pianonut | This is my maiden voyage into the world of instant messaging & I have no idea how the system works. | 02:03 |
pianonut | I installed the deb package for xchat-gnome, then xchat and I seem to be broadcasting to this group right now. | 02:03 |
pianonut | Is that correct? | 02:03 |
pianonut | I take it other listeners are informed somehow by their system when a new message has been posted. | 02:04 |
pianonut | Then they may choose to look at the new input or not. If they do look at the new message, they may or may not respond. Right? | 02:05 |
sbalneav | Evening all | 03:22 |
sbalneav | pianonut: We see what you type | 03:23 |
sbalneav | And you see what we type :) | 03:23 |
pianonut | That part I know. | 03:33 |
=== n2diy_ is now known as n2diy | ||
Tirion | Hello! Did anyone have expiriense with LTSP5 in Edubuntu Gutsy? | 08:30 |
Burgundavia | not in gutsy, but I have played with LTSP | 08:31 |
Burgundavia | what is your issue? | 08:31 |
Tirion | I just plan to use it. Will it work correctly with Xeon Quad core? | 08:33 |
Burgundavia | that is a kernel issue. If Ubuntu/Edubuntu runs correctly on it without LTSP, it will work find with it | 08:34 |
Tirion | And one more question. Thin clients need a RAM, isn't it? | 08:38 |
Burgundavia | yes, due to the applications they are running | 08:38 |
Burgundavia | basically, the more RAM the happier you are as a person, but then your server isn't swapping | 08:39 |
Tirion | Thank you, Burgundavia | 08:46 |
=== [1]Netham45 is now known as Netham45 | ||
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd | ||
RichEd | hi ogra_cmpc | 11:30 |
ogra_cmpc | hey | 11:30 |
RichEd | just checked my tavel details ... 29h30 from my house to boston | 11:31 |
ogra_cmpc | eeek | 11:31 |
ogra_cmpc | mine must be below 13h this time | 11:31 |
RichEd | and could not get any other seats apart from middle of the normal rows | 11:31 |
RichEd | ughh | 11:31 |
ogra_cmpc | 8h flight, 3h trainride plus hanging around at the aitrport | 11:31 |
RichEd | not too bad .. | 11:32 |
ogra_cmpc | but you switch planes, dont you ? | 11:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi all. i'm still getting that error checking out the bzr doco. | 11:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | kgoetz@wesnoth:~/public_html$ bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/edubuntu-hardy | 11:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/edubuntu-hardy/.bzr/repository/inventory.knit: Bad status line received | 11:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | anyone got a clue? | 11:33 |
ogra_cmpc | ask in #bzr ? | 11:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ogra_cmpc, ok, i'll head in there | 11:33 |
ogra_cmpc | they migth know more | 11:33 |
* RichEd wonders if ogra's typing dyslexia tday is accountable to mental fatigue or adult fingers on the little classmate keyboard | 11:35 | |
ogra_cmpc | both i guess :) | 11:35 |
* ogra_cmpc needs another reboot | 11:38 | |
Kamping_Kaiser | for the logs: my issues with bzr revolve arround my http-proxy. bypassing the proxy bzr is working | 13:19 |
stgraber | oh, is lists.ubuntu.com laggy today, I answered 5 minutes ago to RichEd's mail and my mail isn't on the list yet :) | 13:30 |
stgraber | usually it takes 5seconds :) | 13:30 |
DeMoNSeEd | release announcements come via there? | 13:33 |
* Kamping_Kaiser wonders how big the hardy docs will be | 13:33 | |
RichEd | Kamping_Kaiser: A4 ? | 13:34 |
ogra | DeMoNSeEd, all mailing list mail comes via there ... (including the announcement lists indeed) | 13:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | RichEd, yay for standards | 13:34 |
sbalneav | Morning all | 14:00 |
DeMoNSeEd | hey ogra | 14:11 |
DeMoNSeEd | how ya been | 14:11 |
jsgotangco | RichEd-1 hi | 14:28 |
musashi1 | i'm still somewhat of a noob and i'm trying to installed gutsy server (on new HP proliant ML 350) and the install fails at "build chroot". any suggestions as to why and how to fix? just start the install again? or is it a known issue? | 15:01 |
musashi1 | s/installed/install | 15:01 |
i | Hi, anyone around to answer questions | 15:10 |
i | ? | 15:10 |
sbalneav | i: yes | 15:10 |
sbalneav | musashi1: Define "fail"? Does it give you an error message? | 15:11 |
i_ | OK, have just recently upgraded (actually, fresh install) to Gutsy... | 15:11 |
i_ | Feisty server was more or less working fine | 15:11 |
i_ | Problem I'm having now is that I plug a USB flash drive into the server and it recognises fine ... but plug the same drive into any of the thin clients and no response | 15:12 |
i_ | Nothing in server's mtab or /media | 15:12 |
sbalneav | Try creating a /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf that contains: | 15:13 |
sbalneav | [Default] | 15:13 |
sbalneav | LOCALDEV=True | 15:14 |
sbalneav | See if that makes a difference. | 15:14 |
i_ | OK, trying ... | 15:14 |
bddebian | Heya | 15:15 |
i_ | Nope, nothing | 15:16 |
musashi1 | sbalneav: yes, i don't recall the exact warning but it's a nice red screen saying to the effect "installing failed at step build ltsp chroot you can try again" trying again also fails --> returns to error screen. | 15:16 |
musashi1 | sbalneav: i did just start the install again from the beginning so i'll see what happens | 15:17 |
sbalneav | i_: Did you restart the terminal? | 15:18 |
i_ | Yes, 2 terminals, neither worked | 15:18 |
sbalneav | You might want to run through: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebugLocalDev | 15:18 |
i_ | OK | 15:18 |
i_ | Does it matter that lsmod | grep fuse returns with a 1 as the final digit rather than a 3 as shown on that page? | 15:21 |
sbalneav | No, just so long as it returns the line. | 15:21 |
sbalneav | That means the module's loaded | 15:21 |
i_ | OK, still going ... | 15:21 |
i_ | All good up to step 4 ... continuing | 15:23 |
i_ | OK, having a problem @ Step 1: Setting a root password in the LTSP chroot | 15:26 |
i_ | Set the root password successfully but then can't log in on the text console of the terminal, even on the server - any ideas? | 15:27 |
i_ | Username is "root", right? | 15:27 |
i_ | sbalneav: Hello? | 15:29 |
sbalneav | right | 15:30 |
i_ | OK, so can't login at the console - any idea what the problem might be? | 15:30 |
sbalneav | Did you rebuild the image with ltsp-update-image? | 15:30 |
i_ | At what stage was I supposed to do that? | 15:30 |
sbalneav | After the password change | 15:31 |
sbalneav | Up on the server | 15:31 |
i_ | How do I issue that command? | 15:31 |
sbalneav | ltsp-update-image :) | 15:31 |
sbalneav | as root | 15:31 |
i_ | Sorry! | 15:31 |
i_ | OK to sudo, or do I have to chroot? | 15:32 |
sbalneav | sudo ltsp-update-image | 15:33 |
RichEd-1 | jsgotangco: sorry dude leavin for airport | 15:33 |
RichEd-1 | bye guys | 15:33 |
i_ | OK, doing that now - 27% | 15:33 |
jsgotangco | bye | 15:33 |
RichEd-1 | sbalneav ogra see you in boston | 15:33 |
i_ | It's still saying that the login is incorrect... | 15:35 |
sbalneav | Have you rebooted since you rebuilt the image? | 15:38 |
i_ | No - shall I do that? | 15:38 |
sbalneav | yes | 15:39 |
i_ | sbalneav: I've rebooted and I still can't login as root on the console. | 15:41 |
sbalneav | ok, here's the complete overview of the procedure. | 15:45 |
sbalneav | on the server | 15:45 |
sbalneav | sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 | 15:45 |
sbalneav | passwd | 15:45 |
sbalneav | <enter password once> | 15:45 |
sbalneav | <enter password again> | 15:45 |
sbalneav | exit | 15:46 |
sbalneav | sudo ltsp-update-image | 15:46 |
sbalneav | wait | 15:46 |
sbalneav | when done, reboot | 15:46 |
sbalneav | ctl-alt-f1 | 15:46 |
sbalneav | text login as root/password | 15:46 |
i_ | OK, that's exactly what I did before but I'm in the process of doing it again (updating image @ 18%) | 15:47 |
i_ | Image @ 76% | 15:48 |
i_ | Rebooting ... | 15:49 |
i_ | sbalneav: Once again, I cannot login as root from the console ... | 15:50 |
i_ | Changing the password is fine - don't worry, it is the password for root that is being changed | 15:50 |
i_ | It just doesn't work from the console | 15:51 |
musashi1 | okay, build ltsp chroot failed again. is there anything i can check to see what it might be? i think i will also burn a new cd | 15:52 |
sbalneav | i_: So, on the thin client, you're pressing control-alt-f1 | 15:52 |
sbalneav | getting a text login screen | 15:53 |
i_ | No, I've done all of this on the server | 15:53 |
i_ | Tried on the client earlier | 15:53 |
sbalneav | Well, that's wrong | 15:53 |
i_ | Same problem | 15:53 |
sbalneav | you do it on the thin client | 15:53 |
sbalneav | on the thin client, control-alt-f1 | 15:53 |
sbalneav | login as root/password | 15:53 |
i_ | OK, it's working on the thin-client now | 15:54 |
i_ | Apologies for that. | 15:54 |
stgraber | ogra, ogra_cmpc: Can you accept a mail I sent to the mailing-list with the wrong mail account or shall I resend ? | 15:54 |
ogra_cmpc | which ml? | 15:55 |
stgraber | edubuntu-devel | 15:55 |
ogra_cmpc | ok | 15:55 |
stgraber | looks like I'm subscribed with @stgraber.org instead of @ubuntu.com, I'm changing that now | 15:55 |
stgraber | argh, in fact it seems that the mail address is correct so why hasn't the mail reached the ML (my SMTP server logs say it was correctly queue on lists.ubuntu.com MX ...) | 15:59 |
ogra | i dont see anything in tewh queue | 16:00 |
stgraber | ok, I'll send it again and if it doesn't show up in the hour I'll ping a sysadmin | 16:01 |
i_ | sbalneav: OK, stuck @ Step 3: Did the ltsp udev rules fire? ... Checked flash drive in server and it shows up as sdb1 ... just in case, I'll repartition it anyway and see if that helps | 16:01 |
ogra | yeah, looks like something thats worth an rt ticket | 16:01 |
juliux | stgraber, lists.ubuntu.com ist very slow this days | 16:02 |
stgraber | yes, but someone sent a mail at 16:30 and it's now on the list, mine was sent at 14:00 | 16:04 |
agente87 | hola | 16:06 |
agente87 | una pregunta | 16:06 |
agente87 | english better¿? | 16:06 |
agente87 | i want to use the same account with my pupils, but firefox, said that i have to close the program to load it again from another computer | 16:08 |
agente87 | how can i fix that | 16:08 |
agente87 | ?¿ | 16:08 |
ogra_cmpc | you cant | 16:08 |
ogra_cmpc | firefox, openoffice and gnome really freak out if several processes use teh same config | 16:09 |
agente87 | aha | 16:09 |
ogra_cmpc | create a user per client | 16:09 |
ogra_cmpc | or so | 16:09 |
agente87 | and, using another web browser?¿ | 16:09 |
ogra_cmpc | not sure if there are any that can cope with that | 16:10 |
agente87 | puff, the problem is my pupils will not remember user and password | 16:10 |
ogra_cmpc | use autologin ... its a bit work to set that up for every single client though | 16:10 |
sbalneav | So, use autologin | 16:10 |
agente87 | ok, but the idea is to have a different desktop for every level | 16:13 |
agente87 | with specific icons for each one | 16:13 |
sbalneav | What do you mean, a different desktop for every level? | 16:14 |
agente87 | yes i use edubuntu | 16:14 |
agente87 | so, i have exercisses for 3 grade in primary, prepared with icons in the desktop | 16:15 |
agente87 | and a account called "3grade" | 16:15 |
sbalneav | Well, you can't run multiple terminals off of one login. | 16:16 |
agente87 | the log in by that account and uses the same made desktop | 16:16 |
sbalneav | Gnome, openoffice, and firefox do not like that. | 16:16 |
agente87 | aha | 16:17 |
agente87 | and, may i use the same desktop for a group | 16:17 |
agente87 | ?¿ | 16:17 |
sbalneav | No | 16:17 |
sbalneav | Well, you could set up a group in sabayon | 16:17 |
sbalneav | but you'll still need individual userids | 16:17 |
agente87 | is that gentoo?¿ | 16:17 |
sbalneav | no | 16:18 |
sbalneav | Sabayon's a tool to allow you to customize desktops | 16:18 |
sbalneav | It can be installed in edubuntu | 16:18 |
sbalneav | but you can't get away from creating multiple userids | 16:18 |
i_ | sbalneav: Step 2 (dmesg) shows that the client recognises the plug event but the ltsp udev rules don't seem to be firing; I've reformatted the flash drive twice, once using fdisk and mkdosfs as suggested in your page, and also using GParted to see if that helped ... no result | 16:20 |
i_ | This flash drive used to be recognised fine by both server and clients, when running the Feisty server | 16:21 |
musashi1 | bryang: the other console is empty (i.e. no infor or error messages). | 16:21 |
musashi1 | bryang: i am going to reboot and check the cd for errors | 16:22 |
musashi1 | bryang: wait, f4 has a bunch of output | 16:23 |
sbalneav | i_: is there a /var/run/drives? | 16:24 |
i_ | Yes (on the client) | 16:24 |
musashi1 | bryang: ltsp-client-builder failed with error code 1 | 16:24 |
musashi1 | there is a bunch of other "stuff" there. some about packeage doesn't exist - skipping | 16:25 |
sbalneav | is there any subdir underneath /var/run/drives | 16:25 |
musashi1 | one about siocsifadder device doesn't exist. i have no idea what that means :) | 16:25 |
sbalneav | musashi1: Something's wrong with your network interface | 16:26 |
musashi1 | sbalneav: any idea what? the dhcp part went off without a hitch. are we talking bad nic or something else? | 16:27 |
sbalneav | No idea | 16:27 |
i_ | sbalneav: There are 4 (cdrom, floppy, and 2 scsidisks) | 16:27 |
i_ | sbalneav: Interesting result when I try to attempt Step 4: Can you manually issue a mount command? ... | 16:28 |
i_ | The command results in attempting to connect to the server but when I'm asked to supply the root password, permission is denied... | 16:29 |
ogra_cmpc | you need to be logged in on the GUI screen for that | 16:30 |
ogra_cmpc | else teh ssh tunnel isnt established and iut asks for teh root pw | 16:30 |
i_ | I'm already logged into the GUI ... just found one of the problems... changed root password using sudo passwd root and now granted permission but ... | 16:31 |
ogra_cmpc | nooo | 16:32 |
i_ | As mentioned in Step 4, it's resulted in an error ... | 16:32 |
ogra_cmpc | there is no root user involved anywhere | 16:32 |
ogra_cmpc | if you get asked for a root PW the tunnel isnt working | 16:32 |
i_ | Sorry ogra, I meant I changed the root password on the server ... | 16:32 |
i_ | OK, here's the error I got: | 16:32 |
i_ | ogra_cmpc: Where exactly am I supposed to issue the command from? | 16:35 |
ogra_cmpc | the console of teh client | 16:35 |
i_ | Ok, just tried that and it says ssh: server: Name or service not known | 16:36 |
ogra_cmpc | but kdm is running ? | 16:36 |
ogra_cmpc | err | 16:36 |
ogra_cmpc | ldm | 16:36 |
ogra_cmpc | and you are properly logged in through it | 16:36 |
i_ | How can I check? | 16:36 |
ogra_cmpc | ps ax|grep ldm | 16:37 |
ogra_cmpc | on the client console | 16:37 |
ogra_cmpc | its the default login manager | 16:37 |
ogra_cmpc | and one of teh core parts to make ltspfs work | 16:37 |
i_ | OK, got a standard result for ldm | 16:37 |
ogra_cmpc | whats a standard result ? | 16:38 |
ogra_cmpc | is it running or not? | 16:38 |
i_ | 7218 pts/2 S+ 0:00 grep ldm | 16:38 |
ogra_cmpc | no ldm running | 16:38 |
ogra_cmpc | thats your problem then | 16:38 |
i_ | So what do I do now | 16:38 |
ogra_cmpc | without the ssh socket ldm creates localdev wont work | 16:39 |
ogra_cmpc | well, teh question is how you got in that state | 16:39 |
i_ | OK, I was originally running Feisty - everything was more or less OK | 16:39 |
ogra_cmpc | did you tweak around in lts.conf ? | 16:39 |
i_ | No - not on Feisty at all | 16:40 |
ogra_cmpc | so are you on feisty or gutsy ? | 16:40 |
* ogra_cmpc doesnt understand | 16:40 | |
i_ | Just tweaked the lts.conf in /var/... today for the first time - but never had flash drives working since upgrading to Gutsy | 16:40 |
ogra_cmpc | how did you upgrade ? | 16:41 |
musashi1 | bryang: cd checks out okay. assuming that test works. | 16:41 |
ogra_cmpc | did you properly rebuild the client root with ltsp-build-client ? | 16:41 |
i_ | Used the alternate CD first ... but didn't allow it to download new packages from the net | 16:41 |
i_ | That resulted in server that could only host 6-8 clients - and very poorly at that | 16:42 |
i_ | The remainder of the clients wouldn't even "see" the DHCP server when attempting to connect via the network | 16:42 |
sbalneav | Something's wrong with something | 16:43 |
sbalneav | I run 50 clients off my server. | 16:43 |
sbalneav | One of my servers, I should say | 16:43 |
i_ | No, but now I did a fresh install of Gutsy and all 19 clients are working fine, except for this flash drive problem | 16:43 |
sbalneav | Are the users members of the fuse group? | 16:44 |
i_ | When I say working fine, I mean they all connect and login - haven't really used it long enough to see if there are any other problems | 16:44 |
i_ | All users are members of the fuse group - checked that as per your instructions | 16:44 |
ogra_cmpc | so thats a fresh gutsy install atm ? | 16:45 |
ogra_cmpc | or an upgraded one ? | 16:45 |
i_ | Yes, that's a fresh install - there's only one thing I messed around with | 16:45 |
i_ | To save the original user accounts, I made a backup of /etc ... I already had /home on another partition ... | 16:45 |
ogra_cmpc | are you using ldap ? | 16:46 |
i_ | When I rebuilt the server with the fresh Gutsy install ... | 16:46 |
i_ | No LDAP | 16:46 |
ogra_cmpc | well, check that the number for teh fuse group wstill matches whats set in /etc/passwd and /etc/grou would be my first guess | 16:46 |
i_ | ... OK, checking... | 16:47 |
ogra_cmpc | hmm, but still, no ldm is a bad thing and thats surely not caused by teh servers passwd file | 16:48 |
i_ | OK fuse group ID: 117 ... | 16:48 |
ogra_cmpc | and /dev/fuse has teh right perms | 16:49 |
ogra_cmpc | (owned by the fuse group) | 16:49 |
i_ | No, owned by root and group = fuse | 16:49 |
ogra_cmpc | good | 16:50 |
ogra_cmpc | thats all fine then | 16:50 |
ogra_cmpc | so if ldm isnt running, i wonder how you log in on your clients | 16:50 |
i_ | Pretty quickly, actually! Faster than in Feisty... | 16:51 |
ogra_cmpc | i assume you had a graphical login window | 16:51 |
i_ | Yes | 16:51 |
ogra_cmpc | hmm | 16:51 |
sbalneav | What does the date and time look like in the bottom right? | 16:51 |
ogra_cmpc | do you have SCREEN_07=startx or something similar werid in your lts.conf? | 16:51 |
i_ | Of the client login screen? | 16:52 |
ogra_cmpc | yeah | 16:52 |
i_ | 25.10. 18:47 | 16:52 |
ogra_cmpc | no ip ? | 16:52 |
i_ | Sorry, IP is there as well | 16:52 |
sbalneav | yeah, ldm's running | 16:52 |
ogra_cmpc | and (ltsp) or so in the front | 16:53 |
i_ | Yes ltsp (and not the name of the server as it used to be in Feisty) | 16:53 |
ogra_cmpc | good, then ldm is running | 16:53 |
ogra_cmpc | i wonder why you didnt see it in teh clients processlist | 16:53 |
i_ | I'll try again | 16:53 |
i_ | 7723 pts/2 S+ 0:00 grep ldm | 16:54 |
sbalneav | Where are you running this command? | 16:55 |
i_ | Terminal on the client | 16:55 |
sbalneav | In the text screen? ctl-alt-f1? | 16:55 |
i_ | Not console (I mean Ctrl-Alt-F1) | 16:55 |
i_ | Sorry, I mean I'm running it from Applicatons-Terminal | 16:56 |
ogra_cmpc | nah | 16:56 |
sbalneav | right | 16:56 |
sbalneav | that's wrong | 16:56 |
ogra_cmpc | hehy | 16:56 |
sbalneav | you need to do it on the ctl-alt-f1 | 16:56 |
i_ | OK ... | 16:56 |
i_ | As root? | 16:56 |
sbalneav | when you run it on the gnome-terminal, you're on the server | 16:56 |
sbalneav | since the gnome terminal's running on the server, you're looking at server processes | 16:57 |
sbalneav | everything you do on the graphic login is running on the server, NOT on the thin client itself. | 16:57 |
sbalneav | as root, yes. | 16:57 |
i_ | OK, gettinga lot of output, what are you looking for? | 16:58 |
sbalneav | ldm vt7 :6 | 16:58 |
i_ | Right, got that | 16:58 |
sbalneav | ok, so you're running ldm | 16:58 |
i_ | Good stuff | 16:58 |
i_ | I've noticed that the fuse group isn't listed in /etc/passwd | 16:59 |
sbalneav | that's because it's a group | 16:59 |
sbalneav | so it's listed in /etc/group | 16:59 |
sbalneav | so, on the thin client | 17:00 |
sbalneav | in ctl-alt-f1 | 17:00 |
i_ | yes ... | 17:00 |
sbalneav | you should have a /var/run/ldm_socket something file, yes? | 17:01 |
i_ | checking .. | 17:01 |
highvoltage | hey sbalneav. I'm having trouble figuring something out, how does the client know that it should boot from the 386.img file? the only reference I can get to it is in /etc/inetd.conf. not in dhcpd.conf or pxelinux.cfg. | 17:01 |
i_ | Yes | 17:01 |
sbalneav | highvoltage: it depends what port you go to, what image you get | 17:01 |
i_ | ldm_ocket_vt7_192.168.0.254 | 17:02 |
sbalneav | so 2000 is i386 | 17:02 |
i_ | ldm_socket_vt7_192.168.0.254 | 17:02 |
sbalneav | ok, so on c-a-f1, | 17:02 |
sbalneav | if you do a: | 17:02 |
sbalneav | ssh -S /var/run/ldm_socket_vt7_192.168.0.254 ltspfsmounter /tmp add | 17:03 |
sbalneav | what happens? | 17:03 |
highvoltage | sbalneav: aaaaaaaaah | 17:03 |
i_ | Tried to write ... | 17:05 |
highvoltage | sbalneav: how do the clients know that they should look at port 2000? is it built into the kernel? | 17:05 |
i_ | fuse: failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied | 17:05 |
i_ | Error: /tmp/.s1081-ltspfs/tmp is not mounted | 17:05 |
sbalneav | ok | 17:08 |
sbalneav | failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied | 17:08 |
sbalneav | on the server | 17:08 |
sbalneav | as a user | 17:08 |
i_ | On the client as a user | 17:08 |
sbalneav | do an "id" | 17:08 |
sbalneav | either or | 17:08 |
sbalneav | paste the results | 17:08 |
i_ | uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) | 17:09 |
sbalneav | No | 17:09 |
sbalneav | on the graphical login | 17:09 |
sbalneav | logged in as a regular user | 17:09 |
i_ | To make this a little easier, I'm just going to install XChat on the server so that I can paste the result | 17:11 |
i_ | I'm using my own laptop for this so far | 17:11 |
i_ | (I mean this chat, not the rest of the stuff!) | 17:12 |
s1081 | Right this is i_ here: | 17:13 |
s1081 | Here's the result: | 17:13 |
s1081 | s1081@BSCL02-SERVER:~$ id | 17:13 |
s1081 | uid=1081(s1081) gid=1082(s1081) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),29(audio),30(dip),46(plugdev),104(scanner),117(fuse),1082(s1081) | 17:13 |
sbalneav | grep fuse /etc/passwd | 17:15 |
sbalneav | grep fuse /etc/group, sorry | 17:15 |
s1081 | s1081@BSCL02-SERVER:~$ grep fuse /etc/group | 17:16 |
s1081 | fuse:x:117:s1001,s1002,s1003,s1009,s1014,s1016,s1004,s1006,s1008,s1012,s1013,s1015,s1017,s1005,s1011,s1018,s1019,s1020,s1021,s1022,s1010,s1024,s1007,s1023,s1025,s1026,s1027,s1035,s1029,s1037,s1039,s1030,s1031,s1032,s1034,s1038,s1036,s1040,s1028,s1041,s1042,s1043,s1044,s1045,s1046,s1047,s1048,s1049,s1050,s1033,s1051,s1052,s1053,s1054,s1055,s1056,s1057,s1058,s1060,s1059,s1061,s1062,s1063,s1064,s1065,s1066,s1067,s1072,s1068,s1070,s1074,s1078,s1075,s1071,s1073,s1 | 17:16 |
s1081 | 076,s1077,s1079,s1080,s1069,s1081,s1082 | 17:16 |
bryang | musashi1, sorry, just back now, catching up on sb | 17:16 |
sbalneav | You running ldap or something? | 17:17 |
s1081 | No | 17:17 |
s1081 | Perhaps the problems lies in how I transferred the user accounts over to Gutsy from Feisty ... | 17:17 |
sbalneav | ls -la /bin/fusermount | 17:18 |
s1081 | I backed up the default files when I did the fresh install of Gutsy ... and then I copied over the files I had from Feisty (i.e. /etc/passwd, etc) | 17:18 |
s1081 | s1081@BSCL02-SERVER:~$ ls -la /bin/fusermount | 17:18 |
s1081 | -rwsr-xr-- 1 root messagebus 19668 2007-09-19 03:01 /bin/fusermount | 17:18 |
sbalneav | yup | 17:18 |
sbalneav | what you did was bad | 17:19 |
sbalneav | Don't copy the whole file | 17:19 |
sbalneav | extract out YOUR users and groups, and leave the systems stuff (uid/gids < 500) as is | 17:19 |
sbalneav | as they get added, changed and removed. | 17:20 |
sbalneav | Your fuse group is now different | 17:20 |
sbalneav | and that's your problem | 17:20 |
sbalneav | You, of course, saved the ones that come with gutsy, right? :) | 17:20 |
s1081 | OK, like I said, I've got the original files that were present when I first installed Gutsy ... I'll use the data in there and do what you said | 17:20 |
sbalneav | yeah, what twigged me into it is, on my gutsy, fuse is 118 | 17:21 |
s1081 | So to be precise: We're talking about /etc/passwd; /etc/shadow; /etc/groups ... | 17:21 |
sbalneav | right. | 17:21 |
s1081 | Any other files? | 17:21 |
s1081 | I should look out for? | 17:21 |
sbalneav | well, those are the only ones to bring over. | 17:21 |
sbalneav | How much did you copy across? | 17:21 |
sbalneav | just those 3? | 17:21 |
s1081 | Yes, just those | 17:22 |
s1081 | Just out of interest, what was the correct way of doing the transfer | 17:22 |
s1081 | ? | 17:22 |
sbalneav | Well, here's what I do: | 17:22 |
sbalneav | I make sure all my groups and users start at 1000 | 17:22 |
sbalneav | so what I do is: | 17:23 |
sbalneav | make a copy of the existing | 17:23 |
sbalneav | sort them, so it's all in numeric order | 17:23 |
sbalneav | pull across all the stuff that's 1000 or greater from passwd, group | 17:24 |
sbalneav | shadow, I just manually have to make sure there's nothing system-y mixed in with the regular users. | 17:24 |
sbalneav | how many users do you have? | 17:25 |
s1081 | Just over 80 | 17:26 |
sbalneav | easy, then | 17:26 |
sbalneav | I manage 250 :) | 17:26 |
s1081 | Now, the group file looks a little tricky ... | 17:26 |
sbalneav | yeah, put back the origs, then just add your users on to the end. | 17:26 |
s1081 | (Done the passwd file) | 17:27 |
sbalneav | as new features get added, new system uids/gids get added/removed, so copying the whole thing's not guarenteed to work. | 17:27 |
s1081 | In the Feisty group file, a lot of my users are members of groups with ID < 1000 | 17:27 |
s1081 | I'm going to have to manually edit each of these lines afterwards, right? | 17:27 |
s1081 | Obviously, I can easily copy and paste their primary group details (> 1000) | 17:28 |
sbalneav | Sure, but in the ling run, youmight want to get them all greater than 1000 | 17:29 |
s1081 | By the way, fuse ID in my /etc/group file is 106 - is that OK? | 17:29 |
sbalneav | then you could do cool things like: | 17:29 |
sbalneav | awk '$3 > 999 {print $0}' /etc/passwd | 17:29 |
sbalneav | which would show you all "your" entries | 17:30 |
sbalneav | sorry: | 17:30 |
sbalneav | awk -F: '$3 > 999 {print $0}' /etc/passwd | 17:30 |
sbalneav | as for the fuse group, if that's the one that was there from the fresh install, it's fine. | 17:30 |
sbalneav | when you look at /bin/fusermount is should be root:fuse | 17:31 |
s1081 | But I'll have to add all the users to the group, on that line, right? | 17:31 |
sbalneav | right. | 17:32 |
s1081 | And for all the other groups they used to belong to? | 17:32 |
sbalneav | yes | 17:32 |
s1081 | So waht | 17:32 |
s1081 | So what's the quickest, most efficient way of doing that? | 17:32 |
sbalneav | Me? I'd write a script. | 17:33 |
sbalneav | so something like: | 17:34 |
sbalneav | (off the top of my head) | 17:34 |
sbalneav | for ((I=1000; I<1099; I++)); do | 17:34 |
sbalneav | adduser s$I fuse | 17:35 |
sbalneav | adduser s$I someothergroup | 17:35 |
sbalneav | etc | 17:35 |
sbalneav | done | 17:35 |
s1081 | OK, that's fairly straightforward but | 17:36 |
sbalneav | or, do it from the results in awk: | 17:36 |
musashi1 | s1081, bryang wrote a nice script for adding users. maybe could be tweaked for what you need. | 17:36 |
s1081 | There's gotta be an easier way for the average teacher who wants to upgrade his server to Gutsy ... | 17:36 |
musashi1 | s1081: yeah, or one trying to install one :) | 17:37 |
sbalneav | Sure, the gui manager | 17:37 |
s1081 | What, create all of the user accounts all over again, one by one? | 17:37 |
sbalneav | System->Administration->Users and groups | 17:37 |
sbalneav | Beleive it or not, that's what a lot of people do. | 17:37 |
s1081 | The only other idea I had was to write a script to use the useradd, groupadd commands to set it all up | 17:37 |
sbalneav | That's another good way. | 17:38 |
s1081 | As in, forget about what I had from Feisty and just start fresh in Gutsy | 17:38 |
sbalneav | A lot of teachers also use LDAP, and/or active drecktory, so they just re-attach to that. | 17:38 |
bryang | or better yet have auth via a directory of some sort | 17:38 |
ogra_cmpc | that will come at one point | 17:39 |
s1081 | OK, so what's with the Users and Groups that it doesn't sort the users alphabetically? | 17:39 |
ogra_cmpc | ubuntu server is working on it | 17:39 |
ogra_cmpc | once they are done we'll inherit it | 17:39 |
ogra_cmpc | (likely to happen in hardy) | 17:40 |
s1081 | Right, I'm done editing the files - I'll just reboot and see how it all goes | 17:41 |
i_ | Or do I not need to reboot? | 17:41 |
sbalneav | Shouldn't need to. | 17:42 |
sbalneav | what's the ownership of /bin/fusermount look like now? | 17:42 |
i_ | Alright, client is rebooting at least ... | 17:42 |
musashi1 | bryang: would it be worth trying the network install you mentioned? | 17:44 |
bryang | musashi1: not really, just references the same bits | 17:45 |
musashi1 | okay | 17:45 |
bryang | what is current state of server | 17:45 |
musashi1 | just looking for options | 17:45 |
musashi1 | waiting for me to give it something to do :) | 17:45 |
musashi1 | installed failed, checked cd, now just waiting | 17:45 |
i_ | Ahh, it hasn't worked - yet, at least | 17:46 |
i_ | I'm going to try to reboot the server as well | 17:46 |
bryang | musashi1: so maybe do the install again, then at failure point, we can do some t/s on alt consoles | 17:46 |
i_ | But the group details look fine, though | 17:47 |
musashi1 | bryang: okay, will fire it up again. | 17:47 |
* bryang wishes you had the iLO port going to make this easier ;) | 17:47 | |
musashi1 | that would be cool | 17:50 |
musashi1 | but behind the firewall | 17:50 |
musashi1 | well, installation's away... | 17:50 |
ogra_cmpc | musashi1: if thats a normal install thats failing it would probably make sense to keep /var/log/syslog from the installer environment and attach it to a bug ;) | 17:51 |
musashi1 | i moved to a different nic. someone said it might be a networking issue so worth a try | 17:51 |
ogra_cmpc | what exactly does happen ? | 17:51 |
musashi1 | ogra_cmpc: i'll try that | 17:51 |
musashi1 | ogra_cmpc: it fails to install ltsp chroot | 17:52 |
musashi1 | i don't recall the exact warning but it's a nice red screen saying to the effect "installing failed at step build ltsp chroot you can try again" trying again also fails --> returns to error screen. | 17:52 |
bryang | ltsp-build-client error | 17:52 |
ogra_cmpc | thats the released iso ? | 17:52 |
musashi1 | right | 17:52 |
musashi1 | to both | 17:52 |
ogra_cmpc | note there were bugs up to RC | 17:53 |
musashi1 | downloaded just the other day | 17:53 |
ogra_cmpc | you can watch the client build process on console 4 while the progressbas sits at the 50% MARK | 17:53 |
ogra_cmpc | just hit alt-f4 | 17:54 |
ogra_cmpc | that should revel at least the error | 17:54 |
ogra_cmpc | note that moaning about pty not mounted and dbconf warnings are normal there | 17:54 |
musashi1 | checked that last time --> ltsp-client-builder failed with error code 1 | 17:54 |
ogra_cmpc | *debconf | 17:54 |
ogra_cmpc | well, the stuff that causes that error would be miore intresting :) | 17:55 |
ogra_cmpc | it must be above in the log | 17:55 |
musashi1 | i'll try and find that when/if it fails again | 17:56 |
cberlo | Hi folks. got some speed issues I'm seeing in Edgy thin clients. I think it relates to DRI, and I'm wondering if anyone knows how to activate this feature on thin clients with Edubuntu? | 17:56 |
cberlo | ogra: Can't use scp-remote; on Edgy this command wasn't implemented yet! | 17:56 |
ogra_cmpc | cberlo: you need to install the linux-restricted-modules package in teh chroot and follow the usual procedure to enable binary drivers | 17:57 |
ogra_cmpc | cberlo: oh, right | 17:57 |
ogra_cmpc | edgy is ancient :) | 17:57 |
cberlo | The usual procedure? As in list it in the lts.conf? | 17:57 |
ogra_cmpc | NO AS DESCRIBED ON TEH WIKI | 17:57 |
ogra_cmpc | OOPS | 17:57 |
cberlo | ogra_cmpc: Hey, it's still supported! :) But I'd love to move to Gutsy. Very tempting, but I need everything stable and tested.... | 17:57 |
* ogra_cmpc curses the tiny keyboard of teh classmate | 17:57 | |
cberlo | ogra_cmpc: Where on the wiki? Didn't come across that... | 17:58 |
ogra_cmpc | search for binary drivers | 17:58 |
cberlo | ogra_cmpc: Thanks! Will do! | 17:58 |
ogra_cmpc | note that you will only be able to support either nvidia or ait ... both at the same time doesnt work | 17:58 |
ogra_cmpc | *ati | 17:59 |
ogra_cmpc | they both replace the GL libs with their own versions | 17:59 |
cberlo | Ummm... This is an Intel 810 chipset... | 17:59 |
ogra_cmpc | that should just work out of teh box | 17:59 |
musashi1 | ogra_cmpc: i can't make heads or tails of all that log info. is there a way to output it to a file that i can paste somewhere? | 18:00 |
cberlo | So I should be getting DRI already? I specified i810 in the lts.conf as the default driver. | 18:00 |
ogra_cmpc | musashi1: its savede to /var/log/syslog in teh installer | 18:00 |
ogra_cmpc | on console2 you can start a shell | 18:00 |
musashi1 | but from a console how do i save it to say a flash drive? | 18:01 |
ogra_cmpc | cberlo: yes, but it could be that we didnt install teh mesa dri libs in teh client chroot back then | 18:01 |
ogra_cmpc | you should have teh kernel related stuff running | 18:01 |
cberlo | ogra_cmpc: Okay. So which package is that in and/or where can I check to see if that's in there? | 18:01 |
ogra_cmpc | (i.e. DRI) | 18:01 |
ogra_cmpc | something with mesa and dri in teh package name | 18:02 |
ogra_cmpc | i have no briowser around | 18:02 |
ogra_cmpc | so i cant look up stuff for you | 18:02 |
cberlo | orgra: Got this one in there: libgl1-mesa-dri | 18:02 |
ogra_cmpc | packages.ubuntu.com might help | 18:02 |
ogra_cmpc | sounds about right | 18:02 |
ogra_cmpc | install that in teh chroot | 18:03 |
cberlo | It's already there... :( | 18:03 |
ogra_cmpc | look for mesa glx as well | 18:04 |
cberlo | ogra_cmpc: Yep, that one's in there, too. | 18:04 |
ogra_cmpc | hmm, no idea then | 18:05 |
cberlo | Nothing else I'd have to do to enable DRI on the thin client? It should "just work"? | 18:05 |
ogra_cmpc | for i810 ? yes | 18:06 |
ogra_cmpc | i didnt have any i180 cards during edgy development so i cant say much about ltsp and GL support there | 18:06 |
ogra_cmpc | i know compiz works out of teh box here on gutsy on teh i810 client i have now | 18:06 |
cberlo | Alright. Guess I'll just have to play with it a bit and see if I can get it to work properly. Wait -- you're using compiz on a thin client?? | 18:07 |
ogra_cmpc | yeah, its incredibly fast | 18:10 |
cberlo | Well, guess I'll see if I can load up a test server here. That sounds like it would fix that issue for me. Running a Windows program on WINE and video update speed is glacial. Runs great on my laptop here, though, so it's not a problem with WINE/Linux/good video. | 18:11 |
cberlo | ogra_cmpc: Vanilla edubuntu install will work "out of the box"? | 18:11 |
cberlo | gutsy, that is. | 18:12 |
ogra_cmpc | yes | 18:12 |
ogra_cmpc | yep | 18:12 |
i_ | sbalneav: ogra_cmpc: It's finally working - thanks for all your help - greatly appreciated ... I'm giving up for the day; You guys deserve gold medals - keep up the good work. | 18:24 |
ogra_cmpc | :) | 18:24 |
i_ | Don't think you've seen the last of me ... now that I know where you guys are ... | 18:25 |
effie_jayx | ogra_cmpc, what's the wilress card again? | 18:28 |
effie_jayx | wireless | 18:29 |
ogra_cmpc | ?? | 18:29 |
effie_jayx | ogra_cmpc, the one the classmate brings | 18:29 |
ogra_cmpc | ralink | 18:29 |
effie_jayx | you said it was not intel | 18:29 |
ogra_cmpc | rt73usb based | 18:29 |
effie_jayx | ogra_cmpc, thanks | 18:30 |
musashi1 | bryang: any suggestions on how to get the log to you (or anyone else)? it failed again | 18:39 |
musashi1 | bryang: could it be an acpi issue?? | 18:39 |
ogra_cmpc | musashi1: do you have an USB key you could store it on? | 18:41 |
musashi1 | yes | 18:42 |
ogra_cmpc | so use that one :) | 18:42 |
musashi1 | but how do you mount a usb in a console | 18:42 |
ogra_cmpc | with the mount command | 18:42 |
ogra_cmpc | plug it in ... wait a second .... type: dmesg | 18:43 |
musashi1 | will fdisk -l tell me the dev name? | 18:43 |
ogra_cmpc | at the end of teh output you should see teh device name | 18:43 |
musashi1 | hold on, it's in another room | 18:43 |
cberlo | 8.04 is going to be pretty nice, I'm guessing. LTS, feature-rich, well-tested.... Looks like things are coming along nicely for Edubuntu. It may just have a future in my school board... | 18:48 |
musashi1 | great now my stupid win box won't read the flash drive. | 18:49 |
shriphani | musashi1, ext3 fs or something like that ? | 18:49 |
musashi1 | well it was a fat32 drive | 18:49 |
shriphani | ok.. | 18:50 |
musashi1 | i think i fried it somehow. my ubuntu lappy won't read it either | 18:50 |
shriphani | care to do a tune2fs -l <device> ? | 18:51 |
ogra_cmpc | dont forget to unmount ;) | 18:51 |
ogra_cmpc | if you unplugged it without unmounting, data can be corrupt | 18:52 |
shriphani | yeah. | 18:52 |
shriphani | i did that when I was using pcbsd. | 18:52 |
shriphani | it refused to mount, had to use debugfs to kick out 'recover_needed | 18:53 |
shriphani | or something like that from the features of the drive. | 18:53 |
musashi1 | it wont unmount | 18:54 |
musashi1 | invalid argument | 18:54 |
shriphani | the command is umount | 18:54 |
musashi1 | right | 18:54 |
musashi1 | i did umount /dev/sda | 18:55 |
musashi1 | wrong? | 18:55 |
shriphani | umount <dir where device is mounted> | 18:55 |
musashi1 | ah, right | 18:55 |
* musashi1 wishes he was more cli literate :( | 18:56 | |
musashi1 | uh, any idea where it's mounting? /mnt is empty | 18:58 |
ogra_cmpc | where you told it to :) | 18:58 |
ogra_cmpc | (in the mount command) | 18:59 |
shriphani | did you mount in the first place ? | 18:59 |
musashi1 | no. thought it auto mounted | 19:00 |
shriphani | ubuntu's udev i think mounts it in /media/## | 19:00 |
musashi1 | there is no /media | 19:00 |
musashi1 | it a busybox shell | 19:00 |
musashi1 | if that matters | 19:00 |
shriphani | try doing blkid | 19:04 |
shriphani | i mean typing blkid | 19:04 |
musashi1 | okay, created dir /mnt/usb and mounted. cp file to it. verified it's there. still can't umount | 19:04 |
musashi1 | used umount /mnt/usb | 19:04 |
musashi1 | says invalid argument | 19:05 |
musashi1 | oops, was still in that dir. d'oh | 19:06 |
musashi1 | for your reading pleasure :) http://dpaste.com/23351/ | 19:10 |
musashi1 | that's the whole log | 19:10 |
musashi1 | free virtual beer to who ever can pinpoint the problem :) | 19:10 |
scrapbunny | Is there anyone here that can help an edubuntu newbie with thin client questions? | 19:13 |
stgraber | ogra_cmpc: around ? | 19:13 |
scrapbunny | i am trying to set up edubuntu 7.10 thin clients | 19:14 |
stgraber | ogra, ogra_cmpc: the ML still doesn't like me, can I mail you and you forward it to the list ? | 19:15 |
musashi1 | line 6237 has the failure for build-ltsp | 19:21 |
* musashi1 wonders what line 6235 means | 19:22 | |
musashi1 | could it be a bad CD issue? i'm going to burn a new one and try (burning on ubuntu this time) | 19:31 |
musashi1 | starting install again with new CD. my laptop would only burn at 28x though. hope that isn't too fast. in the past it tended to cause problems. | 19:50 |
musashi1 | this line from syslog is puzzling --> "tsp-client-builder: ltsp-build-client options: --mirror file:///cdrom --security-mirror none --skipimage" | 19:51 |
musashi1 | then "(process:25542): SIOCSIFADDR: No such device" | 19:52 |
musashi1 | and then failure --> "WARNING **: Configuring 'ltsp-client-builder' failed with error code 1" | 19:52 |
musashi1 | bryang: if this fails again i'm going to cry | 20:20 |
bryang | musashi1: hmm, that line 6235 looks like it was called incorrectly (and some of those options are not in the --help output) | 20:25 |
bryang | at least on my running system | 20:26 |
bryang | try grabbing this log next time | 20:27 |
bryang | /var/log/ltsp-server-build.log | 20:27 |
bryang | since that is where output goes according to the ltsp-server.postinst script | 20:28 |
bryang | fwiw, ltsp-build-client is called with no options, so ignore that assessment ;) | 20:31 |
=== ogra_cmpc_ is now known as ogra_cmpc | ||
* musashi1 cries, screams, puts fist through wall | 20:51 | |
sbalneav | You're not actually giving us any information on what your network is like. | 20:53 |
musashi1 | what would you like to know? | 20:53 |
sbalneav | Maybe you could tell us a little bit about your network, internet access, what the machine is, how many nics you've got in the machine, how much ram, what kind of processor, you know. Information :) | 20:54 |
musashi1 | there is no network connected yet, except for the uplink via dhcp | 20:54 |
bryang | sys = dual zeon, 4GB RAM, 3 NIC, 3x160GB RAID5 LUN | 20:55 |
musashi1 | well, there is internet and the server does get a dhcp IP, machine is a hp proliant 350 with 1 on board nic and two others 4gb of ram 2 xeon dual core cpus. some of this info was supplied way above :) | 20:55 |
* musashi1 too slow | 20:55 | |
bryang | model = HP ml350 | 20:55 |
sbalneav | So, there's 3 onboard nics | 20:56 |
bryang | true | 20:56 |
sbalneav | I didn't see it. | 20:56 |
sbalneav | Have you tried disabling in bios all the nics that arent used? | 20:56 |
musashi1 | on one the mobo, two in pci slots (right bryang?) | 20:57 |
musashi1 | sbalneav: no | 20:57 |
bryang | pci-express slots, but yes | 20:57 |
sbalneav | They're in pci slots? | 20:57 |
sbalneav | Maybe try yanking them, since the failure you're getting is a network related one. | 20:57 |
bryang | worth a try musashi1, I haven't done any installs on pci-x nic systems | 20:58 |
musashi1 | okay | 20:59 |
bryang | and worst case can swap some for those ;) | 20:59 |
musashi1 | okay, yanked and trying again... | 21:02 |
bryang | sbalneav: you'll notice that all three NICS were found during bootup by hw-detect.hotplug | 21:03 |
sbalneav | (process:25542): SIOCSIFADDR: No such device" means some interface address wasn't found. | 21:03 |
sbalneav | We've tested on one nic and two nic systems | 21:03 |
sbalneav | Maybe we've got a bug that causes it to fail on 3 nics | 21:04 |
sbalneav | or, maybe something in the kernel doesn't like one of the cards | 21:04 |
* bryang sees light turn on ;) | 21:04 | |
sbalneav | or, maybe some udev rule doesn't like 3 nics | 21:04 |
sbalneav | or who knows. | 21:04 |
bryang | fwiw, I did install feisty on a three nic system (so may in fact be a new issue) | 21:05 |
sbalneav | What I *do* know is, neither the machine, or the edubuntu machine will respond do crying, screaming, or fists in plasterboard. :) So, we'll try this. | 21:05 |
* bryang appreciates the help, for sure | 21:06 | |
sbalneav | And maybe this won't work either, but then that'll be another datapoint to add to the graph :) | 21:06 |
musashi1 | sbalneav: machine won't respond but makes me feel better. i've been at this for 6 hours now :) | 21:08 |
bryang | sbalneav, it does look like possibly some NIC re-ordering is happening throughout the install | 21:09 |
sbalneav | Entirely possible. | 21:09 |
bryang | musashi1, was the log posted from when you did an install from one of the PCI NICs ? | 21:10 |
musashi1 | bryang: i think so | 21:11 |
sbalneav | brb | 21:11 |
cberlo | ogra_cmpc: Finally back from installing a test server here. From a fresh load, I'm trying to connect a Dell GX100 over PXE/MBA (the one with the i810 video card I need to work with) and not getting any X at all. Haven't even logged into the system once since installing. Suggestions? | 21:11 |
musashi1 | sbalneav: if this works i owe you a virtual beer...or maybe bryang does :) | 21:11 |
* musashi1 crosses fingers. installastion's away | 21:12 | |
bryang | musashi1, do you get the option to go to next step of installation ? | 21:13 |
ogra_cmpc | cberlo: could be bug 149006 | 21:19 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 149006 in ltsp "ltsp does not configure xorg.conf correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149006 | 21:19 |
ogra_cmpc | create a /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf | 21:19 |
ogra_cmpc | and make sure to have X_COLOR_DEPTH=24 in there | 21:19 |
ogra_cmpc | if it doesnt work with 24, try 16 | 21:19 |
ogra_cmpc | RichEd: ?? | 21:20 |
RichEd | hi ogra ... | 21:20 |
ogra_cmpc | shouldnt you be in the air ? | 21:20 |
RichEd | yep ... international lounge at johannesburg airport | 21:20 |
ogra_cmpc | trying th enew louge card ? | 21:20 |
RichEd | thanks to the new lounge card | 21:20 |
RichEd | indeed | 21:20 |
ogra_cmpc | heh, snap | 21:20 |
RichEd | free beer (as in free beer) ... snacks ... comfy chairs ... AND ... drum roll .... | 21:20 |
RichEd | tdrrrrrrrrr | 21:20 |
RichEd | smoking lounge | 21:21 |
* ogra_cmpc dances wildly | 21:21 | |
cberlo | I have to make a new compressed image after? | 21:21 |
ogra_cmpc | cberlo: not if you use /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf | 21:21 |
RichEd | and of course ... internet access :) | 21:21 |
ogra_cmpc | indeed | 21:21 |
ogra_cmpc | wow, that makes travveling a lot easier | 21:21 |
cberlo | ogra_cmpc: Alright, I'll give it a go. | 21:21 |
* ogra_cmpc wished he had had that card back in warsaw | 21:22 | |
RichEd | me too in a number of crappy airports ... | 21:22 |
RichEd | i guess warsaw executive lounge may have been as styling as say ... a small german village bus station ;) | 21:22 |
ogra_cmpc | lol, yes | 21:23 |
ogra_cmpc | i mamnageed my first successfull install btw ... i'll write a small gui tool for that during travel ... i still like the principle of the squashfs :) .... | 21:24 |
cberlo | Hey, I see GUI! :) | 21:24 |
ogra_cmpc | so that way the image will only be 650M | 21:25 |
musashi1 | bryang: next step? you mean after failure on the chroot stuff? i didn't try. figured failure == failure | 21:25 |
ogra_cmpc | and be installable from any kind of USB device | 21:25 |
cberlo | ogra_cmpc: Okay, now that I'm Gutsy and have GUI, what do I need to get DRI? | 21:26 |
ogra_cmpc | cberlo: congrats ... (i think that bug justifies a stable release upgrade it hits many ppl) | 21:26 |
ogra_cmpc | cberlo: try to enable desktop effects in teh appearance settings | 21:26 |
cberlo | Okay | 21:26 |
cberlo | Desktop Effects could not be enabled. | 21:27 |
ogra_cmpc | hmm | 21:27 |
cberlo | Which, I am gonna guess probably means my card is too wimpy to pull this off? | 21:27 |
ogra_cmpc | well, i dont know if there are i810 cards that are not dri capoable | 21:28 |
ogra_cmpc | the ones i had in my hands all were | 21:28 |
ogra_cmpc | but that were pretty recent ones | 21:28 |
cberlo | Is there a way I can do something like "lspci" on the thin client? | 21:28 |
* RichEd waves to ogra ... heading to flight #2 ... may chat to you from schipol | 21:28 | |
* ogra_cmpc waves | 21:29 | |
cberlo | Is it "X_SERVER" or "XSERVER" to set default server? | 21:31 |
ogra_cmpc | no unde5rscore | 21:32 |
ogra_cmpc | try the intel server btw, thats probably better | 21:33 |
cberlo | Okay. Thanks. I'll play with it more tomorrow and let you know how it works out! :) | 21:33 |
musashi1 | sbalneav: bryang no failure this time but now with only 1 nic i get a different msg (no interface for ltsp dhcpd config found). install is continuing. | 21:53 |
musashi1 | guess it didn't like the pcie nics or didn't like 3. | 21:53 |
sbalneav | That's fine, so long as it completes, then we can fix up the nic and the dhcpd afterwards. | 21:55 |
bryang | yupper, agreed | 21:56 |
musashi1 | success!! i now have a thin client server with 1 nic :) rebooting. | 21:56 |
musashi1 | the desktop has landed :) | 22:00 |
bryang | schweet | 22:01 |
musashi1 | can i put one of the nics back to see if it likes pcie? | 22:01 |
bryang | sure | 22:02 |
musashi1 | will it try to configure it? | 22:02 |
bryang | we know how to get back here ... now ;) | 22:02 |
musashi1 | on a reboot that is | 22:02 |
bryang | should see it, and assign it as eth1, likely | 22:02 |
musashi1 | okay, i'll stick one back in and see what happens | 22:03 |
bryang | we will have to manually configure it to server clients | 22:03 |
bryang | s/server/serve/ | 22:03 |
bryang | and for completeness we could try another install w/just two (to flesh out a bug report) ;) | 22:04 |
musashi1 | not another install... | 22:06 |
bryang | heh, (at least) one more for the good of the community | 22:06 |
musashi1 | i think i did 5 today | 22:06 |
musashi1 | maybe tomorrow but not today | 22:07 |
* bryang nods | 22:07 | |
musashi1 | seems okay with the second nic. it boots and ifconfig shows eth0 and eth1 | 22:11 |
musashi1 | i have to head out soon. thanks sbalneav, bryang. as promised :) http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/anchor_beer.jpg | 22:15 |
bryang | priv msg has details to conf that interface | 22:17 |
scrapbunny | hello- is there anyone here that has used dell gx110's as edubuntu thin clients? | 22:19 |
Stormzoeker | /q | 22:23 |
musashi1 | cya. thanks again | 22:26 |
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=== JordanC[BedSecks is now known as JordanC[Secks] |
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