juan_ | after installing compiz, everytime i log in i have only one desktop, i have to change the number of desktops to get my four again, anyone know why? | 00:00 |
LastMall | shakey does clamav do on access realtime scanning at all ? | 00:00 |
Lega | Oh, this is odd... | 00:00 |
roguejedix | Is it normal for Distribution Upgrade to take an hour at step "Modifying the software channels"? | 00:00 |
shakey | i dunno - i havent tried it | 00:00 |
shakey | i was hoping to get some peoples opinions | 00:00 |
LastMall | shakey I'm thinking no. | 00:00 |
shadowhywind | hay all having an odd problem. Recently, my wireless card has not been working in linux. When i switch to windows i noticed that there are no drivers installed, So i install the drivers, boot back into kubuntu, and my wireless card begins to work again. Any ideas? | 00:00 |
lovre | monsterb: its my bad luck | 00:00 |
juan_ | roguejedix it took on my laprtop about 2 minutes at the most | 00:00 |
lovre | monsterb: now i cant install anything | 00:01 |
nickpresta | roguejedix: the servers are fairly slow right now with the surge of people upgrading. It is normal to take a while for the whole process right now :) | 00:01 |
monsterb | lovre: do a CTRL+ALT+Backspace and log back in and try it. | 00:01 |
nickpresta | roguejedix: although the software channel setup shouldn't take too long | 00:01 |
lovre | monsterb: ok | 00:01 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: do you have restricted-manager installed? | 00:01 |
LastMall | shakey I've never been a real fan of avg tho either | 00:01 |
bo | where's the location for the apt-sources.list? | 00:01 |
shakey | its ok on windows | 00:01 |
roguejedix | It's been stuck at "Fetching file 41 of 64" for over an hour now. So, I should just let it run? I'm kinda afraid to cancel it now | 00:01 |
shakey | clamAV and AVG are the two that i know of, are there any other decent AV on *nix? | 00:01 |
hitmanWilly | bo: /etc/apt/sources.list | 00:01 |
kudar | hitman:im not sure let me look | 00:01 |
hitmanWilly | shakey: why do you need AV anyway? | 00:02 |
danielstewart | Woohoo! My wifi works! | 00:02 |
lovre | not working :( | 00:02 |
shakey | well i dont have any now, isnt that foolish? | 00:02 |
Lega | My internet isn't working, now. >.< Like, in firefox, some pages will load, but google (for example) won't, and a bunch of other pages won't either... any ideas? | 00:02 |
Minataku | shakey: BitDefender | 00:02 |
LastMall | shakey Avira has a version for linux/bsd/solaris free | 00:02 |
hitmanWilly | !virus | shakey | 00:02 |
ubotu | shakey: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 00:02 |
Minataku | It's not free, though, but it is $free | 00:02 |
danielstewart | Do I really have to logout just to change my time from a 24 hr clock to a 12 hour one? | 00:03 |
DaSkreech | shakey: By stats clamav | 00:03 |
shakey | hitmanWilly: yea i was aware of that, but that doesnt mean we are all in the clear though | 00:03 |
hitmanWilly | shakey: i don't run any kind of AV, just my router's firewall | 00:03 |
Minataku | That trigger needs to be updated | 00:03 |
monsterb | lovre: did u do a fresh install or ugrade from feisty? | 00:03 |
Minataku | Because if you use WINE, AV is still relatively useful | 00:03 |
stdin | Minataku: then update it | 00:03 |
juan_ | why use an AV in linux? | 00:04 |
Minataku | I've submitted suggestions and was never listened to | 00:04 |
Minataku | So no | 00:04 |
Minataku | :P | 00:04 |
Minataku | juan_: I just said why | 00:04 |
lovre | monsterb: fresh install | 00:04 |
stdin | Minataku: I know the ops are "awake" right now, so give it a go | 00:04 |
kudar | hitman: do i need to install restricted manager? | 00:04 |
Minataku | And there ARE Linux viruses | 00:04 |
lovre | monsterb: i had feisty on, but i didnt want to upgrade, i put in the CD and installed fresh | 00:04 |
hitmanWilly | ok, well, that's one thing, but most people only use wine for specific apps, most of which aren't virus prone | 00:04 |
monsterb | lovre: sudo adept_installer | 00:04 |
Minataku | They're nowhere near as serious a problem, but they're still in existance | 00:04 |
stdin | lovre: do not use sudo with GUI apps | 00:05 |
krisbuntu | nevermind, I think I got it... | 00:05 |
kudar | hitman: yes i have restricted manager installed | 00:05 |
stdin | monsterb: don't tell people to use sudo with GUI apps | 00:05 |
lovre | monsterb: not working, still same | 00:05 |
srfbdna | hola | 00:05 |
danielstewart | Hey, I use a Low profile ATI Radeon x600 PCI-E card, should I be looking for the open source driver or wait on it? | 00:05 |
lovre | stdin: ok :D use kdesu? | 00:05 |
Minataku | !u | monsterb | 00:05 |
ubotu | monsterb: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 00:05 |
danielstewart | All I really want right now is to be able to go above 800x600 resolution | 00:05 |
stdin | lovre: yes | 00:05 |
hitmanWilly | Minataku: most linux viruses are rootkits that i've heard of, and i don't know of ANY av software that can effectively get rid of one of those | 00:05 |
srfbdna | How can I start KDE 4 in Gutsy Gibbon? | 00:06 |
monsterb | stdin: im trying to problem solve his issue - since your the expert help him | 00:06 |
Minataku | Ridding is one thing, catching beforehand is another | 00:06 |
hitmanWilly | true | 00:06 |
WaltzingAlong | srfbdna: follow the instructions at kubuntu.org or specified in the channel topic | 00:06 |
Minataku | If you've downloaded a suspicious package, it's a very good idea to scan it quick | 00:06 |
stdin | srfbdna: see the link in the topic | 00:06 |
lovre | dont fight please | 00:06 |
Minataku | Or if you're just unsure of the integrity at all | 00:06 |
lovre | i really need help | 00:06 |
=== pete__ is now known as utnubuk | ||
=== utnubuk is now known as utnubukk | ||
lovre | need to fix this | 00:06 |
Minataku | BTW, heya, hitmanWilly :3 | 00:06 |
kudar | hitman: yes i have restricted manager installed | 00:06 |
Lega | Argh! Something is messing up my package stuff again, I can't apt-get update or anything... >.< | 00:06 |
* shakey goes back to his paper | 00:07 | |
=== utnubukk is now known as utnubuk | ||
* bo is giving hitmanWilly a pony | 00:07 | |
hitmanWilly | but i still don't see how a nix machine could get infected in the first place, unless you install a virus as root | 00:07 |
Minataku | I have my Macintosh Classic running right here next to me, but that's unrelated | 00:07 |
Minataku | lol | 00:07 |
vbgunz | I fixed my framebuffer issue if any body remembers. I posted the solution here http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3087749.msg94991#msg94991, many thanks to those who helped! | 00:07 |
hitmanWilly | Minataku: and hi to you too | 00:07 |
Minataku | Mmmmm... 1bit video | 00:07 |
Minataku | X3 | 00:07 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 00:07 |
WaltzingAlong | !ot | 00:08 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 00:08 |
lovre | and i CANT apt-get install ANYTHING :( :( :( | 00:08 |
kudar | hitman: yes i have restricted manager installed... i will wait patiently | 00:08 |
shakey | hitmanWilly: so in all seriousness, us linux users are pretty safe to look at porn online? | 00:08 |
Minataku | And it's not 1bpp, it's 1bit | 00:08 |
Minataku | shakey: Extremely safe | 00:08 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: ok, run it and see if the intel pro driver is enabled | 00:08 |
kudar | lol | 00:08 |
* shakey exhales a sigh of relief | 00:08 | |
Minataku | Chances of getting something nasty surfing porn in Windows: 99.99999999% | 00:08 |
Minataku | Chances of same in Linux/BSD/Solaris: 0.0000000001% | 00:08 |
utnubuk | I installed the KDE desktop from gnome, but when i rebooted i got the gnome desktop - which is weird because I typed my info into the KDE login screen. | 00:08 |
utnubuk | how can i get into KDE? | 00:09 |
shakey | surfing porn on linux with konqeuror is probably even more safe | 00:09 |
Lega | How does one unlock/lock/fix the package-managing related stuff, again? | 00:09 |
hitmanWilly | shakey: extremely, tho i wouldn't know anything about that <_< >_> | 00:09 |
Minataku | Use Firefox instead. Much better. | 00:09 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 00:09 |
Minataku | I know a lot about that. I'm not ashamed to admit it | 00:09 |
Minataku | lol | 00:09 |
shakey | yea uh, i mean me too | 00:09 |
Minataku | I'm a 22 year old male | 00:10 |
hitmanWilly | XD | 00:10 |
Minataku | Of COURSE I look at porn | 00:10 |
kudar | hitman: the only restricted driver im using is nvidia graphics driver | 00:10 |
Minataku | :3 | 00:10 |
* shakey quickly gets back to work on his school paper | 00:10 | |
Lega | !fixadept | 00:10 |
ubotu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 00:10 |
hydrogen | !topic | 00:10 |
ubotu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 00:10 |
hydrogen | !ot | 00:10 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 00:10 |
* shakey quickly gets back to work on his "school paper" | 00:10 | |
WaltzingAlong | utnubuk: at the gui log in, select kde in the session list | 00:10 |
n8k99 | utnubuk: when you sign in, you have to select the KDE option | 00:10 |
Minataku | !botabuse | hydrogen | 00:10 |
ubotu | hydrogen: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 00:10 |
danielstewart | !ATI ? | 00:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ati ? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 00:10 |
hydrogen | I'm fairly sure the amount of porn one looks at has very little to do with kubuntu support | 00:10 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: ok, try installing the intel pro wireless one | 00:10 |
Minataku | Considering it's a discussion of security advantages, it fits the topic | 00:10 |
hydrogen | err | 00:11 |
Minataku | One is far safer surfing porn using a Kubuntu machine than a Windows machine | 00:11 |
kudar | hitman: knetwork manager recognizes the card as the intel pro wireless 4965 | 00:11 |
hydrogen | right | 00:11 |
dick | fuck | 00:11 |
LjL | !language | 00:11 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 00:11 |
utnubuk | WaltzingAlong: n8k99: thanks ill give it a shot | 00:11 |
hydrogen | but the amount of porn you happen to look at doesn't have anything to do with kubuntu support | 00:11 |
DaSkreech | !av | shakey | 00:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about av - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 00:11 |
hitmanWilly | !virus | 00:11 |
ubotu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 00:11 |
Minataku | Since most sites of that type utilizing exploits are using all Windows-specific ones | 00:11 |
WaltzingAlong | !info clamav | 00:11 |
DaSkreech | Minataku: You can catch a virus in Wine? | 00:11 |
ubotu | clamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.91.2-3ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 856 kB, installed size 1284 kB | 00:11 |
dick | how set up emai kde | 00:11 |
Minataku | DaSkreech: I have not | 00:11 |
Minataku | Though I've often wondered about the possibilities of such | 00:12 |
Minataku | As in whether or not it's possible | 00:12 |
hitmanWilly | i suppose it IS possible, but it would be limited to the ~/.wine folder | 00:12 |
Minataku | What kind of damage could it do, if any | 00:12 |
LastMall | does clamav do on-access scanning ? | 00:12 |
Minataku | Not at all | 00:12 |
monsterb | lovre: check your UserAccount and see if you belong to "admin and adm" groups | 00:12 |
naught101 | why I try to hibernate, the screen looks like it's logging out, then goes black, then almost immediately comes back to kde | 00:12 |
Minataku | Remember, WINE accesses / as Z: | 00:12 |
naught101 | most/all programs still running | 00:12 |
Minataku | Your home directory is also mapped to a drive letter | 00:12 |
naught101 | and doesn't hibernate | 00:12 |
naught101 | any one got any ideas? | 00:13 |
kudar | hitman: knetworkmanger recognizes the card as intel pro | 00:13 |
hitmanWilly | yes, but it still needs su access to write to / | 00:13 |
lovre | monsterb: how do i 'check my UserAccount' | 00:13 |
naught101 | !hibernate | 00:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 00:13 |
kudar | hitman:what would be the best way to install the drivers again? | 00:13 |
Minataku | Yes, but NOT to /home/username/ | 00:13 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: you still might try the restricted driver | 00:13 |
Minataku | !acpi | 00:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 00:13 |
monsterb | lovre: system settings > User Management | 00:13 |
kudar | hitman: i dont see a restricted driver as being available | 00:13 |
Minataku | What?! | 00:13 |
Minataku | This bot is patently useless sometimes | 00:14 |
lovre | monsterb: yes, i belong to thoose group | 00:14 |
Minataku | :P | 00:14 |
lovre | s | 00:14 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: try an apt-cache search for ipw* | 00:14 |
Minataku | !sleep | 00:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sleep - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 00:14 |
Minataku | Bah | 00:14 |
DaSkreech | lovre: got help yet? | 00:15 |
Minataku | Anyone seen Dr_Willis around? | 00:15 |
hitmanWilly | Minataku: but 99% of windows viruses install somewhere in the C:/Windows directory | 00:15 |
lovre | DaSkreech: no :( | 00:15 |
lovre | DaSkreech: havent resolved my problem yet | 00:15 |
danielstewart | I'm downloading the driver for my card on the ATI site. To run it do I just open the terminal and ./filename it? | 00:15 |
Minataku | hitmanWilly: Yes, but the ones that damage files do so all over | 00:15 |
=== keith is now known as compilerwriter | ||
carwash^ | naught101: you could try uswsp | 00:15 |
kudar | hitman: apt-cache search ipw* ???? | 00:15 |
lovre | DaSkreech: is there any list of locations where adept should look for applications, maybe it cannot acces that? | 00:15 |
naught101 | carwash^: what's that? | 00:16 |
=== lee_ is now known as lee986321 | ||
hitmanWilly | Minataku: so worst case your /home folder gets wiped out | 00:16 |
DaSkreech | LastMall: yes it does | 00:16 |
carwash^ | it's a package that automates some of the hibernation-stuff. its in the repositories | 00:16 |
hitmanWilly | Minataku: you lose all your settings and have to reinstall some stuff | 00:16 |
Minataku | That is, if you follow proper basic security procedures | 00:16 |
lee986321 | ok now waht is that channel for compiz? | 00:16 |
Minataku | And that you're not one of those dumbasses who runs as root all the time | 00:16 |
lovre | monsterb: is there any list of locations where adept should look for applications, maybe it cannot acces that? | 00:17 |
carwash^ | or you could try hibernating your machine manually. sudo echo 4 > /etc/proc/acpi/sleep | 00:17 |
bo | hitmanWilly: I fixed it, I had to change my sources list and now firefox is running, fine. Thanks for the help | 00:17 |
hitmanWilly | Minataku: well, of course, pebkac is a problem on any system | 00:17 |
DaSkreech | lovre: What do you mean look for applications? | 00:17 |
carwash^ | echo 3 for sleep (suspend to ram) | 00:17 |
kudar | kudar@ubuntubox:~$ apt-cache search ipw | 00:17 |
Minataku | I wonder if any research has been done into viruses on WINE | 00:17 |
kudar | bsign - Corruption & intrusion detection using embedded hashes | 00:17 |
kudar | ieee80211-source - Source for the 802.11 (wireless) network stack for Linux | 00:17 |
kudar | systraq - monitor your system and warn when system files change | 00:17 |
kudar | tripwire - file and directory integrity checker | 00:17 |
kudar | ipw2100-source - Source for the Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 (ipw2100) driver | 00:17 |
kudar | kudar@ubuntubox:~$ | 00:17 |
naught101 | carwash^: does it replace hibernate? and does it work with Kmenu>Log Out...>hibernate? | 00:17 |
lovre | DaSkreech: i mean, look for a list of available applications on an internet server. | 00:17 |
hitmanWilly | hmmm | 00:17 |
Minataku | naught101: No, it IS hibernate | 00:17 |
Minataku | And you type it into a terminal | 00:17 |
hydrogen | !hardware | 00:17 |
ubotu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 00:18 |
AmyRose | Yay, I just got my old computer working again thanks to the network install CD! | 00:18 |
DaSkreech | lovre: can you paste the contents of the file /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 00:18 |
stdin | kudar: use the pastebin | 00:18 |
DaSkreech | !paste | lovre | 00:18 |
ubotu | lovre: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 00:18 |
hitmanWilly | my lappy uses the 3495 driver, which is in fact a restricted one | 00:18 |
monsterb | lovre: run adept and hit fetch upadates | 00:18 |
naught101 | hrrmm... so there's no GUI solution? | 00:18 |
lee986321 | !compiz | 00:18 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 00:18 |
Minataku | He's telling you how to directly interact with the kernel ACPI interpreter | 00:18 |
Minataku | Why bother with one? This is insanely easy. :P | 00:18 |
FOAD | Hey, how can I make it so that when I do Windowskey-'-e it actually produces an e with an ' on top of it? | 00:18 |
monsterb | lovre: under EDIT you can manage repos | 00:18 |
jim | I upgraded to gutsy from feisty and for some reason hear a click sound every now and then. It isn't mechanical but coming from my sound card. It sounds intentional maybe representing a process or something?Any ideas what it might be? | 00:18 |
carwash^ | carwash^: you could probably make it work... if i remember correctly itwill try to identify what machine you are running and set the hibernation paramters accordingly. | 00:18 |
Minataku | Though there's a chance that hibernation support may be bad on your machine | 00:18 |
naught101 | Minataku: yes... so is "sudo hibernate", and that works... I more want to know why the current solution ISN'T working, so I can fix it.. | 00:19 |
Minataku | So if hibernation fails, don't try to do it ever again | 00:19 |
Minataku | lol | 00:19 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: what wifi card did you say you had? | 00:19 |
lovre | DaSkreech: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41597/ | 00:19 |
naught101 | i don't think it's my machine... it was working fine in feisty | 00:19 |
kudar | hitman: intel pro 4965 | 00:19 |
carwash^ | Minataku: when hibernation works, never again touch your system is more like how it works ;) | 00:19 |
alejandro | my firefox say that flash palyer isnt installed | 00:20 |
Minataku | Haha | 00:20 |
MasterShrek | how come i cant change file associations in dolphin? | 00:20 |
DaSkreech | lovre: Are you using adept ? | 00:20 |
Minataku | carwash^: You seem like you really know your stuff. Are you actually a Kubuntu user or do you use something more advanced like me? | 00:20 |
carwash^ | I'm on kubuntu | 00:21 |
carwash^ | i want to use my computer instead of fight with it ;) | 00:21 |
lovre | DaSkreech: if that is 'adept installer' then yes | 00:21 |
kudar | hitman: intel pro 4965 agn | 00:21 |
DaSkreech | lovre: what happens when you press fetch updates ? | 00:22 |
alejandro | my computer goes slow | 00:22 |
WaltzingAlong | Minataku: what are you using that you refer to as more advanced? | 00:22 |
Minataku | Yeah, yeah, yeah | 00:22 |
Minataku | lol | 00:22 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: ok, try this: sudo modprobe ipw4965 | 00:22 |
Minataku | I use Gentoo | 00:22 |
carwash^ | (insert random joke about compiling time) | 00:22 |
lovre | DaSkreech: i have no Fetch Updates, this is how my window looks: http://i23.tinypic.com/10qcc2v.jpg | 00:22 |
naught101 | "more advanced like me" - I thought you were refering to yourself... | 00:22 |
kudar | hitman: FATAL: Module ipw4965 not found. | 00:22 |
Minataku | I've also got numerous systems running NetBSD | 00:23 |
carwash^ | I'd rather _not_ use Minataku... | 00:23 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: ok, hold on a sec, let me hit up google right quick | 00:23 |
danielstewart | This may sound silly but how do I just "run" a program without having to sudo everything? | 00:23 |
kudar | hitman: thanks a lot bro | 00:23 |
danielstewart | I must be doing something wrong here | 00:23 |
DaSkreech | lovre: Ah can you close that and press Alt+space type adept then press enter for me | 00:23 |
Minataku | BTW: With RT-PREEMPT, compiling hardly causes a performance issue | 00:23 |
kudar | ive been reading up on this wifi issue for 2 days straight now | 00:23 |
Minataku | I can do other things while compiling with only an extremely slight, if any, drop in performance | 00:24 |
sparr | how can i change the appearance/layout of the K menu? | 00:24 |
Minataku | Which makes compile time a non-issue, since I can still work during | 00:24 |
danielstewart | Hello? | 00:25 |
aguitel | !hardy | 00:25 |
ubotu | Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) | Due April 2008 | For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron | 00:25 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: try this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=493095&highlight=4965 | 00:25 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: see if that helps at all | 00:25 |
trans_ | hi | 00:25 |
lovre | DaSkreech: its downloading some updates... | 00:25 |
DaSkreech | !hi | danielstewart and trans_ | 00:26 |
ubotu | danielstewart and trans_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 00:26 |
Minataku | Who makes up these horrible names? :P | 00:26 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: it sounds like you're using a generic driver, which is where your performance issues are probably coming from | 00:26 |
Minataku | "Gutsy Gibbon" "Hardy Heron" | 00:26 |
danielstewart | DaSkreech: I've been here a while, surprised that I can't seem to figure out how to install this driver | 00:26 |
Minataku | Bleh :P | 00:26 |
DaSkreech | danielstewart: Which ? | 00:26 |
lovre | DaSkreech: this download has never been this slow before.... | 00:27 |
kudar | hitman: so i dont have to do anything with my kernal right? | 00:27 |
carwash^ | Minataku: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames | 00:27 |
danielstewart | DaSkreech: Driver for the ATI Radeon x600. got it off the company site: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html | 00:27 |
danielstewart | 800x600 is painful :( | 00:27 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: no, you shouldn't, it should at the worst involve a modprobe or maybe editing some config files | 00:27 |
Minataku | Sorry, I'm being a bit mean, I suppose | 00:27 |
lovre | danielstewart: try it on an 19'' monitor :D | 00:27 |
Minataku | I'll go read something | 00:27 |
Minataku | lol | 00:27 |
trans_ | i'm having a strange problem with the /media directory for some reason. whenever i try to ls /media the terminal hangs and eventually either completes (but doesn't list the contents correctly), or it says Input/output error | 00:28 |
danielstewart | lovre: It's not my monitor, this is the max resolution on kubuntu | 00:28 |
danielstewart | lovre: I'm used to 1600x1200 :( | 00:28 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: ubuntu's kernel is almost entirely modular, which means you really don't ever have to recompile it | 00:28 |
trans_ | this is a new install on a new partition on a year old disk that was formatted during the install | 00:28 |
kudar | hitman: so i can ignore step 2 on that guide? | 00:28 |
danielstewart | lovre: so I'm _hoping_ that installing the driver will let me up the resolution | 00:29 |
kudar | hitman: 1 and 2 can be skipped then? | 00:29 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: yeah, assuming you already have the most recent kernel installed | 00:29 |
danielstewart | DaSkreech: It asks me to run something called check.sh, which I don't have preinstalled so I downloaded that too. Tried to run it by just typing ./check.sh in the right directory but I didn't have permission | 00:30 |
lovre | danielstewart: i still havent installed my 7900GS driver. but thats a whole another problem., havent got to it yet.... | 00:30 |
danielstewart | lovre: then how did you up the resolution? I want my screen space! | 00:31 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: this is 7.10, correct? | 00:31 |
danielstewart | lovre: and it can't be nvidia-specific, because that won't help me :( | 00:31 |
kudar | hitman:yes sir | 00:31 |
shakey | is anyone in here experienced with configuring httpd.conf? | 00:31 |
shakey | a crazy idea just came to me | 00:31 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: ok, then actually you do need to do 1 & 2, since your kernel isn't the most recent one | 00:31 |
lovre | danielstewart: i dont know, im on 1280x1024, with generic driver from kubuntu | 00:32 |
shakey | join /#apache | 00:32 |
AmyRose | shakey: ? | 00:32 |
shakey | omg i screwd up | 00:32 |
AmyRose | lol | 00:32 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: all that involves is reinstalling kernel pkgs, no compiling needed from the looks of it | 00:32 |
LjL | shakey: /join #apache | 00:32 |
AmyRose | shakey: /j #apache instead | 00:32 |
AmyRose | /j is cooler | 00:32 |
danielstewart | lovre: damn it, I guess I'll just have kubuntu as just something to make fun of until I finish my machine | 00:33 |
LjL | AmyRose: /j is non-standard. | 00:33 |
hitmanWilly | and quicker to type :) | 00:33 |
shakey | haha, i was wondering why it wasnt connecting | 00:33 |
NickPresta | What is the suggested application for copying DVDs? | 00:33 |
hitmanWilly | k3b | 00:33 |
hydrogen | ugh | 00:33 |
* hydrogen thinks he needs to prune his kernel a bit if he's ging to build it himself | 00:33 | |
lovre | why doesnt "kdesu apt-get install skype" work?? | 00:33 |
hydrogen | making 1703 modules | 00:33 |
hydrogen | I don't think I have 1703 devices attached to my system :/ | 00:33 |
hitmanWilly | hydrogen: that's standard for a buntu kernel | 00:34 |
hydrogen | hitmanWilly: right | 00:34 |
hydrogen | hitmanWilly: which is why I think I need to prune it :) | 00:34 |
hitmanWilly | hydrogen: do like i did, wipe out the init image altogether, boot straight into your kernel | 00:35 |
hydrogen | mm | 00:35 |
hydrogen | I've thought about that as well | 00:35 |
hitmanWilly | hydrogen: of course, that involves some massive kernel restructuring | 00:35 |
hydrogen | but its less painful on my head to let ubuntu compile it properly | 00:35 |
hydrogen | and only change the config | 00:35 |
lovre | DaSkreech: would you happen to know why doesnt "apt-get install skype" work? it worked on 7.04 | 00:35 |
hitmanWilly | hydrogen: are you building as a deb? | 00:36 |
hydrogen | yea | 00:36 |
shakey | lovre i was never able to get skype through the repos, i always had to get it off the site | 00:36 |
hitmanWilly | hydrogen: if you want, go to gentoo.org, shows you how to build a kernel without all that init image cruft, and without 10,000 different modules you never use | 00:37 |
hydrogen | hitmanWilly: I know how to | 00:37 |
hydrogen | hitmanWilly: I can handle building a kernel just fine | 00:37 |
shakey | lovre: when i had the deb downloaded, i just right clicked it and went -> kubuntu package menu -> install | 00:37 |
hydrogen | hitmanWilly: I'd just rather do it "the ubuntu way" while on ubuntu | 00:37 |
hydrogen | so I still get dependancy handling mostly right | 00:37 |
hitmanWilly | hydrogen: ok, fair enough | 00:37 |
lovre | shakey: thank you. ill try it. But im sure i installed with apt-get the last time | 00:37 |
WaltzingAlong | lovre: how about sudo aptitude install skype (ekiga) or kdesu adept_manager then skype from there | 00:38 |
shakey | lovre: yea i mean i never added additional repositories | 00:38 |
Lega | Hey, is there a way to make the entire yakuake screen (even the part where the terminal is) transparent to the background/whatever is behind it? | 00:39 |
alejandro | someone knows howto load plugins in konversation? | 00:40 |
hitmanWilly | Lega: not sure, but it would be cool | 00:40 |
lovre | WaltzingAlong: not working :( | 00:40 |
Lega | hitmanWilly: I've seen it done, I'm just trying to figure out how. >.< | 00:40 |
Lega | Also, are there any known problems with Firefox in Gutsy Gibbon? It isn't really working correctly for me. It won't load most pages, and yet I'm still connected to the internet through wireless and LAN (as evidenced by me talking here.) | 00:40 |
WaltzingAlong | lovre: what does happen, that would be helpful | 00:40 |
chemisus | i just installed fresh install of kubuntu 7.10 on my dell e1505 laptop. i used the restricted drivers to install my ati x1400 and wifi, everything worked fine, even sound. then update manager popped up saying there was a new version, so i installed it and during install, it said that the update was no longer supported, and it broke my sound | 00:41 |
chemisus | any ideas? | 00:41 |
chemisus | im tempted just to reinstall and not run that update | 00:41 |
WaltzingAlong | lovre: had you added the skype deb repository to your sources.list file? deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free | 00:41 |
hitmanWilly | Lega: got me, i use konq on my buntu box | 00:41 |
Lega | Ew, konq. >.< | 00:41 |
Lega | I don't really like Konquerer for anything... | 00:41 |
lovre | WaltzingAlong: no, i havent. Ill try to download it manually | 00:41 |
Lega | Doesn't GG have Dolphin now, or something? | 00:41 |
hitmanWilly | Lega: so far, its the browser I hate the least, at least for a 32 bit machine :) | 00:42 |
WaltzingAlong | lovre: sure then sudo dpkg -i skype...deb or with the new gui deb install tool | 00:42 |
Lega | Haha, I've consistantly found firefox to be my fav. Although it is a little large. | 00:42 |
hitmanWilly | FF on my 64 bit gentoo box, just for plugin compatibility issues | 00:42 |
Lega | Ja. | 00:42 |
kudar | hitman: i keep running into WARNING: $SHELL not set to bash | 00:43 |
Lega | I need to surf the net, though. And FF is not loading pages, period. | 00:43 |
kudar | when i execute make | 00:43 |
shakey | kudar: type "echo $SHELL" in console and say what it is | 00:43 |
Lega | Argh. This is driving me mad... | 00:43 |
alejandro | it is some way to use mirc plugins in konversation | 00:43 |
alejandro | ? | 00:43 |
lovre | WaltzingAlong: i installed it, its ok | 00:43 |
WaltzingAlong | alejandro: not that i know | 00:43 |
hitmanWilly | that's another thing i do on every fresh buntu install, sudo ln /bin/bash /bin/sh :) | 00:43 |
kudar | hitman: /bin/bash | 00:44 |
alejandro | no way? | 00:44 |
shakey | word? | 00:44 |
alejandro | or in other chat program in linux? | 00:44 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: ok, ignore the warnings then, its set to bash | 00:44 |
shakey | if you typed "export SHELL=/bin/false" as root, would that destroy everything? | 00:45 |
hitmanWilly | shakey: hmmm, not sure... | 00:45 |
kudar | hitman:make: *** No rule to make target `compatible/iwl4965.ko', needed by `install'. Stop. | 00:45 |
kudar | im at step 6 | 00:45 |
Lega | Okay, so I know the problem with pages loading has to do with firefox- pages load fine in Konq. | 00:45 |
hitmanWilly | shakey: would be funny to find out :P | 00:45 |
kudar | when i make install wifi file | 00:45 |
Lega | What changed to make this happen... Hmm. | 00:45 |
kudar | i get that error | 00:45 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: did you install build-essential? | 00:46 |
nosrednaekim | heh.... if you guys go by distrowatch... Kubuntu is now 6th in hits over the past week, and 12 over the past month :) | 00:46 |
* shakey scoffs | 00:46 | |
hitmanWilly | well, any time a distro puts out a new version, it tends to inflate the distrowatch numbers | 00:46 |
kudar | hitman: i dont know what build-essential is | 00:47 |
kudar | hitman: do i need it? | 00:47 |
* shakey shakes | 00:47 | |
lovre | i have another BIG problem. I have a partition of 200Gb, with lots of important files. But its somehow messed up and i cant access it. Is there a way to retreive my data? The error i get when trying to acces it is: "hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000" | 00:47 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 00:47 |
LastMall | that on the right side of distrowatch is nothing but a page hit counter. | 00:47 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: you need it for compiling from source | 00:47 |
kudar | hitman: it wasn't installed | 00:48 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: ok, definately install it then | 00:48 |
WaltzingAlong | lovre: ask google that exact phrase | 00:48 |
kudar | hitman: do i have to start over now? | 00:48 |
LastMall | right now the top is PCLinuxOS and its being artificially manipulated. | 00:48 |
hitmanWilly | step 3 in any new buntu installation :) | 00:48 |
hitmanWilly | at least for me | 00:49 |
snes_rocks | Hello! | 00:49 |
lovre | WaltzingAlong: its returns some forum discusions, but no answers there | 00:49 |
Schuenemann | !hi | 00:49 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 00:49 |
snes_rocks | My laptop's hotkeys decided they didn't want to do anything anymore | 00:50 |
hitmanWilly | kudar: no, just install build-essential and take over from where it errored out on you | 00:50 |
snes_rocks | Is there anyway to stop their rebellion? | 00:50 |
shakey | snes_rocks: do they have street cred? | 00:50 |
nosrednaekim | snes_rocks: break them ? | 00:50 |
[ifr0g] | snes_rocks, threaten them with water :D | 00:50 |
hitmanWilly | snes_rocks: uhhh, execute the leaders? | 00:50 |
snes_rocks | but who are the leaders? | 00:51 |
snes_rocks | they are being silent under interrogation | 00:51 |
sparr | gutsy is supposed to include compiz/beryl/fusion/whatever by default? im guessing i didnt get it because ive turned it off manually in the past. how can i enable whatever the default is? | 00:51 |
hitmanWilly | probably that damn mute key, he always seems to start trouble :P | 00:51 |
nosrednaekim | snes_rocks: did you try dmesg-ing them? | 00:51 |
lovre | WaltzingAlong: can kubuntu read FAT partitions?= | 00:51 |
WaltzingAlong | for the lazy I also had this problem (with ntfs3g), but it was solved by unchecking "mount as a user" in the device properties in dolphin (should prolly work in konq too). | 00:51 |
[ifr0g] | sparr, they are not. | 00:51 |
nosrednaekim | hitmanWilly: fredom fo Volume!!! yes! | 00:51 |
WaltzingAlong | lovre: fat32? fat16? fat12? | 00:51 |
WaltzingAlong | sure | 00:51 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 00:52 |
Schuenemann | it can read thin partitons too... | 00:52 |
WaltzingAlong | sparr: ubuntu gutsy includes compiz by default, yes | 00:52 |
sparr | kubuntu no? | 00:52 |
hitmanWilly | but in all seriousness, check out the keyboard layouts and make sure its set up correctly | 00:52 |
WaltzingAlong | lovre: "I also had this problem (with ntfs3g), but it was solved by unchecking "mount as a user" in the device properties in dolphin (should prolly work in konq too)." from http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-473511.html | 00:52 |
WaltzingAlong | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled) by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 00:52 |
shakey | !eyecandy | 00:53 |
snes_rocks | getkeycodes shows that the appropriate volumes keys are mapped | 00:53 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 00:53 |
lovre | WaltzingAlong: i cant mount. shows same error | 00:53 |
hitmanWilly | hmmmm | 00:53 |
snes_rocks | Nothing is showing up in /var/log/acpid | 00:53 |
Schuenemann | shakey, eyecandy means those useless but cool visual effects :) | 00:53 |
sparr | ubuntu still has beryl packages, should i use compiz[-fusion] instead of those? | 00:54 |
lovre | WaltzingAlong: the problems is, this partition is actually NTFS. But it is somehow broken. And there was Windows on it. So i try to boot with windows installation cd to fix it. It said that boot sector was messed up, and if i want to fix it. Then it recognized it as FAT. Since then, i cant load it (win) or see it (linux) | 00:55 |
nosrednaekim | snes_rocks: maybe you should manually set them in kmix like I did | 00:55 |
snes_rocks | GASP!! it works!! | 00:55 |
snes_rocks | thanks! | 00:55 |
snes_rocks | I set the keyboard model and hp keyboard | 00:55 |
nosrednaekim | lol | 00:55 |
nosrednaekim | =) | 00:55 |
WaltzingAlong | lovre: it may be that it was not 'shut down' properly so the ntfs-3g driver may be telling you to start it with ms windows 2x to clean the chkdsk flag; you can force it to mount though with ntfs-3g if this is the case | 00:56 |
=== sterling is now known as HiHo | ||
lovre | WaltzingAlong: what do i do? | 00:56 |
sparr | how can i change the look of the K menu in kde? | 00:57 |
dfm | hi | 00:58 |
lee986321 | wahts the channel for compiz? | 00:58 |
dfm | how do i set a specific resolution for kdm? | 00:59 |
Dragnslcr | lee986321- #compiz-fusion | 00:59 |
lee986321 | ah ty Dragnslcr | 00:59 |
lovre | brb | 00:59 |
dfm | though xorg only knows 1024x768 (and works), kdm starts with 1600x1280. :/ | 01:00 |
WaltzingAlong | sparr: which items are shown there? the colors? the fonts? kmenu /system settings/appearance | 01:00 |
lovre | back | 01:00 |
sparr | WaltzingAlong: i cant get anything in appearance to change the menu. ive changed my window and widget styles | 01:00 |
hitmanWilly | ok folks, im out...catch you all later | 01:00 |
mryoung_ | hello :) | 01:01 |
WaltzingAlong | sparr: sure the kde colors you pick can affect the kmenu; not sure if much more can be done with it. to move items around? use the menu editor. also check kcontrol | 01:02 |
Schuenemann | WaltzingAlong, is it possible to change K menu's icon? | 01:02 |
sparr | WaltzingAlong: id like a background image. or outlines. or something | 01:02 |
n1lo | Hi Sirs. | 01:02 |
WaltzingAlong | !look | 01:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about look - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:03 |
WaltzingAlong | !icons | 01:03 |
ubotu | Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 01:03 |
WaltzingAlong | hm Schuenemann yeah, typically through a different icon set | 01:03 |
Schuenemann | not easy to do it only for that icon? | 01:04 |
WaltzingAlong | sparrw: sparr: that you can do, right mouse click the menu (you may see unlock, if so do that then right mouse click again), panel menu, configure panel; | 01:04 |
dga | is anyone else having trouble rebooting in KDE? | 01:04 |
Schuenemann | someone told me about something called freespire | 01:04 |
WaltzingAlong | Schuenemann: must be but i do not know it just now | 01:05 |
Schuenemann | that freespire a distro, nevermind | 01:06 |
ice9_ | Is there a way to fix python on ubuntu | 01:07 |
ice9_ | I screwed it up pretty good | 01:08 |
ice9_ | like a recovery | 01:08 |
kudar | hitman: | 01:08 |
kudar | WARNING: $SHELL not set to bash. | 01:08 |
kudar | If you experience build errors, try 'make SHELL=/bin/bash' | 01:08 |
mryoung_ | wow... upgrading aint that easy as one would guess ... | 01:08 |
mryoung_ | ice9_: doesnt purging python and then reinstalling work ? | 01:09 |
ice9_ | nope | 01:10 |
mryoung_ | i mean a real complete deinstall | 01:10 |
mryoung_ | adept.. doesnt offer that option | 01:10 |
ice9_ | yeah I use apt-get | 01:10 |
mryoung_ | did you use apt-get remove ? | 01:10 |
ice9_ | sudo apt-get --purge autoremove python2.4 | 01:11 |
mryoung_ | ahh ok | 01:11 |
dfm | am i the only one who has trouble with kdm here? | 01:11 |
mryoung_ | strange... | 01:11 |
WaltzingAlong | focus the attention toward a solution | 01:11 |
ice9_ | any suggestiions really don't want to blow this away | 01:11 |
mryoung_ | did you try dpkg-reconfigure python... `? | 01:12 |
ice9_ | that I did not | 01:12 |
ice9_ | let me try it | 01:12 |
ice9_ | all I get is a bunch of options | 01:14 |
mryoung_ | try | 01:15 |
mryoung_ | dpkg-reconfigure --force <packetname> | 01:15 |
feierfox | why on earth, is the firefox so .... unstable?! | 01:15 |
mryoung_ | feierfox: works great for me | 01:16 |
mryoung_ | feierfox: if it aint working as you like.. try opera | 01:16 |
mryoung_ | its pretty cool too | 01:16 |
feierfox | there was a reason why i'm not using it | 01:17 |
mryoung_ | oh | 01:17 |
feierfox | but i can't remember the reason :/ | 01:17 |
Schuenemann | WaltzingAlong, they're at /usr/share/icons/THEME/32x32/apps | 01:17 |
mryoung_ | well.. i never really liked opera.. but as i used it for awhile... and got uswed to it | 01:17 |
feierfox | maybe some missing plug-in | 01:17 |
mryoung_ | since the.n.. i like it pretty much | 01:17 |
mryoung_ | the mouse gestures are pretty handy too | 01:17 |
ice9_ | damn missing python2.4 module | 01:17 |
ice9_ | in /usr/bin/python2.4 | 01:17 |
ice9_ | anyone want to copy and send me it | 01:18 |
mryoung_ | ice9_: was it spitting that out.. at reconfigure ? | 01:18 |
ice9_ | yeah | 01:18 |
mryoung_ | heh | 01:18 |
mryoung_ | what module is missing ? | 01:18 |
mryoung_ | mebbe you can reinstall | 01:18 |
ice9_ | python2.4 | 01:18 |
mryoung_ | oh | 01:19 |
mryoung_ | mhh.. usually. it should reinstall that module.. when you reinstall python2.4 | 01:19 |
kudar | anyone know what would cause this error | 01:19 |
kudar | make: *** No rule to make target `compatible/iwl4965.ko', needed by `install'. Stop. | 01:19 |
mryoung_ | thats pretty strange | 01:19 |
Josie1 | ice9_: There's not a package for it?? | 01:19 |
Jucato | ice9_: why not install python2.4 ? | 01:19 |
mryoung_ | kudar: the real error should be somewhere above that line | 01:20 |
ice9_ | something is broken | 01:20 |
Jucato | kudar: did you run "./configure" and "make" first before "make install"? | 01:20 |
kudar | mryoung: | 01:20 |
kudar | Makefile:22: | 01:20 |
kudar | Makefile:23: WARNING: $SHELL not set to bash. | 01:20 |
kudar | Makefile:24: If you experience build errors, try | 01:20 |
kudar | Makefile:25: 'make SHELL=/bin/bash'. | 01:20 |
ice9_ | i deleted python2.4 | 01:20 |
Jucato | !flood | kudar | 01:20 |
ubotu | kudar: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:20 |
ice9_ | yeah I know it was really dumb | 01:21 |
mryoung_ | mhh.. ice9_... try to force a reinstall | 01:21 |
Jucato | ice9_: how did you delete it? you're not normally allowed to delete system files | 01:21 |
kudar | mryoung: i can assure that SHELL = /bin/bash | 01:21 |
Jucato | either way, you can just reinstall python2.4 | 01:21 |
kudar | dont know why that error still comes up | 01:21 |
ice9_ | whats the command to force reinstall | 01:22 |
kudar | i am pulling down only 238kb/sec on my wireless and its driving me crazy | 01:22 |
Jucato | ice9_: sudo apt-get install --reinstall python2.4 | 01:22 |
ice9_ | no apt-get doesn't work | 01:22 |
ice9_ | need to use dpkg | 01:22 |
Jucato | why doesn't apt-get work? | 01:22 |
ice9_ | cause it needs python | 01:22 |
Jucato | what? | 01:22 |
Josie1 | Way to break your system, lol. | 01:23 |
Jucato | apt-get does not depend on python | 01:23 |
ice9_ | thanks how i learn the hard way | 01:23 |
pingveno | I just had a problem with a dist-upgrade.py taking up all of the memory on my computer and eventually dying because of a memory allocation error. | 01:23 |
pingveno | How do I get it started again? | 01:24 |
Jucato | ice9_: apt does not depend on python. you should still be able to use apt-get even if python is missing | 01:24 |
mryoung_ | dpkg -i --force <deb file name> | 01:24 |
mryoung_ | try that | 01:24 |
* Jucato notes that apt uses dpkg too... so... | 01:25 | |
ice9_ | command not found | 01:25 |
mryoung_ | ehh | 01:25 |
Jucato | ?? | 01:25 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: ....so... | 01:25 |
ice9_ | Jucato yeah your right I can use apt-get to a point | 01:25 |
Jucato | yo posingaspopular! | 01:25 |
ice9_ | update and what not | 01:25 |
Jucato | ice9_: up to what point? | 01:25 |
posingaspopular | what is the docs chan? | 01:25 |
Jucato | #ubuntu-doc or #ubuntu-docs | 01:25 |
Jucato | can't really remember with "s" or without :) | 01:26 |
posingaspopular | it's without | 01:26 |
Jucato | okay :) | 01:26 |
posingaspopular | configuring my quick connect, thanks | 01:26 |
Jucato | sure :) | 01:26 |
Schuenemann | for a moment, I thought it was a medical channel | 01:26 |
lovre | still having the same problem. cant acces an NTFS partition from kubuntu.... | 01:26 |
mryoung_ | i guess dpkg is missing.... ice9_ | 01:26 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: apparently nixternal is more mexican than my brother and I ? | 01:27 |
Jucato | lovre: even with ntfs-3g? | 01:27 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: he did mention that :) | 01:27 |
ice9_ | damn what can i do | 01:27 |
spartako | does anyones has problems with kubuntu 7.10 | 01:27 |
posingaspopular | spartako: which problem specifically | 01:27 |
spartako | I have a problem with key public | 01:27 |
Jucato | ice9_: ok start from the very beginning. what errors are you getting? | 01:27 |
swanfl | 2 questions. 1st, if a program is said to work for ubuntu, will it work for kubuntu? | 01:27 |
posingaspopular | swanfl: generally speaking yes. some margin of error for gnome libs | 01:28 |
spartako | yes, if doesn use gnome | 01:28 |
lovre | Jucato: i dont know what to do... <--- newbie.... can you instruct me? | 01:28 |
Jucato | spartako: even if it uses gnome, it will work | 01:28 |
swanfl | 2nd, if the program is not in the repository, and the web site says they have a package for ubuntu, how do I install it? | 01:28 |
Jucato | there might be some exceptions to how it works | 01:28 |
posingaspopular | spartako: ive never used it, sorry. maybe some else has? | 01:28 |
spartako | you are right Jucato | 01:29 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: I think spartako meant plublic keys (GPG) | 01:29 |
Jucato | !ntfs-3g | lovre | 01:29 |
ubotu | lovre: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 01:29 |
spartako | yes, I sorry my english sometimes is bad... | 01:29 |
spartako | Jucato can you tell me about keys? | 01:30 |
posingaspopular | yea i assumed as much, and i have no experience. | 01:30 |
posingaspopular | !gpg | 01:30 |
ubotu | gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | 01:30 |
Jucato | swanfl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu follow that, except go to the Third-party software tab | 01:31 |
Jucato | spartako: what exactly is the problem? | 01:31 |
bottiger | is there a good way to take a screenshot from the commandline with compiz? I always had a script running "import -window root" and uploading it to my webhost. But now I only get black-windows? | 01:31 |
Jucato | bottiger: hm. try asking in #compiz-fusion | 01:31 |
bottiger | Ksnapshot works fine, but it requires to much manual work by me :) | 01:31 |
spartako | well, yesterday i tried install kubuntu 7.10, but I have problems with my key public... | 01:32 |
lovre | small oftopic: when it downloads packages, it stalls a long time before downloading, and then downloads quickly. This did not happen on feisty, and i have a very quick connection so this shouldnt happpen. did i configure something wrong maybe? | 01:32 |
bottiger | Jucato: okey | 01:32 |
mryoung_ | lovre: i have exactly the same 'problem` | 01:32 |
mryoung_ | its not rly a big issue tho | 01:33 |
Jucato | lovre: it might be a problem on the server | 01:33 |
Dr_willis | lovre, could be server load. | 01:33 |
lovre | well, its not important. | 01:33 |
mryoung_ | yep.. especially.. since gutsy is official now | 01:33 |
mryoung_ | and ppl might be upgrading :P | 01:33 |
Jucato | s/might be/are/ | 01:33 |
Dr_willis | servers have been having a huge load for the last week or so. | 01:33 |
mryoung_ | i think upgrading needs some wortk | 01:34 |
lovre | about that driver, i installed as it said on tutorial, and i get additional item in kmenu called " NTFS Configuration Tool" but when i click on it, nothing loads, like its dead... (so many problems for me :() | 01:34 |
mryoung_ | i had to fire it up many times | 01:34 |
spartako | ubotu thank you for your link! | 01:34 |
mryoung_ | then it crashed | 01:34 |
swanfl | I already added all the repositories | 01:34 |
mryoung_ | had todo something by hand | 01:34 |
mryoung_ | restart it again | 01:34 |
swanfl | the program is not listed | 01:34 |
lovre | Jucato: do you know why could that happen? | 01:34 |
mryoung_ | and finally.. i completed it with dist-upgrade | 01:34 |
Dr_willis | lovre, try 'sudo ntfs-config' | 01:34 |
swanfl | soooo, how do I install the program in question? | 01:34 |
mryoung_ | without using adept | 01:34 |
Jucato | swanfl: you have to manually add the 3rd-party repository from that site you mentioned | 01:35 |
oscar | hola hi | 01:35 |
swanfl | sorry Jucato I'm just a little confused | 01:35 |
Jucato | <swanfl> 2nd, if the program is not in the repository, and the web site says they have a package for ubuntu, how do I install it? | 01:35 |
Schuenemann | spartako, he is a bot :-) | 01:35 |
sub[t]rnl | greets | 01:35 |
Jucato | swanfl: they either have a special repository for Ubuntu that you need to add or they have a .deb package for Ubuntu | 01:36 |
Jucato | swanfl: if it's the first, you have to add that special repository (in the Third party software tab) before you can use apt-get or Adept to install it | 01:36 |
spartako | Schuenemann I'm new on this! | 01:36 |
swanfl | ok, if it's just a deb package? | 01:36 |
lovre | Dr_willis: i get this error: http://pastebin.com/m46c53270 | 01:36 |
Jucato | swanfl: if it's the 2nd, you need to download that .deb package and just click on it to launch the installer | 01:36 |
spartako | Schuenemann thank you for your information! | 01:37 |
swanfl | wow | 01:37 |
swanfl | cool beaners :) | 01:37 |
lovre | shit, i hope im not losing all of my data :((( | 01:37 |
swanfl | I figured out where some of the games were in kde4 and launched them from dolphin | 01:37 |
swanfl | cool looking ;) | 01:37 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: are you a motu? | 01:38 |
LastMall | swanfl http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ And yes, if it's for ubuntu it'll install in kubuntu and xubuntu | 01:38 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: nope (thank goodness?) | 01:38 |
swanfl | thanks LastMall | 01:39 |
Dr_willis | lovre, some how your uuid has changed on your devices. or your fstab got messed up looks like. | 01:39 |
posingaspopular | ah okay. a couple of people i know were thinking of packaging some rpms into .deb and i was jw. btw Admiral_Chicago is here and available for questioning | 01:39 |
LastMall | swanfl bout 1/2 down on that page is Installing a package manually. Thats how I install Opera. | 01:39 |
swanfl | awesome | 01:40 |
swanfl | so Opera is not in the repository? ouch. but it's good to know | 01:40 |
mryoung_ | yup | 01:40 |
pagan0ne | hey, im currently running feisty (7.04) and on the website it says i should be able to upgrade to Gutsy (7.10), in following the insturctions, it says to open Adept Manager, and goto Adept > Manage Repo's, then it says to enable Reccomended and Pre-Release updates, i dont see the option to enable those, all i have is a listing of repo's... nothing saying reccomended or pre-release.... | 01:40 |
mryoung_ | swanfl: but some programs got own repositories.. or ppl host em | 01:41 |
posingaspopular | pagan0ne: you can upgrade via command line | 01:41 |
mryoung_ | you just add em | 01:41 |
swanfl | cool | 01:41 |
mryoung_ | and get updated auto | 01:41 |
swanfl | I'll check the web site | 01:41 |
pagan0ne | ok, so whats the best route to take, and how do i do it/ | 01:41 |
Lega | Is there any program better then KNetworkManager for managing LAN/Wireless? >.< | 01:41 |
pagan0ne | ? | 01:41 |
posingaspopular | pagan0ne: i can guide you through if you want | 01:41 |
posingaspopular | first open up a konsole or terminal | 01:41 |
Lega | Because KNM has always simply given me problems. | 01:41 |
mryoung_ | thats how i do it.. for Battle of Wesnoth.. theres a repo for that game.. since the noprmal ubuntu/debian package is always old | 01:41 |
pagan0ne | posingaspopular: sure, have you upgraded a amd64 system yet? | 01:41 |
lovre | Dr_willis: is there anything i can do about it? | 01:41 |
LastMall | swanfl I'm no expert but I grab ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/924/final/en/i386/static/opera-static_9.24-20071015.1-qt_en_i386.deb to install Opera and use dpkg -i | 01:42 |
pagan0ne | posingaspopular: pm me, lets keep the channel clean :) | 01:42 |
posingaspopular | pagan0ne: sure | 01:42 |
swanfl | cool | 01:42 |
vbgunz | is there any way to give an account on the system NO PASSWORD? just a double click to get in? NO timed login, instead a double click on the account in the face browser to log in? | 01:42 |
swanfl | now this is what this channel is supposed to be about :) | 01:42 |
mryoung_ | is there also a dynamic binary for opera ? | 01:42 |
ice9_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41601/ | 01:43 |
=== chase_ is now known as subtrnl | ||
mryoung_ | dynamically linked qt ? | 01:43 |
* Jucato waves to Admiral_Chicago | 01:43 | |
posingaspopular | vbgunz: yes there is | 01:43 |
LastMall | mryoung_ yes there is ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/924/final/en/i386/shared/ | 01:44 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: what was the guy on the planet that set a computer to do that via ssh? | 01:44 |
vbgunz | posingaspopular: would really appreciate some help on it, how so? | 01:44 |
Jucato | hm... actually he can just set it to autologin... | 01:44 |
lovre | Dr_willis: is there any data recovery software i can recover my files with? | 01:45 |
Jucato | vbgunz: System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Login Manager -> Convenience tab | 01:45 |
Jucato | auto login, no delay | 01:45 |
lovre | i have had so many problems with kubuntu, as a beginner, i wonder what will it take for me to give up | 01:46 |
Jucato | vbgunz: there's also Password-less logins | 01:46 |
vbgunz | Jucato: thats the thing, I am trying to avoid auto logging in... | 01:46 |
Jucato | vbgunz: you get that convenience w/o having to have a passwordless user (which is dangerous) | 01:46 |
vbgunz | Jucato: thats the ticket :) | 01:46 |
kudar | the only problem i have is slow wireless | 01:46 |
LastMall | lovre like this ? http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk | 01:46 |
kudar | and i cant install a new driver for some reason | 01:46 |
vbgunz | Jucato: it is for my 2 year old son | 01:46 |
swanfl | gtg | 01:47 |
vbgunz | Jucato: can I do that from kcontrol? | 01:47 |
tomer | compiz is not working | 01:47 |
Jucato | vbgunz: yes. Kcontrol -> System Administration -> Login Manger | 01:47 |
vbgunz | nice | 01:47 |
vbgunz | thanks, will tell! | 01:47 |
lovre | LastMall: yes, but i dont think it supports NTFS recovery | 01:47 |
Jucato | vbgunz: you'll tell your 2 year old son how to do it? O.o | 01:47 |
clydetnd | hello | 01:47 |
lovre | LastMall: oh, i have seen wrongly :S | 01:48 |
clydetnd | every one | 01:48 |
tomer | i run compiz --replace | 01:48 |
vbgunz | if he can get to the face browser, he'll login, passwords will trip him up though | 01:48 |
tomer | the title bars disapeear and no windows can be moved i have to restart x | 01:48 |
LastMall | lovre even livecds http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Livecd | 01:48 |
Jucato | !compiz | tomer | 01:48 |
ubotu | tomer: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 01:48 |
Jucato | tomer: you can ask for help in #compiz-fusion too | 01:48 |
pagan0ne | posingaspopular: ok back | 01:49 |
Dragnslcr | Hm, is it bad if debconf segfaults during an upgrade to 7.10? | 01:50 |
dfm | how do I set the resolution of KDM? | 01:50 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: pagan0ne just tried to dist upgrade and it didn't go | 01:50 |
posingaspopular | pagan0ne: can you paste your output for that command? | 01:50 |
lovre | LastMall: thanx | 01:50 |
pagan0ne | posingaspopular: want me to pastebin it, or in channel? | 01:50 |
Josie1 | So who's excited about seeing plasma completed? | 01:50 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: scrolling up | 01:50 |
ice9_ | how can I delete a hard link from one file to the next | 01:50 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: if it's long, pastebin please | 01:50 |
ice9_ | sitting in the dame dir | 01:50 |
posingaspopular | pastebin | 01:51 |
pagan0ne | http://pastebin.ca/745074 | 01:51 |
Jucato | ah wait | 01:51 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: sudo apt-get update seemed to work except for the gpg key | 01:51 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: you don't see the Software Source dialog box when you run Manage Repositories right? | 01:51 |
ice9_ | can somone send me the file /usr/bin/python2.4 please | 01:52 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: no i dont, just a repo list | 01:52 |
Dragnslcr | I have the feeling this upgrade is going to go badly | 01:52 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: im on amd64 if that helps | 01:52 |
Dragnslcr | X11 segfaulted trying to upgrade | 01:52 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: make sure software-properties-kde is installed. then you can follow the guide again | 01:52 |
Josie1 | ice9_: even if we did it might not work for your install, your best bet is to force a reinstall. | 01:52 |
vbgunz | I chose passwordless login for my son *but* it seems it still requires the old password :( | 01:53 |
ice9_ | not working | 01:53 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: installing now | 01:53 |
Jucato | vbgunz: really? hm... that'd be weird... maybe it requires you to login at least once? | 01:53 |
Josie1 | ice9_: Why not? | 01:53 |
ice9_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41601/ | 01:53 |
vbgunz | :| | 01:53 |
ice9_ | thats why not | 01:53 |
posingaspopular | man i would pay someone a million dollars to solve this calc hw for me | 01:53 |
ice9_ | damn i can't install anything anymore | 01:54 |
Josie1 | posingaspopular: Well what is it? | 01:54 |
posingaspopular | Josie1: some stupid problem in calc 2 about the half life of carbon-14 | 01:54 |
Josie1 | ice9_: What's the from? | 01:55 |
LastMall | even if he's 2, if he can do anything with a computer he should be able to enter a password. 3 character passwords are accepted. I KNOW. | 01:55 |
posingaspopular | not exactly #kubuntu related | 01:55 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: right :P | 01:55 |
Josie1 | Yeah, Jucato might kill you if you ask calc questions in here. | 01:55 |
Josie1 | Try linear algebra next time. | 01:56 |
Jucato | unless it's about how to use kcalc :) | 01:56 |
redshadowhero | Did I hear calc? | 01:56 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: you cant drop calc bombs like i can. they dont teach calc in the middle of teaching about rawls | 01:56 |
Jucato | (which I don't know either...) | 01:56 |
posingaspopular | although maybe i dont know calc bombs either. that seems to be the logical conclusion | 01:56 |
Jucato | you're lucky, we didn't get taught calculus in college :) | 01:56 |
Josie1 | I majored in math so... Blah. | 01:56 |
Jucato | anyway offtopic... | 01:56 |
ice9_ | I rm -R /usr/bin/python2.4 | 01:56 |
ice9_ | and tried to purge using apt-get | 01:57 |
Josie1 | ice9_: just out of curiousity, why the hell would you do that? | 01:57 |
ice9_ | then tried to install it | 01:57 |
ice9_ | its long story | 01:57 |
Jucato | ice9_: it's not good simply rm system files | 01:57 |
ice9_ | tell me about it | 01:57 |
ice9_ | so there's my problem | 01:57 |
Josie1 | Well, you can a) download the deb file yourself and install it | 01:57 |
blendtux | man i god a very cool desktop now | 01:58 |
ice9_ | thought about it | 01:58 |
posingaspopular | is the a man calc page in kubuntu? | 01:58 |
Josie1 | b) compile it from source =) | 01:58 |
Darkdelusions | Hi guys I have a quick question have they still not added wpa support to the Kde network manager? | 01:58 |
ice9_ | python2.4 you mean | 01:58 |
Josie1 | posingaspopular: No, but if you know C++ pretty well you can make it solve calc stuff for you =} | 01:58 |
ice9_ | I just need it to go to the right dir though | 01:58 |
lee_ | 1pastebin | 01:59 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: is there any way to make apt pull the update off of a dvd i just burned contaning gutsy amd64? | 01:59 |
Jucato | !update | 01:59 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:59 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: ^^^^ | 01:59 |
Josie1 | Darkdelusions: If I'm not mistaken that's a driver support issue. | 01:59 |
lee_ | !pastebin | 01:59 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:59 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: thanks | 01:59 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: follow the upgrade instructions for upgrading to gutsy, at the bottom there some instructions for that | 01:59 |
=== |sparr| is now known as sparr | ||
sparr | i hate it when people try to "hack" my desktop... not like they are going to get in, but i have to shut down network services to avoid them taking up network/cpu time | 02:00 |
Josie1 | sparr: What are you talking about? | 02:00 |
feierfox | he is talking about me >:] | 02:00 |
BluesKaj | 'evening folks :) | 02:01 |
Josie1 | 'evening. | 02:01 |
sparr | some random person is trying to log into my ftp server as "Administrator" over and over and over | 02:01 |
sparr | of course, i dont even have an account by that name, so I can only assume someone is scanning for insecure windows machines | 02:01 |
Josie1 | sparr: if you're on linux block their IP, it's not like it's especially difficult. | 02:01 |
sparr | "difficult" no | 02:01 |
sparr | but i dont feel like learning how | 02:01 |
Darkdelusions | Josie1: The only reason I ask my network card works just fine in ubuntu.. So it doesnt appear to be a driver issue Only Running into an issue trying to install kbuntu | 02:02 |
Josie1 | I use shorewall, not particularly hard. | 02:02 |
feierfox | 'night | 02:02 |
posingaspopular | sparr: just block | 02:03 |
Josie1 | Darkdelusions: I can't install Kubuntu over wireless | 02:03 |
sparr | i wish wu-ftpd had a "block after N unsuccessful logins" option | 02:03 |
scot | Good evening! Can someone field a quick noob Kubuntu question? | 02:03 |
Josie1 | It fails to find any access points | 02:03 |
Dragnslcr | And now it looks like my upgrade is stuck | 02:03 |
posingaspopular | !ask | scot | 02:03 |
ubotu | scot: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:03 |
Jucato | scot: try asking the question first :) | 02:03 |
Josie1 | Ha. | 02:04 |
scot | Hehe didn't want to barge in on someone else's noob question ; ) Well.. | 02:04 |
sparr | scot: we could, but you only get one question per day, and you just wasted yours | 02:04 |
Dragnslcr | It's been at "Configuring zlib1g" and 1:51 remaining for about 10 minutes now | 02:04 |
lovre | i have this problem sometimes: when i click on something, anything, the bouncing icon below the cursor starts to bounce. but sometimes it continues to bounce for a very long time. Sometimes the app doesnt even load, and it bounces around, it is iritating. any1 else has this problem? | 02:04 |
scot | I just installed 7.1 fresh the other day, and it went smoothly enough. My question is: Where the heck is Desktop Effects? | 02:04 |
sparr | Dragnslcr: sounds like its prompting for something somewhere and you cant see it | 02:04 |
Jucato | !compiz | scot | 02:04 |
ubotu | scot: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 02:04 |
scot | All the support I see out there for turning it on assumes you're using Gnome | 02:04 |
sparr | scot: i love that you think 7.10 is "7.1" :) | 02:05 |
Dragnslcr | sparr- if so, the window doesn't seem to exist | 02:05 |
Jucato | lovre: happens to me only when starting firefox and only firefox | 02:05 |
scot | sparr: Silly me using mathematically universal decimal numbering instead of nerdly programmer numbering ;] | 02:05 |
Josie1 | scot: You can use compiz or if you want something simple and fast just get Beryl and Emerald. | 02:05 |
sparr | scot: what would you propose we call the 10th sub-version? | 02:05 |
scot | 7.AWESOME | 02:05 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: ive had the bouncing icon with firefox, thunderbird, adept, and a few others | 02:06 |
Dragnslcr | lovre- I have that problem once in a while. Seen it with Adept and Konqueror today | 02:06 |
sparr | scot: you realize that "7.10" means "2007 October" right? | 02:06 |
Jucato | sparr: the versioning scheme doesn't specify how many significant digits to consider, so I can't blame him :) | 02:06 |
okapi | hello to all | 02:06 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: I've had that problem with Adept, but more with kdesu's fault (which should be solved by kdesudo in gutsy). Thunderbird... wouldn't be surprised... I did say Firefox had the problem too :) | 02:07 |
Jucato | and both are Mozillaaaah | 02:07 |
Dragnslcr | So if I close this Distribution Upgrade window, is my system going to end up completely hosed? | 02:07 |
sparr | scot: back to your real question... "desktop effects" is a program called compiz-fusion, and its not quite ready for kde yet. if you want to try those sorts of effects in kde, id suggest beryl | 02:07 |
scot | Perhaps instead of numbers, you could choose a version system based on colors or flavors | 02:07 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: your probably right about kdesu, as thats the only time i really see it happen other than mozilla codebase :), just thought id throw in my .02 | 02:07 |
posingaspopular | !hi | okapi | 02:08 |
ubotu | okapi: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 02:08 |
scot | "Wow, I can't wait until #FF6E70 tangerine is ready, it's got the holographic file system in it." | 02:08 |
Josie1 | scot: you could wait til KDE4 which I believe incorporates composite functions. | 02:08 |
sparr | Dragnslcr: cancel upgrade during 'configuring' step? COULD be a problem. probably not. definitely a bad idea to reboot after. my advice... cancel it, go to a terminal, and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 02:08 |
okapi | I need some suggestion, i need help to decide for a new laptop where I will run Kubuntu. I am thinking for Compaq presario V6305Nr. Anyone using it? How can I be sure for the compatibility? | 02:09 |
sparr | which might bitch at you and tell you to run "dpkg --configure -a" instead | 02:09 |
Dragnslcr | sparr- it's at the Installing Upgrades step | 02:09 |
sparr | okapi: buy from a linux-supporting distributor. | 02:09 |
* NightBird gets ready to reinstall kubuntu from scratch | 02:09 | |
scot | I'll use tomorrow's question today. What's up with 7.1ZERO breaking Truecrypt? | 02:09 |
posingaspopular | sparr: system 76 is a good one to run | 02:09 |
lovre | i managed to manually mount the partition im having problems with, but its all rubbish inside, all ???'s and stuff | 02:09 |
vbgunz | Jucato: the passwordless login works after rebooting | 02:10 |
lovre | can i manually set it up as ntfs or what? | 02:10 |
momal | Why does adept keep saying version upgrade when i clicked update... Fresh install of 7.10 from cd | 02:10 |
posingaspopular | momal: known, irrelevent bug | 02:10 |
momal | ahh ok thanks. | 02:10 |
pagan0ne | momal: you havent heard 7.1ZERO is out now :^ | 02:10 |
Dragnslcr | Hm, there's two dist-upgrade.py processes. Dunno if I dare kill those or not | 02:11 |
vbgunz | now, how come I cannot change my login picture? kcontrol > security and privacy > password and user account > clicking the image results in error... my administrator has disallowed my changing images??? | 02:11 |
momal | pagan0ne: O_o ? | 02:11 |
pagan0ne | momal: joke, nvm | 02:11 |
vbgunz | has my system become GladOS? | 02:11 |
momal | lol.. | 02:11 |
dude | need some help, how do i mount a drive in guts?y | 02:11 |
scot | Anyone want to take a swing at the TrueCrypt problem? : | | 02:11 |
momal | Now for my next question. Where can i get help with dolphin there are 2 problems with it? | 02:12 |
posingaspopular | vbgunz: you need to login as admin | 02:12 |
Dr_willis | dolphin has a lot of problems. :) | 02:12 |
vbgunz | posingaspopular: :/ | 02:12 |
* Dr_willis tells vbgunz the cake is a lie. | 02:12 | |
pagan0ne | Dragnslcr: im running a dist upgrade (currently downloading packages) and i only have one instance of it running... | 02:12 |
newsense07 | i have an older laptop that all of a sudden started running very! slow so i reinatalled kubuntu hoping it was a software issue but the problem is still there | 02:12 |
vbgunz | if I log in as admin, then I am only able to change admins image. I would like to change my sons and my image | 02:13 |
Dragnslcr | pagan0ne- mine choked on something | 02:13 |
time2die | hi all | 02:13 |
vbgunz | Dr_willis: yes, the cake is a lie ;) | 02:13 |
newsense07 | anyone know of a way to test a hdd to verify it isnt failing, i ran memtest86 and the ram seems to be good | 02:13 |
Josie1 | Well, I'll be afk for a while, I've actually got to work on my graphics engine to keep my job, lol. Good luck with all the problems. | 02:13 |
pagan0ne | Dragnslcr: good luck! | 02:13 |
vbgunz | Dr_willis: I give that game, honestly 10/10, what you say? | 02:13 |
momal | Dr_willis: lol... do the problems you know of include 1. the forward button still forwards after you click back then click another folder; and 2. it seems to have trouble getting into a folder that starts with "[" | 02:13 |
posingaspopular | kcontrol->loginmanager-> ? | 02:13 |
Dr_willis | Now - i wonder why - i can burn a cd.. but then the system hangs with messages of 'device /dev/hdc not accepting commands' after it sucessfully burns the cd. | 02:13 |
Dr_willis | momal, those are new ones.. aparently theres some cut/paste working as copy - issue also | 02:14 |
time2die | I have trable with install Kubunta,after install my computer reboot=( | 02:14 |
Dr_willis | momal, i DO know how to set Konqueror as the default filemanager. :) | 02:14 |
momal | Dr_willis: haha | 02:14 |
Dragnslcr | Adept says 887 packages upgradeable | 02:14 |
dude | need some help, how do i mount a drive in guts?y | 02:14 |
Dragnslcr | Guess we'll see what happens | 02:15 |
time2die | hi write sd0 problem? | 02:15 |
posingaspopular | !mount | 02:15 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter | 02:15 |
pagan0ne | Dragnslcr: thats better than 1645 packages... :D | 02:15 |
Jucato | !mount | dude | 02:15 |
ubotu | dude: please see above | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | !mount | dude | 02:15 |
ubotu | dude: please see above | 02:15 |
draik | How do I convert WAV to MP3? I forgot the app name. | 02:15 |
dude | thanks guys | 02:15 |
Jucato | hi draik | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | Jucato: eh.. you are just TOO fast ;) | 02:15 |
vbgunz | posingaspopular: thanks, I saw that dialog but never messed with it. it seems I had to say user image there to be able to change it. thanks! | 02:15 |
draik | Jucato: How are you? How's 7-10? | 02:15 |
NightBird | hm... should I have the larger of two partitions be for the home directory or for the root directory? I don't really imagine it matters too much as the first partition is 5gb, and the second is 15gb... | 02:15 |
posingaspopular | np | 02:15 |
posingaspopular | NightBird: /home | 02:15 |
Jucato | draik: doing fine. 7.10's half and half :) | 02:15 |
vbgunz | Dr_willis: 10/10? no? | 02:15 |
* nosrednaekim loves gutsy | 02:16 | |
NightBird | posingaspopular: you mean I should have the bigger be for the home directory? | 02:16 |
lovre | is there ANY way i could recover my data? | 02:16 |
ice9_ | creating python2.4.4 from source | 02:16 |
lovre | ANY WAY at all? | 02:16 |
posingaspopular | yes | 02:16 |
ice9_ | wish me luck | 02:16 |
Jucato | NightBird: yes. the bigger should be /home | 02:16 |
newsense07 | any hardware experts in here, got a laptop that is running very slow all of a sudden, i think it might be the hdd but dony know of any way to test my theory | 02:16 |
nosrednaekim | NightBird: probably.. | 02:16 |
nosrednaekim | newsense07: do a "top" and see what the top process is. | 02:16 |
Jucato | NightBird: although I'd suggest that the other partition be a bit bigger than 5GB... | 02:16 |
ice9_ | could be memory or video card | 02:16 |
* nosrednaekim suspects strigi | 02:17 | |
NightBird | Jucato: it's split by a windows partition... | 02:17 |
sub[t]rnl | newsense07: take a look at top and see whats eating up your resources | 02:17 |
Jucato | NightBird: what do you mean? | 02:17 |
pagan0ne | newsense07: i would try swapping hdd's and see if problem is fixed, but i have like 3 laying around (laptop hdd's) | 02:17 |
newsense07 | nosrednaekim: thanks im gonna try that, gimme a minute this thing is slow | 02:17 |
newsense07 | pagan0ne: man i wish i had at least one lying around but i dont :( | 02:17 |
NightBird | Jucato: I mean I have a 5gb partition that I'm now using for linux, a 14 gb parition that windows uses, then a swap, and then the rest of the drive for linux as well | 02:17 |
morge | Hi | 02:17 |
vbgunz | brb, I hope I fixed it | 02:17 |
posingaspopular | !hi | 02:18 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 02:18 |
Jucato | NightBird: aah... ok... well... 5GB will work too... sometimes it would just get a bit crowded because of downloaded packages (which you could remove if you want with "sudo apt-get clean") | 02:18 |
pagan0ne | newsense07: well i went to yard sales and bought every laptop w/ a broken screen i could find, alot of useful parts... only spent like 100 tops for all 5 laptops i found, thats like 20 per... | 02:18 |
ice9_ | Python I will never ever delete you again | 02:18 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: you like triggering that, don't you? :) | 02:18 |
Jucato | ice9_: not only python, but any system file... :) | 02:18 |
ice9_ | yes | 02:19 |
ice9_ | unless its a copy | 02:19 |
Jucato | ice9_: even config files in /etc... better back those up instead of deleting | 02:19 |
newsense07 | pagan0ne: thats not a bad idea, wish i woulda went to flea market today coulda got 1 most likely | 02:19 |
* nosrednaekim higs python | 02:19 | |
posingaspopular | Jucato: i cant help it, the people demand it of me. besides it's the only thing about kubuntu that i actually know | 02:19 |
nosrednaekim | *hugs | 02:19 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: lol! :) | 02:19 |
nosrednaekim | haha | 02:19 |
ice9_ | nice | 02:19 |
* pagan0ne waits in the shadows to over throw posingaspopular, as its the only thing i know really, aswell | 02:19 | |
ice9_ | and all I wanted to do is upgrade to gusty | 02:20 |
ice9_ | lmfao | 02:20 |
morge | I just upgraded to 7.10 (yay!), but am experiencing a unfortunate problem. My special buttons for volume up and down is not controlled by the global shortcuts anymore. They still change my volume, but I want them to change PCM and not master volume, and I seem to be unable to change the behaveour. | 02:20 |
ice9_ | casue the cd trick didn't work | 02:20 |
sub[t]rnl | morge: kmix | 02:20 |
dude | !DiskMounter | 02:20 |
ubotu | ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 02:20 |
draik | Jucato: How do I convert AVI to MP3? What's half/half about 7.10? | 02:20 |
ice9_ | so is the kde 4 pretty nice | 02:20 |
Jucato | morge: right-click on the kmix icon in the system tray, then Select Master hannel | 02:20 |
Jucato | ice9_: not yet very usable for non-developers/contributors | 02:21 |
Jucato | draik: AVI to mp3? don't know really.. how do you convert a video to audio only? | 02:21 |
newsense07 | nosrednaekim: got top running on the laptop now and the top process is using no more than 4% cpu and 30% ram | 02:21 |
Jucato | draik: half ok, half not | 02:21 |
* Jucato grabs some breakfast before it's too late | 02:21 | |
draik | Jucato: Never converted vid to audio only. | 02:21 |
ice9_ | oh really about 3.9 then | 02:21 |
draik | Jucato: What's so bad about 7.10? | 02:22 |
Lega | KNetworkManager is telling me I have no device active, and yet I have two active and am currently using them (wireless and LAN- although they are a bit screwed up and I don't know why) anyone know why this might be? | 02:22 |
ice9_ | what does the new one have then | 02:22 |
nosrednaekim | Lega: dbus | 02:22 |
ice9_ | is it newer then 3.5 | 02:22 |
sub[t]rnl | you can rip out the audio of a video using tovid. It will make a seperate .mp3 of the audio | 02:22 |
nosrednaekim | newsense07: odd, what is the top process? | 02:22 |
Lega | nosrednaekim: I'm sorry, what? I'm not sure what that means/does... :E | 02:22 |
vbgunz | wow, messing with login manager, it appears, you have to reboot... restarting x don't get it to work :P | 02:22 |
newsense07 | nosrednaekim: changing but gtk-update-icon seems to hold the top spot | 02:23 |
nosrednaekim | newsense07: is this kubuntu? | 02:23 |
morge | Jucato: Thanks for the tip. That did the trick before I upgraded. Now it does not do anything. Even if i right-click PCM and set global shortcuts for it specifically (I can set the volume buttons for that) it keeps changing master volume. | 02:23 |
sub[t]rnl | vbgunz: logout of x then alt + e for a -real- restart of x | 02:23 |
pagan0ne | when i finish my gutsy upgrade i'll probably have to reinstall nvidia drivers... right? | 02:23 |
newsense07 | nosrednaekim: yeah kubuntu feisty | 02:23 |
vbgunz | is it possible, when locking up your account, to automatically default back to the login screen rather than the tiny little window to log back in? | 02:23 |
nosrednaekim | newsense07: hmmm then why is gtk-update-icon running? | 02:23 |
Lega | !dbus | 02:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dbus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 02:24 |
vbgunz | sub[t]rnl: not ctrl+alt+backspace? ctrl+e? | 02:24 |
sub[t]rnl | hrm, no ctrl/alt/backspace is the same thing | 02:24 |
nosrednaekim | Lega: it detets things about your hardware and sends them around to other programs... and does a bunch of other things | 02:24 |
newsense07 | sorry bout the caps | 02:24 |
Lega | Ah. | 02:24 |
Lega | I see. | 02:24 |
sub[t]rnl | i figured you were just loging out with the start menu | 02:24 |
sub[t]rnl | that doesn't restart your xserver properly | 02:24 |
nosrednaekim | Lega: and knetworkmangler is buggy ;) | 02:25 |
vbgunz | sub[t]rnl: yeah, thats what I mean. ctrl+alt+backsapce doesn't really work when making a change in login manager. I have to reboot to see those changes :( | 02:25 |
=== logico is now known as logico_h | ||
nosrednaekim | newsense07: very odd | 02:25 |
sub[t]rnl | you should never have to reboot | 02:25 |
Lega | nosrednaekim: I hate it, very much so. But I haven't been able to find anything else. >.< | 02:25 |
sub[t]rnl | :P | 02:25 |
nosrednaekim | newsense07: see if dmesg is saying anything | 02:25 |
nosrednaekim | Lega: you need WPA? | 02:25 |
Lega | No. | 02:25 |
vbgunz | when you lock your account. is it possible to go back to the login screen rather than get the tiny dialog box? | 02:26 |
nosrednaekim | Lega: then use wlassistant, or kwifimanager | 02:26 |
kudar | what is something better than knetworkmanager ot use for wireless? | 02:26 |
newsense07 | nosrednaekim: had this computer working good, it is only a 550mhz with 64mb ram but it worked till i gave it to my girlfriend than she said it ran slow, i reinstalled kubuntu and it is still pretty unuseable | 02:26 |
kudar | dont even say kwifimanager | 02:26 |
Lega | nosrednaekim: kwifimanager is terrible. | 02:26 |
nosrednaekim | newsense07: ouch! do a "free -m" | 02:26 |
newsense07 | nosrednaekim: im gonna check dmesg than run free -m | 02:27 |
posingaspopular | afk | 02:27 |
morge | Jucato, sub[t]rnl: What I was thinking is that there might be some other application that eats the keypresses, since nothing I change in kmix does anything. I am unable to figure out which application actually handles the keypress. Is there a way to figure out where it goes? | 02:29 |
newsense07 | nosrednaekim: ouch free -m says free 1 for physical and free 52 for swap | 02:29 |
vbgunz | sub[t]rnl: I believe you. I too agree I should never have to reboot. but rebooting is quicker when ctrl+alt+backspace don't work... at least in my case :) | 02:29 |
nosrednaekim | newsense07: there you go :) | 02:30 |
newsense07 | nosrednaekim: ran fine before maybe i need to reinstall once more huh | 02:30 |
sub[t]rnl | vbgunz: /etc/init.d/kdm stop? | 02:30 |
nosrednaekim | morge: check into kmilo | 02:30 |
sub[t]rnl | that should surely reload your new kdmtheme | 02:30 |
vbgunz | sub[t]rnl: actually, I didn't try to restart kdm like that | 02:30 |
sub[t]rnl | worth ah shot | 02:30 |
atlfalcons866 | #gentoo | 02:31 |
lee_ | !pastebin | 02:31 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 02:31 |
dga | when i try to reboot my screen turns black and nothing happens. anyone know what this is? | 02:31 |
nosrednaekim | vbgunz: bettter give it a "restart" instead of a stop | 02:31 |
pagan0ne | atlfalcons866: blastphmy! | 02:31 |
sub[t]rnl | morge: hrm, if nothing happens when your pressing the keys, it might be pretty safe to say they are unbound | 02:31 |
newsense07 | nosrednaekim: kubuntu should run kde with 64mb physical ram if i dedicate a few hundred to swap right ? | 02:31 |
vbgunz | nosrednaekim: yeah I know, was just telling sub[t]rnlI didn't try that. I just restarted X though the login and through ctrl+alt+backspace | 02:31 |
morge | sub[t]rnl: Will check into it. | 02:32 |
ice9_ | damn not working cause the source put it in to /usr/local/bin/python2.4 | 02:32 |
nosrednaekim | newsense07: slowly.... you should get xubuntu. | 02:32 |
ice9_ | damn | 02:32 |
nosrednaekim | ice9_: needs to go to /usr/lib | 02:32 |
nosrednaekim | direct copy might work. | 02:32 |
morge | sub[t]rnl: The volume is adjusted. There is new graphics in the new version, but volume goes up and down, and is muted. I am just unable to change what the buttons does. | 02:32 |
ice9_ | yeah might work | 02:32 |
newsense07 | nosrednaekim: thanks for the help, im going to look into that, ive heard of xubuntu but never bothered seeing what it was exactly | 02:32 |
=== Legato is now known as Lega | ||
Lega | *sigh* | 02:32 |
nosrednaekim | !xubuntu | newsense07 | 02:33 |
ubotu | newsense07: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 02:33 |
ice9_ | what needs to go to usr/lib | 02:33 |
morge | sub[t]rnl: If I set them to be a global shortcut to anything, it does nothing. Still sets the volume. | 02:33 |
nosrednaekim | ice9_: umm never mind ;) | 02:33 |
morge | sub[t]rnl: If i change master volume to be PCM, it still changes the master volume as well. Like it does not care what I want it to do =/ | 02:33 |
sub[t]rnl | morge: so they were adjusting the volume before you set the shortcuts in kmix? | 02:33 |
morge | sub[t]rnl: yup | 02:34 |
sub[t]rnl | oh | 02:34 |
sub[t]rnl | i hate when those dang volume keys change the volume | 02:34 |
sub[t]rnl | :P j/k | 02:34 |
morge | sub[t]rnl: and I cannot find the keybindings anywhere in kde. hahaha | 02:34 |
morge | sub[t]rnl: yes, it pure horror =) | 02:34 |
sub[t]rnl | hehe | 02:34 |
dude | jucato: my amarok can't play mp3 format, what seems to be the problem, thanks | 02:35 |
morge | sub[t]rnl: My problem is that my dell has a "subwoofer", and it has its own volume, so changing master volume leaves the sub at full (or whatever it is set to). So to make volume changes go for both of them I would like to change PCM instead. | 02:35 |
nosrednaekim | morge: set the default channel for kmix... | 02:36 |
draik | dude: Do you have w32codecs installed? | 02:36 |
dude | draik: i'll check | 02:36 |
morge | nosrednaekim: Thanks for the thip. Unfortunately I already tried that. That did work before I upgraded to 7.10 though. | 02:36 |
nosrednaekim | odd. | 02:37 |
nosrednaekim | worked for me. | 02:37 |
vbgunz | is it possible, when locking your account, to fall back to the login screen? | 02:37 |
Schuenemann | dude, you need libxine-extracodecs | 02:37 |
nosrednaekim | vbgunz: maybe press "switch user and lock session"? | 02:37 |
morge | nosrednaekim: indeed. Did the graphics for the volume bar change during the upgrade? I am beginning to think that alsa is grabbing the keypresses or somethinig. Nothing I change makes any difference. | 02:38 |
draik | vbgunz: I would think so. It's just as if you're logging into a locked session. | 02:38 |
Kr4t05 | !info kubuntu-restricted-extras | 02:38 |
ubotu | kubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB | 02:38 |
sub[t]rnl | morge: hrm! have you ever looked at the little mixer applet that comes with kicker? | 02:38 |
sub[t]rnl | morge: I know its not keybindings, but at least its a fast mouse movement | 02:38 |
nosrednaekim | morge: nope nothing changed for me...of course, I did a fresh install. | 02:38 |
vbgunz | nosrednaekim: I am trying to avoid that dialog box 'locked' and get back to the login screen | 02:38 |
nosrednaekim | vbgunz: then just plain"switch user" | 02:39 |
morge | sub[t]rnl: No, I havent. I can use kmix for that though, now that I have set PCM to master again, just move down to the icon and scroll the wheel. That works actually =) | 02:39 |
sub[t]rnl | morge: coo | 02:39 |
Lega | Argh. I'm thinking of a full reinstall. >.< GG screwed up so much. | 02:39 |
vbgunz | nosrednaekim: I am not trying to start a whole new session. I just want to go back to the login screen. when my son gets on. he cannot read but he can associate with pictures. the login screen has his picture the lock box doesn't | 02:40 |
nosrednaekim | morge: wow... thats weird! try changing the key-binding for the master channel in kmix? | 02:40 |
nosrednaekim | vbgunz: oh....hmm | 02:40 |
dude | draik: i think i dont have w32codecs | 02:42 |
bmomjian | Does anyone know how to use the x modifier mapping to make caps lock a control key? I can't seem to change that menu screen. | 02:42 |
morge | nosrednaekim: Nothing I do changes the behaveour. I even set the "maximize window vertically" global shortcut to be the volume up button. It still only changes the volume. | 02:42 |
morge | nosrednaekim: Seems like the kde event handler never receives the keypress or something. I cannot set it to anything. What is weirder though, is that when I press the button when setting the shortcut, it registers just fine. | 02:43 |
morge | nosrednaekim: xev also registers it just fine by the way. | 02:44 |
nosrednaekim | morge: huh.... check into kmilo... I think thats what does the keyboard shortcuts by default..IDK if it has a config or something | 02:44 |
dude | draik: i think i dont have w32codecs | 02:44 |
Jucato | dude: not w32codecs | 02:44 |
morge | nosrednaekim: Will do that. Checking in later if I still have no success. | 02:45 |
Jucato | dude: install libxine1-ffmpeg, or just install kubuntu-restricted-extras to get them all (if you're on Gutys) | 02:45 |
Jucato | draik: w32codecs is for windows media types (wmv,wma, rm) | 02:45 |
pagan0ne | when i finish my gutsy upgrade i'll probably have to reinstall nvidia drivers... right? | 02:46 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: depends on how you installed the nvidia drivers in the first place | 02:46 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: binary from nvidia's website | 02:46 |
Jucato | then that would be a yes | 02:46 |
Lega | Oh, right, I was going to ask- Isn't there a new file browser with Gutsy Gibbon? Dolphin, or something? | 02:47 |
nosrednaekim | Lega: yup | 02:47 |
Jucato | Lega: dolphin by default, but konqueror is still there | 02:47 |
Lega | Huh, I'm still using Konqueror as default... I think I really screwed up my GG install, somehow. >.< | 02:47 |
Lega | I don't even have Dolphin, looks like. :p | 02:48 |
nosrednaekim | Lega: command is "d3lphin" | 02:49 |
Schuenemann | is dolphin any better than konq? | 02:49 |
Lega | Yeah, I don't even have it installed. | 02:49 |
sub[t]rnl | i like dolphin | 02:50 |
draik | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, right? | 02:50 |
nosrednaekim | Lega: run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" | 02:50 |
sub[t]rnl | some don't | 02:50 |
ice9_ | wow talk about screwing up a really good distro | 02:50 |
ice9_ | and then fixing it | 02:50 |
Schuenemann | sub[t]rnl, is that your full analysis? :p | 02:50 |
Jucato | nosrednaekim: no, command is dolphin :) | 02:51 |
Jucato | (or both) | 02:51 |
Lega | nosrednaekim: I'm going to do a reinstall, so after I do that I'll install kubuntu-desktop. | 02:51 |
nosrednaekim | ah...k | 02:51 |
Lega | I don't know how, but GG screwed up everything on my computer, and I think that I may have caused it. :\ | 02:51 |
ice9_ | can you even use kde3.9 on gusty ? | 02:51 |
sub[t]rnl | Schuenemann: heh | 02:51 |
Lega | So I'm just going to do a full reinstall off of CD. | 02:51 |
nosrednaekim | Lega: upgrade? | 02:51 |
Lega | I have. | 02:51 |
nosrednaekim | ah... why don't you try kubuntu-desktop first? | 02:52 |
sub[t]rnl | Schuenemann: full analysis is that it is nice and offers a lot of neat features. Downside would be that it uses about .2% more cpu cycles than konqueror | 02:52 |
nosrednaekim | but is a fair amount "faster" | 02:52 |
Lega | What exactly does it install, generally? | 02:52 |
Schuenemann | wow, how can you measure it uses 0,2% more cpu cycles? I'm impressed! | 02:52 |
sub[t]rnl | not sure | 02:52 |
sub[t]rnl | seems to be | 02:53 |
nosrednaekim | Lega: a whole bunch of packages that make up "kubuntu" like dolphin.. | 02:53 |
Lega | Ah. I'll try it out before I reinstall, then. | 02:53 |
Schuenemann | sub[t]rnl, that doesn't seem a lot anyway | 02:53 |
sub[t]rnl | remember when we used to browse files with... what was it called | 02:54 |
sub[t]rnl | oh yeah, cli | 02:54 |
kudar | honestly im pissed at this wireless bs | 02:54 |
Jucato | Lega: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends kubuntu-desktop | 02:54 |
kudar | ive tried everything | 02:54 |
Jucato | Lega: or sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 02:54 |
sub[t]rnl | :P | 02:54 |
morge | nosrednaekim, sub[t]rnl: It seems that I have to restart my X. I started a new X instance, and there it works like I want it to =/ | 02:54 |
Lega | Jucato: why not just sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? | 02:54 |
=== robby is now known as soulwarp | ||
sub[t]rnl | morge: lol | 02:54 |
sub[t]rnl | well at least you figured it out | 02:54 |
nosrednaekim | morge: ah right! becuse they are XF86SHORTCUTS! | 02:55 |
* nosrednaekim goes duh | 02:55 | |
sub[t]rnl | :P | 02:55 |
soulwarp | how come i have some packages in adept installer greyed out? | 02:55 |
soulwarp | is anyone else having this problem? | 02:56 |
Jucato | Lega: because some of the stuff installed by kubuntu-desktop are not dependencies but just recommendations | 02:56 |
Lega | Ah. | 02:56 |
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL | ||
soulwarp | E: Package synaptic has no installation candidate | 02:57 |
kudar | anyone know how to make knetwork manager start at every boot? | 02:58 |
Jucato | Lega: in fact, that is probablywhy you dont have dolphin | 02:58 |
soulwarp | E: Package gimp has no installation candidate | 02:58 |
Jucato | Lega: how did you upgrade? | 02:58 |
Lega | Through Adept. Just clicked the "version upgrade" button and went through that. | 02:58 |
Jucato | soulwarp: 1. please try to run "sudo apt-get update" first and 2. please check that the cdrom repository is not enabled | 02:59 |
Jucato | Lega: I see.. that would be weird | 02:59 |
Lega | But it... crashed or something half-way through, and that's when stuff got bag. | 02:59 |
Lega | *bad | 02:59 |
soulwarp | <Jucato> roger | 02:59 |
Lega | So instead of trying to figure it out, I'm just going to fully reinstall. No big deal, I really don't have too much on this computer that I need to keep. | 02:59 |
Jucato | Lega: I see | 02:59 |
soulwarp | <Jucato> you are a saint, ty | 03:02 |
Jucato | soulwarp: which one did it? | 03:02 |
soulwarp | <Jucato>i unchecked the cdrom and checked restricted modules | 03:03 |
Jucato | soulwarp: kool | 03:03 |
soulwarp | <Jucato> in repositories | 03:03 |
diomac | what pkg management system does kubuntu use? apt/dpkg? | 03:05 |
fluffman | yes | 03:05 |
dfm | kaffeine just quits with a "crash handler" when I try to play an .avi file. what do i need to do to fix this? | 03:05 |
fluffman | dfm: use vlc :P | 03:06 |
soulwarp | was going to suggest that lol | 03:06 |
fluffman | I've never had ANY luck with kaffeine | 03:06 |
soulwarp | me either | 03:06 |
dfm | vlc displays... | 03:06 |
dfm | well | 03:06 |
ice9_ | ok so the source python is /usr/local/bin/python2.4 | 03:06 |
Jucato | diomac: both. apt uses dpkg | 03:06 |
dfm | the border's here and the image is there | 03:06 |
caesar_ | um. Something really really weird happened. | 03:06 |
AmyRose | dfm: Do you have libxine1-ffmpeg installed? | 03:06 |
diomac | jucato i know | 03:06 |
dfm | mom | 03:06 |
ice9_ | and all the depends that I need are using /usr/bin/python2.4 | 03:06 |
ice9_ | anyone one how I can fix that | 03:07 |
dfm | AmyRose: yes | 03:07 |
nosrednaekim | ice9_: make a symbolic link. | 03:07 |
diomac | think i might put kubuntu on my work laptop | 03:07 |
ice9_ | will that work though | 03:07 |
Grant2 | hello | 03:08 |
caesar_ | I just downloaded the windows 95 start sound. I opened the sound with movie player to listen to... and all of my window borders turned from orange BLUE! Now, my color scheme is blue, but my window decorations weren't. How in the world did this happen? I'm not making it up | 03:08 |
dfm | caesar_: lol. you just downloaded the gates-virus :P | 03:08 |
Grant2 | Can someone help me out with Internet Connection Sharing on Kubuntu | 03:08 |
Grant2 | I'm new to Ubuntu & IRC... | 03:08 |
caesar_ | dfm: hah. No seriously. What happened? | 03:09 |
caesar_ | is windows really that evil? :P | 03:09 |
dfm | caesar_: dunno, sry. | 03:09 |
dfm | and yes it is | 03:09 |
dfm | ;) | 03:09 |
soulwarp | <Grant2> connection sharing through kubuntu? | 03:09 |
caesar_ | the blue isn't that bad actually. Kind of rich | 03:10 |
AmyRose | The only way I know how to do that is through the command line, sadly | 03:10 |
AmyRose | connection sharing, that is | 03:10 |
diomac | how is nfts write support these days | 03:10 |
caesar_ | oh btw. The font size on my firefox changed too. The text in the address bar became bigger than the bar | 03:10 |
Grant2 | <soulwarp> yeah, I downloaded the application Firestart but I think I have to configure the gateway or DNS or something.. | 03:11 |
kudar | anyone know how to make knetworkmanager run at bootime? | 03:11 |
draik | !autostart | 03:12 |
ubotu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. | 03:12 |
soulwarp | <Grant2>i'm unfamiliar with that, mabe someone in here can help you | 03:12 |
soulwarp | <Grant2>i'm sorry | 03:12 |
nosrednaekim | Grant2: that won't do it.. | 03:12 |
pagan0ne | what is the reccomended couse of action if the upgrade looks "froze" | 03:12 |
Grant2 | <soulwarp> thanks anyways! | 03:13 |
nosrednaekim | !networksharing | 03:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about networksharing - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:13 |
nosrednaekim | !network | 03:13 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:13 |
nosrednaekim | !share | 03:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about share - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:13 |
nosrednaekim | pfft | 03:13 |
caesar_ | ok. Now I'm hearing windows sounds all over the place. I'm seriously worried that I have a virus | 03:13 |
soulwarp | ubotu fail! | 03:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fail! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:13 |
caesar_ | I just heard two "deedledoodoots" and keep getting "tadas" | 03:13 |
Jucato | !msgthebot | 03:13 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 03:13 |
draik | !botsnack | 03:14 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 03:14 |
soulwarp | hehe | 03:14 |
caesar_ | oh thank god. nevermind. I figured it out. It was something really really stupid | 03:14 |
Grant2 | <nosrednaekim> what do you mean that won't do it? I'll try that website... | 03:14 |
* draik pets ubotu on it's 'bot head | 03:14 | |
morge | nosrednaekim: now, after rebooting, it works like I want it to, but without the fancy volume indicator windows. Better than it was, but not quite there yet =) | 03:14 |
NightBird | ..... gcc was installed, but it can't find the header files... | 03:14 |
pagan0ne | what is the reccomended couse of action if the upgrade looks "froze" | 03:14 |
soulwarp | i'd like to know caesar_ ^^ | 03:14 |
nosrednaekim | Grant2: nah.. that website doesn't have anything.. | 03:15 |
Grant2 | oh... ok. | 03:15 |
NightBird | "error: stdio.h: No such file or directory" | 03:15 |
nosrednaekim | Grant2: I don't think firestarter will share your connection. its a firewall | 03:15 |
soulwarp | pagan0ne be patient | 03:15 |
ice9_ | ln -f /usr/local/bin/python /usr/bin/python should work right ? | 03:15 |
soulwarp | pagan0ne it looked like it froze for me a few times when i upgraded | 03:16 |
pagan0ne | well its been stuck for a while now on one file... preparinf to configure dhcp3-common | 03:16 |
caesar_ | soulwarp: Firefox crashed. And I opened it again, clicking "restore session." Well, I had a video before, which had a whole bunch of windows sounds on it. But being on dialup, the video loads slowly. So... I kept hearing a few deedledoots and tada's every minute or so :P | 03:16 |
Grant2 | nosrednaekim - when i did a search on ubuntuforums, that came up multiple times and that has an option for ICS... | 03:16 |
morge | Grant2, nosrednaekim: firestarter should be able to set up a NAT firewall. It failed miserably for me though, so I just used shorewall. | 03:16 |
soulwarp | <caesar_> glad it's fixed | 03:17 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Nietgen | ||
AmyRose | Grant2: There is a way to do it if you're not against using the command line | 03:17 |
pagan0ne | soulwarp: and also "show terminal" doesnt work, it droped the window down, but doesnt display anything, and wont retract it | 03:17 |
Grant2 | morge - is shorewall easier/noober? | 03:17 |
nosrednaekim | Grant2: oh really?hmm I didn't know that! | 03:17 |
ubuntu | waht is the room that helps with comp fusion? | 03:17 |
morge | Grant2: eh, not really. You have to edit config files. | 03:17 |
Grant2 | AmyRose: i'm willing to experiment but i prefer a gui | 03:17 |
caesar_ | soulwarp: lol. for a while I thought "omg I've betrayed linux. Now my computer is posessed with a windows demon!" | 03:17 |
draik | Is there a way of creating PDFs with various files? | 03:17 |
ubuntu | its me lee | 03:17 |
draik | caesar_: LOL | 03:18 |
Grant2 | I've done this ICS thing tons of times with xp (is that a swear word around here? I dont' wanna get booted...) | 03:18 |
AmyRose | Grant2: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/docs/HOWTO/other-formats/html_single/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO.html#RC.FIREWALL-IPTABLES | 03:18 |
soulwarp | <pagan0ne> are you upgrading through adept? | 03:18 |
pagan0ne | soulwarp: yes | 03:18 |
AmyRose | Grant2: Yeah, I understand, but I cannot find a GUI to do this easily | 03:18 |
ubuntu | eh wahts the room for setting up comiz | 03:18 |
BluesKaj | 03:19 | |
ubotu | pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source) | 03:19 |
soulwarp | <pagan0ne> is it downloading anything? | 03:19 |
AmyRose | Grant2: Oops, wrong one | 03:19 |
shadowhywind | has anyone complained about video not working after gutsy yet? | 03:19 |
ubuntu | info on chat rom comp wiz or something like it please | 03:19 |
fluffman | (22:17:56) draik: Is there a way of creating PDFs with various files? | 03:20 |
ubuntu | or com fusion | 03:20 |
soulwarp | <pagan0ne> if it's lookings stuck i think using sudo apt-get dist-upgrade can finish it for you | 03:20 |
fluffman | yes, anything that can be printed | 03:20 |
ubuntu | comp fusin or somethin | 03:20 |
pagan0ne | soulwarp: finished downloading... was installing... forze on "preparing to configure dhcp3-common | 03:20 |
fluffman | draik, you have a PDF printer...when you click print, choose that printer, and it will create a pdf of the file you need | 03:20 |
kudar | i cant find the knetwork manager file to put it in autostart folder | 03:20 |
kudar | anyonhe know where it is? | 03:21 |
=== ubuntu is now known as lee98632 | ||
kudar | im trying to make knetworkmanager start at boot time | 03:21 |
soulwarp | <pagan0ne> i think you can try again, the packages are already downloaded and should still be there when it restarts | 03:21 |
draik | fluffman: Multiple files into one PDF? | 03:21 |
draik | With page numbers at the bottom? | 03:21 |
=== lee98632 is now known as LEE98632 | ||
fluffman | hmm...use OpenOffice writer, maybe? | 03:21 |
Jucato | kudar: knetworkmanager should autostart at login. the .desktop file for it is in /usr/share/autostart/ | 03:22 |
=== LEE98632 is now known as LEE986321 | ||
kudar | jucato: it doesn't auto start | 03:22 |
blendtux | just upgraded to gutsy again, but my touchpad is not working anymore, i mean by that scrolling is not working anymore when i move my finger from the upper right corner to the lower right corner it should scroll windows | 03:22 |
Wuju | Hello everyone | 03:23 |
LEE986321 | ok I need assistance in getting back to the room taht can help me with compfusion | 03:23 |
pagan0ne | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 03:23 |
LEE986321 | some one there gave me bad code | 03:23 |
Jucato | LEE986321: #compiz-fusion | 03:23 |
Wuju | i am having a problem with my playstation emulators, that i get a segment fault when i run it in 64 bit with the correct bios in it i have the 32 bit libraries | 03:23 |
NightBird | ok... am I the only person who, after installing kubuntu fresh, didn't have the standard C headers installed as well? | 03:23 |
LEE986321 | ty | 03:23 |
NightBird | gcc is there, but no standard c headers | 03:23 |
soulwarp | <pagan0ne> did you close adept? | 03:23 |
pagan0ne | soulwarp: yes | 03:23 |
kudar | jucato: what can i do with that .desktop file to make it run at bootime? | 03:24 |
nosrednaekim | NightBird: you need build-essential | 03:24 |
soulwarp | <pagan0ne>it must still be running | 03:25 |
Jucato | kudar: hm.. first, try to do this. run "knetworkmanager", then when you see the icon in the system tray, right-click on it and Quit. See if it asks you whether you want to start it at login | 03:25 |
dude | jucato: can i install quicktime under kubuntu? gutsy? | 03:25 |
=== miles__ is now known as shakey | ||
shakey | how do you register a nick? | 03:26 |
Jucato | dude: dunno | 03:26 |
Jucato | !register | shakey | 03:26 |
shakey | k | 03:26 |
ubotu | shakey: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 03:26 |
kudar | jucato: that worked.. i am a noob | 03:26 |
fluffman | dude: yes | 03:26 |
soulwarp | <pagan0ne> you can check my typing sudo ksysguard | 03:26 |
pagan0ne | soulwarp: found some zombie adept processes | 03:26 |
Jucato | dude: I play .mov files in kaffeine just fine | 03:26 |
soulwarp | <pagan0ne>and looking for the process | 03:26 |
Jucato | !adeptcrashfix | pagan0ne | 03:26 |
ubotu | pagan0ne: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 03:26 |
dude | is there a codec? | 03:27 |
fluffman | dude: just use kaffeine or VLC the codecs are included | 03:27 |
dude | i mean, streaming mov files | 03:27 |
kudar | is there a way to watch streaming windows media pron in firefox? | 03:27 |
Jucato | dude: either libxine1-ffmpeg or w32codecs | 03:27 |
fluffman | oh, you need need mozilla mplayer plugin | 03:27 |
kudar | who me? | 03:27 |
Jucato | dude: you would still need codecs to play streaming media | 03:27 |
kudar | i can watch flash player pron.. but not windows media.. says it cant find the plugin | 03:28 |
Jucato | tsk tsk :) | 03:28 |
dude | coz, i can't plllay mov files in apple website | 03:28 |
Jucato | flash videos and windows media are different types of videos of course :) | 03:28 |
fluffman | dude and kudar: search for mplayer in adept | 03:28 |
kudar | lol | 03:28 |
Jucato | !w32codecs | dude | 03:28 |
ubotu | dude: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 03:28 |
kudar | aight | 03:28 |
=== shakey is now known as MilesG | ||
fluffman | and install the mozilla mplayer plugin | 03:29 |
fluffman | or mplayer-mozilla-plugin | 03:29 |
fluffman | can't remember exactly | 03:29 |
Jucato | mozilla-mplayer that works only for firefox :) | 03:30 |
MilesG | ok great | 03:30 |
MilesG | i got a nick registered now | 03:30 |
kudar | if you get mozilla-mplayer it automagically installs regular mplayer | 03:31 |
Jucato | kudar: yes. it needs to | 03:31 |
ice9_ | ok so I have a symbolic link to the 2 python dir but still getting the same error | 03:31 |
zerozero | is there a linux command similar to the dos flushdns that I can use on my dns cache? | 03:31 |
kudar | jucato: can you make my wireless inet faster? | 03:31 |
kudar | ive tried everything | 03:31 |
Jucato | no I can't :) | 03:32 |
ice9_ | can't get the depends i need cause its looking for /usr/bin/python | 03:32 |
* Jucato is not Santa Claus | 03:32 | |
ice9_ | I'm stuck now | 03:32 |
nosrednaekim | Jucato: you don't have any MAGIC? | 03:32 |
radyvix | hello | 03:32 |
Jucato | nosrednaekim: spent it all last night... | 03:32 |
radyvix | anyone familiar with connecting to PORT mode ftp server behind NAT? | 03:32 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: want some cookies and milk? | 03:32 |
Jucato | ice9_: can you post the output of ls -l /usr/bin/python | 03:32 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: no thanks. quite full :) | 03:32 |
ice9_ | sure | 03:32 |
kudar | jucato: i pull down 230kb/s on wireless. 3mb/s on wired | 03:33 |
ice9_ | -rwxr-xr-x 4 root root 3239085 2007-10-21 20:21 /usr/bin/python | 03:33 |
Jucato | ice9_: that shouldn't be the case.. it should either be pointing to python2.4 or python2.5... | 03:33 |
Jucato | it should be a symlink | 03:34 |
ice9_ | I did | 03:34 |
ice9_ | ln -s | 03:34 |
Jucato | to what? | 03:34 |
kudar | jucato: can you look at these error messages and let me know what you think? | 03:34 |
kudar | jucato: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=585956 | 03:34 |
ice9_ | /usr/bin$ ln -s /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/python | 03:34 |
ice9_ | ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/local/bin/python' to `/usr/bin/python': File exists | 03:34 |
Jucato | why are you symlinking it to /usr/local? | 03:35 |
ice9_ | cause if you do a 'which python' | 03:35 |
ice9_ | points to /usr/local/bin/python | 03:35 |
Jucato | it shouldn't unless you installed your own python | 03:35 |
ice9_ | yeah i had too | 03:36 |
* Jucato wonders why... | 03:36 | |
dude | what is .dmg? | 03:36 |
ice9_ | cause rm -R python system files | 03:36 |
ice9_ | mac extension dude | 03:37 |
Jucato | dude: I believe that's for macs | 03:37 |
dude | ohh | 03:37 |
dude | ok thanks | 03:37 |
ice9_ | Jucato any suggestions | 03:37 |
Jucato | ice9_: is python2.4 or 2.5 installed? | 03:37 |
ice9_ | yes both now | 03:37 |
ice9_ | but i deleted 2.4 | 03:38 |
ice9_ | and had to source it | 03:38 |
Jucato | you rm'ed it right? | 03:38 |
ice9_ | yep | 03:38 |
dude | why is it everytime i install KDE 4 beta, my pc becomes slow? | 03:38 |
kudar | dude: hacks | 03:38 |
ice9_ | then moved the python files to where ubuntu had it before | 03:38 |
Jucato | you sure are creating a lot of headaches for yourself | 03:39 |
neighborlee | just insalled kubuntu and overall its very nice and ty ...just wondering though adept seems very buggy and wondering if this is a known issue in gutsy atm ?..I click on a item to install and it takes quite sometime for 'x' to both show and disappear ?? | 03:39 |
ice9_ | yeah I know | 03:39 |
dude | kudar? ha? | 03:39 |
ice9_ | but this is how you err i learn | 03:39 |
kudar | jucato: any clue what causes these errors? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=585956 | 03:39 |
ice9_ | man i am almost there too | 03:39 |
Jucato | kudar: I only have one brain and one pair of eyes to use | 03:39 |
ice9_ | lol | 03:40 |
kudar | jucato: ok | 03:40 |
Josie1 | Goodnight, everyone | 03:41 |
Jucato | ice9_: try this. not guaranteed to work. rm /usr/bin/python. then ln -s /usr/bin/python2.5 /usr/bin/python | 03:42 |
MilesG | rakim allah | 03:42 |
ice9_ | thats risky | 03:42 |
ice9_ | but why not | 03:42 |
Jucato | ice9_: what else have you done that isn't? | 03:42 |
ice9_ | yeah but its looking for /usr/local/bin/python | 03:43 |
* Jucato sighs | 03:43 | |
ice9_ | then explain to me pls | 03:43 |
Dr_willis | neighborlee, yep noticed that delay also. not sure what the deal is. I normally install synaptic and use it instead of adept. | 03:43 |
Jucato | on "normal" systems, /usr/bin/python is a symlink to /usr/bin/python2.5 | 03:43 |
Jucato | on "normal' systems, it shouldn't be even looking at anything in /usr/local/ | 03:43 |
kudar | lol normal systems | 03:43 |
Dr_willis | ice9_, ive seen some scripts that have the 'full' wrong path to binaries at times. | 03:44 |
kudar | anyone? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=585956 | 03:44 |
Dr_willis | ice9_, like the first line is #!/some/path/to/python | 03:45 |
kudar | damn i have an assignment due in an hour | 03:45 |
ice9_ | wow this might work | 03:45 |
Jucato | Dr_willis: he rm'ed system python files | 03:45 |
Dr_willis | Jucato, oh the humanity! :) | 03:45 |
ice9_ | file does not exist: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/DistUpgrade/ | 03:46 |
ice9_ | now getting this | 03:46 |
kudar | rm -f /* | 03:46 |
Dragnslcr | Did I see someone mention earlier that there's a known bug with Adept still showing the Version Upgrade button after upgrading to 7.10? | 03:46 |
ice9_ | I think I know where it is though | 03:46 |
kudar | dragnslcr:yes | 03:46 |
Jucato | ice9_:er.. probably you should symlink it to python2.4 not python2.5 | 03:46 |
Dragnslcr | Just checking. Thanks. | 03:46 |
Jucato | ice9_: you need to install python2.4 *again* through apt-get | 03:47 |
Jucato | kudar: please don't do or say that in here | 03:47 |
Jucato | Dragnslcr: yes. known bug | 03:47 |
Jucato | kudar: looked at your post, don't know what's going on | 03:47 |
kudar | jucato: ok, thanks | 03:47 |
kudar | jucato: does tha tmean you need more info or none of that makes sense at all | 03:48 |
Jucato | no idea at all | 03:49 |
kudar | dang | 03:49 |
kudar | looks like i have to boot up vista and do my assignment >.< | 03:49 |
ice9_ | file does not exist: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/UpdateManager | 03:50 |
ice9_ | one sec | 03:50 |
Jucato | <Jucato> ice9_:er.. probably you should symlink it to python2.4 not python2.5 <Jucato> ice9_: you need to install python2.4 *again* through apt-get | 03:50 |
neighborlee | Dr_willis: ah ok thx | 03:50 |
ice9_ | yeah I installed 2.4 again | 03:50 |
ice9_ | and the symlink was already there | 03:51 |
drkfce | I have a kubuntu laptop where the intel sound card will work fine under a live CD, but will not work with a hard drive install. What commands can I use to figure out what the difference is between the live cd and the normal install? | 03:52 |
Dr_willis | drkfce, check what modules are loaded. with 'lsmod' | 03:52 |
neighborlee | this just isn't my night for linux ;)..I just signed up for kubuntu forum, yet im getting some odd error ( no indication of what it is) and im not getting the verify email at all..known issue or.... | 03:54 |
ice9_ | damn i need the distupgrade module | 03:54 |
ice9_ | in site-packages | 03:54 |
Wuju | did anyone here get the epsxe emulator working for linux? | 03:55 |
neighborlee | An Error Has Occurred! | 03:55 |
neighborlee | A new activation email has successfully been sent. | 03:55 |
lee_ | !pastebin | 03:55 |
neighborlee | that error | 03:55 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 03:55 |
dsmith_ | for current laptops, which ones are proven to work nicely with kubuntu | 03:58 |
smax | hi | 03:58 |
smax | do typical motherboards (4-5 year old off the shelf pc) have a MAX size for RAM? | 03:59 |
smax | or a capacity | 03:59 |
pagan0ne | smax: all mobo's have a max size for ram | 03:59 |
smax | ok | 03:59 |
smax | thanx id hate to buy two 512 sticks if all mine can handle is 256. | 04:00 |
pagan0ne | smax: id suggest getting the model and consulting the manufactures website | 04:00 |
pingveno | When I was doing an upgrade dist-upgrade started taking up all of the memory on my computer, then crashed. The crash was just after the Install the Upgrades stem. | 04:00 |
pingveno | Any clue as to what happened? | 04:00 |
neighborlee | this is based off ubuntu or so I thought but it never imported my windows wallpaper and wondering is it supposed to or did I miss a checkbox maybe ? | 04:03 |
neighborlee | no a big deal just curious | 04:03 |
neighborlee | not | 04:03 |
ice9_ | lmfao finally done | 04:06 |
drkfce | Does there happen to be a command that can take two text files, compare them line by line, and tell the difference? | 04:17 |
* ubuntu is trying out the gutsy AMD64 live CD | 04:17 | |
=== ubuntu is now known as angasule | ||
Jucato | drkfce: "diff" :) | 04:17 |
radyvix | diff? | 04:17 |
=== angasule is now known as angasule_ | ||
drkfce | sweet, thanks :) | 04:17 |
Jucato | diff fiile1 file2 | 04:17 |
angasule_ | hmm, dolphin doesn't have automatic sshd discovery (for fish)? | 04:17 |
angasule_ | not even a fish button like midnight commander, bah | 04:18 |
Jucato | angasule_: isn't there a Network bookmark in the sidebar? | 04:18 |
ashfaq | VMWARE instalation help please? | 04:20 |
angasule_ | Jucato: yes, but it's far from automatic (it's not in zeroconf), it's faster to manually type in the fish address | 04:20 |
=== tonyx is now known as kde_tony | ||
angasule_ | still, dolphin is TONS better than when I last tried it, I like it now, last time I almost puked :P | 04:20 |
Jucato | angasule_: does konqueror have that automatic thingy? | 04:20 |
angasule_ | Jucato: nope, but midnight commander does :) | 04:21 |
Jucato | angasule_: you can always just make your own bookmark in the Places sidebar... if the IP is not dynamic... | 04:21 |
angasule_ | Jucato: err, not fully, just some | 04:21 |
Jucato | bah! you're comparing 2 different codebases :P | 04:21 |
angasule_ | yeah, I did that | 04:21 |
* angasule_ wonders what to check out next | 04:21 | |
vellakd | if I installed the xubuntu-desktop package, and decided that I didn't like it, and wanted to swich back to kubuntu desktop (and remove the xubuntu-desktop), how would I do that? | 04:21 |
angasule_ | the restricted driver thing in the settings is *NICE* | 04:22 |
Jucato | vellakd: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde | 04:22 |
kudar | anyone know how to cure an enlarged prostate? | 04:22 |
Jucato | kudar: not the place to ask | 04:22 |
kudar | =( | 04:22 |
angasule_ | kudar: man hospital | 04:22 |
Jucato | better yet, GOTO hospital | 04:23 |
Dragnslcr | Ooh, Dolphin is nice | 04:23 |
posingaspopular | kudar: drugs. | 04:23 |
Dragnslcr | That "Open as root" button will be really handy | 04:23 |
posingaspopular | that's notsomething that you get over with tea | 04:23 |
Jucato | and broken :) | 04:23 |
Jucato | actually... it's kdesudo that's broken... | 04:23 |
angasule_ | Dragnslcr: konqueror has that in feisty and even the last LTS, I think | 04:24 |
Jucato | Dragnslcr: in case you do switch back to Konqueror, an open as root service mune can be added too | 04:24 |
Jucato | angasule_: Edit as Root, not Open as Root | 04:24 |
angasule_ | kdesu is broken AGAIN? | 04:24 |
Jucato | kdesudo | 04:24 |
Dragnslcr | I barely used Konqueror anyway | 04:24 |
Dragnslcr | As much as I try not to on Kubuntu at home, I tend to open up a console quite a bit | 04:25 |
angasule_ | what is kdesudo? | 04:25 |
Jucato | angasule_: it's a proper KDE frontend to sudo (kdesu is a frontend to su, patched to work w/ sudo) | 04:25 |
Jucato | Dragnslcr: you open up konsole? why not use Yakuake instead and save yourself the startup time? :) | 04:25 |
angasule_ | adept looks almost the same, except for the repo management | 04:26 |
Jucato | angasule_: unlike kdesu, kdesudo behaves like sudo in remembering passwords for a given time, for example | 04:26 |
Jucato | angasule_: that's because it is the same :) | 04:26 |
angasule_ | Jucato: ah, nice | 04:26 |
Jucato | and the repo management has been there since feisty | 04:26 |
angasule_ | Jucato: no improvements? :/ | 04:26 |
Jucato | other than bug fixes? I'm afraid not so much | 04:26 |
angasule_ | seriously? the dialogs seem new to me, I guess I went straight to the sources.list heh | 04:27 |
angasule_ | any chance of switching to aptitude? | 04:27 |
Jucato | angasule_: not without rewriting the code a lot I guess | 04:27 |
* Jucato is no APT expert | 04:27 | |
posingaspopular | Jucato: sudo apt-get smarts | 04:28 |
posingaspopular | sudo apt-get install smarts | 04:29 |
posingaspopular | see even i mess it up | 04:29 |
Jucato | aptitude is smarter though... :P | 04:29 |
angasule_ | hmm, it's very nice | 04:29 |
angasule_ | well, the fonts suck, but that's fixable, I hope | 04:29 |
angasule_ | and the DPI is 100% wrong | 04:29 |
angasule_ | oh, what are the 'gotchas' when using AMD64? blender is fixed I guess? | 04:32 |
Jucato | codecs, plugins | 04:33 |
tehk | anyone know of a inkscape inkscape package that doesnt require the optional gnomevfs stuff(I rather not install gconf)? | 04:34 |
Omarian | hey guys would it be safe to remove boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic and /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-15-generic if i am running kernel 2.6.20-16 kernel? | 04:34 |
Jucato | Omarian: just uninstall the 2.6.20-15 packages.. but it would be best to leave at least one extra, older, working kernel as backup | 04:34 |
NickPresta | Omarian, to remove the previous kernel, remove the package | 04:35 |
NickPresta | and Jucato beats me :) | 04:35 |
Jucato | of course :) | 04:35 |
NickPresta | heh. | 04:35 |
Omarian | so you guys are basically saying don't remove anything | 04:35 |
joaquin30 | anyone knows why x is so slow with an intel video carD? | 04:35 |
angasule_ | joaquin30: maybe you don't have the right driver installed? | 04:35 |
NickPresta | Omarian, it is good to have a backup kernel in the event something goes wrong with the one you're using. That way, you aren't left with an unusable system. However, you are free to remove the previous kernel if you want | 04:36 |
joaquin30 | angasule_: I have the xserver-org-video-intel, and I just ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver and made sure to select it; I checked /etc/X11/xorg.conf and it says "Video intel" all right | 04:36 |
pagan0ne | how do i exit the X server cleanly, in such a way that i can install Nvidia's binary drivers? | 04:36 |
Jucato | Omarian: you can remove 2.6.20-14 if you have that too.. just keep at least one other kernel.. unless you're willing to do some heavy fixing if the current kernel breaks | 04:37 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: Logout, Ctrl+Alt+F1, "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop" | 04:37 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: remember to note down what you need to do first | 04:37 |
pagan0ne | ty Jucato | 04:37 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: to start it up again, "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start" | 04:37 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: done it many times, just usually reboot into single user mode :p | 04:37 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: question about that command. why isn't that the command that ubotu returns when i !x the thing? | 04:38 |
cptnspoon | Can anyone help me figure out if my nvidia card is installed correctly? Glxgears runs fine however trying to get compiz to run says it can't find any nvidia devices? | 04:38 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: that's a different command :) | 04:38 |
angasule_ | hmm, wmv not available on AMD64? bah :( | 04:38 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: okay whats the difference though? i cant figure it out | 04:38 |
Jucato | cptnspoon: "glxinfo | grep render" and check if it answers yes | 04:39 |
Jucato | !xconfig | posingaspopular | 04:39 |
ubotu | posingaspopular: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes | 04:39 |
Jucato | you mean that one? | 04:39 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: you mean that one? | 04:39 |
posingaspopular | no i mean the difference between sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop and.... | 04:39 |
angasule_ | well, restart time, enough checking out for now | 04:39 |
posingaspopular | !x | 04:39 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:40 |
posingaspopular | the /?dm restart | 04:40 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: in regular expressions, ? = any single character... | 04:40 |
Jucato | so that means either kdm or gdm or xdm | 04:40 |
Jucato | and the init.d scripts usually take a set of common commands like start, stop, restart | 04:41 |
posingaspopular | ohhhh | 04:41 |
posingaspopular | i see | 04:41 |
cptnspoon | Jucato: It does say "yes"...so does that indicate the card is installed correctly? | 04:41 |
Jucato | cptnspoon: yes | 04:41 |
cptnspoon | Jucato: Thanks for that. Any ideas why compiz would be causing issues? I've also had issues with xserver-xgl since upgrading to Gutsy. I had to uninstall it just to get some programs to redraw the screens properly but I reinstalled it and tried to put compiz over it but I just get the white screen... | 04:42 |
Omarian | i cannot get mplayer to stream avi files from a network share | 04:42 |
Omarian | either | 04:42 |
Jucato | cptnspoon: try asking in #compiz-fusion | 04:42 |
kudar_ | there isn't a powersaving feature someone that is restricting my wifi card is there? | 04:44 |
kudar_ | since im on a laptop | 04:44 |
kudar_ | im running out of ideas here | 04:44 |
eljefe | why would a new 18x SATA2 dvd-r only burn at 4x? this is on Gutsy with a fresh install, and everything else on the motherboard is supported,.. it seems to be a DMA issue, although it says the drive is using UDMA = 2, but its just too slow for that | 04:47 |
pagan0ne | w00t, it works! | 04:50 |
Jucato | huh? what? where? | 04:51 |
pagan0ne | my Gutsy upgrade... | 04:51 |
kudar_ | jucato: best vpn application to use | 04:51 |
kudar_ | or utility | 04:51 |
kudar_ | i need to make vpn connection basically | 04:52 |
Jucato | kudar_: dunno vpn sorry | 04:52 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: nice | 04:53 |
Jucato | !vpn | 04:53 |
ubotu | From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD | 04:53 |
* sea4ever is gone, it's midnight, and I gotta wake at 6 am, screw this homework! | 04:57 | |
posingaspopular | man its quiet. Jucato, did you fix all the errors in kubuntu by yourself? | 05:03 |
Jucato | nope nixternal is to blame | 05:06 |
nixternal | bah! | 05:06 |
Jucato | (sorry had to step out for a while to preserve sanity | 05:06 |
nixternal | posingaspopular: don't talk to Jucato like that...remember I made him...it was I who gave him his first job :p now look at him, he has bypassed me, I now work for him, when I am not working for food :) | 05:07 |
posingaspopular | nixternal couldn't even fix my partitions today | 05:07 |
nixternal | stop lying | 05:07 |
nixternal | dude, we fixed it...we didn't even look at your partitions | 05:07 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: nixternal couldn't even get the MBR right | 05:07 |
posingaspopular | hehe | 05:07 |
Jucato | lol | 05:08 |
nixternal | you are fish bait at the next meeting | 05:08 |
Gun_Smoke | Is it possible to run Xen on top of kubuntu desktop to run say centos? | 05:08 |
posingaspopular | Gun_Smoke: thats the VM right? | 05:08 |
posingaspopular | im pretty sure you can | 05:08 |
Jucato | !xen | 05:08 |
ubotu | XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy | 05:08 |
posingaspopular | nixternal: next meeting? we only meet every 4 months | 05:08 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: nixternal made me *almost" in his image and likeness... but he's far more scarier than I am | 05:09 |
Gun_Smoke | Jucato: Every do it? | 05:09 |
nixternal | bah, I am not scary..why do people keep saying that? | 05:09 |
Jucato | Gun_Smoke: nope... too complicated for my little brain :) | 05:09 |
Jucato | nixternal: then you should get less scary pics taken :) | 05:09 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: yea? he's trying to do the same with me and freddy | 05:09 |
fulat2k | hi folks, i accidentally executed dpkg-reconfigure -a. everyhing works fine except for kaffeine and vlc. it loads a file but doesn't play it. any idea how i can troubleshoot? | 05:09 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: beware the sombrero!!! | 05:09 |
Gun_Smoke | I thought I'd try to give it a shot.. I will give me something to do for the rest of the night.. :D | 05:10 |
nixternal | hahaha | 05:10 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: actually that's just freddy. i steer clear of lawn mowers. | 05:10 |
Jucato | lol | 05:10 |
posingaspopular | or else nixternal will spam the chans. with revealing photos. | 05:10 |
* Jucato thinks of fulat2k's problem... | 05:11 | |
eljefe | anyone have suggestions on recovering lost (deleted) .jpg files on an ext3 filesystem? | 05:11 |
Jucato | Gun_Smoke: it's probably worth the try. you can also try some other simpler VM's like virtualbox or an emulator like qemu | 05:11 |
Jucato | eljefe: if deleted using rm... well... that's goodbye... | 05:11 |
posingaspopular | eljefe: /tmp? | 05:11 |
eljefe | no... in kde, with [shift][delete]... i was hoping for a simple dd-based app maybe? | 05:12 |
posingaspopular | trash can/ | 05:12 |
Jucato | nah, shift+delete really deletes it | 05:12 |
eljefe | nope, [Shift][delete] | 05:12 |
posingaspopular | oh. yea i duno, i just delete | 05:12 |
posingaspopular | never shift delete | 05:13 |
eljefe | don't start :( | 05:13 |
Gun_Smoke | Well I guess I can't exactly mess anything up too bad trying right? lol can always reinstall. | 05:14 |
eljefe | anyone know why a SATA2 drive would burn at 4x rather than 18x? | 05:14 |
me | hi everyone :) Im getting this error message when trying to use virtualbox: | 05:14 |
me | VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel and execute '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv start' as root. | 05:14 |
me | VBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED). | 05:14 |
=== gopeto is now known as MackaPichka | ||
Jucato | eljefe: what is the CD/DVD's burning capacity? | 05:15 |
me | is that a bug or did i do something wrong? | 05:15 |
eljefe | 4.x GB | 05:15 |
scheater6 | eljefe: I'm not really knowledgeable about the subject, but if the burner program taxed your ram it could slow things down | 05:15 |
Jucato | me: how or from where did you install virtualbox? | 05:15 |
eljefe | doesn't seem to affect ram, that I notice | 05:15 |
Jucato | wait a minute, are you talking about a cd/dvd burner? | 05:16 |
eljefe | yes | 05:16 |
scheater6 | eljefe: then I got nothing - Jucato? | 05:16 |
me | Jucato: first i added the kernel headers vbox needs and then i installed vbox with adept manager | 05:16 |
NightBird | how do I restart the kde login screen? | 05:16 |
Gun_Smoke | wahoo.. someone else playing with vm stuff | 05:16 |
Jucato | eljefe: ok I meant to ask the cd/dvd's burning speed capacity? some disks only have 4x max | 05:16 |
eljefe | speaking of, why cannot I find VMWare-Player v2 in Gutsy? | 05:17 |
Gun_Smoke | NightBird: back to the default? | 05:17 |
me | Gun_Smoke: I'd like to if i can get it running | 05:17 |
DaSkreech | Gun_Smoke: unfortunately Debian makes things very boring | 05:17 |
Jucato | NightBird: what do you mean? | 05:17 |
DaSkreech | just apt-get install a xen kernel and it works | 05:17 |
DaSkreech | *sighs* | 05:17 |
eljefe | Jucato: good question... they read 16x, and the burner is supposed to burn at 18x | 05:17 |
NightBird | my x server died. I want to restart it | 05:17 |
Jucato | NightBird: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 05:17 |
Gun_Smoke | DaSkreech: Well that sound pretty good for my first try then.. | 05:17 |
NightBird | thank ye | 05:17 |
Jucato | (should be logged out first if your logged in) | 05:17 |
me | Gun_Smoke: do you run virtualbox in kubuntu7.10? | 05:18 |
Jucato | me you installed virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.22-14-generic right? | 05:18 |
me | yes | 05:18 |
DaSkreech | NightBird: /etc/init.d/kdm restart (this will kill your login with no warning) | 05:18 |
Jucato | me: can you "lsmod | grep vbox" and see if it returns anything | 05:18 |
Gun_Smoke | me: not yet :) soon I hope.. (tonight) | 05:18 |
me | Jucato: nothing | 05:19 |
Jucato | me: "Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel and execute '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv start' as root." <--- did you do that already? | 05:19 |
Jucato | sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start | 05:19 |
me | Jucato: yes, even removed vbox and re-installed, but still no go | 05:19 |
Jucato | me: "sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start" <-- this one? | 05:20 |
me | Jucato: uname -r says: 2.6.22-14-generic | 05:20 |
Jucato | me: "sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start" <-- how about this one? | 05:20 |
me | Jucato: :)) thanks :) | 05:20 |
* Jucato whacks me for "not following instructions" :P | 05:21 | |
me | bummer ... still wont start | 05:21 |
me | don't whack me yet! :) | 05:21 |
Angelus | when is kubuntu gonna be less buggy? | 05:21 |
Jucato | hm... can you do the lsmod command again? (after the /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start command" | 05:21 |
me | i installed virtualbox under pclinuxos with no troubles but kubuntu is a different monster :) | 05:21 |
Jucato | find me an OS w/ absolutely no bugs :) | 05:21 |
me | anyway, everything else works | 05:21 |
me | DOS? | 05:22 |
me | ok, kidding | 05:22 |
Jucato | hehe :) | 05:22 |
Angelus | windows xp Jucato | 05:22 |
Angelus | :p | 05:22 |
me | brb, laundry :( | 05:22 |
Jucato | me: anyway, what did lsmod say? | 05:22 |
Angelus | lol1 | 05:22 |
Jucato | bah! | 05:22 |
Angelus | haha | 05:22 |
Kr4t05 | Angelus == troll, perhaps? | 05:22 |
Jucato | ask for help then leave? *grumbles* | 05:22 |
me | Jucato: vboxdrv 1649696 0 | 05:22 |
Angelus | no but really, ithink Gutsy has more bugs then Feisty | 05:22 |
Jucato | me: ok that loaded the module | 05:22 |
Angelus | will they be somehow fixed? | 05:22 |
Kr4t05 | Angelus: Updates should fix them. | 05:23 |
Jucato | Angelus: depends on what kind of bugs they are. and you can always stick with feisty if you want | 05:23 |
Angelus | gutsy is nicer | 05:23 |
Angelus | i like it | 05:23 |
Angelus | :p | 05:23 |
Jucato | nicer but buggier... wow | 05:23 |
me | Jucato: VBox status code: -1909 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE). | 05:23 |
Kr4t05 | New releases usually find ways of breaking in ways that the original bug testers hadn't considered. | 05:23 |
me | does that help? | 05:23 |
hydrogen | hardy isn't bad so far.. | 05:23 |
* hydrogen hides | 05:23 | |
Angelus | i prefer coolness over bugs Jucato | 05:23 |
* Jucato seeks out hydrogen with a hydrogen-seeking missile | 05:23 | |
Angelus | :p | 05:23 |
me | lol | 05:24 |
Jucato | then why complain? O.o | 05:24 |
Gun_Smoke | Gutsy has been fine for me so far... I had one problem with a firefox them making firefox crash when I attempted to down load something but other than that.. | 05:24 |
* hydrogen turns into some other less common element | 05:24 | |
me | ok, bbl :) ciao for now! | 05:24 |
Jucato | hmph | 05:24 |
hydrogen | firefox likes to crash for me | 05:24 |
Gun_Smoke | The GUI is pretty slow if you choose add/remove programs.. Go try and check a box.. I don't know what that is all about. | 05:24 |
Jucato | asking for help w/ no time for receiving help... | 05:24 |
hydrogen | ff tends to crash more than my prealpha snapshot of opera | 05:24 |
Angelus | Jucato: who complained? i asked if they will be FIXED or nt :p | 05:24 |
hydrogen | so I kind of don't use it | 05:24 |
Kr4t05 | Firefox used to crash like crazy in Feisty, So far, not a single crash. :P | 05:24 |
Jucato | <Angelus> when is kubuntu gonna be less buggy? <--- that isn't a complaint disguised as a question? :) | 05:25 |
Kr4t05 | Although, I've been meaning to find a replacement for Firefox that is more KDE-compliant. :P | 05:25 |
Jucato | Kr4t05: use Adept Manager :) | 05:25 |
Jucato | (much better, less pretty though) | 05:25 |
Gun_Smoke | hydrogen: are you using a theme? | 05:25 |
hydrogen | Gun_Smoke: for ff or for opera? | 05:25 |
Gun_Smoke | ff | 05:25 |
Kr4t05 | Jucato: But, there are so many packages to filter through... :/ | 05:25 |
hydrogen | no | 05:25 |
Angelus | Jucato: take it as you wish, i love kubuntu :P | 05:26 |
Jucato | Kr4t05: there's a search field, there are lots of checkboxes to minimize fittering, etc | 05:26 |
MilesG | hay | 05:26 |
Angelus | its my way of talkin' | 05:26 |
Angelus | :p | 05:26 |
Jucato | :P | 05:26 |
javier | hello | 05:26 |
xid | hey you know how in Konqueror when you press ctrl it gives you a mouse-less keyboard menu of all links on the page? Does anyone know of an extension for firefox that does that? | 05:26 |
Angelus | well there is something i must ask dough | 05:26 |
Gun_Smoke | hydrogen: Thats the only connection I can make to ff crashing. | 05:26 |
Angelus | in Adept, i get an Upgrade Version button, should i do it? im already on Gutsy | 05:27 |
hydrogen | adept is really really really bad :/ | 05:27 |
xid | Konqueror is soooo awesome on a laptop/no mouse, but I need Firefox to work like that | 05:27 |
Jucato | xid: they are called Access or Sticky keys. might want to search for that in addons.firefox.com (I think) | 05:27 |
xid | kthnx | 05:27 |
Jucato | Angelus: bug | 05:27 |
hydrogen | Angelus: only if you want to adventure into the great unknown :) | 05:27 |
Jucato | hydrogen: you have no idea :) | 05:27 |
Angelus | :o | 05:27 |
Angelus | uknown | 05:27 |
Angelus | some hidden world? | 05:27 |
Angelus | :p | 05:27 |
Jucato | Angelus: it's the Gutsy Twilight Zone | 05:28 |
Jucato | Enter at your own risque | 05:28 |
Angelus | whats gutsy twilight zone? | 05:28 |
Angelus | oh | 05:28 |
hydrogen | hmm | 05:28 |
Jucato | hehe j/k | 05:28 |
Angelus | lol | 05:28 |
Jucato | it's an Adept bug. soon to be resolved | 05:28 |
Jucato | (I hope) | 05:28 |
Angelus | ah cool | 05:28 |
Jucato | (I think) | 05:28 |
Angelus | so | 05:28 |
* Angelus shouldn't press it | 05:29 | |
Angelus | right ? | 05:29 |
Angelus | :p | 05:29 |
Jucato | doesn't do anything if you do I think | 05:29 |
* hydrogen is pround of himself | 05:29 | |
Gun_Smoke | I keep forgetting to ask if anyone is using some gmail checker here in kde? | 05:29 |
Jucato | why are you pround? | 05:29 |
hydrogen | I made my own kernel package today | 05:29 |
hydrogen | because I wanted to try out cfs | 05:30 |
* Jucato uses kmail to check, download, and read | 05:30 | |
Angelus | i do Gun_Smoke | 05:30 |
Jucato | !info kcheckgmail | 05:31 |
ubotu | kcheckgmail: KDE systray application to check GMail accounts. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.6-1 (gutsy), package size 127 kB, installed size 736 kB | 05:31 |
hydrogen | pop3 access to gmail seems like a really pointless thing | 05:31 |
Angelus | :O | 05:31 |
Angelus | i done it with kmail Jucato | 05:31 |
=== BlindSide_ is now known as BlindSide | ||
hydrogen | sa the main reasons to use gmail are the free 2gb storage and the supercool interface | 05:31 |
Jucato | Angelus: I said I use kmail :) | 05:31 |
Jucato | the super cool interface that usually breaks with Konqueror every now and then... | 05:31 |
kudar | whats wrong with thunderbird? | 05:31 |
Jucato | nothing's wrong with it | 05:32 |
Jucato | (unless you prefer to use a KDE app inside a KDE distro) | 05:32 |
gary_inNYC | also because a lot of places where people work don't have gmail filtered so people use it for instant messaging... | 05:32 |
Angelus | whats the kcheckgmail for then Jucato? | 05:32 |
Jucato | Angelus: <Gun_Smoke> I keep forgetting to ask if anyone is using some gmail checker here in kde? | 05:32 |
hydrogen | Jucato: thats why God invented opera | 05:32 |
hydrogen | It's from the same country as qt.. and it uses qt.. so it is obviously just as good | 05:32 |
Jucato | God does closed source? O.o | 05:33 |
hydrogen | of course he does | 05:33 |
hydrogen | he doesn't want anyone steelin his sekretz | 05:33 |
Jucato | well soon not to be Qt... | 05:33 |
hydrogen | Imagine what would happen if someone reverse engineered the process to create life :/ | 05:33 |
Jucato | it's offtopic, but there were some discussions of moving Opera to their own homegrown toolkit | 05:33 |
hydrogen | mm | 05:33 |
hydrogen | I don't think it'd make much sense for them to | 05:33 |
hydrogen | but you never know! | 05:34 |
=== morphine is now known as morphinex | ||
Jucato | (God uses open source, but his API is waaaay to complex) | 05:34 |
Jucato | :D | 05:34 |
morphinex | hey folks, my upgrade from feisty to gutsy crashed about 2% into installing the packages | 05:34 |
Angelus | god is open source himself, since every religion modifies him as they want | 05:34 |
Angelus | LoL | 05:34 |
Tm_T | . | 05:34 |
morphinex | it crashed on x11-common or something | 05:34 |
kudar | jucato: no religious views in this channel please | 05:34 |
Jucato | hehe anyway... offtopic | 05:34 |
Jucato | kudar: yes yes | 05:34 |
hydrogen | I don't think calling god's api complex is really a religious view | 05:35 |
hydrogen | or if it is.. you are way too much of a geek :P | 05:35 |
Jucato | hydrogen: stop it before *I* get told off | 05:35 |
neighborlee | hi just wondering what was up with a few new additions to kubuntu: 1) I do like dolphin , 2) strigi were you serious ?? ,and 3) system-setttings does not fit in with kde at all I wonder who decided that had merit to include ? ;)) | 05:35 |
hydrogen | pfft. tm_t loves me. we're safe! | 05:35 |
Jucato | you are, I'm not | 05:36 |
Tm_T | hydrogen: no I dont | 05:36 |
kudar | hydrogen: i was giving him a hard time because he called me out earlier when i strayed away from kubuntu talk | 05:36 |
Jucato | I just better quit while i'm at it | 05:36 |
* hydrogen gets back on topic as well | 05:36 | |
hydrogen | but remember kids.. firefox is bad. | 05:36 |
kudar | firefox > * | 05:36 |
Angelus | of course, its gtk | 05:37 |
neighborlee | hydrogen: rarely does it crash for me anymore, so what exactly are you getting at | 05:37 |
hydrogen | neighborlee: performance issues. | 05:37 |
hydrogen | but | 05:37 |
hydrogen | thats all i'll say! | 05:37 |
hydrogen | .. for now | 05:37 |
neighborlee | dont have any here that I can think of | 05:37 |
neighborlee | at least not in windows...ive had to spend a bit more time here lately due to gaming | 05:38 |
neighborlee | sasdly | 05:38 |
neighborlee | sadly | 05:38 |
hydrogen | gamings been going nicely for me with wine | 05:38 |
hydrogen | for once | 05:38 |
neighborlee | I wish | 05:38 |
hydrogen | playing my every-once-in-a-while addiction WoW with no problems for once | 05:38 |
neighborlee | though sometime I should try again | 05:38 |
hydrogen | getting my 107fps | 05:38 |
Angelus | hydrogen: try playing INFERNAL on wine :p | 05:38 |
neighborlee | I have heard that wow does do well yes | 05:39 |
azriel | someone PLEASE tell me how just get back to regular direct rendering since upgrading to gutsy | 05:40 |
hydrogen | what kind of irregular direct rendering do you have currently? | 05:40 |
azriel | it installed xgl, of course, but then i completly removed the pkg | 05:41 |
azriel | xserver-xgl | 05:41 |
azriel | and now i still get this: direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose) | 05:41 |
fulat2k | hi folks, i accidentally executed dpkg-reconfigure -a. everyhing works fine except for kaffeine and vlc. it loads a file but doesn't play it. any idea how i can troubleshoot? | 05:42 |
azriel | i've also tried putting that disable file in .config/xserver-xorg, just cant get direct rendering to say yes to save my life | 05:42 |
Gun_Smoke | welp... here is the first issue.. Don't really know if it will be a huge deal or not.. I'm doing sudo /etc/init.d/xend restart *BUT* grep: /proc/xen/capabilities: No such file or directory | 05:44 |
Amarilis | hi | 05:44 |
Gun_Smoke | Oh I missed all the gmail kmail stuff. lol | 05:46 |
Gun_Smoke | had to teach myself vim real quick LOL | 05:46 |
Amarilis | i have a problem. i tried to run the last version of kubuntu (live cd) on one of my computers. | 05:46 |
azriel_ | crap i wasnt being rude client just locked | 05:46 |
azriel_ | so unfortunately if you answered me a sec ago i lost it | 05:47 |
Gun_Smoke | Amarilis: and... | 05:47 |
azriel_ | was the one asking about getting direct rendering enabled | 05:47 |
Amarilis | here is my configuration: 512RAM/3GHz/Nvidia 6600 GTS/GA-8I945P Pro motherboard | 05:47 |
Amarilis | and I can't see anything on my display which is a Samsung 959NF | 05:48 |
Amarilis | i tried ubuntu to see if this problem persist and the problem remains | 05:49 |
morphinex | hey folks, my upgrade is crashing when it tries to install x11-common | 05:50 |
Amarilis | i tried both kubuntu and ubuntu on a Compaq laptop with this configuration 512RAM/AMD Athlon 3000+/ and the live cd's worked perfectly | 05:52 |
Amarilis | do you think that is because of my graphic card ? | 05:54 |
Gun_Smoke | I dunno | 05:55 |
Gun_Smoke | Amarilis: Sure you have the right chip set? | 05:55 |
xid | anyone know how to use KRDC to login to a Windows RDP at console level? | 05:55 |
Amarilis | yes | 05:56 |
Gun_Smoke | Sound like a something with xorg.conf | 05:58 |
Amarilis | i dont understand why on the laptop both live cd's work perfect and on my desktop don't | 06:00 |
dennister | dang it all! just spent 12 hours trying to do the gutsy upgrade, and almost as soon as the upgrades started installing, it aborts with the warning that my pc "might be in an unusable state" does anyone remember/know the dpkg line? | 06:01 |
posingaspopular | dennister: sudo dpkg --configure -a ? | 06:01 |
dennister | posingaspopular: ty, that was it | 06:01 |
posingaspopular | np | 06:01 |
posingaspopular | dennister: ive seen people use that like at least 50 times in this chan over the past 3 days ;o | 06:02 |
posingaspopular | very handy | 06:02 |
dennister | yes, but i haven't been in the channel lately; things were too tickety-boo :-) | 06:02 |
Gun_Smoke | sudo /etc/init.d/xend restart = grep: /proc/xen/capabilities: No such file or directory What gives? I know /etc/init.d/xend is there. | 06:03 |
posingaspopular | what is capabilities | 06:03 |
Gun_Smoke | posingaspopular: Was that for me? | 06:04 |
dennister | great...now my password won't work for sudo | 06:05 |
posingaspopular | yes sorry | 06:05 |
posingaspopular | dennister: change it | 06:05 |
posingaspopular | passwd | 06:05 |
posingaspopular | and then change it back | 06:05 |
Gun_Smoke | posingaspopular: I don't understand your question. | 06:06 |
posingaspopular | you have /proc/xen/capabilities | 06:06 |
posingaspopular | what is /capabilities and what does it do? | 06:06 |
blendtux | how can i configure my touchpad | 06:06 |
Gun_Smoke | posingaspopular: I don't know, that is what gets printed back from sudo /etc/init.d/xend restart | 06:07 |
dhq | where can i find good source and documentation of distributed systems in mutual exclusion and classification of it | 06:07 |
posingaspopular | dhq: there is a company in chicago called cleversafe that does that | 06:08 |
Gun_Smoke | posingaspopular: I was hoping someone around here might have an idea. | 06:08 |
posingaspopular | they just released their software on sourceforge | 06:08 |
posingaspopular | Gun_Smoke: i was hoping you knew so i could help you figure it out | 06:08 |
dhq | posingaspopular, i was looking for a good document i tried google but dint find much | 06:08 |
Gun_Smoke | haga | 06:08 |
Gun_Smoke | well where do I start? | 06:09 |
posingaspopular | dhq: to learn about distributed systems and stuff like that? | 06:09 |
dhq | posingaspopular, yes | 06:09 |
posingaspopular | hmm | 06:09 |
posingaspopular | i dont think i know that answer sorry | 06:09 |
dennister | posingaspopular: terminal tells me the password has been changed successfully, but if I then just type in 'su' and then the new password, I still get the 'authentication failure'...just like i did b4 i changed the password | 06:10 |
dennister | i never get the root prompt | 06:10 |
Gun_Smoke | posingaspopular: I guess I could just skip the restart.. It will come soon enough I guess. | 06:11 |
posingaspopular | authentication? for su... wth? | 06:11 |
posingaspopular | man ive never seen that befoe | 06:11 |
aaron_ | hola any people from mexico | 06:11 |
enhen | any one with eyeos | 06:11 |
posingaspopular | !sp | 06:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:12 |
posingaspopular | !es | 06:12 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 06:12 |
dennister | all of my sudo passwords get rejected | 06:12 |
posingaspopular | dude ive never heard of that happening | 06:12 |
asimismo | So all the Google hits seem to tell me that to turn Compiz on with 7.10 all I have to do is go to the Visual Effects tab. I have yet to find this in Kubuntu, or anything else that would allow me to turn Compiz on... Any ideas what I'm missing? I've successfully installed the nVidia driver and rebooted. | 06:12 |
posingaspopular | !compiz | 06:12 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 06:12 |
asimismo | Crap. Ok, thanks, I ran the Ubuntu version of the command. | 06:13 |
gary_inNYC | ubotu: even it gutsy? | 06:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about even it gutsy? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:13 |
asimismo | posingaspopular: Thanks! | 06:13 |
ardchoille | I'm really liking yakuake | 06:16 |
dennister | i guess i've been affected by Gutsy's Bug #26338...rebooting into recovery mode | 06:17 |
Gun_Smoke | posingaspopular: here's what im up to.. http://pastebin.com/m20cccdcf | 06:20 |
=== ccherret1 is now known as ccherrett | ||
posingaspopular | and /capabilities DOES exist? | 06:23 |
Gun_Smoke | No, | 06:23 |
Gun_Smoke | just make it? | 06:24 |
posingaspopular | yea you could try that i guess. | 06:24 |
posingaspopular | im not really a VM expert though | 06:25 |
Gun_Smoke | hehe.. I need to restart too.. That might mess up things.. | 06:25 |
Gun_Smoke | I'm trying to follow this.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen#head-12156398ac5383dfcc06c761e3139410220530c0 | 06:26 |
tracy_ | do you like Xen? | 06:27 |
Gun_Smoke | tracy_: I don't know... I have yet to get it up and going.. | 06:27 |
Gun_Smoke | It's my mission tonight.. | 06:28 |
tracy_ | I started using VMWare | 06:28 |
tracy_ | seems to work ok | 06:28 |
radyvix | i've never used xen but i definitely like vmware server | 06:29 |
Gun_Smoke | tracy_: would you know anything about this problem I'm having? sudo /etc/init.d/xend restart = grep: /proc/xen/capabilities: No such file or directory What gives? I know /etc/init.d/xend is there. | 06:29 |
Gun_Smoke | but I do not know what /capabilities is | 06:30 |
xevious | yeah. that's there. but /proc/xen/capabilities isn't | 06:30 |
xevious | it sounds like you arent using a xen-aware kernel | 06:30 |
Gun_Smoke | probably need to do the restart first then eh/ | 06:30 |
xevious | i have absolutely no experience using xen, but i know you need a kernel with support | 06:30 |
xevious | Gun_Smoke: yeah. any changes to the kernel need a restart | 06:31 |
Gun_Smoke | brb | 06:31 |
tracy_ | I believe xevious is correct | 06:31 |
Gun_Smoke | brb... maybe.. if no panic.. | 06:31 |
graelb | Anyone have issues with not being able to view your TTY's with 7.10? | 06:34 |
Tm_T | no issues here | 06:35 |
sub[t]rnl | graelb: check your grubs menu.lst and make sure your not passing any vga= | 06:35 |
* xevious bops sub[t]rnl | 06:35 | |
graelb | where is it located? | 06:35 |
sub[t]rnl | The gutsy kernel and vesab framebuffer don't get along | 06:35 |
contrast83 | Greets, everyone... | 06:35 |
sub[t]rnl | yo xev | 06:36 |
sub[t]rnl | graelb: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:36 |
graelb | ok | 06:36 |
graelb | looking | 06:36 |
graelb | =P | 06:37 |
Gun_Smoke | kernel works | 06:37 |
contrast83 | Could having too much stuff installed have an impact on system performance, even though there's an adequete amount of free disk space? | 06:37 |
sub[t]rnl | contrast83: nope | 06:38 |
sub[t]rnl | contrast83: as long as you don't have all your stuff running at once :P | 06:38 |
xid | does KDE boast some type of a low-throughput protocol like RDP? (not including VNC) | 06:38 |
contrast83 | Hmm... Thanks. | 06:38 |
graelb | sub[t]rnl: the only line i can see is ## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the | 06:39 |
graelb | ## alternatives | 06:39 |
graelb | ## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda5 | 06:39 |
sub[t]rnl | pastebin your menu.lst | 06:40 |
graelb | ok | 06:41 |
=== mike is now known as kubuntunewbie | ||
kubuntunewbie | okay i need help.... | 06:41 |
Tm_T | Jucato: welcome back | 06:41 |
posingaspopular | oh no did Jucato come back | 06:42 |
kubuntunewbie | i just installed kubuntu on my new laptop (has windows vista) and when setting the partition i got things backwards | 06:42 |
graelb | sub[t]rnl: this shouled be it | 06:42 |
graelb | http://pastebin.com/d468ff058 | 06:42 |
graelb | should* | 06:42 |
ubuntu | hi all i wanna go to ubuntu channel | 06:42 |
Gun_Smoke | posingaspopular: And that also fix the first issue I posted. :) | 06:43 |
contrast83 | Anyone know why there's no emerald-themes package in Gutsy? | 06:43 |
kubuntunewbie | could someone please tell me how i can uninstall kubuntu to get my primary petition back so i can go back and re-install it with a smaller petition | 06:43 |
posingaspopular | ubuntu: hit /join #ubuntu | 06:43 |
ubuntu | i wanna go to ubuntu what should i do ??????/ | 06:43 |
ubuntu | thanks | 06:43 |
kubuntunewbie | or if there is an easier way to give some space back to my windows partition? | 06:43 |
posingaspopular | kubuntunewbie: open up gparted | 06:44 |
xid | so is VNC pretty much the best option for remote/control? | 06:44 |
kubuntunewbie | posingaspopular: could u tell me where that is | 06:44 |
contrast83 | You can't repartition disks that are mounted though, right? | 06:44 |
posingaspopular | wait a sec, does that not come with kubuntu | 06:44 |
kubuntunewbie | i dont think it does | 06:44 |
needles | hi there, i have a brother usb printer, and im cant seem to get it to be recognized | 06:44 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Your best bet would probably be to download and burn a GParted live CD. | 06:44 |
sub[t]rnl | graelb: hrm I'm not sure. That menu.lst is clean. Your not asking it to use any framebuffer with vga. | 06:45 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Not sure of the exact URL. Should be easy to find on http://www.distrowatch.org though | 06:45 |
posingaspopular | contrast83: could kubuntunewbie do an apt-get gparted | 06:45 |
sub[t]rnl | graelb: only thing I can think of is remove the splash option in the kernel boot | 06:45 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: it seems to me that it would be easier to just remove kubuntu from my computer all together so it will give my space back and then re-install kubuntu? | 06:45 |
graelb | sub[t]rnl: Where is that? | 06:45 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: or will it not give my partition back to windows if i do that? | 06:46 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Umm... How would that be easier? Are you particularly wanting to start off with a fresh install? | 06:46 |
sub[t]rnl | graelb: in the first instance you see of /boot/vmlinuz | 06:46 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: i installed kubuntu on this computer 15 minutes ago. | 06:46 |
sub[t]rnl | graelb: the splash option at the end, take that out. Try to keep it from going into a buffered mode, hopefully it will keep your tty's alive | 06:46 |
graelb | just remove the "quiet splash" | 06:46 |
graelb | hehe | 06:46 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Well, if you really want to just reinstall, just choose to do the partitions manually from the CD (and since you're doing that anyway, I'd recommend making seperate / and /home partitions). | 06:46 |
graelb | ok | 06:46 |
graelb | do i need to completely reboot? | 06:46 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Ahh, ok. That might be easiest then, in that case. | 06:47 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: cool, well how do i uninstall kubuntu? | 06:47 |
sub[t]rnl | graelb: hrm.. yeah | 06:47 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: You don't. :-) | 06:47 |
sub[t]rnl | graelb: make a backup of your menu.lst too | 06:47 |
graelb | done already =P | 06:47 |
dennister | ok, am back with sudo priviledges successfully restored...has anyone been able to upgrade to gutsy using the dist-full-upgrade? | 06:48 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: im confused. | 06:48 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: When you're installing from the CD, just delete the partitions Kubuntu's on, resize the Windows partitions to your liking, and set up new partitions for the new installation. | 06:48 |
graelb | alrighty | 06:48 |
graelb | wish me luck =P | 06:48 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: ahhhhh great idea. | 06:48 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Make sense? | 06:48 |
graelb | be back in a few | 06:48 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: perfect sense. | 06:48 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: thanks a bunch. | 06:48 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: here goes nothing thanks again | 06:48 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: No prob. You got what I said about seperating / and /home as well? | 06:48 |
contrast83 | Alright, great. | 06:49 |
dennister | let's hope he got it | 06:49 |
contrast83 | Heh... I doubt it. | 06:49 |
dennister | has anyone been able to successfully upgrade to gutsy using adept or synaptic's "full upgrade"? | 06:50 |
contrast83 | I've yet to understand why Ubuntu doesn't partition / and /home seperately by default. | 06:50 |
dennister | <------12 hours of wasted time here | 06:50 |
contrast83 | dennister: I've heard of a few people succeeding with that, but they seem to be in the minority. | 06:50 |
contrast83 | 12 hours? o_O | 06:51 |
posingaspopular | dennister: what contrast83 said, most people i know did it via command line | 06:51 |
blendtux | yes i did it | 06:51 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: its how I upgraded | 06:51 |
contrast83 | Any SuperKaramba users here? | 06:51 |
graelb | nope | 06:52 |
graelb | but i got to see all the nifty boot stuffs | 06:52 |
graelb | hehe | 06:52 |
sub[t]rnl | still not able to access your tty's? | 06:52 |
graelb | nope | 06:53 |
dennister | hm...i had to go into gnome, (kde didn't even start the fetching) and it fetched 1330 files, but as soon as it started installing them it aborted | 06:53 |
Gun_Smoke | If anyone is caring to follow along with my project tonight.. http://pastebin.com/m789e2ab1 | 06:53 |
dennister | yes, like i said, *12 hours* | 06:53 |
dennister | the first error message during installation was about the splash file, not being supported in my BIOS | 06:54 |
contrast83 | dennister: Have you used any third-party repositories? | 06:54 |
dennister | contrast83: just medibuntu | 06:54 |
dennister | multiverse, universe...the documentation also says to enable the pre-release repositories | 06:55 |
contrast83 | dennister: And proposed updates, then do a full upgrade, then follow the the release upgrade instructions. You did all that? | 06:56 |
dennister | yes, i did all that...*everything* i could see i enabled | 06:57 |
contrast83 | dennister: Sorry, just making sure all bases are covered... I'm not sure what to tell ya'. I always just install from the CD, which isn't too bad so long as you have / and /home partitioned seperately. | 06:57 |
dennister | np, it was the full upgrade that I tried to do according to the documentation | 06:58 |
dennister | <-----follows instructions to the letter | 06:58 |
graelb | sub[t]rnl: any other ideas? there's a bug report, but i didn't actually see any fixes that worked | 06:59 |
dennister | for once i didn't want to start from scratch with a clean install...i have too much installed here that's working...and getting it all to work the way I want it takes so long | 06:59 |
sub[t]rnl | graelb: unfortunatly no. Keep an eye on the bug # and hopefully the kernel team will get a fix out | 07:00 |
dennister | I'm also a partitioning queen :)...got no less than 20 partitions on this htpc :P | 07:00 |
graelb | yeah... alrighty | 07:01 |
graelb | thanks for the try anyway =) | 07:01 |
contrast83 | dennister: I'm guessing two of those are / and /home then? | 07:01 |
dennister | contrast83: yep...for both my working kubuntu installation and my gentoo amd64 installation... so 2 / and 2 /home | 07:03 |
=== frank_ is now known as bossler | ||
dennister | gutsy users: which version of openoffice is being used? | 07:04 |
osh_ | My external monitor no longer works after upgrading to gutsy, anyone know under what package to report this bug? | 07:04 |
contrast83 | dennister: Well, getting everything working the way you have it shouldn't be too much work then. You know not to format the /home partition when you reinstall, right? | 07:04 |
osh_ | Or it sort of don't work. It doesn't work during bootup, then kdm is shown, and then it stops working again. Like it gets no signal. | 07:04 |
osh_ | dennister: it sais 2.3 on my screen... | 07:05 |
contrast83 | dennister: Do you know how to apt-get dselect-upgrade? | 07:05 |
dennister | contrast83: yes, I wouldn't format that partition, but I'd still prefer not to do a clean install, if i can at all avoid it | 07:05 |
dennister | osh_: thank you very much, that's my main reason for upgrading actually, cause Base with feisty isn't working very well | 07:06 |
osh_ | dennister: I'd wait a few more days with the upgrade. I've had troubles. Perhaps they'll be sorted out in a few days. | 07:07 |
dennister | contrast83: if i do that, does it mean that the 1303 files i spent downloading will be wiped out? | 07:07 |
osh_ | dennister: Unless you need OO.o right now. Perhaps I've just been unlucky. | 07:07 |
Gun_Smoke | I think I've bitten more than I can chew.. | 07:07 |
=== mrblobby123 is now known as SSJ | ||
igi | 7.04 -> 7.10 update broke while instaling packages, what should I do? | 07:07 |
Gun_Smoke | igi: what did | 07:08 |
contrast83 | dennister: If you do what? the dselect-upgrade? | 07:08 |
manu_ | someone speak spanish?? | 07:08 |
osh_ | !es | 07:08 |
igi | distro updater freezed | 07:08 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 07:08 |
dennister | contrast83: yes...like i said, i spent 12 hours downloading them all | 07:08 |
manu_ | thanks | 07:09 |
contrast83 | dennister: Sorry if I missed this, but what exactly is going wrong when you try to upgrade? | 07:09 |
osh_ | manu_: obrigado (which I thinks is spanish). | 07:09 |
igi | 7.04 -> 7.10 update broke while instaling packages, what should I do? | 07:10 |
=== ubuntu is now known as kubuntunewbie | ||
dennister | contrast83: 12 hours fetching 1330 files, they start installinig, right away i get error messages, it only tries to do a couple installs, and then it aborts | 07:10 |
Gun_Smoke | oh.. can someone paste that dpkg command again.. | 07:10 |
kubuntunewbie | hey im having a problem again | 07:10 |
contrast83 | dennister: Do you have the error messages handy? | 07:10 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: ? | 07:10 |
posingaspopular | Gun_Smoke: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 07:10 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: hey, when i go into the prepare partitions thing it wont let me continue | 07:10 |
igi | dpkg: status database area is locked by another process | 07:11 |
Gun_Smoke | yeah... igi try that. | 07:11 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: What's it say? | 07:11 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: it says... No root file system is defined. please correct this from the partitioning menu. | 07:11 |
igi | what now? | 07:11 |
contrast83 | !aptfix|igi | 07:11 |
posingaspopular | define a /swap prob? | 07:11 |
contrast83 | !aptfix | igi | 07:11 |
ubotu | igi: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 07:11 |
dennister | contrast83: nope, but the first one was about usplash...i couldn't even report it, apparently because it needed access to my BIOS (?), next error was upgrade-manager, and that's where it completely aborted | 07:12 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Are you at the partitioner right now? | 07:12 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: yes | 07:12 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: im booted off the CD | 07:12 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: You already have the Windows partition(s) resized the way you want them? | 07:12 |
igi | ubotu: doesn't work | 07:12 |
ubotu | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 07:12 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: yes, i was able to change them | 07:12 |
igi | ubotu: dpkg: status database area is locked by another process | 07:13 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Ok, now delete all the partitions except the Windows ones. Let me know how much free space is available when that's done. | 07:13 |
Gun_Smoke | igi: ubot is a bot. | 07:13 |
dennister | lol...bot with a sense of humor | 07:13 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: even this swap partition delete that too? | 07:13 |
igi | I know | 07:13 |
igi | how I kill these locking processes? | 07:14 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Well... What's the size of it? | 07:14 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: only 5 gigs | 07:14 |
Gun_Smoke | power button | 07:14 |
dennister | igi: do you have adept or synaptic open? | 07:14 |
contrast83 | 5 gigs for swap? o_O | 07:14 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: i have 75 gigs set aside for the linux | 07:14 |
dennister | if so, close them | 07:14 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: should be more then enough | 07:14 |
igi | I have adept, but doesn't work cause it gives process lock | 07:14 |
robotphood | 5gigs wowzah | 07:14 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: 5 gigs for swap is grossly excessive. How much RAM do you have? | 07:14 |
igi | they are not open | 07:15 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: at least a gig, might be 2 gigs i dont remember | 07:15 |
igi | I am not that stupid | 07:15 |
charlie5 | does anyone elses external usb hardrive keep unmounting/remounting periodically (about every 5 mins) ? | 07:15 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Resize the swap partition to a 2 gigs. | 07:15 |
dennister | igi: sorry, it's been awhile since i been in the channel, or tried to help anyone...that would be a real newbie error | 07:15 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: doing that now | 07:15 |
robotphood | i don't think you even need 2gb | 07:16 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Then make a partition whose mount point is /, and give that 10GB (you can go higher if you install an unusually large amount of software, but / is more than enough for most people). | 07:16 |
contrast83 | robotphood: That's what I was thinking, but wasn't too sure. | 07:17 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: well what should i do with the remaining like 60 gigs? let them sit and do nothing? | 07:17 |
contrast83 | I've never seen swap usage go above half a gig, personally. | 07:17 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: No, make another partition whose mount point is /home and give the remaining space to it. | 07:17 |
robotphood | i never even use swap | 07:17 |
dennister | i have 1G ram now (since one died) and 1.5G swap | 07:18 |
dennister | usually the rule of thumb is 1.5x your ram | 07:18 |
contrast83 | Up to 2GB, then 1x your RAM, IIRC. | 07:18 |
dennister | contrast83: exactly...when i had 2G ram i only had 2G swap | 07:19 |
kubuntunewbie | im so excited to be giving vista the boot. | 07:19 |
contrast83 | I've seen the automatic partitioner alot 3x the amount of RAM to swap. -_~ | 07:19 |
dennister | robotphood: no u don't use swap, but the pc does without u knowing it | 07:19 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: All good on the partitions now? | 07:19 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: its thinking... 60% done | 07:19 |
dennister | kubuntunewbie: which vista ed? home or premium? | 07:20 |
kubuntunewbie | dennister: home | 07:20 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Just FYI, when you know you want to install and don't need to check out the OS, the alternate CD is a lot quicker. | 07:20 |
robotphood | fair enough | 07:20 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: yeah i downloaded the wrong one. | 07:21 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: i was told that before | 07:21 |
robotphood | 0 swapi 128mb swap and no hit :/ | 07:21 |
contrast83 | I get through the human-interaction part of the text-only installer in less than 5 minutes, and from there it's done in less than 20, | 07:21 |
dennister | i'm concerned cause my teenager needs/wants new pc, and he'll probably end up with vista no matter what i tell him :( | 07:22 |
kubuntunewbie | ahh crap, swap is right in the middle of my free space. | 07:23 |
robotphood | are you concerned about the costs or just the fact that he's wants vista? | 07:23 |
contrast83 | dennister: Did you show him Compiz? :-P | 07:23 |
dennister | he thinks i'm "too political" when it comes to linux ...i'm concerned about both | 07:23 |
contrast83 | dennister: And he doesn't even want to dual-boot? | 07:23 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: hey swap is right in the middle can i delete swap and create it again? | 07:24 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Ohh... Sorry about that. I knew there was a reason I suggested deleting swap and just starting over clean. | 07:24 |
robotphood | kubuntunewbie, yes | 07:24 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Just delete *all* the partitions except those for Windows. | 07:24 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: done. | 07:24 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: now i want to create what? | 07:25 |
dennister | and the main fear: he won't be happy...nope, he has kubuntu now after I had to rebuild his pc with older mobo and video card...wouldn't handle the sata drive so i couldn't install the windows xp system drive he had... | 07:25 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Make a / partition with 10gb, then a swap partition with 1gb, then a /home partition with what's left. | 07:25 |
dennister | I'll be installing compiz soon for him... | 07:25 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: primary or logical? | 07:26 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: and what do i "use as" ext3? | 07:26 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: I usually try primary first, and if that doesn't work I re-do them as logical. I'm not really sure what the difference is though... Yeah, ext3. | 07:26 |
contrast83 | Except the swap, obviously - that would be "Use as: swap" ;-) | 07:27 |
alromaithi | how do you make compiz auto start automaticlly? | 07:27 |
dennister | contrast83: he may agree to dual boot, seeing as how we even had an absolutely-no-warning xp pro lockout a year ago...it took me a week to rebuild his pc then | 07:27 |
dennister | and yet this boy STILL wants winblows over linux :( | 07:28 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: its now telling me that the rest of my free space is unusable? | 07:28 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Ok, so try re-doing them as logical. Sorry. :-\ | 07:28 |
contrast83 | dennister: I've almost given up on trying to convince people why they should use Linux. It borders on maddening at times. | 07:29 |
contrast83 | dennister: I think all you can do is let people know there's an alternative to MS, and if they show a genuine interest in it, help them through the hurdles. | 07:30 |
dennister | what's really maddening is that i still have to keep my xp mce for the canadian government websites | 07:30 |
contrast83 | dennister: IEs4Linux doesn't work for them? | 07:30 |
dennister | i haven't tried that yet...does it work well without the security vulnerabilities? | 07:31 |
contrast83 | AFAIK, yeah. | 07:31 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: okay perfect | 07:31 |
contrast83 | It's worked fine on a few of my friend's IE-only sites. | 07:31 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: is swap supposed to have any sort of mount point? | 07:32 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Obviously, you would still *only* want to use it for IE-only sites, and your regular browser for everything else. | 07:32 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Nope | 07:32 |
dennister | ok...as soon as I get some of these other things worked out, i'll try that...i still have to get that winblows-lover son of mine to get me the schedulesdirect account with his credit card, gets gutsy and surround sound working properly | 07:32 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Haven't used the Live CD in quite some time so I don't remember if this applies there, but on the alternate CD, the mount point field for a partition disappears after you define it as swap. | 07:33 |
contrast83 | dennister: That's the only way to get surround-sound working on Linux? | 07:33 |
robotphood | i'm pretty sure you're right about that contrast83 | 07:33 |
contrast83 | Or just the most practical way. | 07:33 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: i duno what that means, but at least it is installing now | 07:33 |
dennister | it's totally maddening to have to go into the winblows drive 5 days a week to record my soap operas :P... | 07:33 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Good. :-) | 07:34 |
contrast83 | dennister: ATI Wonder? | 07:34 |
Tr0n_Paul | swap memory has no purpose in the filesystem and thus has no reason to be mounted | 07:34 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: thanks for ur help. when i logged onto windows to make sure i didnt screw it up i almost crapped myself when i saw 49 out of 51 gigs were used. | 07:34 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: No problem. | 07:34 |
dennister | contrast83: no, you have to use nvmixer for surround sound, and nvidia is really atrocious with supporting the nforce audio chipsets | 07:34 |
m0ns00n | ḧo | 07:35 |
m0ns00n | versionupgrade forever? | 07:35 |
m0ns00n | =) | 07:35 |
kubuntunewbie | contrast83: i am very impressed at how quickly kubuntu picked up my wireless card and everything on my laptop | 07:35 |
dennister | contrast83: no, i have a hauppauge 150 for mythtv, but without the tvlistings from zap2it, mythtv on linux is almost useless | 07:35 |
m0ns00n | Ive done versionupgrade 4 times now, aqnd the last three had no updates | 07:35 |
m0ns00n | and | 07:35 |
contrast83 | kubuntunewbie: Yeah, they've come a long way with that in the past couple releases. | 07:36 |
m0ns00n | is it a bug? | 07:36 |
alromaithi | how do you make compiz auto start automaticlly i dont see a session manager like in Gnome when i had it , right now im lost!!!! help please needed | 07:36 |
dennister | i also have an an ati theatre 550 pro tuner, with a pcie x1 interface i bought for xp mce 18 months ago...before i migrated to linux | 07:36 |
robotphood | alromaithi, in kde? | 07:37 |
dennister | that ati tuner is useless for linux...no ati drivers at all for it | 07:37 |
contrast83 | dennister: Ohh ok... One of these days (i.e., when I have money), I'm gonna put together a nice HTPC. Right now my computer's hooked up to a 60" wide-screen television and a 6.1 surround system, but I'm only getting 1280x1024 and 2.0 sound. :-\ | 07:37 |
dennister | contrast83: what driver is your sound using? | 07:38 |
contrast83 | dennister: Oh, wow. The way you talked, I figured you'd been using Linux for years and years. Heh. | 07:38 |
m0ns00n | contrast83: using that for coding? =) | 07:38 |
contrast83 | m0ns00n: lol I mainly do that on my lappy, actually. | 07:38 |
dennister | contrast83: not quite...but i do like gentoo, and that's not for the faint of heart | 07:39 |
contrast83 | dennister: I don't remember, TBH. Not on that computer ATM. | 07:39 |
contrast83 | I'd like to try Gentoo out at some point. Just... not... quite... yet. :-P | 07:39 |
alromaithi | robotphood: yes Kubuntu | 07:40 |
dennister | i like how clean it is, but as i said, i'm using the amd64 version of that (i386 for kubuntu) so any amd64 distro is going to have some issues cause of adobe and stuff | 07:40 |
contrast83 | Yeah. Still no Flash on 64-bit Linux, right? | 07:41 |
robotphood | get kcontrol-autostart | 07:41 |
alromaithi | sudo apt-get install kcontrol-autostart | 07:41 |
dennister | exactly, and nspluginwrapper and all the other stuff i've read doesn't work...get no sound with the flash | 07:41 |
robotphood | adds autostart option kde control center > kde components | 07:41 |
dennister | i guess i like gentoo cause i like challenge, heheheh | 07:42 |
dennister | brb | 07:42 |
alromaithi | robotphood: good your here, then you might know where im lost actually... | 07:42 |
contrast83 | Control Center >>>>>>>> System Settings | 07:42 |
alromaithi | robotphood: im on KDE ( kubuntu ) , i hear its easier then UbuntU Gnome , but i was wrong , its complicated its another computer world i thought it will go such NintendoMaCxp-Style , but it went backwards. i must know how to make it good and easy , for the people to use it without stress free , ( compiz starts on start up , no need for emerald but use nice decorated KDE , i need windows decorater , and have the file system look good | 07:44 |
alromaithi | indolphin , ) im sorry forthis long question. i want to do a presentation about UbuntU in school , and let my friends quit xp | 07:44 |
alromaithi | let me register first robotphood | 07:49 |
dennister | contrast83: will "apt-get dselect-upgrade" remove all the 1330 files from my system that i fetched earlier | 07:50 |
dennister | ? | 07:50 |
contrast83 | dennister: Well, apt-get dselect-upgrade is usually used after reinstalling. it's for resetting your installed packages to how they were prior to the reinstall. | 07:51 |
dennister | what's the cli string to upgrade to gutsy? | 07:52 |
tehk_ | Hello, does anyone know how to clear all text entry history in konqueror? | 07:52 |
tehk_ | Not for just that one web page | 07:52 |
kraut | moin | 07:53 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:55 |
dennister | sub[t]rnl: ty | 07:55 |
=== ord-msa-159 is now known as mars_ | ||
sub[t]rnl | tehk_: ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/konq_history or something like that | 07:56 |
tehk_ | sub[t]rnl: thanks | 07:56 |
Lord_Cerber | Hi all! Can anyone help with upgrade to gutsy? I have lots of questions. The upgrade hang up yesterday on cleaning stage, and now apt still shows upgrade to 7.10 button, but the process dont run. And some apps like bidgin and k3b dont work. | 07:57 |
sub[t]rnl | Lord_Cerber: best to just start the upgrade again from the beginning | 07:58 |
Lord_Cerber | it wont run - it says no upgrade needed on the 3rd step and offers reporting a bug | 07:58 |
sub[t]rnl | Lord_Cerber: whats lsb_release -a say | 07:58 |
fiyawerx | !lvm | 07:59 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 07:59 |
Lord_Cerber | sub[t]rnl it says 7.10 | 07:59 |
dennister | ok, having a problem with the canadian server...ca.archive.ubuntu.com...anyone have a US alternative? | 07:59 |
sub[t]rnl | Lord_Cerber: chances are your running the most current | 07:59 |
sub[t]rnl | Lord_Cerber: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade just to be sure | 08:00 |
fiyawerx | !lvm2 | 08:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lvm2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:00 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: replace ca. with us. | 08:00 |
sub[t]rnl | don't forget to sudo apt-get update | 08:01 |
dennister | k...just didn't know if there'd be tons of us servers and i'd need to be more specific | 08:01 |
sub[t]rnl | newp | 08:01 |
dennister | 2 error messages; 1st is E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 08:04 |
dennister | i forget how to fix this :( | 08:05 |
sub[t]rnl | rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock && sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a | 08:05 |
sub[t]rnl | hrm | 08:05 |
sub[t]rnl | i think | 08:05 |
sub[t]rnl | !adept fix | 08:05 |
ubotu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 08:05 |
sub[t]rnl | dpkg --configure -a :P | 08:06 |
Lord_Cerber | ok, now with progs - cause pidgin still wont run, if i run with -d it hangs after the words "sound: Initializing sound output drivers." without any error - and just hangs till i kill it | 08:07 |
dennister | sub[t]rnl: well, 1st command u gave me is stopping and starting tons of services | 08:08 |
sub[t]rnl | what command? | 08:08 |
kubuntunewbie | yipppy | 08:08 |
sub[t]rnl | stopping and starting your /etc/init.d/ stuff? | 08:08 |
* sub[t]rnl blinks | 08:08 | |
kubuntunewbie | anyone remember the sudo apt-get command to install firefox? | 08:09 |
sub[t]rnl | isn't it just sudo apt-get install firefox? | 08:09 |
dennister | sub[t]rnl: rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock && sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a | 08:09 |
sub[t]rnl | sudo dpkg --configure -a | 08:09 |
sub[t]rnl | not the dpkg-reconfigure | 08:09 |
sub[t]rnl | my bad | 08:09 |
dennister | lol...yes ur bad! | 08:10 |
dennister | lol | 08:10 |
sub[t]rnl | man you must have typed it the second I said it :P | 08:10 |
sub[t]rnl | I corrected like a split second later | 08:10 |
dennister | sub[t]rnl: i learnt long time ago to use cut and paste...i guess i can just do a ctrl-c to stop everything from reconfiguring, eh? | 08:11 |
hangthedj | sub[t]rnl, yeah or if you want gran paradiso its firefox-3.0 | 08:11 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: sure can | 08:11 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: I'm running the dpkg-reconfigure -a just to see if it gets you in any trouble | 08:12 |
dennister | it's starting the whole process i just stopped over again | 08:12 |
sub[t]rnl | eh? did you ctrl c it? | 08:13 |
sub[t]rnl | killall dpkg-reconfigure | 08:13 |
dennister | yep, then did just the sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a | 08:13 |
contrast83 | Some processes will trap a hang-up signal (re: Ctrl+C). It would make sense for dpkg to be one of them. | 08:13 |
contrast83 | Ermm.... Killing dpkg is safe? | 08:13 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: forget the dpkg-reconfigure -a.. its dpkg --configure -a | 08:13 |
Gun_Smoke | Any ideas on updating bios with no floppy? | 08:13 |
sub[t]rnl | contrast83: heh, yeah | 08:14 |
xid | what do I need to watch xvid? Mplayer? | 08:14 |
sub[t]rnl | !xvid | 08:14 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:14 |
xid | hmkthnx | 08:15 |
dennister | ok, i did the simple: sudo dpkg --configure -a, then tried to get the upgrade started again, and i'm still getting the same lock error messages | 08:16 |
sub[t]rnl | !adept fix | dennister | 08:16 |
ubotu | dennister: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 08:16 |
aftertaf | Is there a fix for the "enable DMS with hdparm doesn't work" problem? i have IDE Drives and had to add modules to my initramfs to be able to boot, but now all is sloooow | 08:16 |
sub[t]rnl | aftertaf: what modules did you add? | 08:17 |
dennister | well, the bot's line isn't working...no joy | 08:17 |
needles | can someone tell me how i would get this printer to install? | 08:17 |
needles | its a brother printer | 08:18 |
needles | usb | 08:18 |
dennister | needles: model? | 08:18 |
needles | dcp-8020D | 08:18 |
aftertaf | sub[t]rnl: piix, ide_generic, ide_cd, ide_disk && I blacklisted ata_piix | 08:18 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: hey, did you kill dpkg-reconfigure? | 08:19 |
needles | dennister : dcp-8025D * | 08:19 |
dennister | sub[t]rnl: yes | 08:19 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: make sure the whiptail isn't sucking up your cpu | 08:19 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: do a ps aux|grep whiptail | 08:19 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: tell me if its there | 08:19 |
aftertaf | sub[t]rnl: and I b/listed ata_generic, libata, scsi_mod too | 08:19 |
dennister | needles: ok...there are some howtos for brother printers...i wrote one for a 210C...in anothe distro | 08:20 |
kristina | hi, in the adept - manage repositories dialog what does "download all updates in the background" do exactly? does it also automatically install all updates? | 08:20 |
needles | dennister : i guess ill just have to google it | 08:20 |
sub[t]rnl | kristina: mmhmm | 08:20 |
dennister | sub[t]rnl: yes, whiptail's there | 08:20 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: kill its PID | 08:20 |
dennister | cli line? | 08:20 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: kill -5 1235325 | 08:20 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: or whatever its PID is | 08:20 |
dennister | needles: yes, and try the ubuntuforums, too | 08:21 |
needles | dennister : thanks | 08:21 |
aftertaf | does ubuntu now use scsi emulation ? or does it assume all is SATA? i've had pbs booting since feisty.. | 08:22 |
hangthedj | gutsy is pretty gutsy, they have alot of beta programs in the repositories. | 08:22 |
dennister | sub[t]rnl: i've tried 22064 and 2884 from this result: 22064 0.0 0.0 2884 764 pts/1 S+ 03:20 0:00 grep whiptail | 08:22 |
dennister | but both time terminal tells me there's no such pid | 08:23 |
sub[t]rnl | ew | 08:23 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: run top from the cli | 08:23 |
sub[t]rnl | to find its PID then try to kill -5 it | 08:23 |
dennister | i'm not familiar with top command? | 08:23 |
sub[t]rnl | ok it just shows all the processing currently running | 08:24 |
sub[t]rnl | just type "top" in the terminal | 08:24 |
sub[t]rnl | and look to the right for whiptail, or hold down shift + p to sort the processes by the most CPU intesive | 08:24 |
sub[t]rnl | if whiptail is running, its gonna be at the top | 08:24 |
sub[t]rnl | once you find it, look to the far left for the PID, then ctrl c out of top, and kill -5 PIDNUMBER | 08:24 |
dennister | it's not anywhere from the pure 'top' command | 08:25 |
sub[t]rnl | lost me | 08:25 |
sub[t]rnl | ps aux|grep whiptail | 08:25 |
aftertaf | maybe CTL+ALT+BKSP to restart X then ? | 08:25 |
sub[t]rnl | show me what that says | 08:25 |
dennister | sub[t]rnl: i typed 'top' in terminal, but the results don't show any mention of whiptail | 08:26 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: kk, good its dead | 08:26 |
dennister | however, there is one instance of 'migration' | 08:26 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: thats fine | 08:26 |
vlt | Hello. Any idea how to solve the CUPS problem "Print file was not accepted (client-error-request-value-too-long)!" for print jobs larger than (seems to be) 32M? | 08:26 |
sub[t]rnl | vlt: hrm | 08:27 |
sub[t]rnl | that doesn't sound right | 08:28 |
sub[t]rnl | vlt: df -k /var/spool/cups | 08:28 |
sub[t]rnl | whats that say | 08:28 |
sub[t]rnl | vlt: and make sure you have /var/spool/cups and /var/spool/cups/tmp | 08:29 |
sub[t]rnl | so it won't gripe about free space and file size | 08:30 |
dennister | sub[t]rnl: sorry, still no joy in terms of getting those directories unlocked to restart the gutsy upgrade | 08:30 |
aftertaf | cant you just delete the lock file? i did that once and it worked ok.... | 08:31 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: hrm that adept fix from the bot didn't work? | 08:31 |
dennister | nope, the adept fix didn't work | 08:31 |
sub[t]rnl | aftertaf: yeah, thats how I do it, just rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock then run dpkg --configure -a | 08:31 |
sub[t]rnl | odd | 08:31 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: do you have adept_manager up and running? | 08:32 |
dennister | aftertaf: well, i tried your line, too, and that isn't working either | 08:32 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: silly question but who knows | 08:32 |
dennister | no, adept is not open | 08:32 |
* sub[t]rnl nods | 08:32 | |
aftertaf | hmm | 08:33 |
Lord_Cerber | Still no ideas - pidgin IM wont run and all (still it runs only as a process and responds ctrl-c ok) removing gaim config files that he exported gave no effect. | 08:33 |
dennister | hehehe...i suggested the same thing earlier to igi, and he said, no, 'i'm not that stupid' :P | 08:33 |
needles | dennister : the openprinter database claims my printer has no linux compatability | 08:34 |
needles | http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Brother-DCP-8025D | 08:34 |
sub[t]rnl | dennister: :P | 08:34 |
needles | would that be true? | 08:34 |
dennister | and i have rebooted since that earlier upgrade attempt went south, so rebooting won't help | 08:34 |
aftertaf | dennister: you got aptitude installed? | 08:34 |
dennister | needles: oh dear; have you checked brother's linux pages? | 08:35 |
hangthedj | isn't aptitude installed by default? | 08:35 |
dennister | aftertaf: yes, actually, i do | 08:35 |
Lord_Cerber | what (exept kopette) would you offer as icq pager instead of that pidgin to use? | 08:35 |
sub[t]rnl | Lord_Cerber: does pidgin give an error message when you run it in a terminal? | 08:35 |
needles | dennister : i couldnt find any for it | 08:35 |
aftertaf | dunno hangthedj :) | 08:35 |
* hangthedj loves aptitude | 08:35 | |
aftertaf | dennister: if you 'sudo aptitide -f install ? | 08:35 |
aftertaf | with correct spelling, which would help... | 08:36 |
sub[t]rnl | Lord_Cerber: not sure, i stick with kopete, try searching around | 08:36 |
sub[t]rnl | :P | 08:36 |
sub[t]rnl | ok I'm heading to bed guys | 08:36 |
sub[t]rnl | l8rs | 08:36 |
aftertaf | :) | 08:36 |
dennister | aftertaf: tried it, no joy | 08:37 |
dennister | needles: hold on a sec | 08:37 |
fiyawerx | i thought compiz-fusion is on by default in 7.10? | 08:38 |
aftertaf | dennister: whats the error? | 08:38 |
fiyawerx | !compiz | 08:38 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 08:38 |
AmyRose | OK, why the heck can't SHMConfig be enabled by default? | 08:39 |
AmyRose | for Synaptics touchpads | 08:39 |
dennister | needles: your brother dcp IS supported | 08:40 |
needles | dennister : i found debian drivers | 08:40 |
dennister | needles: first go here: http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/index.html | 08:40 |
needles | for i386 | 08:40 |
needles | now im checking for amd64 | 08:41 |
dennister | debian drivers r the ones i use, and so should u | 08:41 |
needles | dennister : ill see how it goes, thanks | 08:41 |
dennister | u probably won't find amd64...u have to end up using a --force-architecture option | 08:41 |
hangthedj | Lord_Cerber, search adept or aptitude or synaptic for icq | 08:41 |
Lord_Cerber | now one more problem - its k3b cd burning tool. it was very handy but now in stops on the splash screen with this error: kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KActionCollection::KActionCollection( QObject *parent, const char *name, KInstance *instance ) | 08:42 |
needles | dennister : would there be anywhere i can find amd64 debian drivers? | 08:42 |
dennister | aftertaf: when I used "sudo aptitude -f install" i simply got the prompt with no error message | 08:43 |
dennister | but then tried the "sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" and i'm still being told there's a locking problem | 08:44 |
hangthedj | dennister, is there a lock file in /var/lib/apt? | 08:46 |
dennister | needles: i haven't seen gutsy yet, but if you can't find 64-bit drivers for the printer on brother's site, ur not likely to find them at all | 08:46 |
needles | dennister : im on feisty | 08:47 |
dennister | the first error message is: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open | 08:47 |
needles | i see a wrapper | 08:47 |
dennister | immediately under it is this 2nd one: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 08:47 |
hangthedj | try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:48 |
hangthedj | your missing the sudo for dist-upgrade | 08:48 |
dennister | hangthedj: i have the sudo...not missing it at all | 08:49 |
=== bcu1 is now known as runlevelten | ||
vlt | sub[t]rnl: THANK YOU!!!! `df -h /var/spool/cups` => "tmpfs 27M 4.7M 22M 18% /var/spool" | 08:50 |
dennister | my command was (this is a paste): sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:50 |
hangthedj | dennister, in your last post it didn't have sudo after the && | 08:51 |
vlt | sub[t]rnl: So I have to remount it w/ more available space .... | 08:51 |
hangthedj | those are two different commands && just means do it after. | 08:51 |
hangthedj | the first | 08:51 |
dennister | oh lord...1 sec | 08:51 |
dennister | omg...ur right hangthedj...so i redid it, have sudo twice, but o upgraded, o newly installed, 0 to remove... | 08:52 |
dennister | why is it so often the simplest things? | 08:52 |
hangthedj | just the way it is, but it always is. | 08:52 |
dennister | well, it doesn't look like cli will help me upgrade to gutsy | 08:53 |
neighborlee | anyone else know whats up with adept's slowness with checking/unchecking an app ? | 08:55 |
hangthedj | what does lsb_release -d give you? | 08:55 |
* hangthedj hates adept | 08:55 | |
neighborlee | well the UI I think is better overall than synaptic, but atm its veryyyyyyyy sluggish | 08:55 |
* needles doesnt mind adept, even though its a little slow | 08:55 | |
neighborlee | I dont know im mixed over it | 08:56 |
neighborlee | I like it yet I dont LOL | 08:56 |
hangthedj | i don't like adept, because it doesn't tell you what changes its making, unless they've changed that since edgy | 08:56 |
neighborlee | its more than slow needles..its in slow motion | 08:56 |
neighborlee | :) | 08:56 |
* hangthedj only uses aptitude | 08:56 | |
needles | neighborlee : i use apt-get most of the time | 08:57 |
dennister | ok, well now that i've changed the repositories from the canadian server to the US one, i'll try the adept verion upgrade one more time, but overnight...it's almost 4 am here | 08:57 |
needles | i only use adept if i need to read a little more about to package | 08:57 |
hangthedj | aptitude show 'packagename' | 08:57 |
hangthedj | dennister, (probably a stupid question) but all you sources are changed to gutsy? | 08:58 |
WaltzingAlong | aptitude | 08:58 |
needles | when you say aptitude, do you mean apt-get? | 08:58 |
dennister | ahhhhhhhhh, nooooooooo...the documenation didn't mention that... | 08:58 |
hangthedj | !aptitude | 08:59 |
ubotu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide | 08:59 |
hangthedj | dennister, change all the fiesty entries to gutsy | 08:59 |
needles | hangthedj : ah, right | 08:59 |
hangthedj | :) | 08:59 |
dennister | lol...i guess the ubuntu.com docs all need to have this little teensy bit of instruction added, eh? | 09:00 |
WaltzingAlong | hangthedj: dennister: using the upgrade tool, the instructions, the upgrade tool changes the entries to gutsy so no need to manually do it | 09:00 |
hangthedj | WaltzingAlong, whats the upgrade tool? | 09:01 |
dennister | WaltzingAlong: is that what it's supposed to be doing during the "modifying the software channels' stage? | 09:01 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: yes | 09:01 |
dennister | ok, so the docs don't have to be changed then | 09:01 |
WaltzingAlong | hangthedj: yes you can manually change feisty to gutsy then dist-upgrade but it is recommended to use the upgrade tool which you can get by following the upgrade instructions pointed to by the channel topic | 09:02 |
WaltzingAlong | upgrading kubuntu? from feisty (7.04) be sure software-properties-kde is installed (sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde) then follow the upgrade instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | 09:02 |
hangthedj | i like using the command line for anything serious, so i know whats going on. | 09:02 |
hangthedj | but i've been on gutsy since the first packages were released. | 09:03 |
hangthedj | my laptop required it. :) | 09:03 |
dennister | WaltzingAlong: the link u gave us doesn't make any mention of software-properties-kde | 09:04 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: sure but i did | 09:04 |
hangthedj | i spent a 2 weeks getting feisty to work on my laptop, wrote a how to and everything. the first beta of gutsy worked perfect when it came out. | 09:04 |
hangthedj | no work required. | 09:04 |
dennister | WaltzingAlong: yes, u did; that's why i went looking for the phrase in the link :P | 09:05 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: no it should work maybe now that gutsy is official to merely follow what is with the instructions | 09:05 |
WaltzingAlong | software-properties-kde allows one to use adept to modify the sources shown in the images: http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot2.png | 09:06 |
dennister | well i tried this upgrade at noon today...after 12 hours it started installing all the 1330 packages that had been fetched, and promptly died | 09:07 |
posingaspopular | dennister: are you still trying to install via gui? | 09:07 |
posingaspopular | erm ugrade* | 09:08 |
dennister | ok, now it wants to fetch 1372 files | 09:08 |
hangthedj | hangthedj's upgrade instructions : | 09:08 |
dennister | posingaspopular: yes | 09:08 |
hangthedj | sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:08 |
franz_ | what do you guys recommend for an RSS reader which supports HTTPP Authentication? :) | 09:08 |
hangthedj | change everything to gutsy | 09:08 |
hangthedj | hit alt+o or alt+x choose save | 09:09 |
WaltzingAlong | hangthedj: yes you keep typing that but it is not recommended | 09:09 |
posingaspopular | dennister: why dont you just do it via command line? everyone i know that did it without any errors did it with CLI and everyone who did it with gui got stomped | 09:09 |
hangthedj | the sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade | 09:09 |
dennister | but since i changed the canadian server for the us one in my sources.list perhaps i'll get a better result this time | 09:09 |
hangthedj | well the gui isn't working. | 09:09 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: first add the feisty-proposed channel then update and upgrade everything before upgrading to gutsy | 09:09 |
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away | ||
dennister | posingaspopular: i tried doing it via cli, i got nada | 09:09 |
hangthedj | aparently | 09:09 |
posingaspopular | hmm okay | 09:10 |
posingaspopular | im off to bed and all that gl | 09:10 |
dennister | WaltzingAlong: the proposed channel was already added...there was absolutely nothing to upgrade...i am extremely good about updates | 09:10 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: :D ok | 09:10 |
dennister | posingaspopular: good night, and thank you | 09:11 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: another suggestion may be to get on the dvd torrent so you can upgrade using that, at least no need to download packages again and again | 09:11 |
dennister | WaltzingAlong: yes, if this doesn't work i'll probably go that route | 09:12 |
Lord_Cerber | lol - apt-get says that kde is NOT installed and tryes to install it. The question is what was i running all the time? :) Thats completly not my day to work with pc | 09:12 |
sunny_ | HI | 09:12 |
sunny_ | anybody in | 09:13 |
WaltzingAlong | Lord_Cerber: the package 'kde', 'kde-core', kubuntu-desktop, or ? | 09:13 |
dennister | this is wild...already at 10%...certainly isn't going to take 12 hours this time | 09:13 |
WaltzingAlong | sunny_: sure | 09:13 |
t1n0m3n | I have my quicklauncher set to auto add apps as I use them... However I am not getting stuff added to the quick launcher. I have "add/remove applications based on..." checked, and max and min both set to 6... However, it does not add apps as I use them. Any suggestions on how I can get it to auto add apps? I am running 7.10 | 09:13 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: :D | 09:13 |
t1n0m3n | worked fine in 7.04 btw | 09:13 |
sunny_ | I can't confgure print by the windows | 09:14 |
dennister | lol...it must have been teh canadian server that was slowing things down so much...not to mention keeping 42 key files back | 09:14 |
sunny_ | I need some help | 09:14 |
Lord_Cerber | the kde package | 09:14 |
dennister | <------thought 12 hours was too long for a dsl connection! | 09:14 |
t1n0m3n | sunny_: me too | 09:14 |
sunny_ | Hi sunny_ why are you form | 09:15 |
Lord_Cerber | both with core and localisation | 09:15 |
posingaspopular | !ask | sunny_ | 09:15 |
ubotu | sunny_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:15 |
sunny_ | How to configure my printer | 09:16 |
sunny_ | at gusty | 09:16 |
t1n0m3n | sunny_: how is it connected? | 09:16 |
sunny_ | by windows network | 09:17 |
WaltzingAlong | sunny_: how is it connected? which printer? is windows correctly configured to share it? then you connect to a samba printer through kmenu/system settings/printers | 09:17 |
Lord_Cerber | i guess i had installed kde manually some time ago and forgot. now i understand why most apps wont work | 09:17 |
WaltzingAlong | sunny_: follow the wizard when clicking add new printer, second screen of wizard should have an option to connect to an smb shared printer (windows) | 09:18 |
sunny_ | Yes | 09:19 |
sunny_ | I have follow the wizard, but I can't configure it correctly | 09:22 |
babs | hi everyone | 09:23 |
t1n0m3n | high | 09:23 |
dennister | ok channel, if other people come in saying they're having probs with gutsy upgrade (from feisty using adept) ask them if they're using the canadian server...the us one seems to be working *much* bettter | 09:24 |
babs | just wondering why gutsy doesnt display my NTFS partitions, anyone can give me some clues? | 09:24 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: great glad things are moving along | 09:24 |
t1n0m3n | babs: are they configured in /etc/fstab? | 09:24 |
WaltzingAlong | !source-o-matic | 09:25 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 09:25 |
babs | just a sec, let me check it up | 09:25 |
dennister | the fetching is certainly a LOT faster | 09:25 |
needles | is it safe to upgrade to gutsy yet? | 09:25 |
needles | im still waiting for the dust to settle | 09:25 |
needles | maybe another week or two | 09:25 |
babs | hmmm.. that entries are missing, but feisty did it automatically | 09:25 |
WaltzingAlong | needles: sure; largest issue i would say has been the hit on the repositories so some downloads were slow | 09:26 |
babs | thanx t1n0m3n, I will figure out a way to get it done now | 09:26 |
t1n0m3n | needles: I had a lot less problems getting Gutsy running than Feisty. | 09:27 |
dennister | i'm 30% done after only 30 minutes | 09:27 |
t1n0m3n | babs: should be straight forward | 09:27 |
dennister | but i have LOTS of apps running, too | 09:27 |
needles | t1n0m3n : what are the problems people seem to be having | 09:27 |
needles | i prefer to have none | 09:27 |
needles | which is why ill stay on feisty for a while | 09:27 |
babs | yeah I just hope to so :) t1n0m3n | 09:27 |
dennister | lol @ needles | 09:27 |
babs | thanx anyway , bye | 09:28 |
dennister | well i need 00.o v. 2.2.3 | 09:28 |
needles | i have feisty running smoother than any other linux install ive ever had | 09:28 |
dennister | needles: on amd64? | 09:29 |
t1n0m3n | needles: standard repository stuff from being overloaded, but other than that, not many other issues.... It has fixed my dual monitor issues, knetworkmanager segfaults, merlin xu870 kernel panics, vpn issues, etc... All in all 7.10 is a good release IMO | 09:29 |
Hamra | i must agree with needles, im new to linux, and was afraid of the stories told about how hard linux is, but so far, i never had a single problem with feisty! | 09:29 |
needles | Hamra : word | 09:30 |
dennister | feisty is good, as was edgy...i never could get my ivtv drivers compiled with dapper | 09:30 |
needles | i liked dapper, but i upgraded due to package limitations | 09:31 |
needles | Hamra : i tried gentoo first, and if you know anything about it, its a bitch to get isntalled | 09:32 |
dennister | of course, i was a much bigger noob back before edgy | 09:32 |
t1n0m3n | Wine seems to be much better in gutsy as well. I actually got Ventrillo working in wine... never could in Feisty. | 09:32 |
needles | i actually just started linux a month or two ago | 09:32 |
needles | and already feel like i know everything | 09:33 |
needles | maybe 3 | 09:33 |
needles | t1n0m3n : i got vent working in wine | 09:33 |
dennister | as a new windows refugee a year ago, i was still under the impression that 64-bit versions were most appropriate for my hardware...i lost a couple of months trying to get 64-bit versions of linux working | 09:33 |
needles | dennister : so youre using 32 bit? | 09:34 |
needles | the only thing i cant get to emigrate is xfire | 09:34 |
needles | i never could get the gaim plugin to work | 09:34 |
dennister | my kubuntu is i386...my gentoo is amd64 | 09:34 |
Hamra | i tried fedora on vmware, and its install crashed 3 times, then i got feisty, and installed it on the hard drive, not a single problem, the only thing is that i didnt like the partitioner, so i used my old trusted pqmagic | 09:34 |
needles | for gaim or pidgin | 09:34 |
needles | dennister : i never could get gentoo to isntall for me | 09:35 |
needles | i tried the livedvd and a stage 3 install, but none of it would happen | 09:35 |
needles | sabayon is the next best thing though | 09:35 |
dennister | my amd64 gentoo is pretty good...main problem is flash...no sound for it, no way | 09:35 |
needles | dennister : yeah, gentoo is hard to get stuff like that working | 09:36 |
needles | sabayon comes with all the wrappers working in firefox | 09:36 |
needles | last timem i checked | 09:36 |
dennister | what i want is a 3D video card that is NOT based on nvidia or ati | 09:36 |
t1n0m3n | 7.04 my comp would segfault on too many changes to knetworkmanager.... so long as I had it set up and left it alone it worked fine... 7.10, I have yet to get a knetworkmanager segfault. 7.10 seems to be a nice improvement over 7.04. | 09:36 |
needles | sabayon = awesome gentoo | 09:36 |
dennister | 7.04 always segfaults when i close ktorrent...without fail...so i'm now using utorrent under wine | 09:37 |
needles | t1n0m3n : yeah, knetworkmanager always used to give me problems | 09:37 |
needles | dennister : have you heard of deluge? its build for linux from utorrent | 09:38 |
needles | !deluge | 09:38 |
ubotu | deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading. | 09:38 |
dennister | i don't need knetworkmanager...i have one machine running here since my son spread his wings and moved across town...and i hate wireless | 09:38 |
Hamra | utorrent is an excellent program, i'll see this deluge, thnx needles | 09:38 |
dennister | ok, perhaps i'll try deluge...thanks needles | 09:38 |
needles | i dig it, utorrent always messes up for me in wine | 09:39 |
needles | i dont like the way the fonts appear either | 09:39 |
t1n0m3n | I run it on my laptop, so knetworkmanager is nice | 09:39 |
dennister | i tried installing bitlord pro under wine for my son...what a mess | 09:39 |
needles | ive never tried that | 09:40 |
needles | i once attempted to get torrentflux working so i could control my torrents while i was at school, but i was too impatient to do all the reading | 09:40 |
dennister | that's the one he was used to under windows...but it uses a gecko engine you also have to install under wine...which is where i think the probs lie | 09:40 |
t1n0m3n | I installed gecko as a part of my WoW install | 09:41 |
faz | salut les francais | 09:41 |
needles | t1n0m3n : how are you running WoW? under wine, or cedega | 09:41 |
t1n0m3n | needles: Wine | 09:41 |
Hamra | !gecko | 09:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gecko - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 09:41 |
dennister | t1n0m3n: ur a gamer? i want to get some games going for my son | 09:41 |
needles | t1n0m3n : how does it run? | 09:41 |
Hamra | !info gecko | 09:42 |
dennister | gecko is for windows... | 09:42 |
ubotu | Package gecko does not exist in gutsy | 09:42 |
needles | speaking of bit torrent, you could snag a pirated cedega pretty easy | 09:42 |
* WaltzingAlong has run WoW under WINE; worked well | 09:42 | |
needles | that was my method, heh | 09:42 |
Hamra | what is gecko? | 09:42 |
t1n0m3n | needles: my laptop is a Dell M90 with 2 G of ram and a Quadro 1500.... it works much better than my home machine...hehe\ | 09:42 |
needles | t1n0m3n : yeah | 09:42 |
dennister | gecko is an engine bitlord pro (a torrent client for windows) | 09:42 |
needles | once i get my new video card, im fully emigrated from windows | 09:43 |
Hamra | ok | 09:43 |
dennister | ergo, to install bitlord under wine, u also have to install gecko under wine...but it doesn't work well | 09:43 |
dennister | needles: what are you getting? | 09:43 |
needles | dennister : one of the newer GT;s | 09:44 |
needles | GT's* | 09:44 |
t1n0m3n | needles: Interesting tidbit, is that Blizzard seems to be working to include linux users now... The latest patch has a bunch of improvements specifically for opengl users | 09:44 |
needles | i just have to stay around a 100 bucks | 09:44 |
needles | t1n0m3n : ive noticed that too | 09:44 |
dennister | Blizzard? what's that? | 09:44 |
WaltzingAlong | and previous patches that brake WoW for WINE were addressed | 09:44 |
dennister | another game? | 09:44 |
needles | newer games are putting out lots of linux ports | 09:44 |
needles | dennister : a game company | 09:44 |
needles | that makes WoW | 09:44 |
dennister | innnnnnnnteresting...... | 09:44 |
dennister | perhaps they anticipate that vista will drive more people into linux's welcoming fold | 09:45 |
WaltzingAlong | break* | 09:46 |
t1n0m3n | Here is what I dont understand... Why do game companies write for windows... Wouldn't it be easier to write for an open source and port it all to hell? In other words... support everyone? Linux to Windows ports work MUCH better than the other way around. | 09:46 |
Hamra | unfortunatly my internet crap is not suitable for WoW, i got till frozen throne only | 09:46 |
t1n0m3n | Write the game once and support everyone... so to speak | 09:46 |
needles | t1n0m3n : ive wondered that too | 09:47 |
needles | why buy lincensing rights for directx and other windows stuff | 09:47 |
WaltzingAlong | t1n0m3n: yes it should be easier to write portable c++ and opengl for example, then port it around; and perhaps soon it comes to that | 09:47 |
needles | not really needed if you just go to the free codecs | 09:47 |
Hamra | but will they get the performance they get with direct x? | 09:47 |
dennister | i don't think they see it that way: they think they need to get something out ASAP, and to encourage uptake they choose the OS that most ppl still use | 09:47 |
needles | dennister : yeah, companies are really just thinking about sales | 09:48 |
needles | but someday itll come to something like that | 09:48 |
needles | i play mostly open source games anyway | 09:48 |
t1n0m3n | I certainly hope so | 09:48 |
dennister | if they write for linux, then port to winblows, that's an extra step to satisf the majority of potential customers | 09:48 |
t1n0m3n | you ever play tremulous? | 09:49 |
dennister | *satisfy | 09:49 |
needles | t1n0m3n : hell yeah | 09:49 |
t1n0m3n | that game is cool | 09:49 |
needles | it is | 09:49 |
wilson | t1n0m3n: directx is the easiest thing to use i think, has the latest features too | 09:49 |
wilson | but I don't know for sure | 09:49 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: most of the game should remain the same just the engine may need a slight rewrite; the graphics and such should work on any; for example q3 with ioquake (openarena) or normal q3; | 09:49 |
t1n0m3n | wilson: however it locks users into windows... which is not good IMO | 09:50 |
needles | the programmers for the companies may not be familiar with openGL either | 09:50 |
wilson | yes, but everyone uses windows | 09:50 |
WaltzingAlong | wilson: yes but everyone could use ms windows with opengl | 09:50 |
wilson | even id studios is going to stop using opengl i think | 09:51 |
WaltzingAlong | wilson: seems to me the directx bubble was similar to the IE bubble; interest elsewhere, then MS put a lot into getting IE/DirectX in use, then it died off again and people in the directx camp realized how trapped they were | 09:51 |
WaltzingAlong | for the next two years it may make sense to write window-centric games, sure | 09:51 |
* wilson shrugs | 09:51 | |
needles | linux is becoming more widespread | 09:51 |
needles | and is improving at a constant rate | 09:52 |
wilson | with dx10 linux took a hit imho , but long term things might change | 09:52 |
t1n0m3n | needles: especially with ubuntu coming out... I am impressed | 09:52 |
needles | t1n0m3n : yeah | 09:52 |
needles | it helped me get into it | 09:53 |
WaltzingAlong | wilson: i am not so sure directx10 is all that nor i am convinced the developers consider it so either | 09:53 |
dennister | i'm trying to find ANY nvidia card that will actually work with vista premium...apparently lots of cards advertise that they are compliant,...but they're NOT...even the info is hard to find | 09:53 |
needles | dx10 is vista only too, which is lame | 09:53 |
wilson | well, every game that supports it, is a game that probably won't run under wine | 09:53 |
needles | ill never get vista, save perhaps a pirated version | 09:53 |
dennister | and i do not think my son is gonna shell out %600 for a video card when it's his $ | 09:54 |
dennister | oops...$600 | 09:54 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: have you read about why that likely is the case? (the problems with drivers and vista)? | 09:54 |
Hamra | dennister, arent the gforce 8 series supposed to be directx 10 compliant? | 09:54 |
wilson | its easy to run vista and not pay for it if you're happy to flash your bios | 09:54 |
needles | dennister : new has some good ranged ones around 100 to 400 | 09:54 |
t1n0m3n | I have been using linux since Slackware 3 and I get more and more excited as ubuntu releases versions. I even have my mom running kubuntu... LOL | 09:54 |
dennister | apparently the gpu is often compliant, but the rest of the card isn't, so it's a case of false advertising | 09:55 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: about the technical details of the driver specs? | 09:55 |
t1n0m3n | which, of course, she loves hehe | 09:55 |
needles | t1n0m3n : ha, im pressing my family members to run linux too | 09:55 |
WaltzingAlong | needles: set them up, help them out; | 09:55 |
dennister | t1n0m3n: now don't use that 'even mom can use linux' line, if you please | 09:55 |
dennister | <-------is the mom who sets the 19-year-old male up | 09:56 |
needles | WaltzingAlong : all they do is surf, email, chat and such | 09:56 |
dennister | :P | 09:56 |
needles | music, movies | 09:56 |
t1n0m3n | dennister: however, my mom is not your typical "mom" she is pretty much a hacker at heart | 09:56 |
needles | it performs well, and better | 09:56 |
dennister | needles! | 09:56 |
t1n0m3n | she is over 70 though... lol | 09:57 |
dennister | it's my son that "all he does is surf, email, chat, watch movies, music..." | 09:57 |
dennister | <-----mom that enjoys building htpc's and databases | 09:57 |
needles | dennister : which means they can get weened off m$ and onto something more secure and stable | 09:58 |
t1n0m3n | dennister: lol | 09:58 |
dennister | needles: not when the teenager simply likes to argue and fight mom | 09:58 |
Hamra | dennister, you must have a lucky son, my mom is the type that hates computers and keep trying to seperate me from them, poo her, its a dream that will never come true :P | 09:59 |
t1n0m3n | thats when you just smack em | 09:59 |
Hamra | poor* | 09:59 |
t1n0m3n | j/k | 09:59 |
needles | dennister : temperence comes gradually | 09:59 |
wilson | man i need a htpc | 09:59 |
dennister | ever seen "thank you for smoking"? | 09:59 |
needles | my sister likes using my comp | 09:59 |
needles | they also have older laptops, so it would definately run faster than xp on them | 10:00 |
needles | dennister : yeah | 10:00 |
dennister | that PR guy is my son's hero..."it doesn't matter if you're right or not; all that matters is if you can argue well" | 10:00 |
dennister | ethics, law, "being accurate/honest"...that doesn't mean beans to him...lol | 10:01 |
dennister | <------gnashes her teeth regularly | 10:01 |
t1n0m3n | it will somewhere down the line, that may be one of those things that he will have to learn on his own. | 10:02 |
Hamra | needles: it definitly works faster than XP, i have 512 mb ram, and the swap isnt used, on XP there is always more than 400 mb virtual memory | 10:02 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: give http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/vista_cost.html a read for an overview of the technical why vista drivers are they way they are | 10:02 |
dennister | good thing he moved out, eh? his life span would not have been very long if he stayed | 10:02 |
dennister | WaltzingAlong: i have that file here! | 10:02 |
dennister | i gave it to my son a few days ago | 10:03 |
t1n0m3n | hehe | 10:03 |
dennister | <----is trying | 10:03 |
WaltzingAlong | Hamra: in my experience gnu/linux deals with resources much better than say ms windows; 2GB RAM? sure ms windows needs it because it uses it so poorly. start windows and right away you will see that it has decided to use the swap file, despite having a gig something free of RAM | 10:03 |
needles | dennister : heh | 10:04 |
needles | well i must be off to bed, its 4 am | 10:04 |
t1n0m3n | 4 am here too | 10:04 |
WaltzingAlong | 11 | 10:04 |
WaltzingAlong | cheers | 10:04 |
dennister | actually, i am glad to say that, although my son fights me tooth and nail on just about everything, eventually he does parrot me | 10:04 |
dennister | night guys | 10:04 |
t1n0m3n | however I am drinking vodka... and I am on vacation... | 10:04 |
Hamra | 12 noon :P | 10:05 |
dennister | <-----i'm retired, so don't need to go to bed at a reasonable hour | 10:05 |
Hamra | im in work now, working hard as you can see :P | 10:05 |
dennister | it's 5am here, and my upgrade is now 72% done, so i'm anxious to see if it works this time | 10:06 |
t1n0m3n | things happen so fast at my work that I don't even think about chatting at all | 10:06 |
dennister | t1n0m3n: u a techie? | 10:07 |
t1n0m3n | dennister: I am a security tech for a cellular company. I build firewalls and such | 10:08 |
dennister | silly question...most ppl here are techies | 10:08 |
t1n0m3n | hehe | 10:08 |
dennister | except me | 10:08 |
dennister | i never took a tech course in my life | 10:08 |
WaltzingAlong | techies in the sense of put in the livecd of kubuntu | 10:09 |
t1n0m3n | non techie on a linux irc channel?!?!?! surely you jest | 10:09 |
dennister | very funny | 10:09 |
t1n0m3n | :) | 10:09 |
dennister | ok, so i'm not alone...thank god | 10:09 |
dennister | i'm just a geek-wannabe | 10:10 |
t1n0m3n | ok, so what did you do before you retired? | 10:10 |
dennister | heheheh.., i was an it-specialist headhunter | 10:10 |
dennister | I placed the QA manager at Texas Instruments Canada | 10:11 |
Hamra | if i have a folder with loads of .deb packages, is there a way to install them all? | 10:11 |
t1n0m3n | ahh, I need a job... You know some peapoles? | 10:11 |
t1n0m3n | hehe | 10:11 |
WaltzingAlong | Hamra: sudo dpkg -i *.deb ? | 10:11 |
WaltzingAlong | sure, know of anything in western europe | 10:11 |
dennister | as well as the Director of Engineering at Platform Computing | 10:11 |
Hamra | thnx, i'll try it | 10:11 |
t1n0m3n | cool | 10:12 |
dennister | or director of some such...they keep promoting him, i placed him as a software architect | 10:12 |
dennister | of course, he wrote the hyphenator program for MS word while he was still doing a bachelor's at university of Waterloo | 10:13 |
dennister | went on to do phd in security...wrote search engines as a hobby | 10:13 |
dennister | lol | 10:13 |
t1n0m3n | AT&T gobbled up my company, so I get to do the whole head hunter thing here pretty soon | 10:14 |
hangthedj | why is openoffice.org installed by default on kubuntu instead of koffice? | 10:14 |
WaltzingAlong | hangthedj: more consistency with ubuntu and the general msoffice replacement? | 10:14 |
dennister | but like i said, i retired...'bout 3.5 years ago...and the whole industry took such a nosedive after nortel crashed everybody else...the headhunting business never recovered, i don't think | 10:15 |
hangthedj | but everytime i open a msword doc in openoffice it doesn't look right, but using koffice looks right. | 10:15 |
t1n0m3n | ACCCHHH!!! you said a bad word.... Nortel | 10:15 |
dennister | and i'm glad, too, cause it was filled with so many unethical people it was unreal...horrible business | 10:15 |
t1n0m3n | ;) | 10:15 |
hangthedj | i badmouthed mac in ubuntu-offtopic and they stopped talking to me. | 10:15 |
t1n0m3n | I deal with nortel on a daily basis... I dont have too high of an opinon of them | 10:16 |
dennister | yes....folks heading up Nortel were slime...and long before they went bust, too | 10:16 |
t1n0m3n | All of their cellular switches are about 10 to 15 years out of date | 10:17 |
t1n0m3n | they still use a pre- rip version one in their networking platform | 10:17 |
t1n0m3n | it causes many a headach | 10:17 |
t1n0m3n | e | 10:17 |
dennister | the canadian taxpayers helped make them what they became...and yet they were always threatening to move their HQ and all their jobs to the US if the canadian government didn't give them more and more favourable tax treatment...biggest corporate welfare bums in existence | 10:18 |
dennister | and that was B4 they ripped everyone off | 10:18 |
dennister | they guy i placed at TI Canada was from Nortel | 10:19 |
t1n0m3n | well, as far as I can see, they made the biggest mistake in firing all of their developers... speaking as an end user that is | 10:19 |
hirak99 | hi, how can i tell ubuntu that "please remember that i have the kubuntu cd also, please prompt me and install from that cd if i ask you to install something that is already there, and don't download it again"? | 10:19 |
dennister | hirak99: u don't want to do that | 10:20 |
dennister | the downloaded version will always be newer than the one on the cd | 10:20 |
hirak99 | dennister, i think i want to - wherever the download version is the same atleast. i have a slow connection - 256 kbps | 10:20 |
hirak99 | 'software sources' already has the ubuntu cd anyway... | 10:21 |
dennister | ahhhhh, ok, i understand the urge then, but if you install it from cd first, it'll just need to be downloaded again | 10:21 |
=== Mez|Away is now known as Mez | ||
hirak99 | dennister, that's even ok i suppose, assuming that the downloaded part will in most cases be less than if i had to download the whole thing | 10:22 |
dennister | keeping apps updated is important for security and functionality | 10:22 |
dennister | the downloaded part won't be less | 10:22 |
dennister | it'll be the same | 10:22 |
hirak99 | dennister, you mean entire kde system has to be downloaded again?? | 10:23 |
dennister | for example, downloading an update to amarok (big file) will always take as long as downloading the whole app for the first time | 10:23 |
dennister | hirak99: kde is a LOT of individual files...not one big one | 10:24 |
hangthedj | does anybody know what $@ is in bash scripting? | 10:24 |
dennister | hirak99: you've already downloaded kde, right? | 10:24 |
hirak99 | i downloaded the cd | 10:24 |
dennister | you haven't installed it yet? you don't have ubuntu or kubuntu running? | 10:25 |
doudou92 | Hello, | 10:26 |
hirak99 | hangthedj, http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#SEC25 | 10:26 |
doudou92 | I have a problem of display with gutsy | 10:26 |
hirak99 | dennister, i have ubuntu running, and have the kubuntu in a cd which i haven't installed yet | 10:26 |
t1n0m3n | doudou92: what is your display doing? | 10:27 |
doudou92 | Thank you | 10:27 |
doudou92 | There is two black part on the right and left part of the screen | 10:28 |
dennister | hirak99: ok then, here's what you do: in a terminal, type: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:28 |
t1n0m3n | doudou92: Do you have a widescreen monitor? | 10:28 |
doudou92 | Yes, I have a 1680x1050@60 | 10:29 |
dennister | hirak99: if you only want to install from cd, put a # mark in front of every line that referenes an http or ftp site | 10:29 |
doudou92 | I look on xorg.conf, the resolution is present | 10:29 |
hangthedj | hirak99, thanks! | 10:29 |
dennister | then, when you do want to get updates from the web again, just remove those # marks | 10:29 |
hangthedj | hirak99, that site is incredibly helpfull. :) | 10:30 |
hirak99 | dennister, don't really want to do that, i want apt to know that i have the cdrom *also* | 10:30 |
hirak99 | hangthedj, you are welcome | 10:31 |
dennister | yes, but apt will probably prefer the web sites cause they are more up to date | 10:31 |
t1n0m3n | doudou92: what resolution do you see when you go to the menu and click "System Settings" and the "Monitor and Display"? (Screen Size) | 10:31 |
WaltzingAlong | if you have the alternate cd or have the dvd then you can run the upgrade from cd/dvd script on the disc | 10:31 |
dennister | apt will deprecate teh cd versions | 10:31 |
doudou92 | I see the right resolution | 10:32 |
doudou92 | in fact, the resolution is excellent, but there is a distorsion of the image | 10:32 |
doudou92 | it's a bit narrow | 10:32 |
t1n0m3n | hmm | 10:32 |
doudou92 | I didn't told you: | 10:32 |
doudou92 | the screen is a Asus PW201 | 10:32 |
dennister | ok, wtf????!!! | 10:33 |
doudou92 | the mobo is an Asus P5L-MX | 10:33 |
doudou92 | the Graphical chipset is an ich7 with i945 | 10:33 |
dennister | the gutsy updater finally finished fetching the 1372 files, and then just disappeared | 10:33 |
=== SunWukong is now known as SunWukongFR | ||
Hamra | dennister: you sure it isnt preparing something in the background to reappear again? | 10:34 |
doudou92 | I just have the problem one time with opensuse 10.2, but they have a tool (Yast) which permit to modifiy the frequency and I could solve the problem. | 10:35 |
dennister | or rather, the adept full-version update tool just disappeared | 10:35 |
tysonsw | !ati | 10:35 |
dennister | Hamra: i looked for a background process...doesn't seem to be one | 10:35 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:35 |
dennister | although as soon as i did start the full version upgrade, the adept triagnle did show up in my docker | 10:36 |
doudou92 | But from the moment the kernel 6.2.22 was introduced, I had the problem with all the distro I tried (mandriva, ubuntu and kubuntu). I'm finishing to download opensuse 10.3 | 10:36 |
dennister | Hamra: and it's saying that there are 1203 updated packages available...aren't they the same ones i fetched within the 1372? | 10:37 |
t1n0m3n | doudou92: What does your "Menu", "System Settings", "Monitor & Display", "Administrator Mode" (Type password) "Monitor 1", "Configure", "Image Format" have in it? | 10:37 |
tysonsw | what should you write in the console to see what system you are using.. always forget | 10:37 |
t1n0m3n | uname -a | 10:38 |
Hamra | they are supposed to be, they are probably in cache /var/cache/apt/archives | 10:38 |
tysonsw | what are you supposed to write in the console to se if you are using fiesty or gutsy?? | 10:39 |
doudou92 | Just a while, I'm obliged to boot on gutsy (I was on feisty). I'm back soon. | 10:39 |
Gun_Smoke | grrr | 10:40 |
Gun_Smoke | I'm trying to get to my HD from my live cd... | 10:40 |
tysonsw | what are you supposed to write in the console to se if you are using fiesty or gutsy?? | 10:40 |
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dennister | Hamra: so what do i do...if i let adept upgrade these 1203 packages, won't it be simply downloading them again? | 10:40 |
=== bucat is now known as bucatoamano | ||
baoji | dennister: If you have already downloaded them, I do not think it will download them again. | 10:41 |
dennister | ok...let's see what happens if i just say apply updates | 10:41 |
Gun_Smoke | I should be able to mount hda1 from a live cd right? | 10:42 |
baoji | dennister: You can see how many are already downloaded by typing, in the console, 'sudo apt-get upgrade'. It will tell you how many are to be downloaded. | 10:42 |
WaltzingAlong | Gun_Smoke: yes you can do that | 10:42 |
=== delphine is now known as delphine_away | ||
Hamra | yes it will say something like x mb of the y mb are to be downloaded | 10:42 |
Gun_Smoke | WaltzingAlong, So you would need to make a blank directory on the livecd right? | 10:43 |
WaltzingAlong | Gun_Smoke: sudo mkdir /mnt/windows | 10:43 |
t1n0m3n | tysonsw: lsb_release -a | 10:43 |
dennister | ok...it just seems to be unpacking & installing, and skipping the downloading part...whew! | 10:43 |
Gun_Smoke | mount -t ext3 -o defaults/dev/hda1 /home/disk | 10:43 |
WaltzingAlong | Gun_Smoke: ok but then what happens? | 10:44 |
dennister | basically what the last 90 minutes of the adept full-version upgrade did was *prepare* adept for what it's doing now | 10:44 |
Gun_Smoke | WaltzingAlong, Not much.. I isn't mounted.. | 10:45 |
WaltzingAlong | Gun_Smoke: try a sudo at the front of that | 10:45 |
Gun_Smoke | I did | 10:46 |
Hamra | thats why im not taking any chances with my 250 kbps connection, im going to download the alternate CD | 10:46 |
dennister | great!!! and now it got 2% installed, ran into debconf, and quit! as it happily tells me, "A new distribution version is available!" | 10:46 |
WaltzingAlong | Gun_Smoke: is the disc now /dev/sda1 ? | 10:47 |
Gun_Smoke | uhh...... | 10:48 |
dennister | gutsy doesn't like me :( | 10:48 |
Gun_Smoke | WaltzingAlong, How do I find that out? | 10:50 |
=== MeTa[AwAy] is now known as MetaMorfoziS | ||
t1n0m3n | doudou: Are you on gutsy now? | 10:50 |
doudou | yes | 10:50 |
WaltzingAlong | Gun_Smoke: you could use qtparted to graphically see which are available. or you could use parted at the command line | 10:50 |
resakse | hiya all...got problem after I upgrade to gutsy, my cpufreqd [ | 10:50 |
resakse | Failed] | 10:51 |
t1n0m3n | doudou92: What does your "Menu", "System Settings", "Monitor & Display", "Administrator Mode" (Type password) "Monitor 1", "Configure", "Image Format" have in it? | 10:51 |
t1n0m3n | doudou: What does your "Menu", "System Settings", "Monitor & Display", "Administrator Mode" (Type password) "Monitor 1", "Configure", "Image Format" have in it? | 10:51 |
t1n0m3n | hehe, copy paste error | 10:51 |
doudou | I'm just arriving on monitor & display>Hardware>Screen>Configure. The format is 4:3 | 10:51 |
doudou | It's the original settings | 10:52 |
t1n0m3n | doudou: you are running 16:9 right? | 10:52 |
doudou | not, for the moment, 4:3, but I can try with 16:9 | 10:52 |
resakse | brb testing something | 10:54 |
t1n0m3n | you should be 1680x1050 and have "Image Format" set to "Widescreen 16:9" | 10:55 |
Gun_Smoke | WaltzingAlong, I found it.. It was already on /mnt/hda1 | 10:55 |
Gun_Smoke | WaltzingAlong, That is why it was tripping up. | 10:55 |
WaltzingAlong | Gun_Smoke: still it should have been able to be mounted again | 10:55 |
Gun_Smoke | humm.. then I am still doing something wrong. | 10:55 |
t1n0m3n | doudou: set it to this and logoff, restart your x-server, and log back in... | 10:55 |
doudou | I try. no immediat change, I will restart the xorg server. | 10:56 |
t1n0m3n | kk | 10:56 |
doudou | I have a problem: the battery of my mouse is out. | 10:56 |
t1n0m3n | doh | 10:57 |
doudou | How can I use the keypad to emulate the mouse? | 10:57 |
WaltzingAlong | Gun_Smoke: the command mount shows which regarding /mnt/hda1 ? | 10:57 |
dennister | t1n0m3n: ok Mr. Security, i have a terminal box telling me "Most services use pam need to be restarted to use modules built for this new version of libpam." | 10:58 |
t1n0m3n | dennister: have you restarted? | 10:58 |
dennister | i'm to check my init.d folder and add any programs in it to the 5 that are listed in this dialogue box | 10:58 |
dennister | hold on...problem is, there are no less than 65 files/programs in my init.d folder! | 10:59 |
t1n0m3n | lol | 10:59 |
dennister | no, i haven't restarted yet | 10:59 |
t1n0m3n | doudou: how did that work? | 11:00 |
dennister | after adept quit at installing debconf (from gutsy) i tried again in cli, and then finally the packages i'd downloaded started unpacking and installing | 11:00 |
WaltzingAlong | !info bum | dennister | 11:01 |
ubotu | dennister: bum: graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.10-1 (gutsy), package size 82 kB, installed size 532 kB | 11:02 |
doudou | It's done, no change :'( | 11:02 |
dennister | what the heck do i do here? does mysql (part of my myth installation) use PAM? | 11:02 |
doudou | On Monitor, the 16:9 format is selected | 11:02 |
t1n0m3n | dennister: the bot just called you a bum!!! are you going to take that? | 11:02 |
dennister | i'm afraid i don't use bum anymore...the services list in system settings does well enuf for me | 11:03 |
dennister | t1n0m3n: hardi-har-har | 11:03 |
t1n0m3n | dennister: :) | 11:03 |
taylan | how to install java support to gutsy (kubuntu) | 11:03 |
dennister | so how many of my init.d scripts use PAM? | 11:04 |
WaltzingAlong | !java | taylan | 11:04 |
ubotu | taylan: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 11:04 |
doudou | Hello t1n0m3n | 11:04 |
=== DarkHack is now known as D[a]rkH[a]ck | ||
t1n0m3n | doudou: what was your screen model name again? | 11:05 |
doudou | asus pw201 | 11:05 |
doudou | As I told you, I had problem only with opensus 10.2 and it was solved, but with all distro with 6.2.22 kernel | 11:06 |
filemover | hi Ive got a problem with aptitude and an installed package "tor" everytime I update, install a new package, run dpkg --configure -a etc apt tries to reinstall tor how can I fix this thanks. Its causing me no problems as such but is extremely anoying when trying to ascertain the status of newly installed packages | 11:07 |
WaltzingAlong | filemover: does tor ever get installed completely? sudo dpkg --configure -a to take care of it, does it attempt to configure tor? does it error out? | 11:08 |
filemover | yes its on the system and I run tor through vidalia and Ive disabled the tor init scripts but this was happening way long b4 that | 11:09 |
dennister | does anyone know which init.d files use PAM/will need to be rebuilt for new version of libpam? | 11:09 |
filemover | ive run dpkg --configure -a it does nothing | 11:09 |
filemover | ill send a pastebin | 11:10 |
WaltzingAlong | ok | 11:10 |
filemover | here is the output from "dpkg --configure -a" http://pastebin.com/d1ba04036 | 11:12 |
filemover | the output is the same for "dkpg --configure tor" as is for "dpkg --configure -a" | 11:14 |
WaltzingAlong | ok checking now | 11:15 |
=== D[a]rkH[a]ck is now known as DarkHack | ||
filemover | in /etc/rc1.d ... rc5.d ive renamed S80tor to K20tor disabling the init scripts so i can control tor solely through vidalia | 11:17 |
mzolisi | Anyone upgraded to Gutsy Gibbon yet? | 11:18 |
dennister | mzolisi: doing so now...715 packages to unpack still to go | 11:18 |
filemover | to much work at the moment | 11:18 |
dennister | mzolisi: been working at this for 16 hours now...it's giving some people probs | 11:19 |
filemover | its like you get one distro how u like it and another adition comes along | 11:19 |
JackPhil | there is too many desktop on panel | 11:20 |
WaltzingAlong | filemover: you are quite welcome to stay at the one how you like it. perhaps with 8.04 you could stick with that for 3 years on the desktop since it is the next lts release | 11:20 |
dennister | filemover: very true...but we keep getting beguiled, by 'faster, stronger, better' | 11:20 |
dennister | "we can rebuild him..." | 11:21 |
filemover | k yeah im thinking the updates will satisfy me | 11:21 |
filemover | lol | 11:21 |
filemover | its all good the way it is now | 11:21 |
filemover | and kubuntu is lightning quick on my machine | 11:21 |
filemover | faster than XP ever was | 11:22 |
filemover | anyway can anyone help me with my configure problem. Im sure its something only simple but i though id ask more informed people lol | 11:23 |
dennister | my xp mce is still fast...on 64-bit hardware | 11:24 |
dennister | filemover: configure what? | 11:24 |
filemover | tor | 11:24 |
WaltzingAlong | filemover: it errors because the config file is not present? /etc/tor/torrc | 11:24 |
filemover | continues to try to reconfigure | 11:24 |
filemover | ah! | 11:25 |
Hamra | my xp pro still sucks... on my 32 bit hardware, lol | 11:25 |
filemover | ill add it in WaltzingAlong | 11:25 |
dennister | sorry, not me...i only briefly looked at tor some time ago | 11:25 |
filemover | thnx | 11:25 |
filemover | I only use it for sensitve websites | 11:25 |
doudou | thank you for your help. | 11:25 |
WaltzingAlong | filemover: it shows that in the pastebin. line 8, cannot be found but later, line14 error reading config failed | 11:26 |
filemover | ok | 11:26 |
doudou | If you have "courage", you can take a look on the bug report. | 11:26 |
doudou | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/148208 | 11:26 |
dennister | i've been wanting to use a proxy server, but the ones i've tried so far slowed things down in a *huge* way...and kept sending me to german-lanugage sites | 11:26 |
dennister | not to mention other language sites i couldn't read | 11:26 |
filemover | but im asking myself why when i run dpkg --configure -a it trys to reconfigure when its already installed but ill add torrc and see how it goes. I know that Vidalia starts tor with its own config for tor and that could be part of the problem | 11:27 |
dennister | only 255 packages to go now | 11:28 |
WaltzingAlong | filemover: installed (so the files in the deb are where they need to be) but not properly configured; and since it had the error, it is left in a 'not yet configured' state, so each run of aptitude or dpkg itself would attempt to configure not yet configured packages | 11:29 |
filemover | ah! | 11:30 |
* filemover bows down to WaltzingAlong's knowledge | 11:30 | |
filemover | lol | 11:30 |
WaltzingAlong | haha | 11:30 |
filemover | thank you keemosabeeee | 11:30 |
filemover | :))))) | 11:31 |
WaltzingAlong | so does that mean you have it working now? | 11:31 |
filemover | ill nano in a torrc ok | 11:31 |
filemover | one sec | 11:31 |
=== QwertyM is now known as Qot | ||
* Hamra rebooting | 11:34 | |
taylan | sudo apt-get install synaptic | 11:34 |
taylan | E: Type 'http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu' is not known on line 56 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:34 |
taylan | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 11:34 |
taylan | so what | 11:35 |
filemover | ok im not getting the errors now for torrc but it still says "Couldn't open file for 'Log notice file /var/log/tor/log" | 11:35 |
rewolf | wats the name of the xorg gui thats apparently in gutsy? | 11:35 |
filemover | and ive created that | 11:36 |
ubuntu_ | .__. | 11:36 |
WaltzingAlong | filemover: even after creating file for log notice was not working? | 11:37 |
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filemover | yes | 11:37 |
filemover | but I only put a dummy torrc file in ie it has not tor options in it | 11:37 |
filemover | so that could be the problem | 11:38 |
filemover | ill get the one out of ~/.vidalia | 11:38 |
taylan | hehe i have | 11:40 |
taylan | i made it | 11:40 |
=== Qot is now known as QwertyM | ||
WaltzingAlong | taylan: pastebin your sources.list | 11:42 |
tysonsw | Any1 got a tip on how to make the audio driver work in gutsy?? | 11:44 |
NickPresta | !sound | tysonsw | 11:44 |
ubotu | tysonsw: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 11:44 |
esperegu | I upgraded to latest 7.10 but keep getting the 'Version Upgrade' button in adapt... any suggestions? | 11:45 |
esperegu | sorry . in adept | 11:45 |
WaltzingAlong | esperegu: known issue, ignore for now | 11:45 |
shooood | # ubuntu | 11:46 |
JackPhil | too many desktop workspace on panel | 11:46 |
shooood | i wanna go to ubuntu plz | 11:46 |
JackPhil | enable compiz fusion | 11:46 |
esperegu | WaltzingAlong: thx | 11:46 |
NickPresta | shooood, type: /join #ubuntu | 11:46 |
shooood | thanks | 11:46 |
RabidDog | Is there a Linux app similar to limewire? | 11:47 |
Chousuke | yes | 11:47 |
Chousuke | limewire | 11:47 |
Chousuke | or I think the completely free version is called frostwire | 11:47 |
WaltzingAlong | frostwire or something like that too | 11:48 |
Chousuke | !info frostwire | 11:48 |
ubotu | Package frostwire does not exist in gutsy | 11:48 |
RabidDog | That's a surprise. I didn't know it was out there for Linux! | 11:48 |
Chousuke | hmm | 11:48 |
RabidDog | Thank you! | 11:49 |
dennister | i don't think frostwire was ever in the repositories...but i had it installed aeons ago | 11:49 |
dennister | if i remember correctly a different method of installation was used | 11:49 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: there is a .deb of it | 11:50 |
dennister | WaltzingAlong: yes, and that made it easy for the noob i was back then | 11:50 |
WaltzingAlong | http://www.frostwire.com/download/?os=ubuntu | 11:50 |
dennister | i was thinking it was a deb package, but didn't want to give this person a bum steer | 11:51 |
ubuntu_ | ._. | 11:51 |
Alethes | hey guys, I'm in the middle of a dist upgrade and it's fetched all the packages but when it went on to install them, it gave an error about not being able to install debconf, then another error about xorg and now it's just sitting on libcaca0. I can't restart the install because it'll leave my system unusable. Is there anything I can do? | 11:51 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: :D | 11:52 |
dennister | lol & roflmho | 11:52 |
dennister | Alethes: the exact same thing happened to me | 11:52 |
dennister | err......or almost | 11:52 |
Alethes | so what'd you do? | 11:52 |
dennister | close adept and open a terminal | 11:53 |
Alethes | ok | 11:53 |
Alethes | term is open | 11:53 |
dennister | Alethes: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:54 |
dennister | that installed the stuff that had been downloaded | 11:54 |
Alethes | cool | 11:54 |
Alethes | the upgrader broke with 7.04 for me too | 11:55 |
dennister | at least it's still setting stuff up...not sure if everything is perfect (app armor is a prob it seems) or if it will work for you | 11:55 |
Alethes | so I guess I'm done with that | 11:55 |
dennister | ok, finally finished...anyone know what AppArmor does? | 11:56 |
Alethes | gets in the way :o | 11:56 |
dennister | haha | 11:56 |
mooper | where is the kubuntu development channell | 11:56 |
mooper | ? | 11:56 |
dennister | Alethes: is the command working for u yet? | 11:56 |
WaltzingAlong | mooper: #kubuntu-devel | 11:57 |
mschiff | what is the successor of pmount? | 11:57 |
ksivaji | !openchrome | 11:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about openchrome - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 11:57 |
edenbeast | I always use wajig because I'm lazy and it's the most convenient front to the apt- utilities :P (immediately tells you how many upgrades are there after each update) | 11:57 |
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away | ||
Alethes | gah, the updater is still trying to run dpkg | 11:57 |
* WaltzingAlong still uses aptitude | 11:58 | |
Alethes | I closed it already | 11:58 |
Alethes | man this makes me angry :/ | 11:58 |
gordonjcp | hello | 11:58 |
dennister | well i have to log out and reboot to see the lay of the land...bbs | 11:58 |
gordonjcp | since upgrading to Gutsy, Kopete is segfaulting on startup | 11:59 |
WaltzingAlong | gordonjcp: | 11:59 |
WaltzingAlong | kopete crashing on gutsy with msn? already addressed; check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500/comments/29 with downloads for 32bit and 64bit | 11:59 |
gordonjcp | WaltzingAlong: thanks | 11:59 |
joerack | can anybody help me with k3b "malformed URL" error? | 12:00 |
gordonjcp | WaltzingAlong: I did google it but perhaps I wasn't specific enough ;-) | 12:00 |
=== Mez|Away is now known as Mez | ||
edenbeast | joerack: when do you get that error? | 12:00 |
WaltzingAlong | gordonjcp: ;) no worries | 12:00 |
joerack | when I click on my dvd reader drive no matter what dvd i insert | 12:01 |
mooper | hey all, anyone know where I can get help with knetwork manager. I changed the default gateway last night. Now it wont let me change it back!!! | 12:01 |
edenbeast | ? :-/ | 12:01 |
edenbeast | joerack and are you trying to burn something or are you trying to watch a dvd? | 12:01 |
joerack | trying to burn | 12:02 |
gordonjcp | WaltzingAlong: I can confirm that this fixes the startup crash | 12:02 |
gordonjcp | WaltzingAlong: thanks again | 12:02 |
WaltzingAlong | mooper: kmenu/system settings/network settings/ should be able to change it there; otherwise you could edit /etc/network/interfaces | 12:02 |
WaltzingAlong | gordonjcp: :D great | 12:02 |
edenbeast | joerack and you click on your drive in k3b somewhere? | 12:02 |
WaltzingAlong | gordonjcp: that package will be available as a normal update sometime relatively soon | 12:03 |
gordonjcp | cool | 12:03 |
tysonsw | any1 know a good way to fix usb drivers?? | 12:03 |
gordonjcp | tysonsw: depends what drivers, and depends what you mean by "fix" | 12:03 |
joerack | I just click once on my drive where there's the media list in the left columm of k3b | 12:04 |
dennister | hmmmmmmmmmm I like :):):) | 12:04 |
tysonsw | gordonjcp: so it works.. I can't find anything I pluginto the usb | 12:04 |
joerack | if I click on the recorder it's ok , but the dvd reader on /dev/scd1 gives me that bug | 12:04 |
dennister | at looong last; gutsy has landed! | 12:05 |
gordonjcp | tysonsw: sounds like your USB ports are broken, then | 12:05 |
gordonjcp | tysonsw: what have you tried plugging in? | 12:05 |
edenbeast | joerack so it won't allow you to browse the content of your dvd? :-/ | 12:05 |
dennister | did Aleth...have to go? | 12:06 |
edenbeast | joerack have you tried via its mountpoint in /media? | 12:06 |
tysonsw | gordonjcp: a mp3 player.. and I plluged it into my windows computer and it worked.. | 12:06 |
joerack | it does if I insist | 12:06 |
WaltzingAlong | !dvd | 12:06 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 12:06 |
tysonsw | I think the problem is here with drivers | 12:06 |
dennister | WaltzingAlong: success with gutsy! | 12:06 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: :D | 12:06 |
joerack | edenbeast: can i send you a png? | 12:07 |
dennister | 19 hours later, but stubborness does pay off | 12:07 |
edenbeast | sure | 12:07 |
gordonjcp | tysonsw: does it show up in dmesg? | 12:07 |
dennister | everything just seems more brilliant to my eyes...or is that my imagination? | 12:08 |
tysonsw | gordonjcp: yes | 12:08 |
tysonsw | gordonjcp: but I don't know how to access it | 12:08 |
joerack | edenbeast: pls receive | 12:08 |
WaltzingAlong | after 19 hours it had better ;D dennister | 12:09 |
edenbeast | joerack hmm I'm getting nothing here, no notification either :-/ | 12:09 |
edenbeast | 1 sec | 12:09 |
mooper | WaltzingAlong: It hasnt changed anything in /etc/network/intefaces :/ | 12:09 |
edenbeast | joerack: try now? | 12:10 |
Ajzo | !pastebin | 12:10 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 12:10 |
WaltzingAlong | ::D | 12:10 |
WaltzingAlong | :( i meant | 12:11 |
filemover | WaltzingAlong: thnx for the help I fixed it, I just purged tor and reinstalled it | 12:11 |
dennister | and the OO Base's form wizard does work at long last...it says the jave installed is defective, but that's incorrect...it just wan't selected in this version yet | 12:11 |
WaltzingAlong | filemover: ha, that was easy | 12:11 |
filemover | :)))) | 12:11 |
joerack | guess you can't receive | 12:11 |
edenbeast | damn :-/ | 12:11 |
edenbeast | could you uplod it at imageshack.us or something? | 12:12 |
hansen | after upgrading to gutsy I no longer have the "arch" command. Any idea which package it's in? (the shellutils package seems to be empty/obsolete) | 12:12 |
dennister | anyway...it is now time for me to grab a few hours sleep ...good night folks...and remember: the canadian server is causing probs for gutzy-upgraders...change 'em to us | 12:13 |
tysonsw | gordonjcp: but I don't know how to access it | 12:13 |
WaltzingAlong | mooper: knetworkmanager on feisty never worked well enough for me | 12:13 |
mooper | WaltzingAlong: tell me about it!! | 12:13 |
mooper | WaltzingAlong: Is there an alternative? | 12:14 |
WaltzingAlong | mooper: which kind of configuration do you have? wireless? | 12:14 |
mooper | its a laptop | 12:14 |
doudou | Hello, | 12:14 |
doudou | How can I format a usb key | 12:15 |
WaltzingAlong | mooper: to configure wireless with feisty i was using wlassistant | 12:15 |
WaltzingAlong | mooper: or various commands such iwconfig | 12:15 |
WaltzingAlong | doudou: in a graphical way? qtparted or gparted | 12:16 |
Ajzo | can someone experienced can answer my 2 questions: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41674/ , please ? :} | 12:17 |
gordonjcp | tysonsw: it should be mounted somewhere | 12:18 |
edenbeast | doudou if it's just a fat device use mkdosfs on it | 12:18 |
gordonjcp | tysonsw: if (like most USB mp3 players) it just pretends to be a USB key | 12:18 |
WaltzingAlong | Ajzo: as far as i know yes you can do that | 12:18 |
gordonjcp | Ajzo: yeah, that should work | 12:18 |
doudou | thank you edenbeast | 12:18 |
edenbeast | if it's an ipod then it could have been formatted as hfs I believe (don't have an apple) | 12:18 |
Ajzo | so i can have one /home for two linuxs and one SWAP also for two Linuxs ? :D | 12:19 |
doudou | I am perhaps not precise enough | 12:19 |
edenbeast | but ipods sold for windows use fat | 12:19 |
WaltzingAlong | Ajzo: so long as both are not using it at the same time | 12:19 |
gordonjcp | Ajzo: be careful - different versions of apps might clobber each other's config files in your homedir | 12:19 |
edenbeast | mkdosfs /dev/<your device> (usually a scsi device like sda1 or something) | 12:19 |
tmske | I'm trying to compile the latest kmplayer, but get errors about glib/gprintf.h not found, what package do I need to correct this? | 12:19 |
doudou | I would like to completely erase the key, and use the whole capacity for storage | 12:19 |
Ajzo | ok :) understood all :) | 12:20 |
edenbeast | mkdosfs makes a whole new fat filesystem, that erases everything | 12:20 |
Ajzo | thank u for answer ! ;) | 12:20 |
doudou | I fear that wiht fat16, I will have problem: it's a 16Gb key | 12:20 |
edenbeast | do mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/<your device> | 12:21 |
edenbeast | that makes it fat32 | 12:21 |
philipp_ | hi | 12:21 |
philipp_ | is there a hint to activate the video-out connector on a laptop in kubuntu? I have a lenovo 3000 v200. | 12:22 |
aguitel | anyone use chipset Realtek rtl8180L ? | 12:22 |
edenbeast | doudou if you use sata disks make sure not to format those instead of your usb thingie :P | 12:22 |
doudou | I agree! | 12:23 |
edenbeast | they get created as scsi disks too | 12:23 |
doudou | but may I use any kind of fs (jfs, xfs, reiserfs) for the key? | 12:23 |
edenbeast | you can always do sudo fdisk -l /dev/<device> that'll tell you what it is exactly | 12:24 |
edenbeast | doudou you can but then it will only be mountable by computers understanding those filesystems | 12:24 |
edenbeast | fat32 is the big universal | 12:24 |
doudou | ok! thanks a lot @+ | 12:25 |
chaplan | i have problems with kopete on ubuntu 7.10 | 12:25 |
chaplan | help please | 12:25 |
edenbeast | chaplan is it crashing on msn? check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500/comments/29 | 12:26 |
chaplan | yes | 12:26 |
TimS | I would like to upgrade to 7.10 but I dont want to loose any of my settings or files. Will Compiz-Fusion and the nvidia drivers wtill work when I upgrade? | 12:26 |
chaplan | when i try to login | 12:26 |
edenbeast | tttttttttthre's a fix, go to that link :-) | 12:26 |
edenbeast | wow my wireless keyboard has the measles :P | 12:27 |
=== Saied is now known as Saied|Away | ||
emilsedgh | where could i get kubuntu stickers... | 12:27 |
chaplan | edenbeast, is that a new package to install? | 12:29 |
edenbeast | chaplan yes | 12:29 |
chaplan | edenbeast, but can i just upgrade it? | 12:29 |
bellodi | miao | 12:30 |
edenbeast | chaplan I don't know if it's in the repositories already, I don't think so | 12:30 |
bellodi | what is this? | 12:30 |
edenbeast | chaplan, download it and install it and it'll work fine. I had the same error and this fixed it :-) | 12:30 |
bellodi | a chat? | 12:30 |
chaplan | edenbeast, i'm trying to keep a clean install for now, if i install this, will i be able to upgrade it later from the repos? | 12:31 |
chaplan | edenbeast, great, doing it now, tx a lot | 12:31 |
edenbeast | chaplan that shouldn't be a problem :-) | 12:31 |
edenbeast | chaplan should it block then it can always be uninstalled prior to the upgrade | 12:31 |
Hamra | bellodi: this is the official kubuntu support channel | 12:32 |
chaplan | ok | 12:32 |
tysonsw | gordonjcp: All I canb find is cd-rom and HDD not the mp3 | 12:32 |
tysonsw | gordonjcp: how can I find it? | 12:33 |
cuco | hi, is there a kickoff package for 7.10? | 12:35 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu | ||
gordonjcp | tysonsw: if you type "mount" it should give you a list of all mounted filesystems | 12:37 |
aguitel | anyone use chipset Realtek rtl8180L ? | 12:37 |
emilsedgh | !autostart | 12:37 |
WaltzingAlong | TimS: if you format you would lose the things. if you upgrade, no; you may need to reconfigure compiz-fusion and nvidia but the process has been made easier in gutsy | 12:37 |
ubotu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. | 12:38 |
TimS | Okay :D | 12:38 |
tysonsw | gordonjcp: I can't find the mp3 there | 12:38 |
WaltzingAlong | philipp_: video out? connect a device to it then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ; you may also need to start the computer with a monitor or other output device connected to the video out port | 12:39 |
tysonsw | #compiz-fusion | 12:51 |
gordonjcp | tysonsw: don't know then, maybe a bit of googling for the model number will help | 12:54 |
tysonsw | gordonjcp: model number of the mp3? | 12:55 |
gordonjcp | yup | 12:55 |
atlfalcons866 | #gentoo | 12:58 |
Hamra | !gentoo | 13:01 |
ubotu | Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems) | 13:01 |
edenbeast | does anybody know an audiorecorder app that only records when there is sound? | 13:02 |
K| | Wasn't there somewhere a guide how to enable compizfusion in kubuntu? | 13:05 |
K| | or was that as in "kubuntu, but using a gnome desktop"? | 13:06 |
WaltzingAlong | K|: yes there are guides on how to use compiz-fusion with kde/kubuntu | 13:10 |
WaltzingAlong | Kubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 13:10 |
K| | thanks a lot, WaltzingAlong | 13:11 |
WaltzingAlong | sure thing. note that the instructions will mention adding some repositories for feisty but that is not needed with gutsy. | 13:12 |
K| | Well, have to install gutsy first :) | 13:12 |
K| | oh, and as an advice for everyone, a 16 MB /boot is just painful for current ubuntus | 13:13 |
Hamra | i gave my boot the fraction left after partitioning, that is about 300 MB, boot should be happy for the next few decades :P | 13:15 |
WaltzingAlong | K|: :D thanks | 13:15 |
boubbin | !kde4 | 13:16 |
ubotu | KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | 13:16 |
boubbin | if i install kde beta packages is it going to rule over my kde3 or just install itself alonside ? | 13:18 |
n1lo | boubbin: aloneside. | 13:19 |
boubbin | have anyone tried kd4 beta ? | 13:19 |
n1lo | but you'll need to set some variables. | 13:20 |
Vir | hi, does openoffice in gutsy work for anybody? | 13:20 |
n1lo | using, export. | 13:20 |
Vir | here writer crashes on save and presenter saves 0B files | 13:20 |
atif | hi | 13:20 |
n1lo | Vir: here is normal, on gutsy. | 13:20 |
WaltzingAlong | boubbin: yes | 13:21 |
Vir | n1lo: did you upgrade or do a fresh install? | 13:21 |
K| | vir: don't know, writer worked normal for me on the gutsy live/install cd | 13:21 |
WaltzingAlong | Vir: yes ooo writer works for me | 13:21 |
* Vir tries moving .openoffice.org2 | 13:22 | |
n1lo | Vir: update using aptitude, my current version is 2.3.0 on gutsy. | 13:23 |
atif | any one here with experties about GWT + SPRING itegeration | 13:23 |
Vir | still the same error with remove .openoffice.org2 | 13:24 |
Vir | ++d | 13:24 |
WaltzingAlong | !info openoffice.org-writer | 13:24 |
ubotu | openoffice.org-writer: OpenOffice.org office suite - word processor. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.3.0-1ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 6520 kB, installed size 19484 kB | 13:24 |
Vir | that's what I have installed | 13:24 |
atif | #google web toolkit | 13:25 |
atif | #googlewebtoolkit | 13:25 |
Lynoure | atif: try /join in front of that | 13:25 |
* Vir removes openoffice KDE integration package | 13:26 | |
atif | ok | 13:26 |
atif | any one here with experties about GWT + SPRING itegeration | 13:27 |
Vir | after removing that package I can save again | 13:27 |
Vir | but now it looks ugly | 13:27 |
tysonsw_ | #comiz-fusion | 13:27 |
ardchoille | tysonsw_: Perhaps #ubuntu-effects me be on help | 13:28 |
ardchoille | s/on/of/ | 13:28 |
tysonsw_ | #compiz-fusion | 13:29 |
WaltzingAlong | Vir: running compiz by chance? | 13:30 |
Vir | WaltzingAlong: no, why? | 13:31 |
=== atif is now known as trouble | ||
trouble | any one here with experties about GWT + SPRING itegeration | 13:31 |
trouble | please i need help | 13:32 |
trouble | i am in serious trouble | 13:32 |
WaltzingAlong | Vir: just wondering what could be causing what you are seeing; i have openoffice.org-kde installed too | 13:32 |
WaltzingAlong | trouble: #kubuntu is the support channel for kubuntu; best to look elsewhere | 13:32 |
enjoi1216 | too early for for me right now | 13:34 |
enjoi1216 | wishes i had a stacker and a good caffiene rush right now | 13:35 |
aguitel | anyone use chipset Realtek rtl8180L ? | 13:35 |
enjoi1216 | yeah i think that i do | 13:36 |
enjoi1216 | but it's all integrated | 13:36 |
enjoi1216 | like onto my motherboard | 13:36 |
Vir | WaltzingAlong: any idea where to look or how to make a useful bug report out of this? | 13:37 |
WaltzingAlong | Vir: search launchpad for an existing bug report about it | 13:37 |
Vir | can't find any | 13:38 |
=== akrus`Away is now known as akrus | ||
Vir | now openoffice without KDE integration seems to have the same problem :'( | 13:41 |
* Vir has work to do :-( | 13:41 | |
Vir | "Write error. The file could not be written." | 13:42 |
Vir | how about a better error message? | 13:42 |
Vir | e.g. saying "why" | 13:42 |
osh_ | Anyone know how to "tag" bugreports to show that they affect 7.10? | 13:44 |
osh_ | In launchpad.net that is. | 13:44 |
WaltzingAlong | Vir: perhaps start openoffice from a vterminal so you can see any other error messages | 13:45 |
WaltzingAlong | Vir: could be a naming issue, could be a permissions issue | 13:46 |
WaltzingAlong | Vir: http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=34038 | 13:46 |
Vir | WaltzingAlong: only ASCII characters and I made sure of permissions | 13:46 |
* Vir was doing a "save as" | 13:47 | |
WaltzingAlong | Vir: on nonlocal media? | 13:47 |
Vir | tried both home dir and USB stick | 13:47 |
poison-- | mornin guys | 13:48 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | i have a question...what does it mean if you pc is said to be running an 'open proxy'? one of the channels i use says i am and wont let me in... | 13:49 |
Vir | using a different format (old star office or ms office formats) also doesn't help | 13:49 |
WaltzingAlong | Wolven_Pariah_UK: should mean that your computer is running a proxy server which outsiders (others on the internet) can connect to other locations on the internet through | 13:50 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | ...uh oh...i know what proxy is but dont know why one would be running,ive not installed anything 'shadey' | 13:51 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | anyone have any advice... | 13:52 |
* Vir tries to use KPresenter instead now | 13:52 | |
WaltzingAlong | Wolven_Pariah_UK: have you installed squid or another proxy but configured it to be open from the outside? | 13:52 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | nope,only web applications ive installed is firefox | 13:53 |
softmaster | i have a problem with my nvidia 7300 gt Vga card | 13:53 |
softmaster | when i enable restricted driver | 13:53 |
softmaster | it works | 13:53 |
softmaster | but refresh rate is wrongfully detcted | 13:54 |
softmaster | makes the monitor hard to watch | 13:54 |
WaltzingAlong | Wolven_Pariah_UK: could use grc's open port detector https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 or shields up on http://www.grc.com/default.htm to see which ports are open | 13:54 |
softmaster | i tried to change it | 13:55 |
softmaster | but the maximum refresh rate is not correct | 13:55 |
yamal | Wolven_Pariah_UK: your ip is in blacklists, see http://www.senderbase.org/senderbase_queries/detailip?search_string= | 13:55 |
yamal | Wolven_Pariah_UK: but if your provider gives out dynamic ips, this problem might well be someone else's | 13:56 |
softmaster | it reads 64 hz as the maximum rate | 13:56 |
softmaster | while my maximum is 85 hz | 13:56 |
softmaster | i am using gutsy final release by the way | 13:56 |
kuja | Hi.. I installed Kubuntu (Feisty) a couple weeks ago, and I would like to upgrade to Gutsy. What is the recommeded way besides reinstalling from the Gutsy CD? | 13:56 |
softmaster | any help? | 13:57 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to reconfigure the server. the max is not based just on what the hardware can handle but what the software (driver/kernel module) can do too; | 13:57 |
WaltzingAlong | kuja: | 13:57 |
WaltzingAlong | upgrading kubuntu? from feisty (7.04) be sure software-properties-kde is installed (sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde) then follow the upgrade instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | 13:57 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | it said all the ports are closed except 1 which is a 'stealth' | 13:57 |
WaltzingAlong | Wolven_Pariah_UK: check the comment by yamal | 13:57 |
kuja | WaltzingAlong: Thank you. | 13:57 |
softmaster | WaltzingAlong: thanks i will give it a try | 13:58 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: pastebin the output from xrandr | 13:58 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | i missed that post.. | 13:58 |
softmaster | what is xrander | 13:58 |
softmaster | ? | 13:58 |
tony__ | Does anyone know of a good program to mount ISO images? | 13:59 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | anyone know if tiscalli does give out dynamic ips? | 13:59 |
softmaster | WaltzingAlong: how? | 13:59 |
WaltzingAlong | !pastebin | softmaster | 13:59 |
ubotu | softmaster: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 13:59 |
softmaster | WaltzingAlong: no i dont mean pastbin | 14:00 |
ardchoille | softmaster: xrandr - X Rotation, Reflection and Resize utility | 14:00 |
softmaster | i mean xrander | 14:00 |
WaltzingAlong | tony__: mount does that; mount -t iso9660 -o ro file.org /mnt/iso | 14:00 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: open konsole, type xrandr, press enter | 14:00 |
ardchoille | softmaster: There is no xrander, it's xrandr | 14:00 |
softmaster | sorry :) | 14:01 |
ardchoille | softmaster: apt-cache search --names-only xrandr | 14:01 |
softmaster | ok i will do it | 14:01 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | your ip changes each you connect doesnt it? | 14:01 |
zorg_the_false | q. what is the kernel version of gutsy ? | 14:02 |
WaltzingAlong | zorg_the_false: 2.6.22 | 14:02 |
zorg_the_false | WaltzingAlong: ok thanks | 14:02 |
WaltzingAlong | -14 with ubuntu's numbering | 14:02 |
softmaster | WaltzingAlong: http://pastebin.com/d260969dd | 14:02 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | this is strange...accroding to a site my ip is located miles from where i live... | 14:03 |
WaltzingAlong | Wolven_Pariah_UK: because the isp which releases that address is some distance away? | 14:04 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | i dont know,it should change when i reconnect though? | 14:05 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: according to that, you are using 1024x768 now at 64Hz refresh. also, seems that is the highest with this driver at this resolution | 14:05 |
softmaster | WaltzingAlong: what is ghest? | 14:05 |
yamal | Wolven_Pariah_UK: it could change. no garantee though | 14:06 |
yamal | Wolven_Pariah_UK: sometimes, even with dynamic ip, there's a "cool off" period of a few hours; when reconnecting within this time, you get the same old one. | 14:06 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | hmm...brb | 14:06 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: ghest? | 14:07 |
softmaster | WaltzingAlong: my favourite refresh rate at 1024x768 is 85hz | 14:07 |
softmaster | sorry WaltzingAlong | 14:07 |
softmaster | my monitor is not appearing correctly | 14:07 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: i do not know how you can set it to that with this driver | 14:07 |
WaltzingAlong | perhaps fixres has a tip | 14:07 |
softmaster | i think u typed highest | 14:08 |
WaltzingAlong | !fixres | softmaster | 14:08 |
ubotu | softmaster: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 14:08 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: right, highest | 14:08 |
softmaster | ubotu ok i will try | 14:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ok i will try - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 14:08 |
yamal | Wolven_Pariah_UK: 100% dynamic ;) | 14:09 |
Wolven_Pariah_UK | yay that worked, (for a while i was scared id been hacked),thanks for help everyone | 14:09 |
dvektor | hallo an alle! | 14:10 |
WaltzingAlong | gruesse | 14:10 |
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WaltzingAlong | !de | 14:10 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 14:10 |
dvektor | kann mir jemand helfen? ich habe problem mit dem Drucker | 14:11 |
dvektor | mein Lexmark X75 funktioniert einfach nicht unter ubuntu | 14:11 |
WaltzingAlong | !de | dvektor | 14:12 |
ubotu | dvektor: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 14:12 |
WaltzingAlong | dvektor: versuch http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Lexmark-X75 | 14:13 |
=== ifroog_ is now known as [ifroog] | ||
[ifroog] | !compiz | 14:14 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 14:14 |
softmaster | WaltzingAlong :it worked partially after restart | 14:14 |
softmaster | thanks | 14:14 |
softmaster | ubotu : thnks for ur effort | 14:14 |
WaltzingAlong | partially? | 14:14 |
softmaster | yes | 14:15 |
softmaster | the refresh rate has been changed to 72 hz | 14:15 |
softmaster | while mine is 85 hz | 14:15 |
WaltzingAlong | but the resolution has changed too? how did you have it at 85? | 14:16 |
softmaster | no i mean on windows | 14:16 |
softmaster | my resolution is 1024*768 at 85 hz | 14:16 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: right so the driver you are using now does not support 85Hz refresh with 1024x768 | 14:17 |
softmaster | this is my monitor best configuration | 14:17 |
WaltzingAlong | dvektor: guckmal http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=340735 | 14:17 |
softmaster | WaltzingAlong: yes | 14:17 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: so using the driver you have now you cannot set it to 1024x768x85 | 14:17 |
dvektor | danke ich schaue mal | 14:18 |
softmaster | yes | 14:18 |
softmaster | the maximum rate is 72 | 14:18 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: which driver are you using anyway? | 14:18 |
dvektor | da ist aber alles verdammt auf englisch den ich so wenig verstehe :-(((( | 14:19 |
softmaster | the gutsy driver | 14:19 |
softmaster | nvidia.glx.new | 14:19 |
naught101 | has anyone else been getting this problem with the "storage media" applet in kicker, when a USB HDD is plugged in, it's detected, then when you try and open it you get an kioexec error: "/media/DISKNAME is a folder, but a file was expected." | 14:19 |
naught101 | it's really annoying | 14:19 |
naught101 | once it happens, it DOES correctly mount the partition, and it's then accessible from /media/DISKNAME, but not from the storage media applet | 14:20 |
WaltzingAlong | dvektor: #kubuntu-de ist auf deutsch. sonnst geht es hier auf englisch oder geht es langsam auf deutsch ;D | 14:20 |
MetaMorfoziS | !bluetooth | 14:20 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 14:20 |
WaltzingAlong | dvektor: oder http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D340735&langpair=en%7Cde&hl=de&ie=UTF8 | 14:20 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: ok so it seems for now 72 is as high as it gets | 14:21 |
=== Tstnz is now known as pizzicato` | ||
dvektor | vielen dank das ist viel besser, ich kann es wenigstens lesen | 14:21 |
softmaster | yes any solution? | 14:22 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: you need a driver that can support 85 which it seems this one currently cannot | 14:23 |
WaltzingAlong | dvektor: komm wieder wenn du noch etwas brauchst | 14:23 |
dvektor | ja mache ich, danke schön | 14:23 |
dvektor | ich werde noch viel brauchen, bin neuling | 14:24 |
dvektor | der in den linux wie ins kaltes wasser geworfen wurde | 14:24 |
dvektor | :-))) | 14:24 |
naught101 | could my problem be something to do with udev? | 14:25 |
softmaster | WaltzingAlong: yes | 14:25 |
softmaster | but why u repeat the same words | 14:26 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: answer: you can do nothing | 14:26 |
softmaster | i am not so idiot | 14:26 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: switch drivers. try the "nv" driver instead of the "nvidia" driver | 14:26 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: ask nvidia to provide a higher resolution with your hardware on the gnu/linux driver | 14:27 |
WaltzingAlong | softmaster: become a kernel hacker to make the modifications needed | 14:27 |
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martoya | haha | 14:27 |
Alessio | hello | 14:29 |
Alessio | Ciao a tutti :D | 14:29 |
WaltzingAlong | Alessio: buongiorno. come va? | 14:29 |
WaltzingAlong | !it | 14:29 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 14:29 |
naught101 | no one has problems mounting usb drives (flashdrives, or HDD) in gutsy?? | 14:30 |
WaltzingAlong | naught101: i have not had that (yet) | 14:30 |
naught101 | damn... one of my friends also had it, but he managed to fix it by removing EMVS, which I don't have installed in the first place.... | 14:32 |
naught101 | I'm assuming it must be something to do with udev, but I don't know how to go about figuring it out | 14:32 |
dvektor | geht das mit Lexmark auch über den Adept manager oder irgendwo zum runterladen? | 14:33 |
dvektor | ich bin mit der kommandozeile nicht vertraut | 14:33 |
dvektor | :-(( | 14:33 |
NightBird | !de | 14:33 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 14:33 |
kubuntunewbie | am i in the german channel? | 14:34 |
WaltzingAlong | dvektor: es sieht aus das du schreiben muss | 14:34 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: no | 14:34 |
dvektor | achso | 14:34 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: well thats great news, because i dont speak any german! | 14:34 |
WaltzingAlong | :D | 14:34 |
dvektor | ok versuche ich dann | 14:34 |
tysonsw | I got a big problem.. I just lost my desktop prewview in the corner.. how do I get it back? | 14:35 |
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WaltzingAlong | dvektor: schreib /join #kubuntu-de | 14:35 |
dvektor | join#kubuntu-de | 14:36 |
ardchoille | tysonsw: Right click the panel, choose "Add applet to panel", find the Desktop Preview applet and add it | 14:36 |
WaltzingAlong | !de | dvektor | 14:36 |
ubotu | dvektor: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 14:36 |
tysonsw | ardchoille thx | 14:37 |
ardchoille | yw | 14:37 |
poison-- | !partition | 14:38 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 14:38 |
Lord_Cerber | anyan seen the problem - programms (amarok, juk, k3b,pidgin) after update to gutsy just start and nothing happens - thou they are present in process list. NO debugging output is given. Only amarok says Amarok: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp. | 14:39 |
kubuntunewbie | anyone remember the apt-get install name for that program that is similar to limewire but open source? | 14:39 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: download it from their website. frostwire | 14:40 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: cool ty, by the way, uve helped me before. since then i switched my main laptop over to kubuntu. let me tell u, 2 gigs of ram and 1.8ghz dual core.... this thing runs realllll nice | 14:41 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: :D | 14:41 |
kubuntunewbie | peace out vista. | 14:41 |
ardchoille | !frostwire | kubuntunewbie | 14:42 |
WaltzingAlong | haha i am convinced that laptop run longer on battery under gnu/linux (kubuntu) due to better memory management, especially not swapping to disk like ms windows prefers to do - even with 2GB ram | 14:42 |
ubotu | kubuntunewbie: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 14:42 |
MacZtttlkwork | Hi. I'm having problems with the version upgrader.... it just dissappear at the third stage! | 14:42 |
ardchoille | !nvidia | 14:43 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 14:43 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: wow, now that you mentioned it, i have had my lappy runin on battery for like 20-25 minutes and i still have 86% bat life left | 14:44 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: glad you managed the switch :D | 14:44 |
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kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: im still a newbie ;) | 14:46 |
kuja | http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/ -- Can someone go here? Isn't Snapshot0 and Snapshot6 the same? They should be different, no? | 14:46 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: anticipare many more dumb questions from me | 14:46 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: ;) | 14:46 |
WaltzingAlong | "dumb" questions i can handle, the same question 20x gets to me ;D | 14:47 |
kuja | I have no idea what the REAL Snapshot6 looks like :( | 14:47 |
kuja | Can anyone tell me what command is being executed there? :) | 14:47 |
WaltzingAlong | kuja: now you should be able to follow the instructions mentioned in the topic | 14:47 |
WaltzingAlong | upgrading kubuntu? from feisty (7.04) be sure software-properties-kde is installed (sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde) then follow the upgrade instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | 14:47 |
WaltzingAlong | the pictures (as far as i know) were mostly for before the official release | 14:48 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: can u answer why frostwire wont load? i click on it, it does the hourglass thing for like 10-15 seconds... and then goes away and never comes back | 14:48 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: you need java as well | 14:48 |
WaltzingAlong | !frostwire | kubuntunewbie check here for troubleshooting | 14:48 |
ubotu | kubuntunewbie check here for troubleshooting: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 14:48 |
jjj__ | what opensource html wysiwig editor can you suggest? | 14:48 |
WaltzingAlong | jjj__: nvu? seamonkey's composer? quanta? otherwise not something i use often | 14:50 |
Hamra | can someone answer jjj__? i need to know this too | 14:50 |
edenbeast | vim! :P (it's all about your imagination ;-) ) | 14:50 |
edenbeast | I thought bluefish was a pretty good one | 14:50 |
v3ctor | bluefish is good | 14:50 |
kuja | WaltzingAlong: Cool, thanks again. | 14:50 |
jjj__ | ok ok nvu is on my list as well as kompozer which is also nvu based... | 14:50 |
azuk | amaya is one option | 14:50 |
Hamra | does openoffice have any program for html wysiwyg editor? | 14:52 |
jjj__ | openoffice has none as i remember... | 14:52 |
v3ctor | they were supposed to have something...never checked into it | 14:52 |
florian_ | I am looking for software to print the content of a cd on a label .... | 14:52 |
florian_ | Just the file names ... | 14:53 |
=== csanders_ is now known as qoovers | ||
WaltzingAlong | Hamra: OOo writer can edit html | 14:54 |
WaltzingAlong | kuja: the thumbnail snapshot6 shows alt+f2 then kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade" but that is not necessary now that gutsy is official (but can still be used to force adept to check for an update) | 14:55 |
jjj__ | yes Openoffice.org writer can edit but not totally produce a wysiwyg output... | 14:55 |
* v3ctor uses vim for all of his html | 14:55 | |
WaltzingAlong | kuja: --version-upgrade* i am told | 14:55 |
kuja | WaltzingAlong: I got it to work! I had to check for updates once again (after updating :P) | 14:56 |
kuja | Then the "Version Upgrade" button appeared in Adept. | 14:56 |
WaltzingAlong | kuja: great. glad all is well | 14:56 |
kuja | The distribution upgrade program is downloading... 1264 packages at a rate of 1100kb/s :) | 14:56 |
Daisuke_Laptop | adept's version upgrade thing is convoluted beyond belief... | 14:56 |
kuja | Says it'll be done in 12 minutes, woot! | 14:57 |
WaltzingAlong | should be called something other than version upgrade? Daisuke_Laptop | 14:57 |
Daisuke_Laptop | WaltzingAlong: you are blissfully unaware of what convoluted means. | 14:58 |
Daisuke_Laptop | there are too many steps that are non-obvious | 14:58 |
WaltzingAlong | yes | 14:58 |
Daisuke_Laptop | update-manager -d | 14:58 |
Daisuke_Laptop | bam, version upgrade. | 14:58 |
WaltzingAlong | the steps now are that it takes care of itself, most of the upgrade steps shown were for pre release | 14:58 |
jjj__ | does frostwire java based or natively runs on the computer? | 14:59 |
WaltzingAlong | Daisuke_Laptop: sure, adept_manager --dist-upgrade should do that | 14:59 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i quit using adept some time ago | 14:59 |
WaltzingAlong | jjj__: java based | 14:59 |
PhinnFort | !version | 14:59 |
WaltzingAlong | i never really started, preferred aptitude and the like | 14:59 |
jjj__ | limewire is somewhat slow...i hope frostwire isn't | 14:59 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell | 14:59 |
PhinnFort | jjj__: frostwire is more or less limewire with new artwork | 14:59 |
kuja | jjj__: I believe FrostWire is based on the same source code as LimeWire. Though, who's made better improvements is a mystery to me :) | 14:59 |
PhinnFort | kuja: it's the same codebase | 15:00 |
Daisuke_Laptop | frostwire is part of a p2p network that was worthless from the start :) | 15:00 |
teste | hi | 15:00 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | how do i stop powernowd | 15:00 |
wood_ | hi | 15:00 |
PhinnFort | killall powernowd | 15:00 |
kuja | Meh, Gnutella was cool after LimeWire came out, you gotta give it some credit man ;) | 15:00 |
WaltzingAlong | !info bum | AT0M1CB0MB3R | 15:00 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | PhinnFort: in konsole? | 15:00 |
ubotu | at0m1cb0mb3r: bum: graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.10-1 (gutsy), package size 82 kB, installed size 532 kB | 15:00 |
jjj__ | oh...I beleive limewire is also opensource? | 15:01 |
teste | does anybody know the comand to show the type of memory on shell? | 15:01 |
PhinnFort | AT0M1CB0MB3R: or hit ctrl+esc | 15:01 |
PhinnFort | jjj__: yes, that's why they make frostwire | 15:01 |
jjj__ | so there is basically no difference between limewire and frostwire... | 15:01 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | PhinnFort: then type that in? | 15:01 |
PhinnFort | jjj__: no, but frostwire has everything from the pay-for version of limewire | 15:01 |
PhinnFort | AT0M1CB0MB3R: no, select the process and click "kill" | 15:01 |
kuja | jjj__: Other than the fact that FrostWire gives you all the features of LimeWire Pro, no there isn't really much of a difference. | 15:01 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | PhinnFort: would this work? "sudo /etc/init.d/powernowd stop" | 15:02 |
PhinnFort | AT0M1CB0MB3R: yeah, probably | 15:02 |
jjj__ | Ah yah yah I read that on frostwire's site...so maybe its time to replace my illegal limewire pro installation... | 15:03 |
PhinnFort | AT0M1CB0MB3R: if it isn't hanged | 15:03 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | PhinnFort: how do i make the run on startup everytime? | 15:03 |
jjj__ | i got the limewire pro installer using limewire basic... | 15:03 |
PhinnFort | AT0M1CB0MB3R: make it run, or make it not run? | 15:03 |
PhinnFort | jjj__: oh, the irony;) | 15:03 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | make powernowd not run | 15:03 |
jjj__ | haha... | 15:03 |
jjj__ | I'm doing away with using paid programs...so as not to commit piracy.. | 15:03 |
PhinnFort | AT0M1CB0MB3R: look at "system services" in system settings | 15:03 |
PhinnFort | :D | 15:03 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | =] | 15:04 |
* PhinnFort is hacking away at a client for the same network as limewire at his sparetime | 15:04 | |
Daisuke_Laptop | jjj__: admirable :) you're definitely using the right os :) | 15:04 |
jjj__ | PhinnFort: yup i think limewire should filter all searches with "limewire pro" | 15:04 |
PhinnFort | hehe | 15:04 |
Daisuke_Laptop | PhinnFort: gnutella network? | 15:04 |
PhinnFort | Daisuke_Laptop: yup | 15:04 |
WaltzingAlong | some of us did that years ago but now is always a better time to switch than later (ie never0 | 15:04 |
Exilant | is there a way of not using xserver-xgl without removing it? | 15:05 |
PhinnFort | Daisuke_Laptop: in python, with a qt gui | 15:05 |
jjj__ | I'm still using windows now...and trillian... | 15:05 |
Daisuke_Laptop | jjj__: pidgin | 15:05 |
Exilant | i.e. a way without playing around too much with config files? | 15:05 |
PhinnFort | kopete! | 15:05 |
jjj__ | my sister doesn't like kubuntu that much... | 15:05 |
Daisuke_Laptop | PhinnFort: not if he wants msn support... | 15:06 |
PhinnFort | jjj__: my sister use a mac | 15:06 |
PhinnFort | Daisuke_Laptop: kopete supports msn better than pidgin | 15:06 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | PhinnFort: : what services do i defiantly need cause i wanna make my computer faster | 15:06 |
PhinnFort | think webcam, etc. | 15:06 |
WaltzingAlong | kopete crashing on gutsy with msn? already addressed; check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500/comments/29 with downloads for 32bit and 64bit | 15:06 |
PhinnFort | AT0M1CB0MB3R: you need all the defaults | 15:06 |
jjj__ | Yup I like kopete and all the out-of-the-box programs of kubuntu...it makes the pc usable with just one install! | 15:06 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ahh, nice | 15:06 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | PhinnFort: even bluetooth? | 15:06 |
PhinnFort | AT0M1CB0MB3R: most probably | 15:06 |
PhinnFort | AT0M1CB0MB3R: not if you don't have it | 15:06 |
PhinnFort | AT0M1CB0MB3R: but be a bit careful when removing services | 15:07 |
Daisuke_Laptop | this isn't windows, you know :) | 15:07 |
WaltzingAlong | !info preload | AT0M1CB0MB3R | 15:07 |
ubotu | at0m1cb0mb3r: preload: adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-4 (gutsy), package size 33 kB, installed size 172 kB | 15:07 |
PhinnFort | *eatingpoof* | 15:07 |
WaltzingAlong | !info prelink | AT0M1CB0MB3R | 15:07 |
ubotu | at0m1cb0mb3r: prelink: ELF prelinking utility to speed up dynamic linking. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20061201-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 683 kB, installed size 1044 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 i386 powerpc ppc64) | 15:07 |
BluesKaj | wife still prefers windows ...doesn't want to bother with a new OS, but she doesn't do much except email surf a bit and play solitaire on her pc | 15:07 |
jjj__ | what is basically the significant noticable difference between kubuntu 7.04 and 7.10? | 15:07 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: why do i need that? | 15:07 |
WaltzingAlong | BluesKaj: luckily kubuntu has solitaire, email clients, and web browsers! :D | 15:07 |
edenbeast | one is new and shiny and the other is not ^ ^ | 15:08 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: you do not need it but you could use either as a way to speed up things | 15:08 |
Daisuke_Laptop | WaltzingAlong: why in the heck would you even recommend a prelinker for an os that provides prefectly good binary versions | 15:08 |
Daisuke_Laptop | and therefore, you don't need to compile 99 times out of 100 | 15:08 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: how do i get thos things? | 15:08 |
Daisuke_Laptop | preload makes sense | 15:08 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: the services to speed my comp up | 15:09 |
BluesKaj | WaltzingAlong, i showed wifey the linux solitaire version , she wasn't too impressed cuz her windows version is a commercial app with nicer eye candy visuals :) | 15:09 |
pillowpants | can you install debs made for feisty on gutsy? | 15:09 |
Daisuke_Laptop | BluesKaj: she wasn't impressed by patience? | 15:09 |
BluesKaj | nope | 15:09 |
jjj__ | There's one thing that I really liked with windows...the ms word program and the winmodem support...openoffice.org writer still can not surpass what ms word can do... | 15:09 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: install 'preload' the way you do other software in kubuntu; adept manager or aptitude (apt-get) | 15:09 |
WaltzingAlong | jjj__: for any serious such document i recommend learning a bit of LaTeX | 15:10 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: ok thanks | 15:10 |
BluesKaj | I really don't care ...her pc is old anyway , but she's happy enuff with it | 15:10 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : i like abiword more than openoffice | 15:10 |
Hamra | i must admit that ms word have more features, but its way too overbloated, ever tried pasting 2 pages? it takes more than 10 seconds! | 15:10 |
jjj__ | BluesKaj: hehe what is important is she is happy... | 15:11 |
BluesKaj | jjj__, yup | 15:11 |
jjj__ | Hamra: your right on that... | 15:11 |
Hamra | waltzingalong, what is latex ? | 15:11 |
jjj__ | pillowpants: I've tried abiword but still ooo writer is nearer to ms word capabilities... | 15:11 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: i have another question how come my internet is so slow i have really fast internet? | 15:12 |
jjj__ | I still didnt tried kwrite...is it good? | 15:12 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : what exactly do you find wont cross over? | 15:12 |
WaltzingAlong | Hamra: :D | 15:12 |
edenbeast | is there any way I could search for dependencies of a package and have apt download it only while it keeps in mind a dvd repository? I want to install kubuntu 7.10 together with some other apps on a computer that has no net connection whatsoever. :-/ | 15:12 |
BluesKaj | thank gawd i'm away from excel, ms office etc etc ...I sure don't miss that :) | 15:12 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : i didnt like kwrite | 15:12 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: perhaps due to your router? you could use squid to help a bit | 15:12 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : but its made differently | 15:12 |
WaltzingAlong | !latex | 15:13 |
ubotu | tex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX | 15:13 |
jjj__ | pillowpants: bullets, table layouts, etc etc... | 15:13 |
edenbeast | nano ftw! | 15:13 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: no its not my router my internet is way faster on windows then on linux | 15:13 |
Hamra | a new subject to dig about, thnx waltzingalong | 15:14 |
kubuntunewbie | !multiverse | 15:14 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: im not sharing anything | 15:14 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 15:14 |
edenbeast | I always found abiword to be somewhat unstable though | 15:14 |
BluesKaj | edenbeast , get the alternate install version ...it will dowhat you're looking for | 15:14 |
pillowpants | !varnish | 15:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about varnish - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:14 |
jjj__ | pillowpants: yah thats the good part of it...its different...but the real problem is that when I distribute copies of my docs to my freinds, some of the layout is distorted like the pages and stuff... | 15:14 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: hey, i need to install this multiverse repository however i dont know the address and stuff for it? where can i find that? | 15:14 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: i have troubles with routers/gateways giving back bad dns responses or taking long to answer the requests | 15:14 |
jjj__ | ubotu | 15:14 |
edenbeast | BluesKaj: well I have the full dvd iso but some packages are no doubt in multiverse/universe like wine and others.. I just want to be prepared for those f possible | 15:14 |
=== eileen is now known as kilrae | ||
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: so the question is...how do i fix it? | 15:15 |
jjj__ | is ubotu the ircbot here? | 15:15 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: which things specifically seem slow? | 15:15 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : as a question in the form of a command !item | 15:15 |
pillowpants | ask* | 15:15 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | browsing any internet page on firefox or konqeurer | 15:15 |
edenbeast | !bot | 15:15 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | browsing any internet page on firefox or konqeurer WaltzingAlong | 15:16 |
BluesKaj | oh well edenbeast , you're all set with the dvd version ...not sure about wine tho | 15:16 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: adept manager / adept / manage repositories | 15:16 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 15:16 |
edenbeast | like that jjj__ | 15:16 |
jjj__ | !hell | 15:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hell - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:16 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: i got that far, but i dont know what address that multiverse repository is at | 15:16 |
edenbeast | ok thx BluesKaj :-) | 15:16 |
jjj__ | haha... | 15:16 |
kubuntunewbie | where can i find it? | 15:16 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: on the kubuntu tab should be a place to click to turn on multiverse | 15:17 |
jjj__ | #php phpbot is a little bit smarter.... | 15:17 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: you may need the package software-properties-kde installed (if so, install it, restart adept manager) | 15:18 |
kubuntunewbie | waltz yeah, i will try that, ty | 15:18 |
edenbeast | just because he's agnostic doesn't make him stupid :p | 15:18 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | browsing any internet page on firefox or konqeurer WaltzingAlong | 15:18 |
pillowpants | how is the dolphin file manager in gutsy? | 15:18 |
pillowpants | ive never used it | 15:18 |
edenbeast | I don't like it, it's too simple for my usage | 15:18 |
ardchoille | pillowpants: Konqueror is much better. | 15:18 |
jjj__ | what is basically the significant noticable difference between kubuntu 7.04 and 7.10? I had a hard time with kubuntu feisty because of nvidia drivers and screen resolutions....and glx... | 15:18 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | pillowpants: its nice but no tabs :[ | 15:19 |
edenbeast | yeah the no tabs is a big deal-breaker for me | 15:19 |
ardchoille | me too | 15:19 |
edenbeast | and honestly konqueror works splendidly, I don't understand why they'd change it | 15:19 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: so just web browsing, i would look into dns ; check /etc/resolv.conf it probably points to your router; and your router may not be able to respond well fast enough or often enough | 15:19 |
jjj__ | is dolphin somewhat a windows explorer mock up? | 15:19 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | edenbeast: you can make konquerer default :] | 15:19 |
edenbeast | I know, I have it default :-) | 15:20 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: | 15:20 |
edenbeast | thank god you can though | 15:20 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : i had nvidia troubles too | 15:20 |
ardchoille | edenbeast: I made konqueror default and uninstalled dolphin | 15:20 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: so i edit that file? | 15:20 |
edenbeast | if this was windows we'd be SOL :P | 15:20 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: well better if you could check your dsl gateway/router for errors. you could also run your own dns server or subscribe to the ones used by your router/gateway | 15:20 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: it has the right dns server | 15:20 |
edenbeast | I love konqueror with things like ftp sites, log in once and it takes care of the rest afterwards :-) | 15:21 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | edenbeast: yeah lol its great! :] | 15:21 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: oh alright. well not sure what the bottleneck is then | 15:21 |
jjj__ | pillowpants: in gutsy? i'm hoping gutsy solves that...feisty's nvidia implementation is really feisty...i'm having problems with screen resolution and refresh rates... | 15:22 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: ugh i wish i could make it faster | 15:22 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: i think you can. you could look into squid but yeah it seems there is something making it slower than it should be (as you are use to it being with ms windows) | 15:22 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: by the way how do i make konquerer the default webbrowser? | 15:22 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : yeah, it took me alot of tinkering | 15:22 |
pillowpants | i still dont have glx | 15:22 |
edenbeast | jjj__: under feisty I usually compiled my nvidia driver myself but under gutsy the driver works fine again, $deity knows why though :-| | 15:23 |
pillowpants | but im using a legacy and archaic card | 15:23 |
edenbeast | I find the egacy and new lagacy and all that confusing | 15:23 |
edenbeast | what to use for which card | 15:23 |
pillowpants | !tinyproxy | 15:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tinyproxy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:23 |
jjj__ | pillowpants: it will make your screensaver fast...but that's the only application that i think would benefit glx... | 15:23 |
pillowpants | has anyone here used tinyproxy? | 15:23 |
edenbeast | but that's nvidia's doing :-/ | 15:24 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : well, games too | 15:24 |
pillowpants | but im waiting till i get my new video card | 15:24 |
pillowpants | so i can play tremulous and saurenbraten and such on linux | 15:24 |
edenbeast | I remember amarok not wanting to strt up under feisty if I didn't have glx/a problem with glx | 15:24 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: do what it says here but with konqueror instead of dolphin http://sathyasays.com/?p=23 | 15:25 |
jjj__ | pillowpants: but there's a little out-of-the-box games in kubuntu...I can't download games on the net because i'm using winmodems... | 15:25 |
edenbeast | jjj__: but you're on the net now? :-) | 15:25 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : whats winmodems? | 15:25 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | whats the command to run konquerer? | 15:25 |
jjj__ | I'm on windows xp... | 15:26 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: visit the website, follow the instructions. konqueror is the command to run konqueror | 15:26 |
pillowpants | theres tons of linux open-source games that are high end quality | 15:26 |
jjj__ | WINMODEMS are internal modems... | 15:26 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: would apache make my computer slow? | 15:26 |
edenbeast | pillowpants: an internal modem that almost completely relies on software, for which drivers only exist on the windows side of the OS world (though the last few years more and more drivers have been developped for the *nix world) | 15:26 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: should not | 15:26 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: would apache make my Internet slow...thats what i meante | 15:26 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | meant | 15:26 |
jjj__ | they are the modems that are widely used in the windows world...basically a software driver based....not like the external modems that are purely hardware... | 15:26 |
edenbeast | AT0M1CB0MB3R: depends on what you make it do, the number of concurrent processes and the memory it uses | 15:27 |
pillowpants | winmodem sounds like a bummer | 15:27 |
blendtux | guys i installed kubuntu gutsy but the scrollwheel on my mouse is not working | 15:27 |
edenbeast | if you open a lot of processes and sockets and use a lot of memory then you'll notice it, otherwise no... but you'd need to host like a mini slashdot site to have that :D | 15:27 |
jjj__ | linuxant is the only linux driver that successfully interact with conexant based winmodems... | 15:27 |
jjj__ | bummer bummer ryt...but I think practical to use... | 15:28 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | edenbeast: theres like 6 apaches running | 15:28 |
jjj__ | LINUXANT is not free...so that is why winmodems on linux is really hard to use, restricted in its drivers, and only on trial which is really slow... | 15:28 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : look for a pirated ver with bit torrent of linuxant | 15:29 |
jjj__ | can I ask why you guys like kubuntu over ubuntu? for me it is because of the kde environment... | 15:29 |
pillowpants | it most certainly exists | 15:29 |
WaltzingAlong | jjj__: that is the only reason | 15:30 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : i know debian, and love kde | 15:30 |
jjj__ | pillowpants: no it doesnt...because no one in the linux world likes to buy it...only few buys it... | 15:30 |
edenbeast | jjj__: because of kde for me, it's just a more polished package than gnome in my eyes and well it does appear to be more mature, having things like kparts and all that | 15:30 |
WaltzingAlong | jjj__: helps me to think of them as ubuntuG (gnome front end), ubuntuK (kde front end), and so on with ubuntuG being the big one | 15:30 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : only one person needs to, i snatched cedega too | 15:31 |
edenbeast | jjj__: gnome seems to follow more the unix filosophy of lots of different small apps for lots of different things while kde seems to be more connected (at least to my very uninformed opinion :D) | 15:31 |
jjj__ | pillowpants: ok i'll try to find one...actually only a license key is needed to unlock linuxant... | 15:31 |
jjj__ | edenbeast: uhmm I agree...kubuntu only includes those that are really needed... | 15:32 |
WaltzingAlong | edenbeast: with amarok being the example? | 15:32 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: whats squid? | 15:32 |
jjj__ | My special favorite in kde is kpdf... | 15:32 |
WaltzingAlong | !info squid | AT0M1CB0MB3R | 15:32 |
ubotu | at0m1cb0mb3r: squid: Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.14-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 627 kB, installed size 1580 kB | 15:32 |
edenbeast | I used to use only gnome though (for about 5 years) and now for the past 2.5-3 I switched to kde | 15:32 |
pillowpants | what does squid do? just a proxy? | 15:32 |
jjj__ | squid is a web server? no no I'm not sure... | 15:32 |
edenbeast | WaltzingAlong: I'm not really sure what you mean :-/ | 15:33 |
pillowpants | i used to use gnome, but kde is much nicer and easier to deal with | 15:33 |
WaltzingAlong | edenbeast: that the kde apps are bigger and do lots but gnome apps are smaller, do one purpose | 15:33 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: would 6 processes of apache make my internet slow? | 15:33 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: no, should not | 15:33 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: how do i check whats using all my bandwidth up | 15:34 |
jjj__ | AT0M1CB0MB3R: i think it is still depends on the number of connections | 15:34 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : found one, http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3672773/Fullspeed_Conexant_HSF_Modem_Drivers_Linux_with_Keymaker | 15:34 |
edenbeast | WaltzingAlong: no not really what I meant, because things like rhytmbox are just as big (I don't prticularly like big apps btw, just stick to what you're supposed to do dagnabbit ;-) it's just that things like dcop, kparts are very strong | 15:34 |
edenbeast | gnome caught up with dbus but kde will support that too (and already does for a bit) | 15:34 |
jjj__ | pillowpants: thanks! but please do not support piracy... | 15:34 |
jjj__ | do not support piracy | 15:35 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : right | 15:35 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | oh my god my internet is soooo slooooowwww | 15:35 |
jjj__ | Let us install the software you gave...do not support piracy...i'm starting to download the program...don't support piracy... | 15:35 |
blendtux | anybody who could help me configure the scrollwheel for my mouse | 15:35 |
pillowpants | jjj__ : doublethinker! | 15:36 |
jjj__ | pillowpants: haha... | 15:36 |
edenbeast | so basically you're going to install something you torrent over the internet using root privileges? (and people wonder how they get hacked? :P) | 15:36 |
tioan | hello, which patches did kubunut aplly to klaptopdaemon, because its look and felling is very different to the normal kde klaptopdaemon under archlinux or gentoo | 15:36 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: not sure how to see which bandwidth is being used where | 15:37 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: should i use cache in konqueror? | 15:37 |
Daisuke_Laptop | having issues with i965 video (but then again, who doesn't?) | 15:37 |
fkm | AT0M1CB0MB3R, Call your ISP and ask them if they have a test with which you can see if it's your computer or the line. | 15:38 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i cannot get direct rendering enabled no matter how hard i try :\ | 15:38 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: i have konqueror and firefox using cache as well as both using a caching proxy (squid) | 15:38 |
fiyawerx | edenbeast: I torrented Kubuntu.. OH NOES! | 15:38 |
edenbeast | yeah but that's from a reputable source not some tracker where everyone can upload everything :p | 15:38 |
edenbeast | especially an everything destined to integrate with your kernel ;-) | 15:39 |
chx | since i upped to gutsy the nice,nice knetworkmanager only tells me "No active device" | 15:39 |
jjj__ | what is the kubuntu gutsy kernel version? | 15:39 |
tioan | chx: try wicd | 15:39 |
WaltzingAlong | jjj__: 2.6.22-14 | 15:39 |
fiyawerx | i love torrents for legit stuff, was coming in at 1.1 M/s | 15:40 |
pillowpants | WaltzingAlong : what does squid do though? same as tinyproxy? just a proxy? | 15:40 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | fkm: my internet is really quick in windows but i hate going into windows just to search the web | 15:40 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: If you have a decent mirror you can get that anyway without saturating the upstream for people around you | 15:41 |
edenbeast | pillowpants: squid is a http proxy, it can just proxy and improve your speed but it can also be used to limit where you can go to | 15:41 |
fkm | AT0M1CB0MB3R, Ok | 15:41 |
WaltzingAlong | pillowpants: i use it as a caching proxy | 15:41 |
chx | tioan: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "wicd" | 15:41 |
edenbeast | pillowpants: in case you have little children for instance you could configure it to only go to certain safe sites and dissallow the rest | 15:41 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: my upstream wasn't near saturation, torrent clients do have bandwidth limiting, its not really hard to set | 15:41 |
pillowpants | WaltzingAlong, edenbeast : ah, i see | 15:41 |
tioan | chx: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/ | 15:42 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: Yeah but the whole principle doesn't work unless you give as much as you get | 15:42 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: not true, i still give about 25-30 K/s | 15:42 |
edenbeast | pillowpants: most offices on a small line use it to augment general browsing speed for their users by caching (even isps do so sometimes albeit mostly transparantly) | 15:42 |
fiyawerx | thats the thing, you DONT need to give as mucha s you can get for torrents to work | 15:42 |
fiyawerx | as long as enough people give Some | 15:42 |
pillowpants | edenbeast : ah, cache as in save the webpage so it doesnt have to be redownloaded | 15:43 |
fiyawerx | thats why torrents are great, they're nota bout one specific fast site | 15:43 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: That doesn't add up then | 15:43 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: It means some people have to give more | 15:43 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: 500 people each giving a little bit can still max your connection | 15:43 |
fiyawerx | for example | 15:43 |
edenbeast | pillowpants: yes, because speed n the internal network is both greater (and connection time cheaper) | 15:43 |
fiyawerx | not everyone hsa to give max speed | 15:43 |
pietjephuck | howdydoodydudesanddutets are there any known and major problems in the new kubuntu? | 15:43 |
fiyawerx | you give what you can, and it helps the group in whole | 15:43 |
edenbeast | yeah dolphin :P | 15:43 |
pillowpants | h3sp4wn : its scatter-gather, you get bits and peices from different people | 15:44 |
edenbeast | the msn ssl bug | 15:44 |
edenbeast | and something with aptitude about an upgrade button? | 15:44 |
fiyawerx | if enough people gave 5 k / sec i'd still dl at 1 M/s, which is great | 15:44 |
edenbeast | the msn bug thing is solved already though | 15:44 |
kubuntunewbie | i am trying to edit my sources.list file with kate. it tells me i like dont have permission and what not... how do i give myself permission?? | 15:44 |
fiyawerx | and it doesn't put pressure on one mirror that will cost a lot more bandwidth wise | 15:45 |
h3sp4wn | pillowpants: yeah but it requires a certain ratio (and people not just quitting when its done) it just wastes bandwidth - it would be transparantly cached for the most part your isp | 15:45 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 15:45 |
fkm | I got a minor bug in KSynaptics | 15:45 |
tysonsw | I got a big problem with my keyboard. my "Alt Gr" button.. it has stoped working | 15:45 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: no, only certain trackers require specific ratios | 15:45 |
fiyawerx | the torrent protocol doesn't in and of itself | 15:45 |
aleks | k onda????????? | 15:45 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: It requires on people to continue seeding after they have finished downloading | 15:45 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: doesn't happen in practice | 15:46 |
fiyawerx | and there are a lot of people that don't just quit while it's done, not to mention, you can download partial chunks from people who aren't full yet | 15:46 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: it does happen in practice, how do you think i just got it at 1 m / sec | 15:46 |
fiyawerx | if you actually use torrents you'd see, they do work | 15:46 |
edenbeast | I always try to get a ratio of 3/1 when downloading something big like a kubuntu dvd (that way I made 3 people happy :D) | 15:46 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: probably someone seeding it from a very fast connection | 15:46 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: whats the best version of java to install? the sun one? | 15:46 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: no, not one particular person | 15:46 |
Daisuke_Laptop | h3sp4wn: please don't preach on things you're obviously clueless about | 15:46 |
aleks | sun-java | 15:46 |
kubuntunewbie | aleks: ty | 15:47 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: i have sun's java6 installed here | 15:47 |
h3sp4wn | Daisuke_Laptop: stfu | 15:47 |
Daisuke_Laptop | if people didn't seed, torrents wouldn't work. they do, so obviously, people are seeding. | 15:47 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: ok cool | 15:47 |
Jucato | *ahem* | 15:47 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !coc | 15:47 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 15:47 |
tony__ | I need help with the audio failing using WINE. Any ideas? Thanks. | 15:47 |
edenbeast | omg the champ is here :o | 15:47 |
pillowpants | h3sp4wn : if youre getting slow speeds, make sure youre set for port 6881, and have it forwarded if youre on a router | 15:47 |
fiyawerx | pillowpants: some clients use different ports too, you can change it, not always 6881 | 15:47 |
pillowpants | thats the high speed port, 6881 to 6889 | 15:47 |
edenbeast | and don't use too much upload, set it at 2/3 of your max | 15:47 |
aleks | x k nadamas tengos dos kapaz del cubo de compiz? | 15:48 |
aleks | alguien sabe? | 15:48 |
WaltzingAlong | !es | 15:48 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 15:48 |
tysonsw | I got a big problem with my keyboard. my "Alt Gr" button.. it has stoped working | 15:48 |
pillowpants | fiyawerx : yeah, thats just what i use | 15:48 |
Jucato | !es | aleks | 15:48 |
ubotu | aleks: please see above | 15:48 |
tysonsw | I got a big problem with my keyboard. my "Alt Gr" button.. it has stoped working.. any1 know the problem?? | 15:48 |
pietjephuck | Let me try this again, are there any known and major problems in the new kubuntu? | 15:48 |
h3sp4wn | pillowpants: I do know how it works (I just fundimentally disagree with it) when the issue can be dealt with much better with webcaches by the isp's | 15:48 |
aleks | como ago eso? | 15:48 |
WaltzingAlong | tysonsw: better to work toward the solution is it not? | 15:48 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: so if i got the multiverse repositories to work correctly the command sudo apt-get install sun-java should work right? because its not. | 15:48 |
pillowpants | tysonsw : whats the alt Gr button? | 15:48 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: how is that 'better' at all? | 15:48 |
WaltzingAlong | !es | aleks | 15:49 |
ubotu | aleks: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 15:49 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: not saturating shared connections | 15:49 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: If you are on a leased line then fine | 15:49 |
chx | http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710 says network-manager only manages interfaces that are marked for roaming | 15:49 |
tysonsw | WaltzingAlong: yes I know.. but I don't know why it stoped working | 15:49 |
WaltzingAlong | tysonsw: otherwise might need to set the right option in your xorg.conf ? | 15:49 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: you going on about saturating upstream again? | 15:49 |
chx | i tried to remove the interfaces from /etc/networking/interfaces | 15:49 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: Bandwidth is your to do with what you wish then - otherwise you are on a contested connection | 15:49 |
chx | but i bet i need to set something for nm too | 15:49 |
d347hm4n | i have just installed it, and it is working well pietjephuck | 15:49 |
chx | but what? | 15:49 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: seems like alot of people have my same problem | 15:49 |
edenbeast | pietjephuck: the kopete bug(solved), a little non-intrusive aptitude bug (and the existence of dolphin as default filebrowser imo ;-) | 15:49 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: Otherwise it adversely affects people on the same connection as you | 15:49 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: i already told you you can choose not to saturate your upstream | 15:50 |
WaltzingAlong | edenbeast: what was wrong with aptitude or did you mean adept mentioning a new dist was available even after already running gutsy? | 15:50 |
* pillowpants despises kopete, and uses pidgin | 15:50 | |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: You cannot choose what someone else on the same DSLAM as you does | 15:50 |
fkm | edenbeast, I can agree that Dolphin is a big step backwards :( | 15:50 |
* WaltzingAlong despises despisers and despises himself | 15:50 | |
edenbeast | WaltzingAlong: that'll be it then, I never use any gui so... :-) | 15:50 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: and them using torrents hammers your connection | 15:50 |
edenbeast | I always apt from the cli | 15:50 |
tysonsw | WaltzingAlong: yes.. but I don't know what the wrong code is.. you don't know?? | 15:51 |
WaltzingAlong | edenbeast: i stick to aptitude myself | 15:51 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: i.e if you are lucky you have a 20:1 ratio (usually 50:1) | 15:51 |
Jucato | !d3lphin | edenbeast, fkm | 15:51 |
ubotu | edenbeast, fkm: dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. | 15:51 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: well people can keep hammering away, even in fairly large metro areas i don't have an issue capping my speed anymore | 15:51 |
WaltzingAlong | !pastebin | tysonsw, share your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file here | 15:51 |
ubotu | tysonsw, share your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file here: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 15:51 |
edenbeast | Jucato: I know, but thx :-) | 15:51 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: latency I am more bothered about than speed | 15:51 |
edenbeast | Is till think it makes for a bad impression about kde | 15:51 |
Jucato | fkm, edenbeast: d3lphin on KDE 3/Kubuntu is far far behind the real dolphin | 15:52 |
edenbeast | seeing dolphin first I mean | 15:52 |
fiyawerx | 23 pings to gaming servers are ok with me too | 15:52 |
=== schiste_ is now known as schiste | ||
WaltzingAlong | but nonetheless was set as default on kubuntu 7.10 | 15:52 |
sparrw | how can i 'theme' the K menu? different color background, different layout, different item hover animations, whatever | 15:52 |
edenbeast | I honestly don't understand the need for a new browser though, why don't they just perfect konqueror then? :-/ | 15:52 |
fkm | Jucato, I already have this. Well.... I still got to change the default for SSH connections. All in all... It's annoying. | 15:52 |
tysonsw | WaltzingAlong: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41692/ | 15:53 |
fkm | Jucato, Ok. Them I'm curious about the KDE4 one | 15:53 |
tony__ | I need help with the audio in WINE please. | 15:53 |
fkm | I'll do some googling later on | 15:53 |
WaltzingAlong | sparrw: kcontrol / desktop/ panels | 15:53 |
fiyawerx | besides, if someones saturating their connection, theyr'e hurting themselves more than anyone, it's not hard to actually educate people about it rather than just 'oh no torrents are bad' | 15:53 |
edenbeast | or will konqueror dissappear in kde4? | 15:53 |
WaltzingAlong | tony__: wineconfig then audio and click alsa (and/or) oss | 15:53 |
pietjephuck | edenbeast: thanks | 15:53 |
Jucato | fkm: if you changed indoe/directory and inode/system_directory to KOnqueror, ssh should use Konq | 15:53 |
Jucato | edenbeast: no | 15:53 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: you do know some new games even use built in torrent clients to distribute patches to avoid hammering central servers | 15:54 |
pietjephuck | edenbeast: getting it now via torrent, slow as hell | 15:54 |
pillowpants | is gutsy using pulseaudio over asla? | 15:54 |
fiyawerx | and to make thnings generally faster for their users, right? | 15:54 |
edenbeast | hmm then I really don't understand the purpose behind yet another filebrowser :-| | 15:54 |
fkm | Jucato, But why make a pure filemanager when there's already a great one available? Konqueror did everything I needed nicely | 15:54 |
WaltzingAlong | !worksforme | 15:54 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ | 15:54 |
tony__ | WaltzingAlong: I did and I tried each setting full, emulation..etc. It says ERROR Audio test failed! | 15:54 |
d347hm4n | i have a big problem with my wireless | 15:54 |
poison-- | <tony__, whats the problem? | 15:55 |
Jucato | fkm: long story... better google on it | 15:55 |
pillowpants | fkm : who can be sure why they did what they did | 15:55 |
fkm | kk | 15:55 |
* Jucato is not in the condition to tell a long story | 15:55 | |
fkm | Heheh :) | 15:55 |
fkm | np | 15:55 |
d347hm4n | i run a WPA access point and i can't get wpa encryption going under kubuntu | 15:55 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: What makes you think I am talking about games ? | 15:55 |
tony__ | poison--: It keeps failing the Audio Test | 15:55 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: just using that as another successful example | 15:55 |
WaltzingAlong | perhaps seen as easier for newcomers to kubuntu? | 15:55 |
d347hm4n | when i connect to the network it gets to 28% and the the computer freezes | 15:55 |
fkm | d347hm4n, Did you try if it works if you are at close proximity? | 15:55 |
tysonsw | WaltzingAlong: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41692/ | 15:55 |
poison-- | <tony__, change sound system | 15:55 |
=== Ryiel_ is now known as Ryiel | ||
poison-- | maybe its trying to use OSS and it should me ALSA, or the other way | 15:56 |
d347hm4n | It works at this range in windows fkm | 15:56 |
poison-- | me= be | 15:56 |
d347hm4n | the driver is autodetected | 15:56 |
WaltzingAlong | tysonsw: kmenu/system settings/regional and language/keyboard layout, and check that you have say us intl variant selected there | 15:56 |
tony__ | poison--: I tried each one..all together and seperately. | 15:56 |
fkm | d347hm4n, Yes. Here I got the same problem. Windows seems to have a wider range. | 15:56 |
MurielGodoi | Hi always when i start kde it refreshs several times to load compiz. Is there a way to load is as default? | 15:56 |
fkm | d347hm4n, Try it at about 1m distance | 15:56 |
poison-- | tony__, than i cant help u more :( | 15:56 |
WaltzingAlong | !autostart | MurielGodoi, yes you need to stick it here | 15:56 |
ubotu | MurielGodoi, yes you need to stick it here: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. | 15:56 |
d347hm4n | can't due to wire constraints | 15:56 |
fkm | kk | 15:56 |
edenbeast | here is some info http://dot.kde.org/1172721427/ | 15:57 |
d347hm4n | is there any commands i can issue to give you a better overview? | 15:57 |
tony__ | poison--: Sound works otherwise. Just not in WINE. | 15:57 |
blendtux | anybody who could help configure my mouse. cause the scrollwheel is not working since i upgraded to gutsy | 15:57 |
tysonsw | WaltzingAlong «||||| now it worksa :D | 15:57 |
WaltzingAlong | :D | 15:57 |
chx | ok this is VERY broken. One needs to _keep_ the auto eth1 but comment out the iface eth1 inet dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces to get knetworkmanager working | 15:58 |
poison-- | tony__ , r u using the latest wine? | 15:58 |
Angelus | is there some amd64 kernel? because i don't have it in adept | 15:58 |
fkm | d347hm4n, Not really. I don't know much about Linux and WLAN | 15:58 |
d347hm4n | np, i will carry on trying | 15:59 |
fkm | gl :) | 15:59 |
tony__ | poison--: I just downloaded it using Add Remove Programs. | 15:59 |
d347hm4n | fkm, i was trying to issue the commands on the cli but i was struggling, i managed to assign it the ap but not the jey | 15:59 |
d347hm4n | *key | 15:59 |
poison-- | :( | 16:00 |
MurielGodoi | WaltzingAlong: maybe I express myself wrong.. compiz is already autorunning here... I just would like to load it without refrash. | 16:00 |
poison-- | !beryl | 16:00 |
ubotu | Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 16:00 |
cperrin88 | can someone tell if there is a possibility to use 3d desktop effects with the fglrx driver unter gutsy | 16:00 |
fkm | d347hm4n, Huch. I didn't use the console for some time now. But should be something like: iwconfig key bleh (but I might be wrong) | 16:00 |
Daisuke-Laptop | Angelus: if you didn't install the 64-bit originally, you won't get a 64 bit kernel | 16:00 |
poison-- | !compiz | 16:00 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 16:00 |
WaltzingAlong | MurielGodoi: oh, i see. i do not know then | 16:01 |
d347hm4n | yea but i dont think it liked the huge key i have for my ap | 16:01 |
fkm | Heheh :) | 16:01 |
d347hm4n | i have mac filtering on aswell, but i don't think that changes from win to *nix | 16:02 |
Angelus | ih ave 64bit Daisuke-Laptop | 16:02 |
Daisuke-Laptop | okay, then your kernel will be 64-bit by default | 16:02 |
Daisuke-Laptop | i still don't see the issue | 16:02 |
tony__ | poison--: i had it set to Windows XP on the Applications Tab. I changed it to 2000 and it worked ...Wierd | 16:02 |
poison-- | lmao | 16:04 |
=== toffer is now known as Toffer | ||
blendtux | anybody who could help configure my mouse. cause the scrollwheel is not working since i upgraded to gutsy | 16:04 |
cperrin88 | poison--: and this works with the fglrx driver? | 16:04 |
poison-- | good dat it worked tho | 16:04 |
Toffer | hello | 16:04 |
blendtux | hi Toffer | 16:04 |
poison-- | <cperrin88, cant really tell, im using it with nvidia only | 16:04 |
fkm | d347hm4n, Nope. MAC adresses should stay the same unless you use a diffrent WLAN adapter ;) | 16:04 |
cperrin88 | poison--: I tryed Xgl but I had nearly 100% CPU load | 16:06 |
harmental | hey guys when upgrading i get this msg: E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? | 16:07 |
harmental | i've tried sudp apt-get update --fix-missing...and still doesnt work... | 16:07 |
harmental | any ideas? | 16:07 |
=== frank_ is now known as bossler | ||
d347hm4n | fkm: though so | 16:07 |
bossler | Hi | 16:08 |
fkm | d347hm4n, Maybe a dumb question. But here we go ;) Do you have the wpa_supplicant installed? | 16:09 |
bossler | i have a problem with my wireless device driver name: bcm43xx.... the gutsy kubuntu does recognize it and installs a restricted driver, but i can't get the connection to the router to work. neither manually nor via dhcp... what shall i do? | 16:10 |
WaltzingAlong | !mousewheel | 16:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mousewheel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 16:12 |
cperrin88 | bossler: I can't tell you about your problem but I saw your card in the examples from the ndiswrapper maybe this works good | 16:12 |
WaltzingAlong | bossler: what have you done to attempt connect thus far? what is the result of iwconfig in konsole? (use pastebin) | 16:13 |
WaltzingAlong | !pastebin | 16:13 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 16:13 |
blendtux | WaltzingAlong: do you know what might be the problem with my mousewheel | 16:13 |
blendtux | or should i go to the expert channel | 16:13 |
MurielGodoi | blendtux: yes I should try that | 16:13 |
fkm | !mwheel | 16:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mwheel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 16:13 |
fkm | !imwheel | 16:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about imwheel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 16:14 |
WaltzingAlong | blendtux: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-13502.html ? | 16:14 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: how do i add more then one dns server to that file? | 16:14 |
WaltzingAlong | !info imwheel | 16:15 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: sudo kate /etc/resolv.conf | 16:15 |
ubotu | imwheel: program to support non-standard buttons on new mice. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0pre12-7 (gutsy), package size 79 kB, installed size 268 kB | 16:15 |
fkm | :) | 16:15 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: each line is nameserver IP where IP is the dns to use | 16:15 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: ily :] | 16:15 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | how many can i have WaltzingAlong | 16:15 |
WaltzingAlong | as far as i know as many as you want AT0M1CB0MB3R | 16:16 |
edenbeast | I thought it was limited to 3 | 16:16 |
edenbeast | that more lines are disregarded | 16:16 |
blendtux | lol this is a very old ps2 mouse WaltzingAlong | 16:16 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: you can also edit it through kmenu/system settings/network settings/domain name system | 16:16 |
WaltzingAlong | edenbeast: could be | 16:16 |
edenbeast | man resolv.conf says Up to MAXNS (currently 3 | 16:17 |
edenbeast | so I guess it still is :-/ | 16:17 |
bossler | i have tried to enter the router data manually and i have tried to get a connection via dhcp... the iwconfig is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41694/ | 16:17 |
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WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: as mentioned by edenbeast first three are used, rest are ignored | 16:18 |
WaltzingAlong | bossler: were you using wep or wpa? | 16:18 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: i think i fixed it | 16:19 |
poison-- | !g4u | 16:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about g4u - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 16:19 |
bossler | i disabled the encryption for the time being. I wanted to get a connection first | 16:19 |
WaltzingAlong | bossler: what do you see with sudo iwlist eth1 scanning | 16:20 |
WaltzingAlong | bossler: sudo iwconfig eth1 enc off essid "mywifirouter" | 16:20 |
Toffer | I'm trying to install kxdocker 1.1.4a, but when I type "make" in terminal I get this: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXtst | 16:20 |
Toffer | what is that? :p | 16:20 |
aleks | donde esta el servidor en español? | 16:21 |
aleks | jaja | 16:21 |
WaltzingAlong | !es | aleks | 16:21 |
ubotu | aleks: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 16:21 |
cperrin88 | Toffer: have you used ./configure first? | 16:22 |
Toffer | yep | 16:22 |
bossler | for the first one i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41695/ | 16:22 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can you guys see this text? | 16:22 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | hello? | 16:22 |
edenbeast | yes | 16:22 |
Toffer | I followed the instructions on the web, but I still get this error.. | 16:22 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: yes | 16:23 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: i dont think i can do a manual configuration of my network (static ip address) | 16:24 |
ardchoille | Toffer: kxdocker is going to need a bunch of deps.. and kxdocker is no longer developed. | 16:24 |
Toma- | Is it possible to put the location bar in the toolbar in dolphin? like konq can do...? | 16:25 |
Toffer | You know any similiar program I can use? | 16:25 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Toffer: you can use konq as default | 16:26 |
ardchoille | Toffer: Like this dock? http://ardchoille42.googlepages.com/kde-osx2.jpg | 16:26 |
* edenbeast wonders if anyone is using dolhpin | 16:26 | |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: whats the name of that dock | 16:26 |
Toma- | AT0M1CB0MB3R➔ was that to me? if so, how? | 16:26 |
Toffer | ardchoille: yeah, but I only want the dock, not the apple theme | 16:26 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: That's kicker | 16:26 |
cperrin88 | edenbeast: I use it, I don'T like konqueror | 16:27 |
bossler | hello? | 16:27 |
ardchoille | Toffer: That's just kicker | 16:27 |
hero | is there a channel just for gutsy upgrades? | 16:27 |
stdin | Toffer: "cannot find -lXtst" means it can't find libXtst.so, install the package with it in (probably libxtst-dev) | 16:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Toma-: yeah that was to you | 16:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: do you have a page or tut that shows how to do that? | 16:27 |
edenbeast | cperrin88: doesn't it feel slow to you not havnig tabs and such? :-/ | 16:27 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: The dock (kicker) or the whole theme? | 16:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: its just kicker? | 16:28 |
Toffer | ardchoille: Okay, I'll try to install it then =) But I think I'll need help later... I'm a beginner in linux. Btw, thanks =) | 16:28 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: yes | 16:28 |
stdin | Toffer: click the button that looks like a blank square with a black bar to the left (on the same line as the location is in) | 16:28 |
edenbeast | are those karamba and superkaramba docks still being developped? they had some of those mac os X effects | 16:28 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: do the icons hover like a real dock? | 16:28 |
ardchoille | Toffer: You already have kicker installed.. it's your panel. | 16:28 |
stdin | Toma-: click the button that looks like a blank square with a black bar to the left (on the same line as the location is in) | 16:28 |
stdin | Toffer: that last one wan't to you ;) | 16:28 |
cperrin88 | edenbeast: I don't realy miss them whil browsing files ..... windows feeling :D | 16:28 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: No, but if they did, I would turn that annoying "feature" off. | 16:28 |
edenbeast | I hate having too many windows open, makes for such a clutter on the desktop, I find tabs a godsend for that :-) | 16:29 |
Toma- | stdin➔ yes...? | 16:29 |
ardchoille | edenbeast: kompose :) | 16:29 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: good cause i hate that to it makes m system slower i just like having a dock that has all my applications while looking nice | 16:29 |
stdin | Toma-: that lets you put a location in | 16:29 |
edenbeast | ardchoille: doesn't work too well with my 'display on all desktops' apps | 16:30 |
Toma- | stdin➔ thats nice :) i want to change my defualt file man. to konq tho | 16:30 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: Yeah, this is just kicker.. with the taskbar applet removed and a bunch of buttons added. | 16:30 |
Toma- | *default | 16:30 |
stdin | !dolphin | Toma- | 16:30 |
ubotu | Toma-: dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. | 16:30 |
edenbeast | beryl had a good feature like that though | 16:30 |
Toma- | ahh thanks | 16:30 |
cperrin88 | edenbeast: I don't browse files too often. I love tabs in my browser but most of the time I have max. 2 windows for files | 16:30 |
edenbeast | o :-/ | 16:30 |
MurielGodoi | Why can't I minimize Konversation to tray in gutsy, Can you do that? | 16:30 |
edenbeast | I usually have like 7-17 tabs open :D | 16:31 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: how do you edit each panel/kicker not all of them | 16:31 |
ardchoille | edenbeast: Works great here.. it splits/seperates the desktops and everything | 16:31 |
WaltzingAlong | MurielGodoi: konversation/settings/behavior/general | 16:31 |
edenbeast | here it shows me some things double | 16:31 |
edenbeast | making it a bit of a pain :-/ | 16:31 |
d347hm4n | is there a compiz guide for kubuntu gutsy? | 16:31 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: cause i want to make one small like a dock and one big for windows and stuff | 16:31 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: right click kicker, you can do a ton of stuff to it | 16:31 |
WaltzingAlong | Kubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 16:31 |
Toffer | stdin: can't find it :p | 16:31 |
d347hm4n | sweet thanks | 16:31 |
edenbeast | and in any case that slows me down | 16:31 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: but if i have 2 panels i cant edit just one and not the other | 16:31 |
edenbeast | not that that matters so but it does 'feel' like an interuption of normal flow :-) | 16:32 |
MurielGodoi | WaltzingAlong: wow.. I missed that option. Thanks | 16:32 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: There is a drop down box at the top of the edit dailogs so you can choose which panel to edit | 16:32 |
=== fiyawerx_ is now known as fiyawerx | ||
edenbeast | tabs located next to each other are more convenient IMO (I do like breadcrumbs though) | 16:32 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: i wish i would have knew that earlier :] | 16:32 |
ardchoille | edenbeast: yes, a tabbed ui is a necessity | 16:32 |
stdin | Toffer: go to http://packages.ubuntu.com and search for libXtst.so, I see it in libxtst-dev | 16:32 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: lol | 16:33 |
stdin | !find libXtst.so | 16:33 |
edenbeast | he as a matter of fact I think they should remove the webbrowsing part from konqueror and just use that as a filebrowser ;-) | 16:33 |
ubotu | Package/file libxtst.so does not exist in gutsy | 16:33 |
ardchoille | edenbeast: You've got my vote :) | 16:33 |
* stdin wishes ubotu was case sensitive | 16:33 | |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: i love you gosh i was trying to do that for so long | 16:33 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: :) | 16:33 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | stdin: why | 16:33 |
ardchoille | stdin: Can't ubotu just use certain switches? | 16:34 |
stdin | AT0M1CB0MB3R: so it could search for files with upper-case letters | 16:34 |
edenbeast | like -iname :P | 16:34 |
Toma- | ok, and disabling tabs in konq? | 16:34 |
stdin | ardchoille: not sure, I've not found one | 16:35 |
ardchoille | stdin: Try libxtst6 | 16:35 |
=== jpatrick changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support channel | Download Gutsy http://kubuntu.org/download.php | Upgrade instructions: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0beta3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | Ubuntu OpenWeek! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | ||
Toffer | stdin: Okay, I found it... What is architecture? :S | 16:35 |
stdin | ardchoille: I know what package it's in (and it's a -dev package), just wanted ubotu to show Toffer | 16:35 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | stdin: lol | 16:35 |
stdin | Toffer: once you find the package, use apt-get to install it | 16:36 |
WaltzingAlong | !info <package> ? | 16:36 |
ardchoille | stdin: Ah, ok. Maybe mention it to Seveas ? | 16:36 |
cperrin88 | edenbeast: I think dolphin with tabs would be better .... | 16:36 |
stdin | ardchoille: I think it's to do with python in general rather than the plugin, but I'll ask him about it later | 16:36 |
ardchoille | ok | 16:36 |
edenbeast | as long as it can open terminals and connect to ftp and svn and a bunch of other terminals I don't really care what it's called :D | 16:36 |
edenbeast | I'm just glad I still have the choice | 16:37 |
ardchoille | edenbeast: Me too | 16:37 |
edenbeast | dolphin does seem dumbed down to me and from what I have read so far on kde it's on purpose | 16:37 |
Toffer | stdin: but which one should I download if I have an amd 3200+? amd64 or i386? | 16:37 |
willy | !python | 16:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 16:37 |
willy | !info python | 16:38 |
ubotu | python: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.1-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 137 kB, installed size 600 kB | 16:38 |
stdin | Toffer: just "sudo apt-get install <package>" you don't need to download it from the website | 16:38 |
ardchoille | Toffer: I had that same machine, you need i386 | 16:38 |
Toffer | stdin: haha, okay. I suck so hard on linux ^^ | 16:38 |
ardchoille | oh, I thought he meant the iso | 16:38 |
ardchoille | edenbeast: are you registered/id'd? | 16:39 |
cperrin88 | edenbeast: For me a file browser shouldn't have to many things around ...... I think they are desturbing | 16:39 |
edenbeast | where? here on the server with nickserv you mean? | 16:40 |
ardchoille | yes | 16:40 |
edenbeast | no | 16:40 |
willy | on my first couple of weeks using linux, i used to get every program from its website (the windows hard way), that was till i got used to the wonderful apt-get | 16:40 |
edenbeast | is it obligatory to do so? :-/ | 16:40 |
DaSkreech | Toffer: Welcome to Kubuntu! | 16:40 |
edenbeast | been a few years since I've used irc until now recently | 16:40 |
DaSkreech | willy: can you go back to hunting and pecking for programs? | 16:40 |
hero | man, the upgrade hasn't gone well | 16:41 |
hero | at this point, when i try to update packages, i get this "commit" error from adept | 16:41 |
alien_ | hi all | 16:41 |
atlfalcons866 | how do i use kde4 | 16:41 |
yaccin | kopete still keeps crashing when connecting to msn, even after the update was installed | 16:42 |
=== willy is now known as Hamra | ||
DaSkreech | atlfalcons866: The instructions are in the topic | 16:42 |
Toffer | stdin: I have the package installed now :p | 16:42 |
Toffer | stdin:What shall i do? | 16:42 |
WaltzingAlong | yaccin: | 16:42 |
WaltzingAlong | kopete crashing on gutsy with msn? already addressed; check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500/comments/29 with downloads for 32bit and 64bit | 16:42 |
stdin | Toffer: run "make" again | 16:42 |
WaltzingAlong | yaccin: still crashes after that? | 16:42 |
atlfalcons866 | is anyone using kde4 right now? | 16:43 |
yaccin | WaltzingAlong: yes | 16:44 |
yaccin | WaltzingAlong: i even added the proposed repository | 16:44 |
yaccin | and installed the updates from there again | 16:44 |
yaccin | and rebooted a few times | 16:44 |
hero | has anyone had the adept problem? | 16:44 |
WaltzingAlong | hero: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade ? | 16:45 |
yaccin | and it still crashes... not on kopete start as before the updates, just when msn is connected and kopete would normaly start to display the contacts | 16:45 |
hero | WaltzingAlong: well, i've been doing sudo apt-get upgrade, and i think all the packages are upgraded, but adept is messed up somehow. | 16:45 |
Toffer | stdin: I think it worked! Thanks alot! | 16:45 |
barcley | hi | 16:45 |
hero | i'm just wondering where adept's error is coming from | 16:46 |
neighborlee | hero: adept has been messed up :) | 16:46 |
hero | and then after i hit ok it offers the upgrade, which closes on its own without doing anything | 16:46 |
hero | neighborlee: just for gutsy? | 16:46 |
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neighborlee | no idea im new to kubuntu | 16:46 |
neighborlee | but its very slow to respond when you go to put checkbox in a app to install or uninstall it | 16:47 |
tp123 | list | 16:47 |
tp123 | hi all | 16:47 |
tp123 | )) | 16:47 |
tp123 | how are you ? | 16:47 |
barcley | I have an cached imap account in kontact with lots of messages saved/on-the-server; since the update to gutsy kontact reads a lot on the harddisk on the first run of "catch E-Mails" | 16:47 |
jefe | Good afternoon, everybody | 16:48 |
barcley | is sth. known about this? anyway to avoid this | 16:48 |
jefe | May I post a question, please? | 16:48 |
toni_ | hola a todos, buenas tardes | 16:49 |
jefe | Hola, toni, bienvenido. | 16:49 |
toni_ | gracais | 16:49 |
stdin | !es | 16:49 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 16:49 |
pietjephuck | BTW the torrent I tried to download was advertised as 7.10, but in fact it was 7.04 ftp://ftp.tudelft.nl/pub/Linux/releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/gutsy/kubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent | 16:50 |
jefe | Gracias ubotu, intentaré cambiar de canal. | 16:50 |
pietjephuck | In case any one is interested | 16:50 |
frank_ | hello, i have a problem with my wireless lan device. the new gutsy installed the restricted driver automatically, but i do'n t get the connection to the router to work, neiter via dhcp nor manually | 16:50 |
frank_ | can somebaody help me? | 16:51 |
edenbeast | pietjephuck: contacteer even de admins van technische universiteit delft? :-) | 16:51 |
mathieu | hello world | 16:51 |
pietjephuck | will do edenbeast | 16:52 |
edenbeast | oops sorry, that is pietjephuck contact the admins of technische universiteit delft? | 16:52 |
edenbeast | language switching in my brain today... | 16:52 |
pietjephuck | edenbeast: geen probleem | 16:52 |
edenbeast | I have the dumb, I can't brain today :D | 16:52 |
pietjephuck | lol | 16:53 |
nemlah | Hey there | 16:53 |
nemlah | I am an upgrader | 16:54 |
nemlah | from feisty to gutsy | 16:54 |
frank_ | hello, i have a problem with my wireless lan device. the new gutsy installed the restricted driver automatically, but i do'n t get the connection to the router to work, neiter via dhcp nor manually | 16:54 |
nemlah | and not sure i did it right | 16:54 |
frank_ | can somebody help | 16:54 |
nemlah | well wrong i am pretty sure it worked ok except from compiz.. compiz --replace show no whitelisted driver found, allthough i am using fglrx driver which should be ok right? | 16:55 |
Toffer | Anyone here with KXdocker? | 16:55 |
WaltzingAlong | frank_: how did you do it? what makes you think it is wrong? | 16:55 |
pietjephuck | nemlah: From what I hear, upgrading kubuntu is a bad idea (it was bad with earlier versions as well) | 16:55 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: how do i add a slitter or like a divider to kicker? | 16:55 |
fkm | "Dolphin seems like a solution in search of a problem." <-- I like this statement :) | 16:55 |
edenbeast | well I'll just present it my mother then ;-) | 16:56 |
Toffer | ardchoille: what dock did you use? And how did you get it? | 16:56 |
DaSkreech | !ask | frank_ | 16:56 |
ubotu | frank_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 16:56 |
edenbeast | honestly it's perfect for her, very clear and usable | 16:56 |
stdin | nemlah: you need xgl with fglrx | 16:56 |
frank_ | well when i unplug the cable, restart and try to get a connection to the internet, it does not work and knetworkmanager says "no devices active" even though the wireless device is activated | 16:57 |
frank_ | @ubotu: k | 16:57 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | does anybody know how to add a splitter or divider to kicker ? | 16:58 |
ardchoille | Toffer: I use kicker. If you're using kde, then you already have it.. it's the panel at the bottom of the screen. | 16:58 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: I don't think you can add a divider to kicker. | 16:58 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: dang | 16:59 |
Toffer | ardchoille: But how did you get it like that? | 16:59 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Toffer: what look are you trying to get i can help you | 16:59 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: But I bet you can make an icon that is only 4 pixels wide and use it on a button :) | 17:00 |
ardchoille | Toffer: I removed the taskbar applet, enabled the transparency and added some buttons. | 17:00 |
Toffer | AT0M1CB0MB3R: The mac dock look :p | 17:00 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ardchoille: yeah but if i click it will it open it with a program | 17:00 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: Not if you leave the "Command" empty in the button | 17:01 |
fkm | Toffer, If you like the Mac look, this might interest you: http://www.taimila.com/?q=node/11 | 17:01 |
ardchoille | Toffer: You can join #ardchoille and I can teach you how to get kicker to look like that | 17:01 |
MurielGodoi | Hi, anyone knows how install the hp analog tv tunner device on Gutsy (1164:0601)? | 17:01 |
Toffer | ardchoille: Alright =) | 17:02 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Toffer: then use kooldock the command to get it is "sudo apt-get install kooldock" then after its installed press "ALT + F2" then run "kooldock" and run your mouse over the bottom to find the dock :] | 17:02 |
nemlah | stdin xgl? | 17:02 |
Toffer | fkm: Yeah, but I only want the dock :p | 17:02 |
fkm | kk :) | 17:02 |
stdin | nemlah: Xgl is a replacement X server that takes over some functionality from drivers that don't support direct hardware OpenGL extensions (like fglrx) | 17:03 |
nemlah | i did a install xserver-xgl but that killed my x session pretty much | 17:03 |
nemlah | i mean i could get into kde-greet | 17:03 |
nemlah | but loggin hanged | 17:03 |
nemlah | login in | 17:04 |
harmental | any R users in here? when will R .6 become mainstream in gutsy?? | 17:04 |
csanders_ | how do i redirect stdout and stderr to one file ? | 17:04 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Toffer: did you read what i said earlier it could help you the dock looks quit like a mac dock | 17:05 |
martijn81 | how do i upgrade from kubuntu feisty to kubuntu gutsy | 17:05 |
nemlah | martjin81: you don't | 17:05 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | **quite** | 17:05 |
Karti | Hi all, any one have any advice why on a new install my CDROM disks are not recognised and my dvd will now not play after a reboot All help is greatly appreciated | 17:06 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | nemlah: why be mean? | 17:06 |
martijn81 | nemlah: why, too redical changes? | 17:06 |
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nemlah | ATO1CBOMB3R: not mean.. i did experience it myself.. better do a fresh install | 17:07 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | nemlah: yeah upgrading is horrible i did fresh install :] | 17:07 |
stdin | martijn81: the instructions are in the topic | 17:08 |
WaltzingAlong | martijn81: | 17:08 |
WaltzingAlong | upgrading kubuntu? from feisty (7.04) be sure software-properties-kde is installed (sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde) then follow the upgrade instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | 17:08 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | does kde have something like "GIMP" installed already? | 17:09 |
martijn81 | AT0M1CB0MB3R: there is krita but i don't think it is compariable to gimp as it comes to features | 17:12 |
toffer | #ardchoille | 17:12 |
debacle | Hi @all. I've got a problem with removable HDD, I_ve got 3 SATA an 1 IDE. The sorting (/dev/sdx) is not always the same, though I mount them by uuid, I've got a problem with a crypted device and mounting in pam_mount.conf if the crypted device isn't always e.g. /dev/sd1. Any ideas to solve this issue? | 17:13 |
combinio | !pastebin | 17:15 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 17:15 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: kde has krita | 17:16 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: i rather use gimp | 17:16 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: then by all means install/use that. | 17:17 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: find gimp in the adept manager or sudo aptitude install gimp for example | 17:17 |
n8k99 | krita has a different aim than then gimp- its bmore-nlike korel draw than photoshop | 17:17 |
* n8k99 uses both krita and the GIMP regularly | 17:17 | |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: thanks :] | 17:19 |
yaccin | n8k99: krita is more like mspaint than corel draw :P | 17:19 |
neighborlee | im a bit curious..why was system-settings changed ( not that its horrible or anything) in lieu of kcontrol, when clealry it doesn't really fit in too well with kde desktop ? | 17:20 |
debian-is-me | hello | 17:20 |
yaccin | neighborlee: ? systemsettings still works | 17:20 |
debian-is-me | I need a good wireless tool for kubuntu. KNetworkmanager sucks! | 17:20 |
neighborlee | I did not say it didni't work did I ? ;) | 17:20 |
debian-is-me | Where can I find one? | 17:20 |
n8k99 | yaccin: ok, opinions count equally | 17:20 |
neighborlee | please stick to the subject | 17:20 |
blendtux | ehm i just heard that lucky dube is shot dead | 17:21 |
neighborlee | whew ;) | 17:21 |
yaccin | n8k99: i really like krita, but it neads a LOT of work until its even close to gimp or evn photoshop | 17:21 |
yaccin | ^^ | 17:21 |
n8k99 | yaccin: reports from KOffice2 in kde4 are really promising | 17:22 |
tioan | can someone sen me the klaptopdaeon sources from apt-get source klaptopdaemon | 17:22 |
angelo | can you tell me how can i install programs in Kubuntu? is there any installation program? | 17:22 |
* n8k99 has not actually tried kde4 | 17:22 | |
n8k99 | angelo: yes, it | 17:23 |
angelo | ? | 17:23 |
n8k99 | 's called adept | 17:23 |
angelo | oh, ok!! | 17:23 |
n8k99 | located in your Kmenu under System | 17:23 |
n8k99 | there is also the command line tools, apt & aptitude | 17:23 |
angelo | sorry, can't see it | 17:24 |
neighborlee | Angel, the eaSiest way is MENU > add new apps or something like that. | 17:24 |
n8k99 | can't see adept? angelo? | 17:24 |
neighborlee | I think anyway..not in ilnux atm and only had kubuntu installed for one day | 17:24 |
angelo | no - i'll try to downaload it | 17:24 |
neighborlee | its in kubuntu 7.10 by default..I take it your using 7.04 ;( | 17:25 |
atlfalcons866 | whats the minium processor speed needed for kubuntu | 17:26 |
neighborlee | dual core X6600 | 17:26 |
neighborlee | okay im JK'ing | 17:27 |
martijn81 | atlfalcons866: don't really know, but i would take 500Mhz as an minimum? | 17:27 |
angelo | just found Adept 2.1.2 | 17:27 |
neighborlee | dont know honestly..maybe p2450 or something ? | 17:27 |
atlfalcons866 | ahh | 17:27 |
neighborlee | angelo: HOWEVER realize one thing..its a bit buggy atm | 17:27 |
atlfalcons866 | i wanted to put kubuntu on my old celeron 450Mhz | 17:27 |
neighborlee | angelo: UNLESS it has been fixed since yesterday | 17:27 |
angelo | what are the executable files for Linux?? | 17:27 |
neighborlee | whereis adept | 17:28 |
neighborlee | or if adept is like synatpic.you can check that from the GUI as well | 17:28 |
neighborlee | click on adept in adept..then find files tab and it will show you..at least that is how synaptic works | 17:29 |
angelo | .... it's hard to say that but Synaptic it's also missing | 17:29 |
atlfalcons866 | is 384Mb ram enough for kubuntu | 17:29 |
angelo | !!! | 17:29 |
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=== frank_ is now known as bossler | ||
neighborlee | atlfalcons866: most likely | 17:30 |
Karti | ANyone help me get my dvd r/w to read my cds etc? Disks show but appear to be blanks All help appreciated! | 17:30 |
atlfalcons866 | would it be faster to use the alternate cd or live cd | 17:31 |
neighborlee | atlfalcons866: alternate | 17:31 |
neighborlee | pros and cons of both ;) | 17:31 |
bossler | hi, i can't get my wireless lan to work, the device is activated and all, but does not seem to get a connection to the router. When set the ip manually he says that my standard gateway ip is invalid and when I set it to dhcp the connection won't work either... | 17:31 |
martijn81 | hmm, upgrading is rather easy :) | 17:32 |
Karti | bossler: Have you applied all the settings? As when you change it to manual, it stills keeps the other tabs to | 17:34 |
Karti | bossler: and that should be changed to your routers address | 17:35 |
atlfalcons866 | should i use jfs instead of ext3 | 17:35 |
neighborlee | its not reccommended I dont think | 17:35 |
neighborlee | ext3 is rapidly becoming default | 17:35 |
neighborlee | but there are pros and cons to each I think.. | 17:36 |
atlfalcons866 | jfs is lighter on cpu though and an old celeron | 17:36 |
martijn81 | and very stable | 17:36 |
neighborlee | you'll have to google it as im not a FS professional ;) | 17:36 |
atlfalcons866 | i use ext3 myself i just read jfs is lighter on cpu | 17:36 |
neighborlee | well if that were so.it might be a linux defaut for FS | 17:36 |
neighborlee | so I question that statement | 17:36 |
ozehka | Hey, kopete is crashing here for msn accounts (yahoo works) in gutsy - is that a known bug? | 17:37 |
spiroo | Hi I got a serious problem in Kubuntu. When I reboot, computer does not start correct. The monitor just blinks directly after I turn on power. BUT the strangest thing is that if i wait around 5-10 minutes and turn power on, it works :S | 17:38 |
spiroo | Does someone recognize this? | 17:38 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: maybe power supply is on its way out | 17:38 |
ozehka | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41704/ | 17:39 |
amerikanski | overwarming? | 17:39 |
spiroo | atlfalcons866: I doubt that | 17:39 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: what processor do you have | 17:39 |
RurouniJones | Can Kubuntu take advantage of the Flash-based memory (a la USB stick) that Vista is using to speed boot times? | 17:39 |
spiroo | Intel Prescott 3.0 GHz | 17:39 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: maybe the processor is overheating prescotts have been known to get real hot | 17:40 |
hellcattrav | is kde 4 drastically different? | 17:40 |
Dr_willis_ | RurouniJones, im not sure that vista is really using that 'feature' they claim to be having. everyone ive talked to thats tried it under vista found no improvements. | 17:40 |
spiroo | This has not ever happen before with Kubuntu. Now it just works perfect. This happened after I installed a "clean" copy of Kubuntu 7.10 | 17:40 |
atlfalcons866 | RurouniJones: its not needed linuxs memory management superior to windows memory management | 17:41 |
Dr_willis_ | RurouniJones, you could put the swap partition on the usb thing. But see if you even are using swap at all first. | 17:41 |
ozehka | anyone has problems with msn accounts in kopete on gutsy? | 17:41 |
emilsedgh | hellcattrav: there are many articles on dot.kde.org about kde4, just search for the road to kde4 articles at there | 17:41 |
spiroo | No, it does not get overheated. Why should monitor be affected by that? | 17:41 |
emilsedgh | ozehka: there is a fix for it | 17:41 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: you have a tube monitor | 17:41 |
spiroo | ? | 17:41 |
emilsedgh | ozehka: bu i dont know were :P | 17:42 |
spiroo | Not sure what you mean but I use a TFT-monitor | 17:42 |
ozehka | emilsedgh: where? how? | 17:42 |
ozehka | okay :P | 17:42 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: thats lcd then | 17:42 |
spiroo | yes | 17:42 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: a tube is the same thing a crt screen. | 17:42 |
emilsedgh | ozehka: you will find it in planet.kde.org i think, i jriddell's weblog | 17:42 |
spiroo | This is an error in Kubuntu Core or something like it. | 17:42 |
spiroo | Oh and yes, I got this problem before with Kubuntu. Same thing. This happened when the core was changed. linux-2.6.12-14 | 17:43 |
spiroo | *v2.6.22-(12-14) | 17:43 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: whats your video card | 17:44 |
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morphinex | hey folks, my upgrade to gutsy letf me without any internet connectivity | 17:44 |
spiroo | I have an NVidia 7950GT. | 17:44 |
neighborlee | biotch | 17:45 |
neighborlee | hehe JK | 17:45 |
neighborlee | im just jealous | 17:45 |
neighborlee | a little is all ;)hehehe | 17:45 |
poison-- | !upgrade | 17:45 |
RurouniJones | Many thanks for the replies all. | 17:45 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 17:45 |
neighborlee | though my 7600 GT aint hay | 17:45 |
spiroo | I got more errors from migrating from Gutsy development to Gutsy Final :D | 17:45 |
morphinex | My wireless card doesn't work -- I think it broke ndiswrapper -- and nor can I get an ip address using the wired network | 17:45 |
kudar | hey what important packages should i install upon fresh installation of gutsy. i have build-essential already | 17:45 |
RurouniJones | Would be fun to install the kernel and KDE on the flash stick but I dout that would boot nicely | 17:45 |
neighborlee | kudar: panda3d | 17:46 |
neighborlee | kudar: blender rocks ;) | 17:46 |
spiroo | Anyway, there is no defect hardware on my PC, not yet anyway | 17:46 |
neighborlee | oh gosh the list is endless ;)) | 17:46 |
neighborlee | my..endlessssssssssssssssssss buntu loveeeeeeeee ;) | 17:46 |
kudar | neihgborlee: are you serious? | 17:46 |
neighborlee | sorry another movie refraine..I do that sometimes | 17:46 |
neighborlee | kudar: of course I am seroius | 17:46 |
neighborlee | what makes you think I am not ? | 17:46 |
* neighborlee smiles | 17:46 | |
* morphinex grimaces | 17:47 | |
kudar | just never heard of them | 17:47 |
neighborlee | :) | 17:47 |
neighborlee | kudar: ahhhh | 17:47 |
kudar | adept manager doesn't find enother one of htem | 17:47 |
kudar | add or remove programs? | 17:47 |
ozehka | emilsedgh: thanks. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500/comments/29 | 17:47 |
neighborlee | kudar: well try them...if you need help or have questions im here.or somewhere.. | 17:47 |
ozehka | now it works | 17:47 |
spiroo | atlfalcons866: SHould I ask on channel #ubuntu+1 | 17:47 |
neighborlee | kudar: add or remove yes | 17:47 |
neighborlee | kudar: though I dont know if panda3d is there..if not its at: http://www.panda3d.org | 17:48 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: ubuntu +1 is for hardy now | 17:48 |
emilsedgh | ozehka: thanks (im not a msn user :P) | 17:48 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: do you have the properity drives installed | 17:48 |
emilsedgh | ozehka: just...this is a very common problem that everyone asks for | 17:48 |
kudar | neighbor: im talking more about crucial system packages | 17:48 |
kudar | not games =P | 17:48 |
neighborlee | its not a game | 17:49 |
neighborlee | its a game 'engine' ;) | 17:49 |
neighborlee | a complete 'system' for making games | 17:49 |
spiroo | Nope, No proprietary drives insalled | 17:49 |
neighborlee | you asked I provided ;) | 17:49 |
ozehka | emilsedgh: I wonder... don't they test if everything works? I mean isn't this quite an obvious bug? | 17:49 |
neighborlee | kudar: anyway its so kewl you gotta try it seriously | 17:49 |
neighborlee | kudar: but system wize heck I dunno | 17:49 |
neighborlee | kudar: what kind of things do you do...pfft debian has TONS of apps ;) | 17:50 |
kudar | aight | 17:50 |
kudar | i just want my stuff to work right | 17:50 |
neighborlee | what kind of stuff | 17:50 |
kudar | i was having trouble using yum | 17:50 |
emilsedgh | ozehka: you should understand that 'they' means nothing in GNU/Linux, its 'us' | 17:50 |
kudar | before | 17:50 |
neighborlee | kudar: what kind of yum problems | 17:50 |
kudar | i want to make sure my installation is solid | 17:50 |
ozehka | emilsedgh: hehe. sorry. ;) | 17:50 |
emilsedgh | ozehka: users that use msn should report bugs... | 17:50 |
Gun_Smoke | Received this from one of my mailing list... http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=305842&source=NLT_APP&nlid=48 | 17:50 |
spiroo | atlfalcons866: Do you have any cluea, on what could be wrong? | 17:51 |
neighborlee | kudar: well..the 'base' kubuntu install is prob. solid enough ...dunno YMMV who knows...depends what you do or what you install I guess ;) | 17:51 |
Lynoure | kudar: why do you want to use yum in kuhuntu? | 17:51 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: i dont try asking on ubuntuforums.org | 17:51 |
neighborlee | I think he just meant he had bad experience with yum | 17:51 |
kudar | ok its not as much yum | 17:52 |
emilsedgh | ozehka: dont be sorry, be a part of the community, help as you can ;) | 17:52 |
spiroo | atlfalcons866: ? | 17:52 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: hold on i will try to find a solution for your problem | 17:52 |
spiroo | Thanks | 17:53 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=550063&highlight=The+monitor+just+blinks+directly+after+I+turn+on+power. no sure if it will help | 17:54 |
[ifr0g] | Any one here with a broadcom 4311 | 17:55 |
[ifr0g] | ? | 17:55 |
spiroo | atlfalcons866: Thank yuo | 17:57 |
atlfalcons866 | your welcome | 17:57 |
spiroo | but uhm, does not solve anything in that thread :P | 17:57 |
spiroo | They just say, probably power supply. | 17:57 |
llp78 | did the upgrade yesterday from 7.04 to 7.10 of kubuntu and today noticed that its really slow... Checked adept updater and its offering me 7.10 again ? | 17:58 |
llp78 | any ideas | 17:58 |
Lynoure | [ifr0g]: is that what you really wanted know or did you want help with it? | 17:58 |
[ifr0g] | Lynoure, want to know anyone with a 4311 also unable to connect to any ap. | 17:58 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: then i dont know what the problem is | 18:01 |
spiroo | okay, to bad then :( Nobody else? | 18:03 |
spiroo | *Anybody | 18:03 |
spiroo | There was no problem yesterday when I hadnt install clena copy of Gutsy 7.10 | 18:05 |
spiroo | *clena | 18:06 |
spiroo | *clean :D | 18:06 |
jjj | hello | 18:08 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: try removing the harddisk and then power on the computer to see if it does it | 18:08 |
spiroo | Anyway another problem is that Trashcan does not work. For instance if I has delete any file and want to empty trash. Then there is no empty trash. I have to go manually delete with shift+del. | 18:09 |
spiroo | Okay Ill try that later | 18:09 |
=== mario78 is now known as mariano78 | ||
kubuntunewbie | !frostwire | 18:09 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 18:09 |
=== mariano78 is now known as mario78 | ||
spiroo | And one more thing that is darn annoying is that everytime I close Dolphin it says, cannot save bookmarks :( | 18:10 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: if it dosent do that then the hard disk is on its way out | 18:10 |
atlfalcons866 | spiroo: i think that is a known bug | 18:10 |
sam64 | spiroo: I deleted all my bookmarks and it stopped doing that | 18:10 |
spiroo | Yea, but if i want the bookmarks XD lol | 18:10 |
kubuntunewbie | I am having a buttload of trouble geting the multiverse repository added. i cant find the address for it so i can add it in adept manager. can some1 help me out? | 18:10 |
Dr_willis_ | isent there just a check box to enable it? | 18:11 |
sam64 | kubuntunewbie: file/manage repositories | 18:11 |
d347hm4n | i cannot connect to my wireless accessss point, when i input the details it freezed the computer, any ideas | 18:11 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: everyone says that but no, i see no check box! | 18:11 |
kubuntunewbie | sam64: i got that far but there is nothing to manage | 18:12 |
Dr_willis_ | adept has different interfaces deopendong on how you launch it also. :) | 18:12 |
Dr_willis_ | or just edit the /etc/apt/sources.list | 18:12 |
Dr_willis_ | or just isntall synaptic. thats what i tend to do | 18:12 |
sam64 | thats what I used to do | 18:12 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: i think i did get ti with the sources.list but how do i know? | 18:12 |
ardchoille | synaptic rocks! | 18:12 |
Dr_willis_ | sudo adept_manager | 18:12 |
atlfalcons866 | will installing kde4 break my current kde install | 18:13 |
Dr_willis_ | Hmm adept-> manager repositoris show 'universe' but no Multiverse.. interesting | 18:13 |
juan | hi! does anyone know how to acces hotmail and yahoo mail with kmail? | 18:13 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: yeah, i need to get multiverse so i can install java | 18:13 |
ardchoille | juan: You can't, unless you pay extra for pop3 access | 18:13 |
jjj | hello | 18:14 |
sam64 | for me it has 'Community-maintained', and 'Software restricted' | 18:14 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, the sources.list has 2 lines you need to uncomment. | 18:14 |
Dr_willis_ | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy multiverse | 18:14 |
Dr_willis_ | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates multiverse | 18:14 |
Dr_willis_ | faster to just edit the file. then to fire up the package manager. :) | 18:15 |
Novell | hello, anyone have problem with special (multimedia) keys getting "stuck" until you press another one ? F.e. to lower the volume I've to press XF86AudioLowerVolume, XF86Paste, XF86AudioLowerVolume, XF86Paste, ... Pressing a different one from the previous one seems to release the key-press | 18:15 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: okay whats the command to launch it with kate again it starts with a k | 18:16 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, you mean kdesu? | 18:16 |
Dr_willis_ | i always just use sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list :) | 18:16 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: yup thats the command | 18:16 |
Dr_willis_ | since i know vi. :) | 18:16 |
sam64 | kubuntunewbie: I use 'sudo kate' | 18:16 |
Dr_willis_ | There are console editors worth learning... | 18:16 |
Dr_willis_ | Just in case you get stuck X-less :) | 18:16 |
sam64 | thats the only time I ever use them though =P | 18:17 |
sam64 | is there a way to make Konqueror the default file manager? | 18:18 |
sam64 | or rather, does anyone know the way | 18:18 |
Dr_willis_ | sam64, thats doable. :) | 18:19 |
sam64 | thats why I corrected myself :D | 18:19 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: okay i did that now whats the command to install java from console sudo apt-get install sun-java? | 18:19 |
fuligin | hi can someone plese explain to me how i can install acpi | 18:19 |
Dr_willis_ | To Make konqueror the default file manager intead of Dolphin do the following Start Konqueror -> Settings->Configure Konqueror -> File Assoiations -> INODE, | 18:19 |
Dr_willis_ | Under "Directrory" and "System Directory" Move Konqueror UP the list above dolphin. | 18:19 |
sam64 | kubuntunewbie: I may be wrong, but I think its actually sun-java5, and sun-java6 | 18:20 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, first do an apt-get update then apt-get ugrade, then try installing the java packages. | 18:20 |
Dr_willis_ | !java | 18:20 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 18:20 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntu-restricted-extras - Commonly used restricted packages | 18:20 |
Dr_willis_ | -------- I THINK installs java and a lot of other things | 18:20 |
Dr_willis_ | flash, codecs, and so forth | 18:21 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: i dont know what that means? just do "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get upgrade" by themselves? | 18:21 |
Dr_willis_ | with the proper sudo command. :) | 18:21 |
jjjjj | hello | 18:21 |
Dr_willis_ | after altering the sources.list you MUST update the apt database | 18:21 |
sam64 | I was surprised; the restricted repos are enabled by default in gutsy | 18:22 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: im very new to linux. can u tell me how? | 18:22 |
sam64 | for me anyway | 18:22 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, from the terminal type the commands.. OR use the adept package manager and refresh the sources listing. then install the stuff | 18:22 |
Dr_willis_ | 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' | 18:22 |
Dr_willis_ | rember those 2 commands.. :) you will use them a lot.......... | 18:23 |
Earl_of_Dunham | konversation loses connection and leaves my original nick signed in | 18:23 |
Earl_of_Dunham | and i can not switch back to it!! | 18:23 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: do you happen to know what the name of the sun java package is to install it from konsole? | 18:24 |
jjj | you mean we can install any driver from restricted repository without configuring gutsy? | 18:24 |
sam64 | I was able to | 18:24 |
sam64 | actually the first pop-up I got when I logged in was something asking me to install a driver for nvidia | 18:25 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, 'apt-cache search java' and look for it. :) | 18:26 |
sam64 | I uninstalled it shortly after though, because it actually looked better without it.. to my surprise | 18:26 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, kubuntu-restricted-extras | 18:26 |
Dr_willis_ | installs it do belive as part of some other packages it also installs | 18:26 |
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=== nu is now known as nuu | ||
kubuntunewbie | i searched sun-java6 and it came up with 9 different packages, i dont know what one to choose | 18:27 |
kubuntunewbie | i know i dont want the development kit | 18:27 |
=== gerd is now known as gerd__ | ||
jjj | is the restricted drivers downloaded from the net or it is already included in the installer? for example the nvidia drivers... | 18:27 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, kubuntu-restricted-extras <----------------- INSTALL that., | 18:29 |
sam64 | kubuntunewbie:get the runtime environment | 18:29 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, also check out the apt:/ search feature of konqueror. | 18:29 |
Dr_willis_ | konqueror -> enter address of apt:/search?ubuntu-restricted-extras (or other packages) | 18:29 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: okay thanks | 18:29 |
kubuntunewbie | sam64: nice, thanks! | 18:29 |
Dr_willis_ | Installing this package will pull in support for MP3 playback and decoding, Java runtime environment, Flash plugin, DVD playback, and LAME (to create compressed audio files). | 18:30 |
jjj | is ffmpeg still alive? | 18:30 |
sam64 | Dr_willis_: sweet, I gotta check that out | 18:30 |
Dr_willis_ | sam64, yep. a #1 thing i instrall on a new box. :) Gutsy is making the sad automatix/other scripts - pointless | 18:31 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: perfect its installing java and what not now.... can u tell me how u found that package so i can do it myself next time? | 18:31 |
jjj | previously i installed xine-ffmpeg somethin to play most of media files... | 18:31 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: was it in konqueror apt search? | 18:31 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, thats what 'apt-cache search' is all about' : or the konqueror apt:/ searching features | 18:31 |
Dr_willis_ | they all search the same database | 18:32 |
Dr_willis_ | OR use adepts search feature.. or...... | 18:32 |
Dr_willis_ | all those tools are just front ends to the core apt tools. | 18:32 |
sam64 | Dr_willis_: #1 for me is firefox =P | 18:32 |
Dr_willis_ | apt-cache search somthing | grep some_sort_of_filter_to_limit_results | 18:32 |
jjj | i am wondering how does some of you able to reply to a person like myname: reply message? | 18:32 |
Dr_willis_ | jjj, hit the TAB key | 18:33 |
Dr_willis_ | Dr<tab> | 18:33 |
jjj | Dr_willis_: yes yes got it!!!! | 18:34 |
sam64 | jjj: konversation has a cool feature where you can just drag a name to the message box | 18:34 |
jjj | ubotu: hello ubotu | 18:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hello ubotu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 18:34 |
Dr_willis_ | sam64, egads - that sounds slow to do. | 18:34 |
Dr_willis_ | I do wish some of the tab-completion were smarter to put the past person replying at the front of the tab list. :) | 18:34 |
jjj | i'm using kopete now...actually I'm on a live cd... | 18:35 |
sam64 | Dr_willis_: it is if your a fast typer =D | 18:35 |
Dr_willis_ | sam64, irc helps ya become a fast typer and reader | 18:35 |
jjj | I'm just playin with the live cd kubuntu feisty...i used to install it to my harddrive but forced to reformat my hardrive last month for some other reasons... | 18:35 |
Novell | how do I make the icons smaller in the kde menu ? | 18:36 |
WaltzingAlong | dvorak | 18:36 |
sam64 | what he said ^ | 18:36 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: is there any reason that it will not let me type into text boxes in frostwire? do i maybe need to restart? | 18:36 |
d347hm4n | is there an alternative to dolphin? | 18:37 |
WaltzingAlong | kubuntunewbie: no tis just java, click around, give something else focus, then back again; | 18:37 |
WaltzingAlong | !dolphin | d347hm4n | 18:37 |
ubotu | d347hm4n: dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. | 18:37 |
lee986321 | hi guys | 18:37 |
jjj | d347hm4n: konqueror? | 18:37 |
sam64 | sweeet! I didnt think that would be in there | 18:37 |
jjj | d347hm4n: Windows explorer!!! joke... | 18:37 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: not working.... | 18:37 |
lee986321 | eh i have a problem | 18:37 |
d347hm4n | jjj: lol | 18:37 |
jjj | lol | 18:38 |
jjj | hehe | 18:38 |
d347hm4n | ok so i can go back to konqueror then, can i then uninstall dolphin? | 18:38 |
jjj | (&) | 18:38 |
lee986321 | i had to revert back to ubuntu to get the cube....any ideas on why kubuntu was being so stuborn? | 18:38 |
kubuntunewbie | REBOOTING. | 18:39 |
jjj | hehe | 18:40 |
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d347hm4n | feels more like fedora now, minus yum :D | 18:41 |
jjj | i'm having problems with konqueror and linuxant linmodem...I can't browse the net with konqueror but able to chat around... | 18:41 |
sam64 | I wonder why they would make dolphin the default when konqueror is clearly superior | 18:41 |
d347hm4n | yea wierd init | 18:41 |
d347hm4n | much easier to navigate | 18:41 |
sam64 | dolphin doesnt have tabs or anything | 18:42 |
amerikanski | hello | 18:42 |
martijn81 | sam64: people wanted a more simplistic browser as konqueror is ought to be a little bloated by some | 18:42 |
jjjjj | i'm having problems with konqueror and linuxant linmodem...I can't browse the net with konqueror but able to chat around... | 18:42 |
sam64 | martijn81: I found dolphin to have a bloated look, while being too simple | 18:42 |
amerikanski | is there somewhere in ubuntu device manager where I can turn on/off devices | 18:42 |
kubuntunewbie | WaltzingAlong: hey, i cant type a single thing into frostwire. theres gotta be something that can be done no? | 18:43 |
amerikanski | I mean with similar interface like in windows | 18:43 |
jjjjj | hey anyone been playing with linuxant? | 18:43 |
ubuntu_ | puis avoir l ip du site francais s il vs plait merci | 18:43 |
jjjjj | i'm having problems with konqueror and linuxant linmodem...I can't browse the net with konqueror but able to chat around... | 18:43 |
martijn81 | sam64: yeah, it seems different for everyone i gues | 18:43 |
martijn81 | s | 18:43 |
martijn81 | guess | 18:43 |
=== miles_ is now known as MilesG | ||
ubuntu_ | pleese | 18:44 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, there is a known bug with Compiz and Java apps - where the input box's dont get focue | 18:44 |
MilesG | well..the doctor called | 18:44 |
MilesG | i dont have aids! | 18:44 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, my advice.. disable compiz. | 18:44 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, if you are using it that is. :) | 18:44 |
martijn81 | !fr | ubuntu_ | 18:44 |
ubotu | ubuntu_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 18:44 |
Gun_Smoke | I just grabbed a superkramba theme.. It works, but how do I move it around? | 18:44 |
ubuntu_ | tenk you | 18:44 |
martijn81 | yw | 18:44 |
sam64 | amerikanski: what kind of devices? | 18:44 |
Dr_willis_ | Gun_Smoke, hold down the alt-key and click/drag/move | 18:44 |
amerikanski | I need to turn off touchpad | 18:45 |
Dr_willis_ | Gun_Smoke, im suprised ya found one that works. :) | 18:45 |
MilesG | Dr_willis_ is on fire today! | 18:45 |
gribouille | is kubuntu available for intel 64 bits ? | 18:45 |
Dr_willis_ | gribouille, yes | 18:45 |
MilesG | gribouille: yes | 18:45 |
MilesG | ah dang, see he even beat me | 18:45 |
gribouille | where ? | 18:45 |
amerikanski | sam64 I found device manager but there's no such optio | 18:45 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as julie | ||
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: i dont know what compiz is or if i am using it | 18:45 |
Dr_willis_ | gribouille, i dont see much NEED for most people to use the 64bit version | 18:45 |
amerikanski | like turning off | 18:45 |
Gun_Smoke | Dr_willis I already tried that. | 18:45 |
kubuntunewbie | !compiz | 18:45 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 18:45 |
Dr_willis_ | gribouille, you dont have touse 64bit disrto on 64bit hardware. 64bit disrto often has little quirks also. | 18:46 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: okay yes, i think i am using it, how do i un-use it? | 18:46 |
neighborlee | my screen is really mucked up | 18:47 |
gribouille | dr_willis which ones ? | 18:47 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, run ccsm? see if ya got wiggly windows or other fetures. ect.. its not enabled by default in kubuntu. | 18:47 |
Dr_willis_ | gribouille, at one time java/flash/plugins/codecs/games/drivers | 18:47 |
Dr_willis_ | gribouille, thers been improvements.. but all it takes is one problem and you get stuck. | 18:47 |
neighborlee | and I just got done resizing it yesterday after I installed kubuntu...now I have 1/4" black on left side of wallpaper and about 1" on right side..ODD ? ;)) | 18:47 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: how do i run ccsm? | 18:47 |
amerikanski | *help | 18:47 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, like ya run everything else.. type the command. :) | 18:47 |
MilesG | kubuntunewbie: compiz --replace | 18:47 |
Dr_willis_ | MilesG, he wants to disable compiz :) if its running | 18:48 |
MilesG | oic | 18:48 |
MilesG | i would just restart x | 18:48 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: i never ran anything before without clicking. on the icon | 18:48 |
MilesG | ctrl+alt+backspace | 18:48 |
ksivaji | my system offten hangs | 18:48 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, rember the konsole? the 'sudo apt-get install' stuff? | 18:48 |
kubuntunewbie | yes | 18:48 |
ksivaji | is there any way to find out the reason for that | 18:48 |
MilesG | konsole is your firend | 18:48 |
Dr_willis_ | thats the shell. thats where ya type in commands. :) | 18:48 |
MilesG | the shell is how you interact with the kernel | 18:49 |
MilesG | the kernel is how you interact with the hardware | 18:49 |
MilesG | wait, so linux is free? | 18:49 |
kubuntunewbie | haha | 18:49 |
Dr_willis_ | MilesG, well... not 100% correct..:) but it lets you interact with the OS at a lower/simpiler level. | 18:49 |
MilesG | damn devry education | 18:49 |
MilesG | they lied to me | 18:49 |
Dr_willis_ | and from an IRC tech support point of view the shell is MUCh easier to explain then 'click here., then there, thebn here...' | 18:50 |
ksivaji | Dr_willis_ MilesG my system offten hangs is there any way to find out the reason for that | 18:50 |
Dr_willis_ | ksivaji, most hangs are from video crd drivers. or so its been for me lately | 18:50 |
MilesG | you are going to have to tell us more ksivaji | 18:50 |
Dr_willis_ | ksivaji, try sshing to the machine from another box. and see if its still responding. | 18:50 |
Dr_willis_ | either X is hung, or the whole system is. | 18:50 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: i dont have that installed yet frostwire still wont work, did i need to have java installed before i installed frostwire? | 18:50 |
* MilesG is reminded that he locked himself out his server last night via iptables | 18:51 | |
MilesG | !frostwire | MilesG | 18:51 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, frostwire needs the sun java. the order of installing dosent matter. | 18:51 |
Dr_willis_ | frostwire will not work right with the non-sun java. | 18:51 |
MilesG | Dr_willis_: just out of curiosity, do you have gcj set as your default jvm? | 18:51 |
MurielGodoi_ | Hi, After install nvidia driver, in only can see lock and log-out in K, there is no shutdown or suspend | 18:51 |
ksivaji | Dr_willis_ but wher i will go for other box | 18:51 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: so why in the world would it not let me type in the text boxes? i can past into the text boxes but it wont accept keyboard imput | 18:52 |
Dr_willis_ | MilesG, i belive the kubuntu-restricted pacakage set sun as the default | 18:52 |
Dr_willis_ | kubuntunewbie, no idea on that. I dont mess with Frostwire much | 18:52 |
Dr_willis_ | thers been some issues with java not taking focus lately | 18:52 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: okay, out of no where its working now.... | 18:52 |
ksivaji | Dr_willis_ MilesG i have s3 unichrome vga card with openchrome driver installed | 18:52 |
kubuntunewbie | Dr_willis_: thanks for ur help I appreciate it | 18:53 |
MilesG | Dr_willis_: cool, i was jw, i set the sun 1.5 jdk to my default jvm, OO.org and eclipse both open a lot faster because of it | 18:53 |
=== sam64 is now known as goop2 | ||
Gun_Smoke | Dr_willis It's just a dock.. But I still cant get the thing to move.. And don't really see a way of configuring what each icon will do. I like gDesklets much much much more | 18:53 |
ksivaji | even running glxgears is impossible thing in my system | 18:53 |
Dr_willis_ | Gun_Smoke, iv always moved them with alt-click like any other window | 18:54 |
MurielGodoi_ | Hi, After install nvidia driver, in only can see lock and log-out in K. How can I put shutdown and suspend options back there? | 18:54 |
Gun_Smoke | Dr_willis I figured everything moved like that.. lol | 18:54 |
Dr_willis_ | MurielGodoi_, are you yusing KDM or GDM to login with? KDE will only show those when you use KDM | 18:54 |
Gun_Smoke | 7.10 issue maybe? | 18:54 |
MilesG | hi i cant get past level 3 in supertux, can anyone help me? | 18:54 |
LjL-Temp | thanks to anybody with a Bluetooth device who can confirm this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebluetooth/+bug/155891 | 18:55 |
Gun_Smoke | MilesG: LOL | 18:55 |
Dr_willis_ | Gun_Smoke, may be. I find the karamba stuff to be so flakey i never use them any more | 18:55 |
goop2 | hey neighborlee! | 18:55 |
Dr_willis_ | I wish WINDOWS had the alt-move feature | 18:55 |
MurielGodoi_ | Dr_willis_: I did a kubuntu clean install so I should have kdm, right? | 18:55 |
mrdesk | is there a way to change the bit depth of the x server from a kubuntu gui? | 18:55 |
MurielGodoi_ | Dr_willis_: how can I make sure of that? | 18:55 |
Gun_Smoke | Dr_willis I really only want to have some sort of system monitoring "desklet" no lm-sensors.. Just mem, cpu load | 18:56 |
MilesG | Gun_Smoke: they have applets like that for kicker if you are still using kde 3.5.x | 18:56 |
* MilesG thinks they are kinda ugly though | 18:56 | |
Dr_willis_ | Gun_Smoke, i use conky for that. | 18:56 |
Dr_willis_ | MurielGodoi_, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' - | 18:57 |
MilesG | !conky | MilesG | 18:57 |
Dr_willis_ | MurielGodoi_, may be some other issue for ya sustem if you are using kdm and not getting those options | 18:57 |
Dr_willis_ | I got Logout/suspend/Hibernate restart/poweroff :) | 18:57 |
Dr_willis_ | Not that it tells me what the diff tween Hibernate and suspend is. :) | 18:58 |
Gun_Smoke | Dr_willis that's what I'm looking for.. More than enough for me. .:) buh bye karamba.. | 18:58 |
Gun_Smoke | pos | 18:58 |
Dr_willis_ | Point Of Sale? :) | 18:58 |
Dr_willis_ | well work timne for me. byeeeeeeeeeeeee | 18:58 |
Gun_Smoke | yeah thats it. :) | 18:58 |
MurielGodoi_ | Dr_willis_: That option were there before I install nvidia drivers | 18:59 |
flake | trying to apt-install 'build-essentials' and it's asking me for my 7.10 cd, why is that | 19:01 |
trudel | ciao, c'e qualcuno che puo darmi una mano in quanto a ubuntu?? | 19:01 |
=== genii_ is now known as genii_torfree | ||
flake | is some of my universe not enabled? | 19:02 |
MurielGodoi | Dr_willis: I just reconfigured my kdm package but no success. | 19:03 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as MrDuck | ||
kubuntunewbie | flake: im new to this but i think the reason is that u still have the cd listed in your sources list | 19:03 |
MurielGodoi | Dr_willis: I realized that there isn't suspend/hibernate option in my kdm too. what can i be? | 19:03 |
flake | ah makes sense | 19:03 |
genii_torfree | Bah. Anyone know a CD torrent? | 19:03 |
kubuntunewbie | flake: i had the same problem, u need to remove the cd line from your sources.list and it will download it instead of taking it off the cd. | 19:03 |
Gun_Smoke | humm.. opened as a window.. I wanted it imbeded on the desktop.... ? | 19:04 |
Thylio | Hello. Need some help whit my instalation of kubuntu 7.10. Everytime i try to install somthing, i get a error, somthing with signal 11. Anyone that can help me? | 19:05 |
MurielGodoi | !please | Thylio | 19:06 |
ubotu | Thylio: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 19:06 |
Gun_Smoke | Thylio: I'm pretty sure thats a kernel issue. | 19:06 |
savetheWorld | Thylio: paste the entire line that has the erro message. | 19:06 |
flake | it's making, weeee thanks | 19:07 |
muecke | help | 19:07 |
Thylio | Okay, 2sec need to go downstairs and copy it. | 19:07 |
muecke | list | 19:07 |
MrDuck | hi guys,pls if anyone has a clue,it's kinda urgent :/ http://www.pastebin.cz/show/2200 | 19:09 |
MrDuck | in grub | 19:09 |
savetheWorld | MrDuck: %drypasty Don't "Dry Paste" ie Don't post pastebin URL in the channel, and just say "can someone help me with this?" Describe and explain the problem in the channel so people will have an idea if they should even look. | 19:10 |
MrDuck | okok | 19:11 |
MrDuck | just was lazy to write it 2 times,busy googling...how much time does clicing a link take on common computer... | 19:11 |
MrDuck | -.- | 19:12 |
MrDuck | said it'S in grup,thought it will make it clear enought | 19:12 |
MrDuck | *-t | 19:12 |
MrDuck | however,who cares, but does anyone have a clue? i messed with grub for a LOT of time and i know many of its errors, but ever i had this,it was easy to solve,not now :/ | 19:13 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | hello? | 19:15 |
Thylio | I cant find the signal error now. But everytime i try to install somthing i get all thise errors. Error 1 and 2, seem to like me. | 19:16 |
Thylio | Got a picture of the problem here: | 19:16 |
Thylio | http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/4727/snapshot1cc5.png | 19:16 |
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Gun_Smoke | And whats up with the 24hr clock? Any way to change that? | 19:19 |
Thylio | no help? | 19:19 |
Gun_Smoke | looking at it | 19:20 |
Thylio | =) | 19:21 |
MrDuck | http://www.pastebin.cz/show/2201 << my grub settings, it just says partition not found :-( | 19:21 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: yeah right click the clock and select date and time format then go to time and dates and for time format pH:MM:SS AMPM then save log out and log in :] | 19:22 |
philipp_ | hi | 19:22 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: thanks | 19:22 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | !hi | philip | 19:22 |
ubotu | philip: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 19:22 |
Gun_Smoke | Thylio: What are you trying to install? | 19:23 |
philipp_ | when i plug in an external monitor/beamer to my laptop - there is no signal. When i restart the X-Server by hitting ALT+CTRL+Backspace an image appears, but the resolution is really bad | 19:23 |
neighborlee | anyone else seeing kontact be VERY slow to get email ? | 19:23 |
neighborlee | going to try TB | 19:23 |
miyavk | hey ladies... | 19:25 |
miyavk | this is my first time in kubuntu | 19:25 |
tdj_ | and already on irc | 19:25 |
Thylio | Gun_Smoke: Madwifi, in that pic, but get that at every install | 19:25 |
miyavk | i may need helps sometimes | 19:25 |
tdj_ | :-) | 19:25 |
miyavk | yep | 19:25 |
miyavk | the konversation were already installed...:D | 19:25 |
tdj_ | i have kubuntu 2 days already | 19:26 |
tdj_ | :-) | 19:26 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: wow.. I get "Will not save configurations file" Configuration fileConfiguration file "/home/mommy/.kde/share/config/kcmshellrc" not writable. | 19:26 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: i dont know what to tell you :[ | 19:26 |
tdj_ | and already got a fight to get the vidcard working | 19:26 |
miyavk | so, here a few questions of mine... i can see the ntfs drives from storege media, but can not read of write 'em. | 19:26 |
miyavk | ...also can not see them on my desktop either. | 19:27 |
marx2k | Um, why is Update Manager telling me I should upgrade to Gutsy when Im already at gutsy> | 19:27 |
tdj_ | ntfs protected by microsoft | 19:27 |
tdj_ | need some tool to write to it | 19:27 |
miyavk | i don't care, anybody here cares? | 19:27 |
tdj_ | dont know what | 19:27 |
tdj_ | just get update going it will see that is updated | 19:28 |
tdj_ | and break update itself | 19:28 |
miyavk | sure, i's using a program while i's using ubuntu, but this is kubuntu, and there is a difference between these two | 19:28 |
tdj_ | happened to me too | 19:28 |
Gun_Smoke | Thylio: Have you tried a different method? | 19:28 |
miyavk | so, what will i do? any solution? should i wait for updates and it will solve itself in time? | 19:29 |
tdj_ | just start update | 19:29 |
Thylio | Gun_Smoke: Well i have tried to install some programms throgt the package manager. But it still dosent seem to work | 19:29 |
tdj_ | it will see its already updated | 19:29 |
slow-motion | hallo | 19:29 |
miyavk | i did it (by the way this is gutsy) | 19:29 |
tdj_ | and then its done | 19:29 |
tdj_ | i got same thing | 19:29 |
tdj_ | installed gutsy and still got update notice | 19:30 |
miyavk | okay, i'll try once again, but now waiting for this wine thing to be donwnloaded and installd | 19:30 |
miyavk | no i don't have any update notices right now, there's was a notice but i obeyed it, a small update has done | 19:30 |
tdj_ | some people always need alcohol | 19:30 |
philipp_ | how can i exchange the Power Manager provided with Kubuntu with Kpowersave? i like second one more as it provides more settings... | 19:30 |
Gun_Smoke | Thylio: try sudo apt-get install kcheckgmail or pick whatever you want. what do you get from that? | 19:30 |
tdj_ | wine :-) | 19:30 |
miyavk | it's also inside the system settings too | 19:31 |
miyavk | :) | 19:31 |
Thylio | Gun_Smoke: 2sec ;) | 19:31 |
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tdj_ | tried compiz but that went wrong | 19:32 |
tdj_ | :-) | 19:32 |
Gun_Smoke | compiz seem to mess everything up with .10 | 19:32 |
miyavk | i hope i won't need to install ubuntu once again... this looks fine, but... too strange for a new user like me | 19:32 |
juan | i have freepops installed from a package i got from freepops.org, but when i install it, adept tells me there is anothe package available, i do not want it, i want the one i have, what do i have to do for adept to stop telling me about this update? | 19:33 |
neighborlee | im rather sure compiz stilll isn't ready | 19:33 |
neighborlee | that or settings thereof on my end I dont know..I had trouble with it in ubuntu too | 19:33 |
tdj_ | yeah | 19:33 |
tdj_ | i got some things of compiz working | 19:33 |
tdj_ | but colors all messed up | 19:33 |
neighborlee | well I had really weird ghost images | 19:33 |
tdj_ | it was really ugly | 19:33 |
NickPresta | Where are the kate configuration files found? ~/.kde/??? | 19:34 |
neighborlee | I had gnome running at the time.moved gnome panel to center of screen temporarily..and the ghost image of gnome panel was stilll on far left from where I moved it from.. | 19:34 |
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tdj_ | yeah i had something like that too | 19:34 |
neighborlee | ahhh weird | 19:34 |
neighborlee | I thought it was something I had done maybe..glad to hear its not just me ;) | 19:34 |
tdj_ | hehe | 19:35 |
MurielGodoi | NickPresta: .kde/share/apps/kate | 19:35 |
NickPresta | MurielGodoi, I see externaltools, metainfos and sessions/ | 19:35 |
juan | compiz is still not very stable, and there are several postings about that | 19:36 |
ruler | hi | 19:36 |
MurielGodoi | NickPresta: there is also a fine in .kde/share/config/kate, I donno what you wanna set | 19:36 |
MurielGodoi | s/fine/file | 19:36 |
ruler | does anyone have problems with desktop device icons? | 19:37 |
Gun_Smoke | compiz worked fine for me in gnome. | 19:37 |
xipietotec | I installed the kde4 packages in gutsy....how the heck do I get kde4 to launch? It didn't add anything to my x-sessions | 19:37 |
ruler | in KDE: the are not shown until you for example mount an usb stick | 19:38 |
juan | how do i tell adept to stop telling me about a SPECIFIC update | 19:38 |
Thylio | Gun_Smoke: i get "Unable to unlock adimin dir (var/lib/dpkg), and terminal is the only program open. | 19:38 |
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ruler | i thin it is a bug | 19:39 |
ruler | but have no clue how to fix it anyway | 19:39 |
MurielGodoi | ruler: That is okay here | 19:40 |
alien_ | ruler: have moving desktop icons (locked or not) | 19:40 |
sven_ | Hi there, I just connected an USB NTFS disk to my kubuntu 7.10 laptop.. it mounted correctly, I have the ntfs thing installed.. Should ubuntu automatically mount the NTFS drive or do I have to do something extra?? When I open the window of the drive, I dont see files... | 19:41 |
Gun_Smoke | Thylio: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 19:41 |
MurielGodoi | ruler: maybe you can install a new icon sheme like the new crystal | 19:41 |
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MurielGodoi | Thylio: maybe a sudo killall apt-get can solve | 19:41 |
Thylio | MurielGodoi: Ill try, thx | 19:42 |
Gun_Smoke | Thylio: or try killall aptitude | 19:42 |
Gun_Smoke | sudo killall aptitude | 19:42 |
Thylio | Gun_Smoke: will do that to. brb | 19:43 |
neighborlee | is there a speciall plugin I need to get quicktime and wmv working ??? | 19:44 |
neighborlee | :) | 19:44 |
neighborlee | I installed some..quicktime thing but clearly its not working | 19:44 |
neighborlee | ie: http://www.startrek.com wont play video previews of episodes | 19:45 |
Gun_Smoke | !restricted | 19:45 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 19:45 |
sven_ | Anybody who could help with ntfs? | 19:45 |
Gun_Smoke | neighborlee: ^^ | 19:45 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: yes I see it | 19:45 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: how is someone supposed to know t his ? ;)) | 19:45 |
neighborlee | esp ? ;) | 19:45 |
Gun_Smoke | neighborlee: Google taught me. | 19:46 |
neighborlee | heh | 19:46 |
Gun_Smoke | and the documentation located at ubuntu.com | 19:46 |
g-hennux | hi! | 19:46 |
ruler | 2all - icons are not locked, and I think icon theme is also not the case, the problem is in kde internal or misconfiguration, because after i mount floppy mannualy in console all device icons, including already mounted hard disks are shown, htere is no problem with other icons just with the devices | 19:46 |
neighborlee | thats the l33t way of doing it..maybe some 'warning' saying for doing procedure you need xyz ?.........then everyone not use l33t people would be able to do things easier | 19:46 |
neighborlee | thats my opionion which im allowed ;) | 19:47 |
g-hennux | i'm trying to connect to a vpn using pptp and knetworkmanager. i installed network-manager-pptp, but cannot create a connection | 19:47 |
ruler | maybe this is hotplug or hal related | 19:47 |
Gun_Smoke | cool with me.. google.com | 19:47 |
neighborlee | I am positive my sister would not think to do this...let alone my grandmother | 19:48 |
neighborlee | they just need things to work | 19:48 |
g-hennux | "no configuration interface found", knetworkmanager says | 19:48 |
neighborlee | but again my opinion ..my 2c's | 19:48 |
poison-- | !upgrade | 19:48 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 19:48 |
neighborlee | :) | 19:48 |
g-hennux | "there is no configuration interface for the vpn service ppp installed. please check your installation" | 19:48 |
Gun_Smoke | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ <-------------------- print and put near toilet | 19:49 |
XVampireX | Hi, is anyone using Gutsy here, and interested to tell me why kdm login manager takes a while to render the login screen? | 19:49 |
nicola_ | cè qualche italiano? | 19:49 |
neighborlee | I tried HELP from menu, but that gave me no 'quicktime' results | 19:50 |
neighborlee | go figya | 19:50 |
neighborlee | most people would goto HELP first | 19:50 |
Ax-Ax | Whats the thing that automounts USB-stick on plug named? | 19:50 |
neighborlee | there again imo ;) | 19:50 |
Gun_Smoke | neighborlee: If you are using 7.10 click on the media you would like to view and it should track down a suitable codec for you. | 19:50 |
neighborlee | ive h eard that yes | 19:51 |
neighborlee | I am using 7.10 | 19:51 |
neighborlee | it does not work | 19:51 |
neighborlee | here ill get url for you to see what im trying to view | 19:51 |
neighborlee | I am sorry. I should have done that to begin with | 19:51 |
neighborlee | grabbing | 19:51 |
Gun_Smoke | Thylio: How is it coming/ | 19:51 |
neighborlee | http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/index.html | 19:51 |
neighborlee | down on page..far left | 19:52 |
Ax-Ax | Can I run the automount thing separate, in eg. Fluxbox? | 19:52 |
neighborlee | 'clip of the day' <<< | 19:52 |
neighborlee | under 'poster giveaway' | 19:52 |
neighborlee | for me it just says: no suitable plugins were found | 19:53 |
neighborlee | 'unknown plugin: video/x-ms-asf-plujgin' | 19:53 |
neighborlee | or if I try quicktime choice | 19:53 |
neighborlee | 'unknown plugin: video/quicktime' | 19:53 |
tdj_ | try installing vlc player | 19:54 |
neighborlee | most other websites are working great btw..cnn, gamespot etc. | 19:54 |
neighborlee | tdj_: okay one sec | 19:54 |
Minataku | VLC and mplayer will tend to cover pretty much everything | 19:54 |
Minataku | Though some things/streams/etc may require various bending backwards and hopping three times while balancing a glass of mineral oil on your left buttcheek | 19:55 |
neighborlee | Minataku: LOL | 19:55 |
Minataku | That is to say, you have to do some pretty contrived things to get some things to work properly | 19:55 |
ruler | Ax-Ax - no clue | 19:55 |
neighborlee | Minataku: yea its sad.....M$ has everyone bullied into their way of doing things im afraid | 19:55 |
ruler | hotplug? | 19:55 |
Minataku | Mineral oil, BTW, merely a randomy chosen liquid substance | 19:55 |
FOAD | Hey | 19:55 |
Minataku | lol | 19:55 |
Minataku | Hi | 19:56 |
ruler | i have no idea how exactly auto-mounting works | 19:56 |
neighborlee | Minataku: I have petitioned startrek before to stop doing this..of all places you might expect them to use something crossplatform.? ;))heheh | 19:56 |
gary_inNYC | neighborlee, have you tried the ubuntu-restricted-extras meta package? | 19:56 |
tdj_ | every movie needs another liquid | 19:56 |
Minataku | Heh | 19:56 |
Minataku | LCARS | 19:56 |
Minataku | :3 | 19:56 |
FOAD | I got compiz working and stuff on my Gutsy box... but... how do I amke it so that it actually starts X with it instead of metacity? | 19:56 |
neighborlee | Minataku: LOL | 19:56 |
tdj_ | compiz -replace ? | 19:56 |
FOAD | No, that starts it but when I restart X I am back to metacity | 19:57 |
Minataku | Metacity is GNOME's WM, thus you want #ubuntu | 19:57 |
roman_ | z | 19:57 |
neighborlee | Minataku: no lucki..its demanding quicktime or wmv :( | 19:57 |
FOAD | Well, whatever it is that comes with Kubuntu? | 19:57 |
FOAD | I installed a Kubuntu live cd | 19:57 |
Minataku | neighborlee: There are codecs toy have to install | 19:57 |
Minataku | !win32 | 19:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about win32 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 19:57 |
Minataku | !win32codec | 19:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about win32codec - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 19:57 |
gary_inNYC | how about the gstreamer plugins ugly set? | 19:57 |
Minataku | Grrr | 19:57 |
FOAD | Or let me rephrase it differently, please, how do I get compiz to be the default window manager | 19:57 |
neighborlee | Minataku: heh | 19:57 |
Minataku | !codec | 19:57 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 19:57 |
Minataku | Try that | 19:57 |
neighborlee | alright | 19:58 |
Minataku | And ignore the crap at the end of it | 19:58 |
Gun_Smoke | gary_inNYC: I believe its a busted link.. I believe I have all the necessary codecs installed and I can't seem to see his link. Can you? javascript:openwindow('/startrek/videoview?id=11582','videopopup','width=600,height=400') | 19:58 |
Minataku | You don't have the choise of a free format if someone else has chosen it | 19:58 |
gary_inNYC | lemme check | 19:58 |
Minataku | *choice | 19:58 |
Minataku | Which really makes that part at the end a stupid addition when you consider how 99% of people here needing help are trying to use already created content in non-free formats | 19:58 |
Minataku | That said, when I make my telephone recordings, I use MP3 because I really don't give a damn | 19:59 |
Minataku | lol | 19:59 |
tdj_ | ogg | 19:59 |
neighborlee | Minataku: true ;) | 19:59 |
neighborlee | ogg is preferrable I will agree 100% | 19:59 |
neighborlee | but its not adopted widely yet | 19:59 |
neighborlee | its like bucking a bronco at full speed..you get thrown most of the time ;) | 20:00 |
neighborlee | heh | 20:00 |
tdj_ | and it never will | 20:00 |
Minataku | I'm far too used to MP3 for one, and for two it really doesn't seem like the patent holders give a damn either | 20:00 |
neighborlee | tdj_: prob. not ;) | 20:00 |
FOAD | That's a kubuntu question right? | 20:00 |
neighborlee | Minataku: yes that too | 20:00 |
neighborlee | well fo rme mp3 is a none issue.I do rip to ogg | 20:00 |
Minataku | I say if the patent holders allow for unrestricted use, it's as good as a truly free format | 20:00 |
neighborlee | but yeah fo rmany its an issuie | 20:00 |
Minataku | That said, if they change their minds (which I don't see happening), I'll do new content in a free format, but argue that my existing work is grandfathered under the old statues | 20:02 |
Gun_Smoke | neighborlee: Ready to fix this? | 20:03 |
neighborlee | its a shame yes that ogg isn't more widespread,,its a better format | 20:03 |
Minataku | I like MP3 | 20:03 |
tdj_ | its all about money | 20:03 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: I downloaded kubuntu-restricted-extras, but its not worked | 20:03 |
tdj_ | :-) | 20:03 |
xipietotec | ...I installed the kde4 packages in universe....and there is no /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions | 20:03 |
Minataku | A lot | 20:03 |
neighborlee | tdj_: that too ;( | 20:03 |
Minataku | That's why I used MP3 in the first place | 20:03 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | neighborlee: whats your problem i might be able to help | 20:03 |
neighborlee | wish I knew ;) | 20:03 |
Minataku | Also, note, the patent holders for MP3 don't seem to care about money | 20:03 |
dottedquad | hello all, I just installed Kubuntu. I took the cd out and restarted.. It restarted into bash propting for me to login. How would I get into KDE? I tried startx but that gives me a fatel error: "Requested entity already in use" How in the world do I get into KDE? | 20:03 |
Gun_Smoke | neighborlee: go to the link of your vid.. right click | 20:03 |
neighborlee | I simply chan't play this link on this website | 20:03 |
neighborlee | ahhhh ok trying that Gun_Smoke | 20:03 |
gary_inNYC | k, i just went into star trek website and previewed a part of the "chain of command" episode for ST The Next Generation using Quicktime plugin... it's running correctly | 20:04 |
Minataku | If anything, the stink about MP3 is akin to the stink about GIF | 20:04 |
Gun_Smoke | neighborlee: right click open in movie player.. Then it will ask you to search for codec.. do it. | 20:04 |
Minataku | Surprising. I'd expect stuff from a major studio to be heavily-encrypted WMP11 | 20:04 |
xipietotec | I use ogg whenever possible, it saves higher quality, in smaller files. | 20:04 |
neighborlee | Minataku: im getting no such option open in anything | 20:04 |
neighborlee | http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/index.html | 20:04 |
neighborlee | 'clip of day' << | 20:05 |
xipietotec | I think the kde4 packages in gutsy are broken | 20:05 |
neighborlee | further down page.far left | 20:05 |
Minataku | I use the Firefox extension "MediaPlayerConnectivity" | 20:05 |
gary_inNYC | k the clip of the day is also working correctly | 20:05 |
Minataku | Which provides a means for me to extract embedded media and media links and open them in whatever I want | 20:05 |
dottedquad | oh and I installed Kubuntu 7.10 - Gutsy Gibbon | 20:05 |
neighborlee | gary_inNYC: ? | 20:05 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | xipietotec: why do you want to try out kde4 thats a little scary | 20:05 |
Minataku | Though it sounds like gary_inNYC's got it working | 20:05 |
Minataku | Ask him | 20:06 |
neighborlee | yes I just did ;))heh | 20:06 |
Minataku | I'm thirsty >.> | 20:06 |
Minataku | lol | 20:06 |
neighborlee | heh | 20:06 |
xipietotec | AT0M1CB0MB3R, ...I try out alot of beta software actually, and I test alot of packages in the repositories. | 20:06 |
dottedquad | anyone? | 20:06 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | xipietotec: why | 20:06 |
neighborlee | gary_inNYC: what have you done to get this working.. | 20:06 |
roman_ | I want to play in half-life 2 in kubuntu. Is it possible? | 20:06 |
xipietotec | AT0M1CB0MB3R, I submit bug reports alot. | 20:06 |
gary_inNYC | neighborlee have you installed gstreamer-plugins-ugly set? | 20:06 |
mike2105 | ciao | 20:06 |
neighborlee | roman_: wine might do it | 20:06 |
neighborlee | roman_: seach for 'wine' in adept | 20:07 |
mike2105 | c'è qualche italiano qui? | 20:07 |
tdj_ | looks like a videocard problem dotted | 20:07 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | xipietotec: kool :] | 20:07 |
Gun_Smoke | I right clicked my way to success.. lol | 20:07 |
xipietotec | hence I hopefully help speed up development | 20:07 |
tdj_ | but im newbie too | 20:07 |
dottedquad | it was working when i first installed it changed something, and reinstall kubuntu | 20:07 |
tdj_ | :-) | 20:07 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: type "startkde" without quotes | 20:07 |
dottedquad | alright | 20:07 |
neighborlee | gary_inNYC: no at Gun_Smoke's suggestion I installed kubuntu-restricted-extras | 20:07 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: what did you fix? | 20:07 |
neighborlee | gary_inNYC: ill check | 20:07 |
dottedquad | AT0M1CB0MB3R: that didn't work either | 20:07 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: what it say? | 20:08 |
david_ | hola | 20:08 |
dottedquad | when it first crashed i decided to reinstall kubuntu and still having issues | 20:08 |
neighborlee | gary_inNYC: no results in adept..its not there it seems..I searched for 'ugly' | 20:08 |
dottedquad | hold one letme check | 20:08 |
gary_inNYC | the gstreamer ugly plugins is a separate package from the kubuntu restricted extras; it's a medibuntu package | 20:08 |
gary_inNYC | you need to add medibuntu as a source | 20:08 |
dottedquad | can't contact kdeinit | 20:08 |
roman_ | Are linux support ASIO audio drivers? | 20:08 |
neighborlee | gary_inNYC: found it | 20:08 |
david_ | como funciona esto | 20:08 |
gary_inNYC | kk | 20:09 |
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=== shingoki_ is now known as shingoki__ | ||
Gun_Smoke | Left click on the link... it will open up a player.. right click on the middle of the new "dead" screen of your player.. Choose open with "Movie Player" Movie Player will run dow what you need. | 20:09 |
dottedquad | AT0M1CB0MB3R: can't contact kdeinit | 20:09 |
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neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: ok trying | 20:09 |
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Gun_Smoke | I'm watching you vid now.. That's how I did it. | 20:10 |
ubuntu | hi, i would like to ask if on ubuntu server its possible to disable apache and few other servers? | 20:10 |
Gun_Smoke | or you could/should just apt-get install everything you need for the future. | 20:10 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: i dont know reinstall kubuntu with the cd | 20:10 |
dottedquad | I did that before and still getting this issue, i'll unhook the other monitor and see if that works | 20:11 |
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dottedquad | bbiab | 20:11 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: thats not it | 20:11 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: its a problem with the cd | 20:11 |
tdj_ | reburn cd ? | 20:12 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: there is no dead screen ..im not sure what your referring to here ;) | 20:14 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: right clicking does nothing it seems anyway | 20:14 |
Gun_Smoke | neighborlee: Where the video should be playing. | 20:14 |
Gun_Smoke | empty | 20:14 |
Gun_Smoke | nothing | 20:14 |
Gun_Smoke | blank | 20:14 |
Gun_Smoke | black screen of death | 20:14 |
neighborlee | well its not exactly empty..but anyway I did right click...and nadda | 20:14 |
Gun_Smoke | NO clue then. | 20:15 |
neighborlee | ok np | 20:15 |
neighborlee | thx for trying | 20:15 |
Gun_Smoke | what are you using ff? | 20:15 |
neighborlee | yes | 20:15 |
neighborlee | from adept | 20:15 |
Gun_Smoke | just apt-get install all the codecs | 20:15 |
dottedquad | AT0M1CB0MB3R: IF there's a problem with the cd what do YOu think i should do from here> | 20:15 |
neighborlee | oddly enough atm adept is broken | 20:15 |
neighborlee | sunjava or something apparantly is broken it seems..no idea what happened << | 20:15 |
dottedquad | it originally worked until i changed something within the settings, had the kde issue, reinstalled Kubuntu and still having the KDE issue | 20:16 |
neighborlee | undoing changes | 20:17 |
neighborlee | I hope this doesn't bork me LOL | 20:17 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: what did you do then | 20:17 |
=== neversfelde is now known as neversfelde_ | ||
dottedquad | I fiddled with my dual monitor support settings | 20:19 |
dottedquad | changed which one should be first and which one should be second | 20:19 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: well isnt' that interesting | 20:19 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: FF wont play the clip of day..yet konqueror is h aving no trouble withit at all | 20:19 |
neighborlee | o_0 | 20:19 |
dottedquad | it prompted me that i should restart, I did; the system restarted into bash | 20:20 |
neighborlee | as linus said about kde.,this would seem to indicate I shoud: just use konqueror LOL | 20:20 |
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neighborlee | heh | 20:20 |
Gun_Smoke | neighborlee: then you need to add the ff plugin.. | 20:20 |
dottedquad | so apparently KDE doesn't work well? | 20:21 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: your retarded | 20:22 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: come on | 20:22 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: i was only jk | 20:22 |
neighborlee | yeah that was kinda harsh ;) | 20:22 |
dottedquad | apparently AT0M1CB0MB3R isn't mature enought | 20:22 |
dottedquad | enough* | 20:23 |
gary_inNYC | off topic, that dude playing Kirk in the upcoming movie just doesn't scream of the Capt | 20:25 |
dottedquad | AT0M1CB0MB3R: your idiotic comment puts a bad rep on the community of ubuntu | 20:25 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: ok ill try | 20:25 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: no it doesn't | 20:25 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: I'm only one person | 20:25 |
neighborlee | gary_inNYC: :)))hehe | 20:25 |
Gun_Smoke | I have a 160G ex HD that I used to use for backups and what not on an old eMac.. I would like to grab a few files off of it and then wipe and use it with ubuntu | 20:25 |
neighborlee | gary_inNYC: well yes I sorta thought so too | 20:25 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: i was only just kidding anyways | 20:25 |
dottedquad | your nonfriendly attitude I'm refering to | 20:25 |
neighborlee | gary_inNYC: im like could they not have found someone looking more like him ??? | 20:26 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: look what you got yourself into........ | 20:26 |
WaltzingAlong | . | 20:26 |
Gun_Smoke | anyhow... past is past | 20:26 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | I WAS JOKING | 20:26 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ugh | 20:26 |
Gun_Smoke | I'm not | 20:26 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | i hate when people can't take a stupid little joke | 20:26 |
kcoleman | hey all - i'm trying to upgrade to Gutsy and this is the error i'm recieveing | 20:26 |
Gun_Smoke | dottedquad: lets forget about it. | 20:26 |
kcoleman | Error during update | 20:26 |
kcoleman | A problem occured during the update. This is usually some sort of network problem, please check your network connection and retry. | 20:26 |
kcoleman | Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/edgy/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found | 20:26 |
kcoleman | Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/edgy/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found | 20:26 |
kcoleman | Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/edgy/free/source/Sources.gz 302 Found | 20:26 |
kcoleman | Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/edgy/non-free/source/Sources.gz 302 Found | 20:26 |
dottedquad | AT0M1CB0MB3R: i'm not insulted in anyway, it's kinda hard to "Know" if the person is joking over a chat, is what i'm trying to emply | 20:27 |
neighborlee | abuse isn't all taht stupid...we must always be curteous and kind to our fellow man..our neighbor ;) | 20:27 |
Gun_Smoke | Anyone know what I need to do about the drive? | 20:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: i tried helping him i searched on google to help him i found nothing | 20:27 |
neighborlee | anyway now its time to let it go | 20:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: tell me why i would help somebody i dont like? | 20:27 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: I wasn't really following that issue.. | 20:27 |
neighborlee | as jesus said..go now, yet sin no more...so lets drop it ;) | 20:27 |
dottedquad | AT0M1CB0MB3R: i do greatly appreciate the help | 20:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | neighborlee: people are always mean to me i dont know what your talkign about | 20:27 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: It's over lets move on. | 20:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | whatever | 20:28 |
Gun_Smoke | How about we all help me | 20:28 |
Gun_Smoke | lol | 20:28 |
dottedquad | ehh | 20:28 |
neighborlee | LOL | 20:28 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: whats your problem | 20:28 |
smorg | heh | 20:28 |
Gun_Smoke | I have a 160G ex HD connect via USB.. | 20:28 |
smorg | why is adept complaining about upgrading gusty to gusty | 20:28 |
neighborlee | AT0M1CB0MB3R: well im sorry to hear that..no one has the right to abuse anyone else..I appologise for anyone that has been mean toyou | 20:28 |
XVampireX | Hi, is anyone using Gutsy here, and interested to tell me why kdm login manager takes a while to render the login screen? | 20:28 |
neighborlee | we are all in this world together..time we act like it ;) | 20:28 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | is there a way to get drag racer v3 to work on linux? | 20:28 |
Gun_Smoke | Old drive has some files on it I would like to grab and then wipe and use for linux... formatted for mac. | 20:29 |
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neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: heh | 20:29 |
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neighborlee | I wish sometimes I had a mac.. | 20:29 |
neighborlee | for game testing at least | 20:29 |
neighborlee | I love aqua UI too <g> | 20:29 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: its formatted for a mac? | 20:29 |
neighborlee | totally rocks | 20:29 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: yes | 20:29 |
Gun_Smoke | I can't find the drive at /media/ its not listed. | 20:29 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: what files are on it? | 20:29 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: hold on whats the file sstem for mac? | 20:30 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: ripped movies | 20:30 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: uhhhhh.... googleing. | 20:30 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: if i help will you send me movies? | 20:30 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: what was that 'addon' called again for FF ? | 20:30 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: uhh... that would be illegal :0 | 20:30 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: im at the add ons page now | 20:30 |
fabian2_de | Hey Guys! I just have one question... I'm on a macbook pro, without com-port. But I need one for my ipaq to flash linux. Is it possible to mount the serial port of another pc (running also linux) via the network? (Or access the port else from my macbook?) | 20:30 |
lerneaen_hydra | random question; which file controls per-user x-configs? when at the login screen the x configuration is correct, however when logging in an incorrect one is applied (this behavior started after a 7.04 -> 7.10 upgrade) | 20:31 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: oh i get you ;] | 20:31 |
neighborlee | lerneaen_hydra: odd..I have a similar issue..for me loggin in ..my KDM Is virtual like its really weird.after logging in, desktop though is what it should be... | 20:32 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: is the mac osx? | 20:32 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: Where should I look for the drive? It is found if at "Storage Places" But If I click on it I get. hal-storage-removable-mount-options-refused uid 1000 | 20:32 |
lerneaen_hydra | neighborlee; I've had this issue before, I just can't remember how I fixed it | 20:33 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: Was yes. | 20:33 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: hold on | 20:33 |
kcoleman | k never mind - just killed them in the sources.list | 20:34 |
neighborlee | is it just me or does anyone find it odd that flash player download is only in tar.gz and rpm and yum formats..I realize most get it through apt , but if we use that logic then wouldn't those of rpm system get theirs from their package manageers too ? ;)) | 20:34 |
neighborlee | http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash | 20:34 |
neighborlee | I just find it odd is all | 20:35 |
stdin | neighborlee: a lot of package manager for RPM aren't too good, some distributions don't even have repositories | 20:36 |
neighborlee | stdin: hm ic | 20:37 |
frojnd | Is tehre a way to change my host name? host name of the computer? | 20:38 |
stdin | frojnd: System Settings > Network Settings > Domain Name System | 20:38 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | whats the command to show all the storagew devices? | 20:39 |
bascule | cat /proc/partitions | 20:40 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: well I got it working in FF with this..mediaplayer plugin | 20:40 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: BUT,,while it loads the video in vLC>.I get weird staticy audio...come and goes..mostly goes ;) | 20:40 |
neighborlee | seems konqueror is best option for quicktime | 20:40 |
neighborlee | or wmv | 20:40 |
smorg | wow\ | 20:42 |
smorg | adept in 7.10 wants to run the distro updater | 20:42 |
ColonelPanic001 | Hi. I'm trying to go from Fesity to Gutsy | 20:42 |
ColonelPanic001 | when I click this: http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot1.png | 20:42 |
ColonelPanic001 | I do not get this: http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot2.png | 20:42 |
ColonelPanic001 | what gives? | 20:43 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ColonelPanic001: why not install fresh with cd | 20:43 |
ColonelPanic001 | Because that would involve reinstalling, and that just doesn't seem logical when I can just upgrade. | 20:44 |
sub[t]rnl | !upgrade | 20:45 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 20:45 |
sub[t]rnl | ColonelPanic001: have you followed the steps to the letter? | 20:45 |
ColonelPanic001 | Not even that. To the picture. Which I linked. | 20:45 |
sub[t]rnl | restart the adept updating process from the beginning | 20:46 |
sub[t]rnl | it was pretty seemless for me | 20:46 |
ColonelPanic001 | All I've done is start Adept | 20:47 |
stdin | ColonelPanic001: make sure you have software-properties-kde installed | 20:47 |
ColonelPanic001 | stdin: that was it, thank you | 20:48 |
ColonelPanic001 | they really ought to make a note of that | 20:48 |
dottedquad | AT0M1CB0MB3R: i reinstalled Kubuntu with both my monitors hooked up and it didn't work, I unhooked my second monitor and reisntalled again to a working KDE environment so apparently my second monitor was causing the issue | 20:48 |
stdin | ColonelPanic001: I'll poke someone about it | 20:48 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | dottedquad: so you got it working :] | 20:49 |
dottedquad | I'm afriad to change any settings :-/ | 20:49 |
jmichaelx | ColonelPanic001: you're nick rocks | 20:49 |
ColonelPanic001 | jmichaelx: thanks :) | 20:50 |
jmichaelx | yw | 20:50 |
smorg | aah, all repositiories are disabled by default now. awesome. | 20:51 |
Yammeh | Does anyone know of an application like ventrilo that works under linux to connect to vent servers? :D | 20:52 |
ColonelPanic001 | Yammeh: good question, friend of mine was asking the same yesterday. | 20:52 |
ColonelPanic001 | I have no idea though | 20:52 |
Yammeh | Tried running it under wine but I can't get any sound, despite the sound working when I test sound | 20:53 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | wheres fstab located? | 20:53 |
stdin | in /etc | 20:54 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | thanks | 20:54 |
romuloo | hey, guys | 20:54 |
romuloo | a question... | 20:54 |
Gun_Smoke | Gerrrr | 20:55 |
romuloo | after upgrade of my kubuntu 7.04 to 7.10, the KDE 4 will be installed by default? | 20:55 |
stdin | romuloo: no | 20:55 |
romuloo | ok | 20:56 |
troytop | anyone have any recommendations for upgrading from Edgy to Gutsy? | 20:56 |
ColonelPanic001 | RUN | 20:56 |
smorg | thankfully no... although they kind of make it sound like it does from the description on kubuntu.org | 20:56 |
romuloo | stdin: so... how i install it? :) | 20:56 |
stdin | troytop: you have to go Edgy > Feisty > Gutsy | 20:56 |
stdin | romuloo: look in the topic | 20:56 |
misterx | hi | 20:56 |
troytop | stdin: thanks | 20:57 |
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troytop | I guess it shouldn't matter if I use apt-get or adept | 20:57 |
XVampireX | troytop: Or don't upgrade and do a clean install, works best. | 20:57 |
ColonelPanic001 | pffft at clean installs. | 20:58 |
jmichaelx | i did a feisty to gutsy upgrade on a machine that had not had a fresh install since breezy.... it was alright, but seemed sluggish. i did a fresh gutsy install, and things were much much betteer | 20:58 |
troytop | XVampireX: I've heard that suggestion too | 20:58 |
jmichaelx | better* | 20:58 |
romuloo | stdin: the KDE 4 installation only via Adept, right? | 20:59 |
maddog7171 | hi pppl | 20:59 |
PSIplus | hi. don't want dammit Xgl wich is now default. what to do? | 20:59 |
romuloo | stdin: the easy way | 20:59 |
PSIplus | (please type carefully, fucking Xgl is crashing my system all the time :-) ) | 20:59 |
stdin | romuloo: any installation package will do, Adept/apt-get/aptitude/Synaptic | 20:59 |
troytop | oops, I lied: looks like I'm still on Dapper... this may take a while | 20:59 |
stdin | !language | PSIplus | 20:59 |
ubotu | PSIplus: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 21:00 |
dthacker-lt | PSIplus: !language | 21:00 |
maddog7171 | I can't get compriz to work:( | 21:00 |
romuloo | stdin: ok... thanks | 21:00 |
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PSIplus | okay. it did it again. so, why can't I get rid of Xgl? | 21:04 |
stdin | uninstall the package | 21:04 |
VeXcOrE | hy all | 21:04 |
PSIplus | since dist-upgrade to gutsy it's default. starting Xorg (not Xgl) brigs me Xgl? why? | 21:04 |
PSIplus | uninstall the package? what's this? windows? | 21:05 |
bascule | cause it's save as a session | 21:05 |
VeXcOrE | how i can change this n= VeXcOrE | 21:05 |
VeXcOrE | ??? | 21:05 |
stdin | because ubuntu has effects enabled by default | 21:05 |
Minataku | !attitude | PSIplus | 21:05 |
ubotu | PSIplus: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 21:05 |
stdin | PSIplus: xserver-xgl | 21:05 |
PSIplus | yeah, i help people myself | 21:05 |
PSIplus | spend hours on it | 21:05 |
VeXcOrE | how i can change this n= VeXcOrE | 21:05 |
VeXcOrE | :( | 21:05 |
PSIplus | but now i'm annoyed, hope you understand :-) | 21:05 |
bascule | VeXcOrE: what are you o about | 21:06 |
guy82na | hallo has somebody had problem with "rsvg" libraries using or trying to use Screenlets 0.10? | 21:06 |
Minataku | I do, but try not to be mean about it ;3 | 21:06 |
VeXcOrE | how i can change this n=VeXcOrE on my ident | 21:06 |
bascule | change your nick | 21:06 |
stdin | VeXcOrE: what client? | 21:06 |
PSIplus | so, how can i disable Xgl without installing the package? | 21:06 |
VeXcOrE | but i don`t want that n= | 21:07 |
stdin | PSIplus: you can't | 21:07 |
PSIplus | ...and why isn't there an alternatives-entry for it?? ;-) | 21:07 |
Minataku | That's forced by the IRCd, VeXcOrE | 21:07 |
stdin | PSIplus: #ubuntu-devel | 21:07 |
Minataku | You can't get rid of it | 21:07 |
PSIplus | thanks | 21:07 |
VeXcOrE | ok tnx | 21:07 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody help Gun_Smoke mount a mac harddrive? | 21:07 |
VeXcOrE | how i can connect to undernet ? | 21:07 |
stdin | VeXcOrE: press F2 and add the server to the list | 21:08 |
VeXcOrE | ok tnx | 21:08 |
Novell | how do I make the icons smaller in the kde menu (the menu is so damn large) ? | 21:08 |
PSIplus | IÃ'll make a fix and commit it to the people... that's no way to do things... force people to use something... that's not what I expect from kubuntu... whatever, it's not your fault but it feels good to argue... (I'll go on arguing at the right places, btw ;-) ) | 21:08 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | stdin: can you? | 21:08 |
stdin | AT0M1CB0MB3R: I've never had a mac | 21:09 |
stdin | Gun_Smoke: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions | 21:09 |
PSIplus | quit | 21:09 |
PSIplus | dammit :-) | 21:09 |
PSIplus | bye | 21:09 |
Minataku | It depends on the filesystem | 21:09 |
Gun_Smoke | stdin: it is a external.. Matter any? | 21:09 |
stdin | Gun_Smoke: shouldn't matter | 21:09 |
Minataku | If it's HFS or HFS+, it can be mounted, but Linux doesn't handle the dual-fork system | 21:10 |
bascule | externals are almost always fat32 | 21:10 |
Minataku | If it's UFS, then you'll need to explicitly tell mount what kind of UFS it is | 21:10 |
Minataku | Read the manual page for mount regarding that | 21:10 |
Gun_Smoke | stdin: thanks | 21:10 |
Minataku | If it's UFS, it can't be automatically mounted by the automounting system | 21:11 |
Minataku | There's too many differing styles of UFS, one MUST specify the specific type | 21:11 |
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* dthacker-lt wonders why they call it union if there are so many styles. | 21:12 | |
guy82na | has anyone the following message when Screenlets start: unable to connect or launch daemon? | 21:12 |
Minataku | It's not | 21:13 |
Minataku | It's Unix File System | 21:13 |
jarmes | Does KMail have support for HTML signatures? | 21:13 |
PhinnFort | jarmes: if you send a html-mail, yes, probably | 21:13 |
PhinnFort | jarmes: but HTML-emails are evul | 21:13 |
PhinnFort | jarmes: afaik, kmail just appends the signature to the text in the message widnow | 21:13 |
PhinnFort | *window | 21:14 |
jarmes | how do I set KMail up to send messages as HTML? | 21:14 |
walnut | guten abend | 21:14 |
fire001 | nabend alle zusammen. ich hab da ein kleines problem. und zwar, hab ich zwei monitore angeschlossen. Wenn ich nun Kubuntu starte kommt kein bild. (konsole seh ich auch nicht) das gleiche ist wenn ich nur einen Monitor am VGA hab. Nur der DVI alle geht einwandfrei. Woran kann das liegen? | 21:14 |
stdin | !de | walnut | 21:14 |
ubotu | walnut: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 21:14 |
Minataku | !de | 21:14 |
fribuntu | Hi all | 21:15 |
Novell | jarmes: http://expita.com/nomime.html | 21:16 |
fribuntu | I am looking for the easiest way to backup my email with/for kmail. Ideally in a format that is neutral to a specific MUA, so I can import that backup to various mailers. | 21:16 |
jarmes | I know HTML mail is evil, but that is how my work emails have to go out, with a nice little HTML signature on the bottom | 21:18 |
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fribuntu | jarmes: which will look totally silly on mailers that do not want or can have HTML enabled. | 21:19 |
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akis | hi to all | 21:19 |
akis | i have a question | 21:19 |
Minataku | LIAR | 21:19 |
Minataku | I mean | 21:19 |
Minataku | Ask away | 21:19 |
akis | how can i autostart compiz on boot? | 21:20 |
stdin | !autostart | 21:20 |
ubotu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. | 21:20 |
akis | and how can i do this? | 21:20 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | anybody ever die on a IRC channel? | 21:22 |
stdin | akis: well, one way is (from konsole) 'echo "compiz --replace" > ~/.Autostart/startcompiz ; chmod +x ~/.Autostart/startcompiz ' | 21:22 |
WaltzingAlong | akis: open kate. type compiz --replace save the file in /home/akis/.kde/Autostart with the name compiz.sh .change to +x.. yeah stdin has it | 21:22 |
Edulix | hi! | 21:23 |
Edulix | how can I configure subpixel rendering in kubuntu? | 21:23 |
WaltzingAlong | Edulix: system settings/appearance/fonts ? | 21:23 |
jarmes | I agree, I just do what the boss says | 21:23 |
fribuntu | Edulix: What do you mean by "rendering"? | 21:23 |
fribuntu | Edulix: Do you mean subpixel hinting for anti-aliasing? | 21:24 |
jarmes | afaik, all of our clients have HTML turned on in their email readers | 21:24 |
akis | thanks | 21:25 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: It is possible... Every now and then you hear about a gamer dropping dead on a 3 day gaming session | 21:25 |
fribuntu | jarmes: So you never get any new clients? And do you ask them if they do? Because I don't have HTML enabled in any of my Mail readers, including outlook. | 21:25 |
WaltzingAlong | Edulix: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/enable-smooth-fonts-on-ubuntu-linux/ ? | 21:26 |
Gun_Smoke | Thylio: Still around? | 21:26 |
jarmes | i really don't ask questions, I work with one Client who does have it enabled and all of our emails are supposed to go out with this signature on it | 21:26 |
fribuntu | jarmes: so what was the problem? | 21:27 |
Edulix | fribuntu: yes | 21:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: i think he died | 21:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | lol | 21:27 |
jarmes | i was wondering how to send HTML messages in KMail | 21:28 |
Edulix | fribuntu: I remember that kcontrol had something to configure it.. sometime ago | 21:28 |
Edulix | but now.. it doesn't! | 21:28 |
fribuntu | Edulix: In the font settings. Set anti-aliasing to "active" and then go to "settings". | 21:28 |
sathish | hi | 21:28 |
sathish | welcome to the world | 21:29 |
Gun_Smoke | AT0M1CB0MB3R: He broke apt-get or something | 21:29 |
fribuntu | Edulix: Kubuntu uses a dumbed down version of the Controlcenter. | 21:29 |
Gun_Smoke | earlier | 21:29 |
fribuntu | Edulix: You can still start the original manually (kcontrol) | 21:29 |
Edulix | fribuntu: to be honest, I don't even use the kubuntus control center | 21:29 |
sathish | i cant understan nothing | 21:29 |
Edulix | I use always kcontrol center | 21:30 |
Edulix | fribuntu: how to set it in kcontrol | 21:30 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Gun_Smoke: oh adept? | 21:30 |
fribuntu | Edulix: go to the font settings. | 21:31 |
Edulix | fribuntu: thanks I found it! | 21:31 |
fribuntu | Edulix: good :) | 21:31 |
frank_ | hey, does anybody know how to deactivate the command for kopete for gatering the user status every few minutes? all my friends complain that it's getting on their nerves | 21:31 |
fribuntu | Edulix: have fun playing with it :) | 21:31 |
Edulix | anyone had any luck installing the suse' improved k-menu in gutsy? any deb package for it? | 21:32 |
Edulix | fribuntu: hehe =) | 21:32 |
stdin | Edulix: look on kde-apps.org there should be some by now | 21:32 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | stdin: how did you make your name | 21:34 |
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stdin | AT0M1CB0MB3R: I typed the keys, how did you make yours? :p | 21:35 |
Edulix | stdin: kde-apps seems down :( | 21:36 |
Edulix | time to hae dinner, bbl | 21:36 |
neighborlee | !compiz | 21:37 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 21:37 |
pablo_ | Hi, I've upgraded kubuntu from Feisty to Gusty | 21:37 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | stdin: wow your amazing (god i hate sarcasm from jerks) | 21:37 |
neighborlee | why is compiz not here out of box..due kubuntu team consider in unstable... | 21:37 |
stdin | neighborlee: because it doesn't play well with kde | 21:38 |
pablo_ | however, I liked more the old kde theme and artwork (lila colour), is is any way that I can restore the old wallpaper and colors? | 21:38 |
neighborlee | stdin: ahh good reason..well that bites ;) | 21:38 |
aaroncampbell | I've been having problems getting Eclipse working on Kubuntu Feisty. If I upgrade to Gutsy, will the problem follow me? The problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/132338 | 21:38 |
neighborlee | stdin: maybe just as well.I find its a horrible system drain anyway | 21:39 |
neighborlee | even with my 7600 GT | 21:39 |
aaroncampbell | This looks related too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/109583 | 21:39 |
jones | can someone help me with a strange dma-problem? | 21:41 |
Rudd-O | hi guise | 21:41 |
Rudd-O | is there a way to prevent ubuntu from picking up on the DHCP dns server, and use a manually specified one, and if there is, how? | 21:41 |
Rudd-O | kubuntu here | 21:41 |
dthacker-lt | aaroncampbell: I don't see a fix, so I think you are in "try it and see" territory. | 21:42 |
vzduch | !ask | jones | 21:43 |
ubotu | jones: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 21:43 |
dthacker-lt | Rudd-0. | 21:43 |
Rudd-O | thanks | 21:43 |
Rudd-O | :-) | 21:43 |
Rudd-O | geeknik in #ubuntu solved my querstion | 21:43 |
Rudd-O | thanks guys | 21:44 |
dthacker-lt | nm :) | 21:44 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | stdin: i hope you die | 21:44 |
jones | ubotu vzduch :) dma keeps disabling after enabling it via terminal and accessing the dvd drive... | 21:44 |
dthacker-lt | !offtopic | AT0M1CB0MB3R | 21:44 |
ubotu | AT0M1CB0MB3R: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 21:44 |
pablo_ | How can I change the theme for kdm? | 21:44 |
aaroncampbell | dthacker-lt: Is there a good way to back up what I currently have, so if it doesn't work I can come back to my current setup? | 21:44 |
pablo_ | I cannot see that icon in the preferences dialog | 21:45 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | sorry | 21:45 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | gosh | 21:45 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | stdin: sorry | 21:45 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | stdin: i was joking | 21:45 |
stdin | AT0M1CB0MB3R: yes, but that type of thing is not allowed in here, even as a joke | 21:45 |
stdin | AT0M1CB0MB3R: you would have probably gotten away with it in -offtopic, but not in a support channel | 21:46 |
dthacker-lt | aaroncampbell: Are most of the config files in your home directory? | 21:46 |
aaroncampbell | dthacker-lt: I don't know | 21:47 |
* dthacker-lt has only installed eclipse to look at. | 21:47 | |
neighborlee | AT0M1CB0MB3R: yeah that was like totally not nice...you clearly have issues your not facing I hope you find your way clear of them ;) | 21:47 |
ubuntu | hiho | 21:47 |
neighborlee | hi there ubuntu | 21:48 |
ubuntu | ;) | 21:48 |
=== ubuntu is now known as crusader727 | ||
crazy6 | Adept doesn't seem to present me with the option to upgrade to 7.10 ? | 21:48 |
dthacker-lt | aaroncampbell: tarball of home would be good, but I can't say for sure if there are other places configs are saved. | 21:48 |
LjL-Temp | thanks to anybody with a Bluetooth device who can confirm this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebluetooth/+bug/155891 | 21:48 |
stdin | crazy6: have you looked at the instructions in the topic ? | 21:48 |
dthacker-lt | you've reached the limit of my expertise ;) | 21:48 |
aaroncampbell | But my main drive only has 6.4G on it, so if there was a good way to do an image and later restore it, I have plenty of room to store it | 21:48 |
omarian | hello. i cannot get ubuntu to stream avi files across the network. i have even installed mplayer and such. when i try streaming it, it tries to copy the file locally. Any ideas why it is doing that? | 21:49 |
omarian | anybody? | 21:50 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | neighborlee: that wasnt nice | 21:50 |
crazy6 | stdin: ah, I need pre-release, whoops | 21:50 |
dthacker-lt | bbl | 21:50 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | neighborlee: i guess nobody can have fun in support chanel STRICTLY BUSINESS | 21:50 |
stdin | AT0M1CB0MB3R: yep, that's why we made the -offtopic channels :) | 21:50 |
aaroncampbell | AT0M1CB0MB3R: that's the idea | 21:51 |
=== vzduch_ is now known as vzduch | ||
omarian | NickPresta: i believe you started responding to me about this issue yesterday | 21:51 |
Gun_Smoke | stdin: and anyone else... Alright I've figured out the mounting of the drive.. and even managed to get stuff to start moving between the drives.. Is there a way to detect the transfer speeds of the data? | 21:52 |
stdin | Gun_Smoke: kde should show a copy dialog (at least in konqueror) that shows speed | 21:53 |
Gun_Smoke | I've forced myself to do it all via CLI | 21:53 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: offers well meaning sighs of sympathy ;) | 21:54 |
stdin | Gun_Smoke: well cp and mv don't have progress meters | 21:54 |
neighborlee | Gun_Smoke: jk of course...I avoid cli whenever possible as well..though im fine in it of course | 21:54 |
Gun_Smoke | I noticed.. I was wonder if it could be included as a option... is in cp -r* off to man pages.. | 21:54 |
stdin | Gun_Smoke: if you want that, you should send a request to bug-coreutils@gnu.org | 21:56 |
Gun_Smoke | stdin: wouldn't that be nice.. But a waste of resources I suppose. | 21:56 |
Gun_Smoke | Guess I'll do one via GUI to see.. | 21:57 |
stdin | Gun_Smoke: well, learn C, make it yourself and send a patch :p | 21:57 |
Gun_Smoke | stdin: I do want to.. Few dozen weeks down the road ;) | 21:57 |
stdin | bah, learn C++ instead and then Qt, that's where it's all at ;) | 21:58 |
Solifugus | any word on how good/bad the new kunbuntu is? anyone? | 21:59 |
stdin | most reviews are positive | 21:59 |
PhinnFort | Solifugus: all good | 22:01 |
PhinnFort | it's superb | 22:01 |
LjL-Temp | it crashes wonderfully | 22:02 |
neighborlee | LOL | 22:02 |
PhinnFort | LjL-Temp: better than gnome, anyhow | 22:02 |
PhinnFort | LjL-Temp: at least KDE handles crashes properly | 22:02 |
LjL-Temp | yeah, gnome crashes aren't as good. | 22:02 |
neighborlee | welll I dont like system-settings GUI but beyond that so far I h ave no complaints per se ;) | 22:02 |
PhinnFort | if the screensaver process dies in Gnome, you have full access to the desktop | 22:02 |
stdin | neighborlee: get used to it, kde4 will use it | 22:02 |
PhinnFort | neighborlee: well, KDE as default doesn't ship any sysadmin tools | 22:02 |
neighborlee | well one..KDM screen is really WEIRD atm..its a virtual size..if I sc roll with mouse it moves!! ;00 | 22:03 |
PhinnFort | stdin: where did yuo hear that? | 22:03 |
LjL-Temp | PhinnFort: well kcontrol has everything that system settings has and more | 22:03 |
=== Earl_of_Dunham is now known as n8k99 | ||
neighborlee | PhinnFort: no I mean the new kcontrol thing.I much prefer kcontrol to the new one | 22:03 |
PhinnFort | LjL-Temp: that's Guidance, some crappy python tools | 22:03 |
PhinnFort | LjL-Temp: KDE won't make sysadmin tools, as they feel it's the distro maintainers job | 22:03 |
PhinnFort | neighborlee: well, I couldn't agree more;) | 22:04 |
LjL-Temp | PhinnFort, i'm very much under the impression that the *current* (don't know about KDE4) System Settings uses the very same kcontrol modules - some of which are from Guidance yes | 22:04 |
neighborlee | PhinnFort: :) | 22:04 |
PhinnFort | LjL-Temp: we agree, I just misunderstood a bit;) | 22:04 |
stdin | PhinnFort: well, it was on a couple blog posts a while ago, and seeing as it's in the alphas/betas and svn versions, it's likely to stay | 22:04 |
PhinnFort | stdin: well, hopefully they'll fixed it by then | 22:05 |
stdin | PhinnFort: besides, kcontrol broke terribly early on in the development cycle, so system settings was chosen | 22:05 |
neighborlee | is there no way to patch in guidance to make it work in kcontrol | 22:05 |
neighborlee | imo would look system native then | 22:05 |
LjL-Temp | neighborlee, it already does. | 22:05 |
PhinnFort | stdin: for now I just use kcmshell | 22:05 |
neighborlee | LjL-Temp: so your saying just not in time for gutsy release | 22:06 |
PhinnFort | neighborlee: Guidance is just a bunch of Python programs that act as KControl modules | 22:06 |
stdin | PhinnFort: systemsettings (like kcontrol) is really just a window around kcmshell anyway ;) | 22:06 |
PhinnFort | stdin: I know, a horribly broken one;) | 22:06 |
neighborlee | yeah im talking about system-settings..its not very kde like imo... | 22:06 |
LjL-Temp | neighborlee: no, i'm saying that everything that you see in System Settings (including the Guidance modules) can be used from KControl too. in Gutsy, yes. | 22:06 |
PhinnFort | stdin: it doubles my click-through ratio for changing almost anything | 22:06 |
LjL-Temp | neighborlee: just start "kcontrol". | 22:06 |
stdin | PhinnFort: feel free to hack in it :) | 22:06 |
PhinnFort | stdin: I would, if I had tiem | 22:07 |
PhinnFort | *time | 22:07 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 22:07 |
Gun_Smoke | stdin: How would you cp via GUI with root (sudo) privileges ? This is where the cli is just easier I guess.. ? | 22:07 |
LjL-Temp | !kdesu | 22:07 |
ubotu | In KDE, use « kdesudo » (Gutsy) or « kdesu » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use « sudo <GUI application> »; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 22:07 |
PhinnFort | Gun_Smoke: kdesudo dolphin? | 22:07 |
Gun_Smoke | ah ha. | 22:07 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 22:07 |
stdin | Gun_Smoke: you have to open konqueror or dolphin as root with kdesu (see all of the above) :p | 22:07 |
Gun_Smoke | Anything with root I've always done on the command line.. probably good practice maybe? ;) | 22:08 |
=== simon__ is now known as Zicks | ||
aaroncampbell | Is there a good way to make an image of my entire main drive, store it on a secondary drive, and restore it later? | 22:08 |
PhinnFort | Gun_Smoke: probably;( | 22:08 |
PhinnFort | *;) | 22:08 |
PhinnFort | aaroncampbell: tar | 22:08 |
Zicks | Hello some one please help re Adept Installer | 22:08 |
neighborlee | why was kcontrol removed from main menu I wonder....odd.. | 22:08 |
PhinnFort | aaroncampbell: hit alt+f2, type in man:tar and hit enter | 22:09 |
jjj543k3 | I am having troble getting flash player to work. IT seems as though it has been properly installed but then if I go to a site that requires it it tells me that I need to install flash player. I tried installing gnash too but neither work. | 22:09 |
ubuntu | hello | 22:09 |
neighborlee | I mean if kcontrol has every module system-settings does why use the latre ? | 22:09 |
neighborlee | ubuntu: hello | 22:09 |
aaroncampbell | PhinnFort: but that won't work on my main drive right? Unless I boot to a CD first or something? | 22:09 |
ubuntu | deqr qll | 22:09 |
PhinnFort | neighborlee: because someone thought it was more userfriendly? | 22:09 |
LjL-Temp | neighborlee: because by some (most [at least developers]) it's perceived to be simpler and more well organized. of course, it's a matter of opinions. | 22:09 |
vzduch | AZERTY keyboard.. o0 | 22:09 |
neighborlee | PhinnFort: who would that be exactly ? | 22:09 |
PhinnFort | aaroncampbell: probably, if you don't exclude what you should exclude anyways | 22:10 |
PhinnFort | LjL-Temp: the developers are more or less blinded by the fact that some silly cowboys from openusability.org helped with the development;) | 22:10 |
neighborlee | LjL-Temp: ah ic | 22:10 |
neighborlee | heh | 22:10 |
PhinnFort | aaroncampbell: just exclude /proc, /sys, /dev, etc. and you should be fine, even from a running system | 22:10 |
Zicks | Hello some one please help re Adept Installer | 22:10 |
PhinnFort | aaroncampbell: but I would go to init 1 first, maybe | 22:11 |
PhinnFort | !question | Zicks | 22:11 |
ubotu | Zicks: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 22:11 |
aaroncampbell | PhinnFort: but then I can't restore the system to what it is now | 22:11 |
neighborlee | well whatever its worth.imvho system-settings is nasty | 22:11 |
Karti | Helllllooooooooo Got issues with not being able to read my cdroms/dvd player after a rebuild of 7.04 and 7.10, any pointers would be appreciated - Just sees them as blank cds | 22:11 |
neighborlee | its def. not fitting in with kde environment at all | 22:11 |
PhinnFort | aaroncampbell: well, they should be automatically regenerated | 22:11 |
LjL-Temp | PhinnFort: System Settings is better because it's default in Ubuntu. you shouldn't use anything else, as it's not supported and may break your system. </#*ubuntu operator mode> ;) | 22:11 |
PhinnFort | aaroncampbell: but you can just boot from a live cd | 22:11 |
Zicks | ! Can not install new progs in Adept, they are greyed out | 22:11 |
PhinnFort | LjL-Temp: KControl is actually made by the core KDE developers | 22:11 |
PhinnFort | :D | 22:12 |
neighborlee | my friend likes kde better as she feels more windows-comfy here...if that helps you any understand maybe why I feel this way too... | 22:12 |
LjL-Temp | PhinnFort: i know, but Kubuntu supports System Settings and not KControl :) | 22:12 |
neighborlee | people use what t hey are familiar with I suspect...right or wrong | 22:12 |
PhinnFort | neighborlee: KDE is much more configurable, so you can have it more windowsish or macosish than gnome;) | 22:12 |
LjL-Temp | PhinnFort: anyway, i was just being [self]-ironic | 22:12 |
neighborlee | PhinnFort: I totally agree | 22:12 |
PhinnFort | LjL-Temp: ;) | 22:12 |
h3sp4wn | Nothing wrong with using kcontrol | 22:13 |
PhinnFort | neighborlee: I have a rather hybrid look, with top-menu-bar, startmenuish-menu, etc. | 22:13 |
PhinnFort | h3sp4wn: rather the other way around;) | 22:13 |
neighborlee | PhinnFort: I had used gnome for years but their blind stubborn use of mono had me jumping ship without any floatation devices ;) | 22:13 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 22:13 |
neighborlee | though I admit qt is prob. better and does let you config alot more from what I've seen | 22:13 |
PhinnFort | I don't like mono | 22:13 |
neighborlee | ditto | 22:13 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 22:13 |
neighborlee | oh wait.but we can trust mono M$ wont sue us | 22:14 |
neighborlee | HAAAAAAAAAAa | 22:14 |
PhinnFort | hehe | 22:14 |
neighborlee | :-) | 22:14 |
Zicks | ! Adept | 22:14 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 22:14 |
PhinnFort | but I also prefer Qt, as it's true oo, compared to GTK which tries to "play" OO, with C | 22:14 |
neighborlee | ahh didn't know that | 22:14 |
neighborlee | hm | 22:14 |
PhinnFort | neighborlee: GTK is more or less a rather un-elegant hack, imho | 22:15 |
paxmax | salve | 22:15 |
neighborlee | only reason Im asking about system-settings thing.is many seem to voice opinions that it looks weird that they prefer kcontrol so I was just curious where this 'decisoin' came from ;) | 22:15 |
neighborlee | PhinnFort: wow ;))heh | 22:15 |
paxmax | qualcuno italiano | 22:16 |
PhinnFort | !it | paxmax | 22:16 |
ubotu | paxmax: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 22:16 |
neighborlee | well maybe its good I found kde/qt then heheh...my friend that uses kde has tried to convert me for sometime now..she prob. smiles alot atm | 22:16 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 22:16 |
neighborlee | ha | 22:16 |
neighborlee | linus smiles now too maybe..he tried to warn me sometime ago with 'just use kde'....I did not listen but hey you know...mono is disease I felt like not getting so I came here ;)) | 22:17 |
* neighborlee feels less diseased atm ;) | 22:17 | |
PhinnFort | ;) | 22:17 |
Romina | hi | 22:17 |
PhinnFort | !hi | Romina | 22:17 |
ubotu | Romina: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 22:18 |
neighborlee | hi Romina | 22:18 |
Omarian | hey guys. i tried using an external monitor on my laptop and now the resolution is all messed up. i have the ati drivers installed so i don't want to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure. i am worried it might remove the ati drivers. i also don't see any resolutions higher than 680x480 on the display settings. how do i get it back to how it was 1280x1024? | 22:18 |
poison-- | !nvidia | 22:18 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 22:18 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | !hi | retard | 22:18 |
ubotu | retard: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 22:18 |
neighborlee | AT0M1CB0MB3R: what the hell is your problem | 22:18 |
neighborlee | o_0 | 22:19 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | neighborlee: im going to ignore you | 22:19 |
PhinnFort | !attitude | 22:19 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 22:19 |
graelb | Hi there, does anyone here use hamachi? | 22:19 |
Omarian | anybody? | 22:19 |
neighborlee | does anyone feel its ok to let someone stay here that is using such foul language ? | 22:19 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Omarian: whats your problem | 22:19 |
neighborlee | im really not amused | 22:19 |
Omarian | ok let me retype it | 22:20 |
xipietotec | do I have to have kubuntu-desktop installed to run kde4? I followed the instructions on the kubuntu.org site, and kde4 loads up and then crashes | 22:20 |
Omarian | hey guys. i tried using an external monitor on my laptop and now the resolution is all messed up. i have the ati drivers installed so i don't want to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure. i am worried it might remove the ati drivers. i also don't see any resolutions higher than 680x480 on the display settings. how do i get it back to how it was 1280x1024? | 22:20 |
Omarian | any help would be GREATLY appreciated | 22:20 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: I don't think the ati-drivers have the worlds best support for dual screen | 22:20 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: do you use the proprietary or the free ones? | 22:21 |
LjL-Temp | neighborlee: you could have avoided the "what the hell" too, but anyway | 22:21 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: hehehe | 22:21 |
neighborlee | LjL-Temp: even jesus lost his temper occasionally | 22:21 |
Omarian | it seems like i figured that out the hard way | 22:21 |
neighborlee | i mean this guy has repeadly cast insults...he's abusive and he needs to be dealt with | 22:21 |
Omarian | PhinnFort:how do i get back to how it looked before? | 22:21 |
neighborlee | sorry for the HELL part,,but I've had it with unecesssary unsults to those who do not des serve it ;) | 22:21 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | i wont even talk | 22:22 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: you could try to just move the /etc/X11/xorg.conf out of the way | 22:22 |
neighborlee | 'bullies' are not something I tolerate well sorry << | 22:22 |
llarsson | is there someway to force a re-update of gutsy? | 22:22 |
stdin | xipietotec: no, make sure you installed it like it says "sudo apt-get install kde4base-dev kdebase-workspace" and if you're starting it as a full session you need to put the four export lines in /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde | 22:22 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: you could also see if there's any backup files in /etc/X11 of xorg.conf, from the previous configuration | 22:22 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: so copy the xorg.conf to say...xorg.conf.old? | 22:22 |
xipietotec | stdin, I did that, although I installed the packages through synaptic. | 22:22 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: MOVE to xorg.conf.old | 22:22 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: and then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure? | 22:23 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: so there's no xorg.conf | 22:23 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: and then just restart | 22:23 |
stdin | xipietotec: well that souldn't matter, as long as you installed those two packages | 22:23 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: oh ok | 22:23 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: it should configure automatically | 22:23 |
xipietotec | ah, you need the dev files as well? | 22:23 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: if not, log in and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure | 22:23 |
stdin | xipietotec: 1st line of the instructions: "Install kdebase-workspace and kde4base-dev" ;) | 22:23 |
xipietotec | bah, I'm not used to installing -dev packages unless I need to install stuff from source. | 22:24 |
xipietotec | =P | 22:24 |
stdin | it's needed with kde4, files are a bit all over the place now | 22:24 |
xipietotec | are the -dev packages from the other kde4 packages to get them working right too? | 22:25 |
Minataku | Anyone know of any places with stuff for Macintosh System 6? | 22:25 |
Minataku | Preferably with good descriptions? :P | 22:25 |
xipietotec | insert the word "needed" up there. | 22:25 |
antiroach | i have a weird issue with deleting stuff from the trash. heres the scenario: assume the trash is empty and i "move to trash" some files from drive A, the files go into the trash, but i cant right click on the trash and empty it. but if i 'move to trash' some files from drive B it works as expected. any ideas ? | 22:25 |
PhinnFort | !offtopic | Minataku? | 22:26 |
ubotu | Minataku?: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 22:26 |
Minataku | I'd rather ask in an active channel with people who may know than in an inactive channel with very few people | 22:26 |
spiroo | Does anybody know when Kubuntu 7.11 is coming? | 22:27 |
PhinnFort | Minataku: the more active, the higher the noise-to-signal ratio | 22:27 |
LjL-Temp | spiroo: 7.11? | 22:27 |
PhinnFort | spiroo: 7.11 won't come | 22:27 |
sven_ | Minataku, in that case, ask in a macintosh channel maybe? | 22:27 |
PhinnFort | spiroo: the releases are named after when they are released | 22:27 |
sven_ | spiroo, that would be 8.04 | 22:27 |
PhinnFort | spiroo: 7.10 because it was released october 2007 | 22:28 |
spiroo | lol XD | 22:28 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 22:28 |
LjL-Temp | Minataku: there is #macintosh on IRCNet | 22:28 |
sven_ | spiroo, the kubuntu versioning systems (AFAIK) works like year.month | 22:28 |
spiroo | But there is so many errors in 7.10 | 22:28 |
Minataku | They bend up the traditional versioning to make it stupid and confusing | 22:28 |
stdin | spiroo: so report them | 22:28 |
haffi | Hi, quick question, which codec do I need to play .rm files? | 22:28 |
LjL-Temp | !real > haffi (haffi, see the private message from Ubotu) | 22:28 |
sven_ | spiroo, since they release in april and october, you will have 8.04 and 8.10 comming up next year | 22:28 |
spiroo | Where? | 22:29 |
stdin | !bug | spiroo | 22:29 |
ubotu | spiroo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 22:29 |
sven_ | spiroo, Every version has a feature freeze once released and for the rest of the time, you will be receiving many updates which should fix the bugs | 22:29 |
Daisuke_Laptop | hrmm, kde4b3 | 22:29 |
sven_ | spiroo, what the ubotu says,.. | 22:29 |
Daisuke_Laptop | do i dare check it out? | 22:30 |
sven_ | Daisuke_Ido, it should be reasonably stable and complete.. | 22:30 |
stdin | Daisuke_Laptop: it's better than b2, not great yet tho | 22:30 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i have my doubts | 22:30 |
Daisuke_Laptop | stdin: bout what i thought | 22:30 |
spiroo | You guys probably know, how to solve my problem. When I reboot LCD monitor starts to blink and OS does not start. But when I turn off power and wait for a while It does actually start "normal". Is this Kubuntu or Power Supply? | 22:30 |
Daisuke_Laptop | sven_: i can't see it being anywhere NEAR complete yet | 22:30 |
Daisuke_Laptop | that sounds like a heat issue, honestly | 22:31 |
Daisuke_Laptop | does it shut down randomly? | 22:31 |
haffi | right | 22:31 |
spiroo | Okay, but this started when I instaleld a "clean" copy of Kubuntu 7.10 | 22:31 |
salox | try hard reboot | 22:32 |
salox | press reset | 22:32 |
salox | button | 22:32 |
spiroo | It does not shut down. I just reboot the computer, but directly with a second screen start to blink and I cannot do anything. Then Ill wait and then it works after a few minutes. | 22:32 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: ok i will need to restart but will brb | 22:33 |
PhinnFort | ok | 22:33 |
spiroo | salox: Tried, no difference | 22:33 |
Romina | Does anybody know about the bug in Edgy Eft about loosing the connection to all USB Devices at the same time? Has it been solved in Gutsy? | 22:33 |
salox | power supplies can't do this | 22:33 |
salox | maybe bios | 22:33 |
spiroo | Not sure if this is a bug in Kubuntu core or just my hardware. Maybe a bit fo both ;P | 22:33 |
spiroo | Nope not BIOS | 22:34 |
spiroo | As I said, This started after a clena install of Gutsy | 22:34 |
Daisuke_Laptop | so it does post | 22:34 |
spiroo | It has been working perfect with development version of 7.10 XD | 22:34 |
Daisuke_Laptop | because if you boot and it doesn't do *anything*, it's probably the bios. | 22:34 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | !sorry | 22:34 |
ubotu | It's ok, I can't stay mad at you. | 22:34 |
salox | do u have other OS installed ? | 22:34 |
sven_ | Daisuke_Ido, I didnt say it was _complete_... sorry if I explained that wrong but I meant more like.. complete enough to try.. | 22:35 |
spiroo | If flash up ABIT logo, but then it blinks | 22:35 |
Daisuke_Laptop | correlation != causation | 22:35 |
LjL-Temp | !botabuse | AT0M1CB0MB3R | 22:35 |
ubotu | AT0M1CB0MB3R: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 22:35 |
Dragnslcr | Since upgrading to 7.10, I've lost sound in some applications. Kopete sounds don't work, Amarok says "xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers." when trying to play an ogg or mp3 file, but Kaffeine had sound when playing an mpeg | 22:35 |
sven_ | Daisuke_Ido, you should be able to install it next to kde3.. so you can give it a try and then return to kde 3 | 22:35 |
spiroo | Yes Windows Vista, but that should not be a problem I guess. | 22:35 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL-Temp: how did i abuse the bot | 22:35 |
salox | try restart in Vista | 22:36 |
Daisuke_Laptop | windows vista is never not a problem, but that's just me :) | 22:36 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL-Temp: i used it once | 22:36 |
stephan_ | hi | 22:36 |
neighborlee | Daisuke_Laptop: :)) | 22:36 |
LjL-Temp | AT0M1CB0MB3R: what did that factoid have to do with anything? you hadn't said a thing for minutes, then you come up with "!sorry"? | 22:36 |
spiroo | Restart Vista huh. I need to do dual-boot in Grub to do that, which I cannot because it starts blinking before I can do something. | 22:36 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | i got you privet mesage LjL-Temp so i said sorry ok | 22:37 |
stephan_ | i'm using gutsy, and switched knetworkmanager to 'manual mode', how to get back the nich auto mode? | 22:37 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL-Temp: i guess you dont want me here | 22:37 |
neighborlee | LjL-Temp: I was wondering the same thing | 22:37 |
Daisuke_Laptop | is there a !pityparty trigger? :\ | 22:37 |
Daisuke_Laptop | anyway | 22:37 |
LjL-Temp | AT0M1CB0MB3R: you got my PM *now*? hm, ok... it was sent minutes ago though... i want you here as long as you abide to the channel etiquette. | 22:37 |
neighborlee | Daisuke_Laptop: :) | 22:37 |
Dragnslcr | Hm, now Kaffeine is saying "Audio output unavailable. Device is busy. ()" | 22:38 |
spiroo | But you guys, do you think there is some bug in Ubuntu Core, conflict with hardware or just hardware? | 22:38 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL-Temp: i was doing other things | 22:38 |
Daisuke_Laptop | if you can't get to grub to boot, but after letting it sit for a while, you can... that screams hardware problem | 22:38 |
Daisuke_Laptop | software doesn't fix itself while the machine's off (hardware doesn't either, but it does cool down) | 22:38 |
salox | spiroo : if u do a hard reboot from reset button will not matter what OS u have installed | 22:39 |
Daisuke_Laptop | if you're not getting to grub at all, it cannot be an ubuntu bug. | 22:39 |
Daisuke_Laptop | possibly a grub bug, maybe, slim chance there, very slim | 22:39 |
Gun_Smoke | Alright.. Done with data transfer.. Now to format the external HD.... | 22:39 |
Daisuke_Laptop | but i still say it sounds like heat. | 22:39 |
spiroo | NO no. You have misunderstood. It is like this: After I pressed restart in Kubuntu everything do as usual, until it switch to restart system. The mainboard logo Abit shows up and then it starts to blink before Grub even has loaded or anything. Then I just turn power off completely and wait for a while. Then I start system and it works. | 22:40 |
Daisuke_Laptop | it's HEAT | 22:40 |
Daisuke_Laptop | oi | 22:40 |
Daisuke_Laptop | or hardware | 22:40 |
joffy | Guys can you give methe command to install Kde4? thanks | 22:40 |
slow-motion | good night | 22:40 |
Daisuke_Laptop | if you have to power down completely and wait, it's hardware related | 22:40 |
salox | harware | 22:41 |
Dragnslcr | joffy- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | 22:41 |
spiroo | But I never got this problem before? :P | 22:41 |
Daisuke_Laptop | coincidence? | 22:41 |
spiroo | Happened directly after a new install of Kubuntu 7.10 | 22:41 |
Daisuke_Laptop | like i said before, just because two things coincide doesn't mean one caused the other | 22:41 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: that took care of it | 22:41 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: good, good | 22:41 |
spiroo | I still believe there is some conflict with linux in some way :P | 22:41 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: its back to normal but there is one other thing | 22:41 |
Daisuke_Laptop | spiroo: if it isn't getting to grub, how can it? | 22:42 |
joffy | thx man | 22:42 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: you can probably create a new one, if there isn't one already, with dpkg-reconfigure | 22:42 |
Gun_Smoke | I have two two partition of the external HD mounted, How do I go about just wiping the entire drive and starting from scratch? | 22:42 |
Daisuke_Laptop | here's how the chain works | 22:42 |
spiroo | I do not know. I am not sure how linux is built and when it starts to load. | 22:42 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: now when i open the monitor & display module it says that monitor& module display could not be loaded | 22:42 |
Daisuke_Laptop | bios posts ---> boot to grub ---> choose os ---> THEN the chosen OS boots | 22:42 |
Daisuke_Laptop | if you're not getting to grub, it's hardware. | 22:42 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: you don't have an xorg.conf | 22:42 |
sven_ | Can I mount a CD ISO file as a CDROM? | 22:42 |
salox | spiroo : bios heat related problem | 22:42 |
stephan_ | now way to get knetwork manager back to the nice automatic mode? | 22:42 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: try dpkg-reconfigure first | 22:42 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: is that why? | 22:43 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: probably | 22:43 |
Daisuke_Laptop | sven_: sudo mount -o loop /iso/file /mount/point | 22:43 |
spiroo | salox, Daisuke_Laptop: How to fix? | 22:43 |
sven_ | err... My adept updater of 7.10 tells me that there is a new distro version available, if I want to upgrade... is 8.04 ALREADY out or what?? | 22:43 |
neighborlee | PhinnFort: im not sure if it was you or not..but thx tons for the notice about kcontrol doing everything system-settings does..I have changed my menu to use kcontrol and changed system-settings to say Control Panel , so thx again ;)) | 22:43 |
Karti | Hi all.....every cdrom I place in my drive is read as a blank cd any ideas? | 22:43 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: where is it reading the display settings then..I don't understand. | 22:43 |
Daisuke_Laptop | spiroo: take the side off your pc and clear out the dust | 22:43 |
Gun_Smoke | sven_: As in a virtual drive? | 22:43 |
sven_ | Daisuke_Ido, thanks! | 22:43 |
PhinnFort | neighborlee: no problem;) | 22:44 |
stdin | sven_: it's a known issue | 22:44 |
neighborlee | :) | 22:44 |
sven_ | Gun_Smoke, yeah, but Daisuke_Ido already had the solution | 22:44 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: it's autodetecting when you start | 22:44 |
sven_ | stdin, ahah.. should I upgrade then or better not? :) | 22:44 |
spiroo | Okay i will try that I guess. Need new pc hardware parts too :P | 22:44 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: so its creating a temp file with settings? | 22:44 |
sven_ | stdin, as in, what would the consequences be if I would upgrade? | 22:44 |
salox | spiroo : check the bios chip if is OK in the slot | 22:44 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: no | 22:44 |
stdin | sven_: there's nothing to upgrade to, it will say that if you try | 22:44 |
sven_ | stdin, I suppose that will be fixed soon? | 22:45 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: Xorg first probes your PCI slots, queries the bios, etc., then through the screen port it queries the screen for what it supports, and then it finds the best settings | 22:45 |
[ifr0g] | !compiz | 22:45 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 22:45 |
azuk | how can I disable katapult? what starts it? | 22:45 |
sven_ | stdin, I can imagine that this is .... freaky for the common people.. :) | 22:45 |
spiroo | I'll try and check then. Have not been touch anything in PC. | 22:45 |
spiroo | Anyway gtg, cya laterz | 22:45 |
Daisuke_Laptop | spiroo: it's probably scary in there | 22:45 |
stdin | sven_: the fix is already in gutsy-proposed for testing, then it will be moved in to -updates probably | 22:45 |
spiroo | haha nah do not think so. | 22:45 |
salox | hi, i have kubuntu 7.10 and i want to downgrade gimp 2.4.rc3 to gimp 2.2.17. please help. | 22:46 |
Daisuke_Laptop | installing kde4 now | 22:46 |
sven_ | stdin, ahw, gotta love linux.. no M$ enforced we-will-update-in-12-months-if-we-feel-like-it mentality :) | 22:46 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: right. but if it is able to do it that way, what is the point of xorg.conf? | 22:46 |
Daisuke_Laptop | salox: well, if the older version is in the repos, you could do it that way, other than that or compiling, i don't know | 22:47 |
stdin | sven_: 12 months!? that's 2 whole releases for us ;) | 22:47 |
Daisuke_Laptop | what's wrong with 2.4 rc3? | 22:47 |
Daisuke_Laptop | stdin: in theory :) | 22:47 |
sven_ | stdin, my point exactly... in the time that M$ makes a patch, we do 2 new releases :) | 22:47 |
Daisuke_Laptop | though i've only seen a release fall behind once | 22:47 |
stdin | Daisuke_Laptop: 2 or 1.6 :p | 22:47 |
sven_ | Daisuke_Ido, fall behind howmuch? | 22:47 |
Dragnslcr | Anyone else have sound problems when upgrading to 7.10? Mine seems to be pretty hosed | 22:47 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: if you have specific settings you need | 22:48 |
Daisuke_Laptop | sven_: two months | 22:48 |
sven_ | Daisuke_Ido, 2 - 3 years like vista? :D | 22:48 |
neighborlee | is there no way through adept , to find out what version of a given app in the repo willl install ? ( I mean during preview not during install ) | 22:48 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: and Xorg didn't support starting without xorg.conf before Feisty | 22:48 |
salox | lot of changes and i see some bugs that not let me do the work right | 22:48 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: oh i see | 22:48 |
Daisuke_Laptop | but that was working out kinks for a long-term-support release | 22:48 |
kreib | !fluxbox | 22:48 |
ubotu | fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox | 22:48 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i expect hardy to fall behind as well | 22:48 |
stdin | sven_: it was dapper, 2 months late (because it was to be the 1st LTS version) | 22:48 |
Daisuke_Laptop | wait | 22:48 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- look at the details, it will show "Candidate Version" | 22:48 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: sorry to ask all these questions. i am new to linux and want to truly understand it | 22:48 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: I read somewhere that in Gutsy, they wouldn't ship with a xorg.conf | 22:48 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: oh, it's okay | 22:49 |
Daisuke_Laptop | is hardy or hardy+1 the next LTS? | 22:49 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: I'm supposed to be working, and now we're discussing different programming languages | 22:49 |
PhinnFort | here | 22:49 |
Sanne | neighborlee: also "apt-cache policy packagename" | 22:49 |
Karti | Hi all, I would like to install 7.04 386 on a 64 bit motherboard and AMD processor, but have failed before as I cannot access my usb wireless nic, my question is would I be any more successful with the alternate .iso? All comments welcome | 22:49 |
Dragnslcr | Daisuke_Laptop- 8.04 I believe is LTS | 22:49 |
Omarian | PhinnFort:lol | 22:49 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 22:49 |
stdin | !hardy | 22:49 |
ubotu | Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) | Due April 2008 | For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron | 22:49 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: there is no detail tab that I can see | 22:49 |
Daisuke_Laptop | thought so :D | 22:49 |
PhinnFort | humping hardy | 22:49 |
Daisuke_Laptop | it may end up being 8.06LTS as well :D | 22:50 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- click the arrow on the left | 22:50 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: sorry, ic no arrow | 22:50 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: atm im using adept gui | 22:50 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: i also am not able to stream avi files btw. they are on a network share and everytime i open mplayer it tries to copy the file locally | 22:51 |
GNUton | i'm compiling my kde app in gutsy, but i've a problem with cmake.. it doesn't show me the colors... | 22:51 |
Daisuke_Laptop | Omarian: shared via...? | 22:51 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: try to use Kaffeine | 22:51 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: or install Codeine, and use it instead | 22:51 |
Daisuke_Laptop | if it's nfs, use kaffeine or VLC | 22:51 |
Daisuke_Laptop | and codeine? | 22:51 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: kaffeine won't do it | 22:51 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !codeine | 22:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about codeine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 22:51 |
PhinnFort | !info codeine | 22:51 |
ubotu | codeine: Simple KDE video player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3.dfsg-2 (gutsy), package size 174 kB, installed size 596 kB | 22:51 |
PhinnFort | it's very slick | 22:51 |
Daisuke_Laptop | interesting | 22:51 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: is codeine better? | 22:52 |
Daisuke_Laptop | will have to install after i get kde4 going | 22:52 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: imho, yes | 22:52 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: it's going to be standard in KDE 4 | 22:52 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: is it just sudo apt-get install codeine? | 22:52 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- it's immediately to the left of the package name | 22:52 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- at the very left edge of the Package column | 22:52 |
=== KrAmMeR is now known as ekrengel | ||
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: hmm odd..nope no arrow here at all | 22:52 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: yes | 22:53 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: I see a small slit like thing..let me try to go fullscreen | 22:53 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: nope..maybe a bug or some settting for adept I have wrong I dont know..either way no arrow | 22:53 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- you can also right-click the package name and select Show Details | 22:53 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- there's no icon to the left of every package name? | 22:54 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: that also does not work..right click does nothing.. | 22:54 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: i just installed it and it won't play a local file | 22:54 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: correct just empty space | 22:54 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: avi that is. do i need to restart | 22:54 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: hmm, no, shouldn't | 22:54 |
neighborlee | ok wait sorry | 22:54 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: have you installed the extra codecs? | 22:54 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- sounds like your install of Adept is broken then | 22:54 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: no. which ones am i looking for? | 22:55 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: a icon yes.but it does not seem tobe right clickable or anythiing | 22:55 |
pablo_ | vuelobajo | 22:55 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: def. no arrow | 22:55 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: are they the same as mplayer ones? | 22:55 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: no | 22:55 |
PhinnFort | !xvid | 22:55 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 22:55 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- what does the icon look like to you? | 22:55 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: kde gear | 22:55 |
=== pablo_ is now known as pablozki | ||
PhinnFort | Omarian: kubuntu-restricted-extras | 22:55 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- you sure you're in Adept Manager? | 22:55 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: it should install the codecs for you | 22:55 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: yes im using adept installer | 22:56 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- ah, that's why. Adept Installer isn't the same as Adept Manager | 22:56 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: have that enabled. still cannot play it. what am i missing? | 22:56 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: ah ok ic LOL | 22:56 |
neighborlee | sigh | 22:56 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: can you run codeine in a konsole, and then paste the output to a pastebin? | 22:56 |
PhinnFort | !pastebin | 22:57 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 22:57 |
HiHo | hello ppl, just downloaded kubuntu 7.10 a few days ago and installed it... now adept is telling me that there is a new distribution version available. ??? | 22:57 |
Dragnslcr | neighborlee- yeah, I don't see anything in Installer that shows a version. I pretty much always use the Manager, so I guess I never noticed it | 22:57 |
Dragnslcr | HiHo- known issue. You can ignore it | 22:57 |
dave | How do I change kde login passwd? | 22:57 |
neighborlee | Dragnslcr: ok gotcha thx | 22:57 |
sven_ | HiHo, Just had the same thing.. small bug, is known, and will be fixed soon | 22:57 |
sven_ | HiHo, thats what they told me anyway | 22:57 |
HiHo | k, thanks Dragnslcr :) | 22:57 |
HiHo | thx sven_ :) | 22:57 |
PhinnFort | dave: look for user management under system settings | 22:57 |
dave | PhinnFort: cheers | 22:58 |
Dragnslcr | Now someone fix my sound system | 22:58 |
sven_ | HiHo, ' welcome... | 22:58 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41757/ | 22:59 |
kreib | ust installed fb in kubuntu 7.10, only blank screen after login, with a bar at bottom to switch workspaces, what is wrong? | 23:00 |
kreib | fb=fluxbox | 23:00 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: it looks okay | 23:00 |
stdin | kreib: right click the | 23:00 |
Daisuke_Laptop | that's fluxbox. | 23:01 |
Omarian | Phinnfort: maybe i just need to restart?? | 23:01 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: you don't have another video file to test? | 23:01 |
PhinnFort | Omarian: you could try | 23:01 |
kreib | yeah, right click doesnt work either.... | 23:01 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: i will look | 23:01 |
stdin | kreib: try installing the suggested packages: Suggests: fluxconf, fbpager, fbdesk | 23:02 |
kreib | stdin: all installed already | 23:03 |
miles_ | helllllo? | 23:04 |
=== miles_ is now known as MilesG | ||
kreib | some conf files need to edit for fluxbox ? | 23:04 |
Dragnslcr | Is there any way to find out what process may have a lock on the sound system? | 23:06 |
Omarian | PhinnFort: tried a different file. No luck. | 23:07 |
Daisuke_Laptop | mmmkay, not real impressed by kde4 at first look | 23:12 |
HiHo | never had an os run as good as 7.10 does on my laptop... everything just "works" beautifully. nice job kubuntu team! :D | 23:12 |
Daisuke_Laptop | as i had, well, nothing. | 23:12 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i had a bottom panel with a clock on it | 23:13 |
JohnFlux | Daisuke_Laptop: there's no point running it yet | 23:13 |
BonesolTeraDyne | Daisuke_Laptop: You mean you didn't even have a kicker bar? | 23:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | JohnFlux: that's what i thought. | 23:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i had the kicker bar (though i don't think it's kicker anymore, i dunno) | 23:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | while i had the bar, it just sat there. | 23:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i had a poorly-thought-out menu in the top left for plasmoids that popped out (roughly, i might add) when i moused over it... i don't see how they can really call it a beta yet, this is still alpha to me :( | 23:15 |
JohnFlux | Daisuke_Laptop: the menu was redone - it's in the top right now and a bit better | 23:15 |
BonesolTeraDyne | I might still install it, though, just to help with bug hunting. | 23:16 |
BonesolTeraDyne | Here's a good question. Can anyone suggest a good KDE MOO\MUD client? | 23:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i had no kmenu at all, no way of launching any apps other than what was there in the plasmoids :\ | 23:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | BonesolTeraDyne: konsole. | 23:16 |
HiHo | question: what's the best version of windows to "emulate" in wine | 23:16 |
JohnFlux | Daisuke_Laptop: I think the menu was added today | 23:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | HiHo: none, Wine Is Not An Emulator | 23:17 |
JohnFlux | Daisuke_Laptop: or will be added today | 23:17 |
abe | someone having problem with printing from kpdf? | 23:17 |
HiHo | thus the quotes lol | 23:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | JohnFlux: then how is this even remotely a beta? | 23:17 |
JohnFlux | Daisuke_Laptop: because the libraries are pretty much done | 23:17 |
JohnFlux | Daisuke_Laptop: it's a beta for app developers | 23:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i thought beta was usable, but the bugs haven't been ironed out yet | 23:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ahh | 23:17 |
BonesolTeraDyne | HiHo: Win XP or Win 98, depending on how old the program is | 23:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | that makes sense | 23:17 |
JohnFlux | Daisuke_Laptop: you are not the target audience here :) | 23:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | it would appear so :) | 23:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i was thinking beta as in end-user beta | 23:18 |
HiHo | thanks BonesolTeraDyne, i think i'll use xp then :) | 23:18 |
JohnFlux | Daisuke_Laptop: the desktop was one of the last things to be done | 23:18 |
JohnFlux | Daisuke_Laptop: since it relies on pretty much everything else | 23:18 |
krisbuntu | should my adept manager say full upgrade, if I have already upgraded 7.04 to 7.10 | 23:19 |
Daisuke_Laptop | well thank you for clearing that up :) | 23:19 |
JohnFlux | Daisuke_Laptop: :) | 23:19 |
Daisuke_Laptop | krisbuntu: known bug, yadda yadda, should be fixed soon | 23:19 |
RabidDog | I don't know if this is even a Kubuntu question... Is a 'Tarbull' archive usable with Kubuntu? ... and how would I work with it if that's applicable. | 23:20 |
kreib | where can I get fluxbox-generate_menu ? | 23:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | tar ball | 23:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | .tar.gz? | 23:20 |
krisbuntu | daisuke: ah.. what should I do, or need to do? Can't download anything now using adept. | 23:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | krisbuntu: not sure, i stopped using adept long ago | 23:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | because of dumb things like that | 23:20 |
BonesolTeraDyne | Daisuke_Laptop: So you use aptitude? | 23:21 |
RabidDog | well first of all, can't find where it downloaded to... | 23:21 |
llarsson | did only ubuntu and NOT kubuntu bundle with compiz fusion? | 23:21 |
kreib | gz | 23:21 |
Daisuke_Laptop | BonesolTeraDyne: actually i prefer synaptic if i need a gui, otherwise it's apt-get | 23:21 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !compiz | llarsson | 23:21 |
ubotu | llarsson: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 23:21 |
kudar | how can you tell if mac80211 module is running? | 23:21 |
llarsson | thank you, were uncertain since the install had a few problems | 23:22 |
krisbuntu | well... at least I know it isn't me... this is a fresh system (trying out kubuntu to see if I like it). | 23:22 |
RabidDog | It was supposed to download to the home folder... but 'no joy' finding it | 23:22 |
krisbuntu | Seems better than mandriva (which I have been using) | 23:22 |
krisbuntu | might try dl'ing the actual 7.10 install disk and try again (instead of 7.04 and upgrading like I did) | 23:23 |
HiHo | krisbuntu, i had that happen... i just decided to let it try the upgrade. it failed, rolled back changes and adept is working fine. | 23:23 |
Daisuke_Laptop | krisbuntu: it's actually pretty nice, for an end-user system :) | 23:23 |
Daisuke_Laptop | quite nice, in fact | 23:23 |
krisbuntu | I like it... mandy 2006 was good, but then things just got complicated. | 23:24 |
HiHo | krisbuntu, "(instead of 7.04 and upgrading like I did)" <<< sorry didn't see that | 23:24 |
Daisuke_Laptop | RabidDog: downloading software? | 23:24 |
krisbuntu | or, should I just stick with 7.04 for awhile? | 23:24 |
HiHo | i installed from 7.10 dvd | 23:24 |
RabidDog | trying to yes | 23:24 |
Daisuke_Laptop | krisbuntu: try letting it upgrade | 23:24 |
jarn | My installation is stuck at 2%, "Configuring libslang2", and has been for three days. | 23:24 |
Daisuke_Laptop | RabidDog: just out of curiosity, what program? | 23:24 |
RabidDog | Frostwire | 23:25 |
[ifr0g] | Where do i download the emerald themes ? | 23:25 |
chuso | hi :) | 23:25 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i could have sworn they provided debs | 23:25 |
[ifr0g] | !emerald | 23:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 23:25 |
Daisuke_Laptop | [ifr0g]: ask in #compiz-fusion | 23:25 |
krisbuntu | okay... gonna boot into the other system and give it a dl'd now :) | 23:25 |
krisbuntu | Thanks for confirming that I did nothing wrong. | 23:26 |
krisbuntu | (always a possibility) | 23:26 |
[ifr0g] | Daisuke_Laptop, k .tx | 23:26 |
BonesolTeraDyne | krisbuntu: If you upgrade, beware the "tzdata" package. If it breaks, DON'T remove it. I ended up breaking several things. Thankfully, I had a 7.10 DVD handy. | 23:26 |
tzanger | what is the package amarok needs to be able to play music streams from shoutcast? | 23:27 |
XVampireX | Hi | 23:27 |
XVampireX | I'm having a really weird sudden restart of xorg every once in a while... | 23:28 |
Daisuke_Laptop | RabidDog: one disclaimer: i neither approve of nor support gnutella-based clients. but... http://www.frostwire.com/?id=downloads | 23:28 |
Daisuke_Laptop | instead of the tarball, get the ubuntu version | 23:28 |
Daisuke_Laptop | that should make your life a lot easier | 23:28 |
BonesolTeraDyne | tzanger: I beleive it depends on the codec they're using for the stream. | 23:28 |
martoya | tzanger: try with libxine-extracodecs | 23:28 |
Daisuke_Laptop | shoutcast tends to be mp3 | 23:28 |
tzanger | yeah I think I need the extracodecs one | 23:28 |
tzanger | yeah just ofund that :-) | 23:28 |
Daisuke_Laptop | libxine-ffmpeg | 23:28 |
Dragnslcr | Well, looks like my sound is completely broken now | 23:28 |
Dragnslcr | Even KMix shows a blank window | 23:29 |
RabidDog | Daisuke_Laptop: Understood... I take it that the other one just isn't compatible? | 23:29 |
chuso | i'm running gutsy with compiz fusion. When I try ALT+F4 it doesn't work. Is it a bug? Does anybody know how to fix it? thanks! | 23:31 |
Daisuke_Laptop | sure, you could use it | 23:32 |
Daisuke_Laptop | but why would you do that when there's a version designed and built for your os? | 23:32 |
chuso | Daisuke_Laptop: are you talking to me? Sorry I dont understand you | 23:33 |
Daisuke_Laptop | no, that was for RabidDog | 23:33 |
chuso | uops! ok :) | 23:33 |
RabidDog | Daisuke_Laptop: Agreed, but right now I'm too noob to know even basic stuff | 23:33 |
RabidDog | so... yeah I'm asking the 'dumb questions' of a 'first day on the clutch' driver | 23:34 |
bobbym | stie cineva rom? | 23:34 |
fadey | Hi,all.I've upgraded to 7.10 and getting a kernel panic: not syncing: VFS Unable to found root fs on unknown block(0,0) | 23:34 |
fadey | is there a workaround for this ? | 23:34 |
[ifr0g] | !svn | 23:35 |
fadey | I can load the machine with the old kernel though | 23:35 |
ubotu | svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/ | 23:35 |
[ifr0g] | !find svn | 23:35 |
ubotu | Found: libapache2-svn, libsvn-dev, libsvn-doc, libsvn-java, libsvn-javahl (and 35 others) | 23:35 |
* ScorpKing waves... | 23:35 | |
=== DarkHack is now known as D[a]rkH[a]ck | ||
kudar | anyone know why i cant make this file? | 23:36 |
kudar | root@ubuntubox:/home/kudar/Desktop/iwlwifi-1.0.0-1# make | 23:36 |
kudar | Makefile:20: | 23:36 |
[ifr0g] | In what package is the svn command ? | 23:36 |
kudar | Makefile:21: WARNING: $SHELL not set to bash. | 23:36 |
kudar | Makefile:22: If you experience build errors, try | 23:36 |
kudar | Makefile:23: 'make SHELL=/bin/bash'. | 23:36 |
kudar | Makefile:24: | 23:36 |
kudar | Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source' | 23:36 |
kudar | make: *** [compatible/kversion] Error 1 | 23:36 |
stdin | !paste | kudar | 23:36 |
ubotu | kudar: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 23:36 |
stdin | [ifr0g]: subversion probably | 23:37 |
Daisuke_Laptop | RabidDog: there are no dumb questions | 23:37 |
kudar | you guys ever seen my problem? | 23:37 |
kudar | this on a a fresh install | 23:37 |
stdin | kudar: you need to install linux-source-2.6.22 | 23:38 |
Daisuke_Laptop | and set your shell to bash | 23:38 |
Daisuke_Laptop | :) | 23:38 |
sven_ | I just tried to install ndis with adept, but with a mounted ISO file (disk is normally needed for this, dont ask me why).. it kept giving errors, asking for the disk while it wasdownloading other packages anyway.. then adept crashed.. now, when I try to install ndis again, it keeps crashing on me :( Could anybody help me fix this? I cant use wireless without it! | 23:38 |
RabidDog | Daisuke_Laptop: It keep wanting to open Kate at end of d/l. No idea how to handle the file. | 23:38 |
kudar | stdin: where can i find linux-source? | 23:39 |
Dragnslcr | Just rebooted, and KMix still shows an empty window. alsamixer says "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device" | 23:39 |
stdin | kudar: you then need to unbzip2 it and link it from '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source' | 23:39 |
Daisuke_Laptop | save it to disk instead | 23:39 |
stdin | kudar: I just told you the package name | 23:39 |
kudar | oh | 23:39 |
kudar | its not in add or remove | 23:40 |
Daisuke_Laptop | this is why i don't like unsupported debs | 23:40 |
kudar | but isin package manger | 23:40 |
ScorpKing | sven_: what is the error you get? | 23:40 |
Daisuke_Laptop | kudar: get used to the command line | 23:40 |
kudar | are pms allowed in this channel? | 23:41 |
sven_ | ScorpKing, none.. it crashes severely.. I get the KDE crash handler, which can not formulate a backtrace | 23:41 |
stdin | kudar: pms? | 23:42 |
kudar | stdin: private msgs | 23:42 |
kudar | in irc | 23:42 |
ScorpKing | sven_: if you use konsole it will most likely display error messages. also check the logs for errors. it helps to know what is wrong. :P | 23:42 |
kudar | am i allowed to msg you | 23:42 |
kudar | or no | 23:42 |
stdin | kudar: it's a message to the user, it's not in the channel (always ask before you /msg somwone) | 23:43 |
stdin | *someone | 23:43 |
kudar | ya | 23:43 |
kudar | can i /msg you | 23:43 |
kudar | heh | 23:43 |
stdin | for? | 23:43 |
tehk_ | Anyone know how to remove all the entry box history for konqueror? | 23:43 |
kudar | not sure on syntax for linking what you wanted me to | 23:43 |
stdin | kudar: then it's best to ask here, as I may not be around for much longer (23:44 here) | 23:44 |
stdin | "ln -s /path/to/target /path/to/link" | 23:44 |
jarn | debconf segfaulted while I was upgrading to Gutsy and now the upgrade is stuck - what should I do? | 23:44 |
RabidDog | Daisuke_Laptop: Message at end of d/l is "The file is a binary, saving it will result in a corrupt file' | 23:44 |
ScorpKing | tehk_: i see /home/me/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/konq_history - not sure if that's it. | 23:45 |
Dragnslcr | jarn- I had that problem too. I just closed the upgrade and did sudo apt-get -f upgrade from a console | 23:45 |
kudar | stdin: what is it that i need to unbzip2? | 23:45 |
stdin | kudar: "cd /usr/src ; sudo tar xf linux-source-2.6.22.tar.bz2" | 23:46 |
stdin | kudar: then "sudo ln -s linux-source-2.6.22 /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source" | 23:47 |
kudar | stdin: i installed it from package manager | 23:47 |
kudar | stdin: not command line | 23:47 |
stdin | kudar: yes, I know. but you need to run those commands | 23:47 |
sven_ | ScorpKing, Full of shame I have to admit that I don't know how to do that in console.. Im spoiled with adept manager ;) | 23:48 |
damentz | craigevil: fancy meeting you in here ;) | 23:49 |
ScorpKing | !aptfix | sven_ | 23:49 |
ubotu | sven_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 23:49 |
jarn | Dragnslcr: And did it work? | 23:49 |
ScorpKing | sven_: start with that. maybe it will get you going. | 23:50 |
sven_ | ScorpKing, that was the common solution yeah... I'll try that one.. thanks! | 23:50 |
Dragnslcr | jarn- I had to apt-get upgrade a few times to get everything, but it seems to have worked for the most part | 23:50 |
sven_ | !aptfix | 23:50 |
Minataku | Heh, my Macintosh Classic with the MAXED OUT RAM (4MB) takes a long time to pass the memory test | 23:50 |
Minataku | lol | 23:50 |
ubotu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 23:50 |
sven_ | cool... just to try.. :) | 23:51 |
ScorpKing | sven_: np ;) | 23:51 |
jarn | Dragnslcr: Okay., thanks. | 23:52 |
sven_ | ScorpKing, great.. apt-get install did not give ANY error at all.. | 23:53 |
ScorpKing | sven_: lol. i prefer doing things from the konsole. that way you always know what's going on. :D | 23:54 |
rob | is there a nice meta-package for kde4 now for kubuntu or do we still have to follow the directions found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-3.80.1.php? | 23:56 |
WaltzingAlong | rob: there is a nice metapackage for it and yes you still follow those instructions | 23:56 |
rob | WaltzingAlong, so the nice meta-package is in that repo? | 23:57 |
kudar | stdin: im getting the same error. /source is in red. and i cant cd to it | 23:57 |
kudar | stdin: Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source | 23:57 |
stdin | kudar: make sure you put the right directory in the ln command | 23:58 |
kudar | stdin: i copy and pasted what you told me to put | 23:58 |
stdin | rob: no meta-package, that's an idea tho | 23:58 |
oscar-aj | en español | 23:58 |
oscar-aj | please | 23:58 |
stdin | !es | 23:59 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 23:59 |
WaltzingAlong | rob: are you using gutsy? then no need to add the repository listed there | 23:59 |
* rob notes that it says "for i386", are there amd46 packages available too? | 23:59 | |
rob | WaltzingAlong, yes I'm using gutsy | 23:59 |
kudar | stdin: ln -s linux-source-2.6.22 /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source is what i put | 23:59 |
Dragnslcr | "lsmod | grep snd" lists nothing. How do I figure out what module (that was installed yesterday) I need to add? | 23:59 |
kudar | in the 2.6.22-generic folder there is source in red | 23:59 |
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