
sydhartHi - I'm structuring a new Launchpad project with subprojects and need some pointers02:58
sydhartLooking at Python & Mono, Launchpad has super-projects 'python-project' and 'mono-project' - I'm guessing this is the recommended way do things?03:04
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
nosrednaekimsorry if this is a dumb question, but I have a folder with a modified version of a program that I want to publish to my branch that I just registered, I see the reccomended bzr command to run, but where do I execute this command?03:22
kiko-fudsydhart, it depends on exactly what you are doing. I'd suggest posting a question up in answers.launchpad.net and I'll take a look at it.03:23
kiko-fudI need to sleep 03:23
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko-zzz
kiko-zzznosrednaekim, in your tree, I guess. bzr add <directory>, for instance?03:23
kiko-zzznosrednaekim, oh, is this the first time you are pushing your work?03:24
* nosrednaekim decides he needsto attend the Open Week seminar ;)03:24
nosrednaekimkiko-zzz: yeah03:24
sydhartkiko: thanks, I'm writing to Christian now - it's a rare sort of question03:28
gnomefreakis there anyway to get a deleted branch back?03:35
gnomefreakor better yet how to push with bzr+ssh, everytime i run that command it fails saying bash: bzr+ssh://gnomefreak@bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/iceape/ubuntu-1.1.x: No such file or directory 03:38
gnomefreakor how do i run --create-prefix with bzr+ssh03:38
spivgnomefreak: --create-prefix isn't needed, that stopped being relevant months ago.03:39
spivgnomefreak: You need to run "bzr push bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/iceape/ubuntu-1.1.x"03:40
spivOops, I mean:03:40
spivgnomefreak: You need to run "bzr push bzr+ssh://gnomefreak@bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/iceape/ubuntu-1.1.x"03:40
gnomefreakah thats why03:42
gnomefreakspiv: ty03:42
spivgnomefreak: you're welcome03:42
gnomefreakthats not good03:45
gnomefreakspiv: when pushing i get bzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: <Fault 8002: 'error'>03:45
spivgnomefreak: ugh, right.03:49
spivgnomefreak: that error message will get much better shortly.03:50
gnomefreakspiv: ok cool ty03:50
spivgnomefreak: in the meantime03:50
spivgnomefreak: actually, I'm not sure why you'd be getting that error.03:51
* spiv looks03:51
spivgnomefreak: what happens if you use "bzr push sftp://gnomefreak@bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/iceape/ubuntu-1.1.x" instead?03:52
gnomefreaki think i figured it out give me a minute and ill let you know03:53
gnomefreakpython-paramiko was missing03:54
spivThat shouldn't cause that error.03:54
gnomefreakit caused the bzr push sftp error i got though03:55
gnomefreakyep its pushing maybe the dir was corrupt but i moved /debian/ to another build and it seems to be pushing with just bzr push03:55
spivAh, right, yes "bzr push sftp://..." needs paramiko.03:56
spivsftp:// should not work if bzr+ssh:// didn't, though.  I was just hoping for a more helpful error.03:56
gnomefreakmaybe im missing a bzr package for bzr+ssh?03:57
spivNo, it's a problem on the server.03:58
gnomefreakah ok03:58
spivI'm not sure what problem it is, but I think it'll probably be fixed in the next launchpad update, which tidies the relevant code.03:58
spivAt the very least, it'll give better error messages.03:59
gnomefreakwtf is up with Lp04:07
gnomefreakor bzr :(04:07
gnomefreaknvm that was my fault04:07
ubotuNew bug: #155677 in launchpad "branches are shown in the owner's context, rather than the project's" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15567707:50
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ubotuNew bug: #155690 in malone "Have +distrotask default to [blank], *not* 'Baltix'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15569009:05
baltixSteveA: Labas09:38
baltixdoko: hi09:43
baltixlamont: hi09:43
baltixdoko, lamont: are you informed, that samarium (xen-i386 build server) isn't working ? 09:44
baltixelmo: or I should inform you, that samarium (xen-i386 build server) isn't working ? 09:45
Hobbseesabdfl: poke09:51
ubotuNew bug: #155707 in launchpad "Inconsistencies in terms and processes for {approv,accept}ing/declining various types of nomination" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15570710:06
Ngcan I get LP to mail me a whole bug? I'd like to collect a few to triage on a long flight this week10:16
FujitsuNg: Haha, that would be too easy. I'm sure you can screenscrape with a bit of work.10:17
Ngsure, I could just tell firefox to save the page, but it'd be very cool if I could get it to send me an email with the report, comments and attachments :)10:18
HobbseeNg: subscribe to the bug?  but that doesnt do attachments, iirc10:21
FujitsuYeah, attachments aren't email attachments, either inbound or outbound.10:22
* Fujitsu notes the Malone XML-RPC spec turned 2 yesterday.10:22
NgHobbsee: that'll only send me individual emails when the bug stage changes - I want to triage a load of Incomplete X bugs10:23
Ngbut no matter, I can save the pages :)10:23
HobbseeNg: ahhh10:23
ubotuNew bug: #155721 in launchpad-bazaar "branch listing sorting by date created, recent changes backwards" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15572110:40
Hobbseeis there any way aorund the +packages timeouts?10:51
FujitsuHobbsee: Turn off the redirection for two hours.10:51
FujitsuOr use staging for outdated stuff.10:51
Hobbseeah, thanks10:52
FujitsuCan some sysadminish person please bounce the PPA buildd queuing daemon?11:03
HobbseeFujitsu: a guy tried that before.  you might want to file a rt ticket11:10
FujitsuHobbsee: Perhaps.11:11
HobbseeFujitsu: or find an employee, and get them to escalate it thru there11:11
FujitsuThey're probably largely asleep.11:11
* Fujitsu pokes Ng ^^11:12
NgFujitsu: what's up with it?11:14
HobbseeNg: it's timing out11:15
HobbseeNg: (samarium)11:17
Ngsamarium looks to be building fine11:19
NgI re-enabled it about an hour ago - I figured Fujitsu was talking about something else11:21
FujitsuNg: Some PPA builds are still Pending after >12 hours.11:28
NgFujitsu: I would think thats just becaue the i386 PPA builder was disabled yesterday11:32
FujitsuAh, they're done now, it seems.11:32
FujitsuShouldn't they have gone to Needs Building, though?11:33
baltixFujitsu: hi11:36
NgFujitsu: not sure tbh, I doubt it, but I'd have to refer you to cprov or other LP guys for that kinda stuff11:36
FujitsuNg: Yeah, I was going to talk to him when he appeared.11:39
Fujitsubaltix: Hi...11:39
baltixmaybe you know why status of this build - https://launchpad.net/~baltix-members/+archive/+build/412683 is still pending, while other my builds (which are queued later than empathy) are already finished...11:40
Fujitsubaltix: The queueing was stuffed until not more than an hour or so ago, so the order will likely be a bit off, and there is a backlog.11:41
baltixFujitsu: so, I should just wait ?11:48
Fujitsubaltix: Correct.11:55
FujitsuAs there's only one i386 buildd, it could take a while.11:55
FujitsuHi cprov.11:59
FujitsuWould samarium being dead cause PPA i386 builds to remain Pending until more than an hour after its revival?12:01
cprovFujitsu: let me check.12:01
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
cprovFujitsu: certainly,  it's the only i386-ppa builder :(12:02
cprovFujitsu: but it seems to be building regularly, https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds/samarium/+history12:03
kikocprov, except for last night when it was jammed :)12:03
Fujitsucprov: I thought they would be moving to Needs Building anyway.12:05
FujitsuAlso, is there any global PPA +builds?12:05
cprovFujitsu: no, there is not global PPA +builds yet.12:08
FujitsuThat would be useful, otherwise there's little indicator of the backlog.12:09
cprovFujitsu: right, could you please file a bug ?12:16
kikois there not a bug filed on that already?12:17
FujitsuI haven't seen one, so I'll file it now.12:20
baltixFujitsu: hey, my build was successfully finished :)12:23
Fujitsubaltix: Ah, good.12:24
danboidI've tried submitting a bug/ package request to launchpad but all I get is 'There has been 1 error' but it doesn't say what!12:32
danboidAm I not permitte to report bugs / package requests??12:32
danboidanyone know what this error could be?12:33
Fujitsudanboid: If you scroll down, it should have highlighted something...12:33
ubotuNew bug: #155758 in soyuz "Global PPA +builds would be useful" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15575812:35
jordihmm, no sabdfl12:37
kikodanboid, what did you type into the fields? what URL are you at?12:46
danboidkiko: Its OK- problem seems to be solved now thanks!12:47
lamontbaltix: down machines? elmo.  build issues? infinity or myself12:59
lirikiko: morning13:02
kikomorning liri 13:03
lirikiko: any news on that format-specific translations support?13:03
kikodanilos, carlos: hey there13:03
carloskiko: hi13:03
daniloshi kiko13:03
carlosliri: which format are you interested on?13:03
kikodanilos, carlos: can you talk to liri about his request? he's looking for more information on alternative translation formats13:03
daniloskiko: I've put carlos on it, don't worry :)13:04
carlosliri: we have the infrastructure in place to handle that13:04
carlosliri: so is just a matter of implement a concrete file format13:04
carloswe have partial support for Firefox already implemented13:04
carlosand OO.org will follow next13:04
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
baltixlamont: my builds was successfully finished today:) - someone fixed the problems13:12
lirikiko: sorry was away13:30
liricarlos: my language file looks much like this: $l['var']['var'] = "some var" etc... there are also occasions of $l['var']['var']['var'] = "some var also"13:34
carlosliri: is that your own file format?13:35
* carlos -> lunch13:43
liricarlos: yeap13:52
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
mrevellpopey: ping14:53
popeymrevell: pong14:54
mrevellpopey: Dude, what's your LP username?14:54
mrevellpopey: Well, I know what it is but14:54
mrevellpopey: there's a popey username too. Is that also you?14:54
popeyalanpope is me14:55
mrevellpopey: Do you mind if use your profile as an example in my Introduction to Launchpad session? I wonder if it looks a bit self-absorbed for me to use my own :)14:55
Nafallohaha even14:56
* popey will submit some bugs with goatse images in them in time for your session14:57
mrevellpopey: hehe, thanks14:57
mrevellpopey: Do you mind if my presentation has a small story in which we work together on a blueprint for a new Ubuntu app that tracks Elvis impersonators? :-)15:05
Daviey"Maybe you aren't treating him quite as good as you should be".. Elvs15:08
popeysure mrevell 15:13
popeythis is at 6pm today (our time) ?15:13
Hobbseehm, i should log those sessions15:15
* popey is logging them if that helps - without joins/parts/nicks15:15
Hobbseepopey: where will they be?15:16
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: October 22 2007, 14:22:06 - Next meeting: Server Team in 1 day15:22
Hobbseebwah?  that's weird15:22
popeywhere would you like them?15:22
Hobbseeoh, not you, sorry15:22
Hobbseejust the timezone thing15:22
Hobbseeeither bot is wrong, or neither london nor germany are on utc time15:22
popeywe aren't15:23
Hobbseeisnt germany usually on utc?15:23
popeyLondon is on BST (UTC+1) and Germaany is on EST (UTC+2) IIRC15:23
Hobbseehm, kay15:23
popeysorry CEST15:23
Hobbseepopey: are you going to split them per day?15:25
popeyi guess i can, yes15:26
Hobbseepopey: are you on ops duty for today?15:26
popeydon't think so15:26
Hobbseepopey: i think you're now delegated15:27
popeyO RLY?15:27
Hobbseedamn, calling !ops is really effective :)15:27
Hobbseepopey: melissa and i arent sticking around to fix it tonight, i dont think15:28
Hobbseepopey: giving out ops, moderating the chanenl, etc.15:29
Hobbseebesides, i've not forgotten jono saying that what i was doing was effectively useless.  or something like that.15:29
popeyi bet I dont even have ops in -classroom15:30
Hobbseeyou do15:30
Hobbseepopey: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-classroom list15:30
Hobbseecould give mrevell ops though15:30
* popey drags Hobbsee over to -ops15:31
Hobbseemrevell: the open week15:31
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ubotuNew bug: #155838 in launchpad "Indicate a duplicate bugwatch after editing it" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15583816:20
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carlosliri: hi, I'm back from lunch16:33
carlosliri: is that file a php file? at least it looks like that...16:34
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jhancock__is anyone here that I can talk to about feature implemention?17:38
jhancock__I would just like to see a importance value of none17:38
jhancock__to go along with the Won't fix Status17:38
mrevelljhancock__: Hey, sorry I'm tied up for the next hour and a half. message me or email feedback@launchpad.net. Alternatively, join us on the launchpad-users list.17:43
jhancock__all right17:43
jhancock__I email you17:43
jskLaserJock: ping17:54
=== flacoste_lunch is now known as flacoste
jhancock__mrevell: I sent it to feedback@launchpad.net but I got an error messege back, so i sent it directly to launchpad-feedback@lists.launchpad.net18:21
jhancock__I think it went through18:21
jhancock__this time18:21
mrevellYou got an error message? Could you forward the message to me personally, please? matthew.revell@canonical.com18:21
jhancock__I emailed it18:23
bigonhi, is it normal that I have a +junk directory in my bzr repository? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bigon/18:47
mptGoooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!19:00
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-dinner
desertcQuestion about Launchpad: Can the Blueprint tab be used for non-technical project tracking, for example projects within an Ubuntu Local Community team?  I head the #ubuntu-classroom talk, and I was struck how I had never seen a LoCo use blueprints before.19:43
mptdesertc, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-ohio19:46
desertcmpt, rapid, Thanks19:52
gnomefreakis there a problem with PPA not building packages?19:58
gnomefreakits failing (after it passes here)19:58
gnomefreaktesting to see if its me or bzr bd19:59
lifelessSteveA: you pung20:01
SteveAlifeless: unping then20:04
desertcSo, in the Launchpad Blueprint, how does one define a specification?20:04
desertcFor example, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-us-ohio-f2f/+spec/ohio-cd-materials20:04
lifelessSteveA: ok :)20:07
desertcI think there is a dead link at :20:09
desertcUnder Launchpad Specification Template20:09
liricarlos_: yeah it's a php file20:17
carlos_liri: then, is simple, use phpgettext20:18
carlos_liri: that will allow you to use Launchpad and you will not need to care about translation details too much in your application20:18
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos
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gesergnomefreak: what error did you got?20:19
carlosliri: I mean, you will be able to use launchpad right now, as we already support gettext file format20:19
gnomefreakgeser: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10115516/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-amd64.iceape_1.1.5-1ubuntu0.7.10%7Eppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz20:19
gnomefreakthats the 386 failure im building it here to see if its me or not20:19
gnomefreaki get same error with hardy bzr bd20:20
geseron a first glance it looks like an error in the package20:23
gnomefreakgeser: thats why im testing here again20:23
gnomefreakbut it built fine lastnight20:23
gnomefreaki will let you know what i find20:24
ubotuNew bug: #155921 in soyuz "copy-package cannot copy between archives" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15592120:25
desertcHow do I create a Launchpad specification?20:27
desertc(to be used in a Blueprint)20:27
stdindesertc: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/<PROJECT>/+addspec (or just click the "Blueprints" on the project page)20:33
desertcstdin: Click "Blueprints" and then what to add the spec ?20:34
stdinthen click "Register a blueprint"20:35
desertcI do not see that link.20:37
jonatingnomefreak, make sure that you are following "ogre"... that killed my packages, I was building something in main but it had a dependency in universe... built fine in pbuilder and failed in the i386 build on my PPA20:44
gnomefreakjonatin: well cant be since its failing here now anyway20:44
gnomefreakim trying without bzr bd but i think its the tarball20:45
jonatinshucks!  that woulda been too easy, eh?20:45
gnomefreakim not understanding since it built fine 12 hours ago20:45
gnomefreakand i havent changed my chroot since the build20:45
jonatindid you dist-upgrade to gutsy?  They pulled one of my dependencies out and that killed my build20:46
gnomefreakjonatin: my chroot has always been a gutsy one20:46
gnomefreakit hasnt changed in 2 days20:46
jonatinwhen the gutsy repository pulled out libgda2-dev it killed my build, inside the chroot because gdebi couldn't find a candidate... but that's a pretty specific error, you'd see that right off...20:48
jonatinI've been fighting with this for about a week, so I feel your pain, even if the issues are unrelated20:48
ubotuNew bug: #155929 in soyuz "'lp-query-distro.py development' doesn't report frozen releases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15592920:50
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desertcmrevell: After your presentation, I was trying to figure out how to use Blueprints for my projects.  Can you help?21:05
mrevelldesertc: I'd be happy to try :)21:05
desertcI see now how I can use blueprints and specifications for organizing projects in teams, but I do not understand the mechanics to do so.21:06
kikomrevell, has he checked out the feature highlights yet? :)21:06
mrevellkiko: Good call :)21:06
mrevelldesertc: here's our quick introduction to Launchpad's features and how they all fit together:21:07
mrevelldesertc: https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/21:07
mrevelldesertc: Specifically, here's the blueprint section:21:07
desertcFor example, I started a new project to get a general membership, and I would like to create a blueprint for an actual project, so we can start assigning tasks.21:07
mrevellWhat's your project name?21:08
kikothat's a team21:09
mrevellyeah, what kiko said :)21:09
desertcCan I create a blueprint for a team?21:09
mrevellWell, tell me a bit more about what you want to achieve and I'll help you use Launchpad to do it. What's the blueprint for?21:10
desertcOr do I need to associate a project with this team, and then assign a blueprint?21:10
thumperdesertc: you create a blueprint for a project, and assign it to a team21:10
desertcthumper: That must be where my disconnect is.21:11
desertcI have been using wikis for this same purpose, of organizing team plans and getting involvement.21:14
desertcI heard about blueprints, and it seemed like just what we were creating with wikis, in my LoCo and other "teams".21:14
desertcI guess I now need to figure out "projects" and tying them to the "team".21:15
desertcIs there a reference page for this, since I don't see it on the highlights you linked?21:16
LeRoutierI'd like to know who's responsible for accepting or rejecting membership for launchpad beta team ?21:16
mrevelldesertc: With a blueprint, you can continue to use a wiki to store the meat of your blueprint's information - e.g. detailed implementation stuff.21:16
mrevellLeRoutier: That's me,21:17
mrevellLeRoutier: Are you looking for approval?21:17
LeRoutierI did register on the website not too long ago, it was 2007-10-19 18:15:56 CEST21:17
mrevellLeRoutier: What's your Launchpad username?21:17
LeRoutierI asked one primarily to have my PPA activated21:18
LeRoutierfor now, I had to set up a repo on my own server21:18
mrevellLeRoutier: Just a moment. I'll take a look. I have a small backlog from the weekend, still.21:18
LeRoutierand as I only have access to a amd64 box, only packages for this arch, not for x8621:19
LeRoutierok, thanks21:19
lifelessLeRoutier: you can build x86 on amd64 easily21:19
desertcLaunchpad revolves around code-base projects so much, it is difficult to navigate for non-technical projects, like LoCos.  Wish there was a Launchpad informational resource that didn't get mired in "CVS", "branches", and "versioning" terminology.21:19
lifelessLeRoutier: its documented on the ubuntu wiki, and the #ubuntu-motu folk can help too.21:19
LeRoutieroh, sorry, didn't see it21:19
mrevelldesertc: That's an interesting comment. I'm working on plans for a complete revamp of Launchpad docs etc at the moment.21:20
mrevellLeRoutier: What's your Launchpad display name?21:20
LeRoutierleroutier/Stéphane Loeuillet21:20
mrevellLeRoutier: Welcome to the beta team :)21:24
LeRoutiermrevell, thanks21:25
LeRoutiertrying to dput *changes soon21:25
ubotuNew bug: #155946 in launchpad "Project overview doesn't show which license the project uses" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15594621:31
sabdflevening all21:37
lifelesshi sabdfl 21:39
harrisonyits sabdfl !21:39
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thumperhi sabdfl21:49
ubotuNew bug: #155956 in soyuz "+me/+packages should present different sections for sponsored uploads" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15595621:51
LeRoutierAny ETA for git support in launchpad ? (I'm fed up of account maintainance/admin stuff at fd.o)22:03
sabdflhey guys22:03
sabdflLeRoutier: for the moment at least we think bzr will get fast enough to handle all but the very largest projects22:03
sabdflwhat's the biggest project you're working on at fd.o?22:03
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LeRoutierCompany is fed up applying my patches22:04
LeRoutierhe should just have to pull22:04
sabdflindeed - this stuff all gets better with good tools and processes22:05
ubotuNew bug: #155961 in blueprint "Export attendees feature should be linkes in Meeting Actions" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15596122:05
ubotuNew bug: #155962 in launchpad "Superfluous message from email not hidden" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15596222:05
sabdflLeRoutier: swfdec seems pretty small, bar could handle it very easily22:07
sabdflhey lifeless!22:07
lifelesshola sabdfl22:07
lifeless4 sleeps22:08
LeRoutierfirst two source packages approved by PPA22:12
ubotuNew bug: #155978 in launchpad "Answers system does not allow prioritisation of call" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15597822:56
imbrandoni know you cant give any kinda of definate awnser at all but you know when PPA package removal "might"/"possibly" hit edge ?22:56
matsubaraimbrandon: you mean bug 128127?22:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128127 in soyuz "remove-package should work for PPAs" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128127 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)22:59
imbrandonmatsubara, yes, thanks22:59
matsubaraimbrandon: so, it was scheduled to this release and it's in progress. likely to land in the next release then next month23:00
sabdfllifeless: packs before departure?23:06
lifelesssabdfl: I certainly hope so23:06
lifelessthe review didn't turn up any showstoppers23:07
lifelessso its being worked through at the moment23:07
LeRoutierWho should I ask to become a project driver and bug contact ? (https://launchpad.net/swfdec)23:38
LeRoutierorphan project for now23:39
thumperLeRoutier: there is some generic registrant user but I can't remember the name23:43
LeRoutier~registry ?23:43
LeRoutierok, there are 4 members in it23:44
LeRoutiermatsubara is one of them, but he's gone23:45
LeRoutierddaa, are you around ?23:45
ddaaCan do it. Mind if I ask you about your credentials?23:47
LeRoutierddaa, hi. I'd like to become driver and bug contact guide for swfdec23:47
LeRoutierno problem, what do you need ?23:47
ddaafirst, your launchpad account name :)23:48
LeRoutierI can gpg sign something for you to prove it if you'd like23:48
stdinwe'll need you're passport and DNA sample too :p23:49
LeRoutierno problem for the passport + id card, I have both versions scanned in a pdf file ;)23:49
LeRoutierfor DNA, would be harder, have to sequence it23:50
ddaaI see you are a bit active in Launchpad23:50
LeRoutierand I'm taking back swfdec* packaging for both deb & ubuntu23:50
LeRoutieras ds retires from this role23:50
LeRoutierDavid Schleef (ds@debian.org)23:50
ddaaOh, that sounds nice.23:51
LeRoutiernew packages already in my PPA23:51
ddaaLeRoutier: coungrats, you are now the owner of the swfdec project on Launchpad23:52
LeRoutierwould change versioning to 1ubuntu1 once ds has uploaded my 0.5.1 to deb (sponsored upload until I have my gpg account signed by a DD)23:52
LeRoutierok, thanks, that was fast23:53
ddaayou can set the bug contact yourself if you wish, but you should already receive all the bugspam by virtue of being the owner.23:53
LeRoutierk. I already registered as it for each source package depending on it23:53
LeRoutierbut would be cleaner this way23:53
ddaaIt's a simple operation, the questions were mostly to see how serious you were about it.23:54
ddaaRegistry is really a placeholder owner for things owned by nobody, so we're not very anal about transferring things to community members who are likely to take care of them.23:54
* ddaa sees a bunch of packaging links23:56
ddaaThat's dedication dude :)23:56
ddaaOn of my tasks for the next few cycles will be fixing the packaging-link UI.23:56
LeRoutierI did what's necessary in the swfdec-mozilla package to be compatible with Ubufox23:59
LeRoutier(plugin finder for firefox)23:59

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