WaltzingAlong | frojnd: but check ifconfig eth1, you will not see UP as the device is DOWN | 00:00 |
stdin | !compiz | declan, the link here shows you how to start it | 00:00 |
ubotu | declan, the link here shows you how to start it: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 00:00 |
WaltzingAlong | declan: also check the compiz-fusion wiki | 00:00 |
_mark_ | WaltzingAlong: I know that it's to save my personal files and folders. But can I save them during install, if they're in the same partition as everything else? | 00:01 |
WaltzingAlong | _mark_: if they are on the same partition not really (as far as i know). during install you will want to format "/" and if /home is on /, then both get formatted | 00:01 |
WaltzingAlong | !backup | _mark_ | 00:01 |
ubotu | _mark_: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 00:02 |
WaltzingAlong | _mark_: btw, what is in feisty that gutsy is missing? | 00:02 |
frojnd | WaltzingAlong, ||arifaX ifconfig eth1: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42015/ | 00:02 |
declan | Thanks for the help, I'll check in those places | 00:02 |
WaltzingAlong | frojnd: yes notice right before BROADCAST there is no UP ? because you put it down | 00:02 |
WaltzingAlong | frojnd: man ifconfig | 00:02 |
||arifaX | frojnd: looks good what about the "route" | 00:03 |
frojnd | WaltzingAlong, and if I wanna put it back sudo ifconfig up but than I got notice: SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory | 00:04 |
frojnd | ||arifaX, route: everything blank | 00:04 |
_mark_ | WaltzingAlong: Thanks. Gutsy has Dolphin, which I hate. Feisty has Konqueror as the file manager, which I like much more. And Gutsy is not supported by Envy, which I use to get the latest 'fglrx' graphics driver. So I'm stuck with the crumby 'ati' driver . . . :-( | 00:04 |
frojnd | ||arifaX, just Destination, Gateway Genmask but nothing under above... | 00:04 |
frojnd | ||arifaX, do u think manager interrupt anything? | 00:05 |
WaltzingAlong | _mark_: you could also use fglrx from the ubuntu repos and you could also change konqueror to your file manager | 00:05 |
WaltzingAlong | !dolphin | _mark_ | 00:05 |
ubotu | _mark_: dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. | 00:05 |
WaltzingAlong | !fglrx | _mark_ | 00:05 |
ubotu | _mark_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 00:05 |
WaltzingAlong | !envy | _mark_ | 00:05 |
ubotu | _mark_: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 00:05 |
juan | hello! after removing compiz and beryl, i get this message everytime i use apt-get: | 00:05 |
||arifaX | frojnd: that's so strange. you are online with your accesspoint, so it is only a problem in setting up your interface and the default route pointing to your router. maybe at this point someone with more network knowledge on linux should jump in here? | 00:06 |
juan | i haver to autoremove liblua5.1-filesystem0 liblua5.1-curl0 liblua5.1-expat0 liblua5.1-0 | 00:06 |
juan | when i remove them, then adept tells me to reinsatll them, what are they for, and how can i stop this cycle? | 00:06 |
WaltzingAlong | juan: autoremove * because no package is using those packages and they were automatically installed because a package you installed (and have since removed) needed them | 00:06 |
WaltzingAlong | juan: what is the output of sudo aptitude -f install | 00:07 |
juan | those àckages are not being used and will be eliminated | 00:08 |
WaltzingAlong | right | 00:08 |
juan | what is that aptitude flag for? | 00:08 |
WaltzingAlong | juan: you could also have used apt-get in place of aptitude with that command (ie sudo apt-get -f install) | 00:09 |
_mark_ | WaltzingAlong: Thanks! I'll try that, and might just stick with Gutsy. There's a few other things that bug me, but I think I can live with them. | 00:09 |
xevious- | ok so i just booted off a livecd and the normal boot/install kubuntu option booted to a terminal, startx said no screens found -- had to use safe graphics mode. why might that be? | 00:09 |
juan | ok | 00:09 |
juan | i uninstalled them using aptitude -f | 00:09 |
Minataku | xevious-: Unsupported/unprobeable graphics card | 00:09 |
juan | WaltzingAlong do you use adept a lot? | 00:10 |
frojnd | ||arifaX, theere happens something strange if I enable wireless network under network manager and than restart network settings: | 00:10 |
WaltzingAlong | juan: no i prefer aptitude and aptitude has an ncurses interface so launching it within konsole lets you use the mouse as well as the keyboard | 00:10 |
frojnd | ||arifaX, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42016/ | 00:10 |
xevious- | Minataku: GeForce 7 series? | 00:10 |
WaltzingAlong | juan: i just use adept rarely but for mass filtering (as it does) when looking for something without knowing well for what i am searching, exactly | 00:11 |
Minataku | xevious-: You may very well need to use the alternate installer | 00:11 |
xevious- | Minataku: what's the difference with the alternate installer? | 00:12 |
_mark_ | Oh, WaltzingAlong, I've got another little problem you might be able to help me with. In Feisty, Konversation showed in the system tray, and glowed red whenever someone was talking to me. In Gutsy, it doesn't. Know how to make it do so? | 00:12 |
Minataku | It should work whereas the normal isn't | 00:12 |
Minataku | lol | 00:12 |
xevious- | hehe ok | 00:12 |
* xevious- grabs the alternate | 00:12 | |
xevious- | bbiaw | 00:12 |
WaltzingAlong | _mark_: konversation/settings/configure/behavior/general | 00:13 |
juan | is that so? ok, i have a pachage intsalled that i need, a version i found in the web, it turns out that there is anotherone in the repos, but i dont want that one, i want mine cause it works better for me, but the silly adept tells me i have to upgrade it, how do i stop from having the icon in my panel? | 00:13 |
Minataku | Use a dummy package | 00:13 |
Minataku | There's some way to make them | 00:13 |
_mark_ | WaltzingAlong: Thanks! | 00:13 |
Minataku | I don | 00:13 |
Minataku | 't know how, though | 00:13 |
frojnd | ok ||arifaX I know I've allready bugged u. Can u tell me what output data should I paste on ubuntuforums? | 00:14 |
Minataku | I also frequently fatfinger typing the ' | 00:14 |
Minataku | But that's beyond the point | 00:14 |
WaltzingAlong | juan: i may use aptitude to lock the package at the version you want to keep (in aptitude/package/keep or : key) | 00:14 |
juan | and can you tell me how to do that? | 00:15 |
WaltzingAlong | juan: maybe you can lock it through adept manager too | 00:15 |
juan | i'm already in the konsole | 00:16 |
WaltzingAlong | juan: ok in konsole, then start aptitude with sudo aptitude | 00:17 |
juan | ok | 00:17 |
WaltzingAlong | juan: next find the package you want to keep. press / then type some of the name to search | 00:17 |
WaltzingAlong | juan: when you find the package, with the mouse you can access the package menu, selecting keep | 00:18 |
Thylio | I have a ISO, whit a movie on it (VCD), I have mounted it "sudo mount /path/to/file/ /path/to/mount -o loop" But how the hell can i wath it in VLC? | 00:18 |
juan | ok | 00:19 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: you do not need to mount it to play it with vlc; | 00:19 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: open the .iso directly with vlc | 00:19 |
=== edulix__ is now known as Edulix | ||
juan | and now? do i just cose aptitude? | 00:19 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: What!? Doh. Okay. Thx :) | 00:19 |
Kachna | guys,was trying defrag,but my system froze during that -> had to restart, now i see folders on my disk,but no data inside... | 00:19 |
WaltzingAlong | Kachna: which system is that? | 00:20 |
Kachna | fsck with -p keeps telling me to run it manually | 00:20 |
Kachna | ext3 | 00:20 |
WaltzingAlong | the letter q followed with yes (clicking it) or pressing the letter y | 00:20 |
WaltzingAlong | !defrag | 00:20 |
ubotu | defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units. | 00:20 |
mark_ | !fglrx | 00:20 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 00:20 |
Kachna | was reading stuff about defragmentation around google,found out it's not that much useless (though not so useful too) | 00:21 |
Kachna | however,i ran it.. | 00:21 |
Kachna | and now i guess i'm f*cked up? | 00:21 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: Where is the .iso directly in VLC? I cant seem to find it:o | 00:21 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: where did you save the file? /home/thylio/mymovie.iso ? | 00:21 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: anyway, drag/drop the .iso on vlc or use the file/open dialog in vlc | 00:22 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: otherwise with /path/to/mount you could have vlc open the dir /path/to/mount though as i mentioning vlc can handle vcd iso ifles | 00:23 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: Well, drag and drop, does not seem to work, neither does opening it with CTRL+O. | 00:24 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: /path/to/mount, it just shows as a directory. is that how it should be? | 00:25 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: and you could always launch it from konsole to see any errors; yeah have vlc open a directory, then point to the one where you mounted the iso | 00:26 |
Kachna | k,well,is there any point of running fsck as it keeps deleting inodes,or i can format :/ | 00:26 |
diomedes | how do you install themes on the newer versions of kde? under look and feel? | 00:27 |
WaltzingAlong | !themes | diomedes | 00:27 |
ubotu | diomedes: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 00:27 |
WaltzingAlong | !changethemes | diomedes | 00:27 |
ubotu | diomedes: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. | 00:27 |
Kachna | !fsck | 00:27 |
ubotu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 00:27 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: Wow, advance, do you have time to walk me throug? | 00:27 |
lee98632 | eh did i do this channel thing right? | 00:28 |
WaltzingAlong | !hi | lee98632 | 00:28 |
ubotu | lee98632: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 00:28 |
Dragnslcr | lee98632- if you're looking for #kubuntu, yes | 00:28 |
hellhound | how do you disable kdesktop? | 00:28 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: you have not mounted the file yet? vlc should be able to open the .iso so there may be something else wrong but sure | 00:29 |
WaltzingAlong | killall kdesktop ? :D | 00:29 |
lee98632 | hi actaully i am searching for a on LiAmO | 00:29 |
lee98632 | Hi waltzingalong | 00:29 |
lee98632 | I actually have a bit of a probelm | 00:29 |
WaltzingAlong | !ask | 00:29 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 00:29 |
lee98632 | atm so I am running Ubuntu in 64 | 00:30 |
lee98632 | I was wanting to get kubuntu to do the cube but it became a night mare | 00:30 |
diomedes | waltz that site refers to the old kde, the new one I can only find adding icon themes | 00:30 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: I have mounted teh iso file, did it in termilal ("code" is in my first "post") But it only shows as a directory not a cdrom. | 00:30 |
hellhound | WaltzingAlong: is there a way to kill it for good such as uninstall so that compiz can use its background settings... and later reinstall a package to get it back if necessary? | 00:30 |
lee98632 | I even ran the 64 bit in kubuntu | 00:31 |
lee98632 | I got wobly windows in it | 00:31 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: it is a directory. it is not a cdrom. | 00:31 |
lee98632 | but then when I tried the kube thing that is when it all becaame a mess | 00:31 |
WaltzingAlong | hellhound: perhaps but i do not know how | 00:31 |
lee98632 | so has any one sucessfully rn the cube on the Kubunut | 00:32 |
WaltzingAlong | lee98632: compiz had gnome in mind and is (afaiac) dead in the water for kde since kde4 will include similar effects natively | 00:32 |
WaltzingAlong | lee98632: yes there have been people in here with the cube working on kde | 00:32 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: Okay, but still, cant wathc the video, beacouse VLC only want to play CD | 00:32 |
Thylio | 's | 00:32 |
WaltzingAlong | Kubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion . for more, ask in #compiz-fusion & see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/ ; start here, check the wiki of compiz-fusion and check the compiz-fusion channel | 00:32 |
makuseru | hi, i have a new ipod nano, and when i connect it it shows up as an ipod, but when i copy my music over to it it never shows up on the ipod (but if i browse it on the computer it shows it as being there) how can i get it transfered to the ipod to where it will actually plau? | 00:33 |
lee98632 | ahhh | 00:33 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: vlc then file/open directory | 00:33 |
kevbug | could someone point me to a resource on how to disable compiz and return to the normal window manager? I'm on afriends laptop and his ATI isn't playing nice | 00:33 |
xevious | makuseru: how are you copying the music over to the ipod? | 00:33 |
Dragnslcr | lee98632- it works well for me | 00:33 |
lee98632 | ok then Ill wait for KDe4 to come out then | 00:33 |
makuseru | xevious: im just dragging and droppingit in | 00:33 |
WaltzingAlong | kevbug: kwin --replace | 00:34 |
kevbug | WaltzingAlong: will that do it permanently? | 00:34 |
xevious | makuseru: you're dragging it into the disk storage part of the ipod, not the music part | 00:34 |
hydrogen | makuseru: you need to use a program that can speak ipodese | 00:34 |
Dragnslcr | kevbug- or kwin --replace & if you do it from a console | 00:34 |
lee98632 | <Dragnslcr cool | 00:34 |
hydrogen | makuseru: Amarok can | 00:34 |
xevious | makuseru: use amarok to load it | 00:34 |
WaltzingAlong | kevbug: compiz does not start automatically unless put in the ~/.kde/Autostart folder | 00:34 |
makuseru | amarock never recognizes it | 00:34 |
xevious | makuseru: is it one of the new video nanos? | 00:34 |
WaltzingAlong | !ipod | 00:34 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 00:34 |
makuseru | xevious: yes | 00:35 |
hydrogen | ah | 00:35 |
hydrogen | yea | 00:35 |
hydrogen | thats problematic | 00:35 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: It play's a file now. But it's stuck at 0:00:00. | 00:35 |
hydrogen | because apple sucks. | 00:35 |
Dragnslcr | WaltzingAlong, kevbug- there's an environment variable for setting the default window manager as well | 00:35 |
makuseru | yes | 00:35 |
makuseru | it does | 00:35 |
lee98632 | well, Ill talks to you all laters | 00:35 |
xevious | makuseru: apple put some new measures in to ensure that non-iTunes users can't use the new ipods | 00:35 |
=== cherry- is now known as ahia | ||
synthetic | hi all | 00:35 |
hydrogen | you will need to build libgpod and gtkpod from cvs | 00:35 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: yes my impression is that it is not being played for other reasons; perhaps missing codecs or a corrupt file | 00:35 |
makuseru | the very first time i plugged it in amarock recognized it, but i told it not to do anything right then | 00:35 |
hydrogen | to do it | 00:35 |
makuseru | and it hasnt asked me since | 00:35 |
=== steven__ is now known as Enul232 | ||
hydrogen | makuseru: Even if Amarok recognizes it it will not be able to add music properly | 00:36 |
makuseru | why? | 00:36 |
hydrogen | apple added checksumming to the ipod, mos tprobably as a way of ensuring databases don't get corrupt | 00:36 |
synthetic | I need mysql4 in gutsy. Where can I find its deb? | 00:36 |
hydrogen | the released version of libgpod (which amarok usese) can't handle the checksum | 00:36 |
xevious | bbiaw | 00:36 |
Thylio | Okay, i'll try to reinstall it, maybe I have missed some nessesery packages. | 00:36 |
synthetic | !mysql | 00:36 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 00:36 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: from what you are telling me vlc is just fine | 00:37 |
WaltzingAlong | !codecs | 00:37 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 00:37 |
WaltzingAlong | !w32codecs | 00:37 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 00:37 |
nzk | What's the command to run the gui updater? | 00:38 |
synthetic | WaltzingAlong: install w32codecs from medibuntu | 00:38 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: Okay. Havent installed any other codecs than thous that are in the VLC package. | 00:39 |
WaltzingAlong | which should be enough, hence thinking the .iso may not right | 00:39 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: but research it further | 00:40 |
WaltzingAlong | nzk: kdesu adept_manager ? | 00:40 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: aah. Yeah. Could it have somthing to do whit that i made the iso file, from .bin/.cue file maybe? | 00:41 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: do you have the bin/cue? vlc can play those as well | 00:41 |
Thylio | Oh. Feel kind of supid now. | 00:41 |
=== rob1 is now known as rob | ||
WaltzingAlong | it is a good find, vlc that is; can play so much | 00:42 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: Yeah, i'll try to open them with CRTL+O then | 00:42 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: great, select the .bin | 00:42 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: Yeah, it's amazing! | 00:42 |
WaltzingAlong | go french! | 00:42 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: OKay. thx | 00:42 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: Shit it worked! :D Crappy qualety on the movie tho -.- | 00:44 |
WaltzingAlong | :D | 00:44 |
Boes | i have an onboard nvidia gforce 6100, i've used the restricted drivers manager to install the drivers for the video card, but i still can't get opengl support to work, does anybody have any ideas? | 00:47 |
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AmyRose | Why can't I control the hinting options of fonts in GTK programs running under KDE? | 00:53 |
AmyRose | !nvidia | Boes | 00:53 |
ubotu | Boes: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 00:53 |
=== ubuntu is now known as AT0M1CB0MB3R | ||
AT0M1CB0MB3R | !grub | 00:55 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 00:55 |
tjodalv | the KDE font section doesn't control the hinting? Even for GTK apps? | 00:56 |
AmyRose | tjodalv: It ONLY affects KDE apps | 00:57 |
AmyRose | Or Qt apps | 00:57 |
AmyRose | well, it also affects a handful of other apps too, but not GTK apps | 00:58 |
AmyRose | I read somewhere that GTK/GNOME handle fonts on their own | 00:58 |
AmyRose | or at least DPI and hinting settings | 00:58 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | somebody help me install grub again | 00:58 |
AmyRose | !patience | AT0M1CB0MB3R | 01:00 |
ubotu | AT0M1CB0MB3R: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 01:00 |
tjodalv | do you want the fonts hinted differently in the gtk apps than the qt apps? | 01:00 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | AmyRose: why do i have to wait | 01:01 |
AmyRose | AT0M1CB0MB3R: Because it's rude to demand help. | 01:01 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | AmyRose: i didnt demand it | 01:01 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | AmyRose: i just said can somebody hlep me install grub again | 01:01 |
AmyRose | OK, what is the problem? | 01:02 |
tjodalv | amyrose: I think you can adjust the hinting from within the .fonts.conf file.... | 01:02 |
AmyRose | tjodalv: That's the file KDE writes to, but it doesn't affect GTK apps | 01:02 |
makuseru | ok, so i installed gtkpod, and when i click load ipod it shows all the music in gtk pod, but it still dosnt show anything on the actuall ipod | 01:03 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | AmyRose: my problem? | 01:03 |
AmyRose | yes, AT0M1CB0MB3R | 01:03 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | AmyRose: ok i installed windows again on a different harddrive and it deleted grun with it | 01:03 |
Boes | thanks | 01:03 |
AmyRose | AT0M1CB0MB3R: Well, did you follow the directions in ubotu's link? | 01:04 |
AmyRose | AT0M1CB0MB3R: Since I have not used Windows for the last 3½ years or so, I don't know what else to say | 01:05 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | AmyRose: im doing thaT right now | 01:05 |
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hydrogen | then | 01:05 |
hydrogen | what are you whining about. | 01:05 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | hydrogen: me> | 01:06 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ? | 01:06 |
Boes | ok, i've followed the instructions on the wiki page for the binary drivers, but i'm still not able to use opengl applications with the current setup, it's showing mesa X11 as the current driver | 01:08 |
Boes | correction, current renderer | 01:08 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | gosh i need help i dont understand how to do this | 01:09 |
keatonguy | Is it possible to mount your hard drive from a Live CD? | 01:10 |
makuseru | so can anyone help me get music onto an ipod? | 01:10 |
nalioth | keatonguy: yes | 01:10 |
keatonguy | nalioth: Do you know the command or a way to do it through gui? | 01:11 |
nalioth | !tell keatonguy about ntfs | 01:11 |
nalioth | keatonguy: your PM will shed some light | 01:11 |
keatonguy | No no, it's not an ntfs partition, it's Linux. | 01:11 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody please help me? | 01:12 |
AmyRose | Well, I just found the answer to my question | 01:12 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | AmyRose: what question | 01:13 |
begert_ | AT0M1CB0MB3R: I think I have had that happen to me and I just re-installed Linux, probably not the answer your looking for | 01:13 |
AmyRose | AT0M1CB0MB3R: I was asking how to control the font rendering settings for GTK apps because they seem to ignore the settings in ~/.fonts.conf, and I found a page of .gtkrc-2.0 settings related to this :) http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/unstable/GtkSettings.html#GtkSettings--gtk-xft-antialias | 01:14 |
begert_ | if you /Home is on a different partition you at least won't lose that stuff | 01:14 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | begert_: it isnt | 01:15 |
begert_ | :( | 01:15 |
Yammeh | Is there a way to stop it making the application under the mouse the active application? | 01:15 |
Hamppari | How do I completely remove ubuntu and all of its packages? | 01:16 |
begert_ | I would say use a live CD to modify your grub file, but I don't know much on how to have your system recognize it | 01:16 |
begert_ | Hamppari, what are you trying to accomplish? | 01:16 |
Hamppari | I did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop on kubuntu (I know, foolish) and now I want to get rid of ubuntu and it's packages | 01:17 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: I found the answer today | 01:18 |
AmyRose | Hold on | 01:18 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: Here you go! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE | 01:18 |
begert_ | apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop? | 01:18 |
AmyRose | begert_: That will only remove a dummy package | 01:18 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: There is also another guide on psychocats.net | 01:19 |
Hamppari | AmyRose: Thanks, you're a life saver | 01:19 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde.php | 01:19 |
AmyRose | You're welcome | 01:19 |
AmyRose | I just wish it was as easy as it is on Fedora | 01:20 |
AmyRose | Since FC5, you can remove a desktop simply by unchecking it in the "official" package manager frontend (pirut) | 01:20 |
Hamppari | btw, I just got compiz working with AIGLX with my crappy ATI card :) | 01:20 |
AmyRose | You like it, Hamppari? :3 | 01:21 |
Hamppari | Yeah :) | 01:21 |
Hamppari | Dont use the cube thing though | 01:21 |
Yammeh | I liked it, but I couldn't get the cube thing to work | 01:21 |
Hamppari | Just some little efffects | 01:21 |
Hamppari | Yammeh: you installed compiz-config-settings.manager ? | 01:22 |
Yammeh | Yup, I chose the cube and nothing happened | 01:22 |
Yammeh | Also, can you make it so that you can click anywhere on an application to bring it to the front, rather than just the top bar? | 01:22 |
marco | hi, just a question: I am about to upgrade...what do you think about gutsy?? | 01:22 |
Hamppari | You have to choose both the cube thingies and then Ctrl + Alt + Left Click to initiate rotate | 01:22 |
Hamppari | marco awesome | 01:23 |
marco | Hamppari any problem encountered by anybody you heard of? | 01:23 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | somebody please help me | 01:23 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | omg | 01:23 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | i want to install grub on my windows harddrive | 01:24 |
NickPresta | what seems to be the problem AT0M1CB0MB3R ? | 01:24 |
Hamppari | marco I had to edit usplash.conf afterwards but thats about it | 01:24 |
NickPresta | oh. | 01:24 |
marco | ok | 01:24 |
Yammeh | omg, it works Hamppari, ace | 01:24 |
marco | thnx | 01:24 |
Hamppari | Yammeh np :) | 01:24 |
Yammeh | Do you know how to sort out that other issue? | 01:24 |
Yammeh | About having to click the top bar to make the application active? | 01:24 |
Hamppari | Yammeh: Its just matter of finding the option on the settings, Ill try it myself after I remove ubuntu | 01:25 |
Yammeh | Okie | 01:25 |
Hamppari | Yammeh, though if you click the top bar of that particular app it will be active | 01:25 |
Yammeh | I know, but I want to make it so you click anywhere on the app it becomes active | 01:26 |
Hamppari | Well im sure the option is somewhere there | 01:26 |
Hamppari | Ill try to look at it | 01:27 |
Hamppari | Yammeh: any luck yet? | 01:29 |
Yammeh | Nope, still looking | 01:30 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | NickPresta: can you help me? | 01:31 |
zach_ | i've got this problem that involves Firefox | 01:32 |
zach_ | it seems to have problems loading the security features | 01:32 |
zach_ | because it won't start up, and it says that it had problems trying to load the security features | 01:32 |
zach_ | and that it couldn't load firefox for that reason | 01:32 |
zach_ | there, i repeated it | 01:32 |
zach_ | brb | 01:33 |
||arifaX_ | frojnd: sorry was away. did you fix it already somehow? | 01:33 |
acey | Can someone help me? I accidently deleted a panel off the bottom bar and I need it back | 01:34 |
acey | It's the one that shows all your programs | 01:34 |
acey | like the one where you click ont he program once it has been minimized to bring it back up | 01:35 |
newsense07 | kmenu | 01:35 |
acey | no | 01:35 |
Hamppari | no its not kmenu | 01:35 |
acey | window list i think | 01:35 |
acey | or i know in gnome it's called window list I think | 01:35 |
Hamppari | right click the panel then choose to add application to panel | 01:36 |
acey | I added the applet window list but all it is, is a little applet thing | 01:36 |
acey | what application do I add | 01:36 |
Hamppari | Im not sure what it is in english :/ | 01:37 |
newsense07 | taskbar? | 01:37 |
acey | I guess | 01:37 |
newsense07 | yeah thars it | 01:37 |
acey | the one that shows all the programs you are running | 01:37 |
newsense07 | yeah taskbar\ | 01:37 |
acey | and like when you minimize it, its the one in the middle bottom | 01:38 |
newsense07 | yep | 01:38 |
newsense07 | add taskbar applet | 01:38 |
acey | k, cna I add that back? I accidently clicked "Delete panel" when i was doing something and now I can't tell what programs are running XD | 01:38 |
newsense07 | yeah right click the panel | 01:38 |
Boes | anybody have any other suggestions to get opengl to work with a geforce 6100 intergrated video, other than what is on the wiki? | 01:38 |
newsense07 | select add applet | 01:38 |
newsense07 | in search enter taskbar | 01:38 |
acey | oo ok thanks it works now | 01:39 |
acey | thank you | 01:39 |
newsense07 | np | 01:39 |
acey | ey while im here I have another question | 01:39 |
acey | can I make the bottom bar transparent? | 01:39 |
newsense07 | just ask | 01:39 |
acey | like completely transparent | 01:39 |
newsense07 | yes | 01:39 |
acey | so I can see windows behind it | 01:39 |
newsense07 | your wallpaper yes | 01:40 |
acey | because right now all I see is the background iamge (default one) | 01:40 |
acey | oo so like I can change it so when a window is behind it I can see it? | 01:40 |
newsense07 | what do you want to see ? | 01:40 |
acey | a window | 01:40 |
acey | like program | 01:40 |
newsense07 | not sure if ya can let me check | 01:40 |
juan | hi! does anyone use kmail? | 01:40 |
acey | konversation | 01:40 |
AmyRose | juan: Yeah | 01:40 |
acey | k ty | 01:40 |
juan | AmyRose it doesn't download my attachments | 01:41 |
newsense07 | acey: doesnt look like it | 01:41 |
newsense07 | can make apps cover it but not behind it | 01:42 |
newsense07 | kiba dock might do that but im not too farmiliar with it | 01:42 |
juan | and i can't figure out how to make it download them | 01:42 |
AmyRose | acey: If you're using Compiz, you can simply hold Alt and roll the mouse wheel over the panel | 01:42 |
AmyRose | juan: Sorry, I don't know how to fix that one | 01:43 |
* newsense07 has no scroll wheel :( | 01:43 | |
newsense07 | cheap mouse | 01:43 |
juan | AmyRose does your kmail download attachments? | 01:43 |
AmyRose | juan: yeah | 01:43 |
juan | so ill just keemp on looking, thanks AmyRose | 01:44 |
tony | Help please. I installed a program in Apt and now i can't find it. | 01:46 |
Hamppari | AmyRose: Thanks for the help now im PureKDE again :) | 01:46 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody help me install grub? | 01:46 |
Hamppari | AT0M1CB0MB3R: you could try asking at #ubuntu | 01:46 |
Hamppari | tony: what's the name of the program? | 01:46 |
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tony | Hamppari: Partimage | 01:47 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: You're welcome | 01:47 |
Hamppari | tony try alt + F2 and type partimage | 01:47 |
Hamppari | tony: did it work | 01:49 |
LeeJunFan | Man, ATI just keeps managing to make me hate them more and more. Anyone know where to get the new 8.42 driver? There's no mention of even last months on ati.amd.com | 01:50 |
jerbear | i've upgraded to kubuntu from ubuntu... is there a way that i can now get rid of ubuntu and all of the packages that come with it? like i installed it from the cd | 01:51 |
Hamppari | LeeJunFan: www.ubuntuforums.org | 01:52 |
Hamppari | there's a how to also | 01:52 |
LastMall | jerbear yes | 01:52 |
Boes | has anybody used that envy script to try to install correct video drivers? | 01:53 |
Hamppari | LeeJunFan: https://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.42.3-x86.x86_64.run | 01:53 |
LeeJunFan | Hamppari: yeah, I found it. Thanks. | 01:53 |
LeeJunFan | I have no idea why ATI is hiding it. | 01:53 |
jerbear | LastMall: how would i do that? | 01:53 |
LastMall | jerbear its actually gnome you want to remove I believe. | 01:53 |
LastMall | jerbear http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/gnome | 01:54 |
Hamppari | jerbear: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE | 01:55 |
Hamppari | LastMall's link works also | 01:55 |
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LastMall | jerbear very bottom of that page | 01:55 |
jerbear | k, i'll check it out | 01:56 |
LastMall | jerbear keep in mind I've not done it, but it says If you later decide you don't want Gnome any more, go back to the Gnome terminal and type sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop. | 01:57 |
LastMall | i don't know why it'd have to be done at a "gnome terminal" | 01:57 |
jerbear | thanks guys | 01:59 |
Hamppari | np | 02:00 |
Hamppari | Damn, now I can't find the topic enable compiz on | 02:00 |
Alonea | ok, not sure what I did, but I seemed to have screwed up my java. Eclipse now reports: Version 1.4.2-02 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. Version: 1.5 or greater is required. | 02:06 |
Alonea | I just tried to install the latest JDK and that didn't help | 02:06 |
tony | Hamppari: Sorry I had to step out. nothing happens when I push f12/Alt. | 02:08 |
Hamppari | tony: alt +f2 | 02:09 |
tony | Hamppari: Alt and F12 at the same time.......Nothing happens | 02:10 |
Hamppari | tony: not F12.. alt + f2 :) | 02:10 |
tony | Hamppari: I'm an idiot. The run box came up. I typed partimage in hit enter then nothing | 02:12 |
Hamppari | How did you install it? sudo apt-get install partimage? | 02:13 |
tony | Hamppari: I used Adept Manager | 02:14 |
tony | If I sudo partimage in Terminal it runs... | 02:14 |
kroynos | is there another themer i can use instead of emerald for Kubuntu? | 02:14 |
Hamppari | tony: whats the problem then? :) | 02:15 |
tony | Hamppari: I'm new to Linux. I want to know where the programs go when I install them. How do I add a shortcut to the Applications menu? | 02:17 |
Hamppari | tony: look for menu editor at the programs | 02:19 |
LastMall | tony i think its called kmenuedit | 02:21 |
tony | LastMall: I found that. Thanks | 02:21 |
pbecker | Hi all. Does anyone know how to bind a file extension to a shell script so that it runs when the file is clicked in Dolphin? | 02:22 |
LastMall | maybe not tho | 02:22 |
BluesKaj | K Menu has the installed apps listed , the K icon with the gear in it | 02:22 |
LastMall | not all applications list themselves | 02:22 |
mike-kubuntu | hey, on my laptop, fglrx is not detecting my video card, i have xorg-driver-fglrx installed and fglrx-kernel | 02:23 |
mike-kubuntu | it says i'm on mesa | 02:23 |
mike-kubuntu | when i type fglrxinfo | 02:23 |
BluesKaj | LastMall, kmenu is a start | 02:24 |
Hamppari | mike-kubuntu: did u install the driver from Restricted Drivers Manager | 02:25 |
pbecker | oh -- found a way: Configure Konqueror->File Associations does the tric | 02:25 |
pbecker | not that obvious IMO, but it works now | 02:25 |
LastMall | tony open kongueror and click on applications there. Applications/Installed Programs | 02:26 |
tony | LastMall: I already added it so it shows up there too. | 02:27 |
mike-kubuntu | Hamppari: yes | 02:28 |
mike-kubuntu | Hamppari: and the module is loaded | 02:28 |
kgx | does anyone know a solution to this problem: if i retrieve inline javascript via ajax, firefox won't allow it to be executed. other than preincluding the script, is there any way i can actually make it work? | 02:29 |
Hamppari | mike-kubuntu: did u check your xorg.conf to have fglrx in the driver section | 02:31 |
Hamppari | instead of ati or similar | 02:31 |
mike-kubuntu | yeah, it says fglrx | 02:33 |
mike-kubuntu | pcie | 02:33 |
mike-kubuntu | bus id 1:5:0 | 02:33 |
jjj543k3 | is there a way to set konqueror's user agent to something other than what is in the list of available user agents? | 02:34 |
jjj543k3 | For instance install a custom user agent or something | 02:34 |
Kr4t05 | I have a problem with Kopete crashing and I was wondering if someone could help me. | 02:35 |
BigDaddy | Kr4t05: lemme guess, MSN protocol? | 02:35 |
Kr4t05 | Here is a pastebin of the output I get starting kopete from console | 02:35 |
Kr4t05 | http://pastebin.com/m46c0dc2c | 02:35 |
BigDaddy | Oscar? that is AIM I think... | 02:36 |
Kr4t05 | Hrm... Maybe I should try Pidgin and see if it works? | 02:36 |
BigDaddy | I don't see why, pidgin is a GNOME app and Kopete is native KDE | 02:37 |
BigDaddy | Are you using the latest version of Kopete? | 02:37 |
Kr4t05 | The one that came with Gutsy. | 02:37 |
BigDaddy | Did you upgrade or do a fresh install? | 02:38 |
Kr4t05 | BigDaddy: Fresh | 02:38 |
Kr4t05 | Hold on, there are some KDE upgrades in my package manager. | 02:38 |
Kr4t05 | Let's see what they do. | 02:38 |
BigDaddy | Kr4t05: Ah, that might be it. I just updated today myself and my MSN issue was fixed | 02:39 |
* genii sips a coffee | 02:39 | |
Kr4t05 | I notice a few things have been slightly more crash-prone since I installed Gutsy. | 02:39 |
jerbear | when i go to monitor settings and enter administrator mode, and make a change, the OK button is grayed out... what's going on? | 02:39 |
Kr4t05 | Nothing earth-shattering, but still annoying. | 02:40 |
BigDaddy | not me, my system has increased stability. Kontact, Amarok, just about everything is better. Of course I did a fresh install this time as opposed to last | 02:40 |
jjj543k3 | how do I make konversation minimize to the system try insted of closing when i close it? Like it did in feisty | 02:41 |
BigDaddy | jerbear: what settings are you trying to set? | 02:41 |
jerbear | BigDaddy: anything in the monitor settings | 02:41 |
jerbear | BigDaddy: i click admin mode, enter my password... the red border appears and i can change settings but the ok button is always grayed out | 02:42 |
BigDaddy | jjj543k3: settings ->configure -> behaviour -> system tray | 02:42 |
BigDaddy | jerbear: so you go to Settings -> Peripherals -> Monitor and Display ? | 02:43 |
jerbear | this is a completely fresh install, btw | 02:44 |
jerbear | BigDaddy: yes | 02:44 |
BigDaddy | Are you trying to change your resolution by anychance? | 02:44 |
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jerbear | BigDaddy: anything... dual monitor, resolution... nothing works | 02:45 |
BigDaddy | Wait, I don't even need to be in admin mode to make changes here. HAve you tried it without admin mode? | 02:46 |
jerbear | yes | 02:47 |
kevbug | is there some way to disable XGL on startup? | 02:48 |
BigDaddy | jerbear: have you tried Color & Gamma? | 02:49 |
jerbear | nothing works in monitor settings | 02:49 |
BigDaddy | I just tried to change my resolution and it didn't work either. So far, Gamma is the only thing that i tried that actually worked. | 02:50 |
BigDaddy | Do you have the nvidia driver? | 02:50 |
jerbear | yes | 02:50 |
BigDaddy | press alt+f2 and enter " nvidia-settings " | 02:50 |
zetheroo | I am trying to get compiz working in Kubuntu.. how do I get Kubuntu to start using compiz? | 02:51 |
jerbear | ok, that opened up | 02:51 |
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MilesG | hello ubotu | 02:51 |
BigDaddy | Try using that to make your adjustments. IF that works,then try running it from the konsole with sudo and then save the settings to your X configuration | 02:52 |
zetheroo | does compiz work with the ati opensource driver? | 02:53 |
jerbear | this is pretty disconcerting... this did work, now it doesn't... how am i supposed to trust that my system will be configurable for other things | 02:53 |
jerbear | ? | 02:53 |
contrast83 | Anyone here use the Save/Read Markings functionality in Synaptic? | 02:54 |
BigDaddy | zetheroo: I have not heard many good things about the ATI open driver. I don't know how Compiz will work with it | 02:54 |
MilesG | does anyone in here have experience with gimp? | 02:55 |
contrast83 | BigDaddy: I'm using Compiz with the open driver on an ATI M6 w/ 8MB VRAM and it runs more or less flawlessly. | 02:55 |
smorg | quick q... did anyone else have their kde break when installing the ATI closed driver via the restricted driver manager? | 02:55 |
BigDaddy | jerbear: you said this worked now it doesn't? What, the nvidia settings? | 02:55 |
jerbear | no, the kde config tool | 02:55 |
BigDaddy | MilesG: I do on indows, haven't used it yet in Kubuntu though | 02:55 |
zetheroo | BigDaddy: well I have switched to the fglrx driver now.... so I'll give compiz another shot | 02:55 |
jerbear | how could something like that work so poorly? | 02:55 |
smorg | I restored my xorg.conf file but that didn't fix anything... i had to reinstall my entire distro | 02:55 |
smorg | is there any way to make sure it won't destroy the whole os | 02:56 |
zetheroo | how do I get XGL going? | 02:56 |
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BigDaddy | jerbear: I would guess the # of video cards hardware config's would be staggering and considering that most of it is reversed enginered makes it pretty amazing. | 02:57 |
zetheroo | if I install the xserver-xgl package... will that do it for me? | 02:57 |
diomedes | when I installed xgl my desktop went stupid | 02:58 |
BigDaddy | jerbear: that being said, this may be a known issue that is being addressed | 02:58 |
jerbear | BigDaddy: all we're talking about here is a tool that modifies a text file... no drivers are coming into play | 02:58 |
BigDaddy | did you search for known bugs? | 02:58 |
diomedes | does xgl server have it's own conf or should it still use xorg.conf? | 02:58 |
jerbear | brb... going to test this | 02:59 |
BigDaddy | jerbear: you still didn't say what you were trying to change. You said anything. Were you trying to increase you resolution? Drop it down? | 02:59 |
contrast83 | diomedes: It doesn't use xorg.conf, IIRC. Not sure what it does use though. | 03:00 |
BigDaddy | MilesG: what did you want to know about GIMP? | 03:00 |
draik | How do I convert DVDs to PSP? | 03:00 |
BigDaddy | draik: go to PSP church and get them baptized? | 03:01 |
MilesG | BigDaddy: i wanted to reverse an animated .gif from A-B to B-A in an easy and quick way | 03:01 |
BigDaddy | I almost forgot, the reason I came in here is that I am having trouble with KTorrent killing my internet connection. Anyone have experience with this? | 03:02 |
BigDaddy | MilesG: There is a plugin need to work with animated gif's I believe. Do you have that? | 03:02 |
MilesG | nah, but i just did it by hand | 03:03 |
MilesG | thanks though | 03:03 |
BigDaddy | MilesG: | 03:03 |
BigDaddy | oh, you got it already huh? | 03:03 |
MilesG | yea...i wanted to make something that looks like a boot splash for ubuntu booting | 03:04 |
MilesG | and place it on my cell phone when it turns on/off | 03:04 |
BigDaddy | MilesG: that would be sweet! What phone do you have? | 03:04 |
MilesG | razr | 03:04 |
MilesG | its quite easy actually | 03:05 |
BigDaddy | damn. I have a Sony Ericsson | 03:05 |
BigDaddy | The only animated gifs I have are Mortal Kombat sprites. | 03:05 |
MilesG | on the razr, i just have to overwrite "customer_opening.gif" and "customer_closing.gif" respectively | 03:05 |
MilesG | haha thats cool | 03:05 |
BigDaddy | So does no one here have experiece with Ktorrent? | 03:07 |
BigDaddy | OK then, go to look elsewhere. | 03:10 |
evjunior09 | Okay so i downloaded iTunes and it installed using WINE. How do i go about running the app?? | 03:10 |
MilesG | i dont know how to use torrents | 03:12 |
Hamppari | evjunior09: I use Amarok instead of iTunes but If you still want to use iTunes then type in to terminal wine itunes.exe | 03:13 |
Hamppari | or what ever is the name of the executable | 03:13 |
Hamppari | MilesG: you mean you dont know how to use them on linux or you dont know how to use them at all? | 03:14 |
MilesG | at all | 03:15 |
* genii sips a coffee | 03:15 | |
Hamppari | download a torrent file, fire up ktorrent and choose where to download whatever you're downloading | 03:15 |
Nocivo | stan? | 03:16 |
ryy | Hello, my audio is not working since I installed Gutsy Gibbon on my Dell Inspiron 1501. Funny thing is that it worked fine on Fiesty. According to Vista, I have SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC, Sigmatel STAC92XX C-Major HD Audio Driver. Is there anything I do to revive my audio? Or should I just go back to Fiesty? | 03:16 |
Nocivo | am xd | 03:16 |
Zigonick | is there a way to download some of the packages/updaes without sudo apt-get? At home am on dailup so trying to download the things i need while at work, and put on a jump disk | 03:17 |
Hamppari | ryy: happened to my friend too so you're not alone | 03:17 |
ryy | Was he able to find a solution? | 03:17 |
Hamppari | ryy not yet | 03:18 |
zetheroo | when I login all I see is the desktop background.... no menu's no panles.. nothing | 03:18 |
ryy | Wow. Does anyone even know what the problem is? | 03:18 |
Hamppari | Zigonick: ask at #ubuntu | 03:18 |
Nocivo | xD | 03:18 |
ryy | thanks. | 03:19 |
Hamppari | ryy: well my friend didnt find a single topic about it at ubuntuforums (yet) :P | 03:19 |
evjunior09 | Hamppari: It dosent work | 03:20 |
Hamppari | evjunior09: Did you manage to install it using wine | 03:20 |
evjunior09 | Umm well i clicked download, and it said open using...and i clicked on wine | 03:21 |
evjunior09 | and it started to download and installed normally (Like windows would) | 03:21 |
evjunior09 | and now i cant find it | 03:21 |
Nocivo | be | 03:22 |
zetheroo | how do you start X from the console? | 03:22 |
Hamppari | its in your /home/yourname/.wine/drive_c/ folder | 03:22 |
Hamppari | zetheroo: startx | 03:22 |
zetheroo | thanks | 03:22 |
Hamppari | np | 03:22 |
evjunior09 | Hamppari: bash: /home/mike/.wine/drive_c/: is a directory | 03:23 |
Hamppari | evjunior09: go to your home folder | 03:24 |
Hamppari | then press alt + . | 03:24 |
Hamppari | and find a folder there called .wine | 03:24 |
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evjunior09 | when i go to Konqueror i click on Home folder and click ALT + and it dosent do anything | 03:25 |
Hamppari | evjunior09: at the top bar, click View -> Show Hidden Files | 03:26 |
evjunior09 | Okay i got it, Now theres 2 folders..Program Files and Windows | 03:27 |
hdevalence | hey guys, every time kopete (tries to) connect with an MSN server, it segfaults | 03:27 |
evjunior09 | and i see itunes.exe and it says i need to re-install it | 03:27 |
evjunior09 | ugh | 03:27 |
Hamppari | hdevalence: you mean crashes? | 03:28 |
hdevalence | yeah | 03:28 |
Hamppari | Did the same to me but it worked after I installed all updates | 03:28 |
hdevalence | it gives me the kcrash thing | 03:28 |
Hamppari | You installed all updates yet? | 03:28 |
Hamppari | evjunior09: I would suggest using Amarok :P | 03:29 |
hdevalence | about how it got signal 11 | 03:29 |
evjunior09 | Hamppari: Yeah i just dont care for Amarok | 03:29 |
Jucato | hdevalence: known bug. fix should be on the way (or is available) | 03:29 |
Hamppari | evjunior09: Ah ok, | 03:29 |
evjunior09 | Plus it wont let me organize my songs for my iPod by #, it does it by random | 03:29 |
BluesKaj | too bad evjunior09, amarok rocks | 03:30 |
Jucato | hdevalence: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/153500 | 03:30 |
Hamppari | Well Kopete worked for me after updates | 03:30 |
Jucato | hdevalence: try to check if you have updates available. it might already have the fix for kopete | 03:30 |
hdevalence | ok. | 03:30 |
evjunior09 | BluesKaj: Any ideas on how i can arrange songs on my iPod the way i want them to be?? | 03:30 |
evjunior09 | They seem to go in any random order | 03:30 |
Hamppari | hdevalence: after enabling all the repositories and upgrading everything works fine :) | 03:32 |
BluesKaj | well, Ipods aren't my strength...don't own one | 03:32 |
hdevalence | Hmm... The packages APT says it's upgrading don't seem relevent | 03:32 |
hdevalence | except maybe kdelibs-data and some ss libs | 03:33 |
hdevalence | *ssl libs | 03:33 |
Hamppari | hdevalence: didnt seem relevant to me either but somehow it worked :D | 03:33 |
evjunior09 | Hamppari: Any ideas on why when i upload music to my iPod it syncs them in any random order? | 03:33 |
BluesKaj | sorry evjunior09, don't even own a mp3 player of any sort ...maybe one of the younger more knowledgeable about gadget types can help here | 03:34 |
Hamppari | evjunior09: nope :/ | 03:34 |
evjunior09 | BluesKaj: Oh, thanks though! =] | 03:34 |
hdevalence | Hamppari: Perhaps we need to go from Magic to More Magic: http://catb.org/jargon/html/magic-story.html | 03:34 |
BluesKaj | !ipod | 03:35 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 03:35 |
BluesKaj | !rockbox | evjunior09 | 03:35 |
ubotu | evjunior09: rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 03:35 |
Hamppari | BluesKaj: Hope he saw that :) | 03:37 |
BluesKaj | yeah , he'll eventually find out more even if he just googles ipod on linux | 03:38 |
Nocivo | help me | 03:40 |
Nocivo | xD | 03:40 |
Hamppari | Nocivo: ? | 03:41 |
Nocivo | wait. | 03:42 |
Nocivo | please | 03:42 |
BluesKaj | !ask | 03:42 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:42 |
=== morphine is now known as morphinex | ||
Nocivo | mm | 03:42 |
morphinex | How can I find out how many cores the OS thinks my CPU has? | 03:42 |
morphinex | because I'm starting to think that while feisty recognized two, gutsy only sees one | 03:43 |
BluesKaj | 64bit? | 03:44 |
morphinex | nope | 03:44 |
Nocivo | Ubuntu install on a computer but change the hd to a faster computer with a different motherboard now runs ubuntu not me, I have to wait much | 03:44 |
morphinex | The cpu is called something nuts like Pentium Dual Core T2060 | 03:45 |
BluesKaj | Nocivo, what language do you speak ? | 03:45 |
Nocivo | english | 03:46 |
frank23 | morphinex: try cat /proc/cpuinfo | 03:46 |
morphinex | frank23: yeah, I did that, it doesn't have a cores field any longer | 03:46 |
BluesKaj | Nocivo, pls try to rephrase your question cuz it's difficult to understand | 03:47 |
frank23 | morphinex: I don't have a dual core | 03:47 |
morphinex | frank23: under feisty I recall it had a cores field which, obviously, had the number 2 in it | 03:47 |
marco | hey people I got a problem | 03:48 |
frank23 | morphinex: I see | 03:48 |
NickPresta | marco, oh. what seems to be the problem? | 03:48 |
marco | I just upgraded to Gutsy but now it seems I cannot surf the web | 03:48 |
Nocivo | Change computer's hard drive now ubuntu does not work for me | 03:48 |
marco | and I cannot also use my mouse | 03:48 |
marco | then it also told me no mime is installed | 03:48 |
NickPresta | marco, have you restarted your computer since you upgraded? | 03:49 |
marco | yes of course | 03:49 |
morphinex | frank23: perhaps the problem is that it installed a 386 kernel? Should I maybe have 686 instead? | 03:49 |
marco | NickPresta yes of course | 03:50 |
morphinex | or maybe even generic | 03:50 |
frank23 | morphinex: the kernel has to be smp. I don't know if the 386 one is. you should use the 686 one | 03:50 |
morphinex | gah | 03:50 |
Jucato | !generic | 03:51 |
ubotu | Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) | 03:51 |
frank23 | morphinex: you're not using the generic one? | 03:51 |
morphinex | frank23: apparently I'm using 386 | 03:51 |
marco | NickPresta do you thisk it might be a kernel problem now I am using the newly installed 2.6.22 | 03:52 |
morphinex | frank23: I used to be using generic | 03:52 |
Dragnslcr | It seems like the upgrade to 7.10 made the -386 kernel the default grub option | 03:52 |
Dragnslcr | Is -generic a better choice than -386? | 03:52 |
morphinex | Dragnslcr: Well, my both cores of my cpu don't seem to show up with the 386 kernel | 03:53 |
djtigerwolf | how does one open his back ports on the system? | 03:53 |
frank23 | morphinex: Dragnslcr: the 386 kernel is probably only uselful for really old cpus | 03:53 |
morphinex | frank23: yeah, weird that gutsy installed it and picked it as the default | 03:54 |
genii | djtigerwolf: Install whatever program uses the port you want to open. If you have a router between port-forward it to the internal machine. | 03:54 |
frank23 | morphinex: strange. I don't know | 03:55 |
morphinex | frank23: so if I reboot using the generic kernel, will all my kernel modules, restricted drivers, etc work | 03:55 |
frank23 | morphinex: they should if you have the same version generic as you 386 kernel; | 03:55 |
djtigerwolf | i need updates but the package manager nolonger recives infi from it | 03:55 |
morphinex | because it looks like 2.6.22-14-generic is there | 03:55 |
morphinex | ok, I'm going to try it, brb | 03:56 |
djtigerwolf | i got dead repositories | 03:56 |
djtigerwolf | or what it seems | 03:56 |
frank23 | djtigerwolf: what repository doesn't work? | 03:57 |
djtigerwolf | i cant get beryl | 03:57 |
djtigerwolf | wine | 03:57 |
djtigerwolf | based products | 03:57 |
Dragnslcr | Can I just swap the blocks in /boot/grub/menu.lst, or will that break stuff? | 03:57 |
djtigerwolf | and audacity | 03:57 |
djtigerwolf | wont dl | 03:57 |
djtigerwolf | and security ones as well | 03:58 |
genii | !info wine | 03:58 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.46-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33097 kB, installed size 103228 kB | 03:58 |
djtigerwolf | some one sayed get the back ports open for 18 months of suport | 03:58 |
genii | Hmm. universe should be enabled by default | 03:58 |
frank23 | djtigerwolf: what version of kubuntu are you using/ | 03:58 |
djtigerwolf | 7.4 | 03:59 |
djtigerwolf | ubuntu | 03:59 |
djtigerwolf | tryed kubuntu | 03:59 |
Hamppari | genii: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb | 03:59 |
djtigerwolf | wireless failed | 03:59 |
frank23 | Dragnslcr: you can swap the order of the menu entries. | 03:59 |
genii | Hamppari: Sure. but it's a bandaid. He needs his repos sorted out | 04:00 |
=== morphine is now known as morphinex | ||
morphinex | frank23: it worked, it now shows two cores using the generic kernel | 04:00 |
Hamppari | genii: Oh nevermind, I though you needed help with wine :P | 04:00 |
genii | djtigerwolf: So you are in Gnome right now? | 04:00 |
frank23 | morphinex: great | 04:01 |
genii | Hamppari: np :) | 04:01 |
frank23 | morphinex: once you're sure that kernel is working you can uninstall the 386 one | 04:01 |
Dragnslcr | morphinex- thanks for mentioning it. I kept meaning to ask what the difference was when I figured out that my sound was broken because I didn't have the -386 module installed | 04:01 |
morphinex | I have to say, gutsy broke a whole bunch of stuff | 04:02 |
morphinex | Kind of annoying | 04:02 |
morphinex | When I went from edgy to feisty there were no problems at all, and in fact some stuff got fixed | 04:02 |
djtigerwolf | using gnome | 04:03 |
Dragnslcr | I had a couple upgrade problems, but nothing too terrible | 04:04 |
djtigerwolf | if i could get kubuntu working wireless wise ide use it | 04:05 |
djtigerwolf | i got 7.10 on disk | 04:05 |
djtigerwolf | but no wire less connection | 04:05 |
djtigerwolf | network manager does nothing | 04:06 |
djtigerwolf | 7.4 works 7.10 does not for some reason | 04:06 |
Dragnslcr | Wireless is still a bit sketchy. Blame Broadcom | 04:06 |
djtigerwolf | could i get 7.4 in 7.10 | 04:07 |
djtigerwolf | 7.4 wireless in 7.10 | 04:07 |
Hamppari | djtigerwolf: did you use ndiswrapper? | 04:08 |
djtigerwolf | whats that | 04:08 |
ardchoille | lol | 04:09 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody help me install grub again? | 04:09 |
djtigerwolf | im kinda new to the linux seen | 04:09 |
Hamppari | djtigerwolf: have you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990&highlight=broadcom+easy+way | 04:12 |
=== danny is now known as rhythmicmayhem | ||
djtigerwolf | Resolving wine.budgetdedicated.com... failed: Name or service not known. | 04:12 |
djtigerwolf | djtigerwolf@djtigerwolf-desktop:~$ | 04:12 |
hydrogen | whats the command to install suggested dependancies as well as hard deps | 04:14 |
genii | hydrogen: Should be someplace in man apt-get or man dpkg | 04:15 |
hydrogen | thats what I hoped | 04:15 |
djtigerwolf | Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 04:15 |
djtigerwolf | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 04:15 |
djtigerwolf | E: Couldn't rebuild package cache | 04:15 |
djtigerwolf | djtigerwolf@djtigerwolf-desktop:~$ | 04:15 |
hydrogen | i didn't see it though | 04:15 |
hydrogen | searching for reccomend or suggest | 04:15 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody help me install grub again? | 04:16 |
djtigerwolf | that was update | 04:16 |
Hamppari | djtigerwolf: you have several open apps running as sudo | 04:16 |
genii | djtigerwolf: If you have more than 1 window open and using package managers close all but 1. | 04:16 |
genii | hydrogen: Hangon I'll try to find it for you | 04:17 |
djtigerwolf | ok | 04:17 |
LinuxReign | Gutsy Rocks! | 04:17 |
hirak99 | hi, i am using ubuntu and i have just downloaded kubuntu cd and added it as third party cdrom to apt. but when i want to install kubuntu-desktop through synaptic, it's still downloading instead of installing from the cd. how can i install from the cd? | 04:17 |
djtigerwolf | ok it did better now lets see if i get the programs i need | 04:18 |
djtigerwolf | W: Failed to fetch http://repoubuntusoftware.info/./audacity_1.3.2beta-1~7.04mlk1_i386.deb | 04:20 |
djtigerwolf | 404 Not Found | 04:20 |
djtigerwolf | W: Failed to fetch http://repoubuntusoftware.info/./wine_0.9.44~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_i386.deb | 04:20 |
djtigerwolf | 404 Not Found | 04:20 |
djtigerwolf | W: Failed to fetch http://repoubuntusoftware.info/./wine-doors_0.1-1_all.deb | 04:20 |
djtigerwolf | 404 Not Found | 04:20 |
Hamppari | hirak99: its better to download | 04:21 |
Hamppari | hirak99: never packages | 04:21 |
hirak99 | Hamppari, i have very low bandwidth :( | 04:21 |
Hamppari | hirak99: oh | 04:21 |
djtigerwolf | thanks for the site info | 04:22 |
ardchoille | hirak99: You're going to download the packages whether you use the package manager or download them manually, you're still daownloading the same amount of data | 04:22 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody help me install grub? i lost it when i deleted windows | 04:22 |
hirak99 | that's why i created the cd in office... so that i can use it to install kubuntu at home | 04:22 |
Bonste1 | yellow | 04:23 |
djtigerwolf | hopfuly 7.10 will run wireless as easy as 7.4 | 04:23 |
djtigerwolf | someday | 04:23 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | !hi | Bonste1 | 04:23 |
ubotu | Bonste1: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 04:23 |
genii | hydrogen: Here, post #6 http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/how-to-configure-apt-get-to-install-suggested-packages-169746/ | 04:23 |
Romina | hi | 04:24 |
hydrogen | mm | 04:24 |
Bonste1 | any diff between gnome and KDE ubuntu? | 04:24 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | !hi | Bonste1 | 04:24 |
ubotu | Bonste1: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 04:24 |
Romina | my toshiba satellite laptop becomes very, very hot when I work on it more than 3 or 4 hours. Is there any tool which showes me the health-status like the temperature of my PC ? | 04:25 |
Dragnslcr | Bonste1- other than one using Gnome and the other using KDE? | 04:25 |
Romina | I fear that my laptop could die because of over-heating | 04:25 |
Bonste1 | and differences? | 04:25 |
Dragnslcr | Romina- you can use ksensors | 04:25 |
wilson | Romina: sensors-detect first | 04:26 |
Dragnslcr | Bonste1- between Gnome and KDE? | 04:26 |
* serge is gone. | 04:26 | |
wilson | and make sure you have lm-sensors package installed | 04:26 |
NightBird | Bonste1: there is no major differences between ubuntu with kde, and kubuntu | 04:26 |
Bonste1 | yes wondering if i can use KDE appz on gnome | 04:26 |
NightBird | yes, you can use kde programs on gnome | 04:27 |
Dragnslcr | Bonste1- I think so, but I'm not certain | 04:27 |
Dragnslcr | I know Gnome apps work in KDE | 04:27 |
Bonste1 | mainly LinuxMCE on my gnome | 04:27 |
Bonste1 | but it says is KDE only | 04:27 |
NightBird | assuming you have the kde libraries installed, you can run kde programs in any intreface | 04:27 |
Bonste1 | so im not sure | 04:27 |
NightBird | including even base X11 | 04:27 |
ardchoille | Bonste1: you can use gnome apps in kde and kde apps in gnome, no problem. | 04:27 |
Romina | Dragnslcr, wilson: I intalled both programs now | 04:28 |
Romina | what shall I do now? | 04:28 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody help me install grub? i lost it when i deleted windows | 04:28 |
Bonste1 | u gusy got LinuxMCE on a gnome b4? | 04:28 |
hirak99 | can't i ask apt-get to use the cd whenever the versions are same, and only to download a package if there is an upgraded version online? | 04:28 |
Hamppari | hirak99: why not just boot of the cd? | 04:29 |
Hamppari | and backup the stuff you want to keep | 04:29 |
Romina | Dragnslcr: ksensors is a window with no info in it | 04:31 |
jjj543k3 | most of my text editors, kword, kate and the gnome gedit make these annoying backup files filename~ every time that you save a document, in kword you can set a specific path to where you want these to go. IT seems like they are only needed while the document is being saved incase of a crash, is it there fore ok to put them in /tmp? | 04:34 |
Romina | Is 196 Degrees Fahrenheit (76 Degrees Celsius) a high CPU temperature? | 04:35 |
Romina | my harddrive has 115 Degrees Fahrenheit (47 Degrees Celsius) | 04:36 |
NightBird | Romina: I believe you want cpu temps to be 50~60 C | 04:37 |
Hamppari | jjj543k3: why do you have so many text editors | 04:37 |
Romina | NightBird, what could cause this temperatures? | 04:37 |
genii | Romina: NightBird is right, over 60 C gets where it may want to throttle | 04:38 |
NightBird | Romina: bad air flow, insufficient/dieing fans, bad power supply | 04:38 |
NightBird | Romina: how long has this been happening? | 04:38 |
Romina | air flow is OK | 04:38 |
NightBird | in relation ship to how old the system is? | 04:38 |
Romina | what is "insufficient/dieing fans" ? | 04:38 |
Romina | what is a "bad power supply" ? | 04:38 |
Romina | the Laptop is circa 18 month old | 04:38 |
Romina | its a toshiba satellite | 04:39 |
Hamppari | the fans that cool of your cpu | 04:39 |
Romina | it runs Feisty Fawn | 04:39 |
Romina | oh, FAN | 04:39 |
Romina | this turn-around thingy!? | 04:39 |
NightBird | Romina: ok, yeah, my guess would be an issue with the cpu fan then... | 04:39 |
ardchoille | Romina: yes | 04:39 |
Romina | I see | 04:39 |
Romina | I have an other idea | 04:39 |
ardchoille | Romina: And if you get a bunch of them, you can start a fan club | 04:40 |
Romina | lol :) | 04:40 |
jjj543k3 | Hamppari: kate is just there kword is my primary word processor and gedit i need because if you try to edit any type of config file with kate you will cause some sort of error, a problem gedit doesn't seem to have. | 04:40 |
Romina | I added something to my /boot/grub/menu.lst | 04:40 |
Romina | acpi=force irqpoll | 04:40 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody help me install grub? i lost it when i deleted windows | 04:40 |
Romina | because flash movies seen in firefox and some other circumstances let crash all my USB devices | 04:41 |
genii | !grub | 04:41 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:41 |
dennister | man, i am so ticked off...went to all the trouble of installing ies4linux, java vm, and flash (again) just so i could use some Canadian government sites, and the revenue agency's browser check page will crash it all every time | 04:41 |
Romina | thats a bug in feisty, mostly known on Toshiba Laptops with an ATI chip | 04:41 |
Romina | maybe the IRCpoll stuff is it why it becomes so hot? | 04:41 |
Romina | it begun these days ... | 04:41 |
setuid_w00t | Can somone tell me how to set me keyboard layout. It works fine under KDE, but I installed another window manager and now my single-quote/double-quote key is messed up | 04:41 |
greeg | hi. | 04:42 |
dennister | i can use ies4linux for toronto gov pages, and ontario gov pages, but to do my taxes once a year, i still need to keep my winblows installation | 04:42 |
Hamppari | !hi | greeg | 04:42 |
ubotu | greeg: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 04:42 |
Hamppari | dennister: use vmware :D | 04:42 |
dennister | Hamppari: i don't think it'll work for the taxes...they make it very clear that the only operating systems that can access the tax info epass accounts are winblows and mac | 04:43 |
dennister | at least the ontario gov supports redhat, & suse if you use firefox v. 1 | 04:44 |
Dragnslcr | dennister- sounds a bit shady. Accessing web pages should never depend on OS | 04:44 |
Hamppari | heh | 04:45 |
dennister | i already wrote them saying that virtually no linux user still has firefox v. 1.0...we're pretty well all at v. 2+ | 04:45 |
Dragnslcr | Firefox works pretty much exactly the same on Linux as it does on Windows | 04:45 |
greeg | mplayer is giving an error -> "Too many video packets in the buff" | 04:45 |
greeg | buffer | 04:45 |
Dragnslcr | Of course, I worry about any site that only works in IE | 04:46 |
dennister | Dragnslcr: ur very mistaken, actually, we can't access Rogers webmail (a huge cable broadband provider in Canada), a lot of microsoft sites, and tons of canadian gov online services | 04:46 |
Dragnslcr | Mistaken about what? | 04:47 |
dennister | Dragnslcr: mistaken about "Accessing web pages should never depend on OS"...unfortunately, from my examples, it does | 04:48 |
genii | hydrogen: Just curious if you have apt backend now installing the suggested packages by default | 04:48 |
Dragnslcr | dennister- key word is "should" | 04:48 |
Dragnslcr | Any site that works in Firefox on Windows should work just as well on Firefox on Linux | 04:49 |
Dragnslcr | I can't think of any technical reason that OS actually matters | 04:49 |
dennister | well, obviously they *should* work in all browsers...and all citizens *should* be able to access government services from any browser...but that's not the reality, i'm afraid | 04:49 |
Dragnslcr | Browser isn't the same as OS | 04:49 |
ardchoille | !ot | 04:49 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 04:49 |
Hamppari | btw, why is ksensors showing an empty window | 04:50 |
Dragnslcr | Did you add any sensors? | 04:50 |
genii | dennister: Yes, they are all supposed to accesible to lynx/links but actually few of them are really compliant | 04:51 |
dennister | 6 months ago i could access rogers webmail from linux/firefox, but now you get a big box instead, saying the browser isn't compatible with their site, so... | 04:51 |
Dragnslcr | Or set any sensors to show in the panel? | 04:52 |
dennister | hi genii...long time no see | 04:52 |
genii | dennister: You can install extension user agent and just tell it you are IE7 on vista. works for me | 04:52 |
dennister | and i was soooooo looking forward to erasing my winblows partition... | 04:53 |
* genii hands dennister a coffee | 04:53 | |
dennister | genii: you can access CRA's epass, and pass their browser check? | 04:53 |
greeg | dennister: at least windblows plays dvd's smoothly | 04:53 |
greeg | and you tube | 04:54 |
genii | dennister: I dunno. | 04:54 |
dennister | ah....genii knows my drink of choice :) | 04:54 |
greeg | i dunno. | 04:54 |
genii | dennister: I'll find the extension url | 04:54 |
dennister | greeg: my dvd's and youtube work beautifully, here, too | 04:54 |
genii | dennister: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/59 | 04:54 |
Dr_Willis | linux here plays dvds better then widnows does. | 04:55 |
genii | Dr_Willis: Here too | 04:55 |
greeg | im going to enable frame dropping. | 04:55 |
greeg | whats direct rendering. | 04:55 |
Dr_Willis | none of that "not in the right country problems' :) and i can skip the ads at the front of the darn disks | 04:55 |
dennister | thanks genii, i think i tried that once b4, but maybe not...maybe it was a different howto...will take another stab | 04:55 |
MilesG | Dr_Willis: do you have a razr? | 04:56 |
Dr_Willis | had one odd dvd. It would crash 3 out of 3 laptops at work (all runing xp) at a specific point in the movie. Linux played them fine. | 04:56 |
Dr_Willis | MilesG you me the Cell Phone? No. | 04:56 |
MilesG | ok | 04:56 |
genii | dennister: After extension install and ff reload, go to tools... user agent switcher... then choose what browser/os you want to fake | 04:57 |
jdnewmil | hello... have fiesty, thought I would try gutsy, have upgraded all packages... have turned on recommended updates in adept (2.1.2ubuntu26.1), but am not getting an enabled "full upgrade" button... ideas? | 04:59 |
dennister | genii: already did all that...i have actually tried it b4, but epass Canada is still having a problem: it says javascript isn't enabled, but it is...i just checked to make sure | 05:00 |
dennister | o wait | 05:00 |
dennister | forgot about my script-blogger...enabled it as trusted site, and then my entire firefox crashed/shut down | 05:01 |
=== curtis is now known as curtis_ | ||
genii | hmm | 05:02 |
dennister | epass canada's browser check page also keeps crashing & closing the ies4linux, btw | 05:02 |
genii | dennister: No other immediate ideas come to mind then | 05:03 |
dennister | just tried reopening ff, told it to restore session, immediate unwanted close | 05:03 |
genii | dennister: other than email the site admin with a scathing letter :) | 05:03 |
dennister | do u have an epass account genii? | 05:03 |
genii | dennister: Nope | 05:03 |
setuid_w00t | Can someone explain why I can't type single-quote ' in a console login? | 05:04 |
setuid_w00t | I can use it under X | 05:04 |
dennister | ...scathing letters are fun to write, but I must say that they seldom get me waht i want...i only write them when i don't expect to get anything positive anyway :P | 05:04 |
genii | setuid_w00t: Works in konsole? | 05:05 |
Dr_Willis | wonder what charater it prints out in the Console. | 05:06 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 05:06 |
dennister | genii: now why did i doubt your answer would be yes? :P | 05:09 |
dennister | it's actually a pretty funny site & service...epass canada is very secure, as the country's tax office should be, and you even have to have case-sensitive passwords...gotta be a unix-variant infrastructure they've got | 05:10 |
* genii sips a coffee and makes a note to do allhis back taxes to 1996 as soon as epass canada supports linux | 05:11 | |
SteamMachine | Hi, I'm planning to buy the kubuntu gutsy DVD, but I've heard gutsy is having teething issues. | 05:12 |
dennister | heheheh...so i just wonder why their techies would design their service to only work with Winblows and Mac?would they specify | 05:12 |
SteamMachine | So... should I wait, or is it usable now? | 05:12 |
dennister | SteamMachine: i'm using it, and so are tons of other pps | 05:12 |
genii | SteamMachine: cd and dvd are frozen. So ordering it later won't matter. | 05:13 |
dennister | i'm finding minor annoyances, but i'm sure they'll be ironed out with upgrades eventually | 05:13 |
aaron_ | is there a way to upgrade to 7.10 from an exsiting installation of 7.04 | 05:13 |
Lynoure | aaron_: through the version between. | 05:14 |
SteamMachine | Ah okay. | 05:14 |
aaron_ | hmm? | 05:14 |
dennister | aaron_: yes, but lots of ppl have had problems with that upgrade...like me, altho i'm ok now | 05:14 |
aaron_ | oh | 05:14 |
aaron_ | reload is a perfectly viable option for me | 05:14 |
dennister | Lynoure: there's no version between 7.04 and 7.10 | 05:14 |
aaron_ | perhaps I'll just do that | 05:14 |
aaron_ | how would I do it if I wanted to | 05:14 |
Lynoure | aaron_: or, if you have a separate /home partition, and don't mind having to install some software again, you can just install 7.10 on top of 7.04 | 05:15 |
SteamMachine | I'm planning (once I get home) to back up all my music, documents, etc onto DVDs, then do an entirely new installation. | 05:15 |
dennister | he already has edgy | 05:15 |
Lynoure | dennister: misread... | 05:15 |
aaron_ | hmm can't remember if I did that | 05:15 |
Lynoure | dennister: probably because the question as it is does not make sense to me (just upgrade according to the instructions, after taking backups) | 05:15 |
aaron_ | looks like I have only one partition | 05:16 |
dennister | Lynoure: ur forgiven :) but i've been guilty of confusing ppl b4, too, so i find its helpful to correct misreadings | 05:16 |
aaron_ | so how do you do the inplace upgrade | 05:17 |
Lynoure | dennister: yes, it was good you did :) | 05:17 |
dennister | aaron_: : make sure you're all up to date | 05:17 |
aaron_ | doing that now | 05:17 |
dennister | then adept will give you the option to do a full version upgrade | 05:18 |
aaron_ | ohok | 05:18 |
aaron_ | cool | 05:18 |
dennister | wait! | 05:18 |
dennister | not finished yet :) | 05:18 |
dennister | after maybe an hour or so, the upgrade manager will have loaded all the 1000+ files into adept | 05:19 |
dennister | ignore adept at this stage! | 05:19 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody help me install grub? i lost it when i deleted windows | 05:19 |
=== ubuntu is now known as hirak99 | ||
jerbear | can i define my own sessions in konsole? | 05:19 |
dennister | just do the rest from terminal "sudo apt-get update && ..." and hope from the best | 05:20 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | please i really need help | 05:20 |
Lynoure | jerbear: yes | 05:20 |
Lynoure | jerbear: Settings -> Configure Konsole -> Session | 05:20 |
dennister | aaron_: did you follow all that? | 05:20 |
jerbear | thansk | 05:20 |
aaron_ | well its been off for about 6 months | 05:20 |
aaron_ | so it has plenty of updates | 05:20 |
aaron_ | and i have a pretty sweet connection | 05:21 |
aaron_ | 8 mbps | 05:21 |
hirak99 | i have booted from the kubuntu cd, can i install kubuntu over my ubuntu installation maintaining my files? | 05:21 |
aaron_ | jjj543k3, iowa sucks | 05:21 |
aaron_ | :D | 05:21 |
aaron_ | as in, U of I | 05:21 |
jjj543k3 | how do you set the clock to 12 hours | 05:21 |
dennister | ok then, yes, there'll be lots of updates b4 you can follow the steps i'm suggesting...i remember being very confused when, after all the fetching, the upgrade just seemed to stop b4 anything was installed | 05:21 |
Dr_Willis | 'maintaining the files' may not be very easially done.. Unless you got /home on its own partition. | 05:21 |
Lynoure | hirak99: no, you cannot. just rather upgrade and then install kubuntu-desktop | 05:22 |
aaron_ | jjj543k3, go to configure clock | 05:22 |
Lynoure | and /etc is files too :) | 05:22 |
dennister | but then there was the adept-update-notifier that had become visible...so tried it, and this was a big mistake, cause the second file (debconf) crashed adept | 05:22 |
hirak99 | Lynoure: thanks, also is there any way i can utilize the packages from this CD for kubuntu-desktop? | 05:22 |
aaron_ | wait its not there | 05:22 |
aaron_ | how did I do that | 05:22 |
genii | jjj543k3: configure clock is found by right-click on where time time is showing | 05:23 |
dennister | anyway, done the second half of my upgrade-tale-of-woe | 05:23 |
Lynoure | hirak99: I know there is, but cannot remember the steps. Should be googlable, though, with maybe something like gutsy upgrade cdrom | 05:23 |
hirak99 | Lynoure: "rather upgrade" upgrade meaning upgrade to ubuntu gutsy? | 05:23 |
dennister | heheheh...promise not to waste anyone's time with the first half | 05:23 |
Lynoure | hirak99: yes | 05:24 |
jjj543k3 | aaron: yeah no sh**, but where i'm looking at it there isn't any mode option | 05:24 |
Lynoure | hirak99: unless you have separate home, like Dr_Willis said... | 05:24 |
usuario | hola | 05:25 |
usuario | estan | 05:25 |
usuario | ? | 05:25 |
usuario | eit | 05:25 |
usuario | quien esta | 05:25 |
Lynoure | !es | usuario | 05:25 |
ubotu | usuario: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 05:25 |
Deluxe | hey | 05:25 |
jerbear | xchat has a ton of predefined irc servers... is there a way to get that for konversation? | 05:25 |
usuario | hi | 05:26 |
usuario | jejje | 05:26 |
Deluxe | how can i use ark with an passport crypted .rar file? | 05:26 |
Deluxe | i can't extract files with a passwor | 05:26 |
Deluxe | d | 05:26 |
Lynoure | usuario: Do you have a support question you want to ask? :) | 05:26 |
usuario | in win rar is normal | 05:26 |
usuario | jajaja | 05:26 |
Deluxe | usuario? | 05:27 |
usuario | yes | 05:27 |
Dr_Willis | you may nee dto use the console rar commands. | 05:27 |
Deluxe | how? | 05:27 |
usuario | yes | 05:27 |
usuario | jejej | 05:27 |
posingaspopular | where did this url catcher come from in konversation | 05:27 |
Dr_Willis | !rar | 05:27 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 05:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody help me install grub? i lost it when i deleted windows | 05:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | please i really need help | 05:27 |
Dr_Willis | How did you delete windows? | 05:28 |
Dr_Willis | !fixgrub | 05:28 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:28 |
usuario | i dont use linux correct | 05:28 |
usuario | uuuu | 05:28 |
usuario | :( | 05:28 |
usuario | and dont speak english | 05:28 |
jerbear | xchat has a ton of predefined irc servers... is there a way to get that for konversation? | 05:28 |
Lynoure | usuario: there is a support channel for your language too, I bet. | 05:29 |
usuario | no quiero | 05:29 |
dennister | !spanish | 05:29 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 05:29 |
Lynoure | dennister: I did that already... | 05:29 |
usuario | orale | 05:29 |
usuario | buuu | 05:29 |
usuario | mecorren | 05:29 |
dennister | yeah, i know, but he obviously ignored it :) | 05:29 |
Lynoure | dennister: looks like a troll. :( | 05:30 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: i followed that but it confuses me | 05:30 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: can you help explain | 05:30 |
dennister | yes, i think so...he's just being too annoying to be a legitimate person needing help | 05:30 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: unless your gonig to be mean | 05:30 |
Dr_Willis | AT0M1CB0MB3R its about bed time here.. but in short.. You boot a live cd, set up a few mount points, then chroot to the installee system, and rerun 'sudo update-grub' | 05:31 |
ric__ | oi | 05:31 |
dennister | AT0M1CB0MB3R: did you look at the howto in the linK? it's very easy if you haven't done a 'chroot' b4 | 05:32 |
david_ | hi, anyone know why gutsy gibbon wont pick up my usb drives and gives me the error "unknown file system iso9660" when i put a cd in? | 05:32 |
david_ | you would think these two would be pretty standard | 05:32 |
david_ | but they were both lost in the upgrade from feisty | 05:32 |
forevertheuni | hi all..have I a problem. In kaffeine I can only initialize xv output plugin..I wanted opengl..but always says it is not able to initialize it | 05:33 |
Dr_Willis | Section 3 of the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - is close to what i do normally | 05:33 |
dennister | david_: if they've been 'lost' have you tried reinstalling the fs utilities? | 05:33 |
Dr_Willis | Using the Desktop/LiveCD and Overwriting the Windows bootloader | 05:33 |
david_ | dennister: i think i will have to reinstall with the gutsy cd | 05:35 |
earl_ | so i may have killed the power manager tray app, how do i bring it back up | 05:35 |
david_ | dennister: you wouldthink that they wouldnt be lost in an upgraed tho | 05:35 |
Dr_Willis | david_ thats real real weird. | 05:35 |
david_ | ps rt61 doesnt work | 05:35 |
dennister | david_: no, 'lost' is wierd...do you have other major issues with the upgrade's results? | 05:35 |
david_ | (still) | 05:35 |
Dr_Willis | almost sounds like some files got currupted in the upgrade | 05:35 |
david_ | yer maybe | 05:36 |
david_ | what would you suggest? | 05:36 |
david_ | reinstall with the cd? | 05:36 |
Dr_Willis | yea. may be the safest thing. | 05:36 |
dennister | david_: i'd check in adept or symantic first | 05:36 |
david_ | will that mean i need to reconfigure my samba etc? | 05:36 |
Dr_Willis | backup your samba config file. and other files. | 05:37 |
david_ | dennister: yer im trying a different rt61 driver atm | 05:37 |
Dr_Willis | and of course your users files. :) | 05:37 |
david_ | dennister: well trying | 05:37 |
david_ | will a reinstall delete your homedir? | 05:37 |
dennister | just do a search for iso9660 in adept for some clues, too | 05:37 |
earl_ | so i may have killed the power manager tray app, how do i bring it back up | 05:37 |
dennister | david_: not if you don't format it | 05:38 |
genii | david_: What does: cat /etc/fstab|grep iso9660 report? | 05:38 |
david_ | one sec | 05:38 |
david_ | genii: that pcs in the other room 1 sec | 05:38 |
genii | np | 05:38 |
kuku | how do I get applications to start up when I login? | 05:40 |
Dr_Willis | the .kde/Autostart dir is a place to pug scripts/links/programs | 05:40 |
Dr_Willis | !find autostart | 05:40 |
ubotu | Found: kcontrol-autostart, mythbuntu-live-autostart | 05:40 |
Dr_Willis | !info kcontrol-autostart | 05:40 |
ubotu | kcontrol-autostart: autostart module for KDE control center. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 38 kB, installed size 216 kB | 05:40 |
earl_ | so i may have killed the power manager tray app, how do i bring it back up | 05:40 |
david_ | genii: yer shows up iso and udf | 05:41 |
david_ | weird | 05:41 |
Dr_Willis | that kcontrol-autostart: tool helps you manage the Autostart dir | 05:41 |
Lynoure | kuku: simply leave them running when you leave, and let the kde to save your session (I think it's the default) | 05:41 |
david_ | broken | 05:41 |
david_ | =/ | 05:41 |
genii | david_: Perhaps try: sudo apt-get install libiso9660-4 then umount/remount cd | 05:47 |
genii | !info libiso9660-4 | 05:47 |
ubotu | libiso9660-4: library to work with ISO9660 filesystems. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.76-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 94 kB, installed size 172 kB | 05:47 |
Dr_Willis | that should Not be needed just to mount the cd's | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis | Id almost guess a kernel module is missing | 05:50 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | how do i install grub on my (hd0) because when i fully go through the installation at the end you press advanced and it says the harddrive its going to install grub on or how do i check which harddrive is the primary harddrive | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis | How many hd's ya got? | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis | hd0 should be the first one. hd1 is the 2nd one. | 05:50 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: i have 2 | 05:50 |
dennister | hey needles: how goes ur troubles? | 05:51 |
Dr_Willis | AT0M1CB0MB3R the hd on ide channel 1, (or first sata) should be hd0, other should be hd1, if not sure check 'sudo fdisk -l' output I guess. | 05:52 |
Dr_Willis | hda = 'hd0' | 05:53 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: my linux is installed on sda and my primary is hdc so what do i do? | 05:53 |
Dr_Willis | so you have 1 sata disk and one ide disk? | 05:54 |
nerdparty | "Nautilis can't be used now due to an unexpected error" then something about bonobo. | 05:54 |
nerdparty | Am I up shit creekwithout a paddle? | 05:54 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: correct | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis | check the /boot/grub/(some file i forget) it defines what device is what hd0/hd1/device | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis | Not in linux so i cant check.. let me ssh to the linux box | 05:55 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: stage1 | 05:55 |
david_ | genii: i would but the rt61 driver in gibbon is stuffed so i cant get it and i cant put it on cos the cd driver thing | 05:55 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: what are you on? | 05:55 |
david_ | genii: reinstall seems my only option | 05:55 |
Dr_Willis | I have 4 machines. :) | 05:56 |
Dr_Willis | the /boot/grub/device.map file shows what drives are defined as what 'hd#' for grub | 05:56 |
nerdparty | Also, the applet encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_NotificationAreaApplet" Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration | 05:56 |
nerdparty | When my computer says that, then what should I do? | 05:56 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: i really need to know what to put grub on and im newbie | 05:57 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | :[ | 05:57 |
ardchoille | nerdparty: You should ask in #ubuntu | 05:57 |
Dr_Willis | AT0M1CB0MB3R whatever your primary boot drive is. | 05:57 |
genii | david_: :( well, I'm out of immediate ideas | 05:57 |
Dr_Willis | AT0M1CB0MB3R you could put it on both if you wanted to. it really shouldent hurt anything | 05:57 |
nerdparty | ardchoille: Thanks, I'll head over there. | 05:57 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: yeah but how would i do that? | 05:57 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: and how do i know where to put it | 05:58 |
Dr_Willis | If you boot first off the IDE drive. check the /boot/grub/device.map file and see which one is your ide drive | 05:58 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: so kate /boot/grub/device.map | 05:58 |
Dr_Willis | no need to edit it.. | 05:58 |
Dr_Willis | cat it :) | 05:58 |
Dr_Willis | cat /boot/grub/device.map | 05:58 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | sudo cat /boot/grub/device.map | 05:59 |
jerbear | anyone use gvim in kde? | 05:59 |
jerbear | mine doesn't maximize properly | 05:59 |
ardchoille | AT0M1CB0MB3R: you don't need sudo to cat | 05:59 |
Dr_Willis | No need to use sudo either. :) | 05:59 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | cat: /boot/grub/device.map: No such file or directory | 05:59 |
jdnewmil | I am puzzled by feisty adept... the default upgrade instructions indicate that it will automatically enable the "upgrade version" button if I am up-to-date, but I can only get that button to appear if I start it from the commandline and add the "--version-upgrade" option... unfortunately, the upgrade application fails to connect to the X server when I run it that way | 05:59 |
Dr_Willis | AT0M1CB0MB3R you on a live cd? if so you need to Mount your installed system and look at its boot/grub/files | 05:59 |
Dr_Willis | AT0M1CB0MB3R or just have it isntall to hd0 and see if it works. :) | 06:00 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: yeah im on live cd cause i cant boot into linux :[ | 06:00 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: how would i install it on hd0 | 06:00 |
Dr_Willis | /boot/ would be the LIVE CD'S /boot directory. :) | 06:00 |
Dr_Willis | That url i mentopned earlier said how to isntall it from the live cd. | 06:01 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: but its hard to follow that | 06:01 |
Dr_Willis | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-bf3232f10ddf1b078de064622ccbb25225cdb3c0 | 06:01 |
Dr_Willis | its MUCh harder for me to type in stuff and try to not miss anything | 06:02 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: so either i follow that or nobodies gonig to help me? | 06:02 |
Dr_Willis | and that guide (starting at part 3) gives the info you are asking about. | 06:02 |
Dr_Willis | We'll need to find which partition your Ubuntu system is installed on. Type the command fdisk -l. It will output a list of all your partitions, for example : | 06:02 |
Dr_Willis | IT shows you how/what to look for | 06:02 |
Dr_Willis | once ya get your installed system mounted and find out where its at the command seems to be 'grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/hda' | 06:03 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | the harddrive my system is installed on is not my primary harddrive thats what im saying!! | 06:03 |
Dr_Willis | then you will use /dev/hdb then or whatever fdisk -l call sit | 06:04 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | hdc | 06:04 |
Dr_Willis | The drive its installed to - dosent need to be the primary boot device. Grub should be installed to whatever disk your bios/machine boots. | 06:04 |
Dr_Willis | I can have linux on hdc. but grub needs to go on hda | 06:05 |
Dr_Willis | OR i could put it on hdc. and tell the machine to boot hdc first | 06:05 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: but my how do i make hdc boot first when only one is a master? | 06:05 |
genii | Dr_Willis: Good to make a distinction NOT to install to a subpartition. It changes the fdisk info and makes it unusable. Onlt main drive no subpartitions of the drive | 06:05 |
djdarkman | hello, I`ve just read that ATI released a new driver that 'should be working', does someone kows when can I expect it to be in the ubuntu repositories? | 06:06 |
Dr_Willis | AT0M1CB0MB3R master/slave dosent matter. Your machien can boot either one. | 06:06 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: whatever ive always had problems making that happen for some reason | 06:07 |
Dr_Willis | Then isntall grub to the master disk. It dosent matter that its not the same as where linux is installed to. | 06:07 |
Dr_Willis | Grub loads. then grub boots the linux system off of the disk linux is installed to. | 06:07 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: i know that but i dont know how to install it to that disk | 06:08 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | http://pastebin.com/m65e31bce | 06:08 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | thats my pastebin of fdisk -l | 06:08 |
Dr_Willis | use /dev/sda instead of /dev/hda in the example commands of that guide - i think | 06:09 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: ok ill try i guess :[ | 06:09 |
Dr_Willis | mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/root/boot | 06:09 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | what happens if it doesnt work | 06:10 |
Dr_Willis | grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/hda | 06:10 |
Dr_Willis | then you try again. | 06:10 |
Dr_Willis | grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/sda | 06:10 |
Dr_Willis | Note that you MOUNT /dev/sda1 - but you install grub to /dev/sda (NO 1) | 06:10 |
Dr_Willis | If you install grub to /dev/sda1 - that can be... bad. :) well not good.. | 06:10 |
Dr_Willis | --------> <genii> Dr_Willis: Good to make a distinction NOT to install to a subpartition. It changes the fdisk info and makes it unusable. Onlt main drive no subpartitions of the drive | 06:11 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | mount: mount point /mnt/root/boot does not exist | 06:11 |
genii | djdarkman: If you feel brave and don't want to wait. Install instructions which work for Feisty and for Gutsy here: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_8.41.7_Driver_Manually Get and use the 8.42.3 from here for absolute latest to use: http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.42.3-x86.x86_64.run substitute this version in the instructions as neccesary | 06:12 |
Dr_Willis | logilcally you must make a mount point befor mounting to it. | 06:12 |
Dr_Willis | just as the error message is saying. :) | 06:12 |
* ubunturos reads "Conference Mode has been enabled for this view; joins, leaves, quits and nickname changes will be hidden" - interesting | 06:12 | |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Dr_Willis: remember your talking to a newbie how would i do that? | 06:12 |
Dr_Willis | AT0M1CB0MB3R if you were following that guide - you would notice that rightr above that command it mentions Make the mount point with..... and gives the command | 06:13 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ok hold on | 06:13 |
Dr_Willis | First, create a mountpoint for your partition, for example : | 06:13 |
Dr_Willis | mkdir /mnt/root | 06:13 |
Dr_Willis | its bed time for me . good luck | 06:13 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | whatever | 06:14 |
ubunturos | he might need sudo permissions for that | 06:14 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ubunturos: i didnt | 06:14 |
Dr_Willis | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-bf3232f10ddf1b078de064622ccbb25225cdb3c0 is the guide i was following (part 3) it gives several ways to fix grub. the -suber-grub-boot-disk- may be easier for you. | 06:14 |
Dr_Willis | well good luck. Night all. | 06:14 |
genii | Dr_Willis: Sleep well :) | 06:14 |
genii | Darn he's quick | 06:14 |
djdarkman | genii: thanks for the info, but my laptop is my 'productive machine' wich has ATI card... so I rather not mess with it at the moment | 06:19 |
genii | djdarkman: Understandable | 06:20 |
dennister | djdarkman: good decision...they say to always wait till it's been tested by the repository maintainers | 06:20 |
genii | djdarkman: It may be a while tho. 8.28 is latest ported and they are already light years past that at ati releases | 06:20 |
genii | !info fglrx gutsy | 06:21 |
ubotu | Package fglrx does not exist in gutsy | 06:21 |
genii | Bah. It's definitely 8.28.8 tho. | 06:21 |
djdarkman | well I know what a pain is an ati driver installation, and I`ve read something about incompatability with a kernel version | 06:22 |
djdarkman | The fglrx 8.42 doesn't include Linux 2.6.23 kernel support by default, but if you are in a rush, check out the forums for patches | 06:22 |
genii | djdarkman: odd numbered kernels are dev versions. I'm curious why a dev kernel on a production box yet afraid to go lates ati driver | 06:23 |
djdarkman | I have 2.6.22-14 on both machines, just don`t want to have problems on kernel upgrades | 06:25 |
* genii sips a coffee | 06:25 | |
genii | djdarkman: All release kernels will be numbered like 2.6.22 2.6.24 2.6.26 etc | 06:25 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | brb im going to reboot to see if i install grub | 06:26 |
djdarkman | yeah I know, but suppose 2.6.24 comes out and I`ve upgrade, and It will be still incompatible, wich would not be suprising when were talking about ATI | 06:27 |
genii | djdarkman: At any rate, I have 8.41.7 installed as per the instructions with a 2.6.22-14 kernel and an AGP AIW x1650 and a pci-e AIW 8500DV and no issues | 06:28 |
posingaspopular | is there a way to connet to #ubuntu-openweek using proxy? | 06:28 |
posingaspopular | i have to connect via ircatwork because my school network hates IRC | 06:28 |
posingaspopular | and ubuntu-openweek didnt like that the other day | 06:28 |
genii | VIVO x1650 rather, the 8500 is an AIW | 06:29 |
djdarkman | is the opengl perforamane good with compiz with this new driver? | 06:29 |
PSIplus | hi, | 06:29 |
posingaspopular | !hi | 06:29 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 06:29 |
PSIplus | since the upgrade to gutsy, firefox interprets a middle-mouse-click as paste and tries to open the pasted stuff as url... but i didn't find how to disable this (really annoying) behaviour... what's the about:config-option causing this? | 06:31 |
PSIplus | oooh | 06:31 |
PSIplus | middlemouse.paste, found it... blind me :-) | 06:31 |
PSIplus | ... now i just wish I could do the same in konqueror ;-) | 06:31 |
needles | do you guys use kmail? | 06:32 |
needles | or something else | 06:32 |
Daisuke_Ido | gmail | 06:32 |
Daisuke_Ido | "_ | 06:33 |
PSIplus | I use kmail, but only in office, my private account I access using roundcube :-) | 06:33 |
genii | djdarkman: Composite is still not working even in 8.41.7 but the extreme latest, 8.42.3 does. I do not yet have it installed however to give a report | 06:34 |
needles | PSIplus: i dont think ive heard of roundcube before | 06:34 |
needles | ive taken a liking to swiftdove | 06:34 |
PSIplus | http://roundcube.net/ | 06:34 |
* genii makes a not on his Saturday calendar to install 8.42.3 | 06:34 | |
genii | *note | 06:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | a not was funnier :) | 06:34 |
djdarkman | genii: don`t understand why disable fglrx from the restricted modules? | 06:35 |
posingaspopular | !paste | 06:35 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 06:35 |
djdarkman | won`t this disable the driver that I`m installing now, or it`s something like with broadcom? | 06:36 |
genii | djdarkman: because it's named the same as the driver which replaces it | 06:36 |
=== ubuntu is now known as at0m1cb0mb3r | ||
at0m1cb0mb3r | !grunb | 06:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about grunb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:37 |
at0m1cb0mb3r | !grub | 06:37 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 06:37 |
posingaspopular | is anyeone having pastebin errors? | 06:37 |
genii | djdarkman: If you don't blcklist it in restricted modules then it will want to auto-insert the wrong driver at boot instead of the correct one which gets made by the instructions | 06:38 |
djdarkman | ok genii I`m at compiling the kernel module | 06:39 |
genii | djdarkman: I'll stay awake somehow until you finish | 06:40 |
at0m1cb0mb3r | how do i install grub on a windows harddrive? | 06:41 |
genii | @time toronto | 06:41 |
ubotu | Current time in America/Toronto: October 25 2007, 01:41:24 - Next meeting: Kernel Team in 5 days | 06:41 |
genii | bleh | 06:41 |
at0m1cb0mb3r | @time nevada | 06:41 |
djdarkman | ok done, let`s pray and reboot | 06:42 |
genii | djdarkman: You installed the debs it made, etc? | 06:42 |
djdarkman | genii: yeah followed all instructions | 06:42 |
genii | beautiful | 06:42 |
djdarkman | let`s hope it will work | 06:42 |
genii | djdarkman: See you shortly then | 06:42 |
djdarkman | It`s not this machine I worked on, this is my desktop PC, I`ve done all this on my laptop :) | 06:43 |
genii | I'll take bathroom break anyhow :) brb | 06:43 |
* genii sips a nutrition milkshake | 06:46 | |
djdarkman | forgot to remove xgl... | 06:47 |
genii | djdarkman: Aaaah OK. Ill await word. | 06:47 |
genii | *I'll | 06:47 |
genii | Apologies, I'm exhausted | 06:47 |
djdarkman | it happens, wich timezone are you in? | 06:48 |
djdarkman | (wich part of the world) | 06:49 |
genii | djdarkman: Eastern Standard, Toronto. about ten to 2 in morning, alarm clock set for 6:30, work at 7:30 | 06:49 |
djdarkman | ahhh I see | 06:49 |
tri | tes | 06:49 |
genii | tri: If you meant to say "test" we see you | 06:50 |
djdarkman | ok let`s see it happen.... | 06:53 |
=== tri is now known as tri_ | ||
djdarkman | hmmm it works but have to add the driver to compiz | 06:55 |
=== tri_ is now known as tri | ||
AmyRose | Is there a way to force OpenOffice.org to use the autohinter instead of that horrible bytecode interpreter for font rendering? | 06:58 |
genii | djdarkman: Well, I really gotta go sleepy | 06:58 |
djdarkman | ok, thanks for the help genii | 06:58 |
genii | np, likely see you tomorrow | 06:59 |
AmyRose | I'm thinking there isn't because everybody on the OO.o dev team seems to unanimously agree that the bytecode interpreter is the greatest thing since pre-sliced bread >.> | 06:59 |
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djdarkman | ohhh yeah it works | 07:08 |
AmyRose | what works, djdarkman? | 07:09 |
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=== danny is now known as rhythmicmayhem | ||
djdarkman | AmyRose: the newest fglr driver | 07:10 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: ping | 07:13 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: pong | 07:13 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: are you around/willing to help me setup SSH on my box | 07:13 |
posingaspopular | i have the SSH/logins and everything installed | 07:13 |
posingaspopular | just configuring the ports/external login stuff | 07:13 |
Jucato | hm.. I'm not that good w/ SSH... but what problem are you having? | 07:14 |
posingaspopular | !ssh | 07:14 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 07:14 |
posingaspopular | let's see if that helps | 07:14 |
AmyRose | !ping | 07:14 |
ubotu | pong | 07:14 |
Jucato | basically you install ssh or openssh-server... on the the machine you want to ssh into... | 07:15 |
* AmyRose loves SSH | 07:15 | |
AmyRose | It's a LOT easier to use SFTP than it is to set up NFS | 07:16 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: i edited my /etc/hosts to get my logins correct. then i did /init/balh blah. thats about mostof what ive done | 07:16 |
Jucato | oh btw... I'm around and willing to help.. but the bigger question is "can I"? :( | 07:16 |
posingaspopular | okay so now... i duno what to do | 07:18 |
Jucato | if you want to make the question more interesting.. "should I?" :P | 07:18 |
wilson | posingaspopular: what do you mean, have to tried to ssh into your host yet ? | 07:18 |
Jucato | is ssh running on the machine that will serve as host? | 07:18 |
Jucato | (the one you will ssh into) | 07:19 |
posingaspopular | yes... it's all on the ssame machine | 07:19 |
posingaspopular | im going to try to ssh into my machine from the school network tomorrow | 07:19 |
Jucato | huh? you're going to ssh into the same machine? | 07:19 |
wilson | er | 07:19 |
posingaspopular | how do i test? | 07:19 |
Jucato | aaah | 07:19 |
posingaspopular | im trying to set it up tonight | 07:19 |
Jucato | hm.. you don't have any other box? | 07:19 |
wilson | tell jucato what your ip address is hahaha | 07:19 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: notat this time no | 07:19 |
Jucato | hm.. gonna be hard to test... | 07:20 |
Jucato | you also need to have port 22 open afaik | 07:20 |
posingaspopular | wilson: Jucato likes me too much to hackOrz my box | 07:20 |
Jucato | I like you too much not to attempt to try to do anything :) | 07:20 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: maybe nixternal can help you better with testing | 07:20 |
* Jucato double pokes nixternal | 07:20 | |
Jucato | oh drat, he's sleeping now :( | 07:20 |
posingaspopular | i tried asking in #ubuntu-chicago earlier | 07:21 |
posingaspopular | and they got me this far...and then they all went off | 07:21 |
Jucato | heh if you asked about 30 mins earlier... he was still around | 07:21 |
posingaspopular | one guy went to 'sleep in a laundry basket' | 07:21 |
Jucato | lol | 07:21 |
posingaspopular | i did, he helped me out a bit, but then he left, so i came in here | 07:21 |
wilson | i just tried to ssh to your pc, port is not open | 07:21 |
sub[t]rnl | greets all | 07:22 |
sub[t]rnl | sudo aircrack-ng -n 64 -b 00:12:17:15:68:E9 dump-01.cap | 07:22 |
sub[t]rnl | .h | 07:22 |
sub[t]rnl | ...miss | 07:23 |
wilson | not on port 22 anyway | 07:23 |
posingaspopular | okay, thanks... (only time i'll thank anyone for trying to hack my machine) | 07:24 |
posingaspopular | wilson: how do i get port 22 open? | 07:24 |
=== carmen is now known as carmen_ | ||
sub[t]rnl | install ssh? | 07:24 |
sub[t]rnl | :P | 07:24 |
posingaspopular | headdesk | 07:24 |
* Jucato doesn't know how to do it manually... has a router | 07:24 | |
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sub[t]rnl | iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 22 -j ACCEPT | 07:25 |
wilson | ok | 07:25 |
sub[t]rnl | maybe | 07:25 |
wilson | ok, what type of internet do you have | 07:26 |
wilson | when you type in 'route' what is the default | 07:26 |
sub[t]rnl | watchall up too anyway | 07:27 |
sub[t]rnl | hackin each other? :D | 07:27 |
wilson | and for that matter, when you type in ps ax | grep "sshd" do you see the process there | 07:27 |
posingaspopular | one moment,i'll show you the iptables | 07:28 |
* Jucato headdesks and falls asleep | 07:28 | |
=== jussi|no2 is now known as jussi01 | ||
sub[t]rnl | wake up! | 07:28 |
sub[t]rnl | openssh-server opens up 22 by default | 07:28 |
sub[t]rnl | as we all know | 07:28 |
Jucato | it does? ok :) | 07:28 |
wilson | basically i want to know if you have a public ip address there or if you're behind a gateway | 07:28 |
* Jucato has a router.. he had to manually set his router | 07:29 | |
posingaspopular | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42048/ | 07:29 |
sub[t]rnl | wee | 07:29 |
wilson | if you're behind a gateway, you will have to configure the gateway to forward the port | 07:29 |
greeg | dont we all have a router. | 07:29 |
wilson | you need to browse to | 07:29 |
greeg | or | 07:29 |
greeg | er 1.1 | 07:29 |
greeg | i forwarded aMule ports but still get an error of low id. | 07:30 |
posingaspopular | i did that | 07:30 |
posingaspopular | and im at the router. on the advanced tab, trying to figure out how to port forwad | 07:31 |
posingaspopular | i can post a screenshot if you guys like | 07:31 |
greeg | no thanx | 07:31 |
greeg | do you know what port is needed to forward? | 07:31 |
Neutrinux | BASKET is no longer integrated in KONTACT since 7.10. How can i reintegrate it??? | 07:32 |
posingaspopular | ummm.... no i dont know that greeg | 07:32 |
wilson | type in ifconfig to find out the ip address that you have on the network | 07:32 |
wilson | you need to set the ip statcly, either by just doing it that way in linux, or by making the router assign the same ip address to the mac address every time | 07:33 |
wilson | otherwise when u reboot the server, the router might assign it a different ip address | 07:33 |
posingaspopular | okay so i typed in ifconfig, and it returns eth1 and lo. eth1 returns several adresses. which one do i want? | 07:34 |
wilson | one of them should have an ip adress of like 192.168.0.whatever | 07:34 |
wilson | it's eth1 | 07:34 |
posingaspopular | yea i got that ip # now | 07:35 |
wilson | so that's the ip you want to forward port 22 to | 07:35 |
wilson | tcp port 22 | 07:35 |
posingaspopular | public or private port? | 07:37 |
posingaspopular | and what's should i 'name' this? i know it sounds like a dumb question | 07:37 |
wilson | name is ssh | 07:38 |
wilson | ther might already been an ssh one setup | 07:38 |
posingaspopular | there is | 07:39 |
wilson | heh use that one | 07:39 |
guh | if i have a apache chrooted, and i want to install phpldapadmin + ldap, etc... do i have to chroot them too? what if i will use ldap with samba? | 07:40 |
posingaspopular | so do i public port it or private port | 07:40 |
wilson | im going to guess and say public | 07:41 |
posingaspopular | that should setup ssh compelty so I can login remotely? | 07:43 |
wilson | yes but like i said before there's a chance the router will assign a different ip address to the pc | 07:43 |
wilson | if it's rebooted, or the pc is rebooted | 07:44 |
Typosu | hey, I've updated to 7.10 "manually" but adept_updater claims I haven't and tries to update it anyhow... | 07:44 |
posingaspopular | i dont plan on rebooting anytime soon though, so it *should* be okay... | 07:44 |
wilson | so you can set the ip address staticly on the pc or you can make sure the router always assigns the same ip to the pc | 07:44 |
Typosu | how can I tell adept that I've already updated? | 07:44 |
posingaspopular | wilson: now im getting a 'Port range conflit with Virtual Server HTTP' error when I try to apply the changes to the router | 07:45 |
posingaspopular | virtual sever http is tcp80/80 and also currently disabled | 07:46 |
posingaspopular | sigh. it's 2am. giving up for the night, since I have class in 5 hours. thanks for all the help/effort guys. i really do appreciate it | 07:49 |
antiroach | the upgrader to 7.10 wont automatically restart my system after it completes right? | 07:56 |
user__ | What do I need to do to play .flv in Kubuntu gutsy? | 08:06 |
djdarkman | good question... do you want to excract youtube videos? | 08:06 |
Mithsir | Hi! Adept keeps asking me to upgrade to Gutsy - but I've already done that... What am I missing? | 08:07 |
emilsedgh | user__: ffplay fooBar.flv you need ffmpeg for that | 08:07 |
khatahn | user__: mplayer or vlc should work fine | 08:07 |
Typosu | Mithsir: I wish I knew, its doing the same to me | 08:07 |
user__ | I've had it working in kaffiene in gnome before. I'll try the ffmpeg | 08:08 |
khatahn | from my experience flv files are quite often out of sync (audio/video), in wrong aspect ratio or require cropping (16:9 video in a 4:3 box). mplayer is the best to get around these problems. | 08:11 |
Mithsir | Hmm... | 08:11 |
faLUCE | hi. maybe a difficoult question: is it possible to know since how many hours is a process active? | 08:15 |
JimmyDee | evening kubuntu peoples | 08:44 |
shogouki | hi | 08:46 |
shogouki | i'm trying the gutsy update, and apt is telling me that after update 951 additionnal Mo will be used, is this normal ? :/ | 08:48 |
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muchanic | shogouki: mine was around that | 08:52 |
=== [1]Netham45 is now known as Netham45 | ||
xoob | hi, anyone know the library path for kde themes to specify in qtconfig? | 08:59 |
wezza | hi, is there another way to have compiz enabled without all those gnome-libraries? | 09:00 |
faLUCE | well, a simpler question: i can retrieve the pid of a process with pidof. how can i store the result of pidof in a variable? | 09:07 |
ardchoille | faLUCE: variable=`pidof process_name` ? | 09:10 |
faLUCE | thnks ardchoille | 09:13 |
WaltzingAlong | adept asking to upgrade to gutsy? it is a known issue. you can grab the fix for it by adding the gutsy-proposed repository, then updating/upgrading (in adept, manage repositories, on the updates tab, select pre-release updates) or just ignore it for now | 09:13 |
WaltzingAlong | shogouki: yes seems normal | 09:16 |
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WaltzingAlong | antiroach: correct. you need to tell it to restart | 09:17 |
WaltzingAlong | wezza: compiz was written with gnome in mind. kde has had its own composition manager. kde4 should include effects similar to that achieved by compiz so not so much focus is being put into making compiz work flawlessly with kde3.5.x | 09:18 |
guhhh | alow? | 09:20 |
wezza | WaltzingAlong: oke, that makes things more clear :) | 09:23 |
WaltzingAlong | Kubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion . for more, ask in #compiz-fusion & see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/ ; but for details check the compiz-fusion wiki and channel | 09:23 |
=== per is now known as per__ | ||
Linusx | Hi everyone. I have a download problem. have asked about it twice in last couple days and still have not gotton a complete enough answer to resolve it. so lets try again | 09:26 |
Linusx | Went to Frostwire site. Double click on the Ubuntu package to download. Seems to download. Kate opens. Says "The file (frostware) is a binary, saving it will result in a corrupt file. | 09:26 |
Linusx | someone told me to 'right click' on that link. Can't do that with a single button mouse | 09:27 |
wezza | WaltzingAlong: thanks, I thought it was enabled in Kubuntu as well, it's working now after a bit of playing. But all those gnome-libraries make sense now | 09:27 |
Linusx | so, how do I get the file one way or another? | 09:29 |
WaltzingAlong | Linusx: yeah it is strange that the file gets downloaded with kate and now as a binary file. a direct URL is http://www3.frostwire.com/frostwire/69421145/frostwire-4.13.3.i586.deb | 09:29 |
WaltzingAlong | Linusx: in a !terminal (konsole for example) you could use wget such as wget -c http://www3.frostwire.com/frostwire/69421145/frostwire-4.13.3.i586.deb | 09:30 |
Linusx | Ah! There goes the download a lot better! :) That's a start! | 09:31 |
Linusx | Any ideas why it wanted to use Kate or how to avoid that? | 09:32 |
WaltzingAlong | Linusx: the reason is because the webserver is (incorrectly) claiming the file as plain text, so konqueror opens it with kate | 09:32 |
Linusx | Ah! So at least its nothing I'm messing up! | 09:32 |
Linusx | Aw crap! Just got that error message again! | 09:33 |
WaltzingAlong | through wget? could also use kget | 09:33 |
Linusx | What is 'wget'? | 09:34 |
Linusx | or kget? | 09:34 |
ardchoille | Linusx: man wget | 09:35 |
ardchoille | man kget | 09:35 |
WaltzingAlong | Linusx: in a terminal try man wget or just copy/paste the line i gave you with wget and the url | 09:35 |
Linusx | ok, first time ever using terminal... and it seems to be downloading so far | 09:39 |
WaltzingAlong | Linusx: ok so that file will download to where you were, probably /home/linusx or whatever your username is | 09:40 |
Linusx | gotcha... watching for it | 09:40 |
Linusx | ok, finally discovered it. clickd on file... | 09:45 |
Linusx | Ark window pops up... | 09:45 |
Linusx | error-ark "The utility is not in your PATH. Please install it or contact your system admin | 09:46 |
Linusx | Used ark, told to open the file... | 09:47 |
Linusx | "Could not start a subprocess" | 09:47 |
Linusx | "An error occurred while trying to open the archive" | 09:47 |
WaltzingAlong | Linusx: which archive are you opening? frostwire .deb? you can install it with (at the terminal) sudo dpkg -i frostwire-4.13.3.i586.deb | 09:48 |
Linusx | dpkg: status database area is locked by another process | 09:52 |
WaltzingAlong | Linusx: do you have adept or apt-get or another one open? otherwise | 09:53 |
WaltzingAlong | !aptfix Linusx | 09:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about aptfix linusx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 09:53 |
WaltzingAlong | !aptfix | Linusx | 09:53 |
ubotu | Linusx: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 09:53 |
blizzzek | how can i remove kwebdesktop from background image advanced options? when i click on remove, an error occurs that this can be done only by root. in spite of, the message appears when i start systemsettings as root, same for kcontrol | 09:53 |
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Linusx | adept was running someplace. Killed that off...so still trying to play a bit | 09:56 |
Linusx | reading database | 09:57 |
Linusx | hmmm... setting up Frostwire | 09:58 |
brama | hi guys | 09:58 |
WaltzingAlong | !hi | brama | 09:58 |
ubotu | brama: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 09:58 |
brama | got a problem with 7.10 - I keep getting bcm43xx module load failed while booting live | 09:59 |
brama | is this a known problem? I can't seem to find a work around on google | 09:59 |
WaltzingAlong | brama: bcm43xx is a linux driver (module) but it still needs the firmware (not free/open) to work properly. | 09:59 |
brama | WaltzingAlong: aye, but why does it halt the boot-up of live session if there is no support for this card? | 10:00 |
WaltzingAlong | !bcm43xx | 10:00 |
ubotu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx | 10:00 |
WaltzingAlong | the module failed to load? that can be expected. the livecd therefore did not boot into the kde session? | 10:00 |
Linusx | WaltzingAlong: Message was: "(Reading database ... 71888 files and directories currently installed.)" | 10:02 |
WaltzingAlong | Linusx: seems to be working as it should. | 10:02 |
Linusx | I take it that means it installed... but so far not finding where. Doesn't seem to be in the home folder | 10:02 |
WaltzingAlong | Linusx: you just installed frostwire. you should now find the icon/shortcut for it in your kmenu | 10:02 |
brama | WaltzingAlong: aye, module failed, no kde | 10:03 |
brama | WaltzingAlong: it keeps trying to load tha bastard | 10:03 |
* brama going to that wiki entry | 10:03 | |
WaltzingAlong | so the kde session may have been shown for another reason. try it again in 'safe video' mode or whatever it is called | 10:04 |
brama | WaltzingAlong: tried safe video, the same thing. now trying noacpi noapic | 10:05 |
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Linusx | WaltzingAlong: Thank you! Found it after a menu rebuild! Playing now | 10:07 |
WaltzingAlong | otherwise if i just want to install it, might want to grab the alternate cd instead of the desktop/live | 10:08 |
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=== Snqke is now known as The3055 | ||
The3055 | Hi all | 10:11 |
WaltzingAlong | !hi | The3055 | 10:12 |
ubotu | The3055: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 10:12 |
The3055 | Txm hqppy to be Here | 10:12 |
The3055 | zut | 10:12 |
The3055 | i must reconfigure my keyboard | 10:13 |
WaltzingAlong | The3055: kmenu/system settings/regional and language/keyboard layout | 10:14 |
The3055 | Tanks i was wondering how i am going to do that | 10:15 |
The3055 | Oki now Thanks :-) | 10:17 |
fladd | Hi there | 10:23 |
fladd | Does anyone know, why in the new Kubuntu version nothing is shown on the screen during booting? Just a black screen for about 3 min until the login screen shows up. Is there any way to change this? | 10:24 |
WaltzingAlong | !usplash | 10:25 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 10:25 |
The3055 | last night when i am tryng to install the graphic acceleretor for my tnt2 graphic card i was i asked to install Xlib and glx and nvidia-glx-new but when i reboot Kubuntu take his time bun when he is supposed to start Kdm he show me a black sreen with twikling ( sparcling ) cluster he say i am redy but i cant show any thing oki the problem is not here | 10:26 |
fladd | it is not about any custimization. in the former kubuntu versions there was some splash screen as well as booting information as a default, why has this changed? | 10:26 |
The3055 | just i would like to rescue my Konqueror bookmark thats all | 10:27 |
WaltzingAlong | !nvidia | The3055, check the list. i think you will find that the tnt2 graphics card needs nvidia-glx (or perhaps even nvidia-glx-legacy) | 10:27 |
ubotu | The3055, check the list. i think you will find that the tnt2 graphics card needs nvidia-glx (or perhaps even nvidia-glx-legacy): To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:27 |
ubuntu | WaltzingAlong: got a wee bit further - (EE) vesa: no matching modes found (in Xorg.0.log) | 10:28 |
WaltzingAlong | fladd: try something. at the grub boot menu, edit the entry removing 'splash' from the end of the kernel line. try booting that | 10:28 |
fladd | I will, thanks. Is this normal behaviour, or is something broken here? I also encountered a Kmanager crash after the first boot and I immediately rebooted and then everything went fine. | 10:29 |
WaltzingAlong | fladd: or find 'defoptions=' in /boot/grub/menu.list removing splash from that line. next you need to execute update-grub then restart | 10:30 |
ubuntu | WaltzingAlong: kinda stuck here | 10:33 |
WaltzingAlong | less /var/log/Xorg.0.log ubuntu | 10:34 |
=== ubuntu is now known as rysiek|pl | ||
rysiek|pl | WaltzingAlong: told you - EE: vesa: no matching modes found | 10:35 |
WaltzingAlong | which so the vesa driver could not find a mode that both your monitor supports and the vesa driver supports | 10:35 |
WaltzingAlong | rysiek|pl: which device do you have? | 10:37 |
rysiek|pl | WaltzingAlong: so what would you suggest? tried setting 1024x768 (card's and monitor's defaults) and no go | 10:38 |
rysiek|pl | WaltzingAlong: sec | 10:38 |
rysiek|pl | WaltzingAlong: ati radeon x1200 | 10:39 |
WaltzingAlong | rysiek|pl: perhaps a run through sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh picking ati or nv as the driver for an ati or an nvidia card (though vesa should always work) | 10:39 |
synthetic | hi all | 10:39 |
synthetic | how can I install a lsb standard init script in gutsy? | 10:40 |
rysiek|pl | WaltzingAlong: will try | 10:42 |
rysiek|pl | WaltzingAlong: didn't help | 10:43 |
WaltzingAlong | rysiek|pl: different error in the log? | 10:43 |
rysiek|pl | WaltzingAlong: heh. contains VESA rather than vesa now ;) | 10:43 |
rysiek|pl | seems like it didn't even load the ati driver | 10:43 |
fladd | why does this not work: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh | 10:45 |
fladd | there is no such directory | 10:45 |
WaltzingAlong | rysiek|pl: you can manually edit the file sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf then find the part talking about your video card (should be the section with Driver "vesa"); comment out that line by placing a # at the front of it, then add a new line Driver "ati" (press i to enter insert mode, type away, press esc to get out of insert mode. press : then type wqa to write all and quit) | 10:45 |
fladd | so, how to install the libdvdread, since the method in the manual does not work | 10:45 |
WaltzingAlong | !dvd | 10:46 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 10:46 |
fladd | is it a good idea to install this whole kubuntu-restricted-extras package? | 10:48 |
WaltzingAlong | !info kubuntu-restricted-extras | 10:48 |
ubotu | kubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB | 10:48 |
WaltzingAlong | it can be an easy way to install several commonly used restricted packages | 10:49 |
fladd | the question is, whether the free counterparts (for flash for instance) are better | 10:49 |
=== rysiek|pl is now known as ktos | ||
WaltzingAlong | fladd: as far as i know you can have both adobe's flash and gnu's gnash installed | 10:50 |
MGalaxy | hello, how can I boot from kubuntu dvd .ISO file ? | 10:50 |
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: should be able to do so | 10:50 |
=== ktos is now known as ubuntu | ||
WaltzingAlong | fladd: but sure use the open/free implementations where possible | 10:50 |
fladd | i just installed the whole package. it seems okay. lot of stuff in it, which i need anyway... | 10:51 |
fladd | flash, and java of course | 10:51 |
fladd | is there an easy way to install the w32codecs also? | 10:52 |
WaltzingAlong | !w32codecs | 10:52 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 10:52 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, how ? I have a windows XP | 10:52 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as The3055 | ||
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: put the dvd into the dvd rom. restart your computer. you may need to set bios to boot from the cd/dvd rom first, then the hard drive | 10:53 |
lazz0 | !Codecs | 10:53 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:53 |
The3055 | Please Where can i find My konqueror bookmark | 10:54 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, I dont want to burn it into a DVD | 10:54 |
WaltzingAlong | The3055: the actual file where the bookmarks are stored? | 10:54 |
The3055 | yes | 10:55 |
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: then you can start it within a virtualmachine, such as vmware or virtualbox | 10:55 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, ok, thx | 10:55 |
WaltzingAlong | The3055: ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml | 10:56 |
* Jucato also points The3055 to the Bookmarks menu -> Edit Bookmarks, which has an Import/Export feature | 10:57 | |
fladd | are there also gutsy reposetories for the w32codecs? | 10:58 |
guhhh | hey, my resolv.conf keeps changing to: 'search localdomain' and 'server', every minute... and its not being sent by my router... how can i check whats sending this? | 11:00 |
Jucato | fladd: no official ubuntu repos for that. you'll have to use a 3rd party repository | 11:01 |
Jucato | !w32codecs | fladd | 11:01 |
ubotu | fladd: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 11:01 |
WaltzingAlong | fladd: and none yet for gutsy as far as i know | 11:03 |
WaltzingAlong | fladd: but you can get them on there manually or perhaps use the existing deb | 11:03 |
fladd | mmh, somehow i can play wma files without the w32codecs... maybe it was int the kubuntu-restricted-extras package? | 11:03 |
WaltzingAlong | fladd: with which program? ffmpeg can play wma | 11:04 |
fladd | amarok | 11:06 |
fladd | oh, is it save to install the feisty skype package? | 11:06 |
WaltzingAlong | safe; is there a feisty skype package? | 11:06 |
WaltzingAlong | !skype | fladd, one may wonder just how safe skype is overall | 11:07 |
ubotu | fladd, one may wonder just how safe skype is overall: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 11:07 |
WaltzingAlong | fladd: may i suggest sip and programs like ekiga instead | 11:07 |
WaltzingAlong | fladd: though with sip you can use any program that supports it (as can the other, the one to whom you are speaking) | 11:08 |
The3055 | ubuntu@ubuntu:/usr/share/apps/konqueror$ ls | 11:09 |
The3055 | about dirtree icons konq-simplebrowser.rc konqueror-orig.rc konqueror.rc kpartplugins pics profiles servicemenus tiles | 11:09 |
fladd | well, I now about sip and i have an account there too, thanks, however, all my windows friends have skype you kown... | 11:10 |
The3055 | thats all that i can find about konqueror | 11:10 |
WaltzingAlong | The3055: for what are you looking? | 11:12 |
The3055 | bookmarks.xml | 11:12 |
WaltzingAlong | fladd: there are ms windows sip capable programs too. how about getting them on free/open openwengo or non-free gizmo | 11:13 |
WaltzingAlong | The3055: i told you where that was already | 11:13 |
fladd | they all cannot communicate with skype | 11:13 |
WaltzingAlong | The3055: ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml | 11:13 |
WaltzingAlong | fladd: right skype to skype only | 11:13 |
The3055 | sorry but i cant find /.Kde directory | 11:13 |
WaltzingAlong | The3055: you are on the livecd but looking for the bookmarks file that would be saved on the hard drive? | 11:14 |
WaltzingAlong | The3055: /.kde probably does not exist though ~/.kde should | 11:14 |
WaltzingAlong | The3055: /home/username = ~ | 11:14 |
The3055 | sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | 11:15 |
erjon | ciao | 11:15 |
WaltzingAlong | The3055: you do not need to know that, typing cd ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror would take you there | 11:15 |
WaltzingAlong | erjon: salute | 11:15 |
erjon | chiedo scusa sono nuovo vorrei sapere come agiornare firefox ho scaricato il file zip ma non so dove estrare | 11:15 |
WaltzingAlong | !it | erjon | 11:16 |
ubotu | erjon: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 11:16 |
erjon | ok thanks | 11:16 |
WaltzingAlong | prego | 11:16 |
The3055 | yesssssssssssssssss | 11:18 |
The3055 | thanks alot | 11:18 |
The3055 | kubuntu comunity " i love you " | 11:19 |
The3055 | bye thanks a lot | 11:24 |
Linusx | Is there a utility that shows how much RAM is installed? | 11:26 |
toby | /ignore -channels #mwsf * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS | 11:28 |
toby | Whoops, sorry. | 11:29 |
Mu3aHTP0n | Hello to everybody! | 11:30 |
ardchoille | Linusx: yes, kmenu > System > KInfoCenter | 11:31 |
Mu3aHTP0n | Could someone help me, please? I need to forbid users to mount flash drives. Which way is the best? | 11:32 |
Mu3aHTP0n | Could someone help me, please? I need to forbid users to mount flash drives. Which way is the best? P.S.: editing fstab is not helping. My system is kubuntu 7.04. | 11:35 |
wilson | Linusx: just u can just use "top" or type in "cat /proc/meminfo" | 11:35 |
superdude2435 | wasup? | 11:35 |
cptnspoon | Hi all! Have just tried to fix up my Gutsy upgrade, adept was showing 49 packages to upgrade and also showed the Upgrade Version button (which is silly because I already have) so when I clicked it it tried to install the new packages, failed at the end with a blank error screen. I had to kill the process. Is there any way to find out what happened? | 11:46 |
* superdude2435 goes to school | 11:50 | |
MGalaxy | hi, Can I use a primary partition for each of partitions ? | 12:04 |
Thylio | How do i se the .kde folder? | 12:05 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: ls ? or you mean in konqueror? tell it to show hidden files | 12:05 |
WaltzingAlong | cptnspoon: it is a known bug about adept asking to upgrade to gutsy from gutsy. | 12:06 |
werty | do you know where can i find a directory for linux gaming? | 12:06 |
WaltzingAlong | adept asking to upgrade to gutsy? it is a known issue. you can grab the fix for it by adding the gutsy-proposed repository, then updating/upgrading (in adept, manage repositories, on the updates tab, select pre-release updates) or just ignore it for now | 12:06 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: In Dolphin. | 12:06 |
werty | do you know where can i find a directory for linux gaming? | 12:06 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: same thing i suppose, have dolphin show hidden files. | 12:06 |
SlimeyPete | werty: happypenguin.org ? | 12:07 |
nosrednaekim | !games | 12:07 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 12:07 |
Thylio | Okay | 12:07 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: view/show hidden files | 12:07 |
werty | merci | 12:07 |
Thylio | WaltizingAlong: Thx again=) | 12:09 |
crolle17 | how to search for alle *.sty files? tried find | grep .sty but that is not good. | 12:11 |
WaltzingAlong | crolle17: could use kfind or locate .sty ? | 12:11 |
nosrednaekim | crolle17: use ls |grep, not find | 12:11 |
crolle17 | it doesn't matter. find is searching the berkely db? | 12:12 |
WaltzingAlong | man find | 12:13 |
crolle17 | nosrednaekim, ls is searching all under this folder... | 12:13 |
SlimeyPete | locate searches the db. I don't think find does (I could be wrong though) | 12:13 |
WaltzingAlong | i agree with SlimeyPete | 12:13 |
crolle17 | o.k. then i was wrong... 2 vs. 1 ... | 12:14 |
nosrednaekim | crolle17: oh..you want over th whole HD? | 12:14 |
crolle17 | yeah | 12:14 |
SlimeyPete | find searches the filesystem directly. find / -name .sty should work, I think | 12:14 |
nosrednaekim | crolle17: ah.... yeah, use kfind. | 12:14 |
amigrave | why can't I install a bitmap font ? got error message : Could not install console8x16.pcf.gz into fonts:/Personal/ | 12:14 |
=== ThugLife_ is now known as Thug-life | ||
WaltzingAlong | amigrave: a better question may be 'how do i install a bitmap font' | 12:17 |
cptnspoon | WaltzingAlong: Thanks for that, I've managed to update things properly now anyways | 12:17 |
crolle17 | WaltzingAlong, SlimeyPete find .pdf won't find all pdf-files on my pc. | 12:17 |
TimS | Quick question. Has ANYONE had any problems with the upgrade to 7.10? Like loss of settings, nvidia drivers not working anymore, Compiz Fusion not working or what ever? | 12:17 |
cptnspoon | TimS: I've had ALL of those problems | 12:18 |
WaltzingAlong | crolle17: find searches from the directory you give it | 12:18 |
WaltzingAlong | crolle17: man find | 12:18 |
TimS | Right, I wont update then cptnspoon :D | 12:18 |
WaltzingAlong | TimS: once you have 7.10 you can get those things working | 12:18 |
SlimeyPete | crolle17: you have to give it the directory to start from. find / -name .pdf | 12:18 |
SlimeyPete | crolle17: notice the "-name", too. | 12:18 |
TimS | WaltzingAlong: I cannot be bothered to set them all up again, it took ages the first timne | 12:18 |
WaltzingAlong | TimS: this next time just do the steps that work then | 12:19 |
TimS | It will be different. I am sure of it. | 12:19 |
TimS | And i just found this http://krillz.com/10-flaws-in-ubuntu-710/ | 12:19 |
WaltzingAlong | i had no problems during upgrade, no loss of settings, nvidia worked and so on | 12:19 |
WaltzingAlong | TimS: alright so you want ubuntu? | 12:19 |
amigrave | WaltzingAlong: well I guess the konsole menu option "install bitmap" should do the trick but it fires up an error | 12:20 |
TimS | Huh, no I want Kubuntu. I am on 1.04 | 12:20 |
TimS | I dont want to upgrade particularly, but it has more packages and is better supported suposedly. I think I will wait till 8.04 | 12:20 |
WaltzingAlong | TimS: so perform the upgrade according to the instructions at kubuntu.org . come here with any support questions | 12:20 |
WaltzingAlong | ok | 12:21 |
crolle17 | WaltzingAlong, SlimeyPete do i really have to use regexp for finding all .pdf-files? | 12:21 |
WaltzingAlong | crolle17: no but using the right tool or using the tool in the right way should help | 12:21 |
WaltzingAlong | crolle17: you can use kfind or check the manual on how to use find or use locate (through in an updatedb to make sure you have the latest changes) | 12:23 |
WaltzingAlong | though* | 12:24 |
nosrednaekim | humph....the new ATI driver is giving me WORSE framerates | 12:25 |
esperegu | I get a lot of backtraces when shutting down. anyone knows how to fix it? | 12:25 |
flake | why is it i can run an executable from a command line I compiled, but when I click on it to run, the screen flashes once and then goes away | 12:25 |
esperegu | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42060/ | 12:25 |
nosrednaekim | esperegu: you mean on shutdown of KDE? | 12:26 |
nosrednaekim | flake: what does the program do? | 12:26 |
WaltzingAlong | flake: you made a program with a gui? if not, then clicking on it will launch it but in a terminal that is there just for it. maybe you want to use 'launch in terminal' | 12:26 |
flake | I'm playing around with the irrlicht engine, haven't tried any source examples yet, just my own stuff | 12:27 |
esperegu | nosrednaekim: 'Log out' -> 'Turn off' | 12:27 |
nosrednaekim | esperegu: and shere do you get the backtraces?in a kde crash dialog? | 12:29 |
flake | one of their examples I compiled won't launch from gui | 12:29 |
WaltzingAlong | flake: if i screen flashes up then goes away it may have launched and exited all before you could see the screen | 12:29 |
flake | right | 12:30 |
Mu3aHTP0n | Could someone help me, please? I need to forbid users to mount flash drives. Which way is the best? P.S.: editing fstab is not helping. My system is kubuntu 7.04. | 12:31 |
enjoi1216 | wnoders why kubuntu offtopic is so dead | 12:32 |
nosrednaekim | Mu3aHTP0n: a groups probably gives them those permissions... | 12:32 |
esperegu | nosrednaekim: yes. | 12:32 |
nosrednaekim | *group | 12:32 |
esperegu | nosrednaekim: I get about 8 of them when logging out. | 12:32 |
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP | ||
nosrednaekim | esperegu: and are they errors about konqueror? | 12:33 |
nosrednaekim | Mu3aHTP0n: i'd guess its the "plugdev" group | 12:33 |
nosrednaekim | esperegu: is it about acrashing konqueror? | 12:33 |
esperegu | nosrednaekim: I had one. but that did not occure while shutting down | 12:33 |
nosrednaekim | oh...hmm | 12:34 |
nosrednaekim | what program is it reporting to be crashing? | 12:34 |
esperegu | adept_notyfier, guidance-power-manager.pi, kaccess, kmix, knotify, kopete, tkio_uiserver | 12:35 |
esperegu | and konqueror crashed in normal use | 12:35 |
nosrednaekim | ah.... those are docked apps... you panel probably crashed | 12:36 |
esperegu | nosrednaekim: any idea how to fix that? since it happens on almost every shutdown | 12:37 |
nosrednaekim | no.... i'm not sure... hear over to #kde | 12:37 |
nosrednaekim | *head | 12:37 |
esperegu | k | 12:38 |
jing | Hi folks ... good morning :-) | 12:38 |
nosrednaekim | hey jing | 12:38 |
jing | that was fast ... I'm still sleepy ;-) | 12:39 |
nosrednaekim | heh... i've been up for a while, and yes, it is still morning here ;) | 12:39 |
Mu3aHTP0n | nosrednaekim: you see the problem is to forbid to mount only usb drives, but i also need usb printers and if i'll delete user for the plugdev group, printers are also will not be usable.Am I right? | 12:40 |
jing | mof I've had my first coffee already ... but the laptop that was "pushed in front of me" <eg> makes me sleepy once again ;-) | 12:40 |
nosrednaekim | Mu3aHTP0n: hmmm I think they will, I think plugdev only removes them from being able to "automagically"set plugged in devices. if the printer is already set up, I don;t think there would be a problem | 12:41 |
nosrednaekim | Mu3aHTP0n: in any case, you could try it, and if it doesn't work, readd it. | 12:41 |
nosrednaekim | *readd the person to that group | 12:43 |
Mu3aHTP0n | nosrednaekim: thank you for your advice i'll try | 12:43 |
jing | ...noooooow I am awake...setting up this 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless wasn't as hard as I was told ... ;-) ndiswrapper took it and network-manager immediately (sort of) switched <smile><grin> | 12:45 |
jing | Q: What do I need to do to make ndiswrapper "permanent" ? | 12:45 |
guhhh | does anyone ever used bacula? i need help to make it connect to mysql server | 12:46 |
jing | instead of depmod -a ... modprobe ndiswrapper ...? | 12:46 |
jing | guhh ... sry NO | 12:46 |
nosrednaekim | jing: "ndiswrapper -m" | 12:46 |
jing | nosrednaekim: adding "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper ... YES ... says my memory (in hindsight) Thanks! | 12:48 |
[ifr0g] | How do i stop dolphin from opeing folders by default ? | 12:49 |
[ifr0g] | Never mind :) | 12:50 |
jing | :-) ...just couldn't bring myself to type settings ;-) | 12:51 |
[ifr0g] | Ok, a better one.. when i view file list in detail.view in konq i get interlived rows of color lining.. | 12:52 |
amigrave | is there a howto or faq for compiz fusion on kubuntu gusty ? | 12:52 |
[ifr0g] | How do i choose what color i want to see there .. | 12:52 |
[ifr0g] | !compiz | 12:52 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 12:52 |
[ifr0g] | amigrave, ^^ | 12:52 |
WaltzingAlong | also the compiz fusion wiki | 12:53 |
jing | (sitting in front of an ati) ...are U sure about wanting compiz <Beg> | 12:53 |
WaltzingAlong | [ifr0g]: system settings/appearance/colors | 12:53 |
amigrave | [ifr0g]: thanks | 12:54 |
nosrednaekim | jing: you tried the 8.42 drivers yet? | 12:54 |
werty | could you send me again the linux game links? | 12:54 |
WaltzingAlong | !games | 12:54 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 12:54 |
[ifr0g] | WaltzingAlong, Your a genius ! | 12:55 |
ghozala | hay how can i upgrade to gusty | 12:55 |
[ifr0g] | !upgrade | 12:56 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 12:56 |
[ifr0g] | ghozala, ^ | 12:56 |
jing | nosrednaekim: not on this laptop here ;-) NO ... but I have blood all over me on mine ;-/ | 12:56 |
nosrednaekim | jing: eh? | 12:56 |
ghozala | i mean the distro upgrade command line | 12:57 |
jing | I am not at home ;-) ... and also get breakfeast "served!" now ... cu | 12:57 |
ghozala | anybody kno it | 12:57 |
WaltzingAlong | ghozala: kdesu adept_manager --dist-upgrade ? | 12:58 |
[ifr0g] | lol | 12:58 |
[ifr0g] | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 12:58 |
[ifr0g] | though WaltzingAlong | 12:59 |
WaltzingAlong | ghozala: if you already changed the repos from feisty to gutsy, then sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade | 12:59 |
Daisuke_Ido | adept_manager --version_upgrade | 12:59 |
WaltzingAlong | upgrading kubuntu? from feisty (7.04) be sure software-properties-kde is installed (sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde) then follow the upgrade instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade ; but it is recommended to follow the upgrade instructions | 13:00 |
ghozala | how can i change the repos p.s i have ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade already | 13:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | hrrm | 13:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | i suppose that isn't right | 13:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | nm | 13:00 |
nosrednaekim | Daisuke_Ido: w00t! I finally got AIGLX! | 13:00 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning all | 13:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | nosrednaekim: welcome to a year ago! :D | 13:01 |
BluesKaj | hehe | 13:01 |
WaltzingAlong | ghozala: recommended to follow the insructions on the website to use adept and the upgrade tool; otherwise open sources.list changing each feisty to gutsy | 13:01 |
nosrednaekim | Hey BluesKaj, I got the 8.42 driver working! | 13:01 |
BluesKaj | 8.42? | 13:01 |
WaltzingAlong | ati driver | 13:01 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: yalp... AIGLX and all :) | 13:01 |
werty | !games | 13:01 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 13:01 |
ghozala | waltzingalong: can u tell me the website | 13:02 |
BluesKaj | hmm, 8.41 din't work on my 64 bit gutsy , no X , no matter how I set it up | 13:02 |
WaltzingAlong | ghozala: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | 13:02 |
ghozala | thanks | 13:03 |
nosrednaekim | WaltzingAlong: me neither... but this one is working great! | 13:03 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: ^^ | 13:03 |
BluesKaj | so this one is newer than 8.41.7 ? | 13:03 |
Psi-Jack | How do I stop the HTTP Cache Cleanup service? | 13:04 |
Psi-Jack | From running, all the time? | 13:04 |
BluesKaj | nosrednaekim, pastebin your xorg file so I can take a look, if you don't mind | 13:05 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: yeah, go up to phoronix.com, there is a link somewhere in there | 13:05 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: NP | 13:05 |
nosrednaekim | !paste | 13:05 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 13:05 |
Psi-Jack | Anyone know? ;) | 13:07 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42068/ | 13:07 |
BluesKaj | nosrednaekim, thz :) | 13:07 |
nosrednaekim | no composite section! YAY! | 13:08 |
BluesKaj | ok nosrednaekim ,did you uninstall the previous fglrx before installing 8.42 ? | 13:08 |
Dragnslcr | Hm, when I try to boot the -generic kernel instead of the -386 kernel, I get "[64.144000] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 274412" after the splash/loading screen, and then it just stays at the text login | 13:09 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: I was using the offical ubuntu restricted ones (8.37)....yeah | 13:09 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: and install directly from the .run, generating the debs was failing on finding the dri libraries | 13:10 |
BluesKaj | nosrednaekim, the ati site doesn't show the driver , which card did you choose to get 8.42 ? | 13:11 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: I didn't, I found a direct link on a forum on Phoronix.com.... just a sec... | 13:12 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.42.3-x86.x86_64.run | 13:13 |
nosrednaekim | Don't worry, its totally legit ;) | 13:13 |
BluesKaj | ok, nosrednaekim I got it , | 13:14 |
BluesKaj | nosrednaekim, did you disable the restricted driver first , then install the new one ? | 13:14 |
WaltzingAlong | ati howto wiki http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide | 13:15 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: yeah, | 13:15 |
nosrednaekim | WaltzingAlong: why thank you ;) | 13:15 |
BluesKaj | ok nosrednaekim , cool | 13:15 |
WaltzingAlong | (available as a link from ati's site as well) | 13:17 |
BluesKaj | WaltzingAlong, wrong driver | 13:17 |
BluesKaj | brb | 13:19 |
nosrednaekim | =) | 13:19 |
jpatrick | does anyone have any package requests? | 13:26 |
[ifr0g] | :o | 13:27 |
nosrednaekim | jpatrick: for hardy? | 13:27 |
Jucato | oh you wouldn't want to ask that in here.. >:) | 13:27 |
* Jucato does evil laugh | 13:27 | |
nosrednaekim | heh | 13:27 |
jpatrick | nosrednaekim: ya | 13:27 |
nosrednaekim | jpatrick: supercat | 13:27 |
Jucato | jpatrick: just remembered, kickoff and tasty menu :P | 13:27 |
Jucato | !find kickoff | 13:27 |
jpatrick | Jucato: I'm that desperate | 13:27 |
ubotu | File kickoff found in kdebase-workspace | 13:28 |
Jucato | hehe there you have 3 to work on | 13:28 |
Jucato | good luck :P | 13:28 |
nosrednaekim | jpatrick: which is colored cat | 13:28 |
* Jucato paints himself in many colors | 13:28 | |
Jucato | *meow* | 13:28 |
jpatrick | Jucato: aplg is doing tasty menu | 13:29 |
Jucato | ok.. -1 | 13:29 |
nosrednaekim | AWN | 13:29 |
jpatrick | nosrednaekim: where can I find supercat? | 13:29 |
Jucato | AWN ain't for KDE :P | 13:29 |
nosrednaekim | http://supercat.nosredna.net/ | 13:29 |
Jucato | j/k | 13:29 |
Jucato | haha you made it yourself? | 13:29 |
nosrednaekim | (my dad and brother coded it) | 13:29 |
Jucato | aaah | 13:30 |
Jucato | don't you want to have the pleasure of packaging it? :D | 13:30 |
sylecn | Hello everyone. | 13:30 |
nosrednaekim | I was going to... | 13:30 |
Jucato | kool utility btw. might want a supergrep and superless too! :) | 13:30 |
jpatrick | but he wanted a MOTU to do it! :D | 13:30 |
WaltzingAlong | !motu | 13:31 |
nosrednaekim | Jucato: heh :) | 13:31 |
ubotu | motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 13:31 |
Jucato | (it could have been his ticket to MOTU-ship) | 13:31 |
Jucato | tsk tsk :P | 13:31 |
[ifr0g] | jpatrick, http://padworld.myexp.de/index.php?files | 13:31 |
nosrednaekim | jpatrick: yup... thats right... and i'm to busy coding on my Command line restricted-manager | 13:31 |
Jucato | sheesh.. everybody's so motivated these days... I'm jealous | 13:32 |
sylecn | I find when I lock session in kde. Try to press spacebar to get unlock window, the unlock window can't input any word. then I have to use Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace. Is it a bug? | 13:32 |
jpatrick | Jucato: Kubuntu Hardy Heron - "return of the jpatrick" | 13:32 |
nosrednaekim | sylecn: do other keys work? | 13:32 |
sylecn | Move the mouse will work. But if I press space first, then it's over | 13:33 |
nosrednaekim | sylecn: thats odd,I think thats probably a bug, yes | 13:33 |
sylecn | I don't want to get stucked, maybe I will try other keys later on. | 13:34 |
ScorpKing | sylecn: doesn't do that here | 13:34 |
werty | i've downloaded soldier of fortune but how can i run it.. (sof-demo.run) ? | 13:35 |
nosrednaekim | werty: "./<programname> | 13:36 |
=== tommi_ is now known as bulmers | ||
nosrednaekim | Jucato: BTW, there is nneed for supergrep etc, since supet cat can have things piped through it. | 13:43 |
Jucato | hhow abbout ssuperlesss? | 13:43 |
nosrednaekim | Jucato: hummm true... | 13:44 |
Jucato | :D | 13:44 |
Jucato | anyway good luck | 13:44 |
nosrednaekim | that might even work... not sure | 13:44 |
nosrednaekim | I didn't write it ;) | 13:44 |
jpatrick | nosrednaekim: I'll get it done asap, for now school! | 13:47 |
nosrednaekim | jpatrick: k thanks... it'll get my brother to stop bugging meabout packaging it ;) | 13:48 |
nosrednaekim | Ju | 13:48 |
nosrednaekim | Jucato: not to worry,I just talked to my brother and you can do less with it :) | 13:48 |
Jucato | wow | 13:48 |
nosrednaekim | Jucato: "spc <filename> | less" | 13:49 |
BluesKaj | well, not much joy for my setup with that new ati driver I'm afraid , google earth is slow , fglrx gears | 13:49 |
BluesKaj | Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer | 13:49 |
BluesKaj | Segmentation fault (core dumped | 13:49 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: what does "glxinfo" say | 13:49 |
BluesKaj | no dri,glx version string: 1.2 | 13:50 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: I had the same error, I think the fglrx kernel driver wasn't getting loaded | 13:50 |
BluesKaj | well, isn't that lovely :) | 13:51 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: is the module "fglrx" loaded? | 13:51 |
nosrednaekim | lsmod | grep fglrx | 13:51 |
=== gianandrea_ is now known as gianandrea | ||
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: I have to go though.... sorry. | 13:52 |
BluesKaj | no output | 13:52 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: try "sudo modprobe fglrx" | 13:52 |
BluesKaj | nothing | 13:53 |
nosrednaekim | if that spits out an error, you need to make a symbolic link from where it THINKS it is, to.... | 13:53 |
nosrednaekim | ah.. | 13:53 |
nosrednaekim | restart x... | 13:53 |
nosrednaekim | and I HAVE to go get to school | 13:53 |
nosrednaekim | bye! | 13:54 |
ScorpKing | c ya! | 13:54 |
BluesKaj | fgl_glxgears gives me this : Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer:Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 13:55 |
=== tim is now known as Noid | ||
dc2447 | what is the deal with freenx in 7.10? | 14:00 |
WaltzingAlong | dc2447: not available yet in the seveas repository | 14:00 |
dc2447 | WaltzingAlong: are people generally doing a source install? | 14:06 |
BluesKaj | what's the path to the xorg/modules file ? | 14:14 |
WaltzingAlong | dc2447: i do not know nor do i know how long until it finds its way into the gutsy 3rd party repository | 14:16 |
ackbahr | I've got power management issues with my laptop.... Unwanted suspend when unplugging power source, and low autonomy. Anyone could help? | 14:16 |
WaltzingAlong | ackbahr: in the system tray you may see the power management program. just click it to set the options you want | 14:17 |
ackbahr | WaltzingAlong: Already done, plus more, doesn't really get me a higher autonomy than 1h30, and doesn't do anything about the first problem.... | 14:17 |
WaltzingAlong | ackbahr: your computer suspends immediately upon being powered by battery? | 14:19 |
ackbahr | Well, not systematically, which is the more annoying.... But when it happens, it is immediately, yes. | 14:20 |
ackbahr | WaltzingAlong: Kind of when I just plug it off to show something to someone who's out of cable reach, it suspends even though it's fully charged and has been hooked for 16+ hours. | 14:21 |
WaltzingAlong | ackbahr: i have not yet encountered that; if tweaking the guidance-power-manager settings seems to have no effect, search launchpad for related bugs? | 14:24 |
ackbahr | WaltzingAlong: How do I do that? | 14:24 |
WaltzingAlong | ackbahr: through guidance-power-manager which should already have an icon in the tray. which settings do you see for main powered and battery powered? | 14:25 |
ackbahr | WaltzingAlong: main powered : Performance / battery powered : Powersave | 14:26 |
ackbahr | WaltzingAlong: Which I set myself | 14:27 |
WaltzingAlong | ackbahr: are there settings too for 'when battery remaining time drops below' and 'when system is idle for more than' ? | 14:27 |
ackbahr | WaltzingAlong: Yep : "Drops below 2 minutes" and "Idle for more than 20 minutes" | 14:28 |
WaltzingAlong | ackbahr: and one of those is set to suspend? | 14:29 |
ackbahr | Yep (Idle) | 14:29 |
ackbahr | WaltzingAlong: Do you think the counting of 20 minutes starts before the unplugging? | 14:30 |
WaltzingAlong | yeah maybe it is counting 20 minutes of idle, regardless of when being switched to battery power? | 14:30 |
elektronicola | what languages are speak here? | 14:31 |
WaltzingAlong | !en | 14:31 |
ubotu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 14:31 |
elektronicola | thank ubotu | 14:32 |
WaltzingAlong | elektronicola: which language would you like to type/read? | 14:32 |
elektronicola | italian and a bit of english | 14:32 |
ackbahr | WaltzingAlong: Ooops, noticed I still have dusty old Feisty, didn't expect a newer version to pop up so early! I'll try upgrading, then I'll see if the problem gets solved on its own.... | 14:32 |
WaltzingAlong | !it | elektronicola | 14:32 |
ubotu | elektronicola: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 14:32 |
WaltzingAlong | ackbahr: alright | 14:32 |
elektronicola | no problem, i can write in english | 14:33 |
ackbahr | WaltzingAlong: just one more thing : I did some apt-get upgrade on Sunday (back from holiday), and maybe it did upgrade to G.... How can I check current version? | 14:34 |
WaltzingAlong | ackbahr: cat /etc/issue or cat /etc/lsb-release or lsb_release -a | 14:34 |
ackbahr | WaltzingAlong: Ok, it's Feisty... So we'll see! Thanks for your help, so long! | 14:35 |
WaltzingAlong | elektronicola: ok. welcome to #kubuntu | 14:35 |
MGalaxy | hello, I changed the screen resolution too 800x600. after restart, I see a really strange screen, I want to enter to Kubuntu in SafeMode but I dont know how !!! | 14:36 |
elektronicola | is ther anybody who can say me what program i con use un kubuntu gutsy for doing statistic analisis? | 14:37 |
* Broc93 si awayzza, torna il prima possibile: lascio il pc acceso ma non ci sono, lasciate pure messaggi che li leggo dopo | 14:37 | |
FOAD | Hello. | 14:37 |
DaSkreech | !version | 14:37 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell | 14:37 |
MGalaxy | or how can I change the screen resolution in the text mode ? | 14:37 |
FOAD | How do I enter accented characters? | 14:37 |
WaltzingAlong | elektronicola: such as spss ? | 14:38 |
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: | 14:38 |
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 14:38 |
DaSkreech | MGalaxy: to enter a "safe mode" when the Grub menu says to press escape in 3 seconds do so and choose rescue mode | 14:38 |
DaSkreech | !resolution | 14:38 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 14:38 |
DaSkreech | !skim | 14:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about skim - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 14:39 |
DaSkreech | !scim | 14:39 |
ubotu | Chinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM | 14:39 |
DaSkreech | Hmm | 14:39 |
DaSkreech | !it | 14:39 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 14:39 |
WaltzingAlong | grazie | 14:39 |
DaSkreech | I'm assuming that Broc93 is speaking italian :) | 14:39 |
DaSkreech | hi BluesKaj | 14:40 |
BluesKaj | hi DaSkreech | 14:40 |
WaltzingAlong | DaSkreech: was an away message i thought ;) | 14:40 |
Broc93 | DaSkreech: sorry :( | 14:41 |
WaltzingAlong | !away | 14:41 |
ubotu | You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines | 14:41 |
BluesKaj | hmm, there's no "modules" in the new xorg file generated by the new ATI 8.42 driver | 14:41 |
* genii hands out coffees | 14:41 | |
Jucato | thganks | 14:41 |
DaSkreech | WaltzingAlong: I just woke up I can barely read english :-( | 14:41 |
* DaSkreech whispers "Jucato I think that D3lphin likes me" | 14:42 | |
* Jucato couldn't care less... | 14:42 | |
Jucato | :P | 14:42 |
=== Rucio is now known as visi76512 | ||
* PhinnFort too | 14:42 | |
WaltzingAlong | BluesKaj: what do you mean? find the device section then driver under that. is it fglrx or ati or vesa or ? | 14:42 |
WaltzingAlong | DaSkreech: good morning. | 14:42 |
=== visi76512 is now known as visi7612 | ||
DaSkreech | Anytime I don't look at it for about 15 minutes it crashes just to get my attention | 14:42 |
The_Machine | I'm getting this in k3b when trying to burn a DVD-R (i can burn audio CDs) and i can find nothing on the web for it: WRITE@LBA=0h failed with SK=0h/ASC=00h/ACQ=03h]: Input/output error | 14:42 |
PhinnFort | The_Machine: have you sure it isn't just a bad disk? | 14:43 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: glad that D3lphin likes you. I don't want to like it even if it begs for me :P | 14:43 |
WaltzingAlong | The_Machine: set a slower burn speed and yeah, may be cheap/bad media | 14:43 |
BluesKaj | can you guys tell me where file the editable modules file is located ..I have no dri, v4l , vle , fglrx load modules list in the xorg file either | 14:44 |
DaSkreech | I was infatuated with it for a bit but now it's wanting to hang around anytime I call a folder and it keeps making empty nepomuk promises. I start to tire | 14:44 |
WaltzingAlong | BluesKaj: you can walk through sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to set those | 14:44 |
DaSkreech | I think /etc/modules | 14:44 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, now, it goes to text mode only :-s it doesnt go to graphic mode :( | 14:45 |
BluesKaj | WaltzingAlong, been there done that ...looks like this new driver strips the xorg file of the "load modules" section | 14:45 |
The_Machine | i have tried quite a few discs | 14:45 |
The_Machine | it works in windows that is run in vmware. | 14:45 |
The_Machine | :\ | 14:45 |
* DaSkreech steps out | 14:46 | |
BluesKaj | anyway , gues I'll have to revert to the default restricted driver , cuz this new ati offering does nothing for lower end ati graphics | 14:46 |
edenbeast | the machine you could try the original cdrecord package instead of ubuntu's one, just install it in /opt and adjust k3b's settings accordingly, I had to do that in feisty when burning dvds stopped working for my burner | 14:47 |
WaltzingAlong | BluesKaj: so you want the list of ones that can go there? or to see a sample? | 14:47 |
FOAD | The correct answer was: through xkbd. | 14:47 |
BluesKaj | sure WaltzingAlong , that would help | 14:47 |
WaltzingAlong | BluesKaj: www.usebox.net/jjm/obsd-wifi/laptop/xorg.conf ? | 14:48 |
jerbear | when i type in the strigi search applet, before i'm done typing, results start appearing and focus is taken away from the input box... does this happen for anyone else? | 14:49 |
=== jacquot is now known as jacquot_ | ||
PhinnFort | The_Machine: tried setting down the speed? | 14:49 |
WaltzingAlong | jerbear: yes that it shows some results before you finish typing, but no that the focus is taken away (not that i can remember - then again i purged strigi some time ago) | 14:50 |
jerbear | WaltzingAlong: ok, thanks... not sure what's going on with mine | 14:53 |
genii | BluesKaj: Did you tweak the xorg.conf yet? | 14:53 |
jerbear | does konqueror have extensions like firefox? | 14:53 |
genii | !kio | 14:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 14:54 |
genii | hmm | 14:54 |
WaltzingAlong | jerbear: yes and no (i would say mostly no) | 14:54 |
genii | jerbear: KDE has plugin system called kio which is supposed to let you use the same plugin across severall apps. But it's not like the firefox extensions/addons type | 14:55 |
WaltzingAlong | ^^ | 14:55 |
Thylio | I want to custumize my taskbar ext. I have looked at KDE-apps.org, but can't seem to find the right category. Where sould I look? | 14:55 |
epimeth | !unzip | 14:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about unzip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 14:55 |
WaltzingAlong | !zip | 14:55 |
ubotu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 14:55 |
ackbahr | This is what I get when I try to move on from Feisty to Gusty : "The system was unable to get the prerequisites for the upgrade." What should I do? | 14:55 |
epimeth | !unzip | 14:55 |
jerbear | ok | 14:55 |
WaltzingAlong | !changingthemes | 14:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about changingthemes - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 14:55 |
WaltzingAlong | !themes | Thylio | 14:56 |
ubotu | Thylio: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 14:56 |
The_Machine | PhinnFort, yeah, but it doesn't even start to burn | 14:56 |
The_Machine | so i don't know how speed related it could be | 14:56 |
epimeth | cheers, WaltzingAlong | 14:56 |
PhinnFort | The_Machine: maybe it tries to set a speed the drive doesn't support? | 14:56 |
WaltzingAlong | upgrading kubuntu? from feisty (7.04) be sure software-properties-kde is installed (sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde) then follow the upgrade instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade ; ackbahr | 14:56 |
The_Machine | i'll switch it | 14:57 |
The_Machine | one sec | 14:57 |
The_Machine | maybe the drive is jacked.. it's just sitting there blinking its activity light | 14:57 |
The_Machine | i think i have to reboot to even bring it back | 14:57 |
The_Machine | brb. | 14:57 |
Thylio | WaltzingAlong: I dont want themes, i just want a OSx like taskbar ext. | 14:57 |
WaltzingAlong | ackbahr: enable pre-release updates (gutsy-proposed), sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade and then run kdesu adept_manager --dist-upgrade | 14:57 |
genii | !info unzip | epimeth | 14:58 |
ubotu | epimeth: unzip: De-archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 5.52-10ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 150 kB, installed size 340 kB | 14:58 |
ackbahr | "Unable to unlock toe administration directory".... | 14:58 |
* WaltzingAlong thanks google. Thylio: http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2006/07/transforming-kde-to-look-like-mac-osx.html and so on 'make kde look like osx' ? | 14:59 | |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, I did what u said, now, after restarting it goes to text mode :-s | 14:59 |
jerbear | am i the only one that is unable to alter monitor settings in gutsy? | 15:00 |
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh ? which driver did you pick? | 15:00 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, sis | 15:00 |
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: at the terminal then, check the log less /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 15:00 |
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi | ||
jerbear | is there a good applet for gmail notification? | 15:02 |
Hamppari | yes | 15:02 |
n8k99 | yes | 15:02 |
Hamppari | jerbear: sudo apt-get install checkgmail | 15:03 |
n8k99 | there are a few actually | 15:03 |
jerbear | does it work well with kde? | 15:03 |
WaltzingAlong | jerbear: nice to use adept manager's filter to find that | 15:03 |
Hamppari | jerbear: yes | 15:03 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, no such a dile | 15:03 |
jerbear | k | 15:03 |
MGalaxy | file* | 15:03 |
Hamppari | checkgmail pwns.. you can see preview's of the mails in the tray and even delete them from there | 15:04 |
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: which driver is selected for the 'device' (video card) less /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 15:04 |
jerbear | does anyone else have an audigy sound card (particularly the one that uses the emu10k1 driver)? | 15:04 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, kbd | 15:05 |
The_Machine | what should i use to burn a .img file? | 15:05 |
uberDirk | nerolinux | 15:05 |
The_Machine | k | 15:06 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, sorry, " sis " | 15:06 |
Jucato | sis? | 15:06 |
MGalaxy | Jucato, yes, my video card is SIS | 15:07 |
WaltzingAlong | Jucato: issue with X and the sis driver | 15:07 |
Jucato | aaah | 15:07 |
* Jucato thought sis as in sister :P | 15:07 | |
MGalaxy | Jucato, lol :D | 15:07 |
Hamppari | Anyone tried KDE 4 ? | 15:07 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, so, what should i do ? | 15:08 |
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: and changing it to vesa kde still fails to appear? | 15:08 |
Thylio | Does Kubuntu uses .deb packages? | 15:08 |
uberDirk | yes | 15:08 |
WaltzingAlong | Thylio: yes | 15:08 |
Thylio | Thx | 15:08 |
uberDirk | np | 15:08 |
The_Machine | is there an vnc client for linux like there is for windows - where the friggin VNC window incorporates tasks like "refresh" and "Ctrl Alt Del"? Seems that every vnc client viewer i install just brings up the GUI box and that's it. | 15:09 |
uberDirk | The_Machine: press f10 | 15:09 |
uberDirk | or f11? | 15:09 |
uberDirk | mh | 15:09 |
uberDirk | can't remember | 15:09 |
heras64 | Hi. I want to write a script that parses websites and puts out blocks of standard text based on what the parsing turn up. What language is easiest for that? | 15:10 |
jerbear | whenever kcheckgmail tries to login, i get an error saying that gmail has changed the way to login | 15:10 |
n8k99 | jerbear oh, that may be because your gmail account is now IMaP enabled | 15:12 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, it works :D but Kubuntu runs at 16color system :D | 15:12 |
jerbear | n8k99: what do i need to do? | 15:12 |
Dr_willis | heras64, i belive thats easially doabel with perl | 15:12 |
n8k99 | signin to gmail in a browser and look and see if it is IMAP enabled | 15:13 |
n8k99 | it'll be in the settings section | 15:13 |
Jucato | if you are.. lucky you... | 15:13 |
Jucato | (hmph) | 15:13 |
jerbear | i don't see any settings for imap | 15:13 |
epimeth | anybody good with user administration / permissions? I need to have files created in a certain folder default to a different group the user belongs to | 15:13 |
heras64 | Dr_willis, thnx. apt-cache told me about a bunch of parse modules for perl and python, but I have no experience with either. I'll try out Perl. Thnx again. | 15:14 |
epimeth | wondering if there is native support for it or if I have to manually chmod/chgroup every time a user creates a file | 15:14 |
WaltzingAlong | The_Machine: krdc ? | 15:15 |
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: which device is it? lspci | 15:15 |
MGalaxy | WaltzingAlong, what ? | 15:16 |
* n8k99 has google IMAP on an account | 15:16 | |
WaltzingAlong | MGalaxy: run the command 'lspci' in konsole which shows your pci devices. find the one referring to your video card | 15:16 |
The_Machine | krdc - does not have a refresh control, a ctrl-alt-del control, etc | 15:18 |
The_Machine | uberDirk, f10 does what? | 15:18 |
The_Machine | (or is supposed to do what?) | 15:18 |
WaltzingAlong | The_Machine: how about clicking first 'special keys' ? | 15:19 |
pepie34 | Is there a way to enable compiz in KDE with a point and click procedure ? (No console, no autostart) ? | 15:21 |
Jucato | !compiz | 15:21 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 15:21 |
epimeth | anybody good with user administration / permissions? I need to have files created in a certain folder default to a different group the user belongs to | 15:21 |
WaltzingAlong | pepie34: as per the instructions; to answer your question, no | 15:21 |
epimeth | wondering if there is native support for it or if I have to manually chmod/chgroup every time a user creates a file | 15:21 |
WaltzingAlong | ^^ seems so | 15:21 |
pepie34 | Jucato i have already read that | 15:21 |
kuyky | hey, is anyone else having problems with firefox in kubuntu gutsy? | 15:21 |
Jucato | unfortunately, the short answer is "no" | 15:21 |
Jucato | pepie34: ^^^ | 15:22 |
WaltzingAlong | kuyky: which problem | 15:22 |
kuyky | it only starts in safe mode for me | 15:22 |
WaltzingAlong | kuyky: disable broken extensions? | 15:22 |
werty | where can i get linux latest americas army release? | 15:22 |
WaltzingAlong | not in #kubuntu | 15:22 |
Dr_willis | AmericaArmies web site perhaps? :) | 15:22 |
kuyky | i was using gutsy beta and after the final update it stopped working | 15:22 |
kuyky | WaltzingAlong: already did | 15:23 |
WaltzingAlong | kuyky: and on a new profile it only launches in safe mode too/ | 15:23 |
werty | i've allready been there but no link.. | 15:23 |
kuyky | once i try to start it normally, not even in safe mode it works | 15:23 |
kuyky | and in gnome it does | 15:23 |
WaltzingAlong | kuyky: and when you start it from konsole to see any output it may provide, what do you see? | 15:25 |
kuyky | not a thing | 15:25 |
kuyky | lol | 15:25 |
kuyky | it's really strange | 15:25 |
kuyky | it only works if i kill all firefox related pids and then start it in safe mode | 15:25 |
uberDirk | The_Machine: f10 or f11 opens a popup with commands like "send ctrl+alt+del" and "refresh". | 15:26 |
uberDirk | it's been a while, but i think i used tightvnc | 15:26 |
WaltzingAlong | xtightvncviewer ? | 15:27 |
kuyky | maybe it's the quick launch | 15:27 |
Dr_willis | I tend to use vnc4server and its viewer | 15:28 |
Dr_willis | but most vieweres should be compatiable with any vncserver | 15:28 |
The_Machine | right | 15:30 |
herr_weltschaft | moin zusammen | 15:39 |
=== BlindSide is now known as BlindSIde | ||
Thylio | How do i install "Karamba" things? I have found a system-monitor thing that i want to install, it was placed under Caramba, at KDE-look.org. | 15:39 |
=== BlindSIde is now known as BlindSide | ||
Jucato | !de | herr_weltschaft | 15:39 |
ubotu | herr_weltschaft: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 15:39 |
snowdonkey | Howdy. I'm aware of GCalDaemon but I'd like to try OpenSync for syncing Google Calendar and Sunbird. downloaded opensync plugins for both, but can someoen tell me how to use them? | 15:40 |
Jucato | !superkaramba | Thylio | 15:40 |
ubotu | Thylio: superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org | 15:40 |
herr_weltschaft | ok, danke für den hinweis | 15:40 |
Jucato | Thylio: you need to install Superkaramba | 15:40 |
Dr_willis | Thylio, i never found kramba or superkaramba to work very well.. | 15:40 |
Dr_willis | !info superkaramba | 15:40 |
herr_weltschaft | zufällig habe ich auch grad ein problem | 15:40 |
ubotu | superkaramba: a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 533 kB, installed size 1424 kB | 15:40 |
Jucato | !de | herr_weltschaft | 15:40 |
ubotu | herr_weltschaft: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 15:40 |
herr_weltschaft | ja, danke | 15:40 |
herr_weltschaft | oh | 15:40 |
herr_weltschaft | oh sry | 15:40 |
Dr_willis | sudo apt-get install superkaramba | 15:40 |
herr_weltschaft | forgot the "-de" | 15:40 |
herr_weltschaft | sorry sorry | 15:40 |
Jucato | :) | 15:41 |
Thylio | Dr_willis: Do u have an better sugestion maybe? Tired of looking for things that dont work verry vell :P | 15:42 |
Dr_willis | Thylio, depends on what sort of monitoring/applets you need | 15:42 |
Dr_willis | KDE4 is supposed to 'redo' the whole applet/desklet thang. :) whenever it gets out. | 15:43 |
Dr_willis | I tend to just use panel applets, or windowmaker dock applets, or conky | 15:43 |
WaltzingAlong | herr_weltschaft: es macht nichts | 15:43 |
BluesKaj | well, I reverted to the restricted ati driver on gutsy64 , despite nosrednaekim's enthusiasm over the new ati 8.42 driver .. it didn't do much for my setup at all in terms of 3d or dri | 15:43 |
Thylio | Dr_willis: CPU info, and HDD mosty. | 15:43 |
Dr_willis | Thylio, conky can do that. | 15:43 |
Dr_willis | as can some of the kde panel applets | 15:44 |
Dr_willis | or gkrellm | 15:44 |
Dr_willis | !info gkrellm | 15:44 |
ubotu | gkrellm: The GNU Krell Monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.10-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 776 kB, installed size 2160 kB | 15:44 |
Thylio | Okay i'll check them out ;) | 15:44 |
richard_ | Hello, an XGL specialist in the house? | 15:44 |
Dr_willis | search the package manager for 'window maker dock apps' also :) | 15:45 |
WaltzingAlong | !ask | 15:45 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 15:45 |
Hamppari | Thank god I dont have to use XGL anymore due to the new ATI drivers. :) | 15:45 |
Thylio | Thx=) | 15:45 |
BluesKaj | the new ati drivers don't help us google earth users much | 15:45 |
BluesKaj | gutsy 64 bit , I mean | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | I guess it's fine if yer a gamer, Hamppari | 15:46 |
richard_ | Someone said something about new ATI drivers? Is the long awaited AIGLX support out? | 15:49 |
ScorpKing | is there a way to make Power Manager warn me if there's only 10min batery time left on my laptop? it's really annoing to have it just shut down and not giva any warnings first. | 15:50 |
Hamppari | richard_: Hell yes! | 15:50 |
richard_ | hamppari: where can I get???? | 15:50 |
werty | i've downloaded tremoulous how can i install it? | 15:50 |
Hamppari | richard_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=575843 | 15:50 |
richard_ | hamppari: lifesaver, thank you | 15:50 |
Hamppari | richard_: no problem mate :) | 15:50 |
Dr_willis | werty, if its a self installing executable, chmod +x whatever.run ./whatevber.run | 15:51 |
Hamppari | BluesKaj: Do you know if there's a problem with Google Earth on 32bit | 15:51 |
Hamppari | I use Google Earth too, occasionally though. | 15:52 |
BluesKaj | Hamppari, no, but google earth works on 64bit, but's slow and clunky | 15:52 |
Hamppari | Ah I see | 15:53 |
richard_ | hamppari: Argh, doesn't seem to work with radeon mobility yet :( | 15:54 |
BluesKaj | Hamppari, i'm hoping the next ati driver release will help that prob . I understand the new driver will be ready quite soon for both 32&64 bit ...most ati drivers are already 32/64 compatible | 15:54 |
kaminix | Okay, so I have encountered a rather serious bug. When I go away for school I close my laptop lid, when I come home it's all black. I try pushing some keys and moving the mouse, but it won't wake. The only way to recover it is to restart with the off-button | 15:56 |
Thylio | I have installed wdm, it dont open. How come? | 15:56 |
Jucato | kaminix: check the guidance-power-manager settings for what to do when you close the lid (right-click on the battery icon) | 15:57 |
ScorpKing | .. uhm .. | 15:58 |
toby | Hamppari: The new ATI drivers you speak of, are they from ati.com or the FOSS ones on the repositories? | 15:58 |
toby | I guess the FOSS ones will eventually become more capable now that ATI has opened up but I wasn't expecting to see a change for 6 months to a year | 15:59 |
RurouniJones | At least | 15:59 |
kaminix | Jucato: "When laptop lid is closed: Do nothing" | 15:59 |
RurouniJones | The 2D should be working relatively quickly. But the 3D stuff.... | 15:59 |
Jucato | kaminix: weird... | 16:00 |
WaltzingAlong | fglrx ati howto wiki http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide | 16:00 |
kaminix | Jucato: What is "Lock screen on resume"? | 16:00 |
Jucato | kaminix: when you resume from hibernate or suspend, it will lock the screen first and ask for you password | 16:00 |
Jucato | (if you set it to ask for your password) | 16:00 |
kaminix | Well then, I'll take that off and see what happens. :) | 16:01 |
Thylio | How do i move conky? | 16:03 |
Jucato | kaminix: hm.. try also the power control settings in System Settings -> Monitor & Display | 16:03 |
sub[t]rnl | greets | 16:06 |
sub[t]rnl | Thylio look in your ~/.conkyrc you'll find a positioning setting | 16:06 |
=== newbie1 is now known as newbie1_ | ||
Thylio | Sub[t]rnl: Okay thx | 16:07 |
kaminix | Jucato: Already turned off the power saving stuff yesterday :( | 16:08 |
Jucato | must be that DPMS thingy that I don't know about | 16:08 |
kaminix | DPMS? | 16:09 |
Dr_willis | Thylio, you dont - You edit the conky config file normally. :) | 16:09 |
Jucato | something w/ power management that I don't know :P | 16:09 |
Dr_willis | Thylio, and yes. i tweaked on my conky config for several days | 16:09 |
BluesKaj | toby, which ati open source drivers are you referring to ? Do you have a URL ? | 16:09 |
Dr_willis | !pastebin | 16:10 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 16:10 |
sub[t]rnl | Dr_willis: that sounds funny | 16:10 |
sub[t]rnl | :P | 16:10 |
Dr_willis | It was fun to! i couldent stop! | 16:10 |
Dr_willis | :) | 16:10 |
sub[t]rnl | lol | 16:10 |
sub[t]rnl | my girlfriend walked in on my tweaking my conky once | 16:10 |
sub[t]rnl | talk about embarresing | 16:10 |
Dr_willis | Told her that if she... (i wont go there... ) :) | 16:10 |
sub[t]rnl | lol | 16:11 |
Dr_willis | here is my sample conky config | 16:11 |
Dr_willis | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42092/ | 16:11 |
ScorpKing | lol | 16:11 |
Thylio | Dr_willis: Where is my conky config located? | 16:11 |
sub[t]rnl | imageshack a screen shot of it doc | 16:11 |
Dr_willis | Thylio, .conkyrc | 16:12 |
Dr_willis | same location as 100000000 other config files. :) | 16:12 |
Dr_willis | my home dir is getting full of .settingstypefiles | 16:12 |
Dr_willis | Thylio, you proberly WILL want to be hitting the conky web site and reading its guide/docs/examples | 16:12 |
sub[t]rnl | nice dr | 16:13 |
Thylio | Dr_willis, yeah proberly, I'm just so impatient:P | 16:13 |
Dr_willis | Then you will proberly give up on conky and linux real fast then | 16:14 |
Dr_willis | Learn patience Grasshopper!. | 16:14 |
Dr_willis | "Yea! Teach me patience! how long will that take!...." | 16:14 |
Dr_willis | :) | 16:14 |
Thylio | Haha:D | 16:14 |
Thylio | Stubern as a Donkey tho! | 16:14 |
Thylio | And sucky english like Petter Solberg | 16:15 |
artur_ | hi all | 16:15 |
Dr_willis | http://conky.sourceforge.net/ | 16:15 |
sub[t]rnl | Dr_willis: you keep an eye on syslog? | 16:15 |
sub[t]rnl | ${execi 10 tail -n3 /var/log/syslog | fold -w50} is nice | 16:15 |
Dr_willis | zcat /usr/share/doc/conky/examples/conkyrc.sample.gz > ~/.conkyrc | 16:15 |
Dr_willis | to make a WELL commented example conky config file | 16:15 |
drsatyri | hello all | 16:16 |
Dr_willis | sub[t]rnl, i rarely do that. :) i got top stuff.. but lets see,,, | 16:16 |
sub[t]rnl | hrm, I direct a lot of my network monitoring to syslog | 16:16 |
sub[t]rnl | watch for port scans and other attacks | 16:16 |
sub[t]rnl | its funny :P | 16:16 |
sub[t]rnl | let me throw some screenshots up | 16:16 |
sub[t]rnl | that didn't sound right | 16:17 |
timo_ | hi. can somebody tell me how I can make a shortcut for the home folder on the desktop? | 16:18 |
Dr_willis | well i gotta run.. we can conky each other later. :) | 16:18 |
sub[t]rnl | k | 16:18 |
sub[t]rnl | http://img231.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot4jq6.png | 16:18 |
sub[t]rnl | http://img231.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot3rq7.png | 16:18 |
sub[t]rnl | dern | 16:18 |
Thylio | omg, why cant i find .conkyrc? | 16:19 |
Doobeh | Where would I find the options to turn on all the fancy compiz effects in 7.10? | 16:19 |
sub[t]rnl | Thylio: its in your home directory | 16:20 |
sub[t]rnl | Doobeh: in ccsm | 16:20 |
sub[t]rnl | if you have installed compizconfig-settings manager | 16:20 |
Doobeh | okay, thanks sub[t]rnl, I'll check it's installed | 16:20 |
Thylio | Nope:S | 16:21 |
timo_ | hi. can somebody tell me how I can make a shortcut for the home folder on the desktop? | 16:22 |
sub[t]rnl | Thylio: do you have conky installed? | 16:22 |
WaltzingAlong | timo_: right mouse click on the desktop, create new, link to location, enter ~ as the path and what you want as the name | 16:22 |
Thylio | yeah, it runs on desktop | 16:22 |
sub[t]rnl | Thylio: its a hidden file (.) in your ~ (home) directory | 16:23 |
sub[t]rnl | Thylio: ls -a ~/ | 16:23 |
timo_ | waltzing: thanks | 16:24 |
timo_ | its works great | 16:24 |
artur_ | guys, I have got a problem with a GF 6150 Go | 16:24 |
WaltzingAlong | timo_: feel free to change the icon; right mouse click it, properties, then click on the icon to select another | 16:25 |
Thylio | sub[t]rnl: Nope not there.... | 16:25 |
artur_ | when it's run on the closed drivers, it won't even start | 16:25 |
somiran | my lg ad 2535 cdma phone is hanged permanently what should i do | 16:25 |
sub[t]rnl | Thylio: zcat /usr/share/doc/conky/examples/conkyrc.sample.gz > ~/.conkyrc | 16:26 |
Doobeh | Is there a nice guide for getting compiz activated in 7.10? I'm a bit lost :) | 16:26 |
sub[t]rnl | !compiz | Doobeh | 16:27 |
ubotu | Doobeh: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 16:27 |
Doobeh | Oh, someone mentioned it was shipping with it when I asked a few days ago-- that might explain a bit of my confusion :) | 16:28 |
sub[t]rnl | oh, hehe | 16:28 |
WaltzingAlong | Doobeh: ubuntu 7.10 (gnome) is shipping with compiz-fusion enabled | 16:28 |
winbond | is there an app i can use to join avi files? | 16:29 |
WaltzingAlong | Doobeh: check also the compiz-fusion wiki | 16:29 |
WaltzingAlong | winbond: mencoder ? a gui app? avidemux ? | 16:29 |
sub[t]rnl | winbond: tovid will merge a split video file | 16:29 |
sub[t]rnl | winbond: yeah, mencoder too | 16:29 |
sub[t]rnl | what waltz said | 16:29 |
Doobeh | I'll live without it, I thought it was just a checkbox somewhere that needed ticking, as long as I've got Kile and Kate, I'm happy :) | 16:30 |
sub[t]rnl | ffmpeg i'm guessing will do the job as well | 16:30 |
winbond | so avidemux is the only gui app? | 16:30 |
sub[t]rnl | Doobeh: :) | 16:30 |
BluesKaj | winbond, "todisc" will also merge files with a menu added if you wish | 16:31 |
winbond | alright, thank you people | 16:32 |
BluesKaj | todisc is part of the the "tovid' app | 16:32 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: any luck with that driver? | 16:32 |
BluesKaj | nope , nosrednaekim .. no dri or 3d | 16:32 |
* ScorpKing is away... | 16:32 | |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: did you check out the xorg log? | 16:32 |
BluesKaj | reverted to the restricted one | 16:33 |
epimeth | anybody good with user/group administration? | 16:33 |
sub[t]rnl | tovid is a nice little header for the core mplayer/ffmpeg/mpeg2enc apps | 16:33 |
BluesKaj | nosrednaekim, it doesn't load any "modules" in the xorg file | 16:33 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: any errors about no fglrx kernel driver? | 16:34 |
mathias | hello | 16:34 |
BluesKaj | nosrednaekim, no ...itjust doesn't do anything | 16:34 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: oh well :( | 16:34 |
mathias | does anyone know how to install restricted drivers in Kubuntu? | 16:34 |
nosrednaekim | mathias: use the restricted-manager | 16:34 |
W1ZrD | Hmm, I'm in some desperate need of help with fixing my ATI drivers :( | 16:35 |
mathias | nosrednaekim: where? | 16:35 |
mathias | nosrednaekim: i know where it is i ubuntu, but i can't find it here | 16:35 |
W1ZrD | Tried updating ati drivers and it failed, now X won't even start | 16:35 |
BluesKaj | winbond, make sure if you decide to use the CLI version of tovid that you visit the wikipage to find all the dependencies required ...there's also a #tovid chat on this server | 16:35 |
epimeth | anybody good with user/group administration? | 16:35 |
nosrednaekim | mathias: systemsettings->advanced | 16:35 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: which ones? | 16:36 |
W1ZrD | nosrednaekim, they were released yesterday I believe, some 8.42 or something | 16:36 |
BluesKaj | mathias, open system settings/advanced/restricted drivers | 16:36 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: yup.. I just installed them, how did you install them? | 16:36 |
mathias | nosrednaekim: still no restricted-manager | 16:36 |
W1ZrD | nosrednaekim, I did chmod +x and then just ./ati-----> very long name | 16:37 |
nosrednaekim | mathias: run from the command line "restricted-manager-kde" | 16:37 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: ah. | 16:37 |
mathias | BluesKaj: but there is no such thing. it only goes to system setting/advance/restricted drivers | 16:37 |
cufaf | hi | 16:38 |
mathias | nosrednaekim: "could not find" | 16:38 |
mathias | nosrednaekim: ups | 16:38 |
nosrednaekim | mathias: oh... are you on fiesty? | 16:38 |
mathias | nosrednaekim: "command not found" | 16:38 |
mathias | nosrednaekim: yes | 16:38 |
cufaf | installed now ubuntu 7.10 . i installed KDe but. how can i installed it pls help me..! | 16:38 |
W1ZrD | After a reboot X wouldn't start, so I found some 'äbeginners' guide to installing the drivers through .deb files, that made it worse | 16:38 |
BluesKaj | mathias, what are you trying to do ? | 16:39 |
nosrednaekim | mathias: ah.. you have to install the restricted-manager | 16:39 |
mathias | BluesKaj: to get my graphiccard to work optimal | 16:39 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: yeah.. don't do that. | 16:39 |
mathias | nosrednaekim: oh okay on my way | 16:39 |
sub[t]rnl | cufaf: have you done sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? | 16:39 |
mathias | nosrednaekim: thanks | 16:39 |
BluesKaj | mathias, which kubuntu version are you running ? | 16:40 |
mathias | BluesKaj: feisty fawn | 16:40 |
cufaf | sub[t]rnl, i try ok thnx | 16:40 |
mathias | BluesKaj: my gusty gibbon got some troubles | 16:40 |
Jucato | (no restricted-manager-kde in the fawn...) | 16:40 |
W1ZrD | nosrednaekim, got any tips on how I can start from scratch, so I at least get some display :S | 16:40 |
BluesKaj | well mathias, the restricted drivers is what you want , not restricted manager | 16:41 |
W1ZrD | <-- bitchx+cmdline :( | 16:41 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: you need to blacklist the included fglrx driver | 16:41 |
martalli | I read that kde4 has compositing features, but when I tried out the new kde 4 live cd, I didn't see anything that looked like compiz-style graphics...I didn't expect 'the cube' or wobbly windows, but does anyone know what sort of new graphics features there are, and how ti turn them on? | 16:41 |
epimeth | how do I view a folder through ssh in dolphin or konqueror? | 16:42 |
epimeth | and is anybody good with user/group administration? | 16:42 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: edit this file and add fglrx to the disabled modules /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common | 16:42 |
WaltzingAlong | martalli: to really get a feel of kde4 features ttry it from svn | 16:42 |
W1ZrD | I uncommented a line in /etc/default/linux-restricted something | 16:42 |
WaltzingAlong | epimeth: in konqueror? sftp://username:password@site | 16:42 |
WaltzingAlong | :22 | 16:42 |
W1ZrD | ah.. | 16:42 |
WaltzingAlong | fglrx ati howto wiki http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide W1ZrD: | 16:42 |
W1ZrD | WaltzingAlong, doesn't do much for me since I have no display :/ | 16:43 |
mathias | BluesKaj: how does i fix that | 16:43 |
martalli | W1ZrD: Im afraid that by the time I figure out how to do that, it will be released already =) | 16:43 |
erjon | how to entry kubunty suport italian ? | 16:43 |
epimeth | WaltzingAlong: sftp? this isn't ftp tho.... | 16:43 |
BluesKaj | run the restricted drivers app | 16:43 |
WaltzingAlong | epimeth: sftp is an ftp like interface to ssh | 16:43 |
erjon | #kubuntu it | 16:43 |
=== martoya_ is now known as martoya | ||
BluesKaj | gotta go ...bbiab | 16:44 |
WaltzingAlong | erjon: /join #kubuntu-it | 16:44 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: ehhh sorry, did you get my last message? | 16:44 |
erjon | ciao come si ottiene assistenza per kubunti in ita | 16:44 |
WaltzingAlong | ciao erjon. come va? | 16:44 |
epimeth | WaltzingAlong: ohhhh right. "ssh file transfer protocol" no "file transfer protocol through ssh", eh? | 16:44 |
WaltzingAlong | !it | erjon | 16:44 |
ubotu | erjon: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 16:44 |
erjon | thank' | 16:44 |
WaltzingAlong | epimeth: there is also ftps (secure ftp) | 16:44 |
W1ZrD | it says: no screen found, when I try to start X | 16:45 |
epimeth | WaltzingAlong: yes, I knew that one, just thought it was called sftp :-) | 16:45 |
WaltzingAlong | W1ZrD: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 16:45 |
enyo | hi, is there somebody having the same problem as me?: Xorg uses at least 50% of my cpu all the time. | 16:45 |
enyo | I have the nvidia drivers | 16:45 |
enyo | without compiz | 16:46 |
enyo | and am not doing anything special. | 16:46 |
W1ZrD | ATI Prop. driver: no devices detected and FATAL ERROR: no screens | 16:46 |
WaltzingAlong | W1ZrD: which device do you have? lspci | grep Video | 16:46 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: have you checked top to see what process is using the cpu? | 16:47 |
enyo | as I said: Xorg | 16:47 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: did you switch back to the free driver? | 16:47 |
W1ZrD | It doesn't say anything | 16:47 |
enyo | 51.6 7.4 32:54.68 Xorg | 16:47 |
sub[t]rnl | just making sure you weren't speaking in generalities | 16:47 |
enyo | 51%... | 16:47 |
enyo | ok.. no its just xorg and i really have no clue why | 16:47 |
sub[t]rnl | hrm | 16:48 |
enyo | sometimes (but very rarely) it drops to 5% | 16:48 |
sub[t]rnl | strange | 16:48 |
enyo | when i resize a window AT LEAST 80% | 16:48 |
W1ZrD | nosrednaekim, not sure at all anymore, I tried the new driver from yesterday | 16:48 |
enyo | i had the dapper drake before, then arch linux, and now gutsy... and i never had this problem before | 16:48 |
W1ZrD | when that failed I was told to do some dpkg-reconfigure or something | 16:49 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: no... I mean, are you on a different computer now, or did you fix your X. | 16:49 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: ah.. ok | 16:49 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: what video card by the way? | 16:49 |
W1ZrD | nosrednaekim, no it's the same, but I have cmdline+bitchx now :( | 16:49 |
enyo | gforce | 16:49 |
enyo | nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] | 16:49 |
W1ZrD | why I try to grep video, it returns nothing | 16:49 |
nosrednaekim | W1ZrD: did your run that dpkg-reconfigure command ? | 16:49 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: does this straight out of a reboot I take it? | 16:49 |
WaltzingAlong | W1ZrD: ok without grep , one of the lines should refer to video controller | 16:50 |
W1ZrD | nosrednaekim, yes, but it won't start...or more likey, I did something wrong | 16:50 |
WaltzingAlong | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 16:50 |
W1ZrD | WaltzingAlong, is that last line for me? | 16:50 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: is Xorg giving up any errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log? | 16:50 |
enyo | I didn't quite get the question but a reboot does not help if thats what you asked, xorg goes crazy from the beginning | 16:50 |
enyo | OH! i forgot to mention | 16:51 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: yeah, left a few words out of the last question.. (not enough coffee) | 16:51 |
enyo | i use twinview | 16:51 |
sub[t]rnl | :P | 16:51 |
enyo | and have 2 monitors 1600x1200 | 16:51 |
W1ZrD | I have one monitor and about 120*120 resolution with only asci :( | 16:51 |
sub[t]rnl | i'm guessing that's the root of the problem then? | 16:51 |
enyo | no errors i can see in the log file | 16:51 |
WaltzingAlong | W1ZrD: not necessarily. which video card do you have? lspci should show you (among others) lspci | grep VGA or lspci | grep Video ? | 16:52 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: well it could be the root.... | 16:52 |
W1ZrD | lspci shows the ATI | 16:52 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: as i said: never had this problem before | 16:52 |
sub[t]rnl | or it could be the nvidia driver | 16:52 |
W1ZrD | as VGA compatible | 16:52 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: and i used the nvidia driver before | 16:52 |
j_c | I've just installed kubuntu gutsy and I'd like to take advantage of my multi-head display. I'm running the nvidia 7900. However, when I choose to enable the second monitor from System Settings > Monitor & Display and restart X neither display works. I am using the native nv driver. and idea? | 16:53 |
sub[t]rnl | problem with nvidia driver + your settings + gutsy's kernel | 16:53 |
sub[t]rnl | try it with a generated xorg.conf, no twinview | 16:53 |
sub[t]rnl | see if its still hogging cpu's | 16:53 |
enyo | j_c: had the same problem with the nv driver... had to use the nvidia one | 16:53 |
Elephantman | hello :) | 16:53 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: generated how? | 16:53 |
j_c | enyo: ok, so go ahead and use the propriatary driver then? | 16:54 |
WaltzingAlong | !dualhead | 16:54 |
ubotu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 16:54 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, or do it by hand | 16:54 |
WaltzingAlong | W1ZrD: so if you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh then select 'ati' as the driver? | 16:54 |
=== andrea__ is now known as ndrea | ||
sub[t]rnl | just disable twinview | 16:54 |
Elephantman | I'm trying to share some folders over a kubuntu network. I've tried using NFS and Samba, but seems like i'm doing it wrong. can someone guide me ? | 16:54 |
enyo | j_c: thats what i suggest | 16:54 |
j_c | enyo: ok, I think I can handle that. | 16:54 |
WaltzingAlong | Elephantman: not able to find a how to via a search of google's index? | 16:54 |
sub[t]rnl | Elephantman: if your sharing linux to linux, nfs is the choice | 16:55 |
WaltzingAlong | Elephantman: ubuntu nfs how to ? | 16:55 |
Elephantman | WaltzingAlong> I did, but I dont seem to get it work right | 16:55 |
W1ZrD | ah.. | 16:55 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: without twinview will i be able to use 2 monitors | 16:55 |
W1ZrD | Now I'm getting some display WaltzingAlong | 16:55 |
Elephantman | sub[t]rnl> ok, how must I configure it ? | 16:55 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: no, but at least we'll see if its the twinview causing the massive cpu usage | 16:55 |
WaltzingAlong | W1ZrD: did you want the fglrx driver? you could install it through the repositories or grab the lastest from | 16:56 |
WaltzingAlong | fglrx ati howto wiki http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide W1ZrD | 16:56 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: ah you mean if the problem persists with only one monitor? | 16:56 |
sub[t]rnl | Elephantman: first install your nfs | 16:56 |
sub[t]rnl | Elephantman: sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap | 16:56 |
=== root_ is now known as W1ZrD2 | ||
sub[t]rnl | enyo: yup | 16:56 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: i tried that... it was way better... still a bit strange when resizing (40%-50%) but not all the time | 16:56 |
Elephantman | sub[t]rnl> that's done | 16:57 |
W1ZrD2 | Phew...finally in X again though :) | 16:57 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: should i try twinview? is this an alternative? i never got the difference | 16:57 |
W1ZrD2 | ah, I'm still on feisty though, got any guide for getting the new ati drivers working there? | 16:57 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: I'm not experienced with nvidia cards, but wasn't twinview the standard for using a multi head? | 16:58 |
WaltzingAlong | Elephantman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html | 16:58 |
sub[t]rnl | you don't use twinview now? | 16:58 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: i have no idea :) im using xinerama... thought that was something different... | 16:58 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: Option "Xinerama" "true" | 16:58 |
sub[t]rnl | maybe twinview is just for clones | 16:58 |
WaltzingAlong | each one calls it its own name | 16:59 |
sub[t]rnl | yeah, xinerama creates a larger virtual desktop | 16:59 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: thats what i thought too... | 16:59 |
sub[t]rnl | coffee brb | 16:59 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: this is so strange..... | 16:59 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: i have no idea where to look.. | 16:59 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: ok... i have to go now.. i'll be back later . Thanx for the help! | 17:00 |
user_ | hi | 17:01 |
Daisuke_Ido | whew... there for a second i thought my pc was going to go nuclear... both core temps reading at or above 70C | 17:01 |
WaltzingAlong | http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Using_multiple_monitors_with_XFree86 | 17:01 |
Daisuke_Ido | can't be healthy | 17:01 |
=== user_ is now known as Mudabbir | ||
Mudabbir | lol | 17:02 |
Daisuke_Ido | both back below 50 now, that i can handle | 17:02 |
neighborlee | Unable to save bookmarks in /home/neighborlee/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Permission denied. < known issue ? | 17:02 |
guhhh | please! i'm facing a really annoying problem. my resolv.conf is getting updated by some source i dont know wich is, and it sets a ip thats not from my router, so i lost complete access to internet. | 17:02 |
WaltzingAlong | guhhh: networkmanager? | 17:03 |
WaltzingAlong | neighborlee: had you started it with sudo or kdesu? in either case, sudo chown neighborlee:neighborlee /home/neighborlee/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/ -R | 17:04 |
ubuntu_ | eh wahts the comand fr seeing if your 64 bit or not? I fer got to label the cd | 17:04 |
WaltzingAlong | uname -a | 17:04 |
neighborlee | but I mean..thats a subfolder of mY own dire | 17:04 |
neighborlee | dir | 17:04 |
neighborlee | there should be NO permission issues ;) | 17:04 |
WaltzingAlong | yes true | 17:04 |
Daisuke_Ido | i blame d3lphin. | 17:04 |
neighborlee | Daisuke_Ido: me too | 17:05 |
guhhh | WaltzingAlong: nope | 17:05 |
neighborlee | its clearly some dolphin issue atm | 17:05 |
Daisuke_Ido | i've seen it before, but i don't remember how it was resolved | 17:05 |
SlimeyPete | ubuntu_: uname -a should tell you | 17:05 |
epimeth | WaltzingAlong: is there any way to set the umask of a user for a particular folder to be different than the default umask? | 17:05 |
Daisuke_Ido | perhaps doing a chown on the d3lphin directory | 17:05 |
ubuntu_ | ty | 17:05 |
neighborlee | but I do like the app..I LOVE the EDIT as root option.not that konqueror doesn't have that but,,its kewl ;)) | 17:05 |
WaltzingAlong | ubuntu_: uname -a can show if you are using the 64bit kernel (not if your hardware supports 64 if you are running a 32bit kernel) | 17:05 |
neighborlee | very handy | 17:05 |
ubuntu_ | hmm ok ZI have the 32 bit version of kubuntu | 17:05 |
WaltzingAlong | epimeth: i do not know | 17:06 |
neighborlee | Daisuke_Ido: no I checked and that dir is owned by me | 17:06 |
ubuntu_ | I know my machine can take 64 bit | 17:06 |
epimeth | WaltzingAlong: cheers anyway | 17:06 |
kaseo | hellow | 17:06 |
Daisuke_Ido | neighborlee: how about that file? | 17:07 |
WaltzingAlong | neighborlee: ls -lh /home/neighborlee/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml | 17:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | or is d3lphin sticking itself in its own little group that doesn't have the ability to write there... | 17:07 |
ubuntu_ | say is that cube thing only in Ubuntu or can it execute in Kbuntu aswell, or is there simehting simular to it specialy for Kbuntu? | 17:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | those are about the only ideas i've got | 17:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | !compiz | ubuntu_ | 17:07 |
ubotu | ubuntu_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 17:07 |
WaltzingAlong | Kubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion . for more, ask in #compiz-fusion & see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/ | ubuntu_ (check the wiki) | 17:08 |
WaltzingAlong | Daisuke_Ido: is faster! | 17:08 |
neighborlee | WaltzingAlong: yeah I know | 17:08 |
WaltzingAlong | neighborlee: which owner/group ? | 17:08 |
neighborlee | WaltzingAlong: Daisuke_Ido : It might be my fault not sure..I 'might' have saved those while I was in ROOT mode using dolphin..could be it was several days ago | 17:08 |
neighborlee | WaltzingAlong: root sadly | 17:09 |
neighborlee | ill fix it | 17:09 |
neighborlee | im guessing that is what happened anyway | 17:09 |
WaltzingAlong | neighborlee: would be my guess though sure could be a bug in dolphin | 17:09 |
neighborlee | WaltzingAlong: possibly | 17:09 |
WaltzingAlong | neighborlee: if you want to start dolphin with root-like powers, use kdesu (or kdesudo) dolphin | 17:09 |
WaltzingAlong | neighborlee: (ie not sudo dolphin) | 17:09 |
ubuntu_ | ok thanks I saed it to chip | 17:10 |
barbaros | hi guys | 17:10 |
neighborlee | WaltzingAlong: its possible I maybe have started dolphin one day with sudo not realizing you could do it via a button interface option , im not sure | 17:11 |
barbaros | how can i make right click menu transparent ? | 17:11 |
atlfalcons866 | does strigi index everything | 17:11 |
WaltzingAlong | barbaros: making the menus transparent which you can do with the built-in composition manager of kde. kmenu/system settings/appearance/style/effects then change the menu effect | 17:12 |
[ifr0g] | barbaros, system settings > appearance > style > effects | 17:12 |
[ifr0g] | opps | 17:12 |
atlfalcons866 | does strigi index everything | 17:12 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: you can check the status which will show which dirs are being indexed. likely /home/username and its subfolders | 17:12 |
neighborlee | WaltzingAlong: ok ic whats going on | 17:12 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: or do you mean all filetypes? | 17:12 |
atlfalcons866 | filetypes | 17:13 |
neighborlee | WaltzingAlong: if Ichoose 'open as root'..which can be handy..its altering chown of every file in d3lphin dir..which causes the permission error on exiting dolphin | 17:13 |
neighborlee | WaltzingAlong: if I never choose open as root..the error never occurs | 17:13 |
barbaros | but menu translucency is faded out | 17:13 |
WaltzingAlong | neighborlee: maybe it should be 'open with kdesu (or kdesudo)' :D | 17:13 |
barbaros | do i need to install somethin additionally ? | 17:13 |
neighborlee | WaltzingAlong: :) | 17:13 |
WaltzingAlong | barbaros: there is a checkbox you need to click | 17:13 |
barbaros | enable GUI effects ? | 17:14 |
WaltzingAlong | barbaros: there is a checkbox you need to click "enable gui effects" just above the menu effects option | 17:14 |
WaltzingAlong | bingo | 17:14 |
barbaros | every checkbox is clicked | 17:14 |
atlfalcons866 | WaltzineAlong: does strigi index every file type like ogg | 17:14 |
barbaros | it's clicked but the in the lower part menu transparancey is faded | 17:14 |
WaltzingAlong | barbaros: then switch the transparency amount with the slider at the bottom | 17:14 |
barbaros | it's not available i can read but i cant move slidebar | 17:15 |
newsense07 | some styles dont alow transparency, make sure the one your using does | 17:15 |
barbaros | i use plastik | 17:15 |
barbaros | does it not allow transparency? | 17:15 |
newsense07 | i have no idea which do or dont | 17:15 |
newsense07 | i know my style (domino) does not | 17:16 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: http://strigi.sourceforge.net/?q=features i think it will index filenames of each things even if it cannot index data within the file | 17:16 |
atlfalcons866 | is there a way to use beagle? | 17:16 |
WaltzingAlong | barbaros: yes plastik does (using it here) | 17:16 |
newsense07 | plastik does i got transparency working witrh it | 17:17 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: install beagle, find it with adept manager | 17:17 |
barbaros | it's not related with styles | 17:17 |
barbaros | i ve changed the styles nothing happens | 17:17 |
atlfalcons866 | or should i use kerry which is a frontend to beagle in KDE | 17:17 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: to stay as close to kubuntu (kde) as possible, that choice | 17:17 |
atlfalcons866 | ok thanks could i remove strigi | 17:18 |
curi0 | Hello Everyone! | 17:18 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: you could | 17:18 |
atlfalcons866 | ok | 17:18 |
Yammeh | Guys, I'm having an problem restarting and shutting down my pc. It gets to the splash image with the big kubuntu logo and then the loading bar and gets to the end of that. Then KNetworkManager does something and my pc hangs on "System will now halt" or something.. any idea what I could do to fix the problem? | 17:18 |
Yammeh | Sorry for the wall of text | 17:18 |
atlfalcons866 | does ext3 support extented user attributes? | 17:18 |
=== ludo__ is now known as pti | ||
WaltzingAlong | !ext3 | 17:19 |
ubotu | ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org | 17:19 |
atlfalcons866 | !beagle | 17:19 |
ubotu | Services to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI) | 17:19 |
pti | yop | 17:19 |
atlfalcons866 | !tracker | 17:19 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: yes | 17:19 |
pti | Quoi tracker | 17:19 |
MurielGodoi | Hi how can I set a colored shell in my user, as it is when I'm root? | 17:20 |
Yammeh | I guess no one knows how to fix my issue? | 17:21 |
ati_sucks | this isn't going well :S | 17:21 |
=== ati_sucks is now known as Wiz | ||
pti | you have to set the option | 17:22 |
pti | just take a look in configuration or edition | 17:23 |
rakan | hello, how can i set a static IP that my machine can use everytime i log on to kubuntu? | 17:23 |
atlfalcons866 | what processor is kubuntu optimized for | 17:23 |
rakan | i386 | 17:23 |
rakan | 32 bit | 17:24 |
Jucato | !generic | atlfalcons866 | 17:24 |
ubotu | atlfalcons866: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) | 17:24 |
rakan | hello, how can i set a static IP that my machine can use everytime i log on to kubuntu? | 17:25 |
rakan | i solved the Broadcom wireless device and i need to do modprobe everytime i login to kubuntu | 17:25 |
pti | just take a look in system configuration and ip | 17:26 |
rakan | pti: where can i find those? | 17:27 |
patrick_ | wie komme ich den deutschen kanal? | 17:27 |
Lynoure | !de | 17:27 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 17:27 |
sub[t]rnl | rakan: start-systemsettings-networks | 17:27 |
sub[t]rnl | you can set a static ip their, or in /etc/networks/interface | 17:28 |
enyo | ok... i'm back with the same problem... | 17:28 |
Lynoure | Firefox always fails to get saved with the KDE session. Is that a known bug? | 17:28 |
enyo | my Xorg still a 44% ;) | 17:28 |
patrick_ | !de | 17:29 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 17:29 |
Vermux | how do I switch shell tabs with the keyboard within Konsole? | 17:29 |
patrick_ | #kubuntu-de | 17:29 |
patrick_ | wie wechselt man denn die Kanäle | 17:29 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: using compiz fusion? | 17:29 |
Wiz | /j kubuntu-de | 17:29 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: not that i know of | 17:30 |
WaltzingAlong | Parkotron: klick einfach #kubuntu-ed oder schrieb /join #kubuntu-de | 17:30 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: i have no compiz package installed so i suppose not | 17:30 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep GLX for me | 17:30 |
enyo | Load "glx" | 17:31 |
sub[t]rnl | that it? | 17:31 |
enyo | yep | 17:31 |
sub[t]rnl | ok, lets try this | 17:31 |
sub[t]rnl | uner "Screen" sections | 17:31 |
sub[t]rnl | add | 17:31 |
sub[t]rnl | uner = under | 17:31 |
sub[t]rnl | Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" | 17:32 |
sub[t]rnl | this will put the load on your graphics card instead of the cpu | 17:32 |
Vermux | who know how to switch shell tabs with the keyboard in Konsole? | 17:32 |
sub[t]rnl | put this in there too | 17:32 |
sub[t]rnl | Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" | 17:32 |
Jucato | Vermux: Shift+Left/Right | 17:32 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: i have 2 screen sections... should i add it in both? | 17:32 |
jeanmass_ | hi | 17:32 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: yes sir | 17:32 |
WaltzingAlong | Vermux: konversation/settings/configure shortcuts ... however you want! | 17:33 |
=== jeanmass_ is now known as jeanmass | ||
oleksandr | Hello! | 17:33 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: you told me twiche to put argbglxvisuals in there | 17:33 |
jeanmass | how to crack a wep key? | 17:33 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: what was the second line i should add? | 17:33 |
Vermux | Jucato: thanks | 17:33 |
Vermux | WaltzingAlong: thanks | 17:33 |
Jucato | no prob | 17:33 |
sub[t]rnl | Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" | 17:34 |
Jucato | WaltzingAlong: he asked konsole though :P | 17:34 |
WaltzingAlong | Jucato: ah i meant that | 17:34 |
Jucato | :D | 17:34 |
chris_ | morning everyone | 17:34 |
WaltzingAlong | works the same | 17:34 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: ? just that one line? | 17:35 |
sub[t]rnl | Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "True" AND Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" to both your "Screen" sections | 17:35 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: ok.. i never got the withcomposite line | 17:36 |
jeanmass | ? | 17:36 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: ok thanks... i will restart X | 17:36 |
newsense07 | is there any way 2 control amarok with a keyboard with multimedia keys ? | 17:36 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: i'll be back! (hopefully) | 17:36 |
oleksandr | Wko know witch drivers for Radeon 9250 I can use: Xfree or XOrg (http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon-prer200.html) | 17:37 |
oleksandr | With kubuntu | 17:37 |
newsense07 | kubuntu uses xorg | 17:37 |
WaltzingAlong | newsense07: amarok/settings/configure shortcuts | 17:37 |
oleksandr | thanks! | 17:37 |
newsense07 | cool thanks | 17:37 |
oleksandr | Kubuntu use drivers from ATI. Is it better, to change drivers? (Radeon 9250) | 17:40 |
oleksandr | ups Kubuntu use drivers from ATI? | 17:40 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: unfortunately that didnt do the trick | 17:41 |
newsense07 | !ati | 17:41 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 17:41 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: hrm | 17:41 |
oleksandr | thanks! | 17:41 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: xorg is currently using just 2% | 17:41 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: apparently it just increases over time | 17:41 |
newsense07 | np | 17:41 |
genii | oleksandr: kubuntu and ubuntu use ati drivers, currently they are a bit behind in porting the latest ones in. Most current available right now in ubuntu is 8.28.8 latest ATI currently provides is 8.42.3 | 17:42 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: when i open patience (the card game) i cant even deal the cards normally because its too slow | 17:42 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: keep an eye on it now that we've fixed your xorg.conf | 17:42 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: the funny thing is: opengl works | 17:42 |
Wiz | so is this thread not working: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=575843 ? | 17:43 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: i mean... is it normal that Xorg uses 80% of the cpu when resizing a window? | 17:43 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: heh, not sure. I know mine doesn't. | 17:43 |
oleksandr | <genii> th | 17:43 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: put Option "UseEvents" "True" in the screens too | 17:44 |
oleksandr | where I can get it? | 17:44 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: what does that do? | 17:44 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: not sure how to explain it | 17:44 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: just helps with cpu usage | 17:44 |
oleksandr | <genii> where I can get it? | 17:45 |
oleksandr | drivers | 17:45 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: ok... i'll try it. i'll be back in a sec | 17:46 |
oleksandr | 8.42.3 | 17:46 |
jeanmass | i followed this, but the airmon command doesn't work | 17:47 |
marxcha1 | i want my java apps to look like native (k)ubuntu applications. is this possible? | 17:47 |
jeanmass | i followed this http://www.askstudent.com/hacking/how-to-crack-a-wep-key-using-ubuntu/ , but the airmon command doesn't work | 17:48 |
jthomas | how do i change the default editor for 'sudo' ? when i run 'sudo crontab -e' i get some editor but I want VIM | 17:49 |
chx | hi. I am looking for a good SIP softphone. | 17:50 |
chx | I run Kubuntu Gutsy (doh) | 17:50 |
kristen | Does anyone here think they can help me figure out why I cannot get Direct Rendering with the ATI 8.42.3 driver? I am using an x1400 and all settings _appear_ to be correct... fglrxinfo reports using the driver, however glxinfo reports no direct rendering and OpenGL renderer string: mesa? | 17:50 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: still the same | 17:51 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: i'll be bakc... thanks for now :) | 17:51 |
mkz | is it true that compiz-fusion is included with gutsy? And if so, how does one install it? | 17:51 |
jthomas | with gutsy Ubuntu but not Kubuntu | 17:52 |
jthomas | not sure tho, although there is a howto somewhere | 17:52 |
mkz | ok, so if I want compiz-fusion I need to install it myself... np | 17:52 |
jthomas | mkz ^^ | 17:52 |
Vermux | why calculating expression $[X*Y] doesnt work for me in Vim. The output im getting is $[X*Y] and not the actual result. | 17:52 |
jthomas | some how | 17:52 |
jthomas | not sure how | 17:52 |
jthomas | !compiz | 17:52 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 17:52 |
kaminix | Anyone know how I can get sound through my laptop speakers? Thought it'd be impossible, but a friend said his speakers had sound out of the box (different computer though) | 17:52 |
kristen | kaminix: My laptop had sound out of the box. Have you checked the sound settings in your control panel? | 17:53 |
kaminix | kristen: I have sound with external speakers, I want the internals to work now. ^^ | 17:54 |
Vermux | anybody? need help with Vim. why calculating expression $[X*Y] doesnt work for me in Vim. The output im getting is $[X*Y] and not the actual result.+ | 17:54 |
kristen | kaminix: Yeah, my built-in and external both worked out of the box. | 17:54 |
sub[t]rnl | kaminix: alsamixer, turn on the front's | 17:54 |
genii | oleksandr: If you want to do the manual install way, for method: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_8.41.7_Driver_Manually but then use http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.42.3-x86.x86_64.run as the driver instead of the one listed. If on Gutsy substitute where it says Feisty in the instructions. | 17:54 |
sub[t]rnl | scared me genii | 17:55 |
sub[t]rnl | :{ | 17:55 |
genii | sub[t]rnl: Sorry :) | 17:55 |
blendtux | how are the new ati drivers btw better then before | 17:55 |
Vermux | who can help with vim? | 17:55 |
kaminix | sub[t]rnl: I have no front in alsamixer. Turned them all on now, still nothing | 17:56 |
kristen | blendtux: I installed the new driver and now it takes at least a minute just to open Konqueror, no compiz. But so far that seems to be just me. ^_^ | 17:56 |
genii | blendtux: Right now I'm still on second-newest, 8.41.7 which was an improvement over the default 8.28.8 restricted with ubuntu. But still no composite | 17:56 |
Vermux | nobody here knows how to use Vim? | 17:57 |
blendtux | yes Vermux using it now to edit my sources.list | 17:57 |
Vermux | blendtux: why calculating expression $[X*Y] doesnt work for me in Vim. The output im getting is $[X*Y] and not the actual result. | 17:57 |
neighborlee | ODD..if I try to start firefox from konsole it tells me there is a error..that its currently running and I need to axe that first and rerun firefox..but if I ran from icon on kicker all I see is bouncing kde cursor and it never gives any indication of this error....is this normal kde behavior ?? | 17:58 |
blendtux | ehm to be honest, i never calculate expressions in vim | 17:58 |
henning_ | Hi there, is it possible to remap the middle mouse button, so that the action 'paste' isn't called anymore every time the mouse wheel is pressed down? | 17:58 |
blendtux | let me try | 17:58 |
Vermux | blendtux: this is the script :!/bin/sh | 17:59 |
kristen | neighborlee: try killing the process. then run firefox | 17:59 |
Vermux | blendtux: and then: | 17:59 |
Vermux | echo "I will work out X*Y" | 17:59 |
Vermux | echo "Enter X" | 17:59 |
Vermux | read X | 17:59 |
Vermux | echo "Enter Y" | 17:59 |
Vermux | read Y | 17:59 |
Vermux | echo "X*Y = $X*$Y = $[X*Y]" | 17:59 |
genii | Vermux: Put instead for first line #!/bin/sh | 18:00 |
genii | Also the logic in your last line looks messy | 18:00 |
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Vermux | genii: that what I put | 18:02 |
genii | ah no it was an echo, not two = | 18:02 |
minnozz | I can't login anymore on my pc, when I enter my password the screen turns black and the login prompt appears again | 18:02 |
Vermux | genii: right, it is echo | 18:02 |
jthomas | how do i change the default editor for 'sudo' ? when i run 'sudo crontab -e' i get some editor but I want VIM | 18:03 |
blendtux | ehm you have a problem with your xserver minnozz | 18:03 |
jthomas | i want vim everywhere, actually, no Nano or whatever it is | 18:03 |
Vermux | genii: Im not getting the result as output | 18:03 |
blendtux | did you edit it recently minnozz | 18:03 |
minnozz | blendtux: I didn't edit anything | 18:03 |
minnozz | blendtux: I just rebooted because my system was terribly slow | 18:03 |
Vermux | Jucato: do u know how to use Vim? | 18:04 |
Jucato | yes, but not calculate w/ it :) | 18:04 |
Jucato | and I only know the basics | 18:04 |
kristen | minnozz: I don't suppose you installed a new graphics driver? | 18:04 |
minnozz | Ooh wait, I did edit something | 18:04 |
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Vermux | Jucato: Im just doing an example- it is basic | 18:04 |
minnozz | I installed a ney keyboard and changed the keyboard layout | 18:04 |
Vermux | Jucato: it doesnt display a result of expression | 18:04 |
Jucato | Vermux: I've read. but my "basic" doesn't include calculating inside vim :) | 18:05 |
blendtux | oke minnozz go to the terminal | 18:05 |
Vermux | Jucato: ok | 18:05 |
minnozz | blendtux: I'm there right now, with irssi, so that'll be a little problem | 18:05 |
jerbear | is there a way to better integrate kde and firefox? | 18:05 |
Jucato | Vermux: sorry.. | 18:05 |
minnozz | I'll be right back, using screen | 18:05 |
Vermux | blendtux: did u try it? | 18:05 |
Jucato | minnozz: can you check how much disk space you have? | 18:05 |
blendtux | minnozz: you can open another terminal | 18:06 |
Jucato | too late :P | 18:06 |
blendtux | ehm not realy, it seem more like a programmer thing, me dont know nothing about that | 18:06 |
minnozz | back | 18:07 |
minnozz | Ok, what do I need to check? | 18:07 |
Vermux | genii: did u try it? | 18:08 |
Jucato | <Jucato> minnozz: can you check how much disk space you have? | 18:08 |
minnozz | Jucato: What's the command for that again? | 18:09 |
Jucato | df -h | 18:09 |
minnozz | Jucato: everything is used less than 50% | 18:09 |
Elephantman | bye :) | 18:10 |
Jucato | minnozz: oh.. hm.. not so sure what to do now :( | 18:10 |
frojnd1 | How can I check what wireless card do I have. lspci doesn't give me the exact name... | 18:10 |
frojnd1 | or specific name | 18:10 |
minnozz | Jucato: I know something to try, brb | 18:11 |
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Jucato | me has to go | 18:11 |
=== Mez|Away is now known as Mez | ||
fkm | Good evening :) Question: What IRC client are you using on Kubuntu (or another Linux distrubtion) and are you happy with it? | 18:12 |
Jucato | Konversation is the default in Kubuntu | 18:13 |
Jucato | very happy with it. | 18:13 |
* Jucato is gone | 18:13 | |
n6pfk | Hello, I can't seem to get less than or more than 2 desktops? | 18:13 |
fkm | kk | 18:13 |
fkm | Thanks | 18:13 |
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ravencoder | hi | 18:14 |
ravencoder | i have a question ... how do i check my kubuntu version? | 18:14 |
ardchoille | ravencoder: lsb_release -a | 18:14 |
blendtux | minnozz: you are back | 18:14 |
fkm | n6pfk, Just to make sure I understood you correctly: You're telling us that you can't have 2 desktops? | 18:14 |
blendtux | do you have another terminal minnozz | 18:15 |
fkm | n6pfk, Or do you mean that you only can have 2 desktops? | 18:15 |
ravencoder | it says ubuntu 7.04 | 18:15 |
minnozz | yaay | 18:15 |
ravencoder | but i think i installed kubuntu | 18:15 |
minnozz | It works again | 18:15 |
blendtux | what did you do | 18:15 |
blendtux | reconfigure your xserver | 18:15 |
Vermux | who can help with simple script in in Vim? | 18:15 |
ravencoder | will it say ubuntu when you installed kubunut? | 18:15 |
ardchoille | ravencoder: I know I installed kubuntu, but mine says Ubuntu too | 18:16 |
n6pfk | Yes and I have downloaded and installed the fglrx driver with aixgl and want to test the cube but 2 dwsktops don't cut it. | 18:16 |
minnozz | blendtux: I remembered that I followed some tutorial to enable the multimedia keys on my keyboard | 18:16 |
minnozz | blendtux: apparently that didn't work out well | 18:16 |
minnozz | s/tutorial/guide | 18:16 |
blendtux | oke | 18:16 |
fkm | n6pfk, I may be wrong. But I guess this is a #compiz-fusion question. | 18:17 |
ravencoder | ok so another question ... this chat works but konquerer doesn't work .. it doesn't "see" the internet any ideas? | 18:17 |
Vermux | need help with Vim here | 18:17 |
minnozz | blendtux: going back to KDE now, brb | 18:17 |
Vermux | who can help? | 18:17 |
ravencoder | ok so another question ... this chat works but konquerer doesn't work .. it doesn't "see" the internet any ideas? | 18:17 |
fkm | Vermux, You'd need to tell us more about your problem first! | 18:18 |
n6pfk | I go to the system-settings and enable 4 destops and the status bar says I have 4 but I realy only have two. | 18:18 |
fkm | n6pfk, I may be wrong. But I guess this is a #compiz-fusion question. | 18:18 |
Nergar | hello | 18:18 |
Vermux | why calculating expression $[X*Y] doesnt work for me in Vim. The output im getting is $[X*Y] and not the actual result. | 18:18 |
Nergar | how do i run kde4 in ubuntu? | 18:18 |
fhd | hi. cmiiw, but wasn't there some place in launchpad where one can comment on kubuntu gutsy? | 18:18 |
ravencoder | anyone here that can help????? | 18:18 |
ravencoder | Nergar: you do apt-get install kde | 18:19 |
Thylio | I have installed conkey, and it is running in desktop. But, i cant find the folder! | 18:19 |
Nergar | yes | 18:19 |
fhd | ravencoder: you don't "see" the internet? | 18:19 |
Vermux | the cript is: | 18:19 |
Nergar | ravencoder, kde4-base | 18:19 |
Vermux | echo "I will work out X*Y" | 18:19 |
Vermux | echo "Enter X" | 18:19 |
Vermux | read X | 18:19 |
Vermux | echo "Enter Y" | 18:19 |
Vermux | read Y | 18:19 |
ravencoder | yeah... | 18:19 |
Vermux | echo "X*Y = $X*$Y = $[X*Y]" | 18:19 |
ravencoder | An error occurred while loading http://www.google.co.za/: | 18:19 |
fhd | ravencoder: care to elaborate? | 18:19 |
ravencoder | Could not connect to host http://www.google.co.za/. | 18:19 |
fhd | ah | 18:20 |
fhd | okay sorry, can't help you then :( | 18:20 |
ravencoder | that sucks | 18:20 |
Nergar | ravencoder, in gdm > sessions i only have gnome but no kde entry | 18:20 |
Vermux | fkm: with this line at the beginning : #!/bin/sh | 18:20 |
minnozz | screen++ | 18:20 |
ravencoder | no idea Nergar | 18:20 |
ravencoder | sry | 18:20 |
matahari | hi | 18:20 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: still there? | 18:21 |
fhd | Nergar: you want to run kde4, right? | 18:21 |
matahari | i have problems with the sound of my notebook and need alsa-packages for version 1.0.15 - is there something available as .deb somewhere (for gutsy) | 18:21 |
minnozz | The 'new distribution available'-fix still isn't fixed I see? | 18:21 |
Nergar | fhd, yes | 18:21 |
ardchoille | Does the kate editor come standard with kde? | 18:21 |
fkm | Vermux, First of all, this is not a vim problem but a problem with the script you're writing with vim. And secondly, I don't have a clue. I've never written a shell script to this point. | 18:21 |
minnozz | s/fix/bug | 18:21 |
fhd | Nergar: did you try to follow this small guide? http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | 18:22 |
Thylio | I have installed conkey, and it is running in desktop. But, i cant find the folder! | 18:22 |
fhd | Nergar: especially the last point is probably what you need | 18:22 |
Nergar | fhd, yes, but i dont have those folders mentioned in the last point | 18:22 |
fhd | no /usr/lib/kde4? | 18:22 |
Nergar | wait | 18:23 |
=== Minnozz_ is now known as Minnozz | ||
Neutrinux | hi! basket is no longer integrated in kontact since kde 3.5.8. How can i fix it?? | 18:23 |
Nergar | fhd, no /us/lib/kde4/apps | 18:24 |
ravencoder | so check this ...konquerer = not working for internet on Kubuntu 7.04 amd 64 | 18:24 |
ravencoder | i got apt-get firefox | 18:24 |
ravencoder | works fine | 18:24 |
sparrw | how can i reload an html email in thunderbird? | 18:25 |
Nergar | fhd, i mean /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions | 18:25 |
fhd | Nergar: Nergar hm. strange then. are you sure that you installed the kdebase-workspace package? | 18:25 |
Nergar | damn is late g2g!!! | 18:25 |
fkm | Vermux, In what language are shell-scripts written? That's the first thing you need to know. And then you should try the channel for this language (i.e. #bash). IMO | 18:27 |
Thylio | What command do I use when i'm gona edit ex. .conkyrc file?? gedit is a unknown command | 18:31 |
fkm | Thylio, You can use whatever you like | 18:33 |
fkm | Thylio, i.e. Kate: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 18:34 |
ardchoille | fkm: Not all shell scripts are bash scripts.. bash is not the only shell. There is also ksh, csh, zsh, etc. | 18:34 |
fkm | Thylio, or vim (console): sudo vim /etx/X11/xorg.conf | 18:34 |
fkm | ardchoille, Thank you for the info :D | 18:34 |
tadzik | hi | 18:34 |
tadzik | how to upgrade feisty to gutsy? | 18:35 |
ardchoille | !upgrade | tadzik | 18:35 |
ubotu | tadzik: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 18:35 |
tadzik | thanks a lot | 18:35 |
ardchoille | yw | 18:35 |
Thylio | fkm, okay, thanks :) | 18:35 |
fkm | Thylio, If you don't need root/sudo to write to the file you can omit kdesu/sudo | 18:36 |
fkm | Thylio, And as I've read somewhere you should always use kdesu for non-console applications and not i.e. "sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf". But don't ask me why :D | 18:37 |
=== marian is now known as m_marian | ||
ardchoille | !kdesu | 18:37 |
ubotu | In KDE, use « kdesudo » (Gutsy) or « kdesu » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use « sudo <GUI application> »; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 18:37 |
m_marian | who can tell me a messenger client under ubuntu which has voice | 18:38 |
fkm | Heheh. Thank you again, ardchoille :D | 18:39 |
ardchoille | :) | 18:39 |
enyo | what graphics card would you advise me to buy? a nvidia or ati ? | 18:39 |
ardchoille | enyo: I would recommend nvidia | 18:40 |
Minnozz | !karma | 18:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about karma - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 18:40 |
Minnozz | =( | 18:40 |
fkm | Me2. But ATI is making progress these days. Just released a new driver with AIGLX support 2 days ago. | 18:41 |
enyo | but haven't ati just made their drivers open source? | 18:41 |
fkm | But I don't like closed source :D | 18:41 |
ardchoille | enyo: open source != better quality | 18:41 |
Hamppari | fkm: have they? I doubt it | 18:42 |
fkm | I don't think they will ever completely make it open. But I didn't read the announcement completely. Maybe I missed that | 18:42 |
fkm | Hamppari, Give me a minute. I'll search the link | 18:42 |
SlimeyPete | ATI announced that they are to create brand new OSS drivers | 18:42 |
SlimeyPete | so...eventually, with a bit of luck and a following wind, there might be decent open-source drivers for ATI cards | 18:43 |
Hamppari | Well atleast they are going in the right direction. | 18:43 |
chx | I can't get kftpgrabber to download multple files at once | 18:44 |
chx | I have set threads to 5 | 18:44 |
chx | what else do i need to do? | 18:44 |
Hamppari | err | 18:44 |
AmyRose | Is there a way to keep OpenOffice.org from using that horrible bytecode hinting when rendering fonts (other than recompiling FreeType without it, which is what I have been doing)? I tried asking around and Googling this for hours and the OO.o devs seem to unanimously believe the bytecode interpreter is the best thing ever, even though it makes fonts like Arial, Times New Roman look AWFUL (missing parts of lines, for example) and my UI font looks | 18:44 |
AmyRose | horrible too... | 18:44 |
fkm | Hamppari, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=887 | 18:44 |
enyo | so in fact... nvidia for the moment... | 18:44 |
fkm | Yes | 18:45 |
Hamppari | chx: are you trying to download a single file or multiple files | 18:45 |
PhinnFort | where do i find the debug symbols for dolphin? | 18:45 |
Hamppari | If you want to download single files in many pieces I suggest aget | 18:46 |
chx | Hamppari: multiple. | 18:46 |
enyo | thats the 3 time today that adept tells me (all exited) that i can upgrade to gutsy gibbon... | 18:46 |
enyo | thats cool and all.. but but im already runnung gutsy gibbon | 18:47 |
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi | ||
lovre | why am i getting version upgrade available when im allready at gutsy? is this normal? | 18:47 |
Hamppari | chx: just use wget | 18:48 |
enyo | thats what i'm saying | 18:48 |
Hamppari | enyo: I had that bug too | 18:48 |
Hamppari | But It happened only once | 18:48 |
chx | Hamppari: uh. that might be rather complicated. I have about a hundred files totalling four gigs and i need to download in five threads. | 18:48 |
enyo | seems to have happened to lovre too ;) | 18:48 |
fkm | enyo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bug/154771 | 18:48 |
Hamppari | chx: Oh.. | 18:49 |
chx | Hamppari: as it happens, one thread is rarely above 10kbyte/s but apparently i can squeeze about approx 40kbyte/s when running multiple threads. this worked with desktop under feisty 1.5months ago now laptop with gutsy can't get it working | 18:50 |
enyo | fkm: yeah thats it ;) | 18:50 |
denis | also jetzt dreh ich doch durch o.O | 18:51 |
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limex | hello | 18:52 |
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TimS | Kicker seems to crash all the time | 18:54 |
doil | hello i have a tablet pc and with wacom the pen works, with xrandr i can rotate my screen, works also perfect but the pen doesnt rotate with, anyone here who knows what ive to edit in xorg.conf or with command i need? | 18:54 |
TimS | I have COmpiz Fusion and this is the backtrace fromt teh error | 18:54 |
TimS | [KCrash handler] | 18:54 |
TimS | #6 0xb7535cc6 in operator>> () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3 | 18:54 |
TimS | #7 0xb6aa0ee9 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libDCOP.so.4 | 18:54 |
TimS | #8 0xbf8cafa0 in ?? () | 18:54 |
TimS | #9 0x00000000 in ?? () | 18:54 |
chx | gutsy is a huge letdown insofar. programs crash all the time, laptop brightness control do not work. | 18:54 |
TimS | I'm on fesity :P | 18:54 |
AmyRose | !pastebin | TimS | 18:55 |
ubotu | TimS: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 18:55 |
limex | I'm on feisty. I tried to upgrade to gutsy, the upgrade was fine until the actual installation. All the files are already downloaded. The installer just closes after some time. Adept says I have 842 pages. Can I just do a full upgrade ? | 18:55 |
limex | 842 packages | 18:55 |
AmyRose | chx: But it WorksForMe®! | 18:55 |
TimS | I know AmyRose | 18:55 |
TimS | It wasnt supposed to be that long it should have been 2 lines | 18:56 |
chx | Great. I am ready to pay to whoever can get the brightness controls work again. | 18:56 |
AmyRose | chx: Whether they work or not depends on what laptop you have | 18:56 |
joacim_ | Hello, do anyone know if it safe to abort the "Distribution Upgrade" in 7.04. I was going to upgrade to 7.10, but I get segfaults for debconf and then the x11-common.deb won't install ... I'm better seems to wait for an upgrade of the upgraderpackage in 7.04. Anyone with similar experience? | 18:56 |
Thylio | how do i move conky to the right side?! | 18:56 |
chx | AmyRose: damnit it was working in feisty flawlessly | 18:56 |
TimS | !conky | 18:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about conky - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 18:56 |
TimS | !info conky | 18:56 |
ubotu | conky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.7-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 140 kB, installed size 472 kB | 18:56 |
chx | somehwat it works because if I unplug or replug the power cord then it switches | 18:56 |
chx | wtf | 18:57 |
AmyRose | chx: What laptop do you have? | 18:57 |
chx | kftpgrabber just begun to download parallel | 18:57 |
chx | tick! | 18:57 |
chx | AmyRose: Panasonic Y5 | 18:57 |
chx | best laptop for travellers, light and can take a very several beating without a problem. Magnesium alloy case FTW | 18:57 |
TimS | Thylio: Let me have a look, one second | 18:58 |
AmyRose | chx: Well, I had trouble with my desktop system's wifi card and people kept telling me to just use ndiswrapper, when I had it working natively (no ndiswrapper) in Dapper, Edgy, and Feisty. >.> Turns out I had to compile a driver and introduce a blacklist. At least I got it working, but now I have to manually keep track of the driver | 18:58 |
chx | My offer stands. I am happy to negotiate a price for getting back my brightness control. I alreayd blaclisted video and tried downloading another pcc acpi. | 18:59 |
AmyRose | And there is no way I'm using ndiswrapper! | 18:59 |
Hamppari | AmyRose: I personally prefer using ndiswrapper | 19:00 |
carwash^ | Anyone know how i can enable previews of videos in konqueror? | 19:00 |
TimS | Thylio: Start it on the command line like: conky -a Top_Right | 19:00 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: Why? What good would a binary blob of a Windoze driver do? | 19:00 |
Hamppari | Can you even use WPA if you're running native driver? | 19:00 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: I don't even use that here. My laptop's Atheros card can use WPA with its native driver though, which I need at school. | 19:01 |
TimS | Thylio: Run conky -help to find the parameters | 19:01 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: I never got WPA working right with ndiswrapper | 19:01 |
Hamppari | AmyRose: Well my bcm4318 can only use ndiswrapper, but I think i'd still use ndiswrapper if I could use native | 19:02 |
contrast83 | Has anyone else been having wireless issues with Gutsy? My card will sometimes randomly lose the connection, and the only thing I can do to get it back is reboot (i.e., "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart", "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart", and killing/restarting NetworkManager don't help). | 19:02 |
Hamppari | what wireless u got AmyRose | 19:02 |
contrast83 | This card worked *flawlessly* with Feisty. I really don't want to downgrade, but it's looking like I may have to. :-( | 19:02 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: My laptop has Atheros and my desktop has a Ralink RT2570 USB dongle. | 19:02 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: Both companies wrote Linux drivers for their wifi products :D | 19:02 |
Hamppari | Aah.. Well.. What can I say.. Broadcom | 19:03 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: The Belkin (Ralink) is even recommended by RMS because the native drivers for it are 100% GPL! | 19:03 |
kuta | where to find the "software source" as in ubuntu? | 19:03 |
Hamppari | AmyRose: Well I hate the fact that I have to use windoze driver but what can you do :P | 19:04 |
Hamppari | Though It's working perfectly | 19:04 |
kuta | where can I find "software source" in kubuntu | 19:04 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: Well, I bought the Belkin dongle because of its native Linux support. There's no way I'm going to use ndiswrapper after researching this. :P | 19:04 |
Hamppari | WPA2 encyption and very good signal | 19:04 |
chx | another problem. usb sticks do not automount. i get a very annoying dialog instead of just mounting and shutting up. | 19:04 |
contrast83 | kuta: It's under Adept Manager's settings somewhere. I don't remember exactly; purging Adept and replacing it with Synaptic, etc. is always one of the first things I do on a fresh Kubuntu installation. | 19:04 |
contrast83 | kuta: You could always manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list. That's a lot quicker anyway. ;-) | 19:05 |
plato | bleh :( | 19:05 |
Hamppari | kuta: K-Menu -> System -> Adept | 19:05 |
kuta | where can I get a complete list of source | 19:05 |
chx | google.com | 19:05 |
Hamppari | kuta: K-Menu -> System -> Adept, then Manage Repositories and there you can enable the repos you wantr | 19:06 |
fladd | hi there, does anyone know, if there is a shortcut to give the strigi applet focus so i can start searching without using the mouse? | 19:06 |
contrast83 | Can someone please help me get my wireless card working properly? This is driving me insane. I can't get anything done if I'm having to reboot at the whim of my card. | 19:06 |
lovre | you know those pop-up notifications that skype has? Yea. Why do they appear on TOP of my tray, hiding icons and clock? | 19:06 |
=== cocco is now known as djjuliano | ||
Hamppari | contrast83: what wireless you got?? | 19:07 |
Hamppari | type lspci in konsole | 19:07 |
kuta | thanks. I like to play with different version of ubuntu, k is quite cool too | 19:07 |
contrast83 | Hamppari: Cisco Aironet. Worked perfectly in Feisty. | 19:07 |
Hamppari | contrast83: Ok, can't really help you there since I've only had experience with different sets of Broadcom's | 19:08 |
contrast83 | Thanks anyway... | 19:08 |
contrast83 | I had to comment out everything under "iface lo inet loopback" in /etc/network/interfaces, which I didn't have to do in Feisty. Do you think that might be relevant? | 19:08 |
Hamppari | contrast83: No problem, sorry I couldn't be any help. :( Try www.ubuntuforums.org | 19:08 |
fkm | Question: Is there a way to distinguish symbolic links from normal files within the console? | 19:09 |
kuta | gusty gibbon for kubuntu is very cool and much better than feisty | 19:10 |
Hamppari | AmyRose: Do you play games a lot? :P | 19:10 |
Hamppari | kuta: agreed. :P | 19:10 |
kuta | gusty is less confused this time hehehe | 19:11 |
contrast83 | Is there another interface besides NetworkManager that I might try out? | 19:11 |
fkm | kuta, xorg.conf seems to have changed dramaticly. Enough to be bothering me athm | 19:11 |
fkm | -h | 19:11 |
contrast83 | fkm: Just be glad you're not on Ubuntu. :-P | 19:11 |
fkm | Heheh, kk :) | 19:12 |
Hamppari | contrast83: err.. wifi-manager | 19:12 |
Hamppari | I think | 19:12 |
ardchoille | fkm: There is some color options in ~/.bashrc or you can add an alias: alias ls='ls --color=auto' | 19:12 |
fkm | kk | 19:12 |
contrast83 | Hamppari: That's a GUI, right? | 19:12 |
kuta | gusty ubuntu not much diff from feitsy ubuntu | 19:12 |
Hamppari | contrast83: yes | 19:12 |
contrast83 | Hamppari: So it still uses NetworkManager on the backend? | 19:13 |
Hamppari | kuta: well feisty had for example, desktop effects by default :P | 19:13 |
Hamppari | contrast83: Im really not sure.. | 19:13 |
Hamppari | But you could try it | 19:13 |
ardchoille | fkm: I think that alias is already there, you just need to uncomment it | 19:13 |
kuta | I just hope infuture ubuntu and kubuntu has all properiotory drivers and codeces loade by default like freespire | 19:14 |
contrast83 | I might. I tried it before when I initially couldn't get my card working at all (before I commented out the necessary stuff in /etc/network/interfaces). Seemed decent. | 19:14 |
mitya | hi guys | 19:14 |
Hamppari | kuta: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras and thats it.... | 19:14 |
mitya | i have a fresh install of gusty, but I always have problems, when I want to set up "console" font to konsole | 19:15 |
fkm | ardchoille, color=auto was, what I needed. But doesn't seem to do much more than a plain --color :( All the names that I think may be links are white and the directories are blue :\ And I don't have a .bashrc But I'll just fix the xorg.conf and then boot into KDE. There I'll have a better overview :) | 19:15 |
fkm | But thank you anyway! :) | 19:15 |
ardchoille | fkm: yeah | 19:15 |
mitya | does anybody have any suggestion on this ? | 19:15 |
kuta | resitricted-extra has no realplayer | 19:15 |
neighborlee | what on earth is going on ..;)...I just 'updated' the current stuff...and now its saying: a new distro version is available: click next if you want to upgrade n ow ????? | 19:16 |
contrast83 | Hamppari: Ahh... Looks like KWiFiManager uses the standard wireless tools on the backend (iwconfig, etc.). This could be promising. I have this gut feeling NetworkManager's the culprit in all of this. | 19:16 |
Hamppari | kuta: You are sure?? Atleast on Ubuntu I could play real on firefox after installing restricted extras through mplayer plugin | 19:16 |
Hamppari | contrast83: Good luck :) | 19:17 |
Hamppari | kuta: im 90% sure of it.. :P Havent tried real on Kubuntu yet though | 19:17 |
kuta | Hamppari: you mean u can find realplayer after installing restricted extra? | 19:17 |
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntudsdsd | ||
jrwr | With my bootsplash it tries to use a mode my mointer doesnt support, ive tried vga=791 with no luck (i can do 1024x764 @ 60hz) | 19:18 |
contrast83 | Hamppari: Thanks... I'm gonna uninstall network-manager, put KWiFiManager on and reboot. We'll see how this goes. | 19:18 |
Civic | Hello People | 19:18 |
chx | So now i discovered that ubuntu installs its own pcc_acpi module somewhere else and now successfully installed the 0.9 version of pcc_acpi. | 19:18 |
Civic | I wanted to ask if someone knows how to customize Kate program | 19:18 |
contrast83 | Hamppari: Unless, that is, you know of an easier way to keep NetworkManager from starting at boot? | 19:18 |
Hamppari | kuta: You mean you want to watch .rm files or you want to watch realvideos on you're browser?? | 19:18 |
jrwr | With my bootsplash it tries to use a mode my mointer doesnt support, ive tried vga=791 with no luck (i can do 1024x764 @ 60hz) | 19:19 |
chx | Instead of 0.8.4 that gutsy ships with | 19:19 |
Civic | When I open the treminal in KAte program, and the nI click on the source, I want teh terminal frame to close automaticaly. How to do that? | 19:19 |
neighborlee | anyone ??? | 19:19 |
chx | now. if press fn+f1 / f2 the /proc/acpi/pcc/ac_brightness file changes but the laptop brightness does not change. | 19:19 |
neighborlee | I need to exit this so I can do something else..assuming its safe to do so ;) | 19:19 |
Hamppari | contrast83: Cant really recommend anything since I havent got a clue about your wificard | 19:19 |
chx | what else can be the problem? this is the very version written for this laptop | 19:20 |
Hamppari | kuta: VLC plays realmedia | 19:20 |
contrast83 | Hamppari: Alright... Well, thanks a lot for your help. If I'm not back within 10 minutes, send a rescue squad. :-P | 19:20 |
jrwr | Sure thing | 19:20 |
kuta | Hamppari: VLC play real media? .rm format? u sure? | 19:20 |
Civic | When I open the terminal in Kate program, how to make it close automatically, when I click on the source? | 19:20 |
Hamppari | kuta: I believe so | 19:20 |
=== mario_ is now known as mario__ | ||
Hamppari | kuta: It plays quicktimes too so why not realmedia | 19:21 |
kuta | Hamppari: I wanna listen to bbc online radio what shall I do | 19:21 |
blendtux | my god the medibuntu.org repo is very slow today | 19:21 |
Hamppari | kuta: vlc can play streaming media | 19:22 |
Hamppari | And it has all the codecs build in | 19:22 |
blendtux | is that so, Hamppari | 19:23 |
Hamppari | Well many codecs atleast :D | 19:23 |
blendtux | so you are telling me if i remove my /usr/lib/win32 directory it will play my xvid videos | 19:23 |
belahcen | i don't like linux | 19:23 |
lado | ku kubuntu enforces disk check at start up when it is mounted 20 times. How do I disable at? | 19:23 |
kuta | Can I install ubuntu-restricted-extra on kubuntu | 19:23 |
AmyRose | belahcen: Then what are you doing here? | 19:23 |
blendtux | nobody likes linux belahcen | 19:24 |
AmyRose | blendtux: Hey! | 19:24 |
Hamppari | kuta: no, install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 19:24 |
belahcen | i can install | 19:24 |
* AmyRose likes Linux | 19:24 | |
blendtux | we love it :) | 19:24 |
belahcen | firefox | 19:24 |
neighborlee | belahcen: why whats wrong with linux ;) | 19:24 |
belahcen | i have some probleme | 19:24 |
kuta | At first I dont like linux | 19:24 |
AmyRose | Oh, I don't like Firefox. Konqueror FTW! :D | 19:24 |
belahcen | with how use | 19:24 |
kuta | it took me 7 years to love linux | 19:24 |
AmyRose | kuta: That long?! | 19:24 |
AmyRose | It only took me a couple of weeks! | 19:24 |
neighborlee | it can take time,,depending on ones needs | 19:24 |
ardchoille | Please take the "I don't like linux" stuff to another channel. | 19:25 |
blendtux | 7 years, lol if it took me seven years, i would already bought myself an ibook | 19:25 |
chx | I loved feisty | 19:25 |
neighborlee | ardchoille: so far he seems reasonably non threatening | 19:25 |
kuta | I am a apple user | 19:25 |
neighborlee | kuta: sweeeeeeeeet | 19:25 |
neighborlee | kuta: sometimes I WISH I had a mac :)) | 19:25 |
kuta | but support stupid windows user as a living | 19:25 |
neighborlee | at least for testing | 19:25 |
chx | but at this point i am consider buying a mac compatible usb wifi stock and making a hackint0sh out of the laptop | 19:25 |
neighborlee | kuta lol | 19:25 |
AmyRose | My first real computer was a Macintosh SE FDHD | 19:25 |
AmyRose | I also had a PC with MS-DOG 3.3 on it, but it wasn't anywhere near as powerful as my Mac | 19:26 |
blendtux | anybody have problems with very slow medibunt.org repo's | 19:26 |
kuta | The ISP here gives a ibook for signing up 2 year broadband plan | 19:26 |
Hamppari | AmyRose: You didnt answer my question :) Are you a gamer? | 19:27 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: No. | 19:27 |
neighborlee | yes..gaming in linux IS a problem | 19:27 |
=== mario__ is now known as mario__11 | ||
AmyRose | Hamppari: Well, not a PC gamer. I do play lots of Nintendo games though. | 19:27 |
neighborlee | wont be fixed until linux is higher in market share | 19:27 |
Hamppari | AmyRose: Ok | 19:27 |
neighborlee | AmyRose: Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 19:27 |
AmyRose | neighborlee: There is a quick fix though: buy a Nintendo or a PlayStation! | 19:28 |
neighborlee | sorry im so in love with wii tennis ..does it show ? lol | 19:28 |
Hamppari | AmyRose: I have Xbox | 19:28 |
AmyRose | Hamppari: Yuck! | 19:28 |
* neighborlee owns a Wii | 19:28 | |
Hamppari | ;DDD | 19:28 |
AmyRose | I wish I had a Wii, but I'm broke | 19:28 |
neighborlee | i've never ever h ad such with with a game as with my Wii | 19:28 |
neighborlee | with/fun | 19:28 |
neighborlee | AmyRose: sorry to hear that | 19:28 |
neighborlee | if I had money id buy you one amy | 19:28 |
Hamppari | AmyRose: My Xbox360 is 3months old and it has broken 2 times allready | 19:28 |
kuta | what is the meaning gameboy etc... emulator? | 19:29 |
neighborlee | santa would bring to you | 19:29 |
AmyRose | aww... | 19:29 |
neighborlee | kuta: yes it emulates gameboy games | 19:29 |
* AmyRose hugs neighborlee | 19:29 | |
neighborlee | :) | 19:29 |
AmyRose | Actually, my main motivator to switch to Linux was the fact that I'm broke. :P | 19:29 |
neighborlee | ahhhhhhhhh | 19:29 |
neighborlee | not a bad idea ;) | 19:29 |
AmyRose | I don't mind donating time, but I really can't afford to donate | 19:29 |
kuta | neighborlee: if I have the emulator software, where to get the games? | 19:29 |
neighborlee | free is the GREAT equalizer isnt' it ;) | 19:29 |
Hamppari | Kubuntu recognises my USB pad flawlessly that doesnt even work on XP SP2 ....... | 19:29 |
neighborlee | kuta: any blockbuster | 19:29 |
neighborlee | kuta: or gamestop | 19:30 |
neighborlee | or such stores | 19:30 |
kuta | dun understand | 19:30 |
neighborlee | even say target, sams..yadda | 19:30 |
neighborlee | costco..stuff like that | 19:30 |
Hamppari | kuta: I know where to get the games but I dont know If it's allready to say it in this channel | 19:30 |
Hamppari | *allright | 19:30 |
Hamppari | Since it's illegal if you dont actually own the games :P | 19:31 |
adac2 | how can i disable auto update of packages? | 19:31 |
AmyRose | Yeah, neighborlee, it is. It's also nice to be able to donate my time into end-user support and helping fix bugs instead of being charged money I don't have. | 19:31 |
AmyRose | adac2: Adept --> Manage Repositories, then go to the updates tab | 19:31 |
neighborlee | AmyRose: exactly | 19:31 |
neighborlee | its so kewl to see women in linux..its NOT that they can't do it..its just the fact that they are h ere at all..usually you see nicks like : james, kirk, steve..yadaa ;)) | 19:32 |
neighborlee | so ROCK on | 19:32 |
kuta | sorry maybe I miss it, is it ok to install ubuntu restricted extra in kubuntu? | 19:32 |
contrast83 | ^ +1 | 19:32 |
neighborlee | kuta: yes indeed | 19:32 |
contrast83 | kuta: Use kubuntu-restricted-extras instead | 19:33 |
neighborlee | yup | 19:33 |
neighborlee | sorry I meant..that yes its ok to use the restricted stuff.not the ubuntu package itself ;) | 19:33 |
Hamppari | Damn, major crash with wine.. Gotta restart x | 19:33 |
Doobeh | Ndiswrapper seems to be working with my wireless card, how do I then get networkmanager to manage it? | 19:34 |
contrast83 | That one will get all the stuff Xine (what KDE uses on the backend for media) needs for playing MP3's, etc., while ubuntu-restricted-extras is mainly for GStreamer (GNOME's equivalent backend). AFAIK, that's the only difference. | 19:34 |
neighborlee | sorry peeps...I really need help here..why is adept updater saying: a new distribution version is available! Click next if you wish to upgrade now. ???? ;)) | 19:34 |
luca | hi everyone | 19:34 |
AmyRose | neighborlee: I think that's a bug | 19:34 |
JohnFlux | neighborlee: maybe there's a new distribution version available | 19:34 |
kuta | can i confirm kubuntu restricted extras actually do not have reaplayer included? | 19:34 |
contrast83 | neighborlee: Ignore that. :-) | 19:34 |
JohnFlux | neighborlee: nm :) | 19:34 |
neighborlee | AmyRose: yeah porb. | 19:34 |
neighborlee | contrast83: so atm its just a big then | 19:34 |
contrast83 | neighborlee: Right. | 19:35 |
neighborlee | ok kewl thx peeps | 19:35 |
neighborlee | thx everyone | 19:35 |
luca | I have a problem with knetworkmanager, I can use to connect to a hidden WPA2 Enterprise wireless network, but it forgets any information upon reboot or going out of the area covered by the network | 19:35 |
contrast83 | Ubuntu - Now with a new release every week. :-P | 19:35 |
adac2 | AmyRose: well there the radio button "only notify about available updates" is selecteed. But unfortunately i never get any notifiy. But everytime i try to start apt-get via terminal all packages are on their actual version! | 19:35 |
neighborlee | contrast83: ROFL yeah indeed ;000 | 19:35 |
Hamppari | Hah.. Havent booted since yesterday I didnt even remember I had compiz on | 19:35 |
AmyRose | contrast83: What about Kubuntu? :P | 19:36 |
contrast83 | AmyRose: Blah... Kubuntu's under Ubuntu umbrella. :-P | 19:36 |
contrast83 | under the* | 19:36 |
AmyRose | It's such a shame that Ubuntu is GNOME-based though :( | 19:37 |
contrast83 | Hamppari: Thanks a lot for your suggestion. KWiFiManager seems to be working so far. I won't know if it really solves the problem until I lose my connection though. | 19:37 |
Hamppari | contrast83: Nice! | 19:37 |
=== mario is now known as mario11 | ||
AmyRose | Hmm, wonder how many more video game characters will join | 19:38 |
luca | contrast83: which problem? | 19:38 |
contrast83 | AmyRose: Yeah... I guess it *kinda* makes sense, given Canonical's ultimate aim with Ubuntu and the whole KISS approach though. | 19:38 |
Doobeh | Woo.. wireless working. Now-- how would I get it to automatically find the card, rather than me having to type 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper'? | 19:38 |
Doobeh | (when I reboot) | 19:38 |
AmyRose | contrast83: But isn't Mark Shuttleworth a KDE advocate? | 19:38 |
contrast83 | luca: My network card would randomly lose the connection and *nothing* allowed me to get it back without rebooting. | 19:38 |
zmitya | hi all, how can I install the "console" font to konsole ? | 19:38 |
contrast83 | AmyRose: Is he? I hadn't heard about that. | 19:38 |
luca | contrast83: not even a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart? | 19:39 |
zmitya | it always says: Could not install console8x16.pcf.gz into fonts:/Personal/ | 19:39 |
contrast83 | luca: Right, not that, or killing and restarting NetworkManager, and not "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart" | 19:39 |
luca | contrast83:yeah he is, but judging from Kubuntu, it's just a facade /rant/ | 19:39 |
contrast83 | ^ +1 | 19:39 |
luca | contrast83: probably you had to remove and reload the modules in the kernel | 19:40 |
AmyRose | contrast83: He's featured on KDE's news once in a while, wearing a KDE shirt. | 19:40 |
luca | contrast83: which wireless card do you have? | 19:40 |
contrast83 | At least with this release Kubuntians seem to be getting the better deal. Ubuntu seems to be having a good deal of problems, especially with the whole BulletProof X thing. | 19:40 |
luca | anyone expert in knetworkmanager anyhow? | 19:40 |
contrast83 | luca: Cisco Aironet | 19:41 |
luca | uhm I do not know it, which driver do you use? | 19:41 |
contrast83 | luca: Ermm... Not sure. It *just worked* (tm) after installation. | 19:41 |
contrast83 | madwifi I guess? | 19:41 |
luca | so no restricted driver install? do load the restricted-manager :) | 19:42 |
contrast83 | luca: I purged network-manager and am just using KWifiManager now (which uses wireless-tools on the backend). So far, so good. | 19:42 |
* contrast83 needs a smoke. | 19:43 | |
contrast83 | BB in a few minutes. | 19:43 |
=== anthony_ is now known as setesat | ||
Psi-Jack | How do I stop the HTTP Cache Cleanup service from running? I don't need nor want it to keep running every 20 minutes. | 19:48 |
evil_tech | how do i change the default sound device | 19:49 |
evil_tech | ? | 19:49 |
Psi-Jack | kcontrol, evil_tech | 19:49 |
ardchoille | !sound | evil_tech | 19:49 |
ubotu | evil_tech: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 19:49 |
hernan | Somebody speaks spanish here? | 19:49 |
ardchoille | !es | hernan | 19:49 |
ubotu | hernan: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 19:49 |
hernan | thanks | 19:49 |
ardchoille | hernan: The bot seems to ;) | 19:49 |
hernan | good by | 19:49 |
hernan | bye | 19:49 |
* Psi-Jack shakes his head at ardchoille: He simply asked, how to change the default device. LOL | 19:49 | |
evil_tech | :) | 19:50 |
ardchoille | Psi-Jack: And I help him in the only way I knew how :) | 19:50 |
ardchoille | Better than nothing | 19:50 |
Psi-Jack | Bad help, is worse than not helping, IMHO. ;) | 19:50 |
contrast83 | kcontrol >>> systemsettings | 19:50 |
Psi-Jack | Course, I'm damn blunt, too, so. Heh | 19:50 |
Psi-Jack | And dangit. I want http_cache_cleaner GONE! | 19:51 |
evil_tech | ive tried the mixer. and programs will use the device i select there but the kernel keeps using onboard sound | 19:51 |
contrast83 | Psi-Jack: That wouldn't be in Konqueror's settings, would it? | 19:51 |
Psi-Jack | evil_tech: Sounds to me like you need to follow the alsa guide for manually ordering sound devices. | 19:51 |
Psi-Jack | contrast83: Doesn't look like it. | 19:51 |
luca | Psi-Jack: no option in kcontrol or konqueror settings= | 19:51 |
evil_tech | hmm i'll try that again maybe i missed something | 19:52 |
Psi-Jack | luca: Heh, I don't even have konq itself installed. | 19:53 |
contrast83 | o_O | 19:53 |
contrast83 | Blasphemy :-P | 19:54 |
Psi-Jack | No, I just don't use KDE. I use software from KDE, but not much of it. ;) | 19:54 |
contrast83 | Ahh, got cha. | 19:54 |
Psi-Jack | But, every 20 minute, that blasted http_cache_cleaner shows up. | 19:54 |
contrast83 | Psi-Jack: So no kcontrol either then? | 19:55 |
Psi-Jack | I didn't see anything in kcontrol for it. Keyword: See. ;) | 19:55 |
Psi-Jack | It's definately something that the ubuntu packages for kde does, though, that configured it to do it, by default, whatever "it" is. ;) | 19:55 |
Psi-Jack | dpkg -S /usr/share/services/http_cache_cleaner.desktop | 19:56 |
Psi-Jack | Shows, kdelibs-data as the package. | 19:56 |
Psi-Jack | Which is related, somehow, to what my problem is, that file .:) | 19:57 |
kaminix | I'm in a Skype call and can't get my mike working. | 19:58 |
Psi-Jack | Is Skype setup to use the proper sound device? | 19:58 |
luca | Psi-Jack: what I would do is to install konqueror and check everything there, if it is true you do not even have it on your box :) and check options there | 19:58 |
fkm | Well, well, well... Seems that it's not xorg.conf causing the problem but the card may not be supported after all. I'll have a look at it tomorrow. Enough bricolage for one day :) | 19:58 |
luca | Psi-Jack: no problem here | 19:59 |
Psi-Jack | Yeah, I /had/ konq on here before. | 19:59 |
Psi-Jack | Okay. I'll install it just to check configs. | 19:59 |
luca | good boy :) | 20:00 |
contrast83 | Psi-Jack: I don't think it's in there, TBH. | 20:01 |
Psi-Jack | Neither do I. | 20:01 |
luca | just an idea | 20:01 |
Psi-Jack | I'm about to go ask in the #KDE chan if it's not. | 20:01 |
Psi-Jack | Beat them up on it. | 20:01 |
contrast83 | Psi-Jack: You *could* try moving /usr/bin/kio_http_cache_cleaner | 20:01 |
luca | I guess it does no evil, ut I honestly have no idea of what you are looking for :-/ | 20:01 |
luca | no good contrast83 | 20:01 |
contrast83 | ? | 20:02 |
luca | usually things like that result in bad answers from the program | 20:02 |
luca | at least, my experience in moving root files tells me so | 20:02 |
contrast83 | Ahh... I was mainly suggesting that as a temporary fix til he finds a better one. | 20:03 |
Psi-Jack | Hmm | 20:03 |
Psi-Jack | Nope. | 20:03 |
Psi-Jack | Nothing in Konq. | 20:03 |
luca | just an idea as I said | 20:03 |
luca | no package with such a description in synaptic? | 20:03 |
luca | uhm building kde4 from scratch again | 20:04 |
Psi-Jack | Heh | 20:04 |
contrast83 | luca: How long's that take to compile? | 20:04 |
Psi-Jack | I'm pesturing #KDE on it. It's SOMETHING in KDE doing it, or some thing running along with kde's stuff that runs when I fire up kalarm. | 20:04 |
luca | contrast83: on my box with a Core Duo 1,73....about two to three hours | 20:05 |
luca | I have to rebuild it anew because something went bad with previous source and files...was no more able to update... | 20:06 |
slow-motion | hallo | 20:06 |
AmyRose | Psi-Jack: Are you really pestering #kde? It doesn't look like it! | 20:06 |
ardchoille | Psi-Jack: I'm running kde and have kalarm in the na, I don't see anyting about http cleanup running | 20:06 |
Psi-Jack | heh | 20:06 |
contrast83 | Not as bad as I would've thought. Too bad my main two computers only have P4's. | 20:06 |
Psi-Jack | ardchoille: I'm /not/ running KDE, and I see it. Because Gnome doesn't believe things should run in the backgound without any kind of notification, like that. | 20:06 |
AmyRose | Psi-Jack: I thought GNOME was all about hiding things from users | 20:07 |
Psi-Jack | AmyRose: Nope. They seriously cleared that nonsense up big time. | 20:07 |
AmyRose | Psi-Jack: Then how come I have to edit GNOME's registry to configure most of it? | 20:08 |
=== lee98632 is now known as lee986321 | ||
ardchoille | AmyRose: May I pm you about some info? | 20:09 |
Psi-Jack | AmyRose: Is that "hidden", when you can use a configuration tool like gconf-editor? | 20:09 |
luca | Psi-Jack, nope, but kcontrol does most of it | 20:10 |
luca | in any case, I do *not* have such a service running | 20:10 |
Psi-Jack | kcontrol is also very cluttered in the long tun. ;) | 20:10 |
Psi-Jack | run ;) | 20:10 |
Psi-Jack | Butm, yeah. | 20:10 |
luca | have you checked system services? | 20:10 |
Psi-Jack | I have no such "service" running either, constantly. | 20:10 |
Psi-Jack | It's periodically launching for no reason. | 20:10 |
Psi-Jack | Yes, I have. | 20:11 |
Psi-Jack | In the Service Manager of kcontrol. | 20:11 |
luca | well that does not come with default kubuntu O_o | 20:11 |
luca | at least wait | 20:11 |
luca | how would I know if it instead? | 20:11 |
Psi-Jack | Actually, yes, it does. | 20:11 |
Psi-Jack | You just don't SEE it, in default kubuntu. | 20:11 |
Psi-Jack | In KDE | 20:11 |
luca | well how do I unveil it? *and* what is its effect? | 20:12 |
Psi-Jack | Look at /usr/share/services/http_cache_cleaner.desktop | 20:12 |
luca | because I often browse offline using the cache :) | 20:12 |
Psi-Jack | X-KDE-StartupNotify=false | 20:12 |
Psi-Jack | If you set that to true, you'd see it in KDE all the time. | 20:12 |
AmyRose | ardchoille: Well, I allow PM's from anyone | 20:13 |
AmyRose | No guarantee that I will answer rude ones, but I do allow them | 20:13 |
kuta | where can I find update manager like in ubuntu? | 20:13 |
luca | kuta: adept_updater | 20:14 |
kuta | where? | 20:14 |
contrast83 | Aside from the nice tags functionality in Adept Manager, the Adept programs are so weak next to GNOME's package management apps. :-\ | 20:15 |
kuta | Adept is for k and synaptics for ubuntu? | 20:16 |
contrast83 | Right | 20:16 |
luca | kuta: yes, but contrast83 is absolutely right | 20:16 |
contrast83 | kuta: You can use Synaptic instead though. That's what I do. | 20:16 |
ardchoille | contrast83: The package manager is APT. Things like synaptic, adept, aptitude, etc are only front-ends to APT. | 20:16 |
contrast83 | ardchoille: I'm aware of that. :-) | 20:17 |
kuta | u mean I can install synaptic in k? | 20:17 |
contrast83 | ardchoille: And if you really want to get technical, APT is just a frontend to DPKG. :-P | 20:17 |
GuyFromHell | For some reason i can only suspend to ram once, after that it only locks the screen and does not suspend. | 20:17 |
contrast83 | kuta: No, I mean you can. | 20:17 |
GuyFromHell | Can anyone think of an explanation for that phenomenon? | 20:18 |
contrast83 | GuyFromHell: Are you using Compiz? | 20:18 |
GuyFromHell | suspend worked fine until i installed kubuntu-desktop and remove ubuntu-desktop | 20:18 |
* superdude2435 is back | 20:18 | |
GuyFromHell | contrast83: yes but it's handled fine for the first suspend attempt | 20:18 |
kuta | How to update my kubuntu? | 20:18 |
contrast83 | GuyFromHell: Weird. You might see if the problem persists with Compiz off, just to be sure. | 20:19 |
contrast83 | kuta: It lets you know in the system tray when updates are available. | 20:19 |
GuyFromHell | contrast83: k, i'll kill compiz now and give it a shot | 20:19 |
contrast83 | GuyFromHell: No Fusion-Icon? | 20:19 |
kuta | can't I do a refresh like update manager in ubuntu | 20:19 |
GuyFromHell | contrast83: nope, i'm happy to see it just magically worked with gutsy so i haven't touched it | 20:20 |
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contrast83 | GuyFromHell: <FusioBot> Compiz Fusion Icon is a tray icon that provides quick access to CCSM, Emerald Theme Manager, and basic functions (eg. switching/reloading WMs or WDs). For debian sid users, it is included in shame's repo. To install from GIT, do the following: git clone git://anongit.opencompositing.org/users/crdlb/fusion-icon && cd fusion-icon && sudo make install | 20:20 |
GuyFromHell | contrast83: fancy, thanks | 20:20 |
contrast83 | np | 20:21 |
contrast83 | kuta: Reload, or Refresh, from Adept Manager | 20:21 |
sven_ | Can (k)ubuntu be used as a (test!) server without many problems? | 20:22 |
GuyFromHell_ | that... is the most random bug i have ever seen... | 20:23 |
sub[t]rnl | do tell | 20:23 |
GuyFromHell_ | it worked perfectly from kwin.... | 20:23 |
kuta | so apart from updating the source ,Adept Manager also inform kubuntu to updates if there is any, kubuntu do not have update manager.. | 20:23 |
lee986321 | wahts the difference between KDE and Ubuntu..if its genome how do I get genome into Kubuntu | 20:24 |
sven_ | I will mainly be running VMWARE on it to host other linux-es like RHEL, SuSe, Solaris, etc... Its going to be a test laboratory server where we can test other operating systems, but as a base OS I would like to use ubuntu.. is that a good choice? or am I asking in the wrong channel here? :) | 20:24 |
Kurosaki | hello | 20:24 |
sven_ | lee986321, KDE is a window manager, ubuntu is an OS, for starters | 20:24 |
sub[t]rnl | lee986321: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 20:24 |
sven_ | lee986321, but if youre talking about ubuntu and kubuntu | 20:24 |
Greenery | how to enable compiz fusion | 20:24 |
sven_ | the first uses gnome, the second uses kde | 20:24 |
sub[t]rnl | !compiz | Greenery | 20:24 |
ubotu | Greenery: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 20:24 |
sven_ | lee986321, if you want gnome on kubuntu, simply install it using adept | 20:24 |
contrast83 | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 20:25 |
sven_ | lee986321, sub[t]rnl, that would install the KDE desktop, not gnome :) | 20:25 |
sven_ | lee986321, what contrast83 says | 20:25 |
contrast83 | window manager != desktop environment | 20:26 |
contrast83 | :-) | 20:26 |
sub[t]rnl | i thought he wanted to get from gnome to kde | 20:26 |
sub[t]rnl | misread :( | 20:26 |
Greenery | do i have to reboot after installing them? | 20:26 |
sub[t]rnl | no | 20:26 |
contrast83 | KWin's the window manager that KDE uses. ;-) | 20:26 |
sven_ | contrast83, you're right, sorry | 20:26 |
contrast83 | heh, don't mind me. i'm just nitpicking. | 20:27 |
sub[t]rnl | compiz is the window manager my kde uses ;) | 20:27 |
contrast83 | ^ +1 | 20:27 |
sub[t]rnl | :P | 20:27 |
contrast83 | I can actually run games w/o turning off Compiz now | 20:27 |
sub[t]rnl | hehe, nice eh | 20:27 |
lee986321 | ok On ubuntu I can run the Cube, but on kubuntu I can run amerock...I want boht lol | 20:27 |
sub[t]rnl | i'm pumped for kwin's compositing features like compiz | 20:27 |
contrast83 | lee986321: Umm... What? -_~ | 20:28 |
carwash^ | Any idea why kicker is see-through (I can't see it at all) when running compiz-fusion og nvidia? | 20:28 |
Greenery | i run compiz --replace, nothing works | 20:28 |
luca | bye | 20:28 |
sub[t]rnl | carwash^: is it running? | 20:28 |
kuta | which diretory were all those beautiful kubuntu wall paper are stored | 20:28 |
sub[t]rnl | ps aux|grep kicker | 20:28 |
contrast83 | sub[t]rnl: I'd imagine it'll be quite some time before KWin Composite reaches the level of Compiz's effects. | 20:28 |
lee986321 | ok on ubuntu with out any instalation of drivrs I have the cube, in kubuntu, well, I don't even get o much as a wobly windows | 20:28 |
contrast83 | kuta: /usr/share/wallpapers | 20:28 |
sub[t]rnl | contrast83: its in the works now, I bet its here sooner than we think | 20:29 |
carwash^ | sub[t]rnl: yes, it is running, i can use it, just not see it. I can open the kmenu from it and it displays correctly. Only the panel itself is non-visible | 20:29 |
contrast83 | !compiz | lee986321 | 20:29 |
contrast83 | sub[t]rnl: Dec. 11 | 20:29 |
lee986321 | I followed taht and well it wiped out everything | 20:29 |
ubotu | lee986321: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 20:29 |
sub[t]rnl | contrast83: excellent | 20:29 |
contrast83 | But it won't touch Compiz in terms of eyecandy. | 20:29 |
contrast83 | And I don't think that's their aim anyway. | 20:29 |
sub[t]rnl | stability > eyecandy in the kde dev teams eyes, which I can understand | 20:30 |
kuta | contrast83: how to go to /usr/share/wallpapers, there is no "places" like in ubuntu | 20:30 |
sub[t]rnl | compiz is stable enough for me though, I havn't ran into anything major | 20:30 |
contrast83 | Yeah. The nice thing with Compiz though, is you can make is as un/stable as you want. Just en/disable plugins accordingly. | 20:30 |
contrast83 | kuta: Do you know how to use a file manager? :-) | 20:31 |
AmyRose | sub[t]rnl: Same here. This is the first time I've been able to say that Compiz/Beryl is stable enough that I can use it all the time. | 20:31 |
* contrast83 hates Dolphin as the default FM | 20:31 | |
sub[t]rnl | contrast83: hrm! I think the only plugin problems I had was one of them wasn't freeing up allocated memory, but they fixed it | 20:31 |
AmyRose | contrast83: Well, KDE 4 will continue to let you use Konqueror | 20:32 |
* GuyFromHell_ loves dolphin as the default fm | 20:32 | |
GuyFromHell_ | to each his own ;) | 20:32 |
* AmyRose loves Dolphin as her default fm too | 20:32 | |
sub[t]rnl | dolphin is a little too squeaky for my liking | 20:32 |
sub[t]rnl | (pun) | 20:32 |
AmyRose | I like being able to configure Konqueror to behave more like a web browser! | 20:32 |
contrast83 | Dolphin (and System Settings, for that matter) feel so... GNOME-ish. | 20:32 |
kuta | contrast83: how | 20:32 |
contrast83 | kuta: Open Konqueror and type /usr/share/wallpapers into the location bar, then hit Enter. | 20:32 |
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AmyRose | contrast83: But System Settings isn't GNOME-ish. GNOME-ish would be listing them under a menu at the top of the screen | 20:33 |
contrast83 | lol | 20:33 |
contrast83 | Yeah, that's so stupid how that's set up. | 20:33 |
GuyFromHell_ | AmyRose: i think what he means is i had to do a fair bit of searching before i could find the advanced options that the old KDE had right there | 20:33 |
oleksandr | Hello! How to uninstall wrong ati drivers? | 20:33 |
AmyRose | I do agree about Dolphin being GNOMEish though | 20:33 |
contrast83 | But I mean in terms of general layout. | 20:33 |
kristen_ | I think the upgrade to gutsy has killed ATI drivers for me. 8.42.3 doesn't work - no direct rending. I just reverted back to 8.40 and I still can't get direct rendering back, even though it worked with this driver before. :/ Any ideas? | 20:33 |
kuta | contrast83: bingo! so konqueor is not only a www but also a file manager | 20:33 |
contrast83 | And I despise the whole "breadcrumbs" concept. That's what the Back/Forward buttons are for, AFAIC. | 20:34 |
GuyFromHell_ | kuta: right-o, and right now we're having a holy war as to whether its important at this point or not | 20:34 |
contrast83 | lol | 20:34 |
AmyRose | contrast83: Well, I disabled that feature in Dolphin myself--I have it set to always show the editable location box | 20:34 |
contrast83 | Konqueror as a file manager was one of the first things in KDE that truly impressed me. | 20:35 |
kuta | I have limited vocab so do not understand | 20:35 |
oleksandr | <oleksandr> Hello! How to uninstall wrong ati drivers? | 20:35 |
AmyRose | contrast83: I also had to add the Up and Reload buttons to the toolbar to feel comfortable too | 20:35 |
sub[t]rnl | I use konqueror sometimes. I have to open it every now and again when people ask questions about in it here... | 20:35 |
oleksandr | <oleksandr> Hello! How to uninstall wrong ati drivers? | 20:35 |
AmyRose | kuta: You can go to any path by hitting Alt+F2 and typing it into the Run dialog | 20:35 |
Greenery | my compiz not working | 20:35 |
Greenery | nothng happens after compiz --replace | 20:36 |
AmyRose | Greenery: Do you have an Nvidia card and less than 64 MB of video RAM? | 20:36 |
contrast83 | It's funny though. The first thing I do when I install Kubuntu is uninstall kde-systemsettings and dolphin because they're too GNOME-ish, then I turn around and purge adept and install synaptic and gnome-app-install. | 20:36 |
sub[t]rnl | oleksandr: if you don't want to use the driver, select a different one in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, or edit xorg.conf by hand. To remove it via apt, sudo apt-get --purge remove whatever-you-apted | 20:36 |
Greenery | nope ATI card here | 20:36 |
Greenery | 256 ram | 20:36 |
AmyRose | Greenery: OK, are you using the official drivers? | 20:36 |
Greenery | nope | 20:36 |
sub[t]rnl | contrast83: lol | 20:36 |
GuyFromHell_ | contrast83: lol, at least you're consistant | 20:37 |
AmyRose | contrast83: I don't like Adept that much either | 20:37 |
contrast83 | GuyFromHell: I try. :-P | 20:37 |
sub[t]rnl | I love adept | 20:37 |
AmyRose | Some people wonder why I use Synaptic though | 20:37 |
sub[t]rnl | it just hates me | 20:37 |
Greenery | last time i tried to use the restricted driver, i got black screen | 20:37 |
AmyRose | like it's wrong to use Synaptic on KDE | 20:37 |
contrast83 | AmyRose: That's absurd. | 20:37 |
AmyRose | contrast83: I know, and I tell them that it's just like running any other GTK program | 20:38 |
sub[t]rnl | AmyRose: but.. but.. your not using qt! | 20:38 |
sub[t]rnl | :P | 20:38 |
oleksandr | <sub[t]rnl> , frend, what is the name of drivers from ATI (AMD)) | 20:39 |
sub[t]rnl | fglxr? | 20:39 |
sub[t]rnl | something like that | 20:39 |
kuta | as a mac user that support stupid windows user, and new to linux, I feel both adapt and synaptics are abt the same, ubuntu more define, kubuntu have to search and find it | 20:39 |
barbaros | hi guys | 20:39 |
barbaros | i ve just isntalled kubuntu | 20:39 |
barbaros | how can i change icon size in dolphin ? | 20:39 |
barbaros | they are really huge | 20:39 |
AmyRose | fglrx | 20:39 |
AmyRose | barbaros: Settings --> Configure. It's not hard to find the options. | 20:40 |
AmyRose | barbaros: Just remember that the default view is previews, not icons | 20:40 |
oleksandr | Yes, fglxr, and can I uninstallit like upt-get, or I must buse other name? | 20:40 |
contrast83 | So they obviously scrapped the idea of having a KDE 4 edition disc for Gutsy. Anyone hear whether they're gonna do that with Hardy? | 20:41 |
AmyRose | contrast83: If KDE 4 is released on time, they might | 20:41 |
* contrast83 hopes. | 20:42 | |
sub[t]rnl | oleksandr: sudo apt-get remove xorg-driver-flgrx | 20:42 |
oleksandr | E: Couldn't find package fglxr | 20:42 |
sub[t]rnl | oleksandr: sudo apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx even | 20:42 |
AmyRose | oleksandr: It's fglrx, not fglxr | 20:42 |
oleksandr | ok, thankth | 20:42 |
contrast83 | Is there a reason for the inconsistency in package names for prop. video drivers (nvidia-glx vs. xorg-driver-fglrx)? | 20:43 |
sub[t]rnl | mmhmm, nvidia-glx is easier to type | 20:44 |
GuyFromHell_ | contrast83: hatred towards ati | 20:44 |
contrast83 | lol | 20:44 |
xevious | has anything changed in regards to 32bit firefox plugins with a 64bit gutsy system? | 20:44 |
oleksandr | E: Couldn't find package xorg-driver-flgrx :( | 20:45 |
sub[t]rnl | oleksandr: sudo apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx | 20:45 |
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sub[t]rnl | xevious: havn't heard anything on the topic in here | 20:45 |
sub[t]rnl | dun know | 20:45 |
xevious | alright | 20:45 |
Greenery | seems like compiz doesnt work....so how do i remove them? | 20:45 |
* xevious goes about installing a 32bit firefox | 20:45 | |
kuta | I still have problems in player .rm media after installing kubuntu-restricted-extra, error cook.so | 20:47 |
AmyRose | What I'd like to know is why Kubuntu disables KDE's zip and tar kioslaves | 20:47 |
xevious | AmyRose: works fine for me | 20:47 |
xevious | AmyRose: your's defaulting to using ark? | 20:48 |
kuta | why still cannot play real media using kaffeine after installing the restricted extras. it gives error cook.so | 20:48 |
AmyRose | xevious: Unless I follow the instructions on http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php , Konqueror and Dolphin tell me they were expecting a folder | 20:49 |
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stephan | hi | 20:49 |
AmyRose | What I would like to know is why they even disabled this feature | 20:50 |
stephan | i added a openxchange data source to kaddresbook, kontact crashed and crashes on start | 20:50 |
stephan | is there a way do edit konfig without srtarting kontact? | 20:50 |
marc0s | hi | 20:56 |
marc0s | has anyone compilled kde4 from svn successfully? | 20:56 |
marc0s | I'm having some trouble building kdelibs... | 20:56 |
AmyRose | marc0s: Sorry, I gave up on that... | 20:56 |
marc0s | AmyRose: ok | 20:58 |
contrast83 | I'm off. Peace, y'all. Thanks again, Hamppari | 20:58 |
enyo | is there anyone having an idea why Xorg is using 60% of my cpu all the time? | 21:00 |
carwash^ | enyo: what driver? | 21:00 |
enyo | nvidia | 21:00 |
carwash^ | then,no | 21:01 |
enyo | :( | 21:01 |
enyo | this is just insane... how am i supposed to work like that? | 21:01 |
stephan | where is the kontact konfiguration of kaddressbook saved? | 21:01 |
Minataku | enyo: Perhaps something has gotten stuck within the server | 21:02 |
Minataku | Try restarting it | 21:02 |
stephan | i have configed a openxchange source and it now craschen on start | 21:02 |
AmyRose | stephan: ~/.kde/share/apps/kaddressbook I think | 21:02 |
enyo | Minataku: i tried everything ... i tried tweeking my xorg.conf i restarted X several times.... | 21:02 |
enyo | Minataku: rebooting... at the beginning its ok | 21:02 |
Minataku | Something is causing it to mess up | 21:03 |
enyo | Mintataku: but it increases all the time | 21:03 |
Minataku | Does it happen suddenly or gradually? | 21:03 |
enyo | gradually | 21:03 |
Minataku | Wrong answer | 21:03 |
Minataku | lol | 21:03 |
Minataku | That makes it harder to track | 21:03 |
enyo | sorry ;) | 21:03 |
Minataku | Heehee, just a joke from Car Talk ;3 | 21:03 |
barbaros | how can i make konqueror default browser for viewing directories ? | 21:04 |
enyo | whats weird is: when i resize or move a window Xorg always takes like 80% | 21:04 |
Minataku | I've never had such an issue, nor have I heard of it.. | 21:04 |
barbaros | as it was the case in the previous version of kubuntu | 21:04 |
enyo | even at the beginning when constantly its only using 2% | 21:04 |
Minataku | Wait, you running that compiz trash? | 21:04 |
enyo | nope | 21:04 |
Minataku | Maybe that has something to do with it | 21:04 |
kaminix | Why can I not use SCIM/SKIM in Skype? There were no problems when I was in Japanese 7.04 | 21:04 |
Minataku | Damn | 21:04 |
Minataku | lol | 21:04 |
enyo | ;) | 21:04 |
Minataku | Sorry, I have no clue | 21:04 |
Minataku | Hang around | 21:04 |
Minataku | Perhaps someone can help you out | 21:04 |
enyo | glx is running and woking... at least i thing | 21:04 |
enyo | think* | 21:04 |
Minataku | Type glxinfo | 21:04 |
stephan | o, no, its ~/.kde/share/config/kresources/contact/stdrc | 21:05 |
Minataku | See if it actually is | 21:05 |
stephan | contact with c | 21:05 |
enyo | yeah | 21:05 |
stephan | who should look there | 21:05 |
PhantomBR | hello! | 21:05 |
Minataku | Hi, PhantomBR | 21:05 |
PhantomBR | does anyone tried to install kde4 yet? | 21:05 |
enyo | it's just incredibly strange... im using xinerama | 21:05 |
enyo | but without its the same | 21:05 |
enyo | (but not as harsh) | 21:05 |
enyo | PhantomBR: not me | 21:05 |
Minataku | enyo: Hm... try a generic video driver | 21:05 |
Minataku | I take it you're using the binary one? | 21:06 |
PhantomBR | ... | 21:06 |
Minataku | Try the open source one, if possible | 21:06 |
PhantomBR | i've managed here... but having some problems | 21:06 |
PhantomBR | :) | 21:06 |
enyo | with the open source one i didnt get it to use both screens | 21:06 |
enyo | and the speed was terrible too... | 21:06 |
mathias | can't find restricted-manager even though it is installed. im new to the whole KDE thing, can anybody help me out? | 21:06 |
PhantomBR | it starts well... but the panel with start menu does not apears | 21:07 |
enyo | this just sucks.... everytime a new ubuntu/linux distro is out i think 'THIS TIME everything will work fine!' | 21:07 |
sub[t]rnl | mathias: start-sys settings-advanced-restricted manager | 21:07 |
enyo | PhantomBR: isn't that kicker? did you try to launch it? | 21:07 |
mathias | sub[t]rnl: its not there... | 21:08 |
PhantomBR | well... | 21:08 |
Minataku | enyo: Well, hang around, I'm sure someone who can help will come along sooner or later | 21:08 |
Minataku | And sorry I couldn;t | 21:08 |
Minataku | *couldn't | 21:08 |
PhantomBR | the start menu has its own process to start??? | 21:08 |
enyo | no problem! thanks for trying... im just so fu***ing frustrated.... | 21:09 |
Minataku | Heh | 21:09 |
enyo | PhantomBR: well... the start menu is an own process... normally it should start automatically, but if not you can try starting it | 21:09 |
antiroach | is it possible to use tabs in dolphin? | 21:09 |
Vermux | fkm: I m just trying to follow the example in http://rute.2038bug.com/node10.html.gz section 7.1 | 21:09 |
Minataku | Try fighting with a SPARCstation 10, only to find out the reason it's not working right is because it's firmware is way too old | 21:09 |
AmyRose | antiroach: No. | 21:09 |
Minataku | Then having to burn the updated firmware onto an EPROM | 21:10 |
enyo | PhantomBR: when you hit Alt - F2 you can enter 'kicker' and see if it works | 21:10 |
PhantomBR | lets see what's proccess is... | 21:10 |
Minataku | When the only eraser/programmer you have is the one at the university XD | 21:10 |
antiroach | AmyRose ok thanks. | 21:10 |
AmyRose | antiroach: However, Konqueror can still act as a file manager in KDE 4 | 21:10 |
AmyRose | I know because I tried it myself | 21:10 |
antiroach | AmyRose how can i change it back to konq? | 21:10 |
enyo | I wonder... what _is_ the advantage of Dolphin? | 21:11 |
PhantomBR | well... when i run some commands using Alt + F2.. it works well... i just need to find out what is the program name | 21:11 |
enyo | PhantomBR: kicker | 21:11 |
antiroach | i dont see any. it looks nicer but you cant even do tabs | 21:11 |
AmyRose | enyo: The big advantage is being able to configure Konqueror to behave more like a web browser | 21:11 |
antiroach | it reminds me of windows explorer :( | 21:11 |
AmyRose | antiroach: Go into the file associations dialog (probably through Konqueror) and set the file type "inode/directory" to open with Konqueror | 21:11 |
antiroach | AmyRose thanks | 21:11 |
enyo | i agree that the idea of having 2 separate things is better | 21:11 |
AmyRose | antiroach: You're welcome. That's how to select the default fm in KDE :D | 21:12 |
enyo | but dolphin is not yet good enough | 21:12 |
Vermux | fkm: there? | 21:12 |
antiroach | its the first try of it im guessing ? | 21:12 |
PhantomBR | ok... lets try... it's installed in other pc | 21:12 |
fkm | Vermux, Yes | 21:12 |
antiroach | it will prolly improve over time | 21:12 |
jpatrick | enyo: I think it's default filemanager for kde4 | 21:12 |
fkm | Vermux, Sry, didn't notice the first highlight | 21:13 |
antiroach | AmyRose i dont have a file type of 'inode' nor 'directory' | 21:13 |
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AmyRose | enyo: Yeah, I agree... but I prefer being able to configure Konqueror to put incoming links into an existing window, without worrying about the web page your buddy showed you on AIM ending up in a file manager window :P | 21:13 |
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fkm | Vermux, One big question and one demand for you: What is the script for? And please upload the script you have so far somewhere (ex. pastebin.com). | 21:13 |
enyo | AmyRose: that is correct | 21:14 |
AmyRose | antiroach: You don't see a category called "inode" and a type under it called "directory"? O_o | 21:14 |
antiroach | no i dont. not under "file associations" | 21:14 |
antiroach | konq is 3.5.8 | 21:14 |
AmyRose | antiroach: If you don't see that, you can just right-click any folder and click Properties, then click the wrench icon in the properties dialog | 21:14 |
antiroach | oh wait bah | 21:15 |
zmitya | hi guys, how can I enable bitmap fonts in kubuntu (gusty) ? | 21:15 |
antiroach | i was typing into the search | 21:15 |
zmitya | cannot install /usr/share/apps/konsole/fonts/console8x16.pcf.gz | 21:15 |
AmyRose | haha, that doesn't work so well, does it, antiroach? :P | 21:15 |
antiroach | nope. but i found it now. thanks! | 21:15 |
AmyRose | antiroach: You're welcome | 21:15 |
zmitya | very funny to watch C code with wim in times new roman :) | 21:16 |
AmyRose | antiroach: And like I said, Konqueror isn't getting stripped of its file manager functionality. | 21:16 |
zmitya | can sy help me to use consol font in konsole ? | 21:16 |
antiroach | AmyRose goodie :) | 21:16 |
antiroach | i wouldnt mind using dolphin if i could use tabs | 21:16 |
AmyRose | Well, Dolphin won't be getting tabs. | 21:16 |
antiroach | :( | 21:17 |
AmyRose | But at least Konqueror will continue to function as a file manager | 21:17 |
enyo | AmyRose: why _is_ that? | 21:17 |
antiroach | that works for me | 21:17 |
AmyRose | enyo: They want to simplify the UI. | 21:17 |
enyo | AmyRose: i like dolphin all in all... but tabs are essential | 21:17 |
antiroach | tabs are so useful. dolphin now reminds me of windows expoder | 21:17 |
antiroach | exploder* | 21:17 |
Minataku | Just use Firefox and to hell with the dumbass KDE reimplementations | 21:17 |
curi0 | Anybody know an Edgy tutorial for Avant Window Navigator? | 21:17 |
Minataku | I mean, look at this mascot: www.foxkeh.com | 21:17 |
AmyRose | antiroach: Well, Konqueror will embed Dolphin as a KPart so it works out | 21:17 |
antiroach | Minataku for file browsing... now web | 21:17 |
enyo | AmyRose: i agree with that... but you can give the possibility to use tabs... nobody has too... | 21:18 |
Minataku | It would definitely make me want to use Firefox if I wasn't already | 21:18 |
antiroach | Minataku umm youre going to use firefox to browse local folders ? | 21:18 |
Minataku | Sounds to me like KDE is going in both the GNOME and Windows directions of dumbing everything down | 21:18 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Um, Firefox is a memory hog. | 21:18 |
waylandbill | are tabs really necessary? split view and multiple windows work well. | 21:18 |
Minataku | antiroach: No. I use xterm for that. | 21:18 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Uh, by the way, Konqueror is not being stripped of anything | 21:18 |
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antiroach | Minataku well then were talking about different things... | 21:18 |
enyo | mh... well i suppose that split view would be ok | 21:19 |
enyo | if it wouldnt resize my right info bar all the time | 21:19 |
enyo | this is REALLY annoying me | 21:19 |
Minataku | AmyRose: Firefox doesn't use all that much, nor does it impact anything | 21:19 |
AmyRose | enyo: But I just told you that Konqueror will still be able to manage your files | 21:19 |
Minataku | I should know, I've run it on systems with 1024MB RAM, 512MB RAM and even 80MB RAM | 21:19 |
AmyRose | I got upset about it too at first, OK? | 21:19 |
Vermux | fkm: http://pastebin.com/d364e7fdb | 21:20 |
enyo | AmyRose: i know :) but i like the idea of having 2 different programs... i'd rather use dolphin! | 21:20 |
Minataku | As for file management, that's what a shell prompt is for :P | 21:20 |
Vermux | fkm: bash | 21:20 |
AmyRose | Minataku: But Firefox takes like 5 minutes to even start on my Pentium II! Konqueror only takes a few seconds (with preloading OFF) | 21:20 |
Minataku | I haven't used a GUI file manager in years | 21:20 |
Minataku | AmyRose: Bullcrap | 21:20 |
Minataku | It starts up in 45sec on my Pentium 1 + MMX @ 75MHz | 21:20 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Bullcrap | 21:21 |
Minataku | Er, 166MHz | 21:21 |
Minataku | KDE would have choked the hell out of the RAM on that machine just loading itself | 21:21 |
enyo | AmyRose: 5 min. sounds a bit exaggerated, but it takes a while! i agree.... | 21:21 |
AmyRose | enyo: I timed it once. | 21:21 |
AmyRose | It was about 5 minutes. | 21:21 |
enyo | AmyRose: wow :) | 21:22 |
Minataku | Load KDE (it'd probably cause a fault halfway through from running out of RAM) then have no space for ANYTHING ELSE | 21:22 |
PhantomBR | ... i dont know... it doesnt look woking properly... | 21:22 |
Minataku | Not to mention the fact that it would run like complete crap after (if) KDE loaded | 21:22 |
PhantomBR | i will google more information on kde4 | 21:22 |
PhantomBR | thanks all | 21:22 |
Minataku | Firefox is like Linux itself | 21:23 |
Minataku | It'll load up all sorts of things into RAM to make itself faster | 21:23 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Linux isn't written in JavaScript and XUL! | 21:23 |
Minataku | Linux does the same thing | 21:23 |
Minataku | Uh, Firefox is written in either C or C++ | 21:23 |
Minataku | It contains a JavaScript interpreter, yes | 21:24 |
Minataku | Since many sites use JS | 21:24 |
Minataku | And only non-core pieces are written in XUL | 21:24 |
ardchoille | AmyRose: lol | 21:24 |
AmyRose | But Konqueror's CSS implementation is better than Firefox's. Why can't Firefox pass the Acid2 test? | 21:25 |
Minataku | Because the sites that use those idiotic features aren't worth visiting | 21:25 |
fkm | Vermux, Didn't find a solution yet. But if you leave out your first line, it works fine. | 21:26 |
Minataku | If I wanted my eyes burned out, I'd look at a Vista machine | 21:26 |
enyo | lol ... are you both kidding? | 21:26 |
AmyRose_p2 | Here are the specs of my old computer, which is running Kubuntu Gutsy | 21:27 |
AmyRose_p2 | Sysinfo for 'amy-pentiumtwo': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: PentiumII(Klamath) at 332 MHz (665 bogomips), , RAM: 151/154MB, 102 proc's, 1.3h up | 21:27 |
fkm | AmyRose, KHTML doesn't pass it completely afaik | 21:27 |
fkm | AmyRose, Or whatever is responsible for Konquerors CSS implementation | 21:27 |
bottiger | okey - is someone here experienced in makeing .deb-files? I have some questions :) | 21:28 |
Vermux | fkm: maybe I need to use "expr" command instead [ ] ? | 21:28 |
enyo | Can someone tell me if this could cause a problem?: [14896.864749] APIC error on CPU0: 02(02) | 21:28 |
enyo | its an output from dmesg | 21:28 |
fkm | Vermux, Maybe. I don't know. You've dealt with bash-scripts more than I have :D | 21:29 |
jote | eeeeeeeeeeeee | 21:29 |
jote | hello | 21:29 |
kup | hola | 21:29 |
AmyRose | So tell me how KDE is bloated again if I can get away with running it on a machine like that? | 21:29 |
AmyRose | and it runs well too | 21:29 |
fkm | Vermux, The only thing that helps me apart from the tutorial you gave me the link to is that I know some programming languages. But I'm as fresh to bash-scripts as you are :) | 21:30 |
Minataku | AmyRose: Psychology | 21:30 |
Minataku | You've convinced yourself that it works well | 21:30 |
Minataku | When in reality, it's lousy | 21:30 |
fkm | Heheh :) | 21:30 |
AmyRose | Minataku: So what are you doing in the Kubuntu IRC channel? | 21:30 |
Minataku | I can't remember why I came in here | 21:30 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Maybe you convinced yourself that KDE is awful | 21:30 |
enyo | can't someone help me with my xorg problem???? | 21:30 |
AmyRose | when in reality, it's great | 21:31 |
Minataku | But I stayed to help out, giving the Linux expert touch | 21:31 |
Minataku | AmyRose: Nah. I know Linux and DEs and everything. KDE is bloated but okay. | 21:31 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Oh, so your definition of "expert" is one who hates KDE? What do you think of Linus Torvalds then? | 21:31 |
Minataku | GNOME is the ultimate in crap | 21:31 |
Minataku | Actually, I don't mind KDE | 21:31 |
AmyRose | OK | 21:31 |
AmyRose | hehe | 21:31 |
Minataku | I just don't care to use it myself | 21:31 |
Minataku | lol | 21:31 |
AmyRose | I don't mind GNOME, well, for now... When GNOME becomes Mono-based, I'm going to definitely hate it | 21:32 |
Minataku | I feel it's a bit too heavy, but it IS one of the best out there, even if they do waste time on reimplementations | 21:32 |
enyo | won't someone please help me??? | 21:32 |
AmyRose | Minataku: KHTML was started before Gecko was open-source | 21:32 |
Minataku | GNOME is just the ultimate in lousy crap | 21:32 |
ardchoille | Vermux: echo '2*4' | bc | 21:32 |
ardchoille | Vermux: echo '$X*$Y' | bc | 21:32 |
Minataku | AmyRose: Yes, but Mozilla is based on Netscape Navigator, the first browser ever | 21:33 |
Minataku | If anyone knows the web, they do | 21:33 |
Minataku | Well, not first | 21:33 |
AmyRose | I thought that was NCSA Mosaic | 21:33 |
socketbind | hi, when i press the mute button on my notebook kde mutes the wrong channel, how can i fix that? | 21:33 |
Minataku | The first really successful one | 21:33 |
Minataku | It was | 21:33 |
Minataku | Which is why I corrected myself | 21:33 |
blendtux | fuck you | 21:33 |
blendtux | ehm sorry wrong channel | 21:33 |
sub[t]rnl | lol | 21:33 |
AmyRose | !ohmy | blendtux | 21:33 |
socketbind | common typo | 21:33 |
Vermux | fkm: what the difference between bash script and others? | 21:33 |
blendtux | this was for my best friend :) | 21:34 |
AmyRose | socketbind: Did you set the main channel to the Master one? | 21:34 |
ardchoille | Vermux: bash scripts are menat for the bash shell | 21:34 |
socketbind | i'm totally noobish how do i set that? : ] | 21:34 |
ardchoille | s/menat/meant/ | 21:34 |
socketbind | it mutes headphone instead of front | 21:34 |
fkm | ou, ou, ou .... "Netscape Navigator, the first browser ever", please revoke that statement :D | 21:34 |
enyo | socketbind: right klick on the speaker in the taskbar | 21:34 |
ScorpKing | enyo: what is the problem? | 21:34 |
AmyRose | fkm: Minataku already did | 21:34 |
socketbind | ah got it | 21:35 |
fkm | Good, didn't finish to read :D | 21:35 |
fkm | *shocked* | 21:35 |
socketbind | thank you very much AmyRose & enyo | 21:35 |
AmyRose | oh, you're welcome, socketbind | 21:35 |
enyo | ScorpKing: xorg starts with using 5% of my cpu, and climbs up to 60% | 21:35 |
=== keith is now known as compilerwriter | ||
Minataku | Yeah, I messed that up and corrected myself | 21:35 |
enyo | socketbind: no prob | 21:35 |
Minataku | lol | 21:35 |
enyo | ScorpKing: I have to monitors, nvidia driver, xinerama, and a geforce | 21:36 |
jerbear | here's one i haven't been able to figure out... my volume controls work, but my master channel has NO mute control.... it did in gnome, but not in kde... | 21:36 |
compilerwriter | Should I be able to get the Deb package of Opera and install it or do I need to recompile for Gutsy? | 21:36 |
ScorpKing | enyo: do you have superkaramba running? | 21:36 |
enyo | ScorpKing: i started with gentoo, then breezy, dapper, feisty, arch-linux, and now gutsy | 21:36 |
enyo | ScorpKing: this one is the only one presenting the problem | 21:36 |
h3sp4wn | compilerwriter: Pretty difficult to recompile something that has no source | 21:36 |
enyo | ScorpKing: i have neither superkaramba, nor compiz | 21:36 |
ScorpKing | hmmm.. | 21:37 |
enyo | ScorpKing: thats what i'm saying | 21:37 |
h3sp4wn | compilerwriter: or sorry that you don't have the source to | 21:37 |
Vermux | ardchoille: that doesnt show the result | 21:37 |
enyo | ScorpKing: the cpu usage goes down when i close programs | 21:37 |
enyo | ScorpKing: firefox takes about 10% | 21:37 |
socketbind | bye | 21:37 |
enyo | when i close quanta and ktorrent it helps... | 21:38 |
enyo | ScorpKing: when i resize or move a window xorg is always at 80% minimum | 21:38 |
ardchoille | Vermux: $result = `'$X*$Y' | bc` ? | 21:38 |
ScorpKing | enyo: a bug maybe? have you tried looking on google to see if anyone else have the same problem? | 21:38 |
administrator_ | buonasera | 21:38 |
compilerwriter | That is true, but I seem to have googled up my answer anyway. | 21:38 |
Vermux | ardchoille: http://pastebin.com/d364e7fdb | 21:38 |
compilerwriter | http://phorolinux.com/five-tips-for-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html | 21:39 |
enyo | ScorpKing: yes i tried... the only thing i could find were people having about the same problem.. but always after the screensaver started... (which is not my problem) | 21:39 |
ZioBelo81 | buonasera | 21:39 |
enyo | ScorpKing: and very view of them have a solution | 21:39 |
ZioBelo81 | how are you doing? | 21:39 |
sub[t]rnl | enyo: i see it all over google, and its not just from the screensaver | 21:39 |
sub[t]rnl | are we looking at the same internet? | 21:39 |
enyo | lol ... i suppose we are | 21:40 |
h3sp4wn | Does anyone know where network-mangler keeps all its stuff (I need to delete an entry I put in that was not quite correct - it does still work but the auth makes it take ages to connect) | 21:40 |
sub[t]rnl | :P | 21:40 |
ScorpKing | enyo: heh. it's beyond me. :( hope you fix it soon coz that suck. | 21:40 |
enyo | thanks scorp | 21:40 |
AmyRose | h3sp4wn: Right-click the network manager icon, go to Options--> Configure, and you'll find it | 21:40 |
enyo | i mean: sure there are some links with about the same problem... but no answers | 21:40 |
enyo | sub[t]rnl: or i'm just too stupid to find them | 21:40 |
sub[t]rnl | heh, no your not stupid :P | 21:41 |
sub[t]rnl | just google your video card, ubuntu, and cpu usage | 21:41 |
sub[t]rnl | if its been a posted bug, say on launchpad, track the bug status their | 21:41 |
enyo | i'm really going mad with this problem! | 21:42 |
enyo | i should have worked all day | 21:42 |
h3sp4wn | AmyRose: I really cannot find it (I am using nm-applet maybe I should use the kde one) (or remove it entirely) | 21:42 |
enyo | instead im reading post after post on some forums | 21:43 |
evil-rhino | hi.. Fn + Vol up and Fn + Vol down (special keys on my laptop) control the wrong channel -- headphone, rather than 'front', which is the master channel for my soundcard. any idea how to change it? | 21:43 |
enyo | and spending the evening on the kubuntu channel :/ | 21:43 |
AmyRose | h3sp4wn: Oh, I thought you'd be using the KDE one | 21:43 |
evil-rhino | enyo: what's your problem, again? | 21:43 |
AmyRose | evil-rhino: Right-click the speaker icon and click Set master channel | 21:43 |
evil-rhino | amyrose, i did -- but apparently kmix and the kde hotkeys are independent? | 21:43 |
jerbear | my master channel has no mute control, but it did in gnome... what can i do? | 21:44 |
enyo | evil-rhino: xorg using 50% min. nvidia driver, geforce, xinerama. gutsy is the first having the problem | 21:44 |
enyo | evil-rhino: i use no compiz, nor superkaramba | 21:44 |
evil-rhino | 50% min? | 21:44 |
enyo | evil-rhino: cpu usage starts at 5% and goes up to 80% | 21:44 |
evil-rhino | oh. bogus. | 21:45 |
enyo | evil-rhino: sorry... 50% min. cpu usage | 21:45 |
ScorpKing | enyo: try asking in ##linux and #ubuntu as well. | 21:46 |
enyo | evil-rhino: oh and : when i move / resize a window, xorg always takes about 80% cpu usage | 21:46 |
enyo | ScorpKing: thanks... good idea | 21:46 |
ScorpKing | np | 21:46 |
ubuntu | hello | 21:47 |
cps1966 | why does grub install always fail after install | 21:47 |
ScorpKing | cps1966: i'm not sure i understand. is grub not installed after installing linux from the livecd? | 21:48 |
cps1966 | yeah its still says it failed no matter what way i do it | 21:49 |
h3sp4wn | AmyRose: Well I am not (Probably that is stupid) | 21:49 |
ScorpKing | !grub | 21:50 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 21:50 |
ScorpKing | cps1966: see if that help | 21:50 |
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cps1966 | i need menu.lst | 21:50 |
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Veovi1 | ue | 21:50 |
Veovi1 | gnome just isn't configuable enough | 21:50 |
ScorpKing | use kde | 21:51 |
Veovi1 | thats why i switched back to kubuntu after trying ubuntu | 21:51 |
cps1966 | booting from sda2 | 21:51 |
Veovi1 | like keyboard shortcuts and stuff | 21:51 |
Veovi1 | way more options in KDE | 21:51 |
cps1966 | kde4 i tried today its real neat | 21:51 |
ScorpKing | cps1966: sometimes the livecd will see the drives as hd* but the installed system will see it as ds* and vice versa. | 21:51 |
cps1966 | na there all sd's | 21:52 |
Vermux | who can help with shell script? | 21:52 |
cps1966 | sda-sdg | 21:53 |
ScorpKing | Vermux: some guys in #bash are very helpfull. ;) | 21:53 |
ScorpKing | cps1966: wierd.. | 21:53 |
ScorpKing | ei* | 21:53 |
cps1966 | 3 are pata and 4 sata | 21:54 |
ScorpKing | cps1966: do you have a Boot Sector Virus Protect enabled in the bios? | 21:55 |
cps1966 | no | 21:55 |
ScorpKing | cps1966: checked the logs after installing? | 21:55 |
cps1966 | i have lilo on sda1 and i want to put grub on sda2 as i always do | 21:56 |
alesan^ | hi I have installed kubuntu on my girlfriend's pc | 21:57 |
ubuntu | how can'I change my nickname please | 21:57 |
ScorpKing | so have i. :P | 21:57 |
alesan^ | kubuntu 7.10 has a strange filemanager, "dolfin" or something like that | 21:57 |
alesan^ | where can I set on that filemanager that when I clik on a .tex file it must open it with kile and not kate? | 21:58 |
ubuntu | how can'I change my nickname please | 21:58 |
alesan^ | ScorpKing: :) | 21:58 |
Jucato | !dolphin | 21:58 |
ubotu | dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. | 21:58 |
alesan^ | ubuntu: /nick yourNick | 21:58 |
Jucato | ubuntu: type /nick nickname | 21:58 |
ubuntu | thanks | 21:58 |
=== ubuntu is now known as akramx | ||
alesan^ | Jucato: let's assume I want to keep this dolfin | 21:58 |
alesan^ | it should have the way to configure how to open a given extension | 21:59 |
alesan^ | dolphin | 21:59 |
alesan^ | sorry, I mean a file with a given extension | 21:59 |
cps1966 | ScorpKing: what log exactly | 21:59 |
Jucato | alesan^: check Configure Konqueror -> File Associations for .tex files | 21:59 |
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ardchoille | Vermux: http://pastebin.com/m52fdc462 | 21:59 |
alesan^ | Jucato: will dolphine "read" konqueror settings then? | 21:59 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody please help me reinstall grub? | 22:00 |
Jucato | yes | 22:00 |
ScorpKing | cps1966: not sure. haven't done a livecd install in a while.. | 22:00 |
Jucato | File Associationas are for thewhole syste, | 22:00 |
ScorpKing | !grub | AT0M1CB0MB3R | 22:00 |
ubotu | AT0M1CB0MB3R: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 22:00 |
jjj543k3 | how do you set the konqueror user agent to something other than what is there? The options are all for ancient browsers like firefox 1.5, which is retarded, secondairly is there a way to completely remove the default user agent, I never ever want it to send the knoqueror user agent I want it to permanently send the latest version of firefox or for that matter ie7. | 22:03 |
stdin | Kubuntu talk in #ubuntu-classroom chat and questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat come and join in | 22:03 |
sven_ | Hi there, I just received a dell poweredge 2850 with a hardware raid 5 (3 disk) array to use as a test lab server. I want this server to run vmware and host a number of different os-ses. As a base os I wanted to try to run ubuntu, but starting the kubuntu live CD gives me this error: SQUASHFS error: sb_bread failed reading block 0x8fb1e Anybody got an idea what the cause of this might be? | 22:03 |
enyo | THANKS TO ALL OF YOU! i fixed my xorg problem! | 22:05 |
alesan^ | Jucato: ok very good I fixed it. another question: dolphin (and konqueror) want to show me a "preview" in the icon of the file, but while for an image is very convenient, it's pretty useless for a latex file. is there a way to tell konq./dolphin NOT to create previews for latex files? | 22:05 |
Jucato | I know how for Konq,but don't know if Dolphin does that too | 22:06 |
Jucato | Konqueror: View menu -> Previews | 22:06 |
ScorpKing | enyo: well done! what was wrong? | 22:06 |
Jucato | unless Konqueror recognizes .tex as text files | 22:06 |
alesan^ | yes? let me try | 22:06 |
alesan^ | no, it properly recognizes at latex | 22:06 |
enyo | i was using xinerama which is not the drivers built in dual view system... | 22:06 |
enyo | i had to use twinview | 22:06 |
ScorpKing | oh ok. | 22:07 |
enyo | thanks to all of you | 22:07 |
ScorpKing | :D np | 22:07 |
sonic_ | was thinking of builiding kde4 from svn but wasnt sure if I should be using root to check out the svn | 22:07 |
sonic_ | check out as user and build as root? is that how I should do it? havent used svn before | 22:07 |
alesan^ | sonic_: forget root for both those tasks | 22:08 |
sonic_ | alesan^: so it will install in my home directory? | 22:08 |
alesan^ | install or svn checkout? | 22:08 |
ScorpKing | both | 22:08 |
ardchoille | When dealing with kde4, build == install? | 22:09 |
Jucato | sonic_: as normal user | 22:09 |
ardchoille | thought make and make install were two diff things | 22:09 |
sonic_ | yeah i know | 22:09 |
fkm | !upgrade | 22:09 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 22:09 |
sonic_ | so i build it and swith to root to make install. | 22:10 |
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Jucato | ardchoille: source, build, install directories are different, using the guide from techbase | 22:10 |
Jucato | sonic_: you don't | 22:10 |
ardchoille | Jucato: Ah, ok | 22:10 |
Jucato | sonic_: unless you want to ruin your system, you should not install kde4 as root or in system directories. | 22:10 |
sonic_ | where do the packages install to | 22:10 |
sonic_ | ok. so it will install to my hame dir | 22:11 |
Jucato | there is a very easy to follow guide in techbase.kde.org | 22:11 |
Jucato | follow it *exactly* | 22:11 |
sonic_ | *home* | 22:11 |
Jucato | specially if it's your first time | 22:11 |
sonic_ | yeah Im there | 22:11 |
sonic_ | I have home as a seperate partition, and Im not positive it can fit the source build and install in it | 22:12 |
sonic_ | thats what Im wondering, if its going to install to my /usr/bin /opt or into my home dir | 22:13 |
sonic_ | so I know if I will have enought room for it | 22:13 |
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=== intex is now known as intEx | ||
intEx | I've installed Compiz Fusion through Adept Manager, but how do I use it? | 22:14 |
ardchoille | intEx: join #ubuntu-effects | 22:15 |
jjj543k3 | how do you set the konqueror user agent to something other than what is there? The options are all for ancient browsers like firefox 1.5, which is retarded, secondairly is there a way to completely remove the default user agent, I never ever want it to send the knoqueror user agent I want it to permanently send the latest version of firefox or for that matter ie7. | 22:16 |
stdin | ardchoille: #ubuntu-effects is dead (forwards to #compiz-fusion I think), so just tell people to join #compiz-fusion from now on | 22:16 |
ardchoille | stdin: Oh, ok. Thanks | 22:17 |
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AT0M1CB0MB3R | ScorpKing: i can see grub but when i try to boot the ubuntu kernel it says error 17: cannot mount this partion or something like that | 22:18 |
||arifaX | cat /sys/devices/platform/bluetooth/bus/devices/bluetooth/power/state shows 0 how can I power on the bluetooth? | 22:18 |
nosrednaekim | AT0M1CB0MB3R: hey wassup? | 22:19 |
moope1 | so, should I upgrade then chaps? | 22:19 |
nosrednaekim | moope1: why not? | 22:19 |
moope1 | Is it worth it? | 22:19 |
ScorpKing | AT0M1CB0MB3R: so the sata drive are being picked up again? | 22:19 |
moope1 | nosrednaekim: Did they fix knetwork-manager? | 22:19 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | hey nosrednaekim i installed windows again on my other harddrive and now i get error 17 cannot mount this partion or something like that | 22:20 |
cptnspoon | Anyone here care to help me out getting my nvidia card working? I've been trying since upgrading to Gutsy and still no dice... | 22:20 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ScorpKing: yes i found the setting and it boots into grub but i get that error :[ | 22:20 |
nosrednaekim | AT0M1CB0MB3R: you need to reinstall grub from the liveCD | 22:20 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ScorpKing: i have a bunch of pictures and stuff of people in my family that have died and i need those i cannot reinstall | 22:20 |
moope1 | Can I run 32 bit applications in 64bit ubuntu? | 22:20 |
ScorpKing | AT0M1CB0MB3R: http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/GRUB_error_17_after_kernel_update | 22:21 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | nosrednaekim: how | 22:21 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ScorpKing: i didnt do a kernel update | 22:21 |
nosrednaekim | !grub | 22:21 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 22:21 |
nosrednaekim | moope1: its harder,but yes | 22:21 |
ScorpKing | AT0M1CB0MB3R: boot from the livecd and fix /boot/grub/menu.list and /etc/fstab. i think the UUID's of the disk is wrong. | 22:22 |
moope1 | nosrednaekim: They are saying in the press that the networking is more broken :( | 22:23 |
ScorpKing | AT0M1CB0MB3R: to get the correct UUID run uuidgen /dev/? where ? is the partition. | 22:23 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ScorpKing: omg so can you ssh or walk me through it since im a newbie and i really need this fixed | 22:23 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | what scorp? | 22:23 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ok nvm | 22:23 |
Boes | anybody been able to get a nvidia geforce 6100 to work correctly, i've followed the instructions on the wiki, but i'm still not able to get the 3d render to be anything but the mesa driver | 22:23 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ScorpKing: but how do i find the correct partion | 22:24 |
sonic_ | Im getting svn: No such revision 729381 trying to follow the svn directions for kde4 on techbase. anyone know what thats about | 22:24 |
Doobeh | Atomic: can't you just boot from the live CD, move all your cherished photos somewhere safe and then reinstall. Might well be the least error prone way. | 22:24 |
sonic_ | I had a failed DL and deleted it and tried to restart. could that be it | 22:24 |
slow-motion | n8 | 22:24 |
nosrednaekim | moope1: it can be.... it really depends | 22:24 |
sonic_ | did I screw something up? | 22:24 |
alesan^ | thanks | 22:25 |
alesan^ | bye | 22:25 |
Doobeh | Although last time I had that grub error I ended up using http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/ (I think) to fix the boot loader, was pretty straight forward | 22:26 |
Doobeh | (as in, all menu driven) | 22:26 |
Doobeh | Yup, thats the program I used | 22:26 |
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kaminix | Anyone know how to use groups in Skype? | 22:27 |
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antiroach | has anyone had problems getting vmware to work in gusty ? | 22:37 |
marc0s | I'm having problems compiling kdebase from svn, it complains about an undefined entity at index.docbook... any hints? | 22:42 |
stdin | marc0s: #kde or #kde-devel | 22:42 |
marc0s | stdin: ok | 22:43 |
ubuntu | witam jest ktos z polski? | 22:45 |
Jucato | !pl | ubuntu | 22:45 |
ubotu | ubuntu: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 22:45 |
AmyRose | Hi Jucato | 22:46 |
AmyRose | AKA KDE's #1 fan :P | 22:46 |
ubuntu | hi everyone | 22:46 |
Jucato | hahah :) | 22:46 |
Jucato | hi AmyRose | 22:47 |
AmyRose | ubuntu: Hi | 22:47 |
AmyRose | ubuntu: You're welcome to stay if you know English ;) | 22:47 |
AmyRose | Jucato: I've been thinking of showing your ad^H^Hblog post to some newbies I know :D | 22:48 |
Jucato | whoa :) | 22:48 |
fkm | So, Gutsy is official. What's next? I mean. Is there already an unstable Ubuntu version out there? | 22:48 |
nosrednaekim | Hardy, and no, not yet | 22:49 |
AmyRose | fkm: The Hardy Heron is next, but as far as I can tell, nothing's happened with it yet | 22:49 |
Jucato | AmyRose: I've been wanting to ask you if you could document your experiences of running Kubuntu on *very* low end machines, so that we could have a reference... something like "Hey, it can be done! look!" | 22:49 |
fkm | AmyRose, Thank you :) | 22:49 |
Thylio | Can i use "apt-get /path/to/file.deb? | 22:49 |
AmyRose | Jucato: Sure, if you can give me some time | 22:49 |
TheGateKeeper | fkm: that's true of every distro | 22:49 |
nosrednaekim | they are merging from debian right now. | 22:49 |
Jucato | AmyRose: sure :) | 22:49 |
AmyRose | ok | 22:49 |
Jucato | AmyRose: you can make use of wiki.ubuntu.com of course :) | 22:49 |
Nocivo | hi | 22:50 |
AmyRose | Jucato: The only real problem I have is that sometimes, the desktop gives me a "the process for the file protocol died unexpectedly" when starting up, but I can work around that | 22:50 |
NickPresta | Thylio, `sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb` | 22:50 |
Thylio | NickPresta: Thx | 22:50 |
ScorpKing | lovre: see /pm | 22:50 |
xevious | hmmm | 22:50 |
ScorpKing | :P | 22:50 |
xevious | so i changed my time and date settings so that it uses ntp, and it rolled back the time by about 12 hours | 22:51 |
xevious | now sudo won't let me do anything because the timestamp is invalid | 22:51 |
AmyRose | Jucato: The lowest I've gotten it working on was my Pentium II though. I couldn't get KDE working comfortably on my old Pentium MMX | 22:51 |
xevious | which is seriously holding me back from doing ... oh... anything | 22:51 |
AmyRose | oh, that reminds me | 22:52 |
Jucato | AmyRose: how many MHz is pentium 2? :) | 22:52 |
Jucato | and how much RAM did you have? | 22:52 |
AmyRose | Jucato: I'll bring it into this channel! | 22:52 |
nosrednaekim | probably like 400? | 22:52 |
AmyRose | and issue a sysinfo | 22:52 |
Jucato | yay | 22:52 |
sven_ | What is it with this strigi deamon?? It pops up every 15 minutes, takes 90%-150% (!!!!) of my CPU resources, sometimes makes my computer freeeeeze up... I understand its an indexing deamon for searching.. great! but does it have to be SO intrusive? Can't I have it use less resources? only do its work when Im not working? stuff like that? | 22:52 |
AmyRose | It's up and running right now | 22:52 |
nosrednaekim | sven_: you can disable it altogether | 22:52 |
NickPresta | I have a P2, 433 downstairs. I used to run Debian Potato on it (with KDE 3.1 or something) | 22:52 |
TheGateKeeper | Jucato: thing I have dapper on a P2 how low is low? | 22:53 |
TheGateKeeper | think* | 22:53 |
sven_ | nosrednaekim, well yeah.. but then there is no search option left... :) isnt there something less radical? | 22:53 |
Thylio | Anyone norwegian her? | 22:53 |
AmyRose_p2 | OK, here we go: | 22:53 |
AmyRose_p2 | Sysinfo for 'amy-pentiumtwo': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: PentiumII(Klamath) at 332 MHz (665 bogomips), , RAM: 150/154MB, 102 proc's, 2.30h up | 22:53 |
Jucato | TheGateKeeper: just looking for user testimonies to prove how low KDE can get :) | 22:53 |
Jucato | AmyRose_p2: very nice!!! | 22:53 |
nosrednaekim | ouch! | 22:53 |
AmyRose | My laptop has these specs: | 22:54 |
AmyRose | Sysinfo for 'amy-laptop': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz at 2399 MHz (4792 bogomips), HD: 15/54GB, RAM: 488/503MB, 143 proc's, 13.55h up | 22:54 |
Jucato | AmyRose: how usable is it? | 22:54 |
AmyRose | Jucato: Very! | 22:54 |
Jucato | really? wow! :) | 22:54 |
AmyRose | The only thing that doesn't work well is Flash | 22:54 |
Jucato | oh that's a big bummer | 22:54 |
Jucato | showstopper even :P | 22:54 |
=== ubuntu is now known as at0m1cb0mb3r | ||
AmyRose | Jucato: But I don't rely heavily on Flash so it's OK | 22:54 |
NickPresta | Jucato, I find KDE works very well on lower end machines when you turn off things like GUI effects and such. | 22:55 |
AmyRose | People do wonder why I bothered buying a wifi dongle for it though | 22:55 |
lovre | any idea when will the problem with kdesu and d3lphin be fixed? | 22:55 |
AmyRose | Oh, and since the /sysinfo missed this, the hard drive in my other computer is 40 GB | 22:55 |
nosrednaekim | lovre: what problem? | 22:55 |
NickPresta | lovre, there is a "open as root" button on the right side. Doesn't that work for you? | 22:55 |
Thylio | NickPresta: Get an "error" :"statusdatabasearea (bad translation from Norwegian) is used by an other program" | 22:56 |
NickPresta | !aptfix | Thylio | 22:56 |
ubotu | Thylio: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 22:56 |
TheGateKeeper | Jucato: on gentoo I have openbox + kicker, which is like KDE on speed, when the new update came through I had 47 packages that needed to be compiled instead of the 200+ you get with a meta package | 22:56 |
AmyRose_p2 | Actually, maybe I should stay here | 22:56 |
NickPresta | Thylio, run that. It should fix the database being locked | 22:56 |
AmyRose_p2 | after I clone my Konversation configuration | 22:56 |
Thylio | NickPresta, wow thax | 22:56 |
lovre | NickPresta: yes, it works with me, but when closing a window owned by non root, it reports an permission error trying to acces bookmarks.xml | 22:56 |
Jucato | lovre: ah known bug. this is the bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdesudo/+bug/155032 | 22:57 |
carwash^ | Anyone got any ideas on how to remap my alt gr key to space? | 22:57 |
Jucato | NickPresta: ^^^ | 22:57 |
NickPresta | lovre, I got that too. The bookmarks file is owned by root (both group and user). I just chgrp'd and chown it to my user | 22:57 |
NickPresta | Jucato, ah okay. | 22:57 |
Dragnslcr | Has anyone had problems booting the -generic kernel with an nVidia graphics card in 7.10? I get dumped back to a console | 22:58 |
xevious | any ideas how i can fix the fact that sudo refuses to do anything because an ntp time sync rolled my date back and now sudo says that the timestamp is invalid? | 22:58 |
Dragnslcr | My X log file from that boot ends with "(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration." | 22:58 |
xevious | Dragnslcr: what card do you have? | 22:59 |
khaije1 | is there anything as good as firestarter for kde? | 22:59 |
mohammad | hello, I have just installed Kubuntu and have connected to Internet , WOW, but most of APPs in "add/remove program" section are disabled, why ? | 22:59 |
Dragnslcr | xevious- 7900 | 22:59 |
lovre | NickPresta: yes, i chowned it to my user too, but its reset once you open as root via the button on the right. Then its chowned back to root. | 22:59 |
nosrednaekim | mohammad: do you have all the repositories enabled? | 22:59 |
Dragnslcr | I can get into KDE fine with the -386 kernel, though, and as far as I know they use the same xorg.conf file | 22:59 |
NickPresta | lovre, ah okay. Well, there is a commited fix, apparently. I would wait for that | 22:59 |
xevious | Dragnslcr: check to see if the kernel module is loaded: lsmod|grep nvidia | 22:59 |
ubunturos | httrack is availabe in the repos - is there a GUI to it? | 23:00 |
galorin | tI installed on another PC from the cd, and I need ndiswrapper to get it working, no no net connection available. What packages do I need to download and install? | 23:00 |
xevious | Dragnslcr: if it isnt, try doing modprobe nvidia | 23:00 |
xevious | Dragnslcr: dmesg may give you some additional hints | 23:00 |
Dragnslcr | xevious- lsmod shows a few lines, but I'm in the -386 kernel right now | 23:00 |
lovre | NickPresta: i suppose it will be available soon | 23:00 |
nosrednaekim | galorin: all dependencies of ndiswrapper are on the CD | 23:00 |
bigdad1e | how do i run counter strike source server in command? (steam) | 23:00 |
AmyRose | oops, gotta fix that | 23:01 |
Daisuke_Laptop | bigdad1e: not a question for here | 23:01 |
lovre | NickPresta: why do ppl say you can fix it by removing kdesu, i mean, dont you need kdesu? | 23:01 |
=== AmyRose_laptop is now known as AmyRose_p2 | ||
bigdad1e | is there a steam irc room? | 23:01 |
Daisuke_Laptop | well if you're using linux, you're running steam in wine | 23:01 |
mohammad | nosrednaekim: yes, all resource are enabled | 23:01 |
Daisuke_Laptop | they would know better than anyone | 23:02 |
nosrednaekim | mohammad: use "adept_manager" | 23:02 |
bigdad1e | no its a dedicated server im trying to run off linux | 23:02 |
bigdad1e | no emulators | 23:02 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ah | 23:03 |
NickPresta | bigdad1e, Wine Is Not an Emulator :) | 23:03 |
Daisuke_Laptop | then you might want to check their forums | 23:03 |
stdin | and try ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic | 23:03 |
bigdad1e | k thanks. | 23:03 |
Thylio | Is it possible to make my CPU fan run all the time, or for longer periods of time? | 23:03 |
AmyRose_p2 | Thylio: That depends on your computer | 23:05 |
Thylio | got a laptop from compaq. | 23:06 |
doudou92 | Hello, bad issue with a usb key. It's "saw" by qtparted, but impossible to change the partition table. | 23:07 |
doudou92 | The console gives the following message: Failed to open device | 23:07 |
doudou92 | bad data in /proc/uptime | 23:07 |
doudou92 | bad data in /proc/uptime | 23:07 |
doudou92 | Error: Erreur d'entrée/sortie lors de la lecture sur /dev/sdh | 23:07 |
doudou92 | Error: Erreur d'entrée/sortie lors de l'écriture sur /dev/sdh | 23:07 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !paste | doudou92, slow down there, pardner! | 23:08 |
ubotu | doudou92, slow down there, pardner!: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 23:08 |
doudou92 | Ok, thanks | 23:09 |
AmyRose_p2 | Jucato: Perhaps the most surprising thing about KDE on this machine would be the fact that translucency/fading/shadows work well on it :D | 23:09 |
fladd | Hi there, I have a serious problem with (K)NetworkManager. I descrive what happend: Yesterday I installed Gutsy, after the first boot, the kmanager crashed and i rebooted the system. afterwards everything went fine until today. i was browsing the net via a wireless connection while suddenly i was disconnected. so i tried to reconnect and that did not work. thus, i opened the manual configuration and deactivated the wireless device and immediately | 23:09 |
fladd | activated it again. this caused the programm Networkmanager to conusme 99% cpu, so i rebootet. From then on, I was unable to use KnetworkManager for wireless connections,since it always tells me, that there are no wireless devices. NetworkManager tells me the same. However, if i kill NetworkMangager and connect manually via iwconfig, I can use the wireless connection (this is how i am online right now). If anyone can help me, I would really | 23:09 |
fladd | appreciate it! | 23:09 |
Jucato | AmyRose_p2: double wow | 23:09 |
AmyRose_p2 | Jucato: Yeah, but no hope for Compiz. :P | 23:11 |
Jucato | so what! hehehe | 23:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | fladd: i see a few problems in there: multiple reboots | 23:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | this isn't windows, that's one of the first big lessons: Whatever's Wrong, You Probably Don't Have To Reboot | 23:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | fladd: the problem is that your wireless device is defined in the interfaces file | 23:12 |
fladd | Daisuke_Laptop: well, cpu was up to 99%, the system was not responding, i rebootet normally, so the system shut down completetly. | 23:12 |
Daisuke_Laptop | fladd: the first one makes sense :) | 23:12 |
fladd | Daisuke_Laptop: what does that mean, where is this file? | 23:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i haven't had experience doing this from a gui in kde, so i'll walk you through doing it manually | 23:13 |
fladd | yeah, manually is fine for me | 23:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | unless there's anyone here that knows how to enable roaming mode in kde? anyone? anyone? | 23:14 |
Thylio | I cant open Adept, another prosses is using the package system. I have tried to "killall apt-get" and "killall aptitude", still wont start. | 23:14 |
Daisuke_Laptop | no? okay. | 23:14 |
AmyRose_p2 | Jucato: Oh, and I did want to mention that KDE runs faster on here than GNOME does. Noticeably faster. So if anyone calls KDE bloated... :P | 23:14 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !aptfix | Thylio | 23:14 |
ubotu | Thylio: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 23:14 |
Jucato | AmyRose_p2: that's why I need your "reference" :) | 23:14 |
Daisuke_Laptop | fladd: open konsole | 23:14 |
AmyRose_p2 | ok | 23:14 |
Jucato | everytime someone says KDE is bloated, I think of you :) | 23:14 |
AmyRose_p2 | hehe | 23:14 |
fladd | console is always open | 23:15 |
fladd | :-) | 23:15 |
Daisuke_Laptop | excellent | 23:15 |
AmyRose_p2 | brb guys... my stepdad wants my help... | 23:15 |
Daisuke_Laptop | 'kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces' | 23:15 |
Daisuke_Laptop | what's your wireless device? wlan0, eth1, ra0? | 23:16 |
fladd | eth1 | 23:16 |
nosrednaekim | ath0? | 23:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ath0 too, that's another common one | 23:16 |
lovre | when i press CTRL+ALT+D a transparent window appears on my desktop, and i cant get rid of it. CTRL+ALT+D was supposed to Show Desktop | 23:16 |
fladd | auto lo | 23:16 |
fladd | iface lo inet loopback | 23:16 |
fladd | address | 23:16 |
fladd | netmask | 23:16 |
fladd | iface eth1 inet dhcp | 23:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | okay, look for eth1 in that file | 23:16 |
fladd | iface eth0 inet dhcp | 23:16 |
fladd | yes | 23:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | definitely don't want to paste that much :) | 23:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | but anywho, carrying on | 23:17 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as at0m1cb0mb3r | ||
Daisuke_Laptop | remove the eth1 line | 23:17 |
fladd | done | 23:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | and there should be a line further on that says auto eth1 | 23:17 |
Dragnslcr | Has anyone had problems booting the -generic kernel (but the -386 kernel works fine) with an nVidia graphics card in 7.10? I get dumped back to a console after the splash screen | 23:17 |
fladd | no such line, i pasted the whole file above | 23:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | k | 23:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | save and close | 23:18 |
fladd | done | 23:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | then from konsole, 'sudo NetworkManager' | 23:18 |
sven_ | How or where can I configure the strigi deamon so that it can use a little bit less resources?? | 23:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | (or knetworkmanager, i forgot i'm using gnome on the laptop :) | 23:18 |
fladd | done | 23:19 |
fladd | and it works again!!! | 23:19 |
fladd | thanks a lot! | 23:19 |
Daisuke_Laptop | you're welcome :) | 23:19 |
fladd | but, what actually happened? | 23:19 |
Daisuke_Laptop | when you went to connect with iwconfig, it added the wireless device to the interfaces file, BUT, networkmanager will only handle devices not in there | 23:20 |
fladd | ah, I see | 23:20 |
fladd | good to know | 23:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | so if you wanted networkmanager to handle your wired connection (i don't know why, but maybe there would be a reason sometime), you would remove the eth0 line as well | 23:20 |
kristen | I think the upgrade to Gutsy has killed the use of the ATI drivers for me - anyone think they can help figure that one out? | 23:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !ati | 23:20 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 23:20 |
fladd | and do you think the crash of k(desktop)manager right after the first boot after installing is something to worry about? | 23:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | meh, not the factoid i wanted | 23:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | fladd: nah :) | 23:21 |
Daisuke_Laptop | still more stable than MS's best! | 23:21 |
Daisuke_Laptop | if it happens continually, reinstall those packages | 23:21 |
kristen | I've installed the ATI driver numerous times (8.40 & 8.42.3) and I always have the same problem - no direct rendering, for no apparent reason. This wasn't a problem before gutsy. | 23:22 |
fladd | Daisuke_Laptop: oh and another strange observation (the last one): I have no spash while booting, just a black screen for about 3 min until the login screen shows up. Is this normal in gutsy? | 23:22 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: libgl in ther right place and the lkernel module getting linked? | 23:22 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i haven't seen that come up... but when you put the two together, it could potentially be a bad installation (bad burn or whatnot) | 23:22 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i wouldn't make that ruling just yet though | 23:22 |
sub[t]rnl | greets | 23:22 |
kristen | nosrednaekim: Believe so, but I'm not certain. I've checked alot of bloody things in the last few days, and this is still all new to me. ;) | 23:23 |
sub[t]rnl | check your /boot/grub/menu.lst and see if its using a splash to boot the kernel | 23:23 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: look though your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 23:23 |
pass | any1 knows how to enable windows previews plugin in compiz fusion to display minimized windows as well? | 23:23 |
kristen | nosrednaekim: Have a few times. You can check it over if you're of a mind, I posted it to my blog for reference: merrittkr.wordpress.com | 23:24 |
pass | is AIGLX better than xgl? | 23:24 |
Daisuke_Laptop | sub[t]rnl: he's also been having issues with random crashing | 23:24 |
kristen | pass: Yes :) | 23:24 |
nosrednaekim | pass: yes | 23:25 |
pass | 10x | 23:25 |
joh1 | gutsy is the new version ? | 23:25 |
pass | yep | 23:25 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: for the record... I got the 8.42 driver working | 23:25 |
Daisuke_Laptop | pass: that's like asking... there's nothing i can put here that wouldn't violate the CoC, so i'll be quiet | 23:25 |
joh1 | how old is edgy now ? | 23:25 |
Daisuke_Laptop | a year | 23:25 |
sub[t]rnl | i know the gutsy current kernel has issues with using the vesab framebuffer (passing a vga=xxx) | 23:25 |
nosrednaekim | 1 year | 23:25 |
sub[t]rnl | still tracking it | 23:25 |
joh1 | dam | 23:25 |
Daisuke_Laptop | it's 6.10, gutsy is 7.10 | 23:25 |
joh1 | you got that easy source url ? | 23:25 |
sub[t]rnl | pass: in ccsm go to extras, and enable the windows preview plugin | 23:25 |
joh1 | i think its doing it on it's own | 23:26 |
nosrednaekim | !source-o-matic | 23:26 |
sub[t]rnl | pass: make sure you have compiz-fusion-plugins-extra package installed | 23:26 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 23:26 |
joh1 | i think its updating on its own | 23:26 |
pass | it's enabled, problem is that it does not display minimized windows, only running windows. | 23:26 |
kristen | nosrednaekim: I upgraded to gutsy and my resolution and everything was frelled, I figured it had just messed up a setting or something, and since the 8.42 was coming out I'd not bother, and wait. Only now that I reverted back to 8.40 and still can't get direct rendering, it makes me think gutsy hurt the setup. The upgrade was very rocky, so I wouldn't be surprised. | 23:26 |
pass | sub[t]rnl - I got compiz with all the packages running, windows previews displays only running windows, i know it is some kind of bug with Xorg | 23:27 |
joh1 | doesn't it auto update ? | 23:27 |
sub[t]rnl | kristen: what video driver? | 23:27 |
pass | sub[t]rnl - my Q, is there any solution? in beryl for instance they had it figured out. | 23:27 |
fladd | sub[t]rnl: where should the splash in the menu.lst be specified? | 23:27 |
kristen | sub[t]rnl: I am trying to use the new ATI 8.42.3 fglrx driver | 23:28 |
sub[t]rnl | fladd: in the kernel boot option | 23:28 |
sub[t]rnl | pass: i'm thinking its an issue with kicker and the preview. I saw a fix on kde-look.org for compiz-kicker i think | 23:28 |
sub[t]rnl | pass: take a look there | 23:29 |
fladd | sub[t]rnl: well, it says splash there, right after quiet | 23:29 |
=== Hotblack is now known as DeepHot | ||
sub[t]rnl | fladd: show me the entire boot line | 23:29 |
fladd | kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=085e7b9f-1bfa-4f89-bee6-8648babdad89 ro quiet splash | 23:29 |
pass | sub[t]rnl - 10x but I already tried it, it's another issue... has nothing to do with the window previews plugin. thanks for trying though. | 23:29 |
sub[t]rnl | fladd: only thing I can tell you is to take the splash out if its not framebuffering | 23:30 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: wow...can't see ANYTHING in there... | 23:30 |
joh1 | wahts etch ? | 23:30 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: do you have the composite extension disabled in your xorg.conf | 23:30 |
joh1 | if i just update my sources to gusty then update and yea | 23:30 |
joh1 | what do i do to updage to gusty ? | 23:30 |
sub[t]rnl | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 23:31 |
kristen | nosrednaekim: Looks all good, doesn't it? Should work, and all. fglrxinfo states using the correct driver, the only oddity is that glxinfo states OpenGL vendor string: Mesa. And I've also tried having the composite extention enabled, disabled, and not commented at all - none made a difference | 23:31 |
fladd | well, I took that out, and now I get quite normal bootmessegaes (including an error from kinit whicht tells me someting about failing to resume, but i guess this is normal?) | 23:31 |
pass | kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" | 23:31 |
sub[t]rnl | fladd: yeah | 23:31 |
joh1 | sub[t]rnl: cant i do the same thing from adept manager ? | 23:31 |
pass | joh1: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" | 23:32 |
joh1 | if i hit full update righ t? | 23:32 |
fladd | so should i add anything to make it framebuffer? | 23:32 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: maybe your card just isn't supported...I mean, its a whole new code base. | 23:32 |
sub[t]rnl | whats your video card? | 23:32 |
fladd | ati mobility radeon 9600 | 23:32 |
kristen | nosrednaekim: ATI says it is supported, and I have heard from other x1400 (my card) users that it worked flawlessly for them, no problems. Also the 8.40 driver DID work for me in Feisty just fine, but doesn't since the upgrade to gutsy... | 23:33 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: ah.... | 23:33 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: and the official driver doesn't work either? | 23:33 |
sub[t]rnl | well, as of gutsy they blacklist vesab, you can try uncommenting it, adding fbcon and vesafb into your /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and rebuilding the kernel image | 23:33 |
kristen | nosrednaekim: fglrx isn't the official driver? ^_^ | 23:33 |
joh1 | udev: Breaks: libdevmapper1.02 (< 2:1.02.08-1ubuntu7) but 2:1.02.07-1ubuntu2 is to be installed | 23:34 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: well, no...but I mean the official fglrx driver from the repositories | 23:34 |
pass | joh1: after you upgrade to gutsy make sure u get rid of the evms package, it only causes troubles. | 23:34 |
sub[t]rnl | fladd: add vesafb and fbcon into the modules file, then update-initramfs -u | 23:34 |
kristen | nosrednaekim: Haven't tried it to be honest. Didn't work for me the first time I loaded Kubuntu on my machine, had to download a driver to even get X on the LiveCD. :) lol | 23:35 |
fladd | sub[t]rnl: there was however the splash screen, when booting from cd | 23:35 |
joh1 | um idk what to do the system is using edgy i just updated my sources.list and ran apt-get update now what ? | 23:35 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: ah :) | 23:35 |
nosrednaekim | kristen: thats the official one then if you DLed with Apt-get | 23:35 |
Mace68 | lo all, got a little problem... i enabled the acpi helper in kde power management. it's not working the way it should, and one symptom is i can't get back into the power settings to change anything. is there a process i should kill or a config file i can edit to disable the acpi helper? | 23:36 |
pass | CYA all, thanks for help especially sub[t]rnl | 23:36 |
Dragnslcr | So now when I try to boot the -generic kernel, I get a kernel panic after about 1.5 seconds | 23:36 |
sub[t]rnl | pass: take care | 23:36 |
Dragnslcr | Something about not being able to mount the root fs | 23:36 |
joh1 | ? | 23:36 |
kristen | nosrednaekim: Nope, when I got this computer nothing was working in Linux, followed a guys guide revolving around the Dell 6400 and ATI x1400, did a wget for the driver. | 23:36 |
=== ack_ is now known as ack__ | ||
joh1 | if i run update on edgy with gutsy 's sources wont that break the system | 23:38 |
joh1 | ? | 23:38 |
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=== nu is now known as nuu | ||
Daisuke_Laptop | yes, yes it will | 23:38 |
Mace68 | forgot to mention that i am on a laptop and the battery applet stopped working too | 23:38 |
Daisuke_Laptop | personally, i would recommend doing a fresh gutsy install | 23:38 |
joh1 | Daisuke_Laptop: should i go back to edgy sources and do some special upgrade ? | 23:38 |
Daisuke_Laptop | as you would otherwise have to go edgy > feisty > gutsy | 23:38 |
Minataku | Hm... | 23:38 |
Minataku | I hope Dr_Willis is okay | 23:39 |
=== ack__ is now known as toobu | ||
Minataku | Haven't seen him in a while | 23:39 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | and the edgy to feisty upgrade wasn't exactly stellar | 23:39 |
=== nu is now known as nuu | ||
Daisuke_Laptop | Minataku: he was on early this morning | 23:39 |
Minataku | Hm | 23:39 |
Minataku | Heh | 23:39 |
sub[t]rnl | yeah i talked to him last night | 23:39 |
Minataku | Yeah, the upgrade from what I've heard was far from smooth | 23:39 |
sub[t]rnl | we were tinkering with our conkies together | 23:39 |
sub[t]rnl | ...wa.. | 23:39 |
sub[t]rnl | nm | 23:40 |
Minataku | It sounds about as smooth as my chin when I haven't shaved in a month | 23:40 |
Daisuke_Laptop | feisty to gutsy was much smoother, i thought | 23:40 |
lovre | how do i install my monitor drivers? | 23:40 |
Mace68 | <sub[t]rnl> we were tinkering with our conkies together <<< TMI lol ;) | 23:40 |
Minataku | That's the one that sounds completely lousy | 23:40 |
sub[t]rnl | :( | 23:40 |
=== cosenal is now known as zimba12 | ||
* Minataku meows at sub[t]rnl to cheer him up | 23:40 | |
Minataku | lol | 23:40 |
sub[t]rnl | hehe | 23:40 |
Minataku | You made a bad sounding goof last night, too, remember? X3 | 23:41 |
zimba12 | hi | 23:41 |
sub[t]rnl | yeah I'm good at those | 23:41 |
Minataku | Heehee | 23:41 |
Daisuke_Laptop | Minataku: aside from the adept (and only adept, of course) problem with it still showing a version upgrade AFTER upgrading... it wasn't too bad | 23:41 |
kristen | Upgrade to Gutsy for me crashed mid-point and wouldn't start again, had to finish with Adept-updater >_> | 23:41 |
Minataku | I upgraded my SPARCstation 10 and SunOS 4.1.4 decided to stop working | 23:41 |
zimba12 | I installed Kub 7.10 and for 2 days it worked without problems (except the known crash for Kopete with MSN account) | 23:41 |
Dragnslcr | I'm in 14-386 kernel right now, and I just uninstalled the -generic kernel. Should I reboot before reinstalling the -generic kernel package? | 23:42 |
Minataku | Apparantly the old-ass 2.7 boot PROM automatically assigned the hard drive SCSI ID 3 | 23:42 |
kristen | Say, hey, since it neer did the "cleaning up" part of the upgrade, could that frell graphics drivers? >_>;; | 23:42 |
Minataku | Well, the 2.25 boot PROM _doesn't_ | 23:42 |
Daisuke_Laptop | but adept isn't a piece of software, it's the soul of the devil, entrapped in code, and it could be released with a mere misplaced click... | 23:42 |
Minataku | Which led to SunOS losing track of everything and becoming completely unusable | 23:42 |
Dragnslcr | kristen- did debconf segfault during the upgrade? | 23:42 |
zimba12 | but one hour ago I suspended the machine and after that suspend knetworkmanager cannot find any device | 23:42 |
Minataku | When you've lost ls and cat and EVERY OTHER COMMAND | 23:42 |
Minataku | It's hosed for good | 23:42 |
Minataku | lol | 23:42 |
kristen | Dragnslcr: No idea. Can I check that? | 23:43 |
lovre | my ALT+TAB doesnt work!? | 23:43 |
Minataku | So I have to reinstall SunOS 4.1.4 on Usada | 23:43 |
zimba12 | I also tried to restart, but it's still not working | 23:43 |
Dragnslcr | kristen- I was just curious, since that's what happened to me, and I had to just run apt-get upgrade a few times to finish | 23:43 |
Minataku | But at least she's working now with the 2x TMS320Z50 @ 36MHz | 23:43 |
Minataku | Or whatever the p/n is | 23:43 |
Minataku | I forget exactly | 23:43 |
Minataku | They're SuperSPARC modules | 23:44 |
Minataku | lol | 23:44 |
Dragnslcr | Guess I'll reboot, just in case. Can't really hurt anything at this point | 23:44 |
sub[t]rnl | hehe | 23:44 |
Minataku | I just realized that I sometimes enjoy confusing people by going completely over their heads | 23:44 |
Minataku | XD | 23:44 |
Minataku | I'm well aware that practically nobody in here knows what I'm saying | 23:44 |
lovre | how do i install my monitor drivers? | 23:44 |
Minataku | But I'm having fun saying it anyway XD | 23:44 |
kristen | Dragnslcr: Not sure *shrug* I tried to run the upgrade again and it just kept crashing itself. I used the Adept updater to download and install the rest of everything, and afterwards tried the upgrade tool... it didn't crash, but after modifying sources said that there was nothing to upgrade, and closed, so it never got to the "cleaning up" phase of the upgrade..... | 23:44 |
CPrompt^ | so what *would* be the best way to try an upgrade? command line? alt CD? Update Manager? Kinda scared from my last upgrade to Fiesty went pretty bad :( | 23:45 |
sub[t]rnl | CPrompt^: adept manager worked seemlessly for me | 23:46 |
Mace68 | man i can't even kill control center now :S | 23:46 |
sub[t]rnl | CPrompt^: or just grab an alternate .iso, burn it, then install it without formating your /home partition | 23:46 |
Mace68 | maybe i'm not doing it right... what's the most forceful kill command? | 23:47 |
CPrompt^ | sub[t]rnl : when you say "adept manager" did you change the sources through it and then upgrade? | 23:47 |
CPrompt^ | Mace68 : are you trying to kill a program or something? | 23:47 |
Minataku | Mace68: "kill -9 pid" | 23:47 |
Minataku | Which sends SIGKILL | 23:47 |
Minataku | If that fails, you're wedged | 23:47 |
contrast83 | ^ and is only to be used as a last resort. :-) | 23:47 |
Mace68 | yeah tried SIGKILL | 23:47 |
sub[t]rnl | CPrompt^: negative | 23:48 |
Minataku | If it didn't terminate the process, you're stuck hard | 23:48 |
Mace68 | lol, was afraid of that | 23:48 |
Minataku | It's probably either jammed up, or in some kind of semi-atomic (means: uninterruptable) state | 23:48 |
Mace68 | did you happen to see my initial question Minataku? | 23:48 |
CPrompt^ | sub[t]rnl : hmmmm....maybe I have something wrong then. Fiesty doesn't have the "Full Upgrade" available. | 23:48 |
contrast83 | A wired ethernet connection should still *just work* if I uninstall network-manager, right? | 23:48 |
sub[t]rnl | CPrompt^: odd, did you follow the upgarde steps to the T from the ubuntu website? | 23:49 |
contrast83 | I'm running Kubuntu on a fairly old machine and am trying to minimize stuff running in the background. | 23:49 |
Dragnslcr | Let's see if reinstalling the -generic kernel will work | 23:49 |
Minataku | Nope | 23:49 |
Minataku | I was eating dinner | 23:49 |
Minataku | Then came back in the middle of everything | 23:49 |
CPrompt^ | sub[r]tnl : i haven't tried anything yet. I'll check out the site though... | 23:50 |
Mace68 | lol, k... here it is... | 23:50 |
Mace68 | lo all, got a little problem... i enabled the acpi helper in kde power management. it's not working the way it should, and one symptom is i can't get back into the power settings to change anything. is there a process i should kill or a config file i can edit to disable the acpi helper? | 23:50 |
sub[t]rnl | CPrompt^: k, updating was painless | 23:51 |
Mace68 | and that's why control center is hung atm, tried to get into power settings | 23:51 |
sub[t]rnl | CPrompt^: if you wanna be cool, you can just do sudo sed -e 's/\sfeisty/ gutsy/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list;sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 23:51 |
CPrompt^ | sub[t]rnl : ok....where is the page with the upgrade suggestions. I must be more tired that I though | 23:51 |
Minataku | Ah | 23:51 |
Minataku | Hm | 23:52 |
sub[t]rnl | can't member | 23:52 |
sub[t]rnl | !upgrade | 23:52 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 23:52 |
Minataku | There might be an acpid or something | 23:52 |
Mace68 | killed it :) | 23:52 |
CPrompt^ | sub[t]rnl : ugh....I forget about ubotu :( | 23:52 |
Minataku | Heh | 23:52 |
sub[t]rnl | shh, you'll hurt his feelings | 23:52 |
Minataku | Did it fix the problem? | 23:52 |
Minataku | Because kacpid is a kernel thread | 23:52 |
Minataku | And I don't think you can mess with those | 23:52 |
Minataku | lol | 23:52 |
Mace68 | only thing i can't kill is the kacpi stuff | 23:53 |
Minataku | Yeah | 23:53 |
Mace68 | nope, tried already hehe | 23:53 |
Minataku | Did the control center at least come back? | 23:53 |
Mace68 | no | 23:53 |
Minataku | If not, try sending that a signal | 23:53 |
Minataku | If all else fails, try restarting X11 | 23:53 |
CPrompt^ | sub[t]rnl : thanks. | 23:53 |
sub[t]rnl | k, good luck bro | 23:53 |
sub[t]rnl | hope it goes well | 23:53 |
=== yamal_ is now known as yamal | ||
CPrompt^ | thanks. if not, I'll just re-install from CD LOL | 23:54 |
Minataku | If that fails (It may, the orphaned process may become it's own parent) then reboot and don't look at that tab anymore | 23:54 |
Minataku | lol | 23:54 |
Mace68 | lol... | 23:54 |
Minataku | You may have to disable the ACPI helper or ACPI entirely | 23:54 |
Mace68 | how do i disable the kde acpi helper? | 23:54 |
Minataku | How did you enable it? | 23:54 |
Mace68 | in control center > power settings lol | 23:55 |
Minataku | Haha | 23:55 |
Minataku | Wonderful | 23:55 |
Mace68 | can't get there any more | 23:55 |
Minataku | XD | 23:55 |
Mace68 | lol | 23:55 |
* Minataku sighs | 23:55 | |
Minataku | There's probably a way you can disable it from a config file | 23:55 |
Minataku | Dunno how, though | 23:55 |
Mace68 | no biggie though, computer still runs beautifully | 23:55 |
Dragnslcr | Well, looks like reinstalling the -generic kernel worked | 23:55 |
Mace68 | k, i'll have a google on it again... thanks for trying :) | 23:56 |
Dragnslcr | nVidia drivers loaded fine | 23:56 |
Minataku | Heh | 23:57 |
Minataku | Except for the uncloseable control panel | 23:57 |
Minataku | X3 | 23:57 |
Mace68 | lol, x server restart will fix that | 23:57 |
Minataku | Heehee | 23:58 |
Dragnslcr | It still seems like Bluetooth connectivity is a bit sketchy in 7.10 | 23:59 |
Dragnslcr | Though it may just be my keyboard/mouse. They certainly haven't been trouble-free | 23:59 |
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