pvangundy | hello | 00:58 |
LaserJock_ | hi | 00:59 |
pvangundy | can some one give me a name or email address of an individual I can contact in regards to issues with the current Edubuntu kernel? | 01:00 |
pvangundy | not so much issues, more limitations | 01:00 |
LaserJock_ | hmm | 01:00 |
LaserJock_ | you could email the ubuntu-kernel list maybe | 01:00 |
pvangundy | not a bad idea...i just didn't know if the project was forked in a way that each had it's own kernel development | 01:01 |
pvangundy | you see, the kernel doesn't have high mem built into the kernel | 01:01 |
pvangundy | because it uses the generic kernel it only recognizes up to roughly 3gigs of memory even if you have more installed | 01:02 |
LaserJock_ | oh, right | 01:02 |
pvangundy | This is a very bad thing for individuals running Edubuntu that have servers with more than 3gigs due load/usage | 01:02 |
LaserJock_ | the -server kernel has higher memory support | 01:03 |
pvangundy | correct | 01:03 |
pvangundy | i switched the individual to that and they have experienced crashes frequently | 01:03 |
pvangundy | we went back to the generic kernel and all is well....very weird | 01:03 |
LaserJock_ | yeah, so that's just a question of whether Edubuntu should ship -generic or -sever by default | 01:03 |
LaserJock_ | right, I've been following the thread on that | 01:03 |
pvangundy | cool, so it's been talked about | 01:04 |
pvangundy | i didn't know that. :) | 01:04 |
pvangundy | i was told by this individual that they talked to ogra or sbalneav (don't remember which) recently and they said that the generic kernel has a wider range of support for devices and such | 01:05 |
pvangundy | that's why it's in there | 01:05 |
pvangundy | if that's the case | 01:05 |
pvangundy | compile a kernel based off of the generic kernel (using the .config) and add high mem support...just an idea | 01:06 |
LaserJock_ | well | 01:07 |
LaserJock_ | it's not exactly that easy | 01:07 |
pvangundy | why | 01:08 |
LaserJock_ | well, kernel maintenance is very time consuming and difficult | 01:08 |
LaserJock_ | if you could convince the Ubuntu kernel maintainers that high mem support should be in -generic then fine | 01:08 |
LaserJock_ | but I'm thinking they probably don't have it in there for a reason | 01:09 |
pvangundy | i know, I compile maintain and compile the kernel where I work. That's why you use the old .config to have the majority of the work done for you then add the support you need. :) | 01:09 |
pvangundy | true, and you did answer my question | 01:09 |
pvangundy | i should pose this to the kernel developers/maintainers. I just didn't know if they might be in here as well | 01:09 |
pvangundy | and i would also think they don't have it in there for a reason and that's why it's not...maybe why we experienced crashes. :) | 01:10 |
LaserJock_ | yeah, Edubuntu just uses Ubuntu kernels | 01:10 |
LaserJock_ | what we *can* do, IMO, is have better documentation maybe so people aren't caught off-guard | 01:11 |
pvangundy | yup | 01:11 |
pvangundy | you can never have too much documentation | 01:11 |
pvangundy | well, what I am going to do is compile a vanilla kernel based off of the .config from the generic kernel and add high mem support and see how that goes (since we tried server version and it crashed frequently). I will come back and report at a later date and try to push high mem support through the mainstream kernel Ubuntu releases for Edubuntu | 01:15 |
pvangundy | nice chatting | 01:15 |
LaserJock_ | pvangundy: no problem, and feel free to email edubuntu-devel or ubuntu-kernel | 01:16 |
pvangundy | thanks | 01:16 |
pvangundy | i'll stay in this channel just in case this spurs a talk later when people on here wake up ;) | 01:17 |
LaserJock_ | heh, yeah, it's kind of a dead time of day | 01:17 |
pvangundy | i see that ;) | 01:17 |
LaserJock_ | it's also the start of the weekend | 01:18 |
pvangundy | yeah, that should tell you something about me :p | 01:18 |
sbalneav | Evening all | 01:38 |
=== JordanC is now known as JordanC[Secks] | ||
pvangundy | alright, i'm off | 01:42 |
pvangundy | talk to you all later | 01:42 |
bluekuja | ogra, around? | 10:39 |
=== JordanC[Secks] is now known as JordanC | ||
high5 | Hello, does anybody have any experience with setting the thin clients in the Gutsy release? | 11:11 |
=== bluekuja_ is now known as bluekuja | ||
Mil | Hola, hola | 14:05 |
Mil | alguien que hable espaƱol? | 14:06 |
Mil | hello | 14:06 |
Mil | cant readme | 14:06 |
Mil | ? | 14:06 |
Mil | Bueno, la cosa es asi | 14:07 |
Mil | soy docente | 14:07 |
Mil | y quiero que mi live CD de Edubuntu incluya Gambas | 14:07 |
ctkroeker | have the ltsp5 packages been updated also for ubuntu and not just edubuntu? | 16:46 |
justi1 | hello, I'm having trouble setting up dhcp on my edubuntu ltsp server. I have two NIC's and I want one to listen to dhcp requests for the thin clients and the other to connect to the rest of the network. I've read that that should be possible, but I can't find detailed instructions on how to do so. Could any of you point me in the right direction? | 19:38 |
nrp | justi1, since 7.04 and possibly earlier, it should set it up automatically during install. Like, during the install, if it detects two NICs, itll ask which one is the primary one, and use that to connect to the rest of the network. And then it'll use the other NIC for the dhcp server | 19:44 |
justi1 | well, I selected the correct primary one, as I am connected to the rest of the network, however, my clients won't boot from the other NIC. Is there a command or configuration file that I can use to tell for sure that dhcp is or isn't working on the other NIC? | 19:48 |
nrp | hmm, well, not sure if dhcpd starts by default, try restarting dhcpd and see if there are any error messages in syslog | 20:18 |
justi1 | I restarted dhcpd - no errors in syslog and the client won't boot. | 20:27 |
=== paulj1 is now known as pauljw |
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