=== JordanC is now known as JordanC[NoSecks2 | ||
=== JordanC[NoSecks2 is now known as JordanC[NoSecks] | ||
=== boyam1 is now known as boyam | ||
putneyt | Admin - using NFS home directories and LDAP for authentication. Users connecting with X or VNC get OAFIID errors. Every document in OpenOffice has to be recovered if 2nd user connects. I've misconfigured something and looking for direction. | 07:11 |
yafeb | I all, | 09:11 |
yafeb | I'm trying to run edubuntu-server for a school but can't get the thin client running LDM | 09:12 |
yafeb | Here is the message (client side) | 09:18 |
yafeb | mount: Mounting /dev/nbd0 on /rofs failed: No such device | 09:19 |
yafeb | Any idea? | 09:19 |
yafeb | I'm trying to run edubuntu-server for a school but can't get the thin client running LDM | 09:20 |
RichEd | ogra: any ideas for yafeb ? | 09:46 |
ogra_cmpc | RichEd: whats the prob? | 09:47 |
RichEd | can't get the thin client running LDM <- ^^ | 09:47 |
RichEd | Here is the message (client side) | 09:48 |
RichEd | mount: Mounting /dev/nbd0 on /rofs failed: No such device | 09:48 |
RichEd | --- | 09:48 |
ogra_cmpc | thats a new isntall ? | 09:48 |
ogra_cmpc | either the nbd server isnt running or the client doesnt get handed out the right nbd server port | 09:50 |
ogra_cmpc | without knowing more details i cant say anything more | 09:51 |
* ogra_cmpc is trying to work with extended screen here, its maqjorly annoying | 09:52 | |
ogra_cmpc | luckily thats the last driver that supports it :) in hardy it wont even be possible | 09:54 |
yafeb | RichED and ogra_cmpc : Thank you for your help. It's my first attempt to run Edubuntu (we were using K12LTSP) and, yes, it's a new install. | 10:04 |
RichEd | yafeb: good stuff ... let us know what you feel about the differences in experience | 10:04 |
RichEd | and also if their is anything you "miss" that we should seriously be looking at including | 10:05 |
yafeb | Right now, I can't get Edubuntu working ;-) | 10:05 |
yafeb | Here is what I've done right now... | 10:06 |
yafeb | I process with a PXE netboot install and select the task: edubuntu-server | 10:07 |
yafeb | After the reboot, I configured the DHCP server (2 NICs are used) | 10:08 |
yafeb | Then I run 'sudo ltsp-build-client --arch i386' since the server is an AMD 64 computer | 10:08 |
yafeb | After that, dchroot was installed in order to manage the ltsp-i386 chroot | 10:10 |
yafeb | Then, entering in the chroot, I installed edubuntu-desktop | 10:10 |
yafeb | There was a failure caused by acpid (see #65635) | 10:11 |
yafeb | But the workaround works for me and edubuntu-desktop was installed in the chroot | 10:12 |
yafeb | Then I ran 'sudo ltsp-update-image --arch i386' | 10:13 |
RichEd | yafeb: if you are making any install notes, we'd be glad to have them in ... in any form ... email or a wiki page | 10:13 |
yafeb | No problem | 10:14 |
RichEd | note that ogra is your main man for assistance, and i am about to go into a 90 min meeing ... but will keep an eye on the channel | 10:14 |
yafeb | The thing is that all of that does not work at the moment :-( | 10:14 |
RichEd | ogra is in and out of atttention now ... he is working on the classmate PC and appears as <ogra_cmpc> | 10:17 |
yafeb | OK, thank you Riched, I stay tuned | 10:17 |
RichEd | i'll see if I can nudge him ... he'll be around and about | 10:17 |
RichEd | Kamping_Kaiser / kgoetz you around ? | 10:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | RichEd, yes i am | 10:18 |
RichEd | Kamping_Kaiser: any clues for yafeb ? he's moving from k12ltsp to edubuntu and is having some install teething issues ? | 10:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | RichEd, let me read up | 10:19 |
RichEd | thanks karl | 10:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yafeb, are these thin or fat clients? a thin client doesnt need edubuntu-desktop (at least in dapper) | 10:21 |
yafeb | For testing purpose, I'm currently using my laptop (centrino) | 10:22 |
yafeb | nbd server is running on the server | 10:23 |
yafeb | but I still get the error "/dev/nbd0 on /rofs failed: No such device" client side | 10:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | that doesnt answer my question though. | 10:24 |
yafeb | I still get the error starting with "/dev/nbd0 on /rofs failed: No such device" and ending with "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init" | 10:24 |
yafeb | Kamping_Kaiser: my laptop is used as the client (thin or Fat, I do not know) | 10:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yafeb, i'll asume your trying to do thin clients | 10:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yafeb, you dont need the full distro in the chroot, just a very minimal one (the one ltsp-build-chroot created) | 10:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | once you have a minimal chroot we can probably try again. | 10:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you might be able to work with the full chroot, but i dont know (a lot has changed since i set up my dapper ltsp) | 10:27 |
yafeb | all right, I try this. Just another question: where should I install edubuntu-desktop then ? | 10:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | if its an LTSP server, on the server | 10:28 |
yafeb | On the server, not into the chroot, that's right ? | 10:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thats correct | 10:30 |
yafeb | RichED and Kamping_Kaiser: thank you very much for your help. I was wrong, thinking all the LTSP part should be running in the chroot like a virtualized host. I'm going to try edubuntu now. See you soon :-) | 11:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yafeb, see you then | 11:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | good luck | 11:08 |
ogra_cmpc | RichEd: i fear for a proper final cmpc image we'll need a lighter browser | 13:39 |
ogra_cmpc | i got teh gutsy image going, abiword and gnumeric work at an awesome speed ... | 13:39 |
RichEd | okay ... is there anything sensible we can use ? | 13:39 |
ogra_cmpc | but as soon as i open FF it tears down everything ... cant use it with any other app running | 13:40 |
ogra_cmpc | no | 13:40 |
RichEd | cool ... LaserJock mentioned the abiword & gnumeric | 13:40 |
ogra_cmpc | there is no replacenent | 13:40 |
RichEd | what browser does xubuntu use ? | 13:40 |
ogra_cmpc | the probe here is that all usable browsers use firefox as backend | 13:40 |
ogra_cmpc | firefox :) | 13:40 |
RichEd | :( | 13:41 |
ogra_cmpc | there is a spec for a mobile firefox ... for UME | 13:41 |
ogra_cmpc | but thats still in its infancty | 13:41 |
highvoltage | ogra_cmpc: on the gobuntu lists, someone suggested epiphany for a replacement for firefox, as apposed to iceweasel. does epiphany use the same kind of resources than firefox? | 13:41 |
ogra_cmpc | over all the gutsy image is slower than teh feisty one btw | 13:41 |
ogra_cmpc | highvoltage: its identical | 13:41 |
ogra_cmpc | just doesnt use XUL | 13:42 |
ogra_cmpc | iceweasle *is* firefox without the branding (trademark free firwefox) | 13:42 |
highvoltage | so you'd probably want something that uses webkit | 13:42 |
highvoltage | ogra_cmpc: yes, sorry, I'm actually merging two issues here | 13:42 |
ogra_cmpc | we would neeed to use something thats based on xulrunner (even i'm not sure that solves anything) | 13:43 |
highvoltage | ogra_cmpc: the reasoin why firefox went into gobuntu is that no one maintains iceweasel in ubuntu | 13:43 |
ogra_cmpc | but we're biound by the trademark .... | 13:43 |
ogra_cmpc | that forbids us to shipo xulrunner | 13:43 |
ogra_cmpc | you cant maintain iceweasle in ubuntu as long as firefox is there | 13:43 |
ogra_cmpc | its simply illegal to have both | 13:44 |
ogra_cmpc | you either agree to teh terms of the tradmark or use iceweasle ... both doesnt work | 13:44 |
highvoltage | yes, but tradmarked stugg is illegal in Gobuntu! | 13:44 |
highvoltage | so for gobuntu it's either iceweasel or epiphany | 13:45 |
ogra_cmpc | well, use dillo :P | 13:45 |
highvoltage | over my dead body! | 13:45 |
ogra_cmpc | epi uses ff | 13:45 |
highvoltage | indeed | 13:45 |
ogra_cmpc | no way to have it without | 13:45 |
ogra_cmpc | at least not as long as its in main | 13:45 |
highvoltage | but epiphany doesn't have the mozilla trademarks | 13:45 |
ogra_cmpc | sure it does | 13:45 |
ogra_cmpc | it has to either use iceweasle, xulrunner or ff to link against | 13:46 |
ogra_cmpc | it simply inherits the problem | 13:46 |
ogra_cmpc | same gors for galeon (if that still exists) | 13:46 |
ogra_cmpc | but i doyubt that solves and of the IO issues for cmpc | 13:46 |
ogra_cmpc | i doubt xulrunner works better without L2 cache in the CPU and flashdiosk transfer rates | 13:47 |
ogra_cmpc | RichEd: in any case we'll need to have a lighter desktop thats better suited for teh device ... | 13:48 |
ogra_cmpc | that should ease a lot ... (even it wont speed up FF it will use way less ram) | 13:48 |
ogra_cmpc | and a WM that allows only one app to be used | 13:49 |
ogra_cmpc | (... hardy specs) | 13:49 |
ogra_cmpc | i guess i'll have to dive deep into UME for that | 13:49 |
ogra_cmpc | and steal their desktop | 13:49 |
* highvoltage holds the loud xfce scream in | 13:50 | |
ogra_cmpc | highvoltage: not better i have an xfce install here | 13:50 |
highvoltage | ouch! | 13:50 |
ogra_cmpc | it saves some ram but hasnt significantly faster IO | 13:50 |
RichEd | ogra: we need to set up some specs for UDS ... Jason from Intel will be there to discuss | 13:51 |
ogra_cmpc | and still allows multiple apps | 13:51 |
* RichEd away | 13:51 | |
RichEd | collection -> 15 mins | 13:51 |
highvoltage | yes, I must confess that RAM savings is the only real benefit Xfce gives | 13:51 |
ogra_cmpc | i'd go with something like GPE with matchbox | 13:51 |
* highvoltage is not familiar with that. is it very usable? | 13:51 | |
ogra_cmpc | its a pocketpc desktop | 13:51 |
ogra_cmpc | built for the ipaq | 13:52 |
ogra_cmpc | www.handhelds.org has links | 13:52 |
sbalneav | Morning all | 13:55 |
ogra_cmpc | hey sbalneav | 13:55 |
sbalneav | Hey ogra! | 13:55 |
sbalneav | Lemme guess where you're logged in from? | 13:55 |
sbalneav | :) | 13:55 |
ogra_cmpc | yeah | 13:55 |
ogra_cmpc | no fun though | 13:55 |
sbalneav | Not happy? | 13:56 |
ogra_cmpc | to slow | 13:57 |
ogra_cmpc | mainly FF is the prob | 13:57 |
ogra_cmpc | i nearly cant load planet.u.c (takes ages) | 13:57 |
ogra_cmpc | RichEd: could you mail justin and ask for sending me the notetaking app ? (i'm a bit limited in my conversation capabilities atm ) | 14:38 |
RichEd | okay ... will do | 14:38 |
ogra_cmpc | screen size switching works fine so far | 14:38 |
ogra_cmpc | but they should be aware that this is only possible due to using an obsolete driver | 14:38 |
ogra_cmpc | the hardy X wont support the virtual screen setting at all anymore | 14:39 |
ogra_cmpc | beyond that it breaks teh fullscreen modes of most games | 14:39 |
RichEd | ogra: i'm setting up a wiki page later today | 14:42 |
ogra_cmpc | ok | 14:42 |
RichEd | we can list these as issues | 14:42 |
ogra_cmpc | well, its a simple fact that we cant support the virtual screen stuff in hardy | 14:43 |
ogra_cmpc | Xorg dropped support for it in gutsy already ... i can only achove it with an ugly hack | 14:43 |
nonsparker | Hello all | 15:14 |
nonsparker | Does any one here use the ltsp-kiosk on their edubuntu server? | 15:15 |
sbalneav | Not I | 15:18 |
nonsparker | do you know anything about configuring the UI? | 15:21 |
nonsparker | any UI | 15:21 |
sbalneav | Well, you'd probably want to install ubuntu-desktop, or the like | 15:32 |
sbalneav | How about giving us a little context, so we might be able to suggest something. Any reason why you're wanting to use kiosk mode? | 15:33 |
sbalneav | nonsparker: Hello? | 15:37 |
sbalneav | LaserJock: Hey you there? The edubuntu handbook on the web site: http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/ is the old one. | 15:42 |
nonsparker | sorry | 16:48 |
nonsparker | sbalneav: are you still there | 16:48 |
nonsparker | I was working on something else | 16:49 |
nonsparker | I am trying enable the window list applet to the bottom of the kiosk desktop | 16:51 |
sbalneav | Maybe check .xsession-errors to see why it's failing? | 16:58 |
nonsparker | when you do ltsp-build-client --kiosk there is no panel on the bottom of the screen I would like to add a panel | 16:59 |
sbalneav | Like I said before, I think you need to install ubuntu-desktop in the chroot. | 17:02 |
sbalneav | ogra_cmp1: Hey, when you do a build-client --kiosk, does ubuntu-desktop get installed? | 17:05 |
ogra_cmp1 | no | 17:05 |
sbalneav | That's what I thought. | 17:05 |
ogra_cmp1 | as the documentation says, it installs a webkiosk | 17:06 |
sbalneav | So if nonsparker wants a lower gnome panel, he'd have to install ubuntu-desktop | 17:06 |
ogra_cmp1 | firefox and window manager | 17:06 |
ogra_cmp1 | well | 17:06 |
nonsparker | ok | 17:07 |
nonsparker | ok | 17:08 |
nonsparker | thank you | 17:08 |
nonsparker | so I should chroot to the i386 and apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 17:09 |
sbalneav | Yeah, I don't think anyone's really tested that, so YMMV | 17:10 |
nonsparker | thanks a bunch | 17:11 |
nonsparker | I'll let you know how it goes | 17:11 |
ogra_cmp1 | and make sure to have enough ram to even run teh desktop | 17:11 |
ogra_cmp1 | i wouldnt go below 256M | 17:11 |
ogra_cmp1 | (and even thats quite tight) | 17:12 |
Ludwik | hi | 17:40 |
sbalneav | Hello | 17:40 |
Ludwik | Sorry to bother you, but maybe you will be able to help me. I work for a high-school in Poland (Europe). We have more than 20 laptops we use in classrooms. In previous versions, at least since 6.06 our WiFi cards worked great. But after upgrading to Gutsy WiFi stoped working | 17:41 |
Ludwik | I found a thread about this issue in Ubuntu Forms, but I didn't find the solution | 17:42 |
Ludwik | It's a major problem fot us since we use WiFi not only to connect to the internet but also to network the laptops together - share user accounts and data | 17:42 |
Ludwik | I'm new here. Is it ok for me to ask such questions on this channel and will anybody be able to help me? | 17:42 |
ogra_cmp1 | what kind of card is that ? | 17:43 |
ogra_cmp1 | (whats teh chipset) | 17:43 |
Ludwik | It's rt2500-based card | 17:43 |
Ludwik | Here is the thread - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=582033 | 17:43 |
ogra_cmp1 | hmm, i"m currently connected through ralink wlan card | 17:44 |
ogra_cmp1 | works in gutsy for me ... | 17:44 |
Ludwik | It shows the avaliable networks, but is unable to connect, at least to our WPA-protected network | 17:45 |
* ogra_cmp1 waits for the browser to start | 17:45 | |
ogra_cmp1 | oh, hmm, i didnt try WPA yet | 17:45 |
ogra_cmp1 | only WEP | 17:45 |
Ludwik | Judging from this thread many paople have similar issues | 17:45 |
ogra_cmp1 | did you ask in #ubuntu-kernel ? | 17:47 |
ogra_cmp1 | they are usually handling drivers and might know a workaround | 17:47 |
Ludwik | Ok, thank you, I'll try than... | 17:47 |
ogra_cmp1 | there is surely a way to get it working | 17:48 |
Ludwik | I hope :) | 17:50 |
ogra_cmp1 | well, worst case you can always compile teh driver from serialmonkey yourself | 17:50 |
Aquila | is there a problem with the servers/repositories? i'm getting errors when trying to apt-get update | 20:20 |
sbalneav | LaserJock: Ping | 21:02 |
Burgundavia | hey sbalneav | 21:03 |
Burgundavia | how is the snow? | 21:04 |
sbalneav | Don't have any yet. | 21:11 |
sbalneav | I'm hoping it holds off for a few more weeks. | 21:11 |
Burgundavia | heh | 21:11 |
sbalneav | You on the docteam at all? | 21:12 |
Burgundavia | not anymore | 21:12 |
Burgundavia | too many things taking my time | 21:12 |
sbalneav | ah | 21:12 |
sbalneav | ok. | 21:12 |
Burgundavia | my main project right now is the Fridge and the CC | 21:12 |
sbalneav | The new version of the edubuntu handbooks out, but the webpages are still the old one. | 21:12 |
sbalneav | Was just wondering who did the docbook -> html on that. | 21:13 |
Burgundavia | likely the automated stuff | 21:13 |
Burgundavia | talk to mdke | 21:13 |
Burgundavia | matthew esat | 21:13 |
sbalneav | Ah, ok. | 21:14 |
sbalneav | Thanks. | 21:14 |
[[Charlie]] | edubuntu. | 22:09 |
mhz | hi all | 22:34 |
mhz | there's a school we have in Chile, that is currently working with Ubuntu on all his Desktops and Laptops | 22:34 |
mhz | they want to test Edubuntu now | 22:35 |
mhz | but they feel there is no point on using LTSP | 22:35 |
mhz | since most of his Desktops and Laptops have over 1 GHz on processor | 22:35 |
mhz | BUT they are VERY interested on Student Control | 22:35 |
mhz | Any config/setting you may suggest to control Student Control (or alike) for this School ? | 22:36 |
stgraber | you may want to have a look at iTalc, it's one of the proposed alternatives to the Edubuntu Thin Client Manager | 22:37 |
stgraber | http://italc.sf.net | 22:37 |
* mhz checks | 22:38 | |
mhz | stgraber: so you mean, for LTSP = Student Control. Non LTSP env. ITALC ? | 22:39 |
stgraber | we have 1.0.2 version in Gutsy but I personaly tried it using a 1.0.3 package I did for Feisty (worked fine) | 22:39 |
mhz | nice | 22:39 |
stgraber | I'm also using iTalc in a LTSP env (for mixed environment) | 22:39 |
stgraber | half of the computers on Windows, the other half on Linux with half of those being thin clients on LTSP | 22:40 |
mhz | oh | 22:40 |
mhz | I see | 22:40 |
stgraber | mhz: it was proposed to use iTalc as default control app instead of the TCM, that's an option for Hardy as the current TCM would need some work anyway (VNC integration isn't good) | 22:42 |
stgraber | mhz: I guess that we'll discuss that a bit at the UDS | 22:42 |
mhz | and why? | 22:49 |
mhz | no more Python? | 22:49 |
stgraber | there is no point in having two tools doing the same thing, and having it upstream is better as we don't need to care about actually coding it | 22:50 |
mhz | good pint | 22:51 |
mhz | point | 22:51 |
mhz | and what does Ogra feel about it? | 22:51 |
stgraber | + iTalc is multi-platform which is great to help a school switching from Windows to Linux as the tool remain the same | 22:51 |
mhz | oh, even more inteteresting point | 22:51 |
stgraber | IIRC he doesn't like the UI (and I +1 on that) but the features are cool | 22:51 |
mhz | so, work could be focused on imporving the GUI | 22:52 |
mhz | instead of the whole development | 22:52 |
mhz | or coding | 22:52 |
stgraber | yes and improving LTSP support (shutdown/reboot functions don't work with LTSP) | 22:52 |
stgraber | but the VNC/text message/encryption part would be upstream | 22:53 |
stgraber | and they have a really interesting TODO list including internet filtering (mozilla plugin), MacOS support, ... | 22:54 |
stgraber | http://italc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=Roadmap | 22:54 |
mhz | hmmm | 22:55 |
mhz | nice! | 22:55 |
mhz | and how about network consumption? | 22:55 |
stgraber | better or at least similar to the one of TCM (they have a better configured VNC than we have) | 22:56 |
stgraber | The interesting point of their roadmap is the plug-in system as it would basically let you do broadcasting of the demo stream instead of unicasting (using VLC or any other video encoder) which would help not killing your network while doing a demo | 22:57 |
stgraber | but that's for 2.0 | 22:57 |
mhz | well, right, "grid" way of developing is better in this case. | 22:58 |
mhz | stgraber: let me introduce you to aherrera | 23:08 |
mhz | stgraber: he's responsible for the implementation of Ubuntu (and possibly Edubuntu) on his School | 23:08 |
mhz | he's Gnome coder | 23:09 |
aherrera | Hi | 23:09 |
mhz | and may be interested on helping both translating and coding (when possible) | 23:09 |
stgraber | hi aherrera | 23:09 |
aherrera | hi stgraber | 23:10 |
mhz | stgraber: As I have been away of Edubuntu for so much time, I'd appreciate you could "guide" him where to start | 23:10 |
stgraber | well, the first point is to see if you actually have a use for a LTSP server (no need of a LTSP server with fast computers) | 23:11 |
stgraber | if not Edubuntu is only Ubuntu + edu artwork + some edu packages (that you could install on any clean Ubuntu as they share the same repository) | 23:11 |
mhz | right | 23:12 |
mhz | hence they installed Ubuntu | 23:12 |
aherrera | We ubuntu in 46 laptops | 23:13 |
mhz | most probably is they will use XFCE as desktop on machines with fast processor but less RAM (256 MB) | 23:13 |
mhz | however, they need to "monitor" students | 23:14 |
aherrera | And we ubuntu in 46 Desktop in a language laboratory | 23:14 |
stgraber | ok, so in your case I'd recommend to have a look at iTalc as it isn't OS/arch/WM specific so you can have computers running Windows, Ubuntu+gnome, Ubuntu+XFCE, Ubuntu+KDE they will all be managed the same way | 23:15 |
stgraber | just be careful about your network as doing things like demo on 20 computers at the same time will certainly eat a lot of bandwidth, so fast network would be fine (100Mb/s being the minimum if you expect decent performances) | 23:17 |
aherrera | Well guess reading about something iTalc | 23:17 |
mhz | stgraber: and if Edubuntu needs a couple of hands for devel and/or translating into spanish... aherrera could do that, too | 23:18 |
stgraber | every Ubuntu derivatives are managed and translated on LP, so translating Ubuntu will also translate Edubuntu | 23:19 |
mhz | true | 23:19 |
stgraber | https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+lang/es | 23:19 |
stgraber | argh : https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+lang/es | 23:20 |
aherrera | OK | 23:20 |
stgraber | (edge is beta website and I always forget to remove it from copy/pasted URLs ...) | 23:20 |
aherrera | OK, thank you very much .. Then start to work in the translation | 23:24 |
aherrera | and this week iTalc fitted in the library of college | 23:25 |
stgraber | ok guys, it's pretty late here so see you all later | 23:27 |
aherrera | see you later | 23:28 |
mhz | c ya | 23:34 |
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