
twbArgh, this stupid attempt to be helpful and not ask for a proxy is annoying!09:53
twbEven when I seed the proxy setting in advance, it still tries to talk to archive.ubuntu.com :-/09:54
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cjwatsontwb: I know. It's fixed in hardy now10:39
cjwatson(not that that helps you immediately)10:39
sridharubuntu-installer can work on any debian based distro????11:36
sridharhi, iam getting problem like this,11:42
sridharTraceback (most recent call last):11:43
sridhar File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 166, in ?11:43
sridhar   main()11:43
sridhar File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 163, in main11:43
sridhar   install()11:43
sridhar File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 56, in install11:43
sridhar   wizard = ui.Wizard(distro)11:43
sridhar File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtkui.py", line 177, in __init__11:43
sridhar   self.customize_installer()11:43
sridhar File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtkui.py", line 316, in11:43
sridhar   gtk.window_set_default_icon_from_file('/usr/share/pixmaps/'11:43
cjwatsonthe Ubuntu installer depends on modifications made in Ubuntu11:43
sridharGError: Unable to load image-loading module:11:43
sridhar/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.so: cannot open11:43
sridharshared object file: No such file or directory11:43
sridharTraceback (most recent call last):11:43
sridhar File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 166, in ?11:43
cjwatsonthat sounds like your GTK installation is broken11:43
sridhar   main()11:43
sridhar File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 163, in main11:43
sridhar   install()11:43
sridhar File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 56, in install11:43
sridhar   wizard = ui.Wizard(distro)11:43
sridhar File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtkui.py", line 177, in __init__11:43
sridhar   self.customize_installer()11:43
cjwatsonplease do not paste large chunks of text here in future; there are a number of pastebin services for that kind of thing11:43
sridhar File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtkui.py", line 316, in11:43
sridhar   gtk.window_set_default_icon_from_file('/usr/share/pixmaps/'11:43
sridharGError: Unable to load image-loading module:11:43
sridhar/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.so: cannot open11:43
sridharshared object file: No such file or directory11:43
sridharsorry!!!!!!!!how to rectify that one??11:44
cjwatsonI don't know, it depends on your system. It works fine in Ubuntu ...11:44
cjwatsonif you don't know for yourself, file a bug with your vendor (pointing out that you know they don't support the Ubuntu installer, but that the problem is that PyGTK can't load PNGs)11:45
twb19:39 <cjwatson> twb: I know. It's fixed in hardy now11:46
twbcjwatson: awesome, that WILL certainly help in 6 months11:46
twbcjwatson: I'm also nagging our netadm about changing our network so non-proxy packets get dropped immediately.11:47
twbsridhar: welcome to dll hell.  Instead of installing the .deb with dpkg -i, build it from source.  Add a deb-src entry to sources.list then do apt-get --build source ubiquity, or whatever.11:48
cjwatsonthat won't have the slightest effect on his problem11:49
twbOh, on reading cjwatson's response I may have things wrnog11:49
cjwatsonplease do not do the above as it will just make things more complicated11:49
twbcjwatson: is it saying that he's somehow got a version mismatch between Python's GTK bindings and libgtk?11:50
cjwatsonubiquity isn't linked to any particular version of gtk; if there is a problem of that kind, it's in pygtk, not in ubiquity11:50
cjwatsonbut ultimately, it's something his OS provider is best placed to resolve11:50
cjwatsonI don't want to get into trying to fix somebody's pygtk installation11:51
twbFair enough11:51
twbI'm used to #emacs where we happily stray from the topic in order to fix a problem :-)11:51
sridharhi, iam getting the live CD from Debian-live, and trying to make Live come install Cd, by using ubiquity. There iam getting the problem like that11:52
twbsridhar: are you in #debian-live on OFTC?11:53
cjwatsontwb: I don't object to that, but this is a case where it's pretty easy to bugger up your system, so we should be correct if doing so :-)11:53
cjwatsonsridhar: odd that Debian Live's pygtk would be busted11:53
twbcjwatson: he's probably using Sid11:54
twbcjwatson: debian live rarely works at all, so mainly people have to use Sid :-/11:54
cjwatsonI expect that making ubiquity work on Debian will be a considerable effort11:54
cjwatsonquite possibly a worthwhile one, but still considerable11:54
twbIncidentally, when I tried to use Ubiquity the other day it looked like the partitioner didn't support md *or* lvm11:55
cjwatsonit doesn't11:55
twbThat sounds pretty lame11:55
cjwatsonthere's a plan for the UI11:55
cjwatsonbut I was much more interested in getting plain old partitioning working well11:56
cjwatsonrather than diving down that rabbit-hole11:56
twbI would never deploy a system without LVM in this day and age11:56
twbPerhaps I'm a weirdo.11:56
cjwatsonI think it's perfectly reasonable for you to use the alternate or server CD, then :-)11:56
twbThose use d-i, yes?11:56
cjwatsoninstall from live CD to LVM seems sort of niche to me11:57
cjwatsonI'd like to support it eventually, but I don't think it's critical11:57
twbThe reason I was even trying it was because neither the CD drive nor the NIC were being detected11:57
cjwatsonI'd love to be in a world where the desktop tools for LVM were good enough that we could deploy it by default11:57
cjwatsonat the moment I think we'd just be making a load of inexperienced folks play around with the command-line LVM tools and I doubt much good would come of that11:57
cjwatsondo you have a bug (or two) about the detection problems that I can look at?11:58
twbErm, sorry, no.11:58
twbThe hardware is in the office, and I was trying things haphazardly because I was in a hurry, and I didn't take notes.11:59
twbBut launchpad requires a GUI browser anyway so I don't use it.11:59
twbI always reproduce any bugs I find under Debian and then report them to Debian, because it's so much easier.11:59
cjwatsonlaunchpad works fine with w3m11:59
twbNot for me.11:59
cjwatsonI use it quite often11:59
twbI can't log in with w3m12:00
twbIt always just takes me straight back to the login page12:00
twbNon-logged-in-ness works.12:00
cjwatson*blink* you're right, they broke that recently it seems12:01
twbIt's been broken for months12:01
twb#launchpad told me it was because they use cookies wrong, and they do this because otherwise everyone would have to go to www.launchpad.net instead of launchpad.net so they refused to fix it12:01
cjwatsonanyhow, you can file Launchpad bugs by mail as long as you can GPG-sign the initial report12:01
twbYeah, I know12:02
twbIt's still a major pain compared to bts(1) and reportbug(1)12:02
cjwatsonbug 59510, I see12:02
cjwatsonbug 152706 has a clearer description12:03
cjwatsonthat actually sort of suggests that it may be fixable in w3m12:03
cjwatsondepending on your value of "fix"12:03
twbI do remember it was a SATA optical drive and an integratd e1000 NIC with an ICH9 southbridge.12:04
cjwatsonsounds pretty mainstream12:04
twbit was ironic -- I netbooted, and the initrd couldn't see the nic.12:05
twbI CD booted, and it couldn't see the CD drive12:05
twbOK, so using d-i, if I answer a question via the GUI can I then switch to vt2 and find out what setting and value it was?12:06
cjwatsonyes, if you know the underlying question name12:07
cjwatsondebconf-get can extract it12:07
cjwatsonpossibly easier, though: run the whole thing in debug mode12:07
cjwatsonboot with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer and syslog will have a trace of all debconf activity12:07
cjwatsonno, not debconf-get-selections, but never mind, do the above :)12:07
twbcjwatson: on the kernel command line?12:07
twbCool, thanks12:07
cjwatsonyou'll see an INPUT for everything that corresponds to a question being asked in the GUI12:08
cjwatson(some INPUT commands may not be asked, but everything that's asked will come from an INPUT command)12:08
cjwatsonif you're using this for preseeding, that's mostly a reasonable way to do it, but beware that it will not work in the partitioner; see the documentation for that instead12:09
twbOK, thanks.12:10
* cjwatson notes that RFC2965 Obsoletes: 210912:11
cjwatsonhmm, that may not be useful though12:12
twbRegarding the proxy issue, our netadm writes: "It isn't the proxy server configuration.  It is the firewall which doesnot understand TCP window scale options. If you can set net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 0 either via the command line or in /etc/sysctl.conf then the problem should go away. A rebuild of the firewall is listed as part of the move which should fix this problem."12:17
twbI don't suppose it's possible to do that via preseeding or kernel parameters?12:18
twbNever mind, apparently he was confusing my complaint with an unrelated issue.12:19
twbArgh, the busybox on the installer is real old12:24
twbno grep -C12:24
cjwatsonit's not that it's old, it's that it's reduced12:25
cjwatsonthat being the point :)12:25
cjwatsondebian/config-udeb:# CONFIG_FEATURE_GREP_CONTEXT is not set12:25
twbIt has 1.1; my router has 1.4 :-(12:26
cjwatsonI normally use nano -v's search12:26
cjwatsonit is not relevant that it is old in this case12:26
cjwatsonI'm largely waiting for Debian to update since I don't want us to end up maintaining busybox ourselves :)12:27
twbAh, I can find the line number with grep -n then print it with sed -n x,yp12:31
twbIs netcfg/get_hostname asked before fetching the preseed file?12:31
cjwatsonfor netboot installations, yes12:32
twbIt seems to be, and that kinda makes sense if it wants to send that hostname out via preseed.12:32
twb*via DHCP12:32
cjwatsonwell, also that it's part of bringing the network up in general12:32
cjwatson(it perhaps doesn't need to be, but right now it is)12:32
twbIs there a way to avoid having all my machines end up with hostname=ubuntu?12:33
cjwatsonset something else by DHCP12:33
twbWell, I do.12:33
twbSo they will all be called dhcpNN, and the kernel option is ignored?12:33
cjwatson# Any hostname and domain names assigned from dhcp take precedence over12:35
cjwatson# values set here. However, setting the values still prevents the questions12:35
cjwatson# from being shown, even if values come from dhcp.12:35
cjwatsond-i netcfg/get_hostname string unassigned-hostname12:35
cjwatsond-i netcfg/get_domain string unassigned-domain12:35
cjwatsonfrom https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-contents.html12:35
twbYes, but I don't believe everything I read.12:35
twbThat's for the preseed.cfg, which may not be the same as the kernel option12:36
cjwatsontry things you read before asking, though :-)12:36
twbThings are very slow to try, though, because of the proxy problem.12:36
twbSo while it's booting, I start asking.12:36
cjwatsonkernel options get turned into preseeding; they're equivalent to /preseed.cfg in the initrd aside from minor matters of quoting12:37
twbCan you only preseed d-i options via kernel parameters, or can you seed, say, tzdata/Zones/Australia?12:38
twb(Just curious)12:38
cjwatsonI don't know if it's documented, but 'tzdata:tzdata/Zones/Australia=value'12:40
cjwatsonthe bit before the colon should be the package being preseeded12:41
cjwatsonif there's no colon, it's implicitly 'd-i'12:41
twbI think that's undocumented; I've never seen that.12:41
cjwatsonit's in the current upstream installation guide12:42
cjwatsonand in fact it's in the gutsy guide too; may just not have been in time for feisty12:42
twbI can't see it in the gutsy guide; what page number?12:43
cjwatsonhang on while I install the PDF12:43
twbOh, 8312:43
twbftp://twb.ath.cx/tmp/output.pdf is just Appendix B of the i386 Gutsy guide12:44
cjwatsonthat's the one12:44
cjwatsonit's OK, I have it12:44
sorencjwatson: How does the the alternate installer decide which kernel to install?12:52
cjwatsonsoren: base-installer/kernel/*.sh12:53
sorencjwatson: Um.... Err..12:53
sorencjwatson: Ok, pretend I'm a complete idiot..12:54
sorencjwatson: I've unpacked the contents of the alternate CD..12:54
sorencjwatson: As per the instructions on the wiki.12:54
cjwatsonfind base-installer_*.udeb and look for /usr/lib/base-installer/kernel.sh in that12:54
cjwatsonthere's also preseeding for it if you just want to hit it with a hammer12:55
sorenGah, phone..12:55
cjwatsone.g. 'd-i base-installer/kernel/override-image string linux-server'12:56
sorenI find that more appealing than reworking the base-installer udeb.12:56
twbDoes d-i support non-linux flavours of debian?12:56
cjwatsontwb: there has been some initial work on it but it hasn't been completed13:02
cjwatsonI did a fair amount of work on porting to the Hurd but got stuck on getting the damn thing to boot with something roughly equivalent to an initrd13:02
twbDo you use syslinux to load the hurd?13:04
cjwatsonmuch of the same work should apply to FreeBSD provided that somebody solves the same problem13:04
cjwatsongoodness no, grub is the only supported way to boot the Hurd13:05
cjwatsonchaining from the BIOS wasn't the problem, it was getting a ramdisk set up with writable /13:05
cjwatsonor at least a good emulation thereof13:05
cjwatsonmaybe some day I'll come back to it13:05
sorencjwatson: What was I supposed to put in the preseed file to make the installer accept unauthenticated stuff?14:12
cjwatsonsoren: 'd-i debian-installer/allow_unauthenticated boolean true' or debian-installer/allow_unauthenticated=true on the command line14:22
sorencjwatson: Alright. Thanks!14:23
sorencjwatson: Does that affect the installed system, by the way?14:37
sorencjwatson: I.e. is it carried over into apt.conf?14:38
cjwatsonI don't recall, and unfortunately don't have time to check at the moment14:38
sorenNo problem.14:38
twbIs the OEM mode supposed to prompt me to create a user at install time?14:50
cjwatsononly the OEM customisation user14:51
twbAh, I see from the wiki that it creates a user called `oem'14:55
twbAny idea if this user gets uid=1000?  For purely aesthetic reasons I'd like the "normal" user to get that ID14:56
cjwatsonthe oem user is 29999, and your normal user will be 100014:56
twbWhat's an "Ubuntu Studio desktop"?15:09
twbIs that basically GIMP and Inkscape?15:09
evandtwb: I believe it's more geared towards audio engineering.15:30
evandah, I stand corrected.  Audio, graphics, and video.15:31
superm1evand, at the current moment does migration assistant detect /home on existing linux installs?16:47
superm1evand, and copy that over if requested?16:47
evandsuperm1: it copies individual items out of it, not the whole thing16:48
evandprovided it's either part of / or mounted using UUIDs16:48
superm1evand, well i'm considering proposing / attempting to implement a spec for hardy to properly import knoppmyth and mythdora existing installs into a new mythbuntu install.  Before i can commit to it, i'm trying to gauge the difficulty (based on the existing code and your opinion of how difficult it should be).  What do you think?16:49
evandsuperm1: so to clarify, this would mean in those cases copying over /home/$USER for those accounts?16:51
superm1evand, well it would copy over items from /home, and probably a few items in /etc and a mysql database16:52
sorenHow does the installer decide if it should install usplash?16:52
evandcopying /home/$USER in its entirety was listed in the previous m-a specification.  I make no guarentees as to whether or not I'll have time to get to it in Hardy though as m-a isn't scheduled and lots of other things are :)16:53
evandbut /etc and mysql would be outside the scope of m-a16:53
evandI should also note the preserve /home specification16:53
superm1that's what i was fearing (regarding the /etc and mysql)16:54
superm1mysql would probably require some sort of binding of /proc and /dev, a chroot run to start the sql server, and then grab the table it needs, and then stop sql, and un bind mount those areas16:55
evandthere are cases where usplash isn't installed?16:55
evandoh, server, duh16:56
sorenevand: :)16:56
sorenevand: Yeah. Is it buried in the code somewhere or does it depend on the presence of the usplash packages or something entirely different?16:56
evandsoren: not entirely sure, I'd have to dig through d-i, which I can do unless cjwatson has a quick answer.16:57
cjwatsonusplash is just done by seeds nowadays16:57
cjwatsonit used to be more complex16:57
cjwatsondesktop: * usplash16:57
cjwatsondesktop: * usplash-theme-ubuntu16:57
cjwatsonso any desktop install will get usplash16:57
sorencjwatson: Ah, of course.16:58
sorencjwatson: ... "'d-i   pkgsel/include string usplash-theme-ubuntu" ought to do it, too, I guess.16:58
sorenThanks again!16:59
sorenOk, now I'm just blocking on lack of upstream bandwidth... /me sighs16:59
sorenWell, s/blocking/stalling/16:59
* evand adds that to the list of things that should've been obvious to him. :)17:00
* soren too :)17:00
cjwatsonbear in mind it took me two releases to reach this "obvious" conclusion17:01
cjwatsonactually it did use to be harder due to how usplash generates its configuration file17:02
cjwatsonwhich is still a bit of a mess - it does formally disallowed things with debconf17:02
superm1cjwatson, i was trying to investigate what would need to be done to get the mythbuntu disks be part of the normal build process, and was glancing through your ~cjwatson/cdimage/mainline branch.  Can you point me to how these live filesystem that find-live-filesystem grabs are built?17:03
cjwatsonsuperm1: the livecd-rootfs package17:04
superm1cjwatson, at a bzr branch somewhere i should look, or the direct package in the archives?17:05
superm1ah okay.  debian/control and debian/copyright don't mention that in the package's source.17:07
superm1this probably would have been useful for us to look at a lot earlier before hand writing a script to do such things :)17:09
cjwatsonI've added XS-Vcs-Bzr in bzr now17:09
cjwatsonit was only released publicly in July17:09
superm1oh i see17:10
superm1cjwatson, glancing through the source on this, its fairly similar to how we were building the live filesystem used on our disks.  Only exception is that several items that are supposed to be in /home/ubuntu (but not future users that are created) are copied over in our process.  What is the best way to work around that?17:20
cjwatsonwe deal with /home/ubuntu in casper17:30
cjwatsondoing it in the squashfs is a mistake IMO, because it means it gets copied to the installed system and has to be removed by hand17:30
superm1yeah i was realizing that shortly ago17:30

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