
Pengbzr upgrade --help links to http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/developers/knitpack.html, but that's a 404.00:00
fullermdI think those docs are manually generated, not auto.  Probably hasn't been done since that doc got put in.00:05
PengWho gets bribed to run the update script?00:07
fullermdpoolie usually, I think.00:08
fullermdBut being as everybody is IRC'ing from airports these days...00:08
xxxYURAxxxA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.00:28
xxxYURAxxxhow much IDE supported bazaar?00:31
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Peakerhey, googlecode is offering svn servers. Is there any free code hosting service that can run bzr serve for free?  Or at least any file hosting service usable for this purpose with bzr?02:09
PeakerI am sick of svn :-(02:09
radixPeaker: Anyone who can host ssh or sftp or ftp can be a bzr host02:10
Peakerradix: which free services can guys here recommend though?  What do you use for bzr hosting?02:11
radixPeaker: mostly launchpad02:11
radixwhich actually supports bzr+ssh, in addition to sftp02:11
Peakercool, it does free project hosting?02:11
Peakercan I import all of my svn history into a bzr branch that I upload to launchpad?02:12
radixPeaker: if you have a project, you can push/etc with bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~<username-or-team>/project-name/branch-name02:12
radixPeaker: yes02:12
radixPeaker: you have several options02:12
radixPeaker: use the bzr-svn plugin, use svn2bzr, or get launchpad to do the code import for you02:13
Peakerradix: the last one sounds interesting02:13
Peakerradix: thanks for the tips!02:13
radixPeaker: it's often pretty convenient :)02:13
radixno worries02:13
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jelmerweigon: you're running bzr.dev ?14:55
jelmerr2943 should've fixed the issue you mentioned14:55
weigonbzr.dev$ bzr revno14:56
weigon$ bzr --version14:56
weigonBazaar (bzr) 0.92.0.dev.014:56
weigonhmm, did I forgot to setup the install14:56
weigonI though I was running from the branch14:57
jelmerah, that'd explain it :-)14:57
weigonall the modules from the branches directly with symlinks, just bzr.dev itself I "installed" with ./setup.py install --home ~14:58
weigonok, setup done, branching ... it is copying14:59
weigonjelmer: ok, my fault14:59
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weigonjelmer: ok, branching worked15:09
jelmerweigon: ok15:14
* jelmer is looking into another potential bug at the moment15:15
jelmerif that doesn't turn out to be an issue, I'll try to release 0.4.4 together with bazaar 0.92.015:15
lifelesshi jel16:14
lifelesshi jelmer16:16
lifelessjelmer: whats the current recommended bzr-svn stuff to test with packs ? is there a version ready?16:16
jelmerlifeless: 'evening16:18
jelmerlifeless: bzr-svn's 0.4 branch should work with packs16:18
jelmerI've run the testsuite with packs set as default format in bzr.dev and that passes ok16:19
jelmerbut still need to modify bzr-svn's fetch tests to be run against both knits and packs repositories16:20
lifelessjelmer: if you test against packs only that should be fine IMO16:23
lifelessjamesh: packs are the more restrictive format16:23
lifelessjelmer: ^16:23
lifelessdamn latency16:23
LarstiQI see tree.revert(filenames=[]) is deprecated as of 0.91. Are there plans to do anything else with it?16:23
jelmerlifeless: ah, ok - wasn't sure16:23
lifelessLarstiQ: long time no see!16:25
LarstiQlifeless: you asked me about subtrees the other day! :)16:26
lifelessyes :)16:27
LarstiQbut yeah, been quite a while since I stuck my nose in bzr code.16:28
LarstiQwoot, it looks like things have improved16:32
* dato waves to LarstiQ 16:33
LarstiQheya dato!16:35
LarstiQdato: thank you for your last blogpost, and if I can do anything for you, just mention it.16:37
datoLarstiQ: thanks! nothing in particular, since everything is just normal at present :)16:38
datoI can keep it in mind, tho16:38
LarstiQdato: that's ok, no time limit on the offer :)16:39
abentleyLarstiQ: tree.revert(filenames=[]) will be a no-op.17:23
LarstiQabentley: thankyou!17:24
abentleytree.revert(filenames=None) reverts all files, and None is the default.17:25
LarstiQabentley: which is exactly what I want.17:25
datoabentley, thanks for the `bzr tags` review.17:26
abentleyNo problem.17:28
mwhudsonabentley: fwiw, you read the -ize vs -ise part of my patch wrong18:41
mwhudsoni made it consistently use -ize18:41
lifelessabentley: so, is the export patch ok? The lack of docs on pack format is kindof separate...18:42
abentleymwhudson: Sorry about that.18:43
abentleylifeless: I haven't read the patch.18:43
lifelessabentley: ah, ok.18:45
weigonjelmer: I'm after the fresh check out, shouldn't $ bzr pull --remember /fresh/branch/ from the old bzr tree work ?18:49
jelmerinteresting statistics on X-Vcs.* in Debian: http://blog.orebokech.com/2007/10/vcs-statistics.html18:49
jelmerweigon: No, that will probably break18:50
weigonit does http://p.caboo.se/111781 :)18:50
jelmerweigon: ideally, you should just throw out the old branch18:51
weigonI have 3 branches: the svn-tree, the bzr-svn'ed tree and a bzr tree from the bzr-svn'ed tree18:51
weigonthe bzr-svn'ed tree got borked and is the one I refreshed18:52
weigonnow I wanted to sync the bzr-tree against the bzr-svn'ed tree, assuming that 2 bzr-svn'ed branches are equal18:52
jelmerbut bzr-tree is that branch that hit bug 145148, no?18:53
weigonthe bzr-svn'ed branch, yes18:54
weigonthat's why I wanted to make a fresh branch "mysql-proxy-svn-refresh"18:54
weigonand change the parent of the mysql-proxy tree to that branch18:54
weigonhttp://p.caboo.se/111781 was the result18:55
lifelessjelmer: local push bug fixed18:56
weigonjelmer: anyway, how do I get my other branches (or at least their changesets) synced with the new checkout ?18:57
jelmerweigon: It's not the bzr-svn'ed tree that is broken, it's the svn-tree18:57
jelmerit disagrees with the other bzr branches about history18:58
jelmerweigon: You should be able to fix it by replaying the changes of the bzr-tree in the "new" bzr-svn'ed tree18:58
jelmerlifeless: Packs speed?18:58
weigonjelmer: that's my problem, how ? :)18:58
weigonI would like to make that automatic, without $ bzr diff | patch; bzr commit18:59
jelmerweigon: "bzr replay" from the rebase plugin can do that for you18:59
weigonthanks, there we go19:00
lifelessjelmer: yes, local push of packs from X to X/10 time19:00
jelmernice (-:19:00
LarstiQhow does X/10 compare to pre-pack?19:01
james_wjelmer: thanks. That's interesting. It is taken from the browse, and as gitweb is git.d.o and there is nothing on bzr.d.o that might skew it slightly.19:06
james_wbut I think the numbers are in the right area, as git in Debian is certainly getting more talk at the moment.19:06
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lifelessjelmer: yes; local push was doing many 'list.__contains__' calls.19:32
lifelesssets are faster19:32
datojelmer: have you thought about adding support for modifying svn:date when pushing from bazaar?19:50
bagueros1:58 < ryan> 1- proposal - additional techmeet meeting19:57
jelmerdato: not possible20:08
jelmerdato: subversion doesn't allow you to set the commit time20:08
datojelmer: uh, can be configured to.20:08
datoas in, touching a hook, that is.20:09
datoso you can if the repo is yours, or you convince the admin.20:09
jelmerdato: Optionally, we could set it I guess, but wouldn't want to rely on it20:09
datoif you mean other parts of bzr-svn relying on it, certainly not.20:10
datojelmer: I wouldn't mind trying to contribute that, if you'd like; though it'll be addmittedly little code.20:11
dato(the hook is pre-revprop-change)20:12
jelmerdato: that'd be very nice20:12
jelmerdato: you may also be able to fix bug 140001 while you're at it (same issue, for svn:author)20:13
chxhi. I know this is no Ubuntu channel  but in the past I had success with finding Canonical man in here. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-boston-2007/+roadmap this has a typo Improve Windows integration as a sever and a client for Ubuntu <= either sewer or server. both would fit Windows :P20:52
lifelesschx: #launchpad or #ubuntu-devel/#ubuntu-motu please20:53
chxlifeless: thanks.20:53
chxlifeless: i first tried the #ubuntu channel with not much success20:53
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datojelmer: there's seems to be a "double utf8" bug in bzr-svn (or the bindings?) have somebody else mentioned to you before?22:03
lifelessjelmer: try 2859 in my repository branch22:06
igcmorning all22:55
lifelessspiv: ping23:05
spivlifeless: pong23:06
* spiv is very glad his sore throat has finally abated.23:07
lifelessyou've been sick? :(23:08
lifelessI was wondering if there was a release?23:08
spivlifeless: not yet, that's #1 task for this morning.23:09
spivlifeless: is there a PQM branch for 0.92?23:09
lifelessspiv: there can be23:10
spivlifeless: I'm looking at http://bazaar-vcs.org/ReleaseChecklist, it seems to say there ought to be one.23:11
jelmerlifeless: thanks, will do23:11
jelmerdato: no, haven't heard of that before. please file a bug23:12
lifelessjelmer: its still probably 50% slower than it needs to be23:12
lifelessspiv: there is one23:22
spivlifeless: I just saw it, thanks!23:22
lifelessdinna time23:46

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