
lassegullol i need to find someone i know at UDS.00:30
troy_slassegul: If you want to meet some brilliant people00:33
troy_slassegul: Find joejaxx, TheMuso (luke), or anyone they are chatting with.00:33
lassegultroy_s, yeah the problem is, i dont know these peoples faces. and my cell phone kinda died. I must go hunting.00:36
troy_slassegul: joejaxx is African American -- I can't imagine that there are too many lanky looking guys who look like him.00:42
troy_slassegul: Luke is vision impaired -- Should be easy to spot.00:42
troy_slassegul: Pretty sure they can introduce you to some folks.00:43
troy_slassegul: In the end, almost all the folks there are quite brilliant and fun.00:44
nothlitlassegul: joejaxx https://people.fluxbuntu.org/~nothlit/joejaxx/Hackergotchi2.png  _MMA_ http://www.last.fm/user/_MMA_/ kwwii http://www.blogger.com/profile/1267739946265961738900:46
lassegulhmm. this helps. ill go find them.00:50
troy_stoo funny00:51
troy_sjoejaxx: Where are you?00:51
troy_sjoejaxx: Introduce yourself to Lassie.00:51
troy_sjoejaxx: He's a dog -- you might remember him from such hits as 'Lassie Goes Home' and 'Lassie Saves The Boy at the Lake'00:51
troy_sjoejaxx: Ping.00:51
lasseguland "Jimmy fell down the well Lassie?"00:52
lassegulIll manage. And if I dont ill come back here crying. see you later.00:53
troy_slassegul: You might need to post your mug online so that they can see you.00:53
troy_slassegul: Its all well and good playing secret service agent.00:53
lassegultroy_s, youre right. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LasseGullv%c3%a5gS%c3%a6tre?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=lasse.png00:56
lassegulshould be recognizable enough :)00:56
lassegullol i havent got any other pics. so ill go hunt now, ill come back crying if I cant find anyone.00:57
lassegulsee you later.00:57
troy_sAHHH MY EYES00:57
darkmattersheesh. after seeing all those mugshots I reaffirm my position that PEOPLE SHOULD NOT POST PHOTOS OF THEMSELVES ON THE BLOODY INTERNET!01:40
darkmatterI think I'm going to need a caseload of visine01:40
joejaxxtroy_s: i am sorry?03:12
joejaxxtroy_s: oh, LOL!03:12
troy_sjoejaxx: lassegul was looking to find someone at UDS -- I said to contact you.03:12
joejaxxtroy_s: oh sure :D03:13
troy_sjoejaxx: You can introduce him to some folks.03:13
joejaxxsure thing03:13
artnaywow, leopard's folder icons really were messed up (and the same thing as with ubuntu, the boss likes it .-) - http://arstechnica.com/reviews/os/mac-os-x-10-5.ars/408:25
nothlitwow, people really kick apples ass in regards to HIG09:39
artnayeven HIGs may have flaws09:41
joejaxxkwwii: :P14:48
nothlitwine theming is still ridiculously slow iirc, whoever's talking =p16:14
nothlitkwwii: ping18:53
kwwiinothlit: pong19:37
nothlitkwwii: palettising even tango works really well for branding, this is what we did for fluxbuntu https://people.fluxbuntu.org/~nothlit/fluxexample.png19:43
joejaxxkwwii: ping19:44
nothlitwas really simple, joe.jaxx, not an artist and never used inkscape before, and did half of the icons i think19:44
kwwiijoejaxx: pong19:45
kwwiinothlit: right, I am assuming that some of what we will be doing is palette work and slight tweaks but some parts will be drawn new19:46
joejaxxkwwii: let me know when your sessions are done :)19:46
kwwiijoejaxx: actually they are about done now, wanna leave in about half an hour to an hour?19:47
kwwiijoejaxx: cool, I am sitting with a couple of artwork people in the library by the lobby19:50
Yodudehello, i would like to contribute an icon for inclusion in hardy heron20:54
Yodudei would like to contribute an icon for inclusion in hardy heron20:56
kwwiiYodude: I am sure that we can use all the help we can get with icons...hwat did you have in mind?21:02
Yodudei mean look at that icon u have21:02
Yodudesincerely it stinks21:03
Yodudeit have taken time to make one, using tango guidelines21:03
Yodudevery simple21:03
lassegulplease url21:03
Yodudeumm wait i need to host it first21:03
kwwiijoejaxx: I am about ready when you are21:04
andreasnYodude: hi21:09
andreasnYodude: do you mean for the Accessories > Bluetooth Analyzer?21:09
Yodudeand the bluetooth applet21:09
Yodudeeverything that needs a bluetooth icon21:10
andreasnI think the bluetooth applet one might be fixed upstream21:10
andreasnbut I need to double-check with bastien21:10
Yodudesee what5 i designed21:11
andreasnwhat size is that?21:11
Yodude230*288 pixels21:12
Yodudebut i do have a .xcf file21:12
andreasncould you make it in 16x16, 22x22, 32x32 and 48x48?21:12
Yodudein case u need to edit it21:12
Yodudeyes of course21:12
Yodudei can21:12
andreasnyou don't have any svg?21:13
Yodudeno sorry21:13
andreasnlets see if I can find the one jimmac did21:13
Yodudeno luck ?21:16
andreasnhold on21:16
andreasnbastien is going to ship it with the icon in gnome-bluetooth21:18
andreasnany idea what package that install bluetooth-analyzer?21:18
Yodude1sec sorry i was pouring a glass of apple juice hehe21:22
Yodudeit's also good21:23
andreasnapparently the package is called bluetooth-analyzer21:23
andreasnI'll see if I can grab hold of the ubuntu bluetooth guy and see if we can fix it21:23
Yodudeand what about the applet in the notification area /21:24
andreasnI suspect that is some stuff from gnome-bluetooth21:24
Yodudebtw i checked synaptic there's no package called bluetooth-analyzer21:24
andreasnand bastien is working on that21:24
andreasnI think there is a bug open about it with a fix attached, but I'm not sure where it is21:25
Yodudeor maybe bluez-gnome21:25
Yodudeor bluez-utils21:25
Yodudesee if you can contact the bluetooth team about thm21:26
Yodudebut other than that, there's another icon i think REALLY need an overhaul, the "mark all upgrades" icon in synaptic21:27
Yodudecheck it out21:27
Yodudeu still there ?21:29
YodudeHello ?21:32
andreasnsorry, was out in the lobby chatting to a dude21:36
Yodudehehe ok21:36
andreasnoh, yeah, that one21:36
andreasnyeah, that would be sweet to update21:36
Yodudeso, you could contact the bluetooth team if you want21:36
Yodudei think they can take care of it provided the artwork team gives them the icon21:36
andreasndobey told me that he have a patch ready, going to send it in in a couple of days to bluetooth-gnome21:37
Yodudethen the issue is solved21:38
andreasnbut noone is working on mark all upgrades in synaptic21:38
Yodudei could do it21:38
Yodudeit's simple21:38
andreasnif you want to fix that, that would be awesome21:38
Yodudejust a merge between the "computer" icon and the arrow icon21:38
Yodudepiece of cake21:38
andreasnI need to run off now21:39
andreasnwill you be around tomorrow?21:39
Yodudeit's now 11:39 PM where i live21:39
Yodudetomorrow morning i'll be busy21:39
Yodudebut at night i'm free i guess21:39
andreasnok, cool21:39
andreasnI'll catch you around then!21:39
Yodudeyou can email me at that.y.guy@gmail.com21:40
andreasncool, will do21:40
andreasnmine is andreas@andreasn.se21:40
Yodudeok, it was nice working with you21:40
Yodude c u tomorrow21:41
Viper550I got a pretty good idea for the Gobuntu artwork22:39

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