
igniterignoramus: sudo copy /etc/X11/xorg.conf.1 /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:00
ignoramus"copy: command not found"00:00
igniterignoramus: sorry, it's cp, not copy00:01
ignoramuslemme try again00:01
ignoramus"cannot start- no such file or directory"00:01
BigPickyou need to flip the two filenames :P00:02
daveBigPick right well now eth0 is down now00:02
ignoramusconf.1 last?00:02
BigPickignoramus: Indeed, its "cp SOURCE DEST"00:02
=== me is now known as seanix
[ifr0g]bluetooth !!00:02
BigPickdave: Hmm, is that a bad thing?00:02
daveBigPick and it seems to be using IPv6 according to network tools and also there's a "wmaster0" as well as "ra0" which WAS my normal00:03
ignoramusok, now how do i restart x without rebooting?00:03
[ifr0g]ignoramus, ctrl + alt + backspace00:03
ignoramusdoesn't work from this terminal00:03
daveBigPick it is if u want me to download stuff to compile that driver00:03
[ifr0g]Anyone here uses bluetooth ?00:03
BigPickdave: Well, you'll have to download the driver.00:04
daveBigPick usb memory it is00:04
daveBigPick rt2500?00:04
BigPickdave: hmm okay, well you will need tools so lets get your eth0 up and running.00:04
daveBigPick true00:04
BigPickdave: lets try this the manual way. "sudo pkill NetworkManager" on the machine00:05
daveno idea why its down, sudo if up eth0 says nBigPick k00:06
daveBigPick k00:06
BigPickdave: sounds good, ifup it and see if it gets and ip00:06
ubot3If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:07
ignoramusHow much memory should i allocate to video card (old shitty onboard ATI Radeon 340M)00:08
ignoramusin kB00:08
biovoreignoramus: how much ram on is on the card?00:08
GannondorfI need help with graphics00:08
eagles0513875ignoramus: up it another 12800:08
eagles0513875no games need anythign more then 25600:08
eagles0513875at least not yet00:09
[ifr0g]My cant find my cell on the input device list ?00:09
ignoramusso... in kB.... thats ?00:09
daveBigPick we're up cos randomly there was duplicate in /etc/interfaces or whatever00:09
eagles0513875not sure00:09
ignoramus(i have problems with kB and KB)00:09
BigPickdave: Sweet00:09
eagles0513875night guys im out ofr the morning lol00:09
eagles05138752am here00:09
igniterignoramus: still having problems? try another conf.x file --> sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2 /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:09
biovoreKb or KB00:09
daveBigPick so what we d/ling00:10
biovorebits or bites00:10
GannondorfBigPick: I have more problems that are worse than last nights00:10
BigPickdave: You will need the headers for your current kernel, and build-essentials00:10
BigPickGannondorf: What can I do to help?00:10
ignoramus@biovore: i just picked 256 and rebooted00:11
GannondorfBigPick: Now my Ark doesn't work, and neither does the terminal codes. Only works in gnome. I'm trying to install FreeCiv in gnome right now00:11
ignoramus*crosses fingers*00:11
BigPickGannondorf: I also remembered how I fixed the lines problem you described00:11
zarelimanare there some terminal commands to upgrade to gusty ?00:11
ignoramuszareliman: can't you just upgrade via the package manager?00:12
GannondorfAnd I got a huge error while doing sudo make install00:12
BigPickGannondorf: <3 FreeCiv. You can get that with Adept you know.00:12
ignoramusi think it says "version upgrade"00:12
GannondorfI was unaware00:12
GannondorfBut I still have troubles00:12
Gannondorfwant me to give you the error message?00:13
zarelimanI can, I was just wandering about something like: aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade -y00:13
BigPickGannondorf: Sure, then lemme walk you through the fix for the weird lines.00:13
ignoramusgah! this thing *still* won't let me past terminal "cannot connect to X server"!00:13
igniterignoramus: do this --> sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2 /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:14
Gannondorfchecking for GTK+ - version >= 2.4.0... no00:14
Gannondorf*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...00:14
Gannondorf*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the00:14
Gannondorf*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly installed.00:14
Gannondorfconfigure: WARNING: Not checking for SDL; use --enable-client=sdl to enable00:14
Gannondorfchecking for X... no00:14
Gannondorfchecking whether Xfuncproto was supplied... no, found:  FUNCPROTO=15 NARROWPROTO00:14
Gannondorfconfigure: WARNING: Not checking for XAW; use --enable-client=xaw to enable00:14
Gannondorfconfigure: error: could not guess which client to compile00:14
igniterignoramus:  then restart00:14
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)00:14
* Dr_Willis sighs00:14
BigPickwow, there, pastebin is your friend my man00:14
igniterignoramus:  reconfiguring X is an unnecessary pain00:14
Gannondorfi was unaware00:14
[ifr0g]How do i install older version of any package ?00:14
daveBigPick we're go00:14
=== Earl_of_Dunham is now known as n8k99
ubot3Factoid freeciv not found00:15
Dr_WillisI like the Freecolanization clone thats out. :)00:15
BigPickdave: sweet, okay get the tarball for your driver, which you probably did, and unpack it.00:15
Tm_T[ifr0g]: if you dont have local copy, well, though luck, repositories doesnt keep old copies00:16
GannondorfBigPick: So what do I do?00:16
zarelimancan someone help me with this session stuff? I still can't get KDE4 working as an option on logon screen00:16
Ace2016[ifr0g]: what package is it?00:17
ignoramusifr0g: check sourceforge.net for older release versions00:17
BigPickGannondorf: Well, thats an awsome error. What were you trying to do?00:17
ignoramusadept/terminal will warn you're installing an older version, but go ahead00:17
GannondorfBigPick: trying to sudo make install freeciv00:18
daveBigPick right so what i'm typing?00:18
ubot3Factoid kbluetoothd not found00:18
ignoramusigniter: i tried to copy xconf, and restarted kdm, now just blank screen... ?00:19
ubot3Factoid kbluetooth not found00:19
BigPickGannondorf: Yeah, don't worry about it. Just use "sudo apt-get freeciv-client-gtk"00:19
Ace2016what version of kbluetoothd?00:19
BigPickdave: Well I'm not sure on the particulars, but starting with "./configure" is pretty standard.00:20
BigPickdave: thats the usual automagical way to configure your Makefiles00:20
GannondorfBigPick: so what do I do about thte lines?00:20
Ace2016BigPick: nope :D its usually      nano README00:21
BigPickGannondorf: Don't worry about them, they are there because you don't have the proper libraries installed to compile freeciv from source. Just download the binaries.00:21
dwidmannHmm, seems the encryption option on the gutsy cd is more or less broken :(00:22
BigPickAce2016: Good point.00:22
Ace2016i can't believe the next ubuntu will be called hardy, man these names are starting to suck,00:22
GannondorfBigPick: not those lines, the graphics lines thing from last night00:22
igniterignoramus: hit ctrl+alt+f1 to get a terminal00:22
BigPickdave: As Ace2016 said, checking the readme is an awsome way to start.00:22
BigPickGannondorf: Oh yeah! Okay, this took me months to figure out.00:22
GannondorfThen thank His Noodly Master that you are here00:23
ignoramusigniter: no dice. i'm still at the black prompt screen, not being able to connect to X server00:23
BigPickGannondorf: And I may not be remembering what I did correctly, so this may take a couple tries.00:23
ubot3kdebluetooth: KDE Bluetooth Framework. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0~beta8-0ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 868 kB, installed size 3888 kB00:23
ignoramusany other helpful advice?00:23
ardchoilleGannondorf: Any reason you're compiling freeciv instead of installing it from the repos?00:23
[ifr0g]!find kbluetoothd00:23
ubot3Package/file kbluetoothd does not exist in gutsy00:24
[ifr0g]!find kbluetooth00:24
ubot3Found: libkbluetooth-dev, libkbluetooth000:24
BigPickGannondorf: I did this two years ago so bear with me00:24
Gannondorfardchoille: I'm done with that. And I was unaware it was in the repos00:24
igniterignoramus: do this --> go inside /etc/X11 and do a ls -o00:24
Ace2016[ifr0g]: what version are you looking for? trying to use feisty's one with gutsy or what?00:24
BigPickGannondorf: Okay, it turns out that the neomagic video cards don00:24
BigPickGannondorf:'t handle transparency well.00:24
GannondorfBigPick: Am I gonna have to be in KDE to do this?00:24
GannondorfI'm in GNOME right now00:25
igniterignoramus: use a conf.x file with a date before you installed envy00:25
ignoramusigniter: "go: command not found"00:25
BigPickGannondorf: Nope, just have a terminal window open.00:25
igniterignoramus: cd /etc/X1100:25
igniterignoramus: ls -o00:25
BigPickGannondorf: We are going to reconfigure xserver-xorg, and when it asks you about the bit-depth stop and tell me what your options are.00:26
Gannondorfnow what00:26
ignoramusigniter: now i see a bunch of options with dates... what do i type?00:26
GannondorfBigPick: how do I do that?00:26
ignoramusi see a good xorg.conf ... how do i load that one?00:26
BigPickGannondorf: so "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"00:26
igniterignoramus: look for a xorg.conf.x file that has an earlier date that the day on when you installed envy00:26
ignoramuswill a .bak file do?00:27
ignoramusi mean00:27
ignitershould, try that one00:27
ignoramusk- what do i actually type?>00:27
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
igniterjust be sure it's not too old00:27
ignoramusit's not00:27
ignoramuswhat's the command?00:27
ignitersudo cp xorg.conf.bak xorg.conf00:27
GannondorfBigPick: So do I just ok through everything until then?00:28
ignoramusok... now reboot?00:28
ardchoilleignoramus: reboot?00:28
BigPickGannondorf: Yup, everything else should be okay.00:28
ardchoilleWhy not just restart xorg?00:28
ignoramusi've been trying everything... rebooting now00:29
igniterardchoille: what's the command to just restart x?00:29
BigPickGannondorf: I forget the exact bit depth, but its an odd value, turns out the Neomagic cards don't handle "alpha channels" properly.00:29
ignoramusmy xorg file got changed by envy00:29
GannondorfBigPick: It's asking me about amount of memory to be used by the video card00:29
ignoramus....that's how this whole mess happened00:29
ignoramus(well, i let it)00:29
BigPickGannondorf: Don't worry about that, just keep going.00:30
ignoramusigniter: YOU ARE THE BEST!00:30
ardchoilleignoramus: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart00:30
GannondorfBigPick: It's blank00:30
ignoramusi owe you many beers00:30
ignoramusThank you all!00:30
ignoramusthis is by far the best irc i've ever visited00:30
BigPickGannondorf: Yeah, I know, the driver doesn't recognize it properly, putting something there doesn't make any difference.00:30
* Dr_Willis cries tears of joy00:31
Dr_Williswe'll send you our bill....00:31
ignoramusigniter: now will i have to change anything, or will it just use the good xorg.conf file?00:31
Dr_WillisSo let clarify this  - envy set up somthing wrongly?00:32
igniterignoramus: with that cp command you overwrote the old broke file, with a well configured one00:32
ignoramusi tried to install the propriety ATI driver00:32
ignoramusigniter: so i'm all good now?00:32
igniternothing else to change00:32
ignoramusyeah, so Envy tried to install ATI driver, gave an error message, and then asked to overwrite xorg.conf (which it "recommended")00:33
GannondorfBigPick: what exactly will it say when it is ready?00:33
igniterdo a backup for the actual xorg.conf file, put something like xorg.conf-THISONEWORKS, use the cp command to do so00:33
ignoramusi said, "well, if it's "recommended..."00:33
igniternext time you cant access X you know what to do00:33
ignoramusgood idea.00:33
BigPickGannondorf: Did you get to the part that asks about bit depth?00:34
ignoramusigniter: can i just copy and paste?00:34
Gannondorfhang on00:34
BigPickGannondorf: It will give you a list of possilbe depths to use00:34
ignoramusi don't know how to create a backup of a file00:34
igniterignoramus: not really, you don't hve root access to that folder from konqueror00:34
ignoramusi see00:35
ignoramusis it easy to create a backup of that file00:35
GannondorfBigPick: I'm at resolution selection screen, can I select more than I have?00:35
Dr_Willisignoramus,  in less time then it took you to type that line. :)00:36
ignitergo to a terminal and type this: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-THISONEWORKS00:36
BigPickGannondorf: You can.00:36
ignoramusi got it now.  I never used the "cp" command before.  I think it's sunk in.00:36
BigPickGannondorf: But be careful, only select the ones you KNOW the laptop can use00:36
daveBigPick ive got the latest tarball/CVS and "make" it, and "make install" but no joy00:36
ignoramusi learned something toda00:37
BigPickGannondorf: Otherwise it can error and die.00:37
igniterignoramus: not to mess with X?00:37
ignoramusyeah :/00:37
BigPickdave: okay, now you need to load the new module into your kernel.00:37
igniternow you can, just have a backup at hand00:37
GannondorfBigPick: It says color depth in bits00:37
ignoramusi've been on linux (kubuntu) for like one month - i have a LOT to learn00:38
ignoramusbut it's much more rewarding than using my Windows box00:38
ignoramus...although i'm on the MS box now, so i guess it does have some benefits ;)00:38
daveBigPick how00:38
BigPickdave: try "sudo modprobe rt61" or something. I don't know what your new module will be called.00:38
GannondorfBigPick: It says color depth in bits00:39
BigPickGannondorf: I heard you, what are the options?00:39
ignoramusOnce again, thanks all (especially igniter) and have a great night00:39
BigPickdave: The readme should say what the resulting module name should be.00:39
Gannondorf1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 2400:39
BigPickGannondorf: Okay, use 15.00:40
GannondorfBigPick: It exited00:40
BigPickGannondorf: okay, no errors right?00:40
BigPickGannondorf: Good. now you need to restart your X server. I don't know the command way in gnome...00:41
Gannondorfjust tell me the kde way00:42
BigPickGannondorf: hitting Cntrl+Alt+Backspace should do it.00:42
Gannondorflemme switch to kde00:42
daveBigPick right it says nowt on modprbe rt250000:42
davesoo ?00:43
BigPickdave: go for it :)00:43
BigPickdave: "sudo modprobe rt2500"00:43
daveBigPick it dont do owt00:43
BigPickdave: Does it give an error?00:44
daveBigPick no, doesnt say anything00:44
Dr_Willisdmesg dont say anyhing about the module loading?00:44
BigPickYeah, dmesg should say if it loaded or not.00:45
GannondorfBigPick: So what do I do again?00:45
BigPickGannondorf: well if your in kde just run "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"00:46
nicon-hello, i got problem, my dwl-g510 wlan card don't want to work, what can i do?00:49
BigPickdave: You okay man? It should be like the last thing in dmesg.00:49
daveBigPick no joy yet justlet me check dmesg00:50
nicon-hello, i got problem, my dwl-g510 wlan card don't want to work, what can i do?00:50
BigPickdave: well no news is good news run "iwconfig" and see if anything comes up00:50
nicon-can smb help me?00:51
BigPicknicon: Are you running Feisty of gutsy?00:51
BigPicknicon: Allright, lemme check some things. I don't have any experience with that card.00:51
daveBigPick yeah ra0 comes up with stuff..what next???00:51
nicon-BigPick: when i type iwconfig it finds this card...00:52
GannondorfBigPick: Your a genius00:52
igniterI'm having problems with USB transfer speeds since I installed Feisty for the first time, now I'm running Gutsy and the problems are there still. It'll start at a good transfer speed, then after a couple of minutes the speed starts to fluctuate a lot, transfering a 700mb file can take up to 10min on an USB 2.0 port, any idea on what may be the problem?00:52
BigPickdave: w00t!00:52
nicon-but when i try to find dhcp, dont c any results...00:52
nicon-so i type im manually00:52
BigPickOkay, manually configuring wireless cards from the terminal is very difficult.00:52
daveBigPick ive jsut had a new boiler with RF thermostat, who's guessing its on the same channel?00:52
nicon-BigPick: i mean from administration panel00:53
GannondorfBigPick: Your a genius00:53
BigPickGannondorf: :)00:53
GannondorfIt worked!00:53
BigPickGannondorf: Glad I remembered it :)00:53
nicon-BigPick: what can i do?00:53
BigPickOkay dave and nicon.00:53
nicon-i'm so tired...00:53
BigPickI want you both to restart your NetworkManagers. To do this run "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart"00:54
BigPickYou will also have to restart knetworkmanager00:54
daveBigPick nicon?00:54
nicon-dave: he mean u and me [;00:55
BigPickYeah the both of you :)00:55
BigPickNow knetwork manager should appear as an icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screens in the taskbar.00:55
nicon-BigPick: i can't c00:56
BigPicknicon: then in a terminal run "knetworkmanager"00:56
nicon-BigPick: done00:57
BigPicksomething should show up looking like a connection or something.00:57
BigPickIf you click on it, a connection summary will pop up.00:58
daveBigPick nope, no active device :(00:58
dopeso when i try to boot from the cd i get a "no emulation" msg, i've booted from this same cd on another computer no problem00:58
nicon-i got here eth0 + ra100:58
BigPickdave: your going to need to exit knetworkmanager and restart it from terminal00:58
BigPicknicon: by right-clicking on that icon, you should get a list of wireless networks00:59
nicon-BigPick: got it00:59
daveBigPick no nothing. its still looping back to 169.254 etc...01:00
BigPicknicon: by clicking on one of the networks it will configure and connect.01:00
nicon-BigPick: yeah, it should connect...01:00
maxtherciao a tutti01:00
nicon-but when i try to ping router - no results01:00
BonesolTeraDyne!it | maxther01:01
ubot3maxther: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:01
maxtherok thx01:01
BigPickdave: in a terminal run "iwlist ra1 scanning"01:01
tfereroWhen someone on the board has a moment, I have a question regarding excessive disk spinning01:02
nicon-BigPick: so? :P01:02
BigPicknicon: Well, you having some sort of network problem. Did you get an ip address?01:02
nicon-BigPick: by dhcp? no :/01:02
BonesolTeraDynetferero: This wouldn't have anythign to do with a laptop HD spinning like crazy, would it?01:02
nicon-i typed it manualy (
daveBigPick ra0 scanning no scan results01:03
tfererooh yeah01:03
nicon-where = router01:03
semistud2354i have a bit of a problem...every time i start kubuntu...it boots but i have to hit ctrl-d to end the shell and it writes something to /var/log/fchk/checkfs01:03
semistud2354fsck 1.40.2 (12-Jul-2007)01:03
semistud2354fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=e6564bb3-7f60-4197-acc3-8bb212617121'01:03
semistud2354fsck died with exit status 801:03
tfereroit does, but my questions relate to  the fix proposed01:03
BigPicknicon: well, setting up a static ip with wireless is tricky01:03
semistud2354thats what it says01:03
nicon-BigPick: so, what can i do, to dhcp work?:D01:03
BonesolTeraDynetferero: ah. ok. I was about to point you to the bug.01:03
nicon-at windows there r no problems with that :P01:04
semistud2354anyone know what to do01:04
BonesolTeraDyneOddly, my eMachies M2352 hasn't been affected by it.01:04
chovyhow do i remove a pkg that is not installed, but still thinks it is? "tovid"01:04
tfereroBones: lol - been there.  I am a newbie,  so just need some guidance.  I am going to print out a code line, then ask a question01:04
sinanhello, when i was playing with network settings i did a manual configuration once and since then i cant get back to default automatic mode does anyone have any idea how i can get that back?01:04
BigPicknicon: Okay in knetworkmanager remove that static ip and set it to use dhcp,01:04
semistud2354i partitioned my hd, then transfered files, then extended the partition back to the entire hd01:05
semistud2354but its still showing the old partition...01:05
semistud2354like where it gives me the choice to pick the partition01:05
semistud2354to boot in01:05
semistud2354i want to know how to remove that01:06
tfereroBones: $sudo hdparm -B 255 /dev/sda01:06
tfererowhat is the -B 255?01:06
BigPicksemistud2354: Okay your problem is fairly complex.01:06
nicon-BigPick: done, but still nothing :/01:07
BigPickdave: okay in a terminal try "sudo ifconfig ra1 up"01:07
semistud2354like when my computer turns on...i have to hit enter in that pick partition thing, and then hit ctrl-d01:07
BonesolTeraDynetferero: Sadly, I don't remember off the top of my head. Hold on, I'll check01:07
chovypkg: error processing tovid (--configure): dependency problems - leaving unconfigured01:07
chovyErrors were encountered while processing: tovid01:07
chovyhow do i remove tovid?01:07
=== jdmt is now known as JDMT
tfereroBones: thank you01:07
nicon-BigPick: when i use dhcp it gaves me ip like '169.254.bla.bla'01:08
semistud2354big pick you want me to do that01:08
nicon-and ofc still cant work01:08
tfereroBones: I think the values run 0- 254, so 255 seemed odd01:08
BigPicknicon: allright01:08
nicon-BigPick: any idea?01:08
daveBigPick still nothing. ra1=nosuch device, ra0=nothing no reply01:08
semistud2354o nvm01:08
semistud2354so anyone have anyideas01:08
BigPicknicon: you mean no ping?01:09
BonesolTeraDyneThe "-B 255" switch sets the Advanced Power Management, which can go from 0-255, according to the app help (the "-h" switch).01:09
BigPickdave: oh sorry, did you try "sudo iwlist ra0 scanning"?01:09
nicon-BigPick: no ping and this weird dhcp ip-adrress01:09
BigPickwell, your likely not connecting to the right network.01:09
tfereroBones: here is my concern, if I change these values and it gets worse, how do I know what my original values were?01:10
daveBigPick interface dosent support scanning: network is down01:10
tfereroBones: I am spinning at 5 t o7 times per minute which seems excessive01:10
BonesolTeraDynetferero: That is excessive. Let me see what I can find out.01:10
BigPicknicon: in iwconfig, what does it list the "Access Point" as?01:10
tfereromany thanks.  I read somwhere that this command line is temporary, but couldn't really confirm that01:11
BigPickdave: okay, try to reset the interface using "sudo ifconfig ra0 down" then "sudo ifconfig ra0 up"01:11
nicon--sorry, little problems01:11
nicon--so, no ping, and this weird ip01:12
daveBigPick nah tryed that01:12
nicon--when i was setting network at my home (now i set it at my friend's comp) sometimes i had the same ip01:12
nicon--and never work then01:12
nicon--this ''01:12
nicon--it need to be sth like
BigPicknicon: Then that is the wrong network01:13
daveBigPick still no luck01:13
nicon--BigPick: eh, what can i do?01:13
BigPickdave: okay "sudo rmmod rt2500" and then "sudo modprobe -v rt2500"01:14
tfereroBones: this is the page of instructions I am leaning towards: http://ubuntudemon.wordpress.com/200...ve-killer-bug/01:14
BigPicknicon: right click on network manager and select the proper network from the list01:14
BonesolTeraDynetferero: Yeah, I saw that entry as well01:14
nicon--BigPick: the list? where is this list? O_o01:14
tfereroBones: hope I am not offending you truncating your name this way? Probably should be Bonsol...lol01:15
BonesolTeraDynetferero: Found the answer as to what it does.01:15
nicon--sth is weird, if i change for eg essid, then in iwconfig there is still the same essid O_o01:15
BonesolTeraDynetferero: it's no problem01:15
BigPicknicon: when you right-click on the knetworkmanager icon it should show a menu. Under the "Wireless Networks" heading is the list of wireless networks your card can see.01:15
tfereronot typing well here01:16
BonesolTeraDynetferero: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/59695/comments/1601:16
ubot3Malone bug 59695 in acpi-support "default value in power.sh potentially kills laptop disks" [Wishlist,Confirmed]01:16
BonesolTeraDynetferero: That states what the 255 does01:16
ubuntu_lordi could really use some help........i was trying to rename a bunch of pictuers from .JPG to .jpg and i think i did something wrong because now theyre gone01:16
nicon--BigPick: mhm, so there it are no any networks01:16
daveBigPick: ok insmod /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/extra/rt2500.ko01:16
tfereroBonesol: thanks, looking01:16
ubuntu_lordi did sudo rn *.JPG *.jpg and then  sudo mv *.JPG *.jpg01:17
BigPicknicon: trying to manually config your wireless interface will not work because of network manager01:17
ubuntu_lordand now theyre not in the directory01:17
awagBigPick, I've decided to put the contents of my 80 gb drive onto my 320 gb, and reformat the 80 and use it as my boot drive, I should be able to mount my 320 gb drive as my home directory right?01:17
BigPicknicon: in the terminal run "sudo iwlist ra1 scanning"01:17
nicon--device or resource busy01:18
BigPickdave: okay now check dmesg for any messages from the driver01:18
tfereroBonesol: interesting; my laptop runs at ~45 to 50 c most of the time; could make it too hot01:18
nicon--5 minutes ago was sth other01:18
juancamilohi all01:18
daveBigPic, link is not ready then times out etc etc...01:18
Tm_Tubuntu_lord: hello01:18
ubuntu_lordtm_t hi01:19
nicon--ok, now i can scan...01:19
Tm_Tubuntu_lord: why this nick this time?01:19
nicon--and c sth..01:19
tfereroBonesol: maybe a compromise value like 200; I read in one of the bug reports that 0 value is extreme power mode01:19
nicon--BigPick: can i wrote to u @ priv?01:19
ubuntu_lordi forgot to change the main nick back01:19
BigPickdave: are you sure the network is active?01:19
Gannondorfim bored01:19
BonesolTeraDynetferero: Yeah, You'd probably be safe around 200-225.01:19
GannondorfSomeone give me something to do01:20
BigPickawag: you should be able to mount it yes.01:20
daveBigPick yeap01:20
tfereroBonesol: I have one of those 'roll your eyes' questions we newbies tend to ask :)01:20
BonesolTeraDynetferero: go ahead. XD01:20
nicon--BigPick: can i wrote to u @ priv?01:20
BigPickdave: and iwconfig shows the interface?01:20
tfereroBonesol: the instructions reference making an .sh file, but I don't seem to know how to do this01:21
BigPickGuys, I'm one freaking guy here.01:21
nicon--BigPick: please :P01:21
BonesolTeraDynetferero: hold on, I'll show you.01:21
awagBigPick, don't pretend you don't have super powers01:21
Gannondorfkonversation woo01:21
=== giuseppe is now known as giuseppe__
BigPickI do have a migrane.01:22
tfereroBonesol: many thanks; it is very much appreciated01:22
nicon--BigPick: U c a msg from me?01:22
juancamiloi got the installation cds of matlab for linux, a friend of mine, burned them using suse 10, and we use them to install it on several computers, I brougt them home to install the software on my laptop runnig kubuntu 7.1 but the cds are recognized as blank cds. I'm sure they are ok and that they are not empty, i also know that the problem is not the drive itself because I have a dual boot with windows xp and i can see the content of01:22
juancamilothe disk in windows.... any ideas?????01:22
nicon--because i got error @irc :P01:22
KingJerecould someone direct me to a good resource for getting a mp3 player to be recognized?01:22
BigPickOkay, dave. does iwconfig show your wireless card?01:22
GannondorfKingJere: recognized in what01:23
KingJereGannondorf: just as a usb harddrive would be fine.01:24
BigPickjuancamilo: I have no new ideas since yesterday.01:24
daveBigPick, yeah, iwconfig shows ra0 is there and the text network. although link quality is 0. though pda works on the wifi. just checked01:24
GannondorfSo you want to connect a usb harddrive to your computer01:24
KingJereGannondorf: no. I bought a new mp3 player and its not even recognized as a generic storage volume.01:25
BonesolTeraDynetferero: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42409/01:25
juancamiloBigPick: thanks tho01:25
BonesolTeraDynetferero: read that. It has some simple instructions on how to make a shell script.01:25
Gannondorftry reinstalling amarok01:25
Gannondorfit should be recogzined by that01:26
ubuntu_lordcan anyone help me with some missing files........i may have typed a command wrong and i dunno where they may have gone01:26
KingJerefrom /var/log/messages/ new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 701:26
BigPickdave: well I'm not sure then. I have no specific experience with that driver.01:26
tfereroBonesol: got it - .sh for shell script, lol - wasn't sure if there was a gui method or command line only01:27
daveBigPick well im just try a fresh install tomorrow see what happens01:27
BigPickdave: I hate to do this, but I might have to recommend you go looking at the wiki for the rt2x00 driver01:27
juancamiloI tried to mount it manually but this is what i got01:27
daveBigPick i have01:27
juancamilojuancamilo@jvasquez:~$ sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom/01:27
juancamilomount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only01:27
juancamilomount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,01:27
juancamilo       missing codepage or helper program, or other error01:27
juancamilo       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try01:27
juancamilo       dmesg | tail  or so01:27
Tm_T!paste | juancamilo01:27
ubot3juancamilo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:27
BigPickdave: well don't fresh install the whole operating system :P01:27
BigPickdave: OH DAVE WAIT!!01:28
BigPickdave: have you used the grapgic config tool yet?01:29
tfereroBonesol: are you aware of how I can tell what power management level I am currently running at now? Even with sudo hdparm -a I don't recall seeing this value01:29
daveBigPick ?01:29
Angelusis it posible to have both kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop installed?01:30
juancamiloi need some help,.... i've been trying everything but i still can get my cdrom to work propertly.01:30
BigPickdave: "sudo apt-get rt2500"01:30
BonesolTeraDynetferero: Not too sure.I think it was "-C"01:31
juancamilothe proble summarices as follows: my kubuntu 7.1 will detect some cds ok, but most of them blank or as audio, and is not possible to see the contents of the disk...01:31
daveBigPick already newest version01:31
tfereroAngelus: yes, I have done this but it clutters up the menus as it installs lots of stuff from the other desktop01:31
BigPickdave: good, now..01:31
Angeluswhat do you mean by "clutters" tferero01:32
BigPickdave: there should be a graphical config tool included, i'm not sure what it is called...01:33
=== solid_liquid is now known as solid_liq
daveBigPick rutilt ?01:33
daveBigPick no worky01:33
BonesolTeraDynetferero: Nope, that's not it, and I don't see anythign in the help. in fact, I see everything but "Get current Advanced Power Management setting"01:33
juancamilohow can i reinstall the driver for my cd-dvd rom in kubuntu? or see if it is installed and working fine?01:34
BigPickdave: does it give an error?01:34
BigPickjuancamilo: The driver is built into the linux kernel.01:35
daveBigPick yeah, cant read in socket. code: 401:35
juancamiloBigPick: mmm, i see, look, i'm not sure if this helps or give you a clue...01:36
daveBigPick, well...i guess i should go. its late here now. will be back tomorrow.01:36
daveta for all your help01:37
BigPickdave: okay :)01:38
tfereroAngelus: it adds the gnome packages to the kde menu and vice versa, so the menus get a wee bit full01:38
Angelusi see01:38
tfereroBonesol: the info switch gave me this line (among others): AdvancedPM=yes: disabled (255) WriteCache=enabled01:38
dopewhen trying to boot from the live cd it seems to just skip over it.  the cd rom is set to boot first in the bios but it always goes straight to grub01:39
tfereroAngelus: once you install the second desktop it is not so easy to do a clean uninstall, or at least it didn't seem that way to me01:39
dopeand the live cd does boot on other machines01:39
tfereroAngelus: let me see if I can find a link on that for you to read about it01:40
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=== Dezine_ is now known as Dezine
juancamiloBigPick: this is what i got after mounting it manually.... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42411/plain/01:41
Angelusthank you tferero01:41
tfereroAngelus:  here is one:  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde01:42
BonesolTeraDynetferero: did you check to see if there is anything about APM in your BIOS? That's something that is mentioned in the bug.01:43
BigPickjuancamilo: That error indicates that the cd has a corrupted superblock01:43
BigPickjuancamilo: I feel your pain on this, I had to install mathcad and LabView on this laptop as well.01:43
juancamiloBigPick: the thing is the cd works fine under suse and kubunu....01:43
DezineCould anyone suggest a decent alternative to Dreamweaver?01:43
BonesolTeraDyneDezine: Kompozer.01:44
tfereroBonesol: no, hadn't done that yet01:44
DezineAlright, I'll have to check that out, waiting for my sytem to upgrade to Gutsy01:44
BonesolTeraDyneDezine: http://www.kompozer.net/ is the website01:44
juancamiloBigPick: just in my laptop kubuntu detects it as blank, or audio, or nothing...01:44
zekethere a channel for knoppmyth?01:45
DezineThanks for the info!01:45
BigPickjuancamilo: allright, well lets take a look at your cdrom then01:46
juancamiloBigPick: all right then...01:46
BigPickjuancamilo: can you pastebin "sudo lspci -v"01:46
tfereroAngelus: I am trying to find a reference for the clean uninstall if you were to remove one desktop or the other01:46
tfereroAngelus:  I can't seem to locate it now, of course01:46
BonesolTeraDynetferero: hold on, I've got the link for that01:46
Angelustferero: well in that case i'll make a format no worries01:47
juancamiloBigPick: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42412/01:47
tfereroAngelus:  I did that too.   I didn't ask you what distro you were running - I use Kubuntu01:47
zekecause I try to do an aptitude dist-upgrade and it tells me I have lots of broken packages and unmet dependencies01:48
BonesolTeraDyneAngelus: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde for KDE only01:48
Angelusi use kubuntu too tferero, im a big kde fan01:48
zekeyet the packages that it says are broken work alright01:48
BonesolTeraDynetferero: that the one?01:48
tfereroBonesol: I knew I saw that somewhere01:48
tfereroAngelus: me too01:48
BonesolTeraDyneAngelus: same here01:49
tfereroAngelus:  I looked over gnome for a bit, but liked kde better01:49
tfereroAngelus: have you used linux for a long tim?  I am really new to it, but learning really fast01:50
Angelusi got adictd to kde, too nice.01:50
Angelustferero: hmm about 7-9 months iv been using linux01:50
Angelussoemthing like that i think01:50
Angelushmm , 7months01:51
Angelusthats it01:51
BigPickjuancamilo: okay, can you run "lsmod | grep cdrom"01:51
tfereroAngelus: 2 months here01:51
BonesolTeraDynetferero, Angelus: Might want to take that sort of discussion to #kubuntu-offtopic . Not sure what kind of mood the operators are in01:51
tfereroBonesol: sorry, forgot my manners01:51
Angelusthere's no operators BonesolTeraDyne :p01:52
BonesolTeraDyneAngelus: There are, they just don't stay in operator mode at all times.01:52
BonesolTeraDyneAngelus: they raise to op level only when needed01:52
BigPickjuancamilo: and see if the cdrom module is loaded please01:53
juancamiloBigPick:  this is the output: cdrom                  37536  1 sr_mod01:53
tfereroBonesol:  I am thinking if my -B switch is already at 255, I am going to have to check the bios next time I log in01:53
lenchoi`m a noob using kubuntu jeje it`s my first time using Konversation01:54
lenchosomone speak spanish01:54
BigPickjuancamilo: good, okay now "ls -la /dev/cdrom" please01:54
BigPicklencho: english01:54
BonesolTeraDynetferero: I hope it's the BIOS, and not somethign worse. With the way the laptop APM bug is being handled, I'd hate to see it get worse.01:55
juancamiloBigPick: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2007-10-27 19:15 /dev/cdrom -> scd001:55
lenchoi try my best01:55
tfereroAngelus: one thing I found after installing gnome, was that there were one or two utilities I liked better so I kept those01:55
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tfereroBut I also kept alot of other stuff I fear01:55
Angelusi never liked gnome , but kde....... love at first sight01:56
tfereroBonesol:  I second that.  This is a fairly new drive - about 8 months old and not used much before01:56
Angelusgnome is not ugly, nicer then windows, but man kde... r0ckz01:56
=== Angelus is now known as K-Virus
lenchokde is beautiful i mean01:57
tfereroBonesol; so most of the use is in the last 2 months; I have 56,000 spins already01:57
lenchoyeah kde roks01:57
BigPickjauncamilo: okay, checking something...01:58
danny_i need help01:58
=== K-Virus is now known as Ange|us
ubot3Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration01:58
BonesolTeraDynethat's not the one I wanted, though I did need that info.01:58
juancamiloBigPick: take your time01:59
danny_i need to know how to installing  programs like firefox, adobe flash01:59
ubot3Factoid ehci_hcd not found01:59
ubot3Factoid uhci_hcd not found01:00
BonesolTeraDyne!botabuse | KingJere01:00
ubot3KingJere: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...01:00
crimsun_danny_: use Adept.01:00
Tm_T!install | danny_01:00
ubot3danny_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:00
Tm_T!adept | danny_01:00
ubot3danny_: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto01:00
Tm_Tmy bad01:00
BonesolTeraDyneTm_T: haha. I know the feeling.01:01
lenchohey i have problem with adept01:01
Tm_TBonesolTeraDyne: I've got the feeling by Hasselhoff ?01:01
Tm_Tlencho: spit it out01:01
BonesolTeraDyneTm_T: No, and that's TMI.01:02
danny_i need  to install firefox01:02
danny_i dont know how to01:02
Tm_Tdanny_: yes, use adept?01:02
BonesolTeraDyneTm_T: Too much info...01:02
Tm_TBonesolTeraDyne: I see01:03
danny_im new01:03
lenchoim running kubuntu with vmware im trying it, but when i try to update someting it shows an error message01:03
Tm_Tdanny_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto01:03
lenchook thx01:03
tfereroBonesol: before I forget, thank your for your help - several questions answered, which helped me a lot01:05
BonesolTeraDynetferero: Glad I could help01:06
tfererodanny:  have you used adept in any way before?01:06
Tm_TBonesolTeraDyne: mind to join #kubuntu-offtopic ?01:06
BonesolTeraDyneTm_T: I'm in there. why?01:07
Tm_Toh great01:07
BigPickjuancamilo: okay lets do this the hardcore way01:08
=== ubuntu is now known as iMM0RTAL
juancamiloBigPick: ok01:08
dopecan i install gutsy from within fiesty?01:09
BigPickjuancamilo: this is kinda a last-ditch effort here.01:09
juancamilodope: yes, use adep01:09
Tm_Tdope: upgrade ofcourse :))01:09
dopethe upgrade completely hosed my system01:09
dopewhich is why i wanna do a fresh install01:10
BigPickjuancamilo: run "sudo dd if=/dev/scd0 of=test.iso"01:10
juancamiloBigPick: no prob,01:10
rdvonhow do i upgrade my kubuntu to gutsy gibbon?01:10
Tm_Trdvon: see topic01:10
rdvoncan't i upgrade via adept?01:10
dopei wouldn't01:10
Tm_Tits all in the topic =)01:10
dopewell i tried01:10
juancamiloBigPick: dd: opening `/dev/scd0': No medium foun01:11
dopenow i have a broken linux install01:11
RabidDog_Somebody needs to add 'Kubuntu' to the spell checker dictionary for Kontact!  It keeps showing up as misspelled.01:11
BigPickjuancamilo: what the hell.... and the cd is in there?01:11
dopeis there a way i can mount the iso from within fiesty and boot off of that or something?01:11
rdvonI don't think so... ;)01:12
jarnWhere is bash history? I forget.01:12
juancamiloBigPIck: sorry for that. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42413/01:13
BigPickjuancamilo: okay, something way wonky is going on01:14
rdvonwhat's so different about kubuntu gutsy gibbon?01:14
juancamiloBigPick: ??? i have no idea...01:14
rdvondoes it have all the cool foxbuntu features or whatever?01:15
BigPickjuancamilo: run "sudo rmmod cdrom; sudo modprobe -v cdrom" for me please01:15
rdvonnew gimp :)01:15
ardchoilleBigPick: I don't use dd often, but shouldn't if be /mountpoint and not /dev/device ?01:15
rdvonhmm... for a full system upgrade; this is a pretty sort d/l time01:16
BigPickardchoille: The problem is we can't mount the cd.01:16
ardchoilleBigPick: Oh, ok01:16
rdvonit's already 68% doen.01:16
juancamiloBigPick: juancamilo@jvasquez:~$ sudo rmmod cdrom; ERROR: Module cdrom is in use by sr_mod01:16
jarnIs there a way to see what was outputted to a shell when what you want is up high enough that it's past the point you can scroll to it?01:16
BigPickjauncamilo: Allright dude, I'm totally out of ideas now.01:17
stdinjarn: unless you put it to some log, no01:17
ardchoillejarn: pipe the output to "more":  command | more01:17
wilson_jarn: when you run the command put |more afterwards   or |less01:17
ardchoillecat really_big_file | more01:17
wilson_less is better01:17
ardchoilleless is better, yeah01:17
stdinless is more :p01:17
jarnHaha, you beat me to it. :P01:17
jarnOkay, guys, thanks.01:18
BigPickjuancamilo: I'm sorry dude :(01:18
jarnToo bad what I was doing took awhile so it will take awhile to do it once more.01:18
danny_how do you install a program on kubuntu01:18
jarnThe description for more even says that less is more.01:18
rdvonI don't see the version upgrade button :\01:19
juancamiloBigPick: thanks for your help tho, nice try...01:19
juancamiloardchoille: nay ideas?01:19
ardchoillejuancamilo: no :(01:19
BigPickjuancamilo: if dd can't get anything, then something is really off.01:19
ardchoillejuancamilo: What happens when you try to mount it?01:19
BigPickdanny_: Use adept01:20
rdvonok. i got it.01:20
danny_im updating everything01:20
danny_but nothing with adobe flash player....01:20
rdvonI'm having a problem with the version upgrade...01:20
rdvonit said it couldn't verify the integrity of the upgrade app D:01:20
BigPickAllright guys, I gotta get some dinner, I'll see you all later.01:21
juancamiloardchoille: im runnig kubuntu 7.1 and some of the cds that i use are not getting detected, they are detected as blank or audio ...but i cant see the contents...01:21
danny_is there a mac theme for kubuntu?01:21
danny_im a fan of there close icons01:21
ardchoilledanny_: yes01:21
danny_where can i find this01:22
juancamiloBigPick: what is dd?01:22
rdvonbah. it's taking a long time to get the dist upgrader.01:22
jarnWhy does checkinstall no longer accept underscores in version name?01:22
ardchoilledanny_: Like this? http://ardchoille42.googlepages.com/kde-osx2.jpg01:22
danny_ardchoille_: thx01:22
ardchoilledanny_: There is a tutorial for that:  http://baghira.sourceforge.net01:22
rdvonI need help!01:23
ardchoilledanny_: But, don't compile baghira, it's in the repos: sudo apt-get install kwin-baghira01:23
ardchoilledanny_: Sorry, the tut is:  http://baghira.sourceforge.net/OS_Clone-en.php01:23
Tm_T!patience | rdvon01:24
ubot3rdvon: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:24
ubot3Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.01:25
Tm_Trdvon: I ask you to behave01:26
juancamiloardchoille: for this: sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom/ this is the output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42414/01:26
rdvonshould I close all apps before performing the upgrade?01:27
ardchoillejuancamilo: and did dmesg have any info?01:27
danny_im new its hard any help01:27
=== NetersLandreau_ is now known as NetersLandreau
ardchoilledanny_: The tutorial explains it much better than I can.01:27
danny_im sort of new to linux is there a vid i can watch like a guided tour01:28
rdvondanny_: what do you need help with?01:28
danny_installing a mac os x theme for kubuntu01:29
rdvonOh, I tried doing that a while back.01:29
rdvonone sec.01:29
ardchoilledanny_: Be honest, is it that the tutorial is huge and you don't want to read it all?01:29
danny_im new01:29
danny_im a windows user01:29
danny_i dont get this stuff01:30
rdvonIt's much easier than you think ;)01:30
rdvonjust different.01:30
ardchoilleYou're new? Ok, first thing you need to know.. you're going to have to learn and read in order toget the most out of Linux.01:30
rdvonyou need baghira, do you have it?01:30
danny_and i dont use kubuntu much because it doesnt support wifi01:30
juancamiloardchoille: man, thats a very long output, what im exactly looking for?01:30
BonesolTeraDynerdvon: I usually don't recommend upgrading. It tends to break things too easily. Infact, it broke both my laptop and desktop installs. I suggest just backing up everything in your home directory and reinstalling.01:30
danny_and i cant connect to my network01:30
ardchoillejuancamilo: No idea, I've never had a device problem.01:30
rdvondanny_: you need ndiswrapper.01:31
danny_rdvon: how do i get01:31
rdvonsudo apt-get install ndiswrapper01:31
rdvonsudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-gtk01:31
juancamiloardchille: this is only dmesg | tail:    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42415/01:31
rdvondanny_: type that in the konsole01:31
flash_rdvon: what's the use of ndiswrapper?01:32
rdvonflash_: to get wireless cards working..01:32
danny_rdvon: please wait and repeat that when im done updating my system using adept01:32
rdvonI opend a private message window, do you see it?01:33
ardchoillejuancamilo: That device may be dead or going bad.01:33
flash_dvon: does ubuntu use it01:34
rdvondanny_: what type of wireless card do you have?01:34
juancamiloardchoille: it works with the kubuntu cd, which is burned as well, and if i log on win xp it works fine too01:34
ardchoillejuancamilo: I don't know what to tell you then :(01:34
juancamiloBigPick: ardchille: thanks for the time... i could not get it to work, i'll boot to windows to get the info from the cds01:35
danny_i have a dell mini wireless card01:35
danny_i have to register my nickname01:35
danny_can anyone change my nick to danny721001:36
danny_so i can register it01:36
danny_danny is taken01:36
danny_can u change my nickname to <danny7210_>01:37
flash_im couldnt see it in the list but danny_01:37
danny_ill show you the full name01:37
Angelusdanny_: to change you're nick, type "/nick danny7210"01:37
danny_type "/nick danny721001:38
danny_ "/nick danny721001:38
Angeluswithout the " "01:38
=== danny_ is now known as danny7210
danny7210my wireless card is a broadcom corportation dell wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card01:41
rdvonyeah... something bad happened.01:42
rdvonreal bad..01:42
rdvonin the middle of the upgrade kubuntu locked up.01:42
Angelushi, can someone tell me  a data recovery progam to recover deleted data01:44
matthiasi dont know01:44
alex-weejdoes kubuntu use konq or firefox as default browser01:44
alex-weejfuck sake01:45
snes_rocksIs there any possibility, besides manually installing eclipse, of getting JUnit4 to work?01:45
j1solutionshey you guys hello01:45
JDMTdoes the Caps and Scroll lights on your keyboard blink?01:46
j1solutionswhat is the best tool for managing wireless connections on grump gibbon?01:46
snes_rocksi prefer knetworkmanager01:46
j1solutionssnes, you use that for wireless?01:47
j1solutionsthis card is a cisco that acts funny01:47
j1solutionsit has eth1 and wifi101:48
j1solutionsand eth1 is the one that works01:48
flash_hi, how can i catch the packages on Lan?01:48
j1solutionsthanks snesrocks01:49
j1solutionsanyone running asterisk on kubu 7.1?01:51
Search4Lancereep! when I try to run cpudynd, I get "cpudynd: CPU frequency control disabled"! As such, my CPU is running full speed ahead, and it's only a matter of time before I overheat... why would freq control be disabled, and how can I reenable it?01:53
j1solutionshey droning01:54
j1solutionswhat's new?01:54
j1solutionswhats up with the looping updates01:55
j1solutionsi keep getting messages, which downloads software, which doesn't install01:55
j1solutionsanyone else getting this error?01:56
Search4Lancerno idea what you're talking about01:56
j1solutionsi get a messge in the system tray saying i have updates, adept appears to dowload serveral01:59
j1solutionspackages, which then aborts, and begins again.02:00
=== rob1 is now known as rob
ubot3For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:06
redheatok let's head to the people on Kubuntu02:10
redheathi everyone02:10
redheatI want to share files between my laptop which has gutsy gibbon installed on it and my desktop which three OS' installed on it..windows xp, windows vista and ubuntu gutsy02:10
redheathow can I share media between my laptop and my desktop, especially the on the laptop side02:11
redheatok I got it02:13
tekteenanyone here know if there is a developers chatroom?02:41
Tm_Ttekteen: for developers of what?02:44
Tm_T#ubuntu-devel and #kubuntu-devel02:45
Tm_Tah, ubot3 is other side02:46
tekteenTm_T: do you know how to recreate the pool on the alt. install cd?02:46
tekteenthanks anyway02:46
Dr_Williscptnspoon,  check in /media/02:54
=== lavacano5 is now known as lavacano201014
Mr_Sonomaanyone know anything about kernel module configuration files? i've got what should be a simple question, this is for a class and want to verify my guess is right...02:55
cptnspoonDr_Willis: thanks02:55
cptnspoonDr_Willis: Yay, found the file. Thank you so much!!!02:57
Dr_WillisHad to find the Baby pictures right! :)02:57
cptnspoonDr_Willis: something like that :P it was my resume actually :D I can put this down in my skills now :P02:58
Dr_Willisskilled in beeing a leet haxor.02:58
cptnspoonDr_Willis: A leet haxor?? What does that mean??02:59
Dr_Willismeans you are a cool linux chix :)03:01
Black_ChaosI just got compiz installed and I can't seem to get the "super" key working.03:01
Dr_WillisBlack_Chaos, i had a similer issue - then relized i had the window/game switch on game on my  Keyboard.03:01
Black_Chaosi don't have one of those. This is on a Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop03:02
cptnspoonDr_Willis: gee thanks :P my boyfriend will be proud of me even working out how to get on here. I think he's trying to make me a linux geek.03:03
Dr_WillisYou can dress up as Tux for Haloween03:03
danny_i need help installing a Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card on kubuntu03:05
danny_help please03:06
danny_would be nice03:06
Dr_WillisI dont do much with wireless.. sorry.,. perhaps others can help03:07
Dr_WillisThere is also a lot of info on wireless  and laptops in the forums03:07
Tm_TDr_Willis: uhm?03:07
danny_or can somebody help me install a mac os x theme for kubuntu :)03:07
Dr_Willisdanny_,  ICK.03:08
Tm_T!fi | hara03:08
ubot3_hara: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi03:08
Dr_Willisdanny_,  thers only proberly 100 of them to choose from03:08
danny_well were can i find them03:08
danny_ill google it03:08
Dr_Willisi think bagheria in the repos is similer03:08
Dr_Willischeck out the extra kde themes in default03:09
sonoftheclayrdanny_: try kde-look.org03:09
Dr_Willisthere are a lot in the repos.. check there first. :)03:09
sonoftheclayrbaghira is a good osx theme i think03:09
Dr_WillisI hate the ox-x window decor. But the widgets are ok. :)03:09
cptnspoonokay i know this isnt a kubuntu question at all but i need help. I am currently a 1st year apprentice beauty therapist and my boss extended my probationary period because "I don't smile enough". Load of bull...03:09
cptnspoonSo I need to write my resume to apply for another... but how do I say why I am looking for another job?03:10
[ifr0g]danny_, http://www.taimila.com/?q=node/1103:10
cptnspoonI can't say my boss was mean. any ideas?03:10
Dr_Willis'looking for a job with  better  long term ..... somthing..." :)03:11
[ifr0g]cptnspoon, Say, The company removed many due to low profit.03:11
Dr_Willisdanny_,  if you use the compiz stuff and emerald - theres about 20 OX-X wana be themes for that.03:12
ubot3_Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:12
Tm_Toh boy...03:12
Tm_Tcptnspoon: #kubuntu-offtopic ;)03:12
=== ubot3_ is now known as ubot3
Tm_Tcptnspoon: wrong channel for that, please #kubuntu-offtopic for OT discussion03:12
Tm_Theyyy, I said about offtopic03:13
Tm_Tplease, OT discussion in #kubuntu-offtopic03:13
HomeRoeyhey all03:15
HomeRoeyhow do I install codecs for mp3/ogg/flac again?03:15
ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:15
HomeRoeyTHANK YOU  :)03:15
Tm_THomeRoey: ogg is "builtin" :(03:15
HomeRoeyoh, right03:15
Tm_Taka "good default"03:16
Dr_Willisi alwasy install that kubuntu-restricted-thang. :)03:16
Dr_Willis!find kubuntu-restricted03:16
ubot3Found: kubuntu-restricted-extras03:16
Dr_Willis!info kubuntu-restricted-extras03:16
danny__can anyone help me with installing a mac os x theme im having trouble03:24
danny__i need help03:28
danny__how do i find out what version of kubuntu i have.....03:28
Dr_Willisdanny_,  lsb_release -a03:29
=== Hirvinen_ is now known as Hirvinen
j1solutionsnic dr willis03:33
danny__i need help finding and installing a mac os x theme for kubuntu03:34
danny__i can seem to get on im new so03:34
Dr_Willis!find bagh03:34
ubot3Found: kwin-baghira03:34
danny__help would be nice03:34
Dr_Willis!info kwin-baghira03:34
ubot3kwin-baghira: KDE theme for Apple junkies :). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-1 (gutsy), package size 773 kB, installed size 2192 kB03:34
t3ch13Where can I find info on getting Compiz to work in Kubuntu with a Nvidia graphics card?03:34
ubot3Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:35
Dr_WillisRight there. :) heh..03:35
danny__dr willis03:35
StingballHelp please when I try to update i get "Failed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-356/dists/edgy/Release Unable to find expected entry  maindeb/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)"03:35
danny__ lsb_release -a03:35
danny__danny@ubuntu:~$  lsb_release -a03:35
danny__No LSB modules are available.03:36
danny__Distributor ID: Ubuntu03:36
danny__Description:    Ubuntu 7.0403:36
danny__Release:        7.0403:36
danny__Codename:       feisty03:36
stdin!paste | danny_03:36
ubot3danny_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:36
stdinand danny__ ^03:36
Dr_Willispastebining - normal output? :)03:36
danny__i need a mac os x theme for ubuntu 7.04 feisty03:36
Dr_Willisdanny__,   kwin-baghira  is such a theme03:37
danny__where can it be located03:37
Dr_Willisdanny__,  its IN THE repositories03:37
Stingballok with pastebin when I try version upgrade I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42422/03:37
Dr_Willisfire up your fave package manager search/install it. :)03:37
StingballI have the cd if it helps of 7.1003:38
Dr_Willis!find kwin03:38
viktor_hi everytime i try to connect to kopete messenger it says wrong password but its not the wrong password03:38
ubot3Found: kwin-baghira, kwin-style-alphacube, kwin-style-blended, kwin-style-dekorator, kwin-style-knifty (and 6 others)03:38
stdinStingball: try disabling all non *.archive.ubuntu.com repositories03:38
Stingballok thanks03:38
danny__!find kwin-baghira03:39
ubot3Found: kwin-baghira03:39
danny__i installed it03:39
danny__now what03:39
Dr_Willisuse the theme manager tools to enable it?03:39
viktor_can u donwload msn for kubuntu03:40
ubot3Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.03:40
danny__dr willis where is theme manager.........03:40
stdindanny__: set it in 'system settings > appearance > style' and system 'settings > appearance > window decorator'03:40
viktor_or some other chat program thats not so stone age for live messenger03:40
Dr_WillisRight there in with all the other system setting stuff. Not using KDE right now so i cant  tell you exactly03:40
Dr_Willisstart exploring Kde. :)03:41
Stingballgain rather then pidgin?03:41
Dr_Willisa kde 'theme' is composed of different parts.. The window decortation, the widgets, the icons. and the color.03:41
danny__im new to kde03:41
Dr_Willisyou can mixx and match the parts with the  appearance tools03:41
danny__so idk03:41
Dr_Willissystem -> settings -> appearance , start twiddling. :) have fun03:42
danny__thats not for kubuntu03:42
Dr_WillisYou could have Baghira window decorations with Windows 95 style buttons.03:42
Dr_Willisdanny__,  have you been asking for a  GNOME theme in the Kubuntu channel?03:43
danny__no i need one for kubuntu03:43
danny__GNOME IS UBUNTU03:43
stdinDr_Willis: s/system -> settings/system settings/03:43
stdindanny__: NO NEED FOR CAPS03:43
Stingballstdin: looks like you wuz on the money03:43
StingballGnome is I am agast03:44
Dr_Willisubuntu 'uses' gnome. :)    or you can make it use other window managers.03:44
danny__i just need a theme for kubuntu 7.04 feisty03:44
Stingball7.04 remembers that from long ago03:44
stdindanny__: you installed it, then I told you have to activate it. what more do you want?03:45
danny__im new i really dont know anything about ubuntu i just got my wireless card working that is my first thing done03:45
Stingballliek 3 min03:45
danny__i dont kw to activate itnow ho03:45
stdindanny__: set it in 'system settings > appearance > style' and system 'settings > appearance > window decorator'03:45
viktor_hi how do i install peigeion03:45
Dr_Willistake some time and explore all the kde settings  tools/kcontrol panel things03:45
danny__im using kubuntu........03:45
danny__i have 7.0403:45
Tm_Tdanny__: yes, we know that03:45
Stingballpeigeion or pidgin?03:45
Dr_Willisactually you can right click on the title bar and get to the settings also cant ya.03:46
danny__i dont have appearance thing03:46
stdindanny__: in system settings click on  'appearance' under 'Look & Feel', then in 'style' and 'window decorator' choose baghira03:47
viktor_does anyone know of a package for emerald theme mananger which will giv u a hole selection of themese rather then downloadin 1 at a time03:48
danny__i dont have appearance03:48
stdinthen you haven't got a default kubuntu install03:48
danny__i have wubi i installed kubuntu 7.04 feisty03:48
Dr_Willisviktor_,  i dont think there is one. i use the  emerald theme tools to 'download' them from the emerald repos03:48
Stingballdanny__: why not start with a clean shiney 7.10?03:48
danny__ahhhhh i just got my wireless card working ..........03:48
LinusxDr_Willis: can that Mac theme be installed on dapper?03:48
danny__and i cant install it using wubi03:49
Stingballdanny__: so now you knwo how it's done03:49
Dr_WillisLinusx,  thers a lot of mac-LOOKING themes03:49
ubot3wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html03:49
Dr_WillisIve never touched wubi so cant vouch for how messed up it may be. :)03:49
danny__it works great03:49
Stingball< has great fear of the wubi03:49
Dr_Willisdanny__,  aparently not if  you are having such issues with it...03:50
stdindanny__: this is what system settings should look like http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/1528/systemsettingstw5.png03:50
Dr_Willisdanny__,  and theres a great many # of others with   issues i see03:50
danny__this is 7.0403:50
viktor_how do change the time03:50
stdinthat's the 7.04 system settings,03:50
Dr_Willisi would dump 7.0403:50
Stingballconfused wubi is great all haill the wubi or and theres a great many # of others with   issues i see03:51
danny__ok got it03:51
stdinviktor_: right click the clock > Adjust Date & Time03:51
danny__downloaded patch03:51
Stingballright click on the time03:51
sparrAre there any debian-friendly ways to keep multiple versions of wine installed at the same time?03:52
LinusxDr_Willis: Am I understanding you right... that 'kwin-baghira' is / contains more than one theme?03:52
Dr_Willisits a os-x theme. Theres dozens of OTHER os-x look alike themes out there03:52
danny__no you got it wrong03:52
Dr_Willisit looks like os-x03:53
danny__i was going into all aplications03:53
viktor_can pigeion connect to msn03:53
Stingballcan you make osx look liek ubuntu?03:53
Dr_WillisStingball,  no idea. i dont care about OSX :)03:54
Stingballnor do I03:55
danny__how do i change nick03:55
sparrdanny__: /nick whatever03:56
=== danny__ is now known as n2kubuntu
n2kubuntudoes anyone have a kde theme of mac os x03:58
* Dr_Willis thinks hes seen this go full circle 10 times now.03:58
StingballSorry you want to join #osx on de mac03:59
n2kubuntubut i need it for kubuntu03:59
n2kubuntunot mac03:59
Stingballwhy not since your using windows do a VMware install of osx04:00
Dr_WillisIf youve installed the kwin-Baghira theme - thenyou have an os-x theme installed for kde.04:01
n2kubuntuit pops up saying it crashed04:01
n2kubuntuwhen i use ark04:01
Stingballmaybe the issue ishe is running a comadore or sinclar?04:01
n2kubuntuadept i mean04:01
Dr_Willisi dont have a 7.04 system any more.. so cant help ya with trouble shooting that. I much perfer  7.10 gutsy04:03
n2kubuntui will make a live cd04:03
n2kubuntucan u make a live cd on kubuntu04:03
n2kubuntuand burn it04:03
Dr_WillisYou can burn iso images with k3b04:04
n2kubuntuwow i get 200kbs on wifi using kubuntu compared to windows 100kb04:06
Dr_Willisif you are super addicted to OS-X look check out DreamLinux04:08
grulhow do i get the command du to include hidden files?04:08
NDPMacBookWhats Dreamlinux based on?04:08
viktor_how do u get compiz fusion to auto start04:08
KalElhow can i make ktorrent shutdown when the downlaods complete?04:09
tekstacy'lo all04:10
Dr_WillisNDPMacBook,  no idea.  its not ubuntu however.04:10
tekstacyWhat's a simple drawing program? Like the equiv of MS Paint04:10
Dr_Willisviktor_,  that compiz factid describe setting up the KDE Autostart  to start it04:11
ubot3Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion04:11
manu__un chat de kubunru en español??04:13
ubot3Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.04:14
ubot3Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se04:15
viktor_how do i check system performance04:18
CrellHi folks.  I'm having issues with a Kubuntu Feisty that I've just upgraded to Gutsy.  As far as I can tell everything is working OK except for, of course, the nvidia driver.04:20
ErtainHello everyone.  Whenever I try to play a Matroska file with Mplayer, it starts to slow down after a while.  After some messing around with the options I got it to play.  Mplayer says my computer is too slow, but I have a 1.7 Gig CPU.  Plus, I was able to easily play MKV files before.04:21
CrellRunning dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg auto-detects the nv driver.  That works, but doesn't go above 1024x768 resolution and is 2D only and so on.  (I have a 20" LCD.)04:21
CrellIf I switch to the nvidia driver via the System Settings control panel, then on restart I get no X output.04:21
ubot3Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion04:21
CrellAny suggestions on how to get it to behave itself?04:22
CrellRunning startx gives me an error failed to load the nvidia kernel module.04:22
ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:25
n2kubuntu!find byghira04:27
ubot3Package/file byghira does not exist in gutsy04:27
=== franco is now known as Benve
Dr_Willis!find kwin04:30
ubot3Found: kwin-baghira, kwin-style-alphacube, kwin-style-blended, kwin-style-dekorator, kwin-style-knifty (and 6 others)04:30
n2kubuntudoes anybody know a good doc for kubuntu04:31
Dr_WillisThe Kubuntu home page has a lot of guides. and wiki links04:31
Dr_Willisnot sure what guides are isntalled by default04:31
danny_does anybody know a good mac doc for kubuntu04:32
Dr_Willis'mac doc' ?04:32
danny_a doc bar04:32
CrellYou man a Dock.04:32
Dr_Willisyou mean a 'dock'04:32
Dr_Willis!find dock04:32
ubot3Found: docker, haddock, kdocker, knetdockapp, kooldock (and 3 others)04:32
Dr_Willisevery one ive seen.. rather suck04:32
CrellThat K is important. :-)04:32
Dr_Willisthen again.. the origianl on OS-X sort of sucks04:32
CrellYes, well, there is that...04:33
CrellYou can simulate it kinda sorta with just Kicker if you really want to, albeit with less flashy graphics.04:33
=== Earl_of_Dunham is now known as n8k99
Dr_Willischeck out http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=2767   also for a guide on 'advant window manager' tool04:35
CrellIs there a recommended list of video cards that are good/bad to try using with compiz?04:38
CrellThe wiki does not say.04:38
Dr_Willisthe biggest and fastest nvidia card ya can afford. :)04:39
CrellWell my desktop has a 6600 GT, which is the biggest and fastest that is available for AGP. :-)04:39
CrellI also have a laptop with an Intel X3000 (Thinkpad T61).04:39
Tm_TCrell: should be more than enough04:39
Tm_Tboth of them IMO04:39
Dr_WillisHmm.. i though there was an 8600 for the agp.04:39
CrellDr_Willis: There could be now.  There wasn't when I bought this card.04:40
CrellTm_T: Thanks, I'll try them and see how badly they break. :-)04:40
wilson__mkv is a contain format isn't it ? maybe its the actual video codec04:40
Dr_Willismkv is a container yes. I belive so.04:41
* Crell still is undecided about this whole Dolphin thing...04:42
Tm_TI dont use it04:43
danny_i have a desktop with an inter core duo extreme =)04:43
CrellWith some configuration it's not bad, I guess...  But I kinda like tabs in my file manager.04:43
Tm_TCrell: I kinda like all things in Konqueror04:44
CrellOh hell... Why did they bring back the borders?04:44
CrellTm_T: Except its Javascript support. :-)04:44
Tm_TCrell: I like that too04:45
* Crell is a web developer, and the KHTML family of engines is more of a PITA than IE is when it comes to JS.04:45
CrellTm_T: I mean when maximizing something, you still get a border so the close button doesn't touch the top right corner.04:45
CrellI suppose it could just be my decorations...04:45
Tm_TI suppose so too04:45
Tm_Tmy windows has 2 px wide borders only04:46
CrellHm.  No, it's different on my laptop than desktop, but both are gutsy now.04:46
Tm_Texcept titlebar04:46
Tm_TCrell: screenshot?04:46
CrellUm.  Sec.04:47
CrellI'll delete it when we're done. :-)04:49
Tm_TCrell: IIRC thats up to your settings04:50
CrellExcept the settings are the same on my laptop (this computer), where it does touch the corner.04:50
CrellGood heavens what are you running? :-)04:52
CrellI don't see corners or settings.04:52
Tm_TCrell: anyway, I do have same windeco as you are04:53
Tm_TCrell: my point is, it has much to configure =)04:54
=== miles is now known as MilesG
Tm_Tso doublecheck04:54
CrellI am well aware that KDE is ungodly configurable. :-)  It's figuring out what to configure here that I'm not sure about.04:54
Dr_Willisi tend to just keep it simple04:55
CrellMe too.  I even use the default background. :-)04:56
Dr_Willissolid dark blue for me. :)04:57
Tm_TCrell: I dont even know what are the defaults04:57
Dr_Willisamazing thing about all these themes.. is how many of them are totally Nasty04:59
Crell90% of everything is crap. :-)05:00
Dr_Willisand the otehr 10% is pirated.05:00
CrellOK, so I have compiz working on the desktop, although it is not 100% stable05:01
Dr_WillisCrell,  is it 90% stable?05:01
CrellAnd it looks like there's many options to configure to keep me busy for a while.  say.05:01
CrellSomething like that. :-)05:01
MilesGwhen is kde4 officially released?05:03
Dr_Williswhen its done. :)05:03
MilesGi thought it was end of October05:03
toshirohello, anyone tried to change kdm theme on 7.10?05:03
MilesGDr_Willis: oic05:03
Dr_WillisMilesG,  ive heard from oct to jan.05:03
Dr_WillisMilesG,  id rather them wait. then rush it.05:03
Dr_Willis!find kdm05:03
ubot3Found: kde-kdm-themes, kdmtheme, kdm05:03
MilesGDr_Willis: same, i love kde05:04
Dr_Willistoshiro,  install those 3 packages. lots of default themes. and the kdm theme tool05:04
Dr_Williswell kdm is installed by default. :) heh05:04
MilesGkde4 is gonna kill everyone05:04
toshiroI mean, it seems that kdm theme is broken05:04
Dr_WillisIs it? ive used it to change my themes05:04
toshiroI've changed the themes but nothing happens05:04
Dr_WillisRestart the X server.05:05
toshiroI already did it05:05
Dr_WillisYou are using kdm and not gdm? :)05:05
toshiroof course I'm using kdm :)05:05
Tm_TMilesG: before new year (some year)05:07
toshiroI also manually edited /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc but it didn't work either05:07
=== pauljw_ is now known as pauljw
Dr_Willistoshiro, you did do the 'administrator mode' button  on the kdmtheme tool?05:08
MilesGwhen you recompile the kernel05:08
MilesGdoes -j3 mean use both cores?05:09
MilesGassuming you have them05:09
CrellWhat is this "super" key?05:10
CrellIn the compiz configuration manager.05:10
toshirodo you know where should I report a kubuntu related bug?05:11
ubot3If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots05:11
toshirois there anything like debian bugreport in kubuntu?05:12
Dr_WillisCrell,  tats the 'windows' key05:12
biovoretoshiro: lunchpad05:12
CrellDr_Willis: Ah.  That button has never worked for me for some reason. :-)05:13
Dr_Williskeyboard settings in xorg.conf i guess. :005:13
=== tester is now known as tester__
CrellMost likely, but what?05:14
toshirolunchpad? is that the name of the package?05:15
MilesGi was looking at my xorg.conf file, and i noticed there are some things i can remove, but the question is, should i?05:15
MilesGis there any benefit to having a nice small xorg.conf file?05:15
* klobster *grumbles* damn broken upgrade...05:15
CrellI'd expect Xorg in Gutsy to be able to figure out a windows key.  But then, it hasn't reliably figured out the various multimedia buttons, either.05:15
Dr_Willisive never had an issue with the windows key05:15
cheebz88ok guys05:16
cheebz88i've got some problems with my huge font size on the window title bars05:16
cheebz88i've changed all the sizes down and it's still not doing a damn thing05:17
n8k99cheebz88: one sec05:17
Dr_Willisyou using compiz?05:17
cheebz88n8k99: ok05:17
cheebz88i do think i downloaded that for something05:17
Dr_Willisif you are using compiz - you need to use the emerald theme thing to set that i belive05:18
Crellhm.  OK, let's get adventurous.  Compiz on the laptop. :-)05:18
n8k99otherwise its a setting in system settings> appearance> Fonts05:18
cheebz88i am running the fluxbox window manager right now though05:19
Dr_Willisjwm - the ultimate window manager. :)05:20
* HomeRoey drops a random url.05:20
Dr_Willis!info jwm05:20
ubot3jwm: Very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-1 (gutsy), package size 94 kB, installed size 296 kB05:20
HomeRoeyhey all05:20
HomeRoeyhi Dr_Willis05:20
Dr_Willisa huge  296K05:20
iecsamhi -Dr.Willis y is my kopete crashing when i try to connect05:21
CrellOK... so apparently, I don't know what mouse button it thinks is what. :-)  Is there an easy way to figure that out?  Just see what mouse buttons are which?05:21
Dr_Willisive heerd that kopete has some 'issues'05:22
MilesGkopete pwnz me irl05:22
toshiroto fix the kopete issue upgrade kdelibs05:22
iecsamin ubuntu its fine05:22
Dr_WillisCrell,  try rinning 'xev'05:22
Dr_Willisrunning xev05:22
iecsamkubuntu is having these issues05:22
toshiroI had the same kopete problem05:22
CrellKopete would be great if it fixed its tab handling, issues it's had for, oh, 3 years. :-)05:23
Tm_TCrell: you mean the issue I was supposed to fix?05:23
CrellTm_T: Um, I don't know, were you?05:24
iecsamcrell: y wont i receive any security updates05:24
Tm_TCrell: yes :(05:24
Crelliecsam: Um.  I don't know, why won't you receive any security updates? :-)05:24
iecsamor any updates for that matter05:24
CrellTm_T: The two I'm thinking of are Alt+1, Alt+2, etc. switching between tabs, and separating group and individual chats into 2 separate windows with their own saved geometry a la Pigin.05:25
Tm_TCrell: have you ever detached tab?05:25
CrellFeature-wise, that's the only think Pigin still has over Kopete.  I still use Kopete for simplicity, though, but I don't know how well that will fly on my laptop.05:26
CrellI'm sure I have at one point, but not recently.05:26
Tm_Ttry and cry05:26
t3ch13Is it worth trying to get Compiz working with the ATI Mobile Radeon 200?05:26
Tm_Tand, sorry05:26
Dr_Willist3ch13,  i dont think that even has the power to do it.05:26
CrellI do understand long-standing issues not being fixed.  I'm an OSS PHP developer, we've got a few of our own. :-)05:27
t3ch13pslos ran it and Vista Aero works with it05:27
CrellStill, it's annoying when other KDE apps do have it, but Kopete doesn't.05:27
Dr_Willist3ch13,  i got a x200m.05:27
t3ch13It doesn't really serve a useful purpose other than showing people and saying look what Linux can do05:28
Crellt3ch13: Sexy interfaces sell Linux to more people, which means a larger market share, which means more hardware support in the future.  I consider that a useful purpose, even if it's just wasted CPU cycles to me most of the time.05:29
Dr_Willisand means more #$**&@&@ people here.. :) heh heh05:30
CrellI don't even like OS X, but being able to show off Aqua/Aero-esque effects is good marketing.05:30
ubot3Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:30
t3ch13Crell I guess I kind of see your point that is the main reason I switched to kubuntu so I could use KDE05:30
Dr_WillisI cant find many Aero like effects. that are wirth showing off.05:30
t3ch13People love eye candy05:31
Tm_Tt3ch13: so I'm not people then05:31
t3ch13I never said that TM_T05:31
Dr_WillisPeople tend to be idiots. :)05:31
Tm_TDr_Willis: remember coc05:32
CrellWell that's annoying...05:32
Tm_Tt3ch13: you just did05:32
Dr_WillisHeh.. :)05:32
CrellMoving a window to another desktop makes it vanish. :)05:32
Dr_WillisHeck. Just having 2 monitors impressed the window users i know.05:32
t3ch13I had to learn linux from a command line basis then I could appreciate the gui05:32
CrellI haven't gotten dual monitor working on Linux. :-(  I love it at work, though.05:33
iecsamfinally figured how to get the updates05:33
NickPrestaCompiz-Fusion is neat to show us and it increases accessibility with some plugins (and some plugins are totally "useless" too). At any rate, "eye-candy" is awesome :)05:33
CrellEvery time I try, my old 15" analog monitor ends up as the primary instead of the 20" digital LCD. :-)05:33
t3ch13cool iecsam05:33
Crellbrb, need to restart X on the laptop for compiz, it looks like.05:34
Tm_TNickPresta: ...I disagree but that's the love of Linux, take what you like :)05:34
NickPrestaTm_T, indeed =D05:34
t3ch13I just usually show them that I can do wireless and the cool programs availble and that works05:35
Tm_TI played 2 mins with Beryl back then, got bored, ditched05:35
Tm_Tt3ch13: I dont show, I just do what I usually do and that's enough for them :(05:35
t3ch13I'm working on a Bachelors in Information Systems Security and my big + is always the cool security tools05:36
Dr_Willisimagine how many useless plugins will exist in a year..05:36
NickPrestawell, I've "converted" a couple of my friends and it was Beryl and package management that sold Kubuntu. They also liked how KDE was infinitely more configurable than Windows...05:36
Dr_Willis1000 different ways for a window to vanish when you minimize it!05:36
iobeliskwhat command to i have to execute in order to run kde4 once i've installed it?05:37
Crellhm.  Does compiz not work with a Intel X3000 video chip?05:37
t3ch13We did a lab with snort and I let them all do the windows way and then I said now watch how easy it is in LInux lol05:37
Tm_T!kde4 | iobelisk05:37
ubot3iobelisk: KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php05:37
Dr_WillisNickPresta,  i find too many people spend all day twiddling with the wallpaper and stuff.. and dont want to learn the fundamentals. :)05:37
Tm_TDr_Willis: I can spend all day to create new wallpapers =)05:37
NickPrestaDr_Willis, well, it depends. Most people who use computers don't have the patience or knowledge to learn the fundamentals. Of course, that isn't to say there aren't plenty of users who should and do learn the basics and move up and onwards.05:38
Dr_Willisthey have the patience to spend all day getting their icons lined up just right.. and the wallpaper set just so... :)05:39
CrellOK, this is strange.05:39
NyleI have kubuntu feisty and when I try to go to kcontrol there are no config options in there05:39
Dr_Willisbut cant be bothered to .... well.. i wont go on. heh05:39
iobelisktm_t, thanks but those links really don't tell me how to run the kde4 desktop05:39
Nylewhen I go to the regular system settings application it crashes05:39
Dr_Willisits amazing the bad habbits people get into when using pc's05:39
CrellI have 8 desktops, but only 2 show up for compiz desktop switching.  And the second, if I put anything on it, the window vanishes.05:39
CrellIt's also showing apps from desktop 1, when it shouldn't be.05:39
Dr_Willisiobelisk,  http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php  tells EXACTLY how to run the kde4 desktop05:39
Tm_Tiobelisk: also, its beta05:39
Dr_Willisiobelisk,  you make a new kde4.desktop   entry for it. with some commands  it runs. :)05:40
t3ch13Crell you have to let compiz handle the desktops05:40
Dr_Willisi second whatg t3ch13  is saying.05:40
iobeliskDr._Willis, when i create a new session, i am not sure what command to put under "exec"?05:40
CrellSo the various move to desktop commands will all fail, except for compiz's fancy schmancy ones?05:40
Dr_Willisreread that site again. iobelisk  the part where it says05:41
Dr_WillisTo run it as a full session copy /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop to /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop,05:41
t3ch13In CompizConfig Settings Manager in general options is the settings you need05:41
iobeliskDr_Willis, there is no kde.desktop under /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions for me so it gives me a file not found05:41
NyleI have kubuntu feisty and when I try to go to kcontrol there are no config options in there.  Systems Settings (the new controls) crashes05:41
NyleI have kde 3.5.605:41
Dr_Willis try updateing the locate database and use 'locate kde4.desktop' i guess05:41
NyleI have kde 3.5.805:41
t3ch13I have KDE 3.5.805:42
Dr_Willisit sould run /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde  is my guess. if that path is right. :)05:42
t3ch13Well I'm tired and it's late later all05:43
Dr_Willisim using jwm :)05:43
CrellOh, I think I get it.05:43
Crellcompiz's fancy "desktop" switching is only WITHIN a given X desktop, but compiz can have multiple of its OWN compiz "desktops" within one X desktop.05:44
CrellThat's AFU. :-)05:44
Dr_Willis compwiz's desktop switching is instead of kde's virtual desktops.05:45
Dr_WillisThen again - i jsut set up 2 desktops and leave it at that. :)05:45
CrellDr_Willis: Right, that's what I'm saying/seeing.05:45
CrellI'm used to having 4 in KDE.05:45
Dr_Willisgotta love 2 widescreen monitors.05:45
Dr_Willis i dont need 4 any more05:45
CrellBut 4 in KDE + compiz == weird.05:45
Dr_WillisIf you want 4 with compiz - you set them up in the genral tab of the ccsm tool05:46
CrellRight, that's where I am now.05:46
CrellI'm toying with settings. :-)05:46
Dr_Willissome of the compiz settings look ugly with twinview/dual moniotrs05:46
CrellI think I need to disable the KDE pager, though, as it's based on the KDE desktops, not compiz desktops.05:46
iobeliskDr_Willis, I am actually running gnome, so do you think i need to also install the kdebase package for kde4base to work?05:47
* Crell hopes they integrate this stuff into KDE directly soon. KDE 4.0 has its own thing I understand, though...05:47
Dr_WillisCrell,  yep - the compiz+kde intefration is a bit rough05:47
Dr_Willisiobelisk,  no idea there.. I would  think it may be a good idea. you can run kde and test out specific kde4 apps. Or try the whole kde4 desktop05:47
CrellAll the indy fun stuff targets Gnome only, and then KDE does their own thing.  Quite annoying. :-(05:48
Dr_WillisGo play with Enlightment then. :)05:48
iobeliskdr_willis, i have installed only kde4base-dev at the moment, is there anything else i need to get in order to get kde4 running? i'd like to create a whole diff session for kde4 and check it out from there05:48
Tm_TDr_Willis: nooo, WindowMaker!05:48
Dr_Willisiobelisk,  from what i read of that guide thats how its doable05:49
Dr_Willisiobelisk,  but ive not messed with kde4 other then on live cd's to test it05:49
Dr_Willismuch safer that way. :)05:49
iobeliskdr_willis, yes, but that guide is for kubuntu, so i assume that some other kde base packages are probably needed to run kde4? the live cd idea is good though, all i want to do is check kde4 out, i'm getting a little impatient waiting for december ;)05:50
Dr_Willisi hear a lotof the kde4 apps work nicely under kde3. but the whole'desktop' is still a bit rough.05:51
Dr_Willisbut I have plenty of patience05:51
CrellOK, the paint fire on screen plugin is way cool, and way useless. :-)05:51
Dr_WillisCrell,  you draw on the screen 'Dont Touch me' To scare the kids05:51
Dr_WillisUse the tidal wave thing!05:52
CrellI can see it as useful for Halloween.05:52
Dr_Williswiggly windows makes my wife sick to her stomach.05:52
Dr_Willisif i miniumize a window.. do i 'really' need a fancy animation to show that it did what i told it to do? :)05:53
Dr_WillisNow the ADHD setting is a bit more usefull. Dim out the distracting Non-activated windows05:53
CrellYeah, wobblywindows is one of those things that I'd enable when showing off Linux at an install fest, and otherwise never use.05:53
Dr_Willisnot sure if that show miniwindows on the panel - works with kde or not. I use it under gnome - thats handy05:54
Dr_WillisThe Invert feature is nice some times also.05:54
Dr_Willisand the zoom :)05:54
Dr_Williswell its late here.. and time for bed. Night all.05:54
* Crell may just wait until KDE 4, and let the KDE team do the integration.05:55
CrellHm.  OK, that's the issue.05:57
CrellThe cube effects are all based on a WIDE desktop, not MULTIPLE desktops.05:57
eljefehas anyones system been acting slow 24h+ after turning on Strigi search daemon?06:01
AT0M1CB0MB3Ri can never get Compiz to work it makes me wanna cry06:01
AT0M1CB0MB3Rcause compiz would make my computer look so much better06:01
AT0M1CB0MB3Reljefe: i think you should uninstall strigi06:02
eljefejust tonight it took my (decently fast) machine almost 2 min to recognize a cd-r06:03
eljefenot sure if its related or not06:03
eljefeuninstall it why? is it really that bad?06:03
AT0M1CB0MB3Reljefe: i uninstalled it to make my computer go faster06:04
AT0M1CB0MB3Reljefe: do you have and widgets running from super karamba06:04
eljefeaiight, done06:04
eljefeno, i used to but it gets to be too much06:04
eljefealthough, its probably better these days06:04
AT0M1CB0MB3Rnot really06:04
AT0M1CB0MB3Rits still buggy06:04
MilesGhey man, conky is all you need06:06
MilesGin life06:07
MilesGas long as i know my cpu% is only 2%, im alright06:07
Tm_TMilesG: plus bunch of scripts06:07
AT0M1CB0MB3Rdoes anybody know why i have to keep putting in my DNS servers for my ethernet adaptor it always reverts back to
AT0M1CB0MB3Rhow do i saqve it for good06:08
CrellI need to sleep.  Thanks folks.06:09
AT0M1CB0MB3RTm_T: thats really complicated06:10
AT0M1CB0MB3RTm_T: i just made my internet static06:14
AT0M1CB0MB3RTm_T: i just made my internet static06:14
AT0M1CB0MB3Rso do i need to do that anymore06:14
Insanity^nerds in the house.06:19
=== Insanity^ is now known as Morgwyr
=== josh_ is now known as kalifornia909
kalifornia909can anyone help me. my dvd decrypter wont recognize my dvd rom06:27
=== jess is now known as Jess``
Jess``Hi all, i have a really simple question... I have 7.10 now, started with regular ubuntu then installed kubuntu-desktop.  When in a kde session, where do I find the "enable 3d effects" (similar to Gnome's System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> /Effects tab/)?  Thanks06:38
Tm_T!compiz | Jess``06:39
ubot3Jess``: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion06:39
Jess``Tm_T: so even if I have compiz installed while under gnome, i still need extra stuff for kde?06:39
Tm_Tno idea06:39
Tm_TI dont use it myself06:39
bazhangJess``: I believe you do.06:40
Jess``alrighty, thanks :)06:40
bazhangJess``: compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-kde emerald06:41
Jess``turns out i was missing libcompizconfig-backend-kconfig and compiz-kde (the rest were installed from gnome/ubuntu).  Thanks for the help :)06:44
bazhangJess``: once you have those installed (sudo apt-get install), then hit the alt +F2 keys and then type in the box compiz --replace, then once agaIn with alt +F2 and emerald --replace06:44
bazhangJess``: be sure to then go to the settings <advanced desktop effects settings (in Kmenu) and choose window decorations (located near the bottom of the choices).06:46
bazhangerr check windows decorations, not choose...oops.06:46
Jess``mm looks neat, thanks bazhang :)06:51
bazhangJess``: my pleasure! Hope you have fun with it--scale is especially nice. Similar to the expose effect in Mac.06:52
PolitikerNEUDoes anyone know how to lower the speed of Graphic chips under kubuntu (nvidia)?06:59
vzduchwhy, do you have insufficient cooling? =D06:59
PolitikerNEUno, but I want to save energy ... my notebook only lasts 1:30 hours at the moment07:00
kalifornia909i wonder why compiz does not detect my xgl07:01
PolitikerNEUI've found a tool to overclock my chip ... I'll try to find out if it allows me to step it down too07:04
MilesG!hi | Daisuke-Ido07:15
ubot3Daisuke-Ido: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!07:15
booomhi all07:17
booomwho speak russia? )07:17
pag!ru | booom07:18
ubot3booom: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke07:18
ubot3boom: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.07:20
Tm_Tbooom: please change your username and realname07:20
Tm_Tbooom: please?07:23
Tm_T0920 < Tm_T> booom: please change your username and realname07:24
booomi'm don't speak english07:24
Tm_Tbooom: you still know what I'm asking07:24
Tm_Tbooom: if not, then I'm asking you to leave07:25
booomI'm from Russia07:25
ubot3Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke07:25
vzduchI guess he was either on Windoze or on drugs..07:30
vzduchor both :D07:30
=== corporeal_ is now known as corporeal
Tm_Tvzduch: not funny07:31
jayDoes anyone know if gDesklet will work with a 64-bit kubuntu?07:32
=== PolitikerNEU is now known as PolitikerNEU|stu
=== PolitikerNEU|stu is now known as Pol|stupid
jbrouhardAnyone know of a application that monitors CPU temp ?07:41
vzduchwon't alarm you on its own though07:42
vzduchbut you could run it as a cronjob that alarms you if some values are off the scale too much for your taste07:42
eagles0513875what can i run to scan an ntfs partition07:42
vzducheagles0513875: define 'scan'07:43
eagles0513875the chkdsk equivalent07:43
eagles0513875i cant scan it in windows cuz i only have linux on here07:43
vzduchwhy on earth do you have a NTFS partition then?07:43
eagles0513875i had windows on here but it finally pissed me off to the point where iwoudl rather use linux for good now07:44
hellhoundis there a way to keep mplayer from opening a new instance each time I launch a video?  I would like for it to stop the current video and run the selected one07:44
jbrouhardhey wati a min.. why is my adept updater saying us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates ?07:45
muchanichellhound: directly, I doubt it, but you could write a shell script to use as a launcher that kills any existing process before launching mplayer07:45
eagles0513875vzduch: isnt there something i can run to scan it07:46
vzduchif you find something tell me :D07:47
helloyowould it be hard to setup ssh so i could access my girlfriends computer (shorter commands needed). she is behind a router07:47
vzduchproblem #1: the router.. you'd have to open a port for that07:48
GS3User007_you're probably want to set her up on a static ip if she isn't already07:48
DeadJonesanyone know how to customize (add stuff to) the 'system menu' on kicker?07:48
eagles0513875vzduch: there is somethign im trying to remember the name im searching through adept atm07:49
vzduchno idea if ntfsprogs contains something useful here07:50
jbrouhardOkay someone explain to me why, after a clean install of Gutsy Gibbon DVD, i have sources.list that show dapper for the main repos ?07:50
helloyoGS3User007_, vzduch: so just fiddle with the router settings?07:51
GS3User007_helloyo: have you ever set up port forwarding on a router?07:52
helloyoGS3User007_: no i haven't, i don't have access to my router, i do with hers though07:53
GS3User007_helloyo: having never set up ssh, i can't say for certain if that'll be an issue or not. what sort of router is it? linksys, dlink, or something else?07:54
LinusxEarlier there was discussion of kwin-baghira.  Is that useful on older iMacs? (g3 AIO 333 mhz) with dapper?07:54
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!07:54
=== GS3User007_ is now known as GS3User007
MilhousePunkRockIs the BadRAM patch included in Gutsy's kernel?07:55
helloyoGS3User007: i think its a netgear07:56
GS3User007helloyo: well figure out which ports need to be opened, google around and figure out how to forward any necessary ports on her router07:56
helloyoGS3User007: will do, thanks07:56
GS3User007helloyo: np]07:57
vzduchGS3User007: as for the 'how to' part there's always the router's user manual ;)07:57
GS3User007vzduch: true, but how many folks keep that sort of thing around?07:58
ubuntuyes i need help07:58
ubuntudoes anyone know how to get cool desktop effects07:58
ubuntuwhich is the best effects07:58
AT0M1CB0MB3Rubuntu: oh my god07:58
vzduchdefine 'cool desktop effects'07:58
vzduchthese meta-questions..07:58
ubuntuwhich is better compiz07:58
ubuntusorry im new07:59
vzduchI'm tempted to say: try 'em all & decide for yourself07:59
vzduchthat's what live CDs are for :)07:59
ubuntuim tempted to say thanks alot lol08:00
ubuntuive got 7.04 on my hdd drive08:00
ubuntuim testing 7.1008:00
eagles0513875vzduch: found a program that works to scan ntfs partitions08:00
eagles0513875vzduch: readup on ntfsprogs08:00
eagles0513875vzduch: i also seem to haave rw access08:01
vzduchif you have ntfs-3g you should :)08:02
vzduchmoin blizzzek08:02
eagles0513875thing is08:02
eagles0513875this is an external drive08:02
eagles0513875i had to disable mount as a user on the drive for it to work right other wise i get an error08:03
vzduchexternal or not is the same as long as you're not talking to it via a network protocol08:03
eagles0513875only via usb lol08:03
blizzzekhi vzduch08:03
eagles0513875thats weird restarting my laptop seemed to have fixed the issue of me trying to stream audio in amarok saying cant find demux08:05
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scott_wow, this is a busy channel08:07
GS3User007scott_: i'd say crowded, but not terribly busy08:07
scott_fair enough08:08
scott_I've only ever been to the Ubuntu channels on Freenode08:08
scott_this runs fairly smooth on a VM with 128MB of RAM08:08
GS3User007scott_: yeah, i'm VMing kubuntu too... gave it 512 though08:09
MilhousePunkRockeagles0513875: Maybe it's an AAC stream and you have to start it at the right time, when it's sending header data. Happens to me on idobi radio sometimes, if you just retry it will finally work08:09
* vzduch is VM'ing Windoze08:10
vzduchprobably not too useful for the purpose I had in mind on my machine, but fair enough for some other things08:10
GS3User007what purpose did you have in mind?08:11
=== chronos is now known as tester201
eagles0513875vzduch: if i had a desktop i woudl probably be vming windows or duel booting08:11
vzduchGS3User007: streaming audio w/ SAM Broadcaster08:11
vzduchbut playing alone produces 70% CPU usage on the host08:12
tester201 I"m having problems with my Nvidia card on gusty. I've enabled the restricted drivers and rebooted, but I still can't run GL screensavers08:12
vzduchso there's no room for streaming any more, I guess08:12
GS3User007time for a faster cpu i suppose... i'm overdue for an upgrade myself actually08:13
scott_Can I run KDE4 on this thing?08:13
eagles0513875i love the 4 desktops i have08:13
eagles0513875only problem is im in europe and they r back in us08:13
* vzduch just upgraded a couple weeks ago.. running an Athlon XP 2400+ on an Abit KT7-RAID08:13
eagles0513875i wish i had my machiens here i really wanna setup a cluster08:14
eagles0513875and maybe develop some cluster pkgs08:14
vzducheagles0513875: better get a power supply that enables you to switch mains power between 110 V and 230 V08:14
ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:15
eagles0513875vzduch: all desktop power supplies allow u to do that lol08:15
ubot3KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php08:15
eagles0513875take a look at the back of ur desktop machine i bet u there is a lil red button that allows u to switch the voltage lol08:15
vzducheagles0513875: then pack any or all in the mail and have it sent over ;)08:16
eagles0513875ur right i should but the shipping is goign to eb a pain08:17
vzduchyou mean the shipping fees..08:17
eagles0513875this is goignt o be fun re encoding 12gb of music lol08:22
vzduchif the source material is already in a lossy format you should scrap that..08:23
vzduchcan only result in poorer quality08:23
eagles0513875it wasnt in a lossy format08:24
posingaspopulareagles0513875: FLAC?08:24
posingaspopularin soundkonvertor, yo can drag/drop the giles you want to do08:24
eagles0513875posingaspopular: they were in wave08:25
posingaspopularbut you might be better off writing a shell script to do it for you08:25
eagles0513875posingaspopular: i know but its goign to be a pain to do 12gb of it08:25
posingaspopularshell script08:25
eagles0513875posingaspopular: now they r in wma cuz i had winblows08:25
vzduchposingaspopular: shell script?08:25
eagles0513875now no more winblows08:25
vzduchposingaspopular: all encoders have batch mode08:25
vzduche.g. 'oggenc -q 6 *.wav'08:25
posingaspopularbut you would it be slower to do it in an encoder?08:26
posingaspopulareagles0513875: yea all my files had to be converted.... 30 gigs08:26
posingaspopulari think it took me like a week08:26
eagles0513875i do it as i am workign a few at a time lol08:27
eagles0513875right now i have my poor comp working ovr time to get everythign off my external drive08:27
vzducheagles0513875: wma is craptastic in itself.. and still it's better to leave them as-is than to re-convert them into something else (if not WAV or FLAC)08:27
eagles0513875vzduch: im goign to be converting them into flac08:28
eagles0513875with wave do u get the same bitrates as in flac08:28
vzduchWAV == 1,411 kbps, FLAC == variable, ranging from <200 to >1,100 depending on the music.. average tends to be just under 1,00008:29
eagles0513875which do u prefer08:29
vzduchfor interoperability WAV is best, for storage I'd prefer a lossy codec as it results in smaller files08:30
vzduchthus I'd suggest leaving the WMAs as they are08:30
blizzzeknixternal: i saw you blog entry about the request on kubuntu users und opened the wiki site right now. what i am wondering is, that katapult is in the list... erm, it is installed and launched by default08:31
eagles0513875im goign to go ahead and convert them to wav as i listen to the music quite often08:31
vzduchusing w32codecs or the like it's no problem playing them in Linux08:31
eagles0513875i know08:31
eagles0513875but i would prefer to use open source stuff lol08:31
Jucatoblizzzek: he's asleep right now. but probably the answer to that would be: not everyone knows about katapult, that it's installed and enabled by default, or how to use it08:32
vzduchWAV in itself is not particularly open-source08:32
posingaspopularblizzzek: it is in kubuntu, but there were talks about removing it before gutsy, or at least thats what nixternal told me. i sent him a msg about that tonigh too, just to make sure that katapult is still included in the next releases08:32
eagles0513875i have no idea how to use it08:32
eagles0513875vzduch: is flac08:32
vzduchthe specs are known, but I wouldn't go as far as saying it's open source08:32
vzduchFLAC is08:32
Jucatohi posingaspopular08:32
posingaspopulareagles0513875: alt+spacebar+program/file name08:32
posingaspopularJucato! hugs!08:32
posingaspopularit's 3 30 am08:32
eagles0513875ty posingaspopulari just learned somethign new08:33
Jucatoposingaspopular: yeah I was wondering what you're doing up so late08:33
* posingaspopular has been reading ubuntu logs and ML's and setting up the agenda for the next meeting08:33
eagles0513875what is the au format08:33
vzduchperhaps WAV is something like public domain, I don't know08:33
blizzzekwell, it took me a long time to find out about katapult.. and other people i talked to about it as well. but they are all enthusiastic about it ;)08:33
vzduchAU is Sun's lossless audio format08:33
eagles0513875i just tried it its quite kool08:33
posingaspopularJucato: i sent a few memberd pings about questions/stuff i wanted answered... still waiting back08:33
posingaspopularkatapult rules08:33
eagles0513875vzduch: so the file sizes goign ot be bigger than flac or wav08:33
Jucatoeagles0513875: Katapult is a launcher, it can launch programs (that are in the K Menu), documents (you have to specify the path starting from ~ though), items from your amarok collections, bookmarks (konqueror and firefox), calculator, execute commands, browse google08:34
Jucatoer.. search google I mean08:34
vzduchWAV is uncompressed as well.. I guess WAV and AU would be about the same size08:34
eagles0513875kool i just tried it to open sound konverter and it worked thats bitter sweet08:34
Jucatoposingaspopular: in a few hours probably. he just went to bed 2 hours ago I think08:34
posingaspopularyea I have a skateboarding jam in 8 hours... friends to meet, sponsors to talk to etc.08:35
eagles0513875im goign to have a real headache getting mylaptop on the wireless at school08:35
danny_i need help my kubuntu 7.04 when i go into adept and try to upgrade to 7.10 it wont let me hit full upgrade....08:35
Jucatoposingaspopular: heheh go to bed!!08:35
* Jucato is going to take a nap too....08:35
=== jay is now known as Mizral
posingaspopularJucato: i got home at 1:30, so he must have knocked out right before i got there08:35
posingaspopulardanny_: whats the error?08:35
danny_im trying to upgrade to 7.1008:36
danny_kubuntu 7.10 and it wont let me hit full upgrade08:36
vzduchdanny_: that's not the correct answer08:36
=== jay is now known as Mizral
vzduch'cause you already said that08:36
eagles0513875hey Kred08:36
posingaspopulardanny_: it's easier to upgrade via command line08:36
danny_hang on08:36
posingaspopular!hi | vzduch08:37
ubot3vzduch: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!08:37
KredI just installed Adobe Flash player and video works but I get no sound. I've been trying to search forums for this but..08:37
danny_whats the code?08:37
eagles0513875posingaspopular: doesnt he need to update his source list08:37
posingaspopulardanny_: sudo apt-get updates && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:37
posingaspopularis what i usually do08:37
KredI do have sound working for Amarok for example08:37
posingaspopulareagles0513875: he could edit his sources.list but ive never had any problem doing it via CL with those two commands08:38
posingaspopularKred: how did you install flash08:38
danny_E: Invalid operation updates08:38
posingaspopularsorry, that was my error08:38
posingaspopularno *, just correcting my typo08:38
=== jussi01 is now known as jussio1
Kredposingaspopular: opened up Firefox and clicked "missing plugin". Tried there first to get sound there, then went to Konqueror and searched for plugins..08:39
Kredposingaspopular: the problem was that I had no Flash player at all.08:39
eagles0513875posingaspopular: if u dont have the right repos in the source list wont it just find no pkgs to upgrade08:39
eagles0513875cuz thats what it did for me08:39
vzduchKred: wrong method.. --> sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:40
eagles0513875speaking of source list lol i found an error with source omatic08:40
Tm_T!fi Kred08:40
ubot3Factoid fi kred not found08:40
Tm_T!fi | Kred08:40
ubot3Kred: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi08:40
eagles0513875if i found an error with the generated source list do i just email the guy in charge08:40
ubot3source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:41
posingaspopulareagles0513875: hmmm i duno, because ive never edited no source list and never had any problems upgrading or updating08:41
posingaspopulardanny_: did that work?08:41
danny_its working08:41
Kredvzduch: ok, trying that :)08:41
Tm_TKred: you perhaps like to install kubuntu-restricted-extras too08:42
posingaspopulargood. if you have any troubles, msg Jucato, he's very good at kubuntu.im going to bed soon08:42
viktor_is there limewire08:43
=== danny_ is now known as danny7210
vzduchviktor_: try gtk-gnutella08:43
=== danny7210 is now known as n3kubuntu
n3kubuntutherer we go08:44
posingaspopularviktor_: limewire? for ubuntu?08:44
posingaspopularthere is frostwire08:44
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
eagles0513875yesterday was my first successful distupgrade from a previous version without having to download the iso lol08:45
eagles0513875and do a fresh install08:45
KredOk I installed flashplugin-nonfree but it still doesn't work, the sound I mean. Hmm.. could the wrong install method have confused the system somehow?08:45
Tm_TKred: nope08:45
Tm_TKred: mind to join #ubuntu-fi ?08:45
KredNot at all if that gets me the solution :)08:46
Tm_Theh, hope so08:46
viktor_what effect is it if i put my mouse pointer on a window behind the one in use the window goes trasnperent where can i find this option in compiz08:46
vzduchgoing to speak a language no one understands ;)08:47
eagles0513875try speaking and hearing maltese lol08:48
eagles0513875i can understand it but cant speak it lol08:48
vzduchI've once read Maltese.. it's woven through w/ words of Italian origin08:48
=== gdkarout is now known as gdkarout_
eagles0513875vzduch: lol maltese has alot of arabic words lol08:48
ubot3#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:48
vzduchwell, it's a Semitic language08:48
eagles0513875sry Tm_T08:48
ubot3Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.08:49
Tm_Teagles0513875: np08:49
eagles0513875sry again Tm_T08:49
vzduchhoi Kite_DH + llutz08:50
emonkeyvzduch, wrong channel ? ツ08:50
vzduchemonkey: no :)08:50
eagles0513875this is just a random question what would someone do if they wanted to downgrade08:52
eagles0513875is taht quite easy to do or would require a clean install08:53
vzduchreinstall, I suppose08:53
vzduchof course you can try to change the sources.list and perform a dist-upgrade.. but I doubt that the result would be desireable08:53
vzduchgotta go for some smokes, brb08:55
eagles0513875what do i need to download to make amarok play flac files08:55
viktor_is there i site to go to get a list of apps u can isntall with the sudu apt-get etc08:55
gdkarout_hi, I have partitioned my disk in 4 primary partitions and I want to make more partitions through linux so I could mount there the /usr /tmp. Is that possible? and how?08:55
eagles0513875viktor_: u can install any app as long as its in the repos08:56
posingaspopularthe command is 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' correct? i didnt get kicked in the head?08:56
viktor_how do i look at repo's whats that08:56
vzduchAmarok should play FLAC ootb08:56
viktor_where do i find that08:56
eagles0513875wel for some reason mine isnt08:56
eagles0513875viktor what r u trying to look for08:56
viktor_just wanan see hole list of things that i can install like programs etc i might need08:56
viktor_just wanna browse08:57
eagles0513875then u might wanna open up adept and look in there then close it go to the command line and type in sudo apt-get instll then the name of the pkg08:57
viktor_yer but is there a site to veiw packages08:58
eagles0513875there is but i dotn remember the address08:58
eagles0513875let me find it08:58
viktor_okai thank you so much08:58
eagles0513875viktor_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/09:00
eagles0513875is hardy the name of the next release09:00
viktor_oh ur the king thanks so much09:00
viktor_how do chek what kde im using like version09:01
harahello. anyone here use the GATOS driver for ati cards?09:01
viktor_how do chek what kde im using like version09:03
eagles0513875viktor_: click on help then at bottom it says about kde09:03
eagles0513875im having a problem with sound konverter09:04
eagles0513875its not decoding and then reenxoding09:04
ubot3Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs09:05
ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:05
posingaspopularJucato: ping...09:05
Kredflashplugin-nonfree installed working picture but no sound. Any idea what could be wrong?09:05
eagles0513875Kred: have u checked the mixer09:05
eagles0513875posingaspopular: any idea why soundkonverter is not decoding or encoding my audio09:06
Kredeagles0513875: I've taken a look at it but have no idea what setting could make audio work for Flash, since audio is working with Amarok.09:06
n3kubuntutry doing this09:07
n3kubuntuclick you volume ico09:07
n3kubuntuclick mixer09:07
n3kubuntuclick settings tab09:07
n3kubuntuclick configure kmix09:07
n3kubuntuand check box volume type: absolute09:08
n3kubuntuvolume values:09:08
n3kubuntunow try09:08
posingaspopulareagles0513875: whats the error09:09
posingaspopularbecause it used to not work in feisty, but works perfectly in gutsy for me09:09
n3kubuntudid it work kred09:09
eagles0513875posingaspopular: no error the output file ends up 0b09:09
Kredn3kubuntu: no09:10
posingaspopular.... hmm09:10
posingaspopularKred: is it alsamixer by any chance?09:10
eagles0513875what is the name of the w32codecs pkg09:10
n3kubuntukred did you click apply or ok09:11
Kredposingaspopular: how do I know that?09:11
Kredn3kubuntu: yes.09:11
KredPlease remember that I do have working sound with Amarok09:11
KredThe problem is with Flash, both in Konqueror and Firefox09:11
posingaspopularah flash...09:12
=== n3kubuntu is now known as n4kubuntu
posingaspopulari duno, because i dont use itmuch, if ever09:12
eagles0513875posingaspopular: whats the w32codecs pkg name09:12
ubot3Factoid win32 not found09:12
ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:13
posingaspopulari dont know the actual name, but ubotu does...09:13
ubot3Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs09:14
KredCould my sound problem be a problem with codecs? Or could I totally be missing some codec?09:14
eagles0513875posingaspopular: that doesnt tell me much09:14
posingaspopularyea i duno, like i said, i dont use it much09:15
vzduch!info w32codecs09:16
ubot3Package w32codecs does not exist in gutsy09:16
vzduch!info w32codec09:16
ubot3Package w32codec does not exist in gutsy09:16
eagles0513875then i have a problem09:16
eagles0513875sry bout that09:17
vzduchseems it was different.. or Medibuntu pkgs are not covered by the bot09:17
eagles0513875brb need to restart x really quickly09:17
posingaspopularso danny/n3kbuntu/n4kubuntu is trying to so a distupgrade and having a problem with some packages. here is the CL output. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42442/ i need bed. it's 430 am09:18
vageliskshow are you today?09:18
eagles0513875im back guys09:18
posingaspopularplz help guys, im too tired to think09:18
JackPhilI can't open mht file with konqueror09:18
vageliskshello from greece09:19
posingaspopularn4kubuntu: gl09:19
eagles0513875what codecs can i use since w32codecs isnt available in gutsy cuz im having trouble with sound converter09:19
vzduch!medibuntu | eagles051387509:19
ubot3eagles0513875: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:19
vagelisksmay i ask you something about irc servers?09:19
vzduch!ask | vagelisks09:19
ubot3vagelisks: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:19
eagles0513875what other audio conversion software is there09:20
vageliskshow i get the list of the availble servers?09:20
n4kubuntucan anbody help me ? im trying to upgrade to kubuntu 7.10 and this code pops up http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42442/09:20
vzduchvagelisks: what servers?09:20
vagelisksnow ia ma connected to the ubuntu server09:21
vagelisksi want to connect to a greek server09:21
eagles0513875brb need to restart my machine09:21
vagelisksso i want to find the greek servers09:21
=== mezza is now known as kubuntu-nioubs
vzduch!aptfix | n4kubuntu09:22
ubot3n4kubuntu: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:22
vzduchvagelisks: s/server/channel/09:22
vageliskshi kubuntu-nioubs09:22
vzduch!gr | vagelisks09:22
ubot3vagelisks: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes09:22
Linux_Galore_Eagle_101: you need to add medibuntu repo's09:23
haniHi I need add package .deb to adept09:23
vzduchhani: what pkg?09:23
viktor_i need the new jre ??09:24
hanivzduch: many .deb09:24
=== n4kubuntu is now known as danny7210
kubuntu-nioubsplease how can I have the thumbnails for video (in dapper) ?09:24
=== danny7210 is now known as dangunitdan
hanivzduch: stardict and aptoncd and quanta and ...09:25
vzduchhani: should all be in the repos09:25
=== dangunitdan is now known as k5ubuntu
vzduch!sources | hani09:25
ubot3hani: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:25
viktor_i need help with a JRE update please09:28
Linux_Galore_there is also an app called kubextra that adds all the extra repos and sets up the codecs and java/flas etc09:30
hanithanks ubot3, vzduch09:31
vzduch!upgrade | k5ubuntu09:31
ubot3k5ubuntu: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:31
eagles0513875Linux_Galore_: what other audio converters r there besides soundkonverter09:31
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: mplayer can transcode audio09:31
eagles0513875Linux_Galore_: from wma to flac09:32
kubuntu-nioubssomeone please?09:32
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: yep, as long as you have the codecs09:32
kubuntu-nioubsplease how can I have the thumbnails for video (in dapper) ?09:32
eagles0513875u mean the wma codecs09:32
=== loic is now known as Horn
KredYea hi again :)09:33
ubot3Factoid mediubuntu not found09:33
ubot3medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:33
KredI found out that I get "Unknown PCM default" when runing Konqueror from console and accessing Flash09:33
=== _nuu is now known as nuu
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: yes install the win32 codecs09:34
k5ubuntui need help unlocking my konsole09:34
ubot3Factoid win32codecs not found09:34
eagles0513875Linux_Galore_: since im running the 64bit version dont i need the 64bit version09:34
ubot3medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:34
eagles0513875just did that lol09:35
k5ubuntui need help unlocking my konsole09:35
k5ubuntuany help.......09:35
vzducheagles0513875: the pkg name is w32codecs09:35
eagles0513875how did u lock it09:35
k5ubuntui dont know09:35
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: I avoid the 64 bit version because allot of stuff still hasnt been moved over09:35
eagles0513875Linux_Galore_: ahhh ok09:35
vzduchk5ubuntu: if all else fails you can still try a reboot09:36
k5ubuntuill reboot09:36
eagles0513875Linux_Galore_: i have the repository for medibuntu but it cant find the w32codecs09:36
vzducheagles0513875: did you apt-get update yet?09:37
eagles0513875vzduch: when i did it the first time it seemed to ignore the repo09:37
vzducheagles0513875: pastebin your sources.list please09:37
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: search for medibunt09:37
eagles0513875ok holf on09:38
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: should be a whole pile of stuff09:38
eagles0513875where is the source.list found09:38
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: you in the adept_manager09:39
eagles0513875using cli09:39
=== danny_ is now known as k5ubuntu
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: you can edit your repositories within adept_manager09:39
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:39
Linux_Galore_open a term type  sudo adept_manager09:39
eagles0513875thats the source list09:40
viktor_with linux do i get rpm or self install09:40
eagles0513875im in adept manager09:40
vzducheagles0513875: no, it's not, it's the main page :)09:40
eagles0513875vzduch: ??09:40
viktor_which to download09:41
vzducheagles0513875: you should get a URL saying http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/<running_number>09:41
vzduchah, that's better :)09:41
eagles0513875i got it09:41
eagles0513875sry bout that still waking up here09:41
k5ubuntuwhat is the upgrade command for konsole?09:41
viktor_download rpm self extracting or just normal self extracting09:41
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: medibuntu repository isnt listed09:42
vzducheagles0513875: nothing in there saying medibuntu09:42
eagles0513875how do i get it listed09:42
vzduch!sourceomatic | eagles051387509:42
ubot3eagles0513875: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:42
eagles0513875i followed what to do on the medi site09:42
Ace2016Hi all09:42
k5ubuntui need to upgrade my kubuntu09:42
eagles0513875those r the 64bit repositories09:42
k5ubuntuwhat is the code09:42
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875:  ok cut and past these commands into a terminal09:42
Ace2016how do i find out the install date of this system?09:42
eagles0513875Linux_Galore_: ok09:42
Ace2016i want to check some stats but without an install date its pretty useless09:43
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875:  sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list09:43
vzduchAce2016: try the date of a file called '/success' (in the root directory) or /etc/ubuntu-release (or whatever it's called)09:43
eagles0513875i dont think its working Linux_Galore_09:44
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: have to type the user password09:44
Linux_Galore_eagles0513875: it will request your admin user password09:45
vzducheagles0513875: 'sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list'09:45
Ace2016vzduch: don't have either of those files09:45
vzducheagles0513875: then 'wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update'09:45
viktor_RPM self extract or normal self EXTRACt to download please help09:45
vzduchviktor_: ?09:45
k5ubuntuhow do i update kubuntu to 7.10?09:45
viktor_im downlaod java update which one to get09:46
vzduch!upgrade | k5ubuntu09:46
ubot3k5ubuntu: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:46
Linux_Galore_k5ubuntu: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade   should work09:46
vzduchLinux_Galore_: sure?  wouldn't you have to change the sources.list beforehand?09:47
vzduchLinux_Galore_: apart from that, this way isn't recommended09:47
eagles0513875Linux_Galore_: it didnt work that way09:47
Linux_Galore_vzduch: adept usually starts an update dialog09:47
vzduchLinux_Galore_: you were just talking aptitude09:48
eagles0513875Linux_Galore_: it didnt work09:48
eagles0513875how can i add it in adept09:48
Linux_Galore_sorry aptitude does lol09:48
vzducheagles0513875: seen my 2 lines above?09:48
eagles0513875i did them09:48
eagles0513875it doesnt seem to add it09:49
dappermuisjust joined, but is the problem here with upgrading? that the upgrade dialog doesn't appear?09:49
viktor_i need emerald themes and there is none with kubuntu09:49
Linux_Galore_viktor_:  www.kde-look.org09:49
eagles0513875wait they r added09:49
viktor_oh thanks09:50
vzducheagles0513875: the 'apt-get update' step was already included in the above commands, so you should be able to continue by 'apt-get install w32codecs'09:51
eagles0513875thats screwed up09:51
eagles0513875they changed the name on the pkg09:51
vzduchthe Medibuntu site says otherwise09:51
eagles0513875i just did an apt-cache search and its named non-free-codecs09:51
vzduchthat's also available09:52
vzduchor does it say so in the text?09:52
eagles0513875i did apt-cache search for w32codecs09:52
davidecè nessun italiano??09:52
vzduch!it | davide09:52
ubot3davide: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:52
eagles0513875and the only thing that came up was non-free-codecs09:52
davidegrazie ciao09:53
vzduchso you should install that, I guess :)09:53
pageagles0513875, are you running 32 or 64bit?09:53
eagles0513875pag: 64bit09:55
pageagles0513875, " sudo apt-get install w64codecs " :)09:55
eagles0513875its still not working09:55
moonlightHello i am new at kubuntu someone can help me?09:55
pag!ask | moonlight09:55
ubot3moonlight: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:55
Lynouremoonlight: ask your question and we'll see09:55
=== moonlight is now known as Pergunta
eagles0513875pag: already installed09:56
eagles0513875sound converter still isnt working09:56
iecsam_eagles: im running a 6409:56
eagles0513875iecsam_: r u having trouble with sound konverter09:56
viktor_how do i get the standard theme in emerald theme manager09:56
viktor_its all blank09:56
iecsam_no trouble at all09:56
k5ubuntuim running x86 on an bit 32 proccesor09:56
pageagles0513875, what are you trying to convert ant to which format?09:56
k5ubuntuworks like a gem09:56
iecsam_i installed the 32bit09:56
eagles0513875pag: wma to flac09:56
Perguntam... kubuntu seems really nice but i want ubuntu too, so i installed ubuntu pack too and now my computer look like a big mas09:57
Perguntai want the kubuntu software - show only at kubuntu not at ubuntu09:57
pageagles0513875, do you have flac-encoder installed?09:57
vzduchk5ubuntu: that's what it's supposed to09:57
Perguntaand ubuntu softwares show only at ubuntu and not at ubuntu09:57
eagles0513875pag: ya i do09:57
iecsam_eagles: do u have all the codecs installed09:58
eagles0513875iecsam_: i have flac lame ffmpeg09:58
Perguntasomeone got solution09:58
eagles0513875hold on09:58
eagles0513875dont have ffmpeg09:58
iecsam_can u play mp3 and other media files now09:58
iecsam_u can istall that and i think u'll  be fine09:59
Perguntau talk to me?09:59
eagles0513875iecsam_: i have all my audio in wma09:59
eagles0513875i want to get it out of wma09:59
iecsam_still haven't tried to convert in kubuntu10:00
eagles0513875its still not working10:00
eagles0513875iecsam_: download soundkonverter and try it10:00
iecsam_ok i'll try10:00
Perguntanow u can help me pls?10:01
=== kraut__ is now known as kraut
vzduchI prever converting stuff 'by hand'10:01
eagles0513875whats wrong dude just ask ur question and if anyone knows they will help ya10:01
Perguntam... kubuntu seems really nice but i want ubuntu too, so i installed ubuntu pack too and now my computer look like a big mas10:01
eagles0513875big mas??10:02
Perguntai want the kubuntu software - show only at kubuntu not at ubuntu10:02
Perguntaand ubuntu softwares show only at ubuntu and not at ubuntu10:02
LynourePergunta: slow down a bit.10:02
k5ubuntuhe means he used wubi and it shows ubuntu ubuntu he whants it to show kubuntu, ubuntu10:02
iecsam_dude eagles: did u install kubuntu-restricted-extras10:03
k5ubuntupergunta ill check for a solution10:03
LynourePergunta: if you want the kubuntu start menu not to show ubuntu programs, you can manually remove them from start menu.10:03
eagles0513875i copied the source list from sourceomatic10:03
Perguntaand i mean: Big mess not mas sry10:03
nicon--i got problem with my dwl-g510, can smb help me (the best at priv)?10:04
Perguntabut i want10:04
Perguntato have10:04
nicon--i got problem with my dwl-g510, can smb help me (the best at priv)?10:04
Perguntabut on kubuntu i dont want see ubuntu program10:04
LynourePergunta: removing them from the K menu will not affect the contents of Gnome menu at all10:04
Perguntaand at ubuntu not to see kubuntu10:04
eagles0513875iecsam_: i copied the source list from sourceomatic10:04
LynourePergunta: it's just a menu.10:04
k5ubuntuyes i no10:04
Perguntaohh yea?10:04
k5ubuntuit is10:05
Perguntam... and more thing10:05
iecsam_my amarok plays wma's now10:05
k5ubuntuthe bottom one is recently installed10:05
iecsam_after i installed all the related codecs10:05
eagles0513875how do i add the restriced extras repo10:05
eagles0513875what codecs did u download10:05
iecsam_from the adept manager10:05
Linux_Galore_I remember someone made a script that speperates the GTK and KDE apps out on the main menus10:06
iecsam_first fetch update : then install kubuntu-restricted-extras10:06
yugge_Hey guys, I got a bit of a mess, I bought a IR-RC that attaches it self by USB, it mounts as a /dev/input/event, I've sorted all things out with inputlircd so the commands are correct, but I'm experiencing heavy repeat issues, I've taken a look throu evtest where it shows (per single quick keypress) 1 "value 1" (key down) 7 "value 2" (Key Repeat) 1 "value 0" (Key Up). Is there anyway in inputlircd or even evdev to ignore the repeats via i10:06
Perguntathe browser dont show properly all the web sites10:06
eagles0513875iecsam_: im not getting what u mean10:06
iecsam_open ur adept manager10:06
Linux_Galore_Pergunta: use firefox then10:07
iecsam_then click on fetch update10:07
iecsam_then search for :kubuntu-restricted-extras10:07
eagles0513875ok dun10:07
nicon--i got problem with my dwl-g510, can smb help me (the best at priv)?10:07
iecsam_then install it10:07
Linux_Galore_nicon--: you picked a nasty nework card10:08
eagles0513875iecsam_: its already installed10:08
nicon--Linux_Galore_: i know :P10:08
iecsam_ok try this :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats10:08
eagles0513875i  need a wma decoder10:08
nicon--can smb help me?10:08
vzduch!info centerim10:09
iecsam_follow the instaructions10:09
ubot3centerim: A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.22.1-2.1 (gutsy), package size 1231 kB, installed size 3260 kB10:09
nicon--can smb help me?10:09
pag!patience | nicon--10:09
ubot3nicon--: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:09
eagles0513875:( this is getting me rather frustrated10:09
eagles0513875it used to be my wifi and video card now its codecs10:09
iecsam_dude eagles: it took me like 3 days to figure that out : not really but i kept on installing codecs and finally worked hehe10:10
iecsam_so give kubuntu a chance10:10
eagles0513875what other codecs r there to download10:10
iecsam_there's like a whole bunch10:10
eagles0513875iecsam_: i do i cant use any other distro10:10
eagles0513875i love kubuntu way to much lol10:11
iecsam_yeah hehe thats the spirit keep going10:11
Linux_Galore_nicon--: I just purchased a Netgear WG511T on ebay for a princely sum of $7.31 and it works right off the cuff10:11
eagles0513875iecsam_: i think this is the best version yet lol10:11
eagles0513875iecsam_: what other codecs r there to download i have lame flac ffmpeg10:11
iecsam_dude eagles try ubuntu-restricted-extras10:12
iecsam_i installed that too10:12
eagles0513875still no wma decoder10:13
ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:13
ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:14
iecsam_eagles: i think i got it - open your adept manager and search mp310:14
eagles0513875u mean for lame10:14
iecsam_just mp310:14
iecsam_there are 3 codecs10:14
eagles0513875ok done10:14
alibobaevicheagles0513875_: browse to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  or to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/WindowsCodecs and you will find info about the codec10:15
eagles0513875i have lame and im downloading lame extras10:15
iecsam_install those 3 and i think u'll be fine10:15
iecsam_some kdemultimeda plugin10:15
iecsam_is the one i think in those 310:16
iecsam_but u can install all 310:16
jensis there a program to convert wma to mp310:16
iecsam_jens u dont have to convert10:16
iecsam_amarok can play all wma's10:16
iecsam_after u install restricted-extras10:16
eagles0513875iecsam_: for some reason its not playing for me10:16
iecsam_did u install it eagles10:17
iecsam_the 3 codecs10:17
jensi shall use the mp3ś in a harddisk recorder it only takes mp310:17
eagles0513875jens: use soundkonverter10:18
jensty eagles i try that10:18
=== aristos is now known as Snapple
eagles0513875ahhhhhhhhhh this is frustrating lol10:18
ubot3If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:20
vzducheagles0513875: not for you10:20
eagles0513875ok lol10:20
iecsam_eagles: did u install libxine1-ffmpeg10:22
viktor_whats the command to install compiz fusion10:22
viktor_on kubuntu10:22
WaltzingAlongKubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion . for more, ask in #compiz-fusion & see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/ | viktor_10:23
WaltzingAlongjens: hardly much reason to convert from wma to mp310:23
viktor_ive tryed that link and didnt work10:23
_043em... need help... i've installed kubuntu 7.10, then installed the propietary ati driver from the 'restricted drivers' section... now when i try to boot kubuntu, there is only a black screen after the kubuntu progressbar... how can I rollback to the old display driver now?10:23
eagles0513875did u back up ur xorg.conf10:24
WaltzingAlong!work | viktor_10:24
ubot3viktor_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:24
WaltzingAlong_043: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh10:24
_043eh... i'm so noob... how do i get kubuntu to boot without gui?10:25
vzduchWaltzingAlong: 'phigh' should be used w/ care, it'll reset any custom keymap to en_US, e.g.10:25
iecsam_eagles: Vorbis is the decorder for wma files : search for it in adept manager10:25
eagles0513875iecsam_: it is10:26
WaltzingAlong_043: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg                                press ctrl+alt+f1  to get to a !terminal10:26
tds_043, i think you can hold down F2 or something and it will login via console10:26
ubot3If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:26
vzducha question: was centerim only added to Gutsy universe?  or is it also available in Feisty?10:26
ubuntuHey, I just installed Kubuntu, and i was wondering if it is possible to run WoW without problems?10:27
=== ubuntu is now known as meistR
eagles0513875meistR: u need to donwload wine10:28
meistRokay, then make some scripting also, or?10:28
WaltzingAlongsure run it through wine. there are plenty of guides on it10:28
alibobaevicheagles0513875_: try to install w32codecs package to use wma. it's not GPL, but it should help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/WindowsCodecs10:28
ubot3medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org10:28
meistRi found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12061510:28
eagles0513875iecsam_: whats the name of the pkg u downloaded10:28
sarosetAny tools for website development?10:29
ubot3html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages.  Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and KompoZer(Nvu).  For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/10:29
sarosetThanks =]10:29
iecsam_i installed vorbis & the mp3 codecs eagles10:31
vzduchno one here running Feisty any more? o010:32
* vzduch is running some other distro..10:32
WaltzingAlong!info dir2ogg10:32
ubot3dir2ogg: audio file converter into ogg-vorbis format. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.2-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 11 kB, installed size 80 kB10:32
iecsam_waltzingAlong: if i update the version from adept manager will i be losing KDE since Ubuntu doesn't have KDE pre-installed10:33
someguywhy do i get the following errors when trying to use gcc in kubuntu10:34
someguyGameBoard.c:7:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory10:34
WaltzingAlongiecsam_: were you asking?10:35
sarosetSounds like a header file is missing.10:35
someguyI have to do 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'10:36
someguybut that gets 10mb of packages10:36
someguyi just want gcc to work...10:36
vzduchwhat's the problem w/ that?10:36
someguyI dont have the time10:36
someguyto d/l 10mb10:36
vzduchyour problem :)10:37
vzduchI guess it'll take more time trying to do it w/o build-essential than just downloading and installing the stuff10:37
tdssomeguy, you're either on dialup or having an emergency. 10mb files aren't that big10:40
eagles0513875this is bs10:40
someguytds: i'm capped10:41
someguyin australia they limit the speed of yr connection after passing a certain limit of data transfer10:41
tdssomeguy, damn, do i feel sorry for you guys10:41
ubot3For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:41
eagles0513875someguy: they do that here in malta as well10:42
eagles0513875how much do u ahve amonth i have 10gb10:43
eagles0513875lucky u10:43
eagles0513875im still having problems with finding a wma decoder10:43
tdseagles0513875, sudo apt-get install xmms2-plugin-wma10:44
eagles0513875tds: will that work with soundkonverter so i can convert my audio to flac10:44
eagles0513875i have it installed already10:44
vzduchI somehow don't believe that there's still places where you can't get a flat rate if you can get broadband10:45
eagles0513875vzduch: in america i do no cap10:45
eagles05138755gb dow bout 1.5 up10:45
tdseagles0513875, wish i could say but was the only thing to come up in apt-cache search for wma decoder10:45
eagles0513875forget it once i get wine up and running ii have a windows program that i can use that will allow me to convert to flac as well10:46
WaltzingAlongsomeguy: gcc works but whatever you are building has requirements10:46
tdseagles0513875, if it's already encoded, why encode some more to decrease quality?10:47
eagles0513875tds: it was encoded in wma losless10:47
eagles0513875im just converting it to flac from wma losless10:47
tdseagles0513875, oh, ok. wasn't aware wma had a lossless option10:48
eagles0513875tds: it does slightly higher bitrates then flac but flac is just as good10:49
eagles0513875tds: i noticed a great difference when i used wma losless audio cd in my car10:49
eagles0513875it sounds amazing lol10:49
wilson__linux seems to be pretty good for media converting, i'm playing around with mencoder, very good10:49
viktor_hi i have donwload the tar file for flash player how do i sintall it10:50
tdseagles0513875, i always used mp3 192k, my ears don't notice the difference10:50
ardchoilleviktor_: Why did you download it when it's in the repos?10:51
tdsthen again, i've had years of hearing circular saws whine10:51
viktor_i dont know how to use repos10:51
eagles0513875ouch sry to hear that tds10:51
ardchoille!repos | viktor_10:51
ubot3viktor_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:51
eagles0513875i cant wait to try world of warcraft with wine10:51
ardchoille!flash | viktor_10:51
ubot3viktor_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:51
eagles0513875thats the only reason i had winblows to begin with10:51
viktor_how do i run the restricted ap10:51
tdsviktor_, there's a graphical apt, might be easier to use that10:51
ardchoilletds: What graphical app?10:52
=== Linux_Galore_ is now known as Linux_Galore
lucahi everyone10:52
eagles0513875ardchoille: i think hes talking bout adept manager10:52
ardchoilleeagles0513875: Ah, ok10:53
tdsardchoille, adept manager, comes with KDE10:53
vzduchtds: you mean 'comes w/ Debian-based KDE systems' *gg*10:54
viktor_i am gettin grub install error on my other pc when installin any reason for this10:54
jenswhere can i read about instaling programs, without adept, i am totaly newbie to linux10:54
tdsvzduch, yeah. actually, Kpackage does also10:55
eagles0513875jens: u wanna know the commands to use in the terminal10:55
WaltzingAlongjens: sudo aptitude10:55
tdsjens, if you're using Kubuntu and it's a .deb file, usually just click on it. if it's from source, usually ./configure, make, sudo make install10:55
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: i have had good experiences with WoW through wine10:56
wilson__dpkg -i10:56
jensyes for downloading, unpacking,and indsalling10:56
jensits a tar file10:56
wilson__to install from a file you can use dpkg -i [filename]10:56
vzduchaptitude has some nice search functions.. other than that one should prefer apt-get over aptitude, as aptitude also installs recommended pkgs as dependencies, which apt-get doesn't10:56
wilson__that's for .deb files10:56
ardchoilletds: Yes, I know that.. been using ubuntu for years.10:56
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: i get really crappy frame rates though10:57
vzduchjens: don't use source pkgs unless there's no other option or you explicitly want to install from source10:57
viktor_grub error when isntalin how10:57
jensits a program to run a weatherstation, so idont think i have a choice10:58
eagles0513875!language |eagles051387510:58
vzducheagles0513875: tsk10:58
viktor_what does flush plugin non free mean10:58
eagles0513875sry bout that guys but this windows program wont let me convert from wma to flac its saying its drm protected10:58
vzduchnever heard of a flush plugin.. what's it supposed to do?  clean your hdd? :D10:58
eagles0513875vzduch: lol10:58
HighHoviktor_: it just means its not released as open source, meaning that os developers can not ultimatly support or improve it10:59
tdseagles0513875, another reason to stay away from windows10:59
Shao`SamaAnyone else having problems with ark, unrar-free and multiple rar archives? I can extract fine using rar from multiverse, but with unrar-free it just fails10:59
eagles0513875tds: tell me bout it10:59
viktor_oh ok as long as it works wit youtube thats all that maters10:59
eagles0513875tds: why though i dont have a wma decoder with sound konverter11:00
tdsShao`Sama, would this help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=258735&highlight=rar11:00
WaltzingAlongwma to flac?11:00
eagles0513875anyone know of any other audio converters11:00
eagles0513875dont have wma decoder for soundkonverter11:00
tdseagles0513875, probably tried Audacity haven't you?11:01
eagles0513875i have audacity but it only allows for conversion to mp3 or ogg11:01
Shao`Samatds: Thanks, but unrar-free won't extract at all here, and I was being a bit unclear, sorry. It's one file divided into several .r0x archives. I'm just wondering if I should file a bug against unrar-free or not..11:02
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: mplayer / mencoder ? vlc ?11:02
viktor_ive got laptop with xp and i wanna put kubuntu on i partioton 10gig to the side for it and i get a grub error11:02
viktor_cant get it to install11:02
tdseagles0513875, doesn't ffmpeg decode wma?11:03
eagles0513875no encodes11:03
adam__i have gutsy and i tried using nvidia propertiary driver, but there is something wrong with this driver: dissapearing icons, dissapearing menu text, freezes etc etc, Anyone have similar problems?11:04
HighHoviktor_: Do you get any error message?11:04
tdsShao`Sama, maybe so. i haven't really used rar files that much even though i have lots of rar files on my windows partition11:04
HighHoDoes the install complete without any issues?11:05
tdsviktor_, what program did you use to make the partition?11:05
adam__anyone knows how to fix nvidia propertiary driver problems?11:05
viktor_partition magic and it the install gets to 94%11:06
HighHoadam__: I dont use the nvidia drivers, but perhaps you can try and get the latest linux driver direct from nvidia which is likly to be more recent, that the ones in the repos11:06
adam__ive used envy to get it and still there is many problems11:06
ardchoille!envy | adam__11:07
ubot3adam__: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!11:07
viktor_partition magic and it the install gets to 94%11:07
Linux_GaloreI ended up using envy, I couldnt manually get glx to work, envy worked fine11:07
ardchoilleI use the nvidia-gl driver from the repos and it works fine on all 11 of my computers.11:08
adam__previously i used restricted manager and nothinhg changed11:08
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: if you can get it into wav you can encode it into anything else11:08
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: and anything that can play it can (should) be able to output it as a wav11:08
tdsadam__, i've had probs with Kubuntu 7.10 and using the nvidia drivers from the site. same ones as gutsy repo has but in the end, i just completely purged it all and used the one in the repos11:08
adam__i mean nvidia-glx works but with problems11:08
=== Chousuke_ is now known as Chousuke
viktor_someone help me why its not installin11:08
viktor_someone help me why its not installin11:08
adam__on feisty there was no problems with nvidia11:09
Linux_Galoreviktor_: did you turn the power management on in the bios before the install11:09
HighHoviktor_: have you tryed to burn a new cd, incase it is a media issue?11:09
Linux_Galoreviktor_: did you turn the power management "off" in the bios before the install11:09
adam__tds: are you added some options to xorg.conf manually?11:10
viktor_no why would i need to turn power managment off11:10
Linux_GaloreI had a machine that stalls install thanks the bios power management, turn it off and it went smooth11:10
WaltzingAlongtypical mentality: it is broken!             some insight later... oh, i broke it11:10
viktor_could it be partion magic that stuffed it11:10
=== nick__ is now known as tree
tdsadam__, no, worked fine without them. i fooled with the xorg for a while while using the drivers from the site but had no probs just using the repo drivers11:11
viktor_could it be partion magic that stuffed it11:11
Linux_Galoreviktor_: why are you using partition magic anyway11:11
viktor_to make that 10gig part of harddrive coz i was using xp11:11
Linux_Galoreviktor_: the install will do that11:11
viktor_yer but i already have dont ask i wasnt thinkin11:11
tdsviktor_, there's a gnome partition manager which works pretty good11:11
Linux_Galoreviktor_: just create the partition with PM then do a normal install11:12
Linux_Galorebeen years since I used Partition Mangler11:13
adam__tds: which nvidia card you have?11:14
tdsadam__, 6800GT11:15
byewindowsin Amarok I can read my mp3, I have an error in a notification11:15
byewindowsabout mp311:15
byewindowsI have installed the kubuntu-restricted-extras11:16
vzducheagles0513875: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/convert-wma-mp3-77093/11:16
vzducheagles0513875: "mplayer file.wma -ao pcm -aofile file.wav will convert to a wav file from which you can convert to an mp3/ogg yourself [...]"11:16
* ferox è altrove: Pero ora assente.11:21
vzduch!away | ferox11:22
ubot3ferox: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines11:22
=== moonlight is now known as Pergunta
Perguntacan i help for improve kubuntu?11:25
=== PolitikerALT is now known as PolitikerNEU
HighHoPergunta: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu11:26
ubot3Factoid showquit not found11:29
tdsanyone know how to get rid of the leaving joining statements in xchat? it's really distracting11:29
Minnozzkicker crashed, what can I do with the backtrace info?11:33
=== jucato_ is now known as Jucato_
alesanhi, I have installed the googleearth-package thing, but how can I install it for real?11:35
alesanany idea?11:35
Sinewhy does KDE come with 70 programs?11:36
ardchoilleSine: Because it's a K Desktop Environment11:37
naught101has anyone else had problems getting ksambaconf to work, through kcontrol?11:37
Sineardchoille: but do you really need them all?11:37
naught101for me, it won't save changed settings11:37
ardchoilleSine: I don't, others might. You can't please everyone all the time.11:38
HighHoSine: you can remove any you dont wish to use11:38
ksivajinetwork manager take more cpu cycle almost 50% ,in taskbar it says networks is disconnected11:39
pagalesan, what do you mean by "for real"?11:42
ksivajipag do you have any idea11:43
pagksivaji, umm... others than "since when has knetworkmanager worked?".. no, I don't. sorry.11:44
MilhousePunkRockHey everyone!11:49
MilhousePunkRockHas someone successfully patched the Gutsy Kernel with the BadRAM patch and can give me a hand?11:49
MilhousePunkRockTheGateKeeper: Hey!11:51
TheGateKeeperhiya MilhousePunkRock how goes it?11:51
* ferox è tornato.11:52
MilhousePunkRockTheGateKeeper: Fine, fine... Got a "new" old machine last week, so I have a little project again...11:52
TheGateKeeperMilhousePunkRock, pm'ed you :)11:53
MilhousePunkRockTheGateKeeper: I know... :)11:53
ubot3If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots11:53
=== anya is now known as naxa
WaltzingAlongsine: kde is kde12:07
{slacky}is this a developer channel too?12:10
WaltzingAlong#kubuntu-devel {slacky}12:12
{slacky}WaltzingAlong: thank you12:12
viktor_i need to install firefox12:16
ksivajiviktor_    sudo apt-get install firefox12:17
* ksivaji opera is better choice than firefox12:18
PolitikerALTopera is not free12:18
ksivajiPolitikerALT still you can install in ubuntu12:18
ksivajifor free of cost12:18
PolitikerALTthat's true - but it is against the spirit of Linux (if you say OS = Free Software)12:19
PolitikerALTso new user shouldn't start using propritary software right away - otherwise they get addicted to it12:20
{slacky}Kubuntu 7.10 live CD has beryl effect by default?12:22
^Costeno^kubuntu 7.10 has non beryl12:22
viktor_hi i want to install pigeon messnger12:22
viktor_sudo apt-get install ???12:22
viktor_no kopete dont like12:23
ubot3kopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 7550 kB, installed size 21956 kB12:23
viktor_pigeion is better12:23
{slacky}^Costeno^: and what?12:23
^Costeno^has compiz12:23
pagviktor_, "pigeon"? you mean "pidgin"?12:23
{slacky}^Costeno^: compiz ok... is compiz enabled by default?12:23
HighHoviktor_: sudo apt-get install pidgin12:23
^Costeno^beryl and compiz get together and now we call compiz-fusion12:23
ubot3pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.012:23
^Costeno^well i dont know12:23
^Costeno^i dont use live cd12:24
ksivajihi Pavel Galkin12:24
pagksivaji, umm.. hi..12:25
viktor_downloaded java for so long with adept manager and got an error will installing now screwed no java still12:27
viktor_someone please help12:27
ubot3To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.12:27
ardchoilleIf I launch konqueror fm as root, shouldn't I be able to also edit files via the context menu item "Open with" as root?12:28
WaltzingAlongardchoille: launching with kdesu konqueror ? then yes everything opened would be as 'root'12:29
marky_xyzhi, guys! what could be the possible reasons why my sound is scratchy when i plug my headphones?  the sound is really terrible.  on windows, it is very fine.12:29
WaltzingAlongmarky_xyz: turn down the volume a little12:29
ardchoilleWaltzingAlong:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/15802812:29
ubot3Malone bug 158028 in kdebase "Root instance of konqueror does not allow for editing files" [Undecided,New]12:29
marky_xyzon speakers, it is a bit ok, but still scratchy12:29
viktor_install compiz12:30
viktor_sorri wrong convo12:30
marky_xyzWaltzingAlong: if i turn it down, i can barely hear anything already.  sound on Linux is way lower than Windows,i noticed12:30
WaltzingAlongmarky_xyz: there is "pcm" and "master" and perhaps another for headphones or whichever12:30
marky_xyzsorry to compare but i would say there is not scratch noise on windows at all.  so i don't think it's my hardware, right?12:30
marky_xyzWaltzingAlong: there is none for headphones.  just PCM & PCM2 + MASTER12:31
vbgunzmarky_xyz: I experience the same thing. I asked about it and it seems not everyone experiences it. maybe we sensitive?12:31
marky_xyzvbgunz: yeah, i read a lot of cases on the forums.12:32
vbgunzI just came from Windows, playing some portal maps and with sound blasting I never hear any sound scratching like I do in Amarok when first starting/stopping a song or something12:32
WaltzingAlongvbgunz: could be the hardware is working properly; driver issue, mixer issue12:32
marky_xyzmy sound device is a CONEXANT and the driver that is loaded is snd_hda_intel12:33
marky_xyzw/c seems to be the universal driver12:33
viktor_whats the site for compiz insall12:33
vbgunznot sure. I only hear the scratching/hissing/popping when starting/stopping amarok. other than that I rarely hear it. is it you hear it in Amarok mostly too?12:34
marky_xyzthis could be a driver issue, yes?  should i be looking at ALSA or something else?12:34
marky_xyzvbgunz: i hear that too when i start/stop music on amarok.  but on headphones the noise is unbearable12:34
marky_xyzvbgunz: i would have to turn down PCM or MASTER for the noise to subside, but then i can barely here anything.12:35
vbgunzmarky_xyz: are you on Gutsy? I rarely heard this on Feisty12:36
marky_xyzi'm have it installed on my Compaq Presario laptop12:36
oemcan somebody speak spanish?12:37
Jucato!es | oem12:37
ubot3oem: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.12:37
viktor_how to install compiz fusion12:37
viktor_the web site plz12:37
Jucato!compiz | viktor_12:37
ubot3viktor_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion12:37
viktor_thank u bot12:38
ubot3Yum! Err, I mean, APT!12:38
antociao a tutti12:45
antocome faccio a sapere la mia password root?12:45
Jucato!it | anto12:45
ubot3anto: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:45
antoOk thx12:46
dvoidwhere can i find kubuntu packages for the latest ati drivers?12:51
dvoidits been a while since the release and still no update :S12:51
ksivaji" packages.ubuntu.com "12:51
ksivajisearch in google " ati driver for ubuntu "12:52
dvoidbut those packages shuld already be avaiable trough apt right?12:52
ksivajidvoid that depends on your repos12:52
dvoidyea but ist that a standard repo?12:53
dvoidi have enabled all of the hardcoded  repos in adept12:53
ksivajidvoid i am not using ati driver so i dont know12:53
dvoidand i have installed an older ati fglrx driver from the default repo.12:54
viktor_open office does not work properly its full screen and cant change it12:54
dvoidso the new driver shuld be avaiable there? :S12:54
DarviylI had problems connecting to wireless network, so I tried manual configuration on knetworkmanager. After that no network shows up when I rightclick the Icon, and I can't reset it either. Does anyone know how to get the standard configuration back?12:55
ksivajiapt-cache search xserver-xorg-video-ati12:55
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
dvoidksivaji, yes, but theres no updates12:55
dvoidno new release since the new ati driver was released12:55
ksivajidvoid search in ubuntuforums12:56
dvoidi got the idea that ubuntu is usualy quick to get updated packages. maybe i was wrong12:56
ksivaji!wireless | Darviyl12:57
ubot3Darviyl: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:57
=== bheil_ is now known as bheil
alesanhi, how was the procedure to delete the new boring filemanager?13:00
alesanI heard there was a panel to bring back konqueror13:01
IndustHI, i really cant enable "cloneing" on my two monitors ( laptop TFT and External (vga-out) )!!! i tried a lot of stuff ... pls hlp13:01
Industalesan - deleting is enough13:01
Industalesan but you can still use kcontrol f- file association  OR  something with " rightclick OPEN files - file association "13:02
alesanIndust: I just want konqueror to appear when I click on the "home" icon on the taskbar13:04
^Costeno^have u guys watch aero vista vs beryl on youtube web?13:04
Jucato!dolphin | Indust13:05
ubot3Indust: dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.13:05
Industjapp -- for me apt-get  removing the dolphine was enough.13:06
Indust the clicking on the home "icon" is the same as clicking on any "directory"  - so "kcontrol" and "context menue " provide the solution for you13:06
Jucatooop sorry wrong person13:06
Jucato!dolphin | alesan13:06
ubot3alesan: dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.13:06
IndustH3LP :     ;(    HI, i really cant enable "cloneing" on my two monitors ( laptop TFT and External (vga-out) )!!! i tried a lot of stuff ... pls hlp13:07
ubot3Factoid twinhead not found13:07
ubot3Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama13:07
IndustBUT CLONING is not DUALHEAD13:07
ubot3For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs13:08
Industand gusty is really - I DONT KNOW - unsoupporting13:08
ubot3xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead13:08
Jucatonot really sure... never had the chance to have more than 1 display13:08
ubot3Factoid tclsh not found13:08
Indust:)  yeah -  but the error i have is  not normal- anyway ~ after session manager ( when starting x ) th external monitor just displays for some seconds  the starting of KDE and then goes in standby mode... ( refreshing rates are okay)13:10
intExAnybody who knows their way around XMMS?13:12
ksivajiJucato i got a strage problem after distro upgrade13:13
HighHointEx: a little i havent used it in a few years13:13
virnikK3b is not working13:13
virnikin gutsy gibon13:13
virnikit writes CD13:13
virnikbut cant read it13:13
virnikit says no medium found13:13
virnikcan somebody help me out?13:14
virnikCD stays clean13:14
ksivajiJucato i have four ext3 partitions i can access only root partition13:14
Jucatoksivaji: are the other 3 partitions mounted?13:14
=== intEx is now known as intExDK
ksivajiJucato umount says its not mounted and mount  it is already mounted13:15
virnikjust use umount -l /mnt/dir13:15
HighHovirnik: have you made sure you are not using the Simulate option?13:15
virnikand try also umount /dev/sdxB13:15
virnikand then again13:15
Jucatoksivaji: "mount" will list mounted partitions13:15
virnikHighHo: yes, I am pretty sure13:16
virnikHighHo: but it looks like its using only simulate13:16
virnikbut its off13:16
ksivajisivaji@sivaji-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/hdb6 /media/hdb613:16
ksivajimount: /dev/hdb6 already mounted or /media/hdb6 busy13:16
HighHoWhile it burning does your cd drive have any leds to show if its burning or not?13:17
=== intExDK is now known as intExDK_
ksivajisivaji@sivaji-desktop:~$ sudo umount /dev/hdb613:17
ksivajiumount: /dev/hdb6: not mounted13:17
ubot3Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.13:17
=== intExDK_ is now known as intExDK
virnikHighHo: it is notebook, so it have no leds. but it is working, cos I can hear it13:19
virnikI am stick with linux for 7 years, so I hope I am not lame. but it is weird. it looks like K3b works, writes CD, but after burning process is completed, burned CD is still blank13:20
bmk789_ok im REALLY tired of dolphin, how do i set konqueror to default?13:20
virnikcant be mounted, or so. mount says its blank. other linux desktop says the same. so, it is blank, if you take a look on its side, it is really blank.13:21
ksivajiJucato are you there ?13:21
virnikbmk789_: I am not using dolphin at all...13:21
alesanbmk789_: I just uninstalled it13:21
alesanfrom adept13:21
virnikit is enough13:21
virnikor apt13:21
Jucato!dolphin | bmk789_ and alesan13:21
ubot3bmk789_ and alesan: dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.13:21
virnikapt-get remove dolphin13:21
HighHovirnik: You may want to try and reinstall k3b and also ensure the cd media is comptable with your drive (if you have not used the brand of disks before)13:21
Jucatoksivaji: yes13:22
virnikHighHo: hm, theese media are really known to me, I have used them in fesity, badger, and even redhat 7, so...13:22
ksivajiJucato did you saw those line13:22
bmk789_thank you13:22
virnikbut I will try uninstalling kšb13:22
ksivajiJucato i dont know other 3 partition are mounted or not13:23
Jucatoksivaji: just type "mount" and you'll see which partitions are mounted13:23
virnikor type df13:23
Jucato(and where)13:23
intExDKOkay. Before Linux, I used Winamp in Windows. Now, that I've changed to XMMS, I've got a really tiring problem. Whenever I press "J" to search in XMMS, I do it to enqueu some tracks. Then, when I've enqueued a number, it resets the search parameters, so I have to write it again, if I e.g. want to enqueue an album.13:23
Jucatoksivaji: virnik is right: "mount" of "df" will give you an idea which are mounted13:24
virnikand you will se the same13:24
virnikJucato: on konsole13:24
Jucato(except df shows "disk free" info as well)13:24
ksivajiho i killed udevd process with id 259513:25
Jucatovirnik: df shows disk free, but not mount. mount uses what filesystem type, but not df :D13:25
virnikJucato: df shows mounted partitions too13:25
virnikread man carefully13:26
ksivajiJucato because knetworkmanage and udevd were screwing my cpu it takes almost 60% of cpu and 10% ram13:26
ksivajithats why13:26
Jucatoksivaji: unfortunately you need udev to be running too13:26
Jucatovirnik: did I say otherwise?13:26
HighHointExDK: xmms is now rather old now, perhaps you can try audacious which is more upto date winamp clone13:26
Jucatovirnik: nvm13:26
ksivajiJucato but why takes that much cpu and ram13:26
intExDKI will. Thanks for the help =)13:27
Jucatoksivaji: must be something else causing udev to do that.13:27
Jucatovirnik: you could have said "df -T" :)13:27
JackPhilIneed it13:27
=== jontec_ is now known as jontec
MinnozzHi, the volume buttons on my keyboard don't work properly. I have a Logitech Media Keyboard Elite and my keyboard is set to Logitech MX300 in kubuntu. When I turn up the volume, it goes from 0% to 11% (so it's the wrong volume it's controlling) but no higher than 11%. How can I set this up properly?13:34
virnikMinnozz: I can help you13:35
virnikproblem is in Kmilo13:35
virnikjust download Kmilo package from feisty fawn13:35
virnikopen it13:35
virnikand rewrite its libraries over gutsy ones13:35
virnikand you will have volume hotkeys fixed13:35
Minnozzvirnik: Thanks a lot, I'm going to try it now =)13:35
virnikif you like new gutsy volume look13:35
virnikyou can overwrite all except two13:36
Jucatonot a very clean way to do it... but... oh well...13:36
virnikjust play with it13:36
virnikI have it fixed13:36
MinnozzOk, I'll try13:36
virnikdo not install, or uninstall13:36
virnikjust copy over13:36
virnikyou will not break dependencies13:36
Minnozzok =)13:36
virnikand everything will work ok13:36
virnikI have new gutsy OSD sound volume look13:36
KalElhi, vlc is not displaying anything full screen, it doesn't show the blank screen too (although sound continues to play). could somebody help me with this please? it worked with gnome, though.13:36
virnikwith older functionality13:36
virnikand everything works fine now13:37
MinnozzSounds great =)13:37
JackPhilIt seems no mhtml protocol for konqueror13:37
virnikKalEl: just compile mplayer13:37
JackPhilhow to add it?13:37
KalElok downloading mplayer13:37
virnikMinnozz: yep...I have solved this one hour after upgrade from feisty13:37
virniknobody helped, so...I just used old, DOS like way of game cracking :-))))13:38
JucatoJackPhil: I don't think mhtml is supported yet.... and I don't imagine it will be easy to implement one. perhaps you can try asking in #khtml if they will support that (what is mhtml anyway??)13:38
virnikKalEl: mplayer works fine, and without any problems. do not forget to download win codecs too13:38
VousDeuxhow can I find out what is eating my RAM?13:39
JackPhilJucato, look this http://www.kde-apps.org/content/preview.php?preview=3&id=14315&file1=14315-1.png&file2=14315-2.jpg&file3=14315-3.jpg&name=kmhtConvert13:39
KalElvirnik: mplayer working fine thanks... the subtitles are coming huge though in fullscreen13:39
VousDeux!memory leak13:40
ubot3Factoid memory leak not found13:40
JucatoVousDeux: try pressing Ctrl+Esc13:40
Minnozzvirnik: I'm on this page now, what should I download? http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/kmilo13:40
JucatoVousDeux: er wait... how are you telling that something is eating your RAM? is everything slow?13:40
VousDeuxI have a little meter applet that keeps going up13:41
JucatoVousDeux: is the meter applet only monitoring RAM being used by applications or disk cache as well?13:41
virnikMinnozz: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fk%2Fkdeutils%2Fkmilo_3.5.6-0ubuntu2_i386.deb&md5sum=58f89e5b923cd26359ac0b1021df3d24&arch=i386&type=main13:42
VousDeuxI don't know the answer to that13:42
virnikMinnozz: or select 64b arch if u r using it13:42
JucatoVousDeux: first step to get a general overview of RAM usage, run K Menu -> System -> Kinfocenter and click on "Memory"13:42
JucatoJackPhil: that still doesn't tell me what mhtml is though13:42
Minnozzvirnik: thanks, couldn't find it =)13:43
virnikMinnozz: it is almost at the end of the page....13:43
VousDeuxit says disk cache is using 45%13:43
virnikso, download, and run mc13:43
virnikin mc, press enter on name of archive13:43
JucatoVousDeux: nothing to worry about then13:43
virnikthere are paths13:43
Jucato!ram | VousDeux13:43
ubot3VousDeux: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html13:43
virnikin which it shall be installed13:43
virnikso, copy that path on other panel13:44
virnikuse the same path on your root filesystem13:44
virniklike in that package13:44
JackPhiljucatom, it's a  Microsoft Windows (R) Web Archive13:44
virnikand simply overwrite its files13:44
virnikand you will be fine13:44
Minnozzvirnik: Ok ^^13:44
Minnozzvirnik: mc is a package extractor or something?13:45
ardchoille!info mc13:45
ubot3mc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-7ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2102 kB, installed size 6060 kB13:45
JackPhilkmhtConvert can convert it to war, but it seems can do more, integrated to konqueror13:45
atlfalcons866is 8GB enough for ubuntu13:45
HighHoatlfalcons866: yes, easily13:46
atlfalcons866can i resize it down to 8GB if i have 11GB13:47
Minnozzvirnik: so I'm in the .deb file on the left panel, navigated to /usr, and in /usr on the right panel. Then just copy?13:48
ardchoilleMinnozz: What are you doing?13:48
Minnozzfixing my volume buttons on my keyboard13:48
Jucatotrying to do the workaround virnik suggested for fixing kmilo on gutsy...13:49
MinnozzJucato: yes I'm doing that now =)13:49
Jucatoa bit of a nasty workaround... but not knowing any cleaner fix, I can't really judge :)13:49
ardchoilleJucato: I just saw him extracting files from a .deb and panicked :)13:49
Jucatothat's what he was told :)13:49
virnikMinnozz: yes13:50
virnikMinnozz: just copy over13:50
Minnozzvirnik: any options needed in the copy screen?13:50
virnikand you will have feisty look and working hotkeys13:50
virnikMinnozz: overwrite13:51
Minnozzdive into subdir if exists?13:51
virnikif you like new gutsy look, then you will have to download kmilo again, for gutsy this time, and select two files from it to copy over13:51
virnikso, I will tell you once you have working this solution13:51
virnikMinnozz: just overwrite all13:52
Minnozzvirnik: done =)13:52
virnikoh crap13:52
virniksecond CD burned by K3B is carbaged too13:53
virnikfrom time of upgrade to gutsy, I am fixing problems every day13:53
virniki am tired of this all13:53
virnikvirnik@Crusader:~$ mount /mnt/dvdrw/13:53
virnikmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,13:53
virnik       missing codepage or helper program, or other error13:53
virnikdont know what is causing it, and it slows me down13:54
Minnozzvirnik: do I need to 'reboot' kmilo now?13:54
virnikI need that iso burned, cos I will fm -fr /dev/hda on older desktop, and install fres gutsy on it13:54
virnikMinnozz: dont need any13:54
virnikjust hit your hotkeys13:54
Minnozzhmm... SIGSEGV... can't be good xD13:55
virnikMinnozz: but you can restart kmilo too13:55
virnikwait a while, I will take a look on it13:55
Minnozzok =)13:55
virnikyou have forgotten something I think13:55
=== temp_ is now known as brotherz-Temp
dimsumany link for an step by step instruction to install compiz fusion in kubuntu gutsy, my vcard is ati x300.13:56
MinnozzI went to /CONTENTS on the left panel, / on the right and copied /usr from left to right13:56
virnikMinnozz: hah13:57
virniki got it13:57
virnikyou have to copy only /usr/lib/ from it13:57
virnikjust download kmilo again, for gutsy13:57
virnikoverwrite again13:57
virnikand then try again13:57
virnikit works13:57
ubuntuwhere is the spanish kubuntu chanel??13:57
virniki know that, cos I have it working this way13:58
ubot3Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.13:58
virnikMinnozz: or try to restart kmilo service13:58
Allooshhi, is there a program to change DVDs to AVI (movies)13:58
Ace2016Alloosh: yes, dvdrip13:58
Minnozzvirnik: I'll try to restart first, just `kmilo` ?13:59
ksivajivirnik my system is not working properly after distro-upgrade13:59
AllooshAce2016: is it the same as Acidrip?13:59
ksivajivirnik knetworkmanager and udev takes much cpu and Ram13:59
ksivajivirnik screwing my system here13:59
Ace2016Alloosh: http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/14:00
thedrshi ppl, is there a correlation between [k]ubuntu releases and linux kernel versions ?14:00
ubot3Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl14:01
QrawlKubuntu is released every 6 months14:01
dimsumany link for an step by step instruction to install compiz fusion in kubuntu gutsy, my vcard is ati x300.14:01
ksivajiQrawl not kubunt  its update14:01
Jucatothedrs: no direct correlation. Ubuntu uses the kernel version that is released as stable during the development phase14:02
QrawlKubuntu has the exact same release cycle as Ubuntu14:02
Minnozzvirnik: how do I restart the kmilo service?14:04
thedrsjucato: so if i have version conflicts between my nvidia kernel module and my nvidia client versions, i can try to use a newer kernel in my exisiting (7.10) ubuntu ?14:04
Jucatothedrs: you can... although I'm not sure that will solve the problem . I don't think the problem is with the kernel but with your nvidia package... how are you trying to install the nvidia drivers?14:05
thedrswhen i upgraded to 7.10, my restricted drivers broke14:06
Jucatothedrs: how did you install it in 7.04?14:06
JucatoMinnozz: System Settings -> Advanced -> Service Manager. you'll see KMilo in the list of Startup Services14:06
thedrsi am using 2.6.20-16, so maybe 2.6.22-14 has a newer module14:06
dimsumanyone running compiz fusion in kubuntu gutsy?14:07
MinnozzJucato: thanks, found it =)14:07
Jucatothedrs: the default kernel in Gutsy is 2.6.22-14... have you tried booting into that kernel?14:07
brotherz-Tempgrafic mask for root server?14:07
thedrsJucato: i installed it the wrong way at first using automatix and then i reset everything and installed it the correct way with help from #ubuntu and #ubuntu-effects channels14:07
Nyledimsum: ask your real question14:08
thedrsJucato: i have tried that kernel before it didn't work "out of the box" - it made the screen "hazy"14:08
virnikMinnozz: i think it dont need to restarted14:09
Minnozzvirnik: It already works14:09
thedrsJucato: i am gona try it again - c ya later - thanks14:09
virnikMinnozz: so, is it ok?14:09
Minnozzvirnik: It crashed the first time, but I restarted it and it works now14:09
virnikMinnozz: have your keys fixed?14:09
Minnozzbut I indeed like the new look more14:09
Minnozzvirnik: yes they work ^^14:09
virnikMinnozz: nice. so, do it again14:10
ron1nhey guys, I'm trying to upgrade to gutsy gibbon, all goes fine until it has to prepare to upgrade, and I get "Error during the upgrade: This is usually some wort of network problem, please check your network connection and try again, meanwhile I have access to the internet fine and apt-get works as well14:10
virnikdownload gutsy package14:10
virnikfor same architecture u r using14:10
Minnozzvirnik: done14:10
virnikso, i38614:10
virniknow, open it, and fined two files14:10
virnikthey r in /usr/lib14:10
virnikits name is libkmilo14:11
juanhi all, everytime i log into my session, all the applications i had in the previous session load, regardless if i had finished them before i logged out, how do i do so that it doen't do that14:11
ron1nis there anyway I can upgrade using apt from the command line? that seems to work fine, adept seems to be the issue14:11
virnikignore them14:11
virnikMinnozz: ignore them, and continue to kde3 directory14:11
virnikthere will be four files14:11
Minnozzvirnik: yes I see them14:11
virnikcopy kded_kmilod.la and so14:12
virnikover yours already installed ones14:12
virniknothing else!14:12
virnikkmilo will do not need restart14:12
virnikcos this files are only for OSD look14:12
virnikafter successfull copy-overwrite, try your hotkeys14:13
virnikthey will work, and what else - OSD will have gutsy look14:13
Minnozzvirnik: another crash, but after restart the OSD is gutsy-style =D14:13
Minnozzvirnik: thanks a lot!14:13
virnikMinnozz: sure, it will crash...cos they are different14:13
virnikbut after restart of service, everything will work flawlessly14:13
virnikglad to help14:13
virnikMinnozz: Cheers14:14
juananyone? how to make kubuntu not load all the programs from previous sessions?14:14
Minnozzvirnik: Do you know of a way to decrease the 'step size' when you change the volume?14:15
jonaspHey, does OpenPGP with KMail work out of the box if you upgraded from feisty?14:15
Nylejuan: looks like you need to go to kcontrol > kde components > session manager >14:15
JohnFluxhow do I change the keyboard layout in the console?14:16
Ace2016_can i just ask, was ubuntu 7.10 renamed from gusty to gutsy or what?14:18
juanNyle i fail to see Kcontro, where is it?14:18
Ace2016_was there a vote to pick the name of the new ubuntu release? is it really calld hardy?14:18
ron1nguys, whenever I try to upgrade to gutsy using adept, I get this message "A problem occurred during the update. This is usually some sort of network problem, please check your network connection and retry. " but I can access the internet fine14:18
Nylejuan: hmm oh yeah kubuntu has sytem settings14:18
Nylejuan: alt+f2, then type in kcontrol14:19
Ace2016_who will that work? is kcontrol a command line app?14:19
ron1nAce2016_: Kcontrol is graphical14:19
Ace2016_you'd at least have to use X & DISPLAY=:0 kcontrol or DISPLAY=:0 kcontrol14:20
Nylejuan: or System Settings > Advanced Tab > Advanced User Settings > Session manager14:20
Nyleman its so much easier just to use kcontrol , I hate this new system settings app14:20
Ace2016_oh i read that as ctrl+alt+f214:20
Ace2016_yea i like kcontrol too14:20
iobeliskhi, this is not kubuntu related, but at the ubuntu forum i had a question that i'd been trying the past hour or so for somebody to answer, when nobody did i did a "!ops" so i could ask an op for help, one of them responded, i asked my question, and now i'm suddenly banned from there? what the heck, is there any way to get back into there?14:21
virnikMinnozz: no, I do not know14:21
Nylekde4 will not use kcontrol anymore14:21
juani already did it in kcontrol, thaks14:21
Nyleso I might as well get used to it14:21
edenbeastJohnFlux: with loadkeys <path to keymap>14:22
Nylejuan: I select manually saved session14:22
Tm_Tiobelisk: #ubuntu-ops14:22
Nylejuan: that way I can save the session as it is and reload it14:22
iobelisktm_T, thanks14:22
juanbut why is kcontrol not in my Kmenu?????????????14:22
Nylejuan: dcop ksmserver ksmserver saveCurrentSession14:22
Tm_Tjuan: you have it installed?14:22
virnikkcontrol is cool14:22
Nylejuan: becuase ubuntu modifies kde too much14:22
virnikI am used to it, and I like it much more than new system14:23
juani was able to run it14:23
edenbeastJohnFlux: but I think sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-tools will do the job as well and probably easier14:23
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Nylejuan: if you add the settings kicker applet to panel, you can have kcontrol's menus/options in a dropdown button14:23
virnikme too14:23
Nyletype deal14:23
Ace2016_how come ubuntu modifies the stuff that really don't need changing:14:23
juanok, will do that, thanks nyle14:23
Ace2016_i mean why modify kcontrol?14:23
Nyleits like microsoft14:23
virnikit looks like my dvd burner do not like philips medias14:23
Nylethey think they know what users want14:23
Nylekcontrol is not modified14:24
Nyleit is being deprecated by upstream soon14:24
JohnFluxedenbeast: thanks - works great :)14:24
Ace2016_my laptop there was no support for multimedia keys like in gnome, gnome had a nice volume icon with a bar that showed the sournd level, and kde didn't14:24
NyleAce2016_: run kmix14:25
Ace2016_the same for the backlight intensity14:25
Nyleit will give a speaker icon in systray, clck it and out pops a volume bar14:25
Nyleyou can use mousewheel on just the kmix systray icon to up/down the volume too14:25
Nyleand look through kicker applets14:25
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_
Nyleyou'll find  some sound controlelrs14:26
Ace2016_Nyle: i did, it did now show a nice thing that shows the volume level when changing the sound level, i had to use xbindkeys, xmodmap and kmix to get it to work14:26
Nyleand there is always support for multimedia keys14:26
Nylecheck out "keytouch"14:26
virnikAce2016_: just ask Minnozz, I helped him to make it work14:26
Nylekeytouch is a program which allows you to easily configure and define the EXTRA keys on your Multimedia/Internet ready keyboard with absolute ease.  Get those keys working now! http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/about.html14:27
virnikAce2016_: it is problem by kmilo package14:27
virnikAce2016_: it is problem of kmilo package14:27
virnikjust overwrite files of kmilo in gutsy by files from feisty kmilo package14:27
Ace2016_was that installed by default?14:28
Ace2016_but its not an ibm thinkpad14:28
MinnozzAce2016_: kmilo works for my Logitech keyboard too14:29
Ace2016_does it have skins support?14:29
MinnozzAce2016_: it's only an OSD14:30
Ace2016_yea so it should look cool14:30
MinnozzAce2016_: there are two skins14:30
MinnozzAce2016_: feisty look (ugly) and gutsy look (nice)14:31
rickeycan one use 3 1/2 floppy,s in linux nooowdays14:31
Ace2016_yae true gutsy did look a lot nicer than feisty14:31
Ace2016_rickey: yea sure you can use them14:31
MinnozzAce2016_: I'll show you a screenshot14:32
rickeywhat,s the prossess14:32
eagles0513875im back guys14:33
rickeyace how is it done14:33
rickeyit isnnt like windows you cant just drag and drope14:34
MinnozzAce2016_: http://xs120.xs.to/xs120/07430/kmilo.png14:35
Ace2016_oh i wanted to make a theme for something more graphical14:35
byewindowsHello, I have a strange message with Amarok. In french : "Amarok ne peut actuellement pas ouvrir les fichiers MP3."14:36
rickeyhey ace are you going to adress my question14:36
byewindowswhat can I do please? I have delete my old Amarok's configuration but it is not better14:37
Minnozzbyewindows: did you install libxine?14:37
Ace2016_Minnozz: what i wanted to do was theme it to look like this: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/mobile/display/asus-r1f_5.html14:38
Minnozzbyewindows: sudo apt-get install libxine1-plugins14:38
byewindowsMinnozz: i   libxine1-plugins14:38
MinnozzAce2016_: aah, I don't think that's easily possible14:38
byewindowsI have the metapaquet kubuntu-restricted-extras14:38
Minnozzbyewindows: did you try different mp3's ?14:39
byewindowsMinnozz: yes, they can't be encued14:39
ardchoillebyewindows: sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg14:39
byewindowslibxine1-ffmpeg is installed too :\14:40
Minnozzbyewindows: I had that problem too, but libxine1-plugins fixed it14:40
Ace2016_yea i was thinking of say an animated gif as a background then like mplayer themes having predefined steps with static png files and as you increase the brightness it just goes to the next image in the series14:40
eagles0513875ardchoille: im having a problem i need a wma decoder have the w64codecs installed and still no decoder in amarok14:40
byewindowslibxinerama1 libxine1-plugins libxine1-gnome libxine1-ffmpeg libxine1-consolelibxine1libxine-extracodecs are installed14:41
ardchoilleeagles0513875: I don't use wma/wmv files or amarok14:41
* Ace2016_ is learning to program :D14:42
eagles0513875i have them all installed soundkonverter isnt finding a wma encoder so its not allowing me to convert songs to flac and amarok keeps saying that there is no wma decoder14:42
eagles0513875Ace2016_: what language14:42
* Ace2016_ will make it14:42
Ace2016_i have no idea, i missed the first day of the course, i think its C++14:42
* Minnozz only knows php\14:42
ardchoilleAce2016_: lol14:42
eagles0513875im learning java tm14:42
eagles0513875way to go ace14:43
eagles0513875anyone able to help me with my wma encoder issue in sound converter and no wma codec in amarok when i have the w64codecs installed14:43
eagles0513875i have every codec pkg imaginable at least that i know of and yet they r still not working14:44
Ace2016_what engine is amarok using? the xine engine?14:45
eagles0513875Ace2016_: ya14:45
eagles0513875anyone know much about sound konverter14:45
illuminatushmm... you have to use 64-codecs?14:46
illuminatusanyone here experiencing problems with wlan under kubuntu 7.10 ?14:48
illuminatus(seems more instable then under 7.4 to me...)14:48
eagles0513875illuminatus: i am using w64codecs14:48
illuminatusyes, but do you have to? why not user w32?14:49
eagles0513875illuminatus: im using kubuntu 6414:49
eagles0513875anyone using 64bit kubuntu14:50
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gundam_rx78nt1are there any problems with upgrading 7.04 to 7.10 with adept?14:54
EartakerI try to install kubuntu and all I get is what looks like a command prompt but when I goto type there is nothing showing up on the scree.... anyideas?14:54
BluesKajHowdy all :)14:55
gundam_rx78nt1Eartaker, it might be that the xorg.config file default is not compatible with your card.14:55
eagles0513875BluesKaj: u think u can help me out14:55
gundam_rx78nt1Press ALT+CTRL+F2 and tell me if you get a login prompt.14:55
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GuHHHgundam_rx78nt1: i would suggest you to install it fully from zero14:55
BluesKajhey eagles0513875, how are you ? ...yes I'll try to help , what's up ?14:55
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gundam_rx78nt1GuHHH, I was afraid of getting that answer.14:56
eagles0513875BluesKaj: in sound konverter i have lame flac and all that stuff even the w64codecs but for some reason soundkonverter doesnt wanna convert my audio and if it does the output file is 0b14:56
HighHoeagles0513875: do you have the package libxine-extracodecs installed?14:56
alesanis Qt 4.x installed by default on kubuntu, and the livecd?14:56
GuHHHgundam_rx78nt1: i tried upgrading it and it messed everything up14:56
eagles0513875im using gutsy seems the name for tha tpkg has changed HighHo14:57
eagles0513875i have the libxine1-ffmpeg installed14:57
BluesKajok eagles0513875, lemme check ...I havent tried soundkonverter since switching to gutsy 64bit14:57
eagles0513875i just upgraded last night to gutsy 64 from feisty 6414:57
eagles0513875BluesKaj: in the mean time im going to be right near my computer doing math hw14:58
BluesKajyeah eagles0513875 , gotta confess I don't have any music on the HDD so I'll have to copy some songs from cd14:59
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i have 12gb of music i need to convert other wise its sitting here taking up space for nothign lol15:00
BluesKajflac/lossless ?15:00
eagles0513875BluesKaj: ya from wma15:01
BluesKajneed to replicate what yer trying to do15:01
eagles0513875BluesKaj: they r all in wma losless format15:01
eagles0513875want to convert to flac15:01
BluesKajhmmm, don't have any wma , eagles051387515:03
eagles0513875can u convert to wma it doesnt have to be lossless15:03
Tm_TBluesKaj <315:04
eagles0513875anyone else running a 64bit system that is willing to try something out and has music on their machine15:05
rickey mount t ext2/dev/fd0/floppy15:07
rickeymount: mount point ext2/dev/fd0/floppy does not exi15:07
rickeywhat do you think mit be wrong15:07
Lynourerickey: your path looks weird15:08
Lynoureyou need space between ext2 and /dev15:08
Lynoureand - before t15:09
eagles0513875has any one programmed with eclipse before15:09
Lynoureeagles0513875: yes, but that's prolly not your real question...15:09
BluesKajeagles0513875, there's no wma convert to option , so what is your final codec ?15:09
eagles0513875Lynoure: im learning java and in my class but we r only using java source files what do i open instead of a whole project just to create a java source file15:10
eagles0513875BluesKaj: flac15:10
rickeymount-t ext2/-dev/fd0/floppy15:12
rickey-su: mount-t: command not found15:12
eagles0513875instead of su use sudo rickey15:12
ardchoillerickey: You need spaces15:12
rickeyhow should it be writen?15:12
Lynoureeagles0513875: File -> New -> File (or Class)15:12
ardchoillerickey:  sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy15:12
intExDKI fucked up my X-server Settings, can somebody help me?15:13
ubot3Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.15:13
rickeymount-t ext2/-dev/fd0/floppy15:13
rickey-su: mount-t: command not found15:13
ardchoillerickey: You need spaces15:13
Lynourerickey: mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0/floppy15:13
rickey rickey:  sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy15:13
rickeyok ill try this15:13
Goodgameis it dangerous for me if someone knows my ip adress?15:14
ekrengeldoes anyone know how i could get an HD movie to play sound in kaffeine?  the audio plays in VLC media player, but the video is coppy...in Kaffiene it plays fine but there is no sound...15:14
ekrengelits a .mvk15:14
ardchoilleGoodgame: on a default Kubuntu install, no15:14
LynoureGoodgame: you cannot hide it from everyone if you want to network at all.15:14
rickey rickey:  sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy15:14
rickey-su: rickey:: command not found15:14
ekrengelerr .mkv15:14
HighHointExDK: you can generate a new xorg.conf by running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg15:14
Goodgameso it's not dangerous?15:14
Lynourerickey: Are you kidding? Leave your nickname out of the command15:15
ardchoilleLynoure: lol15:15
GoodgameI don't understand15:15
ardchoilleGoodgame: no, it's not dangerous. You can't really hide it anyway15:15
eagles0513875ty Lynoure15:15
LynoureGoodgame: It's like post address: really hard to get post without sharing it with some people15:16
Goodgameardchoille: why should I hide it if it's no dangerous?15:16
LynoureGoodgame: but wrong people can try to deliver something unpleasant, but it's not normally very risky15:16
ardchoilleGoodgame: This is one of the reasons we sue sudo and the root account is locked.15:16
Goodgameso there's no problem to put it on a forum?15:17
ardchoilleGoodgame: Don't worry about hiding it15:17
payi closed my window bar and now i am too stupid to activate it again i can only find the external window bar15:17
paycould somebody please help me?15:17
LynoureGoodgame: you can hide it if you wish, if it is not relevant information15:17
ardchoillepay: window bar?15:17
paythe bar which shows me the windows of the programs15:18
LynoureGoodgame: x.x.x.x is often used notation to "this ip is none of your business"15:18
rickeyroot@hom-computer:~# sudo mount -t ext2/dev/fd0/floppy15:18
Lynourerickey: that means it mounted. :)15:18
ardchoillerickey: You need spaces15:18
rickeyok this is where i should be ? rigth15:18
payin german its called fensterleiste15:19
pay@ ardchoille15:19
ardchoillerickey: that comand shouldn't have worked15:19
BluesKajsorry eagles0513875 , theredoesn't seem to be a convert to flac option listed , altho it's listed as a plugin ...dunno if i can help :(15:19
Lynoureardchoille: I think he is kidding...15:19
ardchoilleLynoure: ah, ok15:19
rickeyno i am not15:19
rickey i am new to this15:19
ardchoillesudo mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy15:19
rickeytrying to leran15:19
ardchoillerickey: ^^15:19
rickeyi got a ph call brb15:20
eagles0513875BluesKaj: in soundkonverter there is take a look under losless15:20
=== mariajg is now known as darolinnho
ardchoillerickey: sudo (root ability) mount (the command) -t ext2 (the file system type) /dev/fd0 (the device) /floppy (the mount point)15:20
eagles0513875Lynoure: r there any other java compilers15:20
eagles0513875cuz im finding eclipse to be rather complicated15:20
Lynoureeagles0513875: Eclipse in IDE, not a java compiler15:20
Lynoureeagles0513875: you can use same javac on command line if you wish15:21
darolinnhohello everybody15:21
eagles0513875Lynoure: i have a program that we use in uni but for some reason with wine it locks up and crashes wine15:21
darolinnhocan you help me to install skype on kubuntu==?15:22
rickeyi am trying to learn how to use my floppy drive to save info15:22
ubot3To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto15:22
ardchoillesudo mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy15:22
ardchoillerickey: ^^15:22
eagles0513875where would i find the jdk in the linux heirarchy15:22
ardchoillerickey: Explanation: sudo (root ability) mount (the command) -t ext2 (the file system type) /dev/fd0 (the device) /floppy (the mount point)15:22
Lynoureeagles0513875: this is not really an kubuntu problem.. you really don't need wine for eclipse, nor for java developement15:22
eagles0513875Lynoure: im using a different program that si a winblows based one15:23
Lynoureeagles0513875: some windows programs are like that.15:23
Lynoureeagles0513875: not everything runs smoothly under wine. I'd recommend using native tools.15:24
ardchoilleeagles0513875 , Lynoure: the compiler doesn't really matter does it? Just the java source files?15:24
Lynoureardchoille: indeed.15:24
eagles0513875ardchoille, Lynoure are there any other ide options15:24
rickeyok ardchoille i printed out that info you gave me15:25
rickeyok now how do i un mount15:25
ardchoillerickey: sudo umount /dev/fd015:25
eagles0513875im confused in eclipse what would i have to use to create a .java file15:26
BluesKajyes eagles0513875 , you can convert FROM FLAC to other codecs , but not TO FLAC ...my output options list only "au & wav".15:26
rickeyafter i have mounted how do i put info on the floppy15:26
eagles0513875damn it15:27
eagles0513875BluesKaj: any other converters i could try15:27
eagles0513875BluesKaj: cuz in edgy and feisty was able to convert to flac15:27
BluesKajaudiokonverter might do the trick15:27
ardchoillerickey: You can use "cp" in a terminal and copy data to /floppy or you can drag and drop in your file manager15:27
ardchoille!bash | rickey15:27
ubot3rickey: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:27
lovrehow to i change permision to a whole tree of files and folders to the end of depth?15:28
lovrei do chown me:me * but i only changes owner for files on the first level15:28
ardchoillelovre: chown -R  or chmod -R15:28
Lynoureeagles0513875:  I don't normally code in java anymore, so I don't know. Google probably can tell you some. Commandline tools are fine too.15:28
llutzlovre: chown/chmod  -R15:28
BluesKajthe FLAC output is listed in the plugins but not the output optrions ...I don't get it ?15:28
lovrethank you15:28
eagles0513875Lynoure: im still learning java so an ide is quite useful15:28
eagles0513875at least in my case15:28
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i cant find that pkg15:29
ardchoilleeagles0513875: which package?15:30
Lynoureeagles0513875: If you want to learn one, Eclipse is really as close to an industry standard as you can get, so well worth learning despite the initial confusion if you plan to code for living.15:30
eagles0513875Lynoure: im a computing and info systems major lol15:30
eagles0513875ardchoille: audiokonverter15:30
lovrehow to see what mod is a file in?15:30
ardchoilleeagles0513875: I don't see it in the repos at all15:31
BluesKajeagles0513875, http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=1260815:31
ardchoillelovre: mod?15:32
eagles0513875Lynoure: got a question i open up a blank text file and it wants to save it as a project15:33
eagles0513875Lynoure: how can i change that15:33
juanhi, i have another problem, after going telling the session manager in kcontrol >kcomponents to start with a new session, my volume meter/manager has dissapeared from my panel...how do i restore it?15:35
ardchoillejuan: right click the panel, choose "Add applet to panel", find the sound mixer and add it15:36
Jucatoardchoille: actually, that's not it :)15:37
Jucatojuan: K Menu -> Multimedia -> KMix15:37
ardchoilleJucato: Oh, he meant the tray15:37
Jucatoardchoille: most people can't tell the difference :D15:37
ardchoilleJucato: ah15:37
Jucato(but there's only one default volume icon/manager, and that's kmix)15:38
ardchoilleJucato: Also, will he need to add an item to autostart to have it start on login?15:38
* Jucato nods15:38
Jucatojuan: when you set KDE to start from a new session, it really starts a new blank session. if you want to autostart kmix, you need to make a link to it in the ~/.kde/Autostart/ folder15:38
Jucato!autostart | juan15:38
ubot3juan: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.15:38
lovreany1 here uses Smarty? What you think of it...?15:38
Lynoureeagles0513875: it's an IDE, it deals in projects...15:39
ardchoilleJucato: Glad you caught that15:39
Lynoureeagles0513875: for individual file it's all the same whether you use commandline tools, IDE adds very little to that small projects15:39
Jucatoardchoille: have you tried adding the Sound Mixer panel applet? :D15:40
Lynoureeagles0513875: but, I gotta focus on other things now. I'm sure you'll manage.15:40
ardchoilleJucato: No, I just knew that applet was in there15:40
Jucatoardchoille: try it and behold :D15:40
juanjuacto, what is the !autostart | juan15:40
juanjucato, what is the !autostart | juan15:41
ardchoilleJucato: UGH!15:41
Jucatojuan: follow the instructions that the bot gave you if you want KMix to be started everytime you login15:41
Jucatoardchoille: :P15:41
* ardchoille removes the sound mixer applet15:41
ardchoilleJucato: I'll never recommend that thing again15:41
Jucatoardchoille: good :)15:41
Jucatowell actually recommend it for those who want something like it :)15:42
Jucatobut next time someone asks about the "volume control" on the panel... think "kmix" :D15:42
ardchoilleGood lessen that15:42
eagles0513875can anyone tell me which folde ri can find the jdk in15:44
ardchoilleeagles0513875: You mean the binary?15:46
eagles0513875cuz im running the ide that i use in my class running wine and it wants me to point it to the jdk15:46
eagles0513875ardchoille: im guessing so15:47
ardchoilleeagles0513875: Not sure it's what you want, but try this:  which jdk15:47
eagles0513875the latest one15:47
eagles0513875i have it installed i just need to know what directory its in ardchoille15:49
ardchoilleeagles0513875: open a terminal and type this:  which jdk15:49
eagles0513875nothing comes up15:49
ardchoilleThen the binary isn't named "jdk"15:50
DragnslcrTry which sun-java6-jdk15:50
LinusxWill kwin-baghira run on an old G3 mac using dapper?15:50
eagles0513875nothing comes up15:50
ardchoilleLinusx: I know kwin-baghira was available in dapper, but no idea about the G315:50
Linusxardchoille: I downloaded it, but it seems not to show up in any menu to try playing with it.   Where 'should' I be looking if it was there?15:51
ardchoilleLinusx: kwin-baghira is a style and window border. Open kcontrol and go to Appearance & Themes > Style and see if it's in the dropdown box15:53
Linusxardchoille: Would have thought 'system settings' someplace...15:53
eagles0513875ardchoille: i looked in adept and i have the java6 jdk installed15:53
ardchoilleLinusx: It's probably in System Settings, but I hate that app and got rid of it15:54
ardchoilleLinusx:  http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/6007/window1vh6.png15:55
thomasi'm got a little bit of a problem, every time i open amarok now it freezes15:56
Linusxardchoille: I take it that pic off your machine?15:59
ardchoilleLinusx: yes, that shot was created minute ago15:59
eagles0513875can anyone tell me which folder i can find the jdk16:01
dabangtry /usr/lib/jvm16:02
thomasi'm got a little bit of a problem, every time i open amarok now it freezes16:03
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Linusxardchoille: What machine are you running it on?16:04
ardchoilleeagles0513875:  dpkg-query -L package_name_here16:05
ardchoilleLinusx: AMD Sempron 2800+, Kubuntu 7.1016:06
ardchoilleLinusx: I would assume that, since that app was available in dapper, that the app can run on that G3 if dapper runs on it16:07
Linusxardchoille: Unless Mac has a new line, I'm going to go out on a limb  and guess that's not one!  *grin16:07
Linusxardchoille: That's what I would have thought too... but so far no joy.  (Not that I have any real idea wtf i'm doing on this system yet)16:08
ardchoilleLinusx: Baghira isn't in the style page?16:08
Linusxardchoille: no.  That's why I asked the 'stupid question' in case there was something obvious being overlooked16:09
ardchoilleLinusx: You get that tutorial link I sent you?16:09
ardchoilleoh, ok16:09
LinusxYeah, got it!16:10
Linusxthat should keep me busy a minute or two!  :P16:10
ardchoilleNot much help, tho, if you can't get Baghira to work16:10
hellhoundis there a way to to have mplayer put a new video in the playlist rather than open a new application if you open a video while another is playing?16:10
ardchoillehellhound: Add it to the playlist?16:11
hellhoundardchoille: yes for some reason if a video is playing and i open another video file, it creates a new instance of mplayer to play both videos at the same time.  I would rather it either add the second to the playlist or stop the first and play the second video16:13
ardchoillehellhound: right click the mplayer window, choose "playlist" and add the second vidoe to the playlist16:14
rickeyhey ardchoille you still here16:14
ardchoilleI've had that same complaint about mplayer for a while16:15
ardchoillerickey: yes16:15
rickeyok i have mounted the floppy dive16:15
rickey but i cant figure out how to copy to it16:15
ardchoillerickey: You really should learn how to manipulate the file system from the command line16:16
ardchoille!bash | rickey16:16
ubot3rickey: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:16
rickeycan yoou talk about it a little bit16:16
hellhoundardchoille: is there not another way?  I know that winamp worked the way i like it and I figured mplayer would have similar options16:16
ardchoillerickey: Bookmark that page, it's great16:16
ardchoillehellhound: I haven't found a way to do that in mplayer16:17
eagles0513875this is frustrating me16:17
ardchoillerickey: What you're wanting are the "cd" and "cp" commands16:17
DoobiJust to double check-- currently I have to run 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' when I reboot to get my wireless working.  To automate that, would I just add the line 'ndiswrapper' to /etc/modules?16:19
ardchoillerickey: When you mounted it, you remember the "/floppy" bit? That's the mount point, it's where the work is done when that volume is mounted.16:19
francescohi guys. I have a question for you. I've installed Kubuntu 7.10 and everything works fine. I had big trouble with pptp and knetworkmanager. And the workaround found on Internet doesn't work for me. Have some some trick to show me ?16:20
Linusxardchoille: Is there a Kubuntu equivalent to Mac's "System profiler"?16:20
ardchoilleLinusx: What does that Mac app do?16:20
ardchoilleLinusx: System > KInfoCenter   ?16:21
Linusxessentially tells you what RAM, Hardware, and other system info is on the specific machine16:21
ardchoilleLinusx: yeah, kmenu > System > KInfoCenter16:21
Linusxstarting it right now16:21
LinusxHmmmm... not starting right16:22
maverick_i have a memory issue, i have 1GB RAM right now GUTSY is using 970 mb of it..am opening amarok ,amsn and firefox ...any ideas?!!16:22
ardchoillemaverick_: I know that firefox has many memory leaks16:22
maverick_firefox doesn't affect it to that extent....i closed it and still the same16:23
maverick_i mean what the hell could be eating so much16:23
Tm_Tmaverick_: how you are measuring memory usage16:24
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Linusxardchoille: This is one of a few things that has done this.  It just doesn't start up.  Can a reinstall be done without redoing the whole system?16:25
DoobiAlso.. are you sure it's an issue--  Linux uses all that's available to it16:25
Tm_TDoobi: I'm getting in to it16:25
francescocan someone help me ?16:25
ardchoilleLinusx: No idea about reinstalling apps, never needed to do it16:26
ubot3Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)16:26
=== Doobi is now known as Doob
Tm_TLinusx: you can click on adept to reinstall apps16:26
francescopptp problems with knetworkmanager. Workaround doesn't work for me.16:26
=== Doob is now known as Doo
maverick_Tm_T: Memeory: 960,452 KB used, 65,152 KB free.....also i can sense it amsn is blinking and takes while to load GUI when resizing...and stuff like that16:27
maverick_Tm_T: i see it in the processTable16:27
Tm_Tmaverick_: do "free -m" in Konsole and look -/+ line16:27
Linusxardchoille: Click on app ==> Should start It'd think right?  Not like they reinvented the 'click' or something on linux! *grin16:28
ardchoilleI don't think he's taking into account the buffers/cached stuff16:28
maverick_Tm_T: -/+ buffers/cache:        319        68116:28
ardchoillemaverick_: ;)16:28
maverick_Tm_T: but then what's that written in processTable16:28
Tm_Tmaverick_: there you go, your system is using 320 M ram and rest for cache and buffers16:29
tishperdson kubutu spain16:29
Tm_Tmaverick_: total usage, you can ignore caches usually16:29
maverick_Tm_T: so caches thing doesn't affect performance ??16:29
Tm_Tmaverick_: well yes, positive effect =)16:29
volodymyrКто с Рос?16:30
LinusxTm_T: Kinfo doesn't show up on adept.  Is there a way to find the stuff needed online / on original disk?16:30
eagles0513875anyone know any alternate java ides that will allow u to crate a java source file and thats it instead of a whole project besides eclipse16:31
ardchoillemaverick_: Here is a nice memory bash script: http://ardchoille.pastebin.us/4201816:32
DShepherdeagles0513875, maybe netbeans?16:33
ardchoilleeagles0513875: What's in a java source file? Can it be created in kate?16:33
eagles0513875yes but u need to compile it16:33
eagles0513875basically its the code in the source file and then it creates a class file and runs16:33
eagles0513875netbeans seems windows only16:34
ardchoilleI was thinking that you may not need a full ide for that16:34
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trprwell you could just use a regular old editor. i use vim for example. i'm reading that jEdit is considered powerfull enough to be considered an IDE tho16:34
Novellhi, how do I use autoconf 2.50 ? I've tried WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5 autoconf, but that's still using 2.13 .. Do I really have to edit /usr/bin/autoconf and change ac213 to ac250 every time I want to use a different one ?16:34
eagles0513875trpr: where can i get jedit from16:35
santzschieshi, could somebody help me with compiz in gutsy??16:36
trpreh, i googled. one sec. i'm going to research some more. maybe i can find something that is actually in the repos16:36
epimethahoy peeps :-)16:36
eagles0513875trpr: i googled it too16:37
ubot3Factoid pptp not found16:37
eagles0513875!compiz |santzchies16:37
ubot3santzchies: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion16:37
ardchoilleeagles0513875: apt-cache search java | grep devel16:37
steveirenixternal: Hey, I just read your blog about space being unavailable on the kubuntu cd. What about the windows programs that are on it? firefox, openoffice etc. Are they still on there, and are they all still really useful to have there?16:38
eagles0513875ardchoille: ty found netbeans16:38
ardchoilleeagles0513875: also you can grep other things or just remove the "| grep blah"16:39
eagles0513875ardchoille: :) ty i just learned something knew16:39
ardchoilleyw :)16:39
ardchoilleeagles0513875: That only searches the repos you currently have enabled16:40
eagles0513875which is pretty much all repos16:40
ubot3Factoid poptop not found16:40
eagles0513875ardchoille: can u explain to me why in sourceomatic both the backports list and the supported and community supported pkgs source list is the same16:40
gorf_outputs, and one via unichrome, they seems to be reconized by the system, but when i try to start a second monitor in monitor and display, it says to restart x, x won t restart, can someone help?16:40
ardchoilleeagles0513875: No idea, I've never used sourceomatic16:41
eagles0513875lol i emailed the guy whose i guess in charge of it16:41
ardchoilleeagles0513875: Sounds like a bug if those repos are identical16:42
eagles0513875i emailed the guy16:42
eagles0513875ardchoille: that was why yesterday i was getting duplicate sources16:42
gorf_i, i run kubuntu gutsy gibbon 7.1 i got 2 video cards , nvidia fx5200 with 2outputs, and one via unichrome, they seems to be reconized by the system, but when i try to start a second monitor in monitor and display, it says to restart x, x won t restart, can someone help?16:42
eagles0513875gorf_: u wont need the via one if the 5200 has duel output16:42
epimethhrm... can someone help me set up a pptp server?16:43
ardchoilleeagles0513875: Well, backports will have the main restricted universe multiverse componenets just like the other repoz16:43
eagles0513875well the first source list if u look at it is identical16:43
ubot3source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic16:43
gorf_eagle : fine , but still the fx5200 still won t start the monitor16:43
eagles0513875gorf_: i have not tried that i should try the one on my laptop which im on but dont have another monitor16:44
ardchoilleeagles0513875: I'm seeing what you mean16:44
ardchoilleThe "gutsy-backports" isn't the same as "gutsy universe multiverse"16:45
BluesKajeagles0513875, check out gnormalize , it's gtk based but it's supposed to convert to FLAC from most other formats16:45
eagles0513875ty blues im taking a look at it16:46
ardchoilleeagles0513875: There are four repos there: gutsy, gutsy-updates, gutsy-security, gutsy-backports. But all four repos will have the main, restricted, universe, and multiverse components16:47
eagles0513875BluesKaj: its nice but wont recognize wma16:48
lz1gjdlz1gjd@Kubuntu710:~$ kdesu adept_manager16:48
lz1gjdsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Oct 28 19:40:27 200716:48
eagles0513875ardchoille: ok but rnt they duplicats16:48
lz1gjdhow do i fix that16:48
ardchoilleeagles0513875: No, the "gutsy-security, universe" will have different packages than "gutsy-backports, universe"16:49
ardchoilleeagles0513875: You have a kitchen in your house, but it's not the same as the kitchen in my house :)16:49
Search4Lancerbig problem: for some reason, CPU frequency scaling is disabled on my laptop. As such, it runs full speed ahead, and overheats and shuts down very quickly. Basically makes my laptop inoperable.... help?16:51
k5ubuntudoes anyone have  a mac os x theme with dock etc for kde16:52
k5ubuntuok ill try that16:54
epimethcan someone help me set up a pptp server?16:54
Minnozzhey, my printscreen button doesn't work anymore. how can I activate it again?16:55
ubot3Factoid printscreen not found16:55
user_Can someone help me with ID3 Tags?16:56
ardchoillek5ubuntu: kwin-baghira is in the repos, here's a tutorial: http://baghira.sourceforge.net/OS_Clone-en.php16:56
user_Using EasyTag16:56
arcelonek pasa16:56
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=== dummy is now known as ignoramus
arcelonek vola pasa16:56
arceloneken eri tx16:56
ardchoillearcelone: Please stop that16:57
arcelonetu kapish spanish16:57
* ardchoille drags out his ignore list16:57
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eagles0513875arcelone: este canale solo ingles por favor16:58
ignoramusi edited my songs to a particluar format: artist - track (simple), but now media players combine all info into "title"... no artists listed16:58
eagles0513875!es |arcelone16:58
ubot3arcelone: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.16:58
aleph0hello everyone!16:58
Daisuke_Laptopdid you edit the tags or the filenames?16:58
ignoramuslemme see...16:58
aleph0I have the following KDE problem. whenever I re-login, the file ~/.kde3.5/share/mimelnk/video/divx.desktop gets re-set to default16:59
eagles0513875ardchoille: im installing world of warcraft but for some reason i cannot  eject the cdrom16:59
ignoramusDaiske: apparently both16:59
k5ubuntuwhat is a good dock for kubuntu like a mac looking dock16:59
Daisuke_Laptopin amarok, you can right-click and go to 'edit track information' and see what you've got there16:59
sub[t]rnl kooldock, or ksmoothdock16:59
ardchoilleeagles0513875: I don't use anything related to Windows OS or its apps16:59
ignoramusK5buntu- ksmoothdock16:59
mamonetti_anyone knows about the status of ati linux drivers after the last "opening movement" from amd? or simply where to get fresh information? t hx16:59
k5ubuntugo to adept and type in ksmoothdock?16:59
ardchoillek5ubuntu: kicker17:00
ignoramusDaisuke: will that edit the actual filenames (i generally use songbird)17:00
ubot3Factoid foo not found17:00
Daisuke_Laptopignoramus: no, edit track information in amarok is tag editing17:00
aleph0I cannot set KDE to open .divx files with kaffeine by default. whenever I re-login, the default player is set to totem again.17:00
aleph0how can I change this?17:01
ignoramusDaisuke: I'm not so good with this stuff yet- will that allow Songbird to recognize and separate Artist and Title again?17:01
Kr4t05Why is Amarok refusing to transfer Oggs to my media player when I've specified that that media player can play Oggs?17:01
eagles0513875ardchoille: could u tell me how to eject a cd in cl cuz i hit the button and it wont eject17:01
sub[t]rnlaleph0: kcontrol -> kde components -> file association17:01
ignoramusDaisuke: Thx i'll try it.17:01
Daisuke_LaptopKr4t05: depends on if your media player's in mass storage or mtp mode17:01
ardchoilleeagles0513875: eject /dev/<device>17:01
Kr4t05Daisuke_Laptop: It17:01
aleph0sub[t]rnl: I do that, the problem is that the settings are changed back after every login!17:01
Kr4t05It's in Mass Storage, Amarok can't figure out my devices MTP.17:02
aleph0the file ~/.kde3.5/share/mimelnk/video/divx.desktop gets rewritten every time17:02
Daisuke_Laptopdrag and drop?17:02
Daisuke_Laptopwhat player you have?17:02
ignoramusaleph0: or you can right-click any file>open with...> choose program and click "always open with this program"17:02
Kr4t05Daisuke_Laptop: iAudio F217:02
aleph0I know I know... but see what I wrote above...17:02
Daisuke_Laptoplatest amarok finally supports mtp for my sansa e26017:03
sub[t]rnlaleph0: try setting the associtation with konqeuror17:03
aleph0after every login, the file registers as "Netscape DivX® Web Player" and any changes I make aren't saved.17:03
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gorf_could someone help me start a 2nd monitor?17:04
SpoZenwhy do i have sound in amarok and kaffeine but not in vlc or any other app?17:05
Kr4t05Daisuke_Laptop: Drag and drop would be great if I knew where Amarok hid my podcasts.17:05
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biovoreSpoZen: different sound backends17:05
Daisuke_LaptopKr4t05: if they're in the default location, check /home/username/.kde/share/apps/amarok/podcasts17:05
biovorearts, alsa, oss17:05
SpoZenhow do i fix that then?17:05
SpoZenhow do i know what xine uses?17:06
Minnozzwhat's the name of the KDE screenshot util?17:06
biovorexine I think is alsa or oss17:06
ignoramusDaisuke: In Amarok, I have to edit each tag individually???17:06
Lawkeis KDE faster then gnome?17:06
biovorevlc I think uses oss17:06
ardchoilleMinnozz: ksnapshot17:06
biovoreLawke: at start up no.. after start-up I find it to be faster..17:06
Minnozzardchoille: thanks =)17:06
Daisuke_Laptopignoramus: pretty much...  are they all named "artist - title"?17:06
eagles0513875has anyone used netbeans in here before17:07
stefaansello all17:07
Minnozzmy printscreen button doesn't work anymore17:07
ignoramusdaisuke: no, they have all the proper information, but when imported to songbird, the info all shows up in the "title" field, and nothing in "artist"17:07
SpoZenthanks all i had to do was to edit alsa device list in vlc!! thanks alot guys!!17:07
Daisuke_Laptopso the right info is showing under the "arist" and "title" fields17:08
stefaansanyone here have issues with kopete?17:08
gorf_could someone help me start a 2nd monitor?17:08
stefaansmine keeps on crashing17:08
Daisuke_Laptop...that's a problem with songbird then :\17:08
sub[t]rnlstefaans: update your kdelibs17:08
ignoramusdaisuke: all the info (Artist - Title) is in the "Title" column... and the "Artist" column is now blank17:08
trpreagles0513875: how's your IDE search going? im curious why not just use a text editor / java. are you working on a big project that requires all that IDE goodness? :)17:08
stefaansI am on gutsy and have tried to update, aptitude upgrade17:08
trpreagles0513875: text editor / javac that is17:09
ignoramusdaisuke: nothing is showing up in the "artist" field... it's all under the "title" field...17:10
stefaansgio: ello17:11
giois there someone that speaks italian?17:12
NickPresta!it | gio17:12
ubot3gio: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:12
WaltzingAlongumpo si17:12
ardchoilleIn konversation, how do I set myself away without sending an away message to every channel?17:12
ignoramusdaisuke: i was worried about this, as amarok sorts normally17:12
ignoramusdaisuke: here's the screenshot of songbird after editing tags: http://i24.tinypic.com/ami0.jpg17:12
WaltzingAlongardchoille: /away reason17:12
NickPrestaignoramus, you can use the Music Brainz feature to tag your music. Of course, it has to be done manually though.17:12
ardchoilleWaltzingAlong: ty17:13
ignoramusNickPresta: is that a Songbird add-on?17:13
NickPrestaignoramus, no, it's included with Amarok. I wasn't aware you wanted to tag the music in Songbird, sorry about that :)17:14
lovrewhere can i download GIMPshop*17:14
Dr_willis!find gimp17:14
NickPrestalovre, http://www.gimpshop.com/download.shtml17:14
ubot3Found: babygimp, cupsys-driver-gimpprint, flegita-gimp, foomatic-db-gimp-print, gimp-cbmplugs (and 38 others)17:14
ignoramuslovre: gimp.org17:14
k5ubuntu!find mac os x theme17:14
ubot3Found: acl2-emacs, aleph-emacs, bulmacont, cxref-emacs, dmachinemon (and 100 others)17:14
Dr_willisk5ubuntu,  the Bageria theme is os-x looking17:15
Dr_willis!find kwin17:15
ubot3Found: kwin-baghira, kwin-style-alphacube, kwin-style-blended, kwin-style-dekorator, kwin-style-knifty (and 6 others)17:15
k5ubuntuyes i know17:15
k5ubuntubut it takes too long17:15
k5ubuntui need something simple17:15
Dr_willistakes too long?17:15
k5ubuntui want the dock, the icons, full system toolbars, etc17:15
epimethcan someone help me set up a pptp server?17:15
NickPrestakwin-baghira takes < 10 minutes assuming you have the iconset and such.17:15
k5ubuntui have the close buttons17:16
Dr_willisYou are not going to find a 'theme' that does all that.17:16
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NickPrestak5ubuntu, awn for your dock, kwin-baghira for your theme, you need to find an iconset on kde-look.org and then you're pretty much done.17:16
lovrethank you :D17:17
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Dr_willisOf course with compiz - theres a dozen os-x looking window decoratios you can set up in emerald.17:18
Dr_willisDream Linux looks a  lot likd OS-X by default also17:19
WaltzingAlongk5ubuntu: some work you do yourself17:19
eagles0513875trpr: im learning java and we use an ide at school17:20
epimethokay... so lets rephrase... is pptpd enough to set up a secure VPN connection?17:21
trpreagles0513875: ah. well personally i think that's silly. you can write the source files with any old editor, then compile them with javac yourfile.java. the ide is only good if you already know java17:23
WaltzingAlong!info eclipse17:24
ubot3eclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 128 kB, installed size 420 kB17:24
runlevelteneclipse/emacs ftw.17:24
runleveltenthe any old editor lifestyle is sure as hell going to suck when refactoring etc.17:25
k5ubuntu!find mac dock17:25
ubot3Found: acl2-emacs, aleph-emacs, bulmacont, cxref-emacs, dmachinemon (and 100 others)17:25
lovrecan i use products under BSD licence for commercial purposes?17:26
runleveltenDamn, this computer's fast.17:26
WaltzingAlongtrpr: it is silly17:26
eagles0513875trpr: i would think the other way round cuz at least the ide shows u where ur mistakes r17:26
runleveltenlovre: Yes.17:26
gorf_could someone help me start a 2nd monitor?17:26
WaltzingAlong!dual monitor17:26
ubot3Factoid dual monitor not found17:26
Dr_willisgorf_,  what video card?17:27
eagles0513875we need ubotu17:27
gorf_nvidia fx520017:27
runleveltenalso, many IDEs offer visual instrospection through autocompletion, symbol browsers, project overviews and so on.17:27
lovrerunlevelten: thanky ou17:27
Dr_willisgorf_,  install the nvidia drivers.  and enable twinview17:27
trpreagles0513875: eh. it provides short cuts that are only good if you know what you are shortcutting around. the compiler will still tell you on what lines your errors are, and what they are.17:27
k5ubuntu!find update17:28
ubot3Found: ez-ipupdate, freepops-updater-fltk, hildon-update-category-database, nss-updatedb, update-apt (and 12 others)17:28
k5ubuntu!find ubuntu 7.1017:28
ubot3Found: blubuntu-gdm-theme, blubuntu-look, blubuntu-session-splashes, blubuntu-theme, blubuntu-wallpapers (and 75 others)17:28
eagles0513875trpr: so what ur saying is i coudl use emacs17:28
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runleveltenlovre: ensure you carefully read and understand any copyright requirements.17:28
trpryes. you could use whatever you feel most comfortable writing the code in17:28
eagles0513875trpr: i just downloaded this17:29
ubot3Factoid jdee not found17:29
runleveltenthere may be a requirement to show logos or copyrights even though you can rebadge and sell the binaries without source.17:29
k5ubuntu!find jdee17:29
ubot3Package/file jdee does not exist in gutsy17:29
eagles0513875trpr: jdee is an addon for emacs which will allow me to write in java17:29
lovrerunlevelten: ok, ill read everything17:29
eagles0513875thats not true found it in repo17:29
gorf_is there a way to restart X when logged in?17:29
eagles0513875gorf_: ctrl+alt+backspace17:30
runleveltenemacs = ide. good one, too.17:30
Dr_willisgorf_,  not really a way to restart X and Stay logged into X.17:30
lovrerunlevelten: the thing is im trying to find suitable PHP RAD tool. Im looking at Seagull PHP Framework. Im hoping i can work with it and sell my work with no problems17:30
eagles0513875how do i check dependensies17:31
runleveltenrad tool, or framework?17:31
eagles0513875trpr: its jde17:31
k5ubuntuhow do i check what version of kbuntu i have17:31
eagles0513875:( there went out overworked bot17:31
jorgyhey all.. i want to upgrade from kubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 but i've heard that there's issues with the bootup? i.e it's 2-3 minutes now? and some friend told me they had to disable the splashscreen to boot at all?17:31
WaltzingAlongjorgy: takes mine 45 minutes17:31
Dr_willisMine takes about a min.17:32
Dr_willisi always disable splash anyway.17:32
jorgyDr_willis: is that slower/faster than before?17:32
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: ubot3 left the room17:32
Dr_willisIve not heard those specific complaints.17:32
jorgyDr_willis: one sec. i'll get u links to online articles sayin that.17:32
runleveltenlovre: If you run the server you can use GPl'd stuff too and keep the source.17:32
eagles0513875how do i check for dependencies before i install a file from the repo17:32
Dr_willisjorgy,  not like the link will say much :) heh..17:33
Dr_willisjorgy,  i find it best to do a clean install in most cases also17:33
runleveltenNot that it's the right thing to do necessarily, but it's not a GPL <=2 violation.17:33
jorgyDr_willis: well these are just comments i've picked up by lookin for kubuntu 7.10 reviews17:33
jorgya repeating theme is that something's up with the bootup. one person puts it down to the restricted drivers thing..17:34
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: what is the cli command to check dependencies for a certain pkg17:34
runleveltenThe decades haven't shown me an OS "upgrade" worth bothering with yet.17:34
runleveltenExcept Debian, of course.17:34
jorgyi think i might chill with 7.04 and just update the kde17:35
cybrhumando anyone know when HPET will be included in kubuntu kernel?17:35
hellhoundi am having trouble getting a program (xbindkeys) to Autostart.  I have tried a link, bash script and copying the bin file to my Autostart directory, but it still will not autostart.  I can however go to my Autostart directory and double click it and it will start.  Any ideas?17:41
Freddy2can (*)ubuntu be installed in a system with only 2 (or more) disks in raid? i mean, no extra partitions outside the raid itself17:41
Freddy2what requirements in terms of raid controller are related to this? any list of directly supported models?17:42
g2g591freddy: id try asking in the forums (www.ubuntuforums.org)17:43
Dr_willis!find autostart17:44
Dr_willishellhound,  use the fullpath to the binary in your scripts. start them with #!/bin/bash perhaps. And theres a kde-autostart tool that can help youmanage those things.17:44
xavier__got a questioN... I switched from ubuntu -> kubuntu by installing kubuntu-desktop. I encountered 1 problem:17:45
xavier__compiz doesn't show the top bar with the close, minimize, .. functions17:45
blizzzekis it possible in KPresenter to switch to a specific slide by entering it's pagenumber and pressing enter while presentation (as it is in OOo)? i only found out, that by pressing key a window opens where i can select it... but it is kinda pedestrian17:45
arashxavier__ you must download another package17:45
xavier__it did everything fine in gnome..17:45
Freddy2g2g591: ok, i will.. thx17:45
Dr_willishellhound,  and DONT use the same name for a Autostart script as a command in the path. :)  ie: dont use 'Autostart/conky' for a script that starts 'conky'17:45
xavier__which one arash?17:46
arashxavier__ search for 'compiz' there is one with a descriptive name for what you need17:46
hellhoundDr_willis: what is the toold called?  by bash script has #!/bin/bash      then   /usr/bin/xbindkeys     it is also set as executable17:46
xavier__compiz was installed in gnome and it did right then.. by installing kubuntu-desktop, compiz doesn't do things right.. what do you mean by searching for compiz?17:47
arashxavier__: sorry, let met find the exact package :)17:47
xavier__oh, lol, ok17:47
arash!find compiz-kde17:48
ubot3Found: compiz-kde17:48
arashok, that one17:48
xavier__hehe, thx :)17:48
dopewhat is /dev/sdb17:48
xavier__first uninstall compiz before installing compiz-kde?17:48
arashxavier__: I don't think that's neccesary, Im no expert though ;)17:48
xavier__"/dev/sdb could be a hard disk / usb device17:49
xavier__ok, let's try and install compiz-kde17:50
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dopexavier__: ok, i plugged in my pen drive and when i do fdisk i see /dev/sdb1 so i want to unmount it with umount /dev/sdb1 and now I can format /dev/sdb?17:50
arashxavier__: yeehaw= it works :p ?17:51
xavier__dope: yep, that sould work17:51
dope./dev/sdb1 is just the first partition on /dev/sdb right?17:51
xavier__arash: yep :)17:51
xavier__yep dope. I don't have experience with partitioning usb-sticks though.. u should better ask an expert17:51
dopexavier__: also when i used umount on /dev/sdb1 it still shows up in fdisk. should it?17:51
xavier__I know it gives problems in windows (you won't be able to see all partitions in some cases)17:51
xavier__yep it should..17:52
dopeah ok17:52
xavier__np :)17:52
dopei just wanna make sure i'm not formatting the HD17:52
xavier__lol, that's good to be sure of :)17:52
hermiodhi there17:53
arashHi Hermoid!17:53
eagles0513875has any one heard of ikvm17:53
TimSAre there any programs that will autmaticaly compile from source17:53
ubot3Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)17:54
hermiodi got a question, about network with a windows xp computer an a kubuntu computer17:54
ubot3Factoid compilers not found17:54
hermiodI'm new@linux17:54
dopedoesn't seem to be working :\17:55
TameLionYou missed the tld ;)17:55
dopewhen i use the mkdiskimage command it brings up how to use it17:56
xavier__arash: some things don't work yet :)17:56
xavier__such as the cube.. I can't let it spin / move around...17:56
k5ubuntuhow do i find out what kubuntu verison i have17:56
arash!samba | hermoid17:56
ubot3hermoid: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT17:56
hermiodmy problem is about the connection between winxp and kubuntu....  the ping works, but nothing else17:56
arashhermoid, Im not sure, but I think that is what you are looking for17:56
k5ubuntuhow do i find out what version of kbuntu i have17:57
sub[t]rnllsb_release -a17:57
pigetahi all17:57
arashxavier__: Yea, compiz unfortunately Camoens work as good with KDE, but I don't know if that is also for the cube rotation, I don't use compiz myself, so idle around till some compiz-fan joins, or ask  at17:58
arash!effects | xavier__17:58
ubot3Factoid effects not found17:58
arash!effect | xavier__17:59
ubot3Factoid effect not found17:59
hermiodI have read some how to's but it doesent work, i wrote the workgroupname in the smb.conf... when I open it in smb4k there is that workgroup but only the kubuntu computer17:59
xavier__oh, ok.. thx..17:59
xavier__I had it to work be4, it should be able to do it again :)17:59
arashxavier__: anyway, I don't know the factoid name, but check at #ubuntu-effects18:00
xavier__ok, thx arash.. (what's factoid.? :p)18:00
ubot3I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:01
ubot3Factoid feed not found18:02
clor0xayo adria...18:02
ubot3Factoid eat not found18:02
ubot3fish: a friendly interactive shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.22.3-2 (gutsy), package size 804 kB, installed size 3608 kB18:03
TimSAdept is stuck updating packages, its waiting for headers18:03
stdin!botabusr > TimS18:03
stdin!botabuse > Tim18:03
hermiodis there something I can check where the problem is? I got no idea18:04
stdin"don't abuse the bot"18:04
TimS:P Sorry stdin18:04
neighborleehi  there :)(...Im considering using kubuntu more now..but im wondering .ubuntu  has the modified crash handler in kernel..when a kubuntu/kde app c rashes does it really send in the data or ask you if you want to or what ? ;)18:04
acetagood evening18:04
acetadoes somebody happen to know how to use a gpg-encrypted keyfile on an usb stick with LUKS on boot ?18:05
steveiresu - kde4-devel18:08
steveireUgh. Oops18:08
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xavier__what was that channel again? something like #desktop-effects18:09
hermiodk,  cya18:10
=== hermiod is now known as hermiod_afk
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yugge_Here's a strange question, is there a way to send keyboard commands to a window using bash?18:18
yugge_or any commandline program would work acually18:19
ardchoillexavier__: #ubuntu-effects? It redirects to #compiz-fusion iirc18:20
xavier__yep, found it :)18:21
xavier__but yeh, I really messed up compiz now :p18:21
xavier__even re-installing compiz makes the same mess :(18:21
xavier__oh yeah, window decorator crashed :p18:23
joher i have some problems there's no sound18:29
joherin my system18:29
FGS|Bretinstalled sound drivers?18:29
johereverythings ok18:30
FGS|Bretrebooted since their install?18:30
pestilencein gutsy, firefox always comes to the front (although it technically doesn't get focus) when i click a link in akregator.  does anybody know how to stop this?18:31
pestilenceit has never done this in any of the previous kubuntus18:31
=== sergio_ is now known as siKus
Piponeneed help with last ati drivers, can`t build .deb packeges from the installer18:32
Piponeanyone had same problem?18:32
joher i don't have  sounds18:32
Pipone?!: )18:33
Piponeam talking about video18:33
Piponesudo bash ati-driver-installer-8.42.3-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy after this nothing happens18:33
Piponeerror are missing libs that are not in repos18:33
Piponeand it`s looking for them in strange place18:33
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joherwhit video ok18:33
pestilencePipone: could you paste the output to pastebin and link here18:33
=== ubuntu is now known as nahamu1
pestilencePipone: do you have x11-dev installed?18:36
lawke_hi, I just installed Kubuntu 7.10 and when I try to log in with Kopete it always crashes.. I removed it and installed it again but it keeps crashing..18:37
pestilencePipone: actually, libx11-dev18:37
dopeso now when i'm trying to boot from the usb it just says "PRESS A KEY TO REBOOT"18:37
dopeit boots fine from usb on my laptop though :|18:37
Piponepestilence libx11-dev is already the newest version.18:37
Piponelawke_ update kopete version18:38
lawke_I reinstalled it already..18:38
Piponeit has bug with only with msn18:38
Piponeupdate is not reinstall18:38
pestilencePipone: how about libxext618:38
lawke_how should I update it then?18:38
Piponepestilence libxext6 is already the newest version18:39
Piponelawke_ adept manager18:39
PiponeK-menu>>System>>Adept manager18:39
lawke_is there like a search thing, like the one in gnome?18:39
pestilencePipone: are you running the 64 bit ubuntu?18:39
Piponelawke_ yeap18:39
Piponepestilence no18:39
pestilencePipone: because you are trying to install the 64 bit package18:40
lawke_Pipone: where?18:40
pestilencesee the _64 there :)18:40
PiponeDownload the ATI driver installer: ati-driver-installer-8.42.3-x86.x86_64.run (this installer is for 32bit and 64bit systems)18:40
lovremy microphone is not working on kubuntu. Do i need to set something up*?18:40
pestilencePipone: oh.18:40
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=== sonic is now known as sonic_
Piponelovre in konsole alsamixer press two time tab and inrace mic gain (or something..)18:41
stdinlawke_: open adept and go to Adept > Manage Repositories, in the Updates tab make sure the first 4 boxes are checked. then click close and it'll ask to reload. after that you just click "Full Upgrade" and "Apply Changes"18:41
Piponepestilence other ideas?18:42
KingJereI just started the upgrade to Gutsy. Wish me luck. :)18:42
pestilencePipone: well, i would like to see what --help says18:42
Piponeon the installer?18:42
pestilencePipone: i wonder if you have an environment variable set that is throwing the installer off18:42
dopei have a pen drive that will boot linux but on PCs that don't support booting from usb what can i do?  the pc already has grub on it18:43
Piponemm in a few minutes, am redownloading it18:43
lovrePipone: how can i check to see if my mic is working18:43
Piponewith some program for voice record and playback18:43
Piponei guess18:43
Piponei tried mine with skype18:43
lovrePipone: im trying it with skype too, but i cant get anything18:43
KingJeredope: I had the same prob. I ended up using a boot floppy. Kinda archaic but it worked.18:44
Piponelovre you incrase it in alsamixer18:44
stdindope: if the computer doesn't support booting from USB, there's nothing you can do (except maybe upgrade the firmware)18:44
Piponeby deafult is zero18:44
PiponeCapture mic18:44
Piponeis exactly18:44
lovrePipone: in skype settings its set to Default device18:45
Piponeseven right to left18:45
ubot3Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:45
lovrePipone: is that ok18:45
Junkie`Hm. I just downloaded the desktop cd for gutsy and it gets to 'loading linux kernel' at 100%, stalls, then i get an 'error reading disk' error. Would this be a ram issue? i ran the feisty cd fine when i installed it.18:45
dopeso i can't use grub to boot the usb drive?18:45
Piponelovre i have no mic attached right now, do you increse Capture mic in alsamixer? if yes and still no sound, try with diff settings then default18:47
stdindope: no, because grub gets the disk info from the bios and the bios can't recognise USB devices apparently18:47
Junkie`Because the computer isn't very ram friendly18:47
dopewell for my motherboard it supports USB-FDD and USB-ZIP.  whenever i boot from the usb drive it says "PRESS A KEY TO REBOOT"18:47
pestilenceJunkie`: no.18:48
Junkie`come to think of it, i think i used the feisty alt. cd18:48
pestilenceJunkie`: it shouldn't run out of memory loading the kernel, unless you have like 1 meg of RAM :-D18:48
KingJereupgrade to gutsy, Take Two!18:48
pestilenceJunkie`: did you verify that the disc was written properly?18:48
Junkie`well, the kernel loads to 100%18:49
Junkie`Erm, no :)18:49
stdindope: if it says that then grub wasn't installed on the USB disk18:49
Junkie`I burned it from k3b in a gutsy rc install18:49
Piponepestilence can i pm about my problem? don`t wanna spam the channel18:49
dopestdin: i put the syslinux on it and it'll boot fine on my laptop, just not the desktop18:49
Junkie`Didn't change any settings, just hit 'Start' and it burned18:49
stdindope: syslinux is supposed to be for CD/DVDs18:50
dopestdin:  i followed a tut online and like i said it boots up no probs at all on my laptop from the pendrive18:50
pestilencePipone: i suppose18:51
pestilenceJunkie`: i would suspect faulty media first.18:51
lawke_how can I see what version I have installed?18:51
lawke_because it always is saying there is newer version..18:51
ardchoillelawke_: lsb_release -a18:52
Junkie`mhm, i'll burn it again. so what would you say is the best reason for upgrading? i thought feisty was great18:52
lawke_is it still buggy or someting?18:52
KingJeretrying to upgrade. Says I need another 191M on / Isnt' openoffice about that big?18:52
KingJerecan I just aptitude remove it?18:53
lawke_how do I install compiz on Kubuntu?18:53
arashlawke_ : whats so hard about it ;) ? I think 'sudo apt-get install compiz' is enough. Or do it via the GUI if you want to18:54
lawke_arash: did that18:54
lawke_and I installed the compiz settings manager but it doesn't work18:54
arashlawke_: What isn't working?18:54
lawke_if I open the settings, I get the same settings like in gnome and all.. but if I wanna rotate with the cube it doesn't work18:55
arashlawke_:  or use this guide ;) instead of my words :D https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion18:55
lawke_I thought compiz was already in the new version18:55
pestilenceJunkie`: i don't know :-D  if you think feisty is great...i'm not sure i would upgrade18:55
pestilenceJunkie`: you can check the media before you go and make another disc, use dd to make an image of the cd you burned, then do an md5sum on the media18:56
pestilenceerr on the image18:56
pestilenceand compare it with the md5sum of the iso file you downloaded18:57
pestilenceand also the md5sum listed on the server18:57
KingJereany ideas for quickly freeing up 191M in /18:57
solidus-riverhow do I get the properties of a window18:58
pestilenceKingJere: sudo apt-get clean18:58
solidus-riverI'm trying to disable shadows in ccsm for katapult18:58
KingJerepestilence: did that. thats why I only need another 191M18:58
KingJereThanks tho18:58
solidus-riveralso, for some reason in compiz, I can't rotate the cub by middle clicking the desktop, it doesn't recognize it for some reason18:58
mohamedhi does anybody know how to install bluej on kubuntu18:59
ubot3Factoid bluej not found18:59
mohamedit's like netbean or eclipse for jjava19:00
eagles0513875mohamed: really whats the link19:00
eagles0513875mohamed: u know the have a jar file19:01
NickPresta!find bluej19:01
eagles0513875just run that19:01
ubot3Package/file bluej does not exist in gutsy19:01
eagles0513875NickPresta: couldnt u just download the jar file and use that to install19:01
mohamedyes I do have jar file for it19:01
mohamedI'm newbie in linex and I hate windows19:02
eagles0513875mohamed: i hate winblows too19:02
eagles0513875mohamed: have u tried double clicking it19:02
mohamedI did, but I don'w know which file to use19:02
mohamedall of them has the installer word19:03
pestilencemohamed: the way you run a jar file is by typing "java -jar filename.jar" at the command line19:03
pestilencewhere filename.jar is the name of the jar file19:03
eagles0513875oh kool19:03
solidus-riverhow do I get libdvdcss2 and win32codecs19:04
ardchoille!medibuntu | solidus-river19:04
ubot3solidus-river: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:04
mohamedUnable to access jarfile bluej-220.jar19:05
solidus-riverardchoille: there used to be a script that came with ubuntu somewhere that just fetched the .deb from somewhere and did it, I don't like adding 3rd party repos19:05
mohameddoes any body know why?19:05
pestilencemohamed: is the jar file on your desktop?19:05
ardchoillesolidus-river: I never knew of any script like that. the medibuntu repo hasn't given me any problems.19:05
lawke_so, how do I install the latest ATI driver?19:06
pestilencemohamed: and what directory are you in on the command line?19:06
eagles0513875i have bluej installed but i cant run in19:06
ardchoille!ati | lawke_19:06
ubot3lawke_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:06
eagles0513875pestilence: same with me19:06
solidus-riverwhat button is the middle mouse button usually registereed as?19:06
pestilencelet me try it.19:07
pestilenceworks like a charm for me19:07
eagles0513875its working for me19:07
pestilencemohamed: try java -jar ~/Desktop/bluej-220.jar19:07
eagles0513875pestilence: he could also do cd Desktop19:08
pestilenceeagles0513875: sure.  but i'm trying to make it as simple as possible for me to debug his interpretation of my requests :-D19:08
eagles0513875pestilence: ahhhok i gotcha19:08
mohamedpestilence: thank man19:09
pestilencemohamed: np19:09
ardchoillesolidus-river: Perhaps you're thinking of /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh  but using the repos is easier and that script won't get you the w32codecs19:09
ekrengeldoes anyone know how i could get an HD movie to play sound in kaffeine?  the audio plays in VLC media player, but the video is choppy...in kaffiene it plays fine but there is no sound...19:09
solidus-riverardchoille: thanks, that was what I was thinking of19:10
ekrengelits a .mkv file19:10
ubot3Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion19:10
chronosI'm having problems with my NVIDIA card in gusty. I've enabled the restricted drivers, but I still can't run a GL screensaver.19:10
eagles0513875mohamed: if that doesnt work u could try somethign called jedit19:10
ardchoillesolidus-river: Besides, the repos have a newer version of libdvdcss2 anyway19:10
mohamedmy issue is now I want to know how install java and I want to know where can I get the directory,. but I don't want to bother you with that19:11
Junkie`note: when playing with the live cd's, prepare to wait when selecting 'memory test'19:11
ardchoille!java | mohamed19:12
ubot3mohamed: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.19:12
WaltzingAlongmohamed: java what? the plugin? the compiler? the runtime?19:12
mohamedI think it should be jdk19:13
Freddy2yes, it is19:13
pestilenceekrengel: i use mplayer, it works fine19:13
lz1gjdwhere can i find some tutorial how to get new ati driver compiz-fusion on kubuntu 7.1019:13
lz1gjdfollowed all guides that i could find but with no luck19:14
solidus-riverhow would I get the info about a certain window19:14
nelli# kubuntu-devel19:14
solidus-riverlike if I wanted to set special rules for it19:14
pestilencenelli: try putting /j in front of that :-D19:15
g2g591solidus:right click on the titlebar19:15
nellithanks pestilence19:15
eagles0513875none of these ides debug and compile for me19:15
eagles0513875and i dont wanna use the javac in teh cli19:15
fkeferRiddell: pin19:15
eagles0513875Riddell: hey u know of any good ides for java19:16
yugge_Is there some kind of T9-ish system for linux?19:16
Freddy2eclipse or netbeans?19:16
eagles0513875Freddy2: too advanced for me at this time19:17
shadowhywindwhat is the console command to see what version of kubuntu i am running?19:17
eagles0513875Freddy2: im still rather new to java and in my class all we r doing is making java source viles and wiht eclipes and netbeans i have to create a whole project unless there is a way around that19:17
kyronhey all, I'm a GEntoo user installing Kubuntu on a PIII laptop since I have _so much time_ inmy life (hehehe) ...jsut wanted to know if there is a "magical" button somewhere to disable all the "fluff"....sort of like a "this is old hardware, be nice and disable useless gadgety fluff" button?19:18
kyronbtw, I kubuntu seems nice ;)19:18
eagles0513875kyron: this is already quite a simple distro u dont have any fluff unless u download it19:18
mohamedDoes any body know a good software for creating web-pages on ubuntu19:18
Freddy2then learn command line options for compiling/running apps19:18
pestilencekyron: install from the server cd, then you can install whatever you want.19:18
Freddy2but for debug..19:18
kyroneagles0513875, well, I mean things like pop-up animations, fade-in-out and the such19:19
origamanmohamed: quanta19:19
eagles0513875kyron i think thats all done in the system settings19:19
ubot3quanta: web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 2402 kB, installed size 5840 kB19:19
eagles0513875origaman: does quanta also do java19:19
kyroneagles0513875, ok, but I hove to go through the settings one at a time I guess (not like windows that has a "set for performance" option)19:20
origaman eagles0513875: at last it should do some java syntax highlighting...19:20
kyron....would be nice that KDE4 had a single-button-no-cruft in the GUI settings ;_19:20
Freddy2another question related to raid: if you have a hardware raid controller (maybe some adaptec) can you boot directly from the raid? (assuming there's no other disk outside it)19:21
eagles0513875kyron: ya19:21
ardchoillekyron: yes, but distro developers would likely change it19:21
eagles0513875origaman: ill give it a try will i be able to just work with individual files instead of a whole project. cuz in class we have been working with just java source files for the programming we have learned so far19:21
lovreman, im constantly having problems with kubuntu. A month with no rest. Im getting so dissapointed............:(19:22
lovreand i dont want to go back to windows.........i hate windows19:22
acetadoes somebody happen to know how to use a gpg-encrypted keyfile on an usb stick with LUKS on boot ?19:22
eagles0513875lovre: whats the problem19:23
mohamedhey gus i can't open the apt manager, any ideas19:24
eagles0513875mohamed try this19:24
origamaneagles0513875: Well, quanta is specialized in creating web pages, i.e. html, php, css. I don't know if there is any Java related functionality other than syntax highlighting.19:24
ubot3If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:24
contrast83Greets, everyone...19:24
contrast83Has anyone had any luck theming KDM since they've been using Gutsy?19:24
Emerson1lovre: what's your problem?19:24
eagles0513875origaman: it opened my java source file but i cant compile it and run it any idea as to what program even if its just source code that will do that for me19:25
lovreeverything is: i CANT automount my USB stick memory (i really need that, cant manually mount everytime..), i cant get my mic to work at all. Im having problems with amarok, playing two songs at a time, and sometimes doesnt want to play some files at all. When i kill the process it plays regardles of that. Then the problem of localisation, when i put something on an USB memory with windows, and if it has local symbols, it doesnt open on kubuntu... and19:25
lovreso on........19:25
mohamedtry what>19:25
sahin_hcontrast83: I played with it a little bit.19:25
contrast83sahin_h: Any success?19:26
sahin_hcontrast83: The theme handling has been changed.19:26
* lovre weeps19:26
contrast83Ugh... Why?19:26
mohamedi  tried !aptifix and it gave me this message /bin/sh: !aptfix: not found19:26
sahin_hcontrast83: I edited two files by hand.19:26
eagles0513875mohamed: !apt fix isnt the command u put19:26
kyronardchoille, hehe, yeah, that's why I came here and asked...cuz I would have hoped kubuntu would have made such a button...19:26
ubot3If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:26
contrast83sahin_h: Which ones? I already messed with /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc.19:26
eagles0513875mohamed: this is sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a19:27
kyronguess I'll have to make my own...one day...and Kall it KDE Powe Toys :P19:27
sahin_hcontrast83: The files are in the /etc/default/kdm.d directory.19:27
eagles0513875lovre: did u do a clean install or upgrade19:27
eagles0513875and r u duel booting19:27
contrast83Ahh, ok.19:27
contrast83sahin_h: Did you have to reboot afterwards to get the theming to take effect?19:28
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
sahin_hcontrast83: If I remeber correctly... yes. I rebooted my machine. Maybe it just not needed...19:28
contrast83Cool, thanks a lot. Been banging my head here for half an hour.19:29
eagles0513875brb guys19:29
lovreeagles0513875: a clean install, formated the disc, and fresh install, with no dual boot or anything19:29
sahin_hcontrast83: no problem19:29
lovreeagles0513875: the most common hardware configuration, intel, nVidia etc19:29
eagles0513875lovre: was this a windows vista machine19:29
eagles0513875lovre: is ur machine a 32bit or 64bit os19:30
lovreeagles0513875: its 32bit19:30
eagles0513875u got the right iso19:30
eagles0513875lovre: ill brb sis needs the net for a sec19:30
sahin_hcontrast83: One more note: it looks like the system read the files in /etc/default/kdm.d numeric order.19:30
Emerson1something wrong with this channel?19:35
bjwebbi found away to turn off the select → copy thing, but can't find it now19:38
bjwebbany ideas?19:38
ubot3Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion19:39
=== mario is now known as mario11
mohamedmy apt manager still not working19:41
ubuntuHi i managed to screw up the grub installation, anyone know how i can do that from the live cd_19:42
=== fkefer_laptop is now known as fkefer
=== ubuntu is now known as Jvx
carwash^Hi, cdripping from a sata drive is really slow. Any tips on speeding it up?19:43
JvxCan someone plz help me get grub working ?19:44
bjwebbJvx: what've you done?19:45
JvxI didnt get grub to install correctly during install19:46
Jvxjust wanna reinstall it19:46
ubot3grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:46
Jvxbut i cant sudo apt/get from the live cd19:46
contrast83sahin_h: Hey, you still around?19:47
ubot3Factoid emule not found19:47
ubot3Factoid edonkey not found19:47
Jvxkk gonna read up on that link thx19:47
contrast83!info edonkey19:47
ubot3Package edonkey does not exist in gutsy19:47
LjL!botabuse | winbond19:47
ubot3winbond: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...19:47
contrast83Hrm... I think eDonkey's on GetDeb. Could be wrong. If not, you've still got KMLDonkey.19:48
sahin_hcontrast83: Yes, I'm here now.19:48
contrast83sahin_h: Still struggling with KDM. Do you think if I pastebinned those two files and my kdmrc you could check them against yours to see what I'm borking up?19:49
luigiproblem javascript19:49
sahin_hcontrast83: Ok, I will check. However I reverted my files to the original state.19:50
eagles0513875lovre: im back19:50
contrast83sahin_h: Oh, ok... One sec...19:50
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
sahin_hcontrast83: The key for the solution in my case the two files in the /etc/default/kdm.d19:51
luigiproblema java19:51
eagles0513875lovre: r u a registered user here so we can talk one on one19:51
sahin_hcontrast83: One more note: it looks like the system read the files in /etc/default/kdm.d numeric order.19:51
eagles0513875!it |luigi19:51
ubot3luigi: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:51
Jvxcan i install grub on my hd from the live cd_19:52
contrast83Hmm... Interesting. It appears the file 30_kubuntu_default_settings has disappeared.19:52
Jvxit seems that it tries to get grub to the live environment and not to the hd install when i try and apt-get grub19:52
sahin_hcontrast83: I have two files only: /etc/default/kdm.d/10_desktop-base19:53
sahin_hcontrast83: and /etc/default/kdm.d/20_kubuntu_default_settings19:53
eagles0513875besides netbeans and eclipse which r rather confusing to understand does anyone recommend any other java ide which also does the compiling and debugging19:53
contrast83I never had a 10_desktop-base. Weird.19:53
sahin_hcontrast83: Hmmm.19:53
sahin_hcontrast83: So do you hvae two files, or only one?19:54
ubot3Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion19:54
eagles0513875does gnome get installed as well when u do a clean install cuz for some reason when i logged in the last time before thsi one it logged me into gnome19:54
eagles0513875which is not my defualt19:54
mohamedhow can I find IRC channel for java19:55
bjwebb#java ?19:55
Dragnslcrmohamed- probably either #java or ##java19:55
lawkeok! so I just installed kubuntu 7.10, I installed the ATI driver that was auto detected. Now how do I run compiz?19:55
contrast83sahin_h: Well, I _had_ two - 20_kubuntu_default_settings and 30_kubuntu_default_settings, but 30... has disappeared. I'm *certain* I didn't delete/move it. And I also have kdmrc, of course, but it sounds like that's deprecated anyway, at least in regards to theming.19:55
eagles0513875!compiz |lawke19:55
ubot3lawke: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion19:55
mohamedit gave me this message though, what does it mean19:55
mohamedNickServ- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password19:56
ubuntu_hi all19:56
contrast83Ok, just installed desktop-base, so now I have 10_desktop_base19:56
bjwebbmohamed: try ##java19:56
ubuntu_anyone tried usb pendriver over 4gb19:56
sahin_hcontrast83: Yep, kdmrc os deprecated in case of theme handling.19:56
bjwebbmohamed: i think the message is because someone else owns you Nickname19:56
contrast83sahin_h: So I should put the theme I want to use into both 10_desktop_base and 20_kubuntu_default_settings, and that should be it, theoretically?19:57
ubot3Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion19:57
mohamedI'm sure there is somebody has my nick name lol, how can I change my nick name19:57
* contrast83 loves apt-file19:57
bjwebbmohamed: /nick new_name19:57
sahin_hcontrast83: The two files contains some similar variable. For example the THEME variable.19:58
=== mohamed is now known as new_name
=== new_name is now known as mohamed__
ubuntu_isit easy to enable compiz on kubuntu ? i noticed it was enable by default on ubuntu 7.1019:58
contrast83Ok, done. BRB...19:58
sahin_hcontrast83: Try to put # before one of the variable.19:58
=== mohamed__ is now known as new_name
Jvxsata discs are named sd0 etc right_19:59
eagles0513875!compiz |ubuntu_19:59
ubot3ubuntu_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion19:59
ubuntu_ok saw ubot3's answer now...19:59
eagles0513875Jvx: some times for me they have been named sda#19:59
Jvxok thx19:59
Jvxcant seem to get grub working >s19:59
=== new_name is now known as mohamed22
lawkelol, I kinda like put a dock bar and don't know how to delete this, any ide?20:00
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=== new_name is now known as mhelal22
ubot3Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:00
=== mhelal22 is now known as mhelal222
haripestilence hi20:01
ubot3#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!20:01
mhelal222I changed my name like thousands time, it wouldn't let me join the java channel20:01
pestilencemhelal222: you want ##java20:02
hariwhy ?20:02
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
contrast83sahin_h: Still nothin'. Thanks anyway though, I appreciate your attempts. :-)20:02
mhelal222[Channel] You need to be identified to join that channel20:02
pestilencemhelal222: it wants you to register with nickbot20:02
Jvxis there a command that can tell me which hd kubuntu has mounted?20:03
pestilenceerr nickserv20:03
mhelal222and what  does it mean?20:03
pestilencemhelal222: /msg NickServ help20:03
sahin_hcontrast83: Ok. No problem. Maybe the developers know the answer. They did the changes.20:03
contrast83Jvx: cat fstab   ?20:03
contrast83sahin_h: Yeah. I didn't want to bother them with something so petty, but I might have to. :-P20:04
sahin_hcontrast83: kubuntu-devel isn't a support channel, however you can try to ask these people.20:04
contrast83Will do, thanks a lot.20:04
Jvxill try that20:04
contrast83Jvx: Sorry, cat /etc/fstab20:04
Gularscontrast83, if you just run "mount" it will display the list of active drives20:06
tape-deckhow do I get kubuntu to mount a usb drive so I can access it without sudoing?20:06
contrast83Gulars: Ahh, ok. Thanks.20:06
patriciohm, since my update to gutsy, it seems, that my bluetooth is not working, i.e. when I press FN+F5, which should be the hardware activation of my thinkpad's bluetooth device, it doesn't light up. kdebluetooth is installed. What else do I need?20:06
Gularspatricio, I don't  think the fn+combinations work on thinkpads in linux20:07
patriciooh, this could be a ibm thinkpad issue because some other functions work, like FN+End which decreases the light.20:07
Gularsthats what it said at thinkwiki at least (if I remember correctly)20:07
patricioyes, I know the page20:07
eagles0513875what ever anyone does dont go in the java room unless u really need to20:08
eagles0513875people rnt that friendly20:08
patricioeagles0513875: :)20:08
Gularseagles0513875, what's your problem?20:08
pestilenceeagles0513875: you have to have a thick skin to go into any channel with a programming language as a topic20:09
contrast83^^ +120:09
contrast83The guys in #bash are ruthless. lol20:09
biovore#perl is ok20:10
eagles0513875Gulars: i need an easier to use ide then netbeans im still learning java and netbeans is rather complex for me20:13
eagles0513875Gulars: i need an ide that will let me debug in the ide as well as let the ide execute the program20:13
Gularsthen I'm of no help to you, sorry20:14
Ace2016hi all20:14
eagles0513875Gulars: i tried to get the one i use at my uni to work using wine but it hangs for me20:15
Jvxwhen i try to run find /boot/grub/stage1 in grub20:15
Jvxit returns file not found20:15
lawkehi, I followed this setup to install compiz -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion its all done, but it wont give me cool 3D Effects.. do I need someting else?20:15
SudoKingIs there a really good list of Kubuntu tweaks somewhere?20:15
bjwebblawke: compiz --replace?20:16
contrast83SudoKing: In terms of performance, or just customization?20:16
bjwebbcompiz --replace should start compiz20:16
lawkebjwebb: if I try to start compiz with Konsole I get this:20:17
contrast83SudoKing: Tons. Pretty much anything you see in that realm about Ubuntu applies to Kubuntu as well.20:17
lawkeChecking for Xgl: not present.20:17
Dr_willislawke,  what video card?20:17
SudoKingokay thanks20:17
lawkeDr_willis: ATI Radeon X1600 PRO20:17
winbonddoes the gnutella network still exist??  because the kmldonkey doesnt connect to any servers20:17
* Dr_willis saw that comming. :020:17
contrast83SudoKing: The forums might be a good starting point, BTW.20:17
lawkeI got compiz running on ubuntu :D20:17
Dr_willislawke,  you did isntall the fglrx drivers for that card?20:18
slimjimflimhi i'm trying to add a desktop selector button to my menu bar, but i can't find it under 'add applet to panel' or 'add new panel'20:18
Dr_willislawke,  you got ubuntu and kubuntu both on that machine?20:18
contrast83slimjimflim: Desktop Pager20:18
lawkeDr_willis: no, other harddrive but that one is not plugged in right now20:18
Dr_willislawke,  well you need to be using the fglrx drivers and i am not sure what other tweaks to get the xgl stuff going. I take ati cards and throw them away. :)20:19
lawkeDr_willis: I had to check someting on when I first logged in. Someting with 3D blabla20:19
SudoKingContrasy83: Where can I find the forums?20:19
slimjimflimcontrast83, that just removed the whole bar20:19
lawkeon ubuntu I did have to install a xgl-server, didn't do that here..20:19
tape-deckDr_willis: Difficult when there is our laptop, tends to be an expensive pastime20:20
eagles0513875im getting rather depressed right now20:20
Dr_willistape-deck,  yep. thats why i am very picky now about laptops20:20
contrast83slimjimflim: o_O20:20
Dr_willistape-deck,  or i dont worry about 3d/games/compiz on them. :)20:20
slimjimflimi've been able to add other things, but whenever i try that, i lose the menubar20:20
SudoKingDid you ever type fortune in terminal?20:20
Dr_willisfortune | cowsay20:20
tape-deckDr_willis: pah, but a mac if you want that shite20:20
lawkehow can I see what drivers i am using ?20:21
lawkeoops :D20:21
contrast83slimjimflim: Not sure why it would've done that... Do you have it set up like OS X (i.e., with each program's menu bar at the very top of the screen)?20:21
tdscowsay isn't installed. wtf does it do?20:21
Dr_willistape-deck,   wait for kde4.. im betting on so much eyecandy.. we will get ocular cavaties20:21
contrast83!info cowsay20:21
ubot3cowsay: A configurable talking cow. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-8 (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 268 kB20:21
Dr_willislsmod shows the loaded modules.20:21
tape-deckDr_willis: 8.04 should be something spectacular20:21
lawkeDr_willis: i'm seeing a fglrx driver between lsmod..20:22
greeghi gang20:22
tdswhy talk to an autonomous cow when i can come here20:22
Dr_willislawke,   may be you need to install that xgl thing like you mentioned.20:22
greegi installed kubuntu and used the whole dics.  i would also like to install an other distro to learn but dont know anything about partitioning in linux.20:22
ubot3Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion20:22
slimjimflimcontrast, no, i had one bar w/ just the k button, and another w/ applications.  i think a few times it has logged me out back to the kde login screen20:22
greegbut i dont know where to start20:22
Dr_willisgreeg,  easy way - is to install vmware server. and use it to run any other disrtos to test.20:23
Ange|ussomebody can tell me how to compile and install the vesafb module without compiling a whole kernel?20:23
Dr_willisgreeg,  what are you expecting to learn from other disrtos? just test them out? vmware is great for that20:23
slimjimflimcontrast83  ...logged me out when i tried to add the desktop pager20:23
tape-deckhow do I play dvd's in gutsy?20:24
Wolven_Pariah_UKhow long should it take to install sun-java packages? mine is hanging at 23%20:24
greegDr_willis: yes to test out. and i think kubuntu come with alot of stuff for my computer to handle (i.e. music is skippy when i do other things)20:24
contrast83slimjimflim: Something sounds fairly wrong then. You could just delete ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc and ~/.kde/share/apps/kicker and they'll be set back to the defaults when you log back in.20:24
greegbut if i get stumped at gentoo i can always fall back to kubuntu Dr_willis20:24
ubot3For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:24
Nylehow do i turn off the adept notifier20:25
jpatrickNyle: quit from it20:25
contrast83Nyle: Right-click -> Quit20:26
NyleI did, but the window is still up on desktop and won't go away20:26
Nyleits just a titlebar and window, with a round green circle20:26
contrast83Nyle: You have Compiz running?20:26
NyleI click close and all sorts of closes but it won't close20:26
Nylecontrast83: yes i am20:26
contrast83Nyle: Right-click -> Quit20:26
NyleI did20:26
Nyleno close20:26
contrast83On the green circle?20:26
Nylelet me show you a screenshot20:27
contrast83Umm... Anywhere includes the green circle?20:27
contrast83Nyle: No need, I know what you're talking about.20:27
NyleI have tried everywhere20:27
contrast83I've seen that a hundred times, but doing what I just said always worked for me.20:27
Dr_willisI dont even have it going on this box. :)20:27
contrast83Nyle: There aren't any other Adept programs openn, by chance?20:28
slimjimflimty contrast, gonna restart it now20:28
contrast83slimjimflim: NP, good luck.20:28
Nyletitlebar says Adept Notifier with a green circle on the top left hand, and minimize/restore/close on the right hand corner20:28
SudoKingclose it20:28
Dr_willisgo hardcore and use xkill? :)20:28
contrast83Nyle: Right... And what *exactly* happens when you right-click the green circle?20:28
contrast83Ugh, no.20:28
contrast83Why would you xkill a package management app? :-\20:29
SudoKingbecause it won't behave20:29
patriciokillall && rm -rf /20:29
Nyleyou mean click inside the green hole?20:29
contrast83Greets, AmyRose20:29
ardchoillepatricio: Please don't post that comand here.20:29
SudoKingor you could use KSysGuard20:29
patriciohehe, ok sry :)20:29
contrast83Nyle: Right. Like I said, "on the green circle".20:29
Nyledo I want to start it the next timne I login ?20:30
AmyRosehi, contrast8320:30
mehdi_ I have a problem with amarok20:30
NyleI do?20:30
mehdi_I have installed the last package with kubuntu gutsy, but i have lot of problem20:30
Nylewill it do the same thing agian?20:30
contrast83Nyle: How are you starting Compiz?20:30
=== karol is now known as karol3500
mehdi_ when i reinstall the kubuntu feisty, amarok doesnt work20:30
Nylecompiz --replace20:30
mehdi_ why??20:30
Nylewhy not20:30
Ange|ussomebody can tell me how to compile and install the vesafb module without compiling a whole kernel?20:31
slimjimflimcontrast83, perfect, thanks again20:31
contrast83Nyle: You may want to set up a seperate Xsession for Compiz. It's fairly easy if you want me to walk you through it.20:31
Nylecontrast83: what does it mean?20:31
contrast83slimjimflim: Glad to help. :-)20:31
contrast83Nyle: It means when you're at the login screen, you'll be able to pick whether you want a plain KDE session, or a KDE session in which Compiz starts automatically when you log in.20:32
Nylethats ok20:33
contrast83Nyle: Usually, if Compiz is running before Adept Notifier (or any other system tray applet) starts, you won't get that bug you just had.20:33
NyleI feel nausiated20:33
NyleI ate last night's fried rice20:33
NyleI will take medicine and feel better and then I will do stuff with kde20:34
caris_mereI can't sync my palm using Gutsy, has anybody had this problem or know of a solution....with Feisty I had to start the visor module.20:34
Nylecontrast83: what about autostart?20:34
Nyleno good?20:34
contrast83Nyle: You can do that. You chance getting that same bug again though.20:34
Nyleok, so just tell me wha tI need to do, you don't have to walk me20:35
contrast83One sec...20:35
karol3500can someone tell me how configure xorg.conf to set 100Hz refresh rate?? I have nvidia GeForce 4800 Ti SE and Kubuntu 7.1020:35
skoleHi I have a problem. My user manager is written in japanese, That happened after I got the new Kubuntu 10.2. Is there an easy fix?20:36
Nylekarol3500: specidy widthxheight@100Hz20:36
Dr_willisa CRT that handles 100Hz? wowsers20:37
Freddy2skole: u sure its kubuntu? not suse?20:37
Nylemine does 1024x768@115Hz20:37
biovoreI have 2 CRT's that handel 100Hz ar 1280x102420:37
Ange|usis it posible that no one knows how to compile a kernel module without compiling a whole kernel?20:37
Dr_willisI dont even have a crt any more. :)20:37
Nyle30-96, 50-16020:37
karol3500my too20:37
Ace2016Nyle: how big is this crt?20:37
karol3500but I like 102x768;-]20:38
skoleYes I am sure. I installed it yesterday. Everything else is in Norwegian as it shuld be.20:38
karol3500ok thx20:38
NyleDell M993s20:38
contrast83Nyle: http://pastebin.com/m5e27ee1e20:38
Dr_willisAnge|us,  ive isntalled the kernel source befor ages ago and just confiogured what modules to compile and did a 'make modules' and 'make modules install'20:38
Dr_willisAnge|us,  but that was.. like 4+ yrs ago20:38
Freddy2skole: 10.2??20:38
contrast83Nyle: After you do that, you'll be able to pick KDE or KDE w/ Comiz-Fusion before you log in.20:38
Nylei need to setup passwordless ssh20:39
Ace2016a flatscreen crt?20:39
skoleAhh. 7.10 Gutsy gibbon of course20:39
Ange|usDr_willis: but make modules will compile all modules20:40
Ace2016i want to get a crt, a big one, like 21", lcds suck unless you spend lots getting a raelly good one20:40
Dr_willisAnge|us,  proberly will.20:40
Ange|usDr_willis: i just want to compile the vesafb module20:40
Dr_willisunchedk the others then i guess.. be faster to just let it compile them all20:40
karol3500Nyle I tried to set 1024x768@100, but it doesn't work20:41
karol3500where should I type 10-90, 50-160?20:41
Wolven_Pariah_UKadept is acting up...it glitched while i was installing java and now only lets me into read only mode20:41
skoleDo you know any thing about it?20:42
origaman Every five seconds I get a line "enable montype: 2" appended to my Xorg.0.log. At the same time my system keeps freezing for about a second. Any ideas what this could be coming from???20:43
Wolven_Pariah_UKbeyond me...20:43
Dr_willisAnge|us,  the vesafb.ko  module?20:43
skoleHi I have a problem. My user manager is written in japanese, That happened after I got the new Kubuntu 10.2. Is there an easy fix?20:43
Dr_willis locate vesafb ---> /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/video/vesafb.ko20:44
caris_mereIs it possible to use skype with Gutsy?20:46
FleckKubuntu 7.10 - Gutsy Gibbon << Latest20:46
ubot3To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto20:46
Wolven_Pariah_UKhow do i fix adept? it says another 1 is running20:47
Wolven_Pariah_UKand only gives read only mode20:47
biovoresudo killall adpet20:47
origamansudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock20:47
biovoreor that20:47
Wolven_Pariah_UKadept:no prcoesses killed20:47
FleckKubuntu 7.10 - Gutsy Gibbon << Latest?20:48
biovore^ yes20:48
Fleckfglrx works on kubuntu?20:48
biovoreit does...20:48
ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:48
junkieOkay, I got the new kubuntu installed :)20:49
Wolven_Pariah_UKdidnt work20:49
ubot3Factoid aptcrash not found20:49
ubot3If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:50
LeeJunFanthat's it.20:50
junkieI logged in and it said that it could use restricted drivers, so i enabled the nvidia legacy driver and restarted20:50
lenchohi every one20:50
junkieBut now the screen resolution is messed up20:50
contrast83Greets, lencho20:50
junkieSaying it can only go to 800 x 600, when my moniter is like 1260 x 102420:51
junkieDoes anyone know a fix?20:51
biovoremight have something to do with refreshrates..20:51
skoleHi I have the 7.10 Gutsy gibbon. I got it yesterday, I upgraded it from the previus version. I have a problem with the language in user managment. The tabs are written in japanese. What can I do?20:51
Wolven_Pariah_UKthat worked thank you soo much!20:51
lenchokubuntu rocks yeah20:51
patricioskole: lol, learn japanese20:51
contrast83Time to stop putting it off.20:52
patricioskole: you can't change the language in Regional&Language Settings?20:53
contrast83Now I'm curious. What file tells all the programs which language to use?20:53
origamanEvery five seconds I get a line "enable montype: 2" appended to my Xorg.0.log. At the same time my system keeps freezing for about a second. Any ideas what this could be coming from???20:53
fdovingskole: yeah, i've noticed that too. norwegian, right?20:53
lenchowho knows the irc channel of ubuntu in spanish?20:54
skolePatricio: I have tryed that. And the language is perfectly Norwegian on everything else yes20:54
fdoving!es | lencho20:54
ubot3lencho: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.20:54
skolefdoving: You have the same problem?20:55
fdovingskole: yes.20:55
biovorebug report time?20:55
fdovingit's reported somewhere.20:55
skolefdoving: Found a solution20:55
lzaphello, I have upgrading via update-manager but because of some conflicts it stopped. now I have sucessfully removed the bad package (tetex-live). how can I restart the upgrade process? there are about 30 % packages to upgrade....20:56
lzapsorr, I *was* upgrading via update-manager but because of some conflicts it stopped. now I have sucessfully removed the bad package (tetex-live). how can I restart the upgrade process? there are about 30 % packages to upgrade....20:56
fdovingskole: no, haven't started looking for one yet.20:56
skolefdoving: Then I will have to be patient then.20:57
The3055mime application/octet-stream20:58
The3055impossible to find the type20:58
The3055what does it  theat mean20:58
SudoKingSudoKing needs help on upgrading to gutsy gibbon21:00
g2g591lzap:just type sudo apt-get upgrade, because your sources already got changed over if it started downloading21:02
dopei'm using the alternate install cd.  will it let me partition or just overwrite my whole drive?21:02
SudoKingit should let you partition21:02
fdovingdope: you'll get to choose.21:02
dopeis it like the gui one?21:03
fdovingmore advanced, but yeah.21:03
dopedamn i don't need more advanced lol21:03
* modjo salutes everybody21:05
markgreeneI downloaded frostwire and installed using the .deb file. When I run it I am told that my java version is too new. i cannot find 1.4 in the package manager. can someone help?21:06
modjone1 here has used kxmame cheats?21:06
=== modjo is now known as Modjo
Modjone1 here plays kxmame at least?21:06
lzapg2g591: thanks, it seems its ok with it, I go reboot21:06
Modjoanyone here plays kxmame?21:07
Nylewell that passworldless ssh gave me some trouble21:08
Nyleapparantly I had a few stale DCOP sessions21:08
Nylecouldn't connect to amarok but i fixed it21:08
kyronQ: is it a known/common problem that Adept Updater crashes on a fresh install of 7.01 (after downloading quite a few packages21:09
Modjoanyone here plays kxmame at all??21:10
=== SudoKing is now known as SudoKing|Gone
junkieStill no luck21:10
junkieAny ideas?21:10
dopeok so i extract the ubuntu cd to my busted linux partition and am booting from grub into like a pseudo liveCD environment cause it's going to ram.  will i be able to format and install just like the live cd or do i need to mount something or something and install from there?21:11
pierwhat is the name of the software to run windows xp on linux21:11
dopeor wine?21:11
dopeor that21:12
pierwhat is the name of the software to run windows xp on linux21:12
Modjothe name of the software ir WINE21:12
gnomefreakwine wont run windows xp21:13
Modjoas in WIN Emulation21:13
dopeto run windows programs is wine21:13
Modjoyou shure?21:13
dopeto run windows is vmware21:13
gnomefreakim very sure21:13
tape-deckpier, vmware-server. Download and install from the vmware website21:13
ubot3WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.21:13
=== fabi is now known as engLstraene
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.21:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kxmame - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:13
Modjoanyone here plays kxmame at all??21:13
gnomefreakwine will run games and crap, vmware or alike for full os21:13
dopeif i'm booting linux from a partition into memory like a live cd can i install to that partition i booted from?21:14
pieri'm using kubuntu wich version i have to download ??21:15
dopenobody knows?21:15
junkieThe screen resolution should be 1280x1024, but it is 800x600. And in the system settings it only goes to 800x600 max :|21:15
dopejunkie:  if you go to ubuntuforums.org and search for resolution you'll find your answer21:16
engLstraeneu have to install driver for your grafik card21:16
g2g591pier:for wine, just download the ubuntu version21:16
pierhow can i download it ?21:16
g2g591pier:for software packages, ubuntu=kubuntu unless it has an alternate21:17
Modjoanyone here plays kxmame at all??21:17
stdinpier: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for install instructions21:17
g2g591pier:just use apt, "sudo apt-get install wine"21:17
dopeif i'm booting linux from a partition into memory like a live cd can i install to that partition i booted from?21:18
GannondorfCould someone help me out with a battery monitor?21:18
pieri have write the link in konsole but ta goes on a thing like this :21:19
pierroot@pier-laptop:/home/pier# "sudo apt-get install wine"21:19
pierbash: sudo apt-get install wine: command not found21:19
pierroot@pier-laptop:/home/pier# apt-get install wine"21:19
pierafter this that do nothing21:20
sjpier: don't use the quotes21:20
dopeif you're root then you don't need to use sudo at the beginning21:20
Gannondorfpier: you need to download the source21:20
stdinpier: don't put the quotes in, and don't paste large posts in here21:20
Gannondorfwhen I installeed wine, you couldn't get it from the repos21:20
pierwhat is the quote21:20
dopepier: use the package manager21:20
Gannondorfstdin: could you help me out with a battery monitor?'21:20
engLstraeneonly copy: sudo apt-get install wine21:21
stdinpier: there is #kubuntu-fr for french language support too21:21
stdinGannondorf: you have to explain the problem first21:21
dopepier: use the package manager21:21
dopeif i'm booting linux from a partition into memory like a live cd can i install to that partition i booted from?21:21
ScorpKingGannondorf: i can see the battery status on my laptop but i'm not sure what the package for Power Manager is called21:21
Gannondorfstdin: I need a battery monitor for my laptop21:21
GannondorfIn GNOME it displays the monitor fine, but kde doesn't have one preinstalled21:22
stdinGannondorf: it does, should autostart21:22
Gannondorfmine doesnt21:22
Gannondorfno battery monitor on here21:22
stdinGannondorf: try pressing Alt-F2 and put in "guidance-power-manager"21:22
Modjoanyone here plays kxmame at all??21:23
Gannondorfthere it is21:23
Gannondorfhow do i get it to auto-start?21:23
compilerwriterGood Day My Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, {just in case though somehow I think not likely} Your Majestys and Your Holinesses.  Is there and easy way in Gutsy to set up XDMCP or do I have to editing a bunch of xserver files still?21:23
stdinGannondorf: it should autostart every time if it's still running when you log out. try testing it now21:24
GannondorfI will21:24
dopeif i'm booting linux from a partition into memory like a live cd can i install to that partition i booted from?21:25
ScorpKing"The following packages have unmet dependencies: sysv-rc-bootsplash: Depends: sysv-rc (>= 2.86.ds1-20) but 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu18 is installed."21:25
ScorpKingwhere can i find the correct one?21:25
=== fabien is now known as gambix
ScorpKingdope: try asking in ##linux and #ubuntu as well.21:26
dopealready am21:26
dopenobody seems to know i guess21:26
stdincompilerwriter: all you need is something like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42505/ in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc21:26
dopestdin: you know anything about booting from a partition?21:27
dopeinto memory21:27
ScorpKingdope: if you boot from the partition it will be mounted so i don't think it will allow you to install on it unless you unmount it.21:27
stdindope: no, I just do "normal" boots21:28
dopeit's booting into memory21:28
sjjust curious, is anybody here involved in creating a fix for the 7.10 + ati "blank screen on startup" bug?21:28
j83hello pls tell me is there a version of icq on kubuntu that is workin with icq lite i mean person on microsoft cant send me files thru icq cause icq on kubuntu doesnt have this function21:28
dopeScorpKing:  there's a line in the menu.lst that says root=ramdisk something21:28
dopesomething along those lines21:29
Modjoanyone here plays kxmame at all??21:29
ScorpKingModjo: no21:29
* Modjo is sad21:29
sjModjo: is that a port of mame?21:29
Modjoa port of mame?21:30
Modjomame and kxmame is the same thing, isnt it?21:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mame - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xmame - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:30
sjModjo: ok yeah, it probably is.21:30
SudoKing|Goneawk, ScorpKing, SudoKing, so close21:30
andreahow can i change my language on kubuntu??21:31
ModjoSJ: have you used it?21:31
=== SudoKing|Gone is now known as SudoKing
Modjoandrea: have you tried settings?21:31
andreai have only english21:31
ScorpKingdope: i think that option is for the initrd stuff only.21:31
Modjoandrea: which languaje are you trying to change in to?21:31
sjModjo: no, not kxmame. i've had regular "mame" on a different computer though21:32
ModjoSJ: have you used pugy's cheat file system? its giving me headache21:32
Modjoandrea: you need to use system settings21:32
Modjoandrea: there is a reginonal & languaje icon21:32
Goodgameis it riskful to let "All" connect to my ssh??21:32
Goodgamethe only protection would be my password21:33
sjModjo: no, i've never heard of that, sorry.21:33
andreaok i went but i have only american and english21:33
Modjosj: thanl you for your time, how do yo send messages so i can see them in red?21:33
andreaif i chose add language i can chose only those21:34
Modjoandrea: you need to add more21:34
Modjoandrea: lemme see21:34
andreaive tryed to add21:34
sjModjo: i think it's automatic. your messages show up red to me as well.21:34
Modjosj: thanls :D21:34
Modjoandrea: dont try add, look further there is an install new language buton21:35
Dr_williskxmame is a front end to mame21:35
Dr_willis!info kxmame21:35
ubotukxmame: A KDE frontend for xmame emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0~beta-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 378 kB, installed size 1536 kB21:35
ModjoDr_Willis: have you used mame?21:35
Dr_willisModjo,  all the time21:35
andreai'm trying tnks :)21:36
ModjoDr_Willis: have you used the pugsy's cheat.dat file?21:36
Dr_willisModjo,  not that i recall21:36
sjjust curious, is anybody here involved in creating a fix for the 7.10 + ati "blank screen on startup" bug?21:36
Dr_willisi imagine you just copy it to the right make/dats or cheats dir or somthing similer21:36
ModjoDr_willis: can i send you a link that explain how to install it for win, and maybe you can help me understand how to do it for kubuntu?21:37
Dr_willisModjo,  i guess so. Proberly you just need to copy it to the proper mame directory21:37
ModjoDr_willis: that's what i dont understand, whichc directory?21:38
Dr_willis there is a system wide 'mame' directory with all its screenshots/icons/roms/other directories21:39
andreamodjo i'm selected itlaian like system language21:39
andreabut if i select install new language i have only english21:40
sjModjo: according to this page(http://cheat.retrogames.com/cheatfaq.txt), it says to put it in the same directory as your mame executable21:40
=== Gannondorf is now known as Wee
Modjoandrea: in my kubuntu there are 2 butons21:40
=== Wee is now known as Wii
bleubeardis there something like awn for kde?21:40
Modjosj: which one is my executable?21:40
=== Wii is now known as Weee
WeeeMy battery monitor isnt autostarting21:41
Dr_willis!find mame21:41
ubotuFound: kxmame, xmame-common, xmame-gl, xmame-sdl, xmame-svga (and 2 others)21:41
Dr_willis!info kxmame21:41
ubotukxmame: A KDE frontend for xmame emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0~beta-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 378 kB, installed size 1536 kB21:41
Modjoandrea: one is add languaje i also have only english21:41
andreaok like me21:42
Dr_willisMy sources.list seems to be all messed up21:42
WeeeMy battery monitor isnt autostarting21:42
sjModjo: open up the command line and type the following (without quotes): "which kxmame" or "which xmame". it should give you the directory it is in21:42
Modjoandrea: BUT theres is "install new languaje"21:42
Weeeneed help getting battery monitor to autostart21:42
Modjoandrea: can you see it?21:42
Weeeneed help getting battery monitor to autostart21:43
Modjoandrea: click on it, it should ask your your password, right?21:43
andreabut i cant chose other languages21:43
Modjosj: /usr/bin/kxmame21:43
Modjoandrea: it opened me a window with LOTS of languajes21:43
andreano i havent :(21:44
=== Doobi is now known as Doobeh
Weee!find power21:44
ubotuFound: gnome-power-manager, installation-guide-powerpc, kde-guidance-powermanager, powermanagement-interface, powermgmt-base (and 19 others)21:44
andreaonly english21:44
payhey i have troubles with sudo and dolphin is there somebody who can help me?21:44
Modjoandrea: thats all i con do for you :( i haven o more ideas21:44
andreathank u very much21:45
Weee!info kde-guidance-powermanager21:45
ubotukde-guidance-powermanager: HAL based power manager applet. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.0svn20070928-0ubuntu7 (gutsy), package size 69 kB, installed size 356 kB21:45
Modjoandrea: no problem :D21:45
andreai will try other ways21:45
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic21:45
DoobehAnyone know of a good resource for figuring out how to get hibernation working?21:46
sjModjo: hold on a sec, I'm gonna install kxmame and examine its directories21:46
Weeeneed help getting battery monitor to autostart21:47
Dr_willismame has a system directory with all its stuff in it.21:47
=== Gnagnagna is now known as Gunirus
Modjosj: i copied the game, then the faq says i need to edit a cfg file, which im looking21:47
Dr_willisits like /usr/games/mame/ or similer. :) installing it now to check.21:47
ModjoDr_willis: it ways the executable, and it it on /usr/bin/kxmame21:48
Dr_willisi would say fastst to update the locatedb and use 'locate mame'21:48
Modjoi /usr/bin21:48
Dr_willisthe path to the executable is NOT where the roms and data files go21:48
Modjobut in looking for where the cheats.dat files go21:49
Dr_willisModjo,  update the locate datgabase then use locate cheats.dat21:49
sjDr_willis: do you figure it could be in /usr/share/kxmame or something along those lines?21:49
Dr_willisthey go in the system wide dir.21:49
Dr_willissj,  it will be like /usr/share/mame21:49
ScorpKingWeee: put a link to it in .kde/Autostart/21:50
ModjoDR_willis and sj dont you see its kinda tricky :\21:50
Weeeyou mean /.kde/autostart?21:50
Modjotheres are really good faqs for win32 but not for linux21:50
Dr_willisits NOt tricky at all.. all mame data/rom/ and related files go in a directory thats defined by the mame config files21:51
hrisialguno que hable español??? por favor21:51
Modjohrisi: yo soy de monterrey mexico21:51
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.21:51
Weeehrisi: #kubuntu-es21:51
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:51
ScorpKingWeee: yes21:51
Weeecan do21:51
Modjohrisi: teclea "/j ubuntu-es" sin las comillas, te mandara al canal en espa;ol21:52
Weeescorpking: where is the program located?21:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ita - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:52
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:52
Dr_willisfire up the package manager and look at what all the mame package installed. :)21:52
ScorpKingWeee: heh. no idea. type - which <name>21:52
chris_my mouse keeps loosing sync.... with my system...21:53
chris_(when i use the synaptic side scroller bar on my laptop)21:53
ScorpKingWeee: where <name> is the appname21:53
Modjochis_: do you have a mousepad?21:53
Modjochis_: then i have no idea :D21:54
chris_i didn't have this problem on 7.04 :(21:54
Dr_willisin /etc/xmame/xmamerc/cheat_file  --------->            /usr/share/games/xmame/cheat.dat21:54
Dr_willisthe cheat.dat file therefor should go to /usr/share/games/xmame/cheat.dat21:54
chris_how do i fix this?21:54
chris_it is driving me nuts...21:55
chris_Modjo, do u know how i can fix it?21:56
Weeescorpking: I can't find /.kde21:56
Modjoi dont have the permision to do it21:56
ScorpKingWeee: /home/you/.kde21:56
Modjochris_ try a new mouse: maybe its your mouse21:56
Dr_willisModjo,  well think a little. :)  its in a system dir.. therefor you MUST use root access to copy to it.21:56
engLstraeneWeee $HOME/.kde/autostart21:56
Dr_willissudo cp cheat.dat  /usr/share/games/xmame/cheat.dat21:56
Modjois there a way yo do it with the graphic intergface?21:57
Dr_williseach user could have their own .xmamerc file also with different settings if you wanted it to be just a single user only21:57
ScorpKingWeee: /home/you/.kde/Autostart/ - must be a capital A21:57
chris_Modjo, this didn't happen on 7.04 of ubuntu/kbuntu just in 7.10 of both..., i reported it as a ubuntu bug when i first found it but no one has responded to the bug...21:57
Dr_willisModjo,  i just gave you the exact command that did it.21:57
Modjodr_willis :yes im trying it as we speak, but im just asking because im ignorant21:57
Modjochris_:try another mouse, for real21:58
Dr_willismame is a very complex and very configurable system . :)  lots of config files all over the place.21:58
Dr_willisModjo,  you DID put your mame roms in the  /usr/share/games/xmame/roms directory?21:58
chris_i tried my friends wireless mouse and it works...21:58
chris_no problem..., just on the snyaptic mouse...21:59
Modjochris_ : its your mouse21:59
WeeeScorpking: how do i find the app again?21:59
Modjodr_willis: no i didnt coz i set a new rom path21:59
hrisimodjo gracias21:59
ScorpKingWeee: which <app>21:59
chris_Modjo, i tried it on my dads laptop (same type...) and same problem...21:59
chris_how is it the mouse?21:59
Dr_willisModjo,  you could of set a new path to that cheat file i imagine the same way :)21:59
ScorpKingWeee: or whereis21:59
Modjodr_willis: no, coz i set it up using the front end GUI, but it doesnt have it for setting a new path for the cheats.dat file22:00
Dr_willisyou can set everything from the /home/USERNAME/.xmame/xmamerc  file22:00
chris_Modjo, even if it was the mouse..., how come the problem does not happen in 7.04 or on an upgrade?, only on fresh installs i get this problem...22:01
Dr_willisModjo,  i see a setting for the cheat.dat path in kxmame's settings22:01
WeeeScorpKing: just copy  the file to autostart?22:01
Dr_williskxmame -> settings -> directories --> 3rd tab. aobut 3 items down22:01
ModjoDr_willis : in ythe GUI or in the xmamerc file?22:02
shindaanyone here familiar with setting up big desktop using fglrx?22:02
ModjoALLL : brb going toi the bathr22:02
Dr_willisModjo,  its rigt there in the kxmame settings area22:02
Dr_williswhhich i imagine edit the xmamerc file22:02
ScorpKingWeee: no. create a app link. same as the links in the kmenu and on the desktop22:02
sjDr_willis: i see it too.22:02
sjthe value for mine is: /usr/lib/games/xmame/cheat.dat22:02
Weeescorpking: I do that how?22:03
Dr_willissj,  logical eh? :)22:03
Dr_willisnow i got to track down my mame roms.. :)22:03
sjDr_willis: heh...oh well22:03
ModjoDr_willis: can you lead me to it?22:03
ScorpKingWeee: go to that folder, right-click --> create new --> link to application.22:03
ModjoDr_willis: i cant find  it22:03
Ace2016ScorpKing: does that create a symlink or some other kind of link?22:04
ModjoDr_willis: OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, in additional paths22:04
ModjoDr_willis: my bad22:04
sjModjo: open up kxmame, click "Settings" at the top, click "Directories...", then the "Mame/mess additional paths" tab22:04
Modjosj & Dr_Willis: let me play with it22:05
ScorpKingAce2016: some other link i think.22:05
Weeescorpking: so I go to /.kde/Autostart hit create new, and in the create new box type in the filepath for the program?22:05
Modjosj & Dr_Willis: ok, now i just need to edit /etc/xmame/xmamerc22:07
ScorpKingWeee: under Application --> Command in that windows that comes up.22:07
ScorpKingAce2016: it will create a .desktop file22:07
Modjosj & Dr_Willis: what can i do? im not really good with restrained folder paths22:07
Weeescorpking: the only options are textfile htmlfile and folder22:07
ScorpKingWeee: one sec..22:07
=== animimotus is now known as zanimimotus
Dr_willisModjo,  theres no need to edit that. You can set the path to the cheat.dat file from the kxmame settings22:09
ScorpKingWeee: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42514/22:09
ModjoDr_willis, there's a variable in that file name cheat set to 0, the faq said i need to change it to 122:10
Dr_willisThe default kxmame settings come from that /etc/xmame/xmamerc file it seems22:10
ScorpKingWeee: create a file and call it something.desktop in the Autostart dir22:10
Dr_willisModjo,  proberly a setting in kxmame for that. ;) look closely22:10
Modjoletm e try to run it roght now22:10
TrIcKeLhey leute hallo erst mal22:11
ScorpKingWeee: put that text in it and replace myapp with the appname and make sure Exec=/bin/app is the path to the app22:11
CreationistI need to manually setup my xorg.conf file to support my monitor.  Problem is, Google cannot find any information about my monitor's horizontal or vertical refresh rates.  What are my options here?22:12
Dr_willisModjo,  kxmame -> settings -> misc -> cheats22:12
=== user_ is now known as ignoramus
Modjodr_willis: i dont find it, but now i can see the chats i want while im plaing, im just haveing trouble activating it22:15
ignoramusI'm having problems getting Kubuntu (Gutsy 7.10) to recognize blank discs22:15
ignoramusI have blank cds and they are always just listed as "empty"22:15
ignoramusI've tried gnomebaker, k3b, and nero linux22:15
ignoramusno joy22:15
Modjoarent blanked discs empty?22:15
Weeescorpking: the exec: line should read "/usr/bin/guidance-power-manager" right?22:16
Dr_willisthey are not even formated enough to be empty. :)22:16
Dr_willislike saying woodpulp is a blank book22:16
ignoramusThe programs state that I need a "blank disc", and that all I have is an "empty disc"... different for ubuntu- same thing to me :/22:16
ignoramusi turned off dma, not sure if that has anything to do with my problems...22:17
ignoramus*turned ON DMA, that is22:17
ScorpKingCreationist: the info is on google. :P i spend a couple of hours the other day finding it. what do you need?22:17
tzangerwhy on earth does kubuntu decide it has to UNinstall 200 packages (most of KDE, openssh, etc.) ??22:17
GS3User007quick question: what format system does kubuntu use on the hd? (ntfs, fat32, etc)22:18
Dr_willisGS3User007,  its linux. so it defaults to ext3 normally22:18
ScorpKingGS3User007: ext322:18
CreationistScorpKing: well, I actually was able to find it by looking at my monitor's on-screen display.  Now I just need to figure out what to do with the information lol.  I'm sure it has something to do with a custom modeline.22:18
ignoramusany suggestions on getting the OS to recognize blank discs?  Should I try a different brand?22:18
ScorpKingCreationist: you'll find a few modelines here - http://nozell.com/examples/xorg.conf-fglrx.2006062122:19
Nylehow do i run windows programs in linux?22:19
ModjoNyle: try wine22:20
ScorpKing!wine | Nyle22:20
ubotuNyle: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.22:20
DoobhI'm getting the distinct impression that getting hibernation working is going to be a horrific task :)22:20
Nyledoes kubuntu come with wine22:20
Modjo!wine modjo22:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wine modjo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:20
Modjo!Modjo wine22:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about modjo wine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:20
ScorpKingDoobh: i gave up. :P22:20
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org22:20
DoobhScorpKing-- I'm pretty close to that stage too :)22:20
ScorpKingDoobh: when i have enough time to sort it out one day i'll try again. lol22:21
Modjoi cant edit the file with kate coz its private22:21
ignoramusI insert blank disc.  Kubuntu says it has detected a blank disc, and prompts what action to take.  I pick "burn data cd with K3b".  K3b opens and asks me to please insert a writable disc.22:22
ignoramusit doesn't even recognize the disc in the drive22:22
ScorpKingNyle: not by default. sudo aptitude install wine - that will install it22:23
sjModjo: you'll need root privileges. hit Alt+F2 and type (without quotes): "kdesu kate". then try opening and editing the file22:23
Dr_willisignoramus,  i normally put a disk in the drive.. CANCLE the lame dialog and just start up k3b normally.22:23
ignoramusDr_willis: youre here a lot ;) ... yeah, I've tried it every way possible.22:24
ignoramuswith K3b, GnomeBaker, and Nero Linux 322:24
ignoramusI wonder if my drive is not fully supported (Matshita UJ-10)22:25
ScorpKingignoramus: lol. try another type of disk or get a new burner. :P22:25
Modjosj: i was looking for that command all my life :D22:25
Modjosj: sudo mode with the GUI22:25
Dr_willisignoramus,  lets go back to the basics.. :) these are CD or DVD's ? if they are DVD's are they the right kind + or -R for your drive?22:25
ignoramusScorpKing: thanks for pointing out the obvious :?22:25
sjModjo, haha, right on, glad to help. yeah, kdesu is the GUI equivalent of sudo22:26
ignoramusTDK CD-R22:26
Modjothen kdesu rules!22:26
Dr_willischeck the 'dmesg' output - see if it says anything about the disks22:26
Dr_willisIve had some odd issues with cd's in the past few weeks also. I can burn to a disk. but then linux dosent want to see them afterwards22:26
ignoramusDr_willis: what's the command for that?22:26
Dr_willisignoramus,  'dmesg' :)22:27
ignoramusk hang on....22:27
=== INEEDANICK is now known as Airforce55555
ignoramusDr. Willis: I get a lot of "Fail"s, "Errors", and "Huh?"s! :/22:28
Dr_willislike /dev/hdc  ignoring command, or similer?22:28
ignoramuslemme see22:28
ignoramus"Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 0"22:29
Fleckcan't install console font... :(22:30
ignoramus[28323.548000] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!22:30
ignoramus[28323.624000] hdc: cdrom_decode_status: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }22:30
Modjostupid mame doesnt owrk22:30
Dr_willisModjo,  how vague. :0 i got it working here.. playing klax :) my fave22:30
Modjoim plaing SFA3, and i want to activate the blue screen so i can play with balgrog22:31
ignoramusFleck: The easy way is to download the .tff file and place it in your directory22:32
Dr_willisI got no idea what SFA3 is :)22:32
Modjostreet fighter alpha 322:32
Modjoi just fot a cheat activated and it worked22:32
Modjomaybe im using the wrong cheats22:33
Dr_willisignoramus,  i think that may be a normal for an unformated  cd22:33
Fleckignoramus well it's in ~/.fonts as console8x16.pcf.gz22:33
ignoramusDr_willis: So what can i do to actually burn a disc?22:33
ignoramusFleck: Looks like you need to unpack the file22:33
Dr_willisignoramus,   could try the command line burner tools. Im noT sure whats goibng on in your case22:34
Modjothe cheats ARE working, but heters a specific cheat i cant make it work22:34
Fleckignoramus done, what's next?22:34
ignoramusDr_willis:  Do you happen to know any of those commands (I can check google later if not)...22:35
john__cant mount a cavalry usb Hdd but it wont mount any ideas22:35
ScorpKingi have a problem installing a package - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42517/ - any ideas?22:35
Dr_willis!find cdrecord22:35
ubotuFound: cdrecord22:35
Dr_willis!info cdrecord22:36
ubotucdrecord: command line CD writing tool. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10:2.01.01a33-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 539 kB, installed size 1224 kB22:36
Dr_willisignoramus,  thers cli based front ends to cdrecord also22:36
ignoramusDr_willis... thx- i'll check it out22:36
Modjodrwilis and sj22:36
Modjogotta go and mess with this22:36
ScorpKinghmmm. i remember i had to specify a burning device once on a ubuntu box.22:36
sjModjo: anytime22:37
ignoramusScorpKing: did you try " sudo apt-get install -f " ???22:37
ignoramusFleck: what type of file are you left with???22:38
ScorpKingignoramus: that will remove the broken package right? i want it installed tho.22:38
Fleckignoramus .pcf22:38
ignoramusscorpking: it will fix any broken packages by installing/removing unmet dependencies22:38
ignoramusFleck... lemme check22:38
ignoramusFleck: See here: http://petro.tanreisoftware.com/?p=4622:39
john__cant mount a cavalry usb Hdd but it wont mount any ideas ( I am a noob to kubuntu)22:39
ScorpKingignoramus: nah, no use. i need to get the sysv-rc.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu18 package from somewhere. :P22:40
WaltzingAlongsudo aptitude -f install22:40
ScorpKingforce install?22:40
ScorpKinglol. i meen sysv-rc.86.ds1-20.1ubuntu1822:41
shindahey guys since upgrading to gutsy I keep getting the error: /usr/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0: undefined when launching gtk apps22:41
shindaany ideas on how I can fix this?22:41
ignoramusscorpking: try here: http://packages.debian.org/sid/sysv-rc/all/download22:42
ignoramusscorpking: just use adept to install22:42
ignoramusscorpking: add the repo to your sources.lst, udate, and install from adept22:43
ScorpKingalmost done. :)22:43
ignoramusscorpking: I didnt read your whole thing... what are you trying to accomplish?22:44
mzuverinkI would like to install kde on my existing standard ubuntu, but would like to keep each WM apps seperate(when in gnome...) Ive seen a few threads on the forums, but can someone who's done it verify it works properly and or provide an alternative option, aside from just reintalling kubuntu?22:44
john__I am trying to mount a cavalry usb Hdd (NTFS format) but it wont mount can anyone help ( I am a new to kubuntu)22:45
ignoramusshinda: just a shot in the dark, but it looks like you might be missing a library... you could always try " sudo apt-get install -f "... won't hurt22:45
ignoramusjohn__: is this the only or primary hdd?22:46
mike-kubuntuhey, does anyone know how to edit my kde.desktop to start compiz?22:46
ScorpKingignoramus: ok i'm making progress. thanks for that link. the sysv-rc-bootsplash package don't want to install. the one i just downloaded solved one problem. now it says that it needs bootsplash (which is a virtual package - splashy). splash is installed tho.22:46
mike-kubuntui'm using xgl and it wont start all of a sudden with a complaint that another window manager is already bieng run22:47
mike-kubuntualso, on my laptop it takes forever to bootup and kdm never shows22:47
mike-kubuntui mean splashy never shows22:47
ignoramusscorpking: see if you have the latest version???? :/22:47
mike-kubuntuit goes straight to kdm22:47
john__ignoramus: no it is an auxillary22:47
Fleckignoramus nope, the font is not showing up :(22:47
ScorpKingignoramus: checking.. ty ;)22:47
ignoramusFleck: hang on22:48
ignoramusjohn__: you might want to make it primary (for the time being)- people seem to have trouble mounting secondary hdds sometimes22:48
mike-kubuntucompiz was working, but then it stopped after i ran a apt-get upgrade22:48
john__ok thank you22:49
mike-kubuntuin .desktop files theres a way to choose compiz as the default, correct?22:49
ignoramusmike-kubuntu: the easiest way is to write a script so that it starts on bootup22:50
john__ignoramus: no it is a secondary for my windows (500 gig)22:50
mike-kubuntui linked it to Autostart/ but it runs and fails22:50
mike-kubuntuit usted to work that way22:50
john__ignoramus: my linux is on a drive by itself22:51
ScorpKingignoramus: i have splashy 3.2 installed but i still get - "sysv-rc-bootsplash: Depends: bootsplash (>= 3.2) which is a virtual package." any ideas?22:51
ignoramusjohn__: i'm not really an expert on this kind of thing, but if you have a 500gig hdd, couldn't you just dual-boot on that drive?? :)22:51
ignoramusscorpking: hmm... lemme see22:51
dac_how do you change your nick?22:52
* ScorpKing pass ignoramus a few doughnuts...22:52
sjdac_: type (without quotes) "/nick [YOUR DESIRED NICK]"22:53
john__ignoramus: I am dual booting on seprate drives but the 500 gig is a secondary for my windows but I want to be able to access it from linux22:53
dac_ok ty...22:53
ScorpKingjohn__: you can read and write ntfs drives in linux.22:53
ignoramusscorpking: i'd check to see if you have all necessary libraries installed ---> http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/graphics/splashy22:53
ScorpKingignoramus: :D ty. checking...22:54
ignoramusjohn__: What messages are you getting trying to format the drive?22:54
john__ScorpKing: yes but it wont mount22:54
=== dac_ is now known as [_aaa_]
john__gona try somthing thanks guys22:54
ScorpKingjohn__: one sec..22:55
ScorpKingjohn__: http://www.linux-faqs.com/faq/misc/ntfs.php22:55
john__ScorpKing: thanks22:56
ignoramusFleck: Sorry I can't really help you, but you can always automatically install tons of fonts through Automatix2 or Add/Remove Programs22:57
Fleckignoramus https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/69314 :)22:57
Fleckthis is it!22:57
ignoramusFleck: looks like youre boned for now :/  ... hopefully KDE 4 or a the upcoming kernel will fix this!22:58
Aloneaso, if the upgrade utility had an error on one of the files and didn't complete due to said error and messed up system, easiest is to just download cd and install from there?22:58
ScorpKingignoramus: i'm installing epdbootsplash btw and splashy has been installed with apt so all the stuff for it should be there.22:59
ignoramusAlonea: why not remove and then re-install the upgrade utility?22:59
Aloneaignoramus: umm, how? I can't get into my system at all because of fglrx is borked.22:59
ignoramusscorpking: i tried with that stuff last week, but gave up.  Good luck!22:59
ScorpKinglol. thanks anyway.23:00
ignoramusAlonea:  Can you get to the black terminal screen? (right after GRUB)23:00
=== miles is now known as MilesG
Aloneaignoramus: yeah, but I have no idea what to do from there and it seems more trouble than its worth to try to fix the problem, especially since its fglrx.23:01
MilesG!hi | MilesG23:01
ignoramusalonea: what message are you getting?  "Can't connect to X server"???23:02
Aloneaignoramus: it seems it installed all the packages except 1, and it didn't revert after the error. So when I restarted it messed up.23:02
ScorpKing!find bootsplash23:02
ubotuFound: bootsplash-theme-debian, splashy, sysv-rc-bootsplash23:02
ignoramusalonea: so what do you see when you boot up?23:02
Aloneaignoramus: I assume so. If I try to do startx it wont and gives an error related to fglrx.23:02
ignoramusalonea: it might be something as simple as a messed up xorg.conf file.23:03
Fleckthanks ignoramus23:03
Fleckanyone know where to enable bitmap fonts?23:03
ignoramusFleck: sorry, that's all i can suggest right now23:03
ignoramusalonea: are you at the terminal prompt now?23:03
Aloneaignoramus: maybe. I heard that compiz/beryl came with the gusty which never worked with my ati card before.23:03
Aloneaignoramus: I am on the computer that is messed up. dual boot. in windows23:04
jtmoneyAlonea: you probably need to run AIGLX23:04
jtmoneyalthough the new ATI binary should support it within XGL23:05
Goodgameto shutdown my pc how do i have to do23:05
ignoramusalonea: crap... I would check (in Windows, of course), how to copy a working xorg.conf file to the one Kubuntu uses to boot up with, print it out, and follow those directions.23:05
jtmoneyGoodgame: sudo shutdown -p now23:05
Aloneajtmoney: @@...so confused. I hate it when things just don't work...23:05
Goodgamewhy isn't it shutdown -s ou shutdown -t23:05
Aloneaignoramus: I could get on another computer, though I would have to restart my download on there. gimmie a minute23:06
ignoramusalonea:  or you can reconfigure x ... ---> http://wiki.freespire.org/index.php/Reconfigure_a_Broken_Xorg_Server23:06
Fleckignoramus :)) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=522758 << here is answer! Works now, i have console font :))23:07
ignoramusFleck: Cool! I'm checking this out myself!23:08
ignoramusFleck: sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig     is all you needed?23:09
Fleckignoramus no sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config then sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig :)23:09
ignoramusFleck: huh... good find!23:09
Flecksudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config << here you have to enable bitmap fonts23:09
ganymed123i have problems in gutsy concerning saving programme settings. amarok and ksynaptic do not keep their changes after logging off (amarok even after minimising it). any ideas?23:10
ignoramusI have to go... when Alonea comes back, could someone help him reconfigure x OR boot using a backed-up xorg.conf file?23:11
ignoramusThanks everyone23:11
AloneaI am going to switch computers now23:13
Aloneaok, here I am23:14
bigdad1ehow do i get my wireless card working on my laptop?23:15
Aloneagoing into Kubuntu...ok, it didn't stop to show the error, but I can tell you what it says when I do startx23:16
Alonealets see, failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)23:17
AloneaatiddxSetup, X version mismatch - detected X.org, required X.org
Aloneafailed to load module "fglrx" (module requirement mismatch, 0) and then it says no drivers available and no screens found23:18
Aloneaso, what do I do?23:18
ganymed123nobody here who has problems with kde settings not being saved?23:21
Aloneaso, what should the driver be? fglrx or something else? in my xorg file...23:23
kaodI updated to gutsy and suddenly my ntfs partitions don't mount, they used to work with ntfs-3g, but now trying to mount says the resource is in use23:24
kaoddoes anyone know how to fix it ?23:24
Alonea^___^. ok, so tried ati instead of fglrx and it is going in, but, do I have compiz/beryl?23:25
bigdad1ecan anyone help me get my wireless card running23:25
mikedomohi everybody23:25
mikedomoi have a trouble23:26
mikedomowith kde 3.5.823:26
Aloneabigdad1e: what is your wifi card? broadcom?23:26
bigdad1ebroadcom 4306 i think23:26
mikedomowhen i whatch a movie in mplayer or play a game in zsnes my computer screen flick23:27
Aloneabigdad1e: ndiswrapper will be your best bet then.23:27
bigdad1ei installed the driver the card is found on eth1 but i cant seem to get it to do anything23:27
bigdad1ecan i download from konsole? i dont have the cd anymore to download form23:29
mikedomo i have a trouble with kde 3.5.823:30
mikedomowhen i whatch a movie in mplayer or play a game in zsnes my computer screen flick23:30
mikedomohelpme some else23:30
Aloneabigdad1e: google ndiswrapper to get better instructions. there is a whole wiki on installation. Once I got the right drivers, it was all a breeze from there. the wiki has links to help you find the correct driver23:31
bigdad1eok thanks23:31
Aloneadamn...ok, I got in my system, but none of my applications work, including adept.23:32
Aloneayeah, reinstall from cd will be a whole lot faster...23:32
Aloneabigdad1e: no problem. at least ndiswrapper is a whole lot easier than video drivers..23:35
Hot-logicWhat is kodek for listen mp3 in kubuntu?23:36
bigdad1ei see thanks23:36
ardchoilleAlonea: Are you kidding? nvidia driver installatiion is two commands and it's done.23:36
ekrengeldoes anyone know how to download other flash "non youtube" videos?23:37
Aloneaardchoille: hun, I am stuck with ati...23:37
NickPrestaekrengel, are you looking for a Firefox plugin or a web service?23:37
ardchoilleAlonea: Oh, eeeww23:37
ekrengelNickPresta: not sure..either one that will work23:37
Aloneaardchoille: it is pretty much hell to even get 3d acceleration. compiz/beryl was simply something that was never going to happen23:37
NickPrestaekrengel, for Firefox, the "Unplug" plugin works nicely. It searches the page for any objects or embedded media (like videos) that you may want to download.23:38
ekrengelNickPresta: i guess a firefox plugin23:38
ardchoilleAlonea: If you get the drivers installed, you can get things like shadows, transparency and other simply in kde with kompmgr, no need for compiz/beryl23:38
Aloneaardchoille: I heard gusty came with compiz/beryl. Does it? I will have to try kompmgr sometime.23:39
ekrengelNickPresta: is that plugin available for linux?23:39
NickPrestaekrengel, the plugin is available on all platform Firefox runs on :)23:40
NickPrestaekrengel, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/225423:41
ardchoilleAlonea: Kubuntu Gutsy does not come with compiz/beryl.. and I'm glad it doesn't because I would have had to uninstall it.23:41
NickPrestahi, gan|y|med23:41
gan|y|medanybody knows why i cannot make certain changes permanent, e.g. amarok key bindings, settings in dolphin a in ksynaptic_23:42
Aloneaardchoille: so they changed their minds then? I would like to try it, but with my card it would probably be slow23:42
AT0M1CB0MB3Rmy mozilla is really slow like when i scroll its weird like all choppy how do i make that better23:42
ardchoille!ati | Alonea23:42
ubotuAlonea: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:42
NickPrestaAT0M1CB0MB3R, like when you middle click and scroll that way? You get like 15 FPS?23:43
ekrengelNickPresta: cool thanks23:43
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:43
Aloneaardchoille: *shudder* I want to burn that page. envy got mine on.23:43
AT0M1CB0MB3RNickPresta: yeah23:43
ardchoille!envy | Alonea23:43
ubotuAlonea: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!23:43
bigdad1ealonea: can you remotely show me how to do this? its been a while since ive played with linux23:43
Aloneabigdad1e: I can't right now. dinner23:44
NickPrestaAT0M1CB0MB3R, I believe that is a Firefox bug. Let me do some research for  minute23:44
ardchoilleI have seen some folks play mpegs in their firefox browser. How is this done? Firefox plugin? Something from the repos?23:44
NickPrestaardchoille, I use the mplayer plugin for Fx23:45
NickPrestaAT0M1CB0MB3R, which version of Fx?23:45
ardchoilleNickPresta: mozilla-mplayer ?23:46
NickPrestaardchoille, mozilla-mplayer23:47
AT0M1CB0MB3RNickPresta: i installed itlike this sudo apt-get install mozilla23:47
ardchoilleNickPresta: ty23:47
AT0M1CB0MB3Ror something like that23:47
graelbDoes anyone code Xhtml in here by any chacne?23:47
NickPrestaAT0M1CB0MB3R, are you using a composite manager? (Beryl, Compiz(-Fusion))?23:49
AT0M1CB0MB3RNickPresta: nope23:49
AT0M1CB0MB3RNickPresta: if you can help me with this ill love you23:49
jtmoneyAT0M1CB0MB3R: i'd help you, but your nick is giving me a headache23:49
AT0M1CB0MB3Rjtmoney: ill change it23:50
NickPrestaAT0M1CB0MB3R, perhaps you can explain in a bit more detail. You middle click on a webpage to scroll, move the mouse down and the scrolling is slow?23:50
AT0M1CB0MB3RNickPresta: both are slow when i role my mouse thing23:50
AT0M1CB0MB3Rand when i click the scroll bar and scroll23:50
NickPrestaand this is with Firefox version
AT0M1CB0MB3RNickPresta: how can i tell23:51
NickPrestaAT0M1CB0MB3R, type into the location bar: "about:"23:51
AT0M1CB0MB3RNickPresta: should i download mozilla from there website and install23:51
NickPrestaAT0M1CB0MB3R, nope, the repo version is fine. Do you have "smooth scrolling" turned on? Try turning it off/on and see if that makes a difference.23:52
dsmith_AT0M1CB0MB3R: I admire your persistance, everytime I come on here your asking questions..23:52
AT0M1CB0MB3Rdsmith_: whatever23:53
AT0M1CB0MB3RNickPresta: i have it off23:53
dsmith_I saying that as a complement23:53
NickPrestatry turning it on23:53
tzangerso... now that apt has UNinstalled all of KDE, what's the "global" package to reinstall it?23:53
AT0M1CB0MB3RNickPresta: ill turn it off23:53
tzangerlooks like 'kde' will do nicely :-)23:54
AT0M1CB0MB3RNickPresta: i turned it on and no difference23:55
AT0M1CB0MB3Rdsmith_: so far ive fixed alot of my problems myself for the ones i cant i come here :]23:55
NickPrestaAT0M1CB0MB3R, no idea then. Sorry23:55
AT0M1CB0MB3Rill look on google23:56
dsmith_AT0M1CB0MB3R: aye, I do the same things. Sometimes, I cannot find the answer to my question online or in any of my books. So I ultimately come in here and ask the 'live' experts. :)23:57
eljefeanyone know how to enable TV-out on an nvidia 5200 under Gutsy?23:57
AT0M1CB0MB3Rdsmith_: yeah23:58
eljefeKubuntu's default install of the nvidia driver doesn't allow for TwinView :(23:59

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