
persiastani: Right.  First it gets fixed in development.  If it tests clean, and is critical, it gets moved to gutsy.  If it tests clean, and is critical, it gets moved to feisty.00:00
staniproppy: 13 december is debian import freeze00:00
persiaproppy: It's automatic.  Nobody will forget.  Please don't file a sync bug for a new package now.00:00
proppyoh ok It will get synced anyway00:01
proppyI've forgot about this :)00:01
=== effraie_ is now known as effraie
stanipersia: i don't understand why hardy is ubuntu1 and gutsy is ubuntu0.1. What would be feisty? Is not better feisty 0.1, gutsy 0.2 and hardy 1?00:03
stanipersia: other question: lintian returned this error00:04
persiastani: If you're applying the same patch, there's no need for feisty users to download it again for gutsy.  It must be ubuntu1 for hardy, as it's a new patch.  It must be ubuntu0.1 for earlier releases to force the upgrade on hardy.00:04
staniE: spe_0.8.2a+repack- > >> bad-distribution-in-changes-file feisty00:04
persiaThe convention is because usually ubuntu1 also contains other changes to make the package better.  This is a somewhat special case.00:04
persiastani: Lintian does that.  Don't worry about it.  Just check to make sure you've spelled it correctly.00:05
staniok, no need to change it then00:05
blueyedWouldn't be the version for feisty ubuntu0.0.1, if the version for gutsy becomes ubuntu0.1?00:07
stanifor gutsy I need to change it gutsy, or it still can be feisty? (no problem to change it, more theoretical question)00:07
gnomefreakwould make sense to keep them from overlapping00:07
gnomefreakstani: target has to be the target version of ubuntu00:07
gnomefreakfor archive to accept it (or put it in right place)00:08
staniok, thanks gnomefreak00:08
* gnomefreak likes the easy questions ;)00:08
stanihaha, I hope to ask some more difficult questions later and hope gnomefreak is still around ;-)00:09
persiastani: Also, you'll be wanting gutsy-proposed and feisty-proposed.  They need to go through testing first.  The process will be about a month: a couple weeks of testing for the gutsy release, and then a couple weeks of testing for the feisty release.  Don't forget to push hardy first.00:09
staniyes but i have to wait for the hardy result before I can push gutsy00:09
gnomefreakif you build them all once pushed you should beable to push next one and so on00:10
gnomefreakbut i could be mistaken and in that case i have been doing it wrong00:10
gnomefreakbut mine is security updates00:10
stanignomefreak: I don't have to wait to see if it is tested ok on hardy first?!00:11
gnomefreakstani: its normally a good idea but your sponser would beable to answer that best (mine dont have to since they were security updates00:12
gnomefreakiceape 1.1.5 is in gutsy and not pushed to hardy yet00:12
gnomefreakoh thanks for reminding me i have to ping someone to push that00:13
=== Pici- is now known as Pici
persiagnomefreak: Ah.  so you're the person with the odd version number :)00:21
persiastani: You don't have to wait to prepare patches and build, but you do have to wait to get your updates into the archive.  How you schedule your time is your choice :)00:23
zuljoin #ubuntu-devel00:32
stanican I ignore this lintian warning: W: spe source: changelog-should-mention-qa?00:35
persiastani: You should only be getting that if either there isn't an Ubuntu maintainer listed, or your version numbering is odd.  Did you make the changes for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField ?00:36
stanipersia: thanks, I'll check00:38
slangaseklifeless: hurrah00:39
stanipersia: when or how does one get an ubuntu.com email?00:39
persiastani: It's a membership thing.  You likely don't want to use your own address: instead use the standard maintainer addresses listed in the Design section.00:40
proppyhttp://dehs.alioth.debian.org/uscan.html = debian/ubuntu watch file howto ?00:42
persiaproppy: man uscan is possibly more useful00:42
proppypersia: ok :)00:43
proppyI was wondering how I can deal with sourceforge mirror, and how to test the watch file00:43
proppyseems that the man will answers all these00:44
persiaproppy: There's a special hint for sourceforge (http;//sf.net/), and you can test with `uscan --report`00:44
stanipersia: I have the debdiff ready. What is next? Someone needs to review it?00:44
persiastani: Right.  Attach the debdiff to the bug, and subscribe the ubuntu-universe-sponsors team to request review.00:45
proppypersia: a package using a watch file in mind ?00:45
persiaproppy: Anything on http://dehs.alioth.debian.org/no_updated.html should be a good example.  These are all known to work :)00:46
proppypersia: thanks00:47
stanipersia: done! And now?00:51
persiastani: Be patient.  A sponsor will eventually comment on the bug, and may upload.00:51
proppypersia: what if the upstream use zip ?00:51
proppypersia: dans do not produce proper tarball ?00:52
stanipersia: thanks00:52
persiaproppy: http://sf,net/myspecialpony-(\d+).zip00:52
proppypersia: it will work if the directory in not named after version ?00:52
persiaproppy: You are attempting to construct a regex that will match the available versions, and extract (via ()) the version string, to compare against the last changelog entry.00:53
proppypersia: Ok, I see, so what is inside the zip doesn't matter :)00:54
persiaproppy: well, it matters, but uscan doesn't look00:55
proppypersia: thanks :)00:55
proppyI will do watch for mumble and unittest++ in a raw00:55
* Fujitsu grumbles at the archive people never remembering to autosync from contrib/non-free.00:55
proppyNewest version on remote site is 1.1.0, local version is 1.1.100:57
proppymumble: remote site does not even have current version00:57
proppythere is a not released entry in the changelog nice :)00:57
StevenKFujitsu: It isn't not remembering, they don't.00:57
persiaFujitsu: There've been a couple pokes: I'd expect it to catch up during UDS00:57
StevenKI have pitti sitting behind me, when he autosyncs, he doesn't pull from contrib or non-free00:58
persiaStevenK: Isn't there a grab/sync script against contrib/non-free?  I thought it was semi-automated00:58
proppypersia: is there a rules to add in control ?00:58
proppypersia: or this is toolchain independent ?00:58
persiaproppy: For a watch file?  No.00:58
proppyok nice00:59
FujitsuStevenK: They normally do at some point in the cycle after people poke them...01:00
* persia trusts StevenK, as he appears to be under careful oversight01:00
Mezgah, I hate packages that don't have a proper make install01:01
StevenKFujitsu: Yeah, which is the point.01:01
proppyNewest version on remote site is 1.3, local version is 1.3.001:06
proppylet's dig the man to figure how to handle this kind of subtility :)01:06
proppyyouhou opts="uversionmangle=s/$/.0/" power !01:19
bddebianGah, damn dversionmangle :-(01:30
tonyyarussoHow do people make UI mockups?  I'd like to be able to give pictures along with my suggestions, but I have no idea how that's done.01:41
RAOFtonyyarusso: Probably with glade?01:42
tonyyarussoRAOF: I've heard of that at least...01:42
ajmitchor by getting some canvas & throwing paint at it01:43
ajmitchat least that's what I suspect when I see some apps01:43
Fujitsuajmitch: Haha.01:43
* Fujitsu has had a few Visio UI designs thrown at him.01:44
persiatonyyarusso: the method doesn't really matter.  Use the tools you know.  If you want quick generated UI, glade is good.  If you use a pixel-editor, that works too.01:44
ajmitchFujitsu: I've seen people do mockups in MS Word01:44
Fujitsuajmitch: Yeah, that too.01:44
RAOFajmitch: How can you even *do* that?01:44
bddebianStraight HTML.. ;-)01:44
tonyyarussopersia: I kind of know GIMP, but I'm looking for something meant for this purpose, where I can say things like "Insert button", rather than "insert box shape, then round the corners, give it a raised look, and put some centered text in it"01:45
RAOFtonyyarusso: That's glade.01:45
FujitsuGlade isn't too terrible.01:45
tonyyarussoRAOF: cool01:45
* tonyyarusso checks it out01:45
persiaRAOF: Consider the magic of digital cameras combined with Jackson Pollack01:45
RAOFWell, glade is *also* "once I've made this mockup, make it easy to hook code into it"01:46
ajmitchRAOF: Word has a very, very basic drawing mode01:46
ajmitchnothing better than receiving a 1MB word document via email, containing a simple line art graphic01:47
* RAOF blinks.01:47
FujitsuOnly a megabyte?01:47
RAOFYou live and learn.  Yay crazy tools.01:48
persiaajmitch: You're forgetting the power of OLE.  One can create the line art in word, export a BMP, import into powerpoint, and embed in word :)01:48
ajmitchsuch power01:48
FujitsuI like the 200MB ones that have a lot of B+W scanned TIFF.01:48
FujitsuAnd the people attempt to email them.01:48
FujitsuAnd complain when you refuse to put them unmodified onto the website.01:48
tonyyarussoRAOF: there are a few different glade packages (glade, glade-2, glade-3, glade-gnome,...) - which do I want?01:49
Fujitsutonyyarusso: glade-3 is probably your best bet, maybe with some of the plugins.01:50
ajmitchglade-gnome-3 depends on glade-301:51
ajmitchglade-3 is a rewrite of 2.x01:51
Fujitsuglade-gnome-3 is the plugin with GNOME widgets, isn't it?01:51
ajmitchmost likely01:51
tonyyarussoFujitsu: there are plugins too?01:51
persiaFujitsu: Yep.01:51
persiaaptitude show anjuta01:52
Fujitsutonyyarusso: Glade 3 is supposedly modular, so you can have plugins providing more widgets.01:52
tonyyarussoFujitsu: where would I find those to install01:52
Fujitsutonyyarusso: Well, glade-gnome-3 is one... /me searches.01:53
ajmitchthere's pretty much just glade-gnome-301:53
FujitsuThat seems to be about it, yeah.01:53
ajmitchyou'll manage :)01:53
persiaActually there is also python-wxglade.  Please don't use that.01:54
tonyyarussopersia: how come?01:54
persiatonyyarusso: GNOME looks better without WX :)01:54
RAOFReally?  wxglade?  Why???01:55
* StevenK grins and high fives RAOF 01:55
persiaRAOF: Someone liked glade, and WX?  Annoying itch for them, annoying scratch for others.01:55
RAOFBut if they're using glade, why not just use GTK?01:55
RAOFEh, people are wierd.01:55
ajmitchat one point, I did quite a bit with wxpython01:56
FujitsuGlade looks a little better than when I last used it... must have been more than 3 years ago.01:56
ajmitchI've hated myself ever since01:56
Fujitsuajmitch: Why?01:56
ajmitchbecause it needed to work well on windows, and gtk+ really wasn't that stable on win32 back then01:56
FujitsuWx, working well and stable? I doubt it.01:57
ajmitchbetter than gtk+ at the time01:57
ajmitchit still sucked01:57
nenolodmy experience with WxWidgets has generally been unpleasant01:57
persianenolod: If you want true displeasure, you must experience wxWindows01:58
tonyyarussoRAOF: okay, so I have a little text box put together in glade-3.  What do I do from here if my desired end result is a PNG I could post on my blog, say?01:59
ajmitchtonyyarusso: take a screenshot?01:59
nenolodoh i'm sure it's a fun experience01:59
RAOFI'd just take a screencapture of the glade window01:59
nenolodbut i think i'll pass01:59
tonyyarussoThere isn't some sort of "export"?01:59
tonyyarussoThat seems silly01:59
ajmitchit's not meant for visual mockups, but an actual tool02:00
Fujitsutonyyarusso: Its primary purpose is generating code.02:00
RAOFYou could probably ask for a plugin :)02:00
ajmitchFujitsu: not anymore02:00
tonyyarussoFujitsu: I don't even see where that part is :S02:00
Fujitsuajmitch: Oh, generating the XML, then.02:00
tonyyarussoRAOF: true - could be handy02:00
ajmitchgenerating the XML, so that you don't have to fill your .py files full of gtk+ layout02:01
Fujitsuajmitch: As I said, I haven't used it in... quite a while.02:01
persiait's not just python.  Glade supports C, Ada, Eiffel, lots of things...02:01
ajmitchbut python+glade=love02:01
FujitsuPython's GTK+ interface is remarkably nice.02:01
RAOFYes, it's lovely02:02
RAOFI've just been playing around with it to write an xscreensaver-hack theme editor02:02
RAOFIt's remarkably easy to generate a UI.02:03
nenolodpygtk is very nice02:04
nenolodusing it feels as natural as using the C binding02:04
FujitsuI wouldn't call the C binding natural-feeling.02:05
nenolodi would, but that's because i'm nuts02:06
RAOFActually, the gtk lib itself looks nicely sane (although I've only ever used the pygtk).02:08
LaserJockboy, did I ever just have a computer scare02:12
FujitsuLaserJock: What happened?02:12
LaserJockcame back to my laptop and all the letters in firefox were little boxes02:12
LaserJockand my hard drive was thrashing about02:13
LaserJockI couldn't hardly do anything02:13
LaserJockfinally got into a console02:13
LaserJockdid a top and no real CPU usage but there were a bazillion artsd processes02:13
LaserJockso I did a killall artsd02:14
LaserJockand looked at top agian02:14
LaserJockand there were a ton more02:14
LaserJockand when I first trying to use my laptop the sensors applet said it couldn't get any ACPI info from my proc02:15
LaserJocklittle scary to me02:15
ajmitchLaserJock: don't worry, not logn after upgrading to the final release of gutsy, I found I couldn't login at all, or I had the desktop & panel stopping02:27
ajmitchit was esd for me, rather than artsd :)02:27
Fujitsuajmitch: Hasn't esd been gone for a while?02:34
persiaFujitsu: esound is still in hardy, just not (theoretically) enabled by default.02:36
FujitsuYeah, that's what I meant by gone.02:37
ajmitchit certainly wasn't removed on my laptop though02:38
ajmitch& it's still in main02:38
persiaFujitsu: The issue is that the uprade path isn't completely working yet.  From what I've heard, Lennert is expecting the final touches in the next couple months, so we should be good for hardy.02:42
bddebianSo I got lordsawar uploaded to Debian.  It should autosync to Hardy right or do I need to poke someone?02:43
persiabddebian: It'll autosync (we haven't reached DIF yet).  Are you chasing BoS as well?02:43
Fujitsu!info lordsawar hardy02:44
ubotuPackage lordsawar does not exist in hardy02:44
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
LaserJockdarn, I keep forgetting that my laptop hardrive is hda not sda02:54
bddebianpersia: You mean boswars?02:59
persiabddebian: I suppose I do.  Is strategus now completely useless, or are there other scenarios that are worthwhile?03:02
Fujitsupersia: stratagus is dead upstream, and I thought removed.03:03
Fujitsu(upstream all moved to boswars)03:03
persiabddebian: There's also the bos package, which is probably best replaced by boswars.03:03
persiaFujitsu: We don't remove things just because upstream stops caring.  They have to also be completely useless, and hard to maintain.03:03
* persia notes that freecraft (strategus predecessor) was shipped through edgy03:04
bddebianpersia: Yes, as far as I understand it boswars replaces bos and strategus but I may be mistaken.  I've been trying to get clarification on it03:08
bddebianboswars looks really nice03:08
persiabddebian: I don't see any rdepends for stratagus, but I don't know if the default scenario is worth playing.  Have you tried?  It may be that a general move to boswars would be better.03:11
persiaI'm sure that boswars replaces bos03:12
bddebianNo I haven't tried the stratagus default03:12
persiahmmm...  I wonder about the other scenarios on http://www.stratagus.org/games.shtml  Most seem to be based on stratagus 2.1 or dead though...03:16
TheMuso_Bostonsuperm1_: Hey there. Did you manage to find some people to tag along with tonight?03:21
superm1_TheMuso_Boston, yeah i grabbed food and a beer with my roomate03:21
bddebianGah, how do I make 107 = 1.0.7 in uversionmangle?  s/(\d+)/$1.$2.$3/ or some such?03:21
superm1_i'll grab one with you folks tomorrow or the day after :)03:22
TheMuso_Bostonsuperm1_: Who are you rooming with?03:22
crimsun_TheMuso_Boston: he was sitting behind our table (I stole a chair from them)03:22
superm1_TheMuso_Boston, jjesse03:22
TheMuso_Bostoncrimsun_: oh03:22
TheMuso_Bostonsuperm1_: Oh I was just wondering.03:22
persiabddebian: The same string as for nexuiz should do it, no?03:22
TheMuso_Bostonah ok03:22
bddebianpersia: That just uses the first digit then period then anything after that doesn't it?03:23
bddebianI.E., I don't want 1.07, I want 1.0.703:23
persiabddebian: For nexuiz you were dealing with nexuiz-23.zip vs. nexuiz-223.zip.  Is this different?03:24
bddebianA little yeah03:24
persia(remember 2.3 < 2.23)03:24
bddebianIn this case if I got 223, I would want 2.2.303:24
persiabddebian: Right.  Isn't that the same?03:25
bddebianFor nexuix 2.23 was OK03:25
persiabddebian: No, because 2.23 > 2.303:25
bddebianWell for my purposes it would have been OK.  I'll try it03:25
bddebianOh frick, they are using 1.07 in Debian03:26
persiabddebian: In that case, you want the same string as nexuiz, without the final 'g'03:27
bddebianpersia: I hate you. ;-)03:28
* persia hasn't done anything - really!03:28
nxvlhi all03:33
bddebianHello nxvl03:33
=== superm1_ is now known as superm1
* jdong kicks launchpad04:02
Fujitsujdong: What's it (not) doing now?04:03
jdongFujitsu: not loading in a reasonably timely fashion04:03
jdongi.e. taking over 20 seconds to render a bug report04:03
Fujitsujdong: Heh, that's normal for Australia... are you using edge?04:05
jdongyeah, I'm on edge04:05
FujitsuThat seems fairly slow lately, maybe overloaded. Often times out.04:05
bddebianGnight folks, thanks again persia04:09
persiagood night bddebian04:09
jdongseems to be responding okay currently...04:10
DitirisIs this the right place to ask a general quetsion if I am considering developing something on Linux?04:12
imbrandonDitiris, good place to start, if it ends up not being we'll point you somewhere else04:12
Ditirisimbrandon, Thanks.  I want to be able to accept data from a real-time system (FPGA) either via PCI-Express transfers or UDP/TCP (probably TCP).  The PCI-Express will be for a desktop system, UDP/TCP for a laptop.  I want to buffer up this data in a ramdisk using DMA transfers, process it in real-time if possible, or subsample if not, and record it at the same time or shortly thereafter.  Any idea what I'm talking about?04:15
DitirisThe problem is, I'm really a systems engineer and I have no idea where to start on the PC/programming side.04:16
imbrandonpersonaly, no , no idea04:16
DitirisSo, basically I'm going to get a burst of data at say 400 MB/s for a few seconds and I want to capture that data in RAM, if possible look at it/process it, then record it all.04:17
DitirisRecord to the hard drive, I mean.04:17
* persia wonders why fopen() doesn't work04:18
imbrandonyea i see what you mean but i have no idea how to go about that and ummm unless you have a framework in mind i have no idea where to send you either04:18
* ajmitch wonders who'll volunteer to merge proftpd04:19
imbrandonajmitch, you dont wanna do it ?04:19
ajmitchimpatient people want 1.3.1 already04:19
ajmitchimbrandon: no, why would I?04:19
Ditirispersia, directed at me?04:19
jdongDitiris: as persia suggested, you could start by trying to use standard userland API's and a tmpfs (effectively RAM disk) storage mountpoint...04:19
imbrandonhehe no reason, just since you brought it up04:19
jdongDitiris: but as a realtime solution with the burst rates you specified, it might not be deterministic enough04:20
persiaDitiris: only loosely - see jdong's expansion04:20
jdongI don't know what mechanism you would need to use in that case, but I can bet it'll be in kernelspace04:20
ajmitchimbrandon: that would require me to care enough anymore04:20
DitirisRight.  I basically need a stripped-down kernel with real-time extensions... I think.04:20
jdongit's really out of the scope of our expertise -- we are distribution developers for desktops/servers, not embedded Linux / realtime-kernel specialists...04:20
imbrandonanyone use mutt on a regular basis ?04:21
jdongDitiris: you'll probably have better luck hitting a kernel mailing list of some sort04:21
* ajmitch uses mutt04:21
jdongimbrandon: I've been using it for a few weeks, just switched over from evolution :)04:21
jdongprobably useless newb as far as questions are concerned ;-)04:21
Ditirisjdong, Thanks, I will try that.  In the mean time, can you recommend any books/programming guides/frameworks I can start to read up on so I can get a skeleton in place?04:21
imbrandonsame here i'm trying to convert from webmail to mutt, but i got the accounts all working on getting and recieving, but umm i got a dumb shortcut queston04:22
jdongDitiris: I'd recommend you grab one of the books on the 2.6 kernel...04:22
imbrandonhow to i access other folders ( i'm connceting to imap , gmail )04:22
jdongDitiris: Robert Love writes a good one, under the Novell name.04:22
Ditirisjdong, Thanks, will do!04:22
jdongimbrandon: c tab04:22
imbrandonc dosent seem to do anything04:22
imbrandonone sec04:22
jdongc on the index page should bring up Open Mailbox prompt at th ebottom04:23
imbrandoni have these marco's04:23
imbrandonmacro index c "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "open a different folder"04:23
imbrandonmacro pager c "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "open a different folder"04:23
imbrandonmacro index C "<copy-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "copy a message to a mailbox"04:23
imbrandonmacro index M "<save-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "move a message to a mailbox"04:23
jdongDitiris: other than that, I have no idea where to steer you... hopefully you can get better bearings from a kernel developer list of sorts04:23
jdongimbrandon: those sound good (though I have no idea why those macros are necessary; default functionality is similar...)04:24
* jdong points imbrandon at ajmitch then runs off :D04:24
imbrandonok one last question, know how to have the default sort so new mail os on top ?04:25
imbrandongmail + imap is love though, i must say04:26
jdonggood question, I'm not sure if there is a sort flag for that....04:26
jdongI haven't found the need for it; # of new messages is displayed at the bottom, and TAB on the index moves to next unseen04:26
imbrandonyea i have 16k unseen though04:27
Ditirisjdong, The Love book looks like a good place to start judging from the ToC.  Thanks a bunch.04:27
jdongnver mind that method then!04:27
imbrandon---Mutt: =INBOX [Msgs:12674 Old:12646 139M]---(threads/date)04:27
DitirisHave a good evening everyone, time for pillow drool.04:28
jdongDitiris: there's also an O'Rielly book on embedded development, but IMO it's not nearly as relevant/good as the Love book04:28
imbrandonhrm , it dosent seem to be downloading the other mailboxes / folders messages04:28
* imbrandon goes in search of a mutt primer04:28
ajmitchimbrandon: then just skip to the bottom of the list of messages04:28
jdongimbrandon: you need to set mailboxes statements in .muttrc to show more...04:29
imbrandonkey? pgdn take forever04:29
jdongimbrandon: END?04:29
imbrandonahh lol04:29
nxvli would like to do more merges, but i'm affraid to make one i'm not supos04:29
imbrandonsee i'm a newb04:29
* ajmitch larts imbrandon 04:29
nxvlsupposed to do04:29
ajmitchnxvl: it's ok, most people won't bite04:29
nxvlajmitch: most is not everyone04:29
ajmitchyou always get some people in every group04:30
imbrandonnxvl, just try to stick with people youve talked to in irc, but most are cool as long as they havebnnt started with it already04:30
* ajmitch doesn't bite much04:30
nxvlmy first merge i do a mentored one, and someone ask me why i do "someone" merge04:30
imbrandonjdong, so i must list all new imap folers in muttrc that bites04:31
jdongnxvl: it's good practice to try to poke the person in the changelog that seems to have touched it the most / last, to see if they have any better plans04:31
jdongimbrandon: you only have to do that for mutt to monitor it for new mail04:31
jdongimbrandon: c then tab should show all mailboxes04:31
nxvlso i'm kind of afraid of picking one without knowing how the process works04:31
imbrandonyea c shows all the folders now, i took out the marcos04:31
imbrandonholdon lemme pastbin my muttrc , its small04:31
* ajmitch is going to walk home now, back later04:32
nxvljdong: so, pick one, talk with the last person that touch it, and if he/she say i can do it?04:32
jdongnxvl: yeah04:32
jdongnxvl: I'd be willing to bet money 99.99% of the people you poke will be THRILLED someone else wants to do the work for them!04:32
jdongbut once in a while there's someone with bigger/better plans for the package, etc04:33
imbrandonjdong, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1454/   look right ?04:33
nxvljdong: thanks, i will start picking :D04:33
imbrandonthats my WHOLE muttrc, i know its tiny compared to some04:34
jdongimbrandon: looks good to me04:34
jdongmine's only larger because of the mailboxes I subscribe to04:34
jdongand also my spam filtering hotkeys04:34
imbrandonso umm what were you talking about to make it get the new mail for the other folders04:34
imbrandonbecause i have about 15 more folders on gmail04:35
jdongmailboxes ! =INBOX =INBOX.jobslist =INBOX.Spamscreen04:35
jdongstatements like that04:35
* imbrandon looks confused04:35
jdongyou can make em on many lines using multiple statements, but you list the mailboxes you want mutt to poll for unread message counts04:35
jdongi.e. I'll get notifications like "New mail in =INBOX.jobslist"04:35
jdong= is shortcut for the set folder= argument.04:36
jdongthis particular IMAP mailbox uses namespaces instead of folders, hence the weird dot notation04:36
nxvljdong: can i make the azureus's merge?04:36
FujitsuOh dear.04:36
imbrandonoht oh04:36
Fujitsunxvl: Probably inadvisable.04:36
jdongnxvl: *smile* actually I've got dibs on that... :)04:36
Fujitsunxvl: You *really* don't want to touch that. The package bites. Hard.04:36
jdongnxvl: the merge is trivial ,but its dependencies are not at this point04:37
jdongstill need to figure out where we're getting SWT 3.3 from in Hardy04:37
nxvlFujitsu: i have touched Apache2, and patch it, not simply merge04:37
nxvlFujitsu: THAT package bits04:37
imbrandonok jdong you still have me totaly lost, i dont care about message count, i just want to have ALL headers downloaded for all folders04:37
nxvljdong: i don't understand04:38
jdongimbrandon: you can't use c to change to the filder you want?04:38
imbrandonyes i can, but it shows as empty04:38
jdongnxvl: Azureus (Debian sid) requires SWT 3.3, Ubuntu has SWT 3.204:38
jdongimbrandon: hmm... I have no idea why that happens :(04:38
nxvloh ok04:38
jdongnxvl: SWT, however, in Debian is provided by a simple swt-gtk source package. In Ubuntu, it's built as a part of the Eclipse source tree04:38
nxvlso we are supposed to wait until swt it's merged?04:38
jdongnxvl: so not even I have any idea what to do with it.... I need to poke our eclipse guy about it :)04:39
jdongnxvl: but currently Azureus is my pet project and I'll take care of it :)04:39
nxvlok, to hard for a new contributor i think04:39
nixternalwhile you are poking him, tell him to fix it so it doesn't crash all of the time :)04:39
jdongnxvl: yeah, pick something more relaxing and fun :)04:39
jdongnixternal: I've fixed that already :)04:39
jdongnixternal: unless you're on AMD64.04:39
nixternalwell of course04:39
nixternalerr, I just lied04:39
nixternalx86 :)04:39
nixternalamd64 machines are busy building kde4 packages04:40
jdongnixternal: x86, bug 57875 is your friend; I've got fixed Hardy package uploaded and gutsy-backports in testing, awaiting gutsy-updates green light :)04:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 57875 in azureus "Azureus hangs or crashes showing splash screen at start" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5787504:40
* nixternal hugs jdong 04:40
* jdong hugs nixternal back04:40
nixternaleven though I am just using the one from eclipse.org right now04:40
nixternalfidgiting with the severly broken Qt plugins04:41
jdongnixternal: sounds painful :)04:41
nixternalthe plugins, yes, the one from eclipse.org, works wonderfully04:41
jdongspeaking of AMD64, anyone got an amd64 box set up for building and some spare time?04:41
nixternalI have the C/C++ environment and the Java environment rocking along nicely compiling code that a chimp could write :)04:41
persiajdong: For eclipse/swt, you might ping the debian side as well: half the team is also active in Ubuntu, and there is an effort to get the packages to work in both places.04:42
nixternaljdong: what do you need?04:42
nixternalHost '3LockBox', running Linux 2.6.22-14-generic - Cpu0: AMD Athlon 2200 MHz; Up: 11d+23:18; Users: 2; Load: 0.00; Free: [Mem: 10/941 Mio] [Swap: 863/863 Mio] [/: 11489/14084 Mio] [/boot: 93/122 Mio] [/home: 37476/41301 Mio] [/media/maxtor: 142410/150230 Mio]; Vpenis: 93.5 cm;04:42
persiajdong: What do you need built?04:42
nixternalwill that work?04:42
jdongI just want to poke across bug 15236204:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152362 in icedtea-java7 "icedtea-java7-plugin always crashes firefox" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15236204:42
jdongbasically, Azureus will segfault running in amd64 Gutsy/Hardy because of that bug04:42
jdongand apparently the fix is just a no-change rebuild in a pbuilder04:42
jdongif that's the case, I'd like this SRU'ed ASAP :(04:43
nixternalfor one, icedtea-java7-plugin shouldn't be used like the sun-java one truthfully, but nobody wanted to listen04:43
nixternalI will go ahead and rebuild it if that helps04:43
jdongnixternal: this bug is not just a problem with the plugin... it is a problem with the entire JVM04:43
slangasekjdong: can't SRU it without figuring out why it breaks on the machine where it's being built04:43
slangasekinsight welcome04:43
nixternalI use the jvm all day long04:43
jdongslangasek: oh, it's not just an ABI-changed-since-last-build problem?04:43
jdongnixternal: can you grab the Hardy or bug 57875 azureus deb (1ubuntu1 or 1ubuntu2) and see if it crashes on your box?04:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 57875 in azureus "Azureus hangs or crashes showing splash screen at start" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5787504:44
jdongslangasek: ok, then I misunderstood the bug's cause04:44
slangasek"ABI-changed-since-last-build" normally would cause uninstallability anyway, assuming the ABI was something maintained with reasonable care04:45
persiajdong: That's a little tricky.  pbuilder is rather different than the buildds (in many ways that are secret or arcane).04:45
jdongslangasek: has a rebuild on a buildd been tried? or are you fairly certain it'll lead to the same bug?04:45
slangasekI believe the package has built twice on the buildd with the same problem04:46
nixternaljdong: so, you are trying to tell me it is time to dist-upgrade to Hardy? :)04:46
FujitsuHas somebody tried it in sbuild, to at least be slightly more like the buildds?04:46
jdongnixternal: lol, no, the debs are binary-independent, you can use them on Gutsy04:46
nixternalya I know...but my desktop is already trying to run Hardy :)04:46
nixternalok, am I testing on x86 or amd64 for this one?04:47
jdongpersia: with regard to SWT, I've always assumed it's doko's pet... Our SWT 3.2 arises from the eclipse sources, while in Debian there's a separate swt-gtk source package...04:47
* RAOF has a amd64 gutsy schroot lying around. What are we doing?04:47
jdongpersia: I've been unsure how to proceed to swt 3.3... syncing it down from debian defintiely works without any breakage (the package names are all different) but I don't know if doko has any eclipse related plans for it04:48
jdongpersia: I'd prefer to get the SWT 3.3 stuff into Hardy soon-ish, as Azureus is a legacy branch that's about 3 months old (an eternity in Azureus time)04:48
persiajdong: Hmm..  I think there is a plan to merge: If you're blocking on doko, you might try asking man-di04:49
jdongpersia: ok, I'll poke him next time he comes on04:49
persiaRAOF: recompiling iced-tea to replicate bug #15236204:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152362 in icedtea-java7 "icedtea-java7-plugin always crashes firefox" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15236204:49
nxvlon https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayerplug-in/+bug/13799304:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137993 in mplayerplug-in "mozilla-mplayer unnecessarily depends on gecko browsers" [Low,Confirmed]04:50
jdongRAOF: long story short, rebuild in pbuilder = work, rebuild on buildd = crashy.04:50
nxvlwhat should i do? remove the dependecy, didn't i?04:50
jdongRAOF: azureus (hardy .deb) will segfault near loadup when icedtea is faulty. Really fast to test :)04:50
RAOFRight.  It's not easy for me to test the packages right now, but I certainly can build them in sbuilder04:51
RAOFGiven the source is 70Mb, the "right now" might not be a problem :)04:52
nxvlhow do you says "the two of them"?04:52
RAOFBoth of them04:52
nxvlRAOF: thnx04:53
jdongwhose leg do you hump to make a build go faster :(04:53
RAOFGenerally the "please give me another 4gb of ram" leg, I think04:54
jdongRAOF: queueing on the buildd's for 3 days for a 9-minute build is a bit irritating :)04:54
RAOFOh, _that_04:54
jdongparticularly a build that has pertinence to a high-priority 1.5 year old bug :)04:55
persiajdong: What priority did you use in the changelog?04:55
RAOFAh, of *course* icedtea requires icedtea to build.04:55
jdongpersia: default... though IIRC I've been told it doesn't matter04:55
jdongRAOF: you need the pre-chicken mutant organism?04:55
RAOFjdong: Or they could have written the jvm in a non-java language.  That also works.04:56
persiaI thought it mattered, but that we were supposed to use "low" unless there was an extra-special reason.  Anyway, until sync is mostly up-to-date, buildd queues are exceedingly long.04:56
jdongpersia: I was told that soyuz ignores them...04:56
jdongRAOF: lol04:57
RAOFThere's no particularly compelling reason to make it difficult to bootstrap your virtual machine :P04:57
jdongRAOF: I'm sure writing the JVM in Java makes sense  from their standpoint04:58
jdongRAOF: after all, Python 300000000000 is supposed to implement itself too04:58
* RAOF thought that was PyPy04:59
imbrandonyou think thats crazy, try getting gcc on a new arch05:00
jdongman-di: just the man we were talking about :)05:00
RAOFimbrandon: There they've got an excuse, at least.05:00
jdongRAOF: same thing, it might get released a millenium later or something :)05:00
nxvlthe jerarchy is depends -> reccomend -> suggest didn't it?05:00
RAOF!info pypy hardy05:00
ubotuPackage pypy does not exist in hardy05:00
jdongman-di: I was wondering what our plans of getting swt-gtk >=3.3 are on Hardy...05:00
persianxvl: Yes.  Depends when otherwise it breaks.  Recommends when most people should have both.  Suggests when it might be helpful.05:01
jdongno, Ka narrow is not necessary on the XTR-690 platform05:02
nxvlpersia: i'm working on: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayerplug-in/+bug/13799305:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137993 in mplayerplug-in "mozilla-mplayer unnecessarily depends on gecko browsers" [Low,Confirmed]05:02
nxvlpersia: so i think it must be downgrade to recommend and add xulrunner to recommended to05:03
nxvlpersia: didn't it?05:03
persianxvl: Check in #ubuntu-mozillateam (this might not be the best time of day).  I think I remember hearing something about handling the xulrunner cases, and you'll want to align with that plan.05:05
nxvlpersia: ok, thanks for the help05:06
RAOFWhy don't we have pypy in gutsy or hardy?05:06
RAOFOh, because if FTBFS.  Right05:09
persiaRAOF: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pypy says we do.05:09
persiaRAOF: It actually FTBFS for 5 different reasons :)  See the Debian bugs page.05:09
persiaActually, 431197 and 442060 might be dupes: perhaps only 4 different ways.05:11
* tonyyarusso sighs05:11
tonyyarussoI _still_ have broken consoles since installing Gutsy05:11
RAOFAt least icedtea doesn't require substantially more than 1Gb of ram to build.05:15
imbrandonSox are champs, bet everyone in Boston is happy tonight05:18
ajmitchimbrandon: sox? who are they? :)05:25
imbrandonboston baseball team, world series just ended and they won ( Red Sox )05:25
ajmitchah, the 'world' series ;)05:26
imbrandonwell there are a few token canidian teams05:26
imbrandonerr this mutt is pissing me off05:27
tonyyarussoSomebody help we work around https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/129910 ?05:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129910 in linux-source-2.6.22 "tty[1-6] are active but display nothing in Gutsy" [Undecided,New]05:27
persiatonyyarusso: Do you have /etc/event.d/tty*  You might want to peruse /usr/share/doc/upstart/*05:39
tonyyarussopersia: I do have those files, yes.05:40
persiatonyyarusso: start tty2 ought to do it then, no?05:40
tonyyarussopersia: What I'd really like to know is what changed from Feisty to Gutsy and why, because I was able to use vga-0x318 in all previous releases with no problems.05:40
tonyyarussopersia: No no - the tty is starting, but it's invisible.05:40
tonyyarussopersia: I can actually log in and do an 'echo -e "\a"' successfully, but don't see what I'm typing.05:41
imbrandonwell the official workarround as you ask is to remove vga= from the parms05:41
tonyyarussoimbrandon: Yes, but that's an idiotic and useless answer (pardon my frustration), as it yields a completely unusable console.  80 columns is simply not enough for any actual work.05:42
tonyyarussoI want to be told how to FIX the problem, not how to ignore it.05:42
imbrandonright but you ask for a work arround05:43
imbrandonnot a fix :)05:43
imbrandonand i get by on 80 col's every day, including right now05:43
imbrandonbut thats neither here nor there05:43
tonyyarussoIt worked in Hoary, Breezy, Dapper, Edgy, and Feisty, and now someone broke it.  I'd like to know why, and the kernel team is just ignoring everyone who asks, or giving them that answer and refusing to discuss it further.05:43
persiatonyyarusso: I suspect you'll need to somehow detect whether the kernel is using a framebuffer or text interface for the console, and then load the appropriate modules, at least from what I can tell from the bug report.05:43
tonyyarussopersia: I don't know how to do those things though.  I've tried some of the things suggested in comments, and ended up with a system that wouldn't even boot.05:44
imbrandontonyyarusso, i doubt there are ignoring it, there is alot going on with UDS this week and next with all hands and prior working on the release, it will be fixed asap i'm sure, the best thing to do now is contribute meaning full info to the bug and or work on a fix and in the meantime remove vga=05:45
tonyyarussoimbrandon: I guess.05:45
tonyyarussoI'm disappointed with the QA on Gutsy so far.05:46
imbrandonummm we're all part of the Q&A , including yourself :)05:46
tonyyarussoYeah, but I don't have the skills to fix things - I just find them.05:46
persiatonyyarusso: The comments in the bug are references to specific hardware configurations.  Rather than using them verbatim, you'd want to find out which modules your specific hardware is using, and load those.  Another alternative is to spawn two X sessions, one with a black background and a full-screen xterm (white on black) as the only running app.05:46
tonyyarussopersia: what would that do?05:47
persiatonyyarusso: Fake a console :)05:47
RAOFAt a nice high res, with nice hinted fonts :)05:48
_nand__hi! Sorry I just got disconnected again... Did my question reached the channel?05:48
RAOF_nand__: Not according to my lastlog05:49
_nand__RAOF: ok thanks. Let me try again!05:50
_nand__I have a packaging question concerning "private" shared libs : a app I'm packaging has some shared libs, but they will only be used by this application. Persia recommended me to put this in a private folder05:50
_nand__but if I'm not wrong, it should be somewhere reachable by ldconfig05:50
_nand__ so at the end, it may be the same if I put the libs in /usr/lib or somewhere else private, but in a path scanned by ldconfig05:50
RAOFIt shouldn't be in ldconfig's path.05:51
persia_nand__: The aolserver4 package is an object lesson in how not to do things, but it does include ldconfig hinting to do just that.05:51
_nand__The shared lib must be accesible to another package created by the same source package though.05:52
RAOFOh, I suppose the other option would be to have a per-application ldconfig hint.05:52
_nand__persia: ok thanks i'll look at it05:52
persia_nand__: Just remember, it's not an ideal package.  It can help with the hint, but don't try to learn too much from it (except as a counterexample)05:53
_nand__persia: ok ;)05:54
man-dijdong: first we need to fix some more eclipse issues05:56
man-dijdong: in Debian we have the ant eclipse issue fixed05:56
man-dijdong: and I have the junit4 issue fixed locally05:56
man-dibut I have some more pending fixes05:56
man-dithen Ubuntu need to merge eclipse05:57
man-diand then we can eclipse to 3.305:57
imbrandonand gpl'd netbeans 6 :P heh05:58
man-diimbrandon: I work with SUN people on packaging NetBeans for Debian05:59
man-dithey want to do it themself, dont know why05:59
man-diits ridiculous to teach them packaging05:59
imbrandonhey as long as they can keep it up why not hehe05:59
man-diimbrandon: they dont05:59
man-difor the older packages I always need to ping them when bug reports arrive06:00
imbrandonahh someone will just do it before them then if they have to learn06:00
pwnguinim sure they want to have people know this stuff in house for opensolaris06:00
* persia remembers the netbeans debian/copyright. Quite a read :)06:00
imbrandonpwnguin, well gnusolaris is just volenters like me ( i package a few things there ) and opensolaris is just the kernel not a distro06:01
imbrandonpersia, they just dual licensed it under gpl06:01
pwnguinwell, i was thinking of indiana, but i guess netbeans predates that06:01
imbrandonindiana isnt a distro either, its to make gnusolaris more mainstream06:02
persiaimbrandon: Take a look at the current package.  It wasn't all CDDL, and it wasn't all Sun-origin.  The Netbeans code might be GPL, but the package is interesting...06:02
pwnguinthen i guess ian failed to make it clear what indiana was =/06:02
imbrandonhehe yes, the solaris camp is very confusing with names06:02
imbrandonnevada is the in house opensolaris distro, gnusolris is ubunut like ( even uses our artwork )06:03
man-diimbrandon: do you still needed a closed source solaris to install opensolaris?06:03
imbrandonman-di, nope06:03
pwnguini have an open solaris dvd on my shelf06:03
man-diwow, they fixed that06:03
pwnguinit appeared to be open source solaris06:03
pwnguinin fact, it appeared to be eight open source solaris;s06:04
imbrandonpwnguin, probably nevada06:04
pwnguinimbrandon: nevada, nevada 64 bit, nexenta, belenix schillix06:04
imbrandonahhh willl "OpenSolaris" is like "Linux" its just the kernel , there are many many distros, the most linux like of the bunch is gnusolaris06:04
imbrandonnexenta == gnusolaris06:04
imbrandonnevada == OpenSource Solaris, not OpenSolaris06:05
pwnguinwell, solaris just dosnt meet my needs06:05
pwnguinwireless sound and video06:05
pwnguinif you're a data center, hats off06:05
* tonyyarusso wonders what wireless sound is06:05
pwnguinim sure you'll love zfs06:05
* pwnguin wonders what a comma is06:06
pwnguintonyyarusso: bluetooth audio?06:06
tonyyarussopwnguin: that works06:06
imbrandoni like to play with gnussolaris just because i can use all my ubuntu experince with it, its just a ubuntu derivitive06:06
imbrandonbut thats all06:06
pwnguini just think its wierd that sun went to the lengths it did to support the creation of multiple distributions06:07
tonyyarussoAre there any Ubuntu derivatives using Herd yet?06:07
imbrandonnot afaik06:07
tonyyarussohurd, rather06:07
ajmitchI hope not06:08
imbrandonpwnguin, sure why not, all they really needed help with was the kernel ;)06:08
imbrandonyou get as many people as possible using the solaris kernel and you get lots of fixes06:08
imbrandonwho cares if the "distros" live or die in their eyes06:09
pwnguina) ive heard plenty of people say suns userspace sucks b) they already have a referene implementation -- they might as well have just accepted fixes from the public for that...06:09
jackwhats the command for the advanced partitioner, the default one fails to do what i tell it06:09
imbrandonpwnguin, sure but most pure sun boxes still have gnu userspace on them even before this06:09
imbrandonjack, cfdisk ?06:10
pwnguindd ;)06:10
jackapt-get install lvm206:10
persiaimbrandon: Isn't there also a school of Solaris users using part of the BSD userspace?06:11
imbrandonpersia, yea, bsd and solaris have a long history06:11
pwnguinthen again, the various ubuntu flavors seem a bit like open solaris's approach06:12
imbrandoni like nextena's approach though ( indiana ) , take a snapshot of ubuntu ( much as we do with debian ) and slap a sun kernel on it06:13
pwnguinyou say that like it's easy and workable06:13
imbrandonmakes a very interesting install, special since you can run sun binarys too06:13
pwnguindoes opensolaris have a linux binary compatibility layer?06:13
imbrandonnot afaik, it needs to be recompiled06:14
* pwnguin is scared to think of the device specific named programs, the linux only syscalls06:15
imbrandonpwnguin, grab a nextena vmware image, mess with it 5 minutes, its kinda novel06:15
pwnguini have a dvd06:15
pwnguinwith nexenta06:16
pwnguinand no vmware06:16
tonyyarussome too06:16
imbrandonnot that i would ever switch, still too buggy for day to day use imho06:16
imbrandonbut its kinda cool idea06:16
imbrandonhrm , lemme find something06:16
pwnguinsure; it'd be interesting to attempt to at least have packages depend on kernel versions or POSIX06:17
imbrandoncheck that, its when i had the VM running a while back06:17
imbrandonwoop, turn the torrent off, might load faster now06:19
tonyyarussoNexenta uses KDE?06:19
pwnguintonyyarusso: how did you infer this?06:19
imbrandontonyyarusso, no the kde desktop is mine, the nextena is in the vmware06:19
tonyyarussooh, doh06:19
tonyyarussopwnguin: nvm06:19
pwnguinnvm indeed :P06:20
pwnguinhmm when did irclogs.ubuntu.com get established?06:21
tonyyarussopretty recently I gather06:22
persiapwnguin: About a month ago06:22
imbrandonpwnguin, there are alot of new *.ubuntu.com domains in the last month06:22
tonyyarussoimbrandon: what else/06:22
imbrandonscreencasts, search ( not live yet ), ummm i few others i dont rember right off06:23
imbrandonwas a pita to keep adding them to ubuntuwire so i just added *.ubuntu.com :P heh06:23
* RAOF accidentally kills an hour of work, and decides it's time for some hacking.06:23
_nand__hmm... the  only thing I found about loading a private shared lib is a reference to rpath...06:24
RAOFThat will also work, but may be considered evil.06:25
_nand__RAOF: ah! What do you recommend then?06:26
RAOFNo, it's already forgrounded.06:26
RAOFpwnguin: :P06:26
persia_nand__: In the client app, you can also do something with LD_LIBRARY_PATH: I think a lot of the mozilla apps do that now.06:26
RAOF_nand__: What persia said.  Miro has a tiny wrapper that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH then calls the real binary, for example.06:27
_nand__persia: that would mean creating a wrapper for each prog06:27
_nand__hmm... is this approach ok?06:27
persia_nand__: Right.  How many clients do you have?  I thought that you were only expecting the library to be used by clients in the same package.  If you have clients in other packages, I'd recommend splitting out the libraries into their own packages, with proper sonames, etc.06:28
_nand__persia: I have two binary packages from one source package : one containing some shared libs and a daemon using these libs, and the other being two GUI clients using one of the shared libs06:29
_nand__these libs being only for the program, they will not be used by others projects06:30
_nand__http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=420, if it may help06:31
persia_nand__: Right.  So you add three wrapper scripts (or release a library package).  In general, it's best not to combine daemons and libraries, in part because of the delayed ldconfig call, and in part because people may want to run clients and daemons on different hosts.06:31
_nand__persia: Yes, we discussed about it with upstream, but he prefers bundling the libs and daemon together, like the racoon package06:31
_nand__persia: ok I'll use wrapper then06:32
_nand__thanks for the infos06:32
pwnguinhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thinkfinger/ does the fact that this package has a page mean there's a source package in hardy?06:34
Hobbseepwnguin: yeah06:35
Hobbseepwnguin: or will be soon06:35
pwnguinI'd like to compare it to my ppa and suggest a few patches, but im not sure where to grab the source =/06:36
imbrandonif it wasent there before it will just be the version thats in sid now06:37
persiapwnguin: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/thinkfinger/thinkfinger_0.3-2.dsc06:38
pwnguini know how to get the debian package06:38
pwnguinthats what i based mine on06:38
pwnguini just want to make sure it's in hardy and building before i start proposing patches06:39
imbrandonsure then i would say upload it ( and pass any fixes to debian too )06:39
pwnguinthe debian maintainer is rather... pedantic06:39
pwnguinive been keeping in touch06:40
* persia is confused. It doesn't appear to be new, unapproved, approved, or done.06:40
pwnguindid it get blacklisted or something?06:40
Hobbseepersia: since when can you see unapproved?06:40
persiaHobbsee: I can only see half-hour snapshots, but wouldn't expect to have the window be that tight.06:41
Hobbseeoh, right, you're not looking on lp06:41
* Hobbsee wonders if that cronjob is even on06:41
persiaHobbsee: It appears to be06:41
pwnguinimbrandon: tried fluxbuntu?06:42
Hobbseedont know about that one, tbh06:42
imbrandonnot the 7.10 release06:42
pwnguinahmuck was moaning a bit so i tried it out (ive got plenty of cdrs with not much to do with em)06:43
pwnguinturns out it doesn't even boot on my desktop06:43
pwnguini dont get why it isnt a universe package06:44
imbrandonbug joejaxx , he is _teh_man_ of fluxbuntu, and iirc because he finished it tooo late06:44
imbrandonnetx version of fluxbuntu and ubuntustudio are being built in the DC from what i've seen06:45
imbrandonso it shoudent be a problem for hardy06:45
pwnguinthats the impression i get, that fluxbuntu sorta put the cart before the horse in putting up a website before really hounding up devs06:45
imbrandonits a small project pretty much run by one man06:46
imbrandonits had a few other releases06:46
pwnguinif you're one (sane) guy with a lot of ambition, to me the logical first step is to find help06:47
imbrandonif i was that worried about installing and configuring it i would just install nUbuntu06:47
Hobbseepwnguin: i recently questioned one guy about why he did the opposite06:48
imbrandoneasier said that done arround here, most are pretty streched thin, and new blod takes time to teach before they are usefull and detracts you from the goal06:48
Hobbseesaid stuff to the effect about "how will yours be different from other distros?  why would we want to participate?"06:48
=== luk__ is now known as luk_
coNP[uni]Good morning MOTUs!06:52
pwnguinmy guess is that in these kinds of cases, they want to do everything and understand it all, and wind up hoarding far more work than they can actually do =(06:52
imbrandonnah joejaxx will happily accept help06:52
imbrandoni was arround when he started fluxbuntu ( i had the same spec at the UDS )06:53
imbrandononly called fubuntu06:53
pwnguinwell, at least the better name won out06:53
* persia doesn't understand the proliferation of derivatives: is it that hard to distribute a meta-package including the nifty bits?06:54
imbrandonpersia thats mostly what derivitives are, minus the cd build06:55
pwnguinpersia: ever tried installing just kubuntu with only a ubuntu CD06:55
persiapwnguin: No, but I've never install kubuntu.  I have installed Ubuntu from a floppy disk.06:56
persiaimbrandon: Ah.  Right.  CDs.  Now it all makes sense.06:57
pwnguinright. you hand out a CD, and it installs -desktop for you06:57
pwnguinalternatively one could choose a desktop during install time, but i think there's the live cd pressure to contend with as well06:58
tonyyarussopwnguin: I've thought about a DE choice for the DVD installer before07:01
pwnguindid gutsy have an official dvd iso?07:04
=== elmargol_ is now known as elmargol
warp10Hi all!07:04
imbrandonpwnguin, yes there are always dvd buildds07:06
pwnguini failed to notice this i think07:06
imbrandonthey are intentionaly semi hidden because they are no better than the cd iso, you owuld need to install from the dvd and add an additional 200MB of apps from the dvd 17X before it made it worth downloading the dvd07:07
imbrandonbut on the flip side if it was made more public everone would be like ,,, ooooh dvd == better, lets get that07:08
imbrandonanyhow the dvd's are always on cdimage.ubuntu.com07:08
* persia wonders if making the DVDs .torrent only would help07:09
tonyyarussoimbrandon: it is nice if you're on dialup but have a friend on cable who can burn you the entire main repo.07:11
pwnguinimbrandon is that friend07:11
imbrandonnow this is sexy,  almost as good as my XP theme for KDE07:12
imbrandonthats gnome BTW not OSX07:13
tonyyarussoimbrandon: okay, that's pretty cool....07:13
pwnguinyou wanna see awesome themes?07:16
imbrandoni made my own XP kde theme, most couldent tell the diffrence from the real thing07:16
imbrandonwas kinda slick07:16
tonyyarussoI tried that once too07:16
imbrandoni should have released it07:16
tonyyarussodidn't save it though07:16
imbrandoni got EVERYTHING working perfect07:16
pwnguin http://people.cis.ksu.edu/~jld5445/Screenshot-10-27-2007.PNG07:17
tonyyarussoHelp > About in Firefox said "About Internet Explorer" in mine07:17
imbrandoni had actualy internet explorer heh07:17
pwnguinfirefox says about firefox in actual XP :P07:17
imbrandonand nero07:17
imbrandonbah lemme show ya some theme love i got going now07:18
imbrandonone sec07:18
pwnguinlemme tell you, its a lot easier to theme kde / gnome than windows07:18
imbrandoni dunno ifg i even have a screenshot app installed07:18
pwnguin(in case you havent looked or noticed, my screenshot is actually winXP there)07:19
tonyyarussowait, what?07:19
tonyyarussohow'd you do that?07:19
imbrandonwindowblinds ?07:20
pwnguinstep one, replace XP's uxtheme.dll with an "unlocked" version07:20
pwnguinstep two, drop in the theme07:20
imbrandonone sec07:23
=== warp10_it is now known as warp10
imbrandonhers my current desktop ( fluxbox ) NSFW http://picasaweb.google.com/holtsclawb/MISCScreenShots/photo#512665714662495598607:29
persiaIs that from Nell?07:30
persiaApparently not :)07:30
imbrandonthere is a Zoom on the top right for those not familiar with picasa web interface07:31
imbrandonpersia, ahh i dont think so , i got it off devianart a long time ago07:32
imbrandoncant be sure though as i havent seen the movie, thought it was kinda like a debian logo myself :P07:32
persiaAnyone want an easy SRU?  There's a patch for bug #49508, fixed in hardy.  Someone just reported bug #158253, noting that sympa doesn't work at all without the patch.07:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 49508 in sympa "init script does not create requirred /var/run/sympa directory" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4950807:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 158253 in sympa "Sympa won't start : /var/run/sympa missing in tmpfs (dup-of: 49508)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15825307:40
=== asac_ is now known as asac
persiagnomefreak: I learned from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems09:08
gnomefreakpersia: ty ill look at it09:09
persiagnomefreak: Did you remember to quilt push, quilt add, and quilt pop?  It feels a lot like using a VCS.09:10
gnomefreaki didnt quilt add09:10
persiaThat's it.  The patch isn't properly registered.  You might be able to do the same thing by hand, but I'd trust quilt add.09:10
persiaOh.  Right.  And quilt refresh :)09:11
pwnguindoes anyone else's clock report being an hour behind?09:27
_rubengotta love DST ;)09:31
gnomefreakpwnguin: try asking in #ubuntu but im betting your bios clock is an hour behind09:40
pwnguinisnt thiis something i'd have noticed a year or more ago though?09:41
gnomefreaknot really could have happened on last bios run09:42
persiaCould be that it is a buggy BIOS and attempts to adjust for DST as it was defined at the time of manufacture...09:42
ion_Just use ntp09:43
pwnguini do09:43
pwnguinwhich is why i think its strange to blame the bios09:44
gnomefreakpwnguin: bios sets OS clock not the other way around09:44
persiaWell, the OS can set the BIOS clock, but this never happens automatically.09:45
gnomefreakpersia: right09:45
gnomefreakpwnguin: this just happened to the 2 windwos pcs in this house i think it has alot to do with DTS changing so much the last year or 209:46
gnomefreakremember it used to be mid oct09:46
gnomefreaknow its nov 409:46
ion_persia: It does.09:46
persiaion_: Automatically?09:46
gnomefreakion_: shouldnt09:47
ion_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2007-10-03 09:54 /etc/rc0.d/K25hwclock.sh -> ../init.d/hwclock.sh09:47
pwnguinit should. the OS can know more about what time it is than the BIOS09:47
gnomefreakshould in a perfect world but shouldnt as it i dont remember it ever doing it without input09:48
pwnguini vaguely recall reading that the OS would load the RTC on startup09:48
pwnguinand save it on shutdown09:48
persiapwnguin: No, as ion_ points out, load on startup and save on shutdown is current behaviour.09:49
pwnguinNo what?09:49
pwnguinthats what i just said09:49
persiaErr..  For those used to the alternate negative answer convention, that could as well have been written "Yes, ..."09:49
gnomefreakits already almost 609:50
azeemslangasek: did you upload opensync already, and if so, which version and where to?09:50
pwnguinat least i have excuse -- my clock is lying to me =(09:50
azeemslangasek: fwiw, opensync switched to cmake in svn09:52
lidbHi, How can I recover my REVU account?09:54
s1024kbHello everyone. Good evening (17:56pm here in China).09:56
huatsmorning everyone09:58
ion_Time of day everyone.09:59
lidb Hi, How can I recover my REVU account?10:00
persialidb: Try to log in.  Enter the wrong password (I suggest "password").  Click the "recover" link that appears to the right of the new login entry.  Decrypt.10:01
lidbpersia,  I even can't find my account, and I am already a member the revu group of launchpad, what should I do now?10:02
persialidb: How long have you been registered as a contributor?10:03
lidbone year also10:03
lidbpersia, about one year10:03
persialidb: Ah.  There was a security issue, and things were refreshed.  Log in using the email address you used on your most recent changelog.10:04
lidbpersia, still does not work, I have tried my email and my account in launchpad10:04
persialidb: What's your launchpad name?10:05
lidbpersia, lidaobing10:06
persialidb: No need to repeat yourself.  Sometimes it takes a while to collect information for a response.10:06
Fujitsulidb: Have you uploaded anything to REVU since ... a couple of months back?10:06
FujitsuIf not, you won't have an account.10:07
lidbNo, I haven't upload things in recent months10:07
s1024kbHello norsetto, my teacher.10:07
norsettos1024kb: Hi Selene, how is it?10:07
persiaFujitsu: I thought there was an account recovery system: my account didn't go away.10:07
Fujitsupersia: You're a MOTU.10:07
lidbFujitsu,  now I already in REVU group in launchpad, what should I do next?10:08
persiaFujitsu: Ah.  I thought the same rules were applied for U-U-C.10:08
Fujitsulidb: Upload a package to REVU.10:08
persialidb: Just upload something.10:08
Fujitsupersia: No, as not all are active, and probably other reasons.10:08
lidbthanks all, I'll try it.10:08
persiaFujitsu: Makes sense.  Just different than I'd thought.  Thanks for the correction.10:08
s1024kbThank you for answering me... I have read the policy manual, the new maintainer's guide... and am downloading the make documents that you recomended.10:09
huatsnorsetto: here you are my favorite pizza eater :-)10:09
norsettohuats: hear who is talking, the onion eater, bleah10:10
huatsnorsetto: yeah... onion rocks !!! especially on top of pizza10:11
s1024kbnorsetto: could you please tell me how to download all the tools? I saw many many packages on the web page but don't know how to do. Can i use the apt-get command on my terminal?10:11
huatsnorsetto: how are you ?10:11
norsettohuats: btw, you know where I eat the worst pizza of my life?10:11
huatsnorsetto: toulouse ?10:12
norsettohuats: congratulations!!! You are the lucky winnerof a giant onion !!!10:12
* huats is so happy with his price10:12
huatsnorsetto: that is because you don't know the good places... if you ever come back here, I'll be glad to show you the greatest :-)10:13
s1024kbnorsetto: Pizza, i like it. I even have make it when i was doing a part-time job in Pizza Hut, at that time i was in college. :)10:13
norsettohuats: I was with two spanish colleagues, which, for some reasons yet unbeknown to me, decided to eat pizza, in toulouse10:13
huatswhat funny idea...10:14
huatswhen I am in Roma, I dont' even think of eating french food...10:14
norsettohuats: me neither :-)10:15
huats... it is also true that I can't think of eating something different than mozza di buffala10:15
norsettos1024kb: so, how is it with you? Making some progress I understand10:15
norsettohuats: seems like you are back in good shape eh?10:16
huatsnorsetto: let's say that I feel better... that is why I am at work10:16
norsettohuats: bad idea, bad idea .....10:16
huatsI know10:17
huatsbut I am not sure my boss agrees with us10:17
s1024kbnorsetto: yes... i guess that i will learn all the things soon, only need some more time...10:17
norsettohuats: fire him10:17
huatsnorsetto: I am reallly thinking of that10:17
norsettos1024kb: take it easy, as I said one step at the time, and it will all come together10:18
huatsnorsetto: btw can you tell me why you put the conduit's bug as a wishlist ?10:18
norsettohuats: which one is that?10:18
huats(you know the HIG compliant stuff)10:18
s1024kbnorsetto: thank you. May i ask you the same question again? I want to download all the tools but don't know how to do...10:18
norsettohuats: right, becuase its a wish .....10:18
huatsbug 15447210:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 154472 in conduit "Conduit's menu item is not HIG-compliant" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15447210:19
huatsit is a wish right10:19
huatsbut it is also something not correct...10:19
huatsand since there is a patch...10:19
norsettohuats: yes, thats why its not invalid, or won't fix10:19
huatsotherwise it'll be won't fix ?10:20
huatsnorsetto: because it is a too simple pb ?10:20
norsettohuats: I don't think is a good idea to implement this change in ubuntu, its not something that its necessary, its a nice to have, and will obl;ige us to have a delta with debian everytime we merge10:21
lidbFujitsu, persia, it works, thanks.10:21
huatsnorsetto: ok10:21
huatsnorsetto: I understand your point10:21
persialidb: Good to hear.10:21
norsettohuats: so, you did the right thing, found the fix, and forwarded it to debian and upstream10:21
huatsnorsetto: ok ok10:21
Fujitsulidb: Great.10:21
norsettohuats: if they don't act, we might do it ourselves, vbut lets give them some time, ok?10:22
huatsnorsetto: of course10:22
huatsnorsetto: I was just curious... remember I am french10:22
norsettos1024kb: to download the tools just use your preferred package manager10:22
s1024kbnorsetto: may i use apt-get in my terminal?10:23
norsettos1024kb: if you are on ubuntu, use synaptics, or apt-get, or aptitude10:23
norsettos1024kb: yes, of course you can, just remember that you need super user rights, so prefix it with sudo10:24
s1024kbnorsetto: i know. i saw a lot of packages on the web page, but don't know which one to download.10:24
norsettos1024kb: ok, which web page? In the packaging guide?10:25
s1024kbnorsetto: for example, the link you sent to me: http://dad.dunnewind.net/10:26
norsettos1024kb: ok, if you look there you will see its talking about a script, called grab-merge.sh?10:27
norsettos1024kb: you see, on the second row from the top?10:27
norsettos1024kb: if you click there you can download it to your disk and use it10:28
s1024kbnorsetto: Ah, yes, so i run this script and the tools will be downloaded and installed in my Ubuntu?10:29
norsettos1024kb: no, that script IS already the tool (one of the many we use)10:29
s1024kbnorsetto: ... how and when to use the script?10:30
* persia finds merges easier without grab-merge.sh10:30
norsettos1024kb: that script is used when you want to do merges10:30
norsettos1024kb: do you know what a merge is?10:31
s1024kbnorsetto: kind of understand, kind of not...10:32
gnomefreakwhatever you do use it in its own folder dont run it in ~/10:32
persiagnomefreak: :)10:32
* gnomefreak learned my lesson10:33
FujitsuIt does prompt nowadays, doesn't it?10:33
gnomefreakFujitsu: not sure after i did that i listened to the warnings on the sites10:33
s1024kbnorsetto: in restricted and multiverse there are also a script with the same name. I guess that they are not the same, each one for different usage?10:33
norsettos1024kb: I never checked, but it should be the same one10:34
s1024kbnorsetto: they're used for merging all kinds of packages?10:35
s1024kbnorsetto: i will read them later carefully and see what the script is doing, haha.10:35
norsettos1024kb: yes, you just use it with the name of the package, like "./grab-merge.sh yappy" and it will download and install all necessary packages10:36
norsettos1024kb: remember that you need to set the excutable bit, with chmod (chmod +x grab-merge.sh)10:36
* gnomefreak needs to do a few merges to freshen up :(10:37
s1024kbnorsetto: yes, i know, i had just learned that...haha. And is there any other tools i must download?10:37
norsettos1024kb: I guess you already installed the build-essential package?10:37
s1024kbnorsetto: no. where and how i can get them?10:38
norsettos1024kb: since you know apt-get, with it, like this "sudo apt-get install build-essential"10:38
gnomefreakapt-get install build-essential fakeroot10:38
StevenHarperUKHi im looking10:39
* gnomefreak always grabs fakeroot ;)10:39
norsettos1024kb: you also need devscripts10:39
StevenHarperUKHi I am looking for MOTU's to review my Package on REVU : I currently have 0 advocations : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=44410:39
gnomefreaks1024kb: you may have to run sudo apt-get build-dep packagename10:39
s1024kbnorsetto: ok. so how to get the devscripts?10:40
norsettos1024kb: well, you should know by now ... try to guess10:40
* geser builds inside a pbuilder so his working environment doesn't get polluted by -dev packages10:40
gnomefreaki use chroot most of time10:40
gnomefreaki havent set up hardy chroot so i build on my hardy install10:40
s1024kbnorsetto: ... maybe i will find the answer in the documents... ? Haha, i must read them carefully again this evening... yesterday i was in a rush.10:41
norsettos1024kb: what command did you use to install build-essential? Why not using the same for devscripts?10:42
s1024kbnorsetto: thank you. apt-get? haha.:)10:42
gnomefreaks1024kb: everything you need is in the repos so apt-get will get everything10:43
norsettos1024kb: I think that before doing some packaging, you should really get to know the OS better10:43
s1024kbnorsetto: i am new to Ubuntu, but i guess that i will be smart enough to understand all these things... being a Windows programmer it's really not an easy thing, but i love it.10:43
gnomefreakoh hell i know the OS and merges still giv eme issues ;)10:44
norsettos1024kb: yes, but I'm afraid you want to do too much too soon10:44
s1024kbnorsetto: that's the property of all programmers i guess...;)10:45
norsettos1024kb: which makes it much more difficult, as I said, one step at a time, get confortable with the OS first, especially with the CLI (Command Line Interface)10:45
gnomefreakmv gnomefreak /chair/ubuntu /usr/bed/sleep10:45
norsettos1024kb: and with the file system10:45
s1024kbnorsetto: just can not wait because i understand that life is too short. but i try to tell myself to be patient.10:45
persiagnomefreak: You're taking your chair to bed?10:46
gnomefreaknope better not be ;)10:46
norsettos1024kb: you should really first read a good book on the basics of linux (or unix)10:46
StevenHarperUKgnomefreak: shouln't that be  mv gnomefreak /chair/ubuntu /home/gnomefreak/bed/sleep10:46
gnomefreakgood book official ubuntu book :)10:46
gnomefreakStevenHarperUK: point10:46
s1024kbnorsetto: i had took the courses when i was in University, but not so deep ones.10:46
norsettos1024kb: <gnomefreak> good book official ubuntu book :)10:46
persias1024kb: Alternately, play with the system for a few months, and get familiar. with the quirks.  There's lots of docs in /usr/share/doc/, although you'll find yourself recursing frequently10:47
s1024kbnorsetto: haha, got 2 of that book, English version and Chinese version.:)10:47
StevenHarperUKBooks are good, but you can't beat using the OS and just following and reading Policy docs to understand where and why everything is where it is10:47
s1024kbpersia: thank you, i will do.:)10:48
gesergnomefreak: mv: target '/usr/bed/sleep' is not a directory10:48
s1024kbnorsetto, persia, these days i feel like paradise with Ubuntu... i had never experienced it. Very happy.10:49
norsettognomefreak: when you start talking like that its a good sign that a break MUST be taken10:49
persiageser: Can't a bed hold multiple objects?  Seems like to models a directory :)10:49
norsettognomefreak: and I'm not talking about a break:10:49
norsettos1024kb: yes, persia has that effect on many people :-)10:50
geserpersia: true, I hope gnomefreak prefers someone else next to him in the bed instead of his chair :)10:50
persiageser: No, it's clearly the chair.10:50
s1024kbnorsetto: i guess that i don't have "a few months" as what persia said. I can only give myself "a few weeks". ...10:51
persias1024kb: Why?  Is there an external pressure to know the system quickly?10:51
norsettos1024kb: it takes what it takes, we will see10:51
s1024kbpersia: no, because i had promised...10:52
persias1024kb: Ah.  Towards which goal?10:52
StevenHarperUKHi MOTU's anyone fancy reviewing my package on REVU again, I am almost certain there is nothing left to find :P - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=44410:53
s1024kbpersia: i had told all my friends that i am a MOTU... i can not let them down. What i see is, people around had changed their life because i brought Ubuntu to them, and they want to become MOTUs too. I must learn faster, to teach them...10:54
gesertough goal10:54
persias1024kb: That's hard in a few weeks.  It was two years between when I started contributing and joined MOTU.  On the other hand, there's no reason you can't help your friends without being MOTU.10:55
StevenHarperUKI would never have the time to be a MOTU, I just want to contribute by making and packaging software, that I think ubuntu needs / or has gaps....10:56
s1024kbpersia: i understand. But i want to become skillful in this way - i can know more about the system and become a specialist among them, so that they can rely on me...10:56
persias1024kb: I'd suggest learning about debugging tools: if you can track down your friends bugs, and generate simple patches (in C, C++, python, perl, Eiffel, whatever), it's usually not hard to get the patches in.  With a little more effort, you can get your name in the changelog, and your friends will be suitably impressed.10:56
Fujitsupersia: What did Eiffel do to make it onto that list?10:56
persiaFujitsu: Provided a glade plugin :)10:56
s1024kbpersia: we are people from a "broken inner world", i got healed by Ubuntu, and i know that my friends need it too...10:57
persias1024kb: Understood.  The other option is to become a support specialist, rather than a developer.  Learn about how the major subsystems interact, and help them to make their systems work.10:58
s1024kbpersia: now i am much stronger than the begining days i got Ubuntu from my boss's hand - i really thank him, for the great day.10:58
s1024kbpersia: i am a developer and my interest is programming... yes, i also have interest in supporting - actually i had already doing this in my company.10:59
StevenHarperUKHi, I know there is a conference on today (and the next few days), will anyone be reviewing packages on REVU today or in the next few days?11:00
persias1024kb: Excellent.  I suspect you'll keep making progress, I just warn you that the unix way is acquired by experience, rather than well documented, and is best  learned by exploring, rather than attempting to do things immediately.11:00
persiaStevenHarperUK: Not as much as recently.  There is a REVU day scheduled for the 5th, after which things should pick up again.11:01
s1024kbpersia: thank you very much for your advice. I had dived into it and could not get out...:)11:01
StevenHarperUKpersia: thanks, where would I find that schedule, so I can stop bugging you guys....11:01
* norsetto wonders how many times StevenHarperUK will keep asking for his package to be reviewed between now and the 5th11:01
StevenHarperUKnorsetto: once a day : I won't bug more than that.....11:02
* norsetto stopped counting after 10 (he doesn't have enough fingers)11:02
persiaStevenHarperUK: It's published in the minutes of the MOTU meetings.  Also, being careful to not ask for a review more than one in 24 hours (people define "day" differently, depending on timezone) may help.  Too many requests, and people may not review.11:02
StevenHarperUKnorsetto: I only just got the info if the scheduled day, so You wont hear me again today11:02
* norsetto discovers he has feet too! Another 10 good fingers to include .....11:02
s1024kbnorsetto, persia: good bye everyone, i must go home now for dinner. Bye and thank you very much.11:03
* persia passes norsetto a hint about using one's digits as bits11:03
norsettos1024kb: bye, take it easy! (I mean it ...)11:03
s1024kbnorsetto: thank you, i will.11:04
* _nand_ tells norsetto to use the chinese way : ten per hard11:04
norsettopersia: hey, I'm a 20 bits microprocessor ;-)11:04
StevenHarperUKpersia: Yes I am sorry about asking a lot - I have had lots of help from you guys (MOTU's) and I have learned lots and lots about packaging.11:04
persianorsetto: Assuming you never have to count abscenses, you ought to be able to reach 1048575 without too much trouble :)11:05
norsettopersia: I'm working on my southbridge right now11:05
persianorsetto: Good luck.  I've never been able to properly maintain overflows (insufficient prehensility)11:06
gesernorsetto: doesn't have men also a 21st bit?11:07
norsettogeser: some even a byte ;-)11:08
Fujitsunorsetto: O_O11:08
* persia warns that suggestive language may not be appropriate...11:08
norsetto!language | norsetto11:08
FujitsuIt's approaching inappropriate, but not terrible.11:09
* StevenK appears.11:20
* persia cheers stevenk11:20
StevenKAnd geez Boston is cold this morning11:20
* jpatrick greets StevenK11:20
geserHi StevenK11:21
StevenK"Temperature: 3.0C"11:21
StevenK"Feels like: -1.2C"11:21
persiaStevenK: Did you misplace a decimal point?11:21
StevenKpersia: I did not.11:21
* persia has reduced envy for people in Boston11:22
StevenKpersia: I'm used to Australian summer temperatures - where they start at 12, not 4x less than that.11:22
persiaIt's 24 here11:23
StevenKSend it here, I'll swap. :-)11:23
Fujitsu15.7° here.11:23
geserit's 9°C here11:23
persiaStevenK: I'd be happy to split the difference :)11:23
StevenKpersia: :-)11:23
* Fujitsu would prefer Boston, because of both the temperature and event.11:23
persiaFujitsu: 15.7 is too warm?11:24
Fujitsupersia: I like much cooler.11:24
StevenKFujitsu: I daresay you could have gotten sponsorship - if the parents would actually let you go, that is.11:25
persiaFujitsu: If you come here, make sure it's between December and February :)11:25
FujitsuStevenK: I might try for the next one.. I have exams starting in 6 days, so couldn't have gone anyway.11:26
norsettopersia: I thought you were in oz?11:26
FujitsuNot sure why exactly I'd be sponsored.11:26
persianorsetto: No.  I'm in Tokyo.11:26
norsettopersia: ah!11:26
norsettonorsetto: there must be a logic, persia is in tokyo and fujitsu is in Australia11:27
StevenKFujitsu: Mmmm. Fun. I have two exams, one on the 13th (and I get back into .au on the 12th), and a deferred exam on the 19th11:27
persianorsetto: One doesn't tend to carry local names.  Were I in Medea, I'd likely change my nick11:27
StevenKFujitsu: You've done an awful lot for MOTU, and I daresay you would have useful contributions to make to any specs discussed.11:28
* StevenK runs off to have a shower and get ready.11:29
persiaFujitsu: Definitely apply for the next one if you haven't been.  You're a mainstay of our QA efforts.11:29
Fujitsupersia: I shall try.11:30
* StevenK high fives persia 11:30
Fujitsu(and hopefully have more time for Ubuntu stuff in a couple of weeks once the damn exams are done)11:30
FujitsuStevenK: I doubt I've done enough, but I will try. If I can work out how.11:30
geserHi Hobbsee11:31
FujitsuEvening, Hobbsee.11:31
stanihi emmet, are you here?11:33
Hobbseepersia: poke11:34
persiastani: Yes, although I don't usually carry that nick here.  It's a good idea to check people's LP pages for their IRC nicks to make sure they highlight.11:34
* persia steals Hobbsee's stick, and pokes back11:34
persiastani: Have you read the SRU page?11:35
stanipersia: I am reading it.11:36
stanipersia: shall I follow the complete procedure on the wiki: propose & prepare? No problem.11:39
stanipersia: I mean prepare & test11:39
persiastani: I thought you'd already completed those stages :)11:40
stanipersia: have to lunch, I'll be back11:40
persiastani: Ideally, you'd want to find a hardy tester to make sure the problem is gone, but this early in the cycle there aren't many users.11:40
persiastani: OK.  I'll catch you after lunch.11:41
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slangasekazeem: not yet uploaded, but it's at 0.33 and will be sent to experimental and people.d.o soon12:04
slangasekazeem: and you can cope with cmake yourself, I've already achieved my goal of getting motosync working :)12:05
Mezsiretart, ping ?12:05
Mezor any revu admin12:07
persiaMez: What do you need done?12:07
HobbseeMez: enocontext.12:08
Mezpersia, my revu account seems to have been dissapeared - I need it readded ;)12:08
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persiaMez: When did you last log in?12:08
fernandomoin all12:08
FujitsuMez: ~ubuntu-dev had new accounts created. Should be the primary address on LP.12:08
Mezpersia, a good few months ago12:08
persiaMez: Before or after the security thing?  Also, can you not log in, or not comment?12:09
MezFujitsu, hmmles.. well my mez@ubuntu.com WAS a revu admin last time I logged in ?12:09
Mezpersia, cannot login, says no account for me when I try and recover12:09
persiaFujitsu: I thought it was last-changelog-entry account...12:09
Mezpersia, security thing ?12:09
Fujitsupersia: Oh, possibly.12:09
FujitsuMez: There was a security issue on many of the Canonical community servers.12:09
persiaMez: There was an incident.  REVU accounts were wiped, and some restored.  Yours would have been restored.12:10
Fujitsutiber (which hosted REVU) is no longer.12:10
Mezpersia, it wasnt ..12:10
persiaHmm..  The email address you put up before should have worked (from what I can tell from dates & changelogs)12:11
Mezpersia,  ??12:11
Mez   login for user "mez@ubuntu.com" failed, please retry or recover12:11
MezNo REVU account for mez@ubuntu.com exists yet.12:11
Mezdoes anyone here have access to re-create my account ?12:13
persiaMez: That's awfully odd.  You could upload something, but that wouldn't give you review rights.  I'm surprised it doesn't work based on the key sync (and that definitely happened in the last few months).12:13
Mezso it has my key ?12:13
persiaMez: The accounts don't work quite like that.  You get one when you upload, or if your key gets sync'ed.  It should have your key, because you're -dev12:14
Mezand it's for review rights ;)12:14
Hobbseego ahead and upload something, then i can change the reviewer status12:14
MezHobbsee, got nothing to upload12:14
Mezunless you wanna nuke it afteR?12:14
persiaMez: Then upload dpkg :)12:14
Fujitsupersia: Key syncing doesn't imply account creation.12:14
persiaFujitsu: No?  I don't remember uploading anything, but my memory may be faulty12:15
Fujitsupersia: The keys just control what is accepted. If something is accepted with a key that hasn't been seen before (but it won't get this far without being on the keyring), an account is created.12:15
persiaFujitsu: Hrm.  That makes sense, based on how I know REVU works, but I think there is another way (and can neither remember the command nor access REVU right now)12:16
* Mez uploads12:16
DktrKranzpersia, I received a reply from aolserver4 maintainer stating there's no transition or such. He will gradually update aolserver4-* modules, but there's no hurry to do so right now, so I think it can be safe to merge it12:19
azeemslangasek: ok12:21
persiaDktrKranz: There must be at least something.  aolserver4 split into aolserver4 (really aolserver4d) and aolserver4-code (really libaolserver4).  I haven't dug into the Debian package must (after the final release freeze is the wrong time to request an UVFe :) ), but I think that aolserver4-dev does the right thing anyway.  Still, it's probably best that we load things in the right order, as I don't imagine either of us really want to look at the 12:22
HobbseeMez: Altering mez@ubuntu.com to level reviewer12:22
MezHobbsee, so no longer an admin ? :'(12:23
HobbseeMez: you'd presumably need to take that up with siretart?12:23
MezI need a password though12:23
Hobbseethere's a p/w set - you should be able to recover it12:23
persiaMez: admin requires oddities due to the security restrictions.12:23
DktrKranzpersia, your string has been cut after "really want to look at the"12:23
azeemslangasek: did you change the soname of libopensync?12:23
* persia hates buffers "...really want to look at the packages again :)"12:24
DktrKranzhehe... got it12:24
Mezpersia, oddities?12:24
persiaMez: As in, one needs to pass through some extra considerations.  I don't know all the details, but understand that the security issue was exacerbated by some local account, so there's new restrictions.12:26
MezHobbsee, can you nuke the katapult upload12:26
Mezpersia, *shrugs*12:26
DktrKranzanyway, I'll check to see if there are some issues by testing a couple of packages and eventually propose it for merge12:26
persiaDktrKranz: OK.  Let me know if you need any extra testing, or I can be any help.  I really don't want ldconfig.real :)12:27
HobbseeMez: why not test if you can?12:27
DktrKranzpersia, just to save me a couple of minutes, do you remember why you pushed such change? any error during configure or similar issues?12:28
MezHobbsee, I don't have a nuke button thats why12:28
IntuitiveNippleCan anyone help me work out how to add a new quilt patch to kvm? I was trying to follow the MOTU/School/PatchingSources guide but it recommends creating a symlink from debian/patches to patches, but in this case there are patches in both locations already so I'm unsure how to proceed (symlink causes a patches/patches broken link)12:28
DktrKranzIntuitiveNipple, try with "export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches" first12:29
persiaDktrKranz: The old package had the daemon and the library in the same binary package, and tried to start the daemon in the postinst.  Because of the deferred ldconfig trigger emulation, the daemon couldn't start (could not access the library).  Since aolserver4-dev depended on aolserver4, this meant that any package the build-depended on aolserver4-dev would FTBFS if the ldconfig trigger was enabled.12:30
DktrKranzok, thanks12:30
slangasekazeem: I didn't change the soname from what upstream changed it to (?)12:31
persiaDktrKranz: I think that it's likely fixed with the package split, so my change can be dropped.  It just needs testing with the merged client packages, which is why I poked you :)12:32
IntuitiveNippleDktrKranz: So basically ommit the symlink step?12:32
azeemslangasek: I think they changed it to 1 for the 0.3x development series, but don't plan to change it to 2 for the 0.40 stable release; however, they reserve the right to change API during the following 0.3x releases12:32
DktrKranzhehe, I will do in the next few days, thanks for the quick explanation12:32
DktrKranzIntuitiveNipple, yes12:33
IntuitiveNippleDktrKranz: Thanks... I'll give it a go :p12:33
DktrKranzIntuitiveNipple, this way quilt is instructed to look for patches in that directory12:33
IntuitiveNippleDktrKranz: Yes, the guide shows doing the export after setting up the symlink... I'll see how it goes :)12:33
slangasekazeem: which is fine, it just means we get to hit them with a stick until they do something sensible12:34
slangasekazeem: but the 0.33 can't be 0 because 0 is already used for an incompatible ABI :)12:34
DktrKranzI never created a symlink, it worked good without it :)12:34
azeemslangasek: my idea was to pretend 0.19 doesn't exist and keep 0.3x libopensync0 in experimental till 0.40 is released, then bump to 1 and upload to unstable12:36
azeembut ok, I see how this might not be popular with everybody12:36
Hobbseebluekuja: Revu does not accept binaries.12:37
Hobbseebluekuja: please make sure you only upload *sources*12:38
viviersfajmitch, ping. Just need to ask you a favour12:40
zulhes probably gone to bed12:40
Hobbseebluekuja: if you did not know, the ubuntu archive does *also* not accept binaries, and will silently reject them.12:42
Hobbseebluekuja: please be more careful with your uploads in future.12:42
FujitsuHobbsee: Isn't it loud about rejecting them?12:42
FujitsuI'm sure it complained at me when I did it once.12:42
HobbseeFujitsu: unsure.12:42
HobbseeFujitsu: i know some cases get silently rejected12:42
HobbseeFujitsu: but, i havent been silly enough to upload a binary package there12:43
FujitsuAFAIK the only silent rejection cause is when an upload is signed by an unknown key, or not signed at all.12:43
Hobbseei've only tried with unknown kye12:43
Hobbseeno, unsigned.12:43
Fujitsu(unknown meaning not known at all by LP, not just not in the appropriate keyring)12:44
HobbseeStevenharperUK has appeared to upload stuff without a changes file.12:45
* Hobbsee ponders if the penalties for violating all the documentation that exists should have a harsher penalty for MOTU's than non-MOTU's.12:49
Hobbseeseeing as, y'know, if they're getting that wrong, do we even want to contemplate what else they're getting wrong?  (either by not paying attention, or just by ignorance?)12:50
Hobbseeand they can upload without restraint....12:51
joejaxximbrandon: the reason is the default settings uses dpkg-divert :P no one like that here :P12:54
joejaxxpwnguin: it is not only me there are quite an amount of other people working on fluxbuntu12:54
zulHobbsee: i really dont know how to use patch ;)12:55
Hobbseezul: i was thinking more simple things.12:55
joejaxximbrandon: hopefully we get that fixed12:55
zulusing patch is simple :)12:55
Hobbseewhat the frick?12:58
Hobbseebluekuja: okay, you're not going to get larted.  unless you're signing by a differnet key12:58
Hobbsee Pedro Fragoso (Key) <emberez@gmail.com>, however, is.12:58
persiaember: ping13:00
FujitsuHobbsee: I like the comment on that key.13:00
HobbseeFujitsu: indeed.13:00
siretartMez: pong13:03
persiaIf stani comes back whilst I am away: stani is spe upstream SRUing spe, and seeks a hand with process.  Please provide guidance :)13:04
Mezsiretart, was sorted out above, was wondering where my REVU account had gone! (lol - seeing as I *was* an admin and then when wennt to review had no account - I'm back as a reviewer now - unless you want me to stull be admin then thats fine  by me)13:04
siretartMez: ok13:05
slangasekazeem: well, upstream has already used .so.1 for 0.33, and 0.19 is in etch... if you want 0.40 to keep 1 as the soname, that's still ok with me as long as 0.33 is confined to experimental, but I don't see the advantage to modifying 0.33 to lie about it being equal to 0.19, instead of keeping the same and lying about it being equal to 0.4013:08
slangasekazeem: also, using 1 in experimental avoids users accidentally breaking their stable systems by importing it, as opposed to only breaking unstable systems13:09
norsettohi proppy13:18
proppynorsetto: going to eat brb13:19
norsettoproppy: bon appetit13:19
joejaxx /win 29013:20
ion_290? :-)13:22
IntuitiveNippleAnother question about quilt patching: To add documentation about a patch is it as simple as adding the test to the start of the debian/patches/xx_name.patch file after all quilt operations are complete (after quilt pop -a) ?13:22
joejaxxion_: lol13:23
brooniequilt supports header editing - the command is 'quilt header'13:23
broonie(quilt header -e is what you want most of the time.)13:23
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: I tried that but it didn't appear to change anything13:23
broonieTried what exactly?13:23
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: The file remained in /tmp after editing but wasn't applied to the patch after I'd done "quilt refresh" and "quilt pop -a"13:24
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: Tried "quilt header -e" after "quilt push -a"13:24
brooniepush/pop don't matter too much except that the default patch to work on is the current patch.13:24
broonieYou shouldn't need to do anything except 'quilt header -e'13:25
StevenHarperUKHi, my last review on REVU states that : Needs Python Review : How do I get one of these?13:26
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: Yes, I'd just created a new patch and was trying to add the documentation. I was reading the Debian guide on this but it just said to add the documentation to the top of the patch file itself. I found the 'header' option in man myself and tried it but it didn't change the top patch, eith in .pc or after refresh, in debian/patches13:26
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: I'll try it again13:26
ScottK2StevenHarperUK: Does your package use a distutils setup.py (I think we discussed this before, but don't recall for sure).13:27
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: 'quilt applied' shows me the patch I want as at the top, so I should now do  'quilt header -e', yes?13:27
skimathi ho13:27
StevenHarperUKScottK2: No it doesn't: all the packaging bits are fixed now : and I have followed all the Python Packaging Guides13:27
skimati d like to switch virtual desktop while hovering the 2icons and scrolling the wheel : this is a suggestion feature request13:27
broonieIntuitiveNipple: Yes.13:29
ScottK2StevenHarperUK: I may (emphasize may) have time to look at it this week.  I've sort of resigned from reviewing, but may make an exception if I have time while I'm at UDS today and tomorrow.13:30
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: -e should still work if the patch file doesn't current contain a header, yes? (because it isn't changing it)13:31
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: To clarify, currently the patch doesn't have a header13:31
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: Strangely, if I've added the header manually, 'quilt header' shows it as expected13:32
StevenHarperUKScottk2: Ta I presume a Python review is just done my a MOTU then?13:34
azeemslangasek: so once libopensync1 gets into unstable, how do we make sure our beta testers don't get burnt with their experimental libopensync1?  By conflicting against the old front-end, forcing a mass-update?13:34
ScottK2StevenHarperUK: I haven't looked, but I suspect they just wanted someone familiar with Python policy to review it.13:34
ScottK2StevenHarperUK: Yes.13:34
StevenHarperUKScottK2: Right so it's a just a MOTU review by someone who knows python then :p13:34
StevenHarperUKScottK2: ta for the info13:35
IntuitiveNippleA last quilt question. To create the new source package diff do I need to delete quilt's .pc/ directory first to prevent it showing up in the source diff?13:35
slangasekazeem: could do that; or rename the library package to libopensync1debian1 or something and conflict with libopensync1?13:35
broonieYes, it should work fine. What's your $EDITOR?13:36
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: gedit13:37
azeemslangasek: well, I wanted to avoid strange library names if possible, but I guess we can live with it13:38
slangasekazeem: or I could upload to experimental as "libopensync1pre"?13:39
slangasekif we're really sure that upstream is going to screw up 0.4013:39
slangasek(which I don't have too much doubt about, myself...)13:39
azeemwell, they say distributions shouldn't package 0.3x....13:39
slangasekthat's no excuse. :)13:39
slangasekand I'm not going to sit around twiddling my thumbs waiting for them to further screw around with the build system before getting syncing to my SLVR L7 going13:40
azeemslangasek: they promised 0.34 for the last weekend; maybe we can wait till that?13:40
azeemor I should check out svn and see what the status is13:40
broonieIntuitiveNipple: Try with vi or pico, just to check13:41
IntuitiveNippleI used gedit ok for the source-code edit when I did 'quilt edit ...'. I'm doing the entire process again since I forgot to edit the changelog before debuild so I'll try it with nano :)13:42
slangasekazeem: what's the advantage of waiting for 0.34?13:42
azeemif they screwed up the scons->cmake transition for the library versioning, we wouldn't have to clean that up as well13:43
azeembut that looks unlikely13:43
bluekujaHobbsee, huh?13:46
bluekujaHobbsee, I didnt upload anything to revu13:46
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: 'header -e' worked OK with gedit when I did between 'edit ...' and 'refresh' - previously I was doing it after I'd created and refreshed. Don't know why that'd make a difference.13:46
Hobbseebluekuja: yes, i said later13:47
bluekujaHobbsee, wrong person?13:47
Hobbseebluekuja: someone's uploaded with your changelog entry, and signed with their key13:48
bluekujalink please13:48
slangasekazeem: ok.  well, this is work I'm doing right now anyway, because I have local access to bluetooth expertise and want to plow through getting everything working that I care about, so my preference is certainly to get this all pushed somewhere that others could benefit :)13:48
FujitsuHobbsee: Yay, inverse sponsoring.13:48
azeemslangasek: are you interested in getting "Windows mobile stuff" working as well?13:49
slangasekwhat's that? :)13:49
Hobbseebluekuja: it was said above.13:49
bluekujaHobbsee, yes, do you have a link for the revu page?13:50
azeemI mentioned talking to "a ubuntu guy" in #opensync, and the resident conduit-opensync-glue-all-together guy wanted to talk to this ubuntu guy about "windows mobile stuff"13:50
Hobbseewell, there might be a public one somewhere.  i dont konw.13:50
azeemslangasek: it's about making those daemons you need to talk to WindowsCE devices just work13:51
bluekujaember, is emberez@gmail.com your mail?13:51
bluekujaHobbsee, anyway thanks for pinging me13:53
bluekujaHobbsee, I know the archive doesnt accept binaries13:54
bluekujaI gonna listen what ember will say13:54
bluekujaabout this13:54
bluekujahere it is13:55
amachubluekuja: hi13:56
bluekujaamachu, hi13:56
amachubluekuja: had a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdmm/+bug/15624313:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 156243 in qtdmm "Merge qtdmm 0.8.10-1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Incomplete]13:57
amachuis it fine?13:57
amachusubscribe to u-u-s mean to give the u-u-s id to 'Subscribe someone else'? am i right?13:58
bluekujaamachu, yes13:58
bluekujathat's it13:58
amachushall i do it now?13:58
bluekujaamachu, yes, I'll take a look at it when I have some spare minutes13:59
amachubluekuja: sure.. what next?14:00
amachusome more things to merge?14:00
bluekujaamachu, just wait me or another developer to check it14:00
amachubluekuja: sure :-)14:01
bluekujaamachu, yes, check the channel topic14:01
amachui will loo into them14:01
amachuthank you14:01
bluekujanp, thanks to you14:01
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bddebianHeya gang14:47
ScottK2Heya bddebian.14:47
norsettohi bddebian, hi scottk14:48
ScottK2Heya norsetto.14:48
norsettoscottk2: I hear its pretty chilly in Boston today14:49
ScottK2Not for Boston.14:49
bddebianHi ScottK2, norsetto14:50
joejaxxhello all14:51
bddebianHeya joejaxx14:53
warp10norsetto: ping15:14
norsettowarp10: pong15:14
warp10norsetto: I was looking this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/15359715:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153597 in cryptsetup "cryptsetup doesn't understand UUID= in crypttab" [Undecided,New]15:15
warp10norsetto: the proposed debdiff just contains the patch for the source, not for changelog (and control, and so on)15:15
warp10norsetto: in a situation like this, can I use that patch to fix the bug, and then create a complete debdiff to be reviewd by u-u-s?15:16
ScottK2warp10: You can.15:17
norsettowarp10: in theory yes, but that goes to main as well, so its u-m-s15:17
warp10ScottK, norsetto: ok, great.15:18
warp10norsetto: being a main package, is it an appropriate bug for a beginner (like... say... me!) or better I stay off?15:19
norsettowarp10: the packaging bit yes, but you should talk with somebody in main to check if the patch is really worth it15:19
norsettowarp10: like pitti, who uploaded it last15:20
azeemslangasek: so, the currently active opensync developer says "I hope so" if asked whether the library name will remain unchanged until 0.4015:21
warp10norsetto: ok, I'll email him. In the meantime I will create the debdiff, just as an exercise. :)15:21
azeemslangasek: so using a debian-specific soname for now looks like a good solution to me15:21
norsettowarp10: you can also attach it to the bug report15:22
warp10norsetto: roger!15:22
norsettowarp10: and an email may not be the best solution, try to talk to him, he is usually hanging around in #ubuntu-dev15:22
norsettowarp10: even though he is presumably busy with the UDS right now15:22
warp10norsetto: whois says he is not online :(15:23
azeemslangasek: maybe call it libopensync1pre0 (or pre1?) anticipating further breakage until 0.4015:23
lifelessI'm anticipating continual breakage15:23
lifelessthey don't understand abi change == soname change15:24
norsettowarp10: yeah, i think its still a bit early there, what is it now scottk, 8:30am?15:24
azeemlifeless: the person I suspect didn't undestand it (abauer) doesn't seem to be heavily involved anymore15:24
azeemdgollub appears to be more reasonable15:24
norsettowarp10: do you now how to patch a source file?15:25
norsettowarp10: s/now/know15:26
slangasekazeem: and why is the ABI going to break between now and 0.40?15:26
warp10norsetto: I was just reading "man patch". Any hint?15:26
norsettowarp10: there is a good intro here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources15:27
norsettowarp10: to check what patch system is being used, you can use what-patch from the ubuntu-dev-tools package15:28
azeemslangasek: 0.3x is their development series, they make no guarantees15:28
azeemit /might/ break15:28
warp10norsetto: ok, great! Thanks! :-)15:29
norsettowarp10: let us know if you have problems15:29
slangasekazeem: righto15:31
=== Gasteen is now known as Gasten
affluxHi. I just got two sync requests ready, anyone might ack them? They're bug 157136 and bug 15717215:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157136 in zeroinstall-injector "Please sync zeroinstall-injector 0.29-1  (universe) from Debianunstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15713615:57
norsettoafflux: have you subscribed u-u-s?15:59
norsettoafflux: can you attach a build log?16:03
affluxthink so. will be ready in a minute.16:03
affluxnorsetto: ^16:03
norsettoafflux: thanks16:04
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warp10norsetto: in the changelog, should I move the distro to hardy or keep gutsy?16:06
norsettowarp10: we should prepare a patch for hardy, and if it is worth it, once accepted, we can prepare another for gutsy (its a different procedure since it is an SRU, Stable Release Update).16:07
affluxnorsetto: both buildlogs attached.16:09
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michele77hi all. I'd like to be helped to patch this bug 151530, if it's possible16:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 151530 in wine "user's profile shell folders should symlink to $XDG_XXX_DIR" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15153016:25
norsettoafflux: bug 157136 ak'ed to archive, thanks for your work16:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157136 in zeroinstall-injector "Please sync zeroinstall-injector 0.29-1  (universe) from Debianunstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15713616:26
norsettobug 15359716:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153597 in cryptsetup "cryptsetup doesn't understand UUID= in crypttab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15359716:33
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zulahh...blowing away a terabyte file system is strangely cathartic17:04
lucas__soren: ping17:08
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lucas__soren: could you upload ubuntu-dev-tools with the submittodebian patch?17:08
SWATjust checking, is this a good howto for building packages?  http://julien.danjou.info/buildd.html17:23
hellboy195can anybody tell me the link to the (merging) site where the different version numbers of the actual packages in debian and ubuntu are shown?17:59
ScottK2hellboy195: Either merges.ubuntu.com or DaD (see /topic)18:01
hellboy195ScottK: yes I meanted DaD. THX :D18:02
bmmJust because I'm curious: when will a source package like empathy 0.14 be build and what sets of the building process? (regarding: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/0.14-1ubuntu1/+build/425647 )18:07
bluekujahi ember18:08
crimsun_lionel: do you mind if I look at qjackctl 0.3.1a?18:08
geserbmm: when it moved its way up in the build queue18:10
bmmgeser: ah, there is a build queue... good to know. How long does something like that take?18:11
geserbmm: auto-sync got turned on a few days ago and a large batch of packages got synced at the same time18:11
geserbmm: I don't know how long it takes for a package to get build right now18:12
bmmWell, good to know it will be automatically evaluated.. I'll just be patient ;-)18:12
bmmgeser: thanks!18:12
TheMuso_Bostoncrimsun_: As I said earlier, if you don't have time to do qjackctl, I can have a look at it, thats if lionel doesn't mind either one of us doing it.18:25
nxvlhi you all!18:26
norsettonxvl: Hola18:35
norsettonxvl: did you talk with kevin?18:36
nxvlnorsetto: nop, i have just connected i read the messages a minute ago18:39
nxvlnorsetto: i will do it in a moment18:39
crimsun_TheMuso_Boston: (doing it ATM)18:40
norsettonxvl: sure18:40
TheMuso_Bostoncrimsun_: np then.18:47
lionelcrimsun_: please go on with qjackctl :)18:54
lionelcrimsun_: please go on with qjackctl18:54
crimsun_lionel: ok, thanks.18:56
TheMuso_Bostongah. Me needs to wait for a fs to resize before suspending...18:56
mtp_Per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU, can you guys please resync the GPG keys with REVU?19:30
blueyedChanges to config.guess and config.sub should get removed from a debdiff, shouldn't they?19:50
=== Solarion_ is now known as Solarion
slangasekblueyed: define "should" here please?19:50
blueyedslangasek: it seems to be autogenerated stuff (which I don't know). should=do not have to get removed, but would get rebuilded during build anyway??19:51
blueyedremoving them makes the diff smaller..19:52
slangasekblueyed: whether they get rebuilt at build time depends entirely on the specifics of the package19:53
blueyedslangasek: they got changed for "debuild -S" (I'm talking about dspam)19:54
sistpoty|UDSblueyed: there shouldn't be any difference in config.sub/guess after clean19:56
LaserJockanybody know if there's a wiki page yet for the packaging doc spec?19:56
sistpoty|UDShey LaserJock19:57
sistpoty|UDSLaserJock: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packaging-docs-revisited <- maybe that one19:57
sistpoty|UDSLaserJock: (this session just finished in the room I'm sitting in *g*19:58
LaserJocksistpoty|UDS: yes, I was listening in19:58
LaserJocksistpoty|UDS: at least trying too, it's really hard to hear anything19:58
slangasekblueyed: oh, I've reread your question; yes, for a debdiff that you're feeding to sponsors, it's simplest to strip out the config.guess/sub changes19:59
sistpoty|UDSLaserJock: oh, i c19:59
LaserJockI was trying to hear if you guys were saying "That Packaging Guide that LaserJock did is a real piece of ..." ;-)19:59
blueyedslangasek: ok, thanks.19:59
sistpoty|UDSLaserJock: we only mumbled this in the background :P20:00
LaserJockahhhh ;-)20:00
sistpoty|UDSk, break here, so I'm off again... cya20:02
pochukeescook: I've reported bug 158414. Would you mind looking at it, and if it's ok, accepting the tasks for the stable releases?20:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 158414 in wesnoth "denial of service in wesnoth client and server prior 1.2.7 release" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15841420:04
astimodeushey folks :D20:05
astimodeusmay I ask you a thing?20:05
pochuastimodeus: sure.20:06
astimodeus(well i'm asking anyway) do I need to send some bio/skills features to someone to become a perspective developer?20:06
astimodeus(well not features, infos)20:06
LaserJockastimodeus: no20:06
LaserJockjust start helping out20:07
astimodeusallright ty20:07
astimodeusi'm learning the ubuntu packaging system atm20:07
pwnguinthe only skills you need to be a prospective developer is debdiff ;)20:07
astimodeuseheh well you know i aim to become a motu too, so i'll just have to work hard and learn the most that i can20:08
ajmitchpwnguin: I'd say you need a bit more than that...20:09
LaserJockajmitch: really? ;-)20:10
astimodeusmarù sux20:10
pwnguinto be a _good_ prospect, sure.20:10
pochuTheMuso_Boston: I answered to you in bug 156436 (...since you are not subscribed...)20:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 156436 in wesnoth "wesnoth: merge new Debian version 1.2.7-2" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15643620:10
ajmitchLaserJock: though that's about all I have :P20:10
maru hi can anyone help me with a problem installing avant window manager?20:10
g2g591wrong channel20:11
=== cprov is now known as cprov-out
pwnguinhilarious uds title20:11
g2g591can some one take a look at my packaging of tightvnc 1.3.9? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=45320:12
maruhttp://pastebin.com/d7df08d79 this is the problem20:12
slangasekmaru: sorry, but this is not a user support channel; please see #ubuntu20:13
astimodeusmaru: sarai mica mara :D20:13
astimodeus(sorry for the language)20:13
maruyeah i've been asking for an hour and nobody answers20:13
maruare you italian?20:14
astimodeusmaru: so' mazzingaa fessa -_-20:14
pwnguindoesnt gutsy have an awm built?20:14
pwnguinbuild, even20:14
sharmsmaru: why doesnt this work for you? http://awn.wetpaint.com/page/UbuntuFeistyHowTo20:15
sharmsmaru: Process goes: 1.  Read website of package  2. Following instructions 3. If there is an issue, ask on their support channel  4. If their channel thinks its ubuntu specific ask on #ubuntu20:16
marubecause i wanted to install the svn20:16
sharmsThere is no #5 'ask in motu'20:16
marusorry i'm new to linux20:17
sharmsanywho, that link I sent works 100% in feisty and gutsy20:17
sharmsif there are changes or updates to the process I will update it there20:17
g2g591can some one take a look at my packaging of tightvnc 1.3.9? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=45320:19
proppynorsetto: here ?20:35
norsettoproppy: yes .....20:36
proppynorsetto: going to the copyright section of your comment20:36
proppynorsetto: did you noticed the fix I've uploaded on revu20:36
proppynorsetto: ?20:36
proppynorsetto: regarding general & changelog issue20:37
norsettoproppy: yes, it was good, I think you only forgot to add a note in changelog about the tarball format change20:38
proppynorsetto: I thought about it20:39
proppynorsetto: but I thought the changelog has to be Initial release if not publied ?20:40
proppynorsetto: cause I should also had a watch entry20:40
proppynorsetto: removal of the README file etc etc20:40
norsettoproppy: no, all these changes are pure packaging changes20:40
proppynorsetto: yep I know but even if the change are not publied yet (I mean on ubuntu repository)20:41
norsettopropy: a change of the tarball is not a package change, you are touching upstream work, so it should be reported in a visible way, especially for the next guy who is going to work on your package20:41
proppynorsetto: should I put them in the debian/changelog ?20:41
proppyoh ok20:41
proppynorsetto: I see20:41
proppynorsetto: so you mean ChangeLog and not debian/ChangeLog ?20:42
norsettoproppy: no, I really mean debian/changelog20:42
proppynorsetto: hmm ok20:42
norsettoproppy: its required in copyright, and its good practice to have it in changelog too20:42
proppynorsetto: in the same entry than Initial release ?20:43
norsettoproppy: just a sec20:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:45
proppynorsetto: I feel pretty uncomfortable that there is not changelog entry for all the stuff I'm doing20:45
proppynorsetto: but I guess, it's due to not-published-yet status20:45
norsettoproppy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42606/20:45
* norsetto 1 - proppy 020:46
norsettoproppy: they are not changes on a functioning product, they are mainly error correction, no need to keep a changelog20:46
proppynorsetto: ok20:47
norsettoproppy: you will see all the changes in revu anyhow20:47
proppynorsetto: I still have http://hg.mumble.aminche.com/ to keep track of them anyway20:47
* norsetto 1 - proppy 1 (zut)20:47
proppyShould I also add this to copyright20:48
proppymaybe It's in your upcoming comments20:48
proppylet me see20:48
norsettoproppy: for the copyright its a long work, there are many sources in that package, and you need to coordinate with upstream unfortunately20:49
cbx33hey hey guys20:50
norsettoproppy: an example on how to do it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42607/20:50
cbx33i was thinking is there a way to run a command when anybody logs in and out of hte server20:50
cbx33like via ssh or on the tty or gnome20:51
norsetto!support | cbx3320:51
ubotucbx33: the official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org20:51
cbx33norsetto, yes i am well aware of where the ubuntu support channel is20:52
ajmitchhey cbx33 :)20:52
cbx33hiya ajmitch20:52
cbx33long time bud20:52
cbx33howz it going20:52
ajmitchgood, what are you up to?20:52
cbx33ahh just helping out the brother in law20:53
cbx33and hacking around with WebDAV, DAV SVN and at the mo stitching in Hugin20:53
g2g591hey, can some one take a look at my packaging of tightvnc 1.3.9? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=46820:53
proppynorsetto: http://hg.mumble.aminche.com/rev/768ea1eb53e520:53
=== Kmos_ is now known as Kmos
norsettoproppy: ok20:54
proppynorsetto: http://hg.mumble.aminche.com/rev/80445c6f924020:54
norsettoproppy: yes, i was thinking that we should actually retain his date20:55
proppynorsetto: http://hg.mumble.aminche.com/rev/b4a1110dbb2020:55
cbx33what you up to ajmitch ?20:56
proppynorsetto: are the date innacurate ?20:56
ScottK2g2g591: There's REVU hacking going on right now at UDS, so it's possible REVU may be unavailble for a moment or two.20:56
norsettoproppy: well, I don't know why it was changed in my comment actually, I might have done something silly when pasting20:57
proppylet me look at the original changelog20:57
norsettoproppy: you have it in your diff20:57
nxvlfbond: ping20:57
ajmitchcbx33: the usual, work & doing various other small things20:58
ajmitchnot a lot of ubuntu stuff lately20:58
norsettoproppy: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 16:31:58 +020020:58
proppynorsetto: not Thorvald's one20:58
cbx33ajmitch, me neither20:58
norsettopropyy: which date then!?20:58
norsettoproppy: which date then!?20:58
proppynorsetto: how you're right20:59
proppy28 Sep 2006 16:31:58 +0200.20:59
proppyand mine should match the changelog as well20:59
proppy +It was subsequently modified and brought in line with the Debian policy by +Johan Euphrosine (proppy) on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 01:41:46 +020020:59
proppy   -- Johan Euphrosine (proppy) <proppy@aminche.com>  Mon, 29 Oct 2007 01:48:53 +000020:59
norsettoproppy: not necessarily20:59
norsettoproppy: you may use the date on the changelog to keep track of the package20:59
nxvlnorsetto: why you ask me if i talk to kevin, who's kevin? didn't you mean Forest?21:00
norsettoproppy: just update it when you upload, but don't upload every change ......21:00
norsettonxvl: thats upstream21:00
norsettonxvl: kevin dekorte21:00
proppynorsetto: yep21:00
Ahmucki'm interested in packaging for *buntu21:02
jussi01!packagingguide | Ahmuck, please read:21:03
ubotuAhmuck, please read:: The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports21:03
lifelessStevenK: mpt will be 10 minutes late21:04
jussi01Ahmuck: many people are at UDS atm, so please dont take it to heart if there is not much of a response.21:04
nxvlnorsetto: oh, k21:04
nxvlnorsetto: that evin21:04
norsettojussi01: well, perhaps ahmuck wants to ask a question?21:05
proppynorsetto: http://mumble.aminche.com/copyright.out21:06
norsettoproppy: I think licenses.h is screwing up your script ;-)21:07
norsettoproppy: and how do you know if there is no copyright? because thats something to tell upstream .....21:09
proppynorsetto: I just wanted to get a list to ask the authors about21:09
nxvlnorsetto: i'm writting him right now21:09
proppynorsetto: To Thorvald Natvig:21:09
proppyNorsetto and I noticed that there are additional authors quoted in some souces, should we also quote them in the copyright ?21:09
proppynorsetto: see the list below21:09
proppynorsetto: I will uniq the grep21:09
Ahmucki'm ok with no response.  there are several packages i would like to see, and getting them packaged is like pulling teeth, so i supposed i would do them myself21:09
norsettoproppy: yes, all copyright onwers shall be listed in copyright21:10
norsettoproppy: authors too, but if upstream has an AUTHORS file we can just point to it21:10
ScottK2norsetto: Actually for minor copyright holders (such at in a Makefile) they needn't be mentioned.  For licenses though you must be exhaustive.21:10
proppyno AUTHORS file21:11
norsettoscottk2: yes, I mean not autogenerated files21:12
siretartNOTICE: we are currently hacking a bit on revu. please expect breakage ;)21:12
* norsetto wonders what "hacking a bit" really hides21:13
ajmitchprobably implementing revu221:13
siretartwe are introducing stable urls for packages21:14
proppynorsetto: full list http://mumble.aminche.com/copyright.out21:14
wallyweekhi all!21:15
ajmitchsiretart: oh, so that you don't need to know the upload id? :)21:15
ScottK2ajmitch: Yes.  So you can put a stable link to a REVU package in the LP needs-packaging bug21:16
proppynorsetto: bug #129081 updated waiting for the upstream to comment21:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129081 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Mumble" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12908121:16
siretartajmitch: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=murx21:16
siretartlinks like that21:16
norsettoproppy: personally, I'd rather make a list of all points we need upstream action and send it once21:18
wallyweekshould I file a needs-packaging bug on LP for the packages I built on my own?21:18
norsettoproppy: I'm quite sure we need some for the licenses too21:19
proppynorsetto: ok so I should keep the work in progress of this list, in a file on mumble.aminche.com for example ?21:19
norsettowallyweek: why not? add a link to revu if your package is there21:19
norsettoproppy: well, if you check the sources, you will see some additional authors which are not copyright owners21:21
norsettoproppy: check my comment on revu21:21
norsettoproppy: plus a list of files which are missing either license or copyright21:21
proppynorsetto: I'm reading it right now, but isn't an authors, the copyright owner of his code by default ?21:21
proppynorsetto: how can you tell which are and which aren't ?21:22
ScottK2norsetto: If you look, you'll see that url by packagename is now on REVU and so URLs will be stable (thanks siretart), so there's probably some docs needs updating.21:22
ScottK2Also URLs won't be changing all the time.21:22
ajmitchsiretart: so how about comments from non-reviewers? maybe with some css table styling to tell them apart21:22
proppynorsetto: it seems that I mixed 2 different issue21:22
proppynorsetto: AUTHORS and Copyright owners21:22
norsettoproppy: yes, and the files missing both and/or the license header21:23
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-ting
nxvlnorsetto: y have just write him21:23
proppynorsetto: I hope you don't mean license.h by license header :)21:23
nxvlnorsetto: now i need only to wait for an answer21:24
proppynorsetto: thanks for all the info :)21:24
norsettoproppy: and the licenses, and the files which have "no preferred form of modification"21:24
norsettoproppy: and ask him about /installer21:24
proppynorsetto: "no preferred form of modification" ?21:25
norsettoproppy: don't let me repeat all my comments here, they are on revu21:25
norsettoproppy: yes, whats the problem with that?21:25
proppynorsetto: I just understand it :)21:26
* cyberix is lacking the brain power to parse version numberin chapter of the packaging guide.21:26
proppynorsetto: sorry for being slowminded :P21:26
cyberixFirst the example shows...21:26
cyberixhello (2.1.1-1) dapper; urgency=low21:26
cyberixAnd then the guide says you should use...21:26
LaserJockcyberix: yes21:26
LaserJockthe first example is for a pure Debian package21:26
ScottK2cyberix: First thing is don't worry about urgency, Ubuntu doesn't use it.  It needs to be there, but it makes no difference what it is.21:26
LaserJockcyberix: the second is an example of an Ubuntu version21:27
LaserJockcyberix: because Ubuntu is based on Debian we need to show when we've modified the package from Debian21:28
LaserJockand we need to make sure that the right version is installed21:28
LaserJockcyberix: does that make sense?21:28
proppynorsetto: I don't know how I should make the difference between copyright owner and authors, but I will do my best21:29
cyberixSo I should use 2.1.1-0ubuntu1, unless I'm packaging for Debian.21:29
ScottK2cyberix: For a new package, yes.21:29
cyberixJumping between Debian/Ubuntu newpackage/existingexample adds lots of dimensions one has to keep account of to understand the packaging.21:31
LaserJockcyberix: yes, there is a lot to keep track of21:31
=== proppy is now known as propcook
LaserJockand that's not even all of it21:31
LaserJockbut with patience you'll get it21:31
sistpoty|UDSrevu should be working again :)21:33
ScottK2sistpoty|UDS: Looks good to me.  Thanks again.21:33
sistpoty|UDSScottK2: no problem21:33
ajmitchhello sistpoty|UDS21:34
sistpoty|UDShi ajmitch21:34
=== propcook is now known as proppy
proppynorsetto: I don't manage to grep the additionnal authors you mentionned in the comment, in any source file21:37
norsettoproppy: ok, I don't have track where I found them unfortunately21:38
proppy-*- mode: grep; default-directory: "/home/www/mumble-1.1.0/src/" -*-21:38
proppyGrep started at Mon Oct 29 21:49:4921:38
proppyfind . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -e grep -nH -e 'Martin Fay'21:38
proppyGrep exited abnormally with code 123 at Mon Oct 29 21:49:4921:38
norsettoproppy: let me check21:38
proppyI guess I've completly missed something21:39
warp10norsetto: I've just reviewed the bug togheter with pitti21:42
norsettowarp10: good :-)21:42
warp10norsetto: and now I'm going to write your email21:43
norsettoproppy: there are some in speex/AUTHORS21:43
norsettowarp10: ok, I'm waiting for that21:44
norsettoproppy: somtime is things like: @author Jean-Marc Valin but copyright epic (the company has the copyright, not the author)21:46
proppynorsetto: I see thanks for the precision21:47
norsettoproppy: look at this, is almost as old as me: TYPE........: Turbo C header file21:48
norsettoproppy: DATE CREATED: 21/11/9521:48
ryanakcawhere can I get a debootstrap that supports hardy? hardy repos?21:49
proppynorsetto: :)21:49
ScottK2ryanakca: What are you trying to do?21:49
proppynorsetto: shouldn't we split speex for the package ?21:49
ryanakcaScottK2: setup a hardy schroot21:49
crimsun_ryanakca: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10111924/debootstrap_1.0.6_all.deb21:50
ScottK2ryanakca: I'd set it up gutsy and then distupgrade it.21:50
proppynorsetto: oups it's already package21:50
ScottK2Or do what crimsun_ says.21:50
proppynorsetto: !!!21:50
ryanakcacrimsun_: thanks21:50
proppynorsetto: http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=speex&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all21:50
proppynorsetto: libspeex-dev since sarge21:50
norsettoproppy: yeah, we had already a long discussion on that, see the bug report21:51
proppynorsetto: ok sorry :)21:51
proppynorsetto: I feel like showing up in the middle of a converstation21:52
norsettoproppy: that was more or less the whole discussion21:53
wallyweekok, I filed a bug for my new packages (btpd and shorten) and assigned the needs-packaging of sdlmame to myself21:57
wallyweekanyone would like to rieview them? ;)21:58
warp10norsetto: you've got mail!22:00
norsettowarp10: how much did I win?22:00
warp10norsetto: a free medical check-up in my hospital! Are you happy? :P22:01
norsettowarp10: divertissement .... norsetto rolls his eyes22:02
proppynorsetto: so I guess my last comment on the bug in pretty pointless, as I listed copyright owner instead of authors, and forgot to mention much of the thing to ask upstream22:03
proppynorsetto: I will do my best to craft a better one later :)22:04
proppyeating time22:04
norsetto[23:04] <proppy> eating time (and thats local time for him too....)22:05
fbondnxvl: What can I help you with?22:12
SWATdo you think this howto is correct and is useable? (it's about sbuild, buildd and wanna-build) -> http://julien.danjou.info/buildd.html22:15
azeemSWAT: what do you want to do?22:16
SWATbuild packages from source22:17
azeemI suggest pbuilder then22:17
azeemor do you want to rebuild 1000+ packages?22:17
persiaSWAT: You'll likely want to configure schroot as well.  Also, there are a couple configuration changes you need for Ubuntu: most importantly changing the default distribution from unstable to hardy.  Lastly, that solution doesn't build arch:all packages.22:18
persiaSWAT: I suggest you'll do better with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto22:18
SWATpersia, allright, since I don't want the LVM part, I'll leave that out. Thanks for the 2nd opinion and the ulr22:19
persiaSWAT: Also, for extra verisimilitude, install the pkgbinarymangler and pkg-create-dbgsym packages.22:19
SWATazeem, I want to build from scratch, not rebuild (real source, not deb-src code)22:19
persiaSWAT: You probably do want the LVM part.  You only need a 10GB partition.  Otherwise, you may as well use pbuilder.  Also, these are for deb-src code.  For raw code, just use ./configure; make22:20
lamegoa debootstrapped schroot is a built from scratch environment a la debian22:21
SWATpersia, so for creating packages (.deb) from source (.tar.gz or .bz2 etc.) I can use sbuild and pbuild? (I thought pbuilder was only useable with deb-src code). My apologies for the many questions, but I want to do things the right way22:24
azeemSWAT: no, you cannot22:25
azeemboth sbuild and pbuilder work on source packages, either local *.dsc ones or deb-src22:25
persiaSWAT: I make .deb from .tar.gz with sbuild, but there is an intermediate step of making a .dsc.  If you want to go directly, there's currently no recommended solution: try back in six months.22:25
azeemwhat is the solution in six months?22:26
SWATok, so I have to create a .dsc, but apart from that I can use both sbuild and pbuilder, allright.22:28
azeemmost people seem to use pbuilder22:28
persiaazeem: There are a couple people working on building a set of scripts that semi-automates the process.  Something like an intelligent dh_make that uses context to initially populate debian/control and debian/rules with something sane.  It will only work in the minority of cases, but should get 80% of the way, meaning that one can then generate the .dsc, and expect some level of dependency checking, installations, etc. in the resulting .deb.22:28
SWATsounds good22:29
persiaSWAT: I recommend using either pbuilder or sbuild, rather than both.  pbuilder is easy to configure, but it a little different than the production build environment.  sbuild is a little harder to configure (although there is a script that does most of it), and more closely mimics the production build environment.  sbuild requires a little more local disk space.22:30
Mezwho wants to do a bit of reviewing then?22:32
SWATfood for thought. Apparently there is still more than one road that leads to Rome22:32
lamegoI personally found sbuild/schroot easier to setup22:33
Mezreally? pbuilder works really well for me22:34
lamegosame with sbuild for me :)22:34
lamegobut I use it on a semi-automated process, manually I am using schroot / debuild22:35
persiaMez: It might be timing.  Was Kees' script available when you set it up?22:35
wallyweekso no reviewers online?22:35
Mezpersia, Kee's scripe?22:35
Mezwhat script ?22:36
persiaMez: mk-sbuild-lv.sh from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto22:36
lamegoSWAT, in case you are going with schroot, http://wiki.getdeb.net/@api/deki/files/8 <- an helper script I have created22:37
Meznope not touched sbuild ;)22:37
lamegomine is not LVM targeted, it uses a file based schroot22:37
* persia thinks sbuilds post-build cleanup isn't all it could be22:38
persialamego: Why vim, dialog, and cdbs?22:39
lamegopersia, for interactive troubleshooting, cdbs, because 90% of my packages use it22:39
persialamego: Also, you may want to update to include hardy, or to support other architectures (if the user has them available locally)22:39
lamegowell, it's just about changing the list on the top :P22:40
persialamego: Shouldn't that be pulled by build-depends?  Also, I'd recommend ubuntu-minimal, which includes an editor.22:40
lamegowell, it should, i should remove cdbs as a preinstalled package22:41
lamegoI believe the ubuntu-minimal would increase the schroot size, something which matters during the schoot file decompressing22:42
lamegoSWAT, also, you should setup some kind of local mirroring for the packages retrieval22:42
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SWATa mirror should speed things up indeed, thanks for the reminder22:43
SWATlast question for now: might you have a good tutorial for creating dsc files?22:44
ryanakcaWhat do you do if a merge is possible?22:45
persiaSWAT: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide is a work in progress, but contains most of the basics.22:45
persiaryanakca: Process it?22:45
ryanakcafile a bug on launchpad for the package, attach the debdiff and assign *somegroup*?22:46
persiaryanakca: Not assign.  Subscribe.  ubuntu-universe-sponsors or ubuntu-main-sponsors22:46
ryanakcaAnd, it's the debdiff to the debian package, correct?22:46
ryanakca(not to lastrelease's package)22:47
persiaryanakca: Preferably against Debian.  If the orig.tar.gz files differ, you can make it against Ubuntu.  There are some guidelines on choosing the patch type on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing22:47
MezHmm, quick question..22:48
ryanakcapersia: well, different version, 6.0.0 vs 6.0.1 :)22:48
Mezseeing as i have to do a manual install,22:48
Mezfor a multiple binary apckage, should I just install to debian/pacage22:48
Mezor to debian/tmp and let dh_install do it's magic?22:49
persiaryanakca: You'll want to debdiff against whichever package has the orig.tar.gz you are targeting.22:49
ryanakcaok... and... looks like I wasted my time... someone already beat me to it :)22:49
persiaMez: I'd recommend dh_install.  Also, you can cheat with non-prefixed paths (e.g. debian/foo.desktop usr/share/applications) which will stick it in the right place (assuming this is in foo.install)22:50
persiaryanakca: Always check first.  Also, always file the bug before starting work :)22:50
Mezpersia, :( dh_install is a PITA though ;)22:50
persiaMez: Why?22:50
Mezbecause it doesn't like me ;)22:51
persiaMez: Ah.  Personal differences.  You'll just have to buy it sweets then.22:51
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Mezpersia, last time I used it, it wouldnt install ANYTHING that I asked it to, and I empted up with near empty packages (just changelogs!)22:51
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persiaMez: I recommend not giving it too many directions (unprefixed paths)22:52
Mezpersia, hmmles... reaslly it should do it's work with .install files and just a call to dh_install ;)22:52
Mezbut that would be a miravle22:53
persiaMez: Yep.  The maintainer should never need to know whether it's going into debian/tmp or debian/package22:53
Mezpersia, indeed, but this package is crappy, and will only build to sourcedir/release22:54
Mezand no make install22:54
Mezso I have to install manually22:54
persiaMez: patch the makefile from debian/patches ?22:54
ryanakcapersia: :)22:54
Mezpersia, that would just give me too much of a headache22:54
Mezspecially as I don't really know qmake22:54
norsettonight all22:55
persiaAh.  qmake.  That's special.22:55
lamegothere is a qmake cdbs rule22:55
Mezlamego, I've never really liked cdbs22:55
lamegoyou loose :P22:55
persialamego: That doesn't help when the qmake files are wrong...22:55
Mezlamego, why? I find that debhelper does things better for me22:55
Mezpersia, indeed22:56
Mezand I only use cdbs for katapult ;)22:56
lamegoneither does a regular packaging rule, when the build system is "broken" ;)22:56
lamegoMez, it does the same thing, depend on your know-how, anyway, the best is whatever we use best22:56
Mezlamego, *shrugs* I'm used to debhelper ;) I find it more flexible ;)22:57
lamegoMez, there are plenty of entry points on CDBS rules, to "plugin" your functions for most of the regular packaging steps22:58
lamegois is just a template, it saves you all the "common" work22:58
* persia claims any way other than DBS + tarball-in-tarball is correct. Please choose whichever of raw makefile, debhelper, CDBS, etc. makes you most comfortable.22:59
ajmitchpersia: wrong23:00
ajmitchyou can never claim that yada is correct23:00
lamegowell, I think a way which makes your rules file simpler, better for reviewing and maintaining23:00
azeemajmitch: I call azeem's rule23:01
persiaajmitch: I can claim anything I want.  Doesn't make it true.  I still think only DBS is the wrong way.23:01
azeemwhenever a packaging discussion mentions yada, it's over23:01
ajmitchI see there was a new release announced on planet debian23:02
* ajmitch is off for lunch anyway23:02
imbrandonazeem, lol23:16
pochuGood night23:24
Mezpersia, fancy doing some REVU'ing?23:25
persiaMez: I have to run in a few minutes.  Which upid?  I'll give it a quick look.23:26
Mezgimme a sec gotta find out ;)23:26
Mezhasnt pushed out yet23:26
persiaMez: I may miss it then.  Sorry.23:26
persiaMez: On another note, do you still have a source package of nostromo around?  I seem to have deleted mine, and the REVU archive was wiped around the same time.23:27
Mezyeah, I do persia23:28
Mezwhat format you want it in ?23:29
persiaMez: If you have a chance, would you mind sending me an email :)  .dsc / .diff.gz should likely be enough: I can grab the orig from upstream.23:29
persiaActually, thinking about it, only diff.gz is probably enough.23:30
Mezpersia, email?23:30
Mezactually, I'llpush it to my PPA23:30
persiaMez: email works, but PPA is easier :)23:30
persiaMez: Thank you.23:30
Mezpersia, pushing now23:32
Mezpushed, should appear soon23:32
persiaMez: Great.  I'll grab it when I get back.23:32
Mezpersia, upid = 47223:36
s1024kbGood morning everyone!23:36
s1024kbMez: persia is not here? I guess that it's late night for you now?23:39
Mezpersia is half here, half not, it was a note for when he gets back23:39
Mezbut if anyone wants to REVU that upid23:39
s1024kbMez: haha, interesting "half". shall i say "good morning" or "good evening" to you?:)23:40
Mezgood night ?23:41
Mez(am going bed now)23:41
s1024kbMez: so good night to you!23:42
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