
=== chuck__ is now known as zul
Angelusi made an apt-get source linux-source, and it gave me an empty linux-meta folder with a debian folder00:41
Angelusis this right?:S00:41
KeybukAngelus: technically, yes ;)00:42
Keybuksince linux-source is an empty package that depends on the version of linux-source you want00:42
Keybuk(try apt-get source linux-source-2.6.22 :p)00:42
Angeluscause the guide on the wiki only says to do "apt-get source linux-source"00:43
Angelusok Keybuk it worked, thanks alot00:45
Angelusis it posible to run make menuconfig to edit one of the configs in /debian/config ?00:55
zulAngelusL: you would have to do something like cat one of the configs.* to config01:00
Angeluszul:  would doing "make menuconfig" in the kernel source tree, and saving to the .config , then copy it to /debian/config/amd64/config  do the trick ?01:04
zulAngelus: I would cp debian/config/amd64/config to your kernel source and then cat debian/config/amd64/config.generic to .config and then make menuconfig but its all in the wiki01:17
Angeluszul: the wiki only tells you to edit debian/config/amd64/config or the other flavours01:18
Angelusit doesnt state anything about menuconfig :p01:18
zulcat debian/config/am64/config > .config 01:18
zulcat debian/config/amd64/config.generic >> .config01:18
zulcopy to your kernel source and then do make menuconfig01:19
Angeluszul: im having this error when i update the configs with debian/rules01:25
Angelusdebian/scripts/misc/oldconfig: line 66: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/debian/scripts/misc/splitconfig.pl: Permission denied01:25
zuldont run the script just do what I said and then run make menuconfig 01:25
zulim off to bed01:26
Angelusyes i know zul , but the guide says that after make menuconfig/ or editing the config you must update the configs with that script01:26
thullyHi - i'm trying to rebuild git snapshots of my kernel to test for a but and after one successful build, I'm now getting the following error...03:52
thully/usr/bin/fakeroot: 166: debian/rules: not found03:53
thullyhow do I get the debian/rules file to exist again?  I'm assuming the previous build destroyed it03:53
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== loganx is now known as chellwig
chellwighow do people write device drivers in c08:46
dconwaywhich ubuntu kernel supports webcam support11:53
dconwayBus 004 Device 002: ID 05ca:1837 Ricoh Co., Ltd         11:53
dconwayno driver support for it yet?11:53
dconwayany hints appreciated11:55
dconwaydoes a diff version of the kernel matter?11:55
dconwayanyone awake11:56
Angelusi compiled a custom kernel13:35
Angelusit created me a bunch of .deb files13:36
Angeluslike sata-modules , pata-modules, 4 kenrel images, 4kernel headers13:36
Angelusdo i need to install everything?13:36
Angelusiv got all these http://rafb.net/p/t0EQfD51.html13:38
aboganiAngelus: udeb files are for installer only. You can ignore these.13:39
Angelusabogani: and the modules files? the ones like sata-modules? they're installer files?13:40
aboganiAngelus: AFAIK Yes. All files with udeb extension working in Debian Installer only (aka alternate CD in Ubuntu slang).13:41
Angelusthankz mate13:42
Angelusok last question, for compiling the restricted modules, do i need to install every header package ? like generic, server, rt  and the rest?13:42
aboganiI don't know, sorry.13:46
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
zullamont: I like your dog grooming story18:03
lamontzul: THANKS18:05
lamontwho hit that caps lock key18:05
Angelusi compiled the kernel sucesffuly using debian/rules, everything worked fine including restricted drivers, BUT adept is telling me to update from 2.6.22 to 2.6.22 i can't understand why. its the same version as the ubuntu's official version even the ABI number21:52
Angelusplease somebody answer me i really need to fix this anoying issue :(22:40
NafalloAngelus: it works as it is supposed to then...22:50
NafalloAngelus: prefer the version from the repos if it is the same version.22:50
gnomefreakAngelus: you changed it that makes i < ubuntu versions (assuming you either didnt pass all the config options or you passed a config option ubuntu doesnt use22:52
=== chuck is now known as zul
Nafallognomefreak: no, why?23:12
Nafallognomefreak: I'm pretty sure it does what I wrote as well.23:12
gnomefreakNafallo: if he changed config options and kept same version its gonna be < ubuntu version23:13
AngelusNafallo:  and gnomefreak i didnt understand you23:13
Angelusit is the same version exacly23:13
Angeluseven the abi23:13
gnomefreakAngelus: you compiled it and didnt change any config options?23:13
Angelusbut adept is giving me un update to the repo version23:13
Angelusof course i changed config options23:14
Nafallognomefreak: if it's the exactly same name on the deb I'm pretty sure it compares what it has in the packagelist against the package that is actually installed.23:14
Angelusi change debian/config/amd64/config23:14
gnomefreakNafallo: ubuntu version should rule over personal builds23:14
Nafallognomefreak: that's what I tell you.23:14
gnomefreakAngelus: just pin it if you dont want adept to complain23:15
Angelusis there  way i can change the abi number?23:15
Angelusgnomefreak: "how to i pin it" ?23:15
gnomefreakAngelus: its a bad idea to keep same version that you build as ubuntus build because if you get them mixed up it can be issues on bug reports ect...23:16
ubotupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto23:16
gnomefreakAngelus: my packages always have a higher version23:16
Angelusthe guide says that doing "debian/rules binary" should generate a unique abi number, in my case it didn't it used same abi number as the kubuntu abi number23:17
Angelusgnomefreak: is there a way to generate a diferent abi number manually?23:21
gnomefreakAngelus: not sure im not a kernel dev23:21
Angelusso my only choise is pinning?23:22
AngelusNafallo: do you know how to generate a diferent abi for a custom built kernel?23:25
_Thelonius_hi, anyone here?23:37
_Thelonius_i need help on the compiling of the kernel...23:37
_Thelonius_i cannot enable a module and i dunno why23:37
Angelusi discovered that my kernel package has a smaller size then the ubuntu kernel23:55
Angelusso i think thats why its telling me to upgrade?23:55

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