
* GatoLoko^ recuerda que esta a punto de cambiar la hora01:55
GatoLoko^sorry, that wasn't intended to reach this channel01:57
cjb_ieGatoLoko^: in ireland, it's going back an hour, 3 minutes from now.01:58
GatoLoko^cjb_ie same here in spain01:58
GatoLoko^2:50 + 1 = 2:0001:00
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=== [daedalus] is now known as daedalus
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=== myriam_rs is now known as Mamarok
goodhabitSorry, what is actually is ubuntu-classroom?09:54
Ertoritojoin #ubuntu-ar12:52
=== bheil_ is now known as bheil
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=== astro76_ is now known as astro76
SudoKingthis is boring18:46
popeySudoKing: the open week finished yesterday19:03
SudoKingbut this is so boring19:16
popeywhat is SudoKing ?19:24
popeyfeel free to leave19:24
SudoKingSudo is linux command meaning "superuser do"19:25
popeyI said "what is SudoKing?"19:25
popeyafter you said "this is so boring"19:25
popeymeaning, "what is so boring?"19:26
SudoKingthat no one talks19:26
popeyi did explain why19:26
popeythe class has finished for now19:26
SudoKingwhat's a clas?19:26
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek read that19:26
SudoKingso you mean its just one week and that's it?19:28
popeythere was a week yes19:28
SudoKingso this channel's done? :(19:29
popeynot really, there will be more19:29
popeyjust not right now19:29
naliothSudoKing: many Ubuntu projects use this channel as a classroom19:43
SudoKingwhat ubuntu projects19:51

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