=== cmonkey is now known as nrp | ||
ii | Anyone around to help? | 10:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !ask | 10:42 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:42 |
ii | OK, I've already been around a couple of days ago... | 10:42 |
ii | Speaking to sbalnaev, ogra ... | 10:42 |
ii | Had a problem mounting USB flash drives on thin-clients... | 10:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ah. i probably cant help with that | 10:43 |
ii | Got it working finally - but afterwards found that it only works on ONE client at a time .... | 10:43 |
ii | Who should I speak to? | 10:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hang around, hopefully who you spoke to a few days ago will get online | 10:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | they are probably at UDS though | 10:45 |
ii | Thanks for your time. | 10:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no worries, good luck with the problem | 10:46 |
ii | Kamping_Kaiser: While you're around, how about a question about disk quota management - do you know how to set this up? | 10:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ii, no. as far as ubuntu goes, i'm stuck in the past - theres probably all sorts of cool and easy ways to set it up, which icant tell you | 10:50 |
ii | OK | 10:51 |
stgraber | RichEd: do we have the edubuntu specs on LP now ? | 12:34 |
RichEd | stgraber: ogra has most of the edubuntu ones in ... | 13:06 |
RichEd | i have the 1st classmate (planning session for the rest of the specs) in as well | 13:06 |
RichEd | and then sorting out the education discussion specs now | 13:06 |
stgraber | ok, I'll subscribe to some of them then | 13:07 |
sbalneav | Morning all | 13:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sbalneav, hey mate | 13:39 |
sbalneav | Hello Kamping_Kaiser! | 13:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sbalneav, :) hows it going? | 13:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i note your at UDS | 13:40 |
sbalneav | I am! | 13:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | enjoying yourself? | 13:41 |
sbalneav | So far. We're in the "launchpad 101" right now with Keybuk. | 13:41 |
ubotu | Bug 101 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/101 is private | 13:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 13:41 |
sbalneav | I'm not really paying attention, as I'm fairly conversant with launchpad at this point :) | 13:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 13:42 |
* Kamping_Kaiser just spotted an email saying 'gobuntu today' - this causes me destinc lack of joy :( | 13:42 | |
sbalneav | How come? | 13:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i'm thinking about subbing myself to any specs that involve edubuntu/ubuntu server. see if i can get myself involved again this cycle | 13:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Tue Oct 30 00:13:36 CST 2007 | 13:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i'm meant to be in bed - 2 hours ago :| | 13:43 |
sbalneav | lol | 13:43 |
sbalneav | No rest for the wicked :) | 13:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :P | 13:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i'll be buggered at work tomorrow - oh well, suppose tis to be expected | 13:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | later mate. enjoy UDS | 13:55 |
bddebian | Heya | 14:47 |
silentmind | I work in a school that has an ancient IT suite, a dozen or so PC's running win98 and they are all networked via a router. my question is, how difficult would it be to get edubuntu working on them with network support? | 14:52 |
silentmind | if I just boot them all off the live CD, will they be able to "see" each other and access the internet? | 14:53 |
HenriqueGogo | please, I want a help: how I install files in my Plam by GNOME-PILOT? (I can syncronize my to do list and address.. but I dont know how I install *.prc or *.pdb br GNOME-PILOT)... please, some help! | 14:53 |
silentmind | HenriqueGogo, just drag the *.prc on to the gnome pilot icon then sync as usual, works for me | 14:54 |
sbalneav | RichEd: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/uds-boston-2007/ | 14:56 |
HenriqueGogo | silentmind: I tried this, but doesnt work | 14:56 |
silentmind | HenriqueGogo, sorry but i dot know what else to suggest | 14:59 |
=== Burgundavia_ is now known as Burgundavia | ||
flint_ | RichEd, url or gobby session are you placing the classmate specification in? | 16:50 |
RichEd | will be on a wiki page ... in my notepad now ... will publish after lunch ... prolly around 3:00 | 16:51 |
flint_ | RichEd, thanks | 16:51 |
Amaranth | http://content.zdnet.com/2346-12355_22-172164.html | 16:57 |
flint_ | I just do not use the "zed" word, so sorry... | 16:57 |
LaserJock | hi all | 18:08 |
Burgundavia | hey LaserJock | 18:09 |
LaserJock | Burgundavia: you in Boston? | 18:10 |
desertc | Anyone here from the education profession? | 18:12 |
cliebow__ | me.. | 18:14 |
richard__ | anyone on to help me troubleshoot an issue i'm having? | 18:28 |
flint_ | richard__, what kind of issue are you involved with? | 18:29 |
richard__ | ltsp | 18:30 |
richard__ | clients sometimes freeze and after hard reboot after login come up with black screen and cursor | 18:30 |
desertc | Anyone else an educator? Seemed to have lost contact with cliebow | 18:31 |
Burgundavia | yep | 18:32 |
LaserJock | haha, I hear Scotty!! | 18:37 |
LaserJock | and Oli | 18:37 |
LaserJock | stgraber: so what's the consensus? | 18:47 |
stgraber | LTSP will be on ubuntu alternate (with a ltsp kernel), then all the education softwares will be on the add-on cd | 18:47 |
LaserJock | so dropping the first CD? | 18:48 |
stgraber | yes, edubuntu being something you add on top of the ubuntu alternate/desktop cd | 18:48 |
LaserJock | stgraber: tell everybody hello | 18:49 |
richard__ | clients sometimes freeze and after hard reboot after login come up with black screen and cursor | 18:53 |
richard__ | processes for that user continue to run | 18:53 |
LaserJock | RichEd: ping | 18:56 |
stgraber | LaserJock: done | 18:56 |
stgraber | LaserJock: he's talking with cjwatson :) | 18:56 |
LaserJock | k | 18:57 |
RichEd | LaserJock: p0nG | 18:57 |
highvoltage | howzit guys | 19:06 |
richard__ | sucky | 19:07 |
LaserJock | hi highvoltage | 19:07 |
highvoltage | richard, cant scroll up on this device, so cant read your whole problem | 19:08 |
highvoltage | richard, but what i have done in labs before... | 19:08 |
richard__ | clients sometimes freeze and after hard reboot after login come up with black screen and cursor | 19:09 |
highvoltage | is to install slay and add it to the logout scripts | 19:09 |
richard__ | processes for that user continue to run so when they log in they get a black screen | 19:09 |
highvoltage | slay kills all the processes of the user its running as ans then itself | 19:09 |
richard__ | sbalneav, you are here just in time | 19:13 |
richard__ | can you help me with a problem i'm having? | 19:13 |
richard__ | clients sometimes freeze and after hard reboot after login come up with black screen and cursor | 19:13 |
richard__ | processes for that user continue to run so when they log in they get a black screen | 19:14 |
richard__ | .xsession-errors: http://pastebin.ca/754016 | 19:14 |
richard__ | sbalneav, any idea on above issue? | 19:42 |
sbalneav | Sorry, didn't see it | 19:42 |
sbalneav | Can you repeat? | 19:42 |
richard__ | clients sometimes freeze and after hard reboot after login come up with black screen and cursor | 19:42 |
richard__ | processes for that user continue to run so when they log in they get a black screen | 19:43 |
richard__ | .xsession-errors: http://pastebin.ca/754016 | 19:43 |
sbalneav | richard__: Well, if you're not logging out properly, you'll have to do a pkill -u userid to clean out the old processes. | 19:50 |
sbalneav | Using moquists's xterminator would help too. | 19:51 |
richard__ | hmm... is there a way to have that run automatically when someone tries to log in with the same username? | 19:51 |
sbalneav | Yes, that's the idea of it. | 19:56 |
sbalneav | moquist: ping | 19:56 |
sbalneav | richard__: keep an eye for moquist, he can help you with it. | 19:57 |
moquist | pongo | 19:57 |
dtrask | He's coming | 19:57 |
moquist | I'm talking with sonja, but I'll keep an eye on here... | 19:57 |
LaserJock | hi moquist and dtrask | 19:57 |
moquist | hey | 19:57 |
dtrask | hey LaserJock | 19:57 |
dtrask | :-) | 19:57 |
sbalneav | moquist: If you can point richard__ at xterminator | 19:58 |
dtrask | hang on.... | 19:59 |
* moquist will have to google to find the URL for his own PPA ;) | 19:59 | |
moquist | sonja has it. :) | 19:59 |
moquist | richard__: add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list: http://ppa.launchpad.net/moquist/ubuntu feisty universe | 20:00 |
moquist | richard__: then apt-get install xterminator | 20:00 |
moquist | that's it | 20:00 |
richard__ | moquist, on server? what does this do? | 20:00 |
LaserJock | richard__: it kills the left over processes | 20:01 |
LaserJock | ogra! | 20:01 |
ogra | hey | 20:02 |
richard__ | so do i install it on the server? | 20:02 |
richard__ | or in the chroot? | 20:02 |
LaserJock | I think the server | 20:02 |
richard__ | so this kills the left over processes when? is it when a hard reboot is done or is it upon login? | 20:04 |
richard__ | moquist, do i install this on the server or in the chroot? | 20:04 |
LaserJock | richard__: it kills the processes on logout I believe | 20:05 |
LaserJock | it should be on the server | 20:05 |
richard__ | oh then it won't help me because the issue is when the client doesn't log out properly... | 20:05 |
LaserJock | because when the client is shut down it's processes are killed for sure | 20:05 |
LaserJock | richard__: I think it'll still work | 20:05 |
richard__ | ok i'll try it now | 20:06 |
LaserJock | it may be at login, I can't remember | 20:06 |
LaserJock | but people where having similar issues | 20:06 |
LaserJock | and moquist's app seemed to work well for them | 20:06 |
richard__ | is there anything to configure? | 20:07 |
LaserJock | no | 20:07 |
richard_ | future reference don't type xterminator --help | 20:08 |
dtrask | Oops | 20:09 |
dtrask | Is that why you disappeared? | 20:10 |
dtrask | LOL | 20:10 |
dtrask | whoops! | 20:10 |
richard_ | yeah lol | 20:10 |
richard_ | that won't happen again | 20:10 |
dtrask | moquist is laughing....because he feels bad and realized what happened | 20:10 |
dtrask | no config....just install....it does the rest | 20:10 |
dtrask | can't remember the file, but you can edit and cut the amount of delay down from a default of 8 seconds to something lower like 4 secs or less. | 20:11 |
dtrask | will speed up login time | 20:11 |
dtrask | not boot time | 20:11 |
richard_ | dtrask, and what exactly does this do? | 20:12 |
dtrask | in a nutshell....looks at who you are (logging in)...looks for older processes from previous session and KILLS them | 20:12 |
richard_ | that rocks! | 20:13 |
dtrask | thus no more hanging processes | 20:13 |
dtrask | wheee! | 20:13 |
richard_ | ogra, is this xterminator going to be included in future edubuntu releases? this will save my life. (almost) | 20:13 |
dtrask | If you read the script...it's quite humourous....it's essentially the murder of an entire family ;-) | 20:13 |
richard_ | moquist, worked awesome!!!! | 20:13 |
moquist | richard_: great! | 20:14 |
moquist | richard_: sorry about the --help bug ;) | 20:14 |
dtrask | moquist is actually giddy with excitement and can hardly contain himself | 20:14 |
richard_ | that's fine as long as it works i'm good! | 20:14 |
richard_ | this should definitely be included with ltsp! | 20:15 |
richard_ | moquist, you should add an echo upon xterminator --help saying(don't play with the xterminator or you might find yourself dead, no configuration needed) ;) | 20:17 |
LaserJock | haha | 20:18 |
ogra | richard_, i dont think its appropriate for a default install, we'll rather fix the apps o not hang (which is already going on) ... but as a safety net we can have a package in univers | 20:28 |
ogra | +e | 20:28 |
richard_ | ok. | 20:28 |
LaserJock | highvoltage: ping | 20:29 |
ogra | moquist, so something else to train your packaging skills on ;) | 20:29 |
LaserJock | indeed | 20:30 |
moquist | ogra: I've always intended xterminator to go into universe | 20:42 |
moquist | it's not ready yet, but it can be soon. | 20:43 |
moquist | The package itself is ready, but the script needs some work...such as --help. :-D | 20:43 |
ogra | moquist, would be good to have it in case the desktop team doesnt get everything fixed | 20:43 |
richard_ | ogra is there a way to set up local usb printer? | 20:44 |
moquist | ogra: it's targetted for hardy ;) | 20:44 |
ogra | (indeed its importnt that enough people test during hardy development and give feedback to them) | 20:44 |
moquist | richard_: local to a thin client? | 20:44 |
richard_ | yes | 20:44 |
* moquist bows out, having obtained that clarification | 20:44 | |
moquist | richard_: I don't think so, but I'm not an authority on the subject. sbalneav, ogra ? | 20:45 |
ogra | plug it in, add PRINTER_0_DEVICE = /dev/usblp0 to your lts.conf | 20:45 |
moquist | richard_: See? :) | 20:45 |
ogra | then just point the setup to to the client ip (shown on the clients login manager (bottom right)) as jetdirect priter | 20:46 |
ogra | s/setup/pinter setup tool/ | 20:46 |
ogra | *printer :) | 20:46 |
richard_ | ok i'll try that | 20:47 |
richard_ | I also have a client that the mouse randomly starts going really slow (usb mouse) any ideas what to look at on it? | 20:48 |
ogra | hmm, not really ... | 20:49 |
ogra | dmesg on the client in a console might probably reveal something | 20:49 |
ii | sbalnaev: ogra: I'm back again (Edubuntu Gutsy server with local devices connection problems). Thanks for your efforts last time - managed to get it working in the end with your help but ... | 21:28 |
ii | ... I didn't realise until later that only ONE client at a time gets access to it's local devices ... this is not dependent upon a specific client or a specific user, but rather whoever logs in first from whatever client has access to local devices - the rest don't. | 21:28 |
ii | I've even tried a fresh install WITHOUT playing around with any of the default user accounts (except to add two new users) and I still had exactly the same problem | 21:29 |
ii | If it helps at all, then I've noticed that CPU usage on the server remains at close to 100% after the second client has logged on. | 21:30 |
bdoin | we have a problem with missing translation with GCompris on Gutsy. It's like the gcompris.mo doesn't get installed. | 22:47 |
LaserJock | :/ | 22:48 |
coolio | can anyone recommend a good school management system | 23:28 |
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