
=== zachy is now known as zakame
=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== jamesstansel1 is now known as llesnats
* Rabiddog damn losers in ##java21:14
* Rabiddog anal little programming pigs21:15
Rabiddoghttp://evga.com/community/chat/memberchat.asp <---- When I access this feature it shows a white window with the word Connect in a gray box in the center, however when I clcik on it it does nothing or there seems to be no action. And no chat window comes up. I need to to determine if this a configuration issue on my computer or a java bug the window finally came up after 5 mins.21:26
dpmlWhen running my java application I'm seeing three process startup - a process named 'station' (this process corresponds to the bash script which launches java), the launched java process, and a process named xargs (no idea what this is).  Is there any elegant way I can bring this back to a single process?  P.S. I'm coming from a Windows background where all of this is handled as a single process.23:29

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