stiv2k | hi | 00:13 |
stiv2k | how come my /var/log/apache2/access.log is empty? | 00:13 |
atouk | nbody accesed it? | 00:13 |
stiv2k | atouk: its been empty for months | 00:13 |
stiv2k | atouk: and i access it all ther time, among others | 00:13 |
atouk | not a clue mine's working | 00:14 |
atouk | theres a setting to turn it off, but i can't remember where | 00:19 |
stork | your problem is apache | 00:22 |
stork | maybe you want lighttpd | 00:22 |
m1r | gn | 00:26 |
stiv2k | uhh | 00:27 |
stiv2k | why would i want lighttpd? | 00:27 |
stork | it's neat | 00:36 |
peanutb | and less of a resource hog | 00:48 |
* peanutb mumbles about apache hogging all his vps' ram | 00:49 | |
peanutb | yet lighttpd wasent pheaseable for some reason | 00:49 |
* peanutb cant remember why | 00:49 | |
atouk | i phorget a lot too | 00:50 |
peanutb | prolly because i was too lazy to port over the vhosts.ohh thats what it was. It didnt have a serveralias thingy | 00:51 |
peanutb | so i would have had to make a different vhost for each address | 00:51 |
jnc | peanutb: "feasible" sorry to correct you if you don't like to be corrected | 01:54 |
peanutb | jnc, i suck and spelling, thanks for correcting me | 01:55 |
jnc | oh geeze, you know what, netinst is the same as either desktop or server installs | 03:22 |
jnc | what do I need installed for on my server install? | 03:22 |
jnc | I don't, but it's there | 03:22 |
jnc | what the hell! | 03:22 |
kgoetz | hm? | 03:23 |
jnc | kgoetz: karma | 03:38 |
jnc | why are Ubuntu installs setting this as and not ? | 03:39 |
jnc | | 03:40 |
jnc | I am reading this, but I do not understand it | 03:40 |
kgoetz | jnc: thats how debian does it now, i dont know why (and i dont like it) | 03:44 |
kgoetz | afk. going home | 03:44 |
jnc | 'k | 03:44 |
jnc | found also | 03:44 |
jnc | peanutb: what are you using for VPS? | 04:06 |
peanutb | yes | 04:07 |
peanutb | umm | 04:08 |
peanutb | i think its umm.... whatever uses | 04:08 |
peanutb | i think its opensomething | 04:08 |
lamont | jnc: what's not to understand? | 04:10 |
lamont | having the system think it's proper name is 'localhost.localdomain' because eth0 isn't (or is that 'is'?) up is just silly | 04:10 |
peanutb | wait. how did you know i have a vps? | 04:11 |
lamont | peanutb: what is a vps? | 04:11 |
lamont | * peanutb mumbles about apache hogging all his vps' ram | 04:11 |
lamont | that might be how we know... | 04:12 |
jnc | lamont: why bother having that in the hosts file at all, then? | 04:13 |
lamont | which 'that'? | 04:14 |
jnc | just one line will do it, localhost.localdomain hostname | 04:14 |
lamont | but not hostname | 04:14 |
jnc | hm | 04:14 |
lamont | if I'm on my machine and connect to it by name, it routes directly, regardless of what IP I use. | 04:14 |
peanutb | ohh. right | 04:15 |
jnc | yeah I guess it does, then | 04:15 |
lamont | and listing it that way is what makes things think that the proper name of the machine is 'localhost.localdomain' (e.g., /etc/mailname...) | 04:15 |
* jnc stabs Gutsy Xen | 04:15 | |
peanutb | lamont: its a Virtual Private Server | 04:15 |
lamont | ah, ok | 04:15 |
peanutb | im moving to shared hosting soon though | 04:15 |
peanutb | too much to upkeep | 04:15 |
peanutb | and too much monthly | 04:16 |
peanutb | maybe when i get more money ill get a box to colocate | 04:16 |
jnc | oh I misunderstood, thought you were running a VPS business | 04:16 |
peanutb | no | 04:16 |
jnc | I have some Xen problems tonight | 04:16 |
peanutb | :( | 04:16 |
jnc | it's crashing randomly on x86 | 04:16 |
peanutb | hmm | 04:16 |
peanutb | sounds like fun fun fun | 04:16 |
jnc | "Running hooks" ... " Segmentation fault" | 04:17 |
jnc | and then I get booted out of ssh, it won't let me log in again | 04:17 |
peanutb | hmm | 04:17 |
jnc | several blog entries point at TLS being flakey | 04:17 |
peanutb | donno | 04:17 |
peanutb | Xen is a weird program | 04:17 |
peanutb | shareing a kernel between os' scares me | 04:18 |
peanutb | though they do it at vpslink too | 04:18 |
jnc | but there's libc-xen, so why should I mess with TLS | 04:18 |
jnc | I had Xen working alright with a stable Debian release | 04:18 |
jnc | so I thought, hey Gutsy is out with better Xen support (or so I heard) | 04:18 |
lamont | jnc: new-n-shiny doesn't necessarily equal 'better'. :-( | 04:19 |
jnc | not very pleased so far, it's been problematic and I haven't found documentation that shows from A-Z a working setup | 04:19 |
jnc | lamont: we're not talking new and shiny here, it's a release, I kind of expected it to work. I expect debian releases to be stable, and they are, so I am not making a fair comparison | 04:20 |
jnc | looks like I should be hacking with 6.06 LTS | 04:20 |
lamont | jnc: I meant new-n-shiny xen | 04:20 |
jnc | really wish this stuff Just Worked | 04:20 |
jnc | oh | 04:20 |
peanutb | openvz. thats it | 04:20 |
jnc | openvz is pretty common | 04:21 |
lamont | I'm not sure how much activity xen has seen yet. Not much work -> some rough edges. | 04:21 |
lamont | gnome et al get hammered by the dev community during the process, so that part tends to be right-good. | 04:21 |
* peanutb is still using dapper on his vps | 04:22 | |
peanutb | i cant afford the downtime that could arise | 04:23 |
peanutb | and of cource apt is messed up | 04:23 |
peanutb | ahh the joy | 04:23 |
lamont | the tradeoffs are LTS for rock solid server with time-proven bits, or current release for a good desktop experience that probably does well in the data center (and will get fixed if it doesn't, of course) | 04:24 |
lamont | hrm... so when I plug a 20A UPS plug into a custom-cord that has a 15A plug on the other end and then plug that into a 15A power strip that's plugged into a 300W UPS which is plugged into a 20A circuit, is that bad? | 04:26 |
peanutb | wha? | 04:28 |
peanutb | so long as you dont use more than 20 amps at the end you should be fine, but its bad practive | 04:29 |
peanutb | *practice | 04:29 |
peanutb | lamont: ^^ | 04:29 |
lamont | peanutb: the 300W ups will trip well before I hit 20 A | 04:29 |
peanutb | then you are prolly fine | 04:30 |
peanutb | but its still bad practice | 04:30 |
* lamont has done electrical construction, and majored in EE in college... | 04:30 | |
lamont | it's extremely bad practice. | 04:31 |
* peanutb is still in HS | 04:31 | |
peanutb | srry i dont have any big credentials | 04:31 |
lamont | then again, so is taking a perfectly good 14 gauge extension cord, and replacing the outlet end with a 20A outlet. | 04:31 |
* peanutb is los | 04:31 | |
peanutb | t | 04:31 |
lamont | wow. I actually used a 12 gauge cord. | 04:32 |
* peanutb feels sad that his only credential is an email | 04:32 | |
lamont | 20A plug is specifically different than a normal house plug | 04:32 |
peanutb | oh | 04:32 |
peanutb | is that the erm one with the pin sidewayse (the pin that isint turned sideways for 240V?) | 04:33 |
jnc | peanutb: you work for the company? | 04:42 |
peanutb | the comapny? | 04:43 |
peanutb | what company? | 04:43 |
peanutb | i dont work for any company | 04:43 |
peanutb | im in highschool | 04:43 |
peanutb | and until august i couldent legally work for anyone (except family) | 04:43 |
jnc | oh. just inquiring about the "credential" you mentioned | 04:44 |
peanutb | oh | 04:44 |
peanutb | im a "official member" | 04:44 |
peanutb | | 04:45 |
peanutb | due to my loco team involvement | 04:45 |
jnc | I used to develop some pro audio ebuilds for the Gentoo system | 04:46 |
peanutb | you see i have nothign worth showing. | 04:46 |
* jnc laughs along | 04:46 | |
peanutb | i contributed a partial patch for 1 package | 04:46 |
peanutb | hopefully more next summer or during winter break | 04:47 |
jnc | 13? Google needs to update its index a bit quicker than that | 04:47 |
jnc | you can look me up if you want, my name's Eric Shattow | 04:48 |
peanutb | 14 now actually | 04:52 |
jnc | you're gettin' old | 04:52 |
peanutb | right | 04:52 |
peanutb | i know... so old | 04:52 |
jnc | remember being 6 years old? man, for me that was like MS-DOS games | 04:53 |
jnc | for you that would be... a prince song on the radio over and over again | 04:54 |
peanutb | lmao | 04:54 |
jnc | Y2k "crisis" | 04:55 |
peanutb | i remember the backstreet boys and N'Synch | 04:55 |
peanutb | lmao | 04:55 |
peanutb | yeah the whole Y2k thing was funny | 04:55 |
jnc | my kid sister is 16, so I had to live with 98 degrees, and all that boy band crap | 04:55 |
peanutb | i didnt get it tohough | 04:55 |
peanutb | nn nn nwow | 04:55 |
peanutb | wow | 04:55 |
peanutb | yeah, for some reason i pull out the old cds, and like them | 04:56 |
jnc | everyone does, even if the music sucked | 04:56 |
jnc | my secret joy is Ace of Base | 04:56 |
jnc | but, it's a secret. No one understands how awesome Ace of Base is. | 04:57 |
jnc | not even me. | 04:57 |
peanutb | :) | 04:57 |
jnc | Do I know why I danced to michael bolton videos? | 04:57 |
jnc | no. | 04:57 |
* peanutb gets out the beatles every so often. my first cd was yellow Submarine | 04:57 | |
jnc | ooh trippy | 04:58 |
peanutb | then i think it was hmm... Parachutes by coldplay | 04:58 |
peanutb | (which i bought in like 2003) | 04:59 |
jnc | better than ezra, offspring, metallica, B-52's, Guns 'n Roses, Concrete Blonde... | 05:00 |
jnc | ya ya | 05:00 |
jnc | music is what kept me interested in linux through the rough years | 05:01 |
peanutb | yeah | 05:02 |
jnc | started trading songs as WAV files, it took 2 days to send one | 05:02 |
peanutb | do you have a | 05:02 |
jnc | nah | 05:02 |
jnc | social networking sites piss me off | 05:02 |
jnc | even for something harmless and interesting like | 05:02 |
peanutb | well... mines they did to me too... but i decided i had to sign up ust to stop people from asking what music i like: | 05:03 |
peanutb | i gotta go and finish this homework though | 05:03 |
* jnc laughs | 05:03 | |
jnc | cool beans | 05:03 |
peanutb | beans? | 05:04 |
jnc | it's a line from a slasher movie | 05:04 |
peanutb | right i was sort of in a political-bashign mood today | 05:04 |
jnc | everytime the character kills someone he says "Cool beans." | 05:04 |
peanutb | thats why the music is erm... anit-bush | 05:04 |
jnc | passwords are commonly based on what music a person likes | 05:05 |
jnc | that makes an interesting tool for me | 05:05 |
jnc | ;) | 05:06 |
peanutb | mao | 05:06 |
peanutb | lmao | 05:06 |
peanutb | well... i dont think mine is | 05:06 |
* peanutb wonders what his password is for | 05:06 | |
peanutb | oh yeah | 05:06 |
peanutb | or things they despise | 05:06 |
lamont | peanutb: | 05:09 |
lamont | this is a NEMA 5-20 plug | 05:09 |
lamont | you'll notice that all 4 combinations are available | 05:09 |
lamont | and that you can plug a 15A plug into a 20A receptical | 05:10 |
peanutb | yeah. seems right | 05:11 |
* peanutb needs to do his homework for real this time | 05:11 | |
peanutb | arent NEMA standards also for electrical enclosures? | 05:12 |
* peanutb feels stupid for takeign the long way, redoing it the short way, and then getting the same answer | 05:13 | |
jnc | ugh, TLS issues on Gutsy Xen | 06:08 |
jnc | makes apt-get break, and other fun side effects | 06:08 |
jnc | Offending process: mount | 06:18 |
lamont | peanutb: National Electrical Manufacturers Association - so, yeah. | 06:42 |
peanutb | ok | 06:42 |
peanutb | gotta go to sleep | 06:42 |
peanutb | talk to ya someother time | 06:42 |
kraut | moin | 07:53 |
_ruben | mornin | 07:55 |
nrpil | morning | 08:05 |
AussieHatter | fresh install of 7.10 server is hanging at running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) should this section be taking long ? | 08:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no | 08:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | but that depends what 'long' means | 08:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and the speed fo the server | 08:55 |
AussieHatter | fast server, long time now | 08:58 |
AussieHatter | about to press reset | 08:58 |
AussieHatter | new dual core p4, with a painful sata chipset that needs a new kernel | 08:59 |
AussieHatter | ok my mistake. | 08:59 |
AussieHatter | it was output on the console, a shell was waiting underneath after i pressed a key | 09:00 |
AussieHatter | now i will suffer getting used to using sudo :) | 09:01 |
_ruben | ah .. the dreaded 'running bootscripts after login prompt has been displayed' | 09:08 |
AussieHatter | _ruben, yeah it threw me :) | 09:11 |
AussieHatter | is the default kernel smp enabled ? | 09:12 |
_ruben | yes | 09:12 |
_ruben | unless you ended up with the -i386 one for some reason | 09:13 |
AussieHatter | i see, it only shows the SMP using uname -a | 09:13 |
_ruben | cat /proc/cpuinfo should show you all cpu's/cores it has found | 09:13 |
AussieHatter | right, good one, they are both there :) | 09:14 |
AussieHatter | was webmin ever in ubuntu ? i know it was removed from etch | 09:15 |
_ruben | webmin isnt compatible to way ubuntu has its config files organized | 09:15 |
_ruben | !webmin | 09:15 |
ubotu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system | 09:15 |
AussieHatter | i have been looking at something like ispconfig for easy management, is there anything else hiding away ? | 09:16 |
_ruben | there's ebox, but im not sure how extensive it is | 09:16 |
_ruben | there are rumours/plans to expand it for the next release (hoary) | 09:17 |
AussieHatter | what firewall manager tool is hiding in 7.10 ? | 09:18 |
_ruben | there's several available in the default repositories i think, i always write my own scripts | 09:18 |
AussieHatter | _ruben, i am familiar with shorewall, always too lazy to learn iptables | 09:19 |
_ruben | i really recommend at least reading a couple of tutorials, so you have at least a small grasp of what's going on | 09:19 |
_ruben | you shouldn't use scripts that you dont really understand, imo | 09:20 |
_ruben | firewalling is a rather important thing, though it also depends on the needs/environment/etc ofcourse | 09:20 |
AussieHatter | i have been using shorewall for years now, i am quite familiar with whats going on | 09:20 |
AussieHatter | i havent found the need to invest in learning iptables proper | 09:21 |
AussieHatter | though i have a pretty good grasping | 09:21 |
AussieHatter | shorewall is a great project imo | 09:22 |
AussieHatter | lots of good networking tutorials | 09:22 |
AussieHatter | have you been a debian user ? | 09:23 |
* Nafallo thinks iptables is easier then shorewall | 09:24 | |
AussieHatter | nafallo, really ? | 09:24 |
AussieHatter | for quick changes ? adding port frwards ? seeing logs ? | 09:24 |
Nafallo | yes | 09:25 |
AussieHatter | wow. i just found that once it gets complex shorewalls layout is easy to look at and see whats going on | 09:26 |
AussieHatter | are you familiar with mondo ? it was good in sarge for backing up / cloning a running distro and saving as an .iso for bare metal restore, what would one use on ubuntu > | 09:27 |
AussieHatter | ? | 09:27 |
Nafallo | I'm not friend with shorewall since I noticed my 10Mbps in became 2Mbit in because of it. | 09:27 |
Nafallo | we have everything Debian has and more. | 09:27 |
AussieHatter | Nafallo, oh, wow, i wouldnt be either, thats nasty, | 09:27 |
AussieHatter | i cant find mondo | 09:28 |
AussieHatter | are you familiar with something similar ? | 09:28 |
Nafallo | nafallo@wizard:~$ apt-cache show mondo | grep ^Section | 09:29 |
Nafallo | Section: universe/utils | 09:29 |
AussieHatter | Nafallo, and once you removed shorewall your speed increased ? | 09:29 |
AussieHatter | ah, i see, i dont have universe turned on | 09:29 |
Nafallo | AussieHatter: once I wrote and removed shorewall yes. | 09:29 |
AussieHatter | Nafallo, were you familiar with iptables before that ? | 09:30 |
Nafallo | yes | 09:30 |
AussieHatter | i have just suffered the last day trying to get a via saa chipset working with etch | 09:31 |
AussieHatter | 'sata' | 09:31 |
AussieHatter | whats your thoughts on allowing root login and not using sudo ? | 09:34 |
Nafallo | man sudo_root | 09:35 |
AussieHatter | i see, thx | 09:36 |
=== Drazha[away] is now known as Drazha | ||
_ruben | AussieHatter: i've been a debian user in the past, then moved to opensuse/sles, now in the process of moving to ubuntu (orienting and experimenting atm mostly) | 09:48 |
_ruben | i kinda like the sudo approach, especially the logging part so its a bit more clear which collegue managed to fuck up :-P | 09:50 |
_ruben | one downside tho, currently only root has a passwd set on our servers, we login using ssh keys | 09:50 |
_ruben | one option would probably be to give root a passwd and have the admins use that for sudo instead of their own | 09:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | <_ruben> there are rumours/plans to expand it for the next release (hoary) <- hardy | 10:07 |
* _ruben slaps forehead | 10:08 | |
Kamping_Kaiser | AussieHatter, used mondo on dapper, worked well | 10:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | _ruben, lol | 10:09 |
* Kamping_Kaiser finnally reaches bottom of scrollback | 10:09 | |
_ruben | hmm .. mondo sounds promising (from looking at the apt-cache info) | 10:09 |
_ruben | Kamping_Kaiser: in busy channels like these i tend to only read a few hours tops of the backlog :p | 10:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | _ruben, whats the downside with you and sudo and root? | 10:10 |
* Kamping_Kaiser didnt get that bit | 10:10 | |
Kamping_Kaiser | i'm bored, i have time to readd it all ;) | 10:10 |
_ruben | my boss probably wouldnt apreciate it if i spend most of the morning reading irc backlogs :p | 10:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 10:10 |
* Kamping_Kaiser has only been gone 60 min | 10:11 | |
_ruben | ah o | 10:11 |
_ruben | k | 10:11 |
_ruben | my 'backlog' was from 4pm yesterday till 8am today (3hrs ago) :p | 10:11 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. | 10:11 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i only stopped 8 minutes before you started ;) | 10:12 |
_ruben | but concerning sudo, sudo by default requires the passwd of the current user, but on our current (suse) servers, the users dont have a passwd | 10:12 |
* Kamping_Kaiser is lacking reasons to fanboy etch atm :( i need to find some funky feature | 10:12 | |
Kamping_Kaiser | huh? not at all? | 10:12 |
_ruben | we login using ssh keys | 10:13 |
_ruben | and direct root login at the terminal | 10:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | still, no passwords is a bit... much | 10:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | rootpw If set, sudo will prompt for the root password instead of | 10:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | the password of the invoking user. This flag is off by | 10:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | default. | 10:13 |
_ruben | it saves 'maintaining' ~6 passwds on ~30 servers (rough estimate) | 10:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thats understandable. still have issues with *no* password at all (then again, keys are hard to fake) | 10:15 |
_ruben | that's the option i opted as a decent alternative in our situation | 10:16 |
_ruben | Kamping_Kaiser: well, no password isnt the same an empty password, so i dont see any harm in it | 10:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | _ruben, suppose so | 10:16 |
_ruben | at the console only root can login, and even if ssh is misconfigured (allowing non-key logins), then one could still not login as a user (but only as root, if ssh would be even more faulty configured) | 10:17 |
_ruben | but these are exactly the things im investigating as part of a possible move from suse to ubuntu | 10:18 |
oly_mk2 | anyone able to help with a windows share mount problem, i have added in a share on the windows server into fstab it works fine | 10:27 |
oly_mk2 | except when the windows server is rebooted, then ubuntu can no longer read the share | 10:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | the share probably times out and is unmounted | 10:28 |
oly_mk2 | until i go and manually unmount and remount it, which is a pain because the windows servers get rebooted a fair bit | 10:28 |
oly_mk2 | if i try and access it i get an i/o error | 10:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you could try unmounting+remounting every X hours in a cronjob | 10:28 |
oly_mk2 | hum, yeah its not ideal though | 10:29 |
oly_mk2 | i tried adding errors=remount-rw in fstab like you can with ext partitions | 10:29 |
oly_mk2 | but that does not seem to work | 10:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | `man fstab` will tell you what options you get for windows shares | 10:29 |
oly_mk2 | is cifs any better at handling this than smbfs does nay one know ? | 10:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | maybe `man mount`, i cant remember | 10:30 |
_ruben | hmm .. that's odd .. never tried it with ubuntu, but under suse the mount resumes to work after the windows box is up and running again | 10:30 |
_ruben | i think i used cifs back then | 10:30 |
oly_mk2 | okay may try cifs, and the info is in man mount i just found out | 10:32 |
oly_mk2 | thats why i coudl not find it when i looked :) | 10:32 |
AussieHatter | I am back... its dinner time here in aussie land... reading backlog | 10:33 |
soren | oly_mk2: cifs is preferred over smb and has been for quite a while. | 10:33 |
oly_mk2 | oh okay, i had not even heard of cifs till today | 10:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hehe | 10:34 |
AussieHatter | yes i have used mondo for the last few years and it has been great untill etch where it wants to install a different kernel !! seriouslt !! | 10:34 |
AussieHatter | etch has been good until recent mobos and old kernel :( | 10:34 |
AussieHatter | pita | 10:34 |
AussieHatter | debians ongoing problem | 10:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | AussieHatter, different kernel in the new system? | 10:34 |
oly_mk2 | i will give it ago, also found nomand in the mount command which might fix it just need to read up on exactly what it does | 10:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | AussieHatter, everyones ongoing problem | 10:35 |
AussieHatter | 2.6.18 in etch, via sata chipset needs 2.6.22 at least | 10:35 |
AussieHatter | then i tried a backported d-i which worked but then vmware wouldnt compile | 10:35 |
AussieHatter | grrr | 10:35 |
AussieHatter | after 5 or 6 hours of time wasted.... | 10:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | AussieHatter, ah, i saw you asking about it the other day in #debian | 10:36 |
AussieHatter | now I think i am finally going to make the move to ubuntu | 10:36 |
AussieHatter | Kamping_Kaiser, yes, it was pain | 10:36 |
AussieHatter | cifs has been the win stack for a long time now hasnt it ? | 10:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | XP~ iirc | 10:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | maybe even ME | 10:41 |
AussieHatter | i think so also | 10:41 |
AussieHatter | mounting smbfs is a good option | 10:41 |
AussieHatter | not sure why people stuff around with ntfs | 10:41 |
AussieHatter | i guess only locally or dual boot | 10:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | its hard to mount using smbfs from the localhost? :) | 10:41 |
AussieHatter | right :) | 10:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 10:42 |
AussieHatter | hmmm, passwordless ssh has been tempting but i've never quite felt safe enough... | 10:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | keybased ftw. i just keep forgetting to set it up | 10:46 |
AussieHatter | one pain i've suffered with gui linux and ubuntu or debian is the X user is logged in as a normal user but then if you want to move a file or folder there is no way to elevate privileges to copy file where you want to | 10:47 |
AussieHatter | unless there is a way and i dont know | 10:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | gksudo nautilus | 10:47 |
_ruben | or ksudo :) | 10:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | debian used to have a 'root filebrowser' option in the Applications menu, but i note its disapeared | 10:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | or that :) | 10:48 |
AussieHatter | so is a file browser setup to use gksudo ? do you have to enter this in a term ? | 10:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | alt+f2 | 10:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | put it in the box | 10:49 |
AussieHatter | ok i will check it out | 10:50 |
AussieHatter | what about plugging in a usb stick ? the other day discover found it then would only mount it read only ! | 10:51 |
AussieHatter | on 7.04 that is | 10:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what filesystem? does it have a hardware 'read only' switch? | 10:52 |
AussieHatter | Kamping_Kaiser, no it was vfat | 10:54 |
AussieHatter | hmmm, vmware is saying i may need to upgrade libc5 to glibc ... what could this mean ? | 10:58 |
AussieHatter | ah, maybe because x-window-system is not installed | 10:58 |
* Kamping_Kaiser wouldnt know, i dont do proprietary software ;) | 11:00 | |
AussieHatter | Kamping_Kaiser, ahhh, vmware is great :) | 11:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you can keep it :) | 11:01 |
AussieHatter | there isnt a free alternative as far as i know ? though they give it away for free, | 11:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bochs? qemu? | 11:01 |
_ruben | virtualbox, xen, ... | 11:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !free | 11:01 |
ubotu | freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See and | 11:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | read first link | 11:01 |
AussieHatter | nice :) | 11:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 11:01 |
AussieHatter | xen doesnt run xp | 11:02 |
AussieHatter | dinner time | 11:02 |
_ruben | lunch time | 11:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | later mate | 11:02 |
AussieHatter | mmmmmm foood | 11:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :( | 11:02 |
* Kamping_Kaiser is abandoned | 11:02 | |
_ruben | well .. table soccer time, which is the usual thing to do during lunchtime here at work ;) | 11:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hehe | 11:03 |
* Kamping_Kaiser resumes coding | 11:03 | |
_ruben | bbiab | 11:03 |
rooaus | Should "do-release-upgrade" upgrade a 7.04 install? Does the server upgrades happen at the same time as a desktop release? | 11:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yes, the servers update at the same time | 11:08 |
rooaus | Kamping_Kaiser: Thanks. It uses the /etc/apt/sources.list doesn't it? I have a 7.04 server at work that reports "No new release found" yet today I was able to update my laptop (desktop install). Both point to the same mirrored repo. | 11:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yes, thats the correct file | 11:11 |
* Kamping_Kaiser wonders why he doesnt see rooaus and AussieHatter in #ubuntu-au | 11:11 | |
rooaus | Only difference is the work server is behind a firewall that only allows updates from the configured repo, laptop has unrestricted internet access. Strange? | 11:12 |
Kamping_Kaiser | there might be auto update tools, i dont know. | 11:13 |
* Kamping_Kaiser does such things by hand | 11:13 | |
rooaus | heh, only found this channel now, didn't even know there was an #ubuntu-au channel :) | 11:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 11:14 |
rooaus | might ask in that channel, maybe it is a mirroring issue. thanks. | 11:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | change sources.list -> apt-get update -> apt-get dist-upgrade (or aptitude dist-upgrade) done | 11:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | not sure how the mirrors matter :) | 11:17 |
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rooaus | I read the supported upgrade method was using do-release-upgrade. I have no probs doing the apt-get upgrade just thought I would follow docs in case something went wrong, easier to explain to the boss :) | 11:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | never seen do-release-upgrade, so i cant really helpa great deal with it | 11:24 |
rooaus | do-release-upgrade sorry, from update-manager-core. | 11:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ah, i dont use update-manager (not sure all the ubuntu bits are in debian anyway) | 11:27 |
lousygarua | how is the gutsy server? does it have spinning compiz terminals? :) | 11:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. no. | 11:31 |
AussieHatter | back again, there is a #ubuntu-au ? | 11:32 |
AussieHatter | well, Aussieland is on the map. | 11:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :D | 11:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | join us! and drink with me! | 11:32 |
AussieHatter | dammit ! in my sleep haze it hit something in mirc and lost the title bar | 11:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 11:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | xchat ftw | 11:34 |
AussieHatter | what is ftw ? | 11:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | for the win | 11:35 |
AussieHatter | ah | 11:35 |
AussieHatter | on my xp laptop currently | 11:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and yes, theres an #ubuntu-au | 11:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | search for 'silverx' | 11:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | its xchat for windows | 11:35 |
AussieHatter | ah ok | 11:35 |
AussieHatter | Kamping_Kaiser, do you know where the timeout setting for sudo is ? | 11:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | AussieHatter, sudoers file iirc | 11:37 |
AussieHatter | hmmm, no timout in that file | 11:37 |
AussieHatter | i will find it later :) | 11:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | man sudoers | 11:37 |
_ruben | timestamp_timeout | 11:37 |
_ruben | Number of minutes that can elapse before sudo will ask for a passwd again. The default is 15. Set this to 0 to always prompt for a password. If set to a value less than 0 the user’s timestamp will never | 11:37 |
_ruben | expire. This can be used to allow users to create or delete their own timestamps via sudo -v and sudo -k respectively. | 11:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | we need a manpage search bot | 11:38 |
_ruben | that'd be nice indeed | 11:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | eg !ubotu man sudoers timeout | 11:38 |
_ruben | tho could cause quite some spamming | 11:38 |
AussieHatter | good plan | 11:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | PM to caller? | 11:38 |
_ruben | could trigger an 'excess flood' anyways | 11:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | true. | 11:40 |
AussieHatter | omg so many times i am forgetting to put that sudo in front | 11:41 |
_ruben | a web search engine would do the trick, combined with a botscript that'd build the proper url to the web page | 11:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 11:41 |
_ruben | with possibly some higlighting | 11:41 |
_ruben | +h | 11:41 |
* Kamping_Kaiser thought +h was a switch for the moment | 11:42 | |
Kamping_Kaiser | man search +h timeout | 11:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ;) | 11:42 |
_ruben | haha | 12:02 |
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=== Drazha is now known as Drazha[away] | ||
=== Drazha[away] is now known as Drazha | ||
=== Drazha is now known as Drazha[away] | ||
rooaus | Kamping_Kaiser: You about? | 13:50 |
rooaus | Kamping_Kaiser: FYI, I ran wireshark while doing a "do-release-upgrade" and found it gets the release info from The server is firewalled and can only contact the configured repo. | 14:01 |
_ruben | sounds plausible .. the repo's dont tell you what's current or not | 14:02 |
rooaus | gotta love Ethereal (oops wireshark) ;) | 14:03 |
* _ruben is more of a tcpdump kind of person] | 14:04 | |
sommer | anyone know if it's possible to enable smtp auth, but only for a certain group? | 14:24 |
sommer | using sendmail or postfix? | 14:25 |
ScottK | sommer: What problem are you trying to solve? | 14:25 |
sommer | currently we don't have smtp open from outside the network, but things have changed and we now need to. | 14:26 |
sommer | but I was wondering if it's possible to only allow smpt access to certain addresses | 14:26 |
sommer | or users | 14:26 |
sommer | s/smpt/smtp/ | 14:27 |
sommer | I see you can configure what type of auth mechanisms you want to use, but not how to limit service availability. | 14:28 |
lamont | sommer: iptables or tcpwrapper come to mind | 14:28 |
* lamont would probably use iptables | 14:28 | |
sommer | lamont: makes sense, but how would you let iptables know which users to allow | 14:29 |
lamont | iptables would limit what IP's could be used. | 14:29 |
sommer | ah... couldn't you do that from postfix/sendmail though? | 14:30 |
lamont | I see that maybe I misinterpreted "addresses" | 14:30 |
sommer | lamont: sorry email addresses | 14:30 |
lamont | right | 14:30 |
lamont | so, not an iptables thing. | 14:30 |
lamont | so you want mail arriving from the internet to only be allowed if the destination address is in a list of specific users? | 14:31 |
ScottK | sommer: Look into smtpd_sender_login_mismatch (IIRC) | 14:31 |
sommer | ScottK: cool will do | 14:31 |
lamont | ScottK: thanks. I'm definitely having parsing issues this AM | 14:32 |
sommer | lamont: not exactly... I guess I want certain users to be able to use SMTP from a mua | 14:32 |
ScottK | sommer: The mumble login mismatch limits email addresses that can be used via SMTP Auth to certain users per address. If you can addresses not to be useable via SMTP Auth, list them with a non-existant user. | 14:34 |
sommer | ScottK: thanks mumble? | 14:36 |
ScottK | mumble meaning I can't remember the exact name and didn't want to give it to you wrong. | 14:37 |
ScottK | It's in the postfix docs. | 14:37 |
sommer | ScottK: ah... cool I'm looking into it. | 14:38 |
Carry | hello, i'm new to server-software... my book says there's a bin conf and htdocs in the ServerRoot... | 16:17 |
Carry | not in my ubuntu 6.0 lts lamp | 16:17 |
Carry | :/ | 16:17 |
Carry | help? | 16:17 |
sommer | Carry: all the apache configs are in /etc/apache2 and the ServerRoot is set to /var/www by default | 16:18 |
Carry | sommer: tnx, take a look now.. | 16:19 |
sommer | Carry: here's a link to Ubuntu specific Apache instructions: | 16:19 |
Carry | tnx | 16:20 |
Carry | my book uses /usr/local/apache.. | 16:21 |
sommer | Carry: it usally depends on which instructions you use to install Apache... if you compile from source /usr/local/apache is the default I believe. | 16:22 |
sommer | Carry: I find it easier to use binary packages provided by the distro myself. | 16:23 |
Carry | sommer: i used the server-iso, used lamp-option.. | 16:23 |
sommer | Carry: ah... then you should have everything installed. The next step would be to learn the configuration needed to accomplish what you want to do. | 16:24 |
Carry | sommer: wanted to use it to learn how it works.. | 16:25 |
Carry | never compiled from source.. | 16:25 |
peanutb | eep | 16:25 |
sommer | Carry: you should be able to use your book then, just remember to look in /etc/apache2 for configs and /var/www for the files your serving. | 16:28 |
* Carry is reading file apache2.conf in /etc/apache2 now | 16:30 | |
Carry | no httpd.conf :/ .. | 16:30 |
soren | It's called apache2.conf nowadays. | 16:31 |
Carry | :/ where's the bin and conf directory :/ ? not in ServerRoot :/ | 16:32 |
Carry | soren: tnx.. | 16:32 |
soren | I don't know what the bin and conf directory is. | 16:32 |
mralphabet | Carry: cgi-bin? | 16:32 |
Carry | mralphabet: soren my book says in ServerRoot Directory: bin conf htdocs htdocs/manual icons | 16:33 |
mralphabet | is that an apache 1 book? | 16:34 |
Carry | mralphabet: yes, and cgi-bin | 16:34 |
Carry | mralphabet: apache2 | 16:34 |
mralphabet | I actually don't know where the cgi-bin is . .. I don't use it heh | 16:35 |
soren | /usr/lib/cgi-bin | 16:36 |
Carry | soren: found... | 16:37 |
Carry | empty :) | 16:37 |
soren | What did you expect to find? | 16:38 |
Carry | just learn where things are.. | 16:39 |
Carry | can't find it in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf | 16:39 |
soren | It's in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default | 16:40 |
Carry | mralphabet: book = apache 2.0 | 16:40 |
mralphabet | Carry: yeah, caught that | 16:41 |
Carry | is there a new book? | 16:41 |
* mralphabet doesn't know | 16:42 | |
* Carry want's it :) | 16:42 | |
soren | Ubuntu server session in #ubuntu-classroom in 5 minutes, people. | 16:55 |
mutalisk | I installed ubuntu server 7.10 and on boot it stops after rc.local and doesn't give me login prompt. I have to hit enter before it gives me a login prompt. | 17:16 |
mutalisk | It's not a big deal, just kind of annoying | 17:17 |
mutalisk | any ideas on what might be causing it? | 17:17 |
sommer | mutalisk: I'm not sure if this exactly what you're seeing, but this bug 65230 may be related. | 17:27 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 65230 in upstart "startup messages continue on screen after first login prompt appears" [Low,Triaged] | 17:27 |
mutalisk | yeah that doesn't seem to be lated to what I'm experiencing | 17:28 |
jnc | | 17:36 |
jnc | dammit. Xen is not happy on this box. | 17:36 |
jnc | now taking suggestions, is there a preferred stable Ubuntu platform for running Xen? | 17:36 |
mralphabet | not 7.10? | 17:38 |
LifeSF | is there a way to install ubuntu-server entirely with the typical automatic script and STILL be able to configure the static ip because i've been rushing with the /interfaces | 17:48 |
LifeSF | i'm in the re-install process right now, in expert mode... and i'm starting to think i should not be in there yet | 17:49 |
jnc | mralphabet: which release though | 17:54 |
jnc | Feisty? LTS 6.10? | 17:54 |
mralphabet | jnc: 7.04 should work fine | 17:54 |
jnc | err | 17:54 |
jnc | okay Feisty server. I'll give that a whirl | 17:55 |
jnc | have to remember to move /lib/tls out of the way hmm | 17:55 |
jnc | any other cavets? | 17:55 |
Nafallo | jnc: no, edgy isn't an LTS. | 17:55 |
mralphabet | jnc: I don't know that xen has been built against the kernel in 7.10 yet | 17:55 |
jnc | err... 6.0n forget what n is for the Dapper | 17:56 |
Nafallo | mralphabet: there is a XEN flavour in Universe. | 17:56 |
Nafallo | jnc: 6 | 17:56 |
Nafallo | jnc: 6.1 really | 17:56 |
mralphabet | Nafallo: ahh | 17:57 |
jnc | thing is, I went through some pains to get Xen operating on a debian r4.0 install, but it worked beautifully. I was going to nuke the box and set it up For Real This Time, so I'm trying out all my options | 17:57 |
jnc | no Xen for the LTS release? | 17:58 |
Nafallo | without trying I would say 7.10 is the best Ubuntu for XEN right now. | 17:58 |
jnc | oh | 17:58 |
Nafallo | security supported until 9.04 | 17:58 |
Nafallo | with LTS coming out 8.04 | 17:59 |
jnc | Nafallo: it's certainly easy to install, but I can't make it work without causing a horrible crash | 17:59 |
zul | jnc: only built from source with dapper | 17:59 |
jnc | the Xen kernel in Gutsy causes a panic when using 'mount' | 17:59 |
Nafallo | zul: hehe, hi Mr. Xen. feel free to take over this discussion ;-) | 17:59 |
jnc | which uh, is kind of a big deal | 18:00 |
jnc | =) | 18:00 |
zul | jnc: eh? | 18:00 |
jnc | zul: having trouble with Gutsy Xen on a dual smp xeon (with hyperthreading) box | 18:00 |
zul | jnc: oh what kind of problems | 18:01 |
jnc | I install "ubuntu-xen-server", reboot, machine comes up fine. Trying to xen-create-image dies and locks the box up in a panic at or around the "running hooks" phase | 18:01 |
zul | jnc: can you open a bug in launchpad? and i can have a look | 18:02 |
jnc | oh yes, of course. What information do we want? | 18:02 |
zul | the oops mainly.. | 18:03 |
jnc | I'll make the bug report, meanwhile | 18:03 |
jnc | is that the same as bug #135041 ? | 18:05 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 135041 in linux-source-2.6.22 "xen-image-create fails with kernel panic" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 18:05 |
jnc | I have some phobia of filing duplicate bug reports ;) | 18:05 |
atouk | QUESTION: since moving my pages to unbutu server i get - Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource errors | 18:05 |
zul | jnc: just add the information to the bug report | 18:06 |
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mralphabet | atouk: was there a version difference in the mysql packages? | 18:14 |
jnc | setting up a fresh install of netboot'd hdmedia image, and Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 Server edition ISO | 18:17 |
atouk | have to check | 18:17 |
jnc | 5g root, 5g swap... will try to document what I do | 18:17 |
atouk | old box is offline so i have to power it up and get version #s | 18:18 |
atouk | pages were generated with dreamweaver, so I'll check their site too | 18:20 |
mralphabet | atouk: It sounds like it is really a code issue | 18:27 |
LifeSF | litteraly going nuts trying to set up a static ip; i got scared away from the expert install of ubuntu-server... i'm still a newb when it comes to linux | 18:27 |
LifeSF | probs in the /interfaces | 18:28 |
mathiaz | LifeSF: have a look at the interfaces man page - man interfaces | 18:29 |
atouk | doing research now. looks to be php warning message that was suppressed before, so it wa there, but i never saw it | 18:29 |
LifeSF | mathiaz: how do i do that? | 18:30 |
mralphabet | LifeSF: from the command line, type 'man interfaces' | 18:32 |
LifeSF | oki | 18:32 |
LifeSF | thnx | 18:32 |
LifeSF | mathiaz; is there a way for me to print out man interfaces? | 18:46 |
jnc | zul: the xen kernel is segfaulting when I run 'man tee' | 18:48 |
jnc | zul: very confused now. should I continue to append to that bug report? | 18:48 |
zul | jnc: then something is wrong with your | 18:48 |
zul | 'er wrong with your 'puter might want to run something like a memory check or something | 18:49 |
jnc | weird, it was not a problem before, I can run memtest86 | 18:49 |
jnc | I see in dmesg without having run xen-create-image or anything some problem shortly after device-mapper: ioctl: 4.11.0-ioctl initalizes | 18:50 |
jnc | [<c014ed84>] __report_bad_irq+0x24/0x80, [<c014f059>] note_interrupt+0x279/0x2b0 ... | 18:50 |
jnc | irq 9: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option) | 18:50 |
jnc | nobody cared? I care. :( | 18:50 |
zul | jnc: try booting with irqpoll | 18:53 |
jnc | zul: "linux initrd=blah irqpoll" like this? | 18:53 |
zul | yeah | 18:54 |
LifeSF | there a way for me to print out man interfaces? | 18:54 |
mralphabet | LifeSF: can you print anything else? | 18:54 |
LifeSF | lol, i mean from the terminal | 18:54 |
LifeSF | or can i open them elsewhere? | 18:55 |
mralphabet | | 18:55 |
mralphabet | first link should be what you are looking for | 18:55 |
mralphabet | ;) | 18:55 |
LifeSF | lol alright; not identical but i'm sure the one you linked me to is better :P :) so i'll use that one :) | 18:56 |
jnc | zul: no change. going to go run memtest now | 18:56 |
jnc | I'm confused why it would suggest running with irqpoll when I already am | 18:57 |
jnc | but oh well | 18:57 |
mralphabet | LifeSF: I don't know about better, but it should be close | 18:57 |
LifeSF | just wanted to say thnx :P :) | 18:58 |
mralphabet | np, glad to help | 18:58 |
* jnc pokes /proc/cmdline | 18:58 | |
jnc | oh hey, what the heck, it's not in there :( | 18:58 |
jnc | okay, needs to be on GRUB module line | 18:59 |
jnc | zul: thanks for your help though, kernel panics are a little over my head to figure out | 19:00 |
zul | jnc: no probs | 19:03 |
=== dendro-away is now known as dendrobates | ||
atouk | got it error reporting was set up different in php.ini. it's always the little crap | 19:12 |
jnc | zul: "ACPI AWARE OS: [NO]" in BIOS settings makes everything work | 19:18 |
jnc | zul: is this a bug? | 19:18 |
jnc | if so, what kind of bug and what do I write about it, where... | 19:19 |
zul | jnc: i dont even know where you are getting that from since I dont know the context | 19:19 |
jnc | zul: the generic Ubuntu Gutsy kernel works fine with that box the way it was | 19:19 |
zul | yeah there is no acpi in the xen kernel | 19:19 |
jnc | with the Xen kernel, it has problems unless I disable ACPI in BIOS | 19:19 |
jnc | so hmm... is this a bug with the Xen kernel? | 19:20 |
zul | nope its intentional xen doesnt support acpi | 19:21 |
jnc | oh this is a good byte to put in the Xen community documentation then :P | 19:22 |
zul | if I had time then maybe yes :) | 19:22 |
jnc | zul: why not ship with "acpi=off" in the grub config? | 19:23 |
jnc | for Xen kernels I mean | 19:23 |
zul | jnc: it depends on the machine | 19:23 |
jnc | oh okay, so it would break other machines? | 19:24 |
zul | for example mine works fine | 19:24 |
zul | anyways i have to go back to work | 19:24 |
stork | can anyone recommend a firewall ? | 19:42 |
ScottK | iptables? | 19:50 |
stork | maybe something for http packet filtering | 19:52 |
stork | or http connection throttling | 19:52 |
zul | again iptables | 19:54 |
stork | it can do throttling ? | 19:54 |
zul | stork: you probably want something like mod_throttle then | 19:57 |
stork | good thinking | 19:59 |
stork | but my server is running under jetty | 19:59 |
mralphabet | jetty? | 20:08 |
stork | java servlet container | 20:10 |
stork | i think i'll run it through lighttpd under mod_proxy | 20:10 |
mralphabet | ahh | 20:14 |
nealmcb | jnc: are you saing if you want to run a xen machine, you have to boot the physical machine without acpi in the bios? | 20:43 |
nealmcb | *saying | 20:43 |
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