PyroSama | Why doesnt apache restore the default config files and modules in /etc/apache2 when you remove the dir and lamp then reinstall it all? | 00:35 |
nxvl | mathiaz: hi, i'm working on LP bug #130836 | 00:35 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 130836 in apache2 "Specify OpenDocument icon(s) in Apache2 configuration" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 00:35 |
nxvl | mathiaz: should i work with apache2_2.2.6-2 | 00:35 |
nxvl | mathiaz: or 2.2.4-3build1 | 00:35 |
mathiaz | nxvl: apache2_2.2.6-2 | 00:36 |
mathiaz | nxvl: this will be for hardy | 00:36 |
nxvl | mathiaz: ok, downloading | 00:36 |
nxvl | mathiaz: is it uploaded on the server or still waiting for sync/merge | 00:37 |
nxvl | i can't dget it from LP | 00:38 |
PyroSama | Any one have any idea how I can get the contents of a default /etc/apache2 folder | 00:38 |
mathiaz | nxvl: says it's already in the archive | 00:39 |
soren | PyroSama: You need to purge the package and reinstall it. | 00:39 |
mathiaz | nxvl: | 00:39 |
PyroSama | I did. | 00:39 |
PyroSama | I get partial content. | 00:39 |
PyroSama | It gives me a blank httpd.conf no modules and no apache2.conf | 00:39 |
PyroSama | But restores every thing else that I can tell. | 00:40 |
soren | What exactly did you do, and what exact files are you missing? | 00:40 |
mathiaz | PyroSama: did you purge apache2-common ? | 00:40 |
PyroSama | apache2.2-common yes | 00:40 |
soren | PyroSama: What exactly did you do? | 00:41 |
PyroSama | apt-get remove apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-common libapache2-mod-php5 libapr1 libaprutil1 libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libmysqlclient15off libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl libpq5 mysql-client-5.0 mysql-common mysql-server mysql-server-5.0 php5-common php5-mysql | 00:41 |
soren | Where's --purge? | 00:41 |
PyroSama | Then removed apache2 dir | 00:42 |
PyroSama | -- purge? | 00:42 |
soren | Yes. You claimed you purged it. | 00:42 |
PyroSama | I guess I missunderstood. | 00:42 |
PyroSama | I'm still new to linux. | 00:42 |
soren | without --purge, you're only removing. | 00:42 |
PyroSama | Ah. | 00:43 |
PyroSama | This is new to me. | 00:43 |
nxvl | --purge is a really nice option, it has help me with so MANY error i have made | 00:43 |
mathiaz | PyroSama: removing doesn't delete configuration files (/etc/apache2), purge will do it. | 00:43 |
* nxvl loves --purge | 00:43 | |
soren | You see, when you remove a configuration file, that removal is remembered (since that counts as configuration, too). | 00:43 |
PyroSama | Where are my mysql databases stored? | 00:43 |
soren | ... so when you upgrade, the file will not be reinstalled. This is by design. | 00:43 |
PyroSama | Ah so --purge is designed to clean the slate. | 00:44 |
soren | to get the file back, you need to purge the package (forcing dpkg to forget all about the package's configuration files) and reinstall it. | 00:44 |
PyroSama | Where with out it it's designed to upgrade / remove / install the binaries and not the related configuration files | 00:44 |
nxvl | mathiaz: i should rename it (al least on changlog) to apache2_2.2.6-2ubuntu1, didn't i? | 00:45 |
soren | purge The package is selected to be purged (i.e. we want to remove everything, even configuration files). | 00:45 |
PyroSama | Ok so before I do that I need to find mysql databases | 00:45 |
soren | PyroSama: /var/lib/mysql | 00:45 |
mathiaz | nxvl: yes. | 00:45 |
nxvl | PyroSama: why don't you just purge apache2? | 00:45 |
nxvl | PyroSama: and let mysql alone | 00:45 |
nxvl | s/let/leve/ | 00:46 |
nxvl | s/leve/leave/ | 00:46 |
mathiaz | nxvl: if you're changing something to the debian package, you need add ubuntu* to the revision number. | 00:46 |
nxvl | :P | 00:46 |
nxvl | mathiaz: yes, i has read that before, just ensuring :D | 00:46 |
mikefoo | MailScanner question, I have spamassassin, setup without mailscanner, if I setup mailscanner, and I tell it to use spamassassin, are messages being run thru spamassassin twice? | 00:46 |
PyroSama | nxvl I am having other issues with my server setup aswell so if I can wipe the entire thing I might aswell. | 00:47 |
Jaac | Hi chaps, anyone got experience with "tasksel" ? | 00:47 |
Jaac | The DNS server install hangs at bind9-doc, using Gutsy 7.10 | 00:47 |
PyroSama | Thanks for the help. I'm going to see if I can take it from here. | 00:48 |
Jaac | Is there a log i can read, to see where the error is? | 00:49 |
nxvl | mathiaz: i only need to edit debian/apache2.conf, didn't i? | 00:49 |
mathiaz | nxvl: Probably. I don't know exactly what you have to do to fix the bug. | 00:50 |
nxvl | mathiaz: heh, i'm trying to change the default apache2.conf | 00:50 |
nxvl | mathiaz: so the cuestion is, the default one is debian/apache2.conf? | 00:51 |
mathiaz | nxvl: yes. | 00:51 |
mathiaz | nxvl: debian/apache2.conf will be copied to /etc/apache2/ during the postinstallation phase | 00:51 |
mathiaz | nxvl: you can check that by looking at debian/apache2-common.postinst | 00:52 |
PyroSama | And behold magicly mod_rewrite works... | 00:52 |
PyroSama | Thanks every one I'm now a happy man :D | 00:52 |
nxvl | mathiaz: i was looking for the postinst, thnx | 00:53 |
nxvl | mathiaz: i send the debdiff, can you check it please | 01:01 |
mathiaz | nxvl: could you add the LP bug number you've fixed ? | 01:05 |
mathiaz | nxvl: LP: #130836 in the changelog | 01:05 |
mathiaz | nxvl: I also think that the icons should be packaged. | 01:06 |
nxvl | mathiaz: fixing, i always forget | 01:06 |
* ajmitch wonders what useful servery things he can do for hardy | 01:08 | |
* mathiaz thinks that fedora directory server may need some packaging love | 01:09 | |
ajmitch | people still want that? | 01:09 |
mathiaz | I don't know actually - it was a just an idea. | 01:10 |
nxvl | mathiaz: the icons aren't packaged? | 01:10 |
mathiaz | nxvl: I don't think so. | 01:10 |
ajmitch | which icons are they? | 01:11 |
mathiaz | ajmitch: | 01:11 |
ajmitch | ah, extra mimetypes | 01:11 |
mathiaz | ajmitch: yes - bug 130836 | 01:12 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 130836 in apache2 "Specify OpenDocument icon(s) in Apache2 configuration" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 01:12 |
nxvl | mathiaz: they should be on docs/icons? | 01:14 |
mathiaz | nxvl: hum... well. That were upstream puts the icons. | 01:18 |
mathiaz | nxvl: however, you'll probably have to add them using patches in debian/. | 01:18 |
nxvl | mathiaz: but the patch must add them to /docs/icons | 01:20 |
mathiaz | nxvl: yes | 01:21 |
nxvl | mathiaz: but sould i use a patch or a line on postinst? | 01:23 |
mathiaz | nxvl: I wouln't use a patch actually. | 01:23 |
mathiaz | nxvl: the postinst won't work either. | 01:24 |
mathiaz | nxvl: try to modify the rules file to install the icons during the package build | 01:24 |
mathiaz | nxvl: and add a subdirectory icons/ in debian/ where you'd put the extra icons files. | 01:24 |
nxvl | mathiaz: under "install: build" ?? | 01:26 |
ajmitch | they'd probably need to be uuencoded | 01:27 |
ajmitch | due to the limitations of the packaging format, where they have to be representable in a diff | 01:27 |
mathiaz | nxvl: yes. | 01:28 |
mathiaz | ajmitch: yes - I thought about that too. | 01:28 |
mathiaz | ajmitch: but I've never patched a package to add binray files. | 01:28 |
ajmitch | it's common enough | 01:29 |
ajmitch | just look for any package that build-depends on sharutils | 01:29 |
mathiaz | ajmitch: do you know of a package that does such a thing ? | 01:29 |
nxvl | mathiaz: anywhere in there of before/after something? | 01:30 |
ScottK | ajmitch: You could stand behind soren and kick him until ebox is packaged. | 01:30 |
ajmitch | mathiaz: about 50 or more | 01:30 |
mikefoo | MailScanner question, I have spamassassin, setup without mailscanner, if I setup mailscanner, and I tell it to use spamassassin, are messages being run thru spamassassin twice? | 01:31 |
ajmitch | such as squid | 01:31 |
ajmitch | I think | 01:31 |
* ajmitch looks for others that b-d on sharutils | 01:31 | |
nxvl | ajmitch: so, you are saying i need to use sharutils instead of editing debian/rules? | 01:32 |
ScottK | mikefoo: Didn't see you here too. Just don't use mailscanner with Postfix. | 01:32 |
mathiaz | nxvl: probably after dh_install | 01:32 |
ajmitch | nxvl: I'm saying that sharutils contains uuencode/uudecode, which you use from debian/rules to mangle the icons | 01:32 |
mathiaz | nxvl: that's when stuff gets copied from debian/ to the build directory. | 01:32 |
nxvl | ajmitch: oh! ok | 01:33 |
ajmitch | aha, openssh does use it | 01:34 |
ajmitch | uudecode -o debian/ssh-askpass-gnome/usr/share/pixmaps/ssh-askpass-gnome.png debian/ssh-askpass-gnome.png.uue | 01:34 |
ajmitch | in the install: rule | 01:34 |
mathiaz | ajmitch: yop. I've seen that. | 01:35 |
mathiaz | ajmitch: so now the question is how to create the .uue file ? | 01:36 |
mathiaz | I guess with uuencode on the original .png file | 01:36 |
ajmitch | yes | 01:37 |
nxvl | ok | 01:40 |
nxvl | i put the changes on rules | 01:41 |
nxvl | now, what was that uuencode stuff? | 01:41 |
mathiaz | nxvl: you cannot include a binary file into a debian diff. | 01:42 |
mathiaz | nxvl: so you need to uuencode it, and uudecode it when building the package. | 01:42 |
mathiaz | nxvl: have a look at the openssh package. It adds an icon for openssh-askpass-gnome. | 01:43 |
ScottK | lamont: Would it be wrong to make postfix conflict with mailscanner? | 01:47 |
Jaac | ping | 01:48 |
Jaac | oops | 01:48 |
Burgundavia | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=7.000ms | 01:49 |
kgoetz | ) | 01:49 |
kgoetz | :) | 01:49 |
nxvl | heh | 01:51 |
nxvl | mathiaz: client or server? | 01:53 |
nxvl | same thing, downloading | 01:55 |
nxvl | ok | 02:00 |
nxvl | but, how do i enconde the png files? | 02:00 |
nxvl | by hand? | 02:00 |
ajmitch | yep | 02:01 |
ajmitch | it's an ugly hack, really | 02:02 |
nxvl | ajmitch: i have more the one png file | 02:02 |
nxvl | i need to add a decode instruction for each one? | 02:02 |
nxvl | s/i/do i/ | 02:02 |
mathiaz | nxvl: yes. | 02:03 |
mathiaz | nxvl: you may use a loop though. | 02:03 |
nxvl | mathiaz: bash loop? | 02:03 |
mathiaz | nxvl: you'll also have to check the license of the icons you're adding. | 02:03 |
mathiaz | nxvl: yes. In the rules, so that you don't need to add the same line for each icon file. | 02:04 |
nxvl | mathiaz: | 02:05 |
nxvl | mathiaz: whis one, that means i need to add it to COPYRIGHT, didn't it? | 02:05 |
nxvl | s/whis/this | 02:05 |
mathiaz | nxvl: you're correct. | 02:06 |
nxvl | ok | 02:06 |
nxvl | do i need to enconde on base64 or default one? | 02:08 |
lamont | ScottK: does mailscanner provide: mail-transport-agent | 02:08 |
lamont | ? | 02:08 |
* lamont needs to run off for an hour or so. bbl | 02:08 | |
mathiaz | nxvl: good question. Try the default encoding. | 02:12 |
mathiaz | nxvl: I guess that the source package won't build if it's not what should be done. | 02:12 |
ajmitch | doesn't matter what is used, as long as diff likes it | 02:15 |
ScottK | lamont: No, but it engenders some pretty strong reactions on postfix-users because it uses internal interfaces to interact with postfix (manipulates mail queues directly) and so is inherently unrelaible. | 02:16 |
ScottK | unreliable even. | 02:17 |
nxvl | mathiaz: done, patch send | 02:31 |
penguim | night all | 02:31 |
nxvl | mathiaz: forget it, i haven't add the license | 02:32 |
mathiaz | nxvl: the changelog doesn't have the correct LP syntax. | 02:35 |
mathiaz | nxvl: the bug number should be preceeded with LP: | 02:35 |
mathiaz | nxvl: ie: (Closes: LP: #130836) | 02:36 |
nxvl | mathiaz: ok, i will change that | 02:37 |
nxvl | mathiaz: i'm looking at the page where i downloaded the icons, and it says nothing about license | 02:38 |
nxvl | mathiaz: it mencion license about OTHER icons | 02:38 |
nxvl | mathiaz: not those i download | 02:38 |
mathiaz | nxvl: there isn't any LICENSE file in the tar archive ? | 02:39 |
nxvl | nop | 02:40 |
ajmitch | that makes it annoying | 02:41 |
mathiaz | hum... according to this web page: | 02:42 |
mathiaz | a set of icons has been donated to the ASF | 02:42 |
mathiaz | "This icon set has been donated to the Apache Foundation under the terms of their CLA." | 02:42 |
nxvl | mathiaz: but not THESE set of icons | 02:43 |
mathiaz | nxvl: what about these icons: ? | 02:44 |
mathiaz | nxvl: I think it's the same author. | 02:44 |
mathiaz | nxvl: it seems that all the icons are provided under the following license: | 02:45 |
mathiaz | License | 02:45 |
mathiaz | Permission to use and/or modify these images is granted for the identification and promotion of the OpenDocument Format (ISO 26300 and any later version published by OASIS or ISO) provided you acknowledge me, Pete Harlow, if someone asks | 02:45 |
mathiaz | These icons are trademarks of Pete Harlow. | 02:45 |
nxvl | mathiaz: ok, let use those | 02:45 |
nxvl | mathiaz: nop, those are the ones i downloaded | 02:46 |
mathiaz | nxvl: you may want to confirm with the author that everything is ok. | 02:46 |
nxvl | mathiaz: right click -> properties | 02:46 |
nxvl | license says it is | 02:47 |
mathiaz | nxvl: The author is subscribed to the bug so he should receive the notification. | 02:47 |
mathiaz | nxvl: It may also be worth making sure that this set of icons is the one that has been donated to the ASF. | 02:48 |
nxvl | mathiaz: the icons from the web you just send are the ones in the first one | 02:51 |
nxvl | mathiaz: so i think is that license | 02:52 |
nxvl | sending new debdiff | 02:53 |
mathiaz | nxvl: that's what I tought. | 02:53 |
mathiaz | Did you test the build ? | 02:53 |
nxvl | i did "dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot" if that's what your asking | 02:55 |
mathiaz | nxvl: hum... Could you also test the binary build ? | 02:55 |
nxvl | ok | 02:56 |
mathiaz | nxvl: -S will only build a source. | 02:56 |
mathiaz | nxvl: a binary build will also make sure that the changes to the rules files works correctly. | 02:56 |
mathiaz | nxvl: check that the added icons are shipped in the package. | 02:56 |
nxvl | mmm i didn't have hardy pbuilder enviroment | 02:57 |
nxvl | i will check | 02:57 |
nxvl | mathiaz: can i build it on gutsy? | 02:58 |
mathiaz | nxvl: that should be ok for now. | 02:59 |
mathiaz | nxvl: unless you wanna setup a pbuilder for hardy (you'll have to do it as some point ;) ). | 02:59 |
nxvl | i will do it now anyway | 02:59 |
nxvl | is the debbootstrat already with hardy scripts? | 03:00 |
mathiaz | nxvl: I did it today - I've just rebuilt hardy debootstrap for gutsy | 03:00 |
mathiaz | nxvl: yes. but the one in hardy. | 03:00 |
nxvl | last time i downloaded it doesn't work | 03:00 |
mathiaz | nxvl: I haven't seen anything in gutsy-backports. | 03:00 |
nxvl | :D | 03:00 |
nxvl | mmm | 03:00 |
nxvl | i think i forget the dependency for uue | 03:00 |
nxvl | :( | 03:00 |
mathiaz | nxvl: if you don't wanna go through rebuild hardy debootstrap for gutsy, you can just symlink the hardy script to gutsy | 03:01 |
mathiaz | nxvl: $ ls -l /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/ | 03:01 |
mathiaz | nxvl: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 2007-10-24 15:54 hardy -> gutsy | 03:01 |
nxvl | does it will work fine forever? | 03:02 |
mathiaz | nxvl: but I think there has been other bug fixes in debootstrap - you should check the changelog. | 03:02 |
mathiaz | nxvl: IWFM now. | 03:02 |
mathiaz | nxvl: but we discover new bugs now that hardy is opened. | 03:03 |
mathiaz | nxvl: we might discover | 03:03 |
mathiaz | nxvl: I just needed to setup my pbuilders for hardy. | 03:03 |
nxvl | i need to go out for now, i will continue with this later | 03:09 |
nxvl | mathiaz: thnx for the help | 03:10 |
mathiaz | nxvl: you're welcome :) | 03:10 |
genii | soren: Hello, you here? | 03:22 |
mathiaz | genii: I don't think so. | 03:24 |
genii | Perhaps someone may know... I hear he is working on ebox. Is anyone working on or know about the debian and debian-edu status of cipux? | 03:24 |
kgoetz | no, what is it? | 03:25 |
ScottK | genii: He's on European time, so he's almost certainly sleeping right now. | 03:26 |
genii | another we gui admin tool, wthey are adopting it as the webmin replacement | 03:27 |
genii | *web, *they | 03:27 |
kgoetz | oh | 03:27 |
* kgoetz stops being interested | 03:27 | |
genii | ScottK: OK, thanks once more | 03:27 |
genii | ScottK: Is ebox on launchpad? | 03:28 |
ScottK | NOt yet. | 03:28 |
genii | OK | 03:28 |
ScottK | He might be interested in assistance/testing though. | 03:29 |
genii | Cool. i have a couple of home servers on static IP | 03:29 |
genii | falcon etc is installed | 03:30 |
genii | LOL Damn whois on soren doesn't give me a clue what timezone | 03:31 |
genii | For logging purposes: | 03:35 |
ScottK | genii: He lives in .dk | 03:36 |
genii | Ah so about GMT +1 or +2 | 03:37 |
genii | Thanks | 03:37 |
genii | ScottK: You're a fount of information :) | 03:37 |
lamont | ScottK: evil. | 03:50 |
lamont | there's a part of me that would support conflicting with it | 03:51 |
stiv2k | hi how come when trying to stream a movie over samba it keeps breaking up | 04:13 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: which version of samba are you using % | 04:22 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: ? | 04:22 |
fujin | Anyone running some sort of centralised authentication | 04:27 |
genii | Does radius count? | 04:28 |
fujin | I mean for PAM | 04:30 |
fujin | I'm running LDAP with slapd, but I'm not entirely happy with it. | 04:30 |
fujin | especially the client-side caching | 04:30 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: just upgraded to gutsy | 04:33 |
stiv2k | umm | 04:33 |
kgoetz | fujin: hi | 04:33 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2 | 04:34 |
fujin | Hello. | 04:34 |
kgoetz | fujin: i'm using ldap ,but only internal to one machines services | 04:34 |
fujin | I see. | 04:34 |
fujin | I'm thinking of rolling it to 50~ boxes, and this is the decision making time | 04:34 |
fujin | wether to statically push out an /etc/passwd / /etc/shadow blabla. | 04:34 |
fujin | or to use ldap. | 04:34 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: on both the client and the server ? | 04:34 |
stiv2k | client? | 04:35 |
stiv2k | no the client is windows XP | 04:35 |
kgoetz | fujin: not tried that myself. do you have time to try ldap and not use it if it breaks? | 04:35 |
kgoetz | for 50 systems its worth putting in the effort to try and centralise that stuff imo | 04:36 |
sommer | fujin: I concur with kgoetz... you can also authenticate webapps and other services to ldap. | 04:36 |
* kgoetz is in the process of tryinng that :) | 04:37 | |
stiv2k | mathiaz: ? | 04:41 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: I don't really know. There was a bug about streaming from a samba server, but it was to a linux client. | 04:43 |
fujin | kgoetz: well, my /etc/passwd would be centralised | 04:49 |
fujin | but storage of the passwords would not be obviously | 04:49 |
fujin | unless I replaced the passwd file everytime (I use puppet for centralised management | 04:49 |
stiv2k | hmm | 04:51 |
kgoetz | fujin: thats a type of centralisation i guess | 04:52 |
* kgoetz has used cfengine fro a similr task in the pst | 04:52 | |
fujin | Aye. | 04:52 |
fujin | I'll stick to LDAP. Just need to make sure it's going to work. I've got Puppet pushing out all the necessary stuff but am hitting issues changing from sudo to sudo-ldap | 04:52 |
fujin | although I think I've got aroudn that by rolling my own sudo package and telling puppet to update the boxes to the latest version of sudo | 04:52 |
fujin | (without the broken stuff) | 04:52 |
kgoetz | i've seen lots of stuff about ldap in LP, but i didnt look closely because it doesnt affect me :) | 04:54 |
fujin | The only major problem I can foresee is that even with nscd/nss_updatedb, the passwords are never cached | 04:55 |
fujin | which I guess is good | 04:55 |
fujin | but of course reduces functionality without connectivity | 04:55 |
fujin | and I haven't got around to making a master-2slave LDAP cluster yet. | 04:55 |
kgoetz | depends if you plan for clients to go awol i suppose | 04:56 |
kgoetz | brb | 04:56 |
osmosis | Is there a way to list the files that would be installed before installing a package ? | 05:24 |
kgoetz | if you have apt-files you might, or look at, i think it has package lists | 05:25 |
genii | osmosis: maybe sudo apt-get install --simulate <package> | 05:40 |
Burgundavia | soren: nice try on the debian mail | 07:25 |
Burgundavia | look there is a topic ... hey shiny other thing ..,. | 07:25 |
soren | Burgundavia: *G* Yeah, it's amazing how little interest they seem to have in something that's really a change to Debian Policy. | 08:08 |
Burgundavia | soren: the other one that baffled me was the "we should use .desktop because the world has already gone there" | 08:09 |
Burgundavia | there is a reason Ubuntu exists | 08:10 |
Burgundavia | this is it | 08:10 |
soren | .desktop? Er... I think I missed that one? | 08:12 |
kgoetz | mmm. shiny thing | 08:13 |
Burgundavia | soren: .desktop files are how apps show up in the menu | 08:15 |
Burgundavia | they are a spec and used in KDE, GNOME, Xfce and some other wms | 08:16 |
soren | Sure, sure. | 08:19 |
soren | I meant that I missed the comment about using .desktop "because the world has aready gone there"? | 08:19 |
Burgundavia | sorry, tired | 08:24 |
Burgundavia | that was not what I was thinking i was writing and yet it made sense | 08:25 |
Burgundavia | I am good | 08:25 |
Burgundavia | anyway, I was saying that debian basically rejected .desktop files because about 1% of the wms used by debian users don't support it and likely because of a strong case of NIH | 08:25 |
soren | National Institute of Health? | 08:26 |
* soren is also tired :) | 08:27 | |
kgoetz | they didnt rejet them, theh just want to make files stay around | 08:27 |
Burgundavia | not invented here | 08:28 |
soren | Oh :) | 08:28 |
Burgundavia | kgoetz: that is crazy | 08:28 |
Burgundavia | they should have made .desktops standard and one generate the other | 08:28 |
kgoetz | me shrug. i'm tired. i'm goign home ;). later all | 08:30 |
soren | Burgundavia: I think I'll draft an actual patch to Debian Policy and send it. That might get things started. | 08:34 |
Burgundavia | soren: for the .desktop or your issue | 08:34 |
Burgundavia | ? | 08:34 |
soren | My issue. | 08:35 |
nxvl | i'm having problems with apache | 08:57 |
nxvl | patching LP bug | 08:57 |
nxvl | #130836 | 08:57 |
nxvl | does any one can help me? | 08:57 |
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ScottK | re: "<lamont> there's a part of me that would support conflicting with it" - The question is, is that part of you the Postfix maintainer? | 12:49 |
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halcyonCorsair | hello | 14:06 |
halcyonCorsair | anyone know anything about configuring mrtg or cacti? | 14:06 |
_ruben | used mrtg ages ago, currently using cacti, but #cacti might be a better place | 14:07 |
lamont | ScottK: it's a rather abrasive move... I'd want to discuss it with the debian maintainer of mailscanner (or whatever package it was...) | 14:13 |
lamont | what we need is Discourages: and Strongly-Discourages: :-) | 14:14 |
ScottK | lamont: I agree. It shouldn't be done unilaterally, but I do it's not unreasonable to have the packaging system avoid insanity. | 14:14 |
halcyonCorsair | well does anyone here know about installing cacti then? | 14:15 |
* ScottK is pondering adding a mailscanner factoid like the webmin one to do the strongly discouraging bit here anyway. | 14:15 | |
lamont | ScottK: after reading the description, it looks like postfix isn't on it's supported list, which makes me feel less bad about conflicting... :-) | 14:15 |
lamont | anyway, I'll ponder it | 14:16 |
ScottK | OK. | 14:16 |
soren | halcyonCorsair: I know about mrtg. | 14:19 |
halcyonCorsair | how hard is it to get going on ubuntu server 7.04? | 14:20 |
soren | halcyonCorsair: ...but rumour has it that cricket is teh stuff these days. | 14:21 |
soren | halcyonCorsair: Not very. | 14:21 |
halcyonCorsair | cricket? | 14:21 |
soren | halcyonCorsair: Take a look at the cfgmaker man page, and you should be very close to have a working configuration. | 14:21 |
lamont | soren: it'll be quite sometime before the crusty cricket release. | 14:21 |
halcyonCorsair | soren: how hard is not very? | 14:22 |
soren | halcyonCorsair: How long is a piece of string? | 14:22 |
soren | halcyonCorsair: It's kind of hard to say, isn't it? I find it rather easy. Untrained hamsters might find it slightly more difficult. | 14:23 |
soren | You might find yourself in between those two somewhere. | 14:23 |
soren | Are you good with snmp? | 14:23 |
soren | If so you might find it really easy. | 14:24 |
halcyonCorsair | i've heard of it.... <--- nice cagey answer | 14:24 |
soren | Ok, if you can give me a unit of measure, I'll attempt to tell you exactly how difficult it is. | 14:24 |
lamont | halcyonCorsair: it stands for "Security Not My Problem." | 14:24 |
mralphabet | lamont: lies! ;) | 14:26 |
lamont | mralphabet: read the spec | 14:26 |
mralphabet | heh | 14:26 |
lamont | and name me _one_ other widely deployed protocol that still has no means of authentication other than clear text passwords. | 14:27 |
lamont | oh wait. those aren't passwords. those are "community strings" | 14:27 |
mralphabet | hey, community strings are secure . . . | 14:27 |
mralphabet | as long as you don't write them down | 14:28 |
lamont | or use them on a sniffable network | 14:28 |
halcyonCorsair | soren: so, a guide or something of some sort? | 14:28 |
mralphabet | that too | 14:28 |
soren | Well, at least it's not like there's some standard strings that everyone uses. | 14:28 |
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soren | Oh, wait.. | 14:28 |
mralphabet | heh | 14:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 14:29 |
lamont | and no vendor would ever hardcode a write-capable community | 14:29 |
soren | halcyonCorsair: Seriously.. Take a look at cfgmaker (included in mrtg). | 14:30 |
soren | halcyonCorsair: It's quite easy, if you already have snmp up and running. | 14:31 |
soren | I got to go. I have to pack for Boston. | 14:31 |
* halcyonCorsair wonders what he needs to get snmp up and running | 14:32 | |
* lamont packs for boston on saturday | 14:33 | |
Kamping_Kaiser | how long until ... oh. saturday | 14:38 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: first step is to install the snmp package. | 14:38 |
halcyonCorsair | done | 14:39 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: then on to installing mrtg. | 14:40 |
halcyonCorsair | look, the whole apt-get install bit isn't the issue, its the config | 14:40 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: what is your plan for mrtg? bandwidth monitoring? service monitoring? | 14:42 |
MikeDX | is there a list of things somewhere that 606 installs by default - and if not, is iptables installed by default in 606 LTS? | 14:44 |
halcyonCorsair | sommer: bandwidth monitoring | 14:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | MikeDX, iptables is part of the kernel | 14:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | (read : yes) | 14:45 |
MikeDX | :| | 14:45 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: sweet, than like soren mentioned cfgmaker is your friend | 14:45 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: to use it do cfgmaker communitystring@device > device.cfg | 14:46 |
MikeDX | ok, next question, where is the file for me to edit to allow samba shares across my vpn? | 14:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *shrug* samba==not my problem :) | 14:46 |
MikeDX | ok then, where is the config file for me to edit to allow the ports that I want opened up | 14:47 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: here's a guide that may help: | 14:47 |
halcyonCorsair | thanks | 14:47 |
halcyonCorsair | sommer: communitystring? | 14:48 |
sommer | it's what snmp uses as a password to gather info from devices. | 14:48 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: most devices set it to the work "public" by default, which is why snmp is considered not very secure... and stuff | 14:49 |
sommer | s/work/word/ | 14:49 |
MikeDX | how can i change the order in which services in init.d start up? | 15:08 |
MikeDX | I guess I change SNN to SAA in /etc/rc2.d | 15:15 |
* MikeDX tries it | 15:15 | |
halcyonCorsair | anyone know how to get snmp going? | 15:30 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: do you have a specific question? | 15:30 |
sommer | if you've installed the snmp package you're ready to use it. | 15:31 |
halcyonCorsair | sommer: i'm trying to get cacti working, and its saying "snmp: not in use" | 15:31 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: have you configured the device you're trying to monitor for snmp? | 15:32 |
halcyonCorsair | sommer: what do i have to do for that? | 15:33 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: depends on the device... what is the device? | 15:33 |
sommer | cisco switch, printer, server? | 15:33 |
halcyonCorsair | as in my nics? | 15:33 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: are you trying to monitor bandwidth on a server? | 15:34 |
halcyonCorsair | yes | 15:36 |
halcyonCorsair | also could my firewall be causing issues? | 15:37 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: are you trying to monitor a server on the same lan? if so you should be good to go, or are you talking about the server's firwall? | 15:39 |
avatar_ | sommer: /etc/default/snmpd | 15:39 |
avatar_ | halcyonCorsair: /etc/default/snmpd | 15:39 |
avatar_ | halcyonCorsair: by default snmpd is only listening on | 15:40 |
halcyonCorsair | no, i have an ubuntu gateway/firewall/whatever that i want to run cacti on | 15:40 |
sommer | avatar_: good call, you should check that file halcyonCorsair. | 15:41 |
halcyonCorsair | ok, what am i checking for? | 15:41 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: the ip address snmpd is listening on. | 15:43 |
sommer | check the SNMPDOPTS line | 15:44 |
halcyonCorsair | SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -I -smux -p /var/run/' | 15:44 |
sommer | you'll want to change to your ip address | 15:45 |
halcyonCorsair | why? | 15:48 |
sommer | so you can connect to it using SNMP | 15:48 |
halcyonCorsair | aha... | 15:49 |
halcyonCorsair | turns out.... that /etc/init.d/snmp restart, doesn't actually restart snmp | 15:49 |
sommer | halcyonCorsair: did you do /etc/init.d/snmpd ? | 15:51 |
halcyonCorsair | yes | 15:53 |
halcyonCorsair | that was a type | 15:53 |
halcyonCorsair | *typo | 15:53 |
halcyonCorsair | stop stops, start starts, and i don't know what the hell restart does | 15:54 |
Fenix|work | I have a question with ubuntu-server VMWare and framebuffer | 15:54 |
Fenix|work | how can I get out of 80x25 mode using vga= on the kernel line, but also be able to see the console in my VM... | 15:54 |
Fenix|work | right now when I change menu.lst and add vga=791, I get Starting up... some crap on the console, but then can't see anything I'm typing | 15:55 |
sommer | Fenix|work: you could try 1024x768 vga=773 | 16:01 |
Fenix|work | I didn't try 773 yet ... | 16:01 |
Fenix|work | I was wondering if it was related to the fact that vmware-tools didn't start | 16:02 |
Fenix|work | I manually started it fine, so I suppose it's in the wrong RC level | 16:02 |
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mralphabet | Fenix|work: there is a bug with gutsy and framebuffer I think | 16:03 |
mralphabet | I saw a bug report about it the other day | 16:04 |
Fenix|work | oh poo | 16:04 |
Fenix|work | I also see vmware-tools starts in rc5.d | 16:04 |
halcyonCorsair | tim eto sleep | 16:04 |
Fenix|work | oh, starts in rc2 as well | 16:05 |
MikeDX | Fenix are you anything to do with the fenix language? | 16:05 |
Fenix|work | nope... | 16:06 |
Fenix|work | oh and 773 gives me a nice black screen | 16:06 |
Fenix|work | not even any graphical goop | 16:06 |
mralphabet | Bug #129910 | 16:07 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 129910 in linux-source-2.6.22 "tty[1-6] are active but display nothing in Gutsy" [Undecided,New] | 16:07 |
Fenix|work | mralphabet, thanks | 16:11 |
Fenix|work | will fix initramfs | 16:11 |
Fenix|work | wow, all framebuffers are in the blacklist | 16:13 |
MikeDX | i think every version of ubuntu blacklists all the framebuffers# | 16:15 |
MikeDX | ls | 16:20 |
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Fenix|work | quick question | 17:54 |
Fenix|work | how do I update ubuntu-server from the cl? | 17:54 |
Fenix|work | ok, I see... apt-get update then apt-get upgrade | 17:56 |
mralphabet | apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 17:56 |
mralphabet | the 'upgrade' only happens if 'update' completed with no errors | 17:56 |
Fenix|work | I have to apologize... I come from an 'emerge' environment | 17:56 |
Fenix|work | :) | 17:57 |
mralphabet | ack! emerge! heathen! | 17:57 |
mralphabet | oh nos! | 17:57 |
* Fenix|work born again | 17:57 | |
mralphabet | heh | 17:57 |
Fenix|work | otherwise I wouldn't be here :) | 17:57 |
* mralphabet shrugs | 17:57 | |
Fenix|work | I use both ... but I'm tired to compiling | 17:57 |
mralphabet | most are glad to help | 17:57 |
Fenix|work | tired *of* compiling | 17:57 |
Fenix|work | how does one enable mouse in console here? | 17:58 |
Fenix|work | apt-get install gpm should suffice no? | 17:58 |
Fenix|work | hope vmware will let me out of console mode with gpm installed | 17:59 |
mralphabet | I believe | 17:59 |
Fenix|work | without having to ctrl-alt | 17:59 |
mralphabet | workstation? or server | 17:59 |
Fenix|work | workstation | 17:59 |
mralphabet | I user server and just use the web interface | 18:00 |
Fenix|work | I'm setting up a basic ubuntu GG server to ace clone | 18:00 |
mralphabet | to access the desktop I use vnc or remote desktop | 18:00 |
linuxpoet | what is the name of the postgresql package that is complied --with-debug? | 19:26 |
Jaac | I have a problem upgrading postfix, and need to know what packages are installed, is there a way i can see what packages are installed through apt-get? Or maybe another cmd? | 23:19 |
lamont | Jaac: dpkg -l | 23:20 |
Jaac | Cheers lamont | 23:22 |
Jaac | Another problem :o Ive shutdown postfix through init.d, same for saslauthd, but still cant write to /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf while using sudo. | 23:42 |
Jaac | Is there a way i can see what program is using it at the moment? | 23:43 |
soren | Jaac: Can't write to it? What's the error ? | 23:49 |
* soren wonders why he's still awake | 23:49 | |
* ajmitch wonders the same | 23:50 | |
ajmitch | surely you'll be flying soon? | 23:50 |
Burgundavia | ugh, I leave at 6am tomorrow | 23:50 |
Burgundavia | means I have to leave me house at 3am | 23:50 |
ajmitch | you're going to UDS again? | 23:50 |
soren | ajmitch: Approximately 9 hours from now. | 23:51 |
Jaac | soren: -bash: /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf: Permission denied | 23:51 |
soren | ajmitch: The airport is a 6 minutes drive from here, and the first leg is domestic, so I don't have to leave the house for another 8½ hours. | 23:51 |
soren | Jaac: When doing what? | 23:51 |
Jaac | soren: sudo echo 'pwcheck_method: saslauthd' >> /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf | 23:52 |
soren | Jaac: Let me guess: sudo blahblahbabl > /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf ? | 23:52 |
Jaac | yup | 23:52 |
soren | Jaac: Right. sudo makes echo run with root privs, but the redirection is done by your shell, which is still run by you. | 23:52 |
soren | I.e. no pony for you. | 23:52 |
mikefoo | Anyone use squirrelmail? foes some reason my filter for X-Spam-Status: Yes, just doesn't work.. everything goes to either my SPAM folder, or my inbox.. its wierd. | 23:52 |
soren | sudo sh -c "echo 'pwcheck_method: saslauthd' >> /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf" | 23:53 |
soren | Jaac: ^^ will make you happy. | 23:53 |
Jaac | Croocked soren, thanks heaps | 23:53 |
soren | np | 23:53 |
Jaac | You got me there, totally lost ;) | 23:53 |
ajmitch | or it's often just quicker to use an editor :) | 23:54 |
soren | ajmitch: You're always so fancy. :p | 23:54 |
ajmitch | well if you want complex, you can go for ed | 23:54 |
* soren misses ed | 23:55 | |
soren | It's so much more fun and adventurous. | 23:55 |
soren | Aw, craptastic. | 23:57 |
soren | My scanner is returning all black pages. | 23:58 |
soren | It worked fine two months ago... Either gutsy broke it, or the scanner finally gave up. | 23:59 |
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