PriceChild | adminn, you are not banned afaict | 00:00 |
adminn | im sorry I said it | 00:00 |
adminn | my name was avt3kk | 00:00 |
adminn | its like what kids say alot | 00:00 |
PriceChild | Poul|Raider, Could you go read those guidelines please. | 00:00 |
adminn | g!y :O | 00:00 |
PriceChild | adminn, I dont' see any bans under that nick either. | 00:00 |
adminn | im sorry though alot; I love the ubuntu rooms | 00:00 |
adminn | avt3kk? | 00:01 |
adminn | let me try to join n paste it | 00:01 |
PriceChild | I see one under the nick <adminn> which was 5 days ago... | 00:01 |
adminn | [19:01] [474] #ubuntu You're banned from that channel | 00:01 |
adminn | im still banned | 00:01 |
Poul|Raider | jep PriceChild, been over half of it the other night and second half now. | 00:01 |
adminn | was probly adminn but I still cant get in | 00:01 |
PriceChild | adminn, your hostmask has changed since. | 00:01 |
PriceChild | adminn, there is no current ban on you afaict | 00:02 |
adminn | dont think so why? | 00:02 |
adminn | so why cant I get in? | 00:02 |
PriceChild | Poul|Raider, Do you agree to abide by those guidelines in #ubuntu channels? | 00:02 |
PriceChild | adminn, not sure... bear with us. | 00:02 |
adminn | ook sure | 00:02 |
mneptok | PriceChild: i'll take care of adminn | 00:02 |
PriceChild | mneptok, ok cool | 00:02 |
Poul|Raider | PriceChild, yes i will. | 00:02 |
PriceChild | Poul|Raider, Its been almost 48 hours so I have lifted the ban. Welcome back to #ubuntu, please play nice :) | 00:04 |
mneptok | adminn: are you a frequent alcohol drinker? | 00:04 |
adminn | mneptok I love ubuntu so much I made a tutorial for how to use drive image 2002 and restore that image corectly | 00:04 |
Poul|Raider | thx. | 00:04 |
adminn | I dont drink alcohol | 00:04 |
adminn | havnt for 2 years | 00:04 |
mneptok | adminn: "<adminn> 7.10 is oficialy a gay version lol" <--- can only be funny if you're balls-out drunk | 00:04 |
mneptok | ;) | 00:04 |
mneptok | please, no more of that, hmmm? | 00:04 |
adminn | I was tired very timed imagine working 12 hours and getting home and trying to mess with 7.10 and being so frustrated | 00:05 |
adminn | tired | 00:05 |
mneptok | adminn: Ubuntu is used by people of all colors, races, creeds, etc. some *VERY* important people are on the paid distro team. | 00:05 |
mneptok | s/people/homosexual people/ | 00:06 |
adminn | it will never happened again; this guy baught hte haagen dazs we used to own no more 12 hour days :) | 00:06 |
mneptok | adminn: i believe you. thanks for listening and taking it to heart. you are unbanned. | 00:07 |
adminn | mneptok: I love ubuntu just havnt had time to setup and talk in 7.10 yet | 00:07 |
adminn | thankyou!!! :D | 00:07 |
mneptok | np np | 00:07 |
adminn | is it ok I post my tutorial in here? | 00:07 |
adminn | to show you how much I been workin on it | 00:07 |
mneptok | a link? or the actual copy? | 00:07 |
adminn | I created this ubuntu tutorial | 00:08 |
mneptok | URLs are fine. text is not. | 00:08 |
adminn | brb | 00:08 |
adminn | 1 link | 00:08 |
PriceChild | adminn, can you join #ubuntu ? | 00:08 |
adminn | | 00:08 |
mneptok | a link is fine | 00:08 |
PriceChild | Ok that's really wierd... | 00:08 |
adminn | yes I did!! :) omg | 00:08 |
mneptok | OYG! :) | 00:09 |
PriceChild | why does a ban on *!*@ affect ? | 00:09 |
mneptok | adminn: so ... where in NY? | 00:09 |
adminn | Princechild: my tutorial was written in haste but it realy works | 00:09 |
PriceChild | I didn't realise that happenned. | 00:09 |
adminn | manhatten | 00:09 |
adminn | close to bronx | 00:09 |
mneptok | k | 00:10 |
* mneptok waves form the Plattsburgh area | 00:10 | |
mneptok | *from | 00:11 |
adminn | you would laugh if you knew what im trying to do | 00:11 |
mneptok | self-powered flight? | 00:11 |
LjL | PriceChild: because it's the same address? | 00:11 |
mneptok | cranial piercings? | 00:11 |
mneptok | PriceChild: most ircds will reverse a host to find matching bans | 00:11 |
PriceChild | LjL, Yeah I can see that... but the second hostmask is applied to him despite his real one which is the first I listed... and | 00:12 |
adminn | network vmware in xp to my host xp pro so I can use camtasia to record me booting up into (drive image 2002) on 2 floppy disks so I can browse to my ubuntu backup images :) | 00:12 |
PriceChild | I didn't realise that bans would apply to both displayed hostnames and the real ip even if hidden. | 00:12 |
adminn | and also use camtasia to add text since im not going to talk on it ;) | 00:12 |
adminn | and upload it to my tutorial | 00:12 |
PriceChild | Right I'm off | 00:13 |
adminn | you guys cool with me hanging out in here or should I hangout in offtopic | 00:13 |
mneptok | adminn: we discourage idling | 00:13 |
mneptok | mostly because of our "No Pants Thursday!" tradition | 00:14 |
adminn | ook; but it ok if I learn some stuff in ubuntu? | 00:14 |
adminn | :O | 00:14 |
adminn | in #ubuntu room is it ok if I watch to learn stuff | 00:14 |
mneptok | of course | 00:15 |
adminn | kool ty | 00:15 |
adminn | so I will be there and off topic :) thankyou again | 00:15 |
LjL | !no dialup is <reply> You want to connect via dial-up? Read - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up | 00:21 |
ubotu | I'll remember that LjL | 00:21 |
LjL | | 00:22 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 86680 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager stops kde applications from accessing the network" [High,In progress] | 00:22 |
LjL | i'm *sick and tired* of that daemon. | 00:22 |
LjL | it may be official, but it's the automatix of networking | 00:22 |
mneptok | claaaassic | 00:23 |
mneptok | LjL++ | 00:23 |
LjL | "High" importance bug. first reported in *February*. what the hell. | 00:25 |
LjL | i'm sure laptop users can find network manager useful, but i'm also sure they can as well just go and reconfigure their network | 00:26 |
LjL | it might be harder that way but at least it *works* | 00:26 |
LjL | without mysteriously making some application connect and some other fail | 00:26 |
LjL | !knetworkmanager is <alias> dialup | 00:28 |
ubotu | I'll remember that, LjL | 00:28 |
LjL | !ppp is <alias> dialup | 00:28 |
nalioth | no0tic: howdy | 00:28 |
no0tic | hi nalioth | 00:29 |
mneptok | no0tic: can we be of help? | 00:31 |
LjL | mneptok: -it operator | 00:31 |
no0tic | thanks LjL | 00:31 |
Pici | What about our other boarders? | 00:31 |
LjL | Pici: i guess you're talking about nrpil and...? | 00:32 |
Pici | oh. my /names was old | 00:32 |
Pici | although I dont know who Jan C is | 00:33 |
LjL | Pici: -nl op | 00:35 |
Pici | LjL: ah | 00:35 |
=== rob1 is now known as rob | ||
Pici | !ping | 01:17 |
ubotu | pong | 01:17 |
Pici | oh well | 01:17 |
Seveas | gah | 01:18 |
Seveas | I fucking hate 24/7 shifts | 01:18 |
Seveas | @now Amsterdam | 01:18 |
Pici | I would too | 01:18 |
ubotu | Current time in Europe/Amsterdam: October 25 2007, 02:18:33 - Next meeting: Kernel Team in 5 days | 01:18 |
Seveas | just spent an hour debugging a mysql server | 01:18 |
nalioth | Seveas: !language :) | 01:19 |
Seveas | and the alarm will go off in 4 hours to start another day | 01:19 |
Seveas | and i'm totally awake by now | 01:19 |
Seveas | KILL MYSQL KILL | 01:19 |
Seveas | </rant> | 01:19 |
Seveas | <bedtime> | 01:19 |
nalioth | have a nice nap, Seveas | 01:19 |
LjL | Seveas: debug the *tracker*'s stupid sql server :P | 01:20 |
LjL | night | 01:20 |
Pici | Dont dream of select statements! | 01:20 |
Seveas | LjL, that's not a server. It's sqlite | 01:20 |
Seveas | Pici, neh, I'll dream of a dozen clue-by-fours to thwack developers | 01:20 |
LjL | Seveas: well fix it :P | 01:21 |
Seveas | /thwack LjL | 01:21 |
Seveas | go to bed | 01:21 |
Seveas | italian | 01:21 |
LjL | Seveas: wat ob ik will niet te schleffen gehen jij hollander | 01:22 |
mneptok | Seveas! | 01:23 |
Seveas | LjL, that's part german, part dutch but mostly incomprehensible :) | 01:24 |
Seveas | mneptok! | 01:24 |
LjL | Seveas: yeah - that's why i thought you'd understand it | 01:24 |
mneptok | Seveas: could we have ubotu for #gobuntu ? | 01:24 |
Seveas | isn't ubotu too non-free for that? :) | 01:24 |
mneptok | Seveas: no, because you let anyone violate him | 01:25 |
Seveas | true | 01:25 |
mneptok | his code is closed. his anus is GPL. | 01:25 |
nalioth | <sniff> | 01:25 |
Pici | ubotu is closed? | 01:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is closed? - try searching on | 01:25 |
Seveas | now that's just sick | 01:25 |
Seveas | <mneptok> his code is closed. his anus is GPL. | 01:25 |
Seveas | <nalioth> <sniff> | 01:25 |
Pici | eww | 01:25 |
nalioth | :D | 01:25 |
nalioth | smells like solvent | 01:25 |
mneptok | Seveas: | 01:26 |
nalioth | Seveas: you clean that bot with petroleum based or vegetable based oils? kinda smells like french fries | 01:26 |
Seveas | mneptok, :) | 01:26 |
mneptok | "What's cookin'!?" | 01:26 |
LjL | MenZa: i think you need a bot where each factoid's text can be reconstructed from a regular grammar and a dictionary | 01:28 |
LjL | of course the grammar parser should be free and unpatented, of course | 01:28 |
LjL | better if you don't actually use regular grammars, as they *might* be patented, and devise your own means of language description instead | 01:29 |
LjL | needless to say, you cannot use english either | 01:29 |
LjL | MenZa: you have nothing to do with this, this is for mneptok | 01:29 |
MenZa | :D | 01:33 |
Pici | Cant search hardy packages yet with ubotu? :( | 01:34 |
Seveas | no | 01:34 |
Pici | I thought you were asleep | 01:34 |
Seveas | mysqld is checking 47G of data | 01:35 |
Seveas | need to babysit | 01:35 |
solid_liq | hey, unban me please... I'm connected to port 8001 | 01:37 |
Seveas | @reload Encyclopedia | 01:38 |
ubotu | OK | 01:38 |
Seveas | !info gcc hardy | 01:38 |
ubotu | gcc: The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB | 01:38 |
Seveas | Pici, fixed :) | 01:38 |
Pici | Seveas: Thanks :) | 01:38 |
solid_liq | !info llvm gusty | 01:38 |
Pici | %btlogin | 01:39 |
ubotu | llvm: Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) compiler for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8b-1 (gutsy), package size 18073 kB, installed size 51688 kB | 01:39 |
nalioth | gusty ? | 01:39 |
Pici | solid_liq: just a minute | 01:39 |
nalioth | too many beans for the gibbon last night? | 01:39 |
solid_liq | oh oops heh | 01:39 |
solid_liq | lol | 01:39 |
Pici | solid_liq: ready for the test? | 01:39 |
solid_liq | sure | 01:39 |
Pici | solid_liq: you look like you pass, let me do the honors | 01:40 |
solid_liq | caught | 01:40 |
solid_liq | k thx | 01:40 |
Pici | solid_liq: You're unbanned. | 01:40 |
solid_liq | thanks! ☺ | 01:40 |
Pici | nalioth: I think it defaults to gutsy if you use a release that doesnt exist | 01:41 |
Pici | !info gcc inconceivable | 01:41 |
ubotu | gcc: The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-9ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB | 01:41 |
nalioth | Pici: you don't find the thought of a gaseous gibbon amusing? | 01:41 |
Pici | nalioth: Oh, I do, I do.... | 01:41 |
elkbuntu | so long as it's not near me, sure | 01:42 |
* mneptok tacklefarts elkbuntu | 01:48 | |
Pici | ew. | 01:49 |
elkbuntu | EEWWWWW | 01:49 |
mneptok | *muah* | 01:49 |
elkbuntu | yep... im the most intelligent unemployed person ever... buying pizza for lunch when there's food in the freezer :Þ | 02:07 |
ubotu | In #ubuntu, siot said: ubotu | the link given is not valid | 02:36 |
tonyyarusso | nalioth: Do you know a) what the license of hyperion is, b) how hyperion differs from dancer ? | 03:25 |
tonyyarusso | !compiz-fusion | 03:27 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 03:27 |
tonyyarusso | !desktop-effects | 03:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about desktop-effects - try searching on | 03:28 |
tonyyarusso | Anybody think it would be useful to add a blurb along the lines of "(it's the thing that gives you pretty eyecandy)" to !compiz? | 03:28 |
no0tic | new ATI drivers support aiglx, do you think it's a good thing to advise users to try them? | 03:33 |
no0tic | (I'm op on -it) | 03:36 |
tonyyarusso | no0tic: "Depends" | 03:37 |
tonyyarusso | no0tic: First, always make sure they understand that fglrx is a closed-source driver, and as such not at all guaranteed nor supported, in addition to personal preference. | 03:38 |
no0tic | tonyyarusso, well, fglrx restricted-modules in ubuntu repository are the same, only a previous release.. or not? | 03:39 |
tonyyarusso | no0tic: Second, make sure their card actually is supported. For instance, I have an ATI Radeon Mobility X300, and the 8.42 driver still doesn't help me. | 03:39 |
tonyyarusso | no0tic: that's correct | 03:39 |
tonyyarusso | no0tic: Third, installing things from outside the repos can make it difficult to control upgradability depending on how it's done, and is a potential security risk. If they trust ATI, fine. | 03:40 |
no0tic | tonyyarusso, yes.. they have to reinstall them at every single kernel build upgrade | 03:41 |
no0tic | tonyyarusso, so, it's better to let them now these points and then let them decide | 03:42 |
tonyyarusso | no0tic: Pretty much, yeah. | 03:42 |
no0tic | tonyyarusso, thanks for the advice | 03:42 |
tonyyarusso | np | 03:42 |
jdong | 22:56 -!- noobuntu [] has quit [Read | 03:56 |
jdong | that's linuxbeast / moo_cow right? | 03:56 |
jdong | yeah, it is him | 03:58 |
jdong | linux_user400354, his second half, is also back | 03:58 |
jdong | at least he's learned not to join here anymore | 03:59 |
ubotu | IdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu | 04:52 |
Cpudan80 | You guys need to update the offtopic factoid | 05:20 |
Cpudan80 | #ubuntu+1 forwards to #ubuntu | 05:20 |
Cpudan80 | Just so you know :-) | 05:20 |
tonyyarusso | !offtopic | 05:26 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:26 |
tonyyarusso | Cpudan80: Actually, that wording still makes sense, since there isn't really a development version to speak of yet. The forward will probably be removed in a few days though, as the auto-syncer was turned on last night. | 05:26 |
mneptok | !KACHOW | 07:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kachow - try searching on | 07:06 |
mneptok | :( | 07:06 |
=== jussi|no2 is now known as jussi01 | ||
* jussi01 hugs Gary. Hello! | 08:07 | |
Gary | hey ya jussi01 | 08:07 |
Gary | my head hurts - sorting out the switch and structured cabling requirements does my head in | 08:24 |
Gary | rack layout plans, woo | 08:24 |
Gary | the only thing Visio is good for | 08:24 |
* jussi01 hands Gary: a good dose of panadol, and tells him to go lie down. | 08:25 | |
PriceChild | odd people joining #ubuntu | 12:09 |
PriceChild | Hi trypglyph, how can I help? | 12:17 |
trypglyph | oh none. | 12:17 |
trypglyph | I'm just here because I luf you guys. | 12:17 |
Myrtti | PriceChild: oh? | 12:18 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, how did you find out about this channel? | 12:18 |
trypglyph | ...are you serious? | 12:20 |
Myrtti | yes | 12:20 |
trypglyph | not you, PriceChild | 12:20 |
PriceChild | Very. | 12:20 |
trypglyph | hahaha. | 12:20 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, what is so funny? | 12:20 |
trypglyph | is it that hard to find this place? | 12:20 |
* Pici scratches his chin in deep thought | 12:20 | |
PriceChild | trypglyph, the average user doesn't "just" find it. | 12:21 |
trypglyph | I've known about this place for quite some time. | 12:21 |
trypglyph | I'm not the average user. I've told you this before, I'll say it again, I'm old. | 12:21 |
Myrtti | /me has her doubts | 12:21 |
PriceChild | doubleslash strikes again! | 12:21 |
trypglyph | Myrtti, that's fine my finnish female friend (alliteration), but I just happen to rotate aliases frequently. | 12:21 |
trypglyph | I know you, you don't know me. | 12:22 |
trypglyph | I remember your broadcasts, hahaha. | 12:22 |
trypglyph | doubt all you want, but I've been here as long as anyone. | 12:22 |
trypglyph | if you look hard through some 64-bit bug reports you might find an old alias of mine. :) | 12:22 |
Pici | Anyway. KI4IKL pm'd me last night with this, I'm not sure what our policy is on this stuff | 12:24 |
PriceChild | Aha now it makes sense, hi adriyel. | 12:24 |
Pici | 23:13 <KI4IKL|LAPTOP> hey, if you are there. my friend desertc started a group called ubuntu-students and I have created the irc channel for it. Is there anyway you could put something about it int he topic? we just want anyone that is interested in supporting students using ubuntu... we have a launchpad group and a wiki page problem if youw oudn't want to do that, but I thought I would go ahead and ask. | 12:24 |
trypglyph | anyway, I know most of the oldies here. It's irrelevant. I'm here because I luf you people. | 12:24 |
trypglyph | PriceChild, Hi. | 12:24 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, This channel is for operator/abuse questions only. You can also see from the topic that the council (of which I have a seat on) reserve the right to remove idlers from the channel. During these days/weeks around a release especially, very sensitive material can be passed through this channel. At this time especially we do not want such important information compromised by randomers.... especially those | 12:27 |
PriceChild | that have a history of trolling and who have been removed/banned from this or other #ubuntu channels previously. | 12:27 |
trypglyph | PriceChild, you *really* don't like me do you? (Glances at other idlers casually) | 12:29 |
trypglyph | well, I was going to give you a hug, but you can fuh-gedda-bout-it now buddy. | 12:29 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, me liking you doesn't come into it... you have a "history" here already. | 12:29 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, from the other idlers, I only see one other that I don't know. | 12:30 |
jpatrick | me? | 12:30 |
jpatrick | ;) | 12:30 |
* rob wonders if anyone really thought this place was a big secret in the first place | 12:30 | |
trypglyph | I like that he volunteers. it shows enthusiasm. | 12:30 |
PriceChild | jpatrick, your cloak absolves you of most sins. | 12:30 |
trypglyph | rob, why do you think I was surprised? | 12:30 |
Pici | I think he was referring to solid_liq | 12:30 |
rob | trypglyph, exactly | 12:30 |
PriceChild | rob, well unless you scour the wiki, or are pointed to it by someone who's already been (an operator or troll) then you won't know about it. | 12:30 |
trypglyph | rob, it's a public channel. *shrugs* | 12:31 |
PriceChild | or if you msg the bot an edit request of course. | 12:31 |
rob | PriceChild, considering just about all of the big channels have a -ops, its not that hard to figure out | 12:31 |
PriceChild | rob, Yes... but people don't "just" join, and our bantracker shows several removes/bans on him from this channel and others. | 12:31 |
rob | PriceChild, and considering it is not +s, a channel search will bring it up | 12:32 |
Pici | ^ Just on the nicks we know about | 12:32 |
PriceChild | rob, purposefully. | 12:32 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, Do you have any further business here? | 12:32 |
trypglyph | Pici, he doesn't need help. I've never needed to shell around, the nicks anyone who bothers to research would know about are all that there are. | 12:32 |
Myrtti | /me is puzzled | 12:32 |
trypglyph | PriceChild, you are free to do as you wish, but given that your justification for this is spurious at best, I'll regard this as an act of spite. | 12:32 |
Myrtti | this isn't a op/staff fan channel | 12:33 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, I think I gave very good reasoning above. | 12:33 |
trypglyph | Not really. It's a public channel. PM is for sensitive subjects. | 12:33 |
trypglyph | there are plenty of non-ops here. | 12:33 |
rob | PriceChild, plus there are better more secret channels then this :P | 12:33 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, however they are either bots, ops in channels related or ubuntu members. | 12:33 |
trypglyph | It's difficult to inspire cooperation in people you behave spitefully towards. Just so you know. | 12:34 |
trypglyph | I was here on a friendly tone, you chose to take it to this. | 12:34 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, when I see you contributing, and value your input into the community, I might brush over your past. | 12:34 |
Myrtti | I really thought this wasn't an op/staff fanboy channel | 12:34 |
trypglyph | What you think of me is mostly irrelevant PriceChild, I've made my contributions and have in the past contributed hundreds and hundreds of man-hours of debugging and end-user support. | 12:35 |
Myrtti | and what does that have to do with #ubuntu IRC channels? | 12:35 |
trypglyph | Your opinions shouldn't weigh into your decisions. I've made no offense. | 12:35 |
trypglyph | Myrtti, I was responding to something he said in context. | 12:35 |
Myrtti | so? | 12:35 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, What I think of you is most important actually. And do I really think you'd spend all that time and waste it by trolling? | 12:35 |
trypglyph | you can't invalidate that statement of fact when I was responding to a qualitative remark on his part. | 12:36 |
trypglyph | PriceChild, I was planning on mostly idling. Or idly chatting. | 12:36 |
Myrtti | for your information, trypglyph | 12:36 |
trypglyph | You're making assumptions inspired by spite, please stop. | 12:36 |
Myrtti | 1) this isn't a channel for idling | 12:36 |
Myrtti | 2) this isn't a channel for chatting | 12:37 |
* trypglyph smacks forehead | 12:37 | |
Myrtti | 3) this isn't a channel for other purposes than op/staff/IRC channel usage reports and such | 12:37 |
trypglyph | Ok, listen. You guys have the right and power to do what you will, yeah yeah, I know that. I'm just perturbed by his abundance of spite. | 12:37 |
trypglyph | We've beaten the horse into small molecular bits, either remove or don't. I'll know your reasoning anyway. | 12:38 |
Myrtti | trypglyph: how about you try to relax a bit and remember that stubborness doesn't really raise sympathy | 12:38 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, do you accept you have a history on our bantracker for trolling etc. ? | 12:38 |
trypglyph | I'm not being stubborn, I'm saying that I'm not challenging your authority. | 12:38 |
trypglyph | I'm just questioning rationale on PriceChild's part. He's being reactive and spiteful. | 12:38 |
Myrtti | trypglyph: by being here you seem to | 12:38 |
trypglyph | I've acknowledged your right to remove me multiple times. | 12:39 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, I'd much rather you left of your own accord. | 12:39 |
PriceChild | trypglyph, do you accept you have a history on our bantracker for trolling etc. ? | 12:39 |
Myrtti | trypglyph: and we'd really appreciate if you'd use the /part yoruself | 12:39 |
trypglyph | PriceChild, Shush. | 12:39 |
trypglyph | Myrtti, you've asked, and I'll obey. | 12:39 |
Myrtti | thank you. | 12:39 |
PriceChild | Thankyou. | 12:39 |
trypglyph | g'day to you. PriceChild, don't thank me, cut down the spite man, that sort of behavior only brings rancor out of people. | 12:40 |
Daviey | "You don't need him girlfried ho him" | 12:40 |
rob | #ubuntu-gay-porn hey? | 12:40 |
Pici | huh? | 12:41 |
PriceChild | rob, wooo level 50 for me :D | 12:41 |
rob | Pici, dunno, but someone with the nickname UbuntuIrcCouncil owns it :) | 12:41 |
Daviey | PriceChild: Geez! That's higher than the lord almighty himself | 12:41 |
PriceChild | Pici, it was a troll channel which we acquired. | 12:41 |
rob | hopefully it doesn't hit expire time and someone requests it to be dropped | 12:42 |
Pici | PriceChild: Ah. | 12:42 |
PriceChild | rob, lol | 12:42 |
rob | Last Seen Address: n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/irccounci | 12:43 |
PriceChild | Ah solid_liq was here because of a dcc exploit. | 12:43 |
rob | hah busted PriceChild! | 12:43 |
PriceChild | rob, we've all got access to it. | 12:43 |
Pici | I think I fixed him | 12:43 |
PriceChild | Pici, you did indeedy. | 12:43 |
rob | I think I'm going to idle in that one just in case someone does a whois on me, their reaction is sure to be "wtf?!". | 12:46 |
Daviey | rob: no.. we are accepting of those with different needs | 12:47 |
rob | and now I can say it was officially sanctioned by mr UbuntuIrcCouncil too :) | 12:47 |
PriceChild | rob, lol "sanctioned".... | 12:48 |
* PriceChild growls at kbrooks | 12:54 | |
PriceChild | And someone please watch trypglyph in -offtopic :) | 12:54 |
PriceChild | yay gone | 12:56 |
PriceChild | *disappears* | 12:56 |
kbrooks | "If you remove a very abusive person, don't respond to the cheering you will get" # wrong ... how? | 12:59 |
kbrooks | er | 12:59 |
kbrooks | rephrasing | 12:59 |
kbrooks | "If you remove a very abusive person, don't respond to the cheering you will get" # wha?t's wrong with doing so | 12:59 |
PriceChild | kbrooks, well for a start it lets the channel go offtopic | 13:00 |
PriceChild | Then there's the image we could aquire if we did. | 13:00 |
PriceChild | For the same reason we stay -o, we don't want to respond to cheers because it just begs for more (a lot unwanted) attention. | 13:01 |
kbrooks | i see | 13:01 |
Tm_T | that would look too much "look I'm though! I'm cool! I kick people!" | 13:02 |
elkbuntu | i usually breach that in telling off those who hoot, heh | 13:34 |
jdong | Tm_T: but... but it is that way... right? | 13:43 |
jdong | ;-) | 13:43 |
Tm_T | it is | 13:44 |
ubotu | dgjones called the ops in #ubuntu | 13:48 |
jdong | Myrtti: err..... | 13:49 |
Myrtti | indeed | 13:49 |
jdong | Myrtti: I think hraefn was just asking a CDROM question | 13:49 |
Myrtti | I know | 13:49 |
PriceChild | Myrtti, lol don't tell them what!!! | 13:49 |
Myrtti | I misread the line | 13:49 |
PriceChild | *that | 13:49 |
jdong | Myrtti: haha ok ;-) | 13:49 |
Myrtti | sorry, I'm on windows | 13:49 |
Myrtti | the font is too small | 13:50 |
jdong | Myrtti: blame the OS? | 13:50 |
Myrtti | :> | 13:50 |
jdong | :D | 13:50 |
jdong | the font's too smal. | 13:50 |
jdong | lol | 13:50 |
Myrtti | IT IS TOO SMALL | 13:50 |
Myrtti | *blush* | 13:50 |
jdong | haha | 13:50 |
PriceChild | jdong, resist!!! | 13:51 |
Myrtti | I HATE NOTEPAD | 13:51 |
Myrtti | I hate openoffice too | 13:52 |
TheSheep | so. much. hate. | 13:52 |
Myrtti | I'm giving this "Linux 101" tomorrow | 13:52 |
Myrtti | finishing up my presentation and printing the notes for the pupils | 13:53 |
Myrtti | openoffice just prints happy blank pages | 13:53 |
* TheSheep hugs his vim and beamer | 13:53 | |
Myrtti | not to mention notepad, which of course doesn't know unix newlines and doesn't show a newline marker when printing | 13:54 |
Myrtti | oh | 13:54 |
TheSheep | Myrtti: you know there is vim for windows... | 13:54 |
Myrtti | now I understand | 13:54 |
Myrtti | I've got quits, joins and parts on ignore on #ubuntu | 13:54 |
Myrtti | of course I couldn't see him leave | 13:54 |
Myrtti | d'oh | 13:55 |
Myrtti | TheSheep: I don't use it even on Linux | 13:55 |
ompaul | PriceChild, you currently in the land of the living | 13:55 |
ompaul | ? | 13:55 |
TheSheep | Myrtti: it's good for you fur | 13:57 |
Tm_T | hi kids | 14:13 |
Pici | hi! | 14:16 |
elkbuntu | sheesh... oo.o 2.3 is a heck of alot slower than 2.2 | 14:16 |
elkbuntu | it's about as responsive as a snail on tranquillisers | 14:17 |
Pici | trypglyph annoys me. | 14:41 |
ompaul | it is a troll | 14:42 |
Pici | He was in here earlier this morning. Trying to prove 'how much he lufs us' and we had to shoo him out. | 14:43 |
ompaul | ya | 14:43 |
ompaul | well me go | 14:44 |
Pici | o | 14:44 |
Pici | yes, well, have a good day | 14:44 |
PriceChild | gah I'm back | 15:35 |
PriceChild | no0tic, how can I help? | 15:35 |
PriceChild | Pici, what was trypglyph doing? | 15:35 |
no0tic | PriceChild, I'm -it op | 15:35 |
PriceChild | Ah ok cool. | 15:35 |
Pici | PriceChild: just being generally annoying, nothing in particular. | 15:59 |
PriceChild | Sounds about right I guess :/ | 16:00 |
ubotu | In ubotu, nanonyme said: DynamicTwinViw is The XRandR X extension is not presently aware of multiple display devices on a single X screen; it only sees the MetaMode bounding box, which may contain one or more actual modes. This means that if multiple MetaModes have the same bounding box, XRandR will not be able to distinguish between them. This behavior can be disabled by setting the X configuration option "DynamicTwinView" to FALSE. | 16:08 |
jrib | wow | 16:08 |
* jrib thinks that belongs on the wiki | 16:08 | |
Pici | Yeah, its a bit too in-depth for just a factoid | 16:09 |
ubotu | In #ubuntu, jtkiefer said: !BitchX is <alias> irc | 17:09 |
Pici | !irc | 17:10 |
ubotu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 17:10 |
no0tic | Pici, the wiki page needs to be updated, Italy has -it-chat too | 17:12 |
Hobbsee | no0tic: it's a wiki. update it. | 17:13 |
ubotu | In ubotu, jtkiefer said: Evolution is for information on using evolution see | 17:13 |
no0tic | Hobbsee, ok | 17:14 |
no0tic | Hobbsee, I didn't know that my launchpad account works on the international wiki :) | 17:16 |
Hobbsee | it does :) | 17:16 |
Pici | I'm running off to lunch, #ubuntu is a bit of a zoo | 17:21 |
helloRobot | i supposed to ask to be tested | 17:47 |
helloRobot | i had to change the port i connected on | 17:47 |
helloRobot | to 8001 | 17:47 |
Pici | helloRobot: one moment. | 17:48 |
helloRobot | Pici: thanks | 17:48 |
Pici | helloRobot: you pass, let me unban. | 17:48 |
helloRobot | Pici: thanks | 17:48 |
Pici | helloRobot: you're all set | 17:50 |
helloRobot | thanks | 17:50 |
helloRobot | bye bye now :) | 17:50 |
Pici | bye :) | 17:50 |
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away | ||
=== Mez|Away is now known as Mez | ||
* jdong rapes Amaranth in retaliation for all the grievance his projects have caused me | 18:26 | |
* Amaranth files charges | 18:26 | |
jdong | so I'm TA'ing for a intro EECS course here... | 18:26 |
jdong | and explaining to this group of two one of the more complex resistor networks | 18:27 |
jdong | look up 10 minutes into the explanation to grab a voltage off her source code | 18:27 |
jdong | and she has compizcompiz up, configuring transparent cube and cube gears | 18:27 |
jdong | and goes "Oh I'm sorry, can you start over?" | 18:27 |
jdong | GRRRRRR | 18:27 |
Pici | a group of two?! | 18:28 |
jdong | yeah we pair em up to do the labs | 18:28 |
jdong | otherwise I'd lose my sanity completely | 18:28 |
Pici | What nerve. | 18:29 |
Seveas | jdong, sanity> | 18:34 |
Seveas | ? | 18:34 |
Seveas | do you still have that? | 18:35 |
jdong | Seveas: no, I've lost it all | 18:35 |
ompaul | Seveas, he can't judge that for himself we know this | 18:44 |
* ompaul can't judge for anyone | 18:44 | |
ompaul | I can only suggest | 18:45 |
jdong | oh my god, forgot to tel you guys, the professor used the racist resistor mnemotic today! | 18:46 |
jdong | we were totally shocked | 18:46 |
jdong | lol | 18:46 |
ompaul | jdong, age is a strange thing and does not work well with political correctness | 18:47 |
jdong | ompaul: lol, it is indeed | 18:47 |
ompaul | but frankly using that is ooo | 18:47 |
jdong | ompaul: I bet the kids will remember the resistor color code better now ;-) | 18:47 |
ompaul | well we had a very plain one - so plain I can't remember it | 18:48 |
jdong | ompaul: exactly | 18:49 |
ompaul | Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Grey White make up your own one | 18:49 |
jdong | if you had the black boys one, you would've remembered ;-) | 18:49 |
jdong | what's the French one? | 18:50 |
ompaul | one egg is en eauf for a Frenchman? | 18:50 |
* ompaul growns that is nearly as bad a pun as I could make | 18:50 | |
jdong | ne mangez rien ou jeunez, voila bien votre grand betise | 18:50 |
jdong | something like that/ | 18:50 |
ompaul | blanc | 18:51 |
* ompaul memory is ^^ | 18:51 | |
nalioth | un oeuf, ompaul | 19:02 |
ompaul | so me is stupid as well in French | 19:02 |
nalioth | je n'parle pas francais | 19:03 |
Pici | !fr | 19:03 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 19:03 |
jdong | nalioth: ne parle pas... the ne only contracts when next word is a vowel :) | 19:03 |
nalioth | jdong: i type it how i speak it (cuz i know nothing about writing french) | 19:04 |
jdong | nalioth: you speak french? | 19:04 |
nalioth | i do not say "jehr nee parl pa! fransays | 19:04 |
nalioth | jdong: i'm not gonna answer you, because you'll correct me | 19:04 |
jdong | nalioth: ROFL | 19:05 |
* jdong goes back to his corner | 19:05 | |
* jdong attempts to invent a more offensive resistor mnemotic than the standard one | 19:05 | |
nalioth | in fact, i say it more like "jerhnparlpafrancais | 19:05 |
Pici | I cant speak french, but I can read it a little. | 19:06 |
nalioth | anyone want to stand by for moderation in -classroom? | 19:09 |
ompaul | how do you stand for moderation ;-) is there an election :) | 19:09 |
* ompaul rofl | 19:10 | |
ompaul | votes in trolls say nay the rest say ya | 19:10 |
PriceChild | ompaul, BY :P | 19:10 |
ompaul | PriceChild, by election? ;-) | 19:10 |
ompaul | or | 19:10 |
ompaul | PriceChild, bye election? ;-) | 19:10 |
ompaul | hehe | 19:10 |
* Pici facepalms | 19:11 | |
nalioth | well, popey is gone. | 19:11 |
PriceChild | ompaul, stand BY :) | 19:11 |
nalioth | but he did not deop | 19:11 |
ompaul | ahh | 19:11 |
PriceChild | How rude of him. | 19:11 |
nalioth | and i kinda don't want an opless classroom | 19:11 |
PriceChild | almost as rude as nalioth | 19:11 |
Pici | Is he logging it himself? | 19:11 |
PriceChild | calling me a dirty spammer. | 19:11 |
PriceChild | But lets not go into that :) | 19:12 |
nalioth | PriceChild: better then 'dirty rotten putrid spammer', dontcha think? | 19:12 |
Daviey | Pici: popey is logging yes.. don't know if he will upload to the wiki those that he's not part of tho | 19:12 |
popey | will do | 19:13 |
Pici | see, he isnt gone. | 19:13 |
popey | sorry, had to put kids to bed | 19:13 |
PriceChild | pfft we need you more | 19:14 |
Daviey | geez.. popey has freenode directly wired into his brain methinks | 19:14 |
PriceChild | I would help out but I need to cook tea and then go out and be social. | 19:14 |
ompaul | PriceChild, stop pretending you have a life | 19:14 |
ompaul | first it was painting now this ..... | 19:14 |
popey | painting!? | 19:15 |
popey | he's like.. artistic and stuff? | 19:15 |
ompaul | popey, not in an artistic way that I know of | 19:15 |
PriceChild | popey, walls, ceilings, houses and window frames... | 19:15 |
Daviey | yeah.. PriceChild was painting anything and everything last month | 19:15 |
popey | ahhhh | 19:15 |
popey | I thought you meant landscapes | 19:16 |
popey | unless they're black | 19:16 |
popey | MMMMMMMM BLACK | 19:16 |
popey | </fast show> | 19:16 |
popey | showing my age there | 19:16 |
ompaul | popey, ehh more like guinness is what was on their minds but anyway | 19:16 |
* Pici paints happy little trees | 19:16 | |
ompaul | trees that are happy .. no ents there then | 19:16 |
Seeker` | ...the chasm of the eyes are pies...they're here, they're here, they've landed on the pier....mother, what's for dinner tonight?..... | 19:17 |
popey | good, not just me then | 19:17 |
Seeker` | :D | 19:17 |
* ompaul suggests that popey grow his hair long and get a pony tail | 19:18 | |
popey | BTDTGTTS | 19:19 |
popey | and got mates who took the piss royally for it | 19:19 |
* popey runs off to write his stuff for later | 19:20 | |
Daviey | popey: mullets _are_ back :) | 19:20 |
nalioth | popey: you _do_ know you can delegate responsibility for 'stand by moderator' or 'active moderator', right? | 19:27 |
ubotu | MenZa called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic | 19:28 |
popey | nalioth: I don't actually know what you're talking about | 19:28 |
nalioth | popey: if you're not around to moderate, you can designate someone | 19:29 |
popey | oh sure, and I usually do | 19:29 |
nalioth | when NUN gives classes we schedule an instructor/presenter _and_ a moderator | 19:29 |
popey | I just happened to be in another room | 19:29 |
Pici | !o4o | 19:29 |
ubotu | Some things are inappropriate for ubotu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks. | 19:29 |
Pici | hmm | 19:29 |
popey | i guess I just figured that someone would step in | 19:30 |
nalioth | as i was trying to get someone to do, when i noticed you were 56min idle, popey | 19:31 |
popey | would you like me to stop then? | 19:33 |
nalioth | popey: no, i'm just trying (and probably not going about it correctly) to make it easier on you | 19:33 |
popey | well during previous sessions people have just stepped in, i (possibly wrong) assumed people would do that | 19:34 |
popey | i didn't deop because I walked out of the room because my wife called me | 19:34 |
Pici | The next person who edits o4o might want to remember that it uses $chan, so the bot doesnt say that things are innapropriate for ubotu everwhere. | 19:38 |
popey | whilst we're on the subject. I will need someone to take over tomorrow because I'm flying to UDS in boston | 19:39 |
popey | I am logging the #ubuntu-classroom channel to which updates once a minute | 19:40 |
popey | I just copy the chunk (don't rely on the timestamps they're screwy) from that session into the relevant page on the wiki | 19:40 |
PriceChild | popey, that... or you could give me your tickets passport, popey mask, etc. etc. | 19:50 |
popey | :) | 19:50 |
popey | you're not lardy enough | 19:50 |
popey | it would need a lardy body suit | 19:50 |
PriceChild | I'll take that as its now offically ok to call lardy here "lardy" | 19:51 |
Daviey | PriceChild: this _might_ work | 19:51 |
popey | funny man | 19:52 |
PriceChild | No more will your witty hair comments go unanswered! | 19:52 |
Daviey | :D | 19:52 |
popey | "witty" you say | 19:52 |
PriceChild | haha Daviey | 19:52 |
popey | right, I am off to make the tea, can someone please take over? | 19:52 |
PriceChild | Daviey, you're around.....? | 19:52 |
PriceChild | *is going in a couple of minutes8 | 19:52 |
Daviey | erm.. my attention is divided - but i can certainly help | 19:52 |
PriceChild | Daviey, #ubuntu-classroom, you have the helm | 19:53 |
Daviey | PriceChild: fwd questions, or just crowd control? | 19:53 |
PriceChild | Daviey, anything the speaker needs. | 19:54 |
Daviey | sure | 19:54 |
PriceChild | Daviey, just don't go overboard with +m's etc. or pushing yourself on fwd''ing questions if its not needed or speaker doesn't need it etc. | 19:54 |
popey | kiko is on duty he generally doesnt need much help | 19:58 |
* jdong eyes the planet post telling macbook users to downgrade kernel to 2.6.22-12 | 20:21 | |
jdong | there should seriously be QA/policies regarding Planet posts :( | 20:22 |
Pici | ugh | 20:23 |
jdong | this is not the first time that this particular person has posted unsafe/nonrecommended solutions to Planet before. | 20:24 |
Seveas | without even seeing the content I think I can guess the author | 20:28 |
Seveas | Stephan Hermann? | 20:28 |
Seveas | jdong, am I correct? | 20:28 |
jdong | Seveas: lol, no | 20:28 |
jdong | Christer Edwards | 20:28 |
Seveas | heh | 20:29 |
Pici | Oh. I thought it was that Dennis Kaarsemaker fellow | 20:29 |
jdong | "I don’t think there are many huge changes between the two, and I have not seen a loss of other functionality" | 20:29 |
jdong | boy, that's a DEEP understanding of the page-long changelog between the kernels. | 20:29 |
Pici | I dont pretend to know what the difference is, but there sure is a lot of stuff there. | 20:30 |
jdong | Pici: likewise, not to mention you will be skipping out on future bugfix and stability updates to the kernel | 20:30 |
Seveas | jdong, the page long changelog of a kernel version is usually exactly that: not much end-user visible changes | 20:31 |
Seveas | WHICH IS GOOD | 20:31 |
Pici | I usually scan the changes, seeing if anything pops out at me. But there has to be something there that breaks suspend for him. To me downgrading isnt a solution. | 20:31 |
jdong | Seveas: IIRC a lot of important stuff happened between 12 to 14 | 20:31 |
Seveas | jdong, I don't say it's not important | 20:31 |
Seveas | btw, still haven't read the post :) | 20:32 |
jdong | a lot of ACPI and Intel video stuff went on in 13.... lots of culprits to chase down | 20:34 |
jdong | but as a person on Planet he should be exemplifying the proper spirit of investigating these changes, not forcing an unsupported kernel on with potentially faulty GRUB configs... | 20:34 |
jdong | that's what the forum HOWTO reject queue is for. | 20:34 |
jdong | * Don't lose appletouch button release events | 20:35 |
jdong | pfft, not like that's iportant for macbooks. | 20:35 |
jdong | who needs touchpad button release events anyway | 20:35 |
Pici | jdong: You do need to remember that we still have Alberto Milone (spelling?) 'pushing' envy on the planet. | 20:35 |
popey | grrrr | 20:36 |
jdong | we do indeed | 20:36 |
popey | i would lay money down that a _significant_ portion of people who voted "my upgrade failed" on the forums was down to envy | 20:36 |
popey | we have had people in #ubuntu-uk complaining that "gutsy broke" their system | 20:36 |
Seeker` | what is envy? | 20:37 |
Pici | !envy | Seeker` | 20:37 |
ubotu | Seeker`: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 20:37 |
* popey gets down off his high horse | 20:37 | |
jdong | Seeker`: video driver upgrade script | 20:37 |
Seeker` | ah, ok | 20:37 |
popey | """""helper""""" script | 20:37 |
jdong | popey: the people who used envy would probably have tried to manually install updated drivers if the tool weren't available | 20:37 |
jdong | popey: envy's a symptom, not the root cause of the problem | 20:37 |
tonyyarusso | popey: Well, it broke a few things for me as well, with no envy or anything else. It broke pretty badly on an upgrade, so I did a completely clean vanilla install, and that's broken too. | 20:37 |
popey | if envy did the right thing - downloaded the binary driver and then made a .deb out of it, at least you could easily manage it | 20:38 |
jdong | popey: truthfully 90% of the problem is our linux-restricted-modules packaging infrastructure is not modular and does NOT like kernel modules installed externally from it | 20:38 |
jdong | lrm should detect not to override a kernel module when one already exists in /lib/modules/`uname -r` | 20:38 |
popey | tonyyarusso: I'm not saying _all_ broken upgrades are down to envy | 20:38 |
popey | merely suggesting that it doesn't help | 20:39 |
tonyyarusso | gotcha | 20:39 |
popey | I have no evidence to prove it of course | 20:39 |
* popey feeds more wild speculation into the channel | 20:39 | |
jdong | popey: as is true with most upgrade breakages... | 20:39 |
jdong | I haven't really examined the source code of envy... | 20:39 |
jdong | popey: but I have heard that the author and mvo worked out an uninstall API | 20:39 |
jdong | that update-manager can call to deactivate envy | 20:40 |
jdong | at least envy shows some signs of cooperation with Ubuntu. | 20:40 |
Pici | I know apport ignores crashes if the user has installed automatix, I wonder if it does the same with envy. | 20:40 |
Pici | anyway, I'm off | 20:40 |
Dave2 | .win 1 | 20:43 |
Dave2 | erm. | 20:43 |
popey | yeah, to be fair alberto has ubuntu best interest at heart | 20:46 |
mneptok | pe oh pe ee wy | 20:57 |
ompaul | heh | 20:57 |
ompaul | mneptok, did you get flamed to death for that? | 20:58 |
ompaul | or was the public face the only one showing? | 20:58 |
mneptok | ompaul: not yet. and apparently Matthew East is working on something similar. | 20:58 |
ompaul | I think his objective may not have been yours ;-) | 20:58 |
ompaul | hehe | 20:58 |
* mneptok polishes his halo | 20:59 | |
ompaul | we shall have to see | 20:59 |
ompaul | theo would be proud ;) | 20:59 |
mneptok | i thought we were friends, then you say shit like that. | 20:59 |
mneptok | ;) | 20:59 |
* ompaul rofl | 21:00 | |
* Seveas polishes his lart | 21:02 | |
Seveas | I've been creating a lart at work | 21:02 |
Seveas | will make pictures and upload :) | 21:02 |
Seveas | need a chissle (sp?) for making a good grip | 21:03 |
Daviey | erm, can somebody take over in -classroom | 21:04 |
Daviey | It's pretty quiet.. but I really need to do other stuff :( | 21:04 |
* Daviey is gonna get in trouble... | 21:06 | |
Daviey | !ops ^ | 21:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ops ^ - try searching on | 21:06 |
Daviey | !ops | 21:07 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 21:07 |
ubotu | Daviey called the ops in #ubuntu-ops | 21:07 |
Daviey | can somebody take over in -classroom? I really need to go.. There aint much to do! | 21:08 |
Seveas | on it | 21:08 |
Daviey | Seveas: thanks :) | 21:08 |
ompaul | Seveas, it is called a chisel | 22:33 |
ompaul | no0tic, is there something you can be helped with? | 22:34 |
no0tic | ompaul, I'm op on -it | 22:34 |
ompaul | ahh | 22:34 |
Seeker` | deja vu | 22:34 |
stdin | maybe you should have some alias to auto print that on join :p | 22:35 |
stdin | or get Seveas to put you on the access list | 22:35 |
Seeker` | maybe he should be added to the access list or soemthing :P | 22:35 |
Seeker` | jinx! | 22:35 |
no0tic | (when does these questions when I join will end? :) | 22:35 |
stdin | when you get the magic of +v | 22:35 |
mneptok | Seveas, nalioth, Hobbsee, or apokryphos can add you | 22:35 |
ompaul | no0tic, when you get voiced on join ;-) | 22:35 |
no0tic | stdin, eheh :) | 22:35 |
no0tic | ompaul, I know :) | 22:35 |
Seeker` | no0tic: When people get yo know you - I was recently kicked because I didn't have the magic +v | 22:35 |
no0tic | Seeker`, lol | 22:36 |
no0tic | the magic +v of power | 22:36 |
Seeker` | OP ABUSE!! | 22:36 |
stdin | !opabuse | 22:36 |
ubotu | leave the ops alone ktnxbye | 22:36 |
Seeker` | its the ops that need to leave me alone | 22:37 |
ompaul | I love that one | 22:37 |
ompaul | Seeker`, seek and you will be found or some such | 22:37 |
ompaul | mneptok, I showed that mail to someone in -offtopic several hours ago and they did not link me with the Paul O'Malley in it ;-) | 22:38 |
Seeker` | or someone could op me so I can defend myself :P | 22:38 |
ompaul | Seeker`, Never :) | 22:38 |
Seeker` | haha | 22:39 |
mneptok | ompaul: cool. that means that your secret identity of Gaeltachtfear is safe! | 22:39 |
ompaul | Fear an ti ;-) | 22:39 |
mneptok | lol | 22:39 |
ompaul | agus anois a cairde go leir, sport agus craic! | 22:41 |
jdong | ompaul: aren't you done with the french for one day? | 22:43 |
* jdong has scarring memories of ompaul's last pun. | 22:43 | |
ompaul | isteach #ubuntu-ops ta daoine as a lan ait! an fa? nil aon is agum ... agus an bhuil aon sim le haione cad e on teanga seo .. | 22:43 |
ompaul | jdong, that was not any french | 22:44 |
ompaul | not by any standards | 22:44 |
jdong | ompaul: looked similar, nvm :) | 22:44 |
jdong | ompaul: you've lost my french trust ;-) | 22:44 |
ompaul | jdong, read mneptok's conversation | 22:45 |
ompaul | jdong, the clue is in there | 22:46 |
mneptok | calice de tabernac! la langue Irlandoise est ... je ne connait pas ... | 22:46 |
ompaul | jhahaha | 22:46 |
ompaul | mneptok, an bhuil aon fochal agut? | 22:50 |
ompaul | aon fochal, da bfochal, triur bfochal eile | 22:53 |
* ompaul grins | 22:53 | |
mneptok | OK, beyond my ken of Gaelige | 22:54 |
mneptok | i may be somewhat worldly, but at the end of the day i'm still an American ;) | 22:54 |
ompaul | mneptok, it was a song that was rather popular here - very tongue in cheek | 22:56 |
ompaul | 1 word 2 words 3 words also | 22:56 |
ompaul | is the literal translation if my memory serves me right | 22:57 |
ompaul | | 22:57 |
Daviey | nalioth: ping | 23:26 |
nalioth | Daviey: pong | 23:27 |
Daviey | nalioth: ah.. can you increace my channel limit? | 23:34 |
Daviey | ie, the restriction on how many channels i can be connected to? | 23:34 |
nalioth | if you'd stay out of the pR0n channels, you'd be fine :0 | 23:35 |
PriceChild | There are pr0n channels?!? wth am I still doing in here?1 | 23:35 |
Daviey | heh.. atm if i need to /join a channel i need to /part another :( | 23:35 |
no0tic | PriceChild, lol :) | 23:35 |
nalioth | Daviey: liar. | 23:36 |
PriceChild | please don't kill me :) | 23:36 |
Daviey | ?( | 23:36 |
nalioth | Daviey: did nickserv not tell you something? | 23:36 |
Daviey | nalioth: +u? | 23:36 |
nalioth | For tips and information on channel and user modes and management, see Daviey | 23:38 |
Daviey | nalioth: doesn't state what +u is. | 23:38 |
nalioth | well, i guess it'd be what you asked for | 23:39 |
Daviey | nalioth: ty sir! | 23:39 |
ubotu | cdm10 called the ops in #ubuntu | 23:41 |
PriceChild | trypglyph is back | 23:56 |
PriceChild | What on earth is going on? I'm confused. | 23:58 |
PriceChild | I am now a woman... | 23:58 |
mc44 | PriceChild: happens to us all. We're proud of you whatever you decide to be | 23:59 |
PriceChild | mc44, see offtopic | 23:59 |
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