
camrdaleMy first upload: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=39302:02
freeflyingcamrdale: you need review?02:43
camrdaleI just relaized that the package I uploaded is in main02:43
camrdaleis the review process the same?02:43
freeflyingcamrdale: merge from sid?02:44
camrdaleno, it's a fix to the ubuntu version02:44
freeflyingcamrdale: file a bug, attach the debdiff to your bug, it will help02:45
camrdalefreeflying: LP 6679502:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66795 in bittorrent "Missing package dependencies in bittorrent-gui" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6679502:46
camrdalefreeflying: I just attached the debdiff to that report02:52
freeflyingcamrdale: poke someone in ubuntu-dev-core02:52
camrdalethanks, I will02:52
camrdalefreeflying: is that a channel?02:53
freeflyingcamrdale: no, but you may poke asac here  :)02:53
camrdaleasac: can you help me with uploading a new bittorrent package to main?02:55
asachmm ... gone09:23
bluekujaasac: can you take a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bittorrent/+bug/66795?14:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66795 in bittorrent "Missing package dependencies in bittorrent-gui" [Undecided,Triaged]14:13
bluekujaasac; would be nice to have it inside14:13
bluekujawhen hardy opens14:13
asacbluekuja: why is such an old bug so urgent now?14:53
bluekujaasac: because debian provided a package which works in ubuntu14:54
bluekujaand because carmdale decided to work on it14:54
asacok ... well ... we can sponsor it ... sure14:55
asacbut probably not today14:55
asaci haven't yet setup my hardy dev environment14:55
bluekujaasac: yeah, let's wait hardy archive for it14:56
bluekujait's still closed14:57
bluekujaasac: gonna ping you again when hardy opens14:58
bluekujaso we can push it14:58
bluekujaheya camrdale !18:15
bluekujahow are you man?18:15
bluekujacamrdale, asked asac to take a look at that bug18:15
camrdaleI'm good18:15
camrdalethanks :)18:15
bluekujahe will upload it when hardy opens up18:15
camrdaleyou mean the bittorrent bug?18:16
bluekujajust few days I guess18:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66795 in bittorrent "Missing package dependencies in bittorrent-gui" [Undecided,Triaged]18:16
camrdalewhat about the torrentflux fix for edgy?18:16
bluekujacamrdale, is it ready?18:16
camrdaleanything more I can do there?18:16
bluekujacamrdale, bug number please18:16
camrdaleLP 15549118:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 155491 in torrentflux "Multiple security vulnerabilities in Edgy" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15549118:16
bluekujacamrdale, why 05_sanitize_html_entities got removed?18:18
camrdalethe fix in there was very small and is included with many more in 06_sanitize_html_entities18:18
bluekujaah k seen it18:18
bluekujacamrdale, versioning is bad18:21
camrdalereally? I just continued what the previous person did18:22
camrdalewhat should it be?18:22
bluekujano I mean18:22
bluekujasorry :)18:22
bluekujacamrdale, edgy-proposed should be18:23
bluekujawe need an SRU for it18:23
camrdaleahhh, ok18:23
bluekujayou should point that out18:23
bluekujain the changelog entry18:23
bluekujabut wait18:23
bluekujabefore submitting18:23
bluekujaa neew debdiff18:23
bluekujaneed to comment18:23
camrdaleso use edgy-proposed in the changelog instead of edgy?18:23
bluekujayes, but wait18:23
camrdaleI won't be able to work on it until tonight anyway18:24
camrdale(it's 10am here)18:24
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
bluekujacamrdale, dinner and I'm here with news18:30
bluekujacamrdale, talked with kees cook18:43
bluekujafor pushing it in -security18:43
bluekuja<keescook> bluekuja: sweet, yeah, it's in my TODO list.18:43
camrdalegreat :) so no change to edgy-proposed is needed?18:43
bluekujacamrdale, should be edgy-security18:44
bluekujaand you should add the bug number18:44
bluekujainside the changelog entry18:44
bluekujaso archive admins18:44
bluekujacan review it with the linked bug18:44
camrdalethe bug number's in the changelog, where else should it be?18:44
bluekujacamrdale, maybe writing something like18:46
bluekujaSecurity upload Bug #bugid:18:46
bluekujawith every change18:46
camrdaleyou mean add that to every entry in the changelog?18:47
bluekujaonly to your one18:48
camrdalebut to every line in my entry? or just the top one? it's already on the second one18:48
bluekujaon the top only18:49
camrdaleI'll update the bug tonight with a new debdiff and mention it here18:50

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