
camrdalethe new transmission was uploaded to Debian so I updated LP 13436100:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134361 in transmission "[sync-request] Please sync transmission 0.90.dfsg-1 from Debian" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13436100:08
camrdalenow it's a sync request :)00:09
jdongbluekuja: got fujitsu to upload azureus to me (hopefully by this time tomorrow it's built!)00:52
jstansel_hi jdong03:00
jstansel_I just tried azureus_2.5.0.4-1ubuntu2~gutsy0.1_all.deb (from the bug 57875) and was able to crash it03:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 57875 in azureus "Azureus hangs or crashes showing splash screen at start" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5787503:01
jstansel_although this crash should be a different bug report03:02
jstansel_I get it by pressing ctrl-PgDn03:02
jdongjstansel_: ok, can you file a separate bug report for it?03:07
jdongjstansel_: is there a particular screen you press that on to get the crash?03:07
jstansel_the torrent info tab03:08
jstansel_I've seen this before, probably even on installs directly from azureus03:08
jstansel_I think the problem went away with the current 3.x version03:09
jdongjstansel_: ok, I can reproduce here too03:10
jdongjstansel_: I don't think this is an earth-shattering bug though.... it'll likely get fixed in hardy when we get packages from Debian03:11
jdongand I'll backport that to Gutsy too if all goes well03:11
jstansel_I was afraid it might be a swt bug bug I haven't tried to track it down03:12
jdongjstansel_: if the JVM is segfaulting (which it is), almost certainly SWT bug03:12
jstansel_Bug #15761703:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157617 in azureus "azureus crashes on ctrl-PgDn" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15761703:18
jstansel_thanks jdong for all your effort with azureus03:19
jdongsure thing03:20
jdongAzureus uses about 50MB RAM on IcedTea seeding Ubuntu amd64 to 20 peers04:11
jdong(at 855KB/s)04:11
jdongI'd call that pretty good04:11
jstansel_jdong: have you seen https://visualvm.dev.java.net/ ?04:25
jstansel_I haven't tried it on Linux yet, but on my windows system at work it was pretty nice04:27
jdongjstansel_: looks interesting04:27
jstansel_it apparently uses netbeans technology04:30
freeflyings1024kb: I'm member of a lot teams, like kubuntu-devel, motu, ubuntu-server, motu-torrent, etc04:36
ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU04:38
freeflying!member process04:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about member process - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:38
jstansel_the author of https://tda.dev.java.net/ posted to one of the visualvm lists - I'll have to check out tda some time05:05
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bluekujaheya camrdale19:51
bluekujacamrdale, uploaded to proposed19:55
bluekujanow I gonna write a mai19:55
camrdaleI saw that, that's great19:55
bluekujato have it tested19:55
camrdaleI'll test it here too19:55
bluekujaI've tested it multiple times19:56
bluekujaasac too19:56
camrdaleyeah, I think it's good19:56
bluekujacamrdale, please add19:57
camrdalebluekuja: what do you think of LP 15758319:57
camrdaledid I do the right thing there?19:58
bluekujadeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-proposed universe19:58
bluekujafor testing it19:58
bluekujaanyway infos will be on the mail19:58
bluekujalet me see19:58
bluekujacamrdale, I think you did it right20:00
bluekujait's not possible that bittorrent20:00
bluekujadid it20:00
camrdalethat's what I figured, thanks for confirming, I'm not familiar with apport :)20:01
bluekujanp, did you add the repo to sources.list already?20:01
camrdalenot yet but I will, have some other things to do first20:01
bluekujait was main20:02
bluekujanot universe20:02
camrdaleone question about that20:02
camrdalebittorrent (source) is in main20:02
camrdaleand bittorrent package is in main20:02
camrdalebut bittorrent-gui package is in universe20:03
camrdaleis that normal?20:03
camrdaleand how is it decided?20:03
bluekujayes, it's normal20:03
bluekujanot all packages gets to main20:03
camrdaleit's trange to me, as in Debian if source is in main then all packages built from source are in main too20:03
bluekujabut Ubuntu got a different20:04
bluekujaabout components20:04
camrdalethat fix was less important then, as it only affected bittorrent-gui20:04
camrdalei.e. not main20:04
bluekujayes, but it was high priority20:05
bluekujae.g the app was unusable20:05
bluekujacya tomorrow20:44
camrdal1see ya20:44
bluekujacamrdal1, gonna ping you20:44
bluekujawhen the mail is sent20:44
bluekuja(need to wait the package to get built)20:44
jdongbluekuja: well I've prepared a prevu backport testing deb for azureus already and stuck it on the backport ticket....21:00
jdongbluekuja: basically at the first success report or Monday, I will mark it approved21:00

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