeMasterShrek: yep, since Edgy on my laptop05:59
anabellehow can i set the power of my bradcom woreless card05:59
anabelleim using bcmxx4305:59
Derek_hey, quick question following for anyone:05:59
DShepherdsorry not my gdm.. the progress bar thingy.. when booting. what is that called again.. usplash i think05:59
haruhelp me, i wanna see my usplash :'(05:59
Dr_willisfnadeau,  if using the digital output - you may ned to use the Mixer to enable the digital output.05:59
ezzieyguywufjrib: i sitll have a question about patching. http://hcmeyer.de/bemused.patch that is the location of the patch i want to install, do i just save that webpage and run patch file.name of whatever i call it when i save it?05:59
Derek_i'm trying to boot up the livecd to install, but now i'm getting a busybox prompt... never happened before05:59
MasterShrekbooh, are you using 64 bit ubuntu?05:59
gameforgeMasterShrek: I've been using Linux since RedHat 4.1, and I'm SOO tired of reconfiguring all the same software - I'll do anything to avoid reinstalling05:59
Derek_i'm running a dell, with an ati vid card...06:00
TECH_1MasterShrek: I loaded 7.10 on another machine..the firewall keeps shutting off..any hints?.06:00
haruDShepherd, u cant see ur usplash too?06:00
nnonixEvanlec: I upgraded also and have the splash screens, but I'm told they are not there if you clean install the final release.06:00
MasterShrekgameforge, haha, good idea i suppose06:00
troxorJordan_U_: it looks like an automatic updater06:00
Jordan_U_Derek_, Try the alternate install CD06:00
musikgoatchristian383: how about this?06:00
musikgoatchristian383: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/MD5SUMS06:00
harusomeone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy [usplash] , my screen blinks till it comes to GDM06:00
wastedfluidI don't have a splash on load off the final release.06:00
Jordan_U_troxor, Is it safe to kill it?06:00
Dr_willisi always disable the splash stuff anyway. :)06:00
jribezzieyguywuf: yes, but you need to be in the right directory and use the appropriate -p for the patch06:00
Evanlecnnonix, i have not heard anything of the sort06:00
wastedfluidI don't think it was included in the final cd.06:00
MasterShrekTECH_1, not really, check the firewall's logs i suppose would be my guess06:00
Jordan_U_troxor, There is no dpkg lock06:00
Evanlecnnonix, nor would i be worried about it if it were true06:00
TECH_1Will do.Thanks06:00
MasterShrekwastedfluid, it was06:00
DShepherdharu, i am not sure if the usplash is what I am talking about06:00
ezzieyguywufjrib: what extension do i save the patch as?06:00
tuntunchristian383: Ahh... There you go. Ubot inadvertantl linked to it. Why the hell they didnt put the dvd and cd checksums on the same page is beyond me, and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/06:00
nnonixwastedfluid: thanks!06:00
pazsion::just got ubuntu on dell b110:::lol:::06:00
theacolyteanyway to make it so emerald starts on it's own without doing an emerald --replace?06:00
wastedfluidI'd prefere no splash, any how.  It always seems faster.06:00
DShepherdharu, you know when ubuntu is booting.. and the progress bar thingy...06:01
jribezzieyguywuf: anything06:01
wastedfluidMasterShrek; well, I got screwed of a splash screen I didn't want. :-)06:01
MasterShrektheacolyte, put it in a startup script06:01
haruDShepherd, its usplash i think06:01
ezzieyguywuftheacoltye: system>preferences>sessions06:01
eclecticusthe asian guy in the green shirt freaks me out everytime i go to the Ubuntu website.06:01
nnonixEvanlec: not worried, just trying to determine if my friends install is good (as it is different than mine).06:01
haruDShepherd, or thats what i call it06:01
gameforgesanguisdex: about getting the images... the CD image is useless, I may as well use the net, I'm trying to upgrade - the DVD image can only be downloaded from BitTorrent for Kubuntu (and I'm trying on another machine, 5 seeders, hundreds of leechers)06:01
MasterShrekwastedfluid, well at least u didnt want it lol06:01
Derek_any guarantees!?06:01
DShepherdharu, kool well the usplash is huge..06:01
Evanlecnnonix, i see06:01
theacolyteezzieyguywuf: thanks )06:01
ezzieyguywuftheacoltye:add emerald --replace and it will do it automatically on startup06:01
ezzieyguywufjrib: thanks06:01
harujrib, someone help me fix my gutsy, when it loads instead of that progress bar thingy [usplash] , my screen blinks till it comes to GDM .. how to i change resolutio for usplash??06:01
Derek_btw, i heart everyone in here hammering out answers06:01
DShepherdharu, not the right resolution. In fiesty it was fine06:01
troxorJordan_U_: hm, weird... those options aren't listed in man synaptic... try killing it, see what happens :)06:01
nrdbrunning gutsy now06:02
haruDShepherd, same06:02
christian383thank you, thats what i was looking for... and the checksum matches mine!!!06:02
MasterShrekgameforge, well it did just come out today, there will be more leechers by tomorrow i suppose06:02
nkryptd1every time i try to dl a torrent it says port is blacklisted how do i change that?06:02
boohMasterShrek, yes of course.  Gutsy6406:02
DShepherdharu, any leads?06:02
dolphinheadedmartroxor: i did that, it loaded gnome, i went to use update manager, and it told me i had to do a partial upgrade, then the distro upgrade box freezes?06:02
EvanlecMasterShrek, on that page is the first step at all required, section 1.106:02
DShepherdharu, on your laptop?06:02
MasterShrekbooh, and its slow?06:02
Jordan_U_troxor, Yea, I hate these commands that don't have their switches in their man pages06:02
haruDShepherd, naw.. i have just been shouting for past few hours06:02
boohMasterShrek, yes.06:02
jribharu: /etc/usplash.conf06:02
haruDShepherd, peecee/desktop06:02
EvanlecMasterShrek, oh...maybe i shouldnt do this tonight...i'll never get anywhere with apt-get...06:02
boohTake about 15 seconds to open firefox06:02
DShepherdharu, ok06:02
gameforgeMasterShrek: yeah, I know, I'm just anxious :) was hoping to get it done by the weekend06:02
MasterShrekno Evanlec i didnt06:03
Jordan_U_haru, Might be easier to install splashy instead :)06:03
troxordolphinheadedmar: hrm, can you open a terminal and type `ps aux | grep dpkg` ?06:03
boohIn fact, it takes time to open apps but, inside the apps, all is ok.06:03
haruDShepherd, edit /etc/usplash.conf.. jrib owns06:03
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chalcedony((((( _Codeman_ ))))))06:03
MasterShrekEvanlec, u should start it compiling tonight and it will be ready in the morning :)06:03
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ezzieyguywufjrib: the directory that the patch is in has to be the same as what exactly? (sorry i'm pretty new to this!)06:03
boohIt's like gnome not really reactive...06:03
DShepherdharu, haha. i was just going to ask about a config file. thanks06:03
BoratHey does anyone know how to make the fonts look better?06:03
_Codeman_I'm guessing the repository is down?06:03
Jordan_U_haru, http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/wiki/ubuntu06:03
jribezzieyguywuf: join me in #ubuntu-classroom06:03
MasterShrekbooh, gnome sucks lol, is it fast if you are outside of gnome?06:03
PiousMinionI'm trying to set up dual monitors in 7.10 and no matter what I do... if I move the mouse to the second monitor it won't move back to the first one.  ideas??06:04
EvanlecMasterShrek, well that was my plan...but im afraid if i have to grab packages from apt .... might take all night just to do that with the servers being hammered06:04
fnadeautroxor & Dr_willis: Mixer looks ok, volume to max, was working fine under FC7 ours ago but FC7 was sucking to much juice out of this old box, just switched to Ubuntu 7.10 but now i got no sound(and i did like the fact that i had to edit x11.cong to get proper resolution since the Resolution applet didnt had mine.. anyway)06:04
MasterShrekPiousMinion, thats weird, and kinda funny, but i got nothin06:04
troxorBorat: system->preferences->appearance -> fonts tab, then adjust the "Rendering" options06:04
boohMasterShrek, I have another laptop, P4-2.4 and gnome runs faster than on AMD64-X206:04
ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:04
[UPG]PritchardWhat file should I edit to change the screen resolution settings for X11?06:04
MasterShreki suppose Evanlec, u just upgraded to gutsy today?06:04
MasterShrekbooh, my amd64x2 runs awesome06:05
admin8torFunny, because I get sound under Ubuntu, but not FC 7.06:05
EvanlecMasterShrek, no, i upgraded to RC1 64 last week06:05
[UPG]PritchardUbuntu doesn't detect my maximum resolution correctly D:06:05
EvanlecMasterShrek, i should say, i clean-installed to new partition06:05
* JdU1 is overwelmed06:05
Jordan_U_[UPG]Pritchard, Most likely a driver problem, what card?06:05
boohMasterShrek, Maybe.. my harddrive take too much time to start accessing files...  It's like something "stuck" at each access...06:05
[UPG]PritchardI was hoping Ubuntu's new screen resolution configuration tool would allow me to edit the file, but apparently not D:06:05
alienseer23troxor: this is dolphinheaded on the afflicted ssystem, I typed in 'ps aux | grep dpkg' and got back '1000     17526  0.0  0.0   2976   748 pts/0    R+   01:00   0:00 grep dpkg'06:05
CaleIs there a convenient way to put together a restricted-modules package for a self-compiled kernel?06:05
kingnothingi can't get X to work after updating from 7.04 to 7.10. help, anyone?06:05
jrib!kernel > Cale (read the private message from ubotu)06:06
MasterShrekEvanlec, ic, i did that with the rc as well, then kept up-to-date until it stopped giving updates a few days ago06:06
tritiumCale: why are you bothering with your own kernel?06:06
[UPG]Pritchard@jordon:  It's worked for me before after manually editing the file.  ubuntu detects the proper card type and everything.06:06
Jordan_U_kingnothing, X won't start at all?06:06
kingnothingJordan_U: no06:06
MasterShrekbooh, that could possibly be a problem, is it a newer laptop?06:06
CaleBecause I need reiser 4 support.06:06
troxorfnadeau: there is a switch, iirc, on the audigy (you can find it in alsamixer, among others) for optical out, which effectively disables analog output06:06
EvanlecMasterShrek, it was givin me updates yesterday, but nothing today, i assumed because of all the traffic06:06
Fat_FerretEvening all, got a problem I installed 7.10 and it was working great I restarted and its telling me "initramfs - failed to set xfermode"06:06
boohMasterShrek, I have dual boot with Vista and it's at most same thing06:06
meta-paoniagraphics card - I may be having the same problem06:06
drew_any clues on why my old thinkpad's extra keys don't work anymore (feisty -> gutsy)? hotkey-setup package?06:06
boohMasterShrek, Yes, less than 2 months ago06:06
troxoralienseer23: nothing that says dpkg <defunct> or anything like that?06:06
kingnothingJordan_U: in the gdm log file, I get an error... fatal server error: no screens found06:06
Jordan_U_kingnothing, Good, that would mean something was really broken if that happened in Gutsy :)06:06
CaleUnless you happen to know of a convenient package for a reiser 4 module.06:06
foxjazzdoes the xfi run on ubuntu yet?06:07
oldmanstanso much for bulletproof x06:07
tritiumCale: no, I avoid reiser even more than I do the plague06:07
alienseer23troxor:no, only what i put in my last comment06:07
_Codeman_Is anyone else having problems downloading packages?06:07
oldmanstan_Codeman_: yes everyone is06:07
troxoralienseer23: ok, that's good- did you give it some time?06:07
dystopianrayfoxjazz: maybe, you have to install and configure the drivers yourself though06:07
Jordan_U_oldmanstan, No, it did work for kingnothing , unless it isn't working for you06:07
tritium_Codeman_: many are, as the servers are being hammered right now06:07
fnadeautroxor: problem solved... who is the dude that made that option enable by default???06:07
oldmanstan_Codeman_: it's because new version just got released, everyone is installing06:07
kyled185_Codeman_: I've been having trouble all day, servers must be on fire or something06:07
alienseer23should I go to term and do 'sudo aptitude upgrade'?06:07
MasterShrekbooh, interesting, im not really sure what the problem might be, u say u have the same problems with vista or no? other than just the crappy vista stuff06:07
_Codeman_K, thought so06:07
foxjazzdystopianray are there drivers?06:07
defryskCale, reiser4progs perhaps ?06:07
DShepherd_Codeman_, yeah.. try another server06:07
CaleSo, uh, yeah, is there a convenient way to build myself a restricted-drivers package for my custom kernel, or do I just have to install that stuff separately?06:07
_Codeman_Good thing I upgraded yesterday06:08
oldmanstanJordan_U_: oh mine works peachy, i was just editorializing06:08
alienseer23troxor: yes06:08
Caledefrysk: That's just user tools.06:08
alienseer23still froze06:08
dystopianrayfoxjazz: yes, creative released x-fi drivers for linux06:08
kingnothingJordan_U: I updated from the alternate CD downloaded through a torrent. the update servers are hosed06:08
troxorfnadeau: I don't think it was a default, but regardless, I'm not too sure how it gets enabled though :)06:08
MasterShrekCale, i would just do it seperately06:08
SunmanXIIquick question - is there a way to queue files to xmms in terminal06:08
defryskCale, libaal-dev perhaps ?06:08
EvanlecMasterShrek, this article is a decent read: http://www.bit-tech.net/bits/2007/10/16/64-bit_more_than_just_the_ram/106:08
boohMasterShrek, Vista is slow too... but I though it was vista... and now, ubuntu is slow too but only when it needs access to hard drive.06:08
_Codeman_another server?06:08
Fat_Ferretanyone have any idea about this initramfs error?06:08
pazsiontrying to install intel graphics and nvidida graphics helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp06:08
troxoralienseer23: try running `top`, to see if there are any runaway processes eating the cpu06:09
tritiumpazsion: cut that out06:09
Jordan_U_kingnothing, The alternate CD does not contain the ATI / Nvidia drivers AFIK06:09
MasterShrekyea i saw that earlier Evanlec, skimmed through it, bookmarked it, its more of a thing ill read in class lol06:09
dystopianraypazsion: you don't need to install intel graphics they should 'just work'06:09
princedammit ubuntu kernel devs, fix the damn dmraid bug06:09
alainhello.. how can i change my resolution to 1440x900.. i have edit the xorg.conf already but still cant get the 1440x90006:09
Caledefrysk: That still doesn't look like a kernel module...06:09
defryskCale, and libreiser4-dev06:09
wastedfluidanyone here  familiar w/ troubleshooting s2disk on gutsy?  I'm having no luck.06:09
Ryuhohow do i update to 7.10? "sudo apt-get update" "sudo apt-get upgrade" does nothing for me06:09
Jordan_U_alain, Do you have the right drivers?06:09
* xTheGoat121x watches room06:09
EvanlecMasterShrek, lol yeh06:09
oldmanstanalain: did you use restricted drivers manager? should work automagically06:09
DShepherdharu, manual setting the res didnt affect anything.06:09
musikgoatwastedfluid:  s2disk for me is sucking big time06:09
alienseer23troxor: looks mellow06:09
Jordan_U_wastedfluid, Are you getting an error?06:09
EvanlecMasterShrek, can u post your uname -a output again06:09
haruDShepherd, works for me :D06:09
musikgoatthere are a few bugs out there06:09
troxorRyuho: changing feisty to gutsy in sources.list, then apt-get dist-upgrade06:09
tritium!upgrade > Ryuho06:09
kingnothingJordan_U_: guess i'll try installing a driver and see if that changes anything. i thought there was a specific error for that, though.06:09
pazsionhow can i check on the intel graphics card? from what i caan see it's not being used..but i'm new06:09
nkryptd1how do u change your resolution through the terminal?06:09
DShepherdharu, is there a step I am missing?06:09
meta-paoniauh - xmms /directory/the/file/is/in/filename.mediatype06:09
haruanyone know how to add multiple timezones in the gutsy clock?06:10
* MasterShrek watches xTheGoat121x watch the room06:10
traxtar3alain: i had to do the same i just changed all of the entries for "1440x1440" to 1440x900 and it worked06:10
wastedfluidThat's what I figured.  Yes, I get an error.  Jordan_U_ I get:  (s2disk: Could not stat the resume device file. Reason: No such file or directory)06:10
alainbut still cant get the right resolution for my monitor06:10
haruDShepherd, not imo unless u entered the alues wrong06:10
meta-paoniaharu - add another clock06:10
dimychI have 6.06, and want to upgrade to 7.10. Is there a way to skip 6.10 and 7.04, or at least install them (from network) without downloading the full distros?06:10
Ryuhok thx tronyx06:10
rryanRyuho : you could also do : sudo update-manager -c06:10
wastedfluidJordan_U_: Yet, my UUID= is in /etc/uswsusp.conf..06:10
Starcraftmazterhow can I open up the appearances menu with console command?06:10
Derek_what, exactly, does initramfs mean06:10
Jordan_U_kingnothing, Well X is working with VESA but not with the driver you have set06:10
violeti do no how abaut u06:10
* xTheGoat121x reminds MasterShrek that we got yelled at last time we did this.06:10
alainlols ok ill give that a try06:10
MasterShrekEvanlec, Linux dp-lappy #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Oct 15 21:17:16 CDT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:10
harumeta-paonia, theres some intl version of this same clock06:10
Ryuhorryan : i'm lazy i'll probalby do that06:10
tronyxryuho thanks for what?06:10
DShepherdharu, i have a wide screen with max 1440x9000. how can i find out what its supposed to be?06:10
kingnothingJordan_U: what's the fix for that?06:10
violetwhat is try06:10
troxoralienseer23: hmm.. in that case, it -might- be safe to kill synaptic/update-manager/whatever and try again06:10
* MasterShrek doesnt care that xTheGoat121x cares that we got yelled at for this last time06:10
IcemanV9dimych: you cannot jump from 6.06 to 7.1006:10
Ryuhoi was asking a question, you answered06:10
pazsionHoW D o I K N OW N If  My InaTel GraPhiCs A re ENabLEEd06:10
clustyhey. is it worth doing a fresh reinstall?06:11
Jordan_U_kingnothing, Depends on why the driver is not working06:11
tritiumpazsion: please...06:11
haruDShepherd, try 1200x102406:11
EvanlecMasterShrek, this the one i want? http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/patch-
n2diyWhy should I upgrade from Dapper to Gutsy?06:11
traxtar3alain, cnage the presets then hard reset xorg (ctrl alt bkspc)06:11
alienseer23troxor: it does this evry time06:11
dystopianraypazsion: does X start?06:11
kilopopowhere is the help channel for compiz-fusion??????????????????????????06:11
DShepherdharu, ok06:11
defryskclusty, yes usually it is06:11
MasterShrekEvanlec, thats the one i used, newest one i believe06:11
tronyxo.O which ryuho?06:11
|neon|i have an issue is more annoying than anythielse, firefox will freeze everytime i try to use like java games such as yahoo games, java is installed and it shows enabled by about06:11
kingnothingJordan_U_: is that info in a log file somewhere, or what should I try?06:11
Jordan_U_kingnothing, hopefully it just hasn't been updated to the Gutsy version06:11
haruDShepherd, 1280x80006:11
MasterShrekno Evanlec06:11
* xTheGoat121x watches MasterShrek not care about xTheGoat121x caring about being yelled at.06:11
nkryptd1says event not found - !desktopeffects06:11
wastedfluidJordan_U_: Did you see my error?06:11
rryankilopopo:  try #ubuntu-effects06:11
haruDShepherd, leave old value06:11
pazsionyes, not with nvidia tho...chrys06:11
Jordan_U_wastedfluid, Yes, no idea :(06:11
MasterShreku dont want the patch06:11
wastedfluidThanks anyways, mate06:11
violetada yang pake bahasa indonesia ga???06:11
clustydefrysk: great. tomorrow will play with this06:11
Pie-rateok, the ubuntu installer *commented out* the security.ubuntu.com entries in sources.list, because it couldn't find security.ubuntu.com because i hadn't connected to my wifi ap. WHY? if it can't find them on install, it should assume that the user will get teh internets working later, not comment out the security repo.06:11
troxoralienseer23: did you try apt-get update/upgrade from command line, with the same results?06:11
EvanlecMasterShrek, no? which one do i want then lol? http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/06:11
|neon|plugins not swiftweasel and swiftfox work great with yahoo games and any other java game06:12
DShepherdharu, leave old value? what do you mean..06:12
MasterShrekEvanlec, http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-
IcemanV9n2diy: no reason; i am still on dapper (cuz it just works (tm))06:12
nkryptd1can someone help me with the terminal06:12
alienseer23troxor: will do this now06:12
haruDShepherd, i mean use the values 1280 x 80006:12
EvanlecMasterShrek, isnt that what i just said?06:12
clustydefrysk: i am on gutsy now. whoudl i maybe wait a week extra? more stuff to be stabilized?06:12
DShepherdharu, there was no values for me. xres= and yres= . that's what was in it06:12
DShepherdharu, ok06:12
troxoralienseer23: there's also a dpkg lockfile or pid in /var/ something that shouldn't be there when running apt-type-stuff06:12
dimychIcemanV9, yes, I unrstand that I can not jump, but perhaps there is a way to install only kernel and main libs of 6.10 and 7.04?06:12
n2diyIcemanV9: yes, stable as a rock..06:12
MasterShrekIcemanV9, i like the attitude :)06:12
EvanlecMasterShrek, oh, i linked to the Patch...gotcha06:12
MasterShrekEvanlec, no, yours was the patch, that was the actual kernel06:13
=== q_a_z_steve_ is now known as q_a_z_steve
nkryptd1im trying to upgrade to 7.10 and i get this error Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)06:13
ademandoes anyone know if lvm causes any noticable performance decreases?06:13
defryskclusty, on gusty and wanting to upgrade ? how ?06:13
Jordan_U_clusty, Things don't "get stabilized" after release, other than the repositories not being so slow06:13
EvanlecMasterShrek, ic ic, is the realtime thing a patch i gotta add?06:13
IcemanV9dimych: i have tried it once on another box .. it acted funny. so i scraped that idea. *shrug*06:13
Flanneldimych: If you wait six months, you'll be able to jump straight to 8.04 from 6.06 though06:13
kilopopohow do i enable desktop effects?06:13
musikgoatI'm looking to do a clean install of gutsy, i have it installed right now.   I want to know what I can do to get a list of the packages I've installed06:13
traxtar3i think that the arcive3 may be overloaded right now06:13
dWhogksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade " not workin how come?06:13
clustydefrysk: on gutsy since alpha06:13
dimychhaha, nice :)06:13
kingnothingnkryptd1: just use a torrent06:13
dystopianraymusikgoat: dpkg -l06:13
haruhow do i send evolution to tray06:13
MasterShrekEvanlec, no, just an option you set in the config, its actually low-latency, btw are you using an amd64 chip?06:14
Doctor_NickHas anyone had issues with sound services refusing to start after upgrading to gutsy?06:14
musikgoatdystopianray: thanks06:14
clustydefrysk: upgrade as of make fresh install06:14
DShepherdhow do i regenerate the initrd?06:14
nkryptd1WHen i try to use torrent it says port is blacklisted06:14
defryskkilopopo, desktop effect on a legacy nvidia card , unlikely to work smooth06:14
wastedfluidI can't wait for 8.04.  I honestl think i'm going to stick to the LTS's so I don't have to troubleshoot everything.06:14
dWhois there any other way to upgrade from a cd ?06:14
defryskclusty, oic06:14
haruhow can i get intl clock applet06:14
EvanlecMasterShrek, no im using Pentium D 2.8ghz @ ~3.4ghz06:14
n2diyFlannel: That is the next LTS release?06:14
suupaabakais there any way for me to install gutsy fresh from the cd while keeping all my documents etc. intact?06:14
Flanneln2diy: yes06:15
IcemanV9Flannel: no way ... just because it's LTS to LTS ... are you sure it'll can be done?06:15
Jordan_U_n2diy, Yes06:15
RedRosehas anyone gotten TrueCrypt Working?06:15
nkryptd1When i try using a torrent it says port blacklisted how do i change port im using06:15
nickrudDShepherd: were you ever able to fix that issue06:15
tritiumsuupaabaka: if you put /home on its own partition06:15
FlannelIcemanV9: yes.  LTS to LTS is supported (or will be, anyway)06:15
Jordan_U_IcemanV9, Gutsy is not LTS06:15
defrysksuupaabaka, only if you have set up a seperate /home partition set up06:15
traxtar3which torrent app are you using?06:15
n2diyFlannel: Jordan_U, I can wait. :)06:15
dWhogksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade " not workin how come?06:15
MasterShreksuupaabaka, before you start the install, mount your partition, and remove all the folders except /home then do the install and dont format it06:15
haruhow can i get intl clock applet06:15
nkryptd1the one that came with this ubuntu06:15
defrysk!backup | suupaabaka06:15
clustydefrysk: can't complain about anything. maybe besides suspends, which wont make a difference if i reinstall. so can i stay put?06:15
MasterShreksuupaabaka, make sure you unmount the partition before you start the install06:15
Jordan_U_dWho, Is it giving an error?06:15
IcemanV9Jordan_U_: i know. thanks. :)06:16
dWhoJordan_U_ : no messages whatsoever06:16
MasterShreksuupaabaka, you may also need to remove the .gnome and .gnome2 folders in your users home directory06:16
traxtar3nkrypd1: i had the same problem, so i switched to kubuntu06:16
thedonvaughnMasterShrek: you don't have to do that.  You just tell the installer not to format the partition in gparted06:16
Evanlecdefrysk, he can also just install to a new partition like i did, and just mount the old installation and transfer stuff over06:16
suupaabakaWow... sounds complicated.06:16
IcemanV9Flannel: then i am interested. :)06:16
Jordan_U_dWho, Is it exiting?06:16
Pie-rategutsy install on my laptop gave me a black screen. disappointing.06:16
dWhonope... just nothing happens...06:16
DShepherdnickrud, nope06:16
pazsionso how do i kno if my vid cards are enabled?06:16
MasterShrekthedonvaughn, not if he wants a fresh install06:16
dWhono dialog06:16
dWhono nohing06:16
DShepherdnickrud, upgrading to gutsy has been a pain06:17
nickrudDShepherd: sorry then06:17
dystopianraypazsion: do you see anything on the screen?06:17
defryskEvanlec, that why i did the !backup which did not work :906:17
dWhoJordan_U_ : any idea?06:17
DShepherdboth on my desktop and on my laptop06:17
pazsioni see everything i'm doing06:17
thedonvaughnMasterShrek: i do it all the time, what do u mean?  You setup the partitions you setup your /home to be mounted, just not formated.  That way all the data in the /home partition is in tact.06:17
haruhow do i make the clock look like this http://www.novell.com/connectionmagazine/2007/q2/img/tt6_02.gif06:17
suupaabakawould i benefit much from a fresh install anyway?06:17
Jordan_U_dWho, But does it "finish", do you get back to a prompt?06:17
dystopianraypazsion: then your video cards are working06:17
Evanlecdefrysk, what?06:17
Pie-rateoh, usplash being a buggy piece of crap as usual06:17
DShepherdnickrud, i had to revert to a clean install for two of them06:17
defryskEvanlec, nm , I need a break06:17
Jordan_U_Pie-rate, Install splashy06:17
MasterShrekthedonvaughn, if his /home dir isnt on a seperate partition06:17
pazsionso i can also have multiple monitors?06:17
Jordan_U_Pie-rate, http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/wiki/ubuntu06:17
thedonvaughnMasterShrek: well then how can you unmount it?  You're the one who said that06:18
defryskabsolute nuthouse here06:18
dWhoJordan_U_ : use alt+f2 then typed it in the box.. nothing happen06:18
DShepherdnickrud, know anything about usplash setting its resolutions?06:18
nickrudDShepherd: bummer. At least only one belongs to me, but that's not saying much06:18
thedonvaughnMasterShrek: unless i'm confused06:18
MasterShrekthedonvaughn, forget it06:18
Jordan_U_dWho, Start it from a terminal06:18
nickrudDShepherd: I disable usplash myself.06:18
Pie-rateJordan_U_: why doesn't usplash ever work?06:18
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:18
DShepherdnickrud, well not really... cause the upgrade borked before you stepped it06:18
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html06:18
|neon|my  ays back on mirc they had a plugin moo.dll that will show sys info in the channel, is there something like that still06:18
DShepherdnickrud, why is everyone doing that?06:18
CapaHI just upgraded to Gutsy from Feisty and I am having a ton of problems. Compiz settings do not work. My mouse somehow became super sensitive (and I cannot seem to find how to reduce the sensitivity) -- can anyone help me on this?06:18
Jordan_U_Pie-rate, Works for me, I just don't like that it is half impossible to create a new theme for it06:18
MasterShrekthedonvaughn, u mount the original root partition, and delete all the other dirs /bin /etc /sys ... and then unmount it and start the install without formatting06:18
dWhoJordan_U_ : yes... nothing happens then back to the prompt06:19
princewhats the command to show mounted devices?06:19
nickrudDShepherd: disabling usplash? For me, it's an fglrx bug06:19
silentCapaH, mouse sensitivity is set in preferences06:19
Jordan_U_Pie-rate, with splashy it couldn't be easier, in fact splashy > usplash in every way I can think of :)06:19
haruhow do i make the clock look like this http://www.novell.com/connectionmagazine/2007/q2/img/tt6_02.gif06:19
Pie-rateJordan_U_: on one computer the monitor says "out of range," on my laptop it just gives a black screen06:19
DShepherdnickrud, oh ok. understood.06:19
Jordan_U_prince, mount06:19
thedonvaughnMasterShrek: oh i see.  didn't realize /home wasn't on a seperate partition.  But yah in that case i'd go one more step and create another partition and copy /home to it then format over everything.. :)06:19
troxorharu: I believe that's the international clock applet06:19
pazsionook lets see if reboot will bring up other monitor on nvidia...06:19
harutronyx, package name?06:19
dWhoJordan_U_ : any idea ?06:20
silentmmm... I'm feckin BAKED and im chillin with a rum n coke... bring on the questions06:20
DShepherdnickrud, well i am trying to reset mine to its correct resolution.. but editing the /etc/usplash.conf file is not enough06:20
princeJordan_U_: hmm06:20
DShepherdnickrud, am i missing a step?06:20
* nickrud makes a uncritical note to look at splashy06:20
Jordan_U_Pie-rate, That sounds like a frame buffer problem rather than a usplash problem, but try splashy anyway06:20
MasterShrekthedonvaughn, yea, well i didnt know if his /home dir was on a different partition anyways, and i forgot who was asking too lol06:20
thedonvaughnMasterShrek: heh06:20
tronyxahhhh why do random people keep saying my name, i think you mean troxor?06:20
CapaHsilent: I went to the kde control panel to the mouse settings and I can only set acceleration to 1.0 (no lower) and I can only set threshold to 20 (no higher ) ---- even with these settings my mouse is WAY too sensitive --- also, I cannot change ANY of the compiz settings06:20
suupaabakame ;D06:20
Logicwaxhey....any of you upgrade to gutsy AND are an avid user of automatix?   last few times i upgraded to new ubuntu distros everything got screwed up and someone told me its because of automatix06:20
Pie-rateX works, usplash doesn't.06:20
nickrudDShepherd: possibly setting the vga= for the kernel line? That's just an uneducated guess, though06:20
troxortronyx: sorry :)06:21
dWhocan't upgrade from cd how come?06:21
silentCapaH, I'm not familiar with kde, but you use a panel to control compiz right?06:21
Jordan_U_Pie-rate, X does not use the frame buffer :)06:21
tronyxlol no worries troxor, we're just 2 cool people06:21
FlannelLogicwax: Thats more than likely true, yes.  Automatix breaks things.06:21
Jordan_U_Pie-rate, Do your tty's work?06:21
troxorharu: it doesn't look like it's in the default repos- one sec06:21
Pie-rateJordan_U_: yes.06:21
MasterShrekLogicwax, automatix is crap, people that install it are total noobs and shouldnt be using linux because they arent learning anything06:21
traxtar3gusty was suposed to make automatix obsolete06:21
harutronyx, thanks a lot :D06:21
riotkittie!noob | MasterShrek06:21
Jordan_U_MasterShrek, You don't need to insult the people that use it06:21
* riotkittie hides06:21
n2diy! automatx | Logicwax06:21
tronyxharu .... troxor! HELP06:21
nickrudautomatix was obsolete the day it came out06:21
EvanlecMasterShrek, lol, thats pretty harsh ;p06:21
* MasterShrek is a noob06:21
nkryptd1when i type !resolution into terminal it says command not found06:21
Logicwaxany chance I can reverse the damage of automatix?   i like automatix because it does a lot of work for me when i setup a new system06:22
harutroxor, sozz.. thanks a lot06:22
traxtar3nickrud: good call06:22
riotkittieLogicwax: no. there is no reversal. there is only clean install.06:22
Jordan_U_nkryptd1, !resolution is a command for ubotu :)06:22
MasterShrekubotu isnt around...06:22
EvanlecLogicwax, should be able to just remove the stuff it installs using it, then uninstall it...06:22
Jordan_U_!resolution | nkryptd106:22
MasterShreki miss ubotu06:22
Evanlecwheres ubotu? that never happens lol06:22
dWhoJordan_U_ : i'm back to the prompt after issuing the command06:22
MasterShrekespecially today, he must be getting overworked, needed a vacation or something06:22
silentI dont see why you wouldnt do a reinstall anyway... backup your /home and config files and reinstall06:23
MasterShrekor theyre probably just updating his factoids for the new release06:23
nkryptd1im trying to change my resolution its not workign i have no idea wtf im doing with the terminal06:23
Evanlechaha yea06:23
n2diy! Ubotu06:23
CapaHsilent: The option for the compiz control panel is in the menu --- but it never loads06:23
traxtar3nkrypd1: PM me06:23
DIguanaAnyone know what the next LTS version of Ubuntu is going to be?06:23
musikgoatnkryptd1: thats how you learn06:23
tritiumDIguana: 8.0406:23
dystopianrayDIguana: 8.0406:23
nickrudDIguana: 8.[4567]06:23
musikgoatDIguana: hardy herron06:23
troxorharu: your best bet is to wait until it becomes available: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/intlclock   if you're impatient, you can check getdeb.net, to see if there's a package available sooner (but be aware these aren't official packages). if you're really impatient, you can scrounge up the source and compile it yourself  :)06:23
silentCapaH, I'd recommend a clean install... the amount of time the upgrade will take you could have everything up and running on clean06:24
riotkittiei'm going to stick to calling it 8.04 or risk total embarassment. D:06:24
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silentCapaH, really not kidding, just back up your /home and config files and clean06:24
meta-paoniaIMHO - Ubuntu has gone waaaahhhhhh,,,,, information overload, to upgrade or not to upgrade, I would love to have the option to take modules from one kernel and port it into the new kernel, things get buggy- note for kernel team:ATI Radion 200 fails on some systems, esp. Celeron D - And it drops support for some processors - esp Geode 200/300mhz - what happened to a massive driver database??? I have lots of questions - I have been using06:24
EvanlecMasterShrek, dont u think that guide u gave me is a little old? 6.10? or do u think its fine?06:24
n2diyhardy herron? Why not happy hippo?06:24
Pie-rateJordan_U_: damnit, the splash screen is the first thing a new user sees when they install ubuntu. it really pisses me off that they can't get it right. it's broken for me one way or another on at least 3 separate computers06:24
dWhosilent : but all the application need to be reinstalled again06:24
nickrudlol, riotkittie06:24
harutroxor, ahh.. the source is broken then T_T06:24
TECH_1I agree silent06:24
silentdWho, reeeeaaally easy to get them back06:24
Flannelmeta-paonia: You might file bugs about the regressions06:24
diabolixare the mirrors down? cause i can't install anything?06:24
silentits not like windows06:24
MasterShrekEvanlec, its the one i followed, works just fine, makes deb packages for the kernel and headers, and when u install them it adds entries to grub06:24
dWhosilent : still would take time06:24
Jordan_U_Pie-rate, Does splashy work for you?06:24
lwizardlwhat cd ripper has the most file configurations available? on windows I used to use dbpoweramp06:24
ezzieyguywufjrib: got a question for you in #ubuntu-classroom06:24
silenthell, you could make a script to get all the programs you need set up06:25
Pie-rateJordan_U_: haven't tried it06:25
TECH_1Each set up is its own06:25
Pie-rateJordan_U_: if splashy is better, why isn't it used?06:25
EvanlecMasterShrek, cool cool, was just wonderin about step 1.106:25
erlinuxim seeding for xubuntui386 :d06:25
traxtar3nkryptd1: you still here?06:25
silentbackup config files for the programs, usually stored in /home anyway.... and make an apt-get script to get all your custom programs06:25
CapaHsilent: Well, I already DID the upgrade, so -- I would rather just get it working from here06:25
Jordan_U_Pie-rate, I have no idea, been wondering that myself06:25
dWhocan anyone tell me why gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade " not working ?06:25
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:25
MasterShrekEvanlec, yea dont worry about that one, i didnt do it, everything else shold be fine, skip the patches thing unless you are patching your kernel, which i doubt u are06:25
Hilikusim trying to access a samba share from windows, i can see the machine but when im prompted to authenticate, it doesnt take the info, like if the password was wrong, but i set is using smbpasswd06:25
DIguanaHas anyone else noticed that the Gnome Deskbar Applet seems to have had several features removed this time around? I can't get it to give me an area to type in the bar itself and it no longer seems to be able to look up Wikipedia entries, which was what I mostly used it for. Does anyone know how to restore this functionality?06:25
Hilikuswhat can i try to be able to connect?06:26
meta-paoniadiabolix - servers are slow - people are upgrading - I just installed a few packages from feisty main and it was really slow but it did the job06:26
musikgoatubotu is lagging?  !help06:26
zhanxchange your servers06:26
Rodyajust a random comment... my old handwritten xorg.conf with some slight modifications fixed all my problems with compiz in gutsy06:26
EvanlecMasterShrek, yea im all set with patching06:26
MasterShrekHilikus, try setting    security = share   in /etc/samba/smb.conf   and then restarting samba06:26
traxtar3Hilkis: did you do a $sudo smbpasswd -e user_name?06:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:26
nickrud!doesntwork  dWho06:26
XsteelWolfAnyone got a nice wallpaper to recommend?06:26
nickrud!doesntwork | dWho06:26
musikgoathehe !ubuotu06:26
adlisyakirhye.. what is diff. between ubuntu and gobuntu06:27
indraveniMasterShrek, jimmygoon no luck with any other players also06:27
MasterShrekXsteelWolf, check out www.caedes.net they got lots of em, or gnome-look.org06:27
XsteelWolfadlisyakir, it's the u and go lol06:27
indravenistill i couldn't see video file running in the projector output06:27
MasterShrekindraveni, are u using nvidia?06:27
HilikusMasterShrek i have security = user commented out06:27
TECH_1Apic of bill gates crying?..backround.06:27
dWhonickrud : any idea?06:27
Hilikuswhats security = share?06:27
ubotudWho: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:27
MasterShrekHilikus, change it to security=share and uncomment it06:27
indraveniMasterShrek, no, its i81006:27
nickruddWho: without more information06:27
tuntunIs there a way to burn all of the updates as they are downloaded onto a cdrw so I can use them again after reinstalling?06:27
MasterShrekindraveni, then i dont know for sure, if it was nvidia it would be easy06:27
Augustahelp! I can't upgrade to 7.10! The installer requires 2801M of free space on /. Anyone?06:28
MasterShrekindraveni, what if you close the screen on the laptop?06:28
nickrudwell, ubotu's only a minute late06:28
riotkittieAugusta: free some space?06:28
sorsishow do i update from 7.04 to 7.10?06:28
silentAugusta, get a bigger hard drive you nub06:28
dWhocan't upgrade from a cd using gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" nothing happens after issuing the command06:28
MasterShrekAugusta, you must have had alot of programs installed lol06:28
nickruddWho: try gksudo06:28
indraveniMasterShrek, actually in my laptop, its not toggeling the laptop screen with the projector screen with Fn+F706:28
tuntunmmm, nub...06:28
Hilikus2.8GB to update?? wow06:28
FluxDCan you upgrade my mounting the iso?06:28
indraveniMasterShrek, i have only one option to use on both the screens06:28
DIguanasorsis: Run the Update Manager. It's in your System>Administration menu.06:28
Jordan_U_nickrud, They do the same thing by default on Ubuntu06:28
traxtar3later all06:29
silentHilikus, this is why I got the prerelease... I got all my updates before the mirrors started getting raped06:29
DIguanaThere'll be a button there that'll let you upgrade.06:29
MasterShrekindraveni, does anything show up on the projector?06:29
silenthave a gutsy system operational06:29
meta-paoniaindraveni - your laptop may have multiple moniter support06:29
dWhonickrud : back at prompt nothing happens should I get a dialog after issuing the command?06:29
MasterShreksilent, tru.dat06:29
tuntunIs there a way to burn all of the updates as they are downloaded onto a cdrw so I can use them again after reinstalling?06:29
nickrudJordan_U: I know, but it's easy to switch and some people don't remember doing it06:29
MasterShrekyea im running gutsy with all my progs just fine :)06:29
Jordan_U_nickrud, To actually get the functionality of gksu you have run "gksu --su-mode"06:29
Hilikussilent you still needed 2.8gbs to store them06:29
n2diyadlisyakir: did you get your answer? Things are moving to fast for me to keep up.06:29
indraveniMasterShrek, I am able to view my desktop in projector06:30
nickrudJordan_U: or run gksu-settings06:30
Augustaevery time I free space it asks for more... I do have a lot of programs, but I think it shouldnt happen, since upgrade from edgy to feisty worked OK06:30
silentHilikus, on a computer with 120 gb on it I'm not concerned06:30
Pie-raterepo is slooooooow.06:30
MasterShrekindraveni, start the movie and close the laptop monitor06:30
ezzieyguywufjrib: another question :-D06:30
nickrudJordan_U_: at least I think I remember that06:30
silentI also have a 1TB server I could mount in smb to extend any portion06:30
tuntunIs there a way to burn all of the updates as they are downloaded onto a cdrw so I can use them again after reinstalling???>:o06:30
Owner_hey i installed gutsy gibbon fresh and my keyboard doesnt work on the system06:30
nickruddWho: not sure, but try sudo /cdrom/...06:30
MasterShrekAugusta, it probably just has to download that much in packages06:30
Owner_any insight?06:30
silenttuntun, you could backup your package files06:30
DIguanaThey need to make apt use P2P for downloads. That'd prevent things from slowing to a crawl on Upgrade Day.06:31
silenttuntun, I can't remember where they are stored, however06:31
MasterShrekDIguana, that would be a HUGE security risk06:31
* nickrud used a beta disk, been here before06:31
meta-paoniaOwner_ is it a USB keyboard06:31
riotkittieindeed it would06:31
Owner_ps2 but the mouse is usb06:31
tuntunsilent: somethin' automated tho...06:31
Owner_and the mouse works06:31
* riotkittie hugs her tribe5 iso 06:31
nickrudtuna-fish: save /var/cache/apt/archives06:31
silenttuntun, all you would have to do is install... with a simple bash script06:31
nickruderm, tuntun ^^06:32
* MasterShrek hugs his warty warthog cd06:32
meta-paoniaOwner_ you might try plugging in a usb keyboard06:32
tuntunsilent: probably still too complex for me:-D06:32
* IcemanV9 used RC iso; not much to update since then. :)06:32
indraveniMasterShrek, close the laptop monitor means ? switch off the laptop manitor or toggle?06:32
Owner_would be nice if i had one lol06:32
tuna-fishnickrud: yeah, i get it, we look so alike :)06:32
AugustaMasterShrek: so upgrading from an alternate cd won't solve my problem?06:32
indraveniMasterShrek, toggeling is not working in my laptop06:32
dWhonickrud : is there a script inside the cd named cdromupgrade.sh?06:32
cabezzaI having problems to use oficial repos, they are slow. Why?06:32
* nickrud wishes he still had warty (and wonders at the 'noob' claim with warty ;)06:32
silenttuntun, I could make the script for you if you give me the package names06:32
MasterShrekindraveni, i dont know if it would work or not, worth a try though06:32
nickruddWho: don't know, I thought you did ;)06:33
Owner_ok i will try and get a usb to ps2 adapter for the mouse be back in a bit and ill let you know how it worked out06:33
riotkittiecabezza: uhhh. because 7.10 was just released, maybe06:33
MasterShrekAugusta, i dont know for sure, it may06:33
MasterShreknever done it that way Augusta06:33
Geoffrey2anyone know if the SB600 induced kernel crash has been fixed yet?06:33
silentoh good god mary jane makes music so lovely06:33
tuna-fishcabezza: because a couple of dozens of millions are upgrading to gutsy06:33
Jordan_U_tuntun, apt-cd06:33
* abhibera is on Gutsy! :)06:33
DyusMasterShrek, why would it be a security risk, games like wow use BT for patches and updates, isint it the same principle?06:33
meta-paoniaindraveni - you may need to setup xinearama and drag the video to the second screen06:33
dWhonickrud : i was just askin because the command gksu or sudo or gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" doen't do anyting..06:33
Jordan_U_tuntun, nvm, that's not what I meant06:33
adminnI dont see compiz in gconf-editor why?????06:34
dWhonickrud : i have my cd mounted...06:34
troxorharu: still want the applet?06:34
indravenimeta-paonia, how to do that ?06:34
catidis this the right channel for problems with the fiesty 7.10 upgrade?06:34
nickruddWho: ls /cdrom , do you see it? (but if it wasn't there and sudo was working as expected, you'd get an error)06:34
musikgoatcatid: yes06:34
arun__abhibera: how do you like gutsy so far06:34
indraveniMasterShrek, to my bad luck, there is no monitor switch off button in my laptop06:34
Jordan_U_tuntun, aptoncd06:34
nickruddWho: try sudo ls   (just those two words)06:35
MasterShrekDyus, no, in torrents the files need to be the same, p2p they dont, and i would never download a package off of someone who i didnt know, thats why they have gpg keys and stuff06:35
catidhanging on Backing up any LVM2 metadata that may exist...06:35
meta-paoniaindraveni - what version are you running06:35
silentindraveni, just close the lid06:35
Jordan_U_!aptoncd | tuntun06:35
ubotutuntun: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers06:35
adminnim in dapper drake guys and I cant find compiz in aps in gconf-editor why????06:35
troxorharu: I built a quick and dirty package for it if you're interested06:35
tuntun silent: EVERY update... so I can get a reinstall up to date without having to spend 2 hours dl'ing06:35
nickrudadminn: cuz compiz is much newer than dapper06:35
heartsbloodare compiz questions still covered in #ubuntu-effects?06:35
indravenimeta-paonia, debian etch06:35
dWhonickrud : no cdromupgrade script...06:35
silentadminn, do compiz configuration though the gui06:35
musikgoatadminn: you sure?  dapper drake?06:35
pengoumm.. the bottom half of the screen is missing (booting as live cd 7.10 on old laptop)06:35
MasterShrekadminn, i would upgrade, but u could probably install from source if you really wanted to06:36
adminnyes its dapper installed myself06:36
nickruddWho: live cd?06:36
silentadminn, system preferences appearance visual effects custom06:36
musikgoatadminn: do you have ccsm installed?06:36
riotkittieuddd dapper?06:36
dWhonickrud : something tells me live cd is not good for cdupgrade...06:36
adminnwhats that06:36
riotkittieerrr uhhh? even.06:36
nickruddWho: exactly06:36
=== david_ is now known as boogabooga
dWhonickrud : im an idiot...06:36
riotkittiecompiz is in the dapper repos? :o06:36
MasterShrekccsm = compiz config settings manager or something like that06:36
adminnim trying to do this tut http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13125306:36
nickrudadminn: don't believe the dapper has compiz06:36
ZambeziI just configured the hardware in a server. Time to install Gutsy server and install Irssi, Bitlbee and other services. Then I might install Heiron on this. :-)06:36
indravenimeta-paonia, how to dreg video from one monitor to other ?06:36
silentadminn, configure compiz through the gui dont use gconf-edit06:36
musikgoatthanks MasterShrek06:37
=== boogabooga is now known as sux
meta-paoniaindraveni - try Gutsy - you may need libdvdcss2 to the DVD but all that is available in the debianmultimedia.com repository06:37
=== sux is now known as wtvr
MasterShrekEvanlec, compiling yet?! =)06:37
thanatanHi. I just downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 and burned it onto a disc, when I boot from it and select 'Start or Install Ubuntu' nothing happens and it freezes. Ive burned the cd twice so I dont know what it can be from. Any ideas?06:37
adminncan I add it through synaptic? lol06:37
catidthe fiesty 7.10 lvm2 (2.02.26-1ubuntu4) package installer is hanging at: "Backing up any LVM2 metadata that may exist..."  any ideas?06:37
nickrudthanatan: try the self-check on the boot screen06:37
Jordan_U_thanatan, Have you run the integrity check?06:37
EvanlecMasterShrek, lol...no, stuck on step 3.../usr/src/linux folder doesnt exist...?06:37
silentthanatan, it is possible your iso is corrupt, use the self check06:37
adminnim stuck at that part06:37
MasterShrekthanatan, u may have to use the alternate cd, or if theres a way to disable the splash screen on that cd06:37
nickrudadminn: no06:37
tuntun Jordan_U_: Sorry, I cant keep up!!!06:37
adminnhow do I install it?06:38
heartsbloodis it possible to configure compiz to use a different desktop image for each side of the cube?  (not refering to cube caps here)06:38
dWhonickrud : live cd is for fresh install only?06:38
thanatanyea, well, the hangs on the check integrity too06:38
MasterShrekEvanlec, its a symlink, did you extract the kernel source to /usr/src?06:38
thanatanI've tried it06:38
silentadminn, what are yoin installing through synaptic?06:38
riotkittiedWho: yes06:38
meta-paoniaread faster read faster read faster06:38
MasterShrekEvanlec, all u gotta do is: ln -s /usr/src/linux- /usr/src/linux06:38
EvanlecMasterShrek, i extracted it to ~/06:38
adminncompiz lol06:38
IcemanV9!info compiz dapper06:38
MasterShrekEvanlec, move it to /usr/src06:38
EvanlecMasterShrek, kk06:38
MasterShrekEvanlec, then do that ln -s command06:38
thanatanMasterShrek: ill try the no splash, brb06:38
nickrudtick ... tick ... ubotu06:38
dga!info compiz06:38
Jordan_U_tuntun, Join #ubuntu-classroom06:38
HilikusMasterShrek it still doestn work, it doesnt even work locally, tryincg to connect to itself, it gives me NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD06:39
IcemanV9believe it or not ... it is in dapper repo06:39
jorisslobAfter updating to Gutsy Gibbon, my Zope/Plone instances won't work, because python says OverflowWarning is no longer defined. I have searched on the internet and found other threads about OverflowWarning. Was it taken out of Python during the transition Feisty -> Gutsy?06:39
tuntunJordan_U_: why?06:39
Hilikusbut thats the password i set with smbpasswd!06:39
riotkittiesweet. wait. why do i care. it wont work on my laptops mobility m1 D:06:39
nickruddon't believe it, IcemanV9 it's not nice to lie06:39
Hilikusthe log tells me this06:39
novanosiscan anyone help me install flash/java on my 64bit Gutsy. I can't seem to make it work.06:39
MasterShrekHilikus, did it successfully add your user as a samba user? smbpasswd -a <user>06:39
catidthe fiesty 7.10 lvm2 (2.02.26-1ubuntu4) package installer is hanging at: "Backing up any LVM2 metadata that may exist..."  any ideas?06:39
IcemanV9 compiz: OpenGL composition manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.2-4ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 125 kB, installed size 424 kB06:39
HilikusMasterShrek it didnt say it was sugessfull but there were no errors either06:40
Jordan_U_tuntun, You said that you couldn't keep up with the busy channel06:40
MasterShreknovanosis, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins?action=show&redirect=FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:40
* IcemanV9 does NOT lie :P~~~06:40
adminnthats it?06:40
* riotkittie faints 06:40
MasterShrekHilikus, did u use sudo?06:40
pastyhermitHey all! Congrats on the release :D06:40
nickrudIcemanV9: must be in backports-outrageous ;)06:40
nkryptd1When choosing a helper application, where do i find it. Trying to find Ktorrent06:40
OrTigaShow to make floppy bootloader in windows?06:40
novanosisMaster thats nice but I was told Gutsy should have a working flash?06:40
IcemanV9nickrud: Section: universe/x11 ... i think NOT06:41
MasterShrekOrTigaS, ask in #windows06:41
dystopianrayOrTigaS: try #windows06:41
Renganyone know how to get ATI-HD Wonder to work in gusty? i have mythtv installed, but still cant get any channels out of it. do i still need to download the firmware?06:41
indravenimeta-paonia, this libdvdcss2 is for dvd files only know ? i am talking about any any format of video (not working(06:41
zakI am in dire need of help with my gusty install.  Midway through installing all of the software the update tool crashed and left my system in a half limbo between fiesty and gusty, I have no idea how to tell what state my system is in or what to do. Is there a difinitive way to tell?06:41
nickrudnkryptd1: adept is the package manager for kde, you can find ktorrent to download there06:41
catideh really don't have time to debug the lvm2 package myself tonight.  it would be nice if someone else has figured out a work-around06:41
tuntunJordan_U_: yeah I think its just gaim being no configured prope;y... no time to cahnge it now06:41
OrTigaShow to make floppy bootloader in windows that i can use to my ubuntu?06:41
blueeraserim having trouble getting any information off of my second hard drive.  it shows the drive when i go into computer file browser, but when i click it, i get an admin pop-up window on the toolbar then it disappears and nothing happens, i cant access it06:41
Jordan_U_Reng, Have you tried System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager?06:41
shadylookinanyone else having problems with the java plugin?06:41
dystopianrayOrTigaS: this isn't a windows help channel06:41
TabooTreezI never thought id switch back to Ubuntu but here I am thank you for the great distro. *Switched from Arch Linux*06:41
xTheGoat121x*gasps*  Floppy06:41
MasterShrekindraveni, google for medibuntu and add those repos06:42
TabooTreezAll I need now if my ntfs drive working06:42
blueerasersame here06:42
* pastyhermit is running ubuntu on his Dell Inspiron 5150 (with engineering problems care of Dell)06:42
indraveniMasterShrek, I installed libdvdcss206:42
Jordan_U_TabooTreez, If you are using Gutsy it should work "out of the box"06:42
OrTigaSdystopianray: its not windows problem06:42
OrTigaSi want to boot from floppy06:42
MasterShrekindraveni, well didnt u just say you wanted other formats?06:42
OrTigaSto my ubuntu06:42
TabooTreezJordan_U: im on gusty doesnt work out of the box06:42
dgahi. in the restricted drivers manager, i keep getting "The software source for the package xorg-driver-fglrx is not enabled." when i try to install my ati card's drivers in the restricted manager. what's happening?06:42
RengJordan_U_  restricted driver is on06:42
riotkittieOrTigaS: try googling for super grub boot disk. that's the best advice i can give you. there's a floppy versio.n.06:42
dystopianrayOrTigaS: you want help doing something in windows, that is what #windows is for06:42
MasterShrekOrTigaS, ubuntu will take about 600 floppies06:43
indraveniMasterShrek, I have al the other formats06:43
pastyhermitOrTigaS: you want to create a boot floppy06:43
pastyhermitor do you want to boot from a floppy?06:43
MasterShreknvm then indraveni =)06:43
indraveniMasterShrek, but i am not able to play any format in projector06:43
blueeraserim on gusty, and one ntfs file system works, and the second harddrive doesnt06:43
OrTigaSi want to boot from floppy06:43
Jordan_U_TabooTreez, Try installing ntfs-config, or changing your fstab06:43
pastyhermitOrTigaS: check your BIOS settings06:43
bluebananaI'm currently using 7.04. what's the advantage to doing fresh install of 7.10, as opposed to upgrading? Thank you06:43
pastyhermiterr sorry CMOS Settings06:43
OrTigaSi did06:43
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nickruddga: system->admin->software sources, tick (restricted)06:43
MasterShrekbluebanana, nothing really06:43
riotkittiehe wants to create a GRUB boot disk06:44
troxorblueeraser: check /etc/fstab, see if there are two lines containing ntfs-3g06:44
pastyhermit hitting F1 or F2 or Del06:44
nickruddga: then do an update06:44
dWhogutsy seeds are low today06:44
OrTigaSi have ubuntu on my external drive06:44
pastyhermitthen set the boot sequence in the CMOS06:44
zakSomeone please help me out, i was midway through a gusty install and the manager crashed half way though installing the software packages.  Now im not sure what state my system is in.  It shows as not needing updates, but all of the software never finished installing and it destroyed some of my previous applications. Does someone know what i can do to know if i fully upgraded to gusty?06:44
Avarieli have a problem with my external monitor...im using a DVI cable connected to my laptop...and this blurry shadelike bouncy thing appears in the lower left corner...but not when i load windows06:44
dganickrud: thanks06:44
silentyes kids, sorry to disappoint you... I'm afraid linux does still require some know-how.. but no more than figuring out how to do things in windows.. suck it up, its a part of the linux experience, and a cost I'd gladly pay for such high-quality programming06:44
nickrudbluebanana: hard to say which has more issues here06:44
Jordan_U_bluebanana, Upgrading right now will take a looong time since the repos are bogged down :)06:44
OrTigaSi want to use it to other machine that won't boot from usb/06:44
bluebananaMasterShrek, If there's no advantage to doing fresh install of 7.10, as opposed to upgrading, then why is it advised in some places on ubuntu forums?06:44
ia1silent: *sucking it up*06:44
troxorzak: `apt-get -f install`06:44
bluebanananickrud, what do you mean?06:44
pastyhermitsilent: stop that you're going to make them cry!06:44
Fred_Nerkso one of my PCs (dell dimension 3100) is unable to do any network stuff now after a fresh install of gutsy.. i've tried configuring the interface manually using ifconfig, and can't ping the default gateway IP.. any ideas / suggestions?06:44
zakok ill try that06:44
nickrudbluebanana: never mind me, Jordan_U hit the essential point06:45
OrTigaSits like rawrite06:45
bluebananaJordan_U, i don't mind. i'll just go to bed and let it complete in 24 hours!!! how do i upgrade06:45
silentia1, first time on linux?06:45
riotkittieFred_Nerk: wired? wireless?06:45
pastyhermitFred_Nerk: does it show up in ifconfig?06:45
Fred_Nerketh0 shows up in ifconfig06:45
ia1silent: the way I see it, it's a process more than a product, and it just so happens to be creating a product that in a few years will be better than anything proprietary :D06:45
bluebanananickrud, you're saying the the biggest problem is download/upgrade speed?06:45
pengosilent: err.. high quality programming doesn't require you to edit config files.. or cause half the screen to be black06:45
Fred_Nerkifconfig eth0 netmask; ping
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pastyhermitFred_Nerk: are you running dhcp on your network?06:45
EvanlecMasterShrek, hmm the make menuconfig has a lottttaa options, maybe i should just mess with this tomorow...06:45
silentpastyhermit, I remember my first encounter with linux.... only with time and experience will it become easier... one day they'll idle here and tell off newbies for not knowing basic stuff06:45
pengobut i wont feed the trolls06:45
pastyhermitis the link light on ?06:45
bluebananaBut isn't there any advantage to doing a fresh install to 7.10, as opposed to upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10? Thank you.06:45
nickrudbluebanana: no, I was carping about seeing plenty of new install issues and upgrade issues here06:45
Fred_Nerkpastyhermit: i'm running dhcp, and it won't get a lease.. no response from the dhcp server06:45
XsteelWolfis there a command to install all developers tools just like yum groupinstall "Developers Tools" ?06:45
Jordan_U_bluebanana, System -> Administration -> update manager :)06:46
MasterShrekEvanlec, i just messed with the Processor Types and Features part06:46
Fred_Nerkthe light is on, and ethtool shows it has a link06:46
zaktroxor, when i do that it says 0 upgraded 0 newly installed06:46
EvanlecMasterShrek, haha i see06:46
MasterShrekEvanlec, you can go back and recompile again any time06:46
silentpengo, then I charge you kind and generous sir, to write me a new operating system even better06:46
shadylookinanyone know how to get the icedtea plugin to work? their not working for me06:46
tritiumXsteelWolf: sudo apt-get install build-essential06:46
shadylookinfor java that is06:46
Jordan_U_XsteelWolf, sudo apt-get install build-essential06:46
pastyhermitFred_Nerk: check your link light06:46
troxorzak, also try `apt-get install ubuntu-desktop`06:46
ia1silent: not really, been using linux since ~1999.  it still bugs me sometimes, but imagine how much better is has gotten in those years ;)06:46
bluebananaJordan_U, that was easy. Thank you, amigo.06:46
MasterShrekEvanlec, youll always have the config, and you can go back and trim out modules that you dont want06:46
Fred_Nerkpastyhermit: it has a link light, and ethtool shows it has a link06:46
pastyhermitalso check to see what your switch is set to.06:46
riotkittieawww Evanlec is compiling a kernel. how cute. :D06:46
bluebananaJordan_U, upgrade should be done in 20 hours, you reckon?06:46
nickrudbluebanana: upgrade keeps and upgrades all your current packages, you don't have to reselect & reinstall. For me, that's the defining line06:46
novanosisThis is horrible how do you people not make flash work off the bat in your new release? It makes no sense.06:46
Jordan_U_XsteelWolf, That will get you gcc, make and the like, it won't get you a DE ( but that's why you have vim ;)06:46
pastyhermitIf you set it manually can you ping your gateway?06:46
Evanlecriotkittie, lol...06:46
Fred_Nerkpastyhermit: i've tried leaving autoneg on, as well as forcing 100mb/full and 100mb/half duplex06:46
pengosilent: you gotta be kidding me.. not after where it got those beos folk06:46
Avarielwhenever i try installing a package tonight my terminal gets stuck in this line:[Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]06:46
CoasterMasterHow can I change whether Ubuntu asks for a password when I close my lid on my laptop?06:46
silentia1, it's incredible.06:46
Avarielanyone know why ?06:46
bluebanananickrud, what sort of upgrade issues are there?06:46
zaktroxor, says newest version, but durring the install it crashed06:47
pastyhermitFred_Nerk: try 10 half06:47
pastyhermitto start06:47
CoasterMasterAvariel, the Ubuntu servers are busy because of the launch06:47
Fred_Nerkpastyhermit: yeah ok i'll give that a go06:47
MasterShrekriotkittie, i talked him into it :)06:47
riotkittieAvariel: because the repositories are getting slammed06:47
tritiumAvariel: overloaded servers06:47
Avarielso would it be a question of waiting it out ?06:47
volantareshello all.. well, i have downloaded 7.10, and i put my cd in to install it, and when i select "install or run ubuntu", my screen goes blank... and it keeps reading for a while.. stays blank. then eventually just sits there blank. i have a nvidia 8800 GTS..06:47
bluebanananickrud, is there a way to do an upgrade that mimics a fresh install?06:47
nickrudbluebanana: incomplete ones, many traceable to automatix & envy I believe.06:47
ia1novanosis: flash is proprietary, sometimes it's hard to make proprietary things work.  note that Microsoft didn't make it work in Windows, Adobe did...06:47
CoasterMasterAvariel, yeah, nothing much to do until all the traffic dies down06:47
MasterShrekriotkittie, cant download packages, gotta do something right? =)06:47
silentpengo, don't complain about linux. A lot of talent has been put into it06:47
zaktroxor: my gaim install was somehow messed up and my cpu use has been through the roof when no applications are running06:47
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nickrudbluebanana: the upgrade mimes just fine06:47
CoasterMasterHow can I change whether Ubuntu asks for a password when I close my lid on my laptop?06:47
bluebanananickrud, i don't have automatix and envy. will that mean that i'm pretty safe?06:48
troxorzak, I'd say the best bet would be to rsync your homedir and anything of value, and wipe stuff- but this isn't the only option06:48
bluebanananickrud, "mimes"?06:48
Avarieldamn....worst part is my attempt at upgrading failed miserably when it came to external output through dvi to monitor06:48
bluebanananickrud, what do you mean?06:48
MasterShrekCoasterMaster, power settings i believe, u got a little battery in your tray?06:48
zaktroxor: thats what i am thinking06:48
silentCoasterMaster, check the screensaver/power management sections06:48
riotkittieCoasterMaster: try System > Preferences > Power Management [or something along those lines]06:48
volantarescan anyone help me?06:48
ia1silent, pengo: or complain, if you want, won't change anything.  the train is-a-rollin' :D06:48
pastyhermitJava has finished downloading :D06:48
nickrudbluebanana: Worked For Me™ (no envy or automatix here either) And mime <-> mimic06:48
novanosisSo for a new user as myself you expect me to just use 32bit version? If someone has the time the patience and the will to help me then let me know. I would greatly appreciate it06:48
wtvrvolantares: whats ur problem06:48
MasterShrekvolantares, can you disable splash screen?06:48
heartsbloodhow do I pass an argument to nautilus at startup?06:49
pastyhermitooh! Development enviroment here we come !06:49
CoasterMasterMasterShrek, silent, riotkittie, I looked there, but there's no option for it (just to blank screen)06:49
zaktroxor: durring install a bunch of applicaitons failed to install including ftp and ubuntu-desktop, but now it says latest version so im not really sure what happened06:49
heartsbloodI want to run nautilus --no-desktop but I can't figure out how06:49
volantareswtvr: well i've already written it... MasterShrek: how would i do that? (i'm new).. i had similar problems with 7.04, but i got around it by defining resolutions. that doesn't work for 7.1006:49
adminnwhy is sudo apt-get update after adding repositorys taking so long?06:49
nickrudheartsblood: gconf-editor, navigate to /etc/nautilus/desktop  or preferences , look for desktop06:49
bluebanananickrud, great. thank you. my "update manager" looks like it's not making progress. Is this normal?06:49
heartsbloodnickrud: ty06:50
CoasterMasteradminn, because the ubuntu servers are really busy because of the launch, see the /topic06:50
nickrudbluebanana: busy servers, kick back and wait06:50
adminnadded this06:50
adminn#Beryl Repositories for Dapper Drake (Ubuntu 6.06)06:50
adminn   deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ dapper main06:50
ia1novanosis: sorry I'm not following who is talking to you... the 32bit version of linux?  are you using the 64 bit one and noting that flash doesn't work?06:50
MasterShrekvolantares, hit f6 or something on that menu screen, check out different options, i think theres a way to disable splash06:50
silentadminn, your sources arent right?06:50
bluebanananickrud, more like "sleep back and wait" ! 8-)06:50
riotkittieisnt beryl  /dead/ ?06:50
blueerasertroxor, can i message you06:50
Jordan_U_volantares, Have you tried removing the spash parameter at boot?06:50
silentriotkittie, it is merged06:50
adminnits a 404!!! omfg06:50
XsteelWolfHow do i save something when i use gui text editor and save a /etc/file it says that i have insufficient priviledges06:50
nickrudbluebanana: heh06:50
RyanTMIs anyone having trouble byte compiling emacs22 in Gutsy?06:50
adminnwhat do I do now?????06:50
dWhoXsteelWOlf gksu gedit06:50
pastyhermitwhats that stupid gnome command to get the trash and home an dcomputer on my desktop06:51
novanosisial yes im using the 64 bit Gutsy and FLASH is not working off the bat, and I read that it should. Then I try some simple "scripts" to no avil.06:51
adminnhttp://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Xgl-Compiz-Dapper   ???06:51
MasterShrekXsteelWolf, you need to use sudo to edit files in there, save it somewhere else then sudo mv   the file06:51
pastyhermitgconf-settings or somethingn.06:51
volantaresis it a known issue with nvidia cards?06:51
Jordan_U_Are the medibuntu repos down?06:51
thanatan_MasterShrek, I tried taking out splash and quiet, and it started to load the kernel to 7% then got stuck, so Im guessing the iso is curropt, but i did the md5sum to check it, but the site doesnt have the hash's for ubuntu 7.10, anways i got this, d2334dbba7313e9abc8c7c072d2af09c  ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso, maybe someone else has it that can compare?06:51
nickrudXsteelWolf: you would start the editor with gksudo (like gsudo gedit. never use sudo for gui apps)06:51
XsteelWolfhow do i use sudo to edit if im gui06:51
adminnI need compiz06:51
silentnovanosis, that has always a problem, sorry they advertised that06:51
Jordan_U_XsteelWolf, gksu06:51
riotkittiepastyhermit: you can do it with gnome configuration editor06:51
wtvrXsteelWolf: open up a terminal06:51
adminnaka beryl lol06:51
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62".06:51
Jordan_U_XsteelWolf, There is also a nautilus script to add it as a right click option06:52
volantaresok, well i'll go and try that. thanks MasterShrek and Jordan_U06:52
riotkittieberyl != compiz && compiz !=compiz-fusion06:52
wtvrXsteelWolf: or isit that you want to use a gui editor?06:52
MasterShrekthanatan, md5 looks fine06:52
EvanlecMasterShrek, k im setting 3 options, processor type to p4..the 1000hz thing, and the Preemptible Kernel (low-latency desktop) option06:52
XsteelWolfyea gui editor06:52
bluebananacan anyone tell me: What are the advantages, if any, of doing a fresh install of Ubuntu 7.10, when one can do an upgrade? Thank you..06:52
adminnhow should I get compiz guys?????<<<<06:52
silentBlama, you sure that's the keyboard?06:52
MasterShrekEvanlec, sweet, good luck :)06:52
alphaHi - Is it ok to share a printer on my linux box to my locall network? I have (3) computers on my local network - (2) Linux & (1) Windoze - they all are hoioked to the same router that the broadband inter signal is always on. If I do this - my listen box warned that a certain port would be open to the internet. Ok to do or not ok?06:52
thanatan_join #compiz-fusion06:52
riotkittieadminn: is it not in the repos?06:52
Blamasilent, What do you mean?06:52
nickrudriotkittie: a well written bash line06:52
MasterShrekEvanlec, u did remember to load your previous config right?06:52
blueeraserI can access the ntfs filesystem on the drive i partitioned 7.10 onto, but i cant access my other drive... any suggestions?06:52
MasterShrekor follow the directions to do it...06:52
adminnI added to repo but I got a 404 from term lmao06:52
EvanlecMasterShrek, yea...pretty sure i did that right...06:53
silentBlama, how do you know the error is on the keyboard and not another usb device?06:53
IcemanV9either sudo aptitude install compiz-gnome OR compile the source of compiz06:53
adminn#Beryl Repositories for Dapper Drake (Ubuntu 6.06)06:53
adminn   deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ dapper main06:53
thanatan_MasterShrek: did you get the other thing i said?06:53
MasterShrekEvanlec, the worst that can happen is it doesnt compile and u have to try again lol06:53
bluebananaoh, I have an amd 64 computer. how can i upgrade from 7.04 32 bit to 7.10 64 bit? Thank you.06:53
pastyhermitriotkittie: thanks06:53
blueeraseri can see the drive in the file browser06:53
Madpilotadminn, are you still running 6.06?06:53
Blamasilent, Because mty mouse works fine06:53
EvanlecMasterShrek, kk06:53
riotkittieadminn: no. not in a third party repo, in the actual ubuntu repos. you said you were on dapper, someone said its in the dapper repos06:53
nickrudbluebanana: reinstall06:53
abhiberabluebanana: no!!!06:53
wtvrXsteelWolf: why not just use vi or nano or something like that?06:53
Jordan_U_alpha, It's not available to the internet if you are NAT'd ( behind a router )06:53
MasterShrekthanatan, no, what?06:53
bluebananaabhibera, "no" to what? to what nickrud said?06:53
[Ramy]how i can use ubufox ?06:53
abhiberabluebanana: obviously very different compilers were used for making the 32 bit and 64 it versions. u will have to reinstall06:54
novanosisWho can tell me how to view the nvidia menu and see if gutsy can show me my info on the card?06:54
adminndapper drake ya06:54
thanatan_MasterShrek, I tried taking out splash and quiet, and it started to load the kernel to 7% then got stuck, so Im guessing the iso is curropt, but i did the md5sum to check it, but the site doesnt have the hash's for ubuntu 7.10, anways i got this, d2334dbba7313e9abc8c7c072d2af09c ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso, maybe someone else has it that can compare?06:54
riotkittiebluebanana: you cant upgrade from a 32bit to a 64bit AFAIK. i may be wrong, but i think you have to do a clean install06:54
DARKGuyhey guys, I'm really IMPRESSED by the effort made in Gutsy, congratulations!!!! :D06:54
Fred_Nerkpastyhermit: ok i forced the interface to 10/half and i can see traffic with tcpdump, but still can't seem to send anything.. pinging the default gateway shows nothing on eth0, but it shows up the EUNREACH messages if i do "tcpdump -i any -n icmp"06:54
XsteelWolfhow do i run nano in gui other than terminal?06:54
Jordan_U_[Ramy], Applications -> Add / Remove :)06:54
TabooTreezI cant mount my ntfs partition on gusty can anyone help?06:54
MasterShrekthanatan_, i told u the md5 looked fine, u may just have to use the alternate cd06:54
riotkittieyou dont run nano in the gui06:54
Jordan_U_XsteelWolf, gksudo gedit /path/to/file06:54
DARKGuyI have a small question tho... ^^; is there another way to optimize my system up a little more, other than tuning up the ext3 fs ?06:54
ia1does anyone else think that 1330 people in one chat room is too many?06:54
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62".06:54
Evanlecriotkittie, i think that is incorrect...u must clean install for 64-bit06:54
dganickrud: now when i go to restricted manager, i get "could not apply changes! fix broken packages first." when i try to install my ati driver. any thoughts on this one?06:54
nickrudXsteelWolf: you might as well get used to the idea that if you run ubuntu, you'll become familiar with a terminal06:54
bluebananashould i install 64 bit ubuntu if i have a 64 bit computer? I think a year or 6 months ago, I was told to just use 32 bit. Please advise a newbie. Thank you06:54
MasterShrekriotkittie, you are right, u cannot upgrade 32 to 6406:54
Jordan_U_DARKGuy, Feed it powerthirst06:55
blueerasertaboo, can you see the drive in the file browser?06:55
thanatan_MasterShrek: oh must've not seen what you said, sorry, and I'm downloading the alternate cd, thanks for the help06:55
riotkittieEvanlec: think what is incorrect? o_O06:55
nickruddga: in a terminal, sudo apt-get update (first)06:55
dganickrud: did that06:55
DARKGuyJordan_U, lol, if they'd only sell it here :p06:55
abhiberabluebanana: 64 bit is for the geek factor06:55
Madpilotbluebanana, stick with 32bit06:55
ia1bluebanana: 32 bit is the safer choice06:55
XsteelWolfnickrud, nano can't search and replace and can't jump to line06:55
riotkittieterminals are awesome. say it with me, kids.06:55
MasterShrekthanatan_, i said it to thanatan without the _ =)06:55
Jordan_U_DARKGuy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs06:55
bluebananaIf I reinstall, what should I do with my personal files (in home directory. e.g. music, docs, etc)06:55
nickruddga: same terminal, sudo apt-get -f install06:55
alphaJordan_U_ - Good to go then - running a very nice D-Link Gigabit Wireless router - looking at security in the router looks great - thx bunch...06:55
abhiberabluebanana: be prepared to sacrifice functionality of ur h/w06:55
=== thanatan_ is now known as thanatan
bluebananaMadpilot, why should i stick with 32 bit ubuntu if i have 64 bit computer?06:55
nickrudbluebanana: I'd write them to a dvd/cd06:55
IcemanV9ia1: that's normal around the release day ... it'll tamper down a bit later06:55
novanosisWho can tell me how to view the nvidia menu and see if gutsy can show me my info on the card?06:55
Evanlecriotkittie, that he can upgrade from 32 to 6406:55
abhiberabluebanana: many h/w still don't use 64 bit drivers06:55
bluebananaia1, how is 32 bit the safer choice?06:55
* MasterShrek would make love to the cli if he could...06:55
adminniceman: it worked now what?06:56
riotkittiebluebanana: do you have a usb drive? another partition you can copy them to? burn them to a dvd-rw ?06:56
wtvrXsteelWolf: why not use a non-gui editor?  once you learn them - they are great.. especially for config files and doing the things you mentioned06:56
abhiberabluebanana: also Java and Flash isn't there for 6406:56
nickrudperverts everywhere I look06:56
Evanlecbluebanana, there is no reason except java in my option06:56
adminnicemanv9: it worked now what06:56
Madpilotbluebanana, because 64bit isn't as complete - esp. for stuff like Flash & Java06:56
Avarielanyone have trouble with an external monitor ? there is this annoying mirrory bumpy glitch in my screen and its driving me mad06:56
thanatanMasterShrek: oh haha, k, this channel is really crazy but really helpful06:56
riotkittieEvanlec: i didnt say it was correct. :P06:56
abhiberabluebanana: u will have to use beta flash players which don't work as well06:56
Jordan_U_bluebanana, Most proprietary stuff doesn't work ( easily ) in 64 bit06:56
abhiberabluebanana: stick with 3206:56
Evanleccorrection....Flash works FINE....java is the problem only06:56
* xTheGoat121x agrees with MasterShrek... though not at the same time... or even to the same cli06:56
nickrudyou can still fool firefox into using a 32bit java06:56
DARKGuyit actually depends on your hardware.... but most stuff works - my system is 64-bit and I have working java & FF (Swiftweasel) & flash and everything thanks to Kilz.06:56
MasterShrekMadpilot, what else besides flash and java?06:56
abhiberabluebanana: when 64 bit becomes the in thing06:56
bluebananaJordan_U, what do you mean by "proprietary stuff"06:56
ia1IcemanV9: just seems that IRC isn't really able to handle this, so many conversation threads at once, just doesn't cope06:56
abhiberabluebanana: then use it06:56
wtvrvim is very good at search and replace and jumping to lines06:56
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62".06:56
MasterShreklol @  xTheGoat121x sloppy sudo seconds06:56
DARKGuyhowever my webcam doesn't work with it :p06:56
XsteelWolfwtvr, i need search and replace function06:56
DARKGuyso it has its downsides :P06:57
IcemanV9adminn: there is setting/config manager somewhere ... i don't remember06:57
bluebananaabhibera, so you mean 64 bit isn't the in thing yet? I thought most comps being sold now are 64 bit, no?06:57
riotkittiei wouldnt go for the 64bit version unless you actually have need for it06:57
MadpilotMasterShrek, thsoe are the two main ones - propeitary apps like that06:57
wtvrXsteelWolf: vim does search and replace no problem06:57
pengoubuntu 7.10 is the first version in 3 years to boot up on this Dell Lattitude L400.. albiet a lot slower than 4.10 live cd did.. and only in safe-graphics mode06:57
bluebananaIf I don't care about java or flash, should I go for 64 bit ubuntu?06:57
Avarielthis blind-like moving glitch i just dont know what its caused by ! its on my external monitor..06:57
abhiberabluebanana: no it's not yet the in thing. many programs and drivers are still for 32 bit processors06:57
MasterShrekMadpilot, i dont have anything else besides java plugin in firefox working in 64 bit06:57
blueeraserim having trouble getting any information off of my second hard drive.  it shows the drive when i go into computer file browser, but when i click it, i get an admin pop-up window on the toolbar then it disappears and nothing happens, i cant access it06:57
Jordan_U_DARKGuy, swiftweasel?!? That is practically an oxymoron given the point of iceweasel06:57
XsteelWolfwtvr, vim = vi?06:57
novanosisWho can tell me how to view the nvidia menu and see if gutsy can show me my info on the card?06:57
ia1bluebanana: well most people have 32 bit, as someone was just saying, eg. Flash is hard to get working in 64 bit.   why bother?  if it runs a TINY bit faster meh.  I wouldn't give up hours/days of my life solving problems, or live without certain technologies, just to know I'm "using my hardware to the fullest"06:58
[Ramy]Jordan_U_ can i launch that from firefox ?06:58
Evanlecbluebanana, if u dont care about those then definitely06:58
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62".06:58
MasterShrekbluebanana, yes, and flash will work with minor tweaking, actualyl gutsy can install it really easily06:58
wtvrXsteelWolf: vi = very improved vi (or something like that)06:58
riotkittieBlama: i cant give you any answers here, but ... what kind of keyboard?06:58
tuntunJordan_U_/ubotu/silent/nickrud: So can APTonCD replace superceded packages dynamically on a cdrw??06:58
nickrudXsteelWolf: you can use the gui app for editing system files, just call it from a terminal so you can give it permission. gsudo gedit06:58
DARKGuyJordan_U, yeah, I dunno o,o it works and I like it... it's faster than FF and I can't remember why I didn't choose iceweasel before06:58
Blamariotkittie, COmpaq Multimedia06:58
wtvrXsteelWolf: command for search and replace - :s/this/that/g06:58
mscdexanyone have a solution for a feisty->gutsy upgrade gone awry? it seemed to be upgrading just fine with a couple of minor errors but then failed completely at about 80% during fetched upgrades installation06:58
* MasterShrek is out, nite every106:58
=== Veinor is now known as Veinor|away
riotkittienite MasterShrek06:58
=== Veinor|away is now known as Veinor|ZzZ
Jordan_U_DARKGuy, http://www.getswiftfox.org/06:58
dystopianraywhy is the security repo disabled if I do an offline install??06:58
mscdexand it then tried to recover using dpkg or something06:58
nickrudtuntun: no, you would need to build a custom cd.06:58
EvanlecJordan_U, are u saying that cuz he's using flash?06:58
MasterShrekenjoy your new 7.10's!06:58
abhiberamscdex: why did u upgrade? u know it's problematic. i always recommend fresh install06:58
mscdexand now i basically have a laptop in limbo06:58
* xTheGoat121x says "Good night MasterShrek!"06:58
bluebananaOK. let me see if i understand.  The only problem I have with Installing 64 bit ubuntu  is with java and flash. But even java and flash can be fixed easily on 64 bit ubuntu.06:58
mscdexi did not know it was problematic06:59
nickrudtuntun: it just makes it easy to move files to another machine without redownloading them06:59
thanatanMasterShrek: i will as soon as the alternate downloads :P06:59
DARKGuyJordan_U, they released 64-bit packages with java/flash compatibility? I think that was what took me to swiftweasel, Kilz had some scripts to make java and flash work with it06:59
Evanlecia1, correction, flash is EASY to get working in gutsy-64-bit06:59
saxi1MasterShrek: I will :)06:59
Jordan_U_Evanlec, No, I'm saying that because swiftfox violates the MPL http://www.getswiftfox.org/06:59
Pie-rateJordan_U_: actually, my ttys don't work reliably any more.06:59
bluebananawill ubuntu 64 bit one day be as problem-free as 32 bit ubuntu?06:59
Evanlecbluebanana, correct06:59
dganickrud: i get "0 upgrades, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded"06:59
mscdexi've never upgraded before on *buntu06:59
novanosisEvanlec:  then please do tell me how!06:59
wtvrupgrading is always potentially problematic and should only be done for a very very good reason06:59
nickrudrflol, problem free06:59
Fade2Blackevanlec your the best06:59
tuntunJordan_U_/ubotu/silent/nickrud: So is there a way to replace superceded packages dynamically on a cdrw?06:59
Fade2Blackit worked im on it right now06:59
bluebananawtvr, What r u saying?06:59
mscdexwell i have all my files and settings on there06:59
DARKGuyEvanlec, hey, I installed nspluginwrapper, how was I to do to install flash? xD06:59
nickruddga: ok, try it again06:59
silenttuntun, probably, if it works with apt it should be fine07:00
thanatannickrud: does rflol stand for really frantically laughing out loud?07:00
nickruddga: the restricted-manager07:00
mscdexhow else am i able to save all that and use it with the new installation?07:00
ia1Evanlec: cool, I'll let you and novanosis chat then :D07:00
Evanlecnovanosis, sudo apt-get install flash ...07:00
nickrudthanatan: it's unprintable here07:00
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62". It is a Compaq Multimedia Keyboard07:00
Fade2Blackok does apt-get work with unbuntu or just kubuntu\07:00
Jordan_U_DARKGuy, Ubuntu's firefox will automatically setup nspluginwrapper for flash in 64 bit07:00
ia1Fade2Black: both07:00
silenttuntun, I really dont see why you dont just backup your package cache07:00
adminnso I cant install beryl in dapper???????07:00
blueeraserim having trouble getting any information off of my second hard drive.  it shows the drive when i go into computer file browser, but when i click it, i get an admin pop-up window on the toolbar then it disappears and nothing happens, i cant access it.  I have ntfs file system on the same disk as 7.10, i can access that system fine, but not the second hard drive that is ntfs.  gparted gives me the error that it is unable to find the07:00
DARKGuyJordan_U, ohhh sweet, thanks xD07:00
Jordan_U_DARKGuy, Just go to a site that needs flash07:00
dystopianrayadminn: why are you using dapper?07:00
ia1adminn: dapper?? why?07:01
* DARKGuy youtubes07:01
Jordan_U_adminn, If you want beryl then why are you using dapper?07:01
riotkittieBlama: just curious ... have you tried enabling legacy support for USB in BIOS? and seeing if that makes a difference?07:01
adminncan I guys?07:01
=== mrj_ is now known as mrj
nickrudhm, maybe I'll give 64bit another try07:01
gharzguys... i'm currently upgrading to 7.10... my question is... can i upgrade using the .iso?07:01
adminnwhats wrong with dapper07:01
gharzonline upgrade is failing due to fetching files from repo.07:01
FluxDadminn: yes u can07:01
Blamariotkittie, Yes I have, all USB support is enabled07:01
ia1adminn: yeah!!!  all you have to do is dist-upgrade and install it!07:01
blueeraseriso is fresh install07:01
nickrudgharz: the alternate, but you'll need to get some packages from the repos. Try a mirror07:02
adminnI need to keep my vid driver lol07:02
Jordan_U_adminn, It's supposed to be stable, to do that it uses older versions of programs07:02
=== ia1 is now known as ian1
gharznickrud, ok.07:02
adminnI did some code setup for my x800 and it worked07:02
adminnI cant loose it07:02
Pie-rateJordan_U_: hate hate hate hate hate hate hate ATI.07:02
adminnplease pm megot to throw trash07:02
Dr_willisadminn,  its possible a clean install will work from the start. :)07:03
Evanlecnickrud, do it! 64bit is painless07:03
Jordan_U_adminn, Try the Gutsy LiveCD, it will probably work out of the box07:03
nickrudPie-rate: you and me both. Did you experiment with splashy?07:03
kilopopohow do i install w32 codec here?07:03
Samuli^hey guys, I've asked a zillion times but here goes again: Could someone help me set up my soundserver (or what it is called)?07:03
kilopopohow do i install w32 codec in 7.1007:03
Pie-rateEvanlec: i wouldn't say painless07:03
blueeraserim having trouble getting any information off of my second hard drive.  it shows the drive when i go into computer file browser, but when i click it, i get an admin pop-up window on the toolbar then it disappears and nothing happens, i cant access it07:03
musikgoatkilopopo: sudo apt-get install w32codecs07:03
omegaweoponFlash wont cooperate with my mouse.  Slows down, and repeatedly crashes mouse intenive flash games, never had this problem in windows, so it isnt hardware wise.  Any help?07:03
blueeraserany help?07:03
Jordan_U_adminn, You can even check the fglrx from the livecd ( restricted manager will tell you that you need to restart, but you just need to restart X )07:03
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62". It is a Compaq Multimedia Keyboard07:03
ian1kilopopo: if you play an unsupported file won't it just ask you if you want to install them?07:03
Pie-ratenickrud: yes, it didn't work. i don't care enough about splash screens to try to get one working, i think i'll sell my laptop while its still worth something.07:04
Pie-ratenickrud: and get one without an ati card07:04
tuntunJordan_U_/ubotu/silent/nickrud: Say I'm about to reinstall, I backup all of the packages that have been updated since the install with APTonCD onto hdd (hopefully it doesnt backup the ones that haven't). And then I need to update the backup, can I remove and replace the superceded packages with onlythe newest ones to keep the size down?07:04
ian1Blama: I predict that on the 6th time someone will know07:04
robert_ugh- Can't locate object method "good_version" via package "Autom4te::C4che" at /usr/bin/autom4te line 984.07:05
Blamaian1, so do I07:05
nickrudPie-rate: just turn off usplash, the vc's work fine after that. I'm kinda enjoying the retro text scroll, anyway07:05
omegaweoponFlash wont cooperate with my mouse.  Slows down, and repeatedly crashes mouse intenive flash games, never had this problem in windows, so it isnt hardware wise.  Any help?07:05
silenttuntun, it will get the latest and probably dependencies07:05
ian1Blama: the truth is we all know the answer, we're just waiting the magic #607:05
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62". It is a Compaq Multimedia Keyboard07:05
silentI dont use aptoncd07:05
ian1Blama: a little game we like to play, you know07:05
Blamaian1, better?07:05
ian1at least change it a bit, maybe a "howdy ya'll"07:06
dimasov51x driver is not working on gutsy07:06
ChrisGordonOk, I understand that god hates me because Im using ubuntu, but can anyone help with a question of mine: Im trying to update, not just to gutsy, but anything, and when I try to update, I get an error that says crap about it not working and to run "dpkg --configure -a". I tried running it in the Alt+F2 "Run" window, but everytime I do it, It doesnt do diddly squat. Any suggestions?07:06
XsteelWolfHow do i find a package in apt-get07:06
ubotucompiz: OpenGL composition manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.2-4ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 125 kB, installed size 424 kB07:06
ubotucompiz: OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.6.0+git20071008-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 30 kB, installed size 64 kB07:06
riotkittiei feel wrong without a text scroll at startup. dapper's splash was sorta ok but i killed gutsy's fast.07:06
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:06
kilopopohow do i transfer files to my USB harddrive???????????07:06
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:06
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.07:06
IcemanV9pidgin/gaim != jabber client ... correct??07:06
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs07:06
riotkittiethe bot's possessed :D07:06
nickrudtuntun: I haven't tried using aptoncd with an install, so have no clue, really07:06
adminnjordan my video card is x800 heres the tut that worked for dapper what about gutsy? http://davidwinter.me.uk/articles/2006/10/25/getting-ubuntu-dapper-to-dance-with-ati-x800-gto/07:07
xIke_anyone know a way to make the deskbar applet automatically select the first hit?  I'm looking for behavior more like quicksilver or butler07:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:07
EvanlecMasterShrek, okay im compiling...gonna hit the sakc, thx for ur help07:07
ian1riotkittie: scrolling text comforts you?  man, we need a word for that medical condition07:07
kilopopohow do i transfer files to my USB harddrive???????????07:07
nickrudXsteelWolf: apt-cache search; better is System->Admin->Synaptic , use ctl-F to search07:07
ian1riotkittie: consolitis comes to mind07:07
XsteelWolfHow do i find a package in apt-get07:07
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:07
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:07
dimasanyone has ov51x driver working on gutsy?07:07
robert_anybody know why it can't find object method "good_version" in package Autom4te::C4che ?07:07
riotkittieian1: what can i say, slackware ruined me :x07:07
Dr_willisfor your codec and other needs check out -->>  ubuntu-restricted-extras - Commonly used restricted packages07:07
nickrudnow why does ubotu sit up and bark for Dr_willis07:08
adminnJordan_U_: heres the tut that worked with my card what about on gutsy? http://davidwinter.me.uk/articles/2006/10/25/getting-ubuntu-dapper-to-dance-with-ati-x800-gto/07:08
martyvisXsteelWolf: apt-cache search whatever07:08
ian1riotkittie: I started on slack also, can't say I miss it though!07:08
Dr_willisnickrud,  because i treat her like a LADY.... :) for i am The Dr of Love.07:08
tuntunJordan_U_/ubotu/silent/nickrud: I shall give APTonCD a poke.07:08
riotkittie methinks somebody's been slipping ubotu !botsnacks on the sly07:08
nickrudoh gag me ;)07:08
* MasterShrek pops his head back in for one second to say that slackware is beautiful07:08
dr_gonzohehe don't mean to go adding into the ten billion questions, I'm using component video [YPrBr] to my hi-def, is ubuntu going to have a fit if i use that type of display dealy07:08
ian1riotkittie: when I first tried Gargnome and finally had good looking fonts in Gnome... I realized a binary distro was for me ;)07:08
zerologikSo I had 7.10 release candidate installed, with today's release should I be seeing an update available when I check for updates?07:08
ChrisGordonOk, I understand that god hates me because Im using ubuntu, but can anyone help with a question of mine: Im trying to update, not just to gutsy, but anything, and when I try to update, I get an error that says crap about it not working and to run "dpkg --configure -a". I tried running it in the Alt+F2 "Run" window, but everytime I do it, It doesnt do diddly squat. Any suggestions?07:09
tuntunubotu is a BOT?!?!?07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot?!?!? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:09
Dr_williszerologik,  if you updated recently. No. :)07:09
Dr_willistuntun,  shes a FemBot. :)07:09
martyvisChrisGordon: use a terminal rather than Alt-F2 to see any errors07:09
Avarielyeah ive got 64 bit and java doesnt work :(07:09
nickrudChrisGordon: run it in a terminal, it's required07:09
adminnubotu compiz07:09
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:09
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion07:09
ChrisGordonOk, thank you07:09
Jordan_U_adminn, I am 90% sure that it will work out of the box, I can walk you through trying from the LiveCD so if it doesn't work there is no harm done07:09
ian1ChrisGordon: you'll need to do that as root, also07:09
Avarielanyone good with java mozilla plugins on 64 bit ?07:10
zerologikthanks Dr. Willis - I just installed the RC last week, so there's no final update for me to expect?07:10
blueeraserim having trouble getting any information off of my second hard drive.  it shows the drive when i go into computer file browser, but when i click it, i get an admin pop-up window on the toolbar then it disappears and nothing happens, i cant access it.  I have ntfs file system on the same disk as 7.10, i can access that system fine, but not the second hard drive that is ntfs.  gparted gives me the error that it is unable to find the07:10
ChrisGordonian1, in english?07:10
nickrudChrisGordon: any of those package commands need to be in a terminal07:10
ian1ChrisGordon: put "sudo" in front of that command07:10
pavswith the spirit of open-source community can I edit ubotu please... ;)07:10
ChrisGordonok, thank you07:10
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:10
nickrudpavs: they cut off that, after one too many Bush is God posts07:10
Avarielwhat package should i look for so i have macromedia flash on firefox ?07:10
Avarielflash player07:11
nickrudAvariel: flashplugin-nonfree07:11
canerthe problem with the nvidia driver seems serious. when do you think it can be fixed?07:11
kduboisi install gutsy only to realize how many development libraries need reinstallation :-(07:11
Avarielnickrud: kk kool thanks07:11
adminnJordan your awsome man but I got to sleep soon and friday I work for like 11 hours I will be back around 11pm newyork time I can start download of gutsy07:11
blueerasercaner :  i had to tweak the driver manually07:11
kilopopohow do i transfer files to my USB harddrive???????????07:11
pengois 256mb ram too little to run + install unbuntu from the cd?07:11
pavsnickrud i thought Bush WAS God ;), honestly would have been nice if we could edit ubotu07:11
caner<blueeraser> you mean you could fix it yourself?07:11
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62". It is a Compaq Multimedia Keyboard07:12
adminnJordan_U_:  your awsome man but I got to sleep soon and friday I work for like 11 hours I will be back around 11pm newyork time I can start download of gutsy07:12
martyviskilopopo: the drive should apprear on the desktop - you just drag and drop07:12
nickrudpavs: they take suggestions, !ubotu is god would open a request for changing !ubotu , iirc07:12
x_dimitrimy ubuntu 7.04 GUI screen blanks after I use a virtual terminal07:12
ian1Blama: here we go... any second now!07:12
kilopopomartyvis, when i do that and unplug the drive the files get lost07:12
dr_gonzohow's everyone tonite?07:12
Night_XXhi to all..I have a little problem, I can't use the GUI for configuring the kernel...it say me that the library qt-dev and gtk-dev miss...anyone can help me?07:12
Madpilotwhere is the basic compiz config app in in Gutsy's menus?07:12
ian1dr_gonzo: fantestical07:12
o7andrewpengo: no07:12
XsteelWolfHow do i enable wget multithread support?07:12
pavsnickrud: will try it out thanks07:12
dholbachMadpilot: ccsm?07:12
dr_gonzoright on, right on07:12
mrjMadpilot, have to download compiz manager07:12
adminnJordan_U_: I can start download now07:13
pengoo7andrew: my little computer's struggling07:13
nickrudNight_XX: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev07:13
pavs!ubotu kill thyself07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kill thyself - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:13
kduboisNight_XX: theres a _gui_ for _configuring_ the KERNEL!!??07:13
martyviskilopopo: you need to right click the icon and unmount - this makes sure files are written out - this is no different than windows07:13
alexbobpWhat software can I use to convert avi to theora?07:13
rredd4can I show/tile multiple rooms using xchat?07:13
Madpilotdholbach, there's a basic one by default, isn't there? ccsm is the monster.07:13
Blamaian1, If you didn't notice around 10 people leave and join the channel every minute. I wait a couple minutes my questions get told to 40 new people.07:13
Jordan_U_adminn, Basically all you should need to do is go to System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager, that's it, click enable and restart and it should work automagically :)07:13
ChrisGordonok, I got the configure to work, but now its telling me when i try to update that "E: The package opera needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.07:13
ChrisGordonE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report."07:13
martyviskilopopo: linux will write files out in the background07:13
kilopopomartyvis, is there a way to not do the unmount part07:13
Night_XXkdubois ^^' i'm new to linux!07:13
nickrudccsm is the most entertaining config I've seen in a while07:13
dholbachMadpilot: gnome-appearance-properties -> Visual Effects?07:13
martyviskilopopo: no07:13
o7andrewpengo: might take a while aye07:13
dr_gonzoi'm looking to escape from m$'s tentacles and take on ubutnu but was wondering something about my video dealy07:13
kilopopomartyvis, is there a way to automatically do that07:13
Harunohi, i installed gutsy over night and was just rebooting it and the gui isnt wokring, i have no ati gc07:13
adminnJordan_U_: what about my x800 driver07:13
kduboisNight_XX: its alright, i was just joking. you running into problems?07:14
tuntun Madpilot: System>preferences>desktop effects...fesity anyway.07:14
martyviskilopopo: you can do the copy from the command line and then umount the volume07:14
dr_gonzoinstead of using VGA i'm using component YPrBr to connect to my hi-def07:14
kduboisalso, i would like to say, the command line is the only way to do things ;-)07:14
Madpilotdholbach, thanks07:14
Jordan_U_adminn, Restricted Manager will install it07:14
DARKGuyis there a way to configure the desktop effects that come with Ubuntu by default (I assume compiz)?07:14
pengoo7andrew: yeah.. i'm struggling to get past the welcome screen of the installer.. what does the OEM install option do? just wipe the hard drive and install?07:14
dr_gonzowill ubutnu have any troubles07:14
adminnJordan_U_: I will download it07:14
adminnty ty ty07:14
ChrisGordonand now my update manager freaks out and says that line every time i try to open the update manager07:14
martyviskilopopo: linux doesn't want to hold you up when you do the drag and drop - because drives are slow07:15
blueeraserim having trouble getting any information off of my second hard drive.  it shows the drive when i go into computer file browser, but when i click it, i get an admin pop-up window on the toolbar then it disappears and nothing happens, i cant access it.  I have ntfs file system on the same disk as 7.10, i can access that system fine, but not the second hard drive that is ntfs.  gparted gives me the error that it is unable to find the07:15
Jordan_U_adminn, And if you want Compiz Fusion all you will need to do after that is install the package "xserver-xgl" no other setup required :)07:15
antlerwow. 7.10 is purdee. great job ubuntu!07:15
Night_XXkdubois: "you running into problems?" sorry..I don't understand..I'm italian and my english is very poor...07:15
Haruno*working - its a nvidia geforce 7800 or s th like that...07:15
martyviskilopopo: hence you have to signal to the os you are finished with the drive and want it to clean up07:15
Evanlecdr_gonzo, probly...07:15
sorsisis there any way to check whole my installation integrity with checksums or something similar?07:15
pengoo7andrew: the option at boot "for manufacturers" .. can't remember what it was called exactly07:15
sorsisI'm worried that someone might have attacked my ubuntu installation07:16
riotkittieDARKGuy: compizconfig-settings-manager  [assuming youre on 7.10]07:16
pengoo7andrew: sorry i'll google it07:16
dr_gonzoso it would be better to just use vga07:16
DARKGuyriotkittie, I am, but it's a bare install, so there's no compizconfig-settings-manager :P07:16
tuntunThe default Gutsy wallpaper looks like a warm vat of churning honey... Makes me feel suffocated...07:16
kduboisNight_XX: why do you have to configure the kernel?07:16
Toma-anyone else using a realtek wireless card with gutsy? the damn kernel panic still hasnt been fixed >:|07:17
Evanlecdr_gonzo, to start with yea07:17
DARKGuyit looks like chocolate07:17
dr_gonzocool, cool07:17
riotkittieDARKGuy: you need to grab it from the repos ;P   then it will show on System Menu > Preference > Advanced-Something-oR-oTher.07:17
dr_gonzoif it doesn't give me any guff, i'll let yah know :)07:17
riotkittiei forget the name07:17
nkryptd1can someone help me change the resolution of my desktop07:17
Samuli^I have a problem with sound. One program works with sound at the start of boot, but then nothing else will work until reboot07:17
ChrisGordonmy update manager is telling me I need to reinstall it, where can i get this?07:17
ian1dr_gonzo: there's a chance that the utilities that come with nvidia/ati cards support that funktastic mode that I've never heard of but I wouldn't count on it :D07:17
Avarielsystem preferences screen resolution07:18
DARKGuyriotkittie, oh, so it's actually installed by default and it isn't the crappy compiz that used to come with Edgy/Feisty? :D07:18
caneris there anybody who could manage to solve or find a hack for gutsy-nvidia driver problem?07:18
dr_gonzoit's just a tv-out dongle07:18
dr_gonzonvidia 6600 gt07:18
ian1dr_gonzo: what's the video card?07:18
nkryptd1it wont let me change to my monitors native resolution of 1440x90007:18
martyvisChrisGordon: just do sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade and you should be right07:18
tuntunThe default Gutsy wallpaper looks like a warm vat of churning honey... Makes me feel suffocated... !chocolate07:18
kduboiscaner: nvidia is hard to hack for, no source code for the drivers07:18
robert_is there a package for autom4te?07:18
rredd4nkryptd1  System>Preferences>Screen Resolution07:18
dr_gonzoby evga07:18
ian1dr_gonzo: well better chance with an nvidia than anything, for now.  I'm curious...07:18
kduboisnkryptd1: look into xrandr07:18
XsteelWolfWhat's the use of switching between desktop07:18
* dr_gonzo wants to stop supporting bill gates07:18
Night_XXuhm...I want to make experience under linux...I come from windows..07:19
Avarielhey, is there a menu or something to handle external display ? ive got a dvi cable and an external monitor but it has this glitchy patch on the screen07:19
dr_gonzohe's got enough money07:19
DARKGuyriotkittie, nevermind, it's COMPIZ, YAY07:19
caner<kdubois> this means we have to wait for them to fix it, right?07:19
* DARKGuy dances07:19
Harunoi updated to gutsy and my geforce 7800 gtx doesnt work any more - i'm not that command line proofed with linux, yet07:19
riotkittieDARKGuy: it is missing /some/ things but it's pretty complete.07:19
codenameI got some boot problems with Ubuntu07:19
jburddr_gonzo: That's a personal decision.07:19
Fade2Blackhow do i install aptget07:19
kduboiscaner: if you have it installed right, then yes. Can you find others having this same problem?07:19
DARKGuyriotkittie, oh, what things? I wanna know xD07:19
josenj76How can I install "gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad"? I get "broken packages" error under 7.1007:19
ChrisGordonmartyvis, thanks but do i run those one at a time? (sorry, used to dos)07:19
martyvisXsteelWolf: one desktop for work, one for play, one for this project, one for that07:19
codenameI got some boot problems with Ubuntu07:19
dr_gonzoi'm actually looking at is some kind of social experiment07:19
riotkittieDARKGuy: 3D windows, for one.07:19
robert_is there a package for autom4te or something?07:19
BlamaHey all, is there any reason why I would not be able to use my USB keyboard with Ubuntu? It works fine Windows and in the BiOS menu and a USB mouse works fine in the same port (and all the others). If I plug it in at the command line I get the error "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62". It is a Compaq Multimedia Keyboard07:19
XsteelWolfmartyvis, one for watching porn?07:20
caner<kdubois> yes there are on launchpads bugs section07:20
martyvisChrisGordon: yep - 1st the update, then the upgrde07:20
DARKGuyriotkittie, darn, they were cool :(07:20
dr_gonzoany link to a hardware compatibility list?07:20
Night_XXhowever..I already try sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev and it still say to me "Unable to find the GTK+ installation."07:20
Flannel!hardware | dr_gonzo07:20
ubotudr_gonzo: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:20
pengois there a way to install the "alternate" way (via command line) from the standard desktop cd?07:20
caner<kdubois> the bug is waiting to be verified i think07:20
ChrisGordonthank you martyvis, you have probly made my night 3 hours shorter :D07:20
* robert_ riots with riotkittie :P07:20
Flanneldr_gonzo: but, its probably not perfectly up to date07:20
kilopopoanyone got compiz fusion running?07:20
chowmeinedeveryone left :(07:20
martyvisChrisGordon: :-)07:20
josenj76How can I install "gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad"? I get "broken packages" error under 7.1007:20
* CowzRule LIKE GUTSY :)07:21
* riotkittie uhm... robs with robert_ 07:21
inspiredhi. I just upgraded to Gutsy and fonts suddenly look different. an example is Firefox where the font seems thinner than it did in feisty. any idea what could cause this? was it changed on purpose?07:21
kilopopoanyone got compiz fusion running?07:21
kduboisNight_XX: you might be better helped by the friendly folks in #ubuntu-it07:21
tuntunCan I get desktop icons to conform to a single grid ala windows -- and also make all icons a single size so it doesn't look so random?07:21
rredd4nkryptd1 Try in terminal type   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:21
chowmeinedinspired: i noticed that too07:21
Harunodr_gonzo: what doesnt work with you? the GUI?07:21
dougbis there an easier way to rip CD's to your computer in 7.10?07:21
martyviskilopopo: yep - it just runs07:21
chowmeineddougb: sound juicer doesnt work?07:21
caner<inspired> they have changed the default fonts to Sans07:21
dougbchowmeined: sorry, i meant in MP3 format07:21
dougbit rips it in OGG07:21
martyviskilopopo: need a supported 3d card - just enable desktop effects in prefernces07:22
Night_XXkdubois: in ubuntu-it everyone is sleeping ^^'07:22
inspiredcaner, aaah, from what font?07:22
chowmeineddougb: might be able to hack it together with cd paranoia07:22
Flannelpengo: No, but I heard something about booting straight to ubiquity, try entering `only-ubiquity` for a boot option at the boot menu07:22
WaltzingAlong8:22 too earlier for the italians? :D07:22
chowmeineddougb: though.. byte for byte.. ogg's sound quality is superior07:22
kduboisNight_XX: haha, we'll do our best here then07:22
robert_crap crap crap07:22
rredd4nkryptd1  when you get near the end you can select resolutionis07:22
robert_automake is broken07:22
caner<inspired> it must be Bitsream Vera Sans but i am not sure07:22
DARKGuydougb, mp3 isn't a free format, therefore the default is OGG because it's free and all that, but I think you can do it with some other programs and the needed codecs, provided you're allowed to get them legally o,o07:22
dougbchowmeined: tell that to my ipod :-P07:22
chowmeineddougb: and it will play better under linux07:22
neohakerhi thr ANy one runs counterstrike on UBUNTU??07:22
DARKGuyOGG sounds better tho :p07:22
chowmeineddougb: ah...07:22
kduboiscaner: hmm, thats unfortunate. Intel has great OSS drivers, aTi's are coming down the pipes, but nvidia's are still closed up...07:22
dougbi know OGG sounds better, and i'm all for using it07:22
DARKGuyneohaker, I do, 1.6 no-steam07:22
tuntunCan I get desktop icons to conform to a single grid ala windows -- and also make all icons a single size so it doesn't look so random?07:23
mbtAnyone running Gutsy AMD64 having showstopper issues with OpenOffice.org?07:23
chowmeineddougb: you could rip to flac and transcode to mp3? :p07:23
dougbhmm maybe i'll just sell my ipod...i have a nokia n800 and i'm pretty sure those play OGG07:23
chowmeineddougb: have a flac music archive on your computer07:23
neohakerDARKGuy:how much fsp you egt07:23
DARKGuytuntun, you can stretch them07:23
Night_XXkdubois in italy are 8:23 AM07:23
neohakerDARKGuy:wine or cedega?07:23
WaltzingAlongprobably the audio is ripped to vorbis but in the ogg container. referring to them sholud be oggvorbis; other things can bet inside .ogg files like theora07:23
kduboisrobert_ theres a lot of macros in dev packages you should look into getting if you want to get automake running smoothly07:23
DARKGuyneohaker, haven't checked but it's always almost the same I get on win07:23
DARKGuyneohaker, wine07:23
kilopopomartyvis, what program in the preference?07:23
chowmeinedWaltzingAlong: or speex07:23
kduboisNight_XX: here in US its 230 am :-D07:23
youserif i download  gutsy through bittorrent can i upgrade from feisty without serious data loss?07:23
craynerhey guys07:23
robert_kdubois, like ..?07:24
macogwdougb: rockbox!07:24
riotkittietuntun: right click on desktop, keep aligned ... for the grid. as for making them all a single size  without manually having to "stretch" each one, no clue. i have been looking for a meansn of doing  that myself07:24
JWayanyone other than me experiencing a weird problem switching between workspaces in the ubuntu 7.10 - just upgraded...???07:24
martyviskilopopo: display i think (not running in a gui at the mo)07:24
chowmeineddougb: the irivers are really nice07:24
tuntunDARKGuy: I would prefer an automatic method:-$07:24
dougbdoes it play on the 5.5 80 GB ipods?07:24
neohakerDARKGuy:i configured in my bro lappy it runs smooth07:24
macogwdougb: iPods can use Rockbox just fine07:24
neohakerDARKGuy:i got better card07:24
craynerwhen i try to update to gutsy the update manager stops responding07:24
WaltzingAlongchowmeined: exactly. actually could you tell me how to get speex inside .ogg?07:24
kduboisrobert_: it depends, whats it doing wrong?07:24
josenj76How can I install "gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad"? I get "broken packages" error under 7.1007:24
neohakerDARKGuy:but it truns bad :(07:24
chowmeineddougb: they play flac, ogg, mp3, aac everything07:24
DARKGuyneohaker, lucky for you :P mine's a GF4 Ti 420007:24
nickrudyouser: yes, no data loss, but you'll still end up getting packages off the net (the ones you got from the net for feisty)07:24
robert_kdubois, Can't locate object method "good_version" via package "Autom4te::C4che" at /usr/bin/autom4te line 984.07:24
neohakerDARKGuy:on my desktop :|07:24
DARKGuyneohaker, maybe it needs the drivers07:24
aroonifolks: i have ubuntu 7.04 and 3 hard drives.  recently i have had to restart my computer via power button cuz it was freezing.  anyways, now: two hard drives don't show up in BIOS, *AND* when fsck runs on startup, it fails with exit status 8 (operational error) on the one hard drive the bios sitll sees.... which is the one that contains the root file system, home, swap .... any ideas on what i should do to fix?07:24
riotkittieJWay: hows about you tell us your problem, and we see if we can fix it07:24
Harunotheres a list of hardware not supported under gutsy right now (anymore)?07:24
jmworxWaltzingAlong: All the tools I know of put Speex in Ogg (.spx files are ogg files)07:24
caner<kdubois> but if all the nvidia users have such problems with gutsy, it will not be good because the bug is really annoying07:24
DARKGuytuntun, I dunno if Gutsy has an automatic way, Feisty didn't :/07:24
Flannelyouser: If you have the desktop CD, you'dhave to reinstall (you could reinstall around your home partition, if you have a separate one), if you download the alternate CD, you can use that to upgrade from07:25
kduboisrobert, make sure autotools, libtool, etc are all installed properly. I was disappointed w/ what was installed by default07:25
Jordan_U_youser, If you download the DVD then you will have to grab from the repos for fewer packages07:25
neohakerDARKGuy:hey how did you isntall re07:25
youseri upgraded to feisty from a a dapper cd07:25
WaltzingAlongjmworx: ok great thanks07:25
kduboiscaner: its likely just the type of card you have, mine is working pretty well07:25
Night_XXkdubois: we use to sleep in the night :)07:25
DARKGuyneohaker, try opening a terminal and type " glxinfo | grep 'render' " ... if it says Direct Rendering: Yes, then you have 3D acceleration, else you've got to find the drivers07:25
dougbyea idk if i want to invest in another mp3 player.  i just bought this nokia n800 and i can put up to 16 GB's of storage on it i think, which is a lot less than buying an MP3 player07:25
craynermy update manager crashes when updating to gutsy gibbon07:25
dougbi would have to think that the nokia N800 can play OGG since it's based of debian07:25
chowmeineddougb: ok07:25
youseri just want to keep my settings and home folder and windows boot07:25
kduboisNight_XX: yeah, but then we became hackers and replaced sleep with caffiene....07:26
ChrisGordonOk, so I ran those 2 lines and I went back to try the update manger, and It still doesnt work...07:26
youserbut update manager is poocheed07:26
JWayWhen I click on a workspace other than the primary, I get to see the background picture and no menu or nothing. Switching workspaces is not possible with ctrl + alt + left/right at all. I can run a terminal and use alt + f2 to run programs, but switching workspaces is completely impossible07:26
DARKGuyneohaker, if it's nVIDIA or ATI usually you go to System -> Admin. -> Restricted Drivers Manager07:26
platinum123i have a gutsy dvd - is it possible to upgrade my existing feisty without using the update manager to fetch the files online?07:26
neohakerDARKGuy:answer is yes07:26
robert_kdubois, I'm going to re-install automake, autoconf, and m4. anything else?07:26
sorsisdougb: N800 is based on debian??07:26
neohakeri installed drivers myself :|07:26
dougbyup yup07:26
Harunocrayner: maybe its not crashing, it can easily take *some* while...07:26
Night_XXkdubois: :DDD07:26
neohakerDARKGuy:mine is nvidai 6600gt07:26
dougbsorsis: http://maemo.org/07:26
DARKGuyneohaker, huh, weird :| is the Video options in CS using Software, OpenGL or D3D? are you running it with Compiz enabled?07:26
chowmeinedplatinum123: yup07:27
neohakerDARKGuy:nope bro07:27
WaltzingAlongjmworx: is there such a tool as vorbisgain for speex?07:27
neohakeri cheked all that07:27
kduboisrobert_ reinstalling is probably not the problem here, you might be missing a development package for whatever you're compiling. what are you trying to compile?07:27
tuntunDARKGuy/riotkittie: I have "keep aligned" selected, but I would like it the way it is in windows07:27
chowmeinedplatinum123: change your /etc/apt/sources.list to point to your dvd07:27
chowmeinedplatinum123: aptitude update && aptitude upgrade07:27
neohakeri myslef configured on myh bro lapppy he has 7600 card07:27
caner<kdubois> it doesnt just blink and flash but gradually slows down resulting a crash07:27
robert_kdubois, dgen-sdl07:27
jmworxWaltzingAlong: Not that I know of07:27
neohakerDARKGuy:but actual glxgears says my brd performance better :(07:27
DARKGuytuntun, ah, automatic ordering? I don't think they've added that to nautilus yet :(07:27
Flannelplatinum123: `sudo apt-cdrom add` should add it (even though its a dvd)07:27
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neohakerDARKGuy:still i get bad fps he gets 10007:28
robert_kdubois, the version that apt installs segfaults07:28
ChrisGordonI tried doing sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade and that didnt fix my manager07:28
DARKGuyneohaker, hm, try changing the video stuff to D3D or OpenGL and see (in CS)07:28
kduboiscaner, it doesnt do that w/ a geforce 8500. also make sure you have the right driver installed, you may need a legacy one...07:28
snadgehow come i can telnet to port 80 of a website and GET / .. but firefox just stalls and times out.. sometimes when i telnet to a  host, it resolves as .. then if i ping it the correct ip comes up.. gutsy 64bit.. any ideas?07:28
neohakerDARKGuy:mylaunghing options itslf has opengl :(07:28
DARKGuyneohaker, I would've said it's the drivers but you have 3D acceleration so it's not that and I'm running out of clues xD07:28
neohakerDARKGuy:i removed cs07:28
mbtAnyone running Gutsy AMD64 having showstopper issues with OpenOffice.org?  I am experiencing very frequent and hard crashes when I do just about anything in it.07:28
chowmeinedsnadge: proxy?07:28
DARKGuyneohaker, you could try asking in #winehq, they're the wine gurus and might help you a bit more :$07:29
snadgeno proxy is required.. windows xp and ubuntu feisty works fine on the exact same machine07:29
caner<kdubois> i didnt select it. just installed using restricted drivers manager07:29
rayb0ti'm installing gutsy right now, it's at the "scanning the mirror" part, and its taking forever. is this due to the load on the servers?07:29
chowmeinedsnadge: no for some reason do you have the proxy enabled07:29
robert_kdubois, the problem is that config.guess doesn't correctly identify my host/cpu type.07:29
youserso i can download gutsy from torrent and either run or install it? i cant download the upgrade managerr files? via torrent?07:29
snadgeits set to direct connection.. does this on both livecd and after install07:29
mbtrayb0t: I would presume so.  Installing packages has been very slow for me tonight, too.07:29
josenj76I'm tring to install XChat in 7.10 but I'm getting "tcl8.4 not installable" error07:29
neohakerDARKGuy:hey which wine version?07:29
tarelerulzI am have problems with my wireless card in ubuntu .  It worked before ,but I have changed wireless routers .   my wireless cardworks under windows ,but not ubuntu . It worked with my wirless router before .  I have not changed anything besides the router . Oh and my lan port don't work either so I am . can I just install wirelles card  and then use programs to see the wirelless router and connects me to it or do I have to use iwconfig07:29
rayb0tmbt: yeah. i dont need any packages, i just need to finish the install. it should have a "skip this part" button :P07:29
rayb0tor maybe it should time out faster07:30
rredd4ChrisGordon  you can go to Synaptic, remove update manager and reinstall it07:30
ubuntu_do want my ubantu freeeeee versions07:30
tuntunDARKGuy/riotkittie: automatic ordering. I don't think thats it, I would prefer it that desktop icons cant become slightly mis allingned07:30
DARKGuyneohaker, 0.9.47, latest one07:30
kduboisrobert_ you may also want to try other versions of automake. some sources only work w/ older versions, its why they're still in the repos...07:30
mbtrayb0t: True.  I think that part of the setup is to create the cache of available packages from the servers.07:30
youserright now feisty runs fine but my  video card isnot compaatible07:30
rayb0tstill, the actual installation only took 10 mins, this is going on 2007:30
robert_checking build system type... Invalid configuration `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu': machine `x86_64-unknown' not recognized07:30
Harunorayb0t, these packages ARE gutsy, id say07:30
robert_configure: error: /bin/bash ./config.sub x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu failed07:30
rayb0tHaruno: haha yeah07:30
kduboisyouser: what gfx card?07:30
mbtrayb0t: Yeah, I installed smartmontools and it took me like 15 min or so07:31
yousergeforce 550007:31
DARKGuytuntun, hm, have you tried opening a Nautilus window (home folder or any will do) and going to Preferences, and changing the icon zoom level/factor ? that changes the size of the grid making it more "flexible" and windows-like. I use 75% and then resize the icons manually to my taste :D07:31
meta-paoniaRadion 200 has problems too07:31
kduboisyouser: yeah, thats a legacy card you've got :-D07:31
mbtrayb0t: The sad part is that I might have to roll back to Feisty if I can't get OOo to run properly07:31
youser"desktop effects" was a white screenn07:31
snadgeok if i use firefox to browse the web, it doesnt work.. if i put the ip address in instead of the host name.. it works, but if i ping the hostname from the command line, it correctly resolves the ip.. surely im not the only one experiencing this?07:31
rayb0tmbt: that sounds like loads of fun07:31
youseri bought this computer this year07:31
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josenj76I'm tring to install XChat in 7.10 but I'm getting "tcl8.4 not installable" error07:31
rayb0ti've been using gutsy for a long time, i am just installing fresh now that it is released07:32
Harunoso... as geforce 7800 gtx doesnt seem to give me a gui... how do i get feisty back? ^^07:32
kduboisyouser: white/black screens in 3d accelerated windows are likely due to a lack of texture rendering memory07:32
youserweak cuz i have tons of ram too07:32
mbtYep... I have to have OOo for school, and really I need a lot of the functionality in Gutsy, too.  But I haven't been able to talk it into working right.07:32
XsteelWolfHow do i freeze compiz when doing an effect to take screenshot?it's hard to press windows key then all the way to prtsc key07:32
rredd4how do I use all of the "animations"  in gutsy?07:32
mrjHaruno, what do you mean you don't get gui?07:32
mrjrredd4, install compiz fusion manager07:33
ubuntu_boss please teach me how to installl fedora07:33
chowmeinedwhy does openoffice.org keep screwing my documents?07:33
TECH_1Josenj: I installed xchat gnome first and then installed the other one second..works fine07:33
ChrisGordonrred44: it doesnt work07:33
chowmeinedevery time i upgrade.. the new version of openoffice screws up how all my documents are laid out07:33
mrjubuntu_, rm -rf and insert fedora disc07:33
yousermy ubuntu is stuck running metacity and murrine07:33
neohakerDARKGuy:no much repsonese thr re @#winehq07:33
snadgei've discovered the problem.. gutsy is incorrectly resolving ip addresses as
Harunoi boot and theres no graphical interface, im not *so* used to linux command line, so id like a gui much more ^^07:33
ChrisGordonrred44: it says the package opera needs to be reinstalled07:33
rredd4mrj  its installed and animations is enabled,  how do I use it now?07:33
neohakerDARKGuy:i guess my gaming days are over :((07:33
Jordan_U_chowmeined, How badly? Can you give an example?07:33
neohakerDARKGuy:i cnat go back and play on windows :(((07:33
mrjrredd4, you go through it and figure out what shortcuts = what animation you want and use the shortcuts07:34
DARKGuyneohaker, naaah, it's just a small video/WINE issue, easy to fix for them :p07:34
chowmeinedJordan_U_: they are 1 1/2 pages (so uses 2 pages when printing) instead of 107:34
DARKGuyneohaker, you could try asking tomorrow, at 2:37 am I doubt someone could be alive there XD07:34
kduboisneohaker: not really, wine and cedega do a decent job with old games, i just use an xbox if i feel the need to game these days....07:34
neohakerDARKGuy:was struggling now evrything is mess over here07:34
ubuntu_hi my graphics will not work properly in ubantu wt ica do07:34
josenj76thanks tech_107:34
tarelerulzcan you save whole web pages with firefox. I have some instructions for install my wirelless card on ndiswrapper and I want it in the same format.  In text document it don't do that well. The reason is I don't have web when I got to ubuntu .07:34
XsteelWolfHow do i freeze compiz when doing an effect to take screenshot?it's hard to press windows key then all the way to prtsc key07:34
chowmeinedJordan_U_: and some of them are wrapped way over, when before they fit fine on the page07:34
TECH_1Give it a try josenj.07:34
tuntunDARKGuy/riotkittie: sort of like, you cant have to desktop icons touching, and the all have to be aligned both horiz and vert.07:34
platinum123lame - it is always hanging at " Stopping MySQL database server mysqld"07:34
Jordan_U_chowmeined, If you want them to be exactly the same then you shouldn't use a document format, you should use a digital paper format like PDF07:34
ubuntu_thank u all by byyyyyy07:34
frojndI have a q. I will install gutsy on my new laptop. What directories from this PC (feisty) do I have to copy on lap top (gutsy) that I'll so I'll have the same programs there?07:35
riotkittietarelerulz: yes, you can save whole web pages with firefox. go to file menu, and save there and you should get some options.07:35
kduboisXsteelWolf: ccsm should have a screenshot plugin....07:35
neohakerkdubois:yup your write the most digusting my bro plays on his lappy same game 10 fps with loewr performing card then mine :P07:35
riotkittietarelerulz: although i think you get them if you right click > save too07:35
pengowould I be wrong In guessing that virtualization hasn't yet come to a point where i can have linux and windows running side by side happily and sharing resources on the one desktop PC easily?07:35
chowmeinedJordan_U_: but i was working on it...07:35
youserah well gutsy probably woulnt have solved my graphic problems anyways peace im out07:35
mbtfrojnd: If you want the same programs, just export the selections list from the first machine and import it into the other one.07:35
Harunomrj: see above ^^07:35
Jordan_U_chowmeined, What do you mean?07:35
neohakerDARKGuy:anyidea what next thing i can do07:35
chowmeinedJordan_U_: i was writing my paper, then i upgraded07:35
ChrisGordonok, I think cd upgrading will solve my package problem but, it doesnt recognize the cd i made...07:35
Samuli^pengo, I used to have that with virtualbox07:36
chowmeinedJordan_U_: now i have to reformat it07:36
frojndmbt,  where is selection list07:36
canerhow can i detect my gpu's name, verison, etc...07:36
mrjpengo, uh, virtualization has been like that for about 4 years now07:36
mrjif not longer07:36
Samuli^pengo, worked quite fine07:36
Jordan_U_chowmeined, It's not like it added or removed formatting, it is just using more space07:36
riotkittiepengo: i had no probs running xp in vmware server. not that it lasted long [i had no reason to do it]07:36
DARKGuyneohaker, try installing your video drivers through the restricted drivers manager, try changing video options in CS, try fullscreen or windowed, different color depths, stuff like that07:36
murlidharmorning all!!!07:36
chowmeinedJordan_U_: so i have to resize a bunch of stuff07:36
pengoah vmware yeah07:36
mrjHaruno, you honestly think i'm going to scroll up in the 1000 lines a minute and look for one line of text to help you?07:36
mbtfrojnd: If both machines are on the same network, you can do it like this, from the machine that you have the software on already:07:36
inigomontoyaguys, question, how can i make sure that a startup program starts BEFORE all others?07:36
Harunopengo: nope, this point doesnt really exist, yet ;)07:37
mbtfrojnd: apt-get --get-selections | ssh target-machine 'sudo apt-get --set-selections; sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade'07:37
chowmeinedJordan_U_: oh well...07:37
Harunomrj: >i boot and theres no graphical interface, im not *so* used to linux command line, so id like a gui much more ^^07:37
riotkittiebut virtualbox is supposed to be good, too. and there are others i've heard positive reviews of from users ... but <shrug>07:37
alastair_anyone having issues with 'cdromupgrade'?07:37
mrjHaruno, what did you do before the GUI "broke"07:37
pengois virtualbox proprietary like vmware?07:37
Samuli^plus virtualbox is really easy to install07:37
alastair_I'm getting it hanging at "modifying software channels"07:37
smmagicI can't get my windows Xp VM to install!07:38
Harunomrj: install gutsy via update manager and then reboot ;)07:38
Samuli^and from what I've heard faster than vmware07:38
riotkittieugh. i want to go to bed but i cant lay down. so.  i suppose i will sit here and learn something.07:38
rayb0talastair_: mine is hanging at "scanning the mirror" i think it is because of the load on the severs.07:38
inigomontoyaroitkittie: i've got a video of virtualbox running on youtube07:38
frojndmbt; ok what about just burning APTs on disc ? is tehre a way?07:38
Jordan_U_chowmeined, You can usually format things so that even adding / removing text wont completely ruin the format07:38
ChrisGordonalastair: yea i cant get mine to work, doesnt show up07:38
Harunovirtualbox is quite good, u just need pretty much RAM07:38
Lunzhow do i write enable my usb drive?i cant save my file in usb drive,can someone help?07:38
alastair_rayb0t: I specifically told it to not use the internet for that reason07:38
mbtfrojnd: You can just save the selections list to disk07:38
josenj76There are alot of packages that are "not installable" in 7.10  I can't install tcl8.4 for example07:38
endraif I have a VIDEO_TS directory how can I make a .img or .iso of it so that if I play or burn the .img or .iso it would work on vlc/dvd player?07:38
mrjHaruno, go through sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm again07:38
mbtfrojnd: apt-get --get-selections > file_output07:39
chowmeinedJordan_U_: it just seems all the stuff is bigger and flows off of the areas i wanted it now07:39
rayb0talastair_: just give it time, mine just now got past it after about 10 mins07:39
alastair_ChrisGordon: I can get it to show up, just not run07:39
bur[n]erLunz: double-click it in "places -> computer" ?07:39
rayb0tgo make some tea and have a cookie :)07:39
frojndmbt: thanx07:39
alastair_rayb0t: really? weird07:39
rayb0tits just network lag07:39
Avarielugh ! i installed vorbis tools, gstreamers, mplayer plugin for mozilla, and gnash flash player plugin...but youtube wont even play !! any biggie im missing ?07:39
chowmeinedJordan_U_: but its not uniformly bigger, so i have to selectively resize certain components07:39
tuntunfrojnd: APTonCD07:39
alastair_i'm going to copy all the debs into the apt archive and use dist-upgrade, I htink07:39
mrjAvariel, gnash can't play youtube07:39
platinum123for some reason the upgrade hangs trying to kill mysqld ... if i kill it manually it keeps coming back!07:39
ramviMy live CD is extreemly slow. Unusable. Is there anything I can do? The harddrive is working the living hell out of it self without me doing anything07:39
XsteelWolf<super><button1> what's button 107:39
IcemanV9virtualbox is very good compared to qemu+kqemu for years07:39
alastair_XsteelWolf: on the mouse?07:39
ChrisGordonalastair: when i run mine it says "unable to mount volume" and collapses07:39
Avarielright im just installing a bunch of media related things07:39
bur[n]erramvi: buy more ram :)  or use the alternate cd to install07:39
rayb0tburninating the countrysideee07:39
mrjChrisGordon, your menu.lst is probably pointing to the wrong harddrives07:40
xTheGoat121xramvi, you might best off installing it07:40
alastair_ChrisGordon: you using apt-cerom?07:40
Name141Is it possible to shut off, then restart the NIC with a terminal command (such as something you can put in crontabs) ?07:40
inigomontoyacan anyone help me with making a program start before all others?07:40
bur[n]erIcemanV9: they're apples & oranges... virtualbox is virtualization... qemu is not07:40
Avarieli must be missing something but i dont know what it is07:40
josenj76There are alot of packages that are "not installable" in 7.10  I can't install tcl8.4 for example.  How can I fix this?07:40
alastair_ChrisGordon: apt-cdrom07:40
ChrisGordonalastair: nein07:40
* xTheGoat121x *sings* ...and the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight07:40
trogdorrayb0t: actually looking for  some ubuntu fan ware, perhaps a t shirt or such ^^07:40
bur[n]erjosenj76: dist-upgrade07:40
XsteelWolfalastair_, left click?07:40
ramvixTheGoat121x: Im not able to in that speed07:40
alastair_XsteelWolf: yeah, probably07:40
bur[n]ertrogdor: ubuntu.com has a store :)07:40
rayb0ttrogdor: hehehe ubuntu.com has some sweet merch07:40
Avarielwhat crucial plugins are there ?07:40
Jordan_U_chowmeined, But you shouldn't have to resize anything, I guess I just can't see how there would be a problem unless you are doing things like ( though this is an exaggeration ) using tabs to center text rather than setting it to be centered07:40
Lunzbur[n]er,Couldn't change the permissions because it is on a read-only disk07:40
trogdorXTheGoat121x: 2am here yeah night... did I leave my webcam on again!?07:41
Avarielor to play flv files07:41
bur[n]erLunz: this is hte latest version?  latest version has ntfs write support07:41
BrendanJName141, try something like "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"07:41
chowmeinedJordan_U_: i wanted certain things to all fit on one page07:41
Name141Someone claimed: sudo /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up , and sudo /sbin/ifconfig eth0 down07:41
bur[n]erAvariel: .flvs will play with vlc07:41
xTheGoat121xtrogdor, .... nah, it's 2:41 here... so I'm just assuming everyone's in my TZ07:41
Lunzbur[n]er,i am using gutsy07:41
mbtAnyone running Gutsy AMD64 having showstopper issues with OpenOffice.org?  I am experiencing very frequent and hard crashes when I do just about anything in it.07:41
Avarielbur[n]er: vlc, cool ill get that07:41
bur[n]erLunz: crazy, writing to usb drives works here very very well :)07:41
josenj76burner, this is a clean install of 7.10.  I have 0 upgraded, 0 newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded when I ran "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"07:42
chowmeinedAvariel: mplayer is also excellent07:42
Name141BrendanJ: actually I need it to disconnect from the router, not restart.07:42
meta-paoniatrogdor there is a link on the ubuntu.com website which was updated today - they have "limited edition merchandice"07:42
BrendanJName141, that would work. I don't know if it physically turns off the NIC or not, but it certainly disables/reenables the interface07:42
Avarielyep got that one07:42
Jordan_U_chowmeined, Ah, I see, then document formats aren't really made for that. The same will happen with different versions of Word07:42
chowmeinedJordan_U_: ok07:42
Lunzbur[n]er,but how i cant enable it but it just works fine on 7.0407:42
trogdormeta-paonia: ah I see thx07:42
BrendanJName141, i.e. it would disconnect / reconnect to the router07:42
Name141BrendanJ: that's what I need, my ISP has a "fair access policy" to where I can only use a daily allowed limit of bandwidth, and hell if I want to keep using 'idle' hours/mins that add to it.07:43
Harunoanybody german here, who could help me translating to mrj?07:43
scguy318Haruno, there is a German channel07:43
scguy318!de | Haruno07:43
Name141BrendanJ: so after the "FAP-Free window" (5 AM) I need it to shut it off, unless I'm awake of course.07:43
josenj76bur[n]er, this is a clean install of 7.10.  I have 0 upgraded, 0 newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded when I ran "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"07:43
Avarielit keeps saying "sorry the contents of blabla cannot be displayed" for my external hard drive on ntfs...but i already downloaded ntfs-config package07:43
alastair_xmms no longer supported :(07:43
platinum123after "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop" mysql still is running :( i don't need it to run, but it seems the upgrade will not proceed until it dies. any idea ho to keep it from relaunching?07:43
Avarielor maybe its not automatic and i have to eject and mount07:43
xTheGoat121xWhat?  XMMS is no longer supported?!?!07:43
BrendanJName141, what kind of ISP charges you for bandwidth when it's sitting idle? That's weak.07:44
bluebananahi, I got "Error during update". pls see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41161/07:44
bluebananawhat must i do?07:44
trogdormeta-paonia: what is with the monkey groping your chest on that shirt?07:44
Name141BrendanJ: It's sat07:44
Lunzscguy318,but how i cant enable write enable my usb drive? it just works fine on 7.0407:44
mmmiiikkkeeesince i have had gutsy installed if I have "nvidia" as my device in xorg.config then when i go to log out I don't have an option for "shutdown" but if i use "nv" all is well.  any ideas(note this is in kde)?07:44
Name141BrendanJ: You have a 200 MB "rolling" limit per 24 hours.   or some strange crazy crap.07:44
jacquesmerdeholy crap, ubuntu seems to be the most user-friendly distro there is, yet its the first time i havent been able to work out how to set up the partitions!07:44
riotkittiexTheGoat121x: it hasnt been supported for some time. audacious is an excellent replacement.07:44
* riotkittie laughs 07:45
Name141BrendanJ: besides 2-5 AM is unlimited.07:45
mrjI'm probably heading to bed soon07:45
josenj76There are alot of packages that are "not installable" in 7.10  I can't install tcl8.4 for example.  How can I fix this?  This is a clean install of 7.1007:45
Harunomrj: it says s th like:" the graphics-server was rebooted 6 times in the last 90 seconds. probably something ent bad. before the next try on "anzeige :0", therell be a break of 2 minutes"07:45
scguy318Lunz: it should be just plugin and r/w, or am I missing something?07:45
Name141BrendanJ:  I need to just move to town.07:45
riotkittiejacquesmerde: using the guided on the live CD?07:45
Name141BrendanJ:  where there is DSL and cable.07:45
xTheGoat121xriotkittie, well the things you learn.  I did not know that XMMS was no longer supported.07:45
mrjHaruno, Gnome correct?07:45
jacquesmerderiotkittie: nah, manual. i'm dual-booting07:45
alastair_josenj76: have you done 'apt-get update'07:45
Lunzscguy318,but it doesnt,doest it have anything to do with security?07:45
IcemanV9Name141: ah. cron can do the job between 2-5 am while you're sleeping. :)07:45
Harunomrj: no doubt ^^07:45
josenj76alastair_, yes I have, several times07:45
jacquesmerderiotkittie: oh, i think i got it. what is the recommended file system for root? ext2? ext3?07:46
alastair_josenj76: what's the exact error?07:46
Name141IcemanV9: yeah, you know of a good download manager that would be something like Freedownloadmanager or GetRight?07:46
scguy318Lunz: not sure, you could try manually mounting07:46
riotkittiejacquesmerde: ext3 i believe07:46
scguy318jacquesmerde: ext307:46
Name141IcemanV9: So that it would schedual , without me having to use wget.07:46
alastair_josenj76: "<package> is unavailable but is referenced by another package" ?07:46
earlmredbah repositories are sloooow07:46
riotkittiebut im not positive because i always go the manual route07:46
n0tworknanyone know of any issues with the p5l-mx that would stop the install from completing?07:46
riotkittiei wish people would stop complaining about the repos speeds tonight :P what do ya expect?07:47
MelancholyHeeeey! I have lil problems with my multimedia keys. dmesg / xer doesnt even return anything when i hit em. Help please :)07:47
n0tworknsorry :)07:47
josenj76alastair_, the error reads "xchat: Depends: tcl8.4 (>= 8.4.5) but it is not installable .  E: Broken packages"07:47
mrjHaruno, I would probably just install KDE desktop in the meantime if you're not good with cli07:47
IcemanV9Name141: i believe there is bittorrent download manager (don't remember the actual name)07:47
alastair_josenj76: what does it say if you try and install tcl8.407:47
scguy318Lunz: sudo ntfs-3g /dev/theusbdev /a/mnt/point/of/your/choosing07:47
Jordan_U_josenj76, Did you just upgrade recently?07:47
jacquesmerdein the "create partition" dialogue it looks like it wants you to chose the mount point, but at the same time it wont let you. seems you have to create it, set everything EXCEPT the mountpoint, then EDIT the partition, and set JUST the mountpoint07:47
Name141IcemanV9: ehh, I need FTP/HTTP viewer, and one that remembers the passes, and stuff.07:48
Avarieljesus i cant even play an mp3 file, im downloading vlc see if that does it07:48
scguy318Avariel: VLC does do it07:48
Jordan_U_Avariel, You should be able to just double click it07:48
scguy318Avariel: installing the restricted plugins shouldn't be seriously difficult tho07:48
Name141IcemanV9: or maybe I can try wine ?07:48
IcemanV9Name141: torrentflux is what i was looking for.07:48
riotkittiegstreamer plugins <307:48
Avarielyeah its just im not too sure which ones they are07:48
Avarielgstreamer, mplayer, vlc07:48
Avarieli got those07:48
Name141IcemanV9: that doesn't just do torrents ?07:48
Jordan_U_Avariel, Just double click it, they will be installed automatically07:48
riotkittieugly ugly-multiverse, bad.07:49
Lunzscguy318,but my usb is fat3207:49
scguy318Lunz: ah, in that case, you would do07:49
ChrisGordonok, this is annoying, i made a disk for gutsy and it wont read on feisty07:49
Avarielon feisty ? i just seem to get an error message07:49
scguy318Lunz: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/usbdev /a/mnt/point/here, fill it in07:49
Jordan_U_Avariel, Or install all codecs by installing the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" package07:49
josenj76alastair_ then I try to install tcl8.4 and I get: "Package tcl8.4 is not available, but is referred to by another package.  This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only availble from another source.  E: Package tcl8.4 has no installation candidate"07:49
Lunzscguy318,my mount point is /media/lunz07:49
max_hi, i installed gutsy on my pc but it takes a lot of time to load webpages, signin in pidgin and so on07:49
alastair_josenj76: right.  that's a packaging error in xchat, then07:49
scguy318Lunz: what is your USB device name?07:49
Avarielubuntu-restricted-extras ? that a codec pack ?07:49
max_while downloadin from apt is ok07:49
alastair_josenj76: I think the best you can do is file a bug for it07:50
ChrisGordonmax, is memory an issue?07:50
max_can someone help me?07:50
alastair_josenj76: or, you might be able to apt-get install --force07:50
scguy318Avariel: it might be cuz repos are slammed?07:50
Jordan_U_Avariel, It also installs Flash and Java07:50
Jordan_U_josenj76, Did you just upgrade recently?07:50
MrBisterthis is hilarious... I've been trying to install on two PCs now and it's not working on anyone of them... any ideas?07:50
Lunzscguy318,flash disk07:50
IcemanV9Name141: i did not get a chance to play with it; i believe it can get something to download besides torrents07:50
alastair_josenj76: I think TCL is only needed for plugins07:50
alastair_josenj76: if you have no tcl plugins then it will be fine07:50
Avarielthey totally are, ill check out ubuntu-restricted-extras07:50
Name141IcemanV9: aye.07:50
shadylookinis anyone else having a problem with installing the java plugin with the iced tea plugin?07:50
riotkittieMrBister: if you could elaborate on "not working", that'd be swell07:50
IcemanV9Name141: you can control it from any web browser as well ...07:50
max_chrisGordon, no i've got a "clean installation"07:50
Avarielman vlc is still downloading ! the servers are dying07:51
Jordan_U_josenj76, Did you just upgrade recently?07:51
ChrisGordonMax, Loading times vary on the processing speed of your computer, how much ram do you have on the machine07:51
scguy318Lunz: can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l?07:51
nmersiDoes anyone know if Canonical is going to put vmware-server packages in a repository for gutsy like they did for feisty?07:51
josenj76I'm also getting that for "gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad".  I tried the ubuntu-restricted-extras package07:51
AMDfanboyhi, my fresh install is hanging on "scanning the mirrors".  i restarted and it happened again?  if i wait will it eventually go through or should i just try tomorrow?07:51
Name141Also , one other thing, does the new 7.10 read/write NTFS ?07:51
max_but with feisty it was ok07:51
robert_has anyone successfully compiled dgen?07:51
riotkittieName141: yes07:51
Avarieljosenj76: how was the ubuntu-restricted-extras ?07:51
IcemanV9Name141: anyway, just trying to give you an idea of a way to do it during 2-5am automatically07:51
josenj76Jordan_U_, no this is a fresh install07:51
dgaAMDfanboy: just wait for it07:51
AMDfanboyaha!  i waited 20 minutes and it just went through!07:51
alastair_AMDfanboy: seems to be a problem currently.  too many people wanting to update07:51
murlidharjosenj76: just sudo apt-get install xchat07:52
Name141riotkittie: no fancy jancy hokey pokey needed anymore ?07:52
Jordan_U_josenj76, Have you tried "sudo apt-get -f install" ?07:52
riotkittieName141: nope07:52
nmersiUbuntu mirrors are very stressed at the moment because of the new 7.1007:52
Lunzscguy318,hold up07:52
Harunomrj: stupid question: how do i install kde?07:52
mmmiiikkkeeesiif I have "nvidia" as my device in xorg.config then when i go to log out I don't have an option for "shutdown" but if i use "nv" all is well.  any ideas(note this is in kde)?07:52
josenj76Avariel, it asked me to remove some packages so I did after that it says that it's installed fine07:52
dystopianrayhas that bug been fixed where network-manager doesn't work after hibernate?07:52
max_chrisGordon, 512mb but with feisty there wasn't problem07:52
scguy318Haruno: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or a different metapackage if you want something less than the entire Kubuntu07:52
MuhammadI got a problem while istalling freespire can anyone help me please :(07:53
ChrisGordonmax, ok, I am currently running a laptop with 256 ram while running fiesty, and I am slow, gutsy has more features and thier new fusion window software so it requires faster speeds that are in today's computers, so while 512 was enough for fiesty, gutsy may need more07:53
Avarieljosenj76: aight ill check it out07:53
=== xxx is now known as aditya
Name141If I run it LIVE, does it let me download/install anything ?  Or will it still not write to the disks on LIVE ?07:53
imbecileif i got disconnected while installing update do I have to redo it? i was fetching upgrade when I had connection problems now it isnt moving07:53
aunes2hey guys. just installed gutsy. I have dual monitors set up and currently, they're being displayed as one monitor. Screen 1's resolution is 2560x1024 and screen 2 is 1280x1024... I don't know where the 2560 came from. Its supposed to be two monitors as 1280x1024. Any thoughts?07:53
Jordan_U_mmmiiikkkeee, Do you see the screen flash a few times before X starts when you have "nvidia" set?07:53
josenj76Jordan_U_, I tried it with the -f but I still get the same error07:53
=== febri is now known as satrio
Bromais anyone having compiz errors with nvidia cards and 7.10?07:53
platinum123"Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic '--hide-main-window' '--non-interactive' '--parent-window-id' '48234499' '--update-at-startup' as user root.07:53
Lunzscguy318,how to pastebin?07:53
* IcemanV9 is crawling to the bed dead tired ... g'nite every1 & enjoy the new release07:53
aunes2Broma: yes. What error are you having?07:53
josenj76Thanks Avariel07:53
mrjHaruno, apt get-install kubuntu desktop07:53
scguy318Lunz: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/07:54
Bromathe 8 bit error07:54
riotkittieoh dear. the bot is gone. D:07:54
Avarielyeah its 3 in the morning and i cant go to bed trying to set up my audio/video capabilities07:54
ubotuHaruno: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:54
aunes2Broma: didn't get that one. I got an error b/c I didn't have xgl installed07:54
scguy318wow that was late07:54
max_ChrisGordon, the problem is not loading firefox or pidgin..it is very slow loading webpages or signin in07:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:54
MuhammadI got a problem while istalling freespire can anyone help me please :(07:54
mmmiiikkkeeeflash?? no.  but the moniter displayes a bit offcenter07:54
Harunoubotu a little slow today...07:54
scguy318Muhammad: #freespire?07:54
Jordan_U_riotkittie, That is what ubotwo and ubot3 are for :)07:54
Bromadid you install the original xgl or the new?07:54
scguy318Muhammad: this is a channel dedicated to Ubuntu support07:54
ChrisGordonmax, ok, im not sure that this would be a problem with Gutsy, do you have a fast internet connection?07:55
Jordan_U_ubotwo test07:55
riotkittieJordan_U_: oops. didnt know they were in here [ahh! the joys of not having a nick list]07:55
riotkittienope, theyre not in here :P07:55
Jordan_U_riotkittie, Hmm, I guess they aren't in her07:55
Harunomrj: doesnt work... seems it has no connection to the i-net, whyever...07:56
n0tworknin the 7.10 install how do you turn of acpi?07:56
mrjHaruno, er..yeah, it needs a repository to download it from07:56
aunes2any ideas what might cause dual displays be be shown as one big monitor (resolution is 2560x1024 instead of 1280x1024x2)? I have Xinerama installed. Do I need to install twinview? Ask me if I need to give more info07:56
Avarielargh i the glitch on my monitor display is pissing me off..its just this flashy glitchy thing at the bottom left07:56
max_chrisGordon, yes, 4mbit. Apt funcions correctly, downloading at 300-400Kbps but with all the other programs seems that i've got a 56k connection :)07:56
volantareshi ppl.. i'm back. i deleted both quiet and splash, and it's loaded (live-cd)07:56
Avarielis ther elike a menu in system or something that handles external displays or the like ?07:56
aunes2n0tworkn: press the function key for more options then type    noapic   at the end07:56
GuHHHhey, ubuntu cant recognize a mp4 player, does anyone has any idea how to solve it?07:56
scguy318Lunz: is your USB device 1 GB in capacity? looks like your partition table is fubared...07:56
riotkittieaunes2: check out your xorg.conf ... you may need to tweak the resolution there. ]backup first[07:57
n0tworknaunes: which function key?07:57
MuhammadI isntalled Ubuntu after installing freespire but Ubuntu didn't let me boot to freespire can anyone help me07:57
Jordan_U_riotkittie, Doesn't mean you can't still use them :)07:57
volantaresi'm now trying to install 7.10, and it's reached "configuring apt" (82%), and now it's just sitting here.. no apparently HD reading, nothing apparently happening... has it crashed or something?07:57
scguy318Lunz: you should run dat recovery apps on the USB device, the file system on it appears to be seriously corrupt07:57
Avarielvolantares: mirror searching ?07:57
Bromano that isnt a crash colantares07:57
volantaresAvariel: it says scanning the mirror07:57
Bromamine stalled for quite a while07:57
Avarielvolantares: yep07:57
mbtvolantares: The servers seem to be under load07:57
ChrisGordonGuhh, ubuntu can recognize most players (ipods, iriver, sandisk) but can only put on them what ubuntu supports, which does not include mp4s07:57
Jordan_U_Muhammad, You need to add it to your /boot/grub/menu.lst07:57
aunes2n0tworkn: it says during the load screen. I want to say its f607:58
riotkittievolantares: the mirrors are being slaughtered. sit tight.07:58
noxshi al07:58
mbtvolantares: It may take a little bit for the server to answer.07:58
amonkeywhats the new window manager called? i don't have any borders and apparently it's not called emerald any more.07:58
Avarielvolantares: you can wait it out, or unplug your internet cable07:58
Avarielvolantares: that worked for me07:58
Jordan_U_Muhammad, Just look at the settings for Ubuntu and change the partition07:58
aunes2riotkittie: there is nothing in my xorg.conf regarding 2560 resolution07:58
volantaresyes. that may be the option to take07:58
MrBisterIs 7.10 incompatible with HP PCs? Have to ask since I've tried on FOUR machines now...07:58
riotkittieaunes2: in that case, no clue. D:07:58
Avarielvolantares: i unplugged the internet and plugged it right back in and it worked07:58
aunes2riotkittie: how can I recreate it from scratch?07:58
MrBisteranyone who has installed on a HP pc?07:59
MuhammadJordan_U: great  how can I do that   can you explain please  as I'm a new user to Linux07:59
Lunzscguy318,how do i run dat recovery?07:59
josenj76Any one having problem with apt-get on a fresh install of 7.10?07:59
Bromait stalls its normal07:59
slaytanicMrBister: I did, on my notebook.07:59
volantaresok.. thanks07:59
riotkittieaunes2: i'm not sure that you want to do that [if you do, back it up first]... in a term --> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:59
scguy318Lunz: I suggest testdisk, Photorec for that purpose, lemme link you up07:59
Jordan_U_Muhammad, "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"07:59
MrBisterslatinc> nice, the ones I've tried are desktops.07:59
volantaresnow the linux community has to finish developing a driver for  my sound card, and all will be well07:59
xerawxthe internets are undar attack! penguins everyware!!!07:59
murlidharaunes2: since gutsy has a gui for setting up resolution i don't think u need to run xorg.conf07:59
MrBisternothing fancy, cel cpu, 40GB hdd. intel gfx08:00
Avarielwait what actual application do you use to open music files ? when i double click they keep on opening in totem movie player and it doesnt work !08:00
aunes2murlidhar: I cannot change it in the gui08:00
Avarielwhere should they open ?08:00
MrBistertrying again now, did a selftest on cd.08:00
riotkittieMrBister: where are they failing?08:00
aunes2riotkittie: well if I backup, what's the worst, eh?08:00
antlerhow do i determine a partition's UUID?08:00
scguy318Lunz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery the section "Data Recovery from damaged filesystem or drive" is probably what you are looking for08:00
riotkittieaunes2: nothing, really08:00
slaytanicMrBister: And the livecd won't even come up? What problem are you having?08:00
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:00
GillyGalHas anyone tried installing 7.10 on an IBM T23?  (It has a major display issue which should be reported)08:00
murlidharaunes2: have u tried all the options in it? the is a wide screen option in it08:00
amonkeywhere are the compiz settings located in gutsy?08:00
xerawxAvariel: audacious is pretty nice08:00
volantaresok, thanks ppl.. talk soon08:00
jacquesmerdebugger, "faulty cd/dvd". it did it on a perl file too. perl is the bane of my life08:00
MrBisterriotkittie> one after the fancy startup image /hearing some strange boot sound firs.t08:00
aunes2be back soon, I suppose.08:00
Lunzscguy318,one more thing,i did install dwl-g122 driver using ndiswrapper using the link you gave me but still i cant connect to internet..08:01
scguy318antler: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid I think?08:01
Wolf23hi guys, how can i convert an .avi video for mp3 audio?08:01
MuhammadJordan_U: what shall I do after that ??08:01
josenj76Any one having problem with apt-get on a fresh install of 7.10?08:01
Bromaanyone getting the Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12 image format08:01
Broma error when running compiz?08:01
MrBisterriotkittie> it plays some strange startup sound now. waiting for it to continue.08:01
scguy318Wolf23: hola, you'll probably want to use ffmpeg or a frontend for it08:01
scguy318Lunz: strange, did you blacklist the rt2500 driver?08:01
BWGameswhats the best way to keep two servers synced with the same maildirs in realtime?08:01
BWGamesor at least semi-realtime08:01
scguy318Lunz: the alternate driver08:01
riotkittieMrBister: try bootig in safe graphics mode on that one. [assuming you cant see anything]08:02
Avarielgod youtube doesnt work and ive got vlc, mplayer plugin, gstreamer, and ubuntu-restricted-extras08:02
tsukasaanyone know of a program where i can have one internet connection via ethernet, a second via wifi, be connected to them both simultaneously and give priority to using up the bandwidth from one line over the other, but use both simultaneously08:02
Wolf23scguy318:  hi friend :)08:02
Avarielwhats the magic thing that gets youtube working ?"08:02
scguy318Avariel: flashplugin-nonfree?08:02
scguy318Avariel: are you on x64?08:02
riotkittieAvariel: do you have flash?08:02
MrBisterriotkittie> ok, will try that asap.08:02
Avarielx64 yes08:02
scguy318Avariel: looks like you need nspluginwrapper08:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nspluginwrapper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:02
Bromanoone have that error?08:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nsplugin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:02
MuhammadJordan_U: it opened a txt file    what shall I saearch for08:02
riotkittieBroma: what gfx card?08:03
Avarielid have to check about:plugins on the mozilla browser to see if i have flash right ?08:03
Bromanvidia 795008:03
MrBisterriotkittie> ok, will try that asap.08:03
riotkittieMrBister:  good luck08:03
KredHello. I'm having MSN timeout problem with Pidgin after a while of idling. Any ideas?08:03
scguy318Avariel: moment08:03
Lunzscguy318,yes and the command is gksudo gedit /etc/moprobe.d/blacklist08:03
boubbinoh wrong chan :/08:03
riotkittieMrBister: if that fails, you might want to try the alternate install CD, which is more tolerant of hardware08:03
Lunzscguy318,blacklist rt73usb08:04
MuhammadI'm trying to fix Ubuntu boot to get back freespire  can anyone help me please :(08:04
riotkittieLunz: did you have the option of 9X drivers, and 2K/Xp drivers with ndiswrapper? did you only try one set?08:04
riotkittieMuhammad: you're going to need to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst and add an entry for Freespire08:05
scguy318riotkittie: he has the 9X/2K/XP ones, its was all-in-one or w/e08:05
riotkittiescguy318: ah :|08:05
Muhammadok I opened it08:05
b00kw0rmHi, i'm looking for best option to install Ubuntu 7.1, into a laptop of Dell M1210, XP-Home, with hard-drive of 3 partitions  Recorvery [FAT], System [NTFS] and one partition at end of MEDIADIRECT, shortly, what is the safest way to install ubuntu?08:05
riotkittieralinks make me a sad panda >|08:05
Bromamy vid card should work fine right?08:05
AMDfanboyhey, i08:05
Muhammadhow can I add freespire ?08:05
riotkittieBroma: yea. i'd ignore the message. unless something crazy starts happening, its probably no big deal08:06
Lunzriotkittie,i did install the driver and setting exactly the same from 7.04..but it doesnt work on gutsy..08:06
ace1hi everyone08:06
Bromawell i don't get the cube desktop feature and it doesn't appear anything realyl changes after running it08:06
wolfmanzanyone having issues with firefox displaying web pages properly?08:06
riotkittieLunz: :(08:06
lewis1711how do I get permission to copy and paste files?08:06
Lunzriotkittie,it cant detect the wireless signal but couldnt connect..08:06
lewis1711and delete them and move them and all that08:06
ace1i've been screwing around with kismet, just upgraded to 7.10 and it's dropping out after 2-3mins.. works fine then goes dead, can't get a power reading or anything. i've been checking the forums and such and wanted to try removing wpa_supplicant, does anyone know how to go about doing that?08:07
AMDfanboyhey, i'm looking at the software sources in synaptic.  i see these two under 3rd party......  "partner"  and "partner (source code)".  i don't recognize these?  what are they?  thanks!08:07
Madpilotlewis1711, in your own user directory, you should already have those permissions. The system owns the root area, though.08:07
riotkittieBroma: have you enabled Cube? IIRC, Gutsy defaults to Desktop wall and you need to install compizconfig-settings-manager to disable that, and enable cube [assuming you are using 7.10]08:07
Lunzscguy318,it cant detect the wireless signal but couldnt connect..08:07
lewis1711Madpilot, the root area being anything above my home directory?08:07
Madpilotlewis1711, basically, yes08:08
Bromalet me try that ( I am using 7.10)08:08
eikkeis it "normal" there are no module/.ko files in my generated initrd? -> causes my lvm2 system not to boot, I think08:08
Lunzriotkittie,it just works fine with 7.04 and should be working on gutsy..08:08
eikke(ie since update to 7.10)08:08
lewis1711Madpilot, how do I then give myself permission to copy paste all files?08:08
scguy318Lunz: can you check what lsmod | grep ndiswrapper has?08:08
lewis1711and also it says I don't have permission to run .deb installation files08:08
Lunzscguy318,hold on08:09
scguy318Avariel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins08:09
Madpilotlewis1711, generally, you don't. for deb files, leave them on your desktop then just double-click them08:09
Ex-CyberI just upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy via the DVD, and now Update Manager wants to do a "partial upgrade"; is this normal/safe, and how can I find details on what is causing it?08:09
scguy318Avariel: the portion about nspluginwrapper is of interest, and you should have used good ol' x86 :)08:09
Muhammadhow can I add free spire to menu.lst in Ubuntu to make it boot again I really need help if anyone know this :(08:09
lewis1711Madpilot, I do and it says I don't have permission08:09
Lunzscguy318,ndiswrapper           185240  008:09
subdhellos can someone tell me how i get amarok to play mp3s from my ntfs partition? its working fine on the local partition08:09
lewis1711I also want to move files from my desktop onto another disk and am unable to do so08:09
AMDfanboyhey, i just did a fresh gutsy install and i'm looking at the software sources in synaptic.  i see these two under 3rd party......  "partner"  and "partner (source code)".  i don't recognize these?  what are they?  thanks!08:09
scguy318Lunz: can you pastebin the output of ndiswrapper -l?08:10
scguy318Avariel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins08:10
Avarielscguy318: thanks man, and yea ive heard of the good ol x86 and the 64 bit troubles08:10
Muhammadhow can I add free spire to menu.lst in Ubuntu to make it boot again I really need help if anyone know this :(08:10
ace1fanboy, i think those are the former 'corporate' or 'commercial' sources? whatever they were called08:10
scguy318Avariel: np08:10
Madpilotlewis1711, odd. right-click on the .deb, choose Properties -what does that say about ownership?08:10
Avarielwell at least i got mp3 files working when i run them with mplaer08:10
wolfmanzanyone having issues with firefox displaying web pages properly?08:11
AMDfanboyace1: so i think i'll check them then.  i figure thats stable commercial stuff.  right?08:11
Bromaroot what do I need to do to enable cube after installing the compizconfig?08:11
ZambeziGutsy can't find my 3Com-nic. That's really bad.08:11
riotkittieLunz: i'm not sure if this is relevant but i have an rt2500usb. i blacklisted that, and then blacklisted the newer driver [rt2x00...]  as well. i'm not sure that i /had/ to, but i'm assuming that if i'd been able to connect without doing it, i'd not have bothered.08:11
lewis1711Madpilot: owner: (account I'm on now) access: read and write.08:11
bobaderI want MD5SUM for 7.10 iso file ?08:11
riotkittieLunz: so you may want to try blacklisting rt2x00pci or rt2x00usb or whatever is appropriate08:12
ace1fanboy, if you have trouble with anything on those lists should be easy enough to uncheck em an remove em :o)08:12
Madpilotlewis1711, but double-clicking on the deb doesn't work?08:12
Muhammadhow can I add free spire to menu.lst in Ubuntu to make it boot again I really need help if anyone know this :(08:12
mbtAnyone running Gutsy AMD64 having showstopper issues with OpenOffice.org?  I am experiencing very frequent and hard crashes when I do just about anything in it.08:12
mrfantasticanyone upgrade to 7.10 using the software updater?08:12
Lunzriotkittie,the native driver for dwl-g122 is rt72usb and i did blacklist it..08:12
ace1fan, i downloaded the livecd08:12
riotkittieBroma: go to System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects. Click on Cube to enable it. THEN go to General Settings page and up the # of virtual desktops to 408:12
Lunzriotkittie,i meant rt73usb08:13
riotkittieLunz: which version of the g122 do you have? C? D?08:13
Muhammadhow can I add free spire to menu.lst in Ubuntu to make it boot again I really need help if anyone know this :(08:13
Lunzriotkittie,H/W v C108:13
AMDfanboyace1: i checked and thats what they are, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/71008:13
xerawxis it possible to run XGL and 3D direct rendered Wine games together now?08:13
riotkittieahh. i wasnt aware that was also a ralink.  :o08:13
lewis1711Madpilot, it does not. In gnome it tells me it can't open it. in xfce 4 it tells me I don't have permission08:13
moDumasshey all, so woohoo got gutsy going but i cant get 3d going08:13
lewis1711in neither desktops can i copy and paste files08:13
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Lunzriotkittie,the driver should be dr72wu08:13
o7andrewi've got alot of dma errors @boot >>it's taking 15 minutes.. what's the appropriate cheatcode to use here??08:14
ace1amd, ah coo beans08:14
wolfmanzmodumass do you have a ati card?08:14
ace1any of you guys do anything with kismet?08:14
Lunzriotkittie,dr71wu : driver installed08:14
moDumasswolfmanz nope a geforce fx5950ultra08:14
Lunzriotkittie,and present08:14
Madpilotlewis1711, no copy and paste at all? even in your own home dir?08:14
riotkittieLunz: sorry, i'm cluless :(08:14
lewis1711Madpilot, in my home directory yes. outside it no.08:15
Lunzscguy318,hold on08:15
lewis1711which isn't of much use since things get downloaded to the desktop.08:15
Avarielon the nspluginwrapper instructions08:15
riotkittielewis1711: why exactly would you want to remove something outside of ~ ?08:15
Avarielwhere i have to do Download Flash08:15
AvarielDownload the .tar.gz Flash player 9 from Adobe site [WWW] http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash08:15
Muhammadhellow  can anyone help :(08:15
Muhammadhow can I add free spire to menu.lst in Ubuntu to make it boot again I really need help if anyone know this :(08:15
zhanxok if the new version 7.10 doesnt use xmms, what do i do about gyachi that depends for reason on xmms08:15
lewis1711riotkettle: I wish to move mp3s I downloaded onto my ubuntu desktop to a folder on another disk08:15
Avarielwhat do i do with the tar.gz ? im just very used to apt-get install and synaptic08:15
Madpilotlewis1711, that's standard. you don't own the stuff outside your home dir.08:16
kilopopois there an h.264 decoder for totem08:16
lewis1711so I can't move files at all?08:16
mbtMuhammad: You will need to add the old information back in.  Did you perform a backup before installing/upgrading Ubuntu?08:16
xerawxI was tempted to try ubuntu64 for my quad core build in progress but after reading a bit i think it would remind me too much of trying to run linux on my powerpc08:16
JohnRobert_is there a filesystem like squashfs but supports writing?08:16
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lewis1711if I logged in as root could I do this?08:17
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kilopopois there an h.264 decoder for totem?????08:17
Kee1does the nvidia drivers support installed by the restricted drivers manager support a geforce 8600GT?08:17
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moDumassthe problem continues to baffle. I cant turn on 3d or set Appearance Preferences to Extra or Custom without losing the titleBar /border of a window08:17
aroonifolks!  i have nvidia 7950 get otc card.  anyway i got my dual lcds working with twinview... and i can see the ubuntu load screen on boot on both lcds.  when it boots however, i only see output on one lcd.  when i use the nvidia-settings app, i can specify a set resolution (it was at auto before)... but only at 640x480 (monitor is capable of 1280x1024) ... help!08:17
Muhammad:( no08:17
kilopopois there an h.264 decoder for totem?????08:18
dgamoDumass: you need some gnome-specific compiz package i think.. apt-cache search compiz gnome08:18
smmagicHave you googled it?08:18
volkmoDumass add  Option                      "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" to xorg.conf08:18
Ex-Cyberin Gutsy, how can I permanently get rid of certain resolv.conf entries (added by my router)?08:18
acomerjoin #ubuntu-colorado08:18
mbtMuhammad: Well, the only way to do it would be to find your Linspire kernel, any initrd necessary, and any kernel command line parameters you need, and put those in the menu.lst file.  You would be better seeking help from Linspire people.08:18
volkmoDumass, put it in section screen08:19
jotili am in the recovery mode and i don't have networking capabilities, which run level should i use? telinit 3 is taking me to gui and "sh /etc/init.d/networking start" is not bringing up my eth008:19
dgaEx-Cyber: vi /etc/resolv.conf08:19
lewis1711can noone help me move files?08:19
o7andrew>i've got alot of dma errors @boot >>it's taking 15 minutes.. what's the appropriate cheatcode to use here??08:19
acomerok i cannot upgrade cause my disk ( / filesystem)  is full. anybody know how to figure out where the big files must be ?08:19
volkjotil, just setup network from the console using ifconfig08:19
marx2kAnyone else getting "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension." when trying to change resolution?08:20
Avarielwhat do i need to play .avi files ? i checked and neither totem nor mplayer are playing my .avi files08:20
dgaacomer: man du08:20
o7andrewlewis1711: mv file /here/to /here08:20
chumbadudedoes anyone know how to install ubuntu 7.10 on an HP that has a go 6150 Video card?08:20
friend2GNUavariel do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:20
scguy318acomer: du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 10 to find 10 largest files08:20
friend2GNUthat will install flash and other necessary non free things08:21
wolfmanzanyone having issues with firefox displaying web pages properly?08:21
Avarieldid that already, as well as vlc and i just tried opening an .flv file to failure....its rather odd08:21
jacquesmerdecraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!!. i had ONE corrupted file on my cd when i tried to install (a measly perl file at that) and i've hosed my box08:21
o7andrewfriend2GNU: is that with flash9?08:21
moDumassvolk, its already there08:22
friend2GNUi have it installed by that method08:22
Kee1how do I get a 8600GT card working in 7.10?08:22
kerbau__how to configure conky08:22
kerbau__how to configure conky08:22
Kemicalwhats the easiest way to install complete gnome on my box, currently im running a fresh install of 7.1 xubuntu08:22
acomerscguy318: many thanks!! :)08:22
volkmoDumass, so when you run compiz you lose title bars, but otherwise everything is fine?08:23
friend2GNUo7andrew: yes its flash 908:23
marx2kAnyone else getting "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension." when trying to change resolution?08:23
dgahe has to install compiz-gnome or something. i had the same problem.08:23
moDumassgimme a sec volk and il check it out08:23
jacquesmerdei have only 370ish meg ram, would burning another iso, from WITHIN the curent live instance of the iso be a bad idea given the ram???08:23
Avarieli have a tar.gz file...what do i do with that ? extract it ?08:23
Avariel(new to ubuntu)08:23
scguy318Avariel: yes I think08:23
kerbau__anyone please08:23
vincehello all im new to linux (have been playing with knopper) and i'd like to dual boot my lappy (hp dv9500) but when i try to install Ubuntu (7.04) it says "can't access tty;job control turned off (initramfs)"08:23
o7andrewtar -zxvf08:23
friend2GNUavariel: you are using firefox i presume?08:23
amicitasI have been using 7.10 beta and now that the official is released I am having a lot of failed sources when I try to check for upgrades.  How can I update my sources.list file to reflect the proper sources?08:24
ardinAvariel: yes, you extract it :)08:24
volkmoDumass, just run "metacity --replace" and see if your titlebars come back08:24
moDumassvolk, yeh other than that things seem fine08:24
obrunoils sont nuls le PSG08:24
Avarielthis is part of getting nspluginwrapper for my 64bit firefox to have flash08:24
tmpetu01PAIS EST MAGIQUE08:24
Bromaroot do i jsut alt tab to pan the cube or how can i test to make sure I have it working?08:24
scguy318vince: known issue, try booting with all_generic_ide08:24
tmpetu01PARIS EST MAGIQUE08:24
Avarielhow do i extract the tar.gz file ?08:24
volkhmm try to run compiz using "compiz --replace --indirect-rendering"08:24
scguy318vince: press F6 at boot menu, press space, then type all_generic_ide then enter08:24
vincehow do i go about thAT?08:24
scguy318Avariel: double click :)08:24
Avarieloh really  ? cool :)08:24
tmpetu01VIVE LES FRAISES08:24
Lunzscguy318,did you get it?08:24
scguy318Lunz: no, can you paste the link again08:25
friend2GNUavariel: i think flash will only work with 32 bit firefox08:25
scguy318vince: if that doesnt work try the alternate CD, or Gutsy ;)08:25
jacquesmerdei have only 370ish meg ram, would burning another iso, from WITHIN the curent live instance of the iso be a bad idea given the ram???08:25
scguy318vince: Gutsy is out after all08:25
dgamoDumass: did you install compiz-gnome ?08:25
udzguruhi there just dist-upgraded to gutsy and occuring some (little) problems now. perhaps someone can help me08:25
friend2GNUavariel: let me find a thread that explains a work around, i remember reading somewhere08:25
c9s_i want my beryl-manager back ..  i dont wnat compiz on my Ubuntu Gutsy08:25
moDumassdga i did08:25
c9s_compiz sucks08:25
scguy318!fr | tmpetu0108:25
Avarielyeah i was j ust told about the workaround08:25
Avarielfriend2GNU: its nswrapper thingy08:26
Avarielim working to install it now08:26
scguy318Lunz: hmm, im not so sure why you're having problems :(08:26
c9s_i can't install beryl on 7.10 . orz08:26
Lunzc9s_,how about compiz-fusion?08:26
ardinok, one simple question and thats it. i'm upgrading via the update manager. Am I about to lose EVERYTHING in my /usr directory? i'm assuming i shouldnt be losing my home dir, but am i about to lose the stuff in /usr/share/pixmaps?08:26
Bromawhat would be a good way to test and see if i ahve the cube working for compiz?08:26
scguy318c9s_: why do you need Beryl? Compiz comes out of box08:26
r0b-oh no08:26
volkmoDumass, I used to have the same problem and adding the argb visuals option always solved it.. No idea really... You could try to install all packages associated with compiz and try again.. "apt-get install compiz*"08:26
moDumassdga i m uninstalling it now08:26
Avarielfriend2GNU: nspluginwrapper08:26
r0b-my sound stopped workin08:26
volkmoDumass, did you try indirect rendering?08:26
c9s_i need more enhanced keyboard shortcuts08:26
udzguruin feisty i had access to my ntfs drives, links were on the desktop. now under gutsy they disappeared and i can'T reach the drives via the places menu in gnome. how can i get this functionality back?08:26
arooniwhat is the command to fix no titlebars with compiz fusion + geforce graphics card?08:26
magnetronwanna have some fun? join #trivia08:26
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vsayikiranwhich package do i need to use FAST IR port08:27
dgaarooni: have you installed copmiz-gnome?08:27
c9s_but compiz don't have it..08:27
Lunzscguy318,can you suggest me any d-link wireless usb that gutsy will install automatically without using ndiswrapper?08:27
scguy318udzguru: if you do sudo fdisk -l, do the NTFS partitions show up?08:27
c9s__Aoi_: bonjour08:27
aroonidga, i have compiz fusion... on feisty (same compiz that comes on gutsy i blieeve)08:27
arooniits like add rgb visuals or seomthing08:27
friend2GNUavariel: try these steps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47692408:27
scguy318Lunz: I dunno :(08:27
pikeshouse886 more members and it'll be 133708:28
udzguruscguy318, yes they show up08:28
volkAvariel, Option                      "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"08:28
vsayikiranwhich package is required to enable fast ir port08:28
kerbau__how to configure conky08:28
scguy318udzguru: strange, then, unfortunately I'm not running Gutsy yet08:28
moDumassvolk i just ran that apt-get install compiz* but that fixed nothing. i did something last night that broke it08:28
moDumassim jsut going to run through the compiz files i installed and see if anything rings a bell08:29
friend2GNUavariel: also video showing script in action http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/linux/2007/09/22/installing-flash-9-on-64-bit-ubuntu/08:29
vsayikiranplease help, i want a package for ir port08:29
chumbadudeI am trying to create a usb install of 7.10.  When I tell it to write the partition it says error 16 and doesn't write anything.  what am I doing wrong?08:29
smmagicCan I pm you?08:29
kilopopoi got to study math08:29
kilopopoubuntu sucks!08:29
xerawxarooni: remove all(or disable) desktop effects. install the official nvidia drivers, restart X08:29
jotilvolk: worked. thanks.08:29
arooniis it safe to upgrade to 7.10?  i have intel core 2 duo, 2gb ram, sounds blaster live card, geforce 7950 gt otc graphics card .... will everything work?08:29
scguy318kilopopo: PM if you need help08:29
c9s_Lunz: compiz seems that don't have detail settings , but beryl has it.08:29
volkmoDumass, do you have emerald?08:29
aroonixerawx, i was thiking bout just upgrading to 7.1008:29
vincethank you much sirs the generic IDE works =-D08:30
nrdbxerawx: what packet for the nvidia drivers08:30
vincebut now it says vid car error08:30
moDumassvolk, i do08:30
aroonixerawx, i already have nvidia drivers installed08:30
obrunoje suis là08:30
udzgurunext thing would be: i possess a canon canoscan 3000 usb scanner, which wouldn't work under feisty because of some strange kernel flags. this should be fixed under gutsy (they wrote in the forums). now ... the scanner is still not being recognized :(08:30
vsayikiraninfrared port08:30
kilopoposcguy318, i want to get compiz-fusion to work08:30
xIke_I lost my pretty ubuntu logo with gutsy.  now I have the gnome foot.  anyway to get my product branding back?08:30
ezkisofrenicohola a todos08:30
o7andrew>i've got alot of dma errors @boot >>it's taking 15 minutes.. what's the appropriate cheatcode to use here??08:30
lurchican anyone tell me where i can find directly online packages? i have to download openswan and ipsec tools before i can use the local gateway to access the internet08:31
volkmoDumass, did you enable window decorations in compiz? :P08:31
moDumassvolk, i have08:31
astro76lurchi, http://packages.ubuntu.com08:31
foo87654arooni, i have a laptop that is similar spec, it will work a treat. you yo08:31
knixI have an nvidia 8800gts and none of the graphical installers seem to work, it simply sits in a black screen08:31
vsayikiranwhich package do i need to install infrared port08:31
knixtried every video mode08:31
kerbau__how to configure conky08:31
Lunzc9s_,they have details settings,install compiz icon08:31
Bromahow do i make it so my desktop is the cube I have wall disabled in advanced desktop effect options08:31
aroonifoo87654, it will work like a treat?  no problems uve had?08:31
foo87654arooni, you can try out the live cd before installing as a check08:31
aroonifoo87654, good call08:32
Geoffrey2sigh....Gutsy's a no-go for me, won't even boot.....08:32
scguy318kilopopo: Gutsy should have it working out of box, at least that's the case for me08:32
scguy318!compiz | kilopopo08:32
volkmoDumass, check your settings inthere, I have my "command" set to gtk-window-decorator08:32
Lunzc9s_,they have details settings,install compiz icon and compiz fusion is better and you will be suprise what it can do to your desktop08:32
foo87654arooni, i cant promise 100% no problems. but the ubuntu community are pretty good at helping one another08:32
lurchisometimes i'm blind08:33
volkand then you can look into emerald settings and see if you find anything that can fix your problem..08:33
kilopoposcguy318, when i do compiz --replace i get this error: Checking for texture_from_pixmap: Segmentation fault (core dumped)08:33
kilopoposcguy318, should i enable aiglx?08:33
XsteelWolfWhat's a good download manager for rapidshare08:33
Necrosan_there any difference in the release kernel and the rc kernel?08:33
kilopopohow do i enable indirect rendering with compiz-fusion?08:33
Necrosan_or are thye the same?08:33
Geoffrey2I try to boot Gutsy, I get an allocation error for Device 00:14.0, then the system hangs08:33
DQuestionshow do i start gnome if i'm using vnc servr to ssh into a computer with gnome ?08:34
chumbadudeCan anyone help me? I am new to ubuntu.08:34
lavender_dreamHow do I get rid of or change the color of the background before the desktop appears? No matter what I do to Login Window or my Desktop Background options, I still see the default peach/light brown background before my desktop wallpaper appears during startup... please help.08:34
jotilvolk: which run level does recovery mode run on?08:34
moDumassvolk, to enable compiz you go to system>preferences>appearance> Visual effects >>extra correct?08:34
volkmoDumass, check out that you also have all extensions loaded in xorg.conf, you can use this one as reference http://www.schreder.nu/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_on_EasyNote08:34
scguy318XsteelWolf: wget :P08:35
XsteelWolfscguy318, doesn't support multithreads08:35
moDumassvolk, at some stage last night after i had it working something was updated and it all stopped08:35
volkjotil, not sure, i think its 308:35
volki rarely use it..08:35
david_hi now that gibbon is final is it still recommended to update pre releases as well ?08:35
DQuestionsi tried "gnome-wm"08:35
DQuestionsbut i get a warning: screen 0 on display :1, 0 already has a s windwos manager08:36
platinum123sorry to repeat my question... had to reboot & lost the chat :( can someone remind me how i can upgrade from the dvd ? something about add cdrom...08:36
vinceokay guys the "all_generic_ide" trick worked but now it's giving me another error "failed to start X server(my grafical interface) would i like to veiw the problem and diagnose the problem".... what should i do from here? another code to cheat lolz!08:36
pvallipuwho want to chat with me it's a little bit boring08:36
scguy318vince: do the same thing but in safe graphics mode08:36
scguy318vince: select the Safe Graphics mode thing, then the F6 trick I told ya08:37
volkmoDumass, you could try to reinstall everything... the most common cause of missing window decorations is missing argb visuals option, but since you have that i don't know what might be cousing your problems08:37
Bromais there a hot key to toggle from a flat desktop to cube mode?08:37
lewis1711how can I gain permission to copy and paste files?08:37
scguy318vince: after you install we can help fix your X server :)08:37
ZambeziHow will Gutsy run as a firewall with Irssi, Bitlbee etc?08:37
vinceheh i'll try safe mode... (reboots lappy)08:37
moDumassvolk, well the problem seems that i can either have 3d without window decorations or 2d with..08:37
jotilvolk: not 3. telinit 3 brings x.org and gdm up.08:37
nesoihello... how can I tell which version I'm running?08:37
vinceare all these because it's NEW hardware?08:37
vsayikirani want a package for infrared port08:37
lavender_dreamHow do I get rid of or change the color of the background before the desktop appears? No matter what I do to Login Window or my Desktop Background options, I still see the default orange/light brown background before my desktop wallpaper appears during startup... please help.08:37
Zambezinesoi: lsb_release -a08:37
lewis1711lavender_dream, the login screen?08:38
themoebiusI'm trying to install something that required libflac7, but I have libflac8 and it's not accepting it...08:38
jotillavender_dream: you need to change your GDM theme08:38
XsteelWolfWhat's a good download manager for rapidshare08:38
lavender_dreamHow can I change my GDM theme?08:38
nesoithanks, but I want to see if synoptics updated me to the release version or not... it just says 7.1008:38
lewis1711jotil google doesn't always have the answers:(08:38
Zambezinesoi: Run with updatemanager instead.08:39
jotillewis1711: to gain access to copy and paste file: man chmod08:39
nrdblavender_dream: try System->Preference->Apperence08:39
magnetronlewis1711: try ask.com08:39
nesoiupdatemanager said I didn't need an update, but I was running a beta version08:39
=== Lunz is now known as I_LoveBlackmen
scguy318nesoi: you dont08:39
lavender_dreamlewis1711: It's the screen that shows only shortly right before the desktop wallpaper appears. But after the Login08:39
volkjotil, runlevels are just fast way to stop a lot of services and start them again when you need them, you don't usually need to switch runlevels... sure switching is advertised in different tutorials where you for example install nvidia drivers, but I just use "killall gdm" and then restart it when im done..:D08:39
cwill1anyone run across a completion plugin for gedit?08:40
lewis1711jotil, I mean in the gui. I have files on my desktop I want to transfer to my other hard drive but it's impossible to do it.08:40
nesoiI did... the version I had didn't work with my nvidia card08:40
=== moogwai is now known as lokh
cwill1lewis1711: how is the hard drive mounted?08:40
volkjotil, what are you trying to do?08:40
jotillewis1711: you will need to figure out what are the permissions you have on the destination08:40
nesoiI had the 2 weeks ago broken beta208:41
lewis1711I am not sure. I am dual booting, one harddrive win2k one ubuntu. I am trying to transfer files to my windows hard drive08:41
cwill1lewis1711: my hunch is you're trying to copy files to a windows ntfs partition08:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xrandr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:41
cwill1I win :p08:41
nesoiand update manager didn't say I needed anything even though the release was out08:41
lewis1711jotil if I right click and go properties: permissions it says I can read and right08:41
ubotutmpetu01: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:41
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:41
dystopianrayis it just me or does gutsy have blurrier fonts?08:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about conky - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:41
lewis1711cwill1 I am able to open files on the windows hard drive, I think it's fat3208:41
ubotu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast.08:41
bqmasseyhow do i get ubuntu to mount my NTFS partition on startup?08:41
cwill1lewis1711: make sure the drive is clean, i.e., chkdsked, clean shutdown08:41
jscinoz_ugh xchat crashed08:41
ubotukilopopo: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion08:41
jscinoz_did anyone answer my question while i was disconnected?08:42
lewis1711I can open and brows the harde drive08:42
lewis1711it just won't let me paste files08:42
lewis1711cwill1, it is08:42
scguy318bqmassey: edit your fstab08:42
cwill1lewis1711: one sec08:42
bqmasseyscguy318: don't know anything about "fstab"08:42
scguy318lewis1711: perhaps you need to tweak fstab, umask=000 :P08:42
dgjonesdystopianray, its not just you, i've noticed that, not looked into the cause yet though08:42
scguy318bqmassey: can you please pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l and cat /etc/fstab please08:42
scguy318bqmassey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/08:43
nesoiI had the 2 weeks ago broken beta2 and update manager didn't say I needed anything even though the release is out. So, does anyone know how I can tell if I have the release version. I think it should at least be some packages I can check in synoptics08:43
XsteelWolfWhat's a good download manager for rapidshare08:43
platinum123should i be doing "sudo aptitude upgrade" or just using upgrade manager... does it matter?08:43
jscinoz_my laptop has hdmi, im trying to get audio output over it,the driver is hda-intel, however i'm not getting any sound over hdmi, also, if i open the volume control i have a new swithc "IEC958" any idea what this does and if its releated to hdmi audio? Also although the display's native resolution is 1280x720, setting it to output this resolution results in the edges being cut off, lowering the resolution still has the edges c08:43
jscinoz_ut off, just with everything larger.08:43
scguy318lewis1711: for the mount option for the partition in question, you may have to edit the fstab entry for it so that all files are 77708:43
scguy318lewis1711: perhaps make it owned by you too with another flag08:44
jotilvolk: i am trying to install nVidia graphics driver. there seems to be an issue. xorg starting on recovery mode. so figuring that out. but i needed my eth0 to connect the internet. that's why i asked. i was thinking about adding networking capabilities to the recovery mode because i like being lazy. but no big deal. i can type two lines of commands.08:44
lewis1711scguy318, I have no idea what that means.08:44
lewis1711I can copy from the windows hard drive to the linux one if that helps, but not vice versa08:44
lewis1711or at least I could08:44
lewis1711I dunno08:44
scguy318lewis1711: if you try to do it as root, does it succeed?08:44
lewis1711maybe I'll just burn it to CD:p08:44
vinceuhhh... in VGA mode.. how do i force it to something over 8x6 =-P08:45
lewis1711scguy318, I only know how to sign in as sudo on command line, and that does not help08:45
panosruWhat the F...K repos 3rd day D O W N ? ? ?08:45
vincei cant click next because my res is too low =-P08:45
smmagicUnmount is the same thing as eject right?08:45
lexu1I am trying to upgrade ... but its SOOOO  slow....08:45
smmagicNo eject button on my usb08:45
nesoiis the eclipse in add/remove applications in 7.10 3.3 or 3.2? any way to know?08:45
c9s_ijust found that compiz advanced settings08:45
smmagicBut it said unmount08:45
scguy318vince: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but this is a temporary session, we will fix your X for real after installation08:45
c9s_new effects!08:45
scguy318vince: or you could use the alternate CD08:45
cwill1lewis1711: sorry, got sidetracked08:45
cwill1lewis1711: ntfs?08:45
lewis1711haha, it's all good08:45
volkjotil, well just go to one of the virtual consoles, do a killall gdm/killall X, then dhclient eth0 if you have dhcp, download the driver, run the bin file and start gdm :D08:46
goodshithi i'm new to ubuntu. but what version of php, mysql and apache is installed on the lastest ubuntu server anyone know??08:46
astro76goodshit, better change that nick08:46
lewis1711cwill1, it's fat32 I think.08:46
haruanyone knows a systray plugin for thunderbird or evolution08:46
astro76!language | goodshit08:46
lewis1711I'll see if I can check08:46
smmagicSo unmount doesn't harm my usb?08:46
=== goodshit is now known as aboyzz
ubotugoodshit: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.08:46
lexu1has anyone had success with screen expansion in Gutsy?08:46
astro76thanks :)08:46
volkjotil, or if you are lazy you use envy to install the latest driver :D08:46
aboyzzi'm aboyzz is this better?08:46
cwill1lewis1711: run mount on the terminal, it'll say08:46
dot_hello! I updated to gutsy, but it can't find my usb harddrive and my msn fonts sucks08:46
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!08:46
panosrugodshit NICE NICK MAN! KEEP UP08:46
aboyzzcan someone answer me please or show me where i can find it..08:46
nesoiokay, so no one here knows how to determine what version of ubuntu ( have (final or beta), or how to determine which version of eclipse is installed by package manager08:46
scguy318aboyzz: what is your question?08:46
vincehow can i FORCE VGA safe mode over 8x6 resalution?08:47
jotilvolk: yeah. done that right after. i am connected using ifconfig.08:47
volkjotil, http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html08:47
scguy318lewis1711: ohh!08:47
lexu1can I upgrade to Gutsy using the CD?08:47
haruanyone knows a systray plugin for thunderbird or evolution???08:47
nesoiis that true?08:47
scguy318lewis1711: yes, you will have to mount with umask=00008:47
Necrosan_my wifi wont work08:47
Necrosan_at all08:47
lewis1711cwill1, sorry? type mount into the terminal?08:47
bqmasseyscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41165/08:47
aboyzzscguy. what version of php, mysql and apache come with the latewst ubuntu?08:47
astro76aboyzz, you can check on http://packages.ubuntu.com08:47
cwill1lewis1711: yes08:47
jotilvolk: i don't like envy :P thanks though08:47
aboyzzastro. thanks thats what i need :) thanks08:47
platinum123how can i why does "sudo aptitude upgrade" to on the internet to download when i have already added my gutsy dvd to the sources list?08:47
scguy318bqmassey: ty08:47
dot_lexu1: yes you can08:47
marx2kok apparently the new NVidia-glx-new does not work with the NVidia GeForce 620008:47
cwill1lewis1711: open a terminal, type mount, and look for the mount point08:47
bqmasseyscguy318: took me a bit :)08:47
lewis1711ah it is nfts08:47
aboyzzastro. which one is the lastest?08:47
astro76aboyzz, gutsy is 7.1008:47
XsteelWolfWhat's a good download manager for rapidshare08:48
volkjotil, i dont like its feature that updates your x config, messing it up completely, but otherwise envy is great :)08:48
jotillewis1711: gutsy or feisty?08:48
nesoiokay, an old version of eclipse. thanks bqmassey08:48
scguy318bqmassey: do you want read/write access to the NTFS partition?08:48
aboyzzastro. is that the most stable?08:48
cwill1platinum123: there's probably updates on the internet for things that aren't on the cd, or packages that you installed on feisty08:48
ZaphodBeeblebroxHi everyone. I can't make Gutsy to work with my Nvidia GeForce 6200... I've tried everything possible, restricted drivers, nvidia-glx-legacy, glx and glx-new and envy. Nothing works. This is my xorg.conf file: http://pastebin.ca/74213008:48
aboyzzastro. i should install 7.10 release?08:48
bqmasseyscguy318: yep.. i'm running 7.1008:48
cwill1lewis1711: k, reboot into windows, run a scandisk on the drive, reboot cleanly twice, and then boot back up08:48
bqmasseyscguy318: gutsy08:48
astro76aboyzz, well it should be, but considering it was released today, there are usually some bugs shaken out in the first month08:48
clay3482can anyone help me with themes08:48
aboyzznice. thanks :)08:48
cwill1lewis1711: I _think08:48
ZaphodBeeblebroxNvidia + OpenGL, that is, of course08:48
_anusia_hi all08:49
scguy318bqmassey: ok, please do gksudo gedit /etc/fstab, then I'll tell you what to edit08:49
platinum123hmm, ok well its taking a _very_ long time... guess the servers are slammed... whats a reasonable time to wait?08:49
scguy318bqmassey: where do you want the NTFS partition to mount?08:49
cwill1lewis1711: i _think_ there's a chkdsk that you can run under linux, but I'm not dead sure, and if I recall recorrectly, it's not compatible with vista if you're running that08:49
lewis1711it says root can only read the hard drive, not right it as well08:49
panosruNO ONE KNOWS ABOUT REPOS??? WHY THEY ARE DOWN?? CAN ANYBODY ANSWER MY QUESTION?????????????????????????????????????????????????????08:49
lewis1711cwill1, win2kpro08:49
cwill1panosru: stop yelling, what's going on?08:49
XsteelWolfWhat's a good download manager for rapidshare08:49
ZaphodBeeblebroxwatch the caps lock, please08:49
lewis1711*write it08:49
scguy318panosru: the servers are overloaded08:49
jotilvolk: you surely can use it to clean the restricted modules. the restricted modules are always causing trouble. everytime you upgrade distro, the nVidia binary breaks and then you have to go the same process over and over again.08:49
lavender_dreamCan anyone quickly check that when you go to System ==>> Software Sources, under the Ubuntu Software tab, you see TWO listings of the same "CD-rom with Ubuntu 7.10" with the bottom one checked? Is this normal? Can someone explain what this might be about?08:49
dot_hello! I updated to gutsy, but it can't find my usb harddrive and my msn fonts sucks08:49
cwill1lewis1711: k, well, safest answer is to reboot into windows like I said, but you might be able to find another option if ithappens again08:49
XsteelWolfpanosru, gutsy just release.everything is overloaded08:49
dot_hello! I updated to gutsy, but it can't find my usb harddrive and my msn fonts sucks08:49
dot_hello! I updated to gutsy, but it can't find my usb harddrive and my msn fonts sucks08:49
haruanyone knows a systray plugin for thunderbird or evolution??08:49
marx2kAnyone having NVidia issues in Gutsy?08:49
scguy318haru: alltray08:49
dgjones!repeat | dot_08:49
ubotudot_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:49
panosrucwill1, repos down and no one answers me and never did actually never in this channel08:50
ZaphodBeeblebroxI am, marx2k08:50
cwill1panosru: ...08:50
marx2kZaphodBeeblebrox:  whats your issue?08:50
lewis1711cwill1 this is not a new problem. I have never been able to copy and paste files. how do I gve myself permission to read and write my disk?08:50
scguy318bqmassey: you mind if I PM?08:50
XsteelWolfpanosru, use software sources and detect the fastest repo for yourself08:50
lewis1711cwill1 becaues it says this account can only read08:50
bqmasseyscguy318: not at all.. that'd be easier08:50
aboyzzastro. why gesty only support php 5.2.3?08:50
lewis1711which ia ssume could be the problem??08:50
panosruXsteelWolf i did, all down08:50
aboyzzhow do i get it to upgrade to 5.2.4?08:50
ZaphodBeeblebroxmarx2k: I can't make Gutsy to work with my Nvidia GeForce 6200 with OpenGL... I've tried everything possible, restricted drivers, nvidia-glx-legacy, glx and glx-new and envy. Nothing works. This is my xorg.conf file: http://pastebin.ca/74213008:50
cwill1lewis1711: if its mounted in fstab, add uid=<your username> to the options08:50
jotilvolk; and the distro upgrades come every 6 months. how can i remember how to install something for 6 months? hell, i think i will forget how to eat if i didn't eat for 6 months. :P08:50
XsteelWolfTry tw.archive08:51
XsteelWolfup for me08:51
marx2kZaphodBeeblebrox: same exact issue here, same card08:51
haruscguy318, i tried clicking on thunderbird window, but nothing happens08:51
cwill1panosru: can you be more specific?08:51
Bromawould someone be able to help me with a quick compiz issue?08:51
aboyzzwhat make ubuntu so popular?? because its easy to install? :)08:51
scguy318haru: what is it that you wish to accomplish08:51
scguy318aboyzz: and ease of use08:51
haruscguy318, set it to tray08:51
marx2kZaphodBeeblebrox: my next step was going to be nvidia-glx but sounds like you already tried that08:51
kilopopoyou can move the freaking windows in the taskbar08:51
aboyzzscguy. i sit easy to upgrade?08:51
riotkittieaboyzz: community goes a long way, as well08:51
jotilaboyzz: it makes you a human being if you install Ubuntu.08:51
bqmasseyscguy318: get my message? feel free to PM08:51
scguy318haru: i would use alltray to accomplish that08:51
astro76aboyzz, the community is a big part, and the project has direction08:51
jotilwe use Ubuntu to be humans.08:51
* cwill1 loves the new release rush :p08:51
haruscguy318, so that i can get notifications when new mail comes08:51
panosrucwill1, how more? repos down what else to specify? its simple.. that are just down08:51
scguy318bqmassey: I just tried to send a PM to you08:52
aboyzzastro. i see. i'll test it out myself :) big community08:52
cwill1panosru: well, I just installed a bunch of stuff, so it's not down08:52
haruscguy318, i installed alltray but when i click on a window i wish to hide, it does nothing08:52
scguy318haru: mm, dunno :(08:52
ZaphodBeeblebroxmarx2k: my issue is with games like Tremulous and Second Life. Everything worked fine on Feisty...08:52
cwill1panosru: so, can you say which repo's you have in sources.list?08:52
XsteelWolfWhat's a good download manager for rapidshare08:52
scguy318aboyzz: yes08:52
aboyzzastro. what do ubuntu use to upgrade pacakges?08:52
panosrucwill1, maybe they like you08:52
astro76panosru, cancel and try again a couple of times, it will probably start08:52
cwill1panosru: or they don't like you :p08:52
aboyzzdo ubuntu use yum?08:52
_anusia_hi, can anybody help me? After upgrade to gusty (from 7.04) my desktop dont starting (i must run it by hand from console)08:52
jpa_i want to crypt my hdd is there a easy way to do this in gutsy?08:52
panosrucwill1, i will paste sources.list on a paste bin w8 a sec08:52
astro76aboyzz, ubuntu uses APT08:52
marx2kZaphodBeeblebrox: did you get any XRandR issues when trying to resize using the new drivers?08:52
aboyzzastro. apt-get?08:53
panosrucwill1, yeah maybe they don't like me :P08:53
astro76aboyzz, that's one of the programs yes08:53
ZaphodBeeblebroxmarx2k: trying to resize what exactly?08:53
astro76aboyzz, but also dpkg, aptitutde, Synaptic, etc...08:53
marx2kZaphodBeeblebrox: : resolution08:53
cwill1jpa_: I think there's an option when you install, beyond that I have no experience08:53
panosruastro76, 3 days already i do that08:53
aboyzzastro. it is base on debian right?08:53
dot_hello! I updated to gutsy, but it can't find my usb harddrive08:53
ZaphodBeeblebroxno, marx2k, that worked fine08:53
marx2kI kept getting errors08:54
lavender_dreamCan anyone quickly check that when you go to System ==>> Software Sources, under the Ubuntu Software tab, you see TWO listings of the same "CD-rom with Ubuntu 7.10" with the bottom one checked? Is this normal? Can someone explain what this might be about?08:54
dot_it says that it can't be mounted08:54
nomad111hey all, how come when i play a video my monitor flashes off then on and starts the video08:54
nomad111its getting annoying08:54
ZaphodBeeblebroxI can't make Gutsy to work with my Nvidia GeForce 6200 with OpenGL... I've tried everything possible, restricted drivers, nvidia-glx-legacy, glx and glx-new and envy. Nothing works. This is my xorg.conf file: http://pastebin.ca/74213008:54
nomad111this is under gutsy08:54
jpa_cwill1, thanks but its pretty hard to do it in text mode08:54
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cwill1nomad111: just when you fullscreen it?08:54
lexu1I want to upgrade from the CD.... how do I do this???08:54
nomad111cwill1: no windowed mode08:54
cwill1nomad111: try turning off desktop effects08:55
nomad111cwill1: but when i do fullscreen it happens a second time08:55
lexu1gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" is not working08:55
nomad111cwill1: already off08:55
jpa_nobody experince with Crypt a HDD in gutsy ?08:55
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: it surely works. i just made it work. 6200.08:55
cwill1nomad111: what video card?08:55
Ex-CyberI upgraded to gutsy, got a message about XGL being the new default, and restarted X; now X is really slow (e.g. redraw in this X-Chat window visibly scrolls down the length of the window)... what do I need to do to get XGL working properly, or should I just disable it?08:55
panosrucwill1, http://pastebin.com/d6ef21c4c08:55
nomad111cwill1: intel 945 gm08:55
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: How?08:55
nomad111running using the intel driver08:55
inspiredgah, fonts in firefox look like crap after upgrading to gutsy. how could this have been done on purpose? any way to get back to the old fonts?08:55
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: i installed the nvidia binary but did you try envy?08:56
cwill1nomad111: if you run gstreamer-properties, and change the video mode to x11 nomc, does it still do it?08:56
cwill1panosru: one sec08:56
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: Yes08:56
Kee1could someone help me getting my second monitor to work, I'm using a 8600GT08:56
panosrucwill1, take your time08:56
lexu1please help..... I need to upgrade a machine from the CD08:56
dot_hello! I updated to gutsy, but it can't find my usb harddrive08:56
dot_it says that it can't be mounted08:56
platinum123what does this mean?: The following packages have been automatically kept back:  libc6-dev  The following packages have been kept back:   libatm108:56
Flannellexu1: you have the alternate CD?08:56
nomad111cwill1: i think i tried that earlier, ill give it another shot to make sure08:56
cwill1panosru: in a terminal, what does 'host archive.ubuntu.com' say?08:56
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: what happens? how does it crash?08:56
platinum123sudo aptitude upgrade just prints that message and quits08:56
cwill1nomad111: you shouldn't need to do it, but it'll be useful to know08:57
lexu1Flannel: I have just downloaded the ISO from Ubuntu...08:57
inspiredthe fonts in gnome-console also look bad08:57
Flannelplatinum123: try dist-upgrade instead of upgrade08:57
lexu1Flannel: alternate?>08:57
bdgrauehow can i get the information, which chipset my webcam have?08:57
Geoffrey2any suggestions on where to get help with a kernel problem?  ubuntu-kernel is absolutely silent right now08:57
Avariel got audacious very neat little audio player !...however despite having ubuntu-restricted-extras, vlc, gnash, gstreamer, and what not...neither totem nor mplayer will open .avi or .flv files or even .wmv...so im assuming its not missing codecs but something else08:57
Flannellexu1: Which ISO? Desktop or Alternate?08:57
panosrucwill1, archive.ubuntu.com has address
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openssi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:57
lexu1Flannel: Desktop08:57
cwill1panosru: and sudo apt-get update?08:57
nomad111cwill1: it still happens08:57
Flannellexu1: you need the alternate CD to upgrade, desktop can't08:57
nomad111screen goes off then on08:57
morpheusis openssi in the repositories?08:57
lexu1Flannel: oh?08:57
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil:  Second Life crashes with a "Create window error". Tremulous messes with the resolution and crashes silently, leaving Ubuntu with the messed up res08:58
Avarielin fact totem doesnt complain about a lack of codecs, it complains about a lack of a plugin or something08:58
nomad111cwill1: i should tell u i am using a laptop that is connected to an lcd screen08:58
Flannellexu1: Same place to download, just replace 'desktop' with 'alternate' in the URL08:58
morpheusand has anyone set up openssi on ubuntu08:58
Avarielwhat plugin could it possibly be ?08:58
cwill1nomad111: that was (No Xv), right?08:58
lavender_dreamCan anyone quickly check that when you go to System ==>> Software Sources, under the Ubuntu Software tab, you see TWO listings of the same "CD-rom with Ubuntu 7.10" with the bottom one checked? Is this normal? Can someone explain what this might be about?08:58
lexu1Flannel: ok.... do you knwo where the fastest server is located?08:58
astro76Avariel, for .flv you need flashplugin-nonfree, for windows stuff you probably need w32codecs08:58
Flannellexu1: bittorrent is screaming at the moment08:58
cwill1lavender_dream: did you install a prerelease?08:58
astro76Avariel, you can get w32codecs from !medibuntu08:58
nomad111cwill1: yep08:58
lavender_dreamcwill1: This is a fresh install of Gutsy.08:58
richeeubotu, HI08:58
Avarielastro76: flashplugin wont show up in the search in synaptic08:58
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:58
panosrucwill1, it stuck w8 a little bit i will paste the output on pastebin08:58
lavender_dreamcwill1: Total reformat08:58
astro76!caps | dot_08:59
ubotudot_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:59
cwill1panosru: k08:59
nomad111cwill1: i think the problem is that my laptop display does not turn off even when i close the lid08:59
Flannel!repeat | dot_08:59
ubotudot_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:59
cwill1lavender_dream: alternate media?  I'm guessing it knows of two different cd's or something08:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipw3945 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:59
platinum123ok, progress... now i get "The following packages have unmet dependencies:08:59
platinum123  libatm1: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.6-1) but 2.5-0ubuntu14 is installed.08:59
platinum123  libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.6.1-1ubuntu9) but 2.5-0ubuntu14 is installed."08:59
platinum123  libatm108:59
Renganyone know how to fix this random green gitchy screen i always get when play a video08:59
lavender_dreamcwill1: What does it mean though? I'd like to learn.08:59
DQuestionswhy when i start a gnome-session.. my keyboard is mapped all wrong (both on PC and mac).. but twm interprestes everything correctly?08:59
astro76!info flashplugin-nonfree | Avariel it should...08:59
ubotuavariel it should...: flashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 156 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)08:59
DQuestionsthis is a remote session08:59
lavender_dreamcwill1: Just trying to learn what it's for08:59
cwill1nomad111: the flashing makes me think xrandr is being used to change something when the video starts, but I don't really know08:59
Flannelplatinum123: please don't paste here (use pastebin next time)08:59
panosrucwill1, also i tried Germany server Greek server US server England server and now i have Main server08:59
lexu1Flannel: once I download it and burn it onto the CD... do I have to  boot into it?08:59
jotilhmmm. gutsy doesn't come with compiz configuration manager?08:59
richeeubotu, how are you doing ?09:00
Avarielhmm let me try again09:00
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: how do I check that?09:00
cwill1lavender_dream: sorry, not sure :p  you could check /etc/apt/sources.list and see if theres anything different between the two09:00
Flannellexu1: no, you can do the upgrade thing you were trying to do (and it'll work this time)09:00
scguy318panosru: are you trying to upgrade to Gutsy? you're better off downloading the ISOs via BitTorrent then doing a CD/DVD upgrade09:00
nomad111cwill1: i get the impression the new Screens and Graphics feature is causing some problems09:00
lavender_dreamcwill1: Will do that, thank you09:00
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: check the x.org error file09:00
cwill1panosru: pastebin it, I have a suspision09:00
panosruscguy318, no i have gutsy more than 2 weeks already09:00
cyranohi. this is my problem:09:00
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: hold on, I'll pastebin it09:00
cyranoI'm experiencing frequent crashes in openoffice 2.3 My spreadsheets crash a lot, and the writer is unusable...09:00
cyranoUninstalling openoffice.org-gtk and openoffice.org-gnome packages solved the problem for me... but it's only a temporary fix cause it makes the program so extremly ugly windows 98 style...09:00
=== Montaro6 is now known as Montaro
cyranoHas anyone elsed experienced this problem?09:00
cyranopls help09:00
panosrucwill1, http://pastebin.com/d6f283b8509:01
cwill1nomad111: you could try installing the old xserver-xorg-video-i810 driver09:01
nomad111ill try that09:01
cwill1nomad111: also, try searching launchpad for that09:01
Flannelplatinum123: What does `apt-cache policy libc6` give you?09:01
nomad111wat is the link for launchpad09:01
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: http://pastebin.ca/74213709:01
cwill1panosru: okay, you're hitting the repositories fine09:02
cwill1is anybody else using 64bit?09:02
Kcowolfokay, only annoying thing I've noticed so far-- Firefox sometimes dies randomly when I switch Youtube videos... but I think that's a common problem not limited to Gutsy09:02
udzgurudoes anyone know, how to bring a canon canoscan3000 usb scanner to work? xsane doesn't recognize the scanner09:02
dot_can someone help me getting my gutsy to work right09:02
cyranothis is my output when i run oo writer in terminal: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41167/09:02
cwill1panosru: I think you're running into a 64bit repo issue09:03
Avarielit wont come out..i tried searching flashplugin, flashplugin-nonfree...even just flash and browsing09:03
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)09:03
Avarielsyanptic package manager that is09:03
volkjotil, you set up a wiki and write tutorials, that way after six months you can use your own tutorial to install something :D09:03
cwill1which would explain why there isn't a channel full of people running into the same problem09:03
volk...and you contribute to the comunity at the same time.. ;)09:03
Rody1http://www.opera.com/download/?platform=linux will the 6.10/7.04 work on gutsy?09:03
Flannelplatinum123: alright, pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list please09:03
cwill1panosru: fresh install or upgrade?09:03
Geoffrey2when the live CD starts up, I select the run/install option from the main menu, I see the kernel progress bar, and then I get a message that region 1 of device 00:14.0 could not be allocated, at which point everything hangs.....09:03
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: yes, I know that is the error, but how can I fix that? :(09:03
panosrucwill1, upgrade but worked fine!09:03
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: I'm trying this for the past 6 hours...09:04
FlannelGeoffrey2: Did you check the CD for defects?09:04
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: i suggest you clean all the restricted files and stuff09:04
lavender_dreamRody1: Opera works, I used it myself but getting Flash to work properly might be tricky, it's a known issue but some people have no problem with it.09:04
cwill1Geoffrey2: rerun it, but hit f6 and remove 'splash quiet' from the boot line, and tell us what it says09:04
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: how do I do that?09:04
XsteelWolfWhat's a good download manager for rapidshare09:04
cwill1panosru: mmh09:04
volkthere is a nice tool to generate barebone sources.list http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/09:04
Rody1thanks lavender_dream09:04
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: and stop nv from loading09:04
platinum123Flannel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41169/09:04
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: cool, sounds like a new approach. How can I accomplish that?09:05
dot_can someone help me getting my gutsy to work right09:05
RivaeAeryaHello - I'm using Kubuntu right now and i plan on (maybe) switching back to Ubuntu because Ubuntu has got better support than Kubuntu, in features, software, and hardware. So, i deleted .gnome2 and .gnome and .gconf and .gconfd but now i can't run GNOME anymore. And, the preferences menu is loaded with all kinds of junk. So can anyone help me with all of this?09:05
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: i am thinking i should try writing a tutorial for myself like volk suggested. that will help me and many others perhaps.09:05
bdgrauehow can i get the information, which chipset my webcam have?09:05
cwill1RivaeAerya: ya, if you deleted all those, gnome is gonna be in trouble09:05
RivaeAeryacwill1: i did that because i wanted to reset all the GNOME configs09:06
cwill1RivaeAerya: try making a new user, see if it works more normally under that09:06
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: because i just did what you are asking (installed and got GeForce 6200 to work) and i completely forgot how i did it09:06
silentbdgraue, try lsusb09:06
panosrucwill1, i will try source-o-matic09:06
RivaeAeryacwill1: i am almost certain it will09:06
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: aw, man...09:06
silentor google instructions for your model off the manufacturers site09:06
RivaeAeryacwill1: because before i removed the configs, it did work09:06
dot_can someone help me getting my gutsy to work right09:06
ZambeziAnyone having problem with GG-installation being really, really slow?09:06
bdgrauelsusb give me only a "microdia"09:06
RivaeAerya(but i DID rename the configs, not only deleted them, so i have backups.)09:06
cwill1RivaeAerya: you could try copying the folders from a working user then, although it might not quite work right09:06
jotilvolk: see? i just did it and i simply forgot. my memory needs upgrade.09:06
cwill1RivaeAerya: it'll work better than it does now though09:07
lijian_join #ubuntu-cn09:07
silentbdgraue, I guarantee google knows more than me09:07
cwill1panosru: one sec09:07
Flannelplatinum123: interesting.  Wonder why its not pulling libc6 from the CD, since its on there.  Uh, what you could do is comment out everything except your CD in there (thats everything but the first line)09:07
RivaeAeryacwill1: how do i reset all the GNOME configuration the proper way, then?09:07
ir4RESOLUTION PROBLEM: Hi, I have installed Gutsy, but have resolution problems. I can't get 1024x768 resolution working. This options is not available in system>preferences>screen resolution. There are only 800x600 and 640x480. Any help?09:07
volkjotil :P09:07
panosrucwill1, works09:07
Flannelplatinum123: Is the CD in the drive when you do the update?09:07
bdgrauesilent: the camera worked 3 days ago, with an upgraded gutsy, now with freshinstall it won't09:07
lijian_join #ubuntu-cn#09:07
platinum123yes cd is in the drive09:07
panosrucwill1, maybe ubuntu team changed the repos after stable release09:07
=== Geoffrey3 is now known as Geoffrey2
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: you have two computers?09:07
c9s_COMPIZ is BUGGY09:07
scguy318ir4: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or edit your xorg.conf manually09:07
cwill1panosru: you have web in your sources.list09:08
* c9s_ kick COMPIZ09:08
scguy318and i'm going for the night cya all09:08
cwill1panosru: I've never heard of that repo :p09:08
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: no, only one09:08
lijian_hello everyone! how join ubuntu-cn09:08
* c9s_ i wnat beryl-manager back ~09:08
pvandewyngaerdewhat video card do you have ?09:08
Flannellijian_: /join #ubuntu-cn09:08
silentbdgraue, then I'm sure it's a driver issue. figure out what driver you need (check synaptic) and install it09:08
cwill1panosru:  deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted web  <---09:08
panosrucwill1 well my sources.list is from source-o-matic before stable release09:08
cwill1that's what was breaking it09:08
cwill1didn't notice it before09:08
Flannelplatinum123: very odd indeed.  Well, try commenting out everything else and updating/upgrading.09:08
panosrucwill1 now i generated a new sources.list and works fine09:08
ir4list chanels09:09
bdgrauesilent: that does not help me, really09:09
panosrucwill1 thanks for support09:09
cwill1panosru: good09:09
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cwill1panosru: now, don't go saying you never get any help in irc :p09:09
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panosrucwill1 sorry for shout but if i didn't no one would help me09:09
* cwill1 never gets help in irc :p09:09
dot_can someone help me getting my gutsy to work right, it won't mount my UBS-harddrive09:09
panosrucwill1 now i will go to army :P09:09
ZaphodBeeblebroxGuys: can someone else take a loot at this as well? I can't make Gutsy to work with my Nvidia GeForce 6200 with OpenGL... I've tried everything possible, restricted drivers, nvidia-glx-legacy, glx and glx-new and envy. Nothing works. This is my xorg.conf file: http://pastebin.ca/742130 and this is X error log: http://pastebin.ca/74213709:09
panosrucwill1 cya in 12 months :D09:09
lokhhi, I'm trying to install the 7.10 on an old compaq laptop, and the install is "looping" during filesystem detection. Did anybody had this problem? (the install was working with 7.04)09:09
RivaeAeryacwill1: how do i reset all the GNOME configuration the proper way, then?09:09
cwill1panosru: 6 :p09:09
platinum123will do09:09
panosrucwill1 which country?09:09
cyranohi. this is my problem:09:10
cyranoI'm experiencing frequent crashes in openoffice 2.3 My spreadsheets crash a lot, and the writer is unusable...09:10
cyranoUninstalling openoffice.org-gtk and openoffice.org-gnome packages solved the problem for me... but it's only a temporary fix cause it makes the program so extremly ugly windows 98 style...09:10
cyranoHas anyone elsed experienced this problem?09:10
cyranoThis is my output when i start oo wirter in terminal: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41167/09:10
nesoiis apache configured by default in 7.10, or do you have to install and/or configure it?09:10
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: i am trying to figure out how to help you09:10
cwill1RivaeAerya: not sure, I just wouldn't expect deleting them all would be it, unless its not working because you missed some or something09:10
dot_can someone help me getting my gutsy to work right, it won't mount my UBS-harddrive09:11
RivaeAeryacwill1: well, i think it's because i missed some, i think. Because, GNOME creates it's configs itself, for example at first startup09:11
Geoffrey2ok, the last message I see is PCI: MSI quirk detected. MSI deactivated.09:11
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: I know and I thank you for that, just trying to get more people to think about that09:11
dot_can someone help me getting my gutsy to work right, it won't mount my UBS-harddrive09:11
cwill1dot_: what does it say when you mount it?09:11
WGGMkcan anyone help me in setting up DHCP09:12
dot_cwill1: it says " Unable to mount the volume 'HD-HBU2'09:12
inspiredgah, fonts in firefox look like crap after upgrading to gutsy. how could this have been done on purpose? any way to get back to the old fonts? this also goes for the gnome-console fonts09:12
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: sudo gedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common09:12
silentbdgraue, have you done a synaptic search for webcam?09:12
cwill1inspired: can you be more specific?09:12
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: then add this line: DISABLED_MODULES="nv"09:12
dot_cwill1: and the Details says  mount:/dev/sda1 alrady mounted or /media/Hd-HBU2_ busy09:12
cwill1inspired: might look at the fonts tab in appearance09:13
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: ok, hold on09:13
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: then reboot09:13
bdgrauesilent: yes i did09:13
silentbdgraue, what showed up?09:13
bdgrauesilent: ohh come on09:13
inspiredcwill1, they lost their antialiasing, they are thinner. it looks like a completely different font, actually09:13
wubuntuhi, does anybody know how to make the special keys work on a thinkpad r31? don't wanna use tpb09:13
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: and after rebooting what should I do?09:13
cwill1dot_: okay, open a terminal, and type mount, and copy what it says into a pastebin09:13
RivaeAeryacwill1: well, i think it's because i missed some, i think. Because, GNOME creates it's configs itself, for example at first startup09:13
jotilit should be fine after that09:13
cwill1inspired: is font smoothing turned on in appearances?09:13
inspiredcwill1, this goes for the menus and dialogs in firefox as well as the inline font in websites09:13
jotilcross your fingers09:13
platinum123all commented out but the cdrom... trying to figure out how to answer "Accept this solution?" see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41170/09:13
inspiredcwill1, yes09:13
jotilif it doesn't come back again09:14
panosrucwill1 i get the same error now but now i found why i get the error09:14
cwill1RivaeAerya: in which case, look for the ones you missed :p09:14
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: I already have this in that file: DISABLED_MODULES="nv nvidia_new"09:14
jotili'll start the process again09:14
dot_cwill1: how do you mean "pastebin"09:14
RivaeAeryacwill1: i did, but don't know which i missed09:14
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: ouch09:14
bdgrauesilent: i installed most of the programms for using webcams09:14
cwill1bah, where's ubotu?09:14
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: what?09:14
cwill1dot_: pastebin.org should do it09:14
jotilso your nvidia binary is working then?09:14
nesoihow about 5 button mouse support?09:14
nesoihow do I get that to work?09:14
cwill1inspired: are you using a different font in firefox by any chance?  I know they turned off antialiasing in the mono fonts, although there's a way to turn it back on iirc09:15
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: I can't tell if it is... How should I check? running glxgears?09:15
panosrucwill1, maybe its a bug but if i change something to repos through Software Sources it adds some repos that don't work09:15
dot_cwill1: http://pastebin.org/528209:15
cwill1panosru: if it adds web, then just delete it09:15
inspiredcwill1, I haven't changed anything. just did a clean upgrade from feisty to gutsy. not using any special fonts09:15
cyranoso... noones interested in helping me out?09:15
cwill1panosru: there might be an amd64 bug, check launchpad.net09:15
Geoffrey2someone was trying to help me get Gutsy loaded, told me to retry the install with splash quiet removed....the last message I get before the system hangs is "PCI: MSI quirk detected. MSI deactivated."09:15
silentbdgraue, have you checked out the forums?09:15
aunes_err. yea..09:16
dot_cwill1: http://pastebin.org/528209:16
cwill1inspired: okay, but is there any chance at all that you had a preference in firefox?09:16
cwill1dot_: one sec, I'm going 5 ways right now :p09:16
wubuntudoes anybody know how to make the special keys work on a thinkpad r31 with hotkey-setup? don't wanna use tpb09:16
inspiredcwill1, nope09:16
bdgrauesilent: yes i visited the wiki09:16
dvtorlessWhat's trackerd, and why is it using 625mb of memory?09:16
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: can you run compiz?09:16
dot_cwill1: ok but I pasted few times that if you didn't see09:16
Kee1Could someone help me to get dual monitors to work with my 8600GT?09:16
dot_so you know I still wait :p09:16
cwill1ya, I saw it :p09:16
silentbdgraue, did you follow the instructions?09:16
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: How do I run it?09:16
XsteelWolfWhat's a good download manager for rapidshare09:16
=== Kee1 is now known as Keef_
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: never did before09:16
bdgrauesilent: the camera worked already with feisty and upgraded gutsy, but not now with fresh installes gutsy09:16
bkhlWhere should I put my .Xdefaults to get it read at login on Ubuntu? (7.10)09:17
WGGMkcan anyone help me set up DHCP???09:17
silentbdgraue, so did you follow the guide?09:17
cwill1inspired: okay, what happens if you set the font explicetly in the firefox prefs?09:17
wilsonksystemlog is an unstable oiece of shit in kubuntu09:17
panosrucwill1 i had a link that shows all the repos servers, do you have it?09:17
wilsonoiece =piece09:17
cwill1watch the language09:17
=== bjorn_ is now known as BTL
silent!toilet mouth09:17
ademani've given up on lvm, how large of a / partition do you think is necessary?09:17
inspiredcwill1, there's a thread in the forums. take a look at these pics. the last one is how it looks in my firefox. http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/7342/screenshotmc8.png | http://i24.tinypic.com/2a7h1c6.png09:17
WGGMki have 2 ethernet cards.. eth0 + eth2... eth0 is connected to the modem.. eth2 is connected to a hub.. im not sure on how to configure it09:17
inspiredcwill1, you can clearly see which one is prettier09:17
inspiredcwill1, I will try09:17
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: gutsy right? system > preferences > appearance09:17
bdgrauesilent: unable to open '/dev/video0': No space left on device   this is what the mplayer-part of the wiki give me09:18
rayb0thas anybody tried to play sim city 3000 in gutsy yet? lol09:18
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: yes, kk, hold on09:18
wubuntudoes anybody know how to make the special keys work on a thinkpad r31? don't wanna use tpb09:18
cwill1dot_: okay, run "sudo mount  /dev/sda1 /mnt -o uid=<your username>", and see if you can access the files at /mnt09:18
kilopopoubuntu is the roxxor09:18
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: opened09:18
Keef_Could someone help me to get two monitors working with my 8600GT?09:18
ademanrayb0t: #winehq ?09:18
rayb0tademan: no. it's native09:18
ademanrayb0t: O_o really?09:18
XsteelWolfWhat's a good download manager for rapidshare09:18
Perellahow i can install sim city 300 on Feisty???? -09:18
rayb0tyeah :P i bought it ages ago09:18
Keef_is a 8600GT even supported?09:19
jotilthe last tab09:19
ademanrayb0t: that's nuts, was that back when they were maxis?09:19
rayb0tits just meant to run on a 2.4 kernel so it requires a bit of tinkering to get it working09:19
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: Visual Effects, they are disabled09:19
inspiredcwill1, uh, I can't find Lucida Grande nor Verdana in Firefox prefs. perhaps that's the problem. msttcorefonts is installed and Lucida Grande is in my Truetype dir, just like in Feisty09:19
rayb0tademan: yeah, loki published it09:19
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: should I try to enable them?09:19
dot_cwill1: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt -o uid=dot09:19
dot_mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt busy09:19
cwill1inspired: those are win32 fonts, which may not be installed09:19
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: ok, hold on09:19
aunes_I'm trying to run gksudo nvidia-settings to fix dual monitors (hopefully with twinspire). I get a dialog that says I'm not using the nvidia X driver. I've tried running nvidia-xconfig as root, but it won't fix it. According to system>admin>screens and resolution I'm using the nvidia driver. Can anyone offer some help?09:19
wilsonWGGMk, what are you trying to do ?09:19
inspiredcwill1, no wait, they are there09:20
gordonjcprayb0t: wow, you could get Sim City 3000 natively for Linux?09:20
cwill1inspired: the tinypic one looks better on my display09:20
inspiredcwill1, my bad. sites still look bad though09:20
Keef_my dual monitors work fine until I reboot, any ideas on how to fix this?09:20
cwill1inspired: you running an lcd or crt?09:20
bdgrauesilent: i had to do nothing in feisty and gutsy beta to get the camera working, it was plug'n play09:20
silentbdgraue, bugs are possible, google that error and look around09:20
rayb0tgordonjcp: sure09:20
aunes_Keef_:  what did you have to do to get them to work?09:20
rayb0tits hard to find nowadays09:20
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: it's asking for me to enable the Nvidia restricted driver, but when I do so, X returns in low graphic mode. Should I try it anyways?09:20
inspiredcwill1, lcd on a laptop. are you serious? the tinypic one has horrible fonts09:20
ademanhey guys, keeping the future in mind how big of a / partition do you think i need?09:21
Keef_aunes_: just set them up in nvidia-settings with the default Restricted Drivers09:21
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: hehe. something funny happened. i rebooted and i get the exact error as you do.09:21
wubuntudoes anybody know how to make the special keys work on a thinkpad r31 with hotkey-setup? don't wanna use tpb09:21
aunes_Keef_: there should be an option in there to write the changes to your xorg.conf09:21
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: aw man.... lol09:21
themoebiusI can't find the gtk theme manager. isn't it supposed to be in preferences?09:21
cwill1inspired: you might be seeing the newer font hinting, but the tinypic is _way_ less blurry (looking at the l's for instance)09:21
QuelTosademan: I am fine with a 20GB HD09:21
aunes_Keef_:  I'd walk you through it, but my nivida-settings are broken09:21
ademanQuelTos: lol, well this is a laptop, that's about half of my total disk space right there09:22
ademani was hoping someone would say 10GB lol09:22
jotildude - chill for a bit because i'll really need to go now09:22
Keef_aunes_: yer I've saved them, it's just my X Server dies when I reboot the next time, lol09:22
dot_mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt busy09:22
QuelTosademan: hehe09:22
jotilbut when i'll be back, i'll fix my thing09:22
cwill1inspired: but, if that's what you're seeing, try changing the advanced settings in fonts, full hinting or none, see what you like09:22
dot_cwill1: dot@shining:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt -o uid=dot09:22
dot_mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt busy09:22
jotili'll write down how i fixed it09:22
inspiredcwill1, it's not blurry on my display. it's _antialised_09:22
jotilso you can ask me later?09:22
aunes_Keef_: save them to something that isn't xorg.conf and then run a diff after it crashes and comes back up09:22
jotilhow about that?09:22
cwill1inspired: that's blurry :p09:22
aunes_that should tell you what's different which might yield some clues.09:22
QuelTosademan: 10GB will do it as well.. but there's not much space to install apps and stuff then09:22
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: sure, but how should I know when to look for you? lol09:23
cwill1inspired: vertical lines shouldn't be aliased unless you really need the kerning to be exactly the same (which is silly for html, as opposed to ps output)09:23
Keef_aunes_: ok thanks good idea09:23
SchmallonJust in case anyone is interested: I had firefox segfault on startup with 7.10. Reinstalling fixed it.09:23
ademanQuelTos: yeah that's what i was sorta afraid of, i spent all of today working on getting lvm working so that I could resize partitions as needed, but i never could get it working09:23
cwill1inspired: look at the settings I mentioned though, they should be there09:23
borgwareHi, can someone help me with ubuntu installation?09:23
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: i should be around. but not before 4 or 5 hours from now.09:23
aunes_Keef_: think you could help me get my nvidia-settings working?09:23
inspiredcwill1, I don't get it. this has been the default style in all my prior ubuntu installations. it used to be like that. why was it changed? I'll try the hinting09:23
wilsonyou can download the nvidia driver off the nvidia website, reboot, press ctrl-alt-f1, killall kdm or killall gdm, go sh [location/name of nvidia driver] , choose to compile the driver, choose to update the config file, reboot09:23
cwill1inspired: also, it might be that gutsy turned on subpixel, which may not be what you're used to09:23
wilsonthat's how you do it manually, i prefer it that way09:23
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: ok, thanks anyway, I'll look for you later09:24
xerawxfont smoothing is a very subjective thing.. i'm using OS X right now (eww, i know) and i can't stand its fugly blurry font smoothing.. of course apple zealots will swear up and down how it's vastly superior..09:24
QuelTosademan: ext3 supports some kind of partition resizing as well.. but i think it can only extend a partition09:24
enrycomunication Ubuntu 7.10 is perfect over a Thinkpad IBM T4009:24
enrycomunication Ubuntu 7.10 is perfect over a Thinkpad IBM T4009:24
QuelTosademan: and i am not sure about the direction09:24
chowmeinedQuelTos: you can shrink and extend09:24
dot_cwill1: dot@shining:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt -o uid=dot09:24
FlannelQuelTos, ademan, it can only move he foot of the partition, not the head.09:24
RivaeAeryaHello - I'm using Kubuntu right now and i plan on (maybe) switching back to Ubuntu because Ubuntu has got better support than Kubuntu, in features, software, and hardware. So, i deleted .gnome2 and .gnome and .gconf and .gconfd but now i can't run GNOME anymore. And, the preferences menu is loaded with all kinds of junk. So can anyone help me with all of this?09:24
dot_mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt busy09:24
chowmeinedQuelTos: you can only shrink offline.. but you can extend online09:24
enrythank you Ubuntu09:24
inspiredcwill1, damnit. I just set a preferred font in firefox and I can't remove it. how stupid is that?09:24
enrythank you Ubuntu09:24
cwill1inspired: for the record, both of them are smoothed, it's just the smoothing is subtler on the second09:24
nesoihow about on a T23?09:25
cwill1inspired: I should introduce you to rk, I think you two would get along :p09:25
yellow_chickenmy dual-boot windows 2003 just crashed. and ubuntu just release new distro.  now i have a chance to do a fresh install of everything.  is vista worth going into or should i stick with windows xp?09:25
xerawxi like full hinting with no anti-aliasing personally09:25
nesoiI spent hours getting the damned wireless working on edgy09:25
QuelTosFlannel: only the foot.. thought it was the head to move :)09:25
cwill1inspired: default font is just called 'serif'09:25
inspiredcwill1, heh. same frustration?09:25
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: does not compute09:25
yellow_chickenchowmeined: very funny09:25
cwill1inspired: ya, except his frustration is more global09:25
QuelToschowmeined: ah.. sounds good :)09:26
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: dont bother with vista09:26
wubuntudoes anybody know how to make the special keys work on a thinkpad r31 with hotkey-setup? don't wanna use tpb09:26
cwill1but he expresses it the same way :p09:26
a514Hi There09:26
cwill1dot_: I'm getting back to you :p09:26
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: try this setup (unless you are playing 3d games..) ... the latest ubuntu and windows XP in a virtual machine09:26
nightfreakhow do i change my time from UTC to CEST?09:26
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: no more dual booting09:26
yellow_chickenchowmeined: i have wipe enitre hda, so i thought now might be a good chance to tire vista instead of using windows 2003 server.09:26
borgwareCan't boot ubuntu CD getting black screen after selecting run/install ubuntu....anyone?09:26
cwill1dot_: one sec actually, need to pee :p09:26
inspiredcwill1, eheh, now the freaking font on every website is serif. I wan't to set my default font to NOTHING09:27
ademanborgware: i had a lot of trouble with the liveCD myself09:27
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: you can run vista as a virtual machine too if you'd like09:27
QuelTosademan: on my laptop i use about 30GB for my gentoo root, 5GB for my windows root, and 25GB for a data-partition read/writeable by win and linux09:27
a514Can i use a deb for etch http://gyachi.sf.net ?09:27
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: you can have them all.. at the same time09:27
ademanborgware: did you get the "loading bar" for a while?09:27
borgwareany solution?09:27
yellow_chickenchowmeined: i am using virtual machines, but i like to run it natively. faster.09:27
kilopopodamn ubuntu is rocking09:27
ZaphodBeeblebroxGuys: can someone else take a loot at this as well? I can't make Gutsy to work with my Nvidia GeForce 6200 with OpenGL... I've tried everything possible, restricted drivers, nvidia-glx-legacy, glx and glx-new and envy. Nothing works. This is my xorg.conf file: http://pastebin.ca/742130 and this is X error log: http://pastebin.ca/74213709:27
kilopoponow to try vmware09:27
wubuntudoes anybody know how to make the special keys work on a thinkpad r31 with hotkey-setup? don't wanna use tpb09:27
enryubuntu is great!!09:27
AronRaavHexwhen i run dosbox with the -fullscreen option it doesn't quite fill the width of the screen, what could be wrong?09:27
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: what would you be using under windows?09:27
xerawxyellow_chicken: if you like faster then you probably won't like vista09:27
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: i mean.. its not noticeably slower on my box as a vmachine09:28
ademanborgware: that sucks, i at least had it working well enough to get to the installer, i'm hoping it'll behave better once it's installed, but right now it really seems like gutsy is having some major hardware compatibility problems, never had any problems like this with feisty09:28
yellow_chickenchowmeined: nothing, just hyper terminal. to connnect to cisco router09:28
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: i just rdesktop into it...09:28
Geoffrey2well, if I can ever get Gutsy to actually load, I'll probably love it too.....but that's just not happening right now09:28
a514How do i make the Compiz rotating Cube Transparent ? what option do i use?09:28
borgwareMe too09:28
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: you can do that with linux... try minicom09:28
borgwareworks on my single core CPU and agp card09:28
yellow_chickenxerawx: yes, but i might take the vista cert in the future. i have 2gb ram, about 1.7 ghz celeron09:28
dot_cwill1: it answered mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt busy09:28
cwill1inspired: advanced, set the default to 'sans serif'09:28
ubotuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/09:29
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: or telnet.. or putty-tel09:29
cwill1dot_: do you know what filesystem is on the device?09:29
yellow_chickenchowmeined: rdesktop is fast, but rdesktop can't go into ubuntu09:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipw3945 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:29
dot_cwill1: noup09:29
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: there is an rdesktop client for ubuntu09:29
borgwaredual core athlon and geforece 8800 PCI-e just can't even start09:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about toilet mouth - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:29
inspiredcwill1, had to do about:config to remove the default09:29
cwill1dot_: what was the pastebin again?09:29
cwill1inspired: :/09:29
yellow_chickenchowmeined: ok, will look into minicom. hope setting it up will be easy09:29
wubuntudoes anybody know how to make the special keys work on a thinkpad r31 with hotkey-setup? don't wanna use tpb09:30
cwill1inspired: you didn't set the 'always use my fonts' option did you?09:30
xerawxanyone know if it's possible to somewhat painlessly run compiz and 3D stuff in wine yet?09:30
Geoffrey2early into the load process, I get an allocation error and everything hangs09:30
dot_cwill1: http://pastebin.org/528209:30
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: its similar settings (xon/xoff, stop bit, no parity etc)09:30
Hans-Martinafter upgrading to 7.10, my system does not start up properly (udevd_event loops). any idea what could be wrong?09:30
yellow_chickenchowmeined: ok09:30
inspiredcwill1, nah, I just set the default one in Contents09:30
Extravertgood thing my upgrade didnt work09:30
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: no i meant.. i remote desktop from my native ubuntu into the windows vmachine09:30
dot_cwill1: http://pastebin.org/528209:30
QuelTosanyone else having trouble getting the xserver work after upgrade?09:30
dvtorlessIs trackerd supposed to eat up ridiculous amounts of ram (600mb+) ?09:30
yellow_chickenchowmeined: yes, i know what you mean, i ve done it before, but not the other way around.09:30
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: that way when i have to restart windows for whatever reason.. or if it decides to freeze up.. i can get out of it and continue being productive09:31
nomad111oh man street fighter 409:31
cwill1inspired: ya, under advanced, you can set whether you want serif or sans serif used for proportional fonts09:31
Hans-MartinQuelTos: yup, me - but that's probably a different problem09:31
ZaphodBeeblebroxGuys: can someone else take a loot at this as well? I can't make Gutsy to work with my Nvidia GeForce 6200 with OpenGL... I've tried everything possible, restricted drivers, nvidia-glx-legacy, glx and glx-new and envy. Nothing works. This is my xorg.conf file: http://pastebin.ca/742130 and this is X error log: http://pastebin.ca/74213709:31
borgwaremaybe ubuntu team should do more testing next time09:31
yellow_chickenchowmeined: vmware's console, does not display x term and other apps correctly. and sometime very slow, cause of no-graphic-acceler.09:31
chowmeinedborgware: actually.. seeing as its a community effort09:31
dot_cwill1: http://pastebin.org/528209:32
cwill1borgware: that's a somewhat amusing opinion09:32
chowmeinedborgware: maybe YOU should do more testing next time09:32
QuelTosHans-Martin: mhh.. i think my xserver is running.. but my monitor doesn't get a displayable signal09:32
lazsoyhi every body09:32
borgwareI'm done with testing09:32
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: yes its unfortunate09:32
cwill1dot_: yes, I've been looking at it the last couple minutes09:32
yellow_chickenchowmeined: at one point, i created a vfat and installed windows in it. so both dual boot (xp and ubuntu) can start the vmware images.09:32
WikzoI just installed 7.10. How do I make Ctrl+Alt+Delete showing my System watching like in Windows? I did it on 7.04 in Metacity, but now the key shortcut is gone because of Compiz Fusion09:32
wilsoni get nothing when i go to those links in konqueror ZaphodBeeblebrox09:32
borgwaredoesn't work got it?09:32
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: you can actually install an xserver on windows09:32
wubuntudoes anybody know how to make the special keys work on a thinkpad r31 with hotkey-setup? don't wanna use tpb09:32
ZaphodBeeblebroxwilson: weird.... hold on please09:32
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: believe it or not.. and then you can do remote X to have your X apps drawn natively in windows.. if you'd prefer to do it that way.. (or you could try VNC)09:33
smmagicAnyone know how to get ethernet working in VMware workstation?09:33
cwill1dot_: what does lsof|grep /dev/sda1 say?09:33
yellow_chickenchowmeined: yes, i ve seen it on wikipedia. but requires putty. but i feel that putty is not too legit. it's not a commercial product09:33
dot_cwill1: it said nothing09:33
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: oh?09:33
dot_it "accepted it"09:33
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: neither is openssh09:33
cwill1dot_: no, it didn't find anything :p09:34
yellow_chickenchowmeined: and there's no main site, or offical site for putty. the url for putty download looks like crap.09:34
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: and openssh is tons better than ssh.com's commerical ssh software09:34
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: putty is open source, and widely used09:34
Extravertfetching file 45 of 54 ... 5 hours later.... 10 hours later....09:34
smmagicNO one knows?09:34
dot_cwill1: what now?09:34
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: it just happens to be hosted on some person's university website09:34
dot_cwill1: dot@shining:~$ lsof|grep /dev/sda109:34
ZaphodBeeblebroxwilson: works in here...09:34
yellow_chickenchowmeined: well openssh is default on the os (ubuntu) so many people are using it. but i might not be using the same putty version as everyone else, cause there's no legit website for putty09:34
xerawxputty is awesome09:34
alainei anyone have tried if KIBA dock works with gutsy09:35
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: http://chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/09:35
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: that is putty's official website09:35
cyranoanyone here that can help me with open office issue in Gutsy?09:35
yellow_chickenchowmeined: see, that link it terrible.09:35
wubuntudoes anybody know how to make the special keys work on a thinkpad r31 with hotkey-setup? don't wanna use tpb09:35
hislophow to get the emarald package installation?09:35
yellow_chickenchowmeined: using ~ and a user name ...09:35
* yellow_chicken shakes head09:35
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: it was written by one person09:35
wilsonok i'm installing firefox09:36
a514Someone Should hack together a pidgin pyvoicechat module for yahoo chat09:36
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: so what.. lots of open source software is written by a single person09:36
ZaphodBeeblebroxwilson: thanks for your effort :)09:36
astro76yellow_chicken, good URI design aside, that's the official site...09:36
yellow_chickenchowmeined: oh well, i ve been warned. i will go for vista. haha09:36
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: you can use VNC also.. if you dont wanna do putty09:36
ray_你好 hello09:36
cwill1dot_: sudo umount /dev/sda109:37
dot_cwill1: dot@shining:~$ sudo umount /dev/sda109:37
dot_[sudo] password for dot:09:37
dot_umount: /dev/sda1: not mounted09:37
chowmeinedray_: 你好, #ubuntu-cn ?09:37
WikzoI just installed 7.10. How do I make Ctrl+Alt+Delete showing my System watching like in Windows? I did it on 7.04 in Metacity, but now the key shortcut is gone because of Compiz Fusion09:37
xerawxdoes FreeNX work well as a windows client?  thats what i use between my mac and ubuntu box09:37
yellow_chickenchowmeined: yes, i ve also researched on that.  it's too slow, as in, it take double the bandwith. vmware console emulation, plus vnc windows (view mode)09:37
=== amancin is now known as adalgiso
cwill1dot_: was that an upgrade or clean install?09:37
cwill1dot_: and what's the media?  usb drive, phone, etc?09:38
yellow_chickenray_:  你好09:38
dot_cwill1: usb harddrive09:38
dot_250gb harddisk09:38
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: seems like the best option is to run a windows guest09:38
morpheusxerawx: I use freenx to log in to my work box from home on a laptop09:38
a514CompizConfig Settings Manager works, how do make the cube transparent09:38
hislophow to install emarald theme?09:38
yellow_chickendefrysk: it literally means, "you-good", greeting for saying hello09:38
morpheusxerawx: and its fine09:38
ray_i mean  hello to you09:39
defryski see yellow_chicken09:39
xerawxmorpheus: do you need a seperate x server for windows or anything?09:39
cwill1dot_: enclusure or a drive with a loose hot-plug adapter?09:39
ccxxproi need some help guys09:39
yellow_chickenchowmeined: hm.. maybe, i am hard to please. hahaa..  configuring vmware in ubuntu is little more difficult than in windows. but i am getting little better using vmware. now =)09:39
dot_cwill1: did not understand09:39
morpheusxerawx: no just download the freenx windows client and it works fine09:39
Jordan_Uccxxpro, Just ask :)09:39
wilsonmirror is running really slow since 7.10 came out09:40
a514wilson where are you ?09:40
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: there are alternatives to vmware... such as qemu (with kqemu) and virtualbox09:40
ccxxproi use Dlink wireless card : Ralink RT2561/RT61 rev b09:40
cwill1dot_: is it a loose harddrive with a cable adapter plugged into it, or is the drive in a metal box with proper sockets on it?09:40
aunes_does anyone have envy 0.9.8 deb? The hosting server is down.09:40
xerawx7.10 is the cancer that is killing the internets09:40
rredd4using gutsy, I did compiz --replace    now its stuck here  >  Checking for nVidia: present.   Less than 65536kb of memory and nVidiaaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity     How so I fix this?09:40
chowmeinedjust use the torrents09:40
cwill1some of the cable usb adapters are a little flacky09:40
chowmeinedyou can upgrade using the CD09:40
defryskaunes, envy is not supported here09:40
smmagicCan someone help me enable ethernet in VMware workstation?09:40
yellow_chickenchowmeined: i heard of it, but never tried it.09:40
dot_cwill1: i got a usv09:40
ccxxproand try to connect wireless by my router using web09:40
wilsonaustralia, i use the default au.archive.ubuntu.com09:40
siimolooks like gibbon is faster than feisty.. 8)09:41
morpheusyellow_chicken: got vmware workstation up and running here on ubuntu, and six virtual machines running as a ha cluster09:41
VSpikeHow can I make my box accept syslogd packets from my network?09:41
dot_usb cable and an AC adaptor09:41
ccxxproubuntu 7.1009:41
a514rredd4 download & install CompizConfig Settings Manager09:41
smmagicAnyone know how?09:41
cwill1dot_: is the drive loose, or is it in an enclosure?09:41
AnRkey!tell AnRkey about xchat09:41
udohi all.  I do have Feisty running with a patched kernel (  Does anyone know if I can upgrade to Gutsy and keep using that kernel?09:41
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: this may not work for you... but after a while i just ended up not using windows anymore09:41
rredd4x514  I did that09:41
dot_cwill1: what do you mean09:41
ccxxprobut it didn't work09:41
AnRkey!tell AnRkey about compiz09:41
aunes_defrysk: any chance you would be willing to help me then? I can't find help any other way than envy.09:41
hislophow do i add emarald setting manager in my compiz icon?09:41
yellow_chickenmorpheus haha. cool.    .... wait, hey, do you mean vmware server instead?09:41
cwill1dot_: does the usb adapter plug straight into the drive, or is the drive in a metal box that the usb cable plugs into?09:41
defryskaunes, nope , again, its not supported here09:41
a514redd4 How do i turn on the transparent rotation?09:42
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: vmware workstation is their professional product09:42
yellow_chickenmorpheus workstation version need to pay, server version is free09:42
ccxxpronetwork manager can see my network and show signal09:42
dot_cwill1: the usb cable is straight to my computer and the usb harddrive09:42
smmagicDoes anyone know?09:42
* morpheus *coughs* torrents*coughs*09:42
ccxxprobut when i type the passphrase it didn't connect09:43
yellow_chickenchowmeined:  i think ubuntu comes with the "server" version, not the "workstation" version09:43
cwill1dot_: I'm gonna ask a different way:  does the drive have a power switch?09:43
aunes_defrysk: My second question is would YOU help me, as I can't seem to find my answer via google or searching the forums.09:43
dot_cwill1: yes09:43
ccxxprowhat can i do now ?09:43
cwill1dot_: okay, then its an enclosure09:43
webslavehi all09:43
chowmeinedyellow_chicken: i dont think they are allowed to distribute it, but im not sure09:43
dot_ok its enclosure09:43
defryskaunes, I told you , nope09:43
cwill1dot_: turn off the drive, unplug the usb, wait a few seconds, turn the drive back on, wait a second or two, and then plug the usb in09:43
wilsondidn't work in firefox either09:43
rredd4a514  I am not sure, mine is not working09:43
* aunes_ grumbles.09:44
wilsonwhat's the xorg error ZaphodBeeblebrox09:44
hislophow do i add emarald setting manager in my compiz icon?09:44
aunes_WTB: A fix for the dual-monitors being seen as one display PST09:44
defryskaunes, try to contact Trevinho or something09:44
ccxxproany one can help09:44
jacquesmerdecrap, i installed ubuntu, but it would only boot into recovery mode, otherwise the monitor just went black with the monitor itself displaying an "out of range' setting. i'm pretty sure this was just as it tried to load X. would installing the nvidia driver binary fix this?09:44
cwill1dot_: then let me know if it pops up on the desktop, otherwise, pastebin me the output of mount, and the output of the sudo mount /dev..... command I gave you before09:44
udohi all.  I do have Feisty running with a patched kernel (  Does anyone know if I can upgrade to Gutsy and keep using that kernel?09:44
WikzoI just installed 7.10. How do I make Ctrl+Alt+Delete showing my System watching like in Windows? I did it on 7.04 in Metacity, but now the key shortcut is gone because of Compiz Fusion09:45
cwill1jacquesmerde: probably misdetecting the monitor09:45
rredd4a514 my terminal is hung here  Checking for nVidia: present. Less than 65536kb of memory and nVidiaaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity     control z ?09:45
jacquesmerdecwill1: i went into screen and graphics in admin, and it all looked right..but would these settings be somewhat efected by the fact that im' in recovery mode?09:45
wilsonjacquesmerde, maybe, or you could look at /etc/xorg.conf or even make a backup of it then delete it09:45
webslaveHi@udo I upgraded last night, it looks like you get the choice to keep the patched kernel09:45
yellow_chickenchowmeined:  well, my choice will be vista-business edition or windows 2003 and then dual boot with ubuntu.09:46
cwill1Wikzo: check 'keyboard shortcuts' in preferences09:46
udo@webslave: did u use the internal upgrade function or via cd/dvd?09:46
MrBisterTrying to install and the following comes up in text mode: "User not known to the underlying authentication module".09:46
wilsonsorry /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:46
jacquesmerdehmm, maybe if i change screen model from plug 'n play to lcd...09:46
astro76webslave, what patched kernel? ...kernel updates never remove any existing kernels09:46
webslave@udo - the dialouge came up asking me when I wanted to keep any patched Items I had changed09:46
cwill1jacquesmerde: try setting it to a more conservative setting (lower resolution, lower refresh)09:46
cwill1jacquesmerde: yep09:46
ZaphodBeeblebroxwilson: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)09:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:46
MrBisterAlso get some SQUASHFS error messages.09:47
yellow_chickenchowmeined: in my microsoft OS, i will be running vmware and install a few MS 2003 servers to create a virtual network.09:47
morpheusyellow_chicken: you get the PM?09:47
yellow_chickenmorpheus PM=?09:47
morpheusprivate message09:47
yellow_chickenmorpheus permission?09:47
jacquesmerdei thought binary nvidia drivers were easy to install...it just told me i was missing a repo, but didnt say which one!09:47
MrBisterTried on four machines now, no error on cd according to test...09:47
dot_cwill1: the same thing came, mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /media/HD-HBU2_ busy09:47
=== Unbutu[G33Z3R is now known as |box|
webslaveI used the internal upgrade function - just be aware (it might not apply to you) that it stopped at the bluetooth bit and that seemed to be a problem as I got vfs kernel panic this morning - REALLY annoying as I am no using knoppix to chat09:47
yellow_chickenmorpheus say what?09:48
webslavenow oops sorry09:48
udowebslave: k, thx. anyone running gutsy on a 2.6.20 kernel?09:48
morpheuswhat chat client are ou using yellow_chicken?09:48
dot_cwill1: dot@shining:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt -o uid=dot09:48
dot_mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist09:48
ZaphodBeeblebroxwilson: Sorry, brb09:48
rredd4my terminal is hung here  Checking for nVidia: present. Less than 65536kb of memory and nVidiaaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity     control z ?09:48
MrBisterDo I have to have any special hardware to run, or won't it run on HP desktops?09:48
cwill1dot_: pastebin:  ls /dev/09:48
wilsonok, /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko   check if that file is there09:48
VSpikeI'm really puzzled .. my apt is hitting medibuntu repos, but they are not mentioned in /etc/apt/sources.list ... so where are they coming from?09:49
cwill1dot_: pastebin.org, it'll be big09:49
morpheusyellow_chicken: right, double click on my name where it  shows up09:49
webslave@MrBister it should run just fine on HP laptops etc09:49
cwill1VSpike: pastebin your sources.list09:49
dot_cwill1: it sure is09:49
|box|this r-xors i can pull media files off my xp drive onto  me ibuntu drive i like it09:49
astro76VSpike, anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?09:49
cyranowell well... i'll try later if noone will help me now :/09:49
dot_cwill1: http://pastebin.org/528509:49
webslave@cyrano wassup?09:50
MrBisterwebslave> tried on four machines now...09:50
=== blackgoth is now known as Blackgoth
cyranoi'll state my problem again09:50
webslavebtw who is sysop for today - ?09:50
astro76VSpike, you probably have medibuntu.list there if you followed the instructions09:50
cwill1dot_: do you have more than one drive in the computer, aside from the usb?09:50
cyranohi. this is my problem:09:50
yellow_chickenmorpheus if you are talking about license , i have it09:50
cyranoI'm experiencing frequent crashes in openoffice 2.3 My spreadsheets crash a lot, and the writer is unusable...09:50
cyranoUninstalling openoffice.org-gtk and openoffice.org-gnome packages solved the problem for me... but it's only a temporary fix cause it makes the program so extremly ugly windows 98 style...09:50
cyranoHas anyone elsed experienced this problem?09:50
cyranoThis is my output when i start oo wirter in terminal: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41167/09:50
cwill1cyrano: checking09:50
webslave@cyrano - are you using imported macros?09:50
cwill1haven't had any problems though09:50
VSpikecwill1: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41172/09:50
=== sbucatino is now known as Bucatoamano
dot_cwill1: yes a 111.8gb but it wont show it also09:50
Geoffrey2I take it at this point there's nobody here who can help me get Gutsy up and running?09:50
cyranoeh i don't think so09:50
|box|goe burn the cd as an iso09:51
MrBisterwebslave> maybe ubuntu don't like intel onboard gfx.09:51
dot_cwill1: but the 111.8 ain't usb09:51
cwill1dot_: okay, that's /dev/hdb1, which you could mount in a similar fashion09:51
cwill1dot_: the usb drive isn't in the list right now though09:51
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VSpikeastro76: ahh .. you're quite right09:51
wilsonum what's the problem Geoffrey209:51
|box|geo burn the cd as an iso  browse the net and listen to radio while you installl09:51
webslavelol @MrBister  you are possibly right09:51
smmagicHow do I alow sharing of my internet connection?09:51
cwill1dot_: which makes me think the enclosure's chipset is flacky09:51
webslavebut I dont think so09:51
cyranowebslave: i haven't imported any macros at least09:51
dot_cwill1: dot@shining:~$ sudo mount /dev/hdb109:52
dot_[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab09:52
dot_mount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab09:52
cwill1dot_: have to mount it somewhere09:52
webslavesilly question  Cyrano but which version of ubuntu are you using and have you upgraded to open office 2.3 yet?09:52
wilsonedit the file dot_  just press enter at the end of the last line then save it09:52
dot_cwill1: how?09:52
cwill1i.e., /dev/hdb1 /mnt, or make a folder in /media and mount it there09:52
zcat[1]perhaps there's no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab ? (the line you just added?)09:52
Geoffrey2|box|: downloaded and burned, but when I go to load Gutsy crashes09:53
a514You Know Compiz really works with shift switcher option super-tab09:53
cwill1dot_: unplug the drive, run sudo udevmonitor, then plug the drive in, pastebin the output09:53
smmagicCan someone tell me how to share my internet connection?09:53
cyranowebslave: yes, i'm in gutsy and using 2.309:53
dot_cwill1: I can't make folders in media09:53
cwill1dot_: (control+c after to quit)09:53
|box|Geoffrey2:  did you burn as iso or as data? you need to burn it as an iso09:53
cwill1dot_: have to sudo mkdir /media/name09:53
cyranowebslave: I've troubleshooted a lot... all my packages are the newest ones... i've purged them all and reinstalled. same issue09:54
HymnToLifesmmagic, what kind of connection do you have ?09:54
zcat[1]smmagic: install firestarter, run it, click the box that says 'share my intetrnet connection' or something similar..09:54
cwill1cyrano: I'd try it under a live cd09:54
cypherdelicI cant start gnome-system-monitor as user: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::FileError'09:54
smmagicFirestarted never starts on boot09:54
cwill1cyrano: what video card are you running?09:54
wilsonuse isoburn maybe Geoffrey2 if you're doing it from windows, it's free09:54
tim__bhi #ubuntu, i managed to get compiz working on my ati radeon xpress card, but got the following problem: when startin an not maximized application, the titlebar is outside the viewing area of my screen. i have to move every new window via strg+space->move window. any solution for my problem? (plz highlight my nickname on answer). thx in advance09:54
dot_cwill1: http://pastebin.org/528609:54
|box|smmagic:  you can make firestater dtart from boot09:54
smmagicAnd according to this it is installed09:55
|box|Geoffrey2:  i use burn4free09:55
cwill1dot_: and you unplugged and replugged the drive?09:55
Keef_should I have a problem with dual monitors and a 8600GT?09:55
zcat[1]firestarter doesn't have to start.. it modifies system-wide firewall rules which should get loaded on boot.09:55
cwill1dot_: what type of drive is it?09:55
JimQodetim__b, install gnome-compiz-config, enable the `put` plugin.09:55
hislophow do i update my emerald theme in emerald theme manager?09:55
webslaveSorry cyrano, I am having problems with gutsy myself try rolling OO back to 2.3 (unchanged) by downloading the rpm or .deb file from open office directly there looks to me like there is a config file corruption of some sort - I just do not knwo enough about gutsy to give an informed answer, when all else fails with Linux removed and re-install09:55
cypherdelicI cant start gnome-system-monitor as user: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::FileError' Aborted09:55
dot_cwill1: http://pastebin.org/528909:55
JimQodetim__b, sorry it should be "place windows" plugin09:55
smmagicThe option to share is blacked out09:56
cwill1dot_: one sec, I've got a suspision09:56
nsbi dont know why doesnt work php && mysql on mi localhost09:56
tim__bJimQode, already installed gnome-compiz-config, i will give this a try, thanks!09:56
nsbim using ubuntu 7.1009:56
Geoffrey2|box|: I've been using Feisty...downloaded iso file and burned it as an ISO....when I boot from the Gutsy live CD, I get the initial menu, choose run/install, get the kernel progress bar, then get an allocation error and everything stops09:56
cwill1dot_: do you have dmraid or dmsetup installed in synaptic?09:56
cwill1dot_: mdadm09:56
|box|i wanna login as root  this is gh3y... o wait found the option09:56
cypherdelicI cant start gnome-system-monitor as user: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::FileError' Aborted - Im with Ubuntu Gutsy, no compiz09:56
sabayonlive-5926anyone know why compiz/beryl dosn't come preinstalled with ubuntu gust6y gibbons when i install but it work with sabayon....09:56
cyranocwill1: I'm not sure which card... i'm on a Acer TM 2480 with an intel i810 i think09:56
alienseer23i have the upgrade, but now with my seperate x screen set up using nvidia glx, i cannot move the pointer to the 2nd xscreen! help, please?09:56
cyranoyes, its intel i81009:56
cwill1k, sorry, did you say whether you tried it under a livecd?09:57
dot_cwill1: the udevmonitor command just gets bigger09:57
cwill1dot_: hit control+c09:57
cwill1dot_: and check if those three packages are installed09:57
smmagicDoes anyone know?09:57
Madpilotanyone else getting a generic blue Gnome splashscreen in Gutsy, along with a blue Gnome foot in the top-left, all instead of the Ubuntu stuff that was there before upgrading?09:57
dot_cwill1: wich 3 pads09:57
cwill1mdadm, dmraid, dmsetup?09:57
cwill1dot_: and, are you running a raid?09:58
cyranowebslave: hm, i have reinstalled oo without any effect, and i don't want to format my pc. is there a way to rollback using terminal or synaptic?09:58
tim__bJimQode, i can't find such option in gnome-compiz-preferences. is gnome-compiz-confi in a seperate package in 7.10 ?09:58
nsbsomebody know how intall kiba-dock in ubuntu 7.1009:58
cwill1cyrano: is it a particular document(s)?09:58
|box|Geoffrey2:  i went into bios choose  run as cd placed cd in drive  > everything ran great  took a while to get to  the desktop screen> once there theirs a massive icon on desktop that says install i clicked that   unbuntu stats to install while installing opened up ff and browsed the web and listened to online radio09:58
JimQodetim__b, yes it's a seperate packages. it puts a "advanced desktop effect settings" link in system/preferences09:58
webslaveyes afaik open synaptic and search for open office 2.2 I have in the distant past installed both09:58
sabayonlive-5926why doesn't the desktop effects happen after installing UBUNTU GuStY GiBBoNs09:58
dot_cwill1: this takes a time09:59
smmagicThis is dumb..09:59
dot_my synaptic is searching09:59
tim__bJimQode, thanks, i will see if it's on the backports09:59
MastaCAK4How do I get an ATI Radeon 9800 working with Ubuntu for 3D Programs?09:59
cwill1dot_: no worries, I'm patient :p09:59
webslavethats another way of finding out if it is kernel problem  ooooh just occured to me which version of the java runtime do you have?09:59
JimQodetim__b, are you using feisty?09:59
cypherdelicI cant start gnome-system-monitor as user: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::FileError' Aborted - Im with Ubuntu Gutsy, no compiz09:59
cwill1smmagic: you might have more luck asking in #vmware09:59
DoitleMan the Ubuntu update takes forever09:59
tim__bJimQode, sorry, i didn't mention it: gutsy09:59
cyranocwill1: no. just starting a clean fresh writer won't work. the window crshes after a fraction of a second10:00
cwill1Doitle: it happens when every user is running an upgrade at the same time :p10:00
cwill1cyrano: are you running xserver-xorg-video-intel (the default) or xserver-xorg-video-i810?10:00
webslave@cyrano - ounds like your java install is wonky10:00
|box|i downnloaded gutsy gibbon from demonoid :)10:00
zNOOPyHi, i just got a small question... Got a Abit motherboard with S/PDIF, is there any problem to get this to work ?10:00
cwill1webslave: did you notice the error in the terminal when he starts oo?10:00
bullgard4"Smart Bookmarks are a special kind of bookmark that can take one or more arguments. By using Smart Bookmarks, web searches and queries can be performed without loading a query page first." Who has made first-hand experiences with it?10:00
wilsonGeoffrey2, there's either some kind of incompatibility with the pc you're installing it on or the disc isn't right10:00
cyranocwill1: I dont know. how do i find out?10:01
webslave@zNOOPy  ummm hey which one?10:01
JimQodetim__b, package name is "compizconfig-settings-manager" for gutsy10:01
dot_cwill1: I don't have the package called dmraid, should I install it?10:01
cwill1cyrano: synaptic package manager under system|admin10:01
wilsonGeoffrey2, when i say the disc isn't right i mean, maybe it's not burned right, or maybe it's corrupt, or maybe there's a scratch on it10:01
cwill1dot_: no10:01
|box|Geoffrey2:  if you burn as an iso i always burn at a max of 4x10:01
tim__bthanks, JimQode10:01
cwill1you shouldn't have any of those three installed, unless you're running a raid10:01
Robbsterhey. I'm using pbuilder to build php4 under gutsy. I'm getting build dependency failures. anyone used pbuilder?10:01
JimQodenp ;) have fun10:01
zNOOPyis my motherboard10:01
wilsonsometimes there's a prob when you try to burn a cd image onto a DVD, usually it's ok but hey10:01
cwill1dot_: are you running a raid?10:01
hislopcan i use command line to fetch all the emerald-themes?what is the command?10:02
cyranowebslave: hm... it may be my java... i remeber now i changed the java engine or something like that to make frostwire run...10:02
dot_cwill1: whatsa raid10:02
reberhi all. I got an error (Gdk-ERROR **: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)) running fpm on gutsy. Any ideas ?10:02
cwill1dot_: I'll take that as a no :p10:02
gdi2kcompiz fusion is very cool, but how can I stop window edges sticking to the edges of the screen? I find that behavior annoying10:02
cypherdelicI cant start gnome-system-monitor as user, but sudo will work: Error is: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::FileError' Aborted - Im with Ubuntu Gutsy, no compiz. Already reinstalled gnome-system-monitor. Please help.10:02
dot_cwill1:  I got the package mdadm, should I uninstall it?10:02
Geoffrey2wilson: well, the MD5 sum matched, it appears to be a kernel bug...it just doesn't wanna play nice with the ATI SB600 chip on my motherboard10:02
webslavehmmm @cyrano  it just might be that you will have to upgrade your java runtime too login and sudo apt-get install java10:02
wilsonif it's an incompatibility thing, you might want to try downloading the alternative install version of gutsy and see how you go with that. That version has no live-cd component, only a text installer10:02
cwill1dot_: uninstall those packages if you see them (cwillu disclaims any warrenty if somebody else setup a raid on your system, but it wouldn't have happened automatically)10:02
cypherdelicI cant start gnome-system-monitor as user, but sudo will work: Error is: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::FileError' Aborted - Im with Ubuntu Gutsy, no compiz. Already reinstalled gnome-system-monitor. Please help.10:03
dot_cwill1: I uninstall also dmsetup?10:03
inspiredcwill1, websites look hot again in Opera. I wonder what they messed up in firefox10:03
cwill1inspired: I'm not convinced its firefox, but I'm not convinced your sane either if you thought the other looked better :p10:04
andrea_i have problems with ATI g card RV35010:04
andrea_direct rendering: NO10:04
|box|FF works a lot faster on this linux compared to XP pro ffs :(10:04
andrea_3d effect works ... boh!10:04
cwill1|box|: ?10:05
|box|fire fox works a lot faster on  this unbuntu than on my XP pro10:05
cyranowebslave: install java7-runtime?10:05
cypherdelicwill anybody be pelased to help me??10:05
cwill1(boo to people who make it harder to type their names in chat by including punctuation in the first char of their names)10:05
cypherdelicI cant start gnome-system-monitor as user, but sudo will work: Error is: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::FileError' Aborted - Im with Ubuntu Gutsy, no compiz. Already reinstalled gnome-system-monitor. Please help.10:05
webslavecyrano - yes install the latest one that is available through the src's list10:05
Murphy05hey could someone help me out here? i dl-ed the alternative cd to upgrade my feisty, everything went well on my laptop however on my desktop i get "tar: ./dists/stable/main/dist-upgrader/binary-all//gutsy.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory10:06
Murphy05" when i type in the terminal "./cdromupgrade"10:06
cwill1|box|: could be, although its somewhat workload dependant10:06
cwill1dot_: any luck?10:06
martiihi guys10:06
dot_cwill1: just got mdsetup uninstalled10:06
martiimy adm64x2 machine has 4gb of ram10:06
martiiunfortunatelly gutsy can see only 3.25gb10:07
marx2kok something is very much not right with the nvidia-glx-new10:07
marx2kand I cant figure out the problem10:07
martiiis that because of kernel?10:07
Murphy05<- there are no spaces, it is mounted to /media/cdrom/10:07
andrea_Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".10:07
cwill1martii: I think you need a 64bit kernel to use more, although it might be possible in theory to do the same tricks they used to on a 28610:07
andrea_direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)10:07
garuhi everyone10:07
winkillerhey there. guess there's lots of people already nagging, but my update manager of feisty won't show the "upgrade to gutsy" button. anything I have to check in sources.list maybe?10:07
martiicwill1: strange10:07
cwill1martii: limitation of a 32bit cpu10:07
martiicwill1: I'm sure I should be able to use 32bit with > 4gb10:08
cwill1martii: 2^32=4gigs10:08
jacquesmerdecan someone tell me why i can boot X in recovery mode, but not normal mode? ie. what IS recovery mode?10:08
martiicwill1: yep but there are some work arounds10:08
garuI got a problem...why is that gutsy gibbon keeps losing wireless connectivity?and always asking me for the passphrase?10:08
martiicwill1: for ex Vista uses PAE10:08
webslaveguys n girls I gotta split  - Cyrano good luck and stay the course, I am off to find a solution to my lernel pabick vfs file system correcption - I just do not feel like waiting another 5 hours for it to crash again10:08
marx2kwow/... how did Gutsy break video?!10:08
dot_cwill1: I just marked mdadm for removal10:08
hanselhola, necesito una ayuda10:08
cypherdelicI cant start gnome-system-monitor as user, but sudo will work: Error is: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::FileError' Aborted - Im with Ubuntu Gutsy, no compiz. Already reinstalled gnome-system-monitor. Please help.10:08
webslaveoooh does anyone knwo how to login as root on the live disk?10:09
martiicwill1: and for example windows 2003 server (32 bit) can use 8gb of ram10:09
|box|compiz dont work on my graphics card :(10:09
cwill1martii: check ubuntuforums.org10:09
cwill1martii: it might be enabled on the server kernels10:09
|box|webslave:  you cant login as root on live cd only once you have  full install10:09
ost2lifehello, is anyone having some odd issues with fstab10:09
Geoffrey2would be nice if someone was awake in ubuntu-kernel, but apparently not10:09
inspiredanyone know of a place I can upload files? I just want to upload two .pngs I want to show10:09
cwill1|box|: ?10:09
garuwebslave u can't even login in the live disk, just use sudo or something to get root access10:09
inspiredwithout having to register etc10:10
martiicwill1: I think it's about CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G in kernel10:10
andrea_andrea@andrea-laptop:~$ glxinfo | grep rendering10:10
andrea_Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".10:10
andrea_direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)10:10
cwill1webslave: if you need a root prompt on the live cd, change the boot line to single, removing splash and quiet10:10
cwill1martii: check the server kernel :p10:10
Murphy05hey could someone help me out here? i dl-ed the alternative cd to upgrade my feisty, everything went well on my laptop however on my desktop i get "tar: ./dists/stable/main/dist-upgrader/binary-all//gutsy.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory" when i type in terminal "./cdromupgrade"... the disc is mounted to /media/cdrom ...ubuntu forums recommend getting rid of spaces in the mount point but there are not spaces in my mount10:10
webslaveI need to use the old backed up version of the filesystem so that I get back into my login as x will not start past kernel panic10:10
cypherdelicI cant start gnome-system-monitor as user, but sudo will work: Error is: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::FileError' Aborted - Im with Ubuntu Gutsy, no compiz. Already reinstalled gnome-system-monitor. Please help.10:11
KalleDKinspired: google image upload ....10:11
garu|box| have you installed xgl?10:11
LJHarbim on dapper server, and i have a multiple screen session. can i save that, so i can recall it at will even after the machine restarts?10:11
webslavecwill1 never done that before how?10:11
hislopthere no min/max button on windows..what should i do?10:11
cwill1webslave: when you boot the livecd, hit f6, and change the kernel line10:11
cwill1webslave: it'll give you a root prompt10:11
|box|guru my  ati xpress 200 dont like compiz10:11
webslave@cwill -  I possibly might have but just to make sure no language translation get in the way please tell me what you would do10:12
wildintellectanyone know where the view tab of the deskbar-applet went or how to change the width so I can type in my bar again without opening a window10:12
dot_cwill1: this sure takes time10:12
cwill1webslave: can't easily install from it, but it's useful for recovery10:12
webslaveahhh yes ok cool thanks10:12
garu|box| lol...that was before...I got the same card as you have10:12
cwill1dot_: ya, you'd have been better off removing them all at the same time, but it has to do a bunch of work re: kernel modules, and if you have a slow machine, it'll take a while10:12
webslavedone that before its a pain in the ........ but I can do it10:12
garu|box| do sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl, and then restart X10:12
|box|garu ive googled it and it seems quiet a pain to install10:12
cwill1webslave: best way I've found to ghost images from one machine to another :)10:13
cypherdelicI cant start gnome-system-monitor as user, but sudo will work: Error is: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::FileError' Aborted - Im with Ubuntu Gutsy, no compiz. Already reinstalled gnome-system-monitor. Please help.10:13
|box|garu:  you only get 2d effects though ?10:13
garu|box| copy the command that I gave you to the terminal and youll have it working. If you have the ATI 200M I garantee it'll work rigjt after this10:13
inspiredcwill1, http://img86.imageshack.us/my.php?image=skjermdumpfirefoxiw9.png VS http://img80.imageshack.us/my.php?image=skjermdumpoperayz3.png  ... remember to upscale them. which one is prettier? Opera looks like Firefox did in Feisty and that's what I think it should look like too. Firefox is completely messed when it comes to fonts10:13
cwill1cypherdelic: upgrade or fresh install?  also, make a new user, log in using that user, and try it10:13
plikg'day folks :)10:13
* cwill1 grins at inspired10:13
machaddockcould someone please tell me where I can find the pidgin launcher in xubuntu (i'm guessing its the same place as in ubuntu so I'm asking here) thanks10:13
Myrtti!repeat | cypherdelic, the population of the channel hasn't changed that much...10:13
webslaveahhh if only life was just so simple lol I have an old sony VIAO GRT816s so that approach does not work blech lol I keep Knoppix on call for these occations10:13
garu|box| have you enabled extra effects on the appearance menu?10:14
|box|garu:  ill copy paste ta10:14
cwill1http://img86.imageshack.us/my.php?image=skjermdumpfirefoxiw9.png by far10:14
cypherdeliccwill1: that will probably work i guess, but please tell me where to delte configs in my home folder to get that working for my user...10:14
LJHarbim on dapper server, and i have a multiple screen session. can i save it somehow, so i can recall it at will even after the machine restarts?10:14
|box|yea it trys then tells me  effects cant work10:14
cwill1although the hinting isn't quite right, might be the gamma on my machine though10:14
|box|ill copy paste this see what happens10:14
wildintellectmachaddock, in network10:14
garu|box| once you do that, install ccsm from the add/remove applications or synaptic, and then, u'll be able to configure compiz fusion as u like10:14
cwill1cypherdelic: try it first10:14
martyvisLJHarb: not the running sessions10:14
garu|box| do that and let me know10:14
Murphy05hey could someone help me out here? i dl-ed the alternative cd to upgrade my feisty, everything went well on my laptop however on my desktop i get "tar: ./dists/stable/main/dist-upgrader/binary-all//gutsy.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory" when i type in terminal "./cdromupgrade"... the disc is mounted to /media/cdrom ...ubuntu forums recommend getting rid of spaces in the mount point but there are not spaces in my mount10:14
cwill1cypherdelic: then you can try moving things to the new profile until you duplicate the problem under the new user10:15
LJHarbmartyvis: running?10:15
webslaveanyway y'all its been fab meeting ya  if you wanna keep in touch my web site is http://www.incrediblesoftwaresolutions.com/blog10:15
martyvisLJHarb: screen doesn't survive reboots10:15
machaddockwildintellect --- thanks but I'm trying to make a launcher in the top menu and I can't find the original "program" see10:15
CroXI upgraded to Gutsy, found that none of my games no longer worked, installed new Nvidia drivers (from their site) and now I'm stuck with vesa. I can't get out of this.. Anyone care to help me?10:16
webslaveplease forgive the firefox css erors I am busy doing something with my pc at the mo...lol10:16
marx2kAhhhh I am in NVidia hell!!!10:16
wildintellectmachaddock, it should be in /usr/bin like all other programs, let me check10:16
dot_cwill1: the Applying changes window says that mdadm is removed10:16
cwill1inspired: there was an article on reddit a while back about aliasing10:16
dot_but I can't close the window10:16
LJHarbmartyvis: theres no way to save it somewhere? the contents must be stored as a file somewhere10:16
cwill1or smoothing I mean10:16
CroXmarx2k: Let's form a club..10:16
SlartCroX: can you pastebin the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and give us the url?10:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:17
CroXSlart: Will do.10:17
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre10:17
wildintellectmachaddock, you should be able to launch it with just pidgin10:17
cwill1inspired: http://img86.imageshack.us/my.php?image=skjermdumpfirefoxiw9.png by far10:17
ubotuIt is spelt !guTSy :)10:17
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:17
marx2kthis is terrible10:17
ubotucypherdelic, the population of the channel hasn't changed that much...: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:17
cwill1dot_: ?10:17
machaddockwildintellect i'll se if i can find it under usr bin tanks10:17
cypherdeliccwill1: other user can start gnome-system-monitor, what to do now??10:17
inspiredcwill1, you really think so? that's not how it looked in Feisty on my setups. did it on yours?10:17
cwill1ubotu is a little slow today :)10:17
|box|E: Couldn't find package xserver-xgl10:17
SlartCroX: and while you're at it.. pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log too10:17
cwill1cypherdelic: start copying the gnome files from your user to the new user, one by one, until it breaks10:17
dot_cwill1: I forcequitted synaptic10:18
garucan someone help me out with wireless connectivity issues?it seems that everytime I try to install an app using synaptic or the add/remove apps, I lose my wireless connection, and it tries to connect again and never does unless I restart the computer!10:18
martyvisLJHarb: must it? i think it is all in memory - there may be a logging functions - but you wouldn't be able to read that in. though it would be nice patch if you could make it work. best thing you do is to run screen on a machine that never (or rarely goes down) and use that as your jumphost onto other machines10:18
dot_it was so slow10:18
cypherdeliccwill1: wich folder do you mean in special??10:18
CroXSlart: http://pastebin.com/d36e4bfe110:18
garu|box| are you on the final release?10:18
cwill1inspired: turn off subpixel, and you have the second screenshot10:18
cwill1ugly as hell :p10:18
garu|box| 7.10?10:18
|box|garu? not sure what you mean10:18
wildintellectgaru, does it happen if you use apt-get?10:18
marx2kIs EVERYONE having NVidia issues?10:19
cwill1inspired: I don't think firefox adjusts the font smoothing prefs without a restart though10:19
|box|yea just got 7 10 last night from demonoid  installed last night10:19
garu|box| what version of ubuntu are you on?10:19
CroXSlart: http://pastebin.com/d2c275bc310:19
sunamihi can i install ubuntu using a thumbdrive?10:19
inspiredcwill1, I turn that off in gnome, right?10:19
martyvisLJHarb:  C-a h       (hardcopy)    Write a hardcopy of the current window to the file "hardcopy.n".10:19
dgjones!install | sunami10:19
ubotusunami: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:19
cwill1inspired: yes10:19
CroXSlart: Thanks for taking the time. :)10:19
cwill1dot_: k, does udevmonitor still show all that stuff?10:19
dot_cwill1: no i pressed ctrl + c10:20
martyvisLJHarb:     C-a H       (log)         Begins/ends logging of the current window to the file "screenlog.n".10:20
machaddockwildintellect -- thanks I found it there. Now for a follow up question to make me remember the /usr/bin thing.. usr obviously stands for user but what does bin stand for?10:20
cwill1dot_: no, I mean if you run it again, and replug the drive10:20
garuwildintellect yep...I used apt-get install... (as root), but I guess it would still work with sudo aptitude install...I havent tried with the aptitude, but I guess it would be ok10:20
inspiredcwill1, subpixel is off already10:20
garu|box| did u do updates?10:20
dot_cwill1: but after I force quitted synaptic and opened it again I wrote mdadm I don't have it installed10:20
marx2kYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.10:20
Murphy05hey could someone help me out here? i dl-ed the alternative cd to upgrade my feisty, everything went well on my laptop however on my desktop i get "tar: ./dists/stable/main/dist-upgrader/binary-all//gutsy.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory" when i type in terminal "./cdromupgrade"... the disc is mounted to /media/cdrom ...ubuntu forums recommend getting rid of spaces in the mount point but there are not spaces in my mount10:20
marx2kI assure the system... I AM running NVidia drivers10:20
wildintellectgaru, when your wireless drops off have you tried ifdown, ifup10:20
dot_cwill1: will I now plug my usbharddrive in my computer?10:20
|box|yea apt-get update  no updates available10:20
SlartCroX: hmm.. what happens when you boot and start gnome? nothing special? you don't get the "setup video drivers for X"-dialog?10:21
jazz631how can i determine what drives are mounted where?10:21
cwill1dot_: run udevmonitor, replug the drive, and tell me if udevmonitor spits out the same junk it did last time10:21
humboltodoes anybody know yet how to get nvidia-glx-new to work?10:21
martyvisLJHarb: if do a screenlog every time you launch a new window at least it will saved in a file - you can't load it back into the buffer afaik10:21
=== benzss is now known as benzs_s
Slartjazz631: run "mount" in a terminal10:21
CroXSlart: I get "you're running in low graphics mode". And I get that dialog, yes.10:21
wildintellectmachaddock, I don't really know what it means other than thats the folder that programers put executables in10:21
CroXSlart: It's set to use vesa and if I try chaning it to nv it wont start10:22
marx2kWhen I boot into Gnome (Im in KDE now), I just get my wallpaper and thats it.  I can do ALT+F2 commands but nothing else10:22
pucko_Hello. After upgrading to gutsy I can't hear any sound any more. snd-hda-intel is loaded fine and "sound plays" but I simply can't hear anything. And nothing is muted in alsamixer. Anyone else have this problem?10:22
garuwildintellect yeah...i'v tried that, and nothing...it just keeps trying to connect and nothing...right now its the longest i'v been connected, but if I start browsing the internet or try to install a program,I'll be disconnected10:22
humboltofailsafeX freaks out on me when I am trying to use nvidia-glx-new. normal nvidia-glx is working. before my latest upgrade -new was working too!10:22
CroXSlart: So I tried vesa, logged in and tried enabling the restricted driver for my gfx card. Rebooted as suggested and boom, back to that "low graphics mode" warning.10:22
garu|box| try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:22
SlartCroX: mm.. same problem I had.. I had to manually go back to my old xorg.conf10:22
lostfaithcould someone point me in the right direction to get my dell d820 laptop wireless working? I had hope by now that linux had moved on and would work from fresh install, but even ubuntu7.10 didnt, hence my irc name :(10:22
dot_cwill1: well now when I plugged thte shit in my comp10:22
wildintellectgaru, oh so this isn't a synaptic specific problem10:22
what_ifanybody wanna help me pls? telnet to  when connected type /n "YOUR-NICK"  I need to test a convers server :)10:22
|box|k garu will do10:22
dot_it still spams add remove add remove10:22
cwill1inspired: the second screen shot looks like hinting is off10:23
cwill1inspired: dunno10:23
machaddockwildintellect, thanks. I always forget thats where they (the executables) are. I don't have to use this way all that often10:23
wildintellectgaru, what wifi chipset/driver do you have10:23
LJHarbmartyvis: hm thanks ill play with that10:23
cwill1dot_: k, reboot the machine and try it again10:23
dot_cwill1: and when I play music, sometimes it's higher sound and some times not so high10:23
garu|box| and then do either sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl or sudo aptitude install xserver-xgl10:23
wildintellectgaru, and what kind of network are you on, wep, wpa?10:23
cwill1dot_: brb, ping me after you restart10:23
garuwildintellect ralink rt6110:23
SlartCroX: ok.. you can start by doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"10:23
|box|did that says 0 installed 0 to istall 0  done10:23
inspiredcwill1, font.FreeType2.unhinted was true. let me try with false10:24
SlartCroX: and just to see if that was enough.. try restarting X (ctrl backspace I think)10:24
garuwildintellect I'm on a wep encrypted network...I tried to connect at Uni on a wpa though...it didnt even see the network.ll10:24
CroXSlart: Alright, I'll try that.10:24
wildintellectgaru, you have any open networks to test with?10:24
CroXSlart: xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007101911281810:24
garuwildintellect but when I tried to connect at uni, I was still on the release candidate10:24
SlartCroX: that's ok10:25
zhanxok, got a bug, rebooting my laptop fails.. it shuts everything done and doesnt reboot10:25
wildintellectgaru, is the ralink driver native? or ndiswrapper?10:25
|box|garu seems im fully upto date10:25
MaTrIx-XHas anyone successfully installed ISCSI Enterprise Target on Gutsy yet?10:25
garu|box| did u do exactly sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl ?10:25
cwill1dot_: still there?10:25
CroXSlart: Nope, that didn't do it.10:26
|box|had to install some ati drivers last night to change my screen resoloution so now im on 1024 x 760 or something like that10:26
garu|box| r u sure u have ATI Radeon Xpress 200M graphics card?10:26
detainHas anyone had problems with Gutsy and Radeon cards ?   I get a signal 11 using fglrx or the radeon driver .. only thing that really works is the 'vesa' driver, and i cant seem to increase the resolution on that one without things getting ugly10:26
CroXSlart: And I get a mismatch between X and Gnome config, on my keyboard setup. That choice's never saved?10:26
|box|have ati xpress 200 not sure about the m10:26
marx2kubuntuforums.org isnt connecting :/10:26
marx2kthere it goes10:26
garu|box| why did u have to install that?once I booted the first time, I'v just enabled the restricted drivers and i was good to go10:27
MaTrIx-XAnyone at all ? ISCSI Enterprise Target on Gutsy?10:27
SlartCroX: ok.. look at the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log  you can use gedit or less or whatever.. check at the top what configuration file it uses.. is it xorg.conf or xorg.conf.failsafe10:27
cwill1dot_: what's the word?10:27
SlartCroX: I don't know why that error pops up.. just go with the gnome settings10:27
garuwildintellect the driver its native10:27
dot_cwill1: Well i rebooted10:28
garuwildintellect I dont like ndiswrapper.lol...was using it in sabayon...always had headaches with it :o10:28
cwill1dot_: so far so good :p10:28
dot_and I don't know what to do now10:28
ascIs it possible to use the Ubuntu (alternate, presumably) installer to install Ubuntu on an encrypted partition, Debian-style?10:28
wildintellectgaru, maybe you should build it yourself https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT6110:28
|box|yea enabled restricted drivers but fouled  it up  rebooted and then it wouldnt recognise the ati card  so had to do the process again... gave up and manually downloaded the driver fromati10:28
cwill1dot_: udevmonitor, replug, tell me if it still dumps pages of gunk10:28
CroXSlart: (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe"10:28
marx2khaha oh man someone make my NVidia card work correctly!!10:28
dot_cwill1: will I now unplug my USB10:28
garu|box| you must be on a different ATI CARD10:28
cwill1it _should_ say some stuff, it _shouldn't_ say add remove /block/dm-110:28
dot_and then udvmonitor and then plug again?10:28
|box|garu:  yea i think the M makes a diffrence10:29
Murphy05hey could someone help me out here? i dl-ed the alternative cd to upgrade my feisty, everything went well on my laptop however on my desktop i get "tar: ./dists/stable/main/dist-upgrader/binary-all//gutsy.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory" when i type in terminal "./cdromupgrade"... the disc is mounted to /media/cdrom ...ubuntu forums recommend getting rid of spaces in the mount point but there are not spaces in my mount10:29
jorgenIs xrandr 1.2 supposed to work with nvidia-glx-new10:29
cwill1Murphy05: no idea, sorry;  try searching launchpad.net10:29
garu|box| once I installed the restricted drivers, I restarted and then tried to enable the effects, it told me that the composite extension wasnt available...then I installed xserver-xgl and it worked perfectly10:29
wildintellectMurphy05, did you try updating your sources and doing the upgrade over the web?10:29
dot_cwill1: it addremoves the same /block/dm-1 (block)10:29
dot_do I now plug my USB10:29
SlartCroX: ok.. try this.. run this in a terminal "ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf*".. you should get a couple of files with dates at the end.. one of those will be your old xorg.conf.. try to find which one is your old file10:29
cwill1dot_: no10:29
yellow_chickeni am installing tftpd-hpa using synpatic, but it says, it's not authenticated.  anyone have experience with this?10:29
dot_cwill1: what then10:30
SlartCroX: the date would probably be the date you upgraded10:30
garuwildintellect OMG I thought I wouldnt have any more of this problems.lol10:30
cwill1dot_: you said you had to force-kill?10:30
Murphy05wildintellect: yeah i've updated sources, and i can do update over the web but i woudl rather not since i already have the cd here10:30
dot_cwill1: force quit synaptic10:30
dot_but then i restarted it and the mdadmin was uninstalled10:30
CroXSlart: Three files from that date. There's alot of old xorg.conf's here.10:30
|box|garu there was an iccon flashed up  next to me suer name to  enable restricted drivers but its gone now10:30
cwill1dot_: sudo apt-get remove dmraid; sudo apt-get remove dmsetup; sudo apt-get remove mdadm10:30
cwill1I think something got screwed up10:31
wildintellectyellow_chicken, it's not big deal if it's not auth, depending on the repo you're getting it from there may be a cert you can download10:31
cwill1dot_: can you pastebin /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/messages?10:31
=== Beno_ is now known as Dano
garuwildintellect see...right now, I think it's got nothing to do with my wireless card...because, I'm connected now for like 15 or 20 minutes straight...the maximum I was getting before, when I was trying to install apps and browse the web at the same time would be like a 3 minute connection and then off!10:31
CroXSlart: Alright, I think I got the one10:31
MrEgg964Hi all, I've just upgrade to Gutsy but the process stopped on the way... and now I have a few issues : first off, when logging in, my keyboard is not properly configured anymore (it is now set as qwerty, whereas I have an azerty). How can I change that ?10:31
|box|ahhh looked in restricted drivers manager and theres a big red icon next to me graphics card lol that might be something to do with it10:31
dot_cwill1: it said on all 3 of them : " Package (name of it) is not installed, so not removed10:31
marx2kubuntuforums.org must be getting hammered big time10:32
wildintellectgaru, ya that is weird, next time it dies check dmesg10:32
a514how do i use a edgy deb?10:32
cwill1dot_: do you have a private message window open from me?  if so, ping me back on it10:32
SlartCroX: ok.. copy that one to xorg.conf , overwrite the "new and improved xorg.conf that doesn't work for you anyway"10:32
garu|box| that red big dot its normal...u should have a checkbox10:32
wildintellectMrEgg964, xorg configuration10:32
MaTrIx-XAnyone here familiar with open-iscsi ?10:32
mhaHow can I get the network manager to not switch wired/wireless networks if for instance my network cable slip or the wireless network becomes unavailable for just one second?.. :)10:32
dot_cwill1: what do you mean pastebin /var/log/10:32
garuwildintellect dmesg is the command?10:32
yellow_chickenwildintellect: what't the command to update package list? i can't download tftp-hpa.10:32
CroXSlart: And then restart (CTRL+ALT+Backspace)?10:33
martynHey guys i have Xerver-Xgl installed and COMPIZ setting manger. i cant get the cube affect to work any ideas . i can get the desktop to flip on an axes but no cube ??10:33
|box|yea cant uncheck it says etc/x11/config invalid10:33
cwill1dot_: /var/log/messages and /var/log/dmesg10:33
SlartCroX: yup.. see if it works10:33
Bo^Dickis gutsy released yet?10:33
MrEgg964wildintellect: thanx, can you be a little bit more specific, pls? I've never done this manually before. Tia.10:33
cwill1they're files you can upload10:33
wildintellectgaru, ya its a command10:33
wildintellectMrEgg964, patience I'm checking my config right now10:33
MaTrIx-XYes, Bo^Dick --- Gutsy is released10:33
MrEgg964wildintellect: thanx10:33
wildintellectyellow_chicken, sudo apt-get update10:33
Bo^Dickwould you recommend an upgrade from feisty to the fresh release of gutsy=10:34
martynHey guys i have Xerver-Xgl installed and COMPIZ setting manger. i cant get the cube affect to work any ideas . i can get the desktop to flip on an axes but no cube ??10:34
CroXSlart: Nope, that didn't work either, I don't think. :/10:34
dot_cwill1: want me to paste all things frm dmesg and messages to you10:34
dot_cwill1: They are HUMONGOUS10:34
SlartCroX: ok.. check the Xorg.0.log again.. see if it still uses the failsafe file instead of xorg.conf10:34
wildintellectMrEgg964, in /etc/X11/xorg theres a line that says Option      "XkbModel" "pc104"10:35
cwill1they'll be a few dozen kilobytes10:35
yellow_chickenwildintellect: i think the repository is dead, i clicked apply, nothing happens10:35
Bo^Dickhas anyone here upgraded from feisty to gutsy?10:35
garuwildintellect OMG...I just did that...it came back with like a million lines10:35
MrEgg964wildintellect: okay, I'll check that out10:35
cwill1dot_: not that humongous :p10:35
martynHey guys i have Xerver-Xgl installed and COMPIZ setting manger. i cant get the cube affect to work any ideas . i can get the desktop to flip on an axes but no cube ??10:35
dot_cwill1: http://pastebin.org/5291 that's dmesg10:35
wildintellectMrEgg964, you need to change it to the type of keyboard10:35
CroXSlart: It does.10:35
wildintellectgaru, dmesg | tail gives you only the last part10:35
wildintellectyellow_chicken, think about changes your sources to a different mirrot10:36
yellow_chickenwildintellect: how to make change?10:36
Sevk vbox in 7.10 ,any problem?10:36
SlartCroX: ok.. yesterday I had the very same problem you have now.. but all of a sudden my ubuntu started using the correct xorg.conf... I thought it was the dpkg-reconfigure line you ran before..10:36
garuwildintellect there is something I noticed though at the end, it says wlan0 address duplicated10:36
dot_cwill1: when I opened the /messages10:36
dot_it said10:36
CroXSlart: Odd. I know that has fixed my problems before but it doesn't seem to, now. :/10:36
yellow_chickenwildintellect: tftp-hpa is part of main-group.10:37
cwill1dot_: /var/log/messages10:37
winkillermy update manager of feisty won't show the "upgrade to gutsy" button. anything I have to check in sources.list maybe?10:37
dot_The file /var/log/messages changed on disk. do you want to reload the file?10:37
MrEgg964wildintellect: okay, I found a 'us' setting which I changed to 'fr' - I suppose this should do the trick when I reboot.10:37
dot_what do I choose10:37
cwill1winkiller: hit check10:37
wildintellectyellow_chicken, you can either edit /etc/apt/sources.list (backup files first)10:37
CroXSlart: I'll try the manual reconfigure10:37
sldfndtnBo^Dick: i'm dl gutsy now to install on my external usb drive10:37
cwill1dot_: ignore that10:37
SlartCroX: do that.. I'll do some googling.. see if I find another solution10:37
winkillercwill1: done like 10x10:37
wildintellectMrEgg964, just restart the x server with ctrl-alt-backspace (it will log you out)10:37
LabelFont ugly on Gusty -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58055710:37
cwill1winkiller: :p10:37
CroXSlart: Thanks.10:38
LabelIs a know bug ?10:38
a514What's the Difference in the alt oem iso?10:38
cwill1winkiller: try sudo update-manager -c -d10:38
dot_cwill1: i can't copu /messages10:38
cwill1winkiller: also, make sure you have all of the fiesty updates installed10:38
dot_it's so big that it takes forewer10:38
cwill1dot_: don't worry about it10:38
wildintellecta514, it doesn't have the liveCD or graphical installer, just a text based installer10:38
garu|box| the checkbox in the restricted drivers manager must be checked :o10:38
cwill1dot_: either mdadm or dmsetup or dmraid didn't uninstall properly10:38
winkillerah thanks, guess -c -d did it10:39
cwill1dot_: one sec10:39
yellow_chickenwildintellect: i have this --> http://rafb.net/p/0RUMJc92.html10:39
martynHey guys i have Xerver-Xgl installed and COMPIZ setting manger. i cant get the cube affect to work any ideas . i can get the desktop to flip on an axes but no cube ??10:39
lostfaithcould someone point me in the right direction to get my dell d820 laptop wireless working? I had hope by now that linux had moved on and would work from fresh install, but even gutsy didnt, hence my irc name :(10:39
MrEgg964Secondly, the upgrade process prematurely terminated, saying it found problems and it was sorry it could not complete the whole thing. Gutsy seems to be working fine though, but some things are wierd : like I don't have the 'ubuntu' logo next to Applications menu, but I have the 'gnome' logo instead. How can I make sure my Gutsy installation is full and in order?10:39
garu|box| that means that is enabled10:39
LifeSFhi everyone,... could someone tell me if I can isntall a gui desktop on ubuntu 7.10? I still need to learn many commands from linux,... i should maybe learn them while using gui until i know enough! :S10:39
a514wild yeah i d/l it & used the oem install? seems to work all the same10:39
LifeSFserver edition (sorry)10:39
|box|garu:  says not enabled lol never mind just testing  t any way10:39
LabelFont ugly on Gusty -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=580557 is it a know bug?10:39
cwill1LifeSF: just install ubuntu-desktop10:39
cwill1LifeSF: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:39
cwill1Label: check launchpad.net10:40
LifeSFok, and that will do everything for me and keep the server install intact?10:40
Labelcwill1, ok10:40
dot_cwill1: ? what will I do?10:40
cwill1dot_: give me a sec:p10:40
drmlnrhi, how do i transfer ubuntu from one pc to another, if they have different hardware?10:40
cwill1dot_: is evms installed?10:41
garu|box| what happens when u try to enable it?does it try to download and install something?10:41
amarillionLifeSF: correct, that won't affect the server install10:41
LifeSF:D thank you, it's now in progress :D10:41
cwill1drmlnr: just image it across;  the kernel redetects everything dynamically on every boot10:41
=== troubled_ is now known as troubled
MaTrIx-XNeed some assistance with iSCSI if anyone is willing10:41
drmlnrthanks cwill110:41
amarillionThe new screen configuration tool doesn't work for me at all10:41
cwill1drmlnr: np10:42
amarillionI'm trying to get Xinerama to work again10:42
cwill1amarillion: known issues there10:42
dot_cwill1: yes evms is installed10:42
Nusclydrmlnr: you can copy the partition from the old disk to the new disk10:42
cwill1dot_: bah, always forget on;  remove it10:42
|box|nah comes up with error message says ect/x11/xorg,conf is invalid10:42
amarillioncwill1, so I just go back to editing xorg.conf then?10:42
FlannelLabel: What's ugly about that?  The feisty one looks crappy10:42
wildintellectyellow_chicken, those seem to be ok10:42
dot_cwill1: removing evms10:42
cwill1amarillion: no, doesn't work the same anymore :p10:42
amarillionOh... great...10:43
cwill1amarillion: look at the xrandr options, once you get it working there, you can do a similar thing in xorg.conf10:43
Nusclydrmlnr: perhaps you will need to reconfigure X10:43
cwill1amarillion: I know10:43
stato18ho bisgno di aiuto10:43
stato18e buongiorno a tutti10:43
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away
wildintellectMrEgg964, run sudo apt-get dist upgrade, if anything got left out that should catch it10:43
Flannel!it | stato1810:43
cwill1amarillion: it's better actually, but different enough to be frustrating10:43
LabelFlannel, I mean that compared with feisty, gusty have crap fonts.10:43
CroXSlart: Nope, that didn't work either..10:43
yellow_chickenwildintellect: hm.. not working here. do you mind try to install tftp-hpa on your system?10:43
LabelFlannel, I would like to revert on feisty settings10:43
stato18flannel puoi aiutarmi10:44
marx2k(WW) NVIDIA(0): Option "AddARGBVisuals" is not used10:44
amarillioncwill1, thanks, I guess I just have to deal10:44
cwill1amarillion: the front end just doesn't work well, but xrandr is working10:44
rzimek78I want to install Amarok on a computer that has no internet connection. But when I download Amarok with 'aptitude download amarok' and try to install it on that computer, it says Amarok needs 29 libraries - how to dwonload Amarok with all dependencies?10:44
Flannelstato18: /join #ubuntu-it10:44
Labelstato18, qua solo ita10:44
|box|garu:  not to worry got the screen size to what i want wasnt expecting to run compiz just   installed to see what all the fuss is about and to be honest i  preffer ubuntu to my xp pro : o10:44
dot_cwill1: dot@shining:~$ sudo apt-get remove evms10:44
dot_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:44
TheCrazyMouseHi, I cannot install nvidia's driver in my ubuntu 7.1010:44
SlartCroX: I can't find any info on this new bulletproof/failsafe x startup..10:44
dot_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:44
cwill1bah, one sec10:44
SlartCroX: it's very annoying10:44
Flanneldot_: close any other package managers you have open10:44
amarilliondot_: you've got apt and synaptic running at the same time10:44
wildintellectyellow_chicken, worked for me10:45
yellow_chickenwildintellect: ???? wtf10:45
CroXSlart: Truly. It worked just fine up until I decided that I wanted to be able to play games again and installed new Nvidia drivers. :/10:45
* yellow_chicken scratching head10:45
DoitleAnyone here run rigs of Rods in ubuntu?10:45
wildintellectyellow_chicken, something funny in your part of town apparently10:45
yellow_chickenwildintellect: perhaps. u on 7.10 or 7.04?10:46
dot_cwill1: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.10:46
marx2kWhat the hell...10:46
marx2k(II) LoadModule: "type1"10:46
marx2k(WW) Warning, couldn't open module type110:46
marx2k(II) UnloadModule: "type1"10:46
marx2k(EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)10:46
dot_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.10:46
drmlnrhow do i get a list of installed packages?10:46
wildintellectyellow_chicken, this box is fiesty10:46
cwill1dot_: that was the force kill10:46
cwill1run the command it said to10:46
yellow_chickenwildintellect: fiesty here too10:46
dot_cwill1: yup10:46
Flanneldrmlnr: What for? (theres a few methods, depending on what you want to do with them)10:46
Murphy05ok well i got the cd working, it was weird. but now i get this when trying to upgrade: /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log:  2007-10-19 02:44:13,829 DEBUG Installing 'language-support-ja' (Distro KeepInstalledSection rule: translations) 2007-10-19 02:44:28,433 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.'10:46
wildintellectdrmlnr, oo let me remember10:46
SlartCroX: there is at least some settings for bulletproof x in /etc/gdm/10:46
rzimek78:( is it possible to download Amarok with all dependecies>10:47
CroXSlart: What's bulletproof X?10:47
LabelFlannel, and?10:47
=== Mez|Away is now known as Mez
drmlnrFlannel, so i can reinstall them after move to a new system10:47
SlartCroX: it's that video driver select dialog that doesn't work10:47
jotilmarx2k: no no! no paste here. this flood. i have same problem.10:47
Flannelrzimek78: sure, install the amarok package.  Either in synaptic, or via apt get by : sudo apt-get install amarok10:47
ezquerrohello to everybody.10:47
dot_cwill1: chirsts tittyfuck it wont work10:47
CroXAh. I'll look into that then.10:47
dot_dot@shining:~$ ns;10:47
dot_The program 'ns' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:10:47
dot_sudo apt-get install host10:47
dot_bash: ns: command not found10:47
dot_dot@shining:~$ Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *10:47
ezquerrodoes anybody had problems with emerald after updating??10:47
XarZen2Im trying to install ubuntu on 7.10 on VMware . Can anybody help me?10:47
Flanneldrmlnr: dpkg --get-selections or dpkg -l10:47
jotilXarZen the Tarzan10:47
SlartCroX: supposed to be a way to configure your X settings without having to use vim in a terminal10:48
cwill1dot_: ?10:48
SuperPigsgutsy gibbon in the house10:48
SuperPigsi just upgraded10:48
Labeland font?10:48
rzimek78<Flannel>: But I wanna download Amarok with all depnedencies and install it on a computer with no internet connection.10:48
marx2kI dont understand how this release broke NVidia...10:48
CroXSlart: That bulletproof X, you mean?10:48
Labelit looks pretty?10:48
dot_cwill1: it wont fucking work10:48
cwill1dot_: sudo dpkg --configure -a10:48
SlartCroX: yes10:48
Flannelrzimek78: Ah, you'll need to either download all the depends manually, or use something like AptOnCd to do it for ou.10:49
wildintellectrzimek78, that's a pain10:49
XarZen2jotil: :P?10:49
cwill1dot_: calm thyself, I can assure you I have more frustrating problems than you have (the 90 degree data center episode comes to mind)10:49
Flanneldot_: please watch your language10:49
iMannhttp://ubuntu.etherkiller.de/ (Located in Munich, IPv6 and IPv4 connectivity)10:49
|box|is there a pdf reader inbuilt or do i need to download?10:49
cwill1dot_: sudo dpkg --configure -a, pastebin me the output10:49
rzimek78Flannel: but how to do this?10:49
mhaCan I get the network manager to not switch wired/wireless networks if my network cable slip or the wireless network becomes unavailable for just one second?.. :) or if I plug in a network cable and still want to stay on my wireless..?10:49
dot_cwill1: Setting up initramfs-tools (0.85eubuntu20) ...10:49
dot_update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)10:50
dot_Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...10:50
dot_update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-38610:50
Flannelrzimek78: install the aptoncd package (on a machine with internet) and it'll more or less do it for you10:50
rzimek7829 dependencies10:50
cwill1dot_: k, let than run10:50
dot_that's the only thing that came10:50
rzimek78Flannel: ok10:50
dot_sorry for swearing10:50
dot_this is just too hard10:50
cwill1dot_: what's the processor, etc on your machine?10:50
jotilXarZen2: muhahaha. you the tarzan man. awesome. what's up?10:50
amarillioncwill1, do you know of any good docs on how to set up xinerama?10:50
wildintellect|box|, yes pdf reader should be in the default10:50
cwill1amarillion: what card?10:50
dot_cwill1: about 1667 mhz10:50
=== XarZen2 is now known as XarZen
dot_amd sempron10:50
cwill1dot_: and the memory?10:50
XarZenjotil: srue:P10:50
amarillionintel something10:50
amarillionlemme check10:50
dot_cwill1: 51210:51
XarZenjotil: need some help installing 7.1010:51
dot_my comp is bad10:51
Labelanyone can help me with fonts?10:51
amarillioncwill1, i81010:51
jotilinstalling or upgrading?10:51
cwill1amarillion: google xrandr gutsy, you should get some hits10:51
cwill1dot_: faster than mine :p10:51
dot_ok sorry10:51
TheCrazyMouseThe software source for the package10:51
TheCrazyMouse   nvidia-glx-new10:51
TheCrazyMouse is not enabled10:51
JediMasteranyone know how you can get 'du' to only count a certain file extension in all sub directories?10:51
jotilgot the alternate disk or the live cd?10:51
TheCrazyMousehelp me pls!10:51
JediMasterthis: du `find . -name *.php` works, however doesn't give a total10:52
MrEgg964wildintellect: thanks10:52
deliriumi just did the upgrade to 7.10 on my Dell Latitude D600 - after the Ubuntu boot screen I now get a blank screen and erm nothing - aggggh help - how can i start diagnosing the problem?10:52
lostfaithany help with wireless card setup on fresh gutsy install?10:52
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/10:52
Keef_how can I network with my ubuntu server running samba?10:52
wildintellectdelirium, try to toggle to ctrl-alt-F110:52
cwill1dot_: anything more showing up?10:52
marx2kdelrium: 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep WW'10:52
marx2kdelrium: 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE'10:53
cwill1dot_: open another window, and run top10:53
deliriumwildintellect, nope ctrl-alt-Fx doesnt work10:53
[per0las]bill gates in one entreview sa that have acess to pirate videos in youtube whith out pay so tis makes bill gates one pirate lol10:53
cwill1dot_: does it show anything using a huge amount of cpu other than dpkg?10:53
dot_cwill1: top?10:53
deliriummarx2k, how can i do that with a blank screen?10:53
jotilJediMaster: there is an option to count total? -c10:53
dot_cwill1: top shows alot of numbers10:53
marx2kdelirium: go to TTY110:53
cwill1the rows10:54
wildintellectdelirium, there's some keyboard stroke to drop you into verbose mode while booting, alas I don't know it10:54
cwill1the %CPU10:54
deliriummarx2k, i cant10:54
marx2koh youre not even getting to that point?|10:54
deliriummarx2k, that still gives me a blank screen - i cant switch TTY either :-(10:54
cwill1dot_: it'll show the process on the far right; which ones show up on top, and whats the %CPU for the ones it shows?10:54
dot_cwill1: the dpkg configure is ready10:54
fourthgenMy Minimise, Maximise etc. controls have disappeared after upgrading to 7.10, can anyone help me?10:54
wildintellectlostfaith, do you know the type of card?10:54
* dpml just completed on-line upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 and everything is looking good. Some preferences were lost in the transition, some new features are immediately apparent, system feels tighter/better. Good work guys.10:55
cwill1what process?10:55
cwill1dot_: not that one10:55
dot_0.3%sy if im right10:55
cwill1the black line10:55
dot_the black line?10:55
dot_black linu %CPU?10:56
chook_bon ok sui passer à gutsy ,gors souci pour les mises a jour, How to ..! merci10:56
Sevkhave any softwares like gifgifgif ?10:56
chook_hmm i think im in a di wrong place heheh10:56
cwill1the line that says PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM COMMAND10:56
dot_cwill1: i'öö send you a screenshot10:56
cwill1dot_: ya, what does it say below that line10:56
ubotwoAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:56
dot_cwill1: http://img502.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2em7.png10:57
chook_yeah warbler  ,mi gone on -fr ;)10:57
lostfaithIt is in a Dell D820 laptop, intel card.10:57
Sevkhave any softwares like gifgifgif ?10:57
jotilJediMaster:  du -ch `find . -name *.mp3` won't work?10:57
deliriummarx2k, okay i can boot into (recovery mode) and get a shell10:57
gordonjcpSevk: what's gifgifgif10:57
cwill1dot_: okay, ya10:57
wildintellectlostfaith, run lspci and try to figure out what the wireless chip is10:58
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: did you figure it out? i just got back!10:58
dot_cwill1: so what now10:58
cwill1dot_: go back to synaptic, and remove evms10:58
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: Ok, it's official: you're the only one who can help me10:58
cwill1actually, wait10:58
XarZenjotil: know how to create a multi-boot? with windows and XP?10:58
dot_cwill1: do i have totake synaptic10:58
dot_or is it ok with10:58
incorrectis there a gui to configure xen in 7.10?10:58
dot_sudo apt-get remove evms10:58
cwill1dot_: sudo /etc/init.d/udev stop, then remove it10:58
Necrosan_broadcom is real broken10:58
jotilXarZen: yes. i am multibooting everywhere.10:58
Necrosan_at least on hp dv200010:58
Sevkgordonjcp , it is a software in windows ,it can captuare screen into gif10:58
cwill1dot_: either is fine, but stop udev first10:58
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: I didi a dpkg reconfigre on X and at least it found my monitor correctly10:58
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: but sill nothing else10:58
wildintellectbroadcom was never working out of the box10:59
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: same errors with OpenGL10:59
cwill1udevd is tripping over the evms/mdadm/dm stuff (ran into the same problem before)10:59
XarZenjotil: ok, i was tinking creating a multi-boot think. With ubuntu and xp, but don`t know how to do it10:59
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: i just got back :P10:59
dot_cwill1: it siad, not installed so not removed10:59
wildintellectNecrosan_, take a look at fwcutter10:59
lostfaithBroadcom BCM4312 802.11a/b/g (rev 01)10:59
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: and if I enable the NVidia restricted drivers X comes back in low graphic mode with everything messed up10:59
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: I know10:59
cwill1dot_: ?10:59
wildintellectlostfaith, poke around synaptic for fwcutter11:00
cwill1k, check in synaptic, it might be evms-something11:00
Necrosan_fwcutter is broke11:00
Necrosan_mad broke11:00
gordonjcpSevk: ah11:00
dot_cwill1: it's uninstalled11:00
Necrosan_even installed 2.6.23 from kernel.org11:00
gordonjcpSevk: press "Print Screen"11:00
Necrosan_still broke11:00
illusion-1i have error in ubuntu 7.10 i cant lusnh any program from desktop11:00
cwill1dot_: heh, dpkg probably just finished it then11:00
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: Take your time, I'm even willing to pay for this, since I'm really tired of all of this lol11:00
dot_I uninstalled it via synaptic, and then forcequitted synaptic11:00
illusion-1any file .desktop11:00
Necrosan_ndiswrapper isnt working either..11:00
illusion-1haz error11:00
xoobdesktop effects could not be enabled??? why???11:00
wildintellectNecrosan_, hmm that's how I got my broadcom working in 7.0411:00
Necrosan_even latest11:00
dot_and then I had to dpkg11:00
cwill1dot_: just now, or before?11:00
cwill1dot_: including evms?11:00
NinjaoHi guys i need some help. My install of ubuntu gets stuck at step 3 of 7 (just after i enter my keyboard layout) i see it trying to run the partioner but it doesnt start. Can any1 help me?11:00
jotilXarZen: did you try just the basic install option in the live cd?11:00
cwill1there was dmraid, dmsetup and mdadm before11:00
dot_yup so evms in now away11:00
dot_what now11:01
wildintellectNecrosan_, and it's still working in 7.1011:01
Necrosan_wildintellect: its a known issue on this laptop11:01
dublpawsZaphodBeeblebrox: have you tried $nvidia-settings ?11:01
Necrosan_just wondering if anyones found a solution11:01
ganeshjotil:i upgraded to 7.10..but desktop effects or compiz is not working11:01
xoobdesktop effects could not be enabled??? why???11:01
Sevkgordonjcp , no it can record video into gif11:01
ZaphodBeeblebroxdublpaws: no, let me try, hold on11:01
lostfaiththanks I will try that11:01
wildintellectNecrosan_,  so it might work for lostfaith11:01
c9s_i can't find my "Desktop Effect" in my control panel11:01
Murphy05DEBUG Installing 'language-support-ja' (Distro KeepInstalledSection rule: translations); could this mean that i should remove language support so that the upgrade will go on?11:01
c9s_how to install it ?11:01
XarZenjotil: the installer works, but how to get both ubuntu and xp at the same time11:01
flickhi, how do i rearrange icons in the top panel?11:02
jotilganesh: i have the same problem. if you are using nvidia, i'll let you know when i fix my problem.11:02
IdleOneflick: right click on it and select move11:02
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: wait a few minutes, i'll brb. need to eat man!11:02
Necrosan_lostfaith: hey11:02
jotilXarZen: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/05/08/dual-boot-laptop.html11:02
jotilthat is dual boot11:02
Rabiddogwhats the command to do a distro upgrade11:02
ZaphodBeeblebroxdublpaws: I see tons of errors, like: ERROR: Invalid X Screen 0 specified on line 47 of configuration file '/home/galvao/.nvidia-settings-rc' (NV-CONTROL extension not supported on X Screen 0). but the thing opens11:02
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: ok11:03
Necrosan_building a kernel took me forever, by the way11:03
flickXarZen: you have to install Ubuntu in a different partition by choosing manual in the disc/partition selection instead of guided, etc11:03
jotilXarZen: dual boot means you can either have XP or Linux running at one time.11:03
wildintellectRabiddog, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade I think11:03
IdleOneRabiddog: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:03
NinjaoMy install of ubuntu gets stuck at step 3 of 7(using the live cd) (just after i enter my keyboard layout) i see it trying to run the partioner but it doesnt start. Can any1 help me?11:03
XarZenjotil: yeah, ok11:03
cwill1Rabiddog: if you mean, gutsy upgrade, sudo update-manager -c should do it11:03
ganeshjotil:i m using ati radion11:03
IdleOnecwill1: dist-upgrade should do it now11:04
ZaphodBeeblebroxdublpaws: maybe those errors are part of the problem?11:04
Murphy05yay! here it goes11:04
wildintellectXarZen, you want to to use vmware or qemu to run one in an emulator11:04
openbysourceguys, i am looking for a cd/dvd burning application in gnome. can someone tell me some of the best applications for that.11:04
flickNinjao: are you sure that the downloaded iso is not faulty?11:04
Ninjaoit shouldnt be. Ive burnt it and its running fine11:04
gordonjcpSevk: ah11:04
cwill1IdleOne: apt-get dist-upgrade is just the smart upgrade (dependency tracking), I don't think it invokes the full distribution upgrade11:04
Ninjaoim on it atm.. but its just the install11:04
XarZenwildintellect, instead of installing permanent you mean?11:04
flickIdleOne: can i move the name (that it shows at the right most part of the panel)?11:05
gordonjcpSevk: there is a thing to do that, but I can't remember what it's called11:05
dot_cwill1: back11:05
dot_what now?11:05
ubotustato18: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:05
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:05
cwill1IdleOne: i.e., it doesn't change sources, it just upgrades to the latest in the sources11:05
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.11:05
wildintellectXarZen, an emulator image is permanent11:05
IdleOneopenbysource: gnomebaker11:05
cwill1dot_: terminal, tell me if udevmonitor is doing the same thing11:05
flickwow ubotu knows Spanish also!11:05
gordonjcpSevk: possibly istanbul11:05
wildintellectXarZen, it's just stored in a file11:05
XarZenwildintellect, yes i know.11:05
ubotupong is an old atari game. It's fun!11:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pung - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:05
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:05
IdleOnecwill1: you might be correct11:05
cwill1IdleOne: I might be :)11:05
IdleOneflick: what name?11:05
dot_cwill1: it stopped on UEVENT the krtnrl uevent11:06
Sevkgordonjcp , ok thank you11:06
XarZenwildintellect, then i`ve dont need to have dualboot. Kan just run it from inside win11:06
cwill1dot_: good11:06
ZaphodBeeblebroxdublpaws: ?11:06
cwill1try the mount command again11:06
flickIdleOne: actually the User switcher11:06
dot_can i close it?11:06
sldfndtnhi bankhead, how you doin'?11:06
cwill1and/or, see if you have an extra icon on the desktop11:06
wildintellectXarZen, yup, and vmware-server is free these days11:06
dot_cwill1: can I now plug my usb harddrive11:06
XarZenwildintellect ;)11:06
tbfwhat could cause the notification daemon not to start?11:06
dublpawsZaphodBeeblebrox: you could look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for more clues.11:06
tbf /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service is installed and looks sane11:07
XarZenwildintellect, would you mined help me set up VMware 100% correct?11:07
IdleOneflick: if you mean the red power button looking incon. yes you can move that also, right click then uncheck Lock to panel and then you will be able to move it11:07
ZaphodBeeblebroxdublpaws: let me take another look at it11:07
wildintellectXarZen, you doing it in windows, it's really easy11:07
deliriumquite a serious bug it seems with ATI hardware is my problem - its a known issue on this laptop11:07
openbysourceIdleOne: thanks. it looks cool.11:07
deliriumBug #13271611:07
jimcooncatwith gutsy out, is there any drawback for using the amd64 version for a desktop?11:07
XarZenwildintellect, ok then :) thx :)11:07
dot_cwill1: will I now plug back my USB harddrive?11:08
rothchildXarZen check this out: http://www.easyvmx.com/11:08
cwill1dot_: yes11:08
wildintellectjimcooncat, Ive been amd64 since 5.10, it's fine11:08
IdleOneopenbysource: you can search in Synaptic Package Manager for other applications11:08
|box|wb garu11:08
cwill1IdleOne: apt-get dist-upgrade is the same as aptitude full-upgrade;  I'll be mad if it actually changes to feisty to gutsy :)11:08
Necrosan_anyone got a DV2000 (AMD) and working WIFI on gutsy?11:08
XarZenwildintellect, aaah, thx. with to use? super?11:08
=== js__ is now known as js_
ZaphodBeeblebroxdublpaws: The error is always the same: "(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)"11:09
garuwildintellect see...all this time just fighting to get back.lol and again, I lost the connection because I opened firefox.lol11:09
jimcooncatwildintellect: I'd just use gnash instead of flash? that's the only change?11:09
XarZenwhat is guest OS?11:09
cwill1IdleOne: but I'm checking a feisty box right now :p11:09
cwill1dot_: yay :)11:09
garu|box| thanks :)...good to be back11:09
Keef_eh? quick question, how do I alternate between two soundcards?11:09
hazmani'm having trouble with enabling custom visual effects(compiz fusion) in gutsy and get an error, "Desktop effects cannot be enabled", can someone help plz?11:09
dublpawsZaphodBeeblebrox: what is the model of your videocard?11:09
cousin_luigimoin moin zebA`11:09
wildintellectjimcooncat, with gusty, ya as far as I know - well there are workaround to run things like skype which is only 32bit11:10
dot_cwill1: if I were even a bit richer I would pay you11:10
dot_im sorry11:10
ZaphodBeeblebroxdublpaws: Nvidia GeForce 620011:10
nomad111is there a channel for compiz support11:10
cousin_luigihow do I localize pidgin?11:10
jimcooncatwildintellect: ty11:10
cwill1IdleOne: nope, apt-get dist-upgrade won't upgrade to gutsy unless you changes the sources.list by hand, in which case you're in unsupported (but workable) territory anyway :)11:10
cwill1dot_: no worries11:10
wildintellectjimcooncat, oh and adobe acrobat might not be 64 but you don't need that11:10
Helvascahow can I scroll up if Im in a tty?11:10
IdleOnecwill1: IIRC when using the update manager it will tell you if there is a Upgrade available11:10
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion11:10
ubotwoCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager11:10
cwill1IdleOne: update-manager isn't apt-get dist-upgrade11:10
Keef_how can I alternate between two soundcards?11:11
IdleOnecwill1: true but at 6:00 am stuff happens11:11
MrBisterwill 7.10 install directly to well known scsi devices, or do I need some sort of driver cd?11:11
cwill1IdleOne:  apt-get dist-upgrade just tells apt to be willing to remove a package if it means it can upgrade another package;   dist-upgrade actually checks to see if there's a new distro release11:11
RivaeAeryacan anybody help me? I can't get into gnome, it only shows the wallpaper and then crashes, no panels etcetera. But on other users it does work11:12
cwill1MrBister: if the live cd can see the drive, it'll work out of the box11:12
nomad111when using desktop effects maximizing windows does not maximise to my entire screen resolution11:12
nomad111anyone having the same problem11:13
cwill1IdleOne: bah;  update-manager I meant11:13
IdleOnecwill1: I know :)11:13
ganeshcwill1:in system->administration->screens and graphics (in the tab graphics card there r some specifications..how to knw those?)11:13
dot_cwill1: see you11:13
IdleOne!hi | Varka11:13
ubotuVarka: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:14
ubotwoVarka: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:14
Sevkgordonjcp, I have previously used this software, it can     only generate oog11:14
IdleOne2 bots?11:14
cwill1dot_: ttyl, although I hope not :p11:14
Varkahow to start/stop compiz in gutsy from console properly11:14
cwill1ganesh: ?11:14
cwill1ganesh: don't, unless you have a problems11:14
ZaphodBeeblebroxdublpaws: any ideas?11:14
dublpawsZaphodBeeblebrox: if Load "dri" is uncommented in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, try commenting it out.. other than that, I'm not sure what else to try.11:14
cwill1ganesh: use a generic one matching the hightest res that you know works, if the autodetection doesn't work right11:15
ZaphodBeeblebroxdublpaws: let me take a look at that11:15
ganeshcwill1: desktop effects or compiz are not working11:15
amarillioncwill1, I manged to get going with xrandr, mainly with the help of this: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.211:15
amarillionthat link is pretty useful11:15
cwill1amarillion: good11:15
cwill1ya, it's all a bit of a gongshow right now, to be honest11:15
rothchildwhich compiz tool do I need to change to set the window behaviour so that double clicking the bar at the top of the window maximises / unmaximises it rather than rolling it up in to the bar?11:15
jimcooncatI need a different torrent client, my bittorrent is only letting me do one file at a time. What's a better gnome torrent client?11:15
cwill1but its for the best, once they get the kinks ironed out11:16
ook_malei got software development kit that use for Visual Basic, how to make it run on linux? What is the best programming language to use? It's fingerprint scanner for attendance system, so must use GUI11:16
amarillionYeah, it's the price we pay for progress :)11:16
cwill1ganesh: okay11:16
ZaphodBeeblebroxdublpaws: no, there's nothing like that in there11:16
cwill1ganesh: what video card?11:16
gordonjcpSevk: so convert it to a gif11:16
amarillionBut you're right, I like the way the xrandr tool works11:16
rothchildjimcooncat azureus is ok but last I tried it wasn't working KTorrent is really excellent though11:16
gordonjcpSevk: why specifically do you need gif?11:16
ganeshcwill1:ati radeon11:16
cwill1ganesh: radeon or fglrx?11:16
cwill1ganesh: driver, rather11:17
Sevkgif is easyly to publish in the web11:17
cwill1ganesh: and which model?11:17
Necrosan_got it!11:17
yeagerpng is so much better than gif11:17
Mr_Bunny_is us.archive still down?11:17
jimcooncatthanks rothchild11:17
hal9000can i ask an help?11:17
hal9000escuse for my english11:17
ZaphodBeeblebroxGuys, where can I find the MD% (or is it SHA1?) hash of the Gutsy ISO?11:17
Sevkgordonjcp , gif is easyly to publish in the web11:17
ZaphodBeeblebrox***MD5, I mean11:17
cwill1ganesh: fair warning, I haven't played with those before11:17
hal9000i have upgraded yesterday11:17
FluxDhal9000: go ahead :)11:17
cwill1ganesh: can you pastebin.org the output of glxinfo?11:18
hal9000before with 7.04 + beryl all is ok11:18
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: any progress brother?11:18
Mr_Bunny_have there been any updates? I'm not getting any and my kernel is 2.6.22.-1411:18
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: should be on the download site11:18
ganeshcwill1:ya sure11:18
hal9000now with gutsy...tha cube is ok..but teh animations does not work11:18
PriceChildubotwo, part #ubuntu11:18
masternodehi friends, i got little problem with "Wintv-USB2-STick" tv tuner card.11:18
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: nope, waiting on you. :)11:18
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: also, the livecd can test it on boot (there's an option on the loader)11:18
gordonjcpSevk: how long a screen capture do you want?11:18
hal9000has anybody this problem?11:18
masternodethe device seems not supported. any help pls?11:18
hal9000i have  a 915 gm11:18
Sevk2 min11:18
hal9000compiz works11:18
gordonjcpSevk: gif would be unsuitable for more than a couple of seconds11:18
Sevkgordonjcp, see this :  http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/images/1/11/Gifgifgifa.gif11:18
garuI need some help, I lose my wireless connection soon after starting to browse with firefox and then i can only get a connection if I restart the computer.please help11:19
cwill1garu: what card?11:19
Sevkwhy i need gif    :  http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/images/1/11/Gifgifgifa.gif11:19
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: I really tried everything in my little knowledge of it, so it's in your - and in anyone who's willing to help- hands :)11:19
hal9000i   was not clear?11:19
hazmani'm having trouble with enabling custom visual effects(compiz fusion) in gutsy and get an error, "Desktop effects cannot be enabled", can someone help plz?11:19
rothchildwhich compiz tool do I need to change to set the window behaviour so that double clicking the bar at the top of the window maximises / unmaximises it rather than rolling it up in to the bar?11:19
ZaphodBeeblebroxthanks, cwill111:20
cwill1rothchild: install the effects advanced config thingy (not sure the package name, but you should be able to search for it)11:20
hal9000anybody has a problem wuth the animations effects?11:20
cwill1rothchild: or you can dig around in gconf-editor11:20
rothchildyeah I got that but I dunno what the option is called11:20
gordonjcpSevk: use mencoder to convert the .ogg to sequentially numbered .gifs, then use convert to turn them into an animated gif11:20
cwill1ganesh: still therE?11:20
gordonjcpSevk: alternatively, capture with istanbul, turn the ogg into an .flv, and use something like Anarchy Media Player to embed it on a web page11:21
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: Actually I'm already convinced that I'll have to make a clean install, but if you can find the solution it would be awesome, since the problem may occur again11:21
Sevkgordonjcp, it is only 56K11:21
Sevk56k size11:21
ganeshcwill1:sorry for delayed reply11:21
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: what are you running into?11:21
hal9000mmm escuse-me...to whom i can ask?11:22
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: the problem WILL occur again. i am working on a clean install.11:22
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: oh my...11:22
cwill1ganesh: send me your xorg.conf11:22
JimPDWhy is the "Last modified" date of the .iso on releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 16 October instead of 18? Was nothing changed in the last two days?11:22
madmonkhi there11:22
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: whats the problemwhats the problemwhats the problem :p11:22
Sevkgordonjcp,  I have previously converted ,but the size is very big.11:22
* cwill1 is high on coffee11:22
rothchildhal9000 do you have compiz config settings manager installed?11:22
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: Basically I have a Nvidia 6200 and I can't make it work with OpenGL. If I enable the restricted drivers, X comes in low graphics mode after I restart11:23
c9s_can i change decorator to gtk ? ( compiz )11:23
hal9000i have animations abilitaded11:23
c9s_how to ?11:23
garucwill1 ralink rt6111:23
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: Good! Keep that coffee pumping!11:23
hal9000any effects i set11:23
ganeshcwill1:i din't get u11:23
hal9000burn etc etc doesn't work11:23
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: ya, you definately need the restricted driver (nv doesn't have any 3d accel)11:23
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: do you have a second machine you can still talk on?11:23
madmonkI'm on Ubuntu Gutsy fresh install, I've done everything I could read on wiki an forum but I can't see DVDs with totem...can you help me?11:23
cwill1ganesh: xorg.conf, not glxinfo :p11:23
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: Nope :(11:23
cwill1unless you pasted it before, I didn't see the link11:24
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: hmm, that's gonna make it more complicated11:24
rothchildare you sure compiz is running?11:24
pawanhow to upgrade11:24
hal9000in tghe italian forum11:24
IdleOne!dvd | madmonk11:24
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: Tell me about it11:24
garucwill1 I did a dmesg | tail to see what was wrong before and after losing connection11:24
hal9000other 2 people have this problem11:24
pawanfrom 7.04 to 7.1011:24
hal9000but the solution is far11:24
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: how comfortable are you in the command line?11:24
IdleOneubotu: ping11:24
BMKhej hej någon svensk här?11:24
theshibbolethis there a settings manager for compiz that isn't installed by default?11:24
hal9000the incredible thing is that in feisty + beryl all was ok11:24
Maligencan some1 write to me, I have wireless network problems (ubuntu 7.10)11:24
ganeshcwill1:its saying bad command..11:25
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: best bet is to boot into single user mode, edit xorg.conf in one console, and keep running 'Xorg' until to works fine11:25
cwill1ganesh: /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the file, sorry11:25
pawansome lock error11:25
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: Pretty comfortable. I'm not an "advanced" user, but I can find my way11:25
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: how's your vim or nano?11:25
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: How do I do that. init 3 and?11:25
madmonkI used to install libdvdcss2 ...11:25
hal9000cwill1 do you knpow something about my problem?11:25
brickbat_hi I'm having a problem with gutsy11:25
CroXBMK: Joina #ubuntu-se11:25
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: I love vim11:25
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: well, ctrl+alt+f1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, and then have fun :)11:25
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: but install the driver first,11:25
madmonkbut it seems like this pckg doesn't exist no more11:26
rothchildmadmonk http://www.medibuntu.org/index.php11:26
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: I haven't worked with my own nvidea before, but I've talked others through _some_ of it11:26
pawanwhat is this upgrade tool11:26
rothchildadd the repo and you can have w32codecs libdvd etc11:26
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: ok, but what if it keeps doing the annoying low graphics mode?11:26
garumadmonk there's libdvdread11:26
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: but if you can get a checkerboard showing up when you run Xorg, then you should be good to reboot11:26
Maligencan some1 help me in wireless problems ?11:26
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: Xorg won't do it11:26
theshibbolethor is there a cheat sheet somewhere describing how to get some of the cooler effects of compiz, like the cube and that?11:26
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: it's gdm than confuses matters :)11:26
madmonkyep....I didn't try after added medibuntu :p11:26
pulz0rMaligen, what is your problem?11:26
madmonknow I have libdvdcss211:27
madmonkwe'll see11:27
hal9000mmm i can't resolve...i think11:27
ganeshcwill1:permission denied..y?i ran it even as su11:27
Maligenon ubuntu page they said if you have rt2500 based wireless card, 7.10 solve all your problem11:27
cwill1madmonk: gutsy, you should just need to install ubuntu-extras-restricted, no extra repo's necessary11:27
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: But the screen I see with the low graphic message is definetely Xorg's11:27
SevkSimilarly in, look at this GIF, http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/images/8/8f/Vnc_own.gif11:27
SevkIt only 81K11:27
madmonkholy crap!11:27
cwill1ganesh: ??11:27
Maligenbut mine dosen't work11:27
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: /etc/init.d/gdm stop, and then run Xorg by hand?11:27
weltallhow do i remove entirely the backlight managent in gnome on ubuntu gutsy?11:28
madmonknow I have libdvdcss2 but still totem doesn't see dvd!11:28
cwill1ganesh: don't run it11:28
pawanhow to upgrade11:28
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: How do I run Xorg by hand?11:28
cwill1ganesh: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and paste the contents11:28
LifeisfunnyWith Compiz I've got missing titlebars and decorations so I'm trying to install Emerald but I get a warning window saying,   Depends: libwnck18 (>=2.15.90) but it is not installable11:28
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: stop gdm, and then type Xorg11:28
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: ctrl+alt+backspace to kill it11:28
brickbat_when I try use the desktop cube or the ctrl-down thing to switch desktops, the desktops are missing the actual stuff thats running on them and the apps that are on my first page are on my gnome panel on all the desktops instead of the one for each desktop11:28
Tigermanwhat's the name of that thing to set settings.... apps > metacity.... ???11:28
hal9000cwill1 in gutsy for you tha animation effects work?11:29
cwill1Tigerman: gconf-editor11:29
Tigermanyeah that11:29
cwill1hal9000: under intel, yes11:29
ZaphodBeeblebroxkk, will try that and be right back. jotil, please keep trying too, I'm counting on you guys!11:29
pulz0rmaligen, how does it not work?11:29
pawanhow to upgrade11:29
hal9000i have intel11:29
pulz0rits totally unrcognized?11:29
pawanto new version11:29
cwill1hal9000: which?11:29
hal9000the module taht i use is i81011:29
hal9000915 gm11:29
ZaphodBeeblebroxthanks cwill1 and jotil, here I go again, brb11:29
rothchildpawan which version are you on now?11:29
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: hey i got better way to do it11:29
cwill1hal9000: gotta use intel, the i810 driver won't be accelerated11:29
ZaphodBeeblebroxhow is that teckfatt11:29
Lifeisfunnypawan, open the update manager in System/Administration11:29
jscinozIs the program in the repo "Camorama" ever going to be updated for V4L2?11:30
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: install this software11:30
hal9000before i have intel11:30
hal9000but the problem persist11:30
hal9000compiz works11:30
cwill1hal9000: if xserver-xorg-video-intel doesn't work, you're out of luck for anything reasonably performing11:30
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: please wait11:30
Maligenwell, I downloaded the firmware with the restricted driver manager, the lights on the card are on, but I have no connection with the network11:30
hal9000but the animated effects no11:30
cwill1hal9000: I know11:30
Lifeisfunnypawan, and click on the special notice area at the top of the window11:30
ZaphodBeeblebroxteckfatt: kk11:30
madmonkdudez..I have all the pckgs that r supposed to need for dvd...but no DVD playing!11:30
hal9000so...it's incredible11:30
cwill1hal9000: i810 isn't accelerated, so all the graphics are computed slowly by the cpu11:30
pulz0rhow did you try to make a networkconnection?11:30
pawanit is giving some lock error11:30
cwill1hal9000: feisty or gutsy?11:30
hal9000before i had intel11:30
hal9000module intel11:31
Maligensystem admin > network11:31
brickbat_can someone help me please?11:31
hal9000and the problem was the same11:31
cwill1and you removed xserer-xorg-driver-intel?11:31
hal9000now i have tried i81011:31
Tigermani don't want to have the pop-up descriptoons enabled for Main Menu... where in gconf-editor is that setting?11:31
pulz0rMaligen: do "ifconfig", what does your output say11:31
ZaphodBeeblebroxOh I must stay a little bit more, 20 or 30 minutes, downloading the iso11:31
cwill1hal9000: then the particular chipset may not be able to display it accelerated11:31
cwill1hal9000: yes?  :)11:31
Lifeisfunnypawan, hmm, dont't know about that; you need someone who knows the technicals11:31
hal9000in feisty it worked11:31
pulz0rcould you please privatemessage me that, I dont think its appreciated if you paste that all in the channel11:31
hal9000feisty+ beryl11:31
Maligenwhich one shall I copy ?11:31
hal9000was perfect11:31
brickbat_help please?11:32
hal9000burn effects11:32
hal9000etc etc11:32
cwill1hal9000: was it an upgrade or a fresh install?11:32
hal9000now a fresh install11:32
cwill1hal9000: you might be running into a conflict with older stuff11:32
hal9000the update was wrong11:32
rothchildmadmonk what kind of dvd are you trying to play?11:32
hal9000i had problem11:32
jimcooncatwhy would my torrent be getting "urlopen error (111 ?11:32
cwill1hal9000: does the live cd work fine?11:32
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: try this 1st , system -> adminstration-> services-> disable the gdm11:32
hal9000so i have done a fresh install11:32
Maligeneth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:76:70:B8:9511:32
Maligen          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:111:32
Maligen          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:828 overruns:0 frame:011:32
Maligen          TX packets:185 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:011:32
Maligen          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100011:32
Maligen          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:7962 (7.7 KB)11:32
Maligen          Interrupt:16 Base address:0x800011:32
Tigermani don't want to have the pop-up descriptons for items enabled for Main Menu... where in gconf-editor is that setting?11:32
hal9000i must try11:32
rothchilddo you have all the codecs as well as libdvdcss11:32
garucan I please get some help...can't live without wireless11:32
ZaphodBeeblebroxteckfatt: Before or after enabling the restricted driver?11:32
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: after u disable it it immediately take effect11:32
hal9000now i restart11:33
hal9000and i will try in live cd11:33
cwill1hal9000: whats the exact chipset?11:33
cwill1sorry ganesh, I forgot about you11:33
zombie_monkeyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto -> I'm reading this and this is the output I get -> http://pastebin.com/d2091eb74 -> for AD1986A there are several models in http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt and I don't know which one to use11:33
lostfaithcant seem to find fwcutter anywhere in synaptic11:33
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: after enable the driver11:33
ZaphodBeeblebroxteckfatt: oh i see, sorry, confused things a little bit11:33
Tigermanapps > metacity??11:33
hal900000:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)11:33
hal9000 11:33
Lifeisfunnypawan, about that lock ... have you tried the password you use when logging on?11:33
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: it worked for me11:33
cwill1lostfaith: ctrl+f, search for it that way I think11:33
ZaphodBeeblebroxso, teckfatt how do I re-enable it afterwards?11:33
weltallhow do i remove entirely the backlight managent in gnome on ubuntu gutsy? please i'm having an headcache with this constantly changing brightness!11:33
Keef_how can I alternate between two working soundcards?11:34
pawansome update application is already running11:34
hal9000cwill1 have you seen?11:34
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: you start the x manually with the command # startx and enable it11:34
pulz0rMaligen, how did you try to make a networkconnection?11:34
Tigermanwhat's the window manager of gutsy called now?11:34
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: i got mine fixed. sigh.11:34
cwill1ganesh: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:34
Tigermanwhat's the window manager of gutsy called now? metacity?11:34
Maligenpulz0r, do you see what I write to you in pvt ?11:34
cwill1ganesh: and then change defaultdepth and depth to 16, and then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to reset the session, tell me what it does11:34
Lifeisfunnypawan, I think you need root privileges11:34
pawani am on the root11:35
ZaphodBeeblebroxteckfatt: ok, just let me check if I understood correctly. I enable the driver, disable GDM and then I start X manually and re-enable it and that's it?11:35
hal9000cwill1 now i will try with the live11:35
LifeisfunnyTigerman, yeah, metacity11:35
Baltazaarhow can i get rid of that light beige color that pops up at the background while splashscreen starts?11:35
hal9000after i will go back here11:35
cwill1hal9000: you might need to set the ram explictly, but try the live cd11:35
madmonkam I supposed to get totem-xine to play dvds?11:35
lostfaithI did search but nothing came up, tried several varients of it too :(11:35
ganeshcwill1:ok..i ll do..11:35
hal9000in the xorg.conf you say?11:35
cwill1ganesh: after you log in again, rerun glxinfo, and paste it to me11:35
cwill1hal9000: videoram in the device section, ya11:36
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: what is ur question again?11:36
Baltazaartried deleting the whole human theme, but... that didn't do it11:36
cwill1hal9000: but try the livecd first11:36
ZaphodBeeblebroxteckfatt: ok, just let me check if I understood correctly. I enable the driver, disable GDM and then I start X manually and re-enable it and that's it?11:36
marx2kHmmm... "nvidia" seems broken for me, while "nv" works fine11:36
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: hal9000: ganesh:  brb11:36
DQuestionsanyone here running ubuntu on a mbp with beryl (i'm wondering if your suspend works.. and also how your battery life + wifi are)11:36
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: np11:36
Maligenpluz0r, I don't know why don't you see my messeg11:36
pawansome third party sources disabled11:36
marx2k(by fine I mean not very well at all...)11:36
Lifeisfunnypawan, can you do the terminal commandline ....  sudo apt-get upgrade11:36
pulz0r well, Im not seeing anything at all, but my guess is you dont use tab and wrote my nick wrong :/11:37
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: what is ur problem?11:37
ZaphodBeeblebroxteckfatt: ?11:37
SNyMaligen: Because Freenode restricts PMs to identified users.11:37
marx2kZaphodBeeblebrox, sto;; cant figure it out, huh?11:37
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: can u repeat ur question, what u want to do with the X?11:37
Maligenshall I register or something ?11:37
marx2kIt doesnt seem as though "nvidia" driver will work, while "nv" works, sort of...11:38
ZaphodBeeblebroxmarx2k: no, man, I'm on top of this for the last 8 hours or so11:38
SNyYes, if you want to send PMs.11:38
amarillionHow do I customize desktop effects in gutsy? I want more than just three options...11:38
SNyShould be a FAQ entry somewhere on freenode web.11:38
marx2kZaphodBeeblebrox, I somehow got it to work with my 6200 GeForce downstairs11:38
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: I'm just here because I feel guilty:  gutsy worked flawlessly on my laptop, even the wireless works after a couple clicks11:38
marx2kbut the 6800 is a no go11:38
ZaphodBeeblebroxteckfatt: your proposed solution11:38
cwill1amarillion: there's a package in synaptic11:38
ZaphodBeeblebroxmarx2k: mine is 6200, any tips appreciated11:39
teckfattZaphodBeeblebrox: i think i missed ur question, i thought u want to disable the X on startup11:39
MaligenI'm going to register brb11:39
Lifeisfunnywhat's the visual effects available from the System/Preferences/Appearance <tab>Visual Effects11:39
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: oh don't feel guilty, just help me lol11:39
CroXI can't get my Nvidia card to work under Gutsy.. Anyone care to help me out?11:39
cwill1amarillion: compizconfig-settings-manager I think11:39
ZaphodBeeblebroxteckfatt: oh, got it now, ok11:39
amarillionbtw, appearences manager said that it couldn't enable desktop effects, even though now they are in fact enabled11:39
ChaosParserare the repos incredibly slow tonight, or is it just me?11:39
amarillionThat's probably a known issue11:40
flokuehnCroX: are there any error msgs11:40
cwill1amarillion: uh11:40
cwill1amarillion: upgrade?11:40
marx2kZaphodBeeblebrox, It seems like running "sudo nvidia-xconfig" did it for me (and of course playing with nvidia-settings, but Im sure you did that11:40
digitalspaghettiEclipse/Aptana plugin for Eclipse really hate the 7.10 update :(11:40
cwill1amarillion: you've probably got a conflict between the manually installed version11:40
LifeisfunnyChaosParser, it's slow for everyone11:40
cwill1digitalspaghetti: wats aptana?11:40
CroXflokuehn: Nope, I all get is the "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode".11:40
ChaosParserLifeisfunny: Thanks, thats what I figured. :)11:40
flokuehnCroX: did you try the envy script?11:40
garuhow do i reinstall firefox?11:40
ZaphodBeeblebroxmarx2k: I'll try. Running nvidia-settings prints a lot of error messages on the terminal, while it eventually opens11:40
flokuehnCroX: maybe you have to try the envy script11:41
CroXflokuehn: The what?11:41
flokuehnCroX: mom11:41
LifeisfunnyChaosParser, take into consideration everyone might be trying to gain acces11:41
marx2kwhen I run "sudo nvidia-settings" here it tells me "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. "11:41
cwill1garu: synaptic, find it, select reinstall;  but I don't think it'll fix whatever your problem is11:41
cwill1garu: what are you running into?11:41
flokuehnCroX: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html11:41
tapoxiHello. I've installed the flash plugin, but for some reason I can't click any buttons in flash videos or animations. I can't click to play a video, for example.11:41
Lifeisfunnygaru, you can try through synaptic11:41
gafatoagot a problem with the 7.10: when I enable compiz the windows loose their title bar. Is it a known problem ?11:41
ZaphodBeeblebroxmarx2k: Here I got tons of error messages11:41
BeketGreetings people. I have ubuntu feisty, but when I try to install openssh-server I get reports regarding broken packages. Is this a known issue? What am I missing? Thank you11:41
ZaphodBeeblebroxmarx2k: Want me to pastebin them?11:41
flokuehnCroX: this the link. read the text an have a try it11:41
garucwill1 I lose my wireless connection every now and then11:41
cwill1Beket: broken packages is something you broke before :p11:42
CroXflokuehn: Thanks, I'll try that.11:42
marx2kZaphodBeeblebrox, nah Ive been at it for about 6 hours now... im going to bed ...stupid Gutsy...breaking my stupid system...11:42
cwill1garu: that won't be firefox11:42
cwill1Beket: what packages does it say are broken?11:42
Lifeisfunnygafatoa, same with me.... With Compiz I've got missing titlebars and decorations so I'm trying to install Emerald but I get a warning window saying,   Depends: libwnck18 (>=2.15.90) but it is not installable11:42
flokuehnCroX: it seems working for a lot of people11:42
ZaphodBeeblebroxmarx2k: I know the feeling. Have a good rest, mate11:42
garucwill1 and I can only get it back after restarting the computer.Yeah, but, the weird thing is that, it only happens when I open firefox and start browsing the web11:42
gafatoaLifeisfunny, happy :-( to know that I am not alone !11:42
marx2klater... maybe tomorrow theyll fix it with proper kernel modules11:42
OVMhola como puedo entrar en spanish chanel_11:43
ZaphodBeeblebroxmarx2k: heh :)11:43
cwill1garu: still not firefox11:43
Beketcwill1: it says something like: openssh-server: depends on openssh-client: it won't be installed (sorry for the inaccurate translation -- the actual messages are in greek)11:43
ZaphodBeeblebroxOVM: Try /join #ubuntu-es11:43
cwill1garu: does anything show up in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages?11:43
Lifeisfunnygafatoa, I don't like to use the phrase but uh, misery loves company?11:43
cwill1Beket: does it say why the client won't be installed?  (should already be installed)11:43
hislopCould not find player commands. what is this mean?11:43
Tigermani want to disable the Main Menu pop-up descriptions... how to do that?11:44
Tigermanwhere in gconf-editor is that setting?11:44
L0GANhuh gobunto?11:44
rothchildhow do I force compiz to use metacity themes instead of emerald11:44
Mr_Bunny_I installed compizconfig-settings-manager, but I can't find it in the menu and can't seem to launch it from terminal either.11:44
gafatoaLifeisfunny, right !11:44
ubotwogobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu. See http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/130 for more.11:44
garucwll1 I did dmesg | tail and I got something...the first weird thing I got is that it says wlano address duplicate and the other one, gave me another error...I did it twice, one before losing the connection and the other one after11:44
pawanis the new version good or the old11:44
cwill1Tigerman: I don't think there is such an option;  might google gnome for it though11:44
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/11:44
garucwill1 I did dmesg | tail and I got something...the first weird thing I got is that it says wlano address duplicate and the other one, gave me another error...I did it twice, one before losing the connection and the other one after11:44
ZaphodBeeblebroxbrb, going afk a little11:44
cwill1saw it11:44
Tigermancwiiis, there is... i had that set in feisty11:44
Beketcwill1: it doesn't as far as i can see.. perhaps I messed up with the repositories ? any way to just reset the whole thing and be sure that everything will work ok for now one ?11:44
Tigermannow i don't know where that setting was11:45
cwill1Tigerman: well then, :p11:45
LifeisfunnyTigerman, the tooltips?11:45
Tigermanyes the tooltips11:45
L0GANis gobunto new?11:45
Tigermanthey are annoying11:45
Tigermani wanna disable them11:45
Mr_Bunny_LOGAN: not really, it's google's internal version of ubuntu.11:45
Mr_Bunny_LOGAN: they aren't going to release it to the public, though, they've said11:45
cwill1Beket: tell me what it says if you try sudo apt-get install openssh-client11:45
hazmanjeez, the repositories are getting absolutely hammered11:46
cwill1L0GAN: yes, it's new11:46
cwill1L0GAN: and it's nothing to do with google's version of ubuntu :p11:46
OVMcan anybody put me the ubuntu-es_11:46
LifeisfunnyTigerman, I get two places to try:   /apps/panel/global/tooltips_enabled   /schemas/apps/panel/global/tooltips_enabled11:46
* cousin_luigi just had some lovely meatballs:)11:46
TECH_1Rob Bill Gates: Stop purchasing Microsoft.11:46
OVMfor spanish people_11:46
Tigermanfound it11:46
gafatoaLifeisfunny, I've got a Nvidia 6200 with proprietary drivers enabled. And you ?11:46
cwill1L0GAN: it's basically ubuntu minus anything that's closed sources or restricted11:46
Tigermananother thing11:46
Tigermananyone using XChat?11:47
L0GANcwiiis : ah ok11:47
Lifeisfunnygafatoa, yes, mine is 760011:47
cwill1Tigerman: haven't in a while11:47
garucwill1 this is one of the messages I'm getting "Oct 19 00:26:17 garu-laptop kernel: [  418.296000] phy0 -> rt2x00pci_write_tx_data: Error - Arrived at non-free entry in the non-full queue 2.11:47
garuOct 19 00:26:17 garu-laptop kernel: [  418.296000] Please file bug report to http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com."11:47
gafatoaLifeisfunny, ok11:47
Beketcwill1: you were right.. if I choose to install openssh-client it says that it's already installed11:47
Tigermanwhat is the command to open a dialogue window with a nick?11:47
L0GANbtw why isnt blender (GPL licensed) included in the normal repo of ubuntu?11:47
cwill1Beket: what did it say when you sudo apt-get install openssh-server?11:47
subwaydesignhi. i just upgraded and need a little help11:48
rskL0GAN: i think it is?11:48
L0GANBlender does show up in the launche window on Windows11:48
Black4lphahmm anyone know why VLC doesnt like my USB headset? ...it refuses it output any sound on it11:48
rskL0GAN: im sure i installed blender in ubuntu few days ago11:48
g-ehi! is there a commandline hex-editor that comes with ubuntu?11:48
L0GANrsk I looked, im pressy sure its in universe or multiverse11:48
cwill1g-e: I use vbindiff11:48
subwaydesignWin XP Dissapeared from my GRUB list. i can't seem to add it manually11:48
cwill1I think that's what its called11:49
rskL0GAN: and they are enabled by default.. what's the problem?11:49
Beketcwill1: it says: openssh-server: depends on: openssh-client (= 1:4.3p2-8ubuntu1) but 1:4.6p1-2~feisty1 is going to be installed11:49
TigermanXChat Preferences > Action Upon Double Click > Execute command:         what is the command to open a dialogue window?11:49
zagibunew kernel in gutsy doesn't generate ACPI events on my Asus laptop :(11:49
fieteall my XVideo accelarated windows are dark green. Any idea why? Driver: radeon11:49
L0GANrsk disabled by default, tbh11:49
cwill1Beket: one sec11:49
Beketcwill1: take ur time && thank you in advanced11:49
g-ecwill1: cat file | xxd works11:49
rskL0GAN: no... they are enabled. :)11:50
TigermanXChat Preferences > Interface > User list > Action Upon Double Click > Execute command:         what is the command to open a dialogue window?11:50
cwill1g-e: vbindiff is an actual editor though :p11:50
L0GANrsk on vanilla? why does it not show when I checked?11:50
subwaydesignif anyone can help me, i'll be really thankful. i need xp for work :(11:50
schreggei have a problem witj virtualbox11:50
rskL0GAN: weird.. yes on vanilla11:50
cwill1Beket: are you running feisty or gutsy?11:50
L0GANrsk they were unselected yesterday11:50
rskL0GAN: could be some upgrade that broke or something?11:50
Beketcwill1: feisty11:50
madmonkmmm..lots of problems on international forum with gutsy and dvd11:50
cwill1L0GAN: there's probably a deb you can download from their site, it's not in the current repo's though11:50
L0GANrsk live CD11:50
garucan someone tell me of wmaster0 is really needed?11:50
cwill1Beket: okay, check if there's some updates to apply via synaptic11:51
rskL0GAN: ah then no wonder11:51
schreggei cant cinstall/compile becauese ist say something about test -e include/linux/autoconf.h -a -e include/config/auto.conf || (            \11:51
schregge        echo;                                                           \11:51
schregge        echo "  ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid.";               \11:51
schregge        echo "         include/linux/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing.";      \11:51
schregge        echo "         Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it.";  \11:51
schregge        echo;                                                           \11:51
Beketcwill1: cool, thanks11:51
schregge        /bin/false)11:51
schreggemkdir -p /tmp/vbox.4/.tmp_versions11:51
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: Running a clean install should be fine since I have my home in a separate partition, right? Should I expect any problems for doing a clean install of gutsy over an upgraded one?11:51
schreggei am using the xen kernel....11:51
cwill1ZaphodBeeblebrox: I wouldn't expect any problems, unless you've got some special configed software that you're particularily attached to11:51
L0GANrsk if its deactivated under live cd while others are not, maybe you're confused by update remaining original selected before ?11:51
ubotumadmonk: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:52
CroXflokuehn: That did it! :) Thanks.11:52
unique311Checking for Xgl: not present.11:52
unique311No whitelisted driver found11:52
ZaphodBeeblebroxcwill1: Oh, np with that, I'll install everything again. I really have no problem with that11:52
unique311there's a compiz channel?11:52
ZaphodBeeblebroxubotu commited suicide lol11:52
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/11:52
jscinozhey guys11:53
unique311getting that error from running compiz --replace11:53
jscinozHow can i manually remove a package from apt's database11:53
Bo^Dicki was unable to upgrade to 7.1011:53
jscinozI have one that fails on a --purge11:53
unique311Checking for Xgl: not present.11:53
unique311No whitelisted driver found11:53
Bo^Dickthe installer says a deb package has bad md5sum11:53
subwaydesignanyone had the XP GRUB problem?11:53
cousin_luigisubwaydesign: what would it be?11:53
jotilsubwaydesign: what grub problem?11:54
TigermanXChat Preferences > Interface > User list > Action Upon Double Click > Execute command:         what is the command to open a dialogue window?11:54
Bo^Dickis the 7.10 upgrade supposed to work well? anyone tried?11:54
Keef_subwaydesign: I had GParted kill my partitions :)11:54
subwaydesignxp just dissapeared from grub after upgrading to gutsy11:54
ZaphodBeeblebroxHi cousin_luigi11:54
L0GANbtw is there a Ubuntu live DVD?11:54
cwill1Bo^Dick: presume that it works for 90% of those who try it :p11:54
cwill1Bo^Dick: what are you running into?11:54
subwaydesigni'm kind of desperated hehe11:54
cousin_luigihi ZaphodBeeblebrox11:54
jotilBo^Dick: i tried. worked fine almost. i just had to install my nvidia driver.11:54
cousin_luigiany news?11:54
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: nope, same here11:54
cwill1subwaydesign: if it dropped the xp entry,11:54
ubotwogrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:55
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/11:55
choudeshThis is going to be a fun day, its 7am and I am upgrading from dapper to gutsy. :-D11:55
garuanyone having wireless problems with 7.10?11:55
cwill1choudesh: ha11:55
subwaydesigni'll be reading that. thanks!11:55
cwill1choudesh: sure you don't want to wait for hardy?11:55
jotilsubwaydesign: did you *by mistake* remove XP? can access the XP partition?11:55
subwaydesignno, xp is there11:55
cwill1choudesh: I'd imagine they'll make that upgrade (lts to lts) easier11:55
ZaphodBeeblebroxcousin_luigi: I'm just finishing downloading the iso then I'll follow some advices from cwill1, come back to check on jotil and then if everything fails I'll jump off the window lmao11:56
choudeshcwill1, nah - this in on my dedicated test box.11:56
subwaydesigni just run the update, and after rebooting, it was gone from the grub list11:56
subwaydesignpartition is intact11:56
choudeshcwill1, on my actual server I hope they do that.11:56
subwaydesignjust the grub list changed11:56
Bo^Dicki tried the upgrader two times11:56
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: mine is working now11:56
cousin_luigilol @zaphod:)11:56
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: How did you fixed?11:56
Bo^Dicki got the same error mess both times11:56
Black4lphacan anyone help me to get my usb headphone to work with VLC?11:56
Bo^Dickbad md5dum in an archive11:56
cwill1choudesh: I did it a few days ago, wasn't too bad actually11:56
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: let me reboot and see if i really do it right11:57
subwaydesigni'm on a sata. XP is on sda111:57
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: sure thing11:57
cwill1choudesh:  just slow going confirming customized /etc's11:57
cousin_luigiBlack4lpha: can you use your usb phone elsewhere?11:57
choudeshcwill1, Well, I don't have phyiscal access to this box - plus no internet-accessable reboots11:57
cwill1choudesh: uhhhhhh :p11:57
Bo^Dickmaybe the installer tried to use the downloaded deb with bad checksum?11:57
cwill1choudesh: good luck with that :)11:57
cwill1Bo^Dick: should just be in /tmp, delete it and try again11:58
choudeshcwill1, I am praying.11:58
Bo^Dicki did not upgrade from command prompt11:58
* choudesh prays.11:58
Bo^Dicki tried the update manager11:58
cwill1choudesh: I'd also suggest starting an extra sshd on a different port, and keep a root prompt open on that11:58
Bo^Dickcwiiis: thanks11:58
cwill1choudesh: that way you don't get killed when the pam update restarted /etc/init.d/gdm11:58
Bo^Dickcwiiis: gonna try now11:58
cwill1choudesh: oh, and make sure you run it from a screen session11:58
CryoniqAnyone running radeon 9800 pro on gutsy?11:59
cwill1choudesh: apt-get doesn't like it when the session disappears because of a dropped connection :)11:59
choudeshcwill1, good idea. though it still needs to reboot.11:59
Keef_how can I select a default soundcard, I have two?11:59
ZaphodBeeblebroxomg lol GIMP's new logo is awesome! (Sorry I have to chill a little)11:59
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: yeah fixed11:59
cwill1choudesh: yes, but if you lose your connection during the upgrade, you're screwed :)11:59
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: Way to go! Tell me! :)11:59
* cwill1 considers it his civic duty to keep people from hurting themselves :p12:00
cwill1 /join?12:00
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: phonecall brb12:00
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: kk12:00
UNDERsoNwhere I can dowload dvd with ubuntu I can't find12:01
whitedethanyone know if there's a reason half my repositories just wont download AT ALL?12:01
whitedethlike straight up errors?12:01
CroXflokuehn: Now no special keys (swedish, at, dollar sign, etc) will work.. Any solution to this?12:01
whitedethive been trying to download Konversation for like, 2 hours now.12:01
UNDERsoNwith 7.1012:01
whitedethkeeps saying that12:01
TheWoodDo i need to rebuild a 7.04 box to install 7.10 or can it be upgraded please?12:01
ZaphodBeeblebroxwhitedeth: The servers are probably overloaded12:01
whitedethso ive got nothing to worry about?12:01
whitedethshould just leave it for a few days?12:01
UNDERsoNwhere I can dowload dvd iso with 7.1012:01
cwill1TheWood: in principle, it upgrades fine, although if you've experimented with repositories, you might have trouble12:01
cwill1google it12:02
whitedethUNDERsoN look on ubuntu.com12:02
choudeshwhitedeth, switch do a different mirror, if you can't find one that works well, I will give you my personal one @ houdeshell.net12:02
whitedeththat would be awesome12:02
whitedethim currently in XP12:02
whitedethbut I'll switch over and set it up if you dont mind?12:02
UNDERsoNcwill1 I can't find there only cd iso12:02
choudeshwhitedeth, no prob.12:02
whitedethwanna pm me the details?12:02
flokuehnCroX: it maybe that you have to reconfigure your xorg file12:02
flokuehnCroX: you know how it works?12:03
whitedethim not a pro with ubuntu. I'm not quite sure where im even supposed to be putting it in.12:03
jotilwhitedeth: the servers seems to be overloaded. every time i apt something, it takes a while to start downloading and the speed is slow!12:03
choudeshwhitedeth, first try mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu if that doesn't work - I will send you the stuff for thor.houdeshell.net12:03
CroXflokuehn: I fixed it. But when I fixed it, it complained about some error configuring XKB. But apparently it works now.12:03
flokuehnCroX: ok12:04
Bo^Dickit looks like the installer actually downloads the package every time12:04
L0GANuhoh, I have flat 32, a dvd image of 4336MB will not fir, right?12:04
whitedethokay choudesh thanks a lot.12:04
Bo^Dickat 244k/sek download speed12:04
flokuehnCroX: maybe you can fix the xkb error by reconfiguring your xserver12:04
Tigermanhello again12:04
Tigermani have a problem12:04
flokuehnCroX: but you have to google for it before doing so12:04
subwaydesigni couldn't find any solution for my grub problem on those sites12:04
Bo^Dicknow lets see if the installer will complain about the checksum12:04
choudeshwhitedeth, I am pulling from both kernel.org and houdeshell.net @ 1729kps and 2781kps12:05
Bo^Dickgonna be intresting12:05
CroXflokuehn: Maybe. But now it doesn't seem to be a problem so I'll leave it alone for now. Already lost several work hours due to the problems with Gutsy.. :/12:05
dystopianrayL0GAN: that sounds like it should fit12:05
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: i just went inside /lib/linux-restricted-modules and backed up the nvidia directories and deleted them12:05
whitedethchoudesh where exactly do I put mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu into?12:05
dystopianrayL0GAN: oh wait sorry, you mean you have a fat32 parittion, no that file will not fit on it12:05
whitedethto change it to that?12:05
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: ok, then what?12:05
choudeshwhitedeth, well, the easy way is to use the gui12:05
whitedethi like easy :P12:05
choudeshwhitedeth, System->Admin->Software Sources12:06
whitedethoh okay.12:06
whitedeththanks dude, ill switch over and do it now.12:06
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: and then i added that line "DISABLED_MODULES="nv nvidia_new" in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common12:06
PriceChildubotwo, part12:06
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: Ok, anything else?12:06
snadgewhy would gutsy resolve my hostnames to if i use telnet.. and resolves correctly if i use ping? .. this does not happen with feisty or windows xp obviously.. i worked around the behaviour by setting my dns manually to the dns assigned to my dlink adsl modem, which is acting as a router and the default dns address12:07
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: then ran the nvidia binary12:07
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: hmmm I can't do that I don't have the source here12:07
jotilthat's all12:07
Bo^Dickthe installer whines about this file: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/ghc6/ghc6_6.6.1-2ubuntu2_i386.deb12:07
Tigermanwhen i press the WWW button on my multimedia keyboard, Firefox opens... this is good... but... the thing that displays is file:///home/john  and not my homepage (http://www.google.com/)    what can i do to fix that?12:07
IdleOne!ops | holyshits bad nick12:07
ubotuholyshits bad nick: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici12:07
CryoniqWhick kernel version is it in 7.10?12:08
Amaranthholyshits: Please change your nick.12:08
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/100.14.19/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.19-pkg1.run12:08
AmaranthCryoniq: 2.6.22 + a bunch of stuff from 2.6.23 + a bunch of stuff not in a kernel release12:08
Tigermanwhen i press the WWW button on my multimedia keyboard, Firefox opens... this is good... but... the thing that displays is file:///home/john  and not my homepage (http://www.google.com/)    what can i do to fix that?12:08
WaltzingAlongto something that does not look like a swear word in a particular language. replace it with holymerde or such12:08
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: I have that file, but it says it requires the kernel source, which I don't12:08
AmaranthCryoniq: Like always, the version doesn't tell you the whole story :)12:08
PriceChildWaltzingAlong, please don't12:09
L0GANdystopianray : well i cancelled download. Dunno what would happen if I downloaded it12:09
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CryoniqAmaranth: ah :)12:09
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: did you install "build-essentials" ?12:09
Tigermanwhen i press the WWW button on my multimedia keyboard, Firefox opens... this is good... but... the thing that displays is file:///home/john  and not my homepage (http://www.google.com/)    what can i do to fix that?     i have Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon12:09
AmaranthZaphodBeeblebrox: install the linux-headers-generic package12:09
GuHHHim using gutsy, and i wonder why i doesnt have read access to  my windows partitions?12:09
AmaranthZaphodBeeblebrox: But that's the driver gutsy already has12:09
WaltzingAlongTigerman: first stop repeating (so often)12:09
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: I believe I did12:09
Tigermanplease answer12:10
ZaphodBeeblebroxAmaranth: Thanks12:10
elkbuntuholyshits, you have been asked to change your nick to something less offensive. please so so or you will be removed from this channel12:10
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil and Amaranth:kk, hold on12:10
Bo^Dicki've tried the updater several times and every time it whines about this file,  http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/ghc6/ghc6_6.6.1-2ubuntu2_i386.deb12:10
holyshitsthis is not an offensive nick.12:10
AmaranthTigerman: You probably can't12:10
holyshitsif i might say.12:10
IdleOneit is to me12:10
Amaranthholyshits: This is not a debate12:10
Myrttiholyshits: your opinion doesn't really matter12:10
IdleOneand many other people12:10
holyshitswhy is that ?12:10
TigermanAmaranth, is this by design?  because in Feisty, there was no such problem12:10
L0GANi find it unappropriate holyshits12:10
choudeshholyshits, Others may find it offensive. Please to as Amaranth asks.12:10
benzon!info mscorefont12:11
holyshitswell if it isn't a debate then i would like to say that i adore shit.12:11
ubotuPackage mscorefont does not exist in gutsy12:11
OVMj #ubuntu-es12:11
Cryoniqholyshits: if the ops say it is, it is. They rule the world in here.12:11
GuHHHim using gutsy, and i wonder why i doesnt have read access to  my windows partitions anymore? i tried to install ntfsprogs and didnt solve it... is there something that im missing?12:11
jotilTigerman: did you change your homepage?12:11
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil and Amaranth:Ok, I have them both12:11
rayb0t!info msttcorefonts12:11
Tigermanjotil, i certainly did12:11
tempest_good move :)12:11
AmaranthZaphodBeeblebrox: If you're using gutsy just install nvidia-glx-new12:11
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.2 (gutsy), package size 32 kB, installed size 188 kB12:11
ubotuntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:11
rayb0t^^ :)12:11
AmaranthZaphodBeeblebrox: We have that driver12:11
=== Tstnz is now known as pizzicato`
HelvascaHow good of a job does *Erase this partion do* in the alternate install?12:11
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:11
ZaphodBeeblebroxAmaranth: Been there, did that, doesn't work12:11
AmaranthHelvasca: It's not a secure delete12:11
IdleOneHelvasca: it erases it12:11
lostfaithOMG wtf can't linux just work!! sucky os.12:11
AmaranthZaphodBeeblebrox: How didn't it work?12:12
penguincentralhey Helvasca12:12
Kee1how can I set the defaul alsa soundcard? I've forgotten how12:12
benzonHmmm why is the bot saying mscorefont dont exist for gutsy - apt-get install msttcorefonts12:12
ganesh cwill1:http://pastebin.org/530712:12
=== crummygummy_ is now known as CrummyGummy
benzonthere you got your corefonts12:12
HelvascaIs it possible to get anything back?12:12
Helvascapenguincentral: hey man12:12
AmaranthKee1: asoundconf12:12
penguincentralHelvasca: what's up?12:12
WaltzingAlongbenzon: because it does not but msttcorefonts does?12:12
AmaranthHelvasca: Not easily12:12
Tigermanjotil, don't you agree that Google page should be displayed when pressing the web-browser button on a multimedia keyboard and not my home directory?12:12
Helvascapenguincentral: just made a fool of my self.12:12
Cryoniqlostfaith: Linux works perfectly12:12
ZaphodBeeblebroxAmaranth: When I enable the restricted driver X returns on Low Graphic mode12:12
Kee1Amaranth: thank-you12:12
penguincentralHelvasca: by doing what?12:12
HelvascaAmaranth: what would it take?12:12
AmaranthHelvasca: If you remember the exact settings for that partition and haven't done a format you can sometimes recover the partition12:13
ProphezyHi there!12:13
benzonWaltzingAlong, its the same ? mscorefonts is the same12:13
AmaranthHelvasca: But you have to get the start and end cylinder and such just right12:13
Tigermanjotil, don't you agree that a homepage should be displayed when pressing the web-browser button on a multimedia keyboard and not ones home directory?12:13
gonzo_Morning. :oP12:13
HelvascaAmaranth: would you be able to walk me through in a pm?12:13
Prophezyanyone who can help me with the flash & java installation?12:13
AmaranthHelvasca: No, if it's not something you know it's not something you can find out12:13
ZaphodBeeblebroxAmaranth, jotil, cwill1 : Be right back gonna try in here12:13
benzon!info msttcorefonts12:13
Prophezyi try to install flash o my firefox but without result12:13
WaltzingAlongbenzon: i find 'msttcorefonts' but do not find a package called 'mscorefonts'12:13
cousin_luigiProphezy: you can install flash from the browser12:13
gonzo_So, I'm on the hunt for some killer gutsy apps. Anyone got favorites?12:13
ufuntuhello does anybody know in which repository is included the package: "openssh-server"? thnx in advance12:13
HelvascaAmaranth: I should be able to get cylinders12:13
cousin_luigiProphezy: actually I've had to let it do it12:13
AmaranthHelvasca: Then you know more than me12:14
Prophezycousin_luigi i tried but it said i have to install it manual12:14
drhigginsgreetings folks, and congrats on all things ubuntu12:14
ganeshcwill1: r u there?12:14
benzonWaltzingAlong, its just the same ms core fonts if its called ms tt corefonts the same TT = TrueType12:14
HelvascaAmaranth: where could I find out?12:14
cousin_luigiProphezy: on gutsy?12:14
Amaranthgonzo_: compiz :)12:14
IdleOne!info openssh-server | ufuntu12:14
choudeshThe _only_ thing I hate about Ubuntu is "Regenerating Font Cache". :-12:14
cousin_luigiProphezy: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:14
gonzo_I'm definitely digging compiz.12:14
AmaranthHelvasca: Like I said, if it's not something you know it's not something you can find out12:14
Odd-rationalegonzo_: supertux!12:14
IdleOneubotu: not working today?12:14
Amaranthchoudesh: eh, that only happens when you install a new font12:14
Ginhi, what tool to use to make a torrent file on Ubuntu?12:14
snadgecan everyone in here please remember if anyone comes in here complaining of dns not working (resolving hosts to its a known bug in gutsy, there is no fix for it.. you have to set the dns manually to your isps dns, or disable ipv6 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/8105712:14
HelvascaAmaranth: bugger bugger bugger :( *cries*12:14
dystopianrayhas anyone tried virtualbox in gutsy? apparently it has problems with the tickless kernel?12:14
wilhartwhere do i store cursor themes in ubuntu?12:14
gonzo_Any others? I'm downloading AWN curves.12:14
Amaranthgonzo_: banshee is pretty nice12:15
gonzo_And I got the GNOME art manager.12:15
Odd-rationalegonzo_: gdesklets!12:15
gonzo_What's banshee?12:15
gonzo_Music player?12:15
WaltzingAlongbenzon: sure but when looking for the package a search for mscorefonts may yield nothing but msttcorefonts should12:15
Amaranthgonzo_: and tomboy and epiphany-browser12:15
boris__is there any alternative to conky ?12:15
Amaranthgonzo_: yeah, music player12:15
WaltzingAlongsnadge: likely an issue with your router instead12:15
benzonthen the !info mscorefonts shut say msttcorefonts12:15
choudeshAmaranth: yea, but the update-manager won't let you update unless you have one of the base packages installed (ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop...); and since you have to apt-get install one - it takes a long time.12:15
gonzo_what's gdesklets?12:15
Crozarsnadge: yes i know that bug12:15
IdleOneufuntu: 0 http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main Packages12:15
drhigginsI had installed 7.10 rc last week and I've never upgraded from rc to full release ... do I actually have to reinstall ... or will my regular upgrade feature do it?12:15
jotilTigerman: not necessarily. what is the command you running with that button? it is probably creating a new session12:15
Crozarsnadge: i resolved it :D12:15
Crozarsnadge: and locked my DNS12:15
CryoniqI popped in the radeon driver for my ati radeon 9800 pro under gutsy. Problem is that my screen update is lagging a bit now. ok.. quite much. When for example this irc chat fills with text screen is update form above like a wave all the time. In feisty, the radeon driver worked good. Anyone have any leads what could be wrong or help me with some troubleshoot process? :)12:15
Amaranthgonzo_: an old sad project that doesn't have much use :P12:16
Odd-rationalegonzo_: gadgets for you desktop.12:16
WaltzingAlong!final | drhiggins12:16
Prophezycouisin_luigi thanks alot :D12:16
WaltzingAlongdrhiggins: regular update will do. you are already running gutsy12:16
gonzo_Widgets, basically?12:16
Odd-rationalegonzo_: http://www.gdesklets.de/12:16
Amaranthgonzo_: yeah12:16
WaltzingAlongCryoniq: are you using the xgl xserver ?12:16
CrozarBUG for CD-R/RW DRIVE!!!! HELP!!   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/14953612:16
benzonWaltzingAlong, then the !info mscorefonts shut say msttcorefonts12:16
CrozarPici: BUG for CD-R/RW DRIVE!!!! HELP!!   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/14953612:16
MyrttiCrozar: relax12:16
Prophezycousin_luigi thanksnow i can see flash :P .. can you help me with java?12:17
Crozarplease check it Myrtti12:17
boris__is there any alternative to conky ?12:17
CryoniqWaltzingAlong: good question. How do I verify I am? I know I downloaded something with that from repository yesterday.12:17
drhigginsthanks waltz12:17
cousin_luigiProphezy: do you want the sun one?12:17
AmaranthIs launchpad down?12:17
gonzo_Is gdesklets available through the add/remove programs menu?12:18
Tigermanjotil, i have set this button (WWW button on my multimedia keyboard) to Launch web browser   ...   i have set this in System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts12:18
Amaranthgonzo_: probably12:18
cousin_luigiProphezy: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin12:18
Prophezycousin_luigi yes please12:18
Odd-rationalegonzo_: Yes.12:18
gonzo_Right on.12:18
jotilTigerman: yes. but what is the custom command for it? firefox?12:18
GuHHHim using gutsy, and i wonder why i doesnt have read access to  my windows partitions anymore? i tried to install ntfsprogs and didnt solve it... is there something that im missing?12:18
IdleOneAmaranth: launchpad loads for mme12:18
Tigermanjotil, the scancode of that WWW button is 0xb212:18
ZaschHello. I'd like to record activity that takes place on my desktop and have it play back on regular PCs. I downloaded a program called "gtk-recordmydesktop", but it gives me a .ogg file that doesn't play in Windows. What can I do?12:18
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gonzo_Is there any good way to get Gutsy to read a Vista partition?12:18
Odd-rationalegonzo_: BTW have you found AWN to be quite stable?12:18
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whitedethchoudesh, so im in it now. And I tried doing what you said. Problem is... im in NZ. The stuff that's "failed" is usually "Translation-en_NZ"12:19
Tigermanjotil, please assist me in fixing my problem12:19
gonzo_I'm downloading it currently. Not sure of its stability.12:19
whitedethi switched to a server called12:19
robinlHi, how do i remove all the kubuntu settings and stuffs like applications, and then configure the media codecs in GNOME?12:19
Cryoniqgonzo_:  ntfs-3g read ntfs partitions12:19
IdleOneZasch: check the settings for that app and see if you cant record to another format12:19
whitedethftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org in UK.12:19
Crozargonzo_: it reads automatically and puts it in ur desktop12:19
Odd-rationalegonzo_: OK wasn't sure whether you used it before.12:19
choudeshwhitedeth, all repos have the same data. they are just in a different physical location12:19
WaltzingAlongCryoniq: is xserver-xgl installed?12:19
L0GANI might try wine to play an xp game (It requires xp and I dont have xp :)12:19
whitedethcuz previously when I had ubuntu installed it seemed to work best with them from UK12:19
gonzo_Yeah, I got that program. But it tells me that the NTFS partition is marked "in use".12:19
whitedethbest speeds12:19
Tigermanjotil, i have set this button (WWW button on my multimedia keyboard) to Launch web browser   ...   i have set this in System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts12:19
Prophezycousin_luigi Thank you Thank you .. youre great !!!!!! :D12:19
teKnofreakelkbuntu, ping12:19
ZaschIdleOne: I'm not seeing any other options, it just automatically puts it out as .ogg. When I Google for an ogg converter, all I get are stuff for audio but not video12:19
Tigermanjotil, please assist me in fixing my problem12:19
gonzo_Perhaps the last time I was in Win-blows my session ended in a crash.12:20
whitedethchoudesh, I figured. ;) I'm noobish with ubuntu, but not a computer noob. :P12:20
elkbuntuteKnofreak, pong?12:20
choudeshwhitedeth, then go System->Admin->Software Sources and select a mirror near you12:20
gonzo_Would that prevent the NTFS reader from accessing the vista portion of my drive?12:20
simplechathey, has anyone here had problems with bittorrent after setting up firestarters qos controlls?12:20
L0GANmy windows hardly ever crashes... time to forget about windows 95, eh?12:20
CryoniqWaltzingAlong: verified, it is.12:21
andi``some1 familiar with openoffice ?12:21
WaltzingAlonggonzo_: the ntfs-3g driver can still access it but needs to be forced because the file system is likely not clean and booting to vista would run the chkdsk to mark the filesystem clean12:21
Tigermanjotil, don't you agree that a homepage should be displayed when pressing the web-browser button on a multimedia keyboard and not ones home directory?12:21
Malige1can some1 help me in wireless (broadcom) on ubuntu 7.10 ?12:21
ZaschAlso, how do I upgrade to this latest version of Ubuntu? The little orange icon hasn't come up yet telling me I need to upgrade...12:21
FizZlei seem to be having trouble setting gmail as the default mail client in Ubuntu, does anyone have experience with this?12:22
jotilTigerman: i am trying to fix my own problem right now and that is not helping me :(12:22
IdleOneZasch: http://www.riverpast.com/en/support/tutorials/convert/ogm/mp4.php and http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Search/video_converter.html12:22
IdleOneZasch: google is a good friend when you ask the right question :)12:22
CrozarPici: BUG for CD-R/RW DRIVE!!!! HELP!!   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/14953612:22
gonzo_okay. that makes sense.12:22
simplechatoh yes, i'm also moving data to a remote computer, at about a megabit. (would this kill anything? its scp)12:22
MoultHello guys, I am a windows user, and I'm trying to use linux on my (very old) machine...anybody here familiar with some tiny distros I could use? (sorry I'm not sure the right channel for this question)12:22
MyrttiCrozar: RELAX12:22
IdleOne!upgrade | Zasch12:23
Crozardid you read it Myrtti12:23
PiciCrozar: Stop pinging me.12:23
IdleOnedarn bot12:23
gonzo_Uhm, early morning compliments to the ubuntu community, by the way. I've had a few issues here and there, and every time I pop into this chat room, all my qualms vanish within minutes.12:23
andi``i have a video in openoffice and i want the video to start when i click on it, but it always starts when i change to the slide12:23
Odd-rationaleMoult: xubuntu, dsl12:23
ZaschIdleOne: Ha, thanks for that. I tried for a while to search using the right terms...I guess I'm just bad at google :)12:23
gonzo_You duders rule. :P12:23
CrozarPici: i said after i try everything il get back to you12:23
xtorI went to skype and their ubuntu package says it is made for 7.04 but the latest build of ubuntu is 7.10...what are the chances the skype package will work with ubuntu?12:23
IdleOneZasch: np12:23
CrozarPici: a promise is a promise :)12:23
MoultOdd-rationale: I have looked at xubuntu minimum requirements and It turns out I have the exact minimum, with no space over. I am looking at puppy linux or DSL as an alternative12:24
bullgard4/proc/acpi/wakeup includes the entry "Device=RP02, Sleep State=4, Status=disabled." What does 'RP02' stand for?12:24
Ginhi, what tool to use to make a torrent file on Ubuntu?12:24
IdleOneZasch: I believe the site is wiki.ubuntu.com/Upgradenotes or something to that effect12:24
MoeDGreeting #ubuntu.  Did Wubi or any similar tool make it into Gutsy?12:24
Odd-rationaleOdd-rationale: Wow. Must be an old machine!12:24
robertj^^can any UK residents enlighten me on a point which is so apparently so obvious as to not be written down anywhere: can a pre-owned LHD vehicle be imported and driven without modification legally?12:24
MoultI have heard that PuppyLinux is better though, however, a question I have is how to install it without having to boot it from a CD whilst still doing a dual boot with my windows ( don't want to get rid of windows)12:24
Crozarwhat is this!12:24
MoultYes, it is a very very old machine.12:24
xtorMould use slax12:24
IdleOneMoeD: no12:24
MoeDIdleOne,  Ok, thanks.12:25
Bo^Dickhow come this file get corrupt when downloaded on my computer only? http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/ghc6/ghc6_6.6.1-2ubuntu2_i386.deb12:25
Crozarplease check it Myrtti , i am very angry i might rather wait for 8.0412:25
Moultxtor: is what at me? What is slax?12:25
dystopianraydamn it, i get kernel panics on suspend to disk12:25
ZaschIs there any reason I ought to upgrade, though? A lot of people "upgraded" to Vista, and I know a couple of them who reverted back12:25
FizZlei seem to be having trouble setting gmail as the default mail client in Ubuntu, does anyone have experience with this?12:25
dystopianraysuspend to disk has worked perfectly in edgy and feisty12:25
Kramdjurethey everyone... anyone wanna help a newbie out?12:25
Bo^Dickwhy does it work for everyone else?12:25
CryoniqWaltzingAlong: xserver-xgl was installed. I maybe should put my xorg.conf into pastebin, just a feeling I have there is something not in order in it.12:25
MoultIs there a method of running it without making a boot CD?12:26
MyrttiCrozar: I read it, what am I supposed to do now? wave my hands above my head and scream?12:26
Karotteare there any good "download managers" for Gnome/X?12:26
xtorDoes gutsy lack some packages or something? Why didnt wubi make it into gutsy????12:26
Bo^Dicki'm lookin for an answer12:26
IdleOneZasch: if you dont need to then dont. if you need the most upto date apps then sure but there is really no reason to12:26
Crozarthese hardware drive's and firm ware problems are bugged beacuse they lack support with ubuntu or linux :/ and tell me what drive should i buy for my laptop i will throw this year 2000 drive12:26
assasukassehi everyone, does anyone know if i can see compiz with my geforce2? maybe with xgl?12:26
MoeDxtor, *I* meant as a native installer.  I think you can get the Wubi that's there now and upgrade to gutsy with it ok.12:26
garuKarotte r u talking about p2p, torrent clients?12:26
CrozarMyrtti: read the last 2 posts down not the discription12:26
stupidgirl hi everyone, I have installed gutsy and in adept, I enabled teh universe n multiverse repos and when I go to reload, adept gets stuck on "Waiting for Headers (40%)" and doesnt move, still the same after rebooting, and changing servers etc, anyone know what might be causing this12:26
Cryoniqhmm, what is the url to pastebin?12:27
dgjones!paste > Cryoniq12:27
Karottegaru: mmh no, just a program where you add an url and it downloads it.. or one after another, with multiple threads etc.12:27
xtorMoed I was planning on installing gutsy from scratch12:27
MyrttiCrozar: I really don't have time or enthusiasm for that12:27
Kramdjuretxtor so was i12:27
cousin_luigistupidgirl: could be the servers are being pounded heavily12:27
MoeDxtor so was I.  =)12:27
cousin_luigithese days12:27
IdleOneCryoniq: paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:27
CryoniqIdleOne: thanks12:27
sanskritassasukasse:  yes , gf2 mx400 can12:27
cousin_luigistupidgirl: is your connection working for other things?12:27
Crozaractually i found out about 4 - 8 bugs from my side but no body wants to listen , im in no luck with this old toshiba s801 laptop :/ and even my PC with ati card oh well lets wait for support soon..12:27
WaltzingAlongCryoniq: sure do that. otherwise i think xserver-xgl is use with ati and kde to get compiz-fusion working, not sure though12:27
assasukassesanskrit: what is the way, just install xgl?12:28
MoeDxtor but I might either go wubi, or use a different box, or bite the bullet and use partition magic, or, or or...  =)12:28
Kramdjureti could use some help with feisty...12:28
garuKarote Ktorrent does something like that12:28
rskCrozar: tried rporting the bugs on launchpad?12:28
WaltzingAlongCrozar: thanks for filing the bug reports at launchpad12:28
sanskritassasukasse: i am not sure xgl staff12:28
stupidgirlcousin_luigi: yes, everything else works fine, I have tried changing to different servers, I tried a few hours ago and waited for a while, still doing teh same thing12:28
garuKarotte but it is still a torrent client12:28
Myrttirsk: yes, that's the link he's posting around12:28
sanskritassasukasse:  i just turn on 'extra' option12:28
Karottegaru: no12:28
Crozari reported 3 bugs , already but the others i like to make sure before i spam the place12:28
cousin_luigistupidgirl: does it start to download anything at all?12:28
garuassasukasse did u enable desktop effects?12:28
CryoniqWaltzingAlong: I am using Gnome though :)12:28
Crozarmaybe people will consider me as a beta user , i like penetrating the system with ideas to find its false hood12:28
assasukassegaru: i just installed xgl12:28
assasukassenow i reboot12:29
stupidgirlcousin_luigi: it gets to 40% done downloading headers12:29
moDumasshey all, my machine cant show the title bars whilst in compiz and wont use emerald themes when not.. any ideas?>12:29
WaltzingAlongCryoniq: so pastebin the xorg.conf should you wish as well as the /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:29
stupidgirlcousin_luigi: well, "waiting for headers"12:29
Kramdjureti get an error mess, everytime i start 7.04 says ive got .local domain. and avaih wont work properly12:29
cousin_luigistupidgirl: can you connect to that particular mirror with a browser?12:29
numiquehuhu!! :)12:29
stupidgirlcousin_luigi: o I'll try , one sec12:29
Kramdjurettum tum tum...12:30
sanskritgaru: i don't know what you mean ...12:30
MoultI am trying to install PuppyLinux without having to make a boot CD. Can anybody help me? I'm sorry in advance I don't know which channel to ask this in.12:30
garusanskrit did u change ur nickname?12:30
sanskritgaru:  no12:31
stupidgirlcousin_luigi: yeah I can connect with a browser. I have tried switching to diff mirrors also12:31
cousin_luigistupidgirl: are you doing it from console?12:31
garusanskrit sorry, what did I say that u dont know what I mean? :s12:31
Thorin|CBwhere midnight commander in gutsy? :(12:31
stupidgirlcousin_luigi: adept, I also tried in the console earlier12:31
Kramdjuretd? provar vi p? svenska ist?llet, om det nu ?r till?tet12:31
Pici!se | Kramdjuret12:32
GuHHHman... whats the difficult on installing nvidia restricted drivers? damn!12:32
sanskritgaru:  i just enabled 'extra' option12:32
titunis it possible i can put the ubuntu iso in a flash drive and boot from it and install it to a PC?12:32
PiciKramdjuret: /j #ubuntu-se12:32
sanskritgaru:  and didn't set additional settings12:32
cypherdelic_I've got a problem with my Ubuntu-Menu. I've created a new user is group 'admin'. Logged in and recognised that various administration things disappeared from my ubuntu-menu. So I've tried to configure it, but everytime that i reactivate an entry, it will autoredisable after a few seconds. Any suggestions? Please highlight me.12:32
garusanskrit ooh..ok...its about compiz fusion, right?12:32
=== sbucatino_ is now known as Bucatoamano
garusanskrit do u have any effects at all?12:33
KramdjuretPici, cheers12:33
sanskritgaru:  i think so ( sorry , i got a problem about my tab)12:33
keoniis there a way to debootstrap from gutsy cd? if so where to i point debootstrap to?12:33
garusanskrit to change settings for the effects u need to install Compiz Configuration Manager Settings or ccsm12:33
cousin_luigistupidgirl: I'm sorry I don't know12:33
MoultCan anybody answer my question?12:33
lavender_dreamwhat's the terminal command to have root command over copy+paste of files with a gui?12:33
stupidgirlcousin_luigi: okeyy thanks  8-]12:33
Bo^Dickhas anyone had problems with this file?  http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/ghc6/ghc6_6.6.1-2ubuntu2_i386.deb12:34
cousin_luigistupidgirl: reducing the MTU helps me sometimes12:34
astro76lavender_dream, gksu nautilus12:34
dystopianraydoes anyone have working hibernate with gutsy?12:34
garusanskrit can you rotate the cube?or, do you have wobbly windows when u move any window?12:34
cousin_luigistupidgirl: sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 57612:34
lavender_dreamastro76: thank you very much12:34
numiqueCan somebody help me? :)12:34
numiqueI've installed Ubuntu 7.10 today and as I try to start Ubuntu for the first time it stops @ "loading ACPI-Modules". Help!12:34
stupidgirlcousin_luigi: oh yeah alright thnx,12:34
cousin_luigistupidgirl: but that would imply having a lousy connection12:34
astro76lavender_dream, be careful and close it when done12:34
garulavender_dream nano12:34
sanskritgaru: i don't know how to rotate12:34
Bo^Dicknumique: i havent even managed to perform the upgrade12:34
stupidgirlcousin_luigi: yerr neighbours wifi gets kinda dodgy sometimes12:34
cousin_luigiso it's not eth0:)12:34
CryoniqWaltzingAlong: xorg.conf (the ## in it are things commented out from working feisty conf. I disabled one at the time to see earlier if something got better or worse. No changes in performance though from that): http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41185/12:35
stupidgirleth1 jah12:35
airtonarantes|slnumique, there is a option on the GRUB that you can turn off the ACPI mode12:35
Bo^Dicknumique: my installer doesn't like this file,  http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/ghc6/ghc6_6.6.1-2ubuntu2_i386.deb12:35
assasukassei am on compiz now12:35
assasukasseit works!12:35
sanskritgaru:  i have wobbly windows12:35
assasukassebtw how can i change compiz settings? there is nothing to change it12:35
jotilassasukasse: in synaptic serach for compiz12:35
test___I idea get ubuntu cd but whicht ubuntu kubuntu - edubuntu???12:35
assasukassejotil: and then what do i install12:36
numique(Bo^Dick): I haven't updated ubuntu, i deleted and installed the full version of ubuntu gibbon ^^12:36
garusanskrit click and hold <Ctrl><Alt> and also the left mouse button and then try to scroll to the right or left.or just click and hold Ctrl+Alt and then click the laft or right arrow key12:36
sanskritassasukasse: it will auto install nvidia driver12:36
jotilassasukasse: it will give you compiz configuration manager12:36
garusanskrit ur on gutsy right?12:36
NyctHey there12:36
NyctNew Ubuntu user here...any chance I can get some help ? :)12:36
numique(13:35:12) (airtonarantes|sl) numique, there is a option on the GRUB that you can turn off the ACPI mode <--- hmmm... thx - can you tell me excactly how do do it or tell me where can i read how to do it? :)12:36
Bo^Dicknumique: maybe that deb package really _is_ corrupted then12:36
assasukassesanskrit: it did12:37
Myrtti!ask | Nyct12:37
sanskritgaru: sure12:37
assasukassejotil: i don't have that package12:37
garusanskrit click on Applications, then Add/Remove Apps, then Show All Available Applications, and in the search bar, type Compiz, you'll see there "ccsm"!that's what u need to install12:37
CryoniqWaltzingAlong: And the xorg log: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41186/12:37
airtonarantes|slnumique, I'm looking now, wait please12:37
sanskritgaru:  ok, i go try it12:37
numiqueairtonarantes|sl :: oh, nice :) k, i'll w812:37
adanteNyct: what's your question, no guarantees but if you ask someone may be able to help12:38
WaltzingAlongCryoniq: ok looking now12:38
NyctOk, right, using Live version at the moment or something - I am on step 4/7 of Install thing, about partitions12:38
garuassasuksse trying to install compiz configuration manager?12:38
NyctWhen I click 'edit partition' I cant see an option to change the sizer12:38
CryoniqWaltzingAlong: thanks for taking the time :)12:38
assasukassei have many compiz: compiz and compiz-core, then compiz-fusion-plugin extra and main, compiz-plugins and compiz-gnome, which compiz compigurator should i install?12:38
marinaHi all,Ubuntu rocks :-)12:38
sanskritgaru:  it's already there12:38
jotilassasukasse: it's compizconfig-settings-manager12:38
MoeDI understand Gutsy has more/better support for dual monitors?  Can anyone confirm/deny?12:38
ganeshgaru: when i start computer before logging in a msg "yuo are in low graphics mode ,your graphics card may not be detected"i changed something in screens and graphics..how to set it default>12:39
marinamarina: hi12:39
sanskritgaru:  i mean compiz is installed on my box12:39
Moult I am trying to install PuppyLinux without having to make aboot CD. Can anybody help me? I'm sorry in advance I don't know which channel to ask this in.12:39
xtor "Your CPU does not support long mode. Use a 32bit distribution."12:39
marina!gnome | marina12:39
airtonarantes|slnumique, #12:39
airtonarantes|slTo turn ACPI off edit the /boot/grub/grub.conf file and add ``acpi=off'' at the end of the kernel line that corresponds to kernel 2.4.26-1.ll, and reboot the machine.12:39
Infra|Redis there something up with the help doc site?12:39
ubotuntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:39
assasukassei installed that jotil12:39
Infra|Redhi everyone btw.12:39
tituncan i use ubuntu to boot from my thumb drive, like Damn Small linux does?12:39
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.2 (gutsy), package size 32 kB, installed size 188 kB12:39
marina!gnome | marina12:39
ubotuufuntu: openssh-server: secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.6p1-5build1 (gutsy), package size 241 kB, installed size 640 kB12:39
Nusclynumique, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions for acpi details12:40
jotilassasukasse: then use it?12:40
numiqueairtonarantes|sl :: Thank You! :)12:40
ubotudrhiggins: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.12:40
ubotuZasch: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:40
assasukassethanks jotil12:40
numiqueNuscly :: Thank You! :)12:40
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:40
ubotuKramdjuret: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se12:40
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:40
garusanskrit click on System and then Prefferences and you'll see "Advanced Desktop Configuration Settings"12:40
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:40
airtonarantes|slnumique, do you know as enter in text mode using GRUB?12:40
rjonesxso i just ran the update (to gutsy, x64), but now in the startup it gets to "Running local boot scripts", says "OK" and stops12:40
ubotuNyct: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:40
rjonesxI dont know if GNOME is running or not.12:40
WaltzingAlongCryoniq: ok so basically things were just slow? perhaps you could get rid of xserver-xgl using the non gl xserver instead12:40
rjonesxbut it does not give me a command line prompt12:40
ganesh jotil: when i start computer before logging in a msg "you are in low graphics mode ,your graphics card may not be detected"i changed something in screens and graphics..how to set it default?12:41
rjonesxsits there, cursor flashing, so it is not stalled...12:41
garusanskrit do you see that?12:41
NyctMy question is, why cant I see a function to edit partition size?12:41
livingdaylightHola Ubunteros!12:41
rjonesxany ideas?12:41
Nycton step 4/7 of Install12:41
Odd-rationaleMoult: Why don't you want a boot cd?12:41
jotilganesh: i am trying to figure out my nvidia problem. it is making me insane.12:41
livingdaylightMay All the Penguins of the World Stand up for Freedom!12:41
sanskritgaru:  i got something wrong...12:41
WaltzingAlongCryoniq: and i thought AIGLX was only needed for ati + kde12:42
livingdaylightFor they may kill us but they shall NEVER take our Freedom!12:42
eugook i have a really weird problem12:42
eugowhen booting slax, my keyboard is non-functional. its a wireless usb keyboard that works with any other distro12:42
CryoniqWaltzingAlong: very slow, if I move a window it will be "roll" and take 1-2 secs to move across the screen etc. And there are borders left behind and not removed from screen partially at times.12:42
garuganesh I had that problem when I installed it on my machine, I couldnt even see my own user name after typing it.but, after the update, and after enabling the restricted drivers, it all went fine12:42
eugoit works under bios, but after isolinux has started, when i press a key, a flashy light should indicate its transmitting, but it isnt12:42
rjonesxok, lets try again....12:42
livingdaylightWe shall fight them on the land; we shall fight em on the seas; we shall fight em in the skies12:42
garusanskrit what did u get wrong?12:42
Picieugo: This is the Ubuntu support channel.  You should be looking for a Slax channel.12:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gpart - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:43
eugono support :s12:43
WaltzingAlong!info gparted12:43
ubotugparted: GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.3-2ubuntu6 (gutsy), package size 334 kB, installed size 1908 kB12:43
MoultAnybody here can help me?12:43
rjonesxQuestion: on start up, everything runs until you get to "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)  [ OK ]. Then, it just sits there, icon blinking, like it is done starting up. No command prompt, but no GNOME either - any ideas?12:43
Odd-rationaleMoult: Why do you not want a boot cd?12:44
WaltzingAlong!ask | Moult12:44
ubotuMoult: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:44
MoultI did, but everybody ignored me :(12:44
NyctIn the Edit partition section - what does 'Mount Point' mean?12:44
MoultOdd-rationale, because my CD burner is broken12:44
garusanskrit still with us? :)12:44
ganeshgaru:it was working fine..bcs visual effects was not working i changed something in screen and desktop..can u help me to solve this?12:44
livingdaylightGuys... can someone remind me how i check disk space?12:44
sanskritgaru: sorry,  network problem .12:44
laxhow to remove the ubuntu splash from boot??12:44
jribNyct: the path in the filesystem where the partition gets mounted12:45
MoultHere's my question again:12:45
Moult I am trying to install PuppyLinux without having to make aboot CD. Can anybody help me? I'm sorry in advance I don't know which channel to ask this in.12:45
PiciNyct: Mount point is where in the filesystem your drive will be 'mounted to' i.e: / or /home etc etc12:45
cypher_Does installing a luksLVM work from Desktop CD now???????12:45
Odd-rationaleMoult: I do not know whether this works for PuppyLinux, but you might give it a try: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/index.html12:45
garuganesh what exactly did u change?12:45
ganeshgaru:sorry it was screen and graphics12:45
livingdaylightMoult, lol, puppy love12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quiet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:45
garusanskrit u said i got something wrong12:45
sanskritgaru:  i see those settings12:45
Odd-rationaleMoult: Look at Lubi and UNetbootin12:45
PiciMoult: #puppylinux12:45
jriblax: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and get rid of "quiet" and "splash" for your kernel12:45
arun__how;s the upgrading going people?12:45
garusanskrit good...now u can configure ur effects anyway u like it :)12:45
PiciMoult: It is offtopic for this channel.12:46
thesaint4444hi guys, does anyone know how to move onto the next email in Kontact without having to use the mouse? i.e. via the keyboard? ...12:46
rjonesx Question: on start up, everything runs until you get to "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)  [ OK ]. Then, it just sits there, icon blinking, like it is done starting up. No command prompt, but no GNOME either - any ideas?12:46
MoultI know Pici, but I don't know which channel to go into12:46
airtonarantes|slNyct, http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html12:46
CryoniqWaltzingAlong: I was running Beryl in feisty with aiglx and dri. Worked like a charm. I thought there would be no problem in gusty and gnome to run just as fine and be able to start compiz just as smooth.. :)12:46
Nusclydoes anyone test "ebox" on gusty server ?12:46
garuganesh what exactly did u change?12:46
PiciMoult: do thisL  /j #puppylinux12:46
cypher_Does installing a luksLVM work from Desktop CD now???????12:46
livingdaylightcan someone tell me how i figure out how much disc space i have12:46
ganeshgaru:i changed graphics card and driver..now even if i give the previous 1 its not working..12:47
tuplanollalivingdaylight: df -h12:47
livingdaylightMoult, how did you get here?12:47
livingdaylighttuplanolla, you are my hero today!12:47
Picilivingdaylight: df -h12:47
MagliteI have a question for you guys and girls! I installed Gutsy yesterday and now I can only open two windows in firefox. When I open the third firefox eats all cpu and hangs. It is very reproducible. Emacs hangs when I open large files as well. Any ideas?12:47
cypher_Does installing a luksLVM work from Desktop CD now???????12:47
Odd-rationalelivingdaylight: Application -> Acces -> Disk space analizer12:47
livingdaylightPici, you too... as always :D12:47
livingdaylightOdd-rationale, i thought there waqs a gui, couldn't find it12:47
Maligencan some1 help me ? I have wireless (broadcom) problems [ubuntu 7.10]12:47
garuganesh if u change it back and restart it still wont work?12:47
SleepingSlothhi - just moved to 7.10 on an opteron box, and one of my processors has disappeared - is this going to be just a case of using the wrong kernel?12:47
rjonesx Question: on start up, everything runs until you get to "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)  [ OK ]. Then, it just sits there, icon blinking, like it is done starting up. No command prompt, but no GNOME either - any ideas?12:47
nicholasMaglite: is the system swapping?12:48
PiciSleepingSloth: What kernel are you using?12:48
garurjonesx do Alt+F1 to see what's doing12:48
PiciSleepingSloth: uname -r12:48
SleepingSlothPici, 2.6.22-14-38612:48
Maglitenicholas: nope, I have 2G ram and it happens right after boot...12:48
nach0shi all, i have a problem with gutsy, in feisty, it has the file /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules, but in gutsy this files does not exist, how can i change the options for the cedile module ?? thanks12:48
Maglitenicholas: plenty of free ram12:48
NusclyMaglite: does your firefox problem appear when you open a page with flash ?12:48
ganeshgaru:before logging in screen and graphics window comes for manual change12:48
Helvascaanyone want some help?12:48
PiciSleepingSloth: Change it to -generic or -server (if thats what you were using before)12:48
CryoniqWaltzingAlong: might add this is a clean install of Gutsy, and I had a backup of feisty and took the xorg.conf after I tried installing fglrx, but then I had major problems with pieces of windows and text scrolling would be garbeled strangely etc.12:48
Fethmanhow can I use ubuntu through a proxy12:49
=== tomu is now known as ||t0mu||
Maglitenicholas: nope, I can open two empty (about:blank) windows, and the third hangs firefox12:49
hal9000excuse me i have  a problem with compiz fusion12:49
HelvascaFethman: preferences > proxy12:49
SleepingSlothPici,  what - by chaging grub.conf and reboting?12:49
hal9000it works12:49
Fethmanah thx12:49
hal9000}but the animation effects12:49
rjonesxgaru: thanks, i will try, rebooting again.12:49
hal9000now  i m in the live12:49
garuganesh dont know how to help u out on this one...12:49
garurjonesx no prob12:50
hal9000before with faeisty ] beryl12:50
hal9000everything was ok12:50
PiciSleepingSloth: no, remove linux-i386 and install linux-generic12:50
ganeshgaru: thanx..12:50
jribhal9000: try to keep what you say on a single line, or else the channel becomes too busy12:50
PiciSleepingSloth: *don't* reboot between12:50
laxjrib: dont i have to rebuild grub after changing that file?12:50
hal9000someone can help me_12:50
PiciSleepingSloth: or just install -generic if you want to play it safe12:50
hal9000the cube is ok12:50
garuhas anyone installed AWN?12:50
Helvascahal9000: go preferences > Appearence12:50
hal9000yes helvasca12:51
garuI thought it would be one of the default apps in gutsy :o12:51
SleepingSlothPici, can i apt-get that?12:51
hal9000compiz works12:51
nach0shi all, i have a problem with gutsy, in feisty, it has the file /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules, but in gutsy this files does not exist, how can i change the options for the cedile module ???? :(12:51
Helvascahal9000: whats your problem then?12:51
Odd-rationalegaru: I have on feisty.12:51
PiciSleepingSloth: yessir, those are the names of the packages.12:51
hal9000only  when i select animations effects12:51
hal9000such as burn12:51
laxafter changing menu.lst what is the command to rebuild GRUB?12:51
hal9000nothin happens12:51
SleepingSlothPici,  ta12:51
Maglitenicholas: any ideas? I upgraded from feisty and all seemingly went well12:51
garuOdd-rationale humn...I had it on feisty, but, it wasnt very stable that was like 2 or 3 months ago.lol12:51
jriblax: the top of the file should tell you12:51
Helvascahal9000: are all your drivers up to date? and do you have advanced desktop affects on?12:51
laxoh lol12:52
Helvascahal9000, also check that all your key bindings are correct12:52
hal9000y the effects are enabled12:52
hal9000i-m in the live sorry12:52
Odd-rationalegaru: Exactly the same reason I stopped using it, too! I'm wondering whether to try again...12:52
test___do I  required install firewall and antivirus for ubuntu (Iuse standart user)12:52
Helvascahal9000: are you trying to test all the affects?12:52
SleepingSlothPici,  i already seem to have linux-generic - so is it just a case of booting to that kernel?12:52
jribtest___: no12:52
nicholasMaglite: nope. something funky in your hw support. maybe dmesg orsuch will tell you. I don't have it here for sure12:52
rsktest___: no12:52
hal9000as i have an intel 915 gm12:52
BrendanJSo I have an ralink rt61 chipset wifi card, that worked fine in fiesty. But in Gutsy, it doesn't seem to work. I tried doing a "modprobe rt61" but I get "FATAL: Module rt61 not found." Did they really remove this module, and if so, why? Where can I get it back?12:52
hal9000driver is intel12:52
jrib!firewall > test___ (read the private message from ubotu)12:53
hal9000but also with i81012:53
test___it is secury12:53
hal9000is the same12:53
hal9000yes any effects12:53
Nusclytest___: not needed12:53
garuOdd-rationale ahahhhhaha...I saw on youtube, that alot of people r using it, plus, it is said that it was supossed to be stable with gutsy...12:53
hal9000in the animation section12:53
PiciSleepingSloth: Looks like it, If that doesnt work, remove it and re-install it12:53
hal9000other plugin works12:53
rjonesxhmm, i rebooted and now it goes straight to the command line.12:53
hal9000and before with 7.04] beryl12:53
compengihow to check if the flags are correct for my home directory12:53
hal9000plus sorry12:53
Helvascahal9000: please keep things to one line again, so all your effects affects are on?12:53
hal9000the burn effect works12:54
jribcompengi: what flags?12:54
ZambeziWhich is the best application for benchmarking CPU?12:54
hal9000are enabled12:54
Odd-rationalegaru: Well, if you try it, let me know how it goes! ;)12:54
hal9000there is a flag12:54
rskZambezi: real-world applications12:54
compengijrib, permissions12:54
hal9000on animations12:54
jribcompengi: what are they?12:54
rskZambezi: or just do cat /proc/cpuinfo12:54
nach0sDoes anybody know where is the file gtk.immodule in gutsy? on feisty it was in /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules12:54
garuBrendanJ I got the same chipset as you, and it worked fine!12:54
garuBrendanJ what graphics card?12:54
rsknach0s: search for it with locate or slocate12:54
BrendanJgaru, really? Does rt61 show up in "lsmod"?12:54
compengijrib, i mean if the the home directory permission is set correctly12:55
BrendanJgaru, some crappy radeon mobility thing. I've got an old dell laptop12:55
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Helvascaha9000, your best bet is to check out #ubuntu-effects12:55
linux4meanyone here running ultramonkey (lvs-dr) on ubuntu dapper or fiesty?12:55
jribcompengi: tell me what they are and I will tell you if they are ok12:55
nach0srsk, thanks ill look for it..12:55
BrendanJ"ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LY"12:55
garuOdd-rationale hehehe...I will, just dont know when will I try it :)...hehehe ( too scared of messing up the system again, after spending hours sorting out the upgrade problems).lol12:55
rjonesxso, when I boot up, I go straight to the command line - no errors showing, no problems, etc... but straight to the command line. What should I be doing / looking for to figure out why I am not going being taken to the desktop? (x64)12:56
BrendanJgaru, are you running Gutsy?12:56
Odd-rationalegaru: lol Me too12:56
compengijrib, well i need a specific command which i don't know12:56
garuBrendanJ yep it does show on lsmod12:56
BrendanJvery weird12:56
jribcompengi: ls -ld /PATH/TO/SOMETHING12:56
IdleOnerjonesx: is this a fresh install?12:56
BrendanJis there a way I can just download that module from Ubuntu?12:56
garuBrendanJ yep!did you install restricted drivers?12:56
rjonesxIdleOne: no, I ran the update manager12:56
momalAnyone know why in kubuntu i have version upgrade button... I just installed fresh copy of 7.10 :S. Didn't get an answer in #kubuntu so asking here12:56
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garuOdd-rationale I think I'll just borrow someone's lappy to try it on :D12:57
IdleOnerjonesx: at terminal try typing startx see what happens12:57
BrendanJgaru, I shouldn't have to. The rt61 driver is open source.12:57
jribmomal: what does 'lsb_release -a' return?12:57
BrendanJI'd be willing to give that a shot, though12:57
Innomenmorning everyone:  NTFS 300bg external usb 2 enclosure volume will not mount, mounted fine before upgrade to 7.10, attemped force  mount as suggested in error message, no effect, drive dismounts at end. any suggestions?12:57
lasselasseJust installed a fresh ubuntu and cannot raise volume. I do here something but very low12:57
Helvascahal9000: are you still there, check out #compiz-fusion12:57
cypher_Does installing a luksLVM work from Desktop CD now???????12:57
garuBrendanJ I had to do it in mine :o12:58
jriblasselasse: tried double clicking and changing volume for PCM?12:58
Maligencan someone help me ? I've got wireless (broadcom) problems on [Ubuntu 7.10]12:58
Innomensays it did not shutdown cleanly, which is enterly possible as the powersupply is, sensative12:58
momalBredanj: It says description: ubuntu 7.10, release: 7.10, codename: gutsy12:58
lasselassejrib: I did, it' at max12:58
BrendanJgaru, the only thing that shows up in restricted drivers for me is a Software Modem Driver12:58
momalBrendanj: It says description: ubuntu 7.10, release: 7.10, codename: gutsy12:58
BrendanJI never use the modem, so I don't care about that12:58
BrendanJmomal, what?12:59
garuBrendanJ on my lsmod I got rt61pci and rt2x00pci and also rt2x00lib12:59
ramviHow can I find a mis spelled word in launchpad? Its in gnome-volume-properties12:59
rjonesxIdleOne: Fatal server error: no screens found12:59
Bo^Dickcould someone check the md5sum on this file, thanks in advance,  http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/ghc6/ghc6_6.6.1-2ubuntu2_i386.deb12:59
BrendanJgaru, hmm, ok12:59
BrendanJI'll try adding the rt2x00 ones12:59
jribramvi: you mean how do you file a bug?12:59
rjonesxfailed to load the NVIDIA Kernal Module12:59
VSpikeHi folks... I've ended up with an unbootable system after 7.10 upgrade, which is nice...12:59
ramvijrib, cant I find the string in launchpad and just translate it again?12:59
MaligenBrendanj do you also have wireless problems ?12:59
jribBo^Dick: apt should do that for you13:00
momalBrendanj: It seems to just return that it is gutsy... hmm maybe i should run the upgrade and see what it does13:00
IdleOnerjonesx: not sure what that means but you could try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop for gnome or kubuntu-desktop ( kde ) and re-install/install a GUI13:00
garuMaligan wireless problems?13:00
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rjonesxohk, giving that a shot.13:00
BrendanJMaligen, yes, I'm having wireless trouble13:00
Maligenso do I13:00
VSpikeIn grub, I get a choice of 2.6.22-14-generic, 2.6.20-16-generic or 2.6.20-15-generic... the first fails with a kernel panic, the second doesn't actually exist, and last boots but won't start X13:00
sanskritgaru:  rotation and those effects dependent on it works fine on my gf2 mx400 64mb machine :)13:00
jribramvi: is it in a translated language then?13:00
MaligenI' m on ubuntu 7.1013:00
VSpikeI assume the first is the one I'm meant to be using with 7.10?13:01
garusanskrit :)13:01
BrendanJVSpike, boot to the command line and then try doing "sudo apt-get -dist-upgrade"13:01
compengijrib, drwxr-xr-x 48 compengi compengi 4096 2007-10-19 14:56 /home/compengi/ and drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2007-10-19 11:37 /home/13:01
BrendanJto see if you can finish/fix the upgrade13:01
garuMaligen what problems r u having?13:01
jribcompengi: they are fine13:01
* Helvasca is offering help :)13:01
ramvijrib, yep. Norwegian. Its nasty. It starts with <p> and ends with </b>. so you can see the commands. Its been there forever. Though someone would fix it13:01
compengijrib, Okay, thanks a lot13:02
ramvijrib, but that hasnt happened. So now Im taking the matter in my own hands13:02
InnomenWhats a polite time to wait before repeating a request?13:02
mboneI can't upgrade to 7.1013:02
Helvascambone: why is that?13:02
prooghow do i make xchat-gnome minimize to system tray?13:02
Maligengaru: I can't establish connection13:02
Innomen5 10 minutes? or more13:02
VSpikeUgh ... mirc... haven't seen *this* for a while13:02
lgc__Innomen, INFTY, in theory...:).13:02
vltHello. I found the value "MaxRequestSize" for cupsd.conf and set it to "0" (which should be default, I thought) but that doesn't help. A large print job (33 MB) causes the printer to be stopped with "Print file was not accepted (client-error-request-value-too-long)!". Any idea what the problem is here?13:03
seamus7Innomen: I wait til my question scrolls out of sight13:03
chippythats 5 seconds13:03
garuMaligen but, can ur system detect ur wireless network?13:03
Innomenlgc: heheh noted: seamus: that seems too soon for me :)13:03
seamus7chippy: usually not13:03
BrendanJgaru, any idea how to set modules to load on startup?13:03
Maligenyes, I donwloaded the firmware via Restricted Driver Manager, and the leds on the card are on13:03
Helvascambone, what errors are you getting, are you doing an install from a live cd/alternate install or are you using the dist upgrade from feisty?13:03
Maligenso I think the system detects it :P13:03
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mboneHelvasca: I can't find the upgrade to 7.10 in Update Manager, and I already read a similiar problem in ubuntu forum too. Nothing helps so far13:04
crazy_busupgraded to gutsy.  But my core2duo with intel graphics is still freezing at random times.  Any idea of how to fix it?13:04
dan-gGot a question relating to WINE and games... if this isnt the place to ask it can someone direct me to the right place?13:04
seamus7BrendanJ: isn't that in /etc/modules?13:04
jribramvi: not sure how to search translations, try #ubuntu-bugs maybe13:04
VSpikeBrendanJ: apparently, it's going to download 40MB of digikam plugin docs :)13:04
lgc__Innomen, but if you break the etiquette, hell'll break loose and you'll get your attention...:).13:04
BrendanJseamus, maybe?13:04
wilharti've lost all applications in "menu", how do i recreate them?13:04
Picidan-g: #winehq will probably help you out better with specific application compatibility within wine13:04
Innomenlgc: oh i know, they scold me regularly13:04
dan-gthank you pici13:04
mboneso I'm downloading Alternative CD and see ...13:05
Piciwilhart: Right click on the menu, go to edit and there should be a button in there to revert.13:05
askandIs there anyone here who got tracker working good..?13:05
Helvascambone, ok then, I'm just looking to see if I can find a fix13:05
lgc__Innomen, there's bigotry in here, allright.13:05
Maligengaru, any idea ?13:05
seamus7askand: I removed the Deskbar and just used the standalone tracker search out of the Accessories menu13:05
ZambeziAnyone with C2D who can do me a huge favour? Run stress --cpu 8 --timeout 10s and provide me with the result?13:05
Innomenlgc__:  i complain about ubuntu's reliance on command line, i use enter as punctuation, i dont like being called names and i'm affraid to mention my favorite pizza toppings :P13:06
askandseamus7: and then it works good for you?13:06
Innomenlgc__: you know anything about external drives?13:06
seamus7askand: once it finishes its initial indexing ... which may take a while depending on what directories you have it watching13:06
lgc__Innomen, I might.13:06
mboneEveryone upgrade to 7.10 fine, right ? Maybe there is something wrong with the Update Manager > <13:06
rainerubuntu rulez the house ..13:06
lgc__Innomen, what?13:07
wilhartPici: menu editor? kde-menu: You must specify an application-id such as 'kde-konsole.desktop'13:07
Innomenlgc__: it says it didnt shut down clean and now refuses to mount, is there a checkdisk or something i can do to repair?13:07
rainerthese guys are genius13:07
Maligenhow to solve the wireless problem in ubuntu 7.10 ?13:07
Innomenrainer: yes13:07
Piciwilhart: You are using KDE?13:07
wilhartPici: yep13:07
Bo^Dicki've heard many people have failed to install gutsy13:07
rainereverything works out of the box13:07
abcde_I'm having problems running azureus, it crashes when I load it.  I ran it from the terminal so I could get a log, if I pastebin the results, can someone help me with the error?13:07
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lgc__Innomen, try fsck.13:07
rjonesxUpdated Question: Anyone having trouble getting X to start w/ NVIDIA and updated Gutsy install?13:07
rainergusty works perfect on my notebook13:07
Piciwilhart: I'm not very familiar with KDE unfortunately.  You might get a better response in #kubuntu13:07
Innomenlgc__: oky brb13:07
rjonesxi hate you rainer13:07
rjonesxi mean, you give us all hope13:08
blobbbHi, i have a problem with Ubuntu's PHP, but I'm unsure if this is the right place to ask13:08
rainerwhat´s up rjonesx?13:08
rjonesxmy laptop refuses to run x13:08
Innomenrjonesx: lol13:08
Helvascambone: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-446250.html its about the 10th post down13:08
garuBrendanJ sudo nano /etc/modules13:08
rainerwhich kind of notebook do you have?13:08
VSpikerjonesx: yes, but it may be a secondary problem because the correct kernel wont load for me13:08
Bo^Dicki've checked the sum of the file ghc6_6.6.1-2ubuntu2_i386.deb and it is affa889221f60b4b59a0c166983ffd0a13:08
rjonesxdv2214: an HP Pavilion with AMD64x213:08
socketErrhi, i'am search for manuels, to install ubuntu-server on a dell poweredge via drac13:08
Bo^Dickcon someone confirm13:08
raineri got a IBM thinkpad..13:08
Maligengaru: do you have any idea ?13:09
garuBrendanJ sorry for taking too long13:09
yokomoI am interested in encrypting my hard drive on a new ubuntu install, can anyone direct me to a good walk through?13:09
rjonesxyeah, i have learned that laptop+AMD64x2=disaster13:09
askandseamus7: its strange.. if I type tracker-stats it says it has found ~3000 songs..but I dont find anyone of them if I search..13:09
garuMaligen sorry can u repeat ur question...had to step away from the lappy for a little while13:09
Innomenlgc__: that fixed it, thanx man13:09
mbonehi everyone, what is this error ? "W: Bizarre Error - File size is not what the server reported 3702498 4850445"13:09
Bo^Dickmyupdater doesn't like that file not even from it's location, http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/ghc6/ghc6_6.6.1-2ubuntu2_i386.deb13:09
Maligenyes, it's ok13:09
rjonesxis there any chance that kde would work and not gnome?13:10
lgc__Innomen, OK, I just learned something too...:).13:10
rjonesxi mean, im willing to try anything at this point.13:10
PiciBo^Dick: change your repo mirror and try again then.13:10
rjonesxfunctioning laptop = most important13:10
Maligenwell, I experience wireless problems after downloading firmware13:10
VSpikerjonesx: if X won't start, then not likely13:10
Bo^DickPici: how do i do that?13:10
rjonesxVSpike: I shoot the messenger13:10
Innomenl8r guys13:10
VSpikerjonesx: if you login as root and do startx, do you get any useful errors?13:10
Bo^DickPici: sorry for being a noob13:11
jamilihttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=580023 can anyone help me13:11
rjonesxvspike: lots of errors...13:11
garuMaligen ??????????/13:11
PiciBo^Dick: System>adminstration>software sources13:11
MaligenI wrote13:11
rjonesxummm, Fatal: error running install command for nvidia13:11
seamus7askand: does tracker give you an error message or does it find some things just not what you were expecting ?/13:11
Maligen(14.10.21) Maligen: well, I experience wireless problems after downloading firmware13:11
rjonesxscreen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.13:11
Helvascambone: did you have a look at that?13:11
rjonesxfailed to load the nvidia kernel module13:11
Maligenmy broadcom card doesn't seem to work13:11
mini-meis it normal i don't have to give a password anymore when starting synaptic package manager in gutsy?13:12
vicsalve a tutti13:12
Pici!it | vic13:12
garuMaligen would help if u would type the nickname of the person u'r asking the question :o!13:12
Maligengaru, can't you see what I say ?13:12
jribmini-me: your password is saved for some time after you enter it13:12
garuMaligen now i can :)13:12
VSpikerjones: you could try editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf and find the line(s) that say driver "nvidia" and change "nvidia" to "nv", or alternatively "vesa"13:12
Picivic: /j #ubuntu-it13:12
Maligenallright, sorry, I was talking only to you :)13:12
rjonesxummm, failed to load module type 1 module does not exist13:12
VSpikerjonesx: suggest you backup the file first13:12
HelvascaRantingHuman: please don't do that Ubotu is already under enough load tonight13:12
BrendanJWhat the heck? Now I'm seeing an "eth0:avah" interface that's never been there before13:12
mini-mejrib: after my upgrade i never had to give my password :s13:13
rjonesxwill do13:13
Maligengaru, shall I repeat the sentences ?13:13
appaHi, anyone that can help me with my soundcard, cant seem to get any sound from it13:13
askandseamus7: Well it finds some files..dont really see a pattern..small text files..I think...and files on the desktop13:13
Zampaktuhi everybody, can somebody tell me if there is a command to show the code page of a certain file on my files ystem? thanks13:13
garujrib one question...about saving passwords...I have to enter the passphrase to connect to my wireless network everytime I start the pc.shouldnt it be saved in the keyring?13:13
jribmini-me: does it let you install?13:13
RantingHumanHelvasca, sorry, I haven't seen any mesage from ubotu so far, was just checking if it was here13:13
garuMaligen if u dont mind :o13:13
mboneHelvasca: sorry, I've just notice it. I'm checking now ;13:13
Bo^Dicki tried "sudo apt-get update"13:13
Bo^Dickwas this smart?13:13
rjonesxwow, now that is a freaky ass background.13:14
mini-mejrib: yep just installed the advanced compizconfig settings manager without having to give any password13:14
rjonesxholy crap.13:14
garurjonesx that good :o13:14
VSpikerjonesx: does that mean X started?13:14
rjonesxthis may have worked13:14
[Gutsy]Alien18how do i find+install+use new screensavers please?13:14
skeeelwhy my 7.04 to 7.10 upgrade bloque at file 60/76 in the preparation13:14
Maligengaru: (14.10.21) Maligen: well, I experience wireless problems after downloading firmware, my wireless card doesn't seem to work13:14
yokomoI am interested in encrypting my hard drive on a new ubuntu install, can anyone direct me to a good walk through?13:14
Bo^Dickhope that "sudo apt-get update" did the trick and refreshed the repositories13:14
rjonesxim getting a "restricted drivers available"13:14
PiciBo^Dick: if you changed your mirror and did, then it should13:15
Odd-rationaleyokomo: Yes. One moment.13:15
lavender_dreamgrr... anyone here use Opera with Flash?13:15
humboltoI have a small little problem with Xephyr13:15
yokomoOdd-rationale: thank you13:15
garuMaligen when o do lsmod, which modules do you get there?13:15
VSpikerjonesx: you could try it -- worst that will happen is you end up where you started again13:15
garuMaligen the ones related to your wifi car13:15
garuMaligen the ones related to your wifi card13:15
seamus7askand: maybe the tracker daemon got stopped by accident ... try rebooting and check it again13:15
humboltoWhen I run "Xephyr :1 & export DISPLAY=:1; xterm" I get Xlib: connection to "localhost:2.0" refused by server13:15
Maligengaru, can you explain ?13:16
humboltoAUDIT: Fri Oct 19 14:14:45 2007: 9131 Xephyr: client 1 rejected from IP
[Gutsy]Alien18lavender_dream: i gave up trying install it, bit over my head13:16
RobotBananaWow that was laggy....13:16
Maligengaru, bcm43xx               127336  013:16
garuMaligen do lsmod in the terminal and check if u got any of these rt61 or rt61pci and rt2x00pci rt2x00lib13:16
Odd-rationaleyokomo: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Encrypted-Ubuntu-7-10-68383.shtml Be aware that you will need the Alternative install cd.13:16
RobotBananaIn case it didn't go through... Got a newbie question for you guys: I have Ubuntu and XP on a dualboot, but the other day I was messing around and caused some problems with Ubuntu. I plan to just reformat the Ubuntu partition and install Gutsy there. But, is it possible to get Gutsy to overwrite the current Grub entirely so I could get rid of the old Ubuntu lists, etc?13:17
askandseamus7: Im afraidI tried that too : /13:17
jribmini-me: and you never entered your password for anything else after you logged in?13:17
K0NxZcan anyone help me... i am trying to burn DVDs13:17
VSpikeBrendanJ: OK, I've done the aptitude dist-upgrade, and the situation is the same13:17
garuMaligen didnt u say u had a rt61 chipset?13:17
jamilihow can i install lilo on ubuntu?13:17
Maligengaru, I didn't, it's a rt250013:17
K0NxZavi to dvd video watchable on my dvd player....13:17
seamus7askand: hmmm ... i don't know then ... have you checked the forums or launchpad13:17
VSpikeI get VFS: cannot open root device13:18
RobotBananaAlso, where on the drive is Grub stored? Will reformatting the Ubuntu installation remove grub?13:18
lavender_dream<[Gutsy]Alien1: Grr.. I'm trying to get Flash to work right when I'm tab-browsing in Opera... I even copied the plugin file to opera/plugins folder and made it only use folder path to non-free flash folder and opera plugin folder...13:18
mini-mejrib: not that i know of, that's why i came here. Because i was thinking it maybe was a new policy13:18
IdleOnejamili: sudo apt-get install lilo13:18
VSpikeI get VFS: cannot open root device "UUID=......" or unknown-block(0,0)13:18
garuMaligen sorry about all this mix. 'm confused now...I know nothing about the broadcom :o, which is the one u got!13:18
Odd-rationaleyokomo: Did you get my line?13:18
seamus7RobotBanana: upon ubuntu installation windows is normally detected and grub offers to install itself in the Master Boot Record .... this will overwrite your previous grub menu ... it's found at /boot/grub/menu.lst13:18
VSpikePlease append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:13:18
lavender_dream<[Gutsy]Alien1: Specifically I have problem with sound/video skipping when I'm tab-browsing.13:18
jribmini-me: mine prompts for a password.  Does 'gksu synaptic' prompt you for a password?13:18
askandseamus7: I will, thanks for trying to help13:19
jamiliIdleOne: i'm on live cd atm, grub wont start becaues it can't read my hdd (i have jmicron controller)13:19
SuperPigsanyone here knows ssh???13:19
darkanyeli can't install firefox extensions help!13:19
jamiliso i just do that and install ubuntu agian?13:19
VSpikeKernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)13:19
Maligengaru: Minitar  MN 54 GCB13:19
SuperPigsssh tunnels!!???13:19
yokomoOdd-rationale: yes, thank you very,very much13:19
VSpikeAnyone seen similar?13:19
RobotBananaseamus7: Thanks. So then it's safe to just wipe the Ubuntu partition? Grub won't get damaged?13:19
BrendanJso I downloaded the tar.gz of the rt61 module I need. How do I compile it?13:19
Odd-rationaleyokomo: np13:19
mini-mejrib: yes that does13:19
RobotBananaseamus7: Or at least shouldn't...13:19
IdleOnejamili: not sure if lilo has a livecd but google and check it out13:19
HelvascaSuperPigs: that is very vague what about them?13:19
Maligengaru with broadcom BCM 430613:19
Audu3Hey! have a problem with my live CD, the computer boots, but when attempting to load the OS something fails and I am sent to a terminal environment and told that something fail abnormally, I've MD5 checked the isofile and verified the burn , 7.04 live cd works fine. Anyone know what to do_13:19
jribmini-me: try alt-f2 and then 'sudo -K'13:19
garuwhat's the partition manager in gutsy gibbon?I want to resize my partition13:19
jamiliIdleOne: ok13:20
SuperPigshelvasca well i got a tunnel open but i need to do url surfing now... i dont get it how i do that??? what client do i need or what cmd?13:20
mini-mebefore i press, alt-f2, how do i come back, because mostly i have a problem with that :)13:20
Kee1hi, my sound drivers sound very choppy when playing music, I'm using a sound blast live 5.1 is there any reason for this?13:20
rjonesxwhere is the sources list again?13:21
VSpikeWhat kernels does a clean install of gutsy offer btw?13:21
Maligengaru: shall I whisper to u ?13:21
ReubenGood evening everyone. This is my second time trying to get ubuntu to dual boot after a FRESH install with Windows XP Pro. What I did was install Windows XP Pro first, then boot into livecd, started installation, let the installer resize the partition through guided mode (all default settings), and then rebooted the system. Upon reboot it now says Error Loading Operating System...13:21
jribmini-me: alt-f2 won't take you anywhere13:21
seamus7RobotBana: right. just reinstall ubuntu overtop your old installation and when the partition manager comes up allow it to reformat your file system ... if you installed your home directory into its own partition then you would NOT reformat that unless it was a completely fresh installation13:21
Reubenwhat should i do?13:21
HelvascaSuperPigs: do you want to forward say Mozilla to the computer your on? do the computer your on have X running?13:21
mboneHelvasca: thank you for that :) but i think I should wait for the Alternate CD and do a more stable upgrade :)13:21
VSpikerjonesx: /etc/apt/sources.list13:21
Maglitenicholas: Turns out it was the google toolbar that was doing something. When I disabled it, it works like a charm, too bad I cannot use the toolbar though...13:21
IdleOnemini-me: alt-f2 opens a run application window nothing to come back from13:21
toxixrjonesx: /etc/apt/sources.list13:21
mini-mejrib: was thinking of the console thing :)13:21
darkanyelhello everybody i can't install firefox extensions help!13:21
seamus7RobotBana: grub will be reinstalled and it will detect windows and all will be swell13:21
RobotBananaseamus7: Great, thanks. :D13:21
IdleOnemini-me: if you mean ctrl-alt-f2 then you do ctrl-alt-f713:22
seamus7RobotBana: psychocats.com is a great website for help with all of that13:22
mini-meIdleOne that's what i meant :)13:22
ReubenAnyone can assist me? Really desperate...Been trying for the whole day13:22
SuperPigshelvasca i fired up the tunnel in console and now its online. but now i need to surf proxy via it13:22
davzieI love Ubuntu 7.1013:22
mini-mejrib: have done what you asked, what should it do?13:22
SuperPigshelvasca i have no idea if that is done via client or cmd or something else13:22
VSpikeI'm hating it so far13:22
Helvascambone: thats the best way to go, remember to back up your data, and if possible have a seperate home partion!13:22
davzieWhy VSpike13:22
garudavzie did u get AWN to work?13:22
jribmini-me: now try synaptic from the menu13:22
ShaffoxWhat's the best way to install gibbon? Update or with a clean install from a cde ?13:23
seamus7RobotBanana: I meant psychocats.net/ubuntu13:23
garuVSpike dont hate it...its a great distro :o13:23
rjonesxhow do i restart network?13:23
VSpikedavzie: won't boot13:23
mini-mejrib: hooraay a password prompt :p13:23
RobotBananaseamus7: Yup yup, figured it out. :)13:23
VSpikegaru: won't boot13:23
davziesudo NetworkManager restart13:23
garudavzie Avant Windows Navigator13:23
Maligencan someone help me ? I have wireless problems (broadcom BCM 4306) on [Ubuntu 7.10]13:23
mini-mejrib: thx man for your advice !!!!13:23
skeeelanyone know how i can avoid my gutsy update to not block at file 60 at preparation ?13:23
davzieNot sure I've tried13:23
VSpikekilled my machine13:23
davzieEverything seems to be just working for me13:23
garujrib help me out with my password prob.lol13:23
ReubenPLease someone... I can't be the only one having this problem...Good evening everyone. This is my second time trying to get ubuntu to dual boot after a FRESH install with Windows XP Pro. What I did was install Windows XP Pro first, then boot into livecd, started installation, let the installer resize the partition through guided mode (all default settings), and then rebooted the system. Upon reboot it now says Error Loading Operating System...13:24
abcde_Anyone else having issues with azureus?13:24
jribgaru: hmm?13:24
jribabcde_: best to just ask the channel your next question and see if anyone knows the answer13:24
seamus7abcde_: how did you get azureus?13:24
IdleOne!dualboot | Reuben take a look at this13:24
abcde_seamus7, I did the tar and the repo, each fresh13:24
Kee1hi, sound is very choppy when playing music, I'm using a sound blast live 5.1 and ubuntu 7.10 is there any reason for this?13:24
IdleOneis ubotu ignoring me or something?13:24
garujrib everytime I restart my pc, I have to enter the passphrase for my wireless network.Shouldnt it be automatically saved in the keyrings?13:25
mboneHelvasca: what you mean by "seperate home partion" ? I have Win XP and Ubuntu on two partion. That is, I wonder ? :)13:25
seamus7abcde_: have you tried the #azureus channel? what's the problem exactly?13:25
BrendanJSo where do I put the rt61.ko module file once it's compiled?13:25
Maligencan someone help me ? I have wireless problems (broadcom BCM 4306) on [Ubuntu 7.10]13:25
ReubenIdleOne: what should I be looking for? i don't see anything coming through13:25
abcde_seamus7, no one answered on the azureus-support channel13:25
jribgaru: oh right, I don't use wireless so I don't know anything about it13:25
=== Kee1 is now known as Keef_
IdleOneReuben: wiki.ubuntu.org/dualboot ( might list a few links find the correct one13:25
WorkingOnWisewhere do I access /dev/usbfs in 7.1013:25
kyjaMaligen, what is the trouble?13:25
garujrib humn...oki doki...thanks anywayz ;)13:25
Helvascambone, check your pm.13:26
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seamus7abcde_: the problem?13:26
abcde_seamus7, One person did, but he said to use the tar, then he had to go to work, and the tar doesn't work 100%, it is running now, but when I do anything not Vuze, it crashes13:26
Maligenkyja: I downloaded firmware with the Manager, and the card seems to be work (leds are on) but can't establish connection13:26
VSpikeWhat kernels does a clean install of gutsy offer?13:26
seamus7abcde_: I always installed the non-Vuze version and it worked perfectly for me13:26
abcde_seamus7, I can't add my own torrents, or anything, it crashes.  I have output from a terminal run if you want me to pastebin it13:27
skeeelGRRRR why this @#$%^&* update block that way ???13:27
fietei cant find the expose plugin any more in gutsy. what is it called now?13:27
Bo^Dicki changed mirror and now my download speed is more like 33kbps rather than 240kpbs13:27
abcde_seamus7, where do I get the non-Vuze?  do I just do 2.5, or did they release a non-Vuze?13:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:27
K0NxZanyone has Nero running on Ubuntu???13:27
kyjayou selected the access point from a list in the applet? Maligen13:27
ubotuvic: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:27
pengodoes the gutsy cd (as a live cd) automatically pick up a linux swap partition?13:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:27
seamus7abcde_: I'm sorry I only know the non-Vuze verions, i think it's 2.5, hold let me check13:27
rjonesxare the "restricted drivers" for nvidia goign to keep me from running beryl?13:27
Bo^Dickit's amazing that different mirrors have different md5sums on their files13:27
ubotuReuben take a look at this: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty13:27
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:28
skeeelK0NxZ, what for , you have much free alternatives13:28
Maligenkyja there is nothing in the applet (even if [in my router] I hide essid or not)13:28
Odd-rationalepengo: yes. it creates one.13:28
abcde_seamus7, when I did 2.5, I couldn't add plugins, which I need.13:28
WorkingOnWisewhere do I access /dev/usbfs on 7.10?13:28
robinlapt-get autoremove wants to remove this: linux-headers-2.6.20-16 <-- is this safe?13:28
IdleOneReuben: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows13:28
VSpikedear god... the packages involved in installing the kernels on ubuntu are just horrendous13:28
K0NxZskeeel: i want to re-encode avi files to burn so they can play on my dvd player....13:28
seamus7abcde_: plugins work with the non-Vuze version ...13:28
pengoOdd-rationale: i mean just while running as a live cd.. i dont seem to have enough ram to get thru an install (256mb)13:28
robinlVSpike: so it isn't safe?13:29
ReubenIdleOne: I installed Windows first then ubuntu though13:29
abcde_seamus7, I know that, I mean when I had 2.5, I didn't have the "install plugins" option13:29
skeeelK0NxZ, i have no clue how you can do that , sorry13:29
kyjaMaligen, and you have even tried to manualy enter the essid with the new connection option? this is strangebecasue I have bcm4306 on an hp zd800013:29
BrendanJWhere do I need to copy a .ko file to so that it can find the module?13:29
ReubenIdleOne: I was looking at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=574125&highlight=error+loading+operating+system&page=5 don't see a resolution there :(13:29
Odd-rationalepengo: try the alt cd. uses less ram 128 i *think*13:29
[Gutsy]Alien18how do i set the picture for the top and bottom of my cube please?13:29
pengoOdd-rationale: yeah i realised that after i'd already downloaded this one :)13:29
Maligenkyja yes I tried :S13:29
Reubenubotu: yea i know how to do it and actually i did it all as per the guide...it failed...13:30
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K0NxZskeeel: aight thanks... i know there are alot of alternatives... but i used nero and it works well for me...13:30
Odd-rationale[Gutsy]Alien18: Enable cube caps13:30
KaZhello how can i make update manager do not update my kernel plz ?13:30
Ash-FoxI upgraded my ubuntu-server setup to gutsy and since then, I find I am unable to communicate on my 'internal network', my /etc/network/interfaces can be seen at http://ash-fox.quickfox.org/temp/interfaces.txt - any suggestions?13:30
seamus7abcde_: you place plugins in the azureus plugins directory13:30
ReubenIs IdleOne a bot?13:30
IdleOneReuben: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:31
Maligenkyja: there are 2 leds on the card on is for power and other is for connection, both of them are on, but connection led should flashing13:31
IdleOneno I am not13:31
Ash-Foxah crap, obviously that's not going to work.. let me put that on pastebin13:31
XiXaQI've installed from the server cd, lamp, sshd, and mailserver. Now I want to install a gui. Is there any significant difference between using apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and installing the ubuntu-desktop task in tasksel?13:31
Maligenkyja do you know what I mean ?13:31
IdleOneReuben: but I feel like one right now lol13:31
sisseckanyone know how to disable the changing of desktops with the scroll wheel?13:31
abcde_seamus7, I don't have to install them?  I'll try that, I'll let you know.13:31
ReubenIdleOne: lol ok just checking :P cause ubotu sent me a message saying it was one :P13:31
BaikonurReuben: yeah it is, but it can pass the turing test13:31
nikusanHi all, is it safe to install from a 7.10 desktop cd with a corrupt ./casper/filesystem.squashfs?13:31
seamus7abcde_: if i remember correctly you add them to the azureus plugins directory and then go into azureus and search for them13:31
kyjaMaligen, yes it sounds strange. after reboot you should have been rawking.13:31
seamus7within the tools or plugins menu13:31
seamus7abcde_: within the tools or plugin menu on azureus13:32
andi``i have a video in openoffice and i want the video to start when i click on it, but it always starts when i change to the slide13:32
IdleOneTest! what test? this is a test please do not adjust your screen.13:32
Maligenkyja : what is rawking ?13:32
seamus7abcde_: also the Vuze version should have an option within it to switch to the classic interface... have yoou tried that13:32
abcde_seamus7, should I install azureus gcj as well, in synaptic, I have azureus, then azureus-gcj13:32
abcde_seamus7, it crashes when I switch to that13:32
Ash-FoxI upgraded my ubuntu-server setup to gutsy and since then, I find I am unable to communicate on my 'internal network', my /etc/network/interfaces can be seen at http://pastebin.com/d78d41049 - any suggestions? ifconfig shows all the adapters are up with the correct IP address assignments.13:32
ReubenIdleOne:okie I am the site and reading through it...don't quite see what I should be looking at though13:32
dan-gI'm trying to upgrade from 7.04 and getting the following error when I try to use the updater to upgrade: "Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)"13:33
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seamus7abcde_: i always did just azureus ... not azureus-gcj13:33
IdleOneReuben: you need to fix grub so it sees the OSes13:33
kyjaMaligen, sorry its an expression. I meant you should have had no trouble and be happily using it.13:33
livingdaylighttengo una pregunta13:33
KaZhello how can i make update manager do not update my kernel plz ?13:33
Maligenkyja: yes :(13:33
livingdaylightanyone know about configuring gmail checker?13:33
MaligenI done 2 reboots since that13:33
Maligenso I don't know13:33
livingdaylighti don't know how to point it ot Firefox?13:34
BrendanJugh, this is ridiculous, is there a way to make Ubuntu reinstall broken driver modules using synaptic?13:34
pengoOdd-rationale: yep it seems to be using the swap partition i created in DSL.. cool13:34
Maligenkyja what did you exactly do ? maybe I do some mistakes13:34
livingdaylightIn gmail checker --> Configure --> Browser Path --> ??? Anyone know?13:34
Odd-rationalepengo: Great! Did you download the alt CD that fast?!13:34
ReubenIdleOne: just wondering. how come a default installation can go wrong as well? I did a full disk check and even a full format of my hard drive before proceeding13:35
pengoOdd-rationale: no. the normal cd works ok when it has some swap13:35
covian13Hi all, why do I get a "no such directory, or file" when  there is a directory , of file?13:35
IdleOneReuben: stuff happens sometimes13:35
livingdaylightpuede algien ayudarme con la pregunta de gmailcheck?13:35
pengoi think the minimum requirement should be more than 256 mb ram for the normal installer13:35
osfameron!es | livingdaylight13:36
ubot3livingdaylight: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.13:36
ubotulivingdaylight: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.13:36
ReubenIdleOne: ahh could be that it wants to boot the PATA instead of the SATA first13:36
NomikosDid a (remote) upgrade via screen/ssh, went ok, finally rebooted, went home, but then it got stuck at the start of the progress bar underneath the Ubuntu logo and dropped to a shell13:36
livingdaylightno no no amigos... entiendo muy bien Ingles tambien!13:36
IdleOneReuben: posible but I wouldnt know how to help you with it13:36
r_rehashedhello everybody13:36
BrendanJoh, k es su problema?13:36
Nomikosany chance I can fix that without clean reinstall?13:36
jriblivingdaylight: stick to english in here13:36
kyjaMaligen, I connected to routher with ethernet and selected restricted driver in preferences. it dpwnloaded wl_apsta.o and I restarted. after that it fould and automaticly  connected to my non secured hotspot. once in a while I have to tell it to connect but it sees it in a scan and connectes automaticly usualy13:36
Maligenkyja: are you there ?13:36
Maligensry :P13:37
livingdaylightmy qrestion is: In gmail checker --> Configure --> Browser Path --> ??? Anyone know?13:37
Maligenkyja: that's fine :S13:37
osfameronlivingdaylight: would it be the location of, say, your firefox ?13:37
jriblivingdaylight: /usr/bin/firefox13:37
IdleOneReuben: take a look at Changing the Disk that Grub is installed to on the GrubHowto page13:37
livingdaylightjrib, gracias amigo... sanx sooooo much13:37
Maligenkyja: do you have ubuntu 7.10 ?13:37
kyjaMaligen, is it a non secured access point?13:37
vltAny idea how to solve my CUPS problem "Print file was not accepted (client-error-request-value-too-long)!"?13:37
livingdaylightosfameron, yesh... jrib chelp me13:37
r_rehashedi reduced the 'delete history files older than' option in synaptic from 30 to 10, and now it's been using full CPU for almost 10 mins.13:37
r_rehashedi am not able to kill synaptic either13:38
Maligenkyja: yes It is13:38
r_rehashedwhat should i do?13:38
Maligenkyja: and essid isn't hided13:38
ZambeziCan anyone with C2D who can do me a huge favour? Run stress --cpu 8 --timeout 10s and provide me with the result? I need to see if it's worth an upgrade.13:38
seamus7abcde_: there seems to be a bug filed at launchpad causing crashes in azureus .... one person wrote that if you install from sourceforge that it works ... http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=84122  ... check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/azureus/+bug/5787513:38
kyjaMaligen, yes I have been using 7.10 all of the month of October13:38
ReubenIdleOne: Somehow spamming Esc didn't work to edit the boot options...do i have to boot into LiveCD to follow those instructions?13:38
Maligenkyja: and I also tried to connect with direct IP, nothing happens13:38
IdleOneReuben: you need to reboot and just as the machine starts hit esc13:39
abcde_seamus7, I saw the bug, but I didn't see how to fix it.13:39
IdleOnemight want to print out the info first Reuben13:39
Maligenkyja: thank you for help, I go and try to do something :D, bye13:39
kyjaMaligen, you could try to look at iwconfig in terminal to see what frequency it is set on.13:39
seamus7abcde_: if it's a new bug then it isn't fixed yet ... I was using Azureus perfectly until a couple days ago when I switched to Deluge13:39
kyjak later13:39
fiXXXerMe1Repos are still bogged down?13:39
* IdleOne is out. have a good day folks Happy first day after release day :)13:39
ReubenIdleOne: did that :( i was spamming Esc really fast...could be caues it's a USB keyboard but i had enabled legacy usb support. IdleOne: i'm on a separate computer so it should be ok13:39
livingdaylightosfameron, jew see for me de location of firefox is in Applicaition>Intetnet... but ocfourso that is not the path gmail checker wanted13:39
ReubenIdleOne: nuuuu13:39
Maligenkyja: hm..yes but I don't know what frequency is good for me13:40
getBoaHi yAll, i wanna see the all packages installed by apt-get...where's that log file ??13:40
INTitHey all im abit worried, im downloading the Gutsy gibbon update now i hears special effects is on by default, in my current version enabling special effects crashed my laptop13:40
Prophezyanyone know how to install Compiz on Kubuntu?13:40
abcde_seamus7, Does deluge have an IP-range auto-blocker?13:40
INTitis gutsy gibbon going to do the same ?13:40
Maligenkyja: fuxk13:40
Maligenkyja: sorry...erm13:40
kyjaMaligen, well they should auto negotiate with one another to match frequencies but if they are not then that can be trouble13:40
seamus7one person thinks he has a solution and a patch here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/azureus/+bug/57875/comments/10813:40
livingdaylightdis is an area Linux can still become more friendly. When asked if want to open with another application there is no easy way to navigate to Applications and pick client from menu list...13:40
Maligenkyja I just noticed that my WEP is active :S13:40
jribINTit: they should only be enabled if your hardware supports it I believe13:40
robj232323somewhat new to ubuntu-- are there any cool apps out there besides desktop managers?13:41
seamus7abcde_: one person thinks he has a solution/patch here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/azureus/+bug/57875/comments/10813:41
INTitok thanks13:41
kyjaMaligen, :)13:41
livingdaylightand we don't all know where and what usr/bin/share/locale etc an application is always, si? no?13:41
seamus7robj232323: what kind of apps?13:41
pdlnhrdif i plug in a firewire drive?  how can i find out what its path is?13:41
robj232323anything easier to use than xtraceroute? for starters13:42
Nomikospdlnhrd: I *think* it might turn up in /media13:42
seamus7pdlnhrd: wouldn't that automatically mount in /media/ or /dev/ or maybe even /mnt/ ... check there.13:42
pdlnhrdNomikos: no such luck :(13:42
NomikosBut I just hosed the install so can't check X-/13:42
r_rehashedZambezi: stress --cpu 8 --timeout 10s13:42
r_rehashedstress: info: [14313] dispatching hogs: 8 cpu, 0 io, 0 vm, 0 hdd13:42
r_rehashedstress: info: [14313] successful run completed in 10s13:42
jriblivingdaylight: you *should* have a list of applications13:42
Prophezydo anyone know why my computer starts to be hot like a vulcan when i use Kubuntu, it be so warm that its turns off automatic13:43
robj232323or even an app to help me learn programming of some language would be awesome13:43
Baikonuri just coinet a new, shorter word for Compiz Fusion13:43
pdlnhrdseamus7:  no it doesn't show up in any of those spots... if i just knew how to find the device path i can deal with it.. but i don't knwo where it is13:43
VletProphezy: becuase your systems fans aren't working?13:43
WorkingOnWisewhere do I access /dev/usbfs on 7.10?13:44
NeodudemanProphezy: how long have you had the laptop?13:44
Odd-rationaleBaikonur: lol Why is that?13:44
getBoaHi yAll, i wanna see the all packages installed by apt-get...where's that log file ??13:44
NeodudemanProphezy: or computer.13:44
ProphezyLaptop  6 month13:44
Nomikosrobj232323: there are many online tutorials on any language you want :-)13:44
NeodudemanProphezy: is it a toshiba?13:44
livingdaylightjrib, i don't understand "you should have a list of applications"? After an application has been selected from 'other' yes it will be there in future but not the first time. First time one has to know ones way around the tree13:44
Nomikosrobj232323: try http://diveintopython.org/13:44
livingdaylighti mean filesystem13:44
jriblivingdaylight: nope13:44
ProphezyNeodudeman : no its Fujitsu siemens13:45
BaikonurOdd-rationale: it's just a short for COMpiz and Fusion, somehow the m has turned into n :)13:45
robj232323that's what i'm talking about.. thanks for some tips besides running 40 desktops13:45
livingdaylightjrib, with configuring gmail checker this was also a different but equally good example... how a newbie shuld know /usr/bin/firefox13:45
Odd-rationaleBaikonur: ok. I thought it was giving trouble or something.13:45
NeodudemanProphezy: Try cleaning out the cooling fan. I know that I just cleaned out my laptop's cooling fan, and it never shuts off anymore.13:45
abcde_seamus7, I did what he said, and I still have an issue, it works until I add a torrent13:45
Nomikosrobj232323: also, there should be a package manager somewhere in the administration menu where you can install/search for other software13:46
abcde_seamus7, if Deluge has an iprange blocker, I'd use it13:46
livingdaylightjrib, yes, example yesterday i wanted to use a different torrent client and altthough i installed Deluge it was not there as choice, so i had to click on oter an dnavigate my way to usr/bin/deluge13:46
gN__Etermwho do i can see a movie .dat ?13:46
gN__Etermis urgent plz13:46
WorkingOnWisewhere do I access /dev/usbfs on 7.10?13:46
xep17do you any good gmail gnome notifier ?13:46
NomikosWhat do I do when the update to Gutsy drops me into a shell on reboot? Anyone?13:46
gN__Etermwho do i can see a movie .dat ?, is urgent plz!13:46
ProphezyNeodudeman: oki, but how come its just in Kubuntu andnot in windows.. is there something that makes the CPU work more in Kubuntu?13:46
xep17gnome gmail notifier is not in ubuntu13:46
seamus7pdlnhrd: see http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/will-ubuntu-recognize-my-external-firewire-hard-drive-515404/13:47
jriblivingdaylight: that's gmail-checker-specific, this is what I get when I right-click and choose "other application": http://img291.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotopenwithai8.png13:47
gN__Etermwho do i can see a movie .dat ?, is urgent plz!13:47
lavender_dreamWhat is the best way to have Opera (9.24 from Add/Remove) use Flash (9) without having video/sound hiccups while tab-browsing? I copied the libflashplayer.so file from /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree to /usr/lib/opera/plugins and still have stuttering problem in Opera. Anyone care to share some insight on this? Thank you very much in advance!13:47
dimas_what i need to do to get gutsy recognized my camera? do i have to patch the driver or update the modules?13:47
gN__Etermwho do i can see a movie .dat ?, is urgent plz!13:47
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WorkingOnWisexep17: if you usr Pigin, it can notify of new mail in all supported clients.13:47
NeodudemanProphezy: oh it's not in windows, only kubuntu? That's an interesting.13:47
aleph1hello everyone I need some apt help.13:47
xep17Pigin ?13:47
jribxep17: mail-notification is nicer imo13:47
pengoapt-get help13:47
aleph1I have a package that won't update, uninstall nor purge13:48
aleph1it's blocking all apt stuff13:48
Maligenkyla are you still here ?13:48
xep17i'm not using pop3 retrieval13:48
jribaleph1: pastebin the command and full error output13:48
aleph1how can I force something like this?13:48
xep17all my mail stay on the gmail account13:48
xep17any idea ?13:48
gN__Etermwho do i can see a movie .dat ?, is urgent plz!13:48
NeodudemanProphezy: I don't know what to tell you cept to try cleaning out your fan. Kubuntu might just be taking more cpu because of desktop effects13:48
VSpikeshould i have nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new installed?13:48
jribxep17: you can enable pop and still keep all the mail there13:48
Odd-rationalealeph1: Which package?13:48
WorkingOnWisexep17: pidgin...it doesnt need pop3 retrieval.13:48
dimas_does anyone has ov51x driver working on gutsy?13:49
xep17what is pidgin ?13:49
ProphezyNeodudeman : yes is only in Kubuntu. Its the same problem when i tried to install Kubuntu.. after 85 % the fan be so warm so it turns off the laptop....13:49
xep17i don't want to have to download the mail on local13:49
Prophezyi mean CPU not the fan13:49
aleph1Odd-rationale:  mysql-server-5.0 and hplip13:49
seamus7abcde_: what happens when you try to add a torrent in azureus13:49
Maligenkyja ?13:49
xep17i don't want the mail to me local13:49
xep17i want they to stay on gmail13:49
WorkingOnWisexep17: pidgin is a multi protical chat client. used to be called GAIM13:49
Odd-rationalealeph1: I have a similiar problem with msttcorefonts.13:49
abcde_seamus7, azureus just closes13:50
tarelerulzwith what every bit torrent client I use I all ways seem to share ok .  I never seem to need to port forward anything.  Sharing is all ways the problem.  Plus find out what if it use tcp udp . It seem like azureus is the only one that use both of them and the other don't seem to tell most the time if they even use tcp or udp .  Do most just use tcp and I should know that13:50
jribxep17: then don't download it.  I have pop enabled and do not download any mail13:50
NeodudemanProphezy: Ya, I dunno Prophezy, i'm not very familiar with kubuntu; but i'm sure someone else here will know.13:50
xep17has anyone used gmailfs yet ?13:50
aleph1how did you fix it? Odd-rationale13:50
Odd-rationalealeph1: Can't install. Can't remove. It's strange.13:50
xep17(for another problem)13:50
schreggeis it possible to install ltsp5 in an domU environment? (with xen)13:50
jribxep17: you will see if you check the pop options in gmail13:50
ReubenHi, I'm booted up on LiveCD and am trying to find out why my Ubuntu dual boot with XP won't work giving me an Error loading operating system error. Right now I'm trying to look at Grub to see if anything is wrong. However when I type df /boot, it shows me the LiveCD boot. How can I check what my real hard disk has set to boot?13:50
FantGood morning.   The upgrade to 7.10 failed on my laptop and now all i can get to is a terminal window inside X.  Is there a shell based way to continue the upgrade process ???13:50
seamus7abcde_: deluge has blocklist importer and proxy functions13:50
xep17jrib, how does the notifier know a mail is an old or new one ? by pop3 ? if it does not download the mail ?13:51
_AndrewAnyone know the commands so I can see what wine is doing? This company wants me to run a "verification" program13:51
Vlettarelerulz: are you asking questions, or telling us things?13:51
aleph1if I try to install I get:13:51
aleph1Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should13:51
aleph1 reinstall it before attempting configuration.13:51
prooghelp! my ubuntu laptop is in trouble: the hard disk activity light is constantly on, the screen is off and it doesn't seem to react to ctrl+alt+backspace, ctrl+alt+del, etc!13:51
abcde_seamus7, I don't mean importer, I like azureus' safepeer since it auto-updates13:51
NeodudemanReuben: is your volume mounted?13:51
=== Infra is now known as Infra|red
NomikosFant: you get inside X? lucky you, I dropped into a shell before X even loads :-p13:51
ProphezyNeodudeman : :) thanks you for the time ;) .. i will try to suck out all the dust in my laptop and see :D13:51
pdlnhrdanyone with firewire help?    i can't seem to figure out the device path to my external harddrive.  i have checked lspci and it recognizes my host adapter fine.13:51
seamus7abcde_: deluge downloads a fresh list each time you start it . or choose to reload it13:51
flickhow can i download/change window themes for ubuntu?13:51
Odd-rationalealeph1: Unfortunately, I do not know how to fix it. just wondering whether it was the same packages as yours.13:51
aleph1same with remove: dpkg: error processing mysql-server-5.0 (--remove):13:51
aleph1 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should13:51
aleph1 reinstall it before attempting a removal.13:51
jribxep17: no idea, but mail-notification works13:51
NeodudemanProphezy: sure thing proph13:51
chippyi use deluge bittorrent client. it works really well, and has choice of p2p blocking options13:52
Fantyea i can get to X .. just nothing else loads but terminal13:52
aleph1is there any way to FORCE a package purge?13:52
xep17has anyone used gmailfs yet ?13:52
NomikosFant: any error logs you can check to see where it stalls?13:52
Vletflick: this is a good site: http://gnome-look.org/13:52
abcde_seamus7, I'll try it then.  I was here yesterday, and someone kept suggesting it, but didn't know about the ip-range blocking13:52
schreggei get an error when i execute ltsp-build-client: http://pastebin.ca/74233013:52
NomikosFant: /var/log/system or somesuch13:52
FantNomikos:  looking now13:52
jribxep17: ah, mail-notification can do gmail accounts as well so you don't need pop13:52
NeodudemanIs it normal that Gutsy runs so much slower than Fiesty? =/13:52
=== delor_ is now known as delor
ReubenHi, I'm booted up on LiveCD and am trying to find out why my Ubuntu dual boot with XP won't work giving me an Error loading operating system error. Right now I'm trying to look at Grub to see if anything is wrong. However when I type df /boot, it shows me the LiveCD boot. How can I check what my real hard disk has set to boot? I'm really new at Linux so a bit lost....13:53
VletNeodudeman: no13:53
=== Kee1 is now known as Keef_
NomikosNeodudeman: check 'top' in a terminal window to see if something's hogging the CPU13:53
fuzzy_logichi people.. i installed ubuntu on virtualbox but the guest additions won't mount.. anyone else have this problem? how can i fix it?13:53
seamus7abcde_: go to deluge-torrent.org (or whatever it is) and install the latest debian package 5.5-2 ... i don't think it's in the repositories yet13:53
livingdaylightjrib, its still downloading13:53
Fantreally nothing of interest in the logs Nomikos ... is there a way to start the upgrade again from the shell ?13:53
aleph1is there any way to FORCE a package purge or remove?13:53
jriblivingdaylight: what is?13:53
prooganyone? it doesnt seem very good that my laptop is running with constant hard disk activity, nothing on the screen and the processor fully loaded!13:54
VletNeodudeman: maybe the indexer is indexing some really laggy device, thereby causing a lot of hanging IRQ's13:54
aleph1not even  dpkg --force-all --purge works13:54
livingdaylightjrib, your example you put in imageshack13:54
NomikosFant: sorry :-/ I think so, but don't know how..13:54
NeodudemanOnly thing that is taking CPU, it says, is gnome-system-monitor.13:54
jribaleph1: have you pastebinned what I asked?13:54
FantAnyone know how to do the upgrade from a shell ?13:54
moDumasshey all, got compiz to play nice, but i can seem to get ktorrent to open13:54
gidimOkay, all upgraded.13:54
jrib!upgrade > Fant (read the private message from ubotu)13:54
moDumassit jsut stays "sleeping"13:54
gidimTook half the night to download and install, but loving it.13:55
Nomikos!upgrade > Nomikos13:55
NeodudemanBut it runs so laggy; when I try to switch windows, it hiccups. I can barely scroll through a firefox page too.13:55
fabianvhiya guys13:55
leroutierI'd like to know if all registered launchpad/Ubuntu users could ask for a IRC cloak on freenode servers ?13:55
NeodudemanReuben: to access a hard drive, you have to mount it13:55
VletNeodudeman: It sounds like you don't have the right video driver installed13:55
aleph1sorry jrib I'll do that now13:55
* genii sips a coffee13:55
VletNeodudeman: have you tried checking the restricted drivers control panel?13:55
Keef_is there a good mp3 player for ubuntu that can fake or emulate 5.1?13:56
Nomikosjrib: is there also a page to check if the upgrade fails, when doing it from shell?13:56
jribleroutier: ubuntu members can receive an ubuntu cloak but everyone may request an unaffiliated cloak13:56
NeodudemanVlet: restricted? Ya. I checked that. The only restricted driver I have is my atheros wifi.13:56
jrib!cloak > leroutier (read the private message from ubotu)13:56
=== Binja is now known as Beardedninja
kawaHello, I have aproblem with VIM . The shortcut CTRL-X,CTRL-U gives me an error . Option 'competefunc'  is not set. Anyone an idea??13:56
flickis there any way to automatically search and uninstall packages on which nothing depends any more? like libraries which were installed to support some application, but the main application has been removed now - so those libraries are useles...?13:56
VletNeodudeman: what kind of vid card ya got?13:56
robinlhow do i make rhythmbox see all my music?13:56
b4sicvlet you're still up?13:56
CroXMy I anD D key Is messeD up anD I can't use theIr small counterpart. When tryIng to fIx It In the keyboarD setup, I get an error sayIng that XKB Is buggeD.13:56
jribNomikos: I don't know of one other than the one ubotu gave13:56
leroutierjrib, thanks13:56
dhibHello. I installed ubuntu yesterday, running dual boot with windows. But when i try to boot to windows i get error hal.dll missing or corrupted. I figure i have to change something in the windows boot.ini or the grub boot.ini but my attempts so far have failed. Can anyone help?13:56
Fantjrib:   so reading the doc it looks like there is only a server version of the shell upgrade .. or will the server upgrade method work for desktop as well ?13:56
tarelerulzDo most bit torrent clients use tcp ?  As for port do you need to have two different port for incoming connects and out going connection ? I never have done it that way.  I have been use utorrent and it seem to work with no help13:56
b4sicdoes cevega work with gutsy?13:56
Vletb4sic: haha13:56
CroXAnyone care to help me fIx thIs?13:56
Nomikosjrib: ok13:56
livingdaylightjrib, anyway, i think i do know what you mean... because with music players i've had choices provided... but only after as i said having had to first time round go through filesystem to identify specific client. Certainly this was my experience yesterday with Deluge. The mere fact of having installed it and having it in Applications menu didn't mean whenit came to wanting to open a torrent that all torrent clien13:56
livingdaylightts were on offer to choose from. Having located Deluge from filesystem it does now show up everytime, yes..13:56
seamus7flick: yes13:56
Vletb4sic: eating breakfast :)13:57
jribFant: I assume it will work13:57
b4sici was like, gdamn i have work soon.13:57
Picib4sic: It should.13:57
b4sictf is vlet doing up.13:57
Marfihey hey...how do i get ubuntu to burn a .m4a file?13:57
b4sicpici prove it. :(13:57
Fantk .. ill try it thanks13:57
Marfias audio, that is13:57
NomikosFant: I did use the server upgrade method for my box, which seemed to work ok. I asked a ubuntu dude about it before hand, he said it would work13:57
Vletb4sic: yeah, I just installed it, copied my WoW install from my windows partition, created the game folder, then the shortcut, and it runs awesome13:57
NeodudemanVlet: Not sure what vid card I have. It should be in device manager, right?13:57
jriblivingdaylight: issue with deluge's .desktop file probably13:57
NomikosFant: but if you happen to be running old PPC hardware, well.. good luck :-)13:58
b4sicno lag in frame rate?13:58
MarfiVlet, i <3 WoW in ubuntu13:58
b4sicand wow is teh sux.13:58
teKnofreakwhat happened to ubotu ?13:58
Blubbihi, I booted ubuntu from the live-cd and asked me for login-data...13:58
b4siceven though it kind of works with it.13:58
Marfib4sic, runs better than if in windows13:58
livingdaylightjrib, ok, so in general you're saying that is not the case, fine... :p   Its getting there :D13:58
b4sicbut will ubuntu gutsy recognize my13:58
Fantjrib ... problem being my machine is already running the 7.10 kernel so it wont detect an upgrade is needed13:58
b4sicintegrated gfx?13:58
Marfidoes anyone know how to burn a .m4a file with ubuntu as an audio track?13:58
aleph1jrib: here it is http://rafb.net/p/2Sw7z586.html13:58
jribBlubbi: did you verify the disc? (option when it boots)13:58
VletNeodudeman: not if ubuntu isn't using it correctly. You should try to find out online somewhere by looking up your computer model13:58
lgc__How do I find out if my wireless transmitter is on?13:58
seamus7flick: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14092013:58
gi000hi. where can i find support for hfsplus package?13:59
Keef_is there a good mp3 player for ubuntu that can fake or emulate 5.1 sound?13:59
NeodudemanVlet: Ok; and once I find the information, what should I do?13:59
Vletb4sic: I don't know :)13:59
f0rgeIf`How do I figure out my mac for my wireless card on ubuntu? :x13:59
rjonesxhow would one turn on beryl?13:59
rjonesxor compiz or whatever13:59
pike_f0rgeIf`: sudo ifconfig -a13:59
Fantf0rgelf:  sudo ifconfig -a13:59
Reuben*strangles his dual boot system*14:00
jotilf0rgeIf`: type ifconfig14:00
VletNeodudeman: Let's suppose your video card is called a "marmelade", you should then search the web for "marmelade ubuntu"14:00
jribrjonesx: system -> preferences -> appearance14:00
lgc__How do I find out if my wireless transmitter is on?14:00
Marfirjonesx, system > prefferences > appearence14:00
jotilf0rgeIf`: type iwconfig actually14:00
abhiberacan someone explain how i can use chroot?14:00
ReubenVlet: ahhh! you! lol14:00
f0rgeIf`jotil,  it doesn't say there14:00
VletReuben: o_O14:00
NeodudemanVlet: Ok Thanks.14:00
dhibHello. I installed ubuntu yesterday, running dual boot with windows. But when i try to boot to windows i get error hal.dll missing or corrupted. I figure i have to change something in the windows boot.ini or the grub boot.ini but my attempts so far have failed. Can anyone help?14:00
jotilf0rgeIf`: it should14:00
rjonesxthank everyone for their help!!!!!14:01
Keef_abhibera: http://catcode.com/teachmod/14:01
ReubenVlet: Yesterday you told me that the new partition was not the newly resized partition but instead the new 'partition' created... as a result when ubuntu tried doing the partitioning...it messed up and i lost my entire HD lol14:01
rjonesxGutsy is Rocking and Rolling NOw!14:01
f0rgeIf`jotil,  IEE 802.11b/g, mode, frequency,access point, bit rate etc is there14:01
f0rgeIf`but not my mac address14:01
abhiberaKeef_ chroot14:01
ReubenVlet: could be just ubuntu messing up but omg i was panicking and didn't know how to go to14:01
Keef_opps my bad14:01
Fantjrib:  is it possible to force that upgrade since i am already running 7.10 ?14:01
jribaleph1: join me in #ubuntu-classroom14:01
DarthShrineI'm having audio problems with my laptop, which has the Intel HDA (ICH7 Family) chip...How would I get this working?14:02
lgc__abhibera, chroot makes some dir. act as if it were "/".14:02
ReubenVlet: could you perhaps try helping me this time? I"m still in a very bad place. I have all my data backed up so it's rather safe...but really desperate atm14:02
jotilf0rgeIf`: ifconfig says it14:02
jribFant: no idea, can't you boot the old kernel and upgrade from there?14:02
lil_cainright, upgraded to gutsy today, haven't been able to launch x, I have ttys, no erros when I go to init 5, just no x, and my xserver.0.log gives me the error "fatal server error: no screens found"14:03
abhiberalgc__ ok14:03
phpusmoguys whenever I try to connect to freenx I get this error: http://pastebin.com/m2a7637c814:03
phpusmomy host machine is running ubuntu14:03
lgc__abhibera, that can be used to nasty purposes, like changing the root password...14:03
Fantjrib:  nope all the kernels listed on my boot screen are now 7.10 the 7.04 ones are all gone14:03
f0rgeIf`jotil,  is it the HWaddr?14:03
garuwhich one is better to download, the livecd or the livedvd?14:03
VletReuben: it says right next to the resizer slide bar, "New Partition Size"14:03
abhiberalgc__: ok14:03
jotilf0rgeIf`: yes14:03
VletReuben: http://www.easy-ubuntu-linux.com/image-files/install-prep-disk-with-windows.png14:03
f0rgeIf`jotil,  aha ty14:04
rafaelpiccininSomeone speak an portuguese?14:04
lgc__abhibera, google for it. You'lll find interesting things.14:04
phpusmoanyone know how to fix the problem?14:04
ReubenVlet: yeah i somehow thought it would create a new partition from the freed space. so i didn't know the 'new partition' was actually the old partition resized14:04
lgc__rafaelpiccinin, so un pouquinho.14:04
abhiberalgc__: ok :)14:04
garurafaelpiccinin I do.but I dont think we are allowed to speak here.go to pm me14:04
ReubenVlet: no matter though...I did everything from scratch again and it still doesn't work :(14:05
ReubenVlet: i used all default settings throughout14:05
jrib!pt | rafaelpiccinin14:05
ubot3rafaelpiccinin: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:05
p34ceim new to linux ive got ubuntu 5.10 wat is the latesed out?14:05
ReubenVlet: stuck in an Error loading operating system hell14:05
jribp34ce: 7.1014:05
VSpikehow can I list alsa sound devices?14:05
xep17re!   anyone has  used gmailfs yet ?14:05
p34cewell im on an oldy then lol14:05
garuI didnt even know there existed any portuguese channels for that :D14:05
lgc__How do I find out if my wireless transmitter is on? Please?14:05
phpusmohttp://pastebin.com/m2a7637c8 does anyone know how to fix that problem?14:06
VletReuben: It would have done that if you selected 'manual', but when the option you pick up top says, "Resize IDE1 master partition and use freed space", it's going to do what you said... resize the master partition14:06
fliegenderfroschif i use (manual) encrypted installation in gutsy, is it correct, that i create a /boot partition and an "encrypted" partition with the rest, then create a lvm-partition inside the encrypted partition and then create a / and a /home partition inside the lvm?14:06
xep17gmailfs allows to mount the gmail account as a hard disk14:06
VletReuben: I wouldn't know how to repair windows at this point... you may just want to reinstall it, then install gutsy14:06
MithsirHi! Firefox (Gutsy) crashes when I try to uncollapse the "browse" part in a "save" dialog. What can I do?14:06
p34cewat are the improvements from 5.10 to 7.1014:06
xep17but by this way, is it possible to see the file that contains the mail ?14:06
NomikosMithsir: report it to bugzilla, for one :)14:06
ReubenVlet: okie never mind it's all past now. but right now I did guided as per default settings. gparted shows everything right with /dev/sda1 as ntfs /dev/sda2 as ext3 and set as boot. and then /dev/sda3 extended with the swap in /dev/sda514:07
NeodudemanVlet: Uh. So I googled, and the google didn't know about my ATI Mobility 7000.14:07
ReubenVlet: yeah i did that a clean install :P but it still mucked up :(14:07
Odd-rationalep34ce: check the website: http://www.ubuntu.com/14:07
lgc__What is the divergence of the magnetic field?14:07
kbrosnanMithsir: try deleting your downloads.rdf from your ~/.mozilla folder14:07
MithsirNomikos: so, that is not a known bug? Can anyone reproduce?14:07
phpusmohello I need help fixing this freenx problem: http://pastebin.com/m2a7637c814:07
abcde_seamus7, Is there a way I can have deluge move torrents it downloads from the RSS feeds to a folder.  I see the move torrent plugin, but that moves all completed, I want only some in each folder, depending on the rss feed14:07
ReubenVlet: any experience in configuring Grub?14:07
VletNeodudeman: are you sure? http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ati+mobility+7000+ubuntu&btnG=Google+Search14:07
NomikosMithsir: I can't, sorry, I didn't get as far as X yet..14:07
kbrosnanMithsir: it will be in a sub folder and make sure firefox is closed14:07
cwkayahello, can someone help me with java on gutsy ?14:07
MrBistercan someone tell me how I configure software sources/updates to support web proxy (http)?14:07
NomikosMithsir: you can also search the bugzilla reported bugs though, see if others have it14:07
jribcwkaya: best to just ask the channel your next question and see if anyone knows the answer14:08
VletReuben: Not really :/14:08
Fantthe gutsy upgrade makes me a sad panda .... 4 machine = 2 bricks, 1 mess, 1 fine14:08
NeodudemanVlet: ya, i'm sure. Those two forum posts are by a single guy asking for the proper driver; and no one replied14:08
NomikosFant: ouch.. specific hardware?14:08
seamus7abcde_: not by any of the default plugins I know of ... azureus was good for those sorts of micro managing plugins14:08
NeodudemanVlet: I think I'm just gonna re-install fiesty until a bigger Gutsy support base comes up. Thanks for the help though14:08
dromerhow can I best upgrade my current kubuntu install to gutsy?14:08
MithsirNomikos: , kbrosnan: I deleted it, didn't work (same crash)14:08
Fantall dells ...14:08
ubot3For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:09
PMantisAnyone's torrent for gutsy-dvd-i386.iso running low also?14:09
kbrosnanMithsir: did you close firefox file -> exit before removing the file?14:09
MrBisterAnyone who knows how to configure http proxy support for software/updates?14:09
phpusmohello I need help fixing this freenx problem: http://pastebin.com/m2a7637c814:09
kioruif anyone could help with my printer i will saint them :o14:09
Mithsirkbrosnan: jap14:09
lgc__What size of bra does Britney wear?14:09
JuJuBeeCan someone tell me why my network settings wont stick when I set them in system settings.  I am setting  manual IP settings and the keep reverting back to what I do not want.14:09
Picilgc__: That isnt appropriaet here.14:10
JuJuBeeI checkec /etc/network/interfaces and those settings are correct.14:10
cwkayaI have tried several scripts but none has helped me, i am trying to use this website www.gamegarden.net i have installed the firefox plugin have tried using swiftweasel, and also this script : http://tghc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4&p=114:10
jotilNeodudeman: i'll have to agree with you. i upgraded my desktops with a bit of pain. but i won't upgrade my laptop anytime soon.14:10
VletNeodudeman: I understand - I got stick of my ATI+ubuntu so went out and bought an nvidia 8600 to give gutsy something nice to play with14:10
Bo^Dickhere i am in gutsy gibbons14:10
MithsirI just renamed ~/.mozilla to start with a blank profile - same error!14:10
seamus7JuJuBee: did you click the save icon at the top of Network Manager and then the Apply icon/14:10
Bo^Dickhow the f*ck do i change resolution from 640x480 to something bigger14:10
preglowis getting black windows after having too many open really the way compiz is supposed to work?14:10
NeodudemanVlet: lol, nice.14:10
Pici!language | Bo^Dick14:10
ubot3Bo^Dick: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.14:10
jribcwkaya: so you want java plugin on 64bit?14:10
Neodudemanjotil: ya, I totally regret upgrading my laptop.14:10
NomikosBo^Dick: system preference apps in the menu?14:10
EspenHey, i cant get the installer cd to work, can anyone help me? "/14:11
lgc__Pici, when I post serious questions noone seems to care, but if I break the etiquette...there's always one to talk about morals.14:11
JuJuBeeyes seamus714:11
jrib!flash64 > cwkaya (read the private message from ubotu)14:11
cwkayaok thx14:11
ReubenVlet: is there anyway from the LiveCD i can get a terminal that will edit the Ubuntu on the hard disk and not keep on trying to access the LiveCD?14:11
jotilVlet: and how was nvidia setup? it took me a while to get it right.14:11
JuJuBeeI have done this a thousand times and never had this trouble...14:11
Picilgc__: If you're referring to your wifi, check in iwconfig14:11
seamus7JuJubee: you're trying to set up a static ip but whenever you reboot your system it doesn't go the manual configuration?14:11
lgc__Pici, thanks.14:11
jotilNeodudeman: i am not touching my laptop yet. big no.14:11
jribgoran_gv: stop14:12
phpusmohello I need help fixing this freenx problem: http://pastebin.com/m2a7637c814:12
VletReuben: Not sure.. over my head :(14:12
brundlefly76swiftweasel locks up on downloads weird14:12
kbrosnanMithsir: the next thing would be to back up your ~/.mozilla and do a full removal of firefox and reinstall via synaptic14:12
Neodudemanjotil: lol. yarly14:12
seamus7JuJubee: have you tried restarting the network by doing in a terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart14:12
Bo^Dickwhy cant i change resolution?14:12
JuJuBeeseamus7 : no, after I change the settings, if I check them ifconfig eth0, they have reverted back to previous settings.  When I re-launch system settings to check same there, they go back...14:12
jotilReuben: what do you need to do exactly?14:13
Vletjotil: It's an EVGA NVidia 8600 GT... I installed gutsy, the 'new restricted drivers are available' thing came up, clicked it, enabled it, restarted, and it's perfect14:13
geniiJuJuBee: I ask if eth0 is also internet because if the computer is doing the ISP login, it will revert any settings you make to whatever the pppoe login gets from server (usually pppoe, can be other types)14:13
JuJuBeeIn fact, when I open the interface and change the IP, click save and it reloads the network settings, it changes back before my eyes...14:13
Symmetriahrm, no gutsy-commercial repo?14:13
geniiJuJuBee: You had left #kubuntu so i replied in this channel instead14:13
JuJuBeegenii : jucato and ubuntu were getting on my nervers...thanks.14:14
CroXGah! It wont work.. My I an D key are screweD.. It's as If they were tIeD to some macro or somethIng.. When I use them wIth shIft key, makIng capItals, It's okey but when I use them as normal, the Input FellD loses focus..14:14
Keef_what's the desktop effects manager in the newest ubuntu called?14:14
jotilVlet: i tried doing it manually with the nvidia package. i guess i shouldn't have? that's what i have always been using.14:14
CroXCoulD anyone please help me solve thIs?14:14
seamus7JuJuBee: have you tried disconnecting from the internet ... changing the system settings .. then reenabling the internet connection? .. sometimes a reset helps in that way14:14
JuJuBeeNot using pppoe, I am connected to a lan .14:14
Vletjotil: oh, althgouh the nvidia-settings app is incompatible with nvidia-glx-new, so you can't use it. Had to set up dual monitors manually in xorg14:14
JuJuBeeI did.14:14
Mithsirkbrosnan: ok, Ill try that, ty14:14
SmegzorI have 1 little gripe about 7.10   It has broken my network shares and I'm having trouble rebuilding them.14:14
* gidim just got Gutsy Gibbon, is interested in Hardy Heron, but really can't wait for Impy Iguana! ;)14:14
JuJuBeeI even set my hdcp server to issue a static ip address to my nic.  That did not work either.14:15
geniigidim: Intrepid Iguana ;)14:15
jotilVlet: the xorf config thing doesn't help?14:15
SmegzorI call it Gusty Gibbon =)14:15
jflashhow can I tell which ports in my server are open for internet tcp connections?14:15
seamus7JuJuBee: disconnect from the network then14:15
martosshi there, what can you do if (after an upgrade to gutsy) the klogd hangs on bootup and blocks it?14:15
gidimgenii: Nah, all of the titles lately have been -y animal.14:15
FantSo what are my options here for not loosing all my stuff.  The upgrade has basically bricked my laptop, i just get a background screen in X now, not even a shell.  I have no ability in Grub to load the 7.04 kernel any more, the upgrade hosed that as well.  What do i do at this point to not loose all my data?14:15
brundlefly76livecd still blackscreens with 8800 - cant believe they didnt fix that14:15
gidimEdgy, Feisty, Gutsy.14:15
Keef_Vlet: did you follow a tutorial or something, because I'm stuck with only one monitor as well14:15
geniijflash:netstat   or get nmap and probe your own IP14:15
=== riz_ is now known as ares
=== ares is now known as ares32
gidimThey like adjectives that end in -y.14:16
pike_jflash: nmap is handy and of course netstat14:16
seamus7JuJubee: sometimes the order makes all the difference when resetting network settings14:16
JuJuBeeWait a minute... I think my brain is smoking... I am connected to the internet (irc) so I cant change the settings. DUH!!!  My bad14:16
flickbrundlefly76, works with my 8600GTS14:16
gidimBut Dippy was passed over for Dapper. ;)14:16
jotiljflash: nestat14:16
=== rhino-man_ is now known as rhino-man
Picigidim: #ubuntu-offtopic14:16
Bo^Dickwhy can't i choose a res higher than 640x480?14:16
_AndrewSymmetria: What did you need?14:17
_AndrewOh man the repos are so slow today lol14:17
* gidim blinks.14:17
dooglushow do I adjust the back-light brightness?  it's very dark in gutsy14:17
seamus7Bo^Dick: reconfigure xorg14:17
jrib!fixres > Bo^Dick (read the private message from ubotu)14:17
fietexvideo doesnt work any more. xv windows are dark green. driver is radeon. Ideas?14:17
gidimWell, off to work!14:17
Symmetria_Andrew heh, just noticed my update failed because it couldnt find gutsy-commercial14:17
geniiseamus7: Perhaps thats what already caused him to have 640x480 ;)14:17
Fantis there a way to force the upgrade process to run over top of itself from the shell ?14:17
flickBo^Dick, use system -> admin -> screen & graphics to specify your monitor14:17
r3m0tcan somebody help me with my 82801H ICH8 sound card? (Lenovo N200) (gutsy)14:18
jflashi just lists like 1000 numbers and says connected and stream14:18
phpusmohello I need help fixing this freenx problem: http://pastebin.com/m2a7637c814:18
brundlefly76I am running quad-core on a 97 Mbps SSD :))14:18
ubot3The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:18
jflashdoesnt say anything like open14:18
seamus7genii: then the next logical step along a well worn path of steps would be needed14:18
geniijflash: Looks like what you want more then is nmap14:18
XarZen2what to choose? bridged networking, use NAT, use host only networking, ?14:19
CroX"gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/xkb" Doesn't gIve me any Info. CoulD that be connecteD to my problem?14:19
Odd-rationaleIs gnash stable enough to use in place of flashplugin-nonfree?14:19
EspenI cant get Ubuntu to work on my Vista! Can anyone help me? "/14:19
=== XarZen2 is now known as XarZen
jflashnmap  -- > no such file or directory14:19
brundlefly76XarZen bridged is fine14:19
seamus7Espen: what's happening?14:19
Mithsirkbrosnan: Reinstalling firefox helped, ty.14:19
jflashnmap -- >  no such command14:19
geniijflash: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install nmap14:20
XarZenbrundlefly76, i have wireless internet, so that will work with that?14:20
jflashno i cant update anything. i'm using breezy14:20
rhino-manAnyone got compiz working with ATI X800XL ?14:20
jotiljflash: listening ports?14:20
Valentecan someone tell me why the resolution of my screen is 800*600 instead of 1024*768 ?14:20
jotiljflash: netstat -l14:20
geniiHeh. i forgot some ppl still haven't gone to at least 6.06 LOL14:20
jflashwell i want to run a deamon14:20
Fantthis is what i get for upgrading in the first week of release i guess ... bricks and no help .. lol14:20
XarZenbrundlefly76, i have wireless internet, so that will work with that?14:21
techjimhey guys I'm trying to use pidgin but whenever I launch pidgin it launches old 2.0.1, not the new one.  What's the deal?14:21
loompeki've got a little ol' question...14:21
Valenteand i can't change it14:21
seamus7techjim: you installed 2.0.114:21
EspenYou there?14:21
MrBisterAnyone who knows how to configure http proxy support for software/updates?14:21
techjimseamus7: not the case.  synaptic says 2.1.1 is installed.  2.0.1 is installed somewhere but it won't launch14:21
EspenHey, i cant get the installer cd to work, can anyone help me? "/14:22
pike_jflash: nmapfe is also a decent gui front end for nmap14:22
r3m0tEspen: watch out for messages beginning with your name14:22
loompekmy ati radeon 9600 keeps freezing the box... in vista and in ubuntu (using compiz) so i plan on changing it... what should i buy.. my mobo supports agp and pci-e so i have open options... which gpu to buy.. i want full support in compiz (all the eyecandy there is) and full multi monitor support14:22
EspenOh, sorry :P14:22
r3m0tEspen: what error message do you get on the screen, and when?14:22
seamus7techjim: remove both and reinstall the newest14:22
jflashpike_, i'm using putty, no GUIs for me14:22
ardinmk, i just finished installing 7.10... itheres gotta be a way to get rid of the "manual14:23
pike_loompek: nvidia dont spend alot on latest just get like 6600 or 6800 or really whatever is cheapest14:23
EspenI dont get any error message, ive copied the ISO file on a CD, put it in the ROM and the Ubunto loading comes up, then it desappears and nothing else happens14:23
ardinthe manual network configuration thingy in my taskbar now14:23
jaybuntugood mornin...have a ? regarding xpenguins14:23
jflashwhen i use netstat -l a se a list of a bunch of things but nothing that seems to be port values?14:23
r3m0tEspen: so what's the last screen you see? then after that screen, you mean the screen just stays black?14:23
MrBisterAnyone who knows how to configure http proxy support for software/updates?14:23
seamus7Espen: you might have a corrupt burn ... did you burn it at a high speed?14:24
jflashi do see a lot of numbers around 20,00014:24
loompekpike_ i'd like a pci-e card so in case i upgrade the complete box (including mobo) i keep the gpu14:24
jaybuntuhow do i get it on the gui menu?14:24
pike_jflash: sudo apt-get install nmap; nmap localhost14:24
ubot3tex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX14:24
ubot3Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty14:24
Picijflash: netstat -tanp14:24
ubot3doxygen: Documentation system for C, C++, Java, Python and other languages. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.7-1 (edgy), package size 1349 kB, installed size 4148 kB14:24
jotiljflash: there can 65k ports14:24
ubot3Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto14:24
EspenI got it from my friend14:24
ubotutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX14:24
MrBisterDoes Ubuntu support http proxy?14:24
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty14:25
jotiljflash: there can be 65k ports, 20k some number is fine14:25
pike_loompek: i have not exp with pci-e my mb is kinda cheap and old :) problems with nvidia though are the exception rather than the rule using their drivers14:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doxygen - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:25
techjimanyone in here know how to get rid of 2.0.1 pidgin so that I can actually use pidgin 2.1.1 as synaptic promises14:25
geniijflash: The important numbered ones are all under the number 102414:25
ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:25
EspenHe says he burned it at the slowest speed14:25
MrBisterSo, no support for http proxies(?)14:25
jim13question, i've just installed gusty, and i can't find beryl14:25
r3m0ttechjim : did you uninstall pidgin and then re-install it?14:25
ubot3Factoid d-link not found14:26
jim13how do i14:26
techjimr3m0t: yes14:26
r3m0tMrBister : yes it does support proxies14:26
loompekso.. you suggest i get myself an nvidia 6600 or 6800.. i should have FULL compiz and multimonitor support.. right?14:26
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: Hey are you there?14:26
MrBisterremot, but no where to set it.14:26
jflashgenni, the first list is of "internet connections"  but all numbers displayed are zero14:26
geniiMrBister: apt system will normally use whatever proxy your machine is globally configured for14:26
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: yeah.14:26
jflashi have 7 items on that list14:26
techjimWhen I launch /usr/bin/pidgin explicitly, I get " symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/pidgin: undefined symbol: purple_core_ensure_single_instance14:26
jim13where is beryl14:26
FantAnyone know how to force a clean upgrade over top this botched attempt ?14:26
MrBistergenii, only found a setting for ff14:26
r3m0tMrBister : there is, I'm sorry I don't remember the place :-)14:27
MrBisteras in using web proxy for firefox.14:27
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: Ok, I got to the point where when running nvidia-settings I don't get errors anymore, and it says that it appears I'm not using a NVidia card. Remember that?14:27
MrBisterremot, ok I will go an dlook around then.14:27
DrCuddlesHi :)14:27
jotilnot using nvidia card?14:27
r3m0tMrBister : that's in Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Network -> Settings14:27
geniijflash: The command Pici gave you, third row over some entries like    <-- 4768 is the port14:27
ZaphodBeeblebroxyes, the nvidia-settings say that. You said it happened exactly the same with you14:27
DrCuddlesHello peoples14:28
ubot3I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:28
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: should I enable the restricted driver now?14:28
jim13can somebody at least give me a link of support to install beryl14:28
mmschneiI am having trouble booting 7.10 after its been installed. I had it up and running for a while, installe a bunch of stuff (including nvidia's drivers) but now when I boot it just hangs. If I used the recovery kernel I see that after mounting the disks and a few processes later it prompts me to repair, but it doesn't specify what. (ctrl+D to continue or enter root pw for maintenance). I have been trying to watch this closely but I cann14:28
DrCuddlesi am ahving an error with the compiz Extras compiler, anyone care to help me? :]14:28
Picijim13: beryl is not longer being developed.14:28
seamus7Techjim: use Tracker to find all instances of pidgin, then delete .... first i'd use synaptic to remove all there ... THEN reinstall pidgin14:28
mmschneijim13: beryl is gone, comiz-fusion replaced it14:28
Pici!beryl | jim1314:28
ubot3jim13: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects14:28
jim13so, what is used instead14:29
mmschneijim13: compiz-fusion14:29
mmschneiPici: that helped him out =P14:29
jim13is installed or i need to14:29
ClaviHi all, after installing Vista, I wanted to dual boot with Gutsy. Gutsy's install worked like a dream, but I still get the bootmanager from Vista. How can I solve this?14:29
SmegzorI have shared a folder but from Windows I can't get the password right.  Where do I configure network access to my shares?14:29
mmschneiClavi: you need to re-run grub-install (not sure how to do this in ubuntu, I'm new here)14:29
AtariMoe__Does everyone seem to be having good luck with upgrading through the upgrade manager?14:29
pengoman this install is taking forever.. i get the feeling this cd-rom is in the single digit speeds14:30
seamus7Clavi: you installed Vista after Ubuntu?14:30
techjimseamus7: I searched pidgin in tracker and only found .debs14:30
FantAtariMoe__ :  NO doesnt even begin to explain14:30
phpusmohello I need help fixing this freenx problem: http://pastebin.com/m2a7637c814:30
jim13mmschnei, ubot3, pici14:30
jim13is installed or i need to install it14:30
seamus7techjim: and you have reinstalled pidgin already and tried that?14:30
Claviseamus7, no, first Vista, lastly Ubuntu. I think grub even tries to do something, but that goes way to fast for me to read14:30
AtariMoe__Fant: were you left with something that worked after you tried?14:30
mmschneijim13: dont know, I'm not that far in the install yet. I thought it was included though14:30
r3m0tjim13 : settings -> Appearance -> Desktop Effects14:30
Fantnope ... 2 bricks now14:31
techjimseamus7: Yup.14:31
pulseezarcan anyone here help me with wine?14:31
Claviseamus7, so I don't know for sure if it is Grub ;)14:31
r3m0tsorry, preferences -> appearance -> desktop effects14:31
snadgeubuntu makes baby jesus smile :P14:31
jim13i gotta, but there is a so simple interface... i understand now14:31
jim13thanks for all14:31
Vletjotil: Just to answer your question from earlier, it works fine, but it didn't detect my second monitor, so I had to manually configure xorg14:31
pulseezarI just need to know where it installed my foobar2000...14:31
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: i think you are better off with the restricted module. i uninstalled everything with envy. followed this an official ubuntu guide. resinstalled the nvidia binary.14:31
mmschneiI am having trouble booting 7.10 after its been installed. I had it up and running for a while, installe a bunch of stuff (including nvidia's drivers) but now when I boot it just hangs. If I used the recovery kernel I see that after mounting the disks and a few processes later it prompts me to repair, but it doesn't specify what. (ctrl+D to continue or enter root pw for maintenance). I have been trying to watch this closely but I cann14:31
r3m0tpulseezar : ~/.wine/drive_c/ in there14:31
jhaigHow can I configure the 3d desktop more finely grained than None/Some/All?14:32
Keef_Vlet: how hard is it to configure manually?14:32
pulseezarlovely, much thanks14:32
ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:32
seamus7Clavi: whenever I install ubuntu I allow it to install Grub in the Master Boot Record ... I then get it upon boot up with Windows listed as an alternate operating system .... in your case you might need to download and burn a Grub disc in order to reinstall grub .... or there are ways to add ubuntu to the windows boot loader14:32
r3m0tjhaig : applications -> add/remove and find "compiz settings  manager"14:32
HewusCould someone link me to a page listing the features / key-combos for the compiz effects? I've looked but can't find anything, surely it's out there somewhere!14:32
gordonjcpFant: woah, hold on, upgrading *bricked* your laptop?14:32
flickhow can i map the Win+D key combination to 'Show Desktop'?14:32
FilypeI'm starting on ubuntu, and i need some sugestions about what applications to install, etc. Somebody wanna help me?14:32
jhaigr3m0t: Thanks14:32
bittinHow i in the easyst way watch wats on /dev/sdb1?14:32
ubutommmschnei, its probably a file system check14:32
r3m0tFilype : what are you lacking?14:32
DrCuddlesHi All! Everything is running alright for me APART FROM i want the Compiz-Fusion extras and i have downloaded them and just need to Complie i run './configure' and get an error, here is the config.log: http://www.pastebin.ca/74236414:32
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: So should I run the Nvidia driver then? I should skip enabling the restricted drive?14:33
Odd-rationaleHewus: Ctr + alt + left/right arrow = change desktop14:33
Filyper3m0t: everything :P14:33
Fantgordonjcp:  at this point its fairly useless ... its stuck in midst of an upgrade that failed.  And no one seems to know how to force the upgrade to overwrite the botched attempt14:33
mmschneiubutom: I was thinking that but it doesn't say it, and I have like 6 disks, it'll take a LONG time to just do each one manually, I guess thats what I gotta do, e2fsck correct?14:33
VletKeef_: I've had a fair ammount of experience with it, so it wasn't too bad for me, but it's also dependant on what video card you have... I just had to add Option "Twinview" to my device section14:33
seamus7Hewus: you need to install compizconfig-settings-manager ... it will be called Advanced Desktop Effects Settings in the System/Preferences menu14:33
Filypei have only ubuntu installed14:33
Symmetriahrnm, how do I do a manual nfs mount in ubuntu, mount -t nfs4 machine:mountpoint /blah throws me an error14:34
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual14:34
Fanti can get to shell, but there doesnt seem to be any dist upgrade method from the shell when you are already on the 710 kernel14:34
macacoHello all14:34
Keef_Vlet: ok I'll give it a try :)14:34
Fantand the upgrade boinked my 7.04 kernel options in grub14:34
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: that's what i did. i removed nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-glx with --purge option.14:34
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: cool, I'm there14:34
VletFilype: Well, what do you want to do? If you load up the 'add/remove...' program and search for a topic, you should get some results14:34
rifHi guys, I do a: "sudo do-release-upgrade" from 7.04 server and I get a "No new release found", does anybodey know why?14:34
ZaphodBeeblebroxjotil: Thanks, I'll try that14:34
p34cehi all i was wondering why every 5 mins or so it gets rid of me internet windosws im in?14:34
jotilZaphodBeeblebrox: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7249014:34
DrCuddlesHi All! Everything is running alright for me APART FROM i want the Compiz-Fusion extras and i have downloaded them and just need to Compile i run './configure' and get an error, here is the config.log: HTTP://www.pastebin.ca/74236414:34
FilypeVlet: hum... nice14:35
FilypeVlet: thank you14:35
seamus7Hewus: within the Advanced Desktop Effects Settings window, eash feature of Compiz is listed ... go to its Actions tab for each feature and you will find the key bindings ... and you can change them or set mouse gestures and such14:35
Fantrif:  i am getting it too, but i assumed it was because i was already on a screwed up version of the 710 kernel14:35
bittinFilype: programs for?14:35
rryanDrCuddles  : Try asking in #ubuntu-effects14:35
PMantisrif: Try an:   apt-get update   first14:35
wrappaspomoze mi ktos?14:35
DrCuddlesrryan, Thank you!14:35
ubutommh, dunno, mmschnei, it should give some info whats up, though, like give password for maintenance and then start fscking. had that when i couldn cleanly unmount my linux, it froze sometimes in the past, only solution was reset button ;-)14:35
gordonjcpFant: oh, it's not bricked, then?14:35
gordonjcpFant: had me worried for a moment14:35
KnelixI'm trying to get python-gasp from the repositories, but it's not being found. Is this no longer included?14:35
rifPMantis: I did :(14:35
VletFilype: Also check out http://gnomefiles.org/14:35
PMantisrif: Hmmmmmmm14:36
Fantnot excatly bricked ... but bricked to my use i should say14:36
macacoif i install ubuntu last gutsy Beta in my PC automatic upgrade to Final 7.10 ?????14:36
macacoif i install ubuntu last gutsy Beta in my PC automatic upgrade to Final 7.10 ?????14:36
jrib!final > macaco (read the private message from ubotu)14:36
pulseezarah crap, i just was just hidden14:36
gordonjcpFant: copy your /home directories off onto another device, and then nuke and pave14:36
AtariMoe__Fant: will a livecd boot?14:36
r3m0tmacaco : better to take the final version and put it on a disc, otherwise there may be a few problems14:36
ubutommmschnei, and then it did a fsck14:36
VSpikeI used update-manager in kde to update my system and now adept keeps offering me an upgrade to 7.1014:36
Vletmacaco: ctrl-f2 and type: gksudo update-manager -d14:36
pulseezaroops it was just hidden14:36
rifand it's a clean 7.04 server install14:37
walle_hi, i just uppgraded to 7.10 and enabled compositing. somehow this didn't work quite as expected and now the screen is blank after i login. which file should i edit to remove the compositing?14:37
seamus7techjim: have you tried choosing to 'completely remove' pidgin in synaptic ... which would include Purple ... or manually uninstall that as well and reinstall it14:37
FantatariMoe__:  downloading it now ...14:37
Vletmacaco: yeah, but do what r3m0t said14:37
mmschneiubutom: mind if I pm you?14:37
VSpikeIf I do it, it goes through the motions for a few steps and then says nothing to see here, move along14:37
PMantisOh, it's NOT FAIR! I've uploaded 2x what I've downloaded on the DVD torrent... It's going Sooooooooo slooooooooow. More seeders, please??14:37
Fanti really realy dont want to have to backup and nuke this sucker, its got years of stuff on it, but i may have no option14:37
AtariMoe__Fant: i guess I'll have to make sure I back up and have a liveCD on hand14:37
Hewusseamus7: Thanks! Even better than what I was after :-)14:37
ubutommmschnei no, but i dont know that much about that stuff myself :-)14:37
techjimseamus7: I tried using debs to install 2.1.0 before gutsy came out.  I just deleted pidgin at /usr/loca/bin14:37
macacothanks xD14:37
Moniker42is the gutsy wallpaper available in 1920x1200?14:37
jotilVlet: any clue on how you change the GDM resolution? my GDM login screen is like 800x60014:37
seamus7techjim: delete pidgin's config files in your home directory ... choose to completely remove it in synaptic ... then reinstall14:38
jussi01bittin: go start windows, then shut down properly14:38
Vletjotil: does it change when you log in?14:38
VSpikehey wait.. why am I still using mirc? I can go back to sanity14:38
downhillgamesso how's 7.10?14:38
rflmnzI hate ATI X1300!!!! People, I've installed Ubuntu 7.10 and I'm having the Blank Screen when I install propertary driver... Can anyone help me?14:38
|neon|what's the command to update thru aptitude thx14:38
Odd-rationaleDoes anyone know where the gutsy log-in splash screen is located?14:38
walle_where does gnome-appearance-propperties save it's properties? in gconf?14:39
VletPMantis: do you have a link for the dvd torrent?14:39
seamus7rflmnz: i use ati radeon mobile x130014:39
VSpikeWhew.. that's better14:39
seamus7rflmnz: did you install XGL?14:39
macacoi have err on Update say this: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  commercial/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)14:39
macacoReading package lists... Done14:39
macacoE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.14:39
Pici!paste | macaco14:39
ubot3macaco: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:39
Fanttoo bad i cant just apt-get all the packages to at least make gnome and gnome-panel work in X .. then i could probably muddle my way through fixing some of this14:39
koglerHi all, I had to reinstall today with a breezy Cd. I'm having issues upgrading to dapper.14:39
mindframe-is there a support channel for apparmor?14:39
PMantisVlet: Hmmmm, I can look... I simply downloaded the .torrent file, saved to my desktop14:39
seamus7kogler: ha ha14:39
techjimseamus: strange I don't even have a ~/.pidgin14:39
koglerseamus7, >_>14:40
seamus7rflmnz: ATI will require that you install XGL before compiz will work14:40
Odd-rationaletechjim: It's ~/.purple14:40
downhillgamestechjim; ~/.purple14:40
nightswimwhy is it it impossible to use alt-rightclick to resize a window14:40
downhillgamesfor libpurple -- finch and Pidgin use it14:40
nightswimwith compiz14:40
rflmnzseammus7 even on 7.1014:40
downhillgamesnightswim; set it in the resize plug-in14:40
seamus7rflmnz: do this in a terminal: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl14:41
seamus7rflmnz: yes14:41
downhillgamesnightswim; then submit a report to make it the default :)14:41
mycroftivI'm working on installing Gutsy, but Ubiquity installer is crashing consistently during the setup process. my hardware runs dapper, edgy, and feisty well, and I have md5sum and verified the live CD. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of trying the alternate install CD.14:41
Fantsince 710 upgrade screwed up my ability in grub to boot the 704 kernel ... is there a way to add the 704 on to the menu ?14:41
nightswimI tried, but something else (context menu or something) keeps popping up if I alt-right click downhillgames :)14:41
techjimI have a bunch of files with "purple" in the name in /usr/local/bin that are probably from past installs... hrm.14:41
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r3m0tmycroftiv : run the installer from the command-line and see if you get any message14:41
VletOdd-rationale: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-11478.html14:41
downhillgames*shrug* I don't use that in Metacity, so no idea14:41
nightswimit seems like the resize-window, move plugin and some default stuff seem to fight over it14:41
techjimSame error.  pidgin: symbol lookup error: pidgin: undefined symbol: purple_core_ensure_single_instance14:42
seamus7rflmnz: but that's all that is needed besides enabling the restricted fglrx in the Restricted Manager Window ... much easier than previous version of ubuntu ...14:42
mycroftivr3m0t: good idea, thank you, I shoulda thought of that!14:42
andi_How to change gamma in ubuntu ?14:42
macacoFailed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  commercial/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)14:42
rflmnzbut what about the blank screen?14:42
macacoReading package lists... Done14:42
macacoE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.14:42
adantei am trying to cat /dev/input/event*14:42
r3m0t!flood | macaco14:42
ubot3macaco: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:42
VSpikeOh well, looks like I'm not the only person for whom the new kernel won't work :)14:42
adanteif i try to cat /dev/input/event1, it works as expected (reports events from 1)14:42
jussi01bittin: did it help?14:42
andi_How to change gamma in ubuntu ? (msg me pls)14:42
elcucomacaco: same here14:42
seamus7techjim: have you thought of going for a complete fresh installation ... deleting the hidden files in your home directory so that they are reset upon installation as well?14:43
adantebut if i try to cat multiple files it acts... odd, seems to ignore files14:43
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techjimseamus7: yup.14:43
adantecan someone explain if there is a way to multiplex multiple files at once?14:43
techjimjust did that14:43
Odd-rationaleVlet: Thanks. But I'm looking for the file location of the default splash screen. Have any ideas?14:43
adanteahh, i suppose it happens because it reads each file at a time and waits for an EOF14:43
koglerAh... It seems to be working now.14:43
r3m0tandi_ : xgamma does it14:43
seamus7techjim: then there are some files you're missing and need to find and delete14:44
rflmnzseamus7: what about the blank screen? I'm getting it when i install the ATI propertary driver...14:44
seamus7rflmnz: have you installed XGL yet?14:44
andi_r3m0t but only for 1 session14:44
jotilVlet: yes. it changes back to 1280x1024 when i log in.14:44
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pike_Odd-rationale: should be in /usr/share/images somewhere id expect. that is the standard14:44
Bo^Dicki know my monitor _can_ do 70Hz at 1280x960 res14:44
andi_i want it to be changed everytime i start ubuntu14:44
tattersI am installing gutsy on my laptop when I chose lvm with encryption it fails as does vlm without encryption,, ?14:44
Bo^Dickhow do i force a try in the xorg.conf file?14:44
r3m0tandi_ : then go to Preferences -> Sessions and make it run every time you login - unless you need it even earlier than that?14:44
sharperguyi think ubotu is dead14:45
VletOdd-rationale: I did, but I can't find it now14:45
rflmnzseamus7: nope14:45
Bo^Dickshould i touch this in the "scree"n section? Option         "metamodes" "1280x960_60 +0+0"14:45
Vletjotil: that's weird... wanna pastebin your xorg.conf?14:45
seamus7rflmnx: that's the solution ... install XGL14:45
FantHow do i go back to the 704 kernel?/?14:45
pike_sharperguy: trauma induced coma i expect14:45
UbuntuGuyMy apt-get update on gutsy is failing with errors like: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)14:45
UbuntuGuyHOw do I fix it?14:45
PMantisVlet: I can't find the link to the DVD torrent...14:45
sharperguypike_, :P14:45
ubutomim rebooting into gutsy right now, wish me luck :D14:45
tattersDoes ubuntus EFS encrypt whole the drive or just create a encrypted storage area?14:45
linux4meanyone here running ultramonkey (lvs-dr) on ubuntu dapper or fiesty?14:45
PMantisVlet: I'd be happy to post the file I have on a pastebin, though.14:46
Odd-rationalepike_: OK I guess I must not have it. Only the gnome splash is there.14:46
VletPMantis: ahh... http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/14:46
koglerI really hope this works.14:46
profanephobiawhen i try to enable compiz effects in gutsy it says Composite extension is not available, what can i do to fix this?14:46
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PMantisVlet: Cool, bingo14:46
flickwhich bittorrent client should i use for ubuntu?14:46
Vletflick: I like Deluge14:46
geek00lflick, deluge14:46
koglerMy last attempt at an upgrade dumped me at a cli and I couldn't execute X.14:47
flickcool it's settled then thanks14:47
UopsAlgum brasileiro que trabalha com gerenciamento de servidores aqui?14:47
pike_flick: deluge is ok. its gtk which is a plus for gnome14:47
seamus7flick: Azureus or Deluge (someone was having problems getting Azureus working in Gutsy earlier)14:47
NullNoneand what abaut azureus??14:47
Zlewi can't boot ubuntu, it keeps telling me "ata1: failed to load some devices, retrying in 5 seconds" and "ata1.o1: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4)"14:47
pike_flick: honestly i use rtorrent for cli or wine and utorrent14:47
HidemeInstalling 7.10 on an IBM T23 Laptop (SuperSavage video card) the live CD desktop is all stretched and not viewable.  How would I change the driver from a shell?14:47
DB42hi, does 7.10 come with gnome-terminal 2.18 ???14:47
tattersIs there any reason why LVM fails such as only having 1 hard, during partition on my laptop14:47
lordlucanmy internet browsing is sluggish with 7.10....help me please!14:48
knuffelbeertjeheya.... i just enabled the compiz stuff..... how do i get the cube?14:48
PiciDB42: Looks like it, yes14:48
profanephobiaDB42, 2.18.214:48
K3nt0is it possible for me to run the live cd as an iso from alcohol 120% or something similar? i dont have any blanks14:48
DB42ahh, k14:48
DB42i thought it's gnome 2.2014:48
DB42for everything14:48
seamus7knuffelbeertje: install compizconfig-settings-manager14:48
commander-apeis there a way an average user is allowed to 'shutdown -h now' without becoming root oder sudoing to it14:48
r3m0tK3nt0 : not if you want to boot *into* ubuntu14:48
profanephobiaknuffelbeertje, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager14:48
DB42is pidgin having trouble connecting to MSN ?14:48
koglerI don't think I'll be upgrading to Gutsy yet. Heh14:48
Zlewi can't boot ubuntu, it keeps telling me "ata1: failed to load some devices, retrying in 5 seconds" and "ata1.o1: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4)"14:48
ReL1Kanyone having issues when they copy something, it pastes garbage characters and not what you originally copied?14:48
pike_K3nt0: get virtualpc or vmware and you can or even qemu in windows14:49
flickpike_, i have used uTorrent and it is small, precise, functional and feature packed - is rtorrent also like that?14:49
sisseckDB42: not for me, im using it now14:49
RivaeAerya_hi all. Tracker doesn't work, i can't search anything, because no results show up. Tracker-status says tracker is idle.14:49
geniiknuffelbeertje: Make sure cude and rotate cube are set in the ccsm (compizconfig-settings-manager)14:49
seamus7knuffelberrtje: then enable cube in Advanced Desktop Effects Settings which will be in the System/Preferences menu14:49
tattersAnyone used ubuntu alternative CD for hard drive encryption?14:49
DB42k, also, why does ubuntu say me "no networking" on taskbar, when i'm here ?14:49
profanephobiaknuffelbeertje, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager14:49
abcde__Where can I find a CD Cover for Gutsy?  As in a label.  I found one for Feisty, but no gutsy.14:49
Bo^Dickhow do i force the xorg.conf to attempt 1280x960 at 70Hz refresh rate?14:49
FFighterI've just upgraded to Gutsy and my NTFS partition on /media/hda5 isn't showing any contents (it seems it didn't mount at all)(14:49
garu6 minutes left for me to get my hands on the livecd :D14:49
profanephobiawhen i try to enable compiz effects in gutsy it says Composite extension is not available, what can i do to fix this?14:50
FFightercould somebody help me?14:50
jotilVlet: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41195/14:50
seamus7profanephobia: maybe your computer doesn't meet minimum requirements?14:50
profanephobiaFFighter, is ntfs-3g installed?14:50
Butjokhello everyone :)14:50
arang2guys are the  repositories still suffering? cos im having problem trying to do a distro upgrade14:50
profanephobiaseamus7, it had been working great before14:50
jotilVlet: it's the default xorg.conf produced by the nvidia-xconfig14:50
garuprofanephibia install xgl by doint sud apt-get install xserver-xgl!Then restart X14:50
FFighterprofanephobia, not sure, isn't it supposed to be installed by default?14:51
seamus7profanephobia: oh14:51
profanephobiaGareth, thanks14:51
DB42k, also, why does ubuntu say me "no networking" on taskbar, when i'm here ?14:51
andi_how to change gamma in xorg.conf ?14:51
RivaeAerya_hi all. Tracker doesn't work, i can't search anything, because no results show up. Tracker-status says tracker is idle. Can anyone help me?14:51
profanephobiaoops again14:51
profanephobiagaru, thanks14:51
|box|apt-get seems useless all the packages i want to install arnt available :(14:51
Bo^DickPici: still around?14:51
FFighterprofanephobia, yes, it is installed14:51
PiciBo^Dick: yes14:51
DB42also i try to change # of workspaces, and it doesn't seem to effect, do i need to restart X?14:51
seamus7profanephobia: yes XGL is necessary with ATI cards14:51
FFighterprofanephobia, I just tried to install it through apt-get and it said it was already installed14:51
pike_!universe | |box|14:52
Ubotwo|box|: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource14:52
profanephobiaFFighter, go to /media and see if its listed14:52
Bo^DickPici: do you know how i could force an attempt to try 1280x960 at 70Hz in the xorg.conf file?14:52
jotilVlet: please shoot me. i pasted the xorg.conf for my laptop. not my desktop. rofl. let me do it again.14:52
profanephobiaseamus7, k thanks14:52
flickis there any torrent client i can use, that will let the torrent continue on uTorrent when i boot in windows?14:52
garuprofanephobia no probs14:52
Vletjotil: :)14:52
FFighterprofanephobia, yes, hda5 is there. However, when I cd to it and try to list nothing is listed (it seems empty)14:52
UbuntuGuyMy apt-get update on gutsy is failing with errors like: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)   How do I fix this?14:52
awalton__flick: uTorrent.14:52
garu|box| what exactly do u want to install?14:52
PiciBo^Dick: I'd use `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`  and do the 'guided' xorg.conf reconfigure14:52
|box|k ill give the tutorial a look thanks for help14:52
Zlewhow do i add irqpoll to my menu.lst?14:53
andi_how to change gamma in xorg.conf ?14:53
Tomcat_flick: I think it'll work well with most clients...14:53
ubutomwell, that didnt go so well.. ;)14:53
|box|wanted to install deluge, realplayer, and or rtorrent14:53
profanephobiaPici, have you had slow speeds in repos?14:53
huXfluXHello! I've just installed Ubuntu Gusty and in the Restricted Drivers window, i've tried enabling the nvidia driver but it says i don't have the nvidia-glx-new package. Should I install this package via synaptic or is there any way to have my Nvidia card working? THANKS!14:53
flickawalton__, Tomcat_,  uTorrent works with ubuntu??14:53
Piciprofanephobia: yes /topic :)14:53
pike_flick: most torrent clients can resume you can even use utorrent in ubuntu with wine with no problems14:53
Tomcat_flick: Because the chunk (file part) format is standardized.14:53
Tomcat_flick: No idea.14:53
Bo^DickPici: well, my system thinks that my monitor only can do 60Hz14:53
RivaeAerya_hi all. Tracker doesn't work, i can't search anything, because no results show up. Tracker-status says tracker is idle. Can anyone help me?14:53
flicki see what you mean, thanks!14:53
seamus7|box| have you enabled the universe and multiverse repositories in Software Sources?14:53
profanephobiaPici, wow my game is off today14:53
Bo^DickPici: thats why i need to force an attempt14:53
MasterShrekZlew, whts the prob? i just got here14:53
Tomcat_flick: Azureus, uTorrent & the rest need to agree over the net, so they will also agree on file formats locally. ;)14:54
Zlewhow do i add irqpoll to my menu.lst?14:54
PiciBo^Dick: can you pastebin your xorg.conf?14:54
knuffelbeertjegenii, got it, whats the shortcut ? :)14:54
Bo^DickPici: yup14:54
|box|seamus7:  not sure obviously not  because im scratching my head  about what you just said14:54
Tomcat_flick: In the worst case, you'll lose a couple of MB. :o14:54
CroXCoulD anyone please help me get workIng D anD I keys? Whenever I press them now It's as If they actIvate some Alt/ShIft-sImIlar functIon.14:54
Vletjotil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-9a8fa8e79e2458de1eb69eadb2c97a633be81a4214:54
SNyDoes anyone else have problems with the 7.10 mga driver and the monitor going out-of-sync?14:54
huXfluXHello! I've just installed Ubuntu Gusty and in the Restricted Drivers window, i've tried enabling the nvidia driver but it says i don't have the nvidia-glx-new package. Should I install this package via synaptic or is there any way to have my Nvidia card working? THANKS!14:54
MasterShrekZlew, just add irqpoll to the kernel line14:54
awalton__flick: utorrent works great in wine14:54
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huXfluXPlease answer !!14:55
ZlewMasterShrek: i wish i knew what that was :(14:55
Bo^DickPici: http://pastebin.ca/74238014:55
awalton__huXfluX: be patient.14:55
VlethuXfluX: patience!14:55
gordboyi've got my gutsy system working beautifully. is there anything i could do to mess it up ? thanks14:55
Frederickfolks which is the command to auto-configure the graphic card in ubuntu?14:55
tattersI tried to install LVM with encryption using gutsy alternative cd, this is a laptop with a single 60gb hard drive but it fails to create partiton, also fails if I just select LVM, am I missing something ? I assumed the encryption feature would allow me to encrypt my / same way windows EFS works...14:55
geniiknuffelbeertje: alt-f2, type in: ccsm and run it. After thats setup, you can do ctrl-alt (I think, possibly only ctrl) to rotate14:55
mc44huXfluX: in a terminal do "apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-new"14:55
MasterShrekZlew, in your menu.list do you see a line that starts with the work kernel?14:55
flickgordboy, what kind of question is that!14:55
techjimwth I just went to compile pidgin from src, c compiler cannot build executables???14:55
profanephobiaFFighter, ok make a backup of fstab and add the drive like, "/dev/<your partition>     /media/<mount point>     ntfs-3g     defaults,locale=en_US.utf8   0    0"14:55
MasterShrekhuXfluX, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new14:55
abcde__Where can I find a CD Label for Gutsy?  I found one for Feisty, but not Gutsy.14:55
Picitechjim: install build-essential14:56
VlethuXfluX: It's trying to install it, or it's telling you that you don't have it? WHat did you do after you installed gutsy?14:56
Bo^DickPici: the xorg.conf has recognized my card and monitor correctly14:56
gordboyflick: just testing to see if anyone is on the ball :)14:56
Zlewis it uncommented?14:56
DB42man, the network application in ubuntu 7.10 is TOTALLY BORKED UP !14:56
hazi'm having problems with my nvidia card and gutsy.. it worked fine in feisty but now it doesn't work too well. it detects the wrong refresh rate and so on during install. and ideas?14:56
Kee1Frederick: this one? apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-new14:56
MasterShrekyes Zlew, probably towards the bottom14:56
seamus7|box| go to Software Sources in the System/Administration menu ... make sure all is checked on the Ubuntu Software tab14:56
Vletgordboy: yes, http://microsoft.com/14:56
|neon|DB42: could you be more specific14:56
=== Lin_ is now known as Lin
Zlewi just put a space and add "irqpoll" ?14:56
Bo^DickPici: but since the system believes my monitor can't do what it really can i need to force it somehow i guess14:56
techjimPici: thanks.14:56
MasterShrekZlew, yes14:56
flickVlet, gordboy hahaha14:56
Zlewok i'll try that, thanks14:56
|box|seamus7:  thanks fo that ive enabled all in software source and  told apt-get to update now getting updates14:56
aaro1haz: Do you feel comfortable editing your xorg.conf file?14:56
hazaaro1: i'll give it a whirl14:57
haz(yes, i am :P)14:57
huXfluXVlet, nothing. the first time it booted, a ballon showed up saying i have some restricted drivers. i clicked that, the restricted drivers window opened and i saw there Nvidia card with the Enable checkbox UNCHECKED. so i checked14:57
VletPMantis: happy... I'm uploading the dvd torrent at 1M/sec :)14:57
PiciBo^Dick: Have you done any manual editing of your xorg.conf?14:57
aaro1haz: Get the refresh rates for your monitor either off the information label on the back (most have it) or the manufacturers documentation14:57
Kee1Vlet, i got twinview working but only with 640x480 resolution, lol14:57
Bo^DickPici: not really14:57
CroXCoulD anyone please help me get workIng D anD I keys? Whenever I press them now It's as If they actIvate some functIon, as the Input FIelD loses focus. So I must use capItal letters to ever wrIte thIs pleaD for help...14:58
Bo^DickPici: does it look corrupt?14:58
[VMuser]hi..does anyone here have a Dell XPS M1330 laptop?14:58
=== haru is now known as DaMi3n
gordboyso when will the new *working* kdelibs be released for gutsy ? they said it would be in -proposed yesterday, and it still ain't there. i had to use a hastily cobbled together version14:58
jotilVlet: thanks14:58
fuzzyhi people.. i have a weird problem.. after struggling with x while getting the resolution to work, suddenly the mouse cursor dissapeard.. what could i have done wrong?14:58
VletKee1: d'oh :)14:58
jotilVlet: i was exactly looking for that14:58
Vletjotil: did that work?14:58
Bo^DickPici: oh, sorry, i changed from 640x480 to 1024x768 just to be able to launch some apps that required it14:58
Bo^DickPici: besides that, no change14:58
b00kw0rmis there a way to dual boot XP/Ubuntu on XPS M1210?14:58
FFighterprofanephobia, it currently has "UUID=8E1C280F1C27F13F /media/hda5     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       1"14:58
b00kw0rm<< tried google14:58
MasterShrek!dualboot | b00kw0rm14:59
Ubotwob00kw0rm: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty14:59
FrederickI got a fucking radeon card14:59
jotilVlet: working on it14:59
Vletjotil: sometimes I wonder about people.... it was the first result of a google search for "gdm different resolution" ;)14:59
VeinorCroX: Go to System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts and look for any that have the letters 'd' and 'i' installed.14:59
MasterShrek!ohmy | Frederick14:59
FrederickI need somethng like x-server reconfigure ...14:59
Pici!language | Frederick14:59
UbotwoFrederick: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.14:59
profanephobiaFFighter, k maybe try replace ntfs with ntfs-3g14:59
aaro1haz: Then go to a command line and type this -- sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.current or whatever name you want to give it in case you really screw things up and need to fix it14:59
MasterShrekFrederick, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:59
PiciBo^Dick: Can you find your montitor in System>Administration> Screens and graphics?14:59
FrederickMasterShrek: thanks Master :)14:59
MasterShrek!es | amida14:59
geniifuzzy: when the cursor disappears, are the Capslock and ScrollLock lights on your keyboard blinking on and off?14:59
Ubotwoamida: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.14:59
Pici!es | amida14:59
FFighterprofanephobia, should I restart the system?14:59
seamus7|box| cool ... but i'd download the newest deluge which you must get off of deluge-torrent.org (it's the debian package listed as 5.5-2) ... realplayer won't be there though14:59
jotilVlet: lol. sorry. i have gone all haywire today. i even went to that page i think an hour ago.14:59
* haz nods14:59
rflmnzseamus7: ok, I'd installed XGL... What I have to do now?14:59
=== FuHvIo_FBI is now known as fuhvio_fbi
OVMhow can i put other desktop? http://img520.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pantallazo1ay4.png15:00
amidaok gracias15:00
jotilVlet: thank you though.15:00
Bo^DickPici: yes15:00
aaro1haz: Then sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:00
b00kw0rmis it possible to install ubuntu on USB hard-drive?   :|15:00
profanephobiaFFighter, yeah did you backup fstab first15:00
seamus7rflmnz: reboot15:00
fuzzygenii: no.. now i realize the caps lock even doesn't work.. damn15:00
ErikHKI got an input/output error on some shared libraries when starting X, the only thing I could do with the affected libraries in /usr/lib was to remove them (libXfont and libXmuu among others), is there someway I can get those files back, other than a total reinstall?15:00
FFighterprofanephobia, yes15:00
|box|seamus k thxs for help15:00
MasterShrek!install | b00kw0rm,15:00
Ubotwob00kw0rm,: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:00
FFighterprofanephobia, thank you for the help15:00
gordboyaaro1: strongly agree about backing up to-be-amended system files15:00
PiciBo^Dick: And does it let you change the resolution then?15:00
profanephobiaFFighter, k reboot and try... i need to as well15:00
PiciBo^Dick: brb15:00
Bo^DickPici: gonna try15:00
profanephobiaFFighter, no prob well ge tit15:00
CroXVeinor: NothIng there. :/15:00
Reubenhi I finally managed to get ubuntu to boot in GRUB but not Windows XP...I had to edit menu.lst to actually get ubuntu to load, for Windows XP i am not sure what the map commands do? Can someone tell me what they mean?15:00
Bo^DickPici: no it doesn't15:00
rflmnzseamus7: And after?15:00
MasterShrek!grub | Reuben15:00
UbotwoReuben: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:00
VeinorCroX: Do you have compiz fusion or anything like that installed?15:01
aaro1haz: Then find the line in your xorg.conf that says something like "Horizsync" and "Vertrefresh"15:01
jotilReuben: just comment out the map commands.15:01
flickReuben, i can send you mine if you want15:01
MasterShrekReuben, look at the guide for losing ubuntu after windows install, it will show you the proper grub entry15:01
geniifuzzy: Did you hand-edit the xorg.conf file when you were fiddling with resolutions?15:01
aaro1haz: Edit the rates to match your monitor specs from the manufacturer15:01
gordboyaaro1: i go further. root should keep a record of *all* such changes, and there should be a consistent naming scheme15:01
hazalright, thanks aaro1 :D15:01
CroXVeinor: Nope, I unInstalle that rIght after havIng upgraDeD to Gutsy.15:01
rflmnzseamus7: Do I have to have Propertary Driver already installed?15:01
fuzzygenii: no.. i did it with dpkg-reconfigure, but i really have **no** idea what i've changed at all..15:01
Reubenjotil: so the maps aren't needed?15:01
VeinorCroX: Hmm... when did this start? Right after you upgraded?15:01
seamus7rflmnz: if you have the fglrx propietary driver enabled in the Restricted Drivers Manager ... and you have XGL installed ... you should be able to enable Desktop Effects in Appearances upon reboot15:01
Reubenflick: yes please pm them to me for comparison :P15:02
ReubenMasterShrek: will look at that too :P15:02
VletReuben: Here is the entry in mine for windows: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41196/15:02
aaro1gordboy: I know. But I like to take a snapshot and put it where I KNOW to find the original copy. Just a pet peeve of mine15:02
hazbbs :)15:02
rflmnzseamus7: Ok... Thanks!15:02
seamus7rflmnz: the proprietary driver should be installed by default and found in the Restricted Drivers Manager in Sytemt/Adminstration15:02
rflmnzrestarting now...15:02
d2dchatwhat could be the reasons why my failsafe gnome is working but when i try to get normal gnome working it starts up half way and takes me back to the login prompt?15:02
ReubenVlet: ahh that should do it :P let me try thanks!15:02
Fantgoing to try one more time here.  Does anyone know how to force the upgrade process to run from a shell when the 710 kernel is arlready installed ?15:02
jotilReuben: not really. you can see that it just maps on device to another and back. i didn't feel the need for it. experts may feel differently though. i wouldn't know. i have commented out my map lines and it works fine for me.15:02
geniifuzzy: Ah, when dpkg-reconfigure command - was it   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver.xorg   or was it missing the -phigh part?15:02
aaro1haz: one more thing. If you can't get back to your desktop, simply boot in recover mode and replace the existing non-functional xorg.conf with the backup you made15:02
rflmnzseamus7: I hope you're right! :D15:02
idefixxI just created a new user with gutsy to see what the default profile looks like... now when I log on with it all I get is a white screen and the default cursor. What is that compiz?15:03
anandanbuI have pentium 3 2.0ghz with 256 ram and when i try to install ubuntu 7.04 i the installation gets strucked, how can i install in it15:03
CroXVeinor: Not really. I upgraDeD but then my games woulDn't work. So I reInstalleD gfx DrIvers anD then nothIng workeD, so I haD to reInstall xorg anD try wIth Envy. After that, keyboarD hell broke lose..15:03
livingdaylightIs there a specfic tool for being able to put computer on another screen? Specifically, i have a laptop and i want to put cable to LCD Television... from Desktop it used to automatically detect but not here with the laptop. I gotz a Lenovo R60e15:03
idefixx... my old profiles work though15:03
seamus7rflmnz: that's how it works on my Dell with ATI x130015:03
MasterShrekd2dchat, try removing or moving the .gnome and .gnome2 directories in your users home directory15:03
fuzzygenii: it was missing the phigh part15:03
|box|seamus7:  heheheh deluge was easy thanks for the heads up realplayer may make me scratch me head but thanks for help15:03
MasterShrekanandanbu, did u check the cd for defects?15:03
VeinorCroX: I really have no idea, keep asking in here though, someone else can probably help.15:03
__doc__hi, I've just upgraded to gibbon. New network connections are incredibly slow to open (for instance ssh), I remember this was connected to some network service discovery service/option to be turned off, but I can't seem to find the switch anymore on the network paneel. any idea?15:03
aaro1He left and didn't get the last part15:03
jribFant: dist-upgrade, expect breakage and fix it15:03
CroXVeinor: AlrIght. Thanks though.15:04
Fantjrib:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade reports back with nothing to do15:04
wizhippofor the new 7.10 pre-configured mail server, where can I find what this pre-configured server is, such as is it using sendmail or potfix etc...?15:04
anandanbuMasterShrek: yeah i checked and it was finwe15:04
VletAnyone know how to change the emerald theme using ccsm?15:04
MasterShrekanandanbu, u may have to use the alternate install cd15:04
gordboywizhippo: postfix15:04
aaro1wizhippo, last I checked, it was using postfix15:05
MasterShrekVlet, you dont, you need to use the emerald-themes-manager15:05
anandanbuMasterShrek: the installation screen comes and then the system slows down15:05
mc44Fant: sudo do-release-upgrade15:05
livingdaylightanyone know about putting laptop to a LCD television screen?15:05
jribFant: don't take this personallf but why did you grab a new kernel if you do not know how to do these things?15:05
Fantmc44:  you cant do that if you are running the 710 kernel15:05
d2dchatMasterShrek, ty will try that15:05
MasterShrekanandanbu, could have to do with the 256mb of ram, you may need the alternate install which uses at text based installer15:05
VletMasterShrek: thankya15:05
ReubenVlet: OMG YES!!!!15:05
macacohow i can find last repositories gutsy?15:05
__doc__on feisty there was this option to turn on/off Network Automatic Service Discovery, how does this work on gibbon?15:05
mc44Fant: why are you running the 7.10 kernel and nothing else from 7.10?15:05
geniifuzzy: OK. Re-run the command without -phigh one more time. then when it asks about your mouse device put /dev/psaux if it's a ps2 mouse or /dev/ttyS0 if it's a serial mouse or the recommended one if it's a usb15:05
wizhippothank you, it would be nice if there was a more detailed description somewere on waht the pre-configured servers include15:05
VletReuben: yay :)15:05
MasterShreklivingdaylight, depends on the video card, if its nvidia it should be pretty easy15:05
Fantjrib: umm .. maybe you havent seem my last 20 posts but the upgrade process did this to me ... i wasnt trying to compile the kernel on my own15:06
Gek_morning everyone15:06
ReubenThank you everyone!!! after lots of heartache turns out to be a Grub misconfiguration :P wonder why it would do it wrongly on default...15:06
anandanbuMasterShrek: will that be fine with a n00b15:06
redheathi folks hope you all doing great15:06
CroXCoulD anyone please help me get workIng D anD I keys? Whenever I press them now It's as If they actIvate some functIon, as the Input FIelD loses focus. So I must use capItal letters to even wrIte thIs pleaD for help...15:06
redheatjust got a question15:06
gordboywizhippo: there is. on the ubuntu site. under release notes, funnily enough ...15:06
aaro1wizhippo: I think such information exists in the official wiki, but don't quote me on that15:06
Fantmc44:  upgrade process failed and left me hosed15:06
MasterShrekanandanbu, yes, its pretty straight-forward15:06
|box|can i allow rpm on debian? never mind ill google it15:06
VletReuben: no clue... who cares now :)15:06
mc44Fant: everything is set to gutsy in your sources.list?15:06
redheatyesterday, I bought a new wireless network card, and my computer is connected right now to my router through wireless connection15:06
FFighterprofanephobia, nothing yet15:06
Fethmancan anyone tell me how can I start the theme manager in gutsy from console15:06
Fantmc44:  yes15:06
jribFant: that's a different story, I got the impression you only had the kernel on there15:06
FFighterprofanephobia, it didn't work15:06
macacohow i can find last repositories gutsy?15:06
redheatit worked perfectly under vista and xp15:06
Fethmanso I can change the skin for the root account15:07
fuzzygenii: the mouse is a laptop mouse, is it then a serial one?15:07
seamus7|box| do you need realplayer for something specific?15:07
profanephobiaFFighter, ok lets try something else then one sec15:07
anandanbuMasterShrek: ok would do that15:07
kuroI need some help with opera.  I would like to make a macro within the terminal.  Like input the URL of a website within the terminal and then it opens up in opera.  Does anyone know know how to do this?15:07
KunkerNadie hable Español???15:07
Fantjrib:  nah ... the upgrade hosed 2 of my machines badly15:07
jribFant: pastebin your sources15:07
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napsy_what's the name of ubuntu+1?15:07
redheatand I afraid to login into my gutsy gibbon beta, for there might not be support for wireless network card15:07
gordboy|box|: use alien to convert the packages. or you can even install rpm (not recommended)15:07
kanpachihello , i have trouble installing gutsy, whenever i get to the "scanning mirrors", it just hangs... :(15:07
Fantjrib:  sure 1 min15:07
redheatis there?15:07
napsy_Hardy Heron?15:07
Sun_Paladinokay. I have somewhat of a big problem that I have no idea of how to fix. I was installing the upgrade in Ubuntu and my screensaver went active and I couldn't get it to go away. I had to shut down my computer in the middle of the install and now I can't get Ubuntu to boot up. How do I fix this or continue the install from the Recovery mode?15:07
fuzzy!spanish | Kunker15:07
|box|seamus7:  BBC only allows realplayer for a lot of its radio 1 listen back service15:07
geniifuzzy: For just changing resolutions, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg   next time :) It won't bug you about allt he devices etc etc15:07
UbotwoKunker: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.15:07
Gek_I'm wanting to install ubuntu for the sole purpose of being a NAS device.  I have 2x750GB hard drives and want to mirror them.  Since this will be a new install, what installer do I want to get so that I can configure software Raid 1?15:07
MasterShrekredheat, it depends, what kind of card is it?15:07
wizhippoi looked in the release nots and it is not speecific that i can see.15:07
geniifuzzy:Likely serial15:07
fuzzygenii: ok.. thanks.. i didn't know that..15:08
fuzzygenii: ok i will try that15:08
NullNoneis there any analogue of gnome-system-monitor in ubuntu?15:08
profanephobiaFFighter, do sudo fdisk -l and tell me if the partition is listed15:08
Gek_Anyone know?15:08
MasterShreknapsy_, yes15:08
FFighterprofanephobia, k15:08
MasterShrek!raid | Gek_15:08
UbotwoGek_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO15:08
livingdaylightMasterShrek, nope Intel gma? 94515:08
idefixxI just created a new user with gutsy to see what the default profile looks like... now when I log on with it all I get is a white screen and the default cursor - old profiles work. What is that?15:08
FFighterprofanephobia, yes it is: /dev/hda5            7821        9733    15366141    7  HPFS/NTFS15:08
Gosha... My gnome-terminal won't start. I tried to run it from xterm but it just says it was some random X-server error "Integer out of range for operation"... What kind of problem can it be?15:09
MasterShreklivingdaylight, im not sure how to do it with an intel gfx card, cant be that hard, check the forums maybe. ubuntuforums.org15:09
geniifuzzy: also there should be a backed up copy of xorg.conf date-stamped. you can restore your old one by copying it over the messy current xorg.conf15:09
Gek_master_of_master, yes... I've read those.  My question doesn't pretain to those links though.15:09
Xecuter88Hi! I'm not able to send files to or from my computer to my phone over bluetooth! Just installed 7.10, what else do i have to do?15:09
profanephobiaFFighter, k now open your fstab and tell me what it says there again for hda515:09
__doc__on feisty there was this option to turn on/off System -> Administration -> Network -> Automatic Service Discovery [x], how does this work on gibbon?15:09
tattersI tried to install LVM with encryption using gutsy alternative cd, this is a laptop with a single 60gb hard drive but it fails to create partiton, also fails if I just select LVM, am I missing something ? I assumed the encryption feature would allow me to encrypt my / same way windows EFS works...Is there any reason why LVM and LVM with encryption would on fail a single?? like it requirtes 2 physical drives or something?15:09
Fanti just thougt about that .. i cant post my sources.list file cause the machine in question cant get x started and i have no irc client for shell loaded.  i am typing from my other ubutu box atm15:09
geniifuzzy: (if the reconfigure doesn't take)(15:09
Gek_errr... MasterShrek15:09
MasterShrekGek_,  never done a raid before, sorry15:09
FFighterprofanephobia, UUID=8E1C280F1C27F13F /media/hda5     ntfs-3g    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       115:09
UbuntuGuyMy apt-get update on gutsy is failing with errors like: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)   How do I fix this?15:09
FFighterprofanephobia, I just changed ntfs to ntfs-3g15:10
Gek_has anyone here used ubuntu server?15:10
VletGek_: yar15:10
rflmnzseamus7: Don't now what is going on... Your tip didn't work... I've got the blank screen again...15:10
profanephobiaFFighter, k one sec and ill tell you what to replace it all with15:10
mc44Fant: you don't have a usb key? :)15:10
Fantjrib:  but if the question is whether the fiesty ones are commented out and the gutsy ones are listed .. then yes15:10
Xecuter88Hi! I'm not able to send files to or from my computer to my phone over bluetooth! Just installed 7.10, what else do i have to do?15:10
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Gek_viet, do i need to alternate cd to configure raid or will the regular server dvd allow me to do this?15:10
Fantmc44:  probably, sorry this whole process has me so flustered, let me do that15:10
redheatit's Belkin's MIMO WIreless Network card and here's a link to it http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=27295915:10
mc44Fant: is apt-get returning errors?15:10
geniifuzzy: work calls me away for a minute but i have not left, checking msgs, scroll when I get i return15:10
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seamus7rflmnz: did you previously try installing propietary drivers individually or something?15:11
redheatsorry for talking so long to reply back..didn look carefully15:11
profanephobiaFFighter, for ease of access sake go ahead and cd to /media and mkdir windows15:11
trainis crossover linux the best option for running programs like photoshop?15:11
CroXCoulD anyone please help me get workIng D anD I keys? Whenever I press them now It's as If they actIvate some functIon, as the Input FIelD loses focus. So I must use capItal letters to even wrIte thIs pleaD for help...15:11
jotilVlet: worked fine. thanks again for feeding to my laziness.15:11
VletGek_: the regular one worked fine for me15:11
rflmnzseamus7: Yes...15:11
Vletjotil: my pleasure :)15:11
MasterShrekredheat, i dont know if its supported or not, give it a shot i guess, but u may need to use ndiswrapper. ive never used a belkin wifi card b415:11
FFighterprofanephobia, ok :)15:11
Xecuter88my phone and computer find eachother over bluetooth, but i can't send files. What do i have to do??15:11
MasterShrektrain, wine is good, and free15:11
CroXI'm able to swItch keyboarD layouts, but that Doesn't Do anythIng to the I anD D keys.15:11
wedgeVshould a macbook pro wireless card be working in 7.10?15:11
lordlucanim having a weird problem with 7.10....internet browsing is slow. I didn't have this with 7.0415:11
seamus7rflmnz: hmmm15:12
trainyou're right but how well does it work?15:12
MasterShrekCroX, does it work in tty1?15:12
redheatMaster, can I ask you a question, since the moment I gonna login I won be able to connect15:12
jribFant: just want to check you have the repos you need15:12
seamus7rflmnz: do you remember which and can you remove them?15:12
redheathow do I change the network inteface15:12
Gek_Vlet, so you're doing some kind of raid?15:12
Xecuter88lordlucan: do a speedometer test...15:12
MasterShrektrain, never ran photoshop on it, worth a shot though15:12
redheatI mean how do change it..to wireless15:12
CroXmaster_of_master: Lemme check15:12
gordboy|box|: realplayer for linux here - http://forms.helixcommunity.org/helix/builds/?category=realplay-current. i use the bin package, but equally you could convert the rpm package with alien ...15:12
traindoes linux parallels function as well as the mac version?15:12
profanephobiaFFighter, k once thats done replace that line in fstab with "/dev/hda5 /media/windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0" without quotes15:12
fuzzygenii: ok.. i'm going to restart x now, see if it worked.. will let u know15:12
rflmnzseamus7: i've installed by Envy..15:12
phixnayhey guys, I want to use the alternate cd to upgrade to gutsy, but feisty has a bug in it that makes the cd drive useless. Is it possible to boot of the alternate cd and use that to upgrade?15:12
VletGek_: Yes, I have a compaq proliant (model... I forget) and yes, I'm actually using linux software raid15:12
PMantisVlet: Seeding now? Thanks! I wonder where it's all going though, 'cause I'm now going at 46K/s on the DVD...15:12
MasterShrekredheat, there shold be a little network applet on your panel15:12
redheatregardless of the card's type..I just need to know the official way to use a wireless connection15:12
CroXmaster_of_master: Yes, It Does.15:12
adantehi guys15:12
Fantjrib:  yeah give me one min to get this usb key to mount15:13
CroXMasterShrek: It oes15:13
redheatroger that15:13
Sun_Paladinmorning everyone. How do I continue of fix an install of the Ubuntu upgrade that got cut off in the middle of?15:13
seamus7rflmnz: you did this on top of a new Gutsy installation?15:13
adantei need to apply some patches to some modules in the kernel15:13
gordboy|box|: these are daily builds. and they use alsa, not oss like the "realplayergold" piece of nonsense15:13
VletPMantis: seeding at 1.3M/sec :)15:13
redheatclick on it, but it tells me15:13
rflmnzbut i'd uninstalled it.. Yes.. I did15:13
PMantisThe DVD torrent needs more seeders!  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/gutsy-dvd-i386.iso.torrent15:13
CroXMasterShrek: Does that mean It's XKB relateD? Because XKB throws a fIt..15:13
MasterShrekCroX, try creating a new user and see if they have the same problems when the log in15:13
abcde_Where can I find a CD Label for Gutsy?  I found one for Feisty, but not Gutsy.15:13
adantei have installed the source package - but as i don't have the kernel config, is it ok for me to build against a different config, and just compile and install the modules?15:13
profanephobiaFFighter, and make sure the permissions are set correctly in /media/windows15:13
kuroDoes anyone know how to make macros within the terminal?15:13
adanteor will this turf my existing modules/kernel config setup15:13
redheatthat I'm connected through my, previously used, ethernet cable15:13
kuroI need some help please.15:13
FFighterprofanephobia, I'm curious on why this happened15:13
MasterShrekkuro, what do u mean a macro? keystroke?15:13
trainkuro: ask your question15:13
hydrogenkuro: how in depth of a macro?15:13
redheatI should just click on it and then try to figure my way from there?15:14
CroXMasterShrek: AlrIght!15:14
SympleSymoncan anyone tell me how to get bloomberg tv/radio on 7.10. it's a windows media thang15:14
profanephobiaFFighter, me too... after you save fstab do sudo mount -a15:14
MasterShrekredheat, probably your best bet15:14
profanephobiaFFighter, hopefully it will mount15:14
CapaHQuestion, after installing Gutsy Gibbon I want to use emerald themes, but apt-get install emerald-themes returns "Package emerald-themes is not available" ?15:14
redheatok gonna that..15:14
redheatThank you MasterShrek..gonna give it a try now15:14
harmhow can i resize my windows partition so i can increase my linux partition?15:14
redheatthank you and take care15:14
gordboyCapaH: use synaptic or adept to search for the correct package name15:14
seamus7rflmnz: sudo apt-get remove envy15:14
MasterShrekCapaH, install emerald-theme-manager and download themes from gnome-look.org15:14
kuromastershrek, terminal scripes or macro.  like i input an website URL into the terminal, and it should send me tot he website within the opera if i have a macro/scripe15:14
FFighterprofanephobia, nops, but it showed some helpful messages15:15
FFighterprofanephobia, is there a bin somewhere?15:15
hydrogenso what you really want is a semantic terminal..15:15
CapaH"Couldn't find package emerald-theme manager"15:15
hydrogensorry, we've got none of those!15:15
MasterShrekkuro, put the word opera before it and it should work, if it doesnt enclose the web address in quotes15:15
rflmnzseamus7: I've removed it preveously...15:15
hydrogenopera -newpage 'url'15:15
harmhow can i resize my windows partition so i can increase my linux partition?15:16
Fantjrib:  well this is annoying, the usb key will not mount even if i specify the fs type15:16
Mikkel^Hello all15:16
MasterShrekCapaH, is there an emerald theme manager in a menu somewhere, system > preferences or something?15:16
Mikkel^i have problemer to innotek virtualBox..15:16
kostaFant: whats the error msg?15:16
CapaHMaster: Yes15:16
Mikkel^for installering Ubuntu15:16
CapaHMaster: There are no themes though15:16
Fantkosta:  must specify the fs type, but it is15:16
gordboyharm: resize, move, copy partition etc is not recommended. it nearly always ends in tears. get a new hard drive. they are cheap as chips these days15:16
UbuntuGuyMy apt-get update on gutsy is failing with errors like: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)   How do I fix this?15:17
FFighterprofanephobia, http://pastebin.com/m38f515c615:17
flickjust setup deluge-torrent... i must say, with each such small steps my necessity to go back to windows is becoming thinner and thinner15:17
hydrogenMikkel^: weller, what is yhour problemer?15:17
dublpaws^^ what gordboy said!15:17
Symmetriahow do I configure vlans on ubuntu?15:17
kuromastershrek, ahhhh, what was the opera terminal command line?  I missed java aint letting me scroll up to see it?15:17
blacklot1s89is the radeon driver deletet in gutsy?15:17
seamus7rflmnz: I've read that envy is not well tested on gutsy and may break a system ... it ought not be needed on gutsy if you're using X1300 ... what kind of computer are you running15:17
CroXMasterShrek: My problem Doesn't appear on that new user account!15:17
hydrogenkuro: opera -newpage 'url'15:17
Mikkel^hydrogen : I come to Detct disk..15:17
harmgordboy: iam using a laptop, iam a student.. its just that gparted is being a lil hobo about resizing sda115:17
kurohydrogen, would that open it up in a new tab?15:17
rflmnzseamus7: NF410 Mobo, AMD 3700+15:17
hydrogenkuro: yes15:17
Bo^DickPici: are you back?15:17
mc44Fant: what exactly is the problem with your upgrade?15:17
MasterShrekCroX, then you need to delete something in your old users configuration, i dont know what though...15:17
CapaHAlso, it appears that even when I have "emerald" running, the themes do not seem to be applying to the windows themselves15:18
rflmnzseamus7: NF410 Mobo, AMD 3700+ and Ati x130015:18
CroXMasterShrek: No IDea what?15:18
Poul|Raiderafter i upgraded to 7.10 in update manager, the grafic settings are gone and keyboard settings not what they normal where. IS there a easy way to get back to how it was before? just install the nvidia driver again?15:18
Fantmc44:  stopped at 70ish % rebooted and now all i have is a blank background when i go into X15:18
MasterShrekkuro, just put opera before the web address15:18
kostaFant, tell me what command you're using15:18
Mikkel^hydrogen : i know not what Detect disk is to -> See here : No Disk drive was detected. ) - Driver needed for your disk drive: -> And i know not what my disk is!!15:18
MasterShrekCroX, no idea what file to change/remove15:18
gordboyharm: gparted/qtparted are unreliable *at best*. just pray it hasn't started an operation without asking first ...15:18
kurohydrogen, is there a website i can find command lines for opera?  or is there a basic outline for all interweb browser?15:18
mc44Fant: have you tried reconfiguring X?15:18
mc44Fant: what graphics card?15:18
hydrogenkuro: opera --help15:18
Kee1Vlet: are you still here?15:18
hydrogenkuro: on the command line15:18
=== Kee1 is now known as Keef_
tru_`z24so is the auto upgrade to 7.10 safe from 7.04 ?15:18
CapaHah wait I got emerald to work... on its default theme15:18
ZambeziAnyone with Feisty and a dualcore CPU?15:18
kurohydrogen, thank you so much :)15:18
Fantmc44:  its nvidia, and yes i have installed the nvidia driver, but still no working.15:19
gordboytru_`z24: i managed it ok15:19
MasterShrekZambezi, used to be, why?15:19
jzehey.. should my wlan usb dongle appear as wlan0 instead of eth2 ??15:19
profanephobiaFFighter, sry i was away15:19
mc44Fant: have you tried using the nv driver to get into x?15:19
MasterShrekjze, maybe, maybe not15:19
hammer123hi, can someone tell me how to set the power management "put display to sleep when inactive for" lowwer than 11minutes?15:19
Hulug_737I've upgraded and now my PC is crashing. The last thing I can read is 'starting gnome display manager'. Also the recovery boot options do this. How can I get into a console?15:19
jribFant: I have to go in a bit, but assume you have main, restricted, universe and multiverse pointing at gutsy.  Just apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade, if no errors, then you are on gutsy.  You can run apt-get install -f to try to resolve broken packages.  dpkg --configure -a to check for packages not configured15:19
seamus7rflmnz: my next suggestion would be to find someone more advanced than I am to help you ... perhaps try the #compiz channel15:19
flickif i want to remove the original bittorrent client it says it has to remove ubuntu-desktop... is that okay? same thing with evolution too15:19
Fantmc44:  yes thats why i am doing now15:19
ZambeziMasterShrek: I would like to know how much better the CPU is then mine on a ten seconds stresstest in stress.15:19
Veinorjze: my wireless card usually appears as eth1, but it doesn't make a huge difference.15:19
GigiHi there!!!  Just a couple of things!!!  1st:  I've been using ubuntu since 6.04!   Congratulations on the 7.10!  It has improve a lot!!!!!!!!!!!15:19
VletKeel: yes15:19
MasterShrekHulug_737, you need to reinstall your video driver15:19
ZambeziMasterShrek: It'15:19
kurowhen did 7.10 stable come out?  was it yesterday?15:20
profanephobiaFFighter, before you exited windows did you properly shut down?15:20
rflmnzok.. Thanks!15:20
ZambeziMasterShrek: It's not found in GG repo, so I need Feisty.15:20
gordboykuro: yes. 18th october15:20
Hulug_737Shrek: I can't do anything. It crashes. I can't get into a console.15:20
profanephobiaFFighter, or did you hard boot or hibernate?15:20
ZaphodBeeblebro1Ok, guys, I'm giving up on this, I'll make a clean install of Gutsy (already have the ISO), so I have basically two questions: 1) If for some reason I decide to make a clean install of Feisty over this (upgraded-Gutsy), will I have problems? 2) Will the clean install of Gutsy automatically recognize my home various "settings folders" (e.g. Thunderbird, Pidgin, etc)15:20
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kurogordboy, thank :)15:20
Keef_Vlet: Could you do me a huge favour and pastebin ur xorg.conf please :)15:20
MasterShrekZambezi, i dont know for sure15:20
flozza06hey! i've got a question: is there an audio player (preferably with an interface similar to rhythmbox or maybe even a plugin for rhythmbox) that lets me choose the audio output device? i've got a c-media usb headset and normal speakers. so i'd like to be able to easily switch the output device. i know that amarok has got such a function, but i simply don't like it's interface15:20
seamus7rflmnz: if you are unable to get help in a timely fashion... you may have to resort to reinstalling gutsy15:20
jotili like desktops better. pity for people who only use laptops.15:20
Fantjrib: yeah thanks for your help, i tryed all those already15:20
jzeok.. Im just having problems with it.. It won't connect to my wireless network.. i've tried to set up the connection manually and with nm-applet but neither has worked..15:20
gordboykuro: tho "stable" is a bit of a misnomer. dolphin has unresolved errors, as does kdelibs15:20
VletHow does one use emerald window manager instead of metacity? Everything else in compiz is working lovely, but I still have metacity themed windows15:20
pwnt-Hey, i'm trying to make backup for my /home/user and everything in it. but here's an error I keep getting, http://pastebin.com/m40e9a9615:20
* genii sips a coffee and awaits news from fuzzy15:21
Hulug_737How can I boot into a console? Or interrupt the boot process seomehow?15:21
Gigiand 2nd thing!!!   I recently switched to AT&T and now, I can't send an e-mail from my computer, I need to go to the webpage to do it.  Do guys know if there is any way to fix that?15:21
Ryuhofuuuuuuk i'm so sleeeeeeeepy15:21
mc44ZaphodBeeblebro1: unless you have a seperate /home partition, clean installing will remove overwrite everything15:21
ZambeziMasterShrek: I want a new computer and know how much faster a C2D is then my computers.15:21
Fantjrib:  no broken packages are found15:21
jotilVlet: you installed emerald?15:21
ZaphodBeeblebro1mc44: I do15:21
flozza06hey! i've got a question: is there an audio player (preferably with an interface similar to rhythmbox or maybe even a plugin for rhythmbox) that lets me choose the audio output device? i've got a c-media usb headset and normal speakers. so i'd like to be able to easily switch the output device. i know that amarok has got such a function, but i simply don't like it's interface15:21
Ryuhowow there's so many people talking here..15:21
Bo^Dickhow do i change default font size in ubuntu?15:21
Ryuho...go to settings.15:21
kurogordboy, i had had some big problems with 7.04 stable version anyways.  I couldn't open any music files, or video files, or video games.  So, this new version will either be better or worse for me15:21
VletKeef_: sure... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41197/15:22
mc44ZaphodBeeblebro1: then it should pick up settings15:22
Hulug_737I desperately need help to get into a console before my PC crashes.15:22
Vletjotil: yes15:22
seamus7pwnt- do you use rsync?15:22
MasterShrekoh, well Zambezi the fact that a cpu is dual core doesnt affect how fast it is, it just affects how fast it is when multiple things are running15:22
Keef_Vlet: thanks!15:22
Fantmc44 or jrib:  would you mind pastebin your sources.list so i can confirm mine is correct ?15:22
VletKeef_: good luck15:22
pwnt-seamus7: never heard of it15:22
flickcan i remove ubuntu-desktop package without worrying?15:22
Ryuhohubuntu exit out of x systems by CTRL+ALT+2 or CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE15:22
geefinatorflick: yes15:22
ZaphodBeeblebro1mc44: How about the Feisty issue? I mean let's say I find problems even with a Gutsy clean install. Can I do a Feisty clean install over it without problems?15:22
erUSULflick: yes, but when you dist-upgrade you should install it again15:22
Bo^Dickthe font is very small now15:23
mc44Fant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1035/15:23
jotilVlet: did you turn on the window decoration plugin in compiz?15:23
Ryuhoyaaaay distro update.. i've been doing it for... 7hs now15:23
geniihubuntu: If you usae ctrl-alt-f2 that will just swap you to a console, X is still running. if you do that go back with alt-f715:23
erUSULflick: that means in 6 months so writte it down somewhere ;)15:23
CroXMasterShrek: Thanks man! Your question about Compiz made me remember it's fscked up macros and when I looked, I had a .compiz directory in my home. I deleted that, restarted X and voila! It worked. :)15:23
Fantmc44:  thank you very much15:23
Ryuhoi hate my packet shaped bs dorm connection :(15:23
Hulug_737Hello, can someone please help me? My problem concerns booting into a console.15:23
Hestv4gahhH! 7.10 upgrade totally fsckd my system :(15:23
flickcan't i upgrade without having it?15:23
erUSULHulug_737: ask the actual question15:23
Hulug_737Mine, too.15:23
mc44ZaphodBeeblebro1: well, you may have some problems if the formatting of settings are changed in newer versions or whatever, but aside from that no15:23
geefinatorHulug_737:  Whats the question?15:23
seamus7pwnt- rsync is a powerful command for backing up and extremely simple ... it will check for updates to files and only copy the difference .. makes it faster . for instance in a terminal I do ... rsync -av "/home/username" "/media/externaldrive/archive"15:24
kuroso, how is the new version of ubuntu?  i haven't yet upgrade yet.  anything noticely different?15:24
Vletjotil: yep :/15:24
MasterShrekcool CroX, glad to hear it15:24
gordboykuro: it says categorically on the ubuntu website that most music/video formats are proprietary. all you need to do is enable the medibuntu repository. if all this is greek to you, go back to windows. it's funny how demandinmg people get of FREE software. especially children and teenagers who haven't been fleeced their entire adult life for crappy commercial software </rant>15:24
jotilBo^Dick: System > Preference > Appearance > Font15:24
Hulug_737Both boot options crash the system and last thing I can read is starting gnome display manager.15:24
pwnt-seamus7: thanks15:24
seamus7pwnt- see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/backup15:24
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Hulug_737I can't get into the console to do anything.15:24
Fantmc44:  yes ours are identical except mine is us and yours is gb15:24
erUSULflick: you can upgrade but not dist-upgrade (e.g. feisty-->gutsy)15:24
jotilVlet: that's odd! :P15:24
geefinatorKuro:  The only thing I noticed was it broke my dual monitor, had to go back to feisty.15:24
ebirtaidfn'Hulug_737: how does it crash?  it jst freezes?15:24
jotilVlet: tried: emerald --replace ?15:24
mc44Fant: main and restricted are in there ok?15:24
Vletjotil: oh, it just took a relog to get it working after installing emerald... bug duhhh for me :)15:25
Fantmc44: yes15:25
mc44Fant: so nv won't boot into x either?15:25
Hulug_737Display stops to receive signal and alt+ctrl+f? doesn't work.15:25
kurogeefinator, don't say that. i also have dual display :(15:25
jotilVlet: hehe. cool.15:25
profanephobiageefinator, did you try using the gusty dual monitor gui?15:25
ZaphodBeeblebro1ok. guys: Thanks a lot, mc44, jotil for all the effort (the others aren't here now) Hope to enter here soon and say "Everything works! I love Gutsy!"15:25
geniiHulug_737: Are you using an intel915/945 type video?15:25
flickahh... probably then i will keep it installed15:25
geefinatorprofanephobia:   Hah, that thing is a joke.15:25
Bo^Dickjotil: thanks15:25
jotilZaphodBeeblebro1: did it work?15:25
profanephobiageefinator, it worked for me15:25
Hulug_737It's a ati adaptor.,15:25
BusMasteri just installed 64 bit Gutsy on my AMD64. I can't find the tapioca package which I use for voice chatting on GoogleTalk. Is there another way to be able to use Gtalk?15:25
flickand remove it after i dist-upgrade to the next version which comes with LTS15:26
Ryuhohubuntu does it get to the login screen?15:26
Fantmc44:  well either the gutsy nv driver or the nvidia one will boot into x, but only the background loads. you can tell that gnome-panel is attempting to load because it flashes at the bottom a few times and then you are stuck on the background picture.  you cant bring up anything at that point15:26
geefinatorkuro:  you might be able to get it to work, but with my shitty ati vid card all i could get was clone.15:26
jotilZaphodBeeblebro1: i got mine to work though. same card. GeForce 6200.15:26
geefinatorprofanephobia:  Well I am glad it worked for someone.15:26
pwnt-seamus7: but I wonder why that error keep happening for me15:26
Hulug_737I simply need some way to get into a console.15:26
ZaphodBeeblebro1jotil: It didn't15:26
gordboyZaphodBeeblebro1: i had my system fully operational yesterday. it more or less does work nicely first-time. just a couple of glitches, which should be sorted out soon15:26
mc44Fant: ah so it's not a driver problem15:26
jotilBo^Dick: welcome15:26
ZaphodBeeblebro1jotil: I'll maje a clean one15:26
kurogordboy, im sorry i missed that, because im using java at school right now.  i did install the codecs and everything i needed to play it.  it use to work for over 7 months and one day it just stop working.  everytime i try to open a file, the whole system freezes15:26
Hulug_737It crashes on loading gnome.15:26
profanephobiageefinator, maybe itll get better :)15:26
pwnt-Why I can't backup /home/user with "cp" ?15:26
Fantmc44:  not that i can tell .. its something the update just hosed15:26
jotilZaphodBeeblebro1: good luck with the installation then15:26
ZaphodBeeblebro1that's ok gordboy15:26
Ryuhohubuntu then load something else15:26
ZaphodBeeblebro1ty a lot jotil15:26
pwnt-Why I can't backup /home/user with "cp" ? http://pastebin.com/m40e9a9615:26
geefinatorprofanephobia:  I am keeping my fingers crossed :)15:26
ZaphodBeeblebro1later guys!15:27
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Vletjotil: too many damn osx-ish themes ;)15:27
mc44Fant: do you get the login screen?15:27
geefinatorpwnt-:  Why would you not just use tar?15:27
Ryuhohubuntu do you get the login screen?15:27
kurovlet, im on osx.  it's even worse in the real thing :((((((15:27
geniiHulug_737: I'm asking about i915/945 video becase: ctrl-alt-f1 actually does work, except it just gives what looks like the gdm/kdm screen. but it actually responds to text typed in even tho you cannot see it.15:27
Vletkuro: haha15:27
pwnt-geefinator: use tar? explain more please15:27
GNUtoohello, how do i upgrade from a relase candidate to the gutsy gibbon?15:27
liquid-xmy xserver won't start nvidia crashes b4 login, i was trying to make dual screen, i even backed it up. now the back up xorg.conf isn't working. can anyone help? I've been searching and searching :((15:27
PMantisVlet: Man! Seeding at 1.3MB/s ? I can only get 850KB/s to go out... the sad thing is, I'm now only getting 13KB/s down from the torrent... More seeders, please! :)15:27
gordboy"i did nothing. then one day it just didn't work" <--- far and away the most common LIE in computing15:27
Hulug_737It's an amd board with ati card.15:27
kurovlet, sigh.  ha15:28
seamus7pwnt- I don't know .. symbolic links and wine and using the cp command can be tricky ... rsync will handle that for you appropriately .. unlike just using cp15:28
profanephobiaFFighter, did you ge tit?15:28
jotilVlet: that's why i use metacity. customize it to my own liking. i am thinking of making an iconset from icons i collected interfacelift.com15:28
profanephobiaFFighter, s/ge tit/ get it15:28
geefinatorpwnt-:  Tar is the backup/archive tool for the command line.  do a man tar in the terminal and read up.  It is one of the nicest things about linux in my book.15:28
pwnt-seamus7: Thanks brother:) Usng rsync now15:28
hammer123hi, can someone tell me how to set the power management "put display to sleep when inactive for" lowwer than 11minutes? sorry to repeat again15:28
GNUtooit says could not download all repositories index?15:28
seamus7pwnt- :)15:28
Poul|RaiderI just upgraded to 7.10. seams like xorg is fucked up, can i just copy the old xorg.conf and reboot_15:28
Fantmc44:  yes but its not the standard one, its white with a yellow flower on it.  and i get the following message before it appears:   :Couldnt recognize the image file format for file /usr/share/gdm/themes/human/bottom_bar.svg15:28
GNUtoos /?//15:28
geniiGNUtoo: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:28
Ryuhotheres so many .... people in here15:28
pwnt-geefinator: dude, I'm trying the whole directory & directories inside it with files in them aswell, /home/user15:28
pwnt-geefinator: rsync is doing the job for me, thanks anyway :)15:28
GNUtoogenii, thanks i'll do that15:28
PMantisPoul|Raider: Make a backup first, but Yes... should be able to do that.15:29
geefinatorpwnt-:  uh yeah tar works on whole directories...15:29
Hulug_737Is there anything I can do in grub to prevent gnome from loading?15:29
UbuntuGuyMy apt-get update on gutsy is failing with errors like: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)   How do I fix this?15:29
geefinatorpwnt-:  plus it compresses the archive into a zip file, but rsync works too :)15:29
kurogordboy, are  you replying to me???? with that "quote" and if so.  all i could think of was an update or something.  i installed lineage 2 on my computer.  but i just copy the files from windows.  thats the biggest change i made within ubuntu to change anything around.  it just stop working one day.  i kid ya not.15:29
pwnt-geefinator: true. give me the command so i can make my whole /home/user in a tar archive:) I'm in a bit hurry can't read whole man please.15:29
liquid-xPoul|Raider: dude, my xorg is fucked up too15:29
jotilUbuntuGuy: perhaps due to server load? try changing repositories.15:29
RyuhoHulug_737 can you get to your login screen? or does it crash before that15:29
Hulug_737It crashes.15:29
aaro1haz: did that work for you?15:29
aboutblankHulug_737: it's called single user mode... let me find it15:30
onquestion: my PS/2 keyboard is recognized in the CD startup menu, but I can not use it at all once ubuntu (7.1) is loaded. any idea?15:30
geefinatorpwnt- tar czf directory,tar.gz /path/of/directory15:30
Hulug_737With recovery option, it asks for root pswd and when pressing ctrl+d it crashes.15:30
geniiHulug_737: Try booting to Recovery15:30
SNyInteresting. The installation comes with a gcc, but fails to install libc-dev. Non-working compilers are fun. NOT.15:30
Hazaaro1: does it just require a restart once done with editing, or is there like a rehash command?15:30
Hulug_737I've tried the -b option in grub. But I'm not totally sure where to write it to pass it to init.15:30
XargoAnyone recognizes the problem where your wireless keyboard doesn't work at the login screen of Ubuntu?15:30
mc44Fant: what does "apt-cache policy feisty-gdm-themes" say?15:30
geefinatorpwnt-:  you might want to and the v option so you can see what it is doing.15:30
Hulug_737Recovery doesn't help. It still loads gnome and crashes.15:30
pwnt-seamus7: in the terminal now rsync is outputting alot of errors :(15:30
RyuhoHulug_737 maybe spam CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE while booting up?15:30
aaro1haz: You need to log out and back in to reset X I think. Someone else correct me if I'm wrong15:30
GNUtoogenii, if it says 0 upgraded 0 newly installed etc...is it that i'm already in gutsy gibon?15:31
pwnt-geefinator: thanks.15:31
geefinatorpwnt-:  np.15:31
onXargo: similar problem on my side: PS/2 keyboard does not work once the CD has loaded (works in CD startiup menu)15:31
jotilHaz: what are you trying to do?15:31
aboutblankHulug_737: OK. Add "rw init=/bin/bash" to the kernel line in grub and boot it15:31
geniiGNUtoo: Yup15:31
Hulug_737Ok. I'll try, thanks.15:31
kuroim out guys, thanks for the help.15:31
aaro1jotil: he changed some xorg.conf settings15:31
Fantmc44:  1 sec ill tell you, rebooting15:31
yeagerXargo: yes, my bluetooth keyboard doesn't work at the login screen but after i login, it works15:31
Xargoon: well, i don't know about the live cd, it's just when i installed ubuntu15:31
Xargoyeager: same here15:31
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pwnt-geefinator: do I need "sudo" to do that for my home directory?15:32
geefinatorpwnt-:  Yeah15:32
Sun_Paladindoes someone know how to fix an upgrade that got shut off half way through?15:32
|box|downloaded the .bin file for realplayer  ran the commands its now installing :) i kinda like this linux bit of a learning curve but google is my friend15:32
geefinatorpwnt-:  I would just get in the habit of putting sudo in front of any system altering commands.15:32
Fantmc44:  installed .22 , canadate .2215:32
jotilHaz: if you try to restart X, press: alt+ctl+f1, login. do: sudo killall gdm. then: sh /etc/init.d/gdm start.15:33
mc44Fant: what about ubuntu-desktop15:33
Hazjotil: thanks15:33
zNOOPyanyone who using ubuntu on a lcd 40" ?15:33
Kee1Vlet: it works :D thanks15:33
zNOOPycan get a screen15:33
aboutblankanyone running an apt-proxy with gutsy? weird how mine just hangs at "getting headers"15:33
|neon|for the person who was asking about the emerallllld-themes run this svn ls https://svn.generation.no/emerald-themes  accept certificate permanently then ope the emeral theme config and donwloand the non gpl themes15:33
Xargois there a channel on freenode for windows vista?15:33
VletKee1: awesome - glad to help :)15:34
mapitolol Xargo no idea15:34
Xargohehe :p15:34
Fantmc44:  actually it wasnt even installed ... i just installed it and now im gonna test x15:34
fooeythe upgrade process aborted suddenly and now I'm left with an unstable system, some apps work, others don't, arbitrary crashes and generally, the system is unresponsive, is there something I could do to get it to complete the update?15:34
Fantmc44:  i have a feeling there are a bunch of things that the upgrade didnt install properly15:34
darkwindbusy place. =)15:34
VletGnome is freezing on me every time I select 'Quit...' from the System menu, before the options window even shows up. How can I determine what is holding things up?15:35
|box|hey .bin files are really easy went to  use linux before but friends said  linux is too hard15:35
Urblixhow do i get to the kubuntu channel15:35
mc44Fant: well if you didn't have the ubuntu-desktop metapackge installed, lots of things won't have been pulled in properly15:35
sexcopterwhat kind of speed are upgraders getting at the moment?15:35
Fantmc44:  still same 1.79 installed now15:35
goukiUrblix: /j #kubuntu15:35
BWTawrnheh, thats what i get for using vista to seed ubuntu. that plus intensive ssh = crashed network drivers15:35
mapitohey |box| indeed they are15:35
jotilsexcopter: it's getting better15:35
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mc44Fant: did it want to install any dependencies at the same time?15:35
Vletlol @ "sexcopter" ;)15:35
|box|im reading and learning and using notepad alot but i finding this a rewarding experience15:36
tattersDo I have to add an extra to the repos to get vmserver or is compiling the only option?15:36
mapitojust download it15:36
mapitocomes with an install script, is easy15:36
mapitonotepad? not nano:P15:37
Vletfooey: the safest thing would be to backup all your documents while you still have a functioning system, download the gutsy iso, and install clean15:37
Shapeshifter-Serious problem: I configured that the screen should turn off if I close the lap top lid (no suspend or anything). The problem is, that the screen turns on again just 3 seconds after I closed the lid. So the lid is closed but the screen is on all night one. And I don't want that ^^ I'm using CF if it matters. What should I do?15:37
tattersyup just wondered Y is vanished from repos along with the vmplayer15:37
|box|<<<< windows fanboy text editor then :P15:37
Sun_Paladinis there a specific channel for problems that happened during upgrading?15:37
Fantmc44:  nope it just installed itself and nothing else15:37
pwnt-What Do i have to delete so my GNOME desktop configuration goes to Default. because i've made alot of changes in gnome panels/style and I mess it up.15:37
BUDD}{Ai installed 7.10 and it is taking me 30 mins to dl vlc player what is wrong15:37
VletSun_Paladin: no15:37
fooeyVlet, I was hoping that that would be the last resort15:37
hubuntuit'samazing how I can update my system totally and just do everything else as if nothing was going on (besides some applet disappearing... :) Ubuntu Just rokcs!15:38
jimmacdonaldsince the update to gutsy my desktop machine won't network automatically. I have to set it to local zeroconf network and force a dhcp config. if I set the network type to dhcp it won't connect at all.15:38
aaro1hubuntu: New Linux user?15:38
mc44Fant: probably not a dependency issue then :/  From the login page did you try the safe gnome session or whatever its called from the options?15:38
Sun_PaladinVlet: do you know how to fix an upgrade that got shut off half way through?15:38
Fantmc44: let me try15:38
hubuntuaaro1: no, 10 year user.. but still... :)15:38
pwnt-What Do i have to delete so my GNOME desktop configuration goes to Default. because i've made alot of changes in gnome panels/style and I mess it up.15:38
Vletpwnt-: in your home directory, there are soem hidden folders that begin with .gnome and .gconf... MOVE (not delete) those somewhere temporarily and see if that does the trick15:39
VletSun_Paladin: no. Does your system still run?15:39
pwnt-Vlet: Okay.15:39
Fantmc44:  well in failsafe mode i get my original desktop and my old icons ... but gnome-panel still fails to load15:40
profanephobiawhats the ubuntu boot screen package named?15:40
WorkingOnWisewhen I drag and drop folders in nautilus to move and copy, are all links and permissions preserved, for both move and copy?15:40
aaro1hubuntu: Ahh, gotcha. Ubuntu definitely rocks. It gets better and better with each release. When you look back and see how far it has come, it makes you wonder how far it will go15:40
Sun_PaladinVlet: no. everytime I try to run Ubuntu, it keeps showing the loading screen. I'm using Ubuntu on a laptop that is dual booted with Ubuntu and XP15:40
bewstafter an upgrade to feisty on my server, gdmflexiserver --xnest doesn't let me log in.  After I enter my password it goes back to asking for my username immediately.  Any clues?15:40
Shapeshifter-Serious problem: I configured that the screen should turn off if I close the lap top lid (no suspend or anything). The problem is, that the screen turns on again just 3 seconds after I closed the lid. So the lid is closed but the screen is on all night one. And I don't want that ^^ I'm using CF if it matters. What should I do?15:40
mc44Fant: can you open a terminal? try killall gnome-panel15:40
parsek_77i just installed 7.10 and updated packages, now NVIDIA driver is not working, falling back to 640x480, i need help15:41
VletSun_Paladin: do you have anything that you need to get off ubuntu? You may be better off just doing a clean install if you can15:41
Fantmc44:  i can, but its not running so i get no process killed15:41
harmHi i want to mount the My Document Folder into ~/Documents.. so in fstab how can i find out which device its on? /dev/sda1?15:41
mc44Fant: try running it from the terminal15:41
Sun_PaladinVlet: will the install CD help me do a clean install on that partition? or a better question can I choose the partition that it will install in?15:41
GigiHi!  I just have one question!  How can I configure yahoo e-mail on thunderbird?15:41
FFighterprofanephobia, Hey, sorry, had to go out for a few minutes15:41
profanephobiaFFighter, no prob15:42
bobboWhat does the OEM install do on the LiveCD?15:42
FFighterprofanephobia, I haven't received your messages (only part of it, seems XChat truncated them)15:42
WorkingOnWisewhen I drag and drop folders in nautilus to move and copy, are all links and permissions preserved, for both move and copy?15:42
Fantmc44:  just did and pastbining the results now15:42
arpeggiis this the help room?15:42
harmbobbo: OEM i think is unattended15:42
geniiShapeshifter-: Make sure DPMS is enabled/set on for your display in the xorg.conf15:42
Ubotwopastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:42
harmarpeggi: yes it is15:42
jotilbobbo: let me know when you find out :P15:42
arpeggii have a quick two questions!15:42
FFighterprofanephobia, so do you know what could have happened?15:42
Noianois it possible to download the dvd version of Gutsy Gibbon ?15:42
profanephobiaFFighter, k ... when you last booted windows did you properly shut down or did you hard boot or hibernate?15:42
parsek_77Xserver falling back to 640x480, is it because of new kernel15:42
fyrestrtrGigi: you have to have a premium subscription to download messages from yahoo onto thunderbird.15:42
onquestion: my PS/2 keyboard is recognized in the CD startup menu, but I can not use it at all once ubuntu (7.1) is loaded. any idea?15:42
harmjotil: i think OEM is unattended install15:42
jxxtShapeshifter, shut down15:42
bobbojotil: i might run it on an old box and see what happens :D15:42
VletSun_Paladin: yeah, that's what the install CD is for :) When it comes time to partition, select manual, and change your ext3 partition's mount point to / instead of whatever it wants it to be15:42
GigiOK, thanks15:43
harmHi i want to mount the My Document Folder into ~/Documents.. so in fstab how can i find out which device its on? /dev/sda1?15:43
jotilNoiano: yes.15:43
Noianojotil, where? i cannot find it?15:43
FFighterprofanephobia, Actually I don't have Windows installed, I don't dual boot... this partition is a legacy thing that I used to backup files from my windows15:43
arpeggi1 - i've just installed the latest nvidia drivers in the livecd so i can try compiz - its asking me to restart. will i lose this installation when i restart as i'm in the livecd?15:43
hubuntuaaro1: definitely... I used it first as the gnome live CD (gnoppix...) based on warty I think, So I waited for Hoary 5.04 to come out and I swaped every other GNU/Linux I had (Fedora Core, Debian) in my machines and had installed in everything I find in my way since (servers, laptops, desktops)... Now I'm working on the community actively and It's just amazing what this sorceres of Canonical and the MOTUs manage to thrill... Go (u)buntu!15:43
Fantmc44:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4119815:43
Sun_PaladinVlet: and if I want to get some documents off of Ubuntu, how do I do that? I ran recovery mode and it said that I had to run dpkg or something manually15:43
eolo999hi someone can shout me to test irssi libnotify script15:43
profanephobiaFFighter, oh! ok well then open fstab15:43
fyrestrtrarpeggi: you cannot install drivers on the livecd.15:43
Ubotwosamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT15:43
arpeggiso i cant test compiz15:43
MasterShrekanyone know why adept would be wanting me to do a version upgrade when im already running 7.10?15:43
parsek_77i need help for NVIDIA15:43
WorkingOnWisewhen I drag and drop folders in nautilus to move and copy, are all links and permissions preserved, for both move and copy?15:44
arpeggidw i'm still going to set it up later as a partition15:44
FFighterprofanephobia, ok15:44
Shapeshifter-genii: DPMS is enabled15:44
Shapeshifter-jxxt: I need it on.15:44
fyrestrtrarpeggi: no, you can get another livecd that already has compiz setup.15:44
MasterShrekWorkingOnWise, yes15:44
eolo999thanks aboutblank it works!15:44
arpeggiquestion 2: does anyone know why my text wiggles in the pidgin window when i'm typing?15:44
dwxreaperhow do I get just the initialization scripts from a package15:44
profanephobiaFFighter, one sec15:44
bobboMasterShrek: does it give you a list of packages it wants to upgrade?15:44
eolo999it's wonderful!15:44
WorkingOnWiseMasterShrek: you see ma as WorkingOnWise?15:44
numuswhat is the hotkey to open the run line.. i totally forgot..15:44
VletSun_Paladin: oh, boot off the live cd (installer cd) and before you actually run the installer, you should be able to access your old ubuntu partition and copy things over to a thumb drive or whatever15:44
XsteelWolfHow do i install language support for wine windows applications15:44
hubuntuBRB after fixing the apartment :)15:44
fyrestrtrXsteelWolf: #winehq15:44
profanephobiaFFighter, and once more replace that line with "/dev/hda5 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,force 0 0"15:45
geniiharm: For that you will need 2 mount commands. One to mount the device (after you discover the proper one), then you will need to bind-mount the subdir that device to the Documents dir15:45
* Symmetria hopes this keeps working, to fix the load on my ubuntu mirror server, I nfs mounted the ubuntu-archive to another machine, and added another http daemon on that other machine that supports another 5k clients15:45
eolo999aboutblank: can you do it again while win is not focused...go!15:45
jotilNoiano: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/release/dvd/ubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso.torrent15:45
jxxtShapeshifter, There are some issues with hibernate etc so i am not sure what to suggest15:45
Vletwoot - seeding the DVD at 6.2 Megs a second :)15:45
arpeggican i set up a partition from this installation?15:45
yeagerXsteelWolf: wine's own applications or windows applications?15:45
mc44Fant: ldd /usr/bin/gnome-panel15:45
profanephobiaFFighter, once saved do sudo mount -a15:45
numusthe 7.10 upgrader wont download.. any way to force a download or delete whatever is cached so it tries to download a fresh version?15:45
harmgenii: well atm my windows partii is mounted in /media/sda1 can i create a symbolic link to the MyDoc folders or something?15:45
arpeggiand how can i view my windows installation in livecd?15:45
Noianojotil, thanks15:45
fyrestrtrarpeggi: yes.15:45
jimmacdonaldsince the update to gutsy my desktop machine won't network automatically. I have to set it to local zeroconf network and force a dhcp config. if I set the network type to dhcp it won't connect at all.15:45
Sun_PaladinVlet: are there instructions on how to boot off the live Cd? when I start up my computer it goes into the dual boot screen and then I'm allowed to choose an operating system. Is the cd supposed to kick in before that?15:45
sisseckcan anyone tell me how to set up firewall so it doesnt conflict with WoW updater. Running it through cedega15:45
FFighterprofanephobia, mounted!15:45
WorkingOnWiseMasterShrek: thanks.15:46
fyrestrtrarpeggi: define 'view'15:46
harmnumus not sure but sudo apt-get clear or clean ?15:46
profanephobiaFFighter, sweet!15:46
UbotwoGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:46
FFighterprofanephobia, I just wonder why this happened15:46
FFighterprofanephobia, why we had to force it15:46
jotilNoiano: fyi, that was for 32bit systems. you can find the 64bit one in the same directory.15:46
XsteelWolfyeager, im trying to run a windows chinese program using wine,it comes up with wierd characters15:46
pwnt-sisseck: I run wow with wine. so smooth:)15:46
Fantmc44:  want the output ?15:46
fyrestrtrsisseck: there is a faq for that on blizzard's forums.15:46
geniiharm: It is not a good idea to make Documents folder in linux a symlink.15:46
numusnot sure if clean did anything15:46
profanephobiaFFighter, not really sure15:46
pike_sisseck: easiest way is to install firestarter to configure it. its nice and graphical but there shouldnt be any firewall rules setup by defula15:46
mc44Fant: pastebin it yeah15:46
harmgenii: howcome?15:46
tecywiz121question about sound:  My optical out only has two channels (L/R) while the all the headphone jacks work fine (alsa, audigy2 notebook)15:46
VletSun_Paladin: yeah, it should... you might have to adjust something in your bios. If the CD is in the drive, your computer should boot off it before it even tries to see what's on the hard drives15:46
Noianojotil, I have a 32bit system :)15:46
numusthe upgrader froze15:46
Fantmc44:  4119915:46
sisseckok thanks all, i'll try the firestarter thing15:46
harmgenii: and no problems if symlink wont work but can i instead mount it then into my Documents folder?15:47
arpeggiby view i mean just access my files in my vista installation from the livecd15:47
Sun_PaladinVlet: okay, I will try that. thanks very much for the help.15:47
onquestion: my PS/2 keyboard is recognized in the CD startup menu, but I can not use it at all once ubuntu (7.1) is loaded. any idea?15:47
yeagerXsteelWolf: ok, sounds like there are issues with character encoding. try ask in #wine15:47
geniiharm: Various reasons. but imagine trying to open in filemanager a symlink which points to nenexistant device15:47
harmgenii: i just want quick access to my windowsMydocuments folder :)15:47
VletSun_Paladin: glad to :)15:47
Fantmc44:  i really do appreciate all this help15:47
profanephobiaPici, sry to bother but how can i restore my ubuntu boot screen?15:47
FFighterprofanephobia, thanks so much!15:47
appa_Hi, Can anyone help me with my soundcard. The optical signal doesnt seem to be active15:47
marko_if i upgrade to gutsy with the command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade the /home stays as it is ??15:47
mc44Fant: eh, we aren't getting anywhere :P15:47
profanephobiaFFighter, no porb glad i could help15:47
pwnt-I know k3b is a KDE app to burn stuff. but whats similier program for Gnome? I know i can run k3b from gnome, but just wondering if there is an app for gnome.15:47
harmgenii: the Harddrive is auto mounted via fstab @ boot anyway :) so wont matter15:47
HourPastMidnightWhen I run the software update using Fawn, I'm not given the option to update to Gibbon. I've installed every update that is available. Any ideas?15:47
yeagerpwnt-: gnomebaker or brasero15:47
Vletmarko_: It's recommended to use the GUI updater, as it does 'more'15:48
poeDoes anyone know what i can do about a caps lock freeze error? I've just installed gutsy and get this freeze occasionally... this happened with my 7.04 previously also.15:48
knuffelbeertjewhen i try to start the compiz config settings manager, it gives me the following error.... http://pastebin.com/m108b81ee15:48
harmHourPastMidnight: sudo apt-distupgrade or something :P15:48
onquestion: my PS/2 keyboard is recognized in the CD startup menu, but I can not use it at all once ubuntu (7.1) is loaded. any idea? (keyboard worked when I installed 6.06 lts at it's time)15:48
stuany time i try to install any package in adept it gives me a break error, and the command line gives me the following error http://pastebin.ca/74243115:48
Piciprofanephobia: I dont know everything ;)15:48
m4stertsunamiquestion: In feisty I had multiple monitor working with Xinerama; this has been dropped for xrandr.  How can I basically have Ubuntu (after just upgrading to 7.10) generate a brand new xorg.conf ?15:48
Noianojotil, where do I find the md5sums?15:48
marko_when i want to upgrade the window freezes15:48
yeagerm4stertsunami: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:48
GNUtoohello, wich version of gnash does ubuntu use(trunk or what???) because i have the computer that hangs when i go on youtube(when there is a video it hangs before loading it)15:48
pwnt-yeager: Thank you.15:48
tecywiz121appa_ I have a similar problem, what card do you have?15:48
m4stertsunamii'll try yeager thanks15:48
Pici!upgrade | HourPastMidnight15:48
UbotwoHourPastMidnight: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:48
jxxtHourpastmidnight, are you using update manager??15:49
geniiharm: Best way is make a subdir in the Documents. then mount the subdir of what contained My Documents in Windows into the linux Documents folder using the bind type of mount. This is for mounting one directory under another directory15:49
mc44Fant: hmm some stuff is in /usr/local/lib which is odd.15:49
arpeggialso how do it turn off the messages in this window telling me when people join and leave the channel?15:49
FlynsarmyIs there any difference between the Gutsy Gibson AMD64 DVD ISO and the CD ISO?15:49
appa_card 0: CK8S [NVidia CK8S], device 2: Intel ICH - IEC958 [NVidia CK8S - IEC958]15:49
profanephobiaPici, np thanks anyways15:49
HourPastMidnightjxxt: Yes15:49
GNUtooi use the i810 driver15:49
nikolakoj si ti be15:49
Vletmarko, you should also check out  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:49
mc44Fant: do export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib then gnome-panel15:49
nikolao nikola nemoj15:49
nikolada te kopama15:49
harmgenii: ok iam now confused .. O.o iam just going to try this symlink :)15:49
nikolasjjkzhkhoydosud; h15:49
dystopianraygenii: why not use a symlink?15:49
Ryuhowtf what kind of language is that15:49
mrjnorwegian probably15:49
* genii sips a coffee and sighs15:49
harmgenii: whats the command for symlink?15:49
dwxreaperhow do i download a single file from a package15:49
yeagerit's not norwegian :)15:50
mrjits one of those viking languages15:50
harmgenii: need 2 read some man :P15:50
arpeggihow do i get it to turn off the leaving and joining messages in pidgin irc?15:50
poedoes anyone know anything about a caps lock blinking freeze? i had it in feisty and i still have it in gutsy15:50
dystopianrayharm: ln creates symlinks15:50
Fantmc44:  woah ... it started15:50
tecywiz121anyone know about optical out?15:50
harmdystopianray: cheers15:50
hammer123if i do an upgrade to 7.10 now, is the repo still slow for downloading?15:50
mc44Fant: yeah, you must have installed some crap which is using different libraries15:50
yeagerhammer123: try a repo in another country15:50
HourPastMidnightPici: I read the upgrade notes. The instructions say the update manager will prompt me to do a dist upgrade, which it does not.15:50
jxxtHourpastmidnight, OK I just did a quick sudo apt-get update then I got the new release dialog :-)15:50
ima-n00bhammer123: yeah... its slow in aus15:50
harmhammer123: depends on the repo :015:50
onquestion: my PS/2 keyboard is recognized in the CD startup menu and I can use it there to navigate / change things, but I can not use it at all once ubuntu (7.1) is loaded. It's like no keyboard is connected: No key works. any idea? (keyboard worked when I installed 6.06 lts at it's time)15:50
Fantmc44:  i have tons of crap on this box so it wouldnt supprise me15:50
Vlethammer123: use the 'find fastest' tool in the software sources applet15:50
mc44Fant: oh great :/ :P15:50
adantehi guys i have whatever kernel is in 7.04 at the moment, i need to build a custom module for it, how should i go about doing this? could i just download the sources and build the module, or will i have to build a whole new kernel as well?15:50
=== on is now known as ong
ongquestion: my PS/2 keyboard is recognized in the CD startup menu and I can use it there to navigate / change things, but I can not use it at all once ubuntu (7.1) is loaded. It's like no keyboard is connected: No key works. any idea? (keyboard worked when I installed 6.06 lts at it's time)15:51
PiciHourPastMidnight: you need to run update-manager -c15:51
hammer123how to choose another country?15:51
bobbohammer123: UK repos are fine15:51
dystopianrayharm: i have most of my home dir as symlinks to another drive15:51
jimmacdonaldONE MORE TIME : since the update to gutsy my desktop machine won't network automatically. I have to set it to local zeroconf network and force a dhcp config. if I set the network type to dhcp it won't connect at all.15:51
Fantmc44:  really everything is just a package for ubuntu except cedega15:51
mrjonescan i load a kernel with a loaded kernel?15:51
mrjon; it's 7.10, not 7.1, no, you can not represent 7.10 as 7.115:51
GNUtoodoes someone knows gnash or i810?15:51
mc44Fant: try removing cedega15:51
geniidystopianray: Replacing the Documents folder with a symlink to the old windows My Documents is really not a great idea, which is what he's attempting15:51
mc44Fant: --purge it15:51
fyrestrtrjimmacdonald: how do you connect to the network?15:51
seamus7Any Ubuntu Experts know this one ... rsync is giving "operation not permitted" errors on attempts to backup a home directory ... what would likely be causing this?15:51
Shapeshifter-I configured my lap top screen to turn off if I close the lid. The problem is that it turns on again if I accidentally move the mouse. Is there a way to fix this or cut off mouse input when the lid is closed? It would actually be ideal if the USB port where the mouse is connected would be disabled on closing the lid (so that the mouse is turned off completely)15:51
mrjong ^15:51
benzonAny one tryed installing Sled on Gutsy ?15:51
Fantmc44:  ok let me backup its settings or it will take me a week to get wow to work again .. lol15:51
fyrestrtrseamus7: permissions15:52
dystopianraygenii: symlink a subdir rather than bind mount15:52
jimmacdonaldwired, through a router to a cable modem.15:52
bitraiserwhen I upgrade to Gutsy through the UPGRADE button, will it automatically upgrade everything that I have now with the kernel and stuff and yet I get to keep all my current themes and settings?15:52
ny00123Hi...any case the following is a bug?15:52
Vlethammer123: In the 'Software Sources' administrative control panel, there is an option 'Download From'... select other, and then there is a button called 'Select best Server'15:52
fyrestrtrjimmacdonald: are you using network manager or manual configuration?15:52
jxxtHourpastmidnight, Did you do update??15:52
mrjbitraiser, theoretically15:52
ny00123If in 64-bit Ubuntu you try:15:52
ny00123sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture skype-debian_1.4.0.118-1_i386.deb15:52
geniidystopianray: Ah, yeah for what he needs would be fine15:52
mc44Fant: yep :) probably some things are using the cedega libraries for gutsy and they won't have been updgraded because its from third party15:52
seamus7fyrestrtr: yes but it's my home directory .. why would those errors come in .. sudo was tried as well and with the same error results15:52
mrjbitraiser, notice I dont say "yes"15:52
ny00123and then it gets installed, it doesn't appear in the package list15:52
ny00123so you can't remove it at all15:52
harmgenii: urm so would ln /media/sda1/test ~/test work?15:52
mc44Fant: for feisty I mean15:52
jotilNoiano: i am not sure where else i can find the md5sum because the cdimage.ubuntu.com seems to be down. however, torrents themselves have a way of checking the file integrity i believe.15:52
ny00123(sudo apt-get remove skype fails)15:52
jimmacdonaldattempting to use network manager but I have to configure manuall to make it work.15:52
fyrestrtrseamus7: where are you rsync'ing to?15:53
bitraisermrj, ok, so I should try to back up my stuff first then I suppose and then attempt that UPGRADE thing huh?15:53
aboutblankny00123: No, because you didn't install it with apt. do "sudo dpkg -r skype"15:53
poeis anyone able to help me with my problem? about the caps-lock blinking freeze :P15:53
Fantmc44:  cant i just reinstall cedega and it will fix its libs ?>15:53
mrjbitraiser, that'd be logical15:53
jimmacdonaldinterestingly enough... email or browser doesn't work but I am talking to you just fine on the same machine15:53
ny00123I've thought dpkg and apt share stuff15:53
dystopianraypoe: your system freezes and caps lock blinks?15:53
fyrestrtrjimmacdonald: disable network manager, set up the network for dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces, restart networking with /etc/init.d/networking restart and see if you get a dhcp address.15:53
hammer123what is the command to upgrade to 7.10?15:53
ny00123like, apt uses dpkg to install, and also to add to the package list15:53
Pici!upgrade | hammer12315:53
ny00123I guess I've been wrong15:53
Ubotwohammer123: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:53
mc44Fant: depends how you are installing it I think15:53
fyrestrtrjimmacdonald: check your /etc/resolv.conf15:53
profanephobiahow can i repair my ubuntu boot screen?15:53
dystopianraypoe: sounds like kernel panic15:53
SNySo... built me my own mga driver from the 1.9.100 sources... someone wish me luck... BRB.15:54
aboutblankyeah, when you use apt is uses dpkg but not the other way around i think.15:54
ongquestion: my PS/2 keyboard is recognized in the CD startup menu and I can use it there to navigate / change things, but I can not use it at all once ubuntu (7.10) is loaded. It's like no keyboard is connected: No key works. any idea? (keyboard worked when I installed 6.06 lts at it's time)15:54
harmhammer123: cmon mate people been screaming the answer to u for a while now :P15:54
Fantmc44:  its a deb package15:54
poeerm, so how do i solve it?15:54
GoshaI love the word "kernel panic" XD. Oh wait.15:54
ny00123Thanks :D15:54
mc44Fant: yes I mean which repo its from or whatever.15:54
poei had it in feisty and in gutsy ... :(15:54
harmong no one atm knows.. please do not spam since its already very busy now :)15:54
murlidharany alternative to rtorrent? that can be run in terminal?15:54
hammer123don't be angry, i just got ubuntu less than a mth now...15:54
jimmacdonaldfyrestrtr: gives the route to nameserver as the ip of my router.15:54
mc44Fant: do dpkg -S /usr/local/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.015:54
seamus7fyrestrtr: to an usb external hard drive in fat3215:54
ny00123Now... a bit curious: Is avoiding libsmpeg dependency in a compiled SDL_mixer app possible, without re-compiling SDL_mixer?15:54
MrKeunerhi, is this channel gutsy already?15:54
harmmurlidhar: gbittorent :)15:55
PiciMrKeuner: yes.15:55
=== nikola is now known as enes_gv
UbotwoI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:55
murlidharharm thnks15:55
harmmurlidhar: sure15:55
fyrestrtrseamus7: you don't have permissions to write to the disk.15:55
murlidharharm: is it in the repos?15:55
bitraisermrj, how about if i download the alternate CD, and use that to upgrade...is it pretty much the same as if i did it through the internet with the Update Manager (and its upgrade button) ?  or is that something totally different really15:55
harmmurlidhar: not sure.. i just use utorrent anyway :D15:55
Fantmc44:  not found15:55
jxxtMrKuener, yes it is15:56
=== nemo_wor1 is now known as nemo_work
murlidharharm: ah ok anyways i don't like using wine15:56
nemo_workthis might not be an ubuntu problem, but I was wondering if anyone has had mail-notification complain it can't contact evolution. occurs to me in feisty and gutsy15:56
arpeggihow do i turn off messages when people join and leave irc in pidgin?15:56
mc44Fant: try cd /usr/local/lib then do ls15:56
profanephobiahow can i repair my ubuntu boot screen?15:56
seamus7fyrestrtr: does it need to be reformatted as ext315:57
harmmurlidhar: utorrent is just the best client.. tried most other clients and utorrent just always manages to outperform15:57
Vletprofanephobia: How did you break it?15:57
fyrestrtrseamus7: no, you just need to mount it with proper permissions so that the user you are rsyncing as can write to it.15:57
poehow can i solve a kernel panic problem?15:57
harmHi i want to mount the My Document Folder into ~/Documents.. so in fstab how can i find out which device its on? /dev/sda1?15:57
flickdeluge just created 41 GB of files in my NTFS partition... but the free space still is the same as before15:57
Fantmc44:  file is there15:57
murlidharharm: i know i love that client but sadly for linux it is not available15:57
flickhow is that possible?15:57
dystopianraypoe: what does it occur?15:57
harmmurlidhar: well with wine it is :)15:57
MrKeunerI am trying to upgrade the virtualbox package but it is giving an error on me. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41201/ How can I fix that?15:57
profanephobiaVlet, i didnt gutsy didnt install it15:57
mc44Fant: ok do dpkg -S with any lib file in there, make sure you spell it right :)15:58
dystopianrayflick: try unmounting and mounting again15:58
poethe caps lock blinking freeze15:58
murlidharharm: yeah but i don't like wine at all15:58
fyrestrtrflick: welcome to the wonderful world of ntfs compatibility15:58
flickdystopianray, i went back to Windows, and it was same there15:58
seamus7fyrestrtr: it gets automounted upon plugin but you're saying the permissions on it need to be tweaked in order to backup to it with rsync15:58
zasfanyone has problems with cups?15:58
mc44Fant: using the full path15:58
arpeggihow do i turn off messages when people join and leave irc in pidgin?15:58
Fantmc44:  fat fingers ftw ... was doing a - and not an _15:58
fyrestrtrseamus7: yes.15:58
flickdystopianray, fyrestrtr and the fact is i don't have 42GB of free space to begin with... i have only 16GB15:58
bobbowhich is the best backup script in the repos?15:58
Vletflick: it doesn't create the entire file... it expands it as it needs15:58
flickVlet, the size shows 42 GB15:59
SANonedamn.. I booted my notebook (7.10 only) this morning and I got this @#*&!* error 17 from grub... common error?15:59
flickVlet, i hope there's nothing to worry?15:59
seamus7fyrestrtr: thx... one more question ... silly ... can't remember how to check the file system of the volume to be sure it's fat32 and not ext315:59
poedystopianray: or if u mean when, in Gutsy: it happened once during booting, once when i was randomly browsing the web. In Feisty: it happened at random times frequently...15:59
dystopianrayflick: does the file contain anything or is a blank file?15:59
fyrestrtrseamus7: mount will tell you15:59
K3nt0can i boot the 7.10 live cd from USB or something?15:59
dystopianraypoe: hrrm weird, other releases are fine?15:59
flickdystopianray, it is a blank file... so far has nothing - but size is full15:59
SNyDamn. Still no 1680x1050. :/15:59
ZambeziI vote for a rename of the next release. Let me present - Horny Hippo! ;-)15:59
mrjK3nt0, from a USB cdrom?16:00
hammer123how long will the upgrade take if lets say the server is not busy16:00
fyrestrtrZambezi: it has already been named16:00
poedystopianray: haven't tried others ... only 7.10 and 7.04 ubuntu16:00
seamus7fyrestrtr: and what permission need to be set in order for it to be backup-able16:00
dystopianraypoe: does feisty work?16:00
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Vlethammer123: depending on your computer, 10 - 20 minutes16:00
pike_arpeggi: /ignore * joins or somesuch16:00
fyrestrtrseamus7: your user need w and x permissions16:00
K3nt0mrj, no from a usb hard drive or any other method that doesnt include burning a cd16:00
copyofjohanhi, is it possible to install a ubuntu-desktop without openoffice, firefox, evolution, gimp etc. ? Just pure gnome.16:00
arpeggiwhere do i put that?16:00
poedystopianray: nope, both gutsy and feisty have this thing16:00
Fantmc44:  you think this is worth trying to fix ... or should i just reinstall ?16:00
CapaHHello, I cannot get SSH to work for some reason. Whenever I try to ssh me@localhost I just get "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"16:00
pike_arpeggi: just type it in here16:00
mc44Fant: what did dpkg -S say?16:01
mrjK3nt0, you want to "boot the livecd" from a "usb harddrive or anything not including burning a CD"...... I'm missing your logic here16:01
fyrestrtrcopyofjohan: yes, don't install ubuntu-desktop16:01
MrKeunerHow can I fix this error? dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.22-14-generic_6_i386.deb (--unpack):16:01
MrKeuner subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 116:01
fyrestrtrcopyofjohan: and install the individual packages.16:01
mrjK3nt0, you can't burn the livecd to a harddrive and boot it, no16:01
SNyarpeggi: /help ignore would help, I guess.16:01
dystopianrayCapaH: you are trying to ssh to the same machine you are using?16:01
arpeggiah unknown commands16:01
fyrestrtrMrKeuner: delete that file and re-download it.16:01
Yshusnirhi there16:01
Fantmc44:  pastbin 4120216:01
maccam94i've upgraded a dell ubuntu inspiron 1420n from feisty to gutsy, but I've got serious issues getting the video card to work properly. I can't get it out of VESA. it's supposed to use the i810 driver, but the xorg.conf seems to be being ignored16:01
copyofjohanfyrestrtr: is there a metapackage for pure-gnome?16:01
aboutblankdamn, the repos are really really slow.16:01
CapaHdystopianray: For debugging purposes yes --- I am actually trying to connect to it from another machine, but that is not working either16:01
seamus7fyrestrtr: it says the file system is vfat ... is that a problem?16:01
arpeggioh ignore isnt a command16:01
MrKeunerfyrestrtr: delete which file?16:01
K3nt0mrj i dont have any blank discs and i was wondering of any alternative to using the livecd16:01
Shapeshifter-I configured my lap top screen to turn off if I close the lid. The problem is that it turns on again if I accidentally move the mouse. Is there a way to fix this or cut off mouse input when the lid is closed? It would actually be ideal if the USB port where the mouse is connected would be disabled on closing the lid (so that the mouse is turned off completely)16:01
bruenigMrKeuner, redownloading the file is nonsense, the error is with a script inside the package16:01
dystopianrayCapaH: are you running an ssh server?16:02
CapaHdystopianray: Default ubuntu installation16:02
XsteelWolfBy any chance does anyone knows how to install chinese fonts in wine?16:02
mrjK3nt0, there are alternatives that allow you to INSTALL it without a CD16:02
dystopianrayCapaH: default ubuntu does not include an ssh server16:02
CapaHps ax | grep ssh   = ssh-agent and sshd16:02
MrKeunerbruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41201/16:02
LiMaOopenoffice will not work correctly if your theme is 'crux' - to try it, set your theme to crux, open oo.org writer and try formating a page. it'll hang =)16:02
UbotwoTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - see also !compiz16:02
CapaHdystopianray: Then why do I have a /etc/ssh/sshd_config --- and sshd running, and ssh-agent ?16:02
dystopianrayCapaH: hrrm I am not sure, but ubuntu shouldn't have an ssh server enabled by default16:03
CapaHwell, it does :)16:03
Martinp23Is there a way to run the dist-upgrade using a local apt-mirror (where that mirror is only a gutsy mirror - no feisty packages)?16:03
dystopianrayCapaH: try installing openssh-server16:03
missmysohi everybody16:03
Vletdystopianray: no, it doesn't16:03
K3nt0what about installing ubuntu on a usb hdd16:03
bruenigMrKeuner, yes, ubuntu continues to do stuff like this even after the bug reports I and others have filed, it is trying to stop a daemon before removing it and that fails16:03
jotili am not installing anything for the next few days. why won't people use torrents and get an alternate CD and upgrade from there? :'(16:03
Vletdystopianray: oh sorry, I thought you said it should :)16:03
copyofjohanfyrestrtr: I worked it out: gnome-desktop-environment is the metapackage16:03
CapaHdystopianray: openssh-server is already the newest version. openssh-server set to manual installed.16:03
jxxtwhat is Ubotwo??16:03
CapaHthats what I get when I try apt-get install openssh-server16:04
mc44Fant: I'd remove cedega and see if it works16:04
MrKeunerbruenig: I do depmod -q vboxdrv before running the upgrade but it does not help16:04
Vletjxxt: it's a 'bot' - a program to make answering common questions easier16:04
incorrectstrange question, but is anyone else experiencing connection issues?16:04
toresbeHello. I'm seeing some strange error where nvidia-new is not being modprobed, as it should.16:04
murlidhari have heard that bittornado can be run in terminal . How can i run it?16:04
dwxreaperi want to download only the third file down in this package, how do i do that16:04
toresbeIs this commonly observed?16:04
Fantmc44:  sure let me do that now16:04
rickjonesanything happened to the ubuntu servers? i can't get any updates to work....16:04
Yshusniri'm trying to install Ubuntu on an old (K6-2) computer, but there's no way I can go past the CD boot menu implemented with ubuntu 6.06. I can install Breezy or Hoary, but any more recent distrib just makes my computer reboot whenever I choose any option...16:04
Vlet!ubotwo | jxxt16:04
UbotwoFactoid ubotwo not found16:04
UbotwoI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:05
dystopianrayCapaH: netstat shows port 22 being listened on by ssh?16:05
bruenigMrKeuner, there is a prerm script on the disk somewhere in /var/apt, not sure where, you can find it, you can delete that or edit it so it you know stops doing that16:05
Vletoh :)16:05
WaltzingAlongYshusnir: i have a feisty on an amd k6-iii16:05
Vletmissmyso: we hear ya16:05
Vletmissmyso: welcome16:05
poedystopianray: so do u have any idea what i can do to prevent this kernel panic again? :(16:05
rickjones<- runs gutsy for 2 weeks now and LOVES it but, whats up with the repos ?16:05
jxxtVlet, so Ubotu is the same?16:05
YshusnirWaltzingAlong : no problem installing ?16:05
Vletjxxt: I guess :)16:05
cachedi've been having some trouble with the repositories lately16:05
IgorSobreirahey guys...ive just installed 7.10 ..all ok..live cd..perfect...but when i try to start from hard disk...just dont start...even the  ubuntu logo on start..nothing..just black...my xorg.conf is the same in live cd and in HD (just some diferences in keyboard layout) ...anybody has any idea?16:05
dystopianraypoe: not really it sounds quite random and difficult to debug16:05
CarlF1rickjones: other people are trying to love it too :)16:05
WaltzingAlongYshusnir: i used the alternate cd (not the live) to install16:06
Vletrickjones: 8 bajillion people are hammering them16:06
mlewallequick question: are there any plans to support PPC arch for the new release? A link to info works well.16:06
SANoneI run gutsy from the RC on my notebook... today I booted it and I got a grub error: "Error 17". Anyone got a clue?16:06
cachedsudo apt-get install maxima gets stuck at 0%16:06
bobbowhere are the Apache2 logs stored by default?16:06
rflmnzDoes Anyone here have experience with ATI X1300 videocard???16:06
jxxtVlet, OK thx :-)16:06
CapaHyes that is correct dystopianray16:06
Vletrflmnz: yes16:06
YshusnirWaltzingAlong : I used the alternate CD of Xubuntu 7.10, the alternate CD for 7.04, all the same16:06
Fantmc44:  if i restart will gnome-panel be gone again ?16:06
missmysohelp me plis16:06
feroceRispondo a: Rimbot; test; -kick; -op; -deop; -topic; -addtopic; -deltopic; -resumetopic; -user;16:06
LjLUbotwo: part16:06
geniiWaltzingAlong: Heh, not many of those CPU around (k6-III)16:06
dystopianraybobbo: /var/log/apache216:06
arpeggii've got no sound in ubuntu livecd but had it previously in feisty16:06
YshusnirWaltzingAlong : they use the same boot menu16:06
CapaHnetstat -anp | grep 22  = tcp6 0 0 :::22  ::::* LISTEN 12999/sshd16:06
MrKeunerbruenig: that preremoval script must be for virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.22-14-generic I suppose?16:06
mc44Fant: depends whether that fixed it or not ;)16:06
bobbodystopianray: thanks :)16:06
dystopianrayCapaH: try restarting sshd16:06
CapaHI did16:06
WaltzingAlonggenii: no certainly not but actually it does really well with what i ask of it16:06
CapaHno success16:06
Vletrflmnz: and I can tell you that if you're trying to get compiz working, you're better off finding something else to do :)16:06
Fantmc44:  restarting then16:07
Dr_Jekyllsince putting acpi=force in the menu.lst, my oldschool notebook finally manages to shutdown. but since that, the xfce battery panel fails to show the remaining time. remaining percentage works16:07
bruenigMrKeuner, whatever it is you are trying to remove, I don't recall, you should know better than me16:07
Dr_Jekyllany ideas?16:07
missmysohow to install crystal eye16:07
dwxreaperi want to download only the third file down in this package, how do i do that16:07
MrKeunerbruenig: yes that16:07
flozza06how can i edit the tags of m4a-files in gutsy? easytag doesn't even recognise the files when scanning my folders...16:07
rflmnzvlet: :(16:07
CapaHdystopianray: What happens when I try to ssh to the machine is this: a few seconds pass, then it says: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by host16:07
bruenigdwxreaper, I am pretty sure you cannot16:07
jxxtmissmyso, ask your question16:07
adantehi, any people who know stuff about kernels here?16:07
missmysohow to install crystaleye in ubuntu 7.04?16:07
rflmnzvlet: What experience do u have? :D16:07
maccam94i've upgraded a dell ubuntu inspiron 1420n from feisty to gutsy, but I've got serious issues getting the video card to work properly. I can't get it out of VESA. it's supposed to use the i810 driver, but the xorg.conf seems to be being ignored. i get bulletproofX every time, so I  can't even debug it16:07
bobboflozza06: have you tried a different tagger like cowbell?16:07
dystopianrayCapaH: i'm not sure what would cause that16:07
adantei want to build some modules for my kernel, can i do this without having to rebuild the whole kernel? (my kernel is binary from whatever 7.04 installed)16:07
bruenigdwxreaper, just download the entire package and then extract it if you want to16:07
geniiCapah: sudo apt-get install --reinstall openssh-server;sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart16:08
giany911so ... any known issues when upgrading from feisty to gutsy, especially with easy ubuntu, envy ..nvidia drivers ?16:08
Vletrflmnz: I had one in my work computer until 2 days ago... an optiplex 745... the thing was okay, but I for the life of me could not get compiz working even though I've heard people say it could be done...16:08
pwnt-any updates happened since yesterday?16:08
weltalldoes anyone remember that "window" which is shown when gnome is launching (there is a similar one on kde) which shows components being loaded? does anyone know how to restore it as it doesn't show anymore to me...?16:08
dystopianraymaccam94: with gutsy you should be using the 'intel' driver16:08
Yshusnirdoes anybody know if there's a version of the 7.10 install CD that doesn't have this cd boot menu, but starts directly installing, like with 5.10 and olders ?16:08
ima-n00bYshusnir: alternate cds..16:08
WaltzingAlongYshusnir: yes it is the alternate cd (not desktop) or the DVD16:08
geniiCapaH: You can add -f switch to force it16:08
Vletrflmnz: with all the time you'll spend trying to get it working, you're better off spending that time working a job, taking the money you earn, and buy a $120 NVidia card :)16:08
MrKeunerbruenig: that worked thank you16:08
CapaHgenii: What do you mean?16:08
flozza06bobbo, no, but i will now :-)16:08
giany911so ... any known issues when upgrading from feisty to gutsy, especially with easy ubuntu, envy ..nvidia drivers ?16:09
Fantmc44:  lol back to black background16:09
YshusnirWaltzingAlong : they still have a boot menu, I tried :]16:09
Fantmc44:  blank16:09
maccam94dystopianray, it doesn't work with the intel driver either. the i810 driver is supposed to be more stable too, but i've been trying both and it seems like xorg.conf is just being ignored (or there's some problem forcing bulletproofX every time)16:09
rickjonesgiany911 : gutsy doesn't like older ati cards.16:09
Vletrflmnz: It worked great in 2D though with two 1680x1050 monitors16:09
TabooTreezCan someone help me. Im using gusty. But I still cant get mt ntfs drive to mount. Its very odd.16:09
Vletmissmyso: what is crystal eye?16:09
WaltzingAlongYshusnir: what do you mean still have a boot menu? well you can pass some parameters to the kernel if you need such as setting resolution and turning off acpi16:10
giany911rickjones anything else? got an nvidia so i'm off the hook16:10
geniiBah not -f ... --force-yes16:10
SANoneTabooTreez: Install ntfs-config16:10
Yshusnirit's the very first menu, when you choose to "install in text mode", "install for server", and stuffs. my computer reboots when i choose any option16:10
rickjonesi'm noticed the i386 runs GREAT with kde, all in all i haven't any complaints16:10
TabooTreezSANone: im on gusty so its installed by default. Just doesnt want to mount.16:10
geniiCapaH: the --reinstall part will overwrite whatever manual entries were misconfigured in it's conf files with stock ones16:10
astro73Gutsy broke Xorg; now it scrolls madly16:11
CapaHI did that ---- same problem16:11
XsteelWolfHow do i copy paste in terminal without using the mouse16:11
CapaHstill doesn't work16:11
CapaHssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host.16:11
missmysohow to install crystal eye for feisty?16:11
rickjonesastro73 : do you have RAID controllers ? if so, and no raid devices, turn them off in bios, i had same trouble. now works perfectly16:11
LjLXsteelWolf: i suspect you do need the mouse - unless you're using some editor with built-in copy and paste support, in which case consult its manual16:11
astro73no raid16:12
mc44Fant: pastebin /etc/ld.so.conf16:12
rickjonesif you google the error message, it will tell you the cause and fix for it16:12
Vletmissmyso: what is it?16:12
bobbosomeone should write a pastebin app that grabs the data from the file, ups it to paste bin and resturns the link16:12
TabooTreezIm on gusty and I cant mount my NTFS drive. Please help!16:12
YshusnirI tried something else : installing Breezy and updating from the CD of Xubuntu 7.10... But it doesn't work, and I don't know where i might be wrong :/16:12
astro73bobbo: i did do that16:13
geniiCapaH: When you manually installed openssh-server previously. Remeber where you put the deb file. then go there and do: sudo dpkg -r --purge <debnamehere>16:13
SANoneTabooTreez: RU sure the last time you loaded windows the shutdown was done okay (so no need for a checkdisk dialog or something?)16:13
bobboastro73: got a link to some source?16:13
jotilTabooTreez: it should mount automatically. mine did.16:13
murlidharGreat i didn't know that ctorrent was in repos!!!!!!16:13
TabooTreezSANone: ya that was the first thing I tryed16:13
_Carlo_hi after the update to gutsy my screen flickers if i use ati or radeon driver but not if i use vesa16:13
TabooTreezits funny it says my nfts drive is a resierfs filesystem16:13
Fantmc44:  its just this ::  include /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf16:13
Vletmissmyso: what is "crystal eye"16:13
danielbwi am having a problem with my sound and gutsy.  I have a Toshiba Satellite a105-s433416:13
astro73bobbo: astro73.com/viewvc (under utils) would be the best place to look16:13
flickhere's the situation, some program creates 42 GB of files in an NTFS volume (according to Ubuntu and Windows), but my free space remains the same16:13
astro73otherwise, IDK if it's online ATM16:13
danielbwthe sound works but it is very very low.16:13
flickhow is that possible??16:14
astro73use at own risk16:14
danielbwI came from opensuse and the sound worked fine on that distro.16:14
SANoneTabooTreez: kinda weird indeed.. I have no clue mate.. perhaps make a forum thread?16:14
mc44Fant: whats in that directory16:14
SANoneit's too crowded in here to get a normal conversation with anyone16:14
mc44Fant: /etc/ld.so.conf.d/16:14
TabooTreezSANone: Thanks for your trying regardless16:14
arpeggican anyone help me getting my sound set up?16:14
YshusnirCould someone explain me how I can upgrade from Breezy (5.10) to Gutsy with the Gutsy CD (I can't use internet)16:14
rickjonesany known issues installing ubuntu with dual video cards installed?16:14
Fantmc44:  libc.conf and i486-linux-gnu16:15
bobboastro73: not there, but thanks anyway16:15
danielbwi am having a problem with my sound and gutsy.  I have a Toshiba Satellite a105-s4334. the sound works but it is very very low.  There was no problem with the sound when I was using Opensuse.  Has anyone else hfixed this problem?16:15
mc44Fant: hmm, same as here L/16:15
geniiYshusnir: There is no way to upgrade directly from 5.10 to 7.1016:15
k0phi all. I have 7.04 version of ubuntu. When I go to update manager, and try update to new version it try download 1 of 2 files - tools to update, but it can't download files :/16:15
Ubersoldatdanielbw: try setting up the volume with alsamixer16:15
astro73bobbo: give me a few to get it somewhere16:15
SANoneTabooTreez: just discoverd that my HDD died on my notebook :( So I'm not really in the mood to help others any further :(16:15
Fantmc44:  i should just reinstall i guess16:15
dwxreapercan i download a package file without installing, ftp to windows then extract a single file16:16
Yshusnirgenii : that's not a problem, I can upgrade from version to version, I have CDs of 5.10, 6.06, 7.04 and 7.10. is there a way to do it step by step ?16:16
MickoDhello all16:16
Fantmc44:  if i reinstall can i do it without loosing all my stuff ?16:16
astro73bobbo: astro73.com/bucket/pastebin16:16
r0b-and once again the Ubuntu mirrors are slow16:16
tsukasaFant, if you back it up, sure16:17
astro73again, use at own risk16:17
VletFant: back it up somewhere16:17
danielbwUbersoldat: I thought I already have.  What's weird is that it detects two sound cards.... A realtek and an AC9716:17
mc44Fant: not unless you have a sepearte home partition16:17
MickoDi'm having terrible trouble getting ubuntu installed on my system16:17
MickoD and think it might be to do with hw support16:17
tsukasaMickoD, whats up16:17
MickoDwhere's the best place to check my hardware for compatibility16:17
Fantmc44:  ok ... can you give me that command that gives my gnome-panel back16:17
TabooTreezSANone: I just added it to my fstab and added the "force" option. Now all is "ok". Thanks man.16:17
UbotwoFactoid fixapt not found16:17
=== lix_ is now known as lix
tsukasaMickoD, well what problem are you having16:17
geniiYshusnir: Mostly manual-type upgrade method from 5.10 to 6.06 then 6.06 to 6.10. from there upgrade-manager16:17
LjL!adept crash fix16:17
UbotwoIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:17
Fantmc44:  thanks a ton for all your help16:17
Ubersoldatdanielbw: lspci16:18
MickoDtsukasa: i've a sata drive 250g and it's not being recognised by the partitioning tool16:18
Greyhound-does anyone know where I can get the Ubuntu Ultimate Gamers Edition wallpaper ? (the one with the dragon) :D16:18
mc44Fant: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib16:18
geniiYshusnir: You will need alternate CDs not regular. Use apt-cdrom since no internet when you need the repos16:18
Yshusnirgenii : what do you mean by manual-type upgrade ?16:18
Ubersoldat00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)16:18
tsukasaMickoD, is it recognized by bios? which cd are you using, regular or alternative16:18
MickoDi've tried to resize my existing ntfs partition with the follow: qtparted gparted paragon (doze) and no luck16:18
pike_Greyhound-: im thinking images.google.com :)16:18
Greyhound-done that already16:18
MickoDtsukasa: yeah16:18
Fantok .. thanks a lot16:19
MickoDtsukasa: windows xp is the ntfs partition and has been operational for a couple of months now16:19
Fantoff to back and reinstall ...16:19
Greyhound-I was thinking someone who si actually using that could send it :D16:19
Fant /cry16:19
n0deal_desktophow do you run the distro upgrade to 7.10 from 7.04 using the a Gutsy CD?16:19
MickoDtsukasa: need to setup a dual boot16:19
tsukasaMickoD, oh so you are trying to install it on a partition on the sata drive16:19
geniiYshusnir: I'll find you the info on 5.10->6.06 path16:19
TabooTreezGusty = distro hopper stopper16:19
TheRepackerGreyhound-,  ask TheeMahn in the forums16:19
MickoDtsukasa: afirmative :D16:19
bobbowhats the link to the Ubuntu Pastebin?16:19
TabooTreezI cant believe I left Arch Linux behind16:19
Ubotwopastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:19
tsukasaMickoD, what settings are you using in the installer16:20
erUSULbobbo: also it is on the /topic16:20
tsukasamanual or automatic16:20
maccam94i've upgraded a dell ubuntu inspiron 1420n from feisty to gutsy, but I've got serious issues getting the video card to work properly. I can't get it out of VESA. it's supposed to use the i810 driver, but the xorg.conf seems to be being ignored. i get bulletproofX every time, so I  can't even debug it16:20
Yshusnirgenii : thx :) I'll try "apt-cdrom dist-upgrade" with alternate CDs...16:20
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
MickoDit auto specifies manual as it can't see the partition table if you get me16:20
YetiChickI tried Arch a year or so ago, TabooTreez and didn't find it that compelling.  Have they continued to improve it?16:20
tsukasaMickoD, do a sudo fdisk on the sata drive and print the partition table16:21
tsukasaMickoD, see if fdisk can see it16:21
Sp0tUbHi! Can someone tell me how i unmount a external USB harddrive i have mounter in Ubuntu 7.10?16:21
PriceChildSp0tUb, umount /path/to/mount16:21
tsukasaSp0tUb, right click16:22
MickoDi can do this within the livecd yes?16:22
tsukasaMickoD, yeah just launch the terminal16:22
PriceChildSp0tUb, or in nautilus, go to computer, then right click the disk and "unmount" or "eject"16:22
MickoDcool cool16:22
endxDo you guys support beryl here as well?16:22
MickoDi'll give that a go and report back in about 1 hour :)16:22
danielbwUbersoldat: I had to setup ssh to my laptop, bear with me16:22
russi installed crossover office....why doesn't it show up in my applications....???....16:22
kl4mIs there a simpler way to upgrade 7.04->7.10 from an ISO than mounting it or burning it?16:22
MickoDthe command is sudo fdisk -l isn't it?16:22
Sp0tUbPriceChild Dosent work, it cant be unmounted normally16:22
sivikhow do i get all my buttons to work on my mouse16:23
PriceChildSp0tUb, why not?16:23
=== _Kernel is now known as Kernel
pike_Sp0tUb: in terminal  type 'mount'  then type sudo umount /media/usb or wherever it shows as mounted16:23
geniiYshusnir: The main info page on updates from 5.04 onwards: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:23
shortnicki have a problem : i can't use apt, it says 404 NOT FOUND on pt.archive.ubuntu.com ... That means i can't install anything or upgrade. What are the correct portuguese repositores ? or in other case, what is the main repository?16:23
mini-meam i the only one who can't enlarge windows or make them smaller when compiz fusion enabled?16:23
tsukasaMickoD, i dunno what -l does, i was referring to sudo fdisk /dev/xxx and just doing a p (print)16:23
Sp0tUbpike_Ill try16:23
abhiberahi i'm facing a weird problem on my system16:23
sivikabhibera, whats the problem16:23
abhiberai can't find gcc16:23
pike_shortnick: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  then remove the pt. from each url and save then sudo apt-get update16:23
abhiberagc<TAB> isn't listing it16:23
Vletshortnick: change your mirror by using the 'software sources' control panel16:23
pike_shortnick: be carefule editing the file16:23
abhiberaand when i do a gcc16:23
danielbwUbersoldat: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)16:24
MickoDtsukasa: i saw it on a forum yesterday ... are you online for a bit?16:24
russgutsy>automatix--i installed crossover office....why doesn't it show up in my applications....???....16:24
abhiberait gives : bash: /usr/bin/command-not-found: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory16:24
MasterShrekabhibera, sudo apt-get install build-essential16:24
Yshusnirgenii : ok thx !16:24
Toptygheh /dev/xxxx ))16:24
danielbwBut ubuntu sees two different audio devices16:24
shortnickand where can i find a list of repositores from all around the world?16:24
abhiberaMasterShrek: gcc is there on my system16:24
TheWoodIm doing the 7.10 upgrade and have managed to get 1047 of 1059 updates but the rest fail with 302 Moved. Ive tried diff repo but all seem to fail - any ideas anyone pls.16:24
tsukasaMickoD, for like 20 mins or something yeah16:24
zamaraxso everyone else having that bzip error when attempting to upgrade over the internet?16:24
geniiYshusnir: np16:24
MasterShrekabhibera, no, you need build-essential, it installs all the compilers and stuff that you should need, including gcc16:24
oshiii-_^Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main libgsm1 1.0.10-13 506 Failure To Connect To Web Server, is there something i can do to fix that, or is it probably related to server overload due to 7.10's release?16:24
abhiberaMasterShrek: u sure?16:25
ReL1Kanyone having issues when they copy something, it pastes garbage characters and not what you originally copied?16:25
astro73zamarax: I had no problems, but downloads finished at ~3AM EDT16:25
MasterShrekabhibera, ive been using ubuntu for years, yes im sure16:25
Vletoshiii-_^: change your mirror by using the 'software sources' control panel16:25
* abhibera is new16:25
oshiii-_^Vlet : thanks16:25
MickoDtsukasa: ah ok, stupidly i'm not at the box now :( it will take me roughly 15 to get to it16:25
zamaraxFailed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) is what I get16:25
shortnickwhat mirrors there is?? im using ubuntu 5.1016:25
* abhibera will listen to MasterShrek16:25
MickoDi'll sign back in anyway and see if you're here16:25
MickoDthanks anyway16:25
KLhi everybody16:25
tsukasaMickoD, okay i might be around /shrug16:25
MickoDif it is btw, what can i be doing?16:25
Ubersoldatdanielbw: so it's an Intel board16:26
maccam94i've upgraded a dell ubuntu inspiron 1420n from feisty to gutsy, but I've got serious issues getting the video card to work properly. I can't get it out of VESA. it's supposed to use the i810 driver, but the xorg.conf seems to be being ignored. i get bulletproofX every time, so I  can't even debug it16:26
d2dchatMasterShrek, I moved the directory out of my home directory and it still won't start16:26
TheRepackermaccam94,  try deleting xorg.conf or dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:26
danielbwUbersoldat: correct.16:26
TheWoodIm doing the 7.10 upgrade and have managed to get 1047 of 1059 updates but the rest fail with 302 Moved. Ive tried diff repo but all seem to fail - any ideas anyone pls.16:26
MasterShrekd2dchat, what were you trying to start? sry i forgot16:26
d2dchatMasterShrek, it regenerated the .gnome2 directory though16:26
d2dchata new one16:26
geniishortnick: 5.10 is no longer supported16:26
danielbwUbersoldat: Core 2 duo16:26
KLcan someone help me?.. i have some troubles with compiz in Gutsy...16:26
Sp0tUbpike_ Its called sdb1, then i type sudo unmount /media/sdbi ?16:26
tsukasaMickoD, if fdisk cant see the partition table, your problem is probably a messed up partition table or something along those lines16:26
Yshusniroh, by the way, anyone knows how to make a sitecom WL-172 wi-fi usb work, and configure wireless network on breezy ?16:26
Ubersoldatdanielbw: try running alsamixer from the console16:26
danielbwUbersoldat: Toshiba Satellite A105-S433416:26
MasterShrekzamarax, i would just wait a little bit, i believe the servers are getting their arses kicked16:26
zamaraxyea, that's kinda what I thought16:26
danielbwUbersoldat: I have and it's unlike any other alsamixer settings i have ever seen16:26
d2dchatMasterShrek, Gnome 2.2.. failsafe works but normal only gets through half way before kicking me back to login prompt16:26
danielbwmaster is a switch instead of a sliding scale16:27
shortnickgenii then how can i upgrade ??? do i need to install ubuntu all over again ??  i was hoping to use apt-get install -y distro16:27
zamaraxwhat is weird is its always the exact same sources16:27
Sp0tUbpike_ Its called sdb1, then i type sudo unmount /media/sdb116:27
* Bsims pouts I waited an entire day I want it now <g>16:27
danielbwubersoldat master is a switch instead of a sliding scale16:27
d2dchatMasterShrek, do u think it could be an incompatible start up process?16:27
tsukasaMickoD, if it can see it, then you might want to try reformatting the partition your going to use for linux (eg sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/xxx1)16:27
MasterShrekd2dchat, try creating a new user and see if they can log in, im pretty sure its some config files somewhere in your users directory16:27
Ubersoldatdanielbw: switch? weird16:27
maccam94TheRepacker, been there, done that16:27
tsukasaMickoD, assuming 1 is the right partition number, fdisk will tell you16:27
d2dchatMasterShrek, kk, brb16:27
russgutsy>automatix--i installed crossover office....why doesn't it show up in my applications....???....16:27
Ubersoldatdanielbw: but you do have sound then16:27
xander21canyone has the torrent for xubuntu gutsy16:27
danielbwUbersoldat: maybe not a switch but I can only mute and unmute it.16:27
geniishortnick: For upgrade instructions from 5.10->6.06->6.10->7.04->7.10   see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:27
maccam94TheRepacker, it's like xorg.conf is being ignored and it just goes straight to a failsafe16:27
MasterShrek!automatix | russ16:27
Vletzamarax: I have a suspicion that your problem is also that you need to change your mirror in the 'software sources' control panel16:27
Ubotworuss: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)16:27
danielbwUbersoldat: I do have sound but it is very faint16:27
bobboxander21c: if ubuntu.com is slow get them at www.autofillband.co.uk16:28
tsukasaMickoD, also after you run mkfs.ext3 to format the partition reboot into the livecd again, the installer has some issues sometimes16:28
danielbwubersoldat i have heard this thing crank out a lot more noise using opensuse.16:28
siviki see i don't want to upgrade to the new veersion yet16:28
=== _barnie is now known as barnie
* Bsims laughs wonder if I should fire up the upgrade via ssh16:28
TheWoodive changed the mirrors a few times but it seems to still fail on the last 12 files !! arghhhh16:28
abhiberaMasterShrek: i did what u said16:28
YshusnirCan i upgrade directly from Ubuntu 7.04 to Xubuntu 7.10 ?16:28
rflmnzhey, if I press Ctrl+Alt+F1 i'll go to a terminal display... How to get back to the Gnome display?16:28
abhiberaMasterShrek: but i still get a bash: /usr/bin/command-not-found: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory16:28
TheWoodYSHU: Yes16:28
Vletsivik: everyone who's not in here with a problem is fine :)16:28
danielbwrflmnz: ctrl-alt-f716:28
Yshusnirok thx :)16:28
bobboYshusnir: using update-manager or the Alternate CD16:28
geniishortnick: If you don't want to upgrade to all the in-between versions to get there, install from a Cd fresh16:28
MasterShrekabhibera, i think u need to install pythong seperately16:28
TheRepackermaccam94, if you delete xorg.conf and reboot, should make and new config.file16:28
adanteis there a way of finding what version of v4l-dvb exists in the 2.6.22 kernel?16:29
danielbwrflmnz: ctrl-alt-f716:29
sivikVlet, how do i install the drivers to get my mouse buttons to work16:29
abhiberapythong hehe... hilarious16:29
srcfreudian slip16:29
Ubersoldatdanielbw: then it's a problem with alsa not using the board right16:29
_6StringKng_there anyway I can control winamp remotely on my windows machine from my linux box?16:29
johnhHi I want to ask something about fstab and auto mount16:29
aguitel how i install emerald in gutsy ?16:29
Vletsivik: you don't. you just need to adjust your xorg.conf16:29
pike_Yshusnir: im not sure how much trouble it is to remove the ubuntu specific packages. best bet is to just update then sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:29
genii!info v4l-dvb gutsy16:29
Vletaguitel: sudo apt-get install emerald16:29
bobboaguitel: sudo apt-get install emerald16:29
srcjohnh, fire away!16:29
UbotwoFactoid unmount not found16:29
KLhmm hello, I need some help with gutsy...16:29
Ubersoldatdanielbw: try reading the man page for alsactl16:30
sivikVlet, what would i need to change to fix it16:30
UbotwoFactoid umount not found16:30
d2dchatMasterShrek, hmmm it didn't work16:30
johnhI want 2 disks not to be auto-mounted16:30
shortnickgenii i want to upgrade to all in between but i can't access the repositores16:30
abhiberaMasterShrek: but gcc is not showing up when i do a gc<TAB>16:30
aguitelbobbo: is compatible with compiz in gutsy ?16:30
KLcan anybody help me_16:30
shortnicki dont know why16:30
maccam94TheRepacker, config.file? do you mean xorg.conf? I've already made and remade new xorg.conf's. the issue seems to be driver related or some issue with bulletproofX/failsafe mode16:30
danielbwUbersoldat: alsactl?16:30
johnhI don't know what to put in the <option> @ fstab16:30
d2dchatMasterShrek, I created a new user and got the same problem16:30
shortnickit says stat : not found file16:30
Bsimsjohnh: remove the auto part16:30
bobboaguitel: yes im using it now16:30
Pici!ask | KL16:30
UbotwoKL: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)16:30
aguitelbobbo: ok i try16:30
srcjohnh, noauto16:30
pike_johnh: what file syste?16:30
d2dchatMasterShrek, why would it work in failsafe mode but not a new user? lol16:30
Ubersoldatdanielbw: advanced controls for ALSA soundcard driver16:31
b_9how do I tell what process is keeping a ssh connection open when I've logged out?16:31
johnhthis is the option16:31
johnhi cant find auto16:31
GreencookieHey :)16:31
XsteelWolfBy any chance does anyone knows how to install chinese fonts in wine?16:31
dwxreaperhey i got a question about initialization scripts16:31
bobboXsteelWolf: #winehq16:31
danielbwUbersoldat: check this out: aplay -l16:31
danielbw**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****16:31
danielbwcard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC861 Analog [ALC861 Analog]16:31
danielbw  Subdevices: 1/116:31
danielbw  Subdevice #0: subdevice #016:31
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away
danielbwcard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 6: Si3054 Modem [Si3054 Modem]16:31
danielbw  Subdevices: 1/116:31
johnhUUID=2644EFDF44EFB02B /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       116:31
danielbw  Subdevice #0: subdevice #016:31
GreencookieOk who's got a successul Gutsy install? :)16:31
sivikdanielbw: pastebin16:31
abhiberaMasterShrek:  it should atleast show gcc in the list no?16:31
johnhthis is the line16:31
maccam94!flood | danielbw16:31
danielbwsivik: i am sorry i thought it was a smaller paste16:32
Ubotwodanielbw: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:32
=== w4ett_ is now known as w4ett
XsteelWolfbobbo, no one from #winehq happen to know16:32
MasterShrekabhibera, type: whereis gcc16:32
sivikdanielbw, anything more than 4 lines is too big16:32
KLIm trying to use the compiz, in System Preferences.. I already install the compiz manager, configure it, but the effects are not going on,....16:32
Vletsivik: In your xorg, you'll see a section for your mouse... try changing it to this (backup your current xorg.conf first!!!) .... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41206/16:32
danielbwsivik i apologize16:32
bobboXsteelWolf: ah ok, just in case you came here first16:32
UbotwoFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:32
abhiberaMasterShrek: /usr/bin/gcc16:32
Vlet!paste | danielbw16:32
d2dchatMasterShrek, get my msgs?16:32
Ubotwodanielbw: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:32
unibroueAnybody here have a Syncmaster 940BW? ... cause Dual-monitor with widescreens seems to not work correctly !!!16:32
srcjohnh, noauto if you don't want your disk to be mounted at boot time16:32
MasterShrekabhibera, then gcc is there16:32
joseaaHello, Appearance preference dialog is taking 100% CPU in gutsy. Is it a bug ?16:32
GreencookieSomeone please help me with GUTSY install. All I get is "OUT OF RANGE" in red on my monitor :(16:32
rflmnzI HATE ATI X1300! Sorry for the caps!16:32
johnhthis is the lines for the disks that i don't know16:33
SNyMan, I am totally fed up with this crap. This combination of g550 and monitor has been working fine with debian before. The version of xorg and the mga driver do not allow me to use the native resolution on this gutsy install now.16:33
danielbwubersoldat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41207/16:33
MasterShrekd2dchat, no, you need your nick registered to msg ppl16:33
Gek_what file system would be best to use on a raid 1 system?16:33
_6StringKng_I hat eati period16:33
d2dchatrflmnz, how about  ATI in general16:33
aguitelbobbo: how start emerald?16:33
TheRepackermaccam94, something else then has to be miss configured then, I really can't help that much, nvidia here I had enough problems getting it to work, I kept at it now stable with *all* the toys16:33
MasterShrekoh d2dchat, nvm16:33
Vletrflmnz: is it a dell optiplex 745 too?16:33
johnhThis is the lines for the disks that i dont want to auto mount: http://pastebin.com/d26d6f17b16:33
Gek_riserfs, xfs, or jfs?16:33
KLonly the simple effects are running, the desktopwall for example, but not the cube...16:33
_6StringKng_cant wait to put my 7600 in and try compiz on it16:33
MasterShrekd2dchat, thats strange, gnome must be trying to load something16:33
bobboaguitel: is Compiz running now?16:33
joseaaIt it just me or can anyone else reproduce the problem ?16:33
abhiberayea but why this bash: /usr/bin/command-not-found: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory16:33
aguitelbobbo: yes16:33
SlimG3Is there any logos representing the (current) ubuntu release codename? like a hedgehog for hoary, this would be great since all the codenames represents animals in different "moods"16:33
rflmnzI hate ATI in general too!!!16:33
d2dchatMasterShrek, do u think it's a xorg configuration issue?16:33
MasterShrekd2dchat, id help you more, but im not running with gnome16:33
abhiberaMasterShrek: yea but why this ? bash: /usr/bin/command-not-found: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory16:33
MasterShrekd2dchat, i dont think so16:33
unibroueGek_ : What's you main expectation? Speed? Data Recovery?16:33
Gek_what file system would be best to use on a raid 1 system?  ext3 riserfs, xfs, or jfs?16:33
johnhcan anyone edit this for me (not to auto mount): http://pastebin.com/d26d6f17b16:34
MasterShrekabhibera, sudo apt-get install python16:34
bobboaguitel: make sure Compiz isnt set to be using Metacity then restart X and you should be using Emerald16:34
xoobwhat repo has emerald-themes?16:34
rflmnzvlet: no... NF410 mobo, Athlon 64 3700+16:34
maccam94TheRepacker, yeah it worked great on my nvidia machine too. there's just something weird going on with this intel machine, and it's dell's preloaded ubuntu laptop so you'd think it would work well16:34
d2dchatMasterShrek, let me try something brb16:34
astro73since I'm lacking a webbrowser ATM, can someone help me out as to why Xorg would have refresh rates completely off?16:34
Gek_unibroue i'm going to use this as a NAS16:34
KLyeah, xxt16:34
stinger05hi there16:34
Gek_i'm mirroring 2 drives16:34
jxxtKL, there are a lot of config options did you try them??16:34
pike_astro73: sudo apt-get install links2; links2 -g16:34
Ubersoldatdanielbw: so? you've got your modem and your sound card16:34
pike_astro73: :)16:34
danielbwUbersoldat: do you think it';s possible the system is using the modem speaker instead of the soundcard?16:35
Gek_unibroue... so with a nas and 2 mirrored rives... I guess i'm wanting max speed16:35
murlidharany alternative torrent client to rtorrent?16:35
rflmnzIs there a newer drive (newer than 8.40.4) that fixes the black screen problem?16:35
johnhWhere to add noauto @ the end of each line?16:35
stinger05what package can i download for an offline installation of my nvidia geforce 7 series ?16:35
srcjohnh, done. $30 bucks please.16:35
Ubersoldatdanielbw: lol... don't think so16:35
kl4mI get this when I try to upgrade from an ISO instead of from the net. http://pastebin.ca/742480 what's wrong?16:35
johnhsrc :P16:35
GreencookieIs anyone else having a problem when trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on a 64-bit machine?16:35
Vletrflmnz: yeah, like I said, I looked into it, and on one hand I had people saying "yeah, it works", but on the other other hand the docs say, "x1300 is UNSUPPORTED"... so I gave up and spent the $130 or so on an EVGA Nvidia 8600, and it works soo well16:35
murlidharsomebody told me gbittorrent but i can't find it anywhere16:36
johnhsrc i am a poor guy16:36
KLyeah jxxt, but no one runs, I tried to select Custom, in Appearence, but it returns to Extra Effects..16:36
Ubersoldatdanielbw: but try pluging some earphones to test16:36
_6StringKng_yeah nvidia is better for linux if yah ask me16:36
ton1gparted bug in the last ubuntu liveCD16:36
TheRepackermaccam94, it will probably need some manual edit in xorg.conf, thats was what I had to do plus revert back to an older driver16:36
Ubersoldatdanielbw: if you dont get any sound, then that's the problem16:36
Ubotwontfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse16:36
MasterShrekmurlidhar, ktorrent16:36
jjj__can i request for ubuntu cds and kubuntu at the same time?16:36
flick_i just did a check by booting in windows... it didn't detect any fault16:36
MasterShrekjjj__, yes16:36
stinger05i want to install my nvidia drivers offline, which package can i use?16:36
jxxtKL, Hmmn might be you g card??16:36
ton1error segmentation16:36
abhiberaflick_: u trust WINDOZE? lol16:37
d2dchatMasterShrek, is failsafe Gnome running the old version of Gnome or Gnome 2.2?16:37
unibrouegek_ : Go with ReiserFS if it's to deal with a large number of small files ... and if not go with JFS16:37
_6StringKng_I use windows for one game, thats it, lol16:37
MasterShrekd2dchat, i think its just gnome with some things disabled16:37
flick_abhibera, as it's NTFS... :)16:37
ZambeziIt took 80 seconds to install scsitools on Gutsy server. Anyone else thinks the packagemanager is really slow in Gutsy?16:37
maccam94TheRepacker, well, thanks anyways :-\16:37
pike_stinger05: package.ubuntu.com and download the recommended debs as well16:37
XsteelWolfBy any chance does anyone knows how to install chinese fonts in wine?16:37
d2dchatMasterShrek, Gnome 2.2?16:37
KLI have an ATI, but already install the driver in Restricted Drivers Manager16:37
murlidharMasterShrek: thanks but i need a client that uses terminal16:37
abhiberaflick_ still u can't trust WINDOZE :)16:37
pike_stinger05: packages.ubuntu.com i mean16:37
jjj__can i request for ubuntu cds and kubuntu ON EVERY release? I have a slow internet conection and my only resort is to request for them...I like giving copies of it to my classmates...16:37
MasterShrekZambezi, the servers are getting hammered right now16:37
VletZambezi: it's the servers16:37
xoobemerald-themes package.. which repo has it??16:37
TheRepackerstinger05, waht card and do you have multi-core cpu?16:37
ton1but in archlinux, gparted don' t bug16:37
rflmnzvlet: Man, but it is LINUX, the machines must to curve to US and not WE curve to the machines! Thats the spirit!16:38
ToptygHOw to localisation FluxBox?16:38
MasterShrekd2dchat, i believe so16:38
ZambeziMasterShrek: Vlet Not from Sweden. They were downloaded in 800 KB/s.16:38
flick_abhibera, seems like that... linux either knows more about NTFS, or my hard partition is messed up16:38
GreencookieSomeone please help me install Gutsy :(16:38
aguitelbobbo: the borders are not good16:38
flick_abhibera, i'd hope it's the former that is correct16:38
jjj__can i request for ubuntu cds and kubuntu ON EVERY release? I have a slow internet conection and my only resort is to request for them...I like giving copies of it to my classmates...16:38
abhiberaMasterShrek: now i get this when i do a gcc The program 'gcc' can be found in the following packages:16:38
abhibera * gcc16:38
abhibera * pentium-builder16:38
abhiberaTry: apt-get install <selected package>16:38
abhiberaMake sure you have the 'universe' component enabled16:38
abhiberabash: gcc: command not found16:38
bobboaguitel: in what way?16:38
kmaynardGreencookie, didnt know it was hard16:38
beni_Greencookie: where's the problem?16:38
Vletrflmnz: yell at big bad ATI :)16:38
=== Drew` is now known as Drew
d2dchatMasterShrek, yea, you're right i just looked at the info16:38
aguitelbobbo: blank borders16:38
beni_!paste |abhibera16:38
Ubotwoabhibera: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:38
MasterShrekabhibera, did you enable universe?16:38
kanpachithe "/msg ubotu mirrors" doesn't work :(16:38
bobbohave you set an emerald theme?16:38
Greencookiekmaynard: ,beni_ I get "OUT OF RANGE" on my screen when i try that16:38
MasterShrekkandinski, /msg ubotu !mirrors16:39
aguitelbobbo: yes16:39
abhiberaMasterShreL: wait let me see16:39
pike_flick_: i think vista is doing ntfs a bit diff too just to mess with users :)16:39
bobboaguitel: and its still blank?16:39
kanpachidoesn't work either x.x16:39
MasterShrekkanpachi, sorry, not kandinski16:39
bobboaguitel: odd16:39
kmaynardGreencookie, try safe mode graphics16:39
Greencookiekmaynard, beni_: I also get a lot of I/O errors during the install16:39
ZambeziMasterShrek: It took three-four hours to install Gutsy too.16:39
kanpachiwhere do i get the mirror list?16:39
aguitelbobbo: yes with no decoration only the buttons16:39
MasterShrek!mirrors | kanpachi16:39
Ubotwokanpachi: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!16:39
flick_hi, i clicking resume doesn't work for Deluge after i pause a torrent - would be glad at any pointers i can look at to fix this16:39
Greencookiekmaynard: think that should work?16:39
ton1why gpated check sdc0 , and it ' s exist16:39
beni_Greencookie: Gutsy is still alpha, I experienced some probs with it, too - regarding the X-Server basically. Why dont you just keep Feisty?16:39
kmaynardGreencookie, also try alternate cd...less prone to errors16:39
Vletkanpachi: torrent is the fastest way at the moment16:39
hassehey, i have a archive compressed with .ace, when i try to unace it with : #unace x archive.* it completes but dont extract anything, if i try on a windows there's no problem16:39
bobboaguitel: actaully i had the same problem, i think i rebooted and it went, though it could be something different16:39
murlidharany terminal torrent client apart from rtorrent?16:39
hasseanyone ?16:39
mcquaidi'm installed ubuntu for a friend today who currently has vista.  It's great that ubuntu automatically mounts the existing ntfs partition but I have a question about permissions16:39
KLbefore installing Gutsy, i tried the compiz in feisty, and the cube  and other effects were running, the compiz was unstable then, but now, when I installed the gutsy, compiz isnt right...16:40
Greencookiebeni_ I want in on the lastest version ;)16:40
stinger05under which category can i find my nvidia drivers at http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ ???16:40
kmaynardGreencookie, i think if it doesnt work now, other options are worth a try, no?16:40
d-rockMy docking station video stopped working right after upgrade to 7.10. After a lot of trial and error I got it to the correct resolution, but the height it stretched such that the bottom 150-200 pixels are off the bottom of the screen. On the laptop screen everything looks right.16:40
aguitelbobbo: ok16:40
abhiberaMasterShrek: yes it is enabled16:40
chippyflick_ using the latest deluge, or the "stable" ?16:40
NeodudemanUgh. Gutsy has screwed me over.16:40
Greencookiekmaynard: alternate CD, you mean burn it again?16:40
beni_Greencookie: Oh damn, release was yesterday ;)16:40
abhiberaMasterShrek: universe is enabled16:40
geniishortnick: I did a lookup on your IP, it seems in Portugal. Since you are going 5.10 -> 6.06 first step, all mirrors still contain 6.06. the portugeuese mirror seems currently overloaded however, due to 7.10 release. You may want to try an alternate, or wait a few days or so for things to quiet down.16:40
Jeriathok, im rying to run firestarter at startup...problem is it has to be run as root user16:40
Jeriathanyoen knwo how to do this16:40
mcquaidObviously you can't apply unix like permissions to the ntfs part, but what my buddy wants is for his ubuntu account to have read/write to the ntfs part, which in will by default, but for others to only have read to the ntfs part16:40
VletNeodudeman: how so?16:40
teenbeat2007_lapquestion. i have a dual boot winxp and ubuntu and i have to clean install winxp do i need to re-installe also ubuntu or can i dlete partition of windows reinstall windows en grub16:40
beni_Greencookie: But today i tried gutsy on my gf's laptop and it caused graphic errors...16:40
pasqualechan italy?16:40
Jeriathi tried sessions, but it doesnt work16:40
Neodudemanoh Vlet, you' still here? lol16:40
Greencookiebeni_: Yeah I got it yesterday, but couldnt get it to work.16:40
Greencookiebeni_: X crashed?16:41
MasterShrekabhibera, type: echo $PATH     and give me the output, because if gcc is in /usr/bin you should be able to access it, its strange that its giving you an error...btw what are you trying to compile?16:41
NeodudemanVlet: so I tried just reinstalling my fiesty fawn16:41
mcquaidon another system i noticed the ntfs dir in mount having the owner as root and the group as plugdev16:41
NeodudemanVlet: anddd things have gone wrong16:41
jjj__can i request for ubuntu cds and kubuntu ON EVERY release? I have a slow internet conection and my only resort is to request for them...I like giving copies of it to my classmates...16:41
ton1the package gparted bug in gutsy16:41
benny_ok.. first time using xchat.  How do I turn off the * join * and * quit * messages ?16:41
shortnickgenii didnt understand, mirrors have 6.06 . Great. Why can't i download it ?? it doesnt give me a overload error, it gives me stat : file not found16:41
abhiberaMasterShrek: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin16:41
flick_chippy, actually it seems older than the stable version! i downloaded with synaptic16:41
NeodudemanVlet: The fiesty that was installed was kernel 6.2.016:41
MasterShrekabhibera, sudo apt-get install pentium-builder16:42
NeodudemanVlet: i mean, 2016:42
Greencookiebenny_: no idea try chatzilla :) turned off by defaut and its great:)16:42
mcquaidi assume plugdev group is obviously giving the user the readwrite privileges but how would one make others just have read?16:42
NeodudemanVlet: and gave me a whole bunch of errors16:42
chippyahh, try the stable, or the latest one. Im using the latest one, works fine. flick_ :)16:42
beni_Greencookie: Nope, but the screen was kind of pulled into pieces16:42
ima-n00banyone ever had an error with /etc/sudoers before?16:42
Ecnarf371Hi there. I'm having a HUGE problem with the new distro of Ubuntu- I can't even get it to start up!16:42
* Greencookie shrudders16:42
abhiberaMasterShrek: even for VI it gives me a whole list of packages while VI was working fine a while back16:42
NeodudemanVlet: nevermind, it's just a huge mess. lol16:42
ReL1Kanyone having issues when they copy something, it pastes garbage characters and not what you originally copied?16:42
MasterShrekabhibera, sounds like your machine may be borked16:42
stinger05under which category can i find my nvidia drivers at the packages website ?16:42
VletNeodudeman: yeah, sounds like it :)16:42
NeodudemanVlet: lol16:42
mcquaidI thought removing the other user from plugdev group, but not sure how else that would impact the user, and plugdev isn't available in users and groups16:42
Piciima-n00b: What kind of error?16:42
beni_Greencookie: and on the right hand side there was a black span some colored pixels.. dunno why ;) And all with mesa drivers16:43
Greencookiebeni_: im going to try safe mode install. be back.16:43
Jeriathim trying to start my firewall on startup.....problem is that i need root command to start it (or i can just enter a password) Is there any way to do this16:43
Ecnarf371I'm not even getting an error16:43
b_9I try to logout of a ssh connection that I use as a proxy for security.  Sometimes it doesn't log out.  How do I tell what process is hanging it up?16:43
* abhibera is worried16:43
flick_chippy, is it alright to install directly from the deluge site? i mean i hope it won't mess up the package dependencies in synaptic?16:43
TheWoodhow do i use the pastebin pls16:43
Ecnarf371it just... stops starting up!16:43
geniishortnick: It gives you this error exactly when? When trying to download the 6.06 iso file? when running apt-get ?? Some other time?16:43
beni_!syslog | b_916:43
UbotwoFactoid syslog not found16:43
administratorif anyone was wondering i managed to get avg on my comp16:43
beni_!log | b_916:43
Ubotwob_9: Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:43
LuCypherI need some suggestion for a USB  IR adapter working with lirc (I have no rs232)16:43
ton1 sudo gparted /dev/sdb16:43
ton1libparted : 1.7.116:43
ton1Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)16:43
shortnickgenii when running apt-get16:43
beni_b_9: damn .. I wanted to tell you that you should look at the syslog16:43
Pici!flood | ton116:43
dj_baggiohow can I blocked ssh session?16:43
Ubotwoton1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:43
ima-n00b>>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 11 <<<16:43
pskpskJeriath: I'd like to know how to do that too16:43
ima-n00bsudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 1116:43
Vletima-n00b: after editing it without using visudo, yes :)16:43
shortnickgenii and synaptic package manager16:43
ton1just one*16:44
Moduliz0r__hi, how can I set a bandwidth limit on a ubuntu machine?16:44
beni_!paste | ton116:44
MasterShrekabhibera, try creating a new user and see if you experience the same problems16:44
shortnickgenii and all package managers :)16:44
TheRepackerstinger05, synoptic then search for nvidia16:44
stinger05under which category can i find my nvidia drivers at the ubuntu packages site?16:44
zyberzeroHi, is there any way to configure the 3D-effects? I want a more detailed config than none, normal and extra....16:44
dj_baggionobody knows?16:44
ima-n00bany idea on how to fix it?16:44
geniishortnick: since you are using 5.10, it will of course find no files at all anymore for it.16:44
d2dchatIs there anyway to find the logs for failed gnome start-up sessions?16:44
abhiberaMasterShrek: can't do that16:44
PiciModuliz0r__: look into the  trickle and trickled packages16:44
chippydont know flick_ try via applications add->remove. or if on gutsy, add their repository, should be fine16:44
srchaha ima-n00b  screwed his sudoers16:44
bobbozyberzero: look on packages.ubuntu.com search for compiz16:44
Vletima-n00b: no. I don't know what's wrong with it16:44
MasterShrekzyberzero, sudo apt-get install ccsm16:44
beni_ton1:  tried gksudo instead of sudo?16:44
b_9thanks guys16:44
srcima-n00b, paste /etc/sudoers16:44
MasterShrekabhibera, why?16:44
TheRepacker!Ccsm | stinger0516:44
Ubotwostinger05: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - see also !compiz16:44
zyberzerobobbo: MasterShrek: Thanks!16:44
beni_zyberzero: download beryl this enables you a shitload of more effects16:44
ima-n00bsrc: i didnt... smb4k screwed it :(16:44
abhiberaMasterShrek: because i don't want another user16:45
Moduliz0r__I want to limit it in speed, not total bandwidth, is that still possible?16:45
MasterShrekbeni_, beryl is out dated16:45
fooeyis there a floppy installer for ubuntu?16:45
srcthat's what you get from messing with it16:45
kanpachiwhat's the address for the auto repo maker?16:45
flick_chippy, i'm using the latest one on the synaptic 0.5.4 - the deluge website however has a newer one16:45
TheWoodim getting the following few files (5MB) failling, can anyone help me getting these so i can upgrade. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41208/16:45
beni_MasterShrek: Compiz?16:45
astro73beni_: compiz-fusion is default in gutsy, so beryl is no more16:45
b_9syslogs of which machine.  both are linux boxes...  beni_ Ubotwo16:45
shortnickgenii ah now i understand. So how can i upgrade?16:45
d2dchatwhat is Gnome trying to load that makes it die and go back to my login prompt?16:45
fooeyin other words, could I install from a floppy disk?16:45
MasterShrekabhibera, just do it to see if your machine is broke or just your user16:45
Greencookiequick question: how do i connect to my wireless network without X server running?16:45
abhiberabeni_ its called Compizfusion now16:45
bobbobeni_: compiz + beryl = comizfusion16:45
MasterShrekbeni_, thats better, beryl and compiz became compiz fusion16:45
ima-n00bsrc: cant paste sudoers.. permission denied16:45
beni_abhibera: ah okay, sorry i'm still using Beryl on Feisty here16:45
abhiberaMasterShrek: no entire machine is broke. even root user gives same errors16:45
beni_MasterShrek: ty16:45
zyberzeroMasterShrek: Where's the packages?  APT didn't found it16:45
abhiberabeni_ don't b :)16:45
Moduliz0r__I'm not too advanced with Ubuntu, how would I configure packages like Trickle, does it have a GUI?16:45
d2dchatBUt it works in failsafe mode16:45
MasterShrekabhibera, :(16:45
TheRepackerbobbo,  of confusion16:46
abhiberabeni_ lot of people still use beryl16:46
mcquaidfor whatever weird reason, beryl's cube is smooth as glass but fusion is choppy when doing cube rotation16:46
GreencookieMasterShrek, beni_ : quick question: how do i connect to my wireless network without X server running?16:46
MasterShrekzyberzero, compiz-settings-manager maybe16:46
PiciGreencookie: `sudo iwconfig ethX essid 'bleh'` `sudo dhclient ethX`  where ethX is your wireless interface and bleh is your ssid16:46
VletI'm having a problem with audacious... I've been listening to Rush's 2112 for 3 days now through it.16:46
MasterShrekGreencookie, use iwlist and iwconfig16:46
geniishortnick: edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file with admin privelege to make every instance of the word breezy in there into the word dapper. then: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade16:46
mcquaidi was going to stick with beryl for the time being but noticed it's not avail in gutsy16:46
chippyyep, download the deb and install it via synaptic package manager, should be fine16:46
bobboTheRepacker: what?16:46
mcquaidmaybe someone will still build pkgs but who knows16:46
Greencookiethanks pici and MasterShrek16:46
beni_!iwconfig | Greencookie16:46
UbotwoFactoid iwconfig not found16:46
TheRepackerbobbo, oe confusion LOL16:46
anavarrocan anybody help me with sound card configuration?16:46
VletUbotwo: sudo iwconfig16:46
UbotwoVlet: Error: "sudo" is not a valid command.16:46
erUSUL!sound | anavarro16:46
beni_Greencookie: oh damn ;) Try iwconfig but before doint this read man iwconfig16:46
Ubotwoanavarro: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:46
TheRepackerbobbo, or confusion LOL16:46
stinger05which file exactly is it to download the nvidia driver and to install it offline ???16:47
srcima-n00b, you have to be root to do that... :) if you don't have any root terminal you'd have to boot from the cd in single mode, mount the root disk and edit the file16:47
TheWoodim getting the following few files (5MB) failling, can anyone help me getting these so i can upgrade. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41208/16:47
csabullI have problems with Gusty on my asus laptop.  Can anybody help me?16:47
beni_Greencookie: iwconfig is the "ifconfig" for Wireless devices16:47
shortnickgenii ok ill try that...thanks a lot dude :))))16:47
bobboTheRepacker: ah i get it now :D rofl16:47
zyberzeroMasterShrek: Not really. Found Gnome-Compiz-Manager, I'm sure it will do. Thanks :)16:47
Vletbeni_: oh, lol - meant to respond to you16:47
geniishortnick: OK. i'll be around if you need more help16:47
Greencookiemy ethx prolly equals 'wlan0' right beni_, pici?16:47
gharzguys... i've just upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10... and i don't see any differecnce... i can't find the desktop search ... desktop 3d effect is not working (i was using beryl on 7.04)... where are these stuff?16:47
TheRepackerbobbo, sorry big fingers, small keyboard16:47
ima-n00bsrc: bugger lol... suppose recovery mode will have the same problem (in the grub menu) right16:47
MasterShrekzyberzero, that should do16:47
VletTheRepacker: change your mirror16:47
KLim still stuck with compiz, is it working with ATI cards???16:48
shortnickgenii ok thks :)16:48
beni_Greencookie: yes it should. If the card works, the dev should be wlanX16:48
=== n0deal_desktop is now known as n0deal
bobboTheRepacker: im the same, can never type properly16:48
srcima-n00b, yes16:48
hedonplayqui suis francais?16:48
VletKL: some yes, some never16:48
ton1with gksudo not alerte, but after the works off gparted ( new, delete ) it ' s scann table and it' s exit16:48
lavender_dreamOkay... my sound is very distorted and and crackly, this is very evident when I play music in Audacious with volume up... what gives? I have a sound blaster live sound card, any help or insight is very much appreciated.16:48
hedonplayqui est francais?16:48
beni_csabull: graphic problems?16:48
srcima-n00b, it's either the cd, or the network16:48
LjL!fr | hedonplay16:48
Vlethedonplay: #ubuntu-fr16:48
TheRepackerbobbo, it really confuses people sometimes LOL16:48
Ubotwohedonplay: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.16:48
csabullbeni_: not. maybe acpi16:48
msaI've been running the Gutsy alpha versions.. do I have to do something special to move to the release version?16:48
ima-n00bsrc: k.. thanks... ill come back to it tomorrow.. to tired.. had just finshed installing gutsy...16:49
LjL!final > msa    (msa, see the private message from Ubotu)16:49
bobboTheRepacker: i didnt haev a clue what you were on about :D, jsut though you were another of those internet weirdos :D16:49
Vletmsa: it sounds like the best thing to do is to install clean from one of the prereleases16:49
beni_lavender_dream: i got the same problem with vlcplayer, because the Audio program (in your case Amarok) bumps up the sound in a way which distorts the whole sound16:49
pskpskJeriath: System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Startup Programs -> New ... name: Firestarter --start-hidden16:49
KLVlet, in feisty i run some compiz features, like the cube, but now in gutsy i cant..16:49
LjLVlet: ?!16:49
stinger05guys......i can't happen to find the right package for my nvidia drivers, which file should i download from their package site ?16:49
csabullI don't look informations of battery16:49
srcima-n00b, actually i'm not suer about recovery mode. try to see...16:49
beni_lavender_dream: so try to make your "PC" more silent and turn the wheel at your boxes and tell me if that works16:49
ima-n00bsrc: k.. will do.. thanks16:49
VletLjL: ?16:50
TheRepackerbobbo,  actually I love compiz-fusion. still waiting for atlantis though16:50
lavender_dreambeni_: I haven't even touched vlc yet... just ugh... the sound is very low quality and distorted when I play my mp3 under Audacious...16:50
beni_stinger05: Applications -> Add/Remove Programs -> search for nvidia16:50
Terrasqueis there an easy way to make a custom install cd of ubuntu?16:50
LjLVlet: why should someone who already has gutsy reinstall?16:50
csabullbeni_: can you help me?16:50
bobboTheRepacker: compiz-fusion si good, but Ubuntu needed to package the manager by default, this place will be full of folk wanting it16:50
beni_lavender_dream: yeah, but i had the same problems with VLC + mp3 and i solved it by making VLC more "silent"16:50
kebwhen i rebooted after upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10, the md driver was not loaded so /dev/md/0 does not exist.  how can i get md loaded at boot?16:50
Terrasquelavender_dream: check if volume is to full on the pc, and if it is, turn it a bit lower16:51
VletLjL: They don't have gutsy. they have a gutsy pre-release, and it sounds like people trying to "upgrade" from a prerelease to current have been having problems16:51
aguitelbobbo: you solve this?16:51
gharzboboo... where can i find that compiz-fusion in 7.10? i've just upgraded from 7.04 but i can't find it.16:51
LjLVlet: they do? i've had gutsy for a while now, and not a problem.16:51
TheRepackerbobbo,  and confused when it does work the way they have seen on TouTube16:51
beni_csabull: nope, sorry I just thought you'd probably have the same problem as I had (graphic problems after gutsy install). Anyway, the laptop has been "restored" to feisty now and it works great16:51
bobboaguitel: is it still not working?16:51
ton1 beni_:  gksudo don' t crach gparted when, i create, delete partition, but after the works, gparted closed when, it 's scanne partition16:51
lavender_dreamTerrasque: is that by running alasmixer in terminal?16:51
TheWoodim getting the following few files (5MB) failling, can anyone help me getting these so i can upgrade. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41208/16:51
kl4mI get this when I try to upgrade from an ISO instead of from the net. http://pastebin.ca/742480 what's wrong?16:51
msaLjL, thanks! I thought so.. I was just wondering when there was no updates after the -relase... and there is this firefox bug neede16:51
Vletgharz: in the appearance control panel16:51
aguitelbobbo: emerald is poor16:51
=== crypt_ is now known as hasankir
LjLVlet: i'd suggest that they only do that *if* apt-get dist-upgrade actually *does* cause them problems, but it's certainly worth trying first16:51
flick_is there any remote control program that i can use with my Symbian cellphone to operate ubuntu through bluetooth?16:51
aguitelbobbo: borders not good16:51
Terrasquelavender_dream: or the normal volume control thats up with the clock16:52
bobboaguitel: are the Emerald borders stil not working?16:52
DanaGSolution to Compiz using emerald:16:52
TheRepackergharz, install CCSM16:52
VletLjL: good point16:52
lavender_dreamTerrasque: yeah it's still the same, just bad quality16:52
Sharcho(7.10) When I click on the "Quit" button on the gnome panel, the system locks up for a minute or two before it finally displays to the shutdown/logoff dialog. Anyone knows how to fix it?16:52
DanaGsudo chmod -x /usr/bin/emerald16:52
stinger05im sorry people i cant find the offline package to install my nvidia driver for 3d effects16:52
KLI have the Gutsy realese, i upgrade a few hours agi, but i cant get compiz to run....16:52
DanaGso it's not executable.16:52
TheRepacker!CCsm : gharz16:52
gharzCCSM from the repo?16:52
LjLflick_: not in the repositories. but yes, there is something: bemused, for instance, and another i'll look up now16:52
UbotwoFactoid ccsm : gharz not found16:52
beni_TheWood: You got to change your Package Sources in the System -> Administration Menu. The .mil domains dont look like ubuntu servers ;)16:52
DanaGThat way it falls back to g-w-d.16:52
Gun_Smoke1400+ today... Lots of issues to discuss I suppose..16:52
Terrasquelavender_dream: then i dont know, sorry16:52
UbotwoTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - see also !compiz16:52
TheWoodBeni: Ive changed it a few times - do you know a working one16:53
computerexHello guys. Does anyone know how to install a Lexmark Z715 on Gutsy?16:53
MenZaGun_Smoke: No, fresh release.16:53
MenZa!printers | computerex16:53
javbHi, Ubuntu is freezing, it gets lots of vertical colors bars in the monitor..16:53
Ubotwocomputerex: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows16:53
TheRepacker!ccsm | gharz16:53
Ubotwogharz: please see above16:53
UbotwoFactoid lexmark not found16:53
bobborofl at ccsm in the bot already16:53
beni_stinger05: What do you mean? Open a console and paste "sudo apt-get update" and then start your fav package manager in order to install it?16:53
beni_kl4m: Any lexmark probs? I got them too...16:53
KLUbotwo, I already do that, but when i try to select the Custom optiono, it returns to Extra Effects, no cube, no nothing....16:53
UbotwoKL: Error: "I" is not a valid command.16:53
beni_kl4m: but i finally got my printer to work16:53
Gun_SmokeMenZa: I know.. I figured the issues were related to it.  I witnessed the frenzy first hand yesterday morning.. :)16:54
stinger05beni_: no i dont mean that16:54
aguitelbobbo: emerald is not working i cant choose from emerald themes16:54
LjL!bot > KL    (KL, see the private message from Ubotu)16:54
EspenIve got a problem with the boot CD, can anyone help me? "/16:54
computerexI thought it gutsy would install it automatically, but it doesn't :(16:54
kl4mcomputerex, beni_: Lexmark are kind of "win-printers". All is in the driver and the device is very dumb16:54
CapaHHow can I totally get rid of all desktop icons ... Anyone?16:54
beni_stinger05: ok then i didn't get the point16:54
flick_LjL, thanks16:54
bobboaguitel: Have you got an emerald theme manager installed?16:54
aguitelbobbo: yes16:54
MickoDtsukasa: hey mate16:54
gharzthanks, guys... let me just check that out.16:54
airtonarantesHello people16:54
tsukasaMickoD, hi16:54
numuswhat is the hotkey to open the run terminal application16:54
beni_kl4m: I know.. It was freaking me out and we'll never ever buy this brand again16:54
kl4mcomputerex, beni_: So making a driver for Linux without help from Lexmark is a dauting task16:54
stray77Espen, what is the problem?16:54
numusnot the terminal.. but the run16:54
flick_is it okay if i skip Synaptic Package Manager to install a more up-to-date version of a package?16:54
computerex@capaH - ALT+F2 and type "gconf-editor"16:54
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bobboaguitel: i have no idea then, sorry16:54
Moduliz0rhi, how can I limit total system bandwidth (as in speed, not total bandwidth) in Ubuntu?16:55
aguitelbobbo: ok16:55
stinger05beni_: i mean i want to get a package in which i can use for offline installation, on a pc that "does not" have a internet connection..16:55
LjLflick_: often not.16:55
MickoDtsukasa: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda returns nothing16:55
miirhow's 7.10 working out so far ? , I'm downloading it now , giving linux a real chance this time =)16:55
=== hasankir is now known as hasan_kir
gharzmiir, r u upgrading?16:55
numusmiir... not sure.. the upgrade program keeps freezing for me.. so i am downloading the cd16:55
IanLiuHow do I mount an ISO image?16:55
Pici!iso > IanLiu (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)16:55
jxxtflick, and that would be??16:55
numuswhats the run hotkey command16:55
beni_IanLiu: google for "mount iso image ubuntu"16:55
gharzmiir, i think fresh install would be better16:55
ReL1Kanyone got any ideas on my issue? If i copy english information, and go to paste it, it pastes out garbage, sometimes its like chinese chars, other times its just garbage characters, anyone got any ideas?16:55
tsukasaMickoD, how many partitions does the harddrive have?16:55
beni_IanLiu: Wait i'll search it for you16:55
Vletmiir: I think most are very happy, but as you can see from this room, some are not16:55
Ecnarf371Hi there. I'm new to Linux, and IRC. I just downloaded and installed the new version of Linux, and it won't even boot! I don't even get to a splash screen!16:55
zouhairHi, My Wifi is based on a Broadcom 43xx, this sticky http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990 worked back in Feisty but now it doesn't work in Gutsy, any idea guys?16:55
airtonarantesIanLiu: how thus?16:55
MickoDin paragon i see two16:55
n3uro5i5i want change del font color of my gnome-panel, i did it 6 month ago with a program that i forget16:56
genii!iso | ianliu16:56
Ubotwoianliu: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:56
n3uro5i5anyone knows this program?16:56
bobboEcnarf371: have you tried doing a reburn at a sloer speed?16:56
MickoD1 5g fat32 then the rest of the 250g drive is ntfs16:56
Espenstray77 , When i boot from the xd, i get to the menu, but when i try starting the installation, i get the message "PROBLEM: Cant read from boot device"16:56
sorsisReL1K: could there be some kind of encoding problem between utf and ascii or similar?16:56
gharzi think fresh install is better if you want ubuntu16:56
beni_!iso > beni_16:56
danielbwUbersoldat: I am getting some good info from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:56
KLLjL, whats the point?16:56
miirgharz, well kinda ... I'm getting rid of Vista and going to give linux a fair chance =)16:56
Moduliz0rhow can I limit total system bandwidth (as in speed, not total bandwidth) in Ubuntu?16:56
LjLHeckman: don't spam16:56
Vletn3uro5i5: right click it and select properties16:56
LjLKL: the point of what?16:56
MickoDi wanna resize the ntfs down to about 100g16:56
abhiberaMasterShrek: i got a weird problem16:56
numuswhats the run hotkey16:56
Ecnarf371Well, the Live CD worked, and it seemed to install correctly. Why would a slower burn help?16:56
ton1install is finish...... bye but sudo or gksudo with gparted bug , ubuntu is good distribution16:56
MasterShrekabhibera, i know16:56
sorsisMickoD: ntfsresize app16:56
geniinumus: alt-f216:57
Vletnumus: ctrl-f216:57
abhiberaMasterShrek: the symlink for gcc shows a X in nautilius16:57
gharzmiir, ubuntu is the best distro so far that i've tried... also tried pclinuxOS and opensuse but for me ubuntu stands out.16:57
stray77Espen, at the install screen choose the test cd option first, itll tell you if you got a bad cd16:57
miirthe reason I came here though is cause I need help partioning ...16:57
bobboEcnarf371: ah i thought you meant the CD wasnt booting, so you installed gutsy and now it wont boot?16:57
numusgenii gets the point16:57
Vletnumus: oh duh yeah, alt16:57
MickoDthen create another about 60g fat32 for sharing data between the two os and then ext3 and swap at end of drive with left over16:57
d2dchatHow can I tell if I'm using the free ATI driver or not?16:57
Ecnarf371It installed fine16:57
ReL1Ksorsis, any idea how i could reset those or even check it out?16:57
tsukasaMickoD, heres what I would do... boot into windows, merge everything into one giant NTFS partition (which will fix the partition table if its damaged), then split it into two ntfs partitions however you like16:57
MasterShrekabhibera, thats interesting, do this in a terminl: sudo ls -l /usr/bin/gcc16:57
murlidhar!info bittornado16:57
UbotwoPackage bittornado does not exist in16:57
MickoDsorsis: from command line?16:57
gharzsupport is the best especially when you ask the people in this room... everybody is soooo helpful.16:57
computerexI have used a HOWTO to get the printer working on Edgy, would it work in Gutsy as well?16:57
sorsisMickoD: yep16:57
beni_Ecnarf371: With burning slower you minimize the chance of CD-Burning errors. If just one Bit on the CD is corrupted importat parts wont work16:57
numusi am contemplating a fresh 7.10 install16:57
Moduliz0r!info tickle16:57
UbotwoPackage tickle does not exist in16:57
stray77Espen, also if you have to reburn a copy, check the md5sum for the iso to make sure its not corrupted16:57
bobboEcnarf371: sorry must leave16:57
tsukasaMickoD, on the partition your installing linux on, do a full ntfs format (not quick)16:57
Ecnarf371Now, I get some text about my computer when it starts up (looks like a regular startup) then just stops16:57
computerexHere's the howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=259174&postcount=116:57
numusbut i love all my settings for compiz fusion and everything16:57
UbotwoNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!16:57
MickoDbut i can't create it you see tsukasa16:58
Moduliz0rCan I limit total system bandwidth (as in speed, not total bandwidth) in Ubuntu?16:58
tsukasaMickoD, in windows? why not16:58
MickoDthe problem is, the patition tool won't work16:58
MickoDoh right16:58
Gun_SmokeThe channel is moving so fast today its hard to keep up.. Perhaps the channels should be limited in numbers before being broken off into side channels to limit traffic?16:58
beni_Moduliz0r: never tried *that* =) May I know why you want to do this?16:58
MickoDwell in paragon, it won't resize the ntfs partition for some reason16:58
gharzjxxt, wassup16:58
Ecnarf371beni_: When I installed it it gave me no errors. Shouldn't that mean it ought work?16:58
TheWoodLjL: Nice ban he was anoyying16:58
Espenstray77 , i tried both, got the same message with the "Test" thing, and it was correct in the md5sum16:58
Vletnumus: you can do that in gutsy with the ccsm16:58
=== b4d_ is now known as b4d
tsukasaMickoD, just use the built in windows utility, it works fine16:58
Moduliz0rbeni_: Because I need to on one of the machines16:59
MickoDyou know how you have to reboot as you can't change the partition from within the partition if you get me16:59
zouhairNo one here with a Broadcom that managed to make it work in Gutsy,?16:59
jxxtgharz, what is the problem??16:59
numusviet i know... but i am going to try an update first16:59
murlidhar!info bittornado16:59
UbotwoPackage bittornado does not exist in16:59
Ubersoldatdanielbw: cool... thanks for the info16:59
MickoDtsukasa: stupid me!16:59
stinger05beni_: all i want is a package to install my nvidia drivers offline..16:59
LjLmurlidhar: sorry package searching is not available16:59
beni_Moduliz0r: wait i'll ask my corporate sysadmin :)16:59
tsukasaMickoD, not really, you can shrink partitions without rebooting just fine16:59
jonneEvening, anyone that can give a rookie a helping hand? Used Pidgin fine yesterday, but today it woun't show the programwindow. See it running in the taskmanager tough16:59
Ecnarf371oh no, more broadcom trouble! I use broadcom!16:59
sorsisReL1K: no wait... quite many of utf characters are quite same to ascii characters... from where do you copy and to where you paste?16:59
numusanyone know how to get peerguardian to work in ubuntu16:59
MickoDtsukasa: i'll give this a go and come back in 516:59
zouhairEcnarf371: how did you manage to make it work??16:59
Moduliz0rwe are being spammed with join/leave notices :(16:59
elhoirexcuse me, can someone play original DVD into ubuntu 7.04 and 7.1016:59
murlidharLjL: oh how to run tornado in terminal16:59
elhoiri cant16:59
zouhairEcnarf371 i used this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990 and didn't work16:59
tsukasaMickoD, anyways if ubuntu still doesnt see it after that, you might want to try either a) trying the alt install cd or b) looking for hardware issues17:00
numuselhoir you can play dvds in ubuntu17:00
orionris there a command to copy everything like in a directory that displays all the files on the internet? something like a wget with some option17:00
LjLmurlidhar: btdownloadcurses iirc17:00
beni_stinger05: here's a german tutoriall on doing this http://debiananwenderhandbuch.de/apt-offline.html17:00
elhoirnumus i have tried it a lot and i cant17:00
miiroki finally I got the cd burnt =) , now is there anyone that can say if the following sounds oki:  /swap 1024 mb /boot 256 mb / rest (about 115 gb) ... I got a laptop with dualcore amd and 2 gb ram , going to run linux for atleast a month for once ^^17:00
tsukasaMickoD, the alt install cd has more drivers and weird shit in my experience so it may work where the livecd doesnt17:00
Ecnarf371Thanks zouhair, but I cant even boot, let alone install stuff right now17:00
Ballenawill alla my programs that I have installed on Ubuntu 7.04 work on Ubuntu 7.10 after a upgrade?17:00
stray77Espen, that means the .iso file is good, but the cd you burned is corrupted in some way. try reburning the .iso on different media or at a slower speed.17:00
numuselhoir have you tried totem movie player17:00
elhoiri cant original ones17:00
pike_Moduliz0r: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25911  please try to wait a few min between questions :)17:00
elhoirnumus yes i have17:00
numuselhoir no idea then.. try a fresh install17:00
zouhairEcnarf371 : lol I thought you made it work :))17:01
abhiberaMasterShrek:  /usr/bin/gcc -> builder-cc17:01
Ecnarf371I'll try a reinstall...17:01
Moduliz0rpike_: Thanks, and sorry17:01
sorsisReL1K: i got an dejavu....17:01
Espenstray77 ,  i tried burning on 2 different cd's at half off the speed that was printed on the CD17:01
computerexI am trying to install alien through apt, but it's asking for my CD17:01
beni_!tc > beni_17:01
TheWoodAll the flamin repos are giving 320 Moved Errors, is this cos they are full of cos the files have actually moved??17:01
elhoirbut i installed 7.04 first and ot doesnt work too17:01
Ecnarf371zouhair: No, I installed the new version of linux and now it won't even start up past GRUB17:01
TheWood320 = 30217:01
gharzjxxt, right now i'm having problem running compiz...17:01
ReL1Ksorsis, can be anywhere, a text document, a shell, a web page, anything...strange is if i copy and paste from myVM (which is vista) it copies to my primary OS fine (ubuntu)17:01
numusAnyone really good with networking17:01
miiranyone ?17:01
kl4mcomputerex, you can remove the line about the CD in /etc/apt/sources.list, or make it a comment by prepending #17:01
zouhairEcnarf371 : what's the error message?17:01
numusi am trying to figure out a way to share videos over ubuntu so my xbmc can read them17:01
murlidharLjL: what after iirc  the torrent link?17:01
beni_Moduliz0r: I got it, try "man tc"17:01
ZAKhando i need to install xgl for compiz for 7.10?17:02
Ecnarf371zouhair: There is none. It just stops loading.17:02
gharzi've already installed ccsm and i always get a warning that says "Desktop effect can not be enabled". i wonder what is wrong.17:02
stray77Espen, are you burning with the same drive that you are then trying to install with? or installing on a different system?17:02
GreencookieGutsy sucks:(17:02
gharzi was using beryl prior to upgrading t0 7.0417:02
computerexI does not!17:02
adanteanybody here built custom kernel module?17:02
zouhairEcnarf371 : how did you install it?17:02
abhiberaGreencookie: patience buddy we givin it for free17:02
GreencookieI can't even get it to install17:02
LjLmurlidhar: yeah17:02
ReL1Ksorsis: hehe17:02
jxxtgharz, Compiz can be an ordeal what is wrong?17:02
Ecnarf371I can't tell if it sucks or not, it won't even boot! I was dual booting windows and 7.04 before this just fine17:02
Espenstray77 , im burning with the same system i'm trying to install on, yes17:02
abhiberaGreencookie why?17:02
elhoirand now i am upgrading another computer and it runs VERY SLOW17:02
LjLmurlidhar: but not after iirc, iirc means "if i recall correctly" :)17:02
computerex@Greencookie, it took me like 25 minutes to install it, and activate compiz fusion17:02
agentSGQuestion with 7.10: Have ATI card. Desktop effects were working before the upgrade from 7.04. Now, when I enable them, the windows lose their frames. I guess the window manager stops running or something.17:02
miirhehe green , then how do you know it sucks ^^17:02
Greencookieall I see is big red letters that say "OUT OF RANGE"17:02
geniigharz: Likely you need composite extension enabled in xorg.conf17:03
Ecnarf371zouhair: Downloaded the info, burned a cd17:03
nico1crazy xD17:03
flagelI tried to install gobuntu but apparently the part of installing gobuntu-desktop was broken so then I installed the CLI-version and added gobuntu-desktop from there, however this changes the GRUB menu.lst to a quiet version which makes it impossible to type in the LUKS-password, I tried to change the menu.lst but it changes back after every update-grub, why?17:03
soctuI upgraded from fiesty and wow i'm really regretting it. i'm having the no borders problem and it takes an extra 20 seconds to load the os17:03
Greencookielol miir, just the install part ;)17:03
murlidharLjL: Thanks and how do setup the the download directory?17:03
beni_Moduliz0r: we got a ready-to-use script for traffic control, interested?17:03
LjLmurlidhar: not sure17:03
stray77Espen, is your burner set to master, slave or cable select?17:03
gutsyAleExXxXHi, how come the text in the terminal is slightly bigger in gutsy ?17:03
SNyGreencookie: Same here. The mga is bugged, apparently.17:03
geniiGreencookie: Use vga mode then17:03
miirnoone here that knew anything about my partion question ? ^^17:03
GreencookieI guess GUTSY doesn't like my ATI card.17:03
Greencookiegenii: how?17:03
Espenstray77 ,  i dont know17:03
ReL1Ksorsis: i think i found it actually, theres a bugtrack on virtualbox17:03
beni_gutsyAleExXxX: They changed to font size probably? :)17:03
GreencookieSNy: whats full form of 'mga'?17:04
murlidharLjL: k i will find out by googling thnks :)17:04
sorsisReL1K: great17:04
pike_Greencookie: that is monitor issue to fix 1) alt-ctrl-f2  2) sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  3) choose default for most stuff but under res only check what your monitor is capable of17:04
SNygenii: vga, haha. For 1680x1050?17:04
numusanyone know it gutsy really has logitech mx5000 support?17:04
kebhmm is there no more initrd-tools in gutsy?17:04
SNymatrox graphics adapter driver.17:04
jxxtGreencookie, Linux does not like ati cards in general17:04
geniiGreencookie: The install cd has that option on the menu before it starts to go to the default install17:04
stray77numus, id like to know that too!17:04
gutsyAleExXxXbeni_: I mean relative to everything else that is supposedly the same size font :)17:04
Sliker_HawkIs it particularly bad if X-Server just managed to restart itself while doing the upgrade and I've now got a partially new operating syste,?17:04
thebighammy windows keep sticking to the side...its getting really annoying. the windows are like sticky jelly. how can i make it not sticky??????????????????????????????????????17:04
Greencookiegenii: ok imma try one last time.17:04
Greencookiewish me luck people.17:04
miiroh well if noone says anything it can't be all that bad =) , I'll go with /swap 1024, /boot 256 and the rest on /17:04
pike_Sliker_Hawk: usually fine just run upgrade again17:04
Greencookiecya in a couple.17:04
gharzjxxt, i don't know what is wrong...  in Apprearance Prefences.. . when i choose Normal, Extra of Custom... after closing it it says "Desktop could not be enabled".17:05
geniiSNy: It can be changed afterwards when hardware is known properly17:05
Ecnarf371I'm going to flat out reinstall- I'll come back and let you know what happens.17:05
r0b-damn it!17:05
gharzjxxt, i was using beryl prior to my upgrade.17:05
miirwhat program can I use to access irc after install ?17:05
Sliker_Hawk@pike: Good then17:05
computerexberyl is slow17:05
dgjonesmiir, xhcat17:05
Moduliz0rmiir: Pidgin is on there too17:05
r0b-Ubuntu's Servers are slower tis heck17:05
stray77miir, xchat17:05
r0b-xchat isnt on 7.1017:05
dgjonesmiir, sorry, typo, should be xchat17:05
Moduliz0rquitspam :|17:05
Pirate_Hunterhow do I lower resolution for my login screen in gutsy?17:05
SNygenii: Oh, I tried, thanks. I just compiled mga 1.9.100 myself.17:05
soctuno borders17:06
Moduliz0rjoin/quitspam :|17:06
Espenstray77 ,  i dont know what it is17:06
miiroki thx =) , cya when i get there ! Vista, never again ^^17:06
dan-gHi, I'm having a problem getting to the restricted drivers manager, getting the following error: You need to install the package  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-generic for this program to work.  Where/How do I get that?17:06
miirbye for now ;)17:06
Picir0b-: yes it is.17:06
aiboheya, who has already upgraded to 7.10?17:06
SNyNo go. So I can only assume that the current xorg and mga status is... not-working.17:06
jxxtgharz, This is a guess but I think that your graphics card is not up to the task.. Or Compiz thinks that at least :-917:06
soctuI did17:06
aibohow is it?17:06
soctuI have no borders and it takes 20 more seconds to load17:06
stray77Espen, well id suggest making sure it is set to master on your secondary ide controller17:07
gharzthis is disappointing.17:07
Espenstray77 ,  i dont know how to do it..17:07
Gek_where do i get md5's for ubuntu-7.10-server-i386 ?17:07
soctuI would wait another 30 days for updates17:07
__scdoes anyone know how to automatically update repositories in gusty 7.10.  i enabled some broken repositories and now it take forever to do updates.  i read about apt-spy, but i think it's only a debain thing.17:07
jxxtgharz, What card are you running??17:07
PanicBytehey, does anyone know how strong the new LVM encryption is on ubuntu?17:08
ReL1Ksorsis:  thanks for the help, i guess sometimes all it takes is talking to someone17:08
dn4Gnome-WARNING **: invalid gnome config path '=/section/key' GLib-GObject-WARNING **: <-- getting that in console when upgrading17:08
stray77Espen, there are jumpers on the back of your burner, usually labeled mas, slv, cs.  put the jumper on mas and remove any other device from the same ide cable.17:08
Picidn4: when running update-manager -c ?17:08
dn4upgrading to gutsy :D17:08
joarPirate_hunter: I think gdm/kdm/xdm (loginscreen) defaults to the first resolution available in you xorg.conf file17:08
gharzjxxt, hold on... let me just check that out.17:09
Sliker_Hawk /list on this server = a bad idea.17:09
Picidn4: if you ran `sudo update-manager -c` I could see that happening.17:09
Espenstray77 ,  i doubt that's the problem, ive had my friend burning a CD to me17:09
soctuno borders17:09
gharzjxxt, intel 82852/82855 GM17:09
geniijoar Pirate_Hunter Yes it uses the leftmost value of whatever resolutions are there17:10
Pirate_Hunterjoar: it uses the highest resolution possible but i have lowered it down however I do not know how to lower it for login screen which is mind bogling17:10
dn4Pici, hmm did not run that17:10
soctuwell this is not going to work17:10
Picidn4: What did you do?17:10
soctuhasta la pasta ya'll17:10
nrdbI am trying to find the man pages for sprintf but I can find the correct package.  I have installed the manpages-dev package.  what do I install ?17:10
Pirate_Huntergenii: how can I lower the resolution in my login screen as it is too high17:10
kl4mI get http://pastebin.ca/742480 when I try to upgrade from an ISO instead of from the net. what's wrong?17:10
ianm1any debugging tips for networkmanager?  I plug in a wifi card and it doesn't show a local, open AP 5 feet away.  the wifi DID work with the gutsy live CD and the first time I booted gutsy17:10
geniiPirate_Hunter: you need to set Virtual to whatever you want gd,/kdm to be17:10
Espenstray77 ,  i doubt that's the problem, ive had my friend burning a CD to me17:11
leroutierWho to ask to be able to upload to my PPA ?17:11
harmI keep getting a gstreamer plugin to decode MP3 cannot be found when iam importing my music.. how and where do i get it?17:11
Pirate_Huntergenii: kk I understand that but how do I actually do it?17:11
jxxtgharz, Maybe that will work.. do you have the correct drivers??17:11
computerexI am downloading a package, but it's stuck at "% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]17:11
Picileroutier: ask in #launchpad17:11
joarPirate_hunter: Modes      "1600x1200" "1280x1024" defaults to 1600x1200, but if I switch them, gdm defaults to 128017:11
gharzjxxt, i think so.17:11
leroutierPici, thanks17:11
computerexIs that because of server traffic?17:11
kl4mcomputerex: the US Ubuntu archive is getting hammered17:11
gharzcoz i've just upgraded to 7.10. do u think the upgrade replaced my driver?17:12
msmithaGood morning guy... a little help for a newbie please17:12
dn4Pici, Systems -> Admin -> update Manager -> Upgrade17:12
Pirate_Hunterjoar: where is the actual menu for me to lower screen resolution i need it for login screen as it shows ok when i actually login17:12
Alp`how can i add/remove commands for the boot startup?17:12
gordonjcpmsmitha: don't ask to ask... ;-)17:12
AdylassHello, I would like to run the lastest Evolution mail client. The good version is in gusty, I run feisty. How I can do that ?17:12
kduboisthe ubuntu servers are being hit hard these days...17:12
geniiPirate_Hunter: open /etc/X11/xorg.conf in admin mode by alt-f2 then gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:12
msmithathis is the very first time I am using this OS and have no clue what I am doing here17:12
kl4mPirate_Hunter: search for Failsafe X17:12
harmmsmitha: what u need done?17:13
gordonjcpmsmitha: good place to start17:13
adlisyakirwat is different gobuntu and ubuntu?? it's is same17:13
dn4msmitha, are you inside of a console?17:13
gharzjxxt, i noticed that it runs for at least 20 seconds and then goes back to it normal state17:13
TheRepackergharz, check your xorg.conf, something is not enabled17:13
gordonjcpmsmitha: if you know what you don't know, you know what to ask about17:13
kduboismsmitha: welcome to the tribe then :-D17:13
jxxtgharz, This is too clever for me I would search the card and see what results other than that i can be of no more help sorry:-((17:13
Black4lphawhats the terminal syntax to paste whatever i have copied into the folder im viewing(opt)17:13
gharzjxxt, ok thanks.17:13
gharzTheRepacker, ok... let me check on it.17:13
geniiPirate_Hunter: 1 minute I'll find the link for changes to make there regarding Virtual17:13
joarPirate_Hunter: sorry, you've gotta configure /etc/X11/xorg.conf by hand17:13
Geoffrey2if I need to post a kernel bug report, where in launchpad do I go?17:13
PiciBlack4lpha: There is no copy/paste file syntax for the terminal...17:13
Black4lphahow do i move a file then?17:14
TheRepackergharz,  what video card?17:14
PiciBlack4lpha: Move or copy?17:14
Pirate_Huntergenii: will do so but i believed when you changed the resolution once you logged in it would affect the login screen as well which is what amazes me, why would it still be using default high resolution in the first place?17:14
gharzintel 82852/82855 GM/GME17:14
gharzsomething like that17:14
kl4mjoar: What? isn't failsafe X the solution for this exact kind of problem?17:14
nrdbIn what package is the man page for sprintf etc in ?17:14
Black4lphajust move17:14
Picinrdb: manpages-dev17:14
gordonjcpmsmitha: are you going to ask your question?17:15
rolerhow do I change/resync the debian-sys-maint mysql password?17:15
msmithaI tried to IM you17:15
TheRepackergharz,  check out the compiz-fusion website under troubleshooting17:15
Black4lphain this case i want to move a file from my home folder to a file in the opt folder17:15
nrdbPici: I have that installed but I don't get the man pages coming up.17:15
joarkl4m: mabye I misunderstood, I thought he wanted to alter the resolution for he's login screen17:15
PiciBlack4lpha: mv /path/to/file/old.txt /new/path/     (might need to prefix with sudo depending on the locations, also replace paths with the real paths)17:15
dn4what is the apt-get command to upgrade tehh system? sudo apt-get upgrade17:15
gharzTheRepacker, another question and i hope you can help me. our network has been modified for WPA-PSK TKIP... when the changed was implemented my machine became slow... when i open an apps, i normally get a 40 sec lag... apps don't open immediately.17:16
joarkl4m: gdm/kdm/xdm seem to default to the first resolution listed in xorg.conf (sometimes, not allways)17:16
Black4lphaah got it, thx pici17:16
Pirate_Hunterjoar: no you didnt i only need it for the login screen yeha i know wierd but thats the case17:16
kl4mjoar: Oh. Then it's not broken. I don't know about that17:16
msmithaI am running 6.0 and would like to upgrade to 7.10 also I need to now the basics like installing new apps. burning CD ect...17:16
geniiPirate_Hunter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209474   has an example of where it should go. As to why it does not draw it's resolution setting from window manager resolution setting, gdm and kdm have the equivelent of their own xinitrc files.17:16
jxxtdn4, go to update manager17:16
computerexJust use the update manager17:16
joarPirate_Hunter: try 'sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf' scroll down to the line specifying modes for 24bit resolution, make sure the mode you want is listed first17:16
stepomaticcdn4: apt-get dist-upgrade17:16
gordonjcpmsmitha: that's a big big upgrade17:16
pike_dn4: to upgrade yes but that wont dist-upgrade17:16
gordonjcpmsmitha: to be honest, you'd probably be as well doing a clean install17:16
pike_!update | dn4 see this17:16
Pirate_Hunterjoar: kk17:17
Ubotwodn4 see this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:17
Picinrdb: I'm not sure then, you can do a `dpkg -L manpages-dev` to see what files (and thus what manpages) are installed17:17
Pirate_Huntergenii: will check that out now17:17
msmithaok what about installing new apps. and burning CD's17:17
computerexmsmitha: synaptic17:17
TheRepackergharz, sounds like a driver config problem, slowing down X17:17
stefg!software | msmitha17:17
Ubotwomsmitha: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:17
arghh2d2Is anyone else getting long delays on synaptic downloads17:17
UbotwoYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!17:17
Piciarghh2d2: yes, see topic17:17
stefgarghh2d2, read /topic17:18
numusarghh2d2 yes the server is slow17:18
jxxtmsmitha, apt-get install <nameof app>17:18
computerexargh2d2: I get huge delays17:18
geniiarghh2d2: Well, yes. the repository servers are extremely overloaded with ppl trying to get/upgrade 7.1017:18
arghh2d2i see17:18
gharzTheRepacker, driver config problem? with the wireless? coz if i disable WPA-PSK TKIP everything goes back to normal... opening of apps is fast.17:18
pike_msmitha: most people use k3b for cd burning though gnomebaker is the gnome default i guess17:18
computerexIt took me 15 minutes to install alien XD17:18
jxxtmsmitha, Gnomebaker17:18
numusarghh2d2 if you are trying to get gutsy best way is to download the cd off the site17:18
TheRepackergharz,  sorry, wireless I can not help17:18
NotSureI would appreciate it if you could help me with the following: I use Gnome. If I open a program and switch to a different workspace, I will see the titlebar of the program in the new workspace if that program is trying to alarm me by flashing its titlebar17:18
gharzTheRepacker, do you have any idea or any command line on how to check on it?17:18
UbotwoUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:19
AdylassHello, I would like to run the lastest Evolution mail client. The good version is in gusty, I run feisty. How I can do that ?17:19
UbotwoPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows17:19
numuscrap i didn't even think of torrent download17:19
JEFFmasterFlexAdylass: upgrade to gutsy17:19
Moduliz0rhow do I tell apt-get that I dont have my CD ROM?17:19
computerexThere is a gutsy torrent ...?17:19
arghh2d2numus, i was just trying to reinstall nautilus cd burner, for some reason my cd burning drive isnt mounting, any idea why this might be?17:19
computerexI didn'tk now about it...17:20
Pici!torrents > computerex (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:20
maxosince upgrading from feisty to gutsy, the fonts in firefox when displaying a web page look different - the letters are more spaced out and it doesn't look right. How do you fix this problem?17:20
numusarghh2d2 to many reasons17:20
AdylassJEFFmasterFlex: Well, I dont want to compromise by stability.17:20
numusarghh2d2 first starting with the drive is burned out17:20
kst-I just installed the package fglrx-control for my ati gfx card, but how do I start it? it's not avail in bash and i cant find it in the menues17:20
pike_Moduliz0r: you need to unselect it but i dont know gui that well i can tell you how from command line if you like17:20
arghh2d2drive worked fine a week ago numus17:20
JEFFmasterFlexAdylass: i think the new evolution depends on gnome 2.20 so you don't have much of a choice, i think. don't quote me on that one17:20
stefgAdylass, you can't just use the gutsy evolution in feisty, because it depends on gnome-libs. so you either upgradem wait for a backport (if it happens) or build it yourself17:20
msmithaCan any one please coach me on this OS cause even though I do really appriciate all the info. I am receving, its still Jibrish to me17:20
NotSureI would appreciate it if you could help me: right now as I type this message, the titlebars of programs opened in other workspaces flash on the taskbar of the current workspace. I would like to have this disabled. I use Gnome.17:20
numusanyone know if mx5000 is supported in gutsy17:20
TheRepackergharz, biggest problem with Linux is the answer is out ther.... it is trying to find it17:20
Pirate_Hunterwhat is the command to back up xorg?17:20
numusarghh2d2 that was a week ago..17:21
Moduliz0rpike_: its on another machine, is it a simple operation on the console?17:21
pike_Pirate_Hunter: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup17:21
kl4m!upgrade | Kaitlyn200417:21
UbotwoKaitlyn2004: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:21
pike_Moduliz0r: yes17:21
Adylassstefg: Can you point me a guide to build it properly ?17:21
hendrixskidoes anybody know the stats on just how many downloads there have been of Gutsy so far?17:21
Moduliz0rpike_: ok what do I need to do17:21
dn4maxo, Firefox -> Edit -> Preferences ->Content Tab (Fonts & Colors)17:21
Adylassstefg: I mean, a guide to backport.17:21
arghh2d2Does anybody know a command to query anything useful about my cd burner and why it is no longer working?17:21
Pirate_Hunterpike_: thanx17:21
maxodn4: I set it to 'serif'. and I've even changed it to other fonts, but it makes no difference17:21
numuskendrixski impossible to say.. since you have the repo ... you have torrents.. you have webdownloads from mirrors17:21
stefgAdylass, no, i use thunderbird, but see !build for general help17:22
jotilhendrixski: hard to tell.17:22
pike_Moduliz0r: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list    the cd line will be the first either remove it completely or use a # at begining to comment it out save and exit nano. now 'sudo apt-get update'17:22
UbotwoCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)17:22
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dn4maxo, whoa, try to reinstall the package ?17:22
ZAKhanwill compiz work for my HDTV out of box with an ATI card installed?17:22
hendrixskijotil, numus, I figured there's probably a way to track somethings popularity across torrents, no?17:22
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maxodn4: I've done that. and I also created a new firefox profile, and even a new ubuntu user17:22
benzonIs it possible to change design on Gnome-main-menu17:22
numushendrixski no.. there are A LOT of trackers17:22
Moduliz0rpike_: ok, I'll be right back17:23
jotilhendrixski: tracker probably keeps tracks of number of completed downloads? but trackers are probably decentralized.17:23
NotSureI would appreciate it if you could help me: right now as I type this message, the titlebars of programs opened in other workspaces flash on the taskbar of the current workspace. I would like to have this disabled. I use Gnome.17:23
JEFFmasterFlexAdylass:  i am not sure if feisty has gtk 2.12 but you will definitely need the dev libs for gtk 2.12 to build the new evolution17:24
hendrixskijotil, numus, ah, so we'll never know just how many Ubuntu users there actually are will we17:24
numushendrixski the world will never know...17:24
bmidgleymy Update manager does not say there is a new release avalable17:24
hendrixskiI was thinking of doing the dist-upgrade, but that's snails-@ss slow... I should probably just torrent the ISO and install from scratch17:24
JonneIf I managed to run Pigeon ok yesterday, but today I don't get the gui for it but the program runs in the system monitor ... what would be a good solution?17:24
jotilhendrixski: indeed17:24
dn4maxo, compile firefox from source?17:24
jhaigI'm trying to use make-googleearth-package but I'm getting a 404 Not Found error.  Has anyone used this recently?  Do I need to give it a particular filename?17:24
bmidgleyfollowing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades17:24
DoitleI just got a .tar.gz file of Drivers for my wireless card and I am wondering how to install them?17:24
AdylassJEFFmasterFlex: Will look. Is there an upgrade path to gusty ? I think its in RC right now ?17:24
JEFFmasterFlexAdylass: gutsy is official17:24
numushendrixski i think you can upgrade from the iso17:24
UbotwoFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:24
caoyongPlease tell me where the chinese chat room be.17:24
jenasalve a tutti17:24
ufozhi all. i have a french laptop with french keyboard layout. is it possible to use a german layout ?17:25
hendrixskinumus, even better :-)17:25
LjL!it | jena17:25
numushendrixski that is what i am trying to do since repo is soooo slow...17:25
Ubotwojena: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:25
AdylassJEFFmasterFlex: k, can we upgrade ?17:25
maxodn4: it worked fine in feisty, why shouldn't it work now? and does it work for you? for example, do the fonts in facebook, google etc. look ok?17:25
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hendrixskiyeah.  any good places to find the torrent you would recommend?17:25
jotilufoz, you will have to throw away the keys and get a new set of keys :P17:25
rolerafter downloading Ubuntu 7.10 at 10kb/sec all night, it's finally installing :017:25
LjL!upgrade | Adylass17:25
JEFFmasterFlexAdylass:  sure. but the repos are getting hammered . i would wait a week17:25
Moduliz0rpike_: thanks, it worked17:25
LordDoskiashello, i want to ask how are ubuntu's effects implement. I mean are they native compizfusion or they are just "emulated"17:25
UbotwoAdylass: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:25
Pici!torrents > hendrixski (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:25
dn4maxo, I could post a screen shot of my text showing up in google17:25
LordDoskiasi'm planning on installing ubuntu, that's why i'm asking17:25
numushendrixski i use a private tracker demonoid.. but you have mininova and piratebay17:25
CosmicBHas anyone figured out howto edit info about my user in xchat, the info that shows up when clicking a username ? My xchat says country: internic comercial (?)17:25
jotilroler, you should have used torrent17:25
Sp0tUbHi! How do i install this?? http://dev.gentoo.org/~chainsaw/xsys/17:25
kalifornia909is there any way to rebuild the ext2 filesystem without losing your data17:25
dn4maxo, I've yet to complete the upgrade :P17:25
benzonIs it possible to change design on Gnome-main-menu??17:26
rolerjotil; well it's okay. It's my work box, and I just came back in this morning to it installing17:26
maxodn4: ok, I did the whole upgrade, and it looked fine before17:26
hendrixskisweet. thanks. Pici17:26
cchanceWhat good IRC server is there for debian17:26
numuskalifornia909 yes.. called get an external harddrive.. copy data to that.. then fix ext2 drive and copy data back over17:26
SNyMy gutsy gibbon experience so far: xorg and mga is broken, no 1680x1050 on Dell 2007WFP. Gcc installed, but not-working due to missing libc-dev. Azureus is broken.17:26
UbotwoFactoid xsys not found17:26
rolercchance, you are on it.. just go to #debian17:26
jotilnumus, only if his filesystem is not corrupted17:26
cchancei mean a server17:26
kalifornia909numus what about the data that isnt indexing now17:26
PiciSNy: did you install build-essential ?17:26
dn4maxo, hey if it works, USE IT17:26
hendrixskiSNy, ouch, that doesn't sound very promising17:27
kalifornia909all my files show except one folder with all my baby pics17:27
hendrixskiI guess we'll have to wait a week for all that to get sorted out17:27
maxodn4: but it er doesn't work?17:27
rolercchance, ; like I said, you are on it. you are on freenode right now which is a huge technical network, not just for ubuntu.17:27
jotilkalifornia909, what happened? how did you corrupt the filesystem table?17:27
numuskalifornia909 you tried booting to a windows parition or windows at all and mount the ext2 with the xfs drivers?17:27
cchanceNo no no17:27
NotSureI would appreciate it if you could help me: right now as I type this message, the titlebars of programs opened in other workspaces flash on the taskbar of the current workspace. I would like to have this disabled. I use Gnome.17:27
teenbeat2007_lapguys can i reinstall winxp without reoving en reinstalling ubuntu17:27
pike_SNy: azureus is ok but id recommend ktorrent or deluge or any number of non java clients. ati.. yeah thats still a problem often17:27
DoitleI just got a .tar.gz file of Drivers for my wireless card and I am wondering how to install them?17:27
cchanceI mean an IRC Server for debian17:27
jl1071gutsy won't install /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit, any ideas?17:27
SNyPici: Well, yes, AFTER realizing that ld missed out on ctr1.o or somesuch, I installed libc-dev.17:27
kalifornia909numus no17:27
astro73on gutsy, should one use xserver-xorg-video-i810 or xserver-xorg-video-intel?17:27
hendrixskiPici, it's a live DVD?  no more live CD?17:27
Ind[y]If I press right-click on the desktop, the usual menu appears, but it disappears only when I click twice on the desktop (the normal would be to disappear with a single click at the desktop). Any help?17:27
flagelhow can I remove "quiet" in grub menu.lst?17:27
* hendrixski doesn't have a DVD burner17:27
Picicchance: Ask in #debian, this is #ubuntu17:27
LordDoskiasthis is crazy o_O17:27
BankHeadout of interest17:27
Ubotwobeni_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:27
SNyPriceChild: Azureus is NOT ok. It crashes out-of-the-box.17:28
numuswoo gutsy cd burned17:28
kalifornia909jotil i have 2 hard drives and one comp crashed so i took my hard drive out and made a new linux box17:28
elsedoes anybody know how to apply this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/googleearth-package/+bug/139023/comments/3 patch?17:28
cchancethey are the samething practicaly17:28
UbotwoLaunchpad bug 139023 in googleearth-package "make-googleearth-package doesn't use latest version" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:28
maxois it possible then to downgrade from gutsy to feisty?17:28
kl4mCosmicB: #xchat17:28
dn4cchance, to the #debian channel one must go!17:28
jer_Hey hey everyone - I just have one question. My sound isn't working. The master volume option has only Mute or Unmute, but no toggling of volume. When I play music, it sounds very low, like inside the laptop.17:28
JEFFmasterFlexastro73:  i would go with the newer intel driver. if its buggy revert back to i81017:28
LordDoskiashow are the desktop effects of ubuntu implemented o_O17:28
NotSureI would appreciate any genuine help with regards to my issue17:28
SNyPriceChild: Uh, sorry, wrong completion.17:28
x1n933kAre there any G5 users active that can help me?17:28
jer_I installed Ubunut 7.10 yesterday and it started to do this.17:28
danielbwUbersoldat: I have fixed the problem. I know you probably don't care, but I like to tell people how I fixed it in case they have to help someone else witht he same problem: I added "options snd-hda-intel model=auto" in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base17:28
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LordDoskiasby native compiz/beryl/whatever17:28
SNypike_: Azureus is NOT ok. It crashes out-of-the-box.17:28
CosmicBteenbeat2007_lap: xp will probably overwrite your mbr, which means you'll have to restore it by hand17:28
LordDoskiaswith the cube stuff and etc?17:28
numuswhats your issue President Notsure17:28
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
kalifornia909its wierd i can see access everything else but that folder17:28
CosmicBkl4m: thnx17:28
PiciLordDoskias: What are you asking? How does it work?17:28
danielbwUbersoldat: and now my sound is loud and clear17:28
Ubersoldatdanielbw: great man, of course I care17:28
NotSurenumus: no I am vice president NotSure, you will be President Kamacho17:29
Ubersoldatdanielbw: so it was that easy?17:29
NotSureI would appreciate it if you could help me: right now as I type this message, the titlebars of programs opened in other workspaces flash on the taskbar of the current workspace. I would like to have this disabled. I use Gnome.17:29
tovellaDoitle: which wireless card do you have?17:29
jer_Question: How do I fix my sound when it's not working? I've been toggling volume control and it doesn't seem to be working.17:29
danielbwUbersoldat: yup. and a reboot17:29
dn4Setting up libsane (1.0.19~cvs20070505-3ubuntu2) ...17:29
numusWTF.. they put wubi in gutsy17:29
SNypike_: Also, mga (matrox) not ATi. Prior version on debian worked just fine.17:29
teenbeat2007_lapcosmicB: zo upgrade after installing windows grub manualy17:29
LordDoskiasPici not exactly, if i install ubuntu and enable the effects will i have all the options that compizfusion have - the cube stuff, the emerald themes etc? The fire thing with the windows ?17:29
jotilkalifornia909, you lost me17:29
danielbwUbersoldat: now I have to fix the huge font problem in gdm17:29
sa0qqun pour m'aider ?17:29
jotilkalifornia909, what actually happened?17:29
rolercchance, ; as root, type apt-cache search irc    or ircd.  You should find something.17:29
Ubersoldatdanielbw: lol17:29
kl4msa0: #ubuntu-fr17:29
elsedoes anybody know how to apply this patch?17:29
sa0ok thx17:29
UbotwoLaunchpad bug 139023 in googleearth-package "make-googleearth-package doesn't use latest version" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:29
jer_Does anyone know how to enable master volume? Do I need a driver for my sound card first?17:29
computerexHow do I fix this error? :  error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:29
numusnotsure whats your problem17:30
Pici!ccsm > LordDoskias (only if you install whats being sent to you in this pm)17:30
Corpare the win32 codecs broken in gusty?17:30
NotSurenumus: right now as I type this message, the titlebars of programs opened in other workspaces flash on the taskbar of the current workspace. I would like to have this disabled. I use Gnome.17:30
computerexI am installing the lexmark z600 driver on Gutsy17:30
Doitletovella I got the .tar.gz file of the drivers I just... am not sure where to go from there17:30
tovellaDoitle: witch wireless card do you have?17:30
GreencookieGutsy install is giving me problems:(17:30
DoitleRealtek RTL818717:30
ChrisC35can i setup software raid with ubuntu desktop install, or do I need the alternate install for that?17:30
x1n933kAny pros want to tell me why they stopped supporting PPC?17:30
jotilCorp, win32 codecs?17:30
numusnotsure no idea how to disable it17:30
kalifornia909jotil i had a linux box that had two hard drives....one that had the OS on it and the other that had my important files....that machine died so i resurrected another machine and put the hard drive that has all my important files in the "new" linux box17:30
sholdenhas anyone gotten a message saying that this is a pre-release version of the installer? (64 bit)17:30
NotSurenumus ???17:30
Corpjotil, ??17:30
gutsyAleExXxXIs there anyway to set the default width of a terminal?17:30
pike_computerex: search for libstdc++5 in synapic package manager and install17:30
UbotwoCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:30
jer_Doitle - is that an answer to my question?17:30
dn4at least if gutsy crashes my GUI, there is always irssi17:30
SNycomputerex: You need to install the C++ runtime libraries.17:30
UbotwoFactoid win32codecs not found17:31
numusnotsure just saying i am not sure.. other people might..17:31
DoitleNo Jer, it's directed to Tovella17:31
LordDoskiasPici so the default effects in ubuntu are not exaclty compiz?17:31
CosmicBteenbeat2007_lap: not sure if I understood you right... as long as you know where your mbr is (e.g. /dev/hda) and where your /boot folder/partition is (e.g. /dev/hda1) you'll be able to rescue / rewrite mbr with just about any rescue cd17:31
NotSurenumus: Ok Mr President17:31
NotSureI would appreciate it if you could help me: right now as I type this message, the titlebars of programs opened in other workspaces flash on the taskbar of the current workspace. I would like to have this disabled. I use Gnome.17:31
nickrud!codecs | Corp17:31
UbotwoCorp: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:31
computerexSNY: What is the apt command for it?17:31
PiciLordDoskias: They are, but they arent all turned on.17:31
bmidgleymy sources.list has edgy and feisty repos... what should it look like for the update manager to find gutsy for me17:31
RvGaTeHello, im unable to install ubuntu... the partition manager cannot find my harddrive, i have a WD Caviar SE 200gb, and a Abit IP35-E mobo... how do i make sure my harddrive is useable within ubuntu ?17:31
jotilCorp, to play wma and wmv?17:31
Pici!upgrade > bmidgley (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:31
Corpjotil, yes17:31
Picibmidgley: follow the instructions that the bot is sending you17:32
computerexThanks Pike17:32
ChrisC35Can i setup software raid with ubuntu desktop install, or do I need the alternate install for that?17:32
jer_Doitle - Do you know how to fix a sound card? My realktek ALC861 isn't working. Just barely any sound, and it sounds like it's coming from inside the computer. I tried toggling with volume control, and strangely on Konsole, the master volume doesn't even have a bar, just mute/unmute.17:32
Corpthis channel is nuts17:32
kalifornia909Rvgate what file system is it formatted in17:32
ChrisC35its saying for 'LVM and/or RAID partitioning;' you need the alternate install17:32
nickrudNotSure: that means something has happened in those windows the apps think need your attention; don't think you can turn it off17:32
Greencookiegutsy help anyone?:(17:32
sholdenI just started to install from the live cd on a macbook pro using the amd64 cd.  I started firefox, which opened a local ubuntu 7.04 start page, then started the installer which warned that it was a prerelease version.  has anyone else experienced this?17:32
teenbeat2007_lapCosmicB: i do know where it is, i had once a problem with partitions and had to reinstall grub back manualy zo that wont be  a problem17:32
numuscorp because of gutsy there has been a lot of help needed17:32
DoitleIt sounds like its coming from inside o_O? Like it is outputting to your system speaker17:32
UbotwoA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:32
tovellaDoitle: there are so many people here, it's hard to keep up with who's saying what to whom.  to direct stuff to me, please put my name before the each message.17:32
kalifornia909jotil did you catch my story17:32
UbotwoIf you feel the need to adopt security measures for your system, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server17:33
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cutenick lovy17:33
Doitletovella: Ok, will do17:33
RvGaTekalifornia909: none... its free space... but i cant even view the current partition... the drive is basicly not there according to the installation17:33
UbotwoI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:33
UbotwoUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support17:33
Doitletovella: The card is the Realtek Wireless Lan RTL818717:33
Ubotwosamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT17:33
NotSurenickrud: ok, kde can turn this off, so how do i turn it off in gnome?17:33
UbotwoFactoid shit not found17:33
CosmicBteenbeat2007_lap: ah ok, then you should be ok, windows xp will prbably ruin your mbr, but you'll fix it easily by reinstalling grub :)17:33
UbotwoFactoid ubotwo not found17:33
UbotwoUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!17:33
elsehow can i apply this patch?17:33
=== cute is now known as Lovy
jer_Doitle - Yeah. Very bizarre. It's like it's using that system speaker instead. When I had Ubuntu 7.04 it did the same thing, until I installed all the updates/patches. But when I installed Ubuntu 7.10 it started doing this again.17:33
UbotwoLaunchpad bug 139023 in googleearth-package "make-googleearth-package doesn't use latest version" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:33
kbrosnansholden: even if you got a prerelease version it will update17:33
Corpjotil, do you know17:33
UbotwoPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...17:33
DoitleJer are you sure you have drivers for your soundcard?17:33
tovellaDoitle: are you using ubuntu 7.10, or an older version?17:34
kalifornia909rvgate if there is a partition there there is a files system...is it ntfs?17:34
wsjuniorwhich package contains gimp translations?17:34
LjL!language > dbmoodb    (dbmoodb, see the private message from Ubotu)17:34
nickrudNotSure: don't think you can. You could look around in gconf-editor around /apps/panel for the available options17:34
jotilCorp, yes. just install gstreamer17:34
DoitleTovella: I just upgraded to the newest gibbon one, but it didn't work in fawn either17:34
jer_Doitle - I'm really not sure. I imagine that the updates/patches included the drivers. Where would I go to find a driver for realtek, if that's what I need?17:34
ChrisC35can i setup software raid with ubuntu desktop install, or do I need the alternate install for that?17:34
arun__If I upgrade to Gutsy, will it affect the programs I installed manually (non-repo)?17:34
rsferreiraGusty won't boot on ac power unless I set acpi=off in the kernel line. On battery, it runs fine. What could be causing this?17:34
ianm_any ideas if the eth1 wireless always shows in dmesg:  ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready17:34
Moduliz0rhmm, is wondershaper's upspeed and downspeed in kilobytes/sec?17:34
jotilCorp, just try opening the file. it will find the codec packages for you automatically.17:34
sholdenJust to be sure, is the amd64 image the best way to go for a macbook pro core 2 duo?17:34
Vinc1u need alternate17:34
tovellaDoitle: that driver is part of the kernel.  why bother with the tar gz stuff?17:34
=== Lovy is now known as Ditta
aioobehi! I'm having trouble with my tomcat installation. I installed tomcat5.5 (+ the webpage / admin packets). Then I sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start    nothing happens!17:35
DoitleTovella: Part of the Kernal?17:35
ianm_rsferreira: buggy ACPI ?  I always boot with acpi=off17:35
nickrudarun__: shouldn't, but if gutsy has some new file that your non-managed app already has, gutsy will happily overwrite it17:35
geniiarun__:  If they are kernel-dependeant then most likely17:35
tovellaDoitle: part of the operating system - i.e. it's already there.17:35
DoitleJer: What card do you have specifically?17:35
aioobe127.0.0.1:8080 gives nothing (neither does 8180)17:35
jotilkalifornia909, i don't get your problem. sorry. if you could explain it better...17:35
RvGaTekalifornia909: ok, let me explain... i have a working winxp using 120gb ntfs part. on a 200gb disk... i want to install ubuntu on the other free space, but according to the ubuntu install... the drive is not there...17:35
DoitleTovella: So It should already work?17:35
computerexSynaptic is so slow at the moment :(17:35
nerdygirl_ellieHi all.  Has anyone else had issues with gnome-panel randomly deciding to eat +1g of ram?  I think it's just me17:35
kalifornia909jotil i had a linux box that had two hard drives....one that had the OS on it and the other that had my important files....that machine died so i resurrected another machine and put the hard drive that has all my important files in the "new" linux box17:35
tovellaDoitle: yes.17:35
jer_Doitle - Realtek ALC861 (OSS Mixer), so it says.17:35
Sun_Paladinquestion: How do I clean the partition that contains Ubuntu right now with the install CD?17:36
DoitleTovella: Odd...17:36
rsferreiraianm_: feisty runs fine. On gusty, it starts the GDM, then hangs, unless on battery.17:36
Badpenguin86Is there some way that I can upgrade gnome without going all the way to gutsy?17:36
amishninjaHow might I start a program as root user? I can't seem to start it from the command line (errors out) but I can start it through Ubuntu's GUI17:36
jotilkalifornia909, now what is going on? you can't mount it?17:36
ianm_Badpenguin86: no good way17:36
dn4Badpenguin86, install from source. :)17:36
aioobeamishninja: sudo ?17:36
tovellaDoitle: let me do some checking17:36
rhino-manSorry if this has been asked today... anyone know why the login screen is 'crunched' using the proprietary ATI driver.. running an X800XL with a Samsung 712N (1280x1024)17:36
ChrisC35can i setup software raid with ubuntu desktop install, or do I need the alternate install for that? it says use the alternate install for VM and/or RAID partitioning. I have 2 HD's and I want to have them in software raid17:36
kalifornia909rvgate try using gparted to format the other partition in ext3 or ext217:36
DoitleJer: http://www.opendrivers.com/company/2358/realtek-free-driver-download.html <--- That appears to have a linux driver for your card17:37
arun__genii,  nickrud: I've installed Virtualbox (not the open source edition) and gftp17:37
amishninjaI su - to root user and try to load it up command line style, but it won't load properly.17:37
UbotwoWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:37
aioobeamishninja: try sudo17:37
amishninjaso I can only load it by going to Applications ->17:37
der0bheya folks, is there a way to show all programs on all workspaces in the panel?17:37
RvGaTekalifornia909: i cant format... becouse *the drive is not there*....17:37
shane_amishninja : try gksu17:37
SNyubotu: Since you are the all-knowing bot... d; In which way is the mga driver broken and how can I fix it? I don't accept "42" as an answer.17:37
aioobeamishninja: if you really want a shell as super user, try sudo bash17:37
jotiljer_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto17:37
kalifornia909jotil i mounted and changed owners and permissions. i can access everything else but the files in one folder17:37
nickrudarun__: don't install the ubuntu edition of either then, and you should be fine. Or, remove the unmanaged & install the managed versions17:37
jer_Doitle, Jotil, thankyou . . . Let me check out the links.17:37
amishninjaaioobe: sudo is command line, I can't start it via command line -_-17:37
GreencookieSNY: how is the mga driver broken? you mean in Gutsy ?17:38
kalifornia909rvgate the ubuntu installer is saying nothing but gparted might17:38
GreencookieSNy: so gutsy didn't install for you either>?17:38
kazim59I installed gnome-vfs-obexftp but don't know how to use it. Any help??17:38
GreencookieI get error that says : buffer I/O error in sr017:38
RvGaTekalifornia909: "No devices detected"17:38
jotilkalifornia909, you can read and write everywhere else but just for one folder?17:38
nickrudarun__: given that you know you need to do some stuff with virtualbox with every kernel change, iirc17:38
SNyOh, it did. I used the alternate install, anyway, for RAID and stuff.17:38
flagelreally, is there noone that knows how to remove the "quiet" option in manu.lst?17:38
LordDoskiasPici so the only thing i can use for xgl is AIXL, for XGL has been changed?17:39
Greencookiealternate install, how can I do taht as well?17:39
SNyI can, however, not use this panel's native resolution.17:39
Drakas_Hello, I've installed the 7.10 just now - and after getting nvidia drivers installed, the GNOME's upper and lower menu are not displayed (but can be used). What's the problem?17:39
amishninjaI basically need to be able to go Applications -> this program and be able to save the files I edit with it. I could change permissions of the files I guess, but I was wondering if I could start the program graphically as root instead17:39
kalifornia909jotil i havent tried writing because i dont want to corrupt anything else but i cant read17:39
Sun_Paladinafternoon folks. how do I wipe the partition that contains Ubuntu with the install CD instead of just making a new partition?17:39
SNyGreencookie: It is a separate iso.17:39
orentetcan someone plz tell me how do i set an application to run at startup?17:39
kalifornia909jotil in dmesg | tail im getting ext2 errors17:39
Moduliz0rhow do I configure wondershaper to be automatic, I mean... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25911 says /etc/network/interfaces - but I have a fairly un-full file there17:39
SNyGreencookie: I think you can run in safe graphics, though, even with the normal one.17:39
YetiChickder0b, Yes, just right click on the little thingy for the window list and select "Preferences".  You'll see it there.17:39
PuppiesAtWorkwhy is openssh-server not showing up in apt or synaptic for me?17:40
nickrudamishninja: start gui apps with root permissions like so:  gksudo <guiapp>17:40
ccharleshi! i think http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/partner/binary-amd64/Packages.gz is "broken"17:40
GreencookieSny: Tried that, didn't work, tried vga set to 600x480 16 bit didnt work, i guess its alternate iso for me17:40
Greencookiesny: can u point me out to the website please?17:40
RvGaTekalifornia909: http://pastebin.com/m35ed27de  for some details17:40
orentetcan someone please tell me how do i set an application to run at startup?17:40
SNyIt's right where the other isos are, at the download mirrors page.17:40
tovellaDoitle: there are a lot of manufactures who use that chipset.  what's the actual make and model of the wi-fi device in question?17:40
nickrudorentet: which one, it matters17:41
NeoGeo64how do i install ubuntu without a cd?17:41
der0byetichick: are you using "desktop effects".  I think that's what's messing it up for me...17:41
DoitleIt's... integrated into a Asus motherboard17:41
Doitlelet me try to figure that out17:41
orentetNeoGeo64 yakuake17:41
Moduliz0rWhy doesn't my eth1 (Wireless Internet) come up in /etc/network/interfaces?17:41
webpiratehello all17:41
Doitletovell: let me try to figure that out17:41
DoitleTovell: It's... integrated into a Asus motherboard17:41
webpirateI am looking to purchase a used socket 754 chip...anyone have on laying around?17:41
YetiChickder0b:  I'm actually using the full Beryl suite.17:42
AndrewB!ubuntu > DoppleGanger17:42
Moduliz0rWhy doesn't my eth1 (Wireless Internet) come up in /etc/network/interfaces?17:42
cizraHi there.17:42
LjLUbotwo: part17:42
RvGaTekalifornia909: Mobo: Abit IP35-E, HDD: Western Digital Caviar SE 200GB 7200rpm S-ATA....17:42
GreencookieHas anyone got gutsy running on a ATI card system?17:42
tovellaDoitle: are you using pidgin for IM?17:42
DoitleTovella: Yes I am17:42
cizraDoes Ubuntu 7.10 desktop install CD support root on LVM2 somehow?17:42
der0byetichick: and on Gutsy?  just not seeing the option..  lemme poke around some17:42
YetiChickder0b:  What I'm having a hard time with is getting it *not* to show all tasks from all workspaces.  I think Beryl uses workspaces differently than Gnome.17:42
rhino-manGreencookie: Yup, running it here17:42
CosmicBModuliz0r: are you sure the module for you wifi card is loaded ?17:42
SNyLjL: Uh, I didn't break it, now, did I?17:42
rhino-manGreencookie: ATI X800XL17:43
Greencookierhino-man: did u have trouble in install?17:43
jer_Ok... Checking out that list Doitle17:43
Moduliz0rCosmicB: How do I tell?17:43
DShepherdgutsy has been going well for me at all17:43
jer_But where is the linux version of it? I see a ton of windows drivers.....17:43
Moduliz0rCosmicB: Well it must be, because I'm SSH'd into it17:43
nickrudModuliz0r: NetworkManager won't touch the interfaces file; if you define something there NetworkManager won't mess with it17:43
Greencookiegutsy has NOT been going well for me  :(17:43
* petfrogg is new ubuntu-user17:43
SNyOK, good, I was worried. d;17:43
YetiChickder0b:  My Gutsy upgrade is about 34 minutes from done.  Or at least from being done downloading.17:43
rhino-manGreencookie: Installed a couple of days before from the RC... went without a hitch.  Just had to tell it to install the proprietary driver17:43
GreencookieI get " buffer I/O error in sr0"17:43
DoitleDo a find or a search for... ACL86... the name of your card17:43
Moduliz0rI need to configure WonderShaper, like in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2591117:43
DoitleI thought there was a linux version on that page17:43
Greencookierhino-man: how do u do that?17:43
YetiChickder0b:  Can't wait to see what breaks.  :)17:43
tovellaif you type the first few letters of a persons name, then press the "tab" key, it will complete the name (or show a list of similar ones for you to choose from), avoiding typo's.17:43
DShepherdcan anyone tell how I can connect the a wireless point via the command. iwconfig something..17:43
muesli-how do i install a gfx driver as a super user??17:43
der0bthen I suspect that you're problem will be resolved :)17:44
RB2Hey everyone.17:44
arun__nickrod: will my kde apps get upgraded as well? will they work properly after the upgrade?17:44
der0byetichick: then I suspect that you're problem will be resolved :)17:44
arpeggiNo volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. - does this mean anything to anyone?17:44
cizraDoes Ubuntu 7.10 desktop install CD support root on LVM2 somehow?17:44
CosmicBModulizor: ah, he he, then it's probably loaded, but are U sure eth1 is your wireless card ? 'iwconfig' should tell17:44
YetiChickder0b:  And then I'll have yours.  :)  Whee!17:44
rhino-manGreencookie: System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager17:44
Moduliz0ranyone know how I can configure wondershaper for my wireless adapter?17:44
nickrudModuliz0r: you would need to manually edit interfaces for your card, and manually up & down it17:44
Greencookie DShepherd: iwconfig ethX essid 'something' where X=ure lan/wireless and "something" = ure wireless name17:44
computerexWHOO! I got lexmark Z715 working in Gutsy!17:44
lee__my god17:44
Doitletovella: All Asus's website says is Wireless LAN17:44
DoitleWiFi-AP Solo™ USB wireless module supports IEEE802.11b/g17:44
flagelhow can no-one know how to remove quiet in menu.lst?17:44
RB2I had a small problem with Ubuntu. I was using Alt-Tab to go through my applications and now the title bars on all of the windows are gone. Any suggestions?17:45
Greencookierhino-man: I got that but my desktop crashes whenever I use it. Any ideas?17:45
StwangeIs anyone else having trouble with the 7.10 upgrade? I'm getting (so far) the following: firefox is VERY buggy (it works if I open it and stay on the window, but as soon as I switch windows or anything happens (eg. next song in playlist) it hangs and I have to kill it and restore session), VMWare Server says it needs updating, but fails to update, and Eclipse is allowing me to write programs, saying some Java classes can't be found17:45
nickrudflagel: deleting it with an editor?17:45
RvGaTekalifornia909: ? :/17:45
Moduliz0rnickrud: I don't know how >_> - thats why I'm trying (and now failing) to follow http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2591117:45
arun__nickrud: will my kde apps get upgraded as well? will they work properly after the upgrade?17:45
flagelnickrud: not that easy, update-grub overwrittes it everytime17:45
Sun_PaladinI'm looking at the "Prepare disk space" of the install and I want to wipe the partition that contains Ubuntu and reinstall it. How can I do that?17:45
kalifornia909!recovering files17:45
rhino-manGreencookie: what mode of ATI card ?17:45
nickrudarun__: yes to the first and I'll go out on a limb and say yes to the second :)17:45
twister1207wie gehts ?17:46
Greencookierhino-man: No idea, im a newbie here. can u tell me how to find that out? thanks.17:46
kalifornia909so much for ext2 being dependable17:46
tovellaDoitle: i see.  i've found some interesting stuff, but for some cards, it appears that a different driver works better (for the chipset you describe).17:46
DShepherdGreencookie, ok. let me try that17:46
arun__nickrud: ha, thanks. have you upgraded to gutsy? did you upgrade or do a clean re-install?17:46
loompeklike i asked before...17:46
GreencookieDShepherd: K gluck!17:46
jewbileegutsy's been fine for me... it is the best think to happen to ubuntu so far17:46
computerexAnyone who has trouble installing lexmark printers can go here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=259174&postcount=117:46
loompeki want a second oppinion17:46
Corphow come I cannot dl xubuntu 7.04 right now17:46
Greencookierhino-man: yes?17:46
nickrudflagel: ok, one sec, there should be a way17:46
RvGaTeThe installation of gutsy is _not_ detecting my hard drive, wich makes it impossible for me to install it.... mobo: Abit IP35-E, hdd: Western Digital Caviar SE 200GB 7200rpm S-ATA.... i have no idea how to fix this... (gparted result: http://pastebin.com/m35ed27de)17:46
Doitletovella: Are the other drivers complicated to install? I'm very new to linux and haven't managed to install anything correctly yett lol17:46
nickrudarun__: I upgraded last august ;)17:47
GreencookieCorp: Server congestion I presume.17:47
rhino-manGreencookie: go to a terminal window, 'lspci | grep ATI' without the single quotes17:47
Drakas_Hello, I've installed the 7.10 just now - and after getting nvidia drivers installed, the GNOME's upper and lower menu are not displayed (but can be used). What's  the problem?17:47
tovellaDoitle: are you familiar with pastebin?17:47
javbi`m having this problem trying to upgrade to ubuntu 7.10 , any one? Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found17:47
Corpno option on page17:47
flagelnickrud: thanks in advance :)17:47
hendrixskihey, I'm hitting about 800 kb/s on that bittorent... did anybody get a meg/second?17:47
DoitleTovela: rafb.net?17:47
dwxreapercan i just download the .deb with apt-get17:47
LjLdwxreaper: what deb?17:47
Greencookierhino-man: 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 718717:47
cizraDoes Ubuntu 7.10 desktop install CD support root on LVM2 somehow?17:47
hendrixskiI'm wondering if I just have a slow connection, or if a meg a second download is possible17:48
loompekmy gpu (radeon 9600 on agp) is kinda broke.. my computer freezes sometimes.. so i plan on upgrading it... i would like a pci-e card (my mobo supports both) which would: have all the eyecandy compiz supports AND supports multimointor in ubuntu)17:48
LjLjavb: you shouldn't have third-party repos enabled when upgrading.17:48
Greencookierhino-man: 03:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 71a717:48
loompekwhat card would you suggest17:48
Moduliz0rCan anyone help me? I'm following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25911, but there is nothing for eth1 (my Wireless adapter) in /etc/network/interfaces...17:48
PovAddicthow can I make the installer use a whole existing partition, without any resizing?17:48
arun__nickrud: the upgrade happen flawlessly?17:48
geefinatorAnyone in here familiar with flux box that can answer a question for me?17:48
PovAddictModuliz0r: what about eth0?17:48
arpeggiNo volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. - does thing mean anything to anyone?17:48
arpeggihelp if you know :)17:48
flickloompek, 8800 GTX17:48
rhino-manGreencookie: Hmmm.  Is this a relatively new system/card ?  Doesn't seem to be recognized17:48
Moduliz0rPoxAddict: eth0 is unused, and it's not in there either17:48
RvGaTeThe installation of gutsy is _not_ detecting my hard drive, wich makes it impossible for me to install it.... mobo: Abit IP35-E, hdd: Western Digital Caviar SE 200GB 7200rpm S-ATA.... i have no idea how to fix this... (gparted result: http://pastebin.com/m35ed27de)17:49
PovAddictgeefinator: dont ask to ask, just ask17:49
flickloompek, or at-least 8500 GT17:49
tovellaDoitle: i get audio notification whenever someone says my name in a chat.  if it's spelled wrong, i don't get the notification, so while i'm looking up other answers, i may miss what you say unless you type my name correctly.17:49
GreencookieUm, I got it when I bought my dell box. It has 256 mb ram.17:49
DShepherdGreencookie, nah. that didnt work17:49
Moduliz0rPovAddict: it's not in there either17:49
anthony_hi, ive got an asus running on gutsy, screen resolution not right.17:49
loompekflick in case i don't have more than 200€17:49
nickrudarun__: for me, yes. I used aptitude in interactive mode, seems to be the most reliable method Worked For Me™ YMMV17:49
Kyoutoso I burnt an ISO of gutsy gibbon.... did an md5 check, everything fine. booted the disk and it booted fine, checked the integrity of the disk and it said everything was fine. tried to start ubuntu, it starts booting then just hangs on the loading screen. I walked away from the PC hoping it'd load in a while, but it didn't (probably waited about 15 minutes or more.) Any ideas?17:49
arghh2d2Anybody that has any ideas about this one would love to hear it... My CDBurner is recognized by the gnome, (as in it shows up in nautilus) however any cd i put into it whether data or audio is not mounted17:49
Drakas_Compiz causes GNOME panels not to render. What to do??17:49
predaeusgeefinator, join #fluxbox17:49
gharzi was able to run compiz now!!!!17:49
Greencookierhino-man: I got it about 6 months ago, came with my dell box.17:49
Doitletovella: Sorry, missed the second l17:49
geefinatorpredaeus:  Thank you!17:49
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!17:49
arun__nickrud: aptitude in interactive mode? would you care to elaborate?17:49
Moduliz0rPovAddict: But that doesn't matter, because eth0 is unplugged17:49
TheRepackergharz, greta what was the prob?17:49
stryder_i have an error at the grub menu : "kernel panic - not syncing : Attempted to kill init!" can anyone help me ?17:50
computerexI think there is a buggy ISO on one of the mirrors17:50
arghh2d2anyone know the command to mount a cdrom?17:50
nickrud arun__ try running aptitude without any parameters. Then look at help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide17:50
TheRepackergharz, told ya rotfl17:50
gharzneed to enable some options17:50
computerexI downloaded Gutsy yesterday, burnt it on a CD, and booted with it. It got stuck at 90 while loading the kernell17:50
tovellaDoitle: we'll need to do some checking, first.  the responses will output several lines of text.  are you familiar with patebin?17:50
Dr_willisarghh2d2,  mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom17:50
rhino-manGreencookie: Honestly not sure where to go from here.  I'd pull the cover and get the model number.17:50
kazim59How to mount GNOME VFS?17:50
arun__nickrud: alright, thanks :)17:50
computerexI had to download the ISO from another mirror17:50
gharzmy only problem now is to iradicate the lag whenever i open an app17:50
TheRepackergharz, again told ya17:50
tovellaDoitle: ..."pastebin".17:50
gharzTheRepacker, thanks!!!17:51
Greencookieok rhino-man I'll do that in a second17:51
nickrudflagel: I've been reading over the grub config options at the top of menu.lst , and I'd have sworn I saw something that controls adding quiet previously. Don't see it, though17:51
Doitletovella: rafb.net's pastebin or the Ubuntu one?17:51
TheRepackergharz, sorry lag no ideas17:51
dn4Linux dn4 2.6.22-14-386 #1 Sun Oct 14 22:36:54 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux17:51
Moduliz0rCan anyone help me with WonderShaper, I'm following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25911 and there is no entries for eth0 or eth1.17:51
Dr_willisnickrud,  thats part of the default options for an entry setting. :) about mid way through17:51
tovellaDoitle: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17:51
=== [Vulcan] is now known as vulcan
flagelnickrud: so no idea?17:52
Seeker`where is the shortcut (win+c) defined, as it currently centers my mouse on the screen17:52
arghh2d2Dr_willis: what does the iso9660 mean?17:52
lee__i need help17:52
tovellaDoitle: do you know how to open a terminal window?17:52
PovAddictwhat a lag17:52
Doitletovella: I am familiar with it now lol17:52
PovAddictI just got 100 messages at a time17:52
Doitletovella: Yeah I can work the terminal somewhat I've just never managed to get a driver installed the right way17:52
Greencookierhino-man: 256MB ATI Radeon X1300 Pro17:52
Dr_willisarghh2d2,  thats the filesystem time.. Linux Mounting Basics.. Google for some Mounting  Tutorials.17:52
nickrudDr_willis: I must be blind, but I see not ref to quiet anywhere17:52
TheRepackergharz, sorry I'm dancing back and forth here Brasil GP pratice is on right now17:52
fyrestrtrarghh2d2: its a file system type for cdroms17:52
MethodOneWhen I try to run smart, I get a ValueError message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41212/17:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:53
Greencookiehow can I install drivers for 256MB ATI Radeon X1300 Pro?17:53
PovAddicthow can I make the installer use a whole existing partition, without any resizing? of course it needs to be reformatted since it's currently NTFS17:53
arghh2d2Dr_willis: I have two cdrom's, one's a burner, how do i know which to use?  cdrom0 or cdrom1?17:53
Dr_willisnickrud,  # defoptions=quiet nosplash17:53
rhino-manGreencookie: okay, don't have any experience with that card.  Check with ubotu17:53
fyrestrtr!ati > Greencookie17:53
vulcanneed help, does a ps3 ubuntu channel exist?17:53
cizraAsking 4 times didn't get any response...17:53
miirjust finnished installing =)17:53
Dr_willisarghh2d2,  try one and see which one it is.17:53
miirbtw Green , you still having trouble with install ?17:53
tovellaDoitle: ok, type this command in a terminal window "sudo lshw > hardware.txt"17:53
danielbwdoes compiz work with fluxbox?17:53
Dr_willisdanielbw,  no.17:53
nickrudDr_willis: ah, that's why. I removed them, but didn't document it. Off to do that now :)17:53
Greencookie!thanks fyrestrtr17:53
nickrudflagel: did you see Dr_willis above?17:54
Doitletovella: It finished17:54
Dr_willisdanielbw,  my understanding is that compwiz is the window manager.17:54
Moduliz0rCan anyone help me with WonderShaper, I'm following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25911 and there is no entries for eth0 or eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces...17:54
=== Cpudan80_ is now known as Cpudan80
SoulChildhey all17:54
danielbwDr_willis: So, besides gnome and kde what other wm does compiz work on?17:54
CorpGreencookie, there is no option to dl on the page17:54
PovAddictdanielbw: emerald17:54
danielbwDr_willis: fluxbox may be able to load it after fluxbox is loaded, no?17:54
Moduliz0rdanielbw: Xgl I think too17:54
dn4how do I update my sources.list to only gutsy?17:54
SoulChildi have no eth1 device but there is eth2 and eth3 ? how do i fix ???17:54
flagelnickrud, Dr_willis: that will only remove the splash not show the debug option, I mean the "quiet" after initrd17:54
GreencookieCorp: sorry could u reference the problem? I forgot:)17:55
Dr_willisdanielbw,  no idea. I only use it under gnome. It has issues under kde ..17:55
remix5xhow do i run a desktop icon program in sudo without going into console, is there some sort of clever hotkey i can push while clicking it to do that?17:55
Doitletovella: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41213/ Heres the paste of that file17:55
RvGaTeThe installation of gutsy is _not_ detecting my hard drive, wich makes it impossible for me to install it.... mobo: Abit IP35-E, hdd: Western Digital Caviar SE 200GB 7200rpm S-ATA.... i have no idea how to fix this... (gparted result: http://pastebin.com/m35ed27de)17:55
computerexCan I get Emerald themes to decorate my windows while using Compiz Fusion?17:55
danielbwDr_willis: ok, thanks17:55
tovellaDoitle: ok, now type (or copy/paste) this command "sudo lsmod > modules-loaded.txt"17:55
miirI just finnished install , could anyone please help me getting my wlan, Broadcom, to work ... I'm sittin on the floor without light at the entrance of my apartment =( ... after that I'll seach my way though the internet for the rest of my problems ... =)17:55
PovAddictdanielbw, Dr_willis, Moduliz0r: you're all mixing up window manager, window decorator, desktop environment, etc17:55
arghh2d2damnit, this cd burner isnt mounting up or doing anything!  i put the blank cdrom into it and the little green light strobes for about 4 seconds and thats it.17:55
fyrestrtrremix5x: change the shortcut so its 'gksudo nameofprogramexecutable'17:55
x938remix5 why not make a short ct that points to sudo?17:55
kazim59I get dbus errors everywhere in my feisty installation.... I can't even seem to get obex work just because of it.. Every application will give me dbus errors (though most work )17:55
CorpGreencookie, cannot download the 7.04 of xubuntu17:55
RB2Sorry to repeat my question... I had a small problem with Ubuntu. I was using Alt-Tab to go through my applications and now the title bars on all of the windows are gone. Any suggestions?17:55
erUSULarghh2d2: a blanck cdrom can not be mounted17:55
IpMooorder 7.10 disks17:55
GreencookieCorp: Where are u dwling this from?17:55
flagelnickrud, Dr_willis: there's "quiet splash" at the kerne1-line and a "quiet" on it's own line after initrd, they must both be removed17:56
erUSULarghh2d2: open a cdburning app17:56
Corpgetxubuntu Greencookie17:56
Dr_willisflagel,  i know of no initrd opptins i dont have any. My 2 lines are ...17:56
pedroi ve installed the bastille. How can use that program?17:56
erUSULarghh2d2: Places>Cd/DVD burner for example17:56
PovAddicthow can I make the installer use a whole existing partition, without any resizing? it still needs to be reformatted since it's currently NTFS17:56
Dr_williskernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=91c4c158-95c4-45cd-af01-78039aaf0218 ro quiet nosplash17:56
Dr_willisinitrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic17:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about getxubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:56
Doitletovella: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41214/ Heres the module .txt17:56
remix5xfyrestrtr, thats pretty cool, it worked! I tried doing sudo application name, how come I have to do gksudo and not just sudo?17:56
arghh2d2erUSUL: i do that, ive tried natilus and gnome-burn and neither is seeing the blank disk, or any disk for that matter17:56
flagelDr_willis: after initrd, not on the initrd-line17:56
ray_guys how can i create multiple .zip files with a defined size ???17:56
petfrogghmm i am using ubuntu now for the first time after several install tests and stuff... i am impressed17:56
Dr_willispedro,  why did you install bastille ?17:56
NedHidengksudo is for programs with guis17:56
x938PovAddict: you need to choose NTFS partition then resize then make a new EXT2/3 partition17:57
tovellaDoitle: ok, let me look at them a minute.17:57
x938you cannot install linux onto a NTFS partition at least not in Ubuntu17:57
pedroi installed for security porposes17:57
PovAddictx938: why resize?17:57
kazim59What the hell is this dbus??17:57
danielbwPovAddict: so, can you answer the question? Will compiz work with fluxbox?17:57
Doitletovella: alright thanks17:57
remix5xNedHiden, noted, thx17:57
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy is out, repositories and release sites may be slow, type /msg ubotu mirrors
Picikazim59: its for interprocess communication17:57
x938you have to resize in order to then make a new partition that is EXT/217:57
flagelDr_willis: may I msg you a copypaste of my entry?17:57
Dr_willispedro,   why do you think you need it? If you want to use it.. I would suggest a good reading of its homepage/docs.. Its a rather.. complex tool. :)17:57
x938because otherwise 100% of your hard-disk is NTFS17:57
fyrestrtrremix5x: because you are doing it from within X17:57
nickrudremix5x: you can see for yourself: try sudo env | sort , and gksudo env | sort . Compare especially the home dirs. sudo gui app can screw up your preferences17:57
Dr_willisflagel,  sure.. let me pastebin my whole menu.lst for ya also.17:58
PovAddictx938: it's already two NTFS partitions, I want to reformat one of them17:58
kazim59Pici: Almost every program will give me dbus errors since I've installed feisty. Moreover, I can't get obex:// work just because of dbus errors... Is dbus some service that I've turned off?17:58
pedrodr willis what links do you recomend?17:58
x938Reformat into what format?17:58
PovAddictx938: well, into ext3 to install ubuntu on it... partition sizes are already OK17:58
lee__good night17:58
x938PovAddict: into which file system i mean?17:58
RvGaTeThe installation of gutsy is _not_ detecting my hard drive, wich makes it impossible for me to install it.... mobo: Abit IP35-E, hdd: Western Digital Caviar SE 200GB 7200rpm S-ATA.... i have no idea how to fix this... (gparted result: http://pastebin.com/m35ed27de)17:58
remix5xhmm, it seems that a few programs won't run since I installed gutsy... like the compiz settings manager and pidgin instant messenger simply won't open.... I havent tried much else maybe its not just those.... though Xchat seems to work just fine17:58
Picikazim59: its possible, it should be running17:58
Senken12Gutsy broke my sound. :)17:59
Dr_willisflagel,  http://pastebin.ca/742554    is my menu.lst for referance17:59
Kyoutoso I burnt an ISO of gutsy gibbon.... did an md5 check, everything fine. booted the disk and it booted fine, checked the integrity of the disk and it said everything was fine. tried to start ubuntu, it starts booting then just hangs on the loading screen. I walked away from the PC hoping it'd load in a while, but it didn't (probably waited about 15 minutes or more.) I've tried redownloading it from different mirrors about 3 or 4 times, still 17:59
kazim59Pici: yes its running,.. and everything goes OK when I restart the service17:59
mlankhorstHow do I see to which package a file bleongs?17:59
pedrodr willis what links do you recomend to study the bastille?17:59
x938PovAddict: okay then you should just backup your data from NTFS partition #2 onto partition #1, then during the ubuntu install select EXT2/3 on the NTFS parititon and it will ask you do you want to format it, say yes17:59
K3nt0does gibbon have better game-friendliness?17:59
ray_guys how can i create multiple .zip files with a defined size ???17:59
PovAddictx938: I don't need to resize it, that second partition has no files17:59
Dr_willispedro,  you proberly should researched the program befor jyust installing it.. hit google and search for its homepage.17:59
arun__if i have third party repos enabled, do i need to disable them before i upgrade?17:59
stray77PovAddict, delete the partition you want to reformat and let the ubuntu installer partition and format it like youre supposed to.17:59
tovellaDoitle: ok.  now this command, "ifconfig > network-interfaces.txt"17:59
kazim59Pici: even pidgin keeps giving me dbus errors...18:00
Dr_willispedro,  bastille can really lock down a system. and  its not really needed for 'home' users.18:00
x938PovAddict: yes so what stray77 said :)18:00
PovAddictray_: I looked, and it seems the command line app 'zip' doesnt support split files18:00
K3nt0is gibbon better with games?18:00
flagelDr_willis: you too have "quiet" in your menu.lst18:00
[11Touche]Kyouto: did you try to shut "splash" and "quiet" options upon boot?18:00
Picikazim59: very odd.  Have you tried looking on the forums for a solution?18:00
Naradahi in the new kubuntu how do i turn compiz effects on or how do i test them; i want to see some eye candy!!!!!18:00
kazim59Pici: yes... googled a lot too18:00
Dr_willisflagel,  and to be honest with ya. Im not sure what noquite  and quite does.. never seen much of a differance.18:00
Doitletovella: what should happen then?18:00
ray_hmmmm lemme --help it and see where i can get18:00
Senken12Anyone know how I could fix my sound: Toshiba Satellite Pro A100. http://img267.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotterminalpx2.png18:00
Pici!compiz-#kubuntu | Narada18:00
ubotuNarada: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion18:00
kazim59Pici: every app would say that it could not get dbus reply...18:00
Senken12Nothing comes out of the speakers... at all...18:01
huyis anyone else having problem with nvidia-glx-new?18:01
NedHidenNarada... go to channel #kubuntu they would know more about it18:01
Picikazim59: You could try reinstalling dbus18:01
YetiChickPovAddict, have you tried peazip?18:01
tovellaDoitle: it should create a file called network-interfaces.txt - i want to see the contents of that file.18:01
x938i swithced over linux have not regretted it for a second two weeks ago, i instaleld wine, vmware, all chat programs, and ntfs rp program, and today i just got a custom script to mass batch convert images - and i have started to contribute my new ways for the linux community since i relaized i had found a good way to do something18:01
kazim59Pici: how? dpkg-reconfigure dbus?18:01
ArmedKingAre there any solutions for a friend of mine to install Ubuntu on an image on a fat hard disk?18:01
miirhow do I get bcm43xx-fwcutter ? I seem to need it to enable wlan card18:01
flagelDr_willis: the "quiet" on tha last line doesn't print debug output to the console, in other words its impossible to mount encrypted partitions since you get no output18:01
x938part of the joy of using linux is that you can actually contribute to things that don't exist and better the world18:02
Doitletovella: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41216/18:02
miircan't find it in Synaptic18:02
Kyouto [11Touche]: how would i do that? sorry, i'm new to linux :)18:02
tovellaDoitle: ok, give me a minute.18:02
PovAddictYetiChick: tell ray_ about it :)18:02
Picikazim59: I'd try `sudo apt-get install --reinstall dbus`18:02
RvGaTekalifornia909: you still there ?18:02
NedHidenmiir: it's there. i had to do it last night18:02
Dr_willisflagel,  never used encrypted  - :) but thats an interesting big. :)  does it ask for the password and you just cant see it? got to type it in blind eh?18:02
NedHidenbe sure to enable all the repositories18:02
DShepherdI am a busy mouse icon when gdm is starting and the mouse point just keeps spininig and spining. how can i solve this?18:02
YetiChickPovAddict, Is that a "No, but I just found it..."  :)18:02
huyanyone having problem with the latest linux kernel and nvidia?18:02
huyi can't get 2.6.22-14 to work with my nvidia18:03
RvGaTeThe installation of gutsy is _not_ detecting my hard drive, wich makes it impossible for me to install it.... mobo: Abit IP35-E, hdd: Western Digital Caviar SE 200GB 7200rpm S-ATA.... i have no idea how to fix this... (gparted result: http://pastebin.com/m35ed27de)18:03
Noodlesgcis torrent faster than http18:03
ray_ill look at peazip to18:03
tovellaDoitle: ok. from what i see, you wi-fi card is working.  it just hasn't acquired an IP address.18:03
PovAddictYetiChick: it was ray_ who asked about split zip's, not me; I was replying him18:03
bmt2hello to all18:03
kazim59Pici: ok.. doing that18:03
lavender_dreamHow do I make it so that Firefox opens up VLC player to view videos as plugins? I don't know the direct plugin file to choose for each, thank you in advance.18:03
bmt2is there a p2p app out there for ubuntu ?18:03
stray77Noodlesgc, yes so long as you isp doesnt hinder torrents.18:03
Doitletovella: Well I guess the problem could be with the wireless networks I'm trying to connect to18:03
PovAddictbmt2: any BitTorrent client18:03
flagelDr_willis: that would be a solution if if weren't for the fact that there are multiple partitions with different passwords and you don't know when you've typed wrongly without output18:03
YetiChickPovAddict, Ah...  Sorry.  I s'pose I could take the time to learn to read.  Nah... :)18:03
Dr_willisnoodles13,  right now - id say yes.18:04
Jhsi'm having the same problem as huy18:04
x938Lavender Dream: you have to setup your default media options18:04
Dr_willisflagel,  heh heh.. how.. interesting.18:04
tovellaDoitle: it doesn't appear that you need to do any stuff with that tar.gz file18:04
bmt2PovAddict: is there a gui bitTorrent client out there ?18:04
Noodlesgchow fast are the torrents?18:04
huyJhs you can't get nv to work as well?18:04
bmt2that i can apt-get install ?18:04
x938lavender_dream: go into your settings for media options and select "use this program as default and open file automatically"18:04
x938Noodlesgc: torrents are very fast18:04
flagelDr_willis: so any idea?18:04
stray77Noodlesgc, my torrents max out my connection18:04
lavender_dreamx938: where is that under? System > Preference?18:04
YetiChickray_, Sorry.  Anyway, I think I've used peazip in the past for that.18:04
PovAddictbmt2: there's dozens of them18:04
Doitletovella: I guess that's good news lol18:04
Doitletovella: Thanks for lookingat it for me18:04
DShepherdhow can i change my change my gdmgreeter from the command line?18:04
Dr_willisNoodlesgc,  right now they are as fast as they are going to be. Most Seeders are right NOW. :) in a few weeks they will be much slower.18:04
bmt2PovAddict: thanks18:04
Noodlesgchow many kbps are you getting under torrent?18:04
x938stray 77: are you on firefox ubuntu?18:05
tovellaDoitle: unfortunately, i don't have a wi-fi device in the machine i'm working on now - to refresh my memory - had a similar problem.18:05
NaradaPici: just what i needed18:05
ubotusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager18:05
Dr_willisflagel,  check the homepage/mailing lists for the developer stuff for the encrypted filesystem I guess. Or use the verbose/noquite options I guess..18:05
lavender_dreamx938: is that under Preferred Applications? I already set it as Custom under the Multimedia tab and typed in "vlc" without the terminal option checked.18:05
greedoif i want graphics effect, should i go beryl ? compiz ? compiz fusion ? i'm a bit lost18:05
bmt2hello to all18:05
Dr_willisflagel,  i think 'noquite' is an option that makes it very verbose.18:05
Noodlesgci have 800kbps using http so i think ill stick with it18:05
bmt2how do i apt-get the lastest apache and tomcat ?18:05
stray77x938, im on an xp machine atm using mirc.18:05
PovAddict/notice bmt2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnome_BitTorrent18:06
x938stray77: go into Edit>preferences>content18:06
DARKGuygreedo, compiz-fusion, but if you're on Gutsy it's installed already18:06
x938stray77: what is atm ?18:06
Doitletovella: I'm gonna try to get it to connect to somewhere, thanks again18:06
stray77at the moment18:06
Jhshuy, no. 2.6.22-14 won't start at all. and on 2.6.20-16, i can't set the resolution right18:06
x938oh ok18:06
uttaraI have an intel 945 graphics controller. When I play movie file, the picture is not as smooth as it should be. Does anybody know the solution??18:06
miirNedHiden: Thx =) didn't realise you could enable more ^18:06
fr0nkis a downgrade from 7.10 to 7.04 possible?18:06
greedothx DARKGuy18:06
x938fr0nk: i'd imagine you hav to backup your data and then re-install the o.s.18:06
x938from 7.04 image18:07
x938or make a seperate partition18:07
WanderingKnightfr0nk: what problems are you having?18:07
DARKGuyno problem greedo, just enable the desktop effects found in the Change Wallpaper... menu item when you right-click the desktop18:07
x938and have a dual boot linux system 7.10/7.0418:07
tovellaDoitle: from what i recall, wireless is handled by network-manager, so if you have a wired connection active, a wireless one if tricky (and a security risk) to have connected, simultaineously.  there are ways to do it, but i don't recommend it for a new user.18:07
fr0nkWanderingKnight: none yet, just want to have the possibility since compiz isn't working in the most current version available (approx 10 fps) in my 7.04 install18:07
tovellaDoitle: have you installed any firewall software, yet?18:07
fr0nksince 7.10 has compiz as default...18:07
x938stray77: did you figure it out?18:07
fr0nkyou see? ;)18:07
ZAKhanwill compiz work for my HDTV out of box with an ATI card installed?18:08
lavender_dreamx938: is setting my Preferred Application under Multimedia tab as Custom and typing in vlc without run in terminal checked the correct method to do this?18:08
stray77x938, figure what out?18:08
fr0nkberyl on the other hand runs damn smooth :)18:08
dn4man the ubuntu gutsy upgrade servers must be getting hammered!18:08
zxguitarj ubuntu-es18:08
PovAddictdn4: you think? :P18:08
kiru$ sudo kill -9 718618:08
greedoDARKGuy: gutsy is downloading so i did not install it yet. are there more stuff than in feisty ? effects were limited in numbers and customization18:08
dn420% [1 linux-image-2.6.22-14-rt 7843840/18.6MB 42%]            682B/s 12h29m41s18:08
kiru$ ps -A | grep firefox18:08
kiru 7186 ?        01:12:11 firefox-bin <defunct>18:08
kiruwhat can i do?18:08
PovAddictlol dn4, nice speed18:09
x938lavender dream: go to EDIT>CONTENT>CONFIGURE FILE TYPES>MANAGE from here you can setup how firefox handles certain files and what it does automatically18:09
PovAddictkiru: use a bigger hammer18:09
PovAddictkiru: err18:09
kiruPovAddict: wich hammer is bigger than kill -9?18:09
=== cmerck is now known as navaburo
PovAddictkiru: good question18:09
remix5xcrap, i just changed a setting that disabled all the nifty window effects... when i enabled 3d cube it asked me to disable a plug in and when i said yes all the effects went away.... is there some sort of log that i can find to see what it was?18:09
Dr_williskiru,  that would be pulling the plug. :)18:09
nickrudkiru: killing the parent process18:09
PovAddictkiru: nitroglycerin?18:10
penguin42Does gutsy still use mpt drivers for LSI SCSI cards and if so does anyone know if they are on the x86 boot CDs ?18:10
navaburoSo is it my connection or are the repos getting totally hammered?18:10
kirunickrud: already killed, next advice pls18:10
nickrudkiru: then el destructo, power18:10
DARKGuygreedo, yeah, but in Gutsy they have included CompizFusion... you just install your video drivers and enable the desktop effects and it'll be working nice and dandy (hopefully... it did on my system anyways). There's fast user switching, better configuration dialogs/panels, a desktop search tool similar to google desktop search, but better and less bloated ;), and lots of other pretty stuff... a nice kernel too :)18:10
nickrudkiru: but try logging out first18:10
x938lavender dreams: you might also want to setup your default download options to save to a specific place auomatically without asking, then you can have autoplay and autodownload without asking18:10
navaburonm i just read /topic18:10
Sliker_Hawkctrl+alt+backspace always works for me, Kiru.18:10
lavender_dreamx938: Okay thank you, but which directory should I point to in regards to VLC?18:10
rsfriendshow do i get x on my windows,18:10
stray77navaburo, its not your connection18:10
Dr_willisnavaburo,  they are getting hammered18:10
kirunickrud: this is in this case no solution because it happens too oftenly18:10
greedoDARKGuy: ok18:11
rsfriendswhen i open a windows i can see the x r - etc18:11
raphteei just tried gutsy last night and i had a weird problem.  i had no mouse cursor18:11
BankHeadI'll soon find out18:11
caveman24how do you change screen resolution in icewm?18:11
Dr_willisrsfriends,  i use 'xming' under windows - to allow seeing of X apps.18:11
x938lavender_dream: i am not sure, i don't use VLC i have gnome-player this depends on where you installed VLC18:11
PovAddictkiru: buy a new computer? XDDD some idiots actually buy a new computer when it gets virus-infected18:11
kiruwell, nice tries, boys18:11
DARKGuyPovAddict, lmao yeah, or buy a new hd X_X18:11
x938lavender dreams: if your on a windows system it might be in c:\program files\vlc player\vlc.exe18:11
kirubut i see you cannot help18:11
lavender_dreamx938: hmm... are most stuff installed default in usr/shr or lib..?18:11
rsfriendsdr villis i mean when i open a program or something i can se the x or _  etc18:11
arpeggidoes 'No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.' mean anything to anyone?18:11
navaburorsfriends, xrandr18:11
remix5xhow do i restart xserveR?18:11
PovAddictDr_willis: cygwin has an X server too18:11
Sliker_Hawkctrl+alt+backspace, Remix.18:12
Piciremix5x: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart18:12
caveman24restart z = ctrl+alt+backspace18:12
kst-I wanna do the same as the 2nd post in this thread http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=2140 can someone tell me how to set up 2 X screens (sessions? dunno), one running Xorg and one running Xgl + compiz?18:12
x938lavender dream: on desktop right click> select "create launcher" type in command "vlc player" (or whatever its called) and save this then point firefox to this launcher18:12
nickrudkiru: stepped out, recurring huh? too much of that18:12
Dr_willisPovAddict,  last i looked cygwin wasent getting updated any more.. It has more then just an x server. :) xming is a darn good tool :) better then cygwin for the task  (your needs may vary)18:12
x938lavender dream: this is a work around since im not sure where your VLC player installed18:12
arpeggican anyone help me out>18:12
ray_tnx PovAddict, great tool18:13
PovAddictDr_willis: well yeah, cygwin has an X server as an extra to its hundred tools18:13
Picix938: `which vlc`18:13
navaburoDr_willis, unless you need the cygwin xserver for some reason, i have allways found the Xming one easier to use18:13
* nickrud looks back with longing to the days when the issues were only config issues18:13
eodchopDoes anyone know if there is a ubuntu support channel for Apple pc's18:13
x938Pici: ?? which vlc?18:13
Odd-rationaleHow do you change the font color of the text in the panels? e.g. calendar?18:13
beedanharro - new to ubuntu from fedora.  is there a .deb package I could find that hat php bundled with mssql?18:13
raphteehas anyone ever encountered the problem where there is no mouse cursor?  it is the one thing that is keeping me from gettingf gutsy installed18:13
NoodlesgcOMG unreal 2004 is offered for Linux18:13
PovAddictbeedan: mssql on ubuntu?!18:13
d1n0Can anyone help me so I can extend my desktop to my TV? It's connected through S-video and works out of the box as a clone!18:13
Picix938: `which vlc` will tell you where the vlx executable is18:13
nickrud!lamp | beedan18:13
ubotubeedan: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:13
huyanybody else have problem with nvidia?18:14
huyor Xorg?18:14
PovAddictbeedan: is that microsoft SQL or a typo of mysql?18:14
DARKGuyNoodlesgc, it's been in Linux for ages :p18:14
lavender_dreamPici: thank you18:14
x938Pici: vlc player, it depends on how the user has it installed. if hte program name is "bitchx" then you make a launcher with command "bitchx" and point firefox to handle .irc files with bitchx launcher18:14
beedanMicrosoft SQL18:14
huyI just solve the problem so if you want to know just ask me18:14
PovAddictbetter be the latter18:14
marx2khuy: like...everyone... including me18:14
arpeggimore to the point quakewars is available for linux18:14
remix5xthanks to whoever told me how to restart xserver... i didnt know it restarted all applications though i thought xserver was just the gui frotend to linux18:14
nickrudbeedan: ask on ##windows18:14
huymarx2k: check if you are using nv driver18:14
huyget that work first18:14
Picix938: right, but this is a solution to your workaround18:14
beedanThis is an Ubuntu question though.18:14
navaburoremix5x, yea, any xclients connected to the server will probably shutdown18:14
marx2khuy: yep thats whats working right now18:14
x938Pici: can you please repeat the solution i missed i18:14
NoodlesgcIf these companies offer games for Linux, people will have no reson not to switch18:15
* nickrud wonders when microsoft sql began running on ubuntu18:15
navaburoremix5x, but any console apps started with nohup will still be running....18:15
ceedhello, i got few questions regarding rTorrent, anyone got a min?18:15
DARKGuyNoodlesgc, unless they don't like FPS games ;)18:15
gdi2kcompiz fusion is really nice in gutsy, but themes, how do they work now? I see compiz themes, and I see beryl themes, I don'g know which I need, and I don't know how to install them, any pointers?18:15
raphteehuy.  i am having problems with x.  i dont have a mouse cursor in gutsy.  any idea what that is?18:15
remix5xnavaburo, so is there a way to restart xserver without restarting xclients?18:15
Picix938: the command 'which appname'  will tell you where the exectuable for that app lives.18:15
d1n0Can anyone help me so I can extend my desktop to my TV? It's connected through S-video and works out of the box as a clone!18:15
x938Pici: ah thank you :)18:15
rsfriendswhen i open a program i cant se x, _ or  square18:15
huymarx2k then check if nvidia-glx-new is install18:15
Picibeedan: MSSQL does not run on linux.18:15
navaburoremix5x, no18:15
DShepherdnickrud, hey... my gutsy experience is not going good :-(18:15
remix5xnavaburo, ak ok, thanks :)18:15
bkingxNeed to use IIS to forward to my new Ubuntu LAMP server using host headers.  Has anyone had success forwarding from IIS to an Apache server?18:15
nickrudDShepherd: you're not alone, I see.18:15
arpeggi:( No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. :(18:15
marx2khuy: it is18:16
beedanOf course not, I am looking for a .deb package that has MSSQL connection capabilities.18:16
remix5xnow if I can just get my raid5 to mount on here it would be phenominal18:16
beedanFreeTDS installed great18:16
philip__I've installed the new Ubuntu, now when I log in it gives me a choice between both kernels...When I use the old it workds fine (more or less) the new one is very buggy......the question is why do I have the choice? and what is the difference?18:16
huyraphtee: get to a console, do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, follow the wizard to add a mouse18:16
Picibkingx: ask in ##windows18:16
Colrodoes anyone know why firefox might be taking 100% of my cpu time with only five tabs open? ive got an amd 1800+ and 1.5gb of ram..it never did this under windows =|18:16
NoodlesgcMonster Energy drink sucks18:16
beedanNow I need php to interface it18:16
PovAddictI think I just lost my IRC connection18:16
PovAddictI doubt this channel has gone quiet for 2 minutes18:16
ceeddo i have to uninstall older version of rTorrent when i want to install a new one?18:16
mluserHow do I set a wifi network to come up automatically on boot without waiting for a user to log in? I'm using feisty btw18:16
nerdboy1024is there an exploit in the Remote deskop becasue someone just tried to view my desktop and i inadvertantly clicked allow, i tried nmap and nothing suspicious so i doubt and hack was accomplished, but maybe someone heard of this18:16
huymarx2k: check your kernel version18:16
penguin42Colro: Check for flash running in some of the tabs18:16
x938Colro: kill the process of firefox and restart it18:16
kazim59Pici: reinstalled dbus. same problem. DBUS starts fine. Is running as a process too. But no application seems to be able to do IPC using DBUS18:16
huymarx2k: uname -a18:16
navaburoremix5x, if you are working in the consle you can try screen http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/18:16
x938Colro: it could be a certain webpage eating up resources18:16
marx2khuy: 2.6.22-14-generic18:16
PovAddictsilly thing18:16
arun__if i have third party repos enabled, do i need to disable them before i upgrade?18:16
nickrudphilip_: ubuntu by default never removes kernels, you have to do that by hand. And your experience is exactly why18:17
jer__Hey everyone. Question: How do you install a driver on Ubuntu 7.10?18:17
Picikazim59: That is very very weird.  This is dumb, but you have tried rebooting, right?18:17
huymarx2k: check if you installed linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-generic18:17
takedownHi everyone, i have a trouble with fglrx. Ubuntu 7.10 and installed and ___loaded___ fglrx module, but fglrxinfo showing mesa. Anyone know wtf is that?18:17
Colropenguin42: flash is running in one -- is flash just extremely slow for nix?18:17
navaburoremix5x, someone once told me there was an xwindows equivanlent..... but I think they were nuts18:17
mr_wang HOW DO I UPDATE USING THE CD? i see no updatye18:17
kazim59Pici: yes.. it asked me to reboot when I reinstalled dbus18:17
remix5xnavaburo, nah i'm not adamant about it, I'm going to work on getting my raid5 mounted under ubuntu, if thats even possible18:17
x938Colro: It could be flash, try another website with flash and see how firefox responds, i have no flash problems18:17
patrick_can someone explain how I would install this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Glass+Icons+Theme?content=32146 ???18:17
penguin42Colro: Try right clicking on the flash  you can tell it to be slower18:17
PovAddictI'm losing connection way too often18:17
navaburotakedown, mesa is software 3D, it works, but VERY slow18:17
WanderingKnightpatrick_: download and open it with the themes manager18:18
kazim59Pici: my ubuntu has been otherwise clean ...18:18
marx2khuy: looks like it is installed18:18
Noodlesgcmr_wang http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:18
Picikazim59: I'm out of ideas.18:18
x938I need food be back later18:18
arpeggiNo volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. HALP18:18
patrick_WanderingKnight: I have tried18:18
Colroyeah it's definitely the flash player18:18
philip__nickrud: What is the difference between the kernels?   cuz the new one doesn't work well one my pc18:18
Colrois there any way to uh, speed it up? :\18:18
jer__Question - How can I install a driver for my sound card?18:18
idefixxI do like this new failsave mode thing for X but where did my original log go... all the logs I got left are the ones where x starts the failsave18:18
takedownnavaburo: i know, i dont ask what mesa is18:18
flickwhat can i download and compile to check if the g++ compiler and make are working fine?18:18
patrick_but I can't install icon packs18:18
mii1how do I open this chat window (using Pidgin) after I close it down ... double clicking the #ubuntu doesn't seem to work ... am I missing something here ^^18:18
patrick_it doesn't seem to have an option to do so18:18
raphteehuy: thanks.  ill give that a try.18:18
huymarx2k:  try startx and tell me the error18:18
x938Colro: okay then so you might consider not using flash or installing another version of it18:18
ErtainIs the update coming from only a small number of servers?  Or are they spread around the world?18:18
huythe (EE) line and the (WW) line18:18
x938Colro: flash usually is not unstable but it might be a bad firefox/flash combo make sure you have newest versions of everything18:18
rsfriendswhen i open a windows i cant se the x , _ or square18:19
nickrudphilip_: probably quite a bit; you can look at the change log in /usr/share/doc/linux-image-* for the gritty details18:19
marx2khuy: you mean after I edit xorg.conf to run nvidia instead of nv?18:19
mr_wangI PUT THE CD IN THE tray just now and i see RUn upgrade? do i use that?18:19
MurielGodoihi all,  anyone knows which pachake should i install in ubuntu in order to get rsvg and wnck python modules?18:19
marx2kk hang on18:19
Ian13hey - im not able to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.1018:19
Colrox938: I installed the first version of flash google found because Gutsy's flash installer was broken in RC stages, how can I go about removing my current version and reinstalling? ;x18:19
bmidgleyFWIW: update-manager couldn't find 7.10 until I ran "sudo update-manger -c"18:19
beedanHow do I enable apt-get to get source?18:19
DShepherdhow do you change the current gdmgreeter theme from the commandline?18:19
erUSULmr_wang: if it is the alternate cd it is supposed to work that way18:19
eodchopapple support channel for ubuntu? Anyone?18:19
nickrudmr_wang: that'll work, be sure you're on the net for the stuff that's not on the cd18:20
jer__Anyone know how to install a driver I downloaded for my sound card?18:20
kadakasMy Ubuntu-Server 7.04 boots up very weird: http://www.impact.pri.ee/ul/failid/DSC00041.JPG18:20
kadakasIt asks for "S3 Login" and then continues on with the usual boot sequence.18:20
kadakasI cant log in to this server via LAN, because it seems that its doing things in wrong order - the last process just stays there. It does not ask for the login again18:20
x938beedan: "sudo apt-get install source18:20
kazim59Pici: I've a strong intuition that Beryl caused this. I'm not using Beryl at all. Can I remove Beryl?18:20
ceeddo i have to uninstall older version of rTorrent when i want to install a new one?18:20
Jhshuy, did you find out anything about the nvidia problem? and do you have the same problem i have, that 2.6.22-14 won't start at all (for me, it freezes during the progress bar screen thingy)18:20
Noodlesgcmr_wang gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" after you put the cd in the tray18:20
x938ceed: rTorrent should do this itself18:20
Picikazim59: yes, you can.18:20
Dr_willisceed,  thats a feature of the apt package manager system :)18:20
ceedx938, i used apt-get install and it installed old version18:20
erUSUL!sound | anavarro18:21
ubotuanavarro: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:21
Dr_willisceed,  unless of you used source.18:21
huyjhs: ooo18:21
x938ceed: it could be the depository has the old version on file18:21
Ian13Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found18:21
beedanx938, do I have to enable a repository or something?  I am getting not found on php5 source18:21
Ian13Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found18:21
x938ceed: depositories have to be updatd sometimes they are not i've had foreign serves with old files18:21
Ian13Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/free/source/Sources.gz 302 Found18:21
huyjhs: nah that's not my problem, try pressing alt+f1 to see what is wrong while it is loading18:21
Ian13Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/non-free/source/Sources.gz 302 Found18:21
nicholaskadakas: install ssh on the server?18:21
Ian13how do i clear this error?18:21
erUSUL!intelhda | anavarro18:21
ubotuanavarro: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto18:21
Colrodoes anyone know how I can remove my current version of flash?18:21
erUSUL!paste | Ian1318:21
kadakasnicholas: I didnt know i had to install it separately :D thx, ill try it :)18:21
ceedx938, so if i download and install new version it should work with no problem right?18:22
ubotuIan13: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:22
Jhshuy, okay. will try soon-ish18:22
jer__Who knows how to install drivers manually?or with what program?18:22
corpxiclehey, after upgrading to 7.10 the GUI presents me with resolutions that arent in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... how is this possible ?18:22
corpxicleit doesnt seem to care whats in xorg.conf at all18:22
hegurujer__: drivers for what?18:22
x938ceed: try changing your default server to the U.S.A server usually this has the newest versions, you can try also downloading from the website and installing and it shoudl work with no problems yes, but no guarantees,18:22
lowlux__any known bugs in 7.10?18:22
Ian13hey - im not able to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41217/18:22
nicholasjer__: what driver?18:22
Colrodoes anyone know how I can remove my current version of flash?18:22
lavender_dreamTrying to play via vlc in Firefox by directing the path to usr/bin/vlc didn't work... it still tries to open in Totem Movie Player. Any help? :)18:22
ceedx938, how do i change the server to usa?18:23
jer__well I was in here before, trying to find out why my sound isn't working. I figure the driver for my Realtek ALC 861 isn't installed18:23
x938ceed: in my case i am located in a non u..s.a country so it was grabbing packages from a foreign country server thus old files after i switched to USA it had newest files18:23
orkidinstall the vlc mozilla plugkin18:23
lavender_dreamorkid: ohh thanks18:23
hegurujer__: what makes you think the driver is not installed? can you pastebin the output of command lsmod | grep snd18:23
jer__- > So I downloaded the driver for linux. . . I dunno how to install it (New to Linux/Ubuntu)18:23
scott_hey all, just installed gutsy on my dell 820.  I cannot get any display on my external 24" LCD when the machine is in the dock.  It is using a DVI Connection, any ideas?18:23
NoodlesgcTurn off the mediubuntu repository18:24
kazim59Pici: hey.. some success.. now I get different errors :)18:24
ceedx938, i am in usa and idk what server it downloaded it from since my box is in germany... but then again how do i change the server with commands18:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:24
Ian13noodlesgc: how?18:24
beedanare the forums down?18:24
jer__heguru - sound isn't working . . . that's all i'm going by. the sound seems to be coming from inside the laptop, like it's using another audio card18:24
kazim59Pici: now it says failed to connect to socket connection refused!18:24
ColroDoes anyone know how I can remove my current version of flash?18:24
heguruscott_: what graphics card do you have?18:24
chervacan someone give me an idea how can a guy on a pc can see what am I typing when i'm sshed to his machine18:24
x938ceed: i am not sure how to change with commands only know GUI way18:24
Noodlesgcsystem -> administration -> Software Sources18:24
ceedaah thaanks anyway :)18:24
x938ceed: on your desktop go to the top menu Click on "system" select "administration" then "software sources" and "download from"18:24
x938ceed: it could be your box is still localized from germany18:25
heguru!dualhead | scott_ (just follow this link for information on using external screen with notebooks)18:25
marx2khuy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41218/18:25
ubotuscott_ (just follow this link for information on using external screen with notebooks): Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama18:25
nerdboy1024when i try to install a theme it says The file format is invalid.18:25
Dr_willisnerdboy1024,  it may need to be unzipped first.18:25
ceedx938, it is... anyway ill try to install it manualy not trough apt get18:25
NoodlesgcIan13 then click on "Third party software" and uncheck mediubuntu18:25
nerdboy1024dr, it is18:25
kl4mcherva, it probably involves listening at the tty18:25
kapacewhy are most ubuntu versions have "The" infront but not gusty in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes18:25
hegurujer__: just start the terminal and run this command: lsmod | grep snd18:26
remix5xI need help, I am reading a forum page that says that gutsy should solve my problem, but it dosen't... I am still getting the saim raid error on boot18:26
x938ceed: okay good luck,18:26
gashcherva: screen?18:26
XsteelWolfDoes anyone knows how to change nickname in pidgin for msn?18:26
RabiddogWOW, I would love to see ZFS support in ubuntu, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/zfs-filesystem18:26
hegurujer__: after that paste the output to pastebin (don't paste it here)18:26
Dr_willisnerdboy1024,  this is a gnome theme? or what exactely.18:26
remix5xthe forum post I am talking about is this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=401295&highlight=ERROR%3A+device-mapper+target+type+raid45+kernel   and the specific raid error i get is this: ERROR: device-mapper target type "raid45" not in kernel18:26
gnufiedis this the correct channel for compiz fusion questions in gutsy?18:26
jdq997Has anyone here lost the ability to use the second workspace on gutsy?18:26
ceedor... does any1 know how to change the server from which apt get downloads stuff, with commands not GUI18:26
chervakl4m how can he listen to that tty i even don't know the number of the ssh tty18:27
Dr_willisjdq997,  you mean a 2nd 'virtual desktop' in the pager thing?18:27
nerdboy1024dr http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Glass+Icons+Theme?content=3214618:27
Rabiddogremix5x:  come to #kanotix I'm working on the same issue18:27
jdq997Dr_willis,  Yeah18:27
EvilBroAnyone else found that upgrading to gutsy killed bogofilter for evolution?18:27
mulearioserver irc.undernet.org18:27
Rabiddogwith kano there18:27
MurielGodoiceed: add the server at /etc/apt/sources.list18:27
=== schlort_ is now known as schlort
Dr_willisjdq997,  to add/change the # - you use the compiz setting too. - but the desktops all work on my installs..18:27
ColroDoes anyone know how I can remove my current version of flash player 9?18:27
jer__so type in lsmod , and then type in grep snd18:28
corpxicle_any_ ideas at all how to fix my resolution problem ? and yes i have put the resolutions in xorg.conf ( they worked before upgrading to 7.10 )18:28
marx2khuy: any ideas?18:28
ceedMurielGodoi: and how would i do that?18:28
NotcliveHow do I change systemwide keyboard layout, not just for gnom but for tty's aswell18:28
Dr_willisjdq997,  i always set the # to 4 ( the default is 2)  and the way you switch to them may  be a little different with compiz now also.18:28
Noodlesgccorpxicle sudo apt-get install 915resolution18:28
jotilwhat would be good choice for widgets? gdesklets? screenlets?18:28
MurielGodoiceed:  maybe sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list    ?18:28
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huymarx2k try envy?18:28
corpxiclenoodles13: for ATI card ?18:28
kapacehows NTFS doing on gusty?18:29
=== QwertyM is now known as us
jdq997So you say I should install the full blown compiz config manager18:29
marx2khuy: Well, I can always do that, sure... but I wanted to find out whats going on for myself :) Thanks anyway!18:29
=== us is now known as we
kl4mcherva, do you mean someone who as control over the sshed machine?18:29
corpxiclei dont think it works for ati cards, also as i said, it worked fine before the upgrade18:29
Dr_willisjdq997,  thgats a top 10 thing on my 'installed on a new install' list. :)18:29
Fingelanyone having trouble with their snd-hda-intel modules? broken after upgrade18:29
jotilkapace, great. worked out of the box for me.18:29
Ashfire908is there any method that i could use to compress the ubuntu iso files so i can tranfer them to another computer easier?18:29
jdq997I'll give it a shot, thanks :)18:29
Odd-rationaleI'm trying to set my panel to complete transparency. But the gusty background is dark and the text is black. Is there a way I can change the text to white?18:29
gnufiedDr_willis, ok I am using gutsy with nvidia and compiz works fine most of the time, but often i get blank windows, with window contents totally black for no apparent reason. any ideas?18:29
orkidAshfire908: just bzip2 or gzip. try it.18:29
nrdb_hi got gutsy working, I like the desktop effects you can have.18:30
ceedMurielGodoi : yea probably.. sorry for askin stupid questions but im new to ubuntu18:30
P_KableIs it a typo or most mirrors wrote gutsy instead of gusty on purpose in the tree ?18:30
chervakl4m yes i ssh to 1 machine and i want a guy who is infront of that machine to look what am i typing18:30
Dr_willisgnufied,  Nope.  - no idea on trouble shooting compiz stuff.18:30
kl4mAshfire908: as far as I know the CDs are already compressed as much as possible to fit more on it18:30
ceacyI was wondering if there was a way to improve quodlibet's performances18:30
kwaynehello. i just tried to install ubuntu 7.10 on my pc (C2D, GA-P35-DS3), but it failed when running grub-install. i suspect it is because the intel ICH9 southbridge is not supported properly, is that possible? the harddisks run in AHCI mode18:30
ceacy My computer is not as fast as i wish it would be, and as my music library counts over 11000 songs, sometimes, it is jerky18:30
ceacy(i'm using Ubuntu Gutsy & Qodlibet 1.0)18:30
huymarx2k: you just pasted the warning, not the error18:30
Ashfire908orkid, do you know of any non-installing bzip2 programs for windows18:30
NotcliveP_kable: its supposed to be gutsy18:31
ColroDoes anyone know how I can remove my current version of flash player 9?18:31
sam64I actually like 7zip myself18:31
kl4mAshfire908: there must be a portable version of 7zip18:31
P_KableNotclive=>  I thought it was gusty ..18:31
marx2khuy: there was no error18:31
Noodlesgcsudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati18:31
marx2kgrep EE comes up empty18:31
huymarx2k: there were no error but you couldn't get a screen?18:31
marx2kI got the Bulletproof X screen18:32
jer__heguru - pastebin?18:32
NotcliveP_Kable: check the ubuntu website18:32
corpxicleNoodlesgc: but ubuntu did ask me if i wanted to install the ati drivers, and after reboot it confirmed that they were installed ...18:32
ceacyAny idea ?18:32
ceedwhere can i find a list of links for apt-get, i need to change it from germany to usa18:32
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
flickhi, is there any channel on application development for ubuntu?18:33
blazemongeris gibson good?18:33
marx2kceed: /etc/apt/sources.list18:33
Owner_hello does anyone else have a problem with gutsy gibbon where the keyboard doesnt work?18:33
gnufiedcompiz baby, anyone know correct channel for compiz?18:33
kl4mcherva,  I really don't know, ssh is not really made for this18:33
blazemongeror should i stay with dapper and feisty18:33
Ashfire908kl4m, i think isos are a raw format, as the iso files for the desktop are larger then the cds themselves18:33
Odd-rationaleDoes anyone know a way to change the font color of the panels? Thanks!18:33
cwatsonceed, have you looked at System > Administration > Software Sources?18:33
marx2kgnufied, #compiz-fusion18:33
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NotcliveHow do I change systemwide keyboard layout, not just for gnome but for tty's aswell18:33
ceedmarx2: im already there and now i gotta chenge it but i dont know the links18:33
chervakl4m can he just cat the tty ? or something like that18:33
blazemongeri want 2 kno :)18:33
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kas1OK, upgraded to gusty but when I try to change "Appearance Preferences" it doesn't change (and it stays on NONE)18:34
NoodlesgcI guess you just have to start googling for answers18:34
kadakasnicholas: a million THX to you, i got it to work :D18:34
Owner_how do i get it working it works when you boot the cd up and all but when it gets to the os the mouse works but the keyboard just looks at ya18:34
ceedcwatson: im using ssh so i cant use GUI...18:34
aproposany alternative to these slow downloads?18:34
ceacyIs there any way to speed quodlibet up ?18:34
corpxiclenoodlesgc : i am18:34
apropos(I've already downloaded the DVD, it still says 3 days for the upgrade)18:34
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Dr_willisapropos,  what slow doenloads? im getting the iso via toerrent at 1000kb/s18:34
sam64I have a broken program stuck in apt.. how would I go about removing it?18:34
aproposDr_willis: I already *have* the ISO.18:34
supremesonicis it me or is MSN down ?18:34
Owner_and no matter how hard i pound on it it wont work lol18:34
ceacyOr is there any other audio player with the same features, and faster for the very large libraries ?18:35
kl4msupremesonic: msn down18:35
Dr_willisapropos,   the first apt-get update/upgrade is slow eh?18:35
kapacesupremesonic: mSN is always down18:35
ceacy(song ratings, cover, scrobbler, ...)18:35
cwatsonceed: does the remote machine have X running on it?18:35
Noodlesgcsudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager18:35
kl4msupremesonic: Yay for centralized IM18:35
ceedcwatson : no18:35
aproposDr_willis: 3 days slow18:35
valmarkoHi all. Could someone point me a site where I could see screenshots of ubuntu's media center ?18:35
Owner_i might post this in the forums and all18:36
scriptdevilsbcl is not available in my package manager18:36
Owner_ty all18:36
Dr_willisapropos,   thats interesting.. the servers are getting hammered. but if you just did a clean install.. you are mainly trying to install a few extras?18:36
aproposDr_willis: it died during the first upgrade, I rebooted and have no gdm, now apt-get dist-upgrade says it's going to be a while.18:36
aproposDr_willis: upgrade18:36
Sorcererbobgeez, 7.10 automatically firewalled everything I was doing :/18:36
Sorcererbobthats not a nice introduction to an upgraded OS18:36
nicholasOwner_: enable leagacy usb devices in bios?18:36
Dr_willisapropos,  no idea on that then. I always do clean installs.. sorry cnt help ya more.18:36
Owner_u know it18:36
aproposoh, wait... maybe the automount for the DVD isn't working...18:36
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Noodlesgcwill the new compiz mess up my current compiz?18:36
Owner_its a ps2 keyboard18:36
Qantouris11433 peplea ..;18:36
Dr_willisSorcererbob,  Hmm.. i dident notice ANY firewalling on my 3 installs.18:36
laxcompiz rulez18:36
cwatsonceed: you just want a list of germany repository mirrors that you use?18:36
Owner_the mouse is usb tho18:36
sisseckhi im having trouble playing mp3 files from amarok, any ideas on whats going on? i installed the mp3 support when it asked me too18:37
Owner_works in windows18:37
Owner_and with 7.0418:37
jer__okie back18:37
Owner_but when 7.10 is on there it doesnt work18:37
ceacyNevermind ...18:37
aproposhmm, no, it's mounted. an update says it's ignoring the cd (dvd)? why would it do that?18:37
ePaxI have hade CompizFusion installed in Feisty and uset XGL session. Now since i have run upgrade to Gutsy i can not start Compiz Settings Manager in System Preferences...18:37
ceedcwatson: im using german repository mirrors now and they are outdated, im lookin for usa repository mirrors18:37
aproposthanks, Dr_willis18:37
jer__Anyone have any idea what I should do?18:38
DShepherdwell gdm wont start for some reason I dont know. Is there a log i can check for the gdm?18:38
Dr_willisOwner_,  got a ps2 keyboard thats being weird? try the other ps2 port?  Other then that - i got no idea.18:38
jer__Sound ain't working. Not sure what's missing.18:38
nicholasceed: try ftp.uninett.no18:38
Owner_try the kb in the mouse port intuitive18:38
valmarkoThe new version of Ubuntu comes with a new compiz. Is it really much better than the original compiz ?18:38
cwatsonceed: does this help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors18:38
Owner_ill try it :-P18:38
Owner_never thought of it18:38
Owner_ok be back in a few18:38
DShepherdvalmarko, better is more of a preference.18:39
Dr_willisvalmarko,  given how compiz is constantly geting worked on/bug/fixed/tweaked... id have to say yes.18:39
kas1I upgraded but also cannot start compiz or make any changes to APPEARANCE PREFERENCES18:39
cousin_luigilooks like the peak chatter died out18:39
ceedcwatson: yes it ddoes... that what i was lookin for. i owe u a beer18:39
KyoukipichiAnyone know how to restore xscreensaver on Xubuntu 7.10?18:39
Noodlesgcwhere can i download the ubuntu dvd?18:39
KyoukipichiIt got replaced with GNOME Screensaver, which I dislike.18:39
cwatsonceed: heh, glad to help18:39
bobboNoodlesgc: torrent or direct ISO?18:39
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ceedcwatson: thanks again...18:40
Dr_willisNoodlesgc,  http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/  is where i got mine18:40
pike_Kyoukipichi: wait.. they put gnome screensaver as default in xfce?18:40
garuhi everyone18:40
valmarkoDr_willis, will I be forced to enble xgl ? My graphics card doesnt relate very well with xgl. I have ATI RADEON 955018:40
garucan someone help me out18:40
Kyoukipichipike_: Yes18:40
Dr_willisvalmarko,  i dont use ati any more. so no idea on that.18:40
DShepherdgaru, wats your problem?18:41
garuI got a problem...just installed from the livecd...and I have very low volume18:41
Dr_willisvalmarko,  the new release does have the newer ati drivers..  i hear.18:41
valmarkothanks Dr_willis18:41
jknightIs there any reason I should build a new kernel following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild vs. just getting source from kernel.org and building that ?18:41
pedrothe bastille problem is resolved. it was need a perl-tk package18:41
Kaitlyn2004I just upgraded to 7.10, and when I go to "Normal" visual effects, I lose my titlebars... GeForce MX400 graphics card... any ideas?18:41
ebirtaidgaru:  have you turned the volume up in the mixer control?18:41
cwatsonhas anyone seen an issue where you cannot burn a CD? the burning application always pops up the dialog: "Reload a rewritable or blank disc".18:42
cousin_luigigaru: yes, how is the pcm slider set?18:42
garuDShepherd I just installed the livecd, and I got very low sound.dont know why.18:42
ebirtaidtsk tsk18:42
jknightcwatson: you sure you have a rewritable cd?  that message has been pretty reliable for me ...18:42
garuebirtaid yes i did, but its still low18:42
cwatsonKaitlyn2004: is that a GeForce2 MX/MX400 card?18:43
ebirtaidpcm and master are both at full?18:43
cousin_luigigaru: try alsamixer from console18:43
ebirtaidalong with speaker volume?18:43
aproposgaru: I'd guess that you need to go into the mixer and play with a different volume slider, that's what happened to me.18:43
bcardarellaDoes anybody have Gutsy running with an AMD Turion 64 CPU? If so, were there any snags with installation, setup, etc...?18:43
Kaitlyn2004cwatson: umm.. not 100% sure.. it's not the newest..18:43
garucousin_luigi In the alsamixer control, the pcm doesnt even have bars18:43
drakomanhi guys18:43
nayteHey guys -- I'm trying to run the fglrx driver package I just downloaded from ATI, but apparently I need some packages to "build" the thing.18:43
endoI cannot seem to get through the upgrading process to Gutsy, because of the audacious repertory. seems to be down or something. Should I just download the iso, burn and install?18:43
nayteCan anyone clue me in as to what those are?18:44
cousin_luigigaru: oh..odd18:44
cwatsonjknight: yes, I've tried 2 types of CD-R(W) and a DVD-RW. also tried with small & large ISOs18:44
BlamaHey all, I have a problem with Ubuntu.  I have a USB Compaq Multimedia Keyboard SDM4540UL that does not work in Ubuntu. This keyboard works fine in Windows and works fine in the BiOS menu and the GRUB menu.  If I plug in the keyboard at the Ubuntu command line I get the error, "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62".18:44
garuapropos different slider?I have only two sliders18:44
cousin_luigigaru: are you sure it's not at zero?18:44
nicholasendo: disable taht repo temporalily18:44
ebirtaidnaytea: sudo apt-get install build-essential18:44
rredd4using gutsy, when I click on system > Preferences > appearances  Visual effects tab, then click on custom, I get desktop effects could not be enabled.  I have geforce 2 go, nvidia acclerated graphics is enabled.  compiz is installed.  what did i miss?18:44
Lamegonayte, why don't use use the one provided on the repositories ?18:44
cwatsonKaitlyn2004: what does 'lspci' say?18:44
nayteebirtaid, Thanks -- I'll try it.18:44
toupeirowow, I haven't been in an IRC room in probably ten years18:44
aproposgaru: seems like I had to dig for them...18:44
valmarkoI don't mean to be boring but I didnt install the new version yet and I'd like to be sure if the application media center has tv capture functionality or i'll have to install tvtime (btw, an excellent program) instead18:44
garucousin_luigi the PCM is at the maximum now...but still no difference18:44
nayteLamego: Well, I'm having another odd issue with that, too. Every time I reboot, those modules get removed from my /lib/modules/$(uname -r) directory.18:45
Kaitlyn2004cwatson: oh.. its GeForce 4 MX 42018:45
cousin_luigigaru: so is master?18:45
aproposendo: I had to burn it, but any extras you had (if it is an upgrade) will still need to be downloaded. torrent is great.18:45
cousin_luigigaru: anyway what audio chipset are you using?18:45
nayteLamego: I have to remove the linux-restricted-modules package and then re-install it every time I reboot this POS.18:45
garuapropos in the mixer control panel, I got 2 tabs18:45
^Migs^what's a good ghosting tool that works well with Ubuntu18:45
endoapropos: I have the iso from downloading through torrent. but I would just rather just update through the update manager. I don't have any blank discs kicking around haha18:45
d1n0Can anyone help me so I can extend my desktop to my TV? It's connected through S-video and works out of the box as a clone!18:45
aproposgaru: mine's down at the moment due to upgrade problems, or I could be more helpful, sorry.18:45
cwatsonKaitlyn2004: what does 'glxinfo | grep direct' say?18:45
fertashello after starting a fullscreen game my monitor resolution was changed, then I changed it again and ubuntu told me too sign in again after this everytime i start ubuntu it starts in low graphics mode and nothing is working, how can i solve this? (ubuntu 7.10 before everything was working even the cube)18:45
Lamegonayte, that is strange, you should look for a solution for that problme insteady of doing a manual gflrx install18:45
garucousin_luigi master is all the way down...I can't even turn it up18:45
aproposendo: yeah... that's going to take you a while, the servers are being hammered.18:46
Kaitlyn2004direct rendering: yes18:46
nayteLamego: Really? So the proprietary drivers from ati aren't reccomended?18:46
endono doubt man, alright. i'll try it anyways and wait it out18:46
garucousin_luigi how do I find out what chipset am I using?18:46
Dr_willisd1n0,  and whats your video card?18:46
awjrichardsgreetings all - i am attempting to install ubuntu 7.10 on an older compaq laptop (evo n600c - p3, 700mhz).  when i get to the "where are you?" screen during the install, the system seems to lock-up while continually trying to read the cd - the mouse becomes unmovable and the keyboard unresponsive.  i've tried booting with noapic and nolapic as boot parameters, but this makes no difference.  any suggestions on how to get beyond thi18:46
toupeiroI did not have luck with the ATI 8.40 driver18:46
d1n0Dr_willis, ati radeon x800gt18:46
A[D]minSexcuse me how i can disable this thingy... when i open login window and start type username font become huge even i can't read what i am typing ...advise please18:46
Lamegonayte, the recommended version is the one available on the repositories, unless your graphicals board is not supported, which is not the case18:46
cousin_luigigaru: alsamixer shows it on top left18:46
UNDERsoNwho can help me I was updating then my computer 5 minutes has no power( it was turned off) But update wasn't finished. What I should to do. Update was from 7.04 to 7.1018:46
^Migs^smack your laptop around18:46
toupeiroI used the provided restricted and had much better luck18:46
garuapropos what options did u change at the mixer?18:46
cousin_luigigaru: launch it from console18:46
nayteLamego: Agreed -- ok, thanks for the tip.18:46
Kaitlyn2004cwatson: direct rendering: yes18:46
BlamaI got Ubuntu installed and got to my desktop, unplugged my PS/2 keyboard and plugged in my USB one. Nothing, no recognition at all, no power light on the keyboard, nothing. Put my PS/2 keyboard back in and I popped back into the command line. I unplugged my replugged my USB keyboard back in and got the errors:18:46
Blama"usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62"18:47
Blama"usb 1-1: device descriptor read/8, error -62"18:47
UNDERsoNI booted from old kernel. New doesn't run18:47
cousin_luigiusb is evil18:47
^Migs^ur evil18:47
endousb is your friend18:47
aproposgaru: I do remember something on the wiki that explained it...18:47
Dr_willisd1n0,  you might want to check the ubuntu forums on that. I knoiw how to do it with Nvidia. No clue on ati. You did instll the ati restricted drivers for that card? thera proberly an ati control panel also.18:47
garucousin_luigi Realtek ALC86118:47
cwatsonKaitlyn2004: hmm, I'm not sure what else would cause it. Thats kind of the limit of my knowledge about it18:47
Kaitlyn2004cwatson: hmm.. alright. thanks18:47
kas1i need help PLEASE18:47
d1n0Dr_willis, ah ok. yep restricted drivers. will try to find that control panel.18:47
ceeduhhh can any1 help me with manual installation of rTorrent?18:47
garuapropos I'll have a look at it18:47
Noodlesgckas1 what?18:47
ebirtaidfn'kas1: ?18:48
drakomanhi, i have a little problem with IM software in ubuntu7.1018:48
nayteMy goal is to get Xgl running with BigDesktop so I can use both my monitors with eye candy.18:48
fertas<endo> daaammmnnnn18:48
fertas<nayte> Lamego: Really? So the proprietary drivers from ati aren't reccomended?18:48
fertas* allorder hat die Verbindung getrennt (Remote closed the connection)18:48
dotjayi installed vmware workstation but was unable to properly configure it in the first run but the installation is successful is there any way i could fix this?18:48
drakomanmy hotmail acount not works18:48
cousin_luigigaru: is that a laptop?18:48
huyofficially upgrading to gutsy is a pain in the butt18:48
fertas hello after starting a fullscreen game my monitor resolution was changed, then I changed it again and ubuntu told me too sign in again after this everytime i start ubuntu it starts in low graphics mode and nothing is working, how can i solve this? (ubuntu 7.10 before everything was working even the cube)18:48
rredd4using gutsy, I get desktop effects could not be enabled.  I have geforce 2 go, nvidia acclerated graphics is enabled.   why please?18:48
garucousin_luigi yes it is18:48
Lamegodotjay, there is a vmware-configure command18:48
keo92hi all !18:48
garurredd4 u might have to install xgl18:49
Lamegorredd4, have you installed the restrcited 3d driver ?18:49
Noodlesgckas1 what do you need help with?18:49
kas1I have upgraded and cannot change appearance preferences18:49
dotjayLamego: i tried it and i reconfigure it but nothing works18:49
cousin_luigigaru: seems like you have to force loading the module with a parameter18:49
kas1I had compiz working before18:49
krauthow do i activate the framebuffer in gutsy?18:49
ganeshrredd4:before logging in a warning "ubuntu is running in low graphics mode graphics may not be detected configure manually"can u help me?18:49
cousin_luigigaru: see onhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/13832218:49
nicholasfertas: administration -> screen resolution?18:49
garucousin_luigi how do I find out the name of the module?18:49
Noodlesgckas1 system -> preferences -> theme18:49
cwatsonrredd4: did you have to do anything special to get your GeForce 2 card working?18:49
toupeiroxgl is installed by: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl.  It does not require its own session configuration like 7.04 did.18:49
ganeshcousin_luigi: before logging in a warning "ubuntu is running in low graphics mode graphics may not be detected configure manually"can u help me?18:49
kas1Noodlesgc: "theme" is not in preferences18:50
assasukassehi everyone, i am using compiz effects tru xgl, but if i try to open a fullscreen game, is shown into a window instead..how can i fix it?18:50
cousin_luigigaru: it's snd-hda-intel I suppose18:50
rredd4cwatson not working18:50
Vletkas1: it's Appearance18:50
keo92There is a big problem with the repository ?!18:50
dotjayLamego: do you have any idea regarding the required files iam using gusty18:50
orochi_assasukasse, The only way I've found to fix that so far is just to turn effects off while I'm playing a game18:50
rredd4Lamego  acclerated graphics driver is installed18:50
cwatsonrredd4: not working at all? or just no compiz?18:50
tonarphow can i make one QoS very simple but powerful in ubuntu ?18:50
PriceChildkeo92, /topic18:50
Lamegodotjay, no idea :\18:50
cousin_luigigaru: you have to add the parameter on /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base18:50
assasukasseorochi_: even if i do that, the game is still shown on a window18:51
rredd4cwatson no desktop effects18:51
ceedhow do i delete file named "Hellgate London Demo- TorrentLeech" when i rm -r it tells me there is no such directory18:51
garucousin_luigi that module is loaded :o18:51
rredd4cwatson compiz is installed18:51
dotjayLamego:where can i get this problem fixed?18:51
orochi_assasukasse, Oh, you're using xgl...I'm not sure what you'd have to do with that18:51
keo92PriceChild, oh, yes... sorry18:51
kas1well, when I go there, and try to change it from "None", it doesn't change.  it just seems to try to load, and then it goes back to "none"18:51
danielbwI am having a problem with the terminal service client applet on gutsy gibbon.  Has anyone else been able to add that applet to their bar?18:51
DARKGuyGuys, is there a way to improve my computer's performance by any other way aside from tuning up the ext3 filesystem?18:51
BlamaHey, I have a USB Compaq Multimedia Keyboard SDM4540UL. This keyboard works fine in Windows and works fine in the BiOS menu and the GRUB menu. This keyboard does not work with anything relating to Ubuntu though.  If I plug it in while at the command line I get the errors, "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62", "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/8, error -62".18:51
toupeiroassasukasse> what kind of game are you trying to go Fullscreen with?18:51
rredd4Lamego  isn't that the 3d driver?18:52
tonarphow can i make one QoS very simple but powerful in ubuntu ?18:52
cousin_luigigaru: yes but you have to unload and reload it with an option18:52
Lamegorredd4, yes it is18:52
giany911so ... any known issues when upgrading from feisty to gutsy, especially with easy ubuntu, envy ..nvidia drivers ?18:52
danielbwBlama: go into the bios and toggle the legacy keyboard option. If it's on tunr it off. if it's off turn it on. maybe that will fix it.18:52
assasukassetoupeiro: enemy territory18:52
cwatsontonarp: what is QoS?18:52
Vlettonarp: carefully?18:52
cousin_luigigaru: it will require trial and error, see on link18:52
ganeshrredd4:before logging in a warning "ubuntu is running in low graphics mode graphics may not be detected configure manually"can u help me?18:52
danielbwI am having a problem with the terminal service client applet on gutsy gibbon.  Has anyone else been able to add that applet to their bar?18:52
ROBOdhello guys18:52
DARKGuyGuys, is there a way to improve my computer's performance by any other way aside from tuning up the ext3 filesystem?18:52
barduckHi all. I need some help - I am trying to install Ubuntu on a free partition along with an already installed Vista. When I run the Ubuntu installer, it doesn't seem to recognize the Vista partition. Should I continue with install? Will I be able to boot into Vista after that?18:52
ceedhow do i delete file named "Hellgate London Demo- TorrentLeech" when i rm -r it tells me there is no such directory18:53
toupeiroassas> :) not going to work for you with XGL.  game uses direct openGL rendering.  you have to load a gnome failsafe session18:53
cousin_luigiganesh: not sure... how did that happen?18:53
aproposDARKGuy: don't start services you don't need, add RAM18:53
fertasafter changing something with the resolution ubuntu always starts in low graphics mode, how can i deactivate it?18:53
toupeiroassas> 8.41 should fix that18:53
rredd4ganesh  sorry.. not a guru here...18:53
HackXPI have upgraded from fiesty to gutsy with no problems.  Thanks guys for the hard work. It looks great.18:53
ROBOdi have upgraded from feisty to gutsy ... and now the splash doesn't show for me, when ubuntu starts18:53
toupeirobut its not out yet18:53
Blamadanielbw, i did18:53
garucousin_luigi I'v opened the file u told me to...complicated file :D18:53
ROBOdthe screen is black18:53
cwatsonceed: have you tried putting quotes around the file name?18:53
VletDARKGuy: it couldn't find the partition, or it just wasn't able to retrieve your user account and settings from it?18:53
david003hello. i'm downloading the ubuntu iso that is meant for cd. can i burn it to a dvd?18:53
assasukassetoupeiro: 8.41?18:53
ROBOdi have removed the usplash package, and the 'splash' and 'quiet' kernel parameters18:53
assasukasseof what?18:53
DARKGuyapropos, I'd add RAM but I have no money atm. Where can I know what services are started and/or how to stop/disable them like in msconfig ?18:53
toupeiroso from you login, if you click options, and select gnome failsafe and then login, the game will work fine18:53
danielbwBlama: No change in behavior?18:53
deejayhi all18:54
garurredd4 what exactly says when u try to enable the effects?18:54
cousin_luigigaru: then I suggest you avoid tinkering with it:)18:54
toupeiromake sure you are using the restricted or a proprietary driver18:54
aproposDARKGuy: I think under administration there's a service manager gadget18:54
DARKGuyVlet, not me with that error :P18:54
danielbwI am having a problem with the terminal service client applet on gutsy gibbon.  Has anyone else been able to add that applet to their bar?18:54
ganeshcousin_luigi:by mistake i changed something in ->screen and graphics  graphics card..i dont knw what i changed..18:54
VletDARKGuy: oops18:54
assasukassetoupeiro: i am using restricted nvidia driver18:54
rredd4garu  desktop effects could not be enabled18:54
garucousin_luigi funny thing is, when I was on the livedvd, I had the sound working fine18:54
orb2Hey I downloaded the Gutsy Live CD and when I try to burn it from Nero it gives me the following error: "The entered block size does not correspond to the image length.  The block size may be wrong.  Do you want to correct the value or ignore the problem?"  I tried ignoring it but then when trying to install ubuntu it says the disc had an error reading it... what do I do?18:54
Blamadanielbw, No change at all18:54
Vletbarduck: it couldn't find the partition, or it just wasn't able to retrieve your user account and settings from it?18:54
DARKGuyapropos, orochi_ : thanks :)18:54
david003hello. i'm downloading the ubuntu iso that is meant for cd. can i burn it to a dvd?18:54
kas1I can go to appearance preferences screen, but cannot change visual effects from NONE18:54
aproposDARKGuy: and if it's video, you can play around with differnt drivers / x servers18:54
cousin_luigiganesh: what if you stop gdm and do a startx from console18:55
Vletdavid003: I don't think so18:55
toupeiroassas> if you're using Nvidia, you shouldn't have to use Xgl.  I read someone say you are using Xgl, is that correct?18:55
rredd4garu  i don't know why18:55
Roko1Hi all18:55
barduckVlet: if I run GPArted, it finds the partition. But in the isntalled, when I get to "ready to install" it doesn't list anything18:55
cwatsonorb2: did you check the md5sum after you downloaded the image?18:55
fr500_msn messenger down?18:55
shane_Is MSN broken in Pidgin for anybody else?18:55
garurredd4 do sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl "assuming ur system is up-to-date"18:55
cousin_luigiganesh: you will have some immediate log18:55
orb2cwatson: uh no how do i do that18:55
assasukassetoupeiro: geforce2 needs xgl18:55
orochi_shane_: Not for me, no18:55
shane_fr500_: Heh, I guess so then.18:55
rredd4garu  it is18:55
bobboshane_ its not for me18:55
barduckVlet: and according to the screenshots I see, it should say something about Vista in the "Ready to install" screen, no ?18:55
danielbwnevermind guys, it looks like i was logged on as the same user under nx and the actual desktop. checking to see if thats the answer18:55
garurredd4 then run the command18:55
cwatsonorb2: md5sum file.iso18:56
DARKGuyapropos, my video is good, the problem is when I do HD-"intensive" stuff (apt-get while browsing web + finding a file in the meanwhile and opening another app) ... the system kinda lags so :p18:56
lavender_dreamHow do I enable Ubuntu so that it plays DVD straight from VLC player and make that as the default multimedia player for all videos?18:56
toupeiroah.  ok, didn't know that :)  well, then I assume you are in the same boat as I am with my X140018:56
cwatsonthen look at one of the mirrors for what the iso should be18:56
rredd4garu  will that override glx?18:56
orb2cwatson: I'm not running linux atm... I assume I'd have to run that command in linux18:56
assasukasseprobably yes18:56
orb2cwatson: is there a way to do it in windows?18:56
bobboshane_: its down for me on windows live too18:56
toupeiroits an XGL limitation with that game right now as far as I can tell18:56
VagaStormWhen I try to boot into ubuntu 7.10 I loose the signal til X starts, dosent mater if I change the resolution on the bootup screen18:56
DShepherdlavender_dream, right click .. and choose open with tab? something like that18:56
Vletbarduck: I don't recall. sorry18:56
garurredd4 it will install it :o18:56
aproposDARKGuy: maybe you just have a slow system? There used to be tricks like playing with hdparm DMA settings, but I don't know if they apply for your computer (or under ubuntu)18:56
deejayright i've got ubuntu running and i would like to jazz it up a bit, can anyone point me in the right direction for how to get the fancy dock etc???18:56
cwatsonorb2: I think you can download a md5sum.exe for windows18:56
=== Cpudan80_ is now known as Cpudan80
dotjayI have installed gusty in my samsung sV0411N thats was no problem but when i istalled segate which has 4 NTFS partitions they are identified but with an error 'unable to mount'18:56
cousin_luigispeaking of which, do you have any idea why my dvd reader stopped playing movies on linux (but not on windows) after I installed an unofficial firmware?18:56
shane_bobbo: Oh, okay, that's reassuring. :) Thanks18:56
toupeiroif you log in with a failsafe session and type glxinfo | grep direct you wiill see you have direct rendering and the game will work smoothly18:57
aproposdeejay: enable universe and multiverse, and look around in aptitude.18:57
[Soma]hey... when i try to install ubuntu 7.10, i can't even get into the installation. it boots from the CD with a resolution of 720x400 (which would be for widescreens, i assume) and it won't let me change resolution. and since the install window is not resizable, i can't even scroll to the bottom to ever click "okay" anywhere. so i tried to get around by tabbing my way through the windows, but that didn't work out very well. what do i do?!18:57
cousin_luigidoes libdvdcss access the drive in a different way than windows?18:57
lavender_dreamDShepherd: It doesn't even have a open with tab in the mounted DVD icon on my desktop. :/18:57
assasukassetoupeiro: do u know how can i make 2 gnome sessions? one with xgl and one w/o18:57
deejaycheers apropos18:57
orochi_Hard drives seem to use the scsi subsystem now even if they're ide, so you might need sdparm instead of hdparm18:57
codecainehi I can get my wireless network card to connect to my wireless router with wep key I can communicate with my other computers on the lan but I can not access websites can anybody help me out? I have a static ip18:57
DShepherdlavender_dream, right click .properties... and choose open with tab? something like that18:57
rredd4garu I noticed when I did install ccsm  it said something about xgl not being there18:57
DARKGuyapropos, I don't think mine is slow... XP is faster HD-wise than this :/ ... 3.2Ghz P4 HT, Gutsy 64-bit, 512Mb DDR2 533Mhz & 40Gb 7200rpm IDE18:57
dkmhi everybody, I have a problem with mandb utility to generate man pages index18:57
DARKGuyapropos, Seagate too, as Maxtor has loooow speed and sucks :p18:57
ganeshcousin_luigi:i m not expert in linux..i dint understand u..ya i ran sudo /etc/init.d/gdm..some 1 suggested me this..18:58
deejayhow di i enable universe etc, where is it?18:58
toupeiroyou probably can.  If you look up the instructions to setup Xgl on 7.04 you can modify your current sessions file and make a copy of the gnome configuration, omitting the Xgl config18:58
lavender_dreamDShepherd: Yeah that's what I mean, doesn't have it... I inserted a DVD and it doesn't autoplay in VLC as it should, I tried to open up VLC and play it from there, it just crashes. :/18:58
garurredd4 do this "sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl"!when ur done, do Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace18:58
aproposDARKGuy: sounds like something is definitely wrong.18:58
erUSUL!universe > deejay18:58
deejaydo i type that in a shell window?18:58
BlamaHey, I have a USB Compaq Multimedia Keyboard SDM4540UL. This keyboard works fine in Windows and works fine in the BiOS menu and the GRUB menu. This keyboard does not work with anything relating to Ubuntu though.  If I plug it in while at the command line I get the errors, "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -62", "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/8, error -62".18:58
rredd4garu  brb18:58
DARKGuyapropos, both in Feisty and Gutsy, I thought it was some random bug in Feisty... performance has improved from Feisty to Gutsy tho, after I changed some parameters in the ext3 FS, but still... :P18:59
cousin_luigiganesh: I'm sorry... not sure how to help you18:59
aproposBlama: did you try the BIOS changes?18:59
dotjayplease tell me where to go to get my problem fixed18:59
codecaineany clue anyone?18:59
DARKGuyapropos, do you have any clue? aside from trying out hdparm right now? :P18:59
bododohi folks :) is anyone using airport extreme broadcom 4813 here?18:59
orb2cwatson: I ran an md5sum program on the image... uh it says 100% done and shows a long string and says press Enter to exit.  Do you want me to type out that long string for you?18:59
aproposDARKGuy: it doesn't sound good, ubuntu has always performed better on equivalent hardware for me.18:59
spleencheesmonkehi all.  anyone having trouble logging into amsn since upgrading to gutsy?18:59
dkmmy daily cron job return me an error "18:59
dkm*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/mandb: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x080d118:59
dkm428 ***18:59
aproposDARKGuy: what kind of problems are you having?18:59
garucousin_luigi how come the sound was ok in the livedvd and not in the system installed from the livecd? :s18:59
Blamaapropos, Everything is changed correctly in the BiOS18:59
bododospleencheesmonke: i've seen this question on ubuntu-fr... maybe they can help there19:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:00
cousin_luigiDARKGuy: are you sure dma is enabled? what does hdparm -t say?19:00
dkmdoes anyone noticed tihs (with last gutsy)?19:00
Vletcodecaine: sounds like you have no dns servers19:00
apropos!sound mixer19:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound mixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:00
bododoanyone's using ubuntu on a PPC here?19:00
codecainewhere can I configure it vlet?19:00
zerokillanybody can help me out with a grub error?19:00
ganeshcousin_luigi:screen resolution is reduced to 800*60019:00
spleencheesmonkehi all. anyone had trouble logging into amsn since upgrading to gutsy?19:00
remix5xHow can i grab a log of bootup output? there is an error in my bootup that I want to grab19:00
aproposremix5x: dmesg | less19:01
ruz322remix5x, i believe /var/log/messages would have all that information19:01
dotjaymy slave HDD which has 4 NTFS partitions they are being identified but with an error unable to mount is there any other way i could access my files in the other HDD?19:01
cousin_luigigaru: perhaps livecd uses snd-hda-intel model=auto19:01
orb2cwatson: so what do I do now, I ran md5sum19:01
aproposremix5x: probably, anyway.19:01
DARKGuyapropos, GUI/X/graphic interface hangs sometimes (as in, mouse locks up and windows might turn grey when compiz is enabled - to notify something is taking a lot of CPU or waiting for an answer) when I'm doing HD stuff, say.... I run CS 1.6 under WINE... while that loads, I open Swiftfox, then Swiftdove and it starts slowing up until everything loads - not to mention the normal load time when clicking the panel menu because it loads the icons ¬¬;19:01
DARKGuyapropos, lemme see19:01
bododotoo many questions, no answers... sad world :(19:01
ganeshcousin_luigi:can i reset graphics card and driver in screen and graphics?19:01
bobboWhere does openssh-server keep its log files?19:01
cwatsonorb2: check it with the one on the mirror server19:01
Ubersoldatbobbo: wherever you tell it to19:01
aproposDARKGuy: and you have sufficient swap space mounted?19:02
DARKGuyapropos, 1.502 Mb19:02
bobboUbersoldat: you know where the default is though?19:02
DARKGuyapropos,  Timing buffered disk reads:   70 MB in  3.01 seconds =  23.25 MB/sec19:02
orb2cwatson: where does it list it19:02
Ubersoldatbobbo: probably /var/log/19:02
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource19:02
barduckHi all. I need some help - I am trying to install Ubuntu on a free partition along with an already installed Vista. When I run the Ubuntu installer, it doesn't seem to recognize the Vista partition. Should I continue with install? Will I be able to boot into Vista after that?19:02
garucousin_luigi yeah, I'll work on that, I'll have a look at it!Thanks ;)19:02
Technofroodanyone know how to get an nVidia fakeraid in RAID 5 working with Gusty? I keep getting raid45 not in kernel.19:02
aproposDARKGuy: well, you can check things like your CPU and memory utilization to look for bottlenecks.19:03
Ubersoldatbobbo: excuse me, by defect SSH logs to SysLog19:03
[Soma]Please help me. I AM STUCK in a 720x400 resolution when i want to install ubuntu and it won't let me change to anything that fits into my screen. (like 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768,...)19:03
PovAddicthmm I think something went wrong19:03
endoi'm getting a ton of errors trying to update:19:03
ahshi, i want to use the desctop effects on my gutsy with my ati card, i've downloaded the ati-driver from the ati-page and i set the option composite to 1 in the x-config, but there stands:"could not enable desktop effects", what shall i do?19:03
orb2cwatson: okay the hash is different... wtf?19:03
ruz322barduck, no guarantees, but im pretty sure grub isnt installed until the ubuntu OS is, that means you wouldnt configure any of that until after19:03
aproposDARKGuy: I assume you mean swap is 1.5G rather than 1.5M19:03
endoFailed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)19:03
endoFailed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)19:03
endoFailed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)19:03
endoFailed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/main/source/Sources.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)19:03
huybarduck: what do you mean by free parttion?19:03
endoFailed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/restricted/source/Sources.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)19:03
Roko1There All, I have problems finding drivers for my video card (Asus EAX1950Pro) I tried the ATI's one... followed the instructions... it says everything is fine...restart...tried to activate the Desktop (Visual) effects... and got the message "Desktop effects could not be enabled"... do no 3D at the moment...Thanks for your help.19:03
DARKGuyapropos, yeah, 1.5Gb xD19:03
Ubersoldatendo: dumb...19:03
PovAddictendo FFS USE A PASTEBIN19:03
SasukedesuneHi is it just me having problems to access msn via gaim atm? I have run this Ubuntu setup for around 5 months now and it's always worked previously, get the message "msn servers temporarily unavailable", however when I check the service status it says that "All systems are stable and running". Any ideas?19:03
ruz322barduck, i know i did the exact same thing, and thst how it worked fo rme19:03
AndrewB!dualboot > barduck (see pm)19:03
huybarduck: if it is free that mean it doesn't have vista on it right?19:03
ebirtaidendo check topic19:03
PovAddictSasukedesune: msn's fault, try latest pidgin19:03
b0llandHi, about to break down over not being able to get the cube working. compiz/nvidia/gutsy/gnome. googled like a mad man but ctrl+alt+<left|right> only takes me to the other of two workspaces/viewports, some centered small graphical compiz-indicator indicates the switch for a second when I make it, but I don't know what it is because I have disabled viewport switcher and my gnome keybindings to alt+ctrl+<left|right> any advice? thanks!19:03
N[i]Xhello, any1 know of any good video editing software for ubuntu?19:03
barduckhuy: there is one partition with Vista, and one free19:04
PovAddictI now have a 98GB NTFS partition, and a totally full 2.04GB ext3 partition (and then the swap)19:04
st3vGood evening. Is there anyone who experience the same problem i do? I play World of Warcraft on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04 in combination with Wine 0.9.46. It works like a charm except for one thing: the distance drawing isn't nice, it's just a white background which is drawn only when i move to close not equally.. anyone recognize this? and know how to solve it?19:04
macsimis it possible to have deskbar in feisty style ( input search on gnome-panel ?)19:04
PovAddictI think something wrong wrong19:04
DARKGuySasukedesune, if it helps you, I've been having problems connecting to MSN using Mercury Messenger o,o19:04
PovAddictwent wrong*19:04
barduckruz322: How do I make sure it doesn't override my Vista install ?19:04
DARKGuylike, right now19:04
huybarduck: if you correctly select the free partition, then you should be ine19:04
ruz322barduck, as long as you install to the unpartitonied space, then no it wont touch the vista install, and grub will let you configure your bootloader after the install is finished19:04
d1n0Can anyone help me so I can extend my desktop to my TV? It's connected through S-video and works out of the box as a clone!19:04
orb2cwatson: So what do I do if the md5 hash differs from the one listed on UbuntuHashes???19:04
huybarduck: as long as you don't install into vista partition, grub can detects it19:04
demonsporkhow do I use Gparted to format an ntfs partition???  it would do it off the livecd but not on the gutsy install?19:04
PovAddictorb2: you download it again...19:04
d1n0Dr_willis, do you know how i can install ati contol panel?19:04
ebirtaidfn'd1n0: you will have to set up zinerama for dual display I think19:04
Sliker_HawkI've just installed the nvidia graphics drivers using the restricted drivers manager but.. Nothing's changed. I'm still stuck in 640x48019:04
rredd4garu  success, ty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:05
orb2PovAddict: oh lol what will be the difference this time19:05
barduckruz322, huy: how do I make absolutely sure it doesn't install on the Vista partition ?19:05
d1n0ebirtaid, have you ever done that?19:05
PovAddictorb2: if you use bittorrent and point it to the iso you have, it will only download the parts that are wrong19:05
barduckI mean, what should I look for ?19:05
ruz322Sliker_Hawk, pastebin your xorg.conf file19:05
AndrewB*Notice* - There is a problem with the MSN servers, it isn't an ubuntu problem.19:05
huyin the installer select the partition that doesn't contain vista19:05
ebirtaidif you search the forums for your video card and dual display it may help19:05
dotjayis there any damn place i could get my self at least answer for my question nobody really seems to respond to anything since morning ive been asking regarding Vmware and NTFS-3g I hardly got any response to the questions if this is t the place place to ask this then where in the world do you want me to ask?19:05
aproposbarduck: when you partition, it will tell you where it is going to install.19:05
ruz322barduck, as long as you install to the unpartitionspace on your hard drive, you can be absolutely sure it wont touch your windows install19:05
warbisshopDoes anyone know any tool to recover files from a FAT system ?19:05
[Soma]Please help me. I AM STUCK in a 720x400 resolution when i want to install ubuntu and it won't let me change to anything that fits into my screen. (like 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768,...)19:05
AndrewBdotjay: try a fora of some sort.19:05
huybarduck: if you are scare then try wubi19:05
garurredd4 did it work?19:05
ebirtaidfn'dotjay: what are you trying to do19:05
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html19:05
PovAddictdotjay: there was a release yesterday, the channel is more crowded than ever, don't expect a quick reply...19:06
NeoGeo64I'm just looking at my marijuana bag in disgust.  I can't believe I'm smoking this stuff.19:06
NullNameIS it true that you have to manually add a secondary monitor for 7.10????19:06
tehlaserI just upgraded to gutsy, and I see a GNOME splash screen with strange washed-out colors after logging into X instead of the Ubuntu-themed one.  Is this normal?19:06
barduckhuy: I know wuby, but I want 7.1019:06
rredd4garu  yes! thanks19:06
Vletb0lland: in ccsm, if you enable desktop cube, it should work, but it will likely only have two panes... in your gnome panel's workspace switcher, increase it to 419:06
codecaineanybody know how to set up a dns server?19:06
ebirtaidfn'NeoGeo64: send it to me19:06
PovAddictI think I did something wrong when repartitioning... I now have a 98GB NTFS partition, and a totally full 2.04GB ext3 partition (and then the swap); the idea was totally getting rid of that second NTFS partition19:06
NullNamesomeone told me that the "secondary monitor" feature won't work unless you manually add it to xorg.cong19:06
NeoGeo64I can't even code anymore.19:06
aproposcodecaine: yes19:06
barduckruz322: if I chose "largest free space" it means it won't touch my Vista ?19:06
NullNameis this true?19:06
DARKGuyapropos, does this helps you help me? xD -> http://rafb.net/p/nd9ynJ64.html19:06
ruz322barduck, yea19:06
codecainewhats the console command to enter one?19:06
no0ticwhat's linux-virtual for? supports vmware?19:06
garurredd4 no prob!19:06
Ubersoldatcodecaine: yes, but it'll cost you US$150 per hour19:06
codecaineI try the network configure in gnome but it doesn't let me add it doesn't show up19:07
huybarduck, the safest way is to get another harddisk for ubuntu19:07
huythat's what I did19:07
Sliker_Hawkruz322: http://pastebin.ca/74262819:07
codecaineim try to set my router up to resolve dns19:07
b0llandVlet: ok thanks for your reply, increasing in gnome planel's workspace switcher has no effect actually. I don't think gnome workspaces play well with compiz19:07
rredd4garu  it is no problem now!!19:07
codecaineso I can have access to the network19:07
dotjaybut i logged thrice since the morning and wasted my time for no good thing only responding to others19:07
aproposDARKGuy: the DMA is on, which is the main thing I know about doing to speed up your hard drive.19:07
PovAddictcodecaine: you dont need to install a dns server for that...19:07
ebirtaidfn'dotjay: I asked what your problem isa nd you didnt repsond so dont complain19:07
barduckruz322, huy: thanks - I will do some backups, hold my breath and give ti a shot19:07
aproposDARKGuy: where did you get those speed statistics from earlier?19:07
garurredd4 :)19:07
=== Fade2Black is now known as Fade2Blac
nickrudb0lland: it should now, if you have compiz running when you make the workspace count change19:08
PovAddictcodecaine: you should state your problem, not ask for help on the *step* you *think* will solve it19:08
DARKGuyapropos, me too and it's enabled in Feisty on my system by default so I didn't worry with Gutsy :p19:08
ruz322barduck, no prob, good luck!19:08
garurredd4 I meant no problem to help :o19:08
DARKGuyapropos, hdparm /dev/hdd -t19:08
codecainefor some reason its not having contact with the network I can communicate with stuff on the lan no direct access to the network19:08
Vletb0lland: In the compizConfig Settings Manager, have you enabled 'Desktop Cube' and 'Rotate Cube'?19:08
dotjayebirtaid:i installed vmware but iam unable to configure it19:08
ruz322Sliker_hawk, it looks liek you have two seperate devices installed, one is using the correct driver, one using the incorrect19:08
darkwindthen if you really want to test, use bonnie++19:08
ebirtaiddoes it run at all?19:08
navaburoI am trying to upgrade with the CD rom, but nothing happens when I do gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"19:08
Fade2Blacwhats up folks19:08
b0llandVlet: yes I have19:08
PovAddictwhen I unmount a partition from gparted, it quits immediately19:08
rredd4garu  how do I see the anmation effects.  unable to figure it out19:08
aproposDARKGuy: I get 146MB in 3.04 seconds =  48.04 MB/sec on my notebook19:09
huybarduck: usually in the installer it would tell you which partition already have a filesystem19:09
NullNameis double monitors (both at once) possible in 7.10 with the gui?????19:09
PovAddict"Since GParted can be a weapon of mass destruction only root may run it." lol nice wording19:09
huybarduck: my best bet is that the one with ntfs is the one with vista19:09
Fantmc44:  you still around ?19:09
PovAddictsudo or gksudo?19:09
Vletb0lland: and what happens when you hit ctrl-alt-left?19:09
ruz322Sliker_Hawk, delete that secion from lines 100-10719:09
ruz322and try again19:09
huyVlet: you rotate to the left19:09
[Soma]Please help me. I AM STUCK in a 720x400 resolution when i want to install ubuntu and it won't let me change to anything that fits into my screen. (like 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768,...)19:10
no0ticwhat's linux-virtual for? supports vmware?19:10
b0llandnickrud: in workspace switcher preferences I specify nbr of columns and nbr of rows, but changing this has no effect in the miniature showing my workspaces, and I can never switch between something other than my two workspaces. Do I need to set a number !=2 somewhere else?19:10
dotjayebirtaid: Iam sure the installation was successful and the icons have also been integrated into the menu bar but when i click them vmware icon starts in the task bar and thats it nothing happens after sometime its gone19:10
huyVlet: or right dpending on your perspective19:10
kadakasusing which command line utility Can I get the size of the folder im in the fastest? The command i use now is "du -h ." and its damn sloow19:10
navaburoWhen I run cdromupgrade i get this error http://pastebin.ca/74248019:10
Vlethuy: I know... but I'm trying to help b0lland get it working19:10
ebirtaidfn'dotjay: run it from a terminal and see what the output is19:10
Ballenahow do I copy all my files in my home-directory. Want to make a backup before upgrading to 7.1019:10
nickrudb0lland: in ccsm, general, there's a workspace number setting iirc19:10
huyVlet: oh my bad19:10
barduckhuy: it doesn't say anything in the installer19:10
keitarokeitaro: test19:10
no0ticwhat's linux-virtual for?19:11
ebirtaidfn'no0tic: in what context19:11
rredd4how does animations effects work?  its enabled, can't seem to figure out how to use it19:11
b0llandVlet: when I do that I see a small graphical indicator centered on my screen indicating that I am moving to the other workspace to the left, or right. This looks like compiz graphics but I don't know where it comes from. I have "viewport switching" disabled in the settings19:11
Wistesohelp help! a mugger!19:11
Sliker_Hawkruz322: And restart X?19:11
DARKGuyapropos, is your HD a 40Gb one? since it's laptop I figure it must be faster :/19:11
no0ticebirtaid, I'm installing gutsy as guest on vmware19:11
ruz322Sliker_Hawk, yes using CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE19:11
FantAfter the 710 upgrade hosed my laptop i have completely reinstalled it fresh now I get "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon" at startup.... anyone know what to do ?19:11
dotjayebirtaid: it says me to reconfigure but i ve it tried many times and the same story twice i have uninstalled and then reinstalled but nothing happend19:11
DARKGuyapropos, I get this -> http://rafb.net/p/ZGWuEC35.html19:11
DARKGuy-t and -T :P19:11
barduckhuy: in the "ready to install" screen it just saus SCSI3(0,0,0)(sda)19:11
no0ticebirtaid, (and I was testing metabot too ;) )19:11
garurredd4 you have to install compiz configuration settings manager19:11
navaburonevermind, i got it19:12
barduckhuy: and I don't even have SCSI drive19:12
warbisshopDoes anyone know any tool to recover files from a FAT system ?19:12
rredd4garu its installed19:12
noorso hows 7.10 guys?19:12
b0llandnickrud: yes there is, google told me that it should be one (and that's what I have) to get the cube working, but I've been experimenting with other numbers aswell19:12
Vletb0lland: it really sounds like you don't have desktop cube enabled. it sounds like you still have desktop wall enabled19:12
ebirtaidfn'dotjay: did you run the kernal patch?19:12
dotjayebirtaid: do you have any idea regarding the required files for correct config?19:12
no0ticebirtaid, does linux-virtual could be useful?19:12
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
PovAddictwell I think I got it working by tweaking my partitions with gparted manually19:12
ebirtaidfn'no0tic: I dont think so19:12
garuredd4 can you access Advanced Desktop Effects Settings?19:12
Kanuhadifferent question, anyone have good ideas on kid safe linux web browsers?19:12
jotilnoor: looks good.19:12
rredd4garu and animations is enabled, just don't know how to use it19:13
ebirtaidfn'dotjay: for the vmmon module19:13
nickrudb0lland: I agree with Vlet , when I had cube rotate enabled, changing the count on the panel app worked. (wished I could drag & drop there, as well)19:13
jotilKanuha, what do exactly mean by kid safe?19:13
thingummywutuh... just installed Xubuntu for the first time. How am I supposed to get my resolution something a bit greater than the default?19:13
noorjotil: did you have anyproblems with compiz ? for 7.10 i hear it comes preinstalled19:13
dotjayebirtaid: yeah i did but how to know wether it was succesful or not?19:13
Xargohi ho ppl, what's the difference between the Ubuntu 7.10 kernel 2.6.22-14-generic and the Ubuntu 7.10 kernel 2.6.20-16-generic ?19:13
jotilnoor: i am running compiz right now. works great.19:13
aproposDARKGuy: yeah, that's slower than mine, but I don't know if it's enough to make a difference. I'd definitely look at profiling points like CPU, memory, drive throughput, etc in the system monitor19:13
a514Hi i just installed Gutsy & GDM is at 1600x & the Desktop at 1280x1024 how do i fix it?!19:13
Ubersoldatthingummywut: there are like a zillion tutorial on how to do that on the Internet19:13
ebirtaidfn'dotjay: when you run the configure script it will say success at building vmmon module19:13
codecaineI notices with gutsy theres not resolv.conf in /etc19:13
thingummywutk, i'll try once more19:13
ebirtaidrun the config script again and pastebin the output19:13
N[i]Xany1 know of any easy to use software for editing videos?19:13
[chr0n0s]N[i]X: windows movie maker19:14
huybarduck: it doesn't matter19:14
aproposDARKGuy: but anyway, maybe somebody else has a clue.19:14
dotjayebirtaid: one second ill try to reconfigure it19:14
Xargohi ho ppl, what's the difference between the Ubuntu 7.10 kernel 2.6.22-14-generic and the Ubuntu 7.10 kernel 2.6.20-16-generic ?19:14
dotjayebirtaid:please hang on19:14
huybarduck: an sata drive is a scii drive19:14
N[i]X[chr0n0s] for ubuntu19:14
navaburoyay! I can upgrade from torrented iso now by remounting the cdrom at /dev/cdrom19:14
[chr0n0s]anyone installed gutsy on ATi mobiltiy redeon ??19:14
DARKGuyapropos, heh it's okay :D thanks ^^;; does the drive throughput is shown in the system monitor too?19:14
Kanuhaone that works off a preapproved list19:14
aproposDARKGuy: I think you can enable it19:14
b0llandnickrud and vlet thank's a lot for your time! Unfortunately I'm still clueless about this, I know my cube/wall settings are correct in the "advanced desktop effects settings"19:14
bobboXargo: the first one is a newer kernel than the other19:14
Xargobobbo: ok thanks19:15
DARKGuyapropos, thanks:D19:15
aproposDARKGuy: it might give you a better view of where your performance is catching19:15
noorIm gonna upgrade it using the update maneger i hope its worth it XD19:15
aproposDARKGuy: cheers19:15
barduckhuy: ok, but what got me worried is that the installer doesn't tell me exactly when it is going to install Ubuntu and what else did it find on the disk19:15
rredd4a514  if you want the login screen resolution to be lower, in xorg.conf  it uses the first resolution listed.19:15
joshkhi, is there any docuemntation existing for how to use ubiquity-automation?19:15
jotilKanuha, try this: http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/pdfs/LXF83.tut_begin.pdf19:15
[chr0n0s]anyone installed Gutsy on ATi mobiltiy redeon ??19:15
garurredd4 that will depend on you, myself, I click on the effects tab and enable random animations for all effects.if you want specific effects for some events, you have to select the event you want, and then, choose the animation you want.like, minimise tab ( choose an effect), close tab ( choose another animation), and so on19:15
ganeshgaru: i corrected it..just i disabled and enabled my graphics card..now  i am getting good resolution and no warning before login ,rredd4:19:15
PovAddictI have 2GB physical RAM, what's a good size for the swap partition?19:15
jessicaokay, i have a problem.... i just upgraded to 7.10-- and one of my hotkeys doesn't work. Beryl is conflicting with it, and I need to have that fixed. How?19:16
ebirtaidpovaddict:  1gb would be enough19:16
navaburoPovAddict how much hdd?19:16
[chr0n0s]PovAddict: 500MB, it never uses swap19:16
garuganesh ????????????/ :s19:16
Fade2Blacubuntu is cool i just installed on my laptop better driver support then i got from my laptop maker when i decided to downgrade from vista to xp19:16
navaburoPovAddict: i do the same as my physical ram19:16
PovAddictnavaburo: 100GB free19:16
rredd4ganesh  great!19:16
PovAddict(the other 80GB are used with the Windows partition)19:16
huybarduck: go to manual section19:16
a514how do change the resolution for gdm?19:16
ebirtaidfn'navaburo: with large amounts of ram you will not swap out often19:16
navaburommm... 80Gb sounds good ;)19:16
huybarduck: it would show you all the drives that it find on your system19:16
PovAddictnavaburo:  80GB SWAP?19:17
ebirtaidfn'navaburo: giant swap partitons are worthless19:17
huybarduck: each physical drive would be sda, sdb, sdc, and so on19:17
ademan  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/154515   haha, finally gnome starts fighting back against KDE19:17
huybarduck: if you have 1 drive it would be sda19:17
doozieI'd like to hear some opinions if you dont mind...so far is upgrading to gutsy through update manager a wise decision?  if not, what are the most common major problems.19:17
Vletjessica: anyone what?19:17
noorI have a 64 MB intragrated GFX card, will compiz fusion have any problems? will it lagg? 0_o19:17
codecaineu can have a static ip on the new distro of ubuntu?19:17
[chr0n0s]PovAddict: to goto extreme 512MB swap is ok, safe side give it 1GB19:17
huybarduck: if you have 2 partition on your drive, it would show sda1, sda219:17
codecainedns doesn't resolve19:17
aproposjessica: which key?19:17
PovAddictdoozie: I haven't heard any problems other than f'n slow downloads19:17
micaletwhere is the old /etc/x11/xorg.conf configuration file in 7.10 ?19:17
ebirtaidfn'noor: what kind of card19:17
Kanuhajotil, thx19:18
jessicaapropos: one moment19:18
barduckhuy: ok, if it says it is going to change SDA and create parttion #3 and partition #5, it means that partitions #1 and #2 are safe, right ?19:18
navaburodoozie, if you want it to go faster, torrent an iso and use the upgrader on the cd19:18
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jessicaapropos: the key ID is 0xed19:18
silkcomis this the right place to ask question on gutsy?19:18
a514Hey does AnyOne know how to change gmd login resolution from 1600x to 1280x19:18
huybarduck: yes19:18
TechnofroodAnyone know how I can install the raid45 module?19:18
RonaldHi guys&gals19:18
heLLo2Uwhat peer 2 peer client do you use limewire like????19:18
huybarduck: what partition do you have at the moment?19:18
noorebirtaid: geforce FX 64MB card19:18
freakabcdhi all19:18
ganesh[chr0n0s]: wht's the use of swap?19:18
huybarduck: what does it list out?19:18
erUSUL!fixres | a51419:18
_4a42_codecaine: yeah do you not need to just at your dns servers in the dns tab of the network settings gui?19:18
doozienavaburo: i would but i'm hoping updating will resolve my cd burner issues so thats not an option :|19:18
ubotua514: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:18
ebirtaidfn'noor: it should be cool19:18
aproposjessica: have you looked at gnome-compiz-manager?19:18
erUSUL!frostwire | heLLo2U19:19
ubotuheLLo2U: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire19:19
jessicajessica: i know it's beryl doing it becuase if i go into the appearances menu and turn off the desktop effects, it works19:19
jessicaapropos:  one moment19:19
noorebirtaid: lets hope so 8)19:19
Fade2Blacis there program to automatically find wireless networks?19:19
[chr0n0s]ganesh: google swap, it;s used as RAM when your RAM gets filled up19:19
codecaineim not sure why it won't connect directly to the net then19:19
RonaldUpgraded server to Gutsy, broke my Imap-ssl:  imapd-ssl: couriertls: connect: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number --- openssl s_client doesn't even connect (as it would if things would be alrght) Any clues please ?19:19
ebirtaidfn'heLLo2U: nicotine plus is also nice19:19
jessicaapropos: i don't seem to have that installed.19:19
codecaineI don't know why I can communicate with my lan computers but not access websites19:19
ADLongwellAnyone with dpkg experience want to help me build an ubuntu-xen-server-amd64 package? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen-meta/+bug/120536)19:19
heLLo2Uubotu: is it on theadd/remove in ubuntu 7.10...19:19
silkcomMy question:  I have an ATI card, Radeon X300SE, I'm trying to get the 3d working, but the restricted driver manager keeps saying that it's "not in use"? any ideas?19:19
jotilKanuha, try: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers/DansGuardian and you are welcome :P19:19
* PovAddict changes ntfs mountpoint from /media/sda1 to /media/windoze19:19
jessicaapropos: is there a config file i can edit?19:19
heLLo2Uis FROSTWIRE on theadd/remove in ubuntu 7.10...19:20
Sitting_DuckIn Gutsy Gibbon, how do you add a second monitor? I have a GeForce 8600GTS and I'm using the proprietary nvidia drivers, but the "Screens and Graphics" GUI doesn't detect my second screen.19:20
rryancodecaine : wrong gateway set ? incorrect dns servers set?19:20
ZeroA4silkcom, do you marked the box on it ?19:20
Vletcodecaine: I wonder if you were to revert to dhcp, let the dns servers propagate, then switch back to static if that would work19:20
keo92Sitting_Duck, you have to set it yourself19:20
silkcomzeroA4 - ya, it's checked19:20
heLLo2UerUSUL: where can i get frostwire???19:20
micaletwhere is the configuration file for graphics card configuration in Ubuntu 7.10 ?19:20
PovAddictinstalling! w00t19:20
daftmanbarduck: what did it show you?19:20
Sitting_Duckkeo92: How would I go about doing that?19:20
ZeroA4silkcom, strange19:20
b0llandVlet, nickrud: turns out that I have to turn off visual effects, then I can change number of workspaces. Then I can turn effects on again to enjoy them. Now I think I'm close to cubing :D19:21
barduckhuy: I have sda1 fat16 90MB partitION (which I have no clue what it is) and sda2 ntfs which is my Vista19:21
codecaineyea let me try dhcp19:21
rryancodecaine : try to ping a website outside of your LAN19:21
codecainereal qick19:21
silkcomzeroa4, :) i thought so19:21
rryancodecaine : by its IP19:21
codecaineI did no connection rrayn19:21
b0llandVlet, nickrud: google told me here http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2007/10/2/Desktop-effects-by-default-in-Gutsy---how-Compiz-Fusion-enhances-Ubuntus-desktop-of-version-71019:21
codecaineI tried that too19:21
codecaineno reply19:21
barduckand also some 10GB free space (that I made with Vista resize)19:21
PovAddictsomebody get google's IP for codecaine19:21
gutsyAleExXxXIs bittorrent included with gutsy??19:21
silkcomzeroa4, and so my desktop effects don't work, and any other 3d stuff doesn't work19:21
aproposjessica: I just remember having a key conflict, and when I ran gnome-compiz-manager I was able to change that. My machine is down ATM, so I can't really help more than that.19:21
DJBLaCKwhy does my laptop freeze when i am installing the 7.10 ?19:21
rryancodecaine : can you ping your router ?19:21
codecaineim just do dhcp19:21
ganeshZeroA4:even i hav ati radeon x200 driver is enabled but still no 3d effects can u help me?19:21
Vletcodecaine: see if you can ping (google)19:21
codecaineI can ping the gateway19:22
heLLo2Ufrostwire is not in synaptic pkg mnger.... that sucks..19:22
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Vletcodecaine: okay, just good to check :)19:22
deejaylooked into multiverse etc but still cant figure out how to customize my desktop with shiny new Dock, icons etc etc???19:22
cousin_luigiheLLo2U: frostwire.com I think19:22
dotjayebirtaid: i have the whole tect of my console where do you want me to paste it19:22
ubuntuShould my ext3 partition be /boot as mount point?19:22
cousin_luigiheLLo2U: but what do you need it for? there are other gnutella clients19:22
PovAddictubuntu: no, / if it's the only ext319:22
DJBLaCKwhy does my laptop freeze when i am installing the 7.10 ?19:22
keo92Sitting_Duck : Go to the "Screens and Graphic" GUI and configure your 2nd screen19:22
rredd4DJBlack more info please, at what point does it freeze19:22
codecainedhcp my configure everythign I need then ill switch back to static19:22
PovAddictif you make a small boot partition and then another for the rest, then yeah, boot one needs /boot19:22
huXfluXI have a laptop with intel HD audio card. The sound is working but the volume level is VERY low (even if alsamix and all mixers have the volumes at MAX. so is the laptop's volume control - at max). What can i do to have louder sound? I'm running Ubuntu GUSTY19:23
gutsyAleExXxXIs bittorrent included with gutsy??19:23
ebirtaidfn'dotjay: pastebin.ca19:23
jotilcodecaine, try: route add default gw eth019:23
ubuntuPovAddict: I'm on a dualboot. What should it be?19:23
Sitting_Duckkeo92: No second screen appears in the "Screens and Graphics" GUI -- that's the problem.19:23
arghh2d2does anyone know what's the average upgrade time upgrading to gutsy through update manager?19:23
DJBLaCKwhen i click on install19:23
keo92Sitting_Duck : Are you running on a laptop ?19:23
jotilcodecaine, given that eth0 is the interface19:23
heLLo2Ucousin_luigi: well got it installed.... 4 music pics.. etc... i got bittorrent... but i want something lite...19:23
deejaylooked into multiverse etc but still cant figure out how to customize my desktop with shiny new Dock, icons etc etc???19:23
Sitting_Duckkeo92: No, a desktop19:23
lwizardlhow do I get stereo sound to work in 7.10 I have a nforce board19:23
jessicaapropos: thanks, i'll start from there.. :)19:23
|neon|are there any trevino gutsy repos yet?19:23
b0llandvlet, nickrud woohoo cube working :D19:23
Vletcodecaine: did you say you have no /etc/resolv.conf?19:23
rryanSitting_Duck : try loading the nvidia-settings program and enabling twinview from there.19:23
DJBLaCKit shows which langauage. i choose my lango. Click Forward and thats it..stuck over there19:23
Vletb0lland: grats :)19:23
* b0lland loves #ubuntu19:23
huXfluXI have a laptop with intel HD audio card. The sound is working but the volume level is VERY low (even if alsamix and all mixers have the volumes at MAX. so is the laptop's volume control - at max). What can i do to have louder sound? I'm running Ubuntu GUSTY19:23
Sitting_Duckrryan: Can I install that via Apt?19:23
codecainek tried it with ath0 jotil no success19:23
kishanheLLo2U, install deluge19:24
danielbwwhats the binary called that monitores the battery in the notification are of gnome?  It's not running anymore.19:24
codecaineyea there not /tc/resolv.conf file19:24
rryansitting_duck : You should alreday have it if you have the nvidia driver installed19:24
cousin_luigideluge is the best I've ever tried19:24
cousin_luiginot as bloated as azureus19:24
Sitting_Duckrryan: Oh, fantastic. Thanks, I'll give that a shot.19:24
arghh2d2does anyone know what's the average upgrade time upgrading to gutsy through update manager?  or care to share how long it took you personally?19:24
cousin_luigithere's even a repo for gutsy19:24
ebirtaidthe best torrent program is transmission19:24
rredd4DJBlack  desktop cd?  when you double click on install, it freezes?  reboot cd and do a check cd integrity test19:24
Vletcodecaine: because (on a clean install of gutsy here) I do have one19:24
ubuntuPovAddict: I am dualbooting with Windows. Should ext3 be /boot, or /?19:24
LifeisfunnyHelp me from re-installing 7.10!  I get this at certain times ie.after loging in, and when opening 'System/Appearance'  ....  Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'.   Without the GNOME settings manager running, some preferences may not take effect. This could indicate a problem with Bonobo, or a non-GNOME (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the GNOME settings manager.19:24
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty19:24
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ganeshrryan:i hav ati radeon x200 driver is enabled but still no 3d effects can u help me?19:24
Mikkel^i need help..19:24
keo92Sitting_Duck : Have you plugged your 2nd screen ?19:24
codecaineI did a clean install twice ill copy mine from my desktop19:24
Mikkel^Why can i not starting Ubuntu Server UP?19:24
deejaylooked into multiverse etc but still cant figure out how to customize my desktop with shiny new Dock, icons etc etc???19:24
silkcomanyone else? My question:  I have an ATI card, Radeon X300SE, I'm trying to get the 3d working, but the restricted driver manager keeps saying that it's "not in use"? any ideas?19:25
codecainesee if that helps19:25
deejaylooked into multiverse etc but still cant figure out how to customize my desktop with shiny new Dock, icons etc etc???19:25
kishanubuntu, /19:25
danielbwwhats the binary called that monitors the battery in the notification area of gnome?  It's not running anymore.19:25
PovAddictubuntu: /19:25
LifeisfunnyWhat would I need to do to fix this?19:25
jotilcodecaine, could you pastebin your ifconfig19:25
kristoferI'm using a dell d610 with the intel 915GM - I've tried both the intel driver and the i810 driver, but XGL is extremely slow.. any ideas about what I could do to?19:25
dotjayebirtaid: http://pastebin.ca/74264819:25
cousin_luigiLifeisfunny: which is?19:25
ubuntuokay thanks19:25
Mikkel^Hi all... Who can help me.. I have one litte error!! to Starting up..19:25
* heLLo2U says GUSTY ROCKS!! installing frostwire was a snap!19:25
Vletcodecaine: so maybe if you create one and check another machine for it's dns servers, put them in one line at a time as: nameserver x.x.x.x19:25
rryanganesh : I don't know much about ATI ... but which driver do you have enabled ? fglrx ? the open source one?19:25
Lifeisfunnycousin_luigi,  Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'.   Without the GNOME settings manager running, some preferences may not take effect. This could indicate a problem with Bonobo, or a non-GNOME (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the GNOME settings manager.19:25
kishandanielbw, right click on the panel add items and add battery19:25
cousin_luigideejay: what about another theme?19:25
heLLo2Uhopefully it works....19:25
arghh2d2Does anyones update manager hang on: "Fetching file 15 of 22"?  is that sposed to happen?19:26
silkcomis there a way to manually setup graphics drivers?  I'd like to verify that fglrx are indeed the ones that are being used19:26
PovAddictarghh2d2: server overload19:26
deejaywhats frostwire???19:26
heLLo2UFROSTWIRE installed.... program is not starting... do i need to restart??19:26
FFighterhas anyone got problems with Tilda and Gutsy?:19:26
PovAddictdeejay: a free limewire19:26
dsuchFor some reason "dpkg -i" (1.13.22) core dumps when I'm trying to install an "alien -k"'ed file. Is that normal or should I perhaps report it somewhere? What do you think?19:26
deejayahhh cool thanx19:26
kishanarghh2d2, some times the servers are busy just leave it for a while19:26
codecaineyea try to copy my resolv.conf off this pc no sucess19:26
Vletarghh2d2: no, it's not, but it's happening a lot since the relase. try switching mirrors19:26
|neon|are there any trevino gutsy repos yet?19:26
codecainewhen I restarted the service19:26
ubuntuone last question, should ext3 be primary, or logical?19:26
A[D]minSoooooooooof Gutsy sucks19:26
danielbwkishan: I know about that one, but the default one that runs in the "systray" / notification area is a little better19:26
danielbwthats the one i am looking for19:26
codecainelet me set my router to dhcp real quick19:27
Lifeisfunny|neon|, ask in #compiz-fusion19:27
Sitting_Duckkeo92: Yes, I have. I just tried rryan's suggestion -- the second monitor does appear in nvidia-settings, but I'm having trouble actually activating it.19:27
Lifeisfunnyhe hangs out there19:27
VletA[D]minS: so don't use it19:27
|neon|Lifeisfunny: thx19:27
jhonghi, any sparc users here?19:27
ganeshrryan:ya i installed it..but in screen and graphics its showing something else..how to knw it exactly?19:27
keo92Sitting_Duck : oh19:27
RonaldUpgraded server to Gutsy, broke my Imap-ssl:  imapd-ssl: couriertls: connect: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number --- openssl s_client doesn't even connect (as it would if things would be alrght) Any clues please ?19:27
VandersI've been trying to upgrade to 7.10 since yesterday, but dist upgrade keeps failing to download a package from wine.lowvoice.nl  Has anyone else seen this problem, or know if there an active bug report for it?19:27
heLLo2Ufrostwire doesnt work.... any other clients in mind????19:27
Vletcodecaine: perhaps you also need to take down eth0 and bring it back up after modifying resolv19:27
PovAddict*** please for compiz questions go to #compiz-fusion, helps lower the traffic on this channel ***19:27
deejaycan anyone point me in the direction of a website that can tell me how to pimp my desktop with fanciy docks icons etc???19:27
ubuntu(i'm running dualboot) should ext3 be primary, or logical? what should the SWAP file be?19:27
deejaycan anyone point me in the direction of a website that can tell me how to pimp my desktop with fanciy docks icons etc???19:27
deejaycan anyone point me in the direction of a website that can tell me how to pimp my desktop with fanciy docks icons etc???19:27
deejaycan anyone point me in the direction of a website that can tell me how to pimp my desktop with fanciy docks icons etc???19:27
kishanwell danielbw is the gnome power monitor that manges it u can check that by installing BUM boot up manager and check whter its actived at boot19:27
PovAddictVanders: server overload19:28
Vletdeejay: don't do that19:28
Aranelmy Kubuntu doesn't forgot root password, and it doesn't ask me for password, it always give me permission. How can I disable the "password remember" function ?19:28
rryanSitting_Duck : In 'X Server Display Configuration' in nvidia-settings, if you select your second display and hit 'Configure' then select 'TwinView', hit ok, and then try loading it, that should make your second screen turn on19:28
FantVanders:  sounds like you have a custom 3rd party repository setup ... go remove it and try again19:28
dotjaydeejay screenlets.org19:28
kishandeejay, stop flooding and go to www.gnome-looks.org19:28
Vletdeejay: because you will get kicked19:28
deejayohhh so sorry19:28
PovAddictdeejay: dont repeat your question like that or you'll get kicked out pretty quick19:28
|neon|dotjay: did you get vmware running19:28
Lifeisfunnydeejay, try #Ubuntu-effect and ask for AVN19:28
PovAddictchannel is crowded enough as it is19:28
deejayi wont do it again, did not know19:28
[chr0n0s]1439 yet19:28
PovAddict!repeat > deejay19:28
VandersPovAddict: Are you seeing it too? Fant, thanks I'll go check19:28
K3nt0if any of you remember, i was looking to run live cd from anything but a cd. i went and bought some blanks but broke down and bought some smokes. see what you made me do?!?!19:28
[chr0n0s]has it reached 1500 ?19:28
rryanganesh : in your xorg.conf located at /etc/X11/xorg.conf, if in the section labelled 'Device' you see Driver 'fglrx' then you should know that its the fglrx driver19:28
Lifeisfunnydeejay, sorry #Ubuntu-effects19:28
danielbwkishan i have found the answer, thanks!19:28
dotjayhey |neon| nice to see you again19:29
Sitting_Duckrryan: How do I "load" it?19:29
dotjay|neon| : but nop19:29
kishandanielbw, what is the answer19:29
zerokillhi, i think i completely screwed up my pc via grub anybody care to help me out?19:29
danielbwit was always running but it was set to not show the icon when not draining or charging19:29
PiciLifeisfunny: the channel no longer exists.19:29
PovAddictVanders: no, I'm just doing a fresh install; but everybody and his sister is getting timeouts installing packages19:29
* ubuntu smacks his head19:29
|neon|dotjay: did you try any update patch?19:29
VandersFant: Spot on the money. Thanks. I feel stupid now :)19:29
danielbwkishan: it was always running but it was set to not show the icon when not draining or charging19:29
kishanlol danielbw19:29
huXfluXI have a laptop with intel HD audio card. The sound is working but the volume level is VERY low (even if alsamix and all mixers have the volumes at MAX. so is the laptop's volume control - at max). What can i do to have louder sound? I'm running Ubuntu GUSTY19:29
Fantvanders ... np mate i did it too19:29
Captain_HaddockDoes anyone know what the ramifications are of closing the dist upgrade adept window during the "installing the upgrades" step? It appears to be stuck.19:29
rryanSitting_Duck : err I guess I mean after hitting twinview just select ok, it should ask you if it's ok to restart your X server to make the changes work.19:29
[chr0n0s]zerokill: a liitle more explainiation19:29
PovAddictVanders: getting upgrades after a release is quite hard lol19:29
heLLo2Uhow do i get java 1.6????19:29
danielbwkishan i changed it to always show the icon ... duh19:29
dotjay|neon|: yeah i googled but din get any19:29
Captain_HaddockStuck on "preparing to configure libexpat"19:29
ubuntushould ext3 be primary?19:30
cousin_luigihuXfluX: is it perhaps an ALC861 too?19:30
danielbwkishan: I am not always this stupid19:30
kishandanielbw, intall bum its good to control what boots upp19:30
Sitting_Duckrryan: Oh, so if I restart X, it should work?19:30
GuthixSo im trying to get ubuntu running on my computer but when i select regular or safe graphics mode at the first screen that comes up my monitor just goes to sleep.... i have a fairly old graphics card (ATI)... any ideas19:30
PovAddictubuntu: unless you already have 3 partitions, yes it should be primary19:30
kristoferI'm using a dell d610 with the intel 915GM - I've tried both the intel driver and the i810 driver, but XGL is extremely slow in both cases. help please!19:30
dotjay|neon| : try seeing this http://pastebin.ca/74264819:30
danielbwkishan, i will!19:30
kristofercan I use aiglx instead? can someone point me in the right direction?19:30
rryanSitting_Duck : Well it should do it for you... and ask you before it does it. But yea, if you see the two screens in nvidia-settings then that means TwinView should be able to work if you turn it on19:30
huXfluXcousin_luigi yes yes !~!!19:30
ganeshrryan:/etc/X11/xorg.conf saya permission denied19:30
huXfluXand it also has a Si3054 MODEM option cousin_luigi19:30
heLLo2Ui have SUNJAVA do i need to install java 1.5 or java jre/jdk too????19:31
ubuntuPovAddict: I will have 3 partitions. nfts, ext3, and swap. Should my swap be primary as well?19:31
PovAddictubuntu: there is a limit of 4 partitions; making one of them extended lets you add 4 more, splitting one in four, let's say; if you dont plan on having more than 4 partitions, all as primary are fine19:31
zyberzeroHello! I've totally messed up my /var/, i chowned to www-data so i can't access sudo anymore. I just get an error, /var/run/sudo owned by uid 33 should be uid 0. What can i do?19:31
huXfluXcousin_luigi what to do ?19:31
kishanganesh use sudo before gedit19:31
keo92Sitting_Duck : i think so19:31
danielbwkishan: installing bum now.19:31
cousin_luigihuXfluX: you need to add an option for the module, and cross your fingers19:31
ubuntuPovAddict: awesome, thanks.19:31
Piciganesh: kishan: use gksudo for graphical apps19:31
Sitting_Duckrryan: I've made all the changes, but it hasn't actually asked me if it can apply them now. I'm going to restart X and hope for the best. Brb.19:31
rryanSitting_Duck : And if the settings don't save, you probably need to hit the 'save to X configuration file', which will write it into your xorg.conf, but you need to have nvidia-settings running as root, so you need to run it by typing 'gksudo nvidia-settings'19:31
zerokill[chr0n0s]: ive got a 2 sata2 harddrive setup. hda had vista and hdb was supposed to be the ubuntu one. after i made the partitions in hdb i installed grub in the mbr of hda (hd0)19:31
rryanSitting_Duck : Did it say TwinView (Requires X Restart)19:31
hendrixskiis it just me or is there something in Gutsy that hogs the CPU?19:32
kishanpici whats tha difference19:32
zerokillafter the 1st boot grub hungs with an error 22 and after  couple of tried with error 1719:32
PovAddictinstaller is "analyzing the apt mirror"19:32
bobbohendrixski: just you :S19:32
Sitting_Duckrryan: I selected TwinView, but it didn't give me that warning19:32
PovAddictwonder what mirror19:32
Pici!gksudo | kishan19:32
[chr0n0s]zerokill: and ... now ?19:32
ubotukishan: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using « sudo <GUI-application> » - See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info19:32
PovAddictit will take ages19:32
danielbwPovAddict: make sure synaptic is not running19:32
|neon|dotjay: pm me19:32
rryanSitting_Duck : ok, that's odd19:32
Fade2Blackhow do i find out of my wireless card is working19:32
HazHI ADURO.19:32
AduroHey Haz.19:32
zerokillwhat i did was to change the sata2 cables and make hda hdb and vise versa19:32
hendrixskibobbo, hhmm, because my CPU's hitting 100% ever couple of seconds19:32
PovAddictPici: thanks, i needed to know that too :P19:32
hendrixskiand it's higher than normal19:32
AduroHaz, coming out tommorow?19:32
rryanganesh : you should have read access to your xorg.conf19:32
zerokillinstalled again and all is ok for ubuntu19:32
rryanganesh: as long as you didn't try to write to it it shouldnt have said access denied19:32
HazAduro: nice support question O_O19:32
=== ubuntu is now known as J-_
danielbwPovAddict: also make sure you are not performing an apt-get install or anything that is using the apt database19:32
HazAduro: and yes.19:32
Sitting_Duckrryan: Would it make sense to restart X now that I've written a new xorg.conf?19:32
AduroYou said Help :<19:32
bobbohendrixski: yeah that is pretty weird, have you tried disabling Compiz?19:32
zerokillbut the mbr of hdb (now containing vista)19:33
zyberzeroHello! I've totally messed up my /var/, i chowned to www-data so i can't access sudo anymore. I just get an error, /var/run/sudo owned by uid 33 should be uid 0. What can i do?19:33
zerokillhas a broken grub19:33
GuthixIf my screen goes blank when i boot the install disk normally should i try the alternative install?19:33
PovAddictdanielbw: I'm doing a fresh install, why would I be installing a package on the livecd?19:33
zerokillhence i cant load vista19:33
rryanSitting_duck : if you wrote it to your xorg.conf, then yes it might work19:33
codecainemaybe the new distro don't like this wifi card19:33
danielbwPovAddict: Also, keep in mind the mirrors and download servers are very taxed right now19:33
Sitting_Duckrryan: Alright, I'll give it a shot. Back in a sec.19:33
HazAduro: how did the install go?19:33
zerokill2 questions19:33
wckdkl0wni am having a problem with webpages right now.. takes roughly 28 seconds for firefox to resolve a site. also i cant ping an ip in terminal 100% packet loss. this happened before with ubuntu but i went to kde and never had the problem again.. any ideas?19:33
PovAddictdanielbw: I know that part ;)19:33
lap_compiz-fusion enable by default in gutsy ?19:33
AduroIt went fine :D19:33
rryanSitting_Duck: IF it doesnt work I can look at your xorg.conf and see if somethings off19:33
hendrixskibobbo, I don't have it running... when I try to enable it ... it simply doesn't start... i don't have a graphics card that would support it19:33
Hazgood, talk to you in TIRC19:33
danielbwPovAddict: i don't know I did because I installed flash so i can check out youtube while my system was installing19:33
[chr0n0s]zerokill: do you have vista DVD/CD ?19:33
zerokillcan i restore vista mbr in hdb ? and if i do that will vista load ok after i manualy changed its mapping?19:33
bobbohendrixski: what specs are you running? Which ubuntu variant?19:34
Ind[y]Firefox has ugly fonts after upgrading to Gutsy. Is this a known issue?19:34
kbrosnanwckdkl0wn: anyone bittorrenting heavaly on your network?19:34
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:34
wckdkl0wnkbrosnan, nope i am the only user online right now19:34
zerokilli have it but i cant load recovery console cause it doesnt recognise my password19:34
dotjay |neon| : i din get you19:34
Jimdblap you only get 3d effects if your 3d video acceleration is on.  so if it isn't on no, it won't be active by default.19:34
Lifeisfunnycousin_luigi,  do you have any help?19:34
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
akornHey guys, i'm in Ubuntu 7.04 and using Beryl...whe ni Alt+Tab to switch windows, the switcher stalls on the window i want to switch to for about 1 second before it switches...anybody know why?19:34
cousin_luigiLifeisfunny: no, I'm sorry19:34
Lifeisfunnycousin_luigi,  I get this error message at time:  Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'.   Without the GNOME settings manager running, some preferences may not take effect. This could indicate a problem with Bonobo, or a non-GNOME (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the GNOME settings manager.19:35
Fade2Blacki cant get my wifi card to work either19:35
hendrixskibobbo, I just installed Gutsy, on a 4 year old dell, 758 Ram (not a problem) and a 2.4 gigahertz pentium 4.  It wouldn't spike like that in feisty19:35
rryanganesh : how is it coming ?19:35
[chr0n0s]zerokill: put the HDD's back the way they were, fix mbr, then reinstall grub19:35
PovAddictdanielbw: fair enough19:35
kbrosnanwckdkl0wn: i would check with your isp to see if there are any problems after rebooting your modem/router19:35
lap_Jimdb: if I enabled my 3d video acceleration, compiz-fusion will be enabled by default ?19:35
rryanganesh : did you get your xorg.conf ?19:35
hendrixskibobbo, oh... is that maybe because of the tick-less kernel?19:35
PovAddictdanielbw: any way I can check what mirror the installer is trying to use?19:35
bobbohendrixski: that is really odd19:35
LapatiKhello, firefox and X crash some times, it do the same with mandriva, so it's hardware:it is : cpu memory or Hd?19:35
wckdkl0wnkbrosnan, thing is though if i install kde and use that i dont have a problem19:35
Jimdblap:  when in doubt, try it out.19:35
pI'm using Deluge as my bit torrent client. Although the 2539 seeds and 2549 peers found, my torrent avaibility is 0.988. My download is at 98%, at 0 kb/s! Why avaibility is less than one if there is so many seeds? Is my deluge bugged?19:35
bobbohendrixski: yeah that may make a difference, try using an older kernel19:35
zerokilli cant cause i found out that the grub problem i had was because i didnt install grub in the linux mbr19:35
ganeshrryan:ya..its fglrx19:35
wckdkl0wnkbrosnan, its only with gnome that i have this problem19:35
|neon|dotjay: try htis link at the bottom dated 14 oct 2007   http://platan.vc.cvut.cz/ftp/pub/vmware/   extract run runme.pl and vmware should wotk19:36
zerokillit just hungs if i use that setup19:36
upshey... i'm running gutsy. have a nVidia audio card (snd-hda-intel). while the card i recognized and everything looks proper (no muting, songs look like playing fine), there is absolutely no audio19:36
=== jessica is now known as jessie^^
PovAddictany way I can check what mirror the installer is trying to use? it's stuck at "analyzing the apt mirror"19:36
hendrixskibobbo, It is odd.  I'll check launchpad ... I may end up downgrading kernels19:36
Jimdblap:  after enabling my 3d hardware by downloading the nvidia drivers, my comiz was active immdiately.  but I don't know if this is the case for everyone nor if it is the case for any ati cards.19:36
miirtrying to access my usbdrive, using 7.10... can't seem to find it at all , it's formated as NTFS ... could that have something to do with it ?19:36
Deformationany xubuntu gutsy users here? i need some help please19:36
jessie^^that didn't help any, damn...19:36
Fade2Black how do i get my wireless card to work19:36
codecainewhy when I do iwconfig I see a wifi0 not that but when I bring up my ath0 its in ifconfig active?19:36
d1n0Deformation, #xubuntu19:37
whitedethhttp://mirror.ubuntu.com/kernel/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Could not resolve 'mirror.ubuntu.com'19:37
miirFade what wlan card u got ?19:37
huastekoIm updating my ubuntu but a I have trouble on fetching file, the message is about network error, some with same trouble? my network is ok19:37
whitedethwhat's in that package?19:37
Deformationoh i am sorry19:37
zerokilldoes this make any sense? grub asking for my primary hd to be a linux native?19:37
whitedeththat and19:37
whitedethhttp://mirror.ubuntu.com/kernel/dists/gutsy/Release.gpg: Could not resolve 'mirror.ubuntu.com'19:37
PovAddictlol, downloading language packs19:37
PovAddictgoing to take eternity and a day19:37
ganesh rryan:ya..its fglrx bow to get 3d effect?19:37
whitedethPovAddict:  is that what it is?19:37
[chr0n0s]zerokill: nope..19:38
miirnobody knows how to access a usd drive ? ^^19:38
PovAddictwhitedeth: no, it's what is happening on my install, nothing to do with you19:38
whitedethis there a reason it's downloading them? I dont want/need em downloaded.19:38
akornWhat's the ubuntu effects / beryl channel on this?19:38
PovAddictmiir: united state dollars drive?19:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about effects - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:38
Evanlec!ntfs | miir19:38
PurpZeYGeneral question addressed to those who have been around...Have the been a lot of issues with people upgrading?19:38
jimjacksonI'm trying to make a tar of my /home ... I'm using: "tar -cvzf /media/stuff/backup.tgz" but it keeps saying "refusing to create empty archive" ???19:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about efects - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:38
miirhehe =P19:38
PurpZeYakorn: #compiz-fusion19:38
ubotuntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse19:38
Deformationhow do i connect to xubuntu channel? i am using xchat for the first time, (sorry for the noob question)19:38
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:38
Ind[y]Firefox has ugly fonts after upgrading to Gutsy. Is this a known issue?19:38
Mikkel^Hello.... I can not starting Ubuntu Server UP!!! i get The Litte Error.... Error is here : PANIC: CPU Too old for this kernel. -> Can u maybe Help me?19:38
whitedethDeformation: /join #xubuntu19:38
PovAddictfuse rocks19:38
SeveasDeformation, type this where you type your messages: /join #xubuntu19:39
_4a42_jimjackson: you need to specify the files in the tar19:39
PurpZeYInd[y]: Did you reinstall mstkfonts?19:39
EvanlecInd[y], no19:39
akornPurpZeY: even if i use Beryl?19:39
erUSULjimjackson: tar -cvzf /media/stuff/backup.tgz $HOME19:39
PovAddictakorn: #beryl then19:39
Fade2Blackmy screens are giggly does that mean beryl is on19:39
PurpZeYakorn: Beryl supported too19:39
ganeshrryan:r u there19:39
gerroumm on gutsy and I can't update..19:39
huastekoIm updating my ubuntu but a I have trouble on fetching file, the message is about network error, some with same trouble? my network is ok19:39
rryanyea sorry... crashed19:39
jimjacksonerUSUL: so whatever I want to put in the tar goes like that at the end? $dir ??19:39
Ind[y]PurpZeY: ~$ sudo apt-get install mstkfonts19:39
Ind[y]Reading package lists... Done19:39
Ind[y]Building dependency tree19:39
Ind[y]Reading state information... Done19:39
Ind[y]E: Couldn't find package mstkfonts19:39
SeveasInd[y], don't paste in here19:39
Ind[y]Seveas: sorry19:40
PovAddict!pastebin | Ind[y]19:40
ubotuInd[y]: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:40
rryanganesh : If you type glxinfo do you see Direct rendering : enabled19:40
erUSULjimjackson: more or less check the man page ;)19:40
Sitting_Duckrryan: worked like a champ with some extra tweaking. Much obliged!19:40
SeveasMikkel^, ?19:40
rryanSitting_Duck : glad to hear :)19:40
Mikkel^can u help me here?19:40
Mikkel^PANIC: CPU Too old for this kernel.19:40
Sitting_Duckrryan: Now I just need to get it to treat them as two screens instead of one enormous one.19:40
lap_someone know if emerald-themes work with compiz-fusion ?19:40
=== Bitttt is now known as BIT-KDD
SeveasMikkel^, get a new cpu :)19:40
freakabcdCan someone help me with setting up my serial wacon intuos tablet with a usb->serial converter ?19:40
rryanSitting_Duck : Ah ok, that takes just setting hte metamodes right19:40
PovAddictjimjackson: tar cvf filename.tar somefolder someother...19:40
gerroMikkel^: cpu? ram?19:40
Clearze1lap_: it does19:40
|neon|lap_: yes it does19:40
Mikkel^Its from Virual BOx19:40
_4a42_jimjackson: the $HOME contains the text /home/<your username>19:40
Sitting_Duckrryan: Also in nvidia-settings?19:41
Ind[y]PurpZeY: so?19:41
Mikkel^og OS type Is Linux 2.619:41
rryanSitting_Duck: It's possible with futzing about with trial-and-error in nvidia-settings, but I think its easier to edit xorg.conf19:41
ganeshrryan:direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)19:41
rryanSitting_Duck : what size / resolutions are your 2 monitors ?19:41
EvanlecSeveas, u got a gutsy repo going yet?19:41
Sitting_Duckrryan: Both 19", 1280 X 102419:41
rryanganesh : AFAIK with ATI you need direct rendering enabled to use effects19:41
numusanyone know why when i am in 1024x760 resolution my monitor is not centered.. but in windows the monitor is centered in the H value19:41
lavender_dreamAnyone know how to play DVD (physical) straight from VLC player and make that as default to be opened when you insert a DVD in your drive?19:41
gerroMikkel^: I don't mess with emulators or whatever. If you got an installed linux system you need help with them sure19:41
SeveasEvanlec, no19:42
arpeggiNo volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. - does anyone know what this means?19:42
EvanlecSeveas, how come? i want freenx!@19:42
ganeshhow to enable it?>19:42
numusfinally full distro download of gutsy19:42
Moniker42how do i disable system beeps in xchat?19:42
PovAddictnumus: full distro download? setting up a mirror? :P19:42
Moniker42that is, when i backspace to the start of the input box19:42
arpeggii dunno i just can't get any sound :(19:42
ganeshrryan:how to enable it?19:42
EvilBroNew ubuntu is great, they just didn't take into account one thing: I'm stupid. How do I turn of the 'corners of your desktop are linked to actions' bit? (Compiz manager installed already.)19:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:43
rryanSitting_Duck : same here, ok .. .so in your xorg.conf,   if you change the line MetaModes " .... " to Option "MetaModes" "1280x1024,1280x1024"19:43
rryanSitting_Duck : that worked for me at least19:43
PovAddictinstall finished, reboot time!19:43
CapaHUGH --- I am tar gzipping a very large directory with many sub directories, and I am saving it as fullbackup.tgz --- now, it turns out that my tar/gz is trying now to INCLUDE "fullbackup.tgz" into the tarball....... Am I forced to restart the whole thing?19:43
rryanSitting_Duck : I wasn't able to do it with nvidia-settings, but I bet there's a way19:43
numuspovaddict.. the cd requires a reinstall.. so i decided to wait ouit the distro download and use the ubuntu upgrade feature19:43
predaeusarpeggi, check if you have gstreamer packages installed19:43
arpeggihow do i do that? i just don't have any sound with any program19:43
rryanSitting_Duck : as far as I can tell, it splits them into two screens when it 'feels' like they should be two screens, two 19" at 1280x1024 should be 2 separate ones, so if you have your metamode line set like that I think it makes the decision to19:43
arpeggiim in livecd btw19:44
erUSULubotu tell arpeggi about sound | arpeggi see priv msg from ubotu19:44
lap_emeralds-themes is installed by default with compiz-fusion in gutsy ?19:44
erUSULubotu tell arpeggi about intelhda | arpeggi see priv msg from ubotu19:44
rryanganesh : in your xorg.conf you need to   add Option "dri" "enabled"19:44
arpeggicheers :)19:44
crazy6so it is possible to get the quake 3 demo install? I get all sort of odd errors about unknown mime-types19:44
numusi wish i could force my monitor into a higher resolution.. when you go above 1024x768 it turns off19:44
rryanganesh : sorry in the Section "Module" you need to add Load "dri"19:44
erUSULubotu tell numus about fixres | numus see priv msg from ubotu19:44
numuserUSUL i hav ea song sdm-s51...19:45
Dr_williscrazy6,  you downloaded it, then ran it?   or what are you trying to do exactly with it?19:45
gerroplease can someone tell me why checking repositories takes so long and some packages it tries to install are blanks that lag out forever?.. I'm on gutsy and don't know what is going on19:45
Sitting_Duckrryan: I have a line that reads: Option  "metamodes" "CRT: 1280x1024 +1280+0, DFP: 1280x1024 +0+0"19:45
numusits resolution only goes up to 1024x76819:45
Sitting_Duckrryan: Is that the one I should tweak?19:45
elektronik123kto jest z polski19:45
rryanSitting_Duck : yea thats' the one, I think if you change it to just "1280x1024, 1280x1024" it should do it,19:45
erUSULgerro: servers loaded becouse of the recent release19:45
the_darkside_986if anyone is having the blank screen x server error when trying to boot gutsy, I finally figured out a workaround that worked for me...19:45
crazy6Dr_willis: install it... but it fails to do so in both X and console19:45
d1n0Can anyone help me so I can extend my desktop to my TV? It's connected through S-video and works out of the box as a clone!19:46
rryanSitting_Duck : I think those relative numbers +1280+0 and +0+0 are the things that throw it off19:46
Sitting_Duckrryan: Great. So:19:46
ganeshrryan:i already hav Section "DRI"19:46
numusStandard 1024 x 768 native resolution+19:46
DeepThoughts Is it possible to have a folder where every new file/folder gets a specifik group assign to it? Example: By default new folders/files are own by user1:user1 and in that specifik folder files/folders are own by user1:group219:46
akornCan you upgrade to 7.10 using the CD instead of doing it through Updates?19:46
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:46
Sitting_Duckrryan: Option   "metamodes" "1280x1024, 1280x1024"19:46
Sitting_Duckrryan: like so?19:46
arpeggihow do i launch from terminal - i want to launch alsamixer19:46
rryanyea give that a try19:46
gerroakorn: I had 7.10 pre release and have updated from that but it seems my repository is broken :/19:46
PovAddicthi from HDD install :D19:47
gerroakorn: I got tribe 5 to do initial install19:47
lap_emerald-themes is installed by default with compiz-fusion in gutsy ?19:47
rryanganesh : Make sure that you have 'Load "dri"' in your Module section19:47
CapaHQuestion, When I click the 'search' icon at the panel ---- What is the actual executable for that program?19:47
Dr_williscrazy6,  its insgtaller might be a bit old also. You may want to check the forums/ubuntu games forum. Its possible you are just doing somthing basic wrong.19:47
ganeshrryan:even in module its there19:47
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici19:47
Amaranthelektronik123: ?19:47
rryanganesh : OK, so that means theres a problem that's keeping DRI from being enabled..19:47
sbenson_ne1 else having the update fail?  It begins with one file failure then cascades to many with dependencies..   2 systems so far.19:47
Dr_willislap_,  i saw no emerald-themes isntalled at all. I had to enable them and download them with the emerald-theme manager tool19:47
CardinalFangHi all.  Since updating to Gutsy, I notice some subpixel rendering is atrocious.  Consider this screen:  http://sandbox.chad.org/gutsy-fonts.png  That's full hinting, fwiw.19:47
arpeggihow do i launch from terminal - i want to launch alsamixer19:47
akorngerro: Yea my repos are messed up, so i downlaoded the CD instead and was wondering if you can upgrdae through that rather than through repos19:47
gerroCapaH: check the task manager of some sort19:48
gordonjcpCardinalFang: I noticed that too19:48
Picielektronik123: ?19:48
lavender_dreamWhen I try to play DVD in VLC via terminal, I get this error: *** libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo_read.c:1636 *** (Anyone know what it means?)19:48
rryanganesh : what was your card again ?19:48
gordonjcpCardinalFang: I thought my monitor was broken19:48
Maarten<--- now runs Gutsy on his linuxbox. Upgrade was fairly painless really.19:48
ganeshati radeon x20019:48
noorim getting fetch errors19:48
gordonjcpCardinalFang: I turned off subpixel rendering, and I turned it off on my Feisty machines too19:48
lap_how do you enable emerald-themes ? just apt-get install emerald-themes ?19:48
noorupdating to 7.1019:48
lavender_dreamI also get *** libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo_read.c:1636 ***19:48
Sitting_Duckrryan: I'm going to give a shot again. brb.19:48
gordonjcpCardinalFang: I didn't realise how rubbish subpixel rendering looks19:48
dotjay|neon|: http://pastebin.ca/74267519:48
Amaranthelektronik123: What did you call !ops for?19:48
PovAddictinstalling restricted nvidia drivers, seems stuck at "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"19:48
cousin_luigilavender_dream: same here19:49
lavender_dreamerr...I mean "libdvdnav: ifoRead_PGCIT failed - CRASHING!!!"19:49
CardinalFanggordonjcp, I find some fora pages that mention new libraries and rendering constants.19:49
cousin_luigilavender_dream: how did it happen?19:49
PovAddictoh lol nvm19:49
akornAnybody know why i keep getting "Signature Verification Failed" messages whe ni try to upgrade? Especially after i just put in the ubuntu 7.10 disc and it told me the verification failed on THAT?19:49
Jimdblap:  I installed that and then had to add a theme to make it work.  the next time the window manager loaded I had the emerald window decorations.19:49
ganeshrryan:ati radeon x20019:49
CardinalFanggordonjcp, I was happy with the previous behavior.  It was subtle, and rately failed so ugly-ily.19:49
Dr_willislap_,  thers No emerald-themes package. I used the emreald-theme-manager program to download the themes19:49
Dr_willis!find emerald19:49
Erik7000I just downloaded ubuntu server 7.10 x64 and when I press Start or install in the first menu it just goes away and the display says "no signal". What could be wrong?19:49
gordonjcpCardinalFang: uglily?19:49
ubotuFound: emerald, libemeraldengine-dev, libemeraldengine0, xemeraldia19:49
rryanganesh : k hangon, I'm really inexperienced when it comes to ATI specific stuff, but I'm just googling now19:49
cousin_luigiErik7000: try safe graphical mode19:50
arpeggii had sound in feisty livecd now i've got nothing in gutsy19:50
elektronik123 19:50
elektronik123 19:50
elektronik123 19:50
elektronik123 19:50
elektronik123 19:50
elektronik123 19:50
meta-paoniarryan ganesh I am having problems with radion x200 as well with gutsy19:50
Jimdblap:  i used synaptic to find it and install it.19:50
gerroakorn: what are the repos on the current gutsy 7.10 cd?19:50
elektronik123 19:50
lavender_dreamcousin_luigi: well... I'm trying to play a DVD in VLC player... it didn't work when I tried to make it the default player to automatically open it... so to see what it was causing it to crash I ran vlc in the terminal and tried to play it by going to Open > Disc> Play19:50
elektronik123 19:50
elektronik123 19:50
elektronik123 19:50
rryanganesh : Does X200 mean Xpress 200  ?19:50
elektronik123 19:50
Vletelektronik123: stop19:50
Martinp23!ops | elektronik12319:50
ubotuelektronik123: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici19:50
elektronik123 19:50
adac2how can i upgrade from feisty to gutsy over command line?19:50
Fade2Blackhey whats a program that will let me find wireless connections automatically19:50
lap_Dr_willis: emerald-themes-manager is installed by default or i have to install it ?19:50
VletFade2Black: check out wifiRadar19:50
cousin_luigilavender_dream: but did it work before?19:50
Mrok I got gutsy running, is it a good idea to with the "proprietary Drivers" for my ATI 9600 Pro ?19:50
ganeshrryan: ya..19:50
akorngerro: How do i check that?19:50
Dr_willislap_,  no idea.. install it and see.19:50
Erik7000I just downloaded ubuntu server 7.10 x64 and when I press Start or install in the first menu it just goes away and the display says "no signal". What could be wrong?19:50
fr0nkhuh is it normal that the update manager19:50
lavender_dreamcousin_luigi: no... never19:50
Jimdblap:  go into synaptic package manager and search for emerald.19:50
yrlnry_This morning the upgrade manager offered me the chance to upgrade to 7.10, and I declined.  Now I'm ready to do it.  How do I start the automatic upgrade process?19:50
swirvI have a problem with my install of Gutsy not seeing the printers on my m$ network.19:51
cousin_luigilavender_dream: it started to show that after I upgraded my dvd firmware19:51
lavender_dreamcousin_luigi: I'm on a fresh install of 7.10 Gutsy19:51
Jimdblap:  and install it if it is missing.19:51
fr0nkwants to remove emerald managerlibgstreamer libquicktime, etc? O_O19:51
cousin_luigilavender_dream: which I plan to toss from the window19:51
annaimkonkiFROSTWIRE not working... i reconfig java... still not working... need heLp... GUSTY 7.1019:51
elektronik123 19:51
elektronik123 19:51
VletErik7000: is your monitor connected via DVI?19:51
rryanganesh : I'm reading an article back from edgy days (so it may be outdated) that the X200 has issues with desktop effects, and you may need to run XGL instead of X19:51
elektronik123 19:51
elektronik123 19:51
elektronik123 19:51
Erik7000Vlet yes19:51
elektronik123 19:51
Vletelektronik123: do you want something?19:51
Maartenyrlnry_: type so_release_upgrade from a console19:51
lavender_dreamcousin_luigi: do I need to pick up anything special for VLC to play DVDs? I thought the player already came with codecs and such19:51
Maartenas root19:51
yrlnry_Maarten: thanks.19:51
Mrok I got gutsy running, is it a good idea to go with the "proprietary Drivers" for my ATI 9600 Pro ?19:51
cousin_luigilavender_dream: yes it should have everything you need19:51
gerroMr: yeah19:51
Mror are there alternatives?19:51
Jimdblol, he's probably a microsoft shill.19:51
VletErik7000: I've had issues in the past... if you can, try connecting using a vga cable19:52
AmaranthMr: Not if you want visual effects (compiz)19:52
crazy6hrm I bet this requires csh or zsh or something19:52
yrlnry_Maarten: it has to be a console?  A terminal window won't work?19:52
Mryeah that is what I want19:52
AmaranthMr: Then don't install that19:52
gerroMr: those would give you direct rendering19:52
lavender_dreamcousin_luigi: that's a shame... I feel like... I'm stuck19:52
dotjay|neon| http://pastebin.ca/74267519:52
Dbcoops1231Does anyone know why a usb (musical) keyboard is only using USB1.1 and not the USB 2.0 that i see in dev manager?19:52
MrAmaranth so what do I want to do ?19:52
Puaffplease, is there the vmplayer-package for 7.10?19:52
AmaranthMr: the driver you got by default gives you 3d acceleration and compiz, the restricted driver gives you faster 3d acceleration but no compiz19:52
rryanganesh : can you post your xorg.conf to a pastebin ?19:52
AmaranthPuaff: no19:52
ganeshrryan:i heard that using XGL is not safe..19:52
Erik7000Vlet it's 8800, there's no VGA.. When running safe graphics it doesn't say "no signal" just black19:52
PovAddictwell, now I have "normal" visual effects19:52
Maartenyrlnry_: terminal window will work just fine :)19:52
Dr_willisDbcoops1231,  a low speed device may not need to be usb219:52
PovAddictI see shadow and some animations, but what I'd really like is antialiased corners19:53
Dr_willisDbcoops1231,  a lot of input devices are that way19:53
CardinalFangDbcoops1231, Well, that's usually because the device speaks only USB1.1.19:53
Dbcoops1231dr_willis: it's self powered, and for latency issues, wouldn't it need to be?19:53
Maartenyrlnry_: as a matter of fact, I upgraded mine through ssh :P19:53
PovAddictis there any theme like "human" but with antialiased rounded corners?19:53
PuaffAmaranth, do you know then it will be available?19:53
AmaranthPovAddict: That's a metacity thing (we reuse metacity's theme engine)19:53
MrAmaranth so if I install the drivers I wouldn't have the visual effects but I would have faster graphics and if I dont install it its slower but I have the effects?19:53
ste__Hi, i have problem with Ubuntu 7.10 and auth LDAP19:53
PurpZeYAmaranth: I am most likely going to be helping a friend out with a fresh install and an ATI, you would recommend the proprietary drivers? Are things easier under gutsy? I am still on feisty over here and I want to make sure there isn't anything else I might want to know. . .19:53
lavender_dreamAnyone know the #1 support/documentation/knowledgebase material for Ubuntu? I'd like to learn honestly... with these sorts of problems I'm having19:53
VletErik7000: I dunoh... when I had the problem, I just switched to VGA... you have an nvidia 8800 in a server?19:53
=== Merlin_31 is now known as alcassi
agonyhi out there, after upgrading from feisty i have lost my dri accel for my intel 945 card :(19:53
AmaranthPuaff: Where did you get it? If you got it from canonical's commercial repo it might be available in a month or so19:53
swirvWhere would be the correct channel to ask about printer support?19:53
=== alcassi is now known as Alcassi
ste__I have working Auth LDAP fine but when update to 7.10 this crash19:54
Erik7000Erik7000 just temporary, I hadn't any other here right now19:54
yrlnry_Maarten: sudo: so_release_upgrade: command not found19:54
|neon|dotjay: did you run the   runme.pl  as sudo   i.e. sudo ./runme.pl you first have to run the vmware-install.pl that came with your installation of vmware then run the runme.pl it has to do something with vmnet module not compiling19:54
yrlnry_Maarten: and "locate" does not find anything like that either.19:54
AmaranthPurpZeY: I would not ever recommend fglrx unless you need it to get 3d acceleration. If the open source driver gives you 3d acceleration use it19:54
PurpZeYswirv: Here, unless something changed.19:54
Sitting_Duckrryan: Huge step forward! It's now definitely two screens. Only issue is, they're positioned incorrectly. The one continues on the far side of the other.19:54
Maartendo_release_upgrade - with a d not an s :P19:54
yrlnry_do-release-upgrade, perhaps?19:54
kahrytanWHy does gparted take forever to scan devices? by forever, i mean it's been scanning for several minutes and nothing19:54
lwizardlhow do I get stereo sound to work in 7.10 I have a nforce board and all i'm getting is mono (right speaker only works)19:54
yrlnry_Aha, thanks.19:54
Fade2Blackis there anyway to test my wificard to see if its installed correctly19:54
PuaffAmaranth, yes, I would like to use the distro package (if possible) I will have to wait19:54
PovAddictwhoa, I can change font rendering without restarting apps19:55
jessie^^grrr this stupid key configuration thing is driving me NUTS19:55
PurpZeYAmaranth: So, avoid restricted if possible...But if I can't get direct rendering, then go the other route?19:55
MrAmaranth so if I install the drivers I wouldn't have the visual effects but I would have faster graphics and if I dont install it its slower but I have the effects?19:55
rryanSitting_Duck : Ah, ok good. You can specify that with another command : On the line before metamodes19:55
PovAddictKDE didn't let me do that last time I tried (long ago)19:55
Dbcoops1231lwizard, laptop or desktop19:55
PuaffAmaranth, thx a lot for your help19:55
PurpZeYFade2Black: lspci should list it, if it is19:55
rryanSitting_Duck:  Option "TwinViewOrientation" "LeftOf"19:55
Jimdbkahrytan:  it should not...it should take a couple seconds19:55
kahrytanhey Amaranth19:55
rryanSitting_Duck : If LeftOf is wrong, try RightOf19:55
Amaranthlwizardl: run alsamixer and see if the left side is muted (left 0 is not lit up)19:55
kahrytanJimdb, I know but it's taking forever19:55
Sitting_Duckrryan: Will do! Thanks.19:55
rryanSitting_Duck : one or the other will make it switch19:55
Amaranthhey kahrytan19:55
Jimdbkahrytan:  i would say reboot with a power off19:55
=== JmiXIII is now known as Jmi-mange
dotjay|neon| ofcourse i did please see this http://pastebin.ca/74267519:56
Jimdbkahrytan:  if using usb drives power them off and back on before restarting.19:56
Fade2Blackits listed i installed the restricted driver for it and its still not finding anyone wireless connections19:56
Maartenyrlnry_: sorry bout that must have mistyped :P19:56
kahrytanjim0203,  hdd. I need to format a partition.19:56
VletAnyone know how to get a gnome panel to span between two monitors using twinview?19:56
sidewalkim having alot of problems upgrading, from inside ubuntu19:56
acomerI always get "desktop effects could not be enabled" when attempting to enable _extra_ or _normal_ "visual effects". I have an ATI Radeon 7200 I believe. Any thoughts?19:56
sidewalkthru the distr. upgrade tool19:56
jzeDoes anyone know why doesn't my wlan dongle get any signal from the router in linux but gets perfect signal in windows ?19:56
kokoko1hi ins't there torrent for 7.10?19:56
sidewalkis it possible to upgrade from a CD?19:56
sidewalkwithout reinstalling?19:56
yrlnry_Maarten: NP, I figured it out.19:56
rryanganesh : looking at it now19:56
aioobehi! I'm having trouble with my tomcat installation. I installed tomcat5.5 (+ the webpage / admin packets). Then I sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start    nothing happens! gives nothing19:56
Erik7000VladimirMelo just temporary, I hadn't any other here right now19:56
yrlnry_Maarten: too bad the mistyped letter was the first one!19:57
Sp0tUbProgram for .rar archives?19:57
Vletkokoko1: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent19:57
Erik7000Vlet just temporary, I hadn't any other here right now*19:57
pppoe_dudesidewalk, i believe only if you have alternate, perhaps19:57
kd7swhanyone here use screen?19:57
acomersidewalk: I heard yes last night19:57
Maartenyes there is a torrent, yes you can install from a cd and do a upgrade. :)19:57
crazy6man I am going to have to tear through this cryptic script line by line arent I19:57
Dbcoops1231i don't suppose there is a linux multimedia studio channel, or maybe someone here who could quickly explain how to use a midi (actually usb) keyboard19:57
pppoe_dudesidewalk, but almost definitely no if you use live CD19:57
Fade2Blackoh crap i had wireless switch off on my laptop i feel real stupid right about now19:57
kahrytangparted is worthless. in gutsy. doesnt work.19:57
kokoko1Vlet, is this the live cd or text base installation iso?19:57
pppoe_dudealthough im not really certain, sidewalk19:57
Vletkokoko1: live19:57
Maartensidewalk, you can also try do_release_upgrade from a prompt as root19:57
swirvI have a Ricoh Aficio G7500 Gelsprinter.  Anyone have a clue as to how to get this really cool printer working?19:57
kokoko1Vlet, looking for text base too19:58
jzeDoes anyone know why doesn't my wlan dongle get any signal from the router in linux but gets perfect signal in windows ?19:58
rryanganesh : OK ... under Section "Module" at the end, add a line that says     Load  "fglrx"19:58
erUSUL!doesntwork | kahrytan19:58
ubotukahrytan: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:58
lwizardlAmaranth, what is the left called ? i see stuff like <master> <master m> etc19:58
Amaranthlwizardl: no no, under those19:58
kd7swhgparted didn't work for me either i had to use a windoze tool to resize my partitions19:58
rryanganesh : I'm just going off of what I'm reading on ubuntu forums btw19:58
Amaranthlwizardl: there are two 0s19:58
acomersomeone told me to add the cdrom to the sources list by doing "sudo apt-cdrom add" i think? I could be slightly off on the command :(19:58
Shapeshifter-hibernate doesn't work for me, so I want to use s2disk, but it doesn't work for me: snapshot device = /dev/snapshot19:58
Shapeshifter-resume device = /dev/sda219:58
Shapeshifter-#image size = 35000000019:58
Shapeshifter-#suspend loglevel = 219:58
Shapeshifter-#compute checksum = y19:58
Shapeshifter-#compress = y19:58
Shapeshifter-#encrypt = y19:58
Amaranthlwizardl: both should have a background color (unmuted)19:58
Shapeshifter-early writeout = y19:58
PovAddictShapeshifter-: NO PASTING19:58
kd7swhanyone here use screen?19:58
kahrytanerUSUL,  funny but just observation. it just sits there doing nothing.19:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:58
jayroderm, anyone have a problem on gutsy with the machine just randomly restarted? came home from work, and the machine was sitting at the login screen with an uptime of only 1 hour...happen to anyone else?19:58
MrAmaranth Do you have any ideas on getting the desktop Effects going? (7.10 ATI 9600 Pro fresh install)19:58
Vletkokoko1: it's on the website - lookit up :)19:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lmms - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:58
pppoe_dude!anyone | kd7swh19:58
ubotukd7swh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:58
Vletkd7swh: yeah, I love it :)19:59
Shapeshifter-naaaah no, not that -.- sry wanted to paste this: s2disk: Could not stat the resume device file. Reason: No such file or directory19:59
|neon|has ne1 figured out how to get the intel ichr9 raid (fake raid) controller to work19:59
kokoko1Vlet, thanks looking19:59
jewardHi, I get this error trying to start pidgin after upgrading to Gutsy: libnm_glib_nm_state_cb: dbus returned an error.19:59
jeward  (org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown) The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files19:59
Alien18when i play any of my video files (mpg/avi) i get green vertical lines and no image, what am i doing wrong?19:59
crazy6I guess the mirrors are down/slow because everyone is madly upgrading to 7.10 ?19:59
PovAddictI set visual effects to "extra" and I have wobbly windows and stuff19:59
Jimdbkahrytan:  in gutsy, yes, gparted has problems.  when I go to mount a drive that won't mount through fstab and I slect the mount option, it will terminate gparted...but it does mount hte partition.19:59
kokoko1Vlet, man this # is too fast hard to keep up with the chat :-s19:59
PovAddictbut how do I get to the details of compiz config?19:59
Vletpppoe_dude: ooh, I'm going to have to remember that one: !anyone19:59
ganeshrryan:ya i did it..19:59
AmaranthMr: run 'compiz' and see if it says you're blacklisted19:59
Alien18btw, thumbnails load perfect19:59
erUSUL!ccsm | PovAddict19:59
PovAddictVlet: hmm?19:59
ubotuPovAddict: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - see also !compiz19:59
kd7swhWell i would like to to know if I can run screen in color19:59
jangaI bought a amsung Notebook today and installed Gutsy. Brightness Control doesnt work. What can I do?19:59
AmaranthMr: If it does you need to use Xgl anyway so you might as well install fglrx too19:59
PovAddict!anyone > povaddict19:59
dotjayAlien18: you installed the required codecs?20:00
PovAddictthx erUSUL20:00
Alien18i got the ubuntu-restrited-extras pack20:00
rryanganesh : K, now you need to restart your X server, you can do this by closing all open programs then hitting CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE or from the terminal sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart20:00
tech404so i hear that Automatix makes ubuntu great... any feelings guys20:00
jessie^^janga: do you mean the brightness control applet?20:01
MrAmaranth: I ran it, the desktop went blank for a while and then it went back to normal but I cant tell a difference... is that good or bad? ^^20:01
swirvUbuntu is already great.20:01
tuplanollatech404: NO, do not use automatix20:01
Vlettech404: I hear it #@&^%@ up y'er system :)20:01
dotjayAlien18: which package did you install after that20:01
kd7swhrunning screen in color would help me id file permissions a lot quicker20:01
ganeshrryan:ok i ll do that now..20:01
jangajessie^^, both the applet and the keys dont work20:01
kokoko1Vlet, they call the text base install cd "Alternate install CD" ?20:01
jessie^^janga: ouch. what kind of laptop?20:01
Vletkokoko1: yes20:01
kokoko1Vlet, gotacha20:01
AmaranthMr: Good20:01
tech404Seveas: what do you think... should i install automatix before i upgrade to gutsy20:01
deejayNewbie to ubuntu, i installed Elightenment but cant find it to run it, please help?????20:02
swirvtech404: Ubuntu is already great.  Automatix is old-school. do not use it.20:02
AmaranthMr: press Super-E and see if something happens (click on a desktop to get back to it)20:02
MrAmaranth: So what does that mean I have to do from here, sorry but I am pretty new to linux ^^20:02
jangajessie^^,  samsung r70 aura 7300 despina20:02
ravencoderhi everyone20:02
PovAddictI have a two-sided cube20:02
MrSuper-E ?20:02
lwizardlAmaranth, this is what i get http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotlh8.png20:02
deejayhi m820:02
ravencoderi have a problem20:02
ravencoderhope someone can help me20:02
Alien18erm, dunno, the one totem suggested20:02
AmaranthMr: windows key = super20:02
PurpZeYjanga: I had that issue and installing the acpi and function keys fixed it20:02
Mraha thanks20:02
rryandeejay : from teh logon screen you can select your login environment  ; you can pick enlightenment from there20:02
aroravencoder, just ask20:02
kd7swhoh I am having compiz trouble in gusty too, how can I create additional desktops again I only have 2 and I nedd 4 for the cube to work20:02
swirvMost of the stuff Automatix and EasyUbuntu used to do, is now either built into Ubuntu or the packages are in the repos.20:02
rryandeejay : I think the button says 'custom' login session20:02
Amaranthlwizardl: I dunno then, that's the extent of my sound knowledge20:02
AranelIn new kdesudo, It always remembers my password, How can I disable "remember my password" function ?20:03
whitedethwhats the channel for compiz and stuff?20:03
deejaythanx rryan i will try that ;)20:03
AmaranthMr: Did it zoom out?20:03
whitedethI dont know how to turn on my visual effects20:03
MrAmaranth: yeah, nifty ;)20:03
Amaranthwhitedeth: Here20:03
jangaPurpZeY, what is the name of the package?20:03
ravencoderi have ati x850xt and the fglrx driver worked fine and then i thought new driver will = beter fps in games so i installed the new ati driver20:03
dotjayAlien18: try installing w32codecs or th gstreamer20:03
whitedethAmaranth:  here? Where?20:03
MrAmaranth: how do I get the whole cube thingy going ?20:03
dotjayfrom synaptic package manager20:03
ravencoderbut now its not working and i can't revert20:03
KrisWoodHello everyone20:03
Alien18is it in the repo?20:03
Vletkd7swh: yeah, I'be never really looked into it... for some reason the shell comes out colorless in screen20:03
meta-paoniaIs anybody here using the Geode 200/300mhz processor in a xubuntu environment?20:03
deejayhi kris20:03
pedroin ethereal how can i see the packtes of the Messenger(MSN)?20:03
AmaranthMr: System->Preferences->Appearance, Visual Effects tab, turn it to something other than off and compiz will run on login20:03
Vletkd7swh: I use irssi through screen, and color coding works fine20:03
ganeshrryan:is there anything else to do?20:03
AmaranthMr: For that go to #compiz-fusion20:03
rryanganesh : now type glxinfo and does it say 'direct rendering'20:04
AmaranthMr: We just do "make it work" stuff here, not configuration20:04
MrAmaranth thanks for all the help!20:04
lavender_dreamerm... trying to install dvd codec for totem, I get "Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source"20:04
Sitting_Duckrryan: Total success! "LeftOf" did the trick. You, sir, are a wealth of knowledge. Thanks again!20:04
rryanganesh err does it say direct rendering yes20:04
Sliker_HawkAfter enabling the nVidia drivers in the restricted drivers manager (I have an nVidia GeForce 6600) and reconfiguring xorg.conf, I'm still stuck in 800x600. I'm sure I had Feisty working properly by now..20:04
EgonisI'm trying to sync tomboy notes on Ubuntu 7.10 but get a message about not having WDFS and Fuse installed when I try to sync against a WebDAV... how do I fix this?20:04
rryanSitting_Duck :  Glad to hear :) enjoy20:04
PurpZeYjanga: It isn't a package...or at least for me it wasn't...Each laptop or company might have it's own....Acer acpi...Sony acpi...Check the forums for locations and directs...That's how I fixed it...20:04
swirvis there a CUPS channel?20:04
Amaranthwhitedeth: What does compiz say when you run it from a terminal? Pastebin the output20:04
kd7swhVlet: color works in apps just not in the shell20:04
mehdi2anybody can help me having fonts like Feisty in Gutsy? fonts looks ugly in FF...20:04
fjleonhey guys, i have a ntfs partition and a linux partition on one hard drive. how can i resize the ntfs partition? i dont get the resize option in the installer20:04
dotjayAlien18: it is auto and can be seen as soon as you enable the restricted uinverse and multiverse20:04
Vletkd7swh: yeah, same for me... hmm20:04
fjleoni made a mistake and the linux partition is only 4 gb20:04
jangaPurpZeY, ok, i try.20:05
rryanfjleon : there's a tool named ntfsresize20:05
mehdi2I've changed fonts hinting but didn't help much20:05
meta-paoniafjleon - resizing doesn't work in ntfs - you should backup the drive and reformat20:05
kd7swhfjleon: use partition magic in windows, or gparted in Ubuntu disk20:05
rryanfjleon : you can get it from the 'ntfsprogs' package20:05
fjleonrryan: can i run it from the live cd? is it safe?20:05
ravencoderi installed the xorg-driver-fglrx from teh ubuntu repos again and enabled it in the restriced drivers but if i run fglrxinfo it still says mesa20:05
nonewmsgsi downloaded gutsy and the md5 is right in the iso but ive burned it twice and i keep getting (the same) wrnog md5 on the burned discs.  the first one i burned at 40x and the second at 8x20:05
swirvgparted works great.20:05
ganeshrryan:direct rendering NO....20:05
Dr_willisfjleon,  thers a 'gparted live cd' thats a MUST have for your Pc toolbox. :)20:05
fjleonmeta-paonia: tell that to the ubuntu installer, it resized my ntfs partition just fine, but i messed up on the size of it20:05
kd7swhfjleon: if using vista, vista can resize it too20:05
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rryanfjleon : you shoudl be able to. On the safety issue, I wouldn't do an ntfs resize on a partition I would die if I lost..  the software could have a problem with your specific setup, but I have done it and ti worked off a livecd20:06
ganesh rryan: direct rendering NO20:06
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kd7swhanyone have any ideas on a color shell in screen?20:06
meta-paoniaI wouldn't trust the ubuntu installer to resize it - I am currently backing up 300 gigs to DVD and then I am putting it all on a NAS device20:07
rryanganesh : Gotcha..  ok that's very odd.   I'm reading around ubuntuforums that the ATI driver has a potential problem with desktop effects for your card20:07
Nosnikhey can anyone help me setup software raid in ubuntu 7.10?20:07
tuplanollameta-paonia: lul, 300gigs to DVD20:07
rryanganesh :  I would really try to find someone who knows more about ATI ...  i tend to know more about nvidia20:07
kd7swhI am dual booting vista, vista resized my ntfs partition just fine20:07
Prez_i upgraded to gutsy and compiz is not working as startup20:07
yodanskiHi, can anyone help me out installing Ubuntu 7 on a powerpc Mac G5?20:07
Prez_how do i set up video to be in its default setting?20:08
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meta-paoniawell it comes to 65 DVD+R's20:08
petafileI can't enable desktop effects.  I'm running a radeon x600 mobility using the "ati" (specifically "radeon") driver and when i try to enable VEs, I get this error: "Desktop effects could not be enabled"  I ran beryl fine with the same setup under feisty (fresh install)20:08
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meta-paoniaI am on number 1420:08
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tuplanollameta-paonia: wow.20:08
rryanPrez_ : compiz is turned on by default if your graphics card supports 3d rendering and the right driver is enabled. What graphics card do you have ?20:08
kristoferI'm using a dell d610 with the intel 915GM - I've tried both the intel driver and the i810 driver, but XGL is extremely slow in both cases. anyone else use gutsy with an intel graphics card? ideas?20:08
dotjayanybody please please help me configuring my vmware since morning ive been trying it out but nothing worked out this is what exactly happens http://pastebin.ca/742675 please try to fix this up iam really loosing my patience twice i re-installed vmware and many time i configured it but nothing worked20:08
ganeshrryan: ok thanx..u knw any one who knw about ati??20:08
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kd7swhPrez: right click on your desktop -> change background -> Vis effects -> enable effects20:08
meta-paoniabut I got to have a backup before I do anything else to the drive20:08
munk__i dunno if this happened to everybody when tried to upgrade to gutsy but i tried it at school and it went up to a point and then i got an error that the internet is no longer available now im at home running a wired connection and it says that my system is up to date but its not..20:09
bsundpetafile, did you do install xserver-xgl? :)20:09
munk__can somebody help me upgrade?>20:09
PurpZeYkd7swh: Change color in terminal is a setting in the terminal window. . .20:09
petafilebsund: I used aiglx in feisty with no issues20:09
rryanganesh : Unfortunately not really...    and all I know about ATI is from teh frustrating times I've tried to get spare cards to work with it...20:09
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rryanganesh : For what its worth, your xorg.conf looks like its correct20:09
codecaineI have two wifi card on my laptop20:09
mr_wangupdating... i just downloaded 1118 files and it redownloading thiem??? why??? 3ed time20:09
codecaineand still can't connect to the network20:09
DJ_DanniHey i need helpwith Firewall Error20:09
Prez_rryan:  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML E compiz worked on preivious feisty, but had installed a compiz from another source20:09
GigiHi!  How can I make an ISO file bootable without need to burn it (in other words, a virtual DVD-Rom)20:09
rryanganesh : could you put your /var/log/Xorg.0.log in a pastebin ?20:10
lavender_dreamhow do I enable DVD play in Totem?20:10
DJ_DanniFor som Readon the Ubuntu say the firewall is on but he is not.20:10
lavender_dreamusing 7.10 Gutsy20:10
dotjayanybody please please help me configuring my vmware since morning ive been trying it out but nothing worked out this is what exactly happens http://pastebin.ca/742675 please try to fix this up iam really loosing my patience twice i re-installed vmware and many time i configured it but nothing worked20:10
kd7swhPurpZey: I know that, what I was asking was how to get screen to run in color20:10
Prez_rryan: i can get started manually: compiz --replace -c emerald & but don't know if that is right way to get it going20:10
arpeggiif im running the livecd version can i take the cd out when im booted in?20:10
ganesh rryan:ya i ll do it..20:10
stephensflchas anyone had any issues with 7.10 on Nvidia cards doing dual monitor?20:10
DJ_DanniFor som Readon the Ubuntu say the firewall is on but he is not.20:10
Gigiarpeggi nop you can't20:10
Dr_williskd7swh,  screen in color? you refering to the terminal scren progran the color ls output ?20:11
dromerhi all, somehow dpkg is locked .. how can I unlock it?20:11
dotjayanybody please please help me configuring my vmware since morning ive been trying it out but nothing worked out this is what exactly happens http://pastebin.ca/742675 please try to fix this up iam really loosing my patience twice i re-installed vmware and many time i configured it but nothing worked20:11
deejayi changed to Enlightenment in the login window prefs but when i restart nothing is changed???20:11
Gigiarpeggi just install it :P20:11
Sliker_HawkIs there any way to run Envy on gutsy?20:11
arpeggisudo apt-get install build-essential ncurses-dev gettext20:11
rryanstephesnflc : Dual monitor with the nvidia drivers works well20:11
dromeri'm sure there is no instance of apt or adept running anywhere20:11
QwertyMdromer: Either reboot, or delete that lock file.20:11
Dr_willisarpeggi,  the live cd reads data off the cd as its needed. there are live cd;s that boot totally to ram. and can be removed20:11
arpeggiim just testing everything20:11
arpeggitrying to get my sound to work20:11
dromerQwertyM: where can I find the lock-file?20:11
kd7swhDr_willis: yes color ls output in screen20:11
stephensflcrryan awesome20:11
rryanPrez_ : Ah if it works manually then that's good..  so I haven't used 7.10 yet, but I think there's a Desktop Effects control panel thing in System > Preferences20:11
DJ_DanniCan somone help me? NEED HELP have Shoutcast Server's Running and host20:11
arpeggihow can i ignore the join and leave messages in pidgin?20:11
QwertyMdromer: DPKG reports it in its error20:11
Dr_williskd7swh,  i think the screen homepage mentions that. or use the ls --color=force option20:12
deejaychhers m820:12
|Box|its official Microsoft is now the underdog to Google in the game of technology world domination.20:12
jewardI can't get gaim or pidgin to start after upgrading to gutsy.20:12
deejaycheers m8 i mean lol20:12
Picidotjay: Have you tried following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Server20:12
dotjayanybody please please help me configuring my vmware since morning ive been trying it out but nothing worked out this is what exactly happens http://pastebin.ca/742675 please try to fix this up iam really loosing my patience twice i re-installed vmware and many time i configured it but nothing worked this is beyond everything at least tell me where to go20:12
dromerQwertyM: ah, thnx :)20:12
d1n0I cant change the volume in XMMS! Using Xubuntu! Can anyone help?20:12
kd7swhDr_willis: hmm ok thanks I will check around20:12
GigiHi!  How can I make an ISO file bootable without need to burn it (in other words, a virtual DVD-Rom)20:12
alexandrepeople i have instaled kubuntu gutsy and firefox but firefox very very ugly anybody can help me ???20:12
|Box|gigi in linux?20:12
ganeshrryan:what is direct rendering?20:13
Nosnikhey can anyone help me setup software raid in ubuntu 7.10?20:13
Gigi|Box| of course :)  I been without windows for 3 years... but I forgot the command lol20:13
* MenZa pokes hypn0.20:13
rryanganesh : Direct rendering is a feature of your X server that is required for Compiz to work,20:14
|Box|gig just emegrated over to linux  i dont know what the exuivalants are to alcohol and daemon tools20:14
TroyjiI just installed cvs with apt-get as well as xinetd as per the 7.1 users guide directions... I am unable to access the CVS server remotely.  Any help?20:14
JennaWhat command in terminal, to see my network card driver?20:14
stephensflcrryan: would you mind sharing your xorg.conf file?  :/20:14
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DJ_DanniCan somone help me? My Shoutcast Server's all 8 Server at My Custemur is OFF of that Firewall Error. The Shoutcast say it Firewall on b ut he shut not be. Can somone help me?20:14
fjleonok, i resized the drive with gparted, rebooting...20:14
kd7swhDr_willis: I just opened screen in Gnome-term and the color worked by default20:14
zamaraxis it possible to change the sources.list automatically in the server edition like you can in the desktop20:14
* jessie^^ wants to tear her hair out.....20:14
kd7swhDr_willis: but it doesn't if I am not in X20:14
rryanstephensflc : Well, at the moment I have a slightly odd setup..   I'm using 3 monitors with Xinerama : 2 monitors on 1 nvidia card and 1 monitor on another20:14
atiredmachineanybody know how to install a low latency kernel in GG?20:14
DJ_DanniCan somone help me? My Shoutcast Server's all 8 Server at My Custemur is OFF of that Firewall Error. The Shoutcast say it Firewall on b ut he shut not be. Can somone help me?20:14
PurpZeYzamarax: I think that was done in synaptic...which is a feature of desktop...and e.g. not server...I might be wrong20:15
rryanstephensflc : If you have just 2 monitors on 1 Nvidia card, it's much simpler20:15
JennaAnyone know how to check the name of my network card driver?20:15
zamaraxwell I remember when setting up the server there was that option20:15
garuhi everyone20:15
rryanganesh : nod i'm looking at it20:15
PurpZeYJenna: The name of the driver?20:15
zamaraxI just don't know how to get back that setup screen20:15
packI upgraded to gutsy and now can't boot root on raid1. If i select a feisty kernel I have no problems.20:15
dotjayPici: but the one which i have is a workstation20:15
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Picidotjay: ah, hold on20:15
garucan I get some help on getting dvd playback?like how to install libdvdcss2 and win32codecs on gutsy, and also, xine media player?20:16
JennaPurpZey: Yes20:16
yrlnry_Is it safe to interrupt do-release-upgrade in the middle?20:16
DJ_DanniCan somone help me? My Shoutcast Server's all 8 Server at My Custemur is OFF of that Firewall Error. The Shoutcast say it Firewall on b ut he shut not be. Can somone help me?20:16
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Vletjessie^^: ?20:16
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Picidotjay: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Workstation20:16
jessie^^Vlet: there's a bug in compiz that's really freaking annoying20:16
garualso, when I'm playing a video file, like Avi, and I rotate the cube, to window on the player gets filled with the blue color20:16
Picidotjay: I gotta go afk though, sorry20:16
jessie^^i can't use one of my hotkeys because of it...20:16
rryanstephensflc : do you have the nvidia drivers installed ?  if so try loading nvidia-settings20:16
garucan someone help?20:16
kdittyi have an external HDD i would like to format to fat32 from feisty, is this possible?20:16
DJ_DanniCan somone help me?20:17
jessie^^kditty: sure20:17
stephensflcrryan: actually it's a friend.. amitry20:17
cgs_bobhello all.  I just booted Gutsy from the livecd.  It looks like I am stuck in VGA mode.  btw, my machine is a duo core machine with ati mobility x1400 graphics20:17
jessie^^kditty: after you partition it, you want to use mkfs.vfat :P20:17
atiredmachineThe low-latency kernels don't seem to exist any more for Gusty GIbbon.. anybody know anything?20:17
AllooshHi, I would like to watch tv on my computer, is there a program or something, where I can see tv?20:17
Unknown^can anyone help me with ubuntu20:17
amitryi can't get the nvidia drivers to run, only nv20:17
annaimkonkiMaybe you're using the wrong version of Java?20:17
annaimkonki(FrostWire is tested against and works best with with Sun's JRE, Java 1.4+)20:17
annaimkonkiThe version of Java in your PATH is:20:17
annaimkonkijava version "1.6.0_03"20:17
annaimkonkiJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)20:17
annaimkonkiJava HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode)20:17
Unknown^it wont let me install unrealircd20:17
kdittyjessie^^:  how would i go about it? i already used partition magic on windows i think i messed the drive up20:17
Deformationi just upgraded to gutsy, and my fan wont stop spinning20:17
Unknown^but linux sabayon will let me20:17
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Deformationany help in this issue please?20:18
Vletjessie^^: report the bug to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu and turn off compiz... it's just eye candy20:18
YeTr2.. wouldn't have upgraded to 7.10 if I knew that vmware-player would be uninstalled with no option to reinstall it yet.20:18
Evanlecatiredmachine, no? i heard they did20:18
XerostyleOk, Quick problem. My lappy won't recognize my wireless card20:18
rryanamitry : what card do you have?  do you know if  the nvidia driver supports it ?20:18
acomerhow can i so I'm going to pick up a new graphics card so I can have whiz bang effects. Which one shouild I grab for < $100 that works with compiz-fusion on ubuntu ?20:18
dotjayPici: afk? :-/ i din get you20:18
DJ_DanniCan somone help me?20:18
jessie^^Vlet: it's been reported. they've done nothing. so i'm trying to find a workaround20:18
atiredmachineEvanlex, I can't seem to find the package at all anywhere.20:18
silentacomer, nvidia, for the love of god nvidia20:18
Vletjessie^^: what's the hotkey?20:18
amitrygeforce 7300gt, i think it does20:18
jessie^^Vlet: 0xed20:18
KyoukipichiAnybody know how to restore xscreensaver on Xubuntu 7.10? The upgrade replaced xscreensaver with GNOME screensaver, and I don't really like GNOME screensaver.20:18
Vletacomer: I agree with silenty20:18
rryanganesh : IN your xorg.0.log, there's an error message that I think is the problem :20:19
Alien18acomer: i have a seriously cheap graphics card by nvidia, on gutsy looks fabulous20:19
Evanlecatiredmachine, hmm, i havent looked but i heard someone say it was available...20:19
ganeshrryan:can i ask u a personal question?how u knw all these things?what r u doing(working?)?20:19
silentKyoukipichi, syanaptic20:19
jessie^^Vlet: on my laptop, it's a 'dvd playback' key--- but i want to use it to open a terminal20:19
Vletjessie^^: which equates to what? :)20:19
rryanganesh : It said "Kernel module version does not match driver"20:19
RyanRi just wanted to say, i love ubuntu. Thanks for your hard work.20:19
Evanlecatiredmachine, i believe its called "realtime" now and not lowlatency20:19
zkjellbergQuestion: When I use rdesktop and use the condition '-f', I get full screen and it refuses to let me out of it. CTR+ALT ENTER just flash a white screen then go straight back to it. I've reinstalled rdesktop through the package manager and still no change. Rdesktop works perfectly fine doing everything else. (Without '-f' it will do ctr+alt enter maximize/minimise_20:19
Vletjessie^^: ahhh :)20:19
jessie^^kditty: pm me?20:19
akornAnybody know how to do an upgrade through Terminal?20:19
DJ_DanniCan somone help me? My Shoutcast Server's all 8 Server at My Custemur is OFF of that Firewall Error. The Shoutcast say it Firewall on b ut he shut not be. Can somone help me?20:19
DJ_DanniCan somone help me?20:19
rryanganesh : "incompatible kernel module detected - HW accelerated OpenGL will not work"20:19
deejayIt seems i have Enlightenment installed and i downloaded a few themes, but i cant find where the App is like the window manager thing, where can i locate it to run it?????20:19
akorni mean, upgrade to 7.10 through terminal?20:19
atiredmachineEvanlec, thank you!20:19
PurpZeYJenna: I am sorry, I am doing 2 things at once...What do you mean, by the driver...What are you trying to accomplish?20:19
silentjessie^^, wait for the gnome folks to implement customization of hotkeys20:19
Evanlecatiredmachine, did u find it?20:19
Alien18acomer: and vista wouldnt even let me use aero on it cos it thought it wwasnt good enough :P20:19
ganeshrryan:k....how to coreect it?20:19
atiredmachineEvanlec, yes20:19
Deformationhello, can anyone help me please?20:20
yrlnry_Is it safe to interrupt do-release-upgrade in the middle?20:20
akornAlien18 you can bypass that in settings...but Aero has nothing on Compiz or Beryl20:20
Kyoukipichisilent, I already have xscreensaver on it, Xubuntu 7.10 just won't use it as the default20:20
Evanlecatiredmachine, cool, i was going to do custom kernel but i may just grab that instead20:20
jessie^^silent: but you already can! just not when using compiz20:20
DJ_DanniCan somone help me?20:20
Unknown^anyone help20:20
Dr_willisdeejay,  with enlightment - i think you just put the theme files in the right dir. and they show up on the enlightment themes menu item20:20
Unknown^it says20:20
zkjellbergWhats the issue Danni?20:20
rryanganesh : Well, I'm an employee of NVIDIA, so that's why I know nvidia cards reasonably well...   but everything I learned about Linux I learned by doing, and asking questions of people on IRC :) but i've been using linux for a while ...  something like 7 years20:20
Unknown^c compiler can not create excutables20:20
Unknown^c compiler can not create excutables20:20
Unknown^c compiler can not create excutables20:20
Unknown^c compiler can not create excutables20:20
Unknown^c compiler can not create excutables20:20
Vlet!ask | DJ_Danni20:20
ubotuDJ_Danni: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:20
silentKyoukipichi, uninstall gnome screensaver in synaptic20:20
Alien18akorn: too late now, vista hasnt had any control over my computer for a week now20:20
Unknown^i want unrealircd to work.20:20
jessie^^Unknown^: install build-essential20:20
Dr_willisUnknown^,  you are proberly on ignore now..20:20
amitryrryan:7300gt, i think it is a supported card20:20
jessie^^Unknown^: and stop asking more than once20:20
DJ_DanniI have bin trying to noone would read it20:20
deejayi downloaded them via SPM but dont know where the downloaded to???20:20
DJ_DanniCan somone help me? My Shoutcast Server's all 8 Server at My Custemur is OFF of that Firewall Error. The Shoutcast say it Firewall on b ut he shut not be. Can somone help me?20:20
Unknown^whats that Jessie?20:20
Vlet!enter | Unknown^20:21
akornHow do you upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy using apt?20:21
ubotuUnknown^: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:21
Deformationhelp guys please :(20:21
DJ_DanniCan somone help me? My Shoutcast Server's all 8 Server at My Custemur is OFF of that Firewall Error. The Shoutcast say it Firewall on b ut he shut not be. Can somone help me?20:21
Dr_willis!info build-essential20:21
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB20:21
jessie^^Unknown^: sudo apt-get build-essential20:21
silentjessie^^, can you customize them outside of compiz?20:21
zkjellbergQuestion: When I use rdesktop and use the condition '-f', I get full screen and it refuses to let me out of it. CTR+ALT ENTER just flash a white screen then go straight back to it. I've reinstalled rdesktop through the package manager and still no change. Rdesktop works perfectly fine doing everything else. (Without '-f' it will do ctr+alt enter maximize/minimise.20:21
akornAlien18: haha nice20:21
atiredmachineEvanlec, actually, it begins to install and then gives the error: "Loading Realtime Linux Security Module: not found20:21
rryanganesh : So nvidia has similar problems when you install the Ubuntu version of nvidia's driver, and then install a newer version from nvidia's site.  Have you only installed the FGLRX driver from the ubuntu repositories ?20:21
rryanamitry : ok that's new enough that it should work20:21
rryanamitry : odd20:21
gandalf84i need to shut down X server, but if i use Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, appair the graphical logon screen, how can i shut down it too?20:21
Unknown^then wot?20:21
Unknown^try again20:21
jessie^^silent: sure, using the gnome edit hotkeys in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts20:21
Evanlecatiredmachine, welll the servers are all backd up right now, maybe thats why20:21
jessie^^Unknown^: yes20:21
Vlet!enter | Unknown^20:21
ubotuUnknown^: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:21
silentjessie^^, you can look into gconf-edit if you want... there are options in there but not sure how to config20:22
Unknown^can i query u jessie20:22
Dr_willisgandalf84,  why do you need to shut it down?  stop the gdm or kdm service if you really nee dto.20:22
ganeshrryan:i dont remember..bcs i installed long back..20:22
gandalf84i want to install nvidia 8800 drivers20:22
deejayi downloaded themes via SPM but dont know where they downloaded to???20:22
jessie^^Unknown^: only if you do not use less than six words per line20:22
rryanUnknown^ : try sudo apt-get install libc6-dev build-essential20:22
VletDJ_Danni: If I understand correctly, you've got a port being blocked? You need to open that port using iptables.20:22
Dr_willisgandalf84,  i dident ahve to shut it down to isntall them for my 8800gts, i just used the restricted-manager tool20:22
rryanganesh : Ok... well in that case I really should just say you should find someone who knows the ATI drivers well :)20:22
amitryrryan: i tried the failsafe xorg.conf switching it out vesa for nivdia and it would fail, tried the same switching out nv for nvidia, no luck20:23
Dr_willisgandalf84,  i do NOT use the drivers from the nvidia site. i use the ones from the repos.20:23
VletDJ_Danni: Well, I didn't really understand what your problem is. Can be be a little more clear?20:23
DJ_Dannivlet i have no firewall at my server but for somreason yp.shoutcast.com say that i have firewall on20:23
rryanamitry : are you using the driver from Ubuntu, or the driver from Nvidia's site ?20:23
deejayi downloaded themes via SPM but dont know where they downloaded to???20:23
Nosnikhey can anyone help me setup software raid in ubuntu 7.10?20:23
gigabytesare servers busy?20:23
deejayhi gigabyte20:23
PriceChildgigabytes, /topic20:23
Vletgigabytes: yes20:23
petafilehow do you ignore compiz-fusion blacklists in gutsy?20:23
rryanamitry :  ok... hmm  so when you have nvidia set as the driver, have you checked /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if tehre are error messages ?20:24
jessie^^silent:  i've looked at that.  there's something in compiz that's using that hotkey, becuase i can use my other hotkey and it will work.20:24
Gribokgigabytes, use torrent - much faster20:24
PriceChildpetafile, #compiz-fusion20:24
askandWhen ubuntu complains about "batterycapacity", what is it that is bad with my battery?20:24
Dr_willistorent for the isos is amazingly fast right now.20:24
ganeshrryan:if u come to knw any one who knw ati well can u inform me?..it ll be wery helpfull20:24
DJ_Dannivlet i have no firewall at my server but for somreason yp.shoutcast.com say that i have firewall on20:24
PurpZeYaskand: It's capacity.20:24
Unknown^what one?20:24
gigabytesGribok: actually I wanted to upgrade via Synaptic20:24
deejayi downloaded themes via SPM but dont know where they downloaded to???20:24
qanwis there I way I can download certain packages to fesity versions after an upgrade to gutsy?20:24
PriceChildaskand, you can only recharge a battery so many times until its full capacity drops.20:24
Gribokgigabytes, I20:24
askandPurpZeY:  measured in what?20:24
Unknown^i have a synaptic manager20:24
Gribokgigabytes, I'm pretty sure you can upgrade from the CD, it'll be much faster20:24
Dr_willisdeejay,  a theme for what?  whats 'via spm' even mean?20:25
askandPriceChild: what is the capacity measured in?20:25
PurpZeYaskand: I apologize I was just kidding and I shouldn't b/c the channel is really busy.20:25
rryanganesh : I will, and if you happen to figure out what was wrong, please let me know if you see me. I'm curious20:25
VletDJ_Danni: are you behind a router or anything like that?20:25
SveinTubuntu can't find my second harddrive and complains about ata xfermode errors...any idea what could be wrong? worked with feisty20:25
gandalf84Dr_willis, which driver u use? where u got them?20:25
therethinkerwhat is the msft font package, I forget it...20:25
DJ_DanniYes but the firewall is not on there20:25
Unknown^what one20:25
PurpZeYtherethinker: Just search synaptic or use apt-cache search20:25
Unknown^sudo apt-get install libc6-dev build-essential or ur one?20:25
therethinkerbeerfan: thanks ;-)20:25
deejaya theme downloaded from synaptic package manager (SPM) ???20:25
Dr_willisgandalf84,  for the 8th time.. I used the ones in the ubuntu repositories.. I installed them with the 'restricted-manager' tool.20:25
ganeshrryan..sure..can u give me ur mail id?mine is 1ganeshhegde1@gmail.com20:25
rryanUnknown^  : you said you were getting the error  'c compiler cannot generate executables'20:26
jessie^^okay, i take that back. it's not that it doesn't work-- it's specifically that any shortcut key i use won't open a terminal. awesome20:26
Unknown^i did20:26
rryanUnknown^ : that's generally indicative that you dont have libc6-dev installed20:26
VletDJ_Danni: a router is kind of like a firewall in the sense that if you are behind one, no one can directly access your computer20:26
rryanganesh : rryan@mit.edu is my email20:26
Unknown^how do i get and install it?20:26
amitryrryan:(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module! Please ensure20:26
amitry(EE) NVIDIA(0):     that there is a supported NVIDIA GPU in this system, and20:26
amitry(EE) NVIDIA(0):     that the NVIDIA device files have been created properly.20:26
amitry(EE) NVIDIA(0):     Please consult the NVIDIA README for details.20:26
rryanamitry : interesting...20:26
PurpZeYOPs, Knowledgables, or anyone else who trolls about, are all of these problems with gutsy far-reaching, or limited b/c this is where people bring problems?20:26
DJ_Danniaaahh i ceek it20:26
Unknown^what in the world do i type to get it20:27
kahrytanHow do i find UUID of a partion?20:27
Unknown^sudo apt-get install libc6-dev build-essential ?20:27
VletDJ_Danni: if you go to your routers control panel (usually in a browser) there should be a way to 'port forward' to your machine20:27
Vlet!enter | Unknown^20:27
ubotuUnknown^: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:27
PurpZeYUnknown^: Whatever it is you want to get "sudo apt-get install name"20:27
PriceChildPurpZeY, this is a support channel, people come here when they need help.20:27
Unknown^no its20:27
BUDD}{Aanyone here useing moblock with 7.10 i keep getting a test failed how can i fix20:27
rryanUnknown^ : type "sudo apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev"20:27
kahrytanBUDD}{A,  use ipblock20:27
askandPriceChild: Is it measured in mAh?20:27
Unknown^thank you so much rryan20:27
PriceChildaskand, haven't a clue sorry20:27
Unknown^u fucking rock.!20:27
rryanamitry : oops :)20:28
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.20:28
DJ_Dannii have all all the port's open and also the firewall is off20:28
spacenerveany1 using a m-audio audiophile 2496 usb soundcard? having trouble getn mine to work :(20:28
DJ_Dannimy routher20:28
pierignoHi all, I can't install install Gutsy gibbon Desktop CD on my Acer Ferrari 400520:28
gandalf84Dr_willis, thank you20:28
pierignothe livecd boots well20:28
kahrytanBUDD}{A, ipblock loads ipblock lists.20:28
amitryrryan: sorry, didn't know you couldn't paste in multiple line20:28
kahrytanHow do i find UUID of a partion?20:28
kahrytanHow do i find UUID of a partion?20:28
rryanamitry : hehe i didnt know they autokick you20:28
PriceChild!uuid | kahrytan20:28
ubotukahrytan: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)20:28
pierignobut the installer blocks when it starts gparted20:28
rryanamitry : do you have nvidia-glx-new or nvidia-glx ?20:28
Unknown^when its done20:28
jdongaskand: battery capacity is measured in mAh or mWh20:28
Unknown^do i try to do it again?20:28
rryanUnknown^ : did it work ?20:28
Unknown^my internet is very slow20:29
qanwis there anyone who can help me downgrade a specific package?20:29
d1n0Can anyone help me so I can extend my desktop to my TV? It's connected through S-video and works out of the box as a clone!20:29
Unknown^still downloading20:29
VletDJ_Danni: it's not just about having them open, you need to make it so when someone tries to connect to your IP on port 1234, your router forwards that request to your computer who's IP is likely
GribokPriceChild, are you human or a bot?20:29
ouroboroushello all, I'm looking for something like xmacro that will work with Wine apps... anyone know of something like this?20:29
pierignoHow can I install from the command line?20:29
pingoo95Hi, I try to know why I can tinstall Ubuntu 7.10 on a Dell Latitude C610, it appear the system try to find the floppy disk20:29
rryanUnknown^ : cool, also it helps if you say my name before messages you type, that way my IRC client highlights your message20:29
BUDD}{Ahow do i uses that20:29
Deformationhello, can anyone help me, my labtop fan wont stop spinning20:29
danielbwAlright! Font problem fixed. Sound problem fixed. Wireless network problem fixed.  W00h00!!20:29
rryanUnknown^ : otherwise I have to pick out my name in the stream of text flying by20:29
PriceChildGribok, I don't know, maybe try a turing test in pm.20:29
Ag0nyonly mesa indirect rendering after upgrading to gusty20:29
Unknown^rryan : ok thanks20:29
swirvrryan: Grats! have fun with Ubuntu!20:30
askandjdong: Ok so if the computer warned me about low capacity when I got it (low mAh) someone lied when they said it was 6000 mAh?20:30
tattersI built vmware yesterday no problem on gutsy beta fully patched, tried today with the final and get build errors   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41225/20:30
DJ_Danniall my ports are open in the routher20:30
BUDD}{Ahow do i use them commands20:30
pierignodo you know if is there a possibility to install ubuntu gutsy CD with text interface?20:30
rryanamitry : ok... so that error message you mentioned is odd and makes it seem like the driver doesnt support your card20:30
kahrytanPriceChild,  you know how to label a partion?20:30
briantumorhi, how do you start a service on ubuntu?20:30
Vletaskand: 6 amp hours is a lot for a watch, but not a lot for a car :)20:30
rryanamitry : you may want to consider installing the latest NVIDIA drivers from their site20:30
Deformationhelp anyone?20:30
GribokPriceChild, sorry, my friend just got kicked out, I was just curious if it was a bot or not    :)  didn't mean anything by it20:31
PrimoTurboHow would I automount a windows partition under Gutsy? I tried putting stuff under fstab but Gutsy seems to ignore that.....20:31
jdongaskand: 6000mAh is probably the max capacity of their battery, probaby just misread the number20:31
PriceChildkahrytan, no sorry.20:31
PurpZeY!ohmy | gub20:31
ubotugub: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.20:31
pierignothe cd version seems to lack a command-line driven installation20:31
basse_i remember a compiz plugin one could use to zoom into an area you selected with the mouse like u select many files20:31
basse_what happened to it?20:31
amitryrryan:i'll give it a try, thanks20:31
kl4manybody here use backuppc20:31
jdongVlet: well technically amp-hours is not sufficient to determine capacity of a battery, but since we're talking about laptops we assume a voltage :)20:31
askandjdong: yes its the max..and now its down to 864 mAh...20:31
rryanamitry : oh btw, are you on 7.10 ?20:31
Vletjdong: hehe20:32
jdongaskand: that's a nice battery then :)20:32
numusi removed my compizfusion that i had installed previously which one in synaptic package is the one that comes with gutsy20:32
Dan2552is there a way to enable antialiasing for the desktop effects? :p its all a bit jagged20:32
kl4mbackuppc jumps from 2.1.x to 3.0.x on Gutsy. Watch your servers20:32
askandjdong: Is it? O_o why does it only last for 15 minutes then?20:32
Unknown^rryan : its unrealircd i try to ./Config i filled out the info and it said c compiler cannot create excccutables this was be4 this link u gave me so when its done will it work?20:32
kristoferI'm using a dell d610 with the intel 915GM - I've tried both the intel driver and the i810 driver, but XGL is extremely slow in both cases. anyone else use gutsy with an intel graphics card? ideas?20:32
kibathere seem to be a number of bugs in my system still unresolve20:33
jdongaskand: is your battery old or dying? 6000mAh should last you several hours20:33
ubuntuchicki'm having soundcard troubles :(20:33
amitryrryan:yes, i was running fine on fiesty with an old ati card20:33
jdongaskand: what is the last full capacity that GNOME Power Manager reports?20:33
Ag0nyKristofer: same thing here, works fine as root20:33
Dan2552my battery is 4400mAh and it lasts 1.3 hours20:33
rryanUnknown^:  I assume you're compiling from source...  so if you typed ./configure, when that's done, you should type 'make' and then if everything worked, try 'sudo make install'20:33
VletEveryone, please be aware that that ratio between people asking questions and people answering questions is out of wack right now, so be patient :)20:33
PriceChild!sound | ubuntuchick20:33
ubotuubuntuchick: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:33
juanbondis there a quick launch utility for gnome like launchy for windows?20:33
EvanlecUnknown^, sudo apt-get install build-essential20:33
jdongDan2552: do you have a hefty graphics card?20:33
js_i just upgraded to 7.10 but i can't boot my md device with the new kernel.. how can i fix this?20:33
DJ_Dannii have all all the port's open and also the firewall is off20:33
DJ_Danniall my ports are open in the routher20:33
Unknown^sudo apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev20:33
kristoferAg0ny, seriously? gotta run X as root?20:33
jdongDan2552: my 4800mAh lasts me 4hrs or so20:33
alromaithiguys good thing i got this damn dns problem to work , my dns was
Unknown^Evanlec : sudo apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev thats better20:33
askandjdong: the last full is 864.. the design capacity is 600020:33
Dan2552jdong: a X160020:34
Unknown^rryan : thanks20:34
Ag0nyyes from the console20:34
NeoGeo64Someone explain... how do I install Ubuntu 7.10 without a CD?20:34
jdongaskand: the battery is next to dead then20:34
basse_what is the compiz plugin called with which u can drag an area of the screen with a key + mousebutton and have the screen zoom there20:34
Ind[y]Firefox doesn't use msttcorefonts. How can I make it use them?20:34
EvanlecUnknown^, okay just makin sure u did that first20:34
jdongDan2552: do you run the fglrx drivers?20:34
Unknown^rryan : btw20:34
Unknown^rryan : its umm20:34
ny00123NeoGeo64, have you already got Feisty?20:34
Ag0nykristofer: but only for testing...20:34
Dan2552i'm running whatever the proprietry drivers thing auto installed20:34
domagojCan somebody tell me how to make php copy function work - it says "permission denied", I heard that I need SSH, so how to enable that (i am beginner with linux)20:34
Unknown^rryan : make instal not sudo make install ;)20:34
Evanlecbasse_, zoom ...20:34
Vletjuanbond: check out http://www.gnome-dock.org/trac/wiki20:34
[Thom]How can I get ahold of a sample email server log?20:34
jdongDan2552: are you aware of the aticonfig --set-powerstate command?20:34
alromaithii fixed it now by googleing , i just want to ask i did this step https://www.opendns.com/start/ubuntu.php  does this meanthe dns will be locked forever and working ??20:34
basse_Evanlec, cant find that stuff in zoom20:34
jdongDan2552: it clocks down or up your graphics card, allowing you to get up to another 2hr of battery20:34
Ind[y]Firefox doesn't use msttcorefonts. How can I make it use them?20:34
kristoferAg0ny, if it works for root it should work.. can you get widescreen resolutions to work?20:34
MaxLhey guys, I just bought a new graphics card but it's a different brand then what I originally had, how do I uninstall the ATI driverS?20:34
askandjdong:  yep..and if ubuntu complained about "low capacity" when it was new it was probably next to dead then too?20:34
Dan2552nice. Windows got 2 hours max for me20:35
beerfanInd[y]: try the Mozilla firefox and not the ubuntu version20:35
jdongDan2552: "aticonfig --lsp" gets all available states, use "aticonfig --set-powerstate 1" to set powestatate to lowest20:35
ny00123Ind[y], Edit ==> Preferences ==> Content20:35
cwkayatoday someone gave me a link for getting java to work on amd64 but it didnt help, anyone got another sollution ? and also the next java release would be 64 "capable" ( sorry didnt find the correct word :p ) when is that going to be released ?20:35
Ind[y]ny00123: then what?20:35
rryanUnknown^ : Actually :) if you run make install and it installs it somewhere outside of your home directory (which it usually does) it will need permissions, so you should type 'sudo make install' to let it install itself on your system20:35
Ag0nykristerfer: yes works fine as root 1280x80020:35
ny00123Ind[y], look at the list box of the font20:35
rryanUnknown^ : when they say 'make install' they assume you are going to run it as root, sudo makes it run as root20:35
kristofercool, I'm gonna try it20:35
jdongaskand: Ubuntu goes by the information that the battery reports, and in your case you have less than 20% original capcity...20:35
ny00123you may also try "Advanced"20:35
ny00123for more font settings20:35
Yarcanoxmy sound system is stuck. I stopped the alsa-utils and timidity and started only the first one again after a few seconds, while no media player was running, and it didn't help. the sound just stopped while playing a wav-file20:35
jdongaskand: sometimes new batteries do not properly report capacities until you drain and recharge them 2 or 3 times20:36
Ind[y]beerfan: I use the "firefox" package. Should I use the "mozilla-firefox" instead?20:36
domagojSSH problem - can somebody help me?20:36
jdongInd[y]: same thing :)20:36
Ag0nykristofer: but i won't run my X as root for daily work20:36
Dan2552but still, is there anti aliasing settings for desktop effects?20:36
MiguelAngelHello. I need some help please.20:36
Ind[y]ny00123: This is not the problem.20:36
ny00123Ind[y] I think that one of the packages redirects to the other20:36
Vlet!as MiguelAngel20:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about as miguelangel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:36
askand jdong:  ok..but anyway..time to buy a new one now right? :)20:36
kl4mdomagoj: ask and we'll see20:36
Vlet!ask | MiguelAngel20:36
jdongaskand: it is indeed :)20:36
ubotuMiguelAngel: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:36
numusanyone use gutsy that knows how to install compiz if i uninstalled it20:36
kristoferAg0ny, right me either.. but it's worth a shot20:36
jdongaskand: how long have you had your current battery?20:36
askand jdong: thank you for your time20:36
Yarcanoxwhen trying to start timidity again (as a daemon), I get "ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave". it seems like alsa is trashed somehow. this is NOT the first time I experience this. a restart fixed it everytime it happened, but I guess there's a way without a long and disgusting reboot20:36
kl4mdomagoj: If it's really complex you could ask on #openssh too20:36
beerfanInd[y]: I don't know, it was just a thought. If the webpage specifies a font and you have it firefox should use it. If you want it to use a specific font for generic font families though (like "serif") you need to configure that20:36
domagoj I need to use PHP copy function but it says its denied - I heard that you need SSH for that (i am beginner with linux)20:37
Dan2552jdong: Error: Unable to obtain POWERplay information.20:37
askand jdong: 5 months..or something20:37
ny00123that is Ind[y], Edit ==> Preferences ==> Content20:37
askand jdong: It must have been bad from the beginning..or I really need to learn how to take care of batterys20:37
jdongDan2552: running an Xgl server?20:37
Vletnumus: sudo apt-get install compiz perhaps?20:37
Ind[y]beerfan: I want it to be exactly like it was in Feisty.20:37
ny00123(to change font; "Advanced" has more settings)20:37
MiguelAngelI am trying to update to ubuntu 7.10 from 7.04 and have an error.20:37
Unknown^rryan : to get into root i type sudo apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev that line has a sudo in it so it should be fine.20:37
jdongaskand: hmm, 5mo is a very very abnormal lifetime for a modern laptop battery20:37
ny00123numus and Vlet, better try out compizfusion20:37
beerfanInd[y]: no idea what that means20:37
ny00123should be enabled by default if installed the stable release of Gutsy20:37
cwkayaanyone ?20:37
rryanUnknown^ : But then, after that line is done you aren't root anymore :) You can tell because your prompt still has $ instead of #20:38
ny00123or at least installed by default20:38
jdongaskand: make sure you don't run it down to empty too much, or expose it to heat, or leave the battery at full capacity for more than 2 days at a time.20:38
Dan2552jdong: i don't know if i'm using an XGL server, I'm a bit of a linux newbie to be rather honest - i'm using the default desktop effects which i got working using the ATI tutorial20:38
swirvI just got of the phone with RICOH and they say no drivers for their Gelsprinter for Linux for six months!!20:38
Vletny00123: I don't think that's actually a current package name20:38
Dr_willisjdong,  or even use the thing? :) gesh...20:38
rryanUnknown^ : if you want to execute a series of actions as root, you can type sudo -i to enter interactive mode, you should see a '#' at your prompt which means you are root20:38
Unknown^oh ok20:38
YarcanoxI tried totem, vlc and flash, they are all unable to play sounds. as I said, the sound stopped while playing a wav-file in totem, I haven't done anything special. this has already happened, and a reboot fixed it. restarting alsa-utils doesn't help, stopping it and timidity and starting only alsa-utils does also not work; timidity prompts the following message when I try to start it again while the alsa-utils are running again:  "ALSA lib p20:38
Yarcanoxcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave"20:38
askandjdong: Leave it at full capacity means "charging" for two days?20:38
PriceChildrryan, please don't suggest that in this channel20:38
MiguelAngelCan someone help me?20:38
jdongDr_willis: not using it leads to battery death. using it too much leads to battery death. there's no winning this race :D20:38
PriceChild!sudo | Unknown^20:38
ubotuUnknown^: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.20:38
PriceChildMiguelAngel, ask your question20:38
jdongaskand: right; that's usually bad practice for li-ions20:38
Unknown^rryan: so i should type sudo make install20:38
ubuntuchicki think im going to give up on ubuntu :(20:38
GigiHi!  Can someone give me a hand with wine?  I'm trying to install photoshop.  I did it correctly but when it loads I receive an error20:39
Vlet!ask | MiguelAngel20:39
ubotuMiguelAngel: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:39
jdongDan2552: do DISPLAY=:0 aticonfig ......20:39
swirvYarconox: totem also gives me buggy audio playback.  I use VLC and everything plays fine.20:39
askandjdong: Ok..and try to not fully discharge it? Hope my next better will live longer :)20:39
rryanUnknown^ : Yes that will work20:39
Dr_willisjdong,  and its amazing how GOOD my cell phone battery is.. or my car battery.. it lasted me 7 yrs.20:39
ny00123Vlet yeah I see..in contrary to "mozilla-thunderbird" which does exist as a (temporary) package name20:39
MiguelAngelWhen upgrading from 7.04 to 7.1020:39
jdongDan2552: you would be running Xgl, which "hides" the ATI driver interfaces :)20:39
Deformationcan i get some help please?20:39
Unknown^ok rryan20:39
Ind[y]beerfan: In Feisty there was no such problem.20:39
Yarcanoxswirf: <Yarcanox> I tried totem, vlc and flash, they are all unable to play sounds20:39
Unknown^thanks rryan20:39
rryanPriceChild : Fine. But I don't subscribe to treating users like idiots.20:39
MiguelAngelI have an error with dpkg20:39
VletGigi: what error?20:39
rryanUnknown^: You're welcome20:39
PriceChildrryan, ubuntu uses sudo, not root.20:39
jdongaskand: right, avoid draining it to flat if possible.... preferably stop at 30%20:39
corpsiclehow do i make ubuntu NOT try and autoconfigure my graphics card and monitor at every boot ?20:39
kahrytanHow do I make a ext53 partition mountable by  users instead of root?20:39
ubuntuchickmy soundcard worked in feisty but now no sound in gutsy20:39
Xargoanyone has problems with his wireless keyboard at ubuntu login, and fixed it?20:39
swirvubuntuchick: what is your boggle?  we'd like to help.20:39
Unknown^LOL rryan20:39
Unknown^it still download rryan20:39
PriceChildrryan, we do that for a reason. "/msg ubotu sudo" if you want to know the reasons.20:39
Yarcanoxanybody has an idea??20:39
askand jdong: ok thanks for the tips!20:39
rryanPriceChild : sudo -i is  interactive mode20:39
jdongDr_willis: well, car batteries are of different chemistry, and cellphones tend to be low-usage devices20:40
Unknown^rryan my internet speed is about 9 kb / sec20:40
jdongaskand: sure thing20:40
Yarcanoxshould I repeat my question?20:40
beerfanInd[y]: I haven't seen any font issues in gutsy firefox and I've been using it for some time20:40
PriceChildrryan, it gives a root terminal... something we don't advise. its basically su.20:40
rryanPriceChild : It's not like I'm suggesting typing sudo bash, or adding sudo bash to your .bashrc20:40
beerfanInd[y]: it's unclear what your issue is20:40
MiguelAngelCan't configure some packages20:40
swirvubuntuchick : what soundcard do you have?20:40
jdongDr_willis: if you drain a car battery to the point that you need to jump-start the car, it's basically a brick.20:40
Dan2552jdong: display=:0 aticonfig --lsp               //////           Error: Unable to obtain POWERplay information.20:40
kahrytanHow do I make a ext53 partition mountable by  users instead of root?20:40
rryanPriceChild : ok, I won't suggest it20:40
ubuntuchickits a card that came with my dell laptop a vostro20:40
PriceChildrryan, much appreciated :)20:40
jdongDan2552: DISPLAY in ALL CAPS :)20:40
cwatsonHas anyone gotten the GeForce 2 MX/MX 400 working in Gutsy?20:40
GigiVlet, the error says, "Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable20:41
cox377does anyone know what the default out of the box wifi apps is coz i kinda need to revert back to default20:41
Dan2552jdong: ah silly thing, i liked windows being non-case sensitive...20:41
VletYarcanox: it helps to repeat (within reason), but if you get no answers, it's likely because either no one knows or because you're not asking a specific enough question.20:41
jdongDan2552: lol :D20:41
Dr_williskahrytan,  mountable? or read/writeable? theres the 'user and users' option. for the first.20:41
cwatsonwith hardware accelleration of course20:41
kahrytanDr_willis,  both.20:41
Ballenacan I make my / -partition larger whitout problems?20:41
Ind[y]beerfan: Anyway. How can I switch to firefox of mozilla, and not of Ubuntu?20:41
GigiVlet  the error says, "Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable20:41
YarcanoxVlet nobody tells me what information is missing, so I can't help20:41
Yarcanoxif just anybody asked for details20:41
MiguelAngeldpkg: error al procesar language-pack-gnome-en (--configure):20:41
beerfanInd[y]: download the linux build of firefox from mozilla.com and extract to /opt/firefox20:41
Dr_williskahrytan,  as for writeing you need to chown the directories ON the hard drive.   as far as i know. Not sure of a way to override the filesystem permissions20:41
VletGigi: Is the error comoing from photoshop, or from wine?20:41
Dan2552jdong: it has three options, thanks20:41
ubuntuchicki think its my also20:42
Unknown^rryan dont u want it to be in the home directory?20:42
polapodoes any one have a clue why I'm getting E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:42
GigiVlet from photoshop20:42
Deformationcan anyone help me please? my fan does not stop spinning and i feel my labtop is burnning20:42
kahrytandr_kabuto,  then you dont know how.20:42
Ind[y]beerfan: This was not necessary in Feisty.20:42
swirvubuntuchick: hmm.. dell usualy has very good support for linux. especialy Ubuntu.  Lemme do some looking around....20:42
Yarcanoxdeformation better turn it off and check your hardware20:42
cwatsonDeformation: what type of laptop do you have?20:42
psyjonizdeformation: shut it down and let it cool off20:42
anotheronehow can i know my ubuntu version?20:42
beerfanInd[y]: it probably isn't necessary now20:42
Unknown^rryan yah cool thankz20:42
MiguelAngelI have an error like yours polapo20:42
Dr_williskahrytan,  for a extra storage drive.  i normally format it ext3, then make a dir for the user. and chown that dir to be owned by that specific user.20:42
rryanUnknown^ : Generally when you are compiling applications from source, you want them to install themselves into a standard POSIX location for storing applications. Most apps will want to install themselves into /usr/local/bin when you type 'make install'20:42
jdongDan2552: you'll find the lowest one gives you a tremendous batterylife boost20:42
Deformationacer travel mate20:42
cwkayaguess ill just ask again :d : today someone gave me a link for getting java to work on amd64 but it didnt help, anyone got another sollution ? and also the next java release would be 64 "capable" ( sorry didnt find the correct word :p ) when is that going to be released ?20:42
Ind[y]beerfan: The problem is simple. Firefox acts, as I have not installed msttcorefonts.20:42
jdongDan2552: the middle one is virtually identical to the highest one20:42
GigiVlet if I boot photoshop from the windows drive, it boots correctly, but I can do almost nothing.  So I tried to emule it but seems to not be working... it;s Photoshop CS220:42
YarcanoxMy sound stopped. I tried totem, vlc and flash, they are all unable to play sounds. as I said, the sound stopped while playing a wav-file in totem, I haven't done anything special. this has already happened, and a reboot fixed it.20:43
psyjonizdeformation: what model?  i have one too20:43
Xargocan you connect ubuntu to a windows network?20:43
lap_someone know how can I use emerald-themes in gutsy ?20:43
Deformation4 years old, 1.5 ghz 256 ram20:43
Yarcanoxrestarting alsa-utils doesn't help, stopping it and timidity and starting only alsa-utils does also not work; timidity prompts the following message when I try to start it again while the alsa-utils are running again:  "ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave"20:43
cwatsonDeformation: is the acpi stuff installed?20:43
Deformationits a 292lci20:43
beerfanInd[y]: have you restarted firefox since you installed the fonts?20:43
lap_i want my beryl-emerald-themes back20:43
rryanUnknown^ : If a program installs itself into /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin, etc.. then it will be in your path so you can type its name to run the program wherever you are20:43
Ind[y]beerfan: yes20:43
psyjonizdeformation:  after a while, my fan started going all the time20:43
Dr_willisXargo,  yes. You can browse the 'network neighborhood' shares easially enough20:43
Deformationi really dont know20:43
psyjonizand got really hot20:43
lap_like in feisty20:43
Deformationi just upgraded from feisty20:43
beerfanInd[y]: what url?20:43
Dan2552jdong: i'll give it a try. Also ubuntu works out time remaining on my battery - and my battery doesnt even have a hardware counter :) amazing20:43
Unknown^rryan : so like i could type20:43
Deformationand it started with gutsy20:43
neopsycheHow do i format a disk on linux?>20:43
Ind[y]beerfan: every20:43
Dr_willisXargo,  read up on 'samba' for more in depth ussage.20:43
anotheronehow can i know my ubuntu version?20:43
Unknown^rryan : Unreal3.2.6/Unreal3.2 in stead of cd Unreal3.2.6/Unreal3.220:44
MiguelAngelSo... any idea?20:44
psyjonizyou might have something running heavy, do you know how to check your processes for that kindof thing?20:44
beerfanInd[y]: I can't help you if you're oblique. "not working" doesn't tell me anything20:44
Deformationpsyjoniz, so what you did about that?20:44
fredeferfuiwhy is my browser with gutsy very slow?20:44
kahrytanDr_willis,  if a partition is mounted as root, it is writable only as root20:44
Xargok, thanks20:44
jdongDan2552: amazing how much hardware makers skimp these days, no? :)20:44
neopsycheHow do i format a disk on lnux?20:44
cwkayafredeferfui : ipv6 disable it20:44
DJ_Dannivlet i have all ports open at my Routher and the firewall is odd20:44
|neon|iplist does not install on ggggutsy because of libnfnetlink1 any suggestions20:44
Ind[y]beerfan: I told you the problem. I think I am clear. Firefox works as though msttcorefotns were not there.20:44
psyjonizheh - i took the laptop apart, took the fan out and lubed the bearing so it wouldn't be so loud :D20:44
beerfanneopsyche: use the partition editor20:44
yotuxare ubuntu servers bogged down today?20:44
Dr_williskahrytan,  you need to chown a directory ON the partition. then the users can acess that directory. I dont know of a way to  make the 'root' of the drive user accessable.20:44
VletGigi: found the answer :) http://tinyurl.com/yvc62t20:44
Unknown^rryan :20:44
Unknown^rryan : that right?20:44
neopsychebeerfan: is there a sudo command?20:45
neosixHello!!! Does anybody play Wolf. Enemy Territory? I have problem, my server list is empty. Can anybody help me?20:45
Yarcanoxhey I just got information from someone that this seems to be a familiar bug of ubuntu, as it happened to him too20:45
rryanUnknown^ : well, its more like, if you have a program called 'foo' and its installed in your home directory, you have to be in your home directory to be able to say ./foo to run it.. but if you add it to your path somewhere, you can then type 'foo' anywhere and it will run20:45
Yarcanoxand it didn't happen on suse20:45
GigiVlet awesome!!!  Thanks a lot!  I'll take a look20:45
kahrytanDr_willis, no i dont20:45
fredeferfuicwkaya: how do i20:45
Yarcanoxso the sound-thing seems to be something that needs to be fixed!20:45
MiguelAngeldpkg: error al procesar language-pack-gnome-en (--configure):20:45
MiguelAngel problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar20:45
MiguelAngelSe encontraron errores al procesar:20:45
MiguelAngel tzdata20:45
MiguelAngel locales20:45
MiguelAngel language-pack-en-base20:45
Yarcanoxdidn't anybody else here mention that problem/bug?20:45
MiguelAngel language-pack-gnome-es-base20:45
ubuntuchicki have soundcard problems20:45
MiguelAngel language-pack-es-base20:45
MiguelAngel language-pack-gnome-es20:45
MiguelAngel util-linux20:45
Yarcanoxoh no not pasting :(20:45
kahrytanDr_willis,  I want the ENTIRE partition writable20:45
MiguelAngel ubuntu-minimal20:45
DJ_Dannivlet i have all ports open at my Routher and the firewall is odd20:45
VletDJ_Danni: are the ports OPEN, or are you FORWARDING them?20:45
MiguelAngel language-pack-en20:45
MiguelAngel language-pack-es20:45
MiguelAngel language-pack-gnome-en-base20:45
MiguelAngel util-linux-locales20:45
MiguelAngel language-pack-gnome-en20:45
kahrytanDr_willis, so the partition has oto mounted as the user20:45
VletGigi: btw, it's the last post on the page20:45
Deformationcwatson i checked out the boot manager, and all running20:45
Dr_williskahrytan,  then you need to look at the fstab options. I know of NO way to override all the permissions on a et2/3 filesystem that way.20:45
DJ_Dannithere open in the routher20:45
Unknown^rryan where i unrealircd gonna put all this junk i put sudo make install?20:45
Dan2552jdong: i'll have to wait for my battery to charge before I can see how long it takes, but thanks for the tip anyway.20:46
Vlet!paste | MiguelAngel20:46
Evanlec!es | MiguelAngel20:46
ubotuMiguelAngel: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:46
kahrytan!pastebin | MiguelAngel20:46
ubotuMiguelAngel: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.20:46
MiguelAngelTell me something please.20:46
rryanUnknown^ : What you typed looked more like a directory reference20:46
Gigivlet cool :) thanks again!20:46
Dr_williskahrytan,  with ntfs/vfat its doable.  not sure its doable on ext2/320:46
Unknown^it was to get into it20:46
lgc__ What's the regexp to zap all lines containing any number of spaces and nothing else on vi? Thanks.20:46
jdongDan2552: sure thing.20:46
Unknown^rryan : because it was installed in my home directory20:46
kahrytanDr_willis,  you dont know anything so stop20:46
rryanUnknown^ : so if the program name was Unreal3.2, after you type 'sudo make install' it will install itself into /usr/local/bin/Unreal3.2 or something ike that, so then you could just type Unreal3.2 no matter where you are20:46
MiguelAngelNecesito ayuda en cualquier idioma por favor. I need help in any language plese.20:46
rryanUnknown^ : So, you mean you compiled it with 'make' in your home directory ?20:46
VletGigi: glad to help... like most problems, a minute or so of google and patience finds the answer :)20:46
DJ_Dannivlet theyre open in the routher not forwarded20:46
swirvubuntuchick: It looks like an ALSA issue with the SigmaTel chip...20:47
Dr_williskahrytan,  then tell me how you do it.. Ive seen this asked a dozen times and no one has ever came up with an answer.20:47
Ind[y]beerfan: Did you understand my problem?20:47
rabsteenanyone know how to update firefox to the latest?20:47
beerfanInd[y]: in the firefox prefs, in advanced fonts, do you see the MS font in question in the list?20:47
ubuntuchickis it easy to solve?20:47
VletDJ_Danni: for the fourth time, you have to forward whatever port shoutcast runs on to your system20:47
=== xchat is now known as ychat
Ind[y]beerfan: wait20:47
hearsedriverhi all20:47
kbrosnanrabsteen: ubunutu will ship an update in a few days20:47
kahrytanHow do I mount ext3 partition as user?20:47
neopsychebeerfan: how do i start partitioner?20:47
Deformationguys, what should i do with that fan running 24/24 ? leave it like that?20:47
Gigivlet  absolutely right... I know I had to do it... but sometimes I get mad and unlucky on google :P20:48
|neon|iplist does not install on ggggutsy because of libnfnetlink1 any suggestions20:48
rryanUnknown^  : At that point you've just 'built' the program, you haven't installed it.   Once you type 'sudo make install'  you can delete the folder from your home directory (the one with the source code, etc) because it will have copied itself into your computers programs area in /usr/local20:48
Unknown^not right now20:48
beerfanboot from the ubuntu installer cd, and you'll see it in System > Administration20:48
DJ_DanniVlet i just do the lan IP and then i put in the ports and do the Enebale.20:48
Unknown^rryan : ok thanks im still download unrealircd tho20:48
Vletneopsyche: alt-f2 >> gksudo apt-get install gparted && gparted20:48
FFighterfolks, just upgraded to Gutsy and the emerald theme manager themes list is emtpy and I can't fetch themes20:48
Fade2Blackis there any other place i can download the broadcom 43xx chipset driver from for the restricted driver installation20:48
BaltazaarHey! Anybody knows where to remove the default "beige" background, that pops up in gnome after login about the time when the splashscreen appears?20:48
VletDJ_Danni: yeap20:48
hearsedriverguys, i just screwed my admin user... i did "usermod -G somegroup myadminuser" and forgot the "-a" option - unfortunately i was working in an ssh shell on a headless machine... any advice? :/20:48
davehey now20:48
psyjonizdeformation: you need to first check your processes - then make sure that the laptop's fan's intake and output are not blocked - beyond that i'm not sure i have enough to help you out20:48
beerfanneopsyche: or install gparted and run it if you need to format a secondary partition20:48
Dr_williskahrytan,   there is the 'user' and 'users' options for that. If those change the permissions. Im not sure.20:49
Ind[y]beerfan: I can see some MS fonts there, yes.20:49
ubuntu-ryanhow are upgrades to gusty going, fairly well?20:49
Alien18i cant play any of my video files (avi/mpg) ive got20:49
Unknown^rryan : say it was downlaoded now i put it in my home directory then type cd Unreal3.2.6/Unreal3.2 then type /Config fill out that junk then type make the sudo make install is that right?20:49
Unknown^rryan i mean ./Config20:49
beerfanInd[y]: try setting serif or sans-serif to the desired font. see if it renders20:49
Dan2552Alien18: try installing VLC20:49
kahrytanDr_willis,  stop trying to help. you dont know how.20:49
neopsychebeerfan: I need to format a flash disk that is corrupt20:49
Alien18dan2552 got it20:49
rryanhearsedriver : If you haven't logged out yet, then the changes shouldn't have taken effect for your session, so you can try and change it back20:49
Deformationpsyjoniz, what do you mean by checking the process? which ones exactly?20:49
_4a42_ubuntu-ryan: seamlessly, i did it remotely from work ;)20:49
rryanUnknown^:  yep that should work20:49
Fade2Blackdo anyone else have a url for the frirmware i need to install my wireless card through the restricted driver manager20:49
aaro1hearsdriver: I hope this isn't a production system, otherwise you might be a passenger to your namesake instead of a driver ;)20:49
Dan2552alien18: doesn't work?20:49
askandIf a buy a fun and have under my laptop, would my new battery be a happier battery?20:50
sherii_raowhy gutsy sucks?20:50
psyjonizdeformation: man ps20:50
Unknown^rryan : thankz20:50
Alien18get vertical green lines20:50
DJ_DanniVlet And yp.shoutcast.com say there is a firewall on. Betwen i was installing Bind and have already remove it can it be possabole that software put Auto Fifrewall on?20:50
ubuntu-ryan_4a42_: cool, im going to do it now at work, over the ds3 :-)20:50
YarcanoxI have an intel soundchip, and I just heard of two other people who had the same prob: suddenly stopping sound, which can only be fixed with a restart!20:50
neopsychebeerfan: flash disk says I/O error but still shows files on linux and widnows... Linux seems to think that the disk is read only.20:50
askandIf a buy a fan and have under my laptop, would my new battery be a happier battery? *20:50
hearsedriverrryan, whatever i try to "sudo" gives me a "not in the sudoers file"20:50
Deformationok just a min20:50
Dan2552Alien18: sorry, i can't help then to be honest20:50
Ag0nyno dri after upgrade to gusty / XGL Problem  need help please20:50
Vlethearsedriver: my root account is not in any groups in a fresh gutsy install20:50
beerfanneopsyche: you must unmount a partition before you can format it20:50
DJ_DanniVlet And yp.shoutcast.com say there is a firewall on. Betwen i was installing Bind and have already remove it can it be possabole that software put Auto Fifrewall on?20:50
rryanhearsedriver : Ah.. i see.20:50
hearsedriverrryan, and a short "id" shows me that i'm no longer member of the adm group :/20:50
Ind[y]beerfan: serif is used20:50
pike_Yarcanox: is it stopped now?20:50
Dan2552askand: i have a laptop cooler, and it does keep it A LOT happier20:50
swirvubuntuchick: It looks pretty easy.  Use your package manager of choice (I use synaptic) to install linux-backports-modules20:50
sherii_raoXML firefox error20:50
rryanhearsedriver : Do you have physical access and a monitor ?20:50
anotheronemy keyboard is not displaying the right characters, i get an error when i login about a xkb problem. If i do in the console "setxkbmap pt" then the keyboard sets ok.20:50
ost2lifecan anyone give me some fstab help?20:50
Unknown^rryan brb rryan20:51
Yarcanoxpike_ alsa refuses all clients' connections20:51
Dr_willisaskand,  just putting it up on blocks is handy for more air20:51
ubuntuchickhow do i do that?20:51
_4a42_ubuntu-ryan: had to tweak compiz once i got in front of the box but once you turn off the pointless stuff its actually an improvement20:51
Yarcanoxso alsa or the program/driver that alsa uses has crashed somehow20:51
ubuntuchicksorry im such a noobn20:51
aaro1hearsdriver: you'll have to do some local admin work to repair in this instance I fear20:51
ubuntu-ryan_4a42_: cool, i figured Id have to tweak/turn off compiz anyway20:51
beerfanInd[y]: you set "serif" to Verdana or some ms font? find a web page that uses either serif or that font20:51
Fade2Blackis there anyone here thats good with install and making wireless card work?20:51
rryanhearsedriver : I can't really think of an option other than booting up in single user mode, etc20:51
pike_Yarcanox: erm... condolences i guess sry :)20:51
swirvubuntuchick: This should fix the audio on Dell Vostro and D83020:51
yasperhi _ i am having problem with my sound device with ubuntu 7.1 - please help20:51
sherii_raodid ubuntu ship sucks gusty cerision ?20:51
ubuntu-ryan_4a42_: I do some java work and compiz used to have a paint issue with some java apps, dunno if thats been fixed, but Ill soon find out :_020:51
rryanhearsedriver : which requires physical access20:51
_4a42_ubuntu-ryan: don't turn it off, if you use more than one desktop its really great20:51
askandDr_willis: and air makes batteries happy?20:51
=== Fade2Black is now known as Fade2Blac
NullNameHELP!!So I installed double monitors..and I think it's not working....I'm getting a blinking cursor on my default monitor....is there anyway I can just make the default monitor run a terminal with no graphics? it is blinking20:51
WikipediaCiao a tutti20:52
hearsedriverrryan, aaro1, okay, could you give some hints how to fix this in recovery mode?20:52
DJ_DanniVlet And yp.shoutcast.com say there is a firewall on. Betwen i was installing Bind and have already remove it can it be possabole that software put Auto Fifrewall on?20:52
PriceChild!it | Wikipedia20:52
Dr_willisaskand,  cool air does. :)20:52
ubotuWikipedia: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:52
Yarcanoxpike_ this hasn't happened to me with any other distribution20:52
brohi guys. i was wondering, is there any way to make filenames shorter in ubuntu [gutsy]? they seem too long for me, 2-3 lines, and they are not estetic ;)20:52
Deformationpsyjoniz, i am really sorry, but i dont know how to use the man ps20:52
aaro1local admin = local physical administration20:52
Dan2552askand: more airflow = cooler CPU = less fanwork = more battery20:52
Yarcanoxthe guy in ##linux said, it seems to be an ubuntu prob20:52
Wil1just wondering is it possible to use the 7.10 cd from in 7.04 to upgrade?20:52
Yarcanoxso it seems to be a bug which only applies to ubuntu20:52
Wikipediamy name is wikipedia20:52
_4a42_ubuntu-ryan: although why ccsm isn't installed by default i don't know20:52
Wil1i'm a linux noob, i don't know how to do this20:52
Yarcanoxwe see that wikipedia20:52
keoni86im trying to install on a nvraid system im folloing a howto but for somereason I am unable to do apt-get install ubuntu-base any ideas? im being told "E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-base"20:52
Wikipediayou speak italian???20:52
swirvyasper : you whouldn't happen to have a Dell by any chance :)20:52
MisterNWikipedia: go to #ubuntu-it20:52
Wil1i have a dell *sigh* it sucks20:52
Deformationpsyjoniz, i have BUM installed and GUI process explorer20:52
Wil1i've got 7.04 on it20:52
PriceChildWikipedia, /join #ubuntu-it20:52
ubuntuchickswirv how do i use synaptic to install linux-backports-modules?20:52
fredeferfuicwkaya: how do i20:53
yasperswirv !OMG! I guess it's a known issue then20:53
yasperIs there a work around?20:53
Wil1how do i use the 7.10 disc to upgrade from 7.04?20:53
seamus7i have a dell and it's great20:53
askandDan2552:  yes..but is the..hmm..batteryhealth affected? Is air a good way to take care of a battery or it doesnt care?20:53
psyjonizdeformation:  ok - take a look around and see if there isn't anything nailing your processor(s) and/or memory20:53
psyjonizmostly the processor, though20:53
kyled185hey I just installed 7.10 on an old dell workstation, it has an ATI rage 128.  Every time I boot, the status lights on my monitor blink and I get  nothing on screen.  X is running and if I ctrl+alt+backspace it restarts and gdm comes up like normal.  Any ideas on how to fix?20:53
ubuntu-ryanaskand: if the cpu is cooler, the fan runs slower, which should equal more battery life20:53
yasperI have  dell xps m171020:54
Deformationpsyjoniz, nothing, my cpu is below 5%20:54
Dr_willisaskand,  heat is bad :)20:54
Wil1do i install from boot or what?20:54
ubuntu-ryanaskand: assuming laptop cooler isnt running from USB power20:54
broWil1: open update manager and click the "upgrade" button20:54
Wil1how does it work for upgrading?20:54
rryanhearsedriver : hmm I can't remember if it drops you to root if you boot in rescue mode...  if it does, then you can just re-add yourself as admin, otherwise you could boot with a livecd and manually edit your /etc/group file20:54
Wil1ahh thanks so much bro20:54
Ind[y]beerfan: Actually, when I had Feisty, Gmail was renderred differently than on Windows. I installed msttcorefonts and Gmail was renderred like in WIndows. I upgraded to Gutsy and Gmail is not rendered like in Windows, although I have reinstalled msttcorefonts many times (I even reinstalled firefox).20:54
Dan2552askand:  I dont think it would affect the battery's [lifetime] much20:54
Deformationpsyjoniz, ram free 30 %20:54
PriceChild!caps | mr_wang20:54
kahrytanHow do I mount ext3 partition as user?20:54
ubotumr_wang: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:54
=== linenoise is now known as linenoise_afk
psyjonizdeformation: are you using it on your lap?  i know when i used my acer on my lap it blocks the intake for the fan and that causes it to heat up pretty quick20:54
ubuntuchickhow do i install-backports-modules with synaptic20:54
Wil1that was... easy... i feel stupid20:54
psyjonizor if i'm on carpet or my bed or something20:54
Wil1i'm a total linux noob20:54
brohi guys. i was wondering, is there any way to make filenames shorter in ubuntu [gutsy]? they seem too long for me, 2-3 lines. something with (...) just like on xp would be awsome20:54
jdongaskand: heat kills batteries20:55
NullNameSo I installed double monitors..and I think it's not working....I'm getting a blinking cursor on my default monitor....is there anyway I can just make the default monitor run a terminal with no graphics? it is blinking20:55
swirvubuntuchick and yasper : Give this a shot.  You can select the Synaptic Package Manager from the System>Administration menu.  Do a search for linux-backports-modules and mark it for install.  Click apply.20:55
srckahrytan, you have several options 1) sudo and 2) add user as an option in fstab20:55
aaro1hyled185: Do you get video at any time at all after the BIOS flash screen?20:55
seamus7ubuntuchick: enable Backports in Software Sources20:55
jdongaskand: if your battery ever feels warm to the touch, that's a bad sign.... the battery should never be allowed to get warm20:55
DJ_DanniVlet And yp.shoutcast.com say there is a firewall on. Betwen i was installing Bind and have already remove it can it be possabole that software put Auto Fifrewall on?20:55
Deformationpsyjoniz, no, its on the table, and the thing happened immeidatly after the upgrade to gutsy20:55
aaro1kyled I mean20:55
Ind[y]beerfan: Did you understand my problem now? :-)20:55
kahrytansrc,  what's option 2?20:55
psyjonizjdong: batteries get warm when charging20:55
askandjdong: oh..its always warm :S20:55
fjleonguys i am having problems installing flash. it says the packages isn't available. i have multiverse enabled20:55
hearsedriverrryan, this thing doesn't even have a cdrom... argh. i can't believe i did this. and i can't believe it actually worked without any warning ;)20:55
srckahrytan, fstab20:56
kahrytansrc,  can I add just for that partition?20:56
jdongpsyjoniz: apart from charging...20:56
dotjayiam using gusty i can not acess to NTFS files in my secondary slave HDd20:56
kyled185aaro1, yes I get the grub menu like normal and usplash works perfectly20:56
VletDJ_Danni: I doubt it - I bet it's just a connectivity problem... try connecting directly into your internet connection if you can to see if it's your computer or if it's the router20:56
fjleonthis is the first ubuntu release where i havent been able to install flash20:56
Unknown^RRYAN::::::::::::: IT WORKED><20:56
LiL-JoNhello can somebody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to play a mpeg file with mplayer (it does this everytime i try to play a mpeg or any file with mplayer)20:56
ubuntuchickswirv there is no backports20:56
=== Wikipedia is now known as Luka
Adam__is there a remote desktop client for ubuntu so i can use x remotely?20:56
rryanUnknown^ : Glad to hear it :)20:56
jlillyswirv:  *poke*20:56
srckahrytan, yes if you want to use fstab, you have to declare the partition as noauto,user in /etc/fstab20:56
mezzhey, should lsusb show devices that are not mounted? (I've attached my phone for the first time and worried it hasn't properly unmounted since I can still see it with lsusb)20:56
arT2hi there :) anyone knows other audio players (if similiar to foobar would be killer) ? i've checked amarok (to overloaded), exaile, quodlibet, bmpx and rhythmbox.20:56
Unknown^thank you thank you thank you rryan.20:56
kyled185aaro1, and it works just fine after I restart X20:56
psyjonizdeformation: can you revert easily to test out whether or not it is the operating system and not something with the laptop itself?20:56
KeithWeissharwhy am i experinging long wait at 82% of installation while scanning the mirror20:56
VletAdam__: there is a client. It's already installed in the 'internet' menu20:56
BeastlykingsHow do I mount a linux HDD from a live cd after a crash?20:56
rryanhearsedriver : Ok.. hmm, USB thumb drive :) ?    Anyhow... I imagine there's a kernel option that drops you to a root shell, I just can't remember it20:56
kahrytansrc,  try again with  non-geek lang20:57
ubuntuchickoh i found it20:57
ubuntuchickjust the generic ones i guess20:57
aaro1kyled185: Make sure you are giving time for the OS to load. Also try moving the mouse and/or hitting a few keys on the keyboard. I installed 7.10 on an older Dell just a few hours ago and had to move the mouse before I could see the login. It was like it turned the monitor off immediately after X started20:57
KeithWeissharmy ubuntu install got stuck at scanning the mirror20:57
brohi guys. i was wondering, is there any way to make filenames shorter in ubuntu [gutsy]? they seem too long for me, 2-3 lines. something with (...) just like on xp would be awsome.20:57
KeithWeisshari'm installing into virtualbox20:57
Dan2552bro: what filenames?20:57
yonkeltronsleep on my thinkpad is broken in gutsy20:57
Unknown^rryan : whats the command again to get it i want to right it down20:57
Unknown^rryan ?20:57
fjleonKeithWeisshar: it doesn't get stuck, just wait for 5-10 minutes20:57
srckahrytan, do a google search for /etc/fstab and do some quality reading. you'll gonna figure it out :)20:57
Deformationpsyjoniz: i am double booting with xp, let me test it on xp and come back here, hold on here dont go please ok?20:57
psyjonizdeformation: unfortunately we've already burned through the easy explanations.  other's might include processes that read/write to your HD often as that will heat your laptop up pretty quick, too20:57
BeastlykingsHow do I mount a linux HDD from a live cd after a crash?20:57
LiL-JoNhello can somebody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to play a mpeg file with mplayer (it does this everytime i try to play a mpeg or any file with mplayer)20:57
psyjonizi'll be here20:57
rryanUnknown^:    if you're compiling something from source, try   './configure' then 'make' then 'sudo make install'20:57
fjleonfjleon: always happens the same for me with ubuntu. it you yank out your net cable it will install fast20:57
Unknown^i am rryan20:58
kahrytansrc,  telling people to use google is not allowed here.20:58
Unknown^but i mean20:58
kahrytansrc,  against the rules20:58
fjleonerr, KeithWeisshar20:58
KeithWeissharwhy is scanning the mirror taking a long time20:58
DJ_DanniVlet can you test for me or ans see what you get?20:58
jlillyI'm having a bit of trouble after installing gutsy. My dual monitors are displaying as one giant screen instead of two separate screens (gnome-panels stretch across both screens and maximized windows stretch across both too) Anyone know how to fix this?20:58
broDan2552: the names of the files/folders. sorry, i probably said that wrong. my english is not that good.20:58
Unknown^whats the command to get and install that thingy it apt-get something20:58
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:58
LiL-JoNhello can somebody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to play a mpeg file with mplayer (it does this everytime i try to play a mpeg or any file with mplayer)20:58
srckahrytan, baby sitting is not my thing. I have you 2 options, show some initiative20:58
kyled185aaro1, ok I'll reboot it and try.  But I know gdm is in fact loading and working, at least enough to emit the login sound20:58
jlillyUnknown^: sudo apt-get install pkg_name20:58
fjleonKeithWeisshar: maybe the mirror it used was slow, install without internet connection20:58
Deformationpsyjoniz: whats the easiest way to check out the temperature of the computer cpu.hd,graphic card?20:58
pulii am having a trouble with fonts can any one help pls20:58
swirvubuntuchick : ahh.. you need to have the "backports" repository enabeld...duh sorry.20:58
KeithWeissharit's taking a long time with no internet activity20:58
rryanUnknown^ :   Ah ok, well since you've installed it, you shouldnt' have to again, but the package name is 'libc6-dev' and you can install it with 'sudo apt-get install libc6-dev'20:58
ubuntuchickis it just the generic ones?20:58
Unknown^rryan whats the name20:58
Ind[y]beerfan: alive?20:58
cobushey there guys! I need help please. I can not view DVD's. I tried Totem, VLC, Kaffeine and Mplayer20:58
LiL-JoNhello can somebody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to play a mpeg file with mplayer (it does this everytime i try to play a mpeg or any file with mplayer)20:58
psyjonizdeformation:  your bios might have support to see the core temp20:58
Joanki123i just downloaded ubuntu20:58
ubuntuchickits installing them as we speak :)20:58
Unknown^rryan because i format my pc20:58
VletDJ_Danni: I see the Space Stream page when I go to
KeithWeisshari'm installing from live cd20:58
ben__goddamn, GIMP makes simple things hard. It's almost comical trying to lower the brightness of a photo if you're not a digital artist. Like using quantum mechanics to calculate your groceries20:59
Joanki123i see here instructions on checking cd integrity20:59
rryanUnknown^:  gotcha20:59
Joanki123how can do i do that for 7.1020:59
Dan2552bro: maybe there's a ubuntu channel for your own country?20:59
pulii am having a trouble with fonts can any one help pls20:59
Evanlec!dvd | cobus20:59
ubotucobus: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:59
fjleonKeithWeisshar: yank out the net cable.20:59
Deformationpsyjoniz: no it does not have that :(20:59
DJ_Dannithats right20:59
Unknown^rryan command?20:59
psyjonizdeformation: so if you reboot and go into it quick, you should get a good grasp on where your core temp was (if the bios supports it..)20:59
KeithWeisshari'm installing from the desktop cd20:59
yonkeltronsleep on my thinkpad is broken in gutsy...what are some steps i can take to help myself?20:59
VletAnyone know about how big a full repo is?20:59
Deformationany GUI application?20:59
hearsedriverrryan, aaro1, thanks for your hell, i'll try it out20:59
Unknown^ok thanks rryan20:59
rryanUnknown^ :   Ah ok, well since you've installed it, you shouldnt' have to again, but the package name is 'libc6-dev' and you can install it with 'sudo apt-get install libc6-dev'20:59
pulii am having a trouble with fonts can any one help pls20:59
beerfanInd[y]: I remember this with gmail. It's been so long since I've used windows I don't even know anymore if it's different :-)20:59
pulii am having a trouble with fonts can any one help pls20:59
Dr_willissrc,  i wonder if telling him to 'man fstab' and look under th user option is allowed. :)20:59
psyjonizdeformation: try looking for a core temp app for either ubuntu or xp20:59
jlillyyonkeltron: extensive searching at ubuntuforums.org20:59
Alien18hmmm, when i have an animated skydome on 'inside cube' the dome spins the wrong way, can i change it?20:59
psyjonizi'm not sure of any off the top of my head20:59
LiL-JoNhello can somebody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to play a mpeg file with mplayer (it does this everytime i try to play a mpeg or any file with mplayer)20:59
LiL-JoNhello can somebody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to play a mpeg file with mplayer (it does this everytime i try to play a mpeg or any file with mplayer)20:59
LiL-JoNhello can somebody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to play a mpeg file with mplayer (it does this everytime i try to play a mpeg or any file with mplayer)20:59
LiL-JoNhello can somebody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to play a mpeg file with mplayer (it does this everytime i try to play a mpeg or any file with mplayer)20:59
beerfanInd[y]: gmail uses fonts a little different than most sites though, to be scalable20:59
fjleoncan anyone help me to install flash? flashplugin-nonfree doesn't exist20:59
anotheronecan i install .rpm's through apt-get ?20:59
yasperswirv - done but no sound - should I log out and back in?20:59
pulihi i want to install malayalam font that is anjali old lipi20:59
pulihelp me pls20:59
KeithWeissharwhy does it take a long time to scan the mirror21:00
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz21:00
ouroborousanyone know a macro program (ala xmacro) that works correctly with wine apps?21:00
srcDr_willis, the man page of fstab is even less userfriendly :)21:00
BeastlykingsHow do I mount a linux HDD from a live cd after a crash?21:00
yonkeltronjlilly: nothing more specific than that?21:00
akornCan anybody tell me how to make my upgrade work from Feisty to Gutsy...it keeps crashing at the Modifying part of the install and tells me it's failed to fetch certain Gutsy things21:00
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:00
Deformationpsyjoniz: its mostly with ubuntu, but i will check out on xp and come back21:00
Joanki123how can i verify tthe data integrity of the installation file i downloaded - version 7.121:00
Deformationpsyjoniz: brb21:00
Dan2552LiL-JoN: please dont flood, if somebody knew how to help, they probably would21:00
EvanlecPriceChild is layin down the law!21:00
PriceChildJoanki123, check the md5sum of the file21:00
kahrytansrc, ext3 users,errors=remount21:00
swirvyasper: yes... I'd actualy reboot...21:00
Joanki123i am usinig windows21:00
jlillyyonkeltron: I don't have anything. you should get a lot of info from the forums though. search on "no sleep mode" or something21:00
Joanki123can i still do that pricechild?21:00
Dr_willissrc,  this is when it pays to learn the fundamentals. will the user option in fstab override the file permissions/ownership on a ext3/2 filesystem?21:00
psyjonizi think Lil-Jon is gone21:00
DJ_DanniVlet what if you go to ?21:00
Ind[y]beerfan: Any suggestion (more sites render badly, like youtube.com).21:00
Unknown^WINDOWS = Crappy Microsoft GO EAT SHIT.21:00
PriceChildJoanki123, have you burnt it already?21:00
Joanki123i have not21:00
PriceChild!ohmy | Unknown^21:00
VletDJ_Danni: nothing21:00
Joanki123it's on my desktop21:00
ubotuUnknown^: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.21:00
kahrytansrc, How hard is to tell me users instead of default?21:00
gcarrillohehe hey all21:00
PriceChildJoanki123, ubuntu or windows desktop?21:00
acecoHello all21:01
jlillypuli: I was having some sound problems after installing gutsy. I had to recompile alsa.21:01
Joanki123windows desktop21:01
gcarrillotime to upgrade!21:01
srckahrytan, hard21:01
Joanki123i wnat to convert to ubuntu - partition21:01
neopsychebeerfan: ok so i unmounted the drive.. now what/21:01
swirvubuntuchick if you search for "backports" in Synaptic do you get the packages ?21:01
emmajanejoankil23: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes has the list of what you should get when you do the md5sum test.21:01
srckahrytan, you might need some of the defaults. depends on what you want to do21:01
neopsychebeerfan: its a usb stick by the way21:01
kahrytansrc, lazy21:01
beerfanInd[y]: create a new firefox profile (exit and run firefox -ProfileManager) and try it with a clean profile?21:01
PriceChildJoanki123, ok i'll just find you a windows program that can check the file for you21:01
yonkeltronjlilly: well, it seems to go to sleep fine...it's just waking up that doesn't work well21:01
Unknown^!ohmy | rryan21:01
uboturryan: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.21:01
DJ_DanniVlet thats what i am talking aboat. This is a Shoutcast Server for HotRadio4U but it dossint woork bechuse of that firewall Prablome21:01
kyled185aaro1, alright I21:01
kahrytansrc,  defaults are?21:01
acecoHello all21:01
nonix4Should I expect 7.10 dist-upgrade to fit in 300 megabytes of space?21:01
Unknown^hey guys21:01
Joanki123PriceChild: how do i know which version?21:01
hovinenI'm having trouble with Gutsy: the upgrade software appears to have died during the upgrade and now refuses to restart. apt-get update reports thus: "99% [6 Sources bzip2 0] [Waiting for headers]bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file" for several of the sources.21:01
beerfanneopsyche: try running gparted21:01
kahrytansrc, I just want to use it for media storage .. music...video21:01
hovinenAny ideas?21:01
kyled185aaro1, * I tried that and it didn't work21:01
Dan2552oh yeah, my laptop wont resume from standby either21:01
Unknown^is that good?21:02
MoLernerSo I installed Ubuntu as a second boot today... and now my videocard's been acting up, even in vista. Could they be related?21:02
srckahrytan, rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async21:02
Unknown^no way MoLerner21:02
emmajanenonix4: the file is: 695.8 MB (729608192 bytes)21:02
PriceChildJoanki123, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM21:02
Prez_which should be the version of compiz i have on gutsy?  I seem to have isntalled compiz-git for feisty and I think it kept those instead of installing gutsy packages21:02
Joanki123got it21:02
Joanki123thank you21:02
DJ_DanniVlet thats what i am talking aboat. This is a Shoutcast Server for HotRadio4U but it dossint woork bechuse of that firewall Prablome21:02
MoLerneri hate coincedences21:02
Renganyone having problems with changin splash screen background color in Gutsy??21:02
pike_MoLerner: no. your vid card is just compaining about having to render vista stuff again21:02
kahrytansrc,  You should be here if you dont help people.21:02
akornHow do i upgrade to gutsy??? It keeps crashing in the GUI upgrade.21:02
acecoi want an application - visio like21:02
PriceChildakorn, crashing with what error?21:02
nickrudhovinen: try sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* (removes the current lists) and then sudo apt-get update again21:02
MoLernerno it dies when i try to shut down ubuntu as well21:03
BaltazaarI get that beige shit color when splash arrives...21:03
Ind[y]beerfan: same21:03
VletDJ_Danni: I heard you.. there's not much I can do. from here21:03
PriceChild!ohmy | Baltazaar21:03
ubotuBaltazaar: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.21:03
fjleonseems that my ve.ubuntu.com mirror doesn't have flash. i am installing manually21:03
nonix4emmajane: not talking iso or anything... 4 gigabytes free on /home but the 4 gigabyte / has only 300 megs.21:03
MoLernerafter ubuntu goes down, i get weird colored vertical lines across my screen21:03
srckahrytan, i help, i don't do it for you...21:03
pike_MoLerner: you might 'gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log' and pastebin that21:03
psyjonizmolerner: put down the pipe21:03
emmajanenonix4: and you don't want to repartition?21:03
pike_MoLerner: nm21:03
kahrytansrc,  You aren't helping.21:03
DJ_DanniVlet is there no whay i can get it to woork?21:03
hovinennickrud, Trying now. Thanks.21:03
akornPriceChild: When it reaches Modifying Software Channels it says that it "can't fetch..." and gives me about 5 to 7 Gutsy repos21:03
nonix4emmajane: preferably not :/21:04
kahrytansrc,  helping requires explanation.21:04
PriceChildakorn, read the topic21:04
pulihi can any one help me with the fonts pls21:04
pike_!fonts | puli21:04
ubotupuli: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:04
nonix4emmajane: wondering what will happen if I follow the documented upgrade method...21:04
pulihi pike21:04
pulii am new to ubuntu21:04
pike_puli: hi welcome to ubuntu :)21:04
emmajanenonix4: not sure. I still have 7.04 :/21:04
Gek_huhhhhhhhhhh... i just installed ubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso.  Every application under Add/Remove Applications say "XXXXXX cannot be installed on your computer type (i386).  Either the application required special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type."21:04
akornPriceChild: i'll run it again now, i accidentally closed it21:05
pulii am frustrated21:05
ubuntuchickswirv i've installed those21:05
ubuntuchickwhat do i do now?21:05
ubuntuchickwell the generic ones21:05
pike_puli: whats the problem21:05
Kee1Gek_: you need to update your repositories21:05
yotuxany one hve issues with PXE on AMD6421:05
VletDJ_Danni: I'm sure there is a way to get it to work, but there's nothing I can do to tell you what it is at this point21:05
Alien18puli: whats the problem?21:05
pulimy language is malayalam21:05
srckahrytan, what's not clear?21:05
Gek_update repositories?  its a fresh install21:05
puliand i want to install a font called anjalioldlipi21:05
Dr_willissrc,  i feel for ya man.. honest i do.21:05
kahrytansrc,  ummm  everything21:05
pike_puli: youre indian?21:05
puliyes i am21:06
Gek_undate says its up to date21:06
pulican u help me pike21:06
srckahrytan, here ya go man http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html21:06
DJ_DanniBut dose sonone know aboat Firewalls?21:06
pulithis difficulty puts me off21:06
yokomocan anyone provide me with info on encrypting an entire drive in ubuntu (not the install, root, etc) as I have some family geneology information I would never want to get out but I want to use a larger key (one I can fit on a thumb drive) so the LVM install option on the alternative cd doesn't seem feasible21:06
itch_Hello guys. I`ve run into a bit of trouble after upgrade-in my feisty to gutsy. I can no longer start my X server, even if it`s properly configured. It crashes with this error: "Screens found, but none have a usable configuration21:06
pike_puli: ok so what problem do you have with installing the font? just dont know how to go about it?21:06
srckahrytan, it's nice, colorful and lynx unfriendly21:06
DJ_DanniBut dose sonone know aboat Firewalls?21:06
itch_Any sugestion ?21:06
puliyes thats right21:06
pppoe_dudeitch_, try reconfiguring X21:06
Kee1Gek_: are you using the main server or a mirror?21:07
zoredache_I don't suppose anyone else is having problems with the gutsy version of libpam_mount?  The system seems to mount my encrypted volume multiple times, and isn't properly unmounting on logout21:07
kahrytansrc,  ummm .... nope.21:07
hovinennickrud, I just did as you suggested and re-ran apt-get update. There is no change.21:07
Psi-JackI got a strange problem. CUPS is giving me a printing error: Unsupported format 'application/postscript'!21:07
pppoe_dudeitch_, probably by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:07
databuddyintel 965 chipset - anyone know of a successful vga= mode?21:07
emmajanenonix4: have you tried looking to see how much space it uses right now? in a terminal window (and as root) type : du --max-depth=1 -h /21:07
kahrytansrc, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313121:07
akornPriceChild: what's that website where you can easily upload a picture in two seconds?21:07
nickruditch_: read /var/log/Xorg.0.log , look for the resolution section. Probably you'll see something there21:07
PurpZeYDJ_Danni: If you speak a language other than english there are several non-english channels...If it's easier.21:07
databuddynone of the ones that are SUPPOSED to work actually work......21:07
srckahrytan, see, you can do it!21:07
pulipike there are 2 fonts basically which will do21:07
VletDJ_Danni: I know about them, but unless you've messed with your iptables, there should be nothing blocking those ports21:07
emmajanenonix4: that will give you a summary of your current directory sizes.21:07
hovinenI get "Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)"21:07
aaro1kyled: Your graphics card doesn't have two output ports on it, does it?21:07
hovinen(along with the aforementioned error)21:07
pulipike i am not a techie too21:07
nickrudhovinen: try another mirror21:07
emmajaneakorn: www.flickr.com ?21:07
hovinennickrud, Can you suggest one?21:07
akornemmajane: thanks :)21:07
pinionI was wondering if someone could help a newbie figure out how to edit his fstab.  I'd like my freenas windows shares to mount on startup.  This is the line I added: /mnt/NAS3/ cifs defaults 0 0  The ip is correct and I created the folder in /mnt/21:08
pulipike u there21:08
nickrud!mirrors | hovinen21:08
ubotuhovinen: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:08
databuddyflickr is an abomination be careful about using it - facebook also21:08
kahrytansrc,  cuz you didnt21:08
DJ_DanniVlet i only Installed bind and remove it agen after that i goat this prab21:08
dwxreaperwhat's better about gutsy, anything severly messed with fiesty (i had issues in dmesg "failed to resume from disk"  then files would randomly dissapear and come back on boot21:08
akornemmajane: oh no that's not it...i used one the other day that you don't even need an account for21:08
hovinennickrud, Thanks21:08
Joanki123PriceChild: what's difference between desktop-1386.iso and alternate-i386.iso??21:08
deadchipwhat's the default mail server installed with ubuntu?21:08
kahrytansrc,  I suggest you give people places to go ifyou dont want to tell them. telling them to google is against the rules.21:08
pike_puli: open a terminal and type 'gksu nautlilus'  this will open your file manager as root rights.  then navigate to /usr/share/fonts/21:08
pike_puli: what kind of fonts are these? the extension?21:08
pulione sec pike21:08
pppoe_dudekahrytan, can you take this elsewhere?21:08
srckahrytan, what rules?21:08
dredhammerok has anyone else lost semi-important stuff in the gutsy upgrade like xv and alsa so far i have had to fall back to oss21:08
Gek_Kee1, I'm using whatever the default install of ubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso allows21:08
pppoe_dudesrc, you too21:08
emmajaneakorn: not sure.21:09
dredhammerand x1121:09
Gek_i've not changed anything21:09
kahrytansrc,  find it on your own.21:09
Psi-JackAnyone know why CUPS would be giving me the error: Unsupported format 'application/postscript'!21:09
DJ_DanniVlet i only Installed bind and remove it agen after that i goat this prab21:09
cobusCan anyone help. I can not mount one of my NTFS drives. It is an ext drive and when i try to mount it, it tells me that it wasnt shut down properly21:09
Psi-JackI have ghostscript installed.. heh21:09
haruhi, how do i set mplayer-nogui to use a given soundcard?21:09
brainiac8008is there any way to try out desktop effects/compiz using the live cd?  i am running the live cd now, and when i select normal, it wants to enable a driver.  it downloads and installs the driver but then it requires a restart, and if i restart, it forgets everything21:09
Dr_willissrc,  ive never heard that  rule either.. his post mentions pmount, a command ive never heard of either..21:09
Psi-Jackharu: --help21:09
pike_brainiac8008: yes just follow the instructions for regular ubuntu21:09
Joanki123i have a 32bit laptop pc -- which version do i want to download?  alternate or desktop?21:10
pppoe_dudebrainiac8008, does it require a full restart or just GUI restart?21:10
MoLernerif i'm using savedefault in grub, should i comment out "default x"?21:10
haruPsi-Jack, i mean permanently..21:10
kyled185brainiac8008, you can probably just restart X (ctrl+alt_backspace)21:10
pulipike i have done that21:10
Psi-JackDr_willis: Hmm. I've heard of pmount before.21:10
puliwhat else should i do21:10
pike_brainiac8008: you can install stuff same as hd install only diff is that it wont be there next boot21:10
pppoe_dudetry pressing ctrl-alt-backspace after finishing the install, that should restart graphics for ya, brainiac800821:10
Psi-Jackharu: Does mplayer have a configuration file it reads? ;)21:10
pike_puli: are these like ttf files?21:10
srcpmount also works21:10
yasperswirv : it hasn't worked!21:10
puliyes it is21:10
emmajaneakorn: what about http://www.instantfilehosting.com/21:10
Dr_willisPsi-Jack,  its in the repos.. yet another command ive never noticed.. :) cool. learned somthing today!21:10
Joanki123i have a 32bit laptop pc -- which version do i want to download?  alternate or desktop?21:10
haruPsi-Jack, exactly what i am looking for21:10
PriceChildJoanki123, the alternate gives a text based install.21:10
Dr_willis!info pmount21:10
ubotupmount: mount removable devices as normal user. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.16-4 (gutsy), package size 84 kB, installed size 656 kB21:10
nonix4emmajane: Hmm, looks like no sane way to upgrade except repartitioning... wish I had installed using alt-cd & lvm :/21:10
Deformationpsyjoniz: the fan is normal in xp, only working under high cpu21:10
NullNamePLEASE HELP! Can I edit X11/xorg.conf and change the identifiers for screens...or do I have to run Does "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org"??HELP21:10
haruPsi-Jack, maybe .asoundrc21:10
Joanki123is desktop ok, pricechild?21:10
brainiac8008pppoe_dude, it says that it requires a full restart, but i'll try anyway21:10
pulican i give u the link of the font pike21:11
Psi-Jackharu: No, not asound. :p21:11
ychat!info fonts21:11
Kee1Gek_: I was having the same problem last night, try changing the download source in Add/Remove Programs -> Preferences21:11
ubotuPackage fonts does not exist in gutsy21:11
pike_puli: look in truetype directory21:11
psyjonizdeformation: hmm21:11
MoLernerwith GRUB: if i'm using savedefault, should i comment out "default x"?21:11
pike_puli: sure21:11
kyled185hey I have a dell 1710n printer and I'm trying to get it to print from the second tray, anyone here by chance have any experience with that?21:11
pppoe_dude!caps > NullName21:11
Psi-Jackharu: Try ~/.mplayer/config :p21:11
emmajanenonix4: bummer. :( If it's any consolation I've made some (similar) bad partitioning decisions.21:11
PriceChildJoanki123, do you know how much ram you have? Most modern/semi-old machines should have no problems with it21:11
Deformationpsyjoniz: this thing only happned after the upgrade21:11
psyjonizthere must be something in gutsy telling it to go high on the fan21:11
yasperswirv - should I have installed all the packages or just the ones which seemed right?21:11
Joanki123i have a brand new dell21:11
omega_where can i ask for apache question????21:11
emmajanenonix4: do you have available space in any of the other partitions?21:11
psyjonizomega_: #apache21:11
pppoe_dudeomega_, #apache21:11
Joanki123i dunno the ram21:11
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
gcarrillohi all, how long does a dist-upgrade take?21:11
yokomocan anyone provide me with info on encrypting an entire drive in ubuntu (not the install, root, etc) as I have some family geneology information I would never want to get out but I want to use a larger key (one I can fit on a thumb drive) so the LVM install option on the alternative cd doesn't seem feasible21:11
nonix4emmajane: I'll make a policy for myself to never install a non-LVM system again ;)21:11
haruPsi-Jack, no such file/folder21:11
Dr_willisomega_,  you might want to check out the apache docs and faq befor bugging them :)21:11
d-rockDoes anyone know what happened to "Switch to workspace 3" and "Switch to workspace 4" in the keyboard shortcuts control panel?21:11
pike_puli: in the truetype dir you should have other dirs that have fonts in em just drag the font to one of those with the other ttf files21:12
DManyone gotten the new rythmbox last FM plugin working?21:12
d-rockIn gutsy21:12
cobusCan anyone help. I can not mount one of my NTFS drives. It is an ext drive and when i try to mount it, it tells me that it wasnt shutdown properly21:12
Psi-Jackharu: That's what mplayer uses for it's configuration. I see mine. :p21:12
pppoe_dudeyokomo, check out CFS21:12
therethinkerwhats the name of the software sources command?21:12
Rabiddog gnome-themes-extras <---- anyone know why this package is hold in gutsy?21:12
haruPsi-Jack, what shud go there?21:12
emmajanenonix4: heh. I made a pact with myself to never try to guess how much to put into 18 different partitions for custom linux installs. :)21:12
nonix4emmajane: have some partitions I can scrap & install clean there21:12
Psi-Jackharu: man mplayer21:12
dedalusis there a known issue with gutsy/multiverse Sources right now?21:12
brainiac8008pppoe_dude, so all i have to do is hit ctrl alt backspace after installing driver and it will restart x21:12
pppoe_dudeyokomo, although i personally recommend just encypting folders with gpg21:12
kahrytanDr_willis, you need to familiarize yourself with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313121:12
therethinkerdedalus: some are down21:12
Deformationpsyjoniz: should i enable powernowd process? its off21:12
Dr_williscobus,  normally you boot to windows and have windows check the partition, OR theres a ntfsfix command taht 'might' fix it.21:12
pppoe_dudebrainiac8008, yes21:12
emmajanenonix4: how big are the other partitions?21:12
pulipike http://varamozhi.wikia.com/wiki/Varamozhi21:12
Psi-Jackharu: I'm guessing, ao=soundoption21:12
pulipike can u see that link21:12
yokomopppoe_dude: thank you21:12
psyjonizdeformation: anything is worth a shot at this point, yeah?21:12
BsimsI intend to update via the alternate cd and then update the rest once the mirrors cool down any issues anyone sees with this?21:13
Deformationpsyjoniz: you are right21:13
haruPsi-Jack, how do i find out my options :)21:13
pppoe_dudeyokomo, i tar folders then gpg them ;)21:13
psyjonizthat is really strange21:13
nonix4emmajane: dunno, the next step is figuring out which fdisk variants actually work... fdisk doesn't.21:13
VletDJ_Danni: Maybe you could just flush your firewall to make sure?21:13
Psi-Jackharu: man mplayer21:13
Dr_williskahrytan,  all ready read it.. found it odd that the artical starts with pmount, but dosent mention its an optional command.21:13
dedalustherethinker: getting errors from ca.archive.ubuntu.com21:13
emmajanenonix4: apparently when you're installing Ubuntu you can do custom partitions. http://linux.wordpress.com/2007/10/01/installing-ubuntu-linux-704-feisty-fawn-on-the-ps3/21:13
pulipike here is the link http://varamozhi.wikia.com/wiki/Varamozhi21:13
zoredacheBsims: apt-cdrom add  with the disk in, then update your sources.list21:13
yokomopppoe_dude: cool, thanks for the info21:13
barduckis resizing partition with GParted and making it bigger by adding some unallocation partition with it safe? Will it keep the data on the resized partition ?21:13
nonix4emmajane: on alt-cd, yes.21:13
Deformationpsyjoniz: oh i guess i knew whats wrong21:13
psyjonizdeformation: i downloaded gutsy recently - lemmie burn it and load it on my acer to see if i have similar results..21:13
puliwhat should i do now?21:13
emmajanenonix4: (that's for playstations, but you might be able to use some keywords to do more searching)21:13
DJ_Danni sudo iptables -f nat i have tryed that no use21:13
psyjonizdeformation: you think you got it?21:13
Bsimsactually should just ask to update from what I have read21:13
=== pwuertz_ is now known as pwuertz
NullNameCan I edit X11/xorg.conf and change the identifiers for screens...or do I have to run  "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org"??21:14
akornemmajane weird that's not loading for me haha21:14
nonix4emmajane: I've done some raid-lvm setups (real pain in the butt to install such on feisty btw)21:14
pppoe_dudeNullName, you can do either. do the latter if you don't know what you're doing21:14
mr_wangi do i do a checksum?21:14
Deformationpsyjoniz: i am trying to enable the process and its not getting on, also when i try to restart the system it tells me that i dont have the right to do an admin act21:14
pppoe_dudemr_wang, ckcum21:14
nonix4emmajane: just this unlucky laptop here...21:14
pppoe_dude*cksum mr_wang21:14
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Deformationpsyjoniz: i think the system is not allowing me to run it21:14
pike_puli: yes cool language :) you should just be able to drag and drop those files to same dir as the other ttf files21:14
akornPriceChild: you still there?21:14
puliguys can anyone help me to insatll a malayalam font pls21:14
emmajanenonix4: I had a demon laptop once. I understand your pain! :)21:14
psyjonizdeformation: ahh!  :P21:15
Psi-JackAnyone know why CUPS would be giving me the error: Unsupported format 'application/postscript'!21:15
laxAnyone know how to make a shortcut on the dekstop for my home?21:15
hovinenI just tried a different mirror and got the same errors.21:15
pulipike i tried this21:15
haruPsi-Jack, Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound . for alsa/oss21:15
psyjonizdeformation: lemmie load mine up see if i get same results21:15
Rabiddog gnome-themes-extras <---- anyone know why this package is hold in gutsy? Anyone know if its suppsed to be held by apt?21:15
pwuertzIs there a way to watch DVB-T using a Gnome-Like application? I know kaffeine does a very good job, but isn't there an alternative so I don't have to install the whole KDE desktop in order to watch TV?21:15
psyjonizdeformation: you'll have to give me a lil bit, k?21:15
alromaithiPlease help i want to know how to get thecompiz icon so i can have control like change to metacity for example21:15
Deformationpsyjoniz: ok, tyt21:15
gcarrillolax: rightclick on desktop, create launcher21:15
pulipike i tried doin draging and droping it says it already exist but when i search through the font i cant see that21:15
jimmygoonAnyone got truecrypt working on gutsy yet? or should i just start of compiling it from scratch21:15
davequestion, started install, left it, came back, now it says it's going to take 11 days21:15
oklopoli'm doing dev/dsp, where can i see/change the frequency f it?21:16
oklopol*of it21:16
miircan't get my USB-drive to work , is there anything special I need to do? I've followed instructions from !ntfs already , wasen't that ...21:16
davethink it will actually take that long?21:16
hovinenIs there a mirror that anyone can suggest whose packages are known to be working properly?21:16
TechnoVikingwhere can I turn off deskyop switching with the scroll wheel in compiz-fusion?21:16
psyjonizdeformation: you are using the desktop dist, yes?21:16
pppoe_dudemiir, what exactly isn't working?21:16
emmajanemiir: did you get an error message?21:16
Kee1jimmygoon: I complied it and it works great21:16
hhp2kHey everyone.. how come I don't have Tahoma with msttcorefonts installed?21:16
PriceChildakorn, ask the real question and I could have answered it by now.21:16
miirnope nothing21:16
alromaithihow to see the compiz system tray icon were i can right click and choose which skin i want ect.. decorater21:16
pppoe_dudemiir, a handful of USB thumbdrives don't support linux21:16
[M4rk0]Hi, I have pptpd installed and working, how to enable internet sharing with vpn clients?21:16
laxgcarrillo: and then choose location? i dont understand how to choose the home dir21:16
mr_wanghow do i use cksum21:16
Deformationpsyjoniz: yes21:16
NullNamepppoe_dude: thanks...what do I do if my default monitor is blinking?21:16
jimmygoonKee1, ok, anymore complex than ./configure && make?21:16
psyjonizdeformation:  ho'kai..  :: fiddling ::21:16
nonix4Umm, which fdisk variants actually work w/ macbooks?21:16
jimmygoonKee1, dependencies to watch out for or anything?21:16
pppoe_dudeNullName, how many monitors do you have?21:16
miirIt's a HD , western digital ... they should work no ?21:16
Deformationpsyjoniz: tyt :)21:16
=== dedalus is now known as fehwalker
NullNametwo monitors21:17
nonix4(fdisk only shows first 4 partitions)21:17
ychatpuli, do you have the .ttf files ?21:17
akornPriceChild: okay i'll PM you what it says so i don't flood21:17
Kee1jimmygoon: I followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=356184021:17
jimmygoonI'm kind of disgustingly paranoid... encrypted HD and truecrypt inside of that :P21:17
puliyes i do have it on my desktop21:17
gcarrillolax: let me see if i can remember21:17
NullNamepppoe_dude: two monitors and two graphics cards. both work independently21:17
pppoe_dudeNullName, i would go with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and answer all the questions21:17
jimmygoonKee1, thanks a bunch!21:17
NullNameI've done that pppoe_dude:21:17
NullNamebut I did it with the cards seperated...21:17
mr_wanghow do i use cksum21:17
oklopoli'm doing dev/dsp, where can i see/change the frequency of it?21:17
ychatpuli, http://penguinfonts.com/howto/ubuntu.php21:17
pppoe_dudeNullName, did it detect both graphics cards?21:17
Unknown^rryan : query please21:17
NullNamepppoe_dude: do you suggest I do it now with both cards...21:17
ychatpuli, follow "1b. by hand"21:17
pppoe_dudeNullName, look into "X server dual head"21:17
Unknown^rryan it will be quick21:17
NullNamepppoe_dude: no I did it seperatly and combined the two entries21:17
NullNamepppoe_dude: I used a guide21:18
oklopol/dev/dsp i mean21:18
miirthing is , I put in the USB coord , the HD spins up and makes it typical start up noice ... then nothing ... no popup , no error , no nothing21:18
Alien18hey, im seriously having problems playing back video files, i have vlc player, mplayer gstreamer codecs, ubuntu-restricted extras, everything i use, wont play video files, get green lines instead of a picture21:18
pppoe_dudeNullName, i don't have experience with two gfx cards21:18
pike_puli: so i guess 'sudo fc-cache -f -v'21:18
pppoe_dudeAlien18, sounds like a gfx card issue21:18
lavender_dreamAlien18: I'm having the same problem but I can't play DVD21:18
emmajanelax: you can type in the file name. It will be "/home/yourusername" without the quotes.21:18
NullNamedpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg if the screen is blinking can I use it to just run a shell/terminal?21:18
pppoe_dudeAlien18, what happens if you play with mplayer -vo xv?21:18
Unknown^rryan query21:18
Unknown^rryan query21:18
Unknown^rryan query21:18
Unknown^rryan query21:18
pulipike just putting that command would it be ok21:18
pike_puli: i wasnt sure how to recache or whatever21:18
emmajanelax: (next to the browse button)21:18
akornPriceChild: thanks21:18
pulishould i open a new terminal21:18
NullNameoops I didn't mean to type the first part of the last message pppoe_dude21:19
pike_puli: yeah you can close the other now21:19
emmajanelax: I chose "file" as the type at the very top. I don't know if it makes a difference.21:19
miiris there a way to manually mount a USB -drive ?21:19
pppoe_dude!caps | mr_wang21:19
ubotumr_wang: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:19
omega_hello everyone21:19
Vletmr_wang: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent21:19
pppoe_dudeUnknown^, please don't spam the channel21:19
pulilet me try21:19
puliwill get bak to u soon puli21:19
NullNamepppoe_dude: if the screen is blinking can I use it to just run a shell/terminal?21:19
oklopoli'm doing /dev/dsp, where can i see/change the frequency of it? sorry for repasting this over and over, but i'm not sure how else to force you to answer ;)21:19
Alien18pppoe_dude. how do i command line start a vid please?21:19
BsimsI intend to update via the alternate cd and then update the rest once the mirrors cool down any issues anyone sees with this?21:19
omega_if i have installed the ccg compiler where i found it21:19
lax"The name of the launcher is not set"....21:19
hovinenOkay, I just tried it from archive.ubuntu.com and it worked. So there is a problem with some mirrors, including ca.archive.ubuntu.com21:19
pppoe_dudeAlien18, mplayer -vo xv /path/to/file21:20
Lr5_Is there any programs similar to Programmer's Notepad for Ubuntu?21:20
alromaithiguys i just installed fresh gutsy accidently i installed emerald when i could change the decoration through applications > other > window decoration :( please help should i remove emerald and is emerald good to keep???21:20
bofh80hi people. can you tell me if this gnunet stuff is installed by default? i've been through a few distro upgrades, and this thing is causing my problems, can i safely remove it? i've read up on it, but the information is well, rather broad.21:20
pike_miir: 1) plug in drive 2) dmesg | tail  3) if it said like sda or whatever or sdb 4) sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb   is basic answer21:20
astro76Bsims, that's fine, if you do that, the rest of the updates from the net might be small enough to do now21:20
* Psi-Jack sighs./21:20
Vletomega_: you mean, gcc, right? you should be able to, from any terminal, just run it as 'gcc'21:20
emmajanemiir: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Flash-Memory-HOWTO/ It might not be the easiest tutorial, but I was the tech editor on it and I can vouch for its accuracy. :)21:20
novanosiswho is able to explain why I cannon run OPENGL in WINE on CS 1.6 without it laggin, workes fine in software mode21:20
pppoe_dudeAlien18, without the -vo xv to see what is actually happening originally21:20
Psi-JackSo, nobody here uses CUPS to print in ubuntu 7.10? ;)21:20
pike_miir: there is also a disk mounter in gnome menu which is easier i guess21:20
bee_Psi-Jack, yes I got it working earlier today21:20
Bsimsastro76: Heh I found a mirror for the alternate that gave me 900+kps21:20
NullNamepppoe_dude: will "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" allow me to configure double monitirs?21:20
warbisshopAnyone here exprience slow boot in ubuntu 7.1021:20
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, what are you actually trying to print?21:20
bofh80novanosis, can't you set it to use DirectX ?21:20
alromaithiguys i just installed fresh gutsy accidently i installed emerald when i could change the decoration through applications > other > window decoration :( please help should i remove emerald and is emerald good to keep???21:20
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: A test page. :p21:20
psyjonizdeformation: having to redownload - will be a little bit - don't go nowhere21:21
ubuntuchickhey guys21:21
ubuntuchickno luck with my sound21:21
parsekanyone have a problem with nvidia binary drivers? mine is always going back to vesa 640*48021:21
pppoe_dudeNullName, i think so, just back up a copy of your xord.conf and try it out21:21
rdavilaHi friends!21:21
bee_Psi-Jack, I use cups-pdf a lot.21:21
novanosisbofh80: I dont know how?21:21
Psi-Jackbee_: Did you have any problems with Unsupported format 'application/postscript'!?21:21
ubuntuchickcould it be because im in livecd?21:21
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, perhaps you are using the wrong driver?21:21
oklopoli'm doing /dev/dsp, where can i see/change the frequency of it?21:21
Deformationpsyjoniz: i will be here, you are my only hope!!21:21
oklopolor do i need a separate program?=21:21
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: Nope. It detected the Z600 just fine.21:21
bofh80novanosis, i'm sure where you choose OPENGL or Software mode you can select DirectX21:21
rdavilais there any way to install in text modo a "Desktop Edition" of ubuntu?21:21
psyjoniz1,441 ppl might disagree ;)21:21
omega_<Vlet>but when i want to configure the apache always tell me i don't haved21:21
novanosisbofh80: i will give it a try i will return21:21
googlahrdavila, just press esc at the boot screen21:22
warbisshopAnyone here exprience slow boot in ubuntu 7.10, my feisty didnt have this problem21:22
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: I'm getting Unsupported format 'application/postscript'!, when I try to print. Had to use the web interface to get that actual error message.21:22
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, what does "echo hello world | lp" give?21:22
CheesyMonkeyIs there a way to stop the window manager defaulting to compiz/visual effects at startup and back to metacity?21:22
bofh80warbisshop, out of interest, do you have a wireless device?21:22
warbisshopits on my laptop21:22
mon^rchwhats the command to purge my apt cache so it forces a download from the repo please?21:22
warbisshopbut my desktop doesnt have this problem :(21:22
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: Unsupported format 'application/postscript'!21:22
lap_there's a way to use emerald-themes in gutsy ?21:22
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: lp: Error - no default destination available.21:22
lap_to use emerald-themes like beryl does21:23
rdavilagooglah, is this the same as "alternate edition"?21:23
VletCheesyMonkey: in the appearance contro panel, select 'none' on the visual effects tab21:23
bofh80warbisshop, oh see, how long does it take to boot? and what wireless card is it?21:23
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, which one the first or the second?21:23
omega_ok how i can renew the Path?21:23
pike_warbisshop: hit esc at bootup then at grub menu hit 'e' to edit then at kernel line hit e to edit again and remove the quiet splash hit enter and then b to boot at least then you will see what it is slow doing make note of that during boot21:23
PurpZeYmon^rch: apt-cache update, I believe.21:23
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: The non-default, second one. ;)21:23
googlahrdavila, i guess so, not sure though :/21:23
CheesyMonkeyVlet, Its already selected. but when i login im left borderless,21:23
bofh80can anyone here confirm if GNUNET-DAEMON is part of the DEFAULT install ? do i NEED it for anything? i installed a lot of crap, i don't know if this was one of them21:23
EnkiHi all.  I have a question about printer setup with IPP.  When I try to set up a print using IPP, after entering the hostname and clicking "Find Queue", I just get a neverending "Scanning" message in the IPP Browser window.  Is there a particular format I should use for the address I enter?21:23
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, are you using a custom driver?21:23
pike_warbisshop: that is temp it will not effect any setting and when you reboot nothing is chanced21:23
rdavilaok, very thanks googlah ;)21:24
computerexIs there a way to activate the sound file previews in Gutsy?21:24
hassei have a ace archive containing 80 files, when i try to extract it, it stops at file.c40 i have tried with 4 different archives, same story, anyone ?21:24
Alien18pppoe_dude, both times (with and without) i get vertical yellow lines21:24
googlahrdavila, not a problem, try it out :)21:24
lap_there's a way to use emerald-themes in gutsy ?21:24
lap_to use emerald-themes like beryl does21:24
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: Nope. Dude. This is like, out-of-the-box install on CUPS. Nothing fancy. The Z600 was auto-detected, and I checked, it's using the right driver. That much I can see. ;)21:24
bofh80pike_, thanks for the advice, i can use that to solve the problem on my little bro's pc :D21:24
Alien18pppoe_dude, no picture21:24
pppoe_dudeAlien18, what about mplayer -vo sdl /file21:24
VesuroHi all, I'm paranoid about what I'm trying to do, so if anyone could help me out I'd *really* appreciate it - I'm looking for the easiest way to shrink my Linux partition, create an NTFS partition and install XP on the NTFS partition. I want to know how to keep my Linux partition bootable after this since Windows likes to overwrite the MBR. Any ideas?21:24
warbisshopwhen i let it boot like normal it takes about 5 mins21:24
warbisshopwhen i press ctrl alt F1 it works a lot faster21:24
kirumy xwindows crashes regularly by turning the screen into black21:25
Tigermando you guys have similar problems with Firefox on Gutsy? when you press the 'launch web browser' on your multimedia keyboard... does your homepage gets opened or file:///home/user (like by me)   ???21:25
Alien18pppoe_dude, same21:25
kirui have to run this script to fix it http://nopaste.info/7057a9ceda.html21:25
warbisshopin a minute -2 i'm booted up21:25
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, sounds like a bug21:25
LifeSFHi, I was wondering,.... I have Ubuntu server 7.10 and did apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to get my gui installed and it didn't work well at first and had to redo the apt-get and update about 5 times for it to finish... now it's finally started going through the install process and now it's been frozen at: Reloading system log daemon for over and hour.... is this normal?21:25
XeraHas the ATI support/drivers been improved in 7.10?21:25
pppoe_dudeAlien18, what video card are you using?21:25
kirudoes anybody know how to overcome the problem?21:25
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: request id is Z600_Series-1 (1 file(s))21:25
maksimтак лучше?21:25
computerexIs there a way to get sound previews in Gutsy like in Edgy or Fawn?21:25
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: That's after I set lp -d Z600_Series. :)21:25
kirubecause it is quite unconvenient to reboot in repair mode to run this script each time i log off21:25
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, did it print?21:25
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: Yeah, bug, what I'm thinking,21:25
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: Waiting to see..21:26
bofh80Vesuro,   System > Administration > Partition editor  for the pariutions21:26
novanosisoh my word, now I checked to see if there is a selection for directX and all I saw was OPENGL,SOFTWARE,D3D. I tried D3D and now when I open CS it takes me back to my login screen for ubuntu21:26
pulipike it says it succeeded21:26
puliwhshould i do?at21:26
Renghey guys i have a 1tb external drive and im using linux. should i format it to FAT or just leave it as NTFS?21:26
ds1i didn't know that ubuntu needed internet connection to install o_o21:26
Jesusds1, yes?21:26
pulipike can i close the terminal now?21:26
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: It went through the queue, and is no longer there. But no print. LOL21:26
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, on ubuntu, lp should automatically have the default printer setup (unless you don't have the Z600 set as your default in cups, perhaps)21:26
ds1and now it's stuck on 82% with scanning the mirror21:26
Alien18pppoe_dude, its nvidia, not sure of the model21:26
bofh80Vesuro, the boot sector thing is quite bad yes, i'm sure there's a simple way to fix that afterwards using the Ubuntu Live CD > but someone else here should clarify a simple way to rewrite the MBR21:26
pppoe_dude!nvidia | Alien1821:26
ubotuAlien18: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:26
ds1isn't there a way to run the install without the whole system ?21:27
warbisshopbofh80 takesa bout 5 mins and its an intel wireless card21:27
Xeranovanosis, D3D is Direct3D21:27
aroloving the ubuntu firefox themes21:27
Tigermando you guys have the same problem with Firefox on Ubuntu 7.10? when you press the 'launch web browser' button on your multimedia keyboard... does your homepage gets opened (like google) or 'file:///home/user' opens (like by me)   ???21:27
novanosisoh my word, now I checked to see if there is a selection for directX and all I saw was OPENGL,SOFTWARE,D3D. I tried D3D and now when I open CS it takes me back to my login screen for ubuntu21:27
XeraD3D is a Windows thing, you should select OpenGL or Software..21:27
pppoe_dudeAlien18, and / or stick around and get someone else to help you coz i have no experience with nvidia21:27
bofh80warbisshop, did you see pike_ 's information?21:27
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: I don't have any printer set default. I didn't want to, until it was tested. But Ubuntu install did not set the default, either, apparently.21:27
ds1no help21:27
bofh80novanosis, ouch21:27
parsekhi all, anyone succeeded using nvidia binary drivers with 7.10?21:27
EnkiI have a question about printer setup with IPP.  When I try to set up a print using IPP, after entering the hostname and clicking "Find Queue", I just get a neverending "Scanning" message in the IPP Browser window.  Is there a particular format I should use for the address I enter?21:27
Sun_PaladinBIG PROBLEM: I have a message saying "GRUB Loading stage1.5   GRUB loading, please wait...   Error 15.   I'm trying to enter Windows but it won't display the dual boot screen. Can someone tell me what happened?21:27
warbisshopbofh80 ye doing it as we speak21:27
bofh80novanosis, i used the direct3d option for mine, but i haven't played it for a while21:28
novanosisI cannot select anything now everytime I try to get in cs it takes me back to the login of ubuntu, any help please?21:28
bofh80warbisshop, cool. let us know what you find :)21:28
Alien18pppoe_dude thanx21:28
Xeranovanosis, delete your CS config file21:28
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, i'm out of ideas, perhaps check /var/log/cups?21:28
CosmosXhello, i am trying to repair a ubuntu install. my friend created a new user account and used the home from the only one user that existed... since she had done that, it is impossible to use the sudo command.21:28
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: Already did. No errors. LOL21:28
pike_puli: yes21:28
bofh80warbisshop, thanks for the information about the system. i have a pci belkin pci card in my bros' pc and it takes ages to boot ubuntu21:28
pulipike can i close that window now?21:28
Tigermanam i invisible or something?21:28
pike_puli: that should be it. a reboot also would have worked but that is a little drastic :)21:28
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, although if the lp command went through with no errors, then the document should have prined21:28
pppoe_dudePsi-Jack, you sure the printer is plugged in?21:29
Tigermando you guys have the same problem with Firefox on Ubuntu 7.10? when you press the 'launch web browser' button on your multimedia keyboard... does your homepage gets opened (like google) or 'file:///home/user' opens (like by me)   ???21:29
pike_puli: you should be all set21:29
CosmosXTigerman,  no your not21:29
aroTigerman, see how many people are asking questoins?21:29
pulithanks pike i am happy to read my newspaper now21:29
aroThere are 1431 people in this channel man21:29
VletTigerman: if you get no answer, that usually means no one here has an answer for you, or you're not being specific enough21:29
pulicooooooooooooooooooooooooooool pike21:29
Psi-Jackpppoe_dude: If it wasn't plugged in, it wouldn't have been detected during install of Ubuntu. *chuckles* But yeah, I just reached up and hit the power button on it, and it came on,. ;)21:29
Tigermanokay let me be more specific21:29
bofh80Tigerman, ROFLMAO :D21:29
pike_Tigerman: thats a firefox setting for homepage21:29
pulipike can u tell me whats that command stand for21:29
VletTigerman: does the same thing happen when you click on the firefox icon in your gnome panel?21:30
pike_puli: hope you stick with ubuntu :)  that command just rereads the fonts installed to build the cache  the cache is what ubuntu actually uses  windows is the same21:30
Tigermanpike_, my homepage in forefox is google21:30
parsekafter the installation, do you guys suggest first to upgrade the system and load the NVIDIA drivers or the other way?21:30
novanosisok DELETING the config.cfg file did not work or help. Please what should I do21:30
Shapeshifter-On gutsy: The menu button "System/Administration/Printing" shows up twice. The tootips differ. Once it's "Configure printers" and once "Configure your printers". Both work and I only need one. How can I get rid of the duplicate?21:30
Xeranovanosis delete the cfg directory21:30
numusanyone have any idea how to uninstall ubuntu from windows.. i have a harddrive partitioned out half ext3 half ntfs21:31
novanosisXera: where should I look?21:31
bofh80Tigerman, so it only goes to a different homepage when you hit the launch button on the keyboard yes? do you know how to configure those buttons, to see the launch command it is using?21:31
Xeranovanosis also google for CS 1.6 start up paramaters for setting render mode, -gl should be it21:31
numusbut my gutsy install is all messed up and when i try to run the cd.. it has errors and boots only to terminal21:31
pulipike before i leave one more Q, can u tell me how to get desktop icons for the installed software with its own emblem21:31
warbisshopbofh80 it complains about kint not finding a resume image and that is says something about intelintel_rng:HWL not found21:31
Tigermanbofh80, yes it goes to a different homepage21:31
joankii'm trying to get my burned ubuntu cd to boot up, but it's not doing a thing21:31
joankican anyone help?21:31
RivaeAerya_Tracker says everything's indexed but i can't search anything in either the deskbar or the tracker search tool. Can anyone help me?21:32
AllenwrGood afternoon21:32
warbisshopbofh80 it complains about kint not finding a resume image and that it says something about intel_rng:HWL not found21:32
tulumy built-in fingerprint reader won't show up in lsusb, any help?21:32
Tigermanbofh80, this is a bug in Gutsy21:33
VletTigerman: in your preferences, open the Keyboard Shortcuts control panel, and maybe try resetting which buttons are used for what21:33
* bofh80 on phone21:33
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can!21:33
Sun_Paladinanyone free: I'm trying to boot back into Windows on a dual booted machine but I keep on getting a grub error. help would be greatly appreciated21:33
EnkiI have a question about printer setup in Gutsy with Internet Printing Protocol.  When I try to set up a printer using IPP, after entering the hostname and clicking "Find Queue", I just get a neverending "Scanning" message in the IPP Browser window.  Is there a particular format I should use for the address I enter?  I've confirmed that I can print from Windows using IPP, and that the Ubuntu box can see the IPP print queue through http.21:33
Intangirim installing ubuntu21:33
Wil1update manager is giving me hassle with upgrading to gutsy... is it possible to upgrade using the install cd for gutsy?21:33
gnutronjoanki - is your system BIOS boot order set to boot cdrom first?21:33
Intangirand its at 82% configuring apt, its takeing a LOONG time21:33
joankino, but i hit f1221:33
VletTigerman: I would suspect that your 'web browser' button is actually launching the launch help browser21:33
joankichose to boot from cdrom21:33
joankiand then it proceeded to do as usual21:34
tulumy built-in fingerprint reader won't show up in lsusb, any help?21:34
joankino cd boot21:34
Adam__what's the command to see what ports all processes are running?  it's not netstat it's something else21:34
TigermanVlet, yes it does21:34
warbisshopnmap ?21:34
emmajanetulu: is it a usb thing or an lspci thing?21:34
VletTigerman: what does what?21:34
Alien18anyone recommend a easy to use ftp server program please?21:34
elementsAdam__: lsof -i -n -P21:34
RivaeAerya_Tracker says everything's indexed but i can't search anything in either the deskbar or the tracker search tool. Can anyone help me?21:34
harusomeone help me find my device so that mplayer can play using it?21:34
novanosisXera that did the trick but my main goal is to run cs smoothly, it wont run smooth in poengl but does fine in software mode21:34
TigermanVlet, but my homepage (http://www.google.com/) is not displayed21:34
tuluemmajane: I'm not sure!21:34
gnutronjoanki - if your bios has the boot priority option, it 'must' be set to boot cdrom then...whatever hdd. fdd etc21:34
emmajanetulu: try lspci21:34
thompaI am still having a problem playing DVDs. I have a film I purchased grade "b" film konga for example. Kaffeine will play the menu and then says its encrypted21:34
Adam__elements: thanks21:35
LifeSFHi, I was wondering,.... I have Ubuntu server 7.10 and did apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to get my gui installed and it didn't work well at first and had to redo the apt-get and update about 5 times for it to finish... now it's finally started going through the install process and now it's been frozen at: Reloading system log daemon for over and hour.... is this normal?21:35
myrhi, my newly installed torbutton wont work on FF 2.0.06 (gutsy) .. any hints? tor and privoxy are installed and restarted21:35
DARKGuyHey people :D why the hell the nautilus search function never works for me? I choose Search and put "*partOfTheNameOfOneOfMyFiles*.*" and nothing shows up, I've tried with ", *.*, *'s, without anything, I've tried to add a new item "Place = my cd drive" and Filetype = any and nothing shows up either... is it broken?21:35
joankignutron: but i manually made it boot from cd upon startup21:35
TigermanVlet, the dir file:///home/user is listed instead21:35
RivaeAerya_Hi all - I have a problem. Tracker says everything's indexed but i can't search anything in either the deskbar or the tracker search tool. Can anyone help me?21:35
joankignutron: are you telling me this is not sufficient21:35
bofh80warbisshop, so it appears to stall at the wireless card? have you pumped that msg into google at all?21:35
parag0nhow can i connect a bluetooth headset to a gutsy machine?21:35
siriusnovahi guys21:35
gnutronjoanki - did it work?21:35
pike_puli: im sorry i dont know the graphical environment that well21:35
joankiso i need to change my setting temporarily you are saying?21:35
siriusnovaI just formatted an external drive as ext3 to  use as a file storage area, however i can't write to it as a user, only root. Any way i can fix that?21:35
elementsI have trouble getting NetworkManager to connect to my WLAN. It just doesnt do anything. This problem has been present in Gutsy for a month now and still is.21:35
ARCKEDAAnyone home?21:35
Xeranovanosis so uh run it in software mode21:35
Wil1update manger keeps failing to fetch some files and rolling back to 7.04... i have the CD, is it possible to use that to upgrade instead?21:36
DARKGuyHey people :D why the hell the nautilus search function never works for me? I choose Search and put "*partOfTheNameOfOneOfMyFiles*.*" and nothing shows up, I've tried with ", *.*, *'s, without anything, I've tried to add a new item "Place = my cd drive" and Filetype = any and nothing shows up either... is it broken?21:36
elementsSometimes it connects and sometimes it doesnt.21:36
pike_puli: id thinkg you could just right click and change the properties of it but not sure21:36
Intangirim installing ubuntu from CD and its at 82% configuring apt, its takeing a LOONG time21:36
gnutronjoanki - yes you do.21:36
Intangiri think its stuck..21:36
Tigermanmaybe i need to set something in gconf-editor?21:36
joankiis that f12?21:36
joankii cant remember what tha tone is21:36
bofh80Tigerman, i fear the question you need to ask is "how do i change my keyboard quick launch buttons" :D21:36
joankithat one21:36
thompaso I cant play any of my crappy dvds21:36
elementsRestarting /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager did work once, but doesnt anymore.21:36
* ARCKEDA is wondering how he would go about making a message appear, such as you were echoing something, when bash starts up.21:36
novanosisXera but software mode does not give the clarity? dont you understand? its pixelated21:36
=== bluedogs is now known as bluedog
tuluemmajane: I see my firewire, pci express, ricoh camera, memory stick bus, but no Upek fingerprint stuff21:36
leosmith7268hello all, i'm having one hell of a time with ubuntu on my production pc right now21:36
Tigermanbofh80, no it really isn't so21:36
novanosisXera but software mode runs smooth thats all21:36
leosmith7268my graphics went21:36
DARKGuyHey people :D why the hell the nautilus search function never works for me? I choose Search and put "*partOfTheNameOfOneOfMyFiles*.*" and nothing shows up, I've tried with ", *.*, *'s, without anything, I've tried to add a new item "Place = my cd drive" and Filetype = any and nothing shows up either... is it broken?21:36
thompais it true we cant watch store bought disks21:36
gnutronjoanki - typically it's f1, f2, esc. one should work.21:36
Intangirim installing ubuntu from CD and its at 82% configuring apt, its takeing a LOONG time, anyone else seen this?21:37
Wil1does nobody have the answer to my question or am i just being overlooked?21:37
Enkii guess no one knows about IPP.  Maybe someone knows if there's a way to avoid incinerating my Weighted Companion Cube?21:37
=== myr is now known as Niemand
Xeranovanosis well21:37
tuluemmajane: when I run thinkfinger it says "device not found"21:37
Xeranovanosis no idea21:37
Tigermani have set the 'Launch web browser' in Keyboard Shortcuts to be the WWW button on my multimedia keyboard21:37
* chalcedony smiles21:37
novanosisXera good enough for me21:37
OrionDudecan someone PM me to explain how to get the graphical interface running on ubuntu server version ?21:37
emmajanetulu: hm. What about this page: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_enable_the_fingerprint_reader ?21:37
bofh80Tigerman, more than likely the launch command itself (ie the command that runs when you press that button) is specifying that webpage to start with manually21:37
thiago_to tentanmdo aprender a usar o ubutu21:37
DARKGuyHey people :D why the hell the nautilus search function never works for me? I choose Search and put "*partOfTheNameOfOneOfMyFiles*.*" and nothing shows up, I've tried with ", *.*, *'s, without anything, I've tried to add a new item "Place = my cd drive" and Filetype = any and nothing shows up either... is it broken?21:37
Wil1alright, i'll go figure it out myself...21:38
gnutronWil1 - my bet is the mirrors are overloaded.21:38
novanosisXera how bout I ask you this, is there anyway I can install an nvidia driver through wine? and have CS 1.6 use the windows based nvidia driver?21:38
PurpZeYWil1: I don't know what question you asked as I just got back from AFK...but, sort of crazy in here...21:38
pulipike to put that command should v download the font onto desktop first21:38
DARKGuyman I hate to repeat myself :/21:38
Wil1thanks gnutron21:38
CheesyMonkeyHaving a problem getting my 7.10 install to default to metacity all the time at login any ideas?21:38
Wil1so is it possible to use my cd??21:38
haruhow do i specify mplayer to use the device hw.1 to give sound output????21:38
joankignutron: didnt work21:38
tuluemmajane: I followed that twice, once by source and once by packages, but the tf-tool acquire gives me the same error21:38
joankiwindows bootnig as usual21:38
chalcedonyDARKGuy: are you giving it enough time to search in? mine takes HOURS to load/ i use command line21:38
Tigermanbofh80, how can i edit that command21:38
joankicould it mean cd is bad ccd?21:38
Xeranovanosis lol no21:38
thompa1500 people in this forum21:38
bofh80Tigerman, i believe there is a specific application/program that handles those spastic keyboard buttons, you simply need to find out what it is and configure it21:38
gnutronjoanki - did you access your bios setup?21:38
thompathat seems crazy21:38
Sun_Paladinwho's free at the moment to answer questions?21:38
emmajanetulu: what's the error?21:38
joankiand i moved boot from cd to top21:39
PurpZeYthompa: Several hundred is uncommon21:39
chalcedonySun_Paladin: ask21:39
OrionDudecan someone PM me to explain how to get the graphical interface running on ubuntu server version ?21:39
gnutronjoanki - did you find and verify boot priority?21:39
jagsUTi love gusty gibbon21:39
Tigermanbofh80, i could figure out that myself21:39
jagsUTits beastin on me21:39
tuluemmajane: Initializing...USB device not found.21:39
novanosisXera HOW i pray for steam to be native on linux!21:39
PurpZeYOrionDude: Just install the package ubuntu-desktop21:39
VletOrionDude: just do this: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:39
Tigermanplease assist me here21:39
thompaPurpZeY: i love gutsy but none of my obscure DVDs will play21:39
joankilet me go to that screen and tell u what is there if you dont mind21:39
Wil1i want my gutsy :(21:39
OrionDudehow do i do that?21:39
bofh80Tigerman, lookin lol21:39
gnutronjoanki - sure21:39
* OrionDude is linux noob21:39
Xeranovanosis CS 1.6/Source works fine for everyone else I know21:39
PurpZeYthompa: Obscure?21:39
Sun_Paladinchalcedony: I tried to reformat the partition that contained my Ubuntu system, and it couldn't because the live cd was damaged. now I can't get into windows to burn a new cd21:39
emmajanetulu: anything interesting in the syslog?21:39
dredhammerhello installed gutsy but i am being told i have no xv adapter or alsa audio although they are both installed21:39
VletOrionDude: Then what are you running the server for?21:39
=== Niemand is now known as myr
emmajanetulu: or dmesg?21:39
thompaPurpZeY: cult and grade b films21:40
bofh80warbisshop, intel_rng: FWH i presume?21:40
thompaPurpZeY: i have tried everything and every program21:40
PurpZeYthompa: Yes, I understand, but, why are they different than any other DVD ?21:40
emmajanetulu: dmesg is a commandin the terminal.21:40
joankignutron: i'm there21:40
gnutronthompa - they'll play once you've gotten the proper codecs.21:40
tuluemmajane: i'll look21:40
novanosiscan anyone tell me how to use "apt-get" in terminal, it wont work for me I tried "sudo apt-get googleearth and nothing21:40
joankiunder system, i go to "boot sequence"21:40
thompaPurpZeY: i dont know, maybe encrypte21:40
OrionDudeVlet .. needing a LMAP / email server21:40
emmajanetulu: and the other one is $ sudo tail /var/log/syslog21:40
joankicd/dvd/cd-rw drive is #121:40
EnkiI have a question about printer setup in Gutsy with Internet Printing Protocol.  When I try to set up a printer using IPP, after entering the hostname and clicking "Find Queue", I just get a neverending "Scanning" message in the IPP Browser window.  Is there a particular format I should use for the address I enter?  I've confirmed that I can print from Windows using IPP, and that the Ubuntu box can see the IPP print queue through http.21:40
thompagnutron: no they wont21:40
haruhow do i specify mplayer to use the device hw.1 to give sound output????21:40
chalcedonySun_Paladin: ouch ! what are you using to irc with. could you use this to burn it?21:41
Slappytrying to upgrade to 7.10 from fiesty and its getting hung up on a few files from a canadian repository. is it possible to change where it gets its upgrade files from?21:41
Unknown^thank you all and you rryan21:41
Unknown^bye all21:41
emmajanenovanosis: you're missing a word...21:41
PurpZeYthompa: But, regulat DVDs play?21:41
gnutronjoanki - set boot priority to cdrom then hdd then fdd or network. SAVE changes and exit.21:41
thompagnutron: i am going to have to rip my dvd to watch it21:41
pike_novanosis: sudo apt-get install somepackagename   also to look for a specific package apt-cache search something21:41
emmajanenovanosis: for example: apt-get INSTALL (lowercase) package name.21:41
joankiwhat is fdd21:41
PurpZeYSlappy: Servers are getting hit hard. . .21:41
joankii have diskette drive21:41
leosmith7268i need some help with drivers for nvidia and ubuntu 7.0421:41
joankiinternal drive21:41
Dyusis there a program for fixing the compiz options, some of the effects are kind of annoying21:41
Colrowhenever i run the update manager i get a ton of errors about being unable to download all repository indexes (the links all have fiesty in them when im running gutsy, though, so is there something i need to change?)21:41
joankiinternal hdd, that is21:41
thompaPurpZeY: some play some dont21:41
Sun_Paladinchalcedony: I'm using another computer to get on irc. also it gives me a grub error when I try to boot w/out the live CD21:41
joankiand usb storage21:41
DARKGuychalcedony, well it doesn't do anything either, it just says 0 files found - I'd use the command line too, in fact I had to learn to find files with it because the nautilus search function never works -_-21:41
Slappyshould i wait a few days?21:41
keo92How to remove completely a compiled program (OpenLDAP + BerkeleyDB) in order to install slapd ?21:41
gnutronjoanki - fdd = floppy disk drive21:41
tuluemmajane: I keep seing a ACPI: PCI Interrupt21:41
tuludoes that have anything to do with it?21:42
askand novanosis: I think "sudo apt-get install googleearth-package"21:42
PurpZeYSlappy: I honestly don't know except to say that the servers are clogged...21:42
CheesyMonkeyI did a basic install, using alternate CD, and my install is defaultting to visual effects turned on, leaving me without window borders, i have to run 'metacity --replace &' everytime i login, even though my effects are turned off, any ideas anyone?21:42
Renghey guys i have a 1tb external drive and im using linux. should i format it to FAT or just leave it as NTFS?21:42
emmajanetulu: hmm.21:42
thompaPurpZeY: kaffeine plays the entro warnings and menu then quits with encryption warning21:42
PurpZeYthompa: I know for feisty you needed dvdlibs...21:42
leosmith7268help with some nvidia problems in ubuntu 7.0421:42
gnutronjoanki - cdrom/hard disk, anything. save and exit21:42
Slappythanks purpzey21:42
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box21:42
kahrytanReng,  Fat3221:42
emmajanetulu: I don't think so. ACPI can be lots of different things.21:42
gcarrillohey did anybody's upgrade fail because of skype??21:42
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:42
khamaelhow do I reset the password for nm-applet?21:42
novanosisok that worked and did not after putting install it tells me could not find  package21:42
blix__Anyone here run nUbuntu?21:42
chalcedonyDARKGuy: grep is my best friend21:42
blix__I need to make grep my friend21:42
thompaPurpZeY: I have been try for days to watch this movie and am not new to Linux21:42
keo92How to remove completely a compiled program (OpenLDAP + BerkeleyDB) in order to install slapd ?21:42
DARKGuychalcedony, mine too xD but don't you know if the search function in nautilus really works?21:43
kahrytanReng, I consider fat32 to be faster and linux has native support without ntfs-3g driver.21:43
askandReng: I think NTFS is slower in linux but faster in windows...21:43
joankignutron: booting like regular still21:43
bofh80Tigerman, do you know how to use synaptic /21:43
chalcedonyDARKGuy: not for me it doesn't21:43
thompaPurpZeY: my buzzcocks punk dvd also wont play anymore21:43
gnutronjoanki - what was the priority set at before?21:43
masticoreI get these errors when I try "sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv" http://upload.dibon.net/files/1121/screenshot.png http://upload.dibon.net/files/1122/screenshot2.png How can I fix this?21:43
novanosisdesktop:~$ sudo apt-get install frostwire21:43
novanosisam I doing this right? desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install frostwire21:43
Tigermanbofh80, yes21:43
leosmith7268anyone know how to install and use envy?21:43
DARKGuychalcedony, d'oh, broken then >.< I'll use find then. thanks xD21:43
joankiit was 1. diskette21:43
Sun_Paladinchalcedony: is there a possibility that I just corrupted my windows xp partition?21:43
bofh80Tigerman, can you tell me if the package hotkeys is installed?21:43
joanki2. interhall hdd 3. usb 4. cd21:43
srckeo92, tried make clean?21:43
joankibut then i changed it to 1. cd21:43
chalcedonydoes anyone know what the name of the firefox downloads directory is so i can find what i downloaded?21:43
kahrytanReng,  however, if you are going to have files over 2gb, then ntfs.21:43
emmajanenovanosis: looks good to me.21:43
gnutronjoanki - did you save the changes?21:43
Rengok, i format it to FAT32. Thanks alot guys21:44
joankiif the cd is corrupt, will it do this?21:44
tuluemmajane: I'm not seeing anything else that looks suspicious21:44
joankiyes i did21:44
thompaPurpZeY: either the codecs are broke or its something with newer dvds21:44
emmajanenovanosis: if you're not sure of the package name. try: apt-cache search <program name>21:44
novanosisemmajane: then why does it say could not find package ? desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install frostwire21:44
novanosisReading package lists... Done21:44
novanosisBuilding dependency tree21:44
novanosisReading state information... Done21:44
novanosisE: Couldn't find package frostwire21:44
kahrytanReng, Remember, Fat32 has 2gb limitation.21:44
VletOrionDude: I'm just saying, if you don't know anything about linux, setting up a server is kind of like jumping into the deep end21:44
chalcedonySun_Paladin: i'm not an expert. just a mom trying to find answers too21:44
kahrytan!paste | novanosis21:44
ubotunovanosis: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:44
gnutronjoanki - yes if the cd is corrupt, or not flagged 'bootable' it wont work.21:44
joankithis is very weird21:44
kbrosnanchalcedony: it defaults to the desktop21:44
Sun_Paladinwho's an expert in here that is free?21:44
Tominatorhi! I just install gutsy server on my little home-server and I am trying to get my wlan working. On Edgy my Ralink 2500 Card had the interface "ra0" now there are wlan0 and waster0,,, ist wlan0 the equivalent for ra0 now?21:44
chalcedonykbrosnan: cd desktop ?21:44
thompaPurpZeY: everything else works great but this is a serious issue, I have tried also other distros smae problem21:44
emmajanenovanosis: it /says/ it's there when I search for it...21:44
kahrytanSun_Paladin, I charge $100/hr. not free21:45
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
oklopoli'm doing /dev/dsp, where can i see/change the frequency of it?21:45
kbrosnanchalcedony: cd Desktop21:45
gnutronjoanki - put a windblows cd in and chek it. then abort it21:45
emmajanenovanosis: does it come up for you when you do a search?21:45
OrionDudeVlet ... im a windows server admin ... i just expected the interface to pop up from the start .. that got me stumped ... but its installing now :)21:45
tuluemmajane: all I see is that it regularly says "PCI: Setting latency timer of device"21:45
srcchalcedony, it's in the firefox properties, main tab -> downloads section21:45
emmajanetulu: hmm.21:45
thompaVLC will open the film than also die21:45
novanosisit goes black21:45
VletSun_Paladin: no one wants to be TAKEN by one person. Ask your questions, and if anyone IN HERE knows the answer, they'll answer21:45
emmajanetulu: and you didn't get any errors when you followed that tutorial on how to install the fingerprint reader?21:45
Rabiddog gnome-themes-extras <---- anyone know why this package is hold in gutsy? Anyone know if its suppsed to be held by apt?21:45
novanosisthis search you told me i should enter it into the terminal correct ? apt-cache search21:45
bofh80Tominator, i seem to find the adapters name choice varies lol, so yes wlan0 is an equivient. if you are not sure you can use dmesg to see what's being assigned to what21:45
masticoreI get these errors when I try "sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv" http://upload.dibon.net/files/1121/screenshot.png http://upload.dibon.net/files/1122/screenshot2.png How can I fix this?21:46
googlahgod, i love ubuntu :)21:46
thompaI am going to have to rip my DVD, surely that worse.21:46
Tigermanbofh80, i have installed the hotkeys package21:46
tuluemmajane: I don't think so, should I try again and tell if you if I do?21:46
Sun_PaladinVlet: so do I just address my questions to a random person whenever I log in here?21:46
Tigermannow what?21:46
Reng<kahrytan> what you mean by 2gb limitation? if i use FAT32 as a external im only going to see 2gb out of 1tb?21:46
emmajanenovanosis: correct, in a terminal window21:46
Tigermani have tried if now the thing would work, but not21:46
SveinTQuestion: can I use gutsy with an older kernel (e.g fom Feisty?)21:46
PurpZeYthompa: Best I can suggest is to try to figure out what encoding. . .21:46
VletEveryone: don't forget that this isn't the only place to seek help. There is also ubuntuforums.org. This place is limited because it depends on the person who knows how to fix your problem being in here at this moment21:46
novanosisemmajane: ok i tried it and it just goes blank nothing came up21:46
bofh80Tigerman, does it still launch the same thing?21:46
emmajanetulu: might be a good idea to try again. I'm not sure what it might be, and I dn't actually have a finger print reader to test myself.21:46
thompaPurpZeY: irs maybe DeCSS21:46
Tigermanbofh80, yes21:46
thompabut that is part of libdvd21:46
tuluok, thanks21:46
emmajanenovanosis: hmm. It looks like your sources don't include this package...21:47
Tigermanbofh80, any other suggestions?21:47
Avarielhow come when i type "/join ##java" nothing happens ?21:47
chalcedonyi know i did this before with finding files and saving them to my home directory. i just forgot how.21:47
PurpZeYthompa: Sorry mang, Beyond me. . .21:47
VletSun_Paladin: I'm pretty good with a lot of things, but I don't know much about grub, so if you ask for 'an expert' and I respond, it's wasting your time and mine21:47
bofh80Tigerman, sigh, you've got me installing it now. 1 sec i see how to configure it ok21:47
joankignutron: that damned windows, trying to take over my computer, it said "press button to boot from cd" for like .05 seconds21:47
gnutronAvariel - drop the extra # Sign maybe21:47
oklopoli'm doing /dev/dsp, where can i see/change the frequency of it?21:47
emmajanenovanosis: I don't see anything usual in my package list that would mean I hve it and you don't.21:47
LiMaOkdelibs is broken... kopete won't start and login to msn =/21:47
Avarieli tried, it wont even join #java21:47
Sun_PaladinVlet: okay, looking on the forums right now then, thanks for the info21:47
ademanthe alternate installer keeps failing at "selecting and installing software", do you guys think this means it's trying to access the repositories and that's failing? or what?21:48
niklas-lhi how do i get rpcinfo to work i get error21:48
MrPinkCan anyone reference me to a good Theme Manager App for Ubuntu ?21:48
Avarieland they supposedly exist in the list of channels21:48
=== DarkHack is now known as D[a]rkH[a]ck
bofh80Tigerman, i hate those spastic keyboard buttons, should be cut off your keyboard heheheh21:48
thompaPurpZeY: its ok, gutsy is great, its not an ubuntu problem, its codecs and encryption in obscure dvds21:48
khamaelhow can I reset the "keyrings" used by nm-applet?21:48
emmajanenovanosis: http://www.frostwire.com/ just download it from their site21:48
Kaitlyn2004how do I get the CPU temperature?21:48
VletAvariel: some channels on freenode require registration. check for messages from the server about the channel you just tried to join.21:48
novanosisemmajane: i guess its not the same ol ubuntu, my apt-get does not work, and i dont know how to trial and error this21:48
emmajanenovanosis: they have a ubuntu package available from the home page.21:48
gnutronjoanki - try again with spacebar held down to see if it will boot it.21:48
AvarielVlet: oh i see you are right21:48
novanosisemmajane: ok i will take a look21:48
Avarieli want to register but im not sure how21:49
joankiwindows must know ubuntu is taking over my machine ;)21:49
bluedogLiMa0 - temp fix can be found here -> http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/304121:49
VletAvariel: it's to prevent spam :)21:49
gnutronjoanki - i think your ubuntu disk is messed up, not a bootable cd21:49
AvarielVlet: yeah i can imagine, i want to register though but im not sure hwo21:49
bofh80Tigerman, bump up a terminal and type hotkeys -l    (that's L ) and see if your keyboard is listed . . . .21:49
joankime, too21:49
srcKaitlyn2004, you need lm sensor package installed21:49
joankii'm annoyed that was $.99 wasted ;)21:50
emmajanenovanosis: sometimes apt is more trouble than it's worth. Especially when there are ubuntu packages available from the main Web site forthe software.21:50
joankibut windows wouldn't know that straight off without trying, would it?21:50
VletAvariel: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup21:50
gnutronjoanki - it happens :)21:50
SveinTtrying again (last time), can I use older kernels on gutsy?21:50
neopsychebeerfan: ok21:50
SveinTand if so, how?21:50
neopsychebeerfan: i got gparted going.. how can i format a disk?21:50
gnutronSveinT - i really doubt  it. imho21:51
VletSveinT: I doubt it.21:51
joankiok i'm gonna reburn it now21:51
SveinTok, thanks21:51
SveinTno gutsy for me then21:51
gnutronjoanki - what are you burning with?21:51
VletSveinT: you'd have to break a lot of package dependencies.... and I bet everything would be broke :)21:51
neopsychehow do i format disk in gparted?21:51
rmtlevmattaanyone knows is NX server is compatible with 7.1021:51
Tigermanbofh80, my keyboard is Genius KB-16e Scroll21:51
SveinTVlet: I see21:51
AvarielVlet: are these commands IRC commands like/join or for use elsewhere: Register your IRC nick:21:52
Avariel    /msg nickserv register <your-password>21:52
comicinkerneopyche: a floppydisk?21:52
Tigermanand is not in that list when i do hotkeys -l21:52
SveinTgutsy won't recognize one of my disks...says it can't set xfermode21:52
comicinkerneopsyche: a floppydisk?21:52
neopsychecomicinker: its a flash disk21:52
SveinTand I can't get help anywhere21:52
neopsychecomicinker: it shows a little lock in the icon21:52
|neon|iplist does not install on ggggutsy because of libnfnetlink1 any suggestions21:52
bofh80Tigerman, then i'd say you can safely remove hotkeys it's not going to help :(21:52
chalcedonyif i'm in Desktop are there directories i can't see with ls ? how can i see them?21:52
SveinTtried to submit a bug report, but it hasn't got confirmed yet...and forums are of no help21:52
tuluemmajane: the website says "/lib/security is the directory, where PAM assumes its modules on Debian and openSUSE, it may vary for your distro!" is this something I have to worry about?21:52
PurpZeYneopsyche: Flashdisk? like, flash-drive?21:52
comicinkerneopyche: is the write protection off?21:53
rmtlevmattaanyone knows is NX server is compatible with 7.1021:53
bofh80Tigerman, we will have to find out what in ubuntu is controlling that keyboard launcher21:53
emmajaneneopsyche: are you running it as root? maybe it's a permisison thing?21:53
MrPinkCan anyone reference me to a good Theme Manager App for Ubuntu ?21:53
fougWhy is 6.06 supported longer than 7.10?21:53
Tigermanbofh80, okay let's dig in :)21:53
keo92How to remove completely a compiled program (OpenLDAP + BerkeleyDB) in order to install slapd ?21:53
vlassiswhat do u suggest about 7.10: upgrade or clean install?21:53
VletAvariel: yep, irc commands... don't do it in here though, do it in the window that opens for the server, otherwise if you mis-type something, you may broadcast your password to all of #ubuntu21:53
emmajanetulu: Ubuntu is basically debian, so probably not.21:53
bofh80Tigerman, sure watch this.21:53
rmtlevmatta6.06 is a LONG time suport edition21:53
Tominatorhi! I've got some problems with my ralink rt2500 wifi-card. It doesn't connect to the accesspoint. dmesg puts out these parts: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/16445/ ... this is quite strange because the card used to be ra0 under edgy21:53
Avarielhahaha alright i figured that out thanks Vlet21:53
gnutronneopsyche - mount it and use mke2fs -j  to format ext3.21:53
TlMis gutsy much better than feisty?21:53
joankignutron:  stupid question, but jkust in case, i can burn ubuntu like usual onto a cd right?21:53
huXfluXHow to install KDE 4 on Gusty ?!?!21:54
bofh80hey people, ANYONE know what is controlling those special/spastic buttons on my funky keyboard?21:54
joankiit doesn't have to be done a special way - just drag and drop like i usually do, right?21:54
VletTlM: it's 8 better21:54
fougrmtlevmatta: ahh i see, do you know why? I want to install the server edition but i'm not really sure the differences between 6.06 and 7.10 for server edition.21:54
comicinkerTlM: of course!21:54
chalcedonySveinT: *hugs* keep asking, soon someone will help you with gutsy won't recognize one of your disks...says it can't set xfermode21:54
TlMthanks Vlet21:54
MrPinkCan anyone reference me to a good Theme Manager App for Ubuntu ?21:54
gnutronjoanki - not exactly, it must be burnt and flagged as 'bootable'21:54
Boonixhi can someone explain how to change the settings in xchat to iso?21:54
TlMbut is it more stable?21:54
Tominatorbofh80: what du you mean?21:54
bofh80Tigerman, got your fingers crossed? :P21:54
joankithat's the problem then21:54
tuluemmajane: well, I tried it again and didn't see any errors but I'm getting the same "USB device not found"21:54
neopsychegnutron: i get I/O error on the drive21:54
chalcedonyBoonix: #Xchat and ask21:54
VletMrPink: yeah, it's built into your control panels ... called 'Appearance'21:54
neopsychegnutron: flashdrive says cannot format to fat3221:54
gnutronjoanki - youusing nero21:54
Tigermanbofh80, yeah :)21:54
joankii will follow step by step what the website says then on ubuntu21:54
quitttgood night for you all21:55
joankii'll just download their app and do it their way .... thanks21:55
neopsychegnutron: will formating to ext3 change it? To be able to be written to?21:55
rmtlevmattafoug: that was a business decision, they whanted to give the corporate guy a secure support scheme21:55
Tominatorbofh80: are you looking for software which is able to use your special keys?21:55
chalcedonynight night quittt21:55
MrPinkVlet yeah I see that... but when I install a theme it says "Theme successfully installed" but inst listed anywhere and nothing changes21:55
neopsychegnutron: it seems to think that data CANNOT be written..21:55
=== Avariel is now known as AVAriel
gnutronneopsyche - it doesnt recognize the existing filesystem21:55
quitttI just want to ask you why, even when its uninstalled, it shows my GDM the option of FluxBox?21:55
emmajanetulu: remind me what hte brand name is?21:55
Lr5_There's something strange in the sun java plugin in 7.10, it's a bit unstable, freezes up once in a while when playing RuneScape21:55
=== AVAriel is now known as Avariel
quitttand when it is installed, it shows TWO options of FluxBox21:55
NullNamehelp.sos. Anyone know why dual monitors works in the "test" but it fails after "keep these settings"?????????21:55
tuluUpek TCS4BA21:55
quitttit is very weird21:55
fougrmtlevmatta: i see, i think i'll just go with 7.10. Was just curious as to why 6.06 was on there and with a longer support time21:55
neopsychegnutron: however I NOTICED after i tried to format it there is a new file on the drive21:55
VesuroHi all, I'm paranoid about what I'm trying to do, so if anyone could help me out I'd *really* appreciate it - I'm looking for the easiest way to shrink my Linux partition, create an NTFS partition and install XP on the NTFS partition. I want to know how to keep my Linux partition bootable after this since Windows likes to overwrite the MBR. Any ideas?21:55
neopsychegnutron: probably some kind of gparted file21:55
warbisshoplol runescape does that game still run21:55
chalcedonyif i'm in Desktop are there directories i can't see with ls ? how can i see them?21:55
Tigermanbofh80, we haven't donsidered a fact that it could be a firefox bug21:56
neopsychegnutron: the existing file system is fat32 I can read and copy mp3s etc .. just cant write to the drive21:56
neopsychegnutron: but gparted left a file on the drive!21:56
snooohi - really weird gutsy prob. have rebooted, logged in but desktop just appears as white. i see the icons if i move them, but not otherwise. used to use beryl, and had "upgraded" from fiesty xubuntu to ubuntu earlier in the year.21:56
gnutronneopsyche - are you using sudo?21:56
pike_Vesuro: you wont keep it bootable. xp will overwrite mbr all you can do is recover after21:56
rmtlevmattafoug: I like the lattest so I am bias21:56
huXfluXHello????? Anyone KNOWS how to install KDE4 on GUSTY ??????????21:56
Alien18if im wiritng the path to a file or directory, how do i choose a different hdd?21:56
pike_!fixmbr | Vesuro21:56
emmajanetulu: http://lddubeau.com/avaktavyam/linux-on-a-compal-ifl90/ bad news... doesn't look like it's supported by linux generally.21:56
VletMrPink: click the customize button on the 'theme' tab... in there, you will see more specific settigns, and likely what you just installed21:56
neopsychegnutron: IM using the gui21:56
ubotuVesuro: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:56
bofh80Tominator, no i hate those things. but we can't be sure until we find out what in ubuntu is launching the applications. something HAS to be controlling it, it's already installed and running, we just need to find it's config21:56
bluedogsnoo, I had the same problem21:56
lavender_dreamchalcedony: view > see hidden files or something like that21:57
Flare183How do get the cube off of the floor and in the air on Compiz?21:57
gnutronneopsyche - fat32 should be no problem, possibly set uid root tho' so, sudo it21:57
snooobluedog: how'd u fix?21:57
bluedogsnoo, I had to remove all the beryl packages21:57
tuluemmajane: oh, ok.. well thanks for your help!21:57
comicinkergnutron: to use a drive in gparted you have to unmount it first21:57
snooobluedog: then?21:57
bluedogand reinstall compiz21:57
novanosiscan someone explain why my mp3 song does not give out sound but the startup of ubuntu has the welcome sound?21:57
Tigermanbofh80,  the keyboard scancode of that WWW button of mine is 0xb221:57
TominatorI've got some problems with my ralink rt2500 wifi-card. It doesn't connect to the accesspoint. dmesg puts out these parts: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/16445/ ... this is quite strange because the card used to be ra0 under edgy21:57
dgaFlare183: i think you do like ctrl+alt + right click21:57
emmajanetulu: sorry I wasn't able to find anything more useful. :/21:57
PurpZeY!codec | novanosis21:57
dgaFlare183: and move the mouse around21:57
ubotunovanosis: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:57
chalcedonylavender_dream: ty Command Line ?21:57
dgaFlare183: i mean left click21:57
bluedogsnoo, make sure you remove the beryl repositories as well21:57
VesuroWhat about the other bit? Resizing the partition?21:57
neopsychegnutron: it is a problem on windows xp too21:57
VesuroAnd creating the ntfs one?21:57
NullNamehelp!!!! Anyone know why dual monitors works in the "test" but one fails after "keep these settings"?????????21:57
gnutronnovanosis - search in synaptic for the mp3 plugin21:58
=== Avariel is now known as ][Avariel
rmtlevmattaTominator: is rt2500 officially supported21:58
rmtlevmattaTominator: that was a question21:58
Tigermanbofh80, we haven't considered the fact that this could be a firefox bug21:58
mr_wangi think the TORRENT ISO is bad!21:58
=== ][Avariel is now known as rat32
lavender_dreamchalcedony: are you trying to see all the files in a directory in the terminal? or desktop?21:58
Flare183when i go into the 3d cube, the cube is on the floor as in I am rotating on the floor not in midair how do i change that?21:58
Tominatorrmtlevmatta: The wiki says, that the driver should be installed as default21:58
mr_wangi downloaded 7.10 all bad.21:58
snooobluedog: which packages did u uninstall? i get nothing if i search for beryl21:58
gnutronneopsyche - they are probably mounted read-only. that cant be changed.21:58
mr_wang5 times21:59
VesuroWhat about the other bit? Resizing the partition?21:59
VesuroAnd creating the ntfs one?21:59
chalcedonylavender_dream: in the command line terminal .. i'm looking for files i downloaded with firefox21:59
neopsychegnutron: how?21:59
etallimr_wang: Are you asking for help?21:59
pike_Vesuro: boot from livecd and run gparted21:59
Tominatorrmtlevmatta: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT250021:59
neopsychegnutron: it says.. error applying changes (format)21:59
mr_wangi updated to 7.10..... and its still 7.4...... but it says 7.1021:59
soundraychalcedony: cd ~/Desktop ; ls21:59
Baldevlavender_dream: firefox usually downloads to the desktop21:59
bofh80Tigerman, lol, are you using this Keyboard Shortcuts thing?21:59
quitttdoes anybody here know why this weird option stills on GDM?21:59
gnutronneopsyche - the /etc/fstab file21:59
dgaFlare183: i think the default is ctrl+alt+leftclick and move your mouse around. the cube should rotate in all directions.21:59
lavender_dreamchalcedony: in the terminal to view ALL files you type "ls -a"21:59
mr_wangthe download manger is screwd up21:59
pike_Vesuro: you cant resize a partition you are booting from so need livecd21:59
neopsychegnutron: where / how?21:59
Alien18if i was writing a path to my system drive it would be /home/Desktop/ what is it for a different hdd please?22:00
bluedogsnooo, it was anything doing with 3d22:00
gnutronneopsyche - also ntfs-config utility22:00
bofh80Tigerman   System  > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts22:00
lavender_dreamchalcedony: you do have to be in the directory which you want to view the files of22:00
Tigermanbofh80, i know that22:00
neopsychegnutron: why would i need ntfsconfig for fat32?22:00
bluedogsnooo, so all the old compiz stuff as well as any beryl stuff I pulled22:00
eregiI know that this is an ubuntu chanel, but the problem is associated with grub, so I hope you will help, tryed at the #windows chanel, but they cudn't help.. I wan't to reinstall my Winxp, I have on this machine linux ubuntu & winxp = dual boot, I seted up 1st boot device cdrom, but the cd's not booting, just 'boot from cd:' and then the grub starts..22:00
joankiis there a tutorial in ubuntu to show you how to partition your computer to have ubuntu and XP?22:00
Jupp2how do I update from the 7.10 cd?22:00
bluedogbut I did that right before I upgraded to gutsy22:00
Tigermanbofh80, is this a possible firefox bug?22:00
gnutronneopsyche - no22:00
bofh80Tigerman, so in this, you have the button set to launch firefox yes?22:00
snooobluedog: OK. then how did u reinstall? was there just a general package that u could install which pointed to everything else?22:01
pike_eregi: its failing to boot from cd id say. possible bad cd?22:01
chalcedonylavender_dream: i get the same list with cd Desktop  $ ls as with d ~/Desktop ; ls  .. NEITHER has these downloads in it22:01
Tigermanbofh80, yes22:01
Gek_anyone efficient in samba?22:01
rat32Vlet: got it, i just registered my nickname ! thanks22:01
rat32too bad Avariel wasnt available22:01
chalcedonylavender_dream: cd ~/Desktop (typo)22:01
neopsycheeregi.. i think you came to the wrong place to ask to install windows .. not trying to be mean.. but most people here would probably encourage you to get ubuntu going again22:01
Jupp2If I downloaded and burned the Gutsy iso, can avoid updating online?22:01
neopsychegnutron: no?22:01
eregipike_, amm, Iwrote this cd just a few mins beck.. One man suggested to clean MBR..22:02
lavender_dreamchalcedony: you tried "ls -a" with the -a?22:02
archosguyare there any good programs that can video chat with ichat? (I am a newbie)22:02
srclavender_dream, do this grep browser.download.lastDir ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/*22:02
soundrayJupp2: no, only if you've downloaded the Alternate CD22:02
lavender_dreamchalcedony: do what src just said22:02
Baldeveregi: try formating the drive clean22:02
srclavender_dream, and then go to whatever directory is there22:02
gnutronneopsyche - no ntfs-config needed unless you're messing with a ntfs volume[s]22:02
Sir_SidHow do you play dvd's. I keep getting the error that I do not have sufficient rights even though i installed libdvdcss222:02
lavender_dreamsrc: not my issue, was chalcedony :)22:02
Tigermanbofh80, any other suggestions?22:02
pike_eregi: um no. the mbr is on hd it should be looking at cd first so it doesnt matter if jibberish is in mbr22:02
eregineopsyche, I will set the ubuntu, but I need to reinstall the windows for my family..22:02
neopsychegnutron: I diddnt have problem with flashdisk previously.. now its just not letting me write / delete files.22:02
srci have bad attention span22:02
gnutronneopsyche - apt-get install usbmount22:02
bofh80Tigerman, working through it one sec22:03
joshritgerhas anyone been having issues with the fiesty repos since gutsy was released?22:03
pike_eregi: thats what you get from windows support :)22:03
soundraySir_Sid: you probably nead libdvdread. See also private message22:03
soundray!dvd > Sir_Sid22:03
lavender_dreamsrc: np, it's crazy in here with kazillion text walls all over the place :)22:03
Sir_Sidthank you soundray22:03
neopsychegnutron: eregi.. hehe i have the same problem.. family members moaning at me .. I dont like LINUX .. I hate linux! waaaaah.22:03
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!22:03
gnutronneopsyche - check /etc/fstab for 'ro' and change to 'rw' = read/write.22:03
chalcedonyok lavender_dream  src  looking22:03
Jupp2soundray, thanx!22:03
pike_eregi: an option is vmware you can run full xp within ubuntu22:03
neopsycheLol.. SUDO FAMILY LINUX :-D .. if only it were that easy ! ;-)22:03
gnutronneopsyche - be very careful22:03
fougDoes the server edition of 7.10 come with or without a GUI?22:03
pike_rat32: no gui22:03
mzuverinkWhat package do I need to install for sound preview of songs on mouse hover?22:04
gnutronfoug - without gui22:04
neopsychegnutron: be very careful?22:04
outofrangeDownloads for the upgrade sure are slow.22:04
fouggnutron: thanks22:04
neopsychegnutron: regarding?22:04
rat32pike_: no gui ?22:04
Baldevneopsyche: wish i could sudo entire-workplace linux :)22:04
gnutronneopsyche - be very careful editing  fstab22:04
pike_foug: server install is basically a stripped desktop install with diff kernel thats it22:04
neopsychegnutron: oh22:04
soundraymzuverink: nothing, just configure nautilus (file browser) settings accordingly22:04
joankignutron: it works now22:04
pike_rat32: sorry wront nick22:04
gaurishSir_Sid, http://ubuntuguide.org/22:04
joankithank you22:04
eregineopsyche, mhm, same here, it's like - what's open office, is firefox safe? :DD22:04
rat32pike_: didnt know my nick was too popular...22:04
neopsycheeregi: doh!22:04
gnutronjoanki - whee )  cool22:04
Sir_Sidthank you22:04
fouggnutron: i know you can run IRC withou a GUI, but you can you run a file server in IRC? Like OmenServe or something22:04
mzuverinkSoundray, i did and it does not work22:05
archosguyare there any good programs that can video chat with ichat? (I am a newbie)22:05
neopsycheeregi: My thoughts are .. just leave it on there and let them moan till they get used to it. :-)22:05
Alien18how do i browse a different hdd's directories in terminal please?22:05
neopsycheeregi: yes yes and yes.. open office etc.22:05
bofh80Tigerman, can you check your settings in Preferences > Preferred Applications22:05
soundraymzuverink: what type of file?22:05
srcAlien18, cd <mount point of hard disk>22:05
joshritgerDoes anyone know if there is a problem with the fiesty repos, I am having trouble with them?22:05
soundray!mount > Alien18 please read ubotu's private message22:05
gnutronAlien18 - ls -la /media22:05
Odd-rationaleHow do I know when sbackup is done?22:05
MadpilotWhen I upgraded to Gutsy from Feisty, my Ubuntu logo in the top-left corner was replaced with a little blue Gnome foot - anyone else run into this bug?22:05
neopsycheeregi: A copy of Ubuntu is better than an illegal copy of windows :-)22:06
mzuverinksundray, all types, I have the full gamut of gstreamer plugins installed, it wont work on oggs, mp3's,  or any other type22:06
orangeflydoes vmware server work with gutsy or not....???....22:06
gnutronAlien18 - provided they are  mounted under /media that is.22:06
soundrayMadpilot: no! How annoying...22:06
neopsycheeregi: Not that you are using an illegal copy.. just .. thats my situation :-)22:06
LiMaOi wonder when people will learn to correctly spell ubuntu versions' names.. all i see everyone is 'fiesty, gusty'.. can't people spell it correctly at all?22:06
eregineopsyche, I didn't say that I have ilegal copy of windows, but I didn't say I don't have :P22:06
archosguyare there any good programs that can video chat with ichat? (I am a newbie)22:06
Madpilotsoundray, it's minor, but irritating. My splash screen has also been replaced by a Gnome default blue one, but that I know how to fix...22:07
eregineopsyche ok, ok :)22:07
mzuverinksoundray, it wont work on any types, despite I have all the appropriate gstreamer plugins installed22:07
neopsycheLIMAO: lol22:07
gnutronarchosguy - not that i know of, no.22:07
joankithe community ubuntu site says:  Open the Gnome Partition Editor from the System Administration menu.  Does anyone know where i can find the Gnome partition editor from the system admin menu?22:07
Sir_SidI have both libdvdcss2 and libdvdread installed, yet I cannot play it22:07
Tigermanbofh80, you are awesome! that's the solution!22:07
pike_archosguy: i dont know about ichat but openwengo is kinda cool22:07
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource22:07
neopsycheeregi: LIMAO.. perhaps version numbers would be better22:07
bofh80Tigerman, i'm just that good :) glad to have helped :)22:07
neopsycheLIMAO: version numbers.. but then it wouldnt be so fun!22:08
gnutronSir_Sid restart X possibly22:08
archosguythanks guys22:08
eregineopsyche, njees. :D22:08
bofh80Tigerman, the thought process was "it says launch 'web browser' but HOW does it know WHAT web browser....tick tick tick 'click' :)22:08
gnutronjoanki - what are you attempting to do22:08
LiMaOneopsyche: one learns math just AFTER he learns grammar. dealing with numbers would be even worse lol22:08
joankiparittion my hard drive22:08
neopsychelol .. UBUNTU 7.10 better name?22:08
fjleonhey guys i have 2 hard drives, but i can't mount the second one, i get this error: Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use.22:08
pfeinMy laptop crashed (flaky hardware) while upgrading to Gutsy... any tips on how to recover?22:08
neopsycheLiMaO: hehe22:08
neopsycheLiMaO: do you know how to correct I/O error on FAT32 USB flash disk?22:09
gnutronjoanki - let the ubuntu installer do it. just choose guided install [use entire disk]22:09
joshritgerI am having trouble with the fiesty repos since gutsy was released, can someone help me with them?22:09
pike_joshritger: its just a load issue likely22:09
soundraymzuverink: are they local files?22:09
pike_joshritger: you might try changing mirrors in synaptic22:10
mzuverinksoundray, yes22:10
bofh80hey pike_ any ideas if GNUNET is installed by default? can i remove it?22:10
=== Douwd is now known as Douwd`
snooosorri, who was the guy i was just talking too?22:10
LiMaOneopsyche: well, i have some experience with that, one of my sony ericsson's cell phone would be incorrectly recognized by ubuntu.. thus not being able to read or write and also reporting wrong disk size22:10
joshritgerpike_: I have issues where alot of them fail, and it takes like 5-10 min for it to go through the whole list while reloading22:10
soundraymzuverink: what size limit have you set in the Preview tab?22:11
LiMaOneopsyche: the suggestion is to either format the memory card/usb flash disk using linux22:11
bluedogsnooo, me??22:11
neopsycheLiMaO: The drive is reporting WHACKED OUT (MESSED UP) DISK SIZE22:11
neopsycheLiMaO: also.. doesnt work in windows22:11
pike_bofh80: i wasnt familiar with gnunet. looks cool but i dont know22:11
neopsycheLiMaO: seems to think it cant write files to the USB flash22:11
=== Douwd` is now known as Douwd
* Pelo thinks ubotu has gone insane, he PMed the bot for upgrade info and it summoned the ops 22:11
neopsycheLiMaO: tried formatting22:11
neopsycheLiMaO: doesnt format22:11
neopsycheLiMaO: says unable22:11
itch_Hello guys. Is there any other way to get my compizfusion window decoration back, besides "sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24"22:11
neopsycheLiMaO: even in root22:11
LiMaOneopsyche: use fdisk and erase everything.. then create a new partition22:11
LjLPelo: eh? like what?22:11
stmiller11,000+ people on ubuntuforums.org. New record!22:11
LjLPelo: (PM please)22:11
neopsycheLiMaO: fdisk in dos?22:11
pike_joshritger: id try changing country prefix or just do it in synaptic. alot of issues with servers with everyone updating see the topic22:11
bofh80pike_, it's causing my problems, i just need to know if the system is using it for anything? i don't know if i installed it myself or not! can i safely remove it? is it installed on your system?22:12
bee_11,000 - wow22:12
mzuverinksoundray, there is no size linit in gnome 2.20 for previe of sound files22:12
LiMaOneopsyche: under linux22:12
neopsycheLiMaO: oh goody.. how?22:12
PeloLjL,  join me in #pelo and I'll paste it for you22:12
joshritgerpike_: ok, I wasn't sure22:12
LjLPelo: duh... ok, can't you open a query though :P22:12
neopsycheLiMaO: and can i use fat32 for that?22:12
LiMaOneopsyche: fdisk /dev/your-device-here22:12
pike_bofh80: it was probably a dependacy brought in i dont think the defuault intall uses it thatd be a little odd but possible i guess22:12
LiMaOneopsyche: yes. just create a fat32 partition22:12
neopsycheLiMaO: oooh.. should be careful about that one.22:12
neopsycheLiMaO: ok...22:13
neopsycheLiMaO: talk me through it ?22:13
bofh80pike_, cool, keeps chewing on my cpu for no reason. :P will get rid now. . . :P thanks22:13
soundraymzuverink: any errors in ~/.xsession-errors as you hover over the icon?22:13
LiMaOneopsyche: it won't do anything harmful at once, you can be sure of that22:13
Jhsstmiller, i wouldn't see that as a good thing.22:13
neopsycheLiMaO: heres the output from gparted... Input/output error during write on /dev/sdc22:13
stmillerjhs haha !22:13
ademanif i installed a "command line system" from the alternate cd, will installing ubuntu-desktop get me the equivalent of having actually installed the "full" desktop?22:13
LiMaOneopsyche: it'll ask for changes.. then when exiting fdisk it'll ask to write the changes or not22:13
Jhsthat means 11,000 people need help because something went wrong with their 7.10 update22:13
Jhs(like myself)22:13
johnis http://us.archive.ubuntu.com down / running like a snail!?22:13
LiMaOneopsyche: then use 'sudo fdisk /dev/sdc'22:13
neopsycheJhs: LOL22:13
MTecknologyShould I choose a 383 or 686 kernel?22:13
neopsycheJhs: thanks for being a beta tester for me :-)22:14
gorskii upgraded to gutsy, and when i want to start icon that i made for sudo nautilus, nothing happens. Help?22:14
soundraygorski: change it to gksudo nautilus22:14
hasseanyone heard of a problem with ace archives if it's more than 40 files ?22:14
PriceChildgorski, use gksudo nautilus (but that's probably not the cause)22:14
mrfantasticcan anyone tell if ndis still works on 7.10?22:14
SkinnyPuppy34I don't know what peoples probs are, been running gutsy 6weeks or more no prob22:14
john /msg ubotu mirrors22:14
quitttwhy FluxBox is included in my Session options, even when it is not installed22:14
quitttit is very bizarre22:14
Pelogorski,  try the command line from the terminal to test it22:14
gnutronMTecknology 386 kernel22:15
PriceChildjohn, no space22:15
neopsycheLiMaO: it says :command m for help22:15
undauntedspiritSkinnyPuppy34: Dunno, but I'm having all kinds of hard system lockups.22:15
johnPriceChild, duh :)22:15
mzuverinksoundray, no22:15
johnis http://us.archive.ubuntu.com down / running like a snail!?22:15
soundraygorski: nothing what?22:15
gorskiPelo: from command line is ok22:15
`ph8hey all!22:15
PriceChildjohn, /topic22:15
MTecknologygnutron: what's the difference?22:15
gorskigksudo not working22:15
soundraygorski: do you read me?22:15
Stwangeanyone else having trouble with firefox under gutsy?22:15
johnoh crap22:15
johngutsy is out22:15
quitttand if I install it22:15
LiMaOneopsyche: press 'm'  check out the commands for 'list partitions', 'delete partition' and 'write changes'22:15
gnutronMTecknology - different architecture22:15
johnwhere is the changlog?22:15
`ph8whenever i try to start compiz (set effects to 'normal' or 'extra') - my screen just goes white, i can do things like turn rain on and draw fire - but the screen is white and no windows are visible - any ideas why that happens?22:15
quitttit does included ANOTHER option for Fluxbox22:16
quitttit is very strange22:16
bobboanyone else find Gparted on the Gutsy LiveCD incredibly unstable?22:16
MTecknologygnutron: I meant, what's the dif between the two22:16
Elfboycan some one tell me why i cant put fiels on a usb drive22:16
neopsycheLiMaO: says 'selected partition 1'22:16
Elfboysaid i dont have permision to move files to the usb hd22:16
melangeI have a really strange problem. I upgraded to gutsy and gnome runs horrible - It's very slow and laggy. However, when I logged in with a dummy-user (I never used) everything was fine, and compiz was running great. What could the problem be? How can I "reset gnome" ? I tried deleting ".gconf*" but it didn't help22:16
DmonGuardI have a problem. I would love to install Ubuntu dual boot (and have before) except the GRUB/LILO menu bugs the hell out of everyone else that uses this computer. So I was wondering if it would be possible to do a HD install, but not install a bootloader. And then burn GRUB (or lilo) to a disk. So that windows would start if I didn't have the disk in, but when I put it in and restarted it would give me a menu to select XP or linux.22:16
SkinnyPuppy34bobbo: I've used gutsy on alteast 4 installs now and partitioner in the installer worked just fine for me anyway22:17
Pelogorski,  double check the command used in the launcher then22:17
PriceChildDmonGuard, on the last step of the desktop installer, you can choose not to install grub.22:17
gnutronMTecknology 386 kernel runs on pc's. 686 arch is another type machine22:17
LiMaOneopsyche: P = display partitions; D = delete partition; N = new partition22:17
bobboSkinnyPuppy34: it worked for me, just crashed a lot :D22:17
LiMaOneopsyche: that's the order you should follow22:17
mrfantasticanyone had trouble with there wifi cards?22:17
Elfboygutsy out?22:17
neopsycheLiMaO: WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.22:17
neopsycheThe kernel still uses the old table.22:17
neopsycheThe new table will be used at the next reboot.22:17
DmonGuardI know, but how would I go about burning it to a disk so that it gives me a linux or windows menu if and only if i insert the CD22:17
PriceChildElfboy, /topic22:18
gorskiPelo: it sais: gksudo "nautilus --browser %U"22:18
cosmini whant to intstall apache on linux......what is the simple way?22:18
LiMaOneopsyche: try umounting it first.. 'sudo umount /dev/sdc'22:18
mrfantasticits always the wifi that gives me trouble every time i upgrade ubuntu22:18
LiMaOcosmin: sudo apt-get install apache222:18
PeloDmonGuard,  you can set  grub to start windows by default and you can also hide the menu , so that when you want to boot ubuntu you just hit esc after the bios stuff , get the menu and then you can select  ubuntu22:18
neopsycheLiMaO: sudo: unmount: command not found22:18
LiMaOneopsyche: not UNmount.. but UMOUNT22:18
gorskiPelo: i removed  --browser %U and it works22:18
quitttwhy Ubuntu is in English?22:19
ElfboyPriceChild, can u help me with some thing22:19
quitttit should be in Latim22:19
DmonGuardPelo: I know I can start windows by default, but how do I hide the menu like that22:19
neopsycheLiMaO: says not mounted22:19
quitttnobody would complain22:19
Pelogorski, congrats22:19
biebwhy latin?22:19
bobboquittt: It is based in England/Isle of Man?22:19
LiMaOquittt: you can choose whatever language you want. even esperanto22:19
Jhsso, i upgraded to 7.10, now it won't boot in 2.6.14-22, only in 2.6.16-20. any suggestions?22:19
PriceChild!offtopic | quittt bieb bobbo22:19
ubotuquittt bieb bobbo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:19
PriceChildElfboy, ask your question to the channel and hopefully somone will respond.22:19
Ominous_is there a guide for xgl and gusty anywhere?22:19
gameartmuensterlol ubuntu in latin22:19
PeloDmonGuard,  check the frst few lines  in menu.lst  there is a hidemenu  line just uncomment it22:19
quitttLiMaO, I mean the whole kernel, everything made on latin22:19
RobotBananaAnyone know where the setting to disable the scroll wheel switching desktops is?22:19
RobotBananaI can't find it. :|22:19
LiMaOneopsyche: if fdisk can't access the partition table of your usb disk, it probably is screwed =P hehe22:20
DmonGuardSo if I do that, it will boot windows all like normal unless I hit escape after bios startup to load the menu?22:20
neopsycheI think i need to reboot.22:20
bofh80warbisshop, did you get anywhere?22:20
LiMaOneopsyche: btw22:20
Elfboyok i have a usb drive and i cant add stuff to it couse it said i dont have permision to move fiels why ?22:20
neopsycheLiMaO: see you in a bit.22:20
PeloDmonGuard,   basicaly22:20
zagibuany news about acpi on gutsy gibbons?22:20
LiMaOneopsyche: when i had that issue with my cell phone, i used it's software to format the memory card22:20
mzuverinksoundray, seems there was a package, like mpg123 or mpg 321 that used to have to be installed, but that does not work either22:21
Elfboyok i have a usb drive and i cant add stuff to it couse it said i dont have permision to move fiels why ?22:21
youknowmeHow do I mount a linux HDD from a hdd22:22
srcElfboy, fields or files?22:22
Jhsrepeat: so, i upgraded to 7.10, now it won't boot in 2.6.14-22, only in 2.6.16-20. any suggestions?22:22
LiMaOElfboy: use 'sudo' to move files to it22:22
keo92How to remove completely a compiled program (OpenLDAP + BerkeleyDB) in order to install slapd ?22:22
yipeso... gutsy is official now?22:22
Peloyouknowme,  hdd and HDD are the same thing, can you try rephrasing your queistion22:22
keo92yipe : yes22:22
EstethI removed a usb memory device before it was finished being written to, and now the directory i modified does not show up in nautilus. How can i remove it, but not format the entire drive?22:22
yipecool! :D22:22
srcElfboy, is it mounted read-write?22:22
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
r0b-i downloaded a .nrg file how can i convert it to .iso22:23
jinx099_I have a problem.  update-manager does not show me the option to upgrade to 7.10.22:23
ElfboyLiMaO, : how?22:23
PriceChildjinx099_, gksudo update-manager -d22:23
LiMaOEsteth: if it doesn't show in nautilus, then it doesn't exist22:23
zagibuwhere do i begin to investigate when my laptop is not generating any acpi events anymore...?22:23
Pelojinx099, which release are you running right now ?22:23
yipeI could have sworn it was scheduled closer to the end of this month, obviously I was mistaken22:23
LiMaOElfboy: sudo mv my-file /my-destination/22:23
youknowmeok, how do I mount a linux hdd from a live cd after a crash?22:23
Elfboylet me try22:23
LiMaOElfboy: or gksudo nautilus22:23
Ominous_is there a guide for xgl and gusty anywhere?22:23
LiMaOand use a nice gui =P22:23
zagibuyouknowme: mount /dev/hd* /mnt22:24
EstethLiMaO: Unusually, it didn't show up, but i could type it's name into location and get an "unacessible" prompt. After replugging the device, i can see the directory, but it is still inacessiblel22:24
PriceChildOminous_, #compiz-fusion22:24
quittthow can I configure the session that I do have in GDM?22:24
jinx099_PriceChild, I've tried that several times, it does not show the upgrade option.22:24
Ominous_PriceChild: well for feisty there was a guide on the ubuntu help site so i presumed this was the place to ask22:24
PriceChildjinx099_, could you tell me the output of lsb_release -a please?22:24
zagibuyouknowme: use fdisk -l to find out which hd* to mount (hda1, hdb2, etc)22:24
annaimkonkiwhich bittorrent client is best.... more importantly fastest.... in LINUX!22:24
LiMaOEsteth: try using command line... sudo rm -rf /directory-to-be-removed22:25
Jhsrepeat: so, i upgraded to 7.10, now it won't boot in 2.6.14-22, only in 2.6.16-20. any suggestions?22:25
LjLOminous_: well, now effects are integrated by default, on cards that are known to support them correctly - so it either works for you out of the box, or you go hunting unofficial documentation :)22:25
EstethLiMaO: Thanks, that freed the space back up :)22:25
adopr0b-, try nrg2iso22:25
novanosisanyone tell me how to install restricted nvidia drivers please, since in the glxinfo my DIRECT Rending is set to NO22:25
LiMaOEsteth: you're welcome =)22:25
r0b-got it thanks22:25
soundrayJhs: neither of these kernel versions have ever been used in ubuntu.22:25
jinx099_PriceChild, Which line are you interesed in?22:25
zagibuno ACPI-savvies in here?22:25
Deformationpsyjoniz: any news?22:26
PriceChildnovanosis, sysetm > admin > restricted driver manager22:26
=== chryss_ is now known as chryss
PriceChildjinx099_, the 3rd22:26
Estethnovanosis: System -> Adminsistration -> Restricted Drivers Manager22:26
=== Avariel is now known as rat32
jinx099_PriceChild, "Description:    Ubuntu 7.04"22:26
Jhssoundray, my memory might be wrong. i know the one i'm using is -20 at least22:26
SkinnyPuppy34Jhs: boot into .20, then enter synaptic and find the .22 kernel and choose reinstall. hopefully .22 will work on reboot but if not .20 obviously does22:26
PriceChildjinx099_, hmm I don't know sorry.22:26
r0b-when are Ubuntu 7.10 updates coming out22:26
neverblue2zagibu, what are you trying to do ?22:26
JhsSkinnyPuppy34, okay, thanks. will try.22:27
darkshineHaving a little trouble with the xserver-xgl package. Have an ati mobility x300 with the restricted drivers enabled. Without the xgl package installed I can log in just fine and everything is ok. I install the xgl package to try and get desktop effects working and I get the login screen. I enter the username/pass and then nothing happens for about 5-10 seconds and then I get the login window back again.22:27
PriceChildr0b-, when needed.22:27
scriptfuhi i think i have the madwifi drivers installed, does anybody know where i got to change how it starts up?22:27
Pelor0b-,  they are out already22:27
SkinnyPuppy34Jhs: should be pretty straight forward22:27
darkshineAnyone got any ideas?22:27
CaleDoes anyone happen to know how the fglrx restricted driver was built to work with X.org 1.3.0? I can't seem to get it to work.22:27
zagibui updated to 7.10 and now my laptop is not generating any acpi events anymore...i can't use the brightness keys etc.22:27
Pelolater folks22:27
Cale(Building it myself)22:27
zagibuthey used to work on edgy22:27
keo92How to remove completely a compiled program (OpenLDAP + BerkeleyDB) in order to install slapd ?22:27
zagibuand feisty22:27
yaserwho can help me report a bug?22:27
snoooi only seem to have one virtual desktop - nothing else is coming up... help!22:28
Cale(I have a custom kernel, for good reason, and so I need to build that driver myself)22:28
gameartmuenster@yaser visit launchpad.net and register22:28
gnutronkeo92 - 'make clean' from your build directory iirc22:28
yasergameartmuenster, done22:28
SkinnyPuppy34snooo: it's in the compiz fusion settings, you need some more compiz stuff #compiz-fusion22:28
kliklikAnyone else having a problem when everything freezes on logout/zapping X and the reboot is only solution?22:29
yasergameartmuenster, now what?22:29
youknowmeok I got it mounted but I can not find it in the File Browser22:29
soundray[chr0n0s]: failed22:29
sulananyone succeeded logging in to a vsftpd server with ssl enabled with an ssl/tls enabled client (such as lftp)?22:29
[chr0n0s]brb then!22:29
yaserwho can help report a bug?22:29
zagibuit's where you mounted it...if you used my info, it's under /mnt22:29
keo92gnutron : i did it, but when i try to install slapd via apt-get install slapd22:29
prgmmerHi, Just enabled compiz and all the effects work. However my background disappears after compiz starts. When I log out, the background re-appears. Any help getting the background to display instead of this bright white would be appreciated.22:29
openforlifeHelp. After installing Gutsy my Gnome won't start unless in safemode. Otherwise it just crashes back to login screen.22:29
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
gameartmuenstergo to section bugs and search for the bug which you found22:30
RobotBananaAnyone know where the setting to disable the scroll wheel switching desktops is? I can't find it. :|22:30
scriptfuanyone know which file starts up my inet connection... i want to change something before it asks for my security token thing22:30
keo92gnutron : it seems that it still some file or directory of the first installation22:30
zagibuyouknowme: you can also use cat /etc/mtab to see what's currently mounted where22:30
soundrayopenforlife: is your disk full? df -h22:30
SkinnyPuppy34prgmmer: ask in compiz-fusion in  regards to blackscreen22:30
amtHi, I'm using mIRC, and it doesn't let me change my 'full name' or 'email' fields. How can i do this?22:30
keo92gnutron : i've got some error22:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lista - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:30
SkinnyPuppy34blackscreen bug22:30
openforlifesoundray: 100GB left22:30
PriceChildamt, could I suggest a different client?22:30
prgmmerskinnypuppy34: thanks22:30
[chr0n0s]ok, alright, anyone with successful install of gutsy on ATi mobility radeon ??22:30
yaserhow to report a bug in Ubuntu?22:31
h4writerI have some problems with upgrading. It just stops (didn't do anything in 3 houres) when you're seeing '->preparing upgrade' on the screen. Now is this already a known issue? Or I'm I the only one suffering from this and what is the solution....22:31
PriceChild!bugs | yaser22:31
ubotuyaser: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots22:31
amtPriceChild, you could, but I'd prefer to just know how to do it on mIRC22:31
zagibuchr0n0s: what type of radeon? my IGP 9100 works fine22:31
[NikO][chr0n0s], yes22:31
PriceChildamt, haven't a clue myself sorry :)22:31
moofoohello, if do-release-upgrade stopped due to some  broken 3rd party packages i removed now, is it safe to run "aptitude dist-upgrade" to continue the update or should i run do-release-upgrade again or do something completely different? (f->g upgrade)22:31
quittthow do I configure which Sessions(KDE, Gnome, Fluxbox) in GDM?22:31
openforlifesoundray: it seems to me that it must be something with the nvidia driver, because it doesn't enable it when I go into safe mode.22:31
amtPriceChild, what client do you suggest, then?22:31
Stwangeamt - you tried changing it in the settings?22:31
quitttI mean... it does include a option that I do not want, Fluxbox22:31
PriceChildamt, xchat, irssi22:31
[chr0n0s]zagibu: [NikO], ATi Mobilty Radeon x230022:31
soundrayopenforlife: perhaps it logs something to ~/.xsession-errors22:32
openforlifequittt: check settings for login screen22:32
livingdaylightIs everyone happy with their Gibbon?22:32
minusHi there ppl. How do I format my NTFS disk to a EXT3 disk in Ubuntu?22:32
amtSTwange, yes, but it's like 'locked' (grayed out), you can't change it22:32
scriptfuh4writer i changed my default repository to the main server22:32
openforlifesoundray: will check22:32
canerhas anybody managed to find a solution or a hack for gutsy-nvidia driver problem?22:32
quitttopenforlife, but it doesn't have nothing to do with it...22:32
SkinnyPuppy34Gutsy +++ !22:32
[chr0n0s]zagibu: [NikO], which display drivers are you using ?22:32
zagibui heard there are problems with radeon x2***22:32
gnutronkeo92 - try using sysnaptic, and it should remove any offending dependencies22:32
bobbois having a 6gb .xsession-errors file normal?22:32
[NikO][chr0n0s], 970022:32
lamegominus, you need to delete and recreate the partition with the partition editor22:32
quitttopenforlife, the problem is that FluxBox is included even if it is not installed22:32
yaserPriceChild, Matlab doesnt start, it gives a kind of xclib,lock error, how should i report this?22:32
Stwangeamt - it's only locked because you are connected to a server. If you disconnect from the server(s) (type /quit) it won't be greyed any more22:32
amtStwange, thanks, let me try that22:32
PriceChildyaser, pastebin the error and see if someone can help.22:32
cimonlivingdaylight: not entirely, as I was unable to dist-upgrade via the net, but no matter, I'll get the cd-installer tomorrow at a local meet.22:32
gnutronbobbo - no, not normal22:32
minuslamego, I tried using gparted for that... but the ntfspartition was locked :/22:32
[chr0n0s]zagibu: any links about that ?22:32
bobbognutron: didnt think so22:33
openforlifesoundray: The application 'gnome-session' lost its connection to the display :0.0;22:33
openforlifemost likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed22:33
openforlifethe application.22:33
doskiasi've installed gutsy, installed nvidia restricted driver now, how can i use compiz22:33
SkinnyPuppy34Anyone here doing freeNX on gutsy yet?22:33
keo92gnutron : even i didn't use synaptic when the first installation ?22:33
doskiasi chose the cube plugin and nothing o_O22:33
VSpikeMy sound systen seems totally broken - if I do aplay I get this http://pastebin.com/d1b92eb59 - can anyone help?22:33
zagibunah, sorry, just seen some threads on ubuntuforums i think while searching for ACPI problems22:33
quitttopenforlife, isn't there a file that has those options?22:33
yaserPriceChild, i already tried it without sucess, now i want to report it but i dont know how?22:33
cosminhttp://pastebin.com/m3e49ab6a cant install apache222:33
BorgFatherhow do i install thunderbird?22:33
minusdoskias, System -> Preferences -> Apprense22:33
keo92gnutron : The first installation was done with the sources.22:33
cosminanyoane help me?22:33
openforlifequittt: yes, but I only know the GUI :P22:33
gnutronkeo92 - if the programs are in the repositories it'll work.22:33
SkinnyPuppy34doskias: you need to change the desktop size in the setting22:33
PriceChildyaser, have you contacted matlab's support?22:33
lamegominus, it needs to be unmounted prior to delete22:34
scriptfudoskias terminal ccsm22:34
keo92BorgFather : sudo apt-get install thunderbird22:34
[NikO]cosmin, your server work22:34
cimonI am wondering if I upgrade via the cd-installer, will it erase everything? Or keep my own files, and my user directory?22:34
doskiasi chose my plugins from ccsm22:34
PriceChild!ohmy | minus22:34
ubotuminus: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.22:34
doskiasi chose custom from the appearance22:34
cosminis that a question?22:34
soundrayopenforlife: it's possible that the nvidia config utility has made a mess out of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf - a few people have reported related problems. See if you can restore from a backup of that file.22:34
juanbondlooking for a media player like winamp, xmms2 the best choice?22:34
=== D[a]rkH[a]ck is now known as DarkHack
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:34
SkinnyPuppy34citmon: you can choose to resize or create a new partition also22:34
minusWhat editor do I use to format my NTFS disk to EXT3 disk in linux?22:34
yaserPriceChild, it worked right in Ubuntu 7.04, this error is in Ubuntu 7.10 so i think it is more an Ubuntu thing?22:34
nickrudcimon: if you upgrade,everything will stay. If you install, you might loose it all.22:34
MenZaminus: gparted.22:34
BorgFatherthx.....im a total windows-user, got ubuntu running for 4 hrs now22:34
PriceChildminus, you will lose all data on it if you do that?22:34
canerhas anybody found a hack or a soultion for gutsy-nvidia driver problem yet?22:34
danielbwin what folder should i put my custom fnts?22:35
minusPriceChild, No kidding?22:35
keo92gnutron : i don't know how because i've got errors when i tape apt-get install slapd22:35
Stwangenickrud, upgrading has caused me nothing but issues so far22:35
PriceChildyaser, I haven't a clue, I haven't seen the error.22:35
zagibuxmms is most similar to winamp22:35
PriceChildminus, apt-get install gparted22:35
minusMenZa, Didn't work.. The partition was locked22:35
[NikO]cosmin, just ps aux | grep apache and you can see your apache run22:35
scriptfuim on gutsy with nvidia now22:35
PriceChildminus, it then appears in system > admin iirc22:35
pike_xmms or bmp22:35
openforlifesoundray: When I enter the Nvidia-settings utility it complains it is not compatible with the system that is enabled for my dualhead setup. That might be the problem.22:35
minusPriceChild, Already done22:35
cimonnickrud: but there is definitely an option to upgrade, via the CD?22:35
danielbwin which folder should i put my custom fonts?22:35
MenZaWould anyone here like to help me troubleshoot my ethernet network connection? I'm not being connected, and I can't seem to connect it with dhclient.22:35
gnutronkeo92 - you'll need to remove those programs by hand i'm afraid.22:35
MenZaminus: unmount it.22:35
minusPriceChild, But as I said: The partition is locked22:35
minusMenZa, Ah22:35
[chr0n0s]gutsy and my ati is hell!!22:35
yaserPriceChild, MATLAB: xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed.22:35
yaserCancelado (core dumped)22:35
keo92BorgFather : lol welcome ! it's never too late to jump in :)22:35
doskiaswell ?22:35
PriceChildminus, sorry, didn't see you say that before.22:35
zagibugutsy and my ACPI is dead22:35
h4writerscriptfu, could it be because I get now 'Unable to get exclusive lock' when I try to run synaptic???22:35
pike_danielbw: ~/.fonts perhaps22:35
doskiashow can i turn the cube22:35
nickrudStwange: I've heard that said (and seen it) but it worked fine for me, and many others. cimon yes, the alternate cd, not the live. And backup your personal stuff either way22:36
pike_doskias: middle click22:36
h4writerscriptfu, could it be because I get now 'Unable to get exclusive lock' when I try to run synaptic???22:36
SkinnyPuppy34ctl+alt+ left mouse roll mouse22:36
soundrayopenforlife: you could use the existing xorg.conf and the info in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.txt.gz to hand-craft your perfect config :)22:36
=== mrunagi is now known as unagi
PriceChildyaser, have you googled that error at all?22:36
yipeh4writer you can't get exclusive lock because another program is installing, removing, or updating your computer right now22:36
scriptfuh4writer you got another instance of an updater thing runing?22:36
zagibumaybe i should get a laptop with proper DSDT22:36
BorgFatheri see... but its way harder getting startet with linux.... under winxp i had my system up and running in under 45 minutes22:36
doskiaspike_,  well i've watched something in a novell's tech demo where you look at the angle of the screen22:36
h4writerscriptfu, no, i'm not running anything22:36
doskiaseg. where 2 sides of each cube meets?22:36
gaurishwhats the alternative of ctrl+alt+del in UBUNTU?22:36
[NikO]BorgFather, the first time you use it ?22:36
PriceChildgaurish, what do you really want to do?22:37
keo92gnutron : that's what i think... but how ? does a make clean enough ? i don't think because i've already try it and it still errors22:37
h4writerscriptfu, but I had to 'force quit' the update tool twice because it stopped responding...22:37
zagibugaurish: init 622:37
nickrudgaurish: system->admin->system monitor22:37
gnutrongaurish - ctrl-alt-backspace22:37
srcgaurish, ctrl-alt-backspace if you want to kill X22:37
h3sp4wnVery simple question : = How can I using gutsy 2.6.20 set gnome-power-manager to using the conservative governor if on battery power or performance if on ac power22:37
scriptfumaybe one running in ur processes?22:37
gaurishPreZ, when some my ubuntu hangs what i am supposed to do22:37
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cosmincomand not found22:37
yaserPriceChild, yea, someone else posted it somewhere but no answer what i mean is, is it right to consider this an Ubuntu error, or i should report it in Gnome.org somewhere, or its more a Matlab stuff(have in mind it worked right in 7.04)22:37
cimonnickrud: I was going to, not much to backup, some pinup piccys and my moria characters and scores...22:37
youknowmezagibu, ok, but I'm sorry I still can't figure out how to access the files22:37
PriceChildh3sp4wn, gutsy uses .2222:37
VSpikehas vmware been removed from gutsy?22:37
SkinnyPuppy34system monitor under the menue is =to ctl alt del windows22:37
UserCi have a small problem after installing gutsy... when i start ubuntu at the place where it shuld load with that line going right and left.. it does that for a while, then gets messed up, and then turn to a black screen.. after a while it enters the login screen, is there a way to fix this?22:37
h3sp4wnPriceChild: I ment gnome 2.2022:37
PriceChildyaser, there's more than one hit for it.22:37
h4writerscriptfu, don't know, what should be the name to find it in system monitor?22:37
cosminniko something i'm doig rong.................comand not found22:38
soundrayBorgFather: at that point, XP may be up, but it's completely useless. Ubuntu is a complete productivity system.22:38
rat32amt: 64 bits22:38
nickrudcimon: then if your data is safe, try the upgrade. If it goes well, it will upgrade everything without you having to go thru the hassle of reinstalling programs22:38
SkinnyPuppy34ctl alt backspace leaves gnome/kde and back to login22:38
gaurishnickrud, how can i open system monitoris my system hangs :S22:38
srccosmin, what are you trying to do?22:38
foutrelisHello. Which software would you recommend for me and my friend to play chess via the Internet?22:38
[NikO]h3sp4wn, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets22:38
BorgFatherive used knoppix before, when my win gave out, but only tfor watching movies....im a total beginner here22:38
cosminsee if apache is working22:38
cimonnickrud: although one of the caraccters is a 19th level half-elf priest22:38
[NikO]cosmin, you don't have 'ps' ?22:38
ryugakaok guys22:38
gaurishgnutron, This will restart x server only na?22:38
nickrudgaurish: ah, then alt-f1 (log in there) and that's the repair facility area22:38
Omnimon-Xhow do I edit xorg.conf?22:38
ryugakaserious question22:38
PriceChildyaser, see result 1022:38
scriptfuh4writer synaptic i guess22:38
zagibuyouknowme: just open Places -> Computer and click on Filesystem, then open the directory where you mounted it22:38
bobbocosmin, firefox and open localhost22:38
srccosmin, type localhost in your browser22:38
yohello everyone22:38
ryugakasudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf?22:38
nickrudcimon: omg, moria ?????!!22:38
matthew_question: Ubuntu won't let me access one of my ntfs partitions22:38
yois hibernation fixed in gutsy?22:39
gaurishnickrud, some times this does not even work22:39
soundrayryugaka: please recommend gksudo with graphical programs22:39
ryugakaIs anyone else having the Fiesty freeze with ati card thing?22:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:39
h4writerscriptfu, not running22:39
yaserwhat did you put in google?22:39
Moniker42PriceChild, how can you physically keep up with this channel?22:39
Omnimon-XCan anyone tell me how to edit xorg.conf?22:39
cimonnickrud: /me is pathologically old-skool.22:39
srccosmin, or do a ps -aef|grep apache22:39
scriptfudid u change which repository ur using22:39
PriceChild!offtopic > Moniker4222:39
yaserPriceChild, what did you put in google exactly?22:39
=== yo is now known as Mr
youknowmezagibu, I mount /dev/hda1 but I cannot find it in "/dev" or "/media"22:39
PriceChildyaser, the exact error you gave me.22:39
cosminand then????????/22:39
=== Mr is now known as MrUnagi
nickrudgaurish: then boot into recovery mode, that's the fallback position. But possibly if you state your problem, someone already knows a fix22:39
ryugakaI have an old ati card in a dell, and Fiesty would freeze every like 20 minutes.22:39
stmillerPriceChild has two heads, which are both working simutaneously22:39
soundrayOmnimon-X: 'gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'. But be sure you know what you're doing.22:39
h3sp4wn[NikO]: I tried that before (but from inside "power management preferences" I cannot change it)22:39
yaserPriceChild, both lines?22:39
nickrudcimon: so I see :)22:39
srccosmin, then what!?22:39
ryugakaIs this something that can't be fixed yet?22:39
ryugakayeah sorry gksudo22:40
BorgFatheris there any way to port my thunderbird-accountdata to ubuntu?22:40
PriceChildyaser, http://www.google.com/search?q=MATLAB%3A+xcb_xlib.c%3A50%3A+xcb_xlib_unlock%3A+Assertion+%60c-%3Exlib.lock%27+failed.&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a22:40
zagibuyouknowme: what does cat /etc/mtab say where is your dev/hda1?22:40
h4writerscriptfu, (I'm already using the main repo), but in the terminal (ps -ax) I see two synaptics, will try to kill them22:40
[NikO]h3sp4wn, perhaps your cpu can't ?22:40
nickrudcimon: I have used debian based systems since 2001, if an in place upgrade doesn't work, it's not right22:40
scriptfuahh k be careful :D22:40
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
bobboBorgFather: copy your old files from your home directory to your new ones22:40
rat32is xchat available on windows ?22:40
ryugakaAnyone with Fiesty freeze problems/ati cards?22:40
ryugakaYes, rat.22:40
noahanybody else get a segfault from "host -C google.com"?22:40
cobus_can someone help me plz. I cant seem to watch DVD's in any of the players i have installed22:40
PriceChildrat32, yes... and you don't have to pay for it... one moment.22:40
nickrudrat32: costs money after 30 days though22:40
soundraybobbo: I thinkg BorgFather means the settings from Windows22:40
PriceChildnickrud, no22:40
* BorgFather is total linux noob22:40
PriceChildnickrud, better place22:40
ryugakaDo you have the codecs for it, cobus?22:40
petfrogganyone here running kvm22:40
h3sp4wn[NikO]: I am certain it can (I can do it manually)22:40
nickrudPriceChild: sounds good :)22:40
bobbosoundray: woops :D22:41
don-ocobus_: see ubuntuguide.org22:41
seminoah whatis a segfault?22:41
A[D]minSany idea about intel problem... when i open gdm i find all font huge and i don't know how to fix this issue ... anyone please advise....thx in advance22:41
Estethryugaka: I'm not getting a segfault22:41
petfroggBorgFather: well - do we ever become something else?22:41
gaurish!dvd > cobus_22:41
davinacobus_, you need libdvdcss2 installed22:41
h3sp4wn[NikO]: by echo performance >22:41
Adam__is software RAID 0 worth it?  i'm thinking the cpu overhead will kill any potential disk speed gains22:41
[NikO]h3sp4wn, so it s something about rights access in the gnome panel ?22:41
youknowmezagibu, /edv/hda1 /mnt ext3 rw 0 022:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:41
MrUnagiA[D]minS: is it an intel problem or a vid problem22:41
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:41
scriptfuis it possible to downgrade my distro :D22:41
PriceChildrat32, nickrud http://www.silverex.org/download/22:41
zagibuok, so you can find your files in /mnt22:41
gaurish!dvd > cobus_22:41
nickrudPriceChild: thanks much22:41
h3sp4wn[NikO]: I think so I tried running it with gksu22:41
bobbo!dvd | cobus22:41
ubotucobus: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:41
Morrowynhi, does gutsy gibbon support wpa out of the box?22:41
ryugakaWell I'm using Dapper because everytime I install Fiesty I get random freezes.22:41
fglr-whatI'm running gutsy but I need a newer version of fglrx than what's in gutsy.  Where can I get gutdy 8.40.4 fglrx packages?22:41
PriceChildMorrowyn, yes22:41
soundraypetfrogg: once you get a patch of your own accepted into the kernel, you're not :)22:41
BorgFatherif a tree falls in the forest, and noone hears it6, does it make a sound?22:42
Morrowynyippy and finally22:42
VSpikevmware doesn't work on gutsy? Ack22:42
* soundray is a newbie by that standard...22:42
rat32PriceChild: thanks22:42
zagibuyouknowme: if they are not in /mnt, then /dev/hda1 is the wrong partition...try /dev/hda2, etc.22:42
VSpikedoubleplus ungood22:42
A[D]minSMrUnagi  intel driver problem as far as i know22:42
ryugakaI really want the newer ubuntu too.22:42
petfroggsoundray: some of us well allways be newbies then... anyway - anyone using kvm?22:42
srcVSpike, vmware works great on gutsy22:42
Akunaya t'il un forum pour php ici ??22:42
PriceChild!fr | Akuna22:42
soundray!fr | Akuna22:42
ubotuAkuna: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.22:42
nickrudPriceChild: do you know offhand if the gtk libs provided will work with the windows gimp?22:42
petfroggVSpike: kvm worked too out of the box22:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freezes - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:42
A[D]minSMrUnagi: anyway i am trying to fix it ... so if i can troubleshoot with me this will be better :)22:42
h4writerscriptfu, it locks again. Again on 'preparing the upgrade': Checking package manager22:42
ryugaka!ati freeze22:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati freeze - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:42
cosminsrc http://pastebin.com/m3f1ec30a i did that.........what that means?22:42
petfroggmessing with the networking stuff n ow22:43
Jordan_UWhenever I try to upgrade to 7.10 update-manager freezes before it even gets to modifying my sources.lst22:43
yaserPriceChild, ok ill try the sugested patch, thanks22:43
joankidoes anyone know how i can get to the place on my computer where it lists all my main drivers?22:43
ryugakaI guess I just have to either accepted the fact that I have to use Dapper or stop using Ubuntu then.22:43
semiiemand uit belgie?22:43
soundrayryugaka: don't play with the bot please. Try /msg ubotu ati22:43
srccosmin, that apache is running22:43
soundray!be | semi22:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about be - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:43
cimonbtw, anybody know if there has been any progress in finding the remaining contributor of moria code, so it could be released under the gpl?22:43
youknowmezagibu, Oh, I see it now. wasn't looking close enough XD . Thanks a lot!22:43
Adam__vmware is good for fresh installs, it sucks at restoring a backup from ordinary machine22:43
noahsemi: i.e. it dies and prints this message: Segmentation fault (core dumped)22:43
cosminnice src....now i whant to install php22:43
nivekc1i am trying to setup my PC with ubuntu 7.10 on my 37" widecreen LCD via a VGA cable when i hook it up my monitor says out of range to set my pc to a widescreen res but i dont have any widescreen options anyone have an idea??22:43
zagibuyouknowme: you're welcome22:43
nickrudJordan_U: got automatix ? ;)22:43
openforlifeOk I just discovered that my X session crashes everytime I try to enable Compiz. My xorg.conf is a mess, is is any way to let the Nvidia driver build it? That worked best for feisty for me.22:43
srccosmin, great! go ahead22:43
A[D]minSMrUnagi but after login interface is good and resolution is good too22:43
seminoah im a noob :)22:43
ryugakaIt sucks that I finally got a chance to use it again after a year.22:43
Jordan_Unickrud, Don't insult me :)22:43
matthew_how do i access my ntfs partitions?22:43
VSpikesrc: Are there packages in the repos?22:44
zagibuok, i've done my deed, now anyone help me with ACPI ;)22:44
snooohow do you get compizconfig to display the app window switcher when you move the mouse to the top right corner?22:44
snooolike expose22:44
soundray!nl | semi, probably in that channel22:44
ubotusemi, probably in that channel: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:44
nickrudJordan_U: lol22:44
srcVSpike, dunno. i got it from vmware directly22:44
semion irc soundray22:44
cobus_can anyone help me force a drive to mount?22:44
ryugakaSo anyone else have the ati freeze/fiesty problems?22:44
VSpikesrc: which edition?22:44
amtYes, rat22:44
semioh yee niet voor ubuntu maar irc22:44
scriptfuh4writer goto repositories selct other then click select best server22:44
semiof xchat.. whatever22:44
cosmincan i? src...can i?   please let me install php22:44
srcVSpike, workstation 6.0.122:44
VSpikesrc: oh, you paid for it?22:45
Jordan_Uopenforlife, Try moving it ( renaming it ) and letting the new GUI configuration app configure it from scratch22:45
MrUnagiA[D]minS: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnome/+bug/118745/comments/3022:45
Altrukhi, how do I update my alsa drivers? I'm at 1.0.12 and I downloaded 1.0.15  but don't know how to install it22:45
srcVSpike, no.22:45
hatta1419 nicks and no ops22:45
rustyldoes anyone know what installs dh_testdir?  I'm trying to build a package via pbuilder on a new system and missing whatever package installs th22:45
soundraysemi: why don't you just type /join #ubuntu-nl and ask the people there. They will probably know.22:45
Omnimon-XOkay... I'm trying to edit xorg.conf to disable glx, and I did the command I was given a few minutes ago (and copied and pasted a line of code from the internet into the file), but when I try to save it, it gives me an error. Can someone just give me detailed instructions to disable glx?22:45
ryugakaIt's always been this way, hatta?22:45
don-ohatta: good times22:45
nickrudhatta: don't you believe it22:45
srcVSpike, i got some license from them it says "no expiration"22:45
ryugakaAti random freezes?22:45
hattaok, suppose I want to install 7.10 on a machine without optical media22:45
semiwhy don't you tell me sound ?22:45
=== evilkry is now known as stephensflc
gaurishryugaka, its a bug22:45
PriceChild!install | hatta22:45
ubotuhatta: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:45
hattais there aw way to put the iso on a flash drive?22:45
huXfluXI've just installed kubuntu-desktop on gusty, logged in KDE but there are no desktop effects :( how to enable them ????????22:46
PriceChildhatta, that lists all methods.22:46
soundrayOmnimon-X: "gives me an error" -- can you be more precise?22:46
ryugakaIs there anyway to fix it?22:46
srcVSpike, works w/ windows and solaris 8,10,opensolaris...22:46
VSpikesrc: hmm .. curious22:46
zagibuanyone knows a decent laptop with good linux-compatibility? Decent means long battery mostly...22:46
Omnimon-Xsoundray: 'Unexpected error: File not found'22:46
doskiashow can i install the additional plugins for compiz?22:46
ryugakaI tried the irqpoll thing, and it started up fine, but now it just random freezes.22:46
openforlifeHow do I enable twinview instead of xinerama?22:46
hattagreat thanks22:46
MrUnagiwhat happens to my current compiz settings if i upgrade to gutsy22:46
jordan_sHello!  I'm running 7.10 on my server which acts like a router, and I used the IPTABLES rules on the community website for masquerading.  I put the 4 commands in and it works fine, until reboot.  I have installed 'moblock' and 'mythtv-backend' since then and they may be the problem.  How can I save ut between reboots?22:46
VSpikesrc: I was running player on feisty, from the repos I think.. but it won't recompile the vmmon module.  a search of apt shows no vmware packages to speak of22:46
atlfalcons866can i use thunar instead of nautilus22:46
soundrayMrUnagi: they will probably survive unharmed22:46
Altrukzagibu: I have a compal ifl90 that gets pretty good battery life22:46
cosminwhat shoud i do to install php?22:46
Milos_SDwhy mplayer starts and uses 100% of CPU when I start downloading something with ktorrent (videos)?22:47
scriptfuWhich file do i edit to stop my wireless automatically connecting to the internet22:47
scriptfuplease :D22:47
srcVSpike, what can I say, try the one from vmware...22:47
MrUnagilol im nervous.........im dist upgrading22:47
ryugakaWell, until these guys can get it together I guess I'll stick to Dapper and windows.22:47
bulmerscriptfu: /etc/network/interfaces22:47
Omnimon-Xsoundray: 'Unexpected error: File not found'22:47
zagibuAltruk: what's the compatibility like? all well?22:47
MrUnagisomethins is going to go wrong i just know it22:47
huXfluXI've just installed kubuntu-desktop on gusty, logged in KDE but there are no desktop effects :( how to enable them ????????22:47
scriptfuty bulmer22:47
fglr-whatI want new fglrx for gutsy.  Where can I get 8.40.4 packages for gutsy>22:47
Jordan_Uscriptfu, /etc/networking/ interfaces22:47
bobbocosmin: sudo apt-get install php522:47
srcVSpike, i had to compile some modules too. have you installed the headers, sources etc?22:47
ryugakaIs there anything buggy about Edgy still?22:47
VSpikesrc: I'm puzzled though because it says workstation is 30 day trial.  Maybe I'll try downloading player direct from vmware22:47
hyper___chBash help needed:  How can you add the string "include /usr/local/lib" to the file "/etc/ld.so.conf" with one line of bash script?  I tried:  sudo echo "include ...." >> /etc/ld.so.conf        but that didn't work.22:47
zagibuAltruk: standby, hibernation, etc. all working?22:47
Jordan_Uscriptfu, Or in the GUI System -> Administration -> Networking22:47
huXfluXI've just installed kubuntu-desktop on gusty, logged in KDE but there are no desktop effects :( how to enable them ????????22:47
BlamaHey everybody, is there a reason why none of my settings in Ubuntu get saved? Nothing I do does...22:47
PriceChildhuXfluX, THey are not default in Kubuntu.22:47
ryugakaI remember the last time I used Edgy it went kinda crazy on me.22:47
VSpikesrc: I had them in feisty so I assume I still do22:47
snooocan someone help me? im trying to get the effect where all windows appear on the screen at once working? it seems to have stopped for some reason and i cant find the setting22:47
h4writerscriptfu, Is it normal that it takes that long?22:47
Flannelryugaka: software will always have bugs22:47
Jordan_Uscriptfu, Disable "roaming mode"22:47
DogWaterAnyone know how I can play world of warcraft on Ubuntu?22:48
huXfluXPriceChild how to enable?22:48
ryugakaFlannel has anyone found a fix for it yet?22:48
|_James_Bond_|plz help to install drivers for ati radeon 9250 with 256mb... this files is a download...~22:48
omegatwofoursh: Syntax error: Bad fd number22:48
omegatwofour               Connection timed out - Try Try Again!22:48
|_James_Bond_|need help22:48
Flannelryugaka: fix for what?22:48
gnutronjordan_s /sbin/iptables-save22:48
don-oDogWater: see winehq.org22:48
omegatwofourcan someone help me with that22:48
MrUnagihas hibernation been fixed in gutsy?22:48
scriptfumine was complete 1hr30 mins22:48
ryugakaThe ati freeze bug in Fiesty22:48
Altrukzagibu: No, most everything works in gutsy... but some people are still having problems with hibernation22:48
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:48
pastorCan I overlay Ubuntu 7.10 over Fiesty Faun?22:48
soundrayhyper___ch: 'sudo echo' doesn't work because the redirection happens as user, not superuser. Do 'echo foobar | tee -a protectedfile'22:48
Dante123Hey what is md5sum for gutsy (not on official websit that I can see)???22:48
soundrayhyper___ch: oops22:48
pike_pastor: you mean upgrade?22:48
FlannelhuXfluX: KDE4 has its own eyecandy, it doesn't use compiz.  For specifics, you should ask in #kubuntu22:48
soundrayhyper___ch: 'sudo echo' doesn't work because the redirection happens as user, not superuser. Do 'echo foobar | sudo tee -a protectedfile'22:48
pastorpike_ yes22:48
jordan_sthank you gnutron22:48
Flannel!upgrade | pastor22:48
ubotupastor: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:48
MrUnagi /j #gutsy22:48
Milos_SDit has command: mplayer -identify -frames 0 -vo null /path_to_video22:48
pike_pastor: yes22:48
pike_!update | pastor22:48
Omnimon-Xsoundray: 'Unexpected error: File not found'22:49
hyper___chsoundray: thx :)22:49
Milos_SDwhy is that happening ?22:49
|_James_Bond_|plz help to install drivers for ati radeon 9250 with 256mb... this files is a download...~22:49
|_James_Bond_|plz help to install drivers for ati radeon 9250 with 256mb... this files is a download...~22:49
BlamaHey everybody, is there a reason why none of my settings in Ubuntu get saved? Nothing I do does...22:49
nivekc1how do i go into xorg config to add resolutions to m list?22:49
PriceChildhuXfluX, the package "compiz" would be a good start.22:49
Dante123what us md5sum or link to it22:49
|_James_Bond_|plz help to install drivers for ati radeon 9250 with 256mb... this files is a download...22:49
ryugakaI guess I could try upgrading to Edgy for now.22:49
DogWateris wine installable via synaptic?22:49
soundrayOmnimon-X: sorry, I don't know what to make of that error22:49
zagibuIRC with pidgin = teh sux?22:49
ryugakaIt just sucks I can't experience any of the good stuff with the rest of you.22:49
Dante123what IS md5sum for gutsy or link to it?22:49
Jordan_UDogWater, Yes22:49
scriptfui was doing update-manager -c -d but i had a powercut halfway and then update-manager was broke so i had to apt-get dist-upgrade so im not sure that i got everything22:49
PriceChild!md5sum | Dante12322:49
ubotuDante123: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more22:49
lavender_dream<|_James_Bond_|>: please dont spam :x22:49
orangeflyi guess gutsy just sn't ready for vmware....22:49
ryugakaI had to do that when everyone was updating to Edgy scriptfu22:49
|_James_Bond_|need help22:49
scriptfucompiz doesnt work so great for example22:49
vega-|_James_Bond_|: stop flooding22:49
heartsbloodgood lord this channel is packed...22:49
ryugakaHalfway through the upgrade to Edgy everything froze.22:50
matthew_can anyone help me force mount one of my ntfs partitions?22:50
Jordan_Uscriptfu, You don't need the -c or the -d anymore BTW22:50
BlamaHey everybody, is there a reason why none of my settings in Ubuntu get saved? Nothing I do does...22:50
ryugakaAnd then I had to manually update everything.22:50
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!22:50
ryugakaThat wasn't fun >.>22:50
scriptfuoh ty jordan will remmeber22:50
ryugakaI think I ended up just uninstalling it and going back to Win.22:50
Moniker42how do i disable shadows in default gutsy compiz but keep the fading window closes?22:50
zagibuBlama: you mounted all of your partitions read-only?22:50
omegatwofoursh: Syntax error: Bad fd number22:50
Dante123I know how to md5sum....I want to know what the md5sum for GUTSY i386 is....22:50
vega-|_James_Bond_|:you will get kicked and not helped with those repeats22:50
omegatwofoursh: Syntax error: Bad fd number22:50
scriptfuye me too22:50
|_James_Bond_|i using is a linux mint 3.1...22:50
PriceChildDante123, read the link please :)22:50
scriptfui wanna go back to 7.422:50
canerhow can i fins d out my graphic card's details22:50
Jordan_Uscriptfu, Try running "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" multiple times22:50
scriptfuand upgrade again22:50
PriceChildDante123, you never know... it might just have a futher link to the sums ;)22:50
h3sp4wn[NikO]: Just changed it with the gconf-editor logical enough how to do it no idea why the gui didn't have it though22:51
LjLomegatwofour: would you mind not spamming?22:51
h3sp4wn[NikO]: thanks22:51
heartsbloodWhat is the 'gnash swf player'?  First time i've seen it as a possible firefox plugin.  Is it an alternative to Adobe flash?  If so how does it compare?22:51
LjLheartsblood: it is a free flash clone, yes. it's still lacking in many ways.22:51
VSpikecaner: lspci ?22:51
[NikO]h3sp4wn, that work now ?22:51
gnutroncaner - in a terminal type- lspci -vv22:51
stmillerheartsblood it plays youtube, and some other video. But not all flash video22:51
Dante123no it gives crap for 6.1022:51
Flannelheartsblood: Its a free flash, yes.  The big announcement is it works with youtube now22:51
FluxDheartsblood: I think opensource flash plugin22:51
lavender_dreamheartsblood: gnash = open source22:51
heartsbloodI see, thank you22:51
Renghave any upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 without any issue? i wonder if this is gonna be with like every upgrade22:51
pastorPike_, when I try and use the update manager to get the latest 7.10 it always tells me that there is a problem. Can I use the CD?22:51
|_James_Bond_|This files is a download for install for ati radeon 9250... need help...22:52
Jordan_Uheartsblood, It's reverse engineered, it's not finished and not very usable in general but does work for youtube and many other simple movies22:52
openforlifeMy X server crashes when I try to enable compiz :(22:52
neopsycheOk! Heres a challenge for everyone! Flash disk says I/O read error when in windows and ubuntu.. when trying to format fat32 using Gparted and using fdisk from command.. running in root also .. Flash disk does not allow deletion of files/ cannot write change to delete file... Cannot copy files to the flash disk main directory.. CAN copy files to the flash disk directory 'downloads' cannot...22:52
neopsyche...delete files from the directory 'downlaods' or the main directory.  Anyone know how to fix this?22:52
vega-Reng: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58085222:52
don-oDante123: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu-releases/gutsy/MD5SUMS22:52
h3sp4wn[NikO]: yep just manually changed the key22:52
PriceChild!patience | |_James_Bond_|22:52
Dante123anyone here know the MD5SuM for gutsy or a link DIRECTLY to it???22:52
Jordan_U|_James_Bond_|, Have you tried restricted manager yet?22:52
ubotu|_James_Bond_|: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:52
[NikO]h3sp4wn, cool :)22:52
Moniker42how do i disable shadows in default gutsy compiz but keep the fading window closes?22:52
ryugakaSo no one has the fix for it yet eh.22:52
Dante123thanks don-o22:52
ryugakawell that sucks.22:52
orangeflyi remember when you used to get answers from this channel....22:52
quitttwhy do I have the option for Fluxbox even it is not installed?!?22:52
MrUnagii dont think i like firefox anymore22:53
MrUnagii dont think i like firefox anymore22:53
soundray|_James_Bond_|: this is a support channel for ubuntu, not mint22:53
cosmincant install php   http://pastebin.com/m6e51eb2522:53
enycneopsyche: are you gettingc kernel errors?  see "dmesg" output22:53
ryugakaFirefox does suck anymore.22:53
ryugakaI just got notice of another upgrade.22:53
enycneopsyche: maybe its bad flash media?22:53
PriceChild!offtopic | MrUnagi ryugaka22:53
ubotuMrUnagi ryugaka: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:53
scriptfuanyone notice firefox freezing alot? or is it just me22:53
canergnutron : VSpike : thanks22:53
Cable86Moniker42, install compiz-config-settings-manager...you will find all of the settings for compiz in that program22:53
|_James_Bond_|This files is a download for install for ati radeon 9250... need help...22:53
orangeflyfirefox is still better than ie....22:53
Moniker42thanks Cable8622:53
neopsycheenyc: I can paste kernel errors in bin.22:53
BaltazaarMoniker42: use compiz settings manager22:53
A[D]minSMrUnagi: ok thx will try it22:53
|_James_Bond_|need help...22:53
scriptfuof course22:53
enycneopsyche: please do ;-)22:53
ryugakaorangefly when it isn't updating every 2 days22:53
PriceChild|_James_Bond_|, please be patient.22:53
MrUnagiis there a nice alternative to firefox in ubuntu22:53
|_James_Bond_|for download this drivers22:53
pastorWill the 7.10 CD overlay my current Feisty Faun?22:53
Dante123hey don-o...that is for rc not the final of gutsy isn't it???22:53
zagibuMrUnagi: Opera?22:54
srccosmin, looks good to me22:54
lavender_dream!English | <|_James_Bond_|>22:54
don-oDante123: look at the URL22:54
tritium|_James_Bond_|: use the ubuntu packages instead22:54
MrUnagiill take a look at it22:54
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins22:54
bobbocosmin: that is waht is it meant to say :D22:54
srccosmin, write php22:54
soundrayPriceChild: |_James_Bond_| isn't even asking about ubuntu, and not listening. Needs a kick IMO22:54
disinterestedorangefly i believe not having any browser is better than I.E.22:54
tritiumWell, MrUnagi is back...22:54
vega-|_James_Bond_|: be quiet already22:54
Jordan_UDante123, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/22:54
NomikosI failed to boot into Gutsy, so at someone's advice I changed the symlinks in /boot to point to the older kernel. Reboots fine now. But what exactly am I running now?22:54
neopsycheenyc: http://pastebin.com/m6130a71522:54
MrUnagihello tritium22:54
OiPenguinHas anyone got experience with 7.10 on Lenovo n100 --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Lenovo3000N100 Can I regard this as a safe buy for dual boot Ubuntu/Vista?22:54
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents22:54
heartsbloodDoes anybody know if it's possible to install grub on the boot sector of a FAKEraid device?22:54
|_James_Bond_|this linux mint 3.1 is using ubuntu packages22:54
caneris there anybody using GeForce Go 7200 and doesnt have problems with nvidia driver and gutsy ??22:54
don-oNomikos: you're runnign Gutsy with a possibly different kernel22:54
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:55
yaserwhere do i get the latest version of a package?22:55
Nomikosdon-o: so what does that mean :-) I thought the kernel was a specific version?22:55
Cable86|_James_Bond_|: linux mint is based on Ubuntu22:55
Dante123doesn;t look right don-o  date is not the 18th22:55
enycneopsyche: okay thats a filesystem error22:55
gordonjcp|_James_Bond_|: why are you asking about Linux Mint in here?22:55
Jordan_Uyaser, Synaptic / apt22:55
MrUnagiso apt-get dist-upgrade puts me to 7.10?22:55
bastid_raZorvia CLI apt-get how might i not hold packages that i previously had held back?22:55
gandalf__can somebody tell me how can i let the clock and the trash on the left?   http://www.geocities.com/bagbyte/screenshot.png22:55
don-oNomikos: Gusty comes with a specific version. i dont know what version you symlinked to.22:55
YBH_1The Empire is on the March, Linux is on the run22:55
|_James_Bond_|sysnaptic using22:55
yaserwhere do i get the latest version of a package xcb_xlib?22:55
k5ehxok... I've attempted to upgrade to 7.10, but now tzdata is broken. How can I fix it? (dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work)22:55
enycneopsyche: fat driver is feeling very unhappy22:55
orangeflycan someone help with vmware gutsy....???....22:55
Milos_SDWhy mplayer starts and uses 100% of CPU when I start downloading something with ktorrent (videos)? it has command: mplayer -identify -frames 0 -vo null /path_to_video. why is that happening ?22:55
Nomikosdon-o: the one right before the newest one22:55
soundrayyaser: usually from the developers. But stick to what ubuntu gives you, those packages are tested stable.22:55
|_James_Bond_|need... help22:55
don-oDante123: basically look at the release directory on any mirror and find the MD5SUMS file22:56
enycneopsyche: hewever this could of course be caused by underlying media/driver/interface fault or incompatibility22:56
atlfalcons866will i see a speed increase with a compiled kernel22:56
don-oNomikos: well, now you know what kernel you're running22:56
PriceChild|_James_Bond_|, Yes we heard for the millionth time. Please /msg ubotu offtopic and stop repeating.22:56
bobbo|_James_Bond_| for help with Mint you need a Mint channel,22:56
vega-|_James_Bond_|: get lost ok?22:56
Nomikosdon-o: if there's a kernel upgrade will it likely break again?22:56
orangeflycan someone help with vmware gutsy....???....22:56
PriceChildvega-, not needed.22:56
gordonjcp!ops | |_James_Bond_|22:56
ubotu|_James_Bond_|: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici22:56
enycneopsyche: or it could just need a new fat filesystem (mkdosfs -F 32  or whatever)22:56
PriceChildorangefly, name your problem.22:56
PriceChildgordonjcp, I am here.22:56
tritiumgordonjcp: yes?22:56
don-oNomikos: i run ubuntu on newer kernels all the time. works fine 4 me22:56
Madpilotgordonjcp, hmm?22:56
gordonjcpPriceChild: ah, so you are22:56
Jordan_Uatlfalcons866, Not likely22:56
PriceChildtritium, Madpilot I'll deal with it.22:56
|_James_Bond_|need help22:56
Nomikosdon-o: ok, thanks for the info22:56
pastor3 Times now i have tried to do the install updates for 7.10, but each time it brings back an error message half way through the install. Any thoughts?22:56
Jordan_U!generic | atlfalcons86622:56
ubotuatlfalcons866: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)22:56
rat32im using audacious to play music and it works fine except sometimes when im playing a song it randomly stops in the middle of playback22:56
rat32anyone know why ?22:56
gordonjcpPriceChild: think it's about time to apply the size 11s, mate22:56
tritiumaye, PriceChild22:57
enycneopsyche: the filesystem driver is panicing ... so of course you are getting higer-level errors22:57
neopsycheenyc: im getting errors on windows too22:57
gordonjcptritium, Madpilot thanks ;-)22:57
heartsbloodme thinks gutsy was a popular release...22:57
orangeflyPriceChild, can't install says....Unable to copy the source file ./installer/services.sh to the destination file22:57
kobaiauh make moar channels22:57
LjL|_James_Bond_|: do you have a specific question about Ubuntu?22:57
amtrat: try reinstalling linux22:57
enycneopsyche: yes... if the filesystem is broken ..thats not suprising22:57
Seveas|_James_Bond_|, linux mint is not supported here22:57
PriceChild|_James_Bond_|, ok i warned you several times just then... Please stop flooding the channel with endless "please"s. And this channel is for Ubuntu support.22:57
Dante123got it...thanks don-o.....it is d2334dbba7313e9abc8c7c072d2af09c *ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso22:57
cosminand about this?   http://pastebin.com/m5dc216a322:57
neopsycheenyc: filsys definately broke!22:57
pastor3 Times now i have tried to do the install updates for 7.10, but each time it brings back an error message half way through the install. Any thoughts?22:57
PriceChildorangefly, don't direct it to me, I probably don't know :)22:57
neopsycheenyc: ok so i can fix it by typing?22:57
scriptfui think the update servers are under strain at the moment22:57
enycneopsyche: unmount it first22:57
cosmindont work any php you preaty guys22:57
OiPenguinHas anyone got experience with 7.10 on Lenovo 3000 N100?22:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tzdata - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:58
soundraypastor: check the CD. There is an option in the boot menu22:58
MrUnagisweet.......update manager is locking up22:58
=== yavuz_ is now known as fincan
MeRodentis it possible to update to gutsy from the livecd?22:58
SeveasMeRodent, no22:58
heartsbloodpastor: change your source list.  I just use a different server and the errors fix themself.22:58
minusWhy is 4GB of my newly formated(in gparted) disk used? Shouldn't be all clean?22:58
soundrayMeRodent: no, use the alternate CD22:58
orangeflycan't install vmware on gutsy, says....Unable to copy the source file ./installer/services.sh to the destination file22:58
rat32Does anybody know what might cause Audacious player to randomly stop playback when in use for mp3 files ?22:58
comicinkerMeRodent: yes22:58
openforlifeMy X server crashes when I try to load compiz. nvidia graphics, 2 lcd monitors.22:58
bobbo(red dwarf ref)cosmin you use php5-cli <file> to run php int eh terminal22:58
pastorheartsblood, how do I change my source list?22:58
|_James_Bond_|need help this a download this files...22:58
Madpilotminus, how big is the partition? ext3 uses some % to store it's own info22:58
heartsbloodpastor: cli or gui?22:59
soundrayk5ehx: if you're on gutsy, it's now called tzselect22:59
tritium|_James_Bond_|: use the ubuntu packages instead22:59
Jordan_Uscriptfu, Have you tried selecting a different mirror in System -> Administration -> Software Sources? There is a tool to pick the fastest mirror, I'm saturating my connection right now :)22:59
LjL|_James_Bond_|: that's not a specific question. do you have a specific question about Ubuntu?22:59
PriceChild|_James_Bond_|, what files? Please keep your questions on one line and be as descriptive as possible. We do NOT support Linux Mint here.22:59
minusMadpilot, 320GB or 298.09 GiB22:59
pastorheartsblood, not  sure...22:59
heartsbloodpastor: can you move your mouse around the screen?22:59
=== atlfalcons866 is now known as Silentjohn
sco50000can anyone help me set up my wireless card in feisty?22:59
Madpilotminus, 4GB sounds about right for the percentage ext3 uses, then.22:59
LjL!anyone | sco5000022:59
ubotusco50000: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:59
minusMadpilot, o.O22:59
k5ehxsoundray: that doesn't help. there are a long list of packages that depend on tzdata and won't install.23:00
pastorheartsblood, only when I am in GNOME falsafe or some such thing.23:00
lavender_dream<|_James_Bond_|>: You should phrase your question in a more comprehensive way... and this is a Ubuntu support channel provided by volunteers. Please refrain from repeating "help" over and over. :)23:00
minusMadpilot, Are there any better formats that can be used that doesn't use space?23:00
soundrayk5ehx: then your sources.list is probably faulty. No gutsy packages depend on tzdata23:00
Madpilotminus, that's 1% of  your space. reiser is probably going to use even more.23:00
sco50000i need help setting up my wireless card in ubuntu23:00
kuruminAlguem poderia me dar um help por favor estou tentando efetuar a instalação do kurumin no hd porém quando eu sigo os paços chega em na parte do gparted e o hd inteiro está como não alocado eu ja desfragmentei o windows convert para fat 32 dentre outras coisas e até o momento não consegui fazer funcionar alguem pode ajudar ai23:00
k5ehxsoundray: this is an upgrade23:00
heartsbloodpastor: system/administration/software sources; click on download from and then other.  at the top of the new window click on 'select best server'23:00
bardyrhow can i get xchat to check spelling in 2 languages?23:01
SlartI'm using ubuntu gutsy 64-bit and thunderbird. In indexing options I can chose to index evolution mail but the option for thunderbird is greyed out.. can I enable it in some way?23:01
sco50000anyone with any experience?23:01
minusMadpilot, o.O23:01
sco50000please pm me23:01
pastorheartsblood, okx... th23:01
BlamaHey everybody, is there a reason why none of my settings in Ubuntu get saved? Nothing I do saves and I have to redo them when I reboot23:01
minusMadpilot, Guess EXT3 is best then23:01
beniHey guys what is the shell command to "split" the input.. so if i got "xx yy zz" i want "yy" as output.. I forgot it! :(23:01
Seveas!br | kurumin23:01
ubotukurumin: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:01
* gaurish is away: Sleeping23:01
soundrayk5ehx: tell us the story from the beginning please23:01
LjL!wifi > sco50000    (sco50000, see the private message from Ubotu)23:01
PriceChildsco50000, ask your questino in channel.23:01
Seveasbeni, cut23:01
don-obeni: try cut23:01
nickrudsco50000: lots of people, but unless you mention your card people won't answer because no one knows them all23:01
srcbeni, awk {'print $1}' for example23:01
supervillainI have clone from scsi disk to a non-scsi disk, the non-scsi clone is veryyy slowww, since it uses /dev/sd* instead of /dev/hd*23:01
Madpilotminus, all formatting types need a certain amount of space to store the actual formatting information23:01
beniokay thank you guys!! :) cut is it23:01
MrUnagithe upgrade tool doesnt seem to be downloading for me23:01
novanosishow do I install XCHAT?23:01
srcsrc, cut also works23:02
sco50000it is an SMCWPCI-G23:02
PriceChildnovanosis, sudo apt-get install xchat23:02
lavender_dreamsudo apt-get install xchat23:02
bastid_raZornovanosis: sudo apt-get install xchat23:02
LjLnovanosis: sudo apt-get install xchat       with Universe enabled23:02
Deformationpsyjoniz: are you here?23:02
heartsbloodpastor: make sure you reload your list after you selected your new server.23:02
nickrudLjL wins, last but best23:02
supervillainI have clone from scsi disk to a non-scsi disk, the non-scsi clone is veryyy slowww, since it uses /dev/sd* instead of /dev/hd*, anyone knows a solution for this?23:02
zagibuuniverse is enabled per default in gutsy, no?23:02
sco50000i have tried the online tuts, but nothing seemed to work23:02
PriceChildzagibu, yes23:02
LjLnickrud: otherwise i wouldn't have hit enter ;)23:02
joshwhatI need help upgrading from Ubuntu Studio Feisty to Ubuntu Studio Gutsy.  Anyone have advice for me?23:02
stmiller"sudo apt-get come on, Gutsy upgrade! You are taking a long time"23:02
yellow_chickenwhen i install ubuntu, there's a part that says "scanning mirror", and computer froze, how to skip this part?23:02
PriceChildjoshwhat, ask in #ubuntustudio23:02
Jordan_Unovanosis, Same way that you install any other application, Applications -> Add / Remove23:02
don-ojoshwhat: what is Ubuntu Studio?23:02
giannishi , I have a problem with the sound and with an EXTERNAL23:02
LjLnickrud: otherwise i wouldn't have hit enter ;)23:03
PriceChilddon-o, ask in #ubuntustudio23:03
novanosisis it me or the servers slow?23:03
tck0do i have to manuall install vmware ? i searched for packages in 7.10 and it only has vmware-player23:03
PriceChildnovanosis, /topic23:03
giannisharg drive23:03
heartsbloodnovanosis: update servers?23:03
=== Silentjohn is now known as atlfalcons866
nickrudtck0: currently, yes, it's not on commercial yet23:03
giannisI am new23:03
novanosisok i was wondering thanks23:03
joshwhatdon-o, www.ubuntustudio.org23:03
Deformationjoshwhat: make sure your repositories is working before you start upgrading23:03
tck0what about the dependencies for vmware ?23:03
tck0where can i find those ?23:03
Jordan_Utck0, You need to enable the commercial repository23:03
Deformationjoshwhat: it was offline 10 hours ago23:04
Jordan_U!vmware | tck023:04
ubotutck0: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers23:04
supervillainUBUNTU SUCKS!!23:04
ryugakaSo is there an ati-freeze problem in Gusty?23:04
AtlantizGutsy rocks :D23:04
ryugakaBecause if there is, I'm not gonna even bother.23:04
sco50000i need help setting up my SMCWPCI-G wireless card in feisty. it works fine in windows, but i can't figure out how to get it working in ubuntu23:04
matthew_ can anyone help me force mount one of my ntfs partitions?23:04
srctck0, you'll need the headers23:04
atoukneed some advise setting up ubuntu server as file server and local apache/php/mysql server23:04
ryugakaI have dapper using fluxbox, and I guess that's good enough for now.23:04
srctck0, and the dev packages in general23:04
soundrayk5ehx: is it worth me waiting for you?23:04
Jordan_Umatthew_, Read only I hope ?23:04
tck0i just wanna install vmware-workstation23:05
bobboatouk: sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5 mysql-server23:05
ryugakaso nobody then?23:05
tck0i just moved to ubuntu from gentoo .. im not too familiar with the packages yet so i guess ill go read something23:05
sco50000i need help setting up my SMCWPCI-G wireless card in feisty. it works fine in windows, but i can't figure out how to get it working in ubuntu23:05
iChicki have an intel iMac and an external USB drive with ubuntu installed on an ext3 partition, is there any way i can boot off the USB drive without messing with my internal drive?23:05
srctck0, yes but part of the installation is going to involve compilation of modules...23:05
BlamaHey everybody, is there a reason why none of my settings in Ubuntu get saved? Nothing I do saves and I have to redo them when I reboot23:05
minusMadpilot, How do I get the disk mounted on to the desktop then? I could mount it to /media/name, but it didn't appear in "Computer"23:05
FlannelBlama: what sort of settings?23:05
riotkittieBlama: what settings would those be?23:05
bobboatouk:you will also need php5-mysql, sorry23:05
sco50000i need help setting up my SMCWPCI-G wireless card in feisty. it works fine in windows, but i can't figure out how to get it working in ubuntu23:05
FluxDsco50000: any drivers for it? or try ndiswrapper23:05
bardyrBlama, stop using the live cd23:05
ryugakaThen again Gutsy's been out for like...what half a day23:05
scriptfusco50000: try looking up ndiswrapper see if its for you23:05
rat32an mp3 file of mine that was playing fine jusst now keeps on freezing at 0:12 in audacious media player !! What could be causing this ?23:05
LukosAnthropossco50000: you tried ndiswrapper23:05
atoukit's all installed, i just need some advise for setting up access for dreamweaver.23:06
matthew_jordan_u; no, i want repartition it23:06
Madpilotubotu, mount | minus23:06
ubotuminus: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter23:06
scriptfusomethnig to make ur windows drivers work in linux23:06
pvl1can anyone help me get jack to work?23:06
Jordan_Umatthew_, ?23:06
bobboatouk: FTP access from dreamweaver?23:06
riotkittieiChick: does your iMac support booting from USB devices?23:06
minusMadpilot, Thank you23:06
atouksure     how to setup ftp server on unbutu side23:06
joankican anyone help me?  i want to partition my hard drive and it is asking me how large to make each partition.... i dunno how much to allocate to windows xp and how much to allocsate to ubuntu!!!  help!23:06
Madpilotminus, I currently only have one HDD, so can't give you more details than what's in those wiki pages23:07
PriceChildatouk, ftp isn't secure, use sftp23:07
soundrayBlama: have you installed ubuntu to the hard disk?23:07
riotkittieiChick: in that case, i assume all you need to do is install GRUB to the external, and you should be good23:07
canerwhat is the difference between packages "nvidia-glx-new" and "nvidia-glx" ?? should i try installing the one with "-new" to solve problems?23:07
MrUnagijoanki: take it from me give both equal parts to the hd23:07
zagibujoanki: it depends on how you plan to use your computer23:07
PriceChildcaner, Yes if your card supports it.23:07
joankimy hadrd disk drive has 74 gb23:07
joankiof space available23:07
Jordan_Ujoanki, Ubuntu needs ~5 GIG plus whatever media files etc you want to have on its partition23:07
BlamaI have an ATI x800 GT. This means I have to use the vesa driver by doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and changing the driver. But when I reboot it goes back to ATI.23:07
MrUnagithen give 37 to each joanki23:07
scriptfu3gb for windows23:07
iChickexcept it doesn't recognozr that there is anything bootable on the USB drive the mac bootloader doesn't recognize ext323:08
FluxDjoanki: ubuntu doesnt need much u can as much as u want23:08
=== amt is now known as amt2
joankidoes xp need much?23:08
matthew_jordan_U; there is one 160G hard drive partitioned into two, i want to wipe the whole thing, but need to pull some data off one23:08
=== amt2 is now known as atq
bobboatouk: sudo apt-get install proftpd + grpoftpd for a GUI setup tool for FTP, no idea about SFTP on Ubuntu23:08
seamus7joanki: check out http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning23:08
tassgot an ugly problem: lost all my files on a ext3-partition - only folders left :/23:08
scriptfuwell it does but23:08
zagibujoanki: yeah, i wouldn't install xp on les than 10gb partition23:08
=== atq is now known as amt
Jordan_Umatthew_, So you just need read access, not write to get the files?23:08
caner<PriceChild> it is geforce go 7200 . will it make any difference. i ve already installed the driver using restricted drivers manager but its buggy obviously23:08
scriptfujust go 50-5023:08
joankiok 37 each it is23:08
joankithank you!!!!23:08
MrUnagiits best to give them equal dibs.......you can access data in both partitions at anytime23:08
BlamaHey everybody, is there a reason why none of my settings in Ubuntu get saved? Nothing I do saves and I have to redo them when I reboot. I have an ATI x800 GT. This means I have to use the vesa driver by doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and changing the driver. But when I reboot it goes back to ATI.23:08
PriceChildcaner, use -new if possible :)23:08
matthew_jordan_U; sure23:08
srcjoanki, do 10 for windows, 10 for ubuntu system and the rest make it ntfs mounted on /export as a common partition between windows and linux23:08
PriceChildcaner, and preferably use the retricted driver manager23:09
=== amt is now known as atq
atouksecurity isn't an issue since it's all localized.   i just need someone to hand hold ftp server setup23:09
Jordan_Umatthew_, Ok, do you know the device name? ( /dev/something ) ?23:09
joankiwhat does that mean, src?23:09
=== atq is now known as amt2
KeithWeissharwhy can't i get 3d effects during a live cd session23:09
joankiis that better to do what you just said?23:09
giannisabout the sound ?23:09
riotkittieoooh. in that case, i dont know. surely there's a way to do it. but i'm not familiar with macs.23:09
caner<PriceChild> will the resticted drivers magager install the one with -new23:09
vbabiydoes any know if I do a update from ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 will it work even when i get throw to busy box from the live cd23:09
PriceChildcaner, if you tell it to I think.23:09
Hilikushey guys, im getting this error in my log23:09
KeithWeisshari downloaded the nvidia driver via restricted drivers manager but it's lost when i reboot23:09
Hilikuscreate_builtin_users: Failed to create Users23:09
MrUnagisrc thats not necessary......ntfs-3g and ext2 drivers allow you to access both partitions23:09
Dante123does gutsy ship with Gaim or Pidgin (hate that new name)23:09
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:09
Hilikusand i cant connect from my windows machine23:09
Jordan_Uriotkittie, What is the mac question ? :)23:09
bobboatouk: sudo apt-get install proftpd gproftpd will get you a server and a graphical settings editor, pretty self explanatory when you get in it23:09
caner<PriceChild> ok thanks let me give it a try.23:09
srcjoanki, that you make 3 partitions 1x10G for windows system, 1x10g for ubuntu and the rest as a "shared" partition between the two23:09
tassis it possible to restorte files from an 2. partition, only folders left? :/23:09
joankihow do i do that, src?23:10
joankiso i have THREE partitions?23:10
maxdhello can anyone help me with my printer?23:10
Dante123does gutsy ship with Gaim or Pidgin? (hate that new name)23:10
MrUnagijoanki: i dont agree with that23:10
iChicki'm not very tecnical but isnt there a way to make a bottloader CD23:10
joankiok i can't figure it out anyway23:10
matthew_jordan_U; no23:10
joankigonna do half and half23:10
MrUnagijoanki: i am running windows and ubuntu23:10
PriceChildDante123, pidgin23:10
MrUnagijoanki: you just need half for each and then install the drivers to access each from the other23:10
Dante123okay thanks PriceChild23:10
Jordan_Umatthew_, Find out from gparted or "sudo fdisk -L"23:10
anabelleI wanto something like this for ubuntu!! http://www.panic.com/coda/23:10
cwraighi all, how do i run a command at boot time (without a user logging in)23:11
Flannel!bum | cwraig23:11
ubotucwraig: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:11
joankiMrUnagi: do i have to install the drivers on BOTH operating systems?23:11
MrUnagijust install ntfs-3g on linux and the ext one on windows23:11
joankisorry i never did this before23:11
tassno one can help me?23:11
joankii'm making the switch today!!!!23:11
MrUnagiits ok23:11
caner<PriceChild> how will i enable it after installing (i mean using apt-get).23:11
bonescmucan anyone help me with desktop effects???23:11
lomezQuick question- if I have an external HD I want to use on both Ubuntu and windows, whats the best format to use23:11
MrUnagii had to do it a few times before i got it right23:11
PriceChildcaner, use the restricted driver manager23:11
joankiwhat does that mean, mrunagi? just install ntfs -3g on linux and the ext one on windows?????23:11
BlamaHey everybody, is there a reason why none of my settings in Ubuntu get saved? Nothing I do saves and I have to redo them when I reboot. I have an ATI x800 GT. This means I have to use the vesa driver by doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and changing the driver. But when I reboot it goes back to ATI.23:12
yellow_chickenwhen i install ubuntu, there's a part that says "scanning mirror", and computer froze, how to skip this part?23:12
don-olomez: vfat is supported by just about everybody23:12
numusanyone know the terminal command to adjust monitor H-value23:12
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | joanki23:12
ubotujoanki: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions23:12
MrUnagithose are the drivers that allow you to read and write each of the file systems from the other23:12
KeithWeissharwhy am i asked to reboot after installing nvidia drivers23:12
ekpEpson RX620 printer is detected but not scanner.  Have not been able to get it installed23:12
numusi did it before but i forgot the terminal command23:12
lomezdon-o fat32 or ntfs better you think?23:12
joankioh man23:12
Jordan_Ujoanki, http://www.fs-driver.org/23:12
don-olomez: ntfs23:12
KeithWeissharif done during the live cd session the drivers is gone23:12
lomezdon-o, alright, thanks23:12
joankii hope i don't royally screw up23:12
don-olomez: im just not sure if the read/write driver is trusted or not. apparently it is.23:12
Jordan_UKeithWeisshar, You can just restart X23:13
srcjoanki, hope you have backups23:13
matthew_jordan_U; ok, /dev/sda123:13
joankii do23:13
Jordan_UKeithWeisshar, They say to reboot because it's "easier"23:13
flakei have a hp amd64x2 5000+ media center XP (xp is 32bit software), trying to boot with 7.10 64-bit, going to black screen23:13
joankibut now i just had a system crash when reinstalling xp23:13
gianniscan I get some help please ?23:13
srcjoanki, happens23:13
justin__desktop effects help anyone?23:13
KeithWeisshardoes installing nvidia drivers require a reboot23:13
joankisrc: when i am reinstalling xp, should i partition then? or should i let the ubuntu cd do it for me?23:13
giannisproblem with sound .23:14
KyoukipichiKeithWeisshar: yes23:14
Jordan_Umatthew_, Ok, then run "sudo mkdir /media/ntfs-files && sudo mount -t -ro ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/ntfs-files"23:14
seamus7justin__: what's your question?23:14
zagibujoanki: always install windows before you install linux23:14
srcsince you're at it you might as well partition during the windows install and tell linux to use the free space23:14
BlamaHey everybody, is there a reason why none of my settings in Ubuntu get saved? Nothing I do saves and I have to redo them when I reboot. I have an ATI x800 GT. This means I have to use the vesa driver by doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and changing the driver. But when I reboot it goes back to ATI.23:14
MrUnagintfs supports fast searching and indexing23:14
zagibucause windows just overwrites the bootloader23:14
scriptfublama u on a livecd?23:14
joankizagibu: should i install xp in the full partition and then have the ubuntu cd partition it again for me?23:14
Blamascriptfu, No23:15
numuswhat does nvidia-glx-new mean23:15
MmphI keep getting an I/O error on hd0 when trying to use the live CD... I dont have an hd0! It also attempts to write grub to hd0. anyone know how  I can avoid this?23:15
Hilikusdo i need a system account for every linux share i want to access from windows using samba?23:15
numuserr the software package for nvidia-glx-new is not enabled23:15
zagibuyeah, just let ubuntu autopartition it's half of the drive23:15
ekpJordan_U: scanner is not detected in Ubuntu........7.10  Epson RX62023:15
punzadajoanki, xp first, have the cd setup just the windows partition and leave the rest of the drive totally blank, then when installing ubuntu afterwards break the partition apart as needed23:15
generalsnusI gotta say..im pretty impressed with Gutsy :D   only 1 case i need to resolve: HDA Intel "onboard sound" does not work..i can chosse it in sound manager etc. but i get no sound. is there anyone out there who can help me troubleshoot this problem?23:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:15
Hilikusim not trying to share the home dir23:15
orb2Hey does anyone know how I can setup dual monitors?23:15
KeithWeissharis there any way to install the nvidia driver on a usb flash drive from a live cd session23:15
Jordan_Uekp, You tried xsane ?23:15
joankiso punzada, you are saying let xp ihave it ALL at first23:15
joankiand then let ubuntu cd split it23:15
ekpJordan_U: yes23:16
punzadalet xp have a part of it23:16
K3nt"nvidia-glx-new"  is not enabled. huh? im trying to enable my video card...23:16
joankibut the it says that the way i did, it d: gets the rest23:16
joankifor data23:16
BlamaHey everybody, is there a reason why none of my settings in Ubuntu get saved? Nothing I do saves and I have to redo them when I reboot. I have an ATI x800 GT. This means I have to use the vesa driver by doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and changing the driver. But when I reboot it goes back to ATI. I am not on the LiveCD23:16
Jordan_Uorb2, System -> Administration -> Screens and Graphics23:16
joankiis that correct23:16
bobboorb2: System -> Admin -> Graphics and Screens23:16
numusadamk you still there?23:16
punzadasounds right23:16
ekpJordan_U: printer is detected OK23:16
orb2Okay I tried that and only one screen shows up23:16
lomezis it faster to copy large amounts of files and then delete, or cut-paste, or is it the same?23:16
Dumptruckhow do I open the file browser as root?23:16
igcek_hello, i would like to remove a program(rutilt) from my comp. can anybody point to some direction?23:16
ekpJordan_U:  does not work as root either23:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proftpd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:16
Jordan_Ulomez, Are you trying to move between partitions?23:16
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd23:16
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP23:17
Jordan_Uekp, Don't even try it as root23:17
orb2Jordan_U and bobbo: I tried that and only one screen shows up23:17
generalsnusI gotta say..im pretty impressed with Gutsy :D   only 1 case i need to resolve: HDA Intel "onboard sound" does not work..i can chosse it in sound manager etc. but i get no sound. is there anyone out there who can help me troubleshoot this problem?23:17
seamus7joanki: you ought to use a partition program and set up the partition for windows at the size you want ... the rest will be empty unpartitioned space awaiting your ubunut install ... when you install ubuntu you will use its partition guide to install into the empty space23:17
lomezJordan_U yes, between two drives actually, im reformatting one of them23:17
don-oMr_Giraffe: google will probably work just as well since you know what you're looking for23:17
DumptruckI am trying to put a dependency in the usr/lib folder23:18
Mr_Giraffedon-o, i don't, that's the thing :P23:18
FionaHey - Can someone help me with my totally hosed new Gutsy install. I'm relatively new to Linux and Ubuntu, but not so new that I know my problem isn't normal.23:18
DumptruckI just can't figure out how23:18
riotkittieFiona: can you elaborate on 'totally hosed'23:18
joankiseamus7: so it's good i made c: drive for windows 37 and left d: at 37 for data23:18
ekpJordan_U:  tried editing /etc/udev/ rules but no luck23:18
OiPenguinI'm desperate for a laptop where I can install Ubuntu and it will work right off for less than $1500. Has anyone got an advice?23:18
terrestrehow i go to tty? ctrl+alt+F1 didn't work23:18
Dumptrucksays I don't have permission23:18
Mr_Giraffedoes anybody know how to set up an ftp server using proftpd?23:18
IpMooFiona:    what went wrong23:18
Mr_Giraffei thought i had it working, but apparently pam is borked and hating me23:18
K3nt<---- dropped vista for ubuntu!!23:18
don-otimes9: f623:18
msikmaHi everybody, I'm using Gutsy on a MacBook. Any way I can link CTRL+Click to right-click?23:18
Jordan_Uekp, Is it supposedly supported by sane?23:18
Mr_Giraffeand i need to know how to get pam to <3 proftpd23:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pam - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:18
srcDumptruck, sudo cp;23:18
riotkittieOiPenguin: Dell sells laptops with ubuntu preinstalled. i'm not sure of the specs, but .... they should be in that price range. also, system 76.23:19
bobboMr_Giraffe: sudo apt-get install proftpd gproftpd, set it up using gproftpd in System menu23:19
Jordan_Umsikma, Yes, but I just do a three finger tap23:19
lomezOiPenguin, have you looked at Ubuntu on Dell's?23:19
srcDumptruck, or if you have lots of stuff to do as root, do a sudo bash or sudo su -23:19
Dumptruckwhat is cp?23:19
Mr_Giraffebobbo, i hate guis, but whatever23:19
FionaBasically, I had issues with my monitor, but Gutsy managed to fix them, but then I found that the gamma settings were screwed, and xgamma didn't seem to do it right. So I installed the restricted driver for my ATi card. Then when I restarted, the keyboard setting reverted to QWERTY on login (I use Dvorak) and it wouldn't accept my usrename or password.23:19
lomezOiPenguin they are pretty decent prices, a bit cheaper than Windows, and theyre not bad23:19
Mr_GiraffeDumptruck, cp = copy23:19
ekpJordan_U: I have had no problem with other distros including Debian based23:19
Dumptruckah ha23:19
msikmaJordan_U: I'd personally prefer CTRL+Click since that's how I used to do that in Mac OS X23:19
FionaI went to the recovery terminal and the user still exists23:19
BlamaHey everybody, is there a reason why none of my settings in Ubuntu get saved? Nothing I do saves and I have to redo them when I reboot. I have an ATI x800 GT. This means I have to use the vesa driver by doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and changing the driver. But when I reboot it goes back to ATI. I am not on the LiveCD23:19
bobboMr_Giraffe: jsut leave out gproftpd then23:19
caneri have geforce go 7200 . should i use nvidia-glx-new or nvidia-glx-legacy ?23:19
orb2Does anyone know how to configure Dual Screens when only one shows up in "Screens and Graphics" ?????23:19
srcDumptruck, the thing you use to copy stuff from <A> to <B> (cp <A> <B>)23:19
Mr_Giraffebobbo, i already have proftpd installed23:19
numusanyone know what software for nvidia-glx-new not enabled23:19
Dumptruckthe command line copy kinda freaks me out23:20
matthew_jordan_U; i don't think that worked, it just spitted out some sort of usage manual23:20
bobboMr_Giraffe: what part are you needing help with?23:20
Mr_Giraffei just don't know how do get it to work with pam23:20
srcDumptruck, get used to it.23:20
IpMooFiona:    thats sounds wierd.. was a clean install  of 7.1023:20
seamus7joanki: i don't think you understand ... windows will be in the ntfs files system while ubuntu will use the ext3 file system .... your hard drive will be partitioned (divided) into one area just for your windows operating system and all the files you have for it ... and the other partition/s will be just for your ubuntu operating system and all the files you use within it ...23:20
Jordan_Umsikma, The problem is that ctrl click already means something in a lot of applications, usually to open something in a new tab ( like in Firefox )23:20
OiPenguinriotkittie: lomez: I'm in Norway. They don't sell version which comes with preinstalled Ubuntu in the us. May I assume that similar models will work?23:20
FionaIpMoo: yep it was23:20
ekpJordan_U: modprobe ls?23:20
yellow_chickenanyone have this problem? when i install ubuntu it hangs at 82%, "scanning the mirror"23:20
IpMooFiona:     what were u running befor  7.04 >?23:20
Dumptruck<--- dropped ubuntu for empanadas23:20
Jordan_Uekp, ?23:20
msikmaJordan_U: hmm...I also have a fancy function key to the left of my CTRL.23:20
orb2yellow_chicken I had that problem and I left it for 15 minutes and it finished23:20
msikmaI guess that could be used23:20
Jimdbjoanki:  there are windows ext2/3 file system drivers and there are ntfs file system drivers for linux23:21
FionaIpMoo: Yes, but I did a clean install anyway. I burned tho iso again, formatted the partition and reinstalled afresh23:21
ekpwould that command list perifrials?23:21
orb2Does anyone know how to configure Dual Screens when only one shows up in "Screens and Graphics" ?????23:21
LjLBlama: what does « mount | grep "on / " » say?23:21
Q_ContinuumOiPenguin, if you visit the US site for linux-equipped machines, and configure a windows-equipped one identically, then yes the hardware should all work out of the box with a 'Dell remastered CD'23:21
yellow_chickenorb2: for real? i am still waiting ....23:21
Mr_Giraffebobbo, pam is on here and isn't playing nice with proftpd23:21
Dumptruckin B do I need to use the file name?23:21
joankiseamus7: ok, but i started correctly? i am reinstalling my xp op system (to clean up my old op system, which had a memory leak) and partitioned it to have 47 m each23:21
msikmaI love 7.10. Excellent software.23:21
joankiis that correct?23:21
flakedoes it take a long time for 7.10 amd64 bit to boot up, it stays on a black screen for a while, got impatient and turned it off23:21
Dumptruckin your example?23:21
Jordan_Umsikma, That is the command key ( in mac terms ) / the super key ( in linux terms )23:21
K3ntmsikma: I KNOW!23:21
joankii would hate to do all the installations and find out i did it wrong23:21
heartsblooddoes the fah-install script still work in gutsy?23:21
joankiat this point i can turn around and fix it23:21
Dankchildhey can someone help me install wine onto feisty fawn?23:21
noorNOOO!! my windowborder where has it gone?! T___T i got compiz but no window border23:21
msikmaJordan_U: I mean the laptop-only "fn" key23:21
LjL!wine > Dankchild    (Dankchild, see the private message from Ubotu)23:21
Slartflake: does it work after waiting a while? or it just never starts?23:21
Mr_GiraffeDankchild, it's fairly simple, just sudo apt-get install wine iirc23:21
lavender_dreammsikma: Love it when you still can... there are times we fall in love with it over and over... then there are times we have a love/hate relationship, but nothing too violent of nature :)23:21
srcDumptruck, not necessarily. for example cp /home/user/myfile.yxy /usr/local/bin will copy myfile.yxy to /usr/local/bin23:21
heartsbloodfah = folding@home.23:22
joankiplease could somoene just tel me if i did it correctly23:22
flakei select start or install and it does a couple of small things and then goes 'black'23:22
LjLBlama:  i meant, type that in the terminal and give me the output23:22
seamus7joanki: if you're starting from scratch then the first thing to do is create a partition of in your case 37GB into which you will install windows ... the rest of the hard drive is empty unpartitioned space until you install Ubuntu at which point you use its partitioning guide to use the unused space in which to install23:22
Q_Continuumwhen I run debmirror for Gutsy, I get 'Patch binary missing, falling back to --pdiff=none' - any suggestions?23:22
n8has anyone used deb to get packages?23:22
wizard__any one having problems downloading the upgrade files?23:22
ekpJordan_U: command to list USB devices?23:22
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flakei also tried safe graphics, and check cd for problems23:22
LjLn8: "used deb to get packages"?23:22
msikmaJust a few hiccups on MacBook (mostly the wireless), but it's getting there.23:22
Jordan_Uekp, lsusb23:22
lavender_dreamwizard__: yeah everyone is, lot of traffic on the server23:22
joankiseamus7: thank you got it23:22
nickrudwizard__: just about everyone, since just about everyone is trying23:22
riotkittieOiPenguin: if you can find machines with similar specs, getting ubuntu running really shouldnt be an issue. i've only installed on OLD dell laptops but everything's been cool.23:22
DankchildNo candidate version found for wine23:23
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BlamaLjL, I dont see what you typed23:23
DankchildThe following packages have been kept back:23:23
Dankchild  gnome-btdownload gnupg gpgv hal hal-device-manager lftp libhal-storage123:23
Dankchild  libhal1 tzdata23:23
Dankchild0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 9 not upgraded.23:23
DankchildNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.23:23
DankchildWriting extended state information... Done23:23
Dankchildthats what it says23:23
nickruda measure of demand or surprise23:23
Mr_Giraffedoes anybody here know about getting ftp daemons to work for ubuntu?23:23
Mmphis it possible to skip downloading the language packs when installing? that is where it alwasy crashes on me23:23
msikmaThis channel seems to be going quite fast, I guess it's probably easier for everyone if I mail the list.23:23
LjL!paste > Dankchild    (Dankchild, see the private message from Ubotu)23:23
n8I was following install instructions for compiz fusion and they want me to deb a website for a package23:23
BlamaLjL, I see some symbol with a wierd A23:23
wizard__can i upgrade from the live cd or do ihave to have alternative cd?23:23
riotkittieOiPenguin: one thing to do, might be to visit ubuntuforums.org and post in the laptop subforum. someone might have an idea as to any models that should be avoided23:23
Jordan_Uwizard___, There are other mirrors though, you can automatically choose the fastest one in System -> Administration -> Software Sources23:23
elitei cant se my windows border  eks(x,_ and square23:23
n8deb isnt a known command in U23:23
srcMr_Giraffe, via xinetd or stand-alone?23:23
ekpJordan_U: Bus 005 Device 002: ID 04b8:0811 Seiko Epson Corp.23:23
sillinesshow do I install google earth so that it does not put bin and folder in my home directory23:23
orb2Does anyone know how to configure Dual Screens when only one shows up in "Screens and Graphics" ?????23:23
Mr_Giraffesrc, standalone23:23
LjLBlama: i asked you to type       mount | grep "on / "             in a terminal and give me the output. and you should also fix your UTF-8 i suppose.23:23
joankiseamus7:  it is asking me if i want to format the c: drive with NTFS file system, is this correct?23:23
joankii do want NTFS, right?23:23
msikmaOne thing that surprised me was that since I didn't have internet access during installation, it commented out *all* repositories because it couldn't ping them!23:23
Mr_Giraffesrc, it's trying to go through pam but for some reason isn't working...23:24
nickrudn8: deb is a definition used in /etc/apt/sources.list, see that for an example23:24
msikmaI had to uncomment every single one of them by myself just to be able to apt-et.23:24
BlamaLjL, Ok, I'll check.23:24
caneri have geforce go 7200 . should i use nvidia-glx-new or nvidia-glx-legacy ?23:24
wizard__ok thank you... i will try other sources23:24
kitchesilliness: sudo <file> it should ask you where you want to install it23:24
msikmaSo I guess I'll bug that23:24
srcPAM is a whole different beast23:24
OiPenguinriotkittie: Cheers, I'll try to set up a us/norway comparison and will return back.23:24
elitei cant se my windows border  eks(x,_ and square) do somebody know how i can get that back23:24
LjLn8: i suspect you've misunderstood those instructions.23:24
orb2Does anyone know how to configure Dual Screens when only one shows up in "Screens and Graphics" ?????23:24
ShapeshifterWhen I start up the gdm backround is ubuntu-brownish instead of black as I configured. How can I fix that?23:24
Jordan_Uelite, For a quick fix turn off desktop effects23:24
Mr_Giraffesrc, i know, but how do i get it to work? :/23:25
joankioh well, i just did it23:25
Squid_does anyone have ever used a mix CD audio and data on ubuntu I can not see the tracks sound juicer dos not play it either see the tracks23:25
Rob125Shapeshifter: Did you change it in the gdm-setup manager?23:25
Dumptruckthanks src - much appreciated23:25
ShapeshifterRob125: yes.23:25
Dankchildany other help, it wont install.23:25
Dumptrucksecond problem23:25
srcDumptruck, good luck.23:25
sillinesskitche, thats what I thought cause when running the installer I always get cannot install to /usr/bin23:25
DumptruckI have everything set up for dual boot23:25
seamus7joanki: if its the windows system then yes23:26
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Dumptrucknow I have a "boot disc error" when trying to run windows23:26
joankithanks seamus23:26
sillinesskitche, may I start private chat with you cause it is nuts in here?23:26
Dumptruckeven when I remove the linux drive physically23:26
froydanybody running ipw3945 and wpa2 ?23:26
Jordan_Umatthew_, Try without the "-ro"23:26
seamus7joanki: windows is by default in the ntfs format while ubuntu by default is in a format called ext323:26
elitethx for helping Jordan_U23:26
Viper550Okay, this may sound very stupid, but is Gutsy any good?23:26
FionaCan someone help me: I had issues with my monitor, but Gutsy managed to fix them, but then I found that the gamma settings were screwed, and xgamma didn't seem to do it right. So I installed the restricted driver for my ATi card. Then when I restarted, the keyboard setting reverted to QWERTY on login (I use Dvorak) and it wouldn't accept my usrename or password. I went to the recovery terminal and the user still exists.23:26
PriceChildViper550, make up your own mind.23:26
srcDumptruck, well how's your grub menu look like?23:26
LjLViper550: it sounds a bit stupid, yes.23:26
Jordan_Uelite, np23:26
dredhammerhi folks what library do you need to make kde based programs look good in ubuntu? the skins for the programs i am using in gutsy do not look good23:26
ekpJordan_U: any suggestions?23:26
ShapeshifterRob125: It accepts the chooser I chose but not the backround color. I'm not using a login window anyway and have automatic login enabled but the backround color still matters. it worked before upgrading to gutsy.23:26
n8i run deb in term and i get  " bash: deb: command not found "23:27
riotkittieViper550: it depends on what you consider good. i doubt anyone here would label it awful by any means.23:27
DumptruckI am also able to access the windows files from linux23:27
srcDumptruck, its in /boot/grub/menu.lst i think23:27
ivanle canne!!!!!!!!!!!23:27
Mmphcan we install ubuntu without it downloading any packages?23:27
Dumptruckone sec23:27
riotkittieI like it, and I dare say I have great taste.23:27
terrestreany one using 7.1? ctrl+alt+F1 didn't work for me23:27
Jordan_Uekp, No :(23:27
ompaul!it | ivan23:27
ubotuivan: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:27
LjLn8: that is because there isn't any command called "deb". read those instructions again - or at least give us a link to them.23:27
pastorok, this is what comes up when I try and update to 7.10.23:27
pastorFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)23:27
pastorFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)23:27
`ph8hey guys, i've just converted my kubuntu install to ubuntu - i've got things like ubuntu-desktop - can anyone think of any big packages i might have missed?23:27
Rob125Shapeshifter: you've got it set to 'themed' on the top menu?23:27
ekpJordan_U: can you hand off to someone in channel that can?23:27
`ph8i'm having a couple of issues with the taskbar disappearing when switching desktops23:27
HOLOGRAPHICpizzadoes gusty even use an xorg.conf anymore, because i TOATLY deleted mine, restarted, and nothing happened, now its working fine with no xorg.conf23:27
Fionawhy would you do that23:28
ShapeshifterRob125: "Themed with face browser"23:28
HOLOGRAPHICpizzabecause i wanted a fresh one23:28
heartsbloodHas anybody used the ubuntu F@H install script on gutsy?  when I try to install it as a server and run /etc/init.d/foldingathome start I get '/etc/init.d/foldingathome: 23: [[: not found; /etc/init.d/foldingathome: 33: [[: not found.  Any ideas?23:28
Jordan_Uekp, No, you might try grabbing the sane *source* package from debian since that worked and compile it on Ubuntu23:28
Squid_does anyone have ever used a mix CD audio and data on ubuntu I can not see the tracks sound juicer dos not play it either see the tracks23:28
riotkittieHOLOGRAPHICpizza: bulletproofx.23:29
LjLHOLOGRAPHICpizza: i guess that's because of the "bulletproof X" feature that was implemented in gutsy.23:29
swedestraliani'm looking for some help on getting my headphone port working23:29
Jordan_UHOLOGRAPHICpizza, If there is no Xorg.conf it just figures things out at start, it's been able to do that for a while23:29
ekpJordan_U: does 7.10 have the tools or do I need to download them23:29
HOLOGRAPHICpizzawell how can i coustomise my xorg.conf then?23:29
riotkittiebulletproofx makes me want to shoot myself23:29
riotkittieHOLOGRAPHICpizza: the same way you customized the last one.23:29
froydim looking for somebody to help me with wpa2, anybody ? pls, help is much appreciated23:29
Jordan_Uriotkittie, Actually it sounds like it's just X not needing explicit configuration for his hardware :)23:29
HOLOGRAPHICpizzawow this is cool23:29
chook__hmm,comment supprimer un dossier dans ma poubell!! y veut pas (fichier en lecture seule,impossible de supprimer)23:30
matthew_Jordan_U; "mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/ntfs-files': File exists"23:30
kostinHi. somebody can help with freenx or nx free edition on Gutsy?23:30
Madpilotubotu, fr | chook__23:30
ubotuchook__: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.23:30
gumpishWTF? Why is java 1.4.2 the default VM on feisty fawn?23:30
swedestralianis there anybody here willing to help me get my headphone jack working?23:30
Jordan_Uekp, You will need to install the package "build-essential" and use apt-get build-dep, do you already know how to recompile a debian source package?23:30
chook__ooh sorry i'm in di english room23:30
K3nthow do i enable stuff like the cube effect etc..23:30
riotkittieJordan_U: ah. i thought X always required a config  <learns something every day>23:30
Jordan_Umatthew_, Just run the command after the "&&" then23:31
swedestraliank3nt.   go to system>preferences>appearance23:31
riotkittieK3nt: on gutsy? install compizconfig-settings-manager23:31
JimdbCongratulations folks.  This 7.10 is an exceptional product.  I hope everyone will take the time to spread the word.  Tell one new person a day about ubuntu.  In no time you'll be surprised at what you have accomplished.  Again, congratulations on such a fantastic product.23:31
Jordan_Uriotkittie, It used to, but it becomes less and less dependent on it every release :)23:31
Jordan_Uriotkittie, Soon it will only be required if you want to override a default :)23:31
ekpJordan_U: frontends or backends for Sane?23:32
orb2Can anyone help me set up dual montiors please?  Only one will show up in the Screens and Graphics menu :(23:32
codecaineanybody know why ubuntu gutsy connection is slow on the internet is there anything I can configure?23:32
Rob125Jordan_U: I dunno if I'd call it less dependent. Perhaps more fool-proof.23:32
HOLOGRAPHICpizzawhenever i try to start desktop effects, i get a toatly un-descriptive "could not start desktop effects"23:32
Dumptrucksrc: did you get my message?23:32
Jordan_Uekp, Backends23:32
srcDumptruck, no23:32
Cable86HOLOGRAPHICpizza: what kind of graphics card do you have?23:32
Squid_does anyone have ever used a mix CD audio and data on ubuntu I can not see the tracks sound juicer dos not play it either see the tracks23:32
riotkittieHOLOGRAPHICpizza: ok. let's talk. are you ongutsy?23:32
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaradeon X70023:32
riotkittieHOLOGRAPHICpizza: are you using an ati?23:32
Jordan_URob125, If it doesn't even need the file to exist, isn't that less dependent on it ? :)23:32
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaim on gusty23:32
riotkittieHOLOGRAPHICpizza: k. you're blacklisted. we can over ride that, if you'd like.23:32
HOLOGRAPHICpizzausing flgrx driver23:32
js_is there an issue with compiz and the window manager? i enabled the easy effects and my window manager dissappeared23:33
riotkittieoh. flgrx i cannot help with.23:33
Rob125Jordan_U: Well, it does need the file to exist. X flips out if it doesn't have it -- now it'll just write one if it can't find it.23:33
Cable86HOLOGRAPHICpizza: desktop effects won't work with the fglrx driver23:33
Dumptrucksrc: oh I sent the menu.ls file23:33
lavender_dreamEasy question :) What is the best way to install software in Ubuntu so that it picks up whenever there are updates to both supported and nonsupported applications? is it by the synaptic manager or apt-get or aptitude?23:33
Dumptruckand it is to big to paste here23:33
Jordan_UHOLOGRAPHICpizza, Install XGL ( sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl ) if you want compiz with fglrx23:33
srcDumptruck, put it in the paste bin.. see channel topic23:33
Rob125lavender_dream: all three will work perfectly :)23:33
K3ntriotkittie: ok, now what23:33
Cable86HOLOGRAPHICpizza: ATI should be releasing a new version of fglrx that does work with it in the next month or two though23:33
NavidHi, I have an issue I couldnt resolve myself. I installed ubuntu on my xp and it was fine, i had to format xp and after installing xp again the grub boot menu was gone it would directly go to xp23:33
srcand send us the link23:33
lavender_dreamRob125: You lie!23:33
riotkittieK3nt: wait. what are you what'ing me about?23:34
NavidI tried all of the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows and it didnt work23:34
NavidHow can i recover ubuntu?23:34
joankii know this isn't the right room to ask this, but maybe someone will be nice and answer - i have a dell driver cd for vista, but i changed my op sys to xp... the cd doesn't say vista, can i use it to install the drivers in my xp operatins system?23:34
Flannellavender_dream: They all deal with the same database, so they all work interchangably23:34
riotkittielavender_dream: synaptic is merely a graphical front end for apt.23:34
Rob125lavender_dream: I do? I've not had any problem with them all working. Are you sure?23:34
=== flake is now known as the
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:34
orb2Can anyone help me set up dual montiors please?  Only one will show up in the Screens and Graphics menu :(23:34
Jordan_UHOLOGRAPHICpizza, Np, XGL might introduce some other problems though, it's not my favorite piece of software, which is why it is not installed by default23:34
riotkittiewell not exactly. but eh. fever. laziness. woo.23:34
Jimdbanyone know if there is support for the creative x-fi cards yet?23:34
Cable86joanki: maybe you can find the drivers for xp on the dell website?23:34
joankiyes but there are SO many23:34
joankithanks i take that as a no23:34
HOLOGRAPHICpizzawell, ill try xgl first23:35
K3ntriotkittie: i installed that compiz-settings-manager23:35
garuhi everyone23:35
K3ntriotkittie: now what23:35
riotkittieK3nt: enable cube there. turn desktop wall off. up the # of desktops to 4 under the general settings tab, and you should have a cube23:35
garuHOLOGRAPHICpizza xgl?compiz fusion????????????//23:35
lavender_dreamRob125: I kid, seriously though... like my Firefox has a grey non-selectable list in the menu where I can check for upgrades... I know Firefox is at yet Ubuntu uses, is it because of the repositories?23:35
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unstableI'm in Gutsy livecd, How can I do loop back fs encryption?23:36
unstablewith my install23:36
Jordan_UK3nt, run ccsm, or find it in the menus23:36
garuHOLOGRAPHICpizza what's the prob?23:36
lithiumanyone know if there is a sure-fire way to check if a graphics card is dead, or just needs a bios flashed?23:36
Jordan_Uunstable, You need to use the alternate CD for that23:36
kitchelavender_dream: I believe ubuntu disabled that feature since ubuntu uses a patched version of firefox their own version really23:36
Cable86Rob125: firefox fixed a bug with quicktime, which Linux does not have...thus, updating it to in linux would be pointless23:36
swedestraliani can not get my headphone jack to work,   can anybody help me?23:36
Flannellavender_dream: Its because is in the repositories.  Thats the version in ubuntu.  It'll get updated in a few days, if it hasnt been already.23:36
warblerNavid: you can reinstall grub with a live cd if the XP partition is the same size as before23:36
psyjonizDeformation: comes up and no crazy fan, sorry23:36
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!23:36
Ant1jrHelp! Gutsy gives me a black screen apon boot!23:36
HOLOGRAPHICpizzai just found out compiz dosent work with flgrx23:36
unstableJordan_U: dammit23:36
Rob125oh. lavender_dream: what Cable86 said.23:36
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can!23:36
Jimdblavender_dream: you need to install the .tar.gz file from the firefox site to get and update to firefox or you need to wait till is available through the repositories.23:36
noorsome one plox i cant seem to get my xorg.conf to open23:37
matthew_jordan_U; it worked, now how do i wipe it?23:37
kbrosnanlavender_dream: because firefox 2.023:37
lavender_dreamI love you guys, thank you!23:37
Jordan_Umatthew_, Unmount it and use gparted23:37
kbrosnanlavender_dream: because firefox was a windows fix23:37
Navidwarbler, yes i believe its The same space and I did use The live CD and did all The mounting and all23:37
Navidi did The setup (hd2, 0)23:37
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Rob125noor: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf?23:37
Navidit did the setup, but it had an error somewhere23:37
mastercanehi @all23:37
Jimdbit is now at
Jordan_U!gksudo | Rob12523:37
ubotuRob125: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using « sudo <GUI-application> » - See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info23:37
noorrob125: may the gods be on your side..23:38
Rob125Hum. Learn something new every day.23:38
Squid_does anyone have ever used a mix CD audio and data on ubuntu I can not see the tracks sound juicer dos not play it either see the tracks23:38
kr00lplatinumAnyone know why i can't get anything from Add/Remove?23:38
mastercanealready posted my question in #ubuntu-server - noone answered soo I hope to get some feedback here:23:38
HOLOGRAPHICpizzawhat is the diffrence between "gksudo" and "gksu"?23:38
mastercanecould anybody explain me why important packages like spamassassin or clamav which are needed for most mail- or groupware-setups are located in "universe", not in "main"?23:38
sam000how long does update take?23:38
mastercaneit really sucks that there are security-bugs in these packages which don't get fixed by ubuntu core team23:38
Rob125noor: belay that. gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:38
Jordan_UHOLOGRAPHICpizza, On Ubuntu, nothing :)23:38
warblerNavid: from the live cd you open a terminal and type "sudo grub" - then "find grub stage one"23:38
Dumptrucksrc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41235/23:38
Dumptruckhope that helps23:38
PovAddictany idea how to get an SD card reader working?23:39
lavender_dream<kr00lplatinum>: i'm having the same problem too, i think the server is broken due to extreme heavy traffic?23:39
cesar_i cant seem to upgrade to gutsy, i get subprocess post-installation script killed by signal (Aborted), core dumped23:39
mikebotHow can I upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 using the live cd?23:39
noorrob125: it worked thx23:39
liberviscoThis is shameful :(23:39
kr00lplatinumlavender_dream: that sounds right23:39
cesar_about libpam0g23:39
srcDumptruck, windows is installed on the second hard disk?23:39
Flannelmikebot: by installing.  To upgrade, you need the alternate CD (or just do it from the internet)23:39
PovAddictmikebot: I dont think you can23:39
Cable86mikebot: you cannot upgrade to 7.10 using the livecd, you must use the alternate cd of do an internet upgrade23:39
cesar_libpam0g could not install, what should i do?23:39
Jordan_UHOLOGRAPHICpizza, If you use "gksu --su-mode" then you can run GUI apps as any other user , it uses su as a back end23:39
kitchemastercane: read up on what each repo is used for and you will see why23:39
liberviscoGutsy livecd wont use my LCD properly no matter which resolution I set manually or even in safe mode!23:39
orb2Can anyone help me set up dual montiors please?  Only one will show up in the Screens and Graphics menu :(23:39
Ryuhocan anyone help me with vnc on xfce?23:39
Rob125noor: before you save anything, you should 'sudo cp ./xorg.conf ./xorg.conf.back23:39
sam000how long does update take?23:40
mikebotHow do I upgrade using the alternate cd?23:40
Jordan_Ulibervisco, In what way "properly" ?23:40
Navidwarbler: here is what I did, su -, sudo grub find /boot/grub/stage1/, root (hd2,0), setup (hd2,0), quit23:40
cesar_someone please help, i could not install 'libpam0g', is that important?23:40
Jordan_U!gutsy | mikebot23:40
ubotumikebot: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents23:40
Joe_CoTanyone familiar with gutsy encryption? I want to set up my partitions such that /home/, /var/, /tmp/, and swap are encrypted, but everything else isn't.23:40
PovAddictsam000: depends how you do it23:40
FlannelJordan_U: uses sudo, not su23:40
K3ntJordan_U: ok in ccsm, what do i change23:40
srcDumptruck, how do you boot directly from the drive exactly?23:40
Cable86mikebot: while you're running 7.04, insert the alternate cd and it should pop up a window that will help you :-)23:40
soloshould I use aptitude or apt-get?23:40
solowith Gutsy23:40
sam000i have 7.0423:40
cesar_theres way too many people here, nevermind23:41
liberviscoJordan_U, in way of showing anything on my screen instead of throwing it into stand by23:41
Jordan_UFlannel, No, "gksudo --su-mode" definitely uses su :)23:41
mikebotCable86: Do I have to download anythign from the internet if I do it from the alternate cd?23:41
warblernavid: that should get grub back after reinstalling XP23:41
DumptruckI unplug the other drives or change the boot priority23:41
garusolo use apt-get23:41
mikebotI've been downloading upgrades fromt he update manager for like 28 hours, so I just want to stop it and use this alternate cd23:41
cesar_all my packages are failing: login and libpam23:41
NavidIt should but somehow my xp was loaded again.23:41
Flannelmikebot: you put the cd in the drive, and run the command given on the upgrade page (something like gksu /cdrom/cdupgrade)23:41
orb2Can anyone help me set up dual montiors please?  Only one will show up in the Screens and Graphics menu :(23:41
cesar_how am i gonna use ubuntu with a failed 'login' package?23:41
HOLOGRAPHICpizzai like aptitude better23:41
NavidIt didnt even show the grub menu.23:41
garumikebot 28 hours?23:41
Cable86mikebot: i believe it depends on what packages you have installed....obviously they can't fit every single package available onto a single cd, so depending on what you have installed it may have to download some additional packages23:41
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FlannelJordan_U: gksudo calls su with that flag?23:41
mikebotFlannel: Thanks.23:41
mikebotgaru: yes.23:41
warblerNavid: should be setup (hd0)23:41
Dumptruckis that bad?23:42
tasswhat's the easiest way of data recovery on a ext3?23:42
numusi am having a HUGE problem with a PNY VERTO FX5500 video card23:42
Jordan_UFlannel, Yes, same with gksu ( which in Ubuntu uses sudo by default )23:42
garumikebot isnt that way too long?by that time, u'd be done downloading and installing the livecd or even the livedvd!or both :o23:42
numusit is basicly an overclocked nvidia23:42
Navidwarbler, thank you. I'll try that, I gotta restart.23:42
tassi killed a whole partition...23:42
scguy318tass: testdisk?23:42
mikebotgaru: Right, that's why I'm stopping..heh.23:42
cesar_help, login package failed23:42
FlannelJordan_U: gksu is symlinked to gksudo, so there's no difference there.  (I'd check the man page myself, but I dont have gksu installed, so...)23:42
mikebotOK, well, thanks for the help23:42
speaker219Can anyone here tell me if Gusty is worth trying?23:42
garumikebot lol23:42
mikebotI've going to try it, so hopefully brb.23:43
OiPenguinroodie: If you can, I'd appreciate your opinion http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=577469 Inspiron 1520 appears to be among my best option out those available in Norway. The price is about $1150 here.23:43
blahblahxhow can i remaster ubuntu gutsy?23:43
Cable86speaker219: Gutsy is awesome23:43
orb2Does anyone know how to enable the cube/other compiz effects in Gutsy?23:43
Flannelblahblahx: define remaster23:43
srcDumptruck, look at the pastebin, try that23:43
cesar_help, login package failed!23:43
speaker219is it possible to install gusty from a USB drive?23:43
garuspeaker219 look at the number of people here, and think about how this channel was like 4 days ago :o23:43
blahblahxok so i installed ubuntu and customized it to my needs23:43
Jordan_UFlannel, Oh, on other distributions they use different back ends ( probably just done by passing different switches to gksu )23:43
blahblahxhow do i make it into a bootable, instalable livecd?23:43
cesar_now "base-files" is failing23:43
Rob125Speaker219: sure is! Christer Edwards just did a tutorial on that a week ago.23:43
Flannelblahblahx: Just remove/add whatever packages you want23:43
tommy__Hello, i have a problem with ubuntu 7.10: cannot allocate resource region 9 of bridge 0000:00:1c:1. Pls help me!!23:43
speaker219Rob125: link to that tutorial please?23:43
cesar_could not install bash???? what the hell?23:44
cesar_i'm screwed23:44
blahblahxhow do i make it a bootable/installable livecd?23:44
garuspeaker219 Gutsy should be comulsory to install by law!lol23:44
cesar_thanks a lot, ubuntu23:44
Flannelblahblahx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization23:44
livingdaylightCan i install Gutsy Gibbon if my pc doens't support 3D? I hear it comes with Compiz by default and my pc doesn't support it23:44
K3ntwhat settings enable the cube effect?23:44
Jordan_Ucesar_, Where are you getting that error ?23:44
tck0why isnt my root password working for accessing the restricted drivers area ?23:44
cesar_in the upgrade manager jordan_U23:44
tck0i changed the pass with sudo passwd . but it doesnt accept it23:44
seamus7_froyd: sorry I had to go ... did someone help you with wpa2?23:44
Dumptrucksorry I am new to the pastebin thing - how do I check your response?23:44
blahblahxis there an easier way to do this?23:44
cesar_now it says "could not install passwd" !!!!23:44
Jordan_Ulivingdaylight, Yes, it degrades gracefully23:44
speaker219can i have a link to that gusty USB drive install tutorial?23:44
srcDumptruck, same url23:44
Stormx2livingdaylight: Yeah, it'll work fine. Compiz just won't be enabled.23:44
Flanneltck0: sudo always asks for your uesr password (unless you've set it to ask for a root password)23:44
cesar_a lot of things are failing23:44
=== jake_ is now known as orb2
tck0i know23:45
ctothejfor the terminal, where can I find what each color means (for file, folders, links, etc)?23:45
Flanneltck0: but, you don't need a root password at all.  Why'd you set one?23:45
livingdaylightJordan_U, so pop in live cd and it'll realize my pc is not up to it and adapt? cool23:45
databuddyFlannel i found a good livecd tut23:45
Dumptruckadd the 3 pluses?23:45
cesar_is the upgrade manager working? should i just do a clean install?23:45
livingdaylightStormx2, sanx23:45
orb2How do I enable Compiz in gutsy?23:45
tck0well whats the default password then ?23:45
Jordan_Utck0, On Ubuntu gksu uses sudo by default23:45
databuddylemme find it real fast ;)23:45
warblerRyuho: I vnc into server running xfce - whats up?23:45
OiPenguinriotkittie: If you can, I'd appreciate your opinion http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=577469 Inspiron 1520 appears to be among my best option out those available in Norway. The price is about $1150 here.23:45
Flanneltck0: There is no default root password.  The root account is locked23:45
Jordan_Utck0, You can change that with gksu-settings23:45
Stormx2!sudo | tck023:45
ubotutck0: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.23:45
Dumptruckand how do I open gedit as root?23:45
corpsicleok, i want to kill ubunutu right now23:45
Ryuhowarbler did you have to do anything special to set it up?23:45
Stormx2!sudo | Dumptruck23:45
seamus7_orb2: right click on the desktop and choose Appearnace then go to the Desktop Effects tab23:45
Jordan_UDumptruck, gksudo gedit23:45
ubotuDumptruck: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.23:45
frank_numus: what is the problem. I have a nvidia fx 550023:45
srcDumptruck, no add the map (hd0) (hd1) etc part23:45
blahblahxwait that doesn't worrk because i want to turn my system into a livecd23:45
cesar_everything is failing, i'm switching back to windows23:45
ctothejAlso, when I use SSH and list a directory, what does the star '*' next to an executable file mean?23:46
warblerRyuho: go to #xubuntu23:46
Ryuhoi am23:46
tommy__Hello, i have a problem with ubuntu 7.10: cannot allocate resource region 9 of bridge 0000:00:1c:1. Pls help me!!23:46
orb2seamus7_: when i right click on teh desktop there's no appearance option23:46
Ryuhothey aren't responding23:46
garuwhat is the best app to burn Iso's in ubuntu?k3b is taking forever just to erase a cd-rw!23:46
GRocketLooks like Windows has no worries---yet!23:46
blahblahxFlannel: i already customized the system, so that guide won't work23:46
seamus7_orb2: sorry I meant desktop background23:46
t|omHi, I get this error from Xorg.log :"(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//wizardpen_drv.so" Where do I fix the double slash "//" ?23:46
numusfrank_ i can't force it to use the nvidia drivers.. it keeps using the vesa drivers23:46
cesar_gutsy is the worst upgrade ever, when i upgraded to feisty i didnt get a single error23:46
speaker219is it true that gusty comes w/ compiz fusion23:46
LeChacalhey i was reading an old forums post and this guy talked of something called " xkillThat" that you could run and it would give you the ability to kill process just by clicking on the program. I tried it and it said couldn't find like it isnt really. Anyone heard of this or know what he is talking about?23:46
cesar_now EVERYTHING is breaking23:46
Stormx2garu: I'd say k3b is the best. You might need to turn dma on...23:46
elementim not getting erryors with guts23:46
Stormx2speaker219: Yes.23:46
orb2seamus7_: okay the only options though are none normal and extra... no specific options like the cube, etc23:46
elementim not gettting errors23:46
corpsicleit installs and asks me if i want to use the ati driver, and so i do, and then it runs 1900x1200 ( my monitor does 1680x1050 ) and then i change the monitor settings, choose my monitor, say that its widescreen, set the correct resolution and reboot, then it tells me it cant be configured and starts in like 800x60023:47
elementnothing wrong for me23:47
Flannelblahblahx: Sure it will, you just have to customize the liveCD independantly.  I don't believe theres a method in place currently to casper up a current system23:47
Jordan_Ut|om, Please file a bug report23:47
frank_numus: did you try the restricted drivers manager?23:47
seamus7_orb2: you have to inistall compizconfig-settings-manager in synaptic in order to get the cube options23:47
cesar_well i dont have login, adduser, or passwd anymore, so i'm not sure how i'm going to use my computer23:47
Rob125Speaker219: http://edoceo.com/liber/ubuntu-live-usb23:47
garuStormx2 how do I do that?turn dma on?23:47
numusfrank_ ya it is enabled but it is not being used23:47
orb2seamus7_: okay how do I do that23:47
Rob125speaker219: I lied. It wasn't Christer Edwards.23:47
scguy318cesar_: dunno, d/l ISO image, do a CD upgrade?23:47
Stormx2!dma > garu23:47
frank_numus: and you restarted X?23:47
elementhow do i install compiz fusion on Ubuntu?23:47
seamus7_orb2: do in terminal... sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager23:47
scguy318cesar_: the torrents are veery fast23:47
databuddyFlannel http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Live_CD_distributions#Create_your_own_Debian_Live_CD23:48
Jordan_Uelement, Install Gutsy :)23:48
scguy318ubotu, compiz | element23:48
ubotuelement: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:48
numusfrank_ yes23:48
orb2seamus7_: okay thanks i'll try that23:48
databuddythat lets you create livecd of perfect install ;)23:48
charlesanyone have any idea how to solve a window creation error?23:48
numusfrank_ i selected the nvidia drviers and it keeps going to vesa everytime i restart23:48
Dumptruckso copy and paste the pastebin into my menu.lst file?  what changes were made?23:48
dr_sporkDoes anyone know where keyboard shortcuts are stored in Gutsy? I just upgraded and now the keyboard shortcuts app doesn't actually affect the shortcuts at all.23:48
cesar_let's just get one thing clear guys23:48
cesar_the name of it is GUTSY, not GUSTY23:48
pwnt-I try to do a backup for my home/user and it doesn't work, using rsync. check this http://pastebin.com/m4a3f4867 - anyhelp would be appreciate, I try to backup them in my external HDD.23:48
databuddyso get your system configged etc properly and then do that and yer damn golden23:48
justin__Anyone suggest a good bittorrent client? The Ubuntu default one is horribly unconfigurable.23:48
scguy318cesar_: the next one should be called Horny Hedghog :P23:48
srcDumptruck, just copy the changes around lines 3323:48
DumptruckI like gusty23:48
Stormx2justin__: Deluge.23:48
noorIT WORKED IT WORKED XD XD!!! my compiz fusion has window border, i feel like a 12 year old girl who just had some ice creame! linux FTW!!!23:48
pwnt-justin__: I use freeloader it ruck.23:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:48
Slartjustin__: azureus seems popular23:48
lavender_dreamum... anyone just get a tzdata as recommended update in the update manager?23:48
scguy318justin___: uTorrent, rTorrent23:48
garuStormx2 that's for 6.06 right?23:49
cesar_are there any chicks here?23:49
seamus7_orb2: the Effects Tab in Appearances will then have a Custom / Preferences option23:49
cesar_asl everyone23:49
scguy318justin___: i know the former is Windows, but Wine ;)23:49
pyrakmy installation crashed 3/4 of the way through23:49
justin__Ahhh lot's of suggestions, thanks guys, I'll check them all out.23:49
pyrakhow do i go about doing something like a repair installation?23:49
pierignoHi all23:49
CroiXSo, now that Gutsy is released, how often can we expect updates--and should we expect these updates to add additional hardware support?23:49
Stormx2garu: it'll work on other versions...23:49
pyrakcan i do that without overwriting my data?23:49
canerwhat is the problem with nvidia-glx it is extremely slow on my machine geforce go 7200  doesnt matter i run compiz or not.23:49
cesar_i'm trying to turn my girlfriend to ubuntu23:49
CroiXI ask because my hardware is pretty new, and is not really fully supported yet.23:49
cesar_she'll be a hot chick that uses linux23:49
pierignoi'm having problem during Gutsy installation...23:49
Stormx2cesar_: #ubuntu-offtopic please.23:49
garuStormx2 its ok, just finished erasing it...thanks ;)23:49
frank_numus: you can try sudo nvidia-xconfig then restart X23:49
pwnt-so anybody is well experienced in backuping the /home/username ? I try to do that for ages and always getting errors in both rsync & cp23:49
Dumptruckit looks exactly the same as what I have23:49
Slartcesar_: there is an offtopic channel for that stuff.. this channel is crowded enough as it is23:49
pierignoubiquity freezes calling gparted23:50
telexiconI am trying to run a portscan but nmap consistently hangs when running scans23:50
seamus7_justin__: Deluge is excellent ... download and install the latest at deluge-torrent.org ... version 5.5-223:50
tck0where are the transparency settings for compiz that's installed by default in 7.10 ?23:50
cesar_well no one is listening to my problems23:50
Stormx2pwnt-: cp -av usually does it for me23:50
srcDumptruck, do a page refresh23:50
t|omJordan_U: I installed the wizarpen driver the manual way like described in the wiki. Do I really report a bug then?23:50
numusfrank_ can i make the boardname nvidia in xorg.conf or should i keep it versa23:50
Squid_does anyone have ever used a mix CD audio and data on ubuntu I can not see the tracks sound juicer dos not play it either see the tracks23:50
numuserr vesa23:50
cesar_ubuntu is basically broken now, i have to back up everything and do a clean install :(23:50
tassscquy318: well, testdisk is only if i had a backup :/23:50
LiMaOwhere do i configure/see installed joysticks/joypads on gutsy?23:50
tassanother idea?23:50
=== CroiX is now known as VousDeux
pwnt-Stormx2: I try doing it to my external HDD. and i keep getting these errors in both cp & rsync,. http://pastebin.com/m4a3f486723:50
Stormx2cesar_: Your girlfriend using linux is not something that should be addressed here.23:50
dredhammercan anyone tell me what i need to install to have kde programs look like they did in feisty, they for some reason look really ugly in gutsy23:50
Slartcesar_: I didn't even see your question.. what was the problem?23:50
cesar_ok, chill23:50
Stormx2pwnt-: Try using sudo? ;)23:50
Dumptrucksorry I did - still the same - sorry I don't mean to be such a bother23:50
frank_numus: the driver in the section device should be "nvidia"23:51
cesar_Slart: the upgrade manager gets multiple errors, login, passwd, adduser, among many other programs cannot be installed23:51
scguy318tass: well, I think that's really your only choice23:51
numusfrank_ the driver is but the board says vesa23:51
lucitaI have just upgrade my 7.04 to 7.10 and i have lost the sound, any ideas_23:51
srcDumptruck, do you see the 2 lines that start with "map"?23:51
pierignothe program cannot access my disks...it seems strange as I can however navigate the file system in livecd environment23:51
Slartcesar_: are you using some kind of weird mirror?23:51
pwnt-Stormx2: I did, same :)23:51
SirBob1701is pidgin not saving settings for anyone else?23:51
scguy318tass: there is Rescubuntu23:51
cesar_all i did was click on the update manager23:51
quodlibetorI'm having problems connecting to a WPA network23:51
cesar_and at the top it said that a new ubuntu was available, so iclicked on upgrade23:52
quodlibetoralso hello23:52
Stormx2cesar_: Any idea why? open a terminal and do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --assume-yes dist-upgrade"23:52
numusfrank_ i messed up my monitor settings though23:52
kyneswhere can I find a Pidgin log about a crash caused by my plugin?23:52
Jordan_Ut|om, I guess not, the wiki should be fixed or a bug report sent to the developer of the driver itself23:52
frank_numus: you mean the boardname? starnge23:52
JoikastCan someone please help me to upgrade my graphics card drivers?23:52
Slartcesar_: please put the nick of the person you're addressing first on the line.. helps see your messages23:52
seamus7_lucita: go to volume preferences and make sure the correct driver is being used ... maybe it got switched over somehow23:52
cesar_stormx2: its in the middle of updating right now, can i do that?23:52
fantWhen i upgraded to 710 i no longer have a network icon in my gnome-panel  ... so i have to manually configure my wireless settings in the shell to get access to it.  Anyone know how to fix it23:52
sulanthis is driving me insane: I upgraded to Gutsy yesterday and now I can't login to vsftpd using SSL: ls: Fatal error: gnutls_record_recv: A record packet with illegal version was received.23:52
Stormx2cesar_: probably not. Wait for your updates to finish.23:52
numusbrb frank_) going to restart then i have to leave for a little23:52
numusthanks though23:52
srcDumptruck, you see them now http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41236/23:52
Jordan_Ufant, Try running "nm-applet &"23:53
Slartfant: we could switch computers.. I'm having a hard time getting rid of that icon.. always keeps coming back =)23:53
K3nthmm. for the cube effect, how do i keep it from flip-flopping after i change desktops. is that called timestep?23:53
PovAddictany idea how to get an SD card reader working?23:53
Stormx2K3nt: #ubuntu-effects please.23:53
Dumptruckthank you23:53
fanthaha .. thanks23:53
K3ntkk thanks23:53
lucita<seamus7_> no suitable driver23:53
sulanthis is under x86_6423:53
srcDumptruck, you can also change root (hd1,0) to rootnoverify hd(1,0)23:53
lucitabut it was working under 7.0423:53
t|omJordan_U: IK, I think the best way is reporting this to the Wiki author, thx23:53
SlartK3nt, Stormx2: I think ubuntu-effects has moved to #compiz-fusion.. there might be a redirect23:53
Dumptruckwhat what?23:54
DumptruckI mean wait what23:54
fantjordan_u:  that just returns [1] 9616 in the shell but doesnt start it23:54
Dumptruckis that a needed change?  How do I write it?23:54
seamus7_lucita: maybe you need to enable certain option in order to adjust the volume .. sometimes they are turned down and must be manually increased23:54
srcDumptruck, try it like this and if it doesnt work we'll see... Just add the 2 lines I added23:54
quodlibetoranybody: my network manager is discovering my WPA network, asking me for a password, and then not logging in23:55
seamus7_lucita: sometimes a reboot works if it's just a one time fluke23:55
Dumptruckok I'll be back in a moment23:55
pyrakis there a way i can do a restore install without losing my files?23:55
pyrakmy edgy upgrade crashed 3/4 of the way through, and im afraid some things may not have installed right23:55
Stormx2pyrak: Make a backup of /home and reinstall.23:55
Stormx2pyrak: Ah, don't worry, that can be sorted out. Can you boot the system?23:55
BlamaLjl, Are you there?23:55
pyrakstorm2, yeah, im on it now23:55
lucita<seamus7_> rebooted twice, the control volumen, the bars dont appear, looks like no card was recognised23:56
pyrakstorm2, i meant gutsy upgrade, by the way23:56
speaker219My 7.10 Gusty download is at 95% :p excited23:56
Stormx2pyrak: Well, you should be able to resume the upgrade.23:56
pyrakstorm2, it says it's already upgraded23:56
pyrakstorm2, and i seem to have most of the features23:56
Stormx2pyrak: Well then, you'd better trust it :)23:56
TchakaI am wondering if it's a good idea to update ubuntu 7.04 -> 7.10. Apparently there are still some bugs and several people have problems with this new version, no?23:56
bulmerquodlibetor: without the wpa, does it work?23:56
pyrakstorm2, but when i boot up the screen is just brown23:56
fantJordan_U: did you get that message ?23:56
quodlibetorbulmer. nope23:56
ShapeshifterI don't _really_ get the excitment about gutsy. I didn't notice anything significantly different until now...23:56
quodlibetoralmost, once23:56
pyrakstorm2, when it used to have the thing with the little icons and the bongoes playing23:56
Stormx2pyrak: To be sure, do this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --assume-yes dist-upgrade <--that will do any remaining upgrades23:56
quodlibetorbulmer, but then it stopped23:57
bulmerquodlibetor: then get the unencrypted version work first23:57
SlartTchaka: if you don't need it right away I would wait a week or two.. let other people deal with the new problems.. update faqs etc etc23:57
pyrakstorm2, ok i'll try, thanks23:57
LjLBlama: yes23:57
seamus7_lucita: so you've right clicked on the volume applet in the panel and chosen preferences ... palyed around with them .. the opened up volume control and made sure nothing was set to mute or turned down ... then tested other preferences ... ?23:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:57
Stormx2lavender_dream: Who was that for?23:57
BlamaLjL, do you want all ten or so lines from the " mount | grep "on /" "?23:57
myusrnmlibmp3lame.so ?23:58
myusrnmwhat is that?23:58
quodlibetorbulmer: that makes so much sense i feel like i've tried it, i'll brb if it doesn't start working23:58
TchakaSlart, I think I will wait for one month, and then maybe I will update23:58
codecaineanybody else suffering from slow internet connection on gusty?23:58
Stormx2myusrnm: A file? ;D23:58
Tigermani have a problem23:58
lavender_dreamStormx2: myself, sorry if I'm not following an obscure protocol with it...23:58
pyrakstorm2, hm, it says i'm fine...23:58
LjLBlama: no. because i asked for the output of       mount | grep "on / "          . there is a space after the slash and before the quotation mark.23:58
fantAnyone know how to make sure the nm-applet is starting with X ?23:58
Cable86codecaine: nope, my internet is fine23:58
pyrakstorm2, how do you enable the neat cube thingey?23:58
pyrakstorm2, i still just have the "desktop effects" button23:58
Stormx2lavender_dream: not really that obscure. This channel moves fast. Please use /msg ubotu if the message is only for yourself, thanks :)23:58
lavender_dreamStormx2: thank you, will do that next time.23:58
Tigermani have lost my Restart and Shutdown buttons... how can i enable them?23:59
r0b-whats a program in Ubuntu to burn a bootable ISO23:59
myusrnmmy computer needs libmp3lame.so to run a program, what is this / where do i find it ?23:59
seamus7_lucita: notice in Volume Control under File .. there is the option to change the device ..23:59
SlartTchaka: sounds like a good plan.. as you said, there seems to be some problems.. but I'm sure they'll be sorted out in due time23:59
BlamaLjL, this is hard because I have to boot out of windows and into Ubuntu, change the settings and then do it.. and I cant stay in it because I cant get internet on Ubuntu yet...23:59
lucita<seamus> i go to System>preference>sounds and then the tab called Devices is empty23:59
Flannelmyusrnm: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=libmp3lame.so&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=gutsy&arch=i38623:59
codecaineweird like respirtory and everything slow on my end23:59
Slart!info libmp3lame23:59
ubotuPackage libmp3lame does not exist in gutsy23:59
garur0b use k3b23:59
kitchemyusrnm: liblame is probably what you want23:59
codecainebut on my desktop with feisty its fast23:59
dn4Linux dn4 2.6.22-14-rt #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Mon Oct 15 01:05:51 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux23:59
Slart!find libmp3lame23:59
BlamaLjL, brb23:59
Jordan_Ulucita, What about the command "asoundconf list" ?23:59
Stormx2myusrnm: You probably need lame? ^_^23:59
ubotuPackage/file libmp3lame does not exist in gutsy23:59
r0b-for Gnome?23:59
Slart!find libmp3lame.so23:59
K3ntanything updates in terms of games in gutsy?23:59

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