=== Flannel_ is now known as Flannel | ||
seisen | When does the documentation for Hardy start? | 14:24 |
nixternal | not for a while | 14:27 |
nixternal | I would say at a minimum, if a lot of stuff doesn't change and the specs have been approved at UDS, we could probably start working on documentation in 2 months | 14:28 |
nixternal | but we tend to wait until the last couple of months, that way there we no stuff won't change drastically... | 14:28 |
jjesse | hopefully at UDS Boston I can get a start on things | 14:30 |
nixternal | me too :) | 14:37 |
nixternal | schoolio time...back later | 14:37 |
seisen | I was just wondering so I could help with some of the little stuff | 14:48 |
jjesse | seisen: you can start cleanning up th wiki | 14:56 |
jjesse | which would be a great help | 14:57 |
seisen | I have been cleaning the wiki up but lately I haven't had time | 14:57 |
seisen | I know the wiki is a mess, but I do have two days off so maybe I can get some cleaning done this week | 14:58 |
jjesse | cool good luck | 14:59 |
seisen | I think some of the pages might just need the category cleanup tags removed because they have been cleaned up but the tags not removed | 15:00 |
jjesse | wouldn't be suprised if that was all it took | 15:04 |
seisen | some of them do need cleaned up like the one's for beryl because the repository are no longer available | 15:05 |
seisen | then some are just a mess | 15:06 |
billycina | hi there | 15:35 |
jjesse_ | hello | 15:35 |
billycina | anybody know about new dtd requirements from Gutsy | 15:35 |
billycina | ie as of gutsy? | 15:35 |
billycina | new version of docbook it seems | 15:35 |
jjesse_ | so the dtd that all the docs are getting is wrong/ | 15:36 |
billycina | yes | 15:36 |
jjesse_ | intersteing was not awaare of that | 15:36 |
billycina | it's a real pain | 15:37 |
jjesse_ | so all the docs don't lookright? | 15:37 |
billycina | errors all over the shop | 15:37 |
jjesse_ | grumble grumble | 15:37 |
billycina | they can't 'make' | 15:37 |
jjesse_ | are they built correctly on a gutsy install? | 15:37 |
* jjesse_ is at work and not on a gutsy box right now | 15:37 | |
billycina | they were built on feisty | 15:37 |
billycina | and now we are reviewing on gutsy | 15:37 |
billycina | and the doc are just not happy | 15:38 |
jjesse_ | that sucks | 15:38 |
billycina | i know | 15:38 |
billycina | any solution you can think of? | 15:38 |
jjesse_ | not off the top of my head | 15:39 |
billycina | any idea where i can look? | 15:39 |
jjesse_ | umm give me a bit to think | 15:40 |
billycina | k - thanks | 15:40 |
jjesse_ | just to make sure i understand if i run the validate.sh script in the docteam svn it will give a ton of errors? | 15:41 |
billycina | sounds about right - yes | 15:46 |
billycina | you guys must use a different way of checking | 15:46 |
billycina | i'm using bluefish | 15:46 |
jjesse_ | whenever i need to validate my docbook files i run the script that is in trunk | 15:47 |
jjesse_ | validate.sh | 15:47 |
billycina | i think we are doing the same but in different means | 15:47 |
popey | :( | 15:49 |
billycina | popey: this is very annoying | 15:49 |
TeTeT | jjesse_: I'll take a look at it | 20:57 |
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse | ||
TeTeT | jjesse: after commenting out some, but not all <figure>s it compiles again | 22:25 |
mdke | what's the error from validate.sh? The dtd in our documents hasn't changed, so upgrading to gutsy shouldn't change anything | 22:31 |
mdke | I haven't seen any errors with making or validating | 22:32 |
mdke | TeTeT: still around? | 22:35 |
TeTeT | mdke: yes, I'm there, sorry | 22:35 |
mdke | nothing to be sorry for :) | 22:35 |
TeTeT | mdke: the validate.sh points to a number of issues | 22:35 |
mdke | all documents? | 22:36 |
TeTeT | mdke: one with use of para inside of screen, the other on figure | 22:36 |
TeTeT | mdke: yep, maybe dblatex became more rigorous in 7.10 | 22:36 |
TeTeT | e.g. on feisty it builds, on gutsy it stops | 22:36 |
mdke | TeTeT: can you give me an example of a document which gives the error with validate.sh? | 22:37 |
mdke | i can't see any | 22:37 |
TeTeT | mdke: I'm writing about the training course - basically none of the training documents validates ... | 22:37 |
mdke | oh. The discussion above with jjesse seems to have been on the understanding that you were talking about our documents... | 22:38 |
mdke | I suppose it's possible that your training documents use a different dtd declaration to ours... | 22:39 |
TeTeT | mdke: nope, I was referring to the one with billycina | 22:39 |
TeTeT | mdke: I hope not :) | 22:39 |
mdke | 15:41:52 < jjesse_> just to make sure i understand if i run the validate.sh script in the docteam svn it will give a ton of errors? | 22:39 |
mdke | 15:46:15 < billycina> sounds about right - yes | 22:39 |
mdke | perhaps I misunderstood. So the dtd declaration is identical? | 22:39 |
mdke | (to our documents) | 22:40 |
TeTeT | mdke: seems we're using version 4.2 instead of 4.1.2 | 22:40 |
mdke | right | 22:40 |
mdke | even so, shouldn't be radically different | 22:41 |
TeTeT | yep | 22:41 |
mdke | how were the documents created originally? | 22:42 |
mdke | can I have a look at one? | 22:42 |
TeTeT | mdke: sure, it's all on launchpad | 22:42 |
TeTeT | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~canonical-training/ubuntu-desktop-course/ubuntu-desktop-course-beta | 22:42 |
TeTeT | mdke: we've advised our training partner to use the doc teams docbook tags and stay with this | 22:43 |
TeTeT | mdke: unfortunately it's a rough ride for everybody involved | 22:43 |
mdke | I wonder if the documents were created using a program or something which has made a mistake | 22:43 |
TeTeT | e.g. in concern to content as well as xml | 22:43 |
TeTeT | I'm pretty sure they have a human editing them, working from a template | 22:43 |
TeTeT | I'm also pretty sure that the human editor is unaware of 'validation' or xmllint or anythinbg | 22:44 |
mdke | I see. | 22:45 |
mdke | we seem to use 4.3 in our documents | 22:45 |
mdke | https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk/ubuntu/internet/C/internet.xml | 22:45 |
TeTeT | ok | 22:46 |
TeTeT | grep -rh DOCTYPE * | sort | uniq | 22:47 |
mdke | i wonder if there is a bug in the gutsy declaration of 4.2. Try 4.3 | 22:47 |
TeTeT | ok, most are 4.3 | 22:47 |
TeTeT | mdke: no change | 22:48 |
mdke | perhaps the documents are just invalid | 22:49 |
mdke | maybe they built on feisty notwithstanding the errors? | 22:49 |
TeTeT | mdke: seems so | 22:49 |
mdke | you're not using xsltproc? | 22:49 |
TeTeT | mdke: I tend to agree, the docs were bad from the start and now gutsy has something more strict | 22:50 |
TeTeT | mdke: we use xsltproc for the html and dblatex for PDF | 22:50 |
TeTeT | http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~canonical-training/ubuntu-desktop-course/ubuntu-desktop-course-beta/annotate/training%40canonical.com-20071022180423-h3gwq5lotyxdvwgz?file_id=makefile-20070927154211-pp53f1hz3isw2jtg-1 | 22:50 |
TeTeT | mdke: I'll probably take a look at the generated tex and see if I find the prob | 22:51 |
mdke | yes, was just looking at that, sorry | 22:51 |
mdke | xsltproc works? | 22:51 |
TeTeT | anyway, need to call it a day, otherwise I'll have someone unhappy at home | 22:51 |
TeTeT | mdke: yes, the HTML is there | 22:51 |
mdke | ah, ok. blame dblatex definitely then | 22:51 |
mdke | good night | 22:52 |
TeTeT | mdke: will do :) | 22:52 |
TeTeT | bye, and thanks! | 22:52 |
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