thesysop | hi mobile | 05:57 |
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njende | Hi there! I've got some problems getting a HUAWEI USB E220 Easy Box to work. Would/Could anyone of you help? | 11:40 |
mjg59 | njende: This channel is for development of the Ubuntu mobile platform, not for support of Ubuntu and mobile phones | 11:41 |
njende | ah, okay!sry | 11:41 |
njende | is there a special channel for ubuntu and mobile devices? | 11:41 |
njende | so, there is none | 11:43 |
mjg59 | njende: Not that I know of, I'm afraid | 11:46 |
Blackgoth | is there a supported device list yet? | 14:34 |
mjg59 | Samsung Q1 Ultra and Intel Crown Beach development boards. | 14:34 |
Blackgoth | okay :) ill put my htc and hp back then :p | 14:35 |
smagoun | According to strace, launching the home plugin via ume-xephyr-start results in 1462 open() calls on /usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache (which doesn't exist). That can't be good. | 15:08 |
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kyleN | anyone know whether/how we support input methods for asian and other keyboards? | 16:44 |
bspencer | smagoun: we still don't have the theme and icons issues worked out. | 16:46 |
bspencer | esp wrt hildon-desktop | 16:46 |
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bspencer_ | asac, cwong1_ question: have you guys talked about timing for moving to gecko 1.9? | 17:38 |
cwong1_ | bspencer_: not yet but I have ask jimmy to see if we can build midbrowser code with Firefox 3.0 source | 17:54 |
bspencer_ | cwong1_, thanks. | 17:57 |
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pat_mcgowan | bspencer, Is moving to gecko 1.9 part of the plan near term? | 18:13 |
bspencer_ | pat_mcgowan, "part of the plan" is as soon as we have time to do it, yes | 18:14 |
bspencer_ | I thikn FF 3.0 releases a stable version in November | 18:14 |
bspencer_ | and I don't know the scope of the work to moving to the new code base. | 18:14 |
pat_mcgowan | bspencer, ok thats good to know, for zooming requirement | 18:14 |
bspencer_ | I heard that gecko 1.9 supports some ... | 18:14 |
bspencer_ | yes, you said it | 18:14 |
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bspencer | pat_mcgowan, have you played with zooming? | 18:15 |
pat_mcgowan | no I have not | 18:17 |
pat_mcgowan | I should | 18:17 |
asac | bspencer: november? that would be a miracle ... there isn't even beta out iirc | 18:18 |
asac | from what i know its more like january when 3.0 will be final ... so in time for hardy | 18:19 |
bspencer | asac, ok. my comment was based on old info. I haven't looked at the current status. | 18:20 |
bspencer | asac, do you have any idea of the scope of moving to FF 3.0 for midbrowser? | 18:20 |
asac | bspencer: right ... i think november is on some wiki page or something and it hasn't been updated to reflect the truth | 18:20 |
smagoun | FWIW, Firefox betas are generally shippable | 18:20 |
asac | bspencer: i don't think its much work ... its actually doing the same we currently did for the chrome part ... and the hildon backend should just work | 18:21 |
bspencer | asac, I was thinking of the possibility of setting up a new project for midbrowser w/FF 3.0 that we could start hacking on | 18:22 |
bspencer | one in the hand, one in the bush, so to speak | 18:22 |
asac | bspencer: what are the release plans for UME? will there be a release in the mids of hardy development cycle? or will we release the first UME in synch with hardy? | 18:22 |
asac | if its the latter I would say that we add those few feature that are really needed to 2.0 and then directly go ahead and start developing against 3.0 | 18:23 |
bspencer | asac, first /finished/ UME in hardy. I've heard that there might be an intermediate Feb release for UME alpha/beta? ... I need to defer to others on that. | 18:24 |
bspencer | so I'm for definately for moving early. | 18:25 |
asac | hmmm sounds a bit like its just following the Ubuntu release cycle ... we have alpha beta releases as well | 18:25 |
pat_mcgowan | yes there are interim releases, and we have some OXM commitments before April | 18:25 |
pat_mcgowan | but they also want the zooming in the browser | 18:25 |
asac | in any case ... if we are happy with current features of midbrowser, I would vote to put midbrowser from 2.0 branch into "maintenance" mode (e.g. just security updates) and move real development of features to 3.0 | 18:25 |
bspencer | major features are all sufficient | 18:26 |
asac | i think the gconf feature should be added to 2.0 ... and maybe panning, but I am not sure how far cwong1_ get with the patch he found somewhere | 18:26 |
bspencer | two things I'd like to fix before jumping... | 18:26 |
bspencer | make icons at the bottom larger (48x48), and fix the drop-down menu font to match other hildon apps. | 18:27 |
asac | k ... which font is it? | 18:27 |
bspencer | that would make it appear a little more integrated and be able to actually touch the icons with my finger. | 18:27 |
asac | is that set or do you want that to be auto-detected? | 18:27 |
bspencer | asac, cwong1_ and I were looking at the font. We need to see if I just need to set something else in the theme | 18:27 |
bspencer | it may not be a browser issue. | 18:28 |
bspencer | so let us tinker with it for a day and we'll probably figure it out. If I change my font on a normal desktop, FF changes appropriately, so I doubt it is FF code. | 18:29 |
asac | oh really? | 18:29 |
asac | hmm ... if that applies to popups as well, then its certainly a hildon theme issue | 18:29 |
bspencer | lots of popup elements are correctly themed, like button highlight and color | 18:29 |
bspencer | but the button sizes are always small on FF | 18:30 |
bspencer | s/FF/midbrowser | 18:30 |
bspencer | like "OK" and "Canel" and "Restore Session", etc. The are short. | 18:30 |
asac | ok ... can you try to verify if something improved in firefox-3.0 ? | 18:31 |
asac | you can just install the firefox-3.0 package in gutsy from universe | 18:31 |
bspencer | asac, I'll ask cwong1_ to check it out | 18:32 |
asac | good | 18:32 |
asac | will you be in boston? | 18:32 |
bspencer | yes, Mon-Thu | 18:32 |
cwong1_ | bspencer, asac I have asked jimmy looking into this yesterday | 18:32 |
cwong1_ | asac: when u said patch above, did u mean patch to panning? | 18:33 |
asac | cwong1_: yes | 18:33 |
cwong1_ | asac: the patch I found was for minimo | 18:34 |
asac | cwong1_: you remember which parts of minimo did it touch? the minimo/ tree? or the gfx/ layout/ tree? | 18:34 |
cwong1_ | I believe it was in minimo tree. I will send u that info today | 18:35 |
asac | cwong1_: good ... i will not have time to look into anything until sat or mon ... but maybe open a bug for that | 18:35 |
cwong1_ | that's fine | 18:36 |
asac | ok ... so assuming that gconf patch is fine our todo until 2.0 final will be | 18:36 |
asac | 1. button sizing | 18:36 |
asac | 2. font sizing in menu (probably a hildon theme issue) | 18:36 |
asac | 3. gconf patch | 18:36 |
asac | 4. to-front | 18:36 |
asac | e.g. raise window | 18:36 |
asac | and if panning is simple add panning as well to 2.0 ... otherwise do that on 3.0 | 18:37 |
cwong1_ | that pretty much i | 18:37 |
asac | agree? | 18:37 |
cwong1_ | yes | 18:37 |
bspencer | icons at the bottom bigger? Is that part of button sizing? | 18:37 |
bspencer | cwong1_, what do you think about this? Have you browsed on the Q1 ? | 18:38 |
cwong1_ | yes. they are small. | 18:38 |
cwong1_ | I will try bigger icons and see if it looks better | 18:39 |
asac | btw, i created a fresh image today for Q1 and somehow i often end up in a state where i cannot switch apps by clicking home button and need to reboot to get in a usable state again. is that known? | 18:39 |
cwong1_ | not that I know of. Did you run it on the Q1? | 18:40 |
asac | yes | 18:41 |
asac | thats where i see the issue | 18:41 |
asac | i can reproduce it most reliably when i have a terminal open among other apps ... but already ended up in that state without terminal as well. | 18:42 |
cwong1_ | Most likely it is bug. I will give it a try and report the bug. | 18:44 |
bspencer | asac, yes, that is known | 18:45 |
bspencer | asac, there is aproblem with control panel in the gutsy image that I am trying to get fixed | 18:45 |
bspencer | asac, it kills the wm when you launch it. | 18:45 |
bspencer | you can tell when it happens because the application startup message in the right side loses its border. Then you are dead. It is a problem that can be fixed by updating hildon-control-panel | 18:46 |
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bspencer | (but not in gutsy yet :( ) | 18:47 |
asac | ah | 18:48 |
asac | is the new hildon-control-panel in ppa ... or where? | 18:48 |
asac | bspencer: ^^ ? | 18:53 |
bspencer | asac, we just narrowed down the area. hildon-control-panel that works is on | 18:54 |
bspencer | but I've asked our guys if it needs to be | 18:54 |
bspencer | so hopefully I can get it removed from there and the patch pushed up in the next day | 18:55 |
asac | only in git or is there an apt line i should add? | 18:55 |
bspencer | let me get the apt line... | 18:55 |
bspencer | deb gaston | 18:56 |
bspencer | # ap hildon-control-panel | 18:57 |
bspencer | hildon-control-panel: | 18:57 |
bspencer | Installed: 1:1.9.5-2ubuntu1 | 18:57 |
bspencer | Candidate: 1:1.9.5-2ubuntu1 | 18:57 |
bspencer | I think the gutsy version is 1:1.9.5-1ubuntuX | 18:57 |
asac | ok thanks ... dist-upgrade running :) | 18:59 |
bspencer | we try to keep the delta between moblin and ume as small as possible | 19:00 |
asac | right ... is there a way to disable wifi on Q1 so i can use it during flight? | 19:00 |
asac | or isn't that a problem? | 19:00 |
bspencer | not sure. iwconfig ... ? | 19:01 |
asac | hmm ... no i meant something like a kill-switch to disable the radio | 19:02 |
bspencer | right. I don't know. | 19:02 |
asac | ok :) | 19:02 |
asac | maybe in bios then :) | 19:02 |
cwong1_ | asac: tell your boos to cough up more $$ so u can get on a flight that support wifi....:) | 19:08 |
asac | cwong1_: hehe :) ... so is it a problem to keep the radio on? | 19:09 |
cwong1_ | offically yes.. but I dont think they really affect the plane's electronic | 19:10 |
asac | not being sure sounds dangerous ;) | 19:10 |
cwong1_ | Whey I use my laptop on the plane, the wireless is on | 19:10 |
cwong1_ | s/whey/when/ | 19:10 |
asac | oh | 19:10 |
asac | :) | 19:10 |
asac | how often did you crash? | 19:10 |
cwong1_ | none so far.... :) | 19:11 |
asac | i think i will just listen carefully what they say before takeoff :) | 19:12 |
asac | anyway ... i think a mobile device product that doesn't have a hardware killswitch somehow missed an important feature :) | 19:13 |
asac | but then Q1 ships with vista, which isn't really a good mobile OS either ;) | 19:13 |
asac | at least when trying to use my fingers it just fails completely | 19:14 |
asac | ok off ... cu in boston | 19:18 |
cwong1_ | asac: | 19:18 |
asac | ? | 19:19 |
cwong1_ | I just sent u the panning info | 19:19 |
cwong1_ | asac: Have a safe trip to boston | 19:19 |
asac | cwong1_: ok got that info. thanks carl. | 19:21 |
bspencer | asac, do you have the access you need to setup a new source repository for midbrowser or do you need something from us? | 19:26 |
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