
Burgundavia_popey: can you proof something for me?16:15
=== Burgundavia_ is now known as Burgundavia
* beuno points to a story he has in the queue --> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/119716:27
Burgundaviabeuno: which one is that?16:31
BurgundaviaI have a story to go live, shall I proof you story and make it go live ina bout 4 hours?16:31
Burgundaviabeuno: ^16:34
beunoBurgundavia, what what what what?16:45
beunowhy in 4 hours?16:45
Burgundaviabeuno: because we want to space out our stories so they get read16:54
Burgundaviaand the story I just posted was about how to participate in UDS16:54
beunoBurgundavia, ah, right, np16:54
beunodo you need me to check/approve your story, or do you have it covered?16:55
Burgundaviasure, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/119616:56
BurgundaviaI got it proofed by two people here, but one more set of eyes is always good16:56
Burgundavia1197 has now been edited16:57
BurgundaviaI added a screenshot and a download link16:57
beunoBurgundavia, cool16:58
beunoI shouldn't send it to the front page though, right?16:58
Burgundaviait already is17:00
beunoah, then I've already read it  :p17:00
Burgundaviathe only thing I want to do with the mythbuntu story is break out that big chunk of text17:02
beunosounds good17:04
Davieybeuno: did you get my email?17:07
beunoDaviey, ah, yes, just saw it17:08
Davieygood 'o17:08
beunoI'll bump it up to 20k, and congrats  :D17:08
Daviey:) thanks17:08
beunoBurgundavia, ^17:08
beunoBurgundavia, where can I edit the screenshot you added?17:11
beunoit's 250k+, so I'll assume it didn't get resized17:11
Davieybeuno Burgundavia: also can remove the "(excluding torrents)" thanks17:12
beunoDaviey, done17:12
beunothe story should be on the front page in < 4 hours17:13
Davieywoot. thanks17:13
BurgundaviaDaviey: congrats on the fast work17:46
DavieyBurgundavia: I'll pass it on to the rest of the team.. thanks17:50
Burgundaviabeuno: do you mind if I make you less happy and push out your article by another few hours to make room for another of mine?18:03
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-dinner
beunoBurgundavia, I don't mind, it's Daviey's baby18:12
Davieyawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :`(18:17
Davieyit's cool18:17
BurgundaviaDaviey: it will go live today, I just want to space stuff out18:30
* mdke pokes Burgundavia into his query window19:06
Burgundaviamdke: can you proof and make live an article for me?19:21
Burgundaviabeuno: ?19:31
* beuno tries and not show he's jealous that he is option b) and goes check it out19:32
Burgundaviasorry about that19:33
Burgundaviaafter a week, we end up with a plethora of stories on a single day19:33
beunoBurgundavia, it's live19:34
mdkenews is like buses19:34
Burgundaviayou get none and then you get a lot19:37
Burgundaviaremember to clear the date when you post a story live, to prevent it from showing up below the top item19:39
beunoBurgundavia, that is new?  I didn't know about that19:43
Burgundaviayes, as of the new fridge19:45
Burgundaviait is a nice feature, because you can backdate stuff19:45
beunoaaah, cool, so I should just leave it blank?19:46
Burgundaviayes, just blank it19:47
Burgundaviahey Rinchen20:25
Rinchenhi Burgundavia20:26

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