andresmujica | ok. | 00:00 |
PriceChild | nalioth, ah sorry, just removed it from towards #ubuntu and didn't think about it | 00:00 |
elkbuntu | gyah... i swear oo.o has got infinately slower between 2.2 and 2.3 | 00:02 |
gnomefreak | why is +1 +f again and why -unregged? | 00:04 |
gnomefreak | elkbuntu: it has because every new feature slows it down by 1 minute | 00:04 |
LjL | gnomefreak, +f doesn't mean it *actually* forwards. | 00:04 |
LjL | it only does if +i or +r is set | 00:04 |
elkbuntu | gnomefreak, yeah i know | 00:04 |
gnomefreak | +f means what than? | 00:05 |
LjL | gnomefreak: it just *sets a channel* to forward to - *if* some other mode is set that causes the forwarding to actually happen | 00:05 |
gnomefreak | oh so if we set +r than we wouldnt have to set +f its there already | 00:05 |
gnomefreak | ok cool | 00:05 |
LjL | yes | 00:05 |
gnomefreak | its sunday my nonthinking day | 00:06 |
=== Pici- is now known as Pici | ||
* Madpilot does /headdesk | 00:47 | |
Tm_T | Madpilot: whats the matter? | 00:47 |
Madpilot | trying to help someone upgrade Feisty->Gutsy, and asking for 'more detail, please' gets me 'it does it's upgrade thing, then fails' | 00:48 |
Tm_T | =) | 00:49 |
Madpilot | actually, the exact quote was "it downloads the uprgrade thing..." | 00:49 |
Fujitsu | Madpilot: Are you able to remove Ubotwo from various channels that ubotu has rejoined? | 00:49 |
Madpilot | probably. which channels? | 00:49 |
Fujitsu | #launchpad, for example. | 00:49 |
Fujitsu | 11:36:03 < ubotu> New bug: #158181 in launchpad "Let people ask questions without previously creating an account" [Undecided,New] | 00:49 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 158181 in launchpad "Let people ask questions without previously creating an account" [Undecided,New] | 00:49 |
Fujitsu | 11:36:04 < Ubotwo> Launchpad bug 158181 in launchpad "Let people ask questions without previously creating an account" [Undecided,New] | 00:50 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 158181 in launchpad "Let people ask questions without previously creating an account" [Undecided,New] | 00:50 |
Madpilot | nope - I don't have ops there | 00:50 |
Madpilot | heh | 00:50 |
Fujitsu | Can't you @part it, or something? | 00:50 |
Madpilot | recursive bot calling. | 00:50 |
PriceChild | Madpilot, i can sort it | 00:50 |
PriceChild | Fujitsu, ^ | 00:50 |
Fujitsu | PriceChild: Thanks. | 00:50 |
jdong | I thought L*j*L already did a flurry of that this morning | 00:51 |
* jdong checks whois | 00:51 | |
Tm_T | jdong: sirss | 00:51 |
jdong | Tm_T: who? | 00:52 |
Tm_T | jdong: hug me | 00:53 |
jdong | PriceChild: you got it? | 00:53 |
* jdong hugs Tm_T | 00:53 | |
PriceChild | jdong, hmm? | 00:53 |
Tm_T | jdong: big thank you | 00:53 |
jdong | PriceChild: parting ubotwo? | 00:54 |
PriceChild | yeah i have @join,part on it | 00:54 |
jdong | PriceChild: mmkay, then I'm back to starcraft :) | 00:54 |
jdong | (shut up about asianness) | 00:54 |
PriceChild | :O You're the only one who's ever made jokes about that! :) | 00:54 |
PriceChild | Thankyou very much. | 00:55 |
Tm_T | asia? | 00:55 |
jdong | I am psychic :) | 00:55 |
LjL | i didn't part ubotwo from everywhere because i didn't see ubotu joining | 00:55 |
LjL | anyway ubotwo should be able to be kicked and not rejoin | 00:56 |
LjL | jdong, so can you by the way | 00:56 |
jdong | yeah, I noticed that, a bit of disjointness (#ubuntustudio and others) | 00:56 |
jdong | LjL: indeed, but master Pricey said he got it covered :) | 00:56 |
nalioth | overlords and kittens | 00:57 |
ubotu | astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu | 02:36 |
ubotu | astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu | 03:22 |
Madpilot | dealt wtih | 03:25 |
Madpilot | with, even | 03:25 |
Madpilot | driveby | 03:25 |
tonyyarusso | @btlogin | 05:29 |
nalioth | sleeep | 05:34 |
tonyyarusso | someday | 05:36 |
ubotu | buttercups called the ops in #ubuntu | 07:49 |
ubotu | Evanlec called the ops in #ubuntu | 07:49 |
tonyyarusso | elkbuntu: dare I ask what it was? | 07:50 |
elkbuntu | i didnt go to it, i was eww'ing at the mess | 07:50 |
tonyyarusso | ah | 07:50 |
tonyyarusso | Any improvements in your life this week? | 07:51 |
* rob wonders why installing fam wants to uninstall half of his desktop | 07:57 | |
gnomefreak | did we find the UDS channel yet? | 08:16 |
Daviey | yes | 08:17 |
Daviey | #uds-boston .. | 08:17 |
gnomefreak | ty | 08:17 |
ompaul | gnomefreak, they are not awake yet methinks :) | 08:21 |
gnomefreak | i know same time zone ;) | 08:22 |
ompaul | gnomefreak, never would have guessed :) | 08:22 |
rob | there is #FOSSCamp too which seems to be related | 10:11 |
gnomefreak | im there | 10:11 |
gnomefreak | :) | 10:11 |
* rob wonders what "Please point your sources.list at" is about | 10:11 | |
* gnomefreak waiting for email so i can go back to bed | 10:11 | |
gnomefreak | rob: devels to upgrade maybe? | 10:11 |
rob | during the conference? | 10:12 |
gnomefreak | it hasnt started so i really dont know ;) | 10:12 |
rob | "point sources.list to for non-opaque proxy happyness" | 10:14 |
* rob wonders what non-opaque proxy happyness is | 10:14 | |
ompaul | fosscamp was until today which is uds | 10:16 |
ompaul | who knows | 10:17 |
Fujitsu | rob: non-opaque == transparent. They're running a transparent proxy locally, caching, to hopefully relieve some of the load from their slow connection in Boston. | 10:53 |
jussi01 | what the? #ubuntu is dead... weird... | 10:57 |
jussi01 | Ive never seen so little activity in there... | 10:58 |
Fujitsu | jussi01: Woah, yes. | 10:59 |
Fujitsu | No real activity in almost half an hour. | 11:00 |
jussi01 | I wonder whats going on... | 11:00 |
PriceChild | "nothing" | 11:00 |
PriceChild | in both senses of the word | 11:01 |
jussi01 | PriceChild: hehe... | 11:03 |
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary | ||
sladen | ljl: so carrying on in here; the flood protection should bump people to something other than #ubuntu-unregged | 14:33 |
sladen | and the unregged "protection" can bounce people to -unregged | 14:33 |
Tm_T | hi sladen | 14:34 |
LjL | sladen: why? registering is a good idea for anyone, anyway... and if someone gets +J-forwarded, it often means that there is a botnet attack in progress, so they should definitely register, because the channel will be +R | 14:34 |
PriceChild | we can't set a different forward for +r and +J though. | 14:34 |
LjL | that, too. | 14:34 |
PriceChild | If someone finds there way into -unregged who is already registered.... if they have any nouse they'll try joining #ubuntu again and succeed. | 14:35 |
sladen | <LjL@> sladen: no, +J doesn't *really* check if you're identified or not, it just forwards you into here if there are too many joins | 14:35 |
LjL | sladen: i could just tell people to "please try again join #ubuntu" instead of "please register and join #ubuntu" like i did, but why lose the change to get some more users to actually register? | 14:35 |
LjL | sladen: yes, and "too many joins", if +J is well-tuned, usually means a bot attack. | 14:35 |
LjL | s/change/chance/ | 14:36 |
sladen | as you've noted, botnets can register people too | 14:36 |
sladen | so there's two different issues: | 14:36 |
PriceChild | but most don't as its a hassle and gets spotted | 14:36 |
PriceChild | yes we use -unregged for two things... | 14:36 |
sladen | (a) what to do when there are many people joining in 10seconds (possible when there's a botnet flodding, or when there are 150 people reconnecting from the same conference after the wifi comes back up) | 14:37 |
LjL | sladen: anyway as PriceChild said, there is a *technical* limitation that doesn't allow us to use two different channels for the two "types" of forwarding. so no matter how long we discuss the relative merits of either approach... that technical limitation remains | 14:37 |
sladen | (b) asking people to register, so that the same nick always will be the same person | 14:37 |
LjL | sladen: well, what we currently do is ask people to *register anyway* (unless they aren't already, i should have mentioned that perhaps, granted), and then rejoin | 14:38 |
PriceChild | LjL, unless we want slower responses to botnets by normally having +f #ubuntu-tryagain and then setting +rRf #ubuntu-unregged when needed. | 14:38 |
LjL | it won't hurt to register, will it? it's two nickserv commands | 14:38 |
sladen | so lets fix the technical limitation. (Ubuntu is the main user of Freenode) | 14:38 |
LjL | two | 14:38 |
LjL | possibly one | 14:38 |
LjL | PriceChild: but | 14:39 |
PriceChild | (which sounds silly to me) | 14:39 |
LjL | PriceChild: but *while* +R is set, and +J is also set, people will be forwarded to -unregged anyway | 14:39 |
sladen | and in the mean time fix it with the documentation "you could have come to -unregged for two reasons: either you joined during a botnet attack, or your nick is not registered" | 14:39 |
PriceChild | Could I point out that 3 people *seem* to have been caught by +J in half a month.... and as it happens none of them actually wanted to use #ubuntu really... they've just idled :/ | 14:40 |
PriceChild | and in the meantime, I can't remember a single "reasonably sized" botnet in #ubuntu... | 14:41 |
PriceChild | just one person jobs | 14:41 |
PriceChild | while they have attacked freenode servers in their thousands in other channels | 14:41 |
LjL | PriceChild: ehm, i'm not sure of the latter, but anyway | 14:41 |
PriceChild | there was definitely a colossal botnet a few days ago.... | 14:41 |
PriceChild | didn't see a trace of it in #ubuntu | 14:42 |
LjL | PriceChild: no, that one didn't try #ubuntu | 14:42 |
PriceChild | Couldn't hurt to add a line to -unregged's topic saying "if you are already registered, please check you're identified they /join #ubuntu again" | 14:42 |
PriceChild | not that people read topics... | 14:42 |
LjL | PriceChild: i've added something similar, though less detailed | 14:43 |
LjL | /topic If you haven't already, then please register your nickname to join #ubuntu - We are experiencing technical difficulties. Instructions at (the commands explained there must be typed in your IRC program's status window, or if you don't have that, here - Use « /join #ubuntu » to eventually join the support channel) | 14:44 |
sladen | LjL: the heavyweight IRC users are reading by highlights, rather than /reading/ a channel | 14:54 |
sladen | LjL: groovy | 14:54 |
LjL | sladen: true, but what are you trying to say with that? | 14:54 |
sladen | LjL: that the IRC client needs to be able to reliably rejoin a channel that it thinks it should be connected to | 14:56 |
sladen | LjL: the redirect is breaking that | 14:56 |
LjL | sladen: when joining #ubuntu-unregged, a NOTICE is automatically sent. that triggers a highlight on most clients, i think. | 14:56 |
sladen | LjL: when a redirect happens, it would be useful to 'prefix:' the person and warn them that something has been messing with how IRC has worked for 18yeas | 14:57 |
LjL | sladen: and, as you've just seen, we do ping users who are in -unregged manually when we notice | 14:57 |
sladen | LjL: yup, which is useful, I wouldn't have known otherwise | 14:58 |
LjL | sladen: that could be done automatically by the bot, in theory, but it would be very easy for malicious people to exploit it in order to flood the bot... i suppose we can consider that option, though | 14:58 |
ompaul | ubotu join #uds-boston | 15:01 |
ompaul | ? | 15:02 |
ompaul | LjL, how do I get it to do that? | 15:02 |
ubotu | ebirtaid called the ops in #ubuntu | 15:02 |
LjL | ompaul, you can't if you aren't an admin on it... | 15:03 |
ompaul | ahh | 15:03 |
ompaul | right so | 15:03 |
ompaul | we need it to can you get it to | 15:04 |
LjL | ompaul: no. i can join ubotwo though | 15:04 |
ompaul | please do I will give it a factoid | 15:04 |
LjL | ompaul: please type also /msg ubotwo register ompaul password - i've lost my user list | 15:04 |
LjL | ompaul: ok you can join/part ubotwo yourself now (i've made it join #uds-boston already though) | 15:05 |
* LjL is away noe | 15:05 | |
ompaul | see that thanks | 15:06 |
ompaul | LjL, tell it I am an editor please | 15:07 |
Hobbsee | Ubotwo: addedito ompaul | 15:07 |
Hobbsee | Ubotwo: addeditor ompaul | 15:07 |
Hobbsee | %addeditor | 15:07 |
ubotu | Invalid arguments for addeditor. | 15:07 |
ompaul | methinks it is not the same | 15:08 |
ompaul | anyway in #ubuntu or ubuntu-devel | 15:08 |
ompaul | do this | 15:08 |
jdong | no0tic: can we help you? | 15:19 |
* no0tic is an -it op | 15:19 | |
jdong | no0tic: ha, just noticed I still have the trigger on | 15:33 |
jdong | ───── | 15:33 |
jdong | 11:19 <+jdong> no0tic: can we help you? | 15:33 |
jdong | 11:19 -!- no0tic [i=no0tic@unaffiliated/no0tic] has joined #ubuntu-ops | 15:33 |
ubotu | kane77 called the ops in #ubuntu | 15:57 |
mneptok |;_ylt=AtQm3mtzPHmWHPfs_V7d2K.s0NUE | 19:39 |
Tm_T | !test | 19:49 |
ubotu | Failed. | 19:49 |
Tm_T | stdin: hello? | 19:59 |
stefg | Hi.. i just noticed the !vmware factoid is outdated. vmware-player was taken away from the repos (was old and had a security leak) so it's no longer in the repos. Someone should change that and put a link instead, or so | 20:10 |
stefg | !vmware | 20:10 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at - See also !virtualizers | 20:10 |
stefg | no longer true | 20:10 |
nalioth | stefg: suggest a new one? | 20:11 |
stefg | ermmm.... d/l from vmware, get build-essentials and install manually ? ... too much for a factoid | 20:12 |
stefg | lemme see .... | 20:12 |
stefg | hmmm ... the trouble is you need to build the kernel modules, and that requires manually putting a symlink linux in /usr/src to the kernel-headers. Can't find a howto to link to yet | 20:18 |
Tm_T | just remove the outdated part, should contain install instructions | 20:20 |
stefg | so is outdated, too | 20:20 |
Tm_T | it is? | 20:21 |
Tm_T | stefg: update it =) | 20:21 |
stefg | Not a native speaker. i'd do in german, but my written english .... omg | 20:22 |
Tm_T | stefg: well bad english is better than false guides | 20:22 |
stefg | heh | 20:22 |
Tm_T | stefg: so please do :) | 20:22 |
stefg | !info vmware-player feisty | 20:23 |
ubotu | vmware-player: Free virtual machine player from VMware. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.2-2 (feisty), package size 11602 kB, installed size 31336 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) | 20:24 |
stefg | ah... so that's only true for gutsy+ | 20:24 |
ikonia | ompaul: didn't see you there | 20:33 |
ompaul | ikonia,been here most weekend | 20:34 |
ompaul | we had a long weekend here this one - so :) | 20:34 |
ompaul | happy days | 20:34 |
ikonia | ahhh right | 20:34 |
ikonia | everything ok ? | 20:34 |
ompaul | yeap | 20:37 |
ikonia | mega | 20:38 |
Tm_T | errr | 20:48 |
Tm_T | !ping | 20:49 |
ubotu | pong | 20:49 |
Tm_T | bantracker is down? | 20:49 |
Tm_T | and just when I say it, its alive =) | 20:49 |
LjL | stefg: are you sure it isn't in canonical's Commercial, or vmware itself doesn't have a package, or something? | 20:52 |
LjL | hm kind of seems not | 20:54 |
jussi01 | and afaik the any-any patch is needed on gutsy also... | 20:55 |
ubotu | ebirtaid called the ops in #ubuntu | 20:58 |
Tm_T | 2300 -!- MilesG [] has left #kubuntu [""im going to go cry, thanks Tm_T""] | 21:00 |
jussi01 | Tm_T: what did you do??? | 21:00 |
mneptok | only counts when he comes in here to complain about you | 21:00 |
mneptok | nice try, though. :) | 21:01 |
Tm_T | 2259 < Tm_T> MilesG: please stop your random noise | 21:01 |
jussi01 | hehe | 21:01 |
stefg | jussi01, LjL , afaik, vmplayer 2 compiles withou any-any . only requires it again | 21:12 |
jussi01 | stefg: ahh, nice to know. | 21:13 |
ikonia | boys, am I being dumb in wondering why doesn't have the 7.10 docs up ? | 21:13 |
mneptok | ikonia: uintil i know otherwise, i'm assuming it',s because of something you did | 21:15 |
ikonia | thats fair, I'll carry the can | 21:15 |
mneptok | woo! back to blissful ignorance! | 21:16 |
mneptok | thanks, dude. | 21:16 |
mneptok | :) | 21:16 |
ikonia | no sweat | 21:16 |
ikonia | worth logging a bug ? | 21:16 |
ikonia | or perhaps worth whispering in someones ear | 21:16 |
ikonia | what team is responsible for ? | 21:17 |
ompaul | ikonia, it does not have 7.10 docs | 21:19 |
jdong | ikonia: docteam? | 21:19 |
ompaul | mneptok, ^^ bug confirmed :) | 21:19 |
* ompaul rusn | 21:19 | |
ompaul | then | 21:19 |
* ompaul runs | 21:19 | |
ikonia | seems a bit slack, compared to normal release to release with out docs | 21:20 |
ikonia | I'm sure they are aware but I'll search for an official bug first. thanks | 21:20 |
ompaul | ikonia, #ubuntu-docs methinks | 21:21 |
ikonia | gratzi | 21:21 |
* ompaul hopes his memory is right | 21:21 | |
ikonia | nope - channel doesn't exist | 21:22 |
ompaul | drop the s | 21:22 |
ompaul | sorry | 21:22 |
ikonia | well done | 21:22 |
mneptok | if there's an #ubuntu-doc, then i'm *definitely* starting #ubuntu-grumpy | 21:24 |
ikonia | mneptok: register that bad boy | 21:29 |
ikonia | #ubuntu-doc exists and has nice guys in | 21:29 |
ikonia | I'd be interested in join #ubuntu-grumpy | 21:31 |
Seeker` | #ubuntu-sleepy FTW | 21:32 |
ikonia | nah, you'd get all the "noobs" from #ubuntu-grumpy complaining that no-one is ever awake | 21:32 |
Seveas | #ubuntu-snowwhite | 21:33 |
Seveas | neh, mneptok will want to hog #ubuntu-cinderella | 21:33 |
ikonia | you shall go to the lug | 21:34 |
jdong | #ubuntu-disney-copyright-violation | 21:34 |
Seveas | hahahah | 21:34 |
ikonia | ha ha | 21:34 |
Tm_T | :( | 21:34 |
jdong | | 21:34 |
ikonia | walts boys have no cash to come after you ! | 21:34 |
ikonia | its a free for all | 21:34 |
Tm_T | | 21:37 |
mneptok | Host 'snowwhite', running Linux 2.6.20-16-server - Cpu0: Intel 2660 MHz Cpu1: Intel 2660 MHz Cpu2: Intel 2660 MHz Cpu3: Intel 2660 MHz; Up: 43d+23:18; Users: 4; Load: 0.21; Free: [Mem: 227/16241 Mio] [Swap: 1906/1906 Mio] [: / Mio] [/boot: 172/236 Mio]; Vpenis: 688 cm; | 21:39 |
mneptok | check that hostname, kiddos :) | 21:39 |
ikonia | do you have a disney "problem" | 21:41 |
ikonia | whoooaaa "bf - a fast brainfuck interperater" | 21:45 |
ikonia | while I appriciate "brainfuck" does that not seem odd for ubuntu to host in a repo ? | 21:45 |
Seeker` | ikonia: why would it? | 21:45 |
ikonia | the name | 21:46 |
Seeker` | its a valid program | 21:46 |
ikonia | totally | 21:46 |
ikonia | and I appriciate brainfuck is not "fuck" | 21:46 |
ikonia | but seems a tad odd | 21:46 |
Seeker` | hmm | 21:47 |
ikonia | maybe I'm reading too much into it | 21:47 |
ikonia | just caught me off guard while updating my laptop | 21:47 |
* Seeker` wrote a brainfuck interpreter | 21:48 | |
LjL | ikonia, some words are to be avoided in the *ubuntu channels*, but that says nothing about what package names allowed in the repositories... | 21:48 |
ompaul | Seeker`, called beef? | 21:48 |
ikonia | LjL: I see, but for example would dicussion on brainfuck get me a slap on the wrist in #ubuntu | 21:48 |
Seeker` | ompaul: no | 21:48 |
ompaul | ikonia, I would suggest that we should cease and desist before we have to find out | 21:49 |
jussi01 | please someone enlighten me as to what exactly brainfuck is? | 21:49 |
LjL | ikonia: if you ask me, that's a resounding NO. actually i often used brainfuck as an example of the fact that we aren't censoring sequences of letters per se, but the way they're used | 21:49 |
ikonia | ahhh sorry, wasn't testing the water | 21:49 |
ompaul | apt-cache search brainfuck | 21:49 |
ikonia | just curious as while the name is "valid" it seems a tad odd for ubuntu to "allow" it due to the coc | 21:49 |
Seeker` | jussi01: An esoteric programming langugae | 21:49 |
ompaul | jussi01, ^^ | 21:49 |
LjL | jussi01: a little programming language that sort of resembles a more brainfucking version of a turing machine | 21:49 |
Seeker` | jussi01: it consists of "<>+-.,[]" | 21:50 |
jussi01 | ahhh, sounds fun... | 21:50 |
* ompaul goes back to writing the document that should have been written ages ago. | 21:50 | |
Seeker` | jussi01: its virtually unreadable | 21:50 |
ikonia | was it in fesity, I didn't notice it, as I said, just caught me off guard updating the laptop | 21:50 |
LjL | ikonia, CoC != IRC guidelines. the CoC says to "be respectful", but respecting the wish of the creator of brainfuck to call it that is a form of respect too | 21:51 |
Seeker` | jussi01: people have written programs to print out ascii fractals | 21:51 |
ikonia | LjL: thats a very fair comment | 21:51 |
ikonia | however the use of "offensive" language is in the coc, and well, seems a bit of a stretch on the word "Brain fuck" | 21:52 |
ikonia | not got a problem with it | 21:52 |
ikonia | just chatting | 21:52 |
ikonia | I assume I'm not causing offense | 21:52 |
ompaul | ikonia, at this stage it is highlighting my irc too regularly :) | 21:52 |
ikonia | then its stopped | 21:52 |
ikonia | I'll refer to "BF" | 21:52 |
ompaul | :) call it bf | 21:52 |
ompaul | thanks | 21:53 |
ikonia | no problem, I forgot about highlighting | 21:53 |
ompaul | I am trying to write up my comments for tomorrows review | 21:53 |
LjL | ikonia: ehm actually where is that in the coc? | 21:53 |
ikonia | the dings from BF must be distracting | 21:53 |
ompaul | they are | 21:53 |
ompaul | back to it | 21:53 |
ikonia | LjL: hang on, let me have a mooch I may be wrong, just quoting from memory | 21:53 |
ikonia | perhaps I'm mixing up IRC guidelines and the COC | 21:53 |
Seeker` | the CoC does'nt reference bad language directly (from what I remember) | 21:54 |
LjL | ikonia: i suspect you are | 21:54 |
Seeker` | which is why we had probles deciding what language to allow in -uk | 21:54 |
ikonia | you could be right, I'm just quoting from memory | 21:54 |
Seeker` | ikonia: s/memory/imagination :) | 21:54 |
ikonia | I suppose you could argue in "uk" that "git" could be considered offensive | 21:54 |
ikonia | Seeker`: tottally | 21:55 |
Tm_T | :( | 21:55 |
Seeker` | we basically decided that language up to a point that isn't directed at anyone is ok, otherwise it isn;t | 21:55 |
ikonia | there are a few products that I guess could cause issues moderating | 21:56 |
LjL | ikonia: anyway, what to say about the 'pornview' package? i mean, i suppose there is no swearword there, but :) | 21:56 |
ikonia | point taken | 21:56 |
mjr | "pimppa - powerful tool to loot binaries from newsgroups smartly" ← slang for female genitals in Finnish. Just a data point :] | 21:58 |
LjL | of course i only know that package because i stumbled upon it during random apt searches | 21:58 |
ikonia | LjL: too late to back track | 21:58 |
LjL | i mean, i'd never use a GTK application to view images | 21:58 |
LjL | mjr: then what about another binary newsgroup fetcher, "klibido"? | 21:59 |
mjr | Seeker`, seems reasonable to me | 22:00 |
rob | <gouki> Hi rob. I'm interested in registering #ubuntu-gamers, however, the person who registered hasn't showed up in 2 years. | 22:00 |
rob | dunno if he talked to any of you guys | 22:01 |
ikonia | rob: just request it get de-listed | 22:01 |
rob | ikonia, well it is up to the Ubuntu group contact what they want to do with it, so I'm looking at you irc council members :) | 22:02 |
ikonia | ahhh so its registered by an ubuntu member | 22:02 |
ikonia | sorry, I thought you where saying it was A-N Random | 22:02 |
Seveas | ikonia, no, it's in the ubuntu namespace | 22:02 |
Seveas | so it's "our territory" | 22:02 |
rob | yes, Ubuntu namespace :) | 22:02 |
ikonia | my mistake | 22:02 |
LjL | rob: he didn't talk to me. i'm not particularly in favor of registering obscure #ubuntu* channels without really making sure creating those channel is legitimate, anyway - although it appears that this particular one is registered already... | 22:03 |
Seveas | LjL, there's nothing really against registering. The channel is now empty with a contact that's not available. Qualifies for removing registration after which it's fair game :) | 22:04 |
rob | LjL, yes it is but the registeree hasn't been seen in some time and he wants to take over it, so I'm running it by here first. I'm assuming the irc council should be taking over it directly and maybe assigning him ops if they want. | 22:04 |
rob | either way, ubuntu namespace = your channels, so I'm doing you all the courtesy of deciding what you want to do with it | 22:06 |
rob | rather then just giving it to him :) | 22:06 |
Seveas | :) | 22:06 |
Seveas | I don't object against giving it away, but I'm almost no longer council :) | 22:07 |
LjL | Seveas, but was that channel *ever* an official channel? i don't think so. it's certainly not listed on the wiki at the very least. people *do* have the option of using ## channels for unofficial stuff, don't they? | 22:08 |
PriceChild | What's up? :/ | 22:09 |
LjL | PriceChild: <gouki> Hi rob. I'm interested in registering #ubuntu-gamers, however, the person who registered hasn't showed up in 2 years. | 22:09 |
Seeker` | PriceChild: the sky | 22:09 |
LjL | Seeker`: hope it isn't raining then | 22:09 |
Seeker` | LjL: not at the moment | 22:10 |
Seeker` | hmm, actually, i may go try to find a comet | 22:10 |
PriceChild | ty ljl | 22:10 |
Seveas | LjL, they do but why not be liberal in allowing people to create channels in the #ubuntu namespace? | 22:10 |
Seveas | they do so anyway, so why not allow this registration to be dropped according to freenode guidelines for dropping channels and make it available | 22:11 |
nalioth | i don't have a problem with #ubuntu-whatever, so long as it's run in accordance with the CoC and !guidelines | 22:11 |
ubotu | astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu | 22:11 |
rob | my thought is that if a Ubuntu member has some legitimate ubuntu-related use for a #ubuntu- channel, why not let him at least use it with ops (registered to the council) or even let him register it. | 22:13 |
LjL | Seveas, they do so, but nalioth for instance has been hunting for unofficial channels a few times. actually i agree with what he just said - if it's in the #ubuntu namespace, it should *somewhat* be a sane Ubuntu-like channel IMHO. remember *cough* all the #ubuntu-offtopic variations that have been created in the past? | 22:13 |
Seveas | LjL, true, but that's not really the case here | 22:14 |
LjL | rob: i hadn't checked whether he was an ubuntu member. i saw that the *current* contact didn't have a cloak last time he joined | 22:14 |
Seveas | LjL, markuman left the ubuntu community a long time ago | 22:14 |
LjL | i see | 22:15 |
Seveas | gouki is an active community member, possibly ubuntu member as well | 22:15 |
nalioth | he is a member | 22:15 |
LjL | Seveas: yes, he is a member, i checked now | 22:15 |
Seveas | that makes it a no-brainer to me | 22:15 |
gnomefreak | markuman was xubuntu owner iirc he ended up giving it to crimson | 22:15 |
gnomefreak | crimsun | 22:16 |
Seveas | let's have him enjoy his latest project :) | 22:16 |
Seveas | gnomefreak, yup | 22:16 |
Seveas | over a year ago iirc | 22:16 |
gnomefreak | yep | 22:16 |
LjL | rob: you can drop the current registration as far as i'm concerned | 22:16 |
rob | nalioth, any objections? | 22:16 |
gnomefreak | ok dinner | 22:16 |
nalioth | rob: whatever is easier. drop or assign ownership | 22:17 |
rob | nalioth, seeing as he is no longer online, I'll just do the latter | 22:17 |
LjL | yeah | 22:17 |
LjL | i think i wouldn't be so sure about it if it weren't an ubuntu member though | 22:17 |
LjL | #ubuntu-gaming is registered my markuman too btw | 22:18 |
LjL | #ubuntu-games is register by eleaf | 22:18 |
rob | okay done | 22:18 |
PriceChild | eleaf.... | 22:19 |
PriceChild | sounds familiar | 22:19 |
LjL | PriceChild: even too much so, doesn't it? | 22:19 |
PriceChild | good familiar or bad familiar... | 22:19 |
nalioth | PriceChild: bad familiar | 22:19 |
PriceChild | :/ | 22:19 |
LjL | i don't know, for some reason when i think "familiar" on IRC i always think "bad familiar" | 22:19 |
rob | eleaf is not a ubuntu member, has several #ubuntu- channels registered | 22:19 |
nalioth | there are dozens of #ubuntu* channels out there | 22:19 |
PriceChild | LjL, mhmm | 22:19 |
rob | yeah | 22:19 |
nalioth | so long as no problems are coming from them . . . | 22:19 |
nalioth | most of them have 0 users | 22:20 |
LjL | yeah... | 22:20 |
nalioth | most of them have 0 interest | 22:20 |
Tm_T | nalioth: can we take them over just for fun? | 22:21 |
nalioth | Tm_T: i personally don't have fun doing it... | 22:21 |
Tm_T | nalioth: then dont :) | 22:21 |
PriceChild | Tm_T, what, give you the powers to do it yourself? :) | 22:22 |
Tm_T | no | 22:22 |
Tm_T | if you dont find it needed, then dont do, I dont have any needs either really | 22:22 |
Tm_T | and yes, prolly would hurt more than gain | 22:22 |
rob | its kinda fun to do so if you know the owner has been abusing/trolling some project and the project requests the channel back :) | 22:23 |
Tm_T | rob: I would imagine so | 22:23 |
PriceChild | ubuntu_demon bumped his hard drive posts on planet again... | 22:25 |
Tm_T | PriceChild: agh, they do that too? | 22:26 |
PriceChild | Tm_T, ? | 22:26 |
Tm_T | bumping | 22:28 |
ompaul | I am off | 22:29 |
ompaul | leater | 22:29 |
Pici | His hackergotchi scares me. | 22:29 |
ompaul | later cheers | 22:29 |
Pici | leather ompaul | 22:29 |
Seeker` | why does he keep on bumping it? | 22:35 |
Tm_T | Seeker`: because its Kool! ? | 22:38 |
Daviey | PriceChild: would it be wrong of us to just remove him from the planet? :) | 22:45 |
Daviey | IIRC planetplanet has the option of not allowing timestamp change | 22:45 |
Pici | Is he actually changing anything, like a small edit, or just bumping? | 22:46 |
Tm_T | any staff here? | 22:47 |
unagi | =( | 22:47 |
Tm_T | unagi: hi :)) | 22:47 |
unagi | hello Tm_T how are you | 22:47 |
Tm_T | unagi: I'm fine thanks | 22:47 |
unagi | Tm_T: great to hear | 22:48 |
Tm_T | unagi: you? | 22:48 |
unagi | Tm_T: im doing back in honolulu and i have a date in an hour | 22:49 |
unagi | still bummed that i lost those pictures though =( | 22:49 |
Tm_T | sorry to hear that | 22:49 |
mneptok | unagi: how can we help you? | 22:50 |
unagi | i was hoping to have the ban on me lifted =( | 22:50 |
mneptok | unagi: seeing that when asked to change your behavior the response was "you can't ban me, just try" do you see a reason we should lift it? | 22:51 |
unagi | i suppose i am asking in good faith that most of what happened was a misunderstanding and that if it was lifted there wouldnt be anymore problems | 22:52 |
mneptok | unagi: the misunderstanding is yours. when asked to stop behavior by ops, you either do so, or accept the consequences. | 22:53 |
Tm_T | hm | 22:54 |
unagi | if the behavior mentioned was truely happening it would have stopped.........the misunderstanding was what the intent of my comments were | 22:54 |
Tm_T | mneptok: if you ask my opinion, lift atleast in #ubuntu | 22:55 |
mneptok | 22:15 < mrunagi> you cant ban me | 22:55 |
mneptok | 22:15 < mrunagi> ill be back | 22:55 |
mneptok | 22:15 < mrunagi> after i reconnect | 22:55 |
mneptok | 22:15 < mrunagi> but u can waste ur time if u want | 22:55 |
mneptok | 22:15 < mrunagi> i work on a cruise ship and get online with my cell phone so......yea | 22:55 |
mneptok | there is no misunderstanding there. | 22:55 |
mneptok | that's you stating clearly that you intend to evade a ban | 22:56 |
Seveas | can't really misunderstand that | 22:56 |
Tm_T | true | 22:56 |
unagi | so......yea......if you dont want to hear my explaination and want to instead ban me........thats fine.....but i will be back to finish my explaination | 22:56 |
unagi | it seems to me that ops cant agree on what the initial ban was about | 22:56 |
unagi | granted there were many reasons to actually ban me i am and will only comment on the first and inital ban | 22:57 |
Tm_T | unagi: you havent stated what channel you are talkinf even | 22:57 |
unagi | im referring to offtopic | 22:57 |
mneptok | unagi: and that paste is from -offtopic | 22:57 |
unagi | which i dont really know why i was banned from ubuntu anyway | 22:57 |
unagi | i understand that | 22:57 |
unagi | here is where the misunderstandings start | 22:58 |
Seveas | unagi, then maybe you should reread the logs to understand it... | 22:58 |
unagi | the misunderstanding isnt from me | 22:58 |
mneptok | i banned you from -offtopic | 22:59 |
mneptok | what did i misunderstand? | 22:59 |
Tm_T | Seveas: I think the problem is that he's banned in #ubuntu because of ban evading (but what was the original ban there?) | 22:59 |
mneptok | Tm_T: he's banned from #ubuntu because he stated he would start trolling there because he was banned from -offtopic. | 23:00 |
Tm_T | I see | 23:00 |
mneptok | he discussed it with Pricey, if memory serves | 23:00 |
Seveas | pretty much a standard action when trolls get banned | 23:00 |
PriceChild | Ah hello there unagi :) | 23:00 |
Tm_T | Seveas: yes | 23:00 |
Tm_T | PriceChild: hi to you too | 23:00 |
* mneptok makes a note of a new PChild highlight | 23:00 | |
Seveas | so far only a handful go into klineable | 23:01 |
LjL | actually | 23:01 |
PriceChild | mneptok, :P | 23:01 |
Tm_T | anyway I repeat, I hope he get his ban lifted from #ubuntu | 23:01 |
LjL | it seems to me that unagi was banned on october 19 on quite valid grounds, and that ban was never removed | 23:01 |
LjL | (on #ubuntu) | 23:01 |
PriceChild | mneptok, its cuz my connection used to be so poor, I would reconnect with alt nick... yet still have people talking to me as "PriceChild" so I keep both as hilights. | 23:01 |
Seveas | I hope he does not. Doesn't show any signs of having improved on his behavior | 23:01 |
PriceChild | unagi, still around? | 23:02 |
mneptok | unagi: let's sum this up. you made dicey statements in -offtopic. an op asked you to stop. you claimed you wouldn't, as the comments were miscnostrued. you then said you'd avoid any ban by reconnecting. at which point i banned you, and you found my IRC-fu was better than your ISPs IP range. at which point you became conciliatory. | 23:03 |
LjL | mneptok: but even without that, there is a ban from october 19 on #ubuntu that the bot doesn't show as lifted, so he was ban evading to begin with | 23:03 |
PriceChild | I am also very unhappy at how you persistently refuse to accept that you might just possibly not be totally correct unagi. | 23:03 |
PriceChild | LjL, agreed. | 23:04 |
mneptok | let's be frank. you're here and asking nicely because i know how to set a proper banmask. which doesn't fill me with confidence in your promise to change. | 23:04 |
PriceChild | *waits for a response* | 23:04 |
Seveas | <unagi> so......yea......if you dont want to hear my explaination and want to instead ban me........thats fine.....but i will be back to finish my explaination | 23:06 |
Seveas | I don't consider that asking nicely | 23:07 |
Seveas | more a concealed troll-threat | 23:07 |
Tm_T | Seveas: that's big minus I agree | 23:07 |
unagi_ | well consider the context it was in | 23:07 |
mneptok | Seveas: we have to be willing to slide the "nicely" definition scale, i think ;) | 23:07 |
unagi_ | i was being attacked | 23:07 |
unagi_ | by 3 or 4 people | 23:07 |
Seveas | heh, attacked... | 23:07 |
unagi_ | uh | 23:07 |
unagi_ | yea | 23:07 |
unagi_ | attacked..... | 23:08 |
unagi_ | people saying that i am a sexist that objectifies women | 23:08 |
Seveas | if that's attacked, your actions are a war | 23:08 |
Tm_T | unagi: hum, you werent attacked | 23:08 |
unagi_ | no? | 23:08 |
Seveas | and nobody called you a sexist... | 23:08 |
unagi_ | apparently | 23:08 |
unagi_ | we are in a misunderstanding again | 23:08 |
Seveas | we explained why the ban wouldn't be lifted | 23:08 |
unagi_ | i was commenting on what my 'threat' to evade | 23:08 |
unagi_ | meant | 23:09 |
PriceChild | unagi_, you most definitely wern't being attacked... you've taken the opportunity to attack us, telling us we were wrong, that we _all_ misread everything you wrote. | 23:09 |
Seveas | so to sum up.... | 23:09 |
LjL | where is the -offtopic ban, incidently? | 23:09 |
Tm_T | :( | 23:09 |
Seveas | well well | 23:09 |
PriceChild | *is content with that* | 23:09 |
Seveas | 2 different isp's? | 23:09 |
PriceChild | That could have lasted an hour easy. | 23:09 |
LjL | Seveas: i'm searching for the nickname | 23:09 |
PriceChild | how rare | 23:09 |
ikonia | kept me quietly ammused | 23:09 |
Tm_T | Seveas: he's in ship as said, always different ISP | 23:10 |
LjL | PriceChild: your client doesn't have /me, by the way? :P | 23:10 |
Seveas | Tm_T, I don't beleive that | 23:10 |
PriceChild | LjL, it does, but sometimes i choose no to use it :) | 23:10 |
PriceChild | I spent an hour or so the other day in pm with him and there's no way on earth he's going to even consider the possibility that he might have been wrong | 23:10 |
Tm_T | Seveas: I believe by his always changing ISP | 23:10 |
Seveas | you have to deliberately dial in with a different isp for that | 23:10 |
Seveas | doesn't happen automatically | 23:11 |
LjL | PriceChild: is that a forum thing? are you going to <quote></quote> the message you're replying to, too? :P | 23:11 |
PriceChild | LjL, [quote] actually. | 23:11 |
LjL | yeah whatever | 23:11 |
PriceChild | :P | 23:11 |
PriceChild | Nah its just a me thing :) | 23:11 |
Seveas | [PriceChild]me me me[/PriceChild] | 23:11 |
PriceChild | me me me me....... meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 23:12 |
LjL | meh | 23:12 |
PriceChild | no, me | 23:12 |
LjL | myself and i | 23:12 |
Seveas | | 23:13 |
Seveas | :p | 23:13 |
PriceChild | *dances* | 23:14 |
Seveas | :) | 23:14 |
Seveas | LjL is animal :) | 23:14 |
Seveas | I'll be zoot :) | 23:15 |
mneptok | I'M A MAGICAL FAIRY PRINCESS! | 23:15 |
Seveas | yes dear | 23:16 |
PriceChild | *plays it again*9 | 23:16 |
PriceChild | LjL, ^ | 23:16 |
mc44 | mneptok has such creative uses for his halo | 23:16 |
Pici | :o | 23:17 |
LjL | mc44: i'm still trying to find out what highlights you. | 23:18 |
LjL | anyway i'm not a drummer. no no no. | 23:18 |
Seveas | LjL, 'fairy | 23:19 |
Seveas | ' | 23:19 |
LjL | you think? i was leaning on princess right now | 23:19 |
PriceChild | hmmmm sudoking in -bots.... | 23:19 |
LjL | PriceChild: oh, for a moment i thought there was a sudoku bot in -bots. | 23:19 |
Seveas | :) | 23:20 |
PriceChild | He was abusing ubotwo the other day.... and nal was watching him for some reason too... | 23:20 |
nalioth | LjL: no, just a troll | 23:20 |
PriceChild | Now there he is again. | 23:20 |
Seveas | @admin ignore add sudoking | 23:20 |
ubotu | OK | 23:20 |
Seveas | :) | 23:20 |
LjL | well as long as he's in the designated playgr -- nevermind | 23:20 |
PriceChild | lol | 23:20 |
PriceChild | I'll have to take ubotwo away from ljl if you don't care and look after him. | 23:21 |
PriceChild | *from you ljl | 23:21 |
PriceChild | Haha :) | 23:22 |
Tm_T | :( | 23:27 |
Tm_T | I dont like how this unagi case turned out | 23:27 |
Seveas | | 23:27 |
Tm_T | Seveas: hum, btw | 23:27 |
Tm_T | Seveas: possibility of gaining accees to ubotu? writing factoids and like | 23:28 |
* Pici waits for Seveas to list the editors here again... | 23:28 | |
Seveas | Pici, I can't | 23:28 |
Pici | Seveas: aw... | 23:28 |
Seveas | it forces the reply to go into pm :) | 23:28 |
Tm_T | Pici: er? | 23:29 |
PriceChild | unagi's in pm.... | 23:29 |
Tm_T | PriceChild: he's in mine | 23:29 |
Tm_T | PriceChild: and everything is fine by me | 23:29 |
Pici | Tm_T: @listeditors (or something similar) used to list all of the current factoid editors... in channel... pinging them al. | 23:29 |
Pici | s/al/all | 23:29 |
Tm_T | Pici: ah, yes | 23:29 |
Tm_T | @editors | 23:29 |
Tm_T | ? | 23:30 |
Tm_T | ah yes | 23:30 |
Tm_T | and I'm not one of them | 23:30 |
Seveas | I just love youtube, been listening to about 20 muppet songs now :) | 23:30 |
PriceChild | Seveas, haha don't have too much of a good thing | 23:30 |
Pici | <3 Waldorf & Statler | 23:30 |
Seveas | anyone have objections against tm_t as editor? | 23:31 |
nalioth | waaah what a troll | 23:31 |
Seveas | nalioth, you liiked in the mirror again? | 23:31 |
Tm_T | if does, I would then leave my op rights too | 23:31 |
nalioth | /whois SudoSu | 23:31 |
Seveas | looked* | 23:31 |
Tm_T | I mean | 23:31 |
Tm_T | if I cant be trusted with infobot, I cant be trusted as op of major channels | 23:31 |
Seveas | true | 23:32 |
Tm_T | so anyone like to have me out, speak =) | 23:32 |
LjL | Tm_T: now that's a dangerous statement to make | 23:32 |
Seveas | YOU SUCK! | 23:32 |
Tm_T | LjL: I know | 23:32 |
Tm_T | LjL: thats why I made it | 23:32 |
Seveas | | 23:32 |
Seveas | !!!! | 23:32 |
LjL | i have no objections as long as i can revert his edits to death. | 23:33 |
Tm_T | =) | 23:33 |
LjL | also - "if does, I would then leave my op rights too" - that's a very obvious objection :P | 23:33 |
LjL | dyslexia doesn't help with the bot :P | 23:34 |
Tm_T | whats dyslexia? | 23:34 |
Pici | Dyslexics of the world, untie! | 23:34 |
PriceChild | bad pici | 23:34 |
Pici | :D | 23:34 |
PriceChild | :/ | 23:35 |
LjL | Tm_T: writing "whats" instead of "what's" | 23:35 |
Seveas | @addeditor Tm_T | 23:35 |
ubotu | OK | 23:35 |
Seeker` | @editors | 23:35 |
LjL | nooo | 23:35 |
Tm_T | LjL: I see, that's because I did at one time use too much '-sign | 23:36 |
Tm_T | LjL: so I'm bit cautios at times with it | 23:36 |
Tm_T | Seveas: I thank you sir | 23:36 |
LjL | Tm_T: you could exchanges ideas about that with mc44 | 23:36 |
mc44 | my use of apostrophe's i's perfect | 23:37 |
Tm_T | hum? | 23:37 |
Tm_T | LjL: whats your meanings, sirss? | 23:37 |
LjL | mc44: not by any mark worse than my use of final s, no. | 23:37 |
LjL | Tm_T: mine is just "over-fast keyboard auto-completing reflex", it's a good thing | 23:38 |
Tm_T | LjL: :) | 23:38 |
LjL | it's like x-chat autocompleting nicknames wrong, except you don't need x-chat to do it | 23:38 |
Tm_T | LjL: well, I have two "native" languages here and english is third, first of foreign ones | 23:39 |
elkbuntu | did anyone fix the opabuse factoid yet? | 23:40 |
Tm_T | !opabuse | 23:40 |
ubotu | leave the ops alone ktnxbye | 23:40 |
elkbuntu | it was 'seveas' before | 23:40 |
Seveas | elkbuntu, ! | 23:40 |
* elkbuntu huggles Seveas | 23:41 | |
Tm_T | elkbuntu: it would be cute to have !opabuse to be "seveas! someone is bullying me!" | 23:41 |
PriceChild | lol! | 23:41 |
Tm_T | just to make Seveas hilighted enough | 23:41 |
elkbuntu | cute yes, functional no. | 23:41 |
Tm_T | elkbuntu: my point | 23:42 |
Tm_T | PriceChild: can I talk with you in private a moment? | 23:42 |
elkbuntu | i kinda wanna know who's been messing with the factoid anyway | 23:42 |
PriceChild | Tm_T, sure | 23:42 |
Seveas | elkbuntu, it's all logged :) | 23:43 |
elkbuntu | Seveas, yeah, but i cant remember how to ask it | 23:43 |
* Tm_T hugs Tm_T | 23:43 | |
LjL | actually it was seveas, then it was leave the ops alone kthxbye, then it was seveas again, then it was leave the ops alone kthxbye again | 23:43 |
LjL | i see a secret edit war going on here :P | 23:43 |
Seveas | elkbuntu, you can't :) | 23:43 |
Tm_T | ...because noone else will :( | 23:43 |
Seveas | LjL, the logs show only one edit | 23:43 |
Seveas | 500|Mez!n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez|opabuse|2007-07-06 19:00:43.562442|leave the ops alone ktnxbye | 23:43 |
LjL | ah no | 23:44 |
LjL | !opabuse-#ubuntu-offtopic | 23:44 |
ubotu | Seveаs | 23:44 |
LjL | that's why | 23:44 |
Seveas | heh | 23:44 |
Tm_T | :))) | 23:44 |
Pici | It has magic UTF goodness to avoid hilights | 23:45 |
LjL | Pici: what? where? | 23:45 |
LjL | (reply "oh, nothing" if you don't want a ban) | 23:45 |
Mez | !forget opabuse-#ubuntu-offtopic | 23:45 |
ubotu | I'll forget that, Mez | 23:45 |
Pici | LjL: /me shrugs | 23:45 |
LjL | PriceChild: especially after someone mentions "ops" | 23:48 |
elkbuntu | he's been saying dumbass things all week | 23:51 |
Tm_T | me? | 23:52 |
LjL | yup | 23:52 |
elkbuntu | spaceman | 23:52 |
elkbuntu | (see -offtopic) | 23:52 |
elkbuntu | he comes across as genuinely stupid, but not maliciously so | 23:53 |
LjL | now, granted, it was pricechild who said "ops"... but he said "kick" and "ban", and he's going to complain that all ops come up? | 23:53 |
Tm_T | =) | 23:54 |
elkbuntu | LjL, he's a low level troll in that he says things to get attention, and likes to make a fuss when he has got it | 23:55 |
LjL | mc44, i won't kick you from there just because it would make it way too obvious | 23:55 |
LjL | but you'll pay anyway | 23:55 |
mc44 | haha | 23:55 |
Tm_T | jussi01: moi kaima | 23:57 |
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