SuicideCow | What kind of game is blobwars? | 00:00 |
Mark76 | 2d Side scrolling massacre | 00:00 |
SuicideCow | lol | 00:00 |
evil_tech | >: D | 00:00 |
Mark76 | There's a 3D sequel called Blob adn Conquer | 00:01 |
SuicideCow | Haha | 00:01 |
Mark76 | ;) | 00:01 |
evil_tech | lol | 00:02 |
SuicideCow | I have another question while waiting for the installer to comple | 00:02 |
SuicideCow | te | 00:02 |
Mark76 | Go on | 00:03 |
SuicideCow | How do you install software on the Ubuntu systems?I know how to do it with the Software remove utility, but say i wan to install firefox i download it and get a package named firefox2.0.0.8.tar.gz | 00:03 |
evil_tech | synaptic | 00:04 |
SuicideCow | Syn what? | 00:04 |
evil_tech | synaptic it is the package manager | 00:04 |
SuicideCow | Ah ok | 00:04 |
SuicideCow | I was already wondering if i had to do it manually | 00:04 |
evil_tech | applications-> system-> synaptic | 00:04 |
SuicideCow | Thanks | 00:04 |
evil_tech | or from the command line: sudo apt-get install *name of package* | 00:04 |
SuicideCow | Installer is at 15% now, thanks for all the support | 00:04 |
evil_tech | no problem :) | 00:05 |
Mark76 | Synaptic is our secret weapon against Windoze | 00:05 |
SuicideCow | Haha | 00:05 |
Mark76 | Synaptic, ruthlessness and surprise | 00:06 |
Mark76 | ANd an almost fanatical dedication to the Pope | 00:06 |
evil_tech | make sure you enable all the repositories | 00:06 |
SuicideCow | Lol, seems the installer is frozen | 00:06 |
evil_tech | it will seem that way | 00:06 |
evil_tech | but just let it sit there | 00:06 |
SuicideCow | Can't move the mouse, even turning on capslock doen't work | 00:06 |
SuicideCow | Oh ok | 00:06 |
evil_tech | oh that might be bad then | 00:07 |
Mark76 | Ooh | 00:07 |
evil_tech | if you cant do anything or get caps lock on then you probably have to restart | 00:07 |
Mark76 | Maybe it's detecting the mouse and keyboard? | 00:07 |
evil_tech | possible | 00:08 |
evil_tech | but should have done that when you selected region though | 00:08 |
Mark76 | Has he done that yet? | 00:09 |
evil_tech | thought so | 00:09 |
SuicideCow | Yes i did | 00:09 |
Mark76 | It's a while since I last installed Ubuntu | 00:09 |
SuicideCow | I was at the step where i had to enter my name and password | 00:09 |
SuicideCow | Then clicked next, and now it is installing the system | 00:09 |
Mark76 | Is it still unresponsive? | 00:09 |
SuicideCow | Yes it is | 00:09 |
SuicideCow | Im going to give it a reboot | 00:10 |
Mark76 | Okay | 00:10 |
evil_tech | i still think the alternate install is the best option in this case | 00:10 |
SuicideCow | Yes i think so | 00:10 |
SuicideCow | Ill re format the HD ( just to be sure nothing is left) | 00:10 |
SuicideCow | 30 minutes till Alternate CD is complete | 00:10 |
Mark76 | Good luck SuicideCow | 00:11 |
SuicideCow | K | 00:11 |
evil_tech | grr cant get my desktop cube to be a cube | 00:11 |
SuicideCow | You know what i also love about this laptop? | 00:11 |
hyper__ch | hiho | 00:12 |
SuicideCow | It doesn't has an Internet port xD | 00:12 |
SuicideCow | Just an old Modem Cable(the thin ones) | 00:12 |
Mark76 | I want a desktop cube :( | 00:12 |
evil_tech | does it at least have a pcmcia slot? | 00:13 |
SuicideCow | yes it does | 00:13 |
evil_tech | why cant you get one | 00:13 |
Mark76 | I don't know how | 00:13 |
SuicideCow | Well, a friend has two of them 56k modem PCMCIA slot xD | 00:13 |
SuicideCow | But he can't find the propper cables | 00:13 |
evil_tech | lol | 00:13 |
SuicideCow | And if im correct it also had Wireless internet( Guess 802.11a xD ) | 00:13 |
Mark76 | I have compiz installed, but I don't know how to start it up | 00:14 |
evil_tech | alt + F2 compiz --replace | 00:14 |
evil_tech | you also have to have XGL installed: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl | 00:15 |
Mark76 | Hang on | 00:16 |
SuicideCow | 22 minutes people :D | 00:18 |
evil_tech | there are more steps if you arent running gutsy | 00:18 |
Mark76 | Installing xserver-xgl | 00:18 |
SuicideCow | What is actually the big difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu | 00:20 |
evil_tech | ubuntu uses GNOME and kubuntu uses KDE | 00:21 |
SuicideCow | ok..... | 00:21 |
evil_tech | basically they perform the same task by giving you the user, an environment to use your computer | 00:22 |
evil_tech | just do it in different ways | 00:22 |
SuicideCow | Ah | 00:23 |
evil_tech | GNOME uses GTK+ and KDE uses QT | 00:23 |
SuicideCow | Ah | 00:23 |
evil_tech | which are different programming libraries if i'm not mistaken | 00:24 |
SuicideCow | Okidoki, i first thought GNOME and KDE were methodes of rendering( effects and stuff like that) | 00:24 |
evil_tech | no | 00:24 |
evil_tech | they are desktop environments= window manager + applications + file manager | 00:25 |
SuicideCow | Ok, i understand now, thanks | 00:25 |
evil_tech | welcome | 00:26 |
evil_tech | finally put some of what i learned in school to use | 00:26 |
evil_tech | :) | 00:26 |
SuicideCow | Haha | 00:26 |
SuicideCow | Our school teacher for the lesson with computers is an InfranView Freak | 00:26 |
SuicideCow | If you say something like: "Mister, i need to go to the toiled" Then he says: "NO, INFRANVIEW BITCH! " | 00:27 |
SuicideCow | (not realy, but that doesn matter :P ) | 00:27 |
SuicideCow | How do i change my name here, i am using Xchat | 00:29 |
SuicideCow | nevermind | 00:30 |
* SuicideCow writes | 00:31 | |
SuicideCow | lol | 00:31 |
* SuicideCow is doing something | 00:31 | |
YorickPeterse | Im back | 00:34 |
YorickPeterse | FUCK | 00:36 |
YorickPeterse | And i just discovered i burned my last CD | 00:36 |
YorickPeterse | And this laptop doesn' reads DVDś | 00:37 |
silliness | how do I have to edit fstab to make xubuntu 7.04 not tell me failed to eject when I push the eject button on rom drive? | 00:37 |
YorickPeterse | Wait, found one :P | 00:37 |
evil_tech | YorickPeterse= SuicideCow? | 00:38 |
YorickPeterse | Yes | 00:38 |
YorickPeterse | Changed my nickname | 00:39 |
YorickPeterse | 55 seconds :p | 00:39 |
evil_tech | sweet | 00:39 |
YorickPeterse | Now let's hope i don't burn the disc at a too high speed | 00:40 |
silliness | ok now Icannot get my dvd out | 00:40 |
YorickPeterse | lol | 00:40 |
YorickPeterse | The DVD Drive is hungry :p | 00:40 |
silliness | plextor junk | 00:40 |
evil_tech | that is my preferred brand | 00:41 |
evil_tech | still rocking PX-716a | 00:41 |
evil_tech | :) | 00:41 |
silliness | want me to make you hate them? | 00:41 |
YorickPeterse | I have a LG | 00:41 |
silliness | that what this one is | 00:41 |
=== rob1 is now known as rob | ||
YorickPeterse | LG is nice | 00:41 |
silliness | evil_tech, | 00:41 |
YorickPeterse | NICK Yorick | 00:42 |
YorickPeterse | crap | 00:42 |
=== YorickPeterse is now known as donut | ||
=== donut is now known as YorickPeterse | ||
silliness | evil_tech, do you have any problems with it under xubuntu? | 00:43 |
silliness | cause thats what I have exact model | 00:43 |
evil_tech | not with xubuntu 7.04 | 00:43 |
evil_tech | havent upgraded the machine it is in to 7.10 yet | 00:43 |
evil_tech | but it works fine with Brasero and K3B | 00:44 |
YorickPeterse | Okidoki, nero is at 93% :D | 00:45 |
YorickPeterse | And it is ready :D | 00:46 |
evil_tech | let her boot | 00:47 |
YorickPeterse | Let's hope she will :P | 00:47 |
YorickPeterse | Oh | 00:48 |
silliness | evil_tech, what do you get for dvd burn speeds? | 00:48 |
YorickPeterse | Should i install it in Text mode? | 00:48 |
evil_tech | yes | 00:48 |
YorickPeterse | Ok | 00:48 |
evil_tech | as for burn speeds ive burned DVD at 12x | 00:49 |
evil_tech | DVD5 | 00:49 |
evil_tech | i have a hard time finding dual layer media faster than 2x so im stuck burning DVD9 at 2x | 00:49 |
silliness | yes dvd 5 | 00:49 |
silliness | ok can you help me make mine burn that fast cause I don't know what im doing wrong | 00:50 |
silliness | I never get over 4x-6x | 00:51 |
evil_tech | what program? | 00:51 |
evil_tech | and what is the speed of the media? | 00:51 |
silliness | 52x vertibatim and maxell | 00:51 |
silliness | and no name | 00:52 |
silliness | opps | 00:52 |
silliness | 16x | 00:52 |
silliness | looking at it right now I an get full speed with cdr | 00:52 |
silliness | can | 00:52 |
evil_tech | so its just DVD that is slow | 00:52 |
silliness | k3b | 00:52 |
silliness | yes | 00:52 |
evil_tech | whats the device configuration in the machine look like. cause my drive is on its own IDE channel and gets fed data by a RAID 5 array | 00:53 |
silliness | pata | 00:54 |
silliness | but works at right speeds under win | 00:54 |
evil_tech | is DMA turned on? | 00:54 |
silliness | i865 chipset | 00:55 |
evil_tech | and have you told K3B to burn at the max | 00:55 |
silliness | yes | 00:55 |
silliness | ok I have a question about dma | 00:55 |
evil_tech | cause i think it defaults to 4-6x if it cant determine the speeds | 00:55 |
silliness | with the new kernels do you need to set up hdparm? | 00:56 |
evil_tech | not usually | 00:56 |
silliness | I will test again cause I have a brand new three day old install | 00:57 |
silliness | I have been having this issue for months trying to track an answer | 00:58 |
YorickPeterse | I gotta go now, the installer is working so far, See you and thanks for the support | 00:59 |
evil_tech | there is a k3b irc channel | 00:59 |
evil_tech | no problem good luck | 00:59 |
silliness | all programs were slow | 00:59 |
evil_tech | hmm | 00:59 |
silliness | some didn't even work | 00:59 |
evil_tech | xfburn never worked for me | 01:00 |
evil_tech | even had problems with brasero on some machines | 01:00 |
evil_tech | k3b is my preferred | 01:00 |
silliness | some would be three times as slow | 01:00 |
silliness | same | 01:00 |
evil_tech | had the best luck with it so far | 01:00 |
silliness | sorry just ripping some files to hdd | 01:00 |
silliness | to copy back | 01:00 |
silliness | like 1.4 hours to burn dvd5 | 01:01 |
evil_tech | jeesh thats slow | 01:01 |
evil_tech | the burner in my laptop burns dvd5 faster | 01:01 |
silliness | what do you use for media | 01:02 |
evil_tech | maxell and memorex | 01:02 |
silliness | have you heard plextor is making new drives not work with free software | 01:03 |
silliness | not as in free as in beer | 01:03 |
evil_tech | no havent heard that | 01:03 |
evil_tech | thats unfortunate | 01:03 |
evil_tech | well i got to go to class | 01:03 |
evil_tech | routers to program :) | 01:04 |
silliness | shoot | 01:04 |
silliness | are you going to be around after | 01:04 |
evil_tech | ill be online at school | 01:05 |
silliness | so can ask back in abit | 01:05 |
evil_tech | if i can get IRC plugin to work on pidgin | 01:05 |
evil_tech | otherwise there are plenty of other fine folks that can help | 01:05 |
evil_tech | and there is always the kubuntu and ubuntu channels | 01:06 |
silliness | ok cause your like the only one with a near same config | 01:06 |
evil_tech | :) | 01:06 |
silliness | l8r | 01:06 |
evil_tech | peace | 01:06 |
mehevi | hola amigos. I have problem with xfce. I run nm-applet to manage my connection, though it starts three times when I log into X! | 01:23 |
silliness | ok I installed k3b from synaptic and will not open? | 01:28 |
silliness | and no updates available | 01:30 |
silliness | trying to create local folder /home/cjae/.kde/share: Permission denied | 01:30 |
silliness | trying to create local folder /home/cjae/.kde/share: Permission denied | 01:30 |
silliness | trying to create local folder /home/cjae/.kde/share: Permission denied | 01:30 |
silliness | trying to create local folder /home/cjae/.kde/socket-cicero: Permission denied | 01:30 |
silliness | trying to create local folder /home/cjae/.kde/socket-cicero: Permission denied | 01:30 |
silliness | kdeinit: Aborting. bind() failed: : Permission denied | 01:30 |
silliness | Could not bind to socket '/home/cjae/.kde/socket-cicero/kdeinit__0' | 01:30 |
silliness | ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't setup DCOP communication. | 01:31 |
mehevi | !paste | 01:31 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:31 |
zoredache | mehevi: start nm-applet with --sm-disable | 01:32 |
mehevi | hey silliness, how about you run synaptic as a superuser | 01:32 |
zoredache | mehevi: kill off all the existing copies of nm-applet first of coruse | 01:32 |
silliness | makes me put in password | 01:32 |
silliness | and why is this not a default setup | 01:33 |
silliness | maybe it didn't this time ill check | 01:33 |
mehevi | zoredache where would I find where it starts nm-applet? I edited my autostart file through xfce gui but its not even in there... I checked .config but still no dice. | 01:34 |
silliness | just gonna start using apt-get all the time | 01:34 |
mehevi | silliness use gksudo synaptic to start synaptic | 01:35 |
silliness | mehevi, yah but it is just being lazy on my part should be using cli | 01:35 |
Mark76 | Man, xserver-xgl sucks on a 256mb machine | 01:36 |
mehevi | brb going to try this | 01:37 |
mehevi | holy crap! I added it with --sm-disabled and I got five instances of it at boot | 01:39 |
silliness | mehevi, still won't start | 01:39 |
mehevi | what wont start | 01:40 |
silliness | k3b | 01:40 |
mehevi | did you install it? | 01:40 |
silliness | yes | 01:40 |
silliness | has the permission error | 01:40 |
mehevi | try /usr/bin/k3b, if that is the binary name | 01:40 |
mehevi | well sudo k3b then | 01:41 |
silliness | do I have to run it as root the first time and how do I make synaptic ask password again from the apps menu | 01:42 |
mehevi | zoredache its starting before my autostart list is parsed, when my session starts (I use the simple splash) I can see it flash by before autostart, where is that list of programs it runs at login? | 01:43 |
mehevi | silliness edit shortcut to be gksudo synaptic | 01:43 |
xoss | good day.. wanted to know how i can prevent a user from removing the xfce panel? | 01:43 |
mehevi | I've never used KDE or KDE apps silliness | 01:43 |
zoredache | hrm... | 01:44 |
mehevi | xoss, run xfce panel at a higher permission than the user? | 01:44 |
mehevi | then they wouldnt be able to change it either, I suppose. | 01:45 |
xoss | mehevi: how do i do that? | 01:45 |
mehevi | xoss I dunno I'm an idea man. | 01:45 |
xoss | mehevi: ok, thanks anyway | 01:45 |
mehevi | sorry I'm newbish :( | 01:46 |
xoss | mehevi: it's okay | 01:46 |
mehevi | oh crap zoredache I think it may be in my gnome applications startup, since I load parts of gnome for applets | 01:47 |
mehevi | ok just found a entry for nm in /.config/autostart. removed, rebooting. | 01:49 |
mehevi | craaaap. now I have four instances running at startup | 01:53 |
emdash | i've noticed that after updating to gutsy, firefox moves its window to my current window whenever I follow a link from an external application | 01:53 |
mehevi | I've made it worse | 01:54 |
emdash | i absolutely do not want this. is the issue with firefox or xfce | 01:54 |
mehevi | which application? Terminal? | 01:54 |
emdash | mostly terminal | 01:54 |
emdash | but also pidgin | 01:54 |
mehevi | well, dont update to gutsy then. hehe, kidding. | 01:55 |
evil_tech | i hate traffic | 01:57 |
mehevi | yeah it sucks. Those cageriders hate it when you ride a bike too. | 02:02 |
emdash | oh | 02:03 |
emdash | i have discovered a solution to this on the internets | 02:03 |
emdash | it appears it's an issue with xfce4.4.1 and later | 02:03 |
emdash | actualy | 02:08 |
emdash | hm | 02:08 |
emdash | maybe the issues is with firefox, but xfce has a way to deal with it | 02:09 |
gizmobay | Does anyone know how to lock your session on xubuntu? | 02:43 |
evil_tech | ctrl alt del i think | 02:53 |
evil_tech | is silliness on? | 02:53 |
gizmobay | great, it works. Thanks! | 02:55 |
evil_tech | your welcome | 03:02 |
emdash | hurrrrrr | 05:19 |
emdash | what is with python-mode in emacs22 | 05:19 |
emdash | it doesn't indent properly at all | 05:20 |
emdash | this is completely unacceptable | 05:20 |
emdash | why did the update force me to uninstall python-mode? | 05:20 |
PiousMinion | Is it possible to install xubuntu/ubuntu with a minimal install with no X11 and such? | 06:13 |
PiousMinion | I'm trying to remove as much of gnome dependencies as possible, but finding that not installing them in the first place might be a better approach. | 06:14 |
tonyyarusso | PiousMinion: You can do anything from a minimal install, yes. | 06:17 |
LastMall | PiousMinion using the alternate install disk you can do a commandline install and then add from there. | 06:22 |
LastMall | PiousMinion the commands to get minimal kde up and running are on this page | 06:24 |
PiousMinion | thanks | 06:25 |
PiousMinion | kde and minimal in the same sentence. heh | 06:25 |
LastMall | PiousMinion some more | 06:27 |
LastMall | | 06:28 |
PiousMinion | Other than gdm, what parts of the standard xubuntu desktop require gnome dependencies? | 06:30 |
tonyyarusso | PiousMinion: Not sure, but Gutsy has a lot more than Feisty did. | 06:33 |
PiousMinion | aye | 06:33 |
yell0w | hey guys, how big is a xubuntu installation ? | 06:35 |
PiousMinion | mine is bout 1.9gb | 06:35 |
yell0w | PiousMinion, do you put extra stuff on there ? | 06:35 |
PiousMinion | idk what it is "stock". | 06:35 |
PiousMinion | yes | 06:36 |
yell0w | what's the minimum ? | 06:36 |
yell0w | lol | 06:36 |
yell0w | i want to know if a 1gb usb can be used with it | 06:36 |
LastMall | doesn't that include large things like open office ? | 06:36 |
PiousMinion | I doubt it. I'm sure it's more than 1gb. | 06:36 |
PiousMinion | LastMall: ? | 06:37 |
LastMall | a standard xubutnu install includes open office, corrrect ? | 06:37 |
PiousMinion | yell0w: You might be able to boot the live enviroment from the usb drive. :) | 06:37 |
PiousMinion | LastMall: I'm showing just the word processor part. | 06:38 |
yell0w | that's a thought | 06:38 |
yell0w | since the cd's only 700mb | 06:38 |
PiousMinion | yell0w: : aye. I've managed to do that with knoppix in the past. | 06:38 |
tonyyarusso | LastMall: yes, just Writer and core. | 06:44 |
PiousMinion | Anyone have any idea if it's possible to set up a dual screen setup with one of the displays being attached to a different box? | 07:43 |
zoredache | yes | 07:44 |
zoredache | it is possible | 07:44 |
PiousMinion | Can you point me in the right direction please? | 07:45 |
zoredache | ah, well that is a much trickier question... | 07:48 |
PiousMinion | a package/project name maybe? | 07:48 |
zoredache | I thought Xinerama, but I am not so sure | 07:50 |
PiousMinion | yeah, afaik xinerama just the module that allows dual screens in general. Other packages I've found simply share the mouse and keyboard with a completely separate display and such do not allow me to drag windows from one to the other. :/ | 07:51 |
PiousMinion | synergy is great for that but is not what I'm looking for. | 07:52 |
zoredache | I am almost certain I have seen what you want, but I am not finding it in my bookmarks... | 07:52 |
PiousMinion | woe is me | 07:59 |
zoredache | you might consider asking in #ubuntu or #debian where there are more users | 08:02 |
PiousMinion | debian yeah, but #ubuntu is full of 12 year olds ranting about stuff easily found in FAQs. | 08:03 |
zoredache | they wouldn't help with the details, but you may find someone to point you in the right direction | 08:03 |
PiousMinion | that's all I'm asking. hehe | 08:03 |
zoredache | I wish my brain worked better... I am almost certain I read an bookmarked an article about this.... | 08:04 |
zoredache | xdmx? | 08:07 |
zoredache | | 08:07 |
PiousMinion | that just may be it. :) | 08:08 |
PiousMinion | thanks | 08:08 |
=== [1]Netham45 is now known as Netham45 | ||
desper | hello there. How to solve "adding xubuntu to the /etc/host " problem. | 09:27 |
desper | any guy can help me? | 09:27 |
nanonyme | erm, which problem? | 09:27 |
nanonyme | desper, more information required | 09:28 |
desper | any time after the login. it tells me to add xubuntu to the host file | 09:28 |
nanonyme | also did you mean /etc/hosts? | 09:28 |
desper | no. it said "host", maybe i can try hosts :) nice hint | 09:28 |
nanonyme | it could have meant putting xubuntu (if that's your computer's name) as an alias for localhost | 09:29 |
desper | yes it seems so. but adding xubuntu [yes, it's my computer name], but it does not work. I am gonna try /etc/hosts | 09:30 |
desper | rebooting. thanks nanonyme | 09:31 |
Mark76 | Hello. Anyone know how to change the shortcut keys? | 10:24 |
Mark76 | I thought it might be amusingly ironic to use my Windows Start key to bring up the XFCE menu | 10:26 |
Mark76 | thesheep? | 10:39 |
Mark76 | Radomir | 10:40 |
totalwormface | Mark76: you can edit your keybindings in keyboard settings | 10:41 |
Mark76 | I looked at that but there was no editing option | 10:41 |
totalwormface | you mustt make a new 'theme' | 10:42 |
Mark76 | Right | 10:42 |
totalwormface | there ids a 'new' button under 'default' | 10:42 |
totalwormface | with the new one you can edit all you like :] | 10:42 |
Mark76 | Aff? | 10:42 |
Mark76 | Add? | 10:42 |
totalwormface | oh add, yes sorry hehe | 10:42 |
Mark76 | Got it | 10:43 |
Mark76 | How do I change the key or key combination a particular command uses? | 10:43 |
hollunder | hi there, the 'save session' option messed something up here, there is xchat and psi starting but nothing else, no panels, no nothing, and I don't know how I can get a default session. | 10:44 |
Mark76 | At the moment the xfce3-popup-menu is set to ctrl+Escape | 10:45 |
Mark76 | Try alt+F... Never mind | 10:45 |
totalwormface | Mark76: remove it, andh amke a new one :] | 10:46 |
Mark76 | Ah yes | 10:46 |
Mark76 | Good idea | 10:46 |
totalwormface | :P | 10:46 |
hollunder | any idea where the saved sessions are saved? | 10:47 |
Mark76 | lYou're back | 10:48 |
Mark76 | I wish I did | 10:49 |
Mark76 | Drat. The Windows key doesn't work :( | 10:50 |
Mark76 | How disappointing | 10:53 |
totalwormface | aww | 10:53 |
Mark76 | It would have made a handy menu popup key | 10:54 |
totalwormface | is it already in use by something else? | 10:54 |
Mark76 | No, but I think I know what's happening | 10:55 |
Mark76 | The Default setting is overriding my new one | 10:55 |
Mark76 | So I need to set my new choices as the default | 11:01 |
Mark76 | Hey, AlanBShepherd70. Nice togs | 11:02 |
Mark76 | Morning | 11:17 |
Mark76 | It's a rotten looking day here | 11:20 |
totalwormface | there comes the sunshine :] | 11:23 |
Mark76 | Have you worked out how I can override the keyboard shortcuts defaults yet/ | 11:27 |
Mark76 | ? | 11:27 |
totalwormface | no | 11:33 |
totalwormface | :] | 11:33 |
Mark76 | :( | 11:33 |
totalwormface | i think i'm going to take a shower | 11:33 |
Mark76 | Okay | 11:33 |
totalwormface | though i hate it | 11:33 |
Mark76 | Heh | 11:33 |
znh | Hello | 12:50 |
znh | I've just downloaded the Xubuntu Gutsy CDROM and booted my PC with it, but whenever I to go to "Start or install Xubuntu" it does nothing | 12:51 |
znh | I downloaded it using BitTorrent, so it should be verified for errors | 12:51 |
TheSheep | !md5 | znh | 12:51 |
ubotu | znh: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 12:51 |
znh | BitTorrent verifies it... | 12:52 |
znh | but fine i'll md5sum it | 12:52 |
TheSheep | znh: it could also be a bad burn | 12:53 |
znh | true | 12:53 |
znh | Question. How would Xubuntu perform on a 600mhz/256 MB RAM computer? All I do is browse and do school stuff on it | 12:57 |
TheSheep | znh: as long as you run one application at a time, it should do fine | 13:05 |
TheSheep | znh: unless 'school stuff' means a lot of openoffice or 3d editing software | 13:05 |
znh | allot of OpenOffice | 13:05 |
znh | Oofice worked perfectly though under other operating systems | 13:06 |
znh | so I guess that should be ok | 13:06 |
TheSheep | yah, just don't install | 13:07 |
znh | how so? | 13:10 |
znh | btw, it was indeed a bad burn | 13:11 |
TheSheep | some parts of openoffice use Java. gcj is a free implementation of java, but it's kind of slow | 13:11 |
znh | Ah | 13:13 |
tonlip | Someone who has any idea why firefox hungs up for a few mins when I am getting transfered to a website? | 14:43 |
neozen | hung... as in frozen? | 14:44 |
neozen | temporarily or permanently as in a crash | 14:44 |
neozen | also, I have a question as well.... | 14:45 |
tonlip | frozen , only for a few minutes. | 14:46 |
tonlip | But it only happens some websites. | 14:46 |
tonlip | I should also say that i recently updated my system to Gusty | 14:46 |
tonlip | Linux bezman 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 21:45:15 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 14:46 |
neozen | currently, xfce4-panel is eating nearly 100% of my cpu | 14:46 |
neozen | any ideas why? | 14:46 |
neozen | ah... as did I.... I'm now running on gutsy as well... | 14:47 |
TheSheep | !bugs | 14:48 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 14:48 |
neozen | tonlip: any of those sites incorporate flash? | 14:49 |
tonlip | probably | 14:50 |
nikolam | I need an advice | 14:58 |
nikolam | I need to run open office on gutsy | 14:58 |
nikolam | But it does not work with fglrx driver | 14:58 |
nikolam | Should I install a driver from ATI site? | 14:58 |
nikolam | (I deared it is not supported) | 14:59 |
nikolam | heard | 14:59 |
nikolam | Can I go back to supported fglrx from repo later when bug qith office/fglrx is fixed? | 15:00 |
kleedrac | How well will Xubuntu run on a Pentium III 633Mhz with 128MB SDRam? | 16:44 |
evil_tech | it will run albeit slowly | 16:45 |
evil_tech | about as slow as xp on a similar system with 256 | 16:45 |
evil_tech | if possible i would try to bump it up to 192 | 16:45 |
kleedrac | Any suggestions on a distro that has good package management but will run on those specs? | 16:45 |
evil_tech | well xubuntu can. specially if you get rid of unneccesary start up things | 16:46 |
evil_tech | if you dont mind waiting you can get fluxbuntu soon | 16:46 |
kleedrac | Here's the deal, I'm a long time linux user who's working as the tech at a small PC shop in small town Saskatchewan ... we got in like 20 of the afformentioned machines and they came half with win98 licenses and half with nothing at all :P ... I was thinking I could sell them with a linux distro but my trial run with DSL had several complaints from people who couldn't install software. | 16:47 |
evil_tech | uses fluxbox as the window manager and is designed to be light weight | 16:47 |
evil_tech | if you use dsl you have to enable apt manually | 16:47 |
kleedrac | fluxbuntu eh? I've always been a gnome man myself but that sounds promising ;) | 16:47 |
evil_tech | i know i am way exciting | 16:47 |
kleedrac | I had apt enabled ... just couldn't seem to get synaptic running ;) | 16:48 |
evil_tech | you could technically your own fluxbox installation on ubuntu | 16:49 |
kleedrac | That's true ... though I'm assuming you're doing some of the integration work huh? | 16:49 |
evil_tech | use the alternate install install a command line system then install fluxbox | 16:49 |
evil_tech | yeah | 16:49 |
evil_tech | but the base system is there | 16:49 |
evil_tech | you'll at least have synaptic | 16:49 |
evil_tech | or adept if you like that better | 16:49 |
kleedrac | Hmmm ... all right ... how close is fluxbuntu to being done? | 16:50 |
TheSheep | kleedrac: maybe you should ask on #fluxbuntu ? | 16:50 |
evil_tech | dunno the web sites up and the ISO is in process of being validated by canonical | 16:50 |
kleedrac | Oh sorry | 16:50 |
TheSheep | kleedrac: no, it's just that they will probably know better :) | 16:51 |
kleedrac | Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :D | 16:51 |
Adriaan_ | There seems to be a problem with the download page... | 17:11 |
evil_tech | ? | 17:11 |
evil_tech | what download page? | 17:11 |
Adriaan_ | | 17:12 |
Adriaan_ | try the xubuntu alternate install for standard PC's torrent | 17:12 |
evil_tech | try this one | 17:13 |
evil_tech | i like the alternate install. has the oem install :) | 17:13 |
Adriaan_ | I don't need the OEM, my computer is just a bit weak when it comes to the Live CD :-) | 17:14 |
Adriaan_ | 4% now ^^ thanks | 17:15 |
evil_tech | i'm going to run out of school money before i can get all the certificates i want :( | 17:18 |
evil_tech | oops wrong chat window | 17:18 |
evil_tech | ignore that... | 17:19 |
zoredache | get a job then, :p | 17:19 |
Adriaan_ | I haven't read anything | 17:19 |
evil_tech | i have a job | 17:19 |
evil_tech | im just trying to stretch my GI bill benefits as far as possible | 17:19 |
zoredache | ah | 17:20 |
evil_tech | my goal is to get my A+, network+, CCNA, CCNP, MCSE, Linux+ and AA's in Tech, Network and Application support | 17:22 |
Adriaan_ | My goal is a degree in Politics&Social Science | 17:22 |
Adriaan_ | or Communication | 17:23 |
evil_tech | communication is big these days. makes sense to cant get too much accomplished without effective communications | 17:24 |
Adriaan_ | But my real life goal is to travel around the world with little to no money at all, and by foot | 17:26 |
Adriaan_ | (and boat to cross over the oceans, of course) | 17:26 |
evil_tech | that would be fun. i did a little of that while i was in europe | 17:27 |
Adriaan_ | what countries did you visit? West-Europe or East/South? | 17:28 |
evil_tech | west europe. went from bavaria germany looped through italy, the southern france, through to barcelona then looped back up through northern france via paris went to berlin then back down to bavaria cause my vacation time was up | 17:30 |
Adriaan_ | :) My sister is going on a euro-trip by foot now, she started off in belgium ( where we live) and she's going to Poland through Germany, along the Czech border | 17:32 |
evil_tech | nice | 17:32 |
evil_tech | how do you get compiz to start as the window manager at boot? | 18:16 |
baty | hi | 18:16 |
baty | im installing xubuntu alternate in a pII 333mhz 192 dimm 6gb cd rom 4x | 18:17 |
evil_tech | ok | 18:17 |
baty | will take a long time with that low speed cd room? | 18:17 |
evil_tech | yes | 18:17 |
baty | i just have a xubuntu logo on the screen | 18:17 |
baty | is the first time i install it | 18:17 |
evil_tech | you are using the alternate install | 18:18 |
evil_tech | ? | 18:18 |
baty | yap | 18:18 |
evil_tech | you already installed or are trying to install | 18:18 |
baty | should work ok with that cpu? | 18:18 |
baty | trying to | 18:18 |
minimec | Hi folks. Is there a way to change the icon of a folder in Thunar? I would like to give a custom Icon to some of my folders. | 18:18 |
evil_tech | will work fine with that cpu | 18:18 |
baty | now its reading the cd and the logo of xubuntu is on the screen | 18:19 |
baty | i thought its loading the installer | 18:19 |
evil_tech | there should just be a text logo and text options | 18:19 |
baty | emm | 18:19 |
baty | wait a min | 18:19 |
baty | maybe i burnt the wrong one! | 18:19 |
evil_tech | yeah i think so | 18:19 |
evil_tech | the alternate installer has no graphical interface | 18:20 |
evil_tech | should just be text | 18:20 |
baty | ups | 18:20 |
baty | was the last cd | 18:20 |
evil_tech | :) | 18:20 |
evil_tech | :) | 18:20 |
baty | ill try to install it in grafic mode | 18:20 |
baty | if not ill have to go to buy some cds | 18:21 |
evil_tech | it will be slow and seem unresponsive at times so be patient | 18:21 |
evil_tech | or you could just buy some more cds and burn the alternate | 18:21 |
baty | its the text! | 18:21 |
baty | it appeared! | 18:21 |
evil_tech | so it is just slow | 18:22 |
baty | install in text mode | 18:22 |
baty | REALLY slow | 18:22 |
baty | quad speed creative cd rom sux | 18:22 |
evil_tech | does it have usb? | 18:24 |
baty | yes | 18:25 |
baty | but how do i set for boot in usb? | 18:25 |
evil_tech | i dont think it would be all that faster cause it is probably usb 1 | 18:26 |
baty | how about net install? | 18:26 |
baty | how do i set the bios for net boot? | 18:26 |
evil_tech | you'll have to look in the forums. there is a how to somewhere. | 18:28 |
baty | error reading cd | 18:28 |
baty | i think the solution is to put the other cd rom drive in that pc | 18:28 |
baty | ill do that | 18:29 |
baty | brb | 18:29 |
evil_tech | anyone know how to get compiz to be the default WM | 18:31 |
evil_tech | right now i have to manually start it at boot | 18:31 |
TheSheep | evil_tech: create a new file ins /usr/share/xsessions | 18:43 |
Adriaan_ | Hello again | 18:44 |
hyper___ch | huhu TheSheep | 18:45 |
evil_tech | hello | 18:46 |
evil_tech | what should the file be? | 18:46 |
Adriaan_ | CD check failed | 18:46 |
Adriaan_ | :( | 18:46 |
evil_tech | bad burn? | 18:46 |
TheSheep | evil_tech: look at the other ones in there | 18:47 |
TheSheep | hi hyper___ch | 18:47 |
evil_tech | only file in there is xfce4.desktop | 18:47 |
Adriaan_ | I don't know - it's weird... I had Ubuntu 7.04 installed, than I tried 7.10, the check failed... so I now did Xubuntu 7.10 Check, failed too | 18:48 |
evil_tech | which is an empty file | 18:48 |
evil_tech | maybe a bad cd drive? try a different | 18:48 |
TheSheep | Adriaan_: burn the cds at th slowest speed possible | 18:49 |
TheSheep | Adriaan_: some older cd drives can't read cdr's burned at high speeds | 18:49 |
TheSheep | Adriaan_: and verufy the iso before burning | 18:49 |
TheSheep | Adriaan_: it could be a bad download | 18:50 |
Adriaan_ | I checked the iso before downlading with MD5Sum | 18:50 |
Adriaan_ | I don't think I lowered the burn speed when I installed the Feistyn vut it's worth a try :) thanks The | 18:51 |
Adriaan_ | Sheep | 18:51 |
grazie | Adriaan_: you mean checked iso after download? | 18:52 |
Adriaan_ | whoops yes | 18:52 |
Adriaan_ | confused "after download" with "before burning" | 18:52 |
grazie | Adriaan_: as TheSheep said burning slowly for older machines is v.important | 18:53 |
hyper___ch | and what TheSheep says is normally right ;) | 18:54 |
* grazie normally?! | 18:54 | |
hyper___ch | I'm pretty sure TheSheep did also err at an occasion ;) | 18:55 |
evil_tech | so should i put the command to start compiz in this xsession files? | 18:56 |
evil_tech | opps i cat-ted the wrong thing | 18:59 |
evil_tech | ok xfce4.desktop is not empty | 19:00 |
Adriaan_ | Ok I chose 4x instead of 8x now | 19:06 |
evil_tech | !compiz | 19:08 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 19:08 |
Pskol | !openoffice | 19:10 |
ubotu | a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install". User help available in | 19:10 |
Adriaan_ | Ithis is the first xubuntu I'm using, is Xfce similar to Gnome? | 19:11 |
evil_tech | lightweight version some people say | 19:12 |
evil_tech | looks similar and uses GTK (i think) | 19:12 |
Adriaan_ | But I still find it weird that Ubuntu 7.04 burned/checked/installed with no problems at all, while my PC seems to hate 7.10 :) | 19:15 |
evil_tech | just a bad burn hopefully | 19:15 |
Adriaan_ | 5 times with 3 isos | 19:16 |
evil_tech | hmm | 19:16 |
evil_tech | maybe not then | 19:16 |
Adriaan_ | or maybe I selected low speed but forgot | 19:16 |
Adriaan_ | 4xburn just finished...brb | 19:16 |
evil_tech | ok | 19:17 |
hyper___ch | TheSheep: have you tried the FS encryption yet on gutsy? | 19:17 |
TheSheep | hyper___ch: no, I think I won't bother | 19:17 |
TheSheep | hyper___ch: I don't have anything worth encrypting anyways | 19:17 |
hyper___ch | TheSheep: it works good... but I wonder how to include more devices later on without rupturing the upslash screen | 19:18 |
=== hyper___ch is now known as hyper_ch | ||
winkerbean | Anybody know how to resolve random system freezes in Feisty? | 19:19 |
hyper_ch | winkerbean: maybe upgrading to gutsy | 19:20 |
zoredache | system freezes are rarely random, unless you have failing hardware | 19:21 |
winkerbean | hyper_ch: Perhaps, but gutsy hasn't been out long enough to see if the random feisty freezes reported on the forum have been resolved. | 19:21 |
winkerbean | zoredache: It's a brand new pc. | 19:21 |
zoredache | and? I purchased a new computer and it had bad ram in it... | 19:22 |
baty | i need help | 19:22 |
baty | im installing xubuntu in alternate mode | 19:22 |
evil_tech | dont we all | 19:22 |
baty | it asks me the way of partition | 19:22 |
winkerbean | zoredache: is there a way to tell if the freezes are from failing hardware? | 19:22 |
zoredache | run memtest86 on it for a couple hours | 19:23 |
baty | use all the disco? use all the disc and configure lvm or use all the disk and configure cifred lvm? | 19:23 |
zoredache | that should rule out your memory/cpu | 19:23 |
zoredache | when your system boots press the escape key, and select memtest off the list | 19:23 |
evil_tech | and a cpu burn in | 19:24 |
Adriaan_ | ok, another fail | 19:24 |
evil_tech | are you dual booting baty? | 19:24 |
baty | nop just booting from a cd | 19:25 |
baty | just 1 hdd conected | 19:25 |
baty | after install ill setup another one | 19:25 |
baty | for files | 19:25 |
baty | wich option should i choose? | 19:25 |
evil_tech | no are you running two operating systems on the one machine or is there any data on the hard drive you want to save | 19:26 |
baty | not just format | 19:26 |
baty | just formatted | 19:27 |
evil_tech | then use the entire disc | 19:27 |
baty | with or without lvm? | 19:27 |
baty | without | 19:28 |
baty | :D | 19:28 |
evil_tech | without | 19:28 |
baty | i just understood what is lvm | 19:28 |
evil_tech | logical volume mangaer | 19:29 |
baty | yap | 19:29 |
ActySofts | how do I change the defualt sound card? | 19:29 |
ActySofts | *default | 19:29 |
evil_tech | mixer settings? there is a dropdown device selector | 19:32 |
evil_tech | though i suppose that would be temporary | 19:32 |
Night | Just installed 7.10 changed my resolution to 1280*1024. And everything looked fine. But when i restarted the computer and loged in and now the text in the menu and programs has grown in size and everything looks bad. And the only thing i did was to restart the computer. How can i get the text back to the smaller good looking font? | 19:34 |
Adriaan_ | :) alright, I'm now trying the 1x burn | 19:38 |
Adriaan_ | last hope *..* | 19:38 |
ActySofts | mixer settings do nothing | 19:38 |
ActySofts | when I press delete with nothing selected I hear a beep in my motherboard's speaker, instead from the sound card | 19:39 |
ActySofts | this because the integrated sound card was default and I disabled it from the bios | 19:39 |
evil_tech | if there is another sound device on the machine and the driver was loaded should be in the device selection drop down. | 19:40 |
evil_tech | i forget how to see if the device has a driver loaded | 19:40 |
evil_tech | you could do lspci to at least see if the system sees that a device is ther | 19:41 |
ActySofts | it isn't loaded, since it's disabled | 19:41 |
evil_tech | no not the onboard the other device you are trying to get sound out of | 19:42 |
ActySofts | but my second sound card that I have on this pc almost since I bought it is enabled and is default in the mixer, however, the kernel doesn't care and sends the beeps to the motherboard directly | 19:42 |
evil_tech | oh i see | 19:42 |
ActySofts | I'm listening to music right now using xmms and it works fine, but if I press delete (for example) with nothing selected I hear a beep coming from the mb speaker | 19:43 |
evil_tech | i had this same problem and cant remember what the file was i had to modify | 19:43 |
Adriaan_ | everyone should save their problem/solutions actually | 19:44 |
evil_tech | i probably do but it would be at home | 19:44 |
evil_tech | and i'm at work | 19:44 |
Adriaan_ | iSee | 19:45 |
evil_tech | i wanna say i had to add the device to alsa.conf or something and comment out the onboard and add the other | 19:46 |
evil_tech | nope thats not it | 19:48 |
ActySofts | alright, I'll try later in #ubuntu | 19:52 |
ActySofts | thanks anyway | 19:52 |
Adriaan_ | exhange email adress and send it when you are home | 19:52 |
Adriaan_ | thougt came too late | 19:52 |
Night | Am i the only one with the font size problem? | 19:53 |
Adriaan_ | In Xubuntu? Or in IRC? | 19:53 |
Night | xubuntu | 19:53 |
evil_tech | !arts | 19:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about arts - try searching on | 19:53 |
baty | im having a problem, im stalling xubuntu and its stuck on downloading and installing linux-generic | 19:56 |
baty | do i need to have internet to install it? | 19:56 |
baty | because of "downloading" | 19:56 |
grazie | evil_tech: ...and if the machine passes the memory test after several hours what other hardware faults would you suspect? | 19:58 |
baty | its been stuck for 15 minutes | 19:58 |
baty | is that normal? | 19:58 |
Adriaan_ | Burned 1x speed: again :O | 19:59 |
evil_tech | i'd say bad .iso but you checked the MD5 sum so... have you tried installing 7.04 then upgrading | 19:59 |
evil_tech | ? | 20:00 |
zoredache | I don't suppose anyone knows if debbootstrap exists and works on the alternate cd? | 20:00 |
evil_tech | baty on that slow of a machine it will look like it isnt doing anything but it is | 20:00 |
evil_tech | just be patient | 20:00 |
evil_tech | now if it gets to a point where you cant hit caps or num lock and the lights on the keyboard dont turn on then it locked up and you need to reboot | 20:01 |
baty | its quite fast atm | 20:01 |
baty | i changed the cd drive for a dvd rw | 20:02 |
baty | that was the problem | 20:02 |
baty | maybe in some time ill have it ready :D | 20:02 |
baty | is there any howto about reading files from a windows pc with ubuntu? | 20:02 |
baty | i mean my mp3s are in my pc with win xp | 20:03 |
evil_tech | NTFS or FAT? | 20:03 |
baty | mmm let me check | 20:03 |
baty | ntfs | 20:03 |
baty | is there anyway? | 20:04 |
evil_tech | there is a way | 20:05 |
evil_tech | you can read but not write (safely anyways) to NTFS drives | 20:05 |
evil_tech | !NTFS | 20:05 |
ubotu | ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 20:05 |
evil_tech | there is the link^ | 20:05 |
baty | thks | 20:05 |
slow-motion | hallo | 20:05 |
evil_tech | hola | 20:06 |
baty | but the problem is | 20:06 |
baty | how do i mount a partition that its in other pc? | 20:06 |
evil_tech | SAMBA | 20:06 |
baty | yap but i used samba | 20:07 |
baty | to see linux files from windows p | 20:07 |
baty | pc | 20:07 |
baty | but how can i do it the otherway | 20:07 |
baty | i need to read from a ubuntu pc a ntfs file that is in the other pc running xp | 20:08 |
evil_tech | youll have to use samba. think there is a how to somewhere on mounting ntfs partitions over the network | 20:09 |
baty | ok | 20:09 |
zoredache | if the folder is shared by windows, then windows filesystem is irrelavent | 20:10 |
evil_tech | why? | 20:11 |
zoredache | why, what? | 20:12 |
evil_tech | is filesystem on the windows machine irrelevant when browsing the files on it from a linux machine | 20:13 |
zoredache | because when you are working through a network protocl you don't see or care about what is being served | 20:14 |
baty | its working | 20:14 |
evil_tech | ah i see. makes sense | 20:14 |
baty | dont ask me how | 20:14 |
baty | i can see both disks on the other computer | 20:15 |
evil_tech | hmm so how do i browse the network. i havent attempted trying to do it cause it seemed rather daunting | 20:17 |
zoredache | there are a few ways to do it... One is to install kde/gnome... There is a method that is documented in the forums using fuse | 20:18 |
zoredache | and there is my way which uses autofs, and executable mount map | 20:19 |
zoredache | of course your can't really browse the network, but you can connect to all resources... | 20:19 |
evil_tech | so there is no network browser in xfce like there is for KDE/GNOME | 20:19 |
zoredache | not that I am aware of, no | 20:20 |
evil_tech | hm | 20:20 |
baty | ok allright now i can see the files but i dont have internet!! | 20:21 |
evil_tech | lol | 20:21 |
evil_tech | bring the interface down and then up | 20:22 |
nofeardjb | how do i lock my machine? | 20:22 |
hyper_ch | nofeardjb: ctrl-alt-del | 20:22 |
nofeardjb | doesn't that do a restart? | 20:23 |
hyper_ch | nofeardjb: this is not windows | 20:23 |
nofeardjb | ... | 20:23 |
nofeardjb | i'm going to ignore you said that | 20:23 |
evil_tech | nope that will lock the machine | 20:23 |
nofeardjb | in ubuntu i thought it restarted the machine | 20:23 |
evil_tech | alt + F4 will bring up the shutdown options | 20:23 |
evil_tech | thats ubuntu | 20:23 |
evil_tech | this is xubuntu things are a little different | 20:24 |
nofeardjb | maybe i'm confusing my commands from TTY interface :-/ | 20:24 |
evil_tech | yeah CTRL + ALT + DEL in a terminal will reboot the machine | 20:24 |
evil_tech | but in XFCE it locks the desktop | 20:24 |
nofeardjb | CTRL+ALT+DEL didn't do anything, i recently wiped my homes directory, was there anything in there that would affect my shortcuts? | 20:24 |
hyper_ch | nofeardjb: the config file for shortcuts ;) | 20:25 |
nofeardjb | sweet lol | 20:25 |
zoredache | you could simple customize a panel, and add an 'action button' choose 'lock screen' | 20:25 |
nofeardjb | i didn't want it anyways *sarcasm* | 20:25 |
zoredache | then simply click the button to lock | 20:25 |
nofeardjb | what's the file name for that config? | 20:25 |
hyper_ch | dunno | 20:26 |
evil_tech | hmm apparently having compiz running does away with ctrl alt del for locking the screen | 20:26 |
evil_tech | must do something else | 20:26 |
benpicco | Hi, I tried to update a machine from feisty to gutsy, i used the alternative cd because of the weak connection | 20:29 |
benpicco | well, I first answered the question for the online packets with yes, but then i noticed that it would try to load everything from the net | 20:29 |
benpicco | when i answer the question with no now, it tries to get the online repos anyway | 20:30 |
hyper_ch | benpicco: you have to activate the cd as repos again | 20:30 |
benpicco | so i just have to remove everything but them from the sources.list for the time i upgrade? | 20:31 |
hyper_ch | adding the cd should be just fine | 20:31 |
benpicco | but it still tries to acces the web if the cd is written in there | 20:32 |
hyper_ch | did you also update first? | 20:32 |
benpicco | i installed feisty | 20:33 |
nofeardjb | so i checked my shortcuts and the lock command just isnt' working lol | 20:33 |
nofeardjb | oh snap | 20:34 |
nofeardjb | screensaver is the problem | 20:34 |
nofeardjb | either i don't have one or its not set up | 20:34 |
hyper_ch | did you do sudo apt-get update first ben? | 20:34 |
darrend | is there a good reason networkmanager can't work without logging into gdm? | 20:35 |
allBecauseTheLad | hi all | 20:35 |
allBecauseTheLad | anyone have a dual monitor set up in xubuntu, on a radiaon ati 9800 card ? | 20:36 |
benpicco | hyper_ch: arrg, ok, thx, i´ll try i think i forgott it | 20:37 |
ActySofts | any ideas why aumix -v+10 doesn't work when I press the volume button on my keyboard nor from terminal, yet it worked after I installed gutsy | 20:37 |
ActySofts | ? | 20:37 |
baty | hey how long does the nucleum takes to be installed | 20:38 |
baty | its been half an hour! | 20:38 |
nofeardjb | can someone help me out with this error? | 20:39 |
nofeardjb | i'm trying to get xflock4 to work when i press the shortcut to lock my machine | 20:39 |
evil_tech | urg | 20:47 |
evil_tech | i cant get a desktop cube | 20:47 |
evil_tech | and i just moved firefox to an apparently non existent workspace | 20:47 |
baty | which is the best distro for a pII? | 20:51 |
Odd-rationale | Does compiz-fusion come preinstalled in the gusty version of Xubuntu? | 20:53 |
TheSheep | Odd-rationale: no, xubuntu doesn't come with compiz | 20:53 |
evil_tech | nope i had to install it | 20:53 |
TheSheep | evil_tech: you will get much better answers on the compiz channel | 20:53 |
Odd-rationale | So it is possible to have desktop cube in xubuntu, but you have to install it yourself. Is that correct? | 20:54 |
TheSheep | Odd-rationale: yes | 20:54 |
evil_tech | yeah | 20:54 |
TheSheep | Odd-rationale: and it might require some additional setup | 20:54 |
evil_tech | i have compiz working now | 20:54 |
evil_tech | just no cube | 20:54 |
evil_tech | and i have to start it manually after login | 20:54 |
Odd-rationale | But is I want a really slim system, I should just forget about compiz, I guess. | 20:56 |
Odd-rationale | Thanks, guys! | 20:57 |
nofeardjb | </3 xflock4 | 21:02 |
andrew4321 | I'm new to Xubuntu. How can you start and stop a modem connection (via a GUI)? | 21:40 |
zoredache | Andy, you could also check in #ubuntu | 21:42 |
andrew4321 | OK. I thought the perhaps xubuntu was missing a GUI that Ubuntu has. | 21:43 |
andrew4321 | I've been looking around but don't really see a way to dial. I can use wvdial to get the connection going but I'm setting this up for someone who knows nothing about linux. | 21:44 |
zoredache | /WINDOW IMMORTAL ON | 21:44 |
zoredache | ack | 21:44 |
alnokta | if i have a service running on tcp6, how can i make it tcp only? | 21:59 |
h3sp4wn | alnokta: elaborate | 22:00 |
alnokta | h3sp4wn: tcp6 0 0 *:www *:* LISTEN | 22:00 |
alnokta | h3sp4wn: its unaccessible from outside | 22:01 |
h3sp4wn | alnokta: right so what do you want to do | 22:01 |
TheSheep | alnokta: tell the service to bind to an IPv4 IP, not IPv4 one? | 22:02 |
alnokta | h3sp4wn: i want to make it use tcp instead of tcp6 | 22:02 |
TheSheep | not IPv6 one | 22:02 |
alnokta | how? | 22:02 |
alnokta | its apache i'm talking about | 22:02 |
TheSheep | alnokta: in the config | 22:02 |
h3sp4wn | 1.3 or 2 ? | 22:02 |
alnokta | 2.2 | 22:02 |
h3sp4wn | alnokta: I was expecting something like - I am trying to run foo its binding to both an ipv6 and and ipv4 address (its different depending on the app) | 22:03 |
alnokta | so ? ;) | 22:05 |
h3sp4wn | alnokta: Cannot be bothered wasting time trying to get blood out of a stone | 22:06 |
zoredache | why not simply disable ipv6? | 22:09 |
zoredache | echo "blacklist ipv6" > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ipv6 | 22:09 |
zoredache | reboot after running that as root | 22:10 |
h3sp4wn | Why not use ipv6 its pretty good (being messing with mobile ipv6 recently) | 22:10 |
h3sp4wn | my laptop can have the same address wherever it happens to be connected | 22:10 |
zoredache | there are applications that get confused... | 22:11 |
alnokta | i don't mind if it uses it, its just making it unaccessible .. though ssh tcp6 works well | 22:14 |
h3sp4wn | alnokta: what is in ports.conf | 22:22 |
slow-motion | n8 | 22:24 |
alnokta | h3sp4wn: just Listen 80 and 443 for ssl | 22:27 |
batyy | i having some serious problems | 23:11 |
batyy | im running xubuntu live desktop on a pII 196 dimm with a diamond stealth 2500 video pci | 23:12 |
batyy | and i cant see all the desktop, its set on a high resolution and mi gpu doesnt support it | 23:12 |
batyy | how can i change it? | 23:12 |
batyy | help me plz | 23:13 |
TheSheep | batyy: alt+ctrl+gray plus | 23:15 |
batyy | gray plus??? | 23:16 |
TheSheep | batyy: the one on your numeric keypad | 23:16 |
batyy | k | 23:16 |
TheSheep | it should change to the next available resolution | 23:16 |
batyy | not working | 23:17 |
TheSheep | try it several times | 23:17 |
batyy | lets say ctrl alt - ? | 23:17 |
TheSheep | should work too | 23:17 |
batyy | not working | 23:18 |
TheSheep | batyy: you can switch to text mode with alt+ctrl+f1 | 23:19 |
TheSheep | then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to change the xserver settings | 23:19 |
TheSheep | then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to make the new settings work | 23:19 |
batyy | rourse temporarily unavailable | 23:20 |
batyy | maybe because im on live mode | 23:20 |
batyy | im going to try alternate install | 23:22 |
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