MythbuntuGuest41 | after "nvidia-auto-select" i get 1024x768 | 00:00 |
tgm4883_laptop | what tv? | 00:00 |
MythbuntuGuest41 | Vizo vx32l | 00:00 |
tgm4883_laptop | ha | 00:01 |
MythbuntuGuest41 | VX32L | 00:01 |
tgm4883_laptop | same as me :) | 00:01 |
MythbuntuGuest41 | does your work? | 00:01 |
tgm4883_laptop | | 00:01 |
MythbuntuGuest41 | i will try it give me 5min | 00:02 |
solarbaby | does anyone know how to get network samba browsing working under the default installation? Since im not running known or kde it seems a bit more tricky | 00:02 |
solarbaby | known = gnome.. heh | 00:03 |
tgm4883_laptop | MythbuntuGuest41, whats interesting is I still don't have the option in the screen res | 00:04 |
tgm4883_laptop | also, do you have the restricted driver loaded? | 00:05 |
directhex | superm1, most lcd tvs give crap EDID info, so you can't allow autoselection. it's modeline territory | 00:06 |
superm1 | directhex, "Most"? do you have information proving this? | 00:06 |
superm1 | or just personal experience? | 00:07 |
directhex | superm1, personal experience. i've never met one that gives *correct* edid, actually | 00:07 |
directhex | they all say 1024x768. the refresh rate info is valid, the mode info is not | 00:07 |
directhex | certainly 1366x768 screens, no ideas on big 1080p panels | 00:07 |
superm1 | directhex, see that's funny, i've experience with 5 that do | 00:08 |
superm1 | 4 1366x768 screens | 00:08 |
superm1 | and one 1080p | 00:08 |
tgm4883_laptop | directhex, mine doesn't detect 1366x768, but it does 1280x768 | 00:08 |
directhex | superm1, take as an example, an extremely popular samsung screen | 00:09 |
superm1 | directhex, old firmware on the LCD perhaps? | 00:09 |
superm1 | because 3 of those 5 working ones were samsung too.... :) | 00:09 |
directhex | superm1, latest available, naturally | 00:10 |
superm1 | directhex, looks like you lose then :P | 00:10 |
directhex | superm1, and an associate gave up on edid info as well with his hd panels. i'd generally never trust it | 00:10 |
superm1 | directhex, well its good to at least list "nvidia-auto-select" to start though | 00:11 |
superm1 | in case EDID does work | 00:11 |
superm1 | because if it doesn't, worst comes to worst, you'll get at least a resolution that will come up | 00:11 |
* tgm4883_laptop wonders about the firmware on his screen | 00:12 | |
tgm4883_laptop | MitoTranin, ping | 00:13 |
tgm4883_laptop | superm1, i better ask you as he has been looking for you for awhile | 00:13 |
superm1 | huh? | 00:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | did MitoTranin talk to you about a serial IR receiver? | 00:14 |
superm1 | what abouts? | 00:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | well he wants to set one up | 00:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | i pointed him to the guide | 00:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | but he was wondering if that would screw up the lirc setup? | 00:14 |
superm1 | what does he have setup | 00:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | not sure | 00:17 |
directhex | superm1, okay, fair enough, but it's the exact opposite of a fix for MythbuntuGuest41's problem | 00:18 |
superm1 | directhex, well assuming the issue is indeed just an edid | 00:18 |
superm1 | we dont know since we never saw his xorg.conf | 00:18 |
MythbuntuGuest41 | thanks for the help guys that worked, well it got 1360 out of it | 00:19 |
directhex | superm1, i'd bet tomorrow's lunch on it! | 00:19 |
superm1 | MythbuntuGuest41, which worked? | 00:19 |
superm1 | i might be getting free lunch now :) | 00:19 |
MythbuntuGuest41 | the mythtv website xorg file | 00:20 |
solarbaby | sumperm1: did you settle on chinese? | 00:20 |
directhex | MythbuntuGuest41, can you run "sudo aptitude install hwinfo && sudo hwinfo --monitor | grep Max" for me? | 00:20 |
superm1 | solarbaby, ended up at an indian place | 00:21 |
solarbaby | superm1: Hmmm.. that sounds great.. still never tried Indian food but I know its good | 00:22 |
* directhex lives in britland, where most small towns have at least 5 indian restaurants | 00:23 | |
directhex | of course, try finding bloody mexican... | 00:24 |
solarbaby | Yeah they might call their Wet Burritos;Lubricated Burrito | 00:24 |
MythbuntuGuest41 | directhex it returns Max. Resolution: 1366x768 | 00:26 |
* directhex mails superm1 cake | 00:26 | |
tgm4883_laptop | i want cake :) | 00:30 |
tgm4883_laptop | how can you find the current resolution | 00:30 |
* foxbuntu wants cake as well | 00:30 | |
solarbaby | I want a lubricated burrito | 00:31 |
tgm4883_laptop | um ok | 00:31 |
solarbaby | in an indian resturaunt | 00:31 |
MediAWakE | I was wondering if n e one knows a way to make myth save files with more descript names, say the name of the show instead of the random string of numbers | 00:31 |
solarbaby | and I wanna put 50 quarters in a jukebox that plays everything from guns n roses | 00:32 |
directhex | MediAWakE, after the event, you can use | 00:32 |
MediAWakE | where do I get this | 00:32 |
solarbaby | MediAWakE: I'd be interested in that myself.. | 00:32 |
solarbaby | I could rename everythign with the fiel extension of AxlRose | 00:33 |
MediAWakE | directhex : where do I get this ? ? ? | 00:33 |
solarbaby | Im sure im the only one who thinks im funny right now | 00:33 |
directhex | MediAWakE, gzipped in /usr/share/mythtv/contrib or somewhere like that i think | 00:34 |
Daviey | Yeah.. in the contrib.. | 00:34 |
Daviey | advice.. don't rename the files - but create symlinks using it | 00:34 |
Daviey | v. easy as a cron | 00:34 |
directhex | maybe there's a "doc" in that path too | 00:34 |
directhex | i forget | 00:34 |
directhex | dpkg -S mythrename\* | 00:34 |
solarbaby | Im so used to renaming files by hand, but even so.. if the file tells me what it is to begin with thats a start | 00:34 |
Daviey | */8 * * * * /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/ --link <-- crontab that runs every 7.5mins | 00:35 |
superm1 | directhex, how long until it arrives? I haven't had dinner yet | 00:37 |
directhex | superm1, judging by international post? maybe 2 weeks? i can fax instead | 00:37 |
superm1 | directhex, well i'll just keep this in mind next time i'm in your neighborhood | 00:38 |
Daviey | superm1: mine sync'd via cron last night | 00:38 |
solarbaby | That'd be cool to cook a pizza via cronjob | 00:44 |
MediAWakE | so directhex , keep in mind im not sure what im doin... and I don't know how to use cron... | 00:45 |
MediAWakE | I know what it does though | 00:45 |
directhex | ask Daviey, i'm off to bed | 00:46 |
MediAWakE | so where can I find sum detailed idiot proof instructions to automating this script | 00:47 |
MediAWakE | Daviey: so where can I find sum detailed idiot proof instructions to automating this script | 00:47 |
Daviey | hey | 00:47 |
MediAWakE | hey | 00:47 |
Daviey | you need to "$ gunzip" | 00:47 |
Daviey | you need to "$ gunzip" rather | 00:47 |
Daviey | than will 'unzip' it | 00:47 |
Daviey | that* | 00:48 |
MediAWakE | I think its already unzipped here: /usr/share/mythtv/contrib/ | 00:49 |
MediAWakE | ps im using gentoo | 00:49 |
Daviey | cool | 00:49 |
Daviey | huh | 00:49 |
Daviey | That's kinda cheeky getting support from here then :P | 00:49 |
MediAWakE | [sorry, im just a noob, my buddy setup my system] | 00:49 |
Daviey | MediAWakE: np | 00:50 |
Daviey | MediAWakE: keep in mind.. i've never used Mythtv+Gentoo! | 00:50 |
MediAWakE | I'll rag on him later, ps my laptop runs ubuntu | 00:50 |
Daviey | thats good enough for me | 00:50 |
Daviey | now.. do you know where your recordings are stored atm? | 00:50 |
MediAWakE | yupp : ls /mnt/RAID0FS/RaidShare/mythtv/ | 00:51 |
Daviey | cool | 00:52 |
Daviey | now run: /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/ --link | 00:52 |
MediAWakE | ... | 00:52 |
MediAWakE | or for me its: /usr/share/mythtv/contrib/ --link | 00:53 |
Daviey | sure | 00:53 |
MediAWakE | Permission denied | 00:54 |
MediAWakE | should I be root | 00:54 |
MediAWakE | or the user "myth" | 00:54 |
Daviey | user myth | 00:54 |
Daviey | well.. whoever myththbackend runs as | 00:54 |
Daviey | s/thth/th/ | 00:55 |
MediAWakE | oh I gotta chmod it to execute | 00:56 |
Daviey | chmod +x /usr/share/mythtv/contrib/ | 00:56 |
MediAWakE | # /usr/share/mythtv/contrib/ --link | 00:57 |
MediAWakE | Unable to locate mysql.txt: No such file or directory | 00:57 |
Daviey | ewww | 00:57 |
MediAWakE | ya.... | 00:57 |
Daviey | MediAWakE: is there not a /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt or /home/$USER/.mythtv/mysql.txt ? | 00:58 |
Daviey | Where $USER = the user mythtv runs as | 00:58 |
popey | superm1: you in boston yet? | 00:59 |
MediAWakE | /etc/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt | 00:59 |
superm1 | popey, yeah | 01:00 |
superm1 | you get grub yet? | 01:00 |
superm1 | or lilo? | 01:00 |
popey | arf | 01:00 |
popey | yeah | 01:00 |
popey | having an early one tonight | 01:00 |
Daviey | MediAWakE: ln -s /etc/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt | 01:00 |
superm1 | i've been putting off getting dinner because i had a really late lunch | 01:00 |
MediAWakE | what | 01:01 |
superm1 | since i got in at around 1:30 or 2 | 01:01 |
Daviey | MediAWakE: that will create a symlink (shortcut) to where it is expected | 01:01 |
MediAWakE | ok | 01:01 |
superm1 | popey, do you know what time festivities start tomorrow? | 01:03 |
popey | superm1: #uds-boston and #fosscamp | 01:03 |
MediAWakE | now run the renamer script | 01:03 |
popey | dunno, yesterday it was 09:30 doors open, start 10am | 01:03 |
popey | ask in those channels though ^^ | 01:03 |
MediAWakE | Daviey: see this for the new error I got | 01:04 |
Daviey | MediAWakE: okay.. you are missing some perl modules... I don't feel happy advising you how to solve them on a gentoo box | 01:05 |
Daviey | sorry | 01:05 |
MediAWakE | just tell me what you'd do, like pseudo code | 01:06 |
Daviey | install the mysql perl module | 01:09 |
Daviey | hint | 01:10 |
MediAWakE | man there's alotta perl modules | 01:12 |
foxbuntu | MediAWakE, as I recall from my gentoo days... emerge perl-mysql or something along those lines | 01:13 |
Daviey | MediAWakE: only the mysql one.. but shows how to install | 01:14 |
MediAWakE | ok | 01:14 |
Daviey | MediAWakE: sounds like foxbuntu has the edge here.. i gave up on gentoo after one day :) | 01:14 |
MediAWakE | well there is none | 01:14 |
MediAWakE | that's cool though | 01:14 |
MediAWakE | ha, I hear ya | 01:15 |
MediAWakE | it ususally takes a week just to install | 01:15 |
foxbuntu | MediAWakE, emerge DBD-mysql-4.00.5 | 01:15 |
Daviey | yup.. after 6 hours of emerging gnome - i gave up :) | 01:15 |
MediAWakE | its merged, now what | 01:16 |
Daviey | try the script again | 01:16 |
Daviey | hopefully we have no/less errors | 01:16 |
MediAWakE | exact same | 01:16 |
Daviey | hmmf | 01:16 |
MediAWakE | n e ways im gonna have my buddy do it | 01:16 |
Daviey | MediAWakE: See the light.. change to a deb/apt based distro | 01:17 |
Daviey | Try mythbuntu :) | 01:17 |
MediAWakE | but I hava nuther prob that might be more pressing and maybe related... I apparently no longer have mplayer | 01:17 |
MediAWakE | will do but im first gonna try and c why mplayer isn't merging | 01:17 |
MediAWakE | [eeergh] | 01:18 |
MediAWakE | thanks guys!! | 01:18 |
Daviey | no long goodbye's eh? | 01:18 |
foxbuntu | Daviey, hmm | 01:20 |
foxbuntu | too bad I found the fix for his exact error too | 01:20 |
foxbuntu | oh well | 01:20 |
foxbuntu | not a Gentoo suport channel | 01:20 |
Daviey | yeah.. i mean.. why on earth have mysql.txt in /etc/mythtv/.mythtv/ ?! | 01:21 |
superm1 | that is what probably was happening for tgm4883 too with the thing i was experimenting earlier | 01:24 |
superm1 | if you set the MYTHCONF variable | 01:24 |
Daviey | superm1: are you trying to avoid ~/.mythtv ? | 01:33 |
superm1 | Daviey, ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt | 01:33 |
superm1 | avoid that | 01:33 |
Daviey | what about just making ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt a symlink to /etc/mythtv/.mythtv/ on install? | 01:34 |
superm1 | i just thought of that earlier today | 01:35 |
superm1 | not on install | 01:35 |
superm1 | but on running mythfrontend | 01:35 |
superm1 | and not /etc/mythtv/.mythtv | 01:35 |
superm1 | /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt -> ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt | 01:35 |
just1nj | superm1: i am still having problems with the frontend forking like crazy | 01:36 |
superm1 | just1nj, well fix them :) | 01:37 |
just1nj | lol | 01:37 |
just1nj | actually i have an idea on that | 01:37 |
Daviey | superm1: are we experiencing /etc/mythtv/.mythtv issues? | 01:38 |
superm1 | Daviey, no | 01:38 |
Daviey | I've *never* seen that before | 01:38 |
superm1 | that was gentoo | 01:38 |
just1nj | there is no checking in that script that starts that real fronted to see if that script itself is running or it the real frontend is running | 01:38 |
superm1 | just1nj, that's a good idea to add in | 01:38 |
Daviey | just1nj: actually that is a good point.. If you 'save session'.. it's very easy to get two instances of mythfrontend running on login :( | 01:39 |
Dr_willis | been there. done that... | 01:39 |
Dr_willis | :) | 01:39 |
just1nj | i was trying, but it seems that when the frontend script is called it does not have the proper privs to write to the same dir the backend keeps it pid | 01:39 |
just1nj | Daviey: saving the session does that? | 01:40 |
Daviey | just1nj: well on mine it did :) | 01:40 |
just1nj | doh | 01:40 |
just1nj | makes sense | 01:40 |
just1nj | the saved session would restore its state and then the autostart runs it again | 01:40 |
Daviey | yup | 01:41 |
just1nj | what is really cute is that on my setup i hve mpeg2 encoders and an nvidia card so like 5 frontends can be running in the background | 01:41 |
just1nj | and everything is fine the load from the other back ends trying to do their things gets the load so high the system just stops | 01:42 |
just1nj | responding and dies | 01:42 |
just1nj | as i am going out of town for 2.5 weeks on thursday i need to have my box rebooting ok all the time so i dont have to hear the whining about it | 01:43 |
superm1 | just1nj, did you ever get around to rm ~/.cache and <ctrl> <alt> <backspace> ? | 01:44 |
superm1 | to see if that helped out? | 01:45 |
Daviey | If CanadianMan pops back soon.. can somebody tell him that I cannot reproduce his poster error? | 01:46 |
just1nj | problem is that once i reboot its a crap shoot if more then one frontend starts, sometimes everything works right and only one starts, sometimes only 5 start and everything works until the load get so high, then sometimes the frontend keeps forking and the login never finishes and once the load gets to high the box freezes | 01:47 |
just1nj | i think there may be a timing issue on my box between the network startup, the mysql startup and the backend/frontend startup | 01:48 |
dwf_starband | does anyone know if there is a problem with the mceusb remotes pluged into usb1.1 ports? | 02:31 |
MitoTranin | superm1: you still around? | 02:32 |
just1nj | q | 02:34 |
just1nj | nqq | 02:36 |
just1nj | q | 02:36 |
superm1 | MitoTranin, eahy | 02:53 |
superm1 | briefly | 02:53 |
MitoTranin | hey | 02:55 |
MitoTranin | quick question for you.... | 02:55 |
MitoTranin | tgm4883 said that he thinks you have one of these recievers too: | 02:56 |
MitoTranin | or at least something like it, that uses just basic serial IR | 02:56 |
MitoTranin | I can't get mine to work... there isn't anything in the mcc to choose for that type of thing, so I just setup lirc manually... | 02:57 |
superm1 | i have a transmitter | 02:57 |
superm1 | not a receiver | 02:57 |
MitoTranin | did a DEBIAN_FRONTEND=gnome sudo dpk-reconfigure lirc to tell it the homebrew ir reciever | 02:58 |
superm1 | you have another remote though don't you ? | 02:58 |
superm1 | in addition to that? | 02:58 |
MitoTranin | but that did no good, so I just grabbed an lircd.conf for my remote from the web | 02:58 |
MitoTranin | no, that's the only reciever I have | 02:58 |
MitoTranin | well... I haven an IRA3, but that doesn't work either | 02:58 |
superm1 | o | 02:58 |
superm1 | there is another step to it | 02:58 |
superm1 | though | 02:58 |
MitoTranin | and I'm not even go into that though | 02:58 |
superm1 | as described on Install_Lirc_Gutsy | 02:58 |
superm1 | about turning off kernel serial support | 02:59 |
MitoTranin | I tried to follow the relevant portions of | 02:59 |
MitoTranin | but I'm not sure which serial port my reciever is actually on | 02:59 |
MitoTranin | I tried both 1 and 2, and both allow lircd to start, but neither show any results from irw | 02:59 |
=== superm1_ is now known as superm1 | ||
solarbaby | Smegma is common to all mammals, male and female. Mycobacterium smegmatis is the characteristic bacterium involved in smegma production, and is generally thought to form smegma from epidermal secretions. | 03:44 |
Suggley | Hi ppl - was wondering if there is a way to view the music like you view your video's? so i can browse folders etc? | 03:47 |
dwf_starband | solarbaby: thats why personal hygene is important | 03:49 |
solarbaby | my internet is too slow to freely view photos of smegma | 03:49 |
solarbaby | I think smegma is missunderstood | 03:50 |
solarbaby | its actually valuable, but it must not be allowed to grow other things | 03:50 |
dwf_starband | im trying to record a remote, does anyone here know enough to tell me what the failed output of the recording means? | 04:19 |
dwf_starband | Ok i got all the way through recording the remote without errors, but still have a problem | 04:48 |
dwf_starband | after restarting lirc | 04:48 |
dwf_starband | irw shows the same button pushed no matter what button I push on the remote | 04:49 |
dwf_starband | why is this? | 04:49 |
JThundley | even though I run xset -dpms s off s noblank s noexpose, my TV still blanks out, weird | 07:46 |
ksu_mustang | Hi everyone. I have a quick question: I have been using Mythtv for almost 2 years now, and came across mythbuntu. It looks cool and easy to set up (previously I was using Fedora 7), however I would like to use the storage groups feature in the upcoming v0.21. If I switched to weekly MythTV trunk builds, will I be able to come back to "release" builds after 0.21 is released? | 13:33 |
superm1 | yes | 13:37 |
superm1 | speaking of which, Daviey did you sort out pushing this week's weeklies from your LP id, or should I push? | 13:38 |
ksu_mustang | superm1: Thanks | 13:38 |
superm1 | n* | 13:39 |
Daviey | superm1: you.. i will experiment more later - then cron it | 13:42 |
superm1 | okay | 13:42 |
superm1 | are you voip'ed in? | 13:42 |
Daviey | superm1: almost :) | 13:42 |
superm1 | i'm trying to debate if i should register a session for some of our items | 13:42 |
superm1 | since there won't be sessions that i will be listening in on all day | 13:42 |
superm1 | i'm not sure how worthwhile it will be though | 13:43 |
Daviey | superm1: sounds good.. there is lots of technical stuff i would like to discuss | 13:43 |
superm1 | well what particularly? | 13:43 |
superm1 | i was thinking lirc | 13:43 |
Daviey | superm1: If there is a spare slot | 13:43 |
superm1 | the schedule is regenerated based upon who can attend what | 13:43 |
Daviey | superm1: Yeah.. lirc is a big one.. I really want a "Record remote and submit to mythbuntu" feature | 13:43 |
superm1 | i'm not sure how many other people here it would be relevant to | 13:43 |
popey | \o/ glbby | 13:43 |
popey | er | 13:43 |
popey | \o/ gobby even | 13:43 |
Daviey | popey: yup.. i've got a gobby page setup with some things :) | 13:44 |
Daviey | only brain farts atm though | 13:44 |
popey | do you have a spec? | 13:44 |
Daviey | popey: a rough spec on lp - but wanted to thrash out in chat a blueprint | 13:44 |
MythbuntuGuest97 | Hi , i am looking for a good remote control without the MS logo :), any suggestions? | 14:18 |
solarbaby | I really should force myself into the whole AutoTranscode deal.. heh | 18:05 |
solarbaby | looks like it could be fun | 18:05 |
solarbaby | Now if I can find out why mencoder takes so long on a p4 2.8ghz. I get about 8 frames per second <-- thats a post from the forum.. im 2.8 gherz too.. so uhm.. blah that doesn't look so great | 18:10 |
Holmen_ | hi all. is it possible to use subtitles in mythubuntu? | 19:04 |
pdragon | you mean close-captioning, dvd subtitles, or subtitles on video files? | 19:06 |
Holmen_ | subtitles for a video file. subtitles that belongs to an avi file or soo | 19:08 |
pdragon | mythbuntu by default uses mplayer | 19:12 |
pdragon | read up on using subtitles for it, and that's how it works | 19:12 |
pdragon | usually just having them in the same folder as the video file then hitting the command keys to turn subtitles on works | 19:12 |
pdragon | i think "v" turns them on | 19:13 |
Holmen_ | okey | 19:13 |
Holmen_ | because I have tried to do it the usual way when just using (ex) totem. but that didnt work. but I'll try that- thanks | 19:14 |
pdragon | yeah, "v" turns them on and b/j cycles through them | 19:15 |
Holmen_ | great! thanks a lot! :D | 19:15 |
pdragon | np | 19:15 |
smithd | anyone here? | 19:25 |
smithd | I was wondering if anybody who works with the lirc generator is here, rather. | 19:26 |
smithd | and was also looking for guidance on mythgame emulator setup | 19:26 |
smithd | packaging | 19:26 |
pdragon | not sure if the devs are around. if you don't get a response here, might try the web forums | 19:33 |
chuk | can you switch from trunk PPA to regular PPA builds? | 20:57 |
exett | installed 7.10 frontend. have a nvidia with TV out and want to enable TV out on it. can I launch any config utility for this or must I manually fix the xorg.conf? | 20:57 |
chuk | assuming you backed up the database | 20:57 |
chuk | I had problems "downgrading" | 20:57 |
superm1 | exett, yes there is | 20:57 |
superm1 | launch mcc | 20:58 |
superm1 | and then click on the proprietary drivers tab | 20:58 |
superm1 | there is a utility right there that will launch it | 20:58 |
exett | thanks. I'll check this | 20:58 |
ghostwalker50 | hi | 21:20 |
ghostwalker50 | how do i make my live tv to stay at 16/9. i tryed the apperence and set it their but no change. even tryed a restart of the system. | 21:21 |
superm1 | chuk, yeah | 21:23 |
chuk | do I just replace the repo and do a dist-upgrade? | 21:23 |
MythbuntuGuest64 | hello all... | 21:26 |
ghostwalker50 | Hi all | 21:27 |
ghostwalker50 | how do i make my live tv to stay at 16/9. i tryed the apperence and set it their but no change. even tryed a restart of the system | 21:27 |
MythbuntuGuest64 | has anyone run into a problem with lirc not working with the remote, but the receiver for it sees the signal.. it flashes. | 21:27 |
MythbuntuGuest64 | it worked under 704 butnot 710 | 21:28 |
Daviey | MythbuntuGuest64: hmm.. have you followed the ubuntu wiki lirc guide? | 21:31 |
MythbuntuGuest64 | Daviey, yes I have. | 21:31 |
Daviey | I'm not currently using lirc on 7.10.. but i was for 2 months just fine | 21:32 |
MythbuntuGuest64 | thanks.. | 21:34 |
MythbuntuGuest99 | how do i make my live tv to stay at 16/9. i tryed the apperence and set it their but no change. even tryed a restart of the system | 21:35 |
dsmi | superm1: hey so I'm the guy with the lirc generator questions | 22:00 |
superm1 | what ?'s? | 22:00 |
dsmi | so to fix the pad mappings, first of all there appears to be duplication for enter | 22:01 |
dsmi | it's mapped to both return and enter | 22:01 |
dsmi | I'm thinking that had to be done for a reason, maybe some remotes have only 1 button | 22:02 |
dsmi | but why the two different mappings? | 22:02 |
superm1 | some remotes have both | 22:02 |
dsmi | but why the overlap? | 22:03 |
superm1 | its just how the heuristics worked out for it | 22:03 |
superm1 | feel free to manually modify it | 22:03 |
dsmi | I'm afraid to change it so it only has 1, because it may break other remotes | 22:03 |
dsmi | second for the imon pad, i recall a patch that would let you use the pad for directional input | 22:03 |
dsmi | and as I recall it got closed as no longer needed? | 22:04 |
superm1 | just change it in your local ~/.lircrc | 22:04 |
superm1 | i dont know off hand of any such patches | 22:04 |
dsmi | okay I'll try and find it | 22:05 |
dsmi | which takes me to the third thing i was gonna look at | 22:05 |
dsmi | because the pad doesn't work, i've mapped left and right mouse click to left and right | 22:05 |
dsmi | not sure it's the best mapping? | 22:06 |
dsmi | oh also ch+ and ch- for up and down | 22:06 |
dsmi | i'll submit a patch to do this, but do you guys want it? | 22:06 |
dsmi | the lirc patch was called pad2keys | 22:07 |
dsmi | | 22:07 |
dsmi | superm1: | 22:14 |
dsmi | | 22:16 |
superm1_ | yeah at least submit it and at very minimum we'll look it over | 22:19 |
dsmi | superm1: I didn't see you're also the lirc maintainer? Sorry to annoy but is there something wrong with the pad2keys patch? | 22:33 |
free1 | I have chronos travel tv pcmcia card | 22:50 |
free1 | the chipset, as far as I know from my research, is a Phillips | 22:51 |
free1 | would that most likely need an ivtv driver? | 22:51 |
free1 | would anyone possibly know? | 22:51 |
free1 | any input is kindly appreciated | 22:52 |
foxbuntu | free1, check out to see if its a supported IVTV card | 22:53 |
free1 | fox, thanks I will | 22:53 |
free1 | it's just that I have tried using the card with tvtime and scantv.... to no avail | 22:54 |
free1 | so I was wondering if there were any known issues with that specific chipset, if anyone knew | 22:55 |
superm1_ | if it uses ivtv, ivtv will load on its own in gutsy | 22:55 |
free1 | right, that's what I thought- with gutsy | 22:56 |
free1 | I'm guessing that maybe gutsy recognizes it , but | 22:56 |
free1 | it is not configured properly with programs | 22:57 |
free1 | like tvtime or scantv-- but I wonder why | 22:57 |
free1 | and from what I see on, mostly haupage is supported | 22:57 |
superm1_ | tvtime cant use it | 22:58 |
free1 | no dice | 22:58 |
free1 | ;) | 22:58 |
free1 | but I'm wondering if that is because I haven't configured the program properly | 22:59 |
free1 | yet, I believe I have all the relevant packages--- apt-get install tvtime | 22:59 |
superm1_ | TVTIME can't use it | 23:00 |
superm1_ | it doesnt work with ivtv | 23:00 |
superm1_ | use mplayer /dev/video0 | 23:00 |
superm1_ | if you want to test it | 23:01 |
free1 | superm1, thanks...ok | 23:02 |
free1 | superm1, is there supposed to be a video0 subdirectory in /dev ? | 23:04 |
tgm4883 | free1, I dont think it should be a sub directory | 23:09 |
free1 | oh.. so how does one test it then? | 23:10 |
pcglue | I'm having trouble getting mythtv to playback on the Hauppauge PVR-350's TV out. I got X working through the 350's frame buffer, but mythtv says "unable to initialize video" when I try to play a recording or watch live TV. | 23:12 |
CanadianMan | anyone know the script that runs when you select Video Manager in MythVideo? | 23:15 |
CanadianMan | the one that looks up all the files in your video directory? | 23:16 |
rhpot1991 | anyone around? | 23:35 |
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