
camrdaleI just updated LP 66795 and it's ready for a SRU03:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66795 in bittorrent "Missing package dependencies in bittorrent-gui" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6679503:07
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bluekujaasac: when you have time for your TODOs for me on your list, tell me. Everything is ready.13:19
bluekujaasac: bug is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bittorrent/+bug/6679513:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66795 in bittorrent "Missing package dependencies in bittorrent-gui" [Medium,Confirmed]13:20
bluekujaasac: it's an SRU13:20
asacso is this ment to be an SRU?13:20
bluekujaI talked with cameron13:21
bluekujaand In fact the package is unusable13:21
asacwho is that?13:21
bluekujadebian maintainer13:21
bluekujafor torrentflux and some other torrent packages13:21
bluekujathat error prevents to have a working package13:22
bluekujaI've tested it yesterday13:22
bluekujaand the fix works13:22
asacbluekuja: I think we should fix it in hardy first13:30
asacaccording to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates13:30
asac"An explanation of how the bug has been addressed in the development branch, including the relevant version numbers of packages modified in order to implement the fix; generally, SRUs will not be accepted if the bug has not been fixed in the development branch."13:30
bluekujammm...you're right13:30
bluekujawell, let's upload it for hardy13:31
bluekujaand then for proposed13:31
bluekujawhat do you think?13:31
asacuploaded to hardy (without test13:36
bluekujaasac: it's ok, I've tested it yesterday13:36
bluekujaasac: do you have a min for the advocation you told me to remind yesterday after this bug?13:37
asacsru is not done13:42
asaci have to do lunch now.13:43
asaci haven't even have a coffee today because i ran out of it13:43
asacgot to buy some now13:43
bluekujaasac: will do that later when back then13:43
bluekujahave fun and good lunch13:43
bluekujaand thanks13:44
bluekujaasac: description updated to match the SRU request14:20
bluekujaasac: when will be uploaded to -proposed, I gonna write the mail to the MOTU-list14:36
bluekujafor testing14:36
bluekujaas alwais14:36
bluekujaasac: I'm leaving now, let me know when you're up for those things.14:41
asacbluekuja: i added a request to -sru14:54
=== asac_ is now known as asac
bluekujaasac: ok, fine. When you have time for the other thing, ping me15:45
bluekujaheya jdong :)16:32
bluekujalet's see about azureus16:32
jdongdsc and friends in there16:32
bluekujalet me dget16:33
* bluekuja is downloading 16:35
bluekujajdong, azureus build is long?16:37
jdongbluekuja: about 10 minutes on my system16:37
jdongbluekuja: it's about 50 minutes with GCJ so count your lucky stars ;-)16:37
bluekujajdong, did you add two changelog's entries?16:38
bluekujaone is not ok?16:38
jdongbluekuja: yeah, I already released test packages under the 1ubuntu1 revision, which needed the java stack and launcher change, so I bumped to 1ubuntu2....16:39
bluekujajdong, want me to merge?16:39
bluekujathe two entries into one?16:39
jdongbluekuja: hmm does it matter all that much?16:39
bluekujaIn fact no16:40
bluekujawe can have two of them16:40
bluekujano prob16:40
jdongbluekuja: I'd rather not like to merge them and ambiguate the version numbers... IMO once a revision sees the public, it should not be modified unless version number is changed16:40
jdongit's not like we're running out of numbers anytime soon ;-)16:40
* jdong examines debian's new package and marvels at its nonexistent build-deps :)16:46
jdonghow can the binary have built if it refers to nonexistent packaging of SWT 3.3?16:47
jdongbluekuja: hey, you gonna upload azureus before you go?17:07
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bluekujajdong, I have a bath17:18
bluekujajdong, and then I move to azureus17:18
bluekujajdong, fine for you?17:19
jdongbluekuja: yeah, that sounds good :). Just making sure you're not storming out a few days in protest of what happened in -motu :)17:19
bluekujaah no17:20
bluekujait has confirmed some MOTUs behaviour17:20
bluekujawhich I dont agree17:20
bluekujajdong, I dont really care about them17:21
emberpeople help me out on this17:21
emberi can't sign the .changes and stuff to upload do revu17:21
bluekujajdong, back from bath18:16
bluekujajdong, was talking with daniel for what happened before18:16
bluekujajdong, available for you now18:16
jahpraiseherbhello, just letting you know Transmission has just been updated to v0.9. given that the ubuntu repos are still stuck at 0.72, this would be a good time to update it18:16
bluekujajahpraiseherb, thanks for letting us know18:17
bluekujajahpraiseherb, ember was working on it already18:17
emberyeah it was release yesterday18:17
jahpraiseherbcool, its a shame ubuntu is still stuck with 0.7218:17
jahpraiseherbcos that version sucks compared to 0.9 and even 0.818:17
bluekujajahpraiseherb, true18:18
emberheh i know jahpraiseherb18:18
bluekujaI gonna check it with ember18:18
bluekujajahpraiseherb, if you stay around here18:18
bluekujayou'll get noticed18:19
emberbtw jahpraiseherb http://download.m0k.org/transmission/files/transmission-0.90.tar.gz18:19
jahpraiseherbbluekuja: noticed for what?18:19
bluekujajahpraiseherb, about the work done on it18:19
bluekujato have it updated18:20
jahpraiseherbill tell the dev to come here rather than launchpad then in the future18:20
bluekujajahpraiseherb, well done18:20
bluekujajahpraiseherb, I can have it packaged as well18:20
bluekujafor today or tomorrow18:21
bluekujaneed to finish two other things before18:21
jahpraiseherbember: thanks, but i'd prefer to update through add/remove18:21
emberjahpraiseherb not that, 404 not found18:21
bluekujajdong, let me know when back18:21
jahpraiseherbember: yes i think the dev is putting it up asap18:23
jahpraiseherbi've asked him to come in here now18:23
bluekujajahpraiseherb, thanks :)18:24
bluekujajahpraiseherb, I start packaging it now18:25
bluekujajahpraiseherb, so we can have it ready for hardy this evening18:25
bluekujajahpraiseherb, link to new tarball?18:25
jahpraiseherbbluekuja: i dont' have it yet, but i've asked the dev to come in here18:25
jdongbluekuja: back for a few minutes....18:26
jdongbluekuja: let's upload that package into hardy for now, see if the buildd's like it18:26
jdongbluekuja: on lower priority, I'm looking into the azupdater-updates-twice bug, but that's noncritical18:27
bluekujajdong, builds in i386?18:27
jdongbluekuja: yeah, in i386 pbuilder it's fine18:27
bluekujahi charles_18:27
bluekujajdong, I'm still not happy about that two revisions thing18:27
charles_jahpraiseherb just asked me to drop in to talk about Transmission18:27
bluekujajdong, because there will be just a diff.gz for both of them18:27
bluekujawhichis wrong18:27
embercharles_ 404 @ downloading the new tarball18:27
bluekujacharles_, yep18:28
bluekujacharles_, I gonna package it for Ubuntu18:28
jdongbluekuja: if you want me to fuse them and bump down to 1ubuntu1 it's fine...18:28
bluekujajdong, it would be the best thing to prevent any comment18:28
bluekujajdong, and to have one diff.gz18:28
bluekujajdong, for one version18:28
jdongbluekuja: ok, I'll bump version down....18:28
charles_ember: hold on a sec18:28
bluekujajdong, you simply rock :)18:28
bluekujajdong, I would love you if you were a girl18:29
bluekujajdong, ahahaha18:29
bluekujacharles_, I need the new tarball to start :)18:29
charles_bluekuja: yes18:29
bluekujajdong, :)18:29
charles_bluekuja: RSN.  And thanks for offering to do the update18:29
bluekujacharles_, np, I lead the Ubuntu-p2p and torrent team18:30
bluekujaso I try to provide the best user experience18:30
bluekujafor every package18:30
bluekujato have it updated/fixed and so on18:30
bluekujajdong, when done, push here links18:31
* bluekuja dinner18:34
bluekujabbl (20 mins)18:34
emberbluekuja   http://www.rebelbase.com/~charles/transmission-0.90.tar.bz218:37
jdongbluekuja: http://jdong.mit.edu/~jdong/motu/azureus_2.5.0.4-1ubuntu1.dsc18:38
charles_ember: you beat me to it18:38
emberheh charles_18:38
charles_bluekuja: this is the first release using autoconf/automake.. and it's a little more complex than average because of a nested package and conditional mac/linux builds... so if you find any brain damage that needs fixing let me know18:39
camrdaleis the new transmission going into gutsy or hardy?18:48
jdongcamrdale: Hardy...18:49
jdongif all of its dependencies are in Gutsy, I'd be happy to backport it there18:49
camrdalewhy not just wait for Debian to package it then?18:50
camrdalethey've been pretty responsive about new releases in the past18:50
jdongI don't know18:50
jdongmaybe we are anxious :)18:50
jahpraiseherbtransmission is already in gutsy, so why wouldn't the update make it?18:50
camrdaleand if the packaging is different, as charles_ says, it will be a pain to merge in the future18:51
jdongjahpraiseherb: stable releases are version-frozen18:51
charles_the packaging is very different18:51
jdongonly exception made are single patches to address security issues18:51
jdongexcept in extreme circumstances, when granted by an archive admin18:51
charles_the earlier makefiles were hand-rolled; 0.90 uses automake/autoconf18:51
jahpraiseherbjdong: are you talking about universe packages?18:52
jdongjahpraiseherb: all packages18:52
charles_packaging would be the worst part of it.  the only dependency is glib/gtk 2.618:52
jdongcharles_: sounds like a good backport then18:53
camrdalesince hardy won't be released for 6 months, anxious people won't get to use it before then anyway18:53
jahpraiseherbso when this gets packaged, you wont be able to update to 0.9 through synaptic18:53
jahpraiseherbyou'll have to wait till hardy?18:53
jahpraiseherbexcuse my ignorance18:53
charles_jdong: obviously I'd like it to be ubiquitous... but it's up to you and would understand either way :)18:54
camrdaleit looks like there are some serious bugs fixed since 0.72, maybe that's reason enough to do a sync of 0.82 for gutsy?18:54
jdongcamrdale: no. if a bug is truly serious (i.e. danger of security compromise or data loss) you have to backport individual patches that address those bugs18:55
jdongcharles_: once it's in hardy, poke me and I'll look at backporting it18:55
camrdalejdong: thanks for clarifying18:55
charles_jdong: *nod*18:55
camrdalehow do I find info about backports? are they official?18:55
jdongcamrdale: we offer Backports as a compromise between stable and development18:55
jdongcamrdale: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports18:56
camrdalethanks again :)18:56
=== ember_ is now known as ember
charles_there appear to be issues with that transmission tarball as well. :/19:03
charles_I wish they'd held off on releasing until I gave them the tarball19:03
charles_it was rolled by someone on the mac end of things who thought tarring the sandbox was enough19:04
charles_anyway, I need to talk less and hack more now19:04
jdongcharles_: funny how upstreams like to do that...19:04
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bluekujajdong, grabbing everything19:18
camrdaletransmission upgrade request: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=44790519:19
bluekujacamrdale, who is transmission maintainer?19:19
camrdalePhilipp Benner and Leo Costela19:19
camrdalemostly Leo Costela lately19:19
bluekujacamrdale, ok fine19:19
bluekujaember, if you really care about doing it yourself it's ok19:20
bluekujait's up to you19:20
emberno it's ok19:21
emberread the pm19:21
bluekujacharles_, do you have rush to have it in?19:21
charles_what version is in there now?19:21
bluekujaI guess19:21
jdongthis should be coordinated with debian upstream19:22
jdongto avoid duplicating and/or forking work.19:22
charles_I don't know of any security issues with 0.7219:23
bluekujajdong, true19:23
bluekujacamrdale, is there an update request is debian right?19:23
charles_however 0.90 adds encryption and selective file downloading over 0.72...19:23
bluekujahttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=447905 ?19:23
bluekujadebian bug #44790519:23
camrdalebluekuja: yes19:23
emberand it can't compile due to version.h19:24
bluekujaas jdong said19:24
bluekujawe'll wait debian19:24
bluekujafor it19:24
bluekujato not duplicate work19:24
bluekujaso we can sync it19:24
bluekujawithout duplicating the new release19:24
bluekujaif it's fine for you all19:25
bluekujaof course19:25
bluekujacamrdale, is debian active on this package?19:25
camrdalesounds good to me19:25
emberit is19:25
camrdalelast release took less than a week19:25
emberlenny as 0.8219:25
bluekujacamrdale, great. So ember dont need to package it19:26
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bluekujaember, explain your problem here19:29
bluekujaI need to work on azureus19:29
bluekujajdong, checking it19:29
bluekujathen test-build and upload19:29
jdongbluekuja: dunno if I told you, but az has an issue where it wants to update azupdater on startup, then it needs to update it again after the update applies (i.e. the updater needed to update itself)19:29
jdongbluekuja: I'm gonna consider it non-release-critical for now... it's an upstream intended "feature"19:29
jdongsound good?19:30
emberi can't gpg my asc and changes19:30
bluekujajdong, mmm...19:30
emberso i can put it on revu for review19:30
bluekujajdong, do you think it will mess up things?19:30
jdongbluekuja: no, it'll just bother users a bit that azureus on the first TWO startups prompts to update a plugin19:30
jdongbluekuja: other than that, it's unaffecting operation19:30
camrdaleember: are you running gpg-agent?19:31
emberyeah camrdale19:31
bluekujajdong, do you think we should add that info to the changelog for now?19:31
embercamrdale yap it's running19:32
jdongbluekuja: I don't think it deserves mentioning; it's upstream behavior19:32
bluekujajdong, k19:32
bluekujajdong, building19:33
embercamrdale any ideas?19:33
camrdaleember: I've had that error before, try using "debsign *.changes" to sign it19:33
bluekujajdong, 20 MB of java19:36
jdongbluekuja: necessary evil?19:36
bluekujafast download19:36
bluekuja*** build started19:38
bluekujajdong, is there a possibility to have it failed?19:38
bluekujaon some archs'19:38
jdongbluekuja: no, it's a single arch build19:39
jdongbluekuja: the only possible failure mode is icedtea-java7-jdk cannot install on buildd19:39
* bluekuja checks control file19:39
jdongwhich is something I cannot test locally19:39
bluekujaoh it's all19:39
bluekujait's java19:39
embercamrdale it doesnt ask for phrasekey?19:39
bluekujajdong, on pbuilder works fine19:40
bluekujajdong, *should* work on buildd19:40
bluekujaas well19:40
bluekujabut who knows19:40
camrdaleember: if gpg-agent is running and has your phrasekey then it doesn't need to19:40
camrdaleember: what happened with debsign?19:40
jdongbluekuja: *should* is the key word :)19:40
jdongbluekuja: let's upload and see :)19:40
jahpraiseherba newby question here: if Transmission 0.9 is going to be in hardy herron and not gutsy, how do gutsy users update using apt?19:40
bluekujajdong, yep19:40
jdongjahpraiseherb: backports19:41
bluekujajdong, what does slangasek said about it?19:41
jdongbluekuja: about what?19:41
jahpraiseherbjdong: thanks. that a special repository which must be enabled?19:41
bluekujajdong, about icedtea19:41
bluekujain multiverse19:41
jdongbluekuja: as long as one alt-dep is in universe it's fine19:42
jdongwhich is our case19:42
bluekujafine then19:42
bluekujastill building19:42
bluekujajdong, I'll stay up until I see the SUCCESFULL-BUILD logs19:43
jdongbluekuja: that's the spirit!19:43
bluekuja*** build done19:43
bluekujanow testing19:43
bluekujadamn faster19:44
bluekujajdong, I simply love this azureus19:46
jdongbluekuja: so does everyone I've tested the new package with19:47
jdongbluekuja: it's interesting how bad packaging can smear the name of an entire product :)19:47
bluekujajdong, true. I guess you are now mr. azureus19:47
bluekujafor ubuntu19:47
bluekujait downloads like hell19:48
jdongbluekuja: I am not sure if that's a good thing ;-)19:48
bluekujanever seen something like that19:48
jdongbluekuja: someone said they downlaoded 20% of a 20.6GB thing overnight19:48
bluekujathat's true19:48
bluekujait started downloading at 20019:48
bluekujanever seen azureus downloading19:49
* bluekuja uploading19:49
charles_jdong: fyi, ubuntu's azureus packaging is being discussed in #azureus19:50
jdongcharles_: right now?19:52
bluekujaUploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com):19:52
bluekuja  azureus_2.5.0.4-1ubuntu1.dsc: done.19:52
bluekuja  azureus_2.5.0.4.orig.tar.gz: done.19:52
bluekuja  azureus_2.5.0.4-1ubuntu1.diff.gz: done.19:52
bluekuja  azureus_2.5.0.4-1ubuntu1_source.changes: done.19:52
bluekujaSuccessfully uploaded packages.19:52
bluekujaNot running dinstall.19:52
jdongbluekuja: and now we wait :)19:52
* bluekuja waits crossing his fingers19:53
bluekujaabout buildd behaviour19:53
charles_jdong: looks like you found 'em :)19:57
bluekujajdong, ACCEPTED20:02
bluekujaAccepted azureus (source)20:02
jdongbluekuja: :)20:02
bluekujajdong, now let's wait buildd20:02
bluekujajdong, you set the name20:03
bluekujato jdong20:03
bluekujanot John Dong20:03
bluekujaso it appears like that into hardy-changes20:03
bluekujaChanged-By: jdong <jdong@ubuntu.com>20:04
jdonglol :)20:04
bluekujait doesnt matter20:04
bluekujait's just a look20:04
bluekuja*new look20:05
jdongit's a new identity for me :D20:05
camrdaleone of my new packages is not in Hardy despite being in Debian unstable since september :(20:59
bluekujacamrdale, which one?20:59
camrdaleis there a reason for that? I thought it would sync in with hardy20:59
bluekujacamrdale, fill up a sync request21:01
bluekujaand I'll check that21:01
camrdalebluekuja: thanks, I'm not too concerned, I'm just wondering why21:01
camrdalecould it be delayed?21:02
bluekujacamrdale, dont know, maybe some RC problems?21:02
bluekujasome odd bugs stopped it to get in?21:02
camrdaleI don't think so, it has very few bugs, nothing serious21:02
bluekujacamrdale, strange then21:04
bluekujacamrdale, anyway just fill you a sync now21:04
bluekujaand archive-admins will sync it21:04
bluekujathis time21:04
camrdalewhat package do I file the sync request bug on?21:04
bluekujacamrdale, against ubuntu hardy release21:05
bluekujacamrdale, or against the debtorrent project if there is on registered21:05
camrdaleLP 10638221:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 106382 in ubuntu "[sync request] Please sync debtorrent from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10638221:07
camrdalethere was already one :)21:07
bluekujacamrdale, is this latest?21:09
bluekujadebtorrent (
bluekujacamrdale, I add a comment for you21:09
bluekujacamrdale, added21:11
bluekujacheck it21:11
camrdalebluekuja: thanks, I'll try building it tonight and update the bug21:12
bluekujacamrdale, great, tomorrow you'll have it acked21:12
bluekujacamrdale, I'm going to sleep now21:16
bluekujacu tomorrow21:16
bluekujajdong, everything ok with doko at the end?21:16
jdongbluekuja: he has not responded to my last rebuttal.... and ScottK is strongly on our side21:16
bluekujajdong, true21:17
jdongbluekuja: I'm not gonna try to stir it back up for now...21:17
bluekujajdong, I think now we have a working package21:17
jdongbluekuja: I am strongly against introducing the GNOME patches back -- those I suspect to cause instability21:17
bluekujaI dont understand why he wants to get back to GCJ21:17
bluekujaand to get those re-added21:17
jdongbluekuja: the cache (02) patch is unnecessary for a non-GCJ stack21:17
jdongbluekuja: he has a point with the plugins, but IMO the way it's done is not correct21:17
jdongbluekuja: upstream doesn't ship plugins in same source tarball21:18
jdongbluekuja: if we want them we should package em separately too21:18
jdongbluekuja: as I said, it's a crappy IRC client, plus a built-in tracker server21:18
jdongbluekuja: both of which not crucial to functionality, and Azureus has a plugin installer built in that can handle it21:18
bluekujajdong, ok. We will package them as a separated package then21:18
jdongit = installing the plugin from Azureu's repos21:18
bluekujasounds great21:18
bluekujaanyway now I'm leaving21:19
bluekujaand I cant see it built21:19
bluekujaI'll check tomorro21:19
bluekujabut I'm sure it will work21:19
bluekujajdong, you gonna be around here tomorrow?21:19
jdongbluekuja: yeah, pingable21:19
jdongthis week is pretty busy for me, I probably won't pay attention unless pinged21:20
bluekujajdong, ping me when you see it built21:20
jdong(though I'll probably read backlog in here since it's ligh traffic)21:20
jdongbluekuja: sure thing21:20
bluekujaI wont answer, but will see tomorrow21:20
bluekujaQueued:  48 minutes ago21:20
bluekujaon the build machine21:20
bluekujajdong, ok fine21:21
bluekujagood night21:21
bluekujaand cu tomorrow21:21
bluekujaand woohoo for azureus21:22
* bluekuja out21:22

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