
srbaker_evening folks02:20
tamerhi everybody02:20
srbaker_having some suspend/resume troubles here with gutsy on my Inspiron 940002:20
srbaker_it has ATI x140002:20
tamerAnybody knows how to get Thinkfiger to work ?02:20
justin19I have an xps1210 and a 24" wfp2407hc so twinview would be best right?02:20
srbaker_anyone here have some ideas on how to help?02:20
jimqodehello all.how do i submit a laptop test?14:35
crimsunplease clarify14:35
jimqodei bought a new laptop14:36
jimqodeand installed ubuntu14:36
jimqodei want to test this machine and publish the results14:36
jimqodecrimsun, where dhould i post the results on wiki?14:38
YoBoYwith the others laptop tests14:39

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