
_jz12 hours with xserver-xorg-core and xserver-xorg-video-ati from feisty under gutsy and no freeze using compiz !!00:00
_jzi think that's the way ! tomorrow i'll test using only the previous xserver-xorg-video-ati, and current gutsy xorg-core and will keep you informed :)00:01
ubotuNew bug: #64811 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "PCI cannot allocate resource for region 7 8 and 9 on Acer Aspire 5601AWLMi Laptop (dup-of: 54294)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6481100:01
bryceye gods the influx of me-toos on 156325 ;-)00:03
ubotuNew bug: #156467 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "No direct rendering on 855GM chip in Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15646700:20
ubotuNew bug: #156470 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "Random desktop freeze with nvidia-glx-new 100.14.19" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15647000:30
tepsipakkifor the record, I can't change the keymap with 1.4 for some strange reason00:49
tepsipakkiso I'll continue tomorrow trying to figure out why00:49
* bryce nods00:53
bryceI'm working on fglrx.  It's strange, there's a link to the file, but it doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere on ati/amd's site that I can find00:53
bryceso no release notes00:53
arshamhi bryce01:48
arshamhi all01:48
bryceheya arsham01:49
arshamI am one of those who has problems with intel graphic card , in gutsy01:49
* bryce nods01:49
arshamI just red your article in lunch pad01:49
arshamI have something to say01:50
arshammost of time , exactly when a pm comes from pidgin , the lockup happens01:50
arshamfor me01:50
brycewhich bug id number?01:51
arshamI closed every application , that uses libnotify01:51
arshamnothing happened yet01:52
arshambut I have to read whole of the bug reports in that area01:52
bryceok well it's likely you're experiencing some new bug01:52
arshamhave you had any chance to fix that?01:53
bryceeven if it demonstrates symptoms that are just like in 127101, it's probably caused by something different01:53
brycein any case, 127101 is closed as fixed and verified by its reporters, so you'll want to post a new bug report01:53
arshamaw , I am not familiar with bug reporting01:53
arshamjust googling for my problem01:54
brycehere's some info on bug reporting:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging/01:54
arshamwhy the graphic card hangs with compiz in gutsy? 01:54
bryceyou probably only need to read section 201:54
arshamthank you01:54
arshamwhat was the difference between faisty and gutsy in these kind of case?01:55
brycefeisty used the -i810 driver, whereas gutsy used a newer -intel driver01:56
brycealso feisty did not have compiz enabled by default01:56
arshamis there any chance for me to use i810 driver?01:56
arshamI am confused 01:57
arshamanother thing , maybe helps :01:57
brycethere is a chance01:57
arshamwhile locking up , amarok plays the whole song till the end , and doesn't play the next one , maybe related to OSD or notify 01:58
arshamand I can ssh and remote control my computer 01:58
arshambut keyboard and screen is locked01:58
arshamand mouse is active , you know that already01:58
arshamhow can I use that driver?01:59
arshamis it stable?01:59
ubotuNew bug: #156456 in compiz (restricted) "mplayer can't display Videos " [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15645601:59
arshamanother thing that I saw was :02:02
arshamduring reboot : I got the splash screen of ubuntu's shutting down , seems that the control got back to the GC02:02
arshambryce, would you please guide me to fix my problem?02:09
brycesorry, I'm a bit busy, but here's some docs that should help for installing i810: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i915Driver02:11
arshamthank you02:11
arshamand good luck02:12
brycethere is also a place for asking for tech support on ubuntu here:  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+addquestion02:13
arshamthanks man02:13
arshamX crash02:18
arshamwhich graphic card do u advise me for my next laptop?02:31
bryceall graphics cards have some bugs, none is perfect02:32
brycei945 seems to be fairly well supported02:33
arshamand about performance?02:33
brycebest performance are with binary drivers, which are not well supported 02:34
arshamthank you , your gr802:34
arshambye all02:58
arshambye bryce  , thank you helping me02:58
bryceheh, some of the fglrx commentary at phoronix is humorous.  "AIGLX is a TOTAL DELUSION. The fps is less than XGL. Firefox scrolling seems like a 286 dir command (on dos).04:55
bryceRadeon open source driver is better!"04:55
tepsipakkibryce: made some small adjustments to the Projects-page06:37
tepsipakkithe x11proto's are good to go before the server, since it build-depends on them06:42
ubotuNew bug: #156550 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati (main) "[gutsy] ati open source driver issues with external monitor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15655006:50
bryceok cool07:14
brycebtw, I've also now started a page for patches:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Patches07:15
brycemostly focused on -intel07:15
bryceso far haven't run across anything too exciting07:16
tepsipakkibtw, dropping patch 120 means that users need to put XAANoOffscreenPixmaps in the config, or use EXA07:47
tepsipakkiotherwise the performance is horrible07:48
brycewhat about modifying dexconf to put one or the other of those in?08:37
tepsipakkiwell, perhaps we could evaluate EXA08:40
tepsipakkifor intel&ati at least08:40
tepsipakkihey seb128 08:51
seb128hi tepsipakki08:51
tepsipakkiseb128: do you remember why xvfb depends on xfonts-base & xauth? Debian has those in Recommends08:51
seb128xvfb doesn't work without xauth08:52
tepsipakkithe changelog of xorg-server mentions that fabbione pointed that out (haven't asked him yet)08:52
seb128if ! which xauth >/dev/null; then08:52
seb128    error "xauth command not found"08:52
tepsipakkihmm, maybe it should be a Depends on debian as well08:52
bryceheya seb12808:53
tepsipakkiactually, it's xbase-clients now, but could be changed since it's split now08:53
seb128or they don't consider xvfb-run as important enough to add a Depends08:53
seb128hello bryce08:53
seb128I think we dropped the xauth Depends by mistake during a merge and that was creating ftbfs08:54
seb128because packages using xvfb-run needs to Build-Depends on xauth also then08:54
seb128I think it makes sense to have the Depends08:54
tepsipakkijcristau: ^^08:54
tepsipakkiseems like it yes08:54
jcristauyou need xauth if you want to use xvfb-run, not necessarily for Xvfb08:56
jcristauso yeah, if you use xvfb-run at build time, then you need a build-dep on xauth and xfonts-base08:57
* _jz two hours with feisty's xorg-video-ati (and gutsy's core) and still no freeze using compiz !09:03
tepsipakkiduh, tried the debian version of hal and still can't change the kblayout09:07
tepsipakkieven if I remove the fdi it still uses hal-rules09:08
tepsipakkifinally got the local fdi file to work09:43
tepsipakkiyeah, I had a broken fdi file, it didn't have a "match" entry for input.keys :P09:45
tepsipakkibryce: so, what do we do with the server?-)09:46
brycehow do you mean?09:47
tepsipakkiupload now or keep it on hold09:48
tepsipakkibesides, until xorg is uploaded people shouldn't be able to upgrade to it without force09:48
brycewhat's the status with that hal bug you were worried about?09:49
tepsipakkiit is easily worked around09:49
tepsipakkibut has to be done by the user for now09:49
brycehow serious of an issue is it if not worked around?  does it only affect non-US kbds?09:49
tepsipakkionly !us yes09:50
brycewhat's the workaround?09:50
tepsipakkiand, if the DE forces pc105 layout09:50
tepsipakkiput a fdi-file in /etc/hal/fdi/policy that changes it09:50
brycewhere does the fdi-file come from?09:51
tepsipakkinowhere, needs to be made09:51
tepsipakkiit was discussed last night on #debian-x09:52
brycebut people won't be able to upload to xserver 1.4 until the new xorg is there?09:52
jcristauyou might want to wait until we agree on the transition plan09:53
jcristauor, just don't build-dep on libhal-dev09:53
jcristaufor now09:53
tepsipakkihmm, that would work too09:53
brycewell, I'd say as long as there's a way we can get xserver into the repo so we can start building against it, but without inflicting the kbd issue on people in general, I'd favor uploading it09:54
tepsipakkibryce: yes, as long as there are drivers that have an older ABIVER09:54
ubotuNew bug: #130837 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) ""Non-free Linux 2.6.22 modules on Realtime kernel" is missing components" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13083710:01
bryceahh, got lrm with latest fglrx built10:04
tepsipakkibryce: is it for gutsy or hardy?10:04
bryceI've not set up a Hardy environment for building yet10:04
tepsipakkiI did, and now some dialogs doesn't have any visible text anymore (in X, before upgrading to 1.4)10:05
bryceoh lovely10:06
bryceit's so good to know we'll have things to keep us busy for Hardy ;-)10:06
brycebtw, I've also dug through the -intel git log and identified changes that look interesting from a backporting standpoint:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Patches10:07
bryceI don't know if the quirks are worth backporting or not, but if so, there's a slew of them10:07
bryceI think tomorrow I'm going to make another pass through the intel bugs and see if any match up to these patches10:08
tepsipakkibryce: so, I'll upload xorg-server and post a notice on u-d about the issues it has?10:21
bryceyup, sounds good10:21
tepsipakkiright, I'll get on it10:22
tepsipakki4h of sleep does take its toll :P10:26
brycewow, the new xserver has a surprisingly short changelog10:30
tepsipakkicould be shorter :)10:30
bryceanyway, debdiff looks good10:33
tepsipakki107 is a controversial patch, apparently the toolkits should be fixed not to use background none windows, but..10:34
tepsipakkihmm, I was wrong about putting the drivers on hold, since they now depends on xserver >=1.4 so they won't get built before it is uploaded10:41
tepsipakkium, I _might_ want to change the release name from xorg-server10:42
bryceuh?  really?10:43
tepsipakkiit was gutsy10:43
tepsipakkiso dput would have uploaded it for gutsy :)10:45
bryceyeah I do that all the time :-)10:46
brycebut I have a plan for preventing it for hardy10:47
brycehowever right now I need to go to bed.  Meeting time in +5 hrs.10:47
brycebug 156325 is debbed.  'night.10:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 156325 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "New fglrx 8.42.3 to Gutsy" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15632510:47
tepsipakkigood night10:47
seb128bryce: +5h-49min?11:49
seb128doh, that was one hour ago ;-)11:50
seb128bryce: ignore my comment ;-)11:50
pcjc2I know this bug #93832 is closed, but should we add to the debug pages somewhere that this melting / fading symptom is a _VERY_ bad sign, and one which means you should power off the computer ASAP to avoid potential LCD damage?13:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 93832 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "screen "melts", no output displayed" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9383213:32
pcjc2Or do we want to avoid letting people think it might be Ubuntu's fault if their LCD breaks for any reason later in its life?13:32
ubotuNew bug: #156658 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "Console incorrectly programmed if leaving X with no outputs (945GM)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15665813:41
bagginsi've lost DRI on ubuntu 7.10 when i log in. it seems to spawn a new X server when i log in and can't get a lock on the hardware because the login screen still has it.14:05
bagginsi am logged in on the terminal with startx at the moment.14:05
tepsipakkibaggins: filed a bug yet?14:26
tepsipakkiplease do14:27
tepsipakkiattach xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:28
bagginsok, i'll do it when i have to reboot and i get annoyed about it again14:30
bagginsi guess i have the question of: is that normal? does GDM now spawn a new X server when a user logs in?14:30
tepsipakkiand no14:30
tepsipakkicreate another user and then login as that user14:31
ubotuNew bug: #155531 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "totem don't display video on Ubuntu 7.10" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15553114:33
_jzthat new  xserver-xorg-video-ati is pure crap !! i hope there will be a fix soon ! :/14:49
bagginsdo you have DRI?14:49
tepsipakkibryce: awake already? I thought about the colors in Projects15:34
tepsipakkibryce: could green be for done items, yellow pending, and red (?) for open15:34
ubotuNew bug: #156666 in xorg (main) "Xorg restarts randomly while typing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15666615:38
tepsipakkibbl ->15:57
ubotuNew bug: #46463 in language-support-th (main) "Western keyboard layouts don't work after thai language login" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4646319:06
ubotuNew bug: #156573 in xorg (main) "xserver bug needs resolved" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15657319:24
ubotuNew bug: #156341 in xorg (main) "ubuntu 7.10 and ATI = black screen?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15634119:25
ubotuNew bug: #154210 in compiz (main) "Massive memory leak in compiz (dup-of: 151168)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15421020:10
bagginslots of ATI issues, it seems with 7.1020:11
tepsipakkiblack screen issues are known20:16
ubotuNew bug: #156801 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "totem display`s vertical lines no movie Gutsy 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15680120:47
bagginswow you can just see the dups rolling in. :)20:58
ubotuNew bug: #156824 in xorg (main) "Xorg freaks out, hogs CPU, and possesses my laptop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15682421:20
bryceheya tepsipakki21:33
brycetepsipakki: I got a weird issue I'm trying to sort out with a user on i81021:33
brycethey've got a bunch of large LCD panels mounted that display info in kiosk mode, with Feisty installed21:34
brycesome of the LCD panels are mounted in landscape mode, others in portrait mode and rotated 90 deg with xrandr21:34
bryceoddly, a lot of the landscape (unrotated) displays are having failures where they lock up21:35
brycethe lock ups occur after several day's uptime (typically about 6 days, but as little as 40 min in some cases)21:35
bryceinitially we suspected memory leaks, and in fact there were some memory leaks21:36
brycebut in tracking memory usage, it seems that in many cases there is no memory growth prior to the failure21:37
brycedo you know of any issues with i810 that could result in a lockup after an arbitrary amount of time, or have any ideas on why a i810 system would fail *unless* it were rotated with xrandr?21:38
tepsipakkiso they are identical otherwise?21:42
tepsipakkiindeed sounds strange.. what bug is it?21:44
bryceexactly the same hardware and software.  They're mounted different, and one set is rotated21:44
brycemark tardiff reported it to me, but apparently he hasn't put in a bug report on it for some reason21:45
brycewe've not been able to find an error message or backtrace21:46
bryce(honestly I'm still not convinced that it's an Xorg issue)21:47
tepsipakkiI'm afraid I don't have any ideas either21:47
bryceok thanks21:47
ubotuNew bug: #156839 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "nvidia graphics cat not detected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15683922:05
ubotuNew bug: #154818 in xorg (main) "X broken by upgrade to Gutsy" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15481822:30
ubotuNew bug: #82577 in xfce4-terminal (main) "Terminal does not work on Xubuntu feisty (dup-of: 91849)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8257722:46
ubotuNew bug: #133088 in xfce4-terminal "xubuntu terminal (xfterm4) dies, kills X (dup-of: 91849)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13308822:46
ubotuNew bug: #149864 in xorg (main) "Problems with x.org after update." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14986423:38
pcjc2lots of flux on bugs today23:45
pcjc2bryce: (or anyone) is there any way we can get launchpad to fix the mime type of Xorg.0.log and Xorg.0.log.old etc..?23:46
bryceheya pcjc223:46
brycehmm, good thought23:46
bryceI'm not really sure, but maybe you could ask on #ubuntu-devel?23:47
pcjc2ok, I'm subscribed to the launchpad beta list, might be worth asking there23:47
pcjc2Xorg*log* -> text/plain23:47
pcjc2Not a lot of response from the Intel guys...23:48
brycenope :-(23:48
pcjc2what are they up to (coding driver support for their latest unreleased chipset in secret?)23:48
bryceI see they're listed as attending Barcamp, so if that's true, I'll be seeing them this weekend23:48
bryceno idea23:49
pcjc2aha, say hello for me!23:49
brycewill do; I also plan to query them about -intel bugs23:49
bryceoh hey btw, I was a busy bee last night...23:49
pcjc2We've done the hard parts... just need them to review the patches, or investigate the _why_ now we know the workarounds / fixes23:50
bryceI gathered a listing of -intel (and other) patches for reviewing23:50
brycemost of those are probably crap patches, or ones we already have, but probably worth a look23:50
pcjc2wow... thats a lot of patches23:50
bryceif you could review them, and mark ones that look irrelevant to help narrow the list, it'd be a big help23:51
bryceI'm looking from the direction of going through our bug reports and see if any match with these patches23:51
brycein which case I'll build one or two -intel rollups with some patches for folks to test with23:52
pcjc2some of those are backports from git23:52
pcjc2I was meaning to email you23:52
bryceright, all the ones marked origin 'xorg git'23:52
pcjc2(but haven't fixed my laptop install yet.. am on a different machine now023:52
pcjc2hah... didn't spot that!23:53
pcjc2no.. some of the Fedora ones I recognise form git too23:53
bryceyeah, so those will come automatically if/when we get a new -intel release23:53
pcjc2I think we need to put together a patch with the 855 fixes, and push into Hardy23:53
brycebut if we can key up some of these to high priority issues in the intel tracker, we could sru them into Gutsy23:53
* bryce nods23:54
pcjc2(We might consider my startup without blinking lots patch for a future push to Hardy)23:54
pcjc2Sounds like pushing those fixes closes a few bugs, and we can see what is left23:54
pcjc2I might not be able to look at these tonight (want to fix my laptop install, and its already 12PM)23:54
pcjc2will try to do so in a day or so..23:55
bryceno prob23:55
bryceyeah just wanted to mention it since I'm off tomorrow, traveling friday, and then in conference mode for the next 2 weeks 23:55
bryceI should still be around online but intermittently, and my productivity is probably not going to be as high; I figure I'll mostly focus on bug triaging and other random bits and pieces23:56
pcjc2The intel git tree has changed loads since 2.1.123:56
pcjc2Do you know if they planned to do a bugfix release in the 2.1 series, or just finish what they've got in HEAD now?23:57
bryceI went through the full changelog in git to identify this shortlist of "interesting" changes23:57
bryceI've no idea23:57
pcjc2(might be worth asking them that)23:57
bryceI've been speculating about a 2.1.2 but that's just me23:57
bryceyup definitely23:57
bryceoh also, if there are patches you have or know of, that we should definitely include either in Hardy or as a backport or update to Gutsy, can you add them to that X/Patches page?  I can then roll them up and take care of processing them through from there.23:58
jcristaukyle was supposed to do 2.1.2 a while ago, but...23:58
brycejcristau: do you know if anyone is planning on picking that up?23:59
jcristaui don't23:59

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