ubotu | New bug: #154647 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "Possible severe conflict between intel X server and Broadcom wifi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154647 | 01:20 |
ubotu | New bug: #154579 in xorg (main) "GDM crashed after relogin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154579 | 01:25 |
ubotu | New bug: #129343 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "nvidia driver instantly crashes kernel - gutsy, nvidia-glx-new 1.0.9755" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129343 | 07:16 |
ubotu | New bug: #89628 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "black sreen in Compiz and no fonts (dup-of: 122979)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89628 | 09:25 |
ubotu | New bug: #154822 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "Restricted NVDIA driver defaults output to external monitor rather than laptop screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154822 | 11:41 |
ubotu | New bug: #129386 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "Desktop effects strange behavior (Google Earth, VLC)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129386 | 11:54 |
ubotu | New bug: #148423 in compiz (main) "[Gutsy] rendering problem with totem with compiz enabled (dup-of: 129386)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148423 | 12:01 |
ubotu | New bug: #141336 in ubuntu "Bug with VLC and Compiz when using cube (dup-of: 129386)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141336 | 12:05 |
ubotu | New bug: #154843 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "random freeze with nvidia-gls-new driver enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154843 | 12:20 |
ubotu | New bug: #154912 in xorg (main) "Keyboard stops working for some apps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154912 | 15:00 |
ubotu | New bug: #154922 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "ati restricted driver gives a black screen of death with an ATI X700 card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154922 | 15:21 |
ubotu | New bug: #154945 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "7.10: intel driver wrong frequency at 1600x1200" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154945 | 16:06 |
ubotu | New bug: #154949 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "Could not install nvidia-glx" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154949 | 16:21 |
ubotu | New bug: #154514 in xorg (main) "display problems after upgrading to gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154514 | 17:03 |
ubotu | New bug: #154537 in xorg (main) "Gutsy: Screen flicker with intel 855GM video." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154537 | 17:03 |
ubotu | New bug: #154983 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "X does not load because fglrx is not there" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154983 | 17:20 |
ubotu | New bug: #155001 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "nvidia detects DFP native resolution incorrectly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155001 | 18:20 |
bryce | heya pcjc2 | 18:44 |
pcjc2 | hi | 18:45 |
pcjc2 | have been chasing the intel-agp driver on the 855 issue | 18:45 |
bryce | cool, how's that coming? | 18:45 |
pcjc2 | look fairly solid, am seeing the page table entries removed before suspend | 18:45 |
pcjc2 | and re-added after suspend | 18:45 |
pcjc2 | so the chip's internal memory map _should_ be right | 18:45 |
* bryce nods | 18:46 | |
pcjc2 | (it must be at least partly right, or you'd get no screen at all) | 18:46 |
pcjc2 | unfortunately, its a write only register, so you can't check the page table | 18:46 |
bryce | erf | 18:46 |
pcjc2 | (Although its backed in ram somewhere, perhaps I could read that) | 18:46 |
pcjc2 | you write via the GMCH chip so it knows what you changed | 18:46 |
pcjc2 | I'm going to ask Matthew G if there is any chance the vbetool post can re-write it | 18:47 |
bryce | good idea | 18:47 |
bryce | I started triaging the other intel bugs last night; knocked about half a dozen out as dupes or already fixed | 18:48 |
pcjc2 | I saw some | 18:49 |
pcjc2 | I can't mark bugs as duplicates, is that correct? | 18:49 |
bryce | I'm hoping to get them all reviewed, make sure they all have needed info for debugging, and then try pushing them upstream | 18:49 |
pcjc2 | I told Jesse I'd open a fdo bug for the 855 issue | 18:49 |
bryce | I'm not sure... you might be able to | 18:49 |
bryce | in any case, we should get you some additional powers :-) | 18:50 |
pcjc2 | also need to ensure the crash fix makes it upstream | 18:50 |
pcjc2 | ;) | 18:50 |
pcjc2 | Where is the dup marking feature? | 18:50 |
pcjc2 | I looked on the side-panes, but didn't see it | 18:50 |
bryce | it's on the left in the list of commands | 18:50 |
pcjc2 | not for me, perhaps I need to join the bugsquad or something | 18:51 |
pcjc2 | Do you get shortcuts to those "Thankyou for taking the time to make Ubuntu better..." answers? | 18:51 |
pcjc2 | (I never got one of those for ages, writing bug reports.. thought noone "cared", but discovered I felt offended when I did get one (after having setup my belief that such replies must be for noob type bug reports ;)) | 18:52 |
bryce | ok, I think you just need to join https://launchpad.net/~bugsquad | 18:53 |
bryce | I've already put in a good word about you with brian murray | 18:53 |
pcjc2 | thanks ;) | 18:53 |
bryce | those shortcuts are actually greasemonkey scripts. Here's how to set them up: | 18:53 |
pcjc2 | would be nice if I could see his suspend issue and fix that... but alas dont | 18:53 |
bryce | first install greasemonkey (tools -> add-ons -> search for greasemonkey, install) | 18:54 |
pcjc2 | hmm.. epiphany user here, but found an equivelant I think | 18:54 |
bryce | second, restart firefox, then go to outflux.net/greasemonkey and click on lp_stockreplies.user.js | 18:54 |
bryce | lp_karma_suffix.user.js is also very cool | 18:55 |
pcjc2 | ok, let me try with firefox | 18:55 |
pcjc2 | Bryce.. one thing I might be interested to work on is ways to make the backlight stay off in Xorg | 18:57 |
pcjc2 | (when I shut the laptop lid). Recent changes in the kernel push more and more of this on userspace, which uses dpms to switch the display off | 18:58 |
pcjc2 | X always turns it back on when you touch the mouse, or some random event happens. So my laptop toasts | 18:58 |
bryce | ahh | 18:59 |
bryce | that reminds me - kylem posted this change to -intel to his ppa just recently | 18:59 |
bryce | http://ppa.launchpad.net/kyle/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xserver-xorg-video-intel/ | 19:00 |
pcjc2 | Saw that I think... resyncs the TV out quirks? | 19:01 |
bryce | I started reviewing it last night, but didn't get through it all | 19:02 |
bryce | yes, but I think there was also something about backlights | 19:02 |
* bryce looks again | 19:03 | |
bryce | oh wait, no that was just patch 03 again | 19:03 |
bryce | nevermind, sorry | 19:03 |
pcjc2 | ok, I'll look when I'm back.. am going out to dinner with a developer friend | 19:03 |
pcjc2 | we'll get to moan about "stupid" users and their resistance to change | 19:03 |
bryce | hehe | 19:03 |
pcjc2 | so much backlash for what is a fairly minor, and (in our opinion) sensible change which makes gEDA's schematic pages "complete" by caching library symbols used in the output file | 19:04 |
bryce | yeah people flip out about change | 19:05 |
bryce | it seems to go over better if they feel they've been able to participate in the decisionmaking about the change | 19:05 |
pcjc2 | the gEDA user base are pretty terrible about that.. many never upgrade, are on pre-cairo GTK | 19:06 |
pcjc2 | I guess many people use the CAD package as a tool, and have invested time learning how it behaves (badly). Certainly those who use the software as a productivity tool like to keep what they have when it works | 19:06 |
pcjc2 | remind me if I forget to add it... for the intel driver, we should add on the Wiki page that logs should be obtained with ModeDebug set to TRUE, if people see screen size issues, perhaps even for crash issues | 19:08 |
bryce | ah good idea - could you add that when you get a chance? | 19:10 |
pcjc2 | will do.. assuming I don't need special permissions to edit the Wiki | 19:11 |
pcjc2 | have to run now... talk later perhaps. | 19:12 |
bryce | cool, cya later | 19:12 |
bryce | yup, no special permissions needed | 19:12 |
ubotu | New bug: #154935 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "compiz doesn't work with xinerama" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154935 | 19:47 |
ubotu | New bug: #155034 in libxinerama (main) "Dual monitor setup with Xinerama and i810 driver stopped working in Gutsy with KDE, Gnome, & Openbox (works in failsafe)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155034 | 20:12 |
ubotu | New bug: #155029 in xorg (main) "upgrade desktop too large" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155029 | 20:15 |
tepsipakki | greasemonkey? never heard of that one before | 20:48 |
bryce | heya tepsipakki | 20:49 |
tepsipakki | hi bryce | 20:50 |
tepsipakki | is there any documentation available for those greasemonkey-scripts? | 20:50 |
tepsipakki | what they do etc | 20:50 |
bryce | not that I know of, but I can write up descriptions of them in wiki | 20:51 |
bryce | btw, I'm updating the ubuntu-x-swat team stuff. Shall I add you to it while I'm at it? | 20:51 |
tepsipakki | I should be there already :) | 20:52 |
bryce | opp, right you are | 20:52 |
tepsipakki | at least I get all the team membership changes as mail | 20:52 |
* bryce adds tormodvolden | 20:54 | |
* bryce adds pcjc2 | 20:54 | |
bryce | tepsipakki: btw, I also finally compiled that ubuntu-x projects list I mentioned earlier... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Projects | 20:56 |
bryce | when you get a chance you might want to look that over and make sure nothing's missing (and add it if so) | 20:56 |
bryce | I put you down for the x-apps resync task, as I assumed that's still something you want to do | 20:57 |
tepsipakki | ah, right. looks great | 20:57 |
bryce | what I'm hoping is that this will help us stay coordinated so everyone knows what each other is working on, and so we can ensure all the stuff we want done gets done early enough in Hardy | 20:58 |
tepsipakki | yes, it should help | 21:00 |
tepsipakki | I could test xserver 1.4 and do an initial merge | 21:01 |
tepsipakki | my machines are working too well, they need action :) | 21:02 |
bryce | that'd be good. someone was asking about that last week | 21:02 |
tepsipakki | also, I have xorg git halfway done | 21:03 |
tepsipakki | I think.. | 21:03 |
tepsipakki | that could be something to finish at UDS | 21:04 |
bryce | yeah | 21:04 |
tepsipakki | hmm, surely you mean -ati 6.8.0 :) | 21:04 |
bryce | oh whoops - feel free to make corrections | 21:05 |
tepsipakki | yeah | 21:05 |
bryce | was working on it pretty late ;-) | 21:05 |
tepsipakki | heh, that happens | 21:06 |
* bryce inkscapes up a new logo img - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat | 21:08 | |
ubotu | New bug: #155072 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "X crashes on aticonfig commands" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155072 | 21:11 |
tepsipakki | neat :) | 21:17 |
tepsipakki | but I wonder does it look a bit like a warning sign? ;) | 21:19 |
bryce | eXactly ;-) | 21:19 |
tepsipakki | ah, the irony :) | 21:20 |
bryce | actually the inspiration is more like this... http://www.emerchandise.com/images/p/XMN/pdMTXMN0006.jpg | 21:20 |
tepsipakki | ah, so why not add X-swat on top?-) | 21:22 |
tepsipakki | nah, I'm fine with it as is | 21:23 |
ubotu | New bug: #152833 in xorg (main) "Unable to select a valid refresh rate" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152833 | 21:27 |
pcjc2 | Hi Bryce.. back | 22:55 |
bryce | heya | 22:55 |
pcjc2 | #154579 is a gdm bug, not X-server | 22:55 |
pcjc2 | how to change it? | 22:56 |
pcjc2 | (I also sent a quick query to the gdm list to see if anyone recognised the error) | 22:56 |
bryce | click on the triangle over on the right side, then change the Package from 'xorg' to 'gdm' and click Save Changes | 22:57 |
pcjc2 | Shall I add comments, e.g. "From the log files posted, this appears to be a gdm bug" ? | 22:58 |
bryce | yup | 22:58 |
pcjc2 | (I guess that makes it seb's problem?) | 22:58 |
* bryce nods | 22:59 | |
bryce | note that he'll bounce it right back if it's not clearly gdm | 22:59 |
bryce | but he bounces a lot of bugs our way so I don't feel back about bouncing one or two back to him :-) | 23:00 |
pcjc2 | I'll have a quick look at their svn for fixes... they are planning some major upheaval soon | 23:01 |
bryce | ah interesting | 23:01 |
bryce | btw, you might find this interesting - http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/testing_graphs/xorg.html | 23:01 |
pcjc2 | there was a lot of debate recently about what direction they're going on with internals, but a major change has been made to switch to using D-Bus internally | 23:02 |
bryce | there's also a chart for -ati, but not yet for -intel since there's <100 bugs | 23:02 |
pcjc2 | theres a lot of bugs closed recently! | 23:03 |
pcjc2 | and on the gentle increase as more people update? | 23:03 |
bryce | yeah, I went on a bug spree thurs/fri closing out dupes and recently fixed things | 23:03 |
bryce | I worked on -intel too a bit friday but only got through about half. Still need to do -ati, -nv, and l-r-m, but I think tormod and tepsipakki tend -ati fairly well, and -nv and lrm are a bit lower priority atm | 23:04 |
pcjc2 | Here's a subtle point... | 23:05 |
bryce | the big huge drop at Sep 22nd was due to a script that auto-expired a lot of old bugs | 23:05 |
pcjc2 | the intel embedded chips go through the AGP drivers.. but as far as I can tell, they aren't AGP | 23:06 |
bryce | weird | 23:06 |
pcjc2 | they just do very similar things, on the PCI bus | 23:06 |
pcjc2 | I might be wrong in that evaluation of course. They support AGP external cards (if they are wired up as such), so often have AGP bridge drivers | 23:07 |
pcjc2 | For example, with the 855 chip, if it finds the embedded graphics controler, it uses driver functions for an "830" card | 23:07 |
pcjc2 | if it is just the AGP bridge, it uses "845" driver functions. Strange, but as it looks to me, the 830 driver is actual graphics, the 845 driver is more a generic AGP bridge | 23:08 |
pcjc2 | I've sent Claudio a message to see if he will test vbetool post without suspending the computer.. see if that reproduces his bug | 23:09 |
pcjc2 | BTW.. thanks for the ubuntu-x-swat membership ;) | 23:09 |
bryce | np :-) | 23:09 |
pcjc2 | Couldn't get greasemonkey to do much... not sure what its supposed to do really | 23:10 |
bryce | yeah I need to document those better | 23:10 |
pcjc2 | Have the extension installed, went to the URL you suggested, do I have to download the .js script and put it somewhere? | 23:10 |
bryce | in firefox, it gets automatically loaded when you click on it | 23:11 |
pcjc2 | hmm, tried that | 23:11 |
pcjc2 | heh.. works now | 23:12 |
pcjc2 | didn't before, I swear.. perhaps Firefox hadn't really shutdown properly | 23:12 |
bryce | could be | 23:12 |
bryce | the user stats stuff shows up whenever a user name is listed in the bug tracker. It shows (karma) and a list of major teams they're on | 23:13 |
bryce | I edited that js code through firefox to add 'ubuntu-x-swat' in my own copy, too | 23:13 |
bryce | the canned response thing you access via a [+] link when editing the bug properties | 23:13 |
pcjc2 | GAH.. hate launchpad so much sometimes | 23:14 |
pcjc2 | go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/ | 23:14 |
pcjc2 | Title: Bugs in xserver-xorg-video-intel in ubuntu | 23:14 |
pcjc2 | type "855" in the search box | 23:15 |
pcjc2 | jumps me right to bug 855 | 23:15 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 855 in launchpad "Should series/+sourceadmin be completely inaccessible to mortal users?" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/855 | 23:15 |
bryce | hehe | 23:15 |
tepsipakki | I've yet to get any sensible search results no matter what I do :) | 23:17 |
pcjc2 | Perhaps this is why people find LP hard. | 23:18 |
tepsipakki | bryce: xserver merge done | 23:19 |
tepsipakki | 11 patches dropped, plus all the upstream backports obviously (2xx) | 23:22 |
tepsipakki | and 120 disabled | 23:23 |
bryce | excellent | 23:25 |
tepsipakki | maybe during this cycle we could get nvidia/fglrx to provide xserver-xorg-video-ABIVER, that would mean one change less for xorg-server | 23:28 |
bryce | tepsipakki: to use this, do all the various drivers need to be rebuilt against it? | 23:28 |
tepsipakki | yes | 23:28 |
bryce | not a bad idea | 23:28 |
tepsipakki | video-abiversion is now 2.0 | 23:28 |
tepsipakki | and the input abi has changed as well IIRC | 23:29 |
tepsipakki | obviously, because of input-hotplug.. | 23:29 |
tepsipakki | now nvidia/fglrx provide xserver-xorg-video (which the server conflicts with on debian) | 23:31 |
tepsipakki | so in the future if the abi has changed and current version of the driver is broken with the new server, it refuses to upgrade | 23:32 |
tepsipakki | which means a little less pain | 23:33 |
bryce | yeah | 23:42 |
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