NickPresta | eljefe, in nvidia-settings, its 3 clicks away :) | 00:02 |
eljefe | its greyed out tho :( | 00:03 |
ardchoille | eljefe: Are you launching nvidia settings with kdesu? | 00:04 |
NickPresta | eljefe, really? At the risk of being unhelpful, it worked for me when run as root. | 00:04 |
eljefe | running it with "sudo nvidia-settings" i would imagine its the same | 00:05 |
ardchoille | !kdesu | eljefe | 00:05 |
ubotu | eljefe: In KDE, use « kdesudo » (Gutsy) or « kdesu » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use « sudo <GUI application> »; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 00:05 |
eljefe | first, thats stupid. but second, it didn't change anything ! :( | 00:06 |
eljefe | ah i did kdesu on gutsy, mucking it all up i guess. | 00:06 |
eljefe | let me try again. | 00:06 |
eljefe | ah but the same :( | 00:07 |
NickPresta | eljefe, do you see two monitors | 00:07 |
eljefe | ardchoille: how can i check myy current driver? | 00:07 |
ardchoille | eljefe: kdesu on gutsy is just a symlink to kdesudo | 00:07 |
eljefe | no i don't | 00:07 |
NickPresta | eljefe, do you have two monitors setup in your xorg.conf? | 00:07 |
eljefe | i've done this before but always with Envy; i was hoping Gutsyy could do it for me this round. | 00:07 |
eljefe | NickPresta: good question... | 00:08 |
eljefe | nope :( | 00:08 |
eljefe | lol | 00:08 |
eljefe | ok but really? its a TVout, there isn't much to make happen | 00:08 |
eljefe | thats why there is the app, no? | 00:09 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | !scroll | 00:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about scroll - try searching on | 00:09 |
LjL | !enter | 00:09 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 00:09 |
sparkster | hola | 00:10 |
NickPresta | !find tv | 00:10 |
ubotu | Found: gappletviewer-4.2, kghostview, linux-image-2.6.22-14-386, linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic, linux-image-2.6.22-14-server (and 75 others) | 00:10 |
NickPresta | crap, that isn't helpful heh | 00:10 |
sparkster | algun hispanohablante por aqui? | 00:10 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | NickPresta: this is the page im having a hard time scrolling | 00:10 |
inaety | how can i print a selection from konqeuror | 00:10 |
LjL | !es | sparkster | 00:10 |
ubotu | sparkster: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 00:10 |
sparkster | thank you! | 00:11 |
inaety | it can't find a simple button for it? it's probably right under my nose | 00:11 |
NickPresta | inaety, I don't see it either =\ | 00:12 |
inaety | NickPresta: it has to be somewhere o_O | 00:13 |
atlfalcons866 | how do i delete stuff in KDE | 00:13 |
inaety | atlfalcons866: that's a little vague | 00:13 |
atlfalcons866 | i mean when i delete stuff on my thumb drive it just copys it to anthor folder in the thumb drive | 00:14 |
atlfalcons866 | i mean when i delete stuff on my thumb drive it just copys it to anthor folder in the thumb drive | 00:15 |
miaviator | konqueror has no print selection | 00:15 |
inaety | miaviator: thats so weird, dontcha think | 00:15 |
miaviator | Rather inconvenient | 00:15 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | NickPresta: | 00:15 |
mike-kubuntu | how do i start compiz before kwin | 00:16 |
atlfalcons866 | why does it do that | 00:16 |
mike-kubuntu | its having problems starting after | 00:16 |
mike-kubuntu | and i cant find out where in startkde/ kde.desktop/ kdmrc i would need to put it | 00:16 |
inaety | not sure what you mean atlfalcons866 | 00:17 |
NickPresta | AT0M1CB0MB3R, i have to be their friend to see the profile but i imagine there is a crapload of shoddy HTML, large pictures and media which is causing the slowdowns. Does it happen on every page, or just on MySpace? | 00:17 |
inaety | right click delete, then on your desktop hit safely remove | 00:17 |
atlfalcons866 | when i delete a file it copys it to the .trash folder instead of just deleting it | 00:18 |
atlfalcons866 | in gnome it just deleted it right away | 00:18 |
inaety | AT0M1CB0MB3R: myspace sucks on everything especially with the profiles with flash | 00:18 |
lasca1 | . | 00:18 |
inaety | not sure atlfalcons866 | 00:18 |
Cael | umm anyone ableto answer a quick question, i mounted a Fat32 Windows Partition but it says i dont have the permissions to Write | 00:18 |
miaviator | you mean flash sucks --> inaety | 00:18 |
inaety | miaviator: yeah but it is essential... | 00:19 |
miaviator | True | 00:19 |
atlfalcons866 | flash drive miaviator | 00:19 |
lasca1 | hello | 00:19 |
miaviator | its a saftey feature | 00:19 |
Cael | what do i need to do to mount it in Read/write? (its a old windows 98 partition) | 00:20 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | NickPresta: mostly on myspace but pageswith heavy text | 00:20 |
miaviator | Cael Most likely you didn't mount with user permissions or the system didn't, or the card's Writelock is on | 00:20 |
Cael | i mounted it like this sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media | 00:21 |
miaviator | or sudo mount -o user /dev/DRIVE /MOUNTPOINT (man mount) | 00:21 |
SudoKing | sudo | 00:21 |
SudoKing | :) | 00:21 |
Cael | (Live cd session atm) | 00:21 |
miaviator | that might be wrong, it's users | 00:21 |
|Toad | anyone have any trouble uploading pictures to photobucket? | 00:23 |
inaety | miaviator: think kde4 will add the support? | 00:25 |
Alonea | bigdad1e: I have no idea how. did you find the ndiswrapper page? and really if you are going to use linux, it is best to do it yourself so you learn. the pages on the ndiswrapper site are very helpful. there is also the irc. | 00:25 |
bigdad1e | yes i did but i cant seem to get it installed | 00:27 |
bigdad1e | i just need someone to show me to learn | 00:27 |
miaviator | ineaty: One would hope, I've heard a lot of hype for KDE4, but from the bug page it doesn't look promising | 00:28 |
coreymon77 | miaviator: thats why its still a beta | 00:28 |
coreymon77 | miaviator: beta means buggy | 00:28 |
atlfalcons866 | how do i use kde4 now | 00:29 |
miaviator | add a repot with k4 builds | 00:29 |
miaviator | and enjoy the chrashes! | 00:29 |
coreymon77 | atlfalcons866: unless you are a developer, i dont suggest it | 00:29 |
atlfalcons866 | its for my older computer | 00:29 |
coreymon77 | atlfalcons866: then i definitely dont reccomend it | 00:30 |
Alonea | bigdad1e: ok, are you having trouble installing ndiswrapper or your driver? | 00:30 |
lubos | hello, is it possible to disable right-click on the desktop when using fluxbox as a desktop manager? thank you | 00:30 |
atlfalcons866 | my main computer is 2.8GHz Pentuim D my older computer is intel pentium 4 1.8Ghz | 00:30 |
bigdad1e | ndis | 00:31 |
Alonea | bigdad1e: ok, so you downloaded the file and used ark to unarchive it? | 00:31 |
LifeNomad | When I am trying to run the kubuntu live-cd my screen just goes black, and nothing comes up except for a mouse pointer, vidcard=BFG Nvidia 7800 Gt OC | 00:31 |
bigdad1e | i tryed to unzip it and it wont | 00:32 |
miaviator | ndiswrapper is included in the standard repo's | 00:32 |
miaviator | ndiswrapper ndiswrapper-common | 00:32 |
Alonea | miaviator: is it now? i never knew. also don't trust the repos these days | 00:32 |
miaviator | It is | 00:32 |
Alonea | miaviator: though hopefully for this it wont cause any problems | 00:33 |
Alonea | bigdad1e: yeah, just search in adept and install ndiswrapper from there then | 00:33 |
NickPresta | Alonea, why don't trust the repos? | 00:33 |
bigdad1e | i tryed that and it wont install | 00:33 |
miaviator | @Alonea Adept | 00:33 |
Alonea | NickPresta: had too many things not work in them and work when I installed then manually | 00:34 |
miaviator | @bigdad1e what error? | 00:34 |
cptnspoon | Hey all, anyone care to help me get my nvidia geforce4 to work under gutsy? Been trying for over a week and still no luck | 00:34 |
Alonea | anyway, I gotta go | 00:34 |
NickPresta | Alonea, like what? If you're having trouble with apps in the repos, you should report a bug since others are probably having trouble too | 00:34 |
bigdad1e | Please insert the disc labeled 'Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter | 00:34 |
NickPresta | sigh | 00:34 |
miaviator | @cptnspoon --> why doesn't it work | 00:34 |
Darkrift411 | ok, i have a usb hd i plugged in (its ntfs i believe) and It shows up as a thumbdrive, and i can read from it, but cannot write to it. Even when running konq in root. I just want to copy files to it to take over to the kids windows computer, but dont know how. I am willing to format/repart the drive, but it would have to be windows readable | 00:35 |
Darkrift411 | anyone able to help? | 00:35 |
cptnspoon | miaviator: I have no idea, i've installed the nvidia drivers via adept and it just crashes x so I have to edit the xorg.conf and revert back to the 'nv' driver | 00:35 |
miaviator | @darkrift411 --> make your comments more legal friendly, google for fuse and ntfs-3g | 00:36 |
Darkrift411 | legal friendly? | 00:36 |
Darkrift411 | i have ntfs3g installed | 00:36 |
Darkrift411 | i can read from ntfs drives, but it doesnt seem to want me to write to it | 00:36 |
miaviator | Sure it's not what you meant "to take over the kids windows computer" | 00:36 |
miaviator | sorry my misunderstanding | 00:36 |
gan|y|med | hi | 00:37 |
NickPresta | hi, gan|y|med | 00:37 |
gan|y|med | anybody using ksynaptic? | 00:37 |
Darkrift411 | and fuse didnt find me much on google cept the expected nonrelated junk | 00:38 |
Darkrift411 | anyoneelse able to help? | 00:38 |
miaviator | @darkrift it's in the docs | 00:39 |
miaviator | @darkrift it's in the docs for ntfs3g | 00:39 |
Darkrift411 | k | 00:40 |
miaviator | @darkrift what are u using to mount the drive? | 00:41 |
bigdad1e | alonea what can i do? | 00:41 |
ace | Does anyone know if a patch to fix the sound problems has been released yet? | 00:43 |
gan|y|med | i want to set custom key bindings in amarok, yet every time i close amarok (minimising) it reverts to the standard keys | 00:43 |
gan|y|med | any ideas? | 00:43 |
miaviator | @ganly if it is not saving your keybindings on close it sounds like a bug | 00:45 |
=== danny_ is now known as k5ubuntu | ||
cptnspoon | Okay, I just tried loading my NVidia driver again (changed "nv" to "nvidia" in my xorg.conf) and X wouldn't start again, it gave me some error like "Module nvidia...... couldn't be loaded". In my Xorg.0.log file the only error line I've got says this "Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)" | 00:45 |
Geekomancer1 | Hello, I have a question about Amarok. I'm trying to connect to an RSS stream that requires a username and password. the UN and PW are correct and I can connect to the stream in Rythembox. Is there something that needs to be enabled in Amarok for that that needs to be enabled? I'd use Rythembox, but I like Amarok better :) | 00:46 |
k5ubuntu | i need help getting my wireless card to work.......... | 00:46 |
cptnspoon | ANY help would really be appreciated cause I want my video card back working!! | 00:46 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: have you installed nvidia driver? | 00:46 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: if yes, how | 00:47 |
k5ubuntu | anyone willing to help me get my wireless card working............ | 00:47 |
Tm_T | !patience | k5ubuntu | 00:47 |
ubotu | k5ubuntu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also | 00:47 |
k5ubuntu | i know tm_t im sorry i just cant figure it out | 00:47 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Yep, I first installed it via the upgrade, then it didn't work so I installed it manually from the site, learned that was a big no no, so I uninstalled it, reinstalled all my ~nmesa packages and then reinstalled the nvidia drivers through adept | 00:47 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: humm | 00:48 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: you use nvidia-glx or -new? | 00:48 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: is there any way I can check if they're installed properly? | 00:48 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: sorta, yes | 00:48 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: I initially used -new but then I check compatability and used nvidia-glx instead | 00:49 |
Tm_T | okie | 00:49 |
k5ubuntu | i need help setting up my wireless card: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI | 00:49 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Adept shows nvidia-glx, nvidia-kernel-2.6.22-14-generic and nvidia-kernel-common all installed | 00:50 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: open konsole and enter "sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx" | 00:50 |
k5ubuntu | !help | 00:50 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 00:50 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Cael | ||
caesar__ | is there a way I can legally watch DVDs on my computer? | 00:51 |
Tm_T | caesar__: humm, I think I have heard there's powerdvd or similar app for Linux if that is your meaning | 00:52 |
Cael | oki got my fat32 partition mounted to a read/write folder yet i still cantot write to the mounted filesystem, what am i doing wrong? | 00:52 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Okay, all done. Should I try to restart X? The other thing, when I'd hit Ctrl Alt Backspace it would hang on something like "Loading Startup Scripts" or something of the sort and I'd have to hit Alt F2 to get the command prompt back...might be completely unrelated | 00:52 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: reboot even? | 00:52 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: just for fun ;) | 00:52 |
caesar__ | Tm_T well, I can watch this DVD of mine, but only up to the FBI warning and that kind of stuff | 00:53 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Haha, okay, I'll reboot | 00:53 |
k5ubuntu | !find compiz | 00:53 |
ubotu | Found: compiz, compiz-bcop, compiz-core, compiz-dev, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (and 15 others) | 00:53 |
Tm_T | caesar__: yup | 00:53 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Argh, darnit, since doing that now my Reboot/Shutdown buttons have disappeared, now only Logout is available!!! | 00:53 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Should I just reboot via konsole? | 00:53 |
caesar__ | Tm_T: so powerDVD goes through all of that? | 00:54 |
k5ubuntu | is compiz installed on 7.10 | 00:54 |
Tm_T | caesar__: should | 00:54 |
k5ubuntu | how do i enable this | 00:54 |
Tm_T | caesar__: or any legal app | 00:54 |
Cael | why do i feel as iwhen i come here for help i get ignored? | 00:54 |
Tm_T | !compiz | k5ubuntu | 00:54 |
ubotu | k5ubuntu: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at - further help in #compiz-fusion | 00:54 |
Tm_T | Cael: how long have you been here? | 00:54 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Okay, I'll reboot via konsole, brb | 00:55 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: good luck | 00:55 |
Cael | not long (today) but i come often when i do need help | 00:55 |
ace | I am currently lacking sound(running from an NVIDIA GeForce 7300), does anyone know if a patch to fix this has been released? | 00:55 |
andrea | Hi everybody | 00:56 |
Tm_T | Cael: around what time you come here? this is more active on european daytime | 00:56 |
andrea | 2 | 00:56 |
andrea | 2 AM | 00:56 |
Cael | aroiund 4pm est | 00:56 |
NickPresta | ace, you're lacking sound and you're running a 7300? | 00:56 |
ace | yes | 00:56 |
NickPresta | ace, your video card has nothing to do with your sound. | 00:57 |
Tm_T | Cael: that says nothing to me =) | 00:57 |
NickPresta | !sound | ace | 00:57 |
ubotu | ace: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 00:57 |
ace | it's running through it apperently, i checked this up a while back | 00:57 |
andrea | I have two strange problems | 00:57 |
Tm_T | Cael: but trust me, we try help anyone we can | 00:57 |
andrea | my keyboard in kubuntu 7.10 doesnt work correctly | 00:58 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Okay, I've rebooted and all seems to be fine | 00:58 |
andrea | I have tried all the feasble mappings | 00:58 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: yay! | 00:58 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Should I try editing my xorg.conf again though? | 00:58 |
andrea | but nothing seems to change | 00:58 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: to gain what? | 00:58 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: oh, you're on nv? | 00:58 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Well reinstalling the drivers won't change xorg.conf to run under the nvidia driver again will it? | 00:58 |
Tm_T | then yes | 00:59 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Yeah, otherwise I can't get into x. Okies...should I edit it, then do a reboot again? | 00:59 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: you can, shouldnt harm | 00:59 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Righto, cheer for this. Brb | 00:59 |
=== kde-devel is now known as sonic | ||
Tm_T | Cael: what does mount return about your problem? | 01:00 |
Cael | vfat on /dev/hda1 (rw) | 01:01 |
miaviator | @cptnspoon lsmod|grep nvidia | 01:01 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: Oh, one other thing, there appears to be two places in xorg.conf my video card is listed, once under "Section Device" and another under "Section device #" | 01:01 |
Tm_T | cptnspoon: er? | 01:01 |
Tm_T | Cael: and mountpoint is something you have write access to? | 01:02 |
Cael | yes | 01:02 |
cptnspoon | miaviator: That didn't return anything | 01:02 |
Tm_T | hum | 01:02 |
Tm_T | bah bah bah | 01:03 |
Cael | its mounted to a folder on my desktop, /home/ubuntu/Desktop/mount | 01:03 |
blizzzek | gn8 | 01:03 |
Tm_T | I'm heading back to sleep, sorry folks but its night here -> | 01:03 |
cptnspoon | Tm_T: No probs, night mate | 01:04 |
cptnspoon | miaviator: I've pastebinned my xorg.conf, I have a feeling it's screwy cause of all the dabbling I've been doing, care to take a look at it? | 01:04 |
danny_ | how do i install desktop effects | 01:05 |
biovore | !effects | 01:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about effects - try searching on | 01:06 |
danny_ | lol | 01:06 |
=== schiste_ is now known as schiste | ||
=== danny_ is now known as k5ubuntu | ||
k5ubuntu | so | 01:07 |
k5ubuntu | !find effect | 01:07 |
ubotu | Found: effectv, heroes-sound-effects, r-cran-effects | 01:07 |
k5ubuntu | !find desktop effects | 01:07 |
ubotu | Found: desktop-base, desktop-file-utils, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop-kde, gnome-desktop-data (and 45 others) | 01:07 |
biovore | !compiz | 01:07 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at - further help in #compiz-fusion | 01:07 |
schiste | Hey, did anyone made a dist-upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 ? | 01:09 |
Geekomancer1 | Nothing on Amarok and podcasts with UN and PWD? | 01:09 |
Darkrift411 | I have a 200g usb drive I am trying to make readable/writeable on linux and windows. I have just deleted the partition and made a new one, but I have not formatted it. XP wont allow me to format it fat and i dont know how to do it on linux. Anyone around that can help? | 01:10 |
Darkrift411 | is 200g over the fat32 limit? | 01:10 |
smorg | firefox's (set as default browser) doesn't seem to have any effect | 01:10 |
biovore | Darkrift411: yes | 01:11 |
Darkrift411 | you have to set it with a config file somewhere smorg, i ahd same problem | 01:11 |
biovore | Darkrift411: I think fat will only handle to 128GB | 01:11 |
Darkrift411 | dont know where, but i think it is a konq config file | 01:11 |
smorg | yeah checking google now | 01:11 |
Darkrift411 | id search "kubuntu default web browser" think thats how i found it | 01:11 |
Doobeh | Doesn't NTFS-3G support read and write? | 01:12 |
Darkrift411 | ty biovore , ill make new paritions | 01:12 |
sub[t]rnl | you should just fdisk /dev/whatever | 01:12 |
sub[t]rnl | then create the fs type and partitions if needed | 01:12 |
Darkrift411 | Doobeh, i tried that, wouldnt let me write to the ntfs part i had on it | 01:12 |
Darkrift411 | even with kdesu konq, it said no permission | 01:12 |
Doobeh | Weird, could you view the files? | 01:12 |
Darkrift411 | yup | 01:13 |
Darkrift411 | but couldnt make new folders or write to it | 01:13 |
Darkrift411 | konq keeps saying "Stalled" to me now | 01:13 |
Darkrift411 | says no items in / | 01:13 |
Doobeh | Did you check the permissions for the drive? I had to turn off 'mount as user' to get my usb drive to work | 01:14 |
biovore | !ext2fsd | 01:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ext2fsd - try searching on | 01:14 |
Darkrift411 | damnit | 01:14 |
Darkrift411 | damn, im lost | 01:15 |
Darkrift411 | ill hook it up to the xp box and redo the partitions | 01:16 |
Darkrift411 | im not that sure of myself messing with partitions in linux | 01:16 |
_aaa_ | in kubuntu, can I replace konqueror with firefox? | 01:16 |
jtmoney | how do i check which version of fglrx is installed? | 01:16 |
Doobeh | _aaa_: System Settings-> Default Applications | 01:17 |
jtmoney | i don't get it... i installed the new ati binary, but the instructions (granted, they were for 7.04, not 7.10) said to add fglrx to the whitelist... now glxgears won't even work | 01:17 |
jtmoney | doesn't that just disable the ati binary altogether? | 01:17 |
_aaa_ | ok,ty | 01:18 |
jtmoney | anyone? | 01:20 |
smorg | jt: Is it a newer card? | 01:20 |
smorg | older ones prior to the 9800 series should use the free driver | 01:20 |
jtmoney | mobile 200 | 01:21 |
jtmoney | it's newer | 01:22 |
jtmoney | maybe if i don't whitelist fglrx | 01:22 |
jtmoney | i just don't understand... i had fglrx installed, then i followed the directions and installed the latest one (supposed to allow compiz to work with xgl) | 01:22 |
jtmoney | now it appears like it's just using a vesa standard one | 01:22 |
Doobeh | I'm using my ATI card with Compiz / XGL | 01:22 |
Doobeh | I can try and have a look for the guide I used if you want? | 01:22 |
smorg | also don't know if its good for the mobile ones | 01:23 |
jtmoney | | 01:23 |
smorg | there was some good info about the proprietary drivers on the kubuntu forums | 01:23 |
biovore | most of the mobile ati cards in laptop suck bad... | 01:23 |
jtmoney | scroll down to Ubuntu 7.04 ships with a utility to automate configuration of fglrx. | 01:23 |
jtmoney | yeah | 01:23 |
biovore | the close source driver dosn't even work well. | 01:23 |
jtmoney | but they were supposed to change it with the latest binary, i read | 01:24 |
smorg | by the way guys | 01:24 |
smorg | my xserver completely crashed and wouldn't start when I tried installing it | 01:24 |
smorg | anyone have that problem? | 01:24 |
smorg | I used the automated apt-get restricted driver gui that comes with gusty to do it | 01:24 |
mike-kubuntu | some shortcut somewhere is over-riding alt+space for katapult, it opens up a menu when i do it, how do i disable that and get it back to katapult? | 01:26 |
Doobeh | mike-kubuntu: System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts | 01:31 |
* miaviator says hello | 01:32 | |
miaviator | !hello | 01:32 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 01:32 |
mike-kubuntu | Doobeh: i've checked there and cant find any conflicting shortcuts | 01:32 |
Jucato | mike-kubuntu: are you using Compiz? | 01:32 |
ubahmapk | I'm having a horrible time installing Java on Kubuntu. I've tried to follow several wiki's but none are working | 01:32 |
Dr_willis | ubahmapk, using gutsy? | 01:32 |
miaviator | @ubahmapk apt-get install java | 01:32 |
Dr_willis | !find kubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:33 |
ubotu | Found: kubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:33 |
Dr_willis | !info kubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:33 |
ubotu | kubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB | 01:33 |
Doobeh | ubahmapk-- remember to scroll down to the bottom of the EULA and tick the accept button :) | 01:33 |
miaviator | !find | 01:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about find - try searching on | 01:33 |
Dr_willis | That package installs Java and a lot of other extras | 01:33 |
ubahmapk | "couldn't find package java" | 01:33 |
Dr_willis | its not called 'java' | 01:33 |
Dr_willis | install the kubuntu-restricted-extras and it will include java and codecs, and flash, and other things. | 01:34 |
ubahmapk | Dr_willis: I'll give that a shot -- brb | 01:34 |
Dr_willis | IF you are using gutsy | 01:34 |
miaviator | !info chkrootkit | 01:34 |
ubotu | chkrootkit: Checks for signs of rootkits on the local system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.47-1.1 (gutsy), package size 264 kB, installed size 740 kB | 01:34 |
miaviator | !find java | 01:35 |
ubotu | Found: ecj-gcj, gcj, gcj-4.2, gij, gij-4.2 (and 341 others) | 01:35 |
ubahmapk | debian_version = 4.0.... | 01:35 |
ubahmapk | where do I tell if I'm on gutsy? | 01:35 |
ubahmapk | nope | 01:35 |
ubahmapk | feisty | 01:35 |
ubahmapk | per sources.list | 01:35 |
mike-kubuntu | Jucato: sorry for the late reply, yes i am | 01:36 |
Jucato | mike-kubuntu: you have to modify Compiz's keyboard shortcuts then. | 01:36 |
Dr_willis | !java | 01:37 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 01:37 |
mike-kubuntu | Jucato: any idea which thing it is? | 01:37 |
Jucato | mike-kubuntu: I don't know. I don't use compiz | 01:37 |
mike-kubuntu | Jucato: yeah, sorry that was a premature question, when ccsm popped up i saw "general settings" and hit my forhead | 01:38 |
Jucato | :) | 01:38 |
Doobeh | I use compiz and my ctrl-alt isn't taken | 01:39 |
Doobeh | ctrl-alt is | 01:39 |
spamyboy | Off-topic: I have just created on map and there was article writen about it, could anyone DIGG it pleas ? THANKS ! | 01:40 |
Minataku | ... | 01:41 |
Minataku | You realize that you can get banned from DIGG, that map site AND here, right? | 01:41 |
ubahmapk | Ok, off to upgrade to gutsy! thanks :-) | 01:41 |
Minataku | spamyboy: I highly suggest you refrain from such activities | 01:41 |
Doobeh | mike-kubuntu: try under General settings on compiz, then actions -> General and it's the Window Menu option, disable that | 01:41 |
Minataku | If not for the sanity of others, the reputation of yourself | 01:42 |
Doobeh | Not sure that will help though, as I didn't touch that and my katapult works | 01:42 |
GS3User007_ | considering is name was spamyboy, i doubt he cares | 01:42 |
mike-kubuntu | Doobeh: yeah, just did, but for some reason katapult still isn't being recognized, the window menu stopped though, gonna try a relogin to check if it will work | 01:42 |
Minataku | Heya, Dr_Willis :3 | 01:43 |
Minataku | What's up with you tonight? | 01:43 |
=== GS3User007_ is now known as GS3User007 | ||
Minataku | GS3User007: You'd be surprised | 01:43 |
GS3User007 | lol | 01:43 |
Minataku | One time the spammer actually answered me | 01:43 |
Minataku | lol | 01:44 |
pmurr | hi, I always read in wikis and howtos if using ndiswrapper I have to add it to /etc/modules but ndiswrapper has a parameter -m that can "write configuration for modprobe" to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper. is this the same than manually adding and what is better | 01:44 |
Doobeh | no joy mike? | 01:46 |
mike-kubuntu | Doobah: thanks, that worked, mmm, no more kmenu | 01:46 |
Doobeh | ah, good good | 01:46 |
mike-kubuntu | is there anyway to expand katapults reach to farther into your home folder etc? | 01:46 |
Dr_willis | Minataku, darn wife is fighting with a 'free classified ad' web site. She cant understand "The site is down" | 01:49 |
kyron | OUCH!... say, anyone can tell me if Guidance-power-management (for laptop management) is _supposed_ to take 12% of my 256MB of RAM O_o! | 01:49 |
Minataku | Heh | 01:49 |
kyron | and a constant .3% CPU... | 01:49 |
kyron | sounds horribly inefficient | 01:49 |
lovre | hi | 01:49 |
Minataku | Dr_willia: You going to try to mail those packages out for me tomorrow, perhaps? | 01:49 |
lovre | all | 01:50 |
Minataku | Er | 01:50 |
Minataku | Dr_willis | 01:50 |
Minataku | Sorry, typo'd >.< | 01:50 |
mike-kubuntu | thanks for the help guys | 01:53 |
Dr_willis | I will try. No idea what all is going on here. Had to go get the Grandbaby an hr or so ago | 01:53 |
Minataku | Coo | 01:53 |
Dr_willis | little brat - ripped off the door trim last week. :) | 01:56 |
Dr_willis | hes 2. | 01:56 |
Minataku | :o | 01:57 |
Doobeh | Anyone come across a problem with Emerald? I can see a list of themes, but choosing one doesn't cause any effect | 02:00 |
Dr_willis | Doobeh, it works here. | 02:00 |
mkersey | Console msgs? | 02:00 |
Dr_willis | You are using the Emerald-theme-manager to select the themes right? | 02:01 |
Doobeh | Yup, there's no apply button though, I can just choose them in the list | 02:01 |
Dr_willis | right - you double click them in the list. (or somthing like that_ and they get applied | 02:01 |
mkersey | Right... single-click = apply | 02:02 |
Doobeh | hmm, nothing | 02:02 |
Dr_willis | well it works here.. lovely varity of Vista clones and osx clones | 02:02 |
Doobeh | I'll have a dig though the forums, probably set something up incorrectly | 02:03 |
mkersey | I concur... | 02:03 |
mkersey | Perhaps run it from a term? | 02:03 |
Dr_willis | if you are seeing the thmes.. then you did update the repositorys for the themes and downloaded them right? | 02:03 |
rickey | Couldn't find a realvideo shared library for version 4 ,would that be part of multiubuntu? | 02:04 |
Doobeh | yup, did the svn thing, downloaded the themes | 02:04 |
Doobeh | no messages on the console when I try and run (and apply) | 02:04 |
mkersey | Odd... | 02:04 |
Doobeh | I excel at odd it seems | 02:05 |
mkersey | Have you tried applying the theme, and then restarting the WM? | 02:05 |
rickey | no Doobeh you dont know what odd is untill you meet me | 02:06 |
Doobeh | just figured a way around it, if I pick the theme, then run emerald --replace | 02:06 |
Doobeh | it kicks in that theme | 02:06 |
mkersey | there you go | 02:06 |
mkersey | That's close enough to restarting the WM | 02:06 |
Dr_willis | :) | 02:06 |
Dr_willis | i cant recall ever running emerald --replace | 02:07 |
Dr_willis | heh. | 02:07 |
Dr_willis | did you start emerald manually to begin eith? | 02:07 |
Doobeh | yeah, I haven't attached it to the startup yet | 02:07 |
mkersey | Oh, and which theme was applied previously? | 02:07 |
Dr_willis | i just run compiz --replace and it starts emnerald. | 02:08 |
Doobeh | something vista-esque | 02:08 |
=== pmurr is now known as ||arifaX | ||
mkersey | If you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed, set compiz to autorun /usr/bin/emerald --replace | 02:08 |
Doobeh | will check, thanks | 02:08 |
jhutchins | Vista is nothing like compiz. | 02:08 |
jhutchins | Compiz is more like Leopard. | 02:09 |
Doobeh | the window looked vista-esque :) | 02:09 |
mkersey | Compiz can be whatever :) | 02:09 |
Doobeh | I'm not talking about the whole program :) | 02:09 |
* Doobeh takes a step back from jhutchins ;) | 02:09 | |
mcrandello | Hi does anyone know how to get kubuntu to work with multiple-CD installshield installations and wine? | 02:09 |
mkersey | I'm impressed with being able to run compiz + kde in < 600MB RAM, a feat impossible for vista | 02:10 |
mkersey | Wow, ne'er tried that one ... | 02:10 |
Dr_willis | mcrandello, in the past ive copied all the data from the cd's to a single dir. THEn ran the installer from that dir. | 02:10 |
mcrandello | Dr_willis: I'll try that. I guess there isn't a working supermount package or anything | 02:11 |
mcrandello | the --paperclip option seems to break things as well | 02:12 |
jhutchins | there's running Vista, and then there will be running Vista with all the plugins, add-ons, spybots, and trojans it will accumulate in the next two years. | 02:15 |
jhutchins | I love how the "dock" essentially takes a widescreen display and reformats it to a conventional display + dock. | 02:15 |
snipz | was wondering if someone could help me, my system won't login basically after I login kdm just sits there for a bit until it returns me back to the kdm login screen | 02:18 |
mkersey | fresh install? | 02:19 |
snipz | no, gutsy upgrade | 02:20 |
snipz | I thought that maybe it was a no memory bug, but I have about 20 gigs free | 02:21 |
mkersey | Have you tried to rename the .kde folder in your /home folder? | 02:21 |
mkersey | Just to confirm proper kde settings | 02:22 |
snipz | ya, tried it once (to see if it would solve a different problem) logged in went through the settings process then after I logged out and restored it, havn't been able to login since, but I'm going to try renaming it again just to see if it works | 02:23 |
snipz | mkersey, yea same problem even with the folder renamed... | 02:24 |
ardchoille | snipz: I'm curious, can you get to a tty (ctrl+alt+f1)? | 02:25 |
mkersey | Hrm... try renaming your home folder then? Of course, create an identical home folder with the correct permissions | 02:25 |
mkersey | otherwise kde won't start | 02:26 |
mm_202 | Im running 7.04, is there a way to just upgrade to 7.10 (Gusty), without formatting and installing it? | 02:26 |
snipz | ardchoille, yea I can switch into tty and I've tried killing kdm and starting x from a new tty to see if it crashes and what errors it shows | 02:26 |
ardchoille | !upgrade | mm_202 | 02:26 |
ubotu | mm_202: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 02:26 |
mm_202 | ardchoille: danke | 02:26 |
ardchoille | bitte | 02:26 |
mkersey | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade no? | 02:26 |
ardchoille | snipz: Go to a tty and run this comand, see if either file is owned by root: ls -lha .{ICE,X}authority | 02:27 |
snipz | archoille both files are owned by my user | 02:27 |
ardchoille | ok, that's good. | 02:28 |
snipz | my kdm log says something about aiglx not being enabled, but I havn't recently installed compiz or enabled compiz | 02:29 |
snipz | mkersey, created a new user with same privliges, same problem for them also | 02:31 |
mkersey | Ah-so. | 02:32 |
snipz | starting to look like a complete install | 02:33 |
mkersey | Sounds like a package issue. To rule that out, do a "sudo apt-get update" and 2 "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to verify package dependencies | 02:33 |
mkersey | Look for errors | 02:33 |
mm_202 | ardchoille: would you recommend a clean install, or is the upgrade fairly painless? | 02:34 |
PC3 | hi all :) | 02:34 |
PC3 | what the root password :D | 02:34 |
PC3 | ?? | 02:34 |
clor0x | pc3 | 02:34 |
clor0x | go into konsole | 02:34 |
clor0x | type sudo vi | 02:34 |
ardchoille | mm_202: I don't do upgrades, so I can't say how painless they are. | 02:34 |
clor0x | put in you password | 02:34 |
Dr_willis | There is no root password. :) | 02:34 |
clor0x | then type !/bin/sh | 02:35 |
Dr_willis | use the 'sudo' command. | 02:35 |
Dragnslcr | PC3- there is no root password | 02:35 |
clor0x | and hit enter | 02:35 |
Dr_willis | !sudo | 02:35 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 02:35 |
clor0x | than change the passwd with /etc/passwd | 02:35 |
mm_202 | ardchoille: so I take it you recommend just a clean install? | 02:35 |
clor0x | err | 02:35 |
clor0x | passwd | 02:35 |
snipz | mkersey, I'll give that a go | 02:35 |
Dr_willis | clor0x, thats the most complex way ive ever seen that descivbed.. :) | 02:35 |
Dr_willis | heh heh | 02:35 |
clor0x | ;) | 02:35 |
PC3 | :D thnx | 02:35 |
clor0x | some of us havent kept up with the times | 02:35 |
clor0x | lol | 02:35 |
Dr_willis | just learn to use sudo! heh. I also like to use 'sux' | 02:35 |
clor0x | oh i know how to use sudo lol | 02:36 |
Dr_willis | sux is darn handy to rember | 02:36 |
Dr_willis | !info sux | 02:36 |
ubotu | sux: wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3.2 (gutsy), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB | 02:36 |
clor0x | although i use gnome with kubuntu so i guess im kinda ass backwards... | 02:36 |
Dr_willis | I will confess that i have sudo set where i dont need to enter my users password. :) Shame on me. | 02:37 |
alonea | ok, I reinstalled kubuntu and it wont go into the system (black screen) unless I go to recovery mode and type in startx | 02:37 |
Dr_willis | but this is a single user system basicially | 02:37 |
Jucato | !root | 02:37 |
ubotu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 02:37 |
mkersey | As much as I recommend against this, "sudo passwd root" will ask you for the new root pass. Sudo is preferred, tho ;) | 02:39 |
Dr_willis | thers No need for the 'root' at the end of that command mkersey :) | 02:39 |
pramod | Hello friends, i need your help thee.... | 02:39 |
pramod | i am doing a prject about g++ compilers.... | 02:39 |
ardchoille | Please do not teach others how to set a root password. it's not recommended and makes your system less secure to unlock the root account. Use sudo. | 02:40 |
alonea | the black screen reminds me of when I tried to install ati drivers manually. It did that then, so maybe when the system installed it tried to put on binaries for ati and messed up? not sure how to fix it. | 02:40 |
Dr_willis | its a linux compentcy test. :) if you know enough linux to use that command.. then you pass. :) | 02:40 |
mcrandello | is there a fix for sudo, kdesu etc still asking for a password after adding the user to the sudo group? | 02:40 |
Dr_willis | mcrandello, after changing groups/ading the user must logout I belive | 02:40 |
Dr_willis | for the changes to take effect | 02:40 |
mkersey | Eh, I just like to throw it in there :) | 02:40 |
mcrandello | yeah I rebooted several times since then it still is prompting for a password | 02:41 |
alonea | what driver should I set it to in xorg.conf? | 02:41 |
mkersey | Not the suggestion, the username at the end where applicable | 02:41 |
alonea | it is set currently to ati | 02:41 |
pramod | can anyone please help me about how the g++ compilers ouput the errors in the programs??? | 02:41 |
pramod | how will i know more about g++? | 02:41 |
PC3 | can I use apt-get ?? | 02:42 |
alonea | I knew I should not of gotten gusty... | 02:42 |
clor0x | pc3: yes but why | 02:42 |
clor0x | technically its aptitude | 02:43 |
clor0x | but adept is a gui front end | 02:43 |
PC3 | I wanna to install some apps -_- but I can't | 02:43 |
PC3 | I want to install firefox | 02:43 |
PC3 | I tried to download it from but I can't make it work | 02:43 |
Dragnslcr | PC3- Adept is the KDE GUI for apt | 02:43 |
Dragnslcr | PC3- if necessary, you can use apt-get from a console | 02:44 |
PC3 | it will be like that sudo apt-get install firefox rifht ?? | 02:44 |
clor0x | brb | 02:45 |
genefitz | PC3, firefox is in adept. | 02:45 |
mkersey | You can always use tab to auto-complete | 02:45 |
snoggs | Are you better off running Kubuntu on an AMD processor? | 02:45 |
mkersey | But, use adept | 02:45 |
Dragnslcr | PC3- yeah, but is there something wrong with Adept? | 02:45 |
snoggs | keeps telling me that i386 architecture gets no love | 02:45 |
Dragnslcr | snoggs- as opposed to running it on a toaster? | 02:45 |
snoggs | as opposed to running it on an intel processor | 02:46 |
Dragnslcr | snoggs- I doubt there's any inherent difference | 02:46 |
alonea | anyone at all have a clue? usually kubuntu installs clean with no problems. | 02:46 |
mkersey | Umm... unless you're using an x64 distro, shouldn't matter ;) | 02:46 |
snoggs | so why does it say some apps don't support i386 architecture | 02:46 |
snoggs | ? | 02:46 |
mkersey | I mean, if it doesn't support x86, that is | 02:46 |
Dragnslcr | snoggs- I have an Athlon X2, and it works quite well for me | 02:46 |
=== nuu is now known as nu | ||
=== nu is now known as nuu | ||
mkersey | 64-bit binaries won't support i386 arch naturally | 02:47 |
snoggs | I'm on an intel dual core w/ 64bit I need to get 64bit version? | 02:47 |
GS3User007 | i need some help... anyone any good at troubleshooting first time installs that don't seem to be going quite right? | 02:47 |
PC3 | I'm now runing adept and it download some updates :) ty for help ^^ | 02:47 |
snoggs | cause all it said was if you don't have an amd64bit processor you need to download the 32bit version | 02:47 |
Dragnslcr | Though I use the 32-bit version. Not all programs have a 64-bit version that works quite right | 02:47 |
genefitz | Snoggs, no, I have been running 32 bit Ubuntu on my 64X2 without any issue. | 02:47 |
mkersey | yep.. | 02:47 |
snoggs | k, thanks. | 02:48 |
mkersey | both intel and AMD 64-bit chips have an x86 mode as well | 02:48 |
genefitz | You should be able to run 32 on 64, only issue being that you have to make sure you don't try to run 64 bit apps | 02:48 |
Dragnslcr | snoggs- the amd64 version might not run on an Intel processor. Not certain though | 02:48 |
Dr_willis | alonea, what is your video card anyway? If 'startx' works - try 'sudo kdm' | 02:48 |
greeg | hey | 02:48 |
Dr_willis | It would be very odd for startx to work, but kdm dosent. | 02:48 |
genefitz | Drag, that may be true, I am not sure of the issues that come with EM64T. | 02:48 |
angasule | so how is it going so far with gutsy? many issues? I'm thinking of going with AMD64 this time (currently feisty i386) | 02:49 |
greeg | i tried 5 media players. hdparm -i <dvd device>. and dvd's dont play smooth | 02:49 |
GS3User007 | i need some help... anyone any good at troubleshooting first time installs that don't seem to be going quite right? | 02:49 |
greeg | the media players give an error of frame rate too high | 02:49 |
greeg | or frame buffer overflow | 02:49 |
alonea | Dr_willis: I have an ati xpress 200m. I am guessing xorg.conf isn't right, well, more likely the ati setup didn't work out | 02:49 |
Dr_willis | angasule, i see no need for 64bit at this time | 02:49 |
genefitz | Angasule: I am using Gutsy, and having much fewer issues than I had with feisty, | 02:49 |
Dr_willis | alonea, aha.. I had issues with my x200m with the fglrx drivers, and logging out. it would hang at a black screen | 02:50 |
angasule | the screen management seems particularly good in gutsy, from what I've seen in reviews | 02:50 |
genefitz | The only fixes I have had to do with with my sound, because sigmatel cars aren't yet supported, but I found a work around that did the trick nicely | 02:50 |
angasule | Dr_willis: what's the need for i386? | 02:50 |
Dr_willis | alonea, I forget what i did to fix it. (other then disable kdm and use startx) - | 02:50 |
Dr_willis | alonea, I havent had the same problem under gutsy however. | 02:50 |
greeg | windows was previously installed on this computer, so i know that this computer is capable of playing dvd's smoothly | 02:51 |
Dr_willis | angasule, a large # of machines out there are not 64bit. :) is why i guess. | 02:51 |
alonea | Dr_willis: this is starting up. I remember when I installed fglrx months ago manually it gave me a black screen on startup. however, when installed with envy it went smooth. In this case, I just installed a clean system and its doing it. I didn't know that gusty would attempt to use those drivers | 02:51 |
GS3User007 | i'm having trouble getting kubuntu to boot correctly on an old compaq of mine. after the splash screen is done, the monitor goes black and hd is quiet. any thoughts? | 02:51 |
genefitz | Dr_Willis, the AMD 200M seems to be the new problem child. I just gave up on effects. | 02:51 |
angasule | Dr_willis: mine is, it doesn't affect me if others use i386 | 02:51 |
genefitz | or should I say ATI? No difference to me.. | 02:51 |
Dr_willis | alonea, using envy - well.. you are a bit on your own there. I never had to use envy. a clean install would leave no traces of the old system | 02:52 |
Dr_willis | alonea, alli can say is that on my x200m laptop - Ive had no issues with gutsy. (yet) :) Im not sure if i am using the fglrx, or vesa drivers actually. | 02:52 |
alonea | Dr_willis: well, it did something when it installed. xorg says ati, so not sure what mine is attempting to use | 02:53 |
greeg | how is it that windows can even play dvd's but linux cant? | 02:56 |
greeg | i thought linux was the shit. | 02:56 |
savetheWorld | greeg: Please watch your language and topic, and help keep this channel family friendly. | 02:56 |
GS3User007 | i'm having trouble getting kubuntu to boot correctly on an old compaq of mine. after the splash screen is done, the monitor goes black and hd is quiet. any thoughts? | 02:56 |
mkersey | how old is this compaq? | 02:56 |
greeg | GS3User007: sucks doesent it. | 02:56 |
GS3User007 | 200 | 02:56 |
GS3User007 | 3 | 02:57 |
mkersey | Um... shouldn't have's modern enough... | 02:57 |
greeg | you need video card drivers perhalps | 02:57 |
stdin | greeg: if you have a question then ask it | 02:57 |
GS3User007 | 256MB ram, 2.4GHz cpu, Geforce4 mx440 video card | 02:57 |
greeg | stdin i did | 02:57 |
greeg | stdin how do i play dvd | 02:57 |
greeg | smoothly | 02:57 |
mkersey | Is there an onboard video as well, or is that THE onboard? | 02:57 |
stdin | greeg: you didn't ask that, you said that windows can play dvds, that's not a question | 02:58 |
GS3User007 | there is onboard, the card i mentioned is an add-on, pci | 02:58 |
greeg | stdin scroll up | 02:58 |
greeg | ive been asking for days actually. | 02:58 |
greeg | the media players give an error of frame rate too high | 02:58 |
snipz | mkersey, well I tried that dist-upgrade, hasn't seemed make a difference, any other ideas? | 02:58 |
greeg | i tried 5 media players. hdparm -i <dvd device>. and dvd's dont play smooth | 02:58 |
GS3User007 | i know i _shouldn't_ have problems, but it does | 02:59 |
snoggs | does kubuntu offer SLI support? | 02:59 |
schiste | Eurk, I juste made an update (massive one) and I got a weird message "Mime type not found". One of the solution I found was to get to the Control Center, but I can't access it. Any idea? | 02:59 |
greeg | GS3User007: you get what you pay for. | 02:59 |
GS3User007 | i had the sam problem with the ubuntu and xubuntu live cds | 02:59 |
GS3User007 | greeg: hush greeg, you're not helping | 02:59 |
greeg | no one is helping me. | 02:59 |
snoggs | gs3user007: I think your problem is lack of support for your vid card..I had the same prob...try using the onboard video | 02:59 |
GS3User007 | snoggs: i suppose that means i have to pull the card out? | 03:00 |
snoggs | nope | 03:00 |
mkersey | greeg, take it easy. Your call will be answered in the order received. | 03:00 |
PC3 | adept give me this msg "Break Install" | 03:00 |
snoggs | just try plugin your cable into the onboard it'll ignore the installed one | 03:00 |
mkersey | What media player are you using? | 03:00 |
snoggs | but to be on the safe side...ya pull out the other one | 03:01 |
greeg | vlc, xine, mplayer | 03:01 |
mkersey | And none of them work? | 03:01 |
greeg | i have in stalled libdvdcss2 | 03:01 |
greeg | playing dvd's is not smooth | 03:01 |
mkersey | Are your vid drivers up to date? | 03:01 |
greeg | yes. | 03:01 |
snoggs | I have a machine w/ 2 vid cards on it including onboard... kubuntu ignored all those and recognized the plugged in adapter...which is why I'm loving these linux distros | 03:01 |
ardchoille | GS3User007: Your vid card is listed on the nvidia site as needing the mvidia-glx-legacy driver | 03:01 |
greeg | nividia-glx | 03:01 |
mkersey | What card? | 03:01 |
greeg | yes. | 03:01 |
GS3User007 | geforce4 mx440 | 03:02 |
GS3User007 | thanks all | 03:02 |
greeg | i dont recall off the bat. threw away the manual. | 03:02 |
GS3User007 | i'll give it a try | 03:02 |
ardchoille | GS3User007: nvidia-glx-legacy driver | 03:02 |
greeg | is there a command to recall that? | 03:02 |
snoggs | GS3... the way I solved the problem on the machine that was giving me a headache was using the onboard vid card until I could install the drivers they are suggesting | 03:02 |
ardchoille | greeg: to recall what? | 03:02 |
snoggs | then everything was cool | 03:02 |
greeg | what kind of video card i have | 03:03 |
mkersey | Yep, lspci | grep VGA | 03:03 |
ardchoille | greeg: ^^ | 03:03 |
PC3 | when I use adept guys it give me this msg "Break install" | 03:03 |
rickey | ok i need to download the whole mediubuntu package to make sure i get what i need | 03:03 |
rickey | anyone got the link | 03:03 |
ardchoille | rickey: No, medibuntu is a repo, not a package | 03:03 |
ardchoille | !medibuntu | rickey | 03:03 |
ubotu | rickey: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 03:03 |
greeg | nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000 AGP 8x] | 03:03 |
greeg | although it's a PCI card | 03:04 |
inteliwasp | how do i use or install a .jar file? | 03:04 |
mkersey | Ah-so... | 03:04 |
ardchoille | greeg: That would be the nvidia-glx-legacy driver | 03:04 |
Dr_willis | inteliwasp, java --jar whatever.jar (i think) | 03:04 |
Dr_willis | or may -jar whatever.jar | 03:05 |
mkersey | Well, I'm not sure of the video decoding capabilities of that card, but nvidia-glx-legacy will support it better than the current | 03:05 |
greeg | ardchoille: should i apt-get remove nvidia-glx ? | 03:05 |
greeg | or just apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy | 03:05 |
ardchoille | greeg: Is it working correctly? | 03:05 |
greeg | well kde can run but watching dvd's is choppy. | 03:05 |
ardchoille | greeg: I would do: sudo apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove nvidia-glx && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy | 03:06 |
greeg | thanx i'll just paste that | 03:06 |
ardchoille | greeg: Make sure xorg.conf is using the nvidia driver, then restart x | 03:07 |
greeg | ardchoille: nvidia-xconfig is the command to point xorg.conf to the drivers | 03:10 |
Karri | Anyone here that has any experience of how to bridge connections? | 03:11 |
diannita86 | Hi!!!! | 03:11 |
mkersey | Buy a super router that trunks?? | 03:11 |
mkersey | !info iptables | 03:11 |
ubotu | iptables: administration tools for packet filtering and NAT. In component main, is standard. Version (gutsy), package size 367 kB, installed size 1268 kB | 03:11 |
mkersey | ? | 03:12 |
ardchoille | greeg: yes, but you still need to restart xorg | 03:12 |
diannita86 | x_x | 03:12 |
Karri | no thanks, i'm trying to bridge my connection to my other computer without using a router or hub of any sort | 03:12 |
snoggs | need a crossover cable | 03:13 |
mkersey | Oh, you want to inter connect two pc's without switch. | 03:13 |
mkersey | Yep, snoggs has it | 03:13 |
Karri | right | 03:13 |
snoggs | yay I useful =D | 03:13 |
Karri | i got the cables for it | 03:13 |
alonea | ok, I have an ati card and it says under xorg the driver is ati, but it doesn't work. I just installed this system. I get a black screen when I try to start the system normally under grub, but if I goto recovery mode and type in startx, the system loads fine. | 03:13 |
ardchoille | snoggs: always a good feeling :) | 03:13 |
* angasule gives snoggs a medal | 03:13 | |
mkersey | Crossover cable + static IPs on each PC is the easiest way | 03:13 |
Karri | i used windows before to bridge it | 03:13 |
mkersey | You're familiar with setting static IPs on the machines, right? | 03:14 |
ardchoille | If you used Window, then everyone else is bridging to it too | 03:14 |
* ardchoille ducks | 03:14 | |
Karri | i'm pretty used to it | 03:14 |
mkersey | Oh, and you don't want internet on either... otherwise, it's 2 NICs in one + iptables for you. | 03:14 |
snoggs | well..I think windows had a utility that allowed you to bridge w/ straight throughs | 03:15 |
needles | console is aaawesome! | 03:15 |
Karri | in windows all i had to do is.. | 03:15 |
Karri | go into network options, get the overview for my diffrent hardware | 03:15 |
snoggs | Karri: I know I might get yelled at here...but there are somethings windows did to help you out w/ that...even though they cut corners to do it | 03:15 |
Karri | mark the hardware to bridge and choose bridge | 03:15 |
Karri | well i couldnt care much for what windows did, i just want to try my best to bridge the connection | 03:16 |
snoggs | then get a crossover cable | 03:17 |
mkersey | Wait now, are you trying to set up a PC to be the router now? Or just interconnecting two PCs? | 03:17 |
snoggs | ya I think I need to step back ehre...I only have simple solutions... =( | 03:17 |
Karri | i'm trying to make this connection like this; | 03:17 |
mkersey | Ooh, this is gonna be good :) | 03:17 |
* angasule gets ready for some nice ASCII art | 03:17 | |
Karri | Internet <-----> Me <-----> computer2 | 03:17 |
alonea | anybody not have their system work on clean install? | 03:18 |
angasule | Karri: how are you connected to the internet, how many network cards does your PC have? | 03:18 |
mkersey | Yep. Internet <--NIC1-->Computer<-->iptables<--NIC2-->PC2 | 03:18 |
snoggs | my a router *cough | 03:18 |
snoggs | ooo multihomed systems...wheee | 03:19 |
mkersey | Concur *cough* | 03:19 |
Karri | mine too but i'm more poor than a church rat | 03:19 |
snoggs | fair enough | 03:19 |
snoggs | but you need two nic cards to make it happen | 03:19 |
Karri | i got the two diffrent cards | 03:19 |
Karri | and cables for it | 03:19 |
snoggs | well one needs to be a straight through (connect to modem) other one needs to be a crossover | 03:20 |
angasule | Karri: ah, that's rather easy to do on kubuntu :) | 03:20 |
snoggs | crossover goes between the pc's | 03:20 |
snoggs | and ummm | 03:20 |
snoggs | hrm this is where I would have a question about it.... would you have to actually edit the routing table on the pc's? | 03:20 |
angasule | Karri: you have to set up /etc/network/interfaces , one to use whatever is right for internet (dhcp, I guess), and the second with a static IP, linked to the 2nd PC | 03:20 |
Karri | angasule: I see, let me try it | 03:21 |
needles | hey, does anyone have the howto install 32 bit flash for 64 bit users? | 03:21 |
mkersey | *yikes* | 03:22 |
angasule | Karri: unfortunately I'm half asleep, my server is powered off and I'm half asleep | 03:22 |
angasule | !flash | 03:22 |
ubotu | To install Flash see - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 03:22 |
mkersey | Install the 32-bit version of firefox | 03:22 |
mkersey | If it runs, that should work | 03:22 |
needles | thanks | 03:22 |
Karri | At the risk of sounding stupid: Btw, How do i know which card is which? | 03:23 |
Karri | all it tells me is eth0 and eth1 | 03:24 |
mkersey | Erm.... plugin a cable, run dhclient3 and see which one gets the IP :) | 03:24 |
Dr_willis | ethtool perhaops can tell you. | 03:24 |
Dr_willis | !info ethtool | 03:24 |
ubotu | ethtool: display or change ethernet card settings. In component main, is important. Version 5-2 (gutsy), package size 48 kB, installed size 168 kB | 03:24 |
Karri | Just a wild shot in the dark here but, the card that currently has an IP adress should be the one connected to the internet, correct? | 03:26 |
iecsam | i think so too | 03:26 |
Dr_willis | Unless both are set up statically | 03:26 |
Dr_willis | :) | 03:26 |
Dr_willis | what if the dhcp server is running on tht box with 2 cards? | 03:26 |
Karri | Dr_willis: if that means both have the cables connected, then yes they do. | 03:27 |
Karri | but the only one with a strong connection would be the one i am connected to the internet with | 03:27 |
angasule | Karri: pluggingjust one and testing it out is the moethd I use | 03:28 |
alonea | anyone have any ideas on what to do when the default video card settings don't work? | 03:28 |
Karri | Am i still connected? | 03:29 |
angasule | Karri: nope :P | 03:29 |
Karri | haha | 03:29 |
iecsam | haha | 03:29 |
Dr_willis | you ruined it angasule ! :) | 03:29 |
mora | hola | 03:30 |
angasule | alonea: try different settings? :? | 03:30 |
angasule | hola mora | 03:30 |
Karri | I poked around and now i know which is which | 03:30 |
alonea | angasule: well, I tried radeon as a device which no luck, ati doesn't work. haven't tried vga yet. I JUST installed the system and when I go into the system I get a black screen. however, if I goto recovery mode under grub and type in startx, it does go into the system | 03:31 |
angasule | alonea: I'm sorry, I'm too sleepy for that | 03:32 |
Karri | angasule: So i set the 2nd card to a static Ip such as (example) | 03:32 |
angasule | Karri: err, bad example :) | 03:32 |
Dr_willis | Yep. I recall on my laptop i had issues where kdm started.. but would hang when i went to X. and then later. It would start.. but X would hang on Logout. | 03:32 |
Dr_willis | Perhaps someday ATi will get some better drivers. :( | 03:32 |
alonea | angasule: *sigh* and everything was alllll good with fiesty. evil gusty! | 03:32 |
Dr_willis | But my laptop currently has no issues under gutsy (x200m video) so i cant help ya much there. | 03:33 |
angasule | Karri: certain IP addresses are reserved for private use, and won't conflict with internet IP addresses | 03:33 |
Dr_willis | everything was NOT good for me with Feisty | 03:33 |
Dr_willis | :) | 03:33 |
angasule | Dr_willis: they are releasing docs :) | 03:33 |
Dr_willis | angasule, oh joy! :() - how... Magamanous of them. :) | 03:33 |
Karri | angasule: i know it was a bad example but just as it was an example and nothing else :) | 03:33 |
angasule | Karri: ok, just wanted to be sure you knew about private IPs :) | 03:34 |
Karri | I got the basic education at me IT school :P | 03:34 |
Karri | so i think i got something still in my other so air filled head | 03:35 |
iecsam | hey will KDE disappear if i upgrade version from adept manager | 03:35 |
angasule | Karri: you have two heads or I misread that? | 03:36 |
schiste | Hey I have a problem with application/octet-stream on 7.04 | 03:36 |
Karri | angasule: Yeah, their strap on! | 03:36 |
schiste | if anyone could help me it would be great | 03:36 |
GS3User007 | mkersey: you still around? | 03:36 |
schiste | (the solutions found on internet didn(t work :( ) | 03:36 |
angasule | schiste: hmm, yeah, that problem, I had it, don't remember how I fixed it, some MIME thing | 03:36 |
Dragnslcr | schiste- you'll have to be more specific than that | 03:37 |
angasule | Karri: ok, I'm going to bed, too kinky :P | 03:37 |
iecsam | haha | 03:37 |
Karri | angasule: No! please help me *cries* | 03:37 |
angasule | Karri: come by tomorrow, it's almost 1am here now :P | 03:37 |
schiste | error message is | 03:37 |
angasule | p[lus, I'mll have my server working again | 03:37 |
schiste | impossible to find MIME type | 03:37 |
schiste | application/octet-stream | 03:38 |
schiste | when I launch, for exemple, adept-manager | 03:38 |
GS3User007 | alrighty, i've got a question... i was here earlier and found out that apparently my geforce4 mx440 (pci) isn't supported by default. i pulled it out, booted to the onboard video and installed the legacy nvidia drivers | 03:38 |
Karri | angasule: well i hope i can get it running before that, thanks for the help anyhow! | 03:39 |
Angelus | this is really intresting, using kubuntu's kernel i get a turned off monitor, using a compiled custom kernel with the same kubuntu kernel config , i get a working bootup splash | 03:39 |
GS3User007 | shut down the compy, put the card back in... and i'm still getting a straight black screen instead of kde | 03:39 |
Dr_willis | You are not getting any console/text/boot messages at all? | 03:39 |
ardchoille | GS3User007: Did you run "sudo nvidia-glx" ? | 03:39 |
angasule | GS3User007: err, you should be able to install with a GF4 mx, it won't look pretty until you install extra drivers, but install should be ok | 03:40 |
ardchoille | GS3User007: Sorry, did you run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" ? | 03:40 |
angasule | GS3User007: one thing, I'd disable the onboard video while using the GF4, if you don't need it | 03:40 |
Karri | mkersey still here? | 03:40 |
GS3User007 | ardchoille: i with into adept manager and installed the nvidia-glx-legacy | 03:40 |
GS3User007 | angasule: it seems to disable itself when the card is installed, plugging the monitor cable into it yields no input | 03:41 |
angasule | GS3User007: ok, but I would disable it from the BIOS if possible anyway | 03:41 |
Karri | snoggs: still here? | 03:41 |
GS3User007 | after the splash with a progress bar, the screen goes black. it's still getting input, but it's just... black | 03:41 |
angasule | GS3User007: and as I said, you should be able to boot the live cd with the GF4, I know plenty of people who have done so | 03:41 |
GS3User007 | i tried the live cd for kubuntu, ubuntu, and xubuntu. i finally just installed with the kubunut alternate cd | 03:42 |
sonic | is the gutsy partitioner still qtparted? | 03:42 |
ardchoille | sonic: On kubuntu, yes | 03:42 |
GS3User007 | it has to be something with the video card... card in = black screen, card out = working | 03:43 |
schiste | I guess being more specific doesn't really help ;) | 03:43 |
=== ubuntu is now known as rjones | ||
CPrgmSwR2 | Hi | 03:43 |
sonic | seems to have been cleaned up a bit then, at least the UI. | 03:43 |
snowdonkey | Hi. Where should I put a shell script to be run at startup? | 03:43 |
rjones | I've just installed gutsy on an old feisty box and it doesn't work on reboot... grub says "error 15" | 03:43 |
inteliwasp | how can i make a "fake" file point to a real file? i have a porgram that wants but i have | 03:44 |
sonic | ardchoille: have the kubuntu people picked it up. cause it was badly unmaintained for some time. Im hoping they have. cause it needs it | 03:44 |
rjones | when I run update-grub (using the install CD) I get "findfs: Unable to resolve 'UUID=f6600b40-e496-46f0-a91d-3e04a701d531'" (that's the UUID listed in the grub menu.lst and appears to be correct) | 03:44 |
rjones | inteliwasp: you can symlink "ln -s" | 03:45 |
snoggs | karri: sorry back...watching scooby doo >< | 03:45 |
ardchoille | sonic: I have installed qtparted and it works fine in Gutsy | 03:45 |
CPrgmSwR2 | sonic: I hope the kubuntu 3 year release is well polished this time around | 03:45 |
CPrgmSwR2 | well the next release of kubuntu include kde4? | 03:45 |
Karri | snoggs: its okey, think you could step by step assist me? | 03:45 |
rjones | is there a better place to ask about installation problems? | 03:46 |
ubahmapk | Dr_willis: Thanks! After the upgrade to gutsy, everything worked perfectly and now freemind works like a charm! :-D | 03:46 |
Dr_willis | !info freemind | 03:46 |
ubotu | Package freemind does not exist in gutsy | 03:46 |
Dr_willis | Whats freemind? that sounds famiuler | 03:46 |
ubahmapk | Mind mapping | 03:46 |
miaviator | !freemind | 03:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about freemind - try searching on | 03:46 |
ubahmapk | it's not in the main repos | 03:46 |
miaviator | !badbot | 03:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about badbot - try searching on | 03:46 |
ubahmapk | | 03:46 |
ubahmapk | it's an excellent way to collect thoughts on a subject | 03:47 |
ardchoille | freemind == kdissert ? | 03:47 |
ubahmapk | in a graphical way that shows correlations between areas of the subject | 03:47 |
sonic | ardchoille: its been unmaintained for quite some time. years since its had some real work put into it. and kde / QT needs a fully maintained partitioner. qtparted does have some issues | 03:47 |
miaviator | also see vym and kdissert | 03:47 |
snoggs | karri: sure...trying to figure out private chat so we don't have to fight all these other questions | 03:47 |
GS3User007 | anyone have any advice on my geforce issue? | 03:47 |
Dr_willis | ubahmapk, ahh.. I dont even see ubuntu packages. :) jyust debian | 03:47 |
CPrgmSwR2 | rjones: still here | 03:47 |
miaviator | which one | 03:47 |
=== mora is now known as mora__ | ||
ardchoille | sonic: I didn't know that | 03:47 |
sonic | ardchoille: I was just hoping / wondering if the kubuntu people have picked it up | 03:47 |
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: yes | 03:47 |
ubahmapk | ardchoille: not sure. never heard of kdissert | 03:47 |
Karri | snoggs: got an msn? i can use the kopete to connect to my old msn and use that | 03:48 |
ardchoille | !info kdissert | 03:48 |
ubotu | kdissert: mindmapping tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6.c-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 895 kB, installed size 2668 kB | 03:48 |
ubahmapk | I use freemind b/c I also get stuck on winblows and this works on both, so the files transfer nicely | 03:48 |
CPrgmSwR2 | you need to re-install grub to the MBR, use this command if you installed kubuntu to your master harddrive: grub-install --recheck /dev/hda | 03:48 |
ardchoille | ubahmapk: nice | 03:48 |
GS3User007 | when kubuntu boots with the video card in, it goes to black instead of showing a desktop, when i pull the card out and use onboard, it loads the desktop fine | 03:48 |
ubahmapk | ardchoille: I like it | 03:48 |
GS3User007 | geforce4 mx440 pci | 03:48 |
ubahmapk |'s late and class starts early tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help! :-) | 03:49 |
miaviator | what is your xorg driver | 03:49 |
Karri | snoggs: cant answer you in private chat, i need to register somehow | 03:49 |
miaviator | and what is your onboard card | 03:49 |
snoggs | karri: copy this /msg nickserv register <your-password> | 03:49 |
snoggs | and type this into the Ubuntu IRC tab | 03:49 |
ardchoille | !register | Karri | 03:49 |
ubotu | Karri: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at | 03:49 |
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: "grub-install --recheck /dev/sda" (I'm on SATA) says "/dev/sda: Not found or not a block device" | 03:49 |
GS3User007 | i have no idea how to figure out what the xorg driver is, and i can figure out the onboard video if you like, but it'll take some time | 03:50 |
snoggs | GS3: plugging into mainboard card didn't work? | 03:50 |
Karri | ardchoille: how.. wha~? happened? | 03:50 |
CPrgmSwR2 | rjones: look in /dev | 03:50 |
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: should it be /dev/sda3 (the boot partition?) | 03:50 |
CPrgmSwR2 | rjones: yes | 03:50 |
GS3User007 | snoggs: plugging into the motherboard w/out a video card in works, yes | 03:50 |
snoggs | no luck after that? | 03:51 |
iecsam | does anyone's pc get slow after installing wine? | 03:51 |
ardchoille | Karri: The bot sent you info about how to register your nick | 03:51 |
snoggs | thanks ard | 03:51 |
snoggs | I should change my nick to linuxpwnsme >< | 03:51 |
GS3User007 | snoggs: i installed the legacy nvidia drivers as someone suggested earlier, but that didn't fix the issue with my video card | 03:52 |
Karri | ardchoille: I still didnt get it, as i might mentioned before i'm a airhead | 03:52 |
Dr_willis | iecsam, just installing wine shouldnet slow anything down | 03:52 |
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: ok, that ran without error, attempting reboot | 03:52 |
snoggs | how do I create a channel? | 03:52 |
ardchoille | !register > Karri | 03:52 |
rjones | (ps. thanks) | 03:52 |
ardchoille | snoggs: Just /join #whatever | 03:52 |
ardchoille | snoggs: Just /join #snoggs | 03:53 |
snoggs | thanks | 03:53 |
snoggs | karri: do go to the ubuntu irc tab | 03:53 |
snoggs | karri: then do /join #snoggchat | 03:53 |
Karri | so i just do that /msg nickserv register <your-password> in any of the channels? | 03:53 |
Karri | snoggs: okey | 03:53 |
AmyRose | Uh-oh, the 3dchess package requires X11R6 but I have X11R7! | 03:54 |
Dr_willis | the 3dchess package has never given me 3d :) | 03:55 |
Dr_willis | it can play a mean game of chess however | 03:55 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. cant get freemind working right. bummer | 03:56 |
=== ubuntu is now known as rjones | ||
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: no dice, same error | 03:57 |
CPrgmSwR2 | crap | 03:57 |
rjones | indeed | 03:57 |
posingaspopular | help! my computer went crazy! i was doing my usual computer stuff, I clicked konversation and the whole screen went black. i did a hardreboot, started gutsy back up and now everything is running super slow (my mouse, inputting text, starting programs, etc). help! | 03:57 |
rjones | what's concerning is that the error is in stage 1.5 -- before I even see the menu :( | 03:58 |
dhfg | i think i uninstalled linux32 on accident | 03:58 |
CPrgmSwR2 | rjones: yeah | 03:58 |
CPrgmSwR2 | error 15: This error is returned if GRUB was expecting to read a numbur and encountered bad data. | 03:59 |
Karri | ardchoille: thanks mate | 03:59 |
dhfg | im trying to install 23 bit flash for firefox | 03:59 |
dhfg | 32* | 03:59 |
ardchoille | Karri: Anytime :) | 03:59 |
ardchoille | !flash | dhfg | 03:59 |
ubotu | dhfg: To install Flash see - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 03:59 |
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: yeah. I haven't yet found anything that expands on that description (like, oh, *what* it's reading...) | 03:59 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: if you're around, i could use your expretise right about now | 04:00 |
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: so I don't know whether it's an MBR issue or a grub configuration issue, or ... | 04:00 |
CPrgmSwR2 | rjones: how many physical hard drives do you have | 04:01 |
ardchoille | posingaspopular: Thee may be others who can help | 04:01 |
posingaspopular | ardchoille: yea but I like Ju- ;p | 04:01 |
posingaspopular | i just dont know what to do, because I've never seen this happen before | 04:01 |
ardchoille | posingaspopular: yeah, Jucato is cool :) | 04:01 |
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: three. I just replaced one (old one had errors). | 04:01 |
dhfg | is it safe to install linux32? | 04:02 |
dhfg | on a 64bit system? | 04:02 |
CPrgmSwR2 | rjones: which harddrive do you have installed as the first hard drive | 04:02 |
CPrgmSwR2 | because thats where the grub install is suppose to go on | 04:02 |
CPrgmSwR2 | nevermind that | 04:02 |
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: hmm. I've had issues with drive ordering before (BIOS vs. Linux) ... maybe even though Linux thinks /dev/sda is the first disk, maybe it's not (it's not listed first by the BIOS) | 04:02 |
CPrgmSwR2 | rjones: yeah but grub is loading | 04:03 |
CPrgmSwR2 | unless it was put there before | 04:03 |
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: yeah, but then it stops -- maybe it's loading something from the wrong disk (and getting the error) | 04:03 |
rjones | hmmm, *there* is a thought | 04:03 |
rjones | no, the disk I'm using to boot now is the same disk I've always used. | 04:03 |
CPrgmSwR2 | inside the case, is it the disk that is set as the primary | 04:04 |
rjones | hrm. how can I tell if one of the other disks might have grub installed? | 04:04 |
rjones | CPrgmSwR2: according to the BIOS, it's not the first listed disk | 04:04 |
CPrgmSwR2 | Oh that may be the problem | 04:04 |
CPrgmSwR2 | because it has to go on the first listed disk | 04:05 |
rjones | yeah, that thought occurred to me too - even though grub is running it's breaking. I'm going to try swapping things around. | 04:05 |
rjones | thanks for ideas :) | 04:05 |
CPrgmSwR2 | your welcome | 04:05 |
dhfg | is it safe to reinstall linux32, if i accidently got ride of it | 04:06 |
dhfg | rid* | 04:06 |
posingaspopular | help, my computer went black after I clicked on konversation (doing my usual browsing stuff, nothing too extreme) and I had to hard reboot. now everything is runnign super slow, my mouse, programs, etc. | 04:08 |
GS3User007 | posingaspopular: hardware issue maybe? | 04:08 |
snoggs | someone explain to me how WoW can work on Window's and Apple Machines...but not here... I thought WoW was OpenGL | 04:08 |
=== sonic is now known as sonic_beatnik | ||
posingaspopular | GS3User007: i duno, maybe something wrong with the mem? that is the only thing I can think of, but ive never seen this before, so I duno | 04:09 |
Dr_willis | I thought WoW could do OpenGL or DirectX | 04:09 |
Dr_willis | WoW can work with Wine/Cedega | 04:10 |
GS3User007 | posingaspopular: the first thing i guess i would try would be a live cd or two and see if they react the same way | 04:10 |
rickey | The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem. | 04:11 |
dsmith_ | it can? | 04:11 |
dsmith_ | oh you meant, world of warcraft | 04:11 |
dsmith_ | lol, thought you meant vista | 04:11 |
rickey | i know whats worng , i juat dont remember how to get to line 47 | 04:11 |
posingaspopular | GS3User007: the last time i tried to boot a live cd, my cd drive got really angry at me. but thansk for the suggestion, i'll look into it | 04:11 |
rickey | can someone refresh my menory | 04:12 |
Dr_willis | get to it in what rickey ? | 04:12 |
snoggs | how do you manipulate the routing table in kubuntu? | 04:13 |
snoggs | like, what switch lets me see the table? | 04:13 |
rickey | i tryed to add something to apt manger that was done wrong | 04:13 |
rickey | i need to take out line 47 | 04:13 |
rickey | i forget what it,s called | 04:14 |
Dr_willis | fire up an editor.. go down 47 lines? | 04:14 |
GS3User007 | the editor...? the file...? | 04:14 |
* Dr_willis is confused by rickey | 04:14 | |
snoggs | speaking of...htw do you open a terminal in kubuntu...I'm used to fedora | 04:14 |
Dr_willis | Your apt.sources is 47 lines long? | 04:14 |
snoggs | nm | 04:15 |
Dr_willis | snoggs, look for the icon in the menus. :) i alwyas put it in the panel first thing | 04:15 |
Dr_willis | !info yakuake | 04:15 |
ubotu | yakuake: a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 167 kB, installed size 1048 kB | 04:15 |
* snoggs needs to quit being a retard that asks first and trys later | 04:15 | |
Dr_willis | thats a handy tool also | 04:15 |
Nuked | anyone know how I can get the latest theora for a faster thoggen (encoding is at like 5 fps) | 04:15 |
Dr_willis | snoggs, we are SO used to that kind in here. :) | 04:15 |
rickey | ill get the error message and bring it back | 04:15 |
=== AmyRose is now known as KAmyRose | ||
snoggs | I figured :) | 04:18 |
snoggs | I wanna change my name to linuxpwnsme =P | 04:18 |
=== KAmyRose is now known as AmyRose | ||
=== miaviator is now known as me | ||
=== me is now known as stopit | ||
rickey | The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem. | 04:19 |
=== stopit is now known as miaviator | ||
rickey | and i got another message that said the misstake was on line 47 | 04:20 |
rickey | how do i get to line 47 again | 04:21 |
Dr_willis | did you try running 'sudo apt-setup' like it says? or check the apt.sources file line 47? | 04:21 |
rickey | i fixed it the other nigth , but forgot how i got there | 04:21 |
Dr_willis | fire up a text editor - sudo editoryoulike /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:21 |
rickey | i did nothing happened | 04:22 |
Dr_willis | Given the vagueness of this all.. im not suprised. :) | 04:22 |
Dr_willis | define 'nothing' | 04:22 |
rickey | rickey@hom-computer:~$ sudo apt-setup | 04:23 |
rickey | sudo: apt-setup: command not found | 04:23 |
rickey | rickey@hom-computer:~$ | 04:23 |
Dr_willis | apt-setup must be a hold over from the debian system days | 04:24 |
Dr_willis | all it did i thought was generate a new /etc/apt/sources.list file | 04:24 |
Dr_willis | we got easysource for that! :) | 04:24 |
Dr_willis | !easysource | 04:24 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - | 04:24 |
Dr_willis | well night all. | 04:26 |
kyron | sorry for the obvious newbie question but I don | 04:27 |
GS3User007 | what drivers would anyone suggest i install to make a geforce4 mx440 pci card work? | 04:27 |
kyron | don't seem to find the "'update manager "' to upgrade to 7.10 | 04:27 |
dsmith_ | !update | 04:28 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 04:28 |
stdin | kyron: it helps to follow the Kubuntu instructions rather than the Ubuntu ones ;) this is a friendly upgrade guide: | 04:29 |
rickey | how do you get to the command lines that open up apt manager | 04:29 |
t3ch13 | What is the best irc program for Kubuntu | 04:29 |
kyron | stdin, why did I end up on the ubuntu site since I typed and clicked on the links :P | 04:29 |
rickey | how do you edit them | 04:29 |
GS3User007 | Konversation isn't bad... | 04:29 |
stdin | kyron: I blame Mark :p | 04:30 |
kyron | gnewhehehehe | 04:30 |
GS3User007 | what drivers would anyone suggest i install to make a geforce4 mx440 pci card work? | 04:30 |
t3ch13 | I have been using kvirc and have been pretty impresssed was just curious | 04:30 |
hydrogen | there really isn't much difference between gui irc clients | 04:30 |
hydrogen | at all | 04:30 |
el_taco | I'm getting an error with k3b that it doesn't have permission to my drive eventhrough my user is in the cdrom group. I don't see a cdwriter group. | 04:33 |
rickey | ok this is what ive got to fix | 04:33 |
rickey | E: Type 'mediubuntu' is not known on line 47 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:33 |
rickey | E: Unable to lock the list directory | 04:33 |
GS3User007 | what drivers would anyone suggest i install to make a geforce4 mx440 pci card work? | 04:33 |
rickey | i need to know how to get to it | 04:33 |
rickey | i have forgotten | 04:33 |
stdin | !repeat | GS3User007 | 04:33 |
ubotu | GS3User007: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 04:33 |
el_taco | GS3User007 old drivers. | 04:34 |
kyron | I can't believe this...screen-shot driven instructions... | 04:34 |
GS3User007 | 'old drivers' is that a package name? | 04:35 |
el_taco | Version: 96.43.01 | 04:35 |
el_taco | oh.. package. | 04:35 |
stdin | GS3User007: probably nvidia-glx-legacy, if you're in gutsy use the restricted manager from system settings | 04:36 |
GS3User007 | stdin: i've tried both nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-legacy... i'm looking for any other suggestions (i have onboard video, so i can switch back and forth installing things | 04:36 |
el_taco | yeah.. legacy.. I had a mx4000 I think which is basically the same thing. | 04:36 |
stdin | rickey: post your sources.list to pastebin and I'll sort it out | 04:37 |
utnubuk | anybody here heard of bumptop? | 04:37 |
rickey | i dont remember how | 04:38 |
stdin | rickey: open it as root so you can edit it: press Alt-F2 and put in kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:38 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: sorry I was terribly away | 04:38 |
rickey | ok i remeber this | 04:40 |
rickey | how do i get it numbered | 04:40 |
rickey | the lines | 04:40 |
stdin | F11 | 04:41 |
rickey | ok | 04:41 |
rickey | ok that was it | 04:43 |
rickey | it,s all ok now | 04:43 |
rickey | i had one word in there that was messing it up i fixed it | 04:43 |
rickey | apt manager opens just fine now | 04:44 |
rickey | thanks | 04:44 |
MurielGodoi | Had any11 faced problems in openoffice without toolbar icons in gutsy? | 04:46 |
rickey | hey stdin i copyed all the commands down so ill not forget anymore | 04:47 |
rickey | thanks friend | 04:47 |
stdin | no problem :) | 04:47 |
rickey | you guy,s are going to turn me into a geek | 04:48 |
stdin | join us, you know you want to ;) | 04:48 |
rickey | amen | 04:48 |
rickey | you all have a good nigth | 04:50 |
Karri | rickey: Geek is good. | 04:50 |
Karri | rickey: good night | 04:50 |
rickey | yes geek is good | 04:50 |
rickey | window,s is bad | 04:51 |
MurielGodoi | !windows | 04:51 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See and !equivalents | 04:51 |
MurielGodoi | hehe | 04:51 |
dsmith_ | lol | 04:51 |
rickey | ubotu that so like cool | 04:52 |
stdin | lucky there was no "is" in that sentence | 04:52 |
rickey | i changed my mind | 04:53 |
rickey | i need to fix this proublem Couldn't find a realvideo shared library for version 4 | 04:54 |
rickey | you all help me get this | 04:54 |
el_taco | anyone have k3b break in gutsy? | 04:55 |
Daisuke_Laptop | rickey: easy answer: move into the new millenium and leave realplayer in the 90s where it belongs | 04:56 |
Daisuke_Laptop | better answer: try installing kubuntu-restricted-extras | 04:56 |
MurielGodoi | In openoffice.org2.3 under gutsy can see no icon, no layout icons in presentation, and so on... no artworks at all. Any idea? | 04:56 |
rickey | hi daisuke | 04:56 |
rickey | i would but i need it to watch alan watt video,s | 04:57 |
rickey | i did daisy but i dont think these was in there | 04:58 |
rickey | verison 4 is new | 04:59 |
Karri | Okey, Been working hard now on getting my computer to route internet-access for another computer. anyone into the networking area of Kubuntu 7.10? | 05:04 |
dhfg | correct me if im wrong, but 'mkdir' is the command to make a directory, is it not? | 05:05 |
Karri | ardchoille: I failed to get registered to netserv, think it could be because i use Kopete? | 05:05 |
Karri | dhfg: i think so | 05:05 |
dhfg | why wont sudo mkdir /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ work | 05:05 |
stdin | dhfg: probably because /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox is a symlink | 05:06 |
dhfg | then how would i go about it? | 05:06 |
stdin | dhfg: it points to /usr/lib/firefox and /usr/lib/firefox/plugins should already exist | 05:07 |
dhfg | stdin: ah, i see | 05:07 |
Karri | So no-one here that could try to help me 'bridge' the internet connection? | 05:08 |
miaviator | your bridging an internet connection? | 05:09 |
miaviator | using CLI iptables or firestarter or guidedog | 05:09 |
miaviator | ? | 05:09 |
posingaspopular | hi, i came in a few minutes ago asking about an issue im having about my comptuer running uber slow, and it's still persisting. anyone around to help? i can elaborate more if anyone wants more details | 05:09 |
rickey | ok stdin i have a file on the desktop i need to in stall how do i do it | 05:10 |
stdin | rickey: what type of file? | 05:10 |
miaviator | define slow | 05:10 |
rickey | m player codecs | 05:10 |
stdin | rickey: no, what type. like a .tar, a .deb.... | 05:11 |
hari_ | hi | 05:11 |
rickey | mplayer-codecs-extra-20061022-1.i386.rpm | 05:11 |
Karri | miaviator: using 2 nics on the 'host' and just patching it trough. | 05:11 |
posingaspopular | miaviator: the programs dont load quickly, moving the mouse is laggy, net pages take forever to load. this all started after i clicked on konversation and my screen went black. | 05:11 |
stdin | rickey: go get a .deb or a .tar.gz. anything but an RPM | 05:12 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: laptop or desktop? | 05:12 |
rickey | ok | 05:12 |
rickey | thanks | 05:12 |
miaviator | posing: running compiz or is everything slow | 05:12 |
posingaspopular | desktop, and no desktop effects. everything is slow, including opening folders etc. 2.0 ghz processor | 05:12 |
miaviator | karri: i gotta go, for ubuntu firestarter will do it for kubuntu guidedog will do it if not man iptables /masq | 05:12 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: i pinged you earlier when the trouble first started | 05:13 |
Jucato | yeah I'm sorry I was out :( | 05:13 |
Karri | miaviator: got any idea? | 05:13 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: does ksysguard give you any clue? Ctrl+Esc? | 05:13 |
stdin | rickey: or use the repos to install w32codecs (it is the same as what you're downloading) | 05:13 |
posingaspopular | what am i looking for? | 05:14 |
Jucato | anything eating CPU or RAM? | 05:14 |
posingaspopular | nope. it's all below 1% | 05:14 |
Jucato | hm... | 05:15 |
posingaspopular | it's flickering like it's trying to constantly refesh though | 05:15 |
posingaspopular | let me check the tree | 05:15 |
* Jucato wonders if it's a video card driver problem or something... | 05:15 | |
posingaspopular | no i dont see anything unusual in sysguard | 05:17 |
posingaspopular | well irssi is taking forever to launch too | 05:18 |
Jucato | weird... | 05:18 |
Jucato | really weird... | 05:18 |
eddieftw | actually though irssi is running fine, but it might be the GUI/videocard stuff | 05:19 |
eddieftw | <--- posingaspopular | 05:19 |
Jucato | :) | 05:19 |
Jucato | can you try "glxinfo | grep render" ? | 05:19 |
Karri | is there seriously no one here that could has some experience within the network aspect of kubuntu? | 05:20 |
posingaspopular | im going to paste directly into the chan, i hope no one kills me for it | 05:21 |
posingaspopular | No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose) | 05:21 |
posingaspopular | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 05:21 |
Jucato | that could be one problem... | 05:22 |
Jucato | (although it shouldn't be... free drivers shouldn't be *that* slow or problematic) | 05:22 |
virnik | does somebody know, how to make desktop switcher work correctly with compiz-fusion in gutsy? | 05:22 |
virnik | upon start, it shows only one destkop view | 05:22 |
posingaspopular | yea because it only started tonight, and im using an integrated system for everything | 05:23 |
Jucato | virnik: that's one reason why we decided not to ship with compiz... compiz and kde don't play together so nicely... | 05:23 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: what's your video card? | 05:23 |
virnik | u must right click on it, and change desktops from one to two for example | 05:23 |
virnik | apply, then again back to one | 05:23 |
virnik | after this, I see all my sis desktop views | 05:23 |
enoj | Can anyone recommend a good partition program for kubuntu? | 05:23 |
Jucato | virnik: if you don't get an answer here, you can ask for help in #compiz-fusion | 05:23 |
Jucato | enoj: I'd have to say GParted (even if it's not a Qt/KDE program) | 05:24 |
virnik | Jucato: grrrrr....really wanna this worked out. with beryl in feisty, i just fiddled with it and it worked out of the box | 05:24 |
virnik | but here... | 05:24 |
virnik | Jucato: I have asked there... | 05:24 |
Jucato | <Jucato> virnik: that's one reason why we decided not to ship with compiz... compiz and kde don't play together so nicely... | 05:24 |
virnik | still no response | 05:24 |
Jucato | hm... might be because it's a sunday night in some parts of the world, or a very early morning | 05:25 |
posingaspopular | thats my output for lspci | 05:25 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: whoa! an intel card shouldn't be giving you problems... and it has open source 3d drivers too.. hm... | 05:26 |
virnik | Jucato: no, with my answer "Jucato: I have asked there..." I mentioned that I have asked in that #compiz-fusion | 05:26 |
virnik | it is six here | 05:26 |
virnik | 6:00am | 05:26 |
virnik | and I am at work from 5:00 | 05:26 |
Jucato | virnik: yes I know what you meant. but not everyone is up the same time as you are :) | 05:26 |
Jucato | asking for support in IRC involves a mixture of patience, timing, and just plain old luck :) | 05:27 |
posingaspopular | yea it's just running super slow as if there isn't any memory or something | 05:27 |
GS3User007 | i have a geforce4 mx440 pci card (also an onboard intel, i'm having to update the system using this), after the kubuntu splash goes away during boot, the screen goes black. the system is still booting as the sound works | 05:27 |
posingaspopular | virnik: you could ask in the ubuntuforums | 05:27 |
GS3User007 | more coming: | 05:27 |
posingaspopular | that's pretty timely from my understanding | 05:27 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: Alt+Space, kinfocenter, then click on Memory... | 05:27 |
virnik | Jucato: I see | 05:28 |
GS3User007 | i've tried both the nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-legacy drivers, making sure to run the enable script. both packages kick out an error that scrolls off the top of my screen, however i am able to catch the following: "server-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration" which presumably reverts the configuration file in charge of video back to its default, also non-working form | 05:29 |
GS3User007 | thoughts? | 05:29 |
GS3User007 | should i hit up the forum? | 05:29 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: don't be condensending to me. just because you're an ubuntu member/kubuntu guru doesn't mean I can't katapult to kinfocenter! ;p | 05:29 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | Has anybody upgraded from Kubuntu 7.04 to 7.10? | 05:30 |
rickey | ok for what i am doing this is the rigth download all-ppc-20061022.tar.bz2 | 05:30 |
virnik | posingaspopular: yes, will do it, thx for suggestions | 05:30 |
posingaspopular | whoa it says used physical memory is 45%for total mem. physical memory for free physical memory is 46 | 05:31 |
posingaspopular | gundam_rx78nt1: yes. want help?> | 05:31 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | well, I tried to do it via adept and it hosed up my machine. | 05:31 |
virnik | had to restart X | 05:31 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | Is there a way to use another method and get it up and running. | 05:31 |
rickey | stdin will you help me install this off my desktop | 05:31 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | without losing my setting? | 05:31 |
posingaspopular | gundam_rx78nt1: it's almost always easier to do it via command line | 05:31 |
posingaspopular | yes | 05:31 |
posingaspopular | just open up a konsole/terminal and run these two commands | 05:32 |
posingaspopular | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:32 |
stdin | rickey: it's easier to install the w32codecs package. and you downloaded the PPC version (for macs) | 05:32 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: thoughts? | 05:33 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: how physical mem is being used by apps? is swap being used? | 05:33 |
rickey | stdin the page sent me to this download | 05:33 |
posingaspopular | swap is 100% free and ps -aux says that the apps aren't using any mem. | 05:35 |
rickey | i have installed the 32 codecs packege | 05:35 |
posingaspopular | well they are, but an insignifacnt amount | 05:35 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: hm... really weird... :( | 05:35 |
posingaspopular | gundam_rx78nt1: stay in the chan and let me know if anything breaks/you need any more help | 05:35 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | ok | 05:35 |
rickey | and it wont make mplayer work in the format that was trying to be played | 05:35 |
stdin | rickey: that package has all the same files as what you would download from that site. it's the same thing but in a package | 05:35 |
posingaspopular | yea like i said, i've never seen this error/bug before, so I have no idea what to do, which is why i msg'd you | 05:36 |
rickey | i dont understand which one on that page is the hole package | 05:36 |
rickey | wholllle package | 05:36 |
Dark_Mystic | I have a question regarding Beryl and Gutsy.. I updated from Fiesty to Gibbon and it appears my Compiz menu will not open or allow it to be accessed at all. Any idea why it locks up when I attempt to access it? | 05:37 |
rickey | can you show me which one is the rigth one | 05:37 |
rickey | type the name of | 05:37 |
wally | hi | 05:38 |
wally | how do i adjust the screen resolution ? | 05:38 |
posingaspopular | !X | 05:38 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 05:38 |
rickey | i have the page up | 05:38 |
wally | thanx | 05:38 |
stdin | rickey: if you've installed w32codecs, then that's the same as what you download from the site | 05:40 |
wally | is there no gui tool to adjust the resolution ? | 05:40 |
rickey | file:///home/rickey/Desktop/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu4_i386.deb | 05:41 |
rickey | this is what i installed | 05:41 |
rickey | but i dont know if that is the whole package or not | 05:42 |
stdin | rickey: that's for playing commercial CSS encrypted DVDs | 05:42 |
rickey | ok so please help get the rigth thing installed please | 05:43 |
posingaspopular | wally: yes there is, but i cant help with that right now because my computer is also broke | 05:43 |
|Toad | how do i install real player? | 05:43 |
wally | posingaspopular: so there is hope | 05:43 |
rickey | i have the mediubuntu page up\ | 05:43 |
squarebottle | Hmm. I'm on the Medibuntu site and I see where it says how to add the gpg keys, but I don't see where it says what the actual repository is that I should be adding to sources.list | 05:44 |
posingaspopular | wally: yea, but i can't help | 05:44 |
wally | i'll snoop around | 05:44 |
Jucato | wally: System Settings -> Monitor & Display ? | 05:44 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: I'm out of clues :( | 05:44 |
posingaspopular | yea me too, im asking some more people | 05:45 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: poke nixternal :) | 05:45 |
squarebottle | Anybody link me to the page that says where the Medibuntu repository is? | 05:45 |
Jucato | !medibuntu | 05:45 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 05:45 |
Jucato | squarebottle: ^^ | 05:45 |
squarebottle | Ok. Thanks. I'm not asking you to add it to the default install. | 05:46 |
rickey | i have that page up | 05:46 |
squarebottle | Do you know where the page is? That's all. There's nothing wrong with linking me to that page. | 05:46 |
squarebottle | Afterall, Ubuntu does officially support the capability to add other repositories. ;) | 05:46 |
squarebottle | rickey: Could you provide that link, please? | 05:46 |
posingaspopular | yea me too, and i tried asking him already. ;p i'll bother him again | 05:47 |
rickey | | 05:47 |
* Jucato wonders if squarebottle didn't see the bot's reply | 05:47 | |
rickey | but i myself dont see where the whole download is even on this page | 05:48 |
squarebottle | Jucato: Don't be trigger happy. Look, if I were asking for help to install a program from source, that'd be okay even if that program was not stamped by Canonical. | 05:48 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: the processor is 2.66 ghz, not 2.0 to make things stranger | 05:49 |
Jucato | <squarebottle> Anybody link me to the page that says where the Medibuntu repository is? <--- I gave a reply pointing you to their website. | 05:49 |
rickey | square do you see where the whole download in showen | 05:49 |
posingaspopular | anyone/anywhere else you could point me to | 05:49 |
rickey | on that page | 05:49 |
Jucato | [13:45] <ubotu> medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 05:50 |
Jucato | [13:45] <Jucato> squarebottle: ^^ | 05:50 |
Jucato | in case, again, you didn't see it that's the medibuntu website | 05:50 |
squarebottle | Jucato, go to that page yourself! | 05:50 |
Jucato | I am there. | 05:51 |
Jucato | and? | 05:51 |
squarebottle | See where on that page the repository is listed? | 05:51 |
squarebottle | ;) | 05:51 |
Jucato | did you go to the "Repository Howto" link? | 05:51 |
squarebottle | I've searched that page and the repository how-to for "deb" even to try to find it. | 05:51 |
squarebottle | Jucato: You bet I have. | 05:51 |
Jucato | Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon": sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list | 05:52 |
squarebottle | That is for the gpg key. | 05:52 |
Jucato | "Below are the instructions to add the Medibuntu repository to your system's list of APT repositories. " | 05:52 |
Jucato | oh you are so wrong | 05:52 |
Jucato | Then, add the GPG Key: wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update | 05:52 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: i just ran htop and my mem usage is WAY up there | 05:52 |
Jucato | *that* is for the GPG key ^^^ | 05:52 |
Jucato | can you please read more carefully before trying to lambast people who try to actually help you? | 05:53 |
squarebottle | That doesn't at all follow the format of the rest of the things in sources.list | 05:53 |
Jucato | have you actually tried to do it first? | 05:53 |
squarebottle | Didn't mean to lambast you, mate. Sorry. Just got told by a few other people that they wouldn't help because it wasn't official before I came here, so I'm sorry I jumped the gun on ya. | 05:53 |
Jucato | because it adds a special repository called "gutys.list" into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | 05:54 |
Jucato | medibuntu.list I mean | 05:54 |
Jucato | and that directory acts as an addon repository, just as if you were adding some deb lines in sources.list | 05:54 |
squarebottle | Really? That's interesting. I wonder why they didn't follow the regular repository format like they used to. | 05:55 |
Jucato | <-- can you take a look at what that contains? | 05:55 |
Jucato | it does follow the regular repository format. | 05:56 |
Jucato | but there's nothing that says you can't have more than one *.list file | 05:56 |
squarebottle | I mean like, putting up the repository for people to add to their sources.list like most repositories, instead of having a whole special thing. I'm used to editing my sources.list is what I'm saying. | 05:57 |
* Jucato shrugs | 05:57 | |
Jucato | posingaspopular: really sorry I have no clue | 05:58 |
squarebottle | Jucato: Don't get me wrong. This is fine too. Just completely threw me off since it's not really the normal way of adding repositories. Anyway, thanks for the help, and again, sorry for getting defensive so quick. | 05:59 |
Jucato | you could have at least *tried* it first | 05:59 |
posingaspopular | it's cool, thansk for the help. im going to post this under hardware in the ubuntuforums if you want to keep up to date | 05:59 |
squarebottle | I did. I just didn't see any real confirmation, and thought it was just the gpg key. | 05:59 |
ubuntu | morning guys ! or maybe good evening! | 06:00 |
ubuntu | i try live cd kubuntu 7.10 and no one of my partitions is not mounted and can;t be mounted | 06:00 |
ubuntu | after install that partitions could become mountable ? | 06:01 |
squarebottle | Jucato: I'm happy to say it a third time: I'm sorry I was short-tempered. Thank you for the help. Good night. | 06:02 |
* Jucato should have been short tempered too... :( | 06:03 | |
posingaspopular | Jucato: thanks for all the effort, i appreciate it | 06:06 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: I feel bad not knowing the answer to your problem though :/ | 06:06 |
posingaspopular | haha it's cool, it is almost surely my broken HD that's going to be fixed in a few days anyeay | 06:07 |
posingaspopular | that's the only other thing that might be doing it, but im not sure | 06:07 |
posingaspopular | if thats no the issue than i'll file a bug report | 06:08 |
Karri | So anyone here that want to help me experiment with network connections? | 06:14 |
GS3User007 | hello there... is anyone around? | 06:24 |
LastMall | there's always someone around on the internet | 06:25 |
GS3User007 | heh | 06:25 |
GS3User007 | fair enough | 06:25 |
GS3User007 | any idea why "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" wouldn't change the device identifier or busid fields in xorg.conf? | 06:26 |
jaguar_ | hi ppl, could anybody tell me how to install aiglx on kubuntu 7.10? please | 06:29 |
jaguar_ | hi... nobody? =( | 06:33 |
LastMall | patience | 06:33 |
LastMall | is it different than installing it on 7.04 ? | 06:34 |
jaguar_ | ^_^ | 06:34 |
jaguar_ | i guess so, because i cant find it on the repositories | 06:34 |
jaguar_ | and in fact I had it by default on 7.04, but now i have this slow xgl... | 06:35 |
LastMall | jaguar_ starting with the 3rd link, anything look promising ? | 06:35 |
jaguar_ | mmm most of the results are for 7.04 - =( | 06:40 |
jaguar_ | no luck... | 06:41 |
chovy | how come restart or shutdown -r now doesn't restart the machine? | 06:42 |
hangthedj | try reboot | 06:43 |
chovy | i did, it won't reboot when i type it remotely, only from desktop. | 06:43 |
carranca | hi, the other day i tried to upgrade to gusty gibbon and after the initial install it required me to install/update 500+ packages, the problem is that im getting the following error: There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. | 06:43 |
hangthedj | i think by default, only root can reboot the machine or shut it down remotely | 06:44 |
chovy | hangthedj: so sudo reboot won't work. | 06:44 |
chovy | when i did a dist-upgrade xorg + ati stopped working. Now i just get a blank asscreen | 06:45 |
chovy | any suggestions? | 06:45 |
hangthedj | chovy, hmm, not sure, i just rebooted one of my machines remotely with sudo reboot. | 06:45 |
chovy | it is like kdm isn't starting. | 06:46 |
chovy | how do i su root? I don't know hte password | 06:48 |
=== purpleposeidon is now known as LOL | ||
Jucato | !sudo | chovy | 06:48 |
ubotu | chovy: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 06:48 |
chovy | for rebooting thoguh | 06:49 |
chovy | or how do i reload kdm | 06:49 |
Jucato | sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (from tty, Ctrl+Alt+F1) | 06:50 |
Jucato | (make sure you're logged out of KDE | 06:50 |
chovy | ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't get me into a shell | 06:51 |
chovy | and ctrl+backspace doesn't kill it either | 06:51 |
=== LOL is now known as purpleposeidon | ||
chovy | this is very frustrating. how can i even debug this without a console? | 06:54 |
GS3User007 | boot into recovery from grub? | 06:55 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | posingaspopular: sorry I didn't get back with you. I was trying to get my network (wirless) up and going. Converting from automatic settings managed by knetwork manager to static is hard (for me it is). | 06:56 |
chovy | but then i don't get net | 06:56 |
chovy | i need to just boot into prompt | 06:56 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | my computer is just staring to do the updat. | 06:56 |
chovy | all i get is a blank screen, can someone help? | 06:57 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | posingaspopular: are you still here? | 06:57 |
GS3User007 | chovy: i think there might be a boot option you can add in grub so that it stops before it attempts to launch the gui, i don't know what it is though | 06:59 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | I am trying to update my laptop with kubuntu 7.10 from 7.04. I did the apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade and get the following error: | 07:00 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 07:00 |
chovy | heh | 07:00 |
chovy | at least you get something | 07:00 |
swined` | gundam_rx78nt1: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 07:01 |
chovy | now i'm being cynical | 07:01 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | It was while processing acpi-support. | 07:01 |
chovy | yeah, i got a bunch of acpi issues too. | 07:01 |
chovy | dpkg --configure -a should fix that | 07:01 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | swined`: after that? | 07:01 |
chovy | funny, remove xorg.conf completely, and it loads up. | 07:02 |
swined` | gundam_rx78nt1: after apt fails | 07:02 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | swined`: i did run the dpkg -- configure -a and it fails when trying to setup acpid. | 07:04 |
swined` | gundam_rx78nt1: what exactly it says when fails? | 07:04 |
virnik | hey | 07:04 |
npurciful | hey whats up | 07:04 |
virnik | solved problem with kicker" | 07:04 |
virnik | and compiz | 07:04 |
virnik | | 07:04 |
virnik | just use kicker-compiz | 07:04 |
virnik | and everything is OK | 07:04 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | it say acpi-support depends on acpid(>=1.0.4-1ubuntu4); however: package acpid is not configured yet. | 07:06 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | after that are faild dependancy processes and then fails with an error code (1). | 07:07 |
awag | hello | 07:07 |
npurciful | Okay so i am wondering about the new encrypt full hard feature, i do a install setup manual lvm with /home on separtate partition and I later need to reinstall, is there a way to get the ubuntu installer to see the lvm and not wipe out all the partitions | 07:08 |
awag | does anyone have experience with mounting another hard drive as one's home directory? | 07:08 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | how come when i watch a mpeg video with vlc player on mozilla it always says no video | 07:08 |
npurciful | awag: i mount another hdd as my home | 07:09 |
virnik | gundam_rx78nt1: apt-get -f install | 07:09 |
awag | npurciful, i'm trying to mount my /dev/hdb1 to /home/myhomedir/ but then when i try to log in, it gives me some error about kdesettings couldn't start, and it won't let me log in, any ideas? | 07:09 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | virnik: still get the same error code. | 07:10 |
chovy | dang | 07:10 |
chovy | still no dice on login | 07:10 |
npurciful | did you move you profile with the same permissions | 07:10 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | I really hate this. | 07:11 |
npurciful | that really didnt make sense | 07:11 |
npurciful | awag: i go to recovery from grub menu | 07:12 |
awag | npurciful, i'm not exactly sure what all i did, copied my old home from a previous install that had gone bad, onto the root of another hard drive, and then i installed 7.10 fresh onto a different drive, and then i want to be able to mount my old home dir, and have it work as my new home | 07:12 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | what video output should i use on mplayer? | 07:12 |
awag | npurciful, it stops giving me the login error if i just umount hdb1 from home, and let it use the first hdd | 07:13 |
npurciful | I never tried to reuse a profile i just create a new and copy files over | 07:14 |
npurciful | sound like the permissions or files are missing | 07:14 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | its a easy question | 07:15 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | please answer | 07:15 |
awag | npurciful, yeah i don't need to reuse my old profile, i just want to be able to, when i write to /home/myhomedir/ the files to go to my other harddrive, not the master drive | 07:15 |
awag | npurciful, even when i tried copying all the new files that are in the new home that was created by the install, to my old home, and mounting that, it still gave me an error | 07:16 |
npurciful | i just cp -vrp /home/* /<device> | 07:16 |
awag | what does p do? | 07:17 |
npurciful | the -p preserves permissions and links and such | 07:17 |
awag | ah | 07:17 |
Q-collective | hello all, could anyone help me out by getting my onboard realtek HD sound to work? I have managed to let Kubuntu see the card, alsamixer is now giving meaningfull output, but still no sound whatsoever :( | 07:17 |
awag | npurciful, so i should mount my other hdd on like /mnt or something, and then cp it like you said, and then i should be able to mount it on my home dir without problems? | 07:19 |
npurciful | yeah that what i do | 07:19 |
iecsam | hi | 07:20 |
awag | npurciful, ok i'll try it, thanks alot man | 07:20 |
npurciful | np | 07:20 |
iecsam | can anyone tell me if i can install ubuntustudio applications in kubuntu? | 07:20 |
chovy | i get some error about no resume image? | 07:25 |
virnik | that damned compiz kicker is not working as I suspected | 07:26 |
awag | npurciful, sweet i think that worked :) | 07:26 |
virnik | transparent views are so transparent, that I cant see them | 07:26 |
npurciful | good | 07:26 |
virnik | what is more, I like two rows of six desktops, so I have six desktops in two rows by three | 07:27 |
virnik | and here....six in line | 07:27 |
virnik | damn | 07:27 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | virnik: i wish i could get compiz working corectly | 07:28 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | but even if i did i would be bored with it in about a minute | 07:28 |
chovy | me too AT0M1CB0MB3R | 07:28 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | lol | 07:29 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | same wiff alot of peope | 07:29 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ple | 07:29 |
chovy | PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 000:00:000 | 07:34 |
chovy | wtf? | 07:34 |
virnik | it works correctly for me | 07:37 |
virnik | this is only last problem | 07:37 |
Karri | anyone here that has a clue how to get an ATI graphics card driver from the ATI Homepage? | 07:44 |
Karri | Installed of course. | 07:45 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Karri: you dont want to install that one | 07:45 |
Karri | okey, why is that? | 07:46 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Karri: have you tried restricted drivers for your card? | 07:46 |
Karri | I have not, As i just recently started to use my kubuntu again | 07:46 |
=== PolitikerNEU is now known as PolitikerNEU|Uni | ||
AT0M1CB0MB3R | want me to help you install them | 07:46 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ? | 07:46 |
chovy | Karri: i'm having same problem. ati doesn't work anymore after upgrade | 07:46 |
Karri | Sure atom | 07:47 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | i have a 9550 | 07:47 |
Karri | would be great | 07:47 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | ok | 07:47 |
Karri | i have a 9600 pro | 07:47 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | yeah ALOT of people had problems with that card | 07:47 |
Karri | my biggest trouble is lack of information and experience | 07:47 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Karri: go to system settings | 07:47 |
Karri | There | 07:48 |
Fleck | what's the best way to copy files through internet? (need to mount remote fs...) | 07:48 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Karri: then click the advanced tab at the top | 07:48 |
Karri | there | 07:49 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Karri: then you should see restricted drivers | 07:49 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | click that | 07:49 |
Karri | I'm using a swedish version so i'll try to find it | 07:50 |
=== jeh_work is now known as chakie_work | ||
Karri | Does the icon look like a small cirquit chip? | 07:50 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | yeah | 07:50 |
Karri | check, i'm there | 07:50 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | huh? | 07:50 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | check? | 07:50 |
Karri | military speak, (okey i'm there) | 07:51 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | well click administrator mode | 07:51 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | at the bottom | 07:51 |
Karri | done | 07:51 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | then click the little check box | 07:51 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | to enable the driver | 07:51 |
Karri | okey | 07:51 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | then after thats done you should restart | 07:51 |
Karri | okey | 07:52 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | so see you when you get back | 07:52 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Karri: are you going to restart? | 07:54 |
chovy | well, i can't explain xorg no longer works no matter what i try. | 07:54 |
Karri | See ya | 07:54 |
chovy | apparently, renaming X11 to xorg did not include code improvements. :P | 07:54 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | chovy: have you tried to reconfigure it with this command "sude reconfigure xorg-xserver" | 07:55 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | oops that command wont work | 07:56 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | sudo | 07:56 |
=== zanimimotus is now known as animimotus | ||
Karri | Okey atom i'm back | 07:57 |
chovy | AT0M1CB0MB3R: dice | 07:58 |
Karri | Now i will retry my launching of WoW | 07:58 |
Karri | xD | 07:58 |
chovy | i'm just going to re-install | 08:00 |
chovy | would've been quicker to begin with. | 08:00 |
Karri | No luck | 08:01 |
Karri | My graphic went crazy, hahaha | 08:01 |
chovy | i think something changed | 08:01 |
chovy | re-ascerts my belief that linux is a great server. | 08:01 |
chovy | for everything else, there's Mac | 08:01 |
Karri | atomic? | 08:03 |
kraut | moin | 08:03 |
Karri | Got any other smart ideas? :) | 08:03 |
cptnspoon | gday all, really simple one, before I upgraded to Gutsy the Kubuntu Auto Updater seemed to stop loading on start up, I thought the upgrade would fix it but it didnt...any ideas how to get it back? | 08:05 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Karri: thats all that i have | 08:11 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | :[ | 08:11 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | how do i login using su | 08:19 |
=== chef_ is now known as jensg43 | ||
jensg43 | hi | 08:21 |
hannes3 | hi | 08:22 |
=== dhq_ is now known as dhq | ||
viktor_ | is it possible to install microsoft office on linux | 08:33 |
wielo | hi all | 08:33 |
squarebottle | Hey, what can I enter into a run dialogue to access the settings manager? | 08:33 |
viktor_ | 1 | 08:34 |
viktor_ | 1 | 08:34 |
viktor_ | is it possible to install microsoft office on linux | 08:34 |
wielo | viktor -> possible yes but with what effect i can't tell | 08:34 |
viktor_ | how would i do it normal install from cd | 08:34 |
wielo | i never do it before but mayby wine can? | 08:35 |
viktor_ | wine can..? | 08:35 |
wielo | | 08:36 |
viktor_ | can we install games on kubuntu | 08:36 |
emilsedgh | viktor_: yes there are many games for Kubuntu, what kind of game do you like? | 08:37 |
wielo | hah | 08:37 |
viktor_ | i wanna install cryisis | 08:37 |
wielo | omfg | 08:37 |
viktor_ | i got it on dvd | 08:37 |
viktor_ | whats wrong | 08:37 |
wielo | mayby cedega can? (cedega -- an emulator) | 08:37 |
wielo | but crysis is so new | 08:38 |
viktor_ | where can i find cedega | 08:38 |
emilsedgh | viktor_: if thats a windows game, you should search for it in wine website, but there are many games for linux that run on kubuntu | 08:38 |
gnom | install good browser help! | 08:38 |
viktor_ | i want crysis lol | 08:38 |
gnom | help :) | 08:38 |
squarebottle_ | viktor_: It sounds to me like you probably want to dual-boot. | 08:38 |
viktor_ | ahh but thats so hrd to go | 08:39 |
viktor_ | do | 08:39 |
wielo | gnom: want good browser? :P | 08:39 |
gnom | :) | 08:39 |
squarebottle_ | viktor_: Hey, mind if I ask how old you are? | 08:39 |
viktor_ | how do i make an partition from the hard drive im already usin make it ntfs | 08:39 |
viktor_ | 20 | 08:39 |
wielo | opera? | 08:39 |
viktor_ | almost | 08:39 |
gnom | can not install opera | 08:40 |
anrafcer | hello folks1 | 08:40 |
wielo | why? 64-bit? | 08:40 |
gnom | if you can give me a link to download right version? | 08:40 |
viktor_ | dual boot is bigges hastle cant i just get emulator | 08:40 |
wielo | ehm... there's no 64-bit ver of opera ;/ | 08:41 |
squarebottle_ | viktor_: Alright. Well, dual-booting is actually pretty easy. It's easiest if you install windows first and then Ubuntu. See, the thing is that "serious gamers" typically dual boot because it's very, very rare that the games run through emulators perform nearly as well. | 08:41 |
wielo | the all rest u've got here: | 08:41 |
corporeal | lol | 08:42 |
anrafcer | when I use adept to install a program, I receive this error: ; I tried to set permission with xhost or reconfigure debconf but didnt work, anybody can help me? thanks | 08:42 |
viktor_ | so i have to install windows and then ubuntu | 08:42 |
viktor_ | farrrrkk | 08:42 |
viktor_ | such a hastle | 08:43 |
viktor_ | and how do i partion the drive just use the kubuntu to do it for me on install | 08:43 |
squarebottle_ | viktor_: Do you have to? No, you don't. I just think that's the easiest way, personally. | 08:43 |
viktor_ | okai but do i use the kubuntu partion it for me how much do i need for kubuntu about just to run affect and internet and etc nothing crazy mayb like 20 gig..? | 08:44 |
squarebottle_ | viktor_: Well, if you'd like to know a bit about partitioning, I actually wrote a guide for a friend of mine. | 08:44 |
squarebottle_ | viktor_: You can just go down to the part about partitioning if that's what you care about, heh. | 08:45 |
viktor_ | oh kool i can do all that easy i just dont how to get windows to start first | 08:45 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | Ok. now I am really angry. I tried to upgrade my laptop to Kubuntu 7.10 and it failed to update giving me an error dpkg error code (1). this was given during the update process of acpid. | 08:45 |
wielo | viktor: u must change it in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:46 |
viktor_ | easy to change..? | 08:46 |
wielo | there is a list of system and u must cut windows into first place | 08:46 |
anrafcer | nobody can give me an advice?? yuhu! :) | 08:46 |
viktor_ | thats it cut the windows line ontop of linux and doen | 08:46 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | Now, I can boot up into kubuntu 7.10 but I can't get my network to work. the drivers aren't found and it doesn't load the ipw3945 drivers. | 08:46 |
squarebottle_ | anrafcer: Never seen that one. Sorry. For that, you can ask in #ubuntu too if you'd like | 08:47 |
wielo | hem... my father now how to do it so... i think it;s teasy | 08:47 |
viktor_ | fair enuf | 08:47 |
wielo | heh | 08:48 |
wielo | anybody tested ext4? | 08:48 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | how can I fix it? | 08:48 |
squarebottle_ | gundam_rx78nt1: Do you know what wireless card you have and all that jazz? | 08:48 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | the intel ipw3945ABG pro. | 08:49 |
anrafcer | squarebottle_: ok, thanks | 08:49 |
squarebottle_ | gundam_rx78nt1: Well, hmm. I'm pretty sure that should work out of the box. Do you know whether or not it worked in a previous version of of Ubuntu? | 08:50 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | It was working wonderfully with 7.04 now that the upgrade of 7.10 failed during the setting up of acpid, it doesn't find my network card nor driver. | 08:50 |
=== wolfgang is now known as deadfrog | ||
squarebottle_ | Shoot. Does anybody remember the command to continue installing packages? | 08:51 |
Angelus | emerge --resume ? | 08:53 |
Angelus | LoL | 08:53 |
Angelus | squarebottle: try sudo apt-get install --fix-missing | 08:54 |
wielo | hmm... in my apt it's go same when i done "apt-get install" :P | 08:54 |
squarebottle | gundam_rx78nt1: Hehehe, try sudo apt-get install --fix-missing. :P | 08:55 |
squarebottle | Angelus: Thanks. :D | 08:55 |
Angelus | np squarebottle | 08:56 |
squarebottle | Angelus: If it turns out that I'm just thinking of Gentoo, then I'm going to cry softly for my dear, dear friend gundam_rx78nt1 | 08:56 |
Angelus | i didnt understand squarebottle (2days awake) , explain | 08:57 |
squarebottle | Angelus: You made a gentoo reference, which made me wonder if I was thinking of a feature that gentoo offered but not Ubuntu. That's all. | 08:58 |
Angelus | ahh | 08:58 |
Angelus | ok | 08:58 |
squarebottle | I think the debian based distros can resume as well. I hope so. | 08:59 |
Angelus | i dunno | 08:59 |
Angelus | the only think i know is fix-missing | 08:59 |
squarebottle | Well, hopefully it'll do the trick. I was asking on behalf of gundam_rx78nt1 | 09:00 |
Angelus | im going, to sleep | 09:00 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | no, it didn't do the trick. | 09:00 |
Angelus | gundam_rx78nt1: my bad duDe | 09:00 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | I am really thinking of going back to gentoo. | 09:01 |
Angelus | LoL | 09:01 |
squarebottle | lol | 09:01 |
Angelus | :p | 09:01 |
Angelus | there's one feature i like on gentoo | 09:01 |
Angelus | that ubuntu doesn't have | 09:01 |
Angelus | latest software!!!!! | 09:01 |
Netkiller3714 | rawr? | 09:01 |
Netkiller3714 | so says danny500 XD | 09:01 |
squarebottle | Gentoo has a lot of great things that no other distro has. I'll leave it at that out of respect for #kubuntu, lol | 09:01 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | I tried to do the upgrade as on the web page and it failed half way through. now it doesn't detect my audio card and my wireless. | 09:02 |
Netkiller3714 | Jucato you awake? | 09:02 |
Jucato | barely. yes? | 09:02 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | doesn't even load the drivers for neitherof them. | 09:02 |
Angelus | gentoo is nice and intresteng the way it installs and manages the system with use flags and shyte, butt no good for inpatiant potheads that break out there system everyday, thats why i moved to kubuntu, and because im a KDE lova' | 09:02 |
squarebottle | gundam_rx78nt1: If you can, here's what I'd do. Transfer all the files you care about to another computer on your network so that you can do a fresh install. You can use ssh if you've got openssh-server installed on the server to be receiving the files. And dolphin is good for setting up ssh connections. | 09:03 |
Angelus | anywayz, im out, night/mornin/noot, peace. | 09:03 |
* Angelus gone | 09:03 | |
squarebottle | Ciao | 09:03 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | is there any way to restart the upgrade process? | 09:04 |
Netkiller3714 | sup man? | 09:04 |
squarebottle | gundam_rx78nt1: Not that I know of. Sorry I'm not more help. You can definitely try asking in #ubuntu though, as this is not kde specific | 09:04 |
squarebottle | Heck, you can ask in #xubuntu if you really want, lol. | 09:04 |
squarebottle | The solution, if it exists, will be equally relevant to all flavors of Ubuntu, I strongly suspect. | 09:05 |
Netkiller3714 | squarebottle: are you having a problem with Ubuntu? | 09:05 |
Netkiller3714 | oh wait nvm | 09:06 |
squarebottle | Netkiller3714: :) | 09:06 |
squarebottle | Netkiller3714: But thanks for asking. :D | 09:06 |
Netkiller3714 | gundam_rx78nt1: yes open the task manager and end the process "synaptic" | 09:06 |
squarebottle | Alright, my eyes are beginning to droop thanks to el sleep meds, so I'm out. Night everybody. | 09:07 |
Netkiller3714 | peace | 09:07 |
Netkiller3714 | el sleep meds XD | 09:07 |
squarebottle | ;) | 09:07 |
Netkiller3714 | ;) | 09:07 |
Netkiller3714 | my eyes are starting to droop because of el no sleep o | 09:08 |
cptnspoon | gday all, really simple one, before I upgraded to Gutsy the Kubuntu Auto Updater seemed to stop loading on start up, I thought the upgrade would fix it but it didnt...any ideas how to get it back? | 09:08 |
Netkiller3714 | gday mate | 09:08 |
cptnspoon | Netkiller3714: Hey :) | 09:09 |
Netkiller3714 | Gutsy or Gusty? | 09:09 |
cptnspoon | Netkiller3714: Uhh, Gutsy...that's what I said isn't it? | 09:10 |
Netkiller3714 | cptspoon, the settings for the Auto Updater might be set to only update when you tell it to. Have you checked the settings for it yet? | 09:10 |
cptnspoon | Netkiller3714: Would if I could but I'm not even sure where it is...that's the problem | 09:11 |
Netkiller3714 | brb | 09:11 |
Jucato | cptnspoon: press Ctrl+Esc and see if adept_notifier is running | 09:12 |
Netkiller3714 | wait, is Gutsy the one after feisty? | 09:12 |
Jucato | yes | 09:12 |
Netkiller3714 | O_O OMG I'VE BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK! | 09:13 |
cptnspoon | Jucato: Ahh, thanks...nope it isn't | 09:13 |
Netkiller3714 | maybe thats why my nick is Patrick :P | 09:13 |
Jucato | Adept Updater doesn't really start on login. it is Adept Notifier that does that | 09:13 |
virnik | damn....i have problem with K3b | 09:13 |
Netkiller3714 | whats up? | 09:13 |
virnik | it writes CD | 09:13 |
virnik | but cant read it | 09:13 |
virnik | in windows, in linux, nowhere | 09:13 |
virnik | can somebody help me out? | 09:13 |
cptnspoon | Jucato: Well it was starting on startup but it isn't do I get it back there? Sorry for the simple question | 09:14 |
Jucato | cptnspoon: Alt+F2, enter "adept_notifier". it should autostart when you log back in | 09:14 |
virnik | i am talking about iso image | 09:14 |
Netkiller3714 | I'm checking up on it | 09:14 |
cptnspoon | Jucato: Oh, actually running it while I'm still in X gave me a popup message to reenable it upon startup. Cool! Thanks for the help! | 09:15 |
Jucato | virnik: how did you burn it in k3b? what action did you choose? | 09:15 |
Netkiller3714 | virnik, how's vodaphone treat'n ya? | 09:15 |
Netkiller3714 | vodafone* | 09:16 |
virnik | Jucato: burn CD ISO | 09:16 |
virnik | Netkiller3714: fine, using it from dry run few years ago | 09:16 |
Netkiller3714 | nice | 09:16 |
virnik | Jucato: i just chosen BURN CD IMAGE ISO | 09:16 |
virnik | Jucato: iso is OK, i have written it under windows in nero, and works. | 09:17 |
Netkiller3714 | what formate? | 09:17 |
Netkiller3714 | format* argh | 09:17 |
virnik | but k3b destroyed three CDs | 09:17 |
virnik | in feisty, it worked fine | 09:17 |
sonoftheclayr | Hey all, how is everyone? I just upgraded to gutsy and it works! So does the graphics card, which is great! Anyway, I've got vga=791 appended to the end of the line in grub's menu.lst but it doesn't change the size of the terminal like it did in feisty. Anything I can do to get it to work? | 09:18 |
virnik | after upgrade from feisty to gutsy, it says everything is OK, and CD is ejected with success, but cant read it | 09:18 |
the-erm | virnik: that doesn't sound right. | 09:18 |
Netkiller3714 | maybe it's something to do with k3b running on Gutsy. maybe do a re-install? | 09:19 |
virnik | sonoftheclayr: just comment out blacklisted vesa and vesafb16 modules and restart | 09:19 |
the-erm | I wonder what's different, that would cause that to happen. | 09:19 |
virnik | the-erm: no, it does not | 09:19 |
virnik | so it is why I am asking | 09:19 |
virnik | the-erm: dont know, but my burner is useless now | 09:20 |
the-erm | Not that I know how to do it, but have you thought about running a command line burning program. I forget the name ... cdrao ?? | 09:20 |
Netkiller3714 | what are you trying to burn? | 09:20 |
sonoftheclayr | virnik: like in /etc/modules or something? | 09:21 |
virnik | it is really stupit...i feal like dirtybag, cos I must use windaz at my workplace, to do job which is normally easy to do in my loved laptop! | 09:22 |
virnik | can somebody help me out_ | 09:22 |
virnik | ? | 09:22 |
the-erm | Not that anyone cares ... I finally got lirc running :) | 09:22 |
Netkiller3714 | I care | 09:22 |
Netkiller3714 | <3 | 09:22 |
Netkiller3714 | lol | 09:22 |
virnik | Netkiller3714: ubuntu server iso | 09:23 |
Netkiller3714 | lol some one a while back told me the Kubuntu has absolutely nothing to do with Ubuntu | 09:23 |
Netkiller3714 | "Kubuntu is an official derivative of Ubuntu using the KDE environment instead of GNOME." lol | 09:23 |
Netkiller3714 | the Server edition of the new Ubuntu? | 09:23 |
virnik | sonoftheclayr: modules are fine | 09:23 |
virnik | k3b runs diagnostic, everything is fine with CDs or DVDs burned under other PC | 09:24 |
Netkiller3714 | virnik, ever try doing it using a virtual machine? | 09:24 |
virnik | Netkiller3714: yes, but I have failed with many different isos | 09:24 |
Netkiller3714 | argh | 09:24 |
the-erm | Honestly I don't think there's anything majorly different about the distros other than their windowing system. | 09:24 |
virnik | Netkiller3714: under VM with windoze, everything works | 09:25 |
Netkiller3714 | I can't find anything about it :'( | 09:25 |
the-erm | virnik: how fast are you burning it at? I usually burn at about 16x max. Just because I've seen what happens when they go too fast on mythbusters :) | 09:26 |
the-erm | When I *really* care about the image I do 8x. | 09:26 |
Netkiller3714 | 1x lol | 09:26 |
virnik | the-erm: 24x | 09:27 |
the-erm | Of course you're talking to someone who burns less than 1 cd a year. | 09:27 |
Netkiller3714 | O_O that might be why lol | 09:27 |
Netkiller3714 | haha | 09:27 |
Netkiller3714 | *crickets* | 09:28 |
the-erm | It wouldn't hurt to try and burn at a lower speed. | 09:30 |
Netkiller3714 | lol 24 is a bit tarded. | 09:30 |
virnik | is there some app which will allow me to set k3b again? or do you know where k3b stores its config file? | 09:30 |
virnik | the-erm: what? r ya crazy? never. what is more, i already tryed | 09:31 |
virnik | that slowdown teared me half of hour, and nothing...still the same | 09:31 |
virnik | so, where k3b stores config? I will delete it, and startup k3b again, it shall ask for all config again | 09:31 |
the-erm | maybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure k3b ? | 09:31 |
Netkiller3714 | lol don't mean to laugh but how many blanks have you used up playing around with k3b? | 09:32 |
the-erm | I think it's somewhere in .kde | 09:32 |
the-erm | to be more specific ~/.kde | 09:32 |
Netkiller3714 | may be home/user/.k3b | 09:32 |
Netkiller3714 | .kde * | 09:32 |
virnik | I have already deleted them | 09:33 |
virnik | so...lets see | 09:33 |
virnik | but I will use cd-rw this time | 09:33 |
Netkiller3714 | >_< | 09:34 |
virnik | dont want to destroy another verbatim | 09:34 |
virnik | ^|^ | 09:35 |
the-erm | ~/.kde/share/apps/k3b and ~/.kde/share/config/k3brc | 09:35 |
the-erm | Those seem to be the only 2 config files. | 09:36 |
virnik | strange | 09:38 |
virnik | just fired up diagnostic | 09:38 |
virnik | or...simply k3b in console, and tryed my toasted CD | 09:38 |
virnik | if somebody interested and can help, just visit | 09:43 |
virnik | it is run log of k3b with this medium | 09:43 |
the-erm | Sorry no freaking clue. | 09:44 |
virnik | hmmm | 09:44 |
virnik | lost again | 09:44 |
virnik | damned gutsy...with feisty, everything was working, and now...nothing | 09:45 |
WaltzingAlong | virnik: my guess is that you put gutsy on there | 09:45 |
virnik | or yes,everything is working, because I fixed it, but here...i have no clue | 09:45 |
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virnik | WaltzingAlong: what are you talking about? | 09:47 |
WaltzingAlong | talking about feisty to gutsy | 09:47 |
the-erm | You know the transition to gusty was a little more ruff than it was to feisty for me as well. | 09:48 |
the-erm | I ended up doing a complete re-install. | 09:48 |
the-erm | -- I can get a .com up and running in less than a day with backups :) | 09:48 |
virnik | damn | 09:52 |
virnik | yes, i have made update, so upgraded from feisty to gutsy | 09:53 |
virnik | and now my burner dont work at all, after that playing with k3b | 09:55 |
virnik | hm | 09:55 |
virnik | gonna reset | 09:55 |
virnik | kernel shall reset that drive, hdparm does not help | 09:55 |
Q-collective | hello all, could anyone help me out by getting my onboard realtek HD sound to work? I have managed to let Kubuntu see the card, alsamixer is now giving meaningfull output, but still no sound whatsoever :( | 10:00 |
the-erm | Q-collective: ok, let's start with simple things ... is the power on, is it plugged in? | 10:01 |
the-erm | Is it plugged in to the right output :) | 10:01 |
Q-collective | the-erm: it's the speakerstuff on my laptop ;) | 10:02 |
the-erm | What does kmix say your volume is. With my audigy, the master volume on the "record" section controls the volume. | 10:02 |
Q-collective | the-erm: it's set to the max | 10:03 |
the-erm | ok how about mute :) | 10:04 |
Q-collective | that it isn't | 10:04 |
Q-collective | ;) | 10:04 |
the-erm | Is the wave volume up on the mixer? | 10:05 |
the-erm | How about the pcm volume? | 10:05 |
Q-collective | all up | 10:05 |
the-erm | Ok this may sound wierd type something like ls -l >/dev/dsp | 10:06 |
the-erm | it'll sound like static if it's working | 10:06 |
the-erm | Ok one other stupid thing ... | 10:07 |
the-erm | Do you belong to the group audio? | 10:07 |
Q-collective | hmm, that would require oss emulation to be working, does kubuntu do that? | 10:07 |
Q-collective | and yes | 10:07 |
the-erm | Well mine has /dev/dsp | 10:07 |
Q-collective | hmm | 10:08 |
Q-collective | it says the source is busy | 10:08 |
Q-collective | odd | 10:08 |
the-erm | I wonder if sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart would fix it. | 10:08 |
the-erm | how long has it been since you rebooted Q-collective | 10:09 |
Q-collective | Uptime: 2 hours and 57 minutes | 10:10 |
Q-collective | about that | 10:10 |
the-erm | Kubuntu does some weird stuff when it comes to sound. I edited /etc/modules.d/alsa-utils recently and had to reboot because /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart didn't load modules .... | 10:10 |
Q-collective | weird | 10:10 |
the-erm | I was trying to enable the IR sensor on my audigy. Which required editing of that file. | 10:11 |
the-erm | Took me 2 days to find that 1 line. | 10:11 |
the-erm | At any rate ... I'd try rebooting, and see if that fixes the problem. I know it's a "windows" solution, but it does seem to help in some cases. | 10:12 |
the-erm | It bothers me ... I'm giving this advice. | 10:12 |
Q-collective | nah, doesn't | 10:12 |
the-erm | I thought the same thing ... until I did it, and it actually worked. | 10:12 |
WaltzingAlong | would doubt that would help | 10:12 |
WaltzingAlong | and if it did we still would not know the cause or remedy | 10:13 |
Q-collective | that too | 10:13 |
the-erm | restarting alsa-utils doesn't load modules. | 10:13 |
the-erm | Or set the options. | 10:13 |
the-erm | That's the problem. | 10:13 |
Q-collective | well, I didn't edit that, in this session | 10:13 |
the-erm | did you try restarting alsa? | 10:14 |
WaltzingAlong | anything of interest in dmesg ? | 10:14 |
Q-collective | why would I try to restart alsa if I didn't touch it? | 10:14 |
jpa_ | hi everybofy | 10:14 |
jpa_ | d | 10:14 |
Q-collective | WaltzingAlong: good idea | 10:15 |
the-erm | Because you have a hung sound. | 10:15 |
WaltzingAlong | could also reconfigure kde's sound system; from autodetect to alsa or to oss | 10:15 |
the-erm | There's an idea ... | 10:15 |
the-erm | I though about that, just forgot to type it. | 10:16 |
konaya |, does this channel use any kind of queuing system, or is it okay to just type ones problem? | 10:16 |
WaltzingAlong | so far just type your question | 10:16 |
konaya | okay | 10:16 |
konaya | I can't get my memory card reader to work. | 10:16 |
the-erm | konaya: I believe that qualifies as asking to ask. | 10:16 |
konaya | ALMOST | 10:16 |
WaltzingAlong | an hmm based bot may be underway | 10:16 |
WaltzingAlong | anyway | 10:17 |
Q-collective | WaltzingAlong: already have it on alsa | 10:17 |
the-erm | What does ls /dev/sd* show? | 10:17 |
jpa_ | i have problems when i run dolphin as root with the sudo command. even when i just copy or delete something for e.g in /usr then it always changes some permissions in my home folder. is there a way to solve this problem? | 10:17 |
konaya | See, when you boot kubuntu with a memory card already inserted, it works fine. | 10:17 |
WaltzingAlong | Q-collective: could switch it to autodetect or disable the kde sound system | 10:17 |
WaltzingAlong | jpa_: do not run dolphin with sudo. use either kdesu or kdesudo | 10:17 |
the-erm | jpa_: I'm a command line junkie ... sorry. | 10:17 |
jpa_ | what is the differnce @ WaltzingAlong ? | 10:18 |
WaltzingAlong | !kdesu | jpa_ | 10:18 |
ubotu | jpa_: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do NOT use "sudo"; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 10:18 |
Q-collective | WaltzingAlong: nothing either :( | 10:18 |
jpa_ | thanks @ the-erm | 10:18 |
WaltzingAlong | Q-collective: what does aplay -l show you? | 10:18 |
jpa_ | ok thanks @ WaltzingAlong and ubotu | 10:19 |
konaya | Upon inserting a card, dmesg shows nothing. The reader has support in kubuntu, because it works when booting with a cad inserted. | 10:19 |
konaya | *card | 10:19 |
jpa_ | i used gnome before and i always used to run sudo so i have to change my behavior :) | 10:19 |
Q-collective | WaltzingAlong: | 10:20 |
WaltzingAlong | jpa_: even with gnome you should have been using gksu <guiapp> | 10:20 |
konaya | ...anyone? :/ | 10:20 |
WaltzingAlong | konaya: check lsusb once it is inserted or lspci | 10:20 |
konaya | 07:09.1 Generic system peripheral [0805]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 19) | 10:20 |
jpa_ | just one thing, there is a option in dolphin for folders "run as root", it seems to get the same permission problems when using this button | 10:21 |
konaya | WaltzingAlong, that's what it says | 10:21 |
Jucato | jpa_: it's a known bug | 10:21 |
ScorpKing | what is the freenode server here? | 10:21 |
WaltzingAlong | Q-collective: i know i have had to edit the modprobe alsa options for another computer with hda intel. check | 10:21 |
the-erm | konaya: I don't want to send you on a wild goose chase. If I had that problem I'd start by looking at the kde services. Not the "system services" but the stuff kde runs. either that or I'd learn to type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/card/ | 10:21 |
Jucato | ScorpKing: yes | 10:22 |
ScorpKing | ty | 10:22 |
Jucato | jpa_: | 10:22 |
jpa_ | so does it use sude instead of kdesudo in dolphin automatically when i push that "run as root" button @ Jucato ? | 10:22 |
konaya | the-erm, ...I know how to mount manually. But I can't even do that. And it's not a USB reader, it's an internal one. | 10:22 |
Jucato | jpa_: kdesudo is a graphical front to sudo | 10:22 |
jpa_ | okay thanks i will read that post first @ Jucato | 10:22 |
Jucato | jpa_: so wherever kdesudo is used, sudo is used | 10:22 |
wiki | hi all, any idea when the toolchain will be stabilized? | 10:23 |
Q-collective | WaltzingAlong: ok, I'll try that, thanks | 10:23 |
Jucato | wiki: what toolchain? | 10:23 |
WaltzingAlong | Q-collective: if you want to skip updating the modules, then check manually specifying the module parameters. i had to do that to get hda intel working | 10:23 |
the-erm | konaya: oh my bad ... then I think it would be in the /dev/hd* list. | 10:23 |
the-erm | konaya: wait ... no still in /dev/sd | 10:24 |
konaya | the-erm, when mounted, mount says it's /dev/mmcblk0p1. But I guess block devices are handled dynamically by udev or something... | 10:24 |
the-erm | I have an "internal" card reader. Right on the front of my computer. It's always been /dev/sd*. | 10:24 |
konaya | the-erm, I'll try that. But it's still strange kde can't find it... :) | 10:25 |
the-erm | Sometimes you luck out and get it in knoquerors media list. | 10:25 |
JohnFlux | Riddell: ping | 10:25 |
konaya | the-erm, No other block devices than sda* exist. And that's my SATA drive. | 10:26 |
kukman | Who use the licq? It don't play any sound:( | 10:27 |
the-erm | I'm kinda tired ... konaya what are we trying to connect again ? | 10:28 |
konaya | the-erm, a memory card reader. | 10:28 |
the-erm | Ok is it a usb one? | 10:28 |
the-erm | Or one that's right there in the front of the computer? | 10:28 |
konaya | the-erm, It's an internal one. No idea how it's actually connected inside. | 10:28 |
konaya | the-erm, but it shows up on lspci | 10:29 |
the-erm | ok try this ... open konqueror with media:/ for the url. Plug in your card. | 10:29 |
konaya | the-erm, Nothing happens. | 10:29 |
jpatrick | JohnFlux: can I help you? | 10:29 |
konaya | the-erm, If it would, I wouldn't have a problem, eh? :) | 10:30 |
the-erm | Sure. | 10:30 |
JohnFlux | jpatrick: just wondering if I'm invited to UDS this year :) | 10:30 |
jpatrick | JohnFlux: ha, me neither | 10:30 |
the-erm | konaya: when in doubt I tail -f /var/log/syslog | 10:30 |
the-erm | in fact I have that running all the time. | 10:31 |
the-erm | unfortunatly .. I'm lost. | 10:31 |
the-erm | Sorry | 10:31 |
konaya | the-erm, Absolutely no output is generated upon inserting/removing the card. | 10:31 |
konaya | the-erm, oh. Oh well, no biggie ^^ I'll just keep looking. | 10:33 |
JohnFlux | jpatrick: oh, it starts today :( | 10:33 |
JohnFlux | jpatrick: poor me | 10:33 |
the-erm | Kubuntu has always been nice to me in when it comes to inserting media, and usb cards. | 10:33 |
konaya | Or maybe I'll just buy a usb reader. Or finish the one I'm currently building. | 10:33 |
jpatrick | JohnFlux: don't worry, there's always next time | 10:34 |
JohnFlux | heh tue | 10:34 |
JohnFlux | true | 10:34 |
WaltzingAlong | Q-collective: btw i found the alsa conf txt file at /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/ALSA-Configuration.txt.gz and give a search for snd-hda-intel | 10:34 |
zhaoqijie | how do you do | 10:34 |
konaya | I discovered that the card reader module and the usb client chip still works in my old smashed-up digital camera :) | 10:34 |
konaya | Oh, one more question btw, a more generic one. | 10:35 |
konaya | 7.10. Is it worth it? | 10:35 |
the-erm | It doesn't make sense that you have it in during boot, and it's present, but when you insert it, it doesn't show up. | 10:36 |
konaya | the-erm, I'm aware of that x) | 10:36 |
JohnFlux | konaya: depends if you want to try cutting edge stuff :) | 10:36 |
JohnFlux | konaya: there's some bugs, but also some nice features :) | 10:36 |
konaya | JohnFlux, I ran the x64 version on my home comp before. I'm used to annoying bugs :) | 10:37 |
JohnFlux | konaya: then give it a try :) | 10:37 |
the-erm | konaya: Have you tried looking in kcontrol -> KDE Components -> Service Manger? | 10:37 |
WaltzingAlong | 7.10? could wait for next lts at 8.04 | 10:38 |
JohnFlux | konaya: the next ubuntu release will contain a lot of bug fixes (it's a long term support) | 10:38 |
* JohnFlux nods at WaltzingAlong | 10:38 | |
konaya | JohnFlux, The only thing that keeps me is the fact that I use this laptop for school work, and I'm kinda dependant on it... | 10:38 |
JohnFlux | WaltzingAlong: that's what I'm doing :) | 10:38 |
konaya | the-erm, I'll try | 10:38 |
jpa_ | @ Jucato Are you still online? | 10:38 |
JohnFlux | konaya: yeah. maybe wait for the 8.04 then? | 10:38 |
Jucato | jpa_: yes | 10:38 |
WaltzingAlong | JohnFlux: i moved mine to 7.10 but all the others i administer will sit at 7.04 until LTS 8.04 | 10:38 |
JohnFlux | WaltzingAlong: yeah, I'm doing the same thing | 10:39 |
konaya | JohnFlux, lol ^^ | 10:39 |
konaya | JohnFlux, I said I'm kinda dependant, not a total chicken :) | 10:39 |
the-erm | konaya: I think you need to have KDED Media Manger running | 10:39 |
jpa_ | okay :) i read the whole post and it seems that there is some kind of fix but i am not sure which file of the posted ones work. | 10:39 |
Q-collective | bbl | 10:39 |
konaya | the-erm, It wasn't running. Starting it now... | 10:40 |
jpa_ | or is the fix already in the repos ? @ Jucato | 10:40 |
Jucato | jpa_: the fix should be in the main update servers soon. | 10:41 |
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jpa_ | okay :) so i just have to wait and then i will see it in the update program right? @ Jucato ? | 10:41 |
Jucato | yep | 10:41 |
konaya | the-erm, I started it. But still no sign of activity in syslog, and nothing happens. | 10:42 |
jpa_ | okay thank you @ Jucato | 10:43 |
konaya | Hm, this is kinda depressing... | 10:44 |
the-erm | ... I just don't know enough about this to be of any more use. Check out your /etc/fstab I guess :) | 10:44 |
konaya | :) Iäll do that | 10:44 |
konaya | *I'll | 10:44 |
the-erm | I know nothing past this. | 10:45 |
konaya | the-erm, okay :) know of anyone that might? | 10:45 |
the-erm | I just checked my /etc/fstab and I don't see anything. | 10:46 |
the-erm | Has it ever worked? | 10:46 |
konaya | the-erm, When I start the computer with a card inserted, it works, as previously stated. So it's kinde wierd :/ | 10:47 |
konaya | *kinda | 10:47 |
the-erm | So it's never worked when inserting? | 10:47 |
acemo | i just installed git by sudo apt-get install git, but if i type git, it says command not found.. where can i find git? | 10:47 |
konaya | Not when the computer is on, no. | 10:47 |
WaltzingAlong | acemo: seems you already installed git via apt-get | 10:48 |
Q-collective | WaltzingAlong: I've tried to edit the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base file to have the right module loaded | 10:48 |
Q-collective | but still, nothing | 10:48 |
Q-collective | :\ | 10:48 |
the-erm | I got nothing konaya. | 10:48 |
the-erm | Sorry ... | 10:48 |
konaya | the-erm, ...well, perhaps with the shipped windows vista preinstalled, but I didn't try. I only used vista for two things: downloading a kubuntu iso and burning it to cd. ^^ | 10:48 |
WaltzingAlong | Q-collective: it was my 3rd or 5th before i had it working | 10:48 |
acemo | WaltzingAlong: thats what i just said, but what command do i type to use it? | 10:49 |
the-erm | I refuse to by wista ... | 10:49 |
Q-collective | 5th try? | 10:49 |
the-erm | s/by/buy | 10:49 |
the-erm | If I ever get a lap top, it'll be a dell. Other than that I think I'll just build my own. | 10:50 |
konaya | the-erm, I don't know of anyone that actually _likes_ Vista. Half of my class has started glancing on linux alternatives :) | 10:50 |
Q-collective | the-erm: it would be a waste of money really, I can tell as I had it installed when I bought this laptop | 10:50 |
WaltzingAlong | acemo: there is also the git-gui if you need it | 10:50 |
the-erm | You still pay for it. | 10:50 |
WaltzingAlong | unless you live in italy! | 10:50 |
acemo | WaltzingAlong: i'd like to get the console version of git to work first | 10:50 |
Q-collective | coincidentally I read an article on a major national paper today saying Ubuntu beats Vista | 10:51 |
Q-collective | heh | 10:51 |
acemo | Q-collective: even XP beats Vista.. | 10:51 |
konaya | We should really thank microsoft. Without them constantly making windows worse, people wouldn't be migrating :) | 10:51 |
acemo | seems the dependencys of git are not good... i just installed git, coulnt run the command git, installed git-gui and i could run the command git | 10:52 |
WaltzingAlong | acemo: sudo update-alternatives --config git ? | 10:52 |
Q-collective | acemo: as does win2k, but that isn't the point. It's one thing if nerds say Vista is crap and linux is better, it's a whole other story if major media say the same ;) | 10:53 |
WaltzingAlong | acemo: you may want git-core | 10:53 |
acemo | WaltzingAlong: acemo@acemo:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config git No alternatives for git. | 10:53 |
acemo | WaltzingAlong: yes, i noticed that.. but it would be nice if the git package self had git-core as dependency, since it wont work without it? | 10:53 |
konaya | Windows had its peak around win2k... Then things started to go steeply downhill. | 10:54 |
WaltzingAlong | acemo: join the packaging team or report a bug, thanks | 10:54 |
WaltzingAlong | the-erm: still have to pay for it? sure but get your money back: original (in italian) or to english google translation: | 10:55 |
konaya | Imagine the next windows release. How failing would that release be? :) | 10:55 |
Q-collective | indeed | 10:55 |
Q-collective | MS: "hey, we finally brought you Windows 2015, it now has WinFS!" | 10:56 |
Q-collective | heh | 10:56 |
WaltzingAlong | gnu/linux based with a similar ms windows frontend? | 10:56 |
konaya | ^^ | 10:56 |
the-erm | WaltzingAlong: I've read articles about that years ago, however since then I've also read articles that they've updated the TOS ... or whatever it is. That says they will not refund your money. | 10:56 |
Q-collective | MS can better just start a linux distro | 10:56 |
the-erm | I think that was mentioned as a April First news article one year. M$ Linux 2000 | 10:57 |
WaltzingAlong | the-erm: just hard to get the money, the eula says from the mfg but hardly ever will dell, hp, or the like give the funds | 10:57 |
WaltzingAlong | the-erm: in this case a judge ruled it so | 10:57 |
Q-collective | the-erm: lame really, I like geNToo a few years back much better ^_^ | 10:58 |
Q-collective | liked* | 10:58 |
konaya | "We figured people'll just be downloading pirated software when supplied with decent bandwidth, so we've ceased all driver support for any network adapters over 28.8k." | 10:58 |
the-erm | I'll just keep the cash out of M$ hands entirely. I'll get a dell with ubuntu next time. So I know the wifi works :) | 10:58 |
fred_79 | hi all, how can i kill a session vtxx? | 10:58 |
Q-collective | hmm, how stable is kde4b3 btw? is plasma already in any shape? | 11:00 |
the-erm | WaltzingAlong: that was a good article ... thanks. | 11:00 |
WaltzingAlong | Q-collective: might want to grab it from svn but seems you can play around with it a bit | 11:02 |
Q-collective | interesting | 11:03 |
jpatrick | Q-collective: i've heard that the lastest debs are very stable | 11:05 |
TreeStump | quick question: the kubuntu live/install cd hangs when loading after it gets to mounting root filesystem or something like that... shows a black screen with a blinking line/cursor up the top... | 11:07 |
TreeStump | any ideas on what to do? | 11:07 |
tripp | can u give me a link to italian kubuntu or ubuntu please? | 11:08 |
WaltzingAlong | TreeStump: change video modes | 11:08 |
WaltzingAlong | salute tripp | 11:08 |
WaltzingAlong | !it | tripp | 11:08 |
ubotu | tripp: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 11:08 |
jpatrick | tripp: | 11:08 |
tripp | hi | 11:08 |
tripp | thanx a lot jpatrick | 11:08 |
WaltzingAlong | come va? | 11:08 |
tripp | bene tu? | 11:08 |
TreeStump | i tried safe modes and changed it to 800x600x16 | 11:08 |
WaltzingAlong | bene grazie | 11:08 |
tripp | ah ma sei ita lol | 11:08 |
WaltzingAlong | TreeStump: but still not loading? | 11:08 |
soon | This is pretty simple I'm sure, but how do I attach a vCard to all my outgoing mails in Kmail ?? | 11:08 |
TreeStump | nope sure isnt | 11:09 |
tripp | !it | 11:09 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 11:09 |
Q-collective | !ru | 11:09 |
ubotu | Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 11:09 |
Q-collective | hehe | 11:09 |
TreeStump | its annoying me so much! i have no idea what to do, done a memtest and pulled the hdd out so it cant be either, maybe coz its x64 6.06? | 11:10 |
XVampireX | Hi, my X server just dies randomly for some reason... any help? | 11:11 |
Q-collective | read the log? | 11:11 |
=== iz6iyr__ is now known as iz6iyr | ||
XVampireX | Q-collective: There's some backtrace but it doesn't really say anything other than some problem with a font >_< | 11:13 |
XVampireX | 11: /usr/bin/X(FontFileCompleteXLFD+0x1e1) [0x8076241] | 11:13 |
XVampireX | Oh, looks like it has something to do with composite too.. | 11:14 |
WaltzingAlong | TreeStump: that should still be fine. were you looking to use live or install? | 11:15 |
XVampireX | 4: /usr/bin/X(CompositeGlyphs+0x9a) [0x816129a] | 11:15 |
XVampireX | I'm running compiz fusion too, hmm.... | 11:15 |
TreeStump | WaltzingAlong: imtrying to boot from the live cd so i can install | 11:16 |
WaltzingAlong | TreeStump: then in that case could you download the alternate cd instead? | 11:16 |
grinder | R | 11:17 |
TreeStump | hmm whats the alternate cd? becuase i ordered this one in the mail, it could take ages to download the other cd | 11:19 |
WaltzingAlong | TreeStump: oh, i see. the live lets you boot live, use it that way with the option to install. the alternate is just to install (not boot live) | 11:19 |
TreeStump | truth | 11:20 |
spiroo | Does anybody know ho to fully enable mod_rewrite on apache2? | 11:21 |
spiroo | It does not read my .htaccess-file | 11:21 |
WaltzingAlong | spiroo: yes | 11:21 |
spiroo | Could you help me? | 11:21 |
WaltzingAlong | spiroo: a2enmod and ask google | 11:21 |
spiroo | Google does not have the answer in this question, sorry | 11:21 |
WaltzingAlong | spiroo: otherwise join the apache channel or the like. #kubuntu is for kubuntu specific support | 11:21 |
spiroo | I have used a2enmod | 11:22 |
spiroo | okay whats the apache-channeö then? | 11:22 |
WaltzingAlong | #apache ? | 11:22 |
spiroo | thanks | 11:23 |
TreeStump | so when i wanna download the installer iso to i get desktop-amd64 or alternate-amd64 | 11:32 |
WaltzingAlong | desktop is live | 11:32 |
WaltzingAlong | so alternate amd64 | 11:32 |
TreeStump | thanks | 11:33 |
mahdi | test | 11:35 |
WaltzingAlong | fail | 11:36 |
mahdi | :-( | 11:36 |
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=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh | ||
bwayne | Hi. I filed a bug against a package and the developers have posted a 'debdiff' for me to test. But how to I apply a debdiff? | 11:47 |
shadowhywind | hay all, i closed down the power meter that sits in the systray, And i can't figure out how to reopen it any ideas? | 11:52 |
Minnozz | Hi, when I start an SSH session to my webhoster, it takes a long time before the password promt shows up (about 15 seconds). On my friend's system, it shows up immediately. What could cause this? | 11:55 |
HighHo | shadowhywind: I think its an applet, right click the me menu panel (empty space) and select add aplet | 11:56 |
HighHo | *add applet to panel | 11:56 |
kaminix | What's a good graphical/ncurses based FTP-tool? | 11:56 |
shadowhywind | ok thanks | 11:56 |
Jucato | kaminix: Konqueror? | 11:57 |
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=== nu is now known as nuu | ||
HighHo | kaminix: I use FileZilla for ftp | 11:58 |
kaminix | Jucato: But Konq doesn't support resuming/splitscreening, right? | 11:58 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | I just upgraded kubuntu to 7.10. | 11:58 |
kaminix | HighHo: Isn't that a Windows prog? | 11:58 |
Jucato | kaminix: split screening yes. resuming, when uploading to an ftp server? | 11:59 |
HighHo | Both linux and Windows | 11:59 |
WaltzingAlong | but gui in both cases | 11:59 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | Ok, now knetworkmanager doesn't find any of my network cards (wireless and wired). both were recognized by 7.04. How can I fix this? | 11:59 |
WaltzingAlong | gundam_rx78nt1: remove all 'eth' referencs in /etc/network/interfaces | 11:59 |
Jucato | kaminix: you can split Konqueror's screen as much as you want.. the only limit is your screen space and sanity :) | 11:59 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | Ok, WaltzAlong. | 11:59 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | That is problem number one. | 12:00 |
Jucato | kaminix: right-click on the Konqueror status bar and you'll see the split screen options | 12:00 |
Jucato | brb... | 12:00 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | How do I get the nvidia drivers installed? | 12:00 |
WaltzingAlong | !nvidia | gundam_rx78nt1 | 12:00 |
ubotu | gundam_rx78nt1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 12:00 |
=== hfsdo is now known as hfsdo|eten | ||
WaltzingAlong | gundam_rx78nt1: with 7.10 do so through the restricted manager | 12:01 |
kaminix | Jucato: But does it support download resume? I think it just asks me to overwrite files with the same filename. | 12:01 |
WaltzingAlong | kaminix: kget integrates well with konqueror | 12:02 |
emilsedgh | kalorin: konqueror supports spliting screens | 12:02 |
ubuntu | hi all | 12:03 |
emilsedgh | kalorin: both vertical and horizontal splits, and even you could have hundreds of splits | 12:03 |
=== ubuntu is now known as time2die | ||
=== Gnagnagna is now known as Gunirus | ||
Fyl0n | Hi guys! :) | 12:03 |
Fyl0n | I'm looking for good mouse support for the Logitech G7.. | 12:03 |
Fyl0n | Does kubuntu support the G7 completly? | 12:03 |
Credendo | Hello | 12:03 |
Credendo | I've somehow managed to kill my kubuntu install | 12:03 |
time2die | can I download drivers for Ati Radeon 2600PRO? | 12:03 |
kaminix | WaltzingAlong: Does KGet support password protected FTPs? | 12:04 |
Jucato | emilsedgh: you're talking to the wrong k* | 12:04 |
WaltzingAlong | !info kget | 12:04 |
ubotu | kget: download manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 442 kB, installed size 1196 kB | 12:04 |
WaltzingAlong | kaminix: anything konqueror can do | 12:04 |
Jucato | kaminix: yes I believe kget does. | 12:04 |
Credendo | My kubuntu gets as far as the splash screen and and dies | 12:04 |
Credendo | its saying that the X-serv isn't running | 12:05 |
Credendo | I'm currently running off the live CD | 12:05 |
Jucato | actually of all of KDE, through the ftp:/ and sftp:/ kioslaves support password protected ftps | 12:05 |
Credendo | I think I need to reinstall X from scrath, I just need to know how to go about that from a command line | 12:06 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 12:06 |
wathek | it's makes me mad !!!! | 12:07 |
wathek | I've a shared printer and I couldn't add it in my Kubuntu | 12:07 |
jpatrick | wathek: have you installed samba? | 12:07 |
jpatrick | !printer | 12:07 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 12:07 |
wathek | I've specified this and it tells me | 12:07 |
wathek | need a password and a username ! | 12:07 |
Credendo | Will that actually re-install? because I suspect my x is dead | 12:07 |
WaltzingAlong | wathek: shared from where? | 12:07 |
wathek | WaltzingAlong: I've a Debian Server in which is connected the printer | 12:08 |
wathek | I use cups on my Debian Server | 12:08 |
wathek | under the other Clients windows for example I put that address and all work well | 12:08 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: to reinstall x? or how about reconfigure sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:08 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | WaltzAlong, thanks. | 12:09 |
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Credendo | I did reconfigure | 12:11 |
Credendo | It seemed to ake things worse | 12:11 |
Credendo | Where exactly would my boot logs be stored? | 12:11 |
WaltzingAlong | two steps back one leap forward | 12:11 |
WaltzingAlong | /var/log | 12:11 |
Credendo | which file I mean | 12:11 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: for x check /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 12:12 |
Credendo | EE listed at the bottom says | 12:12 |
Credendo | (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration. | 12:12 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: could select the 'vesa' driver which should always work | 12:13 |
Credendo | in the reconfig? | 12:13 |
Credendo | I should note that the issue is probably of my own design, I had an application in Wine that was asking me to change my desktop color depth | 12:15 |
Credendo | I changed something in the display setting that I can't for the life of me remember what, and after my wife rebooted the system it died at the KDE load | 12:15 |
ubuntu | hi all | 12:18 |
ubuntu | . | 12:18 |
ubuntu | > | 12:18 |
ubuntu | ? | 12:18 |
ubuntu | M | 12:18 |
ubuntu | Q | 12:18 |
Credendo | I'll be back after attempting that | 12:18 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: well which driver did you select in the reconfig? | 12:18 |
Credendo | nv | 12:18 |
HighHo | Credendo: have you tryed running?: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 12:19 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Mogardo | ||
=== Mogardo is now known as mogardo | ||
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: do you happen to have a backup of a working xorg.conf ? | 12:19 |
Credendo | I did that minus the phigh | 12:19 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: using phigh only asks high priority questions | 12:20 |
mogardo | hi all someone can give me a french chan? | 12:20 |
WaltzingAlong | !fr | mogardo | 12:21 |
ubotu | mogardo: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 12:21 |
mogardo | thx | 12:21 |
Credendo | is there any way to get root access to copy and paste files on my file structure from a live CD? | 12:21 |
WaltzingAlong | sudo ? sudo cp src dst ? | 12:21 |
atlfalcons866 | how do i install kde4 | 12:26 |
bsm | hey, ideas anyone why kmail works when I use one internet connection and does not work after switching the connection to a different one? ( one is university wlan and one is 3G) | 12:26 |
bsm | after restarting kde it works again | 12:27 |
Credendo | Thanks Waltzing I'm gonna try it real quick | 12:28 |
Credendo | I'll be back if it doesn't work :) | 12:28 |
Dragnslcr | atlfalcons866- | 12:29 |
=== hfsdo|eten is now known as hfsdo | ||
kalorin | bsm, do they share the same ip address range and network stuff? | 12:35 |
kalorin | the two connections I mean | 12:35 |
bsm | kalorin, could be, I would have to check | 12:36 |
bsm | kalorin: does kmail cache something? | 12:36 |
bsm | kalorin, it was good input, i disabled some kde services (caching whatever) and it works now. | 12:41 |
bsm | thanks. | 12:42 |
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vzolin | Hello There | 12:53 |
vzolin | I'm having problems installing kubuntu in my notebook | 12:54 |
vzolin | can anyone help me? | 12:54 |
Riddell | vzolin: you need to say what problems | 12:58 |
vzolin | Sure | 12:58 |
vzolin | The livecd boot hangs when loading drivers, or if pass that stage when loading X | 12:59 |
=== slack is now known as tutututututu | ||
Credendo | Well I tried rreinstating my old xorg.conf | 13:00 |
Credendo | that didn't seem to solve the problem | 13:00 |
Credendo | sudo/etc/init.d/kdm restart froze at a flashing prompt | 13:00 |
Credendo | sudo dpckg-reconfigure -phigh xserv-xorg now gives me an error | 13:01 |
Credendo | Fatal Error inserting battery | 13:01 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: and the only change was installing something through wine? hard to understand how that would ruin your X | 13:02 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: possible to pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and your corresponding /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? | 13:02 |
WaltzingAlong | !pastebin | Credendo | 13:02 |
ubotu | Credendo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 13:02 |
vzolin | there is documentation on the net about new drivers for my Video Card (nvdia go 6150), but nothing on the notebook | 13:03 |
kaminix | Is there any way to set KMail and KOrganizer to start in minimized-to-tray mode? | 13:03 |
Credendo | Well It's not something I JUST changed in wine | 13:03 |
WaltzingAlong | vzolin: if you just want to install maybe start with the dvd or alternate-cd; otherwise how about safe color/res modes and such | 13:03 |
WaltzingAlong | kaminix: other than editing the shortcut in the menu editor to launch minimized to tray? or perhaps a config option in kmail for that | 13:04 |
kaminix | WaltzingAlong: No, including that. :) | 13:04 |
Credendo | my wine started acting up at first, then it stopped displaying the cursur when I tried to configure my wine settings, then when I changed a setting on display | 13:04 |
vzolin | well safe graphics do pass the hardware loading phase, but it dies in X | 13:04 |
WaltzingAlong | kaminix: kmail/settings/appearance/system tray | 13:05 |
kaminix | WaltzingAlong: Thanks. :) What about Korganizer? It has the same option perhaps? | 13:06 |
WaltzingAlong | kaminix: it could. i do not see that option though with korg | 13:07 |
WaltzingAlong | anizer | 13:08 |
* genii sips a coffee | 13:08 | |
kaminix | Isn't there some suffix on the commandline that will do it WaltzingAlong? | 13:09 |
Credendo | | 13:09 |
WaltzingAlong | kaminix: could be. i do not know | 13:09 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: ok and the xorg.conf ? (btw: (EE) NV(0): Virtual width (2048) is too large for the hardware (max 2032 ) | 13:10 |
Credendo | | 13:11 |
JohnFlux | I'm running kubuntu on my laptop, connected to my main kubuntu machine via nomachine, running vmware | 13:14 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: could comment out busid line | 13:15 |
Jucato | JohnFlux: crazy setup :) | 13:16 |
JohnFlux | Jucato: laptop is only 233mhz with 16MB of ram :) but this way I can run ms word on it :) | 13:17 |
Credendo | where it says "PCI:1:0:0" | 13:17 |
Jucato | hahah :) | 13:17 |
=== bucatoamano is now known as Creative | ||
epimeth | hello guys! | 13:18 |
eidolon7k | could anybody tell me some wireless card models that work fine on Ubuntu? | 13:20 |
biovore | eidolon7k: intel | 13:22 |
leo_rockw | hello everyone, i have a question regarding apollon... what player does it use? and how do i change the configuration? | 13:22 |
eidolon7k | bioxore, EVERY Intel card? | 13:23 |
biovore | Intel actauly support there product on linux.. | 13:24 |
biovore | I think all there cards work on ubuntu | 13:24 |
leo_rockw | i want to configure apollon's player so it doesn't use xv but gl2. and akode instead of arts... | 13:24 |
biovore | 2200, and 3945ABG | 13:25 |
biovore | work well | 13:25 |
genii | eidolon7k: Perhaps check here | 13:25 |
biovore | one that work by ndis are probably ones to say away from.. | 13:25 |
mucino | hola buenos dias estoy utilizando por primera vez | 13:26 |
mucino | kubunto | 13:26 |
mucino | alguien podria decirme como habrir el messenger | 13:26 |
mucino | ????? | 13:26 |
leo_rockw | mucino, este canal es en ingles | 13:26 |
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leo_rockw | mucino: #kubuntu-es | 13:26 |
=== Credendio is now known as Credendo | ||
Credendo | Well son of a monkey | 13:27 |
Credendo | That worked | 13:27 |
Credendo | thanks WaltzingAlong | 13:27 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: great | 13:27 |
Credendo | and now my Wine application is working smoothly | 13:29 |
Credendo | See this is why ubuntu beats windows hands down :) | 13:29 |
Credendo | can you explain what was going wrong so I can avoid the issue later? | 13:30 |
leo_rockw | Credendo: wine is not that good... try running virii in wine, the don't work! | 13:30 |
leo_rockw | they* | 13:30 |
Shao|sama | Question about upstart and inittab: Is upstart actually making inittab obsolete? I don't have /etc/inittab on my system, and the package runit barfed when trying to install because of a missing /etc/inittab | 13:31 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: how about pastebin the output of lspci | 13:31 |
genii | Shao|sama: you can always just touch the dir and the install should finish | 13:33 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: busid can be useful when there are more video devices than just one | 13:33 |
Credendo | | 13:33 |
leo_rockw | how do i tell kaboodle to use gl2 instead of xv? | 13:34 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: otherwise it was just something to try because x should be able to work without specifying the busid. maybe a bug in the bios, maybe with the modules or x; | 13:34 |
Shao|sama | genii: Indeed, I have it installed now, but I was trying to figure out if /etc/inittab is supposed to be non-existant :) | 13:35 |
Credendo | Well it sure cleaned things up for me, and I appreciate the help. I'm clearly gonna have to get the rust out of my linux skills. I haven't done anything with linux since an early redhat | 13:35 |
WaltzingAlong | Shao|sama: i heard that gutsy was shipping without tty1-6, not sure if it is an error or intentional | 13:36 |
hjalle | is there a way to make amarok use a softwaremixer? | 13:36 |
WaltzingAlong | Credendo: and i saw nothing out that stood out in the conf, nothing about a virtual desktop size, and resolutions that the driver could handle, and so on | 13:36 |
WaltzingAlong | hjalle: there is an equalizer already in amork | 13:36 |
WaltzingAlong | amarok* | 13:37 |
genii | Shao|sama: Yes. But many of the specific installers haven't been made compliant yet | 13:37 |
Shao|sama | genii: Ok | 13:37 |
Shao|sama | Nothing to worry about then | 13:37 |
WaltzingAlong | hjalle: is that what you mean? amarok/tools/equalizer | 13:37 |
hjalle | WaltzingAlong: well problem is that te drivers for my hardware is'nt very good (got a amd 690g mobo) and only the sw mixer seems to work well | 13:38 |
hjalle | WaltzingAlong: not really | 13:38 |
hjalle | and only one app at the time seems to be able to use the hw mixer, while i can run plenty of apps with a swmixer | 13:39 |
WaltzingAlong | hjalle: not sure. alsa? !sound ? | 13:42 |
WaltzingAlong | !sound | 13:42 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 13:42 |
=== hjalle is now known as a | ||
leo_rockw | is there any way to change kaboodle's behaviour at all? | 13:44 |
a | WaltzingAlong: yeah i use alsa, but using oss doesnt mage a difference, and everything "works" only if i use the hwmixer the sound dies after a while | 13:44 |
llutz | !info xmms-skins | 13:44 |
ubotu | xmms-skins: Skins for XMMS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-1 (gutsy), package size 909 kB, installed size 1040 kB | 13:44 |
dmq | exit | 13:46 |
=== a is now known as hjalle | ||
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kyron | quick question, a friend told me there are some applications not in the official repository for "legal" reasons but that they are really easy to get off another repo...which applications would be off the official cite, as an example; DVD decoders? | 14:01 |
frank23 | !medibuntu | 14:01 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 14:01 |
jpatrick | !dvd | 14:01 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 14:01 |
kyron | Fradeve87, thanks ;) | 14:01 |
v3ctor | special thanks to frank23 too | 14:02 |
kyron | jpatrick, thanks too... point is, this is my mother's laptop I am migrating from Gentoo to Kubuntu... I'm a "no frills" guy and...well... that's me, not the rest of the people :P | 14:02 |
jpatrick | kyron: I'm migrating my dad's laptop from xp to kubuntu! :D | 14:03 |
kyron | jpatrick, Wohooo!... good jump.. | 14:03 |
jpatrick | !es > jose | 14:03 |
kyron | fun thing is... All I will have to tell my mother is, "that's the upgrade I made while you were gone"...and she'll be happy.. | 14:03 |
jpatrick | kyron: yeah, but the last night I... the partitioner wiped out the NFTS partition | 14:04 |
kyron | the only worry I have is remote management...she lives 5000km from me.. | 14:04 |
kyron | and gentoo has portage that I am used's very graphical...though I saw krfb... | 14:04 |
kyron | jpatrick, O_O.............ouch | 14:04 |
jpatrick | use ssh? I control my siblings computer with that | 14:04 |
kyron | jpatrick, is it enabled by default? | 14:05 |
jpatrick | no worries we backed up everything beforehand | 14:05 |
jpatrick | kyron: nop, but it's as easy as installing "openssh-server" | 14:05 |
kyron | jpatrick, good move | 14:06 |
jpatrick | now, the whole family has kubuntu-run computers >:) | 14:06 |
posingaspopular | nice move jpatrick | 14:06 |
Lynoure | jpatrick: :) | 14:06 |
jpatrick | they didn't have a choice | 14:07 |
posingaspopular | ssh is very useful. one day i'll figure it out myself | 14:07 |
kyron | jpatrick, I run a Gentoo server with LTSP backend... X terms :P | 14:07 |
vbgunz | ever since I've installed Gutsy fresh on release day not once have I had an alert to any new packages... I find this out because I actually run apt-get update regularly. whats up? why no notifications? | 14:07 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: all you need to do is to figure out how to open up port 22 :) | 14:07 |
Jucato | (or forward it...) | 14:07 |
posingaspopular | Jucato: that's devil talk | 14:07 |
kyron | though I am itching to try out the ubuntu/(kubuntu?) version with all the USB/Sound device support | 14:07 |
jpatrick | !ssh > posingaspopular | 14:07 |
posingaspopular | i have to go to school, but i'd rather be hanging out with you | 14:07 |
jpatrick | I know how that feels | 14:08 |
Jucato | posingaspopular: I have it easy. my routher has a web-based UI for port forwarding, so I forward port 22 to my desktop | 14:08 |
Jucato | touter | 14:08 |
Jucato | er.. router | 14:08 |
kyron | jpatrick, the bot is takes redirrections :P | 14:08 |
jpatrick | kyron: it does several things | 14:08 |
jpatrick | but it doesn't make tea... | 14:09 |
Jucato | ubotu: tell kyron about ubotu | 14:09 |
kyron | Jucato, LOL | 14:09 |
Jucato | (it should PM you...) | 14:09 |
kyron | jpatrick, aw that sucks...though I am certan it could :P | 14:09 |
kyron | Jucato, it did of course | 14:09 |
Jucato | !botsnack | 14:09 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 14:09 |
Jucato | good :) | 14:09 |
kyron | jpatrick, use AWK to listen to a specific port/IRC channel as a specific user and trigger a port event if ubotu tells the user to make some tea | 14:10 |
kyron | Gutsy Gibbon CD ready...let's go whipe the mother's laptop :P ...guess the only thing I have to do in her $HOME is to delete all .[configdir] folders and files | 14:11 |
vbgunz | in kopete, can you combin the same contact from several different services into one contact? | 14:12 |
vbgunz | you should, I forgot how and don't see anything to make it easy :/ | 14:12 |
kyron | Q all: How to I KILL Katapult to get my Alt-Space back for window menus? | 14:13 |
blanco | ciao | 14:13 |
epimeth | goooood afternoon matees | 14:13 |
kyron | vbgunz, in your dreams ;) | 14:13 |
vbgunz | kyron: not possible you're saying? | 14:13 |
jpatrick | kyron: katapult rocks!! but "killall katapult" | 14:13 |
kyron | vbgunz, kidding...there is a way to group kontacts | 14:13 |
kyron | but it sorta changes every release I saw :P | 14:14 |
epimeth | anybody know how to set up a pptp vpn? | 14:14 |
kyron | epimeth, yeah, m0n0wall :P | 14:14 |
vbgunz | I would think it should be as easy as highlight the same contact, then make one contact :/ | 14:14 |
epimeth | !m0n0wall | 14:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about m0n0wall - try searching on | 14:14 |
epimeth | kyron: ? | 14:14 |
kyron | jpatrick, yeah, katapult is kioute...but annoying.. I'd at least bind it to another key...sorta like Win-R | 14:14 |
epimeth | kyron: :-p I meant in kubuntu!!! | 14:15 |
kyron | epimeth, I'm kidding, it's a free firewall-in-a-boox solution (if you have spare hardware) which does pretty much everything | 14:15 |
kyron | epimeth, hehehe...I'm a [UK]buntu neophite, sorry ;) | 14:15 |
epimeth | kyron: thats quite all right :-) | 14:15 |
epimeth | how about TOR? anybody using it? | 14:16 |
blanco | jnn | 14:16 |
kyron | epimeth, given what I have seen done here, I would suspect there is a really nice interface ;) | 14:16 |
kyron | jpatrick, katapult configurable? (do feel free to shove me to some docs...) | 14:17 |
epimeth | kyron: to what? setting up a vpn? | 14:18 |
jpatrick | kyron: open it up, and press ctrl-c | 14:18 |
kyron | epimeth, yeah | 14:18 |
kyron | jpatrick, OOoooo! | 14:18 |
epimeth | kyron: not according to the docs there aint :-( | 14:18 |
kyron | jpatrick, that doesn't let me configure what "triggers" it and I didn't find the shortcut in kcontrol... | 14:19 |
kyron | epimeth, Go Gentoo then....gneheheheh | 14:19 |
jpatrick | kyron: the shortcuts are in the Katapult menu | 14:19 |
kyron | epimeth, kidding...I'm surprised there ain't a package to do that | 14:20 |
kyron | jpatrick, bad | 14:20 |
vbgunz | kyron: metacontact | 14:20 |
epimeth | kyron: yea... me too. but then again, setting up a VPN server is really something only advanced users should do. | 14:20 |
kyron | vbgunz, in kopete huh... I switched to amsn a while back due to some instability and lack of feature support (video)...might look back | 14:21 |
kyron | epimeth,'re setting up a _server_? | 14:21 |
vbgunz | kyron: I just switched from Gami to Kopete. Kopete starting to finally feel solid | 14:21 |
vbgunz | /Gami/Gaim/ | 14:21 |
epimeth | kyron: yup | 14:22 |
kyron | epimeth, doesn't [ku]buntu have a "sever" version to do that type of thing? | 14:23 |
epimeth | kyron: DNS and DHCP are up and running be-a-u-tifully... SSH was trivial... but I can't get the friggin PPTPd working right | 14:23 |
jpatrick | kyron: it does, you type "server" when you first put in the disk | 14:23 |
epimeth | kyron: yea... its a 'minimal' install command line only system. (minimal should be read: "small, but still much much bigger than debian :-p") | 14:23 |
epimeth | jpatrick: what up? long time no "see" | 14:24 |
epimeth | kyron: btw... its spelled "[k]ubuntu" :-) | 14:24 |
kyron | epimeth, note that I run Gentoo (clusters, LTSP servers and all) so I am not much of a reference concerning [uk]buntu stuff unfortunately | 14:25 |
jpatrick | epimeth: not much, looking into some merges | 14:25 |
kyron | i'm trolling here in the hopes of learning a little more to tell my students too (if I ever get to teach the BASH class again next semester :P) | 14:25 |
kyron | epimeth, actuall, it should be (U|Ku)buntu | 14:26 |
epimeth | kyron: what level of education? | 14:26 |
jpatrick | kyron: best way to learn is to smashup everything | 14:26 |
kyron | I'm working myself up to writing my masters at the moment... profiling of communications of parallel genetic multi-objective algorithms... | 14:26 |
* jpatrick is still in secondary eduaction | 14:27 | |
kyron | jpatrick, the first thing I tell my students to do is to make mistakes... or they won't learn a thing ;P | 14:27 |
epimeth | kyron: oh! oh! #rm -r / | 14:27 |
jpatrick | epimeth: you missed the -f | 14:28 |
epimeth | kyron: oh! oh! #yes | rm -r / | 14:28 |
epimeth | jpatrick: no i didn't ^ | 14:28 |
epimeth | :-p | 14:28 |
Nyle | I upgraded to gusty and it deleteld all my konqueror mouse gestures | 14:29 |
WaltzingAlong | kyron: LaTeX | 14:30 |
Nyle | how can I get em back | 14:31 |
dthacker-work | good local time channel! Using Systems network manager, I am unable to change my default gateway for the onboard wired NIC on my laptop. How can I make this change? | 14:31 |
Nyle | can anyone else out there upload a premade one, so i don't have to | 14:31 |
Nyle | pleae | 14:31 |
fadey | Hi, everyone. Does anyone know what is EVMS for? Is it safe to delete it? | 14:31 |
dthacker-work | Sorry: I should say this is gutsy. Fresh load. | 14:32 |
kyron | epimeth, it's rm -Rf / | 14:32 |
kyron | R | 14:32 |
WaltzingAlong | dthacker-work: through knetworkmanager? | 14:32 |
LjL | kyron: not really, -r or -R doesn't make a difference | 14:32 |
epimeth | kyron: -r, -R, --recursive remove directories and their contents recursively | 14:32 |
epimeth | nya nya | 14:32 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, yes Latex...but why tell me? | 14:32 |
WaltzingAlong | kyron: to mention it had you not heard it (mentioned working on a masters) | 14:33 |
kyron | epimeth, i'm an oldy | 14:33 |
epimeth | fadey: ever heard the phrase "If it aint broke, don't fix it"? seriously tho, I don't know.... | 14:33 |
Tamin | Hey. This is a long one, so bear with me, please :) I'm running 6.06, and am having... issues with my USB wireless adapter. | 14:33 |
dthacker-work | WaltzingAlong: Is KNetworkmanager the cute but worthless icon in the system tray? | 14:33 |
Tamin | According to /var/run/messages, NETDEV WATCHDOG began having issues with it transmitting; about three days ago it got fed up and reported an EPROTO; hardware, connectivity, or firmware issue. When I remove it and plug it back in, it comes back with zd1211: usb_control_msg 1 fail: FFFFFFE0 (which, according to my understanding of my LDD book, is a contradiction), and zd1211_Download_IncludeFile failed. I do not suspect the device, | 14:33 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, LOL...yeah...the insult is that my U prones Word for writing up theses | 14:34 |
epimeth | kyron: thats okay, I'm slowly but surely pludding along and becoming an oldy myself | 14:34 |
WaltzingAlong | kyron: exactly | 14:34 |
Tamin | lsusb: reports that there IS a device attached with the proper name | 14:34 |
Tamin | lshw: reports that, while there is a device attached, it's UNCLAIMED | 14:34 |
Tamin | lsmod: reports that module zd1211 is attached | 14:34 |
Tamin | ifconfig wlan *ip*: reports that it can't find the device | 14:34 |
Tamin | Everything I can see tells me it *should* be working, but ... it's not. What have I missed? | 14:34 |
kyron | epimeth, got kids | 14:34 |
WaltzingAlong | dthacker-work: right. delete any reference to eth devices in /etc/network/interfaces , make knetworkmanager live again! or, how were you attempting to set the default gateway? | 14:34 |
epimeth | kyron: no wifey yet... | 14:35 |
epimeth | WaltzingAlong: waaait... shouldn't he leave "auto eth0/1/X" ? | 14:35 |
ubuntu | . | 14:35 |
kyron | epimeth, a 5year GF and a 2m/old baby....but not too old | 14:35 |
dthacker-work | WaltzingAlong: I had everything set up for my home network. I am now attempting to change eth0 (the hardwired NIC) over to my desktop address and create a work profile. I | 14:36 |
epimeth | congratulations then! | 14:36 |
jpatrick | kyron: ask your students if they're interested in becoming devs :P | 14:36 |
dthacker-work | WaltzingAlong: I am using Systems==> Network Manager | 14:36 |
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=== tomic is now known as stomic | ||
kyron | jpatrick, students are forced to take the BASH course and 96% of em HATE this class :P | 14:37 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: you want to create a mapping or just override your previous eth0 settings? | 14:37 |
=== stomic is now known as the | ||
=== the is now known as the-tomic | ||
* jpatrick prefers python + ruby for scripting | 14:37 | |
dthacker-work | epimeth: mapping? | 14:37 |
hydrogen | I wouldn't be proud if 96% of my students did not like a class I taught.. | 14:38 |
hydrogen | but hey, that sjust me! | 14:38 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: you can set up a single ethernet card to work on multiple addresses/netmasks/gateways | 14:38 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: man interfaces | 14:38 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, concerning Latex, yeah, I don't like the fluff, only the content, hence me being under Gentoo generally and typing under latex (so...I like to fsck around for hours learning how to place a png in a document...and not re-learn how to do it or see my doc change format years later because the processor decided the format changed because of a font change :P) | 14:38 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: you basically create 2 adapters from the same one... say "eth0-home" and "et0-work" | 14:38 |
kyron | hydrogen, you mean you | 14:39 |
dthacker-work | epimeth: what is the difference between mappings and profiles? | 14:39 |
WaltzingAlong | kyron: exactly. it was well worth the effort i thought | 14:39 |
kyron | as I was saying (be damned non-standard keyboard): you mean they don't like your class at a higher percentage) | 14:39 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: what are profiles? | 14:39 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, ;) | 14:39 |
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dthacker-work | epimeth: see the 4th tab in System Setting--> Network Settings | 14:40 |
Tamin | Anyone have experience with lshw showing a usb wireless adapter as UNCLAIMED? | 14:41 |
the-tomic | a little help please -> is it possible to install kubuntu without affecting your win xp installation? | 14:42 |
WaltzingAlong | the-tomic: dual booting and the like? sure. | 14:42 |
the-tomic | but without formating my computer? | 14:42 |
WaltzingAlong | the-tomic: yes. resizing partitions as necessary if you want to install; or could run the live/desktop cd to play around with it | 14:43 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: never used network settings in system settings... don't know what it does / how it works | 14:43 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: but it seems like it saves the configuration. so you can load different profiles manually whenever you move from place to place. mappings work all the time no matter where you are | 14:44 |
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the-tomic | i'm using it live from a dvd now, but in case i want to install it - resize partitions and install kubuntu... ok, so it's possible | 14:44 |
dthacker-work | epimeth: ok, I'll take a look at that. Thank you for your assistance. | 14:45 |
WaltzingAlong | the-tomic: yeah and the installer can walk you through it | 14:45 |
the-tomic | thx | 14:45 |
dthacker-work | epimeth: for now I'll use CLI to set default gateway. | 14:45 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: no worries. $man interfaces ... the file is located in /etc/network/interfaces... you reload by $sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 14:46 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: meanwhile, KNetworkManager *should* pick up on any changes once you restart the networking service | 14:46 |
dthacker-work | epimeth: ok, I'll give it a go. Thanks | 14:47 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: if not, you can restart the computer and it will pick up on any changes then... | 14:47 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: no worries :-) | 14:48 |
gil | holaç | 14:50 |
poison-- | mornin | 14:50 |
poison-- | anyone havin issues with dvd playback? | 14:50 |
ubunturos | is there #kubuntu-1 | 14:50 |
Lynoure | poison--: What kind of issues are you having? | 14:50 |
dthacker-work | poison: no, works great, what's your problem | 14:50 |
poison-- | display corruption | 14:50 |
Jucato | ubunturos: no. | 14:51 |
Jucato | at least not yet | 14:51 |
poison-- | hey jucato | 14:51 |
Jucato | hi poison-- | 14:51 |
poison-- | im using an onboard machine | 14:51 |
ubunturos | Jucato: um, ok | 14:51 |
gil | somebody know a irc channel in spanish? | 14:51 |
poison-- | with sis vga | 14:51 |
poison-- | !es | 14:51 |
ubunturos | !sp | 14:51 |
llutz | !es | 14:51 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 14:51 |
poison-- | lmao | 14:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on | 14:51 |
ubunturos | poison--: which one? (SiS 6230 ?) | 14:52 |
poison-- | <dthacker-work, i1ve installed kubuntu restricted formats, ffmpeg.. but nothin | 14:52 |
poison-- | lemme see | 14:52 |
poison-- | SIS 761 | 14:52 |
ubunturos | umm, ok | 14:52 |
poison-- | if i reduce the screen size to tiny, it works | 14:53 |
poison-- | i can see image | 14:53 |
poison-- | but if i raize it, i get corrupted image | 14:53 |
HenriqueGogo | please, I want a help: how I install files in my Plam by GNOME-PILOT? (I can syncronize my to do list and address.. but I dont know how I install *.prc or *.pdb br GNOME-PILOT)... please, some help! | 14:53 |
poison-- | !palm | 14:53 |
ubotu | A good guide for setting up Palm devices is at | 14:54 |
HenriqueGogo | poison--: sorry my mistake | 14:54 |
HenriqueGogo | poison--: do you know? | 14:55 |
Tamin | Anyone know why my usb wireless adapter is listed in lshw as unclaimed? | 14:55 |
Kr4t05 | Gar... KDE and Compiz make conky cry. :< | 14:55 |
Tamin | it seems to be a rather... unique problem | 14:55 |
dthacker-work | poison--: sorry, I'm not sure how to debug that. It's sounds like you've done all the things I would have to fix it. | 14:55 |
poison-- | i didnt, i dont have a palm, but try to read that url, maybe has some help | 14:56 |
HenriqueGogo | poison--: I was read this url, but doesnt work | 14:57 |
poison-- | :( | 14:58 |
kaminix | Hmm... although it was interruptet, a download I have in KTorrent still says it has not been resumed. How do I resume it? | 15:02 |
kaminix | Delay + resume only shows Login was ok. | 15:02 |
Pergunta | what best ubuntu or kubuntu? | 15:03 |
tackat | kubuntu ;-) | 15:03 |
CharlieKane | can someone tell me how to get compiz fusion to work with kubuntu ? | 15:03 |
Pergunta | and why? | 15:04 |
CharlieKane | without crashing stuff and losing my window decorations | 15:04 |
Tamin | Can anyone spare a bit to help me troubleshoot my usb wireless adapter? | 15:04 |
tackat | Pergunta: try it and find out for yourself why Kubuntu is the better choice for you :-) | 15:04 |
Pergunta | i use kubuntu and ubuntu both | 15:05 |
metacon | I have no alsa config files they never instaled when i instald festy can some one direct me to a bug report or tell me where to put new config files and where to get them? please^_^ | 15:05 |
Pergunta | and then | 15:05 |
tackat | Pergunta: Actually it's hard to say what is better in general because it's a personal preference. And given that people have different tastes and habits ... | 15:05 |
Pergunta | i delete ubuntu | 15:05 |
dennisv | because kde is superior to gnome, that's why | 15:05 |
CharlieKane | Im giving up and uninstalling compiz | 15:06 |
genii | Pergunta: Since underneath bot ubuntu and kubuntu is the same core, it just comes to which gui interface you prefer most. | 15:06 |
genii | *both | 15:06 |
Exilant | I'm trying to run kubuntu in qemu (i want to tweak the cd a little), but i only get a busyBox shell, no error messages | 15:06 |
Pergunta | someone talk hebrew? | 15:06 |
CharlieKane | Can't get any help and it looks like compiz fusion is unresonably biased toward gnome | 15:06 |
Exilant | anyone did that, or knows when kubuntu starts busybox? | 15:06 |
Pergunta | kk | 15:07 |
WaltzingAlong | !busybox | 15:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about busybox - try searching on | 15:07 |
WaltzingAlong | !he | 15:08 |
ubotu | לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד: | 15:08 |
ubotu | /join #ubuntu-il | 15:08 |
=== syrinx is now known as tuxwulf | ||
poison-- | <dthacker-work, ubunturos, fixed it. just went to kaffeine xine engine settings and changed engine to opengl.. workin nice now | 15:08 |
CharlieKane | done... its gone now | 15:09 |
genii | Exilant: If this is the alternate install CD, there are 4 consoles normally, 1st shows progress, 2 &3 are busybox and 4 is error/stdout | 15:09 |
=== tuxwulf is now known as tuxwulf_ | ||
Exilant | it's not, the normal cd | 15:09 |
Exilant | that should boot to kde | 15:09 |
=== tuxwulf_ is now known as tuxwulf | ||
WaltzingAlong | Exilant: when it can detect the video | 15:10 |
Exilant | and in fact did so when i installed it :) | 15:10 |
Exilant | hm, good point | 15:10 |
CharlieKane | Anyone using KDE4 Beta 3 atm ? | 15:11 |
=== tuxwulf is now known as tuxwulf_ | ||
WaltzingAlong | CharlieKane: sure | 15:13 |
CharlieKane | How are you finding it ? | 15:13 |
WaltzingAlong | well | 15:13 |
CharlieKane | cool | 15:13 |
WaltzingAlong | looking forward to its 4.1 release! | 15:14 |
CharlieKane | Why 4.1 exactly ? | 15:14 |
=== tuxwulf_ is now known as tuxwulf | ||
WaltzingAlong | :D | 15:15 |
rafael_ | tem canal kubuntu | 15:15 |
WaltzingAlong | of course i will put 4.0 on in december (already on now in beta3) but maybe things are refined better in 4.1? | 15:16 |
WaltzingAlong | !it | rafael_ | 15:16 |
ubotu | rafael_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 15:16 |
rafael_ | is an kubuntu chanel in portuguese? | 15:16 |
Dr_Willis | !pr | 15:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pr - try searching on | 15:16 |
WaltzingAlong | !po | 15:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about po - try searching on | 15:16 |
genii | !pt | 15:16 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 15:16 |
Dr_Willis | !es | 15:16 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 15:16 |
rafael_ | thanks | 15:17 |
genii | pt=portugal | 15:17 |
genii | pr=peru es=spain | 15:17 |
WaltzingAlong | !portuguese | 15:17 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 15:17 |
WaltzingAlong | well no need for abbrv then ;) | 15:17 |
genii | WaltzingAlong: :) | 15:17 |
Exilant | ah, seems to be a bug in qemu | 15:18 |
gil | en español? | 15:19 |
rafael_ | anybody know how can I rip dvd with k3b, i have the trancode but i cant rip in k3b | 15:19 |
WaltzingAlong | !es | gil | 15:19 |
ubotu | gil: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 15:19 |
Exilant | also, kqemu seems not to work at all | 15:19 |
WaltzingAlong | rafael_: what do you want at the end? mpeg4 (avi or the like) or a video-dvd copy? | 15:20 |
gil | gracias | 15:20 |
WaltzingAlong | !k9copy | rafael_ | 15:21 |
ubotu | rafael_: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 15:21 |
=== marcus_ is now known as marcus__ | ||
Tamin | what, if anything, can I do about 'nonzero read bulk status received: -EPROTO" | 15:26 |
tuxwulf | Am I visible ? | 15:27 |
Tamin | Well, I can read you... | 15:28 |
Tamin | but, at this point, I'm not sure *I'm* getting through | 15:29 |
* The_Machine sees Tamin | 15:30 | |
* Tamin is slightly cheered | 15:30 | |
The_Machine | er, tuxwulf even | 15:31 |
Dr_Willis | huh? | 15:31 |
Dr_Willis | :-) | 15:31 |
tuxwulf | Ah | 15:32 |
tuxwulf | Thanks | 15:32 |
tuxwulf | Machine: thanks | 15:32 |
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=== llg188 is now known as lg188 | ||
kenkku | hi, what might be the problem if I have to enable "pre-released updates" in adept to be able to do a full version upgrade? | 15:37 |
kenkku | I'm guessing language files | 15:37 |
EmergeTW | Anyone have an idea why Netbeans 5.5-0.59 is showing up in my Adept instead of 5.5.1? I did a fetch updates | 15:40 |
lg188 | hello | 15:41 |
lg188 | somebody knows how to coneect other servers ? | 15:41 |
kyron | Awwwww... I I just installed 7.10 on and the menus are ...wrong: All entries are preceded by _:Entry...blah blah blah | 15:42 |
kenkku | lg188: what kind of servers? | 15:42 |
Tamin | Hmm... I must be missing something. lsusb claims that my wireless adapter is being seen by the system, and lsmod claims the correct module is loaded; lshw, however, says that the device is "unclaimed", following a EPROTO error; Said device works on the Windows machine. Is there a way to force Kubuntu to 'claim' the device? | 15:42 |
lg188 | webnet | 15:43 |
petesejt | Pls some1 help. I have gutsy, and like to compile smthing. I got the error message "C compiler cannot create executables" bcoz no gcc etc installed. Trying "sudo apt-get install gcc..." or via adept it asks for gutsy cd again and again but the disk IN the drive. :-S | 15:43 |
Gulars | I'm having some issues with knetworkmanager. for instance, if I boot the computer disconnected eth0 wont show up in the interfaces list. This also happends, when having been connected to a wlan, and then moving the laptop out of coverage and connecting to a wired network. /etc/interfaces is empty (other than lo) and /etc/init.d/networking restart does nothing | 15:44 |
WaltzingAlong | petesejt: i may suggest to comment out the cd repository, then install from the internet repositories | 15:44 |
Tamin | or, perhaps more interestingly, if anyone is currently running a zd1211-based usb adapter: could I see the output of lsmod ? | 15:44 |
npurciful | hello does anyone here use lvm, and know how to get gusty alternate install partitioner see pv & lv ? | 15:44 |
petesejt | Waltzing: thx I give it a try. | 15:45 |
Gulars | petesejt, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 15:45 |
tsactuo | . | 15:45 |
lg188 | someone ca help me conecting to webnet ? | 15:45 |
lg188 | can* | 15:46 |
=== nikolai is now known as xfly | ||
kenkku | lg188: what is webnet? | 15:46 |
lg188 | a server | 15:46 |
Tamin | Anyone? | 15:48 |
kyron | Everyone? ...there a FAQ about menu entries being all screwy? | 15:49 |
lg188 | hwo geting wine on a kubuntu ? | 15:49 |
tsb_ | How do you change the height of the "external taskpar" panel? | 15:50 |
kenkku | lg188: what kind of a server is webnet? | 15:50 |
lg188 | i got it from chatzilla | 15:51 |
sparrw | !compiz | 15:51 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at - further help in #compiz-fusion | 15:51 |
kenkku | lg188: it's an IRC server? | 15:51 |
pavel_ | can anyone help me with upgrading kubuntu from 7.04 to 7.10 ? | 15:51 |
petesejt | Waltzing: thank you, removing the CD from repos solved the problem. :) | 15:51 |
lg188 | yes | 15:51 |
lg188 | kenkku:yes | 15:51 |
pavel_ | after i go to adept_manager and tell him to Full Upgrade and Apply changes, it downloads everything, and then it says smthing like 'Cannot install ... some packages might have been broken or they might broke some other packages' | 15:52 |
kenkku | lg188: do you know the address of the server? | 15:53 |
WaltzingAlong | pavel_: run from konsole or a vterminal sudo aptitude -f install && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -y dist-upgrade | 15:54 |
lg188 | kenkku:not presicly | 15:55 |
WaltzingAlong | pavel_: welcome | 15:55 |
* lg188 looking at windows pc | 15:55 | |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: install the package 'wine' through adept manager or sudo aptitude install wine | 15:57 |
lg188 | kenkku: | 15:57 |
kenkku | lg188: well, then connect to it | 15:58 |
kyron | WoW...There any known bugs for 7.10, I just installed it on an ACER laptop, performed some upgrades as per the package manager and now, menus are all screwed with _: Entries ... and the keyboard doesn't work O_o... | 15:58 |
lg188 | kenkku: ''sudo aptitude install wine'' dont work | 15:58 |
kyron | anyone has suggestions?...install from another source? | 15:58 |
kenkku | lg188: what does it say? | 15:59 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: need to add a repository that carries wine | 15:59 |
WaltzingAlong | !wine | 15:59 |
ubotu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 15:59 |
ubuntu | hello | 16:00 |
lg188 | wwomthing with archives wrong | 16:00 |
lg188 | something* | 16:00 |
lg188 | damaged filles | 16:02 |
lg188 | file's* | 16:02 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: sudo aptitude clean && sudo aptitude install wine | 16:02 |
WaltzingAlong | kyron: kmenu items? open kcontrol to configure the menu item in the panels section. click 'name only' under menu item format | 16:03 |
lg188 | same damagd file's | 16:03 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: which files? | 16:04 |
pointwood | how do I clear any manual configuration I've done with knetworkmanager? | 16:04 |
lg188 | wine: Vereisten: binfmt-support (>= 1.1.2) dat een virtueel pakket is. | 16:05 |
lg188 | Vereisten: libasound2 (> 1.0.14) maar 1.0.10-2ubuntu4 is geïnstalleerd. | 16:05 |
lg188 | Vereisten: libc6 (>= 2.6-1) maar 2.3.6-0ubuntu20 is geïnstalleerd. | 16:05 |
lg188 | Vereisten: libgphoto2-2 (>= 2.4.0) maar 2.1.6-5.2ubuntu8 is geïnstalleerd. | 16:05 |
lg188 | Vereisten: libgphoto2-port0 (>= 2.4.0) maar 2.1.6-5.2ubuntu8 is geïnstalleerd. | 16:05 |
lg188 | Vereisten: liblcms1 (>= 1.15-1) maar 1.13-1 is geïnstalleerd. | 16:05 |
lg188 | Vereisten: libxml2 (>= 2.6.29) maar 2.6.24.dfsg-1ubuntu1 is geïnstalleerd. | 16:05 |
lg188 | Vereisten: libxslt1.1 (>= 1.1.20) maar 1.1.15-1ubuntu1 is geïnstalleerd. | 16:05 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, very funny...I don't feel like editing ALL the menu entries | 16:05 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, also, my keyboard doesn't work anymore.. | 16:05 |
lg188 | geïnstaleerd means instaled | 16:05 |
kyron | ...quite some bugs | 16:05 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, and both package links don't work if I click on them O_o | 16:06 |
chronos | is there a way to disable shift backspace from restarting x after instaling compiz? | 16:07 |
lg188 | The following parcels have not-fulldone dependences: | 16:09 |
lg188 | The following parcels do not have satisfied dependences: | 16:09 |
lg188 | 0utf8 | 16:09 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: are you on the livecd? are you running out of space (which means running low on ram for the livecd to use) | 16:10 |
lg188 | no i have isntald kubuntu full on my pc | 16:10 |
lg188 | not running livecd | 16:10 |
kyron | I am the only one experiencing problems of this sort? keyboard + weird menus (I suspect an upgrade that failed...) | 16:10 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: or check your /etc/apt/sources.list file to make sure you have all feisty or all gutsy and not combinations of both | 16:10 |
kyron | should I re-install completely?...this sounds too windows-ish | 16:11 |
WaltzingAlong | kyron: no others have the weird menus | 16:11 |
WaltzingAlong | kyron: kmenu items? open kcontrol to configure the menu item in the panels section. click 'name only' under menu item format | 16:11 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, ...hmm...I'll try that...but that won't give me my keyboard back I suspect... | 16:11 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: wat looking for ? | 16:11 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: you could pastebin your sources.list for inspection by those of us here to help | 16:12 |
WaltzingAlong | !pastebin | lg188 | 16:12 |
ubotu | lg188: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 16:12 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: otherwise, looking to make sure feisty appears nowhere (if you are running gutsy) | 16:12 |
lg188 | # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify: | 16:12 |
lg188 | #deb dapper main restricted | 16:12 |
lg188 | # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify: | 16:12 |
lg188 | #deb-src dapper main restricted | 16:12 |
lg188 | ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the | 16:12 |
lg188 | ## distribution. | 16:12 |
lg188 | # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify: | 16:12 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: oh so you are on dapper | 16:12 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: yes do not paste so many lines into the channel | 16:13 |
lg188 | oke i wil do not doi,gn it again | 16:13 |
WaltzingAlong | :p pastebin it, | 16:13 |
WaltzingAlong | !pastebin | lg188 | 16:13 |
ubotu | lg188: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 16:13 |
lg188 | and what doing it wit that ? | 16:15 |
lg188 | | 16:15 |
tresko22 | Hi! Anyone knows what this means? Oct 16 10:44:13 localhost java: gethostby*.getanswer: asked for " IN A", got type "39" -> from auth.log | 16:15 |
dennister | hey channel, i'm having a bit of a prob with my partitions: awhile back my vfat parts just stopped being writable for no apparent reason, and now dolphin is reporting on exit that it can't save bookmarks: "Permission denied. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full hard drive." | 16:15 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, sorry if it's obvious but which icon will get me to the menu config in kcontrol... | 16:16 |
dennister | thing is, no partitions are full (i've checked) although one partition is reported as full by winblows (it's not full) | 16:16 |
WaltzingAlong | kyron: well in kcontrol, type menu in the search, one result is panel | 16:16 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, the keyboard doesn't work anymore! | 16:16 |
kyron | that is my second (well...first now) problem! | 16:16 |
dennister | anyone know what's going on with this inaccurate reporting? | 16:17 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: or because of wrong permissions on the file. sudo chown dennister:dennister /home/dennister -R | 16:17 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: but to start just check the file in question | 16:17 |
WaltzingAlong | kyron: :D alright otherwise right mouse click on kmenu, panel menu/configure panel | 16:18 |
epimeth | does anybody use TOR, and if so do you know if I should install the feisty version seeing as the only gutsy version they have is experimental? | 16:19 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: | 16:19 |
kyron | WaltzingAlong, ah ok...will try that...if the laptop ever reboots O_o... quite unstable, I'm totally surprised! | 16:20 |
dennister | WaltzingAlong: k, u were correct...changed perms | 16:20 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: | 16:21 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: thanks | 16:21 |
dennister | now about the inaccurate reporting...and why parts that were writable changling all of asudden to ro status...anyone know what's going on? | 16:21 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:and whta to do with it ? | 16:22 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: make that be the new file . with the gui, kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 16:22 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: or see in yours, most of the lines are commented out (# appears at the front) | 16:23 |
WaltzingAlong | dennister: on gutsy? perhaps see kmenu/system settings/advanced/disks and partitions | 16:23 |
WaltzingAlong | filesystems* | 16:23 |
frojnd | How can I disable alt + left mouse ?? When I do this I move entire window, no mather where I click. If I press alt + left click I move window. WHere can I disable this. It's annying when u use inkscape... | 16:23 |
dennister | WaltzingAlong: yes, i'm on gutsy now, but quite frankly this was happening before the upgrade from feisty, too | 16:24 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: i ca'nt save it ? | 16:24 |
WaltzingAlong | frojnd: kmenu/system settings/keyboard and mouse/keyboard shortcuts | 16:25 |
kyron | soon as I attempt to launch the Adept_installer, I loose keyboard functionnality... | 16:25 |
kyron | quite screwy | 16:25 |
dennister | and i've checked fstab, too, sda's vfat partitions were still on 'rw', just as they always had been since installation | 16:25 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: need to open it with kdesu alt+f2 then type kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 16:25 |
frojnd | WaltzingAlong, hm... no alt + left click | 16:26 |
frojnd | :s | 16:26 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: now i save dit and what now ? | 16:27 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: now i save dit and what now ? | 16:28 |
dennister | well, i've changed the owner anyway...gotta go...later | 16:28 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -f install | 16:28 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: or you can use adept again, whichever you like | 16:28 |
frojnd | WaltzingAlong, this is really sux... When I alt and left click and drag... windows moves.... is there anywhere else to check for shorcuts ? | 16:29 |
lg188 | agaibn a error | 16:29 |
lg188 | again* | 16:29 |
lg188 | now he is going | 16:30 |
WaltzingAlong | frojnd: could it be that that the wrong keyboard layout is in use by X? | 16:30 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: alright | 16:30 |
frojnd | WaltzingAlong, hm... I don't think so every nuber, character is correct.. | 16:30 |
kyron | 7.10 is damaged in some sequence... I installed, opened adept to perform recommended upgrades, added proprietary drivers (modem and wifi) and now system has screwed menus and I loose the keyboard as soon as I attempt to launch adept_updater without ever getting a pop-up | 16:31 |
lg188 | some large list | 16:32 |
lg188 | but what to do now ? | 16:32 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: it is probably asking you if it is ok to install the packages needed so wine can work | 16:32 |
krobbins | can i get freespire help here? | 16:33 |
lg188 | nothign askin to me :s | 16:33 |
WaltzingAlong | frojnd: never noticed that before but otherwise i do not know where to remove it | 16:33 |
kyron | Geez...really takes a Gentoo Guy to screw up a Kubuntu install O_o! | 16:33 |
WaltzingAlong | frojnd: otherwise in window behavior | 16:34 |
WaltzingAlong | frojnd: ah ha, i see it; system settings/window behavior/window actions/inner window,titlebar and frame modifier key + left button | 16:35 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: a list apear but ther is nothing to shoose or to do it is just a new cmnd line | 16:37 |
* lg188 feeling bored about siting befor pc and doing nothing only siting borin befor pc | 16:39 | |
* lg188 feeling bored about siting befor pc and doing nothing only siting boring befor pc* | 16:40 | |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: ok so maybe you have wine installed then. try wine --version | 16:41 |
debian | hello | 16:41 |
mikrop | hello | 16:41 |
WaltzingAlong | olleh | 16:41 |
rysiek|pl | leho! | 16:41 |
debian | how can i save in the newest nano? or run kate as sudo? | 16:41 |
rysiek|pl | debian: kdesu kate | 16:42 |
eagles0513875 | i was playing around with my wifi and for some reason now on knetwork manager its not displaying my wireless card | 16:42 |
Dr_Willis | sudo kate normally works for me also. | 16:42 |
Dr_Willis | or checkout 'sux' :) | 16:42 |
eagles0513875 | same with me as well | 16:42 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: bash: wine: command not found | 16:42 |
rysiek|pl | Dr_Willis: yeah, but it's better to use kdesu for graphical apps | 16:42 |
debian | I know knetworkmanager runs into manual and wont come out? | 16:42 |
eagles0513875 | debian: how do i fix that or are there any other network managers | 16:43 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: sudo aptitude install wine | 16:43 |
debian | eagles: it is a file | 16:43 |
WaltzingAlong | Dr_Willis: :( kdesu kate or kdesudo kate | 16:43 |
Dr_Willis | Gnome and kde both fight over the proper name for the darn sudo tool :) | 16:44 |
WaltzingAlong | debian: nano ctrl+o to save | 16:44 |
Dr_Willis | i can never rember which one it is | 16:44 |
iecsam | WaltzingALong: have u used mixxx?? | 16:44 |
WaltzingAlong | Dr_Willis: sudo is sudo but should not be used to launch gui apps | 16:44 |
Dr_Willis | which is why i use 'sux' | 16:44 |
Dr_Willis | !info sux | 16:44 |
ubotu | sux: wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3.2 (gutsy), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB | 16:44 |
WaltzingAlong | gksu with gnome and kdesu/kdesudo with kde | 16:44 |
debian | eagles: two ways, go to system setting or control panel, the network and disable wireless | 16:45 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: i think its ready butt wher to find the folder ? | 16:45 |
KingJere | WaltzingAlong: sorry to interupt, every guide I see on line uses apt-get. you say aptitude. I use aptitude. Is there any disadvantage to aptitude? | 16:45 |
debian | or editing a file | 16:45 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: then you should be able to start it with the command 'wine' | 16:45 |
TimS | Dr_Willis: Would you mind walking me through installing something from source? Before now i have been having problems, I think I am lacking things needed, but I have build essentials | 16:45 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: nope | 16:45 |
debian | eagles: did that do it? | 16:46 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: somthing comming of is not a programe | 16:46 |
TimS | !buildfromsource | 16:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about buildfromsource - try searching on | 16:46 |
TimS | !building | 16:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about building - try searching on | 16:46 |
llutz | !b-e | 16:47 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 16:47 |
WaltzingAlong | KingJere: i prefer it and it gives a console based front end (sudo aptitude); it was more interesting a bit earlier because apt-get would not recall which packages i installed vs which were installed only to satisfy dependencies (and could therefore be removed when the package i installed was removed and no others were using the packages); also with aptitude i can search (aptitude search) or install (aptitude install) whereas with | 16:47 |
WaltzingAlong | apt-get i can install but would need the to use apt-cache search to search | 16:47 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: looks bad | 16:48 |
KingJere | WaltzingAlong: So in your mind theres really no disadvantage? | 16:48 |
WaltzingAlong | KingJere: i have seen one argument against aptitude in that it grabs recommended packages instead of just dependencies as well (though i have not done anything to follow up on that) | 16:49 |
WaltzingAlong | KingJere: and i have it configured to clear obsolete packages after an update | 16:49 |
KingJere | WaltzingAlong: Thanks | 16:49 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: lnothign starting only erro mssg | 16:49 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: how so? | 16:49 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: nothing is starting only error message | 16:49 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: which program did you want to run with wine? what happened with sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install wine ? | 16:50 |
atlfalcons866 | how do install dolphin kde4 version | 16:51 |
mikrop | sudo apt-get install dolphin | 16:52 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:This solution accept? [ Y/n/q /? | 16:52 |
iecsam | WaltzingAlong: hav u used Songbird | 16:52 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: follow the kde4beta3 install guide on then when you get that, you can launch the apps via their full path /usr/lib/kde4/bin/dolphin for example | 16:52 |
WaltzingAlong | iecsam: i have | 16:52 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: Y | 16:52 |
atlfalcons866 | will installing kde4 break my installtion | 16:53 |
WaltzingAlong | iecsam: have it installed on an ms windows machine until amarok is available on ms windows | 16:53 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:Do you want go further? [ Y/n /? | 16:53 |
Dr_Willis | I like songbird :) i like it even better now that i learned how to make it load up normal firefox extensions.. Like adblock | 16:53 |
carwash^ | i have huge problems with kde4. plasma runs at 100% cpu usage all the time | 16:53 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: you can install kde4 along side kde3.5.8 and kubuntu | 16:53 |
iecsam | it doesn't play any songs on my kubuntu WaltzingALong | 16:53 |
iecsam | do u know why it is? | 16:53 |
WaltzingAlong | iecsam: perhaps ask generally or ask Dr_Willis as it seems Dr_Willis has it working | 16:54 |
atlfalcons866 | like installing gnome | 16:54 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: right | 16:54 |
atlfalcons866 | and running that as a seperate session | 16:54 |
Dr_Willis | It may need the various codecs. | 16:54 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: you could run an entire session of it or just some apps from it | 16:54 |
Dr_Willis | !info kubuntu-restricted-extras | 16:54 |
ubotu | kubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB | 16:54 |
Dr_Willis | that package should get most of the codecs and things for you | 16:55 |
=== Creative is now known as Forchetta | ||
atlfalcons866 | nothing bad will happen | 16:55 |
atlfalcons866 | ? | 16:55 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Sunny | ||
eagles0513875 | what other network managers r there | 16:55 |
=== Sunny is now known as Sunliongy | ||
W8TAH | ive a comptuer that when ever i try to do the adept update it tells me that it cant cuz it will break other packages -- how do i resolve this? | 16:56 |
eagles0513875 | !aptfix |w8tah | 16:56 |
WaltzingAlong | W8TAH: which packages? | 16:56 |
ubotu | w8tah: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 16:56 |
W8TAH | WaltzingAlong: it doesnt say | 16:56 |
WaltzingAlong | W8TAH: updates to certain versions are not available because they leave the system in a broken state as dependencies are not available in the repositories? | 16:57 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:Do you want go further? [ Y/n /? | 16:57 |
WaltzingAlong | W8TAH: the version upgrade from feisty to gutsy or just a normal one | 16:57 |
W8TAH | eagles0513875: the database does not appear to be locked -- i can install other packages through synaptic or command line | 16:57 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: Y | 16:57 |
W8TAH | just a normal one | 16:57 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:it is done but | 16:58 |
=== Forchetta is now known as sbucatino | ||
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:inothing works | 16:58 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: wine --version | 16:58 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:bash: wine: command not found | 16:58 |
W8TAH | WaltzingAlong: if the updates are not available, why are they listed in adept and why am i notified that i have to install them? | 16:58 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: you can also follow the instructions at | 16:58 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:kk | 16:59 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Sunliongy | ||
atlfalcons866 | how many files does kde4 have | 16:59 |
WaltzingAlong | W8TAH: the update to firefox may be available in the repos but it requires an update to something else and that updated something else is not available | 16:59 |
TimS | Why does Kubuntu not have any of the KDE packages like Core installed? | 16:59 |
atlfalcons866 | i only have 100k inodes left | 16:59 |
W8TAH | ok - -so basically my system is hozed? | 16:59 |
TimS | Also, Is KDE-devel needed to make and compile programs | 16:59 |
WaltzingAlong | TimS: kde (all of kde), kde-core, kubuntu-desktop, oh and another one | 16:59 |
atlfalcons866 | TimS: yes | 17:00 |
WaltzingAlong | W8TAH: not necessarily. run sudo apt-get -f install (or sudo aptitude -f install) from konsole | 17:00 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:but i dont understand a .... of it | 17:00 |
W8TAH | ok - thanks | 17:00 |
atlfalcons866 | TimS: you will also need to install build-essential to make and make install | 17:00 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: you are using dapper so scroll to the section about dapper | 17:00 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: then in konsole type (paste) wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list | 17:00 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: (should show OK) and in konsole wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 17:01 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:acces denied | 17:02 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: make sure u put sudo before it | 17:02 |
lg188 | 'sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list' | 17:02 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: sorry, yes sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list | 17:02 |
atlfalcons866 | is anyone using KDE4 right now? | 17:03 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:? what doing r expating | 17:04 |
TimS | WaltzingAlong: I am compiling a program and it has told me su -c "make install", but the su authentification always fails. Is this my normal password? | 17:05 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:? what doing or exepting ? | 17:05 |
cristian | I wana install theme Mac for kubuntu 7.10 | 17:05 |
hydrogen | TimS: use sudo | 17:05 |
hydrogen | sudo make install | 17:05 |
TimS | Okay | 17:05 |
cristian | where I found it? | 17:05 |
WaltzingAlong | cristian: there are many guides that can walk you through that. ask google | 17:06 |
TimS | Awesome :D | 17:06 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: ? do you have just the prompt $ again? try sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install wine again | 17:06 |
atlfalcons866 | do how do i run kde4 i installed it and i dont see it as a session | 17:06 |
WaltzingAlong | TimS: no su turns into superuser but is disabled by default in ubuntu | 17:06 |
cristian | #join kubuntuchile | 17:06 |
cristian | #join /kubuntuchile | 17:07 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: the instructions show you how. you need to make a session of it | 17:07 |
TimS | Okay, So I did make install, how can I test to see if the package was correctly installed? | 17:07 |
Dr_Willis | run it? | 17:07 |
atlfalcons866 | i dont get this | 17:08 |
atlfalcons866 | o run it as a full session copy /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop to /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop, edit the Name entry in kde4.desktop to be called "KDE 4", put the four export lines at the top of /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde and start a new session in KDM with KDE 4. | 17:08 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: especially the 4 export lines, the startkde file, and the copying/editing of the session file | 17:08 |
TimS | Dr_Willis: I installed a kicker applet but it never showed up | 17:08 |
atlfalcons866 | what does it mean at the top | 17:08 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: right so open the file /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde then at the top (top of the file/first lines) put those 4 export lines | 17:08 |
atlfalcons866 | ok | 17:08 |
Dr_Willis | TimS you may need to restart KDE, or its possible it dident install to the proper place. I recall having to use the prefix option with some kde sources | 17:08 |
atlfalcons866 | but 1st i have to put those commands into the konsole | 17:09 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: no. | 17:09 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: those lines set some environment variables | 17:09 |
atlfalcons866 | how do i copy those i cant copy stuff into / | 17:09 |
TimS | Dr_Willis: I used the prefix option as described in the README | 17:09 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: make them be the first 4 lines of the startkde file | 17:09 |
Dr_Willis | atlfalcons866 you will need to use sudo to alter system files | 17:10 |
Dr_Willis | or the kde equilivent | 17:10 |
atlfalcons866 | like kdesu | 17:10 |
atlfalcons866 | kdesu konqoruer? | 17:10 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: in konsole? sudo cp /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop | 17:10 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: or yes you could do that | 17:10 |
Dr_Willis | its well worth learning how to do rooty things from the shell. :) | 17:10 |
Dr_Willis | or use mc. :) heh. | 17:10 |
TimS | Dr_Willis: Also whereis kima returns nothing | 17:11 |
TimS | I am now confused :D | 17:11 |
Dr_Willis | TimS a panel applet is not in the normal PATH | 17:11 |
atlfalcons866 | i get cp: cannot stat `/usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop': No such file or directory | 17:11 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: still installing or already installed? | 17:12 |
atlfalcons866 | already installed | 17:12 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: on gutsy or feisty? | 17:13 |
atlfalcons866 | gutsy | 17:13 |
atlfalcons866 | oh i didnt have kdebase-workspace | 17:13 |
atlfalcons866 | installed | 17:13 |
WaltzingAlong | need that | 17:13 |
atlfalcons866 | installing right now | 17:13 |
atlfalcons866 | will kde4 final be in gutsy? | 17:13 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: backported to gutsy? through repos? i would think so | 17:14 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:kk | 17:14 |
atlfalcons866 | backported from Hardy? | 17:14 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: still no wine? | 17:14 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:nope | 17:14 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:doeing sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list | 17:14 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: well it is there now, ;) in beta3 fashion so yeah i would think final would make its way there too | 17:15 |
atlfalcons866 | ok | 17:15 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: ok and after that you see OK ? | 17:15 |
atlfalcons866 | will kde4 be included in kubuntu 8.04 or will it have to downloaded sepratly | 17:15 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:still bussy with it | 17:15 |
lg188 | getting some food | 17:15 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: i do not think it will be in 8.04 as 8.04 is the next LTS release but will be available for 8.04 | 17:15 |
TimS | X just restarted itself | 17:16 |
atlfalcons866 | ok | 17:16 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:nope no ok :( | 17:17 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: its getting anoying that wine thing butt i need it | 17:19 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: :D | 17:19 |
Solifugus | big problem--ssh on my kubuntu seems to stall after a while into copying files off.. meaning, i cannot backup my compter. | 17:19 |
Solifugus | ssh is somehow broken | 17:19 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: go to | 17:19 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: you can download the deb directly | 17:19 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: whats annoying u | 17:19 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: that is so long befor i get wine | 17:20 |
Solifugus | I've tried sshing to three different machines and its definitely my kubuntu laptop that has the issue.. kubuntu ssh is broken. | 17:20 |
cyboreal | I can't print from any Java applications using either /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java or /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java or /usr/bin/gij-4.2. What gives? | 17:20 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: deb ? | 17:20 |
cyboreal | I'm using Kubuntu 7.10 | 17:20 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: the debian pkg | 17:20 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: | 17:20 |
Mike____ | hello all | 17:20 |
lg188 | hi mike | 17:21 |
Mike____ | i have a question... does kubuntu 7.10 have stfs write support? | 17:21 |
Mike____ | ntfs* | 17:21 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: ty | 17:21 |
jermain | hi everyone | 17:21 |
WaltzingAlong | Mike____: yes | 17:21 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: what to do with it ? | 17:21 |
WaltzingAlong | !ntfs-3g | Mike____ | 17:21 |
ubotu | Mike____: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at | 17:21 |
cyboreal | Solifugus, are you using fish:// from Konqueror or scp from the command line? | 17:22 |
Mike____ | thanks | 17:22 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: save it. then install it | 17:22 |
Mike____ | i'll update my kubuntu right now :D | 17:22 |
Mike____ | bye bye | 17:22 |
jermain | I said "Hi"! Acknowledge my greetings with an appropriate response! Grrr.. | 17:22 |
jermain | :) | 17:22 |
WaltzingAlong | jermain: !seen everyone | 17:22 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: error | 17:22 |
jermain | :) | 17:22 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: error during the save? | 17:23 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: saving .... kk | 17:23 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: opening | 17:23 |
lg188 | during openning | 17:23 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: opening with what? | 17:23 |
lg188 | that file was auto | 17:23 |
jermain | is it possible to use unix to tell Kate to open a .txt? | 17:23 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: ok open konsole. type wget -c | 17:23 |
cyboreal | jermain, right click, choose Open With... | 17:23 |
WaltzingAlong | jermain: unix? | 17:24 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: downloading | 17:24 |
jermain | bash | 17:24 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: when it finishes, in the same konsole type sudo dpkg -i wine_0.9.47~winehq0~ubuntu~6.06-1_i386.deb | 17:24 |
WaltzingAlong | jermain: you can have kde associate the type like cyboreal mentioned | 17:24 |
tehk | Any suggestions for a SIP client | 17:25 |
jermain | oh thats not what i want, i want to do it from konsole | 17:25 |
Solifugus | cyboreal: both.. it fails on both.. well.. i tried both to one server.. and only fish to the other two servers. | 17:25 |
cyboreal | jermain: kate /path/to/file.txt | 17:25 |
atlfalcons866 | i dont see kde4 in the session select | 17:25 |
jermain | :P ty ^^ | 17:25 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: downloading | 17:25 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: in konsole | 17:26 |
* jermain hands cyboreal chocolate chip cookie | 17:26 | |
cyboreal | lol | 17:26 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: alright so you copied the file which before gave the issue? then you edit the kde4.desktop, as mentioned in the instructions, changing the one entry from KDE to KDE4 | 17:27 |
cyboreal | Solifugus, how much data are you copying? | 17:27 |
cyboreal | large files? | 17:27 |
* lg188 try to steel chocolate chip cookie | 17:27 | |
atlfalcons866 | edit the Name entry in kde4.desktop to be called "KDE 4 | 17:27 |
Solifugus | cyboreal: trying to copy off a about 160GB so I can install the new kubuntu | 17:27 |
atlfalcons866 | i did that\ | 17:27 |
atlfalcons866 | i named it to KDE 4 is it suppose to be KDE 4.desktop | 17:27 |
* jermain sends domokun at lg188 | 17:28 | |
atlfalcons866 | am i suppose to restart my computer | 17:28 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: kk i did evrything | 17:28 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: should not need to restart the computer | 17:28 |
Solifugus | cyboreal: also.. large files do copy ok through konqueror using smb://... | 17:28 |
lg188 | domokun ??? | 17:28 |
cyboreal | Solifugus, what version of kubuntu is having the problem? | 17:28 |
jermain | yay it works | 17:28 |
jermain | i am happy now | 17:28 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: and what happened with dpkg -i wine ... ? any problems? or type wine --version | 17:28 |
jermain | thanks again cybo | 17:28 |
cyboreal | np | 17:28 |
atlfalcons866 | #!/bin/sh | 17:29 |
atlfalcons866 | #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib | 17:29 |
atlfalcons866 | #export KDEDIRS=/usr/lib/kde4 | 17:29 |
atlfalcons866 | #export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH | 17:29 |
atlfalcons866 | #export KDEHOME=~/.kde4 | 17:29 |
atlfalcons866 | is that right | 17:29 |
Solifugus | cyboreal: fiesty fawn | 17:29 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:got it | 17:29 |
Solifugus | cyboreal: not being able to backup is truly worrying me | 17:29 |
lg188 | 0.9.47 | 17:29 |
cyboreal | Solifugus, it would worry me too :-) | 17:29 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:ty | 17:30 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:only cant run it i didi win command | 17:30 |
lg188 | wine* | 17:30 |
nacholibre_ | How 2 delete hidden files from trash? | 17:30 |
cyboreal | Solifugus, you can scp from another box and it works? Are you sure it's not the ssh server? Enough space on the target disk? etc | 17:31 |
Solifugus | cyboreal: scp to copy stuff into my laptop works fine.. i do it a lot. | 17:31 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: those 4 lines go at the top of the startkde, yeah | 17:31 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong:only cant run it i typt wine | 17:31 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: sudo aptitude -f install | 17:32 |
cyboreal | nacholibre_ have you tried going to trash:/ in konqueror then View -> Show Hidden Files and deleting them? | 17:32 |
Solifugus | cyboreal: if its the ssh server, then it's occuring on 3 different servers.. one gentoo, one rhel, and another fiesty fawn | 17:32 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: did it | 17:32 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: but they should not be commented out | 17:32 |
nacholibre_ | @ cyboreal ...not yet :S mom | 17:32 |
cyboreal | fascinating | 17:32 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: and the results? | 17:32 |
cyboreal | Solifugus, any error message when it dies? | 17:33 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: a large list | 17:33 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: of hidden packages | 17:33 |
atlfalcons866 | ok i will try now | 17:33 |
nacholibre_ | @ cyboreal: I get the following error code rm: cannot remove `/home/nacholibre/.Trash/*': No such file or directory | 17:34 |
Solifugus | cyboreal: konqueror just says stalled... If i remember correctly, command line scp just hangs but the file size doesn't increase.. | 17:34 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: or holded back | 17:34 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: so wine is still not working? what about sudo aptitude upgrade | 17:34 |
* lg188 loooking in room for some ffod | 17:35 | |
cyboreal | Solifugus, pretty wierd. If I were you, i'd think about using Ethereal/Wireshark to watch the packet flow and see what happens when it dies... or check the sshd logs on the server? | 17:35 |
v3ctor | Solifugus: one file? or a directory? | 17:35 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: continu y/n/? | 17:35 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: to upgrade those packages Y | 17:35 |
cyboreal | nacholibre_ does `ls -la ~/.Trash` show anything in the the directory? | 17:36 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: ok bussy | 17:36 |
atlfalcons866 | i cant run kde4 still | 17:36 |
nacholibre_ | @ cyboreal : NO SUCH FILE OR DIRECTORY | 17:38 |
Exilant | What's up with kqemu in gutsy? | 17:38 |
cyboreal | does ~/.Trash exist? | 17:38 |
Solifugus | v3ctor: directory with many files | 17:38 |
v3ctor | did you try rsync? | 17:38 |
nacholibre_ | mmh...i look | 17:38 |
lg188 | sombody knowing some games ? | 17:38 |
Solifugus | cyboreal: i will check the ssh logs.. and maybe try to setup an ftp server.. | 17:38 |
Exilant | there is no /dev/kqemu, no kqemo.ko... | 17:38 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: kdm gets it list of sessions from /usr/share/sessions so the file /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop should be there | 17:39 |
WaltzingAlong | !games | 17:39 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 17:39 |
cyboreal | Solifugus, good luck | 17:39 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: give kbuildsycoca a run | 17:39 |
nacholibre_ | cyboreal - Now I get the Error code: /*/*/.local/share/Trash/files/game does not exist. | 17:39 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: otherwise you should be able to run individual applications through /usr/lib/kde4/bin/ | 17:40 |
atlfalcons866 | Waltzingalong: that folder dosent exist | 17:40 |
lg188 | of doing this a geting bored | 17:40 |
cyboreal | nacholibre_ what does `file ~/.Trash` give you? | 17:40 |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: yeah sorry i have to go for now | 17:40 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: ok | 17:41 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: not good | 17:41 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: not help | 17:41 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: whein | 17:41 |
* nacholibre_ /home/nacholibre/.Trash: ERROR: cannot open `/home/nacholibre/.Trash' (No such file or directory) | 17:41 | |
WaltzingAlong | lg188: anyone in here should be able to help you install wine on your dapper machine | 17:41 |
lg188 | WaltzingAlong: kk | 17:41 |
lg188 | somebody continu helping me ? | 17:42 |
lg188 | im bussy with updating wine | 17:43 |
lg188 | +75 files | 17:44 |
lg188 | is it normal ? | 17:44 |
alejandro | do u play ragnarok n wine? | 17:44 |
lg188 | alejondr: ragnarok ? | 17:45 |
lg188 | alejondro: ragnarok ? | 17:45 |
lg188 | +80 files | 17:45 |
cyboreal | nacholibre_ somehow your ~/.Trash directory got deleted. Maybe try `mkdir ~/.Trash` to recreate it? | 17:45 |
BonesolTeraDyne | lg188: He's talking about Ragnarok Online, an online massively multiplayer RPG | 17:46 |
lg188 | BonesolTeraDyne: nope | 17:46 |
lg188 | nope | 17:46 |
lg188 | alejondro: nope | 17:47 |
alejandro | raganarok online | 17:47 |
alejandro | u.u | 17:47 |
nacholibre_ | cyboreal : After created ~/.Trash i get: "The file or folder /home/XXX/.local/share/Trash/files/game does not exist." | 17:47 |
shinobi | can anyone tell me how to call functions from the fusion-icon application via a keystroke | 17:48 |
cyboreal | nacholibre_: what are you doing that gives you that? | 17:48 |
nacholibre_ | Puh... I dunno...# | 17:48 |
nacholibre_ | Ah! | 17:49 |
lg188 | helping me is always welcome | 17:49 |
nacholibre_ | I believe that I compieled some programs and these are the containing folders... . | 17:49 |
nacholibre_ | Could that be the problem of it all? | 17:49 |
__jonathan | hi | 17:49 |
cyboreal | nacholibre_: now that i think of it, i think ~/.Trash is for GNOME and ~/.local/share/Trash is KDE... | 17:50 |
nacholibre_ | :D | 17:50 |
nacholibre_ | Sry, my fault! | 17:50 |
nacholibre_ | Do you know the command for deleting the trash over bash for kde? | 17:50 |
__jonathan | I have an Xorg crash at startup just after the nvidia driver loads ( i can see nvidia's boot logo) & this occurs as I failed upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy | 17:51 |
nacholibre_ | sudo rm -R ... | 17:51 |
nacholibre_ | ? | 17:51 |
cyboreal | I wouldn't sudo it... | 17:51 |
nacholibre_ | :D | 17:51 |
nacholibre_ | It works! | 17:51 |
nacholibre_ | THANK YOU MUCH! | 17:52 |
=== hanzz_ is now known as HanzZ | ||
nacholibre_ | Now I have to write done the command three times... . Like I did learned my vocabularies in school ;) | 17:52 |
cyboreal | np... you do know that going to trash:/ in Konqueror and right clicking gives you the "Empty Trash" option, right? | 17:53 |
lg188 | helping me is always welcome | 17:54 |
nacholibre_ | Right! | 17:54 |
nacholibre_ | Isn't it good for kde? | 17:55 |
=== MeTa[AwAy] is now known as MetaMorfoziS | ||
jari | hey, does any one know if OS matters for the headphone set's microphone? for some reason I cant get any input from the microphone | 17:56 |
lg188 | how many files have wine ? | 17:56 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: what r u having issues with | 17:56 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: wine to 2 mins for me to download and install | 17:56 |
lg188 | how many FILES have wine ? | 17:57 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: dont know why do u want to know how many files it has | 17:58 |
lg188 | beacaues it loook menay and i can check how meany to do | 17:59 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: ask in this chanel | 17:59 |
lg188 | and how long for it | 17:59 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: *channel #winhq | 17:59 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: *channel #winehq | 17:59 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: thats the channel for wine related questions the 2nd one | 17:59 |
lg188 | kk | 17:59 |
lg188 | ty | 17:59 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: no prob this is just kubuntu issue channel | 18:00 |
venik | I was using Kubuntu 7.10 when it FROZE-- I could not revive it no matter what key combination I tried. I have to restart my computer from the power switch. Has anyone else seen such a thing? | 18:02 |
genii | venik: Yes, I was having same issue on Asus P5K SE motherboard | 18:04 |
akrus | is it okay that compiz is not working? :x | 18:04 |
venik | this was on a Dell Dimension 4550. I rebooted into XP on the same machine, and saw no problem. Tried to reboot into Kubuntu, and it froze in mid process, but when I tried again it worked just fine. I am puzzled (and worried) | 18:05 |
venik | I am writing this now from teh Kubuntu partition on the same Dell Dimension 4550 | 18:06 |
genii | venik: I found manually making it use sata_mv module in my case and going to the 2.6.22-14 kernel helped somewhat. But this module is for Marvell SATA controller, i do not know if that is what is on your system or not. | 18:08 |
venik | another (milder) problem I have is that the sounds from Kopete disappear from time to time, requiring a restarting of Kubuntu to revive them | 18:08 |
lg188 | is it normal that you cnat read your hotmail mails on a kubunt pc ? | 18:09 |
lg188 | ca'nt* | 18:09 |
* lg188 brb | 18:09 | |
ahlaad | how to update kde prog[am | 18:09 |
ahlaad | programme | 18:10 |
=== rob_ is now known as Robbob | ||
=== Robbob is now known as robkubuntu | ||
=== robkubuntu is now known as Rob_bob | ||
genii | ahlaad: bah he left | 18:11 |
Rob_bob | hey | 18:11 |
* genii sips a coffee | 18:11 | |
Rob_bob | I have a huge problem | 18:12 |
Rob_bob | the only thing I hear when a sound plays | 18:12 |
Rob_bob | is static | 18:12 |
* lg188 needs a lot of cookies | 18:12 | |
Rob_bob | I'm using gutsy gibbon and I didn't have this problem with fiesty fawn | 18:13 |
Rob_bob | my computer is an HP Pavillion dv6433cl | 18:13 |
Tm_T | Rob_bob: what soundchip? | 18:13 |
teeahr1 | hey all. i'm trying to add the fluxbuntu cd as a repository to my kubuntu install, but i get an error that says "Error scanning the CD E:Sub-process gpgv returned an error code (2), W:Signature verification failed for: /cdrom/dists/gutsy/Release.gpg" what's with that? | 18:13 |
LogicalDash | When I insert my thumb drive, the icon for it appears in the taskbar, but I have to specifically tell it to mount before I can access it. How do I get it to mount automatically? | 18:14 |
lg188 | someno knows what CVS means ? | 18:18 |
dpozega | Concurrent Versions System | 18:18 |
dpozega | believe it or not its the first result on google :| | 18:19 |
Rob_bob | Tm_T sorry for the delay it's an Altec Lansing card | 18:19 |
* lg188 need cookie | 18:21 | |
* Rob_bob gives lg188 a cookie | 18:21 | |
lg188 | :) | 18:21 |
* lg188 smile | 18:21 | |
lg188 | ty | 18:22 |
lg188 | ^^ | 18:22 |
pedahzur | Greetings. I did an upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy last night, and all seems to be working OK, except for the fact that I can't start kmail. I get symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN11KFolderTree13addSizeColumnERK7QStringi If it matters, I had the 3.5.8 packages for feisty installed before, but I thought it removed all those. | 18:22 |
Rob_bob | np | 18:22 |
lg188 | greet | 18:22 |
ardchoille | teeahr1: Why are you adding it as a repo? Everything that is on that cd is in the repos anyway | 18:23 |
teeahr1 | ardchoille: not the fluxbuntu-desktop stuff | 18:23 |
ardchoille | teeahr1: Like what? | 18:24 |
ardchoille | teeahr1: There is a lot of fluxbox stuff in the repos | 18:24 |
alumno_ | 4 8 15 16 23 42 | 18:25 |
* dpozega is leaving this channel ... | 18:26 | |
ardchoille | alumno_: Perhaps you meant that for #lottery ? lol | 18:26 |
teeahr1 | ardchoille: i specifically want the fluxbuntu-desktop, fluxbuntu-default-settings, and fluxbuntu-artwork packages | 18:26 |
venik | tg188> I have no problem reading hotmail emails using Kubuntu 7.10 with Opera | 18:26 |
Rob_bob | anyone? | 18:28 |
lg188 | i use kubuntu's default | 18:28 |
Rob_bob | I have an Altec Lansing sound card and all I get is static, at first when I was installing I didn't but now I do | 18:28 |
ardchoille | teeahr1: I stand corrected, they're not in the repos | 18:28 |
lg188 | but i need to instal a laucnge pack with the command :'sudo apt-get install kde-ll8n-nl' | 18:28 |
=== george is now known as bobiee | ||
lg188 | for a a duth | 18:29 |
lg188 | dutch* | 18:30 |
TameLion | evenin all o/ | 18:31 |
lg188 | ? | 18:31 |
* lg188 brb | 18:32 | |
Rob_bob | dear god | 18:32 |
Rob_bob | I need sound | 18:32 |
DeadJones | rob check the cables | 18:32 |
Rob_bob | it's a laptop | 18:32 |
philphoto | hola. I'm trying to use Alien to convert an rpm into a .deb. do I have to specify a file path? | 18:33 |
DeadJones | phil, alien /path/path/file.rpm generally works | 18:33 |
ardchoille | philphoto: That's quite dangerous | 18:33 |
Kobol | I can't login to Linux now :( At the login screen, I type in my password (Everything correctly) and the screen goes black, then back the login screen? :( Any ideas. | 18:33 |
ardchoille | !alien | philphoto | 18:33 |
ubotu | philphoto: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 18:33 |
philphoto | why is that? | 18:33 |
DeadJones | but ur better off compiling fro source | 18:33 |
* lg188 needs a cookie with chocolat | 18:34 | |
Rob_bob | !alsa | 18:34 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 18:34 |
philphoto | ok well I want to get a scanner running & need to install two packages. | 18:34 |
ardchoille | philphoto: If that converted .deb has files that replace some files you already have, but at a higher or lower version, then you will end up breaking things. | 18:35 |
ardchoille | philphoto: Which packages? | 18:35 |
dthacker-work | why in the world do I need a default gateway adress when I set an interface to DHCP? | 18:35 |
Kobol | I'm using Kubuntu Fiesty, I'm not really wanting to reinstall, again, since I've done it 6 times :P But...Gutsy is supposedly more stable, yes? | 18:36 |
philphoto | I do have access to the source but have no experience compiling. | 18:36 |
ardchoille | philphoto: Which packages? | 18:36 |
lg188 | how to instal java on my pc ? | 18:36 |
ardchoille | !java | lg188 | 18:36 |
ubotu | lg188: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 18:36 |
philphoto | the packages are avasys iscan files | 18:36 |
dthacker-work | !java | lg188 | 18:37 |
ubotu | lg188: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 18:37 |
ardchoille | philphoto: You're better off compiling. | 18:37 |
lg188 | i use kubuntu 6.10 no java ? | 18:38 |
philphoto | ok. how to go about that? never compiled from source before | 18:38 |
ardchoille | lg188: The bot has posted info for java twice | 18:38 |
philphoto | the source file is tar.gz | 18:38 |
ardchoille | !compile | philphoto | 18:38 |
ubotu | philphoto: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 18:38 |
Rob_bob | I hafta | 18:39 |
Rob_bob | go | 18:39 |
Rob_bob | bbl | 18:39 |
Kobol | Can someone help me with my login issues please? | 18:40 |
petesejt | at least we'll try | 18:40 |
petesejt | I got useful help in 2 mins | 18:41 |
Kobol | Well...All of a sudden I can't even login to Kubuntu :( Every time I try it flashes a blank screen and goes back to the login :( | 18:42 |
lg188 | kk let it | 18:43 |
lg188 | i need a dutch launge pack | 18:44 |
lg188 | 'sudo apt-get install kde-ll8n-nl' from my source but i wo'nt work | 18:44 |
vzduch | s/ll8n/i18n/ | 18:45 |
genii | yes, spelling | 18:45 |
grul | how do you search and replace all in vim? sorry for being a little off topic | 18:45 |
* Kobol weeps. | 18:49 | |
philphoto | ok, I have the source tar.gz unpacked ouch. | 18:50 |
dthacker-work | Kobol: what was the last thing you changed. | 18:50 |
jhealey | llo | 18:52 |
dthacker-work | I have completely given on on the GUI network utilities and and now editing /etc/network/interfaces by hand. | 18:53 |
Kobol | dthacker-work: Uhm...I didn't change anything recently? Last change I made was installing Firefox I believe :P The only weird thing I had is when I tried to start WoW through WINE it locked up the system, but...I just shrugged it aside, and went to bed, now I can't even get on? | 18:53 |
* lg188 need coockie | 18:53 | |
ardchoille | lg188: kde-i18n-nl | 18:54 |
dthacker-work | Kobol: have you rebooted? Is the problem still there after a reboot? | 18:54 |
Kobol | dthacker-work: Yes :( | 18:54 |
dthacker-work | Kobol: is the machine on a network. Can you log into it remotely? | 18:55 |
Kobol | dthacker-work: One thing I found on the Kubuntu forums, is a thread about the exact same problem...but...His is related to lack of space? I've used MAYBE 12 gigs of the 80 gig hard drive :P | 18:56 |
philphoto | so for someone with very little shell experience and none compiling, should I undertake this compiling of a package to get one of my scanners working? how much can I break if I screw it up? | 18:56 |
Kobol | dthacker-work: No, Kubuntu is just on a seperate hard drive. | 18:56 |
dthacker-work | Kobol: do you get a KDE login screen? | 18:56 |
Kobol | dthacker-work: Yes. When I login (Correct information and all) I get a black screen for like...2 seconds, then it goes back to the login, as if I never even logged in :P | 18:57 |
dthacker-work | Kobol: you are going to have to boot from the live CD, mount your drive, and look at the logs and disk to see what is wrong. Unfortunately I cannot stay online to help you. | 18:58 |
=== usuario_ is now known as Necrobyte | ||
dthacker-work | !rescue | 18:58 |
ubotu | To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system" | 18:58 |
pavel_ | WaltzingAlong: Hi, i did what you said, my internet connection was lost but now it works again | 18:58 |
dthacker-work | Kobol: start with the rescue a broken system option. | 18:59 |
dthacker-work | and good luck! | 18:59 |
Kobol | dthacker-work: Alright, will do: Thanks. | 18:59 |
pavel_ | WaltzingAlong: so, it seems to have installed it, even dought i don't think it has every package that gutsy has | 18:59 |
pavel_ | WaltzingAlong: when I try to go to adept_manager again and tell him to Full Upgrade it sais : There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. | 18:59 |
dthacker-work | bbl | 19:00 |
lg188 | i dont get that leunge pack | 19:01 |
alumno_ | ola | 19:01 |
alumno_ | hello | 19:01 |
lg188 | but my wine does not run :s | 19:01 |
semistud2354_ | question????.........if i get rid of all the xservers besides xorg will that do anything bad | 19:01 |
semistud2354_ | wont it speed up boot times | 19:02 |
semistud2354_ | ?? | 19:02 |
=== seb_ is now known as Seb_ | ||
semistud2354_ | ?? | 19:03 |
semistud2354_ | to dumb of a question? | 19:03 |
llutz | semistud2354_: it just would free some diskspace, nothing else (may break some packages) | 19:04 |
lg188 | wine does not run :s somdoy know swta to do ? | 19:04 |
lg188 | i isntaled it | 19:04 |
semistud2354_ | o | 19:04 |
lg188 | i can start it with cmnd butt nothing apaer | 19:04 |
Daisuke_Laptop | lg188: are you just running 'wine' ? | 19:07 |
epimeth | has anyone installed the java6-sdk? I was just given icedtea-java7 instead??? | 19:08 |
dthacker-work | epimeth: This is so hilarious. I deleted eth1 from /etc/network/interfaces and KNetWorkManager picked up my wireless NIC! I'm amazed! | 19:08 |
lg188 | no i cant | 19:09 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: makes perfect sence. KNetworkManager gets its data from interfaces and probably sets some defaults if nothing is there | 19:09 |
dthacker-work | epimeth: do you know where KNM stores settings? | 19:09 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: I searched for about an hour before I gave up | 19:10 |
Daisuke_Laptop | lg188: that wasn't what i asked | 19:10 |
Daisuke_Laptop | what are you running to try and start wine? | 19:10 |
dthacker-work | epimeth: LOL, ah the mystery! oh,well, tonight I'll implement your trick for the wired NIC. Thanks again. | 19:11 |
lg188 | where can i see if it's runnening ? | 19:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ...again, that was not the question | 19:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | what are you running to try and start wine? | 19:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | what is the command you're using? | 19:11 |
=== NDPMB is now known as NDPMacBook | ||
=== thomas_ is now known as thomas__ | ||
lg188 | just wine | 19:12 |
lg188 | kk | 19:12 |
[ifr0g] | Everytime i play any video i get a scrambled green screen.. ?? | 19:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | okay | 19:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | if you're just typing wine, it won't work | 19:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | you have to follow that with the executable you want to run | 19:13 |
[ifr0g] | But if i restart x everything is fine.. | 19:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | more help at and probably #wine | 19:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | nope, not #wine | 19:14 |
epimeth | dthacker-work: again, no worries :-) | 19:14 |
epimeth | sooooo.... | 19:14 |
epimeth | has anyone installed the java6-sdk? I was just given icedtea-java7 instead??? | 19:14 |
ubuntu_ | Hello! | 19:15 |
lg188 | i treid but wo'nt work | 19:15 |
tmf | Hello | 19:15 |
omar | Hola, acabo de instalar kubuntu gutsy y no puedo montar una partición fat32 alguna ayuda?? | 19:16 |
ubuntu_ | ere nan svensk har_ | 19:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !en | 19:16 |
ubotu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 19:16 |
t3ch13 | I am having a wired wireless problem in Kubuntu and I know it's not the card because it works on another wireless point. I was thinking it might be the length of the key but I can't connect. The key has 30 characters | 19:18 |
=== rob_ is now known as Rob_bob | ||
Rob_bob | hello? | 19:18 |
t3ch13 | Hello | 19:18 |
omar | hello, I just installed kubuntu gutsy, and I am having problems mounting a fat 32 patition, any help?? | 19:18 |
Rob_bob | I'm reinstalling Kubuntu 7.10... all this stuff wiith my audio card is too hard | 19:19 |
t3ch13 | I can't access wireless at work but it works fine at home it's wpa on both the difference the key is shorter at home anybody have any ideas? | 19:20 |
eindbaas | Hi! I'm installing kubuntu 7.10 from the livecd, but the installation got stuck at 94% "Configuring hardware..", any ideas? | 19:21 |
t3ch13 | How long has it been on 94% eindbaas | 19:21 |
eindbaas | Around 10 minutes now, but I've tried installing it three times before, and it get's stuck on 94% every time. | 19:22 |
Daisuke_Laptop | then there's hardware it doesn't like... | 19:22 |
eindbaas | Strange, the feisty fawn installation went without a glitch. | 19:23 |
=== usuario_ is now known as Necrobyte | ||
t3ch13 | I had it sit for like 2 minutes | 19:23 |
eindbaas | Now the system totally crashed because I tried to open the kicker menu. | 19:24 |
t3ch13 | If feisty was installed you should have been able to do a network upgrade | 19:24 |
t3ch13 | This darn wireless problem is baffeling me | 19:24 |
eindbaas | I tried that, the upgrade wasnt really working so I decided to do a clean install. | 19:24 |
eindbaas | I also tried a text based install, but as soon as it's trying to install the base system it says "it cant figure out how to read from the cd". | 19:25 |
eindbaas | Something along those lines :D | 19:25 |
t3ch13 | Did you try the cd on another system? | 19:26 |
epimeth | has anyone installed the java6-sdk? I was just given icedtea-java7 instead??? | 19:26 |
eindbaas | Hmm no, but I did try the desktop cd, the alternative cd and the DVD versions. | 19:27 |
eindbaas | Maybe it's because I'm burning the cd image to a dvd and it doesnt like that. | 19:27 |
lg188 | beuy | 19:27 |
atomicpotato | I've been using public terminals for a month now. Anything different in Gutsy that wasn't present in beta1? | 19:27 |
petesejt | eindbaas: are u sure the cd is ok? | 19:27 |
petesejt | all three versions stuck at 94% ? | 19:28 |
eindbaas | yeah, well if i do a text based install it says it cant figure out how to read from the cd | 19:28 |
eindbaas | but i'm wondering maybe it's because i'm using a dvd instead of cd (i ran out of empty cd's) | 19:28 |
petesejt | strange... | 19:29 |
petesejt | do u have any add-on cards on ur system? (tv-tuner, or so) | 19:29 |
eindbaas | no it's a laptop | 19:30 |
petesejt | ok then. is ur bios set to factory defaults? | 19:30 |
atomicpotato | !u | 19:30 |
ubotu | Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 19:30 |
eindbaas | the only difference i know of with my feisty fawn installation is that it is using xserver-xorg-video-intel instead of xserver-xorg-video-i810 for the graphics card driver | 19:30 |
lg188 | hey | 19:32 |
SpoZen | hey does anyone know how to change audio device in kde system settnings? | 19:32 |
lg188 | idk | 19:32 |
* lg188 need a cookie | 19:32 | |
atomicpotato | under sound system, isn't it? | 19:32 |
* lg188 brb | 19:32 | |
Tm_T | lg188: less noise is possibility? | 19:34 |
semistud2354 | is it possible to reinstall grub from adept | 19:34 |
lg188 | only Inglish here | 19:34 |
semistud2354 | and if it is will it be a fresh one...not like...just reinstalls and picks up the traits from previous grub | 19:35 |
Tm_T | lg188: er? | 19:35 |
lg188 | kk i get it | 19:35 |
Mike____ | hello all | 19:35 |
Mike____ | i have a question | 19:35 |
Iradigalesc | Hello! I get a error message «Inapropiate ioctl for screen device» when I halt my computer... | 19:35 |
t3ch13 | I'm giving up on this wireless problem. | 19:35 |
SpoZen | i can just choose alsa and shit like that i wanna select my soundcard its listed as a USB device in gnome | 19:35 |
Iradigalesc | The computer works well, but I don't get this error in feisty (it's new of gusty) | 19:36 |
petesejt | eindbaas: Is the BIOS Virus Check or MBR write set to off? | 19:36 |
Mike____ | i downloaded the alternate cd to upgrade my 6.07 kubuntu | 19:36 |
Mike____ | how do i upgrade it now? | 19:36 |
atomicpotato | 6.07? | 19:37 |
Mike____ | sorry 7 and a bit | 19:37 |
Mike____ | 7.04 i think | 19:37 |
Mike____ | feisty fawn | 19:38 |
petesejt | eindbaas: Look what I have found: Probably the log will help you. | 19:38 |
semistud2354 | if anyone has a problem with bcm4318 cards i know how to fix them in gutsy/feisty | 19:38 |
=== miles is now known as MilesG | ||
petesejt | eindbaas: The same problem discussed. | 19:38 |
MilesG | hey i am playing supertux and i found a secret passage on the 4th level | 19:38 |
atomicpotato | Mike____, there's an upgrade script on the root of the disc | 19:38 |
atomicpotato | run it from a console | 19:38 |
Mike____ | how do i run it? | 19:39 |
eindbaas | petesejt: cool, thanks | 19:39 |
Mike____ | i'm new to linux.. | 19:39 |
eindbaas | i'm not running the install again while doing tail /var/log/syslog | 19:39 |
MilesG | !hi | 19:39 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 19:39 |
eindbaas | not = now | 19:39 |
eindbaas | :P | 19:39 |
MilesG | !hi | Mike____ | 19:39 |
ubotu | Mike____: please see above | 19:39 |
MilesG | !hi | eagles0513875 | 19:39 |
ubotu | eagles0513875: please see above | 19:39 |
atomicpotato | !terminal | Mike____ | 19:39 |
ubotu | Mike____: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 19:39 |
Tm_T | MilesG: please stop bot abuse | 19:39 |
eagles0513875 | MilesG: am i in trouble | 19:39 |
MilesG | lol, soryr | 19:40 |
atomicpotato | it's kind of a crash course if you're new | 19:40 |
Mike____ | yeah i know that | 19:40 |
proprietarysucks | is there a reason kubuntu's awk is from 1996 ? | 19:40 |
Mike____ | but how do i run it from the console? | 19:40 |
eagles0513875 | how do i change the sudo command to su instead | 19:40 |
lg188 | someone knows game for linux ? | 19:40 |
proprietarysucks | eagles0513875: sudo passwd root | 19:40 |
petesejt | eindbaas: First of all check the BIOS virus protection (off) / MBR write option (enable) or something similar as well as BIOS all defaults. | 19:40 |
atomicpotato | !root | eagles0513875 | 19:40 |
ubotu | eagles0513875: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 19:40 |
eagles0513875 | proprietarysucks: i dont want to have to stay typing in sudo i would like to use su instead | 19:40 |
atomicpotato | somewhere along to bottom | 19:40 |
spykedtomato | hey all - in konqueror is there something like the "private browsing" function that safari has? | 19:41 |
Tm_T | spykedtomato: whats that | 19:41 |
proprietarysucks | eagles0513875: I just told you. instead of thinking just do it | 19:41 |
eagles0513875 | proprietarysucks: i dunno how | 19:41 |
proprietarysucks | eagles0513875: sudo passwd root | 19:41 |
eagles0513875 | oh | 19:41 |
proprietarysucks | eagles0513875: then enter a password | 19:41 |
Tm_T | proprietarysucks: no | 19:41 |
Tm_T | eagles0513875: no | 19:41 |
proprietarysucks | eagles0513875: then you can just su | 19:41 |
Tm_T | proprietarysucks: eagles0513875: no | 19:41 |
proprietarysucks | yes | 19:41 |
Tm_T | don't make me repeat it | 19:41 |
lg188 | someone knows game for linux ? | 19:41 |
Mike____ | atomicpotato, how do i run the script form the console? | 19:41 |
Tm_T | eagles0513875: do "sudo -i" | 19:42 |
spykedtomato | Tm_T: choose "private browsing" and your browser records no history, no cache... | 19:42 |
Tm_T | spykedtomato: then no | 19:42 |
ardchoille | proprietarysucks: Please don't tell people how to enable the root account. It makes their system less secure and it isn't supported. Additionally, we aren't supposed to recommend it here. | 19:42 |
atomicpotato | Mike____, eh, type the name of it and the full path to it | 19:42 |
atomicpotato | like: /cdrom/ | 19:42 |
Tm_T | proprietarysucks: no no, and NO | 19:42 |
atomicpotato | something like that | 19:42 |
spykedtomato | Tm_T: bummer, but thanks | 19:42 |
proprietarysucks | ubuntu for beginners? | 19:42 |
Mike____ | ok.. i'll try it | 19:42 |
Mike____ | thanks | 19:42 |
eagles0513875 | Tm_T: how can i change sudo to su and still have it as sudo command | 19:42 |
proprietarysucks | lol | 19:43 |
eagles0513875 | Tm_T: what does sudo -i do | 19:43 |
proprietarysucks | su -c 'mycommand' | 19:43 |
eagles0513875 | ? | 19:43 |
Tm_T | proprietarysucks: silence now | 19:43 |
eagles0513875 | im totally lost foget it guys ill just stick with sud | 19:43 |
eagles0513875 | o | 19:43 |
proprietarysucks | sudo mycommand | 19:43 |
Tm_T | eagles0513875: sudi -i makes you run superuser session | 19:43 |
ardchoille | eagles0513875: you're better off with sudo anyway | 19:43 |
ubuntu_ | *waves* | 19:43 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as DarthWar | ||
eagles0513875 | ardchoille: thing is im trying to convert my friend to use kubuntu but he hates the sudo command | 19:44 |
t3ch13 | Has anybody ever ran into a problem with WPA in Kubuntu 7.10 I can connect just fine at home but not at work. Both are wpa personal | 19:44 |
eagles0513875 | he preferssu | 19:44 |
MilesG | Tm_T: can i have the bought say hi to some people? | 19:44 |
proprietarysucks | anyone know why kubuntu has an 11 year old awk on it which doesn't support modern functions? | 19:44 |
DarthWar | wow | 19:44 |
DarthWar | this server knows me | 19:44 |
ardchoille | eagles0513875: Tell him that sudo is more secure because you can't brute force a locked root account | 19:44 |
DarthWar | I just left suse 10.3 What a mess | 19:44 |
atomicpotato | oh yeah, people were talking about this a while ago: did 7.3 ever make it into Gutsy? | 19:44 |
DarthWar | is 7.10 a good distro | 19:44 |
Tm_T | eagles0513875: sudo -i gives you pretty much same that plain "su" gives in this case | 19:44 |
Tm_T | DarthWar: yes | 19:45 |
eagles0513875 | t3ch13: that is what i noticed today i was tryign to connect to my school network and all i have for encryption is wpa enterprise i need wpa personal | 19:45 |
atomicpotato | DarthWar, well, good is subjective | 19:45 |
eagles0513875 | or just plain old wpa | 19:45 |
DarthWar | the install keeps failing | 19:45 |
atomicpotato | The beta I tried was fairly solid | 19:45 |
DarthWar | says bad disk or something | 19:45 |
t3ch13 | I have wpa personal and it works fine at home but not at work it's wierd | 19:45 |
atomicpotato | (can nobody answer the question? Tm_T should know) | 19:45 |
DarthWar | anybody have it loaded on a dell D830 | 19:45 |
Tm_T | DarthWar: did you check md5 ? | 19:45 |
epimeth | sooo... I apt-getted sun-java6-jdk... but java --version isn't returning anything... in fact, java doesn't exist | 19:45 |
Tm_T | atomicpotato: =) | 19:46 |
DarthWar | doing the verify on a new burn | 19:46 |
eagles0513875 | epimeth: did u install using adept or cli | 19:46 |
atomicpotato | yeah, but I understand X is split into dozens of parts/ | 19:46 |
atomicpotato | not always at the same version? | 19:46 |
proprietarysucks | anyone know what awk is and why it's over a decade old on kubuntu | 19:46 |
lg188 | someone knows game for linux ? | 19:46 |
eagles0513875 | !awk | 19:46 |
Tm_T | atomicpotato: well look core package versions | 19:46 |
lg188 | someone knows game for Kubuntu ? | 19:46 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: take a look in the pkg manager and search games | 19:46 |
atomicpotato | proprietarysucks: it's a text manipulation tool | 19:46 |
epimeth | eagles0513875: apt-get | 19:46 |
Tm_T | lg188: please dont repeat | 19:46 |
atomicpotato | doesn't change a whole lot | 19:46 |
eagles0513875 | epimeth: u using gutsy | 19:47 |
eagles0513875 | epimeth: cuz i did too and its workign fine for me | 19:47 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 19:47 |
atomicpotato | bah, still v7.2 | 19:47 |
atomicpotato | that's lame | 19:47 |
proprietarysucks | atomicpotato: yes it does change, the version in kubuntu is extremely old and outdated. it's from 1996 and doesn't support some newer functions. I'm wondering why | 19:47 |
eagles0513875 | epimeth: download eclipse and try create a java program | 19:48 |
atomicpotato | proprietarysucks, no idea, I never could understand it | 19:48 |
MilesG | !lame | atomicpotato | 19:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lame - try searching on | 19:48 |
Tm_T | atomicpotato: X.Org version: 1.3.0 | 19:48 |
atomicpotato | eh? says 7.2-r5 or something | 19:48 |
lg188 | ty ^^ | 19:49 |
r0y4l | any ideas why main kde apps like kpdf has "No text!" in the menu? | 19:49 |
atomicpotato | well, I have to leave. Guess XRandR isn't in 7.10. | 19:49 |
r0y4l | No text! instead of i.e. "Print" | 19:49 |
eagles0513875 | epimeth: also u need to make sure u have the jre cuz the jdk is pointless without the runtime environment | 19:49 |
Tm_T | r0y4l: what translation? | 19:49 |
Tm_T | !test | 19:49 |
ubotu | Failed. | 19:49 |
eagles0513875 | !test | 19:50 |
r0y4l | Tm_T: en | 19:50 |
petesejt | t3ch13: I am sorry to inform u but there is no point of using WPA -- its security so weak anyone can decode any information in less than 30 seconds. You can turn it off for sure. In case the routers support WPA2, use it. If you want to restrict the user who can connect to the networks, u can use mac address filtering as well -- however it is *not* for traffic encryption. | 19:50 |
lg188 | wher in pkg mngr you can find games ? | 19:50 |
Tm_T | r0y4l: en or en_GB ? | 19:50 |
r0y4l | Tm_T: en. | 19:50 |
r0y4l | :) | 19:50 |
epimeth | eagles0513875: I think that maybe the icedtea thing I installed might have done something bad... also, sun-java6-jdk has the jre as a prereq | 19:50 |
Tm_T | r0y4l: well try the other one just for fun ;) | 19:50 |
r0y4l | Tm_T: lol... | 19:50 |
eagles0513875 | epimeth: ok removed iced tea. i stuck to the sun stuff | 19:50 |
eagles0513875 | lg188: search for them type games and it pulss up all the game pkgs | 19:51 |
t3ch13 | I wish I could get my wireless to work at work then I would be in Kubuntu instead of Windoze | 19:51 |
petesejt | Ooops... I was wrong. WEP can be hacked in 30 seconds, WPA takes a little longer. Anyway: use WPA2 personal at least. | 19:52 |
rjune__ | petesejt: the truly paranoid use IPSec or some such over WPA | 19:52 |
rjune__ | not to mention that mac addresses can be spoofed | 19:53 |
petesejt | rjune: ...or snail mail LOL. :) | 19:53 |
rjune__ | snail mail for Pr0n? naaa | 19:53 |
Tm_T | rjune__: krhm | 19:54 |
t3ch13 | Just make yourself a faraday room then no one can get to your access point lol | 19:54 |
petesejt | t3ch13: faraday room LOL that's not nuclear-proof :) | 19:55 |
Tm_T | !offtopic | 19:55 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 19:55 |
lg188 | with game is the best ? | 19:55 |
t3ch13 | My major is Information Systems Systems Security | 19:55 |
petesejt | Tm_T: ok, sorry | 19:55 |
Tm_T | lg188: #kubuntu-offtopic | 19:55 |
r0y4l | no one else this "No Text!" problem? ... | 19:56 |
Tm_T | r0y4l: havent heard, see if launchpad has anything related | 19:56 |
polaco | hay latinos aqui?? | 19:58 |
Tm_T | !es | 19:58 |
ardchoille | !es | polaco | 19:58 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 19:58 |
ubotu | polaco: please see above | 19:58 |
Alonea | anyone know whats up with gusty messing up eclipse? | 19:59 |
rjune__ | Tm_T: krhm? | 20:00 |
Tm_T | rjune__: we dont talk about any adult stuff here ;( | 20:00 |
* genii sips a coffee | 20:01 | |
semistud2354 | Gutsy is still trying to mount my partition that does not do i tell it not to | 20:01 |
semistud2354 | its like 'uuid=e656 bla bla' could not be found | 20:02 |
=== emilsedgh__ is now known as emilsedgh | ||
semistud2354 | it cant be found cuz i deleted my old partition | 20:02 |
semistud2354 | how do i fix that | 20:02 |
martijn81 | how to get in an channel which uses a key? | 20:02 |
llutz | semistud2354: delete that line from /etc/fstab | 20:02 |
SudoKing | which one uses a key? | 20:03 |
genii | semistud2354: Yes, open the /etc/fstab with admin privelege and remove the line with that uuid | 20:03 |
martijn81 | hdbits :o | 20:03 |
petesejt | Does anybody know where I can ask a question about Kore suite KDE theme? | 20:03 |
semistud2354 | DUDE....YOU ROCK!!!!! | 20:03 |
martijn81 | geni: but i am in already | 20:03 |
SudoKing | hold on | 20:03 |
genii | semistud2354: eg: alt-f2 kdesu kate /etc/fstab | 20:03 |
semistud2354 | thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!! SOOOO MUCH | 20:04 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as RealPerson | ||
rjune__ | Tm_T: so what does krhm stand for? | 20:04 |
=== morphine is now known as morphinex | ||
morphinex | Hey folks, the brighness buttons on my laptop don't seem to work | 20:05 |
jernejovc | just a quick question--I have a serious problem(more on ). can I reinstall Kubuntu without partitioning the hard drive? | 20:06 |
Alonea | anyone at all know what is up with gusty causing eclipse to get a "error creating the view" error? | 20:06 |
MilesG | 7 | 20:07 |
semistud2354 | did work | 20:08 |
genii | jernejovc: Yes, just choose manual partition, select same partitions as before. If you want it not to reformat the partition as well, set the newfs (format) not to format for that partition | 20:08 |
Mike____ | hello again | 20:08 |
Mike____ | same question: how do i upgrade my feisty kubuntu to 7.10 with the alternate cd? | 20:09 |
lg188 | they are playing you can't ask the a thing | 20:09 |
Mike____ | ? | 20:09 |
ScorpKing | lg188: what game? | 20:11 |
lg188 | how installign a game ? | 20:11 |
lg188 | arkrpg | 20:11 |
* ScorpKing goes off to google.. | 20:11 | |
lg188 | th ark* | 20:12 |
heril | hello | 20:12 |
crash | Hello all =) | 20:12 |
semistud2354_ | IT WORKED!!!! | 20:12 |
crash | Привет всем =) | 20:12 |
lg188 | it's not for free ? | 20:12 |
semistud2354_ | It doesnt do that stupid check fs thing | 20:12 |
genii | semistud2354_: Good :) | 20:13 |
semistud2354_ | but it still asks me which os 2 choose | 20:13 |
semistud2354_ | it still has my other partitions | 20:13 |
semistud2354_ | how do i fix that | 20:13 |
lg188 | let it then | 20:13 |
semistud2354_ | they no longer exist..but its still giving me the option to choose | 20:13 |
semistud2354_ | is there a was i cans set it so it default-ly boots into my regular partition | 20:14 |
heril | semistud: In the boot menu? | 20:14 |
semistud2354_ | what about the boot menue | 20:15 |
ScorpKing | lg188: arkrpg is in the repo's | 20:15 |
lg188 | i hope that you know that the optopic is misery | 20:15 |
KalEl | how can i show the waste busket on desktop? | 20:15 |
lg188 | im leting it go im loging of bey | 20:15 |
ScorpKing | c ya | 20:15 |
genii | semistud2354_: sudo update-grub should clear out the old ones | 20:16 |
semistud2354_ | hopefully that works....and last quesion... | 20:16 |
genii | semistud2354_: If it doesn't, then edit with admin privelege the file /boot/grub/menu.lst to remove or comment out the entries which no longer apply. | 20:16 |
semistud2354_ | thanx | 20:17 |
semistud2354_ | where is the splash thing for the boot | 20:17 |
semistud2354_ | where can i find that | 20:17 |
semistud2354_ | what file | 20:17 |
semistud2354_ | err folder | 20:17 |
ScorpKing | hehe. sudo aptitude install arkhart arkrpg - that would have helped lg188. | 20:18 |
genii | !usplash | 20:18 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 20:18 |
genii | semistud2354_: See the url ubotu gives for info on user splash screens | 20:18 |
Tm_T | genii: thanks sir | 20:18 |
* genii hands Tm_T a coffee | 20:19 | |
=== oem is now known as DarthWar | ||
kyron | Yay...reported my first bug... I feel grown up now :P | 20:19 |
ScorpKing | genii: i've been looking for that link. thanks. :) | 20:19 |
Fleck | kyron you have bugs? :)) | 20:19 |
genii | ScorpKing: np | 20:19 |
kyron | Fleck, yeah, count on a gentoo guy to screw up a straight-forward install :P | 20:20 |
DarthWar | ah nice know ops in here | 20:20 |
kyron | Fleck, | 20:20 |
DarthWar | whups english is bad | 20:20 |
DarthWar | no ops in here | 20:20 |
Tm_T | DarthWar: what about it? | 20:21 |
Fleck | kyron ohh ubuntu bugs :D i thought YOU have bugs :D | 20:21 |
DarthWar | are you in op | 20:21 |
DarthWar | Tm_T | 20:21 |
Tm_T | DarthWar: what about it? | 20:21 |
kyron | Fleck, well...uhh... I just reported that, I reported this where I was told to by the App huh! | 20:21 |
kyron | notmy bad! | 20:22 |
myghetek | in CLI im in a directory now. how do I delete all .ini files in this directory and in all child directories? | 20:24 |
kyron | Fleck, you telling me I reported this in the wrong place? | 20:24 |
Fleck | kyron ok, well same story here - except end - adept told me that new version is available, started update, and canceled, but all sems to be oK! :) | 20:24 |
Fleck | kyron no all is OK! :) just kiding ;) | 20:24 |
kyron | Fleck, you nice guy...really... | 20:25 |
Fleck | kyron kiding was about "you have bug" thing | 20:25 |
Fleck | adept thing is not joke! | 20:25 |
=== anthony_ is now known as anthony67000 | ||
kyron | Fleck, oh! ..See, DAT's what happens when you try to convince yourself that a binary, all-is-done-for-you distro is're proven wrong..and, ironically, you're the only one with the freakish problems ;) | 20:26 |
bjwebb_ | hi | 20:26 |
Fleck | kyron well yes, updated canceled but no coruptions here ... | 20:27 |
bjwebb_ | what package should i use to play emeded wmvs in firefox? | 20:27 |
morphinex | argh, gutsy did something naughty to my sources.list | 20:27 |
kyron |'s another bug. Upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10 (I had downloaded the wrong iso), the cdromupgrade method seems to choose the wrong character encoding, I get UTF-8 ISO-8895-1 crosstalk | 20:27 |
morphinex | apt tells me there are duplicate entries | 20:27 |
bjwebb_ | anyone know? | 20:29 |
helloyo | does anyone know if amarok has support for the new ipods yet? | 20:33 |
MilesG | Raumkraut: 7 | 20:34 |
Tm_T | MilesG: er? | 20:38 |
Alonea | ok, how do I get gusty OFF of GCJ? I just installed java from sun and its still not working... | 20:38 |
Carnage\ | Alonea: sudo update-alternatives --config java | 20:40 |
Carnage\ | And then choose Sun's JDK | 20:40 |
Alonea | Carnage\: I just installed sun's jdk, but its not showing up on the list | 20:41 |
epimeth | Carnage\: where were you half an hour ago :-) I had a problem with java not working... fixed it tho :-p | 20:41 |
Carnage\ | Hmm, it should tho | 20:42 |
Carnage\ | Maybe they changed things in Gutsy, still having Feisty here... | 20:42 |
BeerSerc | Hi there. My father is running KUbuntu feisty atm, and I want to upgrade him to gutsy. I am not using *ubuntu myself, and I am 500km from home, so phone-support is the way. I told him the steps from the upgrade howto's ( But also after doing the upgrades of adept and restarting adept, there is no update wizard. It's a german localized kubuntu, maybe this is a problem? Or does he have to reboot? Is | 20:43 |
Alonea | Carnage\: ok, I tried installing the bin file from sun, which installed, and I tried installing java-package and still nothing else on the list. | 20:44 |
AdamB | I'm starting my own ubuntu repositiory, i've created a key and uploaded it, its number is 741D27CC, how do i turn it into a nice .gpg file? | 20:46 |
MilesG | Tm_T: are you running gutsy | 20:47 |
MilesG | ? | 20:47 |
Tm_T | yes | 20:47 |
MilesG | whats with all this talk ive been hearing on the blogs that fiesty is gonna eat my hdd? | 20:47 |
MilesG | gutsy solved that issue, correct? | 20:47 |
Tm_T | havent heard of it | 20:48 |
MilesG | o well nevermind | 20:48 |
PrairieDog | I've heard this eat HD bit, I donno if it's valid or not | 20:48 |
MilesG | | 20:49 |
BeerSerc | Nobody here in mighty kubuntu channel who can tell me how I get my fathers feisty to upgrade to gutsy? | 20:51 |
PrairieDog | use the update manager | 20:51 |
* MilesG co-signs | 20:52 | |
Tm_T | BeerSerc: topic | 20:52 |
supert0ne1 | ssh -X do it for him | 20:52 |
PrairieDog | However, that way broke my ubuntu | 20:52 |
PrairieDog | Now I'm going to have to reinstall is so broken | 20:52 |
DeadJones | try with apt-get -f install | 20:52 |
DeadJones | no, dont reinstall | 20:53 |
MilesG | guys? | 20:53 |
DeadJones | happened to me last week. the gui broke twice | 20:53 |
DeadJones | did it in cli. worked fine | 20:53 |
PrairieDog | It can't even connect to the net any longer | 20:53 |
DeadJones | the magic of nix is that you dont ever have to 'reinstall.' everything is fixable if you can get to a prompt | 20:53 |
MilesG | "sudo apt-get update" followed by "sudo apt-get upgrade" followed by "sudo apt-get distupgrade" should so do the trick | 20:53 |
MilesG | or is it dist-upgrade | 20:54 |
ScorpKing | hmmm.. i'll ask tumbleweed about it next time i speak to him. ;) | 20:54 |
BeerSerc | Tm_T: Right. As I said before, I resp. my father did all the steps in the upgrade howto, but the upgrade wizard doesnt show up. | 20:54 |
DeadJones | heh, if distupgrade dont work use dist-upgrade | 20:54 |
PrairieDog | Well, it's busted beyond by knowledge of fixing. | 20:54 |
BeerSerc | PrairieDog: ? | 20:54 |
PrairieDog | yes | 20:54 |
DeadJones | prairie, does it boot up ok? | 20:55 |
Tm_T | BeerSerc: then hrrr, I know few dirty ways to do it, one is to ssh to pc, then do edit sources.list and upgrade manually | 20:55 |
PrairieDog | yes, boots ok | 20:55 |
DeadJones | boot to rescue and see if u can get online with it | 20:55 |
PrairieDog | ssh is broken | 20:55 |
DeadJones | if its got a net connect, everything is fixable | 20:55 |
DeadJones | bah. i hate ssh | 20:56 |
=== keith is now known as compilerwriter | ||
PrairieDog | ident is broken | 20:56 |
DeadJones | my boxes at work have ssh but at home? | 20:56 |
PrairieDog | and now it won't even connect with the net. | 20:56 |
MilesG | PrairieDog: 3 | 20:56 |
BeerSerc | Tm_T: does the updater do anything more than that? If no, we are going to do it the old-fashioned way, but a gui updater would be nicer for my father ... | 20:56 |
Tm_T | BeerSerc: well it makes sure that some metapackages stays installed | 20:57 |
BeerSerc | hm | 20:57 |
BeerSerc | dough | 20:57 |
BeerSerc | this is exactly the point I am worried about | 20:57 |
Tm_T | BeerSerc: nothing you cant handle if you know even a little bit about apt | 20:58 |
* BeerSerc has seen many debian derivates brake that way | 20:58 | |
DeadJones | bleh. gotta go to work. gotta put an access control system in some rich dick's house | 20:58 |
PrairieDog | heh...double your prices | 20:58 |
DeadJones | its residential too. double the trouble | 20:58 |
BeerSerc | Tm_T: is there a way to manually start the updater? | 20:59 |
Tm_T | MilesG: please stop your random noise | 20:59 |
DeadJones | atleast he wants some cameras so the day wont be a total bore :p | 20:59 |
Tm_T | BeerSerc: no idea, never used it myself (I dont have metapackages either) | 20:59 |
Tm_T | youre welcome | 21:00 |
BeerSerc | on there is written "apt-get install update-manager-core && do-release-upgrade", but is located under "network upgrade for ubuntu servers... | 21:00 |
WarMage | !dvd | 21:02 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 21:02 |
WarMage | !mp3 | 21:02 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 21:02 |
frojnd | How can I connect to another computer ? directly. One computer has a acces point to the internet(wireless) and other hasn't got configured yet. So I wanna connect one computer to the other that has allready wireless network installed ??? | 21:03 |
=== rob_ is now known as rob_bob | ||
rob_bob | hey | 21:05 |
rob_bob | I need help with a problem, my sound comes out as static. I've played some of the files before and I can recognize things, it's just that it's all static | 21:06 |
rob_bob | like there is a problem with a connection | 21:06 |
rob_bob | but I'm using a laptop, and in windows it works normally | 21:06 |
damaltor | good evening everybody.. | 21:06 |
rob_bob | good evening | 21:06 |
frojnd | Ok how can I connect to another computer? They are connected with network cable. ?? | 21:06 |
marcel__ | hello | 21:07 |
marcel__ | is it possible with kubuntu a rdp on a Windows Client ?? | 21:08 |
rob_bob | oh shit | 21:08 |
rob_bob | I just solved my own problem | 21:08 |
rob_bob | lulz | 21:08 |
damaltor | i have the following problem: just installed kubuntu gutsy, now wanting to have a little eye candy... shock: beryl is gone. well... trying compiz. but compiz just quits, because of not finding enough graphics ram (i have a gforce 4, 32mb... :( ) so... i want beryl back, or a way to run compiz with less than 64mb... any chances? | 21:08 |
WarMage | Dell D830 sound is not working | 21:08 |
WarMage | !dell 830 | 21:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dell 830 - try searching on | 21:08 |
WarMage | !D830 | 21:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about d830 - try searching on | 21:09 |
frojnd | Ok how can I connect to another computer? They are connected with one network cable. And one computer has wireless internet and other just wanna connect to this computer. Anyone ? | 21:09 |
sub[t]rnl | frojnd: are you using a crossover cable? | 21:09 |
frojnd | sub[t]rnl, I don't know what cable is | 21:09 |
sub[t]rnl | a normal ethernet cat 5 cable won't allow two way traffic | 21:09 |
marcel__ | the computers must in the same network like 192.168.1.XXX | 21:10 |
sub[t]rnl | you need a special cable called a crossover if you wish to share internet without a hub/switch/router | 21:10 |
frojnd | sub[t]rnl, what's the difference? I mean colours of wires | 21:10 |
Daisuke-Ido | well, you can look on the package and see if it says "crossover patch cable" | 21:11 |
|Toad | does anyone know if i can use a shared windows printer? | 21:11 |
sub[t]rnl | |Toad: yup | 21:12 |
|Toad | i went into smb shares, went into the computer, but hte printer doesnt show up | 21:12 |
frojnd | I have 2cables.. | 21:12 |
|Toad | do i need to configure it manually? | 21:12 |
damaltor | or you could look through the plugs, if they are transparent, and say if the wires inside have the same order in both ends (NOT X-over) or not | 21:12 |
sub[t]rnl | |Toad: you can | 21:12 |
marcel__ | you can see the wires on the cable and when the colours of the wires are on the two ends the same then is it a normal patch cable ! Otherway the colours of the wires are not the same you have a cross and can connect the computers directly | 21:12 |
Daisuke-Ido | frojnd: if you didn't buy them specifically as crossover cables, they probably aren't. | 21:12 |
marcel__ | by | 21:13 |
sub[t]rnl | or you can just start->system settings->printers and follow the wizard | 21:13 |
frojnd | Daisuke-Ido, I haven't bought them, I got them | 21:13 |
damaltor | i have the following problem: just installed kubuntu gutsy, now wanting to have a little eye candy... shock: beryl is gone. well... trying compiz. but compiz just quits, because of not finding enough graphics ram (i have a gforce 4, 32mb... :( ) so... i want beryl back, or a way to run compiz with less than 64mb... any chances? | 21:13 |
bonaldo2000 | I get the error "could not change permission for _filename_" when I copy a file to an NTFS drive in gutsy. DOes anyone know how to fix it? | 21:13 |
frojnd | Daisuke-Ido, let's say it is a cross over | 21:13 |
frojnd | Daisuke-Ido, how can I connect ? | 21:13 |
petesejt | Anyone help in KBFX? | 21:14 |
damaltor | bonaldo2000: what ntfs drivers did xou install | 21:14 |
Daisuke-Ido | no clue | 21:14 |
Daisuke-Ido | i don't mess with it | 21:14 |
bonaldo2000 | damaltor: none, it works out of the box in gutsy...or is suposed to... | 21:14 |
frojnd | Daisuke-Ido, so u know that I need cross over cable but not how to connect to another computer? | 21:14 |
bonaldo2000 | damaltor: in feisty I installed ntfs-3g and it worked like a charm. I works now also, but gives me this annoying warning... | 21:15 |
damaltor | bonaldo2000: yep, but read-only i think | 21:15 |
sub[t]rnl | frojnd: you can simply plug the two ubuntu boxes together with a crossover, then sudo /etc/init.d/network restart | 21:15 |
alesan | hi, do you know any issue with broadcom wifi adapters? it seems the system recognizes it, but I cannot find any wireless network | 21:15 |
sub[t]rnl | if you have dhcp enabled, it will work right away | 21:15 |
bonaldo2000 | damaltor: no, it does write...just gives me the warning.. | 21:15 |
damaltor | hmm | 21:15 |
damaltor | sry then i dont have an idea | 21:15 |
bonaldo2000 | ok | 21:15 |
bonaldo2000 | anyone else= | 21:15 |
bonaldo2000 | ? | 21:15 |
frojnd | sub[t]rnl, on both boxses ? | 21:16 |
damaltor | i have the following problem: just installed kubuntu gutsy, now wanting to have a little eye candy... shock: beryl is gone. well... trying compiz. but compiz just quits, because of not finding enough graphics ram (i have a gforce 4, 32mb... :( ) so... i want beryl back, or a way to run compiz with less than 64mb... any chances? | 21:16 |
frojnd | sub[t]rnl, or just the one that hasn't internet | 21:16 |
sub[t]rnl | frojnd: just the one assigning the ip, or directly connected to your internet | 21:16 |
sub[t]rnl | alesan: ok, whats your problem? | 21:17 |
sub[t]rnl | alesan: is your wireless card being seen under "iwconfig" | 21:18 |
GodFinger | hi all | 21:18 |
WarMage | can somebody try this Dell Support down.. | 21:19 |
WarMage | trying to get my D830 sound working | 21:19 |
DrakeJustice_ | GodFinger: you need help? | 21:19 |
WarMage | with Kubuntu | 21:19 |
=== WarMage is now known as DarthWar | ||
qolo | anyone here tried to get macintosh leopard on x86 hardware ? | 21:23 |
KalEl | why? | 21:23 |
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ScorpKing | qolo: i could not get it to boot properly so i'm leaving it for some other day. lol | 21:24 |
ScorpKing | nite ppl.. | 21:25 |
GodFinger | no, i don't need help | 21:26 |
GodFinger | for the momnet | 21:26 |
Tm_T | GodFinger: hmm, do you have registered your nick? | 21:27 |
GodFinger | well... there is the everlasting problem... I am trying to get my Twinhan CAB-CI DVB-C card working in linux | 21:27 |
GodFinger | already watched linuxtv page and the mailing lists | 21:27 |
BeerSerc | does "sudo update-manager" _only_ work on ubuntu without the "k"? | 21:28 |
Tm_T | BeerSerc: no idea | 21:29 |
=== browns is now known as Credendo | ||
Tm_T | GodFinger: have you registered your nick? | 21:29 |
GodFinger | Yes I registered it | 21:30 |
GodFinger | some years ago | 21:31 |
GodFinger | and I use IRC every now and then | 21:31 |
GodFinger | on a yerly basis | 21:31 |
GodFinger | :D | 21:31 |
Tm_T | GodFinger: ok, then I dont force you to change your nick but I suggest so anyway | 21:31 |
GodFinger | why? | 21:31 |
=== GodFinger is now known as TankMan | ||
Tm_T | there's possibility that your nick isnt fully "unprovoking" | 21:32 |
Tm_T | but I thank you | 21:32 |
TankMan | aa ok | 21:32 |
Daisuke-Ido | perhaps adding a well-placed "L" | 21:32 |
Daisuke-Ido | aww, you coulda been goldfinger :( | 21:33 |
Tm_T | Daisuke-Ido: then bond fans would been provoked? | 21:33 |
Tm_T | TankMan: thanks again :) | 21:33 |
TankMan | naa, goldfinger is too james bond-ish | 21:33 |
TankMan | :DF | 21:33 |
Daisuke-Ido | Tm_T: everyone liked goldfinger! | 21:34 |
Tm_T | and thats also offtopic =) | 21:34 |
rbrunhuber | Tm_T: This is a road that never ends i think. You may always provoke somebody | 21:34 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | how do i setup a static ip | 21:34 |
Tm_T | rbrunhuber: I very well know | 21:34 |
Daisuke-Ido | for instance... | 21:34 |
=== Daisuke-Ido is now known as L_Ron_Hubbard | ||
bmk789 | is anyone else getting errors with gmail over imap in kontact? | 21:36 |
TankMan | haven't tried Konversation for a while.. | 21:36 |
Tm_T | bmk789: havent tried that yet | 21:36 |
TankMan | what is "the" IRC-client for KDE right now? | 21:37 |
bmk789 | Tm_T: well im getting almost constant connection errors so im trying to find out if its gmail or kmail | 21:37 |
Tm_T | TankMan: Konversation | 21:37 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | how do i setup a static ip | 21:38 |
epimeth | how do I find what version of apache I'm running? | 21:38 |
Tm_T | epimeth: apache --version ? | 21:38 |
rbrunhuber | bmk789 : not every account seems to be imap enabled at gmail and kontact/kmail and imap is not the best combination *cough* | 21:38 |
L_Ron_Hubbard | konversation is excellent, though a bit limited when it comes to extending, IMO | 21:38 |
epimeth | Tm_T: 'apache' is not a program | 21:38 |
Tm_T | epimeth: er? | 21:38 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | apache2? | 21:39 |
epimeth | AT0M1CB0MB3R: yes | 21:39 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | try apache2 --version | 21:39 |
bmk789 | rbrunhuber: is kmail not made for imap? | 21:39 |
Tm_T | AT0M1CB0MB3R: have you searched | 21:39 |
Tm_T | bmk789: imap and Kmail works well here | 21:39 |
epimeth | Tm_T: 'apache' is not something that is run.... | 21:39 |
rbrunhuber | bmk789 : yes it is made, but the implementation is not the greatest IMHO. | 21:40 |
epimeth | oh... phpinfo() probably | 21:40 |
bmk789 | rbrunhuber: i see | 21:40 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Tm_T: no | 21:40 |
Tm_T | epimeth: err, yes it is, you usually run it as daemon | 21:40 |
Tm_T | AT0M1CB0MB3R: then do | 21:40 |
rbrunhuber | bmk789: did you enable imap in the gmail web frontend? | 21:40 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Tm_T: ive looked | 21:40 |
epimeth | Tm_T: well... its not a program in PATH | 21:40 |
epimeth | :-) | 21:40 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Tm_T: i can find it | 21:40 |
bmk789 | rbrunhuber: yes its been working well, its just lately that the errors started | 21:41 |
Tm_T | epimeth: mooh, I dont know what youre trying with me but you fail | 21:41 |
NickPresta | epimeth, this is apache from the repos? | 21:41 |
rbrunhuber | bmk789 : do you have any more specific error message? | 21:41 |
myghetek | guys how do I delete all .ini files in the current directory and in all child directories? | 21:41 |
myghetek | from cli | 21:41 |
bmk789 | rbrunhuber: just a sec ill pastebin it | 21:42 |
NickPresta | myghetek, `rm -rf *.ini` | 21:42 |
Tm_T | AT0M1CB0MB3R: hum, then, you dont use networkmanager or similar? | 21:42 |
myghetek | NickPresta: thanks! | 21:42 |
bmk789 | rbrunhuber: | 21:42 |
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh | ||
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Tm_T: i do | 21:42 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Tm_T: knetworkmanager | 21:43 |
=== _3v1n0_ is now known as Trevinho | ||
Tm_T | AT0M1CB0MB3R: hrr, ditch it, then edit /etc/network/interfaces | 21:43 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Tm_T: how do i delete it? | 21:43 |
Tm_T | AT0M1CB0MB3R: no, just quit it, no need to delete | 21:44 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Tm_T: ok :] | 21:44 |
=== lpisani is now known as lpisani_ | ||
AT0M1CB0MB3R | but how do i know what my broad cast and stuff like that is? | 21:44 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | Tm_T: but how do i know what my broad cast and stuff like that is? | 21:44 |
WaltzingAlong | !smb | 21:45 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 21:45 |
rbrunhuber | bmk789: you should have a look to launchpad and if there are any other reports. But maybe google is playing with the imapserver | 21:45 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: ? | 21:45 |
WaltzingAlong | AT0M1CB0MB3R: greetings | 21:45 |
Tm_T | AT0M1CB0MB3R: you should know your network | 21:45 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | WaltzingAlong: | 21:45 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | :] | 21:45 |
SudoKing | now somebody put the Format tag on my article! | 21:45 |
Tm_T | SudoKing: er? | 21:46 |
SudoKing | Geez, you people | 21:46 |
SudoKing | | 21:46 |
myghetek | NickPresta: that rm -rf *.ini thing doesn't get all the child directories | 21:46 |
bmk789 | rbrunhuber: ya i thought since its new they might still be working on it, i went to the gmail settings and disabled/reenabled imap and it synced fine that time, if its starts again ill file a bug | 21:46 |
SudoKing | sorry wrong channel | 21:46 |
NickPresta | myghetek, try this | 21:46 |
SudoKing | sorry, Tn_T | 21:46 |
Tm_T | SudoKing: who is Tn_T ? | 21:47 |
SudoKing | I mean Tm_T, Tm_T :) | 21:47 |
myghetek | rm -rf \ ? | 21:47 |
Tm_T | =) | 21:47 |
sub[t]rnl | word on the street is that he's dynomite | 21:47 |
NickPresta | myghetek, `find DIR/ -name "*.ini" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r` | 21:48 |
=== lpisani_ is now known as lpisani | ||
myghetek | NickPresta: thanks! | 21:49 |
shadowhywind | where is the log that tells you what happens/errors on boot up? | 21:50 |
SudoKing | you mean like a dump file? | 21:52 |
SudoKing | I have no clue | 21:52 |
vzduch | shadowhywind: how about '/var/log/messages'? | 21:52 |
shadowhywind | i found a file called boot in /var/log but there is nothing in there | 21:52 |
vzduch | anyway, /var/log/ is the place to look | 21:53 |
sub[t]rnl | if you have bootlogd enabled | 21:53 |
sub[t]rnl | then you will get your /var/log/boot log | 21:53 |
shadowhywind | I have no idea if it is enab led or not, how would i enable it? | 21:54 |
sub[t]rnl | hrm | 21:54 |
sub[t]rnl | edit /etc/default/bootlogd | 21:54 |
sub[t]rnl | have it run at startup, should be an option in there | 21:54 |
shadowhywind | yah, it was set to no | 21:54 |
sub[t]rnl | don't ask me why ubuntu has it disabled by default | 21:54 |
sub[t]rnl | :/ | 21:55 |
shadowhywind | Hopefully this may bring some insight into why my wireless card randomly decides not to work | 21:55 |
shadowhywind | so brb | 21:55 |
shadowhywind | well i enabled that boot log option, and the boot file is still empty | 22:01 |
Sanne | shadowhywind: try /var/log/syslog, /var/log/kern.log, /var/log/messages | 22:03 |
darkness_ | m | 22:04 |
raindog | I'm on a fresh install of Gutsy and Konqueror won't load any webpages for me. Firefox works fine. How can I fix this? | 22:09 |
damaltor | hello everybody | 22:10 |
damaltor | i have a new problem now.. since i couldnt install beryl via apt (gutsy gibbon), i downloaded the packages from rpmseek (deb, though) and installed them manually. beryl does work, most effects can be seen, BUT: all windows dont have any border. not even the top line with the title in it. when i chose the kde window decorator in beryl-manager, nothing happens. did i forget to install something? what can i do to get the borders of the wind | 22:12 |
damaltor | ows back? | 22:12 |
hydrogen | err | 22:13 |
sub[t]rnl | damaltor: need to install emerald, a window decorator | 22:13 |
hydrogen | you really made things complicated for yourself | 22:13 |
hydrogen | !compiz | damaltor | 22:13 |
ubotu | damaltor: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at - further help in #compiz-fusion | 22:13 |
damaltor | why? | 22:13 |
hydrogen | or run kde-window-decorator | 22:13 |
sub[t]rnl | damaltor: though, I would use compiz-fusion, as beryl is a dated relic | 22:13 |
damaltor | hmm tried this, couldnt use it because of 32mb graphics.. | 22:14 |
damaltor | i installed emerald now, but still no borders.. | 22:16 |
damaltor | did select it in beryl manager | 22:17 |
sven_ | Hi there, how can I permanently disable the strigi demon?? I seriously want it to die away... | 22:17 |
roomulo | hello, there | 22:18 |
reagleBRKLN | i would like to try compiz fusion with kubuntu 7.10, but i get: Checking for Xgl: not present. Blacklisted PCIID '8086:29a2' found | 22:18 |
reagleBRKLN | is there a gutsy kubuntu guide? | 22:18 |
roomulo | i've been upgraded to gutsy, but my kdm theme don't change anymore | 22:19 |
hydrogen | sven_: apt-get remove strigi | 22:19 |
hydrogen | !strigi | 22:19 |
ubotu | Services to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI) | 22:19 |
hydrogen | thats not helpful ubotu | 22:19 |
roomulo | i change in system settings, but have not effect | 22:20 |
roomulo | anyone can help me? | 22:20 |
Sanne | I'm looking for a list of installed packages of a default Kubuntu Gutsy install. Does anybody know where I could find one? (I'm not on Gutsy so I can't make it myself) | 22:22 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | can somebody hep me setup a static ip everytime i follow a guide i have no internet | 22:22 |
aaaaaa | ciao amici | 22:22 |
hydrogen | !hardware | 22:22 |
ubotu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see | 22:22 |
=== szymon_ is now known as szmychu | ||
AT0M1CB0MB3R | !static | 22:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about static - try searching on | 22:22 |
LjL | !botabuse | 22:23 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 22:23 |
=== steven_ is now known as hoi | ||
=== hoi is now known as hooi | ||
LjL | AT0M1CB0MB3R: i suggest not using network manager, for starters | 22:23 |
=== szmychu is now known as szymon__ | ||
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL: i dont | 22:23 |
LjL | !offline | Sanne (though it's not updated to gutsy yet), just type in "kubuntu-desktop" | 22:23 |
ubotu | Sanne (though it's not updated to gutsy yet), just type in "kubuntu-desktop": If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, may help you with determining which dependencies to fetch and calculating download sizes | 22:23 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL: well i am right now | 22:23 |
szymon__ | ?? | 22:24 |
szymon__ | ale tu jest zajebiście xD | 22:24 |
szymon__ | mówi ktoś po polsku? | 22:24 |
Tm_T | !pl | szymon__ | 22:25 |
ubotu | szymon__: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 22:25 |
raindog | Konqueror won't load any webpages on my fresh Gutsy install, but Firefox works fine. What is the solution to this? | 22:25 |
szymon__ | super;p | 22:25 |
KalEl | can i (and should i) install KDE4? | 22:25 |
szymon__ | smierdzisz | 22:25 |
damaltor | any other ideas? emerald installed, but still no borders :( | 22:25 |
szymon__ | nie płacz pedale | 22:26 |
damaltor | raindog: google for ipv6 konqueror disable | 22:26 |
LjL | AT0M1CB0MB3R: it's pretty easy really, at least without network manager doing it. edit /etc/network/interfaces, the syntax should be guessable from an example like my own: AT0M1CB0MB3R: it's pretty easy really, at least without network manager doing it. edit /etc/network/interfaces, the syntax should be guessable from an example like my own for instance: « auto eth0 \n iface eth0 inet static \n address \n netmask \n gateway 192.168. | 22:26 |
LjL | 0.1 » - the network card is eth0, the address is, the router is at, and given the kind of subnet, it's a mask | 22:26 |
raindog | damaltor: Thank you very much. | 22:26 |
hydrogen | KalEl: yes (and no) | 22:26 |
szymon__ | to sie rozpisoł ;/ | 22:26 |
Sanne | LjL: thanks, but I don't think that helps me. I want to do a minimal install next, building my system up manually, but would like to have a default packages list for reference. I made one for Dapper, but to have one for Gutsy would be nice. | 22:26 |
szymon__ | do you speak rusian ? | 22:26 |
KalEl | ok, i won't install it now then (i trust you) | 22:26 |
hydrogen | !ru | szymon__ | 22:27 |
ubotu | szymon__: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 22:27 |
damaltor | any other ideas? emerald installed, but still no borders while beryl is active... what else can it be? | 22:27 |
szymon__ | gaworissz pa rusku ? | 22:27 |
LjL | Sanne, good excuse for me to update that site to Gutsy | 22:27 |
LjL | !english | szymon__ | 22:27 |
ubotu | szymon__: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 22:27 |
KalEl | but if i wait for a while kde4 will be available as an update right? | 22:27 |
hydrogen | yes | 22:27 |
hydrogen | probably not until gutsy+2 | 22:27 |
szymon__ | hehe i co sie cieszysz ;/ | 22:27 |
hydrogen | though apps may be in there for hardy | 22:27 |
Sanne | LjL: oh! I see it may be what I'm looking for indeed! | 22:28 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL: thanks :] | 22:28 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL: even tho im still lost and have no idea how to do it :[ | 22:28 |
LjL | AT0M1CB0MB3R: which part? | 22:28 |
Sanne | LjL: is this equivalent to "dpkg -l" for a Kubuntu install? | 22:29 |
damaltor | any other ideas? emerald installed, but still no borders while beryl is active... what else can it be? | 22:30 |
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LjL | Sanne: almost, but not quite. 1) it doesn't list some packages that aren't depended upon by anything, such as the kernel 2) it doesn't list recommended packages, only straight *depends* | 22:31 |
Sanne | LjL: ok, good to know, still useful, thanks a lot. | 22:31 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL: some day ill get it working i just hate having to fix my network everytime i boot up because my dns servers and stuff like that | 22:32 |
LjL | AT0M1CB0MB3R: dns servers go in /etc/resolv.conf, although once again, network manager and the "resolvconf" package mess with it. myself, i just removed both packages. | 22:33 |
LjL | not the recommended way - but the one i know. | 22:33 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL: yeah it changes them everytime i start up but i have to use knetwork manager so i can have internet so i can do my homework | 22:34 |
AT0M1CB0MB3R | LjL: other wise i get failing grades :[ | 22:34 |
damaltor | i have a new problem: installed beryl in gutsy by downloading and installing the .debs, does work indeed, effects show, everything okay. BUT: all windows dont have any borders anymore, not even the top bar with the title in it.. so im not able to move the windows or anything. what ca i do? emerald is installed and choosen in beryl-manager as window decorator | 22:35 |
LjL | AT0M1CB0MB3R: it's not like you can't have internet without network manager though. | 22:36 |
hydrogen | damaltor: run emerald or kde-window-decorator | 22:37 |
LjL | Sanne: now if only my web host weren't idiotic and let me upload the Gutsy list without failing halfway, i'd have Main/i386 ready | 22:37 |
damaltor | hydrogen: emerald IS running | 22:37 |
hydrogen | damaltor: obviously it isn't | 22:37 |
hydrogen | or you would have window decorations. | 22:37 |
Sanne | LjL: oh, that must be annoying... thanks for trying :) | 22:38 |
damaltor | i chose it in the beryl-manager menu for window decoration, but there is no effect if i choose kde manager here | 22:38 |
LjL | Sanne: anyway if you have a live CD, have you considered getting the list from there? | 22:38 |
jjesse | so to get this compiz thingy working in gutsy anything special i hav eto do? | 22:38 |
LjL | that should be the 100% correct list | 22:38 |
* jjesse is trying to find a kubuntu guide via google | 22:38 | |
SudoKing | sorry kubuntu crashed | 22:39 |
hydrogen | !compiz | jjesse | 22:40 |
ubotu | jjesse: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at - further help in #compiz-fusion | 22:40 |
jjesse | thanks hydrogen and ubotu | 22:40 |
SudoKing | who thought of ubotu | 22:42 |
SudoKing | Mind if I try it? | 22:42 |
KalEl | go ahead please | 22:42 |
ardchoille | SudoKing: I think it is Seveas' invention. it's in a lot of channels | 22:43 |
SudoKing | !konsole | SudoKing | 22:43 |
KalEl | btw you can talk to him in private too. | 22:43 |
SudoKing | He didn't have one on Konsole.... | 22:43 |
SudoKing | :( | 22:43 |
SudoKing | that's the KDE terminal..someone should put the definition in :) | 22:44 |
SudoKing | !kmenu | 22:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kmenu - try searching on | 22:44 |
SudoKing | hmmm | 22:44 |
ardchoille | SudoKing: he usually replies with something, even f the facoid is not defined | 22:44 |
KalEl | yeah you can help him, instructions here | 22:44 |
ardchoille | SudoKing: As I said, he is in a lot of channels, including a channel with 1000 users.. he may lag at times | 22:45 |
SudoKing | oh he said he didn't have one on Konsole: Sorry, I don't know anything about konsole - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu- | 22:45 |
SudoKing | !pidgin | 22:46 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See for more info. To install Pidgin please see | 22:46 |
SudoKing | Oh, I still use Gaim | 22:46 |
Tm_T | root_: you shouldnt irc as root | 22:46 |
KalEl | try Kopete | 22:46 |
SudoKing | !kopete | 22:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kopete - try searching on | 22:47 |
SudoKing | :( | 22:47 |
KalEl | although i couldn't yet find out how to log in as invisible in Kopete | 22:47 |
Tm_T | !im | 22:47 |
ubotu | Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME,, Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. | 22:47 |
sven_ | hydrogen, I read everywhere that strigi is blazing fast, that it takes no resources, etc... If so, how come that strigi brings my laptop to a grinding halt every 10 minutes when it starts indexing for 5 minutes straight, taking 80%CPU and putting the rest of the CPU's on wait... Its impossible to work when strigi is indexing, and strigi indexes all the time.. I have a laptop with a core2 duo processor with 1GB of memory, it ought to be enough but for strig | 22:47 |
sven_ | i its definately not.. | 22:47 |
KalEl | SudoKing: ubotu knows a lot, but nobody beats google :) | 22:47 |
SudoKing | !apt | 22:47 |
ubotu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 22:47 |
ardchoille | !botabuse | 22:47 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 22:47 |
SudoKing | what!? | 22:48 |
Tm_T | ardchoille: krhm | 22:48 |
SudoKing | just testing... | 22:48 |
KalEl | it's alright, #ubuntu-bots is a testing channel | 22:48 |
=== ubuntu is now known as k5ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | Tm_T: krhm? | 22:48 |
k5ubuntu | i need help configuring a wireless card | 22:49 |
Tm_T | ardchoille: nevermind now =) | 22:49 |
ardchoille | Tm_T: what is krhm? | 22:49 |
Tm_T | ardchoille: just coughing | 22:49 |
ardchoille | oh, hehe | 22:49 |
KalEl | :) | 22:49 |
k5ubuntu | can anybody help me set up a wireless card | 22:49 |
SudoKing | you need the wi-fi package | 22:50 |
k5ubuntu | ? | 22:50 |
k5ubuntu | im new | 22:50 |
ardchoille | !wifi | 22:50 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 22:50 |
k5ubuntu | thx | 22:50 |
Sanne | LjL: sorry, was afk for a moment. I also thought about checking the install cd for a list... I wasn't sure if it's on there, will have a look at my Dapper cd now (and for Gutsy also when I have downloaded one). | 22:51 |
LjL | Sanne, there isn't a list per se, but you can do dpkg --get-selections like you said | 22:51 |
=== usuario__ is now known as Necrobyte | ||
TooEarly | On websites that have a pull out menu (example: tvguide's website) i put my mouse over "What's On TV" and it goes UNDER the flash box and i can't see what's on the menu | 22:52 |
TooEarly | how do i fix that? | 22:52 |
TooEarly | and i use firefox as my browser | 22:52 |
Sanne | LjL: ah, you mean boot the live cd and get the list from the booted environment... good idea, thanks :) | 22:52 |
LjL | Sanne: yes, i mean that. extracting it from the live CD without booting it might be harder than it sounds, i suspect | 22:52 |
ardchoille | TooEarly: It's a known problem with flash in firefox | 22:53 |
SudoKing | Why doesn't youtube work on my computer? | 22:53 |
Sanne | LjL: yeah, might be. Will have a look anyway, but you suggestion is the best option, I think. | 22:53 |
TooEarly | ardchoille: oh. and there is no fix? | 22:53 |
NickPresta | TooEarly, I don't believe 'wmode' is supported in GNU+Linux versions of Flash, which prevents any sort of layering using z-index | 22:53 |
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever | ||
SudoKing | help | 22:54 |
TooEarly | NickPresta: ah.... alright. so there's not much i can do about it right now | 22:54 |
ardchoille | SudoKing: iirc, you need to install flash | 22:54 |
NickPresta | TooEarly, no solution that I know of | 22:55 |
makuseru | .join #amarok | 22:55 |
TooEarly | NickPresta: ok, thanks | 22:56 |
k5ubuntu | i cant configure my wireless card i need help | 22:58 |
k5ubuntu | i tried everything | 22:58 |
jameswf | anyone familiar with checkinstall | 22:58 |
k5ubuntu | im on a live cd | 22:58 |
kaminix | Are there no plans on porting Konversation to QT 4 for the KDE4 release? | 23:00 |
=== rob_ is now known as Rob_bob | ||
Rob_bob | where do I go for compiz help? | 23:02 |
k5ubuntu | !patience | kaminix | 23:02 |
ubotu | kaminix: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also | 23:02 |
k5ubuntu | lol | 23:02 |
Rob_bob | !compiz | 23:02 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at - further help in #compiz-fusion | 23:02 |
kaminix | k5ubuntu: I'm talking about plans, not time frames :p | 23:04 |
k5ubuntu | i know i was just joking | 23:04 |
kaminix | Looking at the Konversation wiki it's roadmap is still about 1.0 :s | 23:04 |
kaminix | Hmm... | 23:04 |
k5ubuntu | !Koversation | 23:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about koversation - try searching on | 23:04 |
k5ubuntu | !commands | 23:05 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 23:05 |
damaltor | hello again | 23:05 |
damaltor | i have tried some things now, restarted the x server, but still no borders while using beryl. | 23:05 |
k5ubuntu | !find konversation | 23:05 |
ubotu | Found: konversation, konversation-dbg | 23:05 |
k5ubuntu | damaltor: what are you trying to do | 23:06 |
k5ubuntu | ? | 23:06 |
damaltor | i am trying to install beryl | 23:06 |
k5ubuntu | why not gusty | 23:06 |
damaltor | because it isnt in the repositories anymore | 23:06 |
star | can someone pls help me to install a rpm package? | 23:06 |
damaltor | i downloaded the packages by hand | 23:07 |
damaltor | and installed them | 23:07 |
damaltor | beryl indeed does work | 23:07 |
k5ubuntu | damaltor: what version do you have | 23:07 |
damaltor | effects are nice | 23:07 |
damaltor | gutsy | 23:07 |
damaltor | but my windows dont have any borders | 23:07 |
k5ubuntu | damaltor talk in the window i opened | 23:07 |
star | can someone pls help me to install a rpm package? do i have to use the terminal or a program? | 23:08 |
star | can someone pls help me to install a rpm package? do i have to use the terminal or a program? | 23:09 |
damaltor | star: download it, open konqueror and klick on it | 23:11 |
miles | hi\] | 23:12 |
star | damaltor, I did as you told me to do, but then it says "open with.." :/ im running kubuntu 7.10 nordic remi | 23:14 |
server__ | hi | 23:15 |
damaltor | oh oh.. | 23:15 |
damaltor | k wait a sec | 23:15 |
server__ | im a server | 23:15 |
star | :) | 23:15 |
server__ | who wants to talk | 23:16 |
server__ | i like that | 23:17 |
damaltor | star: you could use the command "rpm" but i would really consider going to, entering the name of the package, and then downloading the corresponding .deb package | 23:17 |
damaltor | this is better for the system | 23:17 |
star | okay | 23:17 |
vzduch | star: what do you want to install? | 23:18 |
BeerSerc | How do I upgrade my kubuntu feisty to gutsy if adept doesnt show me the "upgrade" button? | 23:18 |
star | im running VMware | 23:18 |
vzduch | it's not recommended installing a RPM pkg on a Debian-based system | 23:18 |
star | so i have to install some drivers | 23:18 |
BeerSerc | I have read the guide, but it doesnt work like described there | 23:18 |
vzduch | drivers for what? | 23:18 |
star | first of all.. | 23:18 |
star | do you know what VMware is? :) | 23:18 |
vzduch | I know.. imho VirtualBox is the better alternative :) | 23:19 |
star | :D | 23:19 |
star | but now when i have installed VMware it tells me to install VMware tolls | 23:19 |
star | but now when i have installed kubuntu it tells me to install VMware tolls | 23:20 |
vzduch | how did you install VMware? | 23:20 |
star | i have installed VMware in Windows Vista.. | 23:20 |
vzduch | in VirtualBox this is called 'Additions' and comes as an ISO file w/ the installation | 23:21 |
star | *on | 23:21 |
vzduch | dunno about VMware there though | 23:21 |
star | okay | 23:21 |
star | but i will take a look at virtualbox :) | 23:21 |
vzduch | perhaps you look in /usr/share/vmware/ (or similar) or in /opt, in case you installed a non-DEB package | 23:22 |
vzduch | otherwise the handbook (if there is one) should be able to tell you where to find the Tools | 23:22 |
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever | ||
star | vzduch: i have the rpm package with all the drivers.. but i dont know how to install it :/ | 23:24 |
vzduch | try looking for a DEB pkg first | 23:24 |
star | im running VMware in vista, and through VMware am i running Kubuntu | 23:24 |
star | yes i will | 23:24 |
vzduch | or is there, by chance, a menu entry in the VM window that says something like 'Install VMware Tools'? | 23:25 |
damaltor | k5ubuntu: hello are you still there? i just saw that i am not allowed to talk to xou in query becaus my nick isnt registered | 23:26 |
star | vzduch, yes | 23:26 |
BluesKaj | !register | 23:26 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at | 23:26 |
igor | hi all. I try install acetoniso2 dep on kubuntu, but packet don't install. | 23:26 |
star | i pressed the "install VMware Tools" | 23:27 |
vzduch | star: that should be it | 23:27 |
dany_21a | star: just click the menu entry [Vm]->intstall vmware tools when the virtual machin (aka: "guest") is running | 23:27 |
star | and then it made a dvd-file on the desktop.. | 23:27 |
dany_21a | star: open that cd-drive and copy the vmwaretools......tar.gz to you homefolder | 23:28 |
star | dany, there is 2 files in the cd-drive | 23:28 |
dany_21a | star: and one ends with tar.gz (or tgz or something... not .rpm) | 23:28 |
star | yes | 23:29 |
star | :) | 23:29 |
dany_21a | press Alt+F2 and enter "konsole" and press enter (without the ") | 23:29 |
=== SudoSu is now known as SudoKing | ||
=== rob_ is now known as rob_bob | ||
rob_bob | !compiz | 23:30 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at - further help in #compiz-fusion | 23:30 |
SudoKing | didn't you just do that earlier | 23:31 |
SudoKing | !upgrade | 23:31 |
SudoKing | huh | 23:31 |
SudoKing | I need instructions to upgrade to gutsy :( | 23:31 |
vzduch | !upgrade | 23:31 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 23:31 |
BeerSerc | ubotu: THEY DO NOT WORK! | 23:32 |
kyron | WOW... I really suck at Kubuntu O_o... now this other laptop I just upgraded using the alternate-CD method isn't booting anymore (VFS-kernel panic from the start!) | 23:32 |
GS3User007 | what's the kernel option to normally boot, but not launch the gui? | 23:32 |
adz21c | GS3User007: failsafe is what i usually use | 23:33 |
GS3User007 | adz21c: thanks, i'll try that | 23:33 |
tehk | anyone have an issue with kopete not auto connecting? | 23:34 |
GS3User007 | what's the kernel option to normally boot, but not launch the gui? i tried 'failsafe' but that didn't do it. what i'm looking for is to login on the command line and be able to execute commands from there | 23:36 |
BluesKaj | GS3User007, ctr+alt+F1 , should open the TTY commnd line access | 23:37 |
diego_ | diego desde argentina | 23:38 |
BeerSerc | Everybody tells me the ubuntu support is so great, but noone even answers a simple question like "how can I manuall start to upgrade my kubuntu"? This does not look like great support to me ... | 23:38 |
GS3User007 | blueskaj: is that something i open from within in kde, or grub...? | 23:38 |
vzduch | !es | diego_ | 23:38 |
ubotu | diego_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 23:38 |
BluesKaj | GS3User007, try it after selecting kubuntu in the grub menu | 23:39 |
diego_ | exit | 23:40 |
GS3User007 | blueskaj: it still went to the graphical login screen | 23:41 |
GS3User007 | it did kill the splasht hough | 23:41 |
GS3User007 | blueskaj: it still went to the graphical login screen | 23:41 |
GS3User007 | it did kill the splasht hough | 23:41 |
BluesKaj | try it from the login screen , then to get back to KDE , ctrl+alt+F7 | 23:42 |
GS3User007 | well, i can't actually see the login screen... the video drivers are pretty messed up right now, i have a fix, but it's all command line stuff | 23:43 |
makuseru | are there any programs that will rip to mp3? all i can find are programs that rip to ogg | 23:45 |
GS3User007 | can anyone tell me how to boot to a command line? | 23:45 |
biovore | GS3User007: rm /etc/rc2.d/kdm | 23:46 |
biovore | 1 sec.. | 23:46 |
star | virtualbox, is it possible to run 3d-effects in it? | 23:47 |
biovore | GS3User007: mv /etc/rc2.d/S13kdm /etc/rc2.d/K13kdm | 23:47 |
biovore | That will stop kdm from starting.. | 23:47 |
biovore | at boot | 23:47 |
GS3User007 | permanently, or just the one time? | 23:47 |
biovore | well untill you move the file back.. | 23:47 |
biovore | you can start kdm manual from the command line by sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start | 23:48 |
profoX` | What does Ubuntu use for the compiz settings, how is the application named? (I have no Ubuntu Gutsy machine to check for myself here) | 23:48 |
biovore | kubuntu dosn't come with compiz be default.. | 23:48 |
GS3User007 | biovore: thanks, i'll try that | 23:49 |
profoX` | biovore: well i know | 23:49 |
Tm_T | BluesKaj: <3 | 23:49 |
profoX` | that's why I'm asking, but I guess people in #ubuntu would know the answer to that question better | 23:49 |
biovore | or ubuntu-effects | 23:49 |
BluesKaj | hey Tm_T | 23:49 |
biovore | !compiz | 23:49 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at - further help in #compiz-fusion | 23:49 |
Jucato | #ubuntu-effects now redirects to #ubuntu | 23:50 |
biovore | ah.. | 23:50 |
=== X-DeluXe is now known as TheThirdBit | ||
profoX` | the problem is that #ubuntu is a bit overly full :) ah well, I'll just install gutsy and check it out for myself as I'm not sure how I would find out what the app is otherwise, I also couldn't find it in launchpad | 23:51 |
TheThirdBit | hi, anybody know why knetworkmanager dont work anymore in gutsy? | 23:52 |
biovore | works here.. | 23:52 |
TheThirdBit | strange... where could i find the logs? | 23:52 |
profoX` | ah, got it, it's included in gnome-appearance-properties | 23:53 |
LjL | can anyone confirm that kbluetooth opens a Konqueror window even if Dolphin is set as file manager? | 23:55 |
SudoKing | it does too work! | 23:55 |
SudoKing | I'm using it rightn ow.... | 23:55 |
SudoKing | idk reinstall dolphin | 23:55 |
SudoKing | uninstall konqueror, then it won't :) | 23:55 |
SudoKing | sudo apt-get remove konqueror | 23:55 |
Photocopy | A friend here is making his KDE look like Gnome, (Much like how xubuntu makes xfce look like gnome) And we got to a problem. | 23:56 |
Photocopy | We have everything the way we want it except one part | 23:56 |
Photocopy | which is somewhat important | 23:56 |
biovore | its kde? | 23:56 |
Photocopy | yes its kde | 23:56 |
kyron | Uhm...HELP! My system won't boot anymore, I get a : Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block ....this is following upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10 using the alternate-cd ... How would I fix this ?? | 23:56 |
hydrogen | why not just use gnome.. | 23:57 |
hydrogen | if you like the look | 23:57 |
hydrogen | it would be much simpler | 23:57 |
Photocopy | We have our three menus we want that would become Applications, places, and settings, but they are icon buttons, not text buttons | 23:57 |
vzduch | Photocopy: there is a KDE theme w/ 2 toolbars, it's there in Mandriva, so I've read | 23:57 |
Photocopy | hydrogen: You're asking the wrong guy, its not for me, its for my friend here. | 23:57 |
vzduch | if you mean that | 23:57 |
hydrogen | so | 23:57 |
hydrogen | tell him | 23:57 |
hydrogen | to use gnome | 23:57 |
kyron | Q: why does grub not let me edit the boot command line? | 23:57 |
Photocopy | vzduch: Ive got my two toolbars and all | 23:57 |
=== patrick_ is now known as Harare | ||
biovore | Photocopy: well the cheat is to make a graphic thats just text I guess and use it as the icon.. | 23:57 |
Photocopy | vzduch: Only issue here is the buttons for the menys | 23:57 |
hydrogen | kyron: it does | 23:57 |
Photocopy | menus* | 23:58 |
profoX` | if you like the GNOME looks, that does not mean that you like the rest about GNOME :) | 23:58 |
Photocopy | biovore: But i dont know how to put that graphic as the icon, cause i cannot seem to change even the icon if i wanted | 23:58 |
kyron | hydrogen, O_o...ok...well, I pressed frantically on E at boot time and never got to edit the command line O_o | 23:58 |
hydrogen | you need to hit escape first | 23:58 |
hydrogen | at the booting grub message | 23:58 |
hydrogen | to get to grub | 23:58 |
kyron | argl! | 23:58 |
kyron | ok...I _do_ feel stupid now | 23:59 |
Photocopy | hydrogen: He says he wants his KDE Apps to run well and that they wont in gnome.. i dont know, but it seemed easy, and it was, right up until the last step. | 23:59 |
CPrompt^ | kyron : try rebooting and choose a different kernel. | 23:59 |
profoX` | biovore: or you could hack the applet source to just display text instead of a graphic, if you really wanted that | 23:59 |
kyron | CPrompt^, ...yeah | 23:59 |
hydrogen | err | 23:59 |
hydrogen | kde apps run fine in gnome | 23:59 |
hydrogen | gnome apps run fine in kde | 23:59 |
biovore | Photocopy: it probably pulling the icon from /usr/share/ somewhere, probably a png.. use gimp to change it.. | 23:59 |
profoX` | sorry I meant Photocopy | 23:59 |
kyron | what is (recovery mode) btw? | 23:59 |
kyron | no gui? | 23:59 |
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