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bluekujaheya jdong13:40
bluekujajdong, why the hell it's still not built?13:40
jdongbluekuja: I'm wondering the same13:40
bluekujajdong, queued 16 hours ago13:40
jdongbluekuja: I'm discussing with fujitsu in -motu right now what to do with Azureus in feisty13:41
bluekujajdong, following it a bit13:42
bluekujajdong, let me look at the i386 build machines13:42
bluekujajdong, seems busy13:43
jdongbluekuja: eep how much more in queue?13:45
bluekujajdong, checking13:47
bluekujajdong, the queue is huge!13:48
bluekujajdong, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+builds?build_text=&build_state=pending&start=75&batch=7513:48
bluekujaout build score is too low13:48
bluekujadont know why13:48
bluekujaalso because main packages come before universe13:49
jdongbluekuja: reupload with urgency=critical14:03
* jdong ducks14:03
bluekujajdong, we should have set it as medium or high14:03
jdongbluekuja: lol, yeah14:04
jdongI find it odd that arch-indep packages are forced to build on i38614:04
jdongI'm sure the amd64 builders aren't as busy?14:04
jdong(gcc tends to be faster in compiling 64-bit binaries than 32-bit ones)14:04
bluekujajdong, it will build it on hppa14:05
bluekujaI guess14:05
bluekujaso we will end up having it built14:05
bluekujain a week14:05
jdongthat long? :(14:05
bluekujano, I guess14:05
bluekuja1-2 days14:05
jdongmeh not terrible14:07
jdongannoying if we're gonna have to wait that often for each build14:07
* jdong contemplates asking pitti to copy to -backports now to parallelize it14:07
bluekujaI hope not14:07
bluekujajdong, yeah, it would be a nice idea. Does backports use a special build machine?14:08
jdonghah, nope.14:08
bluekujaah darn14:08
jdongwonder if there's a way to send backports into a binary-unapproved queue?14:08
jdongI don't want hte backport to come out then it turns out to be broken14:08
jdongthough I'd have no idea how that happens :D14:09
bluekujadon't know...But as far as we need to wait the result for that buildd thing14:09
bluekujaif that works out14:10
bluekujait's ok14:10
bluekujaif not, we have a big problem14:10
bluekujabut I *guess* it will work.14:10
jdongbluekuja: consdiering that it's this weekend when it comes out,l I'll set up a vmware hardy and test out-of-the-box install of azureus14:10
bluekujajdong, true, it will be built around saturday14:10
bluekujaor sunday14:10
bluekujaI guess14:10
bluekujajdong, hardy atm is quite the same of gutsy14:11
bluekujaso having it working for gutsy is a 90% to have it done for hardy as well14:11
bluekujajdong, right?14:12
jdongbluekuja: hardy is virtually identical17:38
jdongbluekuja: we KNOW it works for gutsy as long as the buildd builds :)17:38
bluekujajdong, lol17:40
bluekujatrue :)17:40
jdongbluekuja: we've got trouble, btw.18:35
jdongbluekuja: icedtea running az on amd64 segfaults, but not on i386, and sun-java* works fine on amd6418:36
jdongbluekuja: puts us in a tight spot on amd64.....18:36
bluekujawhy does it segfaults?18:37
jdongbluekuja: http://rafb.net/p/usAG6344.html18:37
jdongthat's the traceback...18:37
jdongbluekuja: I asked the person to file a bug report18:37
jdongbluekuja: I think it's a bug in icedtea18:37
jdongbluekuja: I'll set up an amd64 ubuntu box over the weekend and investigate this...18:38
bluekujajdong, sounds great18:38
bluekujakeep me updated when you're up on that box18:38
bluekujaI hope to be around this weekend18:38
jdongbluekuja: initial report claims it segfaults on the updater18:38
jdongbluekuja: I might just nuke the whole damn updater18:39
jdongcan't say I didn't try ;-)18:39
camrdalewhat's the reason for using idedtea over sun-java anyway?18:39
jdongcamrdale: to avoid multiverse demotion18:40
camrdaleI force az to use sun-java with no problems18:40
jdongcamrdale: you can do that with the new package18:40
bluekujacamrdale, did you see the debtorrent sync bug?18:40
camrdalebecause sun-java is non-free?18:40
jdongcamrdale: correct18:40
camrdalebluekuja: yes, responding now18:40
jdongcamrdale: I think that'd be doko's last straw18:40
bluekujacamrdale, thanks18:40
jdongif I were to require sun-java* on an architecture, he'd go ballistic18:40
camrdaleis sun-java6 still non-free?18:40
jdongcamrdale: correct18:41
camrdaledamn, I thought they opened it up18:41
jdongcamrdale: they opened up java 7, aka icedtea18:41
camrdaleahhh, now I see I need to do more reading, thanks18:41
jdongbluekuja: ok, for now, I'm going to change the logic of the launcher18:43
jdongbluekuja: it will perform a java -version on /usr/bin/java first.... and if that's either Sun or icedtea, it'll use it18:43
jdongbluekuja: that way amd64 users can update-alternatives to a sun java, and azureus will comply18:43
bluekujajdong, we will require a new upload for it then18:44
bluekujajust let me know when it's tested and ready18:44
jdongbluekuja: yeah, it's a new upload.. and a suboptimal workaround18:44
jdongbluekuja: it's like "unofficially" multiverse. dodging the archive admins basically18:44
bluekujasounds great18:44
jdongnot ideal, but works until icedtea behave18:45
jdongbluekuja: apparent'y void^ has seen this error on openoffice & icedtea too18:45
jdongbluekuja: so it'll probably be fixed in a later icedtea18:45
bluekujajdong, I hope we will have a 1ubuntu1 working package18:46
bluekujaand buildd wont complain18:46
bluekujaso we can move to fix the amd64 thing18:46
bluekujayou just told me18:46
* bluekuja is going for a showa18:46
jdongbluekuja: right; that's my goal...18:46
jdongbluekuja: 1ubuntu1 working, then we just change the order of the launcher's checks18:46
jdongand call it done for gutsy-updates...18:47
jdongthat'll be a simple change18:47
bluekujajdong, if it builds fine, we can backport it18:47
jdongwe'll deal with icedtea stack fixes as -backports18:47
jdongI asked void^ to open a bug report on it18:48
jdongso we can track it better18:48
jdongbut meh, I'm not too concerned about the amd64 thing for now18:48
bluekujajdong, news from doko?18:48
jdongbluekuja: nope18:48
bluekujamaybe he's angry18:48
jdongbluekuja: but as I said, demoting azureus to multiverse would definitely push him over the edge18:49
jdongbluekuja: I think he bought my last explanation and backed down18:49
jdongthat java.nio is broken in GCJ18:49
bluekujanow one can defeat mr. azureus18:49
bluekujajdong, I go for a shower18:50
bluekujaI'll bll18:50
bluekujadamn keyboard18:50
BaKKaRi would like to report Azureus crashing on Ubuntu 7.10. Is this only me or there have been others complaining about the same issue?19:01
jdongBaKKaR: there are around 30 duplicate bug reports of this19:01
jdongBaKKaR: I am working on a fix and am very close to it19:01
jdongbug 5787519:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 57875 in azureus "Azureus hangs or crashes showing splash screen at start" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5787519:01
BaKKaRthank you jdong. Keep the spirit high and good luck.19:02
BaKKaRany log from my files i can help you with?19:02
jdongthanks :)19:02
BaKKaRor any fix you want me to try?19:02
jdongno, at this point I have all the information I need19:02
jdongthere is a fix attached near the end of that bug report that you can play with19:02
jdongI know that fix is not correct on amd64, and am working towards that19:02
BaKKaRjdong: hope i will know how :) other wise i will have to wait for the update-manager :-P19:03
jdongit's simply a .deb file19:04
jdongBaKKaR: the update should hit Gutsy by end of next week19:04
BaKKaRjdong: Super Cool. Thank you for you work :)19:04
jdongsure thing19:05
BaKKaRwil try the dep now19:05
BaKKaRwill report in few seconds19:05
bluekujahi all19:17
bluekujaheya BaKKaR19:18
bluekujaBaKKaR, azureus user19:19
BaKKaRand YES it does crash with me19:19
bluekujacool, we are waiting the package to be built19:19
BaKKaRi am trying the fix now19:19
bluekujagreat, report back to john19:20
BaKKaRone sec19:20
bluekujahe's following this19:20
BaKKaRyesh this is why i am here waiting for the deb to install and will report to him19:20
BaKKaRbtw what is java icedtea? FOSS java?19:20
hanselBaKKaR: yes - icedtea.classpath.org19:22
bluekujaBaKKaR, yup based on OpenJDK19:22
bluekujahi hansel19:23
bluekujacamrdale, answered?19:23
BaKKaRWoW, you guys are amazing19:23
bluekujacamrdale, great19:25
bluekujaBaKKaR, why?19:25
* jdong wonders if he can make Azureus self-aware19:26
BaKKaRi thought Java is only made by Sun it was ported only because sun has it's own linux. But you guys have went all the way to make an all knew java?19:26
jdongor some less cool term for "azureus checks if it crashed last time thanks to the JVM"19:26
jdongBaKKaR: IcedTea is a sun-sponsored project, we merely package it and make it available from the repositories19:27
jdongBaKKaR: we are the only distro I know of with icedtea in a stable release...19:27
jdongFedora Core 8 will sport icedtea19:27
BaKKaRare you telling me in couple years Linux will be ( java wise) based on Java IcedTea?19:28
BaKKaRfor it's Java applications?19:28
BaKKaRI better hit the FAQ, no?19:29
* BaKKaR blushes19:29
jdongBaKKaR: that's the way I see it going19:29
jdongbut I am not a Java expert19:29
jdongicedtea is also know as "Java 7"19:29
jdongit will be the next major release of Sun's Java19:30
jdongonce we put this java 6, 5 behind us, even Sun's Java will be open source19:30
BaKKaRjdong:  com'n don't say that. You are fixing one heck of java app :)19:30
jdongBaKKaR: my "fixing" is minor code tweaks, and mostly changing the java compiler and runtime :)19:30
jdongI don't fully undrstand what's going on in there19:30
jdongJava's a big complex environment19:30
BaKKaRbtw don't mind my english, am not a nateive speaker :)19:31
jdongand it has to be -- for it's not a native compiled language and can sometimes turn 2x C performance19:31
BaKKaRjdong: 2x C performance?!?! now this is very much the opposite of all what i know so far.19:32
jdongBaKKaR: under certain circumstances (particularly tight mathematical loops, or cases where input data type wildly differs, Sun's JVM can run Java code faster than the equivalent C program compiled.19:33
jdongBaKKaR: Java is not inherently slow. it's in fact quite the opposite.19:33
bluekujacamrdale, forgot to tell you, if you need any help maintaining some of your packages, just tell me. That's my field.19:34
BaKKaRthis is very new to me.19:34
jdongBaKKaR: Sun's HotSpot JVM is so miles above the rest, that Microsoft even purchased Sun Hotspot technology to power its .NET framework19:34
bluekujacamrdale, e.g p2p apps ;)19:34
jdongBaKKaR: roughly speaking, it is able to monitor interpreted code running inside of it, and whenever it identifies a bottleneck, it compiles that part down to machine code19:34
jdongit constantly watches over execution and tweaks parts that can be optimized19:34
BaKKaRi was on the loop to try and learn how to code in JAVA but when i heared the 'rumors' about it's speed and the performance of it's binary against C and C++ i didn't feel too much like completeing the task19:35
charles_most p2p apps' bottlenecks are in the network, rather than the CPU, anyway19:35
jdongBaKKaR: for almost everything you can write, Java will likely execute just as fast as native19:35
camrdalebluekuja: thanks for the offer :)19:35
jdongcharles_: except when using GCJ, where it hash checks some 100x slower than icedtea ;-)19:35
bluekujacamrdale, np ;)19:36
jdongcharles_: you know something's wrong when hash checking is totally bound by CPU, not iowait :)19:36
BaKKaRjdong: i must spread the word, LOL19:36
charles_jdong: ouch19:36
jdongBaKKaR: don't forget that Java and similar rntimes make your life easier by managing low-level stuff, like RAM allocation, for you19:36
BaKKaRall the ppl i know are into the slow-motion-java path19:36
jdongBaKKaR: humans cannot be upgraded with more memory and faster CPU's.19:36
jdongbut computers always can.19:36
jdonga language that spares human time is often worth the tradeoff19:37
BaKKaRlol @ trade off19:37
charles_well, fast and light will never go out of style19:37
jdongcharles_: C and C++ soon will :)19:38
charles_but Java much better than its old bad reputation would make you think19:38
charles_jdong: what's going to replace them? :)19:38
jdongcharles_: higher-level languages, as the performance gap is quickly shrinking19:38
BaKKaRjdong: the deb pack is working19:41
charles_I doubt that C and C++ are in any danger in their niches19:41
BaKKaRnow i am trying to download the updates19:41
charles_I suspect perl is in more danger (from python) than C/C++ are19:42
BaKKaRupdate done19:42
charles_but I'm getting off-subject.  you're right about java19:42
BaKKaRjdong: now i am trying to download tonight's movie for BRIGITTE LAHAIE19:42
BaKKaRthat was a bit private info19:43
BaKKaRthank you19:43
jdongBaKKaR: sure thing19:43
BaKKaRthat was automated, no?19:43
jdongI'm not that magical :)19:43
charles_jdong: kind of interesting: http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2006/08/programming_language_trends_1.html19:48
jdongcharles_: very interesting data indeed19:50
jdongcharles_: nice to see C# increasing in popularity though19:50
* jdong is a mono fanboy on a 10-step addiction program ;-)19:50
hanselcharles_: I remember seeing that before - there are others that should be current - I think ohloh has one19:50
hanselthat oreilly article is from before Sun changing the Java license to GPL, which was a late but positive change19:52
bluekujanight all19:57
BaKKaRme oo20:03
jdongbluekuja: doko marked the amd64 crasher as a dupe of bug 15236220:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152362 in icedtea-java7 "icedtea-java7-plugin always crashes firefox" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15236220:55
jdongthat's great news for us -- the fix seems trivial20:56
jdong(rebuild icedtea)20:56
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