
MitoTraninAnyone have any bright ideas on the best way to get my IR receiver to work with Mythbuntu the best?00:55
tgm4883_laptopMitoTranin, did you look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Gutsy01:12
MitoTranintgm4883_laptop: yes, but because of the majorly customized lirc in mythbuntu, I didn't want to go screwing around with that until I knew that there wasn't something else like it01:38
MitoTraninin reality, just a standard IR receiver like this is a lot more common than a lot of the other setups that are listed in the remote control configs01:38
MitoTraninthat's why I'm actually quite surprised something like "Serial IR" or something like that isn't a standard option01:39
tgm4883_laptopMitoTranin, ask superm1 when he gets back on.  I think he has that serial adapter01:39
MitoTraninI'll try to catch him, thanks :)01:40
MitoTraninthat's the only thing left stopping me from using my MythTV actually on my TV right now01:40
MitoTraninwhich would be very cool to have... since I've been working on getting a MythTV system working on it for almost 2 years01:41
MitoTraninwell, 1.5 years01:41
solarbabythats a long time01:42
MitoTraninWhile I'm on that subject... don't ever buy anything from this guy: http://www.home-electro.com/01:42
solarbabyI had a real battle getting the USBUIRT working with Dish Network, but after 2 weeks I solved it and wrote a howto for it01:42
MitoTraninI had my system working 99%, all that was left was getting the IR to work01:43
MitoTraninbut that stupid IRA-3 never worked in linux01:43
MitoTraninit'd work in windows fine, but not linux01:43
solarbabyMitoTranin: what does the IR have to talk too?01:43
MitoTranina remote control01:43
MitoTraninI just need it to receive from the remote control... that's it...01:43
solarbabyMitoTranin: thats an interesting setup..  sounds like it shouldb't be that hard?01:43
MitoTraninyeah, well, the IRA-3 doesn't use a standard driver01:44
MitoTraninit uses a slightly customized version of the IRman driver01:44
MitoTraninbut that customization never works01:44
MitoTraninI even called up the guy, told him about my problems, and he said he'd work on it and get it to work01:44
solarbabyMitoTranin: when I was having such a hard time getting the UIRT to work, I was debating running Windows in VMware just for remote functions01:45
MitoTraningave him 2 months, emailing periodically asking for updates01:45
MitoTraninfinally called him back, and I got him to tell me the truth, in that he never even personally tested it in linux, even though he says it works, and that he never worked on it after I called him the first time01:45
MitoTraninat that time, I demanded my money back... he reluctantly agreed, and said he would send it to me...01:46
MitoTraninI never got anything from him, and now I can't get in touch with him anymore01:46
solarbabyand never did?01:46
MitoTraninyet he's still selling them01:46
solarbabylame..  sounds like you should just be able to buy a $15 IR Blaster and go to town01:46
williammandahey guys01:47
solarbabyI just like you bought something that wasn't well supported by LIRC, and my device costed $50 and I bought it way before I started using Myth..  so I struggled for 2 weeks to make this device work.. but it works now..  I was sooo tempted to just spend $15 and buy a IR Blaster, I probably should have01:47
solarbabyHello williammanda01:47
williammandai'm getting a blue-ish screen sometimes after being in mythtv and returning01:48
solarbabyI've never had that problem01:48
williammandaex. watch a program in mythtv and going into xine to watch a dvd01:49
solarbabyI still haven't tested watching DVD's on Myth Yet01:49
williammandaI have to reboot my computer to correct it01:49
solarbabyI should probably do that sometime01:49
williammandaI have a core 2 duo01:49
solarbabyMy Xbox's can access Mythtv through a program I run on the Xbox.. so when I play Dvd's I play them straight through the xbox itself bypassing mythtv all together01:50
williammandaseveral people are having the same problem on ubuntu forums01:50
williammandai do the same...get out of mythtv to play dvd's01:50
solarbabyI dont want to do anything to make Myth unstable.. its working lovely01:51
williammandaright now I have programs recording....but I can't watch anything....in mythtv or xine...blue-ish screen01:52
solarbabyI'd say get a Xbox, but nobody listens to me :)01:52
MitoTraninwilliammanda: have you tried to exit the frontend and go back into it?01:52
MitoTraninor possibly do a ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X?01:53
MitoTraninsolarbaby: yeah, well, the website made it look like all I had to do was tell lirc that it was an IRblaster...  it lied...01:53
MitoTraninanyways, I finally gave up on it, and just used MythTV for recordings etc and just watched them through my PC01:54
MitoTraninthen my tuner died, and I couldn't even do that01:54
solarbabyMitoTranin: I remember following some directions that sounded like that..  I ended up reinstalling to get LIrc back to default01:54
MitoTraninso I got a new one, and couldn't get it to work under Fedora, so I changed to normal Ubuntu01:54
williammandaMito....I can do that....but I would like to correct what is getting me into that situation01:54
MitoTraninstill couldn't get it to work after a while, found Mythbuntu, and tried that01:54
MitoTraninstill couldn't get it to work... but finally after sitting down and working with it for a while, and spending a LOT of time in IRC, I got that working01:55
solarbabyMitoTranin: so are you just going to go buy a IR Blaster now? and solve the case?01:55
MitoTraninnow all I need to do is get my new IR working, and I'm FINALLY able to use my MythTV on my TV!01:55
solarbabyMitoTranin: sweeet01:55
MitoTraninsolarbaby: no, I gave up on the whole ira-3 thing a long time ago01:56
MitoTraninit's sitting here, doing nothing...01:56
MitoTraninI have this now: http://www.home-electro.com/01:56
MitoTraninerr, bah01:56
solarbabyMitoTranin: I understand where your coming from.. I was lucky that googling gave me just enough answers after 2 weeks of it to get my hardware working01:56
MitoTraninnobody follow that link, he's a theif... I'll get the right link01:56
MitoTraninhere's the right one that I have now: http://irblaster.info/receiver.html01:56
MitoTraningoogle did me no good...01:57
MitoTraninBUT, thankfully, I now have it figured out...01:57
MitoTraninmy cousin bought the same tuner01:57
MitoTraninused my instructions, and got his working01:57
MitoTraninnow, superm1 is going to try to get the tuner supported directly in Ubuntu, and my cousin is getting someone to get it into the linux kernel itself01:58
solarbabythat looks inexpensive..  god I haven't used a serial anything for such a long time01:58
solarbabyare you setup for HDTV?01:59
solarbabythats something i'd like to do with my next box01:59
solarbabyI went the easy route with my current hardware..  Hauppauge 35001:59
solarbabyIt seriously pays off to get well supported hardware02:00
williammandaNx decoder seems to be the problem02:04
MitoTraninyeah, well my tuner that died was a PVR-35002:04
williammandasorry Xv02:04
MitoTraninwilliammanda: does that give you enough info to plug into google and get a solution?02:05
williammandaThis points to a problem with the Xv extension02:05
williammandathis is what xine says...through google02:05
MitoTraninthat should be well documented I would think... any solutions listed?02:05
williammandaonly for xine...not mythtv02:06
williammandaso the question still remains....what is the solution for mythtv?02:06
MitoTraninsolarbaby: I originally had a pcHDTV 3000, but since I found out that I don't have any over-the-air HDTV near me, and I don't plan on paying $200/mo for cable anytime soon, I sold it on ebay while my PVR-350 was broken02:06
MitoTraninwilliammanda: for playing content such as that, mythtv uxes xine I believe02:07
MitoTraninso try that solution and see if it works02:07
MitoTraninbrb, baby is fussing02:07
williammandai don't use xine for media playback02:07
williammandaonly dvd.....02:07
williammandai watch pre-recorded shows through mythtv02:08
williammandaif you guys don't have a solution please say so....02:09
MitoTraninI'm by no means a mythtv expert... I would wait for others and see what they say02:09
MitoTraninI would also check out #mythtv-users and see if anyone over there knows anything02:09
williammandai can never get an answer there.....they expect you to be a expert to start off with...02:10
williammandain my year experience with mythtv....they have answered about 5 % of my questions02:11
MitoTranintgm4883_laptop: any ideas?02:11
MythbuntuGuest32Hey Everyone, when I try to watch Live TV MythTV reports "No Lock" with my pcHDTV 5500 cards.02:15
MythbuntuGuest32Also, when I try to record a show the recording always fails.02:16
MythbuntuGuest32I have 3 dsp devices (/dev/dsp, /dev/dsp1, /dev/dsp2), and my two cards are set to use dsp1 and dsp2.02:17
dwf_starband2im trying to get a remote working on my frontend only machine, i have selected the mce old version and when i push buttons on the remote the reciver lights up, but it doesnt do anything in the myth-frontend, when i try irw in the terminal it "hangs" waiting for input but pushing buttons on the remote doesnt register on the screen.03:07
dwf_starband2I tried the "new" mce phillips and got the same results03:28
dwf_starband2any ideas?03:29
CCB0x45im trying to set up my tv... but it always says no valid modes for my modelines03:34
CCB0x45but I dont know what is breaking the modeline03:34
CCB0x45is there any way to just force no checks at all?03:34
CCB0x45I am already turning off a lot of checks03:34
dwf_starband2anybody here tonight?04:01
CCB0x45trying to get my tv working04:02
dwf_starband2have you activated your restricted drivers?04:02
CCB0x45it rejects all my modelines04:05
dwf_starband2are you using the nvidia-settings to change the settings?04:05
CCB0x45because it doesnt put the right resolutions there04:06
CCB0x45the highest it shows there is 102404:06
CCB0x45I need 1280x72004:06
dwf_starband2oh, then its above my head, sorry04:06
CCB0x45fucking impossible04:07
CCB0x45works from OS 1004:07
dwf_starband2im pretty new, but it seems the impossible always turns out to be pretty simple, its just finding the simple solution04:08
dwf_starband2anyone around that knows about setting up a remote in mythbuntu?04:17
tgm4883dwf_starband2, what remote05:00
dwf_starband2mce 1069 shown here http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MCE_Remote#Older_remote05:06
dwf_starband2i dont need to transmit, its just a frontend but I do need it to receive05:07
dwf_starband2it seems that usb isnt working now, I thought it was kind of flakey earlier when i tried using a usb mouse and it was too jerky to use.  are there issues with usb not working with mythbuntu instillations? its a pretty old computer so im sure its not usb2 if that makes a difference05:17
solarbabyUSB works fine over here.. right out of the box05:32
solarbabySo far my keyboard,mouse,dvd burner, USbUirt, are all working with usb..  and I didn't have to do a thing05:33
dwf_starband2ok, new computer or older?05:34
solarbabyboth on a newer and older.. usb2.0 and 1.105:35
solarbabychances are your computer is dog old ;)05:36
dwf_starband2it is, I know its old but with a video card it plays video fine, what more do I really need for a frontend?05:36
solarbabygood point05:37
dwf_starband2its a p305:37
solarbabymy laptop is a p3 and it works on that too05:38
dwf_starband2well under 1.0ghz i dont remember what , ive been playing with a couple of old computers lately05:38
solarbabyvideo out isn't working on it though05:38
dwf_starband2i think like 666 or something like that05:38
dwf_starband2im downloading 100mb of updates so maybe there is something in that mess that will help05:40
solarbabyyeah thats a good idea05:43
MythbuntuGuest65although i just posted to the forum12:34
MythbuntuGuest65maybe someone in here can help me directly :)12:34
MythbuntuGuest65I have a mac mini and would like to use it as a frontend12:34
MythbuntuGuest65but my wlan is not working correctly12:34
MythbuntuGuest65the problem is that I cannot connect to my wpa2 secured router12:35
MythbuntuGuest65I see him but cant connect12:35
MythbuntuGuest65is it a problem with wpa2??12:35
Davieytherethinker: mythbot being a yoyo?14:30
therethinkerHmm... I could make a second bot that recessitates mythbot...14:42
therethinkerthat would be... interesting and overcomplicated :P14:42
therethinkerOkay -- now mythbot should auto-resurrect itself16:14
tgm4883therethinker, is this a test?16:35
therethinkerI'm protecting the secret channel16:35
therethinkerI hate to kick mythbot16:35
mythbotI die frequently.  It's my prerogative.  Watch out though, one of these day's i'm taking ubotu with me.16:38
therethinkerI suck at /mode'ing16:39
therethinkerGrahh-- I can't protect my second bot!16:43
therethinkeror the first one, for that matter16:43
therethinkercan someone help me? #mythbot16:47
tafkazhi there....mythbuntu 7.10 here 64 bit... i treid to update to the weekly builds....and now have loads of problems....17:14
tafkazsomehow trunk packages have come into the update17:14
tafkazalthough i followed the description for the normal updates17:14
tafkazis there a way to downgrade the packages back to cd version ?17:15
tafkazi have a dump of the database of course17:15
tafkazi thought that mybe synaptics force version would help.....but that thing behaves very strange17:16
tgm4883tafkaz, can you pastebin your sources.list17:17
tafkazbesides i have huge problems with wlan now on ubuntu 7.1017:17
tafkazyes moment17:17
tgm4883i don't see any weekly builds in there17:20
marcel__any1 know when new weeklybuilds for trunk wil be avaiable ?17:20
tgm4883um, weekly?17:21
tafkazi took them out again17:21
tafkazbesides they would be in a sources file in sources.list.d17:21
tgm4883then can you list your old sources.list file?  Perhaps sources.list~17:22
tafkazmythbuntu-gutsy.list and it contains17:22
tafkazdeb http://weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu-trunk/ubuntu gutsy multiverse universe restricted main17:23
tgm4883yea, that would be the trunk repo17:23
tgm4883not the regular repo17:23
kritzstapfcan i test my dvb-t-tuner with the mythtv livecd?17:23
tafkazhmmmm then the descripitionis wrong17:23
tgm4883deb http://weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu/ubuntu feisty multiverse universe restricted main17:23
tgm4883let me check it17:23
tafkazecho "deb http://weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu/ubuntu feisty multiverse universe restricted main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mythbuntu-feisty.list17:23
tafkazand i just changed feisty to gutsy17:24
tgm4883you must have went farther down the page and grabbed trunk when you did it17:25
tafkazoh my.....i just saw the mythbuntu-trunk there17:25
tafkazyup....you'Re absolutely right !17:25
tgm4883let me see what we can do17:25
tafkazcan i turn back ?17:25
tafkazgood !17:26
tafkazi could just uninstall everything and reinstall from weekly builds17:26
tafkazas i have the mysql db dumped (from before the update17:26
marcel__what deb line can i use best for weekly trunk ? uk.weeklybuilds or weeklybuilds ?17:27
tgm4883marcel__, where do you live?17:27
tafkazallthough maybe i would better first install the cdrom-packages then reread the db and then update with WB17:27
marcel__.nl I always used uk. but i just added the line u pposted17:28
tgm4883tafkaz, sec17:28
marcel__and now i get updates17:28
tgm4883marcel__, they are the same repo, just different servers17:28
marcel__weird, or did u just add new weeklybuilds /17:28
tgm4883marcel__, sec, let me finish with this first17:28
tgm4883<tgm4883> is there a way to revert from trunk to the regular repo builds17:29
tgm4883<tgm4883> or to the regular weekly builds17:29
tgm4883<laga> yes, by installing the old packages and using the database backup to go back to the old state.17:29
tgm4883<laga> both steps are mandatory17:29
tgm4883marcel__, what do you mean did we just add new weekly builds?  There are weekly builds of both 20.2 and of trunk17:30
tafkazso i would uninstall every trunk-pkg...then install the old cdrom packages (which i hope will be found by apt...) restore the db, and everything will work ?17:31
marcel__well I have the uk deb line. But for the past 4 weeks there weren't any new weekly builds. I Just switched to the weeklybuilds deb and now i get updates. So i was wondering if they were out of sync17:32
tgm4883marcel__, let me check on that17:33
marcel__Also should i add medibuntu repos ? or are they not needed ?17:33
tgm4883tafkaz, sec17:33
tgm4883tafkaz, you could use the regular ubuntu repos for the mythtv install because it's the same as the cd17:34
tafkazok....i will try now...17:34
tafkazok...back and tryi9ng to reinstall17:35
tafkazcross your fingers17:35
tgm4883marcel__, can you post your sources.list17:38
marcel__deb http://weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu-trunk/ubuntu gutsy multiverse universe restricted main17:38
marcel__before it was deb http://uk.weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu-trunk/ubuntu gutsy multiverse universe restricted main17:38
tafkazto restore the database....what is the best way ?17:41
marcel__mysql < backup.sql ?17:42
tafkazhm...ok but drop and recreate before ?17:42
tgm4883marcel__, i'm checking with the uk mirror, but he is afk right now17:42
tgm4883i'd drop before17:42
marcel__np ill use the other one to update17:42
tafkazits doing something !!!17:45
therethinkerNew mythbot features!17:47
mythbotformat '$additem:keyword:description' -- Not everyone can do this, only mythtv devs!17:47
mythbotformat '$changeitem:keyword:description' -- Not everyone can do this, only mythtv devs!17:47
therethinker(the . is there to say the help text, instead of executing)17:47
therethinker$changeitem:update:New add/changeitem commands (for help, say "$additem." or "$changeitem." ), a secondary bot to reboot me when I die17:48
mythbotChanged help file for update17:48
tafkazworked like charm !17:49
tafkazthank you17:49
tgm4883_laptopanyone know of an adjustable wall mount for a 37in lcd screen17:49
tgm4883_laptopgood to hear tafkaz17:49
therethinkerI haven't, no17:49
tgm4883_laptopi want it to adjust left right, not just up down17:49
tgm4883_laptoptilt i mean17:49
tafkazecho "deb http://weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu/ubuntu gutsy multiverse universe restricted main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mythbuntu-gutsy.list17:50
tafkazis that the correct command now ?17:50
tgm4883_laptopshould be17:50
tgm4883_laptopthats not trunk17:51
tafkazgood so !17:51
tafkazhehe....update er now...17:51
tafkazups... i meant....17:52
tafkazhehe....update looks much better now17:52
mythbotWelcome to #Ubuntu-mythtv.  Please state your question or comment.17:57
MythbuntuGuest68have dual pvr 150's17:58
MythbuntuGuest68backend can only scan 13 channels17:58
therethinkerHeh -- I had the same problem17:58
MythbuntuGuest68we have over 15017:58
therethinkerDid you set a video source?17:59
therethinkerLike, the XML Channel thing?17:59
therethinkerAnd that's all set up with the input card, right?17:59
MythbuntuGuest68after i got the xml listing ig got more channels but no signal on channels after 1318:00
MythbuntuGuest68any ideas18:02
therethinkerme, no18:02
therethinkertgm4883: ping18:02
tgm4883_laptopMythbuntuGuest68, when you scan for channels, did you use broadcast for your source18:03
tgm4883_laptopfreq table18:03
tgm4883_laptopi think thats what its called18:03
tgm4883_laptoplet me find a pic18:04
tgm4883_laptopchannel frequency table18:05
tgm4883_laptopdoes that look familiar18:05
tgm4883_laptopit is in the backend setup in step 118:05
tgm4883_laptopalso available during individual card setup18:06
MythbuntuGuest68yes i used us-broadcast18:06
tgm4883_laptopthats your problem18:07
tgm4883_laptopyou need to set it to cable18:07
MythbuntuGuest68will switch18:07
=== therethinker is now known as thingy
MythbuntuGuest68so i have another question18:31
=== thingy is now known as therethinker
directhexand to your next question, "no, see a doctor immediately"18:32
MythbuntuGuest68I want to but I am stuck here18:32
MythbuntuGuest68I want to set up a set-top box18:33
MythbuntuGuest68dct1700 if that means anythng here18:33
MythbuntuGuest68any guide or advice on doing so18:33
MythbuntuGuest68this is a comcast set-top18:40
MythbuntuGuest68any one get something similar working?18:41
tgm4883_laptopMythbuntuGuest68, firewire?18:41
MythbuntuGuest68actually mce usb218:42
tgm4883_laptophave you looked at the lirc guide for gutsy?18:43
mythbotLIRC is a program that allows you to use remote controls and IR blasters18:43
MythbuntuGuest68remote is working18:44
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
MythbuntuGuest68so lirc is loaded18:44
tgm4883_laptopbut it needs to transmit18:45
MythbuntuGuest68yeah, exactly18:46
tgm4883_laptopthere is a section on transmitting18:47
mythbotAdded help file for lircguide18:48
tafkazhm....how can i make mythwelcome start instead of mythfrontend in mythbuntu 7.1019:01
tafkaztried with a link in the autostart of xfce...but that makes my login hang19:02
tafkazso i took it out again19:02
mythbotSorry, mythbot is dead!20:15
MythbuntuGuest30hey couple questions: is it possible to make the frontend to just library and act like like a WMC from a samba file server? and also what is the cheapest working tuner?20:20
directhexMythbuntuGuest30, install mythvideo20:31
MythbuntuGuest30on a front end system or the unit that has it mythbuntu fully installed?>20:32
Davieywhat sort of tuner?20:35
Davieyas directhex says.. use mythvideo and point the video directory to the mount point for samba20:35
mythbotWelcome to #Ubuntu-mythtv.  Please state your question or comment.20:36
directhexMythbuntuGuest30, mythvideo is a frontend plugin20:36
directhexMythbuntuGuest30, as for tuners, depends on what you want to record from20:37
therethinkerOh, sorry20:41
tgm4883_laptopMythbuntuGuest30, HD or SD?20:42
MythbuntuGuest30i wont be affording HD anytime soon :D20:44
MythbuntuGuest30the hauppauge i saw on the website as most supported, Is the $53 one from newegg work or should i spend 10-20 more on a diff version of it?20:48
tgm4883_laptopif it's the PVR-150 it will work20:50
tgm4883_laptopafaik, all PVR-150's work OOB20:50
MythbuntuGuest30alright sounds good. thank you for the advice20:50
tgm4883_laptopa PVR-500 is good20:50
tgm4883_laptopif you want dual tuners20:50
MythbuntuGuest30ive used linux for a while but this mythtv stuff is kinda confusing at times. ah. i dont have a need for a dual tuner... yet >.>20:51
MythbuntuGuest30Take care and thank you again20:53
solarbabyI've got a strange new problem.. Upcoming recordings is not listing anything passed tomorrow..  even though the conflicts page shows 2 pages full of stuff to be recorded with no conflicts21:09
solarbabyheh so much for a perfect install21:10
solarbabyI have 12 days worth of guide data too21:13
solarbabyIm starting to disslike MythTV21:28
solarbabyit can't tease me by being stable for a week, and then not list any upcoming recordings for the next week even though they are all progammed in21:29
solarbabyIm rerunning that now..21:31
solarbabyall the info is in the conflict manager with 0 conflicts21:31
solarbabyso its just being a real retard21:31
tgm4883_laptopyou mean specially gifted21:32
solarbabythis sucks21:36
solarbabythat didn't help21:36
solarbabyI dont wanna install mythtv and program my scheules once per week.. thats insane21:36
Davieycron job...21:36
solarbabywhats your question Daviey?21:37
Davieynot a question.. but a solution21:37
solarbabycronjob will not reinstall mythtv for me weekly21:37
Davieyit _could_21:37
solarbabyand then program istelf with all my favorit tv shows21:37
solarbabyyour crazy21:38
Davieybut what is the problem?21:38
Davieysolarbaby: please don't call me crazy21:38
solarbabyUpcoming Recordings are blank21:38
DavieyAre they in the db?21:38
rhpot1991is there an easy way to get an old recording into mythtv without having any db info for it (besides mythvideo which wont let me edit it)?21:38
solarbabyDaviey: My appolagies..  using Cron to reinstall the system each week seems a little out there to me21:38
Davieysolarbaby: it is.. i mean a cron for mythfilldatabase21:39
Davieyrhpot1991: google orphaned recordings21:39
solarbabyI just ran mythfill database with a redownloaded xml and its still the same nothingness21:39
DavieyAre they in the db?21:39
rhpot1991you might need to add the update flags to mythfilldb21:39
solarbabythe data is there though..  I get all the TV guide stuff21:39
rhpot1991otherwise it will just nab new stuff21:40
solarbabyOh wait a minute..  I do not get my Schedules Guide..21:40
solarbabyI was mistaken21:40
solarbabyperhaps my scraper isnt' getting the right info now21:40
Davieysolarbaby: how are you running mythfilldb atm?21:40
Davieyscraper... eww21:41
solarbabyI scrape from zap2it21:41
solarbabyyeah..  I really need to get some money in my paypal account so I can get schedules direct21:41
Daviey$20 a year for stable, reliable info..21:41
solarbabyI have the cash.. its just my bank account is in another state21:41
rhpot1991jump on SD21:42
rhpot1991are they offering a free trial still?21:42
tgm4883_laptopshould be21:42
Davieyrhpot1991: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Myth.rebuilddatabase.pl btw21:42
rhpot1991thanks, I'm trying to find that perl script on my box now21:43
solarbabyI suppose I could use another one of my email address to get the free trial for another week21:43
rhpot1991found it21:44
rhpot1991can't you just use a credit card with paypal?  I think thats the way I did it.21:44
Davieywhoever first wrote a scrapping script should be shot21:45
rhpot1991ya alredy got it21:46
tgm4883_laptopDaviey, shot twice21:46
Davieytgm4883_laptop should be shot aswell21:46
tgm4883_laptopnot so much :(21:47
* tgm4883_laptop does not scrape21:47
* tgm4883_laptop has SD :)21:47
solarbabyI'll have SD Soon21:47
Davieybut he is a yank :)21:47
rhpot1991do you run your mythfilldatabase with any update flags?21:47
rhpot1991or just let it nab only new stuff?21:47
rhpot1991I have noticed random changes in programming not go through21:48
rhpot1991like when the baseball series didn't go 7 days21:48
Davieyuses scrape methods will break every month21:48
tgm4883_laptoprhpot1991, but did zap2it update?21:48
rhpot1991not sure21:49
tgm4883_laptopwell that would be something to check first21:49
rhpot1991I just know there was an update flag that I had to use when I swapped from zap2it to SD21:49
rhpot1991was contemplating telling it to run with that21:50
solarbabyRecording Schedules has all the info, but Upcoming Recordings is blank, and I have good epg info21:50
Davieyand you can see it marked as schedlued in tv guide?21:51
Davieyor mythweb?21:51
solarbabyThere's guide data until 2007-11-09 22:50 (13 days).21:51
Davieyand you can see it marked as schedlued in tv guide?21:52
Davieyor mythweb?21:52
solarbabyI see it in mythweb as scheduled, but not in upcoming recordings21:53
Davieyi can't think of anythig obvious.. perhaps corrupt db?21:54
solarbabyI'll see if I can fix the database21:54
solarbabybad database is my worst fear21:54
rhpot1991did you run the db repair utility?21:55
solarbabynot yet21:55
rhpot1991 /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/optimize_mythdb.pl21:56
rhpot1991I've had to run it before when my DB got junked up21:57
rhpot1991so I have it running in my crontab now21:57
Davieyrhpot1991: myth' control centre has an option to run it \o/21:59
solarbabyoptimize_mythdb.pl didn't fix it22:00
rhpot1991hmmm I wonder if I enabled it in there22:00
rhpot1991I originally set all this up by hand, so I am so used to not having the MCC22:00
solarbabyis this going to nuke my databse ? myth.rebuilddatabase.pl.gz22:00
rhpot1991hmmm I do have it enabled in there, should I pull that out of my crontab then?22:00
solarbabyah rebuildatabse just errors out22:02
rhpot1991I'm not really familiar with it, I just reran it on an orphaned file, first time I ever used it22:03
solarbabyI'd pretty much say the database has gone wanky22:24
solarbabyparts of it work great.. but anything to do with scheduling anything isn't working22:24
solarbabyjeeze only 1 week of uptime too22:25
solarbabythese problems are supposed to happen when you have 500 gigs worth of tv programming on your hard drive22:25
dwf_starband2I have set up a frontend and everything is working except the remote22:36
solarbabyI guess the only other thing I can try is to drop the database and hope that I can make a new one22:40
dwf_starbandI am trying to set up the remote for my frontend, its the mce 1069 pictured at http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MCE_Remote#Media_Center_Remotes22:50
dwf_starbandin the mythbuntu control centre I have the windows media center remotes old version selected22:51
dwf_starbandit doesnt work22:52
dwf_starbandif i enter irw in the terminal22:52
dwf_starbandit will "hang" waiting for the remote untill i push ctr + c but doesnt show anything when i press buttons on the remote22:52
dwf_starbandthe led on the receiver lights up when i push buttons on the remote though22:53
dwf_starbandanyone know what I need to change?22:53
dwf_starbandanyone around?23:09
Nixus_Maximusmaybe u should try "mce new version"23:12
solarbabyOk dropping the database and building a brand new one was easier then I thought23:14
solarbabytoo bad I lost all my database info23:14
dwf_starbandmce new version has teh same results23:17
dwf_starbandwould I need to restart the computer after changing to the new version?23:19
Davieydwf_starband: in that case.. might be easier to record your own lircrc.. but do submit it to us!23:19
dwf_starbandhow would I go about doing that?  Is there a write up on how?23:20
Davieydwf_starband: Wouldn't hurt.. but you should be able to just restart myth23:20
Davieysure.. i'll find it23:20
dwf_starbandok thanks, meanwhile im restarting it to see if that makes a difference23:20
Daviey"Unlisted Remotes"23:21
dwf_starbandok ill read that23:21
Davieydwf_starband: I'm looking to make a "remotre recorder" for Hardy (8.04)23:24
dwf_starbanda gui interface for recording remotes?23:25
dwf_starbandthat would be sweet23:25
Davieymythbot: you rock23:25
dwf_starbandThis remote requires the mceusb _not_ the mceusb2 LIRC module.23:27
dwf_starbandUse the default mceusb2 lircd.conf file and all of the remote's keys work without modifying the example mceusb2 lircd.conf file.23:27
tgm4883_laptopstupid mythbot23:27
mythbotHi! I know a lot about MythTV! I can also do things like look stuff up on wikipedia. To see what I know, use $. To learn more about me, say $help.23:27
dwf_starbandquote from http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MCE_Remote#Windows_Vista_MCE_Remote23:28
therethinkerWhat about me, tgm4883?23:28
Davieydwf_starband: can you raise a bug?23:28
tgm4883_laptopdoes mythbot not reply if it doens't know something anymore?23:28
dwf_starbandif you tell me how23:28
solarbabyI seriously hate MythTV right now23:29
dwf_starbandshould I try and see if I can get the mceusb2 lirc.conf to work with the mceusb module first?23:29
Davieydwf_starband: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+filebug23:29
therethinker /kick solarbaby23:29
solarbabyI loved it this morning too23:29
Davieydwf_starband: sure23:29
solarbabykick yourself.. Im a little agitated23:29
tgm4883_laptopcan you do that?23:30
therethinkerHm... ubotu must be broken or something...23:30
Davieysolarbaby: this is generally a peacefull place - lets keep it that way eh?23:30
therethinkerWhat just happened?23:30
Davieytgm4883_laptop is playing with his toy23:30
solarbabyDaviey im generally prety easy going myself, until everythign caves in on itself for no good reasons23:30
therethinkerbut yeah -- ubotu is down, I guess23:30
solarbabyDaviey maybe its this version23:30
Davieytherethinker: ubotu isn't alive here atm23:31
therethinkerExactly -- he's not even on the server23:31
Davieyyeah.. -ops know23:31
therethinkerThat just explains the mythbot not replying23:31
tgm4883_laptopah ok23:31
Davieythere are two backup ubotu's if we really need one :)23:31
therethinkerits not a huge deal, its just why mythbot doesn't know anything, on say:23:32
Davieytherethinker: can you add two other alias's for ubotu?23:33
therethinkerWhich one has the greatest uptime?23:34
Davieyubot3 & Ubotwo:23:34
Davieythose are reserves if ubotu dies23:34
therethinkerSince it would be incredibly hard to see if ubotu is dead23:34
tgm4883_laptopbut it should ask all 323:34
tgm4883_laptopshould not23:34
Davieywell.. ask each one in turn - if no response23:34
therethinkerThen it will get 3 responses, and then it would post here 3 times23:35
therethinkerYeah -- but it doesn't have a knowledge of responses23:35
Davieythen output.. "Erk.. ubotu is more unreliable than me"23:35
therethinkerAs in, it doesn't realize its chaining23:35
Davieytherethinker: no response = null :)23:35
therethinkerYeah the bot can't detect responses23:35
therethinkerWhat it does, is look for private messages sent by ubotu23:35
tgm4883_laptopeh, i think it's not biggie23:36
therethinkerit then deduces someone must have asked for that keyword, and wiki's it,and posts about it here23:36
therethinkerHence why I can't have mythbot in -dev, or if it didn't know, it'd output here23:36
Davieyah.. that happend when we were testing23:37
therethinkerYou saw the new additem/changeitem, right?23:38
* therethinker is proud of adding/changing functoinality23:40
solarbabyOk so I dropped the database and re created a new one..  Arrggh..  Now I know for sure the database had nothing to do with programs not showing up in Upcoming Recordings23:43
solarbabywell at least I think I know for sure..  because it still wont show up23:43
tgm4883_laptopthats too bad23:44
solarbabyyeah I really dont know what to do next other then format and reinstall..  thats no fix though23:45
tgm4883_laptopwhere do you live?23:45
solarbabyright next to Las Vegas,Nevada23:45
tgm4883_laptopyou use SD?23:45
solarbabynot yet23:45
tgm4883_laptopwhat are you using to grab listings?23:46
solarbabyits just a scraper until I get SD up and working23:46
tgm4883_laptopwell i can't help you then23:46
solarbabybut it was working fine for a week..23:46
Davieyyeah.. that is typical of scrapers23:46
Davieynot mythtv's fault!23:46
solarbabywe dont know if its the scapers fault or mythtv bug yet23:47
solarbabykeep an open mind until we've come up with a deffinate answer now23:47
Davieyif zap2it change a small thing on a page.. maybe add an advert - that's it.. your listings are knackered23:47
tgm4883_laptopsolarbaby, put SD in there then23:47
Davieysolarbaby: I'm pretty sure this aint mythtv's fault...23:47
solarbabyI hope its not..  I need this to be running smooth ;)23:48
tgm4883_laptopI think we'd see more of these if it was23:48
solarbabythats a good pint23:48
solarbabycourse my install is a little older then most of yours.. I installed mine the day before the new version came out ;)23:48
tgm4883_laptopmy install is from when we still used openbox23:48
Davieysolarbaby: yeah.. my database is nearly 3 years old now23:50
tgm4883_laptopyea i would bet most the devs have old dbs23:50

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