tonyb | I'm hoping to run edubuntu in something like a kisok mode. (please forgive me for asking befoer I do the install) Are there tools to lock up a given account so the theme (icons, fonts, background etc) can not be changed? | 00:46 |
kgoetz | yes, a number of them | 00:48 |
kgoetz | iirc theres even some guides how to do it | 00:48 |
tonyb | kgoetz: I did google for guides/howtos but couldn't find any I'll keep trying thanks. | 00:51 |
tonyb | hopefully I'll get time to do the install this weekend. | 00:53 |
kgoetz | !sabayon | 00:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sabayon - try searching on | 00:54 |
kgoetz | silly bot. | 00:54 |
kgoetz | !pessulus | 00:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pessulus - try searching on | 00:54 |
kgoetz | siller bot | 00:54 |
kgoetz | !info pessulus | 00:54 |
ubotu | pessulus: lockdown editor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.3-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 29 kB, installed size 1004 kB | 00:54 |
kgoetz | tonyb: ^^ | 00:55 |
tonyb | kgoetz: Thanks. | 00:55 |
kgoetz | np | 00:55 |
tonyb | kgoetz: installing it on my laptop to have a play :) | 00:56 |
kgoetz | :) | 00:56 |
kgoetz | i know theres another one, but it doesnt spring to mind | 00:56 |
kgoetz | !info sabayon | 00:57 |
ubotu | sabayon: system administration tool to manage GNOME desktop settings. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.1-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 151 kB, installed size 2784 kB | 00:57 |
kgoetz | there it is^^ | 00:57 |
tonyb | kgoetz: again thanks. They shoudl do waht I need. It's a shame I have to start from this position. It'd be nice if I just /trusted/ the kids wouldn't do "the wrong thing" :( | 01:01 |
kgoetz | tonyb: what are you worried they will do specifically? | 01:01 |
tonyb | kgoetz: basically student A makign it hard for Student B to use the machine. | 01:03 |
tonyb | kgoetz: also to a smaller degree "defacing" the machine. | 01:03 |
kgoetz | tonyb: you might want to look at resetting the GUI on login/logout | 01:03 |
kgoetz | so each login is clean | 01:03 |
tonyb | kgoetz: Yeah I'll do that, and the teacher can ctl-alt-bkspace if needs be | 01:04 |
tonyb | kgoetz: Thanks again. | 01:08 |
kgoetz | tonyb: no problems | 01:09 |
kgoetz | tonyb: let us kknow how it goes | 01:09 |
tonyb | kgoetz: Will do. | 01:09 |
kgoetz | :) | 01:09 |
a|2121|e | assalamualaikum | 02:28 |
kgoetz | RichEd: arvo | 03:59 |
bcoudoin | Hi, there is a problem with GCompris on Gutsy, translations does not show up. At least french people are complaining | 08:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bcoudoin, i hadnt heard of any issues. have you checked the BTS? | 11:38 |
bcoudoin | nope, I checking now | 12:01 |
bcoudoin | it's not there | 12:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | did you look at | 12:04 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 107971 in gcompris "Incomplete French translation" [Undecided,New] | 12:04 |
bcoudoin | I am installing gcompris here to double check but it's not a partial issue | 12:10 |
bcoudoin | I am confused, on my gutsy, gcompris is partially translated | 12:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bcoudoin, the person with the problem may not have their computer setup properly? | 12:17 |
bcoudoin | well, I found out that is part of the gnome language pack. perhaps these persons don't have it | 12:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | could be. ask them if they have ubuntu-desktop installed, and what gcompris parts - iirc gcompris has a -fr package | 12:20 |
bcoudoin | yes but the -fr is for voices | 12:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ah right | 12:28 |
spacey | hi | 13:35 |
spacey | ogra: | 13:37 |
spacey | correct that that bug still exists? | 13:37 |
stgraber | ogra: I just saw that "edubuntu-addon" has been rescheduled for today, is that correct ? | 13:42 |
ogra | spacey, yes | 13:43 |
spacey | ogra: is there some quick fix? | 13:44 |
ogra | stgraber, yup, thats right, mvo wanted a discussion about the g-a-i changes | 13:44 |
spacey | if i deinstall gnome-power-manager it also pulls gnome-session away and everything breaks | 13:44 |
ogra | spacey, sudo gconf-editor .... | 13:44 |
stgraber | ok | 13:44 |
spacey | ogra: something systemwide? | 13:44 |
sbalneav | Boo | 13:44 |
ogra | go to g-p-m set "can_hibernate" "can_suspend" to false .... make them default and mandatory | 13:45 |
spacey | ok | 13:45 |
spacey | thanks | 13:46 |
musashi1 | can anyone explain what i need to do to get gutsy to auth with active directory? I'm looking at but not really sure what i need to do. I'm still rather new to all this. thanks | 14:07 |
musashi1 | i'm getting some feedback from other suggesting that this is not going to work in gutsy? can anyone confirm? should i reinstall with feisty? | 14:12 |
bcoudoin | ogra: the french translation of gcompris 8.3.2 that comes on gutsy is really out of sync. It's unusable in schools. | 14:23 |
bcoudoin | also as the is provided as part of the gnome language pack, I am afraid it's not installed on non gnome based systems | 14:26 |
dtrask | So how'd the profiles session go? Anything to report? | 14:45 |
moquist | dtrask: gobby installed & open by default on an Edubuntu server. | 14:47 |
dtrask | ???? | 14:49 |
moquist | dtrask: by "gobby" I of course mean "sabayon" | 14:51 |
dtrask | aha | 14:54 |
dtrask | :-) | 14:54 |
musashi1 | can anyone explain what i need to do to get gutsy to auth with active directory? I'm looking at but not really sure what i need to do. I have installed kbr5-user but when trying to use kinit I get this --> (v5): Preauthentication failed while getting initial credentials | 14:54 |
musashi1 | or this --> kinit(v5): KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials | 14:55 |
* dtrask dtrask needs to learn to acknowledge the low power warning | 15:04 | |
dtrask | moquist: So...sabayon will be enabled by default? What about gobby? | 15:05 |
dtrask | moquist: You mentioned gobby earlier | 15:05 |
stgraber | musashi1: first of all you must have the same time on both your server and client, so use ntp :), then set your krb5.conf and try : user@DOMAIN (the domain usually is uppercase) | 15:06 |
moquist | dtrask: I typed the wrong thing. | 15:12 |
dtrask_ | what room you guys in at the moment? | 15:20 |
dtrask_ | trying to one home | 15:20 |
stgraber | dtrask_: Hunsaker B | 15:22 |
dtrask_ | talk to me | 15:22 |
dtrask_ | say hi | 15:22 |
stgraber | dtrask_: but waiting for mvo, so everyone working on the wiki :) | 15:22 |
dtrask_ | thanks | 15:22 |
dtrask_ | yes I'm here | 15:22 |
dtrask_ | I'm on listen mode | 15:22 |
dtrask_ | OK | 15:23 |
calc | mvo was double scheduled | 15:23 |
dtrask_ | OK...just curious | 15:23 |
dtrask_ | I can't talk as I'm in class and the kids will look at me funny | 15:23 |
stgraber | :) | 15:23 |
dtrask_ | Is RichEd there? | 15:23 |
stgraber | nope | 15:23 |
dtrask_ | I need to catch him about plans for tomorrow | 15:24 |
RichEd | dtrask: nope ... | 15:24 |
dtrask_ | I'll be back Wed | 15:24 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: LOL | 15:24 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: where are you? | 15:24 |
dtrask_ | ;-) | 15:24 |
RichEd | dtrask: in the loco team meeting | 15:24 |
dtrask_ | I'll try and catch you later about plans | 15:24 |
RichEd | when are you driving back ? after school on wed ? | 15:24 |
dtrask_ | yep | 15:25 |
dtrask_ | actually after my son's soccer probably leave here 4:30 or so | 15:25 |
RichEd | what time would work for the visit (actual school time that is) forgetting travel time | 15:25 |
RichEd | 11:00-1:00 something like that ? | 15:25 |
dtrask_ | school is out at 2:30 pm so earlier is better | 15:25 |
dtrask_ | That could work | 15:26 |
RichEd | okay ... let me chat to people here to see who would be keen to go, and if someone is able to drive | 15:26 |
dtrask_ | sure | 15:26 |
RichEd | will chat to you later | 15:26 |
RichEd | thanks | 15:26 |
dtrask_ | if you guys decide to make the journey....then let me know and I will then help make arrangements | 15:26 |
dtrask_ | brb | 15:26 |
dtrask_ | I'm back | 15:34 |
dtrask_ | for a min | 15:34 |
musashi1 | stgraber: thanks. i'll set that up | 15:36 |
musashi1 | can i do ntp from a term? i'm logged in over ssh at the moment | 15:37 |
stgraber | ntpdate should sync the clock | 15:37 |
musashi1 | thanks | 15:39 |
musashi1 | stgraber: sweet!! that worked | 15:39 |
musashi1 | at least kinit did | 15:39 |
musashi1 | i still have more issues :( | 15:39 |
musashi1 | dtrask_: are you THE david trask of linux journal fame? | 15:41 |
calc | RichEd is here now | 15:44 |
dtrask_ | musashi1: Yes...I guess *blush* | 15:47 |
musashi1 | cool. you are doing amazing things. | 15:47 |
dtrask_ | musashi1: thanks :-) | 15:47 |
dtrask_ | musashi1: mention this...had beer last night with Maddog | 15:48 |
dtrask_ | musashi1: heard the story of how he met Linus | 15:48 |
dtrask_ | brb...lunch | 15:48 |
musashi1 | dtrask_: that's cool. enjoy lunch. | 15:51 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
dtrask_ | moquist: where's the file in xterminator with the variable I can adjust the amount of time to "wait" | 16:44 |
dtrask_ | moquist: never mind...I found it | 16:47 |
moquist | dtrask_: hi. good. :) | 17:36 |
highvoltage | moo | 18:03 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: You here? | 18:16 |
RichEd | dtrask_: yebo | 18:16 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: looks like my sons game is Thursday or I'll be able to leave right after school tomorrow....2:45 or so | 18:17 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: I realize it's a long drive so ya'll don't feel like you need to come up | 18:18 |
RichEd | okay ... things are getting quie busy here with specs ... lots of classmate issues to go through | 18:18 |
RichEd | i just don't want to take time out if i am stressing about missing sessions ... | 18:18 |
RichEd | but will give you a final answer later today | 18:18 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: no problem...I understand completely....don't worry about it...stay there and I'll see you all tomorrow p.m. | 18:19 |
RichEd | thanks ... maybe we can do a virtual session hook up with the kids | 18:19 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: by the time you got up here...the return on time invested might not be worth it | 18:20 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: Great idea! Anyone got a webcam? I have one on this laptop that works great with Ekiga OR maybe you can use moquist's MacBook and do Skype with video...I can do the same with my MacBook | 18:21 |
RichEd | i'll check ... | 18:21 |
dtrask_ | a great time to do it would be sometime in the 10:10 to 10:50 time frame....I have 4th graders at that time....9-10 year olds... | 18:23 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: it'd be awesome for them | 18:24 |
RichEd | okay ... lemme check if anyone has a webcam | 18:24 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: let me know...don't stress over it....looking forward to getting back down there. :-) | 18:24 |
dtrask_ | I know moquist does | 18:24 |
dtrask_ | Is launchpad down? Having trouble getting to blueprints | 18:48 |
dtrask_ | RichEd: the Mass maintenance that leaning toward Sabayon type stuff or Samba/LDAP, user account type stuff? | 19:05 |
RichEd | ogra1: can you answer dtrask_ ... i am now confused by the mass maint deploy italc classmate control innards | 19:06 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: hence my question ;-) | 19:07 |
ogra1 | dtrask_, rather transfer scripts for accounts etc | 19:07 |
ogra1 | you could call it "K12LTSP maintenance scripts revisited " | 19:08 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: I'm planning to attend via VOIP...just wanted a heads up on what the idea was based on | 19:08 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: AHA! Now I know exactly what you're talking about...and I have lots of experience with them ;-) | 19:08 |
ogra1 | dtrask_, we have some huge deployments going on in the future ... that spec is about finding the rigth tools | 19:09 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: gotcha' | 19:09 |
ogra1 | which will include looking at erics scripts again | 19:09 |
* dtrask_ now understands | 19:09 | |
dtrask_ | ogra1: I see one biggie being scripts to set OpenOffice paper sizes based on locale....on script in there does the A4 to letter....does most of Europe use A4? | 19:10 |
ogra1 | italc is sooo horrible *sigh* | 19:10 |
ogra1 | dtrask_, file a bug against libpaper | 19:10 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: yup...I only use it when I must...which ain't often | 19:11 |
ogra1 | dtrask_, thas not something to fix with a script | 19:11 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: is there really a libpaper? | 19:11 |
ogra1 | yes | 19:11 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: will do then | 19:11 |
ogra1 | Description: library for handling paper characteristics | 19:12 |
ogra1 | The libpaper paper-handling library automates recognition of many | 19:12 |
ogra1 | different paper types and sizes for programs that need to deal with | 19:12 |
ogra1 | printed output. | 19:12 |
ogra1 | from the package desc. | 19:12 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: thx | 19:12 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: K12LTSP scripts revisited is at 16:15 right? | 19:13 |
ogra1 | dtrask_, also note that it works in the most parts of the world (afaik there is only one country where it doesnt) | 19:13 |
ogra1 | :P | 19:13 |
ogra1 | yeah 16:15 | 19:13 |
ogra1 | so based on the amount of countries that exist thats a very low prop bug *grin* | 19:14 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: lemme guess....same place where they don't use the metric system? ;-) | 19:14 |
ogra1 | s/prop/prio/ | 19:14 |
dtrask_ | ogra1: ;-) | 19:14 |
dtrask_ | anyone know Carl's (from system76) nick? | 19:16 |
* dtrask_ waits a LONG time for launchpad....I need a drink...brb | 19:19 | |
musashi1 | so it seems, based on my experiences today, that gutsy has some issues. perhaps that's good so the bugs can be found and worked out (I'll be reporting a couple) but kind of disappointing too. has anyone else had issues? does anyone have a gutsy thin client lab up and running? | 19:46 |
sbalneav | Yup | 19:48 |
sbalneav | Lots | 19:49 |
musashi1 | out of the box or lots of tweaking? | 19:49 |
sbalneav | Out of the box. | 19:49 |
musashi1 | does local media (like usb drives) work? | 19:49 |
sbalneav | I've got 30 workstations at work. | 19:49 |
sbalneav | Yes, absolutely | 19:49 |
musashi1 | well, mine fails over and over | 19:49 |
musashi1 | i can log in several clients but after that it complains about swap and the rest of the clients hang | 19:50 |
sbalneav | You've read the debug wiki page. | 19:50 |
musashi1 | no, didn't know there was one | 19:50 |
sbalneav | "complains about swap"? | 19:50 |
stgraber | you are probably running out of ram | 19:51 |
sbalneav | What complains about swap? The clients? The server? | 19:51 |
musashi1 | not sure, someone else was watching that | 19:51 |
sbalneav | What's the exact error? | 19:51 |
musashi1 | not sure. i didn't see the screen | 19:51 |
musashi1 | it was on a client though | 19:51 |
musashi1 | stgraber: server has 4gb of ram. for 26 clients i was assured that would be enough | 19:52 |
stgraber | it should if you don't have tons of firefox running for days on them :) | 19:53 |
stgraber | or any memory hungry software | 19:53 |
musashi1 | well, we couldn't even log in more than about 6 clients | 19:53 |
stgraber | hmm, ok so there is really something wrong | 19:53 |
stgraber | how much ram do you have on your clients ? | 19:53 |
musashi1 | right | 19:53 |
musashi1 | not sure they are a mix of old clients. i think some are 128 and some 256 | 19:54 |
musashi1 | maybe more | 19:54 |
stgraber | ok, >64MB should be fine | 19:54 |
musashi1 | yes, more than 64 | 19:54 |
stgraber | musashi1: did you check the disk and memory usage on the server ? ("df" and "free") | 19:55 |
musashi1 | i didn't when the class was there. i could now but probably not useful | 19:55 |
stgraber | you can still try now | 19:56 |
musashi1 | hold on. let me connect | 19:56 |
musashi1 | all the lines on df say 1% or 2% used | 19:57 |
musashi1 | free - Mem: 3630688 1138316 2492372 0 94924 786728 | 19:58 |
sbalneav | How much disk space? | 19:58 |
musashi1 | that's total used and free | 19:58 |
sbalneav | df -k | 19:58 |
musashi1 | 3 160gb SATA drives in raid 5 i think | 19:58 |
musashi1 | so 320gb total | 19:59 |
musashi1 | df -k == /dev/cciss/c0d0p1 297139140 2731272 279314000 1% / | 20:00 |
musashi1 | you want all the lines? | 20:00 |
sbalneav | yes please | 20:01 |
musashi1 | Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on | 20:01 |
musashi1 | /dev/cciss/c0d0p1 297139140 2731272 279314000 1% / | 20:01 |
musashi1 | varrun 1815344 104 1815240 1% /var/run | 20:01 |
musashi1 | varlock 1815344 0 1815344 0% /var/lock | 20:01 |
musashi1 | udev 1815344 88 1815256 1% /dev | 20:01 |
musashi1 | devshm 1815344 0 1815344 0% /dev/shm | 20:01 |
musashi1 | lrm 1815344 34696 1780648 2% /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile | 20:01 |
sbalneav | We'll need to get the exact error message you had about swap | 20:02 |
musashi1 | sorry, i'll have to ask the guy that was checking that what it way. he is gone now | 20:02 |
musashi1 | i think he said about network swap - does that make any sense? | 20:03 |
stgraber | well not really as indeed the clients use nbdswap which is network exported swap but the swap is stored on the server where there doesn't seem to have any space problem ... | 20:06 |
musashi1 | okay. it was kind of crazy. we had 25 high school kids telling us they couldn't log in on top of some other issues so it was just hard to collect accurate data. | 20:08 |
musashi1 | i was going to reinstall the whole thing with feisty and see if that has fewer issues. there is some traffic on the list suggesting gutsy has issues | 20:08 |
stgraber | musashi1: sbalneav is working on a debug wiki page | 20:10 |
stgraber | musashi1: reinstalling on Feisty isn't a good idea as I personnaly had more issues with Feisty than I had with Gutsy + the clients take like 10x more time to boot :) | 20:11 |
musashi1 | i need to have this ready by thurs for our network admin to add us to the domain. i really want it all working by then | 20:11 |
musashi1 | yeah, they do boot fast but they don't log in. | 20:11 |
stgraber | the wiki page will be ready in a few minutes :) | 20:12 |
musashi1 | okay. i can wait | 20:12 |
musashi1 | thanks | 20:12 |
sbalneav | | 20:19 |
dtrask_ | hey are you guys meeting yet? | 20:19 |
stgraber | yes | 20:19 |
dtrask_ | can't hear very well | 20:19 |
stgraber | 5007, 5107 for listen only | 20:19 |
sbalneav | musashi1: Have a look at that wiki page. | 20:19 |
musashi1 | checking now. thanks | 20:20 |
dtrask_ | are you in the lan jen chu room? | 20:20 |
stgraber | dtrask_: yep | 20:20 |
dtrask_ | I tried 5007 wouldn't connect, but 5107 would | 20:20 |
dtrask_ | hmmmm | 20:20 |
stgraber | can you hear us ? | 20:20 |
dtrask_ | K12LTSP scripts revisited ;-) | 20:21 |
dtrask_ | yes | 20:21 |
dtrask_ | Scotty was just speaking right? | 20:21 |
stgraber | yes | 20:21 |
dtrask_ | hang on...going to try 5007 again | 20:21 |
stgraber | ok, there was a paper on the mic, quality should be a bit better now | 20:21 |
dtrask_ | won't let me connect....on there something that needs to happen on that end? | 20:22 |
stgraber | do you have an account on canonical sip server ? | 20:22 |
stgraber | that's required to access the non-listen only ones | 20:23 |
dtrask_ | aha! How do I get one? | 20:23 |
stgraber | ping them on #canonical-sysadmin | 20:23 |
dtrask_ | who should I ping? | 20:24 |
dtrask_ | I can hear you for the most part | 20:25 |
dtrask_ | do we have a gobby going? | 20:27 |
stgraber | yes | 20:27 |
stgraber | MassUserManagement | 20:27 |
dtrask_ | hang on | 20:27 |
dtrask_ | I'm here and can now speak...where are we? | 20:32 |
dtrask_ | speak up | 20:32 |
musashi1 | sbalneav: checking the wiki, step one says the dev needs to be partitioned. is this a common state for new drives? i think students will be frustrated if we need to go through those steps to save to a flash drive? | 20:33 |
musashi1 | this could be a deal breaker. it worked in feisty and if i can't get it work in gutsy i'll have to roll back | 20:34 |
sbalneav | It didn't change from feisty to gutsy | 20:35 |
sbalneav | it was the same before. | 20:35 |
sbalneav | Can you paste your lts.conf file? /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf | 20:36 |
sbalneav | !pastebot | 20:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pastebot - try searching on | 20:36 |
sbalneav | !pastebin | 20:36 |
LaserJock | hi all | 20:36 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 20:37 |
sbalneav | hello LaserJock | 20:37 |
LaserJock | was there another Edubuntu Addon discussion today? | 20:38 |
stgraber | eh, sort of :) | 20:38 |
stgraber | we were waiting for mvo but he hasn't been able to attend | 20:38 |
stgraber | so we spent an hour working on wikipage, trying italc, ... :) | 20:38 |
LaserJock | ah | 20:38 |
dtrask_ | italc needs serious work | 20:39 |
stgraber | dtrask_: I can hear some noice from the speaker here but nothing I can understand | 20:39 |
LaserJock | I don't quite understand the similarities/differences between italc and TCM | 20:39 |
dtrask_ | i know I'm waiting for something important | 20:39 |
stgraber | ok | 20:40 |
sbalneav | Are you following the gobby document? | 20:40 |
stgraber | LaserJock: italc can more or less do the same as TCM but also with real desktop computers (not thin clients), windows computers, ... | 20:41 |
stgraber | LaserJock: it's VNC seems better than the TCM one too (from what I saw after switching a classroom to it) | 20:41 |
LaserJock | I see | 20:45 |
stgraber | the point I like is also that we have an upstream we just patch, we are no longer the upstream for this one (but for that we need italc to do at least what TCM does) | 20:47 |
stgraber | (and find a way to improve its UI which is just ... ugly ? :)) | 20:48 |
musashi1 | sbalneav: i'm going to run the install again. i'll test and get you that info in a bit. one wierd issue - the on board broadcom eth was always identified as eth0 and the pci-e intel was eth1. on the reinstall they were switched. first time to see that and i've done for or five installs. normal? | 20:48 |
stgraber | musashi1: that can depend of the order the BIOS detects the card or the time required to load the kernel modules, the ethX won't change afterwards as they are then assigned by MAC | 20:49 |
stgraber | LaserJock: you can ask ogra1 about what he thinks of italc UI :) | 20:49 |
dtrask_ | LaserJock: Italc is OK....just looks like hell ;-) To cartoon like | 20:49 |
* ogra1 shudders | 20:49 | |
* dtrask_ vomits | 20:49 | |
ogra1 | dtrask_, its far from being "ok" | 20:50 |
ogra1 | there are lots of other issues | 20:50 |
ogra1 | (nothig unsolvable though) | 20:50 |
* dtrask_ realizes ogra speaks the truth | 20:50 | |
stgraber | it's not really "easy" to install :) | 20:50 |
LaserJock | so is it going to be easier to make italic better or TCM? | 20:51 |
stgraber | italc has a nice roadmap with interesting features to come that I think we don't have time to implement (the problem is that we have nobody with time to work on TCM AFAIK) | 20:52 |
sbalneav | musashi1: On the server? I have no idea, that's a kernel/dbus issue. | 20:52 |
LaserJock | what is italic written in? | 20:53 |
LaserJock | is that the one that gambas or some such? | 20:53 |
stgraber | C or C++, let me check | 20:53 |
stgraber | <-- that's their current roadmap | 20:54 |
LaserJock | so something sane anyway | 20:54 |
LaserJock | hehe, looks like their wiki got hacked | 20:55 |
stgraber | we should see how easy it would be to remove some stuff (like those annoying help bubbles) from the UI | 20:55 |
stgraber | yes, I saw that too | 20:55 |
ogra1 | LaserJock, its *very* similar to TCM ... | 20:56 |
stgraber | it's C++ | 20:56 |
ogra1 | from what it offers | 20:56 |
dtrask_ | LaserJock: where is the "hack" | 20:56 |
stgraber | dtrask_: their wikipage, at the top of the main page | 20:56 |
musashi1 | stgraber: well, it's just odd that it flips after so many installs the "other way". didn't know if it point to possible causes of problems or a problem itself. | 20:56 |
sbalneav | stgraber: just out of curiosity, ogra and I were discussing your idea of taking the screen snapshots | 20:56 |
dtrask_ | LOL...found it | 20:57 |
dtrask_ | over and out | 21:05 |
dtrask_ | /quit | 21:30 |
bddebian | Heya | 21:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi | 21:45 |
bddebian | Heya Kamping_Kaiser | 21:48 |
jamiej | Any on help. I have installed ltsp on gutsy. When I try and login using ldm the screen just goes black and ldm just restarts. I have tried ltsp-update-sshkeys. | 22:35 |
jamiej | I was on earlier my problem was ldm just went to a blank screen and restarted. I have now checked ldms log on the client and it reports that no xauth data anyone help please. | 23:24 |
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