[00:41] if I have a raid-1 setup and one disk crashes.. How do I see that? [02:07] XiXaq: /var/log/syslog should tell you; are you using a RAID controler or software-based RAID? [02:11] anyone very familiar with proftpd? [02:12] I need to do a blanket quota [02:12] of 10mb per usa [02:12] user*8 [02:55] vjl323, no, I'm planning. I don't get my server until a few weeks. :) [03:56] does ubuntu-server have its own domain like [x,k,ed]ubuntu? [04:36] kgoetz: no [04:37] Burgundavia: ok. just checking [04:50] hello dendrobates [04:51] ajmitch: hi [06:11] why doesnt my server have an `htpasswd2`? [06:11] only htpasswd [06:15] why should it have one? [06:15] i don't know [06:16] i am following a guide that is asking me to use htpasswd2 [06:16] so i decided to ask to be on the safe side before i use htpasswd [06:17] kgoetz: eh? [08:03] moin [08:03] <_ruben> mornin [10:26] Where can I reconfig the system timezone on Gutsy Server ? [10:26] zobbo: tzconfig [10:27] hmmm, 'tzconfig' not found and no suggested packages displayed [10:28] ah - bug #148891 - "tzconfig not in gutsy" [10:28] Launchpad bug 148891 in glibc "tzconfig not in gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148891 [10:28] SNAP ! :) [10:30] lol [10:30] ah, on my server i'm still running feisty [10:30] can I borrow your tzconfig guv ? [10:31] [11:30|henkjan@pallas.finux.nl ~] [10:31] % cat /etc/timezone [10:31] Europe/Amsterdam [10:32] * zobbo gives it a go [10:33] zobbo: you can try tzselect [10:33] ooh [10:33] that's there ! [10:33] thank you ! [10:33] Note that tzselect will not actually change the timezone for you. Use ’dpkg-reconfigure tzdata’ to achieve this. [10:34] ... [10:34] and thank you once again. Saved me a couple of hours of tearing my hair out !!! [10:35] np [10:52] could i check out the ubuntu(-server) docs the same way as the edubuntu stuff? i assume its in bzr on LP? === crummygummy_ is now known as CrummyGummy === zul_ is now known as zul === robteix is now known as mrgto_lunch [13:55] I have changed my hostname in /etc/hostname, how to i force the change to take effect? [13:58] AnRkey: which: hostname [14:00] thank you kind sir :D [15:36] hi [15:36] this might be a little OT :-( [15:36] when i try to install Feisty Fawn from CD i get: [15:36] sd 4:0:0:0 Attached scsi disk sdb [15:36] sd 4:0:0:0 Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0 [15:36] then it stops. I have a Scaleo Pa2505 [15:38] spiekey: try gutsy [15:38] hmm..maybe its my usb disk! I will reboot, try again and come back ;) [15:38] whats gutsy? [15:38] oh, 7.10 [15:39] is it not experimental? [15:39] released last week? week before? [15:40] i have a AMD64 X2, do i want the amd64 iso? [15:40] i still want a 32bit operating system + tools [15:42] I think you just answered your own question [15:50] so the i386 thing? [15:54] i thought you can run a 64bit kernel with 32bit applications? === Burgundavia_ is now known as Burgundavia [17:39] hi [17:39] has anyone an idea why my ubuntu installation hangs here? http://i24.tinypic.com/348rdwy.jpg [17:39] its 6.06 LTS [17:39] (installing on vmware) [17:40] from iso image [17:41] spiekey: check the console (alt-f4) [17:42] how can i send alt+f4 to vmware? [17:44] oh, with alt+f4 :) [17:44] don't remember, maybe there was a button for locking alt [17:45] ah [17:52] F1 screen: http://i24.tinypic.com/34dizvs.jpg [17:53] F4 screen: http://i20.tinypic.com/2vt14cl.jpg [17:53] now, this is not going to be helpful, is it? [17:54] spiekey: almost looks like your network settings aren't correct. === joerlend__ is now known as XiXaQ === gamble6x is now known as gamble|lunch [18:57] is there a ubuntu-server related blogsphere of some sort ? [19:03] lerolero: do you mean blog software? or a server related blog? AFAK some server dev blogs are aggregated here: http://planet.ubuntulinux.org/ === gamble|lunch is now known as gamble6x [19:34] I need help with a feisty server + spamassassin + amavis setup. The permissions for the bayes db get screwed up very often. [19:34] spiekey: you could try on #ubuntu-installer, but yeah, you can check the network settings by opening a console session on VT2 or 3 [19:38] anybody here know a little something abotu WebDAV? [19:39] stiv2k: what do you need? [19:39] rbrunhuber: well i'm trying to set up subversion following this guide: http://www.howtoforge.com/debian_subversion_websvn [19:39] but i am having problems with the webDAV part, h/o let me retrieve the error i'm getting [19:40] svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/project_resurrection' [19:40] svn: PROPFIND of '/project_resurrection': Could not read status line: Secure connection truncated (https://websvn.neoturbine.net) [19:42] is this server public reachable? [19:42] yes it should be [19:42] stiv2k: no it always times out. [19:42] rbrunhuber: what port you trying to connect on? [19:42] 443? [19:43] i think the problem lies with SSL as the guide completely skips over explaining how to setup an SSL certificate and such :| [19:44] i dont know why they would show you how to set up webdav with SSL yet not show you how to set up SSL [19:47] ?? [19:53] sommer: thanks for the link. that's exactly what I was looking for. [19:53] np [20:55] stiv2k: Sorry, i was distracted: boss calling. [20:55] its okay [20:55] i (sort of) got it working [20:55] i have it working w/o ssl [20:56] stiv2k: somebody did a writeup of svn + ssl on http://planet.ubuntulinux.org/ [20:56] it's about 2/3 down the page [20:56] nice [20:56] stiv2k : there is one rule of thumb: There is no such thing like a free lunch with apache2 + ssl [20:56] hehe [20:56] what are you implying? [20:57] stiv2k: for example virtual host + ssl is not working. [20:58] uh oh [20:58] really? [20:58] so i can pretty much scrap the idea [20:58] stiv2k: You can use IP based vhosts with Apache + SSL [20:58] i usually use [20:59] sommer, stiv2k: thanks for the correction namebased virtual hosts are not working. [21:00] correction [21:00] [21:00] i don't know if that's name-based or IP based [21:00] stiv2k, sommer: i got around this problem by redirecting for example http://webmail.example.com to https://example.com/webmail [21:00] stiv2k: that's named based. [21:01] stiv2k : and http://svn.example.com to https://example.com/svn [21:01] [21:01] [21:01] you'll need to add extra IP's to your interface [21:02] sommer: well i have several name based virtual hosts [21:02] and i have a dynamic public ip [21:02] stiv2k: then you are forced to use name based vhosts [21:02] stiv2k: here's a link explaining why you need IP based: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/name-based.html [21:03] actually that link doesn't... looking for correct link [21:05] the problem is, that ssl is defined in the server context and not in the virtual host context, which means that you can only specify one ssl certificate. [21:05] try this link: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/ssl/ssl_faq.html#vhosts2 [21:08] stivk what do your virtual host names look like? [21:08] stiv2k: see above [21:13] sommer: seems stiv is now busy reading. [21:14] heh... I had to deal with that ssl name vhosts issue a couple of months ago, one of those woops moments. [21:16] sommer : me too, as my website is only intended for a very small audience i use redirects vom http (pretty url) to https (ugly url) === Irish is now known as YourMomsHero [21:25] hehe [21:25] sorry [21:26] okay [21:27] so i can't just use one certificate ? [21:58] stiv2k: ? [21:59] stiv2k: you must use only one certificate and you must have only one virtualhost stanza if you are using name based virtual hosts [22:01] rbrunhuber: i see [22:07] I have ubuntu-server i386 installed. I know that it is not wise in most instances to have X.org installed on a server so this is why I ask this. Would it be alright for a home server to have X running and if not would running an xen server and having a domU desktop make more sense? [22:24] timestamps... [22:25] UnNaturalHigh: why use xen ?? will there be different users ? [22:25] if its a home server .. [22:27] leonel, only user is me from a GUI perspective [22:29] UnNaturalHigh: do you have a desktop other than the server, or you must use the server console ? [22:29] lerolero, I have two laptops on my desk and the server at my feet [22:30] I just wanted to use the monitor as an extra desktop with synergy and X11 forwarding [22:31] gotcha. [22:32] I wouldn't use xen at all for this setup. just install the packages and configure the X server by hand. [22:32] just trying to get some people's opinions more or less on what direction I should take [22:32] well, I usually don't have a local console on my servers. [22:32] yea, I was just going to run e17 or fluxbox anywho [22:33] security is not a big concern on a home cable connection [22:33] I already run a nice firewall in the form of pfsense [22:33] :) [22:35] thanks for you input lerolero [22:35] * UnNaturalHigh is going back to school :) === chuck__ is now known as zul