
minimect_acko: hmm.. So you just boot up on the live-disk and you cannot hit 'enter'... Can you use the 'arrow down'?00:00
shimizuSn3ipen, share folder on vista.. then run nautilus.. or places -> network and u should see it there ?00:00
theTravthanks MoTec, I will give it a shot00:00
bricebooting to recovery mode works, but not standard booting00:00
neopsycheCan anyone help me .. im trying to install something on ubuntu.. the most frustrating thing is I found a guide to do it .. but i cant understand the language and I am fairly newbie. Can anyone help?  I just need help understanding the guide.00:00
Sn3ipenmy computer does response to ping00:00
comicinkerwildman: I did it already yesterday ;)00:00
pike_neopsyche: can you paste the url of the guide?00:00
iobeliskhi, every time i try install a package into the splash screen manager, it closes instead of adding the theme.. any ideas?00:00
wildmancomicinker, sigh... no idea then, sorry.00:00
neopsychepike_: ok00:00
Sn3ipenmy computer respond to ping00:00
Innomenhowndo i even find out what kind of card a dell c610 has in it?00:00
Evanleckevinly, compizconfig-settings-manager00:00
frostyconeallright, lets see if I can put this in a simple way: Using ubuntu 7.10. I have two monitors (Hyundai L90D+ and an old Acer AL1912 running against an nVidia 7800GT). Running with the Live CD results in a nice 1280x1024 resolution on both monitors with the default driver. However: Installing the nvidia driver on the hdd install a few minutes later ROYALLY screwed things up. Can I set the resolution settings through bash?00:00
kevinlypike_: ok thanks i hadn't installed it00:00
Innomenwhy would they remove support for a card?00:00
t_ackominimec: yeah, the arrow keys work, the F# keys work, and enter works but only on the option to "boot from hard disk" which is currently empty00:00
wildmancomicinker, euh... 1 idea: did you remove the checkmark from the use per-window settings? (or something like that)00:00
neopsychepike_: I am trying to sync my phone with evolution email00:00
neopsychepike_: calendar etc.00:01
wildmancomicinker, per-window, per-app, cannot remember now00:01
comicinkerwildman: whats that?00:01
MeRodenthow do I find out what the name of the wireless driver in use?00:01
frostyconeCause right now, everything on the right monitor is just a garbled mess and the left one (the hyundai) is just black00:01
lucashungaroMy Ubuntu system was working ok but then, all of a sudden, it doesn't mount my windows (ntfs) partitions anymore. Anyone know a reason for this? (I'm using 7.10)00:01
wildmancomicinker, wait, opening the applet00:01
Zarigispike_, seems to have worked, I have the scripts back, but I still can't sleep :(00:01
pike_neopsyche: ah not much exp there sorry paste the url at http://translate.google.com/00:01
c0Ldwirechief: x crashed for whatever reason, but the command still isn't working00:01
smmagicCan someone give me a bit of help?00:02
fyrestrtrsmmagic: what is your question?00:02
riddleboxsmmagic, what is the problem?00:02
shimizubtw any related chanel for ubuntu + ati00:02
buttercupsc0Ld, its sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  not   dpkg-reconfigure-xerver-xorg00:02
smmagicAfter installing a restricted driver00:02
comicinkerwildman: a more detailed desciption: I switched the system language from german to english, and the problem occur only to windows I switched back and for (either with alt-tab or mouse click) there are no problems in kde apps (amarok)00:02
smmagicMy resolution max is 800x60000:02
wirechiefc0Ld: can you pm me ?00:02
minimect_acko: I am probably as surprised as you...00:02
shimizusmmagic, what card do u use..00:02
wildmancomicinker, on the 2nd tab (Distribuciones in ES, I guess it's called Layout in EN) there's a checkmark called something like "separate group per window", did you try unchecking it?00:02
fyrestrtr!fixres | smmagic00:02
ubotusmmagic: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:02
t_ackoyeah, I am baffled00:03
montgoejWhy is iceweasel in the repos, but uninstallable?00:03
smmagicnVida vanta something00:03
t_ackothanks for trying though00:03
wildmancomicinker, maybe related to what I just wrote above...00:03
pike_smmagic: id do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  be prepared for breakage though just remember to command and you can fix it00:03
shimizusmmagic, well u got a tip already =]00:03
c0Ldwirechief: one moment, brb00:03
comicinkerwildman:  I see...00:03
fyrestrtrsmmagic: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:03
montgoejan "apt-get install iceweasel" tells me there's no installation candidate, and an "apt-get install iceweasel-torbutton" tells me it depends on iceweasel, which isn't there00:03
smmagicAnd no one recommend envy00:03
smmagicBroke my graphics last time00:04
Picismmagic: we tend not to :)00:04
fyrestrtr!envy | smmagic00:04
ubotusmmagic: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!00:04
minimect_acko: let us get that straight. You power on your machine with the live-disk in it and then you get that boot menu, where you can use all the keys but not the 'enter' key00:04
[chr0n0s]envy worked for me this time.. :)00:04
smmagicLast part is very true00:04
[chr0n0s]even got direct rendering working00:04
comicinkerwildman: do I have to restart the X ?00:04
shimizuenvy is just beutiful.. using it and having no problems :>00:04
smmagicI'll try ctrl alt backspace00:04
neopsychewhere is httdocs on apache on ubuntu?00:04
t_ackominimec: well the enter key works, like I said only on the "boot from hard disk" option00:05
[chr0n0s]neopsyche, try using locate httdocs00:05
shimizuneopsyche, /var/www by default00:05
t_ackominimec: if I press it on the install ubuntu option it does nothing00:05
lucashungaroOk, on Windows XP and can use 1280x1024 screen resolution with 80Hz. On Ubuntu, on that same resolution, the maximum refresh rate is 58Hz, which is utterly bad. Why can't I use all the supported rates of my monitor and graphics card (GeForce 6600GT, AGP)?00:05
wildmancomicinker, cannot tell... I did.00:05
pike_i dont mind scripts like that as long as the tell  you what they are doing and prompt for y/n00:05
smmagicThat didn't work00:05
kevinlysorry is that  a command00:05
kevinlyor what00:05
* cafuego shrugs.00:05
neopsycheshimizu: thanks00:05
briceany idea why I get a black screen when I boot from my external drive, specs: Q6600 4Gb DDR2 8800GTX00:05
kevinlythis is crazy00:05
bricebooting to recovery mode works00:05
Klick__Hey all, I have gutsy, and compiz working, but I do not have the skydome, or screensaver plugin.  Do you know where I can find these, or a repo I can use that has these included?00:05
comicinkerwildman: I unchecked it now, but until now it had no effect.... I have a look to the other settings and try a restart now...00:05
shimizuneopsyche, u can always check it by viewing apache2.conf in /etc/apache200:06
pike_kevinly: what was your question again?00:06
wildmanlucashungaro, I had the same pb, fixed xorg.conf by hand... but after a reboot low refresh appeared again. hadn't had the chance to check what happened00:06
kevinlyI can't remember any more I'm too confused00:06
neopsycheshimizu: thanks00:06
kevinlyI want to play around with tihs beryl/compiz thing00:06
shimizukevinly, it's common .00:06
minimect_acko: install ubuntu? You are running the alternate install-disk?00:06
kevinlybut I cna't seem to get anything that shows me how dto use it00:06
=== Vorian is now known as OGV
[chr0n0s]brice, blank screen as in blank, no OS loading.. can you goto terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 ?00:06
lucashungarowildman: that sucks00:06
wildmancomicinker, good luck00:06
pike_kevinly: first thing id do is /join #compiz-fusion  channel we can try to help here but.. they are more exp with it00:07
lucashungarowildman: What you've done?00:07
cafuegokevinly: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager -> System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects00:07
wildmanlucashungaro, yes, big time... and as I said before someone yesterday was complaining of similar pb: X resetting itself 'alone'00:07
=== wirechief is now known as wirchief1
kevinlycafuego: thanks, i didn't realise that was there00:07
kevinlypike_: tanks00:07
t_ackominimec: I don't think it's alternate... it should be the standard ubuntu install disc00:07
wildmanlucashungaro, changed Horiz and Vert refresh rates cuz my monitor wasn't properly detected (Philips 170S 17 inch LCD)00:07
lucashungarowildman: sometimes it even starts on 640x480 and doesn't shows higher resolutions00:08
wildmanlucashungaro, that way I could achieve max res: 1280x1024@75Hz00:08
tomlarkindoes anyone in here think that they could help me out getting my radeon x1600 working?00:08
Sn3ipen@shimizu:Thanks but i still cant get his files :/00:08
=== OGV is now known as vorian
wildmanlucashungaro, now it's 1280x1024@5x Hz00:08
wirchief1tomlarkin we can try00:08
minimect_acko: I did not know, that you have an install option in the boot menu now. I thought you have to boot up gnome to install.00:08
tafsenAre there a post install page for Gutsy? I.E. shows you how to install mp3 support?00:08
adac2how can i disable fsck checking at booting? Or at least disable this for the windows partitions which takes horrible long00:08
lucashungarowildman: that's too bad for our eyes :(00:08
wildman60Hz, just checked00:08
theTravok, so as far as I'm concerned gutsy's multi monitor addition is a flop :/00:09
wildmanI've used the x to say 0-9 ;)00:09
tomlarkinwirchief1 that would be great, i''ll warn you though, I've had a lot of problems getting it running on this computer for some reason00:09
t_ackowell the hard drive it blank.. the install cd just has whatever this install application is00:09
wirchief1tomlarkin: see pm00:09
t_ackoanyway, I'll screw with it later... thanks anyway minimec00:09
smmagicGot it working :) thanks00:09
minimect_acko: Are you in a graphical envirenment with windows?00:09
theTravit can set up a second monitor for my pc, but when the resolution was different, it made the left screen display the lower resolution but draw the large resolution, so I was panning about the desktop00:10
c0Ldwirechief1: I got the command to work I think...is there a way to see what driver version I'm running now?00:10
shimizuSn3ipen, well if you see his pc on network and his shared folders.. maybe there some new stuff in vista.. but for sure files should have access to read.. so u can download from him.. to share files on ubuntu.. read samba documentation00:10
t_ackobooted up from the install disc00:10
minimect_acko: ... and then it prompts you to start the ubuntu live disk. is that right00:11
c0Ldwirechief: I got the command to work I think...is there a way to see what driver version I'm running now?00:11
gary_inNYCfinally figured out a way to easily share ntfs-3g mounted partitions to xp boxes in a LAN; it had very little to do with a lot of the documentation available.. had to install ntfs-config, remount it as writable, then edit smb.conf for security = share , guest = nobody , and add a line for the share where guest ok = yes00:11
buttercupstafsen, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats00:11
wirchief1c0Ld: yes do in termina cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Driver00:11
gary_inNYCnow sharing is idiot proof under these settings :)00:12
pike_gary_inNYC: wiki.ubuntu.com  share the experience :)00:12
PriceChildwirchief1, that's wasting a pipe!00:12
brice[chr0n0s]: yup black, ctrl+alt+F1 does nothing00:12
* Nelsmar waves00:12
gary_inNYCwill do00:12
c0Ldwirchief1:         Driver          "ati"  -- not too informative :(00:12
tafsenbuttercups: Thank you00:12
PriceChildwirchief1, grep "Driver" /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:12
Nelsmarhhe my crtl+alt+f1 is messed up too :D stupid drivers00:12
Nelsmartried to fix it.... and i ended up having to format and reinstall00:13
pinionI'm having a problem with my external usb drives under Gutsy.  I didn't have a problem in Feisty but I did a clean install.  Is there a way to reinstall the latest Feisty Kernel and boot into Gutsy with it?00:13
wirchief1c0Ld: that tells you that you are using ati00:13
sahili have my dvdrw drive being recognized by lshw yet i cant mount it, i also cant boot from cd any ideas of what i could try?00:13
c0Ldwirchief1: Aren't both drivers from ATI? :|00:13
Nelsmaranyone else having problems with black when you go to console with nvidia.. it looks liek my screen is burning up when i shift over its creepy :P00:13
wirchief1c0Ld: there are open source ati00:14
briceNelsmar; also get a black screen?00:14
Nelsmarbrice yup00:14
theTravwhy does gibbon keep prompting me for the install disk?00:14
theTravcan't it get what it wants from the interpipes?00:14
c0Ldwirchief1: Is there any way to see the actual version number? :\ I just want to make sure I'm not running .42.300:15
bricehow can it be fixed?00:15
enyctheTrav: well it can... but if its got cd listed it will use it if that has the newest file00:15
buttercupstheTrav, uncheck cd rom system>admin>software sources00:15
enyctheTrav: you can change the sources.list and comment out the cd entry...  or use "synaptic" and un-tick it00:15
wirchief1c0Ld:  one momenet00:15
shimizutheTrav, in some cases it ask for cd, i dun remember last time it asked, but i just inserted and had no problems :|00:15
comicinkerwildman: so after restart: the problem seems to be away now. thank you ;)00:16
Evanlecpinion, that sounds like a terrible idea00:16
Innomenndiswrapper deb00:16
wildmancomicinker, I was waiting for you to reconnect to ask. yw.00:16
Nelsmarbrice, its a driver problem00:16
minimecNelsmar: I cannot confirm that ... GE7600GS restricted driver, twinview.00:16
Nelsmarbut when installed a differnet driver it worked.... but then XGL wasnt working :(00:16
Keitarohow do i UNinstall dial-up drivers from ubuntu gusty gibbon 7.10 please? thnx :)00:17
theTravyeah I had no problems, but I can see me having problems in a month or so when I've lost the cd00:17
Arafangionbrice: ATI.00:17
briceI have an nVidia 8800GTX00:17
InnomenWhere do i get a deb for the latest ndiswrapper? the one from the cd is 1.43, its up to 1.4800:17
briceso ...00:17
Nelsmarminimec might be because im on a mobile network card. im pretty sure thats it. also when i was using 7.10 beta fusion was awsome... then 7.10 offical came out and now it lags terribly and there is a memor leak00:17
markoramiusEr... I have a bit of a question regarding install, if somebody wouldn't mind helping me out...00:17
Nelsmarbrice and your having hte problem when you switch to consodle you get a black screen?00:17
Arafangionbrice: somewhat better than ati. :)00:17
pinionEvanlec: I don't know what else to do00:18
Nelsmari havnt tried on my desktop... ide have to see if it gets a black screen too. im failry certain my problem is because i am usin an nvidi amobile vidoe card and the normal drivers dont realyl work on my laptop :p00:18
InnomenI'm gunna ahve to stop recommending ubutu to people if networking is such low priority and upgrades are always so catastrophic00:18
thedefenderis it possible to get DRI on dual heads using the latest FGLRX release and AIGLX00:18
briceNelsmar: no I just installed gutsy on an external drive, and when I select it in grub I get two lines and then black screen00:18
pinguin85hello there00:18
minimecNelsmar: I don't have much experience with nvidia, but as an old ATI user, I am glad to have a GeForce now. ;)00:18
bricerecovery mode seems to work though00:18
Nelsmarbrice oh completley diff problme htan me lol00:19
pinguin85i know this will be the 40000 question i´ll ask, but maybe somebody can help me :(00:19
bricemy first time trying linux other than on virtual machine00:19
Nelsmarminimec yeah lol the reason i use nvidia is because ati used to have terrible linux support for drivers00:19
lucashungaroAnyone knows how to enable refresh rates greater than 58Hz? I have a GeForce 6600GT and my monitor supports 1280x1024@80Hz on Windows.00:19
pinguin85i know this will be the 40000 question i´ll ask, but maybe somebody can help me :(00:19
briceproving to be quite a pita00:19
shimizulucashungaro, is it CRT or TFT monitor00:19
pike_Innomen: i havent seen a problem but i would hold off on recommending the latest ubuntu till a month or so into release generally00:19
markoramiusI'm looking to install Ubuntu as a second boot on a system that's currently running Vista... I've got some questions about partitioning hard drives that are already in use as a single partition, if somebody can loan me a little time.00:19
Innomenbrice: it still acts like a beta00:19
Nelsmarbrice its problab a poblem with you using an external drive :(00:19
lucashungarocrt, LG F700P00:19
Nelsmarive awlays instaleld on an internal00:20
pinguin85can anybody help me with connedcting my ubuntu to the internet?"00:20
Innomenpike_: silly me for trusting the beta test process and the offical update button00:20
lucashungaroshimizu: CRT, LG F700P00:20
bricealso had the problem with the standard iso, so I installed using the alternate00:20
zOapIf I would run mplayer in gnome-terminal with a playlist what should I type in the run dialog? like: gnome-terminal -? mplayer -playlist /path/to ?00:20
shimizulucashungaro, u can set up rate by editing xorg.conf.. manually00:20
Innomenpike_: if i'm supposed ot wait a month tne they should delay release for a month :P00:20
gutsyAleExXxXIs there any way to stop ubuntu adding icons to my desktop? e.g CD-ROM icon00:20
bricethe naapic nolapic trick didn't work00:20
ermac0pinguin85, whats the error00:20
Sn3ipen1I found my mates vista computer in the network but i was asked for a passport??00:20
Nelsmarminimec: are you using nvidia and compiz - fusion?00:20
deadlylifeHey guys, Fish here, Ubuntu is working.00:21
Innomenpike_: why would you delete support for a device? i can see halting support for it, but making it not work entierly?00:21
Sn3ipen1I found my mates vista computer in the network but i was asked for a pasword??00:21
deadlylifeNow how to I use Compiz?00:21
Sn3ipen1sorry.. bad english00:21
Ominousheya i am having some problems with vent and wine which i didnt have in fiesty, anyone expierenced in this arena?00:21
InnomenSn3ipen1: samba, yur gunna have to make a password00:21
joheysn3ipen1: usually the Administrator account will have a blank password00:21
lucashungaroshimizu: I did open that file and it lists all correct resolutions and refresh rates. But they doesn't appear in the settings00:21
shimizulucashungaro, u sure u corrected right string ?00:21
wildmanbon ppl... gotta leave00:21
minimecNelsmar: I played around with it, but I am an enlightenment e17 user. It's working great even with twinview.00:22
InnomenSn3ipen1: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/create-a-samba-user-on-ubuntu/00:22
wildmanhave a nice one !00:22
* pinguin85 slaps i3d around a bit with a large trout00:22
buttercupsmarkoramius, download and burn a gparted live cd, boot from it , shrink that bad vista down some =)00:22
lucashungaroshimizu: In the graphical tool it lists some weirdness like 1600x1200@90Hz00:22
Sn3ipen1we dont know what password00:22
shimizulucashungaro, u sure u corrected right string ?00:22
InnomenSn3ipen1: read the link, you have to create one00:22
lucashungaroshimizu: I didn't changed anything on the file00:22
Nelsmarminimec:  so your not usin fusion?00:22
deadlylifeNow how do I use Compiz?00:22
thedefendermarkoramius: Just use Gparted to resize your windowes partition, then using the free space you have made create a new partition for ubuntu, you will need at least 2Gig for ubuntu, you will also need to create  a swap partition which should double the size of system memory. All this can be done in the Ubuntu Live CD00:22
briceNelsmar: well recovery mode works, I can startx00:22
markoramiusbuttercups, I can just directly shrink the partition without damaging the data inside? I haven't done a lot of work with partitioning volumes that currently have data.00:22
briceso I don't think the external drive is the problem00:22
Nelsmardeadlylife you need to install restricte drivers System : Administration : Restrcited drivers00:22
InnomenSn3ipen1: of course nothing TELLS you that yur supposed to be born knowing it, thats what i spent the first 5 hours of today doing00:22
lucashungaroshimizu: The correct mode is there, but id doesn't appear on the configuration tool00:23
Nelsmardeadlylife: once you install yoru restricted ib elevie itl auto turn on on the low settting. then go to apearance and you can turn up the fusion options00:23
Nelsmarbrice: so you are getting a console ??00:23
thedefendermarkoramius: Due to a bug in the Ubuntu installer use the Gparted found in your System menu00:23
pike_Innomen: i doubt it is intentional.. is there anything in launchpad about a bug?00:23
neopsycheshimizu: var/www says that i am not the owner of the file so i cant write to it.00:23
Nelsmarbrice: sorry so many text... im a slow reader XD00:23
neopsychehow to i make myself root by default?00:23
minimecNelsmar: I made such silly things like playing a youtube video, watching tv with tvtime and running totem with a movie to test that card in twinview. Works great! I am using compiz-fusion.00:23
bricecan pm?00:23
buttercupsmarkoramius, sure can thats what gparted live cd does , always good to back up though =)00:23
Nelsmaryeahhh i can watch porn on ubuntu now00:23
neopsycheshimizu: if im not the owner of my files then who is?00:23
pinguin85the problem is, i can ping my ehternet card but cannot connect to the internet00:23
shimizuneopsyche, easy solution sudo chmod 775 /var/www00:23
lucashungaroshimizu: Do I have to delete the other modes and let just 1280x1024@80Hz there?00:23
markoramiusthedefender, Gparted is on the live CD?00:23
Nelsmarminimec: no memory leaks?00:23
shimizuneopsyche, to check owner ls -l00:23
Nelsmarafter about 30mins i hit 92% memory and then my mouse stoppd funcitonng properly00:24
shimizulucashungaro, nope.. is there only 1 string with modes under Defaultdepth 24 ?00:24
Innomenpike_: does it matter? if i'm the only one to report it they'll ignore it, if 200 people are haveing the same problem, why waste my time?00:24
lucashungaroshimizu: let me see00:24
markoramiusbuttercups, We've already backed up any vital data, and I figured there would be an easy utility for this, but I haven't done a Linux/Ubuntu install before... and it's not my computer. ^_^;;00:24
briceNelsmar: pm00:24
neopsycheshimizu: but does that compromise my server security?00:24
trixonHi, how do I change the path for the default document directory like in Kubuntu/kde?00:24
shimizuneopsyche, yep it does... owner of /var/www should be www-data .. this is apache2 group00:25
nickrudneopsyche: yes, you should move files into that directory using sudo.00:25
Innomenpike_: can you help me find the newest deb for ndiswrapper?00:25
buttercupsmarkoramius, yes    http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php00:25
neopsycheshimizu: it still says i dont have access00:25
minimecNelsmar: nope. tvtime has some short interruptions sometimes, but I guess this is my P4 1.5 ;)00:25
markoramiusbuttercups: Thanks for the heads-up. ^_^00:25
neopsychenickrud: im using ubuntu install with gnome00:25
c0Ldwirchief1: I -THINK- I'm finally on my old driver, but I'm not 100% sure =|00:25
pinguin85i would be apreciated, if somebody text with me in a query!00:25
neopsychenickrud: nautilus to copy files00:25
shimizuwhat does ls -l says about www dir ?00:25
pinguin85the problem is, i can ping my ehternet card but cannot connect to the internet00:25
wirchief1c0Ld: very good00:25
shimizuneopsyche, what does ls -l says about www dir ?00:25
lucashungaroshimizu: no... there is a lot of modes00:25
thedefendermarkoramius: You won't need the Gparted live cd, you can use the Ubuntu Live CD00:26
Innomenpike_: you'd think the ndiswrapper page would have one, but there i go thinking logically again, silly me00:26
Nelsmarminimec:  to be expected. now compiz fusion doenst owrk haha00:26
astro76minimec, yeah with that CPU you won't really be able to run more than the most basic de-interlacing mode, otherwise it will stutter00:26
nickrudneopsyche: I understand, but nautilus is really meant for user files, not system files. When you work with the system, you should use the terminal. Or, alt-f2 gksudo nautilus . (DANGEROUS)00:26
astro76minimec, in tvtime00:26
markoramiusthedefender: The utility's already included?00:26
pike_Innomen: sorry ive never used ndiswrapper but try www.getdeb.net00:26
neopsychenickrud: bash: /var/www: is a directory00:26
shimizulucashungaro,  there should string modes and if it's only one than it's weird.. if there are lots of modes string u should check one wich has depth 24 near it00:26
dougbdoes anyone know if it is necessary to use the ndiswrapper with a broadcom 1390 wireless card? or can i use the broadcom firmware that 7.10 will download?00:26
neopsychebash: /var/www: is a directory00:26
thedefendermarkoramius: yes it is located in the systems menu under partition editor00:26
nickrudneopsyche: sure is, what's the command that got you that error?00:27
minimecastro76: Yeah, but it runs quiet nice ...00:27
markoramiusthedefender: Awesome. Thanks a million for the help, man.00:27
astro76minimec, oh yeah ;)00:27
thedefenderafter you resize run the installer on desktop00:27
astro76minimec, running on a 1.3GHz celeron :p00:27
neopsychedont know if im doing the command right .. im a noobie ..  /var/www ls -l00:27
minimecastro76: ;)00:27
nickrudneopsyche: ls -l /var/www :)00:27
Nelsmarhhmmmmm my fusion died *crys*00:27
tomlarkinI was just in here with someone that said they could help me out with getting my radeon x1600 working, but i unplugged my comp by accident, whoever i was talking to, could you please message me again00:27
nickrud!terminal | neopsyche00:27
ubotuneopsyche: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:27
c0Ldwirchief1: mm, scrolling on any given page in firefox is excessively slow for some reason, feels like it might be the new one still =|00:27
wirchief1c0Ld: come to my pm00:28
astro76neopsyche, ls -l /var/www will list the contents, if you want to check the dir itself, ls -ld /var/www00:28
minimecastro76: My surprise was, that there is no difference in tvtime using gnome and compiz-fusion or e17.00:28
neopsychenickrud: total 400:28
neopsychedrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-10-16 09:21 apache2-default00:28
astro76minimec, I think since it uses video-overlay it bypasses all that junk00:28
neopsycheshimizu: total 400:28
neopsychedrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-10-16 09:21 apache2-default00:28
wirchief1cOLd register and you can get better attention00:29
Nelsmarhey anyone know where the compiz log files are stored?00:29
riddleboxI have an avi file that will not play in any player, when I try to open it with oggconvert it says The file format "None" is not supported?00:29
lucashungaroshimizu: take a look: http://pastie.caboo.se/11138700:29
minimecastro76: good answer ;) That's probably it.00:29
shimizuneopsyche, u'd better tell me what going to do with /var/www.. gonna copy project into it ?00:29
act1v8Nelsmar: ~/.config/compiz-config00:29
Nelsmarty actlv800:29
neopsycheshimizu: I want to install a cms00:29
nickrudneopsyche: yes, that sounds right. So, to copy over your web site, assuming it's at /home/neosyche/web , you'd do sudo cp ~/web/* /var/www00:29
neopsycheshimizu: i tried to install lamp... using synaptic00:29
shimizuneopsyche, sudo chmod 775 /var/www and compy it into it00:30
shimizuneopsyche, this was a good choice00:30
shimizuneopsyche, and copy* cms into it00:30
Nelsmaract1v8:  nothign about logging in there... any chance you know the param for log?00:30
c0Ldneat, glxgears crashes x too00:30
Nelsmarc0Ld thats nasty00:30
ghotiriddlebox try running this --> mencoder -forceidx -oac copy -ovc copy infile.avi -o outfile.avi00:30
thedefenderis it possible to get DRI on dual heads using the latest FGLRX release and AIGLX00:30
c0Ldi really want to just revert to my old driver :|00:30
shimizulucashungaro, it seems all fine and u got only 1 resolution ?00:30
neopsycheshimizu: ok i typed that .. and it kicks me back to command prompt?00:30
ghotiwhere infile.avi is the one with the problem and outfile is anything00:31
neopsycheshimizu: does that mean it worked?00:31
wirchief1cOld see my pm00:31
shimizuneopsyche, yeap00:31
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
act1v8Nelsmar: hmm... you might try /var/log/messages but highly unlikely... dunno, never needed to log what compiz does00:31
shimizuneopsyche, try copy ur cms project into it now00:31
neopsycheshimizu:  so now i can copy paste .00:31
Nelsmaract1v8: hhmm eah cause its not working00:31
shimizuneopsyche, u can always try00:31
Keitarodial-up drivers not compatible with ubuntu 7.10 gusty gibbon?00:31
neopsycheshimizu: still says no permission00:31
act1v8Nelsmar: what's your GPA?00:31
lucashungaroshimizu: No. The tool shows all of them. But, when I select 1280x1024 it only shows 50Hz, 57Hz and 58Hz as available refresh rates00:31
Nelsmaract1v8: it worked when i firs installe dhten it had a memory leak and everythign started locking up... i shut it off and then turning it back on my comptuer runs at 1fps and n visual effects00:31
* nickrud has never understood messing with reasonable security 00:32
Nelsmaract1v8: what is GPA?00:32
neopsycheshimizu: still shows same permissions?00:32
thedefendergrade point average00:32
act1v8Nelsmar: typo... accidentally pressed P, GA, Graphic Adapter00:32
=== ghoti is now known as ghotiing
=== RoRis2 is now known as RoRookie
Nelsmaract1v8: 6200go. in 7.10 beta worked at 60fps perfectly fine00:32
shimizulucashungaro, add this before other modes "1280x1024@85" or rate wich u need00:32
lucashungaroshimizu: ok00:33
shimizulucashungaro, with sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf then restart gnome00:33
thedefenderanyone using the ATI FGLRX 8.42 driver with compiz running00:33
neopsycheshimizu: seems whatever i type it stays the same?00:33
RickJamesi have a hp 526x computer with onboard intel 82845g/g4/ge/pe/gv  chipset, i disable the onboard in bios, install a pci nvidia card, and boot, gdm won't enable, and sudo dpkg-reconfigure refuses to detect the pci card. i did lspci|grep VGA and i have my bus identifiers.00:33
act1v8Nelsmar: I don't know what compiz could have done... XOrg might be the deal00:33
mc44thedefender: yes00:33
chybeckhi, got a problem, i did "sudo update-initramfs -u" cause i didn't have any splash screen , and now i can boot neither in rescue mode, i'm in commande line with argument (initramfs) . What can i do ?00:33
nickrudthedefender: I did for a while, but went back to ati for suspend00:33
neopsycheshimizu: also .. is it supposed to say 'root root'00:33
shimizuneopsyche, yes it does00:33
Jordan_U_thedefender, The new driver is crap, I don't suggest installing it if you havn't already00:34
thedefendermc44: how is it, are you using AIGLX or XGL00:34
Nelsmaract1v8: apears that... my cpu hits 100% instantly when xgl is enabled00:34
neopsycheshimizu: why is it not changing permissions?00:34
shimizuneopsyche, 1. cd /var/www 2. mkdir test00:34
act1v8Nelsmar: Xgl?00:34
shimizuneopsyche, make this in terminal then say what u got in result00:34
mc44thedefender: its slow00:34
rhizomehi friends... i have a problem about wmware00:34
Nelsmarsorry fusion00:34
Nelsmarwas saying gl layer on X ignore that :)00:34
act1v8Nelsmar: AFAIK, AIGLX is in Xorg 7.3 and so in every distro00:34
neopsycheshimizu: now on command line i am at: root@videoserver1:/var/www#00:34
lucashungaroshimizu: er... sorry, but how do I restart gnome?00:35
shimizuneopsyche, ROOT?00:35
shimizulucashungaro, log out =)00:35
Nelsmaract1v8: soooo when i enable compiz it hits 100% cpu usage ;x00:35
neopsycheshimizu: I was using as root00:35
chybeckhi, got a problem, i did "sudo update-initramfs -u" cause i didn't have any splash screen , and now i can boot neither in rescue mode, i'm in commande line with argument (initramfs) . What can i do ?00:35
shimizulucashungaro, or fast method - ctrl+alt+backspace00:35
neopsycheshimizu: using sudo su command first00:35
gary_inNYCwhoa slow down there with the questions neopsyche lol00:35
markoramiusthedefender: If you're still around, what file system should I make on the new partition?00:35
lucashungaroshimizu: oh, yeah. Thanks.00:35
shimizuneopsyche, this is the worst idea00:35
act1v8Nelsmar: are the effects working at least00:35
neopsycheshimizu: huh?00:35
shimizuneopsyche, never run under root00:35
Innomeni guess i'm goin back to xp00:35
justizzlehey guys. my computer stopped running. before starting x it tries to fsck and it says that my hd is in read only mode so it cant do the fsck. any ideas?00:35
shimizuneopsyche, when u need root just make sudo and command00:36
neopsycheshimizu: ok .. so what do i do to fix it.00:36
Sn3ipen1need help with sampa, when i try to create a password for a user it simply says Failed to modify password entry for user username00:36
riddleboxghoti, this is supposed to be a divx file, but that command said this file format is not recognized?00:36
Nelsmaract1v8: uuhhh i think i see transparency / shadows but wobble isnt working let me check agian brb 2 mins00:36
neopsycheshimizu: have i broken something?00:36
shimizuneopsyche, especially when ur novice.. u need to change back rights00:36
shimizuneopsyche, well first get back to ur normal account :)00:36
act1v8Nelsmar: wobbly shouldn't be working if selected Basic00:36
=== Flux-D is now known as FluxD
wirchief1c0Ld come back00:36
neopsycheshimizu: no .. im in normal account in gui gnome .. and on terminal i am root00:36
Nelsmaract1v8: yup all effects are working :)00:37
neopsychehow do i go back to normal account?00:37
gary_inNYCneophyte; disable the root account, use a secondary account that can sudo when root access is needed for individual tasks00:37
neopsychei typed exit00:37
Nelsmarneopsyche: from su(superuser)? exit00:37
neopsychenow i seem to be back at.00:37
shimizuneopsyche, then close this one and open new terminal wich will say URNAME@urpc00:37
nickrudJordan_U: meant to ask yesterday, did your dpkg project work properly over time?00:37
thedefendermarkoramius: make it EX300:37
eboyjrIs there anyway possible that I can have a random splash image in GRUB?00:37
act1v8Nelsmar: I'm trying to remember where Xorg kept it's log00:37
neopsycheshimizu: yes i have that in the same terminal now by typing exit.00:37
markoramiusthedefender: Copy that, thanks again.00:37
shimizueboyjr, go gnome-look.org00:37
Nelsmaract1v8: i checked the xorg log its clean :(00:38
pike_eboyjr: yeah you could write a script so that at shutdown it changes the filename in menu.lst for image00:38
shimizuneopsyche, so ur not root anymore ? =)00:38
c0Ldwirchief1: I'm here, but I don't think I can reply to your messages =\00:38
Nelsmaract1v8: actually let me double and tripple check it00:38
neopsycheshimizu: whats next00:38
ISS_StudentHow do you change icon themes in Gnome?00:38
lucashungaroshimizu: Thanks. Worked like a charm. Much better now!00:38
nickrudeboyjr: you could write a script that would rotate a link to the grub splash image00:38
neopsycheshimizu: no.. doesnt say so00:38
Nelsmarits /var/log/Xorg.*00:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about synergy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:38
neopsycheshimizu: says.. andrew@videoserver1:~$00:38
=== FluxD is now known as flux-d
mEck0is there a way to use tabs in Nautilus?00:38
act1v8ISS_Student: System > Preferences > Appearance00:38
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT00:38
neopsycheshimizu: is that right.00:38
neopsycheshimizu: it looks right00:38
deadlylifeI just installed 7.1. How do I use Compiz?00:38
nickrudmEck0: no, but that's not a bad idea00:38
oxeimonif I want to install latex, what package do I need? There are like 20 different latex packages00:39
act1v8mEck0: no00:39
lucashungaroshimizu: Thanks. Worked like a charm. Much better now!00:39
neopsycheshimizu: so What should i type now? I just want to copy paste a file and i cant understand why i dont have permission?00:39
ISS_StudentI looked in system>preferences>appearances but no icon settings00:39
eboyjrpike_, That's a great idea! How can I run a shutdown script? Wouldn't Ubuntu get closed before the script finishes?00:39
mEck0nickrud, I know that pcmanfm has support for it, so I thoughy maybe Nautilus has too...00:39
shimizulucashungaro, np. but don't play around with xorg.conf much in a future it just fast solution00:39
deadlylifeHow do I use Compiz?00:39
johnny_CAs long as I update my software using Adept, is there any benefit to upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10? Will I get kernel updates through adept?00:39
shimizuneopsyche, so now type sudo chmod 775 /var/www and try to copy in there00:39
act1v8ISS_Student: ok, go to Appearance00:39
lucashungaroshimizu: ok00:39
act1v8ISS_Student: and click Custom00:40
Winballneopsyche and remember to open port 80 in your router00:40
act1v8ISS_Student: you can see a tab there00:40
shimizuneopsyche, i don't actually know what did u do under root access to make any suggestion now ;/00:40
Nelsmardeadlylife: first enable your restricted drivers system->adminstration->restircted drivers| then go to apearance an click visual and then click one of hte lower two bubbles :)00:40
ISS_StudentThanks activ8700:40
=== [GS]SoRcS is now known as ^SoRcS^
neopsycheshimizu: when i look at file permissions in nautilus it says.. owner.. ROOT .. group .. ROOT00:40
shimizuneopsyche, on www folder ?00:40
neopsycheshimizu: yes00:41
shimizuwait a sec00:41
thedefendermc44: would you recommend going with the new driver and AIGLX with compiz or using the one in the repos and using XGL00:41
dopelhas anyone tried pointing amorok to a network share drive?00:41
act1v8neopsyche: I recommend you using the command line to change permissions00:41
oxeimonif I want to start using latex, which latex package should I install? There are like 20 of them00:41
mc44thedefender: its buggy and slow on aiglx00:41
neopsycheact1v8: how?00:41
deadlylifeNelsmar, okay, how do I customize Compiz more?00:41
shimizuneopsyche, cd /var/www  and then mkdir test00:41
act1v8neopsyche: well, chmod00:41
pike_eboyjr: write the script (the hard-also fun part) then mv it to /etc/init.d/ then run "sudo update-rc.d mahscriptname stop 22 0 6"  i think00:41
neopsycheact1v8: how can i change the permissions from root .. to my account?00:41
Nelsmardeadlylife is ther ea custom button at the bottom?00:42
dopelamorok seems to be stuck in a infinite loop of updating the music library00:42
briceNelsmar: pm00:42
Nelsmarbrice i pm'd ya00:42
neopsycheshimizu: in root or normal prompt?00:42
thedefendermc44: so you would reccomend sticking with current repo restricted and XGL?00:42
act1v8neopsyche: for /var/www you sould do: sudo chmod a+rw -R /var/www00:42
shimizuneopsyche, EVERYTHING in normal00:42
deadlylifeNelsmar, No sir, I'm afraid not.00:42
Pelodopel,  check in your music folders make sure you don'T have a recursive symlink in there somewhere00:42
Nelsmardeadylife one sec ill get you a command00:42
pike_eboyjr: id do it like build an array of the splash images in your dir so that you arent hard coding anything into the script00:42
mc44thedefender: I don't recommend either way :P Just saying what the situation is00:42
eboyjrpike_, That's a bash script, correct?00:43
act1v8neopsyche: that will change the permissions on the folders and files inside too00:43
deaddreamerhow do i install a beryl theme on gusty gibbon??00:43
pike_eboyjr: yep. im sure someone has already written on00:43
briceNelsmar: when?00:43
act1v8deaddreamer: install the emerald package00:43
shimizudeadcandance, emerald theme u mean?00:43
neopsycheshimizu: cannot mk dir permission denied00:43
johnny_CAs long as I update my software using Adept, is there any benefit to upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10? Will I get kernel updates through adept?00:43
briceat least you're not responding to my messages00:43
deaddreamerwhat package'?00:43
iobeliskhi, every time i try install a package into the splash screen manager, it closes instead of adding the theme.. any ideas?00:43
johnficcaok so I got a wireless card for my desktop it is a realtek 8185l Wireless G Pci, how do I get this working in Ubuntu 7.10 ?00:43
johnficcaif it works00:43
act1v8deaddreamer: emerald00:43
justizzlek guys. Im on live cd trying to recover files off a gutsy install i had messed up somehow. how do i make it so i can change permissions on the harddrive so i can copy the files i need over to my external? any help is appreciated00:43
shimizuneopsyche, ok last try give it sudo chmod 777 /var/www00:43
deadlylifeNelsmar, no custom button in "visual effects".00:43
Nelsmardeadlylife: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager00:44
shimizuneopsyche, it HAS to write into it after00:44
daredevili have the following problem with my wlan adapter00:44
Nelsmarthen when you reopen you shoudl have a config... if not right no TOP of aperance there iwll be a config manager progrma00:44
gribouilleI have a problem with locale support00:44
neopsycheshimizu: ah .. did what act1v8 said... it works now ;-)00:44
gribouilleLANG=fr_FR.iso885915 perl -Mlocale -e 'print chr 189' doesn't yield the correct result00:44
andresjjohnny_C, I wouldn't try to upgrade to gutsy (7.10) with the Adept helper. It didn't work for many people (including me).00:44
Nelsmarbrice hhmm somethign might be wrong with my irc chat00:44
neopsycheThanks act1v800:44
daredevili have a ibook g4 with an airport extreme00:44
thedefenderI have loved ATI up to the point i started using linux, no i friggin hate them00:44
act1v8neopsyche: np00:44
shimizuneopsyche, good =)00:44
Nelsmarbrice i gotta help my gf with dinner realyl fast hold on are you getting ym messages?00:44
dopelPelo, its a windows share...I don't believe there are any symlinks in it00:44
deadlylifeNelsmar, I ran it.00:44
deadlylifeIt's done.00:44
Pelojustizzle, what FS is the external drive ?00:44
thedefenderexcept for my graphics configuration my system is running smooth as glass00:44
neopsycheshimizu: hmm... but it still says root on permissions... er.. what exactly did i do?00:44
act1v8neopsyche: you should read man chmod too, just to have some insight at permissions under unix systems00:44
Nelsmardeadlylice there shoudl be a config program in the menus now ... righ before apearances00:45
spepshow can i run a 32 bit application on a 64 bit so???Please HELP00:45
Pelodopel, ic was worth a look tho00:45
Nelsmarcalled davanceddesktop effects00:45
justizzlePelo:  its ext300:45
shimizushimizu, it's ok it has to be on www folder00:45
neopsycheact1v8: what did i change because it still says user root group root00:45
daredeviland everytime i will use the ubuntu network tool i got the message that the virtual interface eth1:avhi is not in /proc/net/dev00:45
Nelsmarbrice are you getting ym message?00:45
deadlylifeNelsmar, It's done.00:45
DerangedDingoHey guys, I'm trying to compile GIMP 2.4 for Feisty and document it, and before I "make install" glib 2.12.13 i wanna know if it's safe. i dunno if it will overwrite the old glib libraries00:45
markoramiusNew problem: The install window is bigger than the monitor's resolution; I can't help but think that there's a "next" button that I should see and be able to click, but that isn't there. Suggestions?00:45
act1v8neopsyche: ignore nautilus00:45
Pelojustizzle, do you get an error msg when you try to copy ? should be just a matter of drag dropping the files00:45
daredeviland i ask myself what is this interface00:45
neopsycheact1v8: lol00:45
daredevili dont need it00:45
deadlylifeNelsmar, What should I run now?00:45
dopelthe progress bar gets to 96% stops for a few seconds and starts over00:45
act1v8neopsyche: you need to reload00:45
neopsychethanks for the help00:45
nickrudneopsyche: you allowed anyone to read or write into that directory, that's what 777 means00:45
Nelsmardeadlylife system->prefrences->Advanced desktop effects00:45
Nelsmardadylife thas how you customize compiz :)00:46
justizzlePelo:  i just need to know how to open the window as root so i can change permissions00:46
Nelsmargott cook dinner ill be back in 5-10 guys00:46
daredevilsomeone an idea how i can fix this problem?00:46
deadlylifeNelsmar, thank you very much.00:46
neopsycheact1v8: i reload ubuntu and it reflects the changes on nautilus?00:46
Pelojustizzle,  gksu nautilus /path/00:46
deadlylifeWho can tell me what's new since Fiesty?00:46
act1v8neopsyche: no, you reload nautilus00:46
j__how i shutdown Ubuntu with terminal i can shutdown00:46
Pelodeadlylife, check the change log on the ubuntu.com site00:46
justizzlePelo:  you are my hero00:46
shimizuneopsyche, it will say root in any case.. u used chmod not chgrp =)00:46
neopsycheact1v8: did i chmod to 777?00:46
g0thI just compiled my own kernel and now I tried to add it to grub. But when I try to boot it it gives an error message and tells me to specify a correct root parameter00:46
act1v8j__: sudo shutdown -h now00:46
nickrudj__: sudo shutdown00:46
johnny_Candres: thanks. what benefit does gutsy have over feisty that I can't get by updating via adept? specifically, will i get kernel updates through adept? (i can update the software myself if I have to)00:46
PriceChilddeadlylife, read the announcement about gutsy on ubuntu.com00:47
act1v8why did I pass that -h?00:47
thedefenderdealylife: Well compiz fusion is built in, a new indexing search system, ummm00:47
deadlylifePriceChild, okay00:47
g0thI simply took the root parameter from the ubuntu kernel settings00:47
Winballneopsyche Did you open port 80 and 443 in your router?00:47
deadlylifePriceChild, Thanks.00:47
g0thand that doesn't seem to work00:47
* nickrud was on a roll yesterday, and stupid today.00:47
astro76deadlylife, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour00:47
neopsycheWinball: is this the same as 777 >>> sudo chmod a+rw -R /var/www00:47
* Pelo pats nickrud on the back , it happens to the best of us , even me 00:47
act1v8neopsyche: yes00:47
Winballneopsyche Ye00:47
act1v8it's the same00:47
act1v8it's just mine is more human00:48
neopsycheWinball: hmm... but do i have to change it back afterwards???00:48
* nickrud thinks about spitting in Pelo 's eye ;P00:48
Winballneopsyche No, why ?00:48
oxeimondoes anyone here use latex?00:48
shimizuact1v8, ;)00:48
neopsycheWinball: can i change permissions in nautilus now .. because its much easier..00:48
act1v8a (all) + r (read) + w (write)00:48
neopsycheWinball: isnt it a security risk ?00:48
Winballneopsyche No, not at all00:48
neopsycheWinball: port 80 they cant change the files?00:48
neopsycheWinball: they need passwords?00:48
Pelooxeimon,  ask a specific question you are more likely to get an answer,  but I think you chould look for a latex channel00:48
kavelotI noticed Ubuntu 7.04 Installation/LiveCD doesn't have basic C headers like stdio.h... is there a way to install them in the LiveCD environment?00:48
Winballneopsyche You are trying to set up apache2 or something? with passwd ?00:49
ubotutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX00:49
shimizuneopsyche, but actually it's all bad.. yes it's a big risk.. coz u have to make permissions on different folders inside ur web-project.. for example upload folders for www-data group to write.. it's used to be apache one00:49
Stormx2kavelot: sudo apt-get install build-essential00:49
Stormx2(I think)00:49
neopsycheWinball: I have installed LAMP... on ubuntu using NAUTILUS.. im now trying to CONFIGURE it...00:49
act1v8kavelot: yes, but unless you have a ton of ram, I wouldn't recommend it00:49
deaddreamerim in emerald theme manager00:49
neopsycheshimizu: need to install a cms...00:49
kavelothm, gonna try00:49
deaddreameri don't know how to apply it :S00:49
thedefenderdid they ever get a Samba GUI made for gnome00:49
neopsycheshimizu: using databases mysql and PHP.00:49
deaddreameri have the theme installed00:49
chybeckhi, got a problem, i did "sudo update-initramfs -u" cause i didn't have any splash screen , and now i can boot neither in rescue mode, i'm in commande line with argument (initramfs) . What can i do ?00:49
acdcZZTOPplease help. for some odd reason, ubuntu is all of a sudden running sluggishly slow after installing xgl-xserver00:49
daredevilok, looks like noone has an idea how to erase this virtual interface00:49
Pelodeaddreamer,  just drag drop the tar.gz package over00:49
shimizuneopsyche, ye i get it lamp is php and mysql and no others =)00:49
johnny_CAs long as I update my software using Adept, is there any benefit to upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10? Will I get kernel updates through adept?00:50
act1v8neopsyche: that shouldn't be too hard00:50
shimizuneopsyche,  if it's local project u have no worries about actually00:50
nickruddeadcandance: same problem, I learned to alt-f2 emerald --replace each time00:50
neopsycheshimizu: cool00:50
deaddreameri have, the theme is installed in the manager, but it doesn't apply :S00:50
deaddreamerdo i have to restart pc'00:50
neopsycheshimizu: its a project... i need to open my router to allow others on network to access it.00:50
justizzlePelo:  its saying that my ubuntu hardrive is read only. im on live disk and it wont let me get into a gui when i try to boot without the live. any ideas?00:50
nickruddeaddreamer: erm,  same problem, I learned to alt-f2 emerald --replace each time00:50
act1v8deaddreamer: run emerald --sync00:50
Pelodeaddreamer,  you might need to trun on emerald as the theme manager used,00:50
nickrudah, --sync00:50
act1v8in the terminal.. there was an easier way but I don't remember it00:51
nucc1hey, where's the openweek happening?00:51
shimizuneopsyche, when u need to read about cms ur installing and check not only chmods .. but php.ini and apache2.conf to make sure ur fully secured00:51
neopsycheshimizu: doh! i still cant use natuilus to cut / paste etc.00:51
Pelojustizzle, I don'T get your problem  if you want to copy from the ubuntu hdd , read only should be enough00:51
act1v8neopsyche: are you running nautilus as root?00:51
Blas89.. Can someone help me?00:51
neopsycheact1v8: no00:51
deaddreamersorry but i cant get it to work00:51
neopsycheact1v8: not that i know of00:51
Pelojustizzle, did you mess around with your  fstab file ?00:51
JimmyDeeBlas89, whats your problem?00:51
deaddreamerin terminal i write emerald --sync?00:52
PeloBlas89,  ask a question00:52
nickrudneopsyche: you're gonna have to get away from the idea of using nautilus on system directories, promise :)00:52
neopsycheact1v8: how do i run nautilus as root?00:52
deaddreamer(im new on linux, sorry)00:52
neopsycheact1v8: from terminal?00:52
act1v8neopsyche: well you need to, even though chmod 777 should enable you00:52
FluxDneopsyche: sudo nautilus00:52
Peloneopsyche,  gksu nautilus00:52
shimizuneopsyche, alt+f2 gksu nautilus.. but u don't need it00:52
act1v8neopsyche: yes, sudo nautilus /var/www00:52
thinman1189i'm having some problems getting my belkin wireless card to work. i've identified it on the wiki but i'm not sure what to do considering it's not wired to the internet.00:52
nickruddeaddreamer: you can use alt-f2 , type it there00:52
riotkittiedont apologize for being new to linux. we were all there at one point. :P00:52
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using « sudo <GUI-application> » - See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info00:52
mikii have problem with gutsy my motherboard is gigabyte P35 DQ-6 and i do not have sound in gutsy?00:52
act1v8ok, gtg00:52
Blas89:), Look, I burned the ISO, restarted my PC so Ubuntu starts, but when I press enter in "Start or Install Ubuntu" it says "Boot Error"00:52
mikiplease helo00:52
shimizubut hell no neopsyche  u have to have common access to /var/ww00:52
shimizunot root one00:52
neopsycheshimizu: huh?00:53
phaedrathinman1189, Which Belkin card?00:53
ugruntuis there an offf topic ubuntu channel?00:53
deaddreamernickrud, i just have and nothing happens :S00:53
Pelo!sound | miki  start with this00:53
ubotumiki  start with this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:53
ubotulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic00:53
JimmyDeeBlas89, did you verify the install disk?00:53
neopsycheshimizu: how do i set common access?00:53
Pelo!offtopic | ugruntu00:53
ubotuugruntu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:53
nickruddeaddreamer: try emerald --replace then, that's what I'd been using. --sync was new to me00:53
usr13Blas89: Check your media.00:53
thinman1189phaedra : F5D700000:53
Blas89What do you mean?00:53
Nelsmarbrice:  you still there?00:53
shimizuneopsyche, actually common i mean not the root one.. just without sudo u should easy copy and paste files in var www... on my pc for local projects i made sudo chmod 777 -R /var/www and all fine00:53
elninjaHow do I install the compiz fusion screensaver plugin on Gutsy?00:53
niuqhow could i upgrade to ubuntu 7.10 if i dont get the choice on my update-manager?00:54
Stormx2 00:54
phaedrathinman1189, Do you have the install cd for it?00:54
usr13Blas89: You may have bad burn to the CD.00:54
deaddreamernickrud,  voila :D thanks00:54
shimizuneopsyche, ls -l for me says this -> drwxrwxrwx  7 root root   184 2007-10-27 03:34 www00:54
Peloelninja, ask in #compiz-fuision00:54
usr13Blas89: Or bad download00:54
neopsycheshimizu: will it hurt if i just use root?00:54
elninjaPelo, thanks00:54
shimizuneopsyche,  no but u will have lots of problems with managin files inside if they all will be written by root00:54
usr13Blas89: Did you do checksum on the iso image?00:54
SelanitQuestion: I'm trying to get my rt61 based wifi card to work.  I've downloaded the CVS driver from rt2x00.serialmonkey.com.  Make and make install went fine.  But when I say "sudo modprobe rt61" it says "FATAL: Module rt61 not found."  What do I need to do in order to make it work?00:54
crimsun_nucc1: #ubuntu-classroom00:54
Blas89I burned the old version wrong, and waited for the new version... and more problems :(00:54
neopsycheshimizu: so how do i change it00:54
nucc1crimsun_: thanks..00:55
thinman1189phaedra : for the card itself? i believe i do but i'm not sure if there's a linux driver on there. gimme a sec and i'll get it. what's annoying is that i can see wireless networks and can change properties for them but it doesn't work and i don't know why.00:55
Pelolater folks00:55
shimizuneopsyche, i have no idea now coz u did everything i did but it work different ways for us =)00:55
usr13Blas89: Check the iso00:55
g0thhmm anyone?00:55
Blas89usr13: I don´t know whats that.. Is there an spanish channel? Would be better for me :)00:55
neopsycheshimizu: this sucks00:55
usr13Blas89: I don't know if there's a spanish channel.  Sorry.00:56
phaedrathinman1189, No need for the *nix driver.  Just use ndiswrapper to install it and it should work fine with the XP drivers.00:56
thinman1189phaedra : yeah i have the install cd for the card but it's a windows cd.00:56
ckin2001neopsyche, what are you trying to do?00:56
Blas89Thanks :)00:56
usr13Oh, thanks JimmyDee00:56
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:56
riotkittiethere are a plethora of language channels, usr1300:56
neopsychechange all files in www to be accessable by my user account instead of root.00:56
justizzlePelo:  no but i think it got corrupted. first audio went then i couldnt get to my login screen. I would prefer just fixing my existing gutsy install if i could however i cant fsck because it says its in read only mode00:56
deaddreamerwhat do i use to get the taskbar change?? the bit with the time... applications.. places.. etc00:56
shimizuckin2001, he is unable to write in /var/www after chmod 777 -R00:56
thinman1189phaedra : how do i use ndiswrapper if i can't install it?00:56
ir4d0mim trying to change my ip address... how do i do it? besides tor00:56
usr13riotkittie: very good!  :)00:56
Nelsmark guys im out diner time :)00:56
neopsycheshimizu: what do i type ? one last time.00:56
nickrudneopsyche: the basic technique is to have the /var/www directory owned by www-data ; all the stuff below as root. Only change the owner of directories to www-data if you want apache to be able to *write* to that directory00:56
usr13ir4d0m: sudo ifconfig new.ip.here00:57
myusrnmI want to uninstall azures. I installed it using sudo aptitude install azures or something of that sort, how do i uninstall?00:57
phaedrathinman1189, Put the disk into the drive and cd to the xp driver directory and type 'sudo ndiswrapper -i drivername.inf'00:57
Sharpieok, seriously, this is the 2nd time TODAY that i suddenly can't start apps, i restart x server and then i get the "could not start x server..internal error...can't start GDM" screen. i'm seriously not into reinstalling linux for the 2nd time in a day, anyone have any idea on how to fix it?00:57
shimizuneopsyche, sudo chmod 777 -R /var/www it has to work00:57
neopsychenickrud: i want me to be able to write to that directory00:57
kcmyusrnm: apt-get remove azerus00:57
danc3anyone know why I can't get a framebuffer console (Alt-Ctrl-F2) on a new 7.10 install?  Can only get a "regular" screen resolution.00:57
ir4d0musr13: what would i change it to and what would i do for gateway ip?00:57
phaedrathinman1189, 'drivername' being the name of the xp driver.00:57
nickrudneopsyche: sudo cp will allow you to write anywhere00:57
BubblegumTateI don't seem to be able to set a maximum size in "windows list preferences" anymore, has teh option moved or is it just gone?00:57
kcmyusrnm: apt-get -h00:57
thinman1189phaedra : ok 1 sec i'll try that.00:57
Eagle3--Sharpie: what version of ubuntu are you running?00:58
usr13ir4d0m: sudo route add default gw ip.he.re00:58
neopsychenickrud: but will it change my file permissions to be able to use natuilus as file copy paste etc in default user account?00:58
shimizunickrud, make everything under www-data is allow apache to manage files.. but everything else like eclipse environment.. should i add it in www-data group  ? i don't like this wat. ;)00:58
deaddreamerwhat kind of themes are for the taskbars??00:58
phaedrathinman1189, I'm using an F5D7050 with the XP driver and ndiswrapper right now so it should work...00:58
SharpieEagle3--: gutsy00:58
Eagle3--Sharpie: what types of applications won't run?  do command line applications run?00:58
usr13ir4d0m: that was to put in new gateway ip.00:58
ir4d0musr13: would i create any gateway ip or what?00:58
SharpieEagle3--: my ubuntu is dead00:58
SharpieEagle3--: >_>..00:58
nickrudneopsyche: yes, but if you plan on serving people outside your computer, doing that is a deadly security breach00:58
noa1can anybody recommend a good alternative to rhythmbox?00:59
usr13ir4d0m: sudo route add default gw  ###.###.#.#00:59
Eagle3--Sharpie: what do you mean by dead?  can you login to the command line and run programs?00:59
usr13to hcange gateway ^^^^00:59
SharpieEagle3--: i can't even login to recovery mode00:59
BubblegumTatenoa1: just for playing music or for interfacing with an dap?00:59
myusrnmthanks, kc00:59
neopsychenickrud: ok.. i appreciate the help... BUT .. nuckrud .. you say its a security breach... and shimizu says .. its a terrible idea to run as root because It will be difficult to change / add files.00:59
neopsychenickrud: so ?00:59
nickrudshimizu: I don't write directly to the /var/www from eclipse myslef00:59
Eagle3--Sharpie: does it give you any error messages when you try to login to recovery mode?01:00
thinman1189phaedra : i'm on amd 64, does it matter?01:00
SharpieEagle3--: yes, it starts a disk check and then fails01:00
BubblegumTatenoa1: I use amarok, but it is a k app01:00
buttercupsnoa1, Amarok is a good alternative01:00
Eagle3--Sharpie: the disk check fails?01:00
nickrudneopsyche: he's thinking about a server that only feeds pages to him, on the local machine, for development. So he does it easy01:00
shimizunickrud, when ur working on project and testin do u copy each time u change 2 strings in script ?01:00
=== myusrnm is now known as go1
JimmyDeeamarok is coolio, for a K app01:00
SharpieEagle3--: obviously01:00
=== go1 is now known as mephistopheles
noa1BubblegumTate, buttercups: hmm ok01:00
Eagle3--Sharpie: what's the error message?01:00
neopsychenickrud: ok.. thanks ;-)01:00
=== kc_ is now known as yskchu
noa1anything good for gnome?01:00
SharpieEagle3--: there's like a 1000 of them01:00
neopsychenickrud: so i will just have to use natuilus in root to do anything right?01:01
buttercupsnoa1, It can be ran on gnome01:01
acdcZZTOPanyone ever heard of firefox screwing their PC due to a possble memory leak?01:01
JimmyDeeaudacious is ok01:01
nickrudshimizu: for my local devel, I have a separate /home/www I feed from, that's only accessible to me :)01:01
phaedrathinman1189, I really don't know but it might....  You can try it though and if it doesn't work just remove the driver with the -r option to ndiswrapper and try to find the 64 bit version.01:01
usr13ir4d0m: There is a GUI application:  System -> Network01:01
Eagle3--Sharpie: well if could be a hard drive failure...it's hard to tell when I don't know what any of your error messages are01:01
FluxDacdcZZTOP: on windows yes01:01
mephistophelesHow would i install the 3.0 line of azureus, vuze?01:01
BubblegumTatenoa1: yeah, I'm running it in gnome because I hated all teh other music players01:01
Hellclan|Oraclegcan any one help me with samba it wont associate the machines ip with there name01:01
SharpieEagle3--: it's not a HD failure =\01:01
RAdamsanyone here using Gutsy amd64 with skype?01:01
dannyboycan any1 tell me where i can download themes for gnome under ubuntu?01:01
deaddreamerhow do i install compiz themes?01:01
noa1BubblegumTate: oh to answer your question, just for playing music, with emphasis on streams... rb acts weird  a lot in that department01:02
SharpieEagle3--: the errors are stuff like..um, like these 4 line errors with all sorts of numbers01:02
shimizunickrud, well i have this set up at work so people from lan near me can access to it.. for web-server it has to be other set up anyways01:02
nickrudneopsyche: again, I really recommend not using nautilus as root, it is so freaking easy to blow up your system without realizing it.01:02
neopsychenickrud: hmm strangely enough.. it now allows me to change files01:02
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, did you tell the machines about your wins server?01:02
BubblegumTateI even hated the player that I tried out that tried to be a gnome native amarok clone01:02
bricec parti pour une réinstall de gutsy01:02
Eagle3--Sharpie: not a kernel oops is it?01:02
nickrudneopsyche: yes, the 777 did that01:02
neopsychenickrud: blow it up .. how?01:02
Jordan_U_deaddreamer, Do you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed?01:02
RAdamsdannyboy: there are some in the repositories: search "gtk themes" and more at gnome-look.org01:02
SharpieEagle3--: dunno =\01:02
usr13neopsyche: What are y ou trying to do?01:02
RAdams!english | brice01:02
deaddreameri have a "advanced desktop effects manager"01:02
ubotubrice: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:02
neopsychenickrud: so .. now? is it cool to use as all files 777>? using my account .. without root...01:02
Eagle3--Sharpie: sorry but it's hard for me to help if I don't know what any of the error messages are01:02
thinman1189phaedra : i'm not sure which driver on the cd to use.01:02
JimmyDeebrice #ubuntu-fr01:02
dannyboyRAdams: thanx..01:02
deaddreamerto play around with effects, but thats it, no theme section01:02
Hellclan|OraclegJimmyDee, wins is dissabled though my windoze machine can see the file on unbuntu and ubuntu can see the file only when the ip is entered01:02
thinman1189phaedra : blkwgd.inf ?01:03
SharpieEagle3--: mostly regarding bad extensions01:03
Eagle3--Sharpie: you could try booting from a live cd then running an fsck on the hard drive01:03
nickrudneopsyche: as long as you only feed yourself, no big deal. Or only feed people you trust, on a local lan. The world wide web? dangerous01:03
phaedrathinman1189,  What is in the DRIVER directory?  Is there an XP dir?01:03
mephistophelesI need to get java runtime and libjava.so for a program, how do i install ?01:03
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, let your samba box do wins support and then tell the windoze box to look at the samba box for wins01:03
SharpieEagle3--: i ran a dsck from recovery mode, still didn't fix it01:03
usr13neopsyche: You do NOT want to chmod 777 all files.   Bad Idea.01:03
deaddreamerit says its alredy installed Jordan_U01:03
neopsychenickrud: I can change it later if i go live right?01:03
BubblegumTatenoa1: if ou're not too fussed about  playlist handling vlc does a good job of everything else01:03
shimizuneopsyche, for first time u'd better use /home/URNAME/www to install project and read something about access. u can't set up everything that fast by other suggestions.. u can change /var/www to /home/../www in apache2.conf located in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf01:03
Jordan_U_deaddreamer, Oh, do you Emerald theme manager installed if you want Emerald themes?01:03
nickrudneopsyche: yes.01:03
Eagle3--Sharpie: I thought you said recovery mode didn't work?01:04
Hellclan|OraclegJimmyDee, ?01:04
SharpieEagle3--: it didn't boot, but it stayed in the console01:04
nickrudneopsyche: but you still should learn the terminal commands :)01:04
shimizuneopsyche, in /home/urname/www u will have fully access to manage ur files =)01:04
neopsychenickrud: cool01:04
phaedrathinman1189, Let me get my driver disk and I'll check it out...01:04
thinman1189phaedra : in the driver folder on the cd there is blkwgd.cat,  blkwgd.inf, blkwgd.sys, blkwgd9x.sys, driver.2k2, driver.982 driver.me201:04
noa1BubblegumTate: true.. but i am fussy about playlist handling :o)01:04
deaddreameri have emerald theme manager, but i want themes that change the taskbars, i see that emerald doesn't change this01:04
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, I'm not sure how to do it using supported methods, but what you need to do is turn on wins support in samba, then point your windoze boxes at the samba box for wins support01:04
xypezza; /me waves!01:04
Eagle3--Sharpie: how did it not boot but get to the console?  you can only get to a console after it's done booting01:05
SharpieEagle3--: dos screen. \=01:05
Hellclan|Oracleghow will that fix that ? JimmyDee01:05
neopsycheshimizu: but will it be easy to change it to a directory accessable to the outside world when i have installed mysql dbs and php?01:05
Eagle3--Sharpie: that means it booted01:05
RAdamsdeaddreamer: the gnome panels are changed either with gtk themes or by right clicking on them and selecting "Properties", where you can set images and transparancies and colors.01:05
BubblegumTateso ... anyone know why I cant set max/min sizes in "Windows list preferences" anymore01:05
Jordan_U_deaddreamer, Neither does Compiz, the panels ( 'task bars' ) are controlled by gnome-panel, they have nothing to do with compiz01:05
B_166-ER-Xwhat is the name of the app that can change the font and color of the taskbar 'system menu'  'Applications' 'Shortcuts' 'System'01:05
JimmyDeehellclan wins resolves names to ip's01:05
JimmyDeedoesnt it?01:06
SharpieEagle3--: it failed in the middle of the boot process, did a disk check, failed and stayed in that screen01:06
JimmyDeebeen a while01:06
Jordan_U_B_166-ER-X, alacarte01:06
RAdamsbubblegumtate: do you have compiz-fusion active?01:06
shimizuneopsyche, u will need to set up virtual host in apache and that's all01:06
acdcZZTOPits a shame taht firefox sucks on my PC01:06
tbusstrying to mount a udf dvd-r; I have tried several fstab configurations but the disk still fails to mount01:06
Hellclan|OraclegJimmyDee, not shure just when ever i enable wins i cant seem to share anything01:06
B_166-ER-Xjordan_U_ not this at all.01:06
=== ubuntu is now known as unagi
BubblegumTateRAdams: yes01:06
RAdamsbubblegumtate: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager01:06
deaddreamerRAdams, how do i use gtk??01:06
neopsycheshimizu: hmmm.. a virtual host that points to me/home/www ???01:06
Eagle3--Sharpie: so the disk check failed01:06
c0Ldwirchief1: I'm back, send me a message, don't have a registered account01:06
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, do you have the windoze boxes pointed at the samba box for wins?01:06
RAdamsdeaddreamer: you are using it now. What you want are themes, set in the appearance preference tool01:06
BubblegumTateI have that01:06
shimizuneopsyche, yes. right now it points to /var/www/apache2-default01:06
SharpieEagle3--: as i said before01:07
shimizuneopsyche,  u cant check it by typing localhost in browser01:07
chybeckhi, got a problem, i did "sudo update-initramfs -u" cause i didn't have any splash screen , and now i can boot neither in rescue mode, i'm in commande line with argument (initramfs) . What can i do ?01:07
deaddreamerRAdams, thanks :D01:07
RAdamsdeaddreamer: you can search synaptic for "gtk theme" to find some more, or gnome-look.org01:07
Hellclan|Oraclegwhat you win for wins JimmyDee i just have them open for shared folder01:07
shimizuneopsyche, u can*01:07
Eagle3--Sharpie: if a disk check fails then something is wrong with the hard drive01:07
neopsycheshimizu: UH..actually .. i see it in localhost01:07
deaddreameryep, im un gnome-look, just didn't know how to use the stuff heheheh01:07
acdcZZTOPDoes anyone know how to access compizconfig-settings-manager after installing it? im looking and looking but i cant find anything01:07
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, win for wins?01:07
phaedrathinman1189, Try the blkwgd.inf with ndiswrapper.  I'm using rt2500 driver here...01:07
SharpieEagle3--: or something is wrong with linux >_<01:07
RAdamschybek: have you tried sudo update-grub?01:07
Eagle3--Sharpie: I doubt it's linux01:08
tbusstrying to mount a udf dvd-r; I have tried several fstab configurations but the disk still fails to mount01:08
shimizuneopsyche, yes i was misstyped01:08
Eagle3--Sharpie: I don't think I've ever had linux corrupt a hard drive01:08
Hellclan|OraclegJimmyDee, it is just and indepent computer sharing one folder not running any other services01:08
SharpieEagle3--: well, i checked with WD diagnostics...the drive is fine =\01:08
neopsycheshimizu: im still using var/www though01:08
neopsycheat the moment01:08
ckin2001tbuss, what are you trying?01:08
neopsychecan i rename that?01:08
Hellclan|Oraclegso why would i need to point it to the wins server on ubuntu JimmyDee01:08
blix__Hi folks, is there some file I can download so I can use Ubuntu in VM PLayer??01:08
Eagle3--Sharpie: what kind of hard drive error does fsck give?01:08
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, if you want to resolve names to ip you need wins or dns01:08
lalalandei have a fujitsu-siemens with some extra keys any way way to configure them out? pl....01:09
dannyboyhow can i find out what version of gtk i hav?01:09
shimizuneopsyche, and u still can't write/copy files to /var/www ?01:09
bluejaydoes anyone know how to disable desktop wall and enable desktop cube?01:09
Tom47blix__: google vmware appliances01:09
tbussckin2001: i have a dvd-r that failed to load. error msg stated that the udf volume failed to load. tried changing settings in fstab to 'auto' and other configs01:09
SharpieEagle3--: a thousand of them, most of them are either extension problems or these um, 4 lined errors with loads of numbers and stuff in them01:09
Hellclan|OraclegJimmyDee, any idea how to set up wins since when ever i try i can share anything01:09
Jordan_U_bluefox83, use ccsm01:09
Hellclan|Oraclegcant*, JimmyDee01:09
blix__Tom47...thanks...I'll check it out01:09
neopsycheshimizu: no .. i can now.. all of  a suddne01:09
bluejayJoardan, i did01:09
JimmyDeeyou need to turn the wins support on in samba01:09
ugruntu!ubotu hostname01:10
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab01:10
mephistophelesI need to get java runtime and libjava.so for a program, how do i install ?01:10
Eagle3--Sharpie: I'm not sure what an extension problem would be...it doesn't seem like an fsck error01:10
phaedrathinman1189, You can always try this too - http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/Belkin_F5D7000_USA_Wireless_Card_in_Linux_Complete_Guide01:10
Jordan_U_!java | mephistopheles01:10
ubotumephistopheles: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre01:10
SharpieEagle3--: i mean, directory extention01:10
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, which unfortunately I dont know how to do using supported methods and they'll boo me if I say how I do it01:10
SharpieEagle3--: stuff like "moving extension '..' to 2"01:10
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:10
bluejayhow does that bot thing work..01:10
lalalandei have a fujitsu-siemens with some extra keys any way way to configure them out? pl....01:10
Eagle3--Sharpie: not sure what that means01:10
shimizuneopsyche, then it's fine, install ur cms and try to configure it.. but as nickrud suggested read about chmod .. u can simply do it by typing man chmod in terminal01:11
bluejaycan anyone help me out with ccsm :(01:11
SharpieEagle3--: it means that linux died on me today. twice.01:11
neopsycheshimizu: what do i want to chmod my files to anyway>?01:11
thinman1189phaedra : it says ndiswrapper: command not found. i had put in sudo ndiswrapper -1 blkwgd.inf01:11
JimmyDeeSharpie, what did you do to the poor thing?01:11
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:11
Hellclan|OraclegJimmyDee, so the wins server right links the ip-to name just on my samba server01:11
SharpieJimmyDee: the question is what it did to me >_>01:11
JimmyDeeSharpie, I'm just kidding01:11
usr13neopsyche: Your file permissions are set by default.  What are you trying to do?01:12
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, coorect its not routable so itll stay in house01:12
noa1dannyboy: dpkg -l libgtk2.0*01:12
phaedrathinman1189,  No use a lowercase -i  not 1...01:12
tbussckin2001: Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume'. Changed /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 to /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom0 auto user,noauto 0 001:12
neopsycheusr13: im trying to peacefully install a cms01:12
shimizuneopsyche, u have to set up different access on files so other applications can access them.. for example.. apache is www-data group.01:12
noa1dannyboy: among other ways01:12
Eagle3--Sharpie: sorry it's hard for me to help any further without more information...I don't know exactly what your errors are01:12
gary_inNYCubotu are you like a magic eightball?01:12
usr13what is a cms?01:12
daedrapidgin won't connect in gutsy :(01:12
SharpieJimmyDee: anyway, twice the root drive just suddenly became read-only, i restarted the x server and got an error and wasn't able to boot anymore01:12
neopsycheshimizu: how do i do that?01:12
shimizuneopsyche, with chgrp01:12
thinman1189phaedra : oops i did type i in terminal i just typed it wrong here :-\01:12
deaddreamerhow do i install icon themes? :P01:12
JimmyDeeSharpie, tried rescue and fsck it?01:13
neopsycheshimizu: well.. what applications need to access them?01:13
shimizuneopsyche, if it's web-application it's apache ...01:13
SharpieJimmyDee: have no idea what rescue is, but i did fsck it01:13
phaedrathinman1189, you can get a help list too from ndiswrapper.01:13
JimmyDeeSharpie, and fsck said?01:13
Jordan_U_deaddreamer, http://tinyurl.com/2yageu01:13
SharpieJimmyDee: gave a shitload of errors but eventually finished01:13
Jordan_U_deaddreamer, Then go to System -> Preferences -> Art Manager01:13
JimmyDeeSharpie, have you another hard drive handy?01:14
neopsycheshimizu: what do i type to do that?01:14
shimizuneopsyche, for example if ur cms use sessions it has to write in session directory.. and if it's located inside /var/ww .. this folder has to have group - www-data, otherwise session files won't be saved on disk01:14
mnuaimati want to upgrade from ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10,   my 7.04 is installed in a dual booting system along with xp, what cautions should i take, what is the correct procedure not to miss things up ?? any help?01:14
SharpieJimmyDee: only thing close to a hard drive i have is a 1gb DOK \=01:14
neopsycheshimizu: how ?01:14
jothamhi, i am having trouble upgrading from 7.4 to 7.10, the upgrade manager states "The system was unable to get the prerequisites for the upgrade. The upgrade will abort now and restore the original system state."01:14
ckin2001tbuss - are you sure udf is a valid option?01:14
shimizuneopsyche, sudo chgrp www-data /folder ... where folder is a folder which u need to change group01:14
brad016I just installed 7.10 and need to make my Windows(NTFS) partition a lot smaller01:14
Jordan_U_!upgrade | mnuaimat01:14
ubotumnuaimat: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:14
linuxnewbie_41I can't install 7.10.01:14
JimmyDeeSharpie, may I suggest you find another hard drive, when fsck goes ballistic thats usually the cause01:14
phaedrathinman1189,  What command did you type in console?01:15
Jordan_U_brad016, Boot the LiveCD and use gparted01:15
SharpieJimmyDee: well, windows is working01:15
shimizuneopsyche, for every command u need to get info u have 2 ways: 1. man COMMAN.. or 2. command --help  in terminal01:15
linuxnewbie_41I already amde a partition in Windows using Norton Partition Magic.01:15
brad016Jordan_U, okally01:15
SharpieJimmyDee: conclusion: linux is retarded =[01:15
ckin2001tbuss, i'd try sudo mount -v /dev/scd0 -t iso9660 /media/cdrom001:15
neopsycheshimizu: but .. my files / cms already seems accessable through the browser.. im not sure why i would wnat to do that/?01:15
chybeckhi, got a problem, i did "sudo update-initramfs -u" cause i didn't have any splash screen , and now i can boot neither in rescue mode, i'm in commande line with argument (initramfs) . What can i do ?01:15
tbussckin2001: not sure, I was curious as to if it was possible to even read the disk01:15
shimizuneopsyche, well if ur not sure than just don't do it01:15
JimmyDeeSharpie, conclusion invalid, the linux part of the drive may be boffo01:15
linuxnewbie_41The installer keeps trying to write files to the Windows drive.01:15
linuxnewbie_41Any suggestions so that I can have a dual-boot computer?01:16
SharpieJimmyDee: so it should mark those few sectors as bad and not use 'em01:16
JimmyDeeSharpie, in a perfect world01:16
ckin2001linuxnewbie_41, you have to have multiple partitions01:16
usr13neopsyche: linuxnewbie_41 Delete the new partition.  It will install on "free space"01:16
SharpieJimmyDee: sad thing is i actually loved linux01:16
SharpieJimmyDee: i miss my wobbly windows for god's sake =[01:16
usr13linuxnewbie_41: You can use fdisk to delete the new partition.01:16
thinman1189phaedra : sudo ndiswrapper -i /media/cdrom0/FILES/Driver/blkwgd.inf and it says sudo: ndiswrapper: command not found01:16
neopsycheshimizu: how do i create new user for mysql db ?01:16
bqmasseyhow do i restore boot loader from live disc?01:17
linuxnewbie_41I also sometimes see a slider.01:17
peter_Where can I find discussions about which media, audio, video player is good and more about cool software?01:17
Jordan_U_!grub | bqmassey01:17
ubotubqmassey: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:17
linuxnewbie_41Does that allocate space for a new Linux partition?01:17
JimmyDeeSharpie, all is not lost, try rescue from the install disk and fsck it again01:17
crimsun_thinman1189: install ndiswrapper-utils-1.901:17
tbussckin2001: tried manual; wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error01:17
usr13linuxnewbie_41: Just delete the partition you do not need for your other OS>01:17
bqmasseythats what i needed, thanks Jordan_U01:17
SharpieJimmyDee: what do you mean by rescue? =[01:17
Roo-kieall my window bars just vanished. How do I get them back?01:17
thinman1189crimsun : how?01:17
SharpieJimmyDee: and i already fsck'd it around 3 times01:17
usr13linuxnewbie_41: And install on free space.  (linux needs more than one partition)01:17
thinman1189crimsun : how? i'm not connected to the internet01:17
daedrathinman1189: ndiswrapper is BAAAAD01:17
JimmyDeeSharpie, hrmm01:17
mnuaimati want to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 but i don't have the alternate CD, i have an ubuntu 7.10 live/install cd01:17
Jordan_U_Roo-kie, metacity --replace01:17
phaedrathinman1189, Hmmm....  That means you don't have ndiswrapper installed.  Which version of Ubuntu are you using.01:17
Hellclan|Oraclegload the cd right it has a rescue option01:18
crimsun_thinman1189: make sure your CD is loaded, then apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.901:18
peter_Where can I find discussions about which media, audio, video player is good and more about cool software?01:18
LiMaOBogaurd: are you a real user?01:18
thinman1189daedra : well i can't get my belkin card to work.01:18
phaedrathinman1189,  What crimsun_ said...01:18
shimizuneopsyche, why do u need that u can use root user for db... u need different users only in case u going to give them rights for different DBs do u need that?01:18
BogaurdLiMaO: maybe ;)01:18
LiMaO[22:19:05] Bogaurd [i=rootkit@219-90-251-202.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu01:18
starkruzrhi guys.  I have a SATA motherboard and two identical hard drives connected to it.  they are both 160GB.  I have the Ubuntu livecd installer disc.  is there any way I can go from THIS situation to having RAID1 across the two drives?  the installer does not appear to give an option for it.01:18
Jordan_U_Roo-kie, np, if you were running compiz it crashed, that is why you lost window borders and titles01:18
neopsycheusr13: I installed LAMP on ubuntu.. now .. wondering. how to add a user to a db?01:18
daedrathinman1189: ok, well type lspci01:18
neopsycheshimizu: i created a new db.01:18
LiMaOBogaurd: that rootkit thing scared me =P01:18
SharpieJimmyDee: hrmm?01:18
johnficcawhy is the internet in ubuntu 7.10 so slow?01:18
FluxDpeter_: VLC for video amarok xmms audacious for mp3 players etc01:18
daedrathinman1189: so I can learn a bit about your catd01:18
JimmyDeeSharpie, working on it01:19
johnficcahow do I fix it ?01:19
BogaurdI get asked about it a fair bit LiMaO :-)01:19
SharpieJimmyDee: oh, aight01:19
usr13neopsyche: I don't know, right off hand.01:19
mnuaimatguys, is there anyway to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 using the live CD only, i don't have the alternate CD now01:19
deaddreameri have installed gnome art, how do i install new themes? :S i don't see the option :S01:19
shimizuneopsyche, nice.. and why u need to create a user .. u can access it from php with root for mysql01:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:19
Jordan_U_johnficca, Try switching to openDNS or disabling ipv6 in firefox01:19
peter_FluxD: no discussion channel?01:19
LiMaOBogaurd: that's something that claims attention ;)01:19
Hellclan|OraclegJimmyDee, does not the cd when you boot from it have a rescure option01:19
ckin2001tbuss - try this in your fstab? /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 iso9660,udf noauto,users,exec,ro 0 001:19
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, this is correct01:19
johnficcaJordan_U_: how do I switch to open dns?01:19
shimizuneopsyche, to manage MYSQL u can always use phpMyAdmin..01:19
usr13mnuaimat: YOu can upgrade online.01:19
daedrathinman1189: and paste the output of lspci into http://past.ubuntu-nl.org01:19
FluxDpeter_: not really01:19
shimizuneopsyche, and do what every u want... create users.. and stuff01:20
neopsycheshimizu: where can i install / get php myadmin?01:20
peter_And how to run all adobe software?01:20
starkruzrmnuaimat: what happens if you just add it as a source in your sources.list?01:20
mnuaimatusr13: i have a dial up at home,01:20
Hellclan|OraclegSharpie, your cd has a rescue option on it no idea what it really does01:20
mnuaimatstarkruzr: i dunno, is that ok ?01:20
JimmyDeeSharpie, you might try a reinstall using logical volumes01:20
shimizuneopsyche, LAMP has it by default.. type phpmyadmin in browser.. it has to be there i suppose01:20
johnficcaJordan_U_: I got it going faster in firefox but my updates are still very slow01:20
starkruzrmnuaimat: at the very least it can't hurt you :)01:20
usr13mnuaimat: Back up your personal files / data and re-install01:20
SharpieJimmyDee: that's what i did last time01:20
starkruzrand yes, ALWAYS back up first.01:20
mnuaimatok guys , thank you all01:20
SharpieJimmyDee: i mean, reinstalled linux and formatted the partition01:20
neopsycheshimizu: it appears it diddnt have it... so i typed sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin... it appears to be installing it.01:21
SharpieJimmyDee: but i'm not into formatting linux twice a day \:01:21
tbussckin2001: I have /dev/hda/ do I change hda to scd0?01:21
JimmyDeeSharpie, did you use primary partitions or logical?01:21
SharpieJimmyDee: logical01:21
starkruzrhi guys.  I have a SATA motherboard and two identical hard drives connected to it.  they are both 160GB.  I have the Ubuntu livecd installer disc.  is there any way I can go from THIS situation to having RAID1 across the two drives?  the installer does not appear to give an option for it.  enabling RAID1 *after* installation would be fine too.01:21
SharpieJimmyDee: i only have 1 primary partition and that's the windows one01:21
JimmyDeeSharpie, try one more time using primary01:21
ckin2001tbuss, /dev/(dvd drive), whatever it is called01:21
Flannelstarkruzr: You need to use the alternate CD to do RAID stuffs at install01:21
linuxnewbie_41So does the slider indicate how much space the new partition will have?01:21
chybeckhi, got a problem, i did "sudo update-initramfs -u" cause i didn't have any splash screen , and now i can boot neither in rescue mode, i'm in commande line with argument (initramfs) . What can i do ?01:22
starkruzrFlannel: how about *after* install?01:22
JimmyDeeSharpie, if that dont work I'd say a boffo hdd01:22
neopsycheshimizu: like this.. http://localhost/phpmyadmin ???01:22
usr13starkruzr: I do not think raid is part of install process.01:22
shimizuneopsyche, does it appear when u type localhost ?01:22
daedraRAID arrays are bios level01:22
SharpieJimmyDee: um, another idea: both the times it died (went read-only) i was listening to music stored on my ntfs drive, maybe it has something to do with it?01:22
neopsycheshimizu: not from that address no.01:22
starkruzrusr13: is there a way to do RAID after installation?01:22
thinman1189phaedra , daedra : when i try to install ndiswrapper it says: media change: please insert the disc labeled 'ubuntu 7.19_Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release amd64 (20071017) in the drive '/cdrom' and press enter. i have two cd/dvd drives. the belkin cd is in one, the ubuntu cd is in the other. should i switch them?01:22
shimizuneopsyche, only apache2-default ?01:22
JimmyDeechybeck, rescue and update-grub01:22
=== drew- is now known as drew
dannyboy2087how can i install GTK 2.10 for ubuntu?01:22
usr13starkruzr: hardware or software raid?01:22
starkruzrall I want is RAID1.  nothing complicated.  just mirroring.01:22
starkruzrsoftware is fine.01:22
neopsycheshimizu: yes it would seem so.01:22
neopsycheshimizu:  i also installed webmin01:23
tbussckin2001: trying manual...01:23
Flannelstarkruzr: after install you can do whatever, like normal.  I'm not too familiar the specifics though.01:23
JimmyDeebooooo webmin01:23
drewhow do i complete kill a wine process01:23
chybeckJimmyDee: how ? rescue don't work commande line too01:23
wweaselQuestion: Does the root partition need to be a Primary partition, or can it be an Extended?01:23
ckin2001drew - kill -9 (pid of wine)01:23
JimmyDeerescue it to a shell01:23
usr13starkruzr: Yes you can do it afterwards, but I do not use raid, you should talk to someone that does.01:23
SharpieJimmyDee: did u read the last msg? =o01:23
phaedrathinman1189, Yes,  it's looking for the buntu cd to be in the first drive.01:23
daedrai don't know ndiswrapper, and i am unwilling to support it because its patchy and uses proprietary software to get the card working01:23
chybecknot common command line but with initramfs prefix01:23
tbussckin2001: same result as previous01:24
starkruzrokay.  :)  Is there anyone here who uses RAID1 and got it working *after* they installed?01:24
chybeckcan u detail JimmyDee plz ?01:24
JimmyDeeSharpie, yes I did, I dont think that should have fried your linux partition but hey01:24
neopsycheshimizu: thats the only file i see01:24
drewckin2001, "-kill -9 (pid of wine)" ?01:24
neopsycheshimizu: that was there when the default install was done01:24
neopsycheshimizu: what does that mean?01:24
JimmyDeechybeck,  boot with the installer disk, select rescue broken system, then open a shell when it asks and type update-grub01:24
SharpieJimmyDee: so about primary partitions: only the root one or the swap as well?01:24
neopsycheshimizu: if i have apache 2 default only?>01:24
shimizui just installed it neopsyche and has the same.. but when i had 7.04 it was configured automatically01:24
chybeckok i try :)01:24
wweaselGuys...can I install Ubuntu with the root partition as a logical partition, not primary?01:25
shimizuneopsyche, gonna check where it placed01:25
JimmyDeeSharpie, wise users always make a / and a /home partition01:25
neopsycheshimizu: hmm... i am using 7.0401:25
shimizuneopsyche, that sux then01:25
Jordan_U_wweasel, I don't see why not01:25
johnficcahow do I switch to opendns?01:25
SharpieJimmyDee: that didn't answer the question =o01:25
rsfriendsi did install gdesklets, and use toolbar, but i have seen some place that toolbar get more animation, but how,01:25
Jordan_U_johnficca, http://www.opendns.com/01:25
JimmyDeeSharpie, yes both, or all 3 if you like01:25
JimmyDeeSharpie, you get 401:26
neopsycheIs there a program for mirroring apache sites?01:26
SharpieJimmyDee: er, can you do it in the linux partition manager?01:26
usr13Sharpie: It really doesn't matter, just make partitions that you need.01:26
SharpieJimmyDee: like, during the installation01:26
JimmyDeeSharpie, if you can get that far01:26
kairu0i am trying to disable my onboard sound card, but i have no options in the BIOS for it (Vaio... *sigh*). How can I stop linux from loading it?01:26
Jordan_U_johnficca, Please tell me if switching to openDNS helps for you01:26
JimmyDeeSharpie, yes yes you can01:26
SharpieJimmyDee: i can boot from live cd01:26
thinman1189phaedra : ok i did it then retried and this time it said: forcing parameter MapRegisters from 256 to 6401:26
yurimxpxmanif I install the 64 bit version, will I have to do anything special to run 32 bit binaries?01:26
wweaselJordan_U_: Great! One more question...I have feisty installed right now. I am installing Gutsy on a separate partition. Of course, there should be only one /boot. How do I sort that out?01:26
JimmyDeeSharpie, use manual partition option01:26
SharpieJimmyDee: yeah i did that last time as well, only that i partitioned my drive from windows01:27
neopsycheshimizu: so.. what is the solution?01:27
JimmyDeeSharpie, OOOH, yeah partition your system using linux man01:27
shimizuneopsyche, sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/phpmyadmin01:27
SharpieJimmyDee: last time i installed linux (like a year ago) i partitioned my ntfs partition with linux and it fucked up my partition table01:27
starkruzrthe wiki isn't clear but it looks like MOST of the time RAIDing is done *after* the installation01:27
phaedrathinman1189, Sorry, but I don't know what that means.01:27
neopsycheshimizu: what does that do?01:27
starkruzrwhich is good for me because I need to get this machine up and running now :)01:27
SharpieJimmyDee: this time i used paragon partition manager01:27
kahrytanAnyone know how to change double-click titlebar from maximize to shade in Metacity/GTK?01:27
Jordan_U_wweasel, You don't need only one /boot, I had two distros installed with just two / partitions and a /home partition01:27
phaedrathinman1189, I'm not running the 64 bit version yet.01:27
shimizuneopsyche, link phpmyadmin to /var/www so u can see it01:28
JimmyDeeSharpie, no no, partition up the windows partition, then leave open space, then run ubuntu, and partition the rest, then grub will come along and build a menu sweet as chocolate01:28
rsfriendsi did install gdesklets, and use toolbar, but i have seen some place that toolbar get more animation, but how do i get more animation01:28
Jordan_U_wweasel, With /boot being part of the / partition of course01:28
SelanitI've compiled a driver for my rt61 based wifi card.  When I try to modprobe rt61, I get an error saying "rt61.ko: Invalid module format".  How can I fix this?01:28
kahrytanAnyone know how to change double-click titlebar from maximize to shade in Metacity/GTK?01:28
SharpieJimmyDee: i don't really think it matters, i formatted the partitions during the installation (and the shitty grub came along too)01:28
neopsycheshimizu: so it will take my 'sudo apt-getted' stuff and 'shortcut' to it .. ?01:28
usr13Sharpie: You don't partition an existing partition, you only shrink or exapnd one, make new ones, etc. In other words, you can use a non-destructive partition manager to shrink existing partitions in order to make room for new ones.01:29
wweaselJordan_U_: Right. But each / partition has its own /boot? Which one is the one you edit to configure grub :P01:29
shimizuneopsyche, something like this =)01:29
JimmyDeeSharpie, I'm not a big fan of third party partitioners, i.e. partition magic, paragon, etc01:29
=== saucisson_ is now known as saucisson
usr13Sharpie: But if you do, you should make sure your data is not too close to the end, (do defrag first).01:29
thinman1189ok phaedra, thanks anyway01:29
kahrytanCan someone help me out?01:29
wweaselJordan_U_: I'm probably demonstrating my lack of understanding for how /boot works. My apologies.01:29
SharpieJimmyDee: i'm not a big fan of partitioners who fucked up my partition table, i.e ubuntu partitioner01:29
wweasel!question | kahrytan:01:30
ubotukahrytan:: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:30
usr13Sharpie: And back up any data you don't wat to loose.01:30
phaedrathinman1189, np...  Sorry...01:30
neopsycheshimizu: oh.. i noticed ... when i apt-get installed phpmyadmin.. i was in: andrew@videoserver1:/var/www$ sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin01:30
stuporglueI've got a firewire TV capture card. Anyone know how I can watch live TV with it? I don't want to do dvgrab, because I don't want to save it01:30
kahrytanwweasel, dont do that again.01:30
JimmyDeeSharpie, I'm the first to say dont partition ntfs partitions with ubuntu01:30
ugruntusorry kahrytan i dont use that no idea01:30
thinman1189daedra: my desktop is not connected to the internet, i'm currently on a laptop.01:30
yurimxpxman!64 bit01:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 64 bit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:30
neopsycheshimizu: does this mean it will install to that directory you mentioned anyway?01:30
Geekomancer1Hello. I'm curious, I used to use CrossOver last time I used Linux, and now that I'm coming back, I don't want to pay the fees :) Does anyone know if I could get Wine to run City of Heroes like Crossover did?01:30
SharpieJimmyDee: see? :{01:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x86_64 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:30
shimizuneopsyche, u did all fine01:30
PriceChild!ohmy | Sharpie01:30
ubotuSharpie: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.01:30
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.01:30
wweaselkahrytan: Didn't intend to. Once should be enough.01:30
SelanitHow do I downgrade to Feisty?01:30
SharpieJimmyDee: so now you want me do delete the ext and swap with the ubuntu installation and repartition the free space as primary?01:30
neopsycheselanit.. and so it begins01:31
Jordan_U_!downgrade | Selanit01:31
ubotuSelanit: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.01:31
kahrytanwweasel, I am aware of it though. it was useless abuse of bot.01:31
JimmyDeeSharpie, heres my method, install windows, leave space in the blue screen partitioner of windows for your linux drive, then install the ubuntu disk, using the rest of the space for / and /home and swap partitions01:31
shimizuneopsyche, it depend on how deb package was configured.. installation directories depend on people who made a package..01:31
deaddreameranyone know how to use nuovext themes?01:31
SelanitMy system is already broken; I have nothing to lose01:31
starkruzrwhy would you want to downgrade to Feisty?01:31
SharpieJimmyDee: too late, not touching windows =o01:31
neopsycheshimizu: using the universe01:31
chybeckJimmyDee: <JimmyDee> chybeck,  boot with the installer disk <- what did u mean ? if i boot with cd i'm with livecd , and without rescue doesn't work01:31
Jordan_U_Selanit, It won't get fixed by trying to downgrade to Feisty, believe me01:31
ztomicGeekomancer1: http://winehq.org/site/irc01:31
Jordan_U_Selanit, In what way is it broken?01:31
shimizuSelanit, insert 7.04 and install fresh one <301:31
kahrytanAnyone know how to change double-click titlebar from maximize to shade in Metacity/GTK?01:31
SharpieJimmyDee: but damn, windows spoiled me. i'm sitting while it's booting and thinking like "hmm....didn't ubuntu boot faster than this?"01:32
dannyboy2087how can i get gtk 2.10 for ubuntu ?01:32
SelanitBecause I've been trying for FOUR DAYS to get my fscking wifi card to work.  It worked FINE in fesity, but not in gutsy.01:32
JimmyDeeSharpie, then I dont know man01:32
neopsycheshimizu: hmm... repositories vs supositories.  Correct spelling is important hey :-)01:32
smmagicSelanit: Format and install :d01:32
dannyboy2087how can i get gtk 2.10 for feisty ?01:32
wweaselkahrytan: Get off your high horse. That's what the bot is here for. I don't care if you're aware of the fact that you shouldn't ask to ask a question, you did, I ask the bot to inform you. I can't read your mind. Now just ask your question and stop complaining.01:32
Selanitsmagic: I may have to do that01:32
ugruntui love feisty01:32
neopsycheshimizu: especially when it comes to installation.01:32
yurimxpxmanif I install the 64 bit version, will I have to do anything special to run 32 bit binaries?01:32
kahrytanwweasel, I didnt ask to ask a question. duh01:32
ugruntui think i'll switch to gutsy just after the next upgrade01:32
genefitzI have noticed that gutsy does boot a little slower than feisty did, But I notice it does have a couple advantages.01:32
Jordan_U_yurimxpxman, Yes01:32
SharpieJimmyDee: i have an idea! you come here, i backup my windows on your drive and then reinstall everything =D01:32
Jordan_U_!flash64 | yurimxpxman01:32
ubotuyurimxpxman: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava01:33
sunilonlnhi, i just switched from kubuntu to gnome by 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop', but the boot screen and login manager did not change -- what do i need to do?01:33
Jordan_U_!chroot | yurimxpxman01:33
ubotuyurimxpxman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box01:33
kahrytanAnyone know how to change double-click titlebar from maximize to shade in Metacity/GTK?01:33
phishphandcc list01:33
JimmyDeeSharpie, we live in an internet world, I wouldnt need to come there to do that01:33
shimizuneopsyche, u'd better tell me did u get phpmyadmin with that command to show up in var/www01:33
unikonanyone have a preference between thoggen,k9copyand dvd::rip/ which is the easiest straight forward to use without creating a choppy screen01:33
SharpieJimmyDee: heh, fedex me your drive then :P01:33
ugruntukahrytan, fvwm all the way01:33
SharpieJimmyDee: or UPS, your call :D01:33
Jordan_U_kahrytan, System -> Preferences -> Windows01:33
neopsycheshimizu: yeah! .. hehe.. it has a lock on it??!!!01:33
JimmyDeeSharpie, try a clean install resizing the windoze partition01:34
wolflinuxguyhey, is anyone availible to help a lone linux noob?01:34
wweaselJordan_U_: Sorry, I was wondering...you had two / partitions.  Each one had a /boot folder, right? That doesn't fit with my understanding of GRUB. Which one did it read, which one's configuration files configured it?01:34
shimizuneopsyche, try to get into in from browser first.. don't look at stupid locks from nautilus hehe01:34
kahrytanJordan_U,  doh. I knew it was possible. just forgot how01:34
neopsycheFamous noobie phrase: can someone help install a suppository?01:34
wolflinuxguynot quite01:34
wolflinuxguyi want to know how to run oblivion using wine01:34
SharpieJimmyDee: i don't ever touch my windows partition, i have a 250 gb drive: 50gb windows, 150gb D: partition, 30gb left for linux01:34
shimizuwolflinuxguy, LOL01:34
ztomicunikon: choppy? you mean choppy menus?01:34
usr13Sharpie: Why don't you just add a second HD?  (To use for Ubuntu)01:34
wolflinuxguyanyone have an  idea how to help me out?01:35
Sharpieusr13: i would, if it were free01:35
Jordan_U_wweasel, I belive that it used the menu.lst from mysecond install... but then again now that I think of it I am not sure :)01:35
unikonmeaning jumpy screen that freezes and out of sync01:35
shimizuwolflinuxguy, dude is ur pc like quadcore u have 6 gb ram and SLI top nvidia card ?01:35
JimmyDeeSharpie, then partition all 3 linux partitions primary and pray to the computing gods01:35
tomlarkindoes anyone know how to get the little black arrow off of the main menu icon?01:35
neopsycheshimizu: seems to work01:35
SharpieJimmyDee: richard stallman? :P01:35
usr13Sharpie: If you have 30g, that should be enough to user for Ubuntu install.   What is the problem?01:35
wolflinuxguyno, but it runs quite well with vista01:35
wweaselJordan_U_: Alright, well...here goes nothing :) Thanks for the help01:35
wolflinuxguywith the same hardware01:35
shimizuwolflinuxguy, then use vista for it.. under wine it will be slow as hell.01:36
wolflinuxguywhy is that?01:36
niuqhow could i upgrade to ubuntu 7.10 if my update-manager doesn't show it?01:36
shimizuwolflinuxguy, u need at least CEDEGA not wine to run such game01:36
Sharpieusr13: please, don't join in the middle without knowing the topic =[. the problem has nothing to do with installing01:36
rsfriendshow can i install new icon ?01:36
JimmyDeeSharpie, we all have our idols01:36
wolflinuxguyseveral people have told me that it they can and it runs fine01:36
neopsycheshimizu: ;-D01:36
wolflinuxguythe only problem is they know what there doing and arent total linux noobs01:36
wolflinuxguylike me01:36
usr13Sharpie: The problem is with partitioning?01:36
SharpieJimmyDee: i actually have no idea what GNU is, it's meaning is so obscure01:36
chybeckJimmyDee: -> /bin/sh: update-grub: not found01:36
Sharpieusr13: no, the problem is with linux dying on me01:36
genefitzrsfriends: right click, create launcher01:37
wweaselwolflinuxguy: Have you checked the Wine AppDB? http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=315001:37
ztomicwolflinuxguy: did you catch that link I shot?... http://winehq.org/site/irc01:37
JimmyDeeoh fodder what is it grub-update?01:37
shimizuwolflinuxguy, it's no use to do this if u have vista.. it runs 50% slower than under windows with directx last drives and many other stuff01:37
yurimxpxmangnash works natively in 64 bit, correct?01:37
rsfriendsi have install new icon, but how to install?01:37
shimizuwolflinuxguy, WINE is good for notepad and easy applications like this..01:37
Jordan_U_yurimxpxman, Yes01:37
usr13Sharpie: How did it "die"?01:37
JimmyDeechybeck, grub-update sorry my man01:37
mneptokwhy would anyone use Notepad?01:37
rsfriendsi have download a new icon, but how to use it?, sry did write wrong, my bad01:37
Sharpieusr13: cancer01:37
Jordan_U_yurimxpxman, I can't think of anything open source that doesn't :)01:37
genefitzrsfriends: what are you trying to create a launcher for?01:38
gribouillecan someone help me with a problem about locales ?01:38
JimmyDeecancer, brain, brain cancer.....01:38
Sharpieusr13: well, no, it just turned read-only and then when i reset x server it gave a warning that the x serv couldn't be started01:38
thinman1189phaedra : just out of curiosity, does it matter what router i use or if i'm using a repeater?01:38
ztomicI hear people doggin' Wine01:38
wweaselshimizu: You underestimate Wine. It's good for far more than Notepad and Winesweeper.01:38
wolflinuxguywhy the hell would someone devote an entire webpage for running oblivion under wine then???01:38
Sharpieusr13: and it can't be booted, and this is the 2nd time today it happened. first time i reinstalled01:38
daedrai must admit the best I can achieve through wine is Unreal Tournament (Original)01:38
ztomicwhy you guys doggin' wine?01:38
chybeckJimmyDee: same thing, grub-update isn't in the "build-in commands" allowed01:38
dannyboy2087how can i install a theme?01:38
daedraand that's patchy01:38
mneptokJordan_U_: Java plugin01:38
neopsycheshimizu: hmm... how do i make new user in myphpadmin?01:38
rsfriendsi am not trying to creating a luncher, i  did download new icon , but how to use it,  ( new icon theme)01:38
shimizuwweasel, i get wc3 TFT running on wine.. but if it comes for games.. there is cedega, wich much faster for graphical applications .. heh01:38
neopsycheshimizu: it doesnt want to let me install tables to db using root + defualt paswd?01:39
usr13Sharpie: What filesystem was on the partition that became read only?01:39
genefitzrsfriends, okay, hold on..01:39
Sharpieusr13: it was the root, ext301:39
shimizuwweasel, anyway i don't understand people who trying to run such games on ubuntu.. why do u need ubuntu.. for wine rofl01:39
JimmyDeechybeck, did you run your shell in the installer or the partition?01:39
sushiluvrugh the 2008 scion xb is so hot01:39
wweaselwolflinuxguy: shimizu is right in the sense that it *will* run slower in Linux. Which isn't to say you shouldn't try, or that it will be unusable. It will simply be slower. But please, try away01:39
neopsycheshimizu: what games?01:39
chybeckdunno what's that ^01:39
=== sushiluvr is now known as unagi
genefitzrsfriends: try the instructions here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10660701:40
wweaselshimizu: Well, I think it's simply a matter of preference. It's nice being able to abandon Windows entirely. It's easier for me because I don't game01:40
speeddemon8803Wine is good for small windows applications that really dont need to be installed, but for games like oblivion...in my opinion..I see no point. lol01:40
wolflinuxguywell the probem is i dont know how to get it working in the first place01:40
Jordan_U_mneptok, Isn't gij 64 bit compatible? ( I don't count suns Java as Open Source yet :)01:40
JimmyDeechybeck, there were 2 options run a shell in the installer and run in the partition (not sure of the verbiage)01:40
rsfriendsthx genefitz01:40
wweaselwolflinuxguy: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=3150    - I think this is the page you need.01:40
genefitzrsfriends: no problem :-)01:40
JimmyDeechybeck, you need to run the shell in the partition01:40
shimizuwweasel, so if u don't game don't suggest people to spent hours setting up just a sound for a game wich will run extremely slow01:40
daedrawolflinuxguy: have you tried installing oblivion in windows, and then running it through linux using wine?01:40
gribouilledoes anyone know about locale support ?01:40
shimizuneopsyche, suggestiong to read about this in google :D01:40
chybeckyep but how ? ^^01:41
JimmyDeewine does eve like a champ01:41
daedrathat tends to give you the best idea of how it will run without optimizations01:41
ztomicwolflinuxguy: the best place would be a wine IRC channel.01:41
JimmyDeeand its no SMALL windows app01:41
speeddemon8803Exactly my point.01:41
usr13Sharpie: The OS is supposed to control mounting, [ro or rw].01:41
wweaselshimizu: I respectfully disagree. I'm not here to enforce my opinions of what people should or should not do upon them. I'm here to help them do what they want to do. I let him know it will run slower. Now he is armed with knowledge.01:41
shimizuwolflinuxguy, well if u want to have fun with it.. i think there is people who made it already u can just google it and im sure u will find step by step set up for oblivion01:41
shimizuwweasel, :)01:41
wolflinuxguyhmmm it appears thatthese were all tested with very early version of my distro01:42
JimmyDeewolflinuxguy, try winehq.org in their appdb01:42
usr13Sharpie: You must have a problem with the HD.  (hardware problem)01:42
wolflinuxguywell i did in the wiki but it doesnt adress the problem that im having01:42
deaddreamerhow do i install cursors01:42
Hellclan|OraclegJimmyDee, know any erros for samba that include cli_rpc_pipe_open01:42
linuxnewbie_41So does the slider in the installer indicate how much space the new partition will have?01:42
wweaselwolflinuxguy: Have you tried the website that I linked you to? http://wiki.winehq.org/OblivionHowTo01:42
Sharpieusr13: checked it with WD diagnostics, it's fine01:42
ztomicwolflinuxguy: http://appdb.winehq.org/01:42
shimizuwolflinuxguy, well as i said before if u planning on gaming with wine u need to install cedega.. the only problem it's not free.. but it handle games much better than wine.01:42
JimmyDeeusr13, fsck already blew chunks all over when he tried to run it, I say hardware malfunction too01:43
usr13Sharpie: Use the live cd, go to console mode and mount one of the partitions ro and then try to remount rw01:43
ztomicwhy is wolflinuxguy still here?01:43
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, google that one, it seems specific enough01:43
mEck0is there a keyboard shortcut for creating a new folder in Nautilus?01:43
wolflinuxguyok ill give that a shot01:43
Sharpieusr13: but it can't boot anyway01:43
wweaselwolflinuxguy: Good luck01:43
usr13Sharpie: fsck told you there were unrecoverable errors?01:43
usr13Sharpie: Boot a LiveCD.01:44
shimizumEck0, yeah.. shortcut is mkdir folder in terminal.. just get used to it01:44
Sharpieusr13: it told me there were errors..and failed01:44
speeddemon8803Yes it does linuxnewbie. It indicates how much space of the partition will be set aside for the install. i.e. How much space is on the full drive, and how much space you want to set aside for the linux partition...as in resizing it.01:44
FoSsiLanyone have issue connecting to amule servers??01:44
wweaselAlright all, Gutsy time for me. Good luck with your issues.01:44
Sharpieusr13: and then when i run it manually it finishes, but stil can't boot01:44
usr13Sharpie: Then  you have a problem with the HD more than likely.01:44
usr13Sharpie: What happens when you try to boot?01:44
JimmyDeeSharpie, second time it puked in the same hard drive space? its boffo01:44
usr13Sharpie: At what point does it fail?01:44
speeddemon8803be back in a bit everyone, I see I need more coffee for the night shift :)01:44
linuxnewbie_41I jsut don't want to erase my Windows data.01:45
wweaselmEck0: The shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+N  ...I think01:45
mEck0shimizu, I know how to create a new folder via the terminal...01:45
Sharpieusr13: it reaches about a 1/4 of the load bar and then goes to a dos screen01:45
wolflinuxguywhat do i do wit hthat "hackish patch" thing?01:45
usr13Sharpie: At the "dos" screen, are you able to login?01:45
ZarigisDoes anyone know how to disable the headphone jack causing the internal speaker to mute? My headphone jack is busted and thinks its always plugged in.01:45
mEck0wweasel, yeah, Ctrl+Shift+N was the right, thx01:45
speeddemon8803Sharpie: Dos, as in "terminal"?01:45
wweaselshimizu: Your attitude really sucks, and probably helps to turn people off of Linux. Why should they feel comfortable asking questions just to get berated?01:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:45
Sharpiespeeddemon8803: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Dos as in super mario NT! =D01:46
ztomicWindows is great for games because of hardware. DOS is better for games than windows but Windows is the happy medium. Wine for games is just frivilous but more power to those that can get them working.01:46
speeddemon8803lol :)01:46
Sharpieusr13: anyway, it runs a fcsk and fails01:46
wweaselshimizu: I know you know what you're doing...but still...you could be a bit more respectful with them.01:46
mEck0wweasel, thx!01:46
twoshadetodI have a file server setup sharing files with Samba, works GREAT. Only thing is one of the folders is porn.  My 10 year old daughter just came to live with me and I don't want her seeing it. If making an NFS share for the pron good enough to keep her out of it?01:46
wweaselmEck0: Np :)01:46
Sharpieusr13: and tells me to manually fsck, but that doesn't fix it01:46
speeddemon8803Some users refer to terminal as dos, just making sure we were on the same page.01:46
ckin2001twoshadetod, you can set permissions on samba shares01:46
wweaseltwoshadetod: lol! that is one of the best questions i've heard on this channel01:46
shimizuwweasel, i think if people getting used to linux they should start with terminal as for last question it was a joke :)01:46
wolflinuxguythe thing gets halfway through installation and then i get a fun little error that says "feature transfer error"01:46
twoshadetodckin2001, you can? i thought i couldnt01:46
wolflinuxguythen it closes out and nothing happens01:47
ckin2001twoshadetod, i suck at it, but I know you can.  lemme search a little01:47
ZarigisAnyone? Any thoughts on disabling headphone hack detection?01:47
twoshadetodckin2001, will she still be able to get into the server for the other "folders"?01:47
ztomicspeeddemon8803: DOS as in disk os.01:47
twoshadetodwweasel, hhaha thanks01:47
usr13Sharpie: On the / partition?   (The root filesystem?)01:47
speeddemon8803I know what dos is. :)01:47
twoshadetodztomic, DOS was the bomb bro01:47
ckin2001twoshadetod, you can setup multiple shares and assign permissions to each on a per-share level01:47
Hellclan|OraclegJimmyDee, stuff that is really technical i catch mention of rpc01:47
Sharpieusr13: yes01:47
JimmyDeetwoshadetod, permission that Pron directory out01:47
wweasel'later all.01:47
usr13Sharpie: Actually, you probably only have 2, right?  (swap and /?)01:47
mindframe-anyone here good with xfs?01:48
deadlylifeHow do I install and use Compiz?01:48
usr13Sharpie: What size are they?01:48
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, sometimes it does get a bit geekish when playing with network file systems01:48
ztomicDOS is great for games because of direct hardware access.01:48
thinman1189phaedra : just out of curiosity, does it matter what router i use or if i'm using a repeater?01:48
shimizuztomic, it was in 199501:48
Sharpieusr13: / is about 30gb, swap is 2gb01:48
speeddemon8803deadlylife:Do you have a nvidia video card?01:48
JimmyDeethinman1189, repeaters do not route, routers do repeat...next?01:48
twoshadetodJimmyDee, what should I do, just create a group on that box called pron and drag everyone but her iinto it?01:48
ztomicMAME games works great in DOS.01:48
usr13Sharpie: If your filesystem is hosed badly, you will need to re-install. Don't see much else in the way of options for you.01:49
ckin2001twoshadetod, in the smb.conf file, add the line "valid users = (your samba username)" and make sure that public = no01:49
deadlylifespeeddemon8803,  I don't know.01:49
JimmyDeetwoshadetod, thats how I would do it01:49
twoshadetodztomic, god they didn't even have mame when i used dos, we had the actual nintendo system lol01:49
Sharpiei already reinstalled today =[01:49
JimmyDeetwoshadetod, asides from naming the group pron01:49
ConstyXIVis there by chance any way to get system-wide mouse gestures?01:49
speeddemon8803deadlylife:If you have an unsupported video card, and try to install it, be warned, things get ugly.01:49
usr13Sharpie: You re-installed and still cannot boot?01:49
twoshadetodonly thing that makes me mad is dos had nothing like "screen"01:49
twoshadetodand screen is fairly "old"01:49
Sharpieusr13: i reinstalled and after a couple of hours it happened again01:50
twoshadetodwhen i saw screen on nix i marveled01:50
deadlylifespeeddemon8803, How can I know what card I have?01:50
phaedrathinman1189, No.  Unless the card is working properly and you can't connect.01:50
JimmyDeeusr13, his hdd is irretrievable borked01:50
ztomictwoshadetod: Advancemame has a livecd based on DOS. works great because of direct hardware access.01:50
graelbHi there, Why would my TTY's be just black and unaccessable01:50
ztomicbut I hate advancemame01:50
usr13Sharpie: Is this a desktop or laptop?01:50
wolflinuxguycome on come on does anyone know what to do about oblivion?01:50
Sharpieusr13: it's a desklop01:50
twoshadetodztomic, did you use dos back in the BBS days?01:50
Johnsonyo did anyone upgrade to 7.10 from update manager?01:50
Johnsonis that safe to do?01:50
Sharpieusr13: a floating desktop01:50
thinman1189jimmydee : huh?01:50
speeddemon8803deadly:There is a app in ubuntu that checks your hardware, im not sure of the name of it, anybody know?01:51
JimmyDeegraelb, sounds silly but mine do that when you unplug them01:51
twoshadetodJohnson, i didn't but im sure they wouldn't mind another tester lol01:51
usr13Sharpie: "floating"?01:51
twoshadetodspeeddemon8803, i thought uname might do that01:51
Sharpieusr13: joke. desktop.01:51
ckin2001Johnson, done it twice, worked fine01:51
twoshadetodspeeddemon8803, not sure but i beleive uname -a ?01:51
ztomictwoshadetod: yeah i started working with PC back in 90 or so.01:51
gluonmanYo, I'm having difficulty partitioning my hdd. Right now I just have a root / and a swap /. I want to add an /opt and a /home and shrink my root / to 5GiB. Unfortunately, gparted wouldn't let me do this, so  just decided to back up all of my files to my exthdd and just reinstall ubuntu entirely from the liveCD (which I'm booted into now). However, during the installation setup when it asked how I wanted to partition my hdd, I select01:51
gluonmaned manual it reported errors when I tried to shrink the root / to 5GiB. Then I didn't notice any option to create new partitions that I could mount on /opt and /home. Can anyone help me out?01:51
usr13Sharpie: Is it a sata drive?01:51
twoshadetodztomic, around when i did you prolly had a 2/386 by then01:51
graelbJimmyDee: wait, unplug them? you lost me. My virtual terminals are gone on the new nvidia drivers, nvidia-glx-new with the restricted driver manager01:51
twoshadetodlucky dog01:51
Sharpieusr13: yes01:51
wolflinuxguypleeeaaase help me01:52
elninjais it dangerous to poop during a thunderstorm?01:52
thinman1189phaedra well i dono what i did between the commands here and on the wiki but it says the driver is installed and i can't connect. on the wiki it says i need to set the channel myself. how?01:52
ztomictwoshadetod: but I hooked up to UT Tarus mainframe from school in 79.01:52
speeddemon8803Wolf, what do you need assistance with?01:52
deadlylifespeeddemon8803, How can I know what card I have?01:52
JimmyDeegraelb, no, my tty's are black and unresponsive when I unplug them, could that be the issue?01:52
kaghow can I find out what ports a program is using?01:52
twoshadetodztomic, not familiar with those, only dos lol and bbs's man i used to love them01:52
RancidLMhello all, i have a laptop that i would like to use dual monitors  when im at home.. is there a "profile" switcher for xorg that i can choose what xorg i would like to start with?01:52
speeddemon8803im not exactly sure of what the command is in terminal..can someone else assist here?01:52
JimmyDeegraelb, sorry we arent on the same page01:53
ckin2001speeddemon8803, lspci?01:53
twoshadetodI remember I started screwing around and making the prompt color and (i am almost positive) a short animation. can that be done in nix?01:53
graelbJimmyDee: yeah, i don't know what you're talking about, though the typing things you use over the phone are also called tty's i think, yes?01:53
JimmyDeekag, sudo apt-get install nmap, then nmap -v -A myhostname01:53
twoshadetodi think you had to hit prompt off with a $E then the escape code but dont remember which was which01:53
JimmyDeegraelb, yes01:53
usr13Sharpie: You might check the bios for some switch that locks or unlocks the drive.  (I understand that some of the newer PC's come with a function to "lock" the HD partitions.  ALso, some companies will install software that "locks" a HD, (mostly on company issued laptops), and I understand that the function uses cmos swithcs to do the job.01:53
bqmasseygrub's not working01:53
speeddemon8803Can I ask that someone else assist deadly? I am so baffled with my linux commands that I need to study up.01:53
bqmasseythrowing error 13 and error 1501:54
phaedrathinman1189,  You can use iwconfig for that.01:54
Sharpieusr13: lock? :\01:54
Sharpieusr13: as in, make it read only?01:54
graelbJimmyDee: That was what you were talking about, yes?01:54
ztomictwoshadetod: my first PC was 386sx01:54
Hellclan|OraclegJimmyDee, oo any idea why it thinks the host mahcine is at a 208.69 naddres ?01:54
phaedrathinman1189, man iwconfig will give you the command and params.01:54
coldbootHas anyone got VMWare Server working on Gutsy?01:54
twoshadetodztomic, nice bro i had an sx also01:54
wolflinuxguywhat the hell is a feature transfer error?!?01:54
twoshadetodwanted the DX version01:54
twoshadetodbut my first was an XT 808801:54
twoshadetodsx was the cheaper one01:54
twoshadetodthe cheapest01:55
usr13Sharpie: I've already told you more than I know. But I had a friend that encountered a simular problem with his company issued laptop, but he convinced the {company] tec to "unlock" it for him.01:55
JimmyDeegraelb, "the typing things you use over the phone arealso called tty's" my answer is yes, and when I unplug them they become black and unresponsive01:55
kagJimmyDee, thanks... what are the -v -A options for?01:55
Sharpieusr13: i assure you, nothing is locked =\01:55
wolflinuxguyfor fun01:55
graelbJimmyDee: yeah... well, that's to be expceted =P01:55
ztomictwoshadetod: remember having to upgrade cache as well as RAM... that sucked!01:55
Sharpieusr13: thanks for trying to help tho \=01:55
wolflinuxguywHAT is a FEATURE transfer error?01:56
c0Ldwirchief1: you still there? ;x01:56
speeddemon8803Ram and cache upgrade, *shakes in boots*01:56
JimmyDeeHellclan|Oracleg, ummm 208.69 hmmmm its dhcp'ing to someone elses dhcp box?01:56
thinman1189phaedra it gave me a lot of info but i don't know what it means01:56
pbxWhat command can I give to aptitude (or apt-get) to tell me what packages I have installed and whether there are newer versions available?  The equivalent of "portversion" on FreeBSD or "port installed" in Macports.01:56
twoshadetodztomic, lol i never upgraded bro i had the xt untl the 386 was out01:56
Sharpieusr13: maybe it's cause ubuntu's anti-semitic? :\01:56
twoshadetodztomic, i do remember having to fuck with dipswitches when instaling a modem01:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:56
wirchief1c0Ld: yes01:56
ugruntuMy sound card was working fine, then suddenly it died.  rythmbox claimed it couldnt play because another application was using resources.   Is there a process i can kill to resart sound?01:56
chybeckhi, got a problem, i did "sudo update-initramfs -u" cause i didn't have any splash screen , and now i can boot neither in rescue mode, i'm in commande line with argument (initramfs) . What can i do (i'm noob)01:56
coldbootHas anyone got VMWare working on Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10?01:56
JimmyDee!language > twoshadetod01:56
elkbuntutwoshadetod, watch your language please01:56
usr13Sharpie: It very well could be that you've just hosed the filesystem up.  It happens, but not very often.  I have data that I've been shuffling from one drive to the next for years.  I've been using ext2 and ext3 for over 10 years now and any data lose hase been due to either operator error or hardware failure only.01:57
rsfriendswhy cant i copy file to  usr/share/icons01:57
twoshadetodztomic, for setting, had like 4, i want to say all up ---- was comm 1 , --__ was 2, __-- was 3 and all down ____ was comm four01:57
JimmyDeersfriends, permissions01:57
Odd-rationalersfriends: Because you are not the owner of the file01:57
twoshadetodJimmyDee, sorry01:57
cyberjamesrsfriends: superuser first01:57
twoshadetodelkbuntu, sorry01:57
gluonmanI don't know if anybody noticed my above question, so I'll just repost it.01:57
gluonmanYo, I'm having difficulty partitioning my hdd. Right now I just have a root / and a swap /. I want to add an /opt and a /home and shrink my root / to 5GiB. Unfortunately, gparted wouldn't let me do this, so  just decided to back up all of my files to my exthdd and just reinstall ubuntu entirely from the liveCD (which I'm booted into now). However, during the installation setup when it asked how I wanted to partition my hdd, I select01:57
gluonman ed manual it reported errors when I tried to shrink the root / to 5GiB. Then I didn't notice any option to create new partitions that I could mount on /opt and /home. Can anyone help me out?01:57
Sharpieusr13: hosed it up? like, ruined it? twice? in a couple of hours?01:57
twoshadetodztomic, remember applying for private boards man?01:57
JoaoebordignonHi, I'm doing a reinstall on my ubuntu file server. And it's hanging in the "Installing the kernel - installing linux-server" for about 40 minutes now. Is it normal (it was almost 2 years since I did a server install)?01:58
twoshadetodztomic, have that crazy application to prove you were elite?01:58
ztomictwoshadetod: when I was programming in high school, the modem was a handset that you placed in the cradle... can't remember what speed.01:58
Odd-rationalecoldboot: I would use VirtualBox instead: http://www.virtualbox.org/01:58
twoshadetodyeah i've seen those but that was before me01:58
twoshadetodi think that was a 300 baud01:58
rsfriendshow can i use sueruse01:58
twoshadetodmy first was a 120001:58
wolflinuxguycome on man... feature transfer error man...01:58
JimmyDeeSharpie, I'd bet your hdd is delta sierra01:58
twoshadetodi think 300's wre popular on amiga's also using kermit probablyy before xmodem but not sure again, before me01:58
usr13Sharpie: I really have no idea, would have to see the drive - mount it (or try to mount it) and look at it and see if there are any clues as to  what happened01:58
pedrowhat is a good anti virus for linux?01:59
PriceChild!sudo | rsfriends01:59
ubotursfriends: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:59
SharpieJimmyDee: wtf is delta sierra?01:59
ztomicahh! the good ole days.01:59
JimmyDeeDog ****01:59
usr13Sharpie: You can not even to recovery mode?01:59
bqmasseywhat does hd(0,3) refer to? first drive, fourth partition?01:59
pbxpedro, most people use something called... "Linux" :)01:59
JimmyDeebqmassey, you are correct sir01:59
wolflinuxguycome on man.. oblivion with wine man...01:59
pedroyes but i ve a problem01:59
Sharpieusr13: it starts booting recovery mode and fails and then does a fcsk01:59
pedroi use windows as host and linux in vmware01:59
JimmyDeepedro, you wouldnt be here if you dint have a problem, shoot it02:00
wolflinuxguyhow the hell do i get .msi's to run with wine???????02:00
pedroand i think windows has virus02:00
wolflinuxguyi know someone knows how...02:00
SelanitDoes anyone know what "Invalid module format" means when inserting a freshly compiled module?02:00
JimmyDeewolflinuxguy, wine msiexec filename.msi02:00
kagJimmyDee, from what I understand, nmap scans for my open ports (like a running server).. however I'm trying to find out which port(s) my BitTorrent client is using02:00
wolflinuxguyok ill trust you...02:00
wolflinuxguyjust this once tho02:00
twoshadetodkag netstat maybe? wireshark if not for sure02:00
pedroand want to run a scan withe linux the windows02:00
pedrohow can i do this?02:00
bqmasseyJimmyDee: ok. so is it possible that grub isn't working because menu.lst has the ubuntu root at 'hd(0,3)' when ubuntu is actually on the second partition?02:01
pedroi use windows as host and linux in vmware02:01
JimmyDeebqmassey, that would cause a large discrepancy, yes02:01
twoshadetodpedro, for virus maybe clamav, i dont use AV but grab rkhunter and chkrootkit also02:01
pedroand want to run a scan withe linux the windows02:01
usr13Sharpie: You could boot a liveCD and try and mount the partition in question and see if you can read the data or not.  That might give you a clue as to what happened.02:01
twoshadetodpedro, ahhh that is an interesting question, i might do that to my girls XP box that has virii02:01
pedroi already installed clamav but i dont know how to use02:01
coldbootOdd-rationale: Is it free?02:01
phaedrathinman1189, You set the channel with the channel parameter....02:01
coldbootOdd-rationale: Nobody uses it in the industry.02:01
Sharpieusr13: wish i knew how to do that =[02:02
coldbootOdd-rationale: It's mostly between Parallels and VMWare02:02
Odd-rationalecoldboot: Yes, it's free.02:02
bqmasseyJimmyDee: ok. so my first partition is the swap and my second is the root.. so i need to change it to 'hd(0,1)' correct?02:02
wolflinuxguyjimmy dee you liar...02:02
wolflinuxguynothing happened!02:02
wolflinuxguyam i supposed to put the msi file in a super special secret location or something???02:02
usr13Sharpie: Do you have the Ubuntu install CD?  If so, you can use that.02:02
JimmyDeebqmassey, then its (hd1,0)02:02
ztomictwoshadetod, pedro: so boot to windows, run linux virus scan? sounds troublesome.02:02
Sharpieusr13: i have the livecd =\02:02
Odd-rationalecoldboot: Try it! You might like it better.02:02
JimmyDeeerrrr youre right02:02
Sharpieusr13: i installed it like 4 hours ago02:03
JimmyDeebqmassey, err (hd0,1)02:03
pedrobut how can i use clamav02:03
* rredd4 says hi to JimmyDee02:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clamav - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:03
pedroi already had instaled the clamav and clamav-fresh02:03
JimmyDeepedro, info clamav02:03
pedrohow to use02:03
mckenseyhow i can come back to the 7.04 to 7.10? somebody helpme please02:03
ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.02:04
ztomicpedro: boot a livecd with clam but it's gonna mess up your windows partition. better to find the virus and fix from windows.02:04
wolflinuxguyso can you NOT install msi's then?????02:04
pedrobut i think windows has a trojan02:04
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
DanaGOh hey, here's something to do if it's the partition table that's corrupted:02:04
speeddemon8803Please do not try to downgrade, as you could seriously mess up your computer and ultimately corrupt ubuntu beyond all recovery.02:04
gribouilleI have installed the locale fr_FR@euro, and when I do LANG=fr_FR@euro perl -Mlocale -e 'print uc chr 189', I get the wrong character !02:05
usr13Sharpie: Boot the CD and then look at the partitions   fdisl -l   Look to see if they are already mounted  e.g.  mount   If it is not already mounted, try mouting, e.g.   sudo mkdir /mnt/hda4  ;  sudo mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/hda4  ;  ls /mnt/hda402:05
rredd4pedro  use AVG in windows, its free02:05
thinman1189phaedra : the channel is set correctly. i typed lspci -v | less and for the wireless card it said a bunch of stuff but Belkin Unknown Device 700c and Capabilities <access denied> seem to be a problem.02:05
DanaGIt won't fix the file system itself, though.  It's good for things like deleted, but not formatted, partitions.02:05
pedroi already used02:05
ztomicpedro: find a fix and follow the instructions. then get a good AV.02:05
pedroi ve that anti virus02:05
pedroand don t detected anything02:05
Sharpieusr13: um.02:05
pedrobut when i do crl alt del02:05
VilasBoashy i need help with my wireless can anyone please help me?02:05
JimmyDeewolflinuxguy, I installed steam via .msi file, it works02:06
pedroto see the process the menu is all mess up02:06
usr13Sharpie:   ls /mnt/hda4/boot  ;  ls /mnt/hda4/home/  ;  ls/mnt/hda4/userhere   etc.02:06
JoaoebordignonPedro, your windows install is probably hosed.02:06
NoVARaifevening all....02:06
JimmyDeeor in your case jose'd02:06
Odd-rationalepedro: Why not do it the other way around. Have Linux on your machine and windows an a virtual.02:06
pedrohosed what u mean by that?02:06
Sharpieusr13: i really have no idea what that is02:06
ztomicpedro: my advice is to not do it the way you want.02:06
tomlarkin is there anyway to export my settings (panels, themes, compiz settings, installed packages) or back them up somehow02:06
usr13Sharpie: You use console or terminal and issue commands above.02:07
Sharpieusr13: btw, do you have like um..a soccer field to the..right of your apartment?02:07
VilasBoascan any one HELP me with my wireless?02:07
JimmyDeepedro, run clamav on your windows and it will be el muerto02:07
usr13Sharpie: No, just an open field, a pasture.02:07
speeddemon8803Dont try to "play" with things that you understand...period..messing with settings just to see what they do..is not a wise choice, and will crash your pc.02:07
phaedrathinman1189, Yes, there is a problem.  Belkin shouldn't be an unknown device... I'd check it with ndiswrapper but you don't have that...  :(02:07
NoVARaifCan anyone tell me if there's a way to manage (graphically) the samba user(s) I've setup on my server?02:07
Sharpieusr13: you don't live in a brown building then02:07
speeddemon8803*dont understand02:07
usr13Sharpie: No02:07
=== Ste-Foy is now known as Carpatin
wolflinuxguyi just get a usage list when i type in wine msiexec SteamInstall.smi02:07
JimmyDeenever "PLAY" on a production system02:08
Sharpieusr13: not in Fort Worth, TX then02:08
inversekinetixhow do you make windows 3D and sit off the desktop in rotate cube mode?02:08
pedroi ll try it , ill be back02:08
usr13Sharpie: No02:08
Sharpiethat's prolly us ISP then =O02:08
JimmyDeeyou dont make windows do that02:08
usr13Sharpie: Are you in FortWorth?02:08
tomlarkin is there anyway to export my settings (panels, themes, compiz settings, installed packages) or back them up somehow02:08
Sharpieusr13: ur*02:08
Sharpieusr13: lol, no02:08
rredd4pedro this link has several virus programs for windows, got me out of a jam a time or two.   http://www.wolfontheloose.com/html/anti_virus.html02:08
thinman1189phaedra : well just to try, what would be the command for that?02:08
usr13Sharpie: WHy do you ask?02:08
phaedra!compiz | inversekinetix02:08
ubotuinversekinetix: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:08
Sharpieusr13: just googling outta boredom, gayle =[02:08
JimmyDeerredd4, hola dood, saw your hi before and got sidetracked02:08
pbxHow do I see what packages I have installed and whether there are updates available?02:09
ztomicpedro: I'll say this, "Use clam to find the trojan but don't use it to clean your NTFS unless you know it won't damage anything."02:09
usr13Oh, ok.02:09
JimmyDeepedro, which, it will02:09
Sharpieusr13: or is it terry? O:02:09
thinman1189phaedra : i don't get why i can see my network and do all the settings and but it doesn't recognize the device.02:09
JimmyDeethinman1189, got wpa going?02:09
pwnt-installing a deb file? dpkg -i file.deb right?02:09
rredd4JimmyDee  thats ok!02:09
thinman1189jimmydee : wep02:09
ztomicJimmyDee! Howdee!02:10
inversekinetixthanks phaedra02:10
JimmyDeethinman1189, ok first thing, turn off the wep and see if it works that will localize the issue02:10
phaedrathinman1189,  sudo ndiswrapper -l will give a list of all drivers it uses and it should have the belkin card listed next to the driver...02:10
wolflinuxguyJimmyDee, all I get is a usage list02:10
phaedrainversekinetix, Okay, np...02:10
pwnt-hey if i'm trying to install a file.deb package, should i use "sudo" to install it? or just dpkg?02:10
pedrohow to use clamav?02:10
Sharpiepwnt-: double click it...02:10
eXeCuTeRuse sudo02:10
thinman1189jimmydee then i'd have to turn it off at the router, correct?02:10
pwnt-Sharpie: in terminal02:10
Sharpiepwnt-: why would you wanna do that?02:10
bmk789tux looks amazing on a pumpkin02:11
ztomicwolflinuxguy: throw the games away and start using computers the way they were meant to be used... hehe!02:11
pwnt-Sharpie: because I like using terminal?02:11
Sharpiepwnt-: you might as well double click it and install via package manager02:11
pedroand how to scan windows from linux using vmware?02:11
JimmyDeethinman1189, you are correct sir, just temporarily to see if its wep or the machine giving you fits02:11
Sharpiepwnt-: that's like 2 clicks02:11
usr13Sharpie: /join #sharpie02:11
Sharpiepwnt-: oh wait, 302:11
rsfriendsi have some problem to log in like root,02:11
JimmyDeepedro, I wouldnt do that, see also el muerto02:11
pedrothe windows it is very slow and it is not by vmware i can garante02:11
buttercupspwnt, yes use sudo02:11
rsfriendsi have some problem to log in like root, ( you cant log from this screen,02:12
cyberjamesrsfriends: what is it?02:12
pedrowhat is that el muerto?02:12
pedroi m portuguese02:12
JimmyDeepedro, the dead in spanish02:12
inversekinetixphaedra the effect at the beginning of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eDI4-IH58s   is what Im wanting,  i have everything else working02:12
JimmyDeesorry missed your accent02:12
ztomicno quedo morir02:12
VilasBoasBoas pedro explica lá o que precisas02:12
Nicarkhey guys in the visual effect menu under appearence in gutsy how can i personalize the effects?02:12
pedroo k ker dizer el muerto ? o que é isso?02:13
Joaoebordignonpedro, sua instalacao do windows02:13
Odd-rationaleNicark: Install ccsm.02:13
Joaoebordignondeve ter dado problema provavelmente02:13
wolflinuxguyor if i do in the way the wiki wants me too i get this file:///home/user/Desktop/Screenshot.png02:13
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:13
drewbyI am having trouble compiling Wesnoth.  It checks for libSDL, which the synaptic package manager says I have installed, but when I run ./configure in wesnoth is says SDL-Config not found.02:13
pedroeh axim eu tenho o windows todo marado02:13
JoaoebordignonJimmyDee, I kown, but him dont respond in pvt02:13
ztomicJimmyDee: you should be ashamed02:14
pedroe tou a usar o linux agora via vmware e keria fazer scan a partir daki do linux02:14
timobdrewby: you probably need the -dev package02:14
NicarkOdd-rationale, what's the package with ccsm? I try installing it later but don't know where it is02:14
wolflinuxguyJimmyDee, the msi file is on my desktop, should i put it in a different location?02:14
JimmyDeeztomic, I did kinda start that didnt I02:14
thinman1189phaedra : it says blkwgd : driver installed device (168c:001a) present 9alternative driver: ath_pci)02:14
drewbytimob the -dev of libsdl?02:14
VilasBoaspedro se poderes formata o pc instala o linux e deixa uma partição para o windows ;)02:14
timobdrewby: yeah02:14
thinman1189phaedra : it says blkwgd : driver installed device (168c:001a) present (alternative driver: ath_pci)02:14
JimmyDeewolflinuxguy, in the directory youre trying to run it from in terminal is best02:14
drewbytimob: k thanks02:14
Odd-rationaleNicark: compiz-config-settings-manager. in the repositories. Use synaptic or add/remove02:14
* drewby is away trying to fix his problems.02:14
Joaoebordignonpedro, se os anti-virus não encontram nada, pode ser que sua instalação do windows tenha dado algum problema desconhecido, isso é normal no windows. Geralmente o único jeito é reinstalar.02:15
pedroo problema é k tenho a minha plataforma de negocios instalada02:15
rhodoes anyone know of a way to view .asx files in ubuntu?02:15
JimmyDeeauuugghh what did I start02:15
Nicarkthanks Odd-rationale02:15
wolflinuxguy,JimmyDee do you mean in my .wine/C drive?02:15
Joaoebordignonpedro pvt02:15
cyberjameshey, nice language use huh..02:15
thinman1189jimmydee : does it matter that i have a repeater?02:15
IV_Warriorcan anyone help me?  I've got a Toshiba Satellite P105-S6024 installed Gutsy the other day, and my sound doesn't work.  through the built in speakers or the headphone jack02:15
montgoejum...anyone know why I have two different usplash themes? one runs on bootup, one on shutdown...yes, they're both from different packages02:15
cyberjamespuerto galleria?02:15
JimmyDeethinman1189, as opposed to a router?02:15
montgoejI tried changing back to ubuntu usplash...nogo02:15
Odd-rationaleNicark: np02:16
phaedrathinman1189, Okay,  it's installed and the card is present...  I had a prob like this 4 months ago on 6.10 and had to install and unistall four times before it worked.  that was on my laptop tho'.02:16
eXeCuTeR !ubot unmute("bill gates. dick sucker. linux4ever") | eXeCuTeR02:16
thinman1189jimmydee : i have both. the router is downstairs and the repeater is upstairs, near my computer.02:16
MU9214how do you see what programs are installed via apt-get?02:16
Pici!botabuse | eXeCuTeR02:16
MU9214i installed a program a while back and cant remember it, and want to remove it.02:16
ubotueXeCuTeR: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:16
JimmyDeethinman1189, the repeater should be a non issue02:16
JimmyDeeMU9214, I'd use aptitude and select installed programs myself02:17
Odd-rationaleMU9214: Open synaptic. on the left pane select status. then see installed packages.02:17
thinman1189phaedra : when i was trying out the codes from the site you sent me i accidentally typed one of the command wrong and it executed, did stuff and then said no such command. unfortunately that part of terminal is long gone. when i tried to redo the command i got a different error message.02:17
JimmyDeeI love it when it "did stuff"02:17
MU9214it's server edition...... text only.02:17
JimmyDeeMU9214, type aptitude02:17
Odd-rationaleMU9214: Oh, sorry.02:18
ckin2001thinman1189, gedit ~/.bash_history and find the command ?02:18
phaedrathinman1189, Oh...  did you restart the network after all this?  You should do a restart or maybe even reboot...02:18
JimmyDeethinman1189, terminal.... /etc/init.d/networking restart02:18
thinman1189phaedra : the network as in my router/repeater/modem or as in my computer?02:19
computerhi, would this be the right command? sudo chmod 755 -R /media/disk-03 *02:19
JimmyDeethinman1189, make that a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart02:19
phaedrathin  Just the box...  Like JimmyDee said.02:19
=== dcd is now known as deadcandance
wolflinuxguy  i get this error when i put it in the terminal02:19
Executer./join #sharpie02:20
MU9214what is a good java compiler??02:20
wolflinuxguydamn it steam never wants to work for me!!!02:21
wolflinuxguyhow do i mount an iso image???02:21
cafuegoMU9214: The java 6 jdk one would be the most common.02:21
Sharpiewolflinuxguy: using an iso image mounting program02:21
awaghello, i have kde installed, but gnome-screensaver is still loading at startup, how do i stop it?02:21
thinman1189wolflinuxguy : i gave up on steam when they started banning people for talking about a linux version of it02:21
cafuegoMU9214: I've found the IBM port of that one to be quicker, but I've not really used either for YEARS now.02:22
ztomicMU9214: http://gcc.gnu.org/java/02:22
wolflinuxguysharpie, will that help oblivion run in wine?02:22
thinman1189phaedra , jimmydee : i found the command that i messed up. this is the command as i put it in: sudo apt-get install build-essential dh-make gcc-3.4 fakeroot ;inux-headers- uname -r02:23
drakehow do you install USB drivers? How do you configure USB devices/drivers?  I have a Vtech Skype USB phone, but cannot install the02:23
drakeUSB driver02:23
Sharpiewolflinuxguy: oblivion will never run in wine02:23
computerwhat is the command to chmod 755 every sub/directory and files?02:23
wolflinuxguyplenty of people have done it02:23
cafuegoztomic: Yes, I know it exists. Not useful to me, I need more than just java 1.4.02:23
wolflinuxguyhow do i run MSI files with wine???02:23
VilasBoaswhi can help me with a wireless pci card02:23
wolflinuxguywere do i put the MSI file???02:23
Sharpiewolflinuxguy: in the MSI file putting directory02:23
Bonsterwolflinuxguy: #winehq02:24
wolflinuxguyvilaboas, get ndswrapper02:24
thinman1189vilasboas, what card? i'm actually having troubles with mine atm.02:24
MU9214is this the java 6 compiler thing, or an old version? "javac 1.6.0"02:24
phaedrathinman1189, That means you don't have fakeroot or linux-headers for your box.02:24
ztomiccafuego: you never remember me... how the heck are you?02:24
VilasBoas <thinman1189>Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter (rev 04)02:24
thinman1189phaedra : which i'm guessing is bad?02:24
cafuegoztomic: Somewhat stressed with cold feet.02:25
thinman1189vilasboas, have you tried the wiki? i'm surprised an intel card isn't working.02:25
phaedrathinman1189, If your compiling, yes...02:25
computerwhat is the command to chmod 755 every sub/directory and files?02:25
rsfriendshow do i give my self premision, to log in   usr/share/icons, i only need to copy a file in there02:25
thinman1189phaedra , jimmydee : the code was supposed to be: sudo apt-get install build-essential dh-make gcc-3.4 fakeroot linux-headers-`uname -r`02:25
cyberjamescomputer: chmod -R 755 file02:25
MU9214is this the java 6 compiler thing, or an old version? "javac 1.6.002:26
VilasBoasit should work but it doesn't find any network02:26
thinman1189phaedra : compiling what?02:26
Executersharpie -> ./join #iownyou02:26
ztomicMU9214: cafuego had your answer.02:26
cafuegoDon't make all files be 755. That's just wrong.02:26
computercyber, every file and sub directories too02:26
bricethis doesn't seem to work here02:26
cafuegocomputer: chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX /somedir02:26
cyberjameswhat is that channel02:26
phaedrathinman1189, That command installs items needed to compile programs on your system.02:26
Executeri dunno02:26
cafuegocomputer: That sets useful permissions on all files and dirs, doesn't just set *ALL* to execute.02:27
Executerjust a channel i made02:27
mike05_hi all i have a question02:27
rredd4!ask | mike0502:27
ubotumike05: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:27
thinman1189phaedra : ah....so how do i fix it?02:27
MU9214ztomic: but is java 6 jdk  javac 1.6.0??02:27
mike05_i just upgraded to 7.10 and now i cannot run terminal02:27
cafuegocomputer: Note, that will st extra perms, if you had stuff set to 777 this will not fix it.02:27
VilasBoasthinman1189: do you have any ideia of what should i do?02:27
cafuegoMU9214: yes02:27
Anorionis IceWM available in the current release?02:28
cafuego!info icewm02:28
ubotuicewm: wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.30-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 672 kB, installed size 1704 kB02:28
mike05_or add remove programs, i think i may have lost my admin rights or something but i am not sure02:28
drakehow can i install a usb driver for a skpe phone?02:28
Anorionthank you02:28
phaedrathinman1189, Just retype it correctly and it will complete.  It'll just ignore what's already installed...02:28
MU9214cafuego: then does the server have to be configured to serve applets (apache) because no one can view my applets, they keep getting a red X.02:28
mattzanyone help me with my wireless02:28
ToddEDMhey guys... how do i get Flash 9 ???02:28
ToddEDM!info Flash02:28
ubotuPackage flash does not exist in gutsy02:28
cafuegoMU9214: No, but you need to have correct permisions on your class files02:28
ugruntuwill someone please visit this site and tell me if they get a warning and what that warning means?02:29
mattzi cant get my broadcom 4306 to work02:29
cafuego!info flashplugin-nonfree02:29
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 156 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)02:29
ToddEDMugruntu:  what site?02:29
MU9214cafuego: what permissions do they need?02:29
MU9214+X ?02:29
Executer!info flashplugin-nonfree02:29
ugruntusorry, i thought i pasted it02:29
cafuegoMU9214: readable for all02:29
MU9214so 77702:29
elninjaI'm trying to find out if i have a 1024MB memory stick, or 2 512MB memory sticks, without getting up and looking for a screwdriver. Anyone have any tips?02:29
drakeanybody know about getting a usb skype phone to install in ubuntu?02:29
adayahunder ubuntu feisty fawn i was able to install the nvidia drivers for my geforce 3 card but under gutsy i used the nvidia restrictged driver and can´t get above 1280X800....under feisty i could what´s the deal?02:29
computercafu, i how do i fix  it then?02:29
MU9214cafuego: so 77702:29
cafuegoExecuter: Thankyou for not repeating what I just did.02:29
Executernp bro02:30
thinman1189phaedra : it says all the newest versions are installed but then it says e: Couldn't find package linux-headers-uname -r02:30
cafuegoMU9214: No, 444 at a minimum. They do NOT need write and NOT need execute permission.02:30
Atomic_UEToddEDM, it's in the multiverse repository02:30
mattzanyone know how to install a broadcom 4306 card02:30
ToddEDMthanks Atomic_UE02:30
cafuegoMU9214: So the default of 644 will do just fine.02:30
MU9214cafuego: still not working..  http://macuser9214.com/java/java.html02:30
mattzforums aren't helping me02:30
cafuegomattz: You need the firmware for it. sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter02:30
MU9214cafuego: and its not the applet. i've tried multiple applets.02:30
Atomic_UEToddEDM, go to Applications > Add/Remove Software02:31
kidbuntuhow do you setup the mail server of yahoo in thunderbird?02:31
MU9214cafuego: i just get a red x (as do other people)02:31
kidbuntui dont know the name of it02:31
noelferreiracan i have a Texas Instruments TI-86 calculator connected with my pc?02:31
mattzthe firmware didn't work02:31
thinman1189phaedra : now it's saying that linux-headers- is already the newest version02:31
rredd4ugruntu  says it is unable to verify gna.org as a trusted site02:31
cafuegoMU9214: I don't have wokring java, so I get nothing.02:31
Atomic_UEToddEDM, Select All Available Software from the drop down in the top right, and in the search box type flash. Install Macromedia Flash Plugin02:31
justizzleok guys heres the problem, i have ubuntu installed and its broke. i need to get files from my hd to an external ntfs hd using the live disk. what do i need? to enable write access to ntfs? do i need both fuse and ntfs-3g?02:31
MU9214cafuego: damn.. i dont know what could be wrong..02:31
ugrunturredd4, for me too, what are the potential hazards of visiting that site?02:32
strickpeople I have adsl connection, and I have both router & USB MODEM, but the question is. (Which is the best for onling Gaming. Router or USB MODEM) Please advices are welcome!02:32
cafuegoMU9214: Well, the message "The requested URL /java/HelloWorldApplet.class was not found on this server." might be helpful.02:32
ToddEDMAtomic_UE: it says it is already installed02:32
computercafuego, it use to be 777 so how do i fix it?02:32
phaedrathinman1189, Then you have the headers that match your kernel.02:32
briceanyone else having the blank screen issue when booting?02:32
rredd4how do I unmark myself as away?02:32
Atomic_UEToddEDM, then yaay02:32
ToddEDMbut... i cant see some things on webpages02:32
tinman47Anybody know a link to a screencasting program?02:32
VilasBoasstrick: router is always better than a moden02:33
MU9214cafuego: I'm officially stupid.. thanks.02:33
cafuegocomputer: chmod -R go -w /somedir02:33
ToddEDMi tried in Firefox and Opera02:33
jstansel_has anyone else seen crashes with the fast-user-switch-applet in gutsy?02:33
Atomic_UEToddEDM, open up firefox and test it out02:33
ToddEDMAtomic_UE:  i did02:33
rredd4ugruntu  noy sure, didn't read the certificate02:33
cafuegocomputer: find /somedir -type f -exec chmod go-x {} +02:33
ToddEDMand opera02:33
MU9214cafuego: although i am still getting a red x.02:34
cafuegocomputer: NOTE: If you set a system dir to 777, this means you will not be able to run applications as user after running the last command!02:34
ward_mobilewhere can i find what usb cardreaders work with ubuntu?02:34
thinman1189jimmydee : i tried the networking restart and it said ok02:34
computerchmod -R go -w /media/disk02:34
justizzleok guys heres the problem, i have ubuntu installed and its broke. i need to get files from my hd to an external ntfs hd using the live disk. what do i need? to enable write access to ntfs? do i need both fuse and ntfs-3g? please02:34
JimmyDeethinman1189, then you should be workie02:34
cafuegoMU9214: The file still doesn't exist.02:34
reya276quick question, looking at my mail.info log I get this warning "postfix/smtpd[29416]: warning: database /etc/postfix/vmaps.db is older than source file /etc/postfix/vmaps". How can I fix this?02:34
MU9214cafuego: i changed it.....02:34
cafuegoreya276: postmap hash:/etc/postfix/vmap02:35
thinman1189phaedra , jimmydee: omfg, it works! thank you sooo much :-D02:35
rredd4JimmyDee  i marked myself as away, how do I undo that?02:35
ugrunturredd4, i accidentally permitted it to load every session, should i not do that?  im just worried som bad code might infect this cpu02:35
JimmyDeerredd4, got me02:35
buttercupstinman47,  recordMyDesktop in repos02:35
phaedrathinman1189,   :)02:35
wolflinuxguyhow do i find my desktop directory???02:35
ethernomadAnybody up for assisting with Gutsy Upgrade failure???02:35
JimmyDeethinman1189, *bow*02:35
wolflinuxguyplease tell me before my head explodes02:35
Piciwolflinuxguy: ~/Desktop02:35
mattzDekstop direction02:35
MU9214cafuego: thats def. right now....02:35
ToddEDMwolflinuxguy: Places > Desktop02:35
JimmyDeewolflinuxguy, ~/Desktop with the capital D02:35
mattzit's on the GUI02:35
Picimattz: decisively02:36
tinman47buttercups, can I just go to Google?02:36
thinman1189phaedra , jimmydee: thanks again for the help. i was so worried i'd have to get a new card. :-p02:36
VilasBoastinman1189:     $ sudo echo ‘options ipw2100 led=1′ >> /etc/modprobe.d/ipw210002:36
VilasBoasbash: /etc/modprobe.d/ipw2100: Permissão negada02:36
rredd4ugruntu  I was curious if it was the browser, I am using firefox.  Maybe the web site is meant for IE02:36
mattzwell it's right in root02:36
VilasBoasDo you know what does this mean ?02:36
JimmyDeethinman1189, all is never lost, unless you think about the dark side02:36
EnterUserNamewhere can i find a list of repositories02:36
EnterUserNamefor gutsy02:36
ToddEDMuhhhhhhhhg i need  to get flash working02:36
EnterUserNameim having problems with broken packages for mencoder using mediaubunut and 64 bit02:36
JimmyDeeToddEDM, hopefully not in amd6402:36
ugrunturredd4, its a *nix site, i doubt that.   i am also using ff02:37
MU9214cafuego: help!?02:37
reya276cafuego: postmap: fatal: open /etc/postfix/vmap: No such file or directory02:37
JimmyDeeToddEDM, then just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:37
phaedraJimmyDee,  the Dark Side...  Ah windows methinks....02:37
cafuegoreya276: postmap hash:/etc/postfix/vmaps02:37
rredd4ugruntu nix?02:37
JimmyDeephaedra, got that in one02:37
zetherooI have been trying to get some help for days now ... but to no avail! :-(02:37
cafuegoMU9214: Problem in the applet then I suppose.02:37
EnterUserNameme too02:37
=== snowgirl is now known as sungirl
EnterUserNamei need help getting my ffmpeg to work02:37
jstansel_the fast-user-switch-applet in gutsy is pretty nice, but sometimes one of the X servers crashes when you switch to it.  Is anyone else seeing this?02:37
ToddEDMok JimmyDee i will do that02:37
EnterUserNameand mencoder02:37
ztomicIm gone.. later guys...02:37
JimmyDeezetheroo, what did you smokecheck?02:37
EnterUserNamehow do i find the repositories :(02:37
EnterUserNamefor broken packages..02:37
MU9214cafuego: but it works on my moms computer.. on windoze. on Internet Exploder.02:38
ugruntuas in: vwm is for unix and linux alike at least thats what i assumed02:38
agneshey all!02:38
ugruntuas in: vwm is for unix and linux alike at least thats what i assumed rredd402:38
cafuegoMU9214: I dunno then, sorry dude.02:38
ethernomadI'm getting the following error when attempting to upgrade to Gutsy:02:38
ethernomadFailed to fetch http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)02:38
ethernomadFailed to fetch http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)02:38
ethernomadFailed to fetch http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)02:38
agnesI'm having some trouble with fglrx when I turned on the "restricted driver" in my manager.02:38
ethernomadThese three entries are located in /etc/apt/sources.list and I'm assuming I have to remove them...02:38
alexandresomebody have docs for apparmor?02:38
JimmyDeeMU9214, whats your issue again?02:38
ethernomadJust not sure how.02:38
Pici!automatix | ethernomad02:38
ubotuethernomad: Automatix2 is a 3rd-party product attempting to automate installation of additional software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A technical analysis from a Debian/Ubuntu developer can be found at http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (See also: /msg ubotu worksforme)02:38
cafuego!paste > ethernomad02:38
zetherooJimmyDee: smokecheck?02:38
ambnnIs there some way to generate a password hash from a supplied password (which you can then give to someone) without having to create a new user (or change a user's password) and look into /etc/shadow ?02:38
computercafuego, is this right? sudo find /media/disk -type f -exec chmod go-x {} +02:38
agnesnow it says "failed to load module "fglrx" (module requirement mismatch, 0)02:38
power78Does anyone know why I have to dual boot XP before booting Ubuntu in order for Digital Audio to appear?02:38
buttercupstinman47, sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop02:39
JimmyDeezetheroo, what let the blue smoke out02:39
MU9214JimmyDee: http://macuser9214.com/java/java.html    java isnt working (at least on my mac)02:39
ToddEDMhey JimmyDee, is there a way i can save all these command lines you nice people give me ?... cause in 10 days i wont remember them02:39
tinman47alright, got it.02:39
JimmyDeeToddEDM, cut paste02:39
tinman47THANK u so much.02:39
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:39
rredd4!pastebin | ethernomad>02:39
cafuegocomputer: That looks fine yes. it will disable the execute bit on all files (not directories)02:39
JimmyDeeMU9214, have you installed sun-java6-jre?02:39
tinman47Been looking all over the internet02:39
ToddEDMJimmyDee: just onto a text doc eh?02:39
zetherooJimmyDee: sorry.... I have no idea what your talking about....02:39
JimmyDeeToddEDM, how I did it02:39
ToddEDMcool thanks02:39
JimmyDeezetheroo, whats broke man?02:39
MU9214JimmyDee: on the server, or the mac?02:39
jmghi all02:40
rredd4!pastebin | ethernomad02:40
ubotuethernomad: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:40
jmgis the ubuntu kernel tickless?02:40
zetherooJimmyDee: I want to get Dual-Head working....02:40
JimmyDeeMU9214, the mac02:40
bricehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3612420#post3612420 - I have this problem, but this solution won't work02:40
ethernomaddang...ok, sorry02:40
ugruntuwhen i first jumped on this site https://gna.org/projects/fvwm-crystal/ there were red letters in the address bar, now they are green...i dont get it02:40
Odd-rationalejmg: yes02:40
JimmyDeezetheroo, sorry thats outta my perview02:40
justizzleok guys heres the problem, i have ubuntu installed and its broke. i need to get files from my hd to an external ntfs hd using the live disk. what do i need? to enable write access to ntfs? do i need both fuse and ntfs-3g? please02:40
MU9214JimmyDee: umm.. i think........  does it show up for you?02:40
EnterUserNameok ubuntu is making me mad02:40
zetherooJimmyDee: I also want administrative tasks to work on the first request02:40
mattztell me about it02:40
ethernomadhow do I get that crap out of etc/apt/sources.list?02:41
mlalkakaI'm trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10, but the upgrade program keeps freezing. It freezes after I press "Close" on the dialog notifying me that support for some packages has ended. How can I fix this?02:41
thinman1189vilasboas : no i don't, sorry.02:41
mattzdelete it02:41
cafuegoethernomad: With a text editor02:41
ethernomadI've tried02:41
ethernomadit won't...says its read only02:41
JimmyDeethat app is broken02:41
ethernomadI agree02:41
mattzchmod +w u02:41
cafuegosudo <editor> /etc/apt/sources.list02:41
thinman1189jimmydee : i'd never go to the dark side...unless of course there was free pie and chips. I'm sorry but I can't pass up free pie and chips02:41
EnterUserNamejimmydee which app is broken02:42
zetherooJimmyDee: without Dual-Head or Screen Expansion working... Linux/Ubuntu is just a toy...... :-/02:42
mattzchmod +w u /etc/apt/sources.list02:42
jstansel_if one of the X servers crashes when I'm using the fast-user-switch applet, which package should the bug report start at?02:42
cafuegomattz: What? Randomly change system file permissions?02:42
EnterUserNamemencoder is broken :(02:42
cafuegoUse ffmpeg then, it works fine.02:42
gerroI was installing gentoo and playing around with compiling the kernel but took a break and now upon boot I can't chroot back in with step 6 from handbook02:42
mattzthen change it back02:42
EnterUserNamesigh can ffmpeg convert *.rm files?02:42
cafuegomattz: How about just editing the file via sudo, as intended?02:42
EnterUserNamereal media?02:42
MU9214JimmyDee: you know what link i need for sun-java6-jre on mac? (for the download) ?02:42
cafuegoEnterUserName: Probably02:42
mattzsure you could02:43
zetheroowhy is it so hard to get TV out and Dual-Head working smoothly?02:43
ethernomadwow...I feel dumb now02:43
ethernomadI think that worked02:43
JimmyDeeMU9214, java.sun.com02:43
mattzdon't take the fun out of it02:43
chybeckhi, got a problem, i did "sudo update-initramfs -u" cause i didn't have any splash screen , and now i can boot neither in rescue mode, i'm in commande line with argument (initramfs) . What can i do (i'm noob)02:43
JimmyDeeMU9214, or are you running linux on your mac?02:43
MU9214JimmyDee: i installed an update that supposedly "updates J2SE 5.0 to version 1.5.0_07, Java 1.4 to version 1.4.2_12 and improves SWT compatibility for J2SE 5.0."  is that what i need???02:43
gerroMU9214: go to a site that requires java see if it offers to manually install. or go to the java site and run their installer02:43
PiciMU9214: Are you running Ubuntu?02:43
MU9214no.. mac os x.02:43
JimmyDeeMU9214, that app is broken at the head end man02:44
mattzcafuego what's your preferred editor?02:44
usr13 chybeck   Try Ctrl-Alt-F702:44
gerrooh crap this is ubuntu chat sorry folks lol02:44
cafuegomattz: vim02:44
PiciMU9214: This is the Official Ubuntu support channel, there is a unofficial Mac channel at ##mac02:44
justizzleok guys heres the problem, i have ubuntu installed and its broke. i need to get files from my hd to an external ntfs hd using the live disk. what do i need? to enable write access to ntfs? do i need both fuse and ntfs-3g? please helllppp meee02:44
chybeckdo not work .02:44
phaedraEnterUserName,  Try http://www.theora.org/02:44
chaddI've just installed ubuntu and noticed the max refresh rate I can use is 1024x768 and max refresh rate is 54hz, is there anyway to increase this?02:44
MU9214Pici: i know...  but i'm serving the applets on ubuntu ;)02:44
cafuegoEnterUserName: Yup, mine reads .rm files just dandy./02:44
MU9214JimmyDee: then what java should i use?  /sigh/ i know this isn't a mac channel, but if you know can you please help me?02:45
warriorblank I have a problem with buetooth who helps me?02:45
PiciMU9214: Okay. But I'm just saying that we can't help you install java on your mac. Its offtopic for this channel.02:45
yurimxpxmanare there any programs to automate the backup and restoration of large home directories onto DVDs so that all the disks will come back together correctly when I restore them?02:45
JimmyDeeMU9214, the newest biggest bestest one on java.sun.com for the mac I'd say02:45
cafuegoffmpeg -i <realmediafile> <extra options> -f <outputformat> <outputfile>02:45
EnterUserNamecofeugo which repository did you download02:45
warriorblank I have a problem with buetooth who helps me?02:46
mlalkakaI'm trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10, but the upgrade program keeps freezing. It freezes after I press "Close" on the dialog notifying me that support for some packages has ended. How can I fix this?02:46
EnterUserNameffmpeg from02:46
EnterUserNamecan theora convert video formats?02:46
cafuegoEnterUserName: Just ffmpeg from the normal ubuntu repos.02:46
MU9214JimmyDee: if i use the 5 compiler, will it not need java 6??  thought would be easier..02:46
EnterUserNamewill try it02:46
cafuegoEnterUserName: Theora is a video format, not an application.02:46
EnterUserNamei didnt think it was02:46
GuTi-zz__guys, how can i grep '123' from a file which will match exactly 123 instead of 1234?02:46
zetheroodoes anyone know how to tell what version of the ATI driver is being used via the terminal?02:46
JimmyDeeMU9214, see also #ubuntu?02:46
EnterUserNamei need to convert my video formats to avi format (compatible with my dvd player lol02:46
* EnterUserName wil be back02:46
cafuegoGuTi-zz__: egrep "^123$"02:46
JimmyDeeMU9214, try ##mac02:47
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:47
phaedraEnterUserName, There is a theora converter and you can use ffmpeg...02:47
cafuegoGuTi-zz__: That grabs "123" on a line by itself.02:47
GuTi-zz__cafuego, it doesn't work if there is other words in that line02:47
warriorblank I have a problem with buetooth who helps me?OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO02:47
MU9214JimmyDee: if i use a 5 compiler will i still need 6 on the other computers (mac or not.)02:47
ubotusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe02:47
cafuegoGuTi-zz__: So search for " 123 "02:47
IV_Warrioranyone know how to get sound working on a Toshiba?02:47
ArafangionMU9214: What the heck is a "5" compiler?02:47
cafuegoor "123[^0-9]"02:47
ethernomadwow, this is cool...upgrade is working!!!02:47
PiciMU9214: Try ##java02:47
warriorblank I have a problem with buetooth who helps me?OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO02:47
JimmyDeeMU9214, should need the jre thats comparable or newer than the compiler02:47
GuTi-zz__cafuego, great, thx, i think that will do the work02:48
MU9214Pici: they dont support applets :(02:48
ArafangionOh, Java.02:48
ArafangionThe new cobol.02:48
PiciMU9214: Well thats kind of dumb.02:48
mattzehh pattern searching :\02:48
MU9214Pici: i know...  /sigh/02:48
JimmyDeeCant Operate Business On Line02:49
bluejaydoes anyone know how to make xChat support other character sets like japanese or chinese? everything is gibberish right now :(02:49
warriormine palm it has a card wireless bluetooth and my PC has a dongle bluetoth... as I make to be annoying through palmare with the logon of the PC?02:49
warriormine palm it has a card wireless bluetooth and my PC has a dongle bluetoth... as I make to be annoying through palmare with the logon of the PC?02:49
prakdoes anyone know of any good lightweight mp3 player software in ubuntu?02:49
Pici!repeat | warrior02:49
ubotuwarrior: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:49
Piciprak: beep media player02:49
[chr0n0s]hi, how do i make sure that out of 2 wifi signals, one is never to be selected02:49
usr13 chybeck   Can you login?02:49
werson gutsy, pidgin's plugin settings are not saved. what can I do to fix this?02:49
JimmyDeewarrior whats your first language?02:49
usr13chybeck: to the consloe screen?02:49
[chr0n0s]prak, try xmms02:49
dystopianrayprak: mpg12302:49
Pici!it | warrior02:50
ubotuwarrior: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:50
prak[chr0n0s]: xmms isn't supported anymore02:50
usr13chybeck: If you hit Enter, do you get Login: ?02:50
chybeckit's busybox before boot.02:50
usr13chybeck: If you hit Ctrl-Alt-F1   do you get Login:  ?02:50
JimmyDeerredd4, dude, I'm off to offtopic02:50
prakthanks for the info02:51
warriormine palm it has a card wireless bluetooth and my PC has a dongle bluetoth... as I make to be annoying through palmare with the logon of the PC?02:51
adayahI´m trying to get my screen res over 1280x800. I could do it in feisty but not gutsy xserver freaks02:51
mattzso cafuego I can't use ndiswrapper to install a Broadcom 4306?02:51
MU9214JimmyDee: i compiled it with the javac 1.5.0_11 compiler and it still didnt work.02:51
Bonsterany1 got hibernation mode to work?02:51
mattzI have to use firmware?02:51
MU9214JimmyDee: does it work for you? http://macuser9214.com/java/java.html02:51
warriorPici, i am not italian i am svedish02:51
usr13chybeck: Does the grub boot manager come up and start the boot process?02:52
bluejayDoes anyone know how to make xChat support other character sets like japanese or chinese? everything is gibberish right now :(02:52
Piciwarrior: sorry, hostmask said italy :)02:52
MU9214JimmyDee: ?02:52
MU9214JimmyDee: ????02:52
mattzanyone help me to install a broadcom 4306?02:53
usr13mattz: Wireless card?02:53
warriorPici...lol you have the answer to my question?02:54
Piciwarrior: no :(02:54
mattzshould i use firmware or ndiswrapper?02:54
usr13mattz: You probably need to install ndiswrapper and use MS Windows driver [via ndiswrapper].02:54
usr13mattz: Or, use a fully supported wireless card.  (easier)02:54
astro76mattz, firmware, opensource driver works perfect with that card, in least in my machinne02:54
warriormmmm ok thz02:55
warriormine palm it has a card wireless bluetooth and my PC has a dongle bluetoth... as I make to be annoying through palmare with the logon of the PC?02:55
usr13mattz: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper02:55
Piciwarrior: There is a swedish channel though... hold on.02:55
mattzusr13 let me try the firmware02:55
wershow can I make gnome as fast as it can? I mean, in kde, I used plastik as the theme, turned off all desktop effects and disabled desktop icons..02:55
bluejayDoes anyone know how to make xChat support other character sets like japanese or chinese? everything is gibberish right now :(02:55
bluejayDoes anyone know how to make xChat support other character sets like japanese or chinese? everything is gibberish right now :(02:55
LonelyDragonanybody else having issues with FireFox just CLOSING down totally, no error messages...  like certain dialog boxes.  or when typing in a GOOGLE search string and press enter from the top box next to the address bar... (that one is more 50/50 chance if it will close down firefox though...)02:56
Pici!se | warrior02:56
ubotuwarrior: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se02:56
justizzleok guys heres the problem, i have ubuntu installed and its broke. i need to get files from my hd to an external ntfs hd using the live disk. what do i need? to enable write access to ntfs? do i need both fuse and ntfs-3g? please helllppp meee02:56
zetheroodoes amdcccle work in Ubuntu?02:56
usr13mattz: Do you have the CD that came with it?02:56
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser02:56
warriorPici: i am a detush not a svedish02:56
justizzle!de | warrior02:57
ubotuwarrior: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:57
Kingsqueakwhat's with medibuntu.sos-sts.com ?  maintenance? or gone?02:57
DShepherdLonelyDragon, no. have you tried searching launchpad for your bug?02:57
LonelyDragoni love opera...02:57
PiciKingsqueak: medibuntu.org02:57
warriorjustizzle, i am a english not detush02:57
LonelyDragonshepard,  I tried doing some google searches.. but have not seena nything...02:57
Atomic_UE!en | warrior02:57
ubotuwarrior: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:57
mattzastro how do you get the firmware to install?02:57
DShepherdLonelyDragon, try searching https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  for your bug. maybe someone has had the same problem02:58
LonelyDragonit just seems very frustrating... an I am running Ubuntu...and just started happening when it went from to .8 (i think).  I update almost everything like an idiot.02:58
KingsqueakPici: k, where does upgrade mgr read its config?02:58
warriorAtomic_UE, oh...clap clap cla02:58
astro76mattz, I just installed bcm43xx-fwcutter02:58
warriormine palm it has a card wireless bluetooth and my PC has a dongle bluetoth... as I make to be annoying through palmare with the logon of the PC?02:58
PiciKingsqueak: /etc/apt/sources.list02:59
usr13mattz: what is the filename?02:59
astro76warrior, the second part of your question makes no sense02:59
mattzmy driver filename?02:59
KingsqueakPici: yeah but it is trying to do some sort of pre-upgrade steps and points at sos-sts.com automagically02:59
Atomic_UEastro76, what language do you speak? that whole thing doesn't make sense :P02:59
KingsqueakPici: feisty to gutsy upgrade is what I'm doing02:59
astro76Kingsqueak, need to change it in /etc/apt/sources.list03:00
usr13mattz: Did you download a file?  Are you trying to use it?  If so, what is the filename?03:00
mattzmy driver is bcmwl5.inf03:00
warriorastro76, ok03:00
PiciKingsqueak: Go to System>Administration>Software sources and remove those repos03:00
mattzor bcmwl5.sys03:00
Jordan_U_Kingsqueak, You can change you mirror in System -> Administration -> Software Sources03:00
usr13mattz: YOu will need to use ndiswrapper03:00
astro76Kingsqueak, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu03:00
usr13mattz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29108803:00
KingsqueakPici: ah cool, thx never managed it through the GUI before, used to hand hacking sources.list03:00
Kingsqueakastro76: thx03:00
PiciKingsqueak: Lots of people forget about the gui :)03:00
KingsqueakPici: I prefer to ;-), thnx again03:01
justizzleok guys heres the problem, i have ubuntu installed and its broke. i need to get files from my hd to an external ntfs hd using the live disk. what do i need? to enable write access to ntfs? do i need both fuse and ntfs-3g? please helllppp meee03:01
Jordan_U_justin420, Just boot a Gutsy LiveCD and double click your drive in Plaves -> Computer to mount it :)03:02
yurimxpxmanwhat's a good program to create split backups on DVDs?03:02
Jordan_U_justin420, Even with NTFS it's all automagic :)03:02
Jordan_U_yurimxpxman, Backups of what?03:02
StarMoevribadi na lčivadiii03:02
Jordan_U_yurimxpxman, If you just want to split a file into multiple pieces use the "split" command03:03
StarMozelenn oci bile su mojeeee03:03
astro76!hr | StarMo03:03
adayahi can´t get my screen resolution over 1280x800 in gutsy...i could in feisty. using nvidia´s drivers but im trying to use thje driver in ubuntu and not getting the results...neither with nvidiaś driver now03:03
Jordan_U_justizzle, Just boot a Gutsy LiveCD and double click your drive in Plaves -> Computer to mount it :)03:03
Jordan_U_justizzle, Even with NTFS it's all automagic :)03:03
StarMoastro,,pjanski hr03:03
ubotuStarMo: za hrvatski dodjite na #ubuntu-hr, da ne zbunjujete engleze.03:03
dwf_starband2I was using vmware server in feisty and just did a clean install of gutsy,  I have my virtual machines saved on an external hard drive, I see vmware player in the add/remove menu will that work alright to run my virtual machines or do you guys recomend something else?03:03
zetherooLooking for Dual-Head help here!03:03
yurimxpxmanJordan_U_: I have to backup about 300GB of data onto DVD. I don't have room to store an archive of the entire thing before I back it up :/03:03
StarMoi can on english soryyy03:04
Jordan_U_!backup | yurimxpxman03:04
ubotuyurimxpxman: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:04
StarMogreeeeen eyeee wasss the colorrrr green eyssss like sun shineeee03:04
usr13justizzle: See:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14248103:04
justizzlejordan_U_ i am running feisty live disk03:04
Jordan_U_justin420, Ok, you may need to install ntfs-config then.03:05
Pici!ot | StarMo03:05
ubotuStarMo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:05
=== phasegen_ is now known as phasegen
usr13justizzle: You would be a lot better off using a thumb drive.  Much easier.03:06
StarMosudo apt-get instal black-vino03:06
StarMook no more from me03:06
usr13justizzle: I have a 2gig thumb drive, only paid $20 for it.03:06
justizzleusr13:  its 15Gb03:06
Jordan_U_!ntfs-3g | justizzle03:07
ubotujustizzle: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:07
usr13justizzle: Try:  mount -o remount,rw /dev/hda4    where hda4 is the ntfs partition03:07
usr13justizzle: or:  sudo  mount -o remount,rw /dev/hda403:08
praki tried to connect to bmp's svn directory using the directions as shown in http://bmp.beep-media-player.org/index.php/Downloads03:08
prakis anyone else able to connect to the svn directory?03:08
hylinuxhi, all, how to stop a special package  upgrade in ubuntu?03:08
quigzdoes anyone know how to get to the compiz fusion menu desktop effects isnt in 7.10 like it was in 7.403:09
usr13justizzle: In other words, change hda4 to hda1 or hda2 or whatever it needs to be.03:09
dystopianrayprak: i get connection refused03:09
Pici!ccsm | quigz03:09
ubotuquigz: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:09
phasegenI may have hit a fatal flaw that could never allow me to install gutsy.  The installer won't recognize that I have two ide hard drives.  One for root, and one for home.  Anyone have ideas for a work around?03:09
warriormine palm it has a card wireless bluetooth and my PC has a dongle bluetoth... as I make to be annoying through palmare with the logon of the PC?03:09
warriormine palm it has a card wireless bluetooth and my PC has a dongle bluetoth... as I make to be annoying through palmare with the logon of the PC?03:09
hylinuxjust say make the package don't upgrade some package, and let me do it myself.03:09
warriormine palm it has a card wireless bluetooth and my PC has a dongle bluetoth... as I make to be annoying through palmare with the logon of the PC?03:09
justizzleusr13:  ill give it a try03:09
hylinuxany idea?03:09
Pici!repeat | warrior03:09
ubotuwarrior: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:09
ugruntudoes anybody know what the transparent system monitors that stick to your desktop are called?03:09
prakdystopianray: fair enough; thanks03:09
hylinuxI know how to do that in debain. but I don't know how to do in ubuntu.03:09
=== kj- is now known as kjdash
Piciugruntu: screenlets probably03:10
WorkingOnWiseAnyonehaving problems writing bootable cd images (iso) from the right click menu. I do that, and the disk is not bootable. The image is bootable with VirtualBox, and the image was created from a bootable CD, but the burned disk from the iso is not bootable. The files on the disk are readable, but the boot sector is no good.03:10
Pici!pinning | hylinux03:10
ubotuhylinux: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto03:10
ugruntuPici, how do you get screenlets i ubuntu?03:10
Atomic_UEdwf_starband2, I don't know if vmware player can run vmware server images03:10
justizzleusr13:  how do i detect what the hd are named?03:10
Pici!screenlets | ugruntu03:10
ubotuugruntu: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/03:10
bluejayDoes anyone know how to make xChat support other character sets like japanese or chinese? everything is gibberish right now :(03:10
hylinuxPici: thanks03:10
usr13justizzle: fdisk -l03:10
dwf_starband2ok, my best bet is to get vmware server from their site and use it then?03:11
SoulBladeanybody know what wireless usb ethernet adapters are good w/ ubuntu03:11
usr13justizzle: Or:  sudo fdisk -l03:11
Picihylinux: If you know how to do it in Debian the process should be very similar if not the same in Ubuntu03:11
SelanitBigPick: okay, I have 1) removed all versions of any package called linux-headers-*; 2) downloaded and manually installed the .deb files for linux-headers-2.6.22-14, linux-headers-2.6.22-14-386, and linux-headers-386; 3) verified that the "build" symlink in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-386 points to /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-286 and that the directory it points to does in fact exist; 4) Recompiled; and 5) gotten the same fricking "d03:11
Selanitisagrees about version of symbol struct_module" message in dmesg03:11
fxfitzCan anyone help me patch my bcm43xx driver? Right now I'm currently using Gutsy.03:11
mattzusr13, thanks alot03:11
dystopianraySoulBlade: anything with a zydas chip is supposed to be great, i don't know any brands that have it though03:11
mattzgreatly appreciated03:11
mattztutorial worked fine03:11
Atomic_UEdwf_starband2, I would say so, because vmplayer isn't designed to "remember" anything as far as i'm aware03:11
usr13mattz: No problem.  Enjoy...!03:12
dwf_starband2ok, thank you03:12
Atomic_UEdwf_starband2, but try asking in #vmware03:12
hylinuxPici:  that documant say how to mix a pacakge system. but I mean I just want to one or two package don't be upgrade.03:12
DanaGZyxel has zydas.03:12
adayahpatch the driver fxfitz?  or install?  maybe i can help....possible if it´s card installation03:12
fxfitzadayah, Well, right now my bcm43xx works perfectly, except it does not have packet injection03:13
phasegenAnyone have ideas for a work around?  I may have hit a fatal flaw that won't allow me to install gutsy.  The installer won't recognize that I have two ide hard drives.  One for root, and one for home.03:13
fxfitzadayah, And I have the .patch file, but I just have no idea about what to do from there.03:14
dystopianrayphasegen: it does not see your two hdds?03:14
inversekinetixMy ubuntu wont recognise my CD ROM drive since I tried to install something in wine03:14
inversekinetixany ideas?03:14
adayahoh man....sorry dude.  i could help with card installation but i don´t even know what packet injection is...sorry03:15
phasegendystopianray: It sees hda but not hdb, and won't let me include hdb in the partitioner03:15
usr13inversekinetix: What did  you try ti install in wine?03:15
inversekinetixi tried to install oblivion03:15
fxfitzadayah, Hehe. Honeslty, neither do I. All I have to figure out how to do is use this 'patch' command and patch the source code with this .patch file that I have.03:15
fxfitzadayah, Any ideas?03:15
inversekinetixthen i tried to use a nautilus script to mount an iso file and now the DVD drive is broken03:15
adayahwhere did this patch come from and what´s thje purpose of the patch03:16
inversekinetixmount point does not exist is the error03:16
dystopianrayadayah: the purpose is breaking wireless encryption03:16
LinuxInsid1buy new:-D03:16
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html03:16
Atomic_UESoulBlade, in the Determine The Chipset section there is a list of sites you can use to check what brands of wifi devices have what chipsets and how well they apparently work     http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=compatible_cards&DokuWiki=53ecef96feb314d6ee6cca279c69824c#determine_the_chipset03:16
usr13inversekinetix: Have you rebooted since this problem occured ?03:16
fxfitzadayah, From a forum that lets the wireless card do packet injection. :-P03:16
inversekinetixno dice usr1303:16
=== DtG is now known as SmoothOp
adayahi think i´ĺl stop while i feel a little dumb and not real dumb later03:17
mattzusr13, one problem i rebooted and it didnt work i had to go to terminal and reload ndiswrapper and worked03:17
dystopianrayfxfitz: why do you want packet injection?03:17
mattzhow do i get this to do it by default on reboot?03:17
* sam55 says Hello! A little question about SCIM. How I can rerun scim without having to logout and log back in?03:17
fxfitzdystopianray, Trying to figure out how to work this whole aircrack thing. :-P03:17
adayahwell, i guess i´ll never figure out this monitor resolution stuff so i give up...i´m tired and logging off03:18
inversekinetixthis really blows, how can it lose an optical drive?03:18
phasegendystopianray: I can mount hdb (home) with the live disk, but it still won't let me include it with the partitioner03:18
tiagoHi all, any one care to help me install VMware player/server on Ubuntu 7.10 64bit? I've been trying for days03:18
prakis there any easy way of installing pango or would it need to be installed from downloading from the pango website?03:19
WorkingOnWiseAnyone having problems writing bootable cd images (iso) from the right click menu. I do that, and the disk is not bootable. The image is bootable with VirtualBox, and the image was created from a bootable CD, but the burned disk from the iso is not bootable. The files on the disk are readable, but the boot sector is no good.03:19
praki can't find it in synaptic03:19
dystopianraytiago: where are you having trouble?03:19
=== GuTi-zz__ is now known as GuTi-zz
* sam55 says Hello! A little question about SCIM. How I can rerun scim without having to logout and log back in?03:19
LiMaOtiago: why don't you try running virtualbox instead?03:19
Atomic_UEfxfitz, http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=tutorial03:19
tiagodystopianray: I tryed to install the player from Ubuntu repo and it said it doesnt support 64bit, so i tryed manual install of 1.04 which failed03:20
SoulBladehey thanks Atomic_UE03:20
SoulBladei just saw it03:20
SoulBladeyour reply that is03:20
tortual_advantagwhy Frostwire does not work when Installed reported that its installed OK?03:20
usr13mattz: sudo  cat >> /etc/rc.local ;  sudo modprobe ndiswrapper  ; Ctrl-d03:20
Atomic_UEfxfitz, ask aircrack questions in #aircrack-ng03:20
tiagoLiMaO: I have images created in VMware on Windows i would like to run in Linux also03:20
Atomic_UESoulBlade, no worries :)03:20
fxfitzAtomic_UE, Well, I'm not having aircrack problems, I'm just tyring to figure out how to patch my bcm43xx driver that came with Gutsy.03:20
Suphcan anyone recommend a free rss reader for ubuntu ?03:21
kbrookswhat is virtualization, and why is it such a big deal?03:21
PiciSuph: liferea03:21
kbrooks!liferea | Suph03:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about liferea - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:21
BonsterSuph: miro03:21
kbrooks!rss | Suph03:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:21
kbrookshm, ok03:21
Suphis the retention of rss feeds determined by the site ?03:21
Atomic_UEfxfitz, check out the link to the newbie guide on that page. It runs through the whole process and had a good thing on how to patch drivers and what to use03:21
=== kazol is now known as k_azol
RoC_MasterMind!vm > kbrooks03:21
tiagodystopianray: I tryed manualy copying the script it failed on in the manual installation which didnt work ether, is there any other way to install it or another repo that works with gusty?03:21
LiMaOtiago: vmware to virtualbox converter --> http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/scripts/verScript.php?codigo=3016  --  tell me if you can't read the page03:21
Suphlike for example could i pull digg rss feeds back from last year ?03:21
jebblue!ubotu virtualizaton03:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualizaton - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:22
mattzhow do i get ndiswrapper to load on reboot?03:22
tortual_advantag!ubotu frostwire03:22
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:22
dystopianraytiago: what was the failure error message?03:22
LiMaOtiago: that way you may convert your images and use them on virtualbox03:22
=== k_azol is now known as kazol
Bonsteru need java for frostwire03:22
tiagoLiMaO: would i have to convert it again when i want to open it in vmware on windows?03:22
Atomic_UEfxfitz, and you'd probably find more people who know about patching wifi drivers in #aircrack-ng too03:22
LiMaOtiago: you may keep both images, one for vmware and one for virtualbox03:23
LiMaOtiago: i'm not sure about that converter though, i myself never tried it03:23
tiagodystopianray: it says services.sh cant be copyed to the install location03:23
kbrooksi need info on virtualization, not on apps03:23
fxfitzAtomic_UE, Okay. Thanks!03:23
dystopianraytiago: did you run the installer as root?03:23
tiagoLiMaO: i might have to try this virtualbox people keep speaking of03:23
dystopianraytiago: why not try installing the latest version instead of an old one?03:23
LiMaOtiago: well, it's great, i can assure you03:24
SuphBonster: does miro allow pulling feeds from way back03:24
tortual_advantag!ubotu java03:24
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:24
tiagodystopianray: yeah i ran as root, and 1.04 is the latest build they had last night on the vmware site03:24
John117Hey everybody.  I tried to delete some folders and they are "stuck" in the trash can.   How do i restore them?03:24
dystopianraytiago: vmware player is up to 2.0.203:24
tiagoLiMaO: is the performance better then vmware? and are there tools to improve guest os integration?03:25
tiagodystopianray: this was the server03:25
L3th4Lcan someone help me!03:25
L3th4Lwith beryl03:25
tiagodystopianray: the player was from the ubuntu repo's it just said doesnt support 64bit host03:25
dystopianraytiago: virtualbox has a feature allowing windows apps to run on your linux desktop03:25
Bonster!berly | L3th4L:03:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about berly - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:25
Pici!beryl | L3th4L03:26
ubotuL3th4L: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz03:26
tiagodystopianray: wow nice one, ill have to give it a shot then03:26
dystopianraytiago: it is open source as well03:26
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:26
LiMaOtiago: as far as i'm concerned (considering lots of opinions all over the net), virtualbox is way better than vmware. runs faster, runs better.. i didn't try vmware myself, so i can't give you my opinion on that comparison, but yes virtualbox is great - for better os integration, it comes with virtualbox guest additions03:26
L3th4Lcan anyone help with beryl03:26
L3th4LBonster can you help me please03:26
BonsterL3th4L: get compiz-fusion03:26
* sam55 says Hello! A little question about SCIM. How I can rerun scim without having to logout and log back in?03:27
L3th4LBonster where from?03:27
tiagoLiMaO, dystopianray, i think im sold :P03:27
LiMaOtiago: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Screenshots03:27
L3th4Lbonster from where?03:27
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:27
dystopianraytiago: it's in the gutsy repos just install virtualbox-ose03:27
tiagoLiMaO, dystopianray has any one tryed running osx86 under virtual box?03:27
dystopianraytiago: i have no idea, but i've run vista within it03:27
LiMaOtiago: check out screenshots of vista running as guest on a linux host, and many other guest/host OS's combinations03:27
Bonstertiago: OSX not supported yet03:28
L3th4Lbonster for ubuntu i have beryl and everytime i click on it it does what happens when i press ctrl back space and alt03:28
Geoffrey2what's the best way to see what Ubuntu is detecting when I plug in a USB device?03:28
kbrookstiago, osx86 is illegal03:28
kbrooksBonster, osx86 != osx.03:28
tiagokbrooks: im well aware of that03:28
BonsterL3th4L: beryl is dead03:28
GRocketIs Virtualbox like Crossover Linux?03:28
L3th4LBonster ok if i get compiz fusion will it work?03:28
PiciL3th4L: Beryl support in #compiz-fusion, not here.03:28
tortual_advantaghow to install sun java on 7.10?03:28
dystopianrayGRocket: no, it's like vmware03:29
kbrookstiago, i suggest that you not talk about illegal things in here03:29
tiagodystopianray, LiMaO, thanks guys sounds great im going to try it now, in terms of vmware image conversion what would you recomend?03:29
dystopianraytortual_advantag: which version?03:29
BonsterL3th4L: yes03:29
Pici!illegal | tiago03:29
ubotutiago: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:29
L3th4LBonster, URL PLEASE.03:29
GRocketCan you suggest one, either Wine, Crossover, or Virtualbox03:29
usr13L3th4L: join #compiz-fusion     ask there.03:29
dystopianraytortual_advantag: jre or jdk?03:29
LiMaOtiago: try virtualbox first.. then think if it's worth keeping vmware images ;)03:29
L3th4LBonster can i um use the snyanatpic manger03:29
L3th4Lor what ever it called.03:29
Pici!java | tortual_advantag03:29
ubotutortual_advantag: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:29
BonsterL3th4L: ......yes03:30
dystopianraytortual_advantag: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre03:30
L3th4Lbonster thanks but what do i type in03:30
tortual_advantagdo I need JDK as well?03:30
kbrooksby the way, i do have a opinion on this that can be discussed elsewhere03:30
L3th4Lo i gte compiz bonster03:30
usr13L3th4L: search for compiz-fusion03:30
tiagorelax guys, i was asking if it ran an os... not where to get it or suggesting i would run it... you would think apples lawyers were sitting in this chan03:30
dystopianraytortual_advantag: only if you want to develop or compile java apps03:30
Bonster1hr later =)03:30
usr13L3th4L: or just compiz03:30
tiagoLiMaO: good advice  hehe03:31
BonsterL3th4L: u need the compiz setting manager also03:31
L3th4Lusr13 nothing03:31
L3th4Lusr13 i will try compiz then03:31
LiMaOtiago: btw, just out of curiosity (based on your name).. are you brazilian?03:31
wolflordHello all03:31
Atomic_UEhello wolflord03:32
L3th4Lshould i click on compiz-gnome?03:32
L3th4LBonster,  should i click on compiz-gnome?03:32
tiagoLiMaO: Portuguese actually though i speak little of the language03:32
L3th4LBonster, and click makr for install or watever03:32
inversekinetixcan anyone please help me, my CDROMdrive is no longer recognized by ubuntu03:32
LiMaOtiago: oh ok.. just asked because it's a known name =)03:32
L3th4Linversekinetix, i have that same prob lol03:32
wolflordI am trying to setup a cisco router using my ubuntu server, I know how in windows but how do you hyper terminal in with ubuntu is there a hyper terminal program you need too download03:32
usr13inversekinetix: Is it IDE?03:33
usr13inversekinetix: Is it master on second IDE port?03:33
inversekinetixusr13 SATA03:33
Bonsterc if ur cdrom is there03:33
dystopianraywolflord: I've used minicom to configure cisco routers in ubuntu03:33
phaedrawolflord, Are you trying to telnet?03:33
inversekinetixSATA channel 3, it worked until I used a script to mount an iso file03:33
usr13inversekinetix: sudo fdisk -l03:33
tiagoLiMaO: thats cool mate, its funny hearing the many different pronunciations03:33
offseidHey does anyone know how to get the desktop effects to work? It worked when I did the live CD, but the install failed so I did an upgrade from Feisty and when I did it, the effects aren't there. Any ideas?03:34
Pici!it | dellorino03:34
ubotudellorino: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:34
wolflordphaedra no I am not trying to telnet03:34
tiagoany one had any luck with dual head ati under 7.10?03:34
inversekinetixok usr1303:34
wolflordI am using the serial port03:34
usr13inversekinetix: Do you have a CD in it now?03:34
phaedrawolflord, What dystopianray said then...03:34
wolflordthanks guys03:34
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:35
usr13inversekinetix: Do you have a data CD in the CDROM drive now?03:35
Geoffrey2I'm trying to plug in a USB hub, and it's apparently not being detected, though a device plugged directly into the same USB port the hub is being connected to is....03:35
CCB0x45hey, I am trying to set up ubuntu to my tv, but with my nvidia driver it always says no valid modes for my modelines.... but I have no idea what check is causing them to break, is there anyway to do no validation checking at all? I have already turned off a lot of checks03:35
Bonsterautomount problem  then03:35
inversekinetixusr13 all disks except optical03:35
usr13inversekinetix: Do you have a data CD in the CDROM drive now?03:35
andresmujicahey anyone knows what happened with openweek logs???03:36
usr13inversekinetix: Bring up a terminal window.  Type     eject   tell me what happens.03:36
inversekinetixusr 13: spits out the disk03:36
thinman1189sorry I know this is asked like 100 times a day but how do I get the other compiz effects, such as the cube?03:36
Atomic_UE!compiz | offseid03:36
ubotuoffseid: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:36
usr13inversekinetix: Type     eject -t  tell me what happens.03:36
_tuxQuestion: I got a program called Tovid which encodes video files and converts them to DVD format now what I want to do is add more than one scene to that movie file anyway know how I can go about that?03:37
CCB0x45anyone good with setting up modelines?03:37
usr13inversekinetix: does the light on the CDROM start flashing?03:37
inversekinetixit takes the disk in03:37
offseidAtomic_UE: thanks!03:37
limpj #SQL03:37
tiagoany one know how to get dual head ati under gusty? ive tryed all the tutorials, just get the screen flicker and revert to low resolution singular monitor after login03:37
inversekinetixusr13: tries to mount and gives same error03:37
Atomic_UEoffseid, no worries :)03:37
usr13inversekinetix: What error?03:37
Geoffrey2Bonster, was that automount comment directed at me?03:38
usr13inversekinetix: Show me the error you are seeing.03:38
inversekinetixusr13: cannot mount volume mount point  mount /media/cdrom0  does not exist03:38
Davemlinux1anyone knows a link for gusty dvd no thecd version?03:38
phasegenI may have hit a fatal flaw that could never allow me to install gutsy.  The installer won't recognize that I have two ide hard drives.  One for root, and one for home.  Anyone have ideas for a work around?03:38
usr13inversekinetix: In terminal type:   ls /media/cdrom*03:39
usr13inversekinetix: What all do you see?03:39
mohkohnI seem to have lost my sudo account03:39
tazI have a problem that is driving me nuts.. I am trying to use a second monitor, and both are working fine, but no matter what I do I can't get the darn thing to put the main desktop on the one I want it on.. when I activated the second monitor the login screen defaulted to that monitor and I can't get it back onto the original one03:39
albechtrying to get Evolution mail client to save sent messages in the Sent folder on my IMAP server, but I dont see the option for this03:39
mohkohnis there a way to recover it perhaps using the livecd?03:39
inversekinetixusr13: /media/cdrom    in red03:39
usr13inversekinetix: Is your system fully updated?03:40
=== jon_ is now known as kd7swh
inversekinetixupdated this morning03:40
usr13inversekinetix: Type   lsb_release -a   tell me what version it reports.03:40
phasegenthe install cd let's me mount hda and hdb , but won't let me include hdb in the partitioner03:41
tatorsis there a link for all the man pages for shell03:41
inversekinetixusr13: No LSB modules are available.03:41
inversekinetixDistributor ID: Ubuntu03:41
inversekinetixDescription:    Ubuntu 7.1003:41
inversekinetixRelease:        7.1003:41
inversekinetixCodename:       gutsy03:41
LiMaO!paste | inversekinetix03:42
ubotuinversekinetix: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:42
wweaselJust installed Gutsy. There is no Desktop Effects configuration launcher in System > Preferences > Desktop Effects.  I assume it's turned off by default. How can I investigate this?03:42
wweasel!ubotu desktop effects03:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desktop effects - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:42
wweasel!ubotu compiz03:42
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:42
LiMaOwweasel: you have to install compizconfig-settings-manager03:42
usr13inversekinetix: Hummm... I dono... But, it appears that something has happened to udev or hal.  But you can mount the CD manually.03:42
inversekinetixi havent touched any HAL settingw03:42
wweaselLiMaO: I was under the impression that was only for more advanced configuration, and that they gave a dumbed down version by default03:43
usr13inversekinetix: In terminal, type   fdisk -l   find out which is the CDROM03:43
quigzfor some reason i lost my boarder around all of my windows so i cant close or maximise the windows after i was messing with compiz-fusion does anyone know how to fix this03:43
usr13inversekinetix: Should be something like /dev/hdc  or....03:43
Atomic_UEwweasel, System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects03:43
inversekinetixusr13: it does display under that command. only HDs03:44
snkmadquigz ive heard its a problem with emerald, try running metacity03:44
thinman1189I'm trying to run compiz on gutsy gibbon. I have desktop effects enabled and I have some stuff, like the windows moving, but not the advanced stuff or the manager. I tried using sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager but it says I have the latest version already and then E: Couldn't find package compizconfig-settings-manager03:44
wweaselAtomic_UE: Aha. That's what I was looking for.03:44
Atomic_UEwweasel, that's what you get until you install the config app, then you get the Custom button03:44
mohkohnIt is telling me <username>is not in sudoers file03:44
clustywhere does hotplug take its firmware drivers from?03:45
mohkohnI have no idea how it happened03:45
wweaselAtomic_UE: Right, that's what I was trying to find. Thanks03:45
drakeany way to install usb driver for skype phone?03:45
inversekinetixusr13:  i get sda  -  sdd  only hard disks03:45
usr13inversekinetix: Then just try:  mount /media/cdrom03:45
Atomic_UE!ccsm thinman118903:45
Atomic_UE!ccsm | thinman118903:45
ubotuthinman1189: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:45
usr13inversekinetix: In terminal type:  mount /media/cdrom03:45
buntupeople rythom box is not playing .rm anymore , it used to play when i had 7.04 feisty i dont remember what i did with it to make it :? anyone?03:45
thinman1189atomic_UE I try installing it but it won't work03:46
inversekinetixusr13:  mount: can't find /media/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:46
thinman1189atomic_UE : I tried using sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager but it says I have the latest version already and then E: Couldn't find package compizconfig-settings-manager03:46
aroonigiven a site (http://www.railscasts.com), how can i download all of the *.mov files from it?  (the names of files are like: http://media.railscasts.com/videos/075_complex_forms_part_3.mov, and change between episodes)...03:46
IdleOne!w32codecs | buntu03:46
ubotubuntu: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs03:46
atoukis there a quick tutorial for setting up dual booting with xp?   I'm ready to do a clean reinstall03:46
usr13inversekinetix: Try this:   sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart03:46
ebirtaidfn'inversekinetix: mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /media/mount_point03:46
kucukanybody want to talk?03:47
buntuIdleOne, thanks03:47
IdleOne!dualboot | atouk03:47
ubotuatouk: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty03:47
strickpeople I have adsl connection, and I have both router & USB MODEM, but the question is. (Which is the best for onling Gaming. Router or USB MODEM) Please advices are welcome!03:47
IdleOnebuntu: np03:47
LinuxInsid1kucuk: talk what?03:47
thinman1189strick I'd say router since usb modem can only go as fast as usb transfer rate.03:47
clustyany1 know how to tell hotplug to take firmware from?03:48
ebirtaidlinuxinsid1: he is lonely maybe03:48
IdleOne!offtopic | kucuk03:48
ubotukucuk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:48
inversekinetixusr13  mount: mount point /media/mount_point does not exist03:48
thinman1189atomic_UE : I tried using sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager but it says I have the latest version already and then E: Couldn't find package compizconfig-settings-manager03:48
ebirtaidyou have to create a mount point03:48
ebirtaid/media/cdrom will word03:48
strickthinman1189, but i play css with router, and it goes from 25 to 30 latency, and when I put usb modem i go 5 latency.03:48
LinuxInsid1 ebirtaid:  maybe03:48
ebirtaidsudo mkdir /media/cdrom03:48
L3th4Lok hello everyone03:48
L3th4Lcan anyone help with Emerald Themer 0.2.103:48
L3th4Lone thing03:48
L3th4Lhow to i use the themes03:48
L3th4Li dunno how03:48
drakehow do you install usb driver for skype phone?03:48
L3th4Lsome one03:48
thinman1189strick : weir'd what type of router?03:48
buntuIdleOne, the thing i did before with feisty was not this complicated , it was somethign i just got from my repo in synaptic and it worked then.03:48
Atomic_UE!info compizconfig-settings-manager | thinman118903:49
ubotuthinman1189: compizconfig-settings-manager: Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2+git20070912-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 498 kB, installed size 3268 kB03:49
drakehow do you even see the usb devices?03:49
usr13inversekinetix: What version of Ubuntu did you install?03:49
Atomic_UEthinman1189, make sure you have the universe repository enabled03:49
ebirtaidfn'inversekinetix: after that mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom03:49
strickthinman1189, I have two kinds, One is thosmon speedtouch router, and one is Micronet router.03:49
Bonstertry lsmod03:49
dystopianraydrake: lsusb03:49
usr13inversekinetix: Type   lsb_release -a   tell me what version it reports.03:49
inversekinetixusr13:  clean install of gutsy03:49
thinman1189atomic_ue how do I do that?03:49
L3th4LBonster in emrald themer how to i install or use the themes?03:49
thinman1189strick : never heard of them :-\03:49
usr13inversekinetix: Ok...03:49
nickeladoneed help with my box03:49
IdleOneubotu: realmedia03:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about realmedia - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:49
strickthinman1189, yea oh well, A friend of mine got linksys with same exact connection as me.03:50
ebirtaidn/m my bad03:50
strickthinman1189, He go 30 to 35 Latency in CSS game, and I go 5 latency with that usb modem :) so03:50
inversekinetixusr13  mount: mount point /media/cdrom is a symbolic link to nowhere03:50
nickeladoi cant make my ubuntu box to join win 2003 AD03:50
nickeladodoes anyone know??03:50
inversekinetixubuntu 7.1  .... gutsy03:50
drakeok so i can see the usb device, how do i install a driver for it for my skype phone?03:50
usr13inversekinetix: sudo ps aux  |grep hald03:50
LiMaO!ubotu realplayer | IdleOne03:50
ubotuIdleOne: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:50
ebirtaidfn'inversekinetix: when you insert the cd what is the output of dmesg?03:51
IdleOneLiMaO: ty03:51
Atomic_UEthinman1189, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu03:51
LinuxInsid1mplayer is better03:51
IdleOnebuntu: look at For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:51
fxfitzHow do I go about compiling my own kernel? I want to use the same version ( 2.6.22-14-generic) and the same config file though.03:51
Atomic_UEthinman1189, actually that's probably out of date....like a lot of the documentation :(03:51
Pici!kernel | fxfitz03:51
ubotufxfitz: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild.  Also, see !stages03:51
nickeladodoes anyone knows how to make ubuntu join win2003 AD03:51
L3th4LHELP WOULD BE LOVED!!!!!!!03:52
usr13inversekinetix: Do you see that hald is "Listening" to any "/input/evints" ?03:52
inversekinetixusr13 unable to mount MY DISK  mount point does not exist03:52
L3th4Lhow do i install a theme on emrald themer?03:52
Atomic_UEthinman1189, Go to System > Administration > Software Sources and enable the Universe option03:52
IdleOne!caps | L3th4L03:52
ubotuL3th4L: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:52
strickanybody here uses "Freeloader" Program for Torrents?03:52
L3th4Lplease someone.03:52
buntuit got many useful information but people want some forum site because this was solved in such sites , why not these useful wiki just have a link saying the solving of various topics within your demands are in these links03:52
BonsterL3th4L: u need to install emerald 1st03:52
PiciL3th4L: ask in #compiz-fusion03:52
Bonsterthen u get the themes03:52
L3th4Li have themes03:53
L3th4Lin the emrald themer03:53
usr13inversekinetix: sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom  ;  sudo mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom03:53
fxfitzPici, On that website it says do NOT compile a kernel if I want to compile a special driver and I only need the header files for that. Any idea how to do that?03:53
inversekinetixusr13, listening on /dev/input/event1   also event 4 and 5,           hald-addon-acpi: listening on acpid socket /var/run/acpid.socket03:53
strickanybody here uses "Freeloader" Program for Torrents?03:53
L3th4Li want to use fayale03:53
drakefor sound devices, what is the difference between hw and plughw?03:53
L3th4Lbut i dunno how03:53
swmiller L3th4L: do you have emerald theme manager installed03:53
=== leon is now known as no37
usr13inversekinetix: Then it must udev that is broken03:53
Picifxfitz: Nope. sorry.03:53
dgimseany grub experts on the channel?03:53
L3th4Lyes swmiller thats all tho03:53
inversekinetixusr13 mount: special device /dev/hdc does not exist03:53
usr13inversekinetix: Did you do:   sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart03:53
ravihphow do i share my drives/folders so that it can be accessible by windows users which are connected to LAN?........please help03:53
L3th4Lwith the themes swmiller03:53
Pici!samba > ravihp (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)03:54
dystopianray!samba | ravihp03:54
uboturavihp: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:54
fxfitzDoes anyone know anything about linux-headers package??03:54
L3th4Li want to install fayale swmiller03:54
swmiller L3th4L: download the emerald theme you want then open the theme manager and choose install new theme03:54
L3th4Lswmiller, i can only drag the them around and i dont know how to install it like use the theme03:54
inversekinetixusr13, yes i did,. everything went screwy then back to normal, then the same mount error03:54
thinman1189atomic_ue if I do that then a bunch of the file downloads fail and then sometimes the manager will freeze.03:54
L3th4Lswmiller,  there is no install new theme03:55
swmiller L3th4L: import03:55
Atomic_UEdgimse, grub experts tend to live in #grub03:55
L3th4Lonly yes03:55
dgimseoh thx03:55
L3th4Lthat only add it to the list03:55
usr13inversekinetix: udev must be borken03:55
drakewhere can i get usb drivers for vtech?03:55
swmillerselected it then press alt+cntrl+backspace03:55
inversekinetixusr13 how can i fix it03:56
usr13inversekinetix: what was it you installed when this all happened?03:56
nickeladoiv'e been diggin for  4 days and still no luck in joining my ubuntu in windows domain03:56
drakewhere can I get USB drivers for skype phones?03:56
ExecuterC ya all03:56
L3th4Lcan i have a url swmiller03:56
buntui hear when compiz reach to a Full Clean release it will not be free, and Distro's must buy it :/03:56
inversekinetixi used a natilus script to mount an iso image, it didnt work03:56
Executerim off03:56
strickanybody here uses "Freeloader" Program for Torrents?03:56
nickeladoanyone know how to??03:56
drakei can see the hw, but cannot connect it to the pc03:56
usr13inversekinetix: Were you running natilus as root?03:56
swmiller L3th4L: url to what?03:56
Atomic_UEthinman1189, Perhaps change where you download from in the Download From drop down box?03:56
=== Ryoma_ is now known as Ryoma
bad-codeanyone wanna chat linux/video cards...I hve a few quick questions.03:57
L3th4Lswmiller, im download a theme when its done do i click import then select it and it works?03:57
inversekinetixusr13, just right clicked on a file and used the script03:57
swmiller L3th4L: select the theme you want then log out and back in again03:57
IdleOnebuntu: if that happens then it wont be in Ubuntu any longer03:57
nickeladoanyone know how to??03:57
usr13inversekinetix:  Where did you get the script?03:57
strick(Freeloader) Anybody uses that App. PLEASE say something03:57
nickeladojoining my ubuntu in windows domain03:57
buntubut people will pay !03:57
buntuwe will DONATE 4 EVER!!!!03:57
L3th4Lswmiller,  how do i selecte the theme03:57
usr13inversekinetix: point me to where you got the script.03:58
swmillerclick it with your mouse03:58
L3th4Lswmiller, import u mean?03:58
inversekinetixusr13, the script wouldnt work, it kept saying can mount,  just a moment03:58
usr13inversekinetix: Where did you download it from.03:58
swmiller L3th4L: your making this to hard03:58
sparrnickelado: what do you want to accomplish by having it in the domain?03:58
ebirtaidswmiller you are a better man than me ;p03:58
buntui want plugins to play .rm files :(03:58
danmac64i have an intel i815 chipset, it's a sonly laptop and it's being a huge pain trying to get it to set a resolution larger then 800x600, does anyone have any experience getting this crappy intel chipsets to work?03:58
IdleOneL3th4L: you need to join #ubuntu-effects and ask your question clearly and then you need to be patient and pay attention to the answer03:58
jingjanghello, i'm planing install stream media server, can you tell me whicsh streaming medía system is popular ?03:58
sparrjingjang: i like gstreamer03:59
thinman1189Atomic_ue yep, that did it. thanks03:59
weltschmerzanyone figure out how to get sound working in firefox with gutsy?03:59
swmiller L3th4L:  import the theme when it appears in the list select it then log out03:59
L3th4Lswmiller, ok listin i have emrald themer manger what ever right well it gives me a  list of themes03:59
usr13inversekinetix: Or paste the script on pastebin so I can see it.03:59
L3th4Land how do i choose the one i want?03:59
weltschmerzgutsy broke firefox sound in both my home and work machines.03:59
jingjangany suggess ?03:59
nomasteryodajingjang, jinzora is quite good... just google it03:59
L3th4Lthats all i wanna know03:59
ebirtaidclick it with your mouse man03:59
ebirtaidselect it03:59
nomasteryodajingjang, i can stream my movies to any PC in my network03:59
L3th4Lok i will do it now03:59
LinuxInsid1jingjang:  is chinese??03:59
swmiller L3th4L: click it with your mouse close the theme manager then log out and backl in03:59
IdleOnejingjang: search in synaptic03:59
ethernomadI just updated to Gutsy about 10 minutes ago04:00
LinuxInsid1jingjang:   ur nick souds chinese name04:00
ethernomadwatching youtube videos with sound right now04:00
jingjanghe he he, but i come from vietnam04:00
ethernomadin firefox04:00
sparrethernomad: "works for me" is not helpful04:00
yurimxpxmanhow do I enable messages so others can send me messages via write? mesg y doesn't seem to do it..04:00
LinuxInsid1jingjang:   me too04:00
jingjangok, i want to say thank you to all04:00
inversekinetixusr13 how do i use pastebin?04:00
prakdoes anyone have any suggestion of the problem of not being able to find pango shown in http://www.pastebin.ca/751168 even though i've installed the package?04:00
jingjangreadly ?04:00
Atomic_UEthinman1189, no worries. After that updates you should be able to install that app04:00
IdleOne!register | yurimxpxman04:00
ubotuyurimxpxman: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration04:00
jingjangbac sống ở thành phố nào ?04:00
iamtravishello, has anybody here with a 64 bit cpu had success in installing the x86_64 XFI drivers?04:00
yurimxpxmanIdleOne: wtf?04:01
sparrIdleOne: that is probably the most off-topic ! ive seen04:01
sparryurimxpxman: ignore him04:01
usr13inversekinetix: Point your browser to pastebin.ca   and then paste the script in the appropriate window, and then give me the URL it goes to.04:01
yurimxpxmansparr: what was that about? ^_^04:01
L3th4Lyo swmiller ur pulling my leg04:01
L3th4Lnothing happens04:01
IdleOnesparr: forgive me I must of misunderstood the question I guess04:01
usr13inversekinetix: If you ever get this fixed again, just mount iso's from command line (in a terminal window) e.g.   mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /home/somebody/foobar.iso /mnt/cdrom04:02
ebirtaidl3th4l his information is correct04:02
ebirtaidyou are not doing it correctly04:02
ebirtaidI promise you04:02
L3th4Lswmiller,  I clicked import i click it many times when it was on then i loged of then loged on and bam nothing04:02
ebirtaidwhat is your primary language man04:02
Mr_Sonomawhere can i find good information on Kernel module configurations files? specifically about the aliases pre-remove and post-install??? i've googled but just dont seem to be hitting on the information i'm looking for.04:02
jingjangthank you, thank you and thank .......:)04:02
inversekinetixusr13, this is my 3rd day of linux,04:02
andrehey guys04:03
usr13inversekinetix: OR: mkdir cd-rom ;   mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /home/somebody/foobar.iso cd-rom04:03
inversekinetixusr13, does it look like a reinstall is the only way to fix this?04:03
L3th4Lebirtaid, i clicked import got the theme then theme was highlighted so i left clicked it about 8 times loged off adn loged on i think thaks how u selecte it04:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pango - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:03
nickeladoanyone knows how to join ubuntu in window domain ??04:04
nickeladoanyone knows how to join ubuntu in window domain ??04:04
andreI'm having an issue with compiz... I cannot put check marks on some of the options... like I can't turn on or off the 3d cube.04:04
Iceshadownickelado: active directory?04:04
usr13inversekinetix: No,  you can still use the CDROM, even though Ubuntu will not mount it automatically for you. But I need to know the device name.  What is the device name for it?04:04
PiciL3th4L: Have you asked in #compiz-fusion?04:04
desertcHow do I configure ALSA to figure out my default card in Ubuntu?04:04
usr13inversekinetix: I don't know what the device names are for sata drives...04:04
AndrewEMTI have a question about TV tuner cards if anyone cares to help :)04:04
L3th4Li just wanna know about how to install the theme04:04
curi0hello ubuntu users!04:04
nickeladoi cant make it join the Active directory04:04
LinuxInsid1maybe google can HELP u!04:04
Picidesertc: asoundconf -l and then asoundconf set-default-card04:04
L3th4Lffs this is so damn hard i give uP!04:04
nonickformeHow can I change what mime type ubuntu thinks a file is?04:04
usr13inversekinetix: What do you see in output of   fdisk -l    ?04:04
ebirtaidok bye04:04
buntuIdleOne, i found it i downloaded gstreamer codecs04:05
L3th4Lebirtaid, look man what did i do rong04:05
Iceshadownickelado: its a hit and miss issue. i've done it here at the uni i work at, but it was a pain. There are FAQs available for ubuntu on the forums and on google. involves kerberos and some other nastiness04:05
buntuthanks for everything04:05
desertcPici: I tried it, but it doesn't take.  I still run alsamixer and it doesn't know my default card04:05
Bonsternone here04:05
L3th4Lebirtaid, i did everything from a t oz04:05
AndrewEMTI myself have tried google and didn't find a whole lot of helpful info04:05
ebirtaidwhen you double clicked the theme or however many times04:05
ebirtaiddid you click ok on emerald theme manager04:05
ebirtaidor did you just restart04:05
ebirtaidand also04:05
curi0How do I know if synaptic package manager is downloading only from Gutsy Repositories?04:05
L3th4Lebirtaid, i went system prefrences emreal theme manager04:05
nickeladoit's been 4 days but still i cant make it join my domain04:05
L3th4Land i clicked import04:05
L3th4Li got my theme04:05
Pici!enter | L3th4L04:06
ubotuL3th4L: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:06
ebirtaidjoin your domain?04:06
AndrewEMTor not, I'll figure it out... ty anyway04:06
L3th4Li left clicked the highlighted theme liek 8 times loged off loged on nothing04:06
usr13inversekinetix: I'm not even sure your CDROM is sata, it may be IDE.  Have you looked inside to see?04:06
desertcDon't I have to set something in my /etc/modprobe.d/ ALSA configuration file to get the default sound card working?  None of the SDL-sound applications work with sound, only GNOME applications do.04:06
prakdoes anyone have any suggestion of the problem of not being able to find pango shown in http://www.pastebin.ca/751168 even though i've installed the package?04:06
Atomic_UEcuri0, if you only have gutsy repos enabled then it will only download from them04:06
ebirtaiddid you click ok though?  and have you asked in #compiz-fusion?04:06
inversekinetixusr13, i get info on all physical HDs, heads cylinders, sectors, file system etc etc04:06
L3th4Lebirtaid, ok?04:06
L3th4Lebirtaid, where is ok?04:06
inversekinetixusr13, its SATA on channel 3, I built it myself04:06
ebirtaidon emerald theme manager04:06
L3th4Li dont see ok!04:06
L3th4Lonly quit04:06
Iceshadownickelado: try google, i promise its out there. search active directory, kerberos and linux, or even ubuntu to be more specific.04:06
pavsyour momma so dumb she set her buffer length to a minimal octal instead of puging the cache04:07
inversekinetixusr13 all drives show up as SATA, whether IDE or not04:07
DELTA9THC1nickelado maybe samba?04:07
usr13inversekinetix: Show me.  [via pastebin.ca]  output of    fdisk -l04:07
ebirtaidlook I dont even use compiz you should type /join #compiz-fusion ask there kthx04:07
curi0<Atomic_UE>I upgraded my kernel from Edgy to Gutsy and I just want to make sure SPM is just using the repositories in the sources.list04:07
iamtravisis there an environment variable that installer scripts check to override the default /usr/lib directory?04:07
IdleOnepavs: it's purge not puge04:07
nickeladoi followed every instruction said in 2 or 3 links that i found04:07
nickeladobut still no luck04:07
usr13I've never used sata drives yet.  Can anyone tell me what device names sata uses?04:08
Atomic_UEcuri0, it _will_ only use what's in sources.list04:08
gluonmanAtomic_UE, wassup!04:08
Atomic_UEcuri0, it doesn't get any info from anywhere else04:08
nickeladoi can get Kerberos  ticket  but still unable to join the domain04:08
andreI'm having an issue with compiz... I cannot put check marks on some of the options... like I can't turn on or off the 3d cube.04:08
Atomic_UEgluonman, ay04:08
inversekinetixusr13:  http://pastebin.ca/75117604:08
Iceshadownickelado: you also have to do some work in the config files of samba. it's a multi-part issue04:08
curi0Atomic_UE, that helps!04:08
DELTA9THC1i've never used samba,sorry04:08
strick(Freeloader) Anybody uses that App. PLEASE say something04:08
swmiller L3th4L: come to private caht and I will try to help you04:08
=== rockets_ is now known as rockets
L3th4Lswmiller, i am in prvt u not answering me04:09
L3th4Lswmiller join #hellou04:09
L3th4Lso we can talk i lag in query04:09
pavscompiz is the best feature with no practical use in gutsy, I am so proud of it :)04:09
curi0Atomic_UE, let me add the ubuntu repositories to my list. I'll be back buddy, thank you!04:09
nickeladoi think  its hopeless hehehehehe04:09
curi0Atomic_UE, the gutsy repos to my list *rephrase*04:09
gluonmanAtomic_UE, hey, I am booted from the CD and I opened the ubuntu installation setup and selected to manually partition the hdd. For one thing, I didn't see any option to add new partitions to mount on /opt and on /home, and when I tried to shrink the root / to 5GiB it reported errors.04:09
DELTA9THC1you'll fix it,sure!04:09
John117_Are there ANY clear-cut simple instructions on how to install Kiba-Dock on gutsy? anywhere?  anybody?04:09
Atomic_UEcuri0, the only time it would not download from a designated repo is if you downloaded a package that then goes and downloads something from somewhere else itself, such as the flash plugin i think04:10
L3th4Lswmiller, i am replying join #hellou please!!!!!!!!!04:10
John117_I don't know how to compile anything..  I'm not a programmer!  Why can't you just INSTALL this stuff?04:10
usr13inversekinetix: mkdir cdrom04:10
ebirtaidjohn: you can04:10
ebirtaidthrough synaptic04:10
usr13inversekinetix: mount /dev/sdd cdrom04:10
r00723r0anyone know why mplayer's eq gives me noise when i set it above normal value?04:10
sparrJohn117: becuse the people who wrote it spent their time making the program better, instead of making it easier for you to install.  you install it once, and use it forever, so they get better return on their time investment04:11
usr13inversekinetix: sudo mount /dev/sdd cdrom04:11
batyppl im having problems wich ubuntu distro should i install in a PII 333mhz 256 dimm 8mb video04:11
Iceshadownickelado: it took me about 2 weeks to get it all figured out.04:11
usr13inversekinetix: ls cdrom04:11
sparrbye L3th4L04:11
andrewoah... flooding bad04:11
astro76!repeat | L3th4L04:11
ubotuL3th4L: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:11
IdleOnebaty: xubuntu04:11
inversekinetixusr13 mount: /dev/sdd already mounted or cdrom busy04:11
John117_sparr that's all hunky dory.  but it does not answer my question.04:12
IceshadowL3th4L: what's the issue you are having? maybe i can be of some help04:12
usr13inversekinetix: ls /mnt/cdrom04:12
Atomic_UEgluonman, just delete all the partitions. Click on the empty space, click New, and recreate the partitions you want -- Swap Space, Root /, /home, etc04:12
Bonsterthat was L3th4L04:12
John117_sparr: how do i install it?04:12
gluonmanAtomic_UE, all of them ext3?04:12
inversekinetixusr13 nothing is happening04:12
Atomic_UEgluonman, all except swap, swap will be type swap04:12
usr13inversekinetix: Type    mount    tell me what it says.  (Where /dev/sdd is mounted.)04:12
andreI'm having an issue with compiz... I cannot put check marks on some of the options... like I can't turn on or off the 3d cube.04:13
L3th4Li just cant install a theme on emrald themer none of them04:13
L3th4Ltrying to find out why and how04:13
thinman1189how do I add more desktop sides?04:13
usr13inversekinetix:    mount04:13
gluonmanAtomic_UE, okay. And the linux_swap only needs to be like 1GiB or a little more, right?04:13
IceshadowL3th4L: how are you going about trying to add themes?04:13
Atomic_UEgluonman, how much memory you have?04:13
Caifanhola alguien habla español04:13
usr13inversekinetix: pastebin.ca   again (if you need to show me)04:13
Pici!es | Caifan04:13
John117_I don't understand the instructions on kiba dock's website for installing to gutsy 64bit.  Can anybody help?04:13
ubotuCaifan: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.04:13
bluebananawhat program can i use to upload my files onto my website?04:13
inversekinetixusr13 sdd is not shown04:13
gluonmanAtomic_UE, I think I have around 766m total system memory.04:14
Iceshadowbluebanana: is ftp an option for you?04:14
bluebananaand is there a way to do on-the-fly editing of webpages while they are on te server04:14
usr13inversekinetix: Well, it's obviously mounted somewhere.04:14
curi0Atomic_UE, can I add "main restricted universe multiverse" to the six ubuntu gutsy repositories that I have?04:14
bluebananaIceshadow: yes, ftp is an option. The webhosting company gave me a login and password04:14
ebirtaidtype mount ;p04:14
Atomic_UEgluonman, some people say the same size as the amount of memory you have, some say 1.5x what your memory is, and others like me just put in 1gb :P04:14
usr13inversekinetix: Try:  ls /media/cdrom   or  ls /media/cdrom004:14
andreI'm having an issue with compiz... I cannot put check marks on some of the options... like I can't turn on or off the 3d cube.04:14
gluonmanAtomic_UE, when I installed ubuntu the first time it automatically made a swap partition of between 1 and 2 gigs.04:15
ebirtaidandre: /join #compiz-fusion04:15
usr13inversekinetix: sudo  umount /dev/hdd04:15
DELTA9THC1nickelado why do you want to use samba? try to install ntfs-config,it's enough for me04:15
Piciandre: Please ask about that in #compiz-fusion, they handle config issues like that.04:15
gluonmanAtomic_UE, so just 1GiB should be fine, right?04:15
Iceshadowbluebanana: you could give gftp a try. GTK based ftp client.04:15
astro76gluonman, I'd probably use 1 - 1.5 GB for swap for that04:15
c0LdFirefox seems to be taking excessive CPU time (20-30%) when idling. This is fixed when it's closed and re-opened, but it's quite annoying. Does anyone know if there's a way to fix it?04:15
usr13inversekinetix: And then:   sudo mount /dev/sdd cdrom04:15
astro76gluonman, 1 is fine04:15
andrepici: tx04:15
andrew__anyone know if it's possible to do tail -f file |grep whatever       then pipe the result to a file?04:15
gluonmanastro76, I'll go with 1.04:15
nickeladoI MADE IT!!!!04:15
andreebirtaid: tx04:15
Iceshadowbluebanana: and depending on what kind of web editing you are doing, you can just view as text from there i believe and make the changes you need.04:16
Atomic_UEgluonman, yeah. that way if you ever reinstall another distro or something you can just reuse the thing and not have to enlarge the space in a couple of years or whatever04:16
curi0Would it pose necessary to add "main restricted universe multiverse" to the six ubuntu gutsy repositories that I have?04:16
Iceshadownickelado: got it figured out?04:16
inversekinetixusr13 http://pastebin.ca/75118204:16
bluebananaIceshadow: i like using bluefish04:16
DELTA9THC1you can see only windows partition,not linux on windows04:16
Atomic_UEcuri0, if you want, yes04:16
Caifanentre a ubuntu-es pero nadie responde04:16
gluonmanAtomic_UE astro76, thanks guys. I'm going to get started. If I'm back shortly, something went wrong and I have questions. Otherwise, I'll see you sometime later.04:16
nickeladoi can have kerberos ticket04:16
lalalandehi i have a problem everytime i try to "su" says ...failure aithougt04:16
inversekinetixusr13 umount: /dev/hdd: not found04:16
nickeladobut every time i user the net join ads -U command04:16
Nuckinfutsi just installed Ubuntu 7.10, and the gnome desktop isn't loading correctly, all i get is the background color, no bars or windows, this is after logging in through GDM04:16
curi0What is deb-src?04:16
Atomic_UEcuri0, enabling them via System > Administration > Software Sources, might be simpler04:16
Pici!sudo | lalalande04:16
ubotulalalande: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:16
nickeladoi cant make it join04:17
serenecloudcan anyone help me decipher this error I get when installing Jamin?04:17
serenecloud./configure: line 5130: syntax error near unexpected token `no'04:17
serenecloud./configure: line 5130: `AC_ENABLE_STATIC(no)'04:17
Iceshadowbluebanana: unless bluefish has an option to sync to a directory, you are probably stuck moving files back and forth as you make changes. I'm not familiar with it though, so I can't say for sure.04:17
multidexcan I install a .deb package in ubuntu?04:17
PaPaFDanyone know anything about setting up hotway with evolution?04:17
curi0Atomic_UE, I prefer learning the location of files because I've been bringing this system back from the dead :) I'll just edit my sources.list. I'm not afraid!04:17
dystopianraymultidex: click on it04:17
L3th4Liceshadow join #hellou04:17
Picicuri0: Its whats gets used if you try to download source packages, you really dont need this unless you are planning on installing stuff from source04:17
nickeladothen after 4 tiring days and 8 hrs of finding a solution heres the command that make it join sudo net rpc join -U user04:17
Caifanalguien me podria decir como desinstalar  Avant Window Manager04:18
multidexdystopianray: you kiddin' me? lol04:18
Atomic_UEmultidex, yes, preferrably one that was made for your version of ubuntu though04:18
nickeladoasta lavista peepz04:18
usr13inversekinetix: Can you show me the script you used to mount the ISO image?  Or show me where you got it?04:18
nickeladoneed to sleep now04:18
dystopianraymultidex: it might be double-click, i don't remember04:18
curi0Pici, that answers my question, thank you!04:18
Atomic_UEcuri0, I used to be like that, now I'm just lazy :P04:18
PiciCaifan: Caifan Este canal es solamente Inglés. Lo siento.04:18
bluebananai've used bluefish and text-editor with gftp before. with either editors, i have to save the temp directory and then quit the program first, then gftp will ask me if i want to upload the cchanged file.04:18
inversekinetixusr13 i got it from ubuntugeek, but it wont let me access the site now04:18
Caifanplease !!04:19
John117_Hey guys.  I'm not an uber-geek.  Are there any clear-cut instructions on how to install kiba-dock on gutsy 64bit?04:19
Nuckinfutsdoes Ubuntu 7.10 have issues with ATI video cards?04:19
bluebananaIceshadow: is there a way for the changes to be made to the server's file without my closing the editor program?04:19
inversekinetixusr13i dont know were the scripts went to onthis box04:19
multidexNuckinfuts: I'm using an ATI card with it, no problems04:19
Iceshadowbluebanana: just move the files in gftp back and forth once you make the edits. that's the way i've done it for years.04:19
curi0Atomic_UE, I can't be lazy right now because I have no cdrom drive and I installed Edgy from my USB. And since the installation I've been configuring and breaking things and fixing them from the prompt with the wonderful use of dpkg, and apt-get.04:20
dystopianrayNuckinfuts: linux in general has issues with ATI cards04:20
TommyHello, can anyone living in the US answer a few (non-ubuntu) related questions in a private chat?04:20
Iceshadowbluebanana: like i said, unless bluefish has a sync option, but im not familiar with it04:20
usr13inversekinetix: Not sure how to fix your system, until I see what's been done.  If I could see the script, there's a chance, but without that, it's just like wandering around in the dark.  :(04:20
curi0Oh man those do wonders, if you know what packages you need to remove and install to get back your system.04:20
power78Is there a Compiz effect for MacOS?04:20
Nuckinfutsmultidex: i have a X800XT AIW card, and the gnome desktop isn't loading04:20
inversekinetixusr13 where are the scripts likely to be, i dont know ubuntus filing system yet (sorry for being a noob)04:20
usr13Your cdrom must be sdc04:20
usr13inversekinetix: Try  mount /dev/sdc cdrom04:21
bluebananaIceshadow: what text editor has a sync option?04:21
felipernbdoes any of you develop rails apps with netbeans under ubuntu?04:21
zeppwhy isnt my master volume working?04:21
speedy20can any1 tell me how to change the splash screen on gnome?04:21
John117_Hey guys.  I'm not an uber-geek.  Are there any clear-cut instructions on how to install kiba-dock on gutsy 64bit?04:21
PaPaFDanyone know anything about setting up hotway with evolution?04:21
deeprootusing ati x1400 with newest ati drivers i have a horrible flicker while watchin a moive only in the movie area04:21
deeprootis that a known problem04:21
Iceshadowbluebanana: not sure. you could try freshmeat and see what's there. or write a script to sync remote/local folders04:21
Atomic_UEpower78, ask that in #compiz-fusion , but I don't think so04:21
dystopianraydeeproot: the newest as in 8.42.3 ?04:22
Radio_manDid U right click on the sound icon and click preferences04:22
inversekinetixusr13 mount: /dev/sdc already mounted or cdrom busy04:22
Nuckinfutsanyone else having problems getting Gnome to load after logging in04:22
usr13inversekinetix: umount /dev/sdc04:22
changelogcan anyone tell me what font this is? http://farm1.static.flickr.com/130/402807971_a6d0cbfd47_o.png04:22
felipernbdoes any of you develop rails apps with netbeans under ubuntu?04:22
zeppwhat sound icon?04:22
riotkittieNuckinfuts: how far into GNOME are you getting?04:23
inversekinetixusr13 umount: /dev/sdc is not mounted (according to mtab)04:23
inversekinetix       <<<WT*?04:23
Radio_manthe speaker icon in the tray04:23
gluonmanAtomic_UE, I set everything up as I thought I was supposed to, but when I tried to apply the changes, it said no root system defined.04:23
zeppi have a volume icon04:23
Flannelchangelog: You sure that's the right image?04:23
zeppim using xubuntu04:23
usr13inversekinetix: Actually, you might just try to manually re-create the default mount point /media/cdrom004:23
mordauntis there any reason why ubuntu automatically uses gmplayer... when I type in mplayer as the program associated with a file?04:23
strick(Freeloader) Anybody uses that App. PLEASE say something04:23
inversekinetixusr13 how can i do that04:23
Radio_manoh ok..then I miss spoke,04:23
deadlylifeI have an audio problem.04:23
gluonmanAtomic_UE, I'm guessing that I didn't give a correct mount point. I wrote /dev/sda1 for the root /.04:23
Atomic_UEgluonman, yeh that's wrong04:24
Caifanhelp how unistall  Avant Window Manager04:24
multidexNuckinfuts: not sure what to tell you04:24
LinuxInsid1changelog: can't open it04:24
deadlylifeIt seems like my subs are not being used and it results in horrible sound quality.04:24
deeprooti've tried using diff output drivers and i'm currently using xv but they all show the horrible flicker04:24
suupaabakahi. i just installed a program using a .deb file, but now i want to uninstall it again (didn't suit my needs). how do i go about doing this?04:24
Atomic_UEgluonman, the mount point is where you want to put the thing04:24
gnurph69How can I X into another Ubuntu box from my main one, can somebody point the way?04:24
Atomic_UEgluonman, you want your root partition to be mounted at /04:24
gluonmanAtomic_UE, just / and nothing else?04:24
Nuckinfutsriotkittie: GDM loads up fine, i login, and the screen is the default background color and i have a mouse cursor, no bars, no right click menu, ctrl+alt+delete shutdown menu works so im thinking its a problem with Nautalis04:24
changelogLinuxInsid1: you should, works fine here04:24
deadlylifeDoes anyone know what to do?04:24
Atomic_UEgluonman, your home partition at /home and opt at /opt04:24
John117_Hey guys.  I'm not an uber-geek.  Are there any clear-cut instructions on how to install kiba-dock on gutsy 64bit?04:24
Atomic_UEgluonman, for the mount point yes04:25
me208hey guys04:25
Iceshadowhas anyone in here worked with mounting an image as an encrypted volume by chance?04:25
LinuxInsid1changelog: i cant !  i tried04:25
gluonmanAtomic_UE, I had no problem with the other partitions' mount points, I just didn't get the root's correct. Now I know, I'll try it again, and it should work this time. Thanks.04:25
strickDoes Freeloader app. resume torrents if I have completed half of the file before then Rebooted my system, or does it start all over again?04:25
Atomic_UEgluonman, /dev/sda1 etc is the device that points to that partitions/device. you're mounting the device /dev/sda1 onto /04:25
Caifansu ayuda por favor creanme que no los molestaria pero nadie mas me contesta !!!04:25
me208anybody get usp2 working on gutsy?04:25
curi0Atomic_UE, here I go, on my way to re-installing the crucial system applications and deleting my xorg.conf files.04:25
deeprootgnurph69 have you tried VNC04:25
gluonmanAtomic_UE, okay. Here goes again.04:25
usr13inversekinetix: sudo  mkdir /media/cdrom004:26
usr13inversekinetix: do that ^^04:26
gnurph69deeproot, yes, but I was hoping to use xcmdp (or whatever it's called)04:26
curi0I don't know why, but if you ask me, I enjoy starting from scratch a couple of times when I begin using unix.04:26
zepphow come my master volume won't work?04:26
DemonJestersuupaabaka, try dpkg -r packagename04:26
Atomic_UEdude it's hot04:26
strickDoes Freeloader app. resume torrents if I have completed half of the file before then Rebooted my system, or does it start all over again?04:26
suupaabakaDemonJester: Thanks, mate.04:27
inversekinetixusr13 mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/cdrom0': Permission denied04:27
curi0I shall return!04:27
usr13inversekinetix: sudo  mkdir /media/cdrom004:27
curi0No forget it I don't want to do it :)04:27
deadlylifeI have an audio problem.04:27
deadlylifeIt seems like my subs are not being used and it results in horrible sound quality.04:27
usr13       sudo04:27
deadlylifeDoes anyone know what to do?04:27
inversekinetixusr13 james@DAVROS-NIX:~$ sudo mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/cdrom0': Permission denied04:28
Nuckinfutsis there a keyboard command to open a terminal window in gnome? i dont mean "Ctrl + Alt + F1"04:28
me208when I upgraded to gutsy from feisty my install of Ubuntu System Panel 2 broke, anybody know how yo fix it?04:28
FlannelNuckinfuts: The run dialog is alt-f2, if that suffices04:29
zepphow do i change the time04:29
zeppits an hour ahead04:29
Atomic_UEstrick, i've never used it, but I would say it would. That would most definately have to be one of the very first features04:29
inversekinetixusr13 brb gonna restart04:29
NuckinfutsFlannel: that should work but my system is being weird, thanks tho04:29
me208zepp: right-click on the time gnome bar applet and select change time04:30
curi0How do I remove all of the xorg.conf* within my /etc/X11/?04:30
deeprootgnurph69 i'm sorry but i've only used vnc and just logged in while another user is already logged, but i think you may look in to x11 forwarding04:30
Jordan_U_curi0, Why out of curi0sity?04:31
gnurph69deeproot, then I'll just keep on looking.  thank you.04:31
me208zepp: sorry it says adjust time and date04:31
Sheenhello there, I'd like to show what are the last files written by the system. I've tried with ln * -t but this is showing files by directory, I'd like really a sort by modification date. Please do you have an idea ?04:31
zeppim on xubuntu04:31
curi0Jordan_U, because they are all confusing me and I'm trying to get my nvidia 5900Xt working.04:31
Atomic_UEcuri0, rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf*  ??04:31
Jordan_U_curi0, sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf*04:31
zeppno option04:31
thinman1189I have 4 workspaces shown in the bottom right hand side and I can send programs to 3 and 4 but I cannot access them....why?04:31
Nuckinfutsanyone wanna tell me the command to view current processes running in the terminal?04:31
me208zepp: are you in gutsy or feisty?04:32
Radio_manI dont think I would be useing xubuntu with no simple options..oy.04:32
juliodominguezi was wondering if you guys can help me with xubuntu it seams to be dead in the xubuntu irc room04:32
curi0That only removes the xorg.conf04:32
inversekinetixusr13 still there?04:32
Sheenplease, how could I list all hard disk files sorted by modification date ?04:32
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Sure, no guarentees though :)04:32
me208are you root?04:32
curi0ohn wait04:32
Atomic_UE!xubuntu | zepp04:32
curi0Got it!04:32
ubotuzepp: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels04:32
FlannelNuckinfuts: ps aux04:32
curi0I forgot to put the star!04:32
deadlylifeCan someone help me?04:32
curi0Thank You!04:32
usr13inversekinetix: yes04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about workspaces - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:32
usr13sort of04:32
inversekinetixjust found those scripts04:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about workspace - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:33
NuckinfutsFlannel: thanks04:33
Jordan_U_!msgthebot | thinman118904:33
ubotuthinman1189: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:33
zeppwhats wrong with xubuntu04:33
usr13inversekinetix: where?04:33
curi0Be back!04:33
inversekinetixon my box04:33
me208I think Xfce is ugly04:33
Flannelzepp: Nothing at all04:33
bluebananafolks, do you recommend filezilla over gftp? (for website uploading)04:33
Sheenplease, how could I list all hard disk files sorted by modification date ?04:33
BonsterSheen: folder settings04:34
Atomic_UEbluebanana, use what works and what you feel comfortable with.04:34
me208bluebanna: I just mount my ftp in nautilus04:34
inversekinetixusr13 http://pastebin.ca/75119404:34
SheenBonster : Nope I really want all files, so I must use ls I think04:34
bluebananame208: how? please teach me. that sounds so awesome!!!04:35
juliodominguezhehe ok well i'm having a problem with my screen resolution supposedly xubuntu doesn't detect my graphic cards and also the highest resolution i can get is 800*600 i found the driver from sony, but its only for windows i was wondering if i can someone install it even thought its and .exe04:35
thinman1189I have 4 workspaces shown in the bottom right hand side and I can send programs to 3 and 4 but I cannot access them....why?04:35
SheenBonster : I'd like to modify some settings and see what file has been modify by the system. So I need to list ALL files sorted by modification date04:35
fungalMonkAnyone have any experience with a Thinkpad R40?04:36
Atomic_UEthinman1189, did you install the compiz-fusion stuff and play with the advance settings for them?04:36
deeprootjuliodominguez you are way off exe will not work with linux. what video card do you have04:36
me208bluebanna: open up a nautilus window and click on file then connect to server then select the type of server04:36
Nuckinfutscan anyone tell me how to run a process under like tty7 under tty104:36
SheenBonster : no idea ?04:36
juliodominguezwell its a laptop so i'll give you the model number if that helps? pcg-fx37004:36
me208then input your informaiton04:36
fungalMonkLinuxInsid1: Aye, R4004:36
LinuxInsid1years ago04:37
tiagodoes any one know how to give write permission in vboxusers groups for virtualbox?04:37
thinman1189atomic_ue yeah but I can't get it to rotate the way I want to so I am trying to install flash and watch a tutorial but I accidentally sent the firefox to another workspace that I can't access. I didn't really know how to add workspaces, I just right clicked on the two that were there and added another row.04:37
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, What brand of GPU?04:37
dystopianraytiago: what exactly do you want to do?04:37
Atomic_UEthinman1189, are you using the desktop cube plugin?04:37
Bonsterdont think u can do that04:37
* me208 is bored04:37
Bonsterit would flood the terminal04:37
=== Fyda_ is now known as Fyda
Bonsterwith all the files names04:38
usr13inversekinetix: Still there?04:38
thinman1189atomic_ue yes04:38
inversekinetixusr13  if i put a blank disk in it will read it and prompt me for action,  does this mean anything?04:38
Bonsterjust set urself admin04:38
tiagodystopianray: i received this error when launching the virtual machine "The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect.."04:38
gu014whats the easiest way for me to burn a dmg fiel under ubuntu?04:38
Atomic_UEthinman1189, if you're using the desktop cube plugin you need to also enable the Rotate Cube plugin. If you're using the Desktop Wall plugin you need to enable the ViewPort Switcher plugin04:38
r00723r0would anyone recommend listen as a media player?04:38
Bonsterand every1 else guest04:38
dystopianraytiago: add your user to the vboxusers group04:38
usr13inversekinetix: What action?04:38
Jordan_U_gu014, Use OSx to convert it to an iso first :)04:39
usr13inversekinetix: Can you read the CD?04:39
inversekinetixusr13 to burn a disk04:39
tiagodystopianray: whats the vboxusers group, and how do i access it?04:39
inversekinetixCD/DVD creator folder opens04:39
strickDoes Freeloader app. resume torrents if I have completed half of the file before then Rebooted my system, or does it start all over again?04:39
gu014Jordan_U: i downloaded it with ubuntu and it is rather large04:39
Nuckinfutsis there anyway to execute a command from tty1 and have it run under tty7?04:39
dystopianraytiago: it's the group you must be part of in order to use virtualbox04:39
thinman1189atomic_ue I have the rotate cube plug in but it will only switch between desktop 1 and 2 and I can't get it do anything more than just flip04:39
ebirtaidstrick: it should resume if it is worth half a damn04:39
dystopianraytiago: sudo gpasswd -a username vboxusers04:39
Atomic_UEthinman1189, if you use the rotate cube plugin you may want to enable ViewPort Switcher plugin depending on how you have setup your rotat cube plugin04:39
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Try running "gksu restricted-manager"04:39
dystopianraytiago: replace 'username' with your username04:40
bluebananahow do i mount my ftp site (for my website) onto nautilus?04:40
=== amidanie1 is now known as AmiDaniel_away
ebirtaidstrick: if not get another client because that one would be horrible if it cant resume04:40
Atomic_UEthinman1189, you should just be able to click on the workspaces in the bottom right and it should flip between them04:40
strickebirtaid, it looks like it started all over in the "Complete" counter04:40
usr13inversekinetix: Can you join me on private channel #inversekinetix ?04:40
deeprootjuliodominguez it shows you should use the i810 intel driver04:40
tiagodystopianray: thanks mate =)04:40
thinman1189atomic_ue it is enabled. is it perhaps that I set up the workspaces wrong? how are you supposed to add workspaces?04:40
juliodominguezit only show's the software modem driver04:40
ebirtaidis it downloading to the proper directory still?  I've never even heard of it so I cant be of muc help04:40
deeprootthat should be an open driver that is avail04:40
me208bluebanna: open up a nautilus window and click on file then connect to server then select the type of server, then input your information04:41
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Do you think that you have an intel card?04:41
bluebananame208: it's that easy? wow04:41
Atomic_UEthinman1189, try clicking on each of the workspaces in the bottom right04:41
deeprootthat model shows he has a 815gm video card04:41
me208yep its that easy04:41
bluebananame208: no need for gftp or filezilla then.04:41
juliodominguezyes its and intel card04:41
Iceshadowbluebanana: ah that looks like a good solution O_o04:41
Atomic_UEthinman1189, to add/change workspaces I just right click on them in the bottom right and go to preferences04:41
Iceshadowbluebanana: you'll have to forgive my ways, im a sucker for doing things the hard way.04:42
thinman1189atomic_ue : if I click on workspace 3 or 4 it will switch to the on top ( 3 switches to 1 and 4 switches to 2)04:42
juliodominguezi found this04:42
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Ok, then "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-intel" then run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" and choose "intel" as the driver04:42
juliodominguezi'll post the link04:42
me208bluebanna: what html editor do you use?04:42
Atomic_UEthinman1189, you have 2 rows?04:42
thinman1189atomic_ue yes.04:42
bluebananame208: Nautilus doesn't show me all the other folders. I don't see my html files04:43
Atomic_UEthinman1189, yeah the mouse focus on that is a tad dodgy when it's that small04:43
bluebananame208: but i see the files in gftp or filezilla. pls advise04:43
aoeuidI've looked on the forums, etc. and I can't figure this out: how do you configure the panel from the command line?04:43
Atomic_UEthinman1189, either make your panel larger or just have 1 row at that size04:43
aoeuidanyone know?04:43
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Those steps can also be done in the GUI but I dont know how for sure in XFCE04:43
Nuckinfutsfor some reason when i logged in, gnome and nautilus didnt get started, so tty7 only has xorg running, anyway to fix this?04:44
r00723r0can someone recommend something like listen, except with an equalizer?04:44
ebirtaidfn'aoeuid: why bother editing the panel from the command line?04:44
joshin247i get etc/rc.local :1: !/bin/sh : not found ERROR04:44
aoeuidlong story short, I have no right click04:44
juliodominguezi found that i tried googleing it04:44
aoeuidso I'm forced to use that laptop fakerightclick button04:44
juliodominguezbut i dont understand the instructions04:44
Atomic_UEaoeuid, I don't think you can, but try asking in #gnome channel04:44
aoeuidand that doesn't work  on the panel04:44
ebirtaidoh...well I am not sure, sorry :(04:44
me208bluebanna: did you put ftp:// at the beginning of the address if so unmount then remount without ftp://04:45
joshin247what does that mean???????????04:45
r00723r0can someone recommend something like listen, except with an equalizer?04:45
bluebananame208: you there?04:45
me208 bluebanna: did you put ftp:// at the beginning of the address if so unmount then remount without ftp://04:45
deeprootr00723r0 i dont know what listen is but i use amarok for music and it has an equ04:45
bluebananai didn't put ftp://04:45
thinman1189atom_ue ok thanks now that works...how do I install flash/java/adobe?04:45
PaPaFDanyone know anything about setting up hotway with evolution?04:46
bluebananame208: i see "asp_client" folder, but i don't see its "sister folder", which is what i want04:46
me208then I dont know why it isn't working. Possibly its your web host04:46
blarggone of the compiz settings messed up my X; how can I disable compiz from the command line?04:46
r00723r0deeproot: amarok is kde04:46
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Just follow the instructions I gave04:46
r00723r0i'd like gtk04:46
ebirtaidamarok can run under gnome04:46
r00723r0i am aware04:46
deeprootyeah i run it in gnome04:46
juliodominguezit says the command was not found04:46
Atomic_UEr00723r0, exaile has the option to use an equilizer if you install the gstreamer equalizer package. i haven't installed th eq though. amarok has an eq04:46
yurimxpxmanwhat's the command name of gnome's archive manager?04:47
r00723r0yurimxpxman: file-roller04:47
deeprooti hear yea i havent seen a compairble gtk app that is as good as amarok yet sorry04:47
flickall things considered, i think kubuntu is far better.04:47
joshin247i get etc/rc.local :1: !/bin/sh : not found ERROR04:47
r00723r0flick: don't troll04:47
flickthat's my personal opinion though04:47
joshin247help; me!!!04:47
ebirtaidopenbox > * nuff said.04:47
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Which command?04:47
r00723r0ebirtaid: don't flamebait04:47
yurimxpxmanr00723r0: thanks. I have a hard time remembering those names ^_^04:47
juliodominguezthe second you have me Jordan_U04:47
ebirtaidhehe :D04:47
deeprooti run gnome but i steal a few proggies from kde like k3b and amarok hehe04:47
Atomic_UEflick, if you told that to people in #kubuntu you might get someone who cares ;)04:48
joshin247i get etc/rc.local :1: !/bin/sh : not found ERROR04:48
ebirtaiddoes exaile have an equalizer?04:48
joshin247i get etc/rc.local :1: !/bin/sh : not found ERROR04:48
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Are you sure you typed it correctly?04:48
juliodominguezyes i'm 100% sure Jordan_U04:48
Jordan_U_!repeat | joshin24704:48
ubotujoshin247: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:48
Jordan_U_!xconfig | juliodominguez04:48
ubotujuliodominguez: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes04:48
* me208 is leaving to go play half-life 2 ep.2 04:49
Radio_manWhat would be the advantage of (kbuntu) over standard issue.04:49
Atomic_UEebirtaid, if you install the gstreamer eq package then exaile has the option for one yes....that's what the option in the menu tells me in exaile04:49
me208bye guys04:49
ebirtaidfn'r00723r0: that might be an option then04:49
joshin247!repeat | Jordan_U_04:49
ubotuJordan_U_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:49
eyemeanhello, does anyonw know why xgl goes mental wen i run tvtime? cpu usage flies up04:49
deeprootradio_man i think its prefence only i like both04:49
FlannelRadio_man: Neither Ubuntu or Kubuntu has an advantage over the other, they just suit different people's tastes.  Some prefer gnome, some KDE.04:49
r00723r0ebirtaid: what's that?04:49
eyemeanubuntu 7.1004:49
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, The second one of those mentioned by ubotu is the one you want, if the command dpkg-reconfigure is not found then you have serious problems04:49
ebirtaid23:49:39 < fn'Atomic_UE> ebirtaid, if you install the gstreamer eq package then exaile has the option for one yes....that's what the option in the menu tells me in exaile04:49
ebirtaidthat there04:50
Radio_manI havent tried it..maybe some day.04:50
ebirtaidexaile plus gstreamer eq package04:50
ironboysomebody help me please. i installed the edubuntu artwork on ubuntu and i got the edubuntu bootsplash installed but now iwant 2 go back to the ubuntu splash. How do i do it?04:50
deeprootk3b is a great cd burning app04:50
strickAnybody ever used Freeloader program...... Please we need to talk >_<04:50
ebirtaiddeeproot: I hate kde but k3b is wonderful04:51
r00723r0Atomic_UE, ebirtaid: what's the gstreamer eq package?04:51
ebirtaidnot sure? :D  try searching synaptic04:51
r00723r0id id04:51
r00723r0*i did04:51
Ant1jrHello, can I reformat my windows partition without killing grub04:51
Cpudan80!ask | Caifan04:51
ubotuCaifan: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:51
blarggis there a config file somewhere that determines whether desktop-effects are used?04:51
Caifanhow uninstall awn04:52
Flannelironboy: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so04:52
zeppwhere can i download mysql?04:52
deeprooti wont lie i use 3 kde apps, k3b ktorrent and amarok other than that gnome is king04:52
Flannelzepp: it's in the repositories04:52
astro76Ant1jr, yes it won't affect it04:52
ebirtaidktorrent is also good but I dont like amarok04:52
zeppoh ok04:52
Ant1jryour absolutely sure04:52
Caifanayuda por favor como desinstalo awn04:52
astro76Ant1jr, indeed04:52
astro76!es | Caifan04:52
ubotuCaifan: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.04:52
Ant1jrbecause I could swear /boot went to my windows partition04:52
Ant1jrok thx04:52
Atomic_UEr00723r0, ebirtaid,  Gstreamer equalizer is not  available.  It can be found in gstreamer-plugins-bad (currently found in GST CVS).04:52
thinman1189where do I get flash/java and necessary codecs?04:52
NedHidenrestricted extras04:53
NedHidenfrom synaptic04:53
Caifanya entre ahi pero nadie me ayuda04:53
r00723r0Atomic_UE: so is it unavailable or can it be found?04:53
ironboyFlannel: Thanx:)04:53
deeprootthinman1189 with gutsy they install when you need them04:53
thinman1189nedHiden as in illegal? is there no other way?04:53
Atomic_UEr00723r0, ebirtaid, that was straight from exaile. Maybe try installing the gstreamer-plugins-bad package and see if you get it04:53
gary_inNYCcan someone give me an objective comparison between k3b and brasero?04:53
jonathan_hey, is there anybody here who knows about webcams?04:53
zeppflanel do you know which one i need?04:53
Caifanen debian-es trataron pero no pudieron04:53
ebirtaidfn'r00723r0: install gstreamer-plugins-bad and then exaile04:53
ebirtaidand it should work04:53
thinman1189deeproot only option I get is for add/remove and it gives a legal disclaimer.04:53
Caifanayuda por favor como desinstalo awn04:53
Atomic_UEr00723r0, ebirtaid, if not then probably have to get it from that gstreamer cvs04:53
ebirtaidI use sonata this is specifically for r00 :DS04:54
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Did it work?04:54
NedHidenthinman1189: im not really sure about the whole legality of it. but its the only way pretty much.04:54
astro76thinman1189, ubuntu-restricted-extras... which among other things installs flash-plugin-nonfree and sun-java6-plugin04:54
juliodominguezyeah i'm configuring it ask i type hehe04:54
juliodominguezthanks alot04:54
zeppFlannel which one?04:54
lelandI have an interesting problem with libgnomevfs apparently failing to load the libfile.so library, with the result that pretty much of GNOME chokes. Anyone willing to help with diagnosis?04:54
IdleOneCaifan: sudo apt-get remove awn04:54
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, If you use the -phigh option it should only ask for the driver and resolution :)04:55
curi0Hello, I'm back!04:55
curi0Atomic_UE: You there?04:55
ironboyAnybody know how to use gfxboot? Though i installed it with the ubuntu theme i only get a text mode in grub04:55
h4ngedm4nnice crispy new fonts on 7.10 folks, thanks04:55
jonathan_I have a Microsoft LifeCam, anyone know how to set it up in Ubuntu?04:56
Atomic_UEr00723r0, ebirtaid  i just installed gstreamer-plugins-bad and yes it gives me an eq for exaile04:56
Atomic_UEcuri0, yeh04:56
Caifanidleone: me dice que no se pudo encontrar el paquete04:56
thinman1189and where to I get the restricted extras?04:56
deeprootthinman1198 it shoud give you the option to use the jvm or the other free version04:56
r00723r0Atomic_UE: E: Couldn't find package gstreamer-plugins-bad04:56
Flannelzepp: mysql-server04:56
IdleOneCaifan: es porque no aye paquete. como lo installaste?04:56
ebirtaidironboy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20885504:56
deeprootflash doest have a free version but java has a replacement04:57
zeppah thanks Flannel04:57
hydrogenfor flash.. use gnash04:57
Jordan_U_thinman1189, http://tinyurl.com/2vwrsh04:57
hydrogenits not fully functional04:57
hydrogenbut its not bad04:57
curi0Atomic_UE: what's the compiz channel?04:57
sloucherwhat is a good firefox plugin to watch windows media streams04:57
=== daspork_ is now known as daspork
Jordan_U_curi0, compiz-fusion04:57
curi0Anyone here have an Nvidia Gforce FX 5900XT with direct rendering yes?04:57
Jordan_U_sloucher, The default works fine, totem04:57
Jordan_U_sloucher, You just need the right codecs04:57
Atomic_UE!info gstreamer-plugins-bad | r00723r004:58
ubotur00723r0: Package gstreamer-plugins-bad does not exist in gutsy04:58
slouchercool, what codecs04:58
Atomic_UEcuri0, #compiz-fusion04:58
thinman1189jordan_you said could not find ubuntu restricted extras04:58
deeprootsloucher if you play the video it should try to look for them for you04:58
curi0Atomic_UE: Thank you!04:58
juliodominguezso after i configure it should i restart?04:58
ebirtaidubotu lies I have the package in gutsy04:58
sloucherdeeproot - ok i'll try that04:59
gnurph69how can i get vnc to start from a command line - I'm ssh'ed into the target at the moment04:59
Jordan_U_thinman1189, System -> Administration -> Software Sources, enable universe04:59
kopandaHey, guys... I wanted to try installing Ubuntu (Gutsy Gibbon) to see how it was, and I'm currently unsure about what to do about partitioning so that I can keep my old Windows XP install...04:59
Jordan_U_thinman1189, and multiverse04:59
Atomic_UE!info gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad | r00723r004:59
ubotur00723r0: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.5-4ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 603 kB, installed size 1712 kB04:59
r00723r0why .10?04:59
=== cstrippie is now known as Kurs0r
r00723r0and i already have that installed04:59
Atomic_UEr00723r0, 'cos that's what it is04:59
juliodominguezmm does it change the resolution right away when i close the terminal?04:59
ebirtaidjust the version04:59
r00723r0but exaile doesn't show anything04:59
ebirtaidI think you have to enable it as an option?05:00
r00723r0ebirtaid: packages shouldn't be named with versions included05:00
CaifanidleOne: con un paquete deb05:00
=== Kurs0r is now known as cstrippie
r00723r0ahh there it is05:00
Atomic_UEr00723r0, Tools > Equalizer05:00
IdleOneCaifan: dpkg -r nombre-del-paquete.deb05:00
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, No, close any applications that aren't saved and log out or press ctrl+alt+backspace05:00
Radio_manThinman: for easy install of java and flash go to these 2 sites and it will prompt U   http://www.auditmypc.com/anonymous-surfing.asp   http://crooksandliars.com/05:00
BigCanOfTunaI'm trying to get a Promise SATA300 TX4 running on my 7.10. At boot, it seems to recognise the controller, the drives, but when I try to find the devices, which I expect should be sd*...there are not there, anyone help?05:00
juliodominguezlol i restarted the computer :S05:00
IdleOneCaifan: usas sudo05:00
juliodominguezsorry i'm such a noob at linux u_u05:01
Caifansi sudo05:01
unstableI had dual monitors setup with xorg.conf on Feisty, and it worked perfect. I clean formatted with Gutsy..and it isn't setup how I want. both monitors are identical. I saved my xorg.conf and tried it on gutsy and it doesn't work.05:01
thinman1189jordan_u_ I have all of them enabled and it's still saying cannot be found05:01
eyemeanis there an easy way to enable dual screens on ubuntu 7.10 with ati 9550 with xgl enabled/05:01
unstableWhy would xorg.conf work find on feisty, but not gutsy?05:01
m1ke_lhow quickly will the new ati driver been in gutsy?05:01
ebirtaidfn'r00723r0: everything working properly now then?05:01
juliodominguezfirst week trying to use ubuntu and xubuntu but i'm having more problems with xubuntu since the resolution hates me :p05:01
r00723r0should be05:01
IdleOneCaifan: entonces sudo dpkg -r nombre-del-paquete.deb05:01
unstableeyemean: no05:01
gnurph69how can i get vnc to start from a command line - I'm ssh'ed into the target at the moment05:02
m1ke_lvncserver ?05:02
Jordan_U_thinman1189, Try installing it with Applications -> Add / Remove05:02
zeppwhat package should i use to install java?05:02
eyemeanunstable, oh well, so i guess it only comes down to messing with xorg?05:02
deeprootgnurph69 do you want vncserver to run all the time on the server05:02
gnurph69deeproot, no.05:02
kopandaI wonder why my text bounces as I type it when I use Pidgin...05:02
kopandaIt's really headache-inducing.05:02
zengenI read that duplicity doesn't work with python2.5, but can't find if that information is current.  Does anyone know if this has been fixed in the latest version of duplicity?05:02
deeprootso you want to turn it on from an ssh session05:02
IdleOne!java | zepp05:02
ubotuzepp: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre05:02
gnurph69deeproot, actually, I think it's running - but i'm unable to connect to it.  I have turned off the firewall.05:02
deeprootthen vnc into the macing05:02
gnurph69deeproot, yes.05:03
unstableeyemean: ask in #xorg, I'm not sure if it's possible05:03
eyemeanunstable, ok thank you05:03
juliodominguezzomg now i cant see nothing :x05:03
juliodominguezor its loading...05:03
kopandaSo, does anyone have partitioning advice or a link to a page I could read?05:03
gnurph69deeproot, I'm getting "unable to connect to hose:  connection refused (111)"05:03
NutubuntuHow painful have people found the upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy?05:03
juliodominguezkopanda: do you have another operating system installed ?05:04
rodrigoHy all05:04
deeprootgnurph69 how did you turn on vnc05:04
Jordan_U_kopanda, Why not just go with the automatic partitioning?05:04
unstableeyemean: I'm in the same boat as you though.05:04
=== Q_Continuum is now known as Q_Contoxicated
gnurph69deeproot, I installed it with apt-get install vncserver05:04
m1ke_lkopanda: at least put /home somewhere besides /05:04
gnurph69deeproot, then I started it with vncserver05:04
juliodominguezmm Jordan_U? now i cant see nothing X]05:04
rodrigoI think...05:04
kopandaYes, I have Windows XP installed on this disk.05:04
unstableeyemean: I have an ati 9100, and you just can't do certain things with dual screen and do 3d for some reason, I talked for a long time with the ati driver developer for xorg05:04
power78Where is chkfontpath installed? I get command not found when trying to run it,\05:04
rodrigohere is not a brazilian chat05:05
unstableI don't really understand it myself, hence me being here trying to get help.05:05
kopandaI read that the automatic partitioning had some peculiarities, which is why I wanted to double-check here first.05:05
deeprootand you are typing vncviewer 192.111111 whatever the server is05:05
gnurph69deeproot, I get an error on start:  "xauth:  (argv):1: bad display name .. blah blah blah05:05
deeprooton the client machine05:05
Caifansudo dpkg -r05:05
Atomic_UEkopanda, because the tiny text area you type in in pidgin is too small...move the mouse over the bar area just above the text and resize it bigger05:05
kopandaAhh, that's much better... thanks.05:05
eyemeanunstable, so did urs work ok in 7.04?05:05
gnurph69deeproot, yes, I'm usign xvncviewer 192.blahblah05:05
CaifanidleOne: y si no recuerdo el nombre y no recuerdo de donde lo baje ?05:05
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.05:06
IdleOneCaifan: el paquete .deb esta in tu Desktop no?05:06
chalcedonymy mouse thinks it needs two clicks to paste things.. how do i unset that?05:06
IdleOnecafin #ubuntu-es05:06
kopandaThe other thing is that the guided partitioning only goes down to 76%, or 40.8 GB -- I want to make my ubuntu partition 10 GB.05:06
* chalcedony smiles05:06
IdleOneCaifan: #ubuntu-es05:06
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Can you see a terminal if you press ctrl+alt+F1 ?05:06
kopandaBecause I only have 12 GB free on my drive.05:06
CaifanidleOne: gracias05:07
Radio_manloom buttercups.05:07
zeppdamn java environment is big05:07
=== ^4nDr3s is now known as RoAkSoAx
IdleOneCaifan: de nada05:07
rocketswhat package do i need just to get the regular command line svn client?05:07
deeprootrockets sudo apt-get install subversion05:08
Jordan_U_kopanda, Resize your windows partition in Gparted then tell Ubuntu to use the free space05:08
unstableeyemean: yes05:08
unstableeyemean: see #xorg05:08
zepp!java | zepp05:08
inversekinetixusr13 are you still there?05:08
gnurph69deeproot, I don't need some BS port forwarding on my side (client) to make this work, do I?05:08
zeppi ordered a new keyboard off ebay and the keys are all messed up05:09
zeppi'm going to have to contact this guy05:09
ebirtaidha that sucks05:09
Radio_manzepp: its in synapt..whats the deal here.05:09
deeprootgnurph69 you dont need any firewall port forwarding if you are are the same network as the vnc server05:09
zeppi know im installing it silly05:09
juliodominguezi can see the terminal but i cant see below so i cant really see what i'm typing until it goes all the way up05:09
Radio_manoh ok.05:09
zepp33 files05:09
zeppany programmers?05:09
Radio_manI programmed my tv once.05:10
Dr_willisI programed a vcr once./05:10
zepphow about software?05:10
Atomic_UEDr_willis, OMG you lie!!05:10
Radio_manMy wife wouldnt let me.05:11
Dr_williszepp,  given how vague you have been.. :) care to be a bit more verbose in what sort of info you are wanting?05:11
Atomic_UEDr_willis, everyone know it's impossible to do that :P05:11
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Try to type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" again :)05:11
Dr_willisAtomic_UE,  i even made the 12:00 stop flashing!05:11
JeffreyfCrimsun, are you there?05:11
Dr_willisAtomic_UE,  with some Black tape.05:11
ebirtaidhm I've gotten to the point where compiz isnt even impressive anymore, weird05:11
Atomic_UEDr_willis, woah...genius05:11
juliodominguezit says usplash setting mode: 1024*768 failed05:11
juliodominguezwhen its starting up05:11
zeppradio_man why didn't your wife let you?05:12
Radio_manHer boyfriend had restricted me.05:12
Radio_manWhat was that05:12
gnurph69deeproot, okay, let's try again.05:12
Atomic_UEthe net split in half :O05:12
zeppRadio_man, are you being serious?05:13
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Good, you are on my side of the split :)05:13
zeppIt didn't seem like it05:13
zeppYou had me thinking for a minute there05:13
speeddemon8803ah here everyone is!05:13
KyanHelp!! My Ubuntu Gutsy won't start. GDM crashed. Right now I'm on a LIVE CD. I need some help please.05:13
zeppKyan why can't you reinstall it?05:14
Kyanreinstall what?05:14
thinman1189thanks guys I think it's working05:14
juliodominguezlol Jordan_U i'm on the first menu and its asking for the resolution... so should i pick the one i'm going to be using 1024*768??05:14
IndyGunFreakWHERE IS UBOTU!!!!05:15
KyanCause I'd lose all my precious work05:15
speeddemon8803kyan, your at a loss right now anyways lol05:15
* IndyGunFreak panics!05:15
Kyanthat's now really what I call humanity to others05:15
sam55kyan .. reboot, choose the kernle you want ot boot from, press e to edit, and then add "single" at the end of the line which specifies the kernel. You will get a command prompt (not GUI). THen you can reinstall GDM and see of that works.05:15
speeddemon8803ah, there ya go kyan :)05:16
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Pick anything, but for the driver choose "vesa", it will not be hight resolution since vesa is the VGA driver05:16
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Or, actually, try "i810"05:16
Kyancan I reinstall GM once there?05:16
sam55kyon: you will need to press on the line that tartw with "kernel" and add "single" at the end (wihtout quotes).05:17
sam55kyan: when you get the text based login, you canlog in as your username.05:17
r00723r0exaile is sweet05:17
Kyanone once I'm logged in, what do I do? I don't know which commands to use05:17
juliodominguezmm Jordan_U when i press enter it just loads the terminal.... back again but it doesn't load the OS itself05:17
sam55kyan: then you should use the command line to reinstall package. For exampe, to reinstall gdm, use "sudo aptitiude update" and then "aptitude reinstall gdm".05:18
ptn107question... ubuntu sees my second hard drive but will not mount it,  i get "Failed to read last sector (156247888): Invalid argument"  can i still recover the data from the drive??05:18
Kyanaptitude works in command line?05:18
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Yes, you either need to reboot "sudo reboot" or restart X "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"05:18
sam55sorry, the second one should be "sudo aptitude reinstall gdm". If you do not have aptitude installed, you will have to use apt-get in that case.05:18
sam55So to use apt-get, you will use "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm".05:19
Kyanthat works out of GNOME?05:19
sam55kyan: yes, if you give options to aptitude, ti works on command line. If you don't give any options, it starts in a text based GUI mode05:19
Jordan_U_Kyan, System -> Administration -> Synaptic05:19
gluonmanAtomic_UE, if you're there, everything worked smoothly.05:19
KyanJordan, I dont have GNOME05:20
Kyanwell I do, but it wont start05:20
sam55Jordan_U_: if I understood that, kyan does nto have a GUI to work with!05:20
Jordan_U_ahh, misunderstood the question :)05:20
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, What has happened? Have you restarted X?05:21
KyanThis is I went to gnome-look.org and I chose a theme for the login window, then i restarted and there was this error05:21
Kyanand now I can't get to GNOME05:21
juliodominguezi have restarted x Jordan_U and restarted sudo reboot so i'ts loading? i think... lol we'll see :D05:21
sam55kyan .. oh, in that case, you just need to revert the theme back.05:21
sam55kyan: what was the name of the theme?05:22
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Did you choose the "vesa" driver or "i810" ?05:22
prakare there any other good lightweight media players besides xmms (no longer supported), bmp (bmpx is not lightweight), and mpg123?05:22
juliodominguezmm it still show's the terminal... i cant choose vesa cuz it wont let me choose the resolution :S05:22
gnurph69i can connect to a remote system using VNC...but i can't enter the password.  anybody got any ideas?05:22
Kyanoh i dont remember, but it was one that looks like green leaves, it's one of the top rated ones in gnome-look-org05:23
arvin2212can i ask for help here?05:23
pvlcan anyone help me set up jack server?05:23
sam55kyan: your change should have done in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom. Here you will need to delete the name of the theme after the variable GraphicalTheme05:23
arvin2212how do i get the gtk files in ubuntu?05:24
sam55kyan, so you can try doing that right now. Mount your / partition,or the one that has /etc in it. And open that file to edit.05:24
Kyanright now im a live CD, can i do those change from hre?05:24
sam55and remove the value of of GraphicalTheme variable (i.e. set it to empty) and restart yoru machine and see if it works.05:24
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, I am not sure what you mean, what do you see right now?05:24
ebirtaidarvin2212: which gtk files? the development headers or .gtkrc or what05:25
sam55kyan: or set it to Human instead of the value you gave it before.05:25
sam55kyan: yup, you should be able to edit that file from this live CD.05:25
Kyanok how05:25
juliodominguezwoah my resolution is all mest up now lol05:25
sam55kyan: you nee dto mount the partition which has that dir, and then open that file in an editor (gedit will work).05:25
arvin2212erm ebirtaid05:25
Kyanit seems that my partition isn't showing in fstab05:25
arvin2212im quite new in this05:25
arvin2212im trying to install the bittorrent client, transmission05:26
arvin2212they said i needed gtk files to compile it05:26
sam55no no .. not in fstab. If you are in live CD, go to places and then find out from yoru "Computer" the various partitions.05:26
ebirtaidsudo apt-get install transmission-gtk should work05:26
Kyanoh ok05:26
Kyanlet me try that05:26
arvin2212it works05:26
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, Ok, the origional problem you had was resolution, correct?05:27
Kyanmy partition isn't showing in Places05:27
Kyanthat is Nautilus05:27
sam55kyan: what about in "Computer"?05:27
sam55or in "System"?05:27
pvlcan anyone help me set up jack server/05:27
juliodominguezyes Jordan_U i'm going to reinstall and start again lol but i'm installing xubuntu but the xubuntu irc chat room is dead x] even tough there is a bunch of people05:28
sam55I don't have my Ubuntu on, I am Debian and on KDE so can't walk you though the windows.05:28
Jordan_U_pvl, Just install ubuntu-studio05:28
Kyani think you should know this live cd is an Ubuntu 5.1005:28
Jordan_U_pvl, Make sure that you also install the low latency kernel05:28
pvlJordan_U: running off of it currently05:28
pvlJordan_U: that idk, i shall check05:28
sam55okay, does it give you the icons on yoru deskto of variuos partitions?05:28
Kyanit just shows the CD Room05:29
arvin2212hello guys05:29
arvin2212again 1 more question, how do i install the Gnu C compiler05:29
mudochgood evening... just finished my upgrade to 7.10... having issue with phpMyAdmin05:29
sam55kyan: does it give the menus (the three or four) on the top left?05:29
arvin2212again 1 more question, how do i install the Gnu C compiler05:29
KyanI see the menus05:29
sam55kyan: in the second menu, is it Places?05:29
Exilantarvin2212: do you want just C, or also make etc.?05:29
Kyani tried that one05:29
Jordan_U_!compile | arvin221205:29
sam55kyan: if you open that what entries do you see?05:29
PowntiesWould Xubuntu run better on my old system ?05:30
KyanI told you my partition isn't showing in the fstab config file05:30
cyros-pownties: yea05:30
sam55kyan: what is in Computer? or what does it give if it opens nautilus?05:30
juliodominguezPownties:  it will it uses less resources05:30
Bonstersudo fdisk -l?05:30
Powntiesjuliodominguez: In Ubuntu things would take 30 seconds to load, then the damn windows would animate when closing/opening, etc, making it worse than Xp ever thought about lagging05:30
sam55kyan: open a terminal and give the command "sudo gparted" and see if it open the application.05:30
dwf_starband2i have a 80gig fat32 usb drive im trying to use in gutsy (it has abunch of backup stuff in it) i can mount it using pmount like i did in feisty but when I try to browse the folders and files in nautilus its a minute or so before it responds to anything each time I open a folder or do anything with that drive.05:30
KyanCD-RW, cdrom, Filesystem05:30
dwf_starband2anyone know what my problem is?05:31
Kyanthat's all i get05:31
Kyanand that filesystem is the one on the RAM05:31
arvin2212guys about the compiler thingy, i got this message from the transmission channel.. <snarfer> arvin2212, ask the ubuntu team where the GCC utilites are?05:31
PowntiesThen GOD forbid if I used Alt+Tab05:31
sam55kyan: okay. But try to open gparted using the command "sudo gparted" in a terminal window.05:31
juliodominguezyeah Pownties, it wont run fast if you dont have a graphic card mine loads up fast on my desktop i'm installing xubuntu on my laptop as we speak05:31
mudochhi all after upgrade phpmyadmin was prompting for login, went to run the scripts/setup and get prompted for a user/passowrd. none work tried root... any ideas what changed?05:32
Jordan_U_arvin2212, install the package "build-essential"05:32
cyros-kyan: also try "sudo qtparted"05:32
Exilantarvin2212: you probably want "gcc" and "build-essentials"05:32
cyros-if the other one isnt there05:32
Kyanok gparted is scanning all my devices05:32
arvin2212how do i go about installing those?05:32
Powntiesjuliodominguez: This is a VooDoo3 3DFX 8 MB AGP, 10 GB Internal, P2 450, and 320 MBs of SDRAm05:32
buttercupsarvin2212, sudo apt-get install build-essential, good buddy05:32
sam55kyan: right, from here you can guess the partition of your / .05:32
Exilantalthough build-essentials is a bit too much, it's sound05:32
juliodominguezquetion... lol why cant i install xubuntu not doing low graphics mode?05:32
sam55kyan: let me kknow once you know which partition has /etc/ in your machine.05:32
prakis there anyone here who's familiar with the command "say" in terminal?05:32
=== Q_Contoxicated is now known as Q_Continuum
KyanHere I can see it05:32
juliodominguezyeah Pownties you will need to install xubuntu you only have 8mb of video05:33
sam55kyan: do NOT do anything in gparted. Just find out which partition has /etc.05:33
PowntiesHell I aint running games05:33
PowntiesI'm wanting to run a simple OS05:33
Kyanhow can i see the etc?05:33
pvl1JOrdan_U: is this low latency kernel related to jack or more to ubuntu?05:33
sam55kyan: you can't. You will have to guess looking at the sizes. How many partitions are there?05:33
Jordan_U_juliodominguez, What files do you have in your /etc/X11 directory, there should be a backup of your origional xorg.conf05:34
ExilantAnyone in here has any thoughts on modifying a ubuntu cd, is it painful or advised against, and how would I do it?05:34
Kyan5 partitions05:34
Powntiesfreegen flood05:34
sam55kyan: do you recallmaking them?05:34
linuxn00b314I just installed gutsy, and after booting and seeing "kernel alive", I get a blank screen, any ideas05:34
sam55kyan: of these, can you eliminate some as being NOT / (i.e. contaiing something else, WIndows perhaps, /home perhaps).05:35
PowntiesSo would Xubuntu be worth a shot on my computer?  Or would I be wasting time with it also ?05:35
Kyan"/dev/sda3 is where i installed ubuntu05:35
ebirtaidfn'Pownties: what are the specs?05:35
juliodominguezPownties: its a risk that i would take it runs prettry darn good on my laptop05:35
juliodominguezi just cant get a good stinky resolution :p05:35
Exilantlinuxn00b314: I think that's normal. but if nothing happens if you wait...05:35
sam55great, so that is the one we need to mount. Close gparted and create a new directory in /mnt called something easy , e.g. /mnt/mp05:35
prakare there any other good lightweight media players besides xmms (no longer supported), bmp (bmpx is not lightweight), and mpg123?05:35
sam55where mp is the mount point we will use.05:35
juliodominguezbut Jordan_U is helping me :p05:35
Kyanthe others are my windows partitions sda1 and sda205:35
juliodominguezonce i install it again... :S05:35
Powntiesjuliodominguez: Yes, XP runs fair till I have to start loading it up with monkey AV's  and stuff05:36
sam55kyan: great. So, make a directory in /mnt called "mp".05:36
linuxn00b314Exilant: nothing happened,I waited for like 5 minutes05:36
Exilantlinuxn00b314: somehow gutsy assumes 12xx*1024, on lcds not supporting this you won't see anything till x starts05:36
sam55kyan: open a termianl and type "mkdir /mnt/mp"05:36
Powntiesebirtaid: 320 MB PC100 RAM, 10 GB internal, VooDoo3 8 MB AGP, P2 450MHz05:36
juliodominguezPownties:  i say you install xubuntu it's going to be more safe then windows05:36
Zelliushi there. I just tried to do a fresh install of 7.10 on my thinkpad t43. it boots into grub and says "Loading...", and then the screen goes black. i think the OS loads though. it has a mobility ATI card and I suspect the problem might be that ubuntu isnt loading the right driver. how can i fix this?05:36
zepphow can i grab files fro ma unix server05:36
ebirtaid320mb is pretty low, xubuntu SHOULD run though05:37
Powntiesjuliodominguez: yes, but it ran lower than XP..  To my surprize.05:37
Kyanmkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/mp': Permission denied05:37
ebirtaidif not you could try DSL or puppy05:37
Kyanshould i sudo?05:37
sam55kyan: use "sudo mkdir /mnt/mp" then.05:37
juliodominguezPownties: did you install xubuntu or ubuntu?05:37
Exilantlinuxn00b314: you might want to remove "silent" and "splash" from the grub boot line, dunno if that works in gutsy though, had problems05:37
pwilsonHi folks, just installed 7.10, and my K menu is populated with really odd names. everything starts with _:Entries in K menu: Strigi...  I've already asked this in the kubuntu chan. place is a ghost town.05:37
Kyanok, now it accepted the command05:37
juliodominguezcuz ubuntu needs a good graphics card05:37
Kyannow what05:37
PowntiesUbuntu , Kubuntu just pissed me off , I never liked KDE.05:37
sam55kyan: now, give the command "sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda3 /mnt/mp"05:37
PowntiesOK, I will give Xubuntu a shot then.05:38
ebirtaidfn'juliodominguez: no it doesnt, it will not start compiz if your video driver isnt compatible05:38
sam55kyan: give that commadn from within the terminal.05:38
Zeke75I need some help with setting up networking with VMware.  Is there a channel better suited for this, or can someone in here help me?05:38
Kyanok it accepted it05:38
Kyanno errors05:38
Jordan_U_Pownties, Are you looking for a lightweight distro?05:38
sam55great. Now you can go form Nautilus to /mnt/mp.05:38
sam55See if you see "etc" directory there.05:38
juliodominguezmine is installing xubuntu in safe graphics mode05:38
PowntiesJordan_U_:  I am looking for a "works, but doesn't grab ass"05:38
Thegiverwtf gusty messed up my wireless  =-(05:39
Thegiverany ideas?05:39
Kyanyay! Now it mounted my partion on the hard drive05:39
ebirtaidmessed up how05:39
mudochhi all, can anyone help me with a minor upgrade casued error ?05:39
Thegiveri wish there was an option to make the update not mess with anything like wifi/ethernet and other partitions05:39
Atomic_UEsomeone was looking for me?05:39
sam55kyan: *you* did! Can you use nautilus to go into /mnt/mp/etc ?05:39
arvin2212guys..any good recomended bt client for ubuntu? other than deluge/ktorrent/gtktorrent/05:39
Kyani see my folders now!05:40
mattbotI installed wicd and uninstalled network-manager. Wicd was more buggy, when I tried to go back, I can't get the system tray icon for network-manager to appear (I just did #apt-get install network-manager and restarted the PC when I didn't see it right away)05:40
linuxn00b314Exilant: k, I tried removing quiet from the boot command05:40
sam55kyan: so from etc, find gdm/gdm.conf05:40
ebirtaidfn'arvin2212: how are you going to rule out the three major clients ;p05:40
mattbotarvin2212, what don't you like about the ones you listed?05:40
Jordan_U_Pownties, Might try Fedora, it's a little annoying enabling restricted things like mp3 becase they are stricter about non-free components05:40
Atomic_UEarvin2212, azureus05:40
arvin2212deluge was working fine05:40
arvin2212until today05:40
cyros-arvin2212: azureus ?05:40
arvin2212guess my isp throttled it05:40
arvin2212is too confusing for me05:40
pwilsonAny help with my K menu showing "_: Entries in K menu: Strigi app name..." before every item?05:41
arvin2212never get full speed with it05:41
cyros-oh ok05:41
ebirtaidwell then changing clients wont help if your isp is throttling bandwidth05:41
sam55kyan: to open it with proper permissions, you have to use sudo. So from the terminal, do "sudo gedit", which will give you the editor. In that editor, open /mnt/mp/etc/gdm/gdm.conf for edting.05:41
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cvdIts there away to reset the audio/alsa etc settings to the originals of gutsy, i dont know what i do but know i cant play more than to players at the same time..05:41
PowntiesJordan_U_: I want something that I install, and I don't have to shoot people to get things to work.  That's why I came to see about Ubuntu in the first place.05:41
Kyanok hold a sec05:41
PowntiesSomeone also said I should try it with Fluxbox.05:41
dwf_starband2im having trouble with nautilus running really slow when browsing an external hard drive mounted using pmount, any ideas?05:42
juliodominguezlol can you just install linux with gnome?05:42
riotkittieyea, go for fluxbox05:42
juliodominguezmy teacher had it ...05:42
arvin2212well..they've throttled some bt clients as deluge was working just fine until today05:42
Exilantlinuxn00b314: yeah, i did too, didn't see a thing either, dunno why05:42
Powntiesriotkittie: will it make me want to say "what in the hell is this pile of crap" like with KDE?05:42
mudochquestion what is the new phpMyAdmin doing to my system?  If O login using the main page I get to the DBs just fine, try and preset the login and /scripts/setp.php prompt for a user, any suggestions as to what it is?05:43
yell0wbot's gone05:43
Exilantbut i think it shouldn't be like that05:43
ebirtaidarvin it is ports not clients05:43
riotkittiethey dont throttle clients, they throttle ports.05:43
sam55kyan: so do you have gdm.conf open for editing in gedit yet?05:43
ebirtaidpownties:  fluxbox is very minimal05:43
ebirtaidcheck some screenshots05:43
Kyanyou want to see it?05:43
Powntiesebirtaid: even more minimal than the one inside of Xubuntu ?05:43
Kyanthe conf file05:43
sam55kyan: what is the line which sets the value for GraphicalTheme variable?05:44
riotkittiePownties: KDE and Fluxbox are on opposite ends of the spectrum, really05:44
ebirtaidbasically clock/windowlist/desktop name05:44
Kyanlet me see05:44
Powntiesriotkittie: thank God05:44
ebirtaidthen a right click menu with your applications05:44
Jordan_U_Pownties, http://fluxbuntu.org/js.html05:44
webpirateI have a question the pros here....05:44
ebirtaidI like the *boxes personally though05:44
ebirtaidesp openbox05:44
webpiratewhen I install XGL everything is slow until I start compix-fusion..05:44
webpirateany ideas why?05:45
Exilantwebpirate: i think that's normal05:45
webpiratewhen I start compiz everything is ok05:45
riotkittiexfce's a desktop environment. fluxbox is merely a window manager.05:45
Exilanthad that too05:45
ebirtaidyou can use fluxbox under xfce actually05:45
ebirtaidinstead of xfwm405:45
webpirateExilant: so I don't have to re-install?05:45
sam55kyan: that is weird. It looks okay. You sure the file is gdm.conf-custom?05:45
webpirateI won't be using it then05:45
Exilantwebpirate: So you have to make sure compiz is started automatically05:45
Exilantwebpirate: no05:46
buttercupsmattbot, check System>Preferences>Sessions>Start Up Programs, see if Network Manager is checked05:46
Kyanit's just gdm.conf05:46
webpiratewhat if I dont' want to use compiz all the time?05:46
sam55kyan: close that one and open gdm.conf-custom05:46
mattbotty buttercups I'll check it out05:46
BigCanOfTunaI'm trying to get a SATA controller working on 7.10, and it seems to be part of the kernel (compiled as a module...if I look at the kernel config)....how can I tell if the module is getting loaded?05:46
Exilantwebpirate: good question05:46
cvdaudio output to the originals seting?05:46
sam55kyan: sorry if my instructions were wrong.05:46
PowntiesJordan_U_: Fluxubuntu's download says it's only in RC05:46
webpirateI remember we used to be able to load XGL as a a desktop manager...can we still go that?05:46
Exilantwebpirate: with xgl it's quite a dirty and complicated setup05:47
Gannondorfneed help with a GRAPHICS BUG in KDE05:47
cyros-Pownties: ive used it before, its ok05:47
ebirtaidpownties:  download ubuntu and sudo apt-get install fluxbox ;p05:47
Exilantwebpirate: So messing around is probably quite complicated05:47
webpirateso I can use KDM for normal stuff and then XGL for showing off05:47
cyros-i went back to xubuntu though05:47
yell0whmm, hey folks, what's the difference between cron, atd and anacron ?05:47
Exilantwebpirate: yeah, i tried that, too05:47
Powntiescyros-: yeah, but I don't want something I downlaod, where I have to redownload/reinstall later05:47
Powntiesso quickly05:47
=== cyros- is now known as cyros
sam55kyan: make GraphicalTheme=Human and save the file.05:48
lwizardlwhen you have multiple desktops setup on one display is their a way to have different backgrounds on each?05:48
ebirtaidsudo apt0get install fluxbox05:48
cyrosPownties: nah i used it for a week or two05:48
Jordan_U_Pownties, You don't need to re-install05:48
sam55kyan: so you installed Doe-GDM theme, eh?05:48
Exilantwebpirate: the easiest way is probably de/reinstalling xgl and changing /etc/environment05:48
Jordan_U_Pownties, Just update to the final05:48
PowntiesI have a "Fair Access Policy" that limits me to 200 MBs per 24 hours  , and only 3 hours of unlimited usage a day.05:48
Kyanso i change GraphicalTheme=Doe-GDM   for GraphicalTheme=Human    ???05:48
webpirateit's really strange because the Nvidia logo show up but then nvidia-settings says driver is not loaded....05:48
sam55kyan, yes.05:48
Exilantor relying on the fallback of compiz05:48
webpiratebut if I uninstall XGL everything is fine..05:48
Pownties"Please Note: The cd images for Fluxbuntu 7.10 have not been published yet"05:49
sam55kyan, your line should read GraphicalTheme=Human05:49
PowntiesThere went that05:49
webpiratesee...here is my real problem....05:49
Kyanok I saved the file05:49
linuxn00b314I just installed gutsy, and after booting and seeing "Kernel alive...", I'd just get a blank screen...for more than 5 minutes now...05:49
ebirtaidare you purposely ignoring the good advice?05:49
Exilantwebpirate: try sth. like DISPLAY=:0 nvidia-settings05:49
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cvdrestore original mixer?05:49
Kyansam55 should I take the risk and restart?05:50
Johnsonhey guys i just upgraded to 7.10 pretty cool, but now i can't see my windows partition. whats up?05:50
sam55kyan: right. Now jot down your partition someplace on paper in case you hav ereviist this. Close gedit, close gparted and all other windows, reboot machine and keep your finger crossed :)05:50
webpirateI have totally invested my 3 computers into linux....I use them everyday as LINUX computer....not just for playing...so I can't really use XGL if its going to cause problem05:50
juliodominguezis there anyway you can install xubuntu without loading the graphics on the cd?05:50
KyanI have memorized it, i know it's in "/dev/sda3"05:50
ebirtaidfn'juliodominguez: download the alternate install cd05:50
webpirateI have di-associated myself with anything that relies on windows.....05:51
Kyanwhat i need to jot down is the mount command u gave me05:51
sam55kyan: okay, try rebooting and see if all works.05:51
Kyanwith all the options05:51
Exilantwebpirate: Well, so far I have no problems with open software, but ge and eagle and other proprietary stuff doesn't really work05:51
webpiratefor example...samsing has a really cool mpeg player...but it will only work with windows media player...so I am not buying it...05:51
Kyancould u write it again please05:51
linuxn00b314I just installed gutsy, and after booting and seeing "kernel alive...", I get a blank screen, for more than 5 minutes now...Can someone help please05:51
sam55kyan: that mount command is "mount -t auto /dev/sda3 /<dir name>" where <dir name> is a path to any empty directory.05:51
unstableI have a 22" monitor, and a 15" monitor, how do I setup dual monitors in Gutsy? right now both monitors are the same, how can I drag stuff back and forth between the two monitors?05:51
Exilantwebpirate: might be because of my ati drivers, though05:51
trypglyphIs there a repo with KDE4 beta in it?05:51
Kyanok, ill write that down05:51
sam55kyan, in your cae, we created /mnt/mp and used that empty directory as the mount point.05:52
webpirateI did the cold turkey thing with windows....and in about 1 month I found no need for it.....3 years windwos free now....05:52
webpiratemy wife even like linux too..05:52
JimmyDeewebpirate, grats05:52
cyroswebpirate: nice05:52
kondor101anyone fancy helping me write a howto, on making cd+g discs?05:52
lwizardlwebpirate, I know how you feel, i did the same thing myself05:53
cyrosim about to switch pops over to xubuntu05:53
kopandaI'm backing up my stuff so I can do it... I figured that dual booting is kind of a sissy way to switch.05:53
Kyandoes it need to be in "/mnt"05:53
Powntieswebpirate: that's what I am trying to do.05:53
chetnickwhich is the best fre control panel for web hosting ?05:53
sam55kyan: no, can be anywhere.05:53
cyrosand if he wants to porn it up im not going to have to worry about virus and spyware lol05:54
juliodominguezchetnick: i dont think there is any free ones... not that i now off05:54
webpiratePownties>> just take the plundge......on about a month you will wonder how you got along before..05:54
sam55kyan: I made you do in mnt just because we put our mount points in /mnt (or in /media). But the moutn point can be anywhere.05:54
Kyanok, sam55, thank you soooooo much for all your help. Im gonna try to reboot and see if it works, if not ill come back05:54
Y0da^is there a way to make your menus in gnome transparent like the menu panels?05:54
Johnsonhow do u access the new indexed search feature?05:54
sam55kyan: Good luck!05:54
Powntieswebpirate: If I find one that runs right, I imagine I will eventually.05:54
=== necronekostar is now known as nekostar
webpirateI would gladly pay $150+ for linux if I had too...05:54
webpiratei find Ubuntu to be the best..05:54
cyroswebpirate: i dunno about that one05:55
lwizardlchetnick, free panels that i know of are ISPconfig (one the my favs), and Webmin05:55
carenetubuntu is wonderful05:55
webpiratei just wish i could use compiz properly...05:55
carenetHi shiminzu05:55
webpirateI started out with fedora and its awesome...but its too big...05:55
webpirateand yum was too slow05:55
cyrosyea i started with redhat also05:55
kondor101carenet, you been using ubuntu or linux long?05:55
webpiratei still have one computer with fedora 6 on it..05:56
chetnicklwizardl: i was about to install webmin, just wanted to check before i do it is there any better ones :)05:56
webpiratei started with fedora 305:56
carenetwebpirate how do you yum in ubuntu?05:56
linuxn00b314how do you permanently edit the boot menu05:56
lwizardlI must be one of the odd ones then my first linux distro was gentoo05:56
mizzer0nihi is anyone else having probs with synaptic in gutsy?? when I search for something, it kinds freezes for like 30 -60 seconds :-S never used to do that in feisty05:56
webpirateno yum in ubuntu05:56
webpirateapt-get is ubuntu's auto isntaller05:56
emjaanyone here know how to get palm pilot sync working with files? gpilot won't sync files, so I'm trying to setup a udev rules file ot execute pilot-xfer.05:56
cvdrestore audio settings?05:56
cyrosapt-get is great05:56
kr00lcould use 7.10 help05:56
michael001webpirate: remember apt-get has super cow powers05:57
webpirateSo i am to understand that XGL will be slow until compiz is started right?05:57
carenetcyros: hi05:57
kondor101anyone fancy co writing an howto on making Cd05:57
cyroscarenet: hey05:57
webpirateHE HE super-cow.....can I get one?05:57
carenetcyros: which ubuntu do you use?05:57
kondor101anyone fancy helping making a howto on CD+G discs?05:57
PowntiesCpt. Moo05:57
cyrosat the moment xubuntu05:58
emjamizzer0ni: no problem with synaptic on gutsy here. possibly a dead repo which is timing out?05:58
PowntiesEarth, Grass, Ponds, Water, and Farmers, your powers combined, I am Cpt. Moo!05:58
kr00lAnyone know how to get new compiz fusion themes for Ubuntu 7.10?05:58
Jordan_U_kondor101, CD+G?05:58
webpirateone problem with synaptic though is i wish it would give you a popup when it's going to remove install programs......05:58
carenetkondo101: No probably 6months ans you?05:58
emjawebpirate: it does05:58
kopandaWhen I want to unplug a USB drive, all I have to do is right-click the drive and select 'unmount volume', right?05:58
Jordan_U_webpirate, It does05:58
kopandaThen I can unplug it..05:58
emjafinal confirmation of what it will install, upgrade, and remove.05:58
webpirateIt just shows it in this list of tasks....05:59
Jordan_U_kopanda, Yes05:59
webpiratetbut no pop up..05:59
emjaweb_knows: duh05:59
trypglypha repo with KDE4 beta?05:59
trypglyphdoes it exist?05:59
emjawebpirate: duh05:59
carenetcyros: where ar you?05:59
ebirtaidkondor101:  your request seems kind of esoteric05:59
emjacarenet: oh noes. ASL hell05:59
cyroscarenet: brooklyn new york05:59
juliodominguezok... reinstalling xubuntu on the laptop *crosses fingers*05:59
webpirateI unstalled gnome-desktop one time becuse I wanted to remove the gnome screensavers...and I did not look at the list of items it was removing05:59
kondor101jordan_U_ it is a karaoke disc, the howto will basically be installing the correct libs and stuff, downloading a bit of software and how to use a command line in term05:59
linuxn00b314where is the bootscript located?06:00
Johnsonthe new index search how do we acess that06:00
Johnsonto search our emails fo rexample06:00
linuxn00b314I want to permanently change my boot menu06:00
carenetCyros : Nairobi kenya, how long have you been using Ubuntu06:00
cvdrestore audio/output original settings?06:00
Jordan_U_kondor101, Do you know what software you need?06:01
cyroscarenet: ehh 3-4 years roughly here and there im not 100% linux06:01
randomc0deSo I got gutsy installed, using ATI+fglrx+XGL. xserver-xgl and compiz are started on login, works like a dream. Except now I need a simple non-XGL xserver, and I can't find how they autostart everything to turn it off for one session. Help?06:01
cyrosstill got a winblows box06:01
Dan_GHey, I'm dual-booting Gutsy and WinXP, was working fine until I had to switch back to XP for something, now Grub won't load and it boots straight into windows. Any ideas?06:01
cyrosmy laptop is xubuntu06:01
michael00101:02:37 up  5:13,  1 user,  load average: 0.14, 0.10, 0.1306:02
Exilantrandomc0de: It's quite complicated06:02
carenetcyros: why coz I have realized that linux is the bomb06:02
michael001what's load average06:02
Exilantrandomc0de: but if you really find it out, msg webpirate and me :)06:03
randomc0deExilant: just not starting xserver-xgl for one session is complicated?06:03
cyrosoh i know its great, but i need to have alittle bit of everything u know06:03
Exilantrandomc0de: at least I didn't find out how06:03
Exilantrandomc0de: you also have xorg running simultaneously06:03
randomc0deExilant: is was like 3 scripts in feisty... they can't have made it that much worse06:04
carenetcyros: what do you do that you need everything?06:04
Johnsonafter i upgraded i got a message saying my battery was at 30 percent capacity06:04
Johnsonwhats up with that.06:04
Jordan_U_randomc0de, Just make a file "06:04
Exilantrandomc0de: so DISPLAY=:0 app will run without xgl06:04
curi0Anyone use AIGLX with their Nvidia Graphics card instead of GLX?06:04
cvdany can help me, or not?06:04
randomc0deExilant: definitely doesn't work with fglrx, xgl steals the entirety of display 006:04
Exilantrandomc0de: so if you want google earth, you can run it like that06:04
Jordan_U_!anyone | cvd curi006:05
cyroscarenet: im a geek i wanna learn to use everything lol06:05
Exilantrandomc0de: sure?06:05
Exilant<-- also using fglrx06:05
randomc0deExilant: I can testify that a Windows game in wine needed direct rendering doesn't work06:05
cyrosDan_G: have u booted with a cd and check your grub file?06:05
Zelliushi there. how can i change my default resolution for normal mode while i'm booted into recovery mode?06:05
carenetcyros: I also want to be one but microsoft is just not for me!06:06
curi0jordan_U: What are you trying to say?06:06
Dan_Gcyros: no, not sure how I would do that.06:06
cvdrestore audio/output original settings?06:06
randomc0deExilant: I take it back, that may actually work06:06
Exilantrandomc0de: hm, wasn't there an issue with fglrx and dri anyway?06:06
linuxn00b314I just fixed my blank screen error by modifying the boot menu, but after installing the ati fglrx dri er and restarting(and modifying the boot menu the same way), I get a blank screen again.06:07
Jordan_U_curi0, All questions starting with "does anyone..." don't get answered here, just ask your real question06:07
kr00lCan anyone help me with the 7.10 theme manager?06:07
kopandaHmm, is there any reason at all to put in your name when you're installing Ubuntu?06:07
trosephAnyone know how to change the color in the background while the gnome splash in going? I installed UbuntuStudio theme, and the human color in the background of the splash looks really bad.06:07
cyrosboot with your ubuntu disk and go into your partition wheres its install and check the /boot/grub/menu.lst file06:07
carenetcyros: are you employeed of self employeed?06:07
cyrosmake sure everything looks good in there06:07
curi0jordan_U: :) Thank You06:07
linuxn00b314I just fixed my blank screen error by modifying the boot menu, but after installing the ati fglrx dri er and restarting(and modifying the boot menu the same way), I get a blank screen again.06:08
cyrosunemployeed at the momemt lol06:08
cyrosgood times, good times06:08
curi0How do I get my OPENGL renderer back to using Nvidia instead of Mesa?06:08
cyroscarenet: im in the IT field anyways so its best i know alittle bit of everything u know06:09
curi0Should I remove all nvidia findings from Synaptic and install the driver package directly from nvidia.com?06:09
Exilantrandomc0de: you can do stuff like DISPLAY=:0 kwin06:09
linuxn00b314I just fixed my blank screen error by modifying the boot menu, but after installing the ati fglrx dri er and restarting(and modifying the boot menu the same way), I get a blank screen again.06:09
Exilantrandomc0de: then start googleearth, wine apps etc with DISPLAY=:0 in front06:09
Exilantpretty weird06:09
Jordan_U_randomc0de, Just make a file "~/.config/xserver-xgl/disable" and XGL won't start for that user06:10
randomc0deJordan_U_: thanks, I'll try that if I can't run them with DISPLAY=:006:10
carenetcyros: of cause, you know IT in Kenya is still growing but very fast.06:10
kondor101caranet, about 6 months, when i started i was and still am happy for the howto's,  i never thought that one day I would be writting one to fill a gap06:11
cvdany that can help me with a audio/output thing?06:12
strabesis it possible to make ctrl+tab change tabs in gnome? instead of ctrl+pgdn/pgup06:12
keitherzcan i install ubuntu on xubuntu06:12
curi0Should I remove all nvidia findings from Synaptic and install the driver package directly from nvidia.com?06:12
Jordan_U_keitherz, Yes06:13
cafuegokeitherz: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'06:13
keitherzcause you could install xubuntu on ubuntu can i do the reverse?06:13
cafuegokeitherz: They're the same anyway, just with a different UI on top.06:13
carenetcyros: how are computers prices there>06:13
Jordan_U_curi0, Are you sure that you need a newer driver?06:13
Dr_williscuri0,   The restricted-manager tool dosent work for you?06:13
linuxn00b314I just fixed my blank screen error by modifying the boot menu, but after installing the ati fglrx dri er and restarting(and modifying the boot menu the same way), I get a blank screen again.06:13
strabeskeitherz: DON'T USE APT-GET, USE APTITUDE06:13
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curi0Nope, it's using Mesa for my opengl renderer06:13
cyrossudo apt-get hot_babes06:13
hydrogenthats kind of a bit overdramtic.06:14
cafuegostrabes: There's NO NEED FOR CAPS!06:14
strabeskeitherz: it will make it FAR easier to remove later06:14
keitherzand btw when i do that i will have all the ubuntu features and use xubuntu again06:14
keitherzby session06:14
comsacvd ???06:14
strabescafuego: i wanted to make sure he saw what i wrote, to save him so much trouble later when he wants to remove it06:14
curi0Jordan_U_: Dr_willis: Nope, it's using Mesa for my opengl renderer06:14
cyroscarenet: ehh i guess there ok06:14
strabeskeitherz: ubuntu-desktop installs all the packages that come with a default ubuntu install06:14
cafuegostrabes: with deborphan and debfoster it's easy anyway.06:14
amazen720can someone help me to open a psd file in gimp that has CMYK color?06:14
buttercupslinuxn00b314, If you cant find help here , they look bored over at #ati06:14
curi0Jordan_U_: Dr_willis: And I have an Nvidia Gforce 5900XT installed.06:14
hydrogenapt-get keeps track of installations06:15
Exilantcyros: tried that hot-babe package with compiz?06:15
Jordan_U_curi0, Did you enable it with restricted manager? Are you sure that your xorg.conf is configured correctly?06:15
curi0and Nvidia X Server Settings is running good with no errors.06:15
strabescafuego: except a lot of the packages don't become orphaned when you apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop. only aptitude will remove everything installed by it.06:15
cafuegostrabes: hence debfoster06:15
carenetcyros : here they are very expensive06:15
cyrosits up to installing the upgrades... 7.10 here i come! :)06:15
strabescafuego: whatever, simply using aptitude is easier06:15
cyroscarenet: damn that sucks06:16
cyroseven if you order online?06:16
cvdafter instaling the pulseadio and the removed, i dont have a mixer any more, icant play more than to player at the same time, how to restore the original gutsy default auio/output settings06:16
amazen720plz help me open a psd file in gimp06:16
cafuegoyes, you're right of course, i'm wrong. i apologise profusely06:16
cyrosamazen720: what happens when u try and open it?06:16
amazen720wont open CMYK color06:17
keitherzand btw when i do that i will have all the ubuntu features and use xubuntu again via sessions06:17
cyrosamazen720: im guessing you dont have access to photoshop06:18
Exilant"amd turion 64 mobile technology mk-38" -> ubuntu amd64?06:18
cafuegokeitherz: yep06:18
strabesis it possible to make ctrl+tab change tabs in gnome? instead of ctrl+pgdn/pgup06:18
Kyansam55, the problem persists. this time i wrote the error message06:18
amazen720I googled it and it said that I can install a plugin for gimp to CMYK06:18
KyanI'm going to type it06:18
sam55kyan: okay.06:18
sam55kyan: sorry to hear it is not solved yet.06:18
amazen720but i dont know how to install the zip file package I'm a nubee06:19
amazen720to ubuntu06:19
juliodominguezhow d o you install google eart?06:19
Jordan_U_amazen720, Just so you know, krita does CYMK natively06:19
cafuegojuliodominguez: Use a package06:19
CubeXombiaside from ejecting my CD-Rom and leaving the tray hanging out, anyone know of an easy way to get it to stop reading all the time.. I'm on a laptop and it's killing my battery06:19
amazen720where do I get it?06:19
dougbi want to install ubuntu on computers for a non profit organization, but i'm afraid of legal difficulties when it comes to media codecs.  if we have a Windows XP Enterprise License CD that allows us to install it on as many computers as we want, could we legally be covered since you get the license when you purchase XP?06:19
princex2 displays, 2 xservers running, but the second display doesnt have any window frames. i intended to have a display showing 2 diffrent work spaces, but they seem more like 1.5 computers some things work like normal, some things wokr like settings need setup on the second display. how do i get my windos frames to display onthe second screen ?06:19
cafuegojuliodominguez: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/gutsy-cafuego/google/06:19
inversekinetixcan anyone recommend a good bittorrent client with GUI?06:19
comsatry alsa config06:19
curi0Jordan_U: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59326406:19
Jordan_U_amazen720, Applications -> Add / Remove06:20
michael001inversekinetix: I like ktorrent06:20
amazen720thanx alot06:20
linuxn00b314after modifying my boot menu so as to remove 'quiet' and add "nosplash", my computer still blank screens after loading06:20
comsain terminal06:20
CubeXombiinversekinetix> I tend to use bittornado, small and handy06:20
Echoercan anyone help me make a dos boot disk?06:20
cvdnot command06:21
c0mp13371331337Inverse - Deluge works GREAT.  Very full-featured, and extensible with plugins.06:21
Jordan_U_amazen720, np06:21
CubeXombilinuxn00b314> I just got all that sorted out06:21
inversekinetixi tried k torrent, its pretty good, is there anything similar?06:21
linuxn00b314CubeXombi: any ideas?06:21
livefoniksDeluge is the bomb.06:21
gary_inNYC<< agrees06:21
Jordan_U_Echoer, http://www.freedos.org/ ?06:21
sam55kyan: you there?06:22
Random832sometimes an app stops responding to the keyboard (still perfectly responsive to mouse clicks, etc), and then gets all the keystrokes at once a minute or so later - has happened with pidgin and thunderbird - any idea what's going on?06:22
c0mp13371331337Inverse, deluge is probably as similar to ktorrent as it gets.06:22
comsasudo alsaconf06:22
Echoergot that, now how do i "burn" it to a floppy?06:22
curi0jordan_U_: That is the link to my xorg.conf06:22
gary_inNYCnow how about a good k3b equivalent or better in gnome?06:22
cjack2k7having a noob problem here, "../src/main.cpp:134: error: request for member ‘x_pos’ in ‘cam’, which is of non-class type ‘Camera ()()’"  <--- http://pastebin.com/mf91c13d06:23
amazen720I created the file at work on photoshop, wont do CMYK color anymore!06:23
CubeXombilinuxn00b314> check out my menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42324/ my laptop boots in about 43 seconds06:23
Kyanok sam55 this is what i get06:23
strabesis it possible to make ctrl+tab change tabs in gnome? instead of ctrl+pgdn/pgup06:23
c0mp13371331337Not EXACTLY the same, not quite as developed as ktorrent quite yet, but if you're like me and would rather stick with GTK programs with Gnome rather than satisfying all those dependencies when installing KDE apps, deluge is the next best thing.06:23
Kyankinit: name_to_devt (dev/sda5 = sda5 (8,5)06:23
Kyankinit: trying to resume from dev/sda506:23
Kyankinit: No resume image, doing normal boot06:23
KyanUbuntu 7.10 ubuntu tty106:23
KyanThen a Blue Screen appears asking me if I want to see the error. I click OK and this is what appears.06:23
Kyan/etc/gdm/failsafeXServer: line 47 : [ : too many arguments06:23
cjack2k7shit nevermind06:23
KyanWarning: Could not retrieve EDID because get-edid is not installed (1)06:23
RickXcan anyone tell me how to click on the desktop and get a widow list?06:23
Jordan_U_curi0, Can you pastebin the output ( if there is any ) of "sudo modprobe nvidia" ?06:23
sam55kyan: hold no06:24
sam55kyan: hold on.06:24
UberSprodehi, I'm having some problems getting ubuntu to recognize my radeon 980006:24
Kyanok, sam06:24
h0n3s1I had upgrade my ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 using Altranate CD and then update using internet. unfortunately the when I use kernel 22, my notebook keyboard hangs06:24
h0n3s1is there any solution?06:25
curi0Jordan_U_: No need to do all that when this is the output: FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia06:25
sam55kyan: you are positive this started hapenning after you installed Deo-gdm theme?06:25
CubeXombi<Kyan>2 parts first kinit is looking for a suspend image. no worries. the second part means X is a lil broken06:25
Random832eh gtg i'll figure it out later06:25
Jordan_U_curi0, Well there is your problem... now we just have to solve it :)06:25
curi0Jordan_U_: should I follow this http://compiz.org/NVidia06:25
Kyani don't think it's the theme but the fact that I applied the suggested upgrades from Ubuntu Servers06:25
Jordan_U_curi0, try "sudo aptitude reinstall nvidia-glx"06:25
sam55kyan: that shouldnt' have caused the problem.06:26
cvdsystem sounds dont play anymore06:26
Kyanthen what was it?06:26
curi0Jordan_U_: Can you check that site and tell me whether or not I should follow it?06:26
Jordan_U_curi0, Not yet06:26
KyanI created a new user too, does that have to do with it?06:26
curi0not nvidia-glx-new?06:26
Jordan_U_curi0, Which ever you have installed06:27
UberSprodeanyone know anything and is willing to help me get my radeon 9800 to work?06:27
sam55kyan: hold on.06:27
ir0nfusionis there a way I can get limewire or frostwire on ubuntu 7.10?06:27
strabesir0nfusion: you can install java by installing ubuntu-restricted-extras and then find a debian package for limewire or frostwire06:27
CubeXombiUberSprode.. I just battled with an Ati myself..06:28
strabesir0nfusion: preferably the latter since it's open source06:28
Dr_willisir0nfusion,  the frostwire site had packages for ubuntu06:28
curi0performing the install now06:28
comsacvd have u got sound card back06:28
ir0nfusionstrabes: I use icetea06:28
linunoobI love ubuntu cause it makes everything "Just Work" no fuss no muss06:28
mofohello all06:28
galvezcan anyone help me trouble shoot my wireless connection? I am having a real problem getting it work in 7.1006:28
ir0nfusionis that sufficient?06:28
Kyansam55,  ok06:28
UberSprodeCubeXombi: you have problems getting it to recognize that you actually have the card?06:28
curi0Jordan_U_: I was on my way to doing this because I notice I removed the nvidia-glx-new :)06:28
SimplySethhow does one reconfigure their X environment ?06:29
cyrosir0nfusion: there are debian binaries on the limewires site06:29
sam55kyan: new user sholdn't be the problem.06:29
amazen720jordan_U: Kira doesn't open PSD files06:29
Kyansam55, what can i do then?06:29
ir0nfusionok cyros06:29
sam55kyan: take a look at this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/15404606:29
linunoobgalvez: do you have the right modules?06:29
sam55kyan: are you using any proprietory drivers?06:29
buttercupsSimplySeth, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:29
juliodominguezquestion i downloaded 7-zip from the add and remove thing... but how in this world can i use it...?06:29
CubeXombi<UberSprode>nope not really, are you currently installing the new driver?06:29
curi0Jordan_U_: I have learned that you can go far when just reinstalling packages.06:29
cyrosamazen720: PM06:29
ir0nfusionand can anyone tell me why my mouse froze earlier, I got away from kde because of it... and do not want to have a lock up problem on ubuntu06:29
Kyanno, although i did install the MP3 codec06:29
UberSprodeCubeXombi: I installed both the opensource and proprietary drivers, neither of them seem to work06:30
Kyanand Adobe Flash too06:30
galvezlinuoob I'm pretty sure because it actually worked twice tonight for about 3 min06:30
Kyanfor Firefox06:30
curi0Jordan_U_: Installation done.06:30
linunoobgalvez: okay - I guess it's working now too06:30
Jordan_U_curi0, Try modprobing nvidia again06:30
trypglyphhal-storage-removable-mount-all-options-refused uid 1000 <---- I cannot mount my external hard drive, what's going on?06:30
sam55kyan: what about nvidia or wireless?06:30
galvezlinunoob I'm using ndiswrapper with a AR5006EG based card06:30
galvezlinuoob, nope this is on my XP laptop06:31
CubeXombi<UberSprode> what does glxinfo | grep vendor say?06:31
curi0Jordan_U_: same error06:31
juliodominguezso... how do i use 7-zip?06:31
allquixoticHas anyone tried the GPL'ed OSS/4.0 (Open Sound System) on 7.10? It usually works but I have to do: soundoff; soundon after a standby/resume...06:31
Kyansa,55, my motherboard has video integrated and i i use that06:31
sam55kyan: well, looks like, I am afraid, you have to do a reinstall unless somebody else here can help you.06:31
sam55kyan: i read the bug report on the URL i sent you. The guy there did a reinstall.06:32
=== c0Ld_ is now known as c0Ld
keitherzwhats Kyan's problem06:32
cyrosamazen720: if its not sensitive material u can send me the psd and i'll convert it to rgb in photoshop and send it back to u if it needs to be done asap, or is this something u just want to get working for future images06:32
Kyanthis is my problem06:32
Kyankinit: name_to_devt (dev/sda5 = sda5 (8,5)06:32
Kyankinit: trying to resume from dev/sda506:32
Kyankinit: No resume image, doing normal boot06:32
KyanUbuntu 7.10 ubuntu tty106:32
KyanThen a Blue Screen appears asking me if I want to see the error. I click OK and this is what appears.06:32
Kyan/etc/gdm/failsafeXServer: line 47 : [ : too many arguments06:32
KyanWarning: Could not retrieve EDID because get-edid is not installed (1)06:32
sam55kyan: terribly sorry about this, I hate this which one needs to do reinstalls on Ubuntu (it is not Windows!).06:32
galvezlinunoob  - I'm just not sure what to do the single strength looks good, but it never remembers my passcode and usually does not accept the code when I enter it06:32
ir0nfusionIf I download limewire and install the java, will it stop iceteajava from working?06:33
sam55kyan: I would have like to solve this but I gotto go now.06:33
Kyanthanks, sam anyway06:33
UberSprodeCubeXombi: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".06:33
strabesKyan: switch to a virtual terminal using ctrl+alt+f1, log in, and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"06:33
juliodominguezanybody here now how i can extract .rar files?06:33
xsachahey. after i upgraded to 7.10, ubuntu thinks my monitor cant handle 1280x1024 and instead gives me 1280x768 resolution. i workedaround this by setting my monitor as a 1280x1024 panel in screen resolution but when X starts, it still starts with 1280x768 and then changes when i login. it has another effect: my aspect ratio is screwed up in media players now as well06:33
juliodominguezusing 7zip06:33
xsachawhat is the solution for this?06:33
sam55kyan: yes, I second stabes' suggestion.06:33
linuxn00b314CubeXombi: how do I know what the root is? I've got root = (hd1,0), but whats the root for the kernel? root=/dev/hdb1? or maybe root=/dev/hda1?06:34
xsachait happened on both of my machines06:34
Kyanwhat will that do06:34
keitherzyes reconfigure06:34
curi0Jordan_U_: Think I should go for the envy directions?06:34
keitherzyou could try that it might fix it06:34
sam55kyan: it will reconfigure your xserver and may ask you for some choices abou tyour video card, keyboard, etc.06:34
linunoobjuliodominguez: apt-get install unrar06:34
curi0Jordan_U_: at http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg424804.html06:34
gluonmanI am having a nasty problem. Either my wireless card has gone bad, or the slots are malfunctioning. But my connectivity is really strange. Downloads will always quit prematurely and just sit at a certain percentage without ever finishing, so it's almost impossible to install updates or anything from synaptic. I tried to install something that I had finally successfully downloaded from synaptic and the installation quit before it fin06:34
gluonmanished, so I force quit the program and then had to restart my computer. Now if I try to open synaptic to reinstall, it says that dpkg was interrupted and that I have to manually run 'dpkg --configure -a'. So, I typed that into the terminal and it said that I need supervisor privilege. What should I do now?06:34
Jordan_U_curi0, Not quite sure what do do, you could try installing the driver manually but you shouldn't have too, and you will have to reinstall it every kernel upgrade06:34
Kyansam55, so i won't have to reinstall Ubuntu ??06:34
CubeXombi<linuxn00b314> you can check with gparted06:34
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sam55kyan: no, reconfigure with the current installation. If it works, you won't need to reinstall fo course.06:35
keitherzKyan: if it worked you might not need to reinstall06:35
Jordan_U_curi0, No, follow this guide :06:35
ir0nfusionshould iceteajava7 be able to run limewire/06:35
linuxn00b314I dont have gparted... Is there any way to check from the command line06:35
sam55kyan: for this, you need to reboot into your current installation (ie do NOT do this from within live CD!).06:35
RickXanyone know if it is possible to get a windowmaker-like dock in KDE?06:35
Kyanok, then06:35
KyanIll try it06:35
CubeXombi<UberSprode>can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?06:35
linuxn00b314CubeXombi: I dont have gparted....is there any way to check from the command line06:36
Jordan_U_curi0, Sorry : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual06:36
sam55kyan: good luck. Till later .06:36
cyroslinuxn00b314: open the term and type sudo gparted and also try sudo qtparted06:36
juliodominguezit gives me an error06:36
CubeXombi<linuxn00b314> fdisk -l06:36
Kyanoh, i need to add something i did before this issue happened!06:36
sam55kyan: yes?06:36
KyanI tried to configure the extra buttons of my mouse and I modified xorg.conf06:36
keitherzkyan:what is it?06:36
curi0Jordan_U_: I'll let you know how everything goes when I return!06:36
Kyani think i should of said that first06:36
gluonmanI am having a nasty problem. Either my wireless card has gone bad, or the slots are malfunctioning. But my connectivity is really strange. Downloads will always quit prematurely and just sit at a certain percentage without ever finishing, so it's almost impossible to install updates or anything from synaptic. I tried to install something that I had finally successfully downloaded from synaptic and the installation quit before it fin06:36
sam55kyan: that is it!!06:36
gluonman<gluonman> ished, so I force quit the program and then had to restart my computer. Now if I try to open synaptic to reinstall, it says that dpkg was interrupted and that I have to manually run 'dpkg --configure -a'. So, I typed that into the terminal and it said that I need supervisor privilege. What should I do now?06:36
keitherzkyan: thats it06:37
Kyanwant to see me xorg.conf?06:37
sam55kyan: that must have messed up your xorg.conf file.06:37
keitherzkyan do you have a backup of your xorg.conf06:37
sam55kyan: see if you have a backup left over from that point in /etc/X1106:37
CubeXombiGluonman - add sudo before that command06:37
Kyanno, i didnt make a back up06:37
Kyanbut i kinda remember what i changed06:37
sam55kyan: check for it anyway.06:37
Kyanhold a sec06:38
UberSprodeCubeXombi: what's pastebin?06:38
itaypure-ftpd + router : connection refused , port 21 is forwarded06:38
keitherzkyan try to undo what you did if you could remember it clearly06:38
Kyanyes i think i can06:38
sam55kyan: *only* if you are positive. There is no room for mistake here ... as you have seen.06:39
Kyanyes i know, and i can compare it to the defaults in the tutorial06:39
Kyani just modified the section that pertains the mouse06:39
sam55kyan: alright, go ahead. I got to wati and see how this turns out for you :)06:39
UberSprodeCubeXombi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42326/06:39
ir0nfusionok now I have limewire, how about itunes?06:40
gary_inNYCew... limewire06:40
ir0nfusionI know cedega can work for itunes.. but ubuntu doesnt have it06:40
ir0nfusionand ew? did I ask if it disgusted  you?06:40
cstrippieitunes works fine in a normal wine install06:41
keitherzman we should have our own channel so we can talk clearly06:41
CubeXombi<UberSprode> sweet, just gimme a moment to check it out,, ut i can already see duplicates of your Section "Device"06:41
Madpilotir0nfusion, cedega isn't in Ubuntu because cedega is payware.06:41
ir0nfusionMadpilot: when I had pclinuxos it has a free synaptic download06:41
gary_inNYCdoes anyone here have a Creative Zen Vision M?06:41
Dr_willisYou can easially install cedega in ubuntu, with the cedega downloads.06:42
schnoodlesdoes ubuntu come with grub1 or grub2 ?06:42
Sir_SidHow do you turn off the x server?06:42
slaytanicWhat would happen if I moved my HD with Ubuntu to another box? Would it boot up without problems? (Detect a different video card/hardware in general by itself and boot as usual)06:42
Dr_willisSir_Sid,  stop the gdm/kdm service - is one way06:42
josephI too converted from pclinuxos to Ubuntu ir0nfusion06:42
Sir_SidDr_willis, when I tried that, I had a unresponsive console06:42
Zippy2why doesnt encryption work in the ubuntu installer from the alternate cd? what can i do to not have it crash?06:43
Zippy2im in the installer right now (and it just crashed)06:43
mike05_i upgraded from ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 today, and now terminal, or add remove will not work06:43
mike05_any clues06:43
gary_inNYCif anyone has set up Creative Zen Vision M in Gutsy i'd like to know so I don't have to boot to my win partition06:43
Sir_SidDr_willis, same when I did sudo init 1 or 206:43
ir0nfusionyea joseph I had major kde problems06:43
ir0nfusioni'd lock up a lot06:43
Dr_willisSir_Sid,  You may want to disable the frambuffer feature of the console. 'init levels' are not really used much by ubuntu any more06:43
linuxidiotSir_Sid: are you able to reboot?  if so - just reboot and make sure that gdm isn't started06:43
josephI can't get pidgin to start what's another decent messenger program for Ubuntu?06:43
Dr_willisThe bot is dead? :(06:43
Sir_Sidlinuxidiot, How do I do that?06:43
CubeXombi<UberSprode> I take it the last thing you did was install the restricted driver?06:43
keitherzkyan: what happens now06:44
linuxidiotSir_Sid: remove the symlink in /etc/rc2.d06:44
MadpilotDr_willis, missing in action, anyway06:44
* Dr_willis weeps for ubotu06:44
=== tiaz is now known as Boike
Dr_willisThers some nicer command for adding/removing  tasks to the boot scripts.. buti never can rember it.06:44
Sir_SidOk Thanks06:44
linuxidiotSir_Sid: I always create a directory in /etc/rc2.d called 'killed' and whenever I want to disable a service I just move the symlink to that folder06:45
ir0nfusionto install itunes, do i need to copy any files or anything?06:45
UberSprodeCubeXombi: if by restricted you mean proprietary, then yes, I beleive that was the last thing I was able to do, after I did that I tried reverting back to the one that ubuntu installed with, but that didn't seem to work entirely06:45
Kyanhey  sudo mount +t auto /dev/sda3 /tmp/mp is not working06:45
ir0nfusionor just use wine?06:45
Kyandid i type something wrong06:45
Jordan_U_!appdb | ir0nfusion06:45
keitherzkyan: whats the message you recieve06:45
CubeXombi<UberSprode> Ahh you are in the same boat i was in .. how old is that card agian?06:46
wershow do I change the resolution of my usplash screen? it's too large for my monitor06:46
keitherzcan 256MB of memory take ubuntu gusty06:46
Kyani receive the help06:46
ir0nfusionjordan_U what did you do? lol06:46
keitherzkyan: can you pastebin it06:46
UberSprodeCubeXombi: 4-5 years, its a Radeon 9800 Pro06:46
CubeXombi<UberSprode> Nevemind just checked .. you need to do the same thing i did.. lemme gather everything upa nd get it to you06:46
Kyanubuntu@ubuntu:/tmp$ sudo mount +t auto /dev/sda3 /tmp/mp06:46
KyanUsage: mount -V                 : print version06:46
Kyan       mount -h                 : print this help06:46
Kyan       mount                    : list mounted filesystems06:46
Kyan       mount -l                 : idem, including volume labels06:46
KyanSo far the informational part. Next the mounting.06:46
scguy318keitherz: sure06:46
KyanThe command is `mount [-t fstype] something somewhere'.06:46
sam55kyan: sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda3 <dir name>06:46
KyanDetails found in /etc/fstab may be omitted.06:46
Kyan       mount -a [-t|-O] ...     : mount all stuff from /etc/fstab06:47
linuxidiotso wrong06:47
Kyan       mount device             : mount device at the known place06:47
Kyan       mount directory          : mount known device here06:47
Kyan       mount -t type dev dir    : ordinary mount command06:47
sam55kyan: it is not "+t"06:47
nalioth!tell kyan about pastebin06:47
keitherzoh yeah06:47
UberSprodeCubeXombi: thanks06:47
keitherzdidn't noticed that06:47
ir0nfusionjordan_U wine didn't work.06:47
BigCanOfTunaMy kernel seems to be recognizing my PCI controller (SATA300 TX4). I can tell this because it is listed in lspci, however, I am not seeing any devices for my Hard Drives....any reason why that might be?06:47
keitherzits -t kyan06:47
naliothkeitherz: kyan isn't here.06:47
Jordan_U_ir0nfusion, See the link from ubot306:48
scguy318ir0nfusion: iTunes won't work on Wine at this time06:48
Jordan_U_ir0nfusion, ( priveate message )06:48
schnoodleshello does anyone know what grub comes with gibbon, is it grub 1 or 2 ?06:49
Jordan_U_schnoodles, 106:49
scguy318schnoodles: 106:49
galvezIf I do ifconfig shouldn't wlan0 show up with an hardware address regardless of it connects with my router or not?06:49
Jordan_U_schnoodles, Grub 2 is not final yet06:49
encoded|lapim getting the following error try to run "compiz" http://rafb.net/p/1avTJf94.html06:49
Colt7ri think is the 106:49
schnoodlesahh ok, because for some reason grub1 isnt working for me06:49
scguy318galvez: a MAC address yes06:49
ir0nfusionscguy318: yes it can... I have seen people confirm it06:49
Jordan_U_schnoodles, But grub2 is installable06:49
galvezScguy318 - thats odd I don't get one06:49
schnoodlesgrub picks up my ubuntu and XP and i can boot my XP but when i try to boot ubuntu it says something about wrong partition location06:50
schnoodlesanyone ever run into that06:50
scguy318ir0nfusion: lemme check the AppDb, my knowledge might be dated06:50
CubeXombi<UberSprode> TV out working for ya?06:50
CubeXombirather has it ever06:50
scguy318encoded|lap: looks like you need XGL06:50
encoded|lapscguy318, how do i get it?06:50
KEEANI was disconnected06:50
scguy318!xgl | encoded|lap06:50
ubot3encoded|lap: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:50
KEEANsam55, are you there06:50
sam55keean: yes06:50
schnoodlesJordan_U, have you ever run into that problem. Do you think it could be a better idea to install grub2 ?06:51
KEEANi was bounced cuase i pasted a large text06:51
sam55keean: use pastebin.com for that.06:51
UberSprodeCubeXombi: it lets me turn the secondary monitor on but don't have a TV to test it with so I don't know if it would actually work06:51
KEEANwhats that06:51
scguy318ir0nfusion: ah, I see it does06:51
scguy318ir0nfusion: not completely but works06:51
CubeXombi<UberSprode>k  cool ... i just wanted to double check06:52
sam55keean: it is awebsite where you can paste text file and it will give you a temporary URL which you paste here. Users here can then view the URL to view your text.06:52
Madpilotubot3, pastebin | KEEAN06:52
ubot3KEEAN: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:52
ir0nfusionnow to find a instruction thing06:52
galvezwhen I do ifconfig I only get eth0 and lo, wan0 does not pop up until I click on one of the ssid's in the network connect wondow06:52
ir0nfusionwine wont install it with wine opening it06:52
galvezthats odd itsn't it?06:52
scguy318ir0nfusion: what version?06:52
Flynsarm1I put my ubuntu DVD in the dvd drive and hte icon appears on my desktop but when i right click and click 'Copy Disc' an error pops up saying 'Unable to create CD/DVD. The specified device "/dev/scd0" is not a valid CD/DVD drive'. The DVD works because i used it to install ubuntu and heaps of packages...Any suggestions?06:52
scguy318ir0nfusion: of Wine06:52
sam55keean: anyway, you used "+t" in your mount command. You need to use "-t" instead.06:52
Jordan_U_galvez, Yes, it is06:52
ir0nfusionnewest one downloaded06:52
disinterestedis there any software to edit down a video.iso file?06:53
scguy318ir0nfusion: Feisty or Gutsy?06:53
scguy318ir0nfusion: and what repo?06:53
curi0Jordan_U_: What's the different between me using apt-purge or apt-get remove?06:53
encoded|lapscguy318, sorry i must be stupid i cant find where to download it06:53
CyberAgeVoodooanyone have any success installing truecrypt?06:53
scguy318curi0: purge removes config files06:53
scguy318encoded|lap: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl06:53
scguy318encoded|lap: you'll have to tweak files after that06:53
galvezcould the lack of a MAC be caused by a driver issue, or is it more likely a bad network card?06:53
curi0scguy318: Thank you greatly!06:53
scguy318curi0: np06:53
scguy318ir0nfusion: ah, 0.9.4606:54
lardarseif i want to manually add an image to /usr/share/pixmaps, what is the command i need to use so that it will diplay correctly?06:54
LinuxInsid1i dont like tweak06:54
scguy318ir0nfusion: what was the error anyway?06:54
detraWhich program is it that is supposed to be better than vmware ?06:54
Jordan_U_curi0, apt-get remove --purge also removes configuration files06:54
scguy318detra: VirtualBox06:54
detrascguy318, thx06:54
jiamgalvez-> it constantly happens or one time?06:54
ir0nfusionscguy318: that I needed either mac or windows.06:54
LinuxInsid1virtualBox is btter06:54
scguy318KEEAN: you already got the answer, use -t :P06:54
galvezJiam  - all the time06:54
Dr_willislardarse,  just copy it over.. You will need root permissiosn to copy to that directory - since its not owned by the user.06:55
scguy318ir0nfusion: if you ran from Terminal, anything of interest?06:55
Dr_willislardarse,  sudo cp somthing /whatever/othername06:55
jiamgalvez-> whats the brand and chip of the nic card?06:55
lardarseDr_willis: done... but whwen i try to open it, i get permisions denied06:55
galvezJiam - or rather the couple of times it has connected to my router it did display a MAC06:55
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CubeXombi<UberSprode>k almost done06:55
galvezJiam - Ar5006EG06:55
ir0nfusionhow would I do that, wine <filename>?06:55
scguy318ir0nfusion: yep06:55
CyberAgeVoodooNeed help please. with installing truecrypt06:55
ubot3Factoid truecrypt not found06:55
LinuxInsid1wine /file06:56
scguy318CyberAgeVoodoo: what about?06:56
cvdenable sound mixing?06:56
jiamgalvez-> what bradn is that?06:56
CyberAgeVoodooi get an error about dmsetup not there06:56
scguy318CyberAgeVoodoo: ive never used it but I might be able to help06:56
Dr_willislardarse,  check that dir. see what other permissions are on the other openable files. You may need to chmod the file you copied. Since it kept its original permissions06:56
CyberAgeVoodooi try to find the file but can't find the package06:56
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galvezJiam abit airpace06:56
scguy318CyberAgeVoodoo: sudo apt-get install dmsetup?06:56
CyberAgeVoodootried that06:56
LinuxInsid1sudo apt-get install mygod06:56
lardarseDr_willis: what's the correct chmod for -rw-r--r-- ?06:56
scguy318lardarse: 644?06:56
LinuxInsid1chmod 64406:57
scguy318CyberAgeVoodoo: all your repos enabled?06:57
jiamgalvez-> its possible it could be bad, you can set the mac address and see if it takes it06:57
Jordan_U_CyberAgeVoodoo, Do you have all of the repositories enabled in System -> Administration -> Software Sources?06:57
keitherzso no fighting 77706:57
LinuxInsid1chmod 644    -rw-r--r--06:57
galvezjiam - how do I set the mac?06:57
curi0Is commenting a line the same as it not being in the file? I assume yes as commenting makes the parser skip the line.06:57
sam55keean: ??06:57
keitherzit 64406:57
scguy318curi0: in what?06:57
jiamgalvez-> man ip06:57
Dr_willislardarse,  i always have to cheat and use 'mc' :)06:57
keitherzits 644 -rw-r-r--06:57
scguy318curi0: in general yes06:57
CyberAgeVoodoothis is the error i get06:58
Dr_willis!info mc06:58
ubot3mc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-7ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2102 kB, installed size 6060 kB06:58
jiamgalvez-> something like  ip link set eth0 ...06:58
keitherzuhm whats the best graphical download manager for linux06:58
CyberAgeVoodooPackage dmsetup is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:58
CyberAgeVoodooThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:58
CyberAgeVoodoois only available from another source06:58
CyberAgeVoodooE: Package dmsetup has no installation candidate06:58
lardarse644 worked. thanks06:58
lockePrerequisite States i need "The full kernel sources, properly installed and matched to the version  upon which the driver will be run."  How do I make sure I have the correct sources locally?06:58
scguy318CyberAgeVoodoo: all your repos enabled?06:58
Jordan_U_CyberAgeVoodoo, Do you have all of the repositories enabled in System -> Administration -> Software Sources?06:58
LinuxInsid1r(4)   w(2)  x(1)06:58
CyberAgeVoodoowill check06:58
curi0scguy318: The reason I asked that question is because I'm following directions that state to comment out Load "DRI". However, in my xorg.conf it isn't there at all and I was wondering if I should add it and comment it out.06:58
linuxnoobdmsetup is available for me (running fiesty)06:58
twoshadetodanything wrong with having NFS and Samba on the same server?06:58
KEEANsam55, are you there06:59
Dr_willistwoshadetod,  nothing that i am aware of06:59
scguy318curi0: that wouldn't be necessary :P06:59
sam55keean: yes06:59
scguy318curi0: comments are ignored06:59
KEEANthis is the section that i changed06:59
KEEANection "InputDevice"06:59
KEEANIdentifier"Configured Mouse"06:59
scguy318twoshadetod: no06:59
KEEANOption"ZAxisMapping""4 5"06:59
scguy318KEEAN: pastebin seriously06:59
curi0scguy318: Just something I was double checking! I knew the answer :) TY bud!06:59
twoshadetodawsome thanks guys06:59
scguy318curi0: np06:59
Jordan_U_ubot3, paste | KEEAN06:59
ubot3KEEAN: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:59
sam55keean: use pastebin for such stuff.06:59
KEEANok sorry06:59
ir0nfusionOMG I moved from kde because of freezing why am I doing it on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:00
difetahey all.. I just did a dist-upgrade on my other box here and it wont boot. I get the ubuntu splash screen for a moment then i get dropped into a "busybox" shell. Any ideas?07:00
sam55keean: have you undone the changes you did?07:00
scguy318locke: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`07:00
cvdhey the Suspend is working? it always error07:00
CyberAgeVoodoono they werent07:00
CubeXombi<UberSprode> Ok finished .. I put to gether some basic things you'll need to do http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42330/07:00
KEEANlet me try to undo them as i rememeber07:00
sam55keean: do them now and resave the xorg.conf file. Are you sure there no other xorg.conf.* files in /etc/X11 at all?07:00
CyberAgeVoodoowill try it now... hopefully that does it. and thank you if it did07:00
UberSprodeCubeXombi: Thanks07:00
Bonste1wats the right setting for k3b burning? my Disc not loading after i burned it07:01
Madpilotir0nfusion, the whole computer suddenly hard freezing is likely a hardware issue. Bad RAM, borked motherboard, something fun like that.07:01
lockescguy318: appreciate it!07:01
scguy318Bonste1: slower the better for burn speed I guess?07:01
scguy318locke: np07:01
linuxnoobBonste1: is it just a data disk?07:01
ToddEDMhey guys, what would i use to get widgets on my desktop?07:01
scguy318ToddEDM: applets? right click the panel, add to panel07:01
Bonste1yes data DVD07:01
linuxnoobToddEDM: gdesklets?07:01
Bonste1it burned fine07:01
Bonste1just is not loading07:01
CubeXombi<UberSprode> No sweat.. i had to go on a good hunt .. ATI Dropped support for out GPU's on the latest restricted driver.. This one however looks to be working quite nicely as long as it's done right07:01
ir0nfusionMadpilot: first off this is a new machine, second i have 2gigs ram... third my hardware supports it.07:01
scguy318ir0nfusion: but have you done memtest or anything like that?07:02
scguy318ir0nfusion: new machines can have problems too07:02
ir0nfusionfourth, my machine still works, my mouse is what freezes.07:02
Bonste1do i have to make is jolet file type?07:02
Madpilotir0nfusion, when my current machine was 3 weeks old, the motherboard packed it in. New hardware is MORE likely to fail - manufacturing defects...07:02
scguy318Bonste1: dont think so07:02
Madpilotir0nfusion, do keyboard commands still work after the mouse freezes?07:03
linuxnoobBonste1: have you tried reading it on another computer?07:03
ToddEDMi want , the weather, and i want a big clock on my desktop... is that gdesklets?07:03
CyberAgeVoodoothank you it's working now07:03
scguy318CyberAgeVoodoo: np07:03
linuxnoobBonste1: also - are you sure you are mounting the dvd correctly?07:03
ir0nfusionMadpilot: no but my touchpad light goes red/blue when I hit the button07:03
MadpilotToddEDM, there's a panel weather app07:03
Bonste1my drives automounts07:03
Bonste1i tryed other disc07:03
linuxnoobToddEDM: yes (as far as I recall)07:03
Bonste1those automounts07:03
KEEANsam55, do you know the option instead of "ExplorerPS/2"07:04
scguy318ToddEDM: if you want a radar pic, theres a way to have the applet fetch from NOAA07:04
KEEANit was something different07:04
sam55keean: hold on.07:04
ir0nfusionI think it's because of my damn logitech mouse.07:04
Madpilotir0nfusion, if the machine isn't accepting any inputs, it's frozen. In linux, that sort of hard freeze is more than likely hardware. linux just doesn't freeze like that on it's own....07:04
KousotuGutsy can WRITE to NTFS right>07:04
josephGnome is hard to get used to after so muck kde07:04
scguy318Kousotu: yep07:04
heatmanHello. I upgraded ubuntu from 7.04 to 7.10 using "Update Manager". However, i get errors which recommands that i use >dpkg --configure -a" or "apt-get install -f" but it does not work. I get errors with acpid, acpid-support, powermanagement-interface and kubuntu-desktop. Anyone know how i can fix this?07:04
scguy318heatman: pastebin the errors?07:04
ir0nfusionMadpilot: you don't get it I never had this problem.07:04
Kousotustupid EXT3 driver I have for XP is READ-only :(07:04
heatmanscguy318: i havent but i can07:04
scguy318Kousotu: the ext3 driver for Windows can do r/w too I think07:05
CubeXombiKeean, why don't you "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and let that set up X for you?07:05
sam55keean: "ImPS/2" perhaps?07:05
LinuxInsid1but u'd better not write NTSF file system07:05
Kousotuscguy318: not last I tried07:05
scguy318Kousotu: you have to cleanly dismount the ext3 mount tho07:05
KEEANyes it was that!!!!!07:05
sam55keean: this is just a guess, but could be anything else.07:05
scguy318Kousotu: *partition07:05
lardarseKousotu: yes07:05
Madpilotir0nfusion, how old is the machine? what other OSes have you tried on it?07:05
KEEANCubeXombi, Im gonna try to undo myself, and if that doesnt work then ill do what u suggest07:05
scguy318LinuxInsid1: no such filesystem :P07:05
KousotuLinuxInsid1: had no issues with writing yet07:05
scguy318LinuxInsid1: NTFS-3G is very much stable07:06
ir0nfusionit's from july, not that old.. and I have tried mint (never froze) pclinuxos (froze like a bitch) ubuntu 7.04 and 6. never froze either.07:06
tarelerulzKousotu , I use kernel driver for ext3 for windows all the time and it can do write and reading07:06
ToddEDMcool that applet is nice and small... i like , THANK YOU guys07:06
heatmanscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42331/07:06
Kousotuit's when you try to MOVE ext3 you have issues.....07:06
KEEANsam55. is there a problem if there are double quotes! I think that was the problem!07:06
sam55keean: yes, double quotes should be there07:07
Dr_willisKousotu,  problem with XP reading/writing ext3 usign that ifs driver. is that if windows crashes. it can  leave the ext3 in a bad state. so linux has to check it at the next boot.07:07
levanderIf I right-click on an image in Firefox and say "Set Image as Background", where does the image go on the filesystem?  I can't find the file that I'm currently using as my background on the filesystem.07:07
tazanybody good with xorg.conf?  I'm trying to get my nvidia card to show the same desktop on two different outputs at 1680x1050 and keep running into misc problems..07:07
ubot3ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org07:07
KEEANi have it that way07:07
CubeXombi<UberSprode> any luck?07:07
ir0nfusionI bet you it's damn kde Madpilot I tried installing amarok the other day and before that i never froze.07:07
heartsbloodwhat application normally manages the system tray in gnome?07:07
KousotuDr_willis: well the same applies to resizing NTFS wia linux07:07
KEEANdouble quotes SHOULD be there?07:07
sam55keean: so the line should be (in my case): Option          "Protocol"              "ImPS/2"07:07
snadgecan someone tell me what to do if gutsy wont boot on a pentium D system with an 8800gts.. either normal or in safe graphics mode, just constantly beeps out the pc speaker.. but works fine in windows?07:08
Kousotuanyone git a link to the win-ext3 driver?07:08
scguy318snadge: try installing with alternate CD?07:08
Jordan_U_snadge, Have you tried the alternate install CD?07:08
galvezjian  ip link does not let me set the MAC07:08
inversekinetixi have 8800gts 640 and it works great07:08
Johnsonwhere do you got to change icons?07:08
Dr_willisKousotu,  resizing it a bit more complex then just read/writing to it. :) its somthign to watch out for with  the www.fs-driver.org stuff. I had windows crash badly and it trashed a ext3 partion VERY badly. :) ive leared to mount them in windows.. copy the stuff over then unmount them quickly07:08
ubot3Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)07:09
snadgeok i will try alternate cd.. thanks :)07:09
scguy318heatman: still there?07:09
scguy318heatman: ive found a suggestion07:09
josephAnybody had any luck with compiz on a ATI Mobile Radion 200?07:09
heatmanscguy318: yes sir07:09
scguy318heatman: do sudo /etc/init.d/acpid stop07:09
CubeXombijoseph HAHAHAH!! you are inluck07:09
KEEANsam55, im gonna save and give it a try07:09
heartsbloodif I wanted to disable the system tray so another application could use it, how would I do it?07:09
KenSentMeKousotu, i cant give a link because im on mobile, but google for ext3fs07:09
KEEANwish me good luck07:09
scguy318heatman: then sudo dpkg --configure acpid07:09
sam55keean: good luck!!07:09
scguy318heatman: then do the old sudo dpkg --configure -a07:09
lardarseKousotu: there is an alternative way... create a folder on your ntfs partition, then create a symlink to it on your ext3 partition... then just copy stuff into that symlink and they appear in your ntfs partition i the folder07:10
CubeXombijoseph: I can get you a link with VERY besic instructions07:10
Kousotuext2ifs-0.3 < that one07:10
KEEANif this doesnt work im gonna try to automatic configure thingy07:10
h0n3s1Mike05_: I had some problem with kernel 22 and all things work fine with kernel 20!07:10
sam55keean: yes.07:10
tarelerulzI am trying to download some stuff with  a bit torrent client and I can't share and I need a bit torrent client that you can just set it for two ports for out going and incoming connects and not a rang . My router don't do ranges07:10
KEEANsee you on Gutsy!!!!!! (i hope)07:10
CubeXombijoseph: however the new drivers dropped supprot for our cards.07:10
lardarseKEEAN: good luck07:10
sam55keean: for future: *always* make a backup of a system file you are doing to edit07:10
nickrudjoseph: I had it running, but it was very bad, I returned to ati07:10
josephCubeXombi I can't get it to work with the restricted drivers07:11
scguy318tarelerulz: just do say 55555-55555 thats a range but one port :P07:11
Johnsonwhere do i go to change my icon set?07:11
Kousotulardarse: I have 3 NTFS partions07:11
CubeXombijoseph, It's not supposed to work thats why..07:11
nickrudJohnson: system->preferences->appearance07:11
heatmanscguy318: lol as simple as that huh? tyvm07:11
scguy318tarelerulz: you shouldnt have to set port for outgoing I think07:11
lardarseKousotu: windows can access all 3, right?07:11
josephIt's a laptop so I guess if it is a major pain I'll survive without07:11
scguy318heatman: np07:11
Kousotulardarse: XP, Vista, 1GB storage07:11
MadpilotJohnson, System->Prefs->Appearance07:11
josephIt worked flawless in pclos07:11
CubeXombijoseph however there are things that need to be done to enable aiglx with the radeo driver in our case.. works pretty good07:12
Kousotulardarse: of course07:12
schoonixhello where is menu.lst stored ?07:12
schoonixfor gibbon07:12
scguy318schoonix: /boot/grub07:12
Johnsonhmmm i went there didnt see anything specifally for icons tho07:12
Johnsonit used to be there i thought07:12
lardarseKousotu: then it shouldn't particularly matter which partition you're sending the files to07:12
schoonixscguy318 i dont seem to have a grub folder in boot. Do i need to do anything to get it ?07:12
MadpilotJohnson, then hit the Customize button if you only want to change icon themes07:12
lardarseas long s that partition is big enough07:12
josephWhat I'd rather fix than compiz is the darn no boot splash screen problem07:12
CubeXombijoseph: I just scribbled this up for someone with a 9800 but it applies to you http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42330/07:12
Kousotulardarse: I want to putthem on the ext3 partion07:12
nickrudJohnson: it still is, select customize on the themes tab07:13
Johnsonno. because u can't add in customize07:13
=== xxxx is now known as beebee
CubeXombijoseph, as far as the nosplash.. I can sorta fix it .. if you're refering to the 3+ minute boot time07:13
scguy318schoonix: no, dont think you should, weird07:13
linuxnoobschoonix: are you using grub? how do you not have /boot/grub?07:13
lardarseKousotu: you should just be able to navigate through the ntfs partitions anc copy the files to somewhere (~/Desktop is often easiest)07:13
inversekinetixanyone have luck installing Oblivion into wine?07:13
lardarseand then move them where they belong after that07:13
schoonixlinuxnoob no idea its wierd07:13
scguy318inversekinetix: dont have it but never tried, but lemme link you to the Wine AppDb07:13
schoonixand when i reboot grub shws up :\07:13
lardarseor just access them directly07:14
MadpilotJohnson, download your theme to Desktop; open the Appearance window, drop your new icon theme archive in. Then it'll appear in Customize07:14
DanThirstinversekinetix: think it would better to just grab VMware server07:14
galvezjian are you still there?07:14
Johnsonthanks Madpilot07:14
inversekinetixwhats that DanThirst?07:14
DanThirstemulates windows07:14
josephCube I have to hit ALT f1 then I can see boot info even if it is text07:14
cyrosif you guys were gonna build a linux file server and mostly all windows boxes were going to access it would you make a NTFS and mount it using G3 or EXT2/3 and install ext ifs for all the windows boxes07:15
scguy318inversekinetix: AppDb link: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=4596&iTestingId=2711 keeping in mind that the test results are very dated07:15
inversekinetixDanThirst, is it fast and where07:15
scguy318inversekinetix: what is the difficulty that you are experiencing?07:15
DanThirsti didn't have much with luck with wine, it doesn't do very well with graphic intensive operations07:15
linuxnoobare you sure you are looking in /boot and not ~/boot or something like that?07:15
scguy318cyros: if the Windows boxes are accessing the Linux file server over the network it doesnt matter what file system the Linux file server has07:15
DanThirstinversekinetix: well you still have to have a copy of windows, so doesn't help much07:15
cyrosu can just use samba right?07:15
schoonixscguy318: or linuxnoob any ideas what i could try07:15
scguy318cyros: yes07:15
CubeXombijoseph: as far as thats concerned it's just that the usplash kinda craps out on this V-card it appears.. so what you can do is take a look at my /etc/grub/menu.lst and take off the junk at the end..07:16
scguy318DanThirst: might be your video driver, Wine does my games real well :P07:16
linuxn00b314does anyone know what the splash option in the boot menu means07:16
scguy318linuxn00b314: means it shows the whole Ubuntu splash thing07:16
inversekinetixscguy318:  I tried installing it into wine and it wouldnt load the game, only the menus, as soon as the game started it crashed,  it wouldnt let me uninstall the game either,  ended up breaking my DVD07:16
tarelerulzKousotu if you still listening I use that kernel driver for windows that read/write to ntfs works 90%  ,but sometimes it don't work and it will ask you to format at the drive/partition .  The only thing you can do is reinstall the driver and reboot windows and maybe it will read it right .  I had to reinstall it and config it again and reboot windows couple and it just worked out of the blue07:17
CubeXombijoseph> check out my menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42324/ my laptop boots in about 43 seconds now .. the splash is gone but there's no delay07:17
scguy318inversekinetix: if you ran from Terminal any errors of interest?07:17
webpiratedoes anyone know why compiz-fusion is looking for XGl when I have Nvidia card?07:17
linuxn00b314scguy318: can you be morespecific?07:17
scguy318tarelerulz: thats not how you handle it07:17
tarelerulzI mean ext3 not ntfs07:17
scguy318tarelerulz: that happens because you didn't cleanly dismount the ext3 partition07:17
scguy318tarelerulz: have to boot up Linux and shutdown cleanly07:17
webpiratedoes anyone know why compiz-fusion is looking for XGl when I have Nvidia card?07:17
linuxn00b314does anyone know what the splash option in the boot menu means?07:18
linuxnooblinuxn00b314: are you talking about the install cd?07:18
scguy318linuxn00b314: gives you the Ubuntu splash? like he whole pretty progress bar thing?07:18
summer_s4does anyone know of a gnome based iso creater?  I need to be able to modify iso images without having to burn them to a disk07:18
galvezcan anyone help me with my wireless? I can't get ti to connect07:18
linuxnoobsummer_s4: gnomebaker07:18
inversekinetixscguy381: i did it with the commands on their homepage, without error07:18
tarelerulzI am talking about windows ext3 driver.  That is how I got it to work again . If that is not the best way I will listen for a better one07:18
summer_s4galvez: fire away.07:18
linuxn00b314oh, so the splash thing is the progress bar?07:18
summer_s4galvez:  i can help07:18
DanThirsthmm i tested out MTGO (uses blink video player to do its animations) with wine and it played like crud, went and installed VMware server and then an emulation of xpProSP2 and its running fine07:18
CubeXombi<linuxn00b314>it's the "Ubuntu" Loading screan.. if you boot and all you get is black.. you should remove that07:18
rayne3rr01is there any docs on upgrading from 6.06 to 7.1007:18
scguy318interversekinetix: but were there any messages in the Terminal that were of diagnostic interest?07:19
webpiratedoes anyone know why compiz-fusion is looking for XGl when I have Nvidia card?07:19
linuxnoobgalvez: do you know what module to use?07:19
inversekinetixscguy381: none07:19
linuxn00b314kk, well, I removed that, and I still get a black screen07:19
DanThirstunfurntly i some how disabled my internet connection when the battery went dead on it though07:19
schoonixis thr normal ubuntu cd a live cd or not ?07:19
cyroswebpirate: i think for the nvid cards you have to use the restricted drivers07:19
scguy318schoonix: its a LiveCD07:19
schoonixbecause i dont seem to have /boot/grub :\07:19
summer_s4rayne3rr01:  dosn't look like there is.  If you used lts, looks like you gotta stay with lts07:19
cyrosthe ATI cards i believe work straight out the box07:19
linuxn00b314I had to remove fglrx...why is fglrx causing the black screen?07:19
CubeXombi<linuxn00b314> just a flasking cursor?07:19
scguy318schoonix: are you running off LiveCD?07:19
linuxnoobschoonix: weird.  no idea07:19
cyrosschoonix: what are you trying to do07:19
linuxn00b314I dont even get a flashing cursor07:19
CubeXombilinuxn00b314>what video card you have?07:19
schoonixcryos find my menu.lst07:19
linuxn00b314radeon x1950pro07:20
linuxnoobscguy318: that's a good possiblility!07:20
galvezsummer_s4 Thanks when I click on my ssid in the network applet, it hangs for a while and then finally asks me for a pasword, which i enter and then after a few minutes, it just pops up again asking for the password again07:20
c0mp13371331337Hey inversekinetix, any luck with deluge?07:20
scguy318schoonix: are you running off LiveCD?07:20
rayne3rr01so should i just start over with a new install07:20
schoonixi have grub working atm on my computer but it says that my ubuntu is in the wrong partition location07:20
cyrosschoonix: you trying to fix something in a harddrive install?07:20
schoonixor something07:20
schoonixscguy318: i am just using the normal ubuntu download and not the alternative cd07:20
webpirateI have all drivers installed properly....full opengl..07:20
schoonixcyros i am just trying to get grub actually find ubuntu07:20
linuxnoobschoonix: this is important - is your linux box installed on the hd? or are you running off a live cd?07:20
CubeXombilinuxn00b314> take a look at my menu.lst, i don't get a splash but at least i can see whats going on07:20
inversekinetixc0mp13371331337:  tried deluge, I like ktorrent better for now thanks,  I really wanna get uTorrent working07:21
paulistallhas anyone found a theme like more then human because I haven't07:21
schoonixits installed on my box, but i cant access it07:21
paulistallmost of the themes out there are ass07:21
scguy318inversekinetix: running it on Wine shouldn't be difficult, what version of Wine are you using anyway?07:21
CubeXombilinuxn00b314> check out my menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42324/ m07:21
cyrosi think your going to have to mount your harddrive and check the filesystem on there07:21
webpirateXGl is just for ATI cards right?07:21
summer_s4galvez: you have to set it up by system-admin-network, and restart your computer.  I have had that be the only way to make it work for me.  Novell didn't produce quality products.07:21
CubeXombijoseph, that working for ya?07:21
scguy318webpirate: yeah, Nvidia drivers can do AIGLX07:21
schoonixbut im running off the install cd atm because i cant axs it07:21
erichjubuntu studio theme is pretty slick07:21
paulistallerichj: where do you get that07:21
inversekinetixscguy:  9.4607:22
webpiratevery strange.....compiz will only work with XGL installed07:22
schoonixlinuxnoob:  any idea's what could be the problem ?07:22
paulistalli'm using a compiz theme for my window borders07:22
scguy318schoonix: mount your Ubuntu partition, it should be on /media/blahblah, your menu.lst is on /media/blahblah/boot/grub/menu.lst I think?07:22
cyrosschoonix: u need the filesystem of the harddrive install and not the live cd07:22
summer_s4galvez: welll... let me re-word that.  They want money so they try to hit you back with stupid things07:22
erichjpaulistall, sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop07:22
webpirateI have Nvidia 7800gs07:22
linuxnoobschoonix: okay... so your actual /boot will be somewhere else07:22
webpirateeverything is fine in KDE...07:22
paulistallerichj: thanks07:22
webpirateFPs > 500007:22
c0mp13371331337inversekinetix, I definitely agree that ktorrent is better.  One of the only KDE apps that I haven't been able to find a better gnome alternative for.  Good luck with uTorrent, haven't tried it but I've heard good things!07:22
scguy318inversekinetix: yeah uTorrent should not be a problem at all, I got it to work on here07:22
LinuxInsid1webpirate: everything is fine in KDE...  ?????07:22
webpirateI use freeloader for torrents07:22
schoonixahh ok will it be in the sda* which has my install ?07:22
LinuxInsid1i dont think so07:22
inversekinetix schoonix  try try WinGrub if windows is on your box07:23
linuxnoobschoonix: you are getting warmer07:23
galvezsummer_s4 - on I have the system-admin-network open, do I change the wireless from roam to fixed and enter all the stuff manually?07:23
scguy318schoonix: yep07:23
chris_<3 7.1007:23
webpirateyes....everything fine in KDE screensavers are fine and glxgears it 5000 fps....but compiz won't work unless I install xgl07:23
inversekinetixscguy:  everything should be easy but Im still new to linux07:23
schoonixonly problem is i cant remember which one ubuntu is on i have sda 1 2 3 5 6 lol07:23
schoonixis there any easy way to find out ?07:23
linuxnoobschoonix: when you use a live cd, /dev/hdc (or whatever your cd drive) - becomes your root directory...07:23
summer_s4galvez: roam to fixed, don't type in ip address unless it is static, and type in passwords (correct types)07:23
inversekinetixschoonix, does windows boot?07:23
PurpZeYCan any suggest a reason why I'd switch to Gutsy, if I have feisty installed and working w/ compiz?07:23
linuxnoobschoonix: or something like that...07:24
KEEANsam55, I am in Gutsy!!07:24
schoonixinversekinetix:  yes windows boots07:24
sam55keean: great!!07:24
chris_PurpZeY, to be cool like everyone else :)07:24
scguy318PurpZeY: not really, if it aint broke don't fix it :P07:24
webpirateanyone have compiz working without xgl in ubuntu 7.10?07:24
galvezok I'll give that a try and be right back07:24
sam55keean: good to know all is well.07:24
summer_s4purpzey: because it is more stable.07:24
nickrudPurpZeY: not really, if you have a system you're happy with07:24
sam55keean: for future: *always* make a backup of a system file you are doing to edit07:24
cyrosschoonix: fixed it already?07:24
riotkittiePurpZeY: if you have to have somebody give you reason to upgrade, dont do it.07:24
linuxnoobPurpZeY: don't upgrade then07:24
KEEANI can't believe that just double quotes made me go through all of this07:24
inversekinetixschoonix add the wingrub to your windows installation and it will find any linux on your machine07:24
KEEANthat was myyyy mistake07:24
KEEANthe double quotes07:24
PurpZeYWell, I mean...like someone said, if it ain't broke...etc...On the other hand if there were some benefit I didn't know of....07:24
schoonixcyros fixed what ?07:25
PurpZeYsummer_s4: Stable in what sense?07:25
sam55keean: you now need to set you gdm theme again. Bu tyou can do this via the GUI now.07:25
webpiratemy nvidia drivers are working but dmesg shows nvidia module taints kernel....is that a problem?07:25
KEEANI did that already07:25
summer_s4purplez: it is not like windows xp to windows vista.  This case, it is good to update.  It just lets you get so much easier07:25
nickrudPurpZeY: if you have issues with NetworkManager, upgrade. That's the only real difference for me07:25
linuxnoobPurpZeY: if you upgrade and something breaks - you will be kicking yourself07:25
scguy318webpirate: no07:25
sam55keean: okay, I am off to bed now. G'night and good luck.07:25
KEEANThank you soooooooo much sam5507:25
cyrosschoonix: sorry i misread something07:25
summer_s4purpzey: though back everything up.07:25
vikahi i am a sabayon user and thinking of changing to ubuntu 7.10, or ultimate which version would u all recommend and includes compiz fusion?07:25
PurpZeYlinuxnoob: That is precisely my gear.07:25
scguy318webpirate: that's what the Linux kernel does to all modules that are not freely licensed, restrict access to parts of the kernel07:25
webpirateSo then compiz should work without XGl then?07:25
sam55keean: glad to be of help!07:25
inversekinetixschoonix  http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p9.html07:25
riotkittieso much easier? its not like previous versions of ubuntu have been difficult.07:26
PurpZeYsummer_s4: See, to me, that is not reassuring...Install should be good, benefits are limited, but just in case back everything up07:26
scguy318webpirate: hopefully yes07:26
webpiratehas anyone tried it?07:26
KEEANPeople like you make Ubuntu the best distro07:26
vikahi i am a sabayon user and thinking of changing to ubuntu 7.10, or ultimate which version would u all recommend and includes compiz fusion?07:26
webpirateanyone using nvidia card with compiz WITHOUT XGL? (ubuntu 7.10)07:26
schoonixbut if wingrub still using normal grub it still wont work07:26
summer_s4purpzey: it lets you use more power, uses 2.6.22.x kernal (battery saving fetures built in there) and more07:26
PurpZeYvika: 7.10 has fusion07:26
scguy318vika: they all include Compiz, 7.10 should be what you want07:27
linuxnoobPurpZeY: just *use* your system.. rather than constantly fidgeting with it.  Or have a 'sandbox' system that you can get crazy with07:27
PurpZeYsummer_s4: What about ACPI things like that?07:27
muhammedchi guys, im having a problem with keyring after i've upgraded to 7.10 - can anyone help?07:27
summer_s4purpzey:  more support, simplier support07:27
PurpZeYsummer_s4: That I have setup previously. . .07:27
webpirateI am on;y asking before I do clean install.....07:27
vikamy pc stats are amd64 4800+ 2 gb ram 8500gt what version is recommended i download07:27
* nickrud will be upgrading to 8.04 in about 8.01 :)07:27
summer_s4purpzey: it will keep the same settings07:27
schoonixinversekinetix: my problem is grub isnt picking up my ubuntu lcoation07:27
scguy318vika: 32-bit, standard07:27
detrahow do I get virtualbox to find my video card ?07:27
webpirateno is using compiz-fusion with nvdia card in 7.10?07:27
vikay not 6407:27
inversekinetixschoonix what is the error youre getting?07:28
riotkittiemore support for what?07:28
summer_s4purpzey: just trust me.  It looks cooler07:28
scguy318vika: some things may not work on it, but 64-bit doesn't hurt, you can go with that if you want07:28
nickrudwebpirate: a lot of people, probably some here, but they have no clue about what's wrong with yours (I'm on ati) Wait a bit, see some new nicks and ask again07:28
summer_s4purpzey: and you want it.  end of discussion07:28
scguy318vika: gutsy's flashplugin-nonfree can deal with 64-bit07:28
webpirateI am thinking about doing clean install.......anyone have any tips about the nvidia compiz thing?07:28
riotkittieit looks the same as feisty.07:28
vikai jst wanna it to run smooth07:28
webpirateok I will wait a bit07:29
scguy318vika: 64-bit if you want07:29
c0Lddoes anyone know of a cpu temperature reader that works with MSI boards? in windows I use something called 'corecell'07:29
PurpZeYsummer_s4: I don't know that I want it, but I can't really figure what it is it brings me..I mean, if I could do it, without any problem whatsoever, I would...but there seems to be a risk involved...setting up hardware...I am not being argumentative, I am just trying to figure out what's best07:29
scguy318c0LD: lm-sensors?07:29
scguy318c0LD: and sensors-applet07:29
webpirateCalling all Nvidia users using compiz-fusion...I need to know something about your setup.......07:29
vikawill 32bit run quicker and use my core 2 duo07:29
nkassivika: yes07:29
c0Ldscguy318: that gave me some error about not being able to detect any sensors :/07:30
vikaso 64 is waste07:30
scguy318c0LD: you need to run sudo sensors-detect I think07:30
webpirateanyone using nvidia card with compiz WITHOUT XGL? (ubuntu 7.10)07:30
scguy318vika: its not07:30
scguy318vika: get to use your 64-bit features :P07:30
nkassivika: probably faster than 64-bit, unless you have over 4GB I wouldn't bother07:30
webpirategkrellm is really good at finding temperature sensors07:30
vikaim so confused i got amd6407:30
c0Ldscguy318: hm, ill try it again i suppose, one moment07:30
linuxnoobPurpZeY: don't upgrade!  it's just eyecandy. not worth it!07:30
scguy318vika: thats fine07:30
vikaoh ok so 32 bit stiill good07:30
scguy318vika: yes both is fine07:30
nkassivika: yep07:30
vikausin my system to full07:30
riotkittiePurpZeY: if you dont *know* that you want it, you have no compelling reason/need to upgrade, you have a stable system, and are content with the stability of that system, stick with it.  or back your data up, and have at it.07:30
scguy318vika: theres not much difference other than what nkassi said07:31
schoonixhow do i mount dev/sda307:31
vikalovely thanks alot07:31
webpirateanyone using nvidia card with compiz WITHOUT XGL? (ubuntu 7.10)07:31
schoonixit says its already mounted in /mnt/ but /mnt/ is empty07:31
tarelerulzWell, I am dumb my router did let me pick ranges  I did not see the -  between the port input fields .07:31
linuxnoobschoonix: mount /dev/sda3 /mount/point07:31
detrawhy does virtualbox say when I install my video card that it can't find my card ?07:31
linuxnoobschoonix: umount /mount/point07:31
scguy318detra: guest or host? and where are you getting the error?07:31
lardarsewhenever i use the quit option from the menu, X hangs... any suggestions?07:32
webpirategkrellm found my Nvidia video card temperature sensor and the CPU temperature sensor07:32
webpirateanyone using nvidia card with compiz WITHOUT XGL? (ubuntu 7.10)07:32
Bonste1whats a good program to mount ISO?07:32
Dr_willisdetra,  virtual box emulates a specific card I do belive.07:32
detrascguy318, I installed windows xp on my virtualbox ... But when I install the drivers to my video card it says that it can't find any hardware that fits ...07:32
=== nkassi is now known as crbrocket
scguy318detra: why are you trying to install video card drivers?07:33
detraDr_willis, so what should I do to get my video settings up ?07:33
Dr_willisBonste1,  you can mount themf rom the command line07:33
galvezsummer_s4 - I added the the password for my essid under system-admin-network and rebooted07:33
schoonixanynoe familiar with menu.lst and able to see if mine is right ?07:33
crbrocketBontse1: mount -o loop07:33
scguy318detra: VirtualBox presents a virtual video card to the guest that CANNOT do any 3D07:33
detrascguy318, I am testing nba live 200807:33
webpirateanyone using nvidia card with compiz in ubuntu 7.10?07:33
scguy318detra: if thats what you are planning to do, forget it07:33
Dr_willisdetra,   dont expect full3d support for a video card with the virtual machines07:33
scguy318detra: run it under Wine07:33
inversekinetixwebpirate: i am07:33
scguy318detra: or dual-boot07:33
galvezsummer_s4 when I run ifconfig wlan0 is there, but no MAC07:33
lardarseit just did it again...07:33
detrascguy318, wine can't run nba 0807:33
webpirateinversek>>>>>> did you have to install XGL to get it working?07:33
inversekinetixscguy318:  Im gonna keep dual boot for games07:34
linuxnoobI loves me some linux .  no fuss no muss07:34
scguy318detra: i guess you'll have to dual-boot then07:34
scguy318inversekinetix: thats fine07:34
detrascguy318, fuck I HATE that ...07:34
detrascguy318, I don't like windows that was the reason why I put it on a virtualbox ...07:34
galvezsummer_s4 also with the network applet the only option to connect is via a wired connection , no wireless07:34
* inversekinetix laughs that vista is more expensive than an Xbox07:34
detrascguy318, well thx mayn ...07:35
scguy318detra: unfortunately, the Microsoft way has led us into this situation, and07:35
c0Ldscguy318: sensors-detect seems to have found it, thanks! strange, running alot cooler then i did in windows, i guess i won't complain.07:35
scguy318detra: what error did you get in Wine anyway?07:35
webpirateI won't play games unless they are linux native like Americas Army....or nexuiz07:35
webpirateinversek>>>>>> did you have to install XGL to get it working?07:35
scguy318webpirate: they aren't doing a Linux client for AA anymore me thinks07:35
Dr_willisIs americas Army - even Updated for linux lately?07:35
webpirateNo but 2.5 is still cool07:35
Dr_willisscguy318,  thats what i was thinking.07:35
crbrocketwebpirate: or the quake series :) Waiting for ET:QW07:35
schoonixanyone know if http://pastebin.com/m30aa6747 looks right sda3 is my  is my ext3 drive07:35
Dr_willisI never got past basic training. :)07:35
webpirateanyone using nvidia card with compiz in ubuntu 7.10?07:36
scguy318Dr_willis: years ago I did basically everything + SF07:36
scguy318Dr_willis: dont play anymore07:36
Dr_williswebpirate,  lots of people are.07:36
crbrocketDr_willis : did you shoot  the training guy? ;)07:36
scguy318Dr_willis: hehe yeah :P07:36
lardarseclarification to previous statement: when i select quit from the system menu, all future attempts at delivering input to the computer fail. the screen still updates with what is happening, though, and the restart X shortcut still works07:36
vikaubuntu 7.10 has compiz-fusion ?07:36
scguy318vika: yep07:36
webpirateI need to know if they had to install XGL to get compiz working with nvidia card07:36
vikai need the update comand tot he newest07:36
Dr_williscrbrocket,  i kept dieing in the parachuting task.. :)07:36
scguy318Dr_willis: i kinda technically cheated and passed the sniper trainings before I got my marksmanship07:36
scguy318Dr_willis: OMG yeah07:36
crbrocketvika: yep07:36
scguy318Dr_willis: that took forever07:36
Dr_williswebpirate,  i dont recall installing 'xgl' ever..07:37
Dr_willis!info xgl07:37
ubot3Package xgl does not exist in gutsy07:37
scguy318!info xserver-xgl07:37
galvezsummer_s4 are you still around?07:37
ubot3xserver-xgl: GL-based X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (gutsy), package size 1839 kB, installed size 5088 kB07:37
omega512hello i can't gutsy in my pc can anyone help??07:37
cwgannonanybody know of an xbox live friends widget gadget doodad for ubuntu/debian/linux?07:37
Dr_willisUnless it auto installed. :)07:37
scguy318omega512: whats the prob?07:37
vikawhats debian i here so much about07:37
webpirateI have to isntall XGL inorder for my compiz to work with 7.1007:37
webpirateany ideas why?07:37
crbrocketvika: what ubuntu took and made better07:37
scguy318vika: Debian is a Linux distro which Ubuntu is based upon07:37
webpiratewell I am gonna try to do clean install then.....something is not right with my compiz07:38
crbrocketvika: it's a very good distribution but lacks the desktop polish of ubuntu07:38
vikaso ubuntu sounds like the best linux version to use07:38
scguy318vika: sure, a good place to start07:38
vikadoes it still come with all the programs office and u name it u got it07:38
crbrocketvika: yes, but I'm bias07:38
scguy318vika: OpenOffice, yes07:38
vikawhen u mean good place to start whats next07:38
omega512scguy318, after rebooting  with the cd it appears a black screen !!07:38
scguy318vika: its all in the repos07:39
scguy318omega512: have you tried safe graphics mode?07:39
Fishfootfirefox in ubuntu seems to default to "Open With" for everything when I tell it to ask me where I want to save files. is there a way to change this and make the default option Save to Disk?07:39
CubeXombiomega512: blackscreen after boot?07:39
vikau have talked me into it but one last question with and 8500gt will compiz scream on it07:39
scguy318omega512: is this after the boot screen or after BIOS boot?07:39
CubeXombiomega512: does it let you in eventually?07:39
b0r3dhey. is it possible to multiboot vista and ubuntu on this HP laptop?07:40
scguy318b0r3d: yep07:40
vikaand sorri is ubuntu much more stable then sabayon07:40
crbrocketb0r3d:yes I do it07:40
omega512scguy31 i tried safe grafics and nothing match07:40
scguy318vika: not sure, but probably :) and well, see for yourself :P07:40
b0r3ddid you get vista boot loader to handle ubuntu's loading or did you install grub or someth?07:40
crbrocketb0r3d: no work need the install cd does it for you (if you have vista installed default)07:40
scguy318omega512: in that case, you may have to use the alternative CD for installation07:41
vikanot sure bout 8500gt ..?07:41
Rengwhats the command path to terminal launcher. i want to make a shortcut icon on the desktop07:41
crbrocketb0r3d: first not default07:41
scguy318vika: I don't have the card, nor do I use Compiz, so I don't really know the answer, but I believe what you ask is likely07:41
b0r3dcrbrocket, ok now i burnt ubuntu on cd07:41
b0r3dwhat do i do next07:41
crbrocketReng: gnome-terminal07:41
scguy318b0r3d: boot to it07:41
vikay dont u use compiz07:41
omega512scguy318  so i redownload a copie or what?07:41
scguy318vika: this 700 Mhz laptop with Rage 128 card cant handle it07:41
Bonste1whats the command to mount ISO ?07:41
b0r3dscguy318, don't i need to partition first07:42
scguy318omega512: yes, the alternate CD07:42
vikaah okai07:42
schoonixscguy318: do you know if http://img134.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotdevsdagpartedkx0.png looks right for my HDD setup ?07:42
Dr_willis!iso | Bonste107:42
ubot3Bonste1: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:42
* riotkittie fights the urge to !u 07:42
scguy318b0r3d: the installer gives you the whole partitioning thing07:42
vikasorri to here07:42
crbrocketBonste1: mount -o loop isofile.iso07:42
scguy318crbrocket: need a mount point :P07:42
aroonii have two ubuntu computers connected to the same router (one wired & one wireless).  i want to have one shared folder where i can have files that are synced back & forth across both machines automatically.  what can i use to do this?07:42
b0r3dscguy318, i'm afraid to bork my vista :(07:42
Fishfootvika: compiz fusion doesn't scream on my 8800GTS 640MB07:42
muhammedchi guys... got a problem with keyring and wifi in 7.10 - can any 1 help?07:42
scguy318b0r3d: if you're concerned, just backup07:42
crbrocketscguy318 oops07:42
CubeXombiomega512: you can try and do a "sudo gedit /etc/grub/menu.lst" and erase the "quiet" and "splash" tags from from the Kernel line.. that did the job for me you may want to save a backup first though "sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.bak"07:42
scguy318!anyone | muhammedc07:43
ubot3muhammedc: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:43
vikaare u serious whats wrong wit ur card07:43
Fishfootvika: nothing wrong with it07:43
vikawhat do u need to run it07:43
b0r3dscguy318, oh. it turns out the ubuntu cd has a setup.exe07:43
riotkittieuse .old instead of .bak07:43
kopandaHmm, how do I get Flash Player 9 working with Opera?07:43
Fishfootvika: when I last tried compiz fusion, the effects like minimizing and maximizing windows were drawn slowly07:43
kopandaI tried downloading the tar, extracting it, and running the setup, but it wanted to install to .mozilla...07:43
vikaon that card it should be a rocket07:44
Fishfootbut it's not ;)07:44
vikaon like 7600 its a gun big time with no lag so got no idea why urs would do that07:44
vikaupdate drivers or something mayb ur cpu cant handle it07:44
scguy318vika: well, why dont you test the LiveCD and see :)07:44
riotkittieCubeXombi: though in this case, it doesnt realllllllly matter. i'm just anal like that :P07:44
scguy318vika: this really is a no obligation deal :P07:44
crbrocketFishfoot: ran pretty well on an intel i94507:44
omega512scguy318  thnx i will try it07:44
vikawill it recognize the nvidia card to run compiz on live cd07:45
muhammedcafter update to ubuntu 7.10 - keyring not remembering details of certificate and password for nm - after every reboot have to mannualy enter again to get wifi07:45
scguy318CubeXombi: hes trying to boot LiveCD :P07:45
crbrocketvika: should, out of the box07:45
scguy318it did for my Intel07:45
vikai can always run update driver command in live cd and restart x07:45
scguy318vika: yeah07:45
smmagicIf live cd doesn't work you could try text base07:45
scguy318vika: smmagic means the alternate CD07:45
CubeXombiscgu318: ouch.. alt CD it is!07:45
vikabut isnt text base nutin no effects07:46
omega512CubeXombi i type it in the menu installation??07:46
FishfootI am giving it another run07:46
scguy318omega512: ignore what he said he didn't know you were on a LiveCD07:46
summer_s4how do i extract an iso files contents to a folder?07:46
scguy318omega512: so yes use alternate CD07:46
CubeXombiomega512 sorry only caught the issue half way in .. gimme a sec I'll load a live cd and see what i can come up with..07:46
scguy318summer_s4: mount then copy07:46
riotkittieFishfoot: animations were miserable for me, but i toyed with settings and theyve become bearable ... but oooh, it used to get ugly07:47
Fishfootriotkittie: that was my issue, yes07:47
Fishfootthe animations in the version I used before - especially the Magic Lamp ones...07:47
Fishfootreally bad.07:47
Fishfootand really, any animation was bad when it came to minimizing or restoring07:47
Fishfoot(when I tried it a while ago)07:47
summer_s4scguy318: how do i mount an iso file?07:47
omega512scguy318 alternate cd is for the text based installation???07:48
scguy318omega512: yes07:48
crbrocketsummer_s4: mount -o loop isofile.iso /media/folder07:48
scguy318summer_s4: sudo mount -o loop isofile.iso /mnt/point07:48
CubeXombiomega512: try this.. hit f6 and delete the splash and quiet. see what thatdoes07:48
cyrossummer_s4: mkdir /mnt/iso  then  mount -o loop -t iso9660 <filename>.iso /mnt/iso07:48
Fishfooti'm using xfce4 now, trying to get window borders with compiz07:48
Rengi have any with watching quicktime 1080p video. it seem to lag alot and i have a core2duo 2.13ghz. what package i need to fix this?07:48
scguy318cyros: -t iso9660 is redundant :P07:48
Bonste1does it work or others .nrg .daa or is it just ISO only?07:48
scguy318cyros: mount can detect the ISO 9660 filesystem automatically07:48
cyrossorry no beef07:48
windhey how do you set fsfn to autostart07:48
scguy318Bonste1: just ISO, for those formats you would use AcetoneISO2 and/or fuseiso07:48
windwhen i type in terminal "sudo fsfn" it turns on07:49
scguy318Bonste1: not sure if it does nrg or daa tho07:49
Bonste1acetone only for KDE07:49
scguy318Bonste1: works on GNOME too07:49
windbut is there a way to do it without me opening terminal07:49
Rengi have an issue with watching quicktime 1080p video. it seem to lag alot and i have a core2duo 2.13ghz. what package i need to fix this?07:49
scguy318Bonste1: just have to install the KDE packages07:49
jhonovich1what is the command that allows you to check what libraries an application depends upon?07:49
crbrocketReng: might be dma but not sure07:49
crbrocketReng: dma checking of your disk07:50
CubeXombiomega512: did you try it out ..07:50
Fishfoothehehe, that was all past tense, of course... not having any issues with the compiz included with gutsy07:50
scguy318im gonna go cya all07:50
aroonii have two ubuntu computers connected to the same router (one wired & one wireless).  i want to have one shared folder where i can have files that are synced back & forth across both machines automatically.  what can i use to do this?07:50
crbrocketarooni: rsync07:50
muhammedchmmm - crieky - will try again later... cya07:51
crbrocketarooni: oh you mean a share, well nfs will do it, install nfs-kernel-server07:51
Fishfootso vika, I guess it's fine (now)07:51
Reng<crbrocket>so there is no way to over come the dma on the hdd07:51
vikawould compiz run the same on ubuntu 7.10 as on sabayon07:51
disinterestedcrdlb is there a room on video editing?07:51
omega512<CubeXombi> not yet07:51
crbrocketReng, yes I think you need to use hdparm but not sure, the ubuntuforums.org might have a more details07:52
CubeXombistill just black?07:52
Rengthnx ill check out hdparm07:52
dystopianrayhas anyone been able to get hibernate working with the nvidia binary driver?07:52
crbrocketgot to go, already  3am07:52
c0LdHow can I disable the tracker?07:52
=== Hoss is now known as Jangari
jhonovich1i am trying to figure out what dependencies an application has, how to do find out?07:53
windcan anyone help me?07:53
CubeXombiomega512: how far did it get if at all?07:53
cyroswind: with what?07:53
windhey how do you set fsfn to autostart07:54
windfsfn lets me use the Fn key to control brightness07:54
SkaFreakHey everyone, I'm trying to get my bcm43xx card into monitor mode, but when I try to do so through iwconfig eth1 mode Monitor, it gives me an error stating invalid arguement07:54
SkaFreakany ideas?07:54
andruki think i have found bug in ktechlab, i have a screenshot of it, where do i send it?07:54
summer_s4were can i get ubuntu source code?07:55
riotkittiewind: assuming you are using GNOME ... go to System menu > Preferences > Sessions. add it there.07:55
cwgannonjhonovich1: i believe aptitude allows you to check the dependencies of an app (if it's installed, at least)07:55
dystopianraySkaFreak: why do you need to set it manually to monitor mode?07:55
summer_s4can someone tell me were to get the source code for gobuntu 7.10?07:55
dystopianraysummer_s4: which source code are you after?07:55
windriotkittie, i'm using gutsy, and what do i add for command? I try putting "sudo fsfn" and just fsfn but nothing happens next time i reboot07:55
SkaFreaktrying to run kismet, and kismet fails to do it so was trying to see if i could manually07:55
summer_s4dystopianray: gobuntu 7.1007:55
dystopianraysummer_s4: which specific part of it?07:56
vikais gutsy better then normal version07:56
LinuxInsid1source code lol!!07:56
dystopianrayvika: gutsy is the 'normal' version07:56
summer_s4dystopianray: the whole thing.  Preferibly the stuff that comes on the cd07:56
cyroswind: have you tried adding it to the startup programs?07:56
dystopianraysummer_s4: I don't know if you can get the entire source code in one go07:56
windthis is what i have07:56
summer_s4dystopianray: well... were is it?07:57
dystopianraysummer_s4: you'd probably need to grab the source for each individual part you want07:57
ompaulsummer_s4, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/gobuntu/releases/7.10/release/ see the part called sources07:57
Laser87wind: u have to put in the same order like in the terminal07:57
dystopianraysummer_s4: you can use apt-get to fetch source packages07:57
summer_s4dystopianray: thanks07:57
windso if the terminal asks me for a password07:57
ompaulsummer_s4, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/gobuntu/releases/7.10/release/ see the part called sources07:57
windwhat do i do?07:57
dystopianraysummer_s4: for example: sudo apt-get source nmap07:57
windbecause i put "sudo fsfn" in terminal to turn on fsfn07:57
c0LdHow can I disable the tracker?07:58
windand it asks for a pw, i put it in and poof it turns on07:58
ompaulc0Ld, define tracker07:58
summer_s4when did they officialize that 8.04 was going to be called hardy?07:58
windbut i try making a new startup in system > pref > sessions and for command i put "sudo fsfn" when i reboot nothing happens07:58
dbmoodbhi i'm helping a guy repartition can ubuntu gutsy or feisty touch the vista partitions ?07:58
aroonii have two ubuntu computers connected to the same router (one wired & one wireless).  i want to have one shared folder where i can have files that are synced back & forth across both machines automatically.  what can i use to do this?07:58
ompaulsummer_s4, that was chosen a couple of weeks ago it is usually 10 days before the release07:59
summer_s4ompaul: 10 days before releace?  were did that come from?07:59
ompaulsummer_s4,  the thoughts of Mark Shuttleworth08:00
Dima50_How to upgrade from Ubuntu 7.04 to Ubuntu 7.10 without deleting old system? I mean without reformating HDD?08:00
riotkittiei want to say try adding it to /etc/rc.local but i'm not positive on that, wind ... so wait for someone smarter to reply :P08:00
summer_s4ompaul: who is Mark Shuttleworth?08:00
dystopianraysummer_s4: the leader of ubuntu08:00
dbmoodbdima50 sudo apt-get upgrade-distro08:00
dystopianraysummer_s4: he is a south african millionaire astronaut08:00
dbmoodbafter you have done a sudo apt-get update08:00
ompaulsummer_s4, http://www.markshuttleworth.com08:00
summer_s4dystopianray: i thought that there was no leader for ubuntu08:00
linuxn00b314I have ati x1950pro and when i installed ubuntu 7.10 i got the black screen.08:00
linuxn00b314any words of advice?08:00
Dima50_Thanks dbmoodb08:01
ompaulsummer_s4, go read his blog08:01
Flynsarmy_dbmoodb: If you have hte gutsy DVD will that upgrade from the DVD or will it download the distro?08:01
summer_s4ompaul: he has a blog?08:01
EvilBroHi, where can I find the logs of the text that passes my screen at startup?08:01
dbmoodbeh ?08:01
dystopianraysummer_s4: mark shuttleworth is the leader08:01
ompaulsummer_s4, http://www.markshuttleworth.com08:01
dbmoodboh you can set the dvd as a repository08:01
dbmoodbif you go to software sources ....08:01
kevsthabesthey guys.. my docks lost the tasks (amsn, deluge ext) icons.. how would i get it back?08:01
summer_s4dystopianray:  i thought that this os was a good bundle of unorginized people who know computers08:01
=== BigCanOfTuna_ is now known as BigCanOfTuna
riotkittiekevsthabest: GNOME?08:02
linuxn00b314I have ati x1950pro and when i installed ubuntu 7.10 i got the black screen.08:02
linuxn00b314(3:00:54 AM) linuxn00b314: any words of advice?08:02
ompaulsummer_s4, that could not work ;-)08:02
summer_s4ompaul: that was how i heard debian began08:02
kevsthabestriotkittie, yep08:02
DigitalNinjaDoes the Radeon mobility x1300 work with ubuntu and compiz?08:02
BigCanOfTunaDoes anyone know if this is still an issue with the kernel? ata4.00: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x40)08:02
kevsthabestriotkittie, cant seem to find the applet for it08:02
ompaulsummer_s4, well debian came out of the mind of Ian Murdoch08:02
Bonste1for k3b do i need some extras to burn DVD data disc for WMV files? to make it load after i finish?08:02
riotkittiekevsthabest: right click > add to panel > notification applet, i believe08:02
dystopianraysummer_s4: no, it is the product of Canonical Ltd. founded by mark shuttleworth08:02
BigCanOfTunaIt's driving my fr*kin nuts!08:02
hmullernite, any aide users in the room?08:03
cyrosis there a key command for the new finder?08:03
ompaulBigCanOfTuna, try a live cd08:03
summer_s4dystopianray: what is canonical ltd?08:03
dystopianraysummer_s4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_Ltd.08:03
BigCanOfTunaompaul: OK.08:03
summer_s4dystopianray: what is wikipedia?08:03
Dima50_dbmoodb bash said there is no such operation apt-get upgrade-distor. Anyway this operation will using internet for uprading, or will read data form CD?08:03
Radio_manI just accidentally flushed my windows box down the potty......what should I do.08:03
dbmoodbsudo apt-get update distro08:03
EvilBroWhere can I find the logs of my bootsequence? (I thought I saw an error message, but it moves by too fast to read it properly)08:04
dbmoodband i said you need to set the dvd /cd as a source08:04
hmullergrab your toilet paper?08:04
cyros7.10 is looking pretty sweet :)08:04
dystopianraysummer_s4: wikipedia is an online encyclopaedia where articles are written and edited by anyone on earth08:04
summer_s4radio_man: use recovery cd (i think it was based off of gentoo08:04
dbmoodbif you do that then it will use the dvd /cd you have there - disable the other repository for a sort time08:04
Travisquit #ubuntu08:04
summer_s4what is earth?08:04
BigCanOfTunaompaul: Is there a live Ubuntu CD?08:04
Ademananyone here familiar with start-stop-daemon?08:04
ompaulsummer_s4 enough trolling already thanks08:04
windahh riotkittie, i found it: http://ubuntufs.wordpress.com/2007/03/08/fn-key-tutorial-part-3/08:05
windthanks though :)08:05
kevsthabestriotkittie, nah it isnt the notification applet..08:05
Jangarican anyone suggest a wireless pc card that has a linux driver? my feckin netgear one isn't supported08:05
hmullerademan: nope08:05
linuxn00b314I have ati x1950pro and when i installed ubuntu 7.10 i got the black screen.08:05
linuxn00b314(3:00:54 AM) linuxn00b314: any words of advice?08:05
dbmoodbjangari ?08:05
dbmoodbwhat netgear is it ?08:05
dystopianrayJangari: have you tried ndiswrapper?08:05
Jangaridystopianray, i'm new to linux, besides, i'm not hghly techsavvy08:06
cyrosis there a key command for the new finder?08:06
hmullerjangari:  I use the intel products, currently 496508:06
hmullerany intrusion detectors using aide in the room?08:07
summer_s4how do i extract gobuntu-7.10-src-1.iso to a folder called gobutu source?08:07
dystopianraysummer_s4: it's an iso, you'll need to mount it and then see what is inside08:07
Fossiletsummer_s4, use file-roller08:07
EvilBroIs there any way to view the boot-up-text in ubuntu?08:07
summer_s4dystopianray: how do i mount it?08:07
hmullerlinuxn00b314:  Try booting in safe graphics mode08:08
dystopianraysummer_s4: sudo mount -o loop gobuntu-7.10-src-1.iso /mnt08:08
Jangarithanks dbmoodb, i'll have a crack08:08
cyros<scguy318> summer_s4: sudo mount -o loop isofile.iso /mnt/point08:08
juliodominguezJordan_U ok i finished installing xubuntu again08:08
summer_s4fossilet: it might sound odd, but i uninstalled file roller08:08
dbmoodboh and08:08
riotkittieEvilBro: edit the kernel line in grub - remove quit, change splash to nosplash08:09
hmullerI have an issue with my aide.conf.autogenerated file.  The #@$@# will not autogenerate correctly.08:09
EvilBroriotkittie: wouldn't that just put the text on screen?08:10
riotkittieputting the text on the screen isnt viewing it? >_>08:10
dhdjwhere would i go to configure my screen going black every five minutes?08:10
EvilBroriotkittie: well, it is, but I'd like it in a log so I can open and search it in a texteditor08:11
XsteelWolfI don't know what i did , but sometimes the program just freezes up and i can't type,have to close and reopen it,be it be IRC,browser or what soever,the program is running,people talking to me or i still can surf the net just i can't type!08:11
cyrosdhdj: screensaver options08:11
adrienbonjour a tous08:11
hmullerdhdj:  System > Preferences > Power Management08:11
dhdji have the screensaver turned off, and power save off, and its still blanking on me08:11
riotkittieless /var/log/dmesg08:11
riotkittieless /var/log/<somelog>08:11
EvilBroriotkittie: Ah, well there's the catch, I've already looked there, but the error message I've seen wasn't in that log....08:12
DigitalNinjais there an ati driver? On my laptop running Feisty I have an "ati" driver. A friend running Gutsy has the "fglrx".08:12
cyrosim guessing the driver08:12
dhdjhmuller : what about in kde?08:12
XsteelWolfDigitalNinja, there is08:12
Radio_manSame here dhdj..I still havent figured it out either.08:12
hmullerdhdj:  heh, sorry about that, I'm a gnomester08:13
XsteelWolfI don't know what i did , but sometimes the program just freezes up and i can't type,have to close and reopen it,be it be IRC,browser or what soever,the program is running,people talking to me or i still can surf the net just i can't type!08:13
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: fglrx is the binary driver supported by AMD, ati is the open source driver08:13
rds_1375i am presently using vista...I want to change to ubuntu but i dont have the drivers for the display and other hardware...what should i do?08:13
adrienbonjour il y a des francais?08:14
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: ati is usually preferred unless you are wanting to play high performance 3d games08:14
DigitalNinjadystopianray: Which one should we be using?08:14
lloekirds_1375, all drivers included in ubuntu08:14
riotkittieomg. i have two processors? :O08:14
lloekiadrien, wep, mais tu devrais aller sur #ubuntu-fr08:14
dhdjrds_1375 : you should try kubuntu, its easier on new people08:14
EvilBroriotkitty: The error message I see has something to do with firestarter, would that be in dmesg?08:14
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Radio_manAs long as I move the mouse or use the key board it wont blank..but left alone for 5 mins..the display goes to sleep..any suggestions.08:14
XsteelWolfI don't know what i did , but sometimes the program just freezes up and i can't type,have to close and reopen it,be it be IRC,browser or what soever,the program is running,people talking to me or i still can surf the net just i can't type!08:14
DigitalNinjadystopianray: Okay, here's the problem. I have compiz working on my laptop. We can't get it working on my friends laptop08:14
=== thegeek[movie] is now known as humblerodent
adrienc ou?08:14
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: i don't know about your friend, but should probably stick with ati08:14
XsteelWolfrds_1375, what hardware are those08:14
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: it doesn't work properly with fglrx08:14
EvilBroriotkitty: If it should be, it isn't...08:14
riotkittieEvilBro: i have no clue.  maybe in messages.08:15
lloekiadrien, tapes /join #ubuntu-fr08:15
rds_1375i am presently using vista...I want to change to ubuntu but i dont have the drivers for the display and other hardware...what should i do?08:15
rds_137512:43:44 | * lm_t7 (n=rofllolz@cpe-72-191-26-33.satx.res.rr.com) has quit IR08:15
lloekirds_1375, you don't need drivers08:15
riotkittierds_1375: you dont need drivers.08:15
lloekiadrien, de rien :)08:16
hmulleranybody out there using AIDE?08:16
DigitalNinjadystopianray: Can't get it working with fglrx08:16
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: it's not supposed to work08:16
EvilBroIs there a tool that allows me to search the text inside a bunch of files?08:16
lloekirds_1375, all drivers for anything supported are included, so you need not worry08:16
dystopianrayEvilBro: grep?08:16
hmullerlloeki: riotkittie:  Tell that to my O2Micro Smartcard reader!08:16
jofranoalguien en español???08:16
DigitalNinjadystopianray: So he should switch to ati?08:16
EvilAIMmmmm grep08:16
EvilAIMWhat a great command.08:16
EvilAIMI use it all the time too08:17
EvilBrodystopianray: of course... how silly of me...08:17
elkbuntujofrano, en #ubuntu-es, gracias08:17
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: ati may not support his video card08:17
lloekihmuller, "for anything supported" ;)08:17
hmulleralways a caveat!08:17
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: and if he wants to play 3d games then fglrx is probably the better choice08:17
DigitalNinjadystopianray:  x130008:17
riotkittiehmuller:  smartcard readers arent essential for an install, so i dont care about them at the moment :P08:17
=== BigCanOfTuna_ is now known as BigCanOfTuna
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: hrrm actually 'ati' is the driver for really really old cards, radeon is the other open source driver08:18
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: his card is only supported by fglrx so there is nothing he can do08:18
DigitalNinjadystopianray: So he can't run compiz?08:19
EvilBrodystopianray: Is there a way to make grep report in which file he found a certain match?08:19
dystopianrayEvilBro: it does so automatically if you give the files as an argument to grep08:19
don16140Hi everyone. 1st time install of Ubuntu and learning Linux. Really nice OS after using windows all these years08:19
sayanrijujoin #fluxbuntu08:19
eido_can someone help me to configure compiz-fusion, I installed the compiz-setting manager so I could customize the options, the graphic card i'm using is a radeon mobility m6 I set the desktops to 4 and tried replacing with emerald but neither emerald or compiz is working...fresh 7.10 install08:20
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: he can if he uses xgl, but there are problems assocaited with that08:20
Radio_manNice don..welcome.08:20
arooniwhere do i want to go in ubuntu to make sure modules are loaded on startup (Add "nfs" and "nfsd" to /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 to have the modules loaded each time you boot. )  i dont have a /etc/modules.autoload directory08:20
don16140thanks radio08:20
DigitalNinjadystopianray: I see08:20
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: or if he installst he very latest driver released a few days ago that does support aiglx08:20
DigitalNinjadystopianray: You mean the ati drive from ati?08:20
EvilBrodystopianray: You are of course correct... I must learn to read better...08:20
dystopianrayDigitalNinja: the latest fglrx from ati, 8.42.308:20
DigitalNinjadystopianray: I see08:21
DigitalNinjawill have to try08:21
DigitalNinjanext week08:21
eido_I also turned on all third party sources but compiz is not working08:21
DigitalNinjadystopianray: Thanks for the info08:21
dystopianrayeido_: what video card do you have?08:21
eido_radeon mobility m608:22
aroonianyone where i need to go to add modules to be modprobed on startup?08:22
EvilBrocd etc08:22
b0r3dhey. can i resize partitions when installing ubuntu08:22
eido_dystopianray: radeon mobility m608:22
hmullerarooni:  You might try /etc/modprobe.d/08:23
dystopianrayeido_: are you using the radeon or fglrx driver?08:23
anandanbub0r3d: Yeah you can do it08:23
aroonihmuller, what file to i want to edit there08:23
b0r3danandanbu, not in the installation throu08:23
Ronan35230Hi all !08:23
eido_dystopianray: xorg reads ATI Tech Radeon Mobility M6 Driver: ati08:23
don16140Take it easy Radio Man and thanks for the welcome. I want to check out & try to learn this os.08:24
timobquestion, i am installing ubuntu 7.10 , the live desktop installer gets the corret resolution of the monitor 1680x1050@60Hz but for some reason the screen is off center and squashed .... any ideas?08:24
Radio_manOk don..be good.08:24
dystopianrayeido_: and what driver is it using?08:24
anandanbub0r3d: You can do it while installing or after installing using the gpart tool08:24
don16140Thanks & good night08:24
hmullerarooni: i'm peeking in the directory08:24
b0r3danandanbu, while installing.. i'm on the ubuntu desktop now08:24
eido_dystopianray: sorry how can I determine that08:24
b0r3danandanbu, i selected manual for partition08:24
b0r3danandanbu, itdoesn't give me the option to resize08:25
webpirate_hello again all I am back after clean isntall08:25
dystopianrayeido_: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:25
aroonihmuller, thanks much!08:25
dbmoodboh hi bored08:25
webpirate_I am getting this error  Checking for Xgl: not present.08:25
webpirate_No whitelisted driver found08:25
Ronan35230Sorry for my english, I'm a french man. I have a problem with configure a e-mail client. I configure "free" smtp (smtp.free.fr) and is don't possible form to send e-mail08:25
anandanbub0r3d: go back and check there would be an option for resizing the partition08:25
dbmoodbgood so yeah he is trying to (bored) resize his vista partition how does he dot hat ?08:25
dbmoodboh ... there he missed it08:25
anandanbub0r3d: in the previous menu08:25
webpirate_I have Nvidia drivers all setup and getting 5000fps in glxgears08:25
b0r3danandanbu, theres not08:26
werswhat will happen if I remove mono? :D08:26
dbmoodbbored there is08:26
dbmoodbi have done it08:26
webpirate_but when running compiz-fusion in 7.10 I get Checking for Xgl: not present.08:26
webpirate_No whitelisted driver found08:26
dystopianraywebpirate_: why do you want to use xgl?08:26
webpirate_any ideas?08:26
anandanbub0r3d: are you doing a fresh installation or what08:26
b0r3dshould I select the vista partition and click next?08:26
b0r3danandanbu, install from the cd08:26
webpirate_it works ok when I install XGL...but uses lots of processor08:26
eido_dystopianray: output reads; "kdb" "mouse" "synaptics" "wacom" &"ati"08:26
b0r3dthat i burnt (desktop)(08:26
hmullerarooni:  looking in the wrong place, checkout /etc/modules08:27
cyrosanyone know where that new finder thing in xubuntu 7.10 is? or is a gnome only thing?08:27
anandanbub0r3d: no do you have any other OS installed in your system08:27
dbmoodbhe has vista08:27
b0r3danandanbu, vista08:27
dystopianrayeido_: do you get 3d acceleration with that driver? I think it should run compiz08:27
b0r3d2 partition, vista on C: and HP recovery on D:08:27
aroonihmuller, bash: cd: /etc/modules: Not a directory08:27
anandanbub0r3d: are you installing in the free space or trying to resize the vista installed drive08:27
b0r3dshall I select the vista partition and click next in the Prepare partitions?08:27
webpirate_yes 3d works08:27
b0r3danandanbu, there is no free space08:28
hmullerarooni:  not a directory, a file08:28
eido_dystopianray: sorry how can I determine that....it did not give an option for restricted drivers on my video card just for my modem08:28
hmullercat /etc/modules08:28
anandanbub0r3d: sorry then i have no idea about it08:28
b0r3danandanbu, i mean the vista partition curretnly spans all the hdd08:28
dystopianrayeido_: your card is probably much too old for fglrx08:28
webpirate_just strange that compiz is looking for XGL with nvidia card08:28
dbmoodbthat is want we mean bored08:28
dystopianrayeido_: glxinfo | grep direct08:28
webpirate_I have nvidia 7800gs 256meg08:28
b0r3dshall I select the vista partition and click next in the Prepare partitions?08:28
hl3fxim having some trouble installing my PCMCIA wireless card.  iv been at it for some time now, its an avaya wireless gold w/ orinoco chipset.  im using Xubuntu gutsy with all the latest updates.  iv been through a lot of threads in the forums and guides, cant seem to get things to work right.08:28
dbmoodbno wait ...08:29
dystopianraywebpirate_: you don't need to use xgl with that card08:29
=== BigCanOfTuna_ is now known as BigCanOfTuna
dbmoodbbored have you tried to resize it ?08:29
eido_dystopianray: output is yes for direct rendering08:29
b0r3dhell i can't see where08:29
dbmoodbwhat have you done exactly08:29
b0r3dthere is option to resize08:29
hl3fxthe drivers are pre-installed i know.  when i plug it in it comes up as eth2.  i want to install the latest orinoco .15 drivers although i get a "wireless extensions are not enabled".  i found a tutorial on how to edit the kernel to enable them, although im having trouble implementing the new kernel08:29
cyrosah shit used the restricted nvidia driver now i got the black screen damn08:29
dbmoodbno no ....... omfg08:29
webpirate_thats what I thought but I get an error when I try to run compiz without XGL08:29
webpirate_ps -e | grep compiz08:29
dystopianrayeido_: i think it should work with compiz then08:29
webpirate_No whitelisted driver found08:29
dbmoodbok bored stop your in manual right ?08:29
b0r3di just clicked on the install08:29
dbmoodbyes we know that08:29
b0r3di'm in manual08:29
eido_dystopianray: I had compiz-fusion working on 7.0408:29
b0r3din Prepare partitions08:30
dbmoodbso you select your vista partitoin08:30
dbmoodbedit it to a smaller size08:30
arooniwill NFS be able to *sync* changes between files back and forth between client & server?  or can i only *view* files when i'm connected to a given network?08:30
dystopianraywebpirate_: do you have nvidia-glx-new installed?08:30
dbmoodbthen wait08:30
dystopianrayarooni: nfs is read/write08:30
b0r3dEdit a partition: Use as: ntfs, Mount point: /media/sda108:30
webpirate_Yes all 3d is working ok 5000+ fps in glxgears08:30
eido_dystopianray: none of the settings are taking effect in compiz settings manager08:30
dbmoodb yes that is good08:30
hmulleraide.conf.autogenerated causing me grief08:30
b0r3dthere is no option to resize08:30
dbmoodbbored then --> go back to the window sroom this is floorind08:30
webpirate_nvidia logo show up at boot08:30
dbmoodbcome back to the windows room ok ?08:30
dystopianrayeido_: i can't help much more, I don't use compiz or ati hardware08:31
aroonidystopianray, so i can sync a file to my laptop, disconnect from network, then hook back up to the network and changes should be synced automatically?08:31
aroonihow can i get my DNS name for my computer?08:31
webpirate_does anyone have nvidia card with compiz in 7.10..?08:31
timobanyone have resolution issues with 7.10 on a 1680x1050 monitor?08:31
kahrytanweb_knows,  Why?08:31
dystopianrayarooni: you cannot use nfs if you are disconnected from the server08:31
hmullerwebpirate:  8400M GS08:31
kahrytanwebpirate_,  why?08:31
cyrosoh i rebooted and it worked08:31
dystopianrayarooni: it's a simple read/write network filesystem08:31
webpirate_can you check your Xorg.conf and tell me where to put the AIGLX stuff08:31
cyrosscared for a min08:31
galve1I think my network card is bad - do I have to do anything special to replace it ?  Also any recomendation on a good wireless card to replace it?08:31
kahrytanwebpirate_,  why put it in there?08:31
aroonidystopianray, ah ok08:31
webpirate_well I think I need it to get compiz working properly08:32
gordonjcptimob: I found that Ubuntu defaults to 50Hz which my LCD won't really work with, but works great with 55Hz08:32
dystopianraygalve1: anything from intel usually works perfectly08:32
webpirate_Option         "AIGLX" "true" <<----where do I put it?08:32
dystopianraywebpirate_: you don't need that08:32
webpirate_ok could that be my problem with compiz not working then?08:32
hmullerwebpirate:  It's not in my xorg.conf08:33
webpirate_because I have it in my serverlayout section08:33
galve1Dystopianray - ok so I get a new card, then what how do I install the new drivers?08:33
aroonii have a laptop and a desktop... id like to be able to edit files on my laptop when i'm not connected to my home network.  when i come home and hook my laptop up to the network, id like the changes to a given directory (like My Documents) to be synced between laptop & the pc.  can this be done in linux?08:33
dystopianraygalve1: you don't it will 'just work'08:33
webpirate_hmullrt>>so you have nvidia card?08:33
dystopianraywebpirate_: it shouldn't matter08:33
dystopianraywebpirate_: do you have nvidia-glx-new ?08:33
hmullerwebpirate:  integrated, yues08:33
webpirate_yes...restricted drivers are installed08:33
kahrytanwebpirate_,  I have a fx5200 and I dont use AIGLX08:33
=== BigCanOfTuna_ is now known as BigCanOfTuna
galve1dystopianray - thanks for the advice I'll see what I can get08:34
webpirate_ok I will try to remove it and then come back...08:34
dystopianraywebpirate_: do you specifically have nvidia-glx-new installed?08:34
hmullerwebpirate: what's not working with compiz?08:34
kahrytanwebpirate_,  Only thing I got is Section "Module";Load"glx";EndSection at the end08:34
webpirate_I will check if I have those ones...I just enables restricted drivers I just assumes it knew what to do....brb08:34
hmullerit's not configured for all bells and whistles out of the box you know08:34
icewater1anhi, can i install ubuntu from debian (into a chroot environment)?08:34
galve1BTW what is the IRC command to leave?08:35
webpirate_ok I do have the nvidia-glx-new drivers isntalled08:35
icewater1angalve1: to leave a channel it is /part08:35
hmullerwebpirate:  don't forget to install compizconfig-settings-manager, that's what I use to configure compiz08:36
webpirate_The problem I have with compiz is it won't load and I get this error Checking for Xgl: not present.08:36
webpirate_No whitelisted driver found08:36
webpirate_aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity08:36
webpirate_metacity: Unknown option -c08:36
webpirate_i get 5000+ fps with glxgears08:36
jscinozis there a limit to how big a package can be and still be able to install correctly?08:37
joerackGuys, i'm getting a The '/home/joerack' directory does not belong to you.Point $HOME to your home directory and try again .08:37
kahrytanwebpirate_,  do you have restricted drivers installed?08:37
dirtyhandawhats the command to see all open ports?08:37
webpirate_yes...restricted drivers are installed08:37
joerackwhile installing crossover linux, what does it mean?08:37
timobif i leave the ubuntu installer to install partitions on a  blank hdd how will it create the parititons?08:37
dirtyhandi wanna see if this program is running08:37
cyrosis there a key command for the new finder?08:37
webpirate_I will be back in a sec...restarting X08:37
dystopianraytimob: it probably creates one swap partition and one giant / partition08:37
hmullertimob:  if you use guided, it'll create a root and swap partition08:38
timobdystopianray, hmuller: ok thanks08:38
webpirate_I am back08:39
webpirate_I removed the reference to AIGLX in my xorg.conf and still no go with compiz08:39
timobhow about if i want to install grub to my sata drive (ive got 2 ide drives) .... do i use (hd2) ?08:39
dystopianrayis anyone else getting colour fringes around fonts with the nvidia binary driver?08:39
jscinozjoerack, try this in console/terminal "chown root.root -R /home/joerack"08:40
kahrytanwebpirate_,  does it have Load  "glx";?08:40
hmullerdystopianray:  not here08:40
jscinozjoerack, oops, add sudo the the start of that so its "sudo chown root.root -R /home/joerack" then reboot08:40
webpirate_Glx is working ok everything seems normal except compiz08:40
webpirate_opengl screensavers run smoothly too08:40
rxKaffeewhat do I need to modprobe from feisty to mount an initramfs image?08:40
dystopianrayhmuller: what is the output of this? xdpyinfo | grep dots08:40
webpirate_can someone send me thier xorg.conf08:41
webpirate_if they have nvidia card that is..08:41
hmullerdystopianray:  resolution:    121x120 dots per inch08:41
webpirate_this sucks I erased my install for nothing... :(08:41
joerackjscinoz: worked a charm thanks08:41
tuntunwhat command do I use to check what disks are mounted?08:41
Lardarseis it possible to add windows safe mode to the grub menu?08:42
jscinozjoerack, no problem :)08:42
jribjoerack: why change ownelship to root?08:42
steve__yo, am i in ubuntu forums?08:42
jscinozhey guys, is there a limit to how big a package can be and still be able to install correctly, i'm just repackaging a game i bought (ETQW) for personal use, yet the package is corrupt, could this be due to the fact the .deb is 4.2gb?08:42
hmullerwebpirate:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42332/08:42
webpirate_no this is the utnubu forums08:42
jribsteve__: nope, try: /join #ubuntuforums08:42
bezibaerchensteve__: jo, NO, your are in chat, not forum08:43
steve__thnx all08:43
steve__got it08:43
steve__jus wanderin, neone use AWN on gutsy?08:43
arooniif i want to run something like : rsync -arvuz /home/user/   and i have DHCP at home ... how do i get around specifying an absolute ip address that might change?08:43
tuntunwhat command do I use to check what disks are mounted?08:43
aroonior ... how can i tell gutsy's wired & wireless connections to use a specicfic IP address08:44
jribtuntun: mount08:44
Bonste1fdisk -l08:44
webpirate_thanks I will try it08:44
kahrytanIsnt there a GLX test?08:44
jscinozarooni,  click the network manager applet, go manual configuration, choose the interface and enter the details needed08:44
tuntunBonstel1: thats not quit it08:44
Yodudehello, how come the tracker search tool isn't set as the default search engine in ubuntu ?08:44
hmullerwebpirate:  xorg.conf's are hardware specific, mine may not work for you08:44
kahrytanwebpirate_,  no no terminal base08:45
webpirate_I know I mean I will compare the two and see what I can do..08:45
pwuertz_jscinoz: I don't think packaging qw:et is a good idea since for every new point release you will have to repack/install your whole 4.2GB package08:45
webpirate_back in a few08:45
aroonijscinoz, but can i do manual configuration for just one connection and have it only apply to that one connection (or is manual config manual config across all connecti0nos)08:46
jscinozarooni, if you do it the way i suggested its for every connection, im not how to make it work on a connection specific basis08:46
hmulleranyONE using aide?08:47
jscinozpwertz_ good point, i wont package it then :P now i just gotta get my repo up for other games i packaged (savage, wolf et, tce)08:47
Yodudehow come the tracker search tool isn't set as the default search engine in ubuntu ?08:47
pwuertz_jscinoz: if you want, you could still package the binary along with some self-made menu entry08:48
joerackjscinoz: could you  please tell me how to revert now i've installed? I can't cancel files from the desktop lol08:48
tuntunShouldn't I see a swap partition with the mount command?08:48
jscinozjoerack, what do you mean by "cancel"?08:48
jscinozpwuertz hmm, but i'd probably have to update that too since updates would likely change the binary >_<08:49
hmullerwell, I'm gonna get some rest.  good night, and good day to all08:49
joerackit says i don't have permissions08:49
jscinozjoerack, ah08:49
pwuertz_jscinoz: ... and symlink the quake resources to your file system for games/user data... I wouldn't put the game files in /08:49
ubot3Factoid unmount not found08:49
tuntunShouldn't I see a swap partition with the mount command?08:49
jscinozjoerack, go back to console, do "sudo chown joerack.joerack -R /home/joerack"08:49
pwuertz_jscinoz: indeed08:50
ubot3Factoid umount not found08:50
ubot3To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:50
jscinozpwuertz, i know, i'm putting them in /usr/share/games/etqw08:50
ubot3swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:50
pwuertz_jscinoz: ah ok... thats / for me ^^08:50
ubot3Services to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)08:50
Barbarellodoes NFSCarbon execute under cedega only? I cant launch it with wine (08:50
jscinozpwuertz, oh you mean on the root partition?08:50
ubot3gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.08:51
joerackperfect, thanks again08:51
ubot3KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gusty and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.08:51
pwuertz_jscinoz: ya... I don't have a /usr partition.... only /home and some /media08:51
jscinozi have /, /boot and /home08:51
jscinoz20gb, 140gb, 250mb respectively08:52
jscinozoops wrong way around08:52
kahrytanBarbarello,  please msg the bot  instead of flooding chat08:52
jscinozargh lag08:52
jscinoz / = 20gb, /home = 140gb, /boot =250mb08:52
Bonste1whats the command to unmount an ISO?08:53
pwuertz_yea thats what I meant... jscinoz ok... my / is a little bit smaller... but the biggest one is /home.... so thats why I put gamefiles from quake/doom/etqw in home and symlink them to /opt where the pointrelease is installed08:53
=== jared_ is now known as KI4IKL
pwuertz_or just having a folder with games that are not installed in the "unix way"08:54
Traveler8i'm not sure if my setserial is running on start up. exactly how can i invoke setserial onstartup08:58
jscinozpwuertz, hmm i should probably do that but i can always resize partitions :D08:59
sinfulHi guys08:59
rdvonanyone want to join a game of frozen bubble? we've got 3 players, so hurry and join the server!08:59
webpirate_hello again all...08:59
webpirate_I have a report of what the problem was...08:59
webpirate_i was getting an error when I tried to start compiz09:00
webpirate_it turns out that it was an error in my xorg.conf09:00
* titanix88 loughs09:00
webpirate_my Section "Files" had paths under it...I had to clear it out and now everything works as it should09:01
shekharhello can someone tell me if i am migrating /home to a fresh install how do i set the permissions before logging into gnome for the first time?09:01
webpirate_so if anyone is having the same troubles you know how to fix it09:01
sdrowkcabwhat application do i use to convert audio?09:01
=== BigCanOfTuna_ is now known as BigCanOfTuna
sinfulmaybe I am in way over my head lol *hangs head*09:02
webpirate_sinful>> whats up?09:02
Bonste1whats the command to unmount ISOs?09:02
sinfulJust I am way new to this and some of the jargon I'm totally understands09:03
linuxn00b314 I have ati x1950pro and when i installed ubuntu 7.10 i got the black screen.09:03
linuxn00b314(3:05:27 AM) linuxn00b314: (3:00:54 AM) linuxn00b314: any words of advice?09:03
webpirate_what are you having troubles with?09:03
Bonste1sdrowkcab: a longer example plz?09:03
steviedeeim in pidgin now09:03
Traveler8i don't hink my setserial runs on startup, how do i make it run on startup????????09:03
sdrowkcabim a newbie sorry09:04
dbmoodblinux use safe graphis09:04
dbmoodbsafe graphics *09:04
=== BigCanOfTuna_ is now known as BigCanOfTuna
sinfulis thier a video editing softwear abiviabul to Ubuntu people09:04
linuxn00b314dbmoodb what do u mean09:04
timobsinful: ask ubotu , or try using wikipedia09:04
sinfulLike Windows Movie maker of Linux09:04
sdrowkcabumount /media/"$filename"/09:04
webpirate_Sinfull>> thee are 2 major packages for video editing they are called KINO and CINELERRA09:04
sdrowkcabwhat application do i use to convert audio?09:05
timobaparrently the installer uses upto 1% of hdd size for swap ... i ve got 3gb swap , i guess it knows bets....09:05
sinfulAll go look for those  thanx09:05
Traveler8WHat Up09:05
webpirate_sdrowkcab>> you can use audacity for conversion09:05
arooni_anyone know unison?  is there a GUI for it that i can use in ubuntu?09:05
Traveler8ich habe eine freund in deu09:05
steviedeeAWN users?09:05
webpirate_sinfull>> Kino will actually let you hook up your camcorder and get video right from the camera09:06
inversekinetixdoes kiba dock work in 7.10 yet?09:06
Traveler8i don't think my setserial is starting correclty09:07
webpirate_does anyone have troubles downloding flash 9 from adobe site? it's been sloe for the last years or so09:07
webpirate_what is setserial?09:07
linuxn00b314dbmoodb, im not runnig from the cd.  when i tried to use the ati driver it wont load ubuntu on restart09:07
webpirate_I saw a youtube video where someone had KIBA DOCK on 7.1009:08
Traveler8if you don't know i'm not going to tell you , i'm seeking answers not seeking ot give answers09:08
Traveler8(it lets you configure ports for knda rare or none linux frienldy devices09:08
Traveler8for devices09:08
dn4Where do I get drivers for my CREATIVE LABS 3D BLASTER RIVA TNT2 AGP 32MB 128BIT PN: 400104930109:08
Traveler8like modems, tablets, whatever09:08
webpirate_Traveler8>> ok..sorry....I have not used setserial.....09:09
Traveler8it's cool09:09
mcp_Whats the state of the telepathy-framwork in gutsy? Is it useable for google-talk voip?09:09
webpirate_MCP>> there is a program that lets you use the google talk protocol....but I forget what its called....09:09
linuxn00b314 I have ati x1950pro and when i installed ubuntu 7.10 i got the black screen.09:10
linuxn00b314(3:05:27 AM) linuxn00b314: (3:00:54 AM) linuxn00b314: any words of advice?09:10
webpirate_it's one of those all in one voip programs like kopete09:10
webpirate_Linuxnoob>> I used to have the same card and I could not use 64bit linux.....09:11
webpirate_are your num lock keys and scroll lock keys blinking when the screen is black?09:11
arooni_folks when i try to ssh to my laptop (which is on the same home dlink network) using ssh .... i get ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused09:12
arooni_  ... ideas?09:12
kousotuwhat program can convert WAV to MP3 or OGG?09:12
Dima50Please give me advise. I've just install Ubunut 7.04 upot Ubuntu 7.04 on the same discks09:12
Dima50When Instalation was finished I try to boot my PC but it sad: Grub Erorr 1509:12
Dima50What to do? How to slove this problem?09:12
macogwanyone here ever have where the windows don't draw right? the grey parts and the white areas where you make selections inside dialogs are there, but no text or items or anything?  i'm trying to add another wallpaper, and the file list is missing, as are buttons like "open"09:12
webpirateKoisotu>> use audacity09:12
steve__Neone on AWN?09:12
NuggyHi All, I was wondering if anyone knows if any decent NFS frontends for 7.10 exist?09:12
kousotuwebpirate: I think I have that..09:13
kousotuwebpirate: will give it a hot09:13
linuxn00b314 webpirate_ im just going to try the 32 bit then09:13
linuxn00b314 webpirate_ thanls09:13
webpiratelinuxnoob>> are you trying to use 64bit?09:13
linuxn00b314 webpirate_ r u just using 32 bit then?09:13
webpiratetry 32 bit.....I could never get 64bit working with ATI card...but that was in 7.0409:13
webpirateI switched to Nvidia strictly for linux,...I got tired of the ATI problems09:14
webpirateI have been happy ever since I switched to nvidia...I used to swear by ATI09:14
webpirateand Nvidia has a better control panel for linux too...09:15
XB23hey guys, how do hosting companys stop other people from going into system files or other users directorys in ubuntu?09:15
heartsbloodis it possible to pass the name of a program with options in an autostart file?09:15
gordonjcpXB23: depends how you access the server09:15
XB23ssh gordonjcp09:15
XB23or ftp09:15
gordonjcpXB23: you can't, really09:15
gordonjcpXB23: FTP you can do something about09:16
BarbarelloRecommend a firewall please! Need to be able control over applications: enable or disable network access in my choise depend.09:16
webpirateXB23>> if you have ssh access you can check your permissions09:16
gordonjcpif you can SSH in, you can read anything you've got permissions to09:16
XB23ah i see09:16
XB23what about rbash09:16
XB23to restrict users leavin there home directory09:16
heartsbloodgordonjcp: o.o?  the heck you cant09:16
XB23mind u i suppose u can bypass that with perl or somet09:16
webpirateXB23>> most hosting places don't grand ssh access unless you have deticated server09:16
heartsbloodXB23: chmod 700 the files you want to keep private.  problem solved.09:17
ubot3Factoid gfx not found09:17
ubot3Factoid opengl not found09:17
XB23its mainly for ircds webpirate09:17
webpirateis it shared hosting?09:17
XB231 box with different ips and accounts09:17
sdrowkcabhow do I crack WPA with ubuntu?09:18
arooni_anyone famialiar with unison?  is this something that be done automagically?  like run every so often?  does anyone have it set up?09:18
XB23i know in bsd there is the jails function09:18
webpiratethey probably won't grant you ssh access but what are you trying to do?09:18
linuxn00b314webpirate do u think my card will work with 32 bit though?09:18
heartsbloodXB23: no idea what that is, but if your using ssh on a server and you dont want people seeing inside your workspace, or other just chmod 700 your ~ and nobody will be able to look inside (other than root).09:18
XB23what about system files heartsblood09:18
heartsbloodXB23: jail is more or less used for ftp sessions only.  when you use ssh it reads system file permissions09:18
XB23is there anything they can read in there that they shouldnt09:19
XB23such as passwords/ mysql databases09:19
webpirateif you want to deny access or password protect files you can to that from Cpanel if thats what they use09:19
heartsbloodgenerally speaking, no.09:19
heartsbloodbut that's not an absolute.09:19
gordonjcpheartsblood: can't what?09:20
webpiratecheck the filemanager in cpanel and then change the permissions09:20
heartsbloodXB23: for most files on the system the average user will have -read- access.  if your the system admin you can remove that if you want09:20
XB23yeh but if i chmod the system files how are the binarys and libs going to read them09:20
XB23can they over ride that09:20
gordonjcpXB23: no, they can't09:20
punzadaQuestion, I boot ubuntu from a small ext3 partition I made and am looking to add to it (possibly by just mounting another ext3 partition to it). I'm trying to resize my xp partition (which I just defragmented for safe measure) to give some space and reformat but gparted won't let me resize it (it's fat32). Any ideas?09:20
webpirateyou can change the permission to execute only...09:21
gordonjcpXB23: don't change the permissions on any of the system files09:21
heartsbloodXB23: you dont want to bind users too much or it will be a pain for them to work with09:21
XB23wonder if xen is a good option09:21
heartsbloodXB23: --x is always an option but a hassle sometimes09:21
gordonjcpXB23: it depends what you're trying to do09:21
webpiratexb23.....I seriously would not worry too much unless you got government documents on the server...09:22
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!09:22
gordonjcpXB23: bear in mind that if you're serving up web pages, then if nothing else the web server will need to be able to read the files09:22
webpiratethe server are usually pretty good at setting the permissions for you09:22
heartsbloodwebpirate <--- what he said09:22
XB23ah i see09:22
XB23but what about things such as mysql database files09:22
XB23or system password files09:22
XB23cant they vi them?09:22
heartsbloodXB23: they're not saved in cleartext.09:22
webpirateif you are putting them in php files you will be ok09:23
ubot3GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php09:23
kousotuwhat program can convert WAV to MP3 or OGG? (audacity is NOT what I was looking for)09:23
macogwkousotu: ffmpeg09:23
gordonjcpkousotu: lame for mp3, oggenc for ogg ;-)09:23
MilhousePunkRockI am having problems with networking on the Live CD of Gutsy, it's an ethernet connection with static IP, configured with network manager, still ifconfig only shows the IPv6 address and the network is unreachable09:23
heartsbloodXB23: if sombody wants to attack your sql server they'll do it from the servers access port.  not from within the system09:23
macogwkousotu: it's a transcoder. audacity is for music editing09:23
webpirateset your passwords and mysql stuff in php format09:23
Rolf_LAP_Skaarmmm, windows tend to dissapear while using compiz fusion.09:23
linuxn00b314oxeimon what up homie g09:23
dn4brb rebooting09:24
webpiratebe sure to set them as variables eg: password="password"09:24
Detrahi ... I just restarted ubuntu and now when I try to start it it says: "too much work for irq 18" What does that mean ?// I cant get into ubuntu ... Im on my friends machine now ...09:24
b0r3dbrb rootin09:24
kousotumacogw: there was a tool that was used to reincode, I just don't remember it09:24
macogwRolf_LAP_Skaar: if you use the scale plugin and click the background instead of a window, it does "show desktop" and you need to alt+tab to make them visible again09:24
webpirateusually the sql server are attacked by sql injection09:24
macogwkousotu: idk, i just know ffmpeg will transcode. it's command line though.  there are front-ends, the only one i can think of right now is vive though09:24
heartsbloodDetra: you have too many devices using irq18.  try taking out your pci cards and restarting to see if that helps.09:24
gordonjcpheartsblood: you wouldn't normally expose the mysql server port to a routable interface though09:25
Bonste1kousotu: Add/remove search convert09:25
oxeimonlinuxn00b314: you need to denouce your greek citizenship. Africa doesn't like greece.09:25
Rolf_LAP_Skaarmacow> ok, thank you.09:25
kousotuBonste1: I did09:25
kousotuBonste1: couldn't find one :(09:25
MilhousePunkRockAnything else I need to set in network manager? I have IP, subnet, gateway and DNS set there...09:25
Detraheartsblood, But what do you think it is ?09:25
Bonste1theres 1 call sound converter09:26
Detraheartsblood, my video card ?09:26
kousotuReading state information... Done09:26
kousotuE: Couldn't find package vive09:26
ubot3For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:26
heartsbloodgordonjcp: Not everybody ubuntu box uses a linksys router, nor do databases always exist on the same machine as the webserver.09:26
macogwkousotu: it's not in the repos09:26
gordonjcpheartsblood: I know this09:26
macogwkousotu: i compiled it when i used it before09:26
linuxn00b314oxeimon: suck it09:26
kousotumacogw: there was one in the repo09:26
kousotumacogw: I just can't think of it :(09:26
macogwkousotu: you could do "apt-cache search ffmpeg" and see what all comes up09:27
gordonjcpheartsblood: what I'm saying is, if you're actually exposing 3306 to the outside world, you're basically insane anyway09:27
heartsbloodDetra: irq 18 is normally for wireless cards, but it could be anything.09:27
Detraheartsblood, ok ... Im dont have a wireless card ... But can't I change the irq channels or something ?09:27
Bonste1kousotu: u try Sound converter?09:27
kousotuit's not there :(09:28
heartsbloodDetra: take all the non-essential cards out of your system and try to start your system.  the problem may be as easy as changing pci slots (if this is a pc and not a laptop)09:28
Bonste1try repo09:28
punzadanevermind, wasn't running it with root lol09:28
eido_my laptop takes five minutes to boot after grub countdown ...black screen only, is there a way to see what is going on?09:28
Detraheartsblood, it is ...09:28
kousotuI'll try the KDE soundkonverter09:29
Detraheartsblood, what if its my videocard ?09:29
kousotu(I have both on my install09:29
heartsbloodDetra: start the system with only your video card and disable all onboard (built-in) pci devices ethernet/sound/etc.09:29
heartsbloodDetra: AGP/PCI?09:29
tarelerulzI must be missing something I have  downloaded a movie with bittornado and I told it the righ .torrent file and I told it to look in /home/username/torents/  where I all have the movie download and I thought it would check it was there and start sharing ,but it started trying to download it and I never seem to have more then one peer? what am I doing wrong09:29
Detraheartsblood, pci-e09:29
DAC1138eido_, look through synaptic and find a grub/bootloader config utility09:29
BarbarelloCant you advise a firewall for linuks, please. Need to control using of network by appl directly.09:29
DAC1138eido_, there will be settings there to configure the boot screen and the resolution it uses. try lowering the resolution with that utility and see if that works09:30
heartsbloodDetra: do you have 2 cards or one?09:30
DAC1138tarelerulz, try #bittornado ?09:30
Detraheartsblood, but I have the onboard ...09:30
eido_DAC1138: thank you09:30
nyarla_could somebody remind me the name of the ubuntu app that read news (nntp) the way that forte agent does?09:30
tarelerulzthanks DAC09:30
DAC1138eido_, i had the same problem, i just played with the settings until it worked. just keep playing with it and you'll get it too09:31
heartsbloodDetra: disable the onboard video card first of all.  any pci-e device should use dynamic irq assignments. (ie they'll use whatever isn't being used)09:31
gordonjcpheartsblood: basically if you're splitting (say) a db server and a web server, then you'd have the db server exposed to a non-routable network, so that any db traffic remains behind your firewall (and indeed never leaves the local segment anyway)09:31
nyarla_or any good usenet reader?09:31
Detraheartsblood, ok .. thx ...09:31
DAC1138tarelerulz, #bittornado would know the specific problem, as most people in here probably use something different (i use deluge)09:31
heartsbloodgordonjcp: again, databases arn't always in the same place as the servers that need to request them.09:32
zewbsometimes the databases are hidden in people's asses09:32
gordonjcpheartsblood: yes, but you would never ever under any circumstances have 3306 exposed to the Internet09:33
tarelerulz DAC1138 , I have use Deluge and I have had nothing ,but problems with it.  It don't seem to work that well, and ktorrent do seem to see that many peers ever  so I don't know if I don't config the  bit torrents right or I just have lam routers09:34
gordonjcpheartsblood: not unless you were doing something *extremely* unusual and crazy09:34
heartsbloodgordonjcp: no09:34
gordonjcpheartsblood: uhm, yes09:34
gordonjcpheartsblood: at the very minimum you'd pass the traffic over a VPN09:35
zewbtarelerulz: can you please use english in this channel?09:35
heartsbloodgordjcp: the company I work for has a database cluster in dalas, our web servers are in DC.09:35
zewbtarelerulz: can you please use english in this channel?09:35
gordonjcpheartsblood: but there's no reason at all to expose the SQL server port to the Internet anyway; you'd pretty much only ever use some other interface layer09:35
heartsbloodgordjcp: I'm not going to go into why09:35
jscinozIs the default kernel lowlatency?09:35
gordonjcpheartsblood: you're not going to go into why, because there's no reason why09:35
gordonjcpheartsblood: but anyway, I suspect this is more for #u-ot09:36
kousotuhow do you get MP3 in sound converte?09:36
gordonjcpkousotu: lame sound.wav09:37
ubntu001hello can u give me instructions for how to make a part of my hard disc for ubuntu? because i want to have and my windows system and what type of disc it request? for example ntfs? thanks...09:37
sonetreehmm...why is there an Update manager, synaptic package manager and add-remove applications? Don't they do the same thing?09:37
kousotugordonjcp: it's greye out09:37
b0r3dNew restricted drivers in use: In order for this computer to function properly ubuntu is using driver s/w that cannot be supported by Ubuntu09:37
b0r3dI can't seem to be able to enable the nvidia driver09:37
tarelerulzDo most bit torrent clients have checking of your downloads  in them is that a common feature ?  I thought you have to them something  /home/username/torrent and it would find a folder name what the torrent is name and it would look in that and see you have it and start sharing it09:37
gordonjcpkousotu: you don't have lame installed, or whatever sound converter uses for mp3s09:37
b0r3dThe s/w source for the package nvidia-glx-new is not enabled09:37
gordonjcpkousotu: sudo apt-get install lame09:37
gordonjcpsonetre: nearly the same things09:38
b0r3dwhat would the root passwd be by defaut09:39
sonetregordonjcp, can you tell me the difference?09:39
mcp_b0r3d, same as your user password09:39
gordonjcpsonetre: not really, I only ever use apt ;-)09:40
gordonjcpb0r3d: there isn't a root password, use sudo09:40
b0r3dsudo su -09:40
b0r3dand changed it.09:40
b0r3dI have some problems with my nvidia card09:40
b0r3dthe system is not using it09:40
b0r3dNew restricted drivers in use: In order for this computer to function properly ubuntu is using driver s/w that cannot be supported by Ubuntu09:40
b0r3dI tried to enable it: The s/w source for the package nvidia-glx-new is not enabled09:41
eido_I am trying to burn a .bin file with cdrecord -dao speed=1 cuefile=FILE.cue but get an error "Unsupported sector size 2352 for data on line 2 in 'a.cue'.09:41
TatsterHi all.  Is it possible to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 over SSH remotely ?09:41
zewbsolution to all linux problems: sudo rm /etc/*.*09:43
DAC1138tarelerulz, i've used deluge, azureus, bittornado, and the gnome torrent app and transmission. i like deluge personally, but you may have had your problems with it. probably something misconfigured in your router09:44
DAC1138tarelerulz, like i said, check #bittornado and if they suggest it's a router issue check into google for your router configuration for bittorrent clients09:45
gourdin anyone here knows the "flat white shadows" bug  : http://www.lanterne.org/flat-white-shadows.jpg ?09:45
b0r3dI have some problems with my nvidia card09:45
b0r3dNew restricted drivers in use: In order for this computer to function properly ubuntu is using driver s/w that cannot be supported by Ubuntu09:45
b0r3dI tried to enable it: The s/w source for the package nvidia-glx-new is not enabled09:45
cvdhey there, i have deleted the wine from the menu, and know after reinstalling the wine dont create the ' wine-program files' in the m09:45
tarelerulzsorry for talking about it so much I was just wondering is that normal and I am missing something easy to see09:46
cvdhow to restore the wine to the menu09:46
inversekinetixcvd  can you right click on the applications menu and manually add it by choosing edit menus?09:47
newguyhey there just wondering, is there an alternative to the IM program "QQ" for linux?09:47
webpiratehi all09:47
cvdyep, but it supose that wine do it automatically09:47
webpirateanyone have trouble downloading flashplayer from adobe....09:48
inversekinetixi had that problem amongst others with wine09:48
inversekinetixso i will use windows for games09:48
webpiratefor the last year its been super slow for me09:48
dn4what does09:48
dn4Monitor         "Generic Monitor"09:48
dn4        Defaultdepth    2409:48
dn4defaultdepth imply?09:48
webpiratedownloading @ 1.10kbps right now...09:48
dn4does that mean 24bit ?09:48
webpirateeverytime I have to re-install my system I always get stuck at flash....09:48
lars_dn4: it means that the default screen resolution supports 24 bit colors09:48
webpiratecan someone try the following link and tell me if it's slow for you09:49
cvdI've deleted the .wine folder in home and reinstalled wine. My applications menu for wine just doesn't come back. Any thoughts on how to completely restore the fake start menu?09:49
Invert314what's the name of the app which records desktop as video (i want to tape compiz fusion effects)?09:50
Barbarelloinversekinetix #winóHQ09:50
aroonifolks i'm trying to get dual monitors to work with gutsy.  basically one lcd is at 1280x1024, and the other is stuck to a max resolution of 640x480.  both are capable of 1280x1024 and a nvidia geforce 7300 gtotc card.  i have nvidia-settings installed ant the restricted nvidia driver installed.  i have also entered my exact horizontal & vertical refresh speeds for the second lcd.  and restarting.  any other ideas?09:50
lars_webpirate: it's so fast here, that it is fully downloaded before progress can be shown.09:50
webpirateset your screen1 in your xorg.conf to the same as your screen009:50
webpiratehmm...I will call my isp09:50
lars_webpirate: I'm on a 20Mbps ADSL business quality.09:51
heartsbloodwhat is the proper syntax for the Exec line in ~/.config/autostart?  Is it possible to pass a program arguments?09:51
arooniweb_knows, are u talking to me?09:51
arooniwebpirate, i mean09:51
inversekinetixi get that download before the download box opens09:51
webpiratesheesh....I have been wating 12 minutes already09:51
lars_Lol - my hardware information reports, that I have a macintosh mouse button on my pc09:52
lars_I don't have  a mac09:52
inversekinetixtry a speedtest09:52
newguyhey there just wondering, is there an alternative to the IM program "QQ" for linux?09:52
arooniwebpirate, huH?09:53
lars_newguy: xchat09:53
lars_newguy: pidgin09:53
webpirateI am on the phone with my ISP09:53
newguyya but xchat is for mirc, and pidgin is for msn/yahoo etc09:54
newguyim looking for a alt to QQ09:54
dn4how do I restart x09:54
inversekinetixi get better uploads from ubuntu than xp http://www.speedtest.net/result/196438898.png09:54
newguyso i can use the QQ network with a linux client09:54
webpirateI am getting it at 249 bytes per seond09:54
dn4I just edited the xorg.cfg and I want to test out and see if the nvidia driver works09:54
webpirateBYTES not KILOBYTES09:54
lars_newguy: pidgin in ubuntu works with qq09:54
newguyoh cool! sweet ty09:54
detradoes anyone know an alternate site where I can dl envy ?09:55
finalphaseIs there anywhere else to download Envy, its not working off the normal site?09:55
inversekinetixwebpirate want me to send it you?09:55
andy_Is there a keylogger for linux, which would work with a USB keyboard?09:56
webpirateno...it's ok..I have a script thats trying to get it.....:(09:57
gourdinwhat is the command for the power management tool in gusty ?09:57
webpirateI may have to cancel it though...too slow09:57
tarzeauandy_: i know of a usb sniffer, which MIGHT work09:57
sdrowkcabhow do I add French spell check to ubuntu?09:57
finalphaseIs there anywhere else to download Envy, its not working off the normal site?09:57
kalleperssonHi, how's the upgrade to Gutsy going for mist ppl?09:57
andy_tarzeau: what's it called?09:58
tarzeauandy_: usb-robot09:58
andy_would it work with bluetooth09:58
kalleperssonVia the update manager.09:58
gourdinsdrowkcab: apt-cache search spel | grep fr09:58
andy_the keyboard is actually a bluuetooth keyboard09:58
Barbarellohow can i go to "system monitor" by hotkeys or anyway? In the eay if an application halts, how can i kill the process as like as in windows taskmaanger by ctr+alt+delete?09:58
sdrowkcabtype that in the console?09:58
kalleperssonLet me rephrase09:58
webpirateupgrade was fine for me except for one problem....the video resolution was off and I had to manually edit xorg.conf09:58
tarzeauandy_: anything that's USB09:58
kalleperssonI'm thinking about upgrading you see09:58
gourdinsdrowkcab: or try to find packages in adept09:58
tarzeauandy_: there's several tools to capture USB traffic09:59
sdrowkcabi found some but it doesnt com up in open office09:59
tarzeauandy_: usually people know what they type... are you trying to do some illegal stuff?09:59
orduekcan anyone help me please?09:59
kalleperssonDoes upgrading to Gutsy via the update manager usually work or fail?09:59
novato_brplz, somebody knows where can I find videos about zero gravity ?09:59
schnoonixif compiz is installed by default on gibbon how do we access the settings >09:59
icewater1an can anyone tell me the md5sum of the amd64 iso for gutsy?09:59
ubot3thunar is a File Manager for XFCE. It is a lightweight alternative Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease09:59
ubot3Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion10:00
icewater1ani have now downloaded 2 different isos, and the md5sums do not match10:00
ordueki have a JAVA problem10:00
tarzeauandy_: that's nice too: http://stian.lunafish.org/sample-usbptrace.php10:00
dn4Failed to set video mode to 800x600: Couldn't find matching GLX visual10:00
Barbarellohow can i go to "system monitor" by hotkeys or anyway? In the eay if an application halts, how can i kill the process as like as in windows taskmaanger by ctr+alt+delete?10:00
progress0rim on an amd64 dual core sys with 2gb of ram. I run kde on gutsy in 64bit, firefox is driving me nuts because its constantly eating my entire cpu. Anyone else noticed this?10:01
dn4For some reason when I try to use "nvidia" in the xorg.cfg I cannot boot up to a screen, and I cannot do alt+ctrl+f1 to get into a console10:01
dn4I am running gutsy10:01
Bonste1Barbarello: alt+f2 , type in xkill10:01
orduekAzureus doesn't load - it starts loading and then crashes down10:02
progress0rdang! it just did again.10:02
BarbarelloBonste1> ok10:02
Bonste1orduek: Ktorrent10:02
MilhousePunkRockAre there known problems with static IP configurations on the Gutsy CD?10:03
Hans-Martinkallepersson: for me, the upgrade failed (because of evms) and it took me quite some effort to get a working system again10:03
kalleperssonwhat is evms10:04
orduekbonste: but the problem is java10:04
kalleperssonI figure that if the upgrade fails I'll probably just go with openSUSE 10.3 instead10:04
novato_brdo you only talk about ubuntu on this channel?  it's so boring...10:04
orduekand i need to fix my java problem (not only for azureus)10:04
Bonste1then Dl sun-java-610:04
Hans-Martinthe enterprise volume management system10:04
kalleperssonI've run ubuntu for a long time, and i've gotta "try them all"10:04
Lardarsedoes thunar have a "spatial mode" (like in nautilus) where each folder opens in its own window?10:04
novato_brdon't you speak about other things?10:04
Bonste1azureus pretty lame anyways10:04
ubot3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:05
kalleperssonnovato_br: lol.10:05
Hans-Martinnovato_br: there are lots of channels on freenode - you might find one where folks talk about your topics. this one isn't it.10:05
novato_brheheeh kallepersson10:05
novato_brok, Hans-Martin10:06
kalleperssonHe's just trolling I guess.10:06
progress0ris top trustworthy?10:06
Bonste1dl= download10:06
inversekinetixwhats trolling?10:06
[chr0n0s]is there any RSS based downloaders for ubuntu ??10:06
kalleperssonbeaving like an idiot just for fun.10:06
Bonste1Miro for RSS videos10:07
Bonste1and bittorrent10:07
[chr0n0s]inversekinetix, going to #windows and asking "how do i compile windows from source?" is trolling10:07
[chr0n0s]Miro it is then10:07
kousotucompiling windows from source is a funny thought10:08
Bonste1DLL hell10:08
joerackHello! I have a question: I'm experiencing stuttering performance with my ubuntu, wondering if I can improve the situation10:08
bullgard4What does the abbreviation 'bbl' in an IRC chat mean?10:08
[chr0n0s]bbl = be back later10:08
[chr0n0s]joerack, pc specs ?10:09
bullgard4[chr0n0s]: Thank you very much.10:09
nanonymebullgard4, i'd recommend acronymfinder.com10:09
tiagohi does any one have any experience setting up dual head for ati under gusty gibbon?10:09
ubot3ebox: eBox - Base framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-0ubuntu9 (gutsy), package size 127 kB, installed size 1220 kB10:09
ordueki installed java610:09
ordueklooks like something is wrong10:09
joerackchr0n0s: Core 2 duo 6400, 2gb ddr2, geforce 6200LE, sata hdd10:09
orduekanyone here knows VLC?10:09
vanushwhats the main competitor to ubuntu in terms of Linux distros?10:09
Bonste1every1 does10:10
kalleperssonvanush: openSUSE ofc10:10
bullgard4nanonyme: Is THAT all you can contribute to answering this question?10:10
jimcooncatanyone have a link on using ebox with gutsy, please?10:10
ubuntu hi i am running ubuntu live 1.5 ultimate and i went to start beryl and got a blank white screen i was wondering how to update nvidida drivers i got 8500gt please help10:10
kalleperssonvanush: perhaps PcLinuxOs as well. Idk10:10
vanushhm. i might try that then kallepersson, cause I tried pclinuxos and mandriva 2008 and they were extremely similar and borin'10:10
ubot3ebox: eBox - Base framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-0ubuntu9 (gutsy), package size 127 kB, installed size 1220 kB10:10
nanonymebullgard4, i meant about the bbl acronym and any weird acronyms you might see :P i didn't read the conversation from the beginning10:10
kalleperssonubuntu: I don't think Ubuntu Ultimate is supported here.10:10
warblerorduek: I use vlc - what's up?10:10
b0r3dhi. I don't have an internet connection on my ubuntu desktop and i need to install these packageso on it: "sudo aptitude install build-essential linux-headers-generic" where do i get them from?10:10
mosnokallepersson: imho openSUSE has a nicer KDE than Ubuntu, but Ubuntu has a (much) nicer Gnome10:11
kalleperssonvanush: openSUSE 10.3 is awesome.10:11
ubuntuwhere can i get ubuntu ultimate support10:11
Bonste1in nicer meaning pretty?10:11
kalleperssonmosno: Um... the GNOME's of Gutsy and openSUSE 10.3 are exactly the same.10:11
kalleperssonubuntu: Google for it10:11
orduekbonste: Ktorrent works fine on gnome?10:11
mosnoBonste1: they do all these functionality hacks which imho mangle the vanilla Gnome10:11
kalleperssonmosno: except for  a couple of theme changes.10:11
Bonste1orduek: yea10:11
b0r3dwhere do I download the build-essential linux-headers-generic packges from/10:11
WoodruffHello , is there an installation for old computers (256 MB Ram P3 laptop) because the regular livecd installation seems to be very slowly on it10:12
mosnokallepersson: what about the usability changes?10:12
kalleperssonthat Novell did?10:12
Bonste1mosno: examples?10:12
mosnokallepersson: whoever -- the ones in openSUSE10:12
[chr0n0s]b0r3d, use sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic10:12
kalleperssonI see.10:12
mosnoBonste1: eg. the redesign of the 'start' menu10:12
=== icewater1an is now known as icewaterman
novato_brWoodruff, there is alternative, dude10:12
kalleperssonWell those are ofc differend, but it's not like you can't get those neat features on your Ubuntu GNOME as well10:13
kalleperssongtg now10:13
[chr0n0s]Woodruff, you need to download xubuntu10:13
joerackchr0n0s: can anything be done for my ubuntu that runs slower than windows 98?10:13
novato_brWoodruff, you can install other distro10:13
b0r3d[chr0n0s], i don't have inet on the dekstop performing this.. so i have to d/l them on this computer10:13
mosnokallepersson: i didn't say they were neat -- I like Ubuntu's Gnome better10:13
moDumasshey all, i have a problem, i turned on dynamic playlist in "listen" media player and it crashed, now whenever i try to open listen, it opens but doesnt show up, its in system processes as sleeping.. how do i get my media player back?10:13
b0r3dthen copy them with a usb to the ubuntu os10:13
novato_brWoodruff, exist lightweight distro10:13
warblerWoodruff: xubuntu recommends 192mb - so that'll work10:13
tiagohi does any one have any experience setting up dual head for ati under gusty gibbon?10:13
kalleperssonmosno: and I said that they were kind of exactly the same. Sure, there are differences but not -that- many.10:13
mosnohowever, openSUSE's redesign of the *KDE* 'start' menu kicks arse10:13
Woodruffok i will try that xubuntu , any other recommandation novato ?10:14
Woodruffthanks btw10:14
mosnokallepersson: ymmv.10:14
kalleperssonmosno: what do you like the GNOOME "start menu" then?10:14
kripkenHello, is there a way to know *what* process is taking up swap space? I see a lot of swap is being used, but I don't know by what ('virtual memory' isn't helpful)10:14
kalleperssonmosno: haven't seen it?10:14
mosnokallepersson: i didn't understand your question10:15
n2darhi noob here, i just noticed that my hdd is filled, just yesterday i had arnd 15 GB left and now the disp space 100% used :s10:15
kalleperssonnvm, in a hurry now gtg.10:15
Bonste1kripken: system monitor10:15
mosnook. next time try English ;-P10:15
n2darhow can i find out wats wrong?10:15
joerackHello! My ubuntu on core 2 duo is slower than windows98 can anything be done?!10:15
[chr0n0s]b0r3d, use sudo aptitude download build-essential linux-hearders-generic and after download, goto /var/cache/apt/archives/ and copy files to wherever you wish10:15
kripkenBonstel: Thanks, but it says in 'virtual memory' numbers that aren't possible (if I sum all the virtual memory, it is more than is being used)10:15
inversekinetixhow long is a piece of string?10:16
tiagowhat would happen if i were to use a feisty repo under gusty?10:16
b0r3d[chr0n0s], i don't have inet on the ubuntu machine and this is an xp one10:16
Atomic_UEb0r3d, http://packages.ubuntu.com10:17
b0r3di downloaded them10:17
b0r3dnow what args do i give apt10:17
b0r3dto install the .deb fileds10:17
=== Chupa is now known as Andrea
joerackHello! My ubuntu on core 2 duo is slower than windows98 can anything be done?!10:17
Bonste1kripken: clear process then it clear swap memory10:17
Woodruffanyway i can install xubuntu without creating CD but installing it directly from a file i will d/l to my harddrive?10:18
joerackwhat a slow distro...10:18
dn4man this is messed up10:18
tiagoany one know which repository i would find vmware-server-kernel-modules and libssl0.9.7?10:18
=== icewaterman is now known as llcoolm
neumindhi what i need to do when i loging in to ubuntu, but i out of disk space and cant login?10:18
dn4for some reason my old 32mb AGP RIVA TNT2 doesn't work10:18
dn4with gutsy :(10:18
=== llcoolm is now known as icewaterman
kripkenBonstel: I'm not sure I understand but I'll try10:18
ubot3Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs10:18
n2darhi noob here, i just noticed that my hdd is filled, just yesterday i had arnd 15 GB left and now the disp space 100% used :s10:18
n2darhow can i find out wats wrong?10:19
b0r3dsudo aptitude install ./pkg.deb10:19
b0r3ddoes't work10:19
Bonste1neumind:  log into recoverymode?10:19
nanonymeuse dpkg?10:19
b0r3di've d/led the .deb files manually into this machine since it doesn't have inet.. how to install them now?10:19
joerackHello! My ubuntu on core 2 duo is slower than windows98 can anything be done?!10:19
neumindBonste1 no helpin recovery mode..10:19
nanonymei have a faint recollection you can't use apt or aptitude to install files outside repositories10:20
ubot3There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:20
Bonste1neumind: but u can log into it or no?10:20
nanonymebut you have to use dpkg10:20
nanonymeaptitude is a wrapper over it10:20
ubuntu_demonHi can anyone who didn't change /etc/default/acpi-support give me the output of : $ cat /etc/default/acpi-support | grep SPINDOWN10:20
b0r3dthen what args do i give it?10:20
neumindBonste1 no its warning: i out of disk space and no imposible login in..10:20
moDumassdoes anyone know how to undo "dynamic" playlist in "listen" if i cant open it10:20
nanonymedpkg -i pkg.deb10:20
moDumasssince i think thats what broke it10:21
luk1can anyone tell me how to like i have windows on my pc and like i won't to install  ubuntu on it but still have windows on it CAN ANYONE HELP?10:21
dn4does ubuntu recommend using nvidia drivers from their website ?10:21
moDumassluk1 that makes no sense at all10:21
ubot3Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty10:21
Bonste1neumind: are u really out of disk space or is it just an error?10:21
luk1okay thabkas10:21
neumindBonste1 i think really10:21
b0r3dhow do i know which ver of ubuntu i jhave installed/10:22
tiagoany one know which repository i would find vmware-server-kernel-modules and libssl0.9.7?10:22
schnoonixis there instructions yet about setting up compizfusion on gutsy gibbon ?10:22
Bonste1neumind: can u use no gui when u start up?10:22
warblerbOr3d: in terminal -      uname -a10:22
b0r3dit doesn't tell10:23
Ira :)10:23
Bonste1neumind: u need to delete a file to get some space10:23
neumindBonste1 i run ubuntu disk and in disk deleted files in disk, but dont work10:24
n2darummm hellooo?10:24
predaeusb0r3d, I forgot the command to look at the version, but you can just hit alt-ctrl-F1 and then alt-ctrl-f7 again. to take a look at the console and then switch back to X. it is written at the console.10:24
n2dari just noticed that my hdd is filled, and just yesterday i had arnd 15 GB left and now the disp space 100% used :s10:25
MorsKajakIs there a good up-to-date guide on how to install a Japanese IME in 7.10?10:25
n2darhow can i find out wats wrong?10:25
Wibble-hi - I've upgraded to gutsy and my vmware has stopped working, probably due to the kernel upgrade.  Running vmware-config.pl tries to build a new vmmon module, but fails because the kernel header file does not contain "linux/version.h".  It does contain the other header files, so I'm completely stumped! How can I make progress?10:25
Bonste1neumind:  try the liveCD again10:25
inversekinetixMorsKajak I just did  it now10:25
MorsKajakI've tried enabling the advanced input for languages, but I can't figure out how the SCIM works and the documentation is pretty sparse.10:25
Wibble-n2dar: Possibly stuff in /var/log - if something isn't quite right, log files can take up a huge amount of space.10:25
neumindBonste1 i tryied reinstall ubuntu, but when is partition part is stuck..10:26
MorsKajakinverse: Have any tips?10:26
Wibble-n2dar: Use the disk usage analyser to find out10:26
inversekinetixMorsKajak: did you install the language files?10:26
MorsKajakAnd SCIM.10:26
inversekinetixto change to japanese just pres left control + space10:26
MorsKajakWhat about switching between hiragana and katakana?10:26
inversekinetixMorsKajak: click on the kanji in the bottom right corner10:27
MorsKajakIs there a way to do it via keyboard? I use Japanese most of the time; I don't really want to be switching to my mouse every few words.10:27
jimcooncatanyone have a link on using ebox with gutsy, please?10:27
inversekinetixjust use left ctrl + space   it defaults to katakana10:27
MorsKajakIf it defaults to katakana, then how do I type in hiragana?10:28
inversekinetixsorry defaults to hiragana10:28
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MorsKajakOkay, then how can I type in katakana with the keyboard, not using a mouse?10:28
NallepIs there any backup/restore solution for ubuntu that can restore a system with all it's applications/configuration settings?  I'm looking for something for desktops/laptops that doesn't require disk imaging.  Any have any luck with anything in the past?10:28
neumindwhy when i reinstaling ubuntu on particion part window is stuck?10:28
MorsKajakFor example, in Windows, I can just type all of my stuff and hit F7.10:28
Wibble-Nallep: you could always use dd ;)10:28
inversekinetixMorsKajak: or after you type in the hiragana just press space to scroll through interpretations of the kana10:29
joerackHello! My ubuntu on core 2 duo is slower than windows98 can anything be done?!10:29
MaTrIx-XAnyone here fairly familiar with compiling source builds willing to give something a try for me?10:29
NallepWibble: I don't want to do diskimaging10:29
MorsKajakjoerack: I had that problem... I just stopped using the 64-bit version because of that.10:29
Wibble-Nallep: sorry - I skipped that bit of your question! My bad.10:29
MorsKajakinverse: So basically there's no hotkey to just convert to katakana?10:29
inversekinetixconvert what to katakana?10:30
inversekinetixwhat do you need to conver to katakana?10:30
ubot3Factoid katakana not found10:30
NallepI just tried restoring a test system with sbackup, but it doesn't restore aplications/configurations automatically10:30
MorsKajakWhat I type.10:30
inversekinetixset it to japanese input,10:30
MorsKajakFor example, in conversational Japanese, I end up using katakana for emphasis, which means that they're non-standard.10:30
MorsKajakI don't really want to be tapping spacebar all the time or reaching for my mouse.10:30
predaeusMaTrIx-X, what are you trying to compile? It is usually much easier/safer to use packaged programs from the repositories?10:30
inversekinetixyes so press space to scroll through to the katakana variant10:31
Wibble-Nallep: you could get most of them by also copying across the /etc directory; but you'd still need to do configuration because some packages are really machine specific.  I suspect there isn't anything that'll guess which onesyouw ant to be system specific and which ones not!10:31
b0r3dnanonyme, it didn't work10:31
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: it's a package that is broken, and there is no suitable replacement for it10:31
inversekinetixits the same as on japanese windows10:31
inversekinetixor english windows with IME10:31
Bonste1im hungrey10:31
MorsKajakOn Windows with an IME, I just hit F7 to convert to katakana... I don't fiddle with the spacebar.10:31
MorsKajakThat aside, what about handwriting support for kanji?10:32
inversekinetixits easier to hit space than reach for f710:32
MorsKajakNot for me, heh.10:32
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: would you mind giving it a shot for me?10:32
inversekinetixi guess youre outta luck then10:32
MorsKajakIt's a lot faster for me to hit F7 and get instant katakana than it is to flip through kanji.10:32
Bonste1MorsKajak: use xev and xmodmap and bind keys?10:32
predaeusMaTrIx-X, what app is it?10:32
b0r3dis g++ available in the gutsy i386 cd/10:32
inversekinetix食べて たべて タベテ10:33
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: the package is called iscsi-target, and there is a -4 version which supposedly is unstable and fixes the problem which is breaking it on 7.1010:33
MorsKajakYeah, but if all I wanted was tabete, I wouldn't want to hit spacebar and go through the variants -- I'd just hit F7.10:33
inversekinetixmap a hotkey then10:33
NallepWibble: I have several identical desktops/laptops that all have the same hardware, I have the same software installed on all of them, I guess I'm looking for something that can take a "snapshot" of the installed packages and configurations and duplicate it all.10:33
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: the development version is listed in the hardy repository10:34
NallepWibble: and keep daily/weekly incremental backups10:34
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MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: I would try it myself but I'm new to linux and I don't want to have to reinstall it again this week over not knowing how to clean up the mess I've made10:34
Gringo_i've got a logitech MX1000, driven by evdev in Gutsy10:35
neumindwhy when i reinstaling ubuntu on particion part window is stuck?10:35
Gringo_bout 20-40% of the time, after having booted the pc10:35
b0r3dwhich ver of g++ do i install10:35
predaeusMaTrIx-X, yes that's usually the problem with installing from source. Sometimes "make uninstall" is provided for uninstalling but not always.10:35
b0r3don gusty10:35
Gringo_the mouse buttons are remapped somehow10:35
Gringo_only turning off the pc and turning it back on seems to help10:36
Gringo_any ideas?10:36
inversekinetixMorsKajak: look in scim settings it gives you an option to bind a key to an input method10:36
ksivajiis it possible to integrate kget with opera ?10:36
Bonste1Gringo_: open xorg.conf and edit mouse button10:36
MorsKajakahh, I'll have to try that.10:37
MorsKajakHeh, I was also trying to find an alternative to autohotkey for windows...10:37
predaeusMaTrIx-X, which bug do you get? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=iscsi-target&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=10:37
MorsKajakSomething that would let me script my own hotkeys that would override any existing key combinations in programs/OS.10:37
ubot3Factoid system-restore not found10:37
dn4how do I shutdown x from console?10:37
dn4how do I kill it all?10:37
inversekinetixbye bye Mors10:37
dn4like kill -9 ???10:37
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: one second, taking a look10:37
GateI am officially in love with Gutsy.10:38
dn4must kill x systems10:38
dn4how do I kill x systems?10:38
inversekinetixGate wait till it east10:38
Adriaan_I've got a problem with 7.10...10:38
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: bug # 14553910:38
Adriaan_I downloaded isos of Ubuntu and Xubuuntu (Alternate 7.10 CD), but when I checked the CD for defects, all CD's would fail10:38
Adriaan_Is there anyone else with this problem?10:38
Adriaan_oh and: 7.04 was alright10:38
theTravHello.  I have a folder I want to move a heap of stuff out of, but the folder is not owned by the current user.  How do I recursively give the current user full access to that folder and all sub folders/files ?  is it something like sudo chmod 777 folderName  ?10:38
Gateinversekinetix: huh?10:38
Bonste1dn4: alt+ctrl+del 2x10:39
detraHow do I get my usb sound card to work with firefox ?10:39
inversekinetixGate:   was going to type wait till it eats your babies,  but hit the enter key after a typo10:39
dn4Bonste1: doesn't that reboot the entire system?10:39
dn4I want to stay in init level 210:39
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: the bug in a nutshell is: the package flat out will not install, even on a clean 7.10 setup. it requires a package named iscsitarget-module which is broken, and this was supposedly resolved in the hardy version you see there10:39
dn4while crashing 310:39
Nallep!custom install10:39
ubot3Factoid custom install not found10:39
saloxinMaTrIx-X: backport the hardy version? get the source of the hardy package and recoompile?10:40
lalalandehi to the room10:40
Gateinversekinetix: they put Broadcom  wifi chips in the restricted manager. what took me hours on even fiesty took seconds in Gutsy.10:40
predaeusMaTrIx-X, yes. hm. I fear installing the Hardy version would require to upgrade kernel and bring a whole lot of problems.10:40
ubot3Factoid auto-install not found10:40
ubot3Factoid oem-install not found10:40
ubot3To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell10:40
Adriaan_I've got a problem with 7.10...10:40
Adriaan_I downloaded isos of Ubuntu and Xubuuntu (Alternate 7.10 CD), but when I checked the CD for defects, all CD's would fail10:40
Adriaan_Is there anyone else with this problem?10:40
Adriaan_oh and: 7.04 was alright10:40
detraAnyone knows how to get my usb sound card to work with firefox ?10:40
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: that's something like I'm interested in doing, except I don't want another "whoopsie" on my hands this week10:41
predaeusMaTrIx-X, what about the open-iscsi mentioned in the other bug report, can't you use that one?10:41
ubot3Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues10:41
GateAdriaan_: HTTP download?10:41
inversekinetixGate: i love it too, just wish it could play games too10:41
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: open-iscsi is an initiator only, it doesn't have a target10:41
lalalandefirestarter closes by on it's own when i put totem on fullscreen...what's going on???10:41
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: and I actually don't even need an initiator10:41
Adriaan_Gate: HTTP and torrent10:41
Gateinversekinetix: VMs and Wine can do most of them10:41
GateI have steam problems, but thats par for the DRM course.10:41
Bonste1Adriaan_: burn slower?10:41
robini need help with compiz an gutsy10:41
predaeusMaTrIx-X, maybe you could request a backport of the Hardy package to Gutsy. I mean it is useless anyway as it is now.10:41
Adriaan_Bonste1: I ttried even at 1x speed10:42
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: what is a formal means of making such a request?10:42
schlumpf-hi how do i kill a zombie prozess which does not show up under top10:42
detraOr does anyone know how my onboard sound card gives an error that says couldn't connect to sound server ?10:42
inversekinetixGate: its just so much easier in windows and i can play any game10:42
b0r3dwhich ver of G++ do i install10:42
GateAdriaan_: my first thought would be burner problem. did the 7.04 CD come from that burner recently?10:42
saloxinMaTrIx-X: then you need a test system, so you can scratch the disks if you whoopsie10:42
Bonste1Adriaan_: then is ur disc or ur burner10:42
Gateinversekinetix: I know, that is the one tiny thread that manages to keep a dual boot on one of my systems.10:42
Bonste1or the ISo10:42
Adriaan_I use the same discs and the same burner10:42
Adriaan_and I tried different isos10:43
schnoonixdoes flash or gnash work on gutsy, it wont seem to let me download it through firefox10:43
lalalandefirestarter closes by on it's own when i put totem on fullscreem does someone know why?10:43
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: it might come down to that, I already blew about 8 hours on this so far though so it may have to be a last resort10:43
inversekinetixGate: at least the reboots are like lightening now10:43
SoulChildi have a problem  with my vesa-buffer, i have a samsung WXGA Notebook, X runs on 1280x800 which is the optimal resoloution, but hwinfo --framebuffer does not list 1280x800 , does that mean that my framebuffer does not support that res???10:43
lsusrcan someone tell me how to tell the graphs in munin to start from new ? :)10:43
b0r3dwhich ver of g++ do i install?10:43
Bonste1did u check ur ISOs with md5sum?10:43
dn4what ist he command to see all the programs running?10:43
Atomic_UEAdriaan_, check the md5 checksums of your ISO images10:43
Gateinversekinetix: orly? haven't gotten that far. had Gutsy on my tower, but its always fast.10:43
schlumpf-hi how do i kill a zombie prozess which does not show up under top10:43
ifireballhi I just got a system-crash during an upgrade to gusty, how can I resume it?10:43
Adriaan_I akways check them10:44
[chr0n0s]dn4, ps aux | less10:44
Gatemy laptop has had gutsy for 45 minutes while it installs my software10:44
irchelp............ install 7.10 - when loading my screen say "don't support 1024x786 60Mhz" ???, I try to change when loading to 640x480 but the same results :(10:44
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: is it possible to build a source application like this when booted to the Ubuntu CD? as in not an actual ubuntu install?10:44
inversekinetixGate: my XP runs faster than gutsy on same hardware10:44
Bonste1then is the burner or the disc10:44
Bonste1ur using10:44
Ademandoes /var/cache get cleaned at any point?10:44
NallepDoes anyone know of a way to make a custom install CD that mimics your current configuration? any tools that help build a custom built install cd?10:44
Bonste1thats about all thats left10:44
[chr0n0s]inversekinetix, try using xfce and tell me the results10:45
saloxinMaTrIx-X: no, not really. you might try a virtual solution like virtualbox, vmware or xen if you're out of hardware10:45
Gateinversekinetix: odd. I haven't noticed a significant difference in boot times between the two10:45
inversekinetixwhats xfce?10:45
predaeusMaTrIx-X, I think you file a request here https://launchpad.net/gutsy-backports/+filebug10:45
Gateinversekinetix: alternative to Gnome/KDE10:45
[chr0n0s]inversekinetix, you know what is gnome ?10:45
Gatelightweight and fast10:45
MaTrIx-Xpredaeus: ok, I'll give that a try10:45
schnoonixanyone know how i install XGL ?10:45
lsusrapt-get install xgl10:45
neumindwhy when i reinstaling ubuntu on particion part window is stuck?10:46
[chr0n0s]schnoonix, use sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl10:46
Atomic_UEAdriaan_, if your md5s are correct, you got no errors when burning the cds, and you think the cds are fine, just give them a go and see if you can boot the live distro10:46
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: not a bad idea there, I will try doing it in virtualbox if a backport is not delivered10:46
lsusrthe xgl package is called "xserver-xgl"10:46
inversekinetixGate: is it better?10:46
ubot3xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels10:46
[chr0n0s]inversekinetix, try insatalling xfce then, it's a replacement for gmone10:46
tiagohas gusty gibbon got a commercial repository yet?10:46
Gateinversekinetix: is Gnome or KDE better? its all your situation and opinion.10:46
schnoonixhow come when i did sudo apt-cache search xgl it didnt find anything lsusr ?10:47
inversekinetixi have no idea, only had it for 2 days10:47
Adriaan_Atomic_UE: the Lice CD?10:47
[chr0n0s]schnoonix, use sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl10:47
lsusrschnoonix try to add the universe repo.10:47
schnoonixE: Couldn't find package xserver-xgl10:47
schnoonixhow do i update my package list so it searches more places ?10:48
Atomic_UEAdriaan_, ah you said you got the alternative cds didn't you?10:48
lsusrschnoonix u have ubuntu feisty?10:48
Adriaan_Atomic_UE: yes I have10:48
schnoonixgusty gibbon10:48
[chr0n0s]schnoonix, use sudo apt-get update10:48
tiagohas gusty gibbon got a commercial repository yet?10:48
Adriaan_Atomic_UE: the PC is a bit old :)10:48
schnoonix[chr0n0s]:  i did that and it still couldnt find any XGL stuff10:49
punzadaSo I just mounted an ext3 partition and set the file permissions to 777 on the entire folder, I can delete the files on it by clicking delete but if i right click i can't 'move to trash'10:49
detramy soundcard doesn't work ... inside sound setting it says... could not connect to sound server ... anyone know why ?10:49
punzadaanyone know how to fix that10:49
[chr0n0s]schnoonix, used update ?10:49
predaeusneumind, it's probably bugged. You could alternatively try the alternative install cd with a text installer.10:49
b0r3dcan someone help me out10:49
lsusrschnoonix apt-get update is just for getting new package list, if you already had added more package-sources. ill see, wait10:49
saloxinMaTrIx-X: backporting iscsitarget from hardy works like a charm. it can't find the kernel module on startup though10:50
Atomic_UEAdriaan_, my bad, well if every cd you burn fails the test, but everything has been correct and you think they're fine, just give the install a shot10:50
b0r3di'm really running into a serious problem10:50
predaeusneumind, the text installer provides a wizard too.10:50
ifireballhi I just got a system-crash during an upgrade to gusty, how can I resume it?10:50
Adriaan_Atomic_UE: I tried this too, but it failed and I had to reinstall feisty10:50
[chr0n0s]ifireball, start over, it takes 30-40 mins anyways10:50
b0r3di have a modem which i'm getting it to work on my ubuntu so that i could use the internet on it but the driver of this modem needs build-essential linux-headers-generic as dependencies. how do i know the correct version of them to d/l?10:51
ircy me? Ubuntu suppose to be easy...10:51
neumindwhy when i reinstaling ubuntu on particion part window is stuck?10:51
lsusrschnoonix edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and add this: deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe10:51
Adriaan_Atomic_UE: maybe I have to change SAO to TAO10:51
Atomic_UEAdriaan_, hmmmm in that case I'd try and burn the ISOs on another burner, that's about all I could think of10:51
murlidhari use opera and i see that it looks like windows 95. i dunno what should be done . can anybody help me10:51
moDumasshey my "listen" media player crashes on start any ideas why?10:51
Atomic_UEAdriaan_, unless ubuntu supports installing from the ISO images while they're on the hdd like fedora/redhat/mandriva do10:52
ifireball[chr0n0s]: it was right in the middle of upgrading gdm, I'm running dpkg --pending --configure in single mode right now, not sure I can even get back to gui at this stage10:52
lsusrschnoonix then apt-get update again and search for xgl10:52
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ifireball[chr0n0s]: I just want to know what the "cleanup" stage does10:53
schnoonixahh ok its adding all those lsusr thanks10:53
schnoonixits going to be a while due to me being caped :(10:53
schnoonixso bbl and thanks again :)10:54
lsusrschnoonix have a nice day :)10:54
tiagohas gusty gibbon got a commercial repository yet?10:54
Adriaan_Atomic_UE: I could try this indeed but I doubt that it works10:54
=== Odo is now known as kirner
tdstiago, ubuntu doesn't need commercials10:55
PhobosHi. Could you tell me what to do to make fortune show up an entry automatically upon opening a terminal ?10:55
tiagotds: how about vmware?10:55
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saloxinMaTrIx-X: ah ok. you need to backport the hardy "iscsitarget", install the resulting deb's and then m-a a-i iscistarget to make the modules10:55
tdstiago, yes, i think it's in the repos but i use virtualbox10:55
ifireballPhobos: add a command to your .bashrc file10:55
NallepPhobos: add /usr/bin/fortune to your .bashrc10:56
PhobosNallep: Thanks a lot :)10:56
tiagotds: its not in the main repo thats why im asking if there is a commercial one, and yes i also use virtualbox but i need vmware right now10:56
ifireballPhobos: thers sould be an "if" statment in that file that runs stuff only if it's an interactive shell put it in there otherwise you'll break your system10:56
Phobosthanks for telling me10:57
NallepPhobos: ya, maybe not so good to put in .bashrc, I have my fortune in .bash_profile10:57
nb-auokay guys, im going to burn a dvd, click write to disc, looks like all is well, then some process starts using 100% of both my cores, and the system slows right down, drive light and main light continue to flash in unison, whats stranger is just pressing the reset button the drive will still go as if its burning... takes a power off then power on to stop :S10:57
Rengis there such a backup program in ubuntu similar os x leopard "time-machine"?10:58
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: you actually got it successfully backported?10:58
tdstiago, i'm not sure it would be entirely legal to put commercial apps in the repos10:58
ifireballNallep: again, you have to make sure that you're in an intractive shell, regardless of wether its .bashrc or .bash_profile10:58
nb-auisnt vmware in add/remove?10:58
NallepPhobos: if [ -x /usr/bin/fortune ] ; then       /usr/bin/fortune      fi        place that in your .bash_profile10:58
nb-au"vmware player" is in add/remove10:59
Morphiusdoes the 'Gutsy" live cd support RT61 network adaptors?10:59
SoulChildi have a problem  with my vesa-buffer, i have a samsung WXGA Notebook, X runs on 1280x800 which is the optimal resoloution, but hwinfo --framebuffer does not list 1280x800 , does that mean that my framebuffer does not support that res???10:59
nb-auMorphius, use it and find out?10:59
tiagotds: they have it in the feisty repo, but there doesn't appear to be a gusty commercial repo as of yet10:59
Mba7ethmorning all ..... I'm planning for Linux+ ..... is there a specific distro they use for linux+ ?10:59
nb-auvmware player = vmware? right?10:59
saloxinMaTrIx-X: yes. using http://wiki.thekerns.net/technology:howto:simplesidbackport with "hardy"  instead of "sid"10:59
Morphiusnb-au: I'm lazy, wanted to see if anyone knew before I actually did any work. :)10:59
nb-auso anyone else getting a dvd lockup when burning?11:00
lsusrcan someone tell me how to tell the graphs in munin to start from new ? :)11:00
neopsycheDo i need to "add user to db" using mysql .. (i installed lamp)11:01
g0thI compiled a custom kernel with make-kpkg --initrd binary-arch but when I try to boot it it fails at the root partition or fs, can anyone tell me what kernel options I need to sucessfully boot?11:01
Mba7ethmorning all ..... I'm planning for Linux+ ..... is there a specific distro they use for linux+ ?11:01
Nallepnb-au: vmware has several different virtualization products, server/player/workstation,  if your just looking for something to run a virtual machine, then vmware player is good11:01
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: could you perhaps send me your resulting debs?11:01
nb-auwell the player is definately in gutsy11:01
Bonste1i farted11:02
g0thI use the latest ubuntu, I tried to install linux-2.6.23, I have an intel ich8 host controler, my hd is sata, I installed ubuntu on /dev/sda3 with ext3 fs11:02
saloxinMaTrIx-X: they're kernel and arch dependent? and not error-free. so if backporting is difficult, then you might not want to walk down that road11:02
Nallepnb-au: vmware player and server and free, workstation costs some, but is worth it if you want really good virtualization11:02
g0thWhat do I need to check to get booting from my root fs working?11:02
ksivaji systemsetting problem http://pastebin.com/f5cb6362711:03
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: I'm on AMD64 and the standard 7.10 kernel, if you're on the same then it would be a ball.. I'll surely try and backport it though if not11:03
Bonste1is there a windows irc channel also?11:03
nb-auhmmm dvds fail coz grnisoimage zombies itself :S11:03
saloxinMaTrIx-X: and the kernel module dont wanna do it's job. im on i386 :-/11:03
nb-auBonste1, probably11:03
nb-auor maybe not cd just burnt :S11:03
SoulChildhey all,.... i have the following device id: 0ac8:c302 how do i find out which device that is,... i mean which file in /dev/ is that ???11:04
Bonste1any1 got the wii mote to work on gutsy?11:04
saloxinSoulChild: lspci?11:04
Atomic_UEBonste1, ##windows11:04
Bonste1thats a real channel?11:04
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: no problem. I'll try and do it from a virtualbox first just to be sure... I really do need iscsitarget though, because I built this linux box ($500) just for that particular usage..and come to find that it is broken in 7.10. I had been using it in feisty on another machine quite succesfully. I'm so tired of these crippled smb share speeds. iscsi blows it away.11:05
Atomic_UEBogaurd, yes11:05
tiagoany one know how to dual head ati under gusty?11:05
SoulChildsaloxin: no it is a USB device11:05
BogaurdAtomic_UE, huh?11:05
Atomic_UEBogaurd, sorry wrong person11:05
Atomic_UEBonste1, yes11:05
saloxinMaTrIx-X: not to insult this channel, but i have better experience with iscsi on centos511:05
SoulChildsaloxin: lsusb says: Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0ac8:c302 Z-Star Microelectronics Corp.11:06
b0r3dhi. how to list the packages i have installed?11:06
saloxinSoulChild: when you plug it it should report its device name in dmesg11:06
Ademanhey sorry i'm still dicking with git-daemon and i was wondering where git-daemon-export-ok goes, because it doesn't seem to be working in the project_root/.git     directory, but then again there are a myriad of other things i could be doing wrong...11:06
papskhi everybody11:06
stefgb0r3d: dpkg -l11:06
Bonste1why they talking about linux in #windows channel?11:07
Atomic_UEb0r3d, In Synaptic Package Manager, on the left go to Status > Installed11:07
papsk can anybody tell me how to install CANON PIXMA ip1880 printer?11:07
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: thanks for the suggestion, I'll consider giving it a try on another drive. I'm trying to stick with Ubuntu on my main install for now though, just to show support. I like the direction its moving in.11:07
stefgBonste1: ask there11:07
SoulChildsaloxin: dmesg only says:  uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device Vega USB 2.0 Camera. (0ac8:c302)11:07
saloxinMaTrIx-X: no need for a virtualbox for a backport - it's non intrusive. installing from source is worse11:07
tdsBonste1, wow, ubuntu server actually has a windows chat11:08
papski have downloaded .rp files on my desktop11:08
Atomic_UEBonste1, we don't know ask them, maybe linux is their secrete fantasy11:08
ivan_hello, i'm trying to install xubuntu 7.10 und have started the installation cd with the second option. "secure graphic mode" or something like that. it is asking for username. what should I type in?11:08
Atomic_UEsecret fantasy even11:08
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: are you sure about that? I had accidentally installed some other deb for the -4 version from some other distrib's site, and it did a number on me11:08
saloxinSoulChild: then it might not present a disk interface to the os. there's suposed to be some camera applications that handle such cameraes. i don't have a camera though11:08
Ademanivan_: in the installer? it's a username of your choice, you might choose "ivan"11:09
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: it could have been a tainted deb though I suppose11:09
ivan_Ademan, thanks, and password?11:09
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saloxinMaTrIx-X: i just did the backport. installed 2 pkgs like zlib-devel and something. then installed11:09
CyberAgeVoodooHello all11:09
Ademanivan_: again, it's up to you, i suggest one combining letters and numbers, and you should be able to remember it easily11:10
Atomic_UEhello CyberAgeVoodoo11:10
titanix88hi everyone11:10
Atomic_UEhi titanix8811:10
saloxinMaTrIx-X: the kernel module didn't come straight out of the box though. had to install the resulting -source.deb, use module-assistant, and then actually copy the kernel module in place11:10
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: alright, I'll go ahead and try it then... if it has any funny surprises for me I guess it'll just be time to learn how to undo it. haha.11:10
saloxinhihi. sounds like a plan11:11
ivan_Ademan, I'm afraid it doesn't work. The installation cd is also a live system. when I start it secure graphic mode, it ask for username and password X logging11:11
CyberAgeVoodooI am having an issue with java not reporting back as the correct version in (Firefox and Frostwire) BUT..... if i try to update with jre6u3 (latest build) it says it is already installed11:11
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: do you still have that terminal window open to give me a list of what all commands you used?11:11
CyberAgeVoodooanyone have any ideas?11:11
titanix88i have a nvidia geforce mx 4000. but nvidia-glx does not work with it in gutsy.11:11
ubot3synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto11:11
UmmI need help if anyone can help me. I am using ati card and i want to install so i can have 3d support can anyone help me11:11
_blitz_there is a person near my house who is a great fan of windows xp.he somehow managed to learn a bit of ubuntu and is now actually making money with it.he asks money from people for installing it on their computer and also takes tuition classes on ubuntu and makes money.the people here does not know much about linux. are his actions legal?11:12
Ademanivan_: oh, wierd, sorry i thought you were talking about the installer, anyways why do you need to use safe graphics mode?11:12
CyberAgeVoodoolegal yes. ethical no11:12
MaTrIx-Xsaloxin: sorry to be a nag, it's a funny feeling being on up there in the IT world and still being an oblivious newbie in a parallel computing world (linux)11:12
titanix88_blitz_: absolutely legal.11:12
ifireball_blitz_: VERY, you shoule encortage him for spreading Ubuntu\11:13
titanix88CyberAgeVoodoo: Why not ethical?11:13
_blitz_this is not spreading ubuntu11:13
ivan_Ademan, the normal mode doesn't work with my graphic card, it starts everything but only the half of the screen is used11:13
CyberAgeVoodooif you charge for classes you aren't really an expert at... being an educated novice does not mean you should charge for time11:14
CyberAgeVoodoothat is the ethical part11:14
ifireball_blitz_: helping ppl to isntall and use it is definitly considered "spreading" in my book11:14
_blitz_i go to others house and installs ubuntu on their computer and takes classes for free.i keep the spirit of ubuntu.11:14
saloxinMaTrIx-X: see query for my bash history11:14
titanix88_blitz_: But taking money gives professional feelings to his customers i guess. :)11:14
papskcan any body tell me how to install CANON Printer PIXMAip1880?11:14
aroonifolks everytime i try to ssh into my server i get:  debug1:  SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent ..... any idea on how to fix?11:14
Atomic_UECyberAgeVoodoo, In my opinion if you know more than the people you are teaching then there isn't tooo much of a problem11:14
kfoltmanhi, anyone of you know why firefox crashes with this?11:15
Atomic_UECyberAgeVoodoo, whose to say at what level you are considered an expert on a topic11:15
kfoltmanGMarks - notes error11:15
kfoltmanURIError: malformed URI sequence11:15
kfoltmanError with bookmark11:15
kfoltmanTypeError: bkmk has no properties11:15
kfoltmanTitle: SSH Filesystem11:15
kfoltmanURL: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/sshfs.html11:15
kfoltmanLabels: Linux>Networking11:15
kfoltmanID: 107862680379111232411:15
kfoltmanDate: Wed May 16 2007 16:20:58 GMT+0100 (GMT)11:15
kfoltman/usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/firefox/components/libmyspell.so: undefined symbol: _ZN8Hunspell5spellEPKc11:15
kfoltmanoops sorry for paste11:15
_blitz_but he is making money with it.this is not spreading ubuntu .this is selling ubuntu11:15
titanix88Anyone used geforce mx4000 with gutsy?11:15
Atomic_UE!paste | kfoltman11:15
ubot3kfoltman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:15
Ademanivan_: ah, well that sucks, i'm googling for an answer right now but i haven't found anything yes11:15
kfoltmanAtomic: sorry, I thought I'm pasting just one, last line11:16
CyberAgeVoodooAtomic, well that is a broad question... but by the original post. it didn't seem like they knew alot11:16
stefgtitanix88: you've got two options with your MX4. either install nvidia-glx-legacy, or get the nvidia 9631 driver (last one that supports MX4) and install manually. Notice that you'll have to reinstall after evey kernel update then11:16
ivan_Ademan, thanks. i cannot find anything neither11:16
Atomic_UE_blitz_, if the people do not have the knowledge themselves to install ubuntu, then he would be considered as providing a service11:16
kfoltmanAtomic: by the way, pastebins wouldn't work for me because my firefox crashes on textareas :)11:16
titanix88stefg : hmm...:|11:17
CyberAgeVoodootake myself for example. I am EXTREAMLY rusty in my unix/linux last time I worked on it was redhat 7.1 and now I am taking the time to relearn11:17
titanix88_blitz_: it is good for overall linux adoption.11:17
ifireball_blitz_: 1. the GPL doesn't say anything against selling, 2. if, as result of his actions more ppl are using ubuntu that wouldn't use it otherwise, its spreading11:17
_blitz_but why should he make money with it.Ubuntu is distributed for free and in my view he is killing the spirit11:17
stefgtitanix88: or simply cough up 30 bucks for a new card ...11:18
pepie34how can i be in invisible mode in MSN (in pidgin) and keep being able to send messages?11:18
ifireball_blitz_: if you want to demostrate the spirit, just give out free CDs next to his store...11:18
titanix88_blitz_: it's the same as canonical accepts money for professional support.:-/11:18
_blitz_ah  ..i forgot .he made people believe that ubuntu is not free.i thought i had told that11:19
lacuceHello! Can someone help me on Gutsy and printing using Epson?11:19
ifireball_blitz_: besides RedHat, Novell, Mandriva been selliung Linux for years11:19
Bonste1lacuce: install drivers?11:19
lacucenot exactly, just a few information11:19
Nallep_blitz_: he's selling his time to coach people on using ubuntu, he thinks his time is worth something, and that's just fine.11:19
titanix88_blitz_: if so then he is subject to gpl violation.11:19
DumptruckIs there a equivalent to Alcohol 120 or Daemon tools for linux?11:20
twostepsback_blitz_: he should make money, but should tell the gpl to his students as well. clearly.11:20
Rolf_LAP_Skaari must say, i usually use FreeBSD , and ubuntu is impressive easy to use for an first time user. with more tweaking and more compatible drivers it could take the fight to MS, battleing for their windows users.11:20
stefglacuce: no autodetection? Epson ususally works out of the box11:20
ifireballtitanix88: no he's not, there is nothing in the11:20
CyberAgeVoodooanyone have any problems upgrading the default jre 1.4.2 ? I followed the java instructions and it did update.. But I can't get it to recognize the changes in firefox or frostwire11:20
Nallep_blitz_: well he should also be telling people that ubuntu is available for free11:20
ifireballtitanix88: no he's not, there is nothing in the GPL that limits what you can SAY about the software11:20
lacuceI haven't got the printer yet... so i'm just wondering of Epson C90 works out of the box11:20
twostepsbackyes of course he should11:20
stefg!printer | lacuce11:21
ubot3lacuce: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:21
lacuceand I'm still waiting for the Gutsy installation disk11:21
lacuceThank you, I'll check on that11:21
_blitz_Ok whatever you people people think.In my view he is doing wrong and as an ubuntu user i will do everything in my limit to stop him.good bye guys .time to get working11:21
twostepsbackbut it is possible that only he has access to a download and then he is legally allowed to hoard as well11:21
titanix88ifireball: if he says ubuntu is not free, that means he is restricting further redistribution of it. it's against gpl.11:21
Nallep_blitz_: but as for selling his time to teach people  how to install/use it, there's nothing wrong with that, entire companies have been created and are thriving from that business model11:21
roved2101ifireball: I've never paid for Mandriva and all those distro that have a charge option is usually for support or proprietary software included11:21
Atomic_UEIt could be considered that there is also a tiny bit of blame on the people who believe everything he says is true11:21
twostepsbackbut that generally does not happen11:21
Atomic_UEwithout doing their own tiny bit of research11:22
HetaUma!canonical partner11:22
ubot3HetaUma: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:22
DumptruckIs there an equivalent to Alcohol 120 or Daemon tools for linux?11:22
HetaUma!canonical partner repository11:22
ubot3HetaUma: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:22
ubot3The Ubuntu partnership program is designed to encourage, recognise and endorse Ubuntu expertise and commercial initiatives. It is structured to foster a healthy ecosystem surrounding Ubuntu, to highlight those companies with certified expertise in Ubuntu and a deeper relationship to Canonical. See http://www.ubuntu.com/partners for more information.11:22
HetaUmaAtomic_UE, ty11:22
stefgDumptruck: google for cdemu11:22
saloxinDumptruck: mount file.iso /mnt -o loop11:22
Atomic_UEHetaUma, no worries :)11:22
Ademanivan_: can't for the life of me find anything, but it sounds really familiar, i'm sorry dude11:22
schnoonixanyone know why when installing XGL i got broken packages so it wouldnt install them ?11:23
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iobeliskhi, i installed opensuse on another partition now grub is giving me a problem. i booted the live cd, hit grub, setup etc, then rebooted but to no avail. now i am back on live cd, i changed root to my ubuntu install..is there anybody who can tell me if it is possible to reinstall grub (which i did actually) and have it detect suse, and write a new menu.lst in ubuntu's /boot/grub  ??11:23
ubot3rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:23
ivan_Ademan, thanks anyway. If i cannot install xubuntu, i will try other dist11:24
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Rolf_LAP_Skaarmm, question: is it possible to join SSL crypted terminal servers_11:24
Bonste1Dumptruck: i AcetoneISO and FuseISo i believe11:24
mhbhello ubuntuers. The "updatedb" indexing program is accessing my hard drive very aggressively once a day. Why do we need the "locate" database up to date at all? I thought tracker is the tool of choice for ubuntu, and there's no reason to index stuff twice, is there?11:24
Rolf_LAP_Skaarwith rdesktop_11:24
Dumptruckthanks again!11:24
CyberAgeVoodooanyone running gutsy and have issues updating java?11:24
stefgmhb: upadatedb works for system internal stuff like the 'locate' command, trackker is for user stuff11:25
puppecan I use the fwcutter in the same way with Gutsy as for Feisty. Trying to get my wireless working following this page http://davidwatson.org/2007/05/broadcom-4306-on-feisty-fawn.html11:25
saloxinmhb: just disable it in cron.daily - leftover from ancient times11:25
h4L1mi have a problem about watching videos on ubuntu11:25
HetaUmaAtomic_UE, where cam I find a list with all the pacakages included in partner repos ?11:25
h4L1mi have a ati graphic card with fglrx driver11:25
schnoonixanyone know why11:25
schnoonixxserver-xgl: Depends: libglitz-glx1 but it is not installable11:25
schnoonix               Depends: libglitz1 (>= 0.4.3+cvs20050728) but it is not installable11:25
h4L1mthere are problems with the resolution of the videos when i'm watching the videos in fullscreen11:25
schnoonixmight not be installable ?11:25
h4L1mcan anyone help me?11:25
Ademananyone know what package the man page for the filesystem hierarchy is in?11:25
schnoonixit says  E: Broken packages11:25
mhbsaloxin: I thought that, but what actually uses it? Why is it not disabled by default?11:25
iobeliskhi, i installed opensuse on another partition now grub is giving me a problem. i booted the live cd, hit grub, setup etc, then rebooted but to no avail. now i am back on live cd, i changed root to my ubuntu install..is there anybody who can tell me if it is possible to reinstall grub (which i did actually) and have it detect suse, and write a new menu.lst in ubuntu's /boot/grub  ??11:26
Nallepmhb: I think you can configure updatedb to skip past /home, and leave that for the tracker11:26
mhbI know 'locate' does, but what uses that?11:26
saloxinmhb: no part of the system uses it, it's an aid for system administrators without a gui11:26
mhbhmm, thanks.11:26
frodonAnyone know if it normal that after the upgrade my comp use xserver-xgl ? (i have a nvidia card)11:26
Nallepmhb: if you don't use the locate command in your shell, then you can disable updatedb, all it does is make searches faster in a shell11:26
stefgschnoonix: you messed with your sources.list and have none-standard repo enabled, or used automatix/envy11:26
Wibble-is it safe to use fiesty commercial packages in gutsy? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu tells me to use the fiesty repo, and when I tried to change it to gutsy it said it didn't exist11:26
Atomic_UEHetaUma, If you enable the partner repo and go into Synaptic Package Manager, on the left go to Origin > archive.canonical.com11:27
variantanyone know how to stop dhclient from requesting DNS server addresses when connecting to my router?11:27
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:27
Atomic_UEHetaUma, I think there is only Opera package in the partner repo11:27
mhbthanks guys for your confirmation of what I suspected11:27
HetaUmaAtomic_UE, thanx again11:27
Atomic_UEHetaUma, not a problem :)11:28
frodonanyone knows why gutsy use xserver-xgl now ?11:28
ubot3Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz11:29
ubot3Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion11:29
iobeliskcould anybody please tell me if there is a way to reinstall grub (im at my ubuntu partition root on the live cd) and have it detect all existing distros on my box?11:29
stefg!grub | iobelisk11:30
ubot3iobelisk: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:30
variant!grub | iobelisk11:30
SineFatoiobelisk: idk about that buy you could ad them manually11:30
knighthawkokay I've decided that if I can't get X working right in the next few hours I'm going to try installing fedora and if that doesn't work I'm returning this lap top.11:30
timobanyone using a 1680x1050 monitor on gutsy?11:30
h4L1mi can not watch videos with on ubuntu, there are problems with the resolution if i watch the video in fullscreen, i have ati graphic card with the fglrx driver, can anyone help me??11:30
knighthawkCan't get the resolution right.11:31
stefgknighthawk: what videochip?11:31
Bonste1knighthawk: use vista =)11:31
Gaming1Hi people, I am still undecided whether to upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon or not. Any Suggestions? I am worried that it might change the grub since I am triple booting with WIndows XP and Fedora 7.....11:31
stefg!fixres | knighthawk11:31
ubot3knighthawk: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:31
stefgGaming1: firts of all: take a backup11:31
knighthawkstefgnvidoa geforce go 7150M11:32
Gaming1stefg: of?11:32
Bonste1Gaming1: dont fix nothing if is not broken11:32
stefgknighthawk: shouldn't be a problem11:32
buttercupsiobelisk, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=grub, good buddy11:32
ubot3The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:32
stefgGaming1: image your complete harddisk to some external storage11:32
h4L1mi can not watch videos with on ubuntu, there are problems with the resolution if i watch the video in fullscreen, i have ati graphic card with the fglrx driver, can anyone help me??11:32
Gaming1I have to do that?11:32
knighthawkthanks for the links I'll check them out. Right now everything goes off screen its hard to even work with it I think I might have to edit Xconf manually11:33
iobeliskSineFato, stefg, well i run the grub-install script, but when i go check my /boor/grub/menu.lst, it is exactly the same (i had gentoo installed on another partition which i wrote over with opensuse) it is still showing the gentoo image address within there, not the suse....11:33
twostepsbackwhere do i file a synaptic bug?11:33
ifireballh4L1m: you're using the desktp effects?11:33
twostepsbackdid all the googling11:33
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stefgGaming1: upgrade is a one way ticket. if the update breaks (and it does for some people) you're screwed without a backup11:33
h4L1mifireball: yes i do11:33
h4L1mifireball: i think i have to edit the xorg.conf file11:34
knighthawkGaming1 *ALWAYS* backup11:34
h4L1mifireball: but i don't know what i have to write in there11:34
Gaming1stefg: It looks scary, I don't have any external drive or anything and can't afford it since I am a student.....11:34
ifireballh4L1m: try if it works without the effects11:34
h4L1mifireball: ok11:34
ubot3If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots11:35
stefgiobelisk: different distros have different ideas on how the menu.lst should look. ubuntu uses a 'magic comment' mechanism, but won't update a menu.lst generated by another distro11:35
knighthawkGaming1, way more scary to not have one backup to disc or put it all on google or something but make a backup.11:35
stefgGaming1: so you have a dvd-burner ?11:36
Gaming1stefg: Yep.....11:36
DjRickoCan someone help me with applying a patch file? Can't seem to get patch to work11:36
stefgGaming1: so get a stack of reliable DVD-RW's and and use partimage to do a backup11:36
stefg!info partimage11:36
ubot3partimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-17 (gutsy), package size 286 kB, installed size 952 kB11:36
NallepGameing1: at the very least backup your /home, then reinstall your old distro if it breaks11:37
Gaming1stefg: Does it backup all my partitions including XP?11:37
Bonste1Gaming1: dont do no updates it will break11:37
stefgGaming1: it's some work, but backups are a necessity of IT-Life, so better get used to them11:37
Gaming1Nallep: I aren't worried about Ubuntu but I am worried about XP.....11:37
stefgGaming1: partimage does (as the name says) an image of a partition. it doesn't care what's on it11:38
Gaming1stefg: Can I upgrade ubuntu from a DVD?11:38
ubot3For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:38
h4L1mifireball: the videos are working fine without desktop effects, but why am i not able to watch the videos with the desktop effects?11:38
NallepGaming1: try to make a backup of your boot sector, and if it screws your grub, reinstall your old boot sector11:39
Gaming1Nallep: And how do I do that?11:39
axel_sHi, I've got a small problem with "Folder Sharing" (Samba)... I've set it up with Ubuntu "Administration" -> "Folder Sharing" but when I click on my Ubuntu machines name from a Windows PC I get asked for a username and password that I don't know11:39
simplyubuntuhey... can anyone tell me what i can use to make an image of my home directory?11:39
stefg!backup | Gaming111:40
ubot3Gaming1: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:40
Gaming1I am right now updating Ubuntu, to the latest......11:40
stefgyou have been warned11:40
NallepGaming1: dd if=/dev/hd0 bs=512 count=1 of=boot.img11:40
NallepGaming1: man dd11:40
h4L1mifireball: the videos are working fine without desktop effects, but why am i not able to watch the videos with the desktop effects?11:40
Gaming1It seems that to upgrade to Gutsy, Feisty must be updated....11:40
Keitarohi im having trouble with my dial-up installation, im getting there but it comes up with an error saying cannot activate modem because of a file not being executed properly, says file already exsists. how can i delete this file from insmod and insert it myself please? thnx ^_^11:41
ifireballh4L1m: it can be a video memory thing, I found it this sometimes happens when I have many windows open, somtetimes just logging in and out solves it11:41
Adriaan_Kubuntu 7.10 check did not fail :-)11:42
ifireballh4L1m: you see in desktop effects mode, each window is placed in the GFX card's memory, and a full-screen window needs a lot of it11:42
iobeliskhi, when i run grub-instal from the live cd, (being root of my ubuntu hard install) it does not actually rewrite the grub. when i go to menu.lst, it still shows ubuntu and my previous distro on it. i would like to reinstall grub in such a way that it rewrites menu.lst to reflect the new distro i installed alongside ubuntu...is this possible?11:42
NallepGaming1: if it screws up, restore your boot sector  dd if=boot.img bs=512 count=1 of=/dev/hda11:42
Adriaan_weird that Ubuntu and Xubuntu always failed but Kubuntu dousn't11:42
Gaming1stefg: Don't worry, I will take a backup.....But for now I am updating Feisty.11:42
rajkostois there any chance getting the x1250 running on linux11:43
stefgGaming1: you're doing it in the wrong order: firts backup, THEN upgrade11:43
Keitaroiobelisk: install ubuntu using the alternative setup CD, that may help :)11:43
Gaming1stefg: I said I am updating not upgrading, I will backup and then upgrade.....11:43
predaeusAdriaan_, there was some news on the first release day that isos are fubared I think, maybe your mirror is not up to date.11:43
stefgGaming1: ah, ok...11:43
[chr0n0s]installing xgl disables direct rendering on ATi, any workaround ? compiz doesn't work without xgl11:44
iobeliskKeitaro, are you saying that i need to reinstall ubuntu to fix this?11:44
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Bonste1Gaming1: why dont u use use Wubi and install ubuntu from ur windows which u need so much11:44
Keitaroiobelisk: no wait sorry i misunderstood what you were saying, you want to install another distro along side ubuntu?11:45
stefgBonste1: wubi is a very poor means of running ubuntu11:45
h4L1mifireball: ok, but is it possible to run the videos with the desktop effects?11:45
Adriaan_predaeus: that's possible, I wonder which mirrors are uptodate and which aren't11:45
Bonste1yes but he need his windows11:45
Gaming1No, I don't require Windows but my family does......11:45
=== Saied_ is now known as Saied
Gaming1If something happens, I am grounded....:(11:45
predaeusiobelisk, just edit the menu.lst on your boot partition11:45
stefgiobelisk: you have to edit /boot/grub/list by hand.11:46
Bonste1say it was a windows virus11:46
buttercups[chr0n0s], well you can try the new  8.42.3 ati driver which works with desktop effects11:46
stefgiobelisk: you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst by hand.11:46
predaeusAdriaan_, but then md5 checks should differ. or did you get the md5 sum from the mirror? you could check if they differ then.11:46
ubot3partimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-17 (gutsy), package size 286 kB, installed size 952 kB11:47
[chr0n0s]buttercups, i'll wait few days, let some ppl give their exp about 8.42 on ATi11:47
sonetreneed some help to change my resolution...I now have desktop resolution to 1680x1050 and monitor resolution to 800x600 so its mouse scrollable...both screen resolution and screens and graphics are set to 1680...xorg.conf also set to 1680...what am i doing wrong?11:47
Adriaan_predaeus: I got the md5sum from the mirror yes, that is probablt the problem11:47
Gaming1How does partimage work when restoring?11:47
predaeusKeitaro, you can blacklist modules so they don't get loaded at boot11:47
buttercups[chr0n0s], worked for me, but ya its still early11:47
predaeusKeitaro, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:48
frodonCan someone help me about XGL, my computer is using it with (i think) no reason, how to switch to normal xserver ?11:48
Keitaropredaeus: will that help in not loading the dial-up driver and install the file myself in insmod?11:48
sladokkako si11:48
stefgGaming1: you can't backup the system you're running on, so i'd recommend euterh using a Live CD, or some specialized mini-distro. e.g. http://www.inside-security.de/insert_en.html11:48
sladokasl psl11:48
predaeusKeitaro, insmod just loads kernel modules/drivers at runtime, it does not install anything actually11:48
iobeliskstefg, predaeus, you mean i have to type in the image/kernel address and root ID within menu.lst for my second install myself? but the last time i switched from sabayon to gentoo, i did not need to do it. i changed root from live cd and reinstalled grub. exactly like what i'm doing now, it automatically detected my other OS. its really strange11:48
knighthawkinteresting when I type sudo sh -c 'md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf > /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum' I get permission denied11:49
predaeusKeitaro, btw. I think it is recommended to use modprobe instead of insmod11:49
knighthawkroot has rw11:49
timobknighthawk: its coz the redirect is running as u11:49
sladokkakose vikas ti mare cavo budala ala kari mare cavo11:49
Adriaan_predaeus: for Xubuntu, I used an alternative mirror because the official one wouldnt work... it might be because they were upgrading it11:49
Gaming1stefg: Why can't I backup the system I am running on?11:49
sladokjades kur11:50
predaeusiobelisk, I think the live cd just uses a virtual HD you would have to specify the location to install grub really to maby11:50
halimsladok: kako si be pucii11:50
Wibble-grow up11:50
ubot3Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici11:50
vikai got ubuntu live cd but it does not have compiz11:50
inversekinetixwhats up iobelisk?11:50
vikado i need the dvd version to get it11:50
predaeusthanks ops11:50
fyrestrtrvika: what video card do you have?11:50
stefgGaming1: you can't dump a mounted partition into a compressed image. you need to process it from the outside11:51
knighthawktimob, ah okay so should I change the permissions on xorg.conf.md5sum or is ther a way to do the redirect as root?11:51
fyrestrtrYou need to download the drivers for it before compiz will work.11:51
fyrestrtrknighthawk: sudo -i, then do it.11:51
Gaming1So, can I boot Ubuntu from the live CD and do it?11:51
vikabut i dont even have the compiz icon to start or anythhing11:51
iobeliskpredaeus, yes, i changed root from live cd into my ubuntu partition, i do grub-install and put the hard disk addresss in this case /dev/sda2 and when i nano /boot/grub/menu.lst it still is the same11:51
fyrestrtrvika: system > preferences > appearance > effects11:52
inversekinetixare you dual booting iobelisk?11:52
halimifireball: is it possible to run the videos with the desktop effects?11:52
stefgGaming1: yes... but you'll need the drive for burning, so better use some smalller distro and run it from RAM11:52
Keitaropredaeus: the command says command not found :/11:52
predaeusiobelisk, hm then I don't know sorry.11:52
predaeusKeitaro, what command?11:52
fyrestrtrhas anyone noticed an issue with gnome panels not retaining their state?11:53
knighthawkfyrestrtr, thanks I was wondering how you got to real root in ubuntu (not used to Debian distros)11:53
stefgfyrestrtr: long time issue with gnome... just kick it once, twice on the nose, then it will behave11:53
timobknighthawk: you could try  .... | sudo cat > myfile11:53
fyrestrtrstefg: I got tired of kicking ... there is no solution? My foot is getting tired.11:54
timobknighthawk: that wont work try  ... | sudo tee myfile11:54
iobeliskinversekinetix, yes i am, i had gentoo on, i wanted to try out opensuse so i rewrote that partition. my main OS is ubuntu. opensuse rewrote grub on the mbr, but it does show ubuntu on the boot menu, so when i choose it to boot, the hard drive seems to stall at a blank screen after a minute or so, i figure grub's messed up so i boot the buntu live cd, change root, install grub but ti still shows my previous install in 'other OS' in the boot11:54
Taffy-naydoes anybody know of any work done to get an xbox 360 usb wireless adapter to work with Ubuntu, GNU\Linux?11:55
Gaming1stefg: oh,yeah....I'll get the INSERT....I already have Damn Small Linux downloaded, think I can use that?11:55
Keitaropredaeus: sorry the blacklist command and i jus tried modprobe, says module not found :/11:55
inversekinetixsorry iobelisk, i just had problems with grub and xp/ubuntu11:55
predaeusiobelisk, I don't know if this is related, but as far as I know each OS provides its own menu.lst.11:55
predaeusiobelisk, unless you share /boot11:56
enryi'm searcing a matematic equation solver, integral etc...11:56
stefgGaming1: Insert and DSL are related. but Insert is specialized on rescue and recovery. Make things easier11:56
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inversekinetixcould the supergrub disk help in this kind of situation?11:56
Gaming1stefg: Then Insert it is.....Thanks. I'll get back later. Bye11:56
iobeliskpredaeus, yes they do, but if i install grub from here, it should take precedence over others and rewrite grub on the mbr. what i don't understand is why i am unable to boot from hdd into ubuntu even after i reinstall grub11:56
neopsycheUBUNTU STUDIO ROCKS!11:56
MS20anybody got a clue how to install themes for compiz?11:57
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MS20i downloaded them... now how to get them installed.... no clue11:57
ubot3Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:57
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!11:57
iobeliskinversekinetix, believe it or not, i ran SGD, twice!11:57
mikephi everyone. can anyone help out on inding any info on compiling wine for as a standalone app like it was done with google's picasa?11:57
MS20stef: they are normal themes... was talking about the compiz ones11:58
MilhousePunkRockI wonder why a static IP configuration for ethernet will not work on the Gutsy CD, but on the Feisty one... o.O11:58
bgmikep, are you familiar with gcc, g++?11:58
MilhousePunkRockMS20: #ubuntu-effects11:58
predaeusiobelisk, hm sorry I don't know, I also have my fights with grub from time to time11:58
MS20k thks11:59
elkbuntu /!\ spamminess warning, cleaning some old bans out :)11:59
BubblegumTateI swear to god11:59
mikepa bit.. but i'm not so familiar with wine's inner workings11:59
iobeliskinversekinetix, since i have /home on a separate partition, i guess i could reinstall ubuntu. but man, it gets tiring having to reinstall ubuntu everytime i try an OS.11:59
BubblegumTatefirefox is sing my wine install of flash11:59
BubblegumTatethat's not cool11:59
vikahey whats recommended ubuntu cd or dvd download12:00
inversekinetixive only had ubuntu for 2 days and have installed it 4 times12:00
MilhousePunkRockvika: CD probably, DVD only if you don't have access to the net afterwards to install more stuff12:00
stefgiobelisk: just learn to master the syntax in menu.list. it's not that complicated, and you can even teach update-grub to take notice of other distros kernels12:00
cerneulahello everyone12:00
KeitaroSpredaeus: sorry im back modprobe says module not found :(12:00
bgIf you have a .c file just compile it with winegcc instead of normal gcc12:00
ifireballvika: depends12:00
vikai got fast net so should i just get dvd so in that case i dont need to worry bout installing things later12:00
elkbuntuand some more...12:00
vikaisd compiz on the cd coz i put it in and couldnt find it to run12:01
predaeusKeitaroS, then the module has a different name or is not available.12:01
stefgLinux is not windows \12:01
iobeliskstefg, well i sort of do know the syntax in menu.lst, as long as i have image/kernel and root address it is not a problem. the thing is though i am reinstalling grub over here but it still does not work. any ideas why?12:01
predaeusKeitaroS, what are you trying to achieve?12:01
ifireballvika: if you have fast net get the CD, and just d/l things with synaptic rather then installing them from the cd12:01
schnoonixhow come there are alot of certain things i cant install like plugins for music or firefox ?12:02
KeitaroSpredaeus: aww maan :( then what can i do to use insmod because the dial-up drivers install automatiaclly :P12:02
stefgiobelisk: you'd need to elaborate and possibly paste your menu.lst to !pastebin12:02
inversekinetixschoonix what are you trying to install?12:02
cerneulaI'm new to linux. Does anybody know how to change the description's length on desktop icons? And set their behaviour like Windows. That is when the icon/item is selected it shows all the description. Otherwise is limited to a line. Thank you very much!!12:03
stefgschnoonix: your /etc/apt/sources.list seems broken12:03
schnoonixwell i wanted to install flash for firefox and it didnt install and i wanted to install GStreamer Extra Plugins for Totem Movie Player12:03
predaeusKeitaroS, please state what the problem is exactly and what you are trying to do. I think you are trying to load some module yourself and prevent it from being loaded automatically at boot. But I am not sure.12:03
schnoonixstefg, how do i find out if it is or how can i fic it12:03
Y0da^where I can find the settings to adjust my touchpad in gnome?12:03
ubot3Ubuntu Restricted Extras is a new way of getting common "restricted" codecs, etc. See !RestrictedFormats12:03
stefg!easysource | schnoonix12:03
ubot3schnoonix: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:03
iobeliskstefg, my menu.lst is fine really, the kernel address etc everything is okay, i had sabayon installed on another partition, i rewrote that with an opensuse installation, my main os is ubuntu. when i was installing suse, it detected ubuntu so on the first reboot i tried to load ubuntu to see if suse got it right but the hard disk would get quiet a little while after hitting enter and i'd just get a black screen, so i booted live cd of ubunt12:04
schnoonixahh so i swap /etc/apt/sources.list with what was just generated ?12:04
izikehey i had a file in /tmp/ and when i rebooted the system it seems like ubuntu deleted it, there is anyway i can get this file back?12:05
stefgiobelisk: big harddisk and ol bios ?12:05
stefgschnoonix: right. run sudo apt-get update after you did that12:06
iobeliskstefg, no, two year old bios, 80 gig hdd on a laptop. i've dual booted before with other distro's but honestly, ive had to reinstall grub everytime, the thing is this time that did not fix the problem12:06
BubblegumTateFirefox is using my wine install of the flash plugin but obviously I want it to use the native non-free flash plug-in how do I correct this (Gutsy-32bit)12:07
stefgiobelisk: my theory is that your bios can't access beyond cylinder 1024. so grub is fine, but the kernel might simply be beyond the 1024 cylinder limit12:07
predaeusiobelisk, did you try to boot another distri and chroot/grubinstall from there?12:07
KeitaroSpredaeus: ok this is what im trying to do: i got dial-up drivers for my sysdtem and it installs by itself, i previously had feisty fawn 7.04 then updated to 7.10 but as it updated the dial-ip wouldnt work anymore so im trying to install the drivers again12:07
badmuthahello, does anyone know the help channel for compiz?12:07
predaeusiobelisk, one other than the livecd12:07
stefgiobelisk: and check that LBA is enable in bios12:08
schnoonixbadmutha:  #compiz-fusion12:08
badmuthaschnoonix: thanks12:08
LinuxInsidejoin #compiz-fusion12:08
KeitaroSpredaeus: now the error that comes up when installing is it cannot activate the drivers because it already exists but the dial-up still does not work, when looking in the log of the dial-up process it says file or directory not found when dialing out :(12:08
schnoonixanyone know of a good IRC client for ubuntu, im using finch atm but not a fan. I came from mIRC so i want abit of an easy crossover12:09
saloxinschnoonix: xchat?12:09
iobeliskpredaeus, well now that i wrote grub over it does not detect suse. but i could pop the install cd back and boot from hdd from there, let me try that, thank you for all your help! :-)12:09
ba5ewhat is that program that times your boot into linux?12:10
schnoonixi used to use xchat when i used ubuntu ages ago, was wondering if there was anymore12:10
stefg!info bootchart | ba5e12:10
ubot3ba5e: bootchart: boot sequence auditing and chart generator. In component main, is extra. Version 0.9-0ubuntu7 (gutsy), package size 97 kB, installed size 192 kB12:10
predaeusKeitaroS, hm yes. I am not sure. But check "lsmod" to see if the driver is already loaded on boot. If it is, you could rmmod it so it is unloaded and try to install your version of the driver. But I am not sure of the outcome and if your drivers will mess up with the drivers that come with ubuntu.12:10
saloxinschnoonix: otherwise pidgin is the new allinone chat client12:10
schnoonixsaloxin: sorry pidgin is what i use not finch, Its ok i just dont like how it tabs chan windows with msn chats12:11
Chemist_hi there12:12
KeitaroSpredaeus: hehe thnx even if i unload drivers there are no dial-up drivers of my modem that came with ubuntu so no loss :) may i ask how to unload drivers from lsmod using rmmod or something similar?12:12
ba5estefg: ubot3 thanks!!12:12
Chemist_are there known issues with wireless network manager in gusty??12:12
stefgoh yes12:12
LinuxInsidei use wireless LAN12:13
predaeusKeitaroS, you can use lsmod to list all current running drivers (that is drivers that are running as modules and not compiled directly into the kernel). You can unload any driver/module from the kernel at runtime with rmmod (rmmod modulename). to load a driver use "modprobe modulename"12:13
predaeusKeitaroS, look at "man lsmod" "man modprobe" for details (quit the man pages with "q")12:14
Chemist_just i've noticed under feisty i could get wifi pretty much anywhere in the our house but since i installed gusty12:14
Chemist_its flaky at best12:14
tapasyou gotta love how computers can shoot thjemself in the foot12:14
KeitaroSpredaeus: thnx im trying that right now ^_^12:14
stefgChemist_: that assumingly relates to the gutsy kernel. Try disabling ipv612:14
tapasi'm in the process of upgrading to gutsy12:14
stefg!ipv6 | Chemist_12:14
tapasin that process libPAM gets updatd12:15
ubot3Chemist_: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv412:15
JmZcan anyone help me with this audio problem i got?12:15
Grueliusim getting Kernel panic's about Kmalloc when i try to boot up, anyone able to help12:15
JmZwhen i play a game, the audio is choppy and my FPS is low12:15
tapasso apt asks, hey shall i restart this and that service?12:15
tapasi say nay, i reboot later.. [gdm was among them, and since i did the upgrade in X that would be a bad idea]12:15
stefg!boot | Gruelius12:15
ubot3Gruelius: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:15
tapasok libPAM gets updated, i go to sleep yadda yadda12:16
LinuxInsidejmz: say it clearly~12:16
Chemist_thanks ubots12:16
tapasnext morning i wake up to find the scrensaver having kicked in12:16
Grueliusstefg: eh? ive taken out quiet n splash so i have the error if you want it12:16
tapasand what does it use to authenticate the user?12:16
tapasso no login possible to answer the rest of apt's  questions12:16
chovyhelp -- i upgraded and now I can't get the login screen12:16
eNons3nseso there is a section for "widget layer" in the compiz options.  where do i get these widgets and how to i install them?12:16
JmZalright linuxinside, when i play a game (any game so far) on ubuntu, my FPS is much lower than what i should be getting. The audio also becomes choppy/skips a lot12:16
tapasluckily i could ssh into the box and manually kill xscreensaver12:16
Gaming1stefg:Sorry to be back so soon, since I've already downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD, wouldn't it be simpler to just remove Feisty and then install Gutsy?12:16
JmZout of games, the audio is fine12:16
chovyall i get is a the Kbuntu loading...then it goes blank.12:17
stefgGruelius: i'm guessing at acpi or apic . try adding noacpi nopic nolapicc12:17
stefgGruelius: i'm guessing at acpi or apic . try adding noacpi nopic nolapic12:17
tapaschovy: notebook?12:17
stefgGaming1: what happens if Gutsy just doesn't work for you ?12:17
Grueliusstefg: kk, why would it develop tho?12:17
tapaschovy: if so, X probably dies a gruesome death..12:17
Gaming1stefg: what do you mean?12:17
stefgGaming1: what happens if Gutsy just doesn't work for you and you want feisty back ?12:18
kjetilhoI'm trying to put the root partition in LVM on software RAID1, but the default initramfs can't sort it out.  is this a known limitation?  any workarounds?12:18
JmZagh, back12:18
linux__alienwhats the easiest way to install VMware Server in 7.1012:18
linux__alienis anyone using it ?12:18
linux__aliencan someone let me know please?12:18
stefg!vmware | linux__alien12:19
Gaming1stefg: Then I would be at a loss......so this means that you can rollback changes after you upgrade to Gutsy?12:19
ubot3linux__alien: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers12:19
stefgGaming1: you're dealing with one-way tickets if you upgrade or flatten feisty and install gutsy. a backup is the only way of going back12:19
chovytapas: nope. desktop. something about acpid not configured yet12:20
chovyand errors out12:20
Gaming1stefg: I have about 120 GB of data, so I am including all the three OS, I am wondering how many DVD's I am going to write....12:20
stefgGaming1: so do you have separate partitions for your OS and data ?12:21
tapaschovy: try hitting ctrl-alt-f1 and see if you get to a console12:21
chovytapas: nope12:22
JmZanyone help with my fps/audio problem?12:22
tapaschovy: then try starting the box in single user mode so you can investigate the problem12:22
Gaming1stefg: Let's see I have two Hard disks one 160 GB another 20GB. I don't think there is any need to backup the 20 GB harddisk. So in Windows XP, I have two partitions, one for OS and the other for data (Games,Softwares) and I have one partition each for Ubuntu and Fedora....That's it12:23
tapasJmZ: well it depends on many factors.. what games do you play? what audio server[s] do you use?12:24
m4yttcould any 1 tell me what this problem is Errors were encountered while processing:12:24
m4ytt /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg-video-intel_2%3a2.1.1-0ubuntu9_i386.deb12:24
schnoonixis there anything like k-lite which will install all movie and music codecs for me ?12:24
kalinhi, i'm trying to setup an nfs server and while starting nfsd appears successful, there is never an entry in /proc/fs/nfs/exports, and no errors are in /var/log/syslog; any suggestions where to start looking?12:24
JmZtapas, the main one i play is savage (s2games.com)12:24
kalinsavage is fun12:24
JmZthe audio is fine until joining a server, then it becomes very choppy12:24
tapasJmZ: are you sure you have 3d accelleration?12:24
stefgGaming1: aside fromthe fact that you'd need some insurance against hardware failure it would be enough to backup your feisty partition. But ask yourself what happens when one morning you fire up your box and you hear is'screeeech' from the hd ?12:25
JmZyes i do12:25
m4yttcould any 1 tell me what this problem is Errors were encountered while processing:12:25
chovytapas: how do i do that?12:25
tapaschovy: at boot, in grub edit the boot line12:25
tapasand squeeze a "single" in there12:25
Gaming1I know that.....But I will be happy to leave out the data partition since it contains mostly games and stuff but the OS's partitions I should backup....12:26
chovytapas: ok12:26
chovyi removed acpid12:26
Gaming1What If I backed up my data in Windows XP using some software like Norton Ghost and then backup the Linux partitions would I be able to restore all the data?12:27
m4yttis any 1 available to help12:27
JmZeh im off on other os12:28
JmZcya all12:28
fuschtcan someone help me with grub?12:29
fuschtit messed up my mbr on hda12:29
linux__alieni am using Ubuntu 7.10 and when i did a search for vmware-server package it says it does not exist12:29
chovyi think i wiped out my xconfig12:29
linux__aliencan some one help me ?12:29
linux__alieni ve enabled almost all the repositories12:30
fuscht!grub >fuscht12:30
fuscht!grub > fuscht12:30
Raff7!grub | fuscht12:30
ubot3fuscht: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:30
zetheroohow do I get the terminal to release its hold on the last standing command given?12:30
Raff7zetheroo: ?12:30
chovyshoulda bought a mac :(12:30
fuschtthat didn't help me yet12:31
linux__alienThe Wiki says add the multiverse repository and its added for me but i dont get the VMware Server package12:31
zetherooRaff7: there is a command that lets you close the terminal without the last command being stopped12:31
chovytapas: how do i enable signle user mode from boot?12:31
Raff7write screen12:32
Raff7press enter, and write now ur command. After press ctrl+A ctrl+D12:32
m4yttis any 1 available to help12:32
Raff7it will say detatched :D12:32
tapaschovy: on boot, enter the grub boot line12:33
tapassqueeze a "single" in there12:33
chovyhow do i kill x?12:33
Ballenais there a command for showing my deafult gateways routing table?12:33
chovyi booted up in recovery mode but startx yeiled same blank screen12:33
chovyi can't kill it with12:33
tapasBallena: route?12:33
adriancan anyone help me with setting up compiz on ati mobility radeon12:33
zetherooRaff7: i don't understand..... white screen?12:34
adriani use lenny winth kde12:34
Ballenatapas:  i wnat to see my routers routing table12:34
Raff7zetheroo open the terminal12:34
zetherooRaff7: yes12:34
Raff7now write the command "screen"12:34
tapasBallena: well, it then depends on whether yuo rrouter supports an interface to query these12:34
zetherooRaff7: ok12:34
TeslHello everyone12:34
Raff7press enter12:35
Ballenatapas: ok, but what is the command for checik it's routing table?12:35
zetherooRaff7: yes12:35
Raff7and write your command12:35
Raff7after press CTRL+A CTRL+D12:35
chovytapas: "single"?12:36
tapasBallena: i don't know.. not knowing what standards it supports this is impossible to answer12:36
zetherooRaff7: when i type nothing appears12:36
Raff7it will say detatched :)12:36
Raff7when u type ur command?12:36
pani_ale3yesterdey shearm89 told me how to install ubuntu lite but the link he show me is to download a litle iso "7mb" and with that iso o download te lates version, i want yo download the lates complete iso12:36
tapaschovy: "single"12:36
zetherooRaff7: yes12:36
Ballenatapas: ok12:36
pani_ale3some one can show me another link12:36
Raff7zetheroo: maybe this is better http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/05/04/command-line-multitasking-with-screen/12:37
StatusDWhat is the command for Wlan stuff?12:37
pani_ale3he aldo told me that the Dapper is not the lates lates12:37
StatusDif i wanna scan for Wlan connections and Connect to them?12:37
Y0da^would any of you possibly know why it is that whenever I open a rar file with ark, it's showing nothing in it?12:38
pani_ale3wich is the lates ubuntu lite?12:38
[chr0n0s]any way to use voice chat with a GTalk user in ubuntu ??12:41
[chr0n0s]Y0da^, try installing rar from rarlabs12:42
Gaming1What is a good program to voice chat on Ubuntu?12:42
balutixhey, i tried upgrading from ubuntu 7.04 to the new 7.10, i click upgrade but i get "authentication failed, authenticating the upgrade failed, there may be a problem with the network or with the server."12:42
chovyhow do i re-install a pkg?12:42
zetheroowhats the command for releasing the terminal?12:42
Gaming1Can you voice chat with pigdin?12:42
Y0da^I suppose that's what I'll have to do eh12:42
Hans-Martinwith gutsy, a gnome-terminal bug seems to have been imported from the debian sources: debian bug #370380 (ctrl-key shortcuts with alternative keyboards don't work correctly). This affects german keyboards, too (for example, pressing ctrl-Z to stop a foreground process does not work, I have to press ctrl-Y to get the correct effect).12:43
ubot3Debian bug 370380 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal shortcouts do not work properly with alternative" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/37038012:43
fddfxdcc://DaIRC/irc.dairc.net/#tv-xdcc/Ibot01/#0105/South Park S03E02 Spontaneous Combustion 1.MP4/msg Ibot01 xdcc send12:43
Y0da^I just thought it was so strange thought because ark has always come through for me in the past12:43
Hans-MartinI'm pretty sure this bug was not present in versions before gutsy, so it's a regression12:43
buttercupsY0da^, do you have unrar installed from the repos?12:45
Y0da^the unrar-free12:45
jscinozIs there a list of xorg.conf tweaks for maximum 3d performance?12:45
chovywhat is acpi?12:46
chovyit is busy12:46
schnoonixanyone know of a codec bundle pack i can download through apt-get ?12:46
Hans-Martinjscinoz: that would probably depend on your actual graphics card and your actual application - try adjusting the parameters until you get the desired performance12:46
Radio_manwhat codecs U lookin 412:47
jscinozHans-Martin, alright thanks12:47
jscinozHans-Martin, you wouldnt happen to know if 95C is a safe load temp for a laptop GPU?12:47
ubot3Factoid notice not found12:47
kjetilhookay, so systemsettings crashed when I wanted to add a printer (up-to-date Gutsy) -- is there a -dbg package I can add to get a useful backtrace?12:48
schnoonixRadio_man:  mainly music and video12:48
buttercupsschlort, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats12:48
schnoonixsomething like windows klite12:48
chovycan someone tell me why acpid is choking when i run dpkg --configure -a12:48
zetheroodoes anyone here know the command for releasing the terminal from a command given??12:49
Radio_mangstreamer and mozilla plugins work12:49
chovycan't open /proc/dev/acpi12:49
schnoonixRadio_man:  any iedea ?12:49
buttercupsGaming1, no pidgin does not support voice chat, try sype or ekiga12:49
zetheroodoes anyone here know the command for releasing the terminal from a command given??12:49
gecko_tach zusammen12:50
OrionDudecan anyone tell me how to start the dovecot-pop3d ? .. i installed it via synaptic package manager but i cannot find it anywhere12:50
void^!de | gecko_12:51
ubot3gecko_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:51
balutixzetheroo: you mean like ctrl-z ?12:51
flyaroundPHo all12:51
darkhackSo is everyone who has ati driver able to install the new driver and enable aiglx?12:52
TahnokJust a quick question about installation: I couldn't get X in openSUSE working properly so I'm probably switching to Ubuntu. Can the Ubuntu installer format and use the openSUSE partitions accordingly, and will GRUB work as it should(Ubuntu+Windows)?12:53
m4ytthi doesany 1 know where or if i can get a .deb graphics card driver for a dell dc7600 small form factor pc12:53
SteffanHello, I have several partitions on my hdd, but ubuntu doesn't see them12:53
Steffan(the ubuntu installer only sees one hdd)12:54
TahnokJust a quick question about installation: I couldn't get X in openSUSE working properly so I'm probably switching to Ubuntu. Can the Ubuntu installer format and use the openSUSE partitions accordingly, and will GRUB work as it should(Ubuntu+Windows)?12:54
balutixhey, i tried upgrading from ubuntu 7.04 to the new 7.10, i click upgrade but i get "authentication failed, authenticating the upgrade failed, there may be a problem with the network or with the server."12:56
OrionDudecan anyone tell me how to start the dovecot-pop3d ? .. i installed it via synaptic package manager but i cannot find it anywhere12:56
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=== nu is now known as nuu
oliver_g1anyone has experience using compiz (desktop effects) on a Via graphics chip?12:58
buttercupsdarkhack,  there is a driver out that supports aiglx , 8.42.312:59
LiMaOOrionDude: seach for that same package again on synaptic, then click on it and check its properties.. there's a list of files, including the place where the binary should be13:00
TripHello, Vista user here trying to install Ubuntu on a system with a X800XL video card, using a burned ubuntu CD, after the splash screen both monitors simply turn off, and I can't do anything else.  Don't know how to get to a command line where i might be able to edit xorg.conf.  Where is the best place to look for information on this?13:02
kopandaWhen I try to rename a folder or file by right-clicking and selecting "rename", the text changes so that I can highlight and presumably edit it... but it doesn't accept any keyboard input at all.13:02
kopandaI'm using Gutsy Gibbon.13:03
kopandaThis is getting pretty frustrating...13:03
LiMaOTrip: what version of ubuntu are you trying to install? if 7.10, just use 7.04 instead13:03
LiMaOkopanda: gutsy still presents some minor bugs and issues13:03
jscinozglxgears is 3d accelerated right?13:03
Trip7.10, yes.  Is 7.04 more stable?  or at least doesn't have this problem?13:03
kopandaIt also happens when you try to create a new folder.13:04
OrionDudeLiMaO: i found it .. but i cannot get it to start (prolly me doing it wrong)13:04
kopandaI'm surprised 'not being able to name files and folders' is considered a 'minor' bug.13:04
dalinianHello.  I'm in need of help with a sound issue.  Can anyone offer advice?13:04
TripIs it possible this 7.10 "alternate" package might work?  Or should I just go for 7.04?13:06
chovyhow do i restart x13:08
Alp`Trip: i think 7.10 is more stable 7.0413:08
Alp`ctrl+alt+backspace twice13:08
pabloguionsomebody could help me configuring a radeon 9250?13:09
TripThanks alp... I would like to install 7.10 but X is not loading properly for my X800 XL card.  Wondering what this "alternate" 7.10 package is... hmm13:09
steviedeecan anyon link me to more compiz options?13:10
hjmillshowdy all13:10
Alp`Trip: does the live cd/dvd normally boot?13:10
=== snowgirl is now known as sungirl
Alp`steviedee: you need to fetch them from git as far as i know13:11
wastrelfetch what from git13:11
buttercupsTrip, The alternate cd Is just a text based installer with out a live cd13:11
hjmillshow do I forward traffic from my laptop to the net via my desktop? The desktop is online and the lappy is connected using a straight cat5e cable which has been working in the past13:11
steviedeesoz n00b13:11
hjmillsthe desktop has eth0 and eth1 (both wired) with inet on eth0 and the laptop is on eth113:12
TripI've only tried the standard install CD, not sure if that's called the Live CD?  I think the problem is just with X... is the alternate CD, text-based, user-friendly enough for someone who isn't very familiar with linux?13:12
wastrelhjmills: set up iptables to run nat forwarding.  firestarter can do this13:12
dalinianDoes anyone know why I would get this error message when trying to configure alsa packages?13:12
spapswhats ALT-GR + 2 on an english keyboard? :)13:12
hjmillsTrip, the standard install cd is the old live cd, the alternate cd is like the old (pre dapper) install cd and is fine13:13
OrionDudethe alternate is far from user friendly if your a linux noob :)13:13
wastrelspaps: alt-gr is the right alt key afaik13:13
dalinianerror message: The file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist.13:13
dalinianPlease install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution13:13
dalinianor use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel13:13
daliniansources (default is /usr/src/linux).13:13
hjmillsOrionDude, I managed it when I installed breezy and I knew nothing then13:13
Alp`wastrel: that wasnt the question :D13:13
buttercupsTrip, yes friendly enough for a linux noob =)13:13
ubot3dalinian: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)13:13
OrionDudehjmills: .. yeah prolly me being a bigger noob then any other linux noob :)13:14
spapswastrel, yes .. and what character do you get when pressing right alt and 2 ?13:14
tomcehi! how is it possible to start "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" automatically at each start13:14
wastreli dunno i turn off altgr13:14
TripThanks hjmills Alp and buttercups :)  will try the alternate CD first.13:14
wastreli need my right alt key13:14
steviedeeneone use AWN?13:14
=== Raff7[A_G] is now known as Raff7
hjmillsspaps, I get a superscript 213:14
spapssuperscript? :)13:14
ubot3Factoid awn not found13:14
wastrelhi ubot313:15
hjmillsspaps, a tiny floating 2 like this ²13:15
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
steviedeeavant windows navigation13:15
hjmillsspaps, «»¢“”nµłĸjħŋđðßæ@łe¶ŧ←↓→øþ13:15
PriceChildAHEM!!!!! Very sorry but need a little cleanup...13:15
ompaulthanks PriceChild13:16
steviedeeive removed the bottom panel on ubuntu, how can i change my desktop rows and columns atm i have a 4 row, i jus want 113:17
OrionDudeim trying to install a simple pop3 mail server on my ubuntu 7.10 .. what should i go for ?13:17
hjmillsspaps, thats a load more alt-gr keys13:17
Black^Dragonquestion, just added second HDD, system set owner as root, having no luck in changing, and can't add folders, how would I change this??13:17
wastrelOrionDude: imap is better :]  courier has a pop3 server i think13:17
OrionDudecourier ... where can i find that one ?13:18
wastrelapt-cache search pop3 | grep courier13:18
dalinian2nd try.  I'm getting this error when trying to configure alsa packages http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42346/13:19
hjmillswastrel, I have installed firestarter and have told it to enable internet connection sharing on eth1 - is this enough and if so why isnt it working? I am using static ips in range (1 desk, 2 lap)13:19
=== bucatoamano is now known as Bucatino
=== Bucatino is now known as BucatinoeSalsicc
wastrelhjmills: your default gateway on the laptop is set to .1"13:20
wastreler, ? even :]13:20
hjmillswastrel, yup13:21
OrionDudewastrel: i did that command in terminal but it doesn't seem to do anything.... not even an error msg13:21
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wastrelOrionDude: do you have the universe repository enabled?  the package is courier-pop but it's in universe13:22
thcmonkeydoes anyone know about support for iPod Touch with ubuntu?13:22
wastrelhjmills: can you ping .1 ?13:22
Stevethepiratey0, getting this erorr "err:wgl:X11DRV_wglGetProcAddress No libGL on this box - disabling OpenGL support !" on wine-0.9.4613:22
hjmillswastrel, yes13:22
hjmillswastrel, and .1 can ping .213:23
agedis there a newbies channel this is going over the 6top of trying learn not be confused13:23
hjmillsStevethepirate, do you have libGL installed? (just a guess...)13:23
=== BucatinoeSalsicc is now known as PiattoVuoto
OleMoudihi, I just read about the apm hard drive issue, shortening hd life expentacy because of too agressive save mode, I read with hdparm -B 255 its easy to disable, but where should I place that command to be executed automatically?13:23
hjmillsOleMoudi, in /etc/hdparm.conf i think13:23
wastrelhjmills: i don't know what might be wrong :]  i don't actually use firestarter.13:24
Radio_man Everything ok (aged).13:24
ompaulaged, no this is it, and there are lots of things for support, like help.ubuntu.com and mailing lists - not everything is suitable for or can be done on IRC13:24
m4ytthi could some 1 help me i updated dapper and i have restarted but my gui has gone13:24
hjmillswastrel, i just got it - i needed to copy the contents of /etc/resolv.conf from .1 to .213:25
wastreldns <313:25
kane77m4ytt, what did you update to? edgy?13:25
hjmillsm4ytt, updated dapper to gutsy in one step?13:25
=== PiattoVuoto is now known as BucatinoSalsicci
m4ytterm i clicked on the updete and it downloaded something like 600mb13:25
m4yttsomething did say gutsy13:26
jscinozhey everyone, i have an nvidia graphics card with the coolbits option enabled, if i look at 3d and 2d core settings are they separate cores or does the system automatically switch when you run 3d applications?13:26
m4yttso i have updated to gutsy?13:27
ompaulm4ytt, well that is not the supported way, you should go, one step at a time, I'll have the bot send you a meassage read the url with it and see if you can get it work -- but NOTE your jumping several generations likely to break13:27
rhalffhi, what software can I use to use ubuntu as handsfree for my mobile ? I want to use ubuntu throught bluetooth to talk with skype13:27
rhalffshould be possible right :)13:27
wastrelm4ytt: lsb_release -a13:27
Arkang3|alguien habla español13:27
ompaulm4ytt, check the message from the bot13:27
ompaul!es | Arkang3|13:28
ubot3Arkang3|: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.13:28
rhalffhi, what software can I use to use ubuntu as handsfree for my mobile ? I want to use ubuntu throught bluetooth to talk with skype13:28
m4ytthow do i check message im using chatzilla13:28
ompaulm4ytt, check for a message from a user called ubotu13:28
AL3X-adminHi all :) . Can somebody help me with my graphic card ?13:29
ompaul!resolution > AL3X-admin13:29
ompaulAL3X-admin, check that info from ubotu13:29
AL3X-adminIts an EN8600GTS 256mb , but I obtain only 100FPS in games like counter strike13:29
m4ytti havent recieved anything13:29
AL3X-adminWais, I already instaled drivers...and so on...13:29
AL3X-adminI have Compiz... but the problem is the performance of the card13:30
Stormx2You realise that's quicker than the human eye, yeah?13:30
AL3X-adminyes, only 100FPS13:30
AL3X-adminyeah, but with my old ATI 9600XT I obtained near 150FPS13:30
dalinianMy sound stopped dropped to a very very low level.  Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?13:30
AL3X-adminSo I think that with the new NVidia I'll have more...13:30
m4yttompaul i havent recieved a message13:30
AL3X-adminIts problem of the drivers ? (100.14.19)13:31
hjmillsAL3X-admin, did the ati do compiz?13:31
AL3X-adminyes (with XGL) (No Aiglx support in the drivers)13:31
m4yttwastrel i went to recovery mode and it said cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: no such file or directory will lsb_release-a sort it out13:32
hjmillsAL3X-admin, thats probably the difference - as 100fps is faster than the human eye you shouldnt have any problems13:32
AL3X-adminyes, but the problem is that in games like counter strike, as many FPS > better. There is a diference between playing with 24FPS(the human eye) and 400FPS13:33
AL3X-adminCan I do some "Tweak" or something... ?13:33
g0thI just compiled and installed a custom kernel13:33
g0thI also compiled nvidia-new with "m-a a-i nvidia-new"13:33
KonamI'm having problems with the gnome-screensaver update13:34
g0thit successfully creates a kernel module nvidia.ko13:34
g0thbut if I do: modprove nvidia-new or modprobe nvidia it gives:13:34
Konambefore the update everything was fine but after it now it crashes when I leave the screensaver active13:34
g0thFATAL: Error running install command for nvidia_new13:34
Konamis in a random moment13:34
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g0thI guess for a similar reason xorg doesn't start13:35
AL3X-adminOk, well, I guess that I'll have to play only with 100FPS :(13:35
AL3X-adminI have another cuestion13:35
g0thit all works if I manually load it "insmod /lib.../nvidia.ko13:35
Y0da^that Q7Z also looks pretty promising.13:35
g0thso how can I make it "officially" work under ubuntu?13:35
arnathhi, i'm short a connection on my switch, but i do have a few network cards laying around. if i install ubuntu server on a 800 mhz duron pc and share internet, will it put a lot of strain on the old pc or give me a slow connection on whatever pc is attached to it?13:35
AL3X-adminI have ADSL, and I obtain my IP by DHCP, and in windows I'm able to change my IP typing in CMD.exe > ipconfig /release ; ipconfig /renew .... How can I change my IP in ubuntu 7.10 ?13:37
PriceChildAL3X-admin, sudo dhclient13:37
PriceChildAL3X-admin, that will renew your dhcp lease13:37
shadebugok, I just tried installing gutsy gibbon on a desktop and it crashed at 96% (completely removed libntfs9), what's my best course of action? reinstall or can it be salvaged?13:38
AL3X-adminI already tried it13:38
AL3X-adminbut it gets the same IP13:38
PriceChildAL3X-admin, because that's the ip your dhcp server has assigned you13:39
PriceChildAL3X-admin, why do you want a new ip?113:39
nanonymehmm, what was the other way besides fakeroot for creating deb packages?13:39
AL3X-adminYeah, but look. In windows, by typing ipconfig /release ; ipconfig /flushdns ; ipconfig /renew I get new IP13:39
hjmillsnanonyme, checkinstall?13:40
AL3X-adminI want a new IP to "haack" the rapidshare limit xD13:40
PriceChildAL3X-admin, we're not going to help you with that.13:40
AL3X-adminjoo :(13:40
AL3X-adminIts just an IP change :(13:40
hjmillsAL3X-admin, linux is doing the same thing - just your router remembers your mac address so you get the same IP each time13:40
PriceChildAL3X-admin, purchase their premium account or w/e if they require it.13:40
AL3X-adminI have modem13:40
hjmillsAL3X-admin, the rapidshare terms are clear - live with limits or pay them money13:41
AL3X-adminxD ok :)13:41
AL3X-adminThanks :)13:41
HyperDevildoes gutsy have nagios 2.10 as a package?13:42
dalinianProtocol Question:  If you ask for help and no one responds, do you keep asking?13:42
ompaul!repeat | dalinian13:43
ubot3dalinian: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:43
ompauldalinian, about 15 / 20 minutes is a good gap13:43
ompauldalinian, less than 5 will have you in an argument with someone13:43
elvirolo2hi everyone13:44
ompaulm4ytt, a full sentence is good13:44
dalinianI've lost sound and cannot seem to get it back.13:44
ompaul!alsa | dalinian13:44
ubot3dalinian: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:44
ubot3Factoid nagios not found13:44
HyperDevildoes gutsy have nagios 2.10 as a package?13:45
g0thhow do I install the nvidia binary module? I tried m-a a-i nvidia-new which all works fine but afterwards I can't load the module, modprobe nvidia-new gives: "FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia_new". If I insmod /lib/.../nvidia.ko it works though. So how do I make the nvidia-new kernel module officially work with ubuntu?13:45
elvirolo2i'm using gutsy and my ipw3945 wifi card does not work13:45
ompaul!info nagios13:45
ubot3Package nagios does not exist in gutsy13:45
m4yttompaul sorry u instructed me to type lsb_release-a as ive accidently updated to gutsy from dapper but its not reconising the command and some 1 sent me a url through the bot but i didnt recieve it13:46
ompaulm4ytt, the info was in the channel I will put it there again - it is the resolution comment13:46
ubot3The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:46
ubot3nagios2: A host/service/network monitoring and management system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9-1 (gutsy), package size 1095 kB, installed size 3152 kB13:46
dalinianI've been through all the regular fixes for sound with the last fix configuring alsa drivers giving me this message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42346/13:46
JoeThomasHow do I remove php and apache 2 from source?13:47
ompaulJoeThomas, if you installed by hand you got to undo it all by hand -- if you use packages sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename13:48
ompaulJoeThomas, thats why checkinstall exists13:48
arnathim not entirely sure how software raid works, but can it be split out over 2 computers?13:49
cg_hi all13:49
g0thhow do I install the nvidia binary module? I tried m-a a-i nvidia-new which all works fine but afterwards I can't load the module, modprobe nvidia-new gives: "FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia_new". If I insmod /lib/.../nvidia.ko it works though. So how do I make the nvidia-new kernel module officially work with ubuntu?13:49
g0thwhat exactly does modprove nvidia-new do?13:50
bilugplease i need this fast (i'm at linux day presenting a thing...) in ubuntu screensaver image folder.. how/where i set image folder?13:50
whileimhereTwo questions: First is it possible to somehow eliminate the icons on the menu so that it goes faster? Or will this type of idea not speed up the GNOME desktop. Second question is it possible to turn off desktop icons?13:50
PriceChildg0th, why are you isntalling it manually?13:51
PriceChildg0th, undo what ever you've done then system > admin > restricted driver manager13:51
timobwhats the command to reset all package files back to default?13:51
ompaulwhileimhere, you should not have icons on your desktop unless they are in a directory called /home/yourusername/Desktop13:52
g0thit says that I need to install linux-restricted-modules-
g0thPriceChild: It says that I need to install linux-restricted-modules-
french-kisshttp://ubuntuusers.de/paste/16950/ can somebody help me with this error?13:52
orgthingywhats the best linux (beside ubuntu)?13:52
cg_I has install ubuntu 7.1,when i use firefox13:52
=== Greyhound_ is now known as Greyhound-
g0thWhat I did was I compiled my own kernel with make-kpkg --initrd binary-arch13:52
g0thusing the source package from ubuntu13:53
cg_its ofen error13:53
PriceChildg0th, we won't support custom kernels in here sorry.13:53
cg_ /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/firefox/components/libmyspell.so: undefined symbol: _ZN8Hunspell5spellEPKc13:53
PriceChildg0th, i'd strongly suggest you most probably don't need a custom kernel.13:53
g0thI definitely do13:53
cg_who can help me13:53
PriceChildg0th, why?13:53
g0thbecause I want to enable stuff that isn't and disable stuff that is13:54
dalinianany idea why networking would read an unsecured network as a secured network?13:54
g0thany sane person compiles it's own kernel13:54
g0thit's way faster also13:54
PriceChildg0th, we can't support your custom kernel here then sorry.13:54
mifritscherI've big problems afer updating13:54
g0thyou don't have to13:54
OrionDudeany sane person that does that and can do it .. dun need help from here ..13:54
MaitHello, If I do resizing root partition, UUID will change?13:54
mifritscher1: device mapper: table: 254:8:  dm-linear: device lookup failed13:54
g0thI just would like to know how to install the nvidia kernel driver the ubuntu way13:55
mifritscher2: I need to mount /dev/mapper/hda2 instead of /dev/hda213:55
g0thno need to go into specific kernel options, the kernel seems to work fine13:55
ompaul!nvidia > g0th , check the info from ubotu13:55
PriceChildg0th, the ubutnu way is to use an ubuntu kernel.13:55
mifritscher3: ntfs-3g (fuse) doesn't work anymore13:55
PriceChildompaul, he's on a custom kernel13:55
g0ththanks ompaul13:55
mifritscherfuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy13:55
mifritscherFUSE mount point creation failed13:55
PriceChildg0th, get support from nvidia.13:55
orgthingyi wanna create a web site using ubuntu but i dunno which program should i use (in windows i use nvu)13:55
ompaulg0th, then all bets are off13:55
PriceChildorgthingy, nvu is on linux as well!13:55
orgthingyo really?!13:55
g0ththe link doesn't work?13:55
larson9999orgthingy, kompozer13:55
PriceChildorgthingy, ya rlly13:56
mifritscherso, what can I do?13:56
PriceChildorgthingy, I've also heard reasonable things of "Screem"13:56
larson9999orgthingy, nvu is now kompozer13:56
PriceChildlarson9999, thanks13:56
g0thPriceChild: well building a custom kernel is one of the most normal things one does, why no support?13:56
cg_anyone help me?13:56
g0thbesides ubuntu has packages for this13:56
PriceChildg0th, Because you've most probably broken many things.13:56
timstokmanmy hd isnt detected at install time w/ gutsy, i tryed the irqpoll kernel option, what more can I try to get my hd detected?13:56
navi88salve a tutti13:57
g0thwhat should I have broken?13:57
PriceChildg0th, anything13:57
ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:57
wastreli haven't built a kernel for years13:57
navi88ho un prblema13:57
ompaulg0th, that works13:57
ompaul!it | navi8813:57
ubot3navi88: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:57
g0ththe link doesn't seem to tell me how to build the nvidia driver13:58
g0ththere is a package nvidia-new-kernel-source13:58
ompaulg0th, it solves the nvidia problem the ubuntu way13:58
g0thhow do I install this13:58
g0ththat's my question13:58
PriceChildg0th, use the nvidia.com installer13:58
PriceChildg0th, that package is for ubuntu source13:59
wastrelthe baby is napping13:59
ompaulwastrel, a little offtopic ;-)13:59
PriceChildg0th, if you use a custom kernel, you could have broken any number of things... especially things like restricted driver manager. We _cannot_ attempt to support this. You definitely don't need to use a custom kernel.13:59
g0thsure you can14:00
g0thit is the most normal thing to do14:00
g0thto build a custom kernel14:00
bilugsolved with gthumb14:00
g0thor at least it was14:00
OrionDudeim trying to install a simple pop3 mail server on my ubuntu 7.10 desktop ... i was told to get courier ... but i cannot find it .. anyone got directions for me?14:00
PriceChildg0th, end of discussion, that is our stance.14:00
wastrelit was when you had to to get your hardware working14:00
g0thyour stance14:00
ompaulg0th, it is not since the 2.6 kernel an normal thing thanks14:00
gluonmanCan anyone give me the specific reasons why wiki.ubuntu's wine installation page does not recommend getting the newest versions of wine by adding the winehq repository?14:00
MaitDoes partition resizing change UUID?14:00
g0thI do use the ubuntu kernel source14:01
SlimGWhere in Gnome is it possible to change the file associations (mime) ?14:01
ompaulg0th, not as intended14:01
Radio_manuh oh14:01
timstokmananyone good with kernel boot options, what more can I try to get my hd detected besides irqpoll?14:01
larson9999for me the restricted driver manager doesn't work.  i have a dell inspiron 8200 with a geforce4 440 go.  the driver installs but when i restart x it gives me that dialog to fix x and is using low res vga.  i think maybe it's the xorg settings for the display that's wrong but i don't know what they should be14:02
Grexeodoes gutsy gibbon support WPA TKIP out of the box?14:02
g0thsorry, I don't mean to flame, and I don't flood, I just would like to hear the answer I was just about to get on how to compile the ubuntu kernel source14:02
Caleb_hello, i need help in my ubuntu to get my wireless card to work, can someone help me?14:03
g0thalso it's kind of rude to kick someone without warning :(14:03
orgthingynice question14:03
larson9999my son has taken over my main computer14:03
carenetHow can i connect my Fedora computer to the internet?14:03
Sharpie_um, i'm gonna install linux (once again), any tips on which way to partition my free space?14:03
PriceChildg0th, Please use the nvidia.com binary installer if you want nvidia drivers.14:03
PriceChildg0th, if you do not use ubuntu, we can't support you any further14:03
=== Giannis is now known as Petros__
orgthingylarson9999: ur son?! wtf! he's grounded for the rest of the month :P14:04
orgthingyim 1214:04
Caleb_I get an error message when i tick the restricted driver thingy for my wireless card14:04
orgthingyso i know taht this will work!14:04
g0thmaybe someone in here can help14:04
PriceChild!offtopic | g0th14:04
ubot3g0th: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:04
g0thI can try ubuntu+1 then14:04
Sharpie_Caleb_: go to the package manager-repository and then go through the sources and tick them all14:04
PriceChildg0th, most definitely not.14:04
Caleb_it says: the software source for this package bcm43xx-fwcutter is not enabled how do i enable it?14:04
m4yttompaul i dont think you understood me earlier ive typed in sudo etc/init.d/?dm restart and rebooted but nothing changed. and the link u gave me was for screen problems my problem is when i boot up insted of getting ubuntu desktop i get a command promt hop u can help14:04
PriceChildg0th, +1 is for hardy development which has not really yet begun14:05
Sharpie_now, anybody, i'm gonna install linux (once again), any tips on which way to partition my free space?14:05
larson9999orgthingy, he's 6.  youtube keeps crashing while he's watching king of fighter videos on his computer.  it does on mine, too but not nearly as often.  so he kicked me out14:05
SlimGWhere in Gnome is it possible to change the file associations (mime) ?14:05
OrionDudeim trying to install a simple pop3 mail server on my ubuntu 7.10 desktop ... i was told to get courier ... but i cannot find it .. anyone got directions for me?14:05
wastrelm4ytt: sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults14:05
bytchn^ncryptnhi I try to set my ub untu 7.10 to show the text during boot, and it doesnt work, just shows black screen, how to fix?14:05
m4yttwastrel what will that do because i have to keep booting out of windows and ubuntu14:06
MaitCaleb_: maybe you can activate universe, multiverse repo.14:06
wastrelm4ytt: that sets gdm to start up when you boot14:06
Caleb_how do i do that?14:06
orgthingyGENERAL QUESTION : how can i make a robot chat instead of me in messenger ?14:06
Sharpie_caleb i told you14:06
Sharpie_Caleb_: go to the package manager-repository and then go through the sources and tick them all14:06
wastrelm4ytt: are you able to get into GUI after you boot?14:06
bytchn^ncryptnorgthingy, which meesenger14:06
IdleOne!repos | Caleb_14:06
ubot3Caleb_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource14:06
m4yttwastrel no14:07
wastrelah you have a problem with your X then14:07
ompaulm4ytt, do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:07
bytchn^ncryptnorgthingy, amsn used to have a tcl bot thingy plugin, i used to have 114:07
Petros__anyone that would be happy to help?14:07
g0thouff, ok again: I did everything the ubuntu way as described: I installed linux-source and ran make-kpkg which all worked fine, I installed the package nvidia-new-kernel-source and installed it with m-a a-i nvidia-new, it all works fine, actually anything works fine, just not "automatically". I think this is because I still miss this "linux-restricted-modules-", so either one of my installation was not correct ("m-a" or make-kpkg) or I14:07
Petros__please :)14:07
m4yttompaul will thay do my x14:07
jonnymacis there any way to install skype on gutsy? The downloading just stops and crashes the installer14:07
Petros__i have a problem with xinit myself14:07
Petros__i cannot start xinit14:08
ompaulm4ytt, it is the right way to do it14:08
carenetcaleb: do you know how to install internet on Fedora 514:08
Caleb_uhh no14:08
m4yttompaul wastrel thanks let ya know how it goes14:08
MaitI'm wondering when uuid change, mkfs? resize?14:08
g0thif I can't find help here, where can I find help on nvidia-new-kernel-source?14:08
Terminalhi hi hi dudes14:08
Caleb_bye, thanks for your help, i'll try your suggestions \o14:08
Terminalam I on brazilians channel?14:09
OrionDudeWhere can i find Courier? (pop3 mail server)14:09
Terminalno ?14:09
g0ththe web link doesn't seem to mention how to create this linux-restricted-modules-
[chr0n0s]Terminal, nope14:09
Terminalhi, carenet14:09
IdleOne!br | Terminal14:09
ubot3Terminal: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:09
[chr0n0s]!br | Terminal14:09
Terminalare u fine?14:09
Terminalwow, idefixx14:09
TerminalIdleOne, thx14:09
carenetTerminal : do you know how to use fedora 5.014:09
bytchn^ncryptnhi I try to set my ub untu 7.10 to show the text during boot, and it doesnt work, just shows black screen, how to fix?14:09
IdleOnecarenet: try #fedora14:10
ompaulcarenet, go to #fedora this is not the channel for help with it14:10
carenetterminal: am good14:10
Terminaleverybody use the ubuntu distro?14:10
Terminalno, carenet14:10
Terminali didn't14:10
Terminalcool carenet14:10
Slaughte1Hi guys. Just wondering how I set the appearance settings back to default?14:10
Terminalwhat do you talk about on this channel?14:10
OrionDudewe talk about Vista here14:10
IdleOneTerminal: Ubuntu support14:10
Grexeodoes gutsy gibbon support WPA TKIP out of the box?14:10
Terminalcool, IdleOne14:10
carenetompaul: this is the only computer that has internet14:11
Terminalso, don't you give linux support?14:11
Terminali'd like learn about the linux kernel14:11
IdleOneTerminal: try #linux14:11
locellcountDon't know if this is an ubuntu or a gnome question, but I've been trying to get the theme the way I like it. But if I set it to have a light text colour on a dark background, the text in Firefox is unreadable. Any ideas, other than not having light text on a dark backround :), on how to sort that?14:11
carenetTerminal : where on earth aare you?14:11
IdleOne!offtopic | carenet14:12
ubot3carenet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:12
Terminalbrazil, carenet, why?14:12
Radio_mangoogle it.14:12
Terminali want linux channel support too14:12
bytchn^ncryptnhi I try to set my ub untu 7.10 to show the text during boot, and it doesnt work, just shows black screen, how to fix?14:13
IdleOneTerminal: I told you # linux or http://www.linuxassist.net14:13
carenetno just asking, coz I run a Data Center company, in Kenya I do outsourcing business14:13
Terminalcool, IdleOne14:14
Terminali didn't see, sorry14:14
defryskbytchn^ncryptn, sudo apt-get install startupmanager14:14
defryskand use it14:14
bytchn^ncryptndefrysk, I have that, and I've set it the same as I did in feisty, but it doesnt seem to work in gtsy14:15
carenetTerminal : do you think I can get a company that can give me outsourcing job?14:15
carenetTerminal : there in Brazil14:15
defryskbytchn^ncryptn, ouch then I do not know , maybe the newer version in getdeb.net works ?14:15
IdleOnecarenet: this is not the place to ask about that. please join #ubuntu-offtopic14:15
Terminaloutsourcing job?14:15
Terminali didn't get14:16
OrionDudequite offtopic IMHO14:16
bytchn^ncryptndefrysk, I dont think it is a problem with startupmanager itself, as I've also tried manually editing the file14:16
Pinchiukasanybody please help me connect my laptop to the internet via the pcmcia card14:17
gluonmanAnybody tell me why the new versions of wine from the winehq repositories aren't recommended by wiki.ubuntu?14:17
kbrooks!illegal > kbrooks14:17
mifritscherdoes anyone else these massive problems with mounting?14:17
Terminalcarenet, i didn't get it14:17
Terminalcarenet, outsourcing?14:17
Terminalwhat did you talk about?14:17
IdleOnegluonman: because they have not been packaged yet14:17
Sharpieum, why doesn't the ubuntu partition manager (in the installation) let me make more than 1 partition after a primary one?14:17
gluonmanIdleOne, so the installation would fail?14:18
IdleOnegluonman: not neccesarily14:18
gluonmanIdleOne, or it would just be liable to run improperly?14:18
Terminalbut the tv series host doesn't support download manager, what can I do ?14:18
IdleOnegluonman: it may very well run perfectly but if it doesnt you will need to know how to fix it14:19
m4yttompaul does this mean anything to ya. LC_ALL=(unset). xserver-xorg broken or not fully installed. when i updated i did get error messages saying 4 things were broken when installed14:19
Pinchiukasanybody please help me connect my laptop to the internet via the pcmcia card14:19
Sharpieum, why doesn't the ubuntu partition manager (in the installation) let me make more than 1 partition after a primary one?14:19
SlimGWhere in Gnome is it possible to change the file associations (mime) ?14:19
gluonmanIdleOne, so it's basically it's only recommended for those who know their shit?14:19
Terminalon EUA, is illegal to download tv series?14:19
IdleOnegluonman: yeah but please watch your language14:19
gluonmanIdleOne, I'm sorry. I will.14:20
[chr0n0s]how do i set a select a default window managet14:20
IdleOneTerminal: do you need any help with Ubuntu?14:20
defryskSlimG, rightclick file , > properties > open with14:20
Terminalnot now14:20
Sharpiewhy doesn't the ubuntu partition manager (in the installation) let me make more than 1 partition after a primary one?14:21
Terminalbut, IdleOne i'd like one thing, if on EUA is illegal download tv series14:21
bytchn^ncryptnhi I try to set my ub untu 7.10 to show the text during boot, and it doesnt work, just shows black screen, how to fix?14:21
carenetTerminal : Yes!14:21
IdleOneTerminal: ok then please stick to Ubutnu support or type /join #ubuntu-offtopic to discus other subjects14:21
kbrooks!illegal > Terminal14:21
Terminalnow, i  know14:21
[chr0n0s]sharpie there is a limit on primary partitons, you can make 4 primary or 3 primary and 1 extended14:21
OrionDudei really need a pop3 mail server installed ... but i really lack the (mental) ability to use ubuntu server so i need the desktop version ...14:22
Sharpiehow should i partition my free space then?14:22
[chr0n0s]Sharpie, you are using dual boot ?14:22
m4yttwastrel  does this mean anything to ya. LC_ALL=(unset). xserver-xorg broken or not fully installed. when i updated i did get error messages saying 4 things were broken when installed14:22
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: yes, i have 2 ntfs partitions, one primary one logical, and around 31gb free space for linux14:22
SlimGdefrysk: thanks!14:23
defryskSlimG, yw :)14:23
wolflinuxguyanyone know how to speed up 3d apps in wine?14:23
worthawholebeanIs the alternate cd's install any different from the DVD's text mode install?14:23
[chr0n0s]Sharpie, then you can make 1 more primary and 1 logical, i think primary for /home and ( swap + / in logical)14:23
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: uh, that's now good |:14:24
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: how about if i make / primary, and /home primary and a logical swap after home?14:24
gutsyAleExXxXdoes compiz-fusion work with ATI restricted drivers in Gutsy?14:25
[chr0n0s]Sharpie, try it.. i doubt you can do that14:25
Slaughte1Anyone know how to go back to defaults in the Appearance tab in Ubuntu 7.10?14:25
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: you can14:25
[chr0n0s]then do it, where is the problem ?14:25
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: it lets you create 2 primary partitions one after another, but only 1 logical after primary14:25
defryskSlaughte1, select human theme ?14:25
worthawholebeanHas anyone else had trouble installing 7.10 on an iMac?14:25
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: cause i'm not sure =o14:25
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: oh wait no you can't14:26
Slaughte1@defrysk: Yeah, but the fonts was messed up by the other there, and it doesn't revert when I choose human.14:26
[chr0n0s]Sharpie, no need to be sure, just go and try it out.. if you can, then make 3 partitions, else go for hat i said14:26
[chr0n0s]hat i said*14:26
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: but you can make a logical, and after that a primary and another logical14:26
=== solsTiCe is now known as solsTiCe_knoppix
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: that'd be better wouldn't it?14:27
[chr0n0s]i suggest you just make /home primary, don't care about others14:27
adriancan anyone point to a howto that works about installing compiz on ati x60014:27
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: why home?14:27
adriani have a dell latitude d81014:27
defryskSlaughte1, fonts are all sans , exep for window title = sans bold and fixed with font = monospace14:27
adriani have debian lenny installed14:27
[chr0n0s]Sharpie, so that your settings are saved across installations14:27
orgthingyi hate dell for some reason?14:27
Gaming1Is it possible to upgrade from Ubuntu Feisty Fawn to Gutsy using a Live CD?14:28
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: i'm not gonna do any more installations =o14:28
neil__hi everyone14:28
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: 'cept for hardy, i suppose14:28
[chr0n0s]Sharpie, so you need it, simple14:28
robertono one know an app for a disk format in hfs???14:28
neil__does anyone knows a way of switching from kubuntu to ubuntu ? should i just apt-get ubuntu-desktop or something ?14:29
Slaughte1@defrysk: Thanks, that was fixed by choosing Human. Problem is that font sizes were changed by the other theme, and I don't know what the defaults are14:29
deaddreameranyone know how to set up ushare for xbox360??14:29
robertoita chat???14:29
gluonmanQuestion: I have a / (5gib), /opt (3gib), /home (30gib), and swap (1gib) partitions. I'm kind of new to all of this, so I may sound stupid. When I download packages from synaptic, they have tended to exclusively use the limited space that I have on my root. The root is out of available space I have a few more things I need to install. Is it possible to use the space on another partition for those installations?14:29
robertola chat italiana?14:30
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: ok, how's this (already created 'em in the manager, haven't said ok yet): 1) swap, 2gb, logical. 2) home, 18gb, primary. 3) root, 15gb, logical14:30
dalinianNeil_, You can do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, but things get quirky when you do.14:30
defryskSlaughte1, I have adjusted the sizes to my prefernces , but i believe originally they were something like 914:30
adriancan anyone point to a howto that works about installing compiz on ati x60014:30
dalinianDoes anyone know how to overcome this error? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42346/14:31
Slaughte1defrysk: Oki, thanks. I just wish there wee a proper restore defaults. Guess I'll just play around then.14:32
Sharpie[chr0n0s]: are you there? =o14:32
darkhack<adrian>you have the same card as mine14:32
trollungI can't get my webcam working, I have installed gspca-source and spca5xx-source from synaptic, what I can find on internet is recommendations for these files but linked from a homepage altho I can't install these downloaded files...14:32
darkhack<adrian>are you using gutsy?14:32
neil__dalinian: install the kernel-headers ?14:32
adriandarkhack: can u help?14:32
trollungthe cam is a 093a:2600 Pixart Imaging, Inc14:32
adrianusing debian14:33
darkhack<adrian>I'll tried14:33
pedr1Hi everyone14:33
darkhackFirst of all, your using gutsy right?14:33
[chr0n0s]can anyone help me with this, the xfwm4 won't start by default, i have to use xfwm4 --replace to start it.. any ideas how to fix this ?14:33
pedr1I have a quickcam messenger and I would like to make it run in ubuntu gutsy14:33
defryskSlaughte1, you could chance it with : rm -rf ~/.gnome2/share/fonts/14:33
darkhack<adrian>First of all, your using gutsy right?14:33
adrianno i`m using Debian lenny14:33
Yodudehey, i'm out of disk space and GDM would not start. how can i restore some space ? i'm on 7.0414:34
adrianthe same kernel as gutsy14:34
adrianit runs faster than ubuntu14:34
pedr1any help?14:34
gluonmanI don't think anybody paid attention to my question. When I install things from synaptic, it automatically uses the space on my root partition (which only had 5gib on it). Is it possible to have those installations use the space on other partitions, like my 30gib /home partition?14:34
PinchiukasI have a pcmcia 3g/edge/gprs card, can anyone help me connect to the internet?14:35
ubot3Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz14:35
Yodudehey, i'm out of disk space and GDM would not start. how can i restore some space ? i'm on 7.0414:35
ubot3Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:35
darkhackhave you ask people in debian14:35
dalinianNeil_, when I try to install the kernel headers, I get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42352/14:35
b0r3dhi. why i can't install irssi?14:36
orgthingybecause u cant!14:36
Slaughte1defrysk: Well, some of the fonts were set to 10, and changing all seems just about right. I tested the High contrast large fonts theme, as I'm using a LCD TV as monitor for my notebook, and that theme changed all the fonts. I'll just stick to 10 for now, thanks for your input!14:36
darkhackthere should be a repository for debian somewhere on the web if you look for it or visit compiz-fusion forum14:36
b0r3dcan someone give me a decent sources.lst file14:36
adrianresize your root paritions14:36
sensoucihello I have just upgraded my laptop to gutsy but I have a problem with my window list icon in the gnome panel14:37
b0r3dwhere do i get a decent sources.lst file from?14:37
PinchiukasI have a pcmcia 3g/edge/gprs card, can anyone help me connect to the internet?14:37
sensoucidoes any one have lost the window list icon when upgrading to gusty ?14:38
darkhacktried using ubuntu repository to install compiz on debain14:38
hastesaverhi, I'd like to install Ubuntu on my MacBook.... advice?14:38
gluonmanAnyone who can help me please. My installations from synaptic are exclusively using the space in my root partition (only 5gib on it). Is it possible for my installations to use the space in my other partitions, like my /home of 30gib?14:39
hjmillssensouci, try re-adding it to the panel?14:39
adrianthe gutsy pachages should be compatibl;e with lenny14:39
hjmillsgluonman, no14:39
hjmillsgluonman, most programs get put in /usr so you could put that on a seperate drive14:39
darkhackmaybe but why don't u test it out14:39
gluonmanhjmills, so once I've used up all the space on my /root I cannot install anything more?14:39
sensoucihjmills I have tried but no success14:39
TAYCHAKANSpanish please!!14:40
deaddreameranybody knows how to work ushare?14:40
hjmillsgluonman, no - you have filled your drive. You could use gparted to shrink home and grow root if you wanted14:40
sot65I have feisty dynamic IP ADSL. In my Network Settings>DNS tab there is my router's(microcom AD2636) address only[] under the DNS servers. often I shut down and restart router to be able to connect.14:40
ubot3Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.14:40
darkhackI wonder if debian will ever release a new os14:40
hjmillshastesaver, look in the wiki : help.ubuntu.com14:41
gluonmanhjmills, I'll probably do that. Someone earlier had recommended to me, when I was learning about partitioning my hdd, that my root be that small and my /home be large. I have no idea why, it's proving very annoying right now.14:41
adriani used debian for ages now :D14:41
adriani`m used to it14:41
adriantryed ubuntu to grate work for newbies14:41
gluonmanhjmills, although gparted is having a tough time working for me.14:41
gluonmanhjmills, I open it and then it gets stuck scanning the disk.14:42
hjmillsgluonman, because most people install a load of programs then dont need any more after that so /usr wont grow after that14:42
m4yttcan any 1 help please. no gui14:42
hjmillsgluonman, the recommended min size for / by ubuntu is 8GB for normal pcs i think14:42
adriani think is the best user friendly distro out there14:42
m4yttcan any 1 help please no gui. does this mean anything to ya. LC_ALL=(unset). xserver-xorg broken or not fully installed. when i updated i did get error messages saying 4 things were broken when installed14:42
stinger05i keep getting this message when i want to install my backed-up packages using aptoncd: Cannot find filename or size tag14:42
batyppl i need help to boot xubuntu by lan14:42
stinger05what can i do ?14:43
gluonmanhjmills, I didn't really understand your comment about installing "a load of programs they don't need any more..." and the /usr growing. Can you clarify that point?14:43
hjmillsm4ytt, you need to set your locale14:43
stefggluonman: so what does df -h tell you about your free space on / now?14:43
batyhow can i install a hcp3-server and a nfskernel server and tfpd14:43
PinchiukasI have a pcmcia 3g/edge/gprs card, can anyone help me connect to the internet?14:44
abcde_Does anyone know when fusion .6 will be in the ubuntu repos, is it being worked on?  I tried git, and had some problems, but I'd prefer stable14:44
gluonmanstefg, my free space is like 120 some mb.14:44
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darkhack<adrian>its been awhile since I mess with debian, so are you able to compile or install the latest kernel and gnome?14:44
hjmillsgluonman, when the average user has everything installed and setup they wont install lots of new programs often so /usr wont get bigger quickly but people are always making new docs etc so home increases in size faster14:44
stefggluonman: run sudo apt-get autoclean. YOur space gets eaten up by /var/cache/apt/archives14:44
hjmillsgluonman, i recommend you uninstall some programs you dont need then run gparted14:45
gluonmanstefg, thanks.14:45
hjmillsgluonman, or download the gparted live cd14:45
batyhelp plz!14:45
batyhow do i install apps14:45
ubot3Factoid askl not found14:45
ubot3Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)14:45
batyin console14:45
m4ytthjmills ok how can i do that ive jus done a little search but nothing helpful14:45
batywich was the line_14:45
hjmillsbaty, sudo apt-get install <appname>14:45
pepie34how can i can update the "application" menu to the default user settings?14:45
gluonmanhjmills, okay. I am going to try to expand the space on my /.14:45
hastesavergluonman: be sure to backup first14:45
hastesavergluonman: backup *everything* -- repartitioning can be very risky14:45
stefggluonman: and it might me a good idea to move that folder over to the /home, and symlink it back to the old place. So you have a well filled apt cache in case of reinstall14:46
hjmillsm4ytt, i think there is some locale stuff in /etc/environment14:46
gluonmanhastesaver, everything is already backed up.14:46
steevcmy Gutsy upgrade is hanging. should I kill it and try again?14:46
hastesavergluonman: cool then, good luck to you :)14:46
gluonmanstefg, how do I move folders to /home? And what folder were you talking about?14:46
stinger05i keep getting this message when i want to install my backed-up packages using aptoncd: Cannot find filename or size tag14:46
stinger05what can i do ?14:46
gluonmanhastesaver, thanks. Good advise, as I've learned the hard way.14:46
ompaulsteevc, wait an hour or two14:46
hjmillsm4ytt, can you pastebin the output from `sudo apt-get -f install` please14:46
ompaulsteevc, check out what is going on using a terminal and top14:47
m4yttok the only thing is i have to keep restarting to ubuntu and xp14:47
pedro_!info kde414:47
ubot3Package kde4 does not exist in gutsy14:47
ompaulsteevc, check for changes14:47
hjmillsm4ytt, how come?14:47
steevcompaul: I've download the files. it's hanging on configuring libjpeg6214:47
pedro_!info kdesktop14:47
ubot3kdesktop: miscellaneous binaries and files for the KDE desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 810 kB, installed size 1876 kB14:47
batyhow can i install apps in a live user14:47
ompaulsteevc, wait a while14:47
m4ytthjmills because ive got no gui14:47
Caleb_ok, even after i tick all those boxes (universe ect.) it still gives me "The software source for this package bcm 43xx-fwcutter is not enabled" also, when i boot up into ubuntu, i get bios error 81 and have to press alt-f4 to get it to boot up. I get a similar message for the ati restricted driver.14:47
stefggluonman: 5 GB is perfectly fine for / if you don't need the whole *-dev stuff. Ubuntu in whole is just about 7 GB .14:48
DarkMageZbaty, which application are you trying to install and kubuntu or ubuntu?14:48
hjmillsm4ytt, course - you can login to terminal and install links (sudo apt-get install links) to get a text based web browser. also irssi is a text based irc client14:48
sot65 I have feisty (dynamic IP- ADSL). In my Network Settings under DNS tab there is my router's(microcom AD2636) address only[] under the DNS servers. Is it normal?? often I shut down and restart router to be able to connect.14:48
batyim triying to install for xubuntu the servers for boting by lan14:48
hjmillssot65, thats normal - it says that your pc should ask the router where places on the internet are which is fine14:49
gluonmanstefg, I get your point, but I've run out of space and can no longer install what I need to install. So I need more space.14:49
hjmillsgluonman, i recommend 8gb for /14:49
stefggluonman: it goes llive sudo mv /var/cache/apt/archives /home , then ln -s /var/cahe/apt/archives /home/archives14:49
m4ytthjmills so i just type in sudo apt-get instal links then what14:49
stefggluonman: without my typos, of course :-)14:49
gluonmanstefg, that command will move things to my /home?14:49
dominikoI installed Gutsy, I can't use MSN with Pidgin (requires SSL and default pidgin from Gutsy is not compiled with SSL)  What's the best way to fix it?14:49
m4ytthjmills and how do i get irssi to work14:50
stefggluonman: yes, that moves the apt-cache from / to the /home partition and symlinks it back14:50
batywas just misstyping14:50
hjmillsm4ytt, (install not instal) then you can run `links www.google.com` to get to google. irssi is more complicated and if you are not familiar with the command line it is prob better to avoid it and do this from windows14:50
batysry ppl14:50
sot65 hjmills:so ISP's IP not needed there. OK. thanks14:50
gluonmanstefg, the command without your typos is: llive sudo mv /var/cache/apt/archives /home , then ln -s /var/cache/apt/archives /home/archives?14:51
stefggluonman: so run du or baobab (the disk usage analyzer) where your space is used. yes, the command is right14:51
hjmillsm4ytt, do `sudo apt-get -f install > apt-output.txt` then copy that file using `cp apt-output.txt <dest>` to a floppy or to a usb stick then reboot and post the contents of that file to pastebin14:51
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gluonmanstefg, I've never heard of the disk usage analyzer.14:51
gluonmanstefg, how do I run that?14:52
m4ytthavent got floppy drive or usb stick14:52
stefggluonman: it's in apps-accesories14:52
gluonmanstefg, okay.14:52
senseibakaanyone know where i can get an installer for opera that is compatible with 7.10 amd64 version?14:52
justin420anybody know how to get smime encrypted email to work on gutsy?14:52
m4ytthjmills shall i do it then write it down then come back14:52
hjmillsm4ytt, if that is easier :D14:53
m4yttok 2 mins14:53
etalehi--my video is a little weird when i play avis in VLc... it looks like the video is refreshing too slowly or something, cascading down the screen14:54
etalebut otherwise plays fine14:54
etaleany hints?14:54
gluonmanstefg, the command to move things to /home didn't work. Type it out again for me exactly as I should type it (careful about typos, I might not be able to tell).14:54
chazcohi... anyone able to explain the best way to install Realplayer (with firefox support) onto 7.10?14:54
jribchazco: mplayer plugin with w32codecs should play real media files14:55
bloodniecechazco: sudo apt-get install mozilla-helix-player14:55
eziococoio sono ezio14:55
chazcobloodnice: tried that (well, from Synaptic)... it wont play the Realmedia on BBC14:55
eziocococome fare ad installare amule adunanza?14:56
steevcompaul: I can't see any major activity in top. is the upgrade likely to recover by itself?14:56
bloodnieceok, sound stopped working for Flash in Firefox and VLC Shoucast YV14:56
bloodniecechazco: weird14:57
stu_mhow do i configure a dell inspiron laptop 8500 which has a nasty ati Mobility FireGL 9000? 1024 * 768 is all i can get it to do? do i need to get a driver?14:57
zigonickI got gcc-4.2.1.tar.gz and cant seem to get it to install. can anyone help? (on dailup so using sud apt-get takes forever, and trying to figure out how to install this .tar so that i can compile other ones14:57
zengenHas anyone else had problems with Duplicity?  Everything I try with it performs differently than what the command called for or causes errors.  Even the simplest command straight off the man page doesn't work: ' duplicity /home file://backup/home ' results in a full backup of / .14:57
ompaulsteevc, sit on it a while - it can14:57
pedro_Hi anyone knows the name of the metapackage to install KDE 4?14:57
jribzigonick: that is not how you install things on ubuntu.  You should be using APT.  You will very very rarely (read: never) need to compile anything14:58
g0thhi, when I build a debian/resp ubuntu package myself (mplayer) how do I manage that ubuntu doesn't always tries to update it to its own version? Can I somehow "exclude" that package from updates?14:58
stefggluonman: sudo mv /var/cache/apt/archives /home14:58
Tyler_DurdenNeed help setting up wireless on dell d60014:58
gluonmanstefg, thanks.14:58
g0thor maybe (even better) teach ubuntu/apt that my package is newer14:58
OrionDudeI installed Courier Mail Server - Base system .... but i cannot seem to be able to configure it/start it ... anyone can help me14:58
ompaulsteevc, you can also some times try - Ctrl+C and then do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and hope it starts again - Do NOT reboot!14:58
ompaulsteevc, never ever reboot until you get it all done or you can face more issues than you want to14:59
zigonickjrib but i cant download all the programs i need, as on really crappy dailup, So i download them at work, and put them on a jumpdisk14:59
stefggluonman: sudo ln -s /var/cache/apt/archives /home/archives14:59
Tyler_Durdenanyone good with wirless config?14:59
ompaulsteevc, for reasons such as this I always have a copy of the install CD for whatever I am using14:59
jribzigonick: then download the packages.  You should check out apt-zip or AptOnCD14:59
trollungI have installed the gspcav1 which is the driver for my webcam but I don't know what to do now... there is no /dev/video0 and none of the webcamapps I have tried works...15:00
pedro_!info kdebase-workspace15:00
ubot3kdebase-workspace: core workspace applications for KDE 4 testing. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.94.0-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 45312 kB, installed size 129080 kB15:00
gluonmanstefg, "mv: inter-device move failed: `/var/cache/apt/archives' to `/home/archives'; unable to remove target: Is a directory15:00
stefg!pinning | g0th15:01
ubot3g0th: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:01
g0ththanks stefg15:01
steevcompaul: I'll getting the iso now in case I have to do a fresh install15:01
stefggluonman: ah... so did it copy , and just failed to remove the dir? look in /home15:01
zigonicki looked at aptOnCd and wouldnt be able to do that as at work, i am stuck with windows, so no way to download all the stuff15:02
gluonmanstefg, I'll check.15:02
jribzigonick: the other thing you could do is pass  --print-uris  to apt get and that will give you a list of URLs to download.  Then use some download program at work, come home, copy to /var/cache/apt/archives/15:02
Jakobhi. how can I get a new vsftpd.conf file? I removed it accidentally and can't get it back by reinstalling vsftpd (apt-get)15:02
Tyler_Durdenwireless help please...15:02
dsl2707x gags w/newly installed video card.  how do i get x to reprobe video card?15:03
stefggluonman: and have all package managers (synaptic) closed15:03
jrib!wireless > Tyler_Durden (read the private message from ubotu)15:03
dystopianrayJakob: extract the default from the deb15:03
gluonmanstefg, I do. I'm just using the disk usage analyzer to see if /home's space has been more used than it was the last time I checked.15:04
jribzigonick: think that last method would work?15:04
Jakobhow can I do this? I am new to ubuntu15:04
jribJakob: purge and then install again15:04
stefggluonman: do have a /home/archives fir now ?15:04
riddleboxhrmm do I dare to upgrade my mythtv box???15:04
deadlylifeI have metacity running with Compiz effects.15:04
stefggluonman: do you have a /home/archives dir now ?15:04
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gluonmanstefg, the DUA is still scanning. Is there another way to check specifically what's in /home?15:05
deadlylifeCompiz makes the inactive window's decorations slightly transparent, how can I change that?15:05
Jakobjrib: remove and reinstall with apt-get doesn't bring it back. Or did you mean another way?15:05
stu_mwhere can i get a  driver for ati Mobility FireGL 9000?15:05
trollungwhere do I turn to get help with installing my webcam?15:05
stefggluonman: like ls /home :-) ?15:05
jribJakob: not remove, purge:  sudo aptitude purge PACKAGE15:05
MilhousePunkRockI just installed Gutsy on an old Sony VAIO P4 desktop I got, after enabling the restricted nvidia-driver (Legacy, it's a GeForce 2), the resolution won't go higher as 800*60015:05
gluonmanstefg, be patient with me. I'm new.15:05
jrib!webcam > trollung (read the private message from ubotu)15:05
dystopianraystu_m: is that a new card?15:05
Jakoboh I didn't know that command. thanks15:05
dystopianrayanyone have a netgear wg511v2 working with gutsy?15:05
H0lyD4wgelinks in ubuntu gutsy doesn't have a 'System' option in the Character Set selection menu. why is that?15:06
gluonmanstefg, it outputs "archives  gluonman  lost+found"15:06
stu_mdystopian... it is about 4 years old15:06
dystopianraystu_m: is it not supported by the 'radeon' driver?15:06
deadlylifeHelp, please?15:07
dystopianraydeadlylife: try asking in #compiz-fusion15:07
gluonmanstefg, then I typed ls / and in it shows lost+found still present in /.15:07
gluonmanstefg, so I think it did copy the directory to /home without deleting it from /.15:08
Jakobjrib: Thank you, it worked15:08
dystopianraydo you have to do anything special with ndiswrapper after a feisty to gutsy upgrade?15:08
stefggluonman: that's ok. lost+found is a system folder required on ext3 filesystems15:08
gluonmanstefg, oh.15:08
dsl2707help: x gags w/newly installed video card.  how do i get x to reprobe video card?15:08
jrib!xconfig > dsl2707 (read the private message from ubotu)15:09
stefggluonman: so delete the source folder manually now and replace it with a symlink to the folder in home15:09
gluonmanstefg, how is that done?15:09
dystopianraydsl2707: try sudo apt-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:09
deadlylifejrib, I remember you.15:09
* jrib hides15:09
deadlylifejrib, You can probably help me?15:09
FlynsarmyWhat's the default password for root on ubuntu? i can't su root because i don't know the password :S15:10
dystopianrayFlynsarmy: there is no deafult password15:10
jrib!root > Flynsarmy (read the private message from ubotu)15:10
dystopianrayFlynsarmy: you can use sudo to do things as root15:10
deadlylifejrib, Compiz makes the inactive window's decorations slightly transparent, how can I change that?15:10
stefggluonman: sudo rm -r /var/cache/apt/archives15:10
jribdeadlylife: have not played with metacity+compiz.  I would gess that if there is a way it would be available in gconf-editor under metacity options15:11
stefggluonman: then : sudo ln -s /var/cache/apt/archives /home/archives15:11
stu_mdystopianray:- tried that but the resolution but after hitting test, it just shows a grey screen. with the normal it will revert back in 15 secs.15:11
deadlylifejrib, Okay, thanks!15:12
dystopianraystu_m: test?15:12
gluonmanstefg, okay. Done.15:12
stefggluonman: check df -h . what does it say for / ?15:12
gluonmanstefg, the space improved.15:13
Gyro54Is this the place to ask about 7.10 upgrades?15:13
stefggluonman: how much ?15:13
stu_mdystopianray: Test? - in the screen and graphics preferences app. I assume it allows you to test your settings15:13
deadheronyepp Gyro5415:13
gluonmanstefg, instead of only 130mb of space available, now I have 1.4gib.15:13
dystopianraystu_m: it may work better if you modify your xorg.conf so it is using the new settings15:13
dystopianraystu_m: then restart X15:13
stefggluonman: ok, so we tracked down the issue. it was the apt-cache of all the downloaded .debs . should work now15:14
faileashmm, does anyone know if the current release fixes drivers for the rt61 network card? i tried it on feisty, and i never was able to get it to work, so i'm wondering if it was fixed...15:14
stu_mdystopianray: thanks15:14
gluonmanstefg, okay. But I will still resize the partition to make it larger. I have some higher installation needs than I imagine some people do.15:14
minimecHi folks. I installed RealPlayer 10 and then I got an ugly RealPlayer Icon for all my music files (Somehow this kind of behavior remindes me of old Win98 days). How can I get rid of this icon again? Any ideas?15:14
gluonmanstefg, is it possible to move installed items or files from / to /home?15:15
monkeyBoxHi all.  For some reason NetworkManager is clearing out my resolv.conf every time I boot up.  Why is that happening?15:15
monkeyBoxI have my DNS servers entered in there and it doesn't seem to save them.15:15
stefggluonman: you won't anything that eats up so much space. the only thing considering is adding a seperate /var-partition that can hold apache or mysql files15:15
TazaI have a "slight" problem relating to the Ati driver, apparently. My system cannot change console resolution (black screen) and starting X says the same.15:15
TazamonkeyBox: dhcp daemon - it's fetching new stuff on every boot.15:16
JimmyDeeati has a "slight" problem with their driver taz15:16
Gyro54is there any delays downloading 7.10 upgrade?15:16
minimecmonkeyBox: This is normal I think...15:16
TazaJimmyDee: I don't need an ati driver for 3d acceleration - I just want it to WORK.15:16
stefggluonman: and games installed by wine live in your /home/<user> anyway15:16
JimmyDeeTaza, then kick the vesa driver15:16
TazaJimmyDee: Where, exactly?15:17
monkeyBoxTaza:   My /etc/resolv.conf says at the top:  #Generated by NetworkManager. Do not edit!15:17
TazaJimmyDee: Console install.15:17
monkeyBoxAnd then nothing after15:17
Robikart61 for debian etch is good?15:17
gluonmanstefg, /var-partition is also an ext3 partition, right?15:17
TazamonkeyBox: Well, then NetworkManager is the stuff fetching the dhcp values.15:17
TequilaWORMHi, Do you know which program is able to verify and defrag a FAT{32,16} partition15:17
andreshi guys15:17
JimmyDeeTaza, easiest way is from the terminal sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:17
Gyro54My fetching files fails with some obscure repositories - Failed to fetch http://wine.lowvoice.nl/apt/dists/feisty/Release.gpg Could not resolve 'wine.lowvoice.nl'15:17
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TazaJimmyDee: This isn't just X, this is also normal console. This is a laptop btw.15:17
fstx3where is the documentation for 7.10? I can only find 7.04 on https://help.ubuntu.com/.15:18
stefggluonman: you can make it any native filesystem. In fact it might be useful to use reiserfs if you need a fast mailspool or xfs vor large mysql databases15:18
TazaJimmyDee: Every time I try to set a different console resolution - without x - than the default it shorts.15:18
andrescan anyone help me with my sound card ??15:18
gluonmanstefg, df -h actually shows that I have a /var/run and a /var/lock. Is that what you're talking about? Or another /var partition?15:18
JimmyDeeTaza, hurm, it should run a standard vesa driver for console anyway15:18
TazaJimmyDee: Obviously, it isn't doing so.15:19
stefggluonman: these are temporary filesystems which live in a ramdisk. ignore them15:19
andresI have a Dell vostro notebook, and i just finished to install 7.1015:19
vikahi was wondering difference between kubuntu and ubuntu i have both cd dunno which one to use i am currently a sabayon user any help would be great thanks..?15:19
* justin420 also has a defaultly mis-configured console, x is fine. but the console looks WAY to big15:19
gluonmanstefg, so when I create a new partition, I make a var partition and mount it where?15:19
JimmyDeetaza try that line I gave you and select vesa and either 1024x768 or 1280x1024 as your resolution15:19
GNUdogHi,all.Do Gutsy support Nvidia Raid?15:19
stefg!fstab | gluonman15:19
ubot3gluonman: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:19
W1ZrDSeems like I'm stuck with 60 hz and the following, no matter what I try:15:20
W1ZrDXlib:  extension "ATIFGLRXDRI" missing on display ":0.0".15:20
W1ZrDError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual15:20
andresand this disto helps me with my wireles15:20
swmillervika:  Kubuntu = KDE Ubunut = Gnome15:20
andresbut still have problems with my sound card15:20
vikais that the onli difference15:20
jribvika: ubuntu uses kde by default and kubuntu uses kde by default.  They are the same otherwise.  They use the same repositories and you can always install kde on ubuntu or gnome on kubuntu15:20
gluonmanubot3, thanks.15:21
ubot3You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:21
vikaalso is better to install the cd or to install dvd version15:21
jribvika: ugh, I messed up the first sentence, but swmiller got it right...15:21
TazaKDE sucks somewhat, Gnome sucks a lot.15:21
TazaGnome sucks to the point where Linus Torvalds hates it15:21
faileasI think any DE sucks until you beat it into submission ;)15:21
JimmyDeelinus torvalds. pfft what does he know....lol15:22
TazaGnome, in fact, utterly sucks. It's like emulating a mac running Mac OS 9 on an otherwise decent box.15:22
GNUdogTaza: Linus Torvalds hates C++,but KDE is in C++15:22
vikado both versions come with compiz15:22
jribvika: no difference.  dvd just has all of the main and restricted repositories on it.  So, you can use the dvd as a repository and save some bandwidth if you want15:22
Tazavika: Both versions come with everything. In fact, try Xubuntu.15:22
vikawhy x ubuntu15:22
TazaIt's the least sucking of all the ubuntu variations.15:22
JimmyDeeif you can get around the interface try fluxbuntu15:22
swmillerwho cares what Linus likes you what you like15:22
minimecTaza: Linus does not hate it... He just asks the developpers whether they or the user should decide how to use and configure software.15:23
TazaIf you like Gnome, you should get your head checked.15:23
andreshello, someone how want to help me, :D15:23
GNUdogXubuntu=Ubuntu with Xfce4 by default15:23
Gyro54upgarding to 7.10 - Failed to fetch http://wine.lowvoice.nl/apt/dists/feisty/Release.gpg Could not resolve 'wine.lowvoice.nl' any ideas??15:23
jribvika: just pick one and then install the others on the same system.  Then try all of the desktop environments and use the one you like using the best15:23
faileasactually, i think on ubuntu, Gnome is the most "polished". I *prefer* KDE usually, but i settled for gnome modified for a windows style single taskbar15:23
jribandres: best to just ask the channel your next question and see if anyone knows the answer15:23
TazaDoes EVERY ubuntu variation HAVE to go with the "EASY TO USE, BLOATED AND BREAKS LIKE HELL" route?15:23
TequilaWORMHi, Do you know which program is able to verify and defrag a FAT{32,16} partition under linux?15:24
minimecTaza: I use gtk software in combination with e17... and no, I will not check my head... ;)15:24
monkeyBoxTaza, hmm..  well, how do I assign DNS servers manually (ie, if I want to use opendns instead of what dhcp assigns me)15:24
faileasTaza: if you don't like it, or want something different, there's a lot of other distros? ;)15:24
chippyanyone know if gedit can remember open documents from last time it was running?15:24
JimmyDeeTaza, if you dont like it. write your own its a free world you know15:24
vikai think ill pick kubuntu i dont mind the kde version better then gnome15:24
gluonmanstefg, my gparted is still not working. Stuck in the "scanning all devices" stage.15:24
vikaand if u got compiz all the same in the end15:24
TazaCan't there be a version that is "debian with better packages"?15:24
summer_s4can someone help me create something that i will base off ubuntu 7.10 (i wanna call it nexten)15:25
Tazafaileas: I can't install any distro that doesn't come with a ready package for TrueCrypt15:25
W1ZrDI wish we could installed ati drivers that works :(15:25
GNUdogchippy: gedit keep a copy you edited,hmm,$filename~,maybe,not sure15:25
faileasTaza: why not build it?15:25
stefggluonman: i hate gparted... won't trust it from breakfast to dinner15:25
Tazafaileas: Not enough HDD space.15:25
gluonmanstefg, what should I use, then?15:25
Tazafaileas: Otherwise, I'd have done that under Debian.15:25
swmillerTruecrypt offers the deb15:25
JimmyDeeTaza, so the problem is, youre too cheap to buy a hard disk?15:25
stefggluonman: drop the idea that you need a partition resize15:25
TazaJimmyDee: No, I cannot install any other hard disk15:26
jribvika: great, if you want to try what you would get with ubuntu and xubuntu, then you just install the "ubuntu-desktop" and "xubuntu-desktop" packages.  Then at the login screen you can choose what window manager to use with the "options" button15:26
TazaJimmyDee: I have APLENTY of space ONCE I get TrueCrypt working.15:26
JimmyDeeTaza, and why is this?15:26
FlynsarmyWhat're the major differences between KDE and Gnome? I didn't even see an option in the ubuntu installer to install KDE15:26
TazaJimmyDee: Possibly because I'm working on nonstandard hardware?15:26
gluonmanstefg, and if I still like the idea of using another partition like the /var that you recommended?15:26
JimmyDeeTaza, that could cause a grave headache and heartache15:26
W1ZrDwhat do I need for someone to take control over my system in order to help me re-install video drivers?15:26
stefggluonman: for what reason ?15:27
swmillerTaza: Get the deb package right form the truecrypt site15:27
GNUdogFlynsarmy: no,Ubuntu only provide Gnome and Kubuntu only provide KDE on both CD15:27
dystopianrayFlynsarmy: kubuntu is what gets you kde15:27
Tazaswmiller: THey don't offer a debian package.15:27
vikawhat i really wanan do is run xp at the same time on one of the faces of the cube is this hard to achieve15:27
VarkaFlynsarmy: you can change desktop by installing ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop and so on after installing one of the derivates15:27
gluonmanstefg, you're the one who mentioned it would be helpful to me.15:27
swmilleryes they do15:27
swmillerthat is where i got mine15:27
Tazaswmiller: No, they don't15:27
dystopianrayFlynsarmy: kde gives you more power and control, gnome is dumber but simpler15:27
Tazaswmiller: I checked.15:27
JimmyDeexp on one of the faces, wooo wish on15:27
swmillercheck agion15:27
gluonmanstefg, that's the only reason I was concerned about it.15:27
Flynsarmydystopianray: Gnome is better for a linux newbie?15:27
swmillerI got there yesterday15:27
vikaive seen it done15:27
dystopianrayFlynsarmy: hrrm maybe15:27
stefggluonman: i said it /could/ be useful on a server for special purposes. the average home machine doesn't need it. you have your apt-cache separate now, that'15:28
Tazaswmiller: There ISN'T a debian package for TrueCrypt15:28
lailaihello. trying to connect to ubutu desktop remotely using gdm. Can login Ok, but when I do so, user's desktop is blank (orange actually). What can I be missing ?15:28
stefgs all you'll nedd15:28
Tazaswmiller: You need to recompile the kernel which I cannot do.15:28
jribvika: it's easy, just check out virtualbox or vmware for example15:28
jrib!virtualizers > vika (read the private message from ubotu)15:28
TazaOr at least have the required files for that.15:28
GNUdoggnome is choosen by many Distro as default desktop envirment15:28
VarkaFlynsarmy: its said that the integration of gnome with ubuntu is smoother than the integration of kde in kubuntu15:28
gluonmanstefg, well, okay. I just sounded to me like you were recommending it.15:28
dystopianrayFlynsarmy: I think it'd be very annoying actually15:29
andresI have a Dell Vostro 1500 and I just finished to install my 7.10 ubuntu desktop and i have no audio15:29
BorysekWith which program can I make a multi-boot dvd?15:29
gluonmanstefg, okay, I'll just leave it alone, then. Thanks for helping me with the cache.15:29
andresAudio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)15:29
PinchiukasI have a pcmcia 3g/edge/gprs card, can anyone help me connect to the internet?15:29
TazaPinchiukas: Ha-ha, you're screwed!15:29
GNUdogandres: which audio card?15:29
lailaihello. trying to connect to ubutu desktop remotely using gdm. Can login Ok, but when I do so, user's desktop is blank (orange actually). What can I be missing ?  (I have tried to select GNOME as desktop environment for session)15:29
vikaive seen it whats most stable i memba tryin vmware in windows to run linux had no chance always failing even with the step by step guide was rubish15:29
andresthis is Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)15:29
justin420can anybody help with why a external firewire drive isnt properly auto-mounted upon startup? i have tried with no extra lines in fstab, and with extra lines in fstab. upon a sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart the drive is detected and properly auto-mounted. i can connect just fine to the drive via a symlink, but i think there should be a icon like there is for my other external drive.15:29
JakobI got a strange problem: On my ubuntu file server I have a vsftpd running. When I try to connect from a win xp machine, no ftp client works (FlashFXP, windows explorer, firefox) BUT the ftp client on the command line...15:30
TazaPinchiukas: http://kapsi.fi/~mcfrisk/linux_gprs.html#AEN85 <--- Best I've seen.15:30
Gyro54upgrading to 7.10 - Failed to fetch http://wine.lowvoice.nl/apt/dists/feisty/Release.gpg Could not resolve 'wine.lowvoice.nl' any ideas??15:30
GNUdogandres: shown in $ lspci?15:30
PinchiukasTaza how to find out my providers APN?15:30
gluonmanstefg, but just for future reference, if I ever need to do anything with my partitions, what would you recommend as an alternative to gparted?15:30
TazaPinchiukas: With a LOT of pain. 3g is hardly supported.15:30
andresthis is what i get: Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)15:30
dystopianraystefg: qtparted?15:30
moope1how do I make a usb bootable msdos15:30
jribGyro54: get rid of that repository15:31
dystopianraygluonman: sorry that was for you, qtparted is a gparted alternative15:31
sc0tchI've got a shadow around a small frame (like an old notification popup) on my desktop, it looks like it was something that did not clean up when closed (using gnome+compix on gutsy) any way to determine where it came from, and kill it/clean it off the desktop. (annoying as sits on top of any window.15:31
faileasmoope1: wrong place to ask, but what you seekl is the HP drive format tool15:31
gluonmandystopianray, okay. I'll look into that. Thanks.15:31
=== dana_ is now known as oana
faileasmoope1: only works in windows tho15:31
PinchiukasTaza I'd settle for gprs15:31
ciddyman who the hell is this elkbuntu person and why are they so rude15:31
moope1faileas: ? I want to do it on my ubuntu system15:31
=== oana is now known as Ava
ciddyubuntu is great, elkbuntu makes ubuntu SUCK15:32
Tazaciddy: I'd be rude to you too.15:32
ciddytazA:  ROFL15:32
jrib!offtopic | ciddy15:32
haqboxHi all. is it possible to use compiz fusion with intel GMA 950 vga?15:32
ubot3ciddy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:32
=== Ava is now known as thebruisedone
dystopianraywho is elkbuntu?15:32
BorysekI want to do multi-boot dvd with gentoo, debian, ubuntu and kubuntu. With which program can I make it easy??15:32
faileasmoope1: dos from linux? unless you mean a *bootable* disk15:32
juliusIs my ATI card linked to why kaffiene crashes and VLC jutters badly?15:33
gluonmanstefg, okay. Now, after all of the cache stuff, I can't install anything from synaptic.15:33
arcili need libssh.so how can i get to know in which package this file is?15:33
frojndI have a problem. I can connect to an open network but I cann't connect to a network that require a key. I set everything IPs dns key but still can't connect to a network. Any suggestions?15:33
jribarcil: use apt-file or packages.ubuntu.com to search15:33
andresdrop me a line please15:33
jrib!apt-file > arcil (read the private message from ubotu)15:34
andresIntel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)15:34
TazaAnd can anyone explain why right-click doesn't work in fluxbox?15:34
arciljrib: ty15:34
moope1faileas: yes, I need to create a bootable usb disk with ms-dos15:34
frojndI have a problem. I can connect to an open network but I cann't connect to a network that require a key. I set everything IPs dns key but still can't connect to a network. Any suggestions? it's wireless15:34
trollungjrib: the page doesn't give what I need... I have already installed gspcav1 and dmesg gives: [ 5954.992000] /home/sara/webcaminstall/gspcav1-20070508/gspca_core.c: USB SPCA5XX camera found. (PAC7311)15:34
trollung[ 5954.992000] /home/sara/webcaminstall/gspcav1-20070508/gspca_core.c: [spca5xx_probe:4098] Camera type JPEG15:34
trollung[ 5955.004000] /home/sara/webcaminstall/gspcav1-20070508/gspca_core.c: [spca5xx_getcapability:1215] maxw 640 maxh 480 minw 160 minh 12015:34
fstx_moopel: iI tried doing that some time ago. I fd15:35
Gyro54jrib: thanks15:35
faileasmoope1: its probably not possible..15:35
trollungbut no /dev/video0....15:35
KaiForcewell, did an upgrade of fiesty to gutsy on Sony Vaio VGN-C220E and everything is working.15:35
=== barcc is now known as barcc_
fstx_moopel: but I gave up15:35
KaiForcei haven't had any issues so far, all hardware, wireless, video, etc, fully functional.  nice work.15:36
SteffanHello, I've several partitions but gpartedd doesn't see one!15:36
gluonmanstefg, synaptic is telling me that it needed that cache in the / to install packages.15:36
trollungjrib: seams like there is quite a lot of support for spca5xx but I need the gspcav1 so...15:36
andresHi, anyone how can help me with me sound card configuration??15:36
SteffanBut I can access all partitions...15:37
ciddyelkbuntu made me not want to use ubuntu again15:37
ciddytime for opensuse15:37
* ciddy reinstalls15:37
fstx_anders: do you happen to have two or more soundcards in your computer? One on the mother board maybe?15:38
gluonmanstefg, you there?15:38
ElementalBeliefi am so debating upgrading to gutsy15:40
vikaif i go from sabayon to ubuntu will it recognize my partions and my data ntfs drive15:40
zeroflaghow would I set up a PCI VGA card?15:40
_16aR_anyone has got an usb key booting ubuntu 7.10 ?15:40
KaiForceElementalBelief what kind of system?15:40
aamodyes of course it will15:40
haqboxis it possible to use compiz fusion with intel GMA 950 vga?15:40
whazillappc ps3 ?15:40
JoeThomasHi, I can't remove apache2.2-common and apache2-mpm-prefork.15:40
aamodyes u can use15:40
vikais ubuntu better with dvi or vga15:40
SteffanHello, I've several partitions but gpartedd doesn't see one! I can access the partitions using the file browser15:40
ElementalBeliefthe system is not whats stopping me, its the fact that none of the sites i go to for guides have any for it =P15:40
whazillavika hdmi15:40
jribJoeThomas: pastebin the errors15:41
KaiForceanything installed on it now?15:41
vikawhats hdmi15:41
aamodUbuntu works well with Intel 950, I personally tested it.15:41
LJAnanrdanHi my screen resolution has changed and I can't even change it in preferences so can anyone help me out plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz15:41
ElementalBeliefwhat happened with samba anyway?15:41
JoeThomasjrib: they are pre-removal script. returns error exist status 127 for both.15:41
whazillahigh definition medim interface ?15:41
jrib!fixres > LJAnanrdan (read the private message from ubotu)15:41
vikabut i dont have that it onli dvi or vga15:41
jribJoeThomas: pastebin the actual error and the command you entered please15:42
jrib!pastebin > JoeThomas (read the private message from ubotu)15:42
JoeThomasjrib: okay one minute15:42
whazillaa way for full HD TV to install hdmi signalsz ( a cable)15:42
whazilladvi = hdmi15:42
vikaoh okai so vga in bin15:42
JoeThomasE: apache2-mpm-prefork: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 12715:42
andresfstx: i have a dell vostro notebook15:42
JoeThomasE: apache2.2-common: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 12715:42
JoeThomaswhoops. sorry15:42
whazillastill vga15:42
haqboxaamod> can i use confiz fusion with 950 vga?15:42
JebJoyahey all, quick question, just looking for some advice really - I've decided to bite the bullet and get rid of my Radeon 9600xt graphics (3 year old pc,athlon 64 3200+, 1gb ram) and want to replace it with a nvidia one which'll actually work under ubuntu.  Does anyone have any suggestions for good, affordable (bearing in mind it's going in a rubbish pc) nvidia graphics card (say, up to £60 or so)?15:43
=== barcc_ is now known as barcc
wizardyesterdayI have Feisty Fawn on my system now.  Will I have an option to update to the new 7.10 or do I have to do a total reinstall?15:43
wizardyesterdayI've never done updates before15:43
FluxDwizardyesterday: you can upgrade15:43
KaiForceyou can do it from updater15:43
gluonmanI was given instructions to delete /var/cache/apt/archives from my / partition and move it to my /home partition. I cleared up space in my / but it also has prevented me from being able to install anything new from synaptic. It gives me an error saying that it cannot find the directory that I moved, and thus cannot begin the download. What should I do?15:43
wizardyesterdayFluxD, sweet! thanks much.15:43
JebJoyawizardyesterday: yeah, you can update using the update manager thingy in the top right (the orange one)15:43
ElementalBeliefwizardyesterday: you can upgrade as long as your system is fully updated15:44
dsl2707help: x wont start w/newly installed video card.  how do i get x to reprobe video card? (thx for xconfig advice, i googled it, but it's graphical, and x won't start)15:44
wizardyesterdayI shall make sure I'm up to date.  Thanks all of you.15:44
KaiForcemy intel 945 mobile works with compiz15:44
AngryElfmdadm is detecting my MD array and automatically starting it -- it's not defined in md.conf, how do I stop it from automatically starting?15:44
tadzik_need help with stubborn partitions15:44
KaiForcetadzik details15:45
JebJoyacan anyone suggest a cheap nvidia card for a 3 year old pc to replace my ati which is being a pain in the a**e in ubuntu?15:45
dystopianrayJebJoya: fx 520015:45
ElementalBeliefis compiz still having problems with limewire?15:45
KaiForceyes 520015:45
FluxDhow much does fx 5200 go for?15:46
dystopianrayJebJoya: it is my favourite video card15:46
dystopianrayFluxD: I think they are like AUD$5015:46
JebJoyathat was surprising that people agree - why is that?  what magical powers do they have?15:46
ElementalBeliefthey can make you coffee15:46
FluxDnvidia has better drivers15:46
KaiForceif you want a vid card that just works the 5200 is a nice option15:47
Bonste1any good diary program?15:47
dystopianraythey come with a low-profile pci socket15:47
dystopianrayso you can use in a small machine15:47
gluonmanI NEED HELP! I'M IN A STATE OF SOME URGENCY. I have moved /var/cache/apt/archives from my / partition to my /home partition to free up space on the /. However, though the freeing of the space helped, synaptic will not let me install anything since it reports that it is missing the directory(ies) that I had just moved to /home. What can I do to correct that?15:47
gipnorI'm trying out Linux (moving from windows) and have a simple question.... I'm looking at what is involved with installing JRE and why does it take 10 steps versus a simple double-click from Windows?  Couldn't Linux ask you for a password after you attempt to execute it?15:47
ranf /msg NickServ IDENTIFY 88fm15:47
KaiForcethat was an error.15:47
AngryElfgluonman: link them back into place15:47
FluxDranf CHANGE UR PASS15:47
dystopianraygluonman: move the directories back15:48
JebJoya10 points to ranf there :)15:48
KaiForcegluon link or copy the dir structure only back15:48
sensouciHello, is there a way to mograte from ubuntu to xubuntu without reinstalling the complete system?15:48
arron_why is flashplayer a easy small install on 32 bit, and big on 64 bit?15:48
inigomontoyahas anyone gotten Nvidia SLI working?15:48
gluonmanAngryElf, I understand that I need to move them back, but the thing is, I'm completely new to linux, let alone computers in general, and need help knowing what commands to use to do that.15:48
FluxDgipnor: as far as I know  only need sun-java6-jre15:48
JebJoyablimey - <£20 for the fx520015:48
Nickegipnor: How are you trying to install the jre? By using apt-get/synaptics?15:48
kromcuichhey friend, is there a way to package my current ubuntu OS (with settings and software), as a DVD or similar, for easy install on the same computer later on/15:48
Nickegipnor: If not, try to install the sun-java6-jre package15:48
JebJoyamight try to get next day delivery with that as well, since it's so cheap...15:48
AngryElfgluonman: ln -s /path/to/files/* /where/they/are/supposed/to/be/15:49
KaiForce5200 is by no means cutting edge JebJoya15:49
Nickegipnor: Or the 5.0 version if you need that specifically, etc : )15:49
dystopianrayJebJoya: buy a bunch of them and build a beowulf cluster15:49
Bonste1gluonman: loL15:49
LJAnanrdanhi everyone the screen resolution of my comp has changed tried to change it in preferences it didn't work. so can anyone please help me out15:49
FluxDis a radeon 9200 better than the 5200?15:49
gipnorCool... didn't know there was a package... I'll look for that versus trying to go through the terminal15:49
Nickegipnor: np :)15:49
tadzik_Kaiforce: I cant unmount them, and I want to remove them15:49
dsl2707help: x wont start w/newly installed video card.  how do i get x to reprobe video card? (thx for xconfig advice, i googled it, but it's graphical, and x won't start)15:49
dystopianrayFluxD: I finished doom3 and quake4 with a fx520015:49
gluonmanAngryElf, "/where/they/are/supposed/to/be/"?15:49
Bonste15200 AGP?15:50
dystopianrayBonste1: yeah15:50
KaiForcegluonman that would be /where/they/used/to/be15:50
Bonste1old crap15:50
dystopianrayit is awesome15:50
gluonmanBonstel, you think this is funny. I'm growing annoyed. I'm being treated like I'm stupid for simply being new at this.15:50
Bonste1yea that baby doesnt die tho15:50
Bonste1get it15:50
JebJoyanono, i see it's not cutting edge (duh :) ), but that will run as well (given working drivers) as a 9600xt yeah?15:50
inigomontoyadsl: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:50
sixdrawanyone able to help me with a prob setting up ports15:50
Bonste1gluonman: because linux doesnt have exe15:50
FluxDLJAnanrdan: backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf then edit the resolutions in it15:51
gluonmanBonstel, right.15:51
kromcuichis there a way to package my current ubuntu installation onto a DVD?15:51
dystopianraygluonman: they are supposed to be in /var/cache/apt/archives15:51
tadzik_kromciuch: ya mean yer live cd, or yer installed system?15:51
dystopianraykromcuich: a livedvd?15:51
Bonste1gluonman: is not hard to install stuff but just gotta no the process then ull c is easy and is safer15:52
lailaihello. trying to connect to ubutu desktop remotely using an xdmcp/gdm client. Can login Ok, but when I do so, user's desktop is blank (orange actually). What can I be missing ?  (I have tried to select "GNOME Session" for session).15:52
gluonmanAngryElf, I'm sorry if this sounds stupid (seems to be my reputation now), but I'm finding your direction ambiguous.15:52
kromcuichtadzik, dystopianray: i want to make my own ubuntu install CD, with all current settings and software. is this possible?15:52
sixdrawfor some reason when i use azureus I cannot browse they are conflicting - ive changed ports to reccommended ones and set up port forwarding but still no luck15:52
FluxDkromcuich: clone it ?15:52
dystopianraykromcuich: I think it is but I cannot remember the software package for it.15:52
sixdrawanyone any ideas as to what im doing wrong15:53
kromcuichfluxD: i guess so. i want to reinstall ubuntu, will all settings and software already there (on the same laptop)15:53
jribgluonman: paste the output of 'readlink /var/cache/apt/archives/'15:53
At0mic_P1I'm on edgy. Can I install something from feisty? http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/games/crafty15:53
inigomontoyaHas anyone gotten Nvidia SLI to work?  I set my SLI to yes in xorg.conf but it spits out an error telling me that the card with screen 0 is not the parent card but it should be15:53
andresfstx: i have a dell vostro notebook15:53
FluxDkromcuich: if its almost same machine then u can probably make a disk image or someting15:53
gluonmanjrib, it gave no output.15:53
tadzik_Atomic: najpierw spróbuj potem pytaj15:54
jribAt0mic_P1: why not upgrade to edgy?15:54
Bonste1sixdraw: usually 40000 ports and up for torrents15:54
At0mic_P1jrib: I'm on dialup. Upgrading takes a long freaking time.15:54
steevcI've cancelled an adept Gutsy upgrade, but something keeps running dpkg even though I kill those. how do I cancel the whole upgrade?15:54
jribgluonman: really... and 'ls -ld /var/cache/apt/archives/' says?15:54
tadzik_steevc: reboot15:55
lailaihello. trying to connect to ubutu desktop remotely using cygwin xdmcp X server. Can login Ok, but when I do so, user's desktop is blank (orange actually). What can I be missing ?  (I have tried to select "GNOME Session" for session).15:55
gluonmanjrib, "no such file or directory."15:55
steevctadzik_: I thought that was a bad move for an imcomplete upgrade15:55
kromcuichfluxd: yes, but i want to dual boot, and the ubuntu install killed the windows OS bootloader. i dont have the windows install CD, but i have an image of it, as I started with it first15:55
tadzik_not sure15:55
tadzik_try sudo apt-get autoremove15:55
tadzik_changes anything?15:55
jribAt0mic_P1: the safe way to do it is to rebuild the source package.  Or even better, request a backport.  But you should upgrade.  Maybe you can burn an alternate cd somewhere and use that?15:56
FluxD!bootloader | kromcuich15:56
ubot3Factoid bootloader not found15:56
Matic`MakovecHello there. I just accidently deleted couple of files (with shift+del). Is there _any_way at all to retrieve them? They were quite important15:56
FluxD!grub | kromcuich15:56
ubot3kromcuich: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:56
steevctadzik_: I've got a lock on dpkg15:56
jribgluonman: where did you move archives to in your /home?15:56
steevcdue to whatever is running right now15:56
steevcneed to cancel everything and try again15:56
gluonmanjrib, I don't know. I was given instructions by someone else. I just moved it to that partition.15:56
tadzik_whats the line when ya try sth?15:56
jribgluonman: can you look for it or go back and see what you did?15:57
fstx_andres: ah. Then you most likely have only one sound card. If you right click ion the speaker in the top right corner, you can open the volume controls15:57
steevcit can't get /var/lib/dpkg/lock15:57
At0mic_P1jrib: I've thought of doing that. What happened to the torrent iso's? I can't find 7.4.15:57
At0mic_P1Or at least not on the ubuntu page.15:57
KaiForcegluonman, try "find . -name archives"15:57
KaiForceoops sorry15:57
kromcuichfluxD: i didnt lose grub. something really went wrong in windosw file system, and it bluescreens on boot. grub working fine and i can access the windows partition through ubuntu. however, i want to reinstall, without repeating the last 3 days spent setting up ubuntu15:58
misc__hello, I've got a problem trying to install ubuntu 7.04. I boot from CD then I use text mode (graphics mode fails also) then it says to please insert Ubuntu CD. But obviously I've got it in the drive as that's how it booted originally. Any ideas?15:58
KaiForcefind /home -name archives15:58
andresfstx_: throws me errors15:58
steevcwhatever dpkg command is running never seems to get anywhere15:58
tadzik_teevc: tried ctrl+c alredy?15:58
jribAt0mic_P1: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/15:58
steevcnothing running in foreground15:58
tadzik_misc__ remove it and put again?15:58
fstx_andres: the title bar says 'Voulme Control: HDA NVidia (Alsa mixer), expect that has your soundcard type instead of HDA NVidia15:58
misc__tadzik_: I did that, then it says please re-insert it15:58
tadzik_is it clean? have you chcecked for errors?15:59
gluonmanjrib, the command, I think, was sudo mv /var/cache/apt/archives or something like that.15:59
tadzik_steevc: sorry, i don't know15:59
cousin_luigiwho do I tell about a mistake in the locale of a package?15:59
gluonmanKaiForce, you mean "find /var/cache/apt/archives"?15:59
jribgluonman: we need the part with /home15:59
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andresfstx_: Volume Control15:59
misc__tadzik_: well no I haven't checked but I actually did an install of it a couple of months ago. Granted it has been put away without a CD cover... I'll try to clean it15:59
KaiForcehe may have just been where he was copying it and did "."15:59
=== steve__ is now known as spideyman
jribgluonman: try 'history | grep archives' maybe16:00
tadzik_try "check for sth sth errors"16:00
fstx_andres: what do you do, and what happens?16:00
At0mic_P1Thanks jrib16:00
FluxDkromcuich: I am not sure then :/16:00
misc__tadzik_: ah yeah I'll do a CD test16:00
JebJoyaright, having done a bit of research, I think that the fx5200 is a bit underpowered for me (i think my ati 9600xt seems to come up better in benchmarks) - so any suggestions of one comparable to the 9600xt?16:00
andresfstx_: nothing at all16:00
tadzik_misc__: exactly :)16:00
fernandokbom dia16:00
andresfstx_: install ubuntu16:00
tadzik_misc__: i was missing this word16:01
LJAnanrdaneven after running  backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf it is giving backup: Unrecognized operation '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'; type 'backup help' for list16:01
andresfernandok: este chat e so em ingleis16:01
tadzik_steevc: still here?16:01
=== Geek__ is now known as faileas
stinger05hi, why do i get this message while trying to install packages using aptoncd? : " Cannot find filename or size tag "16:01
gluonmanjrib, okay. The commands that I used were, "sudo rm -r /var/cache/apt/archives" on the first line, then "sudo ln -s /var/cache/apt/archives /home/archives".16:02
andresvc pode probar com #ubuntu-br16:02
gluonmanjrib, that's what did it.16:02
JebJoyaLJAnanrdan: do something like "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup1"16:02
tadzik_steevc: i tried 'autoremove' then stopped it 'ctrl + c' and got the same error16:02
jribgluonman: so do you want to redo that or go back to old way?16:02
misc__tadzik_: hmm, it appears I have a CRC error on it. Well there ya go16:02
tadzik_steevc: close console, then enter it again16:02
Mishaalhey guys! I don't have super in my keyboard. Is there any alternative ?16:03
tadzik_misc__: there ya go16:03
cousin_luigiMishaal: "super"?16:03
steevctadzik_: the original run was from Adept, i.e. not from console16:03
ir4d0mim trying to find an ip changer easy to install... something like TOR? or something that will change my ip address...16:03
DBAlexim installing ubuntu as we speak on my laptop16:03
jribgluonman: (that line is wrong by the way)16:03
gluonmanjrib, well, the point was to free up space on my /. But I need to be able to install a few things from synaptic, which seems to need those archives to be in my /. So, if that's the case, then I need to put them back.16:03
DBAlexwhich filesystem do I use?16:03
Bonste1Mishaal: super = window key16:03
Phisikusir4d0m: abuse?16:03
DBAlexand do I need a swap partition, and how big should it be in MB?16:03
Phisikusir4d0m: why do you want to change your ip?16:03
MishaalBonste1: i tried it. it does not work :(16:03
cousin_luigiDBAlex: double of physical RAM, usually16:04
Mishaallet me try again16:04
dystopianrayDBAlex: how much ram do you have?16:04
KaiForceDBAlex - how much RAM?16:04
ir4d0mPhisikus: i was banned from a clan site for accedintly saying gay... apparently they ban u for it16:04
DBAlexI have 1024mb ram16:04
jribgluonman: what is the output of 'ls -ld /home/archives'?16:04
cousin_luigiir4d0m: is that bad?16:04
tadzik_DBAlex: do 2 gb swap16:04
ebirtaiddo 1 gb16:04
LJAnanrdanthere is no change even after sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup116:04
DBAlexwhat filesystem do I use for the SWAP and for UBUNTU?16:04
ir4d0myeah im trying to get back on there...16:04
ebirtaidwith 1 gb ram you will NOT use 2gb swap16:04
DBAlexext2 or 3?16:04
jribDBAlex: swap16:04
fstx_andres: lets resynchronize. What happens when you put the mouse cursor on the speaker icon, right-click, and select open volume control.16:04
cousin_luigiDBAlex: ext3 and swapfs respectively16:04
gluonmanjrib, rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 36864 2007-10-27 04:11 /home/archives16:04
KaiForcedo minimum 1gb16:04
tadzik_swap is a filesystem16:04
dystopianrayDBAlex: there is a specific swap option, ext3 for linux16:04
tadzik_not a mounting point16:04
DBAlexcousin_luigi: thanks16:05
DBAlex<dystopianray: err, ext3 for swap and ubuntu?16:05
mlhoylehi ppl16:05
andresfstx: it throws me an error16:05
Phisikusir4d0m: talk with them. If they are just stupid idiots, find other clan :>16:05
DBAlexbtw, cant I use less than 2GB SWAP IF I HAVE 1GB RAM?16:05
cousin_luigiwhom do I report a bug?16:05
jribgluonman: there is no 'd' in the beginning of that?16:05
jrib!bugs | cousin_luigi16:05
ubot3cousin_luigi: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots16:05
stinger05how can i install backup-up packages manually using aptoncd ?16:06
tadzik_DBAlex: you can even do no swap16:06
andresfstx: No Volume contorl GStreamer .......16:06
JebJoyaLJAnanrdan: if you look in the directory, there should be a new file called xorg.conf.backup1 which is a backup of your old one16:06
gluonmanjrib, sorry. Yes there is, I just noticed that I failed to include that.16:06
jpnurmihello. my cd-drive broke during installing gutsy. now i'm tied to using windoze :( ...can anyone direct me on a wiki page with instructions how to install ubuntu from an usb-stick? all the instructions i've found so far are about installing ubuntu on usb-stick :/16:06
cousin_luigithanks jrib16:06
ir4d0mlol... yeah i sorta have a lot of stuff on that site... and well if u sorta made enemys w/ other clans16:06
dystopianrayDBAlex: no, ext3 for ubuntu and swap has it's own option16:06
tadzik_DBAlex: caps ff anyway16:06
larson9999i bow to the god that is envy.16:06
jribgluonman: 'sudo ln -s /home/archives /var/cache/apt/archives'16:06
DBAlex<dystopianray: ok thanks, so I dont need to make a swap16:06
DBAlexdo I make the partition PRIMARY or LOGICAL?16:06
ir4d0mjust is there any ip changers?16:06
dystopianrayDBAlex: you do need to make a swap partition16:07
jribDBAlex: you need swap to suspend16:07
gluonmanjrib, did that put them back?16:07
stinger05how can i install backup-up packages manually using aptoncd ?16:07
navaronebjr tt le monde16:07
fstx_anders: you don't have a menu item 'Open Voulme Control'?16:07
jribgluonman: that creates the link properly16:07
DBAlexdystopianray and jrib: ok thanks... do I make the main partition primary or logical? do I make swap primary or logical?16:07
jribgluonman: it does not move them back16:07
gluonmanjrib, so that put a link in the / while leaving them in /home?16:07
jribgluonman: yes16:07
=== Geek__ is now known as faileas
jrib!please > DBAlex (read the private message from ubotu)16:08
gluonmanjrib, okay. Thanks. Also, I appreciate you not treating me like I'm stupid (which is what I've been getting for the last hour or so.16:08
hmullerGreetings felllow channelmites, any aide users present today?16:08
navaronespeak french???16:08
folliahello I have two problems if someone would kindly assist me with, 1: I can't burn cds, I have ruined like 8 cd's trying and used almost all softwares and all burning speeds16:08
tadzik_navarone: non16:08
stinger05​‎how can i install backup-up packages manually using aptoncd ?16:08
ironboyanyone one know how to change the bootsplash screen. i installed the linux mint splsh but stiill i get the ubuntu splash16:08
W1ZrD!fr > navarone16:08
KaiForceare there any updates for gutsy yet?16:09
LJAnanrdanya there is16:09
andresfstx: the problem is that is no sound card configured16:09
tadzik_ya but dont touch it16:09
tadzik_bug ob bug16:09
hmullerironboy:  Have you looked at startup-manager?16:09
andresfstx: ubuntu recognize it16:09
Edulixhow can I disable 3d accel via xorg when using the intel driver?16:09
jrib!usplash > ironboy (read the private message from ubotu)16:09
DBAlexI will set it to logical based on this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-35587.html is that correct?16:10
andresfstx: but is not configured16:10
AnupIs there any other good download manager for Ubuntu? Like, deluge doesn't work for me.16:10
jlhi everyone!16:10
tapioWhat is the reason for ubuntu shipping and supporting totem, when mplayer is (imo) much better?16:10
ironboyjrib: 10x16:10
stinger05how can i install backed-up packages manually using aptoncd ?16:10
DBAlexIf I allready have 3 partitions is mount point /media/hda4?16:11
fstx_andres: How do you know that it is not recognized?16:11
lailaihello. trying to connect to ubutu desktop remotely using cygwin xdmcp X server. Can login Ok, but when I do so, user's desktop is blank (orange actually). What can I be missing ?  (I have tried to select "GNOME Session" for session). Works ok with fedora, but can't seem to make it work with ubuntu. :-( help please.16:11
jribDBAlex: you want the partition you boot from to be primary.  If you only need 4 or less partitions, just make them all primary16:11
hmullerstinger05:  haven't used it16:11
xypezza; /me waves!16:11
DBAlexjrib: ok thankyou, does swap need a mount point?16:11
KaiForcedbalex now16:11
dystopianraytapio: mark shuttleworth prefers totem16:11
ironboyHey do you use gfxboot? I saw the tut on ubuntuforums but did not understand.16:11
tapiodystopianray: Ok, fair enough. It crashes alot, though :(16:12
andresfstx: it is16:12
gluonmanjrib, oh, now synaptic is still reporting missing archives. It's not as long an error, so it's now finding some things it couldn't find before, but it mentions /var/cache/apt/archives/partial missing and it says that it is unable to lock the download directory.16:12
jli have a problem running java apps it seems that gtk swing theme is broken some controls like windows buttons and combobox buttons don't look very well16:12
DBAlexKaiForce: thanks... I set my 8GB ubuntu partition to /media/hda4 :)16:12
hmullerroom:  Anyone using aide?16:12
JohnSmithAfter upgrading to Gutsy it seems my gtk libraries may be messed up, when I try to run gtk applications I  get this error: symbol lookup error16:12
jlany solution for this problem?16:12
jribDBAlex: no16:12
frojndI have a q. I have downloaded a .deb package from ubuntu and transger it on another computer and than install there with sudo dpkg -l How cam I unistall remove completely this package ??16:12
andresif i do lspci ubuntu list it16:12
jlsomebody with the same problem?16:13
DBAlexI have 1167 for swap now yay16:13
jribgluonman: can you pastebin the actual error verbatim at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and give us a link?16:13
andresfstx: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)16:13
DBAlexflip, it says 1167 unusable16:13
gluonmanjrib, okay.16:13
LJAnanrdanhow do I change the screen resolution in xorg.conf16:13
jribfrojnd: same as any other package (aptitude purge  would be one way)16:13
gluonmanjrib, will take just one moment.16:13
DBAlexjrib: Why would it say that 1167 is unusable?16:14
folliaLJAnanrdan, man xorg.conf16:14
jribDBAlex: don't know16:14
frojndjrib, but I donwloaded .deb package...16:14
fstx_andres: do lspci -nn sou yoe get the id16:14
frojndjrib, I haven't install it with apt16:14
DBAlexjrib: should I resize a different partition to use as swap?16:14
jribfrojnd: I am telling you it gets installed to the same database16:14
JebJoyaLJAnanrdan: oh, is that what you're wanting to do?  you could use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and use the menu system?16:14
jlguess i'am the only one with the problem16:14
steviedeehey all, sometimes my net on gutsy reocgnizes my router, othertimes it dosnt, sometimes it connects, sometimes it dosnt, v. random. ideas?16:14
ironboyCan someone help me in configuring gfxboot please?16:14
jribDBAlex: you can create a swap partition however you want I suppose16:15
DBAlexjrib: ok16:15
frojndjrib, thanx16:15
QuizHello :) please help me ! i got nokia 6233 when i connect mobile phone via usb cable i need to download photos from my phone,when i do this downloading stuck and nothing hapens :(16:15
gluonmanjrib, oh! nevermind. I just got the idea to do what you had told me to do earlier, but just add the word partial to the end. It's working now.16:15
BigCanOfTuna_I'm having a hard time finding a gutsy desktop torrent...anyone know where I can find a seed?16:16
gluonmanjrib, thanks.16:16
jribgluonman: weird, but ok16:16
andresfstx_: ok16:16
zeroflaghow would I set up a PCI VGA card? I keep getting "No Device" on PCI:1:0:0 and a complaint about a missing driver (it's a savage3, the savage4 previously installed worked just fine, same driver) for PCI:0:11:0...16:16
JebJoyaBigCanOfTuna_: doesn't the one on ubuntu.com have seeds?16:16
steviedeesometimes you internet provider has it available for downlaod16:16
QuizHello :) please help me ! i got nokia 6233 when i connect mobile phone via usb cable i need to download photos from my phone,when i do this downloading stuck and nothing hapens :(.16:16
BigCanOfTuna_JebJoya: I don't see a torrent there.16:16
JebJoyaBigCanOfTuna_: lemme find the link16:16
steviedeeneone use AWN?16:17
BigCanOfTuna_JebJoya: I can find the direct download.16:17
andresfstx_: [0403]16:17
JebJoyaBigCanOfTuna_: http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/16:17
JebJoyait's listed in there16:18
andresfstx_:  Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller [8086:284b] (rev 02)16:18
QuizHmmmm linux sucks i go to xp bye nerds16:18
JebJoyathat's from the Kent Mirror service16:18
BigCanOfTuna_JebJoya: Cool...thanks! Will the desktop version allow me to use it as a live cd?16:18
buzzedtrying to connect to wifi with wpa16:18
ironboyplease someone help me with gfxboot16:18
fstx_andres: ok this is the pci id 8086:284b16:18
master_o1_masterhi, is it normal that a kernel module is 1.9MB? (self build usbcore.ko)16:19
buzzedbut i only see wep as an option16:19
JebJoyaBigCanOfTuna_: yep, just get the desktop-install rather than the alternate one (which is text only)16:19
JebJoyaBigCanOfTuna_: that might not be the quickest mirror for you if you're outside the uk...?16:19
buzzedin the connection properties16:19
Noobiehello peeps - I'm new to ubuntu and am enjoying the learning process16:19
BigCanOfTuna_JebJoya: thanks!16:19
sharpieis there a way to make the contents of the window visible while scaling it? (in other words, see the inside of the window while scaling instead of a blue square)16:19
cdm10Pidgin 2.2.2 hasn't seemed to have made it into the repos (yet). I know that the package management people have strict rules regarding upgrades, but 2.2.2 is a security update that fixes a denial of service issue, so it should be put into main.16:19
andresfstx_: ok, now what?16:19
JebJoyaBigCanOfTuna_: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors has all the other mirrors16:19
cdm10sharpie: Do you have the advanced compiz configuration manager installed?16:19
sharpiecdm10: yeah16:19
cdm10sharpie: Actually, it's called ccsm or ADvanced Desktop Settings Manager or whatever.16:20
fstx_andres: lsmod | grep snd-hda-intel16:20
sharpiecdm10: that's irrelevant =\16:20
JourneymanI installed crossfire-client, but I can't find the client16:20
sharpiecdm10: so...uh, where is it there? :\16:21
TFrogi just loaded up the ATI proprietary 8.42.3 drivers exactly as prescribed in http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_GuideP. now when i type fglxrinfo or glxgears i get this error->fglrxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:21
cdm10sharpie: Yeah... hold on, I'm finding the option.16:21
Journeymananyone know what the name of the binary is?16:21
JebJoyaso, anyone suggest a nvidia graphics card comparable or better than a ati 9600xt which works nicely in ubuntu?16:21
TFrogany ideas as to how to fix that error16:21
mc44TFrog: read the page16:21
andresfstx_: nathing16:21
mc44TFrog: specifically the bottom16:21
sharpiecdm10: thanks. oh, and while you're at it, what's the "put" plugin do? :\16:21
steviedeeneone using AWN?16:21
DBAlexwhat happened, I clicked resize and a window thats tiny popped up?16:21
andresfstx_: nothing16:21
DBAlexhas it crashed ? :S16:21
DBAlexWhat do I do?16:21
fstx_fstx: uname -a16:21
sharpiecdm10: never mind, i found the resize thing16:21
=== arkenstone is now known as Arkenstone
astro76Journeyman, dpkg -L crossfire-client | grep bin16:22
cdm10sharpie: oh, cool. Sorry I couldn't find it very fast :)16:22
TFrogi'll try that and see. i have a bad habit of not always reading everything. shame on me16:22
WhitorSupport for video and graphics can be found at #ubuntu-effects too16:22
astro76Journeyman, that will tell you16:22
cdm10sharpie: Damn, it's right there in front of me, in Uncategorized!16:22
sharpiecdm10: but do you know what "put" is? (under window management)16:22
Journeymanastro76, thanks, intresting it didn't install a bin file16:22
cdm10sharpie: I think it lets you use keyboard combos to move a window to the center or sides of the screen.16:22
sharpiecdm10: thx, and 1 last thing: what's screenshot?16:23
Journeymanoh wait I found it16:23
mc44TFrog: eh, I was just telling you it was there16:23
riddleboxhas there been lots of problems upgrading feisty to gutsy?16:23
astro76Journeyman, in crossfire-client-gtk2 or -x11 ?16:23
TFrogyeah. fixed fglxrinfo. problem is i'm still showing Mesa as the opengl driver16:23
cdm10sharpie: It lets you take a screenshot of whatever's in a square you draw on your screen.16:23
sharpieum, i'll try it =o16:24
cdm10sharpie: I don't find it that useful, I just use the normal screenshot app :)16:24
sharpiecdm10: thanks for all your help, i'm off now =o16:24
Journeymanastro76, I found it, it was just named weird16:24
jtkieferwhat directory is the main auth log in?16:24
jtkieferI lost the location and I can't find it again16:25
chdimishi guys16:25
chdimisi need some help can anybody help me?16:25
ubot3Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)16:25
chdimisok i like u16:26
Raff7yep, just ask16:26
cdm10jtkiefer: /var/log/auth.log, or you can use the Log Viewer in System>Admin16:26
buzzednetwork manager does not show wpa16:26
TFrogi'll bbl. got an idea that may work for my fix.16:26
=== matthijs is now known as niXXing
chdimisi cant separate my wlan0 from eth16:26
scguy318buzzed: you may need to use ndiswrapper to gain that functionality16:26
scguy318buzzed: it would seem the native drivers dont have such support16:26
ElementalBeliefanyone here has used qbittorrent?16:26
JebJoyacould anyone suggest a nvidia graphics card comparable or better than a ati 9600xt which works nicely in ubuntu?  having looked at the fx5200, it seems a little underpowered, any other suggestions?16:26
ubot3Factoid dr not found16:26
scguy318buzzed: well, the particular native driver for your wireless card16:26
ubot3#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes16:26
cdm10buzzed: It depends on the networking card... mine works with the native driver, perhaps yours doesn't.16:27
Raff7!gr ! chdimis16:27
ubot3Factoid gr ! chdimis not found16:27
Raff7!gr | chdimis16:27
ubot3chdimis: please see above16:27
cdm10!botabuse | Raff716:27
ubot3Raff7: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...16:27
DBAlexoh jesus16:27
chdimisin 7.02 worked16:27
DBAlexI f*cked up my laptop... :(16:27
keitherzuhm where can i find the default ubuntu gusty compiz settings16:27
voidushow can i get a list of files that was modified/accessesed by a particular program?16:27
Whitormy cat says hi16:27
riddleboxhey can someone tell me how to get my current gnome-session to come up when I vnc into my machine?16:27
buzzedscguy318: where do i set that16:27
scguy318!ccsm | keitherz16:27
ubot3keitherz: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:27
astro76!ohmy | DBAlex16:27
ubot3DBAlex: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.16:27
scguy318!ndiswrapper | buzzed16:28
ubot3buzzed: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:28
DBAlexI better just reformat it and install ubuntu on it full time... (ive wiped my XP off it)16:28
Raff7sorry, i was trying to see the greek channel :116:28
mehevi_can anyone reccomend a good mp3 player that can be entirely driven by the mouse?  I tire of xine and its crappiness16:28
cdm10keitherz: just select one of the options besides custom from the effects settings list.16:28
astro76DBAlex, sounds like a plan ;)16:28
jtkiefercdm10, hmm, that one worked this time but not before... odd16:28
cdm10Raff7: oh, hmm, hold on a sec16:28
c0mp13371331337mehevi_, try xmms.16:28
jtkiefercdm10, have it working now though, thanks for the answer16:28
DBAlexastro76: ive lost some data but I have it backed up at least16:28
arcilcan someone recommend a decent gui ftp client?16:28
scguy318buzzed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto you'll need your Windows driver16:28
faileasmehevi_: amarok?16:28
scguy318!ftp | arcil16:28
ubot3arcil: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd16:28
mehevi_i did but it uses up SO much memory when streaming16:28
cdm10Raff7: check your PM16:28
astro76DBAlex, nice, that's rare in here :p16:28
keitherzno i need the default given when you install gusty16:28
c0mp13371331337arcil, gftp works great for me.16:28
voidushow can i get a list of files that was modified/accessesed by a particular program?16:28
Raff7cdm10 nice ^^16:29
DBAlexastro76: heh... well, I can install XP in a Virtual Machine if I need it16:29
arcilthank you16:29
andresfstx_: snd_hda_intel        337192  016:29
astro76voidus, information about which program accessed files is not recorded16:29
Ubuntu-fan_hey, can someone help me get my mic working for skype / teamspeak on my laptop, it has gutsy installed... ?16:29
boulbahow to have the applet which is bottom center on this screen shot ? http://drakken.ironie.org/db_drakken/screenshoot_temp.jpg16:29
cdm10keitherz: it'll switch to the default when you select "Normal" from the list of Visual Effects options in System>Preferences>Appearanc16:29
astro76voidus, just access time and modified time16:30
voidusastro76: how can i record it? or no way?16:30
nnis there a reason firefox turns all grey and stuff every now and then?16:30
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: for TeamSpeak you'll need to start it with aoss16:30
JebJoyaanyone got a quick and dirty way i can check if my board has PCI-express?  (i suspect i don't...)16:30
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: I think that's in alsa-utils or something16:30
cdm10nn: that means it's frozen... or Ubuntu thinks it's frozen.16:30
astro76voidus, not that I'm aware of16:30
Ubuntu-fan_scguy318: aoss ?16:30
Matic`MakovecHello there. I just accidently deleted couple of files (with shift+del). Is there _any_way at all to retrieve them? They were quite important16:30
astro76voidus, are you trying to accomplish something in particular?16:30
voidusastro76: yes16:30
fstx_andres: so the module is loaded16:30
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: aoss is OSS -> ALSA wrapper16:30
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: TeamSpeak is OSS only, you probably dont want that16:30
boulbanobody can tell me what is it ?16:30
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: and its actually in alsa-aoss16:31
cdm10Matic`Makovec: 1) backup, 2) don't use shift-del. As far as I know, there's no "undelete" utility for Ext3 like there is for DOS/Windows partitions.16:31
WhitorMatic`Makovec: there is software that can attempt to retrieve it for you16:31
Matic`MakovecWhich is?16:31
Ubuntu-fan_scguy318: lol sorry I am completely lost... I dont know the abreviations... I am farely new to ubuntu and linux in general16:31
chippyJebJoya, system->prefs-> hardware information say anything?16:31
nncdm10: one could mount -o remount,ro the partition and use one of the e2undel utils or such16:31
NoobieHelp guys what command line would you use to connect to and mount a share on an XP machine?16:31
andresfstx_: and why no sound comes out?16:31
WhitorMatic`Makovec: no idea... only hearsay16:32
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: let me sum it up then :P start TeamSpeak with the aoss command16:32
cdm10nn: Ah, you should tell him that then :)16:32
meheviMatic`Makovec the best solution is to stop using the filesystem you want to recover from AT ONCE and use another disk16:32
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: if you want more than one program to be able to use your sound card16:32
Ubuntu-fan_scguy318: All I know is that my mic works on my ubuntu which is installed on my desktop... and it works with teamspeak (eventhough teamspeak then takes control over the sound and I cant play any other sound other then teamspeak)16:32
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: exactly16:32
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: thats why you use aoss16:32
voidusastro76: i did install gnome-user-share and can't understand which files it modifies or how can i access created share16:32
Matic`Makovecmehevi, yeah, and then?16:32
tims108if i want a a channel in say ik eds in uk how to change in xchat?16:32
bj0rnMy postgresql installation is broken and reinstalling doesnt seem to help. seems like setup of user and config files doesn't happen..  anyone know how to completely restore a postgres installation from scratch?16:32
boulbaplease help me ! explain me how to have what is bottom center on this screen shot http://drakken.ironie.org/db_drakken/screenshoot_temp.jpg16:32
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: sudo apt-get install alsa-aoss16:32
Ubuntu-fan_scguy318: and how to I start it up with "aoss" ? (sry if I am being stupid ^^)16:33
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: I mean, sudo apt-get install alsa-oss16:33
JebJoyachippy: not that i can see, looks agp only, was just looking16:33
nnMatic`Makovec: in a terminal i'd do 'mount -o remount,ro /' (or whatever file system files are on), this will make the file system read only preventing overwriting the files, then you need to find some way to get one of the ext2 undelete utilities, assuming you are using ext[23] instead of say xfs16:33
JebJoyachippy: that's annoying then...16:33
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: thats for installation, then make a shortcut or run from Terminal: aoss /path/to/teamspeak/binary16:33
Ubuntu-fan_scguy318: I have "Alsa Mixer" chosen, should I take the OSS in sound preferences?16:33
larson9999what's the aptitude command to see which package contains a specific file?  i manned aptitude but don't see it.16:33
nnMatic`Makovec: problem is a chicken and egg one of sorts.. If you install anything, you're likely to overwrite them..16:33
fstx_andres: if you do 'alsactl names -f an; more an', do you see the card there?16:33
meheviMatic`Makovec well I dont know about what you would use for ex3 recovery but to quit writing to your filesystem ensures it wont get overwritten (your only concern when it comes to dataloss)16:33
chippyJebJoya, anything on pc specs ?16:33
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: mixer doesn't really matter right now :P16:33
ubot3Factoid nubuntu not found16:34
Ubuntu-fan_ok one sec I will try installing...16:34
JebJoyachippy: pc specs?16:34
stefgboulba: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38598116:34
chdimismy eth0 is 192.168.. and my wlan0 is 10.0.0... i cant make them work together i must disable one of them to work with the other ay suggestions?16:34
DBAlexOK installing, wish me luck...! :-)16:34
bbrownI have a ~/.bashrc file but those settings don't get carried to gnome environment?  eg like on the desktop.  Is there a way to export env settings to the gnome on startup16:34
Matic`Makovecnn, and you wouldn't know any utility?16:34
chippyon the interwebnets, JebJoya, search for specs of your system ?16:34
nnMatic`Makovec: hangon16:34
nnMatic`Makovec: I'd asap make sure the file system is read-only16:34
saloxinext3 has no undelete16:34
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: and unfortunately I must brb16:34
JebJoyachippy - self build, forgot what motherboard i put in :)16:34
JebJoyachippy: yeah :P16:35
nnsaloxin: Not true, ext2 undelete utils work on ext316:35
OrionDudehow to save and exit vi ?16:35
saloxinnn: oh? something must have changed since last time i looked16:35
shimizuOrfeous, ctrl+x ?16:35
chdimisuse gedit16:35
Matic`Makovecnn, well, it says that it's busy..16:35
nnsaloxin: ext3 is just ext2 with a journal16:35
shimizuOrionDude, ctrl+x16:35
Cap_J_L_PicardHi guys.16:35
nnMatic`Makovec: did you do mount -o remount,ro ?16:35
andresfstx_: no soudcard found16:35
Ubuntu-fan_scguy318: you wouldn't happen to know the default folder ts is installed, would you? ^^16:35
saloxinnn: ever tried it?16:36
Matic`Makovecnn root@kista:~# mount -o remount,ro /home16:36
Matic`Makovecmount: /home is busy16:36
Cap_J_L_PicardI have a PCMCIA sound card (Audigy2)16:36
Cap_J_L_Picard I need to get it to totally change default soundcard on boot depending whether I have it in. (As it's hotpluggable it actually hotplugging and changing default would be good.16:36
nnMatic`Makovec: mount -f -o remount,ro /home16:36
astro76voidus, it might be a hidden . file/dir in your home, but considering it's gnome it might use gconf.... have you run gnome-file-share-properties? (found that in the package contents http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=gnome-user-share&version=gutsy&arch=i386)16:36
Matic`MakovecAh, good. Seems to work now, nn16:36
saloxinnn: http://batleth.sapienti-sat.org/projects/FAQs/ext3-faq.html16:36
robert_what's the name of the OSS devel package?16:36
LoKi0480In the server edition how do you change the text sizes16:36
saloxinQ: How can I recover (undelete) deleted files from my ext3 partition?16:36
OrionDudeshimizu: did that .. then i get some ^x mode (some stuff)16:36
saloxinActually, you can't! This is what one of the developers, Andreas Dilger, said about it:16:36
LJAnanrdanhey I couldn't configure my screen resoultion even after reading man entries for xorg.conf16:36
LJAnanrdanplease help me16:36
NoobieHelp guys what command line would you use to connect to and mount a share on an XP machine?16:37
astro76!resolution | LJAnanrdan16:37
ubot3LJAnanrdan: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:37
meheviLJAnanrdan did you restart x after the changes?16:37
chdimismy eth0 is 192.168.. and my wlan0 is 10.0.0... i cant make them work together i must disable one of them to work with the other any suggestions?16:37
shimizuOrionDude, try out some combinations u will get into it16:37
boulbawhen using TeamSpeak with aoss, in the configuration of TeamSpeak, which sound driver must I choose ? (Settings menu and Devices tab)16:37
meheviNoobie use samba16:37
nnsaloxin: yea, worst case tune2fs -o ^has_journal then run it and then recreate journal via tune2fs -j16:37
astro76boulba, should still be oss16:37
voidusastro76: yes, i did run. it shows a small window, when i select "enable sharing". and nothing more... where i can read more about it?16:37
meheviI thought to exit vi it was like :wq!16:38
Cap_J_L_Picardboulba: /dev/dsp16:38
OrionDudeshimizu: HOW to use those combos?16:38
boulbathanks astro7616:38
fstx_andres: are the rest of the alsa modules loaded? soundcore, snd, snd_pcm?16:38
shimizuOrionDude, ctrl + .. and it write u smth in a bottom ?16:38
Noobiemehevi I can get into it via the gui but not sure how to do it via the shell16:38
astro76voidus, I've never heard of this software before... start with /usr/share/doc/gnome-user-share/README and go from there ;)16:38
Matic`MakovecSo nn, any further info about what to do? :X16:38
JebJoyaanyone have an opinion on http://www.ebuyer.com/product/132315 (asus nvidia 7600gs 256mb ddr2) as a replacement for a radeon 9600xt?16:38
meheviNoobie  the command is smb16:38
nnMatic`Makovec: hangon16:38
OrionDudei did xtrl-x .. and i got ^Xmode in the botton16:38
meheviOrionDude try :wq!16:39
JebJoyaagh, out of stock...16:39
fstx_andres: I just realized that the snd_hda_intel module can be loaded without being boud to your card16:39
Noobiemehevi: thanks will try that16:39
meheviOrionDude type colon, w, q, !.16:40
scriptdevilis it possible to install ant without installing gcj. i am sure that ant can run with the sun jdk and jre16:40
nnMatic`Makovec: since your file is on /home, 'apt-get install e2undel recover', i'd try recover first, if not e2undel16:40
lucky711x_upgraded to Gutsy this morning and firefox is now really really choppy and yes smooth scrolling is enabled and ive tried with it disabled and got the same results16:40
nnrecover -a /dev/whatever seems all you have to do16:41
lucky711x_anyone having the same issue?16:41
OrionDudemehevi ... i think were talking about something different .. i did "vi /etc/network/interfaces" .. and edited some info .. now i need to save and exit this somehow16:41
Matic`MakovecOkay, I'll try nn, thank you16:41
scriptdevillucky711x_: nope... but my config is kinda high16:41
JebJoyadoes the geforce 7600gs have good driver support?16:41
astro76OrionDude, press ESC, then type :wq16:41
fstx_andres: you can check the modules.pcimap in /lib/modules/your-kernel-version for the pci id16:41
scriptdevilJebJoya: yeah16:41
Ubuntu-fan_scguy318: just give me a buzz when you are back, cant really find out what to do ^^... :)16:41
nnMatic`Makovec: i usually used e2undel, but recover might be better bet16:41
JebJoyascriptdevil: awesome, that'll do me then16:41
ubot3apparmor: User-space parser utility for AppArmor. In component main, is standard. Version 2.1+993-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 347 kB, installed size 2228 kB16:41
scriptdevilJebJoya: am on a 7300gt it is supported brilliantly too16:42
OrionDudeahh thx .. that escape thingy wasn't told yet :)16:42
LoKi0480is there an admin online?16:42
astro76OrionDude, yeah that's key, vi has two modes ;)16:42
nnMatic`Makovec: mkdir /tmp/undel; e2undel -d /dev/whatever -s /tmp/undel -a16:42
Matic`Makovecnn recover only looks for ext2?16:42
lucky711x_damn im beginning to think the upgraed to gutsy was a bad decision16:42
scriptdevilis it possible to install ant without installing gcj. i am sure that ant can run with the sun jdk and jre16:42
lucky711x_firefox is was to choppy to even read16:43
andresfstx_: any idea?16:43
JebJoyascriptdevil: cool, i'm stuck on a ati 9600xt, which is too old to be supported by the new ati drivers, and the old ones don't work on the new x.org... great. :S16:43
nnMatic`Makovec: that'll create /tmp/undel hopefully with your files in it16:43
astro76lucky711x_, what does choppy mean? you mentioned scrolling but you don't read while you scroll?16:43
scriptdevilJebJoya: you can check out the nvidia site for the cards they support16:43
fstx_andres: you can check the modules.pcimap in /lib/modules/your-kernel-version for the pci id16:43
WikzoI just installed Avant Windows Manager in Ubuntu 7.10. I don't wanna have the dock showing my open windows - I just want to use it for launchers. How do I remove the "Show which programs are open" function?16:43
=== c9s_ is now known as c9s
lucky711x_astro76: as im scrolling it freezes up intermittently and is very annoying, it takes forever to sscrooll16:44
JebJoyascriptdevil: yep, supported16:46
nnkk.. it's sleepy time for little ninjas16:46
andresfstx_: my god, what is this!!! :D16:46
Dekkharynhi there, I'm having a slight problem with ONE particular usb drive; it's a ~300GB USB external HDD. dmesg shows it is being seen when it connects but it is not automounted. I can mount it manually but then it is as root, and I can't alter the files on it without sudo'ing from terminal. Can someone help me with diagnosing why it isn't automounting for me? I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbFlashDrives - I've got permission and settings to auto16:46
nnMatic`Makovec: good luck, sir, and dont forget to mount -o remount,rw /home later :)16:46
Matic`Makovecnn,  /home/matic/www/: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while opening /home/matic/www/16:46
Matic`Makovec  <-- /home/matic/www is what I gave the -d option16:46
andresfstx_: can i send you this file?16:46
Matic`MakovecOh, alright16:47
nnMatic`Makovec: no no, you need to use the device16:47
Matic`MakovecThanks for your help then16:47
nnMatic`Makovec: /dev/whatever16:47
whyameyeI installed nvidia driver with envy. How can I get the restricted drivers manager to recognize this install so I can activate video effects on Gutsy?16:47
Matic`MakovecErr...I don't think I get what you mean by that16:47
nnMatic`Makovec: do 'mount' and see what the device is16:47
nnMatic`Makovec: it'll be /dev/something16:47
Matic`MakovecNow I get it16:47
Matic`MakovecOf course, makes sense16:47
the-ermdoes anyone know how to install lirc. I just can't seem to get it to work with my audigy 216:47
ubot3apparmor: User-space parser utility for AppArmor. In component main, is standard. Version 2.1+993-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 347 kB, installed size 2228 kB16:48
Bonste1the-erm: try xev ans xmodmap16:48
fstx_andres: whats hapnneing? You just need to check if 284b is in there16:48
scriptdevilhmm.. does anybody feel gksu slightly hangs the system for a few seconds..16:48
the-ermBonste1: xev?  but that handles mouse & key events, but I might as well try.16:49
Bonste1the-erm: remote also16:49
frojndIs there any good client for writing c++  like blooddevc++ for windows...16:49
Phisikusscriptdevil: yes. Gksu sent your password to me :>16:49
scriptdevilPhisikus: lol...16:49
=== misc__ is now known as misc--
ubot3To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:50
scriptdevilfrojnd: visual studio is good16:50
astro76scriptdevil, before the password dialog comes up?16:50
scriptdevilafter it takes the password16:50
astro76scriptdevil, no not at all16:50
luisbgis there any app in ubuntu to read .chm files?16:50
the-ermBonste1: well I don't have /dev/lirc and xev doesn't give me jack.  irw doesn't either.16:50
nnMatic`Makovec: let me know how it goes, if you don't mind. You can send me a private msg and lemme know. I've not used e2undel in a while, but usually had luck16:50
astro76luisbg, gnochm16:50
ubuntuhi whats the difference between feisty and gutsy16:51
frojndscriptdevil, do u now package name maybe ?16:51
astro76ubuntu, six months ;)16:51
riddleboxbtw, ssh -X is a wonderful thing16:51
Matic`Makovecnn, it didn't work. 0 files found16:51
wweaselubuntu: A lot of new features16:51
astro76ubuntu, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour16:51
Bonste1the-erm: lirc dont think it works with this kernel yet16:51
scriptdevilfrojnd: well.. did u ask for windows or for linux?? for linux it is eclispe or anjuta16:51
ubuntuthe simple difference16:51
frojndscriptdevil, linux ofcourse =)16:51
wweaselubuntu: There are a few of them. Check the website16:52
andresfstx_: yes, its there16:52
WikzoI use Avant Window Manager for Ubuntu 7.10 (Compiz Fusion). I don't want it to show my active windows - just need it as a launcher for programs. How do I remove the "Show active windows" function?16:52
sharpiemy DVD drives aren't working =\16:52
scriptdevilfrojnd: sorry. i gave your question pause at the wrong places16:52
ompaul!dvd | sharpie16:52
ubot3sharpie: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs16:52
frojndscriptdevil, np. So eclipse or anjuta16:52
the-ermBonste1: I never thought to check that.16:52
ubuntuhi im up to installin my ubuntu and i need a swap partion i have to partion already the 100 gig is wat im installin on how do i take a pece of this and make it swap16:52
astro76frojnd, or kdevelop16:52
sharpieand i got a "unable to get data" icon in my tray16:52
sharpiewhich has hibernate/suspend buttons when i click it16:53
scriptdevilfrojnd: if you like speed anjuta... if you dont mind a java environment with a plugin for C++, eclipse16:53
LiMaOubuntu: it'll ask about that during installation16:53
hopchoHELP! I can't get my wireless to connect to ANY wireless access point, manually or automatically16:53
JebJoyahaha! I'm going to buy some fans and my pc won't crash any more! it'll be amazing!16:53
Dekkharynhelp please: I cannot make a certain USB HDD mount automatically. Others work fine. I've double checked that I have the correct permissions for USB mounts and that the disk settings will auto mount any usb device when inserted. Can anyone suggest anything?16:53
LiMaOubuntu: it has a guided partioner that will help you thru it16:53
koudelka_hey, how can i reprofile the readahead file for desktop?16:53
Bonste1the-erm: some people use userspace instead of kernel u might wanna try that instead16:53
boulbaI have no sound in TeamSpeak whereas I launched it with aoss16:53
scriptdevilDekkharyn: is it supported?16:53
frojndwell... I like speed that's why c++ in the first place..16:53
ubuntuyer i went through it and couldnt take a section of my 100gig to make swap16:53
sharpieompaul: those links are irrelevant16:53
alienseer23Q: i am unning a LAMP install, with drupal, on a local machine. I use dydns, so my domain name is "http://example.homeloinux.com". Let's assume my host computer is just called "host0". Durring the install, drupal asked what to use as the host for serving mail, it was assuming "host0", i assumed this needed to be "example.homelinux.com". So I changed it. In my /etc/hosts file I have "" and "". In t16:54
FunnyLookinHatfrojnd, if you liked spped you would use C...  lol16:54
Dekkharynscriptdevil: I'm not sure what you mean. The file system type is supported - it's vfat, and I can mount it manually okay16:54
the-ermBonste1: I'll look into it.16:54
hopchoplease HELP! I can't get my wireless to connect to ANY wireless access point, manually or automatically16:54
fstx_andres: on a line with snd-hda-intel?16:54
boulba :(16:54
LiMaOubuntu: you may choose to 'manual format' it when the partitioner asks about it...16:54
boulba is it possible to know if teamspeak is realy launched with oass ? I went in the TeamSpeak directory and I executed 'aoss ./TeamSpeak' is it correct ?16:54
frojndFunnyLookinHat, well... not that much :>16:54
andresfstx_:  exactly16:54
FunnyLookinHatfrojnd, :)16:54
LiMaOubuntu: then you can create partitions and set them up from within the installer16:54
WikzoI use Avant Window Manager for Ubuntu 7.10 (Compiz Fusion). I don't want it to show my active windows - just need it as a launcher for programs. How do I remove the "Show active windows" function?16:54
ubuntuyes and it takes me to a screen which says edit partion and delete and undo changes16:54
andresfstx_: but other to16:54
Dekkharynscriptdevil: but, mounting manually uses root, thus the drive belongs to root and I can't alter anything on it - which is the opposite of what I wanted. :P16:54
boulbaI have no sound with teamspeak lauched with aoss but I have sound if not16:54
ubuntuwhen go to edit i cant select just a section of it for swap16:55
sharpieok, my DVD DRIVES (not video files, DRIVES) aren't working, one of them isn't showing up at the computer and the other isn't working as well =\16:55
ubot3readahead: read files into the page cache. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.20050517.0220-0ubuntu11 (gutsy), package size 22 kB, installed size 156 kB16:55
koudelka_where is that page cache located?16:55
scriptdevilDekkharyn: well.. no drive can belong to root. only a location can belong to root. if other usb devices work therough the same slot, this must16:55
astro76Dekkharyn, you might try running dosfsck on it, I've had an fat32 external with filesystem inconsistencies prevent auto-mounting in feisty16:55
Caleb_I installed bcm43xx-fwcutter, checked the in the restricted drivers box for my wireless, and now it's asking me to locate the firmware. According to the read me, i found what was supposed to be the extracted drivers, but it didn't work16:55
astro76Dekkharyn, and dosfsck solved it16:56
fstx_andres:  grep 8086 /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/modules.pcimap | grep 284b16:56
hopchoplease help, can't connect to any wireless networks16:56
Dekkharynscriptdevil: well, yes, the mounted files belong to root by default if root mounts it I thought?16:56
DBAlexcan someone help me, ive just installed ubuntu and it doesnt start when I load?16:56
ompaul!wireless | hopcho16:56
ubot3hopcho: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:56
fstx_andres: gives me exactly one line16:56
the-ermBonste1: sadly to say this isn't a usb device.  It's the Audigy 2 Live drive.16:56
threeseasWow, there be people here. ;)16:56
Dekkharynastro76: did it mount manually? but I'll try that - can I do so without mounting it?16:56
VoXthreeseas: oh, only absout a thousand16:56
DBAlexI just get a black screen?16:56
koudelka_where does readahead save the cache and how to generate a new desktop profile? i know how to do it with boot16:56
andresfstx_: yes16:56
astro76Dekkharyn, yes I was able to get it to mount manually16:56
andresfstx_: is that one16:56
astro76Dekkharyn, yes it must be unmounted for dosfsck16:56
nuba1hi there, I have a ATI X1450... I've been reading that the just released fglrx drivers will finally fix the plethora of problems us ATI users have been having... I'm running an LTSP setup... in the chrooted environment... how would I go about installing the new driver properly?16:56
Ubuntu-fan_Can anybody else help me? I am trying to get my mic (and teamspeak) working on my laptop... but it doesnt recognize the mic... someone here told me to install "aoss" which I did... now I dont know what I have to do next... ?16:57
sharpiehelp? anyone? DVD drives not working =\16:57
DBAlexargh... obviously too busy here to get help16:57
Dekkharynastro76: thank you, I'll dosfsck it then16:57
Bonste1the-erm: bluetooth?16:57
nuba1this be on 7.1016:57
andresfstx_: snd-hda-intel        0x00008086 0x0000284b 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x016:57
Noobiemehevi: I have now mounted my xp partition thanks! What app or command can I use to synch this folder to a local folder16:57
VoXUbuntu-fan_: what type of mic16:57
the-ermBonste1: nope16:57
Ubuntu-fan_VoX: Just a standard headset16:58
spideymandekkharyn try using ntfs-3g it gives you full read write permissions16:58
WikzoHow can I remove "Show active windows" function i Avant Window Manager in Ubuntu 7.10?16:58
boulbanobody knows how to have sound with teamspeak and aoss ?16:58
Caleb_DBAlex: try pressing alt-f4 when your on the black screen, it works for me16:58
hopcholet me elaborate. I was able to connect with no problems, then a few days ago it wouldn't only connect for a few minutes, now I can't connect at all16:58
fstx_andres: yes.16:58
Dekkharynspideyman: It's vfat (fat32) not ntfs?16:58
DBAlexCaleb_ erm ok16:58
Ubuntu-fan_boulba: exactly that is my problem as well! ;)16:58
VoXUbuntu-fan_: have you un-muted the mic input?16:58
Noobiemehevi: correction - I have now mounted my xp share thanks! What app or command can I use to synch this folder to a local folder16:58
spideymanoh sorry didnt see that16:58
DBAlexCaleb_: what does that do?16:58
WhitorWhen I run Update-Manager and click check... it says my system is up to date... Its -always- said this... somehow I suspect there may be updates available ...16:58
sharpiehelp? anyone? DVD drives not working =\16:59
Caleb_i have no clue, it just works for me16:59
pdavidmorning all16:59
Strang3lovemorning everyone16:59
=== cimbe is now known as Palikka
Dekkharynspideyman: it's a good tip though, but Gutsy seems to do that by default anyway!16:59
pdavidanyone have any ideas about mounting multiple FS onto a single mountpoint?16:59
taime1why Why Does Ubuntu Slow Down Significantly When No Internet Connection Is Present??16:59
Ubuntu-fan_VoX: Yes ;)16:59
koudelka_sharpie: what kind of dvd is it, and do you have more then one?16:59
DBAlexCaleb_: yes it works, will I have yo do that on every boot?16:59
Ubuntu-fan_VoX: It must have something to do with "aoss" but I dont know what to do with it16:59
Cap_J_L_PicardI have a PCMCIA I need to get it to totally change default soundcard on boot depending whether I have it in. (As it's hotpluggable it actually hotplugging and changing default would be good, but as hotplug won't work on boot would surffice)? (this is gutsy)17:00
Strang3loveI just upgraded a motherboard and processor and am having some issues with grub, can anyone help?17:00
Caleb_I installed bcm43xx-fwcutter, checked the in the restricted drivers box for my wireless, and now it's asking me to locate the firmware. According to the read me, i found what was supposed to be the extracted drivers, but it didn't work. can someone help me?17:00
IrvHey All,,,,,,,, Here is a simple question , what's the best graphics care for ubuntu I will need 3d for games and good quality for pics17:00
boulbaUbuntu-fan_: it seems to work as well for sound output as for the microphone w/o aoss !17:00
Caleb_i have to, not a big deal17:00
whyameyehow can I override the restricted drivers manager for Gutsy? I have nvidia proprietary driver but the restricted drivers manager doesn't recognize it.17:00
DBAlexCaleb_: really? err... :(17:00
Dr_WillisIrv about any nvidia card in your budget will do.17:00
Ubuntu-fan_boulba: not for me... did you change anything? Or just plugin the mic and it worked?17:00
msinghis there a ubuntu lite version which will run on more modest hardware?17:00
temp1234with the new release, has anyone had problems with the splash screen not showing up at all during boot, and the console resolution being totally messed up17:00
spideymandekkharyn i upgraded but still needed to instal 3g to be able to erase data17:00
sharpiekoudelka_: it's a DVD drive(burner)...i have 2, none of them work17:01
dexterstillHi!!! Could someone please help me!?17:01
scriptdevilmsingh: xubuntu17:01
Caleb_msingh: there is xubuntu17:01
faileasmsingh: how old?17:01
scriptdevilmsingh: fluxbuntu17:01
nuba1temp... thats a known bug.. its in the release notes17:01
Dekkharynspideyman: really! I'll be sure to remember that, thanks then!17:01
msinghfaileas, p3 256mb ram17:01
LiMaO!ask | dexterstill17:01
ubot3dexterstill: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:01
Whitordexterstill: whats up ?17:01
koudelka_sharpie: is it usb?17:01
faileasmsingh: i've run ubuntu on less...17:01
scriptdevilmsingh: xubuntu will do well on it17:01
sharpiekoudelka_: no17:01
dexterstillI've instaled UBUNTU 7.10, but it doesn't recognize my slave HD...17:01
msinghbut plain ubuntu does not come with a lighter desktop, does it?17:02
nuba1about the new ati fglrx drivers... can someone tell me how to install them inside an LTSP chroot17:02
Irvok thanks the ati card I have is giving me fits I was not sure about nvidia17:02
taime1anyone know why ubuntu slows down to almost a halt when there is no internet connection present?17:02
dexterstillI'm realy a newbie...17:02
nuba1on 7.1017:02
whyameyeis there a restricted drivers config file for gutsy somewhere?17:02
scriptdevilmsingh: xubuntu is my recommend17:02
faileasmsingh: you can select any DE. just install the right packages17:02
koudelka_sharpie: can you find them under system -> hardware information17:02
Strang3loveafter replacing a motherboard and processor, grub starts normally but after making a selection it says "error 21: selected disk does not exist"  any ideas?17:02
_spi_Hi there, Someone can help me: My file system has been remounted  Read-only way... !!! why!?!??!!?17:02
Dekkharynastro76: ... haha oh wow, dosfsck doesn't like this disk at all; "Currently, only 1 or 2 FATs are supported, not 139." Would running checkdisk on dos work?17:02
koudelka_msingh: i recomend xubuntu too17:02
NoirIs there any way to install nvidia drivers without going through synaptic?17:02
boulbaUbuntu-fan_: just plug in the mic but before 7.10 it didnt work and I was always said that oass was absolutely necessary17:02
astro76Dekkharyn, yeah maybe try from dos/windows first17:02
msinghok i'll check out xubuntu cheers17:02
scriptdevil_spi_: well.. check /etc/fstab17:02
nuba1noir... try envy17:02
Dr_WillisNoir i use the 'restricted-manager' tool for my 4 machines.17:03
sharpiekoudelka_: hardware information isn't working for some reason \=17:03
nuba1search google for it17:03
astro76Dekkharyn, though dosfsck should fix it fine also.... you backed up? ;)17:03
ckennedymouted external drive: now I get this You are not privileged to mount the volume 'DRV4_VOL117:03
pdavidStrang3love: did you get into a boot prompt command in grub?17:03
Dr_WillisEnvy can cause problems in the 'long run' :()17:03
Whitordon't use envy17:03
nuba1havent found that.. worked every time for me17:03
sharpiekoudelka_: and i have this "unable to get data" icon in my tray too17:03
boulbaUbuntu-fan_: in fqct it seems with 7.10 it works w/o aoss, normally17:03
ubot3envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!17:03
Dekkharynastro76: there's no way I can back that up, it's got 300GB of stuff, it's bigger than all other drives put together17:03
sharpiekoudelka_: it popped up when i put a dvd in the drive17:03
_spi_Hi there, Someone can help me: My file system has been remounted  Read-only way... !!! why!?!??!!?17:03
defryskits not about not using envy , its just not supperted here17:03
defryskso no envy help here17:03
nuba1well, in theory all it does is download the restricted drivers and compile17:03
koudelka_sharpie: hmm it's nothing i know anything about, sorry17:03
Ubuntu-fan_holy shit17:04
nuba1why is that bad?17:04
NoirI can't get online with my ubuntu machine at my college because I can't install cisco security agent, so I was woundering if there was more along the lines of a .deb17:04
astro76Dekkharyn, well I guess then just the critical stuff then.. and cross your fingers ;)17:04
Whitorenvy causes problems when upgrading17:04
andres__fstx_: so, what do you think?17:04
Ubuntu-fan_boulba: I just tried the testoption for my mic and my laptop went crazy... REALLY load noise17:04
jonahhey guys, how can i make my window title bars smaller, i've reduced the font size but it's not worked, they're a bit fat and clumsy17:04
ckennedy>mouted external drive: now I get this You are not privileged to mount the volume 'DRV4_VOL117:04
nuba1yeah well, upgrading is problematic without envy too17:04
Ubuntu-fan_boulba: Even when I hit mute it wouldnt stop17:04
crdlbnuba1: 1) it breaks every time you get a kernel upgrade, 2) it really does make upgrades worse17:04
Strang3loveboot prompt command?  it shows the list of ubuntu kernals or winxp (dual boot)  but making a selection for ubuntu gets the error 21, and selecting xp says its not an executable format.17:04
nickrudjonah: same problem, I ended up using spifcity from gnome-look for short title bars17:04
koudelka_where does readahead save the cache and how to generate a new desktop profile? i know how to do it with boot17:04
bjb1959I have an odd problem, after a recent automatic patch of gutsy I can't get my monitor to stay on after inactivity. I have shut off power management and screensaver but after about 10 minutes the screen goes black. doesn't happen in opensuse when I boot into it just gutsy. any ideas?17:04
defrysknuba1, please stop discussing envy here , there is no support for envy in this room17:04
Ubuntu-fan_I thought he was here ^^17:05
nuba1well, it does say that u need to reinstall after kernel upgrade in the scipt17:05
LiMaOjonah: it depends on the theme you're using. some will not let them be smaller17:05
defrysknuba1, you are trolling please stop17:05
astro76koudelka_, cache is in ram, type free -m17:05
nuba1fine fine... then how about someone help me with my problem... new fglrx drivers in a ltsp chroot environment17:05
Caleb_where can i get the firware for my wireless card? i installed bcm43xx-fwcutter and it didn't suck out the firmware like it is supposed to17:05
nickrudnuba1: 8.42.3?17:05
sharpieneed help: both DVD drives not working, hardware information isn't working either and i suddenly have a "unable to get data" icon in my tray :/17:05
alienseer23how can i get a regular ubuntu install to send out mail via drupal?17:05
astro76koudelka_, that's why many new users say OMG!!! why do I have no free memory, but it's all cache ;)17:06
omega_how i can write C languaje in ubuntu?17:06
ckennedy>I mounted an external drive: now I get this You are not privileged to mount the volume 'DRV4_VOL1... anyone have an idea of what I messed up?17:06
koudelka_astro76: so iit puts it in ram during boot?, is there any way to save it to a flash disk and make it load from there during boot?17:06
omega_how i can write C languaje from my bash in ubuntu?17:06
Whitor=i88888888888888888888888888888kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkomega_: use a text editor17:06
Whitorsorry... cat17:06
bjb1959I have an odd problem, after a recent automatic patch of gutsy I can't get my monitor to stay on after inactivity. I have shut off power management and screensaver but after about 10 minutes the screen goes black. doesn't happen in opensuse when I boot into it just gutsy. any ideas?17:06
Whitoromega_: use a text editor17:06
ompaulomega_, you can used any editor, but before you do you might want to sudo apt-get install build-essential17:06
astro76koudelka_, not sure we're talking about the same thing17:07
fstx_andres: when I grep after snd in /var/log on my machine i get hits in udev, and in syslog from Networkmanager. Perhaps there is some kind of error message there.17:07
defryskkoudelka_, look at usage of ram this way , unused ram is wasted ram17:07
forsakenhow do i make it so that a service doesn't automatically run on startup?17:07
Ubuntu-fan_boulba: Well my sound just went haywire... I am glad that my sound still works... it was a really load mechanical screaching... cant describe it17:07
defryskram is sooo much fasted then a hard drive17:07
bjb1959Chris, this is Bart. did you add the umask line?17:07
_spi_Hi there, Someone can help me: My file system has been remounted  Read-only way... !!! why!?!??!!?17:07
Strang3loveafter replacing a motherboard and processor, grub starts normally but after making a selection it says "error 21: selected disk does not exist"  any ideas?17:07
nickrudnuba1: http://www.howforge.com/how-setup-fglrx-8-42-3-and-compiz-ubuntu-gutsy has a working setup, I don't know ltsp and how it would apply; you probably do17:07
astro76Strang3love, have you checked bios settings?17:07
nuba1wow... thanks...17:07
koudelka_eh my question was never about ram, i know my ram i just want to make new profile on what it should cache17:07
nuba1finally aiglx on ati... only 13 months after nvidia17:08
ckennedybart. yep.... give me your email address and I'll email you exactly what is listed17:08
Peloforsaken,  if the service is listed in menu > system > prefs > session,  uncheck it and then hit save session in the third tab , ( make sure nothing else you don't want on startup is runnning)17:08
Strang3loveastro76,  what settings would need to be checked in BIOS?17:08
sharpieneed help: both DVD drives not working, hardware information isn't working either and i suddenly have a "unable to get data" icon in my tray :/17:08
thinkl00pi've got some .avi movies, is there a program in linux kinda like roxio where I can make that into a dvd that'll play on my dvd player?17:08
redheathi everyone..just need a little healp right here17:08
astro76koudelka_, if we're talking about the same thing, the kernel caches disk reads all the time automatically... not sure about tuning it17:08
Caleb_nevermind i figured it out17:09
Peloredheat,  just ask a question17:09
Whitorthinkl00p: I'm sure there is ... let me know when you find it17:09
Peloluca,  /join #....17:09
nickrudnuba1: when you find out the driver might not be all that, it's easy to back out of, too :)17:09
redheatI'm trying to install gutsy gibbon on my DELL XPS 1330m laptop, and duringthe installation I get this error message (sorry the program ubquity closed unexpectedly) can someone help me please?17:09
Whitorthinkl00p: check out ubuntu-studio maybe ...17:09
astro76Strang3love, how many hard drives do you have?17:09
Peloredheat,  try wth the alternate install cd,17:09
nickrudredheat: try the alterate install cd17:09
Strang3love1, 2 partitions17:09
forsakenPelo, thanks :)17:09
redheatthere you go Pelo, I asked a question..17:09
koudelka_astro76:  i'm talking about readahead.  the readahead desktop file i have in /etc/readahead is old and i wonder how i can generate a new one. i know i should add "profle" at the end of the kernel line in grub to generate a new boot profile.17:10
redheatwhat alternate CD?17:10
ubot3The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal17:10
nuba1nickrud... no other driver works17:10
nuba1on 7.10 xrandr 1.2 is not supported by the older drivers17:10
redheatIm sorry I don't know the alternate CD? is this error common?17:10
nuba1its not an option I'm afraid17:10
astro76koudelka_, oh ok wow, I wasn't even familiar with that17:10
lexis_nexusI am trying to setup a ltsp17:10
* Pelo should tag team trouble more often 17:10
nickrudnuba1: ah. Well then better than nothing. I was disappointed on my 200m, and besides, I find suspend really important17:11
redheatPelo, nichrud, please don't leave me hangin' like this. What alternate CD?17:11
NoirIs there any .deb or any way to install nvidia drivers on an ubuntu box thats not connected and cannot be connected to the internet?17:11
nuba1theres a workaraound for that though17:11
lexis_nexusdoes anyone have some experience with thin clients17:11
nuba1I read in the relase notes17:11
bjb1959ckennedy: chris, it looks like it's trying to mount /media/DRV4_VOL1 is there a folder in your media file with that name or in the root file system with that name?17:11
Zvezdichkohello, how could I remove all these kernel versions out of my distro after so many updates17:11
nickrudredheat: read up, I gave ubotu's factoid17:11
Peloredheat,  not that I know of, but when the install fails apparently randomly with the live cd the alternate install cd usualy solves the problem ,  you can get it from the  www.ubuntu.com dl section , just check the box for alternate cd just below the download now button17:11
lucasomeone knows an italian channel??17:11
lucasomeone knows an italian channel??17:11
Peloluca  #ubuntu-it17:11
nuba1anyway, I can either use old fglrx driver on feisty or the new fglrx on gutsy... so I think I'll choose the latter17:12
koudelka_astro76: i downloaded bootchart and i'm looking to see if there's way i can reduce the boot time. i'm also thinking that i might use my compactflash to have /swap and mabe root on to get better response times17:12
nickrudredheat: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ look lower on the page for a download link17:12
nuba1unless there is a good reason not too17:12
lexis_nexusis there an up to date tutorial for the LTSP17:12
Konamcan someone take a look to this bug I've filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/15772517:12
lexis_nexusfor ubuntu17:13
ubot3Konam: Error: This bug is private17:13
astro76koudelka_, compactflash is slow17:13
nickrudnuba1: none that I can think of, with that howto. It makes debs, so it's easy to test17:13
omega_<ompaul>when i build the essential, now i can work whit the C language17:13
astro76koudelka_, I would think ram or nothing17:13
nuba1lexis... simply apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone17:13
temp1234bjb1959, I've had that problem with a bunch of distros17:13
koudelka_astro76: the response time is still much faster then a regular hdd.17:13
redheatcan you tell me anything about this error? I mean is there another away around it beside the alternate CD..itś  another 700 MB of data to be downloaded gonna take some time guys..17:13
ompaul!compile | omega_17:13
ubot3omega_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)17:13
lexis_nexusI did install that17:13
redheathas anyone found away around this error17:13
nuba1there are several howtos17:13
scriptdevilredheat: well. use the net install17:13
Peloredheat, how many times did you try to install so far ?17:13
nuba1I'm running it on edubuntu though which does it out of the box17:13
koudelka_astro76: well then i need to have some kind of powersource for the ram when i shut down the computer17:14
astro76!minimal | redheat17:14
ubot3redheat: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:14
redheatsomething like 4 or 517:14
bjb1959temp1234: the monitor shutting off you mean?17:14
nickrudredheat: try looking on bugs.launchpad.com/ubuntu , search for ubiquity17:14
scriptdevilbut you need 700mb download.. but not for the cd17:14
ckennedybart: it mounted and worked the first time but now says I dont' have privilage rights? The drive is listed in my documents for available drives?17:14
nuba1the only difference between earlier version and the current is that the lts.conf file is now under /var/lib/tftp/lts17:14
nickrudnuba1: I like that one because it has a piece that edits in /etc to whitelist fgrlx17:14
astro76koudelka_, I don't think readahead cache is intended to be preserved across reboots17:14
lexis_nexushave yu tried making yourself part of the cd group17:14
Peloredheat,  try this,  pre partition the hdd using  gparted in menu > system > admin ,   then use the manual option when you get to the partitionning section of the installer,  do not have anything else running when you install17:14
SuperPigswhere do i find more screen savers for ubuntu linux?17:15
omega_thanks! <ompaul> and <ubot3>17:15
nuba1ah great, htanks nickrud17:15
sharpieneed help: both DVD drives not working, hardware information isn't working either and i suddenly have a "unable to get data" icon in my tray :/17:15
Peloredheat, you would also check if there are any issues with your model in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport17:15
redheatPelo, I have nothing else running..17:15
bjb1959ckennedy: the line we entered in your fstab was for /media/external but it sounds like it's looking for one called DRV4_VOL1 right?17:15
ompaulomega_, your welcome17:15
redheatI go straightahead..into the installation process the moment I start the machine17:15
koudelka_astro76: nah i don't think so either, but i mean to put root there could improve boot time and also maybe software startup as it's not huge amount of data but lots of small files17:15
Strang3loveI am able to get to grub on a dual boot system,  ubuntu and xp, but when i select ubuntu it says error 21 unable to find selected disk17:15
Strang3loveany ideas?17:15
redheatgonna try different approaches to this problem..17:16
Peloredheat, there aren't 10k ways about it ,  try what I suggested or try the alternate install cd17:16
merlni have a ati graphics card with a S-video out i just plugged it into my tv and nothing is showing up do i to reboot for the os to recongnise i have the S-video hooked up?17:16
temp1234bjb1959, yea both on desktops and laptops;  Ubuntu is able to mange my laptop only with gnome, using other windows managers, the blanking issue occurs;  My take on it is that it's hardware acpi issue; On archlinux, I've uninstalled acpi and xscreensaver will then blank correctly17:16
Strang3lovei understand i will probably need to us a live cd and access the boot.list but how do i tell where to direct it to look17:16
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kkathman what mailbox format does evolution use??17:16
eXodi4hello people i have a problem with torrents files...17:16
redheatok gonna do that..thanks pelo you too nickrud17:16
scriptdevilStrang3love: menu.lst17:16
redheatthank you guys truely appreciate it.17:16
sharpieneed help: both DVD drives not working, hardware information isn't working either and i suddenly have a "unable to get data" icon in my tray :/17:17
Strang3loveerm yeah sorry17:17
koudelka_eXodi4: what kind of problem?17:17
Pelomerln,  check the forum for your card model for specific instructions  www.ubuntuforums.org17:17
scriptdevilStrang3love: well.. why dont you enter the command line in grub17:17
bjb1959ckennedy: chris, call me when you get a chance there are a couple of things I want to try17:17
scriptdevilStrang3love: sorry.. edit mode... press e17:17
Pelomerln, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel17:17
Strang3loveok i will try one sec17:17
merlnPelo: thanks17:17
scriptdevilStrang3love: and change your drive there17:17
bjb1959temp1234: I have acpi disabled in the bios so should I still uninstall from ubuntu?17:17
temp1234bjb1959, I would leave it on in the bios and uninstall it17:18
merlnPelo: i was just saying thank you17:18
peterklshey guys17:18
wind`hey i just installed ubuntu on a flash drive, if the computer BIOS doesn't give you the option to boot from a USB device... how do i boot from it17:18
Pelomerln, got it17:18
koudelka_anyone here knows how to update the readahead desktop profile?17:18
bjb1959temp1234: I'll give that a shot17:18
Pelowind`,  you don'T17:18
Strang3loveok i am in edit mode, and it shows hd1,0  but it sounds like that isnt right,  how do i know what to set this to for it to boot to the proper image?17:18
=== lasse_ is now known as lasseguls
wind`so if i go up to some computer and try to reboot with the flash drive in17:19
wind`nothing is going to happen?17:19
temp1234bjb1959, I think it's a hardware and acpi conflicting, like the hardware will blank it, and then acpi tries to blank it, which results in the error and no blanking17:19
scriptdevilStrang3love: it is hd(1,0) for hdd017:19
astro76koudelka_, you would think package installation scripts would want to modify that system, but it doesn't appear that's the case... not sure17:19
minimecwind`: good old floppy ;) or a boot CD-rom17:19
omega_<ompaul> after compiling, then i can write in C ?17:19
nickrudStrang3love: that would translate as ide1 first drive, or hdb1 ; where's your partition17:19
Pelowind`,  if the other comp can'T boot from flash it won'T boot from your usb flash17:19
ubot3apparmor: User-space parser utility for AppArmor. In component main, is standard. Version 2.1+993-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 347 kB, installed size 2228 kB17:19
Strang3lovei am trying to figure the location of the partions now17:19
peterklsim having a hard time installing ati driver on my x1650, just cant seem to get 3d enabled...although the install goes smooth, am i missing something?17:20
Strang3lovethat seems to be the problem17:20
nickrudStrang3love: erm, ide0 drive 2 , I mean17:20
scriptdevilStrang3love: well. dont you remember?17:20
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Strang3lovenot my system17:20
Pelolater folks17:20
nickrudStrang3love: if you have a live cd, boot it and run fdisk -l, that might jog your memory17:20
bobbob1016Does anyone know how to convert a UFS file system to ext3?  I have a BSD NAS (FreeNAS), and since FreeNAS doesn't do torrents, I want to put Ubuntu on it, but I want to keep my files.  Anyone know how to do that?17:20
lexis_nexusshould I run ltsp-client on the client machine17:20
ompaulomega_, this is not the place to ask that - you write the program then you do the compiling stuff17:20
scriptdevilStrang3love: err... try combinations like (hd1,1)17:20
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: problem resolved?17:20
wind`ok so then what is a pocket portable way to boot linux from any computer17:20
Strang3loveroger, thanks for the assist guys, i will try a couple things and try to come back with more info17:21
WhitorWhat program should I use to see my USB webcam working ?17:21
scriptdevilStrang3love: do what nickrud said.17:21
Colkealguuem aew podi me ajudar?17:21
scguy318!br | Colke17:21
ubot3Colke: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:21
scguy318Whitor: Camorama17:21
saloxinbobbob1016: not possible afaik17:21
Whitorscguy318: thank you17:21
Ubuntu-fan_scguy318: No m8 :-/17:21
omega_<ompaul> oh.. sorry, but i'm new in this stuff17:21
lexis_nexusshould I run ltsp-client on the client machine17:21
Colkescguy318: you are from ? brazil?17:21
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: whats the status? have you gotten TS to work with aoss?17:21
bobbob1016saloxin, is there a way to read it?17:21
scguy318Colke: no, US17:21
omega_<ompaul> and i want to know the c language17:22
peterklsdoes anyone know of a good howto for ati driver on ubuntu...i cant seem to get it working no matter what i do17:22
Ubuntu-fan_scguy318: When I plug in my microphone and test it either in sound preferences or in teamspeak I get a really nasty noise output (that doesnt even stop when I mute sound) until I take out the mic17:22
bobbob1016saloxin, Read/write the partition I mean17:22
scguy318omega_: in that case you may wish to read the K&R book17:22
minimecWhitor: gstreamer-properties for example just to test the device17:22
omega_<ompaul> but thanks so much17:22
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: maybe you need to turn your controls down? for OSS device17:22
Administrateursalut tous le monde !17:22
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: well, maybe the ALSA device17:22
saloxinbobbob1016: yep. modprobe ufs17:22
Colkescguy318: here todo pessoal to talk in english no at portuguese?17:23
omega_scguy318> where i can get this file?17:23
Whitorminimec: thank you too, that is exactly what I'm looking to do17:23
scguy318Colke: este canal es para ingles, so yes, this is English-only channel17:23
Administrateurhi every body  !17:23
Edulixhow can I install GL/glxint.h? what's the name of this package?17:23
max`Hi! anyone using nforce4 fakeraid 0 and getting those naste ata timeout errors with gutsy?17:23
scguy318omega_: the C Programming Language 2nd edition? find a local torrent17:23
DBAlexCaleb_: I have the same problem17:23
Administrateurcan some one help me plz17:23
saloxinEdulix: use apt-file (apt-get install apt-file)17:23
scguy318!fr | Administrateur17:23
Colkescguy318: speak portuguese?17:23
Administrateuri need help17:23
ubot3Administrateur: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.17:23
scguy318Colke: no, pero yo puedo hablar espanol un poco17:24
Administrateuri need help !17:24
scguy318!ask | administrateur17:24
ubot3administrateur: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:24
vivabenficahi all17:24
sharpieneed help: both DVD drives not working, hardware information isn't working either and i suddenly have a "unable to get data" icon in my tray :/17:24
Edulixsaloxin: what for?17:24
Administrateurwho can i ask ?17:24
koudelka_how can i generate a new readahead desktop file??? anyone knows?17:24
scguy318Administrateur: just ask it here, if someone knows they will answer17:24
Ubuntu-fan_scguy318: I changed settings so that all the bars are down to the middle on every device... now the nasty output noise is quieter, but still there :-/17:24
bobbob1016Colke, Yo puedo hablar un poco espanol, voy a buscar el canal portugese17:24
saloxinEdulix: to search for which package provides which files17:25
BUDD}{Ai have just bought a dlink wireless router for my two computers with ubuntu how can i configer the dlink is there a program for linux17:25
Colkescguy318 yo hablo spañol tanbien entonces aca eston las personas que usam el linux?17:25
scguy318bobbob1016: vas :P17:25
Moniker42anyone know how to fix http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa312/moniker42/Screenshot-Animusic-ResonantChamber.png17:25
Moniker42it was working before17:25
Edulixsaloxin: uhm, interesting!17:25
vivabenficagutsy gibbon question - anyone know why my system menu doesn't have appearances option?17:25
MilhousePunkRockOn a fresh install of Gutsy, when I enable the restricted video driver (nvidia-glx-legacy) the resolution won't go higher than 800*60017:25
Moniker42vivabenfica, it's in preferences17:25
koudelka_BUDD}{A: routers are usually configured through a web interface17:25
Edulixsaloxin: installed. how to use it in this case?17:25
bobbob1016Colke, #ubuntu-pt17:25
vivabenficaMoniker42: i don't have Preferences either17:26
FlynsarmyHi. When i start up ubuntu i get the error "Error starting the GNOME settings daemon." the error was: "Did not receive a reply". Any suggestions? It's a fresh gutsy install. It was working last time i installed but not this time17:26
scguy318Colke: todos las personas en este canal probablemente usan linux, just ask here in English or ask your question in the Portuguese channel17:26
Administrateurwell , i have a ubuntu server and i wont to create a http tunnel between it and my workstation at home ; how can i proceed ?17:26
saloxinEdulix: hehe. try it? apt-file search <file>?17:26
saloxinEdulix: it has man pages etc17:26
BUDD}{Aok any idea how i would do that17:26
Colkebobbob1016: las personas hablan portuguese?17:26
chervaI have a problem with root-tail after  sudo root-tail  /var/log/messages -color green there is no error but no text on my desktop too :(17:26
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bobbob1016Colke, Si17:26
bjb1959ckennedy: chris, you had the wrong stuff in the fstab. I replyed and gave you instructions. make sure to put spaces between stuff you have a tendancy to mush stuff together on one line which changes how it works17:26
scguy318Colke: las personas que hablan portugues estan en la canal #ubuntu-pt17:26
koudelka_BUDD}{A: you just use your webbrowser  go to Http://ip-of-the-router and there you should be able to configure it. for better information i sugest the routers manual17:27
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redheatPelo, nickrud17:27
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: dunno, maybe tick off mic boost?17:27
scguy318Ubuntu-fan_: if that option is ticked17:28
nickrudredheat: still about, yes17:28
redheatguys.. YOU WON'T believe this17:28
* nickrud waits to hear the machine went up in smoke17:28
redheatyou won't believe why it didn't work..you know that windows where you need to fill your username and real name and so on17:28
scriptdevilhmmm.. is there a way to disable showing people who join and quit in irssi17:28
redheatthe one right before the installation starts..17:28
quaalhow do i play a directory in mplayer17:29
scriptdevilquaal: *17:29
vivabenficadlink is usually
redheatif you entered two different names, and then pressed next the ubiqtuitous error happens17:29
scriptdevilquaal: mplayer dir/*17:29
quaalscriptdevil, hmm17:29
Colkebobbob1016: aca tambien tiene channel de sex???17:29
scguy318Colke: not in freenode :P17:29
pejo_hi! is it possible to access mixer through konsole?17:29
Colkescguy318: no tiene?17:29
Dr_Willisscriptdevil you may want to read the user starting guide/faq at the irssi homepage - it covers that and many more topics. :) you use the  '/ignore' command but i forget its exact syntax like /ignore #whtever joins17:30
scriptdevilpejo_: alsamixer17:30
bobbob1016Colke, Y me siento para contestando espanol, quando pediste en portugeses17:30
vivabenficapejo_: yes, alsamixer17:30
saloxinscriptdevil: /ignore #ubuntu quits joins17:30
scguy318Colke: buscas a un diferente netwrok de IRC, yo creo que no hay canales de sex en este netwrok17:30
quaalscriptdevil, like this? mplayer /media/usb500/Music*17:30
bobbob1016Colke, un momento, voy a buscarlo17:30
redheatbut if you fill the same name throughout the whole page you end up with no problems ..I tried it three times to check and it was as I just said..unbelievably stupid17:30
pejo_scriptdevil, vivabenfica : n117:30
BUDD}{Aasking for login17:30
scriptdevilquaal: no like /media/usb500/Music/*17:30
redheatPelo, Nickrud, you still with me17:30
Slikehi: i tried installing the latest ati driver, with help from this site: http://www.howforge.com/how-setup-fglrx-8-42-3-and-compiz-ubuntu-gutsy . my screen resolution is ok now, but i still don't have 3d. it doesn't say "ATI...." but still "Vesa..."17:30
Slikeany suggestions?17:30
nickrudredheat: yes, very very wierd17:30
javaJakeDoes anyone know how to get digest authentication working on an Apache installation?17:31
Colkescguy318: hehe... yo tiento conectar en brasirc mais no ha sucefully...17:31
nickrudSlike: you probably missed editing vesa to fglrx in xorg.conf17:31
scriptdevilSlike: check your xorg.conf for your driver17:31
Slikenickrud: no, xorg.conf is ok17:31
BUDD}{Ahow do i log into it ?17:31
redheatjust supply the same name through the whole page, pc name, username and the whole nine yards and youĺl end up with a smooth installation ride17:31
KonamI didn't knew that my bugs were set to private damn it17:31
ubot3Malone bug 157725 in gnome-screensaver "gnome-screensaver update causing crashes" [Undecided,New]17:31
nickrudSlike: restarted X and all?17:31
vivabenficaanyone use scanner in gutsy?17:31
ubot3Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:31
ubot3Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR17:32
koudelka_BUDD}{A: you should have a default username and password. once again check the manual17:32
Slikenickrud: i even restarted the whole operating system17:32
redheatoh one more thing, nichrud, I let ubuntu do the partitioning for me by leaving it a huge chunk of free space and it's working perfectly17:32
bobbob1016Colke, creo que ubuntu-pt es portugese, pero nadie estan hablando17:32
quaalscriptdevil, it gives me a bunch of things like this:17:32
quaalPlaying /media/usb500/Music/Yonder Mountain String Band - Mountain Tracks Volume 3.17:32
quaalWin32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll17:32
quaalSeek failed17:32
quaalscriptdevil, i can play single files fine though17:32
Slikenickrud: fglrx is loaded (lsmod), ati catalyst works, but still no 3d17:32
koudelka_how can i generate a new readahead desktop file? anyone knows?17:33
FlynsarmyHow do you mount an ISO?17:33
linux_userdhi how can i see the kernel17:33
nickrudSlike: look thru /var/log/Xorg.0.log ; if you have troubles with it pastebin it & I'll take a look17:33
scguy318Flynsarmy: sudo mount -o loop isofile.iso /mnt/point17:33
saloxinFlynsarmy: mount file.iso /mountpoint -o loop17:33
SlikeFlynsarmy: sudo mount -o loop youriso.is /target17:33
pejo_hmm, is there any good console based audio players? :()17:33
scriptdevilquaal: can you give me the exact structure of that directory, i accpet pms if you need it17:33
Colkebobbob1016: gracia amigo17:33
saloxinpejo_: mpg321, or cplay17:34
linux_userdhow can i see the kernel17:34
quaalscriptdevil, the entire /Music dir ?17:34
pejo_saloxin: mpg123 is batch process?17:34
scriptdevilquaal: no17:34
quaalscriptdevil, i get one of those messages for what seems every subdir inside of /Music17:34
pejo_saloxin: when its started there is possiblity to controll it?17:34
bobbob1016Colke, De nada, tengo que practicarme cada vez yo puedo17:34
saloxinpejo_: it takes wildcards and playlists? not sure what you're after17:34
pejo_saloxin: im not sure myself :O17:34
scriptdevilquaal: yeah.. thats what i wanted to know.. ok. you do a mplayer Music/*/*17:34
saloxinpejo_: check out cplay17:35
scriptdevilpejo_: mp3blaster, mplayer17:35
pejo_oki thx17:35
scriptdevilmplayer-the-ultimate :P17:35
koudelka_pejo_: mpd and a client17:35
saloxinprobably more console players since last time i checked17:35
saloxinmp3blaster still around? rock'n'roll17:35
nickrudconsole players (simple) hence good student projects (hence many :)17:36
Slikenickrud: ok, thanks brb17:36
eXodi4who can help me with a torrent files problem, i cant use any client only bittorrent. anyone can help? please...17:36
tuliohow can i change the size of the icons in the side-pane of nautilus?17:36
scguy318eXodi4: what do you mean cant use?17:36
quaalscriptdevil, mplayer /media/usb500/Music/*/*17:36
quaalbash: /usr/bin/mplayer: Argument list too long17:36
koudelka_eXodi4: in what way can't you use anything else? they don't start?17:36
zigonickI set PS1='\e[0;32m[\e[1;34m\t\e[0;32m]:\e[1;32m\u\e[0;32m@\e[0;31m\w/\e[0;32m>\e[0;37m ' in ./.bashrc and now, when i go to a console, It puts curser at the beging of the line instead of after the >17:37
Matic`MakovecHey there. Where is the script that runs compiz-fusion at boot?17:37
ubot3Factoid begging not found17:37
scriptdevilquaal: well... it doesnt say that for me17:37
scriptdevilquaal: probably too many songs17:37
javaJakeWe need a begging factoid. :P17:37
ubot3Factoid beg not found17:37
eXodi4i'd install azuereus and deluge, and when i open the torrent file with those the client close, it mean the window program close and nothing happends.17:37
javaJakeeXodi4, OK, here's why:17:38
ubot3Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR17:38
nickrudgrovel would be better, caters to linuxer's egos :)17:38
javaJakeeXodi4, if a program ever opens, then closes suddenly, it's a good guess it crashed. By running the program in a terminal, you'll get some helpful information17:38
scriptdevilquaal: how many songs are there.. gimme a rough estimate?17:38
redheatnickrud are you there17:39
=== dragonfly is now known as me
nickrudredheat: yes17:39
redheatI narrowed it down to this..17:39
redheatand sorry for bugging with my unending list of questions and comments..17:39
merlntoday i installed azureus and averthing seemed to be working fine but i tried to open a torrent file and it said it cant open this file because it is not a file and now the appliation wont open anyone is there a way i can fix this?17:39
scriptdevilredheat: that is what this channel is for. imagine all of us know everything17:39
Javanonhey everyone17:39
redheatit came down to this..don't write in the section that says what name do you want to log in ?17:40
scriptdevil!greet Javanon17:40
ubot3Factoid greet javanon not found17:40
scriptdevilhmmm.. how can i teach a bot?17:40
LiMaO!hello | Javanon17:40
ubot3Javanon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:40
void^eXodi4: use this .deb for azureus: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/azureus/+bug/57875/comments/14717:40
ubot3Malone bug 57875 in azureus "Azureus hangs or crashes showing splash screen at start" [High,Confirmed]17:40
redheatdon't write something like nick rud ( two words separated by space) but only one word17:40
* void^ pats ubot317:40
redheatwould you believe this crap scrptdevil17:40
nickrudredheat: ah, a user name can't have spaces17:40
PriceChildscriptdevil, the bots are down atm so can't do it yet sorry.17:41
stdinscriptdevil: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:41
koudelka_how can i generate a new readahead desktop file? anyone knows?17:41
duke_ I have a lill' question to wine and ubuntu gutsy - got anybody experience with that?17:41
ubot3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:41
LiMaOscriptdevil: it's been taught already =)17:41
Slikenickrud: my X-server's log: http://rafb.net/p/XOPkiz40.html17:41
=== me is now known as dragonfly
scguy318!ask | duke_17:41
ubot3duke_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:41
saloxinhihi, loginname with a space? never thought it was possible.17:41
redheatnickrud, I have all my other usernames, on other pc that run windows, they allow for spaces17:41
eXodi4void^, and what's that?17:41
Javanoni have a daily download limit, yes i know its horrible, anyone know if Gutsy can be found on any news stands?17:41
redheatthat's why it worked on this desktop, because I supplied a one word username17:41
duke_my problem is, that after the distupgrade, wine (PS 7) is not working anymore and the system is crashing17:41
duke_ I allready tried to use the sources direct from wine and reinstalled wine17:41
Javanon(with a mag)17:41
redheatok I got that..17:41
crittCan someone help with what is probably a really simple fix?  I just can't seem to find any help docs to fix the glitch.17:41
scguy318Javanon: you can probably either request a CD or buy it from a local vendor17:42
saloxincritt: with what?17:42
scguy318duke_: if you run from Terminal what happens? it may be a regression17:42
LiMaO!ask | critt17:42
ubot3critt: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:42
redheatwow. this was incredibly unbelievable..I mean just because of a simple stupid error like this the whole installation process comes to a screeching halt..17:42
crittOk sorry17:42
timbobstevecan anyone give any help with custom usplash artwork?17:42
Rencore_im looking to enable scanning on my Epson Stylus cx7000f printer17:42
nickrudredheat: true, it should catch that. Check for a bug on bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu , file it if it's not there17:43
Javanonscguy318: yeah, alright cool unfortunately i dont have any local vendors or i'd go out and grab it, download limits such :(17:43
redheatanyhow thank you guys ..truely appreciate your help..and please if anyone came across this error again..please17:43
dantheman440does anyone know how i can download java on unbuntu?17:43
ganeshhegdehow to install limewire in ubuntu?17:43
redheatno its not there..just tell him to check if their username is one word or more separated by space17:43
crittHave a volume control on keyboard. WHen I turn it up or down the gnome master turns all the controls up and down. There locked together I can't seem to unlock them17:43
timbobstevedantheman440: yes... apt-get install sun-java6-jre17:43
redheatok thank you guys truely appreciate it17:43
quaalscriptdevil, several hundred17:43
dantheman440uh? lol17:43
nickrudSlike: lines 590 thru 595, something's wrong with your kernel module17:43
koudelka_how can i generate a new readahead desktop file? anyone knows?17:43
schnoonixanyone know how wine would run things like utorrent ?17:43
eXodi4void^, thank you i will install that deb17:44
FlynsarmyWhere is the apt cache stored?17:44
scguy318schnoonix: how does it work? or how do you start uTorrent?17:44
MR-REznOrhi, I have been running Ubuntu on my pc for 6 monthsish now and ive decided to remove my windows partition and move my home dir over to it to make some room. the machine was originally a win pc and fdisk says the windows partition is labelled boot. should i be worried about just formatting it to ext3 and dumping my home dir there and editing fstab?17:44
scriptdevilquaal: i have about 6 gb of it, it doesnt complain17:44
quaalscriptdevil, hmm17:44
scguy318duke_: still there? can you pastebin the terminal output?17:44
schnoonixscguy318:  more does it support it good enough, im new to wine17:44
scriptdevilquaal: try cd /media/usbdriv17:44
scguy318schnoonix: sure does17:44
redheatguys, one last question, is 20 gb enough for all of ubuntu..17:44
saloxincritt: don't know if it's possible to unlock them. why do yo uwant to?17:44
quaalscriptdevil, i just played one of the subdirs and its playing fine it seems17:44
scguy318redheat: yepppppp17:44
scriptdevilquaal: cd Music17:44
scriptdevilredheat: by quite a margin17:45
redheatok thank you for that quicky answer..that bears the mark of ( weŕe fed up)17:45
quaalbut the whole reason i was doing this, to see if mplayer would give an error mesage17:45
quaalbecause when i play things off of this usbdisks17:45
redheatthanks truely appreciate it17:45
quaali get pauses17:45
quaalfor no reason17:45
zigonickwhere can i find the default .bashrc file? so that i can fix my errored up one?17:45
riddleboxso far, my remote upgrade is working perfectly :)17:45
redheatsigning off17:45
crittsaloxin WHen I turn my volume back up the bass is really distorted when turned up to much17:45
Slikenickrud: is there a standard way to fix this? i followed these instructions: http://www.howforge.com/how-setup-fglrx-8-42-3-and-compiz-ubuntu-gutsy17:45
nickrudSlike: check that you did steps 7 & 10 correctly17:45
scriptdevilquaal: your playspeed is lesser than read speed17:45
vanush__hi, im getting no sound using totem to play divx files online?17:45
quaalmplayer just paused though.. didnt give a error17:45
linux_userdhow can i see the linux-source17:45
=== sabayonuser is now known as saby
quaalscriptdevil, its running on usb17:45
timbobsteveMR-REznOr: not sure if you will need to update the mbr, but your process sounds like it should be fine. I would make a backup of the MBR just in case.... and make sure you have a liveCD handy just in case17:45
scriptdevilvanush__: install the a52 codec17:45
quaalhow could it be slower than playspeed17:45
Haruno-afkhi, how do i get ubuntu to use a connection, that's already existing, when ubuntu doesnt recognize it itself - it normaly did, but since gutsy it doesnt, anymore... since  im using the console, maybe, because x doesnt work anymore - it's the guest in virtual box, the host is windows, the graphic card a nvidia...17:46
DJW2tone2linux_userd gotl kernel.org17:46
nickrudlinux_userd: sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.22 , it'll be in /usr/src17:46
MR-REznOrtimbobsteve: ok cool, ill give it a go. cheers mate :)17:46
scriptdevilquaal: i dunno. it sounds similar to pauses in slow cds17:46
saloxinquaal: mplayer caches by default - so you might not notice. look at ddrescue maybe?17:46
vanush__scriptdevil: how?17:46
timbobstevelinux_userd:  'apt-get install linux-source-`uname -r` '17:46
linux_userdi just did install linux-source17:46
Slikenickrud: 7 & 10 are ok, both contain "fglrx"17:46
scriptdevilvanush__: wait.. in totem right?? i suppose the corresponding gstreamer codec17:47
deviantintegralanyone here know of any filesystems which support hard linking directories?17:47
timbobstevelinux_userd: then thesource is in /usr/src/linux/17:47
Matic`MakovecHello. What exactly should I edit to get my hands on the login screen (sessions and all that..) because I want to play a lil' bit with compiz-fusion..17:47
Rencore_is there a version of flash for firefox 64-bit?17:47
crittIs there anyway to stop the master control from turning up the bass control?17:47
scguy318Rencore_: are you on Gutsy?17:47
Rencore_scguy318, yes17:47
scguy318Rencore_: if so sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree will take care of it17:47
linux_userdso i do sudo gedit /usr/src/linux/17:47
nickrudSlike: then go to /usr/src , you should see an fglrx deb. dpkg -i it, and try again17:47
timbobsteveMatic`Makovec: do you want compiz to run after you login?17:47
Rencore_scguy318, thanks17:47
nickrudlinux_userd: you can browse that directory with nautilus17:48
scriptdevilscguy318: for 64 bit? i thought it did not exist17:48
scguy318scriptdevil: it doesnt, but theres a workaround-ish17:48
davydhas anyone encountered an issue in the gutsy alternate installer17:48
scriptdevilscguy318: ok17:48
davydwhere configuring xserver-xorg trashes the framebuffer17:48
timbobstevelinux_userd: ... it is many different files... so you will need to look at them individually17:48
RickXcony anyone tell me where to configure compiz?17:48
scguy318scriptdevil: the Gutsy flashplugin-nonfree takes care of getting the plugin to work on 64-bit17:48
Haruno-afk* internet connection, i meant, which i need, when there are updates for the x problem17:48
davydso much so, that you can't actually read anything any more17:48
vanush__scriptdevil: i want to play divx files. i tried using the media player connectivity plugin in firefox, but it keeps buffering all the time. i tried using totem inline in the browser, but theres no sound17:48
davydit's all just coloured squares17:48
scguy318duke_: still there?17:48
nickrudlinux_userd: I think you'll need to cd /usr/src && sudo tar xf the linux.*.tgz first thoug17:49
scriptdevilscguy318: well. lack of software is what made me choose to run on 32 bit comp mode17:49
scguy318scriptdevil: all the packages in the repo can do AMD64, but its obviously the proprietary stuff that may not work :P17:49
Slikenickrud: did that, and i checked those 2 files once more. i'll try it now (by rebooting). thanks for your advice so far, it's really appreciated! brb17:49
scriptdevilvanush__: yeah... i got the same problem. you need to install the divx audio codec.. but i chose mplayer over it17:49
Matic`Makovectimbobsteve, no, I just want to edit the command that runs it as it doesn't run it with enough arguments.17:49
timbobsteveMR-REznOr: .... the session files are located in /usr/share/xsessions .... but you probably just want to get a hold of compiz-icon and add that to the gnome-session startup list17:49
gpewhy cannot add perl language support to my db => createlang plperl dbname17:49
nirivenWould anyone recommend ubuntu 64 over 32? I know flash might not work, since its macromedia only offers 32 bit binaries, but other then that?17:49
ubot3niriven: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 347, column 8417:49
quaalsaloxin, hmm you familiar with using ddrescue ?17:50
albechi cant find out how to make Evolution mail automatically save outgoing mails in the Sent folder.. anyone?17:50
EliasAmaralHi! I upgraded to Ubuntu Gusty and then mplayer stopped working. I type mplayer file.avi and it says that there is no Xvideo support. So I have to use mplayer -vo x11 video.avi, but it's too slow. How can I install or fix Xv support to mplayer on ubuntu 7.10?17:50
vanush__scriptdevil: how do i install the divx audio codec?17:50
Dr_Willisniriven at one time tghere was issues with  flash, wine, emulators, some drivers, java, codecs. .......17:50
timbobsteveniriven: .... almost unlimited amounts of ram... ;P17:50
scriptdevilvanush__: open synaptic17:50
Dr_Willisniriven may be better to ask what you gain...17:50
scriptdevilvanush__: search for gstreamer17:50
brian`anyone familiar with how to change window managers when using the gnome desktop?17:51
scguy318niriven: if you dont have a compelling reason to use 64-bit stick with 32-bit imho17:51
nickrudbrian`: modern window managers understand <windowmanager> --replace17:51
nirivenDr_Willis, Well i know what i gain technically, 64-bit memory addressing, do i gain anything else?17:51
saloxinquaal: yep. dd_rescue -v /your/device /dev/null ?17:51
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: How comfortable with the terminal are you? if so then type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure mplayer'.... hopefully that will make some difference17:51
brian`nickrud: interesting17:51
koudelka_how can i generate a new readahead desktop file? anyone knows?17:52
crittDoes anyone know how to Keep the master control volume from turning up my bass control automatically?17:52
brian`nickrud: how can i set it up to run my other window manager by default?17:52
Slikenickrud: reinstalling the /usr/src package must have done the trick, looks fine now :)17:52
barkinkwhat is sdl-config?17:52
zigonickwhere can i find a fresh copy of .bashrc?17:52
nickrudbrian`: haven't done that for a while, it keeps changing faster than I pay attention17:52
saloxinquaal: hm it complains about devnull, but still works17:52
Slikenickrud: thank you very much17:52
nickrudSlike: yw17:52
timbobstevebrian_: just use a different session at the login screen....17:52
Dr_Willisniriven nothing that i am aware.. Perhaps some gain in a few apps if compiled/written to make use of 64bit # sizes17:52
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, i am confortable. reconfigured, but still there is no Xvideo support17:52
FlynsarmyAnyone know how to load the Gnome settings daemon without rebooting?17:52
gpecreatelang plperl dbname => it doesn work for me,, whats is wrong17:52
nickrudSlike: save that module with the rest of the debs :)17:53
Skylanhi 2 all. i have a question: ubuntu supports Promise ULTRA 66 controller?17:53
brian`timbobsteve: but i want gnome, but with sawfish to be specific17:53
linux_userdi am in here17:53
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: .... try doing a dpkg-reconfigure on the dependancies of mplayer17:53
linux_userd/usr/src$ ls17:53
linux_userdlinux                            linux-headers-2.6.17-11-generic17:53
linux_userdlinux-headers-2.6.17-10          linux-headers-2.6.17-1217:53
linux_userdlinux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic  linux-headers-2.6.17-12-generic17:53
linux_userdlinux-headers-2.6.17-11          linux-source-2.6.17.tar.bz217:53
linux_userdwhat to do now17:53
nickrudah, sawfish, did love that thing.17:53
ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:53
quaalsaloxin, wow17:53
brian`nickrud: ok, thanks17:53
quaallots of scrolling17:53
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, hmm.. how do i list dependencies?17:53
timbobstevebrian_:  might need to create a custom session file.... look in /usr/share/xsessions for examples17:53
quaaldo i need to wait until it pauses while playing ?17:53
scguy318linux_userd: then its in 2.6.17-12?17:53
jmak642!info nvidia17:54
ubot3Package nvidia does not exist in gutsy17:54
brian`timbobsteve: oh, thanks17:54
scguy318!info nvidia-glx17:54
Slikenickrud: i will :) it's actually the first time that i experienced problems with the installation of an ati driver... now i know where to search in case of troubles ;)17:54
ubot3Package nvidia-glx does not exist in gutsy17:54
linux_userdok how to se the kernel now17:54
brian`timbobsteve: that sounds like a good lead17:54
saloxinquaal: ithought you were checking the disk io for pauses?17:54
scguy318linux_userd: cd linux-headers-`uname -r`?17:54
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: .... apt-cache show mplayer.... and scroll up a bit17:54
saloxinquaal: this should run, and you'll see when it pauses17:54
quaalsaloxin, when playing music from the disk i will get pauses from time to time17:54
nickrudlinux4me: cd /usr/src && sudo tar xf linux-source-2.6.17.tar.bz2 , then use nautilus to browse /usr/src17:54
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, ahahahaha, nice17:54
quaalsaloxin, so i need to run the ddrescue while playing music ?17:54
quaalor it tests on its own17:54
nickrudlinux_userd: look up at my last post17:55
timbobsteveanyone got any experience at all with custom usplash themes?17:55
saloxinquaal: ah. is it the usb drive, or X hogging the resources. time for sherlock17:55
timbobsteve*creating custom usplash themes....17:55
quaalsaloxin, i'm not sure which17:55
scriptdevilvanush__: are win32 codecs installed?17:55
quaalit seems to only happen when i play form this one usb500 drive though17:55
scguy318!usplash | timbobsteve17:55
saloxinquaal: nono. ddrescue is just for looking at how thhe usb is performing17:55
ubot3timbobsteve: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork17:55
saloxinquaal: set higher buffer in your media player?17:56
Haruno-afkhi, how do i get ubuntu to use an internet connection, that's already existing, when ubuntu doesnt recognize it itself? - it normaly did, but since gutsy it doesnt, anymore... since im using the console, maybe, because x doesnt work anymore - it's the guest in virtual box, the host is windows, the graphic card a nvidia...17:56
linux_userd cd /usr/src && sudo tar xf linux-source-2.6.17.tar.bz217:56
linux_userd nothing happens17:56
FoSsiLanyone know how to fix the title bar glitch? when i move the window, the title bar surrounding show white breakup texture, like dotted and line flashing.17:56
Cyrus25801does anyone know where i can get a howto for playing doom3 on ubuntu 7.0417:56
timbobstevescguy318: .... I have already followed every howto and read all the custom usplash stuff.... but still my custom version does not display.... it's not even that complex... no loading bar etc... just an image17:56
scriptdevilHaruno-afk: what connection?17:56
scguy318timbobsteve: unfortunately I dunno :(17:56
jmak642can someone give me a link to an article or site about how to make my nvidia card work? geforce 680017:56
Skylanjmak642:thx answer me, but ubuntu don't run on this controller corectly17:56
saloxinquaal: fx mplayer with -cache 8132 will cache the whole song in memory17:57
Haruno-afkscriptdevil: broadband, w-lan or what do you mean?17:57
neumindhow make media disk on startup online?17:57
Dr_Willis!nvidia | jmak64217:57
ubot3jmak642: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:57
scriptdevilHaruno-afk: through usb or ethernet cards?17:57
SkylanDisabling IRQ#11, why this error may occur?17:57
timbobsteveCyrus25801: should be pretty easy... just grab the doom3 linux binaries and copy over the pak files from the DVD/CD/Windows17:57
jmak642thanks dr17:57
nickrudCyrus25801: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Doom3?highlight=%28doom%2917:57
Haruno-afkscriptdevil: through fritz w-lan card for usb17:57
rootytootyAnybody know if there's a problem with the 7.04->7.10 do_release_upgrade? I tried it several times, it seems to copy a LOT of stuff then fails on http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main packages .. it says its a network problem.. pretty sure its not on my end.. been going on since the release of 7.10...17:57
duke_sorry ... had to look for my baby ... I am still here17:57
neumindhow make media disk on startup online?17:58
duke_again the question : my problem is, that after the distupgrade, wine (PS 7) is not working anymore and the system is crashing17:58
duke_ I allready tried to use the sources direct from wine and reinstalled wine17:58
saloxinquaal: which player you using?17:58
neumindhow make media disk on startup online?17:58
kduboishow do i find out my gateway from the command line?17:58
timbobsteverootytooty: have you tried a different mirror?17:58
Haruno-afkscriptdevil: though the connection on the host is perfectly well or else i coulsnt write you ^^17:58
scriptdevilHaruno-afk: well... hmm.. are you on gutsy, open manual config in that networking applet17:58
rootytootyno I havent.. not sure how to do that..17:58
saloxinkdubois: route -n17:58
koudelka_how can i generate a new readahead desktop file? anyone knows?17:58
timbobsteveneumind: .... add it to /etc/fstab.... i think that is what you are asking17:58
Skylanwhere i can find options for booting installer, in wiki?17:58
saloxinkdubois: ip r is the modern way though17:59
linux_userdok done now i do x:/usr/src$ sudo gedit linux-source-2.6.1717:59
nickrudkoudelka_: what's a readahead desktop file?17:59
ganeshhegde how to install limewire in ubuntu?17:59
linux_userdnothing happens error17:59
Cyrus25801thanx nickrud and timbobsteve17:59
linux_userdok done now i do x:/usr/src$ sudo gedit linux-source-2.6.1717:59
timbobsteverootytooty: go to System -> Administration -> Software Properties and select a different mirror... somewhere close, but make sure it isn't the same mirror as the one you are currently using17:59
linux_userdnothing happens error17:59
Haruno-afkscriptdevil: and i'm  not command line prooved, as i said, the x-server is down17:59
timbobsteveCyrus25801: no probs... go kill some demons for me!17:59
duke_ok thanx anyway ... have a nice evening17:59
scriptdevilHaruno-afk: i did not notice that18:00
rootytootyah.. this is a server install.. no gui installed .. sry I forgot to mention that..18:00
Shadow_Fihi all18:00
nickrudlinux_userd: no, use the file manager to navigate to /usr/src , and look through the directories (there's a lot of them in the source). double click to read a file18:00
koudelka_nickrud:  the desktop profile in /etc/readahead/18:00
Shadow_Fican anyone tell me how to disable hardware in ubuntu??18:00
threefcatacan i ask about a question about smb?18:00
timbobsteverootytooty: then sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.lst .... change the deb http://yourmirrorhere/gutsy main to something else. Get a list of mirrors from ubuntu.com18:00
duke_scguy318 still ther?18:01
=== Zlatko1 is now known as general
Shadow_Fican anyone tell me how to disable hardware in ubuntu??18:01
linux_userd * linux/arch/alpha/kernel/ksyms.c18:01
linux_userd *18:01
linux_userd * Export the alpha-specific functions that are needed for loadable18:01
linux_userd * modules.18:01
linux_userd */18:01
timbobstevethreefcata: go for it... whats up with smb?18:01
scriptdevilHaruno-afk: sorry.. well. open /etc/network/interfaces18:01
rootytootyah ok.. didnt know it was the same apt/sources.list.. will try that.. tyvm!18:01
linux_userdthere are lots of files i thought its just one linux kernel source18:01
koudelka_linux_userd: use a pastebox18:01
scriptdevilauto wlan018:01
scriptdeviliface wlan0 inet dhcp18:01
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:01
timbobstevelinux_userd: please don't paste code in the chat... it's hard enough to read as is!18:01
linux_userdok sorry18:02
void^linux_userd: there aren't many programs beyond hello_world that use one source file only. :-)18:02
ganeshhegdetimbobsteve: how to install limewire in ubuntu?18:02
Haruno-afkscriptdevil: uhm, it says, there is no such directory...18:02
ubot3frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire18:02
minimecShadow_Fi: You could add the driver to the blacklist18:02
nickrudkoudelka_: ah, never looked at that. I'd do sudo aptitude reinstall readahead ; if that didn't work, sudo dpkg -i --force-confnew /var/lib/apt/cache/readahead*18:02
Shadow_FiMINIMEC, how?18:03
timbobsteveganeshhegde: should be able to download the .bin file from limewire to com... if you are using ubuntu you can just install the free version called "frostwire".... it is better and no adds/restrictions.... sudo apt-get install frostwire18:03
Dr_Willis!find frostwire18:03
koudelka_nikrud: ok i'll try18:03
Dr_Willisi dident think frostwire was in the repos.18:03
ubot3Package/file frostwire does not exist in gutsy18:03
ubot3I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:03
Shadow_FiMINIMEC, i have 2 wlan cards, one of thouse is not supported in linux, and i cannot connect to the modem, im thinking its coz i have 2 of them. how i add it to blacklist?18:04
timbobsteveDr_Willis: isn't it in universe ?18:04
zigonickwhere can i find a fresh copy of .bashrc?18:04
minimecShadow_Fi: HAve a look in /etc/modprobe.d18:04
timbobsteveDr_Willis: ... guess not :P (just checked)....18:04
neumindhow make media disk on startup online?18:04
xylene_hello all18:04
timbobsteveganeshhegde: go to www.frostwire.org and download the installer from there.... please don't get limewire... it's not worth the hassle18:04
saloxinneumind: what sort of media disk?18:05
=== Haruno-afk is now known as Miineti
kirkI want to install VB.Net in WinE -- How?18:05
timbobsteveneumind: ..... you might have to try rephrasing the question.... do you want a drive to start mounted when you boot the computer?18:05
neumindsaloxin,  disk of gb18:05
minimecShadow_Fi: So you don'td need /etc/modprobe.d, because the card is not active. It is deactivated18:05
internewthi. how do I determine what version of a driver I am running on gutsy? I'm trying to find out what version of madwifi I've got installed18:05
QrawlI did   sudo tasksel install lamp-server    and    sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin            .   When I click a php file in FF, it asks to open it instead of executing it..   Also, where is phpmyadmin?  it's not in /var/www18:05
timbobstevekirk: ..... wine setup.exe :P18:05
nickrudkoudelka_: erm, that's /var/cache/apt/archives/readahead* , missed a dir18:05
xylene_hello meoblast18:05
saloxinneumind: external usb/firewire, or local ide/sata disk?18:05
neumindtimbobsteve,  yes18:05
kirkTHANKS timbobsteve18:05
timbobstevekirk: np :D18:06
neumindtimbobsteve,  how make that?18:06
root__how to install openwebmail ?18:06
meoblast001i use trailfocus on CompizFusion to make my windows see through, the only problem is, the window is not made transparent until another window goes into focus, why is this?18:06
Shadow_FiMINIMEC, well i have buffalo and d-link wlan card, i wanna disable buffalo in ubuntu18:06
xylene_I have a quickie question about GUI search in ubuntu18:06
Miinetiscriptdevil: or is that a file?18:06
QrawlYes, where is phpmyadmin?  after installing it, its not in /var/www18:06
crdlbmetellius: that's what trailfocus is for, it makes your old windows turn translucent to give a "trail of focus"18:06
timbobsteveneumind: ..... add it to /etc/fstab.... edit /etc/fstab with gedit/nano/editor and add in a line like the others.... the format is <device> <mount point> <filesystem type> <options> <0> <0>18:07
Shadow_FiMINIMEC, and please, i dont understand nothing about linux, so please use simple steps18:07
crittDoes anyone know how to keep my master volume control from turning up the bass control of my speakers?18:07
timbobstevecritt: .... what mixing program are you using?18:07
meoblast001i use trailfocus on CompizFusion to make my windows see through, the only problem is, the window is not made transparent until another window goes into focus, why is this?18:07
RogeI just installed ubuntu 7.10(really nice) i enabled a folder for sharing and i can see it on my other computer when i click it it asks for a username and passwd so i enter the username and passwd for the linux box but i cant get in,18:07
critttimbobsteve Gnome-volume-control 2.20.118:08
koudelka_nickrud: a complete removal did not work, i got back the old profiles from back in april :/ to make a new boot profile you add profile at the end on the kernel line in grub, i was wondering if there could be something similar for the desktop file18:08
brian`just so you know, /usr/bin/gnome-wm is a shell script and its comments detail how to choose the WM, thanks guys!18:08
crdlbmeoblast001: oops that was to you :)18:08
crdlbmeoblast001: that's what trailfocus is for, it makes your old windows turn translucent to give a "trail of focus"18:08
thornomadhi there -- i just did a fresh install of gutsy ... having trouble with my wired internet.  i can ping google.com successfully, I have an ip address (ifconfig), but I can't do any more than that.  no firefox, no aptitude update, no wget (wget resolves but can't connect) ... nothing works.  not sure what is wrong.  any ideas ? where do i start ? thanks18:08
meoblast001crdlb: so what should i be using to do what im tryint to recieve?18:08
nickrudkoudelka_: no, I'm not sure, what I suggested would simply make sure that file was up to date.18:08
timbobstevecritt: perhaps try a different one... like gamix or xmix.... if all else fails run mixer in the console.... should be able to untie the two volumes18:09
saloxinQrawl: dpkg -L phpmyadmin - will tell what files the package provided18:09
crdlbmeoblast001: alt+scroll wheel18:09
timbobstevethornomad: is your pc behind a router/firewall/proxy?18:09
phlaxhi - ive been tracking gutsy for a little while on a thinktad t42 - today i did a dist-upgrade and it seems like any bin with the letter g in segfaults - gnome-session does not work at all etc etc18:09
crittI don't want to unite I want to diconnect them.18:09
critt disconnect18:09
Qrawlsaloxin, ty.  it's in usr/share18:09
meoblast001crdlb: how do i make that affect every window?18:09
saloxinthornomad: sounds like your network settings are weird. dhcp? other boxes behave the same?18:09
timbobstevephlax: that sounds painful....18:10
phlaxi am(was) using the fglrx drivers18:10
neumindtimbobsteve,  add this in last line?18:10
thornomadtimbobsteve: it is behind a router, yes ... but so are other pcs on the network ... i have other windows and mac boxes that work fine18:10
koudelka_nickrud: ok18:10
phlaxis there any known probs?18:10
crdlbmeoblast001: you could use an opacity rule, join #compiz-fusion18:10
timbobsteveneumind: yes that shoud be fine18:10
thornomadsaloxin: other boxes no problems18:10
meoblast001crdlb: are you in there?18:10
timbobstevethornomad: ... what is the contents of /etc/resolv.conf ?18:10
neumindtimbobsteve,   <device> <mount point> <filesystem type> <options> <0> <0> this line at the end yes?18:10
critttimbobsteve:  How do I make another mixer the default to my keyboard??18:10
thornomadtimbobsteve: two nameservers ... and and a domain_not_set.invalid for search18:11
holzmodemhi have ubuntu on my laptop. i read about wrong powermanagment on hhd's, I checked the "Load_Cycle_Count" with Smartctl, it has 272500.. it its dangerous for my data?18:11
timbobsteveneumind: .... it should be something like "hda3     /home      ext3     defaults     0      0".... but you have to replace it with the information for your device and where you want it to start connected to18:11
Qrawlsaloxin, I dont think phpmyadmin should be in usr/share  .  what happened18:12
timbobstevethornomad: hmmmm .... and you say you can ping google etc? .... and you are obviously chatting on this pc right?18:12
saloxinQrawl: there's probably some apache/phpmysqadmin.conf saying Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin.18:12
thornomadtimbobsteve: is a different pc i am chatting on.  when i ping google.com i get responses ... 64 bytes from google ... long list18:12
Qrawlsaloxin, ok ty18:12
Rencore_my flash plugin doesnt work18:12
timbobstevethornomad: so you can't chat on the other pc then ?18:13
saloxinthornomad: put your network settings (ip a/ip r) on pastebin.com?18:13
thornomadtimbobsteve: i have two eth .. eth0 and eth1 ... am only using one of them ... it is eth0 with the ip address assigned in ifconfig ... I can't do any interent stuff on the fresh install of gutsy18:13
timbobstevethornomad: are the other PCs running Linux18:13
saloxinah no- if box is offline it's a hassle to "paste"18:14
* nickrud wonders about gateways18:14
thornomadtimbobsteve: no, mac and pc. my other linux machine is at my house (am helping my folks)18:14
pedro_hi where can i setup the beryl effects in a default installation18:14
timbobstevethornomad: hmmmm.... ok.... what is the ip address listed for eth0 when you do ifconfig ?18:14
crittAnyone know how to change my default sound mixer to another?18:14
saloxinthornomad: ping ?18:14
thornomadsaloxin: okay, hold on a second ... that ping doesn't work ... no ... it does ... says "from icmp_seq=11 packet filtered"18:15
ganeshhegdethornomad:to install java i need to enable multiverse repositry..how to do it?18:15
timbobstevecritt: don't think you can change the gnome-mixer app.... you just have to run the others as programs.... kinda painful really....18:15
BlamaHi all. I have a problem with Ubuntu. Whenever I boot into the non recovery mode the screen goes blank and my monitor looses signal and it never comes back. But If I boot into recovery mode all I have to do to get the login screen is type GDM and I can log in and everything is fine. Is there something I can do?18:15
_JohnySorry for a stupid questin, but i just totally forgot - Where that file modprobe takes info about autoloading modules from is?18:16
saloxinthornomad: sounds like a wierdo gateway. they might be do acl on your mac adress. what kind of gw router is it?18:16
thornomadsaloxin: actiontec18:16
timbobsteveBlama: sounds like the resolution for your normal boot mode is too high for your monitor.   Try editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf and putting a different resolution at the front.... something safe like 800x600.... if that works then you can go higher.... but start small18:17
saloxinthornomad: get a login and check for access control?18:17
critttimbobsteve  Ok thanks. Just sent a bug report asking for an option to unlock and be able to preset each control..18:17
timbobsteveBlama: sing out if you need a hand editing xorg.conf18:17
edward_como instqlo kde en guadalinex18:17
weltschmerzhas anyone figured out yet how to get firefox to have sound in gutsy?18:17
saloxinthornomad: same with  ping www.mit.edu ?18:17
nickrud!es | Edgan18:17
ubot3Edgan: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.18:17
Blamatimbobsteve, Is there an option I can put that would lower only the boot resolution? Or maybe remove the boot splash altoether and replace it?18:17
nickrud!es | edward_18:17
ubot3edward_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.18:17
thornomadsaloxin: whatcha mean ?  this machine is dual booting winxp and ubuntu ... winxp works fine.  lemme ping mit hd18:17
FlynsarmyAnyone know why the gnome settings daemon won't load on startup?18:18
ganeshhegdethornomad:to install java i need to enable multiverse repositry..how to do it?18:18
timbobsteveBlama: yeh.... edit /boot/grub/menu.lst..... there is an option in there called defoptions= ..... it usually says "defoptions=quiet splash".... remove the splash from there and usplash goes away.18:18
nj786does ITUNES work on ubuntu 7.10?18:18
vipЛюди, кто ставил Megahal на своего бота?18:18
timbobsteveFlynsarmy: .... what is the error message you get?18:19
ezzieyguywufis there a howto on compiling from sourc?18:19
JimmyDeevip, easy for you to say18:19
thornomadganeshhegde: go to /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment (remove #) from universal repos18:19
ubot3You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html18:19
edward_alguienhabla epañol?ç18:19
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: Did not receive a reply.18:19
Toma-!compile | ezzieyguywuf18:19
ubot3ezzieyguywuf: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)18:19
thornomadsaloxin: ping mit.edu works ... 64 byes from www.mit.edu comes back every 109ms18:19
lobster2bi have a problem with ubuntu 7.1018:19
edward_vip this is it18:20
JimmyDeelobster2b, who doesnt18:20
ezzieyguywufwell, do you know if fuppes is availabe in a repository?18:20
saloxinthornomad: HEAD www.mit.edu ?18:20
timbobsteveFlynsarmy: .... hmmm have you modified any groups or users using the gnome-user-config tool? (in the administration menu)18:20
lobster2banyone care to help?18:20
FluxDlobster2b: ask ur question :)18:20
timbobstevelobster2b: ask away and I will see what I can do. :D18:20
thornomadsaloxin: says " 200 ok Conectoin: close Date ... seems to get it right ... "18:21
bloodnieceMy laptop is not waking up from sleep very gracefully or timely18:21
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: It's a fresh install of Gutsy. Strange considering last time i installed it it worked fine18:21
redheatfolks, talking from kubuntu desktop, should I choose the nvidia-new-lgx driver or should I move to the nvidia properiaty drivers18:21
thornomadsaloxin: see http://pastebin.com/d345d57f718:21
saloxinthornomad: so all seems well really. install any proxy software that's not working or something? vanilla install18:21
Blamatimbosteve, Thanks man. Do you have any idea what this error means as well? "Internal error failed to initialize HAL!" It comes up whenever I log on and it seems to take away the Hardware Viewer.18:22
timbobsteveFlynsarmy: .... what if you run gnome-settings-daemon from a terminal?18:22
edward_alguien q hable español18:22
void^redheat: that _is_ the proprietary driver.18:22
nj786my IPOD MODEL DOES NOT show UP in GTKPOD what should i do?18:22
timbobsteveFlynsarmy: any errors? or perhaps errors listed in syslog?18:22
ganeshhegdetimbobsteve:its already active..in ubuntu i read that i need to add multiverse at the end of some line..https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java18:22
void^!es | edward_18:22
ubot3edward_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.18:22
thornomadsaloxin: vanilla install. couldn't find apt sources during the install though ... i thought maybe confused between eth connections ... but i don't know now ... strange that it would ping but not do anything else18:22
redheatproprietary driver..they both support 8th series of nvidia video cards..18:22
lobster2bgood, my problem is with the boot cd that iv`e dowloaded from ubunto.com.. iv`e managed to boot past the initall boot menu, but its looks like the grafikal user/pass thing does not work18:22
edward_y tu eresun programa o una persona que da esa informacion18:23
nj786my IPOD MODEL DOES NOT show UP in GTKPOD what should i do?18:23
Blamatimbobsteve, Thanks man. Do you have any idea what this error means as well? "Internal error failed to initialize HAL!" It comes up whenever I log on and it seems to take away the Hardware Viewer.18:23
timbobsteveganeshhegde: not sure.... java might come under mutliverse or universe... or even restricted.... I enabled all of them from the get-go so I don't know which is which :P I prefer to have ll the options18:23
edward_de que me cambie de canal?18:23
saloxinthornomad: HEAD does a http connection, which is the same as firefox would use. open firefox and go to www.mit.edu>18:23
kirkwine vbsetup.exe halts in middle with errors: wants IE 6 SP 1 Update and Bits Service.  Now what?18:23
FluxD!es | edward_18:23
ubot3edward_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.18:23
ubot3Factoid acpi not found18:23
crittCan anyone recommend a good DVD burner??18:23
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: wow that got it. Why won't it load on startup? I also get error popups saying it won't load when i try to open certain windows like appearance in preferences18:23
* saloxin is baffled18:23
crittSoftware I mean18:23
thornomadsaloxin: oh ... hmm ... is working now18:23
ganeshhegde timbobsteve: http://pastebin.org/615018:23
saloxinhihi glitch in the matrix ;-)18:24
* riotkittie is raffled18:24
FluxDcritt: gnomebaker k3b18:24
thornomadsaloxin: maybe i didn't wait long enough ?  i wonder ... because it wasn't when we started this convo18:24
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: Also when running from terminal at the end it says 'Warning: failed to register with the message bus'18:24
bloodniececritt: u go by crittle ever?18:24
timbobsteveBlama: that is not a good sign.... it means that you may have corrupted you group listings.... not cool I did it too... it i a bug with the current build of gnome-user-config. Have you modified any users or added groups/users lately?18:24
crittFluxD Thanks Will Look now .18:24
saloxinthornomad: or evil isp is having networking issues of their own, but fixed it18:24
Strang3loveok guys i have a doosey,  i am working with grub right now, i have replaced the mother board on a pc and am able to get to the boot loader screen.  at this point i direct it to load the image from hd0,0.  however it says starting up but then hangs very shortly into the process, also the live cd hangs too.  any ideas?18:24
timbobsteveFlynsarmy: check that dbus is running... if it isn't try starting it with "/etc/init.d/dbus start"18:25
crittbloodniece No soory somtimes Critterd118:25
thornomadsaloxin; maybe ... i think there are still issues ... won't load ubuntuforums.org now18:25
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: How do i find out if it's running?18:25
bloodniececritt: sorry, different critt ;)18:25
thornomadsaloxin: or google.com18:25
Blamatimbobsteve, Well I don't know. A fresh install of Gutsy gave me the error "The configuration could not be loaded. You are not allowed to access the system configuration." To fix that I did aptitude reinstall dbus.18:25
bloodnieceCan someone help me with my laptop not waking from sleep (acpi maybe?)18:26
saloxinthornomad: ping HEAD traceroute and tcpdump are your friends. there something weird going on18:26
thornomadsaloxin: let me try opendns servers in /etc/resolv.conf ...18:26
timbobsteveFlynsarmy:  "ps aux | grep dbus |grep -f grep".... if there is a listing in the output then it is running.... restart it anyway (replace start with restart)18:26
saloxinthornomad: is also available as recursive dns server18:26
lobster2bmy problem is that the user login does not show, using the boot cd, only a black screen18:26
saloxin(it's on norway though)18:26
edward_what this is problem?18:27
timbobsteveBlama: that isn't good :/ ..... it happened to me too..... you have to manually edit /etc/group and readd the user "haldaemon" to a few groups.... that will get rid of the HAL failed messages at startup18:27
Strang3loveok guys i have a doosey,  i am working with grub right now, i have replaced the mother board on a pc and am able to get to the boot loader screen.  at this point i direct it to load the image from hd0,0.  however it says starting up but then hangs very shortly into the process, also the live cd hangs too.  any ideas?18:27
timbobsteveBlama: sing out if you need a hand with doing that18:28
thornomadsaloxin: hmm ... okay ... i will play with those things ... aptitude update still freezes on connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com though.  something is still odd18:28
please_hel1may someone tell me how to install openoffice 2.3 on a 64 bit gutsy?18:28
Blamatimbobsteve, Do you have a list of the groups or a website with them?18:28
please_hel1i can't do it via apt-get18:28
saloxinthornomad: try replacing us.archive.ubuntu.com with ip address?18:28
grigoraanyone knows why I get "Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)" when I try to upgrade to 7.10?18:28
timbobsteveBlama: 2 seconds and I will get a list for you :D18:28
=== lbm_ is now known as lbm
BlamaAnyone know if Pidgin can dock to the side of the screen and Auto-Hide when I don't wnat it?18:29
reddosnon riesco ad impostare x chat dove si parla italiano18:29
thornomadsaloxin: hmm ... ok, can try and find that ... i am seeing mit.edu works ... google.com works ... but not ubuntu.com or cnn.com18:29
SteffanHello, How do I fix partition table errors with ubuntu?18:29
please_hel1can someone tell me howto install openoffice for ubntu gutsy 64 bit after it was uninstalled (purged) using apt-get!18:30
saloxinthornomad: to test the dns - put as only nameserver in your resolv.conf18:30
timbobstevehaldaemon is a member of "cdrom + floppy + audio + video + plugdev + powerdev"..... make sure haldaemon is in each of those (don't use the user config tool, it will only make it worse....)..... really canonical/ubuntu-devs should be all over this bug.... it has the potential to cripple heaps of systems....18:30
FluxDplease_hel1: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/editors/openoffice.org18:30
timbobsteveBlama: haldaemon is a member of "cdrom + floppy + audio + video + plugdev + powerdev"..... make sure haldaemon is in each of those (don't use the user config tool, it will only make it worse....)..... really canonical/ubuntu-devs should be all over this bug.... it has the potential to cripple heaps of systems....18:30
reddosqualcuno lo sa come si fa ad impostare la chat in lingua italiana18:30
please_hel1thx FluxD18:30
aoupireddos: #ubuntu-it is italian18:31
spideymanIve upgraded to gutsy got camorama but still doesnt detect webcam any ideas18:31
Caleb_i followed the directions to get wireless on my laptop here: http://ubuntu1501.blogspot.com/2007/10/wireless-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html      I can see the networks but i can never connect to them18:31
Blamatimbobsteve, Should I make a bug report thingy?18:31
cwgannoni've just created an ext3 partition from some empty space that was on my boot drive; now, what can i do to get it to automagically show up in fstab?  or do i have to enter the info manually?18:31
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thornomadsaloxin: okay, got rid of the rest, put that in, ... oh should i do a /etc/init.d/networking restart ? that reset my resolv.conf file18:31
Zippy2whats wrong with full disk encryption in the installer and how do i get around it?18:31
timbobsteveblama; it is already in launchpad.... might want to track it down and add a comment saying that it also happened to you too18:31
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: OK it's restarted. It didn't automatically load gnome settings daemon though18:32
FluxDCaleb_: use the driver that is on ur pc's anufacturer site18:32
timbobsteveblama: i will find it for you18:32
saloxinedit resolv.conf after restart - restarting resets it with dhcp options18:32
saloxinthornomad: ^18:32
QrawlIf anyone installs phpmyadmin, and has problems where it's not showing up in /var/www, the solution is:   sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin18:32
timbobsteveFlynsarmy: no.... it shouldn't anyway..... ok now try starting gnome-settings-daemon from a terminal....18:32
spideymanIve upgraded to gutsy got camorama but still doesnt detect webcam any ideas anyone?18:32
Caleb_there is no driver offered for linux by dell18:32
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: OK it did a bunch of stuff. didn't automatically start gnome settings daemon though18:32
fuscht!grub > fuscht18:32
reddosma da dove la trovo òe preferenze x ubuntu-it18:33
Blamatimbobsteve, Thanks a lot man, you managed to do in ten minutes what I have been asking for a week.18:33
thornomadsaloxin: am getting an unknown host with that namserver18:33
FluxDCaleb_: windows drivers18:33
timbobsteveBlama: I only knew because it happned to me too :P glad I could help though18:33
SteffanHello, How do I fix partition table errors with ubuntu?18:33
thornomadsaloxin: nix that ... is working on ping18:33
timbobsteveBlama: don't forget to log out and log back in to make sure it worked...18:33
Caleb_FluxD : so i have to use the wrapper thingy18:33
Zippy2no one knows?18:34
grigoradoes anyone know how to fix "Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)"18:34
Blamatimbobsteve, Yeah I have to boot into Ubuntu first. I wish mIRC worked on Ubuntu18:34
kduboisdoes anyone know how to configure their ubuntu laptop to work as a wireless bridge for an xbox? i'm having dns problems with it...18:34
aoupireddos: x-chat?18:34
saloxingrigora: disable that repo in admin -> software sources18:34
peter_hi--i need help with my mic18:34
=== nikolam is now known as nikolam-away-
thornomadsaloxin: that seems to do it ... different name server18:34
FluxDCaleb_: no there is a driver for linux called the bcm43xx but it uses the firmware from the windows driver because Broadcom wont make itopen source18:34
timbobsteveBlama: if you are into masochism then you can try running it through WINE :P hahahah.... I prefer Xchat and Pidgin for iRC though18:34
leopardyou guys need to install mac4lin18:34
leopardit is great18:34
thornomadsaloxin: how do i make sure it doesn't reset the nameserver when i restart the machine ?18:34
=== Otaimerz is now known as adlisyakir
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: Same warning18:35
trollboyHi, I just recently replaced my videocard and now upon reboot, it gets to * Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc/local) [OK] and just hangs.  I'm running gutsy18:35
timbobsteveleopard: I had it working on my G3... was rather fun :D18:35
saloxinthornomad: you don't really, you fix the dhcp sevrer (this router i believe)18:35
aoupireddos: /join #ubuntu-it18:35
Blamatimbobsteve, I love the theme I have for mIRC, and all the settings I have18:35
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: Sorry there are warnings i didn't see. failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus18:35
peter_i need help with getting my mic to work18:35
timbobsteveFlynsarmy: .... i forgot the exact error msg... can you type it again for me ? :P18:35
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: conneciton refused18:35
peter_i need help with getting my mic to work18:35
reddosmi vengono tutte le lingue ma quella in italiano non so come fare18:35
ganeshhegdeleopard:to install java i need to enable multiverse repositry..how to do it?18:35
leopardtimbobsteve> were you able to make the docket work ?18:35
peter_i need help with getting my mic to work18:35
grigorasaloxin: but that's the main security repository ...18:35
Caleb_FluxD : I got the driver from here: http://xeve.de/down/wl_apsta.o as the directions said on the website18:35
pengi_hey all18:35
saloxinthornomad: test both server provided - maybe one is working. then log into router and delete the brken one18:36
saloxingrigora: not if you're upgrading? did i misunderstand?18:36
FluxDCaleb_: its the wrong driver :)18:36
FluxDCaleb_: get the one from dell18:36
peter_i need help with getting my mic to work18:36
timbobsteveleopard: docket = dock?18:36
grigorasaloxin: no, that's correct18:36
thornomadsaloxin: all right ... i will try and play with it.  i did want to use opendns servers though ... for the blocking for young kids ...18:36
peter_i need help with getting my mic to work18:36
trollboyis there a way I can see what its dieing on, and stop it/kill it/fix it?18:36
Caleb_FluxD : Ok how the heck do i make my wireless card work?18:36
fuschthas someone with grub experience 5mins for me in private?18:36
peter_i need help with getting my mic to work18:37
peter_i need help with getting my mic to work18:37
timbobsteveleopard: yeh... I had expose running too.... it wasn't as fast as running it normally, but it worked a treat... and I got to keep linux on 24/7 :P made me a happy man18:37
grigorasaloxin: i guess my question is why is the upgrader going to that repository in the first place?18:37
FluxDCaleb_: get the driver first Ic ant help u without it :/18:37
thornomadsaloxin: the actiontec is provided by the dsl company for my folks ... is junk in my opinion ... but that's all i got.18:37
zigonickwhen i try to sudo apt-get install wine, i get18:37
Zippy2can you use a random key fde on /?18:37
zigonickhe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:37
zigonick  wine: Depends: binfmt-support (>= 1.1.2) but it is not installable18:37
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
trollboyI'm also ssh'd into it from this box (my mac) so I'm far from locked out18:37
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, still here? I did this: for i in `apt-cache show mplayer|sed '/^Depends/!d; s/([^,]*)//g; s/,//g; s/[[:space:]]\+/ /g; s/^Depends: //'`; do sudo dpkg-reconfigure $i; done18:37
timbobstevepeter_: what seems to be the problem mate?18:37
KeitaroScan anyone please tell me what "could not determine a proper UTS_RELEASE" means in terminal?18:37
saloxinthornomad: as long as you can configure it all is not lost18:37
scguy318zigonick: all repos enabled? may be it18:37
Caleb_FluxD that link i gave you are the drivers, i'm not using ndiswrapper18:37
scguy318!info binfmt-support18:37
ubot3binfmt-support: Support for extra binary formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.10 (gutsy), package size 20 kB, installed size 148 kB18:37
saloxingrigora: ah. give it some help.18:37
pengi_anyone free to help me get a mac-like apps bar working18:37
peter_how do i whisper?18:37
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, still with Xv problem :( a friend that upgraded mplayer is having too this problem18:37
racarteri know i can change the shell prompt colors in ~/.bashrc but how do i change it so it affects all users? so that if i create a new user that user will automatically start with a color prompt in the shell?18:37
leopardgeneshhedge> what is this link for? http://pastebin.org/615018:37
trollboyI believe he needs help with his mic and has a stuck enter/up key timbobsteve18:37
EliasAmaralthat upgraded ubuntu*18:38
aoupireddos: dire /join #ubuntu-it18:38
FluxDCaleb_: I know, we are not using ndiswrapper we are using FIRMWARE from broadcom18:38
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: well... that is a little more complex than I would have done :P ... hmmm 2 seconds18:38
thornomadsaloxin: very true.  but is there a way to make the machine preserve the dns settings in /etc/resolv.conf upon a restart that you know of ?18:38
peter_how do i whisper?18:38
spideymanIve upgraded to gutsy got camorama but still doesnt detect webcam any ideas anyone?18:38
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, ok18:38
Miineti<- to whisper ^^18:38
ebirtaidpeter_ /msg?18:38
pengi_anyone free to help me get a mac-like apps bar working18:38
cdm10Does anyone have problems with Evolution hanging up on "Formatting message" when reading mail?18:39
ganeshhegdeleopard:to install java i need to enable multiverse repositry..how to do it?its my sources.list18:39
timbobsteveFlynsarmy: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=360554918:39
Caleb_FluxD : What is the difference between firware and drivers? i havn't seen any drivers on the internet anywhere, i can get wireless to work, just can18:39
aoupireddos: :)18:39
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, (what you would have done? that's 66 packages)18:39
Caleb_*can't connect to a network18:39
KeitaroScan anyone please tell me what "could not determine a proper UTS_RELEASE" means in terminal?18:39
cdm10ganeshhegde: Java should be installed automatically when you go to a site that needs it.18:39
leopardi didn't have problems when I installed java18:39
cdm10ganeshhegde: and also, you should be able to install it from Add/Remove, it'll enable the repo automatically.18:39
saloxinthornomad: nope, never tried it :-/18:39
leopardi am not sure why you having problems with your ubuntu box18:39
racarterwhy is sun java not in the main repository?18:39
racarterwhy is it in multiverse?18:39
albechfor some reason movie player isnt showing dvd menus etc?18:39
leopardtry google18:39
timbobsteveFlynsarmy: my next best guess s to google it.... sry I am all out of ideas... I thought it may have been the same problem as Balma was having... but it isn't... check the gnome boards18:39
leopardthat's what I always do18:39
cdm10racarter: because it's not free software.18:40
leopardall the answers are there18:40
racarteri thought it was GPL now?18:40
cdm10albech: Movie Player doesn't work with DVD menus, for that you should try VLC.18:40
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: well... you have a point, but I was never any good with regexp and sed :P18:40
Flynsarmytimbobsteve: ok, thanks18:40
=== jonecam1 is now known as joincamp
FluxDCaleb_: let me try an analogy driver is like a router but firmware is the software inside the router18:40
thornomadsaloxin: all right well thanks so much for your help am able to run an update at least18:40
cdm10racarter: hmm, I thought it was announced that it was going to become gpl, but it wasn't yet... not sure though.18:40
grigorasaloxin: i don't mind giving help, just want to make sure i don't screw up anything ... thanks for your help18:40
saloxinthornomad: coolio ;-)18:40
racarteri see18:40
Johnny_Bthis is probably the strangest thing ever. I have stuttering in my sound. I tried it all to make it not stutter, since it worked in Windows. by luck I tried the old Ubuntu 6.06.1 and there it worked! so... I thought it's kernel 2.6.15 was the magic thing, so I copied that one and hoped for the best. but NOO. it booted alright and everything was nice, but still the same. I've tried it all as I said. mixing alot i alsamixer, installed OSS (so it's not alsa)18:40
ganeshhegdecdm10:i m installing frostwire...18:40
racarterdon't complain, i have no sound at all actually18:41
cdm10ganeshhegde: when you install frostwire, it'll install Java automatically. Where are you installing frostwire from?18:41
peter_ok....well, i need help getting my mic to work....can i go priv with someone?18:41
Downix_I'm trying to figure out how to get my new video card to work18:41
peter_ok....well, i need help getting my mic to work....can i go priv with someone?18:41
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, ah I see :P if I knew a way to do this via synaptic I would maybe just select the packages there18:41
Caleb_FluxD so i have to use ndiswrapper then? there is no driver made for linux for my wireless card18:41
cdm10!pm | peter_18:41
ubot3peter_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.18:41
MartinWWhich PDA/cellphones work with Ubuntu?18:41
Cyrus25801can anyone help me with a sound problem on quake418:41
ganeshhegdecdm10: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire18:41
peter_!pm cdm1018:41
ubot3Factoid pm cdm10 not found18:41
VarangerI have compiled my own kernel and I having problems because GRUB doesn't recognize UUID's anymore. I edited menu.lst and it has any problems until I run update-grub18:41
pengi_what are some programs that imitate the mac apps bar18:41
Varangerwhat can I do?18:41
cdm10MartinW: Palm OS devices do, I'm not sure about others though... if you have a Palm, it'll work quite nicely with Evolution.18:42
ubot3Factoid cellphone not found18:42
ganeshhegdecdm10:is there any other way?18:42
FluxDCaleb_: there is a driver but no firmware for linux, I have same card as u. but let me tell u again we are not going to use ndiswrapper at all18:42
orgthingyi'm using ubuntu and ive noticed that the mouse is moving so fats or moving it little bit! how can i slow it down?18:42
racarteris there a way i can set it so that all new users will have a color shell prompt?18:42
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: what gfx card do you have?18:42
Downix_I'm trying to remember how to probe my PCI devices to know what the card is18:42
Caleb_FluxD : Ok then what should i do?18:42
FluxDorgthingy: system prefernces mouse18:42
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, ati radeon 9550, using fglrx from restricted18:43
saloxinracarter: see t /etc/bash.bashrc18:43
FluxDCaleb_: download the wireless drivers from dell18:43
Caleb_FluxD : Link?18:43
redheatfolks got a quick question, right now I'm using the restricted drivers, nvidia-new-glx, not the properiatery ones from nvidia website, how do I find their settings manager?18:43
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, my fried has a nvidia 6600 and has this problem too18:43
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: have you tried the fglrx overlay fix?18:43
Billieshi guys, I've got a rather major problem with the UI, everything is too big, im running at larger than 1024x768, yet the close, maximize and minimize buttons are too large, as are option boxes, like ones you would use the select the disk drive to rip a DVD from, its so bad, that the start button to start the ripping is off screen at the bottom of the app, but I can't move the window up high enough to reach it18:43
pengi_what are some programs that imitate the mac apps bar18:43
FluxDCaleb_: I dont have a dell but another copany but check ur model on dell site18:43
joincampi have a buddy who just started trying out ubuntu, sunbird freezes when he loads it so i had him try installing 0.7. that also freezes so i had him run it in terminal.  i have also tried completely removing it in synaptic.  the last few lines were:18:43
joincamp b7f5a000-b7f5c000 rw-p 00019000 08:04 1860493    /lib/ld-2.6.1.so18:43
joincampbfdb9000-bfdce000 rw-p bfdb9000 00:00 0          [stack]18:43
joincampffffe000-fffff000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0          [vdso]18:43
joincampbut i have no idea if that even helps anyone.  can someone give me an idea of what to try next.18:43
FluxD!pastebin | joincamp18:44
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: try "sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv" and then try mplayer again18:44
ubot3joincamp: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:44
spideymanIve upgraded to gutsy got camorama but still doesnt detect webcam any ideas anyone?18:44
Billiesdoes anyone know how to make them smaller?18:44
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, Hmmm.18:44
redheatI went to the synaptec manager did a search for nvidia settings, and when it turned up a result for it, it told me I need first to remove the nvidia-new-glx drivers that I downloaded from nvidia repos18:44
Billiesbecause I can't start the ripping because I can't reach the start button18:44
cdm10ganeshhegde: never mind about that.18:44
KeitaroSwhat is FC6?18:44
jmak642i upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 and my video and network devices are in serious trouble18:44
jmak642can anyone help?18:44
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: be mindful that messing with GFX card settings might boot you out of X :P18:44
cdm10ganeshhegde: if you go to Add/Remove though, you should see java.18:44
FluxDKeitaroS: FedoraCore618:44
Caleb_FluxD : ok have link now what? http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/driverslist.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&ServiceTag=&SystemID=INS_PNT_1501&os=WW1&osl=en&catid=&impid=18:44
PancakesHi, Im following this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-530772.html - I'm having problems though, and I would really like to be able to have internet, so could anyone help me in private query?18:44
redheatshould I delete those drivers, the nvidia new glx and download new ones straight from nvidia18:44
KeitaroSFluxD: thought so thnx :)18:45
ganeshhegdecdm10:k i ll try..18:45
Billiesdoes anyone know how to change the sizes for the maximize, minimize, and close buttons at the top of all the windows?18:45
Billiesmake them smaller?18:45
jmak642probably i need to get the network working first18:45
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, yeah I know :P I.. i tried to google this, http://www.google.com.br/search?q=mplayer+gutsy+xvideo18:45
Billiesthey are gigantic18:45
ebirtaidbillies: different theme?18:45
Billiesthat whole bar is too thick18:45
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, there's a open bug about this18:45
BilliesI've tried difrent themes18:46
ebirtaidpost a screenshot18:46
Billiesbut I accidently used the high contrast one and it changed my fonts and everything18:46
Strang3loveis anyone here good with grub?18:46
timbobsteveit appears to be an overlay problem with ati cards... but that doesn;t explain why your friend gets it too.... perhaps the new mplayer made some change that affected it.18:46
MrKeunerhi, I use fetchmail to get e-mails from an account which accumulates more than 50 each time I run the fetchmail application. However, i think my exim is set to allow no more than 10 at a time and delays the rest. How can I change this setting?18:46
Strang3lovei have been having some weird issues18:46
FluxDDownix_: ask away18:46
PancakesI'm trying to get the internet to work with my WUSB300N wireless router, but I don't really know how or what to do. I'm not really linux-savvy18:47
Billieswhen I use any other theme, it uses the font I have set, and that is the one that the high contrast one set18:47
Billiesand it screwed everything up18:47
Downix_FluxD:  just trying to remember the command to probe the PCI bus to verify which video card I have installed, so I can then select the right X driver18:47
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: has it worked at all since you upgraded?18:47
Caleb_FluxD : FluxD : ok have link now what? http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/driverslist.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&ServiceTag=&SystemID=INS_PNT_1501&os=WW1&osl=en&catid=&impid=18:47
ebirtaidthen you need to go to your appearance settings18:47
ebirtaidand select a different font18:47
ubot3Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration18:47
socreshi folks, i got a problem using gutsy with emerald18:47
FluxDCaleb_: looking for the right one wait a sec18:47
Caleb_FluxD ok18:47
FluxDDownix_: lspci18:47
ganeshhegdecdm10:java is not there in add/remove18:47
Downix_thanks plux18:47
FluxDganeshhegde: use synaptic18:47
Downix_erm flux18:47
BilliesI've played with all the size settings and it hasent made those buttons smaller18:48
peter_how do i register?18:48
FluxDpeter_:  /msg nickserv help18:48
ebirtaidpeter click the link18:48
Caleb_FluxD : woops, didn't notive i gave you link for xp, here is the link for vista: http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/driverslist.aspx?os=WLH&osl=EN&catid=-1&impid=-1&servicetag=&SystemID=INS_PNT_1501&hidos=WW1&hidlang=en18:48
Downix_FluxD: Ok, now I'm confused.  It's a Radeon 9200PRO, but the ATI driver keeps saying no valid device found18:48
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, nope. actually a lot of things don't work in gutsy :[ a lot of new things like the new screen config, and the mplayer..18:48
gcarrilloyo, what the deal is18:48
FluxDCaleb_: so u have vista?18:48
Caleb_FluxD : Yes i'm on it right now, dual boot with ubuntu18:49
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, ;-; ;-;18:49
tarawneh_QUESTION: Hi. Iam new to ubuntu, will new to linux , just installed it. I added a new hardisk and need to move the usr folder there, any ideas?18:49
FluxDCaleb_: I hope u are on ethernet now18:49
Caleb_FluxD no sorry wireless18:49
peter_elias--is that you eli?18:49
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: it is probably a problem with kernel- and the ati fglrx drivers.... what a bummer.... I am so glad I made the switch to Nv with my new card....18:49
Cpudan80tarawneh_: It's not a good idea, and it's not an easy task18:49
FluxDCaleb_: thought u said it wasnt working18:49
ganeshhegdeFluxD:in synaptic which 1 to install?i need java for frostwire18:49
peter_how the heck do i register?18:50
Cyrus25801can anyone help me with a sound problem on quake4 pleaseeeeee18:50
FluxDganeshhegde: search for sun-java6-jre18:50
Downix_peter_: try /msg nickserv help18:50
Caleb_FluxD not on ubuntu it isn't, but on vista it does, i'm on vista right now, i dual boot with ubuntu18:50
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: some ppl have reported that gmplayer worked fine for them... perhaps give it a go.18:50
MalachiHow can I convert VCD to Xvid?18:50
FluxDCaleb_: ok18:50
tarawneh_Cpudan80: hmm, :)18:50
tigranIs hyper threading turned off only in server editions or for all? And is it the same case with 7.10?18:50
ebirtaid!register | peter_18:50
ubot3peter_: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration18:50
Billieshow do I reset the theme if that high contrast one messed it up?18:50
gcarrillotarawneh_: whats your reason for doing that?18:50
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, no, it's running without video18:51
gcarrilloim just curious18:51
Caleb_FluxD the laptop came preinstalled with vista18:51
tarawneh_6 GB only . the first hard disk\18:51
peter_!register peter_18:51
ubot3Factoid register peter_ not found18:51
timbobsteveMalachi: mencoder can convert between formats, but I am not sure how to rip VCDs18:51
ebirtaid!register | peter_18:51
ubot3peter_: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration18:51
Downix_tigran: Hyper Threading is a marketing gimmick without a real practical real world use.  Handy for benchmarks, and that's about it.18:51
FluxDCaleb_: looking :)18:51
pengi_hey poddo18:51
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, well, i will reboot X for apply that config change:)18:51
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: bugger :....(18:51
peter_yeah, i saw the site, can't find the part where it explains!18:51
Lord_Vaderi have trouble installing new ati driver 8.42.3, when i finish the instllation in fglrxinfo i see that i'm using Mesa dirver. I have a ATI  movile X300.18:51
poddolol hey pengi18:51
patbamhow come there' s no mention of bittorrent on the faq18:51
ebirtaidread the site18:51
ganeshhegdeFluxD:what is java package?18:51
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: come back and tell me how you go OK?18:51
pengi_Anyone know a site where I can get a mac-like dock bar18:51
patbamfor downloading the iso18:51
tigranDownix_: alright, thanks18:51
trollboyOK a proper shutdown reveals all.  Apparantly Gnome is dieing.18:51
FluxDDownix_: u might have to checkur card :/18:51
Malachitimbobsteve: I'm sure it can to, but I'm kind of looking for a GUI program. The person this is for isn't CLI-inclined.18:51
scguy318patbam: no idea, but18:51
FluxDganeshhegde: search for sun-java6-jre18:51
peter_!register | peter88_18:51
ubot3peter88_: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration18:51
thornomadso i have one other question ... how do I make my screen resolution persist between logging out and logging in ?  I set it (system->admin->screens and graphics) ... it looks and works great ... but when i logout it resets it to something very warped and inappropriate.  how do i make it stick ?18:52
tarawneh_ok, question 2 : I need to install an FTP server18:52
Colkehola alguem ha sabe un site bueno para bajar music...?18:52
scguy318!torrents | patbam, if you haven't already seen18:52
ubot3patbam, if you haven't already seen: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can!18:52
Downix_FluxD: fun fun.18:52
trollboyHow do I do a complete re-setup for x via ssh?18:52
ebirtaidpeter_: /msg nickserv register <your-password>18:52
scguy318Colke: LimeWire :P18:52
Malachitarawneh: Open Synaptics and search for ftpd18:52
ebirtaidis that easy enough?18:52
timbobsteveMalachi: give me 2 seconds and I will see what I can find18:52
Malachitarawneh:_ Open Synaptics and search for ftpd18:52
Miinetipeter: and the nick has to be *free*18:52
BlackShifthi, i'm trying to upgrade to 7.10. It seems to hang at installing timidity18:52
scguy318Colke: or a private Bitorrent tracker18:52
Lord_Vaderi have trouble installing new ati driver 8.42.3, when i finish the instllation in fglrxinfo i see that i'm using Mesa dirver. I have a ATI  movile X300.18:52
ColkeAca tiene DJ???18:52
agresorhow to enable mod action in apache2 ?18:52
patbamscguy318: thanks. i dion't see any bittorrent links here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download18:52
Strang3love is anyone here good with grub?18:52
FluxDagresor: #apache18:52
Downix_tigran: A good compiler and scheduler will blow away Hyperthreading, and as Linux has both, you actually loose performance with it turned on 9 times out of 10.18:52
Strang3lovei need assitance18:52
stork_how do i know what graphics drivers to use?18:52
Strang3loveassistance too18:52
ganeshhegdeFluxD:ya i got it..its downloading..buts java package ?where its ised?18:52
BlackShiftfor more than 30minutes, the last terminal line is " * Starting TiMidity++ ALSA midi emulation...", any suggestions of how to progress?18:53
gcarrilloStrang3love: whats your problem?18:53
DBAlexHi, im getting the following errors when doing a MAKE command on ndiswrapper 1.4818:53
DBAlex<DBAlex> I get these errors: make[1]: ***[loadnisdriver] Error 118:53
DBAlex<DBAlex> and18:53
DBAlex<DBAlex> make: *** [all] error 218:53
poddopengi, kiba-dock is pretty cool. i set it up last night18:53
FluxDganeshhegde: frostwire is written in java, java.com18:53
ebirtaidwtf man18:53
Colkescguy318: donde esta bitorrent tracker?18:53
tigranDownix_: hah, nice, didnt know that :) thanks again18:53
pengi_i cant get kibadock to work right18:53
Billiesthanks guys, most helpful place ever18:53
pengi_it goes all crazy18:53
FluxDCaleb_: can u wait few sec please something urgent came up18:53
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, it's working now:):) thank you!18:53
ebirtaidpengi_: how18:53
ganeshhegdeFluxD:k thanx..18:53
Strang3lovei cant even get a response18:53
Caleb_FluxD : Take your time18:53
peter_this place aint helpin' at all...18:53
poddomy only problem was it would do the "zoom" effect even when i wasnt directly ontop of iyt18:54
FluxDpeter_: #help18:54
gcarrilloStrang3love: i responded to you18:54
pengi_and did it have weird blue horizontal lines in it?18:54
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: sweet candy!.... gotta love ati :P wierd little company that one... I really thought AMD would shake them up a bit, but they didn't18:54
Downix_tigran:  I deal with these kinds of optimizations every day.  The only "hyper-threading" system I've found worth a damned was in the Sun Niagra CPU series, and it does it with banks of registers, but even then a good compiler/scheduler will still beat it.18:54
PancakesCan someone please help me with setting up my internet using a wireless router?18:54
poddopengi: no18:54
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, I just don't know what my friend with a nvidia card and the same bug could do18:54
lamego!! anyone > DBAlex18:54
Malachitimbobsteve: Don't worry about it. I'm about to have to go. Thanks anyway.18:54
timbobsteveMalachi: try vcdimage.... that might let you rip it to avi... then you can convert it from there to Divx18:54
pengi_poddo: hmmm ill try again where did u get it from again18:54
timbobsteveMalachi: *vcdimager18:55
Strang3lovei have replaced a mother board and am having problems getting either ubuntu or xp to load from gru18:55
Lord_Vaderi have trouble installing new ati driver 8.42.3, when i finish the instllation in fglrxinfo i see that i'm using Mesa dirver. I have a ATI  movile X300. Anybody can heelp me?.18:55
DBAlex<DBAlex> Hi, im getting the following errors when doing a MAKE command on ndiswrapper 1.4818:55
DBAlex<DBAlex> <DBAlex> I get these errors: make[1]: ***[loadnisdriver] Error 118:55
DBAlex<DBAlex> <DBAlex> and18:55
DBAlex<DBAlex> <DBAlex> make: *** [all] error 218:55
lamegoDBAlex, do not paste here, use pastebin18:55
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, they are releasing specs for new cards, that's a lot cool.. but my card isn't very new and probably will never have a good driver18:55
ebirtaid!pastebin | dbalex18:55
ubot3dbalex: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:55
Miinetipeter: u know, this is for ubuntu, here, not for freenode, right...?18:55
Malachitimbobsteve: Oh, thanks.18:55
poddoi did kiba-dock.com i think, but i used some tutorial from the ubuntu forums18:55
DBAlexI know what a fecking pastebin is18:55
poddothe problem is that i dont know of any other dock programs18:55
DBAlexwhy not answer my question instead of forwarding me to bots18:55
poddoi wish i did, cuz i wasnt too impressed with kiba18:55
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: true... but a lot of companies have said that in the past... I will believe when I see :P18:55
ebirtaiddbalex install build-essential18:55
tigranDownix_:  go linux! ;)18:55
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, if this works, nvidia will be forced to release specs too.. and that day all will change18:55
ebirtaidand follow the rules18:55
DBAlexebirtaid: I have no internet connection, can I download a .deb?18:56
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, no, they not only said, they actually released a bit :PP18:56
jdwilm2Would someone please be able to help me set up grub to dual boot ubuntu and xp?18:56
=== jdwilm2 is now known as jdwilm
BlackShiftcan I just kill the 'Distribution Upgrade' window and restart it? it seems to hang somewhere half way through the installation18:56
ebirtaidsomewhere probably its on the cd though18:56
=== nikolam-away- is now known as nikolam
DBAlexebirtaid: where is it on the cd??18:56
tigranDownix_: oh one more thing, how do I mount a fat32 parition on start up? I've found some stuff that edit the fstab but its not really doing anything. Can you help?18:57
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: if you friend is running the latest nv drivers from the repos then they can use nvidia-settings to change the values of Xvideo settings.... should be able to change the vblank options to get it working18:57
ebirtaidput the cd when you have ubuntu running and add it to your repository in synaptic18:57
ebirtaidit may automatically do it18:57
ebirtaidthen install through synaptic18:57
DBAlexebirtaid ok...18:57
FluxD!grub | jdwilm218:57
ubot3jdwilm2: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:57
Dr_Willistigran i would have to guess that your fstab entry is incorrect.18:57
tigranDr_Willis: Ill paste it, give me a sec18:57
poddoanyone have any problems with pidgin crashing?  my instlal of ubuntu is less than 24 hours old18:57
pengi_poddo: you still using kiba?18:57
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: That is good to hear.... I like what intel did with the GMA chipsets.... My new laptop will have a GMA 900 chipset and thanks to the open specs, it will run compiz like a dream:)18:58
poddoi have it installed but not running18:58
ubot3Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)18:58
Dr_Willistigran thers literally 100s  of web sites with examples of how to mount a fat32 parttion from the fstab. :) depends on how many users ya want to access it and other things.18:58
gOLdenHaWK3Dpoddo: yes, my pidgin crashed too often :(18:58
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, hmmmm... nice. but i think he is running nvidia driver18:58
poddogolden: :-\  i love pidgin but its frustrating me. i dont know what else to use18:58
peter_ok. fuck you all, you all suck, you can't help people, don't just redirect them to where to go to read up. some people need direct help. again, fuck you all18:58
idreadican I can I can18:58
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: well it should still come with the nvidia-settings app for him to look at the settings in. There is an entire subsection dedicated to Xvideo options18:58
gOLdenHaWK3Dpoddo: i filed a bug report at launchpad18:58
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, this is actually old news, i am thinking now why i didn't hear a lot more of this now.. the release was about two or 3 months before18:58
Lord_Vaderi have trouble installing new ati driver 8.42.3, when i finish the instllation in fglrxinfo i see that i'm using Mesa dirver. I have a ATI  movile X300. Anybody can heelp me?.18:59
pengi_my pidgin works fine :\18:59
PriceChildebirtaid, pm me please18:59
gOLdenHaWK3Dpengi_: are you using gutsy gibbon?18:59
Strang3loveany ideas why kubuntu would hang immediatly on startup?18:59
tigranDr_Willis: does this look right? /dev/sda3   /media/MUSIC   vfat   user,auto,umask=007,gid=46   0   018:59
poddogolden: its jsut interesting that its crashin on a fresh install.  i cant figure out why it wouldnt work for me but does work for otheres. i havent configured anything weirdly, it came installed with gutsy18:59
Caleb_FluxD : Still alive there?18:59
pengi_yes golden18:59
gOLdenHaWK3Dpoddo: same here.19:00
FluxDFluxD: paste me vista link on pastebin.ca19:00
pengi_im running 64bit is the only difference from poddo19:00
Strang3lovei have manually set it to boot to hd0,0 and it says starting up, but then hangs in the beginning19:00
Strang3loveno progress on the indicator bar19:00
pedroThe stupid question of the day. WTH is the key "Super"?19:00
gOLdenHaWK3Dpengi_: mine crashes too often. I have updated it to the latest patches too!19:00
poddooohh yea, i forgo bout that pengi19:00
Downix_ok, found out how to fix it, how do I un-install the proprietory ATI driver?19:00
=== christian is now known as _Christian
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, hmm nice:) (his situation is a lot delicated: he likes linux, but counter strike: source still don't run as smoothly as in windows. of course this is not strictly a linux fault..)19:00
DBAlexebirtaid: its not on the cd or in synaptic?19:00
lamegopoddo, you should create a bug report for it at launchpad19:00
earl_hello gentlemen. I've decided i've had it up to here with evolution, and am switching to thunderbird. however, i need to import all my mail and accounts into thunderbird. can anyone help me?19:00
Lord_Vaderi have trouble installing new ati driver 8.42.3, when i finish the instllation in fglrxinfo i see that i'm using Mesa dirver. I have a ATI  movile X300. Anybody can heelp me?.19:00
ebirtaiddid you add the cd to your repo list in syanptic?19:00
DBAlexebirtaid: how do I do that?19:01
Lord_Vaderplease support....19:01
ebirtaidopen synaptic and click edit repositories I think19:01
sanguisdexid I am using apt get to buid form source is there a way to have reqired lib to automatily be grabed in that process19:01
=== alin710 is now known as alix_78
ManignugHelp I have a make file looking for 2.6.20-15-generic/build/.tmp_versions/. How do i get these files or generate them?19:01
Cyrus25801can anyone help me with a sound problem on quake4 pleaseeeeee19:01
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: so true.... I still play games.... I actually have a windows partition, but I shrunk it to 10Gb and linux has 300Gb... I was surprised at how well WINE runs games now... the last time i used it, it struggled to run anything at all with 3d gfx19:01
Lord_Vaderplease support....19:02
DBAlexebirtaid: f*ck it ill install it from packages.ubuntu.com19:02
ebirtaiddbalex setting -> repositories19:02
pbxIf I want to mount remote filesystems, what's the easiest/most-current way? fish? sshfs? fusefs?19:02
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: but that was years ago :P19:02
minimecLord_Vader: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58838319:02
ebirtaidI thought you had no internet connection19:02
earl_anyone? help importing stuff from evolution to thunderbird?19:02
Johnny_BI have a really complex and long question. to long for irc. but I want help :) please read this thread if you are a Xorg/Alsa/kernel guru http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=364653719:02
=== Ballena is now known as Ballena|Away
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, i actually gave up in trying running hardware-intensive games here :( i don't have windows installed19:02
thx2000timbobsteve: what games do you run on it?19:02
timbobsteveEliasAmaral: back when cedega was called WineX hahahah.... man I sound like an old person19:02
sanguisdexpbx: I like a combo of sshfs and a commander program19:02
timbobstevethx2000: on my windows partition or in WINE?19:03
lamegopbx, samba is also an option19:03
pbxsanguisdex, thanks19:03
thx2000timbobsteve: WINE19:03
Johnny_Btimbobsteve: or TransXGaming? :P19:03
FluxDCaleb_: paste me vista link on pastebin.ca19:03
sanguisdexpbx: I like tux commander19:03
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, (well at least cs 1.6 runs fine, but i would not call it hardware intensive)19:03
timbobsteveJohnny_B: what is TransXGaming?... i know transgaming own Cedega and Cider, but is TransXGaming a program?19:03
idreadisoon come19:04
sol!info amarok19:04
ubot3amarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.7-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 9822 kB, installed size 32004 kB19:04
Bonste1u guys actually got cedega working?19:04
Johnny_Btimbobsteve: dunno. they called cedega that before I think19:04
kidbuntui'm having problem while upgrading to 7.1019:04
orgthingyhow can i actually copy a web site? i saw it on wikipedia donate video thingy that a british man actually copied wikipedia so he can brows it offline!19:04
timbobstevethx2000: The latest I am running is Portal and HL2:Ep2.... I usually like to play a bit of CS 1.5 and Serious Sam 2nd Encounter19:04
DBAlexebirtaid: working now, its "downloading" the files from the CD :)19:04
Strang3love/pulls out hair19:04
=== kishan is now known as sambar
Caleb_FluxD : http://pastebin.ca/75175319:04
thx2000timbobsteve: and HL2 is pretty decent?19:04
timbobsteveJohnny_B: nah... it was called WineX.... because it was WINE+directX19:04
kidbuntuit gave me an error that a "dpkg --configure -a" will run or something.. is it gonna affect my ubuntu if i restarted the computer?19:05
lamegoorgthingy, wget has some good options for site mirroring19:05
Johnny_Btimbobsteve: dunno. I think it was transxgaming to. but big deal19:05
Stepheni need help badly, i get buffer i/o fd0 errors because my laptop dont have a floppy drive, and there is no option in my bios to disable legacy floppy :( any other way to fix it ?19:05
kidbuntuand update manager wont start19:05
timbobstevethx2000: it runs OK.... nowhere near windows performance.... but it saves me rebooting :P19:05
racarteri think i have correctly set my /etc/bash.bashrc file to set a "fancy" color prompt19:05
Strang3lovei have a grub issue , not to break in on the gaming questions19:05
timbobsteveJohnny_B: I will fight you for it?.... :P ..... Pistols at dawn?19:05
nixn00bhow do u force totem to use x11 video?19:05
racarterbut i think it is getting over written by the user's own .bashrc file19:05
racarterhow can i stop this?19:05
orgthingyand whats that wget thingy19:05
pbxsanguisdex, lamego: is there a way to get the sshfs protocol to be usable directly from an app's "open" dialog, a la kioslaves?19:06
lamegoorgthingy, a command line utility for downloads19:06
minimecnixn00b: gstreamer-properties is your friend19:06
Strang3loveplease someone?19:06
lamegoorgthingy, on the terminal: man wget19:06
thx2000well my vista backup is about done, gunna reformat this box in a few and try to never look back...wish me luck :)19:06
timbobstevethx2000: get rid of that scumm for good!19:06
nixn00bminimec, ty19:06
minimecnixn00b: np19:06
lamegopbx, if you use sshfs, the remotely mounted filesystem will be seen by the OS just as any regular local FS19:06
Strang3lovehelp anyone, please?19:06
threethirtyhello all19:06
Strang3love5 mins no response19:06
nixn00bminimec, my mistake im using totem-xine19:06
timbobstevethx2000: wors .... OS..... EVER!19:06
solanyone know how to add stream support to amarok?19:07
commanderqi need CD boot help19:07
bergheimI am running update-manager, but "upgrade to 7.10" is not showing - I am running a fully upgraded 7.04 release. What gives?19:07
timbobstevethx2000: *worst19:07
threethirtydoes anyone know of an ogg to mp3 converter for gstreamer?19:07
earl_hello gentlemen. I've decided i've had it up to here with evolution, and am switching to thunderbird. however, i need to import all my mail and accounts into thunderbird. can anyone help me?19:07
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thx2000...im goin in19:07
lamegopbx, but do not expect the same performance of samba, sshfs is an wrapper, it is not a remote file system protocol19:07
commanderqseems we are all ppl who need help and no one knows wuts going on lol19:07
minimecnixn00b: I see... man xine in a console?19:07
gOLdenHaWK3Dbergheim: use update-manager with -d option.19:07
Strang3loveyeah help needed but noone to answer them apparently19:08
pbxlamego, thanks. luckily i have no experience with samba :)19:08
Strang3lovei have been lurking here for a while and no help19:08
orgthingywget is unix tool.. im using linux19:08
timbobstevegoodnight everyone.... have a great day/night wherever you are. Talk soon. Catch you later EliasAmaral.... hope your friend gets Xvideo working.... come back if not and we will find a solution! :P19:08
Stepheni cant even get 7.10 installed due to these rediculas fd0 i/o errors19:08
commanderqi think i just need to dl the 32 bit version19:08
vraahey guys i need some quick help, how can i automate a terminal command?19:08
EliasAmaraltimbobsteve, good night:) thank you again!19:08
pbxvraa, use more words19:08
commanderqcause my computer is supposed to be 64....19:08
jattwith a bash script19:08
vraai just setup a wireless evdo card, but to access it i have to do "sudo kppp" in terminal.19:08
lamegopbx, search for some tutorial, it is easy to setup and use, also you have the advantage of being win* compatible19:09
vraai just want the user to double click on his desktop and thatll open terminal with the right commands and what not19:09
Manignugdoes anyone know about .tmp_versions folder?19:09
thornomad_how do i change my default screen resolution so that it doesn't get reset when i restart/logout ? i can do it on the GUI but then when i restart/logout it forgets the changes ... that go in the /etc/x11/xorg.conf file or something ?19:09
pbxlamego, that's not an advantage for me!19:09
FluxDCaleb_: ok back19:09
commanderqi dont think ne1 is hear to help us atm lol19:09
lamegopbx, not for your, but for a large part of the world :)19:09
Bonste1vraa: make a text file then change it to .sh19:09
Blamatimbobsteve, you still here?19:09
jmak642so my desktop is jacked after the upgrade19:09
Caleb_FluxD : Any ideas?19:09
Strang3lovethere is 1300 people here19:10
pbxlamego, not really relevant to my little Ubuntu laptop in Mac-land.19:10
Strang3loveand ho help19:10
pbxlamego, thanks for the help though.19:10
solanyone know how to add stream support to amarok?19:10
vraaand i can have "sudo kppp" in there?19:10
Whitorhi, How do I extract a .bz2 file from the cli ?19:10
FluxDCaleb_: one of the 52mb ones let me dbl chek19:10
idreadithornomad:dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:10
Zuse5121jemand aus deutschland da?19:10
pbxWhitor, bunzip219:10
Bonste1u can do all terminal commands19:10
jmak642can someone help me with my wifi?19:10
commanderqwut about wifi19:11
Lawke Hi, if I install the newest Ubuntu on my Dell Inspiron, will my tochpad auto work?19:11
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
idreadithen restart x19:11
pbxLawke, unless something goes freakishly wrong, yes19:11
threethirtycommanderq: if no one has helped you with your problem it is either they are working on someone else's problem or do not want to waste your time telling you that they do not know, if19:11
jmak642i have a ralink2500 card in my desktop, throughput is close to 019:11
earl_Lawke: my inspiron 1501 never had problems19:11
Lawkepbx, thx19:11
Caleb_FluxD : your on the xp one, i run vista, link is here: http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/driverslist.aspx?os=WLH&osl=EN&catid=-1&impid=-1&servicetag=&SystemID=INS_PNT_1501&hidos=WW1&hidlang=en19:11
earl_at least with the touchpad19:11
vraai created a "connect to internet.sh" and in the text file it says "sudo kppp" how do i tell ubuntu to use termnal for that rather than open up in a text editor when i double click it?19:11
bergheimLawke: probably yes - it works on my latitude19:11
Lawkeearl_,  got the same one19:11
FluxDCaleb_: oh opps sry19:11
commanderqmy screen just goes black...after it "bleeds"19:11
Lawkeearl_, what about options going standby ?19:11
earl_Lawke: cool. you might struggle with wireless, but in gutsy there is that driver manager that should make it better,19:11
Downix_ok, I still can't get the proprietory driver uninstalled19:12
unggnuhi all19:12
earl_Lawke: standby works fine. UNLESS you install the ATI 3d driver, which is going to be necessary for the funky desktop effects. mine won't sleep anymore19:12
unggnuIs there a poissiblity to force hpet in Gutsy kernel without recompile it?19:12
thornomad_idreadi: THANKS!19:12
Lawkeearl_, so if you put your screen on closed, it wont go to sleepmode?19:12
=== hexstar_ is now known as hexkubuntu
FluxDCaleb_: ftp://ftp.us.dell.com/network/R151522.exe19:13
ubot3Factoid msttf not found19:13
commanderqne1...bleeding screen of oddish colors19:13
wweasel!ubotu msttf19:13
ubot3Factoid ubotu msttf not found19:13
minimecnixn00b: I think you can configure xine in .xinerc in your home directory19:13
riotkittiei wonder if i should install the restricted driver. but. eh.19:13
Caleb_FluxD : ok downloading19:13
Whitoris there any way to untar and unbzip at the same time ?19:13
Downix_riotkittie:  the restricted driver is giving me issues19:13
earl_Lawke: if i shut my lid it will trrrrrryyyyyyyyy to slepe19:13
Whitorfor .bz2 files19:14
Strang3loveis anyone here good with GRUB?  i replaced a motherboard and need some assistance19:14
earl_but won't wake up, and it still consumes poewr.19:14
nixn00bminimec, no such file19:14
bergheimI have 7.04. update-manager does not find the new distro (7.10) - how can I fix this?19:14
vraaBonste1: i added that as line 1 to the "connect to internet.sh" file, it still opens using gedit when i double click it though, how to associate .sh files with terminal?19:14
jimbokvraa, check out the scripts in /etc/rc2.d and the readme file. if you copy what's in there you s/b able to have your wireless ready on a boot19:14
Dr_willis_Whitor,  check out 'unp'19:14
earl_you have to hold the power button to shut it off, and then boot up again.19:14
earl_kind of lame actually.19:14
vraaah, thanks19:14
Dr_willis_!info unp | Whitor19:14
ubot3whitor: unp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.12 (gutsy), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB19:14
vraajimbok: readme file?19:14
Lawkehm earl_ that sucks :D19:14
jimbokin /etc/rc2.d19:14
Lawkeany way to fix this?19:14
earl_Lawke: but if you dont use the 3d stuff, you wont experience tha.t19:14
WhitorDr_willis_: thx19:14
jmak642how to remove a native  driver so i can use ndiswrapper?19:14
neopsycheHi all, How can I change permissions on a www-data folder in apache www... to be able to make changes to a file?19:14
vraaoh i found it, thanks19:14
Dr_willis_Whitor,  and tar xjvf  does the same thing. :) in your case19:14
neopsyche(in ubuntu of course)19:14
Dr_willis_Whitor,  but i like unp19:15
refrosHow do I install boot loader to the SuperBlock of the root partition?19:15
Lawkeearl_, but I really want the 3d stuf :D19:15
jshufelt_just curious, anybody install drupal from the packages yet?19:15
pbxneopsyche, man chmod/chown19:15
evilsergemy ubuntu complete install have 9.4 gigas >.<... why?19:15
FluxDCaleb_: also get this http://lug.mtu.edu/ubuntu/pool/universe/b/bcm43xx-fwcutter/bcm43xx-fwcutter_006-3_i386.deb19:15
WhitorDr_willis_:  Great! thats exactly what I was looking for ... the tar command19:15
neopsychepbx: That sounds advanced19:15
Caleb_FluxD: Ok done downloading the first one19:15
neopsychepbx: where do i do that?19:15
commanderqok..so no deadly bleeding screen of unholy proportion19:15
commanderqoh well19:15
minimecnixn00b: I don't use xine, but try to search for .xinerc X11 or so19:15
earl_Lawke: your choice which you prefer.19:15
vraajmak642: and this works even if i have "sudo" commands? any way to hardcode the password in there?19:15
racarteri set a fancy color prompt in bash.bashrc so that it would affect all users but i think it gets overwritten in ~/.bashrc anyway.. is there a way i can prevent this?19:15
FluxDCaleb_: now u need to transfer those 2 file to ubuntu somehow19:16
earl_Lawke: i'm sure it'll be fixed soon.19:16
wweaselHelp: Can't find the msttf fonts package anywhere in the Gutsy repositories. What's up with that?19:16
nixn00bminimec, thanks for the suggestinos19:16
Strang3loveis anyone here good with GRUB?  i replaced a motherboard and need some assistance19:16
pbxneopsyche, in the shell. there's probably some gui-tastic way to do it too but I don't have that answer.19:16
hexkubuntuI'm trying to upgrade to gutsy but it fails with this error: http://pastebin.com/m401be233 ...how do I resolve that error?19:16
jimboki've got my gnome volume applet set to mute but I still get sound. how do i "baseline" that?19:16
Stephenhow can i bypass this rediculas fd0 error when booting livecd 7.10, i cannot disable floppy in my HP nx5000 bios as there is no option. :(19:16
Caleb_FluxD: Ok i can get it into ubuntu19:16
minimecnixn00b: look also in /etc/xine19:16
neopsychepbx: so i just type  man chmod/chown??19:16
FluxDCaleb_: after u get in install the the deb file first19:17
Dr_willis_Stephen,  its not booting because of that error?19:17
FluxDCaleb_: can u extract the exe u downloaded?19:17
Caleb_FluxD : Ok, then what?19:17
pbxneopsyche, "man chmod" or "man chown" -- two separate commands that will give you help.19:17
minimecnixn00b: You cannot change the vdieo settings in the properties of totem?19:17
wweaselneopsyche: You can do it in Nautilus, but it is much easier from the shell and pbx is right to suggest you learn it.19:17
Caleb_FluxD : Extract? isn't it an installer?19:17
Stephenit will boot but when loading it says fd0 error19:17
nixn00bminimec, no its an extremely limited preferences menu19:17
bergheimokay, update-manaer is fucked on ym computer - is aptitude dist-upgrade really that bad?19:18
Stepheni read the problem is because its searching for a floppy but i dont have one19:18
wweaselneopsyche: However, if you want to do it from the GUI, you can open Nautilus as root (Alt+F2 > "gksudo nautilus"), navigate to whichever folder it is, and right click, Properties, etc.19:18
Colkeyo so quiero un programa bueno para bajar musicas...19:18
FluxDCaleb_: yes but u can extract them dbl click on it for me and tell me what it does19:18
hexkubuntuI'm trying to upgrade to gutsy but it fails with this error: http://pastebin.com/m401be233 ...how do I resolve that error?19:18
PriceChild!br | Colke19:18
ubot3Colke: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:18
minimecamd if you installed an xine gui and changed the preferences in that gui?19:18
wafabmil y a qlq1??19:18
RizzlaDoes anyone have Thunderbird 2.0 installed on Feisty?  I installed thunderbird from synaptic but its ver 1.5x19:18
minimecnixn00b: amd if you installed an xine gui and changed the preferences in that gui?19:18
Miinetiwhats bajar?19:18
Downix_this is getting rediculous19:18
nixn00bminimec,  yes i did19:18
wweaselRizzla: I think they have a deb for 2.0 feisty on www.getdeb.net19:19
wafabmi want to use ftpd: ftp daemon19:19
peepsalotrythmbox doesn't seem to update internet radio song names unless I doubleclick the station every time19:19
peepsalotanyone else have this prob?19:19
wafabmbut it doesn'i work19:19
benanzoCan Synaptic Package Manager create an install script of *everything* I currently have installed from the repos on Feisty so it will all be easily reinstalled when I get to Gutsy?19:19
Caleb_FluxD : Ok it lists all the cards and os's it supports, continue and exit button, still in vista right no remember19:19
jattuse amarok instead of rhythmbox19:19
wafabmcan you help me pleaaaaaaaase19:19
wweaselQuestion: How do I install the msttf fonts in Gutsy? Can't seem to find the package in the repos.19:19
benanzoI want to do a fresh install of Gutsy19:19
Rizzlawweasel, thank, i'll check it out.  Should I remove the current version I have or will it upgrade it when i download from www.getdeb.net19:19
benanzowweasel: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted extras19:20
nixn00bminimec, actaully xine's settings doesnt have x11 but from my googling i think im supposed to use xshm19:20
FluxDCaleb_: can u extract it to lets say a temp folder called abcd ?19:20
benanzoit's a metapackages that pulls in the tgz19:20
StephenDr Willis i know i need to disable floppy legacy support to get rid of the error but my bios doesnt allow any floppy related changes19:20
Dr_willis_benanzo,  good answer. :) you are faster then i was.19:20
evilsergewhere find spanish support? xD19:20
humehow do I autostart a program in gnome, when logging in?19:20
wweaselRizzla: If the packages are both named the same thing (which I'm pretty sure they are), it will upgrade automatically. But uninstalling first won't hurt anything.19:20
neopsychewweasel: thanks19:20
hexkubuntucan someone please help me?19:20
FluxD!es | evilserge19:20
ubot3evilserge: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.19:20
wafabmquestion: i want to use ftpd: ftp daemon19:20
Caleb_FluxD : Clicked the continue button, asks you what folder you want to unzip it to19:20
_ScoutWhat's the difference between i386 and amd64 distributions?19:21
wweaselbenanzo: I see...a new metapackage. That's smart. Thanks!19:21
Dr_willis_Stephen,  its not letting the sytem boot then?  there may be some kernel options. but ive never  seen that message make a system not boot.19:21
FluxDCaleb_: good now extract it to a folder on desktop19:21
hexkubuntuI'm trying to upgrade to gutsy but it fails with this error: http://pastebin.com/m401be233 ...how do I resolve that error?19:21
FluxD!es | idreadi19:21
ubot3idreadi: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.19:21
pbx!ftpd | wafabm19:21
ubot3wafabm: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP19:21
Delvienfor gnome look, its gdesklets that runs the desklets section of Gnome-look.org right?19:21
Stephenit gives me options to load and install and wat not, but brings up a progress bar for a while then gives error, wont progress any further19:21
thinman1189I'm trying to get my codecs to work, how do I uninstall/reinstall the restricted codecs?19:21
wafabmbut i used ftpd19:22
FluxD!restricted | thinman118919:22
ubot3thinman1189: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:22
Caleb_FluxD : unziped to folder on desktop named driver, lots of files come up in the folder19:22
SLaPoetdoes anyone else on amd64 have incorrect /proc/cpuinfo?19:22
_ScoutWhat's the difference between i386 and amd64 distributions?19:22
wafabm/usr/bin/service: 5: /etc/init.d/ftpd: not found19:23
pbx_Scout, the processors they run on.19:23
Stepheni386 is for 32 bit cpus19:23
wafabmbut it's installed19:23
trollboy__Scout: the amd64 is a 64 bit set, the i386 is still 32bit19:23
pengi_is anyone free for a quick question in PM19:23
Stephenamd64 is for cpus that support 64but19:23
Caleb_FluxD : Install wizard popped up, telling me that it will install it onto my computer, it already works in vista. should i hit cancel?19:23
trollboy_although, I have a amd64 and run neither19:23
Zelliushi there. i'm trying to figure out how to turn on cleartype fonts in gutsy (sub-pixel antialiasing). the tutorials that i googled tell me to turn it on in preferences > fonts, but I don't have Fonts under that menu. any idea how I can turn on cleartype?19:23
_ScoutHow do I know if a computer is 64 bit or 32 bit?19:23
FluxDCaleb_: yes19:23
trollboy__Scout:  what processor do you have?19:23
nixn00bminimec, thanks forget it i replaces totem-xine with totem-gstreamer, if xine wants to acts up then screw it19:23
Cpudan80_Scout: if you don't know, pick 3219:23
Caleb_FluxD : Ok canceled, files are still there though19:23
SLaPoet_Scout do you have an intel or amd sticker on your computer case?19:23
_ScoutOh I see19:24
minimecnixn00b: good idea ;)19:24
_Scouti386 is for INtel19:24
_ScoutOf course...19:24
FluxDCaleb_: can open from the folder bcmwl5.inf in notepad or wordpad and tell me the version in it19:24
pengi_can someone tell me how to re-add the top left running applications bar19:24
trollboy__Scout:  OLD intel19:24
pengi_can someone tell me how to re-add the top left running applications bar i accidentally removed it19:24
Cpudan80_Scout: No, the AMD64 ISO is for 64 bit processors, be them Intel or AMD19:24
wafabmi want to use ftpd because .i wantan ftp daemon not secured19:25
_ScoutOkay thanks19:25
Cpudan80_Scout: If you have an Intel Core Duo, Core 2 Duo or Xeon, pick AMD6419:25
Oni-Draculadoes anyone know of something similar to VNC that also supports audio for Ubuntu/Linux?19:25
Caleb_FluxD : there is no file with that name, or any inf file for that matter19:25
Cpudan80If you have a Pentium 4 or older pick I38619:25
hexkubuntuI'm trying to upgrade to gutsy but it fails with this error: http://pastebin.com/m401be233 ...how do I resolve that error?19:25
Cpudan80Pentium D is questionable19:25
Stephenpentium d are also 64bit19:25
RizzlaDoes anyone have Thunderbird 2.0 installed on Feisty?  I installed thunderbird from synaptic but its ver 1.5x19:25
Cpudan80Stephen -- ok - didn't know19:25
pengi_can someone tell me how to re-add the top left running applications bar i accidentally removed it19:25
FluxDpengi_: right click on dock19:26
trollboy_so, would someone be willing to help me with my video issues?19:26
pengi_got that flux19:26
FluxDCaleb_: can u show me a screenshot of the folder files19:26
FluxDpengi_: add to panel19:26
pengi_got that far19:26
pengi_just dont know which one it is19:26
Lardarsemain menu19:27
FluxDmenu bar19:27
Lardarseumm... i'm wrong19:27
pengi_not that one19:27
RizzlaAny takers?  Trying to upgrade Thunderbird from 1.5 to 2.0.  I dont think 2.0 is in the feisty repositories19:27
jimboki've got my gnome volume applet set to mute but I still get sound. how do i "baseline" the volume?19:27
mineralewhat is the name of the repository that keeps the windows media codecs?19:27
Caleb_FluxD : ok 1 sec19:27
Troubled_Youthlol...the irony...just when I join the channel I fix my problem >_<19:28
pengi_FluxD: that is the wrong one its the one that just has the icons on it showing you whats running19:28
ab0ooany fat client nfs-root gurus that can help me with getting and nfs-root server and clients running?19:28
ab0ooI'm stuck on /tmp not wanting to be a tmpfs even though it's in fstab19:28
pengi_found it19:28
osmanhave you speak turkish19:28
pengi_it was the notification area19:28
tarzeauosman: slm19:28
osmanslm tarzean19:29
maekanyone know if there is a parallels ish VM for linux. the way parallels lets you run an app from windows without actually running the entire host os? and, if you have a mac can you install osx into a xen or other vm under ubuntu?19:29
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tarzeauosman: naber? #debian.tr de var19:29
FluxDpengi_: whats running?19:29
osmaniyidir senden nbr19:29
godblessanyone has knowledge on programming with python on the django framework on ubuntu?19:29
tarzeauosman: sagol, here english only please19:29
=== thunder83 is now known as Raff7
pengi_well i removed the notification area on acciden19:29
maekgodbless: whtas up?19:29
fyrestrtrgodbless: plenty of people in #django, including myself.19:29
Caleb_FluxD : screenshot: http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j26/elauror/screenshot.jpg19:30
maekhehe,  yeah. I found a showmedo on how to install it. thats all i got for django19:30
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osmanubuntuyla aran nasıl19:30
tarzeauosman: i don't use it.. but i know of it19:30
BlamaCan anyone help me enable all my buttons on my mouse in Ubuntu? None of the online guides work19:30
osmanok are you some speak turkish19:31
ubot3For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup19:31
ompaul!tr | osman19:31
FluxDCaleb_: go into driver folder19:31
ubot3osman: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:31
osmanokı by19:31
threeseasBlama: how many button are on your mouse?19:32
craftyowlHi all how do i get rhythmbox to get my podcasts please19:32
ubot3Factoid ubot3 not found19:32
MartinWWhy the name change for Ubotu?19:32
snowglobeis it safe to run fsdsck on a mounted volume?19:32
ubot3Factoid rootkit not found19:32
spiker611Hello- when I try and change my samba password it prompts me for the old / new but then says "Could not connect to machine NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE19:32
g0thI'm running ubuntu gutsy and I'm trying to keep a certain package (mplayer) at a certain version. So I added /etc/apt/preferences according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto with the following conent: http://rafb.net/p/oVBZrU79.html19:33
Caleb_FluxD : Screenshot of driver folder: http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j26/elauror/driverfoldersh.jpg19:33
Gunirussnowglobe: no19:33
g0ththough aptitude still tries to update the package19:33
gary_inNYCwill anything adverse happen if i were to install a kde app in ubuntu?  thinking about installing k3b because i can't find a decent alternative19:33
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h4rd-1i need little help19:33
_ScoutI try to upgrade to 7.10 through the Update Manager and I get this error:19:33
_ScoutFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [IP: 80]19:33
g0thfirst off, "should" this work as is or does /etc/apt/preferences not work at all?19:33
FluxDgary_inNYC: it will get few kde stuff other than that no19:34
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FluxDgary_inNYC: also try gnomebaker19:34
FluxDh4rd-1: ask u question19:34
snowglobegunirus: then how do i run it? I need to run it on the disk that i'm using for my OS19:34
h4rd-1when i start ubuntu19:34
h4rd-1i don't have internet19:34
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stefg_Scout: errrm... is that breezy you are running ?19:34
_ScoutNo Feisty19:34
FluxDCaleb_: seems like they changed the driver for vista let me see if there is support for it19:35
minimec_Scout: are you on feisty?19:35
so2i want to write an essay about freetype font rendering19:35
stefg_Scout: something obviously screwed your sources.list19:35
idreadihave fun so219:35
so2i'm currently trying to make a test case, which works on all major plattforms19:35
FluxDh4rd-1: wireless?19:35
snowglobegunirus: is there a distro like DSL that has fsdsck included?19:36
Caleb_FluxD : opened the version file says this:19:36
_ScoutWhat do you suggest I do?19:36
Caleb_FluxD : Title      : Network: Dell Wireless 1350 WLAN MiniPCI Card,Wireless 1450 WLAN miniPCI Card,Wireless 1350 WLAN PC Card,_Wireless (US) WLAN Card,Wireless 1370 WLAN MiniPCI Card,Wireless 1470 Dual-Band WLAN miniPCI Card,Wireless 1390 WLAN MiniCard,Wireless 1490 Dual-Band WLAN MiniCard,Wireless 1390 WLAN ExpressCard,Wireless 1500 Draft 802.11n WLAN mini Card,Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n...19:36
Caleb_Computers  : 130L, MXC051, M1530, MXP061; Inspiron: 1420, 1501, 1520, 1521, 1525, 1526, 1720, 1721, 6000, 700m, 710m, B120, B135/1400, ME051, MM061, MP061, MXC061, XPS Gen 2; Latitude: 120L , 131L, ATG D630, D410, D420, D430, D510, D520, D530, D531, D610, D620, D620, D630, D631, D810, D820, D830, Platform Canceled-X2, XT; Precision: M20, M2300, M4300, M6300, M65, M70, M90; Vostro Notebook:...19:36
Caleb_...WLAN Mini-Card Driver19:36
Caleb_Version    : A1419:36
Caleb_OEM Name   : Dell19:36
evilsergehelp partition 160 GB for solo Ubuntu19:36
Caleb_OEM Ver    :
Caleb_...1000, 1010, 1011, 1400, 1500, 1700; XPS: M1330, M1530, M1730, MXC062, MXG051, MXG06119:36
Caleb_OS         : Windows Vista 32-bit,Windows Vista 64-bit19:36
minimec_Scout: There seems to be and old 'breezy-line' in your /etc/apt/sources.list.you have to deactivte that with # or delete it.19:36
Caleb_Languages  : Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese-S, Chinese-T, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Swedish, Spanish19:36
_Scoutstefg can I just download 7.10 on CD and upgrade from there?19:36
scguy318Caleb_: paste.........19:36
h4rd-1FluxD : yes PPTP connection19:36
Caleb_Created    : Friday, September 07, 200719:36
FluxDCaleb_: pastebin,ca !!!19:36
kidbuntuanyone please help... when enabling the desktop effects in gutsy... my windows does not have any title bars19:36
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:36
Caleb_woops sorry19:36
FluxD!pptp | h4rd-119:36
ganeshhegdein frostwire no letter is displaying in search place..i.e not accepting anything from keyboard..can any 1 help?19:36
ubot3Factoid pptp not found19:36
so2idreadi: the question is, does firefox just link to the freetype library or does it ship with it's one version, which is probably patched or something?19:37
commoEvening everyone19:37
h4rd-1FluxD | ?19:37
stefg_Scout: if there's a problem with your install, chances are the upgrade will fail. So i'd do a backup before upgrade anyway19:37
so2because, if firefox version would use the native one, i would just generate a html page to test19:37
FluxDh4rd-1: a sec19:37
h4rd-1FluxD: ok19:37
Caleb_FluxD : Pastebin here: http://pastebin.ca/75178719:38
_ScoutDoes Feisty have an .iso burner?19:38
ubot3Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:38
FluxD_Scout: gnomebaker but u have to download it19:38
minimec_Scout: I think nautilus can do that.19:39
so2does someone have an idea?!19:39
_Scoutstefg: http://i20.tinypic.com/2dloth1.png19:39
idreadixforms extension#19:39
_ScoutThose are my sources, should I change the Breezy to read Feisty?19:40
cdm10_Scout: no, that won't work. You can only upgrade one version at a time.19:40
^oops*who knows how to use Gimp????19:40
tarzeau^oops: yes19:40
_Scoutcdm10: I am already on Feisty, my sources are just messed up19:40
cdm10_Scout: oh, ok, sorry 'bout that19:40
Keepoffgrassi cant add or change files in my file system folder it says on the permissions tab, "you are not the owner, so you cant change these permissions" how did this happen? does anyone know?19:41
^oopslike...its really hard!!!19:41
cdm10!anyone | ^oops19:41
ubot3^oops: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:41
stefg_Scout: how in the world did breezy sources get into feisty at all? That makes me quite suspicious, there's more things wrong19:41
tarzeau^oops: nooooo19:41
minimec_Scout: Just deactivate this breezy line. That should do it.19:41
_ScoutMaybe it was ghosts19:41
cdm10^oops: it's actually pretty easy to use when you get the hang of the UI... Why don't you ask whatever questions you have about GIMP here, and we'll see what we can do?19:41
FluxDCaleb_: u need to move that driver folder containing the bcmwl6 stuff to ubutu also. I have heard that driver is mesy for wireless though19:41
^oopsokay cool!19:41
stefg_Scout: did you use some envy/automatix ?19:42
g0thI'm running ubuntu gutsy and I'm trying to keep a certain package (mplayer) at a certain version. So I added /etc/apt/preferences according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto with the following conent: http://rafb.net/p/oVBZrU79.html19:42
_ScoutNo, stefg19:42
^oops i am trying to make picture onto backrounds  like, cutting pics out and putting them onto a different sheet..19:42
Caleb_FluxD : ok19:42
FluxDCaleb_: after u move them over  install the deb file19:42
stefg_Scout: that sources are seriously wrong19:42
stefg!easysource| _Scout19:42
ubot3_Scout: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic19:42
Caleb_FluxD : I'm not on ubuntu right now, keep going19:43
_Scoutoh wait, stefg I did use envy19:43
_ScoutNo make Compiz Fusion work19:43
FluxDCaleb_: then goto restricted and choose from harddrive, and select the .sys file,not the inf file19:43
cdm10_Scout: you don't need envy to install graphics drivers19:43
Keepoffgrassany ideas why this happened? anyone?19:43
^oopsim changing my name............h/o i will tell you what it is in a sec19:43
stefg_Scout: but i would forget upgrading... you have a higher chance it will break than not. do a backup, reinstall from scratch19:43
stefg!clone | _Scout19:44
ubot3_Scout: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate19:44
branstromI have a sort of a bug, maybe, in Nautilus. When I double-click a movie to open it (in mplayer by default) it opens fine the first time. I close it, then double-click the same file to open it again - it now opens TWO mplayer instances playing the same movie. Does anyone else see this? Is it something to do with my mouse, or is it a bug in Nautilus?19:44
cdm10_Scout: Ubuntu should install them when you try to enable desktop effects19:44
Caleb_FluxD : There are 2 sys files19:44
FluxDCaleb_: I am not sure if it will work but try that19:44
^oopsokay my name is now morgan not ^oops19:44
reppahi, can someone help me with scp? where do i set the term when i get this message after trying to run scp  - TERM environment variable not set.19:44
minimec_Scout: There is an sources.list generater that sets you back on default somewhere in the internet. I have seen that once.19:44
FluxDCaleb_: the bcmwl6.sys the other one is fo x64 systems19:44
^oopsokay so im usually a computer GEEK but its like, getting really dumb! i hate Linux/ Ubuntu!19:45
Caleb_FluxD : So basically your saying run the sys file on ubuntu, is that it?19:45
_Scoutminimec, I'll try and look for it19:45
thinman1189I'm trying to test my internet speed. I've tried using speedtest.net but it only loads a bit and freezes with the words flashing across the screen. is that because something is wrong with my net that it's going that slow or is it a flash/java/codec problem?19:45
scguy318^oops: if you feel that Ubuntu Linux is not for you, then you don't have to use it19:45
minimec_Scout: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/19:45
h4rd-1FluxD: ?19:45
scguy318^oops: if you're starting out, a dual-boot setup is a very good idea19:45
FluxDCaleb_: no the deb file will extract stuff from the sys file and make it run on ubuntu19:46
mendathello. i am having boot problems after having installed Vista on my RAID controller (overwritten MBR). i restored GRUB and installed it to the MBR of my RAID controller. It works, but grub cannot load ubuntu 7.10 "the specified file is not available". other boot managers are also unable to boot ubuntu. whats going on? my partitions are still there...19:46
FluxDh4rd-1: sry just a sec19:46
^oopsokay i'll try it =D19:46
Caleb_just like that?19:46
h4rd-1FluxD: np19:46
Jeffreyfany utils to move my MS-Outlook mail into Evolution or Thunderbird?19:46
Webbmasterbye :D19:46
Caleb_FluxD : ok.....19:46
_ScoutTyping " dpkg --get selections > ~/my-packages" in Terminal did nothing19:46
mendatJeffreyf: thunderbird can import your email and settings.19:46
=== ^oops is now known as ^oops^
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Jeffreyfhow about evolution?19:47
minimec_Scout: That thing has changed. Looks quiet powerfull.19:47
=== ^oops^ is now known as ^oopsitzmorgz^
FluxDCaleb_: remeber the page u showed me instead of internet u slect harddrive and choose that sys file19:47
xyberI am trying to get the newest ati driver working on my computer.  I just installed ubuntu.  Any help?19:47
Caleb_FluxD : ok thats it then?19:48
scguy318xyber: if you're willing to take the risk, it should just be a matter of running the installer19:48
FluxDCaleb_: yea19:48
Caleb_FluxD : ok thanks, i'll try it later, i have to go now19:48
xyberyeah...  about that...  the only one I found is the older one19:48
xyber8.2x i believe19:48
scguy318xyber: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html19:49
jpnurmiCould someone help me with this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick? I managed to boot gutsy installer (alternative) from an usb-stick but I'm unable to mount the usb-stick to /cdrom. This is what I get: "mount: Mounting /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 on /cdrom failed: No such device"19:49
mluser-homeDoes the ubuntu-desktop cd allow me to select which partition to install grub to?19:49
BlamaCan anyone help me enable all my buttons on my mouse in Ubuntu? None of the online guides work19:49
xyberand see, this is what I love about ubuntu...  ask and yee shall receive19:49
FluxDh4rd-1: sry I am loopking for something for u19:50
Cpudan80mluser-home: Ehh no19:50
xyberthank you scguy31819:50
=== ^oops is now known as ^oopsitzmorgzz^
h4rd-1FluxD: okay ;]19:50
scguy318xyber: np19:50
Cpudan80mluser-home: It will automatically do what is obviously desired19:50
^oopsitzmorgzz^okay who can help me with gimp image editor?/??19:50
xyberdo I run it from the command prompt?19:50
mluser-homeCpudan80: obviously?19:50
Cpudan80mluser-home: I think you can configure the boot options though19:50
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mluser-homeCpudan80: I want it to install grub to hdc not hda, and I will chainlink of another grub to it19:51
Cpudan80mluser-home: The installer will automatically install GRUB where it makes sense to put it - and configure it to boot all OSs it can see19:51
ezzieyguywufi just compiled a program (fuppes) and everything went fine, but even after i sudo make install, the only way to run the program is to go to the directory that i extracted for the .gz and to say src/fuppes19:51
ezzieyguywufshouldn't it just run when i type in fuppes in a command?19:51
Cpudan80mluser-home: oh eh.... hrm.... dunno19:51
mluser-homeok, thanks19:51
FluxDh4rd-1: ur internet is thru pptp?19:51
BlamaCan anyone help me enable all my buttons on my mouse in Ubuntu? None of the online guides work19:51
h4rd-1FluxD: yes19:51
threeseasBlama: how many button are on your mouse?19:52
jb0nd38372join #ubuntu-offtopic19:52
FluxDh4rd-1: http://shiny.thorne.id.au/2007/01/pptp-from-ubuntu.html try that19:52
so2in the appearance->font->details tab, why is there no difference between greyscale and subpixel rendering?19:52
h4rd-1FluxD : thanks19:52
minimecBlama: What mouse do you have?19:52
Blamathreeseas: I have a Microsoft IntelliMouse with 2 Side Buttons and a Scroll Wheel.  So I think 719:53
ezzieyguywuf i just compiled a program (fuppes) and everything went fine, but even after i sudo make install, the only way to run the program is to go to the directory that i extracted for the .gz and to say src/fuppes19:53
ubot3Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:53
rb007I'm using Gutsy -- Firefox Profile Manager doesn't seem to work when I type firefox -ProfileManager19:53
ezzieyguywufshouldn't it just run when i type fuppes in the command prompt?19:53
trollboy_How do I get X to stop loading on boot?19:54
trollboy_I want to boot and be dumped straight into command line19:54
ezzieyguywuftrollboy: when you go to login, in the bottom right corner click on sessions19:54
Blamaminimec, threeseas: I have a Microsoft IntelliMouse with 2 Side Buttons and a Scroll Wheel.  So I think 719:54
jformanit seems i just installed ubuntu server on a machine, and i have no man pages (not even the man command). what package am i missing here? (i've already installed the manpages packag)19:54
ezzieyguywufand then selection GNOME or something like that and it will prompt you to make that the default, say yes19:54
thinman1189I'm trying to test my internet speed. I've tried using speedtest.net but it only loads a bit and freezes with the words flashing across the screen. is that because something is wrong with my net that it's going that slow or is it a flash/java/codec problem?19:54
jimbokezzieyguywuf, fuppes needs to be in your PATH19:54
h4rd-1FluxD : do i have to install some drivers with ubuntu?19:54
jimbokezzieyguywuf, try" which fuppes"19:55
ezzieyguywufjimbox: i'm sorry, i don't know what you mean by that19:55
threeseasBlama: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto19:55
FluxDh4rd-1: I dont think so19:55
h4rd-1FluxD: okay19:55
reppano one knows how to use scp? :(19:55
ezzieyguywufjimbox: i get /usr/local/bin/fuppes19:55
FluxDh4rd-1: try that and let me know19:55
jimbokit should return the directory that fuppes is in19:55
h4rd-1FluxD : thanks again19:55
Dr_Willisreppa,  its designed to be used about the same as the cp command19:55
trollboy_reppa: whatcha need help with?19:55
Blamathreeseas: Yes, and it doesn't do anything...19:55
Lawkeearlmred, what GFX do you have on your Inspiron ?19:55
h4rd-1FluxD : i'm going to try it :)19:55
FluxDh4rd-1: np19:55
Dr_Willisreppa,  thers dozens of examples of using it on the web.19:55
minimecBlama: I can tell you how I do that with a Logitech. 1. Step. You have to change your xorg.conf the Mouse section. You need the evdev driver. Google for a wikki 'intellimouse evdev ubuntu'19:55
reppatrollboy: i get this error - TERM environment variable not set.19:55
=== Jobias_ is now known as Jobias
trollboy_nice, its trying to do x forwarding19:56
ezzieyguywufjimbok: so i have to be in that directory to run it?19:56
trollboy_does regular SSH work at all for you reppa?19:56
DBAlexhi, im following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_%28ndiswrapper%29 - But, when I test the device with iwconfig it doesn't appear to show up at all, and im following the tutorial correctly!? ?19:56
reppatrollboy:  yes19:56
Jeffreyfcan terminal services client connect to Windows or is it only to connect to another linux box?19:56
jimbokezzieyguywuf, echo $PATH - is /usr/local/bin in the list19:57
minimecBlama: http://ketsugi.com/panegyrist/howto-intellimouse-explorer-with-ubuntu-dapper/19:57
FluxDJeffreyf: yes u cn19:57
FluxDJeffreyf: select RDPv519:57
ezzieyguywufjimbok: i lost you again sorry19:57
spideymanIve upgraded to gutsy got camorama but still doesnt detect webcam any ideas anyone?19:57
trollboy_reppa: edit your .bash_profile and put this in it TERM=xterm-color19:58
nixternal#ubuntu-classroom for the OpenWeek Ubuntu Documentation Talk19:58
threeseasBlama: have you checked your system bios setting?19:58
reppatrollboy: thanks, i did try .bashrc before, i'll try now :)19:58
jimbokezzieyguywuf, cd to /usr/local/bin and run ./fuppes. does it work?19:59
theshadowOk how do I stop Gutsy from dropping the brightness on my laptop to 0 when I stop touching it for 30 seconds?19:59
ezzieyguywufjimbok: actually no it doesn't...19:59
jimbokthen it's a program problem19:59
ezzieyguywufjimbok: i get a weird error about a .so.0 file19:59
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ezzieyguywufjimbok: ok, but why does it run from src/fuppes?19:59
jimbokezzieyguywuf, sorry that's beyond my knowledge19:59
ezzieyguywufjimbok: well thanks for your help19:59
oscar_acostaHiho. I'm on a TFT and when I move windows I'm getting tearing effects on it. My monitor says it's running on 75 Hz, but this feels just wrong. Any ideas?20:00
oscar_acostaI'm using "normal" visual effects in gnome.20:00
bergheimIs there no way to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 using the CLI? update-manager fails miserably to recognize the 7.10 release..20:00
=== twoshadetod is now known as TwoAFK
riotkittie!upgrade | bergheim20:01
ubot3bergheim: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:01
silentk, I'm gonna launch crysis demo on ubuntu now.. dx10 is gonna be awesome20:01
JeffreyfThanks FluxD20:01
reppai'll use a cd to transfer the files :|20:02
sotoIs there a command that will output the process using the most CPU-time currently (not continuous monitoring like 'top')20:02
Dreamer`hi. i installed a kernel from kernel.org and downloaded the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com and installed them without no error but now it cant load the nvidia module. anyone have an idea what's wrong?20:03
MilitantPotatoWill removing the .deb files from  /var/cache/apt/archives break anything or are they just local copy of install files?20:03
noumaan2I had debian 4.0 installed on my computer when I installed Ubuntu 7.10 on another partition. Now I can not boot into debian, it shows up in Grub menu but when booted it boots into ubuntu20:04
sotoDreamer`: Why didn't you just use the available packages?20:04
minimecMilitantPotato: u can delete them without problem.20:04
jajanietytyHi all. I am trying to run effects on my 7.10, but when i select it, for a few seconds I lose borders of windsows, and then evereything is still normal and effects doesent work. How can i make them work?20:04
Dreamer`i want to compile a custom kernel20:04
MilitantPotatominimec: thank you.20:04
baastruphey, is there a way to install suns java (jre) firefox plugin, the gcj plugin dossent work with my homebanking20:04
riotkittienoumaan2:  and you're sure it's pointing at the right partition?20:04
dgjones!java | baastrup20:04
ubot3baastrup: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre20:04
noumaan2riotkittie:  I am not sure20:05
thinman1189I'm trying to test my internet speed. I've tried using speedtest.net but it only loads a bit and freezes with the words flashing across the screen. is that because something is wrong with my net that it's going that slow or is it a flash/java/codec problem?20:05
sotoDreamer`: You are in over your head.20:05
=== nick_ is now known as Manacit2
Manacit2anyone know anything about configuring dual monitors?20:05
baastrupdgjones, but I have upgraded to gutsy, thats why im having thise problems20:05
Dreamer`soto what's wrong with that? :|20:05
noumaan2riotkittie: should I try by changing partition in menu.lst?20:05
Manacit2the best I can do is TwinView, and that's really lame ebcause I have two different sized monitors and i dont want them to maximize like one big windnow20:06
minimecManacit2: WHat type of card do you have?20:06
Manacit2nvidia 8800 GTS20:06
sotoDreamer`: Troubleshooting that kind of customization is not for beginners.20:06
mendathello. i am having boot problems after having installed Vista on my RAID controller (overwritten MBR). i restored GRUB and installed it to the MBR of my RAID controller. It works, but grub cannot load ubuntu 7.10 "the specified file is not available". other boot managers are also unable to boot ubuntu. whats going on? my partitions are still there...20:06
the-killerHello all20:06
* mypapit going to shutdown... bye20:06
riotkittienoumaan2: cant hurt, might help. though i, for the life of me, can't figure out how grub would have flubbed that so badly. are these partitions on the same drive?20:06
Manacit2xinerama looks good, but I can't really find out where the settings are or anythingl ike that20:06
Manacit2anything like that*20:06
m4ytt_hi could some1 help im running dapper ive installed ntfs-config but my disk still wont mount20:07
the-killernow i have 4 parition and iwant to add the 5 and install ubuntu on it ( aleady i have vista + Slax on dual boot ) can anyone help me ?20:07
minimecManacit2: I use a GEforce 7600GS 256MB RAM in twinview with compiz-fusion ... That works great.20:07
Dreamer`well, i dont quite get where it goes wrong. i have source for the kernel and the nvidia installer which is suppose to do all the magic20:07
Manacit2are they different resolutions?20:07
riotkittiethe-killer: you installed slax to your hd? >_>20:07
Manacit2the problem here is I want it to be more like windows, where when you maximize a program it dosen't spam across both monitors20:07
Dreamer`the kernel works fine but why it fails to install nvidia drivers20:08
the-killerriotkittie: Yes and lilo is already configured for the dual boot20:08
Manacit2instead it maximizes on one monitor20:08
dgjonesbaastrup, you'll probably find the same or similar packages in the gutsy - the sun-java6-jre app appears in my synaptic20:08
m4ytt_hi could some1 help im running dapper ive installed ntfs-config but my disk still wont mount20:08
=== sladok13 is now known as goran
minimecManacit2: No. Both are in 1280x1024 but I had a 1280x1024 1024x768 combination with xinerama on an ati-card without *D20:08
ir0nfusionwhat is a good movie editor in ubuntu?20:09
Manacit2how do i get xinerama working? that's what i want to know20:09
Manacit2It's apparently installed, but I can't find an option for it anywhere20:09
the-killerriotkittie: Yes and lilo is already configured for the dual boot20:09
riotkittiethe-killer: what exactly do you need help with?20:09
m4ytt_ hi could some1 help im running dapper ive installed ntfs-config but my disk still wont mount20:10
minimecCan't you change the size in nvidia-settings? You can also choose xinerama in the nvidia-settings I think.20:10
the-killerriotkittie: i want to ad da prtition install ubuntu on it and config lilo to 3 boot20:10
Manacit2I thought so too, but I don't see the option20:10
minimecManacit2: Can't you change the size in nvidia-settings? You can also choose xinerama in the nvidia-settings I think.20:10
MR-REznOrhi guys, ive been trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 the last few days using the update manager and each time i get the following type messages and it fails : "Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  MD5Sum mismatch". googled it and didnt get much, anyone here know why my md5 sums might be wrong? I tried apt-get clean and autoclean and update :(20:10
m4ytt_ hi could some1 help im running dapper ive installed ntfs-config but my disk still wont mount20:10
dgjones!repeat | m4ytt_20:10
ubot3m4ytt_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:10
Demophobieim back on 386, i love that splash too much =)20:11
Manacit2so does anyone know how to get xinerama working?20:11
Andy_alphahi. i've just installed ubuntu 7.10. I don't have bars on my desktop. Help!20:12
bergheimIs there no way to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 using the CLI? update-manager fails miserably to recognize the 7.10 release..20:12
riotkittiethe-killer: you can partition from within the ubuntu installation, but if you dont use the alternate install CD, it's going to kill LILO and replace with GRUB.20:12
|_James_Bond_|i download this a linux ubuntu studio 7.04 plz help to configure this ati radeon 9250 w/256 Mb20:13
DBAlexHELP - my broadcom bcm4318 AirForce One 54g rev.02 still won't work?20:13
|_James_Bond_|need help20:13
jhonovich1my LD_LIBRARY_PATH seems to be empty on 6.06, does this make sense? is it empty by default?20:13
the-killerriotkittie: i will creat partition with slax . and i install ubuntu on it . That will keep my lilo config ?20:13
DBAlexHELP - my broadcom bcm4318 AirForce One 54g rev.02 still won't work?20:13
DBAlexHELP - my broadcom bcm4318 AirForce One 54g rev.02 still won't work?20:13
DBAlexive been trying for 6 hours :(20:14
riotkittiethe-killer: if you use the alternate install cd [text based], and bypass GRUB install, your LILO will be fine.20:14
scguy318ndiswrapper won't do it?20:14
crdlbjhonovich1: yeah, it's for adding nonstandard paths, as far as I know20:14
bobgillI have an external hdd that autmounts to disk-1, disk-2 and disk-3 (3 partitions), how can I change the names it mounts to? I think I have to change the disklabel? How without formatting? ??20:14
ir0nfusioncan someone point me to a good movie editor and converter?20:14
tarzeauir0nfusion: openmovieeditor ? jashaka?20:14
minimecManacit2: I can change resolution with active twinview without problem in the nvidia-settings. You don't need Xinerama.20:14
riotkittiebut i can't tell you how to add ubuntu to LILO as i havent touched it since my slackware days way back when20:14
Demophobierush hour :)20:14
tarzeauir0nfusion: there's also the one from the xmovie guys20:14
the-killerriotkittie: ok Thanks20:14
FluxDDBAlex: ndiswrapper?20:14
jhonovich1crdlb, thank you - that makes sense20:14
minimecManacit2: I just did that as a test...20:14
_TRaC_CooKieSbonsoir , quelqu'un parle français dans ce forum ?20:14
FluxD!fr | _TRaC_CooKieS20:15
ubot3_TRaC_CooKieS: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:15
ir0nfusionopenmovie editor edits. jashaka converts?20:15
DBAlexFluxD: ive tried, it doesnt work, and ive gone and un-installed ubuntu network manager for wicd and im FORKED! :-( PLEASE HELP ME IM DESPERATE20:15
FluxDDBAlex: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2007/09/19/get-wi-fi-working-on-dell-inspiron-1501-with-ubuntu/20:15
DBAlexand ive looked through here20:15
Andy_alphahi. i've just installed ubuntu 7.10. I don't have bars on my desktop. Help!20:15
_TRaC_CooKieSComment dois y aller au  #Ubuntu.fr ?20:15
DBAlexFluxD: I have an ACER ASPIRE 3053WXCI20:16
jhonovich1ld.so.conf - does ubuntu have such a file? is it under a different name; i am trying to find the list of directories that are searched for libraries20:16
FluxDDBAlex: then use the driver acer gave u instead of dells one20:16
DBAlexFluxD: Ive allready built ndiswrapper 1.48 using make and make install and used all the guides etc but nothing20:16
FluxD_TRaC_CooKieS: c'est le anglais :)20:16
DEVOJKAo varini20:17
void^jhonovich1: man ldconfig20:17
_TRaC_CooKieSOKI merci  j'y suis lol20:17
m4ytt_oui oui20:17
m4ytt_com on tapel too?20:17
MilitantPotatoAnyone know if AA can be enabled in Compiz-Fusion with an ATI Card?20:17
FluxDDBAlex: I used that guide and used broadcom drivers and works fine20:18
DBAlexI used ubuntu when it was 6.04 and I had no problems20:18
jshufelt_I asked earlier if anyone had installed druapl5 on thier 7.10 box20:18
demisonehi there all20:18
ir0nfusiontarzeau: I installed openmovieeditor, can it convert .ogg to .avi?20:18
jhonovich1void^ - thanks, i did ldconfig -p and i got a list of libraries20:18
DBAlexI used ubuntu before it was popular, now I cant get any help :(20:18
FluxDDBAlex: first of all calm down, then lets solve ur problem :)20:19
annabelleg piguin messenger at the moment and its been fine up intill now, when i log on it always like i have to add myself and when i type in my email it always says its wronge! what can i doo?20:19
jshufelt_seems as though the drupal5.conf dpkg-reconfigure doesn't have an option for lighttpd20:19
ubot3Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:19
jshufelt_might have to do by hand20:19
jshufelt_reporting this as a bug20:19
minimecDBAlex: PRoblem with your wifi? Is the card recognised correctly?20:19
FluxDannabelle: what are u using MSN? yahoo?20:19
DBAlexFluxD: OK, ill calm down, can we talk privately?20:19
tarzeauir0nfusion: dunno, mencoder should be able to20:19
DBAlexIts too busy here20:19
=== TwoAFK is now known as TwoShadeTod
ir0nfusionbut then i'd need mplayer20:20
jshufelt_DBAlex: it always is20:20
FluxDannabelle: fist make sure it working right by loggin onto msn.com20:20
ir0nfusionI dont want mplayer20:20
annabelleits thats pigin thingy20:20
FluxDDBAlex: ok sure20:20
rickeyi have used  amule for the frist time , and have downloaded some music how do i get it to play in a media player20:20
FluxDrickey: mp3?20:20
DBAlexminimec: yes problem with my wifi I have BROADCOM 4318 AirForce One 54g20:20
DBAlexbut it doesnt work in UBUNTU 7.10 GUSTY20:20
FluxDDBAlex: u compiled it right?20:20
|_James_Bond_|need help20:21
DBAlexFluxD: yeah I compiled it fine20:21
|_James_Bond_|i download this a linux ubuntu studio 7.04 plz help to configure this ati radeon 9250 w/256 Mb20:21
annabellewhat sould i do?20:21
minimecDBAlex: Is the card recognised or is it a driver problem?20:21
|_James_Bond_|need help20:21
DBAlexminimec: the card is recognised with a lspci ... the driver isnt working20:21
annabelle<FluxD>: what shall i do?20:21
DBAlexit seems the guides im following dont work in gutsy20:21
FluxDannabelle: login to msn.com and check if pass is right20:21
oscar_acostawhere can I configure the visual effects? I'm running 7.10.20:21
=== demisone is now known as demisone_
annabelleok thank you20:21
FluxDDBAlex: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2007/09/19/get-wi-fi-working-on-dell-inspiron-1501-with-ubuntu/ start at step 1320:21
bergheimIs there no way to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 using the CLI? update-manager fails miserably to recognize the 7.10 release..20:21
minimecDBAlex: so iwconfig gets you nothing?20:22
FluxD|_James_Bond_|: ask ur question20:22
FirEFighToscar_acosta: system ==) preferences ==> appearance20:22
bluebananahow do i get the text that someone sennds to me with my name in pidgin while in chat to be highlighted or stand out in some way20:22
m4ytt_i  have a wine error is there somewhere i can show it20:22
DBAlexminimec: no, just lo and eth020:22
tortual_advantaghow do I set Sun Java default for Firefox?20:22
=== mick is now known as Mick_
rickeydid i miss my annwser20:22
FirEFighTm4ytt_: screenshot20:22
FluxDDBAlex: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2007/09/19/get-wi-fi-working-on-dell-inspiron-1501-with-ubuntu/ start at step 13 do that and test20:22
vraahey guys i'm back20:22
DBAlexminimec: ive compiled ndiswrapper 1.48, ive used the driver bcmwl5.inf20:22
snowglobehow can i add MP3 as a format for Sound Juicer to rip as?20:23
FluxDrickey: there are many xmms amarok audaciuous20:23
DBAlexFluxD: No because ive allready done that!20:23
vraai'm home now, i think i've made some progress20:23
OrionDudei am running ubuntu 7.10 server and messed with my networking stuff .. now i cant get it running no more ... restarting the networking gives me a msg that i dun have all the variables for eth0/inet .. failed to bring up eth0 ... any advice?20:23
oscar_acostaFirEFighT, I can chose there between no, normal and extra. but I can't configure anything there.20:23
m4ytt_ok how can i up it20:23
=== demisone_ is now known as demisone
vraai edited my sudoers file, but now when i type in "sudo kppp" it doesn't ask for a pass (which is awesome!) but it says "xlib: connection to ":0.9" refused by server"20:23
rickeyhow do i get them ,the songs from amule to those players20:23
quittthow do I change the language of Debian menu?20:23
FirEFighTWhat graphics card are you using oscar_acosta?20:23
minimecDBAlex: I can't help you with ndiswrapper. Not my domain, sorry.20:23
FluxDDBAlex: then uninstall and try again? that gide ha worked perfect for me with acer and same card as u20:23
goodseedczesc! pomoze ktos odnosnie ubuntu ? help me please20:24
m4ytt_FirEFighT how can i upload it20:24
oscar_acostayeah, 7600 GT20:24
DBAlexFluxD: which card? 4318 ?20:24
FluxD!cz | goodseed20:24
ubot3goodseed: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.20:24
FirEFighTSame as mine, you need to download envy20:24
FluxDDBAlex: yup20:24
macogwgoodseed: this is an english chanenel20:24
DBAlexFluxD: I dont have the driver again tho20:24
dgjonesm4ytt_, you might want to ask in #winehq for problems with wine20:24
DBAlexI wiped windows partition20:24
FirEFighTGoogle "envy nvidia"20:24
macogwi cant spell!!!20:24
FluxDDBAlex: its on acer site20:24
oscar_acostaalright, thank you20:24
ubot3envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!20:24
FirEFighTm4ytt_: DCC it to someone who will help you20:24
m4ytt_ok thanks20:24
DBAlexFluxD: link please to correct version :) thanks20:24
FirEFighTubot3: that script fixed me ggraphics problems!20:25
ubot3FirEFighT: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:25
=== Jordan is now known as [K]ingsley
ubot3Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/20:25
FluxDrickey: where does amule store stuff?20:25
pbxHow much penetration do the tiling window managers -- wmii/dwm/ion/ratpoison/xmonad -- have among Ubuntu users?  I'm a rabid wmii fanboy myself but there don't seem to be many of us cranky-mouse-haters around.20:25
digitalslaveanyone know how to fix video playback - forum stuff doesnt work20:25
|_James_Bond_|plz help to configure this drivers for linux...20:25
rickeyi see newbies dont have no bussiness comeing here20:25
OrionDudei am running ubuntu 7.10 server and messed with my networking stuff .. now i cant get it running no more ... restarting the networking gives me a msg that i dun have all the variables for eth0/inet .. failed to bring up eth0 ... any advice?20:25
goodseedFluxD: po wgraniu compiz fusion zniklo mi z kazdego programu to menu na gorze tzn to ze moge krzyzykiem zamklnac program minimalizacja i maxymalizacja :( co robic?20:25
|_James_Bond_|this a ati radeon 925020:25
|_James_Bond_|need help...20:25
rickeyi have no ideal20:25
FirEFighTubot3: I use the same card as he does and the restricted drivers thing mucks display u20:25
ubot3FirEFighT: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:25
vectorxhey guys I have ubuntu and vista set up as dual boot and am having to correct the clock by about 5 hours everytime I boot from one to the other20:25
scguy318rickey: question?20:25
pbxFirEFighT, you're talking to a bot :)20:25
digitalslavenvidia and all video is pink squares20:26
daxrocEvening all20:26
quitttcan someone tell me why Debian is so buggy?20:26
quitttit is mixing English with portuguese20:26
FluxDDBAlex: get it on acerpanam.com20:26
daxrocFirst ubunto install :) woooot20:26
FirEFighToscar_acosta: once you install envy, run the app and just hit "next"20:26
DBAlexFluxD ok thanks20:26
FirEFighTKeep clicking ok :)20:26
oscar_acostaI was just reading about it.20:26
FirEFighTOnce you reboot system go to System ==> Preferences ==. Resitricted drivers20:26
FirEFighTEnable your card20:26
FirEFighTReboot again20:27
daxrocIs the monitor helper not available for the binary nvida-drivers ?20:27
oscar_acostaI don't think it's what I need. I'm looking for some place to configure the behaviour of compiz or beryl, no idea what is running on my system.20:27
rickeyok where or who do i find out   where amule is stored in my file system?20:27
FluxD!ati | |_James_Bond_|20:27
ubot3|_James_Bond_|: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:27
FirEFighTAnd go to system ==> preferences ==> appearance and enable top notch gfx20:27
oscar_acostaFirEFighT, the visual effects are working, the restricted driver is installed already.20:27
redheathi everyone20:27
AnorionI've got an older pcmcia wireless card (uses orinoco_cs) that works in the install process just fine, but once I get into the installed system, I get a kernel panic if it is inserted20:27
OrionDudei am running ubuntu 7.10 server and messed with my networking stuff .. now i cant get it running no more ... restarting the networking gives me a msg that i dun have all the variables for eth0/inet .. failed to bring up eth0 ... any advice?20:27
daxrocoscar_acosta: you need ccsm !20:27
Anorionany advice?20:27
GUARDiAN-does anyone have an idea why my symlinked fglrx.ko (/lib/modules/.../misc to .../volatile) gets deleted on boot although i put fglrx in the disabled-list in linux-restricted-modules-common?20:27
digitalslavedriver is installed but video play back is FUCKED up20:28
redheatgot a question about Compiz-fusion..shouldn't it come preinstalled with gutsy gibbon..if so where are its setting manager?20:28
digitalslaveyou have to isntall the manager20:28
ubot3Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:28
mikubuntutroy_s: oh, my.  lot of output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42378/20:28
intsartsi just downloaded ubuntu iso20:28
intsartswhat should i do next?20:28
DBAlexFluxD: ok thanks for the help, rebooting now, how do I find out if its worked?20:28
redheatok got that..thank you somuch20:29
intsartsmount w/ daemon tools?20:29
redheatso much*20:29
h4rd-2intsarts : burn on CD20:29
tortual_advantagwhat is JAVA path that I need to enter into Opera?20:29
FluxDDBAlex: u should see eth1 and networks20:29
demisonehey, i have a question in case anyone is interested in aswering me: i just installed a 7.10 server and i'ld want a pretty simple X system with some pretty basic stuff (ff, pdfviewer, etc) What's the best solution? gnome-core,<something else here>,...?20:29
DBAlexFluxD: I dont have GNOME network manager tho20:29
intsartsh4rd-2, one second then...20:29
OutlierI'm having some install problems - I downloaded the iso, and get the initial welcome screen, but anything I select (ex: install, check CD) just causes a reboot.20:29
DBAlexcan I use wicd20:29
FluxDDBAlex: get it from repo after removing the wicd20:29
FluxDDBAlex: I have found wicd harder to use20:30
JoshM12I can SSH in to my ubuntu box when I login to my box but other than that how do I get SSH to work all the time it is all correct in the system?20:30
DBAlexFluxD ok20:30
demisoneI don't want graphical login though (console would be just fine :) )20:30
tortual_advantag!ubotu java opera20:30
ubot3tortual_advantag: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:30
h4rd-2intsarts : burn it on a CD disk, then reboot and the installation must start...if it not start, check that you have made CD-Rom bootable in Bios20:30
JoshM12I have ubuntu 7.1020:30
pbxdemisone, look at the tiling window managers, particularly wmii. Most people seem to think they're weird, but they are in fact the future :)20:30
ubot3Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:30
demisonepbx: gonna check it but i would like to hear what are the alternatives :)20:31
allquixoticOn Ubuntu 7.10, how do I disable desktop effects (compiz)?20:31
Psi-JackOkay. How do I configure update-grub /not/ to put "splash" into the kernel options for the images to boot?20:31
eugene_Hey I need to make a chart with two simple linear formulas, any suggestions on a program? I tried doing it manually with openoffic but I can't get it right.20:32
DBAlexFluxD: YOUR A GENIUS!20:32
FluxDDBAlex: that I know :p20:32
DBAlexFluxD: it works but and it finds the network but I dont get a LED flash?20:32
Psi-Jackallquixotic: Right click the desktop, Change Desktop Background, Visual Effects tab, turn them off there.20:32
gnuskooldemisone: i use flux, its lightning quick, uses little resources but has eye candy shoud you want it20:32
jdwilmIs there a feature in openoffice spreadsheet to write code like VBA in MS excel?20:32
pbxdemisone, don't ask me, I'm a tiling wm zealot :)  if you want gnome, I'd just go with the regular Ubuntu setup. There's also XFCE if you want something a little less involved.20:33
OutlierCan you install 7.10 from the desktop distro and still put your /home on a raid?20:33
FluxDDBAlex: dunno abt that :/20:33
meheviPsi-Jack its in /boot/grub/menu.lst take off the splash command at the end of your kernel20:33
GUARDiAN-allquixotic: right click desktop, "change desktop background" and on the "visual effects" tab select "none"20:33
DBAlexFluxD: WORKS!20:33
h4rd-2FluxD : KDE or Gnome is better ?20:33
ompauljdwilm, there is a scripting langauge20:33
DBAlexThanks so much man... :) it was that damn ndiswrapper -m command! and a reboot! :)20:33
mehevih4rd-2 that's gonna start a flame war20:33
GUARDiAN-allquixotic: if that doesn't work, do as i did and uninstall everything "compiz" in synaptic ;)20:33
pbxh4rd-2, this is the Ubuntu channel, therefor Gnome is better.20:33
Outlierdemisone: I'd second the comment suggesting fluxbox - but you can set up gnome for non-graphical log-in also.20:34
FluxDDBAlex: good for u20:34
pbxh4rd-2, To complete your experiment ask the question in #kubuntu also.20:34
mehevih4rd-2 for example I use Xfce420:34
FluxDh4rd-2: personal choice :)20:34
DBAlexFluxD: how can I make it auto-connect on startup?20:34
h4rd-210x all ;]20:34
ompaulh4rd-2, your call, you try you enjoy20:34
FluxDDBAlex: I thnk it will20:34
VINCHENZO28anyone know how to get the cube effect in compiz fusion manager?20:34
_TRaC_CooKieS /newserver irc.voila.fr20:34
ompaul_TRaC_CooKieS, ?20:34
mehevithat dumb cube brought more people to linux, I swear20:34
_TRaC_CooKieSdesolé je ne sais pas comment faire20:35
ompaul!fr | _TRaC_CooKieS20:35
ubot3_TRaC_CooKieS: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:35
Psi-JackHow do I configure update-grub /not/ to put "splash" into the kernel options for the images to boot?20:35
faileasmehevi: yeah ;p20:35
Psi-Jackmehevi: I know how to do it in menu.lst, but update-grub CHANGES menu.lst, hence why I asked specifically update-grub.20:35
meheviPsi-Jack oh my mistake20:36
octoberdanI have no idea what happened, but suddenly none of my movies are playing correctly. I've tried mplayer, totem, and vlc. All play the music, but with blue instead of the picture and some times some collor strips at the side20:36
octoberdanWhat the heck is going on?20:36
ir0nfusionguys, what package do I need to play amaroks radio?20:36
FluxDoctoberdan: reinstall the players ? :)20:36
VINCHENZO28flash plugin tutorial for 64 bit 7.10?20:36
Psi-Jackmehevi: Yeah, got a friend who's having a problem with usplash on their server system, cause they have a POS video card. ;)20:36
maekis there a way to show the order by date in which a pkg was installed?20:36
FluxDir0nfusion: I dont think u need any20:36
digitalslaveanyone one know how to get gdm to start up in a preferred res - its opening in 1080p20:36
ir0nfusionFluxD: i DO20:36
demisoneflux looks cool... i think i'm gonna try it20:37
octoberdanFluxD: Actually, I installed totem and vlc to see if they would work. Same problem.20:37
FluxDir0nfusion: reinstall amarok then I never had to20:37
FluxD!caps | ir0nfusion20:37
ubot3ir0nfusion: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:37
Psi-Jackir0nfusion: You just need Amarok. That's it.20:37
meheviPsi-Jack I know even the CLI installer puts the splash screen when grub is installed.20:37
riotkittiewmii  scares me.20:37
ir0nfusionI didnt mean to shout lmao20:37
maekriotkittie: i use wmii, its great20:37
Psi-Jackmehevi: Not the server install edition.20:37
catnose-LANSI've been trying to install ubuntu 710 in parallels, and it keeps choking while loading cupsd20:37
ubot3catnose-LANS: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 347, column 8420:38
riotkittiemaek: i saw someone mention it in here a minute ago, so i had to try it. :P20:38
octoberdanmehevi: Ghost Busters?20:38
meheviPsi-Jack yeah it's true.  that server install cd was worthless... try the alternate install, it has a CLI install20:38
demisoneriotkittie maek : well, wii scares me too :D20:38
hexkubuntuhow come if(`md5 /mount/path`==`md5 /mount/path`){echo yes;} doesn't work?20:38
amigravesince upgrade to gusty I can't mount my smb shares anymore from fstab (with cifs) I got this error message : mount error 6 = No such device or address20:38
maekriotkittie: the version you get from repo is old20:38
Psi-Jackmehevi: Heh, the server install is what my friend used, no problem, actually.20:38
mehevioctoberdan yeah ghostbusters plus wag the dog20:38
octoberdanrestarting, perhaps the issue will go away :-/20:38
riotkittieah, i'll get the source then  :D20:38
maekdemisone: it took me about a week to get 'moved in' no im about 50% faster then with gnome.20:38
ubot3Factoid pastbin not found20:39
meheviPsi-Jack woah that server kernel is huuuuge.  everything you can think of is included in it :p20:39
hexkubuntuhow come if(`md5 /mount/path`==`md5 /mount/path`){echo yes;} doesn't work? It fails with bash: syntax error near unexpected token `{echo'20:39
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:39
catnose-LANSso how would I disable the loading of cupsd while booting from the livecd?20:39
daxrocAm when I try to sudo apt-get its looking for the install cd is that normal ?20:39
Psi-Jackmehevi: It's got SELinux stuff in it.20:39
FluxDdaxroc: u can remove it from software sources20:39
maekriotkittie: install mercurial, and then hg clone http://suckless.org/hg.rc/libixp and replace libixp with wmii, 9base and dmenu then make, make install20:39
mehevidaxroc edit /etc/apt/sources and remove the first uncommented entry20:39
maekriotkittie: let me know if you need help, im always willing to convert someone.20:39
gnuskooldemisone: here a good site with good info on the majority of options to consider, well worth a look  http://xwinman.org/20:39
meheviPsi-Jack not sure what SElinux is.... googling20:40
Dyer# Appears as DAN20:40
mehevisecurity edition?20:41
demisonegnuskool : thanks, a link is always welcome (if you're really lazy :D)20:41
catnose-LANSso how would I disable the loading of cupsd while booting from the livecd?20:41
OrionDudeim using ubuntu 7.10 SERVER edition .. is it terminal based by default or not? ... im having a discussion with someone20:41
maekno ratpoison? on that list. also dwm or ion are good minimal managers.20:41
demisoneOrionDude: terminal20:41
mehevimaek that list is old old but still good for most ppl20:41
intsartsh4rd-2, what i should do next when i have booted on cd?20:42
faileasOrionDude: yes20:42
faileasits got no WM by default20:42
vectorxhey guys I have ubuntu and vista set up as dual boot and am having to correct the clock by about 5 hours everytime I boot from one to the other20:42
maekmehevi: agreed, just pointing out some other minimal WM. or rather non wimp wm's20:42
FluxDvectorx: install ntp support20:42
meheviOrionDude not sure what your question is.. of course its CLI based.. every distro of *nix is20:42
VINCHENZO28best software to compare Winamp to for 7.10 64bijt?20:42
ir0nfusionFluxD: check that link out20:42
vectorxi guess i could do that20:43
ir0nfusionseems it is a problem with a lot of people....20:43
FluxDVINCHENZO28: xmms, audacious ?20:43
|_SpY_|anybody can help me to configure dual monitor on ubuntu 7.10? when i set the second screen my default get horizontal and vertical scrooling... and my compiz cant enable again... anybody knows how i fix that?20:43
VINCHENZO28whats better out of the 2?20:43
vectorxi wish there was a fix that didnt require net access though20:43
ferronicawhat is GL-Desktop for ?20:43
maekOrionDude: it does not install Xorg or a desktop or a windows manager, it can be used 'headless'20:43
octoberdanThere isn't a single video format or a video player that is working :-(. They all do the audio with dark blue picture and verticle strips of color at the right20:43
Psi-Jackmehevi: Kernel hardening stuff. ;)20:43
FluxDVINCHENZO28: audacious is from xmms code its upto u to decide20:43
mehevigosh I need a few more cups of coffee to keep up with this channel20:43
OrionDudethx .. that was what i thought ...20:44
FluxDir0nfusion: looking20:44
octoberdanI've tried vlc, mplayer, and totem. I'm running Gutsy with the latest upgrades20:44
BigCanOfTunaMy computer won't boot anymore. How do I modify the menu.lst from the live cd?20:44
ferronicawhen i click on it to open it take tooo long to open, is there any relation with compiz-fusion ?20:44
VINCHENZO28FluxD: ok thanks20:44
octoberdanI've tried restarting X, but no luck...20:44
BigCanOfTunaI get to the boot: prompt, but what do I put there to enter rescue mode?20:44
meheviPsi-Jack ah.  I tried that server install then went to desktop minimal install and built from there.20:44
FluxDBigCanOfTuna: startx ?20:44
maekferronica: you could turn off visual effects under appearance and see what happens.20:44
gnuskoolVINCHENZO28: id say xmms, its almost like winamp, skins n all20:45
BigCanOfTunaFluxD:  I'd prefer just a command line.20:45
gNadcan i install nfs-common and use the workstation version as a server?20:45
FluxDBigCanOfTuna: maybe login ?20:45
|_SpY_|anybody can help me to configure dual monitor on ubuntu 7.10? when i set the second screen my default get horizontal and vertical scrooling... and my compiz cant enable again... anybody knows how i fix that?20:45
Psi-Jackmehevi: I haven't done a server install since 6.10. :)   I've upgraded since then, on my 10 servers. ;)20:45
BigCanOfTunaFluxD: No, it's looking for a kernel image.20:45
maekBigCanOfTuna: you could mount your /boot device to like /tmp/boot and then vi it from there20:45
FluxDBigCanOfTuna: hmm I am not sure then20:45
BigCanOfTunamaek: Yea, I need a command prompt though.20:45
meheviPsi-Jack woah sounds like a full time job :)20:45
BigCanOfTunamaek: I am trying to use a live CD.20:46
maekBigCanOfTuna: do you have the livecd?20:46
BigCanOfTunamaek: yes.20:46
maekBigCanOfTuna: alt+f2 for a new prompt20:46
Psi-Jackmehevi: Nah., not really. My servers run my house. ;)20:46
FluxDir0nfusion: so the only problem is u cant play radio?20:46
ferronicamaek: no effect :(20:46
maekBigCanOfTuna: or get a gentoo disk.20:46
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?20:46
meheviPsi-Jack in what way?  in the fact that your heater is now obsolete? hehehe20:46
ir0nfusionyes FluxD I havent tried mp3 yet...20:46
maekferronica: its just slow then id guess.20:46
ir0nfusionbut I use amarok mostly for radio20:46
Downix_ok, back again, still no luck getting X to work20:46
ferronicamaek: no effect :(20:47
daxrocIs there a way to track bleeding edge software ?20:47
FluxDir0nfusion: try reinstall amarok I have had no problem after getting amarok and I am on gnome20:47
ferronicamaek: i mean there is no compiz-fusion effects20:47
maekferronica: i dont understand. you have no effects enabled or changing it had no effect?20:47
ir0nfusionFluxD: I have uninstalled and reinstalled20:47
lufisIs there a full-featured yahoo client for ubuntu? i.e., video and audio?20:47
maekferronica: so then compiz is not causing the slowness20:47
meheviwhat is a good music player with LOW RESOURCES.  xmms & amarok not applicable they hog me mems20:47
octoberdanTrying a reboot20:47
Psi-Jackmehevi: I programmed jackrabbit modules to handle signal inputs from basic serial lines, to be able to turn on/off my house lights, lock/unlock my doors, turn on the A/C set to a specific temperature, Cool or Heat. it handles my TV media streaming, along with music radio streaming, throughout the house.20:47
FluxDmehevi: xmms20:48
daxroclufis: I dont think there is one with video for linux >.<20:48
lufisdaxroc: :(20:48
FluxDmehevi: or not lol20:48
Dr_Willis!info mpeg12320:48
ubot3Package mpeg123 does not exist in gutsy20:48
Downix_lufis:  The video system is still new.20:48
meheviFluxD I find xmms steals over 150m of RAM after streaming all night20:48
threeseasfixed a choppy scroll in firefox and thunderbird by reducing the bios agp aperture size down to 4MB but lose the scroll over workspaces which seems to need 8MB on my system... have a 7500 radeon in a system maxed at 384MB of ram.20:48
lufisDownix_: what video system? the yahoo, or v4l?20:48
FluxDmehevi: meh try audaciuos20:48
EliasAmaralthere are any ubuntu breezy repository out here?20:48
daxrocmehevi: try banshee , sonbird , lots more20:48
Downix_lufis:  in yahoo.  Most yahoo clients from Yahoo still don't have it.20:49
anessenWhat's the difference between hostap and wlan-ng drivers for Prism cards?20:49
FluxDir0nfusion: hange the engine?20:49
meheviPsi-Jack woah full automation!  Sweet.  So do you have the embedded RFID tube in your hand to wave at the door?20:49
lufisDownix_: ah, bummer20:49
^oopsugghh i hate ubuntu!!! i cant get msn messenger to startup20:49
ir0nfusionFluxD:  hange?20:49
Downix_lufis:  there's some work on it tho IIRC.20:49
budmanganyone have the gaim+video working?( to chat with mac users?)20:49
ir0nfusionI have xine installed, yes.20:49
mehevinever heard of songbird.  can it be controlled with just the mouse?20:49
maek BigCanOfTuna: any luck?20:49
Downix_^oops:  I've been running on MSN for years on various Linux installs.20:49
lufisDownix_: at least there's amsn... problem is convincing my friends to use msn20:49
daxroc^oops: use pydgin !20:49
FluxDir0nfusion: I am not sure maybe try amork support channel20:49
atyson051371Does anyone know while Firefox on Ubuntu 7.10 is slowere than firefox was running on 7.04>20:49
Psi-Jackmehevi: Heh, no. Though I do have a USB key. LOL20:50
ir0nfusionFluxD: #amarok?20:50
anessen^oops, are you trying to use Pidgin?20:50
^oopsDownix : on mine its downloaded but i keep trying to open it but it wont open20:50
meheviPsi-Jack I guess you call it that literally.20:50
FluxDmehevi: songbird is based on mozilla20:50
Downix_^oops:  Which MSN client?20:50
FluxDir0nfusion: I think20:50
budmanganyone have the gaim+video working?( to chat with mac users?)20:50
^oopsannessen:  it is MSN messenger  i dont know what client it is20:51
FluxDbudmang: upgrade to pidgin?20:51
Psi-Jackbudmang: gaim's gone. It's pidgin now.20:51
budmangI have pidgin umm is there a plugin for pidgin?20:51
anessen^oops, is this the official MSN client? That is windows only.20:51
Downix_^oops:  Well, if you're trying to run MSN for Windows or Mac OS X it won't work.  Might I suggest Kchat, Pidgin or gaim?20:51
^oopsi have gaim whats the browser for pidgen20:52
anessen^oops, you can use replacements for Linux, such as Pidgin or Kopete.20:52
DBAlexim reconfiguring my xserver, what do I set as my Mouse port: if im on a laptop?20:52
h4rd-2can anybody tell my some program for video conversation that i can use on ubuntu ?20:52
DBAlex(im using a trackpad_20:52
^oopsi use [currently] gaim, kopete, xchat, but i need the browser url for pidgen20:52
daxrocI have to say this is a pleasure to use !20:52
sparrcan anyone recommend a pager that can deal well with a large number of virtual desktops?20:53
Psi-Jackmehevi: But yeah. Basically I have my own custom-built version of what people call a "smarthouse."20:53
minimecDBAlex: /dev/psaux if you have a ps/2 mouse20:53
DBAlexminimec: its a trackpad20:53
DBAlexim sure its ps2 trackpad20:53
daxrocspar: e17 has a pager that can deal with more than is practicaly useful !20:54
FluxDh4rd-2: http://www.videohelp.com/tools/sections/linux-video-tools20:54
minimecDBAlex: Try the default settings. If it doesn't work reconfigure again...20:54
h4rd-2FluxD : 10x, .. you are awsome dude ;]20:54
pingswept^oops: perhaps you're looking for http://pidgin.im/ ?20:54
ir0nfusionFluxD: I am getting no help whatsoever in that channel20:54
please_hel1hello, how can I start an xterm session on a certain place on my desktop?20:54
* Psi-Jack frowns seeing "10x" used for a simple "Thank you."20:54
gNadis the workstation version designed to be a client only20:55
budmangWhat does anyone use if anything to talk via voice/video to mac users?20:55
sparrplease_hel1: the "-geometry " command line parameter20:55
FluxDPsi-Jack: 10x = thanks :)20:55
Psi-JackFluxD: No, 10x is 10 times.20:55
ubot3Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..20:55
FluxDPsi-Jack: nope thats what I though apprantly its thnaks :)20:55
JayI have a question.20:55
Psi-JackFluxD:Nope. We speak English here, not stupid.20:56
pipegeekWell, sometimes I speak spanish20:56
FluxDPsi-Jack: ppl are lazy they have to use 10x now :/20:56
please_hel1how do i define the -geometry parameter?20:56
fiXXXerMe1I'm trying to put music on my Sansa e260R.  It's mounted as rw  (/dev/sdd1 on /media/Sansa e260R type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,usefree)) but when I try to copy files to it, I get "mkdir: cannot create directory `test': Read-only file system"20:56
Psi-JackFluxD: That's okay. I'm too lazy to help those lazy bums.20:56
FluxDPsi-Jack: haha20:56
ubot3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:56
daxrocAfter installing an application from source is there any update I should run ?20:56
pipegeekfiXXXerMe1: for one thing, you have a hard name to type20:56
ompauldaxroc, did you use checkinstall ?20:57
=== fiXXXerMe1 is now known as easyname
easynameSorry pipegeek20:57
pingsweptplease_hell: example: xterm -geometry 80x66+0+020:57
pipegeekfiXXXerMe1: but, if you mount a fat filesystem as root, only root can access it20:57
daxrocompaul: checkinstall ?20:57
FluxDJay: ask ur question20:57
maestrojedIs there an ftp server include with Ubuntu?  Preferably one with a GUI?20:57
pbxubot3: i agre wit u abt u its stupit and ppl r stupit20:57
ubot3pbx: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:57
riotkittiecheckinstall rocks the casbah.20:57
ompaul!checkinstall | daxroc20:57
pipegeekunless you specify something like -o umask=00020:57
ubot3daxroc: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!20:57
pipegeekor somesuch20:57
easynamepipegeek: :)  Well I did sudo mkdir test and still got that error.20:57
DBAlexhow do I un-install a driver?20:57
pipegeekwhat do the permissions on the thing say?20:57
pipegeekrm -rf /lib/modules20:57
pipegeekok, no20:58
pipegeekthat's a lie20:58
pipegeektechnically accurate20:58
pipegeekbut still20:58
daxrocompaul: thanks20:58
easynamepipegeek: drwx------ 11 kjohnson root 4096 1969-12-31 19:00 .20:58
Psi-Jackpipegeek: Yeouch! I should kick you for that!20:58
pingsweptplease_hell: I think the 80x66 are the dimensions, and the 0 0 are the xy coordinates of one corner20:58
pipegeekyou should.  That was awful of me20:58
JayI downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 and burned it onto a CD, but when I try to boot it I get a blank screen, not even a command line or anything. I verified the md5sum of the iso and also verified the integrity of the CD on the Ubuntu boot menu.20:58
* Psi-Jack kicks pipegeek hard!20:58
ompaulpipegeek, keep it up and bye bye - lets leave it alone20:58
aguitelanyone know how install freewins plugins for compiz ?20:58
^oopsokay i went to pidgen.im now what do i click on..it has a list of clients....20:58
tzfardeahey, i just upgrated to ubuntu 7.10 and now i get message that there's no free/open alternative to "Lucent/Agere linmodem controller driver", how can i fix this?20:59
o7andrewUbuntu boot20:59
ompaul^oops, what version of ubuntu are you running?20:59
h4rd-1FluxD | it doesn't work :(20:59
Jayanyone know how I can get it to work on a Live CD?20:59
FluxDh4rd-1: :(20:59
ompaul^oops, it will have a client installed already20:59
dvayanusomeone already managed to synch or simply access ipod touch under 7.10 (or before)20:59
Cap_J_L_PicardAnyone know how to get ubuntu to set a PCMCIA soundcard as default if it's in on boot, else uses the motherboard one?20:59
^oopslinux ? i really dont know. my brother knows all the info, he built the computer himself20:59
h4rd-1FluxD: when i type this $ sudo aptitude install network-manager-pptp it's says to me that can't find it and can't install it21:00
o7andrewhow can I message the #ubuntu bot?21:00
FluxDh4rd-1: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/n/network-manager-pptp/network-manager-pptp_0.6.5+svnhead2574-0ubuntu1_i386.deb21:01
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:01
ubot3Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:01
ompaul^oops, start a terminal, (menu applications -> accessories ->terminal) and type lsb_release -a and tell me what is on the line "codename"21:01
LiMaO!bot | o7andrew21:01
ubot3o7andrew: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:01
^oopsumm can you translate that into english terms? i didnt get that =D21:01
h4rd-1FluxD: What's that?21:01
b0llan1Hi #ubuntu, the /tmp directory, is there anything magical about it, e.g. is it emptied automatically under certain circumstances? Or could I use it as I please to store e.g. downloads (before moving them to a more permanent location)21:01
FluxDh4rd-1: the file u need21:01
pingswept^oops: you could also try: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-pidgin-instant-messanger-in-ubuntu.html21:02
o7andrew!boot options21:02
ubot3Factoid boot options not found21:02
h4rd-1FluxD: Where to install it?21:02
FluxDh4rd-1: download it and install it on ur computer21:02
h4rd-1FluxD: ok21:02
ompaul^oops, I have sent it to you in a pm so you can read it slowly21:02
h4rd-1FluxD: I can't install it21:02
FluxDh4rd-1: what error21:02
LiMaO!botabuse | o7andrew21:03
ubot3o7andrew: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...21:03
h4rd-1FluxD: it can't read the file21:03
h4rd-1FluxD : xD21:03
pipegeekI feel awful21:03
pipegeekDBAlex: can you forgive me?21:03
jmak642can someone help me with ndiswrapper?21:04
FluxDpipegeek: he actualy did that :o21:04
pipegeekholy shit21:04
meheviI'm laughin here!  Songbirds logo is ubercute21:04
jmak642it isnt seeing my wifi card21:04
FluxDjmak642: what card?21:04
pipegeekI'm so sorry21:04
pipegeekShit, I feel terrible21:04
jmak642linksys wmp54g21:04
tzfardeahey, i just upgrated to ubuntu 7.10 and now i get message that there's no free/open alternative to "Lucent/Agere linmodem controller driver", how can i fix this?21:04
PriceChild!ohmy | pipegeek21:04
shadeofgreyokay so21:04
ubot3pipegeek: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.21:04
LiMaOtzfardea: downgrade to 7.04 =)21:04
FluxDjmak642: do lspci for me and paste it on pastebin.ca21:04
shadeofgreydoes 7.10 include support for ATI graphics cards?21:05
pipegeekok, clearly, I fail at #ubuntu today21:05
DBAlexpipegeek: err its working now21:05
pipegeekbye, folks21:05
JayI'm having trouble getting Ubuntu 7.10 on a Live CD to boot. When I try to boot it I get a blank screen that doesn't even have a command line. The md5sum of the iso is fine, and I also did a CD integry check on the boot menu, but still nothing. anyone know why this is?21:05
tzfardeaLiMaO, i prefer not21:05
branstromlibsasl2-2 gives me an error, when upgrading to gutsy21:05
shadeofgreyis there finallty an ATI driver that wortks as well as the Nvidia ones?21:05
pipegeekDBAlex: SO sorry21:05
jmak642FluxD, the computer i am having the problem on is not on the net21:05
h4rd-1FluxD: where i can find pptp-linux installation21:05
FluxDjmak642: basically u need to comile from source21:05
superkirbyartistBlackberry 407 error what to do?21:05
branstromor rather, aptitude complains about it21:05
joincampso i'm trying to help my friend with sunbird, it used to work but now it just freezes.  I've tried installing 0.5 from the package manager and 0.7 from the site.  i've tried removing the profile as well.  the weird thing is that it does work through ssh with X when i tried to help him remotely.  and ideas?21:05
eulogy_How do you restart X in Ubuntu?21:06
jmak642FluxD, i had done that in 7.04, but when i upgraded it went splat21:06
o7andrewJay you'll have to boot that cd on another computer to check, but, sound like your cd drive?21:06
miklaHi, how do you downgrade from 7.10 to 7.04?21:06
FluxDjmak642: uninstall and try again :)21:06
FluxDh4rd-1: http://ubuntu.lhi.is/pool/main/p/pptp-linux/pptp-linux_1.7.0-2ubuntu2_i386.deb21:06
superkirbyartisteulogy_ ctrl+alt+backspace21:06
h4rd-1FluxD: thanks21:06
eulogy_superkirbyartist thanks.21:06
jmak642FluxD, i need to compile ndiswrapper or the driver?21:06
superkirbyartistmikla why do that?21:06
mushcascada - miracle21:06
FluxDjmak642: driver21:06
shadeofgreyi say again - does 7.10 boot oklay on macbokpro's with ati graphics cards?21:06
FluxDjmak642: sorry ndiswrapper21:07
JayI dunno. I've done the same thing with 7.04 and it worked fine, so I dunno why my drive would just decide to quit.21:07
tzfardeamush, do you need help?21:07
evenhow instlal a bcm43xx module in gutsy ? i try using bcm43xx-fwcutter and alsa bcm43xx-firmware, but none works!21:07
tzfardeaso how can i help you21:07
jmak642FluxD, i had compiled the driver last time21:07
jmak642FluxD, a linux native driver that didnt use ndiswrapper21:07
FluxDjmak642: do the ndiswrapper21:07
FluxDjmak642: dunno abt that21:07
kane77how can I bypass my ISP's proxy in ubuntu?21:07
jmak642FluxD, so how do i compile ndiswrapper?21:08
JayAfter the orange Ubuntu progress bar it's like everything just quits.21:08
FluxDeven: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2007/09/19/get-wi-fi-working-on-dell-inspiron-1501-with-ubuntu/ use that tutorial with ur driver21:08
superkirbyartistBlackberry 407 error what to do?21:08
evenFluxD: i'll try21:08
FluxDjmak642: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2007/09/19/get-wi-fi-working-on-dell-inspiron-1501-with-ubuntu/ use that tutorial but use ur indows driver21:08
RDPI have a problem with partitioning my HDD21:08
DBAlexhow do I change startup scripts?21:08
erpiethere is something to extract rar archives?21:09
evenFluxD: i need use ndiswrapper ???21:09
kane77erpie, unrar21:09
FluxDeven: no21:09
zenwhenyes, if you search in synaptic, you should find a tool for extracting rars that will integrate with naultilus21:09
miklaHi folks, please you tell me, can I downgrade to 7.04 back from gutsy, without Internet connection?21:09
maestrojeddoes anyone know of an ftp server for Ubuntu that has a GUI?21:09
hmulleranyone up for an evolution configuration question?21:09
evenFluxD: but this tutorial is to use ndiswrapper. . .21:10
erpiekane77 unrar is available for ubuntu? ive not found repo for rar21:10
RDPCould someone please help me with this? I am trying to switch to ubuntu form Windows but when I started to install I accidentally had the installer use my whole HDD so it deleted the partition with all my data in it (I had an ubuntu, swap, and data partiton) Can I get this partition back?21:10
kane77erpie, yes there is package for unrar...21:10
kane77!info unrar | erpie21:10
hmullerRDP:  Let me tell you how I did it...21:10
erpiekane77 thx i'll search it better then21:10
FluxDeven: the driver is already there21:10
RDPhmuller, ok, thanks. is there any way to privately chat? i am also new to irc21:11
annabelle. but i have to use pidgin as i have a ubuntu computer. and i was signing in when it said i had to add myself, so i added myself by entering my email and password adn it said that it was wronge! its not letting me into my msn now21:11
kane77!info unrar21:11
easynameHave any of you got a sansa mp3 player working?  I'd love to be able to copy music to it (vfat)21:11
vraawhat was the method to turn a terminal command into a double clickable script to run?21:11
FluxDannabelle: did password on ms.com work?21:11
maestrojedRDP: You might be in trouble.  IMHO this is your best chance. http://www.symantec.com/norton/products/overview.jsp?pcid=sp&pvid=pm80  BUT there are no garentees and I am not an expert on this subject21:11
kane77hmm.. what's with ubotu?21:11
evenFluxD: This howto would help you to get Wi-Fi card working on Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop with ndiswrapper driver on Ubuntu. It was tested by me on Ubuntu Feisty.21:11
annabelle<FluxD>: i dont know how to do it21:11
hmullerRDP:  I don't know. Give me a few minutes and I'll describe what I did and how I resolved it.  I'll send it to the pastebin so as not to flood the channel.  I'll message you here with the link when its done21:12
FluxDeven: I know it works if the driver does not work for u21:12
FluxDannabelle: login to msn.com21:12
evenFluxD: ok21:12
RDPok, thank you21:12
annabellewell i went on msn.com then what do i do from there?21:12
FluxDeven: goto system adminstration restricted driver21:12
FluxDannabelle: login with username and pass21:12
easynameMount clearly says that my device is rw but when I try to write to it, I get "Read-only file system"; the fs type is vfat.21:13
evenFluxD: if i install the driver, bcm43xx-firmware or bcm43xx-fwcutter, i need reboot ? or only modprobe ?21:13
kane77erpie, unrar is in multiverse repositories21:13
ubot3Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:13
annabelle<FluxD>: how do u login?21:13
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?21:13
KeitaroSwhat kernal is ubuntu 7.10 gusty gibbon running on please?21:13
okeefenokeeHiya folks. I got myself an external cd/dvd-drive the other day. It's connected to my ubuntu-box, running in command line mode (no gui:s for the wicked). The drive works fine, but I'm not happy with the mounting/unmounting. The previous, internal drive, got mounted automagically when I put a disc into it, and unmounted when I pressed the eject-button. With this one, I have to mount it...21:13
okeefenokee...manually (from the command line) and the disc doesn't eject before I umount it (again from the command line). Is this typical for external drives, or should I tweak some settings?21:13
o7andrewannabelle: there's also meebo.com21:13
annabelle<FluxD>ok! ive done it now what21:13
b0r3dplease can someone help me manage my sources.lst file?21:13
FluxDeven: modprobe bcm43xx u dont need those 2 stuff21:13
kane77where did ubotu go? :)21:13
erpiekane77 thx ive found it just wrong universe :) god im uber n00b21:13
KeitaroSwhat kernal is ubuntu 7.10 gusty gibbon running on please?21:14
evenFluxD: ok, so dont work really. . .21:14
kane77KeitaroS, 2.6.22-1421:14
FluxDannabelle: http://login.live.com21:14
daxrocIs it possible to track the dev version of compiz-fusion in 7.10 , I have gotten so used to it !21:14
KeitaroSkane77: thnx :)21:14
o7andrewwhere can I find a full list of LiveCd boot options? guys? (I'm having no luck googling here)21:15
FluxDeven: goto system adminstration restricted driver21:15
kane77b0r3d, can you be more specific?21:15
tzfardeahey, i just upgrated to ubuntu 7.10 and now i get message that there's no free/open alternative to "Lucent/Agere linmodem controller driver", how can i fix this? :((((21:15
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?21:15
evenFluxD: i'm there21:15
FluxDannabelle: does it work?21:15
annabelle<FluxD> ok so im on the website what do i do now?21:15
evenFluxD: only nvidia driver is there21:15
FluxDeven: now use the driver for windows21:15
FluxDeven: thats strange ur card is not detected21:16
FluxDannabelle: can u see emaila nd stuff ?21:16
evenFluxD: but lspci show me...21:16
b0r3dkane77, there is alot of mirrors in my file.. which ones should i comment out and which ones should i leave?21:16
FluxDeven modprobe bcm43xx21:16
annabelle<FluxD>yes i see my email21:16
evenFluxD: This howto would help you to get Wi-Fi card working on Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop with ndiswrapper driver on Ubuntu. It was tested by me on Ubuntu Feisty.21:16
o7andrewannabelle:  use that site to chat instead on pidgin21:16
FluxDeven: lol hold on21:16
ubuntusome one knows how to install bash script on ubuntu? I\m new to ubuntu21:16
annabelle<FluxD>: ok let me try21:17
kane77b0r3d, could you paste your file? (is it the default one?)21:17
FluxDannabelle: use that info in pidgin21:17
kane77!paste | b0r3d21:17
ubot3b0r3d: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:17
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?21:17
b0r3dkane77 , yes it's the default with all the mirrors commented out.21:17
okeefenokeeeven: It seems like you're talking about a guide I could use as well! Which url are you referring to?21:17
evenFluxD: sorry, i will show these: 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)21:17
=== The_Marauder__ is now known as The_Marauder
ubuntusome one plz21:17
FluxDeven: check if bcm43xx is blacklisted21:17
evenFluxD: i dont install ndiswrapper yet21:17
tobiasI just got a new hard drive around the same time as gutsy came out.  Would it be easier to copy over my old system to the new drive and run the update from there, or just install from scratch and then copy over my files?21:17
crdlbdaxroc: there really isn't any visible difference between latest compiz fusion development and what's in ubuntu21:17
FluxDeven: check if bcm43xx is blacklisted21:17
crdlbgive it some time21:17
nahooserver/ irc.irc-hispano.org21:17
annabelle<FluxD>: ok 2 ticks21:18
b0r3dkane77, it's the default one for gutsy21:18
evenFluxD: where?21:18
deadlylife_I have GNOME and want to know how to install a defective icon theme.21:18
RDPhmuller: have I lost you? I tried to open a chat with you directly21:18
max7Hello, How to install GCC3.2 libs on ubuntu ? (I need it to get libstdc++.so.5 to work)21:18
dolphin_noelSomeone knows why in gutsy keeps making some directory in my home directory /home/username/file:home/username/Desktop21:18
kane77!repos | b0r3d21:19
ubot3b0r3d: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource21:19
FluxDeven: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist21:19
hmullerRDP:  No, busy writing in the pastebin, keep watching...21:19
deadlylife_It has the icons and all, but, it says failed install when I click and drag the folder.21:19
shadeofgreyis there anybody in here that can take 2 minutes andf verify that the standard 7.10 liveCD will bvoot properly on first generation macbookpro's?21:19
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?21:19
fuscht_joint ubuntu-de21:19
kane77b0r3d, I have all enabled (uncommented..)21:19
evenFluxD: no, none bcm43xx there21:19
fuscht_join ubuntu-de21:19
FluxDeven: modprobe bcm43xx21:19
RDPhmuller: ok, sorry21:19
FluxDeven: and make it load on boot21:20
b0r3dkane77, from teh default one? or you added more?21:20
FluxDannabelle: working?21:20
kane77I don't have any other.. maybe from some programs I use...21:20
evenFluxD: dmesg show it: [ 4912.792000] ieee80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'NULL'21:20
annabelle<FluxD>: i think so not sure just testing it now21:21
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?21:21
even[ 4912.856000] ieee80211: 802.11 data/management/control stack, git-1.1.1321:21
even[ 4912.864000] bcm43xx driver21:21
kane77b0r3d, you might try source'o matic: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/21:21
Odd-rationaleI can have GNOME apps in KDE, and vice versa. Correct?21:21
kane77Odd-rationale, yes21:21
faileasOdd-rationale: yes21:21
FluxDeven: uninstall those 2 other drivers u were messing with and reboot21:21
Odd-rationaleAny performance issues?21:21
okeefenokeeHiya folks. I got myself an external cd/dvd-drive the other day. It's connected to my ubuntu-box, running in command line mode (no gui:s for the wicked). The drive works fine, but I'm not happy with the mounting/unmounting. The previous, internal drive, got mounted automagically when I put a disc into it, and unmounted when I pressed the eject-button. With this one, I have to mount it...21:21
okeefenokee...manually (from the command line) and the disc doesn't eject before I umount it (again from the command line). Is this typical for external drives, or should I tweak some settings?21:21
deadlylife_It has the icons and all, but, it says failed install when I click and drag the folder.21:22
evenFluxD: with modprobe -r bcm43xx ?21:22
kane77Odd-rationale, not really apart from having to install kde/gnome libs21:22
Odd-rationaleOK. Thanks all!21:22
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?21:22
FluxDeven: no bvm43xx-firrmware ?21:22
kane77Odd-rationale, at one time I found I had complete kde installed.. (just as dependencies :) )21:22
evenFluxD: i removed.21:22
FluxDeven: what was the other one?21:23
* RDP slaps RDP around a bit with a large trout21:23
annabelle<FluxD> : im not really sure how you do it21:23
FluxDannabelle: not working?21:23
hmullerRDP:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42392/  <--- hit th linik21:23
evenFluxD: i remove all bcm43xx-* deb packages21:23
annabelle<FluxD: i dont know what to do though21:23
tzfardeahey, i just upgrated to ubuntu 7.10 and now i get message that there's no free/open alternative to "Lucent/Agere linmodem controller driver", how can i fix this?21:23
pedroHi , I hjave a problem with with the speed of my connection. The download start slowly and then start gaining speed. Before to update to gutsy i hadnt this problem. Any idea why this is happening?21:24
hmuller<--- evolution configuration question!21:24
RDPhmuller: thanks, let me read it21:24
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?21:24
Clinton__tzfardea: you keep asking that question and no one here can answer you, have you tried to google for the answer?  Perhaps posting your question to the ubuntu forums would get you more results21:24
FluxDannabelle: http://www.ginachen.com/GAIMtutorial.html21:24
hmullerHow do I configure all mail to go only to the "On this computer" inbox?21:24
tobiaswhat's the consensus on gutsy installs: do it now or wait a little longer?21:24
tzfardeaClinton__, sure i tried21:24
FluxDeven: now try modprobe bcm43xx aagain after restart21:24
hmullertobias:  I'm happy with it now21:24
annabelle<FluxD>: thanks! what do i do now>21:25
evenFluxD: without any deb package installed ?21:25
jmak642how can i see what drivers are loaded?21:25
High_Altitudei need help with gimp image editor.21:25
Griz64My house mate has a nice printer on her machine, running ubuntu, that I would like to mount via the network. On her machine, I go into the web-interface for CUPS, ADMINISTRATION, allow the sharing and remote admin, but when I APPLY, it asks for a user/pass and NONE of the valid user accounts (including w00t) will work! :-(  Is there a secret to using CUPS in ubuntu??21:25
FluxDeven: get bcm43xx-fwcutter21:25
FluxDannabelle: read tutorial :)21:25
annabelle<FluxD>: thank you21:26
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?21:26
evenFluxD: install bcm3xx-fwcutter, reboot and try modprobe bcm43xx, its ok?21:26
RDPmhuller: can you join the chat i tried to make? I havea  few questions for you21:26
FluxDeven: yes21:26
evenFluxD: ok21:26
Jay I'm having trouble getting Ubuntu 7.10 on a Live CD to boot. When I try to boot it I get a blank screen that doesn't even have a command line. It happens after the orange ubuntu progress bar.The md5sum of the iso is fine, and I also did a CD integry check on the boot menu which said the CD was fine.  anyone know why it isn't working?21:26
hmullerRDP:  I'm using chatzilla, and i'm not seeing any invitation to chat21:27
Veeijay:  maybe graphics.  what comp are u using?21:27
hmullerRDP:  Just ask away here21:27
evenFluxD: i back in some seconds. . .21:27
FluxDeven: sure21:27
baastrupI have installed sun java 6 but it dossent show up in firefox under about:plugins21:27
RDPhmuller: ok, idk then. can I just ask you here?21:27
JayHP with 128MB video card and 768MB RAM.21:27
High_AltitudeTell me if you help me with gimp image editor21:27
JayI used a Live CD with 7.04 and it worked fine.21:27
FluxDbaastrup: theres another plugin for firefox21:27
hmullerRDP:  ask away21:27
jmak642how can i see what network device drivers are presently being loaded?21:27
RDPhmuller: what happened was I had always had a 30 GB windows XP partion and a 110 GB "data" partition for just soring crap21:27
max7Hello, How to install GCC 3.2 on Ubuntu 7.1021:28
Veeijay:  see if u can up the video buffer to 8mb in ur bios.  that worked on my dell desktop.  either that or press f6 and type at the end of the line this:   vga=77121:28
hmullerRDP:  ok ..21:28
peachoHi. I am trying to get Ubuntu 7.10 installed in a virtual PC, however I'm having a problem just getting the live CD to work.21:28
FluxDmax7: apt-get install ?21:28
RDPI started ubuntu and instead of customizing the partitions I accidentally clicked the "use whole disk" option21:28
ppatzthi ... i use ubuntu on my laptop and i have another screen, so i can normally use both screens ... is there a simple way to get that work in ubuntu ?21:28
baastrupFluxD, icedtea and gcj dossent work with my homebanking21:28
mmcHow can I build pentium optimized packages (when gcc targets (gcc -dumpmachine  says) i486?21:28
annabelle<FluxD>: i followed the rules and it still isnt working it just says invalad email etc21:28
Jayok, I'll try that.21:28
RDPI immediately cancelled the partitioning process (it only got to about 5%)21:28
Jaywhat does typing F6 do?21:28
hmullerpeacho:  You should install Ubuntu to the drive then run Vista/XP using KVM/Qemu combo21:28
Veeijay:  adds boot options21:29
bluebananahow do i put pidgin onto the takbar (when i minimize it)?21:29
max7apt-get install gcc3.2 -> E: Couldn't find package gcc3.221:29
FluxDannabelle: msn.com or hotmail.com ?21:29
peacho@hmuller: I'm not trying to dual boot. I'm trying to install it in Virtual PC 2004.21:29
annabelle<FluxD>: Hotmail21:29
Veeijay:  if none of that works, download the alternate install cd21:29
FluxDannabelle: for screen name tpye in urname@hotmail.com21:29
RDPhmuller: now I tried loading a partiton recovery bootable ISO but all i get is one large partition21:29
hmullerRDP:  The good news is, most of the data is still probably there, as long as you haven't overwritten it...21:29
max7FluxD: apt-get install gcc3.2 -> E: Couldn't find package gcc3.221:29
RDPhmuller: i havent overwritten anything21:30
FluxDmax7 one sec21:30
miklaeHello, New Gutsy works only as safe session with no internet (HAL failure) (mesage "CommandNotFound" not found). Can I downgrade to former 7.04???21:30
Jaywhat's different about the alternate CD?21:30
hmullerRDP:  It's just that the partition information has been wiped out21:30
Veeijay:  text version of install rather than booting a cd copy of ubuntu21:30
max7FluxD: May be I use wrong name. I found such command by googling21:30
Griz64My house mate has a nice printer on her machine, running ubuntu, that I would like to mount via the network. On her machine, I go into the web-interface for CUPS, ADMINISTRATION, allow the sharing and remote admin, but when I APPLY, it asks for a user/pass and NONE of the valid user accounts (including w00t) will work! :-(  Is there a secret to using CUPS in ubuntu??21:30
RDPhmuller: i am pretty sure that the ubuntu was written to the first part of the drive, which was not the data partition21:30
indrekhow to get an ideal sources.list?21:30
=== ppatzt is now known as peeta
annabelle<FluxD>: still not working21:30
void^max7: what do you need to compile that doesn't work with 2.95, 3.3 or a more current version?21:30
peetahi ... i use ubuntu on my laptop and i have another screen, so i can normally use both screens ... is there a simple way to get that work in ubuntu ?21:30
RDPhmuller: any way to recover or remake the partition info?21:30
Jayso it'll just install it instead of showing a desktop?21:30
Veeiso, can anyone possibly help me with my prob?  no NIC detected after partitioning (it could before) any ideas?21:30
max7void^: I need libstdc++.so.521:31
Veeijay: it will go through text install prompts21:31
High_AltitudeI need help with Gimp21:31
FluxDannabelle: what error?21:31
peachoAnyways, I got graphics to work after changing the color depth, which worked perfectly, but now the I cannot grab control of the mouse inside the Virtual Machine.21:31
hmullerRDP:  give me a sec or 321:31
annabelle<FluxD>: yes21:31
Jaywhat if I just want to test it out instead of installing it?21:31
max7void^: I made symbolic link from libstdc++.so.6 and I need GCC3.2 libs21:31
evenFluxD: i do modprobe, but no interface up. . .21:31
RDPhmuller: ok, thanks21:31
peachoThis is on a notebook, and it doesn't matter between touchpad and external mouse.21:31
FluxDbaastrup: sun-java6-plugin get that21:31
void^max7: don't make that symlink, it's not compatible. install libstdc++5.21:32
FluxDannabelle: what error does it say?21:32
Veeijay: seems to me ubuntu is really picky with vid cards.  try googling "ubuntu install" and your model of comp21:32
max7void^: Thanks21:32
High_Altitudewho needs help with GAIM?21:32
ferronicaNeywork monitor won't showing me uload and download data ?21:32
FluxDeven: hmm strange21:32
peetadoes anybody read my question??21:32
maekwhats that program that would install the propritary video drivers for you before restricted driver manager was around?21:32
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?21:32
daxrocAny one point me in the direction of tracking compiz-fusion ( I must have shortcuts on the screen corners ) ?21:32
max7void^: Should I do apt-get install libstdc++5 ?21:32
faileasmaek: ency?21:32
evenFluxD: =/ what i do?21:32
maekfaileas: yeah envy thanks21:33
annabelleFluxD: Unable to save new account An account already exists with the specified criteria.21:33
FluxDmax7: sudo apt-get install build-essential21:33
rubyguyhey i havea firend that is trying to install compiz-fusion with fglrx on ubuntu 7.10, any guide for him?21:33
rubyguya friend*21:33
JayI tried hooking my old, integrated video card back up and I still got the same error.21:33
peachoDoes anyone know how to get my mouse issue fixed?21:33
max7FluxD: Thanks21:33
FluxDeven: restricted manager21:33
daxrocrubyguy: It worked from default for me ?21:33
jackstermaek: I think you could install them from apt/synaptic, or run a file included with the driver from the manufacturer's website21:33
baastrupFluxD, had to run sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun before it worked21:33
evenFluxD: none. . .21:33
void^max7: .. yes.21:33
peachoOr if not, how can I access things like the Application menu using the keyboard?21:34
evenFluxD: only nvidia driver. . .21:34
daxrocrubyguy: I needed to install ccsm21:34
rubyguydaxroc: you didn't had to install do anything?21:34
Veeijay: the error is what?  the tty error?  or blank screen21:34
Jayblank screen21:34
cua0anyone know if there's a workaround to get broadcom cards working in 7.10 ?21:34
max7void^: Thanks21:34
Jaynot even a command line or anything21:34
Veeijay:  did u try to look at your bios settings for a vid buffer?21:34
High_Altitude veei: i have an idea. go to any ubuntu site, and you haveto get the disk [you can get it at any store] and it will have info about installing. After that see if it can detect the NIC or just unpartion it21:34
rubyguydaxroc: you sure you have ATI?21:34
rubyguydaxroc: maybe you are using open source drivers21:34
OrionDudeanyone know how to install ISPConfig on ubuntu server?21:34
maekjackster: someone was asking me how to do it easily in pre 7.10 thanks.21:34
daxrocrubyguy: No I have nvidia closed driver21:34
annabelle<FluxD>: a little help please lol21:34
ferronicaNeywork monitor won't showing me uload and download data ?21:34
Jayno, this is my only PC so I would have to disconnect when I try to get it working.21:34
ferronicaNeywork monitor won't showing me upload and download data ?21:35
FluxDannabelle: that means u already have acount ?21:35
RDPhmuller: i switched to chatzilla (name = RDProgrammer)21:35
rubyguydaxroc: ah, this guy has ATI, and he doesn't even have direct rendering enabled21:35
FluxDeven: I am not sure then :/21:35
Veeihigh_altitude:  how is there a diff between the d/l version and a manufactured cd21:35
rubyguydaxroc: so i suppose open source ATI drivers doesn't work with his card and he needs FGLRX21:35
annabelle<FluxD> yes i know but its not letting me sign in :S21:35
High_Altitudeyeah but there is one disk that i know will help you.21:35
evenFluxD: =~21:35
FluxDeven ask the channel why its in lspci but not in restricted manaer21:35
hmullerRDP:  Just did a not so quick search21:35
indrekhow to get a sources.list file?21:35
baastrupim getting a black window with compiz when i have more than one windows maximized21:35
OrionDudeanyone know how to install ISPConfig on ubuntu 7.10 server?21:35
daxrocrubyguy: I only use nvidia and Intel , Sorry I can't be of more help21:36
peetahow is the correct procedure to get somebody's attention??21:36
FluxDannabelle: no friends ?21:36
Veeihigh_alt:  and that is?21:36
seamus7rubyguy: if your friend has an ati card then ubuntu 7.10 will have fglrx and compiz fusion installed by default .. fglrx just needs to be enabled in the Restricted Drivers Manager21:36
FluxDannabelle: screenshot of error21:36
High_Altitudepeeta: type their name before text and it will get their attention21:36
rubyguyseamus7: he tried to enable and didn't work21:36
ItchyHobohi peeta whats up?21:36
annabelle<FluxD>: i was on it yesterday chatting to people and went to sign in today and its not letting me :s21:36
evenwhy my wireless card show in lspci but not in restricted manager (broadcom bcm4328)21:36
RickyFittsDoes everybody like 7.10?21:37
OrionDudeanyone know how to install ISPConfig on ubuntu 7.10 server?21:37
okeefenokeeOn another matter: I'm running edgy in command line mode. I have an external usb-drive that I'd always like to see automounted at the same /dev/sd*-file, and linked to the same place in the directory structure (when plugged in and at boot, if it's plugged in). Where should I tweak to achieve this?21:37
Jayk, I'm gonna try what you suggested Veei.21:37
RDProgrammerhmuller: did you find anything?21:37
FluxDannabelle: I am on msn now and working fine :/ show me a screenshot21:37
ferronicaNetwork Monitor won't showing me upload and download data ?21:37
seamus7rubyguy: sorry i meant enabling the fglrx in restricted drivers manager would install it ... but if that's not working then he needs to check his ati version at the ubuntu forums to see if anyone else is having issues with that particular card21:37
peetaHigh_Altitude: thx ... but i have no idea, whos helping and whos asking for help21:37
FluxDeven ask the channel why its in lspci but not in restricted manaer21:37
evenFluxD: i ask. . .21:38
ItchyHoboi have an intel 965 no compiz support on gutsy21:38
max7Thanks All, You helped me a lot!21:38
annabelle<FluxD>: just took one, how do i send you it?21:38
hmullerRDProgrammer:  You are looking for partition recovery.  But you may be able to do the same thing that I did which restored my RECOVERY partition, which was to reinstall XP21:38
cua0even: broadcom drivers are busticated, which is why i came here for help as well.21:38
FluxDannabelle: upload it on tinypic.com21:38
cua0see if there's a workaround21:38
High_Altitudepeeta: the people who are asking are usually from anywhere who need help. the people answering are sometimes bots, but they are very good help!21:39
hmullerRDP:  What I mean is that if you reinstall XP, it may also restore the large data partition in the process21:39
evencua0: i dont undestand21:39
even. . .21:39
JoshooaOk can I PLEASE get some help running World of Warcraft on Ubuntu!?21:39
RDProgrammerhmuller: what if it does not?21:39
jmak642what is the file that has the nameservers?21:39
annabelle<FluxD>: ok its uploading21:39
Griz64My house mate has a nice printer on her machine, running ubuntu, that I would like to mount via the network. On her machine, I go into the web-interface for CUPS, ADMINISTRATION, allow the sharing and remote admin, but when I APPLY, it asks for a user/pass and NONE of the valid user accounts (including w00t) will work! :-(  Is there a secret to using CUPS in ubuntu??21:39
ItchyHoboJoshooa, get wine21:39
JoshooaI had it running under 7.04 but now I can't do it at all, it just gives me an error message21:39
FluxDeven, cua0: if restricted manaer not working do ndiswrpper21:39
JoshooaItchyHobo: I have it21:40
Veeihello, i'm using a dell latitude 630, partitioned using parted magic to make a new part for ubuntu install since the installer wouldn't do it for me.  after doing that, it is saying it can't detect my NIC (though it could before I partitioned).  Any ideas?21:40
evenFluxD: ok. . . but i use vista driver or xp driver ?21:40
ItchyHobohmm and did world of warcraft install ok21:40
JoshooaItchyHobo: It installed great, updated itself which surprised me before it didn't, but now it wont open at all21:40
hmullerRDProgrammer:  Then you are stuck learning Autopsy and Sleuthkit, and I would recommend the Backtrack LiveCD.21:40
FluxDeven: vista support is very bad if that does not work try xp21:40
RDProgrammerhmuller: can we have a private chat? I don't know how to start one, but maybe you can21:40
peachoHey can anyone help me with a problem getting the Ubuntu 7.10 working in Virtual PC 2004?21:40
peachoI changed my color depth to get the display working, but now I can't use the mouse at all.21:40
hmullerRDProgrammer:  I don't think chatzilla does that21:40
JoshooaItchyHobo: I can't edit the config file to make it opengl all the time but I add the command but I can't get it to open at all and I do not want Windows and I do not want to cancel wow21:40
ubot3Factoid dns not found21:40
peetaFluxD: is there a simple way to work on two screens at the same time ... (i have a thinkpad and a second screen)21:41
ItchyHoboJoshooa, there is a little problem in wine it does not select the default working directory in some cases21:41
jmak642!info dns21:41
ubot3Package dns does not exist in gutsy21:41
Odd-rationalepeacho: That is a known problem.21:41
RDProgrammerhmuller: ok, np21:41
ubot3Factoid named not found21:41
evenFluxD: ok21:41
cua0FluxD: there are updated restricted drivers for broadcom cards that actually work? my card (built in) didn't work on the livecd 7.10 and i don't want to bother installing it if the wireless isn't going to work21:41
peachookay, is there a way around it?21:41
ItchyHoboJoshooa, try running it from the terminal but change to the installed directory first21:41
FluxDpeeta: dual montior?21:41
RDProgrammerhmuller: do you have aim? or msn?21:41
ompauljmak642, you are looking for named21:41
peachoAnd would it work if it is installed?21:41
peetaFluxD: yea21:41
JoshooaItchyHobo: Well, do you play WoW? It opens it's little window, it shows me the news about wow and everything, then I hit play, and it goes to load it,..... I wait for up to 10 minnutes then get an error back and it wants me to send it in21:41
Veeiis it easy to install a NIC driver later if it doesn't detect during install?21:41
ompauljmak642, you are looking or bind921:41
hmullerRDProgrammer:  and if you are stuck doing the latter, then you'll need a huge drive for the image.21:41
FluxDcua0: worked for me but getting disconnections a lot so I use ndsi21:41
Odd-rationalepeacho: And yes. there is a little hack for it. but i forgot. give me a moment...21:41
jmak642ompaul, i am after the file where i put my resolvers21:41
hmullerRDProgrammer:  sorry, i don't use those21:42
OrionDudeanyone know how to install ISPConfig on ubuntu 7.10 server?21:42
hmullerjust an irc guy21:42
ompauljmak642, ahh /etc/resolv.conf21:42
annabelle<FluxD>: this is all a bit to complex for me! lol21:42
JoshooaItchyHobo: Trying from the directory21:42
FluxDannabelle: we are here to help :)21:42
ItchyHoboJoshooa, used to play WOW loved it but not tried it since ubuntu; anyway whats the error message21:42
Veeiomg, ok now it's detecting.  do laptops turn off the nic at low battery sometimes?  cuz as soon as I plugged in power, it detects it21:42
cua0FluxD: there any way to test them on the livecd install?21:42
stephanehas anyone got the solution of shell sessions F1 to F6 now working on laptop using geforce 4 video card and nvidia driver21:42
bluebananahow can i minimize pidgin to the tray/dock?21:42
FluxDcua0: wont work on livecd I think21:43
annabelle <FluxD>: yes i know lol , but i really cant manage. i just want my msn up and running :(21:43
JoshooaItchyHobo: Well I'll let you knowp when i get it, I forgot to do opengl now though so it's talking about that.. just sitting there21:43
RDProgrammerhmuller: np, I do not have a drive large enough right now. Is there anyway to just examine the data and remove it using a liveCD? I only need a small portion of the data. Everything else is backed up21:43
JoshooaItchyHobo: What's that one site I can past code to and send you the link, do you know?21:43
FluxDannabelle: u can also use amsn :)21:43
peetaFluxD: the point is, that the help center doesnt say anything about dual monitor ...21:43
cua0FluxD: aight, thanks for the pointers.21:43
Odd-rationalepeacho: Try this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToConfigureUbuntuForMicrosoftVirtualPC200421:43
FluxDcua0: I am not sure but I dont know21:43
hmullerRDProgrammer:  google that backtrack livecd I mentioned, include forensics in the search terms to narrow the results.21:44
ItchyHoboJoshooa, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=192221:44
ItchyHobouse this to get to the forums21:44
XB23hey guys any sendmail wizards in here21:44
annabelle<FluxD>: ohh whats amsn?21:44
FluxDpeeta: 1 sec :)21:44
ItchyHoboJoshooa, wow has gold support it should work nicely21:44
RDProgrammerhmuller: i have played with that before I believe, let me do it now tho, ironically I have the .iso on the fucked up drive21:44
FluxDannabelle: another clinet for connecting to msn21:44
jmak642FluxD, can you give me some more help with this network driver?21:44
=== Parakmiakos is now known as Decadent
annabelle<FluxD>: ok what do i have to do to get it?21:45
jmak642FluxD, i am still seeing the old driver installation called ra021:45
demisonei have problem with the X...21:45
FluxDpeeta: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117421:45
hmullerRDProgrammer:  at least you are familiar with it.  I remember there was a trick to getting autopsy/sleuthkit to work, you'll have to figure that out.21:45
peachoOdd-rationale: thanks. I'll hang around to make sure it works, but it should work.21:45
demisonei installed xorg and xfce4, rub configure (Xorg -configure) but X won't start21:45
WaltzingAlongwhat is the 'control center' or system settings center for gnome? the real question is how one can set the default language for gtk apps (thunderbird/firefox, so on) where is that in gnome and which program is that?21:45
craftyowlcan anyone here help with rhythmbox21:45
hmullerRDProgrammer:  but once you do figure it out, you'll be able to find  whatever it is you are looking for and restore it.21:46
FluxDannabelle: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/x11/amsn21:46
demisoneFatal error: "No screens found"21:46
Odd-rationalepeacho: But really, I would use VirtualBox instead.21:46
WaltzingAlong!info kopete21:46
DerangedDingocraftyowl: shoot.21:46
ubot3kopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 7550 kB, installed size 21956 kB21:46
FluxDjmak642: u have to remove it I guess21:46
demisonei checked the .conf file and looks ok...21:46
RDProgrammerhmuller: will it have some sort of file browser or something?21:46
ferronicaNetwork Monitor won't showing me upload and download data ?21:46
JoshooaItchyHobo: Well it doesn't and it makes me sad. I'm sure it can, but there's some setting or something I gotta change, because it worked great back in 7.04 with the old Wine, better than in Windows, higher FPS and everything, with higher settings21:46
demisoneany ideas?21:46
FluxDferronica: I dont tihnk so21:46
ferronicaFluxD: what ?21:47
Veeijust so you all know: was having prob with not detecting NIC on Dell laptop.  At around 33% battery it no longer detected NIC during install so plugging in power supply fixed it.  Seems odd to me but I'm a noob ;)21:47
FluxDannabelle: screenshot?21:47
hmullerRDProgrammer:  Autopsy has a browser interface, which will show you the files it can find.21:47
annabelle<FluxD>: so im on the site, now what do i do21:47
FluxDferronica: It doesnt show21:47
jonahhey i'm on amd64 gutsy, installed 32bit skype with getlibs and it installed all the 32bit dependancies etc, seems to work well but i can't get my microphone to record a sound on the test call....21:47
FluxDannabelle: download for i38621:47
jmak642jmak642, how can i get rid of it?21:47
annabelle<FluxD> : i dont know how to work tinypic and stuff21:47
annabelle<FluxD>: ok21:47
jmak642FluxD, how can i do that?21:47
RDProgrammerhmuller: ok, great. I am goign to look into both of those21:47
hmullerRDProgrammer:  I recovered 90% of a 20GB harddrive using those tools 1.5 years ago21:47
FluxDannabelle: paste the link21:47
FluxDjmak642: what stage u stuck on?21:47
ferronicaFluxD: in ubuntu fiesty fawn showing21:48
RDProgrammerhmuller: is there a way i could contact you once the iso finished DLing, it'll take about an hour on my slow pipe21:48
jmak642FluxD, getting rid of what i did before i can start the tutorial21:48
FluxDferronica: I am not sure21:48
ItchyHoboJoshooa: guess so anyway good luck21:48
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peetaFluxD: hey thx ... thats what i was looking for21:48
kwadronautanyone got advice on running plan9 under a kvm-gutsy?21:48
dvheumenIs there a known problem with xine/kaffeine and alsa or something? (I've lost AC3/DTS pass through after upgrading to Gutsy and even with extensive tweaking of the xine parameters I can't get it back.)21:48
FluxDjmak642: oh what were u doing b421:48
FluxDpeeta: np21:48
ferronicaFluxD: okay, is there any application which will show me real time upload and download data ?21:49
jmak642FluxD, in feisty i had not been using ndiswrapper, i was using a native driver21:49
hmullerRDProgrammer:  You can shoot an email to hlmuller insert the at symbol here yahoo insert the dot here com.  I won't be available for the rest of the evening, but I'd be happy to answer any questions later.21:49
annabelleFluxD: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Funiverse%2Fa%2Famsn%2Famsn_0.97RC1%2Bdfsg-0ubuntu1_i386.deb&md5sum=566c12ac41f3c23b06802021d25bb3e4&arch=i386&type=main21:49
ItchyHoboferronica: if u want total system info just use system information21:49
jmak642FluxD, and now that driver was working but i disabled it, the device is still listed as a network interface somewhere21:50
rredd4!pastebin | annabelle21:50
ubot3annabelle: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:50
RDProgrammerhmuller: thank you a lot, its great to find people that'll help out, maybe i can return the favor one day21:50
jmak642FluxD, it was working badly21:50
the-killerHello all i had download ubuntu and burn it on a cd when booting they crash when i submit start and install .21:50
FluxDannabelle: download it lol21:50
the-killerHello all i had download ubuntu and burn it on a cd when booting they crash when i submit start and install . who can help me pliz ?21:50
hmullerRDProgrammer:  Good luck ttyl.  I gotta run.21:50
LiMaOthe-killer: have you checked the md5 checksum?21:50
jmak642FluxD, i blacklisted it in modprobe to disable it21:50
ferronicaItchyHobo: i want my bandwidth monitoring21:50
RDProgrammerhmuller: bye21:50
ompaul!bootoptions | the-killer21:50
LiMaOthe-killer: also why don't you choose the option 'check cd' before 'starting' it21:50
ubot3the-killer: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:50
FluxDferronica: I am not sure but connection information in an-applet should show21:50
rredd4annabelle  also get tinyurl   to shrink those big url's21:51
FluxDjmak642: I dont know how to unlist it ask the channel21:51
the-killerLiMa0: how i check md5 ??21:51
ferronicaFluxD: not in terminal21:51
ferronicaFluxD: any applet available21:51
o7aHi everybody, I've just install gusty on a new partition (leaving feisty on another one). I use the same /home, and on gusty, gtk-window-decorator returns http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42395/ (which stop the compiz-fusion execution...)21:51
o7aany suggestion ?21:51
sidewalki would like to reconfigure my hardware in ubuntu, and i know there is some tool for it but i forgot the name of it, can anyone help me?21:51
FluxDferronica: google for conky21:51
LiMaOferronica: use synaptic and install 'netspeed'.. it's an applet for gnome panel21:51
FluxDjmak642: I think modprobe -r drivername removes them21:52
kwadronautanyone got advice on running plan9 under a kvm-gutsy?21:52
FluxDannabelle: download ams21:52
FluxDannabelle: n21:52
tusharbhey, does anyone know more about the hard drive bug causing a ton of load cycle counts that might decrease the life of a hard drive??21:53
FluxDannabelle: see me pm ask any question for me there21:53
annabelle<FluxD>: Im really struggling on how to download it21:53
Dr_Willistusharb,  thats refering to the laptop mode artical i saw the other day?21:53
OutlierI'm having fits trying to get ubuntu installed.  It keeps re-booting whenever I choose one of the options (check disk, install, etc) off of the menu.21:53
the-killeri want to install it without grub i got already lilo installed on different distro .21:53
sensaeI'm running 7.10, and something keeps hijacking my system load and piping it all the way up to 1021:53
sensaeI can't figure out what it is21:54
FluxDannabelle: see my pm21:54
LiMaOsensae: 7.10 is known to have some memory leak21:54
tusharbhi Dr_Willis, i'm referring to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/5969521:54
ubot3Malone bug 59695 in acpi-support "default value in power.sh potentially kills laptop disks" [Wishlist,Confirmed]21:54
o7aanybody ?21:54
sensaeLiMaO: Would it affect the system right as it boots?21:54
Peloo7a,  restate your query please21:54
sidewalkanyone who can help me with the hardware issue?21:54
Dr_Willistusharb,  ive read up on that.. and im not convinced that its as big a deal as people are making it out to be.21:54
sidewalki would like to "reconfigure" my hardware from inside a running ubuntu21:54
norman_hi can i talk to some one in private about my ubuntu'21:54
LiMaOsensae: as far as people say, it starts affecting the system after some time21:55
Pelosidewalk, any hardware in particular ?21:55
LiMaOsensae: what you probably are experiencing is the indexing of tracker21:55
o7a I've just install gusty on a new partition (leaving feisty on another one). I use the same /home, and on gusty, gtk-window-decorator returns http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42395/ (which stop the compiz-fusion execution...)21:55
tusharbDr_Willis, i've been looking at my load cycle counts and it's really getting a lot higher21:55
tusharbreally really fast21:55
norman_damn this room is too big21:55
sidewalkPelo: yeah, my resolutions, but the gksu displayconfig-gtk doesn't work21:55
LiMaOnorman_: yeah, but there's seat for everyone =) pick a chair and make yourself comfortable21:56
Pelosidewalk,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:56
sidewalkit says "IndexError: list index out of range"21:56
mark488Any Help: commands to get X to reprobe/reconfig my changed video card? (someone gave'em earlier, but I lost'em as my power died)21:56
demisoneI just installed xorg and xfce4 on a 7.10 server but when i startx i get a fatal error "no screens found". Any help please?21:56
niteyehello, how can i prevent windows from "sticking" to the edges of other windows in gnome?21:56
sidewalkPelo: isnt there some automatic reconfigure thing?21:56
norman_i have a problem with the new ubuntu  when i have like 3 hours running the sistem dont open files21:56
Peloo7a,  try asking in #compiz-fusion21:56
NutsPThello there21:56
Pelosidewalk,  it's not difficult21:57
neopsycheI installed sync ml but it is not showing up in Multisync .. anyone know how to help?;21:57
niteyehello, how can i prevent windows from "sticking" to the edges of other windows in gnome?21:57
LiMaOnorman_: as i told sensae, 7.10 does have some memory leak.. it hasn't been fixed yet21:57
NutsPTI'm booting my 7.10 AMD64 cd...21:57
NutsPTin my desktop21:57
sensaeLiMao: Yeah, I've noticed that trackerd is what will run away with my system21:57
o7aPelo: thanks21:57
NutsPTbut after choosing run or isntall21:57
Dr_Willistusharb,  ive seen several articals on it.  But they really dont say a lot.. of course anything that makes your HD work more - will shorten its life. It has the shortest lifespan of anything on your pc.21:57
NutsPTit as o image..21:57
jsubl2anyone know how to fix the intel ipw3945 wireless21:57
NutsPTin my laptop it was everything ok..21:57
Zerqentso, I just tried out the newest ati-driver - although it is supposed to support aiglx I still can't enable desktop effects, and get lots of errors in Xorg.log - anyone done this successfully, or might be able to shed some light on the situation it would be welcome21:57
Pelonorman_,  what happens if you leace it on longuer, does it come back ? ei what happens if you leave it on overnight21:57
LiMaOsensae: that tracker thing will index everything on your system.. after some time, it'll waste less memory and cpu21:57
Stressedhello to all... a small quuestion is it normal that modprobe ndiswrapper keeps loading undefinitly ? I installed the packages from Synaptic21:57
norman_ok ill try21:58
Pelo!enter | NutsPT21:58
ubot3NutsPT: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:58
bzfreekIn 7.10 is there a new system for mounting other filesystems?  I'm used to the fstab and mount, but my 2 ntfs drives can't be found there, and I was trying to figure how it finds and mounts them.21:58
PeloNutsPT,  what video card do you have on your comp ?21:58
reagleBRKLNi'm trying to build a new kernel on Kubuntu 7.10 for CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G but its crapping out on me: No rule to make target `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.c'21:58
norman_but other thing i want a p2p program bur they dont work on my ubuntu21:59
NutsPTNvidia 8800 GTS21:59
sensaeAnyone have experience running 7.10 on a low power machine?21:59
Otacon22Build dependency: Please install GNU make v3.81 or later. (This version has bugs)21:59
Otacon22but i have the last!21:59
Clinton__sensae: you mean anything uner 40 watts?21:59
Pelobzfreek, ntfs should now mount as read/write in gutsy , and fstab didnT' change in that respect21:59
Clinton__sensae: under*21:59
niteyehello, how can i prevent windows from "sticking" to the edges of other windows in gnome? it is annoying me21:59
tusharbDr_Willis, thanks for the help21:59
SliMMhow do i start compizmanager?21:59
Guitome gusta el FUK !!!22:00
sensaeClinton__: Sorry, I meant low performance. As in ~800mhz22:00
Clinton__niteye: ask in #gnome, they can tell you that answer real quick22:00
Clinton__sensae: aaah22:00
ubot3Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:00
ubot3Factoid bootoption not found22:00
PeloNutsPT,  you'll need to use the alternate install cd, it is text based, after installing you'll have to do a little more work to get the proper drivers for yoru video card22:00
sensaeClinton__: I'm trying to decide whether to run ubuntu 7.10, or xubuntu. It's an 800mhz laptop with 192mb of RAM22:00
NutsPThmmm ok22:00
bzfreekpelo yes my probelm is that I have to authenticate to get it to mount, and I would perfer that is just mounts at start up.  But there is no entry in fstab for anything but root swap and my cdrom22:00
Clinton__sensae: I'd recommend Xubuntu for that machine22:00
NutsPTtks Pelo22:00
annabelle<FluxD>: How do i find my account that apparently already assists?22:01
Clinton__annabelle: ls /home   to see all accounts that you can login with22:01
o7andrewUbuntu is taking >15 minutes to boot my computer ,Help!22:01
beorwulfsensae: I've been runnign 6.06 in a 500 Mhz PIII, gnome seems a bit slow. I'm planning to try it with Enlightenment soon, that should speed things up22:01
Pelo!ntfs-3g | bzfreek  try this22:01
ubot3bzfreek  try this: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions22:01
Clinton__annabelle: or cat /etc/passwd to see a complete acccount listing22:01
CarlFKhow come when I try to print something (pdf) it says "precessing" then "stopped" and never prints22:01
jaume_hello. Is there anyone there using asterisk?22:01
CarlFKtest print prints ok22:01
annabelle<Clinton__>Not too sure how to get onto that? help please?22:02
Pelojaume_,  you better ask a specific question22:02
Rugsensae: or fluxbuntu22:03
PeloCarlFK,  I had issues printing pdf with evince I had to get acroread to do it and it wasn't perfect22:03
=== Blackgoth is now known as blackgoth
=== blackgoth is now known as Blackgoth
o7andrewI can't find (yet) the cheat codes to use22:03
sensaeRug: I was thinking of that22:03
eulogy_Is it possible to run dual monitors with each monitor connected to a different Graphics Card? I have 2 cards and 2 monitors.22:03
PeloCarlFK,  I thnk you can try printing pdf from OOo22:03
annabelle<Clinton__>Help me Someone!22:03
jaume_Ok pelo. I am getting forbidden errors when dialing out with asterisk through voipbuster. It is not a password problem. Connecting directly with twinkle works OK. Can anybody help me?22:03
Bruno_how can i change what OS runs by default on grub22:03
Peloeulogy_, yes it is22:03
CarlFKPelo: thanks - Ill give it a shot22:03
Stressedhi all... a small question is it normal that modprobe ndiswrapper keeps loading undefinitly ? I installed the packages from Synaptic22:03
Pelo!dualhead | eulogy_22:03
ubot3eulogy_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama22:03
eulogy_Pelo: Thanks22:03
Rugsensae: I LOVE Fluxbox, I have a 4-core machine with 4GB of ram, and I still prefer Flux.22:03
NutsPTPelo: will you help installing ubuntu with alternative cd?22:04
olehello room! since i upgraded to gutsy, i can't play *.wma files in xine anymore - libxine1-ffmpeg and w64codecs (i'm on 64 bit) are installed... any ideas?22:04
paulistallanyone know of a visio like program for Linux22:04
PeloNutsPT, no , you won't need my help22:04
Bruno_how can i change what OS runs by default on grub22:04
paulistallother then OpenOffice draw22:04
o7andrewUbuntu is taking >15 minutes to boot my computer ,Help!22:04
sensaeRug: Yeah, I've played around with it on DSL and the win32 blackbox22:04
paulistalljust doesn't have enough features22:04
annabellewould sombody pleaseee pleaseee help me! im sooo stuck22:04
demisonepaulistall: dia22:04
sensaeRug: Or atleast something similar. Is there a big difference between flux and blackbox?22:04
Bruno_what do you need anabelle22:04
RugBruno_: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst22:04
NutsPTPelo: give me a link so please..22:04
PeloBruno_,  edit  /boot/grub/menu.lst22:04
the-killerit crash when u hit installl and start ubuntu . who can help me ?22:04
the-killerit crash when u hit installl and start ubuntu . who can help me ?22:04
the-killerit crash when u hit installl and start ubuntu . who can help me ?22:04
Bruno_rug: but when i do sudo update-grub it changes back22:05
paulistalldemisone: thanks22:05
PeloNutsPT, go to www.ubuntu.com , go to the dl section ,  select which one you want , and check the box for alternate cd just bellow the Download Now button22:05
LiMaO!flood | the-killer22:05
ubot3the-killer: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:05
demisonepaulistall: you're welcome - hope dia is what you want :)22:05
jaume_Bruno_: search for default in /boot/grub/menu.lst22:05
Rugsensae: not really.  IMHO Flux just feels better.  I don't think there is any difference except a few lines of code between the two22:05
Pelothe-killer, what videocard do you have ?22:05
LiMaOthe-killer: just do NOT flood. a line written only once is enough for us to see it22:05
the-killerPelo: Intel 950GM22:05
annabellePleeeeaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i neeed help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!122:06
Pelothe-killer, run the cd verification on the cd boot menu22:06
PriceChild!please | annabelle22:06
ubot3annabelle: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience22:06
ItchyHobothe-killer: good gravy it should work22:06
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the-killerPelo: it is not working also22:06
LiMaO!patience | annabelle22:06
ubot3annabelle: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:06
* Pelo wonders why all the helpes are so annoying tonight22:06
annabelleSorry everyone!22:07
Pelothe-killer,   did you try the cd in another computer ?22:07
PriceChildPelo, wonder it privately.22:07
OutlierI can't get the live CD to run - could somebody throw me a clue?  It seems to fail while detecting drives.22:07
LiMaOPriceChild: ;)22:07
Bruno_annabelle what do you need?22:07
the-killerPelo:  no22:07
RugOutlier: disconnect any external USB drives/card readers22:07
the-killerLiMaO: how can i check the md5 sum ?.22:07
annabelle<Bruno_>: well my msn on my ubuntu computer has jyst decided not to work, how do i get it to work??22:07
sensaeRug: Yeah I only have a little experience with it, but I like what I saw. I'm tempted to install XP on my gaming machine and run blackbox on top22:07
LiMaOthe-killer: type 'md5sum filename-here'22:08
Rugsensae: why both?22:08
jaume_the-killer: md5sum22:08
OutlierRug: I tried that - no dice.  Still reboots back to the menu.  Only usb devices are a mouse & keyboard.22:08
LiMaOthe-killer: not md5.. md5sum22:08
CarlFKPelo: in OO, File, open, foo.pdf ?  ('open' button isn't enabled )22:08
Pelo!md5 | the-killer22:08
ubot3the-killer: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:08
hans__oleeee, i habs22:08
icy_heya, I recently updated to 7.10 and am encountering some kind of freezes for 15s when using gtksu (like with synaptic). /var/log/auth.log doesn't state any problems. Any ideas what could cause this? It's kinda annoying.22:08
hans__gar ned so schwer wie ich dachte22:08
the-killerLiMaO: which filename ? iso downloaded ?22:09
Bruno_annabelle: what program do you use?22:09
PeloCarlFK, I guess you can't then ,  give acroread a shot you can get it from the adobe website22:09
LiMaOthe-killer: yes22:09
annabelle<Bruno_>: pidgin22:09
demisone[for the last time - sorry for spamming] I just installed xorg and xfce4 on a 7.10 server but when i startx i get a fatal error "no screens found". Any help please?22:09
sensaeRug: You mean why run blackbox on top of XP? I like the feel of BB more than XP, but I still want to painlessly play games (hence it being my gamer)22:09
Peloicy_,  I beleive the command is gksu , not gtksu22:09
Bruno_annabelle: ok what do you mean it doesnt work? whats the error message?22:10
Rugsensae: How do you plan to run Linux "on top of" Windows?22:10
icy_Pelo: ment that, sorry :)22:10
Rugsensae: do you mean dual-boot?22:10
sensaeRug: Not linux, just blackbox. There's a win32 executable for BB that replaces explorer22:10
Peloicy_, just thought that might be causing the problem22:10
Rugsensae: Ahh I see22:10
Outlierdemisone: Have you checked the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?22:10
icy_Pelo: nope, just a typo22:10
Stressedsorry to try again :p is it normal that modprobe ndiswrapper keeps loading undefinitly ? I installed the packages from Synaptic22:10
_JohnyAnyone knows a good Soulseek client under Ubuntu?22:10
annabelle<Bruno_>: it says hat i have to go to add/edit, so i did that and know. and i type in my email and password than it says disconnected and that im with another accounts thingy22:11
Rugsensae: carefull, explorer.exe is tied into the system VERY deeply. (Hence the problem with virus')22:11
sensaeI just upgraded to 7.10, and in my home directory a "Public" and "Templates" folder have been created, and on log in recreate themselves. What are they and can I get rid of em?22:11
demisoneOutlier: i checked it and looked ok... not sure though so i thought running 7.10 live cd and see the what configuration it will use22:11
the-killermd5sum ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i38622:11
demisone(waiting for it to load)22:11
olenicotine @ _Johny22:11
ItchyHobosensae, they decided to give u default folders they are safe22:11
IdleOne_Johny: apt-cache search soulseek22:11
BubuntuI'm having trouble with my 19inch widescreen monitor.  When i set it to its native resolution (1440x900) it is too large and i can scroll around the desktop22:11
Bubuntuevery other resolution is fuzzy22:11
Bubuntuwhat do i do?22:11
poningru_sensae: you can get rid of it but some apps might complain about it, like nautilus etc.22:12
sensaeRug: Well it doesn't really replace explorer. It sits on top of it, and makes the start bar / background unreachable, you still explore the system with explorer22:12
_Johnyole, I'm using it - It happens sometimes to be too slow, Do you use it?22:12
jaume__Johny: nicotine22:12
the-killer!md5sum ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i38622:12
ubot3the-killer: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:12
sensaeHm.. what's the point of Templates?22:12
Bruno_annabelle: go to accounts>add/edit22:12
ubot3To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:12
ubot3To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more22:12
jmak642i guess i just have to reinstall22:12
PeloBubuntu, what do you mean fuzzy , everything or just the fonts ?22:12
jmak642this is hopeless22:12
ItchyHobosensae, to save templates22:12
annabelle<Bruno_>: i have done that.. then what?22:12
_JohnyIdleOne, I know. Already done that. I was asking a personal opinion on the topic ;)22:12
Bruno_annabelle: check the checkbox of you account22:13
oleit's slow sometimes but from what i heard, the official windows client is also slow sometimes :)22:13
Outlierdemisone: not a bad idea.  I'd check and make sure the name of the screen matches in the server layout and screen sections first, if you haven't already.22:13
IdleOne_Johny: sorry I dont know but it returns nicotine and museekd so give them both a try22:13
_JohnyIdleOne, Fine, thanks22:13
annabelle<Bruno_>: yes than it comes up with invalid screen name22:13
Bruno_annabelle: what protocol do you want to use?22:13
DBAlexHi I cant get my sound to work, its SB45022:13
BubuntuI'm having trouble with my 19inch widescreen monitor.  When i set it to its native resolution (1440x900) it is too large and i can scroll around the desktop22:14
Bubuntuevery other resolution is fuzzy22:14
Bubuntuwhat do i do?22:14
_Johnyole, Maybe I could try the offical win client with wine?22:14
Pelo!sound | DBAlex start with this22:14
annabelle<Bruno_>: msn22:14
ubot3DBAlex start with this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:14
PeloBubuntu, what do you mean fuzzy , everything or just the fonts ?22:14
DBAlexPelo: thanks22:14
icy_nobody with a clue what could cause the gksu delay I'm encoutering? :(22:14
Bruno_annabele: delete that account and do as i tell you to create a new on22:14
eulogy_I have two graphics cards hooked up but it's only recognizing one, how do I install the other?22:14
Outlierdemisone: Oh - also, I've seen that when system wanted to start with a 600x800 screen, and that wasn't one of the modes I had listed in there.22:15
UtimerHmm quick question, is there any way to "copy" over the "settings" and all the live CD uses? (or just reset all audio-related settings to there default?)22:15
demisoneOutlier: hmm.. interesting - same error with live cd - it couldn't start the X server... How possible is it that the fault is somehow related to the fact that there is voodoo card on the pc...? (i think it's voodoo 2)22:15
hyperkickhave anyone tried when ksoftirqd uses the cpu on minimum level of 20% but when i run a memtest the ksoftirqd goes down to normal cpu usage?22:15
Bruno_annabelle: on the Add/edit menu, select add22:15
Peloicy_, how much of a delay are we talking about here ? cause synaptic does take several seconds to load for me in anycase22:15
olei don't think it would be faster, but give it a try if you like :) @ _Johny22:15
jsubl2anyone know how to fix the intel ipw3945 wireless22:15
Bubuntupelo: its not in its native resolution so the image could be more crisp22:15
jaume_icy_ I don't know much of gksu, but sudo can use hostnames, and then name resolution. If your name resolution is not OK, this may make it slow22:15
annabelle<Bruno_>Thanks its done!22:15
icy_Pelo: several seconds, like ~15. It's not only with synaptic, it's whenever a program is started through gksu22:15
Bruno_annabelle: ok22:16
jaume_icy_ is it only gksudo or also sudo?22:16
_Johnyole, "Slow" I meant the program reacts slow, not the connection to the server. Is this common for the off client too?22:16
PeloBubuntu, what video card ?22:16
icy_lemme check sudo22:16
ndeeshouldn't totem automagically download the DVD codec when I want to watch a DV?D22:16
icy_sudo seems fine22:16
Peloicy_,  that does sound like a prob but I donT' have an answer for you22:16
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DBAlexPelo: it says GStreamer cant find a device!?22:16
Bubuntupelo: im using my onboard nvidia 650022:16
IdleOnendee: it cant take a look at !dvd22:16
oleyeah, ithink so, a friend of mine told me that that the official client sometime hags for minutes22:16
MrKeunerhi, I use fetchmail to get e-mails from an account which accumulates more than 50 each time I run the fetchmail application. However, i think my exim is set to allow no more than 10 at a time and delays the rest. How can I change this setting?22:17
livinginxWhats up everyone?22:17
Bubuntupelo: because my ati card isnt working22:17
ubot3For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:17
Pelondee,  no becaue there are some legal issues with dvd in some countries ( usa) ,22:17
olefreezes for minutes22:17
Pelo!dvd | ndee22:17
ubot3ndee: please see above22:17
chaosrl_can anyone help with a partial upgrade? when i try to, it just disappears from my screen22:17
ubot3Factoid ipw3645 not found22:17
_Johnyicy_, Maybe trying to run "gksudo" under terminal could provide some output?22:17
cdm10Why does Ubuntu use Firefox as a default browser instead of Epiphany?22:17
ndeePelo: I'm in Switzerland :D22:17
cvdI've deleted the .wine folder in home and reinstalled wine. My applications menu for wine just doesn't come back. Any thoughts on how to completely restore the fake start menu?22:17
PeloBubuntu,  did you install the ndivia restricted drivers ?   menu > system > admin > restricted drivers22:17
RugI gotta run folks.  I22:17
Rugwill be back later to help some more22:17
orochi_Hmm...trying to learn Ruby on Rails just to pick up a new language and framework at once, I keep thinking I should use PHP instead though ;> Been writing in it for a few years now22:17
Bubuntupelo: yes22:17
* livinginx is outta here22:17
LiMaOcvd: when you install new applications, restart X (ctrl+alt+backspace).. the menu will be back there22:18
Pelondee,  that was the reason why it is not on by default ,  you can add it with the links ubotu gave you22:18
cvdits not there22:18
XB23anyone know much about sendmail and virtual users...22:18
icy__Johny: no output22:18
cvdrestart gnome, rest pc22:18
_Johnycvd, Hi, For this type of questions  go too the official wine page and check the FAQ,22:18
PeloBubuntu, I don't know more about this,  I know that the restriced drivers have a special way of adjusting rez but I don'T know how,  you might want to check in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org22:18
oleanyone else experienced problems with xine not playing .wma and xvid files after upgrade to gutsy?22:19
chaosrl_can anyone help with a partial upgrade? when i try to, it just disappears from my screen22:19
Bubuntupelo: k thanks22:19
missingmousecdm10: We have the same name22:19
cdm10missingmouse: eh?22:19
missingmousecdm10: if your name is Caleb that is22:19
icy_the password prompt shows up and when I press ANY button (yes even the cancel button), it the screen freezes (I think the background processes still run)22:19
cdm10yup :)22:19
=== missingmouse is now known as humblerodent
cdm10missingmouse: someone was in here with the nick "Caleb_" earlier and it confused the hell out of me.22:19
jmak642can anyone help me with a wifi network problem?22:19
Pelochaosrl_, try dling the alternate cd or the dvd and upgrade from that22:19
humblerodentcdm10: weird22:19
MilitantPotatocp: cannot stat `./linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22_2.6.22.5.orig.tar.gz': No such file or directory22:19
MilitantPotatoWhat's this error mean?22:20
cdm10missing mouse, humble rodent?22:20
cdm10interesting :)22:20
humblerodentmissingmouse is my away name :P22:20
chaosrl_if i have the cd downloaded, could i mount it and run from my harddrive?22:20
humblerodenthumblerodent is play on one of the greatest bands ever22:20
NutsPTPpl, need help in Asus A8JS power management ( CPU and GPU ) with AC power and without..22:20
ricky_what can i use to install and play FIFA 07 (Windows-Game) on Ubuntu?22:20
_Johnyicy_, Hmm. Does't it have a sort of "history" file or a config that could lack?22:20
humblerodentcdm10: that is Modest Mouse ;P22:20
Pelochaosrl_,  you need the alternate install cd to upgrade, the live cd doewn't work for some reason22:20
MilitantPotatoSorry, hit enter to early.22:20
MilitantPotatoI ran the command: sudo pbuilder build linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22_2.6.22.5-15.1~bwh1.dsc and got an error saying "cp: cannot stat `./linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22_2.6.22.5.orig.tar.gz': No such file or directory"   What's this mean?22:20
chaosrl_oh ok22:20
Pelo!upgrade > chaosrl_  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu22:21
beowulf_how do I disable tracker?22:21
cdm10humblerodent: shoulda realized that...22:21
icy__Johny: I could run it trough 'strace', maybe that'll help22:21
ItchyHobochaosrl_, get gmount-iso22:21
Pelobeowulf_, there is a dialog for tracker in the admin menu22:21
* Pelo realy hates search indexing apps22:21
chaosrl_Pelo: i have gutsy installed and it has worked for a while, just a few days ago i got a partial upgrade request that won't work22:21
chaosrl_is that normal? (that meaning the partial upgrade req.)22:22
beowulf_Pelo: called?22:22
_Johnybeorwulf, You can use "bum" too22:22
Pelochaosrl_,  what do you call a partial upgrade ?  do you mean an update ?22:22
Pelobeowulf_, I think it's just tracker settings or something , look around22:22
_Johnybeorwulf, I myself disabled it as it slowed my system by indexing at boot22:22
icy_hm when ran through strace, it doesn't freeze, now that is weird22:22
chaosrl_the update manager came up, and then the window appeared saying "Not all updates can be installed. Run a partial upgrade..."22:22
chaosrl_and then i can either choose "Partial Upgrade" or "Close"22:23
DBAlexok sound still isn't working: I have this card: "SB450 HD AUDIO" - I HAVE UN-INSTALLED ALSA from apt-get and recompiled with alsa-driver-1.0.15 but now I get nothing, and volume control reports than basically no device is available, before ubuntu thought sound was working but I got no output.... Any help is glady appreciated! :-)22:23
Pelochaosrl_,  that just means some updates are  listed but not available yet for your mirror, don't worry about it , you'll get them in a few days22:23
bluejay_hey guys, does anyone know how to DISABLE the "snapping windows" function in "wobbly windows?"22:23
prakdoes anyone know how to copy files like "cp /source_directory/file here"?22:24
NutsPTppl. need help at power management cpu and gpu ina AC and Battery mode, Asus A8jS---22:24
PeloDBAlex, do you see the volume icon in the top pannel ? if not , you might want to check your permission settings make sure you are allowed to use the sound device22:24
bluejay_i disabled "snapping windows," but my windows is still snapping to the edges22:24
prakis it cp /source_directory/file .?22:24
Pelobluejay_, ask in #compiz-fusion22:24
adriencomment fait-on pour aller sur ubuntu french?22:24
emetbluejay_: download compiz-settings-manager or wahtever22:24
bluejay_Pelo, thx22:24
MilitantPotatoNevermind, I found the file I was missing.22:24
bluejay_emet, i did22:24
DBAlexPelo: yes the sound icon is there but when I click it it says no device is available22:24
Utimerbluejay_, I think there is a seperate plug0in for it as wll in the compiz settings manager22:24
emetand disable "Snapping Windows" plugin22:24
Peloadrien,  tape  /join #ubuntu-fr22:24
Utimer*plug-in even22:24
bluejay_i disabled it22:24
adriena oui merci beaucoup pelo22:24
bluejay_emet, i disabled "snaping windows" and only enabled "wobbly windows"22:25
bluejay_but then wobbly windows also has snapping function22:25
o7aDoes using the feisty /home with gusty can cause problems ? (not upgrading from feisty to gusty but installing gusty on another partition)22:25
=== hildenae is now known as Kagee
bluejay_so i was wondering if i can disable it22:25
emetclick on wobbly windows plugin22:25
loucashi guys22:25
PeloDBAlex, sound to me like ( and don't hold me to this) you need to modprobe your audio card,  chekc inthe forum for instructions,  I have no idea how to do it22:25
cdm10o7a: it shouldn't22:25
emetand see if there is a snapping option for it22:25
DBAlexPelo: ok22:25
bluejay_OH WHAT22:25
bluejay_NO WAY22:25
bluejay_lol sry guys22:25
_Johnyicy_, "gksudo" has an "-d" (dbg output) option try this22:25
cdm10Is there a way to import Firefox bookmarks into Epiphany?22:25
Peloo7a,  each release uses different version of the same apps,  ;might cause some issues with the settings stored in /home22:26
bluejay_all you need to do is unchecking "Snap Inverted"22:26
eulogy_ubuntu isnt recognizing 2nd card22:26
emetyes they need to improve the setting manager imo22:26
emettook me forever to figure out how to add more virtual desktops22:26
Peloeulogy_,  you might need to add it manualy, but I don't know how to do that22:26
Utimernote to self, do not set Friction to .1 ^^  :P22:26
chaosrl_Pelo: thanks for your help22:26
cdm10o7a: Newer apps can generally read the preferences files in your /home from older apps, but it's possible that the older apps won't be able to read the preferences files after the newer apps have touched them.22:27
eulogy_pelo: thanks22:27
icy__Johny: ah cool, will try that but it somehow caches my password so I'll have to wait some minutes22:27
antegood evening all :)22:27
cdm10Utimer: yeah, that's not a good idea :)22:27
eulogy_does anyone know how to install a 2nd graphics card manually22:27
adminncan I install a science screensaver in dapper drake?22:27
cdm10eulogy_: open the case, stick card in?22:27
UtimerThough it looked pretty cool :D22:27
Peloeulogy_,  the ppl in ##linux might also be able to help22:27
eulogy_It's in just not recognizing it22:27
eulogy_Thanks pelo22:27
antei have a small problem that even allmighty google can help me with :(22:27
_Johnyicy_, Ther's a man section also. You might want to check it out22:28
adminndo you guys know???22:28
=== MilitantPotato is now known as The
bluejay_ante, what is it? lol22:28
cdm10adminn: depends on the screensaver...22:28
=== The is now known as TheMilitantPotat
adminnscience saver in dapper how22:28
cdm10adminn: WHAT science screensaver?22:28
antemy workspace is larger then my screen .. if you understand what i mean?22:28
bluejay_what's science saver22:28
Peloadminn,  where are you getting this screen saver from ?22:28
UtimerI would say, yeah you could install a linux screensaver :p22:28
adminnit takes screenshot and moves22:28
claudiohello. Anyone with a fujitsu siemens AMILO L1705?22:28
Utimergot a name or link?22:28
adminnaccross screen22:28
adminnI dont have lol22:28
_Johnyadminn, Search for the package name on ubuntupackages22:28
dj_okohm, crowded...22:28
adminnI want22:28
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adminnook weres that22:29
speeddemon8803if its a deb or tar.gz format package you can most definately install it.22:29
antebluejay_: if i maximize my windows i only see 2/3 of them..22:29
Peloadminn,  f-spot can let you use your image library for screensaver22:29
OrionDudeim using Ubuntu SERVER 7.10 ... how do i start/install a (any) GUI ?22:29
bluejay_OrionDude, dont you need to install X windows?22:29
speeddemon8803you must type in apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:29
Incompetncei have just started messing about with compizconfig thing and i have managed to make the top bar disappear from all my windows. how do i get it back?22:29
PeloOrionDude,  you need to install one ,  sudo apt-get install gnome or kde or whatever22:29
bluejay_OrionDude, and gnome or kde22:30
UtimerOrionDude, im no expert, but apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:30
o7aPelo, cdm10 : I guess I must remove the old parameters to resolve the problem, but what is the corresponding parameters' file to gtk-window-decorator ?22:30
Utimerand then, startx22:30
ItchyHoboante, in system administration.screens and graphics check that it shows the correct model and screen22:30
crdlbIncompetnce: is "Window Decoration" checked?22:30
Peloo7a,  it would probably be in ~/.metacity22:30
b0r3dhi. how do i know that the correct nvidia driver for my video card is being used?22:30
Incompetncecrdlb, i dont think it is...22:30
speeddemon8803im no expert either ltimer, but that was correct :)22:30
OrionDudegnome / ubunto-desktop / kde ... which should i do ?22:30
anteItchyHobo: thanks you will check22:30
Utimer(damn speeddemon types to fast)22:30
daxrocIs there a repo for development compiz-fusion ? I've been using it on gentoo for a long time , and find that gutsys ccsm is way behind , Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ?22:30
Peloadminn,   it's an app, check in synaptic or in www.getdeb.net22:30
JabberwockHello :)22:30
speeddemon8803Nah, your just slow utimer :)22:31
UtimerGreetings Jabberwock22:31
Pelodaxroc, ask in #compiz-fusion22:31
crdlbb0r3d: glxinfo|grep direct22:31
JabberwockHello, Utimer.22:31
speeddemon8803I type at 60 WPM.22:31
JabberwockIs there a way to turn off the feature that causes programs to turn black&white?22:31
cvdthey seid  cvd, Not Wine's problem it creates proper menu entries, It is bug in your gnome/kde handling of the menu structure and those are not part of Wine22:31
mark488Pelo -- what were those commands you sent me on reconfigging X's vid driver?  (i put in a diff vid card)22:31
Incompetncecrdlb, ok thanks. that has made it better now i think.22:31
JabberwockI used to be able to click areas of websites inside firefox while a page was loading but I can't anymore22:31
JabberwockIt goes black&white and hangs until the page is finished22:31
UtimerA well back to my I-wont-give-you-errors-to-work-with-sound-problem -.-22:31
Pelomark488,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:31
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
b0r3ddirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)22:32
b0r3dOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect22:32
anteItchyHobo: hum i has the "extend desktop" option marked .. but its grayed out so i cant change it :(22:32
lobster2bproblem: using live cd on my comp, freeses the screen, only black screen22:32
anteotherwise it looks ok22:32
DjpenguinHi guys, I need some help. I got ubuntu for my g4 and booted from a cd. Now I need help so it can connect with my airport. How do I do that?22:32
mark488Thx Pelo, I'll try it22:32
o7aPelo: oh ... the files' names in .metacity are incomprehensible ...22:32
PeloDjpenguin, look up the model in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org22:32
adminngotta go cya ty22:33
xypezza; /me waves!22:33
Peloo7a,   try just renameing /.metacity , and r4estart x , see what happens, you can always put it back later22:33
DjpenguinWhat do you mean look up the model Pelo?22:33
ItchyHoboante, no it's ok if ti is greyed out it is not selected i need you to check that your monitor and graphic card selection is of the correct model sometimes they are not detected correctly22:33
JabberwockThis is really nerve wracking having to wait for the entire page to load before I can scroll or click :/22:33
crdlbb0r3d: system>administration>restricted drivers manager22:33
PeloDjpenguin,  I was assuming you meant your airport router , or maybe I am mistaken22:33
leperkhanzHi.  Is there way to make the shift switcher plugin display all open windows on all desktops?22:33
o7aPelo: I'm going to try, thanks22:34
PeloDjpenguin,  you can also try just searching in the forum for  connecting to airport22:34
anteItchyHobo: ok its a laptop so ill have to check the site to know what card i have .. will take a min22:34
speeddemon8803Wow, we suddenly got quiet, or im seriously lagged.22:34
UtimerARGH the solution to my problem was as simple as pressing a button -.-22:34
Pelospeeddemon8803,  you are lagged22:34
DjpenguinPelo: I have an airport card, and my router. It doesnt seem to have a spot where i can plug that in22:34
lobster2bsomone want to help me, problem when booting.22:34
tegguNhey guys, anyone know where i could get some help for the resolution of my laptop?22:34
b0r3dcrdlb, it wasn't in use. i enabled it now and it's fetching the driver i think.22:34
PeloDjpenguin, do you mean you don't know how to phycicaly connect your aritport to your comp ?22:35
JabberwockDoesn't seem you can customize the visual effects settings22:35
JabberwocktegguN: Elaborate?22:35
b0r3dcrdlb, also, my sound card doesn't seem to be working on gutsy.. any reason for that?22:35
DjpenguinPelo: I can run my airport with os x but i want it to connect with ubuntu22:35
PeloJabberwock,  you can , you just need to install the compiz-setting thyngy22:35
crdlb!ccsm | Jabberwock22:35
Neodudemanyay for the ubuntu channel!22:35
ubot3Jabberwock: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Gutsy(7.10) install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' - A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion22:35
crdlbb0r3d: probably but I have no idea ;)22:36
oscar_acostaMy system runs on 1000 MHz whereas 2000 MHz is possible, where do I change that?22:36
DjpenguinPelo: I want to use my airport to connect to the internet on ubuntu22:36
DBAlexoscar_acosta: bios?22:36
mark488Pelo et al -- i have a matrox vid card, but don't see it listed in the 33 vid card drivers listed.  Ideas on a good one to choose?22:36
DjpenguinPelo: I boot it from a cd22:36
b0r3dok the system needs restarting now. brb.22:36
PeloDjpenguin,  look it up in the forum, I don't think you are gonna find much help in this channel for mac issues,  www.ubuntuforums.org22:36
oscar_acostaDBAlex, why bios?22:36
Pelomark488, vesa22:36
DBAlexwell, Im guessing its not ubuntu problem22:36
oscar_acostaDBAlex, it's some powermanagement option I presume.22:36
DBAlextry that22:36
speeddemon8803We need a room "#ubuntu-mac"...anybody up for making it? if not i will :)22:37
oscar_acostayeah, but where?22:37
PeloDjpenguin, I don't know how you would do that in a mac sorry22:37
tegguNeverything was working fine on a clean install of gutsy, then i installed nvidia-settings (didn't realise i already had it) rebooted and my resolution was stuck, so i reinstalled nvidia-glx-new, which removed nvidia settings and rebooted, now it wont recognise the monitor, and its stuck at1024x76822:37
Pelospeeddemon8803,  be my guest22:37
DjpenguinPelo: i dont need to do it in a mac22:37
DBAlexspeeddemon8803: do it :)22:37
speeddemon8803hehe, im working on it now pelo22:37
PeloDjpenguin,  when I say a mac I mean a mac computer,  I don'T mean a mac OS22:37
DjpenguinPelo: I have an airport in which i connect to the internet with. I booted from ubuntu and i want to use it to connect again22:37
RDProgrammerwhen i open ubuntu i get a message that my battery is only at 29% capacity and it might be old or broken. Is there a fix for this, ro do i justy have to replace it (it is only 4 months old)22:37
Pelospeeddemon8803,  can you give Djpenguin  a hand22:37
o7andrewUbuntu is taking >15 minutes to boot my computer, Help!22:37
speeddemon8803I have no mac computers so if anybody wishes to help and has one, *opens arms up*22:38
o7andrewI can't find the right cheat codes to use22:38
Chousukespeeddemon8803: heh :P22:38
Utimero7andrew, where does it wait the most?22:38
speeddemon8803I dont know the first thing about MAC's22:38
speeddemon8803I was trained A+22:38
PeloDjpenguin, go to the forum, www.ubuntuforums.org,   use the search feature and look for connecting to airport22:38
ChousukeAll I know is that Leopard is great22:38
speeddemon8803and know ubuntu enough to help.22:38
monte84MAC's are built to be user friendly ;)22:39
DBAlexI have a mac mini powerpc 1.5ghz22:39
o7andrewUtimer: ata 1.00:exception emask ... frozen22:39
DBAlexbut its running Tiger at the moment22:39
ChousukeThey're Macs though. MAC means Mandatory Access Control22:39
DBAlexplus Canonical is stopping Mac support22:39
DBAlexwell PowerPC22:39
oscar_acostaalright, found it: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-change-cpu-frequency-scaling-in-ubuntu.html22:39
DBAlexwhich I find offensive22:39
DBAlexPowerPC isn't such an old architecture yet22:39
ItchyHoboDBAlex, when are mac ppl going to run out of cats' names22:39
DBAlexdebian still supports m68k22:40
jay__Bah I'm about to rip my hair out on installing flash on this machine.22:40
DBAlexMy mac mini is 2005, isnt it unfair NOT to support it?22:40
* Pelo likes that apples makes computers like car companies make cars, you never go to buy a car and select your motor , carburator, transmission, seats, etc , you just pick the model and the colour you want, and a few simple extras 22:40
UtimerHmm nope thats something completely different from what I had :(22:40
DBAlexjay__: its easy, just a simple script :-)22:40
ItchyHobojay__, 32bi machine or 64 bit?22:40
KeitaroSoooh! soo close to finding a solution to my problem. aparently theres a bug in 7.10 gutsy gibbon with the UTS_RELEASE. afaik linux/config.h has been renamed linux/autoconf.h and directories have been changed. anyway to revert these back to the original directories from a previous kernel?22:40
o7andrewI've tried noapic + live-expert + ide=nodma (worked best with puppy) but they don't affect that problem (something to do with sata drives apparently)22:40
bluejay_jay__, btw they don't have 64bit flash player22:40
bluejay_jay__, stupid adobe doesn't make it22:40
DBAlexWINE is a big package isn't it! :-(22:41
bluejay_jay__, that's why i had to install 32bit ubuntu on my 64bit amd cpu22:41
bluejay_DBAlex, is it?22:41
* speeddemon8803 really doesnt know Macintosh or Apples, have played on one 1 time, and will open up a room, but i need help if you think im gonna be helpful in that area, I seriously dont know them :)22:41
jay__Yes I've found that out now. I'm on 64-bit.22:41
UtimerIn the end my slow boot was fixed by removing a ntfs-formatted disk that vista had kindly destroyed for me22:41
jay__Yes I'm thinking I might have to go bcak.22:41
DBAlexbluejay: hehe, it is for my little connection22:41
jay__*back to 32-bit22:41
bluejay_jay__, go reinstall your ubuntu lol22:41
bluejay_DBAlex, is Wine stable ?22:41
o7andrewouch, bad vista"22:41
ItchyHobojay__, you should check the forums however i heard that gusy has flash support for 64 bit too22:41
speeddemon8803<---not the MAC guy22:42
DBAlexbluejay: yes when I used it on ubuntu 6 before22:42
bluejay_ItchyHobo, really? 64bit flash support?22:42
Utimeryeah, but I'm sorta happy vista did it though22:42
ItchyHobojay__, it says so in the whats new section22:42
Utimersince it made me switch22:42
bluejay_DBAlex, i was gonna use Virtual Box22:42
jay__I'll check it out.22:42
Utimercan't say I regret it :)22:42
ItchyHobojay__, but i am on 32 bit so didnt research it22:42
DBAlexwho wants FLASH anyway... FLASH is proprietary, RICHARD STALLMAN of GNU would be so p*ssed off at you! :-)22:42
UtimerGreetings ROBRTO22:42
DBAlexuse GNASH!22:42
unstableIs there an automated way to convert an Ubuntu 7.04 xorg.conf to an Ubuntu 7.10 xorg.conf, for dual monitor22:42
bluejay_DBAlex, im not sure which one i should use..wine or virtual box22:42
ItchyHobobluejay_, 7.10 only22:42
PhisikusDBAlex: use brain22:42
DBAlexbluejay: Ive used both22:43
bluejay_ItchyHobo, yeah im on 7.1022:43
DBAlexbluejay_: virtualbox is what im gonna use22:43
DBAlexim gonna install xp on my laptop in that vm22:43
bluejay_DBAlex, hm..i should use that too then22:43
ItchyHobobluejay_, then google away friend22:43
UtimerI personally switch between wine and virtualization solutions. I always try wine first22:43
Pelounstable, did you just try using the same file ? just make a backup of your old on for safety22:43
bluejay_ItchyHobo, i am :)22:43
ItchyHobobluejay_, start with ubuntus website22:43
DBAlexPhisikus: I understand RMS and he is god :-)22:43
buntucindyhow do i enable 3d effects?22:43
DBAlex: P22:43
PhisikusDBAlex: :D22:44
DBAlexand its not linux its GNU/Linux :p22:44
unstablePelo: It doesn't work.. the new xorg uses xrandR and the old one used MergeFB and other stuff22:44
DBAlexI need a rename *linux GNU/Linux22:44
Pelobuntucindy, menu > system > theme > appearance22:44
ItchyHobobuntucindy, do u have intel965?22:44
bluejay_buntucindy, you mean 3D desktop effects?22:44
DBAlexfor the internets22:44
unstableWasn't there supposed to be some tool for setting up dual screens in Gutsy?22:44
unstablea gui tool, I saw it on digg, iirc22:44
UtimerDBAlex, we are lazy (hence, tab completion). linux make everyone understand what you mean. Why type the extra 3 letters and the /?22:44
buntucindyPelo: thank you22:44
Pelounstable, you can always try and copy the lines over22:44
LogicalKHey, would anyone bee able to help me with a sound recording issue in skype 1.422:44
boblobliandoes anyone know of a utility that does something like 'reiserfsck --rebuild-tree' for a ext2/3 partition?22:44
DjpenguinPelo: they speak of tutorial videos, where are those?22:44
DBAlexUtimer: because Im anally retentive22:45
unstablePelo: There are lots of changes that need to happen, you can't just copy it over.22:45
PeloDjpenguin,  no idea,  read further or try google22:45
DBAlexaccording to a not-so good friend22:45
unstableIs there a gui to setup dual monitors?22:45
bluejay_does anyone know how to check if my FF is 64bit or 32bit?22:45
* Utimer wonders if he should even comment on that22:45
lobster2bi cant load beyond the boot loader22:45
DBAlexLol :)22:45
bluejay_it doesn't tell me that in help>about22:45
Pelounstable,  I'm just trying to give you some general hints here,  my best advice is forget about converthing and do it from scratch22:45
Djpenguinis there an ubuntu networking channel?22:45
ItchyHoboPelo, you are a machine man; wow22:45
DBAlexBtw, I have the default Leopard background as my ubuntu backdrop, who wants to shoot me first? :P22:46
unstablebluejay_: dpkg -al|grep firefox ?22:46
speeddemon8803bluejay, still have the sleve that the cd came in?22:46
* Pelo thinks of a new feature for the next release man Pelo , gets you all the easy answer to all the silly problems22:46
bluejay_unstable, it doesn't say about the bits :(22:47
lobster2bcould i get some help please22:47
antelol .. lame hp dont even have the specs of my comp on there site :<22:47
=== Ballena|Away is now known as Ballena
ItchyHobobluejay_, open firefox help>about read carefully22:47
Pelolobster2b, ask a question22:47
anteanyone know what built in graphics card a hp ze4400 has? :o22:47
UtimerI think he did, he couldn't get past the bootloader?22:48
speeddemon8803Maybe lobster...i think we could somehow help out a person..right guys?22:48
bluejay_Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071022 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/
jay__So there is no flash support for 64-bit Feisty Fawn?22:48
bluejay_that's what i see22:48
lobster2bive having problems loading beyond the boot loader, where the ubuntu background shold be, instead i get a black screen22:48
MilitantPotatowhere does pbuilder put files after it builds them?22:48
ItchyHobobluejay_, good probability it is a 32-bit22:48
UtimerLobster2b, is it a fresh install? Did the live cd work?22:48
tegguNanyone know where i could get some help regarding a messed up monitor resolution?22:48
Pelojay__,  I don't beleive there is a flash for 64bit,  adobe didn't make one22:48
bluejay_ItchyHobo, that's what i though22:48
lobster2bit is the live cd22:48
ItchyHobojay__, nope22:48
PelotegguN,  what is the problem ?22:49
oxeimondoes anyone here know C++?22:49
Utimerhmm, the cd does start?22:49
dwf_starbandi have a book on it i havent read yet22:49
Utimergiving you the options to start/install ubuntu?22:49
Pelolobster2b,  what videocard ?22:49
lobster2bthe cd starts fine, and everything loades fine, but im not getting the desktop22:49
jay__Dang and no third-paty alternatives? That really sucks. I guess I'll have to go down to 32-bit.22:49
lobster2bnvidia gforce go 720022:49
Nubbiehi guys, I was just wondering if there were any sort of setting where i could specify where application data folders are stored. I don't like them cluttering up my home directory, but if i could have all of them within ONE hidden directory in my home folder, i wouldn't mind. Does anybody know if this is possible?22:49
Pelooxeimon,  the ppl in #c++ probabaly can help22:49
bluejay_jay__, i found a way to use flash player on x64 ubuntu22:50
bluejay_jay__, not sure if it'll work22:50
jay__Oh? Elaborate, please.22:50
o7andrewUbuntu is taking >15 minutes to boot my computer, Help!  (ata 1.00:exception emask ...frozen)22:50
Pelolobster2b,  you'll need to use the alternate inxtall cd,   nvidia doesn'T make FOSS drivers so they are not on the live cd22:50
Nubbiebluejay_: a chroot environment correct?22:50
bluejay_jay__, well actually i don't know how to do it but adobe says that you can use it on 32bit browser22:50
PelotegguN, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel22:50
bluejay_Nubbie, chroot? :?22:50
bluejay_jay__, http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=6b3af6c922:51
lobster2bok, i will try to do that, are there a guide to install it on a usb drive?22:51
bluejay_jay__, go there22:51
tegguNpelo, how do i send messages to you through the channel?22:51
Pelo!install | lobster2b22:51
ubot3lobster2b: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:51
the-killerHell oall22:51
PelotegguN,  you don't you jsut type it in the channel22:51
OrionDudei am installing ubuntu-desktop on my system now .. how do i make it auto start?22:51
tegguNah righty22:51
tegguN Hi, everything was great out of the box (gutsy) but I install nvidia-settings (didn't realise i had it) then the resolution went right down, so i reinstalled nvidia-glx-new now it's not detecting the right monitor resolution/refresh rate22:51
anteItchyHobo: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility22:51
anteU1 is that enough for you?22:51
the-killeri cant use the cd i burned iso of ubuntu it is crash when im hiting anything on the boot menu  Help pliz22:52
ItchyHoboante, so are the settings correct?22:52
PeloOrionDude,  I should autostart by default I beleive if not , when hyou have it started once,  goto menu > sytem > rpefs > session and hit save this session in the 3rd tab22:52
Pelothe-killer, try the alternate install cd22:52
the-killerPelo: how ?22:53
OrionDudePelo: ... if it does not auto start the first time ... how do i manually start it ?22:53
PeloOrionDude,  gdm start22:53
the-killerPelo: i copy files on the partition... ???22:53
anteItchyhobo checking if i can find a more fitting driver manually22:53
OrionDudekk thx22:53
dwf_starbandanyone here know much about lirc?22:54
Pelothe-killer, there is an alternate install cd on the www.ubuntu.com site,  you dl it ,  just check the box for alternate cd just below the download now button in the dlownload section22:54
Nubbiedwf_starband: probably.22:54
ItchyHoboante, try the generic too22:54
JayVeei, that didn't work.22:54
Pelothe-killer, just out of curiousity you are not tring to install a 64 bit version on a 32 bit computer are you ?22:54
Nubbiedwf_starband: its for using IR remotes.22:55
* Pelo off making coffe22:55
anteItchyHobo: ok the one named just "radeon"?22:55
o7andrewUbuntu is taking >15 minutes to boot my computer, Help! (ata 1.00:exception emask ...frozen)22:55
realstuff5Enter text here...22:55
bluejay_BAH, they made 64bit CPU few years ago and they still don't have lots of 64bit programs :(22:55
ItchyHoboante, trial and error :)22:55
o7andrewis there a "failsafe" kernel parameter maybe guys???22:55
the-killerPelo: nono22:55
CarlFKjpilot says pi_bind error: /dev/ttyUSB0 No such file or directory22:55
bluejay_how come no one wants to make a program that supports 64bit cpu's22:55
anteItchyHobo: hehe :)22:55
thinman1189I'm trying to test my internet speed. I've tried using speedtest.net but it only loads a bit and freezes with the words flashing across the screen. is that because something is wrong with my net that it's going that slow or is it a flash/java/codec problem?22:55
the-killerPelo: i had download Desktop versiobn22:55
CarlFKthis used to work in feisty22:55
UtimerGreetings realstuff522:55
dwf_starbandyes, im trying to get one setup in mythbuntu, ive got the mce 1069 shown at http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MCE_Remote#Media_Center_Remotes22:55
timstokman07andrew, try booting with irqpoll22:56
JayUbuntu 7.10 still won't boot on my Live CD.22:56
ItchyHoboante, u might also want to check generic drivers as they are the simplest22:56
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:56
Bruno_hello andres__ what do you need22:56
Utimero7andrew: Press escape during the boot (during the GRUB countdown). It should list a special "failsafe" iirc22:56
meheviwoah the weather is *so* nice here in Houston today!22:56
Nubbie!offtopic | mehevi22:57
ubot3mehevi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:57
specsmuhi, quick question - I just downloaded the kunbunto release and tried to boot it... it just spins and then after a couple of minutes it boots from the disk.  Is there something special I have to do when burning it?22:57
o7andrewthanx timstokman should I leave the other options on the boot line? (casper, quiet etc)22:57
andres__Bruno_: Hi22:57
Gnu_buntuanyone installed kde4 beta 3?22:57
anteItchyHobo: yeah gonna try the vesa drivers.. does are "generic" right?22:57
andres__Bruno_: I just install ubuntu 7.1022:57
minusHow do I connect to a windowsmachine by just knowing the IP address? I tried ctrl+L in nautilus, but it didn't wirk22:58
JayI'm having trouble booting Ubuntu 7.10 on a Live CD. After the orange progress bar I get a blank screen. I checked the md5sum and the integrity of the CD and both were fine. Anyone know how to fix this?22:58
specsmumaybe I shoul djust try the 32 bit version22:58
o7andrewUtimer: I haven't got to installing it just yet >a bit scared of 15 minute boot times yaknow?22:58
andres__Bruno_: and i cant configure my soundcard22:58
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bluejay_Jay, my name is Jay too!22:58
andres__Bruno_: I have a Dell vostro 1500 notebook22:58
bluejay_Jay, what do you mean by "blank screen"22:58
Bruno_andress__: go to system>sounds, maybe that can help you22:58
bluejay_Jay, all black or all white or some weird images?22:58
Jayall black22:58
_Johnyicy_, Any steps?22:58
specsmuor maybe I should just install fedora...  heh22:59
Jayno command prompt, just a black screen.22:59
bluejay_Jay, after booting with live CD?22:59
o7andrewI'll try irqpoll22:59
andres__Bruno_:  Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller [8086:284b] (rev 02)22:59
bluejay_Jay, when i was installing 7.10 on my computer, i had that black screen too22:59
Jayhow did you fix it?22:59
bluejay_Jay, but i just waited for about 1 min and i worked22:59
Bruno_andress__: have you tried to test those devices. Also, you can go Hardware info22:59
bluejay_Jay, i didn't do anything really lol23:00
threexkDoes anyone know a way to tile windows that doesn't suck?23:00
bluejay_Jay, can you hear the booting sound?23:00
JayI've waited longer than that and it doesn't do anything.23:00
tristanmikeHi, I just installed gutsy and have a SoundBlaster 5.1 card with my speakers hooked up but I get a static sound from my center speaker and nothing from my rears. Can anyone help ?23:00
bluejay_Jay, hm...that's weird23:00
Veeianyone know where I might start to try to get my audio working on dell latitude 630?23:00
MilitantPotatoCan someone read this, I don't want to spam the room with it.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42405/23:00
bluejay_Jay, does your live CD work on Windows?23:00
JayI select the top "start Ubuntu" option, the orange bar loads, and after that it just quits.23:00
Jaywhat do you mean?23:01
the-killerPelo:Where i can found alternate CD ?23:01
blkrbthello all23:01
cremepuff222/who #ubuntu23:01
bluejay_for me, the first CD didn't work somehow23:01
bluejay_so i had to burn another one23:01
cremepuff222What would that do?23:01
Nubbie!alternate | the-killer23:01
ubot3the-killer: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal23:01
andres__Bruno_: every thing seams to be ok23:01
bluejay_and the CD that didn't work failed to start on windows too23:01
Nubbiethat was very uninformative.23:01
andres__Bruno_: but i have no sound23:02
bluejay_Jay, i checked the md5 and it said no error23:02
dwf_starbanddoes anyone know enough about lirc to give advice?23:02
bluejay_Jay, but it still didn't work anyway23:02
Jayyeah, same for me23:02
Bruno_andres__: do you have the drivers needed?23:02
Jayso you just burned another CD and that worked?23:02
cdm10Any Epiphany users in here?23:02
riotkittiethe alternate CD can be downloaded from ubuntu.com - look on the bottom of the download page, rather than using the radio boxes to select a download23:02
bluejay_Jay, well for me, it did...that's why i asked you if your cd works on windows23:02
Pelodwf_starband, did you try #lirc  maybe then can help ?23:02
specsmuhmm, I'll just try using my tftp server :P23:02
andres__Bruno_: no23:02
cremepuff222HELLO HELLO HELLO23:03
riotkittiethere's a link towards the bottom which will bring up a page with all the mirrors, where you can find the alt disc23:03
bluejay_Jay, cuz mine didn't work on linux either23:03
cremepuff222/who #ubuntu does what?23:03
cdm10I'm looking for something like Firefox has that lets me specify custom searches that I can access through the URL bar... in Firefox I can right-click on a search field and add a keyword for it, but Epi's Smart Bookmarks only seem to work on selected text.23:03
Bruno_andres__: then thats the problem, you need them23:03
cremepuff222/who #ubuntu does what?23:03
Pelocremepuff222,  type /topic to find out23:03
Jayoh, well I'm using Windows right now23:03
andres__Bruno_: do you know where to find it?23:03
ItchyHobojay__, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=359703323:03
bluejay_cremepuff222, it lists the users in #ubuntu and some info of them23:03
bluejay_Jay, :/23:03
* Pelo takes one look at Jay and rushes off the get the holy water23:04
crdlbcdm10: it's unintuitive but it can be done23:04
andres__Bruno_: can you guid me?23:04
Bruno_andres__: nope, but you can google it, and you'll prolly get them23:04
cdm10crdlb: how?23:04
ItchyHobojay__, search the word flash on it it says they have a script for it23:04
cremepuff222bluejay_, would that be bad?23:04
Nubbiecdm10: with firefox you can add bookmarks to search websites and keywords. for example, in the address bar, i can type "music <whatever>" and it will search google for all shared directories containing the music i searched for.23:04
andres__Bruno_: this is the problem23:04
bluejay_cremepuff222, how's that bad lol23:04
the-killerPelo:i cant see where download alternate CD ?23:04
ItchyHobojay__, let the other jay know too ;)23:04
Gnu_buntuanyone installed kde4 beta 3?23:04
* cremepuff222 tries it.23:04
crdlbcdm10: search for some random term, "foo", then bookmark that page, but before adding it, change "foo" to "%s"23:04
andres__Bruno_: there are no information at all23:04
cdm10Nubbie: I realize that, and what I'm asking about is how I can replicate that functionality in Epiphany.23:04
eulogy_Does Linux support Sli?23:05
crdlbcdm10: then it will show up in the dropdown with "Search the web"23:05
Pelothe-killer,  select everything as if you were getting the live cd, and just below the "download now" button,  look for a checkbox23:05
Nubbiecdm10: ohh i didn't know you were talking about epiphany23:05
cdm10crdlb: okay, thanks.23:05
Jaylooking at the link right now23:05
cdm10Nubbie: I guess I should have combined both parts of the question into one message :)23:05
Peloeulogy_, sli ?23:05
* Nubbie installs KDE4 beta.... long time gnome user is finally curious about kde again.23:05
ItchyHoboJay, sorry man i meant the bluejay23:05
blizzkidawn-manager gives an error "no such file". python -v `which awn-manager` does start awn-manager; how can I fix it to start with awn-manager again?23:05
MrKeunerhi, I use fetchmail to get e-mails from an account which accumulates more than 50 each time I run the fetchmail application. However, i think my exim is set to allow no more than 10 at a time and delays the rest. How can I change this setting?23:06
Bruno_andres__: i'll tru to find them23:06
Peloblizzkid, jsut upgraded ? reinstall awn from scratch23:06
norman_hi can i talk to someone about a lil problem on ubuntu 7.1023:06
bluejay_ItchyHobo, oh sry what did you say to me?23:06
Pelonorman_,  just ask a question23:06
blizzkidPelo, I removed and reinstalled, same issue23:06
bluejay_ItchyHobo, i was doing something else lol23:06
ItchyHobobluejay_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3597033 search the word flash on it they say they have a script in synaptic for flash confirm first though cuz i dont want u to download 700mb23:06
BOZGhow do you make a window force quit?23:07
the-killerPelo: Thank You23:07
Peloblizzkid, delete the settings folder in /home23:07
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bluejay_ItchyHobo, k23:07
Pelonorman_, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel23:07
ItchyHobobluejay_, 64bit flash ;) might just be a possibility23:07
norman_i have problems with reading here23:07
norman_its hard23:07
Bonste1BOZG: alt+f2, type in xkill23:07
norman_make in exeption plix23:07
Pelonorman_,  just focus on the lines with your name in it ,  and use the name of the person you talk to in each line23:08
andres__Bruno_: thank you Bruno23:08
Nubbiebluejay_: google "flash 32bit chroot"23:08
ItchyHobobluejay_, u can do it from synaptic in 7.1023:08
norman_ok ill try23:08
MilitantPotatoI need help with this please:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42405/23:08
bluejay_ItchyHobo, hm..23:08
blizzkidPelo, what folder is that? I can't seem to find one23:08
PeloMilitantPotato, just give us the short version here23:08
bluejay_Nubbie, what does chroot have to do with flash on 64bit cpu?23:08
ItchyHobobluejay_, hmm indeed...23:09
Veeihow do u run a script from the cmd line?23:09
Peloblizzkid,   type crtl+h to see the hidden folder,  should be ~/.awn or /.avant or something23:09
ItchyHobobluejay_, research needed23:09
MilitantPotatoI'm trying to install the latest ATI drivers, I ran 'sudo pbuilder build linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22_2.6.22.5-15.1~bwh1.dsc', followed by 'sudo dpkg -i xorg-driver-fglrx_7.1.0-8.42.3+ fglrx-kernel-source_8.42.3+ fglrx-control_8.42.3+' and then sudo module-assistant prepare,update and sudo module-assistant build,install fglrx -f and I got this error: ht23:09
Nubbiebluejay_: if you create a 32bit environment for firefox you can install the flash plugin into that environment.23:09
norman_i have ubuntu 7.10 and i use it well but when i have like 3 hours running it i start not responding to open sistem23:09
MilitantPotatoThat's the short bit.23:09
norman_or any file23:09
PeloVeei,   cd to the folder and then ./scriptame23:09
TaintedTuxAnyone using azureus having problems with it on Gusty?23:09
blizzkidPelo, even an ls -a shows nothing with ava or awn23:09
Veeiah  so ./ first?23:09
BOZGwould anyone be able to walk me through installing Unreal Tournament 2003?23:09
bluejay_ItchyHobo, what do you mean by "32bit environment"??23:09
bluejay_Nubbie, *23:09
xTheGoat121xGreetings all... my screensavers seem to have broken.23:10
UtimerBOZG, unless my memory is really bad, its pretty much insert cd and go?23:10
Peloblizzkid,  that was my best shot , sorry23:10
ItchyHobobluejay_, processor instruction set 32bit and 64bit excellent details on wikipedia23:10
norman_it says initializing example sistem and then donto do nothing23:10
trollboyWhat's the applet that applications can run in, akin to windows systray23:10
Nubbiebluejay_: why don't you do the research i asked you to do, and see if you can figure it out yourself. i don't have the patience myself to deal with a 64bit installation, so i don't have to deal with the problems you're experiencing right now.23:10
BOZGthat's what I thought Utimer23:10
ItchyHobobluejay_, 64 bit is faster can have more complicated apps and tons of memory23:10
BOZGwhen the install screen loads up23:10
UtimerBeen 4 years though :p23:10
=== packrat is now known as pipegeek
mao42Hello, new question. I have an Nvidia card that has TV out. What I want to do is just enable the TV as a display, but not display anything on it except use it for playing fullscreen video. How do I go about doing that?23:10
BOZGas soon as I put in an installation path, the install button locks up23:11
UtimerAnyway there should be a shell script on the first cd to install it23:11
blizzkidPelo, removing avant-window-navigator-bzr and awn-core-applets-bzr and reinstalling those, should be enough, right?23:11
norman_pelo are u reading me?23:11
Veeihmm i try to run the .sh script and it says not found23:11
bluejay_Nubbie, im using 32bit ubuntu :)23:11
bluejay_ItchyHobo, yeah i know :( that's why i wanna use it..23:11
crdlbtrollboy: "Notification Area"23:11
TaintedTuxwhat bit torrent clients does everyone reccomend with ubuntu?23:11
Pelonorman_,  it whould have helped if it were one line and if you had used my name , but yes I read you23:11
kane77that's weird.. visiting ubuntuforums just freezes my computer...23:11
b0r3dhi. i've got some problems with my laptop's sound volume button.. it appears as muted and i can't unmute it... anyone knows a work around to this problem?23:11
BOZGUtimer: it's on the 3rd cd23:12
bluejay_ItchyHobo, but im too lazy to install ubuntu again on my computer :(23:12
crdlbTaintedTux: I rtorrent (a terminal-based client) in screen, deluge is a popular gtk2 client23:12
Utimerwell if its there, fine with me as well :p23:12
trollboythanks crdlb23:12
Peloblizzkid,  I don't realy use it , so I don't knwo forsure , I suggest you check the avant website to see if ther are new instruictons for gutsy23:12
b0r3dit's an HP laptop, a recent one.23:12
xTheGoat121xI can get a mini-preview of my screensavers, but if I try and fullscreen preview any of them, they don't display at all.23:12
ItchyHobobluejay_, ;)23:12
Utimerguess ill take the easy way * grabs ut2k3 box *23:12
TaintedTuxthanks crdlb23:12
symlinkQuick question... Is nUbuntu a live CD or a full install?23:12
Pelonorman_, try disabling the tracker search indexing stuff, that mght help23:12
UtimerIf I can find it...23:12
Veeiis there another way to run a script then?  i type:  sudo ./<scriptname> and it says not found while im in the dir that the script is in23:12
sahilhow do i set my default shell to zsh in ubuntu?23:13
jmak642yes! i fixed it!, back in business23:13
norman_i dont know how to23:13
bluejay_ItchyHobo, maybe ill do it if i have time :)23:13
speeddemon8803Still the same crowd in here?23:13
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Pelosymlink,  nubuntu ? never heard of it , and for the others,  live cd is an install cd,  you just get to try it out first23:13
ItchyHobobluejay_, do u know a good standalon rpg for ubuntu23:13
Pelospeeddemon8803,  always, we have no life outside the channel23:13
speeddemon8803nubuntu is the gnu version of ubuntu Pelo :)23:13
norman_pelo, i dont know how to do it23:13
UtimerReminds me of noodles somehow :O23:14
Pelospeeddemon8803,  I thought that was suppose to be gobuntu ?23:14
symlinksahil, set $SHELL=<path of shell to use>23:14
speeddemon8803I think anyways.23:14
bluejay_ItchyHobo, RPG? i have no idea lol23:14
norman_pelo in a new user23:14
MetalGear247is there a way to manually set my screen resolution to a certain setting (ie. 1234x672)?23:14
deaddreamerhow do i format a hdd thats in ntfs?? its got a win installed on it, but it doesn't give me permission to do anything to it23:14
alexandrebonjour ya til des francias23:14
ItchyHobobluejay_, role playing game :)23:14
norman_so i dont know how to use that23:14
Pelonorman_,  chec k for and dialog box in  menu > system > admin>  p0robably with the name  search indexing  in it23:14
ItchyHobobluejay_, i feel like swinging a sword23:14
Pelonorman_,  I donT' know what the english name of it is23:14
bluejay_ItchyHobo, yeah i used to play some rpg games on windows, but ive never heard of a linux RPG lol23:15
Bruno_andres__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/13055923:15
norman_do u speak spanish?23:15
ubot3Malone bug 130559 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.22 "Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) - no sound" [Medium,Fix released]23:15
Nubbiedeaddreamer: edit your xorg.conf file manually.23:15
bluejay_ItchyHobo, well i know some text-based rpgs ;)23:15
Pelo!ntfs-3g  | deaddreamer23:15
ubot3deaddreamer: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions23:15
UtimerBOZG, Where does the UT2003 install fail?23:15
ubot3Factoid nubuntu not found23:15
norman_im dominican i can understand23:15
Bruno_norman_: do you need someone who speaks spanish?23:15
MetalGear247Is there a way to manually set my screen resolution to a certain setting (ie. 1234x672)?23:15
Pelonorman_,  I don'T , try asking in #ubuntu-es23:15
BOZGUtimer: if you can install it, let me know. still won't work for me23:15
speeddemon8803heh, even ubot is clueless.23:15
ItchyHobobluejay_, thos are scary any way i am off rpg hunting bye23:15
Bruno_norman_: yo23:15
norman_dale entoces23:15
Veeihow do i run a script?23:16
ubot3Yum! Err, I mean, APT!23:16
Bruno_norman_: quien lo necesita?23:16
UtimerI just opened a terminal:23:16
Utimercd /media/cdrom0sh linux_installer.sh23:16
MetalGear247Is there a way to manually set my screen resolution to a certain setting (ie. 1234x672)?23:16
Nubbiebest text based rpg: dope wars :)23:16
PriceChild!es norman_ Bruno_23:16
ubot3es: An extensible shell based on `rc'. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90beta1-10.1 (gutsy), package size 110 kB, installed size 280 kB23:16
Utimerwell with another newline between the later 2 commands :p23:16
* Pelo pats ubot3 on the head, don't mind the big mean speeddemon8803 23:16
PriceChild!es | norman_ Bruno_23:16
ubot3norman_ Bruno_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.23:16
Veeispeed:  tried that.  says not found even though im in the dir it is in23:16
norman_la cosa es que yo uso ubuntu 7.10 entonces cuando tengo un tiempo deja de abrar las carpetas23:16
Macrosoftanyone else having problems with proprietary nvidia drivers in gutsy gibbon?23:16
Pelolater folks23:16
guruVeei: ./scriptname or sh scriptname but you may need to do `chmod +x scriptname` first23:16
speeddemon8803nah, im not mean, im just confusing pelo :)23:16
norman_pero las aplicaciones no23:16
MetalGear247macrosoft: i am23:16
symlinkspeeddemon8803, I thought nUbuntu was similar to knoppix std in that it contains security tools23:16
Veeiguru:  ill try that thx23:17
speeddemon8803Oh yeah, thats right symlink, I was mistaken.23:17
NutsPThello there, got a problem, desktop with nvidia 8800 + raid 0 set , trying with alternate cd but... raid set doesnt appeat.. just the 2 disks... any help please?23:17
Bruno_norman_: como que deja de abrir carpetas? que te da de error?23:17
MetalGear247macrosoft: i cant get my resoltution straight.  im using the onboard nvidia 6150 on my mobo23:17
speeddemon8803I had my names and versions messed up aparently.23:17
symlinkspeeddemon8803, No biggie I think you were refering to gNewSense23:17
speeddemon8803Yes, thats it!23:17
gavintlgoldUbuntu's website should change their screenshots of the ubuntu Desktop page... they're old, and ubuntu's prettier since then.23:17
Bruno_norman_: vamonos a #ubuntu-es23:17
PriceChild!es | Bruno_23:17
ubot3Bruno_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.23:17
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Veeispeed:  ./ didn't work but sh did.  thx23:18
deaddreamerNubbie, how do i edit what? XD23:18
speeddemon8803Welcome veei.23:18
xTheGoat121xMy screensavers seem to have stopped working...23:18
Bruno_!es| norman_23:18
ubot3gNewSense is a GNU/Linux distribution based off Ubuntu with the aim of containing only free software. The Website is http://www.gnewsense.org  -  Support in #gnewsense, NOT #ubuntu23:18
ubot3norman_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.23:18
ubot3Factoid nubuntu not found23:18
PriceChildBruno_, he is not here anymore.23:18
MetalGear247Is there a way to manually set my screen resolution to a certain setting (ie. 1234x672)?23:18
Macrosoftgutsy gibbon tries to re-detect my graphics card every time i start X. how do i stop that?23:18
symlinkjust in case anyone else was interested23:18
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speeddemon8803Thanks symlink.23:19
UtimerAhh I think I see the ut2003 install problem now :p23:19
PriceChildMacrosoft, it doesn't, it just reads /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:19
speeddemon8803I was on my way to doing that.23:19
BOZGyou do?23:19
Bruno_pricechild: ok thanks23:19
Nubbiehi guys, I was just wondering if there were any sort of setting where i could specify where application data folders are stored. I don't like them cluttering up my home directory, but if i could have all of them within ONE hidden directory in my home folder, i wouldn't mind. Does anybody know if this is possible?23:19
NutsPThello there, got a problem, desktop with nvidia 8800 + raid 0 set , trying with alternate cd but... raid set doesnt appeat.. just the 2 disks... any help please?23:19
Utimero rather, I see its not working ;)23:19
asiiiI have a problem with riva tnt m64 on ubuntu 7.1023:19
MetalGear247Is there a way to manually set my screen resolution to a certain setting (ie. 1234x672)?23:19
deaddreameris there any program to make and delete partitions on linux??23:19
deaddreamersomething like partition magic?23:20
sahilsymlink:i did set $SHELL=/bin/zsh but its still using bash23:20
PriceChild!gparted | deaddreamer23:20
ubot3deaddreamer: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php23:20
deaddreamerthanks :D23:20
RDProgrammeranyone have any good tutorials for using backtrack with autopsy to recover files after having lost all partition info?23:20
MetalGear247Is there a way to manually set my screen resolution to a certain setting (ie. 1234x672)?23:20
MrKeunerhi, I use fetchmail to get e-mails from an account which accumulates more than 50 each time I run the fetchmail application. However, i think on my box exim is set to allow no more than 10 at a time and delays the rest. How can I change this setting?23:20
NutsPThello there, got a problem, desktop with nvidia 8800 + raid 0 set , trying with alternate cd but... raid set doesnt appeat.. just the 2 disks... any help please??23:20
asiiithe restricted driver manager isn't working good23:21
symlinksahil, not sure buddy..... I just double checked and that changed my default shell23:21
symlinksahil, you have zsh installed right?23:21
asiiihow can I get help people ?23:21
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speeddemon8803We mainly talk about ubuntu and derivatives of it in here..try Google metalgear247. or try looking up /join #backtrack23:21
Bruno_asiii: what do you need23:21
Bruno_andres__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/13055923:21
ubot3Malone bug 130559 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.22 "Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) - no sound" [Medium,Fix released]23:22
sahilsymlink:yes i do, do i need to do sudo set $SHELL or something?23:22
Veeijust out of curiosity, has anyone experienced installing gutsy on a comp yet with no glitches whatsoever and everything working once booted up?23:22
asiiihey bruno23:22
norman_bruno i was banned23:22
asiiican we talk private ?23:22
srcVeei, yes23:22
guruBruno_: scroll up, riva tnt m64 drivers on 7.1023:22
norman_i dont know y23:22
symlinksahil, shouldnt have to for your personal shell23:22
norman_dame una mano viejo23:22
BOZGUtimer: any suggestions?23:22
Bruno_guru thanks23:22
guruBruno_: no problem23:22
symlinksahil, you should also just be able to type zsh and use it for that session only23:22
NutsPThello there, got a problem, desktop with nvidia 8800 + raid 0 set , trying with alternate cd but... raid set doesnt appeat.. just the 2 disks.. NEED HELP PLEASE23:22
Veeisrc:  must be lucky... my third install on a different type of comp.  all have probs so far.  not major except this darn intel sound driver prob23:23
sahilsymlink:how do i list all my set variables? yeah i want it to be my default shell23:23
gurusahil: env | less23:23
symlinksahil, type set23:23
JayVeei, I still can't get ubuntu to boot.23:23
papinick piter23:23
symlinksahil, haha the command is set23:23
andres__Bruno_: my alsamixer saids that i have no sound card23:23
srcVeei, dunno, I installed it on my work computer. works like a charm. of cours i have this tendency to intimidate any computer23:23
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symlinksahil, if you type "set | grep SHELL" that will only show you the current shell23:24
symlinksahil, instead of all your settings23:24
deaddreameris it possible to merge two partitions without losing files?23:24
sahilsymlink:its listed as bash23:24
gurusymlink: env does the same thing but omits any custom subroutines defined23:24
Bruno_andres__: dont know how to help you23:24
sahilso im guessing that its not actually setting the variable for some reason23:25
symlinkguru, i know env basically does the same thing, but what do you mean by omitting custom subroutines?23:25
UtimerNot yet23:25
metatronsageanyone able to offer a bit of help with a grub problem? have just set up my drive as 500mb /boot primary, 2 20gb / primarys, 160gb /home logical, and 1gb swap, my problem is that grub isnt creating a menu.lst on the boot partition when i root (hd0,0) and then setup (hd0)23:25
NutsPTwhy can't I see raid 0 set?23:25
symlinksahil, not sure why... you dont need any permissions to set your own shell23:25
norman_bruno are u there?23:25
UtimerBOZG, I assum the install button also gray's out when you try to enter the install path?23:25
gurusymlink: if you've defined a sub, say in bash, set will list that as well as all variables but env will not23:25
drinme estreno en xchat23:26
Bruno_norman_: te bannearon de #ubuntu-es23:26
sahilsymlink: is there a file where i could set it?23:26
andres__Bruno_: ok, thanks for your help anyway23:26
symlinkguru, huh thanks23:26
BOZGUtimer: Yeah, as soon as I put / it greys out23:26
gurusymlink: for example: command_not_found_handle () {/usr/bin/command-not-found $1; return $? }23:26
Darkdemun`all to #mopar!!!!23:26
norman_no puedes ayudarme con mi problema?23:26
UtimerSame problem here23:26
Darkdemun`all to #mopar!!!!23:26
Darkdemun`all to #mopar!!!!23:26
Darkdemun`all to #mopar!!!!23:26
Darkdemun`all to #mopar!!!!23:26
Darkdemun`all to #mopar!!!!23:26
Darkdemun`all to #mopar!!!!23:26
Darkdemun`all to #mopar!!!!23:26
srcmetatronsage, did you run grub-install?23:26
ubot3Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici23:26
BOZGwhen I close the installation window, it won't close after I click exit23:26
Utimertried it as root, and without compiz. Same problem :/23:27
Utimerand tbh, I have no idea why its broken :(23:27
guruBOZG: what installation window?23:27
symlinksahil, did you try using env like guru suggested ?23:27
metatronsagesrc: i installed xubuntu onto the first primary part, i thought that would have done it?23:27
Utimerguru, the ut2003 installer23:27
NutsPTppl. comon a little help with raid!! installing from alternate cd and cant see the raid partitions... anyone???23:27
sahilsymlink: that was to list my variables i thought23:27
guruBOZG: does it say that the install completed?23:27
srcmetatronsage, well run grub-install hd0 see what happens23:28
Utimercant even start it23:28
srcmetatronsage, normally your menu layout is in /boot/grub/menu.lst23:28
BOZGguru: no23:28
ubot3Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO23:28
symlinksahil, oops sry yea... env wont set it...23:28
guruBOZG: did it spew any error messages into the terminal?23:28
metatronsagesrc: yeah i know, its not there though23:28
symlinksahil, are you putting the $ in there?23:29
gurusahil: what are you trying to set?23:29
metatronsagesrc: was never created :/23:29
sahilguru: trying to make my default shell zsh23:29
symlinksahil, set $SHELL=/bin/zsh23:29
BOZGwhat's the code page link and I'll post what it has in the terminal23:29
gurusahil: chsh zsh23:29
RDProgrammerwill anyone in here help me with Back Track and trying to restore some lost data?23:29
symlinkguru, will that change it permanently?23:29
srcmetatronsage, tried umounting /boot and see if it's not under there?23:29
gurusymlink: yes23:29
ubot3Factoid chsh not found23:30
UtimerHmmz the installer seems to be trying to pop-up some license dialog, but fails to do so (no error in the console)23:30
sahilguru: whats the proper usage for that?23:30
Ricketcan someone please point me to instructions on getting desktop effects working in 7.10? I don't see any options or anything, but I do have the nvidia "restricted driver" installed and enabled via the restricted drivers manager, and my video card is DEFINITELY powerful enough for the desktop effects...23:30
b0r3dhow would i update to the latest alsa driver?23:30
symlinksahil, sry i thought chsh would only change for the current session23:30
BOZGRicket: sudo apt-get install ccsm23:30
gurusahil: chsh <bash|sh|tcsh|sh|zsh|any installed shell>23:30
guru!help store factoid23:30
ubot3guru: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:30
sahilguru: chsh: unknown user zsh23:30
ubot3To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv423:30
BOZGand then you can configure desktop effects23:31
PriceChildguru, not possible at the moment.23:31
gurusahil: sorry, it's chsh <user> <shell>23:31
UtimerGreat, can't even unmount my ut2003 disk anymore :p23:31
RicketBOZG: couldn't find package ccsm23:31
NutsPThow the hell can I isntall dmraid if I still don't have linux installed..??23:31
guruPriceChild: storing factoids?23:31
BOZGRicket: have you enabled all repositories?23:32
sahilguru: chsh: unknown user zsh23:32
metatronsagesrc: sorry i dont understand what ya meant by that src, unmount my /boot part why?23:32
sahildo i have to specify the path?23:32
GenNMXRight now my server is using Edgy. Stability is of the utmost concern. Should I upgrade to Feisty, or reinstall down to Dapper?23:32
lavinyacan you help me ubuntu users?23:32
gurusahil: chsh <user> -s <shell>23:32
frank23PenguinTV users: is it possible to have finer control over bittorrent settings. seed until 1:1 ratio for example23:32
srcmetatronsage, to see if it did not copy the files to /boot before it was mounted23:32
gurusahil: i had to look at the manpage23:32
sahilguru: i was reading it too23:33
srcmetatronsage, if that's the case, you would have files in /boot after you umount23:33
Utimerlavinya, maybe ubuntu users can help you, what seems to be the problem?23:33
guruchsh isn't a command i use much ;)23:33
sahilguru: its still saying invalid shell23:33
gurusahil: are you sure zsh is installed?23:33
sahilguru: i am however positive i have zsh installed23:33
lavinyaguru thanks for reply. I'm using ubuntu 7.10. But doesnt work webcam :(23:33
gurusahil: try `which zsh`23:33
symlinksahil, do a whereis zsh23:33
metatronsagesrc: hrm, im running off a livecd at the moment tho23:34
symlinkor which23:34
mehmetserifhi there i just want to watch videos by mplayer but everytime i try to run them i get an error like this "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out(-vo) device.". So how can i fix this problem?23:34
RicketBOZG: i've enabled all repositories, still no ccsm package. what repository is it in?23:34
Nubbiemehmetserif: use totem.23:34
gurusahil: cat /etc/shells | grep zsh23:34
srcmetatronsage, well then mount your root partition to /mnt and see if there's anything in /mnt/boot23:34
UtimerA well... [portal-turret-voice] Nap time!23:34
Utimergn all23:34
lavinyaguru thanks for reply. I'm using ubuntu 7.10. But doesnt work webcam :(23:34
gurulavinya: please don't repeat yourself23:35
sahilguru: also located at /bin/zsh23:35
mehmetserifNubbie, well but i'm used to mplayer23:35
sahilim trying to remember how i did it on gentoo23:35
RicketBOZG: ah well i've found the compizconfig-settings-manager in synaptic, so that's fine23:35
NutsPTguru: can u help me please with my raid problem?23:35
gurusahil: cat /etc/shells | grep zsh23:35
symlinksahil, did you try both /usr/bin/zsh and just /bin/zsh?23:35
mehmetserifNubbie, also can i add subtitles while i'm watching divx movies with totem?23:35
bobgillI have an external hdd that autmounts to disk-1, disk-2 and disk-3 (3 partitions), how can I change the names it mounts to? I think I have to change the disklabel? How without formatting? ??23:35
PriceChildguru, you're wasting a pipe!23:35
guruNutsPT: ask your question and if i can't help then maybe someone else here can23:35
PriceChildguru, grep zsh /etc/shells23:35
metatronsagesrc: the /boot dir on the primary filesystem is empty23:35
symlinkguru, youre pretty popular23:35
JayI have a problem.23:36
guruPriceChild: yeah yeah but this is linux - there are plenty of pipes to go around ;)23:36
riotkittiebobgill: create mountpoints with the names you desire, then  add the partitions to /etc/fstab23:36
metatronsagesrc: the /boot dir on the hd0,0 part has files in it, just not the menu.lst23:36
DoubleDHi, i have a question. I just installed the nvidia drivers using "Enzy" and now are able to use my projector. The only problem is that in the "nvidia settings" program i can only use a max. of 640x480 for the projector, but the projecter is able to do 1280x960 max. Is there any way to enforce resolutions? ( I have already tried to click the advanced button and type in the resolution manually, but when i press apply it does nothing)23:36
Nubbieubuntu <3's pipe.23:36
srcmetatronsage, so you're not getting any menus on bootup?23:36
sahilguru: i think ill just set it in my bashrc23:36
gurusahil: did you find zsh in /etc/shells? if not then you will need to run chsh as root23:36
bluejay_DoubleD, man i spent hours and hours to fix my graphic card cuz of the same problem you are facing23:37
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metatronsageno :/23:37
gurusahil: `sudo chsh <user> -s /usr/bin/zsh`23:37
bluejay_DoubleD, but i dont even understand what i did...23:37
szkodnikdawno mnie tu nie bylo:)23:37
bluejay_DoubleD, :(23:37
sahilguru: it was in /etc/shells23:37
DoubleDbluejay_: then pherhaps you can help me ? :(23:37
bobgillriotkittie: I did that but I would rather change the actual disk labels so it automounts to the disklabel's name23:37
symlinksahil, bashrc is for bash only23:37
srcmetatronsage, but do you have the /boot/grub directory?23:37
gurusahil: try running it with sudo23:37
bluejay_DoubleD, i have ATI gfx card.. :(23:37
bluejay_DoubleD, i didn't use nvida driver23:37
sahilguru:none work23:38
metatronsagesrc: on the /boot partition i have the /grub directory, its got everything except the menu.lst :(23:38
MetalGear247the restricted ati drivers give me a black screen.  Can someone help please!23:38
silensiusdoes anyone help me how can i backup on R52 the hiden recovery partition and réinstal it after ? or how can i do a image of my hardrive ?23:38
deaddreamerdoes anyone play WoW on ubuntu??23:38
JayI'm using Windows and trying to boot Ubuntu 7.10 on a LiveCD. It gets to the orange progress bar, but after that the screen goes totally blank. I've checked the md5sum and used the integrity check on the boot menu, but still nothing. Anyone know how to fix this?23:38
srcmetatronsage, create one23:38
symlinksahil, is this your own machine?23:38
sahilsymlink:if i just put exec zsh in my bashrc23:38
deaddreamerim trying to get it set up and i have some problems :S23:38
sahilyes it is23:38
symlinksahil, are you the admin23:38
NutsPTneed to install my system in a raid 0 with asus board, but with the alternate cd (nvidia 8800) i can't see the raid partitions...23:38
riotkittieJay: try safe graphics mode.  if that doesnt work, use the alternate install CD |:23:38
MetalGear247the restricted ati drivers give me a black screen.  Can someone help please!23:38
gurusahil: that's very odd then23:39
Jaywhat if I don't want to install it yet?23:39
lavinya I'm using ubuntu 7.10. But doesnt work webcam :( USB2.0 1.3M WebCam PLEASE HELP ME23:39
symlinksahil, not sure if it would work... but that would be kinda a dirty hack23:39
sahilsymlink:its dirty but exec zsh in bashrc worked23:39
srcmetatronsage, there's an example in /usr/share/doc/grub/examples/menu.lst23:39
riotkittieJay: then try booting with safe graphics mode23:39
metatronsagesrc: hrm, is there a safe generic template that will work for my system? sorry if thats a dumb question im fairly new to linux23:39
booAny one know what would cause my internet to run abnormally slow all of a sudden, my wolrd of warcraft latency has also skyrockedt over the past few days... but i havent changed anything23:39
JayI'll try that23:39
symlinksahil, more than one way to skin a cat.... and who are these people skinning cats anyway?23:39
guruboo: poor isp?23:39
MetalGear247the restricted ati drivers give me a black screen.  Can someone help please!23:39
boono... usually its pretty go23:39
NutsPTguru: (nobody answers all the time... ) need to install my system in a raid 0 with asus board, but with the alternate cd (nvidia 8800) i can't see the raid partitions...23:40
guruNutsPT: i generally configure raid after installing so i won't be able to help23:40
gurulavinya: what?23:40
lavinya I'm using ubuntu 7.10. But doesnt work webcam :( USB2.0 1.3M WebCam PLEASE HELP ME23:40
srcmetatronsage, not that i know of, but it's not that complicated23:40
srcmetatronsage, you can find one on the web and adapt it for your kernel and disk layout23:41
gurulavinya: for the SECOND time please do not repeat yourself. i do not know the answer to your question and if nobody else has answered yet it's because they do not know either. be patient23:41
MetalGear247does anyone use an ati video card with their ubuntu?23:41
riotkittieMetalGear247: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change your driver to ati or vesa , then restart X23:41
smoenuxI can connect to my brothers PC (WinXP) and I can jump to folders... but once I get to the folder I want... I get a error "The folder contents could not be displayed." --- Please help23:41
Dr_Willislavinya,  theres a large # of webcams that have no Linux support whatsoever.23:41
lavinyaguru but channell info: ubuntu support channel :(23:42
Dr_Willislavinya,  i would say check the forums/search for your specific webcam and linux,  to verify that it at least can work23:42
gurusmoenux: sounds like a permissions issue on the winxp machine23:42
riotkittiesmoenux: are those folders shared?23:42
Jonahhey guys i keep losing my wifi connection all the time at home but it's fine on my other computer. i set it up in /etc/network/interfaces so it's always on instead of the network manager, cos i don't like it asking my password each boot up. but i don't think i've done it right. does anyone know what i should have put, here is what i have: http://www.pastebin.ca/75199923:42
smoenuxfolders are shared23:42
lavinyaDr_Willis: thanks23:42
Downix_ Ok, back23:42
symlinksahil, did you add /usr/bin/zsh or /bin/zsh to bashrc?23:42
Downix_Still without X working23:42
gurulavinya: yes, but not everyone on this channel knows everything there is to know. please be patient and if someone can help you with your issue they will23:42
bmk789what do i need to do with my GPG keys so i can reinstall my OS and keep the settings?23:42
Dr_Willislavinya,  and stating the exact make/model of your web cam may get a better answer next time .23:43
Downix_not a killer tho, as I ran CLI-only for years23:43
sahilsymlink: i just added the line exec zsh23:43
loucasjay can you tell me your problem in privte window please because i cant find you23:43
srcmetatronsage, or you could look at update-grub23:43
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smoenuxguru, riotkittie: The folders are shared normally.23:43
gurusmoenux: they may very well be shared but maybe they don't have the proper permissions for your user/group23:43
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lavinyaDr_Willis: thanks but I dont know model my webcam :( i have vestel laptop. ?23:43
symlinkcan someone recommend a config program for samba besides swat...23:44
smoenuxguru, how would I set the permissions ?23:44
smoenuxguru, lol... I cannot remember how to work xp23:44
Dr_Willislavinya,  time to do some research on that specific laptop and linux - if its built in.23:44
Jonahcan anyone please help me out with it?23:44
deaddreamercan partitions be merged without losing data?23:44
gurusmoenux: on winxp? i have no clue. i've used linux for the last 10 years23:44
Traveler4Can someone help me with wireless adapter?23:44
smoenuxguru: lol23:44
lavinyaDr_Willis: ok thanks. :(23:44
bmk789what should i do with my GPG keys to transfer them to a new OS?23:45
guruwell maybe not 10, morel ike 5 but 10 if you count unix as well23:45
riotkittieon winxp, right click on the folder > properties ... i THINK.  you will likely get better help in ##windows, tho, smoenux23:45
jay__Whoa.. just saw Bergeron hit23:45
metatronsagesrc: the format looks to be just title, root, and kernel location, on the root part, am i supposed to put the /boot partitions information there or the os filesystem?23:45
srcmetatronsage, or you could look at update-grub23:45
Traveler4I have a wireless Belkin PCMCIA on laptop and TrendNET on a desktop.  Can't get either one to work.23:45
srcmetatronsage, apparently update-grub generates the file for you... i found out reading the man page23:46
gurulavinya: you can do lspci and/or lsusb and perhaps find out at least who the manufacturer is for your camera23:46
keenhow do you auto mount a partition when you reboot23:46
oscar_acostaCan I make the window previews on the taskbar appear even when the specified window is minimized to the task bar?23:46
keenerr just booting in general23:46
gurukeen: specify auto in the options in /etc/fstab23:46
lavinyaguru: :) million thanks23:46
keenthanks guru23:46
bluejay_oscar_acosta, yeah that's what i wanna do.. but iono how to do it23:46
keenguru, how do i change the name of a partition23:47
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gurukeen: the name of a partition? you mean mount point?23:47
srckeen, e2label23:47
keenguru, well i just made a new partition and hate that it shows up as disk, i want it to show up as something else23:48
lavinyaguru: Bus 006 Device 002: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp.23:48
guruahh, the label. all of mine are labeled as '                     '23:48
Newbie00i need help please23:48
riotkittieall of mine are labeled 'tastes like chicken'23:48
guruNewbie00: please state the nature of your computing emergency23:48
dvheumenCan anyone tell me what this string does "AES0=0x6,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2" (I removed it from the xine configuration at the audio pass through device section in order to fix a problem, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to remove it)23:48
jonecampSunbird does not load any more. It initially worked well, but then crashed and has been freezing when it loads ever since. This seemed like it may have been a profile thing, so I tried removing it, but it still froze. This issue still occurs after a complete removal, an installation of 0.7, using metacity or compiz, and using different video drivers. Here is the part that gets me; it works when I run it remotely with ssh and X. I 23:48
GRocketCan someone help with using SU or SUDO command. I use the password I used when installing Ubuntu, but it tells me wrong password, or su: Authentication failure.23:49
Newbie00i already have an old version of ubuntu in my computer with windows23:49
srcGRocket, sudo su -23:49
Newbie00and i want to install the last one23:49
hexkubuntuGRocket: use the same password that your account uses23:49
guruGRocket: if you are using sudo then you need to specify your password for your username, not root's23:49
MetalGear247the restricted ati drivers give me a black screen.  Can someone help please!23:49
Newbie00can anybody help me to prepare my hard disc23:49
hexkubuntuNewbie00: you can upgrade with teh alternate cd23:49
mlalkakaIs there a way to show tasks in the calendar in Evolution?23:49
bluebananawhere's the /bin folder containing all my apps?23:49
bluebanana i want to link to the bluefish program23:50
Newbie00i download the last CD23:50
hexkubuntuthe bin folder is precisely at /bin23:50
gurubluebanana: it's most likely in /usr/X11R6/bin/23:50
Downix_ya know, this is getting very silly23:50
GRocketI don't know what roots password is, as I thought Ubuntu locked you out of it23:50
Newbie00and i'm using it now as live CD23:50
NutsPTwhy the hell can't ubuntu work with fakeraid...????23:50
srcGRocket, sudo su -23:50
hexkubuntuNewbie00: the alternate cd is different from that23:50
Random832guru: /usr/X11R6/bin is a symlink to /usr/bin23:50
srcGRocket, then type your user password23:50
GRocketwill try src23:50
guruRandom832: ahh, didn't know that23:50
hexkubuntuNewbie00: the alternate cd has alternate in the filename23:50
Jonahor to put it another way, is there a way for nmapplet to not ask for password on boot, i want wireless straight off??23:50
NutsPTknow we have to break our raid sets by board and loose a lost of speedd????23:50
bluebananahow can i search for the location of a bluefish executable?23:51
Newbie00oh i have only that CD23:51
Random832since we're not even using X11R6 anymore23:51
Newbie00and i want to install it23:51
Random832it's now up to X11R723:51
hexkubuntuNewbie00: download the alternate23:51
bluebanana(bluefish is the name of the program). i don't see it in usr/x11r6/bin23:51
riotkittieNewbie00: fresh install and not upgrade?23:51
guruJonah: your configuration looks correct and theoretically it should work23:51
hexkubuntuotherwise you will lose all your files in the ubuntu install23:51
Newbie00but i don't wanna loose my Windows to23:51
Random832it's just that until a couple years ago, it was always /usr/X11R6 for linux, so people have that assumption, thus the symlink23:51
gurubluebanana: find / -type f -name bluefish -follow23:51
metatronsagesrc: this is so wierd mate, grub doesnt even find itself after i've just installed it again with this: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/disk hd0,023:51
Newbie00yes fresh install23:51
ubot3Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com23:51
Random832guru: or just 'which bluefish'23:51
hexkubuntunewbie00: you will only loose the ubuntu files, ah you don't want to upgrade?23:51
NutsPTit sucks!!23:51
ubot3The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:52
MetalGear247the restricted ati drivers give me a black screen.  Can someone help please!23:52
guruRandom832: yeah, that too...i'm used to locating header files23:52
bluebananaRandom832: which bluefish is a lot easier! thanks23:52
boblobliandoes anyone know of a utility that does something like 'reiserfsck --rebuild-tree' for a ext2/3 partition?23:52
Newbie00i want to install the last version without upgrading23:52
Newbie00i m using t now as live23:52
Newbie00so please help me to prepare my HD23:52
gurubobloblian: fsck?23:52
Newbie00to install it23:52
srcmetatronsage, just do a grub-install hd023:53
Newbie00i have one hd splited in two23:53
lavinyaguru: Bus 006 Device 002: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. :S23:53
gary_inNYCNewbie00, do you have blank unpartitioned space for a fresh install?23:53
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Newbie00in one i have windows and the second an old version of ubuntu23:53
bobloblianguru: man fsck and man fsck.ext2/3 show no such options...23:53
hexkubuntuNewbie00: in the installer launch the partitioner and have it remove all the non ntfs partitions, then go back a step in the installer and select install to freespace23:53
antehobo you here mate?23:53
gurulavinya: ali corp is the manufacturer then23:53
srcmetatronsage, the root shoudl be specified in your menu.lst as a disk parition, namely (hd0,1) in your case i think23:53
gurubobloblian: ahh, it was a wild guess that i hoped was correct23:53
Newbie00hexkubuntu:  i don't have this option23:53
Dagonhas anyone successfully installed lotus symphony?23:54
ArafangionDagon: Why bother?23:54
lavinyaguru:  do you have a download link driver for ali corp23:54
ArafangionDagon: Just use OpenOffice.org23:54
Newbie00i only have use all the HD or doing it Manually23:54
hexkubuntuNewbie00: what options do you have?23:54
bobloblianguru: I sure wish it were23:54
hexkubuntuoh select manually23:54
Dagonjust wanted to see what it is llke23:54
ArafangionNewbie00: Do it manually, select the same settings that the previous ubuntu install used.23:54
ArafangionNewbie00: Alternatively, perform an upgrade.23:54
gurubobloblian: are you trying to repair an ext3 fs?23:54
Newbie00i was using the 5.1023:55
ArafangionNewbie00: Quicker to re-install, then. :)23:55
Newbie00so you know why i don't wanna upgrade :)23:55
Downix_ok, got it working23:55
Newbie00Yes :)23:55
Downix_rebooting now23:55
ArafangionNewbie00: The older versions didn't upgrade very well, imho, anyway.23:55
mrunagihow can i rename a random named set of .JPG to .jpg23:55
Newbie00ok i've opened the installer23:55
Newbie00choose the langage23:56
jribmrunagi: with the 'rename' command23:56
cdm10crdlb: mind if I ask you a quick Epi question?23:56
bobloblianguru: I accidentally mkfs.ext3'd a partition.  I then dd'd the partition into a file, and cat shows me lots of the lost data, but I can't find a way to read it23:56
Newbie00and now i check to prepare my HD manually23:56
mrunagiwell obviously...........but rn .JPG .jpg wouldnt work would it23:56
crdlbcdm10: go ahead :)23:56
shadeofgreyi dont believe it!23:56
bobloblianI read reiserfs has rebuild-tree that will allow to retrieve the data, but this was an ext2 partition23:56
shadeofgrey7.10 actually booted on my mac23:56
jribmrunagi: did you take a quick look at 'man rename'?23:56
cdm10crdlb: How do I add a greasemonkey script?23:56
Newbie00i've erased all the partition except the NTFS ONE23:56
srcmrunagi, try this ls|awk -F23:56
Newbie00so can you help me :)23:57
gurumrunagi: in bash/ksh/sh you can do for i in `ls *.JPG` ; do ^JNN=`echo $i | sed 's/\.JPG/\.jpg/'`;^Jmv "$i" "$NN"^Jdone23:57
guruMrKeuner: substitute ^J with enter23:57
crdlbcdm10: with the greasemonkey extension enabled, just right click the script link and select install23:57
hexkubuntuNewbie00:   good, apply the changes, quit the installer, reopen installer and select install from freespace23:57
shadeofgreycan somebodfy please take  a few minutes and talk me through what i have to do to actuallt install it -- mainly i need help with the manual partitioning stuff23:57
cdm10crdlb: ah, thanks. Perhaps it would be wise for it to detect that the URL I'm viewing is a greasemonkey script, and offer to install it.23:58
OvalHi guys.23:58
yowhat does ls|awk -F do23:58
srcyo, i misstyped23:58
OvalI have this package, called python-reportlab, but the problem is that I get an "E: Package python-reportlab has no installation candidate" error.23:58
srcyo, my pipe is next to enter23:59
Tm_Tyo: youre still ban evading23:59
cwgannonhello, one of my partitions is auto-mounting and putting an icon on the desktop.  how can i stop it?  (here's the fstab line: UUID=ff9b6a4d-2d71-4feb-ac6e-adaecc87ce36 /mnt/vbox ext3 noauto,user,noexec,rw 0 1)23:59
yoi wasnt banned from this channel in the first place23:59
symlinkwhats good for sharing your files on an Ubuntu Machine with a Windows Machine?23:59
OvalIt seems as if this site sheds some more light on the package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/python/python-reportlab -- is it correctly gathered that this resides in the gutsy main repositories?23:59
Ovals/as if/that/23:59
srcsymlink, samba23:59
Newbie00it doesnt work23:59
cdm10symlink: it's called Samba, but I've never really tried setting it up... the default settings if you just go to Shared Folders don't work.23:59

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