Madpilot | anyone know where the Ubuntu splashscreen & such are packaged? | 08:51 |
Madpilot | upgrading to Gutsy got me a blue Gnome splashscreen instead of an Ubuntu one | 08:51 |
Madpilot | also little blue Gnome feet in the top-left, instead of the small Ubuntu circle... | 08:52 |
lapo | hi | 10:18 |
nysosym | hi there | 11:30 |
nysosym | what do you think about? | 11:30 |
nysosym | | 11:30 |
lassegul | nysosym: hi! | 11:51 |
nysosym | hi lassegul :) | 11:51 |
lassegul | nysosym: is this an icon? | 11:51 |
nysosym | lassegul: yes for OSX 10.5 | 11:51 |
lassegul | nysosym: its nice, but the shape on the bubble is a little wierd, and how does this scale? how does it look in 30x30 or such ? | 11:53 |
lassegul | s/on/of/ | 11:53 |
nysosym | mom | 11:56 |
lassegul | :P | 11:56 |
nysosym | that's the look of 16x16 | 11:57 |
nysosym | | 11:57 |
nysosym | i think it's ok | 11:59 |
lassegul | It might be a little hard to see the white shape in the middle for the 16x16 version. How about cleaning away all other objects than the blue bubble and the white rectangle for the 16x16 version? | 12:01 |
lassegul | and perhaps it would be better with the arrow of the bubble being just a bit thicker(bigger)? | 12:02 |
lassegul | nysosym: what do you think? | 12:07 |
nysosym | lassegul: should be possible :D | 12:20 |
mhb | hmm, isn't this channel for ubuntu anymore? | 12:28 |
nysosym | sure, but this is also a channel with many good artist, i thought here can i get the best critic :D | 12:29 |
nysosym | how can i do ultra sharp icon also in small sizes. I have created so much icons but they look a little bit blurry in a small edition | 13:22 |
andrew_ | hey guys, im not a computer whiz, but i am big on open source, and have a suggestion | 15:43 |
andrew_ | make something that allows non tech literate people like myself to change the login background easier | 15:43 |
andrew_ | just put their own picture on there like a desktop background, maybe even editable login box transparency and fonts? | 15:44 |
BHSPitMonkey | andrew must not have seen the Login Window preference | 17:20 |
bersace | Hi everyone | 20:19 |
bersace | kwwii: sad i won't be there Nov the 2nd | 20:19 |
bersace | i'll be away from internet | 20:19 |
kwwii | bersace: when could you come? | 21:47 |
kwwii | I sent an email to the list asking for people's ideas | 21:47 |
kwwii | I cannot come on the 2nd either :-) | 21:47 |
kwwii | bersace: I was thinking either the 1st or sometime in the next week | 21:47 |
bersace | kwwii: same | 22:00 |
kwwii | bersace: sounds like you are taking vacation :-) | 22:17 |
bersace | yep | 22:17 |
kwwii | hehe, you lucky fool | 22:17 |
bersace | kwwii: hey, that's my last student year (hopefuly) | 22:17 |
kwwii | I would easily trade being at the meeting for having vacation ;-) | 22:17 |
bersace | And next year is a sabbatic year, of course :P | 22:18 |
bersace | :) | 22:18 |
kwwii | what degree are you working on? | 22:18 |
kwwii | bersace: I think that the UDS stuff concerning GDM might be of more interest to you anyway | 22:18 |
bersace | ah | 22:19 |
bersace | good | 22:19 |
kwwii | the meeting will be more about setting up a gallery or not, and what exactly we need in that respect | 22:19 |
bersace | also, i'm really thinking on working on wide-theme-switcher next summer, for hardy+1 (aka i*y) | 22:19 |
bersace | maybe using Google Summer of Code | 22:19 |
kwwii | that would be killer | 22:20 |
kwwii | very good idea | 22:20 |
kwwii | +10 if you could get that to work for both gtk and qt :-) | 22:20 |
kwwii | kde has this half broken gtk2qt engine but gnome has nothing like that | 22:21 |
bersace | i may thinkg "backend/frontend", but never write a line of qt | 22:21 |
bersace | each one has its own pride | 22:21 |
kwwii | so for gnome people it would be nice to have a way to get their apps themed even if they use qt | 22:21 |
bersace | :P | 22:21 |
bersace | ah | 22:21 |
kwwii | I am not sure that you would need a qt frontend | 22:22 |
bersace | i though you were talking about the capplet itself | 22:22 |
bersace | the idea is to create something like MetaTheme (there is such subject in xdg) | 22:22 |
kwwii | and even so, if it simply set the theme across the boards I am sure someone would step up and write the qt front-end | 22:22 |
bersace | MetaTheme includes a gtk and a Qt theme | 22:22 |
kwwii | exactly | 22:22 |
bersace | as well as gdm, usplash, (grub?), metacity, compiz, kwin, xfwin, … | 22:23 |
bersace | the list is undefined | 22:23 |
kwwii | yeah, it would be a real effort to get themes ready | 22:23 |
bersace | the artist (team ?) can produce a theme with a variable coverage | 22:23 |
kwwii | as it would probably include sounds, etc | 22:23 |
bersace | yeas ! | 22:23 |
kwwii | but we could adapt the automatic theme builder to do a metatheme | 22:23 |
bersace | gnome-app-install handle packages, mime-type/codecs, firefox-extension. i'm willing to add thems | 22:24 |
bersace | themes | 22:24 |
kwwii | at least then it would only be a matter of switching things in one place | 22:24 |
bersace | i need a good mentor for such project | 22:24 |
bersace | someone like dholbach | 22:24 |
bersace | robitaille | 22:24 |
bersace | dunno very well | 22:24 |
kwwii | yeah, it was a big loss for us that he left the desktop team to work on the community stuff | 22:24 |
bersace | i'll try to get gnome-scan 0.6 up for March | 22:24 |
kwwii | I felt the difference having to build my own packages | 22:24 |
bersace | then let's wide-theme-switcher on the way | 22:25 |
bersace | ack | 22:25 |
kwwii | coming from SUSE and a pure kde world it was quite a bit of extra work for me | 22:25 |
kwwii | is there already a spec (blueprint now) for this? | 22:25 |
kwwii | I recall seeing something | 22:25 |
kwwii | if not, perhaps I should suggest one for the boston UDS | 22:26 |
kwwii | would you have time to talk about this with us at UDS? as of when are you going to be out of touch? | 22:27 |
bersace | re | 22:36 |
bersace | i wrote wide-theme-switcher specs about one years ago | 22:36 |
bersace | first result for "wide-theme-switcher" | 22:37 |
bersace | ! | 22:37 |
bersace | kwwii: as i said, i will pop up this spec for hardy+1 | 22:40 |
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