
ferric84Can I be tested?01:10
ubotuguru called the ops in #ubuntu01:10
LjLferric84: sure01:11
naliothbar the gates, fellows01:12
naliothtrouble on the way01:12
LjLferric84: you can join, thank you01:13
=== LjL is now known as LjL2
AndrewBnalioth: Did you call?01:14
LjL2nalioth: are they in the channel already?01:15
naliothAndrewB: try not to sleep with your crown on01:15
naliothLjL2: i'm just letting you know01:15
LjL2[02:15:19] --> neozen has joined this channel (n=neozen@c-67-176-151-148.hsd1.il.comcast.net).01:15
LjL2i have this guy on highlight01:15
LjL2but hadn't seen him for some time i think01:15
naliothi think they are intent on other channels, but just letting you guys know01:15
LjL2i have a clone joined with +C01:16
LjL2so at least i should be able to set +r without being blocked by the ctcps01:16
naliothLjL2: is not identified01:16
ubotuscguy318 called the ops in #ubuntu01:17
LjL2nalioth: no, as i'm out of registered nicknames... i'm +o anyway01:17
AndrewBhere we go01:17
Dave2AndrewB, not sure how +m would change anything01:18
naliothtold you01:18
AndrewBDave2: its me being crazy, I thought it hid quit spam01:19
LjL2uhm my +C didn't quite work01:19
AndrewBthedefender ?01:19
Dave2LjL2, there is no channel CTCP blocking mode in hyperion, if that's what you were after01:19
Dave2oh, wait, I misread.01:20
LjL2Dave2: i was pretty sure there was though...01:20
Dave2there's umode +C, not cmode +C. I misread what you were saying.01:21
LjL-Tempnalioth, you can talk to the other clone, i see it :P01:24
naliothLjL-Temp: do not +m the channel01:25
naliothfor longer than it takes to handle the problem01:25
AndrewBheh it went -m anyway so I devoiced me01:25
LjL-Tempnalioth: +R can be worse01:26
tomawit really can't01:26
naliothLjL-Temp: users can _CHANGE_ their +r/+R status01:26
naliothLjL-Temp: they can't do squat about +m01:26
LjL-Tempnalioth: if they manage to notice my link to the instructions01:26
LjL-Tempnalioth, after an attack, most of what people say is related to the attack itself, including "what the fuck just happened?!??!?" to more balanced, but still useless, comments01:27
LjL-Temp+m helps weed that out.01:27
LjL-Tempi don't want the attackers to see that people are talking about them.01:27
nalioththe attackers are joyfully laughing their asses off that THEY'VE CLOSED A CHANNEL01:27
LjL-Tempnalioth: they haven't closed anything as long as i keep relaying the messages01:28
tomawyou relayed a message from one of them :)01:28
elkbuntuthey're going to laugh their arses off regardless01:28
LjL-Temptomaw: i.e.?01:28
naliothLjL-Temp: lollypop/lollipop01:28
LjL-Tempnalioth: uhm, lollypop's message was asked to me in a PM01:29
naliothhe's still a troll (if not the one pulling the strings)01:31
AndrewBLjL2: is your connection ok?01:38
LjL2yes AndrewB, i'm just killing off my unsuccessful attempts to have clones with +C set now01:39
=== LjL2 is now known as LjL
mneptokzomg! perfect!02:15
mneptok"What's it like be an #ubuntu* op?"02:15
mneptok"A lot like this - http://pizdaus.com/pics/Z8vZbmL4Ibng.jpg "02:15
LjLmneptok: sorry, i'm going to topic that in offtopic.02:16
tonyyarussomneptok: are we the ones in the car or the guys on the side though?02:16
mneptoktonyyarusso: when you can answer that, grasshopper, your training is complete."02:17
mneptok21:14 <+mneptok> tonyyarusso: when you can answer that, grasshopper, your training is complete."02:17
mneptokcalling out, in transit. calling out, in transit.03:17
jdong10-4, landing bays armed03:17
tonyyarussoIncoming meteor, 30% chance of penguins.03:17
jdong211, I need blue squad to scramble the BSD mascots03:18
mneptokyou know what it smells like?03:18
mneptok............... victory.03:18
mneptoksome day this war's gonna end ...03:19
* mneptok walks away03:19
nalioththere is a program that you can use as a sort of 'software kvm'.  does anyone know the name of it?03:26
* nalioth just had his hardware KVM croak.03:26
stupidgirlhai2u jeetz03:27
naliothhi stupidgirl can we help you with something?03:27
stupidgirli would liek to make a complaint about an op\03:28
naliothplease do so  :)03:28
JanCnalioth: you mean 'synergy' ?03:29
nalioththank you JanC 03:29
JanCit does only K & M though03:29
gnomefreakwhats a good easy to use editor other than nano that has very few depends?03:30
JanCyou mean console-based?03:31
gnomefreaklike gedit but less depends03:31
JanCI use 'joe'  :)03:31
gnomefreakstupidgirl: the word easy i think you missed ;)03:31
Hobbseegnomefreak: pico?03:31
elkbuntugnomefreak, ee or aee03:32
stupidgirlhehe well stupid noob like me can use it im sure you can if u read a little :D03:32
gnomefreakty ill see what kind of depends they have (this is for chroot and dont want all those gnome kde depends03:32
JanCbecause joe has the shortcuts I still have in my fingers from the turbo pascal days  :)03:32
JanCgnomefreak: it should be a GUI editor?03:32
gnomefreakJanC: i would like the menus on it but really anything for simple text docs to edit03:33
naliothgnomefreak: aee03:33
mneptokgnomefreak: "easy to use" is ne03:33
mneptokgnomefreak: *every* user can grok ne instantly03:34
naliothgnomefreak: pico is just a closed source version of nano (nano descended from or cloned it)03:34
gnomefreakpico wont be in hardy repos03:34
naliothgnomefreak: aee03:34
JanCif you need a GUI there are e.g. SciTE & mousepad03:34
gnomefreakHowever the following packages replace it: nano03:34
naliothstupidgirl: you had some complaints?03:35
Hobbseestupidgirl: hint:  when wanting to make a complaint, it's helpful if you actually write about your complaint, rather than wasting our time.03:35
JanCfor ncurses I would suggest joe  :)03:35
mneptokgnomefreak: ne - Nice Editor, an easy-to-use and powerful editor03:35
Hobbseeelse, you'll just get ignored.03:35
gnomefreakty i think i have enough to try for morning03:35
jdonggnomefreak: have you tried jed before (CLI)03:35
jdonggnomefreak: it's a light editor that does highlighting / code-folding, and can emulate the UI of like every other editor out htere03:35
gnomefreaknope dont think i ever did03:35
jdonggnomefreak: I use it on my 486/33MHz textmode floppy Linux setup :)03:36
* gnomefreak sick of nano03:36
mneptokgnomefreak: install ne, launch it, press <esc>. thank me later. :)03:36
gnomefreakmneptok: im installing them all and will play with them03:37
mneptokNO TEXT FILE IS SAFE!03:37
gnomefreakcan i launch it without a file?>03:37
mneptokand .... she earns her nick03:37
gnomefreakoh sweet03:38
naliothgnomefreak: i used to use nano all the time, but now i love my aee03:38
naliothaee has a gui version xae, too03:39
* mneptok did the OSX port of ne in another life03:39
JanCmneptok: it doesn't understand the difference between the tab character and indent, or is that a configuration issue?03:40
gnomefreakE: Couldn't find package xae03:40
gnomefreakfeisty nor hardy have it in repos it seems03:40
naliothgnomefreak: 'aee'03:41
gnomefreakah ok03:41
naliothgnomefreak: xae is just the gui way to call aee03:41
gnomefreakph cool03:42
gnomefreakis that ncurses?03:42
mneptokJanC: ~/.ne03:42
mneptokJanC: by default the ident spacing = 1 <tab>03:43
JanCmneptok: I mean, does it know the difference between indent width & tab-width,  :)03:43
mneptokJanC: configurable in ~/.ne03:44
JanC(I like coding in Python, so this is really important  ;-) )03:44
mneptokJanC: http://ne.dsi.unimi.it/docs/ne_5.html#SEC17303:45
JanChm, they have docs in "info" instead of man pages...03:46
mneptokthere should be manpages, too03:46
JanCyeah, it's about 30 lines long  ;-)03:46
JanCand points to the info pages03:47
elkbuntushe hasnt figured she got dc'd yet?03:49
elkbuntualternatively, g0dd3ss03:50
JanCit's a nickname03:50
elkbuntustrikes me as feminine03:50
mneptoki'm the screen, the blinding light. i'm the screen, i work at night!03:51
elkbuntuif said person is inclined to use feminine nicks, i will be at least respectful enough to trust they are representative if not of biology then at least of psyche03:51
=== mneptok is now known as mnepette
elkbuntunow that's just disturbing03:51
* mnepette bats eyelashes at elkbuntu 03:51
JanCI try not to judge people from their nickname  :)03:51
=== mnepette is now known as mneptok
elkbuntuJanC, i find that referring to everyone as a he is only furthering the straight white american male persona of the internet, or referring to everyone as an it03:52
elkbuntuerr.. or referring to everyone as an it so as to avoid *any* mistakes, as being a bit excessive03:53
JanCthat's why I use he/she most of the time, if I'm not sure  ;)03:54
mneptokelkbuntu: that's why, every year, i look you in the eyes, collect my breath, and whisper gently, and in earnest, "nice tits, Mel."03:54
JanCI gues this was meant as a joke...03:56
elkbuntuit is mneptok, afterall03:56
JanCmneptok: please behave  ;)03:57
mneptoki love you, too, hon :)03:57
* elkbuntu whacks mneptok over the head with an umbrella03:59
mneptokYOU BENT MY HALO!03:59
jdongis THAT what you kids call it nowadays?04:00
mneptokjdong: easier to type than "buttplug"04:00
JanCyou have a hard disk-based head-decoration ?04:00
jdongJanC: The ladies love my perpendicular recording04:01
mneptok"disk based head" is the reason for 90% of all Internet traffic04:01
JanCI was talking about RMS's favourite headwear  :)04:01
mneptok*bah dum tish*04:02
JanCon top of that  :P04:02
* jdong should visit RMS some day04:02
JanCwell, I don't have any problems with him, except his talks get boring after you saw them a couple of times...04:03
* jdong has dreams that RMS would see him holding his macbook, walking to class04:05
jdongI sometimes pass by where his office is supposed to be....04:06
JanCOTOH, reportedly, he likes Belgian beers, so he must be a nice guy  :)04:06
jdongand markedly perspire when my laptop wasn't booted to Ubuntu :)04:06
JanCjdong: RMS uses gnewsense, which is an Ubuntu derivative  :)04:07
* gnomefreak needs to get back to hospital sometime after i get this done :(04:07
jdongJanC: I... I use fglrx, and ipw3945d, and sun-java6, and ... you can see why he would have a problem with me :)04:07
JanCgnomefreak: what's wrong?04:07
JanCjdong: well, you could at least test the free alternatives  ;)04:08
gnomefreaka very very good friend got into a car accident and she is really banged up and she wants me there 04:08
gnomefreaki spent better part of today there04:08
gnomefreakbrb smoke and get dressed04:08
jdongJanC: I will be more than thrilled to use a FOSS alternative when it can perform the tasks I need it to04:08
JanCso, get the fuck back there and don't bother about us  ;-)04:09
JanCthat was directed to gnomefreak 04:09
JanCwell, Java 7 should be open source04:10
JanCjdong: ^^^04:10
jdongJanC: indeed it is, and I am switching over to it, along with our Azureus stack :)04:10
JanCgutsy has IcedTea packages04:11
JanCbut I don't know how good they are04:11
naliothanyone got a good howto for synergy?04:11
jdongJanC: quite good in fact04:11
jdongJanC: as good, if not faster, than java6 and Universe capable :)04:11
JanCnalioth: sorry, never used it04:11
JanCjdong: but AFAIK some parts are missing still?04:13
gnomefreakJanC: i cant go back yet im in the middle of something but will be in ~ 1 hour04:13
jdongJanC: yeah, the sun.* namespace throws nongpl warnings if you try to import it04:14
gnomefreaknalioth: i thought i saw one the other day04:14
gnomefreakuse icedtea ;)04:14
* gnomefreak thinking about trying it04:15
gnomefreaknalioth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto04:15
gnomefreaknot sure how good it is but its ubuntu wiki cant be too bad04:15
naliothgnomefreak: thanky, i just got it figured out (with the help of 9 differernt howtos)04:16
gnomefreakah seems we are gonna be using icedtea instead of sun-java#-*04:20
* gnomefreak wonders what the chances are of getting it in main (or installed by default04:20
jdonggnomefreak: a beta java stack? :-/04:21
jdonggnomefreak: I sure hope so, though04:21
naliothwell, i guess the hardware kvm going out was a good thing04:21
* nalioth learnt about synergy04:21
gnomefreakjdong: beta and fully GPL'ed ;)04:21
jdonggnomefreak: like launchpad!04:22
jdongoh wait.04:22
gnomefreakparts of LP are free04:22
JanCLP is as free as SourceForge I guess ;)04:26
gnomefreakok gone for night see you sometime tomorrow 04:27
JanCmy dream is to create a personal distributed issue tracking / code revision system / etc. that knows how to interact with "upstream" etc. etc.  ;)04:28
elkbuntunalioth, i could send you my crappy little kvm, it's ok so long as you dont need to use the shift key :Þ04:37
elkbuntuerr, not shift key, ctrl key04:38
elkbuntuit's not supposed to do anything with the ctrl key, but randomly, it will instigate switching... very annoying04:38
JanCI have an USB-k/m-switch  :)04:45
JanCwhich works quite fine04:46
JanCactually, it can switch any USB device04:47
JanCincluding printers, scanners, USB disks, etc.04:47
naliothelkbuntu: thanky, ma'am, but my kvm used the double-ctrl-tap method of switching (i'm on an Apple keyboard, and of course the setup is different)04:50
JanCeh, sounds like a crappy UI for a hardware device  :)04:51
naliothJanC: it's the Windows key for windoze (l)users04:54
naliothbut now i've got synergy running04:54
naliothi just have to get out of the doubld-ctrl-tap habit04:55
JanCwhat I mean: I'm sure I often accidentally tap the Ctrl or Win key twice in a row  ;)04:58
naliothJanC: if you used this kvm for a while, you would get out of the habit05:04
JanCI would never use it voluntarily  :)05:06
naliothwell, back when i bought it, synergy wasn't available05:08
elkbuntunalioth, this isnt a double control tap one, it's a scroll scroll esc one... but ctrl still catches it quite randomly. sometimes every time ctrl is tapped, sometimes it wont do it for 10 taps05:50
elkbuntui got it for free because the previous owner got fed up with it05:50
naliothelkbuntu: try synergy.  i'm kinda liking it05:51
elkbuntuthought it didnt do V though05:52
ubotu[chr0n0s] called the ops in #ubuntu07:43
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
elkbuntu_who the heck keeps eating my connection?!08:10
Tm_Telkbuntu_: me08:13
elkbuntu_meanie :(08:13
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
Tm_Telkbuntu: I just like your attention08:13
elkbuntui'm starting to suspect the adsl filter/splitter is not filtering right08:14
Tm_Tfeels like King Crimson - Book Of Saturday08:17
jussi01elkbuntu: you have kontiki :P :P :P ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kontiki )08:19
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: marooouughlfpwx?08:40
elkbuntudont make me say it out loud, it will jinx me08:41
tonyyarussos/say/type/; s/out loud/in channel where idlers are removed/  :P08:42
ubotudesertc called the ops in #ubuntu09:05
elkbuntutonyyarusso, you heard of The Chaser's War on Everything? it's an aussie show09:34
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: nope, can't say I have09:34
elkbuntuah... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=pltgk3Y0Omw&NR=1 ... you still might enjoy this09:35
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: mmmmmmmm, I smell some states where people complained about paying taxes for education!09:47
elkbuntuhttp://au.youtube.com/watch?v=McB9tsabPn0 http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs3SfNANtig and http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=GclCE0cLA-o are also hilarious09:49
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: Now I want your TV...09:54
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: I'd like to add to the American vs Arab tourist segment that I have flown, on a commercial jet aircraft, into the US from another country, without any customs official, security guard, etc. so much as asking my name, much less checking my passport.09:55
tonyyarussoDriven too09:55
elkbuntuheh, not surprising since you're ginger and hence as white as one can get ;)09:58
elkbuntutonyyarusso, http://www.abc.net.au/tv/chaser/war/ is the show's website10:00
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: sorry, you lost me - ginger?10:01
tonyyarussoahaha, now I want a security guard costume...10:01
elkbuntutonyyarusso, ginger=redhead10:09
PriceChildlol - ginger11:41
PriceChildGary, convo earlier in my backlog11:42
Garythought we were dissing Seveas again :-)11:42
tonyyarussoNote to self: Not only do you have to untar the drupal module, but you actually have to upload it too!11:43
Garyyeah, that helps a lot you know11:44
PriceChildtonyyarusso, hehe11:44
tonyyarussoI kept refreshing my admin page wondering why it wasn't showing up11:45
=== thoreauputic_ is now known as thoreauputic
PriceChildI msg'd Andre_Gondim about his application for ubuntu-irc :/12:20
* tonyyarusso hasn't seen this tidbit yet12:21
PiciWho is that?12:22
tonyyarussoPici: YOUR FATHER12:24
tonyyarussoOr, you know, just some random user.12:24
Picitonyyarusso: Noooo! /falls through cloud city12:24
tonyyarussooh god - I gotta find that youtube thing again12:25
tonyyarussoPici: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=3eZBevXohCI12:26
gnomefreakis there a GTk app simular to amarok?12:26
PiciExaile keeps saying they're trying to be 'the' gtk Amarok12:26
Myrttignomefreak: other than exaile, or rhythmbox?12:26
tonyyarussognomefreak: exaile12:26
Myrttithey're really helpful at #exaile12:27
gnomefreaklisten was broke last i heard.12:27
gnomefreakwhen im done with updates ill install exaile see what its like. im not found of rhythmbox12:28
Myrtti/me runs bzr update always before launching exaile12:28
tonyyarussognomefreak: banshee is worth a look too12:28
MyrttiI just love it12:28
gnomefreakMyrtti: theres a bzr branch for it?12:29
Myrttithey've got the whole project on launchpad12:29
gnomefreakMyrtti: does it have embedded tarball?12:29
MyrttiI'm just the Finnish translator ;-)12:29
gnomefreakMyrtti: did you need a orig.tar to build it?12:30
Myrttignomefreak: it's python12:30
MyrttiI just run it12:30
gnomefreakoh ok12:31
gnomefreakSiroSoriS is really looking to be removed but wait for it IMHO the link he gave was for NWO murdering innocent civilains12:38
MyrttiTm_T: the tor node issue is still pending12:58
Tm_TMyrtti: ?12:59
Myrttiapparently it's somewhat ambiguous12:59
Tm_TMyrtti: mainly kicking and soon banning because has nothing to do with our channel12:59
Tm_T1454 -!-  channels : #fedora-meeting #zftalk #kvm #debian-es #gentoo-chat #phpbb #ubuntuforums #wikipedia-de #ubuntu-fi13:00
Myrttifunny feller13:00
Tm_Tfind any pattern? I dont, except quite random channels13:00
Tm_Twhatever his purpose is, it aint good I tell ya13:00
tonyyarussoWell, you never know, he could be running four different linux distros and speak as many languages, I guess13:09
Garyyeah :p13:09
Seeker`one distro in each langugae13:10
tonyyarussoNo - Fedora and Gentoo in English, and Ubuntu in English and Finnish, with Debian in Spanish only13:12
tonyyarussoslightly odder13:12
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
nrpilhi people, how do i get a channel into the irc logs at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ ?13:29
PriceChildHey nrpil.14:00
PriceChildubuntulog used to be looked after by fabbionne but I think that's changed recently.14:00
PriceChildnrpil, what channel by the way?14:01
PriceChild(Found out how we request the bot now)14:12
elkbuntushare the wealth?14:12
PiciHows that?14:13
Picicontact the person who is in the bot's /whois ?14:13
PriceChildHehe that's the one.14:13
elkbuntubtw, i'm getting the feeling we're having bot seepage.. but my bot senses could be off14:14
PriceChild"in a pinch, drop by #canonical-sysadmin, but RT is preferred"14:14
Picielkbuntu: seepage?14:15
elkbuntuPici, gradual joining of a bot net14:15
PriceChildPici, botnet making their way in slowly14:15
elkbuntuthere's an increase in joins, several guests from the same ip, and lots of nicks and idents matching14:15
LjLwhen, now?14:15
elkbuntuover the past few mins, yes14:15
Picion #ubuntu, or just in general?14:16
LjLthis time i want my stupid umode +C to work14:16
elkbuntuPici, #ubuntu14:17
elkbuntuas soon as calc loads, i'll sort the hostmasks14:17
LjLyou find clones with a spreadsheet? :o)14:18
LjLi assume by sorting...14:18
LjLstill, that's not right :P14:18
PriceChild* livingdaylight (n=livingda@77-101-174-180.cable.ubr06.camd.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined #ubuntu14:18
Picihes not a bot14:19
PriceChildI know.14:19
PriceChildHe is definitely not a bot.14:19
elkbuntuLjL, it's the quickest way i know, also good for spotting clones :Þ14:19
jribbut you still have to extract the hostmask14:19
GaryI thought he was okay?  or has he gone bad?14:19
LjLelkbuntu, gee, at least use "sort" from cli if anything :P14:19
PriceChildGary, always been bad14:19
elkbuntuLjL, harder to glance14:20
PiciIf I was better at doing cli mysql selects, I'd have something quick too.14:25
LjLno matter how i do it, i'd have to find a way to sanely copy and paste /names first :)14:25
PriceyMy router just cycled....14:52
Priceyand obviously clears its logs of why.14:52
LjLPricey: is it a Trusted Router?14:53
Pricey"trusted"? trusted by me?14:53
LjLPricey: trusted as in Trusted Computing14:54
LjLso, no, a router that doesn't trust *you* :P14:54
LjLlike in soviet russia14:54
Priceyhaha ok I'm with you :)14:54
PriceyDon't think so :P14:54
Priceyhmmm where can I get String::Interpolate from...14:56
LjLPricey: cpan?14:57
Priceyhmm do i already have it14:57
nrpilthe channel is i'm talking about is #ubuntu-vdr14:58
Priceythink i do.14:58
Priceynrpil, what is that channel?14:59
PriceyThe logbot is almost exclusively for official channels.14:59
LjLnrpil, i think i muted you from #ubuntu-classroom yesterday because you spurted some weird non-ascii characters into the channel14:59
nrpilLjL: ow, sorry about that15:00
LjLnrpil: just wanted to make sure it was unintended15:00
nrpilLjL: are there people doing that on purpose ?15:01
LjLnrpil: in -classroom, these days not many, but generally speaking, yeah15:02
Priceynrpil, what is the purpose of -vdr?15:02
nrpilLjL: uncool15:02
mc44shouldn't there be something about open week in #ubuntu's topic, incidentaly? :)15:02
nrpilPricey: talking about vdr stuff in ubuntu15:03
nrpilkind of mythtv but more dvb based15:04
LjLmc44: seems low profile = less trouble :)15:04
PriceyI think it'd be best you guys organised your own logbot for now seen as it appears to be small, and is not an official channel.15:05
mc44LjL: that's not the attitude! :P15:05
Pricey*wonders where he can find Array/Utils.pm*15:05
nrpilPricey: oke, i'm a bit of a irc newbie15:05
* LjL hands Pricey some apt-file15:06
PriceyLjL, not working15:06
nrpilPricey: Array-Utils ?15:07
PriceyDon't think its standard.15:07
nrpilas in packaged with perl ?15:08
PriceyI wish, but n#ot that I can see.15:08
=== Ubotwo` is now known as Ubotwo
PriceyWahey many thanks nrpil.15:12
PriceyWhy does this have to be so difficult? :)15:22
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
=== Fujitsu_ is now known as Fujitsu
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
PriceChildSorted out Andre_Gondim's application to ubuntu-irc.15:43
PriceChild*looks through other applicants*15:43
PriceChildHehe I recognise a couple of faces 8-)15:44
Seeker`who should/needs to apply to ubuntu-irc?15:46
PriceChildWe get a lot of loco people applying15:46
elkbuntuwell, g'nite15:46
PriceChildrandom ubuntu members15:46
PriceChildsleep well elkbuntu.15:46
Picielkbuntu: goodnight :)15:46
PiciI never applied.15:48
popeyPriceChild: you doing classroom duty?15:55
PriceChildI'll fight you for it.15:56
PriceChildlooser takes all :)15:56
popeyI have a man here fixing my aerial15:56
popey(not a euphamism)15:56
GaryPriceChild, I applied for the ubuntu-irc group too :'(15:56
PriceChildGary, you have... but you disappeared.15:56
Garydid I?15:56
PriceChildGary, and pic.i got access to #ubuntu and approved :O15:56
Garydamn work :'(15:57
Garygets in the way15:57
PriceChildpfft who needs it15:57
Garywell, my mortgage does15:57
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: October 24 2007, 14:57:44 - Next meeting: Edubuntu Team in 5 hours 2 minutes15:57
PriceChildGary, pfft15:57
GaryI'm just in the middle of a bit of a busy time, what with setting up the IT stuff for two offices15:58
Garyand living away from home in a hotel15:59
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
Mezwho's taking the classroom for mark ?17:00
PiciEveryone! At the same time!17:00
PriceChildI told jono i'd be fine to start it17:00
Mez(not volunteering - at work)17:00
MezPriceChild, I dunno, think it MIGHT be wise to +m it17:01
PriceChildMez, hehe... i was checking +z earlier17:01
Pici(me too)17:01
Mezyeah, +zm ?17:01
Mezask sabdfl what he thinks?17:02
MezI'll ask17:02
MezPriceChild, you know what to do I'm sure17:04
PriceChilddon't do +z17:04
nalioth+z can be distracting if you're not used to it17:05
naliothzooom zoooom zooom17:05
Seeker`what does z do?17:07
PriceChildlets ops see quiet'ed people17:07
ubotuThere are many different channel and user modes on Freenode (see !freenode). Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml17:07
naliothSeeker`: how many times have we sent that URL to you?  why don't you have it aliased yet?  :P17:17
Seeker`i'm doing other stuff, so its quicker to ask :P17:18
jdongPriceChild: it's saving time, not lazy...17:24
Myrttigood questions at -classroom17:25
Myrttimy mom plays Aisleriot17:25
Myrttithough I had to tweak the .desktop to launch only Klondike17:25
naliothwatching the -classroom, and i find i'm a 2nd class citizen again . . :(17:47
naliothPPA only works for x86 and amd64  :(17:48
mc44I think they burned all their ppc machines when they stopped supporting it ;)17:48
jdongit's because Xen doesn't support ppc as a host or guest17:50
Myrttinow that question is strange. I thought Kubuntu and Ubuntu are the same distro?18:24
PiciMyrtti: They are.  It is a very weird question.18:24
Myrttiand now that question reminds me of gnunet18:25
PriceChildmight be getting a botnet in a minute18:29
PriceChildsee #defocus and #freenode18:29
nalioththis is most interesting.18:30
naliothanyone use galeon?18:31
Picinalioth: no, why?18:32
naliothit's got some really restrictive settings18:33
naliothi'm 3/4 image free in my browsing, but firefox / opera / kazehakase / epiphany show all images18:33
* Pici hides18:38
ompaulPici, you can hide but can you run>?18:41
PriceChildHey jcastro, so you want a cloak? Could you give me a link to your launchpad page please.18:45
PriceChildjcastro, then have you got two nicks, linked together with an email set?18:45
jcastroPriceChild: https://edge.launchpad.net/~jorge18:45
jcastroPriceChild: I just have one nick. Confused if you're asking me if I have two, or telling me that I need two, heh.18:46
PriceChildgah I know who you are.... silly me :)18:46
PriceChildjcastro, yes, you need to register two nicknames on freenode, and get nickserv to link them together.18:46
jcastrook, is there a wiki page or something on how to do that?18:47
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration18:47
Picijcastro: I think theres stuff in there about it18:47
PriceChild/nick newnick18:47
PriceChild/msg nickserv register <new_pass>18:47
PriceChild/msg nickserv link jcastro <jcastro's pass>18:48
PriceChild/msg nickserv set email foo@bar.com18:48
jcastroah, I see, cool18:48
nalioth /msg klineserv sic'em! get PriceChild! go! go! go!18:48
=== jcastro is now known as whiprush
PriceChild* klineserv :No such nick/channel18:49
naliothit works for me  :018:49
jdongwell aren't we special :)18:50
naliothPriceChild is a dirty rotten spammer18:50
jussi01wow, Ive never seen PriceChild accused of that before18:51
=== whiprush is now known as ffsihateirc
jussi01I want that nick :P18:51
* jdong ducks18:52
ffsihateircok, I think I got it18:52
=== ffsihateirc is now known as jcastro
* mneptok fidgets18:53
mneptokjcastro: do you want an Ubuntu or Canonical cloak?18:53
jcastromneptok: ubuntu would be perfect18:53
* mneptok stares at PriceChild 18:54
PriceChildmneptok, i'm waiting for him to be finished! :)18:54
mneptokWAIT FASTER!18:54
PriceChildmneptok, and i might not be​ talking to nalioth anymore after above so he may not be getting a cloak anytime soon.18:55
* mneptok feels the love18:55
PriceChildjcastro, how's it going?18:57
jcastrothe bot seemed to take the right things, I should disconnect and rejoin I take it?19:00
PriceChildNope no need...19:01
PriceChildbut you haven't changed nicks at all?19:01
PriceChilddid you use a second connection to register the second nick?19:01
jcastrono, just the temp thing I followed in the freenode instructions19:01
PriceChildright ok :)19:01
PriceChildnalioth, cloak for jcastro please :)19:01
naliothPriceChild: already done19:01
jcastrothanks for your help, I'm irc-stupid.19:01
PriceChild*Adds to LP*19:02
jcastroon top of normal stupid. :p19:02
PriceChildjcastro, All done :)19:02
jcastro<3, thanks dude19:03
HobbseePriceChild: you're around?19:03
naliothHobbsee: of course he's around (abusing me with his spam)19:03
jdongPriceChild: what kind of schrodinger response is that?19:04
PriceChildNot around enoguh for more than a glance over -classroom occasionally.19:04
PriceChildjdong, schrodinger?19:04
PriceChildeeek I need to eat...19:04
jcastrothanks for the help guys, cheers!19:05
jussi01are we going to regulate #ubuntu-classroom this session?19:08
naliothwhere is popey?19:08
PriceChildpopey has gone to his kids i think19:09
naliothguess that'd be up to seb12819:09
naliothanyone asked him ?19:09
jussi01Is there any help needed? 19:15
naliothjussi01: you are it19:15
jussi01PriceChild: I can do it if needed this session, its a bit crazy. 19:15
jussi01nalioth: can you op me then?19:15
jussi01nalioth: +m isnt it?19:16
naliothjussi01: if you deem it necessary, yes19:16
PriceChilddoubt +m is needed.... :/19:16
PriceChildwith quieter talks like this its sometimes nice if they can give quick clarifications etc.19:16
naliothbut it's always good to direct them to -classroom-chat, too19:17
naliothbefore it becomes chaotic19:17
naliothand the bots are back again19:23
naliothjussi01: you gonna moderate for dholbach?20:06
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
jussi01nalioth: no. i just had an issu with my connection. sorry20:07
naliothjust wondering, jussi01 20:07
jussi01nalioth: cool. 20:07
juliuxhi all20:23
juliuxdoes somebody knows if there is a statement from the cc about irc logs? 20:23
PriceChildjuliux, What do you mean? Statement about what?20:26
juliuxPriceChild, about the fact that we have the locobot;)20:27
PriceChildstill not understanding what you want to know :)20:27
juliuxi tryed to find something in the wiki why we have the locobot and why all the ubuntu channels are logged20:27
PriceChildThey don't have to be logged.20:28
PriceChildThe channel owners decide.20:28
PriceChildA LoCo team could decide they didn't want the logging bot I'm sure.20:28
juliuxah ok20:29
juliuxthat changed over the years,)20:29
juliuxat the begining the locobot was a have to in the support channels20:29
PriceChildjuliux, at the end of the day... the contact could just ban the bot20:29
juliuxi know;)20:29
PriceChildSorry lost you there.20:29
juliuxPriceChild, i thought there were a cc decision about irc logging20:30
PriceChildI'm not at all aware of one, maybe before my time.20:30
juliuxPriceChild, when you started with ubuntu?20:31
juliuxor what is befor your time?20:31
juliuxfor me is befor my time begining of 2005;)20:31
PriceChildI don't remember a decision being made about loco channels having to log whilst i've been involved.20:31
juliuxwe have the locobot since 06/200520:32
PriceChildMaybe this guy knows more.20:33
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
naliothlogging is up the loco group20:39
juliuxnalioth, do you know since when?20:41
naliothsince there were loco groups20:42
PriceChildjuliux, did anyone suggest otherwise? Or did you just think you remembered it being so?20:43
naliothwe have nothing to hide, why not log the channels for those of us who can't be here 24/7 ourselves?20:43
juliuxPriceChild, that is how i rember it, i had 2005 a long long discussion with smurf about irc logs;)20:43
juliuxnalioth, i have no problems with logging irc channels;)20:44
naliothjuliux: for regular irc channels, logs can be an issue20:44
ompaulmneptok, ping vis that point that was raised by the source20:58
mneptokompaul: pongongong21:13
ompaulmneptok, ahh pm for a little resolution21:14
PriceChild<nightgirl> ready to serve, master21:15
jdongPriceChild: stupidgirl's nocturnal companion?21:16
PriceChildThat's what I guessed originally...21:16
jdonghmm I just saw the double entendre...21:16
jdongwell that's awfully distrcting from math21:16
PriceChildjdong, ?21:16
jdongPriceChild: nocturnal companion.21:19
jdongYou know your math professor is old when: He talks about meeting Gibbs21:23
mneptokThe BeeGees?21:26
jdongmneptok: no, the guy who invented Gibbs Free Energy21:27
jdonga topic taught in high school chem classes nowadays21:27
mneptokAndy Gibb?21:27
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
jdongmneptok: Josiah Willard Gibbs21:29
mneptokuh. your prof met him?21:31
ompaulthere are later famous Gibbs21:31
ompaulin math21:31
jdongompaul: I'm pretty sure that's the Gibbs he was refering to21:32
jdongompaul: "greatest American scientist" he called him21:32
jdonghe's around the correct age21:32
jdonghe can forgot a sentence he said 2 minutes ago21:32
jdongand is STILL better at math than I'll ever ever be21:32
ompaulehh 1903 and it is now 2007 do the math :)21:33
jdongompaul: I know, I was surprised too21:33
jdongompaul: he's probably 10 years younger than that by visual estimate21:33
jdongthe wikipedia article on my professor doesn't have a birthdate21:34
jdongmaybe he's making it up, which he definitely deserves to do for his greatness21:34
ompaula prof who remembers meeting gibbs who died over a hundred years ago 21:34
ompaulshow me your profs wikipedia page21:35
jdongompaul: "Alar Toomre"21:35
ompauljdong, this is the one I think he is referring to Dr. Richard Gibbs21:40
jdongompaul: the... the one who composed the soundtrack for Dr Doolittle?21:41
jdongor am I thinking of a different one?21:41
ompauljdong, former chair of the US math academy iirc21:42
jdongompaul: ooh that makes sense21:42
Seeker`One of my lecturers maintains C soudn21:43
jdongSeeker`: I'm TA'ing for one of Hal Abelson's pet classes21:43
jdongSeeker`: coolest guy ever21:43
naliothanybody know how ubotu works? i need a bit of assistance with mangling ubot3s innards23:05
tonyyarussonalioth: depends what you need...I started learning, but am no expert23:05
naliothi need to update his innards to answer with 'gutsy' answers23:06
LjLubot3: search searchorder23:06
ubot3Found: 23:06
LjLubot3: config search searchorder23:06
ubot3LjL: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:07
LjLor some variable name like that23:07
naliothright, LjL, don't think it23:07
nalioththere is something i have to do locally (like make gutsy and feisty folders, and populate them with a sources.list and suchlike)23:07
LjLnalioth: supybot.plugins.encyclopedia.searchorder23:08
LjLnalioth: yes, it's explained in README.txt from the Encyclopedia/ directory23:08
* tonyyarusso lets LjL take this one23:08
naliothanyone know what file "supybot.plugins.encyclopedia.searchorder" is in?23:31
tonyyarussoprobably the config I'd imagine23:31
naliothtonyyarusso: ah, yes.23:32
naliothwhich one, please?23:32
tonyyarussoerm, not sure (haven't re-installed supybot since my gutsy upgrade yet)23:33
stdinthe one you created for the bot23:33
stdinif you created it with the wizard it's usually <name-of-bot>.conf23:33
mneptok /supybot/bin/$BOTNAME.conf23:34
naliothmneptok: BUUUUZZZ23:35
naliothmneptok: this is not a normal supybot, this has been manipulated by seveas23:35
Seveasnalioth, plugins/Encyclopedia/config.py defines it, yourbotname.conf (aka the registry) stores its value23:36
Picinalioth: And you cant modify the config file while the bot is running, it rewrites the values at some point.23:37
naliothok, got it updated23:38
mneptokSeveas: oy23:46
Poul|RaiderAnyone who could be so kind to unban me on #ubuntu ?23:52
naliothPoul|Raider: how did you get banned in the first place?23:53
Poul|Raidera few days i told someone to get a life after he kicked me 2 times from #ubuntu because of useing "fucked" in a non agressive tone :(23:54
PriceChildSounds familiar...23:54
robPoul|Raider, there is very little tolerance for swearing and those kinds of things on #ubuntu as it is a very busy support channel with a wide and sometimes young audience23:55
Poul|Raiderye i learned my lession.23:56
robregardless of your intended tone I'm afraid, and the intent of your tone does not translate very well over irc either23:56
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:56
PriceChildI suggest you read that page Poul|Raider.23:56
robirc is a very emotionless communications medium23:56
PriceChildPoul|Raider, you were offtopic, using foul language, and insulted a user of the channel who just happenned to turn out to be an operator.23:56
Poul|Raiderye PriceChild, and it dont say anything about getting unbanned again :)23:57
mneptokPoul|Raider: this may seem really picky and small, but multiply the problem by like 4397256365 and you realize it's (sadly) necessary. it's not personal.23:57
PriceChildPoul|Raider, no, but it says a lot about the guidelines in our channels, what is acceptable, and what isn't.23:57
Poul|Raiderafter you kicked me 2 times i properly knew you was a operator but, was it needed to kick me instead of answer my question about why i was kicked in the first place?23:58
robyou didn't realise the first time you were kicked? :)23:58
Poul|Raidermy english aint that good, so i asked of a term to use instead where you kicked me again.23:59
adminnhi Rob; first time I was kicked?23:59
robadminn, sorry not directed at you23:59
PriceChildadminn, different conversation.23:59
adminnim still banned in #ubuntu why?23:59
PriceChildPoul|Raider, You were given several "warnings" before the ban.... I mean really how bad does your english have to be before you realise you're doing soemthing wrong?23:59
Poul|Raideranyway, PriceChild, say i learned my lession - could i get unbanned again?23:59
PriceChildadminn, give me a second.23:59
Piciadminn: Do you know why you were banned?23:59

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