
martin_ok, i have just installed xubuntu 7.10 and installation works just fine but when i try to boot the system i first see the spashscreen and the progressbar and everything looks fine until it hangs just after "running local start scripts" anyone recognice this?? any ideas?00:45
martin_also, when i boot up in recoverymode i get now network connection, hast worked great before with earlyer distros...00:46
th3manwhy does my titlebar disappear after installing compiz?01:15
th3manhas anyone else have that problem?01:15
neozensorry... just joined01:21
neozenwhich problem is this?01:22
brokensambotHi, is there a fast user type switching mech in Xubuntu 7.10?02:27
brokensambotgnomefreak just joined Xubuntu, irony :)02:40
gnomefreakbrokensambot: im always here02:40
gnomefreakim just checking in to see if i can poush package. i used to be that nick as well as other freak nicks but got rid of alot of them02:41
gnomefreaki sign packages use gnomefreak as nicks for Lp wiki and such so i use this most of time02:42
brokensambotYou don't know of a fast user switching alt for Xubuntu do you?02:43
brokensambotFast user switching works so nice on my main box I must have it for my server ;)02:43
gnomefreakbrokensambot: if there isnt one you an use gnomes iirc you have to use the gnome-applet think for xfce02:43
gnomefreaki dont think xubuntu added one02:44
yotuxcan can anyone assist in getting network card to work?02:51
gnomefreakyotux: sorry thats too much thinking at this time a night for me or i would love to02:52
yotuxits weird it sees my card list my card but the card doesn't pull an IP thankz for the reply though02:53
yotuxgnomefreak 1000mb card recommendation?02:59
gnomefreakdont know ask me in morning i am not much help tonight i had to take painkillers02:59
gnomefreaki do need a smoke brb03:00
yotuxok thankz03:00
ICXCNIKADoes Xubuntu utilize ShipIt? I would download the iso file and put it to a disk, but unfortunately I don't have a cd burner.03:01
gnomefreakICXCNIKA: not yet afaik03:02
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user1can someone help gnome-mount doesnt work03:54
user1gnome-umount is broke too03:55
Rynux91I'm starting to think my computer is too old for Xubuntu 7.1004:09
Rynux91or my computer is running a practical exam on me...04:09
Rynux91So far, the problems I've had are, Terminal Crashes X Server, Broken Packages, Unable to update using update manager and unable to fix using Synaptic04:12
niuqhi, i'm having problems installing xubuntu04:39
niuqwhile the installation is in process, a message appears04:39
niuq(297.799458) out of memory: kill process 3512 (localedef score 542 or a child)04:40
Rynux91any active members here?05:12
frig_during the ubuntu loading screen, is the screen set to an 800x600 display mode?06:15
sve1hey all07:16
jrsimsIs there a way to get xubuntu to redetect my display settings like it did during install?07:45
jrsimsI tried to use a second display, and that failed. So now I am stuck in low graphics mode.07:46
jrsimsNo way back07:46
jrsimsbad bad bad07:46
jrsimsbad form07:46
jrsimsOh, and every time I log out and back in, the fonts get smaller each time07:47
giulioHello, what can i do to autoload snd-sb16 modules at every boot? Adding snd-sb16 in /etc/modules is ok? Tya08:23
fbnhi, where can I configure laptop power savings (suspend after XX minutes of inactivity and so on) on xubuntu?09:28
fbnon ubuntu there was a app in system menu called energieverwaltung (sorry don't know the english word)09:28
rzimek78hello, I'm a newbe in Xfce. I've installed samba, but how in Xubuntu search for local computers in local net?09:48
TheSheeprzimek78: if you want a gui tool for that, pyneighbourhood does that09:49
rzimek78ok, :)09:49
rzimek78but there's a problem, because I can't even look into the folder that I share in pyNeighborhood - "Failed to mount" :( why is it? Samba is configured good09:57
TheSheeprzimek78: I'm not sure, but I think that pyneighbourhood is using smbfs to mount the shares with fuse10:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smbfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:01
nikolamDoes anyode here uses Xubuntu 7.10 64-bit and have one of ATI graphics cards and uses FGLRX driver?10:14
nikolamCould you please tell me, if you CAN start Open Office?10:14
fbnhi, is there any laptop power management in xubuntu?10:16
nikolamThere were before on 7.04 in screen saver settings. (screen etc) Now on 7.10 I don`t know.10:18
AlexClol, McLOVIN11:05
AlexCthat was a crazy movie11:05
McLOVINyes ^^11:05
McLOVINi want to test the xubuntu live cd but after the blue-grey progress bar my monitor says "out of range"11:10
nikolamTry alternate install, or try passing vga  mode during boot11:21
McLOVINi tried it with the safe graphic mode but the same thing happened11:27
nikolamDidi you try F4 - select graphics mode?11:39
nikolamWhat monitor do you use?11:40
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alzamonI have a problem with my sound quality when playing movies with mplayer and when playing mp3's with cmus. The quality used to be good, but it seems that when fumbling around with codecs and different video/audio players I have messed things up. The sound card is Ensoniq ES1370 [AudioPCI] and I'm using ALSA.11:43
alzamonIt sounds almost like when the speakers can't handle the volume.11:44
nikolamalzamon: You already know what it is.11:51
nikolamI would try to reinstall those restricted codecs from add/remove applications11:52
McLOVINi use a normal lcd tft monitor11:53
McLOVINand with the F4 selection i only tried the vga mode and the 1024*768 32bit mode11:54
McLOVINmaybe it's because of my graphics card?11:55
nikolamMcLOVIN: And what graphics card12:00
McLOVINnvidia geforce 7600 gs12:00
nikolamMcLOVIN: Did you try to set lower resolution with F4?12:00
McLOVINno just the high one and the standard vga mode12:00
nikolamMaybe this would help as boot option?12:02
nikolambut it seem to me its the same as F412:03
McLOVINi will try out the other resolutions a bit later12:06
McLOVINthx for you help12:06
nikolamok pn12:07
alzamonniko: Sorry but I didn't quite understand. You would reinstall the codecs packages that I was messing with earlyer?12:12
qwerkusHello all12:16
qwerkusdid someone managed to get the framebuffer console working under gutsy ?12:16
netdurminimal req. to run xubuntu?12:18
tonyyarussoqwerkus: are you referring to the vga= options bugs?12:22
tonyyarussonetdur: 64 MB RAM, 1.5 GB HDD, 300 MHz CPU is what I'd guess off the top of my head, but 128 / 3 / 700 would be lots more comfortable12:23
netdur128 RAM 4 GB 333 MHz ?12:24
netdurtonyyarusso: good specs?12:25
tonyyarussonetdur: probably good enough at least.12:26
netdurtonyyarusso: thanks12:26
qwerkustonyyarusso: yes12:58
tonyyarussoqwerkus: in that case, no, but I'm also waiting12:59
qwerkusany other way to get a fbconsole ?12:59
tonyyarussono idea12:59
qwerkuslet's wait13:00
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pfeinI upgraded to gutsy, and now I get two nm-applets... any idea?15:15
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keitherz_where are the ppl here16:04
nikolamhere here16:52
GodOfWalmartDoes anyone know what package I need to install to get the xenv program to test input from buttons to the x server?16:56
feodor24off blast17:02
feodor24hi all, guys17:02
feodor24I've got some strange problem with nvidia driver and need your help17:04
feodor24there's a 1.0-9631 NVIDIA driver installed on my Xubuntu right from the box but when benchmarking using Q3 I have only 32 FPS on Linux versus 48 FPS on Windows17:06
feodor24i mean that graphic acceleration works but it's so slo-o-o-owly when compirising with Win17:06
feodor24is it ok?17:06
feodor24glxgears works too but it gain only 800 FPS17:07
GodOfWalmartDoes anyone know what package I need to install to get the xenv program to test input from buttons to the x server?17:07
feodor24I don't  know, unfortunatly17:08
feodor24GodOf, maybe u can help me? are u experienced user?17:08
feodor24I just dunno what to do - NVIDIA driver seems to be working ok but it's very slowly17:09
GodOfWalmarthave you ran a top?17:09
GodOfWalmartsee what's using your CPU?17:09
feodor24GodOf, u know, I'm absulotely shure that when render, my GPU using NVIDIA accelerated driver... but I just cannot understand why it is so slowly17:10
feodor24what's the top?17:11
feodor24oh, i see...17:11
feodor24just a minute..17:11
feodor24GodOf, so what proccess should eb listed in top to let me know it's ok?17:11
sve1hey, my comp freezes as soon as the login screen loads.  it's happened with other distros, but I don't know why17:12
GodOfWalmartsve1, freezes hard?17:12
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GodOfWalmartfeodor24, should be the programs you are running17:13
GodOfWalmartfeodor24, someone on the forums reported mplayer running with two instances after an update and it was killing the CPU17:13
GodOfWalmartfeodor24, kill beagle and desktop search if you don't use them17:13
sve1Godof: yes.  the screen glitches and I can't use my mouse or keyboard.17:14
GodOfWalmartsve1, kill the xserver and check the logs, see what's causing it to crash. It might be something in your xorg.conf17:14
feodor24GodOf, no, it's ok with cpu and memory... everything's OK and other programs run well... only 3D seems to work so shitty17:15
sve1 Ok, I'll check that now17:15
feodor24GodOf, actually I'm a total noob in IRC :) tell me plz how can u make somebody from the room to know that u're addressing ur message to him/her?17:16
feodor24GodOf, i mean is there any way to address ur msg instead of typing ur reciever's nick firstly?17:17
GodOfWalmarttype my full name17:17
GodOfWalmartor type part of it and hit tab17:17
GodOfWalmartit should fill the rest of it out17:17
GodOfWalmartfed, no?17:17
GodOfWalmartDid you update your drivers?17:17
feodor24GodOfWalmart: cool :)_ it works :) thanks alot17:17
GodOfWalmartglad to help17:18
feodor24GodOfWalmart: 1.0-9631 NVIDIA driver was just out-of-the box17:18
feodor24GodOfWalmart: actually I was very surprised by this fact17:18
GodOfWalmartfeodor24, give me the output from the command uname -r17:18
GodOfWalmartfeodor24, yeah, it's nativly supported now17:19
feodor24GodOfWalmart: 2.6.20-15-generic17:19
GodOfWalmartfeodor24, you've not updated have you?17:19
feodor24GodOfWalmart: by the way, does GPL driver suck in comparison with NVIDIA's prop. driver?17:19
feodor24GodOfWalmart: no, coz 9631 is the last driver's version my GPU's able to support17:20
sve1GodOfWalmart: where is xorg.conf?17:20
feodor24sve1, /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:20
feodor24sve1, but make a reserver copy firstly!:)17:21
feodor24reserv i mean17:21
GodOfWalmartsve1, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup17:21
GodOfWalmartfeodor24, what do you mean by that? it should be what your GPU supports, rather what the kernel supports17:22
sve1feodor24: ty.,17:22
feodor24GodOfWalmart: i have GeForce 4 440 MX card. It's old and so it's ablt to support only "Legacy" drivers. Last legacy driver is 1.0-963117:23
GodOfWalmartI have to go, sorry17:23
feodor24ok, bye and thank u for ur help17:23
GodOfWalmartthe legacy drivers are still supported in newer kernels I'm pretty sure17:23
feodor24ok, i'll go to ubuntu channel instead of sleeping xubuntu one and ask those guys about it17:24
GabriellaCan someone help me with a simple problem?17:38
GabriellaI accidentally removed my top and bottom task bars17:38
GabriellaAny idea how I can get them back17:38
TheSheepGabriella: press alt+f2 and type 'xfce4-panel'17:42
GabriellaI thank you good sir17:47
nikolamHey, hello17:53
nikolamDoes anyone use 64-bit xubuntu 7.1017:53
nikolamand fglrx ATI graphics driver?17:53
nikolamI need someone to confirm bug regarding OpenOffice with fglrx17:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 155372 in openoffice.org "Open Office does not start when using fglrx ATI driver." [Unknown,Confirmed]17:54
tax0nhi folks18:00
tax0nany xubuntu website admin around?18:00
nikolamWhat`s wrong? (I am just user like you)18:07
tax0nunless your admin on the xubuntu site you probably can't help18:08
tax0none of the mirror links on the main page points to spam18:08
nikolamWhich one?18:13
nikolamIs this one?18:13
fairwayhi all18:37
fairwaywhat dvd player is recommended in xubuntu?18:37
wbadgerI like vlc18:39
fairwayhow to install?18:39
wbadgersudo apt-get install vlc18:40
wbadgeror in synaptic18:40
fairwayk thx18:42
neozenjust installed gutsy18:51
neozencorrection... upgraded to gutsy from feisty18:51
neozen...having some font issues18:52
neozenmainly in eclipse...18:52
neozenwhich was installed using a zip from eclipse.org NOT the repositories18:52
neozenfont sizes in iteditor are huge and bold.....18:52
neozen*its editor18:52
wbadgerI think you should change a preference in eclipse18:53
neozenI completely whacked out eclipse's preference folder (.mozilla/eclipse)18:55
neozen...no change18:55
* neozen finally finds eclipses default settings and kicks them...19:00
graelbHi, Is there any reason you can think of that would make my TTY's not be visible?19:00
zoredachewhat do you mean not visible?19:03
zoredacheare you saying the device node doesn't exist in /dev or something else?19:03
graelbwhen i go Ctrl+alt+F2, i get a black screen19:04
graelbwhich then cycles througth a bunch of colors19:04
graelbI'm on gutsy btw19:05
graelbI found a bug report *looking through it*19:05
zoredachewow, that sounds unusual...19:08
metsikasalut :)19:10
metsikaQuand aurat on droit a xubuntu avec gusty gibbon ? :o19:11
graelbhere's the report btw19:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129910 in linux-source-2.6.22 "tty[1-6] are active but display nothing in Gutsy" [Undecided,New]19:11
metsikaand why?19:12
Ben_Cseach time i try to run gutsy livecd i get to the progress bar and then it exits to "busybox" wtf?!19:47
TheSheepBen_Cs: usually this means a bad burn or a bad download19:48
TheSheepBen_Cs: sometimes it might be just the cd drive unable to read the cd19:49
Ben_CsTheSheep i burned it twise/ bad download? sure? i'm downloading dapper for test19:49
TheSheep!md5 | Ben_Cs19:50
ubotuBen_Cs: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:50
Ben_CsTheSheep: verifying from menu there brings me to busybox aswell19:50
TheSheepBen_Cs: verufy the iso you downloaded19:51
h3sp4wnThere is an option on the boot menu to check the disk use that19:51
TheSheepBen_Cs: there is md5 checksum availbale where you got it19:51
TheSheeph3sp4wn: he just said it gives him busybox too :(19:51
Ben_Csbut i can't get to kernel at all19:52
TheSheepBen_Cs: do it on the computer on which you downloaded and burned the cd19:52
h3sp4wnTheSheep: Interesting I never needed to use that (just knew of its existance)19:54
Ben_Csthe winxp sees the cd as blank cd. so i can't access what i need to run checksum on it19:57
TheSheepBen_Cs: it shouldn't be seen as blank19:57
Ben_Csbut it is19:58
TheSheepBen_Cs: besides, you are supposed o check the iso you donwlaoded, not the cd19:58
Ben_Csi deleted the iso19:58
Ben_Csnevermind wil try dapper19:58
TheSheepah, then there is no use checking, just redownload :)19:58
Ben_Csdesided to redownload gutsy cause dapper has old version of eclipse20:03
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topylii installed xubuntu last night on my old desktop. nice enough20:33
topylihowever, it uses the system beep quite liberally. how do i turn it off?20:33
TheSheeptopyli: when does it beep?20:39
topyliTheSheep: for example when i press backspace the beginning of a line20:41
topyliin terminal, or an text entry box20:41
topylimaybe it think it's an error. "you can't go back!" :)20:42
TheSheepyou can disable the beeps in the terminal20:42
evil_techhas anyone gotten compiz working?20:42
TheSheep!compiz | evil_tech20:43
ubotuevil_tech: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:43
TheSheeptopyli: in ~/.config/Terminal/terminalrc20:43
topyliTheSheep: thanks :)20:45
topylithe pidgin text entry box still beeps though20:45
topyliactually, pidgin is the only one beeping on the desktop. the consoles beep too. i'll figure them out20:48
topyliall in all, i find xfce quite sexy: http://i22.tinypic.com/n4gsbk.png20:53
topyli(normally i'm a die-hard gnome fellow)20:53
jerbeardoes anyone use nx with xfce?20:59
zoredacheone of my coworkers does...21:01
runokiabafter updating to 7.10 I cannot get the mixer button added to the xfce-panel22:20
runokiabis that a known bug? is there a workaround?22:20
runokiabah ok https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-mixer/+bug/14414222:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 144142 in xfce4-panel "if i try to add the xfce4-mixer-plugin it does not show up in the panel (dup-of: 90261)" [Undecided,New]22:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 90261 in xfce4-mixer "Volume Control plugin can't be added to xfce4-panel" [Unknown,Confirmed]22:21
runokiabthat's really annoying for my using habits22:26
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:56
machaddocksomething is messed up with my home folder icon in the top panel. Can you help me fix it?22:58
machaddockgod damn it there is never anyone active on this channel23:01
zoredachethere are people tht are active... just not necesarly knowledgable23:05
zoredacheas for the 'home' icon in the top panel right click on it and hit properties...23:06
zoredachewhen I look at mine I see that the icon is 'user-home.png'23:06
Adriaan_Hey people23:09
Adriaan_So the Gibbons are out... I read Ubuntu has a lot of bugs and stuff, but how about Xubuntu 7.10?23:09
Adriaan_I'd like to know it before I download it23:10
evil_techi suppose it would depend on what you are doing23:11
Adriaan_what do you mean?23:11
zoredachethe system is useable on my computer.  There is a issue I am having with libpam_mount.  But I am not convinced it isn't something I have done to myself23:11
evil_techi am using it just for email word processing movie watching etc and ive ran into no bugs yet23:12
evil_techbut if you need more advance things just judging for traffic there may be bugs that could cause you problems23:12
evil_techupgrading seems to break some things23:13
Adriaan_I'm going to download the install CD and reconfigure the whole system23:13
Adriaan_so that shouldn't be a problem23:13
Adriaan_But I won't use it for complicated programs23:14
evil_techi'd do a full install from the disc rather than upgrade23:15
Adriaan_yup, it's easier to just save imprtant files on an extern memory23:16
SuicideCowSo this is the Xubuntu IRC channel right?23:18
Adriaan_:-) Alright, thanks for letting me know the state of the Gibbon, I'm doing it tomorrow [tomorrow's a long day and I'm really tired]23:18
Adriaan_yes it is23:18
SuicideCowGreat, i have a problem with my deployement of Xubuntu on an old Acer laptop :P23:18
Adriaan_good luck with that, but I can't help you with that23:19
zoredacheare you going to ask us about the problem or are you just sharing?23:19
SuicideCowIm going to ask about the problem :P23:19
SuicideCowThe problem is:23:19
evil_techyay I got COMPIZ working :D23:19
SuicideCowIm trying to install Xubuntu on an Acer 517TE Laptop, but it is taking forever, it is sitting at the desktop for nearly 20 minutes without the 2 taskbars, and if i click on an icon nothing happenes23:20
evil_techwhat are the specs on the machine23:21
zoredacheyou might want to consider using the 'alternate' install cd23:21
SuicideCowEmm, lemme think23:21
SuicideCowIntel Pentium 2 366 Mhz, 192Mb Ram, build in videocard23:22
SuicideCowXubuntu should be able to run on it23:22
mattg_how do i browse a network?23:22
SuicideCowI burned the Live disk at 6x speed, but that shouldn be a problem23:22
evil_techyes ive installed it on much less than that23:22
evil_techi would try using the alternate install23:22
evil_techi have more luck installing with it on older machines23:23
SuicideCowI hate the alternate cdś :P23:23
SuicideCowHave to download again :p23:23
SuicideCowBut if im correct, i remember something wich might be important23:23
SuicideCowDuring the boot you will see these DOS like messages saying if the devices are working ( [OK] ) Understand?23:23
SuicideCowWell, one of those messages told me that i had to update my Bios in order to get ACPI to work23:24
SuicideCowCould that be the problem ?23:24
evil_techcould be23:24
evil_techit probably is using APM and that is causing the problem23:24
zoredacheeh?  I love the alternate cd.  What do have against it?23:24
SuicideCowWell, i searched the forum, and booted the live disk with the    acpi=off function(or something like that)23:24
evil_techat the boot screen you can tell it not to load ACPI23:24
SuicideCowI did23:24
SuicideCowDidn fixed it however23:25
evil_techi also think there is a failsafe mode which loads as little hardware as possible23:25
evil_techother than that i23:25
evil_techwould try the alternate install23:25
evil_techits my prefered install method23:25
SuicideCowOh ok, im downloading the Alternate CD now :P23:26
SuicideCowIll give the laptop another reboot and see what commands work :D23:26
SuicideCowThe alternate CD download is ready in 75 Minutes23:26
SuicideCowOk, im at the Xubuntu boot screen now23:27
SuicideCowHow do i fail safe boot?23:27
SuicideCowI already did a memory check23:27
evil_techumm i think it is in the F3 menu23:27
evil_techcould be thinking of the DSL boot commands23:27
SuicideCowOk, and what is this OEM Installation( For developers ) for?23:28
zoredacheit lets you build a text file that gives you a completely automated install23:28
SuicideCowUseless :P23:28
zoredacheso if you wanted to install ubuntu on 1000 computers you wouldn't have to type anything23:28
zoredachenot really23:28
SuicideCowcool :p23:28
evil_techi use that at work23:29
zoredacheI was installing it in a computer lab at a schooo...23:29
SuicideCowby the way, F3 is for the Keymap option23:29
evil_techone of the reasons i love the alternate install23:29
SuicideCow:p i Have ubuntu on my secondary PC, had no problems with it, but that PC wasn THAT old :p23:29
SuicideCowOk...I can't seem to find any option to boot in fai lsafe mode23:32
SuicideCowFound it think, same way i fixed the installation of my Ubuntu23:33
evil_techi must have got it confused with DSL then23:33
SuicideCowThere is a option, listen23:33
SuicideCowWorkaround faulty FPU (old machines)  no38723:33
SuicideCowI did it on my other PC ( P3 1 Ghz) and it worked23:33
SuicideCowIt only takes 2 minutes to boot :P23:34
evil_techtry it23:34
SuicideCowI also found this:23:34
evil_techanyone know when Fluxbuntu is supposed to be available for download?23:34
SuicideCowWhat is Fluxbuntu?23:34
evil_techubuntu that uses Fluxbox as the WM23:34
Mark76Ubuntu with the fLUXBOX WINDOWS MANAGER23:34
SuicideCowIm rather new to Ubuntu so :p23:35
Mark76God, I wish they'd shove the bloody capslock where the sun doesn't shine23:35
SuicideCowI prefer Mac however, but i have a Windows :p23:35
SuicideCowHm...something is happening :D23:36
SuicideCowI just now see a black screen with a blinking cursor :P23:37
Mark76How are you posting here then?23:37
SuicideCowThis is my uber PC23:37
evil_techdefine uber23:37
SuicideCowIm installing it on a friends laptop right next to me23:37
SuicideCowCore 2 duo ^^ :p23:37
SuicideCowThis is fun23:38
SuicideCowNow the screen has gone all black23:38
SuicideCowAtleast it isn't a BSOD23:38
Mark76How did you start the install?23:39
SuicideCowWith the live cd, then Extra options and added no387 to the boot command23:39
SuicideCowbut it isn doing anything anymore, so im going to try something else23:39
Mark76What's no387?23:40
SuicideCowI have no idea23:40
SuicideCowIt should be a workaround for a Faulty FPU23:40
Mark76Then why did you add it?23:40
SuicideCowbecause the help option told me :P23:40
SuicideCowAnd because it worked for my ubuntu install23:40
SuicideCowNow trying with noapic nolapic23:41
Mark76It's not a Toshiba is it?23:41
SuicideCowNo it is an Acer23:41
evil_techi still say alternate install would be the best bet. anything under 400mhz and less than 256mb live cd install just doesnt seem to work23:41
SuicideCowAcer TravelMate 517TE23:41
SuicideCowWell, the alternate CD should be ready in....23:41
SuicideCow58 minutes23:42
Mark76What's the most recent generation of PCs before the current one?23:42
evil_techon what platform AMD or Intel?23:42
SuicideCowI don't know, i suppose this laptop is about 10 years old23:42
SuicideCowPentium 223:42
SuicideCowMy friend found it in a unit ( if you know what i mean)23:42
Mark76Or AMD23:43
SuicideCowDon't give me the Intel sucks story :p23:43
evil_techthink it is 886?23:43
Mark76Just as long as it's new enough to run Sims223:43
SuicideCowI don't play the sims23:43
Mark76And XP23:43
SuicideCowIt is too slow for Xp :p23:43
SuicideCowBelieve me, i tried it23:43
SuicideCowTook 5 minutes to log in23:44
Mark76Oh. And how do I activate 3D effects in Xubuntu?23:44
evil_techive gotten xp to run decent on 366 and 25623:44
evil_techjust have to strip everything23:44
SuicideCowI prefer linux over windows for slower machines, they seem to run a lot better23:45
Mark76How much can you strip out of XP and still ahve it functioning?23:45
evil_techyeah that is why im excited about Fluxbuntu23:45
SuicideCowWhat does force_adrr=oxaddr mean?23:45
evil_techquite alot23:45
evil_techlot of services that dont have to run23:45
evil_techyou lose some functionality of course23:45
Mark76Because I have a friend who I'm trying to persuade to go Linux but she wants to keep XP for gaming23:45
SuicideCowI just got a message during boot, it was testing everything, and it was somewhere in the middle saying: Upgrade bios for acpi bla bla bla23:46
SuicideCowXubuntu seems to work now23:46
evil_techhave you tried a BIOS update?23:46
SuicideCowIt is too old for that :P23:46
evil_techwhy keep xp for gaming. most games will run virtualized in linux pretty decent23:46
evil_techparticualrly on the latest gen of procs23:47
SuicideCowIf i have to choose i choose mac, i love mac :p23:47
SuicideCowbut they are so expensive23:47
SuicideCowBy xubuntu background is now green instead of blue :D23:47
evil_technot too bad. considering what I paid for my FX-53 4 years ago i can get 4 times the processing power for half the price23:48
SuicideCowand the trashbin is purple23:48
SuicideCowBut still no taskbars23:48
SuicideCowcrappy crap23:48
evil_techare you sure the screen resolution is not too big?23:48
SuicideCowIm sure, i put it to VGA mode23:48
Mark76I love Blobwars :D23:48
SuicideCowI can move the mouse however23:48
evil_techyeah that would have taken care of it23:49
SuicideCowand click, but nothing happenes23:49
evil_techwhats blobwars?23:49
SuicideCowA build in Xubuntu game?23:49
Mark76Look it up in the repos23:49
evil_techdoing that now23:49
SuicideCowI see a loading icon :D23:49
SuicideCowAnd a window23:49
SuicideCowBut still no taskbars23:49
SuicideCowim now in the "Example"Folder23:50
evil_techwell if it is up and running you could technically start the installer from the terminal23:50
SuicideCowI give it some troubleshooting first23:50
SuicideCowLet'see if i can play some funky music :D23:51
SuicideCowTotem media player seems to work as well23:51
SuicideCowIt does23:51
SuicideCowStill no bars at the top and the bottom23:52
SuicideCowOk, i know how to open the terminal, what now?23:52
evil_techMark76 is ubiquity still the installer?23:53
SuicideCowHow do i start the installer from the terminal ?23:53
evil_techSuicideCow try sudo ubiquity23:54
evil_techi think that is what the installer is called23:54
evil_techdunno if it changed though23:54
SuicideCowWhat a name :)23:54
SuicideCowIt is loading like hell now23:54
SuicideCowAtleast it is pretending to do23:54
Mark76Did you check out blobwars, evil?23:54
evil_techinstalling now23:54
evil_technet is slow23:54
SuicideCowI minimized the terminal, and now i can't find it anymore :P23:55
evil_techalt tab23:55
SuicideCowThere it is, the install window just appeared :)23:55
SuicideCowWich location should i choose23:56
SuicideCowI prefer "No localization":p23:56
evil_techwhere do you live23:56
evil_techpick the closest lovation23:56
SuicideCowHolland, i choose dutch :)23:56
SuicideCowI know, i was just joking23:56
SuicideCowThanks guys, it seems to be working now23:57
SuicideCowAtleast the installer is23:57
Mark76Keep us updated23:57
SuicideCowI think it was a smarter decision to burn the disc at 12x speed instead of 4x xD23:58
evil_techthis game rocks23:58
Mark76I knew you'd love it23:59
Mark76It's wonderfully retro, eh?23:59
evil_techwell my productivity for the day is in the tank :D23:59

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