
Seeker`there should be more people around at night00:01
mneptokwhose night?00:02
Seeker`my night00:02
Seeker`its 0002 now00:02
Madpilotit's not night yet00:02
Seeker`Madpilot: It is here00:03
Picihm.  Do we have a document somewhere on doing the d cc testing? I checked the mailing list, but didnt see anything00:27
LjLjust /ctcp and /notice the person involved00:28
PiciWith the offending string?00:28
PiciSeems easy enough.00:28
LjLmake it long.00:28
LjLthe string.00:28
PiciYeah, I know that00:29
Picier, I mean I know the string needs to be long to activate the exploit.00:29
Seeker`how long?00:30
LjLmore than 14 iirc00:32
LjLi just make it long00:33
Seeker`quite a few of the questions in #ubuntu seem to be "why doesn't compiz work"00:38
mneptokit's a feature00:40
mneptokit's working so fast the human eye cannot perceive it00:40
Seeker`welcom back00:43
ubotuIn ubotu, World said: This is the only info I have so fa "Note: You need to have the PLF repositories to get the sun-j2re1.5 package"01:37
LjLoh, i thought something more like "World said: I'm dying!"01:50
naliothsomebody fed him some OLD info01:52
jdongnalioth: hah, no kidding01:53
naliothi note he has no response to my question.02:00
PriceChildHey nzero, how can I help?02:28
adriyelthat's cool, I can harangue you here too.02:29
nzeroi don't think that i am updated to final from beta and i can't get into ubuntu to find out02:29
PriceChildnzero, you can't get in because you were banned?02:29
GadflyHi. I'm banned from the ubuntu channel, but I've never even been in it? so, anyone know why?02:29
nzerothat you know02:29
PriceChildadriyel, You had been warned about his repeated language. He abused the bot, another violation of ubuntu irc guidelines, as well as calling names.02:29
PriceChildGadfly, will deal with you in two seconds, thanks for your patience.02:29
adriyelPriceChild: *scowls* what's your old name?02:29
GadflyPriceChild: sure, np02:29
adriyelI've never met you before, so I can't see how you'd know me.02:29
PriceChilds/his/your/ s/he/you/02:30
PriceChildnzero, Well then you should have thought about the possibility of wanting our help before doing what you did to become banned.02:30
adriyel...your old name, on ubuntu, what is it?02:30
PriceChildadriyel, I'm not sure this is relevant.02:30
adriyelI'm sure it is, because if you're going to recall past actions I'd like to know who the hell you are02:31
adriyelif you won't grant that equity I suggest you shut the hell up about whatever it is you think I've done previously.02:31
PriceChildadriyel, I'm takling about the last 5 minutes of scrollback in that channel.02:31
PriceChildGadfly, just checking your ban up on the bantracker now.02:31
Gadflyok cool02:31
nzerolisten, i can get in if i want to circumvent your ban but i really don't need to that , i just need to know if the repos provided in the beta are the ones the provide the final updates.02:31
PriceChildnzero, you've threatenned us with that before and you haven't done it... :/02:32
adriyelwhy waste the proxy on ego?02:32
PriceChildPlease nzero, enough with the empty threats.02:32
adriyelthen you'll just ruin a proxy02:32
adriyelhe'd be stupid to do that.02:32
adriyel*swats PriceChild with 3 kilos of salmon*02:33
nzeroto do that i have to disconnect my DSL, which in turn would disconnect the various servers i have going, not that there are critical systems i just am to lazy to go to by basment and do that.02:33
adriyeldynamically reassigned IP upon modem disco?02:33
PriceChildGadfly, go by any other names on irc?02:33
LjLnzero, please circumvent whatever you feel like, and leave us alone.02:33
adriyelPriceChild: I could ask you the same.02:33
adriyel*raises eyebrow* why didn't you just answer his question?02:34
GadflyGadfly-AFK if that counts02:34
jdongadriyel: not a support channel02:34
adriyeland furthermore, why ban him from ops, christ. banning is the whole reason why he was here.02:34
adriyelthat's like banning someone from court after they've been charged with something.02:34
adriyelredundant, see redundant.02:34
PriceChildGadfly, not quite. Give me a couple more minutes please :)02:35
GadflyPriceChild: I'm assuming that its my hostmask thats banned then?02:35
jdongadriyel: ops bans do not last for long, they are just to temporarily avoid rejoin spam02:35
adriyelalso, this whole bureaucracy exists to help ubuntu users, or have you forgotten that because you keep masturbating to your ban sticks?02:35
adriyelso, despite this not being an official support channel, why didn'02:35
adriyeldidn't you just answer the goddamn question?02:35
LjLadriyel, why don't you mind your own ban?02:35
LjLadriyel, you're going to be muted very shortly.02:35
adriyelwhy don't you remember why you're here?02:35
adriyelhe wanted help.02:35
PriceChildadriyel, ok lets stop, breathe, and remember what's going on here.02:35
adriyelI'm sorry, was I talking to you?02:36
LjLhe didn't want help adriyel. he's trolled for a months. we know him.02:36
PriceChildadriyel, This is #ubuntu-ops. It is for people's operator/abuse questions.02:36
LjLi don't know02:36
PriceChildadriyel, I suggest you /msg ubotu guidelines and read them fully.02:36
PriceChildadriyel, once you are done there, please pm me and I will lift the mute here so that we can discuss this calmly and civilised.02:36
GadflyPriceChild: don't worry about the ban,google finally answered my question02:37
PriceChildI may have been wrong in my actions in -offtopic, but with the attitude you have displayed so far in #ubuntu and this channel, you're not going to get anywhere.02:37
PriceChildGadfly, ok, well I've poked the op who made a ban and we'll see what they say. congrats on the googling02:38
naliothadriyel: are you familiar with what goes on in here?02:38
naliothoh, woops02:38
nzer1have i made my point yet02:39
nzer1i will tell everyone who to do this02:39
nzer1stop being hatefull dictators02:39
nzer1otherwise i will have to take more measures02:40
robsounds like fun.02:40
Seeker`"take more measures"?02:41
Seeker`what, like change his nick again?02:42
PriceChildSeeker`, He was ban evoiding just then.02:42
LjLSeeker`: probably wants to home-build a weather station or something02:42
robI wonder what ubuntu* nick he uses today02:42
naliothSeeker`: no, he went all out.02:42
Seeker`nalioth: he changed his IP too?02:42
naliothSeeker`: you can see the same info i can see02:42
adriyelwhy huh-woh.02:43
adriyelwell PriceChild?02:43
PriceChildOk adriyel, do you understand why you were remove/banned?02:44
adriyelwith the implication of agreement? no. Am I cognizant? Yes. Will I step more carefully? Why not, since you're perched like a hawk waiting for an excuse.02:45
PriceChildadriyel, do you understand why you were remove/banned?02:46
adriyelthis could turn into a really bad turing test.02:46
LjLerm sorry02:46
adriyel*pokes you* Atari 2600, are you there?02:46
Madpilotonly if you want it to02:46
jdongMadpilot: why do you feel that only if you want it to?02:46
adriyelPriceChild, Oui, puisque je ne semblent pas avoir un autre choix.02:47
PriceChild!en > adriyel (see the pm from ubotu)02:47
PriceChildadriyel, I'm not really in the mood for playing games :/02:47
Madpilotjdong, be glad @lart doesn't work anymore :)02:47
LjLPriceChild: yes, because i don't seem to have another choice02:47
adriyeloh come on, I wanted to see how many rules/regs I could evoke before you unbanned me :D02:47
thedefenderok this is how it is, if people don't start respecting users on this server on stop being drunk with the little bit of power you have I am going to have to go above heads02:48
thedefendersomething along the lines of getting operator status revoked02:48
adriyelthedefender: bad start.02:48
PriceChildLjL, My french isn't that bad ;)02:48
nalioththedefender: is there something we can help you with?02:48
adriyelI'd suggest disco'ing, coming back, and trying again.02:48
PriceChildadriyel, do you understand why you were remove/banned?02:48
adriyelno one can really go over their heads, it's their channel.02:48
LjLPriceChild: how could i know.02:48
thedefenderno i am tired of seeing this02:48
thedefenderthis people are terrible ops02:48
adriyelPriceChild, Ja, meine Liebe.02:48
PriceChildthedefender, Could you give us an example of where an operator has acted inappropriately and we could sort thigns out?02:48
adriyelthedefender: you can do nothing, you're wasting keyboard lifetime.02:48
adriyelPriceChild: that's like asking for some wheat in a farmer's field. Don't ask questions like that, it makes baby satan cry.02:49
PriceChildadriyel, I'm trying to help you, but you are ignoring my questions and just not helping yourself02:49
adriyelI responded!02:49
thedefenderno, forget it02:49
adriyelyes I understand!02:49
PriceChildthedefender, then I'm afraid there is nothing that we can do :/02:49
thedefenderi am just going to mail a friend who mark trust and get him to take care i02:49
PriceChildthedefender, either you call us out, and tell us "I think you did that wrong", and we can discuss it... or things stay as they are.02:49
nalioththedefender: what is "it" of which you speak?02:49
PriceChildthedefender, We are all open to criticism, as long as you don't just join a channel, tell us we're rubbish, be completely unconstructive then say it doesn't matter.02:50
thedefenderthe fact the you are banning people in a support channel if your tired of seeing what someone says then people do have the option of ingnoring them02:50
LjLno sorry02:50
LjL"i think i'm going to mail a friend of mark" no i won't stand this02:50
LjLmail him02:50
naliothadriyel: let us be civil here, please02:51
adriyelContext sensitive mute I see.02:51
adriyelI said yes four times to his question.02:51
adriyelor was it three?02:51
PriceChildadriyel, I would be totally happy with removing your ban in -offtopic in the next 10 minutes if I could just see a change in attitude.02:51
adriyelI said yes.02:51
PriceChildadriyel, We have guidelines for a reason in #*buntu* channels, and request that all users follow them, or do not take part.02:51
adriyel*ponders of times of yore*02:52
adriyelso what about #adriyubuntu-el?02:53
adriyel :D02:53
adriyelbut in all seriousness.02:53
adriyelyes, I'll not cross the line 'gain.02:53
adriyelespecially if it's going to involve this much time again.02:53
jdongadriyel: humor us and pretend to be respectful when in Ubuntu channels, so we can all get on to better things. This is the 4th time you've said something that'll get you unbanned, then immediately follow up with a wise crack that makes us second-guess your motives02:54
adriyelit's like a pogo stick.02:55
PriceChildadriyel, You do have a history, you've been banned from -offtopic before.02:55
adriyelI'll play nice with the other children, ok?02:55
PriceChildadriyel, You would probably be surprised at what we know.02:55
PriceChildadriyel, That's just not enoguh....02:55
adriyelI know exactly where you keep all your records, I'm not ignorant.02:56
PriceChildyou can't just call people douches02:56
adriyelwhich falls under the ken of playing nice.02:56
PriceChildThe users of the Ubuntu channels are not "other children".02:56
adriyelfunny. that's not the impression I get from this environment02:56
adriyelat least as far as you guys consider the matter.02:56
PriceChildWe're also not all guys :)02:57
adriyelI'm also aware of that02:57
adriyelplenty of female finns in the vicinity, thanks.02:57
adriyelamongst others.02:57
Madpilotwe expect people to generally act like adults. Or at least convincingly fake it. You're not convincing, currently.02:57
jdongadriyel: do you want to resolve this, or just sit here and flame everyone to your satisfaction?02:57
adriyelresolution is good, and I'm not flaming.02:57
adriyelflaming would be cursing your mothers.02:57
jdongadriyel: your current behavior is not helping02:57
adriyelI'm being truthfully poignant, my apologies.02:58
adriyelBetter here than -offtopic or otherwise.02:58
adriyelI'd rather raise my points here than in an open arena, and I'm sure you'd prefer the same.02:58
adriyelit's not like you need a curmudgeon uprising.02:58
naliothbut you're not raising points, you're throwing barbs02:58
adriyelsometimes truth can hurt.02:58
adriyelagain, I'm not insulting any of your intelligence, nor your attractiveness, nor your mothers. I'm raising (sharp) points.02:59
jdongadriyel: I make points by writing wiki pages and e-mails expressing my disagreements and proposing solutions.... funny how we all have our ways of voicing disagreement.02:59
adriyelah yes. writing emails.02:59
adriyelYes, that's changed a lot...or not. Honestly it's rather endemic to almost all the hierarchy02:59
adriyelI'm aware that my efforts are largely...03:00
adriyelbut if I at least raise the points, I can say I did that much.03:00
PriceChildAnyway adriyel.03:00
PriceChildadriyel, I hope you truly understand the reason for your ban. It will be lifted in 48 hours.03:00
adriyelhmm. running on a 1200 baud modem?03:00
adriyelI remember you quoting 10 minutes earlier. That must be because rush hour hit your area or something03:01
adriyelmight want to swab out the tubes sometime.03:01
LjLi'd like to know what is being blabbered about.03:01
jdongok seriously, we've all got better ways to spend our time03:01
adriyelyes, well, I'm banned until two days from now, so I'm afraid I have no better way to spend my time than to talk with you folks.03:02
adriyelanyone here play drunk jenga? XD03:02
PriceChildadriyel, this channel is for operator/abuse questions only.03:02
adriyelohhh...yeah...there is an offtopic conversation channel isn't there?03:02
adriyelbuuuuut, I'm banned.03:02
adriyelfancy that.03:02
adriyelwell I can't talk in #ubuntu.03:02
PriceChildShould have thought about that before you got banned.03:02
adriyelat your discretion, not my own.03:03
LjLadriyel: please be back in 48 hours. no need to say anything further.03:03
PriceChildadriyel, If you have no further business here, then see you in 48 hours.03:03
adriyelanything further.03:03
LjLwhen i say something, i mean it.03:03
jdongthere we go03:03
jdongshould've been done 10 minutes ago IMO03:03
jdongit was pretty apparent he had no intentions of cooperating03:03
PriceChildmeh :/03:04
PriceChild"you never know"03:04
PriceChildI always hate it when people have to be banned from here.03:04
PriceChildTalking about that... should probably remove some old ones.03:05
Madpilothe was begging for it03:05
jdongok I removed Airforce55555 [n=stephen@68-188-118-34.static.stls.mo.charter.com] in #uf because his client was rapidly joining/parting... I'm sure it's a network problem and he doesn't mean for it....03:05
jdongso if he comes and complains please remove it if I'm not around03:05
Madpilotdid you ban-forward him here?03:05
PriceChildwow so many bans in here in the past few days..03:06
PriceChild*leaves them alone for now*03:06
tonyyarussoeffie_jayx: ping?03:06
jdongMadpilot: no, I didn't... should I have?03:07
jdongMadpilot: I'd rather not have him joining and parting in here every 20 seconds03:07
Madpilotjdong, good point03:08
Madpilotleave it, I guess03:08
PriceChildMadpilot, shall we try removing your bans too?03:11
PriceChildthat tor user must have gone :P03:12
Madpilotgo ahead03:12
Madpilotpull the one by tonyy too03:12
tonyyarussooh, that - suer03:13
LjL-> bed03:13
PriceChildwill leave sev's ones incase he bites :P03:13
LjLerr, sure about afterdeath?03:13
PriceChildjcastro, zylche, can I help?03:14
PriceChildand woooo I think I've beaten thedefender03:14
PriceChilderm, convinced03:15
LjLoh, i hoped you'd beaten him.03:15
Madpilotwith a large object03:15
LjLok, as i was saying03:15
PriceChildhobbsee's LPS03:15
LjL-> bed03:15
PriceChildsleep well03:15
PriceChildGah I should be off soon too.03:15
Vorianyeah Pricey, what time is it for you/03:32
PriceChilderm late03:32
naliothVorian: /ctcp PriceChild time03:32
PriceChildor early depending on how you look at it.03:32
Voriannalioth, thanks for the tip :)03:32
jdongdidn't know that03:33
* jdong annoyingly does it some more03:33
jdonglol is it possible to ctcp a whole channel and annoy the piss outta everyone?03:33
PriceChildYes... but don't if you value your presence :P03:33
jdongPriceChild: lol... is that a "feature" of irc?03:34
jdongVorian: erm, I'm in the same timezone as you :D03:34
VorianI know03:34
naliothjdong: _any_ channel CTCPs are likely to get an unexpected response03:34
* jdong runs with laptop while timing Vorian and PriceChild , to confirm special relativity03:34
* Vorian trips jdong 03:35
jdongI lost my u_0 reference point!03:35
jdongnalioth: what is an unexpected response?03:35
naliothjdong: google "what is unexpected"03:36
naliothand don't be dense  :|03:36
jdongnalioth: you mean a billion people will be pissed on me and I'll likely not be connected to irc.freenode.org much longer, or the client misbehaves and reports weird data?03:37
jdongsorry, not trying to be dense... just tired and not thinking03:37
nalioththat all falls under "unexpected"03:37
thedefenderso then see i am dealing with some cowards, who sit behind there little box and believe they have some influence on the world. A little tip, turn the box, go out to a park or a bar and start talking to people, be a little social face to face. Then maybe, you might understand why some people get banned unjustly and how it adversely affects this community. Learn about humans, otherwise go work on mainframes in some windowl03:37
thedefenderi leave you with that punks03:38
jdonghe didn't even finish his rant03:38
VorianI don't work on mainframes :(03:38
jdongI wish I worked on mainframes03:39
Vorianjust silly lawnmowers and stoves03:39
jdongVorian: that beats chemistry and math homework03:39
Vorianyou win jdong 03:39
Madpiloterm, is thedefender supposed to be in #ubuntu?03:44
Vorianseems that thedefender was just upset people were getting kicked from this channel03:48
Madpilotah, OK. been so may trolls thru here lately I can't keep track. Aren't releases fun?03:49
VorianI just scrolled up :P03:49
Vorianhe doesn't like drunk people either03:49
MadpilotI saw the episode here, but missed whatever had brought him here.03:50
* rob finally gets on the mailing list03:55
naliothanybody take care of G0dl1k3 and his onjoin spamming?04:43
naliothanyone getting onjoin spam in #ubuntu ?  i am not getting anything04:44
* nalioth took care of it04:46
effie_jayxtonyyarusso, pong?05:41
tonyyarussoeffie_jayx: wondering how you managed to pull off getting free food05:42
effie_jayxtonyyarusso,  we sent 5 letters05:43
effie_jayxin those letters you specify what the event if intended for05:44
tonyyarussoAre these letters in Spanish or English?05:44
effie_jayxThese are in spanish05:45
tonyyarusso(wondering how you went about asking successfully, so I could emulate it sometime)05:45
* tonyyarusso is unilingual05:45
effie_jayxThe way this works is simple05:45
effie_jayxtonyyarusso,  I could translate them for you no problem05:45
effie_jayxbut there are cultural aspects we might have to discuss05:45
tonyyarussoeffie_jayx: That would be appreciated.05:45
effie_jayxtonyyarusso,  let me get this event over... and I will gladly show you how to taste fully ask for it05:46
tonyyarussoeffie_jayx: sure05:46
effie_jayxtonyyarusso,  I am still running around with the registration system developed at the university to controll the registration05:47
effie_jayxthere are over 20 people ready to go05:48
effie_jayxand I am a bit unsure about how to address the crowd05:48
effie_jayxthere are people that do not know squad about ubuntu05:48
effie_jayxand there are ubuntu users05:49
tonyyarussoOurs will probably be like that too06:41
tonyyarussobut like 1/10 the size06:41
ubotuscguy318 called the ops in #ubuntu07:31
ubotuIn ubotu, Jordan_U said: /home is To move your /home to a separate partition follow http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome08:57
jussi01!home | Jordan_U: 09:03
ubotuJordan_U:: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome09:03
jussi01Jordan_U: anything else we can help with?09:04
Jordan_Ujussi01, Get update-manager to let me upgrade to Gutsy ;)09:04
jussi01Jordan_U: thats not an OP problem. sorry. Please join #ubuntu / #kubuntu for support09:05
Jordan_Ujussi01, I was joking 09:07
jussi01hehe... :)09:08
ubotuIn Ubotu, arashOio said: !kiba-dock is Kiba Dock is a dock, a way to access programs and windows in an interactive manner. Probably the most common example today is the dock in Mac OS X. Kiba Dock is specifically made for Linux operating systems, running under either the GNOME and KDE destkop environments. However, unlike the other systems available, it uses the Akamaru physics engine to render complex interactions.09:52
Seveastonyyarusso, poke10:44
ch40sI need to be tested11:01
robbeen tested yet?11:12
robyou know you can avoid the problem by just connecting on freenode on port 8001 instead of 666711:12
ch40si thought i did11:13
ch40si changed it in GAIM11:13
roblooks good to me11:14
ch40si really just want to get nvidia drivers on gutsy, this is crazy11:15
robokay you are free to enter11:16
Tm_Thi kids11:48
Seeker`anyone about?12:12
Seeker`Tm_T: I was wondering if someone wanted to do somethig about the joins/parts12:12
Tm_TI cant, sorry12:13
Seeker`LjL-Temp: you there?12:17
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici12:30
ubotuAmaranth called the ops in #ubuntu-ops12:30
* Seeker` wasn't sure if it was worth a !ops or not12:30
AmaranthThey're not regulars and they're intentionally spamming with the hopping12:30
AmaranthSeveas: can't ban tor, don't we allow tor in #ubuntu now?12:31
Seveaswe don't12:31
Amaranthok then, ban away :)12:31
Seveasand the ban is only temporary12:31
Seveasuntil those a*holes die or something ;)12:31
Amaranthuntil they give up12:31
AmaranthWow, you know we've had a release when I have an uptime longer than 24 hours12:32
Amaranth 06:31:15 up 3 days,  3:29,  2 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.14, 0.1012:32
Seeker`Amaranth: ?12:33
Seeker`why is that?12:33
AmaranthSeeker`: I'm not restarting daily to test new stuff12:33
Seeker`Amaranth: ah, ok :)12:33
Seeker`Amaranth: How soon will you start testing hardy?12:33
stdinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule :)12:34
AmaranthI think my last longest uptime was from feisty final freeze to the toolchain upload to hardy12:34
AmaranthSeeker`: When it opens12:34
AmaranthDunno if you guys noticed but winchesterPAT was probing in #ubuntu-devel12:53
ompaulSeveas, are you about?13:40
ompaulSeveas, when you do see this (scrollback ftw) have a look at the bugbot it ain't in the best of health 13:41
ompaulban tracker threw such a large exception the sun was blocked out for a moment :)13:42
ompaulit happy again13:42
ompaulSeveas, IGNORE13:42
AmaranthGary: http://dev.realistanew.com/xchat14:11
gnomefreakin Sevea_s' cs script is /k == remove or kick?14:33
gnomefreakso /kb is remove and ban?14:34
gnomefreakcool ty14:35
gnomefreakonce they fix tab completion this could be a nice client14:37
Amaranthxchat-gnome? :)14:37
Amaranthwhat's wrong with tab completion?14:38
Amaranthyou don't like that you have to have enough to match only one nick before it'll do anything?14:38
gnomefreakyeah it takes alot more of the name needed to match it would be nicer to do it like irssi where it puts nick in and you can scroll through them with tab14:40
Amaranthyeah, that'd be neat14:40
Amaranthnot usually needed unless you have LjL and LjL-Temp or something like that14:40
gnomefreakbut its more of what im used to i guess i can gert used to this as well or hack it a bit and see14:40
LjLAmaranth: a sane client gives you LjL by default without much further ado14:40
gnomefreakAmaranth, im having a hell of a time in #ubuntu with nick completion ;)14:41
AmaranthLjL: A sane client also has a GUI14:41
AmaranthSo I guess no sane client exists14:41
stdinI like the way konversation does it, it makes a drop-down list sorted by who last spoke14:41
AmaranthA sane client also isn't Qt :P14:41
gnomefreaksane and gui in same sentence :(14:41
LjLstdin: konversation mostly has a sane interface, no matter what they say14:42
LjLit's just the rest that isn't sane14:42
LjLoooh updates14:42
* LjL kills -9 apt-get14:43
gnomefreakmy biggest issue with gui clients is you HAVE to use the damn mouse14:43
Amaranthautomatix, is that you?14:43
LjLgnomefreak: uhm, an instance of that?14:43
Amaranthgnomefreak: you can do everything in xchat-gnome without the mouse14:43
LjLAmaranth: no, i'm his brother14:43
gnomefreakchanging windows14:43
Amaranthgnomefreak: If you couldn't it wouldn't be very accessible14:43
Davieygeez.. I hate to agree with Amaranth - but Qt does suck rocks14:44
gnomefreakctrl+alt+n and +p dont work /win isnt a command14:44
LjLgnomefreak: i hit alt+left/right14:44
Amaranthgnomefreak: alt-up/down in xchat-gnome14:44
gnomefreakljLin xchat it moves the windows to a different spot14:44
LjLgnomefreak: that's what *shift*+alt+left/right does here14:45
Amaranthxchat sucks, we all know this14:45
gnomefreakddoesnt work in xchat14:45
gnomefreakyes you are not kidding14:45
Amaranthxchat-gnome ftw14:45
LjLof course though, every shortcut in kde is configurable, so i couldn't even say i'm using the default shortcuts i guess :)14:45
gnomefreakdoes xchat-gnome use the cs script as well?14:45
Amaranththe only part that doesn't work is automatically unmuting yourself14:45
Amaranthbut you can just /cs u14:46
* gnomefreak still hasnt a clue what ftw meanss :(14:46
Amaranthftw = for the win14:46
LjLgnomefreak: nobody does14:46
LjLor teh14:46
gnomefreaksee grrrrrrrrr14:46
LjLok, ok14:46
gnomefreaki had nick completion brb gonna see if i can reamedy this.14:47
LjLhe'll be back though :P14:47
gnomefreakAmaranth, what are my chances of getting xchat-gnome on windows?14:47
gnomefreakthought so14:47
gnomefreaki wonder if i caan get perl support or irssi for win.14:47
gnomefreakso i can use my scripts14:48
LjLirssi you should be able to get i assume14:48
* gnomefreak goes off to google14:48
LjLwhy are you on windows for starters?14:48
gnomefreakLjL, fixing someone elses windows pc and using mine for reffernces14:48
LjLgnomefreak: http://joshdick.net/programming/irssi-win32-0.8.12.exe14:49
gnomefreaksweet ty\14:49
Amaranthl: test14:51
LjLLjL: hey, how come i can talk to you just by typing "lj: hey, how come i can talk to you just by typing "lj: hey, how14:51
Amaranth_LjL, crap it works in xchat but not xchat-gnome14:54
Amaranth_xchat works exactly like irssi14:55
gnomefreaki wish14:55
Amaranth_typing 'l' then tab goes through LjL, LjL-Temp, and LongPointyStick14:55
gnomefreaklits lists them in window here14:56
gnomefreakand clumped together so its hard to readd14:56
Amaranth_gnomefreak, /set completion_amount 014:56
LjLAmaranth_: same here, but here if i type "lj" i get only LjL and LjL-Temp, with "ljl" pre-typed in... then i can just hit another key to make the list go away14:56
gnomefreakstill no luck14:56
Amaranth_actually that seems to have no affect14:57
Amaranth_so it just doesn't work on windows14:57
LjLto get to ljl by just typing "l", i have to type "l" then tab twice14:57
gnomefreakbgut its changilbe i hope14:57
gnomefreakut oh14:57
gnomefreakbrb lost something14:57
Amaranth_LjL, so konversation doesn't even do it as well14:57
* Amaranth_ is going to fix xchat-gnome14:57
LjLAmaranth_: depends what you want. i doubt i'd ever actually use the *list*14:58
LjLi only use the list as an indicator of "too few characters typed", and type some more14:58
LjLjust like the beep in bash you know14:58
Amaranthso that's the same as xchat-gnome14:58
Amaranthexcept you can probably select something from the list while it just shows it14:59
LjLAmaranth: xchat's "auto-complete-without-requesting" feature is totally annoying14:59
LjLif there's, say, someone whose nick starts with "so", and you start a sentence with "so"... bah15:00
Amaranththat's where you type 'l: foo' and it fills in the nick no matter what15:00
Amaranththat is annoying and not enabled by default15:00
LjLgood that it isn't.15:00
Amaranthor not enabled here anyway and i don't remember changing it15:00
Amaranththen again i've had the same /home for like 18 months now15:00
Amaranth/* more than one match - print a list of options15:02
Amaranth * to the window and update the prefix15:02
Amaranth */15:02
LjLAmaranth: look don't whine. the client i have on my *phone*, meaning i only have a keypad with t9, not only doesn't have tab completion, but it doesn't even add the nicknames to the t9 list.15:05
PriceChildAww i love this internet connection :)15:08
LjLok i'll have to write my own irc proxy15:10
LjLi can't check out 5 of them just to find out that each one sucks15:10
thunderstruckok now to seee if i can get scripts to work15:13
ubotubsund called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic15:14
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
PriceChild* picard_pwns_kirk (n=n00b@d149-67-116-206.try.wideopenwest.com) has joined #ubuntu15:21
ubotuIn ubotu, saloxin said: !hug is aww how nice15:24
jrib!thanks > saloxin15:25
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:25
Gary* picard_pwns_kirk (n=n00b@d149-67-116-206.try.wideopenwest.com) has left #ubuntu ("They killed init! You bastards!")15:28
Garynice part message15:28
LjLonly nice thing he's got i bet15:29
picard_pwns_kirkI would like to make an appeal15:39
PriceChildpicard_pwns_kirk, Hey :)15:40
picard_pwns_kirkI was recently banned from #ubuntu-offtopic and would like to apologize for my actions15:41
PriceChildWhat would you like to appeal picard_pwns_kirk... the ban in -offtopic 25 minutes ago?15:41
PriceChildpicard_pwns_kirk, Why did you do what you did?15:41
picard_pwns_kirkwell, someone yelled "FLOOD" and I thought it was to flood the channel15:41
picard_pwns_kirkafter rereading the code of conduct, I realize what I did was wrong15:42
picard_pwns_kirkand it will not happen again15:42
picard_pwns_kirkyou have my promise.15:42
PriceChildone moment15:45
picard_pwns_kirkthank you15:46
PriceChildSorry I'm back.15:51
PriceChildpicard_pwns_kirk, after public discussion that there appeared to be no ops in the channel, you decided to flood.15:51
PriceChildTo me that is malicious... and when is it _ever_ acceptable to flood?15:52
picard_pwns_kirkI had no malicious intent15:52
PriceChildThe ban stands.15:52
PriceChildCome back in a week.15:52
picard_pwns_kirkthank you, anyway15:52
gnomefreakcan someone pastebin auto_sev(sp) for irssi15:56
LjLapt-get install vseveas15:58
gnomefreaki cant find it 15:58
Tm_Tmuh muh16:00
Amaranth_I've gotten xchat-gnome to the point where it always picks the first match16:05
Amaranth_but you can't keep tabbing to cycle through yet16:05
Amaranth_hrm, it always puts in a comma16:10
gnomefre1kabout time16:11
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
Amaranth_sorry guys, this keeps crashing16:21
Amaranth_except when i run it under gdb16:21
Amaranth_LjL: haha your clone can't trip me up anymore :)16:22
Amaranth_brb with my main nick16:22
Amaranthwtf why doesn't it work now?16:37
Amaranthno way16:37
* Amaranth_ stabs16:44
Amaranth_what the hell16:47
ompaulhmmm 16:48
ompaulhmmm 16:48
ompaul\o/ 16:49
Amaranthok i'm about to revert this mess16:49
Amaranthit crashes when installed but not when run from the build dir16:49
SeveasAmaranth, in short: you suck :p16:50
Amaranthoh well, it mostly works :P16:51
AmaranthI'll just run it from the build dir until i feel like screwing with it16:52
Seveascommunism mostly works as well :p16:52
Seeker`Seveas: no, its just works in theory16:53
SeveasI'm pretty sure Amaranth's patches also work in theory :)16:53
AmaranthWakeups-from-idle per second : 17.016:56
SeveasWakeups-from-idle per second : 311.2    interval: 5.0s16:58
Amaranthhaha :P16:58
Amaranthand i'm even running compiz16:58
Seveasi915 30%16:59
Seveasusb 25%16:59
Amaranthyou're running compiz too16:59
Amaranthand have bluetooth enabled?16:59
Amaranththere you go16:59
Amaranthi have bluetooth disabled and nvidia does dynamic vblank17:00
Seveasxchat is doing 15 timeouts/sec17:07
AmaranthSeveas: yeah, xchat is a bitch :p17:18
Amaranthdid you know about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ ?17:18
jdongAmaranth: those numbers would be with wifi off, right?17:19
jdongAmaranth: or is intel wifi that good?17:19
ompaulSeveas, I have changed WEP to include other info17:19
ubotuwep is WEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:19
ompaulthe 30 second rule17:20
ubotuWEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:20
Seeker`hmm, I had 450 wfi / second, i shut firefox and amarok, and it dropped to 12717:21
jdongAtheros, on idle, is around like 50/sec17:22
jdongI suspect it's the beacon interval17:22
jdongand pfft WEP is still good as a basic deterrent17:22
* jdong hugs his PPTP MPPE VPN setup :D17:22
ompauljdong, it is not - it gives people the idea that they are actually secure - a total lie17:23
ompauljdong, give me 60 seconds near you and I read your traffic17:24
jdongompaul: I acknowledge that WEP can be broken with the proper tools in about 30 seconds or less17:24
Seeker`ompaul: If you have a WEP secured network, and an unsecured one, people iwll choose to use the unsecured one to steal internets17:24
jdongompaul: but as far as stopping the average guy driving around looking for an open AP to surf on, it works fine17:24
ompaulSeeker`, so suggest something stronger ;-) -- is that not the logical step?17:24
jdongompaul: of course if your AP and clients support WPA, there's little reason why not to use it :)17:25
jdongMy old setup while I still had a cheap 802.11g non-WPA router was to use the router in cleartext.... because WEP actually halved bandwidth17:26
jdongthen I set up a MPPE PPTP VPN server on a Ubuntu box on the wired segment17:26
jdongand gave everyone in my house instructions on how to authenticate to a PPTP VPN17:26
jdongworked beautifully on all OS'es, and reasonably secure.... (the wifi segment was not routed anywhere else)17:26
jdongextremely overkill, but what can I say? I'm cheap and don't like buying new hardware!17:27
ompaulperhaps I should put that in the factoid17:28
Amaranthjdong: that's with wifi on17:29
Amaranthjdong: iwl394517:29
jdongAmaranth: wow, souinds like Intel actually cares about the whole wakeups thing :)17:30
Amaranthompaul: You need a massive amount of packets to crack modern WEP implementations17:30
jdongAmaranth: no you don't.... you need an injectable wifi driver and about 30 seconds with aircrack-ng17:31
SeveasAmaranth, that is pure bullshit :)17:31
jdongat least the last time I tried, that tactic still worked17:31
jdongAmaranth: only if you can't inject authentication frames, do you need a bazillion packets17:31
Seveasthere is no such thing as a 'modern web implementation'17:31
jdong25 seconds of which being copy-pasting the correct BSSID/SSID17:32
AmaranthSeveas: Something about less weak IVs17:32
ompaulAmaranth, have a look at the dd-wrt pages for a "takedown" on wep - they don't provide wep as that would imply it is secure which it is not :)17:32
Seveasompaul, heh17:32
AmaranthAlthough I know that no matter what it's just a matter of time17:33
AmaranthLuckily you'd have to sit right next to my house and look suspicious to get good enough signal strength here :)17:34
AmaranthWell, not here, my uncle's in Sioux City17:34
AmaranthHere I use WPA17:34
AmaranthBut the walls of his house are plaster with a wire mesh so the signal barely carries 10 ft outside the back door17:35
jdongAmaranth: you shouldn't base security off your perception of signal travel.... some of the directional antennas and signal boosters I've seen are astounding17:36
Amaranthjdong: They'd have to be 100ft away to have a chance of doing it without someone seeing them in about 10 minutes17:36
jdongAmaranth: the parked-next-to-the-house suspiciousness is a huge turnoff for wardrivers :)17:37
ompaulAmaranth, you assume technical clue on the part of the person who has a pringles can pointed at them17:37
jdongAmaranth: hmm if Linux on average is consuming 2W more power than OS X... what do you think might be the culprit?17:44
ompaulAmaranth, have alook of this: http://www.networkworld.com/research/2002/0909wepprimer.html  and a badly configured wep install will be seen for up to 400/500 feet17:44
Amaranthjdong: dunno17:45
* ompaul gets off his one horse story and heads for the saloon17:45
zylcheWhich directories should I backup before I upgrade? :P17:50
zylcheI have /home, what else?17:50
PriceChildno0tic, hey, how can I help?18:38
no0ticPriceChild, uhm.. nothing :) Can I lurk?18:39
Seveasno0tic, we'd prefer if you didn't18:40
Seveassee the /topic 18:40
no0ticalso if I'm an #ubuntu-it op?18:40
no0ticwell, if you prefer I'll leave anyway18:41
Seveasthen it makes a bit more sense to be here18:41
SeveasI trust the -it guys enough, you probably won't be a troll :)18:42
no0ticyou can chack via access list on the italian channel ;)18:42
SeveasI did :)18:42
jdongwhere'd I put my keys?18:42
PriceChildjdong, where you left them18:42
Seveasbut not al locoteams are equally trusted18:42
jdongfound them.18:43
no0ticSeveas, thanks for your trust :)18:43
Tm_TSeveas: referring to me?18:45
SeveasTm_T, no18:45
SeveasTm_T, I meant that I trust the .it team, but not any locoteam with no specific team in mind there18:46
Tm_TI see18:46
Seveasthe .es team gets less trust for instance18:46
Seveasbut .fr/.de/.uk are trusted18:47
Tm_Tdont trust -fi ever ;---P18:47
SeveasI don't18:47
Seveasthey suck :p18:47
Tm_Twe do18:47
PriceChildWe trust -uk after they went and leaked the iso's before release? ;)18:47
PriceChild*ducks and runs818:47
no0ticwhat does "We" stand for?18:48
PriceChildno0tic, the Ubuntu-IRC Council, or the ubuntu-irc team in general18:49
Tm_Tno0tic: ?18:49
Tm_Tah, yes18:49
no0ticPriceChild, I see18:49
* Daviey slaps PriceChild 18:50
Tm_Toh, righty18:50
DavieyI think it was "Pricey" that "leaked".  BTW, how they heck can you 'leak' FOSS? :/18:51
DavieyI mean, it was "leaked" when the repo's first opened :S18:51
* Seveas leaks PriceChild 18:51
* Tm_T leaks 'oil'18:51
* Daviey leaks _on_ Seveas 18:55
Seveas/cs k Daviey /me leaks a Daviey 18:55
Davieythat leaked on my fire..18:56
* Seveas takes a leak on Daviey's fire18:56
ompaulDaviey, they do not understand :)19:03
Davieyompaul: \o/19:05
ompaulmy poor lappy is not having a good day with gutsy19:06
Seeker`ompaul: whats wrong with it19:06
ompaulthe lack of a successful install would seem to be the main issue, I'll sort that soon one way or another19:06
ubotuscguy318 called the ops in #ubuntu19:14
ubotuIn ubotu, samson_ said: my butt is cool19:21
jdongno it isn't.19:22
jdongmine is.19:22
PriceChildjdong, are you the judge of that?19:22
jdongPriceChild: there might be others here more qualified to do so :)19:22
* jdong strokes his moderator badge on ratemybutt.com19:22
PriceChildjdong, you mean there are admins of ratemybutt.com here?19:22
jdongPriceChild: I'm not sure. does ratemybutt even exist?19:23
* jdong braces and alt-tabs to firefox19:23
jdongPriceChild: sorry, it's ratemy*arse*.co.uk19:23
* jdong ducks19:23
PriceChildjdong, sadly it does.19:23
SeveasPriceChild, even ratemyarse.co.uk exists :)19:24
PriceChildWAHEY!!!! :D19:24
PriceChildSeveas, I think that was a little too curious in finding that site.19:24
PriceChildYou crossed the line.19:24
* jdong wonders if PriceChild is gonna submit a picture :)19:24
Seveasit's just a domain parker 19:24
ubotuIn ubotu, hyper_ch said: lnw is Linux is not Windows! Read here: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm19:27
jdong14:33 DCC received CTCP SEND with invalid parameters from valerie19:34
jdong14:33 DCC received CTCP SEND with invalid parameters from danya19:34
jdongwhat are these?19:34
jdongI just got like 50 of them19:34
PriceChildattack in #ubuntu19:34
PriceChildstaff have got it jdong19:34
jdongis that a DCC SEND exploit?19:34
PriceChildjdong, partly19:35
naliothjdong: good grief.19:35
PriceChildjdong, there was also a ctcp flood as well19:35
jdongyou guys have all the fun ;-)19:35
ubotugaurish called the ops in #ubuntu19:36
AmaranthSeveas: Help me out, I need to think of a way to kill someone without getting caught :)19:37
naliothit really irritates me to see clueless channel ops19:37
PriceChildI'll make a list of the people with 104 errors which we need to do sort out -read-topic bans on19:37
AmaranthMy roommate at UDS is an automatix guy19:37
AmaranthSeveas: He is in the same city as me too19:37
AmaranthSeveas: So probably on the same flight there and everything19:37
SeveasAmaranth, Osama has some tips for you then19:38
PriceChildOk I have 21 nicks needing banforwards.19:39
AmaranthFor a CTCP flood?19:39
AmaranthThat's a crappy client, not a router problem19:39
jdongAmaranth: antifreeze.... we call it "blue-green gatorade"19:39
PriceChildAmaranth, nope... there were both floods and exploits19:40
AmaranthActually it's just a bandwidth problem19:40
AmaranthI got seriously lagged19:40
Amaranthoh i'm setting +E instead of +C19:40
AmaranthThat solves that19:41
naliothjdong: you mean to tell me you've _never_ received CTCP SEND with invalid parameters from [anyone] ?19:42
jdongnalioth: this would be my first time19:42
PriceChildSomone doesn't idle in #ubuntu regularly :)19:43
jdongPriceChild: guilty as charged :)19:43
jribPriceChild: +bbbb ban1 ban2 ban3 ban4    might be better no?19:45
PriceChilddoes that work with forwards?19:45
PriceChildI'll just finish these now then investigate.19:45
PriceChildLast set.19:46
PacaneHi, the topic of #Ubuntu told me to come here and ask to be tested, I'm ready :)19:52
PriceChildsilly pacane19:53
jribColro: hi, do you need help with something?19:54
jdongdid he do anything before asking to be tested?19:54
PriceChildjdong, nope ;)19:54
SeveasColro, bo2: how may we help?19:54
ColroI just got banned from #ubuntu apparently, not sure why, I've had xchat minimized for 20 minutes19:54
bo2i need to be tested19:54
jribwell he read the topic19:54
PriceChildColro, and bo2 are both frmo -read-topic19:54
Colro--- PriceChild sets ban on *!*@!#ubuntu-read-topic19:54
ompaulColro, and the name of the channel is]19:54
PriceChildbo2, did you fix what was "?broken"19:54
jdongjrib: :) that's a start19:54
PriceChildNo you didn't.19:55
ompaulno you did not19:55
Colro#ubuntu or #ubuntu-read-topic ? 19:55
jribColro: have you read the wiki page with instructions to fix the bug in your router?19:55
ompaulColro, #ubuntu-read-topic19:55
ompaulColro, breaking it out a little in read topic << you need to do what the topic in there says19:56
PacaneDid I pass the test?19:56
ompaulPacane, NO19:56
PacaneI got disconnected :/19:56
ompaulPacane, read the topic in that channel19:57
Pacanein #Ubuntu ?19:57
ompaul #ubuntu-read-topic19:57
PacaneWell, If im using Pidgin, am I following instructions of Gaim? Since I don't see "Pidgin"19:57
ompaulit is called that for a reason19:58
* ompaul head desks19:58
Colrok, fixed19:58
ompaulPacane, that is the general idea you change the way the client works with irc to progress19:58
ompaulColro no it ain't ... 19:59
PacaneWell I did change the port19:59
Pacaneand It didn't work.19:59
jribColro: did you connect to port 8001?19:59
Colrobleh, 1 minute19:59
Colroit's not liking the port19:59
ompauland sing off19:59
ompaulsign off and back19:59
PacaneI did,19:59
ompaulit has to be 800119:59
PacaneIt is.19:59
ompaulchange port leave come back and now test19:59
Colrok, try now19:59
jribColro: great, one sec while I remove the ban20:00
ompaulcan one of the ops you check instructions I am doing an install and it is going slowly then I am going to watch rugby20:00
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away
jribColro: you may rejoin #ubuntu, thank you for your patience20:01
PacaneWhat about me?20:02
jribready for a test Pacane ?20:03
jribPacane: you may rejoin #ubuntu, thank you for your patience20:05
PacaneThank you too.20:05
Powerking89670I had to fix this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit how do I get back into the #ubuntu room?20:10
jribPowerking89670: ready for a test?20:11
Powerking89670and what do you want me to do, deny it?20:11
J-_When is the next community council meeting(25th?), and what channel?20:11
naliothJ-_: all Ubuntu CC meetings are in #ubuntu-meeting (where they'va always been)20:12
J-_nalioth: Cool, thanks.20:12
jribPowerking89670: you may rejoin #ubuntu, thank you for your patience.  You can just deny and close the window with the stuff I sent20:12
Powerking89670jrib: thanks, lets hope the script kiddies stop eh?20:13
MenZanalioth: And... do you know what time?20:13
naliothMenZa: isn't it on the CC meeting wiki page?20:14
MenZaIt doesn't look like it20:15
nalioththen how would i know?  :)20:15
* MenZa shrugs. :)20:15
MenZa"The next meeting will be announced shortly."20:15
* MenZa bookmarks.20:15
* gaurish is away: I am Busy20:33
stdinusing away messages, in -ops :020:35
AmaranthDid he get banned from #ubuntu recently?20:35
Seeker`i think he got banned from here20:36
LjLAmaranth: yes i banned him20:36
stdinyep, for using ! ops, and I think -offtopic a while ago20:36
LjLhe called "!op" earlier20:36
LjLsure, there had been an attack20:36
LjLbut he did it ages after the attack20:36
LjLand he had just been a complete arse on -offtopic20:36
LjLso, bye20:36
AmaranthAfter the attack was over even20:36
AmaranthAlthough he could have been lagged20:36
AmaranthI know I was20:36
LjLAmaranth: well, it could well be that he got lagged20:36
Amaranthno more, fixed my stuff20:37
LjLanyway look at the way he behaved in -offtopic... he's malicious period20:37
Amaranthwas doing +E instead of +C, i always mix those up20:37
LjLgaurish: anything we can do to you?20:37
sporeI had the DCC Exploit thing, connecting on 8001 now, will patch router later.. can i get back in?20:41
LjLspore: you don't mind if i test you first?20:42
sporeno prob20:42
sporei'd like to be sure myself20:42
Jacobwhenever available, can someone give me a DCC test?20:43
LjLspore: seems fine20:43
LjLJacob: sure20:43
LjLjacob: failed20:43
Jacobmmkay... yeah.20:44
Jacob8001 didn't seem to fix that, I'm just going to switch to standard xchat.20:44
LjLJacob, 8001 should definitely work.20:44
LjLare you sure you have disconnected and then reconnected?20:44
PriceChildJacob, did you restart xchat after changing to 8001?20:44
Jacobdid a server reconnect, though I'll try leaving the client20:44
Jacobxchat-gnome might be a part of that though :-x20:45
nalioththe whole client must be resterted, Jacob 20:45
naliothand xchat-gnome sucks.20:45
ompaulxchat2 is your only xchat:)20:45
PriceChildit was most probably reconnecting the old connection, instead of checking for new settings20:45
=== Mez|Away is now known as Mez
Jacobokay, try now20:45
* ompaul now declares gutsy installed on lappy20:45
Jacobompaul: not the -gnome variant20:45
ompaulJacob, yeap20:46
LjLJacob: seems ok now20:46
Jacobcool, thanks :)20:46
ompaulJacob, the gnome variant is, to put it nicely, not in the same league, not even in the same sport20:46
Jacobompaul: i know, honestly, i have no clue why I use it20:46
JacobI'm just too lazy to switch! :P20:47
Jacobanywho, thanks for the check20:47
ompaulsudo apt-get install xchat220:47
ompaularrrrr 20:47
ompaulf2 should work when I think about it20:47
LjLompaul: yesterday i was *almost* doing20:50
LjLsudo halt20:50
LjLon irc :)20:51
LjL(screen off ;)20:51
no0ticompaul, lol :)20:51
ompaulLjL, do this - sudo apt-get install axe and pass it to me I want to beat this box up it does not want gutsy20:52
LjLompaul: i think you should probably try to solve your issues with a *console* text editor rather than an X one, if the problems are so severe20:56
LjLbesides, i'm not impressed at something being a significant improvement over xedit20:56
* Amaranth hugs his nick completion20:57
jussi01evening all20:57
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:59
jdong^^ any reason we don't poitn to Medibuntu for that?20:59
jdongit's a more comprehensive repo in terms of restricted media stuff20:59
jdongunlocked ffmpeg, k3b, w32codecs and so on20:59
LjLjdong: not sure. besides, some of seveas' mirrors don't actually have libdvdcss. seveas?21:00
PriceChildBastards that was a try!21:00
LjL... sorry?21:00
naliothjdong: we trust seveas more than we trust medibuntu?   3d party repos have been known to totally screwZ0r Ubuntu 21:00
PriceChildGah wrong channel sorry but it was a try :/21:01
LjLnalioth: medibuntu shouldn't be that bad, though21:01
jdongnalioth: medibuntu is maintained by MOTU's.... and the packaging is directly derived from Ubuntu packages withi minimal changes and sane versioning21:01
Seeker`PriceChild: score?21:01
Seveasmedibuntu is ok21:01
Seveasand I don't even have gutsy yet :)21:01
naliothjdong: do the users get the end result using seveas' repos?21:01
LjLSeveas: yeah indeed21:02
Seveasnalioth, not if users use gutsy21:02
jdongnalioth: the packages they need for restricted media without upgrade breakages? I'd say so21:02
naliothjdong: or "why not have them google libdvdcss2, and install it with gdebi" ?  libdvdcss2 has not changed in the years since it was packaged21:02
LjL!no dvd is <reply> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:02
ubotuI'll remember that LjL21:02
jdongnalioth: because he who installs libdvdcss will probably be looking for w32codecs in 10 minutes :)21:02
Seveasjdong, :)21:03
jdongand some stuff like unlocked k3b and ffmpeg is difficult to find "out there" :)21:03
Seveasoh no21:03
naliothjdong: and you can google w32codecs and do the same thing with gdebi21:03
SeveasMenZa is going for ubuntu membership!21:03
jdongnalioth: perhaps you love the google-and-click technique better than me :D21:03
naliothjdong: no, i'm just questioning 'why mess with a factoid if it works?'21:04
LjLnalioth: because it doesn't21:04
Seeker`who is MenZa?21:04
jdongnalioth: because IMO there's a clear advantage to using Medibuntu vs going out and randomly googling for debs, or using a repository that's not really maintained for Gutsy or designed for multimedia purposes21:05
LjLanyway - medibuntu is trusted by us, as much as a third-party repository can be trusted. people can get the GPG key for it. it's *much* better than googling random packages21:05
LjL(and ending up installing Debian ones, for instance)21:05
jdongLjL: I'm not as worried about that as I am them googling and finding horribly wrong instructions :)21:06
naliothjdong: for libdvdcss2 and w32codecs, those packages have not changed _ever_ as far as their content21:06
jdongLjL: I've seen at least once in #ubuntu someone recommend aliening a Mandrive 2007 PLF RPM21:06
naliothjdong: a debian w32codecs deb will work the same for Ubuntu as a specifically packaged Ubuntu one21:06
naliothsame with libdvdcss221:07
jdongnalioth: the same cannot be said when users want other multimedia packages, and if they enable medibuntu now they will not run into this problem in the future21:07
LjLDepends: libc6 (>= 2.6-1)21:07
naliothjdong: you initially said "libdvdcss2" and that is what i'm discussing (along with w32codecs).  if you wish to carry on iwth 'but what about this', i'll be quiet21:07
jdongI don't see the hurt in recommending Medibuntu -- I acknowledge there's other ways of doing it that !worksforme21:07
jdongnalioth: I said libdvdcss2 because that's what the factoid says specifically.... sorry for the misunderstanding21:08
MenZaSeveas: Yes, yes I am.21:08
MenZaYes, I thought you'd say so, ;D21:08
MenZaI have a few references lined up, so let's see how it goes.21:09
naliothjdong: my point is: libdvdcss2 and w32codecs are the same for all debian based OS'.  it aint gonna hurt a user to find it wherever.  nothing depends on them, nothing is gonna break from using them (from a non-ubuntu source)21:12
jdongnalioth: you are 100% correct on that, and I don't disagree with you there...21:12
jdongI'm just a big fan of killing lots of birds with one apt entry :)21:13
naliothbut libdvdcss2 != multimedia 21:13
gaurishhi ops, you angry with me?21:14
LjLgaurish: yup21:14
jdonggaurish: you didn't send me $500 via paypal today.21:14
* gaurish send 5k$ to jdong 21:15
gaurishits ok now jdong 21:15
gaurishLjL, on serious note what i did?21:15
LjLgaurish: flooded and then repeatedly evaded bans in -offtopic?21:15
gaurishLjL, i did type some "happy birthday ubuntu" couple of times but does it qualify as a flood?21:17
gaurishi am celebrating for ubuntu's 3rd birthday :)21:17
LjLgaurish: look i'm not in the mood21:18
gaurishcelebrations needed some relaxing the rules, however i didn't post more than 3 linux in one as per rule21:18
LjLyou knew what you were doing, you knew you'd be banned21:18
LjLend of story, bye21:18
LjL3 linux in one?21:18
gaurishLjL, no point of argue with you21:19
LjLcome back in a month or so21:19
gaurishLjL, can i come back with a other nick?21:19
LjLgaurish: no21:19
gaurishLjL, how would you know its me?21:20
gaurishmy ip is dynamic?21:20
LjLgaurish: we have our tricks.21:20
jdonggaurish: most people who come back under a different nick say "oh look I evaded your ban, ha you ops are morons"21:20
gaurishLjL, like *!*@hostname??21:21
LjLwhich is about what he did, incidentally21:21
LjLgaurish, come on.21:21
jdonggaurish: if you do a good job of being a good little boy under a different nick, I don't think any of us would care to hunt you down by DNA :)21:21
LjLjdong: i beg to differ21:21
jdonggaurish: ok, so maybe you managed to tick off everyone more than I realize :)21:22
gaurishnow i belong to problematic users list :-(21:23
LjLjdong: 1) noted that no ops were around 2) proposed to flood the channel to wake them up 3) did so (with the help of another) 4) was banned 5) rejoined without his cloak 6) was banned 7) rejoined with another ip 8) was banned 9) rejoined with another nickname21:23
gaurishLjL, you got a nice memory :P21:23
LjLgaurish: thank you21:23
LjLnow, anything else we can do to you?21:23
gaurishso now kick me21:24
jussi01sigh... really, some people.21:24
jdongLjL: wow.... just... wow. Didn't realize he did all of that.21:25
jussi01Hmmm, nw I have a question. Im using konversation. Im trying to set up a command alias that makes me op in the channel Im in. anyone know how to do this? 21:27
jdongjussi01: can't you alias someting to /msg chanserv op #channel?21:28
jussi01jdong: yeah, i can. but i want it just to op me where ever I am - without specifying the channel.21:28
jussi01so the channel im focused on i get op in when i give the command21:29
LjLjussi01: /MSG ChanServ OP %c21:29
jussi01LjL: thanks :)21:29
jdongI'm thinking about spending an hour tonight cloning chanserv.py in irssi21:30
jdongidentical behavior and UI21:30
jdongam I being crazy?21:30
jussi01jdong: you are crazy. even before you said that :P21:30
naliothjussi01: you'd need to find the help page for konversation (and how it sees things)21:31
LjLnalioth: it doesn't say anything, you need to find the variable names out by trial and error...21:32
jussi01nalioth: thanks. LjL's selection worked :)21:32
naliothLjL: one reason i like my irssi  :)21:33
LjLnalioth: but undocumented is fun21:34
naliothno, fun is making humongous /aliases that reference other humongous aliases that are full of $S and +C and %E and stuff like that21:35
Seveasnalioth, mIRC!21:36
LjLok, that sounds also fun21:36
Picijdong: I'd use it21:37
jdongf is for friends who do stuff together, u is for you and me.....21:37
jdongif anyone catches that reference, please DIAF.21:37
jussi01!u | jdong21:37
ubotujdong: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..21:37
Seveasc is for christ, who wakes over you, k is for kde which we should set on fire21:37
Seveasand now I'm outtahere :)21:37
jdongSeveas: ROFL21:37
jdongNot exactly where I was going, but even better :)21:38
* Seveas glues jussi01's ass back to his body21:38
* jussi01 hugs Seveas. thanks. :P21:39
jdongwith his special glue....21:39
jussi01and also Seveas: Blasphemy!!!!21:39
Seveasjdong, that's a little too suggestive :p21:39
jdongSeveas: pfft only if you take it in such a manner ;-)21:39
Seveasthat is again suggestive, or my mind is too warped21:40
* jussi01 goes to spend time with his ball and chain (wife)21:40
jdongSeveas: take a breather21:40
LjLok stop being !o4o and tell me how the heck "hd" formats work21:41
jdongLjL: what do you mean, "hd" formats?21:41
SeveasLjL, mkfs -t reiserfs /dev/hda21:41
LjLno, not that21:41
Picihidef or harddrives?21:41
LjLEXAMPLES    Display the input in perusal format: "%06.6_ao "  12/1 "%3_u "  "\t\t" "%_p "  "\n"21:42
LjLas much as that might sound useful and easily understandable - it's not21:42
LjLand it's perusing my patience21:42
jdongLjL: what do you need hexdump to show?21:42
Picioh.. hexdump21:42
LjLjdong: 4 32-bit integers in decimal21:43
LjL5, actually21:43
jdongLjL: is that hd -d, or wrong size?21:44
jdongpfft 2*8 isn't 32...21:44
jdongnever mind21:44
LjLjdong: hd -d spits out something that i don't completely understand21:44
LjLi'd just like 5 tidy numbers to be spat out21:44
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away
SeveasLjL, you spit out lots of things I don't understand ')21:44
* LjL kills Mez21:44
* Seveas burns Mez|Away' dead body21:45
PriceChildGah :'(21:45
LjLSeveas: i suspect that's a common motif with us folks.21:45
jdongLjL: how's od -t u221:45
LjLi mean spitting out things we don't understand to each other21:46
LjLbut also burning dead bodies, though i didn't originally mean that21:46
DavieyGuys... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1109/21:46
Daviey^ arre you aware?21:46
PriceChildDaviey, hey there....21:46
PiciI assumed so.21:46
DavieyPriceChild: o/21:46
PriceChildDaviey, We dealt with it some time ago ;)21:46
LjLjdong: uh, od? i'll look. i've been so foolish to believe there was only one tool for the job.21:46
PriceChildAbout when you got them.21:47
jdongLjL: od's parameters are so much easier than hd21:47
=== Mez|Away is now known as Mez
DavieyPriceChild: /me is slow at the back21:47
PriceChild!away | MenZa 21:47
ubotuMenZa: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines21:47
PiciThats not menza21:47
LjL!tab | PriceChild21:47
ubotuPriceChild: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:47
MenZaPriceChild: Ow :p21:47
MenZaPriceChild: I use my /away :)21:47
* MenZa is a good boy.21:48
PriceChildLjL, I think we need a new factoid... !tab-PriceChild is Check your tab before pressing enter you crazy fool!21:48
DavieyPriceChild: He gets moaned at on two IRC networks that i know of21:48
* LjL steps back21:49
Seveazremind me, how do I change colorscheme in irssi?21:49
jdongvi the themes file?21:49
LjLSeveaz: cat /dev/urandom >/dev/tty1 for the "rainbow" scheme21:49
jdongLjL: isn't that the #ubuntu scheme?21:50
* jdong ducks21:50
LjLjdong: no, that's /dev/brown21:50
Pici /set theme 21:50
Seveazhah, colorless is better than white-on-white :)21:50
PriceChildWas that just a ridiculously tiny netsplit?21:51
PiciI didnt see one21:51
jdongSeveaz: that was quite suggestive :)21:51
jdongPriceChild: as was that21:51
PriceChildNah I saw 3 guys split in #ubuntu21:51
jdongPriceChild: down boy....21:52
PiciActually, I lied. 21:52
LjLPriceChild: oh yes, calvino left21:52
LjLpoor calvino21:52
LjLalthough... wasn't i connected to it?21:52
LjLuhm yes i am21:52
PriceChildLjL, in the quit message, it says the server you are on yourself.21:52
PiciMine says it was anthony21:52
PriceChildPici, ^21:52
LjLPriceChild: ah.21:53
jdong16:50 -!- Netsplit clarke.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Ralfm, [GuS], elements21:53
jdongthat one?21:53
PriceChildjdong, yup21:53
PiciNetsplit anthony.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: azeem, Spads, Trewas21:53
LjL /links21:53
LjLso we can't really know which server left unless we knew which servers there were?21:53
jdongaww the /netsplit command doesn't make netsplits? :(21:53
jdongLjL: if we have one person on each server report their quit messages, we can do a netsplit-DB :D21:54
jdongLjL: it could be the useless AJAX app of the month!21:54
LjLjdong: if the stupid ircd just posted the actual server name, we wouldn't need that :P21:54
jdongLjL: but but... then we woudlnt' get to use AJAX....21:55
jdongand better if we connect it to Google Maps and plot out the netsplit :D\21:55
LjLjdong: you could always use ajax to implement chanserv.py21:55
LjLi mean, somehow.21:55
jdongLjL: system("xchat < /cs $*")? :D21:55
LjL /kick jdong www.openstreetmap.org, you blasphemer21:56
jdongLjL: but Google API Key restrictions add value for customers!21:57
ompaulright - gutsy won't install on this lappy I think it is time for some hardware fun :)22:03
mc44ompaul broke gutsy :(22:03
ompaul7.04 xubuntu installing nicely I hope22:35
Seveasport of chanserv.py to chanserv.pl for irssi has started :)22:42
naliothSeveas: oh? 22:42
Seveasit can do /cs op and /cs deop :)22:42
SeveasI still hate perl though, so the rest has to wait a bit22:43
TheSheepemacs-irssi ;)22:45
jribi've only found one bug in it22:45
Seveasis irssi-python a reality already?22:46
jribSeveas: it is from last year's soc.  There doesn't seem to be any recent activity but I've been using it for about a year now22:47
Seeker`Seveas: can I see what you have done so far?22:50
SeveasSeeker`, no22:50
naliothSeveas: packaged? perl script?22:51
Seveasnalioth, no packaged irssi-python :)22:52
naliothSeveas: oh, that.22:55
jribSeveas: no package...  build system is actually a bit broken.  I think I still have the autogen.sh I wrote for it somewhere if you want it22:57
Seveasneh, I'll do the perl thing22:57
jribbrave man23:00
Seeker`what is !test meant to do?23:16
jribtests the bot23:16
PiciSeeker`: its just like !ping23:16
naliothSeeker`: it tests the bots presence23:17
jribso... what to make of this pastebin... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41438/23:26
jribnotice "oslo" becomes "oala"23:26
PiciUnless they're typing it in manually, I'd say its a versy suspicious23:29
naliothjrib: the pastebin you posted has one line in it23:30
PiciNo... theres two23:31
naliothsorry, jrib but i can't make "oslo" out of "firefox"23:31
naliothand am totally lost23:31
jribsays he is on another computer.  I guess it is ok, but weird that firefox closes with no output23:31
jribnalioth: the hostname 23:31
wiiwhen can i pass the test to reinter kubuntu?i need to find a way for my pc to spot giving me the error 21 grub23:34
wiiit's anoying23:34
PiciI believe that the ban is indefinite at this time.23:40
jdongwii: do you not understand the terms of your ban?23:41
wiijdong: my term for the ban it's up yet?23:41
stdinno, it's not23:42
jdongwii: your ban, the way it stands now, is forever. You have repeatedly acted in a way in violation with Ubuntu IRC guidelines. Please go somewhere else for support.23:42
jdongwii: coming in here twice every week to beg will not help your case23:42
wiii'm not begins was just asking23:43
jdongI place $10 that he will be back by the end of the week23:44
PiciWhat does "i'm not begins was just asking" mean?23:44
jdongPici: meant "begging"23:44
jdongI honestly don't see the difference ;-)23:45
Picijdong: oooh... then it makes some sense.23:45
jdongisn't he still "technically" klined?23:45
Tm_Twii <323:47
Tm_Tjdong: yes, very23:47
jdongwii: no.23:47
Tm_Trob is free to redo it I believe23:48
Tm_T0147 <+Tm_T> wii <323:48
wiijdong: lol.what about compiz?23:48
wiithat was another story apart from the ubuntus family23:48
stdinthen go join the compiz channel23:49
jdongwii: if it's not a ubuntu channel we have no business to manage you23:49
naliothwii: this is not a support channel23:49
wii#compiz-fusion  i'm ban23:49
stdinshame for you23:49
jdongwii: that's not our problem.23:49
wiiit's been a week now23:50
jdongnot hard to believe though23:50
wiiit's the op for compiz does be here?23:50
stdinno, this is ubuntu-ops, not compiz-ops23:51
jdongwii: whether or not he is in here, this is not the place to discuss it. it's not related to a ubuntu channel.23:51
wiiso how do i get unban?23:51
jdongwii: we don't know. go work it out with the compiz staff23:51
wiiwhere do i go?23:51
stdinyou have to work that out by yourself23:52
Tm_Ti have better idea23:52
jdongwii: by the way, you are still supposed to be banned from the freenode network. There's several freenode staff in here. do the math.23:52
Tm_Twii: stay away fom irc until you learn to behave, best idea ever23:52
wiiwhat a freenode network?and do what math?23:53
wiiTm_T: i lurn to behave already23:53
stdinfreenode is the network you're on, "do the math" is "work it out"23:53
jdongwii: you are banned from this entire IRC network. There are several people in this channel who have the capability to disconnect and reban you from the entire network. Give me one reason why you should not be in this channel right now.23:53
ubotuAshfire908 called the ops in #ubuntu23:53
Tm_Twii: no you havent23:54
jdongwii: you were banned from here 2-4 weeks ago, and you got banned in compiz a week ago.... that's not terribly convincing.23:54
wiiTm_T: oh from the time i was ban if u look at the history u can see i wasnt caussing any trouble,nore in kubuntu-fr,kde,winehq,debian,windows,...23:55
ubotucdm10 called the ops in #ubuntu23:56
wiiif i'm ban from to ubuntu's forever i wont die but at least let me reinter compiz who ever is in charge there23:58
jdongwii: I don't know how to phrase this any clearer. We do not manage the compiz channel. We cannot help you.23:59
stdinwii, go ask them somewhere else, this is not the place23:59

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