[00:00] and defined two logical disks (both raid 1) [00:00] smurfslayer, drop to a console and see if DMESG says anything about it. [00:00] eyeRmonkey: which alienware? [00:00] irc.accessirc.net [00:00] eyeRmonkey, what kernel on what hardware? [00:00] I was looking for the low-latency kernel in 7.10. Has this been removed? I remember it being an option in 7.04 [00:00] eyeRmonkey: aurora m9700 here === chimp_in_basemen is now known as basementChimp [00:00] shane634: errr.... Alienware m5750 Laptop [00:01] oops [00:01] haha [00:01] stefg: intel core duo 2. whatever kernel gutsy comes with [00:01] eyeRmonkey: it has hibernate and sleep issues as well? [00:01] eyeRmonkey, so try feity [00:01] Does anyone know the proper version of the following repository? [00:01] Jimdb -- well I just recently installed libdvdcss2, and I rebooted after that, but no good. One thing is that the docs so I should have libdvdplay0, but I can't find that package [00:01] http://www.linex.org/sources/linex/debian/dists/cl/juegalinex/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found [00:01] shane634: not sure. haven't tried either of those features [00:01] Where do i get the KERNEL-SOURCE for GUTSY GIBBON? [00:01] stefg. really? that's the only solution? [00:01] pradeep, the lowlatency package is now called linux-rt [00:01] ............ [00:01] myconid... will do - but have to jumper back to lsi first.. will take some minutes [00:02] stefg: i've been waiting for gutsy to make the switch from windows to ubuntu [00:02] How do you view webcam in Gaim? [00:02] hi guys, is there any programme that i can modified the fan speed on my laptop, because it is too noisy ? [00:02] smurfslayer, What? [00:02] Jimdb -- do you have libdvdplay0? [00:02] gluonman, you can't! [00:02] eyeRmonkey, the only solution taht doesn't involve serious hacking beyond your learning curve atm [00:02] Is there a way to do it in an alternative program? [00:02] no === SirStan|C64 is now known as myconid [00:02] Evanlec, ah ok .. thanks :) [00:02] Where do i get the KERNEL-SOURCE for GUTSY GIBBON? [00:02] CorpusCallosum: clean it [00:02] do i need to spam? [00:02] briantumor: its the standard kernel [00:02] What is the new Linux repository? [00:03] stefg. that makes me sad. :( ... but it seems necessary at this point. you're right. feisty never did this for me.... [00:03] update manager reports an error here. [00:03] Why cant i check off Cube desktop on Desktop Effects? [00:03] stefg: is there a way in the command line to check my processor temperature? [00:03] Has anyone noticed issues with Open office 2.3 after the update to 7.10? [00:03] how can i see package dependencies? [00:03] myconid, i know.. but where do i get it? [00:03] eyeRmonkey, acpi -V [00:03] Anyone want to help me with the font rending in java based apps --- aka open office [00:03] briantumor: kernel.org? [00:03] briantumor no,but if you spam, I guarantee that someone will kick you out of this channel. Just wait for someone who knows to answer [00:03] f** package dependencies get slackware [00:03] briantumor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile [00:03] eyeRmonkey: yeah acpi -t if it has thermal sensors [00:03] thank you [00:04] briantumor: google://ubuntu kernel [00:04] (fyi) [00:04] shane634: my processor fan is spining too fast, and noisy but it happens only linux distros, i need a programme to make it slow and silence [00:04] Can one view webcam using a chat program other than Gaim? [00:04] Shane, you slow down your fan you heat up your processor. [00:04] stegf, it's 65 degrees C [00:04] how does linux work games and stuff without directx?? [00:04] why is ubuntu so smart and upping wlan0 all the time? [00:04] does wine simulate dx ?? [00:04] CorpusCallosum: might be bios options to control heat. Or your using too heavy a distro perhaps try xubuntu [00:04] where can I decide what will allow me to drag windows (in that menu you can chose between shift, alt and ctrl) anyone know what I am talking about ? [00:04] Mine's 40 degrees C. [00:04] deaddreamer: to some extent.. it isnt perfect.. crossover office does a little better. [00:05] jodde: thanks my fans are nice [00:05] eyeRmonkey, that's not dangerous, but too high IMHO [00:05] hmm [00:05] because I changed something in Desktop Effects that doesnt allow me to drag arround windows anymore... any ideas? [00:05] CorpusCallosum: if its a laptop I suggest getting one of those cooling docks to put under it [00:05] What is the name of the program that is like ooo pro or something, still oss but built ontop of oo.o [00:05] MrPink: do you have the advanced configurator installed? [00:05] Does anyone know what the main software repository is? [00:05] hey all, having a bit of an issue with a radeon 9600xt card post-7.10 upgrade not seeming to work with wine (seems to have no direct rendering), have installed driver from restricted drivers - any suggestions? [00:05] http://www.linex.org/sources/linex/debian/dists/cl/juegalinex/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found doesn't work. [00:05] myconid - on that machine you can jumper which raid controller you want to use.. the lsi or an intel ich7... so i jumpered right now back to lsi logic [00:05] myconid I have the ccsm installed [00:05] Sorry, less the 404 error. [00:05] What has it changed to? [00:05] stefg, yeah. it feels hot to the touch compared to windows. sigh. i really don't want to switch to feisty. would a kernel recompile in gutsy be any help? [00:05] myconid: if that is what you mean [00:06] hi guys, im about to *attempt* an upgrade to gutsy, i mae a tgz of my /home but at the end of the output it said "tar:file changed as we read it". Is the file still good or do i need to start over? [00:06] it literally happened at the very last alphabetical item in the dir [00:06] Where is the sources.list file? [00:06] MrPink: Go into ccsm and goto preferences, add a new profile, and reset it to defaults. [00:07] How do I make a wi-fi card I have act as an access point? [00:07] Bam1, /etc/apt [00:07] hi guys - how i can install Automatix2 on ubuntu dapper 6.06 [00:07] !wifi | Meroigo__ [00:07] Meroigo__: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [00:07] eyeRmonkey, yes, i run a vanilla and it's much better. But given the relatively low number of killer features in gutsy (zero?) running feisty with a well tested gnome might just be less work and more fun [00:07] thanks Pelo! [00:07] MrPink: but make sure move window (under window management) is checked off. [00:07] stefg: also, would using the 64 bit version possibly solve my problem? or no? [00:07] neztit1, don'T , just use the repos [00:07] ok, this really sucks... I am trying to use dpkg reconfig to generate an xorg.conf file, but it doesn't write *any* modelines in the file it generates [00:08] what am I doing wrong??? [00:08] gennui: do you have perms? [00:08] sim [00:08] Oi [00:08] pelo: what u mean man?? [00:08] perms? [00:08] Ola [00:08] NemesisD, why don't you just move your /home folder to a seperate partition, should be safe enough there [00:08] permissions..access to the file.. are you root (or su'd) [00:08] stefg: by vanilla, you mean generic? would i have to do a manual recompile to get a generic kernel? ... not sure what you mean by "well tested gnome". isn't there only one? [00:08] gennui: permission [00:08] eyeRmonkey, no,i don't think that 64bit would make it better... it's a kernel-source/configuration probelm afaicsproble [00:08] ubuntu why do you automagically up my wireless nic? [00:08] Font rendering in openoffice anyone? [00:08] Eu nao falo ingles [00:08] I'm trying to figure out what chat application will allow me to view webcam. Can anyone help me? [00:08] urgh [00:08] sudo dpkg reconfig.... [00:08] Pelo, i'm going to do that when the upgrade fails [00:08] !automatix > neztit1 check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu [00:08] myconid: I dont see where the move window is... but it seems to be working again.. that was a good idea... what did you mean with "move window" ? [00:08] Pelo, hence why i'm backing up my data [00:08] myconid: or where exactly ? [00:09] Pelo > cannot find anything there I want [00:09] eyeRmonkey, by vanilla i mean taking the source from kernel.org, not from ubuntu [00:09] it writes an xorg.conf, it's just that file is useless because it has no modelines so it goes to failsafe [00:09] hey all, having a bit of an issue with a radeon 9600xt card post-7.10 upgrade not seeming to work with wine (seems to have no direct rendering), have installed driver from restricted drivers - any suggestions? [00:09] NemesisD, if it puts you at ease, feisty to gutsy is the first upgrade that was successfull for me [00:09] HOLY CRAP!!! http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/173978111/article.pl [00:09] my notebook gets incredibly hot. the guys at the office running windows don't have this problem. The fan never comes on. Any way in ubuntu to turn on the fan? (Dell Inspiron 9400) [00:09] Meroigo__, maybe try searching in the forum www.ubuntyuforum.org [00:10] stefg: ah. okay. well. i guess i'll go install fiesty now. i loved how seemless things become. i need to shut down my computer. my fans been running overtime for too long [00:10] JebJoya: put wine to emulate direct instead of hardware [00:10] I want to create a guest account for ssh that has no password, and has access only to /home/guest/* - how do I do this? Firstly it won't let me miss out a password, and secondly I'm not sure how to restrict access [00:10] Pelo, it doesn't, the upgrade borked my laptop, so i just want to make sure i'm being safe here on my (more important) desktop [00:10] Meroigo__, sorry www.ubuntuforums.org [00:10] pelo: thank u m8 [00:10] MrPink: one sec [00:10] NemesisD: Where do i know you from?.... [00:10] does anyone know how to recover the install xorg.conf? [00:10] Gluonman: Try aMSN. [00:10] anyone having problems with ubuntu dimming their screen randomly? [00:10] SuicideSalmon: edit your password section remove it [00:10] hey, I just got compiz working on my ubuntu, with ati and aiglx on my 2.6.23 kernel on my 64bit ubuntu!! <-- the man [00:10] gerro: would that have changed in the ubuntu upgrade? [00:10] Can I get that with Synaptic? [00:10] eyeRmonkey, buhh I dunno? i come in here pestering people for help every once in a while [00:10] now, how do I get fusion-icon and compiz-settings-manager? [00:10] Pelo: What ATI Cards are those drivers for, do you know ? [00:10] Use add/remove programs. [00:10] gerro: and how would i do that? [00:10] Select all open source. [00:10] JebJoya: wine is not handled by ubuntu, check #winehq [00:11] NemesisD: maybe. i'm hardly ever here. you in #php ever? or on efnet IRC? [00:11] im doing this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=325899 and at the bottom it says I have to run the command echo "enabled: 1" > /proc/acpi/acer/wireless but I get permission denied, also with sudo. any ideas why? [00:11] JebJoya: type winecfg [00:11] MrPink, what ? I don'T think you are talking to the right person [00:11] gerro: they claim it's a driver issue [00:11] gerro: and sent me here :) [00:11] gerro: i did warn them :) [00:11] Pelo: I think you are right ;) [00:11] eyeRmonkey, i have been in #php but not too recently, also sometimes i'm in #math or #physics, the same reason why i'm in here :P [00:11] myconid - dmesg doesn't show anything about lsi logic or raid... but what is really strange: lspci shows the Intel ICH7 raid controller instead of the lsi logic... but on the POST Screen of the server, i could enter the lsi logic raid tool and configure the raid. [00:11] * Pelo is almost always right [00:11] bushwakko: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [00:11] Mrpink: i have a 'move window' optin under window manager. === D[a]rkH[a]ck is now known as DarkHack [00:12] JebJoya: really you should use the appdb on winehq site [00:12] gerro, so in /etc/passwd I change it from guest:x:1001etc to guest::1001etc? [00:12] MrPink: trying to post a screenshot, but my ubuntu wifi isnt cooperating [00:12] SuicideSalmon: yep [00:12] Where is KDE themes located? [00:12] stefg, wouuld it be more work than it's worth to try to compile something from kernel.org to work with gutsy? [00:12] Thanks. I found it. [00:12] !theme | Lunks [00:12] Lunks: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [00:12] Salah: '>' makes your privs drop. Run the command after running 'sudo -s' by itself first. [00:12] on temps what will show like video card temps? [00:12] thanks. How do I restrict access to /home/guest only? [00:12] myconid: well it doesnt really matter because I am able to drag arround windows again under my new profile... now I just have to reactivate the effects I want [00:13] gerro: I did, nothing, then went to #winehq, and suggested my video drivers aren't configured so needed to come here [00:13] MrPink, that is for gutsy right [00:13] I'm not looking for one, rather I'd like to know where on my home folder they're stored. :) [00:13] repeat: the Scream and Graphics wizard totally borked my xorg.conf file (and all the backups) anyone know how to regenerate it? [00:13] gerro: (i'm in both btw) [00:13] SuicideSalmon, don'T give the guest user any other permissions [00:13] cafuego, thanks, got it working there. now any idea how to get this working each time the computer boots up? [00:13] MrPink, because that version seems to be 0.5.2 [00:13] Pelo, does this look about right: guest::1001:109:Guest Access,,,,:/home/guest:/bin/bash ? [00:13] bushwakko: yes that is for gutsy [00:14] guys whats the diffirant between dapper 6.06 and ubuntu feisy for example [00:14] Salah: Add echo "enabled: 1" > /proc/acpi/acer/wireless to /etc/rc.local [00:14] SuicideSalmon, I wouldn'T know , sorry [00:14] neztit1: 0.4 [00:14] MrPink, why is it 0.5.2 while the rest of compiz is 0.6.0? [00:14] mrpink: does work? [00:14] eyeRmonkey, configuring a working kernel for your hardware takes some knowledge and experience. The easy way is installing feisty. the dirty, but rewarding way is to learn hoe to build a kernel. Don't expect success at first try [00:14] No, lies. 0.04 even! [00:14] Can somebody please tell me where to find repositories? [00:14] jebjoya: brb [00:14] ok thanks anyway mate [00:14] cafuego: what u mean? [00:14] cafuego, I only have rc0.d rc1.d rc2.d etc, which one of them? [00:14] is there a generally accepted guide to safely (as possible) upgrade to gutsy? [00:15] Any help on registering a nick on irc? [00:15] Salah: it should be a file in /etc/init.d [00:15] Black-Hand: msg nickserv [00:15] neztit1, dapper is the LTS ( long term support) , mostly for businesses that don'T want to upgrade every 6 months, it will get security updates and fixes for about 4-5 years, feisty and the others only get updaters for 18 months or so [00:15] ay all having a bit of an issue with my printer, when i try to print it will either print in all color or all in black. In the printing settings under driver settings -> Printout mode, I can control it., I am wondering how can i set it to normal - autoselect [00:15] Salah: Sorry, not nough coffee here [00:15] !kernel | eyeRmonkey [00:15] NemesisD: just do it [00:15] eyeRmonkey: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild. Also, see !stages [00:15] ugh, fresh installing gutsy gibbon on laptop and it hangs at installing system, detecting file systems... 15% [00:15] ty..... [00:15] neztit1: 6.10 - 6.06 = 0.04 [00:15] lm_t7: does a window popup? [00:15] msg nickserv [00:15] no [00:15] i was just attempting to search for a file in gutsy when the following message was presented. any hints? The name org.freedesktop.Tracker was not provided by any .service files [00:15] eyeRmonkey, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158&highlight=master+kernel [00:15] Black-Hand: prepend it with a / [00:15] it just sits here with the installing system window [00:15] shadowhywind, lookup your printer model in the forum see if there is anything a out it www.ubuntuforums.org [00:15] ty... Again. [00:15] Black-Hand: /msg nickserv hello! [00:15] maybe this laptop is REDICULOUSLY slow [00:16] lm_t7: does dmesg say anything fun? [00:16] because if i move the mouse it moves like 8 minutes later [00:16] Pelo well the odd thing, was it was working fine till a couple of weeks ago when it started printing in all green [00:16] dmesg? [00:16] lm_t7: my compaq presario 2500 did that. [00:16] Jimdb, new feater that indexes files for searches, you need to tell it what/where to index I beleive [00:16] lm_t7: alt+f2, xterm, dmesg [00:16] this is sony vaio from like yr2000 [00:16] myconid: no it doesnt [00:16] shadowhywind, are yo sure you are not out of ink ? [00:16] hi everybody [00:16] hi [00:16] i press alt+f2 and nothin so far [00:16] mrpink: sorry i sux at the routering [00:16] ok I'm having trouble with this guest... if I ssh root@ or james@ it works, but guest@ with no password doesn't work, I'm guessing it's not got the right access but I'm not sure how to enable this access [00:17] bushwakko: I am not sure... that is just what I did and I have the desktop effects running on gutsy on my Desktop as well as on my new laptop ;) [00:17] Can somebody tell me where to get the basic repository for Ubuntu? [00:17] pelo: and where would the program be located so I can launch it to configure it? [00:17] SuicideSalmon: SSH disables accounts w/ no password. [00:17] i've seen the new ati driver is out. I use now the old one+xgl in gutsy. If i uninstall xgl, ubuntu will use aiglx again? [00:17] SuicideSalmon: erm, ssh doesnt allow accounts with no passwd to login via ssh. [00:17] cafuego: u mean its only vers. ??? [00:17] myconid: But it really doesnt matter I have everything back the way I wanted it ;) [00:17] Pelo I found the setting to change from color to Black and it works. But I would like to be able to use color and black at the same time for ovbious reasons [00:17] ok now i just need to get nvidia graphics enabled... [00:17] jodde, they are listed in /etc/app/sources.list [00:17] MrPink: yay! i love the reset button. [00:17] myconid: So Thanks a bunch for the help ;) [00:17] neztit1: pretty much, yes. Newer software versions. [00:17] if there any way around this myconid, short of adding a password? [00:17] MrPink: my pleasure. [00:17] Hey guys, I am setting up dual monitors and I have had some progress. I need the HorzSync for a 1280x1024 monitor, any ideas? [00:17] i keep getting opgl errors in chess 3d mode... [00:17] GRR! [00:17] jodde: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu [00:18] Woot! hello ubuntu faithful. [00:18] Update manager hung again! [00:18] Jimdb, I trhink there is a gui for it in menu> system > admin> tracker [00:18] SuicideSalmon: Why on earth would you not want a password? [00:18] another questions, i run windows vista on my desktop and i use virtual box to run a vm of gutsy gibbon and it works fine except for the sound, which doesnt work at all... [00:18] ok Im off thanks to you all for this nice community! Keep on truckin' ;) [00:18] Jimdb, don't hold me to it [00:18] lm_t7: your prob missing sound drivers (in the vm os) [00:18] how do I turn the dang wireless manager stuff OFF [00:18] hmm [00:18] myconid, I only want to have access to /home/guest and no extra priveleges [00:18] jodde, get the alternate install cd and upgrade from that [00:18] pelo, it's not there [00:18] SuicideSalmon: for what purpose? [00:18] missing sound drivers in the gibbon on the vm? [00:18] lm_t7, this seems mor of a virtualbox issue [00:18] lm_t7: vmware? [00:18] i thought it installed them [00:18] Anyone know what the process name is? [00:19] no vb, dont have vmware [00:19] heheheehh aqui então dá pra chamr qualquer um de filho da puta que ninguém entende? [00:19] Does anyone know how to get Gutsy/Compiz to maximize to one screen only, rather than across both of my monitors? [00:19] lm_t7: whats 'vb' ? [00:19] virtual box [00:19] if this is installed by gutsy and everyone that installs gutsy needs to configure it, how come more ppl aren't asking that question? [00:19] i need to enable nivida card i have d/led updates for it.. how do i get it working so i can play 3d chess and stuff [00:19] lm_t7: dunno what that is :/. [00:19] anyone know a gui driven ICS? [00:19] beleza, vai lá: "filhhos da putaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" kkkkkkkkkkk [00:19] Could someone help me fix my update manager? [00:19] It shouldn't hang all the time like this. [00:19] !br | Prayano_RS [00:19] Prayano_RS: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [00:19] !spam | Prayano_RS [00:19] is vmware free? i know that vmplayer is, but that is a useless device [00:19] Prayano_RS: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-) [00:19] whiteguysamurai: internet connection sharing? [00:19] yes [00:20] Hey guys, I am setting up dual monitors and I have had some progress. I need the HorzSync for a 1280x1024 monitor, any ideas? [00:20] whiteguysamurai: there must be one.. google for iptables gui forwarding ? [00:20] Jimdb, in prefs, indexation preferences or something like that, or type tracker-preferences in the terminal [00:20] Hi, any idea where I can get some advice about an LTSP problem? [00:20] osxdude: there are modeline calculators out there... google for one. [00:20] later folks [00:20] i_, #edubuntu ? [00:20] when I try to do sudo apt-get install blahblah it gives me a Segmentation fault (core dumped) error...help? [00:20] i tried looking for ics for ubuntu amd it's mostly cli driven. [00:20] myconid, I'm just trying to get my head around leaving the computer on all day and connecting from campus, but I want other people to be able to leave things there without having to upload it to email (same network so it would be quick), but I don't want the hassle of setting up arbitrary passwords (bad enough having to remember an IP) for something that shouldn't affect the security [00:20] stefg: tried that, no-one home [00:20] i need to enable nivida card i have d/led updates for it.. how do i get it working so i can play 3d games/ cad etc [00:20] i'm an old windows guy and not yet comfortable with cli. [00:20] whiteguysamurai: 'ics' is done via iptables.. you need a gui for iptables. [00:20] i will be though. [00:21] #ubuntu-br olá olá [00:21] !AIGLX [00:21] AIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. Supported cards: Nvidia: GeForce3 or newer; ATI: Radeon 7000 through X800; Intel: i810 or newer. Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX. For older Nvidia or newer ATI cards see !xgl [00:21] whiteguysamurai: iptables is the linux firewall.. [00:21] !nvidia | pazsion [00:21] pazsion: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [00:21] #ubuntu-br [00:21] but i'll go look, thanks [00:21] SuicideSalmon: so setup a ftp? [00:21] faqs no help i need to enable nivida card i have d/led updates for it.. how do i get it working so i can play 3d games/ cad etc faqs no help [00:21] SuicideSalmon; or use samba. [00:21] samba? [00:21] is AIGLX preinstalled in gutsy, is that what compiz is running with [00:21] #ubuntu-br samba? [00:21] pazsion, reading faq's helps [00:21] !samba [00:21] samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT [00:21] chkin link [00:21] anyone know how to reset the desktop to default? all of my fonts and evertything is huge now [00:22] Is there a better channel for asking about graphics issues? [00:22] SuicideSalmon: btw.. giving someone ssh access to your machine is a huge security risk. [00:22] hey guys, i've just installed mplayer and video seems only to be a fraction of the screen. how can i make it bigger and full screen. Even when I choose full screen, it stays the same size! [00:22] fructose: google for em? check the forums? [00:22] myconid: Channel, I said. I've already tried searching. [00:23] pelo: found that...i can see that one might have to do that for say a removable drive but why would someone have to also do it for locating a file found in the ~ folder? [00:23] myconid, sorry - I'm new to this stuff, but what's the difference between setting up an ftp server, or using filezilla to ssh in? And as for the security, is it not possible to give normal access to /home/guest only, and won't sudo take care of the rest of the commands? [00:23] hey-o [00:23] Nevermind, i've worked it out. Its when I choose X11 (XImage/Shm). So using X11/Xv works, but I get a green screen. Any advice? [00:23] Hello. Could someone tell me how i can disable my onboard video card so that its stop conflivting with my nvidia card which freezes pc every 30 mins or so? [00:24] I am having an issue with my sons Ubuntu Feisty machine. [00:24] Well, I'm back with the same old problems. Still random freezes, sometimes just X, sometimes the Kernel, and I have to use PrntScrn+LeftAlt+RSEIUB to reboot. I've tried disabling CPU Scaling and Dual-core, upgraded then disabled Compiz, and searched and researched the hell out of Google, all to no avail. Anyone have the slightest idea how to diagnose? [00:24] I put in a new video card, now no X [00:24] us AIGLX preinstalled on gutsy [00:24] so myconid, if this thing actually isntalls which if it does im assuming hours later, will it be worth running? [00:24] downix [00:24] if it honestly takes that long to install [00:24] this is fun [00:25] pelo: i had to install the tracker program using synaptic. apparently during my upgrade it didn't install it by default. [00:25] downix: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [00:25] hi when you change from normal to a large print theme why doesnt it change the fonts/etc back when you change back? thats super annoying [00:25] LTSP problems - can anyone help? [00:26] Is there anything I can do to catch errors as the system freezes? I went through everything in /var/logs, and only saw something related to CPU scaling. [00:26] Shpoo1, gutsy kernel? [00:26] usually if you see an error related to cpu scaling right before your system crashes it means your mb and cpu are incompatble [00:26] can someone tell me how to find a program that I installed from a deb package? its not showing up in the menus. [00:26] is vmware the best recommended vm? over vb and vpc? [00:26] stefg: Yeah, fresh install, not upgrade. [00:27] shpoo is this a self built machine? [00:27] DogWater: yup. :-) [00:27] Shpoo1, the gutsy kernel has issues. you might want to try to build your own or use feisty (-kernel) [00:28] quiestion: Im running ubuntu 7.10, and i got a intel 915gm display card. Im running video test in Cedega and i successful test openGl. but i fail 3d acceleration. Anyone able to help please? [00:28] shpoo1 ensure that the specific stepping of your CPU is supported by your motherboard especially if you're using intel motherboard [00:28] can someone tell me how to find a program that I installed from a deb package? its not showing up in the menus. [00:28] stefg: I was considering reverting to Feisy until a fix was released. [00:28] Hi === Nathaniel is now known as Downix [00:28] Hi everyone - just installed and I'm getting X restarting on me randomly (but only whenever I'm typing, but oddly, not if I'm typing in the terminal) - no seemingly helpful error messages that I can find [00:28] Shpoo1, sounds reasonable [00:28] i'm trying to build an app, but it requires linux-src directory? [00:28] DogWater: Any clue how I could check that? [00:28] what packages do i need? [00:28] Just installed ubuntu on my sister's laptop, I need help with 2 things. [00:29] need to figure out how to get the right driver onto the system now [00:29] briantumor: the kernel source. [00:29] hey, when i install flash plugin for firefox on my x86_64 platform, it only works for the first time i open it; afterwards, it doesn't load flash, and i have to reinstall the plugin; any ideas? [00:29] cassandra: just ask [00:29] !flash [00:29] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [00:29] Alright. :) [00:29] Shpool: easily get the model of the motherboard and the model of the cpu and see if they're compat, most likely the newer os is pushing the system harder which means its trying to address something it shouldnt be on the incompatable cpu [00:29] briantumor: apt-cache search kernel [00:29] hi. i am trying out kde and when i switch desktops, windows from other desktops display on the taskbar, this never happened on gnome. i tried taskbar and compiz settings but could not find anything. anybody know how to fix this? [00:29] !flash64 | HorizonXP [00:29] HorizonXP: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [00:29] briantumor: match it to whatever you get with uname -a [00:30] DogWater: Duh, I guess if I would of actually thought about that I would of figured it out. But thanks, that's something I haven't checked yet. [00:30] emmajane, i have 2.6.22-14-generic [00:30] Ok, so, no minimize, close, maximize + borders on the windows. When I go to window under system -> window then it pops up a box that it can't configure unknown. [00:30] iobelix, #kubuntu [00:30] I don't know how to fix it. [00:30] there are 5 different Intel Pentium 4 3.2GHZ cpus, 3 versions of it were compatible with these machines we were building them with and 2 werent, it was a nightmare to figure it out [00:30] yeesh.. running 64bit seems like an overall PITA [00:30] does anyone know a command line package to check temps, etc? [00:30] myconid: It's really not. [00:30] Shpoo: are you using an intel motherboard? that makes it even more likely [00:30] !info lm-sensors | atouk_zug [00:30] atouk_zug: lm-sensors: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.10.4-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 496 kB, installed size 1520 kB [00:31] ty [00:31] nspluginwrapper does flash, icedtea does java, mplayer does video and who the %^@!$@&^ needs real? [00:31] The worst part is, when the system is up, it flies. It seems to run much smoother than Feisty, especially when running full Compiz effects and AWN. Then it freezes. :-( [00:31] cafuego: most porn? [00:31] lol cafuego [00:31] Shpoo1: overheating cpu? [00:31] hey guys ... my computer keeps trying to screw around with my cdrom drive [00:31] Shpoo1: overheating gpu? [00:31] briantumor: I'm pretty sure it would be: linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic [00:31] Ok, so, no minimize, close, maximize + borders on the windows. When I go to window under system -> window then it pops up a box that it can't configure unknown. and I can't fix it, please help :( [00:31] someone please help me. I dont know how to launch a game [00:31] since i upgraded to 7.10 [00:31] Shpoo1: is this an Intel motherboard? [00:31] myconid: Yeah, I stand by my statement ;-) [00:31] CokeNCode: damn cheating cdrom. [00:32] can i disable this or what ? [00:32] emmajane, but those are just the headers [00:32] lol [00:32] the lights flashing all the time [00:32] CokeNCode: what does 'screw around' mean, in technical terms. [00:32] how do i know if my wireless card is supported ? I have a Broadcome BCM4306 rev03 and im on ubuntu 7.04 [00:32] and my console is full of error messages [00:32] CokeNCode: sounds like a drive issue. [00:32] omg, wow! ive been having problems for days with my installation cd not working, although i know it was fine, i didnt want to download another 600mb iso, so i got the minimalcd, it worked so easily, and being on a fast internet connection, very fast! why dont people recommend it more???? [00:32] briantumor: image is the full thing. [00:32] why does Nautilus take up so much memory in Ubuntu? [00:32] oh [00:32] myconid, so, how do i disable the drive [00:32] !wifi > rat32 (rat32, see the private message from Ubotu) [00:32] i've got a dvd drive under it that works fine [00:32] rat32: That will work fine, provided you have the bcm43xx firmware. [00:32] !wifi | rat32 [00:32] so i never use it [00:32] rat32: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [00:32] im currently on a wired connection [00:32] it's just taking up space [00:32] someone please help me. I dont know how to launch a game [00:32] briantumor: linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic [00:32] foug: The memory companies! conspiracy. [00:32] i expected to see somewhere to disable hardware [00:32] nikolai: what game? [00:32] !elaborate | nikolai [00:32] nikolai: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) [00:33] assualtcube [00:33] the real conspiracy from memory companies is DDR3 pricing [00:33] in System -> Administration [00:33] but ... no such luck [00:33] yes i did see the documentation, it told me to go to system administration and network...and if my card was listed it works [00:33] DogWater: re: rdram. [00:33] myconid: i just switched from Debian had never had such problems with my memory being taken up by a bunch of crap [00:33] rat32: Mind, that will work fine under 7.04 too, with the firmware. [00:33] that's really an oversight on the part of the ubuntu team [00:33] i have the assualtcube folder in usr/share/games [00:33] !compiz [00:33] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [00:33] but there are no lists [00:33] Ok, so, no minimize, close, maximize + borders on the windows. When I go to window under system -> window then it pops up a box that it can't configure unknown. and I can't fix it, please help :( [00:33] :((( [00:33] :'( [00:33] hey, can someone give me the ip address for google.com ? [00:33] how to connect internet with cellphone N93 ..? i am using ubuntu drapper..can anybody help me pls.....? [00:33] guys im sure this has been asked till death but all the answers i find either dont work or are like patchwork anyone know the right way to make Vmware WS6 to use /dev/dsp under Ubuntu Gutsy? cos i get the dreaded resource busy, and the 1.4 patch for sound thats on the net doesnt work well with alsa so please help [00:33] I suspect that my fusion-icon is overriding emerald. it gives me the default human theme when i start up and I have to run emerald --replace to fix it, anyone know whats up with that? [00:33] i did hear about bcm43XX [00:33] hey, i seem to have a problem configuring my ATi driver post-7.10 upgrade [00:33] myconid: That's one of the first things I check, but I run a large Thermalright heatsink with a 120mm fan and Arctic Silver, and my Core temp is a steady 48C [00:33] but i dont know what bcm43xx is [00:33] i have a feeling my dns server for my hosting company isn't working [00:33] that firmware you talk about [00:33] Shpoo1: gpu? [00:33] Dogwater, no it's not an Intel. [00:34] is it a package ? [00:34] cassandra: do you have compiz config manager installed [00:34] stefg: that yellow bar doesn't pop up. just a white space where the flash animation should be [00:34] i can install from synaptic ? [00:34] CokeNCode: use the "dig" command [00:34] can you help? [00:34] i'm having a problem with my sound-- it says "no volume control GStreamer plugins and or devices found" but it used to work. can anyon help? [00:34] rat32: it also has a list of cards. yours links to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4306?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%29 [00:34] Shpoo1: i mean really it could be anything.. bad ram.. etc.. start running various break in tests. [00:34] cokencode: PING google.com ( [00:34] I don't think so, but I'll check synaptic. [00:34] cassandra: load emerald and it's supporting files using synaptic package manager. [00:34] !compizconfig [00:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about compizconfig - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:34] thanks emmajane [00:34] guys im sure this has been asked till death but all the answers i find either dont work or are like patchwork anyone know the right way to make Vmware WS6 to use /dev/dsp under Ubuntu Gutsy? cos i get the dreaded resource busy, and the 1.4 patch for sound thats on the net doesnt work well with alsa so please help [00:34] alright. [00:34] that worked [00:34] arang2: i would be happy if vmware esx just loaded under 7.10 :( [00:34] myconid: Low end BFG nvidia card, passive cooling, stays at about 60C [00:35] shpoo: disable compiz and see if it goes away? [00:35] someone know a graphical module manager here? [00:35] Hi everyone - just installed and I'm getting X restarting on me randomly (but only whenever I'm typing, but oddly, not if I'm typing in the terminal) - no seemingly helpful error messages that I can find [00:35] cassandra: find and install fusion-icon [00:35] hello. is duplex printing available on ubuntu? [00:35] myconid: i feel ya [00:35] cokencode: excellent [00:35] LjL: thanks for that link i have it open, do you know where i can find the aforementioned bcm43xx driver or firmware thing ? or what it is ? [00:35] hey, i seem to have a problem configuring my ATi driver post-7.10 upgrade - anyone able to help with that area? (more: glxinfo|grep direct gives direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)) [00:35] alright. [00:35] i'm having a problem with my sound-- it says "no volume control GStreamer plugins and or devices found" but it used to work. can anyon help? [00:35] Nevermind about my issues, the guys at #mplayer sorted them out. Ubuntu rocks :P [00:35] !intelhda | arang2, although meant for another prblem this might help: [00:35] arang2, although meant for another prblem this might help:: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [00:35] rat32: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter [00:35] myconid, yeah, I decided to run memtest for 48 hours, it came out clean also. Compiz is fully uninstalled right now. [00:35] is AIGLX the default in X now [00:35] cassandra: and tell us if that all works [00:35] the game is called assualtcube i installed a deb file and it made a folder of the game in /usr/share/games....but I dont know hot to launch it [00:35] anyone know if soundblaster x-fi has driver support yet [00:35] if in gutsy? [00:35] i attempted to install FGLRX 8.42 using the instructions on the ubuntu wiki, but it didn't work correctly. anyone able to help me install it correctly? [00:35] !xorg [00:35] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [00:35] It does seem to last longer between freezes with CPU scaling disabled though. [00:35] stefg: i dont see the relation but thanks [00:35] Note, the intel hda page suggests you break your system, so read the caveat. [00:35] Ok, no luck in getting this to start any gfx with the new vid card [00:36] nikolai: no idea.. did you check the docs? [00:36] I think it's an intel card though, I don't know if compiz will work but i will Jimdb, thedefender :) === DtG is now known as SmoothOp [00:36] can someone help me i am running ubuntu trying to connect to the internet threw a pc with xubuntu is there a program i can use to help [00:36] HELP! the screen and graphics wizard totally destroyed xorg.conf and *all*of the backup copies [00:36] hello [00:36] what docs? [00:36] cafuego: its that automatic ? [00:36] arang2, bottom line: fix your alsa by compiling a newer one [00:36] rat32: aye [00:36] Shpoo1: usually lockups are hardware .. or bad drivers (and therefor kinda hardware still). [00:36] I should've filed a bug report from the beginning, but at least now I have a list of thing's I've tried, so I'm going to file a report tonight [00:36] !info bcm43xx-fwcutter | rat32, read the link, it's explained [00:36] rat32, read the link, it's explained: bcm43xx-fwcutter: Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:006-3 (gutsy), package size 25 kB, installed size 116 kB [00:36] yes screen and graphics wizard won't be fully operational til gutsy+1 [00:36] cafuego: gee thanks, i will check it out [00:36] Shpoo1: What platform? (mobo+cpu) [00:36] stefg: the problem isnt alsa the problem lays in vmware , cos peopel in different OS's report the same problem [00:36] rat32: That should download a file, chop it up and dump the result in /lib/firmware [00:36] rat32: you obtain it from the repositories - like all other software [00:36] cassandra: if you install fusion-icon you can tell the system what window decorator to use. so you can tell it to use metacity [00:36] thanks you guys [00:37] arang2, #vmware ! [00:37] thanks emmajane :) [00:37] rat32: if it doesn't work, I have a package on http://ubuntu.cafuego.net [00:37] cassandra: are you using gutsy [00:37] Shpoo1: its not the kernel [00:37] Is anyone not impressed with 7.10? [00:37] stefg: im there they are as silent as a church in monday [00:37] cafuego: if it doesnt work, should i just apt-get remove it ? [00:37] cassandra: tell it to use metacity as your window manager. and it will shift back to metacity's window decorator. [00:37] i was just gonna ask that [00:37] dpkg reconfigure xserver-org doesn't generate a working xorg.conf [00:37] hey, i seem to have a problem configuring my ATi driver post-7.10 upgrade - anyone able to help with that area? (more: "glxinfo|grep direct" gives: "direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)") [00:37] i think its far more responsive [00:37] myconid - dmesg says "attached scsi generic" [00:37] rat32: Yeh [00:37] myconid: ECS GEForce mobo + AMD AthlonXP X2 2600+ [00:37] smurfslayer: I had a lsi card once.. but it was distros ago.. [00:38] arang2, but still not quite supportable in #ubuntu. vmware is commercial .... [00:38] I am trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 but there is no upgrade option in the update manager for 7.10 [00:38] Low end build [00:38] any ideas? [00:38] briantumor: did you get the right directory? [00:38] i am using drapper...how to connect internet with my cellphone N93..?? iam using vodafone and in NZ country!! [00:38] yeah, thanks a lot :) [00:38] Shpoo1: run memtest86+ for 4 hours [00:38] Shpoo1: thats old enough it shouldnt have any issues. [00:38] bahadunn: did you try pressing check? [00:38] stefg: vmware server is part of the official repositories [00:38] DogWater he did. [00:38] virtualbox > vmware and vbox is free! [00:38] stefg: vmware player is free too [00:38] DogWater: I ran memtest for 48 hours. [00:38] im running ubuntu 7.10, and i had my sound working fine, yesterday i was listening to music. turned the computer off, unplugged the keyboard and monitor and plugged them into another computer to test something, and then i plugged everything back in and i cant get the sound to work. i can do a test beep and it comes out the speakers, but when using xxms or vlc the sound doesnt play [00:38] any ideas? [00:38] Paul_UK: not always :P [00:38] thedefender: yesok ty Jimdb :) [00:38] briantumor: excellent! [00:38] VirtualBox is more uptodate, faster and free [00:39] hello [00:39] * worm_screw ada org indo kgk sih disini [00:39] Shpoo1: bizzare.. i would say bad hardware.. you can file a bug report.. but i dont think youll get much help in all reality.. without some specifics. [00:39] Paul_UK: Virtualbox requires u to make a mess to get bridged networking, u get NATed networking by default [00:39] Paul_UK: can it do snapshotting? and the USB is kinda fucked on it [00:39] Shpoo1: disable cpuspeed? disable speedstep in the bios? this is a desktop, why do you want that anyway [00:39] why doesn't dpkg work to generate the xorg.conf??? [00:39] scguy318 in my testing.... and im talking vmware server, not workstation or osx [00:39] i can't find sshjail with apt-get, isn't it in the repository ? [00:39] !language | scguy318 [00:39] it sounds like bad hardware to me as well [00:39] scguy318: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. [00:39] anyone properly configure a soundblaster x-fi sound card? i dont think alsa supports the hardware and creative has released only a crappy 64 bit driver [00:39] Could somebody tell me what the new repository that corresponds to this one is: http://www.linex.org/sources/linex/debian/dists/cl/juegalinex/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found? [00:39] Question: If I am running Gnome (Ubuntu) and want to test KDE4, do I have to install kubuntu-desktop before I install the KDE4 testing packages? or can I just install the KDE4 testing packages? [00:39] PciI: sry [00:39] arang2, lol its not a mess. not if you know what you are doing :P [00:39] by now that box would've been in a pile on the floor where i work [00:39] Oh, I had to do itOh! alt+tab doesn't seem to work :S [00:39] !info sshjail [00:39] guess I must upgrade manually then [00:39] I think I'm going to try a bunch of different hardware configurations, and try to install Gutsy on my wife and daughter's computers, swap out ram, check voltages, etc.... [00:39] Package sshjail does not exist in gutsy [00:39] anyone have any suggestions for my sound issue? [00:39] arrang2, it takes me under 1 min to get bridged networking and vms to work natively on my network [00:39] Shpoo1: can you try running it w/o a gui? [00:39] Shpoo1: and see if it stays up [00:40] Paul_UK: im sure , but how secure is that?? [00:40] hmm is the command ifconfig eth0 down to disable my eth0 ? [00:40] Shpoo1: are you loading nvidia propriatary video drivers? [00:40] Pilgrim: i've noticed issues with more than one program using the sound device. in feisty i could play a dvd, play 4 divx, and play amarok and it would have the audio coming from all of them at once out the speakers. with gutsy i can only use one program that uses sound at a time. [00:40] unoobtu lol [00:40] if your using gutsy cassendra why are you messing with emerald? [00:40] DogWater, good point, I never even thought about disabling it in the BIOS [00:40] its buggy as hell [00:40] I have Gutsy on my Dell m1330 laptop, my D975bx2 Dual core based desktop, and about 35 servers at work and none of them are doing that Shpoo [00:40] Jimdb, k thanks :( [00:40] hey, i seem to have a problem configuring my ATi driver post-7.10 upgrade - anyone able to help with that area? (more: "glxinfo|grep direct" gives: "direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)") [00:40] so is there some reasonable explanation as to why neither update-manager or adept are capable of upgrading 7.04 to 7.10 ? is this some kind of BLOODY JOKE ? [00:40] arang2, secure? as secure as vmware? [00:40] sam1337: do you have a support question? [00:40] myconid: at first I wasn't, then I tried them, now I'm not [00:40] FunnyLookinHat, if the packages are done right they pull all their dependencies, so not necessary to install kde3 before. but i would rather use avirtual machine for that. KDE4 is quite alpha and may break things [00:40] because i have _nothing_else open [00:40] when trying it [00:40] Paul_UK: Maybe maybe not [00:41] Shpoo1: install something that stresses the cpu.. but dont run a gui.. see if it will stay up? [00:41] LjL nope my gutsy is working perfectly. [00:41] stefg, yeah... I've messed with it before and it's pretty god-awful... but that just means they need more bug reports : ) [00:41] gordboy: are you experiencing a bug when upgrading? if so, report at http://bugs.ubuntu.com [00:41] stefg, thanks though, that was my suspicion [00:41] IntuitiveNipple i have a friend who claims that because he has windows xp pro he cannot resize the hd and make room for linux I have never heard of such a thing. i wonder why he cant do it. [00:41] Pilgrim: i consider it bad because i used to demo ubuntu for my customers and now I can't impress them with the awesome sound. [00:41] sam1337: then please keep your jokes, so to call them, for yourself [00:41] i got E: bcm43xx-fwcutter: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [00:41] arang2, i think you best explain where you are coming from. why bother have double natting? oh wait, i must explain myself. I use headless vm's as I dont use the GUI with virtualbox lol. [00:41] Does anyone know how to reset the desktop visual options back to their default, i was messing around with the themes/etc and i selected the 'large print' theme and i switched back but it kept the SUPERFONTS and i'd rather just reset it if possible [00:41] FunnyLookinHat, vbox/vmware/qemu are your friends :-) [00:41] is there anyway I can get gutsy to reinstall X and regenerate a working xorg.conf? [00:41] myconid: good idea....does Folding@home have a linux application? lol [00:41] anyone know a good wiki page for configuring the gutsy xorg.conf [00:41] should i try rebooting and seeing if it worked or is that just bad ? [00:41] I'll give that a shot tonight too [00:41] Jimdb: ther was no fusion-icon when I searched in synaptic, but there is a compiz-fusion... [00:41] k..closing tihs window for a bit, bbl. anyone with suggestions plz pm me :) [00:41] Paul_UK: i dont understand u man [00:41] thanks [00:42] Shpoo1: http://users.bigpond.net.au/cpuburn/ << never used it... [00:42] stefg, vmware FTW ! ; ) [00:42] arang2, virtualbox is as secure as vmware [00:42] Where is the data for Places > recent documents stored on Gutsy? [00:42] trying to get AIXGL working with my ATI 9800 pro with dual heads [00:42] LjL: no. i don't think so. i want an explanation. as in right now. and if i don't get one, i'll be telling my students what a pile of CRAP ubuntu is. over to you [00:42] gordboy: i'm not paid to advertize ubuntu, sorry. [00:42] gordboy: Nobody is making you use it, and some how i'm pretty sure your students know how much of a douche you are already [00:43] Paul_UK: sorry man, but i want to solve the Vmware problem, im sure we could argue till kingdom comes about this, im not gonna switch sorry [00:43] lol [00:43] cassandra: it isn't in synaptic. go to google and search for fusion-icon install in gutsy [00:43] arang2, im at a loss why you have an issue with vmware [00:43] is this a serious error? : E: bcm43xx-fwcutter: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [00:43] i am using drapper...how to connect internet with my cellphone N93..?? iam using vodafone and in NZ country!! [00:43] Alright, well now I have a list of more stuff to try, so I'm gonna do that, and swap hardware tonight. But now, the wife is calling: Dinner is ready. myconid, DogWater, thank you very much for the help. [00:43] i am using drapper...how to connect internet with my cellphone N93..?? iam using vodafone and in NZ country!! [00:43] it takes even less time to install! [00:43] Paul_UK: care to restate that? [00:43] I'll let you guys know what happens [00:43] !repeat | worm_screw [00:43] worm_screw: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [00:43] duplex printing, aynone...? [00:43] anyone could tell me why using aiglx instead of xgl? [00:43] seriously gord, ubuntu is great if your not a douche [00:43] mr_marvin: my hp4050 duplexes. [00:43] arang2, you install it and then you tell it you want a virtual interface and then you assign the vms to that [00:43] gordboy: sudo apt-get update then attempt? [00:43] DogWater: i didn't see you at debconf. in fact i don't recall seeing you at cern this summer [00:44] ok ty Jimdb I'll do that :) [00:44] gordboy: seriously I'm feeling less inclined to find out the answer to your solution with that attitude [00:44] worm_screw: perhaps this might help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup [00:44] Paul_UK: my problem with Vmware is that it reports /dev/dsp resource busy under gutsy [00:44] Yeah I was too busy managing over 1100 servers and the network which supports them to go to conferences, my bad. [00:44] if you are a douche, odd problems will randomly pop up on your ubuntu machine [00:44] !offtopic | gordboy, DogWater, thedefender (and ad-hominems are not welcome either) [00:44] gordboy, DogWater, thedefender (and ad-hominems are not welcome either): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [00:44] its a built in mechinism [00:44] dds [00:44] my server pool is bigger than your server pool! [00:44] lol [00:45] i have a beowulf cluster of beowulfs. [00:45] gordboy: whats in your sources.list anyway? [00:45] Where is the data for Places > recent documents stored on Gutsy? [00:45] gordboy: ive seen suggestions to do a nice sed job on it, aka substitute feisty for gutsy, then dist-upgrade [00:45] scguy318: i've done over 30 upgrades from feisty to gutsy since thursday. and NONE of them worked as advertised. it reminds me of fedora 7. another great failure in the annals of linux [00:45] repeat: how do I re-generate the install xorg.conf? dpkg reconfigure seems to totally fail at this task??? [00:45] no one knows about upgrading to 7.10 eh/ [00:45] myconid: hp 5940 has no options in oo [00:45] ? [00:45] Yes and Fedora 7 is not to be used for production machines.. [00:46] are you serious? [00:46] gennui: dpkg --reconfigure is only as good as its input eh. [00:46] gordboy: so it seems that right now you don't want *Ubuntu support*, you simply want (as you said) an explanation from Ubuntu management? then this is not the right channel. [00:46] gordboy: worked for me...anyway, you could attempt an alternative CD upgrade [00:46] anyone know a good wiki page for configuring the gutsy xorg.conf [00:46] arang2, so you are wanting to use the guests soundcard? [00:46] hey i want to use my nvidia card, how do i get a 3d game to test this? [00:46] cassandra: try this http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/08/26/compiz-fusion-tray-icon/ [00:46] gordboy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades [00:46] arang2, or your own? [00:46] it seems different then fiesty [00:46] LjL: i hear you [00:46] faqs are still no help i've d/led all that i can and it is supported... [00:46] gennui: /tmp/Xorg-KEM/lib/X11/xorg.conf.eg ? [00:46] quadro 600 [00:47] Please help in installing VMWare Tools onto Gutsy Server. [00:47] Paul_UK: i wanting to use the host soundcard in the guest, its a common problem and there are crappy solutions in the net but they dont work well [00:47] hey, i seem to have a problem configuring my ATi driver post-7.10 upgrade - anyone able to help with that area? (more: "glxinfo|grep direct" gives: "direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)") [00:47] scguy318: thanks. i think i know rather more about the subject of feisty -> gutsy than anyone here. and i'm really annoyed. but i didn't expect any better. so bye. and thanks for the gratuitous insults [00:47] You know everything! [00:47] arang2, well i cant speak for ubuntu, but for virtualbox and centos, what you are wanting works fine. I have centos5 host and windows xp sp2 guest and it works. [00:47] :D [00:47] cafuego: it won't autdetect the screen emmjane: no tmp files anymore [00:48] gennui: http://www.geocities.com/randomnumbergenerator2001/xorg.conf.breezy.txt (it's older, but might be close enough) [00:48] nvidia card installion help wanted:: [00:48] hey ive a strange problem after some time of using beryl and awn everything slows down [00:48] jebjoya did you set links [00:48] gennui: it doesn't need to; just choose simple setup and give it the screen size and max resolution. That should do it. [00:48] VMWare is nice because you dont have to manage it on server, the last time i used Xen (et, al) you had to manage everything on the host node [00:48] (sorry, forgot to identify wirechief_ can go back to pm) [00:48] but i guess that only matters to folks who are running lots of boxen [00:48] * mneptok laughs [00:49] nvidia card installion help wanted:: [00:49] Paul_UK: im sure it does it should work i dont know why it doesnt with WS6 [00:49] anyone know a good wiki page for configuring the gutsy xorg.conf [00:49] anyone know a good wiki page for configuring the gutsy xorg.conf [00:49] cafuego: the install managed to generate a working xorg without any input from me! [00:49] it seems different then fiesty [00:49] "gordboy: i think i know rather more about the subject of feisty -> gutsy than anyone here." <--- guess again, chum. :) [00:49] gennui: just choose simple setup and give it the screen size and max resolution. That should do it. [00:49] Yeah, I know he could've been a little more condescending [00:49] Jimdb: Compiz did it. ^_^ [00:49] he is a douche and he left [00:49] oh wait, maybe not [00:49] cafuego: already tried that, it won't load nv anymore [00:50] nvidia card installion help wanted:: [00:50] thedefender: not really, the System -> Administration -> Screens and Graphics does make a slight mess of xorg.conf but in general [00:50] gennui: Oh I see. You robably don't want nv anyway. [00:50] G'day all I need a bit of help :) I have installed 7.10 takes a long time to boot compared to the 6.06i had installed .... when i turn the PC i get nothing but a blank screen until the login box no service loading log like i had on 606 anyone have any ideas .thanks [00:50] arrang2, no idea. sorry cant be of any help. i hope you get a resolution tho. [00:50] So.... [00:50] pazsion: please stop repeating, and just tell us what you want. [00:50] thedefender: the xorg.conf concepts in Feisty remain basically the same [00:50] * cassandra hands Jimdb a cookie of happiness Y^_^Y [00:50] cafuego: yes i very much do [00:50] !ask | pazsion [00:50] pazsion: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [00:50] anyway, unless anyone knows how to reset the 'appearances' preferences screen back to defaults in compiz, im out of here ;-) [00:50] gennui: 'sudo apt-get install linxu-restricted-modules nvidia-glx-new' will give you the accelerated drivers. [00:50] Don't worry about gordboy he's always like that... I think we all know the type :) [00:50] Paul_UK: do u know if it is possible to install Vbox concurrently with Ws6? [00:50] we just need a little more support from ATI and NVIdia [00:51] arang2, you can do it, but not recommended. Check their forums, as from memory there is a post asking about this. [00:51] cafuego: i had a working nvidia xorg.conf but screen&graphics hosed it [00:51] !wireless [00:51] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [00:51] Hi, I just compiled apache2-2.6 from source, how can I make it so that it starts on boot? [00:51] help! my sound broke [00:51] is it possible to get a false positive from system monitor? It shows processor usage @ nearly 100%... but when I open the list of open programs, none of them are pulling down that much CPU [00:51] To be honest, and not to polish any apples, both of my nvidia cards worked great with the restricted drivers right off the bat [00:51] !boot | PThomas [00:51] PThomas: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [00:51] can someone point me to a proper webpage? [00:51] Paul_UK: how true is that USB is screwed in Vbox [00:51] umm [00:51] gennui: Yes, so recreate it manually, via dpkg-reconfigure. [00:51] haha [00:51] xTheGoat121x: are you showing processes running by all users or just you? [00:51] gennui: it's not that hard. [00:51] well ATI restricted is terrible [00:51] ubotu said bum [00:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about said bum - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:51] thats funny [00:51] i've followed faqs and nvidia card isn't loaded anymore, i've turned off inel onboard and rebooted still deosn't work..or 3d chess doesn't work.. [00:51] no AIGLX support [00:51] cafuego: dpkg-reconfigure doesn't generate a working file [00:52] DogWater, all users... [00:52] arang2, not true. USB guests are able to isolate it from the host. [00:52] when I run any one sound app, it runs but there's no sound output. running any second sound app gives me a 'soundcard error' [00:52] what's the most active channel to learn about public key encryption? [00:52] thedefender: the latest latest has that, but I wouldn't advise installing it [00:52] gennui: Then you're not giving it the right info. [00:52] sorry to be off topic for a minute [00:52] Paul_UK: can i pass USB devices to the guest like webcams printers, scanners and the like? [00:52] cie213: the google channel [00:52] i've followed faqs and nvidia card isn't loaded anymore, i've turned off inel onboard and rebooted still deosn't work..or 3d chess doesn't work.. [00:52] hmmm [00:52] xTheGoat121x: eh, i dont ever use gnome for system administration i'm a shell guy. so i would tell you to open a shell and type sudo top and see what that says [00:52] cie213: #ubuntu-offtopic [00:52] arang2, but you cant really compare WS6 to virtualbox lol [00:52] haha thanks hydrogen really [00:52] why no install [00:52] DogWater: the Fonts tab in the Appearance prefpanel doesn't reset your fonts? [00:52] not yet anyway ;) [00:52] cafuego: which info? [00:52] Paul_UK: care to answer my previous question? [00:52] how do i use this google channel you speak of? [00:52] mneptok: oh i just didnt know if there was a way to just reset it... [00:52] Can VMWareTools be installed on Gutsy server? [00:52] mneptok: all of it. [00:53] arang2, my ipod works, but havent checked my camera yet. [00:53] cafuego: it's a laptop [00:53] and i was wondering why when you change the theme the font doesnt reset [00:53] (07:51:55 PM) pazsion: i've followed faqs and nvidia card isn't loaded anymore, i've turned off inel onboard and rebooted still deosn't work..or 3d chess doesn't work.. [00:53] xTheGoat121x: my system is also running between 99 and 100% usage...almost a standard install and I'm the only user [00:53] kidding kidding [00:53] Paul_UK: isochronous USB connections are possible? [00:53] cafuego: and when i look at the logs, it's failing to load nv [00:53] eido: use top to see is really going on [00:53] DogWater: you'd have to selectively delete GNOME settings files [00:53] gennui: Any reason you don't want to sue `nvidia' instead? [00:54] arang2, it allows me to do what I want. Why not grab a machine and test virtualbox, to see if its for you? [00:54] mneptok ewws. alrighty i suppose i'll just mess with it until i get it the way i want, or if it annoys me enough i'll reformat [00:54] cafuego: nv is the name of the hardware driver [00:54] mneptok: would be rather rad if they had a 'defaults' button though [00:54] DogWater, well I run that command, and it still seems a bit high [00:54] DogWater: and, if you care, htop > top [00:54] arang2, Im not sure what purposes you want it for. So I cant say that it does all, since I dont use all of its features. [00:54] DogWater, for what I'm running, that is [00:54] Paul_UK: i might but im quite tired of reinstalling everything [00:54] gennui: Yes. I know. There is another one, called 'nvidia' which is the one created by nvidia, and which gives you accelerated 3D support. [00:54] http://www.linux-wlan.org/docs/wlan_adapters.html.gz lol I don't know if this is a problem or not. but... lol [00:55] mneptok: im old, let me die in peace [00:55] (07:51:55 PM) pazsion: i've followed faqs and nvidia card isn't loaded anymore, i've turned off inel onboard and rebooted still deosn't work..or 3d chess doesn't work.. [00:55] well good luck :) [00:55] xTheGoat121x: what process is using all of your cpu [00:55] gennui: is there any reason you do not want to use the other accelerated driver? [00:55] DogWater: i'm prolly order than you :) [00:55] *older [00:55] jesus [00:55] yes? [00:55] some help please? [00:55] cafuego: no, but that's what the dpkg-reconfigure xorg.conf is trying to do... and it does detect the nvidia [00:55] * cafuego blesses you [00:55] pazsion: what's the question? [00:55] katocalypse, STL represent [00:55] (07:51:55 PM) pazsion: i've followed faqs and nvidia card isn't loaded anymore, i've turned off inel onboard and rebooted still deosn't work..or 3d chess doesn't work.. [00:56] im 28! in this line of work thats way too old :D [00:56] DogWater: the problem with "restore to defaults" is that every distro, and vanilla GNOME itself, will have a different opinion of what that is. [00:56] lol thanks for the blessing =P [00:56] pazsion: loaded like? [00:56] DogWater: i'm 42. [00:56] gennui: That's normally considered a good thing, afaik [00:56] DogWater: crded is the process taking up 80 to 90% of my CPU...locating the top app on SourceForge [00:56] i think i have to reinstall just to get X working again... a warning to all: don't mess with Screen &Graphics wizard, it will hose your xorg.conf file [00:56] LjL: thank you for ur information...:) [00:56] not sure i know what crded is [00:56] * cafuego coughs up a furball [00:56] gennui: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [00:56] i can't see it in hardare info originally it was there...and chess 3d mode still asks for opengl stuff which i've installed.. [00:57] mneptok: it doesn't generate a workign xorg.conf file [00:57] pazsion: i dunno, you have restricted installed? [00:57] ok guys here is my thing [00:57] DogWater, it switches around, but the one that seems to be consistently at the top is dbus-daemon... but even THAT is only eating about 5.5% CPU [00:57] gennui: it should, unless you select non-sane options [00:57] DogWater: it appears to be from the fps alien arena [00:57] automounting flash drives stopped working after upgrading to gutsy, can anyone help me? [00:58] mneptok: yeah, i know but it doesn't... it's like 1996 all over again [00:58] hrmmm okkeeeeee [00:58] which do you think is better for 3D acccelerated dual head support [00:58] try closing that and see if the util goes down :D [00:58] no, since it doesn't detect it.. it has no restriced installs.. and the last time i tried that.. x didn't like it.. [00:58] 7.10 seems to be quite polished...i'm very happy with it [00:58] [00:58] [00:58] [00:58] gennui: cool! we can keep Bush out of the White House! [00:58] how do I lock down a guest's account so they can't cd .. above the /home/guest/ directory? [00:58] opensource ATI driver [00:58] i actually have to go im gaining girlfriend aggro. nice talking to you all. [00:58] whoah, sorry about that [00:58] or restricted driver with XGL [00:58] but only if I get X working tonight [00:58] pazsion: mm dunno then [00:58] apparently this laptop is too old for gutsy [00:58] mneptok: always stirring up trouble [00:59] BRB [00:59] i do digital graphics and XGL seems to make my cursor screwy [00:59] what am i complaing about... at least i have xwindows... who doesn't like 640x480 [00:59] lm_t7: use a lighter distro like DSL [00:59] SuicideSalmon: by having proper permissions set for directories other than the guest user [00:59] gennui: pastebin that sucker [00:59] gennui === Maxpower is now known as xjdriver69 [00:59] thedefender.. how'd u get your graphics working? [00:59] ah ok [00:59] thanks gu [00:59] mneptok: how do I do that? [00:59] thanks guru [00:59] SuicideSalmon, you might consider letting guests run in a chrooted environment [00:59] no problem [00:59] !pastebin > gennui [00:59] hmmm guess alien arena isn't everything it brags to be...seems bloated for a old quake style game [01:00] !pastebin > gennui [01:00] pazsion: umm worked out of the box [01:00] Can someone tell me the name of the software package that makes your toolbar similar to Mac OS---it's all bouncy and animated?? [01:00] sorry, i am a complex irc noob [01:00] stefg, how do I do this? [01:00] damn [01:00] complete [01:00] somebody help me! [01:00] (07:51:55 PM) pazsion: i've followed faqs and nvidia card isn't loaded anymore, i've turned off inel onboard and rebooted still deosn't work..or 3d chess doesn't work.. [01:00] mrvino: Avant [01:00] mrvino: avant window navigator? [01:00] i had suse 10.0 on this laptop and it was still running kinda slow, but mega fast compared to xp pro [01:00] so ill try dsl [01:00] pazsion: what errors are in your Xorg log? [01:01] SuicideSalmon, you'll need to google a bit. Too complex to explain here. Basic idea: /home guest is / for guests [01:01] mneptok & mc44, that's it! thanks! [01:01] so which is it guys , Opensource ATI with AIGLX or FGLRX with XGL, i am trying to do dual heads with DRI on both. [01:01] SuicideSalmon: you could also do chroot [01:01] ah fair enough [01:01] hi ... does anyone know what this means ? .: 247: Can't open scripts/make.opts [01:01] ok I'll check google, that seems to be pretty much what I want to do, thanks [01:01] G'day all I need a bit of help :) I have installed 7.10 takes a long time to boot compared to the 6.06i had installed .... when i turn the PC i get nothing but a blank screen until the login box no service loading log like i had on 606 anyone have any ideas .thanks [01:01] where do i start looking to diagnose why my flashdrives aren't automounting after gutsy upgrade [01:01] guru.. 3d-chess asks for open gl bindins [01:01] thedefender: which carD? [01:02] pazsion: i know but that doesn't matter...are there any errors in your Xorg file related to the nvidia driver? [01:02] how soon do we expect the compiz fusion updates to be available in the repos? [01:02] ATI Radeon 9800 pro. R350 series i think [01:02] how would i check this guru [01:02] mneptok: I pastebin the xorg.conf file [01:02] gennui: URL? [01:03] pazsion: it's generally in /var/log somewhere with the name of Xorg.0.log if you're running only one instance [01:03] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3614726&posted=1#post3614726 [01:03] anyone knows what it mean ? [01:03] where can i get an i686 gcc for 64bit ubuntu? [01:03] ozJames: try booting without quiet splash flags [01:03] ozJames: at the GRUB boot menu, press e, then remove those two [01:03] guru checking, just look for nvidia stuff in the log? [01:03] pazsion: yes [01:03] bmk789: cross-compilation? [01:03] * mneptok jumps up and down on jono [01:03] scguy318: yes [01:03] hey [01:04] bmk789: you wouldnt need an i686 gcc, you would probably tweak your makefiles [01:04] hey there, badass. [01:04] bmk789: in that realm I am clueless [01:04] SuicideSalmon, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/15714 for starters [01:04] Mc44: i found a good howto on doing dual heads with opensource ati but it was made for feisty and i am not sure about the some of the things it says to do to xorg.conf since it has changed since the howto was made and looks a bit different [01:04] gennui: got a URL for that pastebin? [01:04] helloi !! [01:04] when i use $ netstat, i see a list of ports used... example: *:bootpc, localhost:2207 [01:04] hello [01:04] how to know which soft do listen on these ports ? [01:05] hallooooooooo ? [01:05] xep_: cat /etc/services [01:05] menptok: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41873/ [01:05] Where can I find some LTSP experts? [01:05] wola se lee? [01:05] Mc44: such how its wants me to change section serverlayout from default to AIGLX and AIGLX already is default in gutsy i thought [01:05] xep_: cat /etc/services | grep port [01:05] what does this mean ? .: 247: Can't open scripts/make.opts [01:05] stupid enter key [01:05] SuicideSalmon, http://www.howtoforge.com/chroot_ssh_sftp_debian_etch_p2 [01:06] !ltsp | i_ [01:06] i_: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project [01:06] Detra: it means that file is either not there or not where the Makefile expects it to be [01:06] thanks stefg [01:06] i_: that may be of interest [01:06] guru, so what should I do to fix it ? [01:06] !thinclient [01:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about thinclient - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:06] !thin client [01:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about thin client - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:06] thedefender: yes it should be [01:06] scguy318: Thanks, I'm need to know why upgrading to Gutsy screwed up my school computer lab setup! [01:06] please interact with the bot in a pm instead of the channel [01:06] Question: Has an updated package of mail-notification with SSL support been released? [01:07] Detra: what software is it? [01:07] guru, zydas1201 [01:07] i_: what exactly is the issue? [01:07] Detra: if you got it from apt then i would mail the maintainer, otherwise mail the author [01:07] guru, for my wireless usb [01:07] scguy318: I removed the 1 option quiet what other one do you suggest [01:07] ozJames: splash [01:07] Can't have more than 6-8 thin clients logged on concurrently [01:07] hello, might anyone be able to link me, or host for me, the ubuntu xen kernel patches for either 2.6.22 or 2.6.23? [01:07] guru, I got it from their website .. [01:07] Previously, all 19 connected fine [01:07] ozJames: then try to boot [01:07] i_: What's the load on the server like? [01:08] Detra: make.opts just defines options to use for compilation...does it have a configure script or is there only a Makefile? [01:08] Checking SysMon - all looks fine - processors way below 100% [01:08] guru, thanks but doesn't seem to work with localhost ports ! [01:08] anyone with a radeon 9X00 having a decent experience with the 8.42 driver? [01:08] Ram negligible [01:08] Mc44 if you have any ideas pm me, i am going for a smoke and to shake my head in disgust at the crap i have to go through to get 2 monitors working with my card. [01:08] Networking, way within the bandwidth [01:08] guru, configure ... that's the one I use ... [01:08] xep_: i think you mean 'doesn't work for services' - a port is a port, doesn't matter if it's local or not [01:08] i'm having some issues with my gutsy upgrade so i want to reinstall. luckily i put my home folder on a different partition, though. will there be an easy option in the installer to let me keep my old home partition? [01:08] Detra: and configure is giving you that error? [01:09] guru, make doesn't work either ... says the same thing ... [01:09] guru, yeah [01:09] i_: what exactly is the issue you get? [01:09] thedefender: what kinda card [01:09] Detra: try this in the top level directory of the source: find . -type f -name make.opts -follow [01:09] i_: like specifically what occurs when more than 6-8 try to log in [01:09] radeon 9800 pro [01:09] 6-8 connect ... the other clients can't find the DHCP server so boot of the hard disk instead [01:09] II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libglx.so [01:09] (II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation" [01:09] compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0 [01:09] Module class: X.Org Server Extension [01:09] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.1 [01:09] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module 100.14.19 Wed Sep 12 14:48:02 PDT 2007 [01:09] (II) Loading extension GLX [01:09] (II) LoadModule: "int10" [01:09] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libint10.so [01:09] (II) Module int10: vendor="X.Org Foundation" [01:09] compiled for 1.3.0, module version = 1.0.0 [01:09] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.2 [01:09] !paste [01:09] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [01:09] dude stop [01:09] (II) LoadModule: "vbe" [01:09] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libvbe.so [01:09] (II) Module vbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation" [01:09] lol [01:09] compiled for 1.3.0, module version = 1.1.0 [01:09] pazsion stop [01:10] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.2 [01:10] (II) I810(0): Setting refresh with VBE 3 method. [01:10] !opts [01:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about opts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:10] (II) I810(0): Display plane A is enabled and connected to Pipe A. [01:10] Try to restart DHCP on the server but terminal just hangs [01:10] (II) I810(0): Enabling plane A. [01:10] !ops [01:10] Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici [01:10] (II) I810(0): Display plane A is now enabled and connected to Pipe A. [01:10] (II) I810(0): PIPEACONF is 0x80000000 [01:10] (II) I810(0): Mode bandwidth is 47 Mpixel/s [01:10] pazsion [01:10] (II) I810(0): maxBandwidth is 1528 Mbyte/s, pipe bandwidths are 252 Mbyte/s, 0 Mbyte/s [01:10] pazsion: pastebin! [01:10] stop putting that in [01:10] pew pew [01:10] is there any way to test if my wireless works aside from connecting to a specific network ? [01:10] noob [01:10] i don't think he can stop it [01:10] He can't stop. [01:10] thedefender: what kinda card [01:10] Even just checking for the dhcp status takes a *long* time [01:10] You're noob. [01:10] he can [01:10] guru: If you send alot of traffic to the irc network, it rate limits you. [01:10] thanks LjL [01:10] unplugging his network cable [01:10] rat32: does your wireless show the access points? [01:10] guru: So this is essentially in the buffer. [01:10] I'm having a problem with an external NTFS harddrive. It seems if it has to wait for the drive to spin up, it will say the file is corrupted or something [01:10] thedefender, stop calling people names, it doesn't help anybody... even if they do stupid things [01:10] bsdfox_: ATI Radeon 9800 PRo [01:10] whos a noob [01:10] Arafangion: yes, exactly [01:10] Jimwhat are those ? [01:11] i'm having some issues with my gutsy upgrade so i want to reinstall. luckily i put my home folder on a different partition, though. will there be an easy option in the installer to let me keep my old home partition? [01:11] thedefender: ati released new drivers today that are supposed to fix a TON of stuff [01:11] i_: perhaps try bringing up and down the interfaces? is there anything of interest in syslog [01:11] if your wireless is working you'll have an icon in your system tray that represents it [01:11] no way [01:11] everyone is really excited. I've never had to deal with ati though so I can't help [01:11] how do i get them [01:11] scguy318: what would I be looking for in the logs? [01:11] iif you right click on it it will bring up a menu. that menu should list the wireless access points that it sees [01:11] Jimdb: on ubuntu 7.04 ? System tray ? [01:11] guru, netstat -a : "tcp 0 0 localhost:2207 *:* LISTEN " [01:11] heh stefg the script crashed and now guest gives me an error "No error message, can't find /usr/bin/sh" or something. Good job it was a dummy account :) thanks for the help, I'll try again tomorrow [01:11] i_: not sure, pastebinning dmesg may be of interest [01:11] rat32: yes [01:11] guru, how to know what program "listens" on 2207 ? [01:11] thedefender: search google for 8.42 ati drivers [01:12] rat32: in feisty and gutsy [01:12] xep_: try netstat -n [01:12] i_: other than that maybe people in #edubuntu may be able to assist [01:12] scguy318: sorry, I'm a relative noob ... what would be the specific command, if you don't mind... [01:12] LjL, its not calling someone names when you say someone is new [01:12] Jimdb: yeah but what do you mean by system tray ? [01:12] rat32: the system tray is almost exactly what it is in windows. [01:12] ffwhat the hell [01:12] #ubuntu-read-topic ? [01:12] is that really a channel? [01:12] fine [01:12] scguy318: tried #edubuntu but hardly anyone is around [01:12] ummm [01:12] guru, the same with -an or -n : "tcp 0 0* LISTEN " [01:12] there is #ubuntu-offtopic [01:13] thedefender: "new" != "noob". anyway... [01:13] guru, no other indication ! [01:13] i_: i dunno, pastebin dmesg [01:13] i_: dmesg | tail [01:13] noob = I can't speak english [01:13] exactly [01:13] pazsion: do not paste to the channel, if it's over 2 or 3 lines use a pastbin like rafb.net/paste or similar [01:13] these ops drive me nuts [01:13] will this fglrx update be in the repos any time soon? === LjL is now known as LjL2 [01:13] anyone use the expo effect [01:13] pazsion: pasting that much text to the channel disrupts others who are seeking help [01:14] hello, might anyone be able to link me, or host for me, the ubuntu xen kernel patches for either 2.6.22 or 2.6.23? [01:14] is there a way to run gedit from the command line, and continue working w/ the command line without closing gedit? [01:14] we need an artifical intelligence now more then ever [01:14] Jimdb: what are the access points ? like do you mean going to system-administration-network tools ? [01:14] mneptok: any thoughts? [01:14] ferric84: gedit file & [01:14] scguy318: Perhaps you can help from another angle - what files do I need to save so that I don't have to setup 80+ user accounts when I rebuild the server? [01:14] ferric84: appending & to a command makes it run in the background [01:14] thank you [01:14] Also, does Ubuntu have some sort of mount manager? [01:14] xep_: i'm not sure then. whatever it is it's only listening locally (maybe a unix socket?) [01:15] ferric84: Note, any debug info gedit prints will be output to that terminal. [01:15] /etc/passwd probably [01:15] i_: lemme see, probably you'd want to preserve the chroot [01:15] lol [01:15] I'm setting up a kiosk for my kids and I'd like some sort of easy to configure proxy filter, preferably one with a whitelist, any suggestions? [01:15] guru pastebin! pazsion: entire log [01:15] gennui: did you install the nVidia 3D drivers? [01:15] rat32: if your wireless is working you'll see an icon in your system tray. it was there in feisty and is there in gutsy. either way there's an icon in the tray that you can right click on and it will bring down a menu of either wired and/or wireless. if your wireless is not listed there it is not working. [01:15] yes [01:15] pazsion: what? [01:15] i paste x.log [01:15] scguy318: Sorry again, where the chroot is? [01:15] !pastebin | pazsion [01:15] pazsion: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [01:15] in paste bin [01:15] mneptok: yes, I had a working installation and then screen&graphics wrecked it [01:16] ^^^^^^^^^^ [01:16] pazsion: you have to give the link to the pasted log [01:16] !compiz [01:16] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [01:16] pazsion: ok, what is the link? [01:16] thanks for help this time [01:16] will this fglrx update be in the repos any time soon? [01:16] kiking people is rude [01:16] pazsion: so is pasting an entire log file into an irc channel [01:16] gennui: try this one - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41877/ [01:16] dude i didn't know [01:17] anyone with a radeon 9X00 having a decent experience with the 8.42 driver? [01:17] i_: /opt/ltsp/i386 I think [01:17] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41876/ [01:17] pazsion: you weren't kicked for pasting your log file here you were kicked so that the flooding from your irc client would stop [01:17] !ops [01:17] Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici [01:17] guru, Just wondering ... When it also says get_version.c:5: error: .... does that mean that I'm missing something ? [01:17] scguy318: yes? [01:17] pazsion: yes it is but these ops here are some of the rudest I have seen, complete lack of respect for real people. [01:17] * baby-Boy PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! [01:17] * Guest91478 PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! [01:17] * WAZaby PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! [01:17] * Boffo PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! [01:17] * ZEEZEE PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! [01:17] * yoshisada PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! [01:17] * igeluy PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! [01:17] * Nitrous270 PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! [01:17] * MixedLive PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! [01:17] * Kbarbar_cona PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! PARTY HARD! [01:17] Ouch [01:18] /mode +m so we can't see the quit spam [01:18] ok, freenode just lost 10 more tolerance points [01:18] the mass join tipped me off [01:19] !traffic === LjL is now known as LjL3 [01:19] NOTICE - Due to abuse, questions/response in this channel will be relayed by operators for the next few minutes [01:20] hi, how do i move thingsaround on the gnome panel e.g. the date/time, shutdown button, volume etc [01:20] adante: right-click them [01:20] i_: I'm not too wise on Edubuntu, your best bet is to google or consult the Ubuntu Wiki or the link I hooked you up to [01:20] adante: right-click them [01:21] NOTICE - If you need help with that ubotu can provide you can always /msg ubotu bot [01:22] guru, i am sometimes on a wifi hotspost, i can only access tcp80 443,... i would like to access ftp, irc.freenode.net:6667, etc. - should i use 1)openvpn 2)ssh tunnel ? [01:22] Eagle_101: they're quite registered. [01:23] How can i install Compiz [01:23] lollypop: should already be in ubuntu gutsy [01:24] lollypop: what version of ubuntu are we speaking about? [01:24] Andrew WK uses ubuntu apparently [01:24] lollypop: what version of Ubuntu are you running? msging ubotu with !compiz may be of interest, on Gutsy Compiz is already installed by default [01:24] !ot > teratoma [01:24] I'm using gutsy. The following problem appears both in Gnome and xfce. I have 2 panels on the screen: along top and bottom edges. With compiz enabled, the titlebar of each new window I open is covered by the top panel. Solutions? [01:24] NOTICE - Only registered users can speak in the channel, due to abuse. Please follow the instructions at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup to register [01:24] xep_: vnc over ssh [01:24] AndrewB: i was commenting on the 'party hard' spam [01:24] Flice, do you have ccsm installed? [01:24] DMole, vnc : this seems not simple ! [01:24] DMole: kinda unncessary [01:24] xep_: I personally run ssh on port 443, lets you get through networks just blocking the port [01:24] what happened was weird [01:25] Detra: did you get my reply earlier? [01:25] bluedog, i do the same for ssh ! [01:25] i don't think there's any abuse. [01:25] guru, no ? [01:25] crdlb: I have no idea what that is. I don't have package with this name installed. === CarlFK is now known as MeatWa1 [01:25] !ccsm | Flice [01:25] Flice: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - see also !compiz === MeatWa1 is now known as MeatWad1 [01:25] guru, Im soon gonna give up .. have spent so much time installing a simple wireless internet ... [01:26] crdlb: hmm. no, I didn't have it [01:26] I would like to extend my greetings to the visitors of this channel. I have the following question: suppose I would like to use a bash console command that would list all devices including their /dev/ designators. What command would serve this purpose? I appreciate any genuine attempt to answer my question. [01:26] crdlb: why was compiz working without it, then? [01:26] guru, Can't you help me out of my misery ? [01:26] Flice, it's just a setings manager, but install it [01:26] crdlb: I did [01:26] xep_: then just tunnel everything through it, it would be ideal if someone would develop an usable ssl vpn server for linux... [01:26] Detra: paste the build log to pastebin and i'll have a look [01:26] Flice, and run it with "ccsm" and make sure that the Place Windows plugin is checked [01:26] Detra: or better yet give me a link to the same source code you downloaded [01:27] you can use openvpn [01:27] bluedog, this way, i have to tunnel every connection to every server i use ? [01:27] guru, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41795/ [01:27] guru, Im not 100% sure where I found that source code but i will look [01:27] PreZ: the nvidia kernel module is not loading, look for lines beginning with (EE) in your log file: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) [01:27] bluedog, example : i want to connect irc.freenode.net:6667 --> i have to do manually a ssh tunnel for that [01:27] xep_: I just sync to the desktop, let the desktop cache everything [01:28] bluedog, if i want to connect ftp.mysite.com ->> have to do a tunnel for this , etc. ? [01:28] xep_: just set up a dynamic forward [01:28] crdlb: yes it is [01:28] xep_: point your SOCKS apps to that dynamic forward [01:28] xep_: that's option -D [01:29] guru, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=94356 Here ... I tried downloading both of them ... one of them gave me all that you see in the pastebin ... the other didn't give me anything ... [01:29] Detra: i'm not sure if UTS_RELEASE is something defined by ubuntu (i doubt it) or the software you are trying to compile but that is the problem [01:29] will this fglrx update be in the repos any time soon? [01:29] scguy318 : i don't understand ... coudl you explain ? which tool ? [01:29] whta: nope [01:29] xep_: dynamic forward with the proxy switcher addon to firefox and you are all set [01:29] Flice, well that was my guess :/ [01:29] ty ppls... [01:29] crdlb: but it did fix the problem, as it seems === Tonus_ is now known as Tonus [01:29] ok cool :) [01:29] crdlb: at least, I can't reproduce it with new windows [01:29] xep_: in your SSH client [01:29] bluedog, could you explain ? [01:29] xep_: whether ssh or PuTTY [01:30] whta, in 6 months :) [01:30] crdlb: is it a workaround, then? [01:30] xep_: add a dynamic forward, point your SOCKS app to that dynamic forward [01:30] scguy318, how ? [01:30] Detra: which one should i download? [01:30] guru, You know ... Im almost willing to pay you money to log in to my computer and set it up .... honestly ... That's how freaked out I am by now ... [01:30] scguy318, i'm sorry, i donnot understand these things... [01:30] Are there any disadvantages in using a 64-bit Ubuntu? [01:30] crdlb: is this a common problem? [01:30] Flice, nah, that should be the default, the Place Windows plugin is responsible for initial placement for all plugins [01:30] xep_: http://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/SSH_Dynamic_Port_Forwarding [01:30] Yes foug, there is less software for 64 bit natively [01:30] Detra: i'm going to look at the first one, feel free to message me if you want [01:31] scguy318, is it simpler than openvpn ? [01:31] cvance: is there a list of major ones not supported? [01:31] for example flashplayer will only run in a 32 bit browser and win32codecs are also 32bit [01:31] Flice, somehow, it got disabled [01:31] i dont know if a list, but those are two examples that have caused me problems [01:31] crdlb: weird. I don't think I ever installed this program [01:31] !64bit [01:31] AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information. [01:31] My friend just installed ubuntu and when he enabled desktop effects he could automatically select the cube desktop effect. I cannot. We used the same CD also. [01:31] crdlb: probably just another upgrade effect [01:31] Detra: you don't need to pay me, i don't mind helping [01:32] guru, Its the second one I made this with ... the first one gives me 3 diff files and some make files ... but they don't work ... [01:32] xep_: yes [01:32] hey, I'm having an issue with mounting smb shares [01:32] can anyone help me with this problem, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3612547, otherwise im going to have to downgrade [01:32] Hi, I'm following this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/HowTo/LocalRepositoriesHowto to set up a local apt mirror. I've done this, and now I'd like to add newer versions of packages to my mirror. I understand this probably needs some package signing, but haven't been able to find any docs on this process [01:32] anyone have any ideas? [01:32] what's up qman? [01:32] when I mount an smb share, it's ownership changes to root:root and permissions to 755 [01:32] hi, a friend of mine like to use his printer: BROTHER FAX 8350P but it seems it doen't supported... [01:33] this is not acceptable for my purposes, I need a non-root user to have full access to the share [01:33] can you pass the option to mount [01:33] how can I fix this? [01:33] scguy318, you mean, that by setting in my computer connected to wifi hotspot, with only 443, 80 open : [01:33] -o uid= [01:33] Detra: your best bet will be with the first one [01:33] qman: user and group masks. [01:33] ok [01:33] thanks [01:33] mount -o uid=1000 [01:33] for example [01:33] I got that one unpacked too ... [01:33] scguy318, ssh -D 6667 me@mydistantserver [01:33] I assume gid works too? [01:33] Detra: i can't reproduce the same error you are getting though [01:33] does anyone know if there is a "clientless"(just uses a browser) ssl vpn server solution for linux? OpenVPN still requires a client [01:33] qman: Yes. [01:33] scguy318, it will be okay to use irc from my hotspot ? [01:33] yes [01:33] crdlb: ah.. actually, compiz wasn't running. now that I've run it, the problem still exists [01:34] :/ [01:34] When I tried installing gusty the update manager said there was a gnome-themes error, then an ubnutu-desktop error now I cant start ubunut except in recovery mode. Any one got any ideas? [01:34] guru, this is to cry about ... this is a clean installation ... Though not anymore ... upgraded it yesterday ... I dl build-essentials and also gcc and stuff like that ... [01:34] Flice, you can try a different placement mode (click on the place windows icon in ccsm) [01:34] scguy318, ? [01:34] thanks, that worked perfectly [01:34] how long am I supposed to wait for tracker to stop hammering my disk? [01:34] guru, anything I'm missing ? [01:35] xep_: sure [01:35] xep_: your syntax is wrong tho [01:35] hmm [01:35] scguy318, is that so simple ?? [01:35] Detra: if you have a guest account that i can log into i'll see what i can do otherwise it may take me a bit to get to where you are [01:35] xep_: well, your forward is fine [01:35] If I want to run a web server from my computer, but also occasionally use XWindows/whatever to browse the internet and perhaps even Open Office, should I install Server or Desktop? [01:35] ok i have a bunch of proggies listed in my menu from a previous install. [i reused the /home directory] [01:35] guru, you mean ssh ? [01:35] xep_: though you'd be better off selecting a random high port :P [01:35] This is just a kind reminder: I have a question about the bash command that would list all usb devices attached to my machine including their /dev designators and other information (e.g. Vendor ID). I welcome any genuine help. [01:35] bluedog - like VNC? [01:35] scguy318, why did all people tell me i would have to do some openvpn, or some vtun, or some other complicated tools ? [01:35] but ive absolutely no intensions of reinstalling all those apps [01:36] Detra: yes. but hang on a second though [01:36] xep_: don't know, I'm not them [01:36] how can i clean that up? [01:36] guru, ok [01:36] scguy318, my syntax is wrong ? [01:36] xep_: its not [01:36] xep_: basically you point your clients to the SOCKS proxy on port you specified [01:36] i didn't have the ieee80211-source package installed [01:36] Detra: are you on a 64 bit machine or 32? [01:36] guru, 32 [01:36] mindrape: more like a checkpoint or cisco solution, that lets you tunnel other services on your network, and lets you hairpin out to the internet. [01:36] scguy318, with that solution will i have to change something somewhere in xchat for example ? [01:36] crdlb: nothing changes. no luck [01:36] guru, laptop [01:36] (tell there is a proxy) [01:37] Detra: me building the binary for you won't do much good then [01:37] hair pin out to the internet? [01:37] what in the world are you talking about? [01:37] guru, why's that ? [01:37] Detra: a 64 bit module won't work on a 32 bit machine [01:37] hey guys i just did upgrade to gutsy, my fonts are all different now, kind of ugly. Any ideas how to fix this? [01:37] mindrape: when data goes out the same network interface it came in on [01:37] guru, well would that matter if you did it through ssh on my computer ? [01:38] NAT? [01:38] Detra: no [01:38] scguy318, what is not so good in ssh -D 6667 me@mydistantserver ?? [01:38] hello [01:38] xep_ nothing is wrong [01:38] scguy318, why did you speak about a high random port ? [01:38] mindrape: no not really [01:38] xep_ just my personal preference, your command is fine [01:38] guru, So we can just do that, right ??? It doesn't matter anyways ... there's no personal information and so on on this machine right now ... so no need for trust :P [01:38] !compiz [01:38] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion === MeatWad1 is now known as CarlFL [01:38] scguy318, i don't understand what can be changed ! === CarlFL is now known as CarlFK [01:39] how do I install additional packages (most importantly fullpage) to texlive? also, pdftex always gives me errors on documents that compile fine on windows [01:39] scguy318, if i change 6667, i won't reroute the irc port! [01:39] Detra: i'm too lazy to do anything harmfull [01:39] guru, hehe [01:39] Detra: pm me the details and i'll see what i can do [01:39] guru, Else I got the cd in the drive ... I'll just reinstall ;) [01:39] no promises though, this source code looks rather broken === LjL2 is now known as LjL [01:39] anybody get the x1400 working with desktop effects on a clean 7.10 install [01:40] Anyone using debmirror to mirror Gutsy? My script can't seem to find any packages to download. Script & results here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=578790 [01:40] xep_: you misunderstand the point of -D [01:40] scguy318, i think so ! [01:40] xep_: its a dynamic port forward, it sets up a SOCKS listener so that SOCKS-compliant apps can connect through it to w/e they want [01:40] !easy [01:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about easy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:40] !easyubuntu [01:40] what's up xep? [01:40] xep_: your IRC client should support SOCKS [01:40] easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu [01:40] scguy318, does standard ftp client, xchat, etc. support SOCKS ? [01:40] ha [01:41] easy [01:41] anyone here run opera? [01:41] pazsion_: your nvidia kernel module wasn't getting loaded [01:41] I installed new ati driver for linux. now I cant change gamma in games [01:41] What's the best plug in for mozilla for embedded mpeg/movies? [01:41] guru yes same page.. [01:41] and what's the recommended Movie/Music player? [01:41] !gamma [01:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about gamma - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:41] anyone know how to install new packages to texlive? [01:41] is there any easy way to make my tvout work? [01:41] scguy318, let's say i have "ssh -D 1080 myname@mydistantserver" [01:41] pazsion_: the problem is that the nvidia driver isn't being loaded, look in your Xorg log file for lines starting with (EE) [01:42] guru how do we load this kernal? [01:42] xep_: thats great [01:42] ok i have a bunch of proggies listed in my menu from a previous install. [i reused the /home directory] but ive absolutely no intensions of reinstalling all those apps how can i clean that up? [01:42] xep_: in your client you would setup your proxy settings so that it would point to SOCKS server on port 6667 [01:42] scguy318, then i want to connect "ftp www.mywebsite.com".. how will ftp know it has to go through the ssh command ? === iobelisk is now known as iobelix [01:42] alright delete or what....guru [01:42] pazion to do that you can "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE" [01:42] xep_: because you have to set the FTP client to point to the SOCKS proxy server [01:42] databuddy: are you using kde? [01:42] type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY [01:42] oops [01:43] I cant change gamma with xgamma! [01:43] guru gnome [01:43] scguy318 is there a way for him to set an enviornment variable to reflect the proxy information [01:43] pazsion_, dl the program envy ... it does everything for ya and that was the only thing that worked for me when I installed my nvidia drivers ... but it does work ... [01:43] that might be a viable alternative [01:43] scguy318, with the standard ftp command, is it possible ? [01:43] cvance: nope [01:43] installed menu and menu-xdg and deleted .local but no help [01:43] guru, you got my pm ? [01:43] cvance: programs have to explicitly add support for SOCKS in order to be able to understand and use it [01:43] databuddy: there is/are some sort of menu configuration file(s), if you can rename those and then run update-menus it should take care of it [01:43] kk [01:43] Detra: no, are you registered? [01:43] guru, I guess no ... === iobelix is now known as iobelisk [01:44] when I try t installl gnome-themes_2.20 I get an error that says: gtk-update-icon-cache: symbol lookup error: /user/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl [01:44] detra, should i google this? === iobelisk is now known as iobelix [01:44] Detra: register your nick with nickserv and ident then try again [01:44] pazsion_, yeah [01:44] guru there's dozens - was hoping there was a tool to see whats actually in the system and delete whats not [01:44] Question for anyone: I can't figure out how to get httpd.vmware to load the vmware MUI upon system startup. Can anyone point me to decent documentation explaining how to put services in startup, etc? [01:44] scguy318, how to set up this proxy in xchat or "ftp" for example ? [01:44] running gutzy btw [01:44] is there a general ubuntu chat not related to support? [01:44] databuddy: i'm not sure about gnome [01:44] guru, wait a sec ... I might have an old one ... How do I log into an old one ? [01:44] er... gutsy [01:45] guru, well just ... how do I log in ... [01:45] yea, my clients are gonna need much easier setups... or they'll go windows again.. [01:45] Detra: /nick youroldnick then /msg nickserv help identify [01:45] xep_: for standard cmd-line FTP no [01:45] xep_: in X-Chat check your proxy settings [01:45] !video [01:45] Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications [01:45] when i try link this alternate nick to my primary, it says not registered, which is not true because i just did that and also switched back and forth [01:45] hi, i need help configuring imwheelrc to work nav forward/back buttons with Nautilus; i successfully set it for firefox referencing it as "^Firefox-bin$". Do i reference Nautilus as "^Nautilus-bin$" ? [01:45] is there a way to adjust the EQ of the audio out...my speakers are whack and I want to drop the bass output? [01:45] 7.04 [01:45] Hello, any reason my minimal ubuntu install (on virtualbox, by the way, if it matters) of ubuntu fiesty 32bit gets stuck at "'Registered protocol family 2'"? [01:46] scguy318, how to do these things (access ftp from a wifi hotspot-only80) then ? [01:46] building driver database for 3 computers...a fourth soon if ubuntu is nice...so far i like [01:46] I tired 7.10 but that gets stuck at SMP Motherboard Not Detected [01:46] how do i get the run window pls? alt-f2 i think it used to be? [01:46] xep_: use a more sophiscated FTP client [01:46] !ftp | xep_ [01:46] xep_: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd [01:46] Hi! Are you guys experiencing problems with Firefox? Since I updated, it freezes several times (when I need to open a popup window) [01:46] okay [01:46] so I tried to kill trackerd, HD stopped thrashing but trackerd is still eating CPU... should I go ahead and kill -9 it or is that likely to cause problems somewhere? [01:47] scguy318, and for a solution without socket support ? [01:47] scguy318, i need a vpn ? [01:47] alt-f2 [01:47] xep_: yes [01:47] hey guys i just did upgrade to gutsy, my fonts are all different now, kind of ugly. Any ideas how to fix this? [01:47] xep_: and its called SOCKS [01:47] scguy318, no tunnel will work ? [01:47] red22: alt-f2 [01:47] xep_: a VPN tunnel will do it [01:47] ^^^ on a google spree i try to pay attention [01:47] xep_: SSH you could try the local forwarding [01:47] xep_: but it may not work well for some protocols [01:47] xep_: like FTP [01:48] is there no X-fi drivers for 32bit ubuntu? [01:48] isagani: it won't do anything.. how do i rebind it or start it without that key combo pls? [01:48] xep_: so yes for transparent forwarding VPN [01:48] !plugin [01:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about plugin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:48] scguy318, which vpn ? [01:48] colby1, Creative does not have any linux drivers for the X-fi series cards [01:48] xep_: OpenVPN probably [01:48] colby1, it may be some time before the community writes some [01:48] scguy318, okay thanks ! will try that ! [01:48] xep_: how to configure I am clueless [01:48] thanks for all [01:48] !openvpn [01:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about openvpn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:48] !vpn [01:48] From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [01:48] anyone: when I try t installl gnome-themes_2.20 I get an error that says: gtk-update-icon-cache: symbol lookup error: /user/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl [01:48] goodnight everybody [01:48] ohwell back to motherboard audio then [01:49] is there a way to adjust the EQ of the audio out on 7.04...my speakers are whack and I want to drop the bass output? [01:49] can anyone please tell me what i reference Nautilus as in imwheelrc? im thinking it's "^Nautilus-bin$" though i'm not certain [01:49] eido: the mixer probably [01:49] !startup [01:49] To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [01:49] scguy318, just a final thing : isn't openvpn too complicated for what i want to do ? [01:49] isagani: alt+f2 doesn't do anything.. how can i re-assign the run window to it please? [01:49] scguy318, i don't want to access the distant local network [01:49] gary_inNYC: should be just nautilus [01:49] red22: you should be able to do that in keyboard shortcuts [01:49] thanks scguy318 [01:50] scguy318, but JUST use the disant computer as a tunnel to the WHOLE internet [01:50] scguy318: through preferences/sounds I can choose what mixers but no eq settings [01:50] dude detra =D good info [01:50] Question for anyone: I can't figure out how to get httpd.vmware to load the vmware MUI upon system startup. Can anyone point me to decent documentation explaining how to put services in startup, etc? running 7.10. [01:50] scguy318, transparently [01:50] scguy318: is it hardware dependant? [01:50] !service [01:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about service - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:50] xep_: SSH won't do it then [01:50] scguy318, OPENvpn is the simpler thing ? [01:50] !services [01:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about services - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:50] red22, System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts, it's in there [01:50] scguy318, why?* [01:50] xep_: because it doesn't bridge the actual interface for tunneling [01:51] anyone know anything about getting a bluetooth phone to connect? [01:51] eido: dependent, mm, not really [01:51] eido: though it does depend on the controls the audio kernel module offers, there probably should be a control your bass [01:51] eido: other than that I am unknowledgeable [01:51] scguy318: ty anyway [01:52] xep_: why what [01:52] scguy318, it's okay [01:52] thanks to all! [01:52] good night ! [01:52] so i will have to manually upgrade ll hardware accelerated cpus with every upade? [01:52] Having problem printing to laserjet 1100 w/ ubutu 7.10. Any ideas? [01:52] all* [01:52] Anyone had problems with compiz fusion desktop cube showing almost all white when spread (alt+ctrl+down by default) [01:53] tvkid + qman: i checked there and it was ALREADy set to alt+f2... i set it again just to make sure, but i STILL get no run window.. any ideas? [01:53] can anyone help me with this monitor problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3612547 [01:53] ALnovice: specifics would be helpful, though I'm getting sleepy and will have to bow out soon [01:53] Hello, is there a way I can verify something is numeric on the command line? [01:53] red22: perhaps it's mapped to something else already? [01:53] unzzi: nope...does it do it when you Super+E? [01:53] is it just me or is epiphany the best browser [01:53] thx for youor help scguy [01:54] red22, check to see if any of the other shortcuts are working [01:54] you might say i had an epiphany [01:54] pazsion_: np [01:54] eno___: wut shell :P [01:54] bash or sh [01:54] What is Wubi, how do I install Gutsy with it, and how does it work? [01:54] scguy318: bash or sh [01:54] does anyone have a cross compiler for dos running arround here??? [01:54] i mean djgpp [01:55] eno___: probably something like echo $var | grep "[^0-9]" > /dev/null; echo $? [01:55] lol [01:55] eido: no, super+E is fine. However alt+tab does the same to windows. All white except title bar. [01:55] Was able to ADD Printer successfully and printer appears in printer dialog box. But when I go to print, nothing happens. Print job just stays in queue. Also have canon 850 which was automatically rercognized by 7.10 and prints properly [01:55] Can you install Gutsy with Wubi? [01:55] eno___: not all that good you could also do [01:55] I'm having difficulty finding a media player that has a continuous playback feature or repeat feature. [01:55] thanks scguy318 I had not thought to use a regexp with grep. [01:55] tvkid + qman: ah nv, i didn't have a window manager running and i found an aticle saying (for some reason) rthe run window will not appear without one.. ty for help. [01:56] eno____: echo $blah | grep -q -v "[^0-9]" [01:56] i need to cross compile libcaca but i can't compile djgcc in ubuntu [01:56] scguy318: thanks, that's brilliant :) [01:56] unzzi: just curious ATI, nVidia... [01:56] looking for download of envy [01:56] what irc client do you guys prefer ? (what is most similar to mirc) [01:56] help! please!!!! [01:57] robertfisk: Xchat [01:57] ATI 2600XT, the newest drivers that I got just today [01:57] ok . thats the one im on aswell [01:57] omg my cats are so cool [01:57] anyway... [01:57] Some_Person: wubi only goes to 7.04 for now [01:57] I got a question, whenever I try to install updates via Firefox it keeps saying that application cannot be found and similar things happen when I try to download/add applications [01:57] How is Ubuntu for clustering? [01:57] Counter Strike Source used to work in WINE when I had a 7600GT, but doesn't since I upgraded to an 8600GTS, my guess is it's the new drivers [01:58] unzzi: I have installed on both and nVidia seems to write better drivers..are they the restricted drivers? [01:58] XD [01:58] I'm thinking about fresh installing gutsy on a computer with ATI Radeon x1300 Pro 256MB... will i run into a problem? i heard some horror stories with ATI in general [01:58] Hi, I'm following this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/HowTo/LocalRepositoriesHowto to set up a local apt mirror. I've done this, and now I'd like to add newer versions of packages to my mirror. I understand this probably needs some package signing, but haven't been able to find any docs on this process [01:58] anyone have any ideas? [01:58] ok [01:58] Just need a quick guide to adding packages to my local repo [01:58] fujin xD [01:58] home-made packages [01:58] eno___: dont give me too much credit, its a snippet I found [01:59] i'm trying nvida 5500 ugh on a qudro 600.. === chris__ is now known as fgh [01:59] hey, can anyone help, I have fujitsu Amilo Xi 1526 and the internal speakers will not cut out when i plug in my headphones, i have been going through the forum posts for the last 4h or so but the main tip to use model=fujitsu does not want to work [01:59] scguy318: snippet or not, I appreciate the grep idea :) [02:00] !ask | darioco [02:00] gary_inNYC, should be fine as long as you don't use compiz [02:00] oops [02:00] is bulletproof-x supposed to be integrated into the gutsy liveCD? [02:00] eno____: np [02:00] darioco: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [02:01] eido: Yes, the newest ones that just got out today I think 8.42.3. Everything else seems to be smooth though. I take it this isn't a compiz problem but rather ATI driver problem then? [02:01] how can i use more than one server in xchat ( where do i add servers to the line at the left) ? sry . total linux n00b [02:01] sigh afk - planet in peril.. plays all night... [02:01] I keep seeing Can not find 'flashplugin-nonfree' whenever I try to install a needed plugin for Firefox(using Ubuntu 7.10) [02:01] really? so compiz-fusion as is now is shotty with ATI atm? [02:01] robert_, Xchat > New... > Server Tab [02:01] gary_inNYC: i think Compiz 0.3 has a bug which screws up the latest fglrx [02:01] hi, anyone know about the chinese input method named fctix? I have installed it, but it is invisible and I dont know how to call it [02:01] gary_inNYC: 0.6 has it resolved [02:02] k thx again scguy318 [02:02] gary_inNYC, you have to use xgl if you want compiz [02:02] gary_inNYC, or get the very latest bleeding edge driver which supports aiglx [02:02] anyone know what is causing the ugly osd text at the bottom of my screen, I suspect something to do with libnotify/libosd.. [02:02] robertfisk, Xchat > New... > Server Tab [02:02] kk [02:03] is anyong here using the new ati driver with aiglx? [02:03] how do i open a .chm file? [02:03] you think the automated restricted drivers should work? [02:03] My computer , computer just started doing this. I leave it on for hours or a bit sometimes and get just freezes and I can't get it to do anything is that because I leave it on and it over heats [02:03] thanks :) [02:03] gary_inNYC, the ones with gutsy do not support aiglx [02:03] hey anyone know how the alternate cd forces vga size? [02:03] gary_inNYC, the automated restricted drivers have worked on half the machines I tried [02:03] tarelerulz: probably bad memory or hard disk [02:04] i just did upgrade to gutsy, my fonts are all different now, kind of ugly. Any ideas how to fix this? [02:04] k thanks for the info all [02:04] LordZack: gnochm [02:04] that vgaframebuffer stuff [02:04] tarelerulz: run memtest86 and whatever hd util depending on your hd brand [02:04] gary_inNYC, an aiglx supporting driver was released within the last 24 hours [02:04] gnochm is it on the repository? [02:04] unzzi: there seems to be way more problems with ATI ones, but #compiz-fusion channel is dedicated to compiz-fusion ...use to be #ubuntu-effects but redirects you to the compiz channel but I would guess most users there run ubuntu [02:05] the automated drivers worked without compiz on my ati radeon 200M, and didn't work at all on an nvidia quadro fx 560 [02:05] but did work on my geforce 4 and geforce 8600gts with compiz [02:05] tvkid , I will do that . [02:05] Can not print to Laserjet 1100 in gutsy. Was able to add printer, but jobs sent to it just remain in queue. Also have an attached canon 850 which wa automatically recognized by gutsy and which prints fine. Laserjet worked w/ 7.04 Live CD, but doesn't work w/ installed 7.10. Any thoughts? [02:06] when they do work, they're remarkably simple [02:06] Does XChat have any way to filter certain messages? Like joins, parts etc. Getting overwhelmed by the spam... [02:06] is there any way to block an update? [02:06] Where can i get the gstreamer mp3 plugin ?? [02:06] qman, the quadro should work with nvidia-glx-new in gutsy [02:06] !mp3 [02:06] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [02:06] qman: I think those are the generic drivers that are in linux but it takes a little longer to get the drivers since dev have to figure out the cards [02:06] and my compiz got screwed up [02:06] quick question, how can I copy this directory "Joomla_1.0.10-Stable-Full_Package" to /var/www [02:07] sko0zy: just try to play an MP3, and use both updates [02:07] dystopianray, the driver was found and installed, but the display refused to work with it [02:07] sko0zy - in the add\remove tab oin applications [02:07] reya276: cp "joomla..." /var/www/ [02:07] dystopianray, downloading the drivers from nvidia and compiling them did work, however [02:07] reya276, sudo cp -r "Joomla_1.0.10-Stable-Full_Package" /var/www [02:07] so if i d/l envy files and some how install them.. reboot and...x goes blah... [02:07] m4r71x: thanks [02:07] !envy | pazsion_ [02:07] pazsion_: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! [02:08] tvkid , I just run that program to test my memory . [02:08] reya276: np [02:08] hey guys [02:08] wow [02:08] qman: yeah I had to use the restricted drivers to get an X600 to work the open source drivers were not capable yet...though the open source are much better when they figure them out [02:08] have a question [02:08] im installing ubuntu with xinerama [02:08] cool [02:08] and it asks me for fb0 (framebuffer) [02:08] um.. qudro 600 hopefully [02:08] Im having a couple of ubuntus [02:09] eido, the restricted driver package didn't work on this system, but compiling them using nvidia's download did work [02:09] rest are i810 onboard .. [02:09] but cant see in /dev/fb0 [02:09] was still fairly simple, just had to install build-essential and run the script [02:09] how can I make fb devices appear? [02:09] i hope this is the right place to ask this... i've got a few questions about hardware... i have fairly good hardware firewalls in my modem and my router (separate pieces of equipment), and I have two questions about these... 1) is there any problem with running two hardware firewalls at the same time, and 2) how do i configure one or both so that i can use irc? (currently both are off, could not get irc to work otherwise) [02:09] contant updates are no problem all have cd-r [02:09] anyone: when I try t installl gnome-themes_2.20 I get an error that says: gtk-update-icon-cache: symbol lookup error: /user/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl [02:10] frozenflame22: about 1.- theres no problem till ytou can manage both of them [02:10] to me... wine sucks... any alternatives? [02:10] my graphics card supports stupidly high resolutions(like 2000x1700 or something) and my monitor can do 1280x1024, yet when i try and change my resolution above 1024*768 i get no picture, whats wrong? [02:10] have you tried it yeat? running two HW FW [02:10] frozenflame22: 2.- open port 6667 tcp por irc [02:10] frozenflame22, multiple firewalls can work, but it's just generally more trouble than it's worth [02:10] frozenflame22, you need to make exceptions in each firewall for every program/port set you need [02:11] m4r71x: I keep getting an error [02:11] hi [02:11] AnAlien8me: sometimes I had to edit xorg.conf manually for it to display higher resolutions [02:11] then how to you aplly 7 layerrs lol [02:11] * coreymanshack wonders ab out WINE alternatives [02:11] any one from iowa???? [02:11] !ot | dgdghgdyhfgr [02:11] dgdghgdyhfgr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [02:11] dgdghgdyhfgr: Try in #ubuntu-iowa [02:11] AnAlien8me: just make a backup of it before playing around [02:11] ok [02:11] sweet! [02:11] every time I try to do this: root@reya276-desktop:/home/reya276/Downloads# cp joomla /var/www [02:12] The network manager in buntu with the VPN support is so intuitive....they need to work on that. [02:12] does putty work with ubuntu or is there a similar program out there ? [02:12] I get this error: cp: omitting directory `joomla' [02:12] robertfisk: ssh [02:12] eido, the correct resolutions for my monitor are listed on the change resolution program, but when i test one, it goes gray and i dont get a picture [02:12] reya276, cp -r [02:12] robertfisk: Putty works [02:12] anyone have an opinion or idea regarding what's the most 'ubuntu-friendly' pda? [02:12] ah . good . thanks [02:12] so has anyone figured out/solved the problem with nvidia cards and gutsy only loading in 800x600? [02:12] reya276: use -r when copying directories [02:12] reya276, cp -r [02:12] namely something that can sync with evolution, pref. w/ bluetooth, etc etc [02:12] Does anyone else hate the network manager? [02:13] whats up with the missing packages in gutsy? [02:13] LifeNomad: I love it. [02:13] so how do i get my nvidia card working, and then think about getting future updates easier for everyone... [02:13] Odd-rationale: Have you tried the VPN? [02:13] perlfan, what missing packages? [02:13] nobody thinks using *-a* when copying directories is an even better idea? ;) [02:13] perlfan: you'll have to be a lot more specific than that. [02:13] LifeNomad, I hate that it doesn't work with my school's retarded wifi scheme [02:13] qman: How so? [02:13] LifeNomad: yes, and my number one reason is that it's VPN config section is unavailable when not using 'roaming mode' [02:13] LjL, only if you want to preserve permissions [02:13] LjL: depends what you're using it for really... [02:13] they use the cisco PEAP protocol without certificates on WEP [02:13] attackdecay: I TOTALLY agree! [02:13] networkmanager can't manage that [02:14] dystopianray: I search for things like qemu or cvs in synaptic and they're not listed [02:14] do I have to add a third party src? [02:14] hmm, I am glad mine only uses ciso VPN [02:14] is there a good program to convert wma to mp3, that's faster than one track at a time using audacity? [02:14] I've never been able to get linux online on that stupid wifi network [02:14] perlfan, no they should be there, check your enabled repos [02:14] It took me like 35 mins to get on mine today.... [02:14] networkman works great for me until i end up at my folks place for a few weeks and have to plug straight into their router and use a static ip... meaning roaming mode 'off' [02:14] k [02:14] AnAlien8me: the horizontal and vertical synch was incorrectly detected on one of my installs I had to keep guessing them ...supposidly you can damage the monitor if its a lcd if you enter it incorrectly but Dell didn't have any documentation available [02:14] hey, my taskbar is showing stuff from all the desktops.. how do i make it so that it only shows the applications running on that specific desktop? [02:14] qman, I've used networkmanager successfully with PEAP + WPA2 [02:14] and now no vpn... unless i use the wrt54gs router... and once i do that, because they live in bumfuck montana, i get total shit upload [02:14] so has anyone figured out/solved the problem with nvidia cards and gutsy only loading in 800x600? [02:14] attackdecay: Do you use wifi? [02:14] perlfan: cvs is in the repositories (in main) as is qemu, but it is in universe, so if you haven't enabled that, you wont see it. [02:15] so i've been just f'ing around switching back and forth for a week now [02:15] abbot: keep in mind that sort of conversation always loses some [much] quality. but try soundconverter [02:15] !language | attackdecay [02:15] attackdecay: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. [02:15] dystopianray, my school's network is not WPA [02:15] oops [02:15] sorry [02:15] dystopianray, it's WEP [02:15] won't happen again [02:15] But you have wifi? [02:15] dystopianray, and it won't do PEAP + WEP [02:15] Why are you "plugging in" [02:15] LifeNomad: i was.. but i've upgraded to gutsy and need to recompile madwifi (macbook c2d) [02:15] LjL. thanks. it's not for me and i'm sure this guy isn't going to care. his music is crappy anyway. haha. [02:15] dystopianray: where do I do that exactly? [02:15] attackdecay: Oh macbook...ahh I see [02:16] attackdecay: But you can "manually configure" your wifi and take it off roaming [02:16] also, has NetworkManager fixed the issue with not working on ra0 cards? [02:16] I haven't had time to upgrade my system with one of those in it [02:16] qman: I am not sure of that [02:16] jebus... east US dude from iowa [02:16] LifeNomad: and madwifi still has a bug that is really a bother with my wifi shipset [02:16] chipset [02:16] sudo reboot [02:16] I am just glad my netgrear Wg511T works [02:16] Flannel: where do I enable the repos? [02:17] perlfan, you can check your repos in /etc/apt/sources.list, i think, i'm not at home === cafuego_ is now known as cafuego [02:17] attackdecay: Yea macs have some troubles [02:17] LifeNomad: roaming mode works great for me, for everything except my parents' random static ip dsl [02:17] dystopianray: k - thanks [02:17] perlfan: Software Properties === varun is now known as varun0 [02:17] someone please help me =P my taskbar is showing stuff from all the desktops.. how do i make it so that it only shows the applications running on that specific desktop? [02:17] =) [02:17] Flannel: will check [02:17] perlfan: system > Admin > software properties, or software sources (depending on your version) [02:17] I even tried using wpasupplicant manually to connect to my school's wifi, never managed to get it working [02:17] attackdecay: Well even on my linksys router....with no encryption and DHCP....I cannot connect until I go off of roaming.... [02:17] um, can u make them indipendant...-i'm soo greeen [02:17] Flannel: I am on xubuntu [02:18] I dont know why [02:18] LifeNomad: for the most part, however, ubuntu on my macbook is working wonderfully, integrating with an all M$ office no problems, vpn, rdp, exchange, smb over vpn, all god [02:18] hi, i'm tring to cross compile libcaca (an ascii art library) for DOS using dgjpp, the problem is that i can't compile gcc with djgpp, ehever i do make i get (the error lines):make[2]: *** [getpwd.o] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/darsel/djgpp/gcc/i386-pc-msdosdjgpp/libiberty' make[1]: *** [all-target-libiberty] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/darsel/djgpp/gcc' make: *** [all] Error 2 [02:18] It is an open wifi connection....and I can't be on roaming?!? [02:18] LiMaO: Right click on the little handle to the left of the window list and choose 'Preferences" [02:18] does fish also work in xchat ? [02:18] any help in this??? [02:18] How do you disable the system beep. I did it before, but know I forgot. :( [02:18] LiMaO: Then select 'Show windows from current workspace' [02:18] to any ubuntu developer: awesome job...i can't seem to break my X! [02:18] samba over vpn? [02:18] hi guys.. everyone usng cmpiz + xgl + ati, check this --> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=887&num=1 , if you havent done so already ;) [02:18] no matter what I do, X ALWAYS comes up...very impressive [02:18] ah . found it [02:19] all good [02:19] LifeNomad: now that is strange... i had great luck, before coming to my parents to visit, with roaming mode and wpa2 security, dhcp, and it also remembered my preferred network even when it wasn't the strongest signal available [02:19] cafuego: thank you so much =) [02:19] lol why disable beep? [02:19] robertfisk: yes [02:19] anyone?? [02:19] ?!?! bulletproof x seems more like bulleted x on the liveCD [02:19] LifeNomad: yeah, windows file sharing with a m$ vpn [02:19] directly in nautilus [02:19] they wont pull up anything on 23 of my machines [02:19] d0ll4: to bad it doesn't work for me! [02:19] what's the keyboard shortcut for "open location" again? :) [02:19] guru, [02:19] attackdecay: Yea, I can connect to other peoples wifi in this building, except my own....have to go roaming [02:19] why is it m$ but not o$ X ? [02:19] gahhh chatter [02:19] hi kids, how r u ? [02:19] i'm actually trying to figure out which pda is best for syncing and playing nice with ubuntu [02:19] o$x, same thing in mybook [02:20] i like that ;] [02:20] no* roaming [02:20] !offtopic [02:20] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [02:20] inspired.. haha [02:20] m1ke_l : sorry to hear that.. i was fighting with ati's drivers awhile ago.. i bought an nvidia ;) [02:20] perlfan: Ah, Uh, I know there's a GUI method in xubuntu, but I'm not familiar. You can just edit your sources.list, gksu mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list [02:20] nvidia problems!! [02:20] LifeNomad: to be quite honest, my networkmanger troubles, save the 'no vpn while off roaming' thing, all worked themselves out without too much fuss.. at this point i can't honestly remember exactly what i did to get things smooth [02:20] *cough cough* [02:20] Can anyone tell me why I have to go roaming to connect to unencrypted, open wifi? [02:20] !ontopic [02:21] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [02:21] d0ll4: work ibm laptop...not much i can do! [02:21] anyone: when I try t installl gnome-themes_2.20 I get an error that says: gtk-update-icon-cache: symbol lookup error: /user/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl [02:21] does anyone know where I can grab a deb for the emerald theme manager? [02:21] attackdecay: hmm, mine are still that way....oh well [02:21] i cant figure out how to instal vmware tools [02:21] perlfan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine More or less. That page should be "via text editor" not necessarily via command line [02:21] Dumb question: I'm a complete n00b. Should I even screw around with this text installer? Or should I give up on the Linux thing? [02:21] Is there an ubuntu networking IRC channel? [02:21] gah.. nvidia problems.. install 5500..quadro 600? [02:22] you shouldn't have a text installer.. [02:22] Dan_L: text installer is super easy. Its just a GUI made up of text instead of graphics [02:22] Dan_L, the alternate install CD is fairly simple [02:22] Dan_L: go for it, we can coach you along [02:22] Dan_L, it's all menu based [02:22] Dan_L, it just doesn't have X running [02:22] Dan_L: It asks the same questions, you just don't use a mouse, you use a keyboard to select things. [02:22] pazsion_, didn't you get it to work ? [02:22] !ubota [02:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about ubota - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [02:22] !ubotu [02:22] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [02:22] !emerald [02:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [02:23] lol detra, was warneed againstst it lol [02:23] Darn, there needs to be a buntu networking channel [02:23] LifeNomad: i tell ya tho, i think they'll whip network manager into shape in the near future, for what it is, its pretty good [02:23] pazsion_, why ? [02:23] im having a hard time getting a terminal session to appear transparent on my desktop. im going by this website>>http://ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-a-transparent-terminal-session-as-your-desktop-background.html [02:23] i have no idea [02:23] agreed LifeNomad [02:23] attackdecay: I will agree, its alright, just needs some work [02:23] m1ke_l: you could wait another month and check if the next ati/amd rls is fixing your prob.. as you have waited 13 months for aiglx another one wouldnt hurt i think ;) [02:23] Hmmmm. Ok. But does it do the exact same thing? The reason I ask: I had planned out this vista/ubuntu 7.10 dual boot idea based on the premise that a repartition would not be required - as the live CD does it by itself. Not like I'm opposed to doing a partition, I'm just making sure I'm not going to get in...ahem....over my head [02:23] :) [02:23] it was like a flood... [02:23] lol [02:23] LifeNomad: there are some things that are way better, imho, than the way other 'popular' os's work [02:23] pazsion_, I found out that it worked for me ... [02:24] !botsnack [02:24] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [02:24] pazsion_, I don't think there's anything to worry about ... [02:24] Dan_L: Both the liveCD and the alternate CD would require a repartition to install. Unless you're talking about the wubi thing, which I'm personally unfamiliar with [02:24] well how do i install it if i get it d/led? [02:24] attackdecay: Oh yea, Linux Mint's old network manager sucked so bad, but with the new one...it still needs work. [02:24] can we start a PM detra.. eyes are tired.. [02:24] Flannel, Interesting. There seem to be many different interpretations on that one. Weird. Ok. [02:25] can someone help me with this guide? http://ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-a-transparent-terminal-session-as-your-desktop-background.html [02:25] who maintains the bot's factoids? [02:25] gluttony: what problems do you have with it? [02:25] gluttony: have you tried another guide? [02:25] dresal, it just doesnt work. nothing happens [02:26] gluttony: your issue isn't ubuntu determinant, it's terminal or DE determinant [02:26] Dan_L: Different interpretations on what? Whether a repartition is required to install? It will be with any official installation method. Wubi is unofficial, but will have you ubuntu live inside a windows partition, from what I understand. [02:26] is emerald in the gutsy repos? [02:26] gluttony: go to #gnome [02:26] where can i get dsl distro from? [02:26] varun0: yes [02:26] lm_t7: That's offtopic for an Ubuntu channel... [02:26] lm_t7: www.distrowatch.com [02:26] it is but someone from here told me to get it for my laptop [02:26] Hello! Is there any possibilty to write script/application that automatically clicks button when window opens? I need to automatize one task, but it's impossible - window pop up and asks for confirmation (and there are no command line options to prevent this). It would be great if it would be possible to automatically fill in some text fields, but it's optional - it's the confirmation dialog which stops everything.. [02:26] so i thought it would be good to ask where to get it from [02:27] trialanderror: Which task are you looking to automate? [02:27] to all UO players - anyone successfully compiled Iris2? :) [02:27] Is there a way to fast user switch in Xubuntu 7.10? [02:28] brokensambot: Click the logout button and select "Switch User" [02:28] dystopianray: Flannel: edited the file, and all worked once I RTFM and realized I had to "reload" in Synaptic [02:28] pazsion_, go for it [02:28] so thanks [02:28] it's a custom software, and when i'm importing file it asks for confirmation.. i will never get the source code (it's been custom-developed for us).. [02:28] Alternatively, add the "Switch user" applet to the panel. [02:28] perlfan: Oh, synaptic has software sources built in anyway. Didn't realise thats what xubuntu used [02:28] dresal, yeah, no one says anything in that room, so, um thanks? [02:29] I am looking at setting up a home backup system for a multi OS, multi server,desktop, laptop environment. Automatic backups from all systems to an additional box. Not sure where to start on that .... anyone have an idea where to point me ? Guides ? [02:29] yeah I'm looking for something better then clicking switch user, once the user you switch to logs out, it dumps you back to the original desktop, not very secure [02:29] CharonX: ubuntu server [02:29] CharonX: can you use a command line? [02:30] bmk789, Yes, im very comfortal with ubuntu. I am trying to figure something out that is automatic and could fully restore my server if something happens === iobelix is now known as iobelisk [02:30] How can I disable a low disk space warning? I have a truecrypt volume taking up most of that partition. [02:30] how do I open nautarius as root? [02:30] now heres a question that relates to ubuntu, i can't seem to understand how to install the vmware tools... [02:30] CharonX: do you want the server to get the files from the machines or just have a share open where the machines can backup to? === MekApelsin is now known as blippe [02:31] Detra: i don't know about nautarious, but "gksudo" can be used to run GUI programs as root, if *really* needed - careful though. [02:31] I would like the machines to handle synchronizing the backups to the backup server. Initially with a full backup and then incrementally thereafter and a full backup every so often [02:32] !backup > CharonX (CharonX, see the private message from Ubotu) [02:32] could keep do that? [02:32] LjL, Well my problem is ... I downloaded linux-source through apt-get and got it as a bz2 file ... I typed bzip2 -d linux-source and got a tar file ... but the tar command tells me that its not a tar file ... what am I doing wrong ? [02:32] LjL: gksudo is buggier than dos [02:32] or clonezilla, or how's it called? [02:32] anyone know anything about vmware + gibbon? [02:32] CharonX: you can install ubuntu server on the server then install samba or nfs or ssh to let the clients access it [02:32] Is it possible to, i don't know, move mouse cursor or simulate keyboard event somehow from a shell script or using/writing some software? [02:33] @ CharonX sorry :) [02:33] hello [02:33] BrianG: you around? [02:33] heyguys [02:33] Detra: why do you need to install the kernel from source? that's not something new users should attempt. [02:33] how can I enable framebuffer in ubuntu? [02:33] I installed gutsy today [02:33] Houray! [02:33] detra... pms don't work i need to register.. [02:33] can someon eplease give me a good site where i can find good ubuntu backgrounds like the africa terra one or africa water? [02:33] it seems to be installed tho [02:33] I have noticed only one bug [02:33] * CrazyPerson is downloading a ubuntu distrib right now [02:33] LjL, I'm trying to install my wireless and it requires linux-source ... [02:33] i installed gutsy today on vmware and i want to install the vmware tools but its not working [02:34] Detra: link to the howto you're following, please? [02:34] LjL, guru [02:34] LjL, but he doesn't answer anymore ... [02:34] !themes > Sal (Sal, see the private message from Ubotu) [02:34] The options menu in the gdmgreeter will not appear, and freezes the gdmgreeter [02:34] thanks [02:34] pazsion_, then register ? [02:34] Hi, I'm trying to updat from feisty to gutsy using the update manager followng the documented process. First it asks for 700+ MiB of free space on /, so I free that space and restart the process, jus to find it gets to the same point and now asks for 1.3 GiB of free space :) [02:34] anyone know why my windows open in the top right? it does this on all distros, in both gnome and xfce... any ideas? [02:34] Should I post this in the forums, or can we handle it here? [02:35] anyone got a working howto for kiba-dock? [02:35] lol [02:35] Detra: well, if all you need to do is compile a kernel *module* of some kind, then install module-assistant and use that [02:35] workin on it.. [02:35] doin like 5 things at once [02:35] bmk789, I am interested in the file synchronization specifically. So modified files are updated, new files are added and deleted files are removed.... much like subversion only with my entire server ... [02:36] how can i force my network card to 10 mbps? [02:36] has anyone had better luck with anything other than mplayer-plugin for firefox? [02:36] !rsync | CharonX [02:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about rsync - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [02:36] bmk789, thanks [02:36] can anyone help me with this monitor problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3612547 [02:36] LjL, Can I install my wireless usb internet from that too ? [02:36] ferpadro: drom "man ifconfig": media type Set the physical port or medium type to be used by the device. Not all devices can change this setting, and those that can vary in what values they support. Typical values for type are 10base2 (thin Ethernet), 10baseT (twisted-pair 10Mbps Ethernet), AUI (external transceiver) and so on. [02:36] Crush`: I'm using "media player connectivity" plugin with some success [02:36] Is anyone other than me having difficulty booting 2.6.22-14 ? [02:36] Ok. I just freed up 30 gigs of space [02:37] even if you have a guess [02:37] Detra, i can't tell you for sure. but i think you *don't* need to recompile the kernel. [02:37] Question: Is there an "EasyUbuntu" or Automatix for Gutsy yet? [02:37] or where would I start? [02:37] !wifi > Detra (Detra, see the private message from Ubotu) | see if there are instructions for your card here [02:37] CharonX: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/net/rsync im looking for a guide, just a sec [02:37] !automatix | jrattner1 [02:37] jrattner1: Automatix2 is a 3rd-party product attempting to automate installation of additional software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A technical analysis from a Debian/Ubuntu developer can be found at http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (See also: /msg ubotu worksforme) [02:37] cramm: where might i find more information about this? [02:37] jrattner1: what do you want to do with it? [02:37] jrattner1: why would such tools be needed? gutsy can install the restricted stuff at a mouseclick. [02:37] d0ll4, installing w32 codecs and such [02:37] LjL, I found the driver for my wireless in there but it failed ... [02:37] medibuntu? [02:38] brb, this version of xchat needs an upgrade [02:38] d0ll4, ? [02:38] !medibuntu > jrattner1 (jrattner1, see the private message from Ubotu) [02:38] LjL, thank you [02:38] CharonX: http://justinsomnia.org/2007/02/how-to-regularly-backup-windows-xp-to-ubuntu-using-rsync/ [02:38] so has anyone here built/installed fglrx 8.42 yet? [02:38] tools like those would be needed because some people just arent happy if their systems are not *this* close to being hosed. [02:38] oooook envy installed.. registerign seems like a pain in the ass if i'm gonna have to do a re-install any how [02:38] where would i start in diagnosing a monitor problem [02:38] LjL: thanks, but im not sure i understood what u said. My problem is that i cant get connected "directly" to the internet, coz i need to force it to 10 mbps [02:38] has anyone had issues with toolbars not loading on boot up [02:38] Question: Is there a replacement package for mail-notification that includes SSL support? [02:38] test [02:38] Anyone care to field the gdmgreeter issue, or should I post it on the forums? [02:38] LjL: i tried ethtool and mii-tool but none of these worked [02:38] codeing becomes tedious [02:38] LjL, It said ignoring this package. maybe you need to add something to sources.list, maybe the contrib and non-free archives. [02:38] jrattner1: deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ gutsy free non-free [02:38] I'm having a problem with ubuntu and found the bug report. It's labeled as "Fix Released" Towards the bottom I found: [02:38] gnome-mount (0.6-1ubuntu4) gutsy; urgency=low [02:38] * debian/patches/ubuntu-default-mount-options.patch: Use "usefree" VFAT [02:38] mount option by default, to avoid very long blocking of statfs() calls on [02:38] VFAT. (LP: #133567) [02:38] -- Martin Pitt <