silliness | while talking about vnc what is the syntax for vncviewer to logon to ultravnc server remotely? | 00:00 |
silliness | Mark76, how to add menu entries | 00:00 |
Mark76 | Nope | 00:00 |
Mark76 | Not a clue | 00:00 |
warbler | Ryuho: that'll be either the startup sessions on the ubuntu box or a windows thing - haven't used windows since 2002 | 00:01 |
Ryuho | well i'm sure it's not the xp, i haven't changed anything and on top of that, if i change my session into gnome, i can vcn into gnome | 00:01 |
Ryuho | ok so you think it's the xfce startup session | 00:01 |
silliness | $vncviewer | 00:01 |
Ryuho | some application or jobs i'm not launching during xfce start up | 00:02 |
warbler | Ryuho: one of the startups is where I'd look | 00:02 |
Ryuho | ok | 00:02 |
Ryuho | thx | 00:02 |
warbler | k | 00:02 |
silliness | put in server | 00:02 |
silliness | then password? | 00:03 |
silliness | must I specifiy port if I changed it | 00:03 |
warbler | silliness - maybe it was just a missed startup app when switching from gnome to xfce | 00:03 |
silliness | warbler, what | 00:04 |
warbler | sorry to much reading | 00:04 |
silliness | didn't switch | 00:04 |
silliness | rdp | 00:06 |
silliness | oops | 00:06 |
Ryuho | rdp.. remote desktop protocol? | 00:06 |
silliness | yes | 00:06 |
Ryuho | maybe i should try with that | 00:06 |
silliness | that was typo on my part | 00:07 |
Ryuho | i know, wrong window | 00:07 |
silliness | wrong machine | 00:08 |
warbler | Ryuho: simple question - why the change to xfce? | 00:10 |
Ryuho | my tablet isn't that powerful | 00:10 |
Ryuho | 1.1gh cpu 1gb ram integrated graphics | 00:10 |
warbler | I'm the opp to you - xfce is on the server - pent 3 | 00:12 |
Ryuho | heh | 00:15 |
Ryuho | my main compy is xp | 00:15 |
Ryuho | <= gamer | 00:15 |
Ryuho | haha uhh my /etc/vnc.confg is all commented | 00:16 |
Ryuho | like.. everything starts with # | 00:16 |
Ryuho | is that normal? | 00:16 |
warbler | Ryuho: I'll check | 00:20 |
warbler | mine on the gnome host is all commented | 00:21 |
warbler | it's the server config file and my gnome box is not the server, so... | 00:22 |
Mark76 | Wouldn't it be great if games like the Sims and Wow just worked on Linux | 00:27 |
SpiffyBalak | well, we got Quake III | 00:27 |
Mmph | yea we need more games | 00:27 |
Mark76 | As opposed to just, worked or didn't work at all | 00:27 |
Mmph | we got ET quake wars demo :D | 00:27 |
h3sp4wn | We get ut2007 | 00:27 |
SpiffyBalak | and emulators | 00:27 |
h3sp4wn | (not the demo though yet :/) | 00:28 |
Mmph | yea mame pwnz!! | 00:28 |
Mark76 | I'm trying to persuade a friend to go Ubuntu, but the lack of support for her favourite game is making it a hard sell | 00:28 |
SpiffyBalak | what is it? | 00:28 |
Mark76 | Sime 2 | 00:28 |
Mark76 | Sims 2 | 00:28 |
Mmph | cedega might run it | 00:28 |
SpiffyBalak | I've heard good things about Cedega | 00:28 |
Mark76 | It's not even mentioned on the Cedega site | 00:28 |
Mmph | I like it except for the monthly tax | 00:29 |
Mark76 | Tax? | 00:29 |
h3sp4wn | Was it the original sims there was an actually linux port for don't remember | 00:29 |
Mmph | for support and binary installers there is a monthly fee | 00:29 |
Mark76 | How much? | 00:30 |
Mmph | think you can compile it for free tho | 00:30 |
Mmph | last I checked 5$ | 00:30 |
Mmph | about a year ago | 00:30 |
Mark76 | Whoa | 00:30 |
Mark76 | I'm surprised there's not a FOSS version of the Sims | 00:31 |
SpiffyBalak | it's the AI | 00:31 |
SpiffyBalak | hard to replicate | 00:31 |
Mark76 | Ah | 00:31 |
SpiffyBalak | hm, has anyone upgraded to Gusty yet? | 00:31 |
Mark76 | What about if we lobbied the makers for an official Linux port? | 00:31 |
SpiffyBalak | I tried to, but it took WAY to long with the update thingy | 00:32 |
SpiffyBalak | *too | 00:32 |
Mark76 | I upgraded months ago | 00:32 |
Mark76 | Well, two months ago | 00:32 |
SpiffyBalak | should I just fetch the ISO, burn, and do it with the CD? | 00:32 |
SpiffyBalak | brb | 00:33 |
warbler | everyone is trying to upgrade and everyone is complaining about the speed - I'd wait | 00:33 |
Mmph | is it possible to run the installer, and have it skip all the download stuff? | 00:34 |
Mark76 | At least I don't have to install any more updates for a while | 00:35 |
Mark76 | Not that that's a major pain | 00:35 |
Mark76 | At least I don't have to reboot after every update :D | 00:36 |
Mark76 | I wish the Gnome and KDE browsers would cut lose from Mozilla | 00:37 |
Mark76 | loose | 00:37 |
warbler | I use dillo - way quicker but hard to get used to | 00:38 |
Mmph | yea dillo is fast as hell | 00:38 |
warbler | but no java | 00:38 |
Mmph | no frames | 00:38 |
warbler | no picks | 00:38 |
Mmph | a step above Lynx :D | 00:39 |
warbler | *pics | 00:39 |
Mark76 | I use Epiphany | 00:39 |
SpiffyBalak | lynx and elinks are fun | 00:39 |
warbler | the speed is the best feature | 00:39 |
h3sp4wn | links2 -g is good (even better if you can have a card that can use radeonfb for example) | 00:39 |
h3sp4wn | with acceleration its nice enough that you don't really need X | 00:39 |
Mmph | that would be cool | 00:40 |
warbler | epiphany - never seen it - is it quick? | 00:40 |
Mark76 | I wish Epiphany had it's own configurable plugins folder | 00:40 |
Mark76 | It's decently fast | 00:40 |
Mmph | brb | 00:41 |
SpiffyBalak | wow, I just tried links2 -g | 00:41 |
Mark76 | IS Links a text browser? | 00:41 |
SpiffyBalak | yes | 00:41 |
SpiffyBalak | it reminds me of some dos proggies | 00:41 |
Mark76 | Anachrotastic! | 00:42 |
SpiffyBalak | yet useful | 00:42 |
Mark76 | What would you use a text only browser for? | 00:42 |
SpiffyBalak | browsing the net without images | 00:42 |
SpiffyBalak | some sites do that just fine | 00:42 |
SpiffyBalak | like ASSTR :P | 00:42 |
Mark76 | *Tries to imagine the net without images* | 00:43 |
h3sp4wn | SpiffyBalak: links2 -g does have images | 00:43 |
h3sp4wn | links2 without doesn't but its fine for most of what I use | 00:44 |
SpiffyBalak | it's still crazy fast | 00:44 |
Mark76 | I shall take a look at that | 00:45 |
allbert | the image i downloaded doest let me install | 00:45 |
allbert | it stuck at detecting hardware | 00:45 |
Mark76 | *Realises Albert isn't talking mock Shakespearian* | 00:46 |
Mark76 | What hardware have you go? | 00:48 |
allbert | os[Linux 2.6.22-10-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[1 x Pentium III (Coppermine) @ 798MHz] mem[Physical : 249MB, 58.9% free] disk[Total : 93.53GB, 70.60% Free] video[nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro]] sound[] | 00:48 |
allbert | i tried clean & upgrade doesn't help much | 00:49 |
Mark76 | Good God! You ahve my computer! | 00:49 |
Mark76 | Hand it back immediately you cad | 00:49 |
Mark76 | Wait... If you've got mine then whose am I usiing? :-? | 00:50 |
Mark76 | :-/ | 00:50 |
SpiffyBalak | a clone? | 00:50 |
reaVer | gimme back my PC you thief! | 00:50 |
Mark76 | Snap! | 00:51 |
Mark76 | Lol | 00:51 |
Mark76 | Though, to be fair, he does have a bigger hard drive | 00:52 |
Mark76 | Mine's only 80gbs | 00:52 |
Mark76 | Other than that they're practically identical | 00:53 |
warbler | allbert: OS's are finicky - got to burn them at a slow speed - 4x seems the best | 00:54 |
allbert | ok | 00:55 |
warbler | k | 00:55 |
warbler | . | 00:56 |
Mark76 | Can you imagine trying to run Vista on our set up? | 00:56 |
Mark76 | *shudders* | 00:56 |
warbler | I wondered what to do with my old pent three so I set up a nfs server for music and movies and torrents - do people still use 'em :p | 00:57 |
allbert | won't that burning speed affect the installation? | 00:57 |
Mark76 | I'm using a P3 right now, Warbler | 00:58 |
warbler | allbert: not at all - except there is a better chance it'll work | 00:58 |
allbert | ok thanks and i'll give it a try | 00:58 |
SpiffyBalak | uhoh, maybe I should wait even longer to upgrade | 00:59 |
Mark76 | Bit torrent? | 00:59 |
SpiffyBalak | Gutsy has problems with many ATI graphics cards, and I got one | 00:59 |
Mark76 | Ah | 00:59 |
warbler | a poor attempt at humor - five years ago they were cutting edge - no reason thy're not good now! | 00:59 |
Mark76 | Heh | 01:00 |
warbler | rtorrent | 01:00 |
Mark76 | I wonder if Amaya works yet? | 01:01 |
alnokta | the browser ? | 01:01 |
Mark76 | Yeah | 01:02 |
Mark76 | It never seems to open | 01:02 |
warbler | Amaya is intended to be a comprehensive client environment for testing and evaluating new proposals for Web standards and formats. ... - from google | 01:03 |
Mark76 | It still doesn't open | 01:04 |
Mark76 | Weird | 01:04 |
warbler | maybe it is ipv6 and not many sites are using that? - testing and evaluating... | 01:06 |
Mark76 | Could be | 01:06 |
Mark76 | How many browsers were there in the repos at the last count? | 01:06 |
warbler | says it is a web editor? | 01:06 |
alnokta | both | 01:07 |
alnokta | but it never starts on linux | 01:07 |
alnokta | for me at least | 01:07 |
Mark76 | Ditto | 01:08 |
alnokta | crashy in xp but works | 01:08 |
Mark76 | I can't get links2 to start either | 01:08 |
warbler | amaya - Featuring performer and instructor Amaya in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Includes information on the Shake and Bake Dance Festival, her videos, classes, ... maybe why it won't start... | 01:10 |
alnokta | :) | 01:11 |
Mark76 | How do you start Links2? | 01:11 |
alnokta | no idea .. tried lynx ? | 01:12 |
Mark76 | Well, Spiffy mentione Links | 01:13 |
h3sp4wn | links2 -g | 01:15 |
h3sp4wn | (or just links2 for text) | 01:15 |
Mark76 | Is that the run command? | 01:15 |
h3sp4wn | yep (presuming its installed) from cli or X | 01:16 |
h3sp4wn | thing is without an accelerated framebuffer its not that good from cli | 01:16 |
Mark76 | What's an accelerated frame buffer? | 01:17 |
h3sp4wn | just whether you have hardware acceleration in the framebuffer console or not | 01:18 |
Mark76 | Ah right | 01:18 |
h3sp4wn | vesafb isn't but radeonfb is (and some others) | 01:18 |
Mark76 | NO idea | 01:18 |
h3sp4wn | vesafb is the default | 01:18 |
alnokta | vesa is a display driver | 01:18 |
keb | a frame buffer is temporary memory for storing the image of the screen while it is being rendered. when it is ready to display it can be "flipped" on quickly while another one receives the next display frame. | 01:20 |
Mark76 | I should go to bed | 01:20 |
h3sp4wn | I should but some jack ass's are playing junk music really loud | 01:20 |
* alnokta kicks Mark76 to bed | 01:21 | |
Mark76 | Night all | 01:21 |
alnokta | night | 01:21 |
keb | night | 01:21 |
keb | is that a typo for punk music | 01:21 |
warbler | rap is junk to | 01:22 |
warbler | *too | 01:22 |
h3sp4wn | No I was going to write crap but didn't | 01:22 |
keb | i didnt know that was a genre of music. can't keep up with the younger generation :/ | 01:23 |
alnokta | use two cottons if you have to | 01:23 |
alnokta | keb, you mean crap music? | 01:23 |
h3sp4wn | Its not music these are like 35 year old gimps | 01:24 |
keb | yeah | 01:24 |
keb | gimp is only about 6 years old isnt it | 01:25 |
h3sp4wn | No style there is good music from most time periods (and styles) but this definately is not it | 01:25 |
h3sp4wn | The word originates from 1920-1925 in the US so its old enough | 01:26 |
Ryuho | i can't get vnc working | 01:28 |
warbler | Ryuho: still no luck? | 01:29 |
Ryuho | i'm under the same network | 01:29 |
Ryuho | i even installed vncserver | 01:29 |
Ryuho | and started a new x desktop | 01:29 |
Ryuho | still can't access anything | 01:29 |
keb | did you check /etc/hosts.deny and iptables settings | 01:29 |
Ryuho | no | 01:30 |
Ryuho | ill try that | 01:30 |
warbler | Ryuho: and did the dns change the ip address? | 01:30 |
Ryuho | no | 01:30 |
warbler | k | 01:30 |
Ryuho | all i know is that it works in GNOME but not in xfce | 01:30 |
Ryuho | it's probably some stupid settings, i just can't find it | 01:31 |
warbler | windows doesn't see xfce! | 01:31 |
Ryuho | but sees GNOME? | 01:31 |
Ryuho | eh, maybe ill just use gnome then | 01:31 |
keb | oh you mean it doesnt even open a window? | 01:32 |
warbler | it's seems to be a simple setting - what though? | 01:32 |
Ryuho | it acts as if there's no computer at that ip | 01:32 |
Ryuho | ya just sessioned into GNOME now it works | 01:32 |
warbler | long way away here but is it something like a different user or group? | 01:34 |
Ryuho | nope i don't even know how to change that | 01:35 |
Ryuho | so i doubt it | 01:35 |
warbler | ki | 01:36 |
warbler | *k | 01:36 |
TheBishop | Why hello thar | 01:37 |
wbadger | hi | 01:37 |
keb | good evening, your worship | 01:37 |
warbler | Ryuho: when you start the xfce session - how do you do that? -maybe there's something there | 01:38 |
Ryuho | i've done it both with cold boot, and with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE | 01:38 |
Ryuho | and CTRL+ALT+F2 and then killing xorg | 01:38 |
Ryuho | pretty sure it's just the xfce's setting | 01:38 |
TheBishop | So I'm like super new to linux... this is my second day. | 01:39 |
keb | glad to have you aboard TheBishop | 01:40 |
warbler | Ryuho: xfce is just a window manager - shouldn't interfere with the settings vnc uses normally - I would think | 01:40 |
TheBishop | I am having issues with a wireless reciever, it seems to be giving most owners problems | 01:40 |
TheBishop | Appearently there is a way to get it up and running, i just don't know where to start | 01:41 |
warbler | Ryuho: so some setting has changed during the install of xfce - is there a .vnc file in your /home folder - click view - show hidden folders | 01:41 |
Ryuho | OH | 01:42 |
Ryuho | OH CRAP | 01:42 |
Ryuho | i did install something | 01:42 |
Ryuho | kdrc | 01:42 |
warbler | ? | 01:42 |
TheBishop | i found some stuff in the ubuntu forums, but the commands seem to not be working. I don't know they dont apply to xubuntu or what, so i came in here | 01:42 |
Ryuho | i just remembered it | 01:42 |
Ryuho | apperantly it's a ... KDE app? | 01:42 |
Ryuho | lol why was it under Add/Remove GUI for GNOME? | 01:42 |
warbler | and? | 01:42 |
warbler | ? | 01:42 |
keb | TheBishop did you go into Applications, System, Network and play around there with wireless settings? | 01:43 |
warbler | TheBishop: is it broadcom? | 01:44 |
TheBishop | keb: yes | 01:44 |
TheBishop | warbler: no | 01:44 |
warbler | k | 01:44 |
warbler | which? | 01:44 |
TheBishop | Samsung 2300U | 01:44 |
TheBishop | | 01:44 |
TheBishop | I dont know id some of the commands are ubuntu specific or what. I'm not that adept yet... | 01:45 |
TheBishop | if* | 01:46 |
TheBishop | everythings fine until the sudo ndiswrapper -l cmd | 01:47 |
TheBishop | i get sudo: ndiswrapper: command not found | 01:47 |
warbler | xubuntu is ubuntu with a different window manager so they are essentially the same | 01:47 |
reindeer | Good evening to y'all. I am looking for mirror maintaining a stable variant of Ubuntu for the Mac PPC ( G3 and up ). I am looking for the CD images, not DVD. | 01:47 |
warbler | did you install ndiswrapper from synaptic package manager? | 01:48 |
TheBishop | no. | 01:49 |
warbler | TheBishop: that will be why it is not found | 01:49 |
TheBishop | ah | 01:50 |
TheBishop | ok doing it now... | 01:51 |
warbler | applications - system - synaptic package manager - then click search - and type ndiswrapper | 01:51 |
TheBishop | ok its installed | 01:51 |
warbler | follow the howto again - lol | 01:52 |
sadizm | hey guys, how do i configure xubuntu to lock the screen on lid shut? | 01:53 |
sadizm | i've installed gnome-power-preferences, but the option isn't there... | 01:54 |
reindeer | Will there be any further support for the Mac PPC platform with the latest release? | 01:55 |
TheBishop | warbler: i type the commands, but I'm not getting anything | 01:55 |
sadizm | reindeer -- the PPC CD image is in the topic :) | 01:55 |
warbler | TheBishop: does it stop at the same place? | 01:56 |
TheBishop | pretty much | 01:56 |
TheBishop | i get no response from sudo modprobe ndiswrapper (and -l) | 01:56 |
reindeer | I did, however, the content on my display is either for the AMD64 or Intel x86 platforms installed on the Macbooks, to which I own neither. | 01:57 |
sadizm | really? even the ones here? | 01:58 |
sadizm | my net's really slow (or maybe it's the server) so i can't check. | 01:59 |
reindeer | I'll refresh my browser( Firefox 2 ) with the link if I receive any unique content. | 02:00 |
warbler | TheBishop: don't do wireless myself because of the hassle - I only use linux - sorry but try google?? | 02:00 |
sadizm | there, i got the page. | 02:01 |
sadizm | did you want xubuntu for power pc? | 02:01 |
warbler | The bishop: last quest - does lspci show the card? | 02:01 |
sadizm | | 02:01 |
Foxhacker | does the new gutsy gibbon xubuntu have all the bells and whistles like regular ubuntu, and by that i mean cool desktop eyecandy with compiz and stuff | 02:01 |
reindeer | Yes, I do, sadizm. Any bones? | 02:01 |
sadizm | does that work, reindeer? | 02:02 |
TheBishop | warbler: nope | 02:03 |
Test-3R | heyheyhey whats up with screensaver | 02:03 |
Test-3R | =( | 02:03 |
keb | Test-3R : what do you mean whats up? | 02:04 |
Test-3R | norma i386 oild ati card its not workin | 02:04 |
warbler | TheBishop: that is where you have to start - sorry but I don't know more than that... | 02:04 |
Test-3R | accelleration is disabled | 02:04 |
Test-3R | screen saver jus goes black no nouthin has come up | 02:05 |
Test-3R | i have suspicion i looked up thing in screen saver it says its al GNOME now? | 02:05 |
TheBishop | warbler: well I appreciate your help. I have heard about the community, it is one of the reasons I decided to put it on my extra box | 02:05 |
Test-3R | i cant believe nobody saw it | 02:05 |
keb | if you really want to save the screen, going dark is the best option ;) | 02:05 |
Test-3R | :( | 02:05 |
Test-3R | i liek xylap tho | 02:05 |
Test-3R | fractals == winnnnn | 02:06 |
sadizm | speaking of going dark, keb, any idea how to make the screen lock upon lid close? :D | 02:06 |
TheBishop | I suppose I will tinker some more, and If i can figure it out, ill write it down or something :P | 02:06 |
Test-3R | sadizm > just set that in screensaver thing at least in Old version of this dist | 02:06 |
sadizm | yeah, i know... doesn't show here though | 02:06 |
sadizm | i've even installed gnome-power-manager but the option still isn't there | 02:07 |
reindeer | ahhhh. BONUS!!! Helps if I typed in the right URL in my browser. Gracias.\ | 02:07 |
warbler | TheBishop: that's great - the thing with linux is people in there own time do the developement so things take time and the majority gets the best support - so I use hardware that is common and no younger than 1 year old so that there is support | 02:07 |
Test-3R | wt- .... Right? =( | 02:07 |
Test-3R | i cant get the new burner app to work for me either. | 02:08 |
Test-3R | i figured out how to use "burn" bak when - but now thats gone now tooq | 02:08 |
keb | i dont know if lid-close is one of those supported acpi or apm events | 02:08 |
Test-3R | notebook Should hav Both installd | 02:09 |
sadizm | yeah... sigh... | 02:09 |
Test-3R | !screensaver | 02:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about screensaver - try searching on | 02:09 |
Test-3R | !saver | 02:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about saver - try searching on | 02:09 |
Test-3R | =((( | 02:10 |
Test-3R | !burn | 02:11 |
ubotu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 02:11 |
sadizm | ack. gnome users can use gconf-editor to do the lid thing. | 02:11 |
sadizm | is there an xfce counterpart for that? | 02:12 |
Test-3R | "One call Does it All ! w/ Adv. Medicl Support!!!!11111" | 02:12 |
Test-3R | - from my TV. =O | 02:12 |
reindeer | Sadizm, I have a prime ISO connection with your link. Gracias a ti, Senor, for your assistance. | 02:14 |
keb | !xscreensaver | 02:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xscreensaver - try searching on | 02:15 |
sadizm | you're welcome, reindeer :D | 02:15 |
keb | hmm Brasero isnt mentioned in that list | 02:16 |
reindeer | Have a great eve, all. Take care and have a nice weekend. | 02:18 |
reindeer | I'm outta here. | 02:18 |
keb | sadizm do you have a file called /apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/blank_screen | 02:19 |
sadizm | where do i find /apps? | 02:21 |
keb | this page mentions a true/false setting | 02:21 |
keb | no idea | 02:21 |
keb | i dont have a laptop | 02:21 |
sadizm | haha =P | 02:21 |
sadizm | mmm... looks like a switch in gconf-editor... | 02:22 |
warbler | I just found reindeer's cd image and he's fled... | 02:23 |
keb | email it to the north pole | 02:23 |
warbler | can santa's reindeer read? | 02:24 |
sadizm | haha, he actually sounded spanish. | 02:24 |
sadizm | an outsourced reindeer? | 02:25 |
warbler | wouldn't suprise me - so much is outsourced these days... | 02:25 |
Ryuho | "assistive technology support has been requested for this session" anyone get that before? | 02:26 |
warbler | donner. blitzen, jose? | 02:26 |
TheBishop | lol? | 02:27 |
=== DM is now known as Delvien | ||
warbler | lots of luck | 02:27 |
TheBishop | haha eeeh | 02:30 |
sadizm | Ryuho, there's an expired ticket at launchpad. Looks inconclusive. | 02:32 |
sadizm | | 02:32 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 74249 in at-spi "Bug when we start Feisty : trouble with at-spi" [High,Invalid] | 02:32 |
Ryuho | hm | 02:32 |
Ryuho | thanks | 02:32 |
sadizm | :) | 02:33 |
Test-3R | sudo apt-get install xscreensaver | 02:34 |
keb | Reading package lists... Done | 02:35 |
keb | er | 02:35 |
edward | In the new upgrade where is "power management"? | 02:38 |
warbler | is there a terminal command for the screensaver - my GUI ignores everything I do | 02:38 |
keb | i type xlock | 02:39 |
ThePub | Is there a good comprehensive document regarding getting xinerama back up an running with xubuntu and gutsy? | 02:39 |
sadizm | hi edward, you have to install gnome-power-manager. | 02:39 |
edward | okey i'll try that | 02:40 |
keb | warbler did you add the "Action Buttons" to the panel? | 02:40 |
sadizm | edward: after that it should show under applications>settings>screensaver preferences | 02:40 |
edward | :) | 02:40 |
warbler | only have quit as an option | 02:40 |
warbler | keb | 02:40 |
keb | warbler : when you press that quit button, it should pop up a window with some choices | 02:41 |
warbler | keb: quit lock etc - nothing about the screensaver - it activates after ten min no matter what I do | 02:42 |
keb | oic | 02:42 |
keb | what about in Applications, Settings, Screensaver | 02:43 |
keb | there is a time setting | 02:43 |
warbler | keb: bios is set to do nothing never and have tried everything else except command line | 02:43 |
keb | hmm i thought linux bypassed the bios | 02:44 |
warbler | you're right - just trying everything | 02:45 |
warbler | found a command and added it to startup - xscreensaver-command -deactivate - should make movies more enjoyable.. | 02:53 |
keb | hehe | 02:55 |
warbler | should stop the teenagers winging... | 02:57 |
Ryuho | what do i have to kill to restart wifi connection? | 02:59 |
sadizm | try Alt+F2 then run nm-applet. | 03:00 |
sadizm | haha, just randomly typed it in now. | 03:00 |
sadizm | the applet should show up in your tray. | 03:01 |
JRlinux | Is Xubuntu a good choice for my old AMD K6 laptop -- 350 mHz, 160 MB RAM, 6 GB hard drive??? | 03:02 |
o7andrew | yup | 03:03 |
JRlinux | OK | 03:03 |
JRlinux | I will download it and give it a try. | 03:03 |
warbler | I run xubuntu on an old k5 - xubuntu asks for 106 ram for the live cd then less is ok | 03:04 |
warbler | *196 | 03:04 |
JRlinux | uh oh. 160 won't run the live CD ? | 03:04 |
JRlinux | I hate to install a distro I have not tried live. | 03:06 |
warbler | it will just be very slow | 03:07 |
JRlinux | warbler, but it would speed up with installation? That is what I would like-- a faster distro than what I have. | 03:09 |
JRlinux | It is now running KDE on a Mepis installation and it is SLOW. | 03:10 |
warbler | after install it will be quicker - the live cd uses more resources naturally - running the cd and loading all to mem to show the OS | 03:11 |
JRlinux | Right | 03:11 |
warbler | my k5 isn't quick - but is acceptable | 03:12 |
JRlinux | And the window manager is Xfce? | 03:12 |
warbler | that is why it is xubuntu - xfce on ubuntu base - xfce uses less resources | 03:12 |
JRlinux | I thought so. Thanks | 03:13 |
warbler | k | 03:13 |
warbler | lol | 03:13 |
JRlinux | I have been trying kubuntu on my AMD 64. I like it, but I am not smart enough to install Java and flash. I will try again. | 03:14 |
JRlinux | Gotta have flash and java. I will want to install it on Xubuntu | 03:15 |
warbler | I have read on various chats and forums about people having the same issue - never had to do that - what do you do that makes it necessary? | 03:16 |
JRlinux | I like some simple online games... like Yahtzee and crosswords... and various things like youtube which require flash. | 03:17 |
warbler | youtube will work ok if you set firefox to use your OS's media player | 03:18 |
JRlinux | Ah, OK. Thanks | 03:18 |
warbler | maybe some extra codecs | 03:18 |
JRlinux | I really like these solitaires. You can't run them without java ==> | 03:20 |
warbler | just clicked the link and it asked to download additional plugins - does that work on your's? | 03:21 |
JRlinux | No, the additional plugins do not work for me. | 03:21 |
warbler | I'll try them | 03:22 |
warbler | try the manual install - links to mozilla (if your in firefox) then install java | 03:23 |
JRlinux | warbler, I tried that without success. | 03:24 |
JRlinux | But I am not the greatest downloader/installer. | 03:24 |
keb | make sure to restart firefox after installing any plugins | 03:24 |
JRlinux | It likes Fedora and a couple other distros, but does not seem to like Debian types. | 03:25 |
warbler | they seem to be rpm based... | 03:25 |
JRlinux | Right | 03:25 |
warbler | in synaptic there are java add ons | 03:26 |
JRlinux | I guess so | 03:26 |
JRlinux | #kubuntu gave me some directions-- enabling "universe" and "multiverse" repos... but ... sigh... I got lost. I will try again. | 03:27 |
warbler | open synaptic then choose from the top menu - settings - repositories and scroll through | 03:28 |
warbler | then click search - java - seven options from my synaptic | 03:28 |
JRlinux | warbler, OK, I will go through it again. Gotta go to TV now-- 2 1/2 men followed by Bill Maher... Thanks!!!! | 03:29 |
warbler | k | 03:29 |
TheBishop | Hey warbler | 03:29 |
warbler | yep | 03:29 |
warbler | TheBishop: ? | 03:29 |
TheBishop | do you know why my external ntsf hd wont mount? | 03:29 |
warbler | TheBishop: not from here but I might be able to give pointers... :) | 03:30 |
warbler | first step - /etc/fstab is a file that will show how things are mounted - what is in there? | 03:31 |
warbler | TheBishop: ? | 03:35 |
TheBishop | sorry | 03:36 |
TheBishop | people in vent bugging me | 03:36 |
warbler | k | 03:36 |
TheBishop | what do you need? the /dev/s? | 03:37 |
warbler | nope - in /etc/fstab - there will be a line that lists your xp partition | 03:38 |
TheBishop | no xp partition | 03:38 |
TheBishop | its on a separate box | 03:38 |
warbler | easy way to get to /etc/fstab needed? | 03:38 |
warbler | ok | 03:38 |
warbler | vncing yes? | 03:39 |
keb | if it is external via usb it might show up as /dev/sda1 | 03:39 |
keb | the automounter should handle that part | 03:39 |
TheBishop | i have hda1, hda5, hdd, and fd0 | 03:39 |
keb | from the user point of view it might appear as /media/disk | 03:40 |
geoff_ | how do i enable desktop effects on a fresh xubuntu gutsy install? | 03:40 |
keb | you can type dmesg to see what events are happening when it is connected | 03:40 |
warbler | TheBishop: are you on the tablet now? | 03:41 |
TheBishop | hm? | 03:41 |
warbler | tablet pc to not offend | 03:41 |
TheBishop | no its not a tablet... | 03:41 |
TheBishop | i have 2 boxes/monitors set up | 03:41 |
zado | ugh the ubuntu channel is a circus | 03:42 |
Ryuho | lol | 03:42 |
TheBishop | lol? | 03:42 |
warbler | ok - how are you accessing the xp comp? - nfs - samba etc ? | 03:42 |
TheBishop | i r neww | 03:42 |
zado | like you ask for help and it gets downed out by everyone else | 03:42 |
warbler | lots of luck - lol | 03:43 |
TheBishop | no its my windows computer. separate box and monitor from my xubuntu box | 03:43 |
TheBishop | i have 2 computers | 03:43 |
TheBishop | im on both atm | 03:43 |
geoff_ | no one knows how to enable desktop effects on a fresh install of xubuntu gutsy? | 03:43 |
keb | TheBishop how is the external hd connected to your ubuntu computer? | 03:43 |
warbler | and you must have a protocol for mounting them to each other | 03:43 |
keb | geoff_ check Applications, Settings. there might be a menu for it there | 03:44 |
TheBishop | keb: usb | 03:44 |
zado | geoff_, sorry don't have xubuntu installed | 03:44 |
geoff_ | anyone know the startup command for compiz-fusion? | 03:44 |
warbler | geoff_: there is a chat - #compiz-fusion - that might give more help | 03:45 |
zado | compiz --replace in ALT+F2 | 03:45 |
TheBishop | my external shows up, when i try to open, it say cannot mount. | 03:45 |
geoff_ | nvm its not installed by default | 03:46 |
geoff_ | sudo apt-get install compiz ftw | 03:46 |
zado | that'll do it | 03:46 |
keb | TheBishop what do you mean it shows up | 03:46 |
zado | Is you external NTFS? | 03:46 |
TheBishop | yes | 03:47 |
zado | did you unmount it correctly? | 03:47 |
TheBishop | keb: desktop/file system icons | 03:47 |
zado | i get the same error when i do not | 03:47 |
warbler | TheBishop: thought you said 2boxes/monitors? | 03:47 |
TheBishop | im pretty sure | 03:47 |
TheBishop | yeah | 03:47 |
TheBishop | I have one computer Windows/Monitor, and my Xubuntu/Monitor is on the same desk | 03:48 |
TheBishop | So I am on both | 03:48 |
zado | lucky you | 03:48 |
warbler | TheBishop: external means a usb harddrive | 03:48 |
zado | obly have this notebook.. | 03:48 |
TheBishop | warbler: yes | 03:48 |
warbler | TheBishop: so two seperate comps and you want to connect them to each other? | 03:49 |
TheBishop | zado: my xubuntu box is an 8 year old frankenstein compaq | 03:49 |
TheBishop | warbler: no | 03:49 |
zado | so is the one I have waaay back home | 03:49 |
zado | compaq too | 03:50 |
TheBishop | I just want to use my external hard drive on my linux box | 03:50 |
warbler | k | 03:50 |
warbler | TheBishop: and you get a desktop icon? | 03:50 |
TheBishop | and I cant find my flash drive, that would make it easier im sure | 03:51 |
TheBishop | yes | 03:51 |
warbler | right click and seect properties and what does it say | 03:51 |
warbler | *select | 03:51 |
TheBishop | wont let me open properties | 03:52 |
TheBishop | its connected but not mounted | 03:52 |
zado | well try mounting it on windows and using "safetly remove hardware" if you haven't already | 03:52 |
TheBishop | i have | 03:52 |
TheBishop | could it be the certain usb port? | 03:53 |
warbler | even readonly partitions let you check properties | 03:54 |
warbler | is your user allowed to access external drives? | 03:54 |
TheBishop | im pretty sure, im the only user, but i will check | 03:55 |
warbler | k | 03:55 |
TheBishop | yes i have access | 03:55 |
zado | hmm I'm trying to remember a solution used in windows to fix this.... | 03:58 |
warbler | in a terminal type - sudo chmod ug+rwx (you:you) /dev/(name) - where (you:you) is your user name: your user name and (name) is what the device is shown as when you right click the icon | 03:59 |
TheBishop | syntac error near unexpected tokem `(' | 04:01 |
TheBishop | sytax* | 04:01 |
zado | i dont think you need the parenthesis? | 04:03 |
warbler | yep the brackets aren't needed - there to clarify but often confuse - sorry | 04:04 |
TheBishop | ok its up | 04:09 |
warbler | you can get access? | 04:09 |
TheBishop | i had to freaking unmount from windows 3 times before it recognized | 04:09 |
TheBishop | yes | 04:09 |
zado | lol | 04:09 |
warbler | happy for you | 04:09 |
TheBishop | yay | 04:10 |
keb | how did you get it to physically connect to both windows and linux computers at the same time | 04:10 |
warbler | yah | 04:10 |
TheBishop | it wasnt | 04:10 |
TheBishop | ... | 04:10 |
TheBishop | what I plan on doing, when I set up my network, is to have most media on my xp computer up for sharing on my linux box, since it doesnt have the hdd to accomodate some 40-50 gigs of music/movies | 04:11 |
TheBishop | and when I need to put something on my linux box, just share, if that wont work, use my external hd | 04:12 |
warbler | I use nfs as the easiest way to share movies/music between comps - need a howto? | 04:12 |
TheBishop | maybe later on tonight, i hope to get all this set up fairly quick now that this disk works | 04:14 |
warbler | k | 04:17 |
rajes1 | Hi everyone | 04:27 |
rajes1 | upgraded to Gusty | 04:27 |
rajes1 | not able to run a few applications such as Open Office, document viewer, terminal etc... | 04:28 |
rajes1 | anyone having similar problems? | 04:29 |
zado | yes | 04:30 |
zado | open office is crashing a lot | 04:30 |
rajes1 | Hi Zado... | 04:30 |
zado | hi, rajes1 | 04:30 |
rajes1 | in my case it starts opening...but doesn't really starts fully... | 04:31 |
rajes1 | you know the solution? | 04:31 |
zado | I have seen people on the forums remove it completly and then reinstall, however I've also seen people who have done this and it made the problem worse | 04:32 |
rajes1 | I am not even able to open Synaptic packet manager.. | 04:33 |
zado | for me, its not allowing me to install any of the application i want, keeps saying either not made for i386 or there are conflicting packages | 04:33 |
rajes1 | I get the following message when I open synaptic..E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 04:35 |
rajes1 | E: _cache->open() failed, please report | 04:35 |
rajes1 | and then when I try to start terminal, computer freezes | 04:35 |
zado | and you wonder why its called Gusty? lol | 04:36 |
zado | I think a 6 month dev cycle is, too short to revamp and operating system. | 04:37 |
rajes1 | i agree... | 04:38 |
tonyyarusso | !gusty | zado, rajes1 | 04:38 |
ubotu | zado, rajes1: It is spelt !guTSy :) | 04:38 |
zado | !gusty | 04:38 |
zado | BangGusty! | 04:38 |
rajes1 | are right tonyya... | 04:39 |
tonyyarusso | :P | 04:39 |
rajes1 | need to have some guts to handle it.. | 04:39 |
zado | fesity service pack 1 please... | 04:40 |
Ryuho | lol | 04:44 |
rajes1 | looks like all rookies here... | 04:44 |
zado | not so much | 04:44 |
zado | maybe rookie +2 | 04:45 |
rajes1 | sorry Zado...looks like you have been a long time ubuntu fan... | 04:46 |
rajes1 | ..and user.. | 04:46 |
zado | lol the fan has stopped blowing with Gutsy | 04:46 |
zado | I like the Release and what not, however it feels like Feisty Fawn all over again | 04:47 |
scriptdevil | well.. it looks really stupid... but my mirror has got the gutsy release... but my update manager is not showing me upgrade-distribution | 05:16 |
scriptdevil | any clues? | 05:18 |
scriptdevil | anyone home???? | 05:22 |
zado | hmm | 05:22 |
zado | one method is download the alternate install cd and use to to upgrade | 05:24 |
scriptdevil | hmm zado it possible to do it without a cd.. | 05:26 |
scriptdevil | i dont have a writer atm, i lost the write head... | 05:26 |
zado | as in mounting the iso image? | 05:26 |
zado | : a guide to mounting images | 05:28 |
scriptdevil | zado: thats neat.. thanks./. did not strike me :-| | 05:30 |
zado | A word oc caution though, Gutsy has a few problems at the moment | 05:31 |
scriptdevil | zado: so.. you suggest i wait? | 05:31 |
zado | Yes, but its up to you | 05:32 |
zado | Some peoblems that I've had were openoffice crashing, Add/Remove not allowing me to install applications, and other people have had various other problems | 05:32 |
scriptdevil | well.. i dunno why update manager is not showing me the dist upgrade option.. the manual said it would | 05:34 |
scriptdevil | i am not a noob.. so i can do it in another way... but... i wonder if my PC is missing something.. | 05:34 |
zado | maybe its a glitch, maybe its disabled by some greater power, i usually never upgrade | 05:35 |
scriptdevil | well.. zado .. u always download the disk and upgrade from it? | 05:36 |
zado | no, I fresh install | 05:37 |
scriptdevil | hmmm.. and keep the home? | 05:38 |
scriptdevil | well.. will do that... sounds crazy... especially after being in rolling distros for half my life | 05:39 |
zado | I did the /home partion once, i didn't for Feisty since my ubuntu partition is only temp | 05:39 |
zado | I use ubuntu in my spare time, waiting for the day Adobe releases their god forsaken programs on linux | 05:40 |
scriptdevil | zado: that is not my case.. linux is my workstation | 05:41 |
zado | nice, I'm hoping to completly move over. | 05:42 |
zado | And since linux is your workstation, you are much better of not upgrading to Gutsy right away | 05:43 |
scriptdevil | ok.. will not for the time being | 05:47 |
scriptdevil | but sbcl doesnt seem to be available on mine.. i unno why.. i enabled universe | 05:47 |
scriptdevil | wellwell zado i have a question.. can you upgrade your distro only if you current is up to date? | 05:54 |
scriptdevil | i have about 100mb of security fixes i have not installed for fiesty | 05:54 |
zado | i think you have to be up to date to upgrade, but it couldn't hurt to try | 05:55 |
scriptdevil | well. okie | 05:58 |
scriptdevil | anyway... i would need those fixes | 05:58 |
scriptdevil | :D | 05:58 |
scriptdevil | normally when does vinze come ol? | 05:59 |
zado | no clue | 06:00 |
briantumor | what're the sys requirements for running xubuntu | 06:05 |
sadiz | ack. help guys, i can't log out of my session. x_X | 06:18 |
sadiz | something about no session managers running. | 06:19 |
sadiz | i found this, but the fix is kinda cryptic: | 06:19 |
sadiz | any ideas? | 06:20 |
sledmouth | hello? | 06:25 |
sledmouth | hey, cannot get flash to work with pulse on amd64 with 7.10 | 06:26 |
=== sadiz is now known as sadizm | ||
Deformation | hello | 06:56 |
The-Kernel | hello Deformation!!!!! | 06:56 |
Deformation | I need some help, any gutsy xubuntu here? | 06:56 |
Deformation | The-Kernel: i upgraded to gutsy yesterday, and since that i can not access my external ntfs hard disk, its not showing | 06:57 |
The-Kernel | is ntfs-3g installed? | 06:59 |
The-Kernel | I think that's what it's called | 06:59 |
The-Kernel | you might have to reinstall your ntfs support | 06:59 |
The-Kernel | also you should check out your fstab | 06:59 |
Deformation | yes its installed, i even removed it and reinstalled in again | 06:59 |
Deformation | whats fstab? | 06:59 |
The-Kernel | it's where all the info goes as to how to mount partitions | 06:59 |
Deformation | there is a package in synaptic, its called xffm4-fstab | 07:00 |
Deformation | is this it? | 07:00 |
The-Kernel | no idea what that is | 07:00 |
The-Kernel | nano /etc/fstab | 07:01 |
Deformation | thats what it says in the discritiption : Mount/fstab plugin for Xffm | 07:01 |
Deformation | The FSTAB plugin keeps track of the mount points listed in /etc/fstab and | 07:01 |
Deformation | allows you to easily mount or unmount these volumes with the popup menu, | 07:01 |
Deformation | while navigating through the filesystem. | 07:01 |
The-Kernel | ls /media | 07:02 |
The-Kernel | first check that | 07:02 |
The-Kernel | tell me what it says | 07:02 |
Deformation | can i paste what it says here? | 07:02 |
Deformation | i mean the nano fstab | 07:02 |
The-Kernel | no | 07:02 |
The-Kernel | | 07:02 |
The-Kernel | | 07:03 |
Cable86 | !pastebin | 07:03 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:03 |
The-Kernel | right, pastebin it | 07:03 |
The-Kernel | that'll work too | 07:03 |
Deformation | ok, i will paste both there, 1 sec | 07:04 |
The-Kernel | ok gotta go | 07:05 |
Deformation | :( | 07:06 |
Deformation | anyone can help me here please? | 07:11 |
ActySofts | I got some problems with the sound | 07:12 |
sadizm | hey deformation, i don't know much about this myself, but google found this: | 07:12 |
ActySofts | I don't hear anything and aumix doesn't work at all (when I try to set keyboard shortcuts it says it can't find the command 'aumix') | 07:12 |
Deformation | sadizm: thanks i will check it out now | 07:13 |
sadizm | hey actysofts, do you have the volume control on your panel? | 07:14 |
ActySofts | oh yeah, I'm using amarok, maybe it needs the kde services to be started? | 07:14 |
ActySofts | nope | 07:14 |
sadizm | right-click panel, add new item, look for volume control | 07:14 |
ActySofts | let's see | 07:15 |
ActySofts | hmm, it was at about 80% | 07:15 |
ActySofts | and my speaks are at max | 07:15 |
ActySofts | *speakers | 07:15 |
ActySofts | aumix isn't installed by default yet the standard keyboard shortcuts need it | 07:16 |
sadizm | but you still get no sound? | 07:16 |
ActySofts | let's see now | 07:17 |
ActySofts | nope | 07:17 |
sadizm | oh, is it a new installation? | 07:17 |
ActySofts | yes | 07:17 |
sadizm | maybe you don't have the codecs yet. | 07:17 |
ActySofts | well I installed them of course | 07:17 |
ActySofts | and no codecs to play ogg? come on | 07:17 |
sadizm | XD | 07:17 |
ActySofts | it worked before shutting it down to go to sleep :S | 07:18 |
sadizm | yikes. | 07:18 |
ActySofts | even funnier, I restarted it a zillion times and it worked | 07:18 |
sadizm | i won't be much help there. x_X | 07:18 |
ActySofts | i'll try with my 2nd sound card | 07:18 |
sadizm | no one seems to be online right now, if it still doesn't work i guess you could try the forums. | 07:19 |
ActySofts | nope =( | 07:19 |
ActySofts | could the guys from #ubuntu help me? | 07:19 |
Deformation | sadizm: no luck | 07:19 |
ActySofts | since xubuntu runs xfce and everything else is almost the same | 07:19 |
sadizm | actysofts: yeah, you could try that. | 07:20 |
ActySofts | thanks | 07:20 |
sadizm | hmm, hold on a bit, deformation. | 07:20 |
Deformation | sadizm: ok | 07:20 |
sadizm | might this be of any help? | 07:22 |
ActySofts | heh they're another guy in the ubnutu room with sound problems | 07:23 |
ActySofts | also, how can I stop ff from stealing focus? it's extremely annoying | 07:23 |
sadizm | haha, at least you're not alone =P | 07:24 |
sadizm | stealing focus? maybe it's a website thing. | 07:24 |
ActySofts | no, when starting firefox | 07:24 |
ActySofts | I click the icon and boom it appears after a few secs | 07:25 |
sadizm | haha | 07:25 |
sadizm | don't all apps do that? =P | 07:25 |
ActySofts | no | 07:25 |
ActySofts | only ff & tb do that, and all focus stealing prevention is activated...and it's worse than in windows | 07:26 |
Deformation | sadizm: i am really a complete noob in manual mounting | 07:26 |
Deformation | sadizm: feisty used to do that automatically | 07:26 |
ActySofts | gutsy does that too | 07:27 |
sadizm | i'm not really sure what the deal is with ntfs drives... | 07:28 |
Deformation | not in my case | 07:29 |
sadizm | either they didn't shut down properly or you have to manually mount them | 07:29 |
ActySofts | they're mounting with full support over here | 07:30 |
ActySofts | automatically | 07:30 |
ActySofts | yaaay fixed :D | 07:33 |
sadizm | woot. | 07:33 |
Deformation | i canot love with gutsy anymore | 07:34 |
ActySofts | why? | 07:34 |
Deformation | i think i will do a format and back to feisty | 07:34 |
ActySofts | try asking in #ubuntu | 07:34 |
ActySofts | they got way more people to help | 07:34 |
Deformation | | 07:35 |
ActySofts | and the good think 'bout GNU/Linux is that you can find help everywhere | 07:35 |
Deformation | thats a list of some of the problems i am facing since less than 12 hours | 07:35 |
ActySofts | let's see | 07:35 |
Deformation | yesterday i spent more than 12 hours with differant people here at irc with no single error fixed | 07:35 |
Deformation | i am wondering why did they release gutsy with xubuntu if its not stable yet | 07:37 |
Deformation | its really a nightmare | 07:37 |
ActySofts | hmm, I don't think ntfs is enabled for external devices | 07:37 |
ActySofts | did you try ntfs-3g? | 07:37 |
ActySofts | !ntfs-3g | 07:37 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at | 07:37 |
Deformation | what do you mean by try? | 07:38 |
Deformation | its already installed by default, i even re installed it | 07:38 |
ActySofts | did you install ntfs-3g? | 07:38 |
ActySofts | oh... | 07:38 |
Deformation | i can read my windows parti | 07:38 |
ActySofts | strange... | 07:38 |
Deformation | but no luck with the external harddisk | 07:38 |
ActySofts | I guess something went wrong during installation, did you check the cd for defects and did a memory test? | 07:39 |
Deformation | another issue, why is downloader for X not working!!! | 07:39 |
Deformation | i am trying to download feisty iso with it, it just crashes and doesnt showup | 07:39 |
Deformation | i didnt install from a cd | 07:39 |
Deformation | upgrade from update manager | 07:40 |
ActySofts | oh | 07:40 |
ActySofts | try a fresh install | 07:40 |
ActySofts | I don't have any ideas | 07:40 |
Deformation | then i will have to do a format right? | 07:40 |
ActySofts | do you have your /home on a separate partition? | 07:41 |
Deformation | no, its on the same partition | 07:41 |
ActySofts | ouch | 07:41 |
ActySofts | you'll have to set up everything again | 07:41 |
Deformation | i cant copy and paste it again on the fresh install? | 07:41 |
ActySofts | unless you got windows and partition magic | 07:42 |
ActySofts | you could from another os | 07:42 |
Deformation | noooo, i dont want anything related to windows | 07:42 |
ActySofts | then you can't | 07:42 |
Deformation | i have xp , but i dont want it to deal with my linux | 07:42 |
Deformation | ok, then comes the question | 07:42 |
Deformation | i hope you are ok with me asking alot of question? | 07:42 |
ActySofts | there is a driver for windows to read ext2 partitions and it works like a charm | 07:43 |
Deformation | i have it installed, its working fine also | 07:43 |
ActySofts | no problem, I ask a lot regarding ti linux stuff | 07:43 |
ActySofts | *regarding linux | 07:43 |
Deformation | great, then give me an advice regarding this : | 07:43 |
Deformation | i am running my laptop/double boot xp/xubuntu | 07:44 |
dooglus | when I upgraded to gutsy, the volume control vanished. I can't re-add it to the panel. Any ideas? | 07:44 |
Deformation | the hard disk is divided into 2 partitions (before i get into xubuntu) | 07:44 |
Deformation | just a sec, | 07:44 |
ActySofts | hmm, that's strange x_X | 07:44 |
Deformation | dooglus: you are under the human theme right? | 07:44 |
ActySofts | no, the xfce 4.2 one | 07:45 |
dooglus | Deformation: I don't think so. Everything's blue | 07:45 |
Deformation | change it to industrial and try to ad it | 07:45 |
Deformation | i failed to add any bar on the panel in some themes | 07:46 |
Deformation | worked under the industrial | 07:46 |
dooglus | no difference | 07:46 |
ActySofts | it works under xfce's 4.2 one, too, as well as all other themes | 07:46 |
Deformation | ActySofts, you have to add it under the human theme to see if it can add or not | 07:47 |
Deformation | yesterday i conformed it as a bug with other users | 07:47 |
Deformation | you cant add any bar to the panel under the human, outdoors theme | 07:47 |
dooglus | what's the package and/or binary name for the xfce volume control? | 07:48 |
ActySofts | heh, now it doesn't show up, it did last time I tried O.o | 07:48 |
Deformation | go synaptic do a search on xfce | 07:48 |
Deformation | you will find the package there | 07:48 |
Deformation | see :/ | 07:48 |
Deformation | any bar which is graded cannot appear on the xubuntu panel | 07:49 |
dooglus | it shows 95 packages | 07:49 |
ActySofts | lol | 07:49 |
Deformation | if you restart it will disappear again | 07:49 |
Deformation | dooglus: wait a sec | 07:50 |
dooglus | Deformation: I see lots of bars on the panel - cpu, network, memory, swap. | 07:50 |
Deformation | xfce4-mixer | 07:52 |
Deformation | thats it | 07:52 |
dooglus | if I search for 'xfce plugin' that limits the list to 35 | 07:52 |
Deformation | you will get 2 resultas one normal and the other one with alsa | 07:52 |
Deformation | install both | 07:52 |
dooglus | isn't xfce4-mixer the thing that runs when you click the volume control? | 07:53 |
ActySofts | also, do you have a multimedia keyboard? | 07:53 |
dooglus | not the thing that draws the volume control in the panel? | 07:53 |
Deformation | well,.. | 07:53 |
dooglus | ActySofts: I've never seen or heard it do anything special | 07:53 |
Deformation | Xfce4 Mixer frontend | 07:53 |
Deformation | This is the frontend for mixer settings delivered together | 07:53 |
Deformation | with the Xfce4 desktop environment. It does the same jobs | 07:53 |
Deformation | other mixer frontends do but is integrated into the Xfce4 | 07:53 |
Deformation | desktop as a plugin for the Xfce4 main panel. | 07:53 |
ActySofts | it's a keyboard with volume keys and that stuff >.> | 07:53 |
Deformation | thats what it says in the description | 07:53 |
Deformation | its integrated as a panel plugin | 07:54 |
dooglus | ActySofts: the keyboard is built in to the laptop. the laptop has lots of sockets and buttons and stuff | 07:54 |
ActySofts | oh... | 07:54 |
dooglus | ActySofts: I don't see a volume control button though. | 07:54 |
Deformation | so Actysofts, back to my question | 07:55 |
ActySofts | yea? | 07:55 |
dooglus | I see buttons for brightness down and brightness up. only brightness down works, which is annoying. I have to reboot to turn it back up. | 07:55 |
Deformation | in my laptop i have the harddisk divided into 2 partitions ( before xubuntu) | 07:55 |
Deformation | 30 gb | 07:55 |
Deformation | and 10 gb | 07:55 |
ActySofts | yes | 07:55 |
Deformation | i installed the xubuntu on the 10 gb | 07:55 |
Deformation | so now when i want to do a fresh install of xubuntu | 07:56 |
Deformation | can i increase the size of that 10gb like into 20 gb without formatting the windows partition? | 07:56 |
ActySofts | yes, with partition magic | 07:56 |
Deformation | i mean like stealing 10gb from windows partition without formatting it | 07:56 |
ActySofts | I'm not sure if there are any partitioners that can do that | 07:57 |
Deformation | gparted cant do that? | 07:57 |
ActySofts | no idea | 07:57 |
ActySofts | I'm done it, I stole a few gigs from the windows one to have more space for xubuntu and it worked like a charm | 07:57 |
dooglus | I've done it with gparted before | 07:57 |
dooglus | and with qtparted | 07:57 |
ActySofts | I'm not sure if it can safely shrick ntfs partitions | 07:57 |
ActySofts | *shrink | 07:58 |
dooglus | nothing can do it safely, not even partition magic | 07:58 |
Deformation | dooglus: was it gparted live cd? | 07:58 |
dooglus | but gparted can do it dangerously, just like partition magic can | 07:58 |
ActySofts | it does...unless you cut the power | 07:58 |
dooglus | ActySofts: I've had partition magic completely trash an ntfs partition before - it just crashed part-way through | 07:58 |
ActySofts | ouch | 07:59 |
dooglus | Deformation: no, it was a hdd install of debian I think | 07:59 |
dooglus | Deformation: but it shouldn't matter | 07:59 |
ActySofts | haven't had any problems with it since I first used it 3 years ago | 07:59 |
Deformation | i have gparted installed in my xubuntu | 07:59 |
Deformation | can i use it from here? | 07:59 |
ActySofts | not sure, ask in #ubuntu | 07:59 |
dooglus | Deformation: do a backup first because resizing any partition can lose data | 08:00 |
ActySofts | make sure the ntfs partition is defragmented | 08:00 |
dooglus | I have a whole bunch of processes running looking like this: | 08:00 |
dooglus | chris 6621 6026 0 08:47 ? 00:00:00 [xfce4-mixer-plu] <defunct> | 08:00 |
Deformation | oh what a mess.. | 08:00 |
Deformation | i hate you gutsy!!! | 08:00 |
* dooglus hates gutsy too | 08:01 | |
Deformation | now i am like a suicide commander, have nothing to loose | 08:01 |
Deformation | brb i have to restart | 08:06 |
Eagle_101 | is their an ftp mirror that has this? | 08:59 |
zoredache | 5~mirror for what? | 09:06 |
Eagle_101 | zoredache: to download gutsy | 09:11 |
Eagle_101 | ftp is about 20-40 times faster then ftp where I'm at. | 09:11 |
Eagle_101 | (35kb/s http) compared to (1Mb/s ftp) | 09:12 |
hyper__ch | Eagle_101: use torrent | 09:13 |
Eagle_101 | can't | 09:13 |
Eagle_101 | packet shaper | 09:13 |
hyper__ch | Eagle_101: that sux | 09:14 |
hyper__ch | Eagle_101: change the ISP ;) | 09:14 |
Eagle_101 | there are ftp mirrors for kubuntu, ubuntu, and edubuntu... just not xubuntu :( | 09:14 |
hyper__ch | xubuntu desktop or alternate? | 09:15 |
Eagle_101 | alternate | 09:15 |
hyper__ch | 386? | 09:16 |
Eagle_101 | yep... don't tell me you found one | 09:17 |
Eagle_101 | O.o | 09:17 |
hyper__ch | not quite, but I can get it through torrent and then put it online | 09:17 |
hyper__ch | after seeding 300gb it took them off | 09:17 |
Eagle_101 | ah! that would be nice if you would be so kind | 09:18 |
Eagle_101 | "it took them off" | 09:18 |
Eagle_101 | who or what is this it ;) | 09:18 |
hyper__ch | deleted them from the server again | 09:18 |
hyper__ch | I took them off | 09:18 |
Eagle_101 | ah | 09:18 |
Eagle_101 | it would be nice if you would, but it won't kill me either way :) | 09:19 |
Eagle_101 | I do wish the official mirrors would host xubuntu >.> | 09:19 |
hyper__ch | not a big deal | 09:19 |
Eagle_101 | they have 7.04... just not 7.10 | 09:19 |
hyper__ch | meanwhile at 300k and speeing up | 09:20 |
hyper__ch | 500kb/s | 09:20 |
Eagle_101 | oooh wow, fast! | 09:20 |
hyper__ch | 700kb/s | 09:20 |
hyper__ch | well, I seeded with around 3.5 MB/s | 09:20 |
Eagle_101 | so did you have them up as ftp, or as part of a torrent? | 09:20 |
hyper__ch | torrent | 09:20 |
Eagle_101 | I see... and its still going strong, thats impressive | 09:21 |
hyper__ch | sort of stuck now at 850kb/s | 09:21 |
hyper__ch | Eagle_101: that's an old screenshot: | 09:21 |
Eagle_101 | interesting | 09:22 |
hyper__ch | why interesting? | 09:22 |
hyper__ch | finally at 900kb/s | 09:22 |
hyper__ch | and 23% | 09:23 |
Eagle_101 | on a side note, what would it take to get xubuntu on the official mirrors? | 09:23 |
hyper__ch | 1mb/s reached | 09:23 |
hyper__ch | Eagle_101: get the mirrors to mirror it ;) | 09:24 |
Eagle_101 | hyper__ch: yeah, its odd, they have everything but xubuntu 7.10 | 09:24 |
hyper__ch | 1200kb/sd | 09:24 |
Eagle_101 | which makes me wonder if someone just forgot? | 09:24 |
hyper__ch | dunno | 09:24 |
hyper__ch | 1.4mb/s and 50% | 09:25 |
Eagle_101 | nice, reckon it will hit 2mb/s? | 09:27 |
hyper__ch | no... it's back to 1.3 | 09:28 |
hyper__ch | hash check now | 09:30 |
hyper__ch | Eagle_101: | 09:33 |
hyper__ch | try the http download there | 09:33 |
Eagle_101 | thats an http download | 09:33 |
hyper__ch | Eagle_101: but should be fast | 09:34 |
Eagle_101 | not through my packet shaper | 09:34 |
hyper__ch | why will then ftp work? | 09:34 |
Eagle_101 | comes up at a ... nice clippy pace of 40kb/s | 09:34 |
Eagle_101 | hyper__ch: because the packet shaper lets that though... don't ask | 09:35 |
* Eagle_101 does note that 40kb/s is faster then usual :) | 09:35 | |
hyper__ch | I just had 2mb/s when I tried | 09:36 |
hyper__ch | from my computer | 09:36 |
Eagle_101 | hyper__ch: Im at a university, I think they throttle http as a means of preventing myspace from getting out of hand | 09:36 |
Eagle_101 | 43.7 kb/s | 09:36 |
hyper__ch | oh well, I don't use ftp any longer | 09:37 |
Eagle_101 | hyper__ch: thats alright ;) | 09:37 |
Eagle_101 | but yes... when I get updates from synaptic, I change it from the standard http mirrors. The difference in speed is quite something | 09:37 |
Eagle_101 | what I was looking for was specifically ftp, as thats the only thing I know of that gets a decent speed through the darned shaper | 09:38 |
Eagle_101 | Thanks for your efforts however. | 09:38 |
hyper__ch | no ftp server on my server | 09:38 |
mikubuntu | is xubuntu supposed to have the compositing desktop? | 09:40 |
mchasard | hi | 09:40 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: yes, you can enable it in settings->window manager tweaks->compositor | 09:40 |
mchasard | 'm under the new xubuntu 7.10 ... wold like to getr flash under firefox ...? | 09:41 |
mchasard | how to do it ? | 09:41 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep: thx, i go try | 09:41 |
TheSheep | !flash | mchasard | 09:41 |
ubotu | mchasard: To install Flash see - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 09:41 |
damike | does anybody know if 7.10 works on a thinkpad x61 without problems? | 09:41 |
damike | the live cd doesnt ;( but maybe i have to pre-install drivers ... | 09:42 |
TheSheep | damike: you might want to check the think wiki | 09:42 |
TheSheep | damike: and search the forums | 09:43 |
damike | TheSheep, i still did all the searching ... | 09:43 |
mchasard | ok thanks ... | 09:43 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep: does it have 3d cubing? | 09:43 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: no, you need compiz for that | 09:44 |
mchasard | i can install it via repositories ...? | 09:44 |
mchasard | synaptic ? | 09:44 |
TheSheep | mchasard: yes, it's described on that page | 09:44 |
mchasard | hum ok | 09:44 |
mikubuntu | aaaahhhhhhh, thanks. i have this other 'little' problem. is there any way to preset 'unmaximised' window sizes? all my windows bleed or run offscreen, and soOOOooo annoying. like me. | 09:46 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: they should remember their last size | 09:47 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: most of the time | 09:47 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: but it depends on the app | 09:47 |
mchasard | i don't find any flash plugin in synaptic | 09:48 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: I guess you can use things like devilspie to control windows very precisely with scripts | 09:48 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep: but what if you can't even grab the edge of the window cuz its so far out? | 09:48 |
TheSheep | mchasard: enable the multiverse repository | 09:48 |
mchasard | hum ok sorry | 09:48 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: alt+shift+arrows | 09:48 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep: ok, i go try | 09:48 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: if you mean the document viewer then yes, tehre is a bug | 09:49 |
mchasard | i saw that fluxbuntu will be out in 2 days | 09:50 |
mchasard | its not the same development ...? | 09:50 |
TheSheep | no | 09:50 |
mchasard | it seems to be interesting for old config | 09:51 |
TheSheep | indeed | 09:51 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep: ok, that works, thanks... so if i change window sizes in all my regular apps they should remain persistant? | 09:52 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: it's handled by the app | 09:52 |
mchasard | i how to select multiverse ? | 09:52 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: the standard is yes, but the authors might have decided to do it differently | 09:52 |
TheSheep | !multiverse | mchasard | 09:53 |
ubotu | mchasard: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 09:53 |
mchasard | which server is it ? | 09:53 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep: ok, kool. dOH! | 09:53 |
hyper__ch | Eagle_101: how is the download going? | 09:54 |
mikubuntu | smooth scrolling not working anymore, even tho i have it enabled; don't know if that's a firefox or xub issue... | 10:01 |
mchasard | ok i just install manually | 10:02 |
mchasard | thanks | 10:03 |
mchasard | it works | 10:03 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: what do you mean 'scrolling not working'? | 10:04 |
Eagle_101 | hyper__ch: slowly :) | 10:06 |
Eagle_101 | but its comming | 10:06 |
hyper__ch | Eagle_101: ;( | 10:06 |
Eagle_101 | I | 10:06 |
Eagle_101 | I'll go take a nap | 10:06 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep: 'Smooth' scrolling, nope; it's not working since i upgraded to gutsy | 10:11 |
mikubuntu | anybody know if i can use apt-get to install opera browser? | 10:16 |
mikubuntu | never mind, its installing with gdebi | 10:19 |
Pixilarion | !opera | 10:20 |
ubotu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: | 10:20 |
Pixilarion | mikubuntu: there you go :) | 10:20 |
mikubuntu | Pixilarion: thanks | 10:21 |
Pixilarion | yw | 10:21 |
Mark76 | Gnome browsers are pretty much the red headed step children of the web surfing world, aren't they | 10:49 |
Mark76 | I mean, every distro seems to promote Firefox and even Mozilla ahead of them | 10:50 |
spozen | kubuntu doesnt include firefox | 10:53 |
Mark76 | Yeah, I should have said distros with Gnome | 10:53 |
Mark76 | But you see what I mean | 10:54 |
spozen | yea but what to you mean by "mozilla ahead of them" | 10:54 |
Mark76 | I'm pretty sure they're not even automatically installed in the applications menu | 10:54 |
Mark76 | Iceape's Mozilla, isn't it? | 10:55 |
spozen | yeah and seamonkey | 10:55 |
spozen | mozilla is big | 10:55 |
Mark76 | And Iceape is installed by default, right? | 10:56 |
Mark76 | Or did I just forget? | 10:56 |
spozen | what distro are you talkin about? | 10:57 |
Mark76 | The three main *buntus | 10:57 |
Mark76 | I'm sure Iceape was in the internet options when I installed Kubuntu | 10:58 |
spozen | its not installed by default in on kubuntu now | 10:58 |
Mark76 | Talking of ice, whatever happened to the whole "iceweasel" thing? | 10:58 |
Mark76 | Firefox is still Firefox in my version. And I'm running 7.10 | 10:59 |
spozen | icewealse changed name to icecat | 11:00 |
Mark76 | Bit pointless | 11:00 |
Mark76 | Did iceweasel ever make it into any distros? | 11:00 |
spozen | im sure some small gnu distros included it | 11:01 |
Mark76 | Was it the logo or the name that was causing problems with Firefox? | 11:02 |
spozen | i dont know actually propoly the logo then | 11:04 |
Mark76 | K | 11:04 |
Mark76 | I wonder how closely FF and Icecat will shadow each others development? | 11:05 |
Mark76 | Will IC just be the FOSS version of FF, or will it grow to become its own creature | 11:06 |
spozen | it seems like the exact same program to me exept of no non-free plugins , | 11:06 |
Mark76 | So it is diversing | 11:07 |
Mark76 | Say, do you use Liferea? | 11:07 |
spozen | no i dont use gnome apps that often, any good? | 11:09 |
Mark76 | Well, it's okay. Apart from a tendency to pull in old stories | 11:10 |
Mark76 | Which apps do you use? | 11:10 |
spozen | for rss reading i use akregator , i use the standard kde apps really | 11:11 |
Mark76 | I've heard KDE apps don't work so well on Xubuntu | 11:12 |
spozen | oh i dont use kde apps on xubuntu on xubuntu i use the included apps | 11:13 |
Mark76 | There aren't many of those | 11:13 |
spozen | no but i dont use xubuntu as my main os so i dont reallt need anything other than firefox and abiword | 11:14 |
Mark76 | I did the pure Xubuntu thing and I'm pretty sue there wasn't even a mail client | 11:14 |
spozen | thunderbird is included | 11:14 |
Mark76 | Oh yeah, that's right | 11:15 |
Mark76 | I chose Claws instead | 11:15 |
brick_ | hi. when i press the "volume controll" button in the meny, there are no controls there. and when i select a device in options. noting comes up.. but the volume is at full when playing music, and the volume controll in xmms or xfcemedia does not change the volume level. how to fix this? | 11:17 |
Mark76 | There's a volume control button in the menu? :/ | 11:18 |
Mark76 | :-/ | 11:18 |
Catoptromancy | I add button to panel | 11:18 |
Catoptromancy | volume control | 11:18 |
brick_ | yeah. its the same as if you enter meny > settings > mixer settings | 11:18 |
Mark76 | Ah | 11:19 |
spozen | tried alsa mixer? | 11:19 |
Mark76 | That's what I did | 11:19 |
Catoptromancy | add button to panel is alsamixer GUI | 11:19 |
brick_ | spozen, no. but according to synaptic xfce with alsabackend is installed | 11:19 |
Pixilarion | What program should I use to copy a DVD to my harddrive (actually looking for a XFCE variant of k9copy) | 11:21 |
Mark76 | XFCE uses GTK2 apps, right? | 11:22 |
Pixilarion | yep | 11:22 |
Pixilarion | so I really don't want to install the KDE libs | 11:23 |
Mark76 | Hmm | 11:24 |
Catoptromancy | xcd roast? | 11:25 |
Catoptromancy | read up on it before using | 11:25 |
Mark76 | What about a Gnome app? | 11:26 |
Catoptromancy | kde does have very good programs though | 11:27 |
Catoptromancy | and you can disable them from loading at boot | 11:27 |
Pixilarion | indeed | 11:28 |
Pixilarion | think I'm going for the k9copy after all | 11:28 |
Catoptromancy | diable the libs i mean | 11:28 |
Pixilarion | seems to be the best option | 11:28 |
Pixilarion | Catoptromancy: how would I do that? | 11:28 |
Catoptromancy | settings > forgot | 11:28 |
Catoptromancy | i remember its on tab from one of the settings | 11:29 |
Catoptromancy | wont take too long to find | 11:29 |
Pixilarion | Catoptromancy: session manager I guess | 11:29 |
Mark76 | dvdbackup? | 11:29 |
Mark76 | As long as you're not afraid of the CLI | 11:30 |
brick_ | how to install compiz in xubuntu ? it does not come preinstalled like in ubunut 7.1 | 11:30 |
Mark76 | dvdrip, maybe? | 11:31 |
Pixilarion | Mark76: nope, I tried dvdrip and that is for transcoding | 11:31 |
Mark76 | Ah | 11:31 |
Mark76 | Bugger | 11:31 |
Mark76 | There don't seem to be a lot of options | 11:32 |
brick__ | hi. how do i install compiz-fusion in xubuntu 7.1? it does not come preinstalled like in ubuntu.. | 11:32 |
brick_ | hm. this is the samme channel when connectin to freenode AND ubuntu servers ? neat :P | 11:33 |
Mark76 | Oh that's why that freenode thing keeps popping up every time I start my PC | 11:35 |
brick_ | any idea why i get 2 icons when i connect my ipod to my pc? one is Apple Ipod that cantbe mounted and one is with the name off the ipod(sancho panz) that gets mouneted. | 11:40 |
Catoptromancy | one might be power source | 11:41 |
Catoptromancy | my external has 2 USB plugs | 11:41 |
Catoptromancy | one for data, other for power | 11:41 |
Catoptromancy | both get mounted but only one is usable | 11:41 |
brick_ | hmm ok. its an ipod nano 4gb.. only one usb connection.. using the dock(same if i connect directly by usb cable without dock. | 11:42 |
michaelthenewbie | hello | 11:46 |
michaelthenewbie | is this the right place to come and ask for help with xubuntu? | 11:46 |
TheSheep | michaelthenewbie: yup | 11:46 |
michaelthenewbie | yay! | 11:46 |
michaelthenewbie | I tried to install xubuntu last night - but it's not worked out right. I installed over kubuntu | 11:47 |
michaelthenewbie | I still get the kubuntu splash screen - then when I log in I choose the xfce session, but I get a screen with some icons but no menu :( | 11:47 |
michaelthenewbie | can someone help me get the menus and taskbar working? | 11:48 |
michaelthenewbie | please | 11:48 |
brick_ | what is better? xgl or aiglx when using an nvidia card ? | 11:48 |
TheSheep | michaelthenewbie: press alt+f2 and type 'xfce4-panel' | 11:48 |
TheSheep | brick_: I believe that the nvidia driver doesn't need any | 11:49 |
brick_ | ok. but what gives the best preformance ? | 11:50 |
brick_ | i only find guides using either xgl or aiglx | 11:50 |
TheSheep | brick_: nvidia driver has glx build in into it, I think | 11:51 |
michaelthenewbie | TheSheep: OK I will try that - just a minute | 11:51 |
brick_ | TheSheep, ok. do you have a url to where i can find a useble guide for 7.1 ? or is it the sme as on 7.04 ? | 11:52 |
TheSheep | brick_: guide to what? | 11:52 |
brick_ | installing compiz-fusion :P | 11:53 |
TheSheep | !compiz | 11:54 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 11:54 |
brick_ | thx | 11:55 |
michaelthenewbie | TheSheep: thank you - that worked | 11:58 |
TheSheep | michaelthenewbie: save the session when logging out | 12:00 |
michaelthenewbie | TheSheep - thanks :) | 12:02 |
brick_ | hmm emerald-themes arent in gutsy repos ? | 12:04 |
brick_ | whats the xfce desktop manager called? | 12:33 |
TheSheep | xfdesktop | 12:34 |
brick_ | xfwm4 is the command. right ? | 12:35 |
TheSheep | brick_: no, that's the window manager | 12:41 |
brick_ | ahh right. my bad. that was what i was asking for. for compiz-crashhandler.. | 12:43 |
brick_ | hee | 12:43 |
brick_ | btw. how can i installed compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported and -unstable? they are not in gutsy repos, neither is emerald-themes. h ad to svn some themes instead | 12:44 |
TheSheep | brick_: I guess you should ask at #compiz-fusion | 12:46 |
brick_ | they say must build it from git.. | 12:46 |
Blou_Aap_ | n1 help me ? | 13:12 |
TheSheep | !ask | Blou_Aap_ | 13:13 |
ubotu | Blou_Aap_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 13:14 |
Blou_Aap_ | kk | 13:14 |
Blou_Aap_ | why does my terminal window stay white when i use gl desktop , cant even see any text nothing ? | 13:15 |
TheSheep | Blou_Aap_: no idea, they know more about gl desktop at #compiz-fusion | 13:16 |
brick_ | is there a decent sw to record the desktop to an avi file ? | 13:20 |
TheSheep | brick_: I've seen an application called 'record my desktop' but never tried it | 13:22 |
brick_ | gtk-record my desktop. iknow. but it sucs pretty much. never got it working with recording sound and there is always this red line around the desctop when recording that also gets recorded since somewhy the fullscreenmode does not work with my gfx card. but ill give it a new try on gutsy :P | 13:23 |
nanonyme | thesheep, i don't think compiz-fusion is a part of xubuntu anyway | 13:24 |
TheSheep | nanonyme: in any case, he should get better info in there | 13:24 |
nanonyme | true | 13:25 |
nanonyme | again glad of my choice. don't have to suffer the pains of compiz breeds | 13:26 |
brick_ | TheSheep, looks like gtkrecord my desktop is working alot better now. ill post the url off my video in a bit. | 13:29 |
michaelthenewbi1 | hello again | 14:08 |
michaelthenewbi1 | my window manager seems to not be running in xubuntu, everything else seems fine. How do I start/set one? | 14:08 |
totalwormface | do you have xfwm4 installed? | 14:09 |
michaelthenewbi1 | totalwormface: umm I think so. Let me check. | 14:09 |
michaelthenewbi1 | it's hard`to check since I can't move windows around on the screen :( | 14:10 |
michaelthenewbie | (back to my other machine) yes it seems to be installed | 14:13 |
michaelthenewbie | but if I go into settings/window manager it says my window manager is unknown | 14:14 |
michaelthenewbie | any clue as to how to get it running? | 14:16 |
totalwormface | what happens if you do alt f2 and type xfwm3 ? | 14:18 |
totalwormface | eh | 14:18 |
totalwormface | 4 | 14:18 |
michaelthenewbie | oh that seems to work | 14:19 |
michaelthenewbie | thank you so much | 14:19 |
totalwormface | you should be able to put that somewhere under autostarted applications | 14:19 |
Deformation | hello | 14:36 |
Deformation | Anyone can help me please? my laptop fan does not stop since i upgraded to gutsy | 14:36 |
h3sp4wn | Deformation: Interesting - my laptop fan is going too fast I think when I am using the performance governor | 14:41 |
h3sp4wn | I think I shall try 2.6.23 and the hrtimers patch for it and the new cfs - see if it works better | 14:42 |
brick_ | how to make compiz-fusion autostart? | 14:43 |
Deformation | h3sp4wn: in my case it start once i start xubuntu, and wont stop at all | 14:44 |
Deformation | the speed increases with the increasing the cpu, but even when idle it never stops | 14:45 |
Deformation | i think its a problem with powernowd daemon, it tells me in the terminal that it have some error and couldnt start | 14:45 |
h3sp4wn | Deformation: I am going to disable powernowd entirely | 14:46 |
Deformation | why? | 14:46 |
h3sp4wn | and try to just simply get acpi to use performance if on ac power | 14:46 |
h3sp4wn | or ondemand on battery | 14:46 |
Deformation | in my case i think powernowd not running is the problem | 14:47 |
Deformation | i need it to start | 14:47 |
Deformation | to see if it was the cause or not | 14:47 |
h3sp4wn | Deformation: What governor are you using ? | 14:47 |
Deformation | mmm, to say the truth i dont know what a governor is | 14:48 |
h3sp4wn | cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/*/cpufreq/scaling_governor | 14:48 |
Deformation | ok hold on | 14:49 |
h3sp4wn | Its possible it is on performance | 14:49 |
h3sp4wn | and powernowd not starting means it stays on performance | 14:49 |
h3sp4wn | (I would expect it to be "ondemand" | 14:49 |
Deformation | deformation@deformation-laptop:~$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/*/cpufreq/scaling_governor | 14:49 |
Deformation | cat: /sys/devices/system/cpu/*/cpufreq/scaling_governor: No such file or directory | 14:49 |
Deformation | is that what i should do with the cat order? | 14:50 |
h3sp4wn | try it replacing * with cpu0 | 14:50 |
Deformation | same | 14:52 |
Deformation | no such file or directory | 14:52 |
h3sp4wn | lsmod | grep cpufreq_ | 14:53 |
Deformation | mmm | 14:53 |
Deformation | nothing happens | 14:53 |
Deformation | deformation@deformation-laptop:~$ lsmod | grep cpufreq_ | 14:54 |
Deformation | deformation@deformation-laptop:~$ | 14:54 |
h3sp4wn | None of the power management modules are loaded at all then | 14:56 |
h3sp4wn | How do you know it supports them | 14:56 |
Deformation | thats the point | 14:56 |
Deformation | i dont know how to load them | 14:56 |
Deformation | on feisty everything was fine | 14:57 |
dogg1234 | hi | 14:57 |
Deformation | hi dogg1234 | 14:57 |
h3sp4wn | Deformation: can you boot a feisty live cd and see what the modules are | 14:57 |
dogg1234 | im having trouble installing gusty gibbon xubuntu 7.10 with the alternate cd | 14:57 |
Deformation | i am xubuntu, would running live ubuntu give me the same moduls? | 14:57 |
h3sp4wn | Deformation: Wouldn't make any difference for what i/we need to know | 14:58 |
dogg1234 | it is stuck at the configuring apt screen, it says "scanning the security updates repository" | 14:58 |
dogg1234 | ah wait | 14:58 |
dogg1234 | it has just passed that bit | 14:58 |
dogg1234 | nevermind | 14:58 |
Deformation | i will check that,i am downloading the live gutsy now, needs 1 hour more to finish | 14:59 |
dogg1234 | ouch, what net connection do you have | 14:59 |
dogg1234 | it took me about 15mins | 14:59 |
Deformation | you better answer that quick dogg1234 | 14:59 |
Deformation | :/ | 14:59 |
Deformation | h3sp4wn: lm-sensors are not supported on my laptop | 15:00 |
Deformation | i think thats another issue, i am not able to know if it was a fan issue or just increased heat from the graphics card | 15:01 |
h3sp4wn | Deformation: I don't use lm-sensors (at the moment) dunno whether I should (only got this laptop 3 days ago) | 15:01 |
Deformation | do you use BUM? | 15:01 |
h3sp4wn | No idea what that is | 15:02 |
Deformation | bootup manager | 15:02 |
Deformation | shows you all the processes and scripts initiated when ubuntu starts | 15:02 |
dogg1234 | i have another question | 15:04 |
dogg1234 | why does vi seem to edit text files in a rather peculiar manner? | 15:04 |
Deformation | h3sp4wn: you are using xubuntu gutsy? | 15:06 |
h3sp4wn | Deformation: I am using a ubuntu cli install (no de or X) and then added X and Xfce | 15:11 |
h3sp4wn | I don't like the modifications to make xfce look like gnome | 15:11 |
h3sp4wn | I think it looks great just normally | 15:11 |
Deformation | true | 15:11 |
Deformation | it should get better support tho | 15:11 |
dogg1234 | i dont understand what people see in KDE | 15:12 |
TheSheep | h3sp4wn: what modifications? | 15:13 |
h3sp4wn | TheSheep: The stuff in the xubuntu-settings (I think thats the name of it) | 15:13 |
TheSheep | h3sp4wn: you mean the default configuration of xfce? but that's user-customizable | 15:14 |
h3sp4wn | TheSheep: Yeah - I know its configurable but its easier for me to configure it from default than it is from xubuntu's default | 15:15 |
TheSheep | h3sp4wn: well, every distro has its own defaults | 15:15 |
Deformation | how do i install feisty again over gutsy? | 15:16 |
h3sp4wn | TheSheep: Debian is pretty close to what the xfce defaults are I think | 15:16 |
h3sp4wn | TheSheep: If I wanted it to look like gnome I would run gnome etc | 15:16 |
vonck7 | dogg1234 : i like kde mostly for the file-manager, the problem is that gome simplifies everything too much, xfce is better in that regard. | 15:18 |
TheSheep | vonck7: isn't thunar much simplier than nautilus? | 15:20 |
h3sp4wn | vonck7: I use amarok and k3b (and have xfce preload the kde init stuff) | 15:20 |
Deformation | i think i fixed the fan issue | 15:21 |
vonck7 | yea, that's why i still use kde on my main pc | 15:21 |
Deformation | i reinstalled the powernowd daemon | 15:21 |
h3sp4wn | Deformation: Are the modules loaded now ? | 15:21 |
Deformation | the powernowd modules is on now | 15:21 |
Deformation | deformation@deformation-laptop:~$ sudo powernowd | 15:21 |
Deformation | powernowd: PowerNow Daemon v0.97, (c) 2003-2006 John Clemens | 15:21 |
Deformation | powernowd: Found 1 scalable unit: -- 1 'CPU' per scalable unit | 15:21 |
Deformation | powernowd: cpu0: 600Mhz - 1500Mhz (5 steps) | 15:21 |
Deformation | that what it gives me in the terminal now | 15:22 |
h3sp4wn | Deformation: Which govenor is now selected ? | 15:22 |
Deformation | wait a sec | 15:22 |
h3sp4wn | Deformation: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor | 15:22 |
Deformation | deformation@deformation-laptop:~$ lsmod | grep cpufreq_cpufreq_userspace 5280 1 | 15:22 |
Deformation | cpufreq_stats 7232 0 | 15:22 |
Deformation | cpufreq_powersave 2688 0 | 15:22 |
Deformation | cpufreq_ondemand 9612 0 | 15:22 |
Deformation | freq_table 5792 3 acpi_cpufreq,cpufreq_stats,cpufreq_ondemand | 15:22 |
Deformation | cpufreq_conservative 8072 0 | 15:22 |
Deformation | it says the ng_governor | 15:23 |
Deformation | have no idea what that is :/ | 15:23 |
h3sp4wn | vonck7: I am not really a fan of kde as a wm - there is a new lightweight qt4 wm though I forget its name | 15:23 |
lavender_dream | How would I go about manually configuring my mouse sensitivity/speed without using the interface? Say a config file via terminal. | 15:25 |
Deformation | anyone here uses downloader for X ? | 15:26 |
Deformation | gnome downloader | 15:26 |
nikolam | gwget | 15:26 |
vonck7 | h3sp4wn: I was really impressed by xfce when i used it for my media pc, kde offers me some complex things, gnome doesn't give me anything i can find in xfce. (that's for me) | 15:26 |
vonck7 | *can't | 15:27 |
nikolam | I like in xfce ability to reconfigure work space however i like. | 15:27 |
Deformation | i find xfce highky depending on gnome apps | 15:27 |
Deformation | highly* | 15:27 |
h3sp4wn | vonck7: gnome is less bad than I thought (well the gnome 2.6 that is in solaris 10 anyway) | 15:28 |
h3sp4wn | The 2.18 in Solaris express is not particularly good though | 15:29 |
h3sp4wn | but is better if you use gconf instead of trying to navigate the gui | 15:29 |
nikolam | I just dont like default gnome in ubuntu. Brown is not a color I like tho mosts for UI. I more like Xubuntu default colors. | 15:29 |
vonck7 | they are all good, some are just better :). | 15:29 |
nikolam | Links on mirrors on are not updated yet. they are pointing to 6.06 xubuntu instead of 7.10 | 15:31 |
h3sp4wn | nikolam: I don't like messing around with the gui too much | 15:35 |
h3sp4wn | I use xfce-smooth | 15:36 |
nikolam | h3sp4wn: What is xfce-smooth? | 15:38 |
h3sp4wn | Theme | 15:39 |
nikolam | aha. | 15:39 |
h3sp4wn | But its a default one or easy to get everywhere | 15:39 |
nikolam | I would like to make xubuntu 7.10 look like 7.04 default xubuntu | 15:40 |
Deformation | i wish that the human theme would work properly on gutsy | 15:42 |
Deformation | whats is the xubuntu-desktop that i see in synaptic as not installed? then how i am using the xfce desktop rightnow? | 15:45 |
Deformation | there is also xubuntu-system-tools but with no description | 15:45 |
Blou_Aap | is there port forwarding utils in ubuntu ? | 15:46 |
nikolam | Hmm, firestarter firewall and settings in it? | 15:46 |
Blou_Aap | how wuold i go on and forward 6112 on both udp and tcp | 15:46 |
Deformation | apf-client i think | 15:47 |
h3sp4wn | Blou_Aap: just use iptables | 15:48 |
h3sp4wn | Blou_Aap: iptables -t nat -A eth2 -p tcp --dport 6112 -j DNAT --to (and iptables -A eth2 -p tcp --dport 6112 -d -j ACCEPT) same | 15:51 |
h3sp4wn | same for udp | 15:51 |
Blou_Aap | what ip is that ? ? | 15:55 |
nikolam | 6112 is port number | 15:56 |
Blou_Aap | duh | 15:56 |
Blou_Aap | just want to know what ai pee is that, not the port | 15:56 |
nikolam | Everything before dots, that is ip adress | 15:57 |
Blou_Aap | sigh | 15:57 |
Blou_Aap | h3sp4wn what ip is that i have to use there, my own ? | 15:58 |
TheSheep | Blou_Aap: it's a private (local) ip, its function depends on what local network you are in | 15:58 |
TheSheep | Blou_Aap: its usually translated to a public (global) ip on a router, the procedure is called NAT | 15:58 |
Blou_Aap | so it would be my net cards ip then, not my route's ? | 15:58 |
TheSheep | Blou_Aap: you need to execute that command on your router | 16:00 |
TheSheep | Blou_Aap: if your router doesn't run linux, then consult its manual on how to set it up | 16:00 |
Blou_Aap | my router's ports are already forwarded fine | 16:00 |
Blou_Aap | for that exact port | 16:00 |
TheSheep | Blou_Aap: then what are you trying to do? | 16:01 |
h3sp4wn | should have been iptables -t nat -A FORWARD -i eth2 -p tcp --dport 6112 -j DNAT --to (where eth2 is the wan interface) | 16:01 |
h3sp4wn | If the router is working then it should just work | 16:01 |
h3sp4wn | (presuming you test it from outside the lan) | 16:01 |
Blou_Aap | i wanna play warcraft , but cant connect to battle net, works fine in windoze . . . | 16:02 |
h3sp4wn | Blou_Aap: and you are running it from inside wine ? | 16:03 |
Blou_Aap | yes, but i dont have the new version of wine that screws up that connection | 16:03 |
Blou_Aap | with bnet | 16:03 |
hyper___ch | hiho | 16:03 |
h3sp4wn | Blou_Aap: unlikely to be to do with the router ask winehq | 16:05 |
Blou_Aap | sigh , they not very helpfull, and so is google | 16:06 |
Blou_Aap | :'( | 16:06 |
mindframe- | would it be possible to add an option to the login screen to choose which screen profile you want to use? | 16:06 |
nikolam | Look at the manual for router you are using | 16:07 |
nikolam | sorry | 16:07 |
nikolam | Its something buggy in my clint ;* | 16:08 |
whyking | there is this eyecandy repository for feisty fawn but I upgraded to gutsy, could I still use it? | 16:08 |
vinze | Probably not | 16:09 |
Horan45343 | I want to use Ubuntu together with my favorite WM FVWM. | 16:14 |
Horan45343 | So, at first sight, it seems like a good idea to start with xubuntu. | 16:15 |
Horan45343 | Or is there any reason to prefer the genuine Ubuntu over Xubuntu? | 16:15 |
vinze | Wait... I don't get the logic | 16:15 |
vinze | Oh wait | 16:15 |
Horan45343 | (as said above, I'll replace the WM anyhow) | 16:15 |
vinze | I get it :S | 16:15 |
Horan45343 | I just need a basic system to start. | 16:15 |
vinze | I think it doesn't really matter, perhaps you could try the server install or something, but Xubuntu'll probably be fine too | 16:15 |
predaeus | Horan45343, there seems to be "fvwm - F(?) Virtual Window Manager, version 2.5" in the repos. | 16:16 |
Horan45343 | Fine - that's what I expect :-) | 16:16 |
whyking | well, it seems to work | 16:17 |
Horan45343 | A related questions: Some packages can be compiled with and without gnome support. With xubuntu are there packages that are also in Ubuntu but that are compiled *without* Gnome support? | 16:17 |
TheSheep | Horan45343: yes | 16:18 |
TheSheep | Horan45343: those are ending in -gtk | 16:18 |
TheSheep | Horan45343: evince-gtk, gnumeric-gtk, etc. | 16:19 |
Horan45343 | OK, I guess that is a reason then, to start with xubuntu. | 16:19 |
nikolam | does anyone use fglrx ati driver and openoffice on 7.10 on amd64? | 16:19 |
Horan45343 | (I assume, however, that I can also install these packages with ordinary Ubuntu) | 16:19 |
TheSheep | Horan45343: yes, why don't you just start wit ha server install? | 16:20 |
TheSheep | Horan45343: it will install the basic system, and then you can add whatever you need | 16:20 |
Horan45343 | TheSheep, I tried the server install some time ago as a VMware image, and it didn't work. My machine has an old Pentium M as CPU. | 16:20 |
Horan45343 | Also, I need all these laptop features. | 16:21 |
Horan45343 | Can one select a kernel in the server installation process? | 16:21 |
Horan45343 | Rationale: The kernel in that VM depended on features that my CPU doesn't have. | 16:22 |
=== hyper___ch is now known as hyper_ch | ||
* Horan45343 thanks for the input, and goes for a walk | 16:24 | |
=== DM is now known as Delvien | ||
brick_ | how can i install emerald-themes package in gutsy ? | 16:53 |
brick_ | using apt-get install gives no installation candidate | 16:54 |
vinze | it isn't available | 16:54 |
vinze | Odd... The emerald package recommends it | 16:54 |
brick_ | iknow.. | 16:54 |
brick_ | but its not in the repos. | 16:54 |
brick_ | and emerald is only a manager, with no themes.. | 16:55 |
vinze | I guess that is because Ubuntu doesn't use Emerald... You should file a bug at Launchpad | 16:55 |
vinze | If it's not reported yet | 16:56 |
vinze | Ah, it is | 16:56 |
brick_ | ok. | 16:56 |
vinze | | 16:56 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 139957 in emerald "[Gutsy] Emerald-themes is missing from repos" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 16:56 |
brick_ | just wait and see then:P | 16:57 |
vinze | :) | 16:57 |
brick_ | i did a svn and got a few themes. the GPL themes that is.. but there is one none gpl that i just looove to use, but its not coming down by svn somewhy | 16:58 |
brick_ | i get error calling tar when trying to fetch non-gpl thems | 16:58 |
vinze | Perhaps there's another repository for that? | 16:59 |
brick_ | no. its the same i think. but that can wait:P | 17:04 |
hyper_ch | testing the encryption feature ;) | 17:51 |
* vinze has just discovered that Jani has his own blog :S | 17:51 | |
hyper_ch | what jani? | 17:52 |
vinze | Jani Monoses | 17:52 |
TheSheep | hyper_ch: xubuntu's lead dev :) | 17:52 |
vinze | Not anymore for Hardy :( | 17:52 |
hyper_ch | ah :) | 17:53 |
hyper_ch | what will happen to hardy without Jani? | 17:53 |
vinze | Well, I think Lionel will do a good job :) | 17:53 |
vinze | The new lead developer | 17:53 |
hyper_ch | Lionel Luther? | 17:53 |
hyper_ch | Luthor ;) | 17:54 |
vinze | LeFolgoc or something | 17:54 |
hyper_ch | ^^ | 17:54 |
Deformation | hello | 18:26 |
Deformation | if any one can confirm this issue with me : when placing the pointer over any indicator on the panel (i.e net stat, cpu usage..etc) does the tip shadow update itself while the pointer still in place? (i.e values in the indicator change). have this issue with xubuntu gutsy | 18:29 |
vinze | Hi, could someone help me with fsck? | 18:35 |
vinze | It threw an error on booting | 18:35 |
LifeNomad | Is Linux Mint a good alternative to *Buntu distros? I used to have Xubuntu, but after updating it crashes, so now im installing Linux Mint.....anything wrong with that distro? | 18:35 |
vinze | It put me in a maintainance shell from which I was expected to run fsck in maintainance mode with the root filesystem mounted read-only | 18:35 |
vinze | LifeNomad, Mint is bloated | 18:36 |
LifeNomad | How much so? | 18:36 |
vinze | And I find the whole fsck thing kind of scary | 18:36 |
vinze | LifeNomad, well, it contains lots of applications that do the same thing | 18:36 |
vinze | But worst of all uses many different repositories that are bound to break your system | 18:36 |
LifeNomad | hmm, but it looks so cool :D | 18:37 |
vinze | Trying doesn't hurt :P | 18:37 |
LifeNomad | very true | 18:37 |
vinze | Darn it, gotta go again... | 18:37 |
vinze | I'll ask again another time then | 18:37 |
vinze | Bye | 18:37 |
LifeNomad | I have "tried" so many diff distros | 18:37 |
vinze | :) | 18:37 |
vinze | Bye | 18:37 |
LifeNomad | later | 18:38 |
Deformation | if any one can confirm this issue with me : when placing the pointer over any indicator on the panel (i.e net stat, cpu usage..etc) does the tip shadow update itself while the pointer still in place? (i.e values in the indicator change). have this issue with xubuntu gutsy | 18:48 |
blendtux | how do i i change from kubuntu to xubuntu | 18:58 |
TheSheep | blendtux: install xubuntu-desktop and select xfce at the login screen | 18:58 |
TheSheep | Deformation: nope, not for me | 18:58 |
R[a]ndom | Deformation, you mean when you hover over and the tooltip comes up? if so, my tooltip doesn't change when the data changes | 19:00 |
hyper_ch | !lwn | 19:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lwn - try searching on | 19:13 |
blendtux | thanks TheSheep:) | 19:17 |
blendtux | installing as we speek | 19:17 |
AcE13 | is compiz-fusion installed by default on xubuntu 7.10? (sorry too tired to google right now) | 19:17 |
* AcE13 goes away to read a review | 19:18 | |
Deformation | R[a]ndom: sorry i was away | 19:20 |
Deformation | yes that what i mean | 19:20 |
Deformation | it used to change in feisty | 19:20 |
Deformation | TheSheep: which theme you are using? | 19:21 |
TheSheep | Deformation: my own, but using murrina engine | 19:21 |
Deformation | oh i see | 19:22 |
TheSheep | Deformation: the *contents* of the tooltip doesn't change | 19:22 |
TheSheep | Deformation: that's shortcoming of gtk, I think | 19:22 |
Deformation | but it used to be fine in feisty | 19:22 |
hyper_ch | just tested the manul encryption partition setup... works nicely | 19:22 |
Inspiron | What is better to download, Desktop, or Alternate? | 19:23 |
TheSheep | I wish that someone came up with a nice, usable font chooser for gtk | 19:23 |
TheSheep | one that would allow me to sort fonts into groups | 19:24 |
Deformation | fonts are really awkward | 19:24 |
TheSheep | Deformation: they are like that in all systems I know :( | 19:24 |
Deformation | i hope one day they will improve | 19:24 |
TheSheep | Deformation: simply put, nobody invented a good font selection dialog yet | 19:25 |
Deformation | sighs :( | 19:25 |
Deformation | Inspiron: the you can find an alternate version of desktop xubuntu | 19:27 |
TheSheep | for example, the fonts that are there only for me to be able to see web pages in exotic scripts should not even be displayed in the dialog | 19:27 |
Deformation | for me, if i get verdana to bahave good in most xubuntu programs, it acts really bad with txt and terminal sessions | 19:28 |
Deformation | and the opposite is true | 19:28 |
Deformation | thats not mentioning firefox display | 19:28 |
Deformation | and kde applications in xubuntu | 19:29 |
Deformation | why does most of the kde apps dont have any kind of option to change the interface font | 19:29 |
Deformation | ktorrent takes near to 2 desktops because of its massive font and headers | 19:30 |
Inspiron | Deformation: I don't understand, what do u mean? | 19:30 |
Deformation | i mean, for example the xfce main terminal app, you can change the font | 19:30 |
Deformation | in k apps no | 19:31 |
Deformation | Inspiron: i mean there is desktop and server | 19:31 |
Deformation | and they both may be alternate | 19:31 |
Deformation | am i right? | 19:31 |
Inspiron | Deformation: Alternate is server, I see! | 19:32 |
Deformation | no | 19:32 |
hyper_ch | Inspiron: no, alternate is not server | 19:32 |
Deformation | for example i downloaded the last xubuntu gutsy yesterday, the iso name is : alternate desktop 7.10 | 19:34 |
Deformation | i think alternate means not live cd | 19:34 |
Deformation | but that is just by noob explain for alternate | 19:34 |
Inspiron | Deformation: maybe have a text install | 19:35 |
Inspiron | not grafic | 19:35 |
hyper_ch | alternate install cd... not alternate desktop ;) | 19:35 |
hyper_ch | there are only two xubuntu editions: Desktop and Alternate installer.... the server cd, as it has no gui, is only available as "ubuntu" | 19:36 |
Deformation | so normal users should pick up the desktop 1? | 19:36 |
AcE13 | technicality will kill us all... | 19:36 |
* AcE13 mumbuls and goes inside cave | 19:36 | |
nanonyme | alternate is fine | 19:36 |
nanonyme | if you just want to install the system | 19:37 |
hyper_ch | alternate allows to encrypt from installation ;) | 19:37 |
Deformation | that seems too geeky for me | 19:37 |
hyper_ch | encryption is good | 19:37 |
nanonyme | alternate is just a simple dialog that helps you easily install your system | 19:37 |
Deformation | i am not into encryption and stuff | 19:37 |
nanonyme | you don't have to do anything geeky | 19:37 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: you have sensitive information on your computer? | 19:38 |
Deformation | what i mean that i dont know that much about computers | 19:38 |
nanonyme | the thing it lacks is a usable linux system | 19:38 |
nanonyme | (or hmm, it might have a shell somewhere. i just haven't found it) | 19:38 |
Deformation | beside some x rays and pictures of teeth? i dont think so | 19:38 |
Deformation | but i got your point | 19:38 |
Deformation | so if encrypted from installation, no one can copy or take my info? | 19:39 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: depensd | 19:39 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: if the system is running and someone hacks into your box, they see all the fino | 19:39 |
hyper_ch | fino --> info | 19:39 |
nanonyme | encryption brings you local security | 19:40 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: however if it is turned off... they would first have to get the password | 19:40 |
nanonyme | so that if someone gets to your house, they can't get into your computer | 19:40 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: if you carry around a notebook with sensitive infos it is adviced to encrypt it | 19:40 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: same goes for USB memory sticks | 19:40 |
Deformation | oh i understand now | 19:40 |
Deformation | it will be in the ext2 format? | 19:40 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: so if a SWAT team raids your home and takes your computer they will first have to uncrypt the drive | 19:41 |
h3sp4wn | Not really a good idea to carry around sensitive info at all | 19:41 |
hyper_ch | h3sp4wn: sometimes you have to | 19:41 |
Deformation | sensitive info is not a choice | 19:41 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: it will create a container that is encrypted and within the container you can then setup a normal file system | 19:41 |
h3sp4wn | hyper_ch: You can leave it on a machine in a secure location over the internet | 19:41 |
nanonyme | h3sp4wn, not really a good idea to store sensitive info outside a vault, really | 19:41 |
Deformation | its i get it now | 19:41 |
hyper_ch | h3sp4wn: that's not safe either ;) | 19:41 |
nanonyme | but since you can't usually do that, encryption is nice | 19:41 |
h3sp4wn | hyper_ch: It is if its done properly | 19:42 |
Deformation | does windows offer the same thing as encryption? | 19:42 |
hyper_ch | h3sp4wn: it it's connected to the net, it's still not safe anymore ;) | 19:42 |
Deformation | i mean the normal xp installs and that | 19:42 |
AcE13 | wait I still dont get it... when does the system ask for a password? before booting into OS? | 19:42 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: not from the system itself... or with a lot of tedious work | 19:42 |
AcE13 | yes I am a noob | 19:43 |
hyper_ch | AcE13: upon booting | 19:43 |
hyper_ch | AcE13: you will have to create a seperate /boot partition | 19:43 |
hyper_ch | AcE13: that one will be unencrypted | 19:43 |
h3sp4wn | hyper_ch: maybe if you configured it - I think I could get it close to 100% safe | 19:43 |
hyper_ch | AcE13: the rest can then be encrypted | 19:43 |
AcE13 | thats kinda cool | 19:43 |
hyper_ch | h3sp4wn: ;) | 19:43 |
AcE13 | so the data cant be accesed even from a live cd? | 19:44 |
AcE13 | maybe thats the point... lol | 19:44 |
Deformation | talking about security, do i need a firewall here at my ubuntu desk? | 19:44 |
Deformation | i am running a naked xubuntu | 19:44 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: not really | 19:44 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: and not antivirus either | 19:44 |
Deformation | the anti virus thing was the main reason i shifted to linux | 19:45 |
Deformation | plus some other reasons :) | 19:45 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: if you are going to install server services then maybe you should also worry about firewall/iptables... | 19:45 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: as long as you don't then there's no real need | 19:45 |
nanonyme | deformation, btw, install chkrootkit if were worried about viruses on windows | 19:46 |
Deformation | i understand now | 19:46 |
nanonyme | there are *nix worms | 19:46 |
thingummywut | hi. i have an old ATI gfx card (Radeon 7500). do i need to install any drivers to get the most out of it with Xubuntu? | 19:46 |
Inspiron | If u have dual boot is good an antivirus, I scan win system, and the files what I download for windows, a crack for example. | 19:46 |
Deformation | i love the sysinternals tools | 19:46 |
Deformation | it had a rootkit diagnoser | 19:46 |
hyper_ch | and maybe rkhunter | 19:47 |
thingummywut | i understood that the required support comes with the OS installation, but I still couldn't change the resolution succesfully | 19:47 |
Deformation | you are using the gutsy xubuntu thingummywut? | 19:48 |
Inspiron | thingummywut: moddify Grub menu | 19:48 |
thingummywut | no, Feisty Dawn, the newest version | 19:48 |
hyper_ch | thingummywut: that's not the newest version any longer | 19:48 |
thingummywut | oh. well, anyway, Feisty I was using | 19:48 |
Deformation | in gutsy there is graphics management | 19:48 |
Deformation | under the settings menu | 19:48 |
thingummywut | now i'm back to windows since i couldn't stanfd the default resolution | 19:48 |
Deformation | its much easier to configure than feisty | 19:49 |
thingummywut | ah, that's the brand new version | 19:49 |
thingummywut | i'll try it out soon | 19:49 |
Deformation | advice, if you are new to ubuntu, install a fresh gutsy instead of upgrading the feisty | 19:50 |
Deformation | take that word from me :( | 19:50 |
AcE13 | so.... is compiz-fusion installed by default on xubuntu 7.10? | 19:51 |
Deformation | in my case no, but they say it is | 19:51 |
AcE13 | I'll fresh install gutsy and purge my / partition | 19:51 |
AcE13 | my current setup is fscked up... started with kubuntu and ended up with xfce along with c-f and some gnome apps | 19:52 |
AcE13 | works great, but need to start fresh | 19:52 |
thingummywut | Deformation, yes, i'm going to do that | 19:52 |
Deformation | right | 19:52 |
Deformation | i did not like anything related to kde | 19:53 |
thingummywut | is there anything on the alternate installation CD i might need? | 19:53 |
Deformation | but the fact that kde apps are the best in some categories is kinda depressing | 19:53 |
Deformation | i even disabled kde services from the start | 19:54 |
AcE13 | I really like amarok... nothing apart from that though | 19:54 |
Deformation | i use xmms and beep | 19:54 |
Deformation | more than enough for me | 19:54 |
AcE13 | its all good | 19:55 |
Deformation | amarok is too heavy for a music player | 19:55 |
AcE13 | its more than a music player... its a music manager! | 19:56 |
AcE13 | I suck at marketing lol | 19:56 |
Deformation | hehe i know | 19:56 |
Deformation | but for me i play music when i am not infront of my pc, and i dont have an ipod | 19:57 |
Deformation | so its like for me | 19:57 |
AcE13 | man I need to start downloading the torrent... but cant make up my mind about ubuntu or xubuntu | 19:59 |
AcE13 | probably wrong place to say this lol | 19:59 |
hyper_ch | AcE13: doesn't matter, the other desktop is easliy installed | 19:59 |
AcE13 | hyper_ch: true.. but this time, I am gonna try leaving most things to default. dont have time to play around with the system at all | 20:01 |
AcE13 | and I also need all bells and whistels to be installed by default | 20:01 |
hyper_ch | ??? | 20:02 |
AcE13 | so really.. whats the difference between xubuntu and ubuntu? | 20:02 |
AcE13 | I mean... apart from gnome and xfce DEs | 20:03 |
totalwormface | nothing | 20:03 |
hyper_ch | AcE13: none | 20:03 |
AcE13 | kewl... xubuntu it is then | 20:03 |
thingummywut | xfce is lighter, right? | 20:03 |
AcE13 | yeah | 20:04 |
hyper_ch | AcE13: well, the default set of installed applications is different | 20:04 |
AcE13 | its more modular | 20:04 |
hyper_ch | AcE13: xubuntu doesn't come with OOo for example | 20:04 |
AcE13 | hyper_ch: oh... I'll check distro watch for the list | 20:05 |
AcE13 | thanks | 20:05 |
AcE13 | hmmm... it says all versions came with OOo | 20:07 |
AcE13 | 7.10 comes with 2.3.0 | 20:08 |
Inspiron | what is OOo? | 20:08 |
AcE13 | | 20:08 |
AcE13 | an office productive suite | 20:08 |
hyper_ch | AcE13: I'm not sure but I think Xubuntu doesn't come with it... it has Abiword | 20:08 |
hyper_ch | AcE13: and Gnucalc (or something like that) | 20:08 |
hyper_ch | Gnumeric | 20:09 |
Deformation | it comes with OOo | 20:09 |
Deformation | since edgy | 20:09 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: are you sure? | 20:09 |
AcE13 | distrowatch says so too | 20:09 |
Deformation | yes, i installed edgy with OOo | 20:09 |
AcE13 | | 20:09 |
hyper_ch | oh well.. I thought it didn't | 20:09 |
hyper_ch | and I have it in my install script | 20:10 |
Deformation | the strange thing, installation cd for edgy was near to 700 mb | 20:11 |
Deformation | and gutsy is 500 somthing | 20:11 |
Deformation | whats missing? | 20:11 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: only the Desktop one | 20:11 |
Deformation | only the desktop what? | 20:12 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: only the Desktop CD is 500MB... the alternate is also 700MB | 20:12 |
Deformation | are you sure? i got the alternate for near to 570!! | 20:13 |
AcE13 | alternate is 689mb | 20:18 |
Deformation | for some reason i have both the same size | 20:19 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: make a md5 check of both | 20:24 |
Deformation | i am searching for a tool to do that | 20:24 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: apt-get install md5sum | 20:24 |
Deformation | thanks hyper | 20:25 |
silliness | just put network monitor on the panel and do Iput mac address in NETWORK DEVICE? | 20:26 |
silliness | or eth0 | 20:26 |
silliness | or something | 20:26 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: and then: md5sum file.iso --> you get a checksum | 20:27 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: and then: md5sum file2.iso --> you get another one | 20:27 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: if they are identical, it's the same cd | 20:27 |
silliness | got it | 20:27 |
Deformation | eth0 | 20:27 |
silliness | fdjfgk | 20:28 |
silliness | opps | 20:28 |
Deformation | couldnt find package md5sum | 20:28 |
Deformation | deformation@deformation-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install md5sum | 20:29 |
Deformation | [sudo] password for deformation: | 20:29 |
Deformation | Reading package lists... Done | 20:29 |
Deformation | Building dependency tree | 20:29 |
Deformation | Reading state information... Done | 20:29 |
Deformation | E: Couldn't find package md5sum | 20:29 |
Deformation | deformation@deformation-laptop:~$ | 20:29 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: apt-cache search md5 | 20:29 |
hyper_ch | I thought the packages was called md5sum | 20:29 |
Deformation | huge list appears, but no md5sum | 20:30 |
silliness | Deformation, ok how come it not the proper colors when I set them eg. outgoing =red | 20:31 |
hyper_ch | Deformation: read the info to the packages | 20:31 |
Deformation | what theme u use silliness | 20:31 |
silliness | Deformation, what | 20:31 |
Deformation | what theme you are using in your user interface? | 20:32 |
silliness | Deformation, the default one | 20:32 |
Deformation | blue color? | 20:32 |
silliness | yes | 20:32 |
silliness | just did fresh install yesterday | 20:33 |
Deformation | its working fine for me here | 20:33 |
silliness | we are talikng about the same little applet that looks like || | 20:33 |
Deformation | but with some themes like the human theme for example its not showing | 20:33 |
Deformation | yes | 20:33 |
Deformation | there is only 1 applet in xubuntu | 20:34 |
Deformation | for net traffic | 20:34 |
silliness | ok | 20:34 |
Deformation | try to change the theme to industrial | 20:34 |
silliness | could it be from beryl, installed through synaptic and removed through synaptic | 20:35 |
Deformation | its working for me right now, and its blue also :) | 20:35 |
Deformation | is beryl enabled now? | 20:35 |
silliness | what do you mean blue also I want different colors | 20:35 |
Deformation | ok, go to settings | 20:35 |
Deformation | then user interface | 20:35 |
silliness | llike outgoing red and incoming green | 20:35 |
Deformation | you will find alot of themes there | 20:35 |
silliness | no beryl not running | 20:36 |
Deformation | choose the industrial theme | 20:36 |
Deformation | then go back to the applet | 20:36 |
silliness | ok hang on | 20:36 |
Deformation | and chaange the colours | 20:36 |
silliness | ok why is that like that | 20:36 |
Deformation | did it change? | 20:37 |
Deformation | the applet colors | 20:37 |
silliness | yes thanks | 20:37 |
Deformation | its a bug in xfce | 20:37 |
silliness | but that is kind of dumb | 20:37 |
silliness | oh | 20:37 |
silliness | sort of like the menu editor | 20:37 |
Deformation | some themes dont behave good with status bars in the panel | 20:37 |
Deformation | i know :( | 20:38 |
silliness | thanks | 20:38 |
Deformation | no prob :) | 20:38 |
silliness | Deformation, do you know how to add menu entries to menu? | 20:38 |
silliness | just need to install google earth there | 20:38 |
silliness | cause hand to install by hand | 20:38 |
silliness | had | 20:39 |
silliness | only app not there | 20:39 |
Deformation | for me when i installed google earth it placed itself in the menu | 20:39 |
silliness | cause the but then in ~/google-earth right | 20:39 |
silliness | and your binary there toO | 20:39 |
silliness | opps executable | 20:40 |
Deformation | only a shortcut to google | 20:40 |
partymetroid | I recently installed Xubuntu 7.10 RC onto the years-old eMachine that my sister gave me after she got a new laptop. | 20:40 |
partymetroid | It installed, but it won't boot up. | 20:40 |
partymetroid | I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it was a release candidate. | 20:40 |
partymetroid | So... don't recommend that I download/install the full release right off the bat. (I don't have any more CDs, anyway...) | 20:40 |
partymetroid | This is the message that I get: | 20:41 |
Deformation | partmetroid: how is it not booting? | 20:41 |
Deformation | what error it gives you? | 20:41 |
partymetroid | Starting up... | 20:42 |
partymetroid | [0.000000] ACPI: no DMI BIOS year, acpi=force is required to enable ACPI | 20:42 |
partymetroid | [33.453509] invalid compressed format (err=2) | 20:42 |
partymetroid | [33.454774] kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unkown block (0,0) | 20:42 |
Deformation | partymetroid: i think you better post this in the ubuntuforums | 20:43 |
partymetroid | I installed Xubuntu fully on my hard drive (well, my father tried installing without fully understanding the installation process... but it doesn't matter anymore. Windows is gone, and Xubuntu is the only operating system I can use on this machine. I'd rather use it, anyway... but, as you can see, it won't boot) | 20:43 |
partymetroid | -_- | 20:43 |
partymetroid | This kind of error is posted like, ALL the time, but no one has a definite solution. | 20:43 |
partymetroid | I searched... | 20:43 |
partymetroid | many forums. | 20:43 |
Deformation | post it for help in your case | 20:43 |
Deformation | and you can get better help (this time) in #ubuntu channel | 20:44 |
partymetroid | I don't see why initrd wouldn't be able to "uncompress" the Linux kernel; it boots perfectly fine using the CD (which is what I'm using right now), | 20:44 |
partymetroid | ... okay. Thanks. :/ | 20:44 |
Deformation | no prob :) | 20:44 |
peepsalot | i upgraded from fiesty to gutsy and now I can't get my xfce desktop. only "Failsafe Gnome" works. | 21:03 |
peepsalot | when I try to log in, it just shows a brackground color for a minute, then kicks back to the login screen | 21:03 |
Deformation | peepsalot: is the gdm on? | 21:06 |
peepsalot | yeah | 21:06 |
Deformation | you can choose xfce? | 21:07 |
Deformation | i mean is it in the list? | 21:07 |
peepsalot | yes i can choose it, but it doesn't work | 21:07 |
Deformation | mmmm | 21:07 |
Deformation | can you open a terminal session in gnome-failed | 21:07 |
peepsalot | gnome-failed? you mean Failsafe gnome? | 21:08 |
peepsalot | i can open gnome terminal, yes | 21:08 |
Deformation | yes | 21:08 |
Deformation | try to reinstall the xubuntu-desktop then | 21:09 |
peepsalot | ok | 21:09 |
Deformation | it happened with me before | 21:09 |
peepsalot | Deformation, hmm, i was already trying to remove a different package before you told to try that. it seems to be stuck on that. last thing it says is "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" | 21:13 |
Deformation | wait | 21:13 |
Deformation | give it sometime | 21:13 |
peepsalot | ok. no CPU is really being used in top though. | 21:14 |
Deformation | if its downloading the package again then there is no cpu usage | 21:14 |
peepsalot | well, i hadn't told it to reinstall yet, it's stuck on this package removal that I was doing first. | 21:15 |
peepsalot | i wouldn't think that would require any downloads | 21:15 |
Deformation | mmm i realy dont know what to say | 21:17 |
Deformation | if formatting is not an option.. | 21:17 |
Deformation | i would suggest installing fluxbox or any other desktop... | 21:17 |
Deformation | then you may gain access to synaptic | 21:18 |
peepsalot | i killed it and ran aptitude again, reinstalled xubuntu-desktop | 21:20 |
peepsalot | gonna restart now | 21:20 |
Deformation | it installed? | 21:20 |
peepsalot | it seems so | 21:20 |
Deformation | good | 21:20 |
HumanHeart | hello.... | 21:38 |
HumanHeart | sorry, i have a problem..... | 21:38 |
HumanHeart | anybody alive? | 21:38 |
=== somerville32 changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: | Support options: | IRC info: | Pastes to | Xubuntu 7.10 Released: | ||
ActySofts | I need help setting up my volume keys | 21:48 |
ActySofts | xfce doesn't recognize the keystokes, but it did before O.o | 21:48 |
somerville32 | ActySofts: I had the same problem actually. I would recommend filing a bug. | 21:49 |
ActySofts | hmm | 21:50 |
feklee | How do I configure power management settings? | 21:59 |
vinze | Is there anyone who can guide me in repairing a partition using fsck? I'm in great need for I can't boot into my normal system right now... | 22:05 |
hyper_ch | vinze: boot from a live cd | 22:07 |
vinze | hyper_ch, yeah, I'm in there right now | 22:07 |
hyper_ch | vinze: unmount the mounted partitions | 22:07 |
hyper_ch | vinze: swap may be mounted | 22:07 |
vinze | How do I unmount swap? | 22:08 |
hyper_ch | vinze: nah, swap is not necessary to check, right? | 22:08 |
peepsalot | i upgraded and now I can't get into xfce. i tried reinstalling xubuntu-desktop already. I have lots of options in gdm, but the only one that seems to work is "Failsafe Gnome" | 22:08 |
peepsalot | i can't get into regular gnome either | 22:09 |
vinze | hyper_ch, don't know... It was the root filesystem that contained the problem | 22:09 |
peepsalot | when i log in, it shows the background color, then sits there for a minute, then kicks back to gdm | 22:09 |
hyper_ch | vinze: I dunno how to unmount it... ask Dr. Google | 22:09 |
vinze | Ah, of course... | 22:10 |
vinze | The "swapoff" command ought to do it | 22:10 |
vinze | OK, my swap ought to be turned off now | 22:12 |
hyper_ch | vinze: fsck.ext3 /dev/hdaX | 22:14 |
hyper_ch | vinze: fsck.swap /dev/hdaY | 22:15 |
hyper_ch | just name the correct partitions | 22:15 |
vinze | OK, why do I need to check the swap? | 22:15 |
hyper_ch | vinze: maybe there's something wrong with that partition | 22:16 |
vinze | OK, will do then | 22:16 |
hyper_ch | vinze: I dunno where your problem is... just giving input | 22:16 |
vinze | Any input is welcomed :) | 22:16 |
vinze | I just recall reading somewhere sometime that fsck can cause severe problems when run manually | 22:17 |
hyper_ch | vinze: google it up | 22:18 |
vinze | hyper_ch, can the command you gave cause problems? | 22:18 |
hyper_ch | vinze: not that I know | 22:18 |
vinze | OK, then I'll try that | 22:18 |
vinze | hyper_ch, "i_blocks_hi for inode 25090 (/lib/ is 28972, should be zero. | 22:25 |
vinze | Clear<y>? | 22:25 |
vinze | " | 22:25 |
hyper_ch | dunno, never encountered a problem | 22:25 |
vinze | Ah well, I guess I should do the recommended option then... | 22:26 |
vinze | OK, well, I'm going to reboot now and see if it works :) | 22:38 |
vinze | Hopefully back in a bit :) | 22:38 |
vinze | hyper_ch, yay! Thanks! | 22:41 |
hyper_ch | vinze: I guess it worked? | 22:42 |
vinze | :D | 22:43 |
hyper_ch | good | 22:43 |
test-3R | OK i fixed my screensaver by installing 'xscreensaver' chmoding that spot/thing, and setting it up. How do I burn a cd? Can I still install the old subsystem to have access to programs like "burn" and cdrdao ??? | 22:53 |
test-3R | ok now i realise how silly a question that IS. lol. finally thought of what to search 4. OK, I'm gana test er out by burn ISO | 23:26 |
warbler | burn at 4x for OS's | 23:28 |
R[a]ndom | and audio cds :) | 23:31 |
test-3R | its only a 300Mhrz box, boys! I'll b trying for the good ol 1x ;p | 23:31 |
R[a]ndom | hah. do any cds support that anymore? | 23:32 |
R[a]ndom | ive heard that some cds cant take a slow burn | 23:33 |
warbler | I've found it is the software that is the limit... | 23:34 |
R[a]ndom | just did some googling, apparently hardware can be an issue too | 23:34 |
R[a]ndom | no word on cds tho | 23:34 |
test-3R | OK, burn thinks it workt. | 23:44 |
test-3R | time 2 reboot c u | 23:44 |
warbler | lol | 23:46 |
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