=== JordanC is now known as JordanC[Sekusu] [05:22] what is the difference between edubuntu and regular ubuntu?? [05:24] edubuntu desktop comes with additional education (k-12, mostly) related packages. edubuntu server/workstation comes with LTSP preconfigured to set up a "classroom environment" with thin clients [05:25] nice.... === bluekuja_ is now known as bluekuja === JordanC[Sekusu] is now known as JordanC === Crunk is now known as JordanC === Jordy is now known as JordanC [15:25] Heya [17:25] ! #ubuntu-general [17:25] Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-general - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi === JamMasterJ is now known as JordanC [20:16] Fresh install users can not switch users... They have to log off to switch users. [20:17] Also compiz says no whitelisted drivers found... [20:33] Rplata: this on the console? Or for thin clients? [20:33] Thin clients both issues. [20:34] I installed nvidia drivers in chroot [20:34] Switching users won't work on thin clients. [20:35] And neither will compiz [20:36] No says user not logged in console or something... I had to leave though. I'm on the road. [20:37] The fast switcher app won't work for thin clients [20:37] Just remove it from the panel. [20:37] Compiz says no whitelisted drivers found. [20:37] And compiz doesn't like to work remotely [20:38] Oh ok. [20:38] Compiz wants to have the video card local. [20:38] The swith user button doesn't work when i clixk log out button. [20:39] No, it won't [20:39] It should be disabled. [20:39] Oh ok. Can i remove the button somehow? [20:39] Both the fast user switcher, and the switch user button rely on the users being local, but they don't locally exist on the thin client. [20:40] Will it ever work? [20:40] We don't currently have a way to remove it. [20:40] No. [20:40] Ok [20:40] Well, not unless they radically change the way it works. [20:41] Locally, it relies on simply giving access to your X cookies to switch to another user [20:41] Another question what are some of the causes of client slowness? [20:41] but that doesn't work across remote X connections. [20:41] Have you enabled LDM_DIRECTX = True? [20:41] No [20:41] By default, all traffic between the client and server is encrypted. [20:42] Enabling LDM_DIRECTX = True eliminates the encryption, which, for slow clients, can be a major slow down. [20:43] Ok. My clients aren't slow two ghz system ... [20:43] Or is that slow? [20:44] Well, even that fast will have a bit of latency with the added encryption. [20:44] And, keep in mind, a thin client will never be as fast as a local login. [20:44] Network speed is also a factor. [20:45] Ok. I'll try that. Btw lts.conf wasn't installed by default? Is that normal? [20:45] Yep. [20:45] Normally, it isn't needed anymore. Defaults work fine out of the box. [20:47] Ok well i had to update ssh keys and rebuild image to grt mine working ootb. Think i have an install issue? [20:47] Or is it just finnicky? [20:47] Was this a fresh install or an upgrade? [20:47] Fresh [20:48] And, did you change the networking after you installed it [20:48] If you change any networking (i.e. change IP addresses, or the like) you need to update the sshkeys and rebuild the image, that's perfectly normal. [20:50] Ok that was it then. Are future releases going to have initial setup for secondary subnet for alternate nic on install? [20:51] Should be that by default. [20:51] If you have an unconfigured nic, it should assign it, and enable it for ltsp use. [20:52] My network uses 192.168.0.x so i changed clients to worj on 10.0.0.x [20:52] Ah, well, if you touch it manually, then it won't automagically happen. You'll have to do some manual config. [20:53] But it's rather minor, just the update-sshkeys, and the update image. [20:53] I think for Hardy, we're planning a gui tool to manage the chroot. [20:54] Yeah ok. Thanks for all of the help! Anything major coming up for the next release? Ie. New cool stuff? [20:54] Nice! [20:54] I think localapps will work. That's been years coming :) [20:55] What do you mean? [20:56] For larger thin clients, running some apps locally, like Firefox, or VOIP phone software. [20:57] Awesome! Will that require hdd's? [20:57] No, shouldn't. [20:58] Otherwise, it wouldn't be a thin client, would it? :) [20:58] How will it work? [20:59] The UDS is coming up soon. Keep an eye on the specs, you'll see all the details there. [20:59] Uds? [21:00] Ubuntu Developer's Summit [21:01] Oh ok cool. Think compiz will be one if those local things? [21:02] I'll be blunt. Personally, I have no interest in seeing compiz working on thin clients, as I have no use for compiz. If someone else wants to do the work to make it work, then it'll happen. But I won't be working on it :) Most of the thin clients I deal with aren't capable of running compiz anyway. [21:03] Ok. Thanks for all the help. Keep up the good work! [21:04] sbalneav: any idea when will the Edubuntu specs be registered on LP (proposed for UDS scheduling) ? [21:05] stgraber: No idea. I was going to enter in a couple of specs later on today. I don't know who's entering specs. [21:05] I guess, just enter whatever one's your interested in :) [21:10] What libraries are needed to develop in QT? [21:11] attunix: You ran off last night [21:12] I had worked out a command line you could use to compile. [21:12] sbalneav: yeah, I know. :P [21:12] oh [21:12] sorry :( [21:12] I got it working, anyway :P [21:13] Wow [21:13] just [21:13] wow [21:13] I was looking up the QT libs for him. [21:13] He pulled the exact same stunt last night [23:26] How do I get Edubuntu to mount my floppy drive? It says "mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified." [23:27] I'll try formatting it and see what happens.... [23:28] :) [23:30] It works! :) [23:31] just needed a little formatting....:P [23:31] lol [23:31] Amaranth, morning mate [23:49] Hey duders... [23:50] Whats the difference between Ubuntu and the rest? (Edu, k, go, etc) [23:50] BBL dudes [23:50] (Idling)