=== BeerSerc is now known as BeerSerc_away | ||
astro76 | Kiborg, you don't want to install on any filesystem that windows made, delete the partition and install in the blank space | 00:00 |
jrgp | linux cannot be installed on windows partitions, Kiborg | 00:00 |
f0rtune | what would i need to download to view wps documents on ubuntu? | 00:00 |
comicinker | hi! where puts ubuntu the icons from a theme if installed them? | 00:00 |
kandinski | oh, my filesystem is read-only now, how can I make it rw so I can edit the sources.list? | 00:01 |
fanin | after doing a memory test for an hour, and checking for overheat (wich is not a prob.) the gutsy OS now restarts every time i log in, right after typing the passwd, wich means i cant do anything.. should i reinstall ubuntu or is there an other way to solve this problem??? | 00:01 |
IanLiu | What I do to see .AVI video with subtitles?? | 00:01 |
=== blan_ is now known as blan`afk | ||
Odd-rationale | Has anyone have any trouble installing the msttcorefonts package? When I tried to install it, I got a error message saying that there is an error in the package. Now I can't remove it. Also it tries to complete the install every time I do apt-get, which gets really annoying. Anyone have any suggestions? | 00:01 |
Kiborg | so I must go to manual partitioning? | 00:01 |
astro76 | IanLiu, you have a subtitle file? use vlc | 00:01 |
IanLiu | yes | 00:01 |
kandinski | fanin,are you sure its the system restarting and not just X? | 00:01 |
IanLiu | hmm, let me see | 00:01 |
vitasovic | any suggestions/help? | 00:01 |
roachmmflhyr | upgraded to gutsy...now boot is so so so slow > 3 min to boot to login | 00:02 |
kandinski | fanin: I had X restarting all the time because of bad videocard/screen configuration | 00:02 |
astro76 | IanLiu, if it's the same filename with a subtitle extension vlc in the same dir, vlc will load it automatically | 00:02 |
vitasovic | basically my online adaptor used to connect the computer with ubuntu to the internet doesnt function on ubuntu | 00:02 |
soundray | f0rtune: nothing, they should open in OpenOffice.org Writer | 00:02 |
Nostahl | hi all just got ubuntu on my desktop | 00:02 |
vitasovic | I have the driver, but I don't really know what to do with it | 00:02 |
Nostahl | it only has a wireless network card to conenct to the net with | 00:02 |
vitasovic | I tried using ndisgtk, and installing the driver that way | 00:02 |
astro76 | IanLiu, scratch the first vlc and that sentence will make sense ;) | 00:02 |
geet | anyone ever try to install ma111 netgear wireless adapters in ubuntu | 00:02 |
JDSBlueDevl | ok, well, if I start seeing it eat into my swap, I'll come back. Now, onto enabling Compiz Fusion | 00:02 |
f0rtune | is it possible for openoffice to view wps files? | 00:02 |
Nostahl | i havnt been able to get it to connect yet is anyone avaialble to help me set it up | 00:03 |
IanLiu | It is working =) | 00:03 |
IanLiu | thanks | 00:03 |
sogas | wenas!!! | 00:03 |
vitasovic | ugh... | 00:03 |
soundray | f0rtune: at least if you have 2.3 (comes with gutsy) | 00:03 |
sogas | alguen habla español? | 00:03 |
bradappel | anyone know why a misconfigured wireless card would cause X to not start? | 00:03 |
john` | for some reason the fast switch account on my ubuntu taskbar dissapear, does anyone know how to get it back? | 00:03 |
IanLiu | What is the best way to burn this AVI with subtitles do DVD format? | 00:03 |
Odd-rationale | john`: Add to panel. | 00:03 |
fanin | kandinski: what do you mean by X? ..i'm a noob :/ | 00:03 |
john` | Odd-rationale: what is it called? | 00:04 |
john` | \ | 00:04 |
roachmmflhyr | anyone else experience slow boots after feisty --> gutsy upgrade>???? | 00:04 |
bradappel | roach - jah | 00:04 |
killown|away | hey how do I to get kde 4 beta3 with apt-get? | 00:04 |
Odd-rationale | john`: Right click the panel you want to have it on, i.e. the top panel. then select add to panel. | 00:04 |
=== b4d_ is now known as b4d | ||
john` | Odd-rationale: i know that, but what does the thing called | 00:04 |
kandinski | fanin: the system is one thing, and the windowing system is another thing | 00:05 |
john` | Odd-rationale: the name of that icon | 00:05 |
kandinski | X is the windowing system | 00:05 |
roachmmflhyr | bradappel: do you know whats slowin it donw? | 00:05 |
Odd-rationale | john`: Oh, sorry, leet me check... | 00:05 |
gluonman | astro76, hey. Would you happen to know why my login keeps automatically switching to the default greeting (welcome) even though I keep setting it to a custom greeting? | 00:05 |
kandinski | I think only your X is rebooting | 00:05 |
snowglobe | I get the error "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory" when i'm trying to install cairo-dock. what does this mean? | 00:05 |
Fr0 | is there a way to remap the delete key to function the same as backspace? | 00:05 |
Kiborg | what is the difference between ext2 and 3? | 00:05 |
kandinski | look down and left, options or something, and try the gnome failsafe session | 00:05 |
Odd-rationale | john`: Accessories -> user switcher | 00:05 |
LjL | Kiborg: ext3 is journalled, ext2 is not | 00:05 |
bradappel | roach = on my laptop, a misconfigured video setting was slowing the boot down I think because of a mismatched resolution. | 00:05 |
astro76 | gluonman, how do you set it? | 00:05 |
Kiborg | which one should I take? | 00:06 |
dope | is remoting to a fresh install ubuntu turned off by default? | 00:06 |
fanin | will try | 00:06 |
astro76 | dope, install openssh-server | 00:06 |
Odd-rationale | john`: Got it? | 00:06 |
kandinski | fanin, can you see it? | 00:06 |
soundray | dope: yes. apt-get install ssh | 00:06 |
DShepherd | dope, i think so | 00:06 |
fanin | wait, need to start ubuntu again | 00:06 |
john` | Odd-rationale: i don't see it in the accessories | 00:06 |
dope | which one, ssh or openssh-server | 00:06 |
astro76 | !info openssh-server | dope | 00:07 |
ubotu | dope: openssh-server: secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.6p1-5build1 (gutsy), package size 241 kB, installed size 640 kB | 00:07 |
gluonman | Astro76, I just go to System -> Administration -> Login Window and choose the option that says Custom: and enter my own greeting. But without fail, every time I boot up, the login screen will display the default greeting. | 00:07 |
gluonman | astro76, not a huge issue, but I would like to have my custom greeting. | 00:07 |
bradappel | Roach - check this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=579568&highlight=slow+boot | 00:07 |
soundray | dope: either. ssh depends on openssh-client and openssh-server | 00:07 |
john` | A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept. | 00:07 |
Kiborg | how do I set a swap partition? | 00:07 |
john` | A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept. | 00:07 |
Odd-rationale | john`: Hmmm. It should be near your Tomboy Notes and Weather Report. | 00:07 |
damaltor | nope didnt work | 00:08 |
john` | Odd-rationale: yeah.. i checked.. its not there.. | 00:08 |
fanin | kandinski: remote login via XDMCP, is that it? | 00:08 |
john` | Odd-rationale: i remember it has some error before | 00:08 |
john` | Odd-rationale: how do i reinstall it? | 00:08 |
Odd-rationale | john`: did you try a search? (upper right. | 00:08 |
damaltor | still could read text here, while ignoring that the keyboars wasnt active ant the menu bars were gone.... | 00:08 |
john` | yes i did | 00:08 |
kandinski | fanin, no | 00:08 |
kandinski | it is gnome failsafe | 00:08 |
=== epax is now known as ePax | ||
kandinski | should say that | 00:08 |
fanin | oh | 00:08 |
* NCommander yawns | 00:08 | |
NCommander | hi | 00:09 |
freezey | whats the package to read my memory stick? | 00:09 |
Kiborg | how do I set a swap partition? | 00:09 |
Squalish | Firefox question here: Is there a plugin(rather than extension) configuration menu for firefox by default? I'm not sure whether it doesn't exist or my 30-odd extensions have removed it. I evidently installed adobe flash as a plugin, and it doesn't appear anywhere in Adept, Synaptic, or Add/Remove - those packages show as not installed. I'm curious how to find it if I ever have trouble with it. | 00:09 |
astro76 | gluonman, not sure but I think that gets set it /etc/gdm/gdm.conf | 00:09 |
dope | Kiborg: you create it | 00:09 |
mmdski | is there a reason that i shouldn't be able to install vmware-player? | 00:09 |
NCommander | Kiborg: Do you have an actual swap partition already setup? | 00:09 |
astro76 | :q | 00:09 |
astro76 | heh | 00:09 |
Odd-rationale | john`: Reinstall: Don;t know. Sorry. :( | 00:09 |
astro76 | gluonman, or /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom, not sure | 00:10 |
john` | Odd-rationale: weird thing is that it only have it on my "quit" icon | 00:10 |
Kiborg | I don't even know what this is... | 00:10 |
john` | if my press quit, shutdown, restart, etc.. and even te switch user is available | 00:10 |
freezey | whats the package to read my memory stick? | 00:10 |
TheRu5H | i have ubuntu desktop, can i make it lamp server? | 00:10 |
john` | but i don't have the actual icon in the panel thing | 00:10 |
NCommander | Kiborg: why are you trying to setup a swap? | 00:10 |
gluonman | astro76, neither worked. | 00:10 |
soundray | Squalish: plugins are a subset of extensions. To see which plugins are active, enter about:plugins as the URL | 00:10 |
fanin | kandinski: all it says is "select language", "select session","remote login via XDMCP","restart","shut down" and "suspend" | 00:10 |
NCommander | freezey: You shouldn't need a package, USB readers, and (most) internal ones are plug and play | 00:10 |
LM22 | can anyone help me, my sound keeps going dead for no reason | 00:11 |
Kiborg | because the installer says I need one | 00:11 |
LM22 | works fine in windows, and feisty | 00:11 |
soundray | Kiborg: in your free space, make a partition about the size of your RAM and assign 'swap' as the type. | 00:11 |
danielbw | ok, I have my backup script working and in cron.daily | 00:11 |
freezey | NCommander: i need it to read my memory stick duo adapter | 00:11 |
kandinski | select session | 00:12 |
NCommander | freezey: Is that a USB device? | 00:12 |
danielbw | Why can't I edit the default crontab? | 00:12 |
kandinski | there you will find the failsafe gnome session | 00:12 |
danielbw | If I edit /etc/crontab does that take effect immediately or do I need to run another program? | 00:12 |
freezey | NCommander: no its a lttie sandisk thingy that is used for digital cameras | 00:12 |
blizzkid | NetRipper, no succes yet | 00:12 |
astro76 | danielbw, sudo /etc/init.d/cron restart | 00:12 |
soundray | danielbw: you shouldn't edit crontab directly | 00:12 |
NCommander | freezey: How's the memory stick reader connected to your computer? | 00:13 |
soundray | !cron | danielbw | 00:13 |
ubotu | danielbw: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto - There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm | 00:13 |
LM22 | this is weird sound works fine in java applets | 00:13 |
astro76 | danielbw, yeah good point, read that how to ;) | 00:13 |
killown|away | hey how do I to get kde 4 beta3 with apt-get? | 00:13 |
LM22 | but not on the main system till I reboot | 00:13 |
danielbw | soundray: when I do crontab -e, it does not show the entries for the time that it does cron.daily and I want to chnage the time | 00:13 |
LM22 | any ideas | 00:13 |
Squalish | soundray: A) Are those firefox plugins supposed to be visible in one of ubuntu's package managers, and B) do you think they should be? | 00:13 |
bradappel | does WEP work in Xubuntu? | 00:13 |
freezey | NCommander: goes into a card reader on my laptop its built in | 00:13 |
NCommander | bradappel: Yeah | 00:13 |
blizzkid | soundray, I tried this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/installing-without-cd-592527/ to boot form an iso, but grub comes back with error 22 "no such partition) | 00:13 |
NCommander | freezey: Hrm. Anything happen when you put the disk in? | 00:14 |
danielbw | Guys, I know about cron and crontab, but I need to edit the time cron.daily runs | 00:14 |
Daviey | jabber | 00:14 |
fanin | kandinski: ah, select session->failsafe gnome.. found it :) | 00:14 |
danielbw | it appears to run at 6:25 AM every day, and I need to change it so it runs at night | 00:14 |
soundray | Squalish: A) yes, if you have installed them as a package, B) yes, if you have installed them as a package | 00:14 |
MattJ | Daviey FTW | 00:14 |
Kiborg | what root must I use for the ext 3 disc? | 00:15 |
arthur_kalm | Hi everyone, I keep getting nm-applet asking me to give the WEP key every time I log in. I think it might be related to the fact that every time I give the WEP, it askes for the Keyring password and when I enter my password it doesn't work... so I press deny. What is this password that it keeps asking me for? o_O | 00:15 |
arthur_kalm | thanks in advance | 00:15 |
soundray | Kiborg: as a mountpoint, set / | 00:15 |
freezey | NCommander: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-MSAC-M2-Replacement-Adaptor-Package/dp/B0000CD7K9 thats what it is... an nothing happens | 00:15 |
shajano | Hi, i'm trying to upload from U7.04 to u7.10 but when i try it occur this error: Failed to fetch http://theli.free.fr/packages/feisty/./Packages.gz 301 Moved Permanently | 00:15 |
srini | hi.. | 00:15 |
CRV | hi ppl how i can see the source.list | 00:15 |
fanin | kandinski: still restarts :( | 00:16 |
PowerGo | where would the HOST file be located ? | 00:16 |
srini | i installed helix player plugin for firefox..but i cant play the songs online..could anyone help me | 00:16 |
f0rtune | is it possible to get open office to read wps files? | 00:16 |
NCommander | freezey: Do all memory sticks work? | 00:16 |
soundray | blizzkid: have you considered that grub's partition naming starts counting at zero? | 00:16 |
NCommander | or any? | 00:16 |
CRV | how i can see the source.list | 00:16 |
soundray | f0rtune: which version of Ubuntu do you have? | 00:16 |
freezey | NCommander: no thts why i am wondering if i need a package to have it run | 00:16 |
shajano | sombody knows how to upgrade? | 00:16 |
shajano | Hi, i'm trying to upload from U7.04 to u7.10 but when i try it occur this error: Failed to fetch http://theli.free.fr/packages/feisty/./Packages.gz 301 Moved Permanently | 00:16 |
NCommander | freezey: It should be just recongized as a mass storage device. That's how it was on my old Viao running Debian years and years ago | 00:17 |
f0rtune | soundray, i forgot | 00:17 |
Squalish | soundray - I didn't install them as a package, just as a "plugins needed to display this... install?" dialog. I was under the impression that Ubufox gave extensions parity/awareness in the package managers... I would think something as wideranging as plugins would be acknowledged. Is it possible for the libflashplayer I see is installed to affect any apps outside of firefox? | 00:17 |
NCommander | freezey: Try putting the stick in and reboots | 00:17 |
kandinski | fanin: sorry, cant help | 00:17 |
f0rtune | soundray, i just updated everything it doesnt work | 00:17 |
blizzkid | soundray, are you sure? it says (hd0,1) for my winxp partition (which is the first one) | 00:17 |
freezey | NCommander: yeah did that nothng happens | 00:17 |
kandinski | I am only a little bit more advanced than you, not much | 00:17 |
fanin | ok, thanks anyways | 00:17 |
freezey | NCommander: i was thinking there i some package for it | 00:17 |
NCommander | freezey: Hrm, check dmesg | 00:17 |
shajano | o_O pls hlp me | 00:17 |
NCommander | freezey: Not to my knowledge | 00:17 |
arthur_kalm | shajano, looks like that source is no longer available | 00:17 |
f0rtune | is it possible to get open office to read wps files? | 00:17 |
elninja | Is there a quick way to enable ssh on an Ubuntu machine, so I can access it from another ubuntu machine? | 00:17 |
ConstyXIV | are there any good "green" themes for gnome? | 00:17 |
arthur_kalm | shajano, you'll have to remove it from /etc/apt/sources.list | 00:17 |
astro76 | elninja, install openssh-server, done | 00:18 |
Iceshadow | elninja: sudo aptitude install openssh-server ? | 00:18 |
arthur_kalm | shajano, try using the main ubuntu repositories | 00:18 |
soundray | f0rtune: 'cat /etc/lsb-release' -- does it say "edgy", "feisty" or "gutsy" in the output? | 00:18 |
elninja | astro76 & Iceshadow thanks! | 00:18 |
blizzkid | soundray, sorry. I misread | 00:18 |
Iceshadow | elninja: make sure if you are behind a router to open port 22. | 00:18 |
Kiborg | IDE1 is the HD 1 right? | 00:18 |
blizzkid | going to try again | 00:18 |
f0rtune | soundray, 6.10 | 00:18 |
buttercups | CRV, /etc/apt/sources.list or System>Administration>Software Sources | 00:18 |
Iceshadow | Kiborg: /dev/sda or /dev/hda generally | 00:18 |
elninja | It's just over LAN | 00:19 |
soundray | Squalish: I can't really answer that, sorry | 00:19 |
Iceshadow | elninja: got ya ;) | 00:19 |
danielbw | why does user not have any crontab entries | 00:19 |
shajano | arthur_kalm, i'll try to do it thnx | 00:19 |
danielbw | I mean why does root not have any crontab entries? | 00:19 |
arthur_kalm | shajano, no problem | 00:19 |
shajano | (y) | 00:19 |
danielbw | Shouldn;t root's crontab be the exact duplicate of /etc/crontab? | 00:19 |
shajano | ja | 00:19 |
NCommander | freezey: You there? | 00:19 |
milk__ | nope | 00:19 |
freezey | NCommander: yeah i am here whatsup? | 00:20 |
soundray | f0rtune: you won't be able to read wps files until you install gutsy (7.10) | 00:20 |
danielbw | I am going to put a test script in cron.hourly and make sure it is working | 00:20 |
NCommander | freezey: Is there anything in the dmesg? | 00:20 |
f0rtune | soundray, im usre that isnt the only way | 00:20 |
difranco | How do I add new IRC servers to xchat Gnome? | 00:20 |
bulmer | danielbw-> nope they are not the same | 00:20 |
freezey | NCommander: nope | 00:21 |
danielbw | I realize root can have a different crontab, but does cron have an internal crontab? | 00:21 |
bulmer | its the system crontab..for all the users | 00:21 |
danielbw | or do I need to make /etc/crontab root's crontab | 00:21 |
Squalish | soundray: thanks for the help, anyhow. I'll investigate. Do you have any idea where I could find more information on ubufox? So far I've seen two features attributed to it - 'install package from webbrowser' and 'register extensions as packages'. The description on all the files just says 'miscellaneous tweaks for ubuntu...' yet it's a neta extension that they felt the need to include in Gutsy | 00:21 |
soundray | danielbw: have you actually read those ubotu links? | 00:21 |
Squalish | *beta | 00:22 |
linos | anyone know where I could locate the grub file that contains the menu when I turn on the computer for dual booting? | 00:22 |
Pici | linos: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 00:22 |
danielbw | soundray: yes i am reading them they are talking about the structure of the crontab file. It does not explain the default crontab entries or /etc/crontab and the significance of that file | 00:22 |
orochi_ | Hello :> In avidemux, no matter what format video or what format I try to convert it to, I always get the same error message: "Encoder initialization failed: not activated" I have the restricted codec packages installed, as well as the gstreamer addons and such...anyone else seen this? :/ | 00:22 |
soundray | Squalish: I'm falling back to generic advice mode here, but have a look in /usr/share/doc/ubufox | 00:22 |
Squalish | k, thx | 00:22 |
danielbw | soundray: I will put test scripts in cron.hourly to make sure it is working and to see if that file is editable and if it affects cron timing. | 00:23 |
freezey | NCommander: i run the lspci and it comes up the card reader being installed http://www.pastebin.ca/754442 | 00:23 |
soundray | danielbw: note that things have changed a lot between the releases because of upstart | 00:24 |
diafic_ | sleep now | 00:24 |
MrKeuner | hi, I get occasional lockups with gutsy(with feisty too before...) Lastly right after the lockup I hard turned off the system, booted with gutsy live cd and made a backup of /var/log directory. When I check the files last files modified were syslog and messages at 19:31 (both were appended a --MARK line) However the clock was showing 19:34 when i hard turned off the system. Now Is there any other files that i can check in times such as these? Or is | 00:24 |
MrKeuner | it possible to append a file without changing the latest modified stamp of the file? Such as the binary ones under /var/log, may be?? | 00:24 |
Jimb | Upstart? | 00:24 |
danielbw | soundray: I will just keep testing until I figure it out. Just thought someone in here might know. I realize it is a moving target. | 00:24 |
keen | anybody have a hard time connecting to a windows network | 00:24 |
Kiborg | is there a way of kowing if the movie file is corrupted? | 00:25 |
Squalish | Does anyone else have any idea precisely what Ubufox does, or if there's a better means of addressing Firefox Plugins (not extensions) than about:config? | 00:25 |
number9 | Hello all, has anyone had any luck with ndiswrapper and the rtl8185 windows driver? I can install it, then it works after a reboot, then after the next one it stops working | 00:25 |
john` | Odd-rationale: i got it, i just got to reinstall it | 00:25 |
bulmer | MrKeuner-> you have to write a code to do such | 00:25 |
number9 | on feisty | 00:25 |
soundray | danielbw: feel free to ask again in a while, when other people have logged on. Also, keep your questions on one line if you can. | 00:25 |
MrKeuner | bulmer: to do what? to append without changing the latest modified time? | 00:25 |
Baconator | !install | 00:26 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 00:26 |
bulmer | MrKeuner-> yes, but that would not be the sequence of things happening | 00:26 |
danielbw | soundray: Okay, thanks. | 00:26 |
john` | Odd-rationale: using sudo aptitude install fast-user-switch-applet | 00:26 |
soundray | MrKeuner: you could mount your root partition with the sync option. That way you lose performance, but you get a better chance of crash-related messages arriving on disk. | 00:26 |
Nostahl | anyone else have problems getting ubuntu to connect to internet wirelessly | 00:26 |
milk__ | I have a video question | 00:26 |
john` | A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept. | 00:26 |
milk__ | where is the MM icon? | 00:27 |
MrKeuner | bulmer: my intention is not doing that actually. I was trying to see if it was possible for the system to put a reason in one of those files, however not changing the latest modified time. | 00:27 |
MrKeuner | soundray: where does those extra logs go? | 00:27 |
MrKeuner | soundray: just add sync to the fstab? | 00:27 |
bulmer | MrKeuner-> i dont think so, syslogd is quite capable | 00:28 |
soundray | MrKeuner: no extra logs -- just everything gets physically written and can't get lost in a cache | 00:28 |
milk__ | keuner could you help me troubleshoot graphic problem? | 00:28 |
LM22 | hey does anyone know any good first person shooters | 00:28 |
Nostahl | duke nukem | 00:28 |
LM22 | that are FOSS | 00:28 |
Nostahl | 3d | 00:28 |
milk__ | unreal tournament | 00:28 |
LM22 | lol | 00:28 |
soundray | !games | LM22 | 00:28 |
ubotu | LM22: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 00:28 |
Nostahl | duke nukem 3d with high res pack | 00:29 |
MrKeuner | soundray: ah you mean may be the log message is not written to the syslog just because it was waiting to be written cache? Can it be as long as 3 minutes? | 00:29 |
number9 | Hello all, has anyone had any luck with ndiswrapper and the rtl8185 windows driver? I can install it, then it works after a reboot, then after the next one it stops working (I'm on feisty) | 00:29 |
milk__ | soundray what about graphic issues? | 00:29 |
shabboob | NCommander: you there? | 00:29 |
milk__ | !graphics | 00:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 00:29 |
soundray | MrKeuner: 3 minutes does sound long, but I would still give it a go. | 00:30 |
milk__ | there is a weird box on the bottom left and also bottom right of my screen | 00:30 |
LM22 | k thx | 00:30 |
milk__ | !video card | 00:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about video card - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 00:30 |
MrKeuner | soundray: i tried system request thingies but those did not help either in times of lockup :( | 00:30 |
milk__ | !sound | 00:30 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 00:30 |
Nostahl | can someone help me get ubuntu online with my 802.11b wireless card | 00:30 |
soundray | MrKeuner: keep trying ;) | 00:30 |
number9 | Nostahl, what card? | 00:31 |
bulmer | Nostahl-> can you elaborate on the layout? | 00:31 |
number9 | !rtl8185 | 00:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rtl8185 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 00:31 |
milk__ | establish the card in the devices | 00:31 |
number9 | !wireless | 00:31 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 00:31 |
Nostahl | its a linksys 802.11b wireless with broadcom chip | 00:31 |
milk__ | don't ask me how since this is my first day with a linux based op | 00:31 |
Nostahl | puppy linux starts up the internet flawlessly | 00:31 |
Nostahl | but i cant get it to work with ubuntu | 00:31 |
bulmer | Nostahl-> how about the AP? yours or a neighbors? | 00:32 |
sjovan | hi, how can i get the pannel back in kde when i click on the arrow that makes it dissapear? | 00:32 |
LokiSnake | I'm trying to install ubuntu off the LiveCD | 00:32 |
number9 | Can anyone help with ndiswrapper and the rtl8185 (Realtek wireless) windows driver? I can install it, then it works after a reboot, then after the next one it stops working (I'm on feisty) | 00:32 |
LokiSnake | but i'm unable to boot into it | 00:32 |
soundray | sjovan: there should be a small remainder. If you click on that, it will reappear | 00:32 |
ezzieyguywu1 | can someone explain to me what a /boot partition is all about? i got one, but i don't see it anywhere in my file system so i don't know whats up | 00:33 |
sjovan | soundray: the thing is... a panal is in the way, that i can't move :/ | 00:33 |
LokiSnake | I get "modprobe abnormal exit" when i try to boot off the LiveCD of Ubuntu | 00:33 |
soundray | !alternate | LokiSnake | 00:33 |
ubotu | LokiSnake: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 00:33 |
bulmer | number9-> your problem is ? not loaded permanently? | 00:33 |
astro76 | ezzieyguywu1, you should definitely see a /boot when you do ls / whether it's a separate partition or not | 00:33 |
LokiSnake | Ah, thanks | 00:34 |
Nostahl | i cant keep up with the fast moving chat in here lol whoever was helping me with my Wireless problem please IM me | 00:34 |
crf | hi, I have the ubuntu 6.06 cd. I was trying to install it. I went through the prepare mount points. I created a ext3 partition, and set the mount point to root. I had already a swap partition on the disk, of 199 MB. I have another partition (partition 7) on the disk with what I hope are not too badly corrupt filesystems. I chose to reformat only the root partition (I put a checkbox beside it). But when I move forward, the installer says that | 00:34 |
soundray | sjovan: then I don't know. You might try asking in #kubuntu | 00:34 |
alesan | hi is it somewhat possible to encrypt the hard disk of my laptop, before they steal it? | 00:34 |
bulmer | Nostahl-> you have to learn how to prefix a nick to whomever you're corresponding with | 00:34 |
ezzieyguywu1 | astro: i see boot, but how do i know if its its own partition or not | 00:35 |
freezey | NCommander: you there? | 00:35 |
Nyle | hi people | 00:35 |
Nyle | xvidcap: Depends: libavcodec0d (>= 0.cvs20060823) but it is not installable | 00:35 |
ConstyXIV | are there any good "green" themes for GNOME? | 00:35 |
Nyle | gusty ubuntu has broken dependencies for me | 00:35 |
number9 | bulmer, well It's in modules and everything | 00:35 |
number9 | bulmer, but it won't load at startup after a reboot | 00:35 |
number9 | bulmer, ubuntuguide feisty said it had a "reassociation error" but their fix doesn't work | 00:35 |
alesan | ConstyXIV: green? | 00:35 |
Nyle | how can I install xvidcap now? | 00:35 |
astro76 | alesan, yes but it's not trivial.. look at all the howto's here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=encrypted&titlesearch=Titles#preview | 00:35 |
ConstyXIV | alesan: yeah, as in the color | 00:35 |
astro76 | ezzieyguywu1, df -h, or mount | 00:36 |
Baconator | How do I find out where a USB drive is mounted so I can use it with syslinux? | 00:36 |
Odd-rationale | ConstyXIV: Check art.gnome.org | 00:36 |
bulmer | number9-> then just right a script to install it..same steps.. just launch the script as soon as you log on | 00:36 |
alesan | thanks astro76 | 00:36 |
Nyle | gusty ubuntu has broken dependencies for me. xvidcap: Depends: libavcodec0d (>= 0.cvs20060823) but it is not installable. I get errors when trying to install xvidcap. Please help | 00:36 |
peturie | HEy | 00:36 |
bulmer | Baconator-> mount | 00:36 |
number9 | bulmer, well I have to restart after I install it. so I'll have wireless one out of every two reboots | 00:37 |
bulmer | or df -h | 00:37 |
freezey | Is anybody sure how i can read the photos off of my built in smart card reader? | 00:37 |
bulmer | number9-> then re-run same script over | 00:37 |
Baconator | thanks | 00:37 |
peturie | I'm having a trouble with Ubuntu 7.10. Whenever i try to play AVI files (divx) the audio is OK but the video shows up as messy vertical lines moving across the screen. | 00:37 |
ezzieyguywu1 | astro: what if i see a whole lot more partitions than i made? i made 4 for ubuntu and 2 for windows, but i see 10 | 00:37 |
astro76 | freezey, if it doesn't just work it might very well not be supported by linux | 00:37 |
unstable | I'm trying to setup dual screens in Gutsy, that gui tool only shows one monitor though. | 00:37 |
Dmtalon | number9: Your name Jason? | 00:38 |
number9 | Dmtalon, no | 00:38 |
Dmtalon | ok, didn't think the number9 I know was a linux guy :-) | 00:38 |
number9 | bulmer, where does that script go, by the way? | 00:38 |
freezey | astro76: yeah but i guarantee some1 has wrote something for just this situation | 00:38 |
astro76 | ezzieyguywu1, there should be about five listed that you didn't make | 00:38 |
bulmer | number9-> on /etc/init.d create a symlink there | 00:39 |
number9 | bulmer, what's the command to create a symlink? | 00:39 |
astro76 | freezey, some are proprietary and still unsupported in the kernel.. but try searching your laptop model on ubuntuforums.org, or failing that google with ubuntu | 00:39 |
bulmer | number9-> man ln | 00:39 |
installing-ubunt | how do i prevent every user from getting access to ssh. Currently every user has access | 00:40 |
ezzieyguywu1 | astro: ok, i see those. /media/sda1 and 2 are windows i think, then i have /home, then /, but i don't see /boot or swap. also, they seem to be labeled sda1,2,4, then 6. what do you think could have happened to 3 or 5? (thanks for all your help so far btw!!!) | 00:40 |
sjovan | some one useing kde here that i can talk with in pm? | 00:40 |
Kiborg | can the install hang itself? | 00:40 |
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ | ||
bulmer | installing-ubunt-> on the sshd.conf there is Alloweduser | 00:40 |
csc` | sjovan: whats up | 00:41 |
installing-ubunt | bulmer: thanks! | 00:41 |
addohm | !UUID | 00:41 |
ubotu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 00:41 |
tnek | Hi! I'm trying to get the FTP-server pure-ftpd working in Ubuntu using passive mode ftp. I have gotten active mode to work. I suspect either a misconfiguration in pure-ftpd or in my dd-wrt router. I thought that someone here might be able to help me, as I'm quite frankly out of ideas. :-( I've written up a description of what I've done in pastebin here: http://rafb.net/p/6GtGCJ47.txt | 00:41 |
tnek | Any help would be greatly appreciated! | 00:41 |
perrako | alright, so I've tried installing ubuntu twice and I still have the same issue -- I can't boot into the grub just straight off boot -- I get a blinking underscore in the top left and then it reboots | 00:42 |
perrako | I can get in using the "boot from first hard drive" option in the ubuntu cd | 00:42 |
sjovan | csc`: can you use PM? | 00:42 |
sjovan | much easyer that way | 00:42 |
ember | how can i make apt not to upgrade a package? | 00:42 |
Q_Continuum_ | Attempting to set up dual display on Gutsy, using free drivers. I can only select one as the 'Default Display' and the other gets set to disabled. How do I enable the second, without disabling the first? | 00:42 |
perrako | I've tried marking my linux partition as boot but to no avail -- also, gparted crashes everytime I make a change | 00:42 |
astro76 | !pinning | ember | 00:43 |
ubotu | ember: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 00:43 |
bulmer | installing-ubunt-> corection.. on the sshd_config there is AllowUsers | 00:43 |
SpeakerMania | I am a "power" user of Ubuntu, and I juts reinstalled my system. I want to change my screen resolution to my monitor's default, which is 1280x1024. However, I only have to option for 640x480. In which file do I add the frequency on my monitor to add all the supported resolutions? | 00:43 |
csc` | sjovan: yes? | 00:43 |
csc` | sjovan: i dont see why i wouldnt be able to | 00:43 |
ezzieyguywu1 | astro: ok, i see those. /media/sda1 and 2 are windows i think, then i have /home, then /, but i don't see /boot or swap. also, they seem to be labeled sda1,2,4, then 6. what do you think could have happened to 3 or 5? (thanks for all your help so far btw!!!) | 00:44 |
bulmer | SpeakerMania-> /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 00:44 |
astro76 | ezzieyguywu1, swap isn't mounted so you won't see it, you can check swap usage with free | 00:44 |
astro76 | ezzieyguywu1, 3 is an extended partition which contains the logical partitions 5 and up | 00:44 |
astro76 | ezzieyguywu1, and 5 might just not be made | 00:44 |
SpeakerMania | Thank you, bulmer. Also, every time I press a key on my keyboard, the speaker makes a beep (the case speaker). How do I fix this? | 00:45 |
astro76 | ezzieyguywu1, and you don't have a /boot partition, which is fine | 00:45 |
installing-ubunt | bulmer -> AllowUsers is not listed, can I add it seperated by spaces ? | 00:45 |
bulmer | SpeakerMania-> i dont know about the speaker part, disconnect the wires? | 00:45 |
ezzieyguywu1 | astro: ok cool. one more thing that you may be able to help me with. when i install uswsusp, it says it can't find swap (or something along those lines). do you have any idea how i could fix that? | 00:45 |
unstable | bulmer: sudo rmmod pcspkr | 00:45 |
SpeakerMania | Bulmer, thanks for the help. I'll try a reboot. | 00:45 |
bulmer | installing-ubunt-> yes | 00:45 |
nemik | is there a way to get a Zune working in Ubuntu without VMware? | 00:46 |
keen | can someone help me automounting my partitions | 00:46 |
ember | astro76 http://pastebin.com/m6b536b83 | 00:46 |
Pelo | nemik, do a search on zune in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org | 00:47 |
astro76 | ezzieyguywu1, no idea about that package specifically, I thought Ubuntu suspended fine without additional packages... is your swap size >= ram size ? | 00:47 |
Pelo | keen, do it in /etc/fstab copy the content lines already there and edit | 00:47 |
Q_Continuum_ | Any tips for getting Gutsy to work with dual monitors using the Free drivers, on an ATI Radeon 9600? (Attempting without Non-Free drivers, can use Non-Free if needed) | 00:47 |
Pelo | !dualhead | Q_Continuum_ | 00:47 |
ubotu | Q_Continuum_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 00:47 |
Kiborg | how do I know if my install chrashed? | 00:47 |
elninja | Is there a quick "color picker" anywhere in gnome or another small utility? Something that lets me point to a pixel and get the color code, or see the color based on a color code? | 00:47 |
unstable | Q_Continuum_: I'm having the same problem, with Radeon 9100 | 00:47 |
Pelo | Kiborg, is your hdd light blicking ? | 00:48 |
ezzieyguywu1 | astro:yea, i made my swap about 3 and i got 2 gigs of ram. i'm on a thinkpad with ATI graphics, and i'm pretty sure these are notorious for suspend | 00:48 |
keen | pelo, i'm real confused, the lines there were working but then i deleted some partitions and moved some around and such....like i dunno how to find the uuid for my partitoins | 00:48 |
unstable | Q_Continuum_: no idea, dual monitors isn't well supported under Gutsy | 00:48 |
ezzieyguywu1 | astro: thanks for all your help though | 00:48 |
Pelo | keen, in the terminal type blkid | 00:48 |
elninja | nvm | 00:48 |
Q_Continuum_ | unstable: but the new GUI for video shows it as an option, and everything I'd read pre-release was that it was made "easy" with the new GUI. | 00:48 |
elninja | found gcolor2 | 00:48 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: works for me fine using xrandr commands, but i have intel card. did you try that? | 00:49 |
astro76 | elninja, if you open the color picker in gimp and select the eye dropper, you can point anyware on screen | 00:49 |
keen | pelo, thanks much =D | 00:49 |
elninja | astro76, thanks. I'll remember that one to | 00:49 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: I was hoping the new GUI for X/displays would work, it has the options, but won't let me access them :-/ | 00:49 |
Kiborg | yes but there is no progress bar or anything about installation for about 10 min | 00:49 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: the GUI is absolutely terrible IMO and i would not recommend it for anything besides ruining X xonfigurations | 00:49 |
Q_Continuum_ | ... | 00:49 |
Condoulo | Ok, I have a question about Opera. How would I install Opera 9.5 beta on 64-bit? | 00:50 |
Pelo | Kiborg, 10 min isn't much, don'T worry about it yet, what's your computer ? cpu / mem ? | 00:50 |
Kiborg | 2000 mgh 1,5 GB ram | 00:50 |
NaNO2x | hello, i'm having issues getting a mms:// link to play in rhythmbox, it works fine in vlc but i'm hoping to get it in ubuntu's prefered player | 00:51 |
Pelo | Kiborg, when you say yuou have nothing , do you mean you have a black screen ? or just nothign new | 00:51 |
bobesponja | hey | 00:51 |
milk__ | yeah baby, gettin' better at this CLI | 00:51 |
bobesponja | what's the apt command to force the reinstall of a package? | 00:51 |
goppp | hey I can't seem to login with gdm | 00:51 |
tafsen | Why do I get Internet on my virtualbox when I'm using the wired network on my host, but not with my wireless? | 00:51 |
Pelo | NaNO2x, you may need a pluggin, check the rhythmbox website | 00:51 |
Kiborg | I can't see the install window | 00:51 |
tarzeau | bobesponja: --reinstall ? | 00:51 |
Ellio1 | is there a plugin for VLC and .avi formats | 00:51 |
goppp | I am getting authentication failure message | 00:51 |
goppp | in gdm, in 7.10 WHY | 00:52 |
Pelo | bob man apt-get , I think you jsut need to add a -f but I am notsure | 00:52 |
bobesponja | tarzeau: like apt-get --reinstall <package>? | 00:52 |
tarzeau | bobesponja: and install yes | 00:52 |
branstrom | How do I change the default Firefox/Thunderbird/OpenOffice font in .Xdefaults? It's not the same as the application font that I've set globally. I'm using Ubuntu gutsy. | 00:52 |
goppp | I went in to single user mode, and changed the password rebooted and still gdm say wrong password | 00:52 |
tarzeau | bobesponja: -- is option, without -- is command | 00:52 |
Condoulo | so on 64-bit gutsy, how is it that I would install Opera 9.5 kestrel? | 00:52 |
Pelo | Kiborg, if you there is formating involved it can take a while, , be patient, start worrying after an hour is my suggestion | 00:52 |
goppp | any one know, why I am getting authentication failure message | 00:52 |
bobesponja | ok thanx | 00:53 |
snipz | was wondering do the live cds let one access ntfs partitions? | 00:53 |
Kiborg | it can take so long? OK np | 00:53 |
gavintlgold | anyone get Frets On Fire to work in gutsy? | 00:53 |
CyberAgeVoodoo | hello | 00:53 |
Q_Continuum_ | "This tool can also set up dual screen capabilities for cards that use the Xinerama mode." http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - how can I enable Xinerama mode, or am I going to have to mess with the config files to pull that off? | 00:53 |
gavintlgold | there's an error for me | 00:53 |
Pelo | goppp, make sure caplocks is off , remember that linux is case sensitive | 00:53 |
juan | which driver do i want bcm43xx/bcm43xx-mac80211 or where should i ask? | 00:53 |
Kiborg | I'll go to bed I'll see how it goes tomorrow | 00:53 |
goppp | yea I made sure Pelo | 00:53 |
Q_Continuum_ | That's what I mean - all the marketing about Gutsy said "new GUI makes everything easy!" but it doesn't seem to do ANYTHING towards enabling multi-display. | 00:53 |
Pelo | Kiborg, it might, only takes 30 min on mine but then I pre partition and format some partitions | 00:53 |
CyberAgeVoodoo | Hi, i am making the switch from MS .. and need to have MSTSC and not VNC any good clients? | 00:53 |
Makedonas | Hi guys, got a quick question | 00:54 |
Makedonas | im currently running the latest live cd and was hoping to dual boot with vista | 00:54 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: try running 'xrandr --output VGA --mode 1024x768 --right-of LVDS' from command line with second monitor connected | 00:54 |
Makedonas | however, when I try and install ubuntu, the partition manager does not seem to recognise that I have vista on my primary partition | 00:54 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: and yea i agree, they say such things with those GUIs but quite often they don't work well | 00:54 |
Makedonas | as far as I understand it, it should mention something like "migration assistant: vista longhorn loader" or some such | 00:54 |
Pelo | Makedonas, I recommend checking the forum on this www.ubuntuforums.org | 00:55 |
juan | Makedonas: do you mean id doesnt mount it or it tries to write over it? | 00:55 |
goppp | i get mssg as soon as ubuntu starts Pelo it starts graphics | 00:55 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik, after I run that, what should happen, anything? | 00:55 |
Makedonas | juan, I havent gone ahead with the install, I tell the partition manager to install on the largest unpartitioned space | 00:55 |
=== epax_ is now known as ePax | ||
goppp | but authnecation failure Pelo | 00:56 |
Pelo | goppp, I can'T help further I donT' hve any experince with user/password issues | 00:56 |
goppp | k thanks Pelo | 00:56 |
Makedonas | then there are a few more screens where I enter my name etc. and then I get to the screen that wants me to click install | 00:56 |
SpeakerMania | I have /etc/X11/xorg.conf open, and I am trying to add my monitor's frequencies to it so I can use the full range of supported resolutions. I found the monitor section, but what do I do? What do I type to add the frequencies? | 00:56 |
Makedonas | having looked at screenshots, apparently at this point it should be telling me that the migration assistant will be Vista/Longhorn | 00:56 |
Makedonas | but it seems not to understand that there is something on my primary partition | 00:56 |
keen | pelo, i edited the line for my partitions to auto mount, now i got the swap to mount but i can't get my other partition to, what should i have after the uuid | 00:57 |
Pelo | Makedonas, you can try pre partitionning your hdd with gparted in the admin menu , see if that is any better, you can also do this using the feisty cd if you find it see the vista stuff when the gutsy cd does not | 00:57 |
Hodapp | Bam2550: Yeah, PoppaVic is a jackass. But my point is that you need to narrow down your question a bit because it's meaningless if you don't. | 00:57 |
juan | Pelo: did vista have migration assistant? | 00:57 |
Pelo | keen, can you paste bin your fstab file so I can have a look ? | 00:57 |
mattwoodyard | #python | 00:57 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: when i do it my screen go black then i have screen stretched across 2 monitors | 00:57 |
Pelo | juan, I don'T have vista | 00:57 |
Makedonas | ok Pelo, might try with the feisty cd, as im using the gutsy now | 00:57 |
nilson|den | I just wated to say, I've been a long-time Linux user. Started with BSD then to Gentoo and Slackware and Debian, et al. I love Ubuntu | 00:57 |
Hodapp | mattwoodyard: no. #ubuntu. | 00:57 |
Makedonas | Juan, I'll show you a screenshot of what I should be getting... | 00:57 |
nilson|den | Yesterday I switched my Grandmother to Ubuntu | 00:57 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: I did 1600x1200, but nothing happened | 00:57 |
nilson|den | and she loves it | 00:57 |
keen | pelo, you mean just past the text in the chat? | 00:58 |
Pelo | Makedonas, I only recommend this to the the partitionnnig befor you install | 00:58 |
Makedonas | http://apcmag.com/system/files/images/vista_ubuntu_12.article-width.jpg | 00:58 |
tony_ | omg i have been trying to get my files to transfer via xchat for over an hour...all dcc transfers are stuck at 0% >< | 00:58 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: was any error message given. you did this from a terminal, right? | 00:58 |
Pelo | !pastebin | keen | 00:58 |
ubotu | keen: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 00:58 |
Makedonas | Pelo and Juan, if you follow that link I posted | 00:58 |
Makedonas | you should see a screenshot | 00:58 |
Makedonas | see where it says Vista/Longhorn there? | 00:58 |
Makedonas | Im not getting that | 00:58 |
Hodapp | hm. I guess Bam2550 is ignoring me. | 00:58 |
Makedonas | is that something to worry about? | 00:58 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: no errors, nothing - just pauses for a second, then gives me a new terminal line. | 00:58 |
Q_Continuum_ | like it ran, finished, but I see no effects. | 00:58 |
Makedonas | as in, so long as I've told it not to write over the vista partition, does it matter if it can't see vista? | 00:59 |
Pelo | Makedonas, as far as I know , any migration stuff comes at the very end , just before the install begins | 00:59 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: strange, no idea then. but i've never had/used ATI drivers | 00:59 |
tony_ | what permissions should DCC have to receive file transfers? | 00:59 |
Makedonas | indeed Pelo, that is where I got to | 00:59 |
Makedonas | did you look at the screenshot? | 00:59 |
SpeakerMania | I have /etc/X11/xorg.conf open, and I am trying to add my monitor's frequencies to it so I can use the full range of supported resolutions. I found the monitor section, but what do I do? What do I type to add the frequencies? | 00:59 |
MilitantPotato | If you install a gnome panel applet and it doesn't show up in "add to panel" what do you do to make it available? | 00:59 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: do I need to have any extra apps installed? (I'm not using the ATI drivers, I'm using the "Free" default ones) | 00:59 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: no extra apps. xrandr is part of the X server for graphical display | 01:00 |
ezzieyguywu1 | anyone here having problems with firefox crashing in gutsy? | 01:00 |
Pelo | Makedonas, too small , couldn'T read it , and I'm not the one to help you with that particualr issue, I was jsut recommending you make a ubuntu partition before installing so you don't scrap your vista | 01:00 |
juan | Makedonas: i never got a migration assistant and aslong as the install left my xp install alone it will work fine and grub will pick up vista/xp BUT THAT IS MY EXPERIENCE, NO GAURENTEE | 01:00 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: run 'xrandr -q' and see what screens are connected | 01:00 |
milk__ | goddamnit my add/ remove programs is not working | 01:00 |
Hodapp | Bam2550: COME BACK! | 01:00 |
Q_Continuum_ | Interesting. I wish the GUI would enable xinerama...I think that's all I need to figure out. (Attempting to do it new-user style, don't want to use command-line) | 01:00 |
Makedonas | Pelo, have made an ubuntu partition, perhaps it's too small? What's the minimum size needed? | 01:00 |
SpeakerMania | Pelo, I have /etc/X11/xorg.conf open, and I am trying to add my monitor's frequencies to it so I can use the full range of supported resolutions. I found the monitor section, but what do I do? What do I type to add the frequencies? | 01:00 |
keen | pelo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42639/ | 01:01 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: DVI-0 & VGA-0 (which is correct) | 01:01 |
tony_ | i will paypal someone 10 dollars if they help me get xchat file transfers through DCC to work | 01:01 |
milk__ | how do you check for broken packages with synaptic? | 01:01 |
Pelo | Makedonas, absolute minimum is 10 gig I beleive, I do 10 gig for / 2xram for swap and whatever for /home | 01:01 |
vmlinuz` | hey does Freeloader app resumes torrents if I stop them? | 01:01 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: so shows then both as connected? | 01:01 |
nilson|den | Whats up Q_Continuum_ | 01:01 |
Q_Continuum_ | Yes. DVI has fewer resolutions shown, but all the normal ones are there. | 01:01 |
Makedonas | Pelo, ok, I think I was trying it on an 8 gig partition, ill try that then | 01:02 |
Makedonas | cheers | 01:02 |
Pelo | SpeakerMania, frequency you mean horiz sync ? I thknk that is the var you are looking for | 01:02 |
Q_Continuum_ | hey nilson|den - don't know who/what else is on my nick, my lappy's off - attempting to get the desktop set up with dual display. | 01:02 |
nilson|den | Cool. | 01:02 |
installing-ubunt | how can I limit which users can ssh, Im getting Bad configuration option: AllowUsers by editing the config file | 01:02 |
MilitantPotato | Makedonas: 20+ gigs or you'll regret it for / 4ish gigs for swap, and 1-3 gigs for /home | 01:02 |
kubitz | tony I just assumed it would work - I'm using Xchat - I haven't actually tried though? | 01:02 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: then try 'xrandr --output VGA-0 (or DVI-0 whichever is other monitor) --mode 1024x768 --right-of LVDS' | 01:02 |
Pelo | keen hold on , let me have a look | 01:02 |
SpeakerMania | Pelo, yes, horiz sync and vert sync I guess? | 01:02 |
nilson|den | I'm putting more ram in my grandmothers PC. She runs Ubuntu now and loves it.. Q_Continuum_ | 01:02 |
kubitz | DCC filsending I mean | 01:02 |
keen | pelo, thanks, its sda2 i'm having trouble with | 01:02 |
Q_Continuum_ | nilson|den: I was going to rsync over my laptop to this box running Gutsy, use it for awhile, then do upgrade testing on the Feisty-preinstalled lappy. | 01:02 |
goppp | nils_ she does, is it easy for her to use ubuntu | 01:03 |
CyberAgeVoodoo | anyone know of a good mstsc | 01:03 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: oops and that --right-of LVDS replace LVDS with whatever one your current is (DVI or VGA) | 01:03 |
Pelo | SpeakerMania, there should be values in there already just increase the range | 01:03 |
goppp | nilson|den is it easy for your grandmother to use | 01:03 |
nilson|den | Q_Continuum_, I upgraded my Feisty desktop to Gutsy. No problems | 01:03 |
nabcore | Does gutsy have mac80211 enabled? | 01:03 |
nilson|den | goppp, she likes it much better than XP. Not to mention its faster | 01:03 |
Pelo | keen, you are awayre you need to create the mount point first right ? | 01:03 |
SpeakerMania | Pelo, there isn't. I had to do this before and type in the var as well. This is a fresh install. | 01:04 |
keen | pelo, nope, how do i go about doing that? | 01:04 |
MilitantPotato | Q_Continuum_: If you have an ATI card and plan on using fglrx drivers for 3d, don't upgrade to gutsy. | 01:04 |
Pelo | SpeakerMania, hold on a few minutes, I need to finish with keen | 01:04 |
SpeakerMania | Pelo, fine with me. :) | 01:04 |
Q_Continuum_ | MilitantPotato: I'm not doing heavy stuff here - just workstation, don't need binary drivers. | 01:04 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: "xrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1600x1200 (desired size 2624x1200)" | 01:05 |
Pelo | keen your sda2 line is wrong , give me a minute to write you a correct one, mean while , sudo mkdir /media/sda2 | 01:05 |
keen | pelo, thanks much | 01:05 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: running at 1600x1200, its currently mirrored | 01:05 |
alyx-trust | hey rool | 01:05 |
milk__ | fuck these mother fuckin errors! | 01:05 |
tafsen | Does tracker search trough files for word as well? | 01:05 |
LjL | !language | milk__ | 01:05 |
Pici | !language | milk__ | 01:05 |
ubotu | milk__: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:05 |
Pelo | keen, this line should work UUID=a6eb51a2-d198-4e6b-95bc-a3ea4673e9ea /media/sda2 ext3 defaults 0 2 | 01:06 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: ok i know what to | 01:06 |
vmlinuz` | hey does Freeloader app resumes torrents if I stop them? | 01:06 |
keen | pelo, lemme give it a shot | 01:06 |
alyx-trust | anyone having problems with pgp | 01:06 |
{{Booh}} | Is it possible to syn cell phone with Ubuntu? which brand, models ? I plan to buy htc or palm | 01:07 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: ever looked at your xorg.conf? do a sudo vim (or gedit) /etc/X11/xorg.con | 01:07 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: i mean /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:07 |
milk__ | i'm going to hook up another hard drive and start backing up stuff | 01:07 |
milk__ | ill be back tomorrow for MANY MANY MANY!!! LOTS LOTS LOTS of questions | 01:07 |
ezzieyguywu1 | anyone had problems with firefox crashing in gutsy? | 01:07 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: not on this box. fresh install of gutsy | 01:07 |
Pelo | SpeakerMania, in the Section "Monitor" , add this lines at the end of the section HorizSync28-64 VertRefresh43-60 | 01:07 |
john` | no | 01:07 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: what line(s) should I look at? | 01:08 |
Pelo | SpeakerMania, just before the end Section line | 01:08 |
difranco_ | Is there a plugin to make Firefox fool webservers that I'm running Windows/IE? | 01:08 |
difranco_ | cant find one in the extensions search tool | 01:08 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: well just open the file for editing. in the SubSection "Display" portion add a line: Virtual 2642 1200 | 01:08 |
Pelo | difranco_, check in the firefox site, there is a link to the pluggin section in the plugin manager | 01:08 |
keen | pelo, it worked, thanks again for your help =) | 01:09 |
Pelo | keen, you are welcome | 01:09 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: do you know what i mean? once you add that restart X then try that xrandr command | 01:09 |
episodic | difranco | 01:09 |
episodic | all you have to do is type about:config | 01:09 |
episodic | search for 'user' | 01:09 |
Q_Continuum_ | ok | 01:09 |
nico_ | ciao a tutti | 01:09 |
episodic | look at the one that says user agent | 01:09 |
keen | pelo, the 0 2 you changed the line to, does that stand for disk 0 partition 2? | 01:09 |
tafsen | How come the tracker search tool don't find any files?? | 01:09 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: on phone, so gonna take a minute | 01:09 |
SpeakerMania | Pelo, Thank you! | 01:09 |
dope | when i boot from the live cd it just says "no emulation" and then says isolinux 3.36 debian-2007-08-30 and then does nothing | 01:09 |
episodic | and change it from firefox to: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) | 01:09 |
installing-ubunt | How can I limit the user accounts that can connect through ssh remotely ? | 01:10 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: np, hopefully it works. did for me. just have to make the 'virtual screen' the size you want | 01:10 |
Pelo | keen, no those are access stuff, I just copied from mine, it was made automaticaly by the install , I specified a seperate aprtition when I installed and that is the line it made | 01:10 |
MilitantPotato | episodic: will that cause issues with any other websites? | 01:10 |
alecwh | I have a Dell Latitude D630, and I installed Gusty. I can't enable Desktop Effects, and I don't get a very descriptive error. "Can't enable desktop effects". | 01:11 |
alecwh | can someone help? | 01:11 |
Pelo | keen, the line you copied would never have worked that is a special line for the boot partition | 01:11 |
dope | when i boot from the live cd it just says "no emulation" and then says isolinux 3.36 debian-2007-08-30 and then does nothing | 01:11 |
MilitantPotato | !pastebin | alecwh | 01:11 |
ubotu | alecwh: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:11 |
Pelo | dope, what videocard do you have ? | 01:11 |
brad016 | ever I type in "cd" in the terminal it thinks i typed in "cdcd" whats up? | 01:12 |
MilitantPotato | alecwh: put the error message there, give us a link | 01:12 |
installing-ubunt | alecwh* try your monitor drivers, restricted drivers perhaps | 01:12 |
alecwh | MilitantPotato: What? I didn't paste anything... | 01:12 |
keen | pelo, got ya. i'm just trying to understand all of this, so that i don't have to bother ppl everytime i want to do something =) | 01:12 |
dope | geforce 6800xt | 01:12 |
keen | pelo, oh btw do you know how to change the label of the partition? | 01:12 |
alecwh | MilitantPotato: Oh. I just gave you the error, that's it. | 01:12 |
difranco_ | Thanks so episodic that did the trick | 01:12 |
alecwh | 'can't enable desktop effects' | 01:12 |
episodic | I'm glad I knew the answer to a question for once difranco | 01:12 |
Pelo | keen, there is a lot of stuff I don'T understand much of the mount stuff is realy over my head when you get into the finer stuff, I recommend reading man pages, and tehn getting very drunk | 01:12 |
MilitantPotato | alecwh: what video card does your laptop use? | 01:12 |
twoshadetod | how do i set thunderbird for default so when i click a email address it opens it instead of evolution or w/e this other piece of crap is? | 01:13 |
dope | Pelo: what would that have to do with it not booting? | 01:13 |
alecwh | MilitantPotato: I don't know, how do I find out? | 01:13 |
installing-ubunt | alecwh: I read somewhere someone needed to first setup the monitor | 01:13 |
episodic | can someone tell me a good way to make a picture slideshow I can burn to dvd on linux? | 01:13 |
keen | pelo, haha i like the way u work. i might have to give that a shot sometime | 01:13 |
alecwh | installing-ubunt: Hmm. can you find it? :-) | 01:13 |
episodic | that is the only thing I boot back into windows for | 01:13 |
episodic | :P | 01:13 |
brad016 | whenever I type in "cd" in the terminal it thinks i typed in "cdcd" | 01:13 |
SpeakerMania | Pelo, it says I can't save the file. | 01:13 |
Billies | hey, what's the console command for the visual effects? I had to do sudo apt-get something, but I can't rember what it was. it was to solve the an old problem of mine whare when I selected any visual effect setting, it would bring up a box that said the composite extension is not avalable | 01:13 |
installing-ubunt | alechw: Ill look,, but try the restricted drivers if your not opposed to it | 01:13 |
brad016 | whenever I type in "cd" in the terminal it thinks i typed in "cdcd" | 01:13 |
Pelo | keen, the label you have is the name of mount point you gave in fstab, and , stuff mounted to /media automaticaly appears on your destkop, so change the mount point name to change the label ( don't for get to change it in fstab) and if you don'T want it on your destkop, eitehr make the mount point in /mnt or in /home/user | 01:14 |
Shpook | Hello everyone....if anyone remembers me trying to fix my freezing problems, I fixed it. I took out my video card and switched to onboard video, and no more freezes. | 01:14 |
installing-ubunt | alecwh: there was no error message in the port I saw | 01:14 |
alecwh | installing-ubunt: I did, It only does my wifi card. | 01:14 |
MilitantPotato | alecwh: System>Administration>Restricted Drivers Manager, enable it for Nvidia. | 01:14 |
Grim76 | I have a problem my system is running fine, but the system clock is running at a fast pace gaining several minutes after about 1 minute. | 01:14 |
nemik | brad016: check your .bashrc and make sure you didn't set some silly alias for cd | 01:14 |
keen | pelo, thanks so much | 01:14 |
Pelo | SpeakerMania, you need to open to edit using sudo , sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:14 |
axjv | When I close the screen, my monitor doesn't blank... I'm running Gutsy on an Inspiron E1505. Any ideas? | 01:14 |
alecwh | MilitantPotato: I don't have any option for nvidia. | 01:14 |
brad016 | where is .bashrc | 01:15 |
mneptok | brad016: ~/ | 01:15 |
sanode | when I try to play video files totem doesn't have the plugins it needs and I get a screen that says "conformation installation of restricted software". i hit the confirm button but the plugins don't get installed. am i missing something? | 01:15 |
nemik | brad016: open a new terminal, does it happen there? | 01:15 |
alecwh | Someone told me awhile ago that I don't have support for Xv or something, I couldn't play video while compiz was running. | 01:15 |
Pelo | dope, , are you getting the boot menu or nothing at all ? | 01:15 |
alecwh | But is that still an issue? | 01:15 |
alecwh | With the Latitude D630 | 01:15 |
Shpook | So, I have a question. Is it safe to remove python and all associated packages, and then reinstall them? | 01:15 |
dope | Pelo: it just says "no emulation" and then stops there | 01:15 |
mneptok | Shpook: why? | 01:15 |
Pelo | alecwh, look up your model in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport see if any suggestion | 01:15 |
ztomic | sanode: what are you trying to play? | 01:16 |
twoshadetod | how do i set thunderbird for default so when i click a email address it opens it instead of evolution or w/e this other piece of crap is? | 01:16 |
SpeakerMania | Pelo, completely forgot about that, thank you again. | 01:16 |
alecwh | Pelo, how do I find out what video card I have? | 01:16 |
Pelo | dope, start by checking the checsum of the cd | 01:16 |
Pelo | !md5 | dope | 01:16 |
ubotu | dope: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 01:16 |
Billies | can anyone rember what that app that I needed was? I was just here yesterday when someone solved my problem | 01:16 |
SpeakerMania | Pelo, now do I need a reboot? | 01:16 |
sanode | mpg files | 01:16 |
dope | it boots fine in another computer | 01:16 |
mneptok | alecwh: lspci -vv | 01:16 |
dope | Pelo: it boots fine in another computer | 01:16 |
Shpook | mneptok: CCSM for compiz isn't working, and someone suggested that a python package might be corrupt and to reinstall python. I thought I would consult first. | 01:16 |
thedarkfreak | hello? | 01:16 |
Pelo | alecwh, check your computer's documentation , or check the model specs on the maker's website | 01:17 |
Pelo | dope, could be a problem with the computer, the cd or the cd drive | 01:17 |
mneptok | Shpook: that's like scooping your eyeballs out and rinsing them with benzene because "yellow tinges look a little funny" | 01:17 |
mneptok | Shpook: i.e. don't | 01:17 |
mneptok | :) | 01:17 |
Pelo | hello thedarkfreak | 01:17 |
thedarkfreak | I've got a problem with my monitor | 01:17 |
dope | Pelo: i tried with a different cd rom and same error | 01:17 |
Pelo | thedarkfreak, tell us about it , breifly | 01:17 |
thedarkfreak | I recently got a new monitor for my computer | 01:17 |
alecwh | Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller | 01:17 |
thedarkfreak | And it appears to work okay on windows | 01:18 |
thedarkfreak | but you dont' want to hear about that | 01:18 |
Shpook | mneptok: lol nice analogy...I thought it sounded a little overboard. thanks :-) | 01:18 |
thedarkfreak | the problem is when I boot up my ubuntu partition | 01:18 |
Pelo | dope, can you try a cd for another release or distro ? | 01:18 |
thedarkfreak | the screen goes blank | 01:18 |
Billies | when I try to change the setting on the visual effects tab in appearance, I get this error, "the Composite extension is not avalable". im running the latest restricted drivers, but im still getting this error | 01:18 |
ztomic | sanode: did you check forums? | 01:18 |
gandalfcome | I have trouble getting dual head to work. I tried aticonfig --dtop = horizontal which worked with all fglrx drivers before, but now the screen switches on for a second and then switches off again. any ideas? | 01:18 |
axjv | When I close the screen, my monitor doesn't blank... I'm running Gutsy on an Inspiron E1505. Any ideas? | 01:18 |
nemik | Shpook: that happened to me. what error do you get running ccsm from terminal? | 01:18 |
mneptok | Shpook: np. smart to ask first. that sounds like waaaay more headaches than it's worth. | 01:18 |
Pelo | dope, you can also try the alternate install cd might work better for youi | 01:18 |
dope | Pelo: that's what i'm about to do | 01:18 |
thedarkfreak | I mean, it goes blank at the login screen | 01:19 |
sanode | no i have not. i will if thats the best place to start | 01:19 |
thedarkfreak | it's strange, because LiveCDs work | 01:19 |
Pelo | !enter | thedarkfreak | 01:19 |
ubotu | thedarkfreak: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:19 |
nemik | Shpook: and yes mneptok is right. no need to reinstall python over that. i just reinstalled ccsm but be sure to remove old compiz repo's from apt sources if you have them | 01:19 |
sanode | thanks ztomic | 01:19 |
thedarkfreak | ok | 01:19 |
thedarkfreak | sorry | 01:19 |
episodic | can someone tell me a good way to make picture dvd slideshows on linux? | 01:19 |
pizzicato | ciao | 01:19 |
Pelo | thedarkfreak, what kind of monitor is this lcd ? usb ? | 01:19 |
episodic | something like "ProShow" or "picturestory" on windows | 01:19 |
thedarkfreak | LCD, connected through a basic video card | 01:19 |
thedarkfreak | and if I just type in my user and password | 01:20 |
ztomic | sanode: http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=30169297 just in case you think i'm being difficult. | 01:20 |
Billies | when I try to change the setting on the visual effects tab in appearance, I get this error, "the Composite extension is not avalable". I can't seem to find anything missing in synaptic package manager | 01:20 |
mwork | Has anyone done a Maya2008 install on 7.1 ? | 01:20 |
Pelo | episodic, not realy, try making the slide show as an avi (possibly using avidemux) and then encode it to dvd using devede | 01:20 |
naxa | hi! I installed photoshop CS2 using wine, and it starts, but wine cannot draw it correctly on the screen. If I put a window before photoshop and move, it leaves garbage on photoshop window and there is no way to refresh it. I have savage4 and sometimes garbahe comes in normal linux-based program's windows. Can you help me, anyone? | 01:20 |
sanode | np, appreciate the help ztomic | 01:20 |
keen | does anyone know anything about connecting to windows share? | 01:20 |
thedarkfreak | and wait until the computer stops working, and I do an Alt-F7 or what it is to change to a terminal, the terminal shows fine | 01:20 |
thedarkfreak | I can see terminal sessions, but no graphics | 01:21 |
Shpook | mneptok: is it okay to paste the error's here? it's only about 8 lines. | 01:21 |
MilitantPotato | alecwh: sudo gedit /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz-manager and add the following line to the end: | 01:21 |
MilitantPotato | SKIP_CHECKS=yes | 01:21 |
Pelo | thedarkfreak, try booting the recovery mode and if that works , type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg maybe it need to be redetected or smething | 01:21 |
mneptok | Shpook: pastebin | 01:21 |
ztomic | that was so easy, i feel bad | 01:21 |
end0r57 | i can't seem to get themes to work | 01:21 |
Guendelman | Hi guys did anyone knows how can i install my Scanner | 01:21 |
Pelo | thedarkfreak, which part of don'T use the enter key for punctutation do you not get ? it makes is very difficult to keep up with you ? | 01:21 |
Shpook | nemik: you know, i reinstalled ccsm, but still had trevino's repos | 01:21 |
alecwh | MilitantPotato: What limitations will I have? | 01:22 |
thedarkfreak | All right, I'll try it. | 01:22 |
end0r57 | i don't know if i should get emerald, metacity, compiz, etc. | 01:22 |
thedarkfreak | And sorry, I forgot. | 01:22 |
jimmygoon | Guendelman, have you plugged it in? sane should detect it | 01:22 |
thedarkfreak | brb | 01:22 |
nemik | Shpook: yea, comment those out. no longer needed | 01:22 |
MilitantPotato | alecwh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=3789dd8b680f23a49db37dc1658a5422&p=3630307&postcount=3 | 01:22 |
Guendelman | yes is pluged and recognised | 01:22 |
crdlb | MilitantPotato: that's the wrong way to do it | 01:22 |
* Pelo is ill , and grouchy , and going to bed now, g'night folks | 01:22 | |
crdlb | MilitantPotato: use ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager instead | 01:22 |
MilitantPotato | crdlb: ah, I'm sorry. | 01:23 |
nemik | Shpook: do and apt-get update after remove trevino's then sudo apt-get remove compizconfig-settings-manager then install it again | 01:23 |
alecwh | MilitantPotato: I think there is an issue with video playing though. | 01:23 |
nemik | should work | 01:23 |
Guendelman | #ubuntu | 01:23 |
MilitantPotato | alecwh: sudo gedit ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager | 01:23 |
crdlb | MilitantPotato: no sudo :) | 01:23 |
Shpook | mneptok: http://pastebin.com/d1949832e i believe I did that right lol | 01:23 |
Guendelman | Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04a7:0224 Visioneer OneTouch 4800 USB/Microtek Scanport 3000 | 01:23 |
MilitantPotato | crdlb: meh :) | 01:23 |
Guendelman | like you see is conected | 01:24 |
MilitantPotato | sudo won't hurt will it? | 01:24 |
crdlb | MilitantPotato: and you can do it easily with echo and >> | 01:24 |
Shpook | nemik: cool, I'll give that a shot right now, thanks | 01:24 |
crdlb | MilitantPotato: yes it will | 01:24 |
Guendelman | but when i try toi scan its give me a error | 01:24 |
alecwh | http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist | 01:24 |
alecwh | my card is blacklisted | 01:24 |
alecwh | L* | 01:24 |
alecwh | :( | 01:24 |
MilitantPotato | crdlb: really...so don't sudo ~/ things? | 01:24 |
crdlb | MilitantPotato: it'll create the file as root | 01:24 |
nemik | alecwh: intel 965? | 01:24 |
Billies | I get this error, "the Composite extension is not avalable" whenever I try to change my visual effects settings off of off. I was told to so a sudo apt-get a package or something yesterday, but I can't rember what it was, anyone here have the same problem? | 01:24 |
crdlb | so it can't be edited as user | 01:24 |
crdlb | MilitantPotato: indeed | 01:24 |
alecwh | nemik: I think, yes. | 01:24 |
MilitantPotato | that's what the skip_checks=yes is for alecwh | 01:24 |
nemik | alecwh: do what MilitantPotato said. | 01:25 |
alecwh | MilitantPotato: But it's not allowing me for a reason. I don't want limited functionality. | 01:25 |
nemik | it works just fine | 01:25 |
heatman | Hello. Could someone tell me if Gutsy has a application which enable a user to modify the splash screens for various application and for the grub menu? Also, on the smae note, how can i make my grub visible? When I boot I need to press ESC if I wanna see something... is ther a way to bypass that mode? | 01:25 |
thedarkfreak | I apologize, what was that command again? I accidentally hit disconnect before I had it... | 01:25 |
end0r57 | what theme manager does compiz-fusion use in 7.10? | 01:25 |
alecwh | It seems like I can't play video during desktop effects, huge turnoff. | 01:25 |
crdlb | alecwh: that problem has always existed for intel and free ati | 01:25 |
MilitantPotato | alecwh: if it doesn't work, you can easily turn off desktop effects. | 01:25 |
nemik | alecwh: video over xv yea doesn't work now but you can change it to use X11 for video which works fine. uses a little more CPU though but nothing terrible | 01:25 |
crdlb | but it wasn't fixed for i965 in time for gutsy | 01:26 |
Rich4 | where do I go about problems with boot splash or splash screen ? | 01:26 |
MilitantPotato | alecwh: I used fusion-icon to disable compiz to watch videos. | 01:26 |
crdlb | Billies: video card? | 01:26 |
hylinux | hi, all, I found my bash can't save the history command list yestoday. how can i setting this for save history? | 01:26 |
Guendelman | can any one help me with the scanner ? | 01:26 |
alecwh | nemik: Ok, how do I do that? | 01:26 |
nemik | crdlb: has it even been fixed for intel? or can it be even? | 01:26 |
Billies | ATI X1650 running the restricted drivers | 01:26 |
nemik | alecwh: what do you use to watch videos? which app? | 01:26 |
alecwh | I did skip checks, and I'm running compiz right now. but no videos. | 01:26 |
alecwh | Totem | 01:26 |
Shpook | nemik: worked like a charm. It's nice to have people point out the little things that you miss, lol | 01:27 |
mneptok | Shpook: sudo apt-get autoremove compizconfig-settings-manager && sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manage | 01:27 |
nemik | alecwh: do you use gstreamer or xine? i would recommend xine | 01:27 |
mneptok | Shpook: do NOT USE THIRD PARTY REPOS | 01:27 |
Shpook | nemik: thanks a ton | 01:27 |
alecwh | nemik: gstreamer, and I love it. :) | 01:27 |
juanbond | How can I add links to nautilus on the left hand side where there's Documents, Videos, etc... | 01:27 |
nemik | Shpook: np. and 3rd party repo's are fine, or were before ubuntu had it officially | 01:27 |
crdlb | nemik: the rest of the intel line works, just not the 965 yet | 01:27 |
Shpook | mneptok: yeah, i forgot I had them enabled...i used the ubuntu repos this time, and it works perfect, thank you both for your help | 01:28 |
alecwh | crdlb: when? | 01:28 |
=== matthew is now known as Nu11u5 | ||
mneptok | nemik: third party repos cause a ton of problems for new users | 01:28 |
crdlb | Billies: then that package you were referring to is xserver-xgl :) | 01:28 |
nemik | alecwh: run gstreamer-conf or something like that, tab-complete after gstre | 01:28 |
alecwh | nemik: how do I do that, and watch videos? | 01:28 |
alecwh | ok | 01:28 |
drini | is there a webpage similar to "packages.debian.org" where I can browse apps by category? say, view netowrk programs, or math programs, etc | 01:28 |
drini | ? | 01:28 |
Billies | ill check it out | 01:28 |
Shpook | hey, im working hard to get rid of the "new user" title :-P | 01:28 |
crdlb | drini: packages.ubuntu.com :) | 01:28 |
alecwh | command not found, nemik. | 01:28 |
nemik | alecwh: then in there you'll see xv or something like that, change that to do X11 | 01:28 |
Stoffer | openoffice has been freezing on me when I try doing certain things ever since I upgraded to Gutsy. Can someone help me out? | 01:28 |
drini | .com of course | 01:28 |
crdlb | alecwh: gstreamer-properties | 01:28 |
drini | :D thanks | 01:28 |
nemik | alecwh: i said tab-complete after, i don't have gstreamer and don't know the app off-hand | 01:29 |
nemik | alecwh: crdlb is right, that one | 01:29 |
thedarkfreak | I've got a monitor problem; I recently got a new LCD monitor for my computer, and when I boot ubuntu, the display just blacks out on the login screen. If I type it blindly, I can still login, and from there, I can sue the hotkeys to change to a terminal session. But no graphics will work. Help, please? | 01:29 |
vmlinuz` | hey does Freeloader app resumes torrents if I stop them? | 01:29 |
mneptok | thedarkfreak: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:29 |
thedarkfreak | thanks | 01:30 |
MilitantPotato | thedarkfreak: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:30 |
MilitantPotato | ah, got beat to it. | 01:30 |
thedarkfreak | thanks, both of you :D | 01:30 |
alecwh | nemik: Ok. I'm at hte screen, and here are the options: Autodetect, X Video System (No Xv), X Video System (X11/XShm/Xv), Custom | 01:30 |
nemik | alecwh: the X Video with no Xv | 01:31 |
Guendelman | Where i can get heklp with the scanner ??? | 01:31 |
threeseas | any luck on the wide spread internet slowdown with Gutsy? | 01:31 |
quaal | how do i convert .img to .iso ? i tried ccd2iso but its giving me Error: cannot open source file for reading! | 01:31 |
MilitantPotato | crdlb: Any idea how long it will take ATI to get STUB support? | 01:31 |
end0r57 | how can i get the emerald theme manager and emerald themes to work? | 01:31 |
alecwh | nemik: THAT WORKED! :D | 01:32 |
nemik | alecwh: cool | 01:32 |
Stoffer | anyone that can help me with my openoffice freezing? | 01:32 |
crdlb | MilitantPotato: I presume you mean SLUB, and I have no idea ;) | 01:32 |
MilitantPotato | slub* :) | 01:32 |
bluebanana | where can i find xorg.0.log | 01:32 |
bluebanana | ? | 01:32 |
LjL | bluebanana: /var/log | 01:32 |
bluebanana | Also, where can i find xorg.conf? | 01:32 |
crdlb | bluebanana: /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 01:32 |
crdlb | capital X in Xorg | 01:33 |
dansku | anyone knows a program that I can use to make electronics schemes, some kind of CAD? | 01:33 |
bluebanana | yes. X | 01:33 |
crdlb | bluebanana: /etc/X11 | 01:33 |
MilitantPotato | in /etc/X11 | 01:33 |
bluebanana | thank you | 01:33 |
=== thesource is now known as Hall2000 | ||
bluebanana | thank | 01:33 |
qcode | bluebanana: Type: locate Xorg.0.log | 01:33 |
Optimus55 | anyone know where or how i can get wine tools? | 01:33 |
qcode | Optimus: Type: aptitude search wine | 01:34 |
MilitantPotato | Optimus55: www.winehq.com maybe? | 01:34 |
bluebanana | qcode: thanks. now if i can remember that "locate" command when i need it. 8-) | 01:34 |
Billies | crdlib: im getting invalid operation when I type sudo apt-get xserver-xgl | 01:34 |
LjL | dansku: i don't have any names in mind but i know there are quite a few in the repositories. "electric" for instance | 01:34 |
thedefender | hey does anyone no why even after i tell the screen saver to never turn on and tell the computer to never shut down the monitor it still switches the monitor to power save after X amount of minutes. I did all this within gnome so i imagine this has something to do with a global setting that makes every users monitor switch to power save? | 01:34 |
JP_Pialasse | hello | 01:34 |
Optimus55 | MilitantPotato: i'm refering to winetools the gui interface | 01:34 |
scizzo- | dansku: http://linuxgazette.net/issue54/frost.html | 01:34 |
MilitantPotato | thedefender: are you using XGL? | 01:34 |
thedefender | yes | 01:34 |
MilitantPotato | thedefender: let me find the fix for that, it's fairly ghetto though. | 01:35 |
Guendelman | Alguien sabe como instalar un scaner ? | 01:35 |
LjL | dansku: kicad, pcb, eagle | 01:35 |
dansku | thanks | 01:35 |
JP_Pialasse | i would like to rotate compiz cube in gutsy using button1+button2 it used to work but no more | 01:35 |
thedefender | militantpotato: thanks, would be greatly appreciated | 01:35 |
radioaktivstorm | hello.... i accidentally wrecked my display configuration and cannot figure out how to fix it. it was previously set at 1280x800 and i cannot figure out how to set it back. im running gutsy. any pointers? | 01:35 |
LjL | dansku: xcircuit, klogic, geda | 01:36 |
LjL | !fixres > radioaktivstorm (radioaktivstorm, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:36 |
crdlb | JP_Pialasse: by default, that only works on the desktop | 01:37 |
Billies | crdlib: that package you told me about won't download | 01:37 |
bluebanana | what syntax is xorg.conf written in? | 01:38 |
MilitantPotato | thedefender: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3651954&postcount=14 | 01:38 |
JP_Pialasse | crdb even in this case it does not work | 01:38 |
LjL | bluebanana: its own. | 01:38 |
SpeakerMania | Can I connect my Ubuntu 7.10 computer to a Windows XP computer through a firect CAT5 cable to transfer files? | 01:38 |
twoshadetodd | how do i set thunderbird for default so when i click a email address it opens it instead of evolution or w/e this other piece of crap is? | 01:38 |
LjL | bluebanana: man xorg.conf | 01:38 |
JP_Pialasse | crdlb> i would lilke it back this default setting | 01:38 |
DShepherd | SpeakerMania, sure | 01:39 |
crdlb | JP_Pialasse: enable the viewport switcher plugin | 01:39 |
ramza3 | should I get nethack qt or x11? | 01:39 |
MilitantPotato | thedefender: Like the guy said, it's a dirty way of fixing it, but it worked on my wife's PC. No guarantee it will on yours or if it will break anything or not. | 01:39 |
Condoulo | who here uses opera on 64-bit Ubuntu? | 01:39 |
SpeakerMania | DShepherd, could you be more clear? | 01:39 |
thedefender | THANKS | 01:39 |
SpeakerMania | zzsza48RIP | 01:40 |
thedefender | will try later tonight, gotta go to industry night a the bar, smithwicks!!!!!! | 01:40 |
SpeakerMania | Whoops | 01:40 |
DShepherd | SpeakerMania, you asked if you can directly connect two machines.. windows and ubuntu.. and I said yes | 01:40 |
thedefender | you all figure your problems and enjoy | 01:40 |
keedr | is there a tool that will monitor all the webpages I visit and it will save specific text/links/files? | 01:40 |
keedr | the problem is that most of similar programs require you to enter a starting web address, then specify retrieval options and then let the program do the job | 01:40 |
keedr | I want an integrated solution to do this within my browser "as I browse" | 01:40 |
DShepherd | SpeakerMania, as long as it is a cross over cable.. | 01:41 |
SpeakerMania | DShepherd, what is a cross-over cable? All I ahve a generic CAT% cable. | 01:41 |
radioaktivstorm | trying it out, thanks LjL | 01:41 |
SpeakerMania | 5 | 01:41 |
Salsaguy | Is this where I get installation help? | 01:42 |
juanbond | Does anyone run VirtualBox and if so, what version? OSE or Personal | 01:42 |
LjL | SpeakerMania, it's cat5 cable with some wires swapped in order to connect to ethernet cards together rather than an ethernet card to a hub/switch/router | 01:42 |
SpeakerMania | Salsaguy, yes | 01:42 |
JP_Pialasse | crdlb> thanks | 01:42 |
DShepherd | SpeakerMania, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_crossover_cable | 01:42 |
JP_Pialasse | crdlb> that's help me | 01:42 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, how do I know if mine is a cross-over cable? | 01:42 |
mneptok | SpeakerMania: a lot of NICS now can auto-adjust | 01:43 |
mneptok | SpeakerMania: the x-over cable is becoming a fossil | 01:43 |
LjL | SpeakerMania: you check if the wires coloring is replicated at both ends | 01:43 |
RickyFitts | Has anybody had any trouble with ubuntu 7.10 on a laptop, specifically a Gateway? | 01:43 |
bruenig | RickyFitts, give more details | 01:44 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, okay. That will require me to cut my connection to my router, so before I do, what will happen on the windows side? What will happen on the Linux side? How do I access one another? | 01:44 |
Salsaguy | cool, I'm getting an error message: Failed to start the Xserver... my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb | 01:44 |
bruenig | a laptop is no different than a pc, with the exception of the battery | 01:44 |
RickyFitts | Hmmm When I pop the disk in live it just dones't want to boot up | 01:44 |
don_pucci | so...any ideas for flash movies that show up grey | 01:44 |
Q_Continuum_ | nemik: what did you mean by 'display' section? I can't find that heading, even though I seem to recall seeing it in there previously. (Finally off the phone) | 01:44 |
mworks | Has anyone done a Maya 2008 install on 7.10 ? | 01:44 |
John_R | color them in | 01:44 |
RickyFitts | And if it does it takes forever to do so | 01:44 |
don_pucci | i have both gnash and flash installed.... | 01:45 |
LjL | SpeakerMania: you will have to setup a static IP configuration on both machines. | 01:45 |
RickyFitts | Then when I hit thte install button I get nothing | 01:45 |
LjL | SpeakerMania: or make one serve DHCP | 01:45 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, a what? | 01:45 |
jpt9 | hey. | 01:45 |
jpt9 | i'm thinking of installing Ubuntu on my ThinkPad T61. | 01:45 |
LjL | SpeakerMania, an internet protocol connection where you input the parameters manually. | 01:45 |
heatman | Hello. Could someone tell me if Gutsy has a application which enable a user to modify the splash screens for various application and for the grub menu? Also, on the smae note, how can i make my grub visible? When I boot I need to press ESC if I wanna see something... is ther a way to bypass that mode? | 01:45 |
jpt9 | it's just so freaking awesome :-) | 01:45 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, do you know how to do so on a Windows machine? | 01:45 |
jpt9 | i'm running it under Qemu in Vista :-P right now. | 01:45 |
don_pucci | ubuntu has its issues | 01:45 |
jpt9 | it's certainly better than Vista :-) | 01:46 |
buttercups | keedr, try slogger for firefox | 01:46 |
scizzo- | heatman: grub is themeable | 01:46 |
don_pucci | anyone help me out with flash issues | 01:46 |
LjL | SpeakerMania, control panel, network connections, right click, properties, tcp/ip, properties | 01:46 |
jpt9 | yeah.. | 01:46 |
jpt9 | there is one major problem... | 01:46 |
scizzo- | heatman: many applications are also themeable when it comes to boot splash | 01:46 |
hetauma | for ati x700 what's better to use "ati" or "flgrx" driver for compiz fusion ? | 01:46 |
jpt9 | the GNOME theme system will totally kill my productivity :-) | 01:46 |
tottto_ | hello gang | 01:47 |
jpt9 | especially now that I found the Gnome Art Artwork downloader Preference... umm... thingy... | 01:47 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, okay. Both IP and obtain DCHP server IP are set to auto. | 01:47 |
don_pucci | my wife uses facebook and the flash movies show as grey boxes | 01:47 |
heatman | scizzo: lol I know... i used to have a app that could modify those splash themes... was wondering if someone knew one of them so I could install it and set up my ubuntu box like i want | 01:47 |
jpt9 | is there any term like Preference Pane or Control Panel for preferences? | 01:47 |
f0rtune | so i upgraded to 7.04, and it deleted my config file for gproftpd, is there any way to get it back? | 01:47 |
mneptok | don_pucci: did you install Flash? | 01:47 |
LjL | SpeakerMania: that won't work unless you have a DHCP server on the linux machine you're connecting to. | 01:48 |
don_pucci | yes...lol | 01:48 |
radioaktivstorm | LjL: worked like magic. thanks! | 01:48 |
don_pucci | flash and gnash | 01:48 |
mneptok | don_pucci: how? | 01:48 |
eball | Hi, I have a question regarding my ati x1650 pro card. I am not able to get it above the save mode resolution, no matter what driver i use, excluding the fglrx driver which seems to have been broken with 7.10 | 01:48 |
mneptok | don_pucci: and which is Fx using? | 01:48 |
Milkinator | oh my god this chick has wonder tits | 01:48 |
don_pucci | i used add/remove to install | 01:48 |
Milkinator | anyway I have a question | 01:48 |
f0rtune | so i upgraded to 7.04, and it deleted my config file for gproftpd, is there any way to get it back? | 01:48 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, How would I go about doing that? I'm on the Linux machine right now, witht he Windows right next to me. | 01:48 |
vmlinuz` | does shockwave now work in linux? it wasn't before in feisty. | 01:48 |
Milkinator | I am trying to install unreal 2004 | 01:48 |
jpt9 | also, is Gvim supposed to show up in the main menu? i installed it, and it's nowhere to be seen. yes, i can run it from the terminal... but i want a menu item. with the icon! | 01:48 |
buttercups | !language | Milkinator | 01:48 |
ubotu | Milkinator: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:48 |
tottto_ | I ain t got no sound can someone help me please | 01:48 |
Milkinator | I am stuck on the install path | 01:48 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, remember, I want to transfer from the Windows machine to the Linux. | 01:48 |
don_pucci | mneptok i am not sure how to check which ff is using | 01:49 |
nemik | lol | 01:49 |
jpt9 | hmm... | 01:49 |
jpt9 | bash.org anyone? | 01:49 |
nibsa1242 | eball, I don't know about cards like that, but fglrx works fine with my X800 XL & 7.10 | 01:49 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: did it work? | 01:49 |
LjL | SpeakerMania, use as the ip address on one machine, and on the other | 01:49 |
vmlinuz` | Oh nvm, I think it still doesn't work | 01:49 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: I changed it, I think - what was the command again? didn't save it in my text file :-/ | 01:49 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, does it matter which? | 01:49 |
mneptok | Milkinator: watch the content, eh? | 01:49 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: oh yea, no display heading for you. hang on i'll post my xorg.cong | 01:49 |
f0rtune | so i upgraded to 7.04, and it deleted my config file for gproftpd, is there any way to get it back? | 01:49 |
Milkinator | come on why did you kick me? I have an important question | 01:49 |
LjL | SpeakerMania: no | 01:49 |
thedarkfreak | to those who helped me earlier, I would like to thank you | 01:49 |
thedarkfreak | works perfectly now | 01:49 |
nemik | Q_Continuum_: then try 'xrandr --output VGA-0 (or DVI-0 whichever is other monitor) --mode 1024x768 --right-of LVDS' | 01:49 |
don_pucci | mneptok i have both installed...maybe that is the prob | 01:49 |
Milkinator | I'm sorry but her thingies caught me off guard | 01:50 |
Salsaguy | Trying to instal from a 7.1 Live Disk and I'm getting an error message: Failed to start the Xserver... my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb | 01:50 |
mneptok | don_pucci: it is | 01:50 |
MilitantPotato | hetauma: Are you using Gutsy or Feisty | 01:50 |
don_pucci | i see | 01:50 |
SpeakerMania | What shoudl I do for the dafault gateway, that same? | 01:50 |
eball | safe* | 01:50 |
eball | nibsa: i get a blank black screen at where the logon screen should be and i have to manually change the 'fglrx' paramater to 'ati' using recovery mode, editing my X11 congif | 01:50 |
mneptok | Milkinator: you obviously DO know. so stop discussing it. | 01:50 |
don_pucci | should i use gnash or flash | 01:50 |
hetauma | MilitantPotato, gutsy | 01:50 |
mneptok | Milkinator: next time's a ban | 01:50 |
Milkinator | i think my problem is pretty simple | 01:50 |
LjL | SpeakerMania: should be fine on both | 01:50 |
SpeakerMania | @Ljl, What should I do for the dafault gateway, the same as the IP? | 01:50 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, okay. | 01:50 |
Milkinator | no please no ban! today is my first day using a linux based op | 01:50 |
mneptok | don_pucci: flashplugin-nonfree will be a better user experience | 01:51 |
Milkinator | i need lots of help | 01:51 |
twoshadetodd | how do i set thunderbird for default so when i click a email address it opens it instead of evolution or w/e this other piece of crap is? | 01:51 |
mneptok | Milkinator: then behave. simple, huh? | 01:51 |
=== xtor is now known as extor | ||
LjL | Milkinator: then i'll let the bot send you some tips on how to avoid being banned | 01:51 |
Milkinator | yes sir! | 01:51 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, what about the DNS server addresses? | 01:51 |
nibsa1242 | eball: did you do an upgrade or a fresh install | 01:51 |
jpt9 | twoshadetodd, try looking in thunderbird prefs. | 01:51 |
LjL | SpeakerMania: you don't have a DNS server, so leave that alone | 01:51 |
mneptok | Milkinator: "sir" is my father. it's not a power thing, just a channel BS inhibitor thing. | 01:51 |
extor | http://ubuntustudio.org/home <--- Is there any point whatsoever in checking out this "distro"? Why are these guys doing this? | 01:51 |
don_pucci | i cant seem to uninstall gnash :( | 01:51 |
Milkinator | I'm pretty sure I know what to no do to get banned | 01:51 |
jpt9 | it might have a "set to default" or check if i'm the default setting like firefox. | 01:51 |
MilitantPotato | hetauma: as far as I'm aware fglrx drivers won't allow you to enter standby (I'm not sure if the ATI ones do the same.) VESA drivers will, but you won't have 3d accell. | 01:51 |
eball | nibsa: fresh install from live cd, own hard drive and everything | 01:51 |
Condoulo | so how would I install Opera 64-bit Kestrel Beta? | 01:51 |
twoshadetodd | jpt9, to make gnomes defualt mail app? | 01:51 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, thanks. How do I change the IP on the Ubuntu machine? | 01:52 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: I ran: xrandr --output DVI-0 --mode 1600x1200 --right-of VGA-0. Results: I now have the left screen fine, and the right has about 25% (left edge) as an extended display - but the right 75% is corrupt | 01:52 |
jpt9 | maybe... | 01:52 |
MilitantPotato | hetauma: if you don't care about standby, use the fglrx I'd guys. | 01:52 |
Milkinator | sorry about the sir, I will use roger to confirm | 01:52 |
MilitantPotato | guess* | 01:52 |
Xenguy | twoshadetodd: preferences > preferred apps ? | 01:52 |
jpt9 | yeah... | 01:52 |
Stoffer | so....anyone that can help me with my openoffice freezing all the time? Started when I upgraded to Gutsy | 01:52 |
nibsa1242 | eball: where did you get the fglrx driver from? | 01:52 |
jpt9 | that's what i just thought to do... | 01:52 |
Milkinator | soooooooooooo can we move on? | 01:52 |
scizzo- | Milkinator: just ask the question | 01:52 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: I substituted 1600x1200 for 1024x768 though, 1600x1200 is native for both. | 01:52 |
jpt9 | was just about to say that :-) | 01:52 |
Milkinator | alright | 01:52 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: yea it is corrupt because your wallpaper is small. but if you drag windows to that region it is fine, no? | 01:52 |
scizzo- | Milkinator: dont ask to ask | 01:52 |
mneptok | Milkinator: "roger" is mellage received only. please "wilco" for order compliance. | 01:52 |
LjL | SpeakerMania: i know how to do it by editing /etc/network/interfaces, but there's something called Network Manager on Ubuntu by default, which kind of gets in the way. i don't know the GNOME way either | 01:52 |
Milkinator | hey i'm tryin lmao you are funny | 01:53 |
jpt9 | twoshadetodd: Prefs > Preferred Apps. | 01:53 |
slymoose | Hi folks, any suggestions on restoring my IPTABLES chains to their install default? Firestarter borked them | 01:53 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: No, I get a 'ghosting' effect - every so many pixels it stops it. I'll see if I can get a screenshot real quick. | 01:53 |
hetauma | MilitantPotato, ty | 01:53 |
heatman | scizzo-: lol I know... i used to have a app that could modify those splash themes... was wondering if someone knew one of them so I could install it and set up my ubuntu box like i want | 01:53 |
mneptok | Milkinator: wait 'till you see me in a bikini. | 01:53 |
Milkinator | alright how do you | 01:53 |
Milkinator | WHOA! | 01:53 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: got it. Going to upload, have to find ftp client lol | 01:53 |
twoshadetodd | Xenguy, you da man | 01:53 |
eball | nibsa: enabled it through the proprietary drivers menu, it auto installed. later i doubled checked through the console by following ATI instructions and it said that the package was installed already | 01:53 |
* thedarkfreak is away: Gone away for now. | 01:53 | |
=== thedarkfreak is now known as tdf_away | ||
nemik | Q_Continuum: i know i get the same, don't worry about screenshot | 01:53 |
* tdf_away is back. | 01:53 | |
Xenguy | twoshadetodd: yw | 01:53 |
=== tdf_away is now known as thedarkfreak | ||
Milkinator | bad images running through head, not good! ahhhhhhhh | 01:53 |
nibsa1242 | heatman: which splash screen? | 01:53 |
foonux | anyone here familiar booting iso's from a usb-stick? | 01:53 |
scizzo- | heatman: startupmanager? | 01:53 |
LjL | !awat > thedarkfreak (thedarkfreak, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:53 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: Ok - idea on a fix? | 01:53 |
Ravi_master | Hey all | 01:54 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: i think that effect is normal because your wallpaper does not go that far for stretching | 01:54 |
Madpilot | LjL, spelling counts :) | 01:54 |
|neon| | i installed screenlets but the only way to get them to show is to press F9 and the screen goes semi-dark is that the way they suppose to work or ? | 01:54 |
Milkinator | you made me forget what i was going to ask | 01:54 |
Milkinator | brb bring up problem | 01:54 |
mneptok | LjL: typo, bud | 01:54 |
SpeakerMania | Okay, all set | 01:54 |
Madpilot | ubotu, away | thedarkfreak | 01:54 |
SpeakerMania | @ljl | 01:54 |
f0rtune | so i upgraded to 7.04, and it deleted my config file for gproftpd, is there any way to get it back? | 01:54 |
heatman | nibsa1242: ie: openoffice, ubuntu, gimp.... and grub itself! | 01:54 |
LjL | Madpilot, mneptok: i know, i know, i sent him another PM already :P | 01:54 |
ubotu | thedarkfreak: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines | 01:54 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, now what? Plug them up? | 01:54 |
twoshadetodd | Milkinator, you were going to ask how to intall UT | 01:54 |
DrUnKnMuNkY | hey. when i put my laptop into sleep mode, when i turn it back on the screen just shows random colours on the screen and i need to forcefully reboot it to be able to use it. hibernate doesn't work either. does anyone have any fixes? | 01:54 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: get a bigger wallpaper? not sure. but you now have dual-screens. that's as good as i got it too and it's fine | 01:54 |
Ravi_master | /join #iphone | 01:54 |
teekay_ | hi | 01:54 |
eball | nibsa: any other resolution besides the default safe mode one results in the screen being filled with noise. my monitor is a 22" 1680x1050 native LCD | 01:54 |
teekay_ | private | 01:54 |
twoshadetodd | Milkinator, grab wine, i play(ed) wow on it and for me it worked better than on winows | 01:54 |
CZ | hi everyone | 01:54 |
Milkinator | I am lost on the install location | 01:54 |
* jpt9 loves the on-the-fly/real-time DPI switching :-D | 01:54 | |
thedarkfreak | Sorry about that. | 01:54 |
twoshadetodd | Milkinator, do you have wine? | 01:55 |
scizzo- | heatman: apt-cache show startupmanager | 01:55 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: what if you maximize a window in the region with the corruption. is it OK then? can the window be seen without problems? | 01:55 |
scizzo- | heatman: that is one program it seems to do what you are asking for... | 01:55 |
nibsa1242 | heatman: sounds like a cool app... I've only ever done the grub splash and that was by hand | 01:55 |
Milkinator | i'm not that big of a wine drinker | 01:55 |
jpt9 | lol... | 01:55 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: no, then its about the left 66% | 01:55 |
cube | most of the dvd's i am ripping with acid rip end up having french as the language on the audio tracks, how do i fix it to english?? | 01:55 |
jpt9 | drunk on WoW... that'd be fun to watch :-) | 01:55 |
scizzo- | heatman: not 100% sure that there is a pogram directly from ubuntu that can do grub splash changes | 01:55 |
LjL | SpeakerMania: if you already know how to transfer files... from the console, it's "sudo mount // /Some/Directory/On/Linux -o username=you"... from GNOME, no idea | 01:55 |
Salsaguy | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting an error message: Failed to start the Xserver... my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, where do I go from here? | 01:55 |
Optimus55 | hey i'm having problems installing from a script file. i double click install.sh, press run and nothing happens | 01:55 |
twoshadetodd | Ok Milkinator you should be set then | 01:55 |
Q_Continuum | I changed the 'Display' section of 'Screen' - is that the correct spot for 'display' for me to have modified? (Identifier: Default Screen) | 01:55 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: hmmm not sure then. i suggest posting in forum about it. this is as far as i can take you i'm afraid | 01:56 |
Milkinator | umm I haven't done anything | 01:56 |
heatman | scizzo-: onlything i can remember is i dl it using apt-get and only with ubuntu repos | 01:56 |
foonux | s/help | 01:56 |
nibsa1242 | eball: which drivers have you tried | 01:56 |
=== ryan is now known as ryan_ | ||
twoshadetodd | Milkinator, hmmm what is you are having a problem with....computer wise | 01:56 |
f0rtune | so i upgraded to 7.04, and it deleted my config file for gproftpd, is there any way to get it back? | 01:56 |
scizzo- | heatman: try using: apt-cache search grub | 01:56 |
LjL | SpeakerMania: assuming you gave to the windows machine, that is | 01:56 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: it already had the 'virtual 1600 1200' so I figured it matched. | 01:56 |
Milkinator | how do installing program locations work? | 01:56 |
scizzo- | heatman: does not give that much result | 01:56 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, okay, I'll fiqure it out. I have to temporarily cut my connection, but I'll be back. | 01:56 |
eball | nibsa: the restricted fglrx, ati, and radeon | 01:56 |
ryan_ | hi there, i'm having a smidget of trouble with my ATI drivers. | 01:56 |
MilitantPotato | !patience | f0rtune | 01:56 |
ubotu | f0rtune: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 01:56 |
scizzo- | heatman: run that in a terminal and you will get a few results... | 01:56 |
M3M3_C4ObY | 01:56 | |
LjL | !samba > SpeakerMania (SpeakerMania, see the private message from Ubotu) some info here i think | 01:56 |
cube | i have the default langauge to english in acidrip but it still encodes french, any ideas?? | 01:57 |
heatman | scizzo-: ty | 01:57 |
scizzo- | heatman: if you want to minimize that result a bit more use: apt-cache search grub | grep splash | 01:57 |
Milkinator | if i hang out here long enough one day i will be a volunteer | 01:57 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: any idea how to launch the new "x crashed, time to get it working again" new GUI? | 01:57 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: yea it is correct section. that fact that the command even ran and split it means you did something right | 01:57 |
scizzo- | heatman: usually should give you a little more compact view of it | 01:57 |
foonux | Optimus: try chmod u+x in ther terminal and then cd to the directory for the install.sh and type ./install.sh | 01:57 |
twoshadetodd | Milkinator, hhaha nice man that's the spirit of Ubuntu | 01:57 |
heatman | scizzo: kk ty | 01:57 |
SpeakerMania | ljl, I'll look into that, thanks! | 01:57 |
scizzo- | heatman: youre welcome | 01:57 |
twoshadetodd | Milkinator, did you watch the video with the old black lady that came with the install? | 01:57 |
ryan_ | hi there, does anyone who is familliar with getting ATI video cards off mesa wanna give me a hand? | 01:57 |
sjovan | where can i finde a package manager in kde? | 01:57 |
don_pucci | thank u mneptok..it works now | 01:57 |
Milkinator | come on twoshadetodd tell me how file paths work | 01:57 |
nibsa1242 | eball: you said you have an R500 based card right? | 01:58 |
LjL | sjovan: Adept? | 01:58 |
Milkinator | there were no videos! where are they!? | 01:58 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: 'xrandr --output VGA --off' to turn it off and go back to normal | 01:58 |
nibsa1242 | eball: what does your uname -r say? | 01:58 |
eball | nibsa: yea i believe its the R530 | 01:58 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: where VGA is your external | 01:58 |
Madpilot | twoshadetodd, unless the video has changed, it's Nelson Mandela, not a woman... | 01:58 |
twoshadetodd | Milkinator, it's an old black bag lady that is talking about ubuntu and saying it's a good thing. It's good to see the "Common man" | 01:58 |
Milkinator | lmao | 01:58 |
twoshadetodd | hahhahaa | 01:58 |
foonux | Optimus: err that's chmod u+x <filename> | 01:58 |
twoshadetodd | just seeing who would catch that at first glance i thought it was an old lady | 01:58 |
sjovan | LjL: thanks. just installed kde | 01:58 |
eball | nibsa: 2.6.22-14-generic | 01:58 |
Milkinator | i don't need to see a video about how good ubuntu is | 01:59 |
Milkinator | I'm on it myself! rahhhhhhhhh | 01:59 |
LjL | !offtopic | 01:59 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:59 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: how can I renable it, but in mirrored mode? | 01:59 |
Milkinator | 3 hours on ubuntu and i'm already backing up to dump windows | 01:59 |
Q_Continuum | nemik: (which is how it was, before I started messing with it) | 01:59 |
nemik | Q_Continuum: run xrandr -help and see commands? i'm sure theres something for mirrored | 01:59 |
Milkinator | whoa! | 01:59 |
LjL | !traffic | 02:00 |
ubotu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 02:00 |
Thecks | Wowza :) | 02:00 |
sjovan | what was that... | 02:01 |
MasterShrek | what happend there? netsplit? | 02:01 |
Thecks | Somebody who nobody likes trying to flood the place. | 02:01 |
vmlinuz` | is it possible to run file.divx in ubuntu? | 02:01 |
corporeal | i got 75 of them. | 02:02 |
bluebanana | I need libmp3lame.so.0 for audacity. where should i get it? | 02:02 |
Madpilot | bot attack | 02:02 |
nibsa1242 | eball: you still out there? | 02:02 |
cube | vmlinuz isn't divx just like a .avi file | 02:02 |
Milkinator | I am trying to install unreal 2004. I am caught up on the installation path | 02:02 |
eball | Nibsa: yea | 02:02 |
MasterShrek | Milkinator, probably /usr/bin | 02:03 |
nibsa1242 | have you tried the Radeon HD driver? | 02:03 |
MilitantPotato | vmlinuz`: get VLC | 02:03 |
MasterShrek | Milkinator, or maybe just /usr | 02:03 |
number9 | Can anyone help with ndiswrapper and the rtl8185 (Realtek wireless) windows driver? I can install it, then it works after a reboot, then after the next one it stops working (I'm on feisty) | 02:03 |
cube | number9: g-g-g-gutsy | 02:03 |
Milkinator | MasterShrek: that does not work, do I need to set a drive? | 02:03 |
MasterShrek | number9, put the command to load the module in /etc/rc.local and you should be ok | 02:03 |
vmlinuz` | MilitantPotato: I have VLC, i'm downloading a file.divx its a pool match, but its 800MB. I asked because I don't want to download it and then find out that it doesn't work you know | 02:03 |
MasterShrek | Milkinator, no, did u run the installer using sudo? | 02:03 |
vmlinuz` | cube: I don't know about that, thats why I asked. | 02:03 |
MilitantPotato | Lovely. | 02:04 |
MilitantPotato | !traffic | 02:04 |
ubotu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 02:04 |
MasterShrek | do people really have nothing better to do? | 02:04 |
nixternal | jeesh | 02:04 |
LjL | SORRY - You cannot speak in this channel right now. We are experiencing problems. Please wait a minute. | 02:05 |
MilitantPotato | vmlinuz`: Yea, you'll have no problems playing a .divx in linux. | 02:05 |
axjv | Err... What just happened. | 02:05 |
twoshadetod | f | 02:05 |
PanzerMKZ | wow | 02:05 |
MilitantPotato | axjv: trolls. | 02:05 |
axjv | Crazy spammers. | 02:05 |
twoshadetod | 12 year olds | 02:05 |
Xenguy | moron bot attacks | 02:05 |
twoshadetod | anyhow, is there any way to get skype+webcam on ubuntu? | 02:05 |
vmlinuz` | MilitantPotato: cool | 02:05 |
LjL | !feeding the troll | 02:05 |
ubotu | The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal. | 02:05 |
LjL | NOTICE - If you aren't registered to Freenode, you cannot speak in this channel. If that is the case, please follow the instrcutions at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup | 02:06 |
Ward1983 | test | 02:06 |
axjv | When I close the screen, my monitor doesn't blank... I'm running Gutsy on an Inspiron E1505. Any ideas? | 02:06 |
MasterShrek | test passed Ward1983 | 02:06 |
Ward1983 | ok seems to work again | 02:06 |
corporeal | test | 02:06 |
corporeal | lol | 02:06 |
Ward1983 | what a timing lol | 02:06 |
vmlinuz` | axjv: is that a dell laptop? | 02:06 |
axjv | vmlinuz`: Yeah. | 02:06 |
Ward1983 | corporeal, well i had to type something to test, it didnt work before :-) | 02:06 |
vmlinuz` | allright | 02:06 |
corporeal | lol same here | 02:07 |
LjL | NOTICE - If you aren't registered to Freenode, you cannot speak in this channel. If that is the case, please follow the instrcutions at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup | 02:07 |
MasterShrek | !repeat LjL | 02:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about repeat ljl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 02:07 |
MasterShrek | ={ | 02:07 |
MasterShrek | =P** | 02:07 |
Pici | MasterShrek: ... | 02:07 |
Shpook | Oooh, another simple question: Can I delay Tilda so it starts up after Compiz at boot? | 02:07 |
MasterShrek | jk :) | 02:07 |
Shpook | I could probably google this, but I like you guys. | 02:07 |
axjv | vmlinuz`: Any suggestions? | 02:07 |
crf | May I get some help installing ubuntu? I asked earlier, but no response yet :) ... I have a partition, hda7, which I think has some corrupt ext2 filesystems on it, but I can't get through the installer without it wanting to reformat this partition. Is there any way to work around this? | 02:07 |
sjovan | okay... why is it that if i want to complet remove Ark i have to remove kde and kdeutils? | 02:07 |
twoshadetod | any good messenger apps that support webcam? | 02:07 |
Salsaguy | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated | 02:08 |
nibsa1242 | eball: If you haven't I highly suggest you try the Radeon HD driver. | 02:08 |
axjv | Shpook: Make a sh file thats pointed to by your Sessions thing. | 02:08 |
Milkinator | umm | 02:08 |
DShepherd | Shpook, i guess you could do a sleep command thing before | 02:08 |
DrUnKnMuNkY | hey everyone. if i put my laptop in sleep or hibernate, when i turn the laptop back on, nothing works (i need to reboot computer). i'm using gutsy. does anyone have any ideas? | 02:08 |
scizzo- | twoshadetod: you mean for msn and stuff? | 02:08 |
Ward1983 | what can i do if my internal cardreader does not work (with the livecd)? is that a common problem? | 02:08 |
nibsa1242 | DrUnKnMuNkY: what video driver are you using? | 02:08 |
bluebanana | I need a file called libmp3lame.so.0 (for Audacity). What's the best way to get it? | 02:08 |
bluebanana | How can I get it? | 02:08 |
c0Ld | I've got a table I'm trying to center on a page in OO.org but when I try to do it all it does is center the text INSIDE of the table -- anyone that's used OO for awhile know the trick to it? | 02:08 |
twoshadetod | scizzo-, yeah anything yahoo msn ii'll take what i can get at this point lol | 02:08 |
scizzo- | bluebanana: its in a program called lame | 02:08 |
DrUnKnMuNkY | nibsa1242: intel driver, it's a GMA950 | 02:08 |
Milkinator | come on! | 02:08 |
Shpook | axjv: a tad over my head, lol | 02:09 |
bluebanana | scizzo-: so i have to install lame? | 02:09 |
axjv | Shpook: It's really not too hard | 02:09 |
scizzo- | bluebanana: AFAIK its a codec format thingy that you need which is not a supported format | 02:09 |
Pici | c0Ld: I dont know, but... there is an #openoffice.org channel :) | 02:09 |
axjv | Shpook: I'll guide you through | 02:09 |
axjv | Shpook: What's the name of the program you want to run? | 02:09 |
bluebanana | or can i just install libmp3lame.so.0 somehow? | 02:09 |
scizzo- | bluebanana: I would suggest you look at medibuntu or something | 02:09 |
bluebanana | not supported, scizzo-? what do you mean? | 02:09 |
scizzo- | bluebanana: its a lib | 02:09 |
nibsa1242 | DrUnKnMuNkY: ok, I figured you might be using fglrx and thats a know problem... I don't know how to help you. Hopefully someone else will. | 02:09 |
MasterShrek | bluebanana, sudo apt-get install lame should do it for you | 02:09 |
Shpook | axjv: Compiz first, then Tilda | 02:09 |
MasterShrek | bluebanana, or liblame maybe... | 02:09 |
DrUnKnMuNkY | nibsa1242: Thanks | 02:09 |
bluebanana | MasterShrek: thanks. but what do i do with the rest of the lame stuff that i don't need? OR will i need them all? | 02:10 |
axjv | Shpook: Alright, so open up your text editor. | 02:10 |
bluebanana | MasterShrek: maybe? so which should i get? | 02:10 |
Shpook | k | 02:10 |
eball | nimsa: you still there? | 02:10 |
Milkinator | i like that name bluebanana | 02:10 |
axjv | Shpook: Type in sleep 10s | 02:10 |
bluebanana | Milkinator: thank you | 02:10 |
axjv | Shpook: Then press enter. | 02:10 |
Milkinator | i want to be orange banana | 02:10 |
scizzo- | twoshadetod: hmmm.....can't remember the name of the project but there was someone doing this for gaim or something before | 02:10 |
bluebanana | should i install liblame or lame, if my goal is to get libmp3lame.so.0? | 02:11 |
spasticteapot | While running Starcraft under WINE, I can't switch to 640x480. | 02:11 |
nibsa1242 | eball: I'm here | 02:11 |
Shpook | axjv: k, im still with ya :-) | 02:11 |
MasterShrek | bluebanana, lame will depend on liblame i spose | 02:11 |
Ward1983 | if i want to format my SD card with reserfs but my cardreader doesn't work in linux, can i then make a image in linux and write it to the card in windows? | 02:11 |
Milkinator | what is this wine? | 02:11 |
axjv | Shpook: Oh, first off; is Compiz already set to run on startup? | 02:11 |
bluebanana | MasterShrek: is there a way to find out? | 02:11 |
spasticteapot | I fixed this problem by re-generating my xorg.conf, but after my most recent reboot, the fix went away. | 02:11 |
eball | nimsa: you got my version, right? | 02:11 |
Shpook | axjv: yes it is | 02:11 |
spasticteapot | How do I get my monitor to work in 640 x 480? | 02:11 |
axjv | Shpook: Alright, let's move on ;) | 02:11 |
bluebanana | (I just don't want to install stuff i don't really need. Coz i don't want to slow my computer down) | 02:11 |
bluebanana | spasticteapot: xrandr | 02:12 |
nibsa1242 | eball: last thing I remember saying was that you think you have an R530 | 02:12 |
spasticteapot | Xrandr? | 02:12 |
LjL | Milkinator: WINE is a Windows compatibility layer. please, try to stay on topic | 02:12 |
MasterShrek | bluebanana, shold tell you in synaptic, or theres probably a flag for apt-get | 02:12 |
axjv | Shpook: Now you type tilda on the second line, and save the text file. | 02:12 |
bluebanana | ess | 02:12 |
spasticteapot | bluebanana: Wha? | 02:12 |
bluebanana | spasticteapot: xrandr -q | 02:12 |
bluebanana | MasterShrek: what's a flag? | 02:12 |
axjv | Shpook: The file should be saved into your home folder with a name of tilda.sh | 02:12 |
MasterShrek | bluebanana, its not going to slow your computer down | 02:12 |
bluebanana | it won't? | 02:12 |
Shpook | axjv: okay, done. | 02:12 |
spasticteapot | bluebanana: What does that do? | 02:12 |
MasterShrek | no | 02:12 |
axjv | Shpook: You named it correctly, right? | 02:12 |
bluebanana | spasticteapot: shows you what resolutions are available to you | 02:13 |
spasticteapot | Also, does anyone know why on earth my laptop keys will no longer adjust my screen brightness? | 02:13 |
eball | nimsa: the echo to your command was 2.6.22-14-generic | 02:13 |
MasterShrek | bluebanana, things that slow your computer down are things that run all the time, just because you install a program doesnt mean its going to always be running | 02:13 |
Salsaguy | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated | 02:13 |
spasticteapot | 640 x 480. | 02:13 |
Shpook | axjv: i hope so. lol yeah I did. | 02:13 |
spasticteapot | It's listed. | 02:13 |
axjv | To test it out, open up a terminal and type in bash ~/tilda.sh | 02:13 |
spasticteapot | But I get an error. | 02:13 |
bluebanana | spasticteapot: so you can switch to it | 02:13 |
nibsa1242 | eball: Yeah, I got that. I also wanted to know if you had tried the Radeon HD drivers. | 02:13 |
axjv | Shpook: It should come up with the tilda program after 10 seconds. | 02:13 |
eball | nimsa: no which ones are those? I have the latest proprietary ati ones, if those are it | 02:14 |
spasticteapot | Oh. | 02:14 |
Rowan | fucking /b/tards | 02:14 |
Rowan | xD | 02:14 |
bluebanana | spasticteapot: xrandr -s 800x600 | 02:14 |
bluebanana | try that | 02:14 |
Pici | !language | Rowan | 02:14 |
bluebanana | sorry | 02:14 |
Shpook | axjv: after saving? | 02:14 |
Rowan | sorry Pici | 02:14 |
axjv | Shpook: Yeah, after saving it. | 02:14 |
bluebanana | xrandr -s 640x480 | 02:14 |
Rowan | i was talking about the THIS CHANNEL IS FILTHY | 02:14 |
bluebanana | try that | 02:14 |
axjv | Shpook: Open up a terminal window | 02:14 |
axjv | Shpook: And type in bash ~/tilda.sh | 02:14 |
SpeakerMania | Ljl, I couldn't get it to work. I think my best bet it to burn it all to CD. | 02:14 |
ubotu | Rowan: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:14 |
LjL | Rowan: and you wanted to prove their point, i assume? | 02:14 |
ravijo | hey folks | 02:14 |
axjv | Shpook: And it should come up after 10 seconds. | 02:14 |
MilitantPotato | does adding a space between packages using apt-get allow you to install/remove several packages? | 02:15 |
MasterShrek | MilitantPotato, yes | 02:15 |
Rowan | fool | 02:15 |
nibsa1242 | eball: RadeonHD are some new drivers mainly being written by Novell/SuSE | 02:15 |
LjL | Rowan: me? | 02:15 |
Jhon23 | Hello. | 02:15 |
spasticteapot | I can't change my screen resolution! | 02:15 |
byager | q | 02:15 |
ravijo | could someone help my troubleshooting a basic install? | 02:15 |
eball | nibsa: where can i find them/try them? | 02:15 |
bluebanana | spasticteapot: did you try it? | 02:15 |
spasticteapot | I swear, Gutsy is a bugpile. | 02:15 |
MasterShrek | Rowan, please watch your language and be respectful | 02:15 |
spasticteapot | bluebanana: Nothing happened. | 02:15 |
Shpook | axjv: okay, it worked | 02:15 |
bluebanana | spasticteapot: xrandr -q, and tell me if your "current resolution" has now moved to 640x480 | 02:16 |
MilitantPotato | bluebanana: try sudo apt-get remove lame lame-extras liblame0 && install lame lame-extras liblame0 | 02:16 |
bluebanana | there should an asterisk or something | 02:16 |
nibsa1242 | the package is called xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd ... I don't know too much about installing them, or if you need anything else other then that package | 02:16 |
axjv | Shpook: So now go into System -> Preferences -> Sessions | 02:16 |
twoshadetod | whats the name of the the protocol that people are using to share calenders | 02:17 |
eball | nibsa: ill try them thanks | 02:17 |
Jhon23 | what's the command to make a new directory/folder? | 02:17 |
LjL | twoshadetod: iCal possibly | 02:17 |
spasticteapot | Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 1024 | 02:17 |
spasticteapot | VGA disconnected (normal left inverted right) | 02:17 |
spasticteapot | LVDS connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right) 246mm x 185mm | 02:17 |
spasticteapot | 1024x768 50.0*+ 60.0 40.0 | 02:17 |
spasticteapot | 800x600 60.3 | 02:17 |
Skeesh | Jhon23, mkdir | 02:17 |
spasticteapot | 640x480 60.0 59.9 | 02:17 |
bluebanana | i've in the proccess of installing "Ubuntu restricted exrtas" from synatpci | 02:17 |
MilitantPotato | Jhon23: mkdir | 02:17 |
spasticteapot | joe@mercury:~$ | 02:17 |
spasticteapot | Oh, crap! | 02:17 |
spasticteapot | Sorry about that... | 02:17 |
Skeesh | oh god, HE PASTED LINES, GET THE PITCHFORKS | 02:17 |
Jhon23 | oh, now why didn't I think of that? | 02:17 |
Jhon23 | thanks | 02:17 |
Shpook | axjv: Oh, I see. Now just point tilda to that file? | 02:17 |
LjL | !caps | Skeesh | 02:17 |
ubotu | Skeesh: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 02:17 |
spasticteapot | Oops. | 02:17 |
Skeesh | !care | 02:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about care - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 02:17 |
axjv | Shpook: You have to remove the old tilda startup option | 02:17 |
bluebanana | why does "Ubuntu Restricted Extras" have only a 1-star popularity? | 02:17 |
Ward1983 | lol | 02:18 |
axjv | Shpook: And then click 'Add' and make the command ~/tilda.sh | 02:18 |
Grimpo | I'm on Feisty trying to load the realtek wireless b/g driver rtl8185 with ndiswrapper. I can install it, then it works after a reboot, then it doesn't work after a second one. any help? | 02:18 |
MilitantPotato | wb | 02:18 |
MasterShrek | bluebanana, probably because its not very popular | 02:18 |
bluebanana | was it a good idea to install msttfonts (or something liket that)? | 02:18 |
f0rtune | so i upgraded to 7.04, and it deleted my config file for gproftpd, is there any way to get it back? | 02:18 |
MasterShrek | Grimpo, i think that card is better supported in 7.10 | 02:18 |
nrp | MilitantPotato, shouldn't that be " && apt-get install" not "&& install" | 02:18 |
MasterShrek | bluebanana, sure, just gives you more fonts | 02:18 |
Shpook | axjv: Well, that wasn't so difficult. :-D | 02:19 |
axjv | Shpook: Yeah, it just sounds hard =P | 02:19 |
_Scout | How would I copy all th | 02:19 |
jmak642 | how do i know which nvidia driver to use? i have the nv driver, which was there, i have nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-legacy | 02:19 |
MilitantPotato | nrp: ah, I missed the 2nd apt-get, good call. | 02:19 |
axjv | Shpook: Try restarting and tell me if it works. | 02:19 |
Shpook | axjv: Cool though, I really appreciate your help. | 02:19 |
Milkinator | hot damn my add/ remove programs is not working! | 02:19 |
jmak642 | !nvidia | 02:19 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:19 |
_Scout | How would I copy all the programs I currently have installed so I can easily restore my system?? | 02:19 |
Shpook | axjv: okay, be right back | 02:19 |
crdlb | jmak642: what card? | 02:19 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, while that might be the case, I spent the day trying to fix a terminally ill Gusty install | 02:20 |
jmak642 | crdlb: Geforce 6800 | 02:20 |
esr | Hey, all. I was running Tribe 5 for a while and the buggy GNOME menu editor in that version did some damage (notably, vanishing my Games entry). Is there a way I can get the default menu back short of a complete reinstall? | 02:20 |
MasterShrek | _Scout, i think synaptic has some kind of export option | 02:20 |
crdlb | jmak642: nvidia-glx-new is the best choice then | 02:20 |
jmak642 | ok, i'll try that. | 02:20 |
MasterShrek | Grimpo, it happens, but the kernel that gutsy is running on has newer/better hardware support | 02:20 |
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crdlb | esr: move/remove ~/.local/share/applications | 02:21 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, can't I just use that kernel then? | 02:21 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, because with Gutsy Avahi dies, dbus dies, consolekit dies... | 02:21 |
MasterShrek | Grimpo, maybe, not really sure | 02:21 |
iamchris | I still am getting the message Users $home/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default settings and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. Users home directory must be owned by user and not writeable by other users error | 02:21 |
twoshadetod | whats the name of the the protocol that people are using to share calenders | 02:21 |
Ward1983 | i need to format my SD card with reiserfs, but my cardreader doesn't get recognised, can i make a image in linux and write that to the SD card with windows? | 02:21 |
iamchris | Someone suggested creating the file, but I dont know how to do that | 02:21 |
jmak642 | brb | 02:22 |
twoshadetod | somethign that is sort of shareable or lets you view maybe someone in yer office's calender to see wht his/her sched will be next week | 02:22 |
Salsaguy_ | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated | 02:22 |
twoshadetod | is that LDAP? or something else i know it is some 4 letter on | 02:22 |
SpeakerMania | I plugged in my USB Bluetooth dongle, and Ubuntu got it working in no time. I am trying to connect my Wii Remote, but when I click connect I get this: "obex://[00:19:fd:e0:1c:74]" is not a valid location. | 02:22 |
twoshadetod | one | 02:22 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, thing is, there is a native linux driver it just won't build | 02:22 |
Milkinator | why are all my permissions denied? How can I make it so i have control? | 02:22 |
crdlb | Milkinator: that's by design | 02:23 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, makes gives an error 2 | 02:23 |
crdlb | you run as a user and use superuser privileges with sudo when necessary | 02:23 |
Milkinator | crdlb: so there is no way to work around that? | 02:23 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, do you know what that means? | 02:23 |
Milkinator | so get on to superuser? | 02:23 |
crdlb | Milkinator: there's nothing to work around, running as root is evil | 02:23 |
MasterShrek | Grimpo, not really, but if you pastebin the output i might be able to point you in the right direction | 02:24 |
jmak642 | crdlb: i installed it, it shows up as "nvidia" in the screens and graphics options? | 02:24 |
crdlb | it's one of the largest reasons that linux is more secure than windows | 02:24 |
esr | crldb: Thanks for the tip, but ~/.local/share/applications was empty and moving it didn't help. | 02:24 |
crdlb | jmak642: yup | 02:24 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, how do I pastebin? | 02:24 |
jmak642 | crdlb: when i hit test, it closes the panel | 02:24 |
ztomic | Ward1983: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReiserFS | 02:24 |
Milkinator | crdlb: I am trying to correct a problem and the error box has instructions but I am unable to preform them | 02:24 |
MasterShrek | !paste | Grimpo | 02:24 |
ubotu | Grimpo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:24 |
Thecks | Grr | 02:24 |
Shpook | Okay, actually, it didn't work. | 02:24 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, plus it's on a different machine... I can't paste into here | 02:24 |
Thecks | They disconnected me from IRC.. not happy | 02:24 |
crdlb | !sudo | Milkinator | 02:24 |
ubotu | Milkinator: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 02:24 |
axjv | Shpook: I think I know what I did wrong | 02:24 |
axjv | Shpook: What's the path to your home folder? | 02:25 |
FluxD | axjv: /home/userloginname | 02:25 |
MasterShrek | ~/ is always the path to your home folder | 02:25 |
SpeakerMania | I plugged in my USB Bluetooth dongle, and Ubuntu got it working in no time. I am trying to connect my Wii Remote, but when I click connect I get this: "obex://[00:19:fd:e0:1c:74]" is not a valid location. | 02:25 |
amrcidiot | guys i need help | 02:25 |
Milkinator | it has sudo for the other command lines but i am trying to search for broken packages with synaptic (not sure what it means) | 02:25 |
Shpook | axjv: /home/shpook | 02:25 |
jmak642 | crdlb: do i need to reboot after i install it or just ctrl+alt+bkspc? | 02:26 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, basically, make tries to find certain files, like config.h, but can't | 02:26 |
Salsaguy_ | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated | 02:26 |
amrcidiot | i want to re-install ubuntu with a cd, how do i do this without deleting everything? | 02:26 |
Milkinator | ~/ = path to home folder.... got it | 02:26 |
axjv | Shpook: So you should make your Sessions thing point to /home/shpook/tilda.sh | 02:26 |
black_13 | can ubuntu be made to never show any text during boot | 02:26 |
MasterShrek | Grimpo, do you have build-essential installed as well as your kernel headers? | 02:26 |
||drake|| | alright, I'm in livesession now, because I can no longer boot into ubuntu at all... who want's to help? | 02:26 |
crdlb | jmak642: rebvooting is a good idea | 02:26 |
crdlb | for simplicity | 02:26 |
Shpook | axjv: oh...I guess that makes sense. Be right back lol. | 02:26 |
SpeakerMania | amrcidiot, Why? | 02:26 |
jmak642 | that is another problem i am having | 02:26 |
black_13 | that is you go from grub to xorg seamlessly | 02:26 |
ilia | what's the proper way to repackage privoxy with custom configure options | 02:26 |
amrcidiot | when i updated to 7.10, hardly anything works | 02:26 |
jmak642 | i have to enter sudo shutdown -r now | 02:26 |
LjL | !packaging > ilia (ilia, see the private message from Ubotu) | 02:27 |
jmak642 | i have no shutdown option from inside gnome | 02:27 |
vmlinuz` | I'm having problems with my videos. this is the second time that issue happens to me. i try to open a video file, and the sound will work good. but picture will be fully purple with little yellow, Like that. http://shell.lomag.net/~org/Screenshot-3.png --- it's not codec install or update issue, That yellow/purple screen is for all type of videos. Restart X will solve this, but why this happening to me, Help please. | 02:27 |
amrcidiot | add/remove, update, etc | 02:27 |
MilitantPotato | iamchris: anyone helped you yet? | 02:27 |
sophtpaw | 'ello | 02:27 |
amrcidiot | and i can'tburn a cd | 02:27 |
axjv | Shpook: Also, one more thing. | 02:27 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, hmm I don't have kernel headers. let me see about that | 02:27 |
Jhon23 | what's the command to copy a file? | 02:27 |
Milkinator | /etc/apt/sources.list <-- says permission denied | 02:27 |
iamchris | Nope. But I think I found a solution on the forums | 02:27 |
sophtpaw | guys, what is the best way to totally amp my repositories? | 02:27 |
axjv | Shpook: You need to give the file the right to execute itself. | 02:27 |
SpeakerMania | amrcidiot, what do you mean, nothing hardly works? | 02:27 |
iamchris | I'll try it before I take anyones time | 02:27 |
MattJ | ||drake||: What's the problem with booting into Ubuntu? | 02:27 |
jmak642 | just quit which immediately restarts x | 02:27 |
MattJ | ||drake||: and what happened to break it? | 02:27 |
LjL | ilia: see also the transcript of this classroom session: http://a7p.org/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/packaging101by_dholbach_061128mo.txt | 02:27 |
Salsaguy_ | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated | 02:27 |
sophtpaw | Can i amp my repos up simply by going to Add/Remove applications and hitting ALL? | 02:27 |
Milkinator | !shortcuts | 02:27 |
ubotu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 02:27 |
||drake|| | MattJ: I had it working for the longest time, then I was working with making Sleep/Hibernate work, and now it wont boot at all | 02:28 |
a|2121|e | assalamualaikum | 02:28 |
amrcidiot | i can't open "add/remove" or pretty much anything from "system" firefox, gimp, and aim are really the only things that load | 02:28 |
LjL | Milkinator: you need to be root. either « sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list », for a text-mode editor, or « gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list » for GUI | 02:28 |
sophtpaw | or are people still going and editing sources.list via an editor? | 02:28 |
||drake|| | MattJ: I even undid all the changes i made, but it didnt go back to working | 02:28 |
amrcidiot | i just wanna re-install it all | 02:28 |
MattJ | ||drake||: What did you change? | 02:28 |
vmlinuz` | LjL: have you ever experience my issue? I asked it alot yesterday and the day before, Nobody seems to know | 02:28 |
Salsaguy_ | Is this where I get installation help? | 02:28 |
MattJ | Salsaguy_: Sure | 02:28 |
||drake|| | MattJ: basically, I altered the sleep.sh file to read set -x on teh second line | 02:28 |
Salsaguy_ | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated | 02:28 |
Shpook | axjv: Still no luck. | 02:29 |
LjL | vmlinuz`: no idea really | 02:29 |
iamchris | I do have one question though, after I hit alt-f2 to get to command line, how do I get back to the gui? | 02:29 |
axjv | Shpook: Yeah, you need to give it executable rights | 02:29 |
sophtpaw | Can i amp my repos up simply by going to Add/Remove applications and hitting ALL? | 02:29 |
axjv | Shpook: Right click on the file... | 02:29 |
Jhon23 | What's the command to copy a file to another location? | 02:29 |
LjL | iamchris: ctrl+alt+f7 | 02:29 |
LjL | Jhon23: cp | 02:29 |
||drake|| | MattJ: but now i've changed it back, but i cant even boot into ubuntu at all | 02:29 |
iamchris | thanks ljl | 02:29 |
vmlinuz` | LjL: did you check my screenshot.. I don't know even how to discribe this problem in forums | 02:29 |
MattJ | ||drake||: and now it won't boot? Sounds unlikely to be the cause... | 02:29 |
sophtpaw | or are people still going and editing sources.list via an editor? | 02:29 |
amrcidiot | i wanna keep everything tho | 02:29 |
||drake|| | MattJ: I know, but taht's all ive changed | 02:29 |
Jhon23 | thanks | 02:29 |
Shpook | axjv: okay | 02:29 |
axjv | Shpook: And click properties. | 02:29 |
jacob | i'm dualbooting xp/ubuntu on my lappy, with ubuntu installed on an external drive. how do i keep grub from panicing if i don't have the external drive plugged in and i just want to use windows? | 02:29 |
||drake|| | MattJ: I can send you a kern.log if you want? | 02:29 |
axjv | Shpook: Then click on permissions. | 02:29 |
LjL | vmlinuz`: i did, yes. it looks like it's accessing the "wrong" memory, but that doesn't say much. in the forums, well, just post the screenshot | 02:29 |
amrcidiot | im running from a live cd now | 02:29 |
MattJ | ||drake||: Any error message(s) when you try and boot? | 02:29 |
MattJ | ||drake||: Sure, please | 02:30 |
buttercups | Jhon23, cp (file or directory name) (to directory or filename) | 02:30 |
axjv | Shpook: And then tick the box next to 'Allow executing this file as program' | 02:30 |
||drake|| | MattJ: hold up, gotta get a pastebin | 02:30 |
Milkinator | ljL You rock! | 02:30 |
Ward1983 | ztomic, thanx | 02:30 |
Salsaguy_ | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated | 02:30 |
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Shpook | axjv: oh, I have to do that under root | 02:30 |
amrcidiot | any help would be awesome. i've been trying at this since the update came out | 02:31 |
axjv | Shpook: Yeah, you don't have do go through that | 02:31 |
||drake|| | MattJ: http://pastebin.com/f373701f | 02:31 |
axjv | Shpook: Open up a terminal | 02:31 |
sophtpaw | Can i amp my repos up simply by going to Add/Remove applications and hitting ALL? | 02:31 |
ztomic | Salsaguy_:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=593605&highlight=Failed+to+start+the+Xserver | 02:31 |
sophtpaw | or are people still going and editing sources.list via an editor? | 02:31 |
axjv | Shpook: And then type sudo chmod +x tilda.sh | 02:31 |
axjv | Shpook: This gives it executable rights and runs the command as root. | 02:31 |
sophtpaw | can someone advise me on what is the best way of updating one's repos on a fresh install? | 02:32 |
sophtpaw | !repos | 02:32 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 02:32 |
Milkinator | no copy and paste functions in keyboard shortcuts? | 02:32 |
Flannel | sophtpaw: What do you mean updating? | 02:32 |
axjv | Shpook: If you want to restart faster, you can just log in and back out: Press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to relog in. | 02:32 |
sophtpaw | Flannel, i got a fresh install and want to max my repos so i can get anything i want in future | 02:32 |
Shpook | axjv: yeah, thats what I've been doing | 02:33 |
MattJ | ||drake||: I'm not sure that there is anything in that log that would make it unable to boot | 02:33 |
Shpook | axjv: okay, be right back again :-) | 02:33 |
axjv | Shpook: Hope it works | 02:33 |
MattJ | ||drake||: What exactly happens when you try? | 02:33 |
Flannel | sophtpaw: Youre pretty good as it is. As of feisty universe was enabled by default. | 02:33 |
amrcidiot | anyone? | 02:33 |
Salsaguy_ | ztomic: the shell is not responding, and I didn't get a login prompt | 02:33 |
sophtpaw | Flannel, for non-free too? | 02:33 |
kbidd | how do I run the command "/home/keith/updatelog.sh" every 15 min... I tried adding the following entry to my crontab, but it doesnt seem to be running. */15 * * * * /home/keith/updatelog.sh (and yes, I did chmod 755 it). | 02:33 |
roy | does this work | 02:33 |
roy | yup sorry | 02:33 |
sophtpaw | Flannel, there are so many differnt ones arent there? universe, mulitiverse, non-free, commercial etc | 02:34 |
Flannel | sophtpaw: I'm not sure if multiverse is enabled by default. If you go to 'software sources' (or software properties) in your admin menu, you'll see a set of four checkboxes for your normal repos. | 02:34 |
amrcidiot | k, thanks a lot!! BYE!!!! | 02:34 |
kbidd | sophtpaw, I do not believe multiverse is enabled by default. | 02:34 |
Milkinator | what is the best file manging program? | 02:34 |
free1 | would anyone happen to know how to add other language formats to the keyboard | 02:34 |
roy | should i upgrade to 7.10? | 02:34 |
free1 | ? | 02:34 |
Milkinator | roy: i just got 7.1 today | 02:35 |
||drake|| | MattJ: alright, when I select Ubuntu from grub, it goes to the splash screen fine, the loading bar moves (sometimes half the way, sometimes the whole way), then it cuts to a blank black screen with a flashing underscore a la terminal input, but I can't type anything. From there it goes to the nvidia splash screen, then sits and cuts back to the blank terminal thing, then it alternates between those two things (nvidia splash and blank screen | 02:35 |
||drake|| | with underscore) until it eventually just sits on the underscore screen | 02:35 |
Heygabe | Stuck at 82 percent. | 02:35 |
Milkinator | this is my first time using a linux based system | 02:35 |
Ward1983 | can i make a image for my SD card with 2 partitions (FAT32 and reiserfs), and then write it to the actual card in windows? | 02:35 |
roy | milk how is going so far i sit worth the trouble | 02:35 |
Heygabe | ot | 02:36 |
||drake|| | MattJ: it sits there indefinitely, so i have to manually power down (hold the power button) | 02:36 |
sophtpaw | kbidd, multiverse was enabled | 02:36 |
MattJ | ||drake||: Hmm, could be that X is failing to start | 02:36 |
Milkinator | roy: so far I'm loving it | 02:36 |
kbidd | sophtpaw, guess I was wrong then :) | 02:36 |
tristicus | Hey! | 02:36 |
Milkinator | Beats the pants off of windows | 02:36 |
sophtpaw | Flannel, looks like everything was enabled... so, i'm good to go | 02:36 |
andre | hey guys | 02:36 |
roy | milk i have been using ubuntu for 6 months | 02:36 |
Jhon23 | Is there a place that has a list of basic linux commands? | 02:36 |
MattJ | ||drake||: Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log? | 02:36 |
Milkinator | I still have a few errors/ troubleshooting things but atleast I will be able to fix them unlike in windows | 02:36 |
sophtpaw | Flannel, so java and flash etc is all in repos waiting for me to install? | 02:36 |
roy | and fedora for 6 months | 02:36 |
andre | I cannot get my desktop effects to stay on "custom" :( can someone help? | 02:36 |
MattJ | ||drake||: Not the one from the LiveCD by mistake :) | 02:37 |
||drake|| | MattJ: will do | 02:37 |
Milkinator | I might have been using ubuntu for 6 hours... if that | 02:37 |
tristicus | I was told to come here to get help with Ubuntu? | 02:37 |
Shpook | axjv: okay, it worked when i changed it from ~/shpook/tilda.sh to /home/shpook/tilda.sh, but now nautilus failed to open | 02:37 |
Salsaguy_ | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server and getting the "The X server is now disabled. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly." message, I do NOT get a login prompt and the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated | 02:37 |
Milkinator | tristicus: who told you such a thing | 02:37 |
kbidd | andre, I have the same problem... It seems that compiz is not totally stable yet (its still not an "official" release afaik), so I believe its a known issue. | 02:37 |
jo3 | i get a message saying "software index is broken" when i open the update manager | 02:37 |
tristicus | Milknator: Zoink..... | 02:37 |
Milkinator | tristicus: sorry I was joking, ask the question | 02:38 |
tristicus | I just started with Linux. | 02:38 |
axjv | Shpook: Nautilus? o.O | 02:38 |
tristicus | And I need some good APPS/. | 02:38 |
andre | kbidd: tx that sucks | 02:38 |
axjv | Shpook: Did you try typing nautilus in terminal? | 02:38 |
||drake|| | mattj: http://pastebin.com/m7caf28a7 | 02:38 |
mutable | Hello, I don't see any linux link in /usr/src/. Is it correct? Should I create one manually? | 02:38 |
Milkinator | roy: make the move how bad could it be? just run from the disk (live) | 02:38 |
tristicus | I am currently running on a P# 300mhz or so with 356mb of RAM and a 20gb HDD. | 02:38 |
roy | yes u r right | 02:38 |
ravijo | I'm having a problem booting from the 7.10 CD | 02:38 |
Shpook | axjv: yeah, I just did, and it started up fine. It's got me scratching my head lol. | 02:38 |
jo3 | i get a message saying "software index is broken" when i open the update manager and running sudo apt-get install -f in terminal doesnt help. any ideas? | 02:38 |
SpeakerMania | I plugged in my USB Bluetooth dongle, and Ubuntu got it working in no time. I am trying to connect my Wii Remote, but when I click connect I get this: "obex://[00:19:fd:e0:1c:74]" is not a valid location. | 02:39 |
Flannel | sophtpaw: yep | 02:39 |
kbidd | andre, you can quickly re-enable everything with the command: compiz --replace& | 02:39 |
tristicus | P3* | 02:39 |
Milkinator | tristicus: whoa | 02:39 |
Stoffer | why does my openoffice freeze all the time since I upgraded to Gutsy? | 02:39 |
axjv | Shpook: Well you can always add nautilus to your sessions thing. | 02:39 |
w51956 | chinese | 02:39 |
||drake|| | mattj: there are no reported errors in there :-\ | 02:39 |
Salsaguy_ | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server and getting the "The X server is now disabled. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly." message, I do NOT get a login prompt and the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated | 02:39 |
axjv | Shpook: Or edit your script that you just wrote to add nautilus as the 3rd line | 02:39 |
Flannel | !cn | w51956 | 02:39 |
ubotu | w51956: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 02:39 |
MattJ | ||drake||: :/ | 02:39 |
Flannel | 19:12 < nhaines> Because I'm just trying to figure out when people will expect me to be there hanging out. | 02:39 |
Flannel | 19:12 < nhaines> Because I'm just trying to figure out when people will expect me to be there hanging out. | 02:39 |
Flannel | crap | 02:39 |
Milkinator | tristicus: that computer is still running? | 02:39 |
tristicus | Yes I am on it now milk. | 02:40 |
Stoffer | anyone? | 02:40 |
Shpook | axjv: yeah, i had to do that for metacity...compiz wouldn't let it run or run it itself, so I had to add it to the sessions. | 02:40 |
Milkinator | tristicus: sorry I am still in shock, what was the problem? | 02:40 |
jo3 | i get a message saying "software index is broken" when i open the update manager and running sudo apt-get install -f in terminal doesnt help. any ideas? | 02:40 |
jo3 | i get a message saying "software index is broken" when i open the update manager and running sudo apt-get install -f in terminal doesnt help. any ideas? | 02:40 |
jo3 | i get a message saying "software index is broken" when i open the update manager and running sudo apt-get install -f in terminal doesnt help. any ideas? | 02:40 |
andre | kbidd: unfortunately that doesn't really help... I think the issue might be that I've got plugins like cube rotate and such on but 3d cube is off. that's when it crashed on me :( | 02:40 |
axjv | Shpook: Yeah, I had a bit of compiz trouble until I upgraded to the bleeding-edge version | 02:40 |
andre | compiz --replace doesn't do much | 02:40 |
nootrope | Hello. What files do I need to edit (and where are they) to enable PHP in Ubuntu? Firefox doesn't know what to do with my PHP test page. | 02:40 |
tristicus | I need to know how to change my toolbar/panel colors and such. And learn some good apps for a new Ubuntu user. | 02:40 |
Milkinator | andre what is the cube program? | 02:41 |
mutable | Hello, I don't see any linux link in /usr/src/. Is it correct? Should I create one manually? | 02:41 |
Salsaguy_ | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server and getting the "The X server is now disabled. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly." message, I do NOT get a login prompt and the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated | 02:41 |
vader1102 | Milkinator, you talking about Beryl? | 02:41 |
andre | Milkinator: the desktop cube | 02:41 |
tristicus | Or compiz | 02:41 |
axjv | Shpook: Sorry it took a while, I'm a little new to linux myself ;) | 02:41 |
kbidd | andre, 3d cube is a prereq for cube rotate, so compiz manager shouldn't even let you enable one without the other. | 02:41 |
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Shpook | axjv: cool. thanks for helping me man. I know it's small, but it's really annoying to not be able to use tilda right away | 02:41 |
lightstar | nootrope, have you installed apache + php5? | 02:41 |
Milkinator | tristicus: right click on the desktop and select background. From there click on the theme tab. | 02:41 |
free1 | selling that lindsey lohan, if you know what I mean | 02:42 |
MattJ | ||drake||: I'm thinking, but it sounds so much like a problem with X :/ | 02:42 |
axjv | Shpook: Haha, I know what you mean. I'm gonna go try it out too. I always wanted that type of terminal. | 02:42 |
nootrope | lightstar: yep. they're both installed PHP5 + apache2 | 02:42 |
andre | kbidd: I know, but I disabled the desktop cube and the others are still enabled, now I can't switch 'em cause I can't enable custom | 02:42 |
vmlinuz` | whats a good program to resume downloads? I sometime try to download a large file and something bad happened in the middle, and I don't like re-downloading from scratch. | 02:42 |
||drake|| | MattJ: I would agree, but I havent changed X in forever... Lemme take a look at it | 02:42 |
_Scout | Is there any chance I will lose files when I upgrade to 7.10? | 02:42 |
jo3 | i get a message saying "software index is broken" when i open the update manager and running sudo apt-get install -f in terminal doesnt help. any ideas? | 02:42 |
jo3 | i get a message saying "software index is broken" when i open the update manager and running sudo apt-get install -f in terminal doesnt help. any ideas? | 02:42 |
Milkinator | vader1102: I can't do anything until I get my add/remove apps program working. For some reason it is down | 02:42 |
tristicus | I did that Milk. When I did it, it changed everything, but not colors of the panels (above on the dekstop and below, not in apps). BTW How do I do red text? | 02:42 |
||drake|| | MattJ: in fact, i'll pastebin it to ya | 02:42 |
MattJ | ||drake||: Thanks | 02:42 |
mutable | Disucussuins about compositing wms takes much time | 02:42 |
Shpook | axjv: it's being able to do these small things that got me into Linux in the first place lol | 02:42 |
lightstar | nootrope, did u put ur php file in /var/www ? | 02:42 |
vader1102 | ah ok Milkinator | 02:42 |
Salsaguy_ | I'm trying to install from a 7.10 Live Disk and I'm getting a message: Failed to start the Xserver..., after scrolling the error text from the X server and getting the "The X server is now disabled. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly." message, I do NOT get a login prompt and the shell is unresponsive my video adapter is an Nvidia 6800 256mb, any help appreciated :/ | 02:43 |
MattJ | ||drake||: What version of Ubuntu are you on? | 02:43 |
xda | how do i insert page numbers in OOo? | 02:43 |
lightstar | nootrope, and open it using http://localhost/<file>.php | 02:43 |
vader1102 | night... I am off to bed......... finally a night off | 02:43 |
nootrope | lightstar: yep. did that...and the other thing | 02:43 |
tristicus | Salso: Just re-format and then re-install. Maybe your file is corruped. | 02:43 |
||drake|| | MattJ: http://pastebin.com/m5e79cb65 | 02:43 |
tristicus | corrupted* | 02:43 |
axjv | Shpook: Yeah, after hours of tutorial reading you'll become a linux master =P | 02:43 |
Milkinator | tristicus: Sorry I've been on utubtu for about 3 hours maybe vader1102 knows | 02:43 |
||drake|| | MattJ: i'm on Gusty | 02:43 |
tristicus | Thanks milk. | 02:43 |
nootrope | lightstar: FF gives me the dialog to choose an app to open a PHP file with | 02:43 |
mutable | Hey, why in /usr/src folder isn't any linux link? | 02:43 |
jmak642 | !visudo | 02:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about visudo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 02:44 |
lightstar | nootrope, check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled and see if there is anything that says php | 02:44 |
tristicus | I just downloaded a 233 page Linux guide. I need to start actually reading it lawl. | 02:44 |
Grimpo | MasterShrek, turns out I do have the headers and build-essential :/ | 02:44 |
Milkinator | lol | 02:44 |
* vader1102 has been on for 67 straight nights........ it is time for bed.... | 02:44 | |
Milkinator | tristicus: when you are done give me the summary | 02:44 |
jmak642 | can anyone help me understand how i lost or how i get back permission to shut down without using sudo? | 02:44 |
BUDD}{A | i have a problem i have been trying to setupmy xbuntu so i can logon to it remotely with ubuntu so i can use the pc threw remote desktop can someone help me with this | 02:44 |
nootrope | lightstar: thanks i'll do that...brb | 02:44 |
tristicus | MILK: I am msging u | 02:44 |
free1 | I have a premonition that Gutsy might be buggy when it comes to language layouts | 02:44 |
Shpook | axjv: lol yeah, i had freezing problems i was trying to diagnose, and learned a LOT from tutorials found through google. | 02:44 |
free1 | ya mean? | 02:44 |
Milkinator | sounds like a plan | 02:45 |
kidbuntu | !edubuntu | 02:45 |
ubotu | Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org | 02:45 |
Milkinator | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python-qt4_4.3-2ubuntu7_i386.deb (--unpack): | 02:45 |
Milkinator | corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive | 02:45 |
Milkinator | Errors were encountered while processing: | 02:45 |
Milkinator | /var/cache/apt/archives/python-qt4_4.3-2ubuntu7_i386.deb | 02:45 |
Milkinator | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 02:45 |
MattJ | ||drake||: Seems ok. Try replacing "nvidia" on line 128 with "vesa" for a moment, see if it helps. Also, are you aware of how to switch virtual terminals with Ctrl+Alt+F1-7? | 02:46 |
nootrope | lightstar: nothing in that dir says php | 02:46 |
jo3 | i get a message saying "software index is broken" when i open the update manager and running sudo apt-get install -f in terminal doesnt help. any ideas? | 02:46 |
wirechief_ | jo3 try dpkg --configure -a; apt-get install -f ;apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:46 |
jo3 | i get a message saying "software index is broken" when i open the update manager and running sudo apt-get install -f in terminal doesnt help. any ideas? | 02:46 |
Madpilot | ubotu, paste | Milkinator | 02:46 |
ubotu | Milkinator: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:46 |
reduz | QUESTION: I just switched to a 1440x900 LCD monitor from a CRT, the screen resolution looks great, except in the actual ubuntu desktop, the virtual desktop size is bigger vertically than 900 pixels, so if i move the mouse up and down, it scrolls. Seeing the monitor info menu shows that it's running fine at 1440x900 (the res suggested by the monitor), so any idea why ubuntu is making the desktop even larger? and how to fix it? | 02:46 |
Milkinator | I receive this message after doing what the error box says to do | 02:46 |
jmak642 | can anyone help me understand how i lost or how i get back permission to shut down without using sudo? | 02:46 |
axjv | Shpook: On a side note, I got tilda working now =D | 02:46 |
gvsa123 | isn't the deskbar applet in gutsy supposed to be a desktop search thing? how can i configure it to index specific folders? | 02:46 |
jo3 | wirechief_: thanks trying now | 02:46 |
_Scout | Is there any chance I will lose files when I upgrade to 7.10? | 02:46 |
ztomic | Salsaguy_: did you try in "safe graphics mode"? | 02:46 |
jmak642 | _Scout: there is always chance | 02:46 |
||drake|| | MattJ: yea, that could work maybe. and yes, i know about terminal switching. the issue has been that i literally just cant do anything on that blank flashing underscore thing | 02:47 |
Shpook | axjv: lol nice...I didn't really get into using it until it got true transparency | 02:47 |
vmlinuz` | Whats wrong with my reposotiries. I have wine-0.9.46 - and latest wine out there is 0.9.48 ! My update manager doesn't notify me of the new version, whats wrong? O.o | 02:47 |
||drake|| | Mattj: I'll be back in a few, see how it works | 02:47 |
lightstar | nootrope, ahh..create a symlink from /etc/apache2/mods-avail/<sth php> to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ then restart apache | 02:47 |
MattJ | ||drake||: k | 02:47 |
MilitantPotato | reduz: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 02:47 |
axjv | Shpook: You can always get compiz to set windows to be transparent by default | 02:47 |
lonran | what's the best dock bar u are using? | 02:47 |
lightstar | nootrope, you're using gutsy right? | 02:47 |
Milkinator | Madpilot: so I can have my question in there? | 02:47 |
tristicus | MILK: Do you see my private message or w/e | 02:47 |
nootrope | lightstar: thanks! i'll try that now... | 02:47 |
vmlinuz` | hello | 02:47 |
Grimpo | I'm on Feisty trying to load the realtek wireless b/g driver rtl8185 with ndiswrapper. I can install it, then it works after a reboot, then it doesn't work after a second one. any help? | 02:48 |
Milkinator | tristicus: not that I know of, let me poke around | 02:48 |
jo3 | wirechief_: says dpkg requires superuser privilege? | 02:48 |
nootrope | lightstar: yep gutsy. i upgraded from feisty and it all wen to hell | 02:48 |
free1 | I'm saying system->preferences->keyboard->layouts all that does not help... I'm thinking it's a buggidy buggy bug | 02:48 |
Shpook | axjv: hmmm, maybe I should try that...it might be a little smoother than Tilda's transparency | 02:48 |
wirechief_ | jo3 prefix commands with sudo | 02:48 |
xda | when you read a pdf, where do you prefer the page numbering to be? | 02:48 |
free1 | lil wayne is the king of the south | 02:48 |
tristicus | HEY ANYONE: How do I specify a name and type it in red text!? | 02:48 |
lightstar | nootrope, no worries...happened to me as well...which is y i use xampp..easier to manage | 02:48 |
axjv | Shpook: You have ccsm, right? | 02:48 |
Shpook | axjv: yeah, i finally got it working | 02:49 |
iamchris | whats the command that I can run in terminal to let me change my preferences. I know it ends in or contains xorg | 02:49 |
axjv | Shpook: Just fire it up and go into 'General Options | 02:49 |
wirechief_ | jo3 prefix commands with sudo and do one command at a time i just put them all on one line for here. | 02:49 |
durrell | !users | 02:49 |
ubotu | To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 02:49 |
tristicus | !users | 02:49 |
vmlinuz` | why nobody helps me... | 02:49 |
MattJ | !tab | tristicus | 02:49 |
ubotu | tristicus: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 02:49 |
free1 | if I'm wrong, there is no right. If I'm wrong there is 'snow white'... ya dig? | 02:49 |
MattJ | tristicus: You just put their name, they will see it in red | 02:49 |
axjv | Shpook: Then you click on opacity settings | 02:50 |
tristicus | Milkinator: Oh. | 02:50 |
ztomic | vmlinuz`: did you ask a stupid question? | 02:50 |
jo3 | wirechief: "dpkg: status database area is locked by another process" | 02:50 |
=== CoSkTTgde is now known as sK_Ce_TOGE | ||
durrell | Anyone here familiar with how Ubuntu suspends? I'm having a weird issue with a laptop not booting at all. | 02:50 |
nootrope | lightstar: hah. i'll check it out. which php5 file should i simlink? php5.conf or *.load? | 02:50 |
axjv | Shpook: You there? | 02:50 |
tristicus | Milkinator: I sent you a notfication (away from this). Do you see it? It was a dialog window. | 02:50 |
MattJ | durrell: What happens when you try to boot? | 02:50 |
lightstar | nootrope, both if i'm not mistaken... | 02:50 |
free1 | durrell -- talk to me, playa | 02:50 |
durrell | I know suspend is buggy at best, but it should at least start.. | 02:50 |
|Zippo| | hello | 02:51 |
|Zippo| | somebody had troubles with an intel vga on gutsy and solved the problem? | 02:51 |
nootrope | lightstar: k, thanks | 02:51 |
PurpZeY | durrell: I've never had it work right | 02:51 |
Shpook | axjv: yeah, im still here lol | 02:51 |
s00p | can gutsy write to hfs+? | 02:51 |
lightstar | nootrope, no prob | 02:51 |
wirechief_ | jo3 you must suspend using synaptics do those commands with snynaptics not running | 02:51 |
durrell | I'll link you to the thread..hold on a sec. | 02:51 |
axjv | Shpook: Are you in the opacity thing? | 02:51 |
free1 | do you mean, the monitor- appears to power off? | 02:51 |
durrell | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=595717 | 02:51 |
MattJ | ty | 02:51 |
Shpook | axjv: my eyes were battling the computer and my wife lol....yup im in there | 02:51 |
tristicus | All: I NEED TO GO TO BED. I am out. peace. | 02:51 |
Grimpo | I'm on Feisty trying to load the realtek wireless b/g driver rtl8185 with ndiswrapper. I can install it, then it works after a reboot, then it doesn't work after a second one. any help? | 02:51 |
durrell | Well I can see it has power, but it doesn't boot. | 02:51 |
durrell | If I switch to tty2, then back to tty1, it boots. | 02:52 |
free1 | so is the screen black? | 02:52 |
durrell | Definitely one of the odder errors I've encountered. | 02:52 |
tristicus | Grimpo: Download WICD. | 02:52 |
durrell | Yeah | 02:52 |
Salsaguy_ | ztomic: how would I do that? | 02:52 |
axjv | Shpook: Well click 'Add', then for 'Opacity Windows' type in class=Tilda | 02:52 |
tristicus | THat might help. If you are in Gutsy/ | 02:52 |
durrell | But it's black with power, not turned off or anything. | 02:52 |
tristicus | PEACE OUT PEOPLE/ | 02:52 |
jo3 | wirechief: how do i suspend synaptic? i have no window open but there is the orange square logo in the top right? | 02:52 |
axjv | Shpook: And then for the number, type in the percent of transparency | 02:52 |
free1 | holla my peeps | 02:52 |
free1 | hmm | 02:52 |
axjv | Shpook: The numbers in the thousands are pretty random, so I tend not to use them. | 02:52 |
s00p | holla? | 02:53 |
free1 | I logged that problem in launchpad | 02:53 |
s00p | whats that? | 02:53 |
durrell | Oh really? | 02:53 |
free1 | actually... | 02:53 |
durrell | So yours wouldn't start at all either? | 02:53 |
free1 | I was at my loco meeting | 02:53 |
blerk | i have an old notebook with a broken screen that i would liek to use as media center box, would myth-buntu be the best choice to display everything on a tv screen or does anyone has a better idea? | 02:53 |
Shpook | axjv: so just a basic 0-100% then? | 02:53 |
Milkinator | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42647/ Will someone please look at this and let me know what I'm doing wrong | 02:53 |
free1 | and the head of the loco | 02:53 |
ztomic | Salsaguy_: is this a new install from CD? | 02:53 |
free1 | and I worked on it | 02:53 |
free1 | and he logged it | 02:53 |
Salsaguy_ | ztomic: yea | 02:53 |
vmlinuz` | ztomic: no my question wasn't stupid, but nobody answers me | 02:53 |
free1 | It was a bug | 02:53 |
axjv | Shpook: Yep | 02:53 |
free1 | with the alpha release of gutsy | 02:53 |
Milkinator | lol | 02:53 |
durrell | Right | 02:54 |
free1 | I'm surprised your encountering it | 02:54 |
durrell | Yeah | 02:54 |
ztomic | vmlinuz`: I missed it | 02:54 |
free1 | what hardware are you running? | 02:54 |
durrell | It's a Dell Inspiron 1501 | 02:54 |
ztomic | Salsaguy_: load the CD and then you should see it. | 02:54 |
free1 | uhh, Dell | 02:54 |
free1 | ... | 02:54 |
ztomic | Salsaguy_: reboot | 02:54 |
free1 | had some bad experiences | 02:54 |
durrell | Yeah | 02:54 |
vmlinuz` | ztomic: I have alot of out-dated prgorams, then I try to run sudo apt-get update. or even in Package update manager. it thinks i'm up-to-date when i'm not, I have a program that is 2 versions behind. in their website there is a newer in 2 versions, you know what I mean? Why it can't upgrade it. | 02:55 |
free1 | the sound card died on me | 02:55 |
free1 | at least they replaced it | 02:55 |
free1 | I thought it was a KDE thing | 02:55 |
MattJ | vmlinuz`: Such as what program? | 02:55 |
jwheel | Hi, anyone able to help me with a mouse wheel issue? cant seem to get my wheel to work no matter what I do. :/ | 02:55 |
free1 | anyways ... | 02:55 |
Shpook | axjv: ooh...it's nowhere near as choppy to now | 02:55 |
durrell | Well I have a MacBook, but this is my mom's Dell laptop..I'm trying to get her away from Windows because she always manages to break it. | 02:55 |
blerk | Milkinator: you need to delete that .deb file as its corrupt, let apt download it again and see if that fixes it | 02:55 |
vmlinuz` | MattJ: like wine. I have wine-0.9.46 .. but the latest is 0.9.48 | 02:55 |
free1 | I commend you for that | 02:55 |
durrell | haha | 02:55 |
axjv | Shpook: Yeah, now I'm just trying to get it to pop up on top every time | 02:55 |
Milkinator | How would I do that I can't run the app | 02:56 |
axjv | Shpook: o.o | 02:56 |
durrell | I dual boot Gentoo and Ubuntu on my desktop, so I'm pretty much finished with Windows. | 02:56 |
Jhon23 | I just installed java, but firefox is still saying that I need to install it. | 02:56 |
Milkinator | I've also done this process around 4 times now | 02:56 |
durrell | But this is a weird problem. | 02:56 |
Salsaguy_ | ztomic: in the boot menu I see: Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic, Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic (recovery mode) and Ubuntu, memtest86+ | 02:56 |
MattJ | vmlinuz`: That is the latest version in the Ubuntu repos | 02:56 |
Shpook | axjv: yeah, i think that's a bug with Tilda | 02:56 |
ztomic | vmlinuz`: ubuntu is a few versions behind the web site for security and stability reasons. | 02:56 |
vmlinuz` | MattJ: how do I get wine-0.9.48 to be added in the repos then? | 02:56 |
free1 | yeah, if nixternal was here right now... your problem would be over | 02:56 |
MattJ | vmlinuz`: Versions are fixed when each Ubuntu is released. Only security updates are added after that | 02:56 |
Jimdb | vmlinuz: generally means that the package in the repository is an older version. synaptic and apt isn't a spider program that has links to the original server. it is references databases of programs | 02:56 |
durrell | haha | 02:56 |
MattJ | vmlinuz`: It won't be in the Ubuntu repos until the next release | 02:56 |
ztomic | Salsaguy_: you need to set your bios to boot from cdrom | 02:57 |
MattJ | vmlinuz`: However there is a wine repo | 02:57 |
Milkinator | blerk: is it possible that the downloaded file is corrupt on the server? | 02:57 |
free1 | if you like, email him at nixternal@ubuntu.com | 02:57 |
free1 | he has the fix. clean | 02:57 |
wirechief_ | jo3 perhaps a reboot , since its busted you will need to restart it again with those commands it still might not work | 02:57 |
alain | hello | 02:57 |
vmlinuz` | MattJ: next release? when is that please | 02:57 |
Jimdb | vmlinuz: you may be able to find a .deb file that is for ubuntu from someone to install the/a more current version. | 02:57 |
free1 | that's the best I got, durrel | 02:57 |
durrell | I'll hit him up | 02:57 |
axjv | Shpook: I just got it to start dead-center in the screen, and it works | 02:57 |
durrell | Should I tell him you sent me? | 02:57 |
MattJ | vmlinuz`: In April | 02:57 |
free1 | no problem. tell him D | 02:57 |
MattJ | vmlinuz`: http://winehq.org/site/download-deb | 02:57 |
free1 | from the chicago lug | 02:58 |
free1 | he knows | 02:58 |
free1 | best of luck | 02:58 |
durrell | haha ok | 02:58 |
durrell | Thanks a lot man, I appreciate it. | 02:58 |
free1 | I think it's a wrap once you get a hold of him. | 02:58 |
alain | is there any way to prevent power current getting to a driver or hdd by shutting it down in linux? | 02:58 |
Shpook | axjv: im too pick to have it dead center lol. I like it centered at the very top | 02:58 |
vmlinuz` | MattJ: so do you mean that now I will be installing every package manualy, or accept an older version of a package until april of next year? | 02:58 |
sirjoebob | anyone know why any icon on my desktop that i move is copied instead? | 02:58 |
Salsaguy_ | ztomic: it is | 02:58 |
kyleBAKED | is there a way to change the ubuntu splash screen that appears during boot? | 02:58 |
kyleBAKED | not the gnome one, the one that comes up directly after the boot loader menu | 02:59 |
MattJ | vmlinuz`: In short, yes | 02:59 |
Jimdb | vmlinuz when you were using windows did you have to install every program to bring them up to date? | 02:59 |
ztomic | Salsaguy_: I just booted to cd and saw the menu. did you? | 02:59 |
Salsaguy_ | no | 02:59 |
larson9999 | linux rocks | 02:59 |
MattJ | vmlinuz`: The packages in the Ubuntu repos go through a lot of testing | 02:59 |
ztomic | Salsaguy_: you need to boot from the cd. | 02:59 |
alain | maybe unmounting the drivers? | 02:59 |
Salsaguy_ | ztomic: i am | 03:00 |
Jhon23 | how do you create a symbolic link? | 03:00 |
nootrope | lightstar: worked like a charm! thanks!!! i'll check out xampp. | 03:00 |
Jimdb | he means unmounting the drives | 03:00 |
lightstar | nootrope, ;).. | 03:00 |
ztomic | Salsaguy_: I don't know what cd youre booting from. | 03:00 |
Shpook | axjv: alright, I've got to get some work done then go to bed. Thanks very much for your help. | 03:00 |
Salsaguy_ | ztomic: Ubuntu 7.10 livecd | 03:00 |
Milkinator | I am trying to delete a file and it says I do not have permissions! How do I grant myself permissions? | 03:00 |
lightstar | Jhon23, ln -s <src> <dst> | 03:00 |
ztomic | Salsaguy_: yup. that's the one I have. | 03:01 |
benzss | Milkinator you need to be root | 03:01 |
kyleBAKED | does anyone know how to change the ubuntu loading screen that appears during system boot? | 03:01 |
axjv | Shpook: Yeah, I'm gonna sleep soon too. Bye. | 03:01 |
alain | so.. does the CD-ROM drive get current while it isn't working or transferring data? | 03:01 |
Jhon23 | thanks, lightstar | 03:01 |
benzss | Milkinator: open terminal and type 'sudo nautilus'. a navigation wnidow will open and you ought to have the permissions to delete this file | 03:01 |
Milkinator | I need to be root? I need to be in the root drive? | 03:01 |
lightstar | Jhon23, you're welcome | 03:01 |
benzss | Milkinator: but be VERY careful | 03:01 |
Milkinator | benzss: explain more... what about being careful? | 03:01 |
free1 | nikos, palikari pws sto dialo grafoume sta ellinika re gamoto | 03:01 |
MattJ | Milkinator: root is also the name of the user who can modify the system files | 03:01 |
sirjoebob | anytime i move an icon on my desktop, it is copying instead of moving... any ideas? | 03:01 |
benzss | Milkinator: there's a reason you have to be logged in as root to execute sensitive commands | 03:02 |
MattJ | Milkinator: When Ubuntu prompts you for your password when you are changing settings, that is switching to "root" | 03:02 |
Milkinator | MattJ: But I thought I was the user who could modify | 03:02 |
benzss | Milkinator: if you screw up, you may damage things irreparably | 03:02 |
free1 | nixternal , I just referred someone to you | 03:02 |
MattJ | Milkinator: You are a user who is allowed to switch to root | 03:02 |
Milkinator | ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh | 03:02 |
RxAllen | Hello Everyone, Is there a channel for working on Network Cards? | 03:02 |
DShepherd | hehe | 03:02 |
MattJ | Milkinator: But for safety, you are not root all the time | 03:02 |
Jhon23 | I can't get it to work... | 03:03 |
Milkinator | benzss: well help me with this first, see if I need to really delete the file | 03:03 |
DShepherd | sudo nautilus . | 03:03 |
benzss | Milkinator: why would you want to delete it? | 03:03 |
Milkinator | benzss: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42647/ | 03:03 |
Jhon23 | oh, I think I see what I did | 03:03 |
genforty | Grimpo, whats steps do you take to load the driver? | 03:03 |
sirjoebob | anytime i move an icon on my desktop, it is copying instead of moving... any ideas? | 03:04 |
RxAllen | Anyone have trouble with the WIRELESS part of NIC confic? | 03:04 |
Jimdb | i love this channel. I learn so much every time I come here to help others :) | 03:04 |
vivekraj | I have recently installed Amrock player in Ubuntu 7.04...now it shows no mp3 support.....how to fix it??? | 03:04 |
benzss | Milkinator: i see. well, i don't use gutsy i'm afraid. it may be a repository problem, so perhaps somebody else is more qualified to help than i | 03:04 |
DShepherd | Jimb, ditto | 03:04 |
Milkinator | RxAllen: yeah I've seen a few people have that problem. I do not know of a solution or what anyone answered | 03:04 |
genforty | sirjoebob, what do you mean by mvoing, shifting it around on the desktop? | 03:05 |
s00p | hmm this digital camera i have doesnt show up when i plug it in :( | 03:05 |
Jhon23 | wow, I actually installed something! | 03:05 |
Jimdb | vivekraJ: in syaptic download libxine-ffmpeg | 03:05 |
RxAllen | Milkinator: Thanks... I can plug it in and be online (like now) but can't seem to get wireless... | 03:05 |
SpeakerMania | I plugged in my USB Bluetooth dongle, and Ubuntu got it working in no time. I am trying to connect my Wii Remote, but when I click connect I get this: "obex://[00:19:fd:e0:1c:74]" is not a valid location. | 03:05 |
Milkinator | benzss: know of anyone? | 03:05 |
cre8torx | i just upgraded to 7.10 gusty gibbons and my wireless card isn't working again is there any upgrades outthere | 03:05 |
MattJ | Milkinator: You are planning to delete the python deb in the cache? That should be safe. Or you can use: "sudo apt-get clean" in Terminal | 03:05 |
sirjoebob | genforty: just simply clicking and draggin it somewhere else on the desktop | 03:05 |
benzss | Milkinator: MattJ ;) | 03:05 |
Milkinator | sudo apt-get clean does what? | 03:06 |
|Zippo| | somebody had troubles with an intel vga on gutsy and solved the problem? | 03:06 |
Milkinator | lmao benzss | 03:06 |
MattJ | Milkinator: Clears the cache | 03:06 |
lamalex | can someone help me add a remote printer? | 03:06 |
Grimpo | genforty, I followed ubuntuguide.org's way | 03:06 |
Milkinator | MattJ: so try this first? I will | 03:06 |
lamalex | I'm getting an error in the gnome dialog | 03:06 |
MattJ | Milkinator: Ok :) | 03:06 |
Jimdb | mattJ: hehe, i just learned something new. | 03:06 |
MattJ | Jimdb: ;) | 03:06 |
lamalex | CUPS server error | 03:06 |
Grimpo | genforty, install ndiswrapper, install the driver through ndiswrapper, ndiswrapper -m, modprobe ndiswrapper, put a ndiswrapper entry into modules | 03:07 |
wirechief_ | lamlex what printer maker and model ? | 03:07 |
lamalex | there was an erroe during the CUPS operation httpConnectionEncryt failed | 03:07 |
sirjoebob | \ | 03:07 |
MattJ | It's a nice command when you are running out of disk space | 03:07 |
genforty | sirjoebob, How long has this been happening | 03:07 |
lamalex | it's a canon mp160? | 03:07 |
lamalex | it works | 03:07 |
sirjoebob | genforty: all day... | 03:07 |
lamalex | it's being shared from a gutsy pc | 03:07 |
lamalex | which can print to it | 03:07 |
lamalex | and was shared under fiesty fine | 03:07 |
Milkinator | MattJ: alright the add/remove came up with the same error message | 03:07 |
wirechief_ | lamalex canon is a hard one to make work alright. | 03:07 |
lamalex | has worked no problem in the past | 03:08 |
genforty | sirjobob, restart didn't help? | 03:08 |
MattJ | Milkinator: It only happens with that package? | 03:08 |
wirechief_ | lamalex not much linux support with canon | 03:08 |
lamalex | it's not the printer driver or anything that's the problem | 03:08 |
genforty | sirjoebob, I can't replicate the problem | 03:08 |
Milkinator | MattJ: this all started when I tried to download another add/remove program and it failed. Is there anyway to revert back? | 03:08 |
cre8torx | i just upgraded to 7.10 gusty gibbons and my wireless card isn't working again is there any upgrades out there so i can use my wireless card without the hassel | 03:08 |
lamalex | it's the gnome printer utility failing to connect to my cups server | 03:08 |
Milkinator | MattJ: so far only this package | 03:08 |
lamalex | i haven't even told it what printer yet | 03:08 |
sirjoebob | genforty: i understand that. it is only something with my local machine and i dont know what is going on | 03:08 |
wirechief_ | lamalex did you try in a brownser localhost:631 ? | 03:09 |
mikebot | Does anyone know why both 'pdflatex' and 'dvipdf' both produce very low quality pdf files? | 03:09 |
RxAllen | cre8torx: let me know if you get this answer... I'm having same trouble | 03:09 |
genforty | sirjoebob, so a restart didn't fix it, is your mouse stuffed? | 03:09 |
MattJ | Milkinator: Well it's not that package... it installs ok for me | 03:09 |
=== malegnis is now known as Mal| | ||
=== Mal| is now known as Mal- | ||
MattJ | Milkinator: What happened to start all this then? | 03:10 |
Milkinator | MattJ: no no the other package I tried to download failed | 03:10 |
Jimdb | warchief: i just learned something new :) | 03:10 |
Mal- | Hey guys, im new here, and had a question. | 03:10 |
Mal- | not sure why but i cant run my .run file | 03:10 |
wirechief_ | Jimdb did you mean wirechief ? | 03:10 |
sirjoebob | genforty: restart did nothing. stuffed?? i dont follow. it moves it when i hold ctrl... it is like move and copy are flipped. | 03:10 |
Jimdb | mal: in a terminal type sudo sh *.run | 03:10 |
lightstar | Mal-, have you set the correct permission (700,755)? | 03:10 |
Jimdb | wirechief: meant you. | 03:10 |
Milkinator | MattJ: I think I am just going to do a system clean. format all the drives and install ubuntu only. Windows drove me nuts | 03:11 |
Mal- | thanks | 03:11 |
MattJ | Milkinator: kk :) | 03:11 |
jmak642 | i'm still having problem with nvidia drivers, i tried the reboot | 03:11 |
aleka | Nautulis is currently defaulting opening of text files in the terminal... How can I change this to default to gedit ot another app? ( not changing defaults on a file by file basis but general rule for nautulis)? | 03:11 |
wirechief_ | Jimdb ok there is a big need for helps on this channel | 03:11 |
Milkinator | MattJ: that should fix the problem right :) | 03:11 |
MattJ | Milkinator: for sure ;) | 03:11 |
genforty | sirjoebob have you check your mouse preferences under System->Prefereces->Mouse? | 03:11 |
cmlalex | Hi all! Sry for the stupid question, but is there a way to remove packages installed by default on ubuntu? (bittorrent client, etc.) I noticed that I could remove preinstalled apps on my xubuntu machine. | 03:11 |
Jimdb | wirechief: that's why i'm here...to answer what I can. | 03:11 |
Mal- | what does sh command do? | 03:12 |
genforty | sirjoebob Not left mouse button ticked is it | 03:12 |
wirechief_ | Jimdb good deal, the learning goes both ways lol | 03:12 |
lamalex | can anyone help? | 03:12 |
Milkinator | MattJ: alright I will try that in a few days. I'm sure I will need some help setting up my game. But other than that I've been able to get around | 03:12 |
RoC_MasterMind | yes cmlalex you can remove any package | 03:12 |
bloony | another day with this damn MBR problem.. why do I get the error "format of install_device not recognized" when I run "grub-install sda" ? my drive is sda... | 03:12 |
sirjoebob | genforty: nothing is stuck on | 03:12 |
cmlalex | Mal: sh stands for "switch user" | 03:12 |
RxAllen | Is anyone good with Wireless NICs?? | 03:12 |
MattJ | Mal-: It's a shell, to run scripts, commands, and files | 03:12 |
Jimdb | mal: you could do sudo ./*.run | 03:12 |
jmak642 | geforce 6800 running nvidia-glx-new and nv driver, when i choose nvidia from the list and click test the screens window just goes away | 03:12 |
RoC_MasterMind | bloony, no your drive is /dev/sda | 03:12 |
Milkinator | bu bye everyone! remember, knowledge is power | 03:12 |
MattJ | bb Milkinator :) | 03:13 |
RxAllen | later | 03:13 |
genforty | sirjoebob, do you have the option of trying another mouse, a spare one? | 03:13 |
cmlalex | RoC_MasterMind: apparently ubuntu-desktop depends on most of those packages | 03:13 |
Talos | Hello, anyone here who can tell me how to get my normal Session running? I installed a graphic-driver for my Radeon and now only the failsafe login is working. But there everything works fine | 03:13 |
bloony | ROc_mastermind: tried that to... | 03:13 |
Mal- | ah thanks, (and how do i designate chats to people in x-chat?) | 03:13 |
sirjoebob | genforty: it is a touchpad on my laptop and it does not act up on anything besides the desktop | 03:13 |
Jimdb | mal: sudo sh *.run will cause all files ending in .run to execute. | 03:13 |
louist | Hey guys, I can't access any of the directories listed under the Places menu: it says "there is no default action associated with this location". I think it may have something to do with my attempt to uninstall evolution via Synaptic -- any suggestions? | 03:14 |
sirjoebob | genforty: nevermind. it just fixed itself | 03:14 |
sirjoebob | lol | 03:14 |
jmak642 | can anyone help with nvidia problem? | 03:14 |
boontoo | i think my ubuntu got a virus =( | 03:14 |
sirjoebob | genforty: thanks anyways | 03:14 |
Jimdb | boontoo: doubt it. | 03:14 |
cmlalex | boontoo: doubtful | 03:14 |
MattJ | Mal-: Put their name at the start of the message. Type the first few letters of their nick, and press tab | 03:14 |
sirjoebob | boontoo, virus? | 03:14 |
variable_office | can i install vmware from apt or do i have to do it from source? | 03:14 |
sirjoebob | lol | 03:14 |
RoC_MasterMind | !virus > boontoo | 03:14 |
SpeakerMania | Where is the splash screen image stored? | 03:14 |
genforty | sirjoebob, has there been any updates to the Xserver or anyother updates recently, i.e. has anything changed much or been updated on your system. | 03:14 |
CarlFK | jmak642: /join #nvidia | 03:14 |
louist | I can't access any of the directories listed under the Places menu: it says "there is no default action associated with this location". | 03:15 |
boontoo | well my windows just got a virus, it took over the xp partition and the vista partition im scared ubuntu will be jepordised aswell | 03:15 |
louist | boontoo: impossible | 03:15 |
RxAllen | CarlFK: Do you know if there's a place for Networking trouble? | 03:15 |
Mal- | MattJ, thanks | 03:15 |
Jimdb | boontoo: not going to happen | 03:15 |
louist | absolutely impossible | 03:15 |
DAC1138 | does compiz use video memory to operate or does it require a lot of CPU cycles? | 03:15 |
sirjoebob | genforty: i was messing with nautilus earlier and i think that is what did it | 03:15 |
boontoo | good | 03:15 |
cre8torx | i just upgraded to 7.10 gusty gibbons and my wireless card isn't working again is there any upgrades out there so i can use my wireless card without the hassel | 03:15 |
CarlFK | RxAllen: nope | 03:15 |
cmlalex | RoC_MasterMind: removing the bittorrent package attempts to remove gnome and the whole ubuntu-desktop. any ideas? | 03:15 |
SpeakerMania | boontoo: I agree with louist. Linux has, what, 5 viruses? | 03:15 |
louist | boontoo: a windows virus cannot run on linux. and even if you write a linux virus, you'd have to give it permission to run | 03:15 |
RxAllen | CarlFK: Thanks anyway... | 03:15 |
boontoo | so how can i go about fixing this virus? im not sure it is a virus though but i do belive somebody repacked a MUI for windows | 03:16 |
louist | you'd be prompted for sudo rights, etc... | 03:16 |
boontoo | ah ok | 03:16 |
louist | nothing can "just run" on linux | 03:16 |
louist | at least nothing potentially dangerous | 03:16 |
lamalex | louist: not 100% true | 03:16 |
lamalex | but i don't feel like debating | 03:16 |
boontoo | what if you run an install and the install has a virus in it | 03:16 |
louist | lamalex, i was speaking in generalities | 03:16 |
Grimpo | genforty, install ndiswrapper, install the driver through ndiswrapper, ndiswrapper -m, modprobe ndiswrapper, put a ndiswrapper entry into modules | 03:16 |
boontoo | but anyway | 03:16 |
SpeakerMania | louist: Very true. You are correct. | 03:16 |
Jimdb | boontoo: and since windows and linux are designed completely different and a windows virus preys on the registry (and linux doesn't have a registry) it is not likely you'll ever be impacted. | 03:16 |
lamalex | in general, you probably don't have a virus though | 03:16 |
jmak642 | CarlFK: noone there will help | 03:16 |
Grimpo | I'm on Feisty trying to load the realtek wireless b/g driver rtl8185 with ndiswrapper. I can install it, then it works after a reboot, then it doesn't work after a second one. any help? | 03:16 |
SpeakerMania | Jimdb: Linux has something very similar to a registry. | 03:17 |
* oshiii-_^ has quit (*.net *.split) | 03:17 | |
Talos | Can no one help me or should I repost my question? | 03:17 |
boontoo | how can i delete the folder with all the crap files in it, i just installed ntfs-3g but i have no idea how to use it, also how can i edit the vista registry threw ubuntu | 03:17 |
louist | anyway, does anyone know why I can't access the directories in my "places" menu? | 03:17 |
boontoo | lol | 03:17 |
boontoo | sorry long list | 03:17 |
RxAllen | NIC's appear to be having trouble in 7.10 | 03:17 |
lamalex | anyway | 03:17 |
lamalex | i fixed my printer | 03:17 |
lamalex | thanks | 03:17 |
Jimdb | speakmania: the windows registry has specific sections and keys for loading programs and has a permissions based system...the linux like registry is completely different. | 03:17 |
genforty | sirjoebob, If I were you, I would create another account and see if it goes back to normal. If it does then I would either copy stuff across to the new user account. The other option is to try open your home folder and go to edit->preferences and under there are some mouse settings. | 03:18 |
geck1 | i could desperately use some help: i've been running 7.04 (relatively) flawlessly for about 2 months, and after i upgraded to 7.10, everything is broken.... | 03:18 |
louist | I can't access any of the directories listed under the Places menu: it says "there is no default action associated with this location". | 03:18 |
louist | how do i fix that? | 03:18 |
geck1 | my computer is freezing constantly, it is incredibly slow, open office is broken, swiftfox is constantly crashing, as is rainlendar | 03:18 |
Jimdb | gnome has the closest thing to a registry that I've seen. I would gather that kde has something too. | 03:18 |
geck1 | is there an easy way to revert to 7.04 from 7.10? | 03:18 |
Madpilot | geck1, no | 03:19 |
Milkinator | muhahahah!!! it works! | 03:19 |
tcpsyn | I've just upgraded to gutsy, and I've found a recurring problem of it not respecting my udev rules for my nic card. It keeps renaming eth0 to eth1 .. eth2, etc. I've tried a few things, like setting my rules in /etc/udev/rules.d although those get re-written everytime I restart networking. Also I've noted that /etc/iftab is depreciated. What's going on? | 03:19 |
* Milkinator dances around | 03:19 | |
_Ahti | Hello, i want to format a spare partition i have into HFS+, how can i do that? Please help | 03:19 |
Squalish | Soo... | 03:19 |
cmlalex | ok, guys.. i just want to clean off the crap packages from my system but when i try to remove them synaptic tries to remove ubuntu-desktop. how do i break that depenency?? | 03:19 |
Squalish | Could someone tell me | 03:19 |
Squalish | please | 03:19 |
Squalish | why 7.10 | 03:19 |
* Milkinator high fives MattJ... Two times! Yeah boyyyyyyyy | 03:20 | |
tritium | !enter | 03:20 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:20 |
geck1 | Madpilot, I'm DLing the 7.04 install CD again, once I burn it can I pop it in and reinstall it, while keeping all the files and such on my hard drive intact? | 03:20 |
MattJ | Milkinator: ? :) | 03:20 |
Squalish | Why 8.04 isn't going to be called Hungry Hippo | 03:20 |
RxAllen | Millkinator left | 03:20 |
cre8torx | i just upgraded to 7.10 gusty gibbons and my wireless card isn't working again is there any upgrades out there so i can use my wireless card without the hassel | 03:20 |
SpeakerMania | Jimdb: True, but Linux still has one. :) | 03:20 |
Talos | Is there a time when its not so busy in here? I can come back and ask then | 03:20 |
VoX | Squalish: you mean aside from copyright? | 03:20 |
Milkinator | MattJ: my add/remove apps is up and runnings! | 03:20 |
wirechief_ | geck1 download the iso from www.distrowatch.com burn it DAO and 8x check md5sum move your /home to backup media then install, also good to make a copy of /etc too. | 03:20 |
MattJ | Milkinator: Great :) | 03:20 |
Milkinator | MattJ: now what was the cube program? | 03:21 |
SpeakerMania | Where is the splash screen stored? | 03:21 |
MattJ | Milkinator: Compiz? | 03:21 |
geck1 | wirechief_, thanks, what is DAO? | 03:21 |
* SpeakerMania wonders. | 03:21 | |
Milkinator | MattJ: it takes your desktop and turns it into a cube? | 03:21 |
jzrake | can somebody help with a volume control issue? In Gnome, hotkeys for volume control act as though they work- but they don't have any effect on the actual volume | 03:21 |
louist | why can't i access the folders under "places" ? | 03:22 |
wirechief_ | geck1 Disk at once also SAO is session at once, thats only way the md5sums will come out ok | 03:22 |
Squalish | VoX: I mean aside from copyright. Copyright is somewhat (in some countries) alleviated because it's not going to produce an Ubuntu boardgame. But it's such a perfect name... I would have bought rights to the damn game. | 03:22 |
jzrake | so the volume control on the taskbar is not affected by hotkeys- though hotkeys are recognized | 03:22 |
MattJ | Milkinator: Yes, Compiz. If you have Gutsy, already installed: System->Preferences->Appearance | 03:22 |
jzrake | can anybody help? | 03:22 |
Jimdb | speakermania: sort of but for purposes of a windows virus running in linux it would never work due to most malware dependencies on the windows registry. I own and operate a small company and I do a lot of business cleaning malware from computers. the windows registry is extensive controlling all aspect of the computer OS and programs. the linux one isn't anywhere near as massive and thus it is no where near as vulnerable as windows | 03:22 |
wirechief_ | geck1 k3b is very nice for burning that method | 03:22 |
Milkinator | MattJ: Is it an package I need to download? I do not see it under appearance | 03:23 |
Milkinator | -n in an | 03:23 |
MattJ | Milkinator: You have Gutsy? and do you have a "Visual Effects" tab? | 03:23 |
geck1 | wirechief_, roger that, thanks! | 03:23 |
RandomUsr | good evening | 03:23 |
Milkinator | MattJ: oh yeah but those others do not work. | 03:23 |
SpeakerMania | Jimdb, agreed completely. However, we do agree that Linux does have some sort of registry, yes? That was my whole point, that Linux does have one. The Windows registry is, as you said, the center of the operating system. The actual OS should be mostly independent from the registry. | 03:24 |
MattJ | Milkinator: In what way? | 03:24 |
alecwh | !3d | 03:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:24 |
RandomUsr | does anyone know how to install Audio Driver for Sigmatel cards? | 03:24 |
alecwh | !wings3d | 03:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wings3d - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:24 |
RandomUsr | alsaconf maybe? | 03:24 |
Milkinator | MattJ: error: The composite extension is not available | 03:24 |
SpeakerMania | !splash | 03:24 |
MattJ | Milkinator: What graphics card do you have? and PC specs? | 03:24 |
ubotu | To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. | 03:24 |
Jimdb | speakermania: i'm hoping that if there is a registry central to linux that it does not become more prevalent. the registry is a major reason malware is so successful under windows. | 03:25 |
vivekraj | can any one tell me which is the best jukebox & media player for Ubuntu??? | 03:25 |
Grimpo | BLARGH | 03:25 |
MattJ | vivekraj: Many would say Amarok | 03:25 |
=== narg_ is now known as narg | ||
rayb0t | Jimdb, linux doesn't have a registry, gnome's "registry" is nothing more than a really extensive control panel | 03:25 |
Jimdb | vivekraj: did you find libxine-ffmpeg? | 03:25 |
rayb0t | which just happens to slightly resemble regedit | 03:26 |
Milkinator | ATI 9800 AMD2400 1.5 gigs ram | 03:26 |
vivekraj | nope | 03:26 |
Jimdb | vivekraj: do you know what synaptic is? | 03:26 |
s00p | has anyone tried that hack to make gmail the default mail app? | 03:26 |
Milkinator | Jimdb: what is synaptic? | 03:26 |
s00p | my browser spins forever | 03:26 |
MattJ | Milkinator: Ah, hmm... try asking in #ubuntu-effects room | 03:26 |
free1 | soop- flash website | 03:27 |
Talos | If there is anyone who could spare some time for me please hl me | 03:27 |
MattJ | Milkinator: I have no experience of setting it up for ATI cards | 03:27 |
vivekraj | i searched the same in the synaptic package manager | 03:27 |
s00p | flash? | 03:27 |
free1 | you know, youtube falsh | 03:27 |
free1 | flash | 03:27 |
cre8torx | i just upgraded to 7.10 gusty gibbons and my wireless card isn't working again is there any upgrades out there so i can use my wireless card without the hassel | 03:27 |
jonk | hi.. | 03:27 |
Jimdb | vivekraj: you probably have to add the medibuntu repository to synaptic, then reload, then search for libxine-ffmpeg | 03:27 |
vivekraj | but there is no file with this name | 03:27 |
MattJ | s00p: Yes | 03:27 |
Milkinator | MattJ: awesome. Did you have to set it up with your video card? | 03:27 |
c0Ld | holy crap, i just plugged in my printer and it worked instantly, took an hour of playing with HP's crappy drivers in windows.. | 03:27 |
s00p | MattJ: You got it to work? | 03:27 |
s00p | windows is lame | 03:28 |
MattJ | s00p: Works great | 03:28 |
s00p | MattJ: hmmm msg me the script you use | 03:28 |
Milkinator | lmao c0Ld welcome to ubuntu | 03:28 |
Jimdb | vivekraj: it is actually called libxine1-ffmepg | 03:28 |
MattJ | Milkinator: No, just worked (on my laptop) | 03:28 |
s00p | when i try it the browser spins forever | 03:28 |
MattJ | s00p: k, just a sec | 03:28 |
RandomUsr | would someone be willing to assist me with getting sound rolling?> | 03:28 |
Milkinator | MattJ: damn, I need it to "just work" on my PC lol | 03:28 |
amicrawler | i got ver 7.10 and otr does not work | 03:28 |
s00p | MattJ: are you on Gutsy? | 03:28 |
Jimdb | vivekraj: if amarok is installed properly and you install that library you should be able to play mp3 files. | 03:28 |
MattJ | s00p: Yeah | 03:28 |
SpeakerMania | Jimdb: I don't think it will. Compare Windows and Linux. Windows is too dependent on the registry, and it effects (or affects, can never remember) it. Linux is already more stable than Windows. As you pointed out, the Linux registry, (If we can even call it that), does not run on a permissions based system. This basically means that the programs and the OS are independent to each other, to some extent of course. | 03:29 |
s00p | hmm weird | 03:29 |
s00p | i will try with yours | 03:29 |
retsej | sound trouble as well? | 03:29 |
threefcata | can any one tell me where wine's configuration file is? | 03:29 |
amicrawler | Does Any Body Know About OTR for Pidgin ? | 03:29 |
bur[n]e1 | threefcata: ~/.wine somewhere | 03:29 |
Talos | amicrawler, I do...any questions? | 03:29 |
amicrawler | yes | 03:30 |
amicrawler | very much so | 03:30 |
SpeakerMania | Can any walk me through installing Beryl Emerald? | 03:30 |
amicrawler | i got the new pidgin and otr does not work | 03:30 |
amicrawler | i have the lib installed | 03:30 |
amicrawler | i can see the lock | 03:30 |
jak1 | its an invisible folder in your home folder | 03:30 |
SpeakerMania | !beryl | 03:31 |
jak1 | invisible lol i mean hidden | 03:31 |
ubotu | Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 03:31 |
Jimdb | vivekraj: in /usr/lib/amarok is a script called "install-mp3". it simply tries to use install the libxine1-ffmpeg for you. you can edit the script and see what it is doing. | 03:31 |
amicrawler | but when i chat it tell the other peron that it is gaim | 03:31 |
SkareCrow | Hello, for some reason the past couple of times I have installed Gutsy my network interfaces havnt been set up. I had to bring them up manually. It started happning after I threw in a new NIC that runs a CAT6 to one of my servers. | 03:31 |
s00p | compiz fusion is flaky | 03:31 |
SpeakerMania | !compiz | 03:31 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 03:31 |
SpeakerMania | !gdm | 03:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:31 |
Skeesh | can anyone help me with the install from a hard drive option here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows | 03:31 |
Mal- | how do i check to see if my driver works? | 03:31 |
Mal- | gfx driver | 03:31 |
SpeakerMania | !themes | 03:32 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 03:32 |
cre8torx | LSPCI | 03:32 |
cre8torx | lspci | 03:32 |
Skeesh | when I select my install ubuntu menu item, the system just reboots | 03:32 |
MattJ | s00p: http://pastebin.ca/754622 | 03:32 |
Squalish | Speakermania - what version? | 03:32 |
MattJ | s00p: If you use Firefox, replace epiphany with firefox-bin | 03:32 |
s00p | yes | 03:33 |
SpeakerMania | Squalish: Nevermind. I'm looking into another way. :) Thanks anyway, though. | 03:33 |
Talos | amicrawler, look for the query | 03:33 |
amicrawler | i did | 03:33 |
cre8torx | i just upgraded to 7.10 gusty gibbons and my wireless card isn't working again is there any upgrades out there so i can use my wireless card without the hassel | 03:33 |
retsej | My system was working just fine and I had no problems with anything, but now for some reason, totem is crashing as well as sound preferences when I hit "test". same with rythmbox | 03:34 |
retsej | My system was working just fine and I had no problems with anything, but now for some reason, totem is crashing as well as sound preferences when I hit "test". same with rythmbox | 03:34 |
Squalish | Speakermania - I just updated to 7.10, and compiz is installed by default. Oddly, it's not configurable - I had to add "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings" to get a configuration menu | 03:34 |
retsej | ack sorry | 03:34 |
Skeesh | anybody? x.x | 03:34 |
RandomUsr | any sound card experts here? | 03:35 |
Techgurl | how do you add advanced desktop settings? | 03:35 |
s00p | MattJ: hmm browser keeps spinning | 03:35 |
amicrawler | snd config | 03:35 |
jpt9 | hey | 03:35 |
RandomUsr | hmm | 03:35 |
MattJ | s00p: Hmm | 03:35 |
Squalish | Techgurl + Speakermania: Add/Remove Applications, search for Advanced Desktop Effects Settings | 03:36 |
jpt9 | does anyone know if the new Wacom Bamboo tablets will work with Ubuntu 7.10 (with pressure, etc; I don't really care about the buttons on the top...)? | 03:36 |
Techgurl | thanks Squalish | 03:36 |
Milkinator | are there really tech girls? | 03:36 |
Optimus55 | hey i installed xserver-xgl to get past a bug but now i want to return to regular x-server. can anyone remind me how to change back? thanks | 03:36 |
s00p | yeah... i dont get it | 03:36 |
cre8torx | ????i just upgraded to 7.10 gusty gibbons and my wireless card isn't working again is there any upgrades out there so i can use my wireless card without the hassel | 03:37 |
s00p | looks pretty straightforward | 03:37 |
Talos | Hello, anyone here who can tell me how to get my normal Session running? I installed a graphic-driver for my Ati Radeon and now only the failsafe login is working. But there everything works fine | 03:37 |
Techgurl | I think there are Milkinator | 03:37 |
retsej | in fact it seems my sound isn't working at all | 03:37 |
Squalish | Without the config tool, you can only set it to vanilla, chocolate, or triple chocochunk settings via System>Appearance>Effects, but it doesn't tell you what you're setting | 03:37 |
wirechief_ | Optimus55: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 03:38 |
RandomUsr | hmm ya still no understanding of the sound server and configuration of the hardware | 03:38 |
Techgurl | I looked through all the settings couldn't figure out how to set it up | 03:38 |
vivekraj | yaa there is a file called install-mp3 ...but how to edit it?? | 03:38 |
druke | azereus is giving me errors! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42648/ thanks in advance! | 03:38 |
Jimdb | vivekarj: the libxine1-ffmpeg is located in the universe repository of ubuntu. you should enable that and multiverse and then install the library. | 03:38 |
s00p | hmm i have the latest firefox | 03:39 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: did you try alsaconf ? | 03:39 |
RandomUsr | sortof wirechief | 03:39 |
louist | I can't access any of the folders under my "Places" menu | 03:39 |
louist | why is that? | 03:39 |
Skeesh | can anyone help with installing from a USB drive? x.x | 03:39 |
RandomUsr | run that from the command line or gui wirechief? | 03:40 |
louist | can anybody help? this is a pretty big problem | 03:40 |
Squalish | Druke - have you considered switching? the advanced features that azureus brought me to expect a few years back are now apparently standard in ktorrent and utorrent | 03:40 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: in terminal | 03:40 |
alberto | hey guys i have some problems with AWN, it exits suddenly and i have to open it again... somebody has any idea of what can be happening? thx in advance | 03:40 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: in terminal prefix sudo | 03:40 |
Jimdb | alberto: happens to everyone | 03:40 |
druke | Squalish, utorrent has now linux native, don't want to use it if they don't support me, ktorrent has troubles as well | 03:40 |
MattJ | louist: What happens when you try? | 03:40 |
RandomUsr | wirechief, thank you Iĺl try it now | 03:41 |
louist | mattJ: no default action is associated with this location | 03:41 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: gl | 03:41 |
louist | mattj: that's what the error message says | 03:41 |
Jimdb | alberto: my awn terminates a couple times a day. generally the bug seems related to tooltips. | 03:41 |
MattJ | louist: Hmm | 03:41 |
RandomUsr | wirechief, command not found | 03:41 |
RandomUsr | the GUI states itś not able to communicate to the sound server | 03:42 |
alberto | Jimdb: pff... great... but you're on gutsy? | 03:42 |
Squalish | druke - sry I can't help about azureus. Mind elaborating on ktorrent? Comcast, my ISP, evidently figured out how to block azureus on mine, even with full-on encryption settings. I just switched last week to utorrent, and now to ktorrent since I have gutsy up. | 03:42 |
tcpsyn | anyone solve the udev 70-persistent-net-rules issue? | 03:42 |
louist | MattJ: i was trying to uninstall evolution and Bittorrent via Synaptic, maybe i uninstalled the wrong library? | 03:42 |
Jimdb | alberto: happened under feisty and happens to me under gutsy | 03:42 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: sudo alsaconf not found ? | 03:42 |
MattJ | louist: Quite possibly | 03:42 |
louist | do you know what to do?, MattJ? | 03:42 |
RandomUsr | wirechief, you got it man | 03:42 |
s00p | MattJ: I had to do this | 03:42 |
s00p | firefox "https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=$(echo $1 | sed 's/mailto://')" | 03:42 |
Jimdb | alberto: you can go to launchpad.net and see the bug reports. | 03:43 |
alberto | Jimdb: i never had that problem in feasty but well i suppose they'll find a way to fix it.... thanks Jimdb! | 03:43 |
alberto | Jimdb: oh thanks! | 03:43 |
MattJ | louist: No, except in Synaptic, find and reinstall ubuntu-desktop | 03:43 |
dmaresca | apparently vmware and ubuntu dont get along | 03:43 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: do you see a man page for man alsa ? | 03:43 |
dmaresca | vmware is bitchin about the Sound Device | 03:43 |
louist | MattJ: search fror ubuntu-desktop? | 03:43 |
Jimdb | alberto: if you find something out pass it along. awn is nice. | 03:43 |
dmaresca | saying the resources are in use | 03:43 |
dmaresca | what do i do | 03:44 |
MattJ | louist: But that will put Evolution and whatever back in again | 03:44 |
dmaresca | i need sound in vmware | 03:44 |
MattJ | louist: Yeah | 03:44 |
louist | MattJ: will do. I'll let you know if it helps | 03:44 |
dmaresca | ?????????? | 03:44 |
MattJ | louist: Ok | 03:44 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: do you see a man page for man alsaconf ? | 03:44 |
Jimdb | alberto: i've never even been able to get the systray applet to work for me. | 03:44 |
RandomUsr | wirechief, nosireee bob | 03:44 |
alberto | Jimdb: sure 'bout that... specially when you shows it to 'windows-users' haha.... | 03:45 |
dmaresca | hello? | 03:45 |
louist | MattJ: solved. accidentally uninstalled nautilus | 03:45 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: hmm maybe apt-get install alsaconf | 03:45 |
louist | thanks for the help! | 03:45 |
Skeesh | can anyone help with installing from a local hard disk? the guide on the wiki doesn't work | 03:45 |
MattJ | louist: Hehe, great :) | 03:45 |
Jimdb | alberto: yeah, funny. | 03:45 |
dmaresca | wow | 03:45 |
dmaresca | can anyone f'n see me | 03:45 |
dmaresca | every time i ask quesrtions | 03:45 |
dmaresca | no one seems to see me | 03:45 |
tcpsyn | no. your f'n invisible | 03:45 |
dmaresca | :( | 03:45 |
alberto | Jimdb: I had that issue with ArchLinux i think.... but with ubuntu systray have worked | 03:45 |
Jimdb | alberto: awn refers to it as the notification area. | 03:46 |
Squalish | RandomUsr - the first problem I spent a few hours in Ubuntu troubleshooting my lack of ALSA, which it seemed to me at the time should be a standard feature | 03:46 |
MattJ | dmaresca: Someone will help if they think they might know an answer | 03:46 |
Skeesh | it sure is nice to be sitting here with a useless computer while nobody answers. | 03:46 |
Bonster | no1 can see u we on the net | 03:46 |
bruenig | alberto, applications are applications | 03:46 |
dmaresca | ok | 03:46 |
MattJ | dmaresca: If you have no luck here, post it on the forums | 03:46 |
RandomUsr | wirechief, could NOT FIND alsaconf even from apt-get | 03:46 |
MattJ | dmaresca: and search the forums too | 03:46 |
bruenig | alsaconf is a script | 03:46 |
bruenig | a front end | 03:46 |
Jimdb | alberto: nor can i get the volume control to work properly. if i could get the notification area and the volume control working I would completely rid myself of gnome panels. | 03:46 |
bruenig | !info alsa-utils | 03:47 |
ubotu | alsa-utils: ALSA utilities. In component main, is important. Version 1.0.14-1ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 1026 kB, installed size 1828 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa lpia m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc) | 03:47 |
foxjazz | how do you get su from terminal? | 03:47 |
Alyx-Trust | hey how do i get my ident not to say my ip without using tor or a slow proxy? | 03:48 |
danbhfive | foxjazz: sudo? | 03:48 |
Alyx-Trust | foxjazz su - | 03:48 |
bruenig | foxjazz, set a root password | 03:48 |
Jimdb | foxjazz: sudo -i | 03:48 |
foxjazz | sudo -i, tx | 03:48 |
bruenig | sudo -i is not su | 03:48 |
Alyx-Trust | sudo passwd set password | 03:48 |
Alyx-Trust | set password again | 03:48 |
Alyx-Trust | then su- | 03:48 |
Alyx-Trust | su - | 03:49 |
Jimdb | correct, it is not | 03:49 |
Zippy2 | su - is dangerous to noobs :( | 03:49 |
`eric- | :/ | 03:49 |
Alyx-Trust | indeed | 03:49 |
bruenig | no more dangerous than sudo -i | 03:49 |
Alyx-Trust | but you never know how bad its is until you do it | 03:49 |
Zippy2 | sudo -i too | 03:49 |
Zippy2 | and sudo bash | 03:49 |
Alyx-Trust | and learn from it | 03:49 |
shonen | for installing xen with ubuntu gutsy amd64 as dom0, is the only package I have to install "ubuntu-xen-desktop-amd64"? is there a new howto somewhere which details the correct process for this installation? | 03:49 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: maybe its in synaptic (shakes head ) | 03:49 |
foxjazz | need help mounting a disk | 03:49 |
RandomUsr | wirechief nosiree bob | 03:50 |
Zippy2 | shredder1: i gave up with virtualization in linux. im in vista rning virtualbox | 03:50 |
Bonster | !mount | 03:50 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 03:50 |
RandomUsr | wirechief, Could it be a problem with the alternate CD? | 03:50 |
wirechief_ | RaandomUsr do apt-get update then apt-get install alsaconf | 03:50 |
Zippy2 | i run ubuntu/amd64 and debianlenny/amd64. i think lenny was better honestly | 03:50 |
Bonster | any linux megaupload downloader? | 03:50 |
Zippy2 | (this surprised me too) | 03:50 |
Squalish | RandomUsr: What version of Ubuntu are you running? | 03:50 |
Zippy2 | whatsa a megaupload odwnloader? | 03:50 |
bastid_raZor | if i rm -f file how might i get that file back? or is it lost forever?? | 03:51 |
bloony | how do I remove all partitions from my hd? just wipe it all clean.. | 03:51 |
RandomUsr | 7.10 | 03:51 |
Bonster | to download from megaupload site | 03:51 |
alberto | Jimdb: what happens to your volume control? | 03:51 |
Zippy2 | whats a megaupload site | 03:51 |
RandomUsr | Squalish wouldn run no other | 03:51 |
Bonster | where they host large files | 03:51 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: did you upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 gutsy ? | 03:51 |
Zippy2 | bloony: sudo fdisk /dev/whateveryourdiskdeviceis | 03:51 |
Jimdb | alberto: nothing. it doesn't control the volume. | 03:51 |
Squalish | Zippy2 - megaupload is a free file storage internet site, used for trading porn primarily | 03:51 |
Zippy2 | lol | 03:51 |
Bonster | loL | 03:51 |
RandomUsr | PEW no... I installed fresh... No dirty installs for me | 03:51 |
|Zippo| | somebody is using an intel vga with gutsy? | 03:52 |
bloony | zippy2: k | 03:52 |
Zippy2 | i have intel 965gm | 03:52 |
Squalish | RandomUsr - a bit of background if you're interested - http://insanecoding.blogspot.com/2007/05/sorry-state-of-sound-in-linux.html | 03:52 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: did you do media check before install ? | 03:52 |
Zippy2 | and i tried gutsy | 03:52 |
alberto | Jimdb: have you tried changing the 'audio device' that the 'volume control applet' controls? | 03:52 |
foxjazz | sorry, where do you find fstab or diskmounter | 03:52 |
RandomUsr | I have Intel 965 | 03:52 |
Bruno_ | how can i make programs run at start up? | 03:52 |
ramza3 | anybody know of a tool to capture computer usage to video. As opposed to just a print screen, I want to actually monitor my usage and then to video? | 03:52 |
Jimdb | alberto: yes, has no effect. | 03:52 |
Bonster | !fstab | 03:52 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 03:52 |
|Zippo| | Zippy2: is it working? | 03:52 |
RandomUsr | wirechief, now why would I do a smart thing like that? | 03:52 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: did you do media check before install ? | 03:52 |
Zippy2 | |Zippo|: is what working? | 03:52 |
RandomUsr | wirechief, read last | 03:53 |
|Zippo| | compiz | 03:53 |
PanzerMKZ | what is the package to install ssh server on 7.04? | 03:53 |
Zippy2 | |Zippo|: yeah, after like 2 hours wasted | 03:53 |
Jimdb | man, i installed qtparted and almost choked. found also that it didn't list all my devices. gparted seems to list every device. | 03:53 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: i guess that means no. | 03:53 |
Zippy2 | |Zippo|: and then i installed vista (seriously) | 03:53 |
alberto | Jimdb: weird, i remember to had that problem with edgy in my laptop but i think that an update solved the issue... | 03:53 |
|Zippo| | Zippy2: what did you do? can you tell me? | 03:53 |
Bruno_ | how can i make programs run at start up? | 03:53 |
RandomUsr | |Zippo| I have compiz running on intel but Xv is not supported | 03:53 |
Zippy2 | |Zippo|: some ignore_check thing in ~/.something/.config | 03:53 |
Jimdb | alberto: can you like the location where you got your version of awn from? | 03:53 |
RandomUsr | wirechief, right you are sir | 03:53 |
MattJ | PanzerMKZ: openssh-server | 03:54 |
Zippy2 | and i had to add dri and composite support in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:54 |
PanzerMKZ | ok | 03:54 |
|Zippo| | Zippy2: i tried that... it's too slow | 03:54 |
Jimdb | alberto: link* | 03:54 |
Zippy2 | it was good for me. try adding more virtualram in xorg.conf | 03:54 |
dstadulis_ | how do I install gtk+ I dont see it listed in the repositories? | 03:54 |
|Zippo| | ramd: did you use the same solution? | 03:54 |
Alyx-Trust | hey guys is there a faster proxy out there? | 03:54 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: so you basically have no idea no clue as to the integrity of your media that you used. Well you best check it before going anyfurther. | 03:54 |
Bruno_ | how can i make programs run at start up? | 03:54 |
|Zippo| | Zippy2: did you follow any kind of gowto? | 03:54 |
|Zippo| | Random832: did you use the same solution? | 03:55 |
MattJ | Alyx-Trust: You want to run a proxy? | 03:55 |
Bonster | Bruno_: open the program and save session | 03:55 |
RandomUsr | you mean the CD? the CD is fine wirechief | 03:55 |
|Zippo| | RandomUsr: did you use the same solution? | 03:55 |
alberto | Jimdb: oh well i've installed AWN Curves from this really easy howto... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=572019&highlight=AWN+curves | 03:55 |
Alyx-Trust | Bruno have you ever noticed that your sessions save? | 03:55 |
Zippy2 | |Zippo|: yeah a couple. let me see if i bookmarked | 03:55 |
Alyx-Trust | and MattJ yeah but a faster one then tor | 03:55 |
Bruno_ | Bonster: how do i do that? | 03:55 |
foxjazz | I probably can't mount because I don't have permissions? | 03:55 |
paulistall | awn curves is awesome | 03:55 |
bloony | zippy2: when I delete all the partitions in fdisk.. will that delete the whole partition system.. the freespace thiny aswell? | 03:55 |
|Zippo| | Zippy2: i hope | 03:55 |
wirechief_ | RandomUsr: when you boot the cd use the selection for checking the media | 03:55 |
RandomUsr | |Zippo| my only problem was running compiz with the settings manager set for Feisty... Big Mistake | 03:55 |
Zippy2 | nope, nothing. sorry | 03:55 |
Zippy2 | just have to google | 03:56 |
alberto | Jimdb: by the way AWN curves its way more coller than the normal 3d-bar | 03:56 |
MattJ | Alyx-Trust: I use tinyproxy. tor is more than just a proxy though. | 03:56 |
|Zippo| | RandomUsr: what did you do? | 03:56 |
paulistall | alberto: I will second that | 03:56 |
RandomUsr | |Zippo| Haven tried a workaround for Xv as I just found out about that see the compiz-fusion channel on Freenode | 03:56 |
Alyx-Trust | Mattj winty proxy thanks | 03:56 |
RandomUsr | wirechief I checked the CD in NERO | 03:56 |
Alyx-Trust | Mattj and what more is tor? | 03:56 |
Zippy2 | loo i got a debian in windows vista | 03:57 |
Jimdb | alberto: i'll remove and reinstall to see if this solves any of my problems. I do have the awn from the listed repository but I don't have some of those other things. | 03:57 |
rps_ | ! | 03:57 |
paulistall | emerald themes are pretty nice as well | 03:57 |
alberto | Jimdb: ok.... at least it works and looks really cool | 03:57 |
MattJ | Alyx-Trust: tor is for privacy, on any connections, not just web browsing | 03:57 |
travm | I have a problem with my windows install after resizing the partition on my laptop with gparted. The super grub disk cannot boot windows either. I can see the partition, it has used space, but its like its empty. Ubuntu is working fine, but I would like to get one of my windows programs working again for my palm pilot. | 03:58 |
Alyx-Trust | Mattj I know but it still has to be configures for xchat or any connection to use | 03:58 |
foxjazz | how do I get permissions | 03:58 |
Alyx-Trust | I use it for here but it slows me down | 03:58 |
|Zippo| | RandomUsr: i'll try | 03:58 |
foxjazz | to mount a drive | 03:59 |
RandomUsr | |Zippo| thereś the spirit | 03:59 |
Retsej | sorry about that, was switching computers | 03:59 |
pavs | foxjazz just ask for permissions | 03:59 |
RandomUsr | ask crdlb for the Fix please | 03:59 |
nomaS | somebody know about a ip surfer ? | 03:59 |
Bruno_ | Bonster: how do i do that? | 03:59 |
foxjazz | pavs I have 2 drives I can see but can't access | 03:59 |
vivekraj | thanks Jimdb....problem solved | 04:00 |
foxjazz | unable to mount volume | 04:00 |
Alyx-Trust | sudo mount ? | 04:00 |
druke | is there a command to reveal the location of a program in $PATH, I'm trying to set deluge as a default program and need the core executable, needs its path | 04:00 |
foxjazz | I am trying witih file browser | 04:00 |
adhoc | druke: which file | 04:00 |
adhoc | whereis file | 04:01 |
druke | adhoc thanks | 04:01 |
Bruno_ | how can i make programs run at startup? | 04:02 |
juan_ac | Hello! I just upgraded form 7.04 to 7.10 everything works fine but wine. I thought that maybe a complete removal (with Synaptic) and then a re installation will work but it did not. Every time i run wine or winecfg my system just freezes and i had shut down the computer manually. Don't know what's going on. Form which I've seen on the net it's a common problem but stillI cannot find the solution. | 04:02 |
travm | Should I be able to see my windows files from fiesty? I can see there is used space, and that it is an NTFS drive, but windows does not boot, and I cannot see any files. | 04:02 |
danfg | what command should i use to check if a process with a certain id is running? | 04:02 |
boontoo | can i edit the windows registry from ubuntu? | 04:03 |
danfg | "ps 1234 | grep 1234"? | 04:03 |
danfg | boontoo: maybe with vnc or wine | 04:03 |
boontoo | bah | 04:03 |
kaji | how do i fix the "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-server" problem? | 04:03 |
Bruno_ | how can i make programs run at startup? | 04:03 |
boontoo | wine creates its own registry to mimic the windows one doesnt it | 04:03 |
foxjazz | dumg question | 04:03 |
foxjazz | I opened fstabe with a text editor | 04:04 |
foxjazz | it won't allow me to save | 04:04 |
foxjazz | how do I get permissions to save? | 04:04 |
power78 | whats the shortcut to show all windows at once? like in OSX when you move the cursor to the corner of the screen? | 04:04 |
jfinkels | foxjazz: open with "gksudo gedit /path/to/file" in the terminal | 04:04 |
jdwilm | Can someone tell me how to find out my computer's name please? | 04:04 |
aLeSD | which is the best way to install skype ? | 04:04 |
dstadulis | d | 04:04 |
Retsej | I'm having alot of trouble with video and music playback on my system, as totem crashes (grays out and won't load the file) upon opening a file (video or music) and attempting to test the sound preferences leads to diaster, freezing and keeping the computer from restarting. The startup sounds seem to be fine and if I open an mp3 in rhythmbox, it will play, but not only that, if I attampt to... | 04:04 |
Retsej | ...use another file in totem, it WON'T crash. I'm pretty lost here and don't want to result to having to completely reinstall ubuntu. I'm running 7.10 | 04:04 |
dstadulis_ | d | 04:04 |
jfinkels | jdwilm: type in the terminal: "hostname" | 04:05 |
aLeSD | add the mediabuntu repository or the skyope repository ? | 04:05 |
jdwilm | thanks | 04:05 |
aLeSD | or use the deb package ? | 04:05 |
power78 | is there a shortcut to show all running programs so I can choose the one to switch to without flipping thru them? | 04:05 |
Retsej | Is there any other information I can provide? | 04:05 |
kaji | how to install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-server | 04:05 |
PanzerMKZ | what is the file that has the name servers in it? | 04:05 |
nomasteryoda | Retsej, i recommend totally scrapping Totem... when it does that. ... Replace with SMplayer | 04:06 |
MattJ | Retsej: You could try VLC, as an alternative to Totem | 04:06 |
nomasteryoda | and VLC for some things | 04:06 |
nomasteryoda | VLC is great | 04:06 |
MattJ | +1 | 04:06 |
madhemi | Hi, I'm new to this, so please be patient. I have a problem with hal not loading | 04:06 |
sunilonln | hey all, my screen dimming buttons stopped working when i upgraded to gutsy -- i have an hp dv2000 | 04:06 |
nomasteryoda | you can even stream media with VLC ...... it can act as a server | 04:06 |
Retsej | I;ve tried vlc, but didn't want to resort to installing additional software | 04:07 |
Bruno_ | how can i make programs run at startup? | 04:07 |
bloony | Im installing with the ubuntu live cd.. but when I im changing where it should install the bootloader should I keep the ()'s ? its set to "(hd0)" should I change it to "/dev/sda" or "(/dev/sda)" ? | 04:07 |
nomasteryoda | Retsej, did you have a /home from a previous Ubuntu install? | 04:07 |
sunilonln | Bruno_: system>preferences>sessions | 04:07 |
Retsej | no, this was a fresh overwrite of the former OS. | 04:08 |
jfinkels | bloony: leave it as (hd0) | 04:08 |
madhemi | I just installed ubuntu today for the first time and everything worked okay. Then I upgraded to the latest version and now I get a message that there is an error with hal | 04:08 |
madhemi | what should I do? | 04:08 |
jfinkels | that will install it on the MBR of the disk labelled /dev/sda | 04:08 |
Bruno_ | sunilonln: thanks | 04:08 |
jpastore | does anyone have any experience with syncml? | 04:08 |
bloony | jfinkels: sure? | 04:08 |
jfinkels | umm | 04:08 |
jpastore | trying to get my nokia 9500 to sync with evolution | 04:09 |
bloony | Ive been trying for 2 days now.. | 04:09 |
Retsej | everything was working fine earlier today | 04:09 |
bloony | and I get the error 15 when Im rebooting | 04:09 |
bloony | Ill try it tho.. | 04:09 |
jfinkels | well if you have nothing else on the hard disk that you need to boot to, then you should be fine | 04:09 |
boontoo | how do i edit windows registry from ubuntu | 04:09 |
bloony | kk | 04:09 |
bloony | nothing else no | 04:09 |
shirish | hi guys, I'm getting Could not DetermineServerName for apache2 | 04:09 |
bloony | its all clean and shiney :) | 04:10 |
Retsej | I've installed vlc, I'll let you know what happens | 04:10 |
bloony | jfinkels: but if I should want to try to change it later.. should I have the ()'s ? | 04:10 |
dmaresca | uhm how do i share a folder in ubuntu and how do i get XP to access it? i know it isnt normal.... | 04:10 |
kaji | Anyone know a workaround for this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/153011 Im getting it in Gutsy | 04:10 |
jfinkels | bloony: | 04:11 |
Flannel | !samba | dmaresca | 04:11 |
ubotu | dmaresca: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 04:11 |
Retsej | VLC: The video worked for a bit, but no sound, then it suddenly realized "hey, something | 04:11 |
shirish | I've installed apache2 , the httpd.conf at /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is empty | 04:11 |
MilitantPotato | !alsa | 04:11 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 04:11 |
Retsej | 's not right. And it crashed | 04:11 |
jfinkels | bloony: what exactly would you need to change? | 04:11 |
shirish | can somebody help with Apache ? | 04:11 |
dmaresca | thx | 04:11 |
Retsej | and it's nice and grayed out on my screen | 04:11 |
Flannel | shirish: that's expected. Ubuntu uses the debian apache config structure | 04:11 |
jdwilm | Does anyone have an idea as to why splash images in some programs are only semi-opaque? | 04:11 |
jfinkels | bloony: you can edit your GRUB settings from within Ubuntu (GRUB looks to your ubuntu partition for instructions on how to set up the initial bootup menu) | 04:11 |
pipegeek | Odd question: | 04:11 |
juan_ac | Hello! I just upgraded form 7.04 to 7.10 everything works fine but wine. I thought that maybe a complete removal (with Synaptic) and then a re installation will work but it did not. Every time i run wine or winecfg my system just freezes and i had shut down the computer manually. Don't know what's going on. Form which I've seen on the net it's a common problem but stillI cannot find the solution. Does somebody know something about it? | 04:12 |
bloony | jfinkels: its a scsi drive so someone here have told me to set it to sda instead of hd0 | 04:12 |
travm | should I be able to see my windows files from ubuntu? I did an install and I seem to have destroyed my windows install. I can still see the drive, it "appears" empty, but it shows several gigs of used space. | 04:12 |
shirish | Flannel: can you help me , I'm trying to set http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/CouldNotDetermineServerName right, so I can restart & stop apache without issues | 04:12 |
MilitantPotato | trav | 04:12 |
pipegeek | every time gdm starts, it displays the greeter, then immediately puts the display to sleep (though keyboard activity wakes it up again). Haven't heard of that before---any idea why it might be happening? | 04:12 |
pipegeek | gutsy, btw | 04:12 |
emma | you can see your windows files from ubuntu. You just have to mount the other partition. | 04:12 |
travm | yes militant potatoe? | 04:12 |
MilitantPotato | travm: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config | 04:12 |
shirish | Flannel: its going to be a local thing, just to see some stuff. | 04:12 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: I get that warning aswell. I'm using the default LAMP settings | 04:12 |
Flannel | shirish: Add it to apache2.conf | 04:13 |
Retsej | Same result with an ogg video, an ogg audio and ogg mp3 | 04:13 |
madhemi | can anyone help with a "hal" error on boot? | 04:13 |
Retsej | er | 04:13 |
Retsej | just mp3 >_> | 04:13 |
jfinkels | bloony: umm, i believe that GRUB calls all hard drives (hd0), (hd1), etc. regardless of IO protocol | 04:13 |
jfinkels | but im not 100% positive | 04:13 |
Squalish | Travm - Ubuntu (and linux in general) uses a significantly different paradigm for filestorage than Windows does | 04:13 |
MilitantPotato | Retsej: are you changing output programs? | 04:13 |
bloony | jfinkels: ok.. | 04:13 |
jfinkels | so you can leave that | 04:13 |
jfinkels | as (hd0) | 04:13 |
karnonas | good morning Linux Luvers! | 04:13 |
Retsej | what do you mean? | 04:13 |
bloony | Ill try that yeah | 04:13 |
travm | yeah i know squalish | 04:13 |
jfinkels | the Ubuntu liveCD is pretty smart | 04:13 |
Flannel | shirish: apache2.conf is where serverwide configs go, then module configs go in their respective .conf files in mods-available, and virtualhost specific things go in their repsective VH files in sites-available | 04:13 |
shirish | Flannel: can I do something like ServerName shirish.example.com (it just needs any damn name or something in particular) ? | 04:13 |
Retsej | I was opening all of them with VLC | 04:13 |
bloony | been trying different shit for a while now.. | 04:13 |
bloony | yeah | 04:13 |
travm | but i cant boot windows anymore | 04:13 |
bloony | thx | 04:14 |
jfinkels | well good luck | 04:14 |
travm | even with the super grub disk | 04:14 |
jfinkels | :) | 04:14 |
bloony | thx :) | 04:14 |
druke | how does one change the remote desktop listen port | 04:14 |
Retsej | although I tried opening the aforementioned mp3 in rhythm and that worked | 04:14 |
Flannel | shirish: yeah, it should be somewhere that you can be found, whether thats a local thing (subnet IP) or a dyndns address, or whatnot | 04:14 |
MilitantPotato | Retsej: have you tried different output devices? | 04:14 |
eidolon | hrm, if i found a depenency fault in the ubuntu distro, where should i report it? (ti's int he java dependency tree) | 04:14 |
bloony | Ill probably show up here in a while askin about the same problem.. been trying to get it working for 2 days now.. | 04:14 |
shirish | Flannel: is it ok to talk in private? That way I can know what to do , I just want to play around with stuff, nothing big | 04:14 |
MilitantPotato | Retsej: Like Alsa, OSS, ESA and all. | 04:15 |
Flannel | shirish: Is this on a separate computer you've got on your LAN? (your private server) or is it your desktop that you're running apache on and'll be accessing it from that computer only? | 04:15 |
travm | so I have just installed ntfs-config, and it shows my windows drive just as before, | 04:15 |
jdwilm | Does anyone have an idea as to why splash images in some programs are only semi-opaque? | 04:16 |
Retsej | hrmm? as under sound preferences-> sound playback? | 04:16 |
travm | 8gb volume, 4.8gb free space | 04:16 |
Retsej | I was using autodetect | 04:16 |
jpastore | trying to get my nokia 9500 to sync with evolution ....does anyone have experience with syncml? | 04:16 |
shirish | Flannel: the second one, a single desktop I'm running apache on & I'll be accessing from this computer only. | 04:16 |
Flannel | shirish: Alright, then go ahead and use for your IP | 04:16 |
MilitantPotato | Retsej: yes, try different ones, change them all to ALSA, then OSS | 04:16 |
MilitantPotato | travm: Did you shut down windows properly before installing linux? | 04:17 |
threethirty | what is an extended partition? | 04:17 |
Retsej | Alsa didn't workl | 04:17 |
MilitantPotato | threethirty: google it :) | 04:17 |
maniaxmax | Im a complete Linux noob, my touchpad sensitivity on my laptop is super low, and changing the mouse properties doesnt do anything, can anyone help me? | 04:17 |
travm | militant potato, yes, i rebooted, then im guessing somehting went wrong when i used gparted to resize my hdd | 04:17 |
druke | how do i change the default 'remote login' port?? 0 is forward'able! | 04:17 |
foxjazz | basically my mounting the ntfs volumes are failing | 04:17 |
rps_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 rps rps 4857 2007-10-23 23:55 .mime.types | 04:17 |
sledge__ | travm, how are you trying to access your files in windows, by nautillus? | 04:17 |
travm | thunar, im in xubuntu | 04:17 |
foxjazz | is there a disk manager to erase my hard drives? | 04:17 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: add the line "ServerName localhost:80" under the ServerRoot line. fixes the warning | 04:17 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: without the "s | 04:18 |
elninj | Any chance anyone has figured out how to fix the issue with firefox scroll lagging with the new ATI drivers? | 04:18 |
karnonas | use NT3G and SAMBA for your windows drives | 04:18 |
Retsej | okay | 04:18 |
MilitantPotato | foxjazz: Gparted | 04:18 |
Retsej | totem is working now | 04:18 |
Harcourt | hi, I'm having problems installing Ubuntu 7.10 | 04:18 |
Flannel | foxjazz: there are a number of things you can do. shred is one utility thats already installed, that offers secure erasing, allowing for any arbitrary number of passes. | 04:18 |
=== riee_moetzz is now known as uche | ||
Retsej | but VLC is still crashing | 04:18 |
MilitantPotato | karnonas: Why not ntfs-config ? | 04:18 |
MilitantPotato | Retsej: in VLC perfrences, set it to use OSS. | 04:19 |
Harcourt | when I run the livecd it exits to Busybox... etc and gives me (initramfs) prompt | 04:19 |
karnonas | NT3G is more stable and has some utils | 04:19 |
Bonster | wheres a good place for cheap airline tickets? | 04:19 |
MilitantPotato | !sound | Retsej | 04:19 |
ubotu | Retsej: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 04:19 |
Retsej | where under the vlc preferences | 04:19 |
sunilonln | Bonster: kayak.com | 04:19 |
travm | karonas: assuming I have a drive, that clearly has data on it, but i cant access, and I cant boot anymore would that help me to boot into my windows drive at all? | 04:20 |
maniaxmax | my touchpad sensitivity on my laptop is super low, and changing the mouse properties doesnt do anything, can anyone help me? | 04:20 |
sunilonln | no responses on nonfunctional brightness keys in gutsy? | 04:20 |
threethirty | MilitantPotato: i guess my real qusetion is, if i set another HDD to be an extened partion, will my server (an old p2) freak out an d not boot (requires a smaller boot drive) or will i beok | 04:20 |
karnonas | not but it would allow u to access it so u can backup your info if need be | 04:20 |
karnonas | do u know how to edit grub? | 04:20 |
travm | yeah | 04:20 |
Retsej | also, FYI, the files I;m using to test are the example ubuntu files and sax that came with the computer | 04:21 |
Retsej | er | 04:21 |
Retsej | the OS | 04:21 |
travm | I tried the super grub disk too, it didnt work | 04:21 |
Harcourt | bleh, I'm just gonna install using 7.04 and upgrade | 04:21 |
travm | atm I dont want to kill ubuntu now. | 04:21 |
foxjazz | I installed 7:10 ok | 04:21 |
karnonas | have you tried a few option with trying to boot into you windows drive? | 04:21 |
travm | I didnt try much | 04:21 |
Squalish | Travm - is this your only computer? | 04:21 |
karnonas | k | 04:21 |
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travm | squalish: no | 04:21 |
maniaxmax | anyone mind helping me with my mouse issue? | 04:22 |
=== bur[n]e1 is now known as burne1 | ||
Squalish | that's good. You could try taking the hard drive out, plugging it into your other comp, and backing up whatever you can get at | 04:22 |
foxjazz | gparted is scanning scanning scanning blah bla | 04:22 |
MilitantPotato | maniaxmax: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1774165&postcount=2 | 04:22 |
travm | squalish: its a laptop :( | 04:22 |
boontoo | how do i edit the registry with ubuntu? | 04:22 |
shirish | Flannel: Flynsarmy: guys this is what I've done at http://pastebin.ca/754669 is that good enough? | 04:22 |
Squalish | travm - do you have internal access to another desktop? | 04:22 |
karnonas | do u have something like | 04:22 |
karnonas | titleWindows 95/98/NT/2000 | 04:22 |
karnonas | # root(hd0,0) | 04:22 |
karnonas | # makeactive | 04:22 |
karnonas | # chainloader+1 | 04:22 |
Flannel | boontoo: There is no registry in Ubuntu | 04:22 |
foxjazz | did I run gparted incorrectly? | 04:23 |
=== burne1 is now known as burner | ||
MilitantPotato | threethirty: extended partitions are ususaly used after you've created the max (3?) primary partitions. | 04:23 |
boontoo | sorry i mean, Flannel how do i edit my xp partitions registry with ubuntu | 04:23 |
travm | its abit fuzzy now, but no i only had ubuntu in there | 04:23 |
Retsej | one last thing, how do I set the output preferences in VLC? | 04:23 |
Retsej | for the audio, I mean | 04:23 |
karnonas | add this line into the grab | 04:23 |
karnonas | one sec | 04:23 |
maniaxmax | MilitantPotato: Thanks | 04:23 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: Does it still display warnings? | 04:23 |
MilitantPotato | maniaxmax: as for what your question was, I've no idea, sorry. | 04:24 |
travm | i thought the super grub disk took care of that for me, i actually read to put that into my grub, but i also read that the "super grub disk" would do it all for me. | 04:24 |
karnonas | titleWindows 95/98/NT/2000 | 04:24 |
karnonas | root(hd0,0) | 04:24 |
karnonas | makeactive | 04:24 |
karnonas | chainloader+1 | 04:24 |
karnonas | 04:24 | |
shirish | Flynsarmy: nope, it doesn't seems that fixed it. :) | 04:24 |
MilitantPotato | Retsej: in terminal type man vlc | 04:24 |
boontoo | Flannel: how do i edit my windows registry from the ubuntu partition | 04:24 |
karnonas | that should do it for you | 04:24 |
=== jds2001_ is now known as jds2001 | ||
karnonas | maked sure you are root before doing thjis | 04:24 |
gluonman | I'm trying to use Splash Screen in System -> Preferences -> Splash Screen to install a new splash screen, but every time I push install and click on an image, the Splash Screen program just quits and nothing happens. | 04:24 |
Davo_ | Can someone look at my syslog and stop my computer from slowing down? http://pastebin.ca/754673 | 04:25 |
Flannel | boontoo: I have no idea. There are windows live CD things that ought to allow you to do that | 04:25 |
karnonas | your brub is located in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 04:25 |
MilitantPotato | travm: is windows on hd0,0 ? | 04:25 |
karnonas | *grub | 04:25 |
boontoo | unless your laptop comes with vista installed and u dont have the cd | 04:25 |
dmaresca | dmarescajr@dmarescajr-desktop:~$ sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=Linux //Virtual-Win2kp/vb /mnt/vb | 04:25 |
dmaresca | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //Virtual-Win2kp/vb, | 04:25 |
dmaresca | missing codepage or helper program, or other error | 04:25 |
dmaresca | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 04:25 |
dmaresca | dmesg | tail or so | 04:25 |
travm | militantpotato: yes, i think so | 04:25 |
dmaresca | whats that error in english? | 04:25 |
MilitantPotato | travm: open gparted, make sure. | 04:25 |
Davo_ | MY PC slows down after being used for a while. | 04:25 |
Davo_ | *my | 04:25 |
dmaresca | and how the fuck is it worng?!~??!?! | 04:25 |
Davo_ | *My | 04:25 |
dmaresca | mount -t smbfs -o username=dlightman //development/project-code /mnt/pcode | 04:26 |
dmaresca | and how the fuck is it worng?!~??!?! | 04:26 |
dmaresca | :((( | 04:26 |
dmaresca | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //Virtual-Win2kp/vb, | 04:26 |
dmaresca | that one is mine | 04:26 |
travm | well, it should be, i'm still getting used to calling drives by hd(blah blah) instead of letters :) | 04:26 |
dmaresca | err | 04:26 |
burner | dmaresca: chill out... breathe | 04:26 |
dmaresca | sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=Linux //Virtual-Win2kp/vb /mnt/vb | 04:26 |
dmaresca | why is it wrong | 04:26 |
dmaresca | please tell me | 04:26 |
oshiii-_^ | !language | 04:26 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:26 |
dmaresca | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //Virtual-Win2kp/vb | 04:26 |
travm | can i check from within ubuntu what my partitions are? | 04:26 |
burner | because you don't have a space after Linux as the username | 04:26 |
dmaresca | This is a example from the website | 04:26 |
dmaresca | <dmaresca> mount -t smbfs -o username=dlightman //development/project-code /mnt/pcode | 04:26 |
dmaresca | hmmm | 04:27 |
dmaresca | i do | 04:27 |
jrib | dmaresca: use a pastebin and watch the language please | 04:27 |
burner | dmaresca: you shouldn't use smbfs anyway... cifs is much better | 04:27 |
dmaresca | there is a space | 04:27 |
jrib | !pastebin > dmaresca (read the private message from ubotu) | 04:27 |
Davo_ | dmaresca: the double slash on //development | 04:27 |
MilitantPotato | travm: gparted | 04:27 |
burner | !cifs | dmaresca | 04:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cifs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:27 |
dmaresca | im using smbfs kthx | 04:27 |
travm | hrm... | 04:27 |
burner | well, ubotu doesn't know, but cifs is hip ;) | 04:27 |
dmaresca | Dave123: the double slash is fine? | 04:27 |
burner | dmaresca: cifs is samba, but upgraded | 04:27 |
dmaresca | samba's site shows two /'s | 04:27 |
Davo_ | oh samba | 04:28 |
* Davo_ runs | 04:28 | |
Davo_ | anyone looked at my pastebin? | 04:28 |
burner | dmaresca: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12306 | 04:28 |
bullgard4 | In order to report an error to Launchpad one has to associate it to a 'project'. What is the Ubuntu associated project for reporting an error with suspend-to-disk? | 04:28 |
Squalish | Travm - do you have gparted installed? For some reason Gutsy uninstalled mine. | 04:28 |
Squalish | !gparted | 04:28 |
ubotu | GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 04:28 |
karnonas | travm goto private chat i can help ya out | 04:28 |
travm | well, that will take the night for a download :( , thanks for the help, I will check my drive out then edit my grub list accordingly. | 04:28 |
foxjazz | what's a good way to format a drive? | 04:29 |
bloony | hum.. my install has stopped at "scanning the mirror.." | 04:29 |
MilitantPotato | with gparted travm :) | 04:29 |
jrib | foxjazz: gparted | 04:29 |
dmaresca | thx | 04:29 |
gluonman | Can someone help me? I'm having difficulty with my Splash Screen editor. | 04:29 |
Slovak123 | Holaaaaaa | 04:30 |
kelvie | How do you get a new IP from the dhcp server in ubuntu? | 04:30 |
travm | squalish: yeah, i have to install it, im on xubuntu its "light weight" | 04:30 |
SuperLag | anyone here have a Dell Latitude D600? | 04:30 |
CoolRazor | I need help setting up a brand new e-mail server for home. Anyone wanna lend a hand? | 04:30 |
burner | kelvie: network manager should just automatically do it... or you can do "sudo dhclient eth0" at a term | 04:30 |
kelvie | burner: thanks :) | 04:31 |
Squalish | Am I mistaken in thinking that GpartEd would be used to mount his NTFS partition if it had become unmounted somehow? Or is there another GUI way to do that | 04:31 |
Squalish | surely there's a console method as well | 04:31 |
burner | dmaresca: http://joey.ubuntu-rocks.org/blog/2007/04/25/resolution-to-mounting-samba-shares-dont-use-smbfs/ | 04:31 |
dell | how do i get my 915 resolution package to work onmy dell d420? | 04:31 |
burner | Squalish: places -> computer -> double-click the ntfs drive | 04:31 |
travm | I just have a folder called windows inside /media, and it just happens to be the same size as my windows drive was supposed to be, and it has about the same amount of used space. yet it is empty, and windows dont boot no more | 04:32 |
burner | dell: are you using gutsy? i don't think 915 resolution is necessary anymore | 04:32 |
dell | im using 7.10 | 04:32 |
bullgard4 | foxjazz: Gnome_partition_editor = Gparted | 04:32 |
Squalish | Burner - that doesn't assume it's already mounted? | 04:32 |
Picasso^ | Okita, Where do I go to configure my apache web server | 04:32 |
Mal- | im useing cftp, how do i upload anybody know? | 04:32 |
burner | dell: dell, you try the "intel" driver instead of "i810" in screens and graphics? | 04:32 |
burner | Squalish: nope... it's a different icon if it's unmounted | 04:33 |
bloony | how do I unmount | 04:33 |
bloony | _ | 04:33 |
Picasso^ | Sorry, question was for anyone.. Where do I go to configure my apache web server | 04:33 |
bloony | ? | 04:33 |
jrib | Picasso^: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf | 04:34 |
Picasso^ | jrib, thank you | 04:34 |
Mal- | im useing cftp, how do i upload anybody know? | 04:34 |
travm | bloony: man umount | 04:34 |
Mal- | oops | 04:34 |
Picasso^ | lets hope I can figure it out | 04:34 |
Squalish | Picasso - start with google, there's better documentation for that than you'll ever find here or in a helpfile | 04:34 |
bullgard4 | Um einen Fehler an Launchpad zu berichten, muß man ihn einem 'Projekt' zuordnen. Wie heißt das Ubuntu-Projekt, wenn man einen Fehler bei Suspend-to-Disk berichten will? | 04:34 |
jrib | Picasso^: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/ and #apache are good resources | 04:35 |
bloony | thx | 04:35 |
dell | can i runIE in ubuntu? | 04:35 |
foxjazz | no, freak | 04:35 |
sledge__ | dell, yap, but why would you? | 04:35 |
ShakaGoldSaint | hey ppl, random question, how does gutsy set up xgl?, once i installed the package xserver-xgl i only had to restart my session and voalá!, fushion was there... does it run gdm under xgl or it does the session thingy? | 04:35 |
Skeesh | can anyone help with installing off a USB drive? | 04:35 |
dell | i need it to test my htl code | 04:35 |
danbhfive | dell: yes, you should use google to find it | 04:35 |
travm | dell, try wine, but lol. | 04:35 |
dell | how do i do it? | 04:35 |
burner | dell: check out wine-doors | 04:35 |
foxjazz | dell why would you want to run IE | 04:35 |
foxjazz | dell just run a windows shell | 04:36 |
s00p | can you install off an external hdd? | 04:36 |
danbhfive | dell: there is a project which installs several IEs on ubuntu | 04:36 |
CoolRazor | where's a channel setting up an e-mail server in Ubuntu (i.e. exim4)? | 04:36 |
burner | foxjazz: to test websites... he said | 04:36 |
MilitantPotato | foxjazz: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page | 04:36 |
burner | dell: www.wine-doors.org for ie on ubuntu | 04:36 |
dell | dan what is t called? | 04:36 |
shirish | anybody here who has set mediawiki on his desktop ? | 04:36 |
MilitantPotato | foxjazz: great program | 04:36 |
foxjazz | dell oohhh, run a virtual pc, win xp, and wahala | 04:36 |
gluonman | Hello? I need help with my splash screen editor. | 04:36 |
Squalish | shirish - explain what you mean | 04:37 |
danbhfive | dell: IEs4Linux is the name | 04:37 |
twoshadetod | anyone know a site that has pictures of old computers? | 04:37 |
MilitantPotato | danbhfive: beat ya too it :) | 04:37 |
shirish | Squalish: I'm trying to have a mediawiki server on my desktop, I'm using http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Running_MediaWiki_on_Ubuntu#Configure_MediaWiki as a guide | 04:37 |
Squalish | twoshadetod - how old | 04:37 |
theob | Sorry to be annoying, but does anyone happen to know of a website that lists comparable pieces of software? I was at one a few months ago, but I don't remember the name. It just has links to similar things, shows their liscence type/price, and had ratins | 04:37 |
burner | shirish: i think mediawiki is in the repositories | 04:38 |
foxjazz | so what't the difference between ext2 and ext3 file systems? | 04:38 |
theob | I used it to find Dia... any chance someone knows what I'm talking about? | 04:38 |
shirish | Squalish: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Running_MediaWiki_on_Ubuntu#Configure_MediaWiki | 04:38 |
burner | !info mediawiki | 04:38 |
ubotu | mediawiki: website engine for collaborative work. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.10 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB | 04:38 |
dmaresca | now in ubuntu | 04:38 |
theob | I figured this might be a good place to ask | 04:38 |
sledge__ | dell, you can also checkout IEs4Linux. If you really need to test codes and other stuffs, I think the best way is to install VirtualBox and install windows on it | 04:38 |
dmaresca | how do i share a folder | 04:38 |
twoshadetod | Squalish, 8088/86ish | 04:38 |
dmaresca | in ubuntu | 04:38 |
dmaresca | anyone? | 04:38 |
Squalish | shirish - "on your desktop" = on your home computer? | 04:38 |
pixelhiba | hello | 04:38 |
shirish | burner: I know I tried it yesterday, but it installs them in a different place altogether | 04:38 |
twoshadetod | Squalish, I want the next model up from thsi one http://stores.ebay.com/Vintage-Computer-Marketing-Services_Vintage-Computers_W0QQfsubZ2QQfrsrcZ1 | 04:38 |
shirish | Squalish: correct, on my home computer | 04:38 |
theob | nevermind, found it | 04:38 |
theob | osalt.com incase anyone was wondering. | 04:38 |
dmaresca | n/m i got it | 04:38 |
dmaresca | System > Admin > Shared Folders | 04:38 |
dmaresca | :D | 04:38 |
burner | dmaresca: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/SAMBA_Filesharing | 04:39 |
fload | im having trouble finding some things on synaptic... like i read some tutorials an people on fiesty are finding software that i cant on gutsy.. ive enabled every source i could find.. | 04:39 |
fload | anyone know where im going wrong? | 04:39 |
shirish | Squalish: burner: any help would be appreciated | 04:39 |
burner | fload: what packages are you looking for specifically? | 04:39 |
fload | aircrack-ng kismet | 04:39 |
twoshadetod | http://cgi.ebay.com/Very-Rare-Samsung-S330-8088-Computer-Works_W0QQitemZ200072366144QQcmdZViewItem i mean | 04:39 |
fload | a few others i cant think of at the time | 04:39 |
burner | shirish: it modifies apache.conf to point localhost/wiki or localhost/mediawiki to the /etc/mediawiki directory | 04:40 |
pixelhiba | I'm a hungaryan user of 7.10.i have 3-4 probles with my desktop system. sombody support me? | 04:40 |
burner | shirish: try help.ubuntu.com/community ? | 04:40 |
Squalish | shirish - do you have PHP, MySQL, and Apache working? | 04:40 |
twoshadetod | I had the next one up, mine had cga monitor, 32meg hard drive, 3.5 1.44 (yeh i know seems too advanced) 5.25 1.44mb i think 640k of ram | 04:40 |
hagabaka | how do i list installed packages with their sizes? | 04:40 |
shirish | Squalish: I think so, anyway to check them? | 04:40 |
sledge__ | pixelhiba, shoot out you problem, somebody will answer for sure | 04:40 |
pixelhiba | ok | 04:41 |
JohnRobert | I get messages like this in dmesg: [ 38.034279] iwlwifi_rc80211_simple: Unknown symbol iwlwifi_ieee80211_rate_control_unregister | 04:41 |
JohnRobert | << Looks like some module is playing up, any idea what that module is and if/how I can disable it? | 04:41 |
Squalish | shirish - not an expert. But once those are working, I think you can follow a normal server installation guide | 04:41 |
JohnRobert | my system seems a bit unstable because of it (well, maybe because of it) | 04:41 |
shirish | Squalish: a noob here, so no issues at all. | 04:41 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: create a page with the text <?php phpinfo() ?> and stick it in your apache directory then open it | 04:42 |
dell | what is vitualbox? | 04:43 |
MilitantPotato | twoshadetod: http://phantom.sannata.ru/museum/img/philips_pc_16_05/tn_011.jpg | 04:43 |
burner | dell: virtualization software... similar to parallels on a mac or vmware | 04:43 |
Flynsarmy | dell: virtualbox is virtualisation software. It lets you run other operating systems in a 'virtual pc' | 04:43 |
MilitantPotato | twoshadetod: from http://phantom.sannata.ru/museum/philips_pc_16_05.shtml | 04:43 |
fload | how can i get more sources for synaptic? | 04:43 |
sledge__ | dell, it's a virtualization software. lets you runs OS on top of another | 04:43 |
dell | can i install xp on a ubuntu box? | 04:43 |
twoshadetod | MilitantPotato, very nice mine had a turbo button | 04:43 |
matux | hi, i need some help, I have upgrade to gutsy but now I cannot change my monitor display resolution , to lower than 1280*1024 | 04:43 |
dena | hey can someone give me a hand I just set up my second monitor in gutsy and now compiz is broke... http://pastebin.ca/754682 | 04:43 |
twoshadetod | i think it was from 8 to 16mhz but not sure | 04:43 |
burner | dell: with virtualbox or vmware or some other virtualization technique... yes :) | 04:44 |
Flynsarmy | float: add them to /etc/apt/sources.list. | 04:44 |
Markov | hi | 04:44 |
sledge__ | dell, using a virtualization software, yes | 04:44 |
MilitantPotato | twoshadetod: samsung? | 04:44 |
MilitantPotato | What model number? | 04:44 |
Squalish | dell - set up a seperate partition and you can dual-boot anything alongside ubuntu, if you're not into virtualization | 04:44 |
Thanatos | Do you guys know why I get this error message when I try to save onto my external HD? 'You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.' | 04:44 |
twoshadetod | MilitantPotato, I want to say samsung but the fujitsu looks familiar also | 04:44 |
fload | flynsarmy: where do i find them | 04:44 |
twoshadetod | MilitantPotato, not sure it ran dos 3.3/5 which ever exists one does not I beleive | 04:44 |
Thanatos | I already have ntfs-3g | 04:44 |
shirish | Squalish: ok I made a phpinfo.txt file in /etc/apache2/ directory which has <?php phpinfo() ?> in it. Now what? | 04:44 |
twoshadetod | MilitantPotato, it was either an 8088 or 8086 | 04:44 |
Markov | what is the likelihood of loosing valuable data when attempting to dual boot? i guess i'm mostly worried about corrupting the boot partition and having to reformat | 04:45 |
Flynsarmy | fload: A bunch should have been included with ubuntu. If you didn't hvae an internet connection as you were installing they would have all been commented out except for your dvd drive one. Open /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure they're there | 04:45 |
pixelhiba | first porblem: i'm install wine (ubuntuguide.org) and first install utorrent 1.7 | 04:45 |
Squalish | shirish - there are plenty of walkthroughs - try http://lifehacker.com/software/wikipedia/geek-to-live-set-up-your-personal-wikipedia-163707.php | 04:45 |
fload | yea i did all that but im still not seeing stuff that these guides online are talking about... however they are using fiesty is that why? i have every source enabled | 04:46 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: ok I made a phpinfo.txt file in /etc/apache2/ directory which has <?php phpinfo() ?> in it. Now what? | 04:46 |
foxjazz | what's the difference between ext2 and ext3 | 04:46 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: make it phpinfo.php then open a web browser and go to localhost/phpinfo.php | 04:46 |
Squalish | foxjazz - 1 | 04:46 |
twoshadetod | MilitantPotato, came with a sweet game called karateka and a short christmas demo with a mouse | 04:46 |
pixelhiba | and the program seeing in the upper right corner but dont du enithing. and dont see inthe wine uninstall menu to | 04:47 |
Flannel | foxjazz: journalling, and some other stuff, mostly jounralling | 04:47 |
pixelhiba | and sorry for litle english | 04:47 |
erichj | ext2 isn't journaled | 04:47 |
gluonman | I am having difficulty with my Splash Screen editor, can someone please help? | 04:47 |
maniaxmax | Militant potato: I followed those directions in that link about my mouse and it messed up my video settings, can you help me out? | 04:48 |
sledge__ | pixelhiba, which program is on the upper right corner? wine? | 04:48 |
matux | hi, i need some help, I have upgrade to gutsy but now I cannot change my monitor display resolution , to lower than 1280*1024, Is this some kind of bug | 04:48 |
foxjazz | well I asked gparted to create a parti, now I don't see it :< | 04:48 |
danbhfive | matux: are you using an nvidia driver? | 04:49 |
pixelhiba | no. utorrent. | 04:49 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: nope, no dice with making it phpinfo.php, its not coming on localhost/phpinfo.php | 04:49 |
matux | yes I am using an Nvidia driver | 04:49 |
Retsej | One problem gets fixed (somewhat) and I get another problem | 04:49 |
sledge__ | pixelhiba, and you want to remove it? | 04:50 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: Page not found? Denied? | 04:50 |
pixelhiba | yes | 04:50 |
danbhfive | matux: i had trouble setting resolutions and refresh rates. I reported it, and was told that the nvidia driver has some bugs in it. | 04:50 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: Page Not Found | 04:50 |
pixelhiba | and fixit to work. Sledge_ | 04:50 |
foxjazz | so does that mean I won't see the drive, and I just have more space? | 04:50 |
MilitantPotato | twoshadetod: http://asiawatcher.net/pcmuseum/16v-box.GIF ? | 04:50 |
gluonman | QUESTION: Help with Splash Screen editor? | 04:50 |
Markov | is anyone here dual booting windows after running in win for several months? | 04:50 |
sledge__ | cd to /home/user/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/utorrent maybe it has an uninstall program there | 04:50 |
Retsej | alsa won't work and if I use OSS, the computer seems to recognize only one program as playing sounds | 04:50 |
danbhfive | matux: and i forgot, im using nvidia driver also, so maybe you have a similar problem | 04:50 |
DisabledDuck | whats the command line to reconfigure x-server again? | 04:51 |
Markov | xconf? | 04:51 |
matux | <danbhfive>: so wath did you do, still can't change resolution? | 04:51 |
Markov | tab tab tab complete | 04:51 |
pixelhiba | because ktorrent say false informacion to the tracker and i'm banned | 04:51 |
cafuego | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:51 |
twoshadetod | MilitantPotato, here is the EXACT computer but a model or two older, probably one model http://cgi.ebay.com/Very-Rare-Samsung-S330-8088-Computer-Works_W0QQitemZ200072366144QQcmdZViewItem | 04:51 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: Page Not Found at localhost/phpinfo.php , Any ideas? | 04:51 |
danbhfive | matux: well, i can change the resolution, i just have trouble changing the refresh rate | 04:51 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: You need to stikc the file in your apache DocumentRoot folder (by default its /var/www) | 04:51 |
* cafuego steals the wooden leg you won in the war | 04:51 | |
matux | what refresh rate are you using? | 04:52 |
twoshadetod | MilitantPotato, mine was better because it had a CGA monitor instead of mono, had a hard drive and also had a 3.5 high density drive. | 04:52 |
danbhfive | matux: i dont know | 04:52 |
twoshadetod | MilitantPotato, but it looked the same as far as the box, i miss it. | 04:52 |
twoshadetod | MilitantPotato, oh and mine had a turbo button I think, for some reason typing it out makes me second guess myself | 04:52 |
matux | so i'll have to wait for an update on the driver | 04:52 |
twoshadetod | did it or was that my 386? | 04:53 |
twoshadetod | hmmm. | 04:53 |
Skeesh | can anyone help with installing from a USB drive? I have followed the instructions on the wiki EXACTLY and it doesn't work | 04:53 |
danbhfive | you are trying under "screens and graphics" and "screen resolution"? | 04:53 |
gluonman | Help with splash screen editor please! | 04:53 |
sledge__ | pixelhiba, try the location /home/<user>/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ktorrent | 04:53 |
twoshadetod | I know in all certainty that it had a 3.5 1.44mb drive and a 5.25 1.22 both considered "new" at the time | 04:53 |
Thanatos | Do you guys know why I get this error message when I try to save onto my external HD? 'You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.' (I am on Feisty) | 04:54 |
sledge__ | pixelhiba, you can find an uninstall program for ktorrent | 04:54 |
pixelhiba | sledge_ no | 04:54 |
pixelhiba | no the ktorrent | 04:54 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: I have only /var/www/apache2-default/ directory which has no file or folder by the name apache DocumentRoot folder | 04:54 |
MilitantPotato | twoshadetod: so it was a samsung? | 04:54 |
sledge__ | pixelhiba, its not there? | 04:54 |
pixelhiba | sledge_ the utorrent dont work | 04:54 |
CaptainMorgan | what's the command line instruction to list all my hdd's ? | 04:54 |
twoshadetod | yeah | 04:54 |
pixelhiba | sledge_ wait 1 min. | 04:55 |
Helios | can ne1 quickly help a n00b please | 04:55 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: I have only /var/www/apache2-default/ directory which has no file or folder/Directory by the name apache DocumentRoot | 04:55 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: You can find out what your documentroot folder is by opening /etc/apache2/sites-available/default | 04:55 |
sledge__ | pixelhiba, w8..sorry i thought you are trying to uninstall utorrent from wine | 04:56 |
CaptainMorgan | anyone? | 04:56 |
CaptainMorgan | free drinks on the house | 04:56 |
Markov | mount? | 04:56 |
CaptainMorgan | thought it was fdsik | 04:56 |
CaptainMorgan | but I can't get the switches right | 04:56 |
Thanatos | Do you guys know why I get this error message when I try to save onto my external HD? 'You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.' (I am on Feisty) | 04:56 |
Markov | mount will list everything that's mounted | 04:57 |
Markov | hdd's and the rest | 04:57 |
isleshocky78 | Anyone ever gotten this error while booting up Ubuntu? "Host SMBus Controller no enabled!" I can't find anything on google. | 04:57 |
isleshocky78 | It's Ubuntu Server 7.10 | 04:57 |
jak1 | hello room. i'm having a video driver problem and am hoping someone here can help. i changed the graphics card driver from the autoselected intel experimental mode to the one for my actual intel 945 chipset, and that was a big mistake cuz now i'm stuck in 640x480 mode and used to have 1440x900. but when i go change it back, it never takes effect, just stays at intel 945. can anyone help me out? | 04:57 |
pixelhiba | sledge_ gomb@selyem:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files$ dir | 04:57 |
pixelhiba | Common\ Files Internet\ Explorer MagicISO uTorrent | 04:57 |
Skeesh | can anyone help with installing from a USB drive? I have followed the instructions on the wiki EXACTLY and it doesn't work | 04:57 |
jahnkeanate1 | i need help with apachie | 04:58 |
gluonman | PLEASE: splash screen editor problems. Anyone who can help. | 04:58 |
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jahnkeanate1 | apache | 04:58 |
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CaptainMorgan | that's not the one.... | 04:58 |
CaptainMorgan | :( | 04:58 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: from whatever is written there, it seems /var/www/ , here's the output from /etc/apache2/sites-available/default http://pastebin.ca/754694 | 04:58 |
Thanatos | Do you guys know why I get this error message when I try to save onto my external HD? 'You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.' (I am on Feisty, and already have ntfs-3g) | 04:59 |
pixelhiba | sledge_ can you help me to fix uTorrent , or full remove? | 04:59 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: Stick phpinfo.php in /var/www | 04:59 |
jahnkeanate1 | how do i edit the html document in var/www/ | 04:59 |
burner | pixelhiba: ever try www.deluge-torrent.org ? | 04:59 |
jahnkeanate1 | and how do i change the domain name | 05:00 |
Flynsarmy | jahnkeanate1: sudo gedit or sudo nano it. or chmod the folder to something better (i just made mine 777) | 05:00 |
Optimus55 | is there any good graphical tool for mounting /unmounting isos in ubuntu? | 05:00 |
jak1 | can anyone help me change the resolution back to what it used to be? | 05:00 |
Thanatos | jak1: System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution | 05:00 |
Helios | cud ne1 help with my umbuntu installation - i have created my partition, got the d/l iso on disk, now wat? is this a cd i can boot and install from or where do i need to go from here? | 05:01 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: I stuck it, and tried to open it, FF goes into some kinda no. of tabs | 05:01 |
jahnkeanate1 | so sudo gedit /var/www/apache2-default/index.html | 05:01 |
gluonman | This will be the 6th time asking this question. PLEASE. Can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my splash screen editor? | 05:01 |
isleshocky78 | Can anyone point me to somewhere that would know what"Host SMBus Controller no enabled!" means. It stops ubuntu from booting. | 05:01 |
jak1 | thanatos: ty for responding. i tried that but it won't take effect | 05:01 |
pixelhiba | sledge_ ok i'm an open people thanx. but then I want it to remove | 05:01 |
jak1 | it was intel experimental. i changed it to my actual chipset which made the resolution worse andi can't get it back | 05:01 |
pixelhiba | sledge_ the uTorrent | 05:01 |
Flynsarmy | jahnkeanate1: Yes | 05:01 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: You'll have to be a little more specific. I dont' see why tabs would have opened... | 05:02 |
jahnkeanate1 | thanks how do i change domain name | 05:02 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: it tried to open the phpinfo.php file & then when I downloaded the file it just went into many tabs, dunno why | 05:02 |
Thanatos | Do you guys know why I get this error message when I try to save onto my external HD? 'You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.' (I am on Feisty, and already have ntfs-3g) | 05:02 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: OK, if it tried to get you to dl the file rather than opening it as a webpage then PHP isn't installed correctly. | 05:03 |
Skeesh | can anyone help with installing from a USB drive? I have followed the instructions on the wiki EXACTLY and it doesn't work | 05:03 |
Thanatos | I swear it had a simple solution the last time around but I can't seem to remember it at this time. | 05:03 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: damn, ok so now what should I do ? | 05:03 |
gluonman | astro76, I've tried asking a question about 6 times, so I figured I would just point it at someone specific to get some kind of response. I'm having difficulty with my Splash Screen editor. I was wondering if you might be able to help. | 05:03 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: sorry for that | 05:04 |
shooood | any antivirus for ubuntu 7.04 ???????? or no need for antivirus ??????? | 05:04 |
Helios | cud ne1 help with my umbuntu installation - i have created my partition, got the d/l iso on disk, now wat? is this a cd i can boot and install from or where do i need to go from here? | 05:04 |
Flannel | Helios: yes. The CD is bootable | 05:05 |
Helios | ty :) | 05:05 |
dena | what is a good program to watch tv in ubuntu i have a winfast tv2000 xp card | 05:05 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: You'll have to configure whatever apache2 file contains the PHP stuff. try /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf | 05:05 |
jahnkeanate1 | how would i change the domain name of apache | 05:05 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: only 4 lines there | 05:06 |
Thanatos | Do you guys know why I get this error message when I try to save onto my external HD? 'You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.' (I am on Feisty, and already have ntfs-3g) Essentially, I'm asking: How do I turn off read-only for my external HD? | 05:06 |
shirish | <IfModule mod_php5.c> | 05:06 |
shirish | AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3 | 05:06 |
shirish | AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps | 05:06 |
shirish | </IfModule> | 05:06 |
Skeesh | can anyone help with installing from a USB drive? I have followed the instructions on the wiki EXACTLY and it doesn't work | 05:06 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: any ideas? | 05:07 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: does php5.load file exist with a single line saying LoadModule etc? | 05:08 |
gongoputch | so i would like to install ubuntu ... I downloaded burned and booted 7.10 CD, and am staring at an "(initramfs)" promtp ... | 05:09 |
Retsej | MilitantPotato, I fixed my problem | 05:09 |
=== jay is now known as jayzer | ||
MilitantPotato | what was wrong? | 05:09 |
Thanatos | Do you guys know why I get this error message when I try to save onto my external HD? 'You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.' (I am on Feisty, and already have ntfs-3g) Essentially, I'm asking: How do I turn off read-only for my external HD? | 05:09 |
CarlFK | when messing with X I am ending up where it uses xorg.conf.failsafe - how do I make it use the normal one again, other than a reboot | 05:09 |
prak | is there anyone here who understand "patch" command on how it knows which file to update? | 05:09 |
foxjazz | how do you get the file browser to have root access? | 05:09 |
CarlFK | prak: beginning of the patch fie has the fie to update | 05:09 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: yes there is a file called php5.load with a single line saying LoadModule :) | 05:09 |
Retsej | I'm not sure, so I followed the trobleshooting section on reinstalling from a fresh kernal | 05:09 |
CarlFK | foxjazz: you don't :) | 05:10 |
Flynsarmy | foxjazz: Does sudo nautilus work? | 05:10 |
CyberMadz | i got problem with the Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon), i tried do wine on dictionary application (Kamus.exe), but there is problem with the left border, I can not see the vertical scroll bar.. Well, there is no problem with ubuntu 7.04 (because i already install it on many computers) | 05:10 |
swarm | hey | 05:10 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: it says LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so | 05:10 |
CyberMadz | how to fix it? | 05:10 |
prak | CarlFK: so do I have to make sure that I'm looking in the correct directory? | 05:10 |
swarm | how can i return xorg.conf back to default? is there a dpkg-reconfigure command? | 05:10 |
swarm | to put it back how it was when originally installed | 05:10 |
CyberMadz | the screenshot is www.tinyurl.com2j35cx | 05:10 |
isleshocky78 | Should "Host SMBus Controller not enabled!" cause a system not to boot up? | 05:10 |
jayzer | is there a good guide for FastCGI + RoR + Apache2 on Gutsy out there yet? | 05:10 |
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CarlFK | prak: kinda - the .patch can list a dir too, | 05:10 |
jayzer | most of the guides seem to be for feisty or edgy | 05:10 |
CyberMadz | sorry typo... www.tinyurl.com/2j35cx | 05:10 |
bullgard4 | In order to report an error to Launchpad one has to associate it to a 'project'. What is the Ubuntu associated project for reporting an error with suspend-to-disk? | 05:11 |
prak | CarlFK: do i have to list the directory in one of the macro options when i type in "patch -directory=... < patch.diff"? | 05:11 |
CarlFK | bullgard4: you can leave it blank too | 05:11 |
emaconline | hi.. i cant boot using .22 kernel on my gutsy | 05:12 |
emaconline | help please? | 05:12 |
foxjazz | I have a disk now, but can't access it. | 05:12 |
Retsej | then I set my sound outputs to autodetect and capture to silence, since I don't expect to do much microphone work ad the like | 05:12 |
foxjazz | nothign works | 05:12 |
CarlFK | prak: normaly just do patch -p0 < foo.patch | 05:12 |
bullgard4 | CarlFK: Your statement is false. I cannot. Launchpad willnot accept such an error report. | 05:12 |
Retsej | So thank you for pointing me in the right direction | 05:12 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: You able to PM? | 05:13 |
prak | CarlFK: i'll try that then; i'll give you a shout again if i have more problems | 05:13 |
prak | thanks | 05:13 |
MilitantPotato | twoshadetod: http://www.old-computers.com/museum/computer.asp?st=1&c=414 ? | 05:13 |
twoshadetod | nah | 05:13 |
Retsej | Now a completely differant question that isn't too urgent | 05:13 |
Retsej | Are there any tools for linux for music composition? | 05:13 |
Thanatos | !external | 05:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about external - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 05:14 |
Thanatos | Do you guys know why I get this error message when I try to save onto my external HD? 'You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.' (I am on Feisty, and already have ntfs-3g) Essentially, I'm asking: How do I turn off read-only for my external HD? | 05:14 |
foxjazz | damnit | 05:14 |
kudar | anyone know about slow wireless with intel 4965 wifi card? | 05:14 |
racarter | how do i set it so nautilus just shows the adobe logo (or any logo) intead of the pdf preview? | 05:14 |
racarter | i also want chm files to show the chm logo | 05:15 |
racarter | i have xchm installed | 05:15 |
Helios | was here a sec ago trying to install - gettin error - your installation cd-rom couldnt be mounted....ne ideas?? | 05:15 |
Thanatos | Do you guys know why I get this error message when I try to save onto my external HD? 'You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.' (I am on Feisty, and already have ntfs-3g) Essentially, I'm asking: How do I turn off read-only for my external HD? | 05:15 |
Retsej | lemme double check, but I think you just right click on the icon of you external hard drive and switch permissions to read and write. | 05:15 |
Zippy2 | Thanatos: is it ntfs? | 05:15 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: yes, I'm able to PM, just got distracted for a moment | 05:15 |
bullgard4 | Thanatos: Read chmod - change file access permissions. | 05:15 |
racarter | someone is going to tell you to install ntfs-config | 05:15 |
MilitantPotato | Thanatos: sudo chown -R "yourusername" /media/drivename | 05:16 |
MilitantPotato | if you already have ownership, chmod like bullgard4 said. | 05:16 |
emaconline | hi.. i cant boot using .22 kernel on my gutsy | 05:16 |
Thanatos | MilitantPotato, Zippy2, bullgard4, racarter: After asking the same question 8 times, I get 4 responses at the same time! Gimme a sec to try it all out. | 05:17 |
prak | CarlFK: here's the printout: http://www.pastebin.ca/754718 | 05:17 |
Retsej | Okay, thanks for all your help! | 05:17 |
prak | is there something seriously wrong with the printout? | 05:17 |
vmlinuz` | emaconline: talk more about your problem, What happens when you try to boot. any error msg at all? | 05:17 |
CarlFK | bullgard4: "n what package did you find this bug? [x] I don't know | 05:17 |
prak | CarlFK: especially on "can't find file to patch at input line 5 | 05:17 |
prak | " | 05:17 |
Helios | was here a sec ago trying to install - gettin error - your installation cd-rom couldnt be mounted....ne ideas?? | 05:18 |
shooood | plz am new to ubuntu i wanna know what is the difference between gnome and kde ???? r they like 2 versions or can choose to use one of them ????? | 05:18 |
CarlFK | prak then you wernt in the right dir | 05:18 |
MilitantPotato | twoshadetod: http://www.old-computers.com/ | 05:18 |
twoshadetod | MilitantPotato, hahaha im already there searching brother | 05:18 |
emaconline | vmlinuz, if i boot using the kernel .20 it works fine.. but when i use the default .22 i only get a black screen.. tried the nosplash option and i get a 'sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit error | 05:18 |
foxjazz | In my system I have a "disk " called disk | 05:18 |
foxjazz | how do I access it via terminal | 05:18 |
jahnkeanate1 | how do i change the domain from this | 05:19 |
prak | CarlFK: in terms of the directory that i've entered? | 05:19 |
prak | that's where i found that file | 05:19 |
bullgard4 | CarlFK: I have found a bug after upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy. Now my s2disk stops ALSA working correctly. So my question is: What DEB program package or 'Ubuntu project' is affected? This is the question that I have. And please do not mirror a question to me which I have put here in the channel. | 05:20 |
mistone | is there a way to see how my ram is allocated physically ( like 2x 512 meg or 1 gig stick ? ) | 05:21 |
mistone | in b4 open up box | 05:21 |
CarlFK | prak: look at the .patch - it is kinda human readable - you might be abe to figure it out | 05:21 |
Helios | trying to install ubuntu - getting error - your installation cd-rom couldnt be mounted....ne ideas?? | 05:21 |
CarlFK | bullgard4: no clue. I would mark "don't know" | 05:22 |
emaconline | vmlinuz, if i boot using the kernel .20 it works fine.. but when i use the default .22 i only get a black screen.. tried the nosplash option and i get a 'sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit error | 05:22 |
bullgard4 | CarlFK: Launchpad does not offer an option to mark 'I don't know.' | 05:22 |
CarlFK | bullgard4: did you start at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | 05:22 |
shooood | plz am new to ubuntu i wanna know what is the difference between gnome and kde ???? r they like 2 versions or can choose to use one of them ????? | 05:23 |
CarlFK | bullgard4: I cut/pasted from that page | 05:23 |
lumpycow | why does Kubuntu 7.10 give me screwed up menu names like in this screenshot http://dominomf.com/smcfiles/index.php?mode=upload&rec=8952&secret=344472.29605405 | 05:23 |
CarlFK | shooood: use gnome | 05:23 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: Just GUI's, if you install Ubuntu you can install kubuntu and have both on the same PC | 05:23 |
Helios | shooood they are just different desktops layouts | 05:23 |
sledge__ | shooood, they are the same. you can choose which one fits you best | 05:23 |
Helios | shooood they are just different desktops layouts | 05:23 |
Helios | trying to install ubuntu - getting error - your installation cd-rom couldnt be mounted....ne ideas?? | 05:23 |
sledge__ | i prefer gnome | 05:23 |
Thanatos | Zippy2: Yeah it's NTFS | 05:23 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: get Ubuntu, then install KDE and log out of Ubuntu and load the KDE enviroment. | 05:24 |
bullgard4 | CarlFK: It is irrelevant how I started Launcpad. Several different starting methods will at the end lead to the requirement me to associate an 'Ubuntu project' to my error report. | 05:24 |
Thanatos | MilitantPotato: chown is taking quite a while. is it converting all files to my ownership, one-by-one? Because this could take all night. | 05:25 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: on one linux install you can have Xfrce (Xubuntu) KDE (Kubuntu) and Gnome (Ubuntu) as well as a couple other desktop enviroments, and switch between them by just logging off. | 05:25 |
fload | im having trouble getting my linksys wusb54G drivers installed.. went through the whole installation process but i cant get the card to use the drivers.. i read somewhere to blacklist but ubuntu wont let me edit the blacklist.. | 05:25 |
MilitantPotato | Thanatos: it's recursive, so yes, it's going to each file. Did you check to see if you had ownership of them before you started? | 05:26 |
CarlFK | bullgard4: if you say so.. I get it in 2 clicks | 05:26 |
foxjazz | how do you enable write permissions | 05:26 |
shooood | militant/ and how can i download this desktop layout | 05:26 |
mistone | how can I see how many watts I am using? | 05:26 |
MilitantPotato | foxjazz: NTFS drive? | 05:26 |
Thanatos | MilitantPotato: No, I didn't. But it just finished. Oh, by the way? It didn't help. I still can't write into the external. | 05:26 |
foxjazz | no | 05:26 |
MilitantPotato | Thanatos: You installed ntfs-config right? did you check the box to enable writing to extranal drives? | 05:27 |
Thanatos | MilitantPotato: Yeah I did. | 05:27 |
foxjazz | Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. | 05:27 |
MilitantPotato | Thanatos: is it mounted? | 05:27 |
Thanatos | MilitantPotato: Yes. | 05:27 |
brian` | is there any way to get network-manager to execute a command when i connect to a certain wireless network? | 05:27 |
Thanatos | MilitantPotato: Should I reboot? | 05:27 |
gomb_ | sledge__ deluge looks good ! :) | 05:27 |
=== albec1 is now known as albech | ||
MilitantPotato | Thanatos: may as well give it a shot. | 05:28 |
brian` | for example, i'd like to run cisco's vpnclient when i connect to my school's wireless network | 05:28 |
shooood | militantpotato/ i mean do i have to download the whole 700 mb cd for each kde and frce ???? | 05:28 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: no. | 05:28 |
foxjazz | MilitantPotato Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. | 05:28 |
jzrake | is anybody aware of nVidia driver bugs that cause system to crash on suspend? | 05:28 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: just grab ubuntu, then you can install KDE after Ubuntu is installed | 05:28 |
CarlFK | bullgard4: example https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/158484 | 05:28 |
shooood | i have ubuntu installed already on my pc | 05:29 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: on it now? | 05:29 |
jzrake | VESA drivers work fine- but NVIDIA drivers crash the machine on suspend. heard of this? | 05:29 |
shooood | militanypotato/ yes | 05:29 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: one second. | 05:29 |
foxjazz | jzrake install with safe mode and then install the nvidia drivers | 05:29 |
shooood | militanypotato/ tyt | 05:29 |
jzrake | is anybody aware of nVidia driver bugs that cause system to crash on suspend? | 05:30 |
foxjazz | jzrake no, I am running nvidia with no prob, 64bit | 05:30 |
cafuego | There could be hundreds, the driver is closed srouce, so who knows? | 05:30 |
shirish | guys how can I know whether a link is a soft link (symlink) or a hard link , how can I differentiate? | 05:30 |
jzrake | i'm on lenovo T61p. | 05:30 |
jzrake | can't use 3D because of the suspend issue | 05:31 |
bullgard4 | CarlFK: Thank you for hinting me at Bug #158484. I appreciate that. It will lead to reconsider my methods to try to file a Launchpad bug report. | 05:31 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: 2 mins. | 05:31 |
shooood | militantpotato/ take ur time | 05:32 |
percy | hello | 05:32 |
ze_ | do i still need Xgl with the latest ati drivers for compiz? | 05:32 |
heatxsink | hello all, if I already know what packages I want to install after going with the ubuntu-server lamp installation, what would someone use to script a configuration setup of an ubuntu box and prompt for network settings | 05:32 |
CarlFK | bullgard4: welcome | 05:32 |
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percy | talking | 05:33 |
percy | nobody live | 05:34 |
percy | all diying | 05:34 |
percy | gloomy | 05:34 |
Thanatos | MilitantPotato: Now my harddrive doesn't even APPEAR -.- | 05:37 |
louist | Is there a place besides gnomelook where I can find good icon themes? | 05:37 |
Thanatos | MilitantPotato: How do I get my HD to appear on my Desktop? | 05:38 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop kde | 05:38 |
MilitantPotato | Thanatos: mount it. | 05:38 |
shooood | militantpotato/ thanks . can i do the same for the frce desktop ???? | 05:38 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: let me check | 05:38 |
shooood | militantpotato/ ok | 05:38 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: well, yes you can, do you want me to get the command? | 05:39 |
Lapinux | is there an easy way to remove the extra entries out of the grub boot menu? i have like 5 kernel entries.... | 05:39 |
Thanatos | MilitantPotato: how? | 05:39 |
Nallep | Lapinux: you need the current default entry and the safe/recovery mode entries, the other ones you can delete | 05:40 |
shooood | militant/ i guess it will be the same right ?? i mean sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop frce right ???????? | 05:40 |
bloony | under the installation when it says installing bootloader the setup window just quits and there is no grub folder when I check in /boot .. Ive tried to install it manualy with grub-install, but get the msg: /dev/sda: "Not found or not a block device." Ive also tried with hd0 .. same msg.. | 05:40 |
Flynsarmy | Lapinux: To change the boot menu edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:40 |
Lapinux | Nallep: I understand that, I was wondering if there was an easy way to do it, or do i have to find the file and manually edit it | 05:40 |
Lapinux | Flynsarmy:ok, so a manual edit is needed | 05:41 |
Nallep | Lapinux: you need to edit the file, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:41 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: yea, pretty much, for the sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, dont add KDE at the end | 05:41 |
shooood | ok | 05:41 |
MilitantPotato | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop | 05:41 |
Nallep | Lapinux: just be sure to keep a backup incase you accidentally delete the wrong entries | 05:41 |
MilitantPotato | do that command, it will do both | 05:41 |
Lapinux | It would be nice if you could tell it say, keep only the newest 3 active in the menu or something | 05:42 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop] | 05:42 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop | 05:42 |
MilitantPotato | I mean. | 05:42 |
Lapinux | Nallep: yeah, i've done it before, just didnt know if there was an app that made it easier than a manual edit... thanks | 05:42 |
Lapinux | to both of you | 05:42 |
bloony | under the installation when it says installing bootloader the setup window just quits and there is no grub folder when I check in /boot .. Ive tried to install it manualy with grub-install, but get the msg: /dev/sda: "Not found or not a block device." Ive also tried with hd0 .. same msg.. | 05:42 |
shooood | militant/ with the kde at the end it want me to download 272Mb and after unpacking it'll be 777Mb while without kde it need 161 archiveand after unpacking it'll be 484 MB | 05:43 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: ctrl+C | 05:43 |
Ubunube | hi folks, I'm havin a heck of a time tryin to mount an external usb drive anybody know how to do this? | 05:43 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop | 05:43 |
shooood | militant / one more question plz . when i type the command with the kde at the end | 05:44 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: the KDE package installs A LOT of stuff, web devel programs, games, and a load of other things. | 05:44 |
DerangedDingo | Ubunube: it should automount, but "sudo mount /media/*drive*" should do it | 05:44 |
kroynos | sup all | 05:44 |
shooood | militant / it said that i don't have space some kind of place in the pc | 05:44 |
chris_ | Can someone look at my thread for me and see if they can help? | 05:45 |
bloony | under the installation when it says installing bootloader the setup window just quits and there is no grub folder when I check in /boot .. Ive tried to install it manualy with grub-install, but get the msg: /dev/sda: "Not found or not a block device." Ive also tried with hd0 .. same msg.. | 05:45 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: how big is your linux partition? | 05:45 |
shooood | militant/ You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/. | 05:45 |
shooood | militant i don't know | 05:45 |
shooood | how can i know | 05:45 |
Ubunube | deranged dingo: it responded with"mount: can't find /media/*drive* in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" | 05:45 |
chris_ | Meh. I'll just post it anyway: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=596855 | 05:46 |
shooood | militant / how can i know how much is my linux partition ???? | 05:46 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: one second | 05:46 |
Nallep | I'm looking for software that can monitor changes made to a system after another piece of software is installed, is there any for linux? | 05:46 |
shooood | militant / ok | 05:46 |
bloony | anyone? | 05:46 |
akbg | anyone know if the new ATI drivers are so good as they say? | 05:46 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: | 05:48 |
shooood | militant/ yes ??? | 05:48 |
MilitantPotato | cd /.. | 05:48 |
MilitantPotato | cd /var/cache/apt/archives | 05:49 |
MilitantPotato | sudo rm *.deb | 05:49 |
akbg | cd /.. doesn't seems so useful | 05:49 |
Nallep | !diffmon | 05:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about diffmon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 05:49 |
shooood | militant/ rem*.deb: command not found | 05:50 |
riotkittie | rm. no e. | 05:50 |
riotkittie | and a space between * and .deb | 05:51 |
Ubunube | hi folks, I'm havin a heck of a time tryin to mount an external usb drive anybody know how to do this?"sudo mount /media/*drive*" was unsuccesful. :) | 05:51 |
psyphen | in2 | 05:51 |
psyphen | nm | 05:51 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: copy this and right click>paste in terminal | 05:51 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: wait | 05:51 |
Nallep | !filetraq | 05:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about filetraq - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 05:51 |
shooood | militant/ ok | 05:51 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: show me your terminal prompt | 05:51 |
riotkittie | Ubunube: how many internal hard drives do you have? 1? | 05:51 |
shooood | militant/ shooood@shooood-desktop:/var/cache/apt/archives$ | 05:52 |
riotkittie | Ubunube: and what file system is your external? | 05:52 |
foxjazz | anyone use virtualbox? | 05:52 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: copy and paste this | 05:52 |
MilitantPotato | sudo rm *.deb | 05:52 |
Ubunube | riotkittie 2 internal, external is nfts | 05:52 |
riotkittie | Ubunube: are your internals hdas or sdas? | 05:52 |
Ubunube | riotkittie sda | 05:53 |
shooood | militant/ i take a while then | 05:53 |
MilitantPotato | akbg: the new ATI drivers suck. | 05:53 |
shooood | militant/ shooood@shooood-desktop:/var/cache/apt/archives$ | 05:53 |
akbg | MilitantPotato: *sigh* | 05:54 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: type dir | 05:54 |
riotkittie | Ubunube: try this: sudo mkdir /media/external && sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 /media/external [depending on cd drives you may need to sdd or sde, or sdf... if that doesnt work you might try hda1 but it's probably not hda] | 05:54 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: it should say "lock partial" | 05:54 |
bullgard4 | [Gutsy Gnome] English help wanted: What is the English name of the Gnome menu item under System > Preferences? Is it 'Audio' or 'Sound' or what? (Pressing on it will open a 'Preferences' dialog.) | 05:54 |
Ubunube | riotkittie: thanks, I'll try it now | 05:54 |
shooood | militant/ yes | 05:54 |
riotkittie | bullgard4: Sound | 05:54 |
Jimdb | hda is the device and hda1 would be the first partition on the device. | 05:54 |
MilitantPotato | akbg: the new ATI drivers break suspend, and the AIGLX is buggy, xorg gets 100% cpu usage scrolling firefox. | 05:55 |
kroynos | sound | 05:55 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop | 05:55 |
* riotkittie looks at Jimdb | 05:55 | |
shooood | while am in /ver..... | 05:55 |
JohnRobert | is there a way to make totem quit out when it hits the end of it's file/playlist? | 05:55 |
shooood | or exit first | 05:55 |
akbg | MilitantPotato: it's worse than before? :| | 05:55 |
kroynos | anybody know a link that i can get for PHP-Generator for Gnome? | 05:55 |
bullgard4 | riotkittie: Thank you. And pressing on it will open the 'Sound Preferences' dialog? | 05:56 |
Ubunube | riotkittie: NTFS is either inconsistent, or you have hardware faults, or you have a | 05:56 |
Ubunube | SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows | 05:56 |
Ubunube | then reboot into Windows TWICE. The usage of the /f parameter is very | 05:56 |
Ubunube | important! If you have SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first you must activate | 05:56 |
Ubunube | it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g. | 05:56 |
MilitantPotato | MilitantPotato: Yep, except you don't need XGL. | 05:56 |
Ubunube | /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation | 05:56 |
riotkittie | bullgard4: yes | 05:56 |
Ubunube | BAH | 05:56 |
MilitantPotato | !pastebin | Ubunube | 05:56 |
ubotu | Ubunube: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:56 |
bullgard4 | riotkittie: Thank you very much. | 05:56 |
riotkittie | Ubunube: ooh. that sounds ugly, and is out of my league :P | 05:56 |
slackorama | my update manager crashed upgrading to gutsy but my system seems upgraded. are there any commands I can run to verify things are ok? | 05:58 |
MilitantPotato | Ubunube: That happens when I don't shutdown windows properly and boot into linux, my NTFS drives won't mount. | 05:58 |
MilitantPotato | slackorama: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:58 |
Jimdb | slackorama: try update-manager -d to force it to run again and see what happens. | 05:58 |
MilitantPotato | slackorama: or that. | 05:59 |
Ubunube | militant potato: my last shutdown was clean, of course i didn't try rebooting twice | 05:59 |
slackorama | ok, thanks. | 05:59 |
Ubunube | riotkittie: thanks btw | 05:59 |
MilitantPotato | Ubunube: Can you boot into Windows? | 05:59 |
shooood | militant/ [URL=http://img151.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotdd5.png][IMG]http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/2138/screenshotdd5.th.png | 06:00 |
ccrt | hi | 06:00 |
Ubunube | militantpotato: yes indeed | 06:00 |
ccrt | iamnewhere | 06:00 |
ccrt | no one? | 06:00 |
slackorama | MilitantPotato: guess things are ok. says it's up to date. | 06:01 |
Quake_cn | right now i have a problem with azureus.it's about the ipfilter,recently i turned to ubuntu,but when i try to block a list of ips,it failed,can anyone be of help?or knowing why?it would be much appreciated. | 06:01 |
MilitantPotato | Ubunube: Do that, and run a check disk + fix errors | 06:01 |
ccrt | what's this chatroom about,i am playing someones computer | 06:01 |
mynyml | anyone knows a good way to input japanese text? | 06:01 |
levander | I want to be able to left-click on my desktop and get a list of open applications. Like Alt-Tab, but with the mouse, and problem just a menu list instead of the big graphic in the center of the screen. Anyone know how to do this? | 06:01 |
MilitantPotato | slackorama: sudo apt-get check | 06:01 |
KL | hi everybody | 06:01 |
levander | oh hello KL, how are you? | 06:01 |
ccrt | hi | 06:01 |
levander | you too ccrt, it's nice to see you | 06:01 |
MilitantPotato | levander: are you using compiz? | 06:02 |
shooood | militant/ http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/2138/screenshotdd5.png | 06:02 |
levander | MilitantPotato: yeah, just upgraded to Gutsy | 06:02 |
Ubunube | I'm off to reboot, I'll be back to let you know how it went. I really apprectiate the help folks. Thank you | 06:02 |
ccrt | yeah,nice,and i am chinese,realy fish here | 06:02 |
levander | MilitantPotato: Compiz is working. | 06:02 |
MilitantPotato | sbkk | 06:02 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: too small | 06:02 |
Pug_ | I'm new to linux, anyone know an easy walk through to get a wusb54gs running on ubuntu? | 06:02 |
shooood | militant/ ok | 06:02 |
slackorama | MilitantPotato: nothing odd there either it seems like. ends with "reading state information...done" | 06:03 |
levander | MilitantPotato: any idea how to do that? | 06:03 |
soror | Oy, is there any sort of resource that is the equivalent of 'So, you've finally decided to tell Microsoft where to stick it...here's how to use Ubuntu.'? | 06:03 |
ccrt | u all linux kings? | 06:03 |
MilitantPotato | levander: looking :) | 06:03 |
MilitantPotato | slackorama: have you rebooted since then? | 06:04 |
shooood | militant/ http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/9752/screenshotbw5.png | 06:04 |
levander | soror: just download a LiveCD and boot your computer off it, don't have to install Ubuntu to try it out, just boot off the LiveCD | 06:04 |
soror | levander: I've got it installed and running, and I can tinker with it, but I'm looking for a guide of some sort. | 06:04 |
KL | levander,fine thanks, i have i little problem, hope you or someoneelse could help me, i have gutsy installed, but when i boot my monitor turns off, I edit the usplash.conf and set the appropiate resolution, also the menu.lst, but didnt result | 06:04 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: you installed linux on a 2gb partition | 06:05 |
levander | soror: It depends on what you want to do with it. What do you want to do? | 06:05 |
Quake_cn | anybody knows why azureus's ipfilter is not working on ubuntu?right now i am lost | 06:05 |
slackorama | MilitantPotato: yes, a few times. | 06:05 |
shooood | militant / what about the 19 Gb ?? | 06:05 |
shooood | militant/ the last line | 06:05 |
soror | levander: I want to know how the file system works, how to fix corrupted/crashing programs (I know how to install them, but when they start crashing out I'm SOL), etc. Just a general 'here's how'. | 06:06 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? | 06:06 |
KL | i also tried to use the start uo manager, but my resolution didnt appear (1680x1050)... | 06:06 |
dena | I'm pretty sure i have it installed correctly | 06:06 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: you should install linux there | 06:06 |
shooood | militant/ can i resize it without formatting ???? | 06:06 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: no. | 06:06 |
shirish | hi all, can somebody help me with configuring/installing mediawiki , I'm stuck up at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Running_MediaWiki_on_Ubuntu#Configure_MediaWiki | 06:06 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: go through the install again, write this bit down | 06:06 |
shirish | can somebody help me | 06:07 |
Bonster | no | 06:07 |
shooood | militant / look i have a problem with installing linux especially with the partitioning step | 06:07 |
MilitantPotato | yea | 06:07 |
shooood | militant / write what ??? | 06:07 |
levander | KL: I think the default boot manager gives you an option to boot into "rescue mode" or "maintenance mode" - get into that and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" (or is it xserver-xcommon?) - that will let you reconfigure the graphics system for X-Windows | 06:07 |
matt__ | i have a question about mounting a second hard drive if anyone has time to answer. I had a second drive that I installed into my computer, and had it working under feisty, but when i upgraded it somehow became unmounted. How would I remount it so it is the same as it was before? I didn't want to mess around with it on my own because it has a lot of files on it that I don't want to mess up in some fashion. | 06:07 |
levander | soror: fixing filesystems is the fsck command. Fixing crashed programs... | 06:08 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: install linux to SDA2 making it "/" or "ROOT" make SDA6 swap | 06:08 |
levander | soror: That's a pretty varied activity. | 06:08 |
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MilitantPotato | shooood: wait | 06:08 |
shooood | militant / ok but how ??? | 06:08 |
MilitantPotato | shooood: can you PM me? | 06:08 |
shooood | yup | 06:08 |
levander | soror: I think what I do for that is just to google for any error message that comes up when a program crashes. | 06:09 |
soror | Eh, as an example - earlier my xChat kept dying every time I opened it, terminal said 'core dumped'...I used the add/remove to take xchat off, then re-installed it...same problem. | 06:09 |
soror | levander: I ended up having to reinstal ubuntu completely | 06:09 |
KL | levander: ok, ill try that, but whats exactly the command xserver-xorg or xserver-xcommon, i dont want to screw my system.. | 06:09 |
levander | soror: If you're pretty newb, I'd try to make sure not to get too deep into stuff. It's lots more fun to learn if you just do it piece by piece and don't try to dive down into the depths too quickly. | 06:09 |
levander | KL: I'm pretty sure it's xserver-xorg. If that's not it, you'll get an error message, then try xserver-xcommon. | 06:10 |
levander | KL: It's a package name that's the last argument. I just don't remember if the package name is xserver-xorg or xserver-xcommon | 06:10 |
KL | levander: ok, thanks, ill try it and see what happend, be right back.. | 06:11 |
john_priest | soror, open it in a termianl and post the output on pastebin or something | 06:11 |
levander | soror: why'd you have to reinstall? | 06:11 |
dena | I'm pretty sure i have it installed correctly | 06:11 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? | 06:11 |
DaMic | So new to ubuntu, whats the correct way to install NIS? | 06:12 |
soror | levander: Sorry, I explained but forgot to tag your name. Prog kept dying, in terminal it said 'core dumped' and I tried to uninstall/reinstall, but it continued to do the same. | 06:12 |
soror | john_priest: I have since fixed the problem, but thank you anyway. | 06:12 |
omegaweopon | How do I make an install from a ter.bz | 06:12 |
soror | levander: To correct it, I ended up reinstalling ubuntu completely. | 06:12 |
nocho | ihave a problm | 06:12 |
levander | soror: What program was it? What repository did you install it from? | 06:12 |
nocho | my Hd kill | 06:13 |
nocho | hdparm | 06:13 |
john_priest | omegaweopon , tar.gz ? | 06:13 |
nocho | :( | 06:13 |
omegaweopon | Tar.bz2 | 06:13 |
DaMic | nocho: do you mean hdparm kill your hd? | 06:13 |
john_priest | what is it exactly? | 06:13 |
levander | soror: What I've done, is when problems like that come up, I just get on the internet and figure out what the problem is when you've got the problem. That's how most people learn. You probably could have learned something about fixing it in the time it took you to reinstall? | 06:14 |
john_priest | source package, misc files... give us a hint lol | 06:14 |
robert_ | somebody should package a Gens package for ubuntu64 | 06:14 |
DaMic | Anyone know how to install stuff on ubuntu server? | 06:14 |
ze_ | you use apt :) | 06:14 |
levander | DaMic: same way you install stuff on everything else, APT's various front-ends | 06:14 |
bullgard4 | riotkittie: What are the English names of the 3 tabs in the Gnome Sound Preferences dialog? Is it 'Devices', ?, 'System bell'? | 06:15 |
DaMic | k, so where is a list of the packages? | 06:15 |
nocho | DaMic, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hdparm/+bug/92288 | 06:15 |
omegaweopon | It's someone build of pcsx, I've been trying for the last 3 days to get a psx emulator running, and pcsx wouldnt let me configure the plugins,. and this guy has all the plugins but when I try to run the pcsx it sayts it isnt configured and to get by I need to run it in terminal whic I cant do without installing it | 06:15 |
jhonovich1 | what is the package that has GCC and other developer tools? | 06:15 |
soror | levander: Xchat, and I'm not sure which it came from. Behold, I am n00b. | 06:16 |
john_priest | omegaweopon, so its a precompiled binary? | 06:16 |
levander | jhonovich1: build-essential is a meta-package that installs all the common C development tools, stuff like make, gcc... | 06:16 |
=== SuperLag is now known as TechBich | ||
omegaweopon | I have no clue, when I open it it looks like just another archive to me | 06:16 |
levander | soror: As a newb, I'd really just stick to the Canonical repositories. XChat is in Canonical. | 06:16 |
jhonovich1 | levander, thank you, i forgot it | 06:16 |
DaMic | nocho: snap, that sucks. I saw the Mandrake installer nuke firmware on drives before. This sucks. | 06:17 |
soror | levander: Thank you for the advice. | 06:17 |
nocho | DaMic, You heard the problem earlier? | 06:17 |
cre8torx | !!!PLEASE HELP i need to find out if there is a easier way to install my wireless ethernet card | 06:17 |
bullgard4 | jhonovich1: Use sudo apt-file update && apt-file search <filename> or packages.ubuntu.com | 06:17 |
DaMic | nocho: not this particular problem | 06:17 |
john_priest | omegaweopon, well there is already pcsx in the repos | 06:18 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? it's a leadtek winfast tv2000 I'm pretty sure it's installed i just can't view it with any of the programs i've downloaded... | 06:18 |
omegaweopon | right but it wont let me configure it. No plugins can be detected no matter where I put them | 06:18 |
jhonovich1 | bullguard, that's a good site, have never seen it before; it's going to help me out, thank you! | 06:18 |
matt__ | I have a question about mounting a second hard drive if anyone has time to answer. I had a second drive that I installed into my computer, and had it working under feisty, but when i upgraded to gutsy it somehow became unmounted. How would I remount it so it is the same as it was before? Sorry about asking such a basic question, but I didn't want to mess around with it on my own because it has a lot of files on it that I don't want to | 06:18 |
matt__ | mess up in some fashion. | 06:18 |
DaMic | nocho: besides a bad hd, I don't know what would make a drive randomly seek endless its under use. My ubuntu 7.10 install isn't seeking the drive currently | 06:18 |
=== TechBich is now known as SuperLag | ||
omegaweopon | A friend dumped a bunch of psx games on me | 06:18 |
sn00p- | Whats the new ubuntu 7.10 called? | 06:19 |
frostburn | what string do i use with gnome to open a file with a different application | 06:19 |
bullgard4 | sn00p-: Gutsy | 06:19 |
cre8torx | gusty gibbons | 06:19 |
cre8torx | 7.1- | 06:19 |
cre8torx | 7.10 | 06:19 |
omegaweopon | (sorry bout accidental enter)and as i was playing one my ps2 broke, and I want to play my games that I have but no matter how hard I try I cant get emulator to work | 06:19 |
nocho | DaMic The problem I have on my laptop | 06:20 |
DaMic | levander: so do you know how I can get a list of the packages available from the CD using apt? I'm looking for a NIS (yp) package does ubuntu offer one, or do I have to find a dep/tar/rpm somewhere else? | 06:20 |
john_priest | what plugins do you need to get going exactly? | 06:20 |
omegaweopon | It wont let me load ANY of them | 06:20 |
omegaweopon | I have all of the plugins but it wont let me select them | 06:21 |
DaMic | levander: check out iostat, lsof,top, /var/messages to see whats going on. If the system is doing *anything* that would explain it | 06:21 |
brad016 | I'm trying to create a virtual machine in VMware-Server, and when I want to save the disk file it says I don;t have permission, how do I get permission | 06:21 |
maniaxmax | How do i get the 2 screensavers found in this video? http://youtube.com/watch?v=Rmz9a9pJR_s | 06:21 |
nocho | DaMic This problem is only for laptop | 06:22 |
john_priest | /home/<username>/.pcsx/plugins/nameofplugin.so | 06:22 |
john_priest | there are like that and such right? | 06:22 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? it's a leadtek winfast tv2000 I'm pretty sure it's installed i just can't view it with any of the programs i've downloaded... | 06:22 |
omegaweopon | yeah but I cant select anything, all the boxes are greyed out | 06:22 |
john_priest | hmmm | 06:23 |
maniaxmax | How do I get the 2 screensavers set up shown in this video? http://youtube.com/watch?v=Rmz9a9pJR_s | 06:23 |
bullgard4 | [Gutsy Gnome] English help wanted: What are the English names of the 3 tabs in the Gnome Sound Preferences dialog? (Gnome main menu System > Preferences > Sound) Is it 'Devices', ?, 'System bell'? | 06:23 |
MilitantPotato | levander: you here? | 06:23 |
DaMic | nocho: k, but you have to narrow what is doing it? Is it only with something thats in your laptop? It it some service you can stop, most likely its a problem in the kernel that a developer will need to fix. | 06:23 |
FluxD | bullgard4: devices sounds syste beep | 06:23 |
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* omegaweopon does some stan uninterpretable dance and yell "I got it!" | 06:24 | |
DaMic | anyone know what NIS is? | 06:24 |
Jimdb | maniaxmax: the screensavers are part of compizfusion...should be in there alerady. you need to go into the config manager for compiz and check the box for screen savers. | 06:24 |
FluxD | !nis | 06:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nis - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:24 |
brad016 | I'm trying to create a virtual machine in VMware-Server, and when I want to save the disk file it says I don;t have permission | 06:24 |
bullgard4 | FluxD: Thank you very much. | 06:24 |
FluxD | np | 06:25 |
omegaweopon | To fix the crash I removed all the plugins from its folder and pointed the system to a new folder | 06:25 |
omegaweopon | Thanks for the help attempt John_Priest. I do appreciate it | 06:25 |
john_priest | alright | 06:25 |
john_priest | it was odd to me | 06:25 |
john_priest | cause it worked out of the box for me | 06:26 |
omegaweopon | Same for myself | 06:26 |
DaMic | FluxD: I know what NIS is although I'm trying to find out if ubuntu would be a good choise to setup as a NIS server otherwise Im going with Fedora that has a weak lifecycle | 06:26 |
brad016 | does anyone know how to get permission to create a virtual machine in vmware server | 06:26 |
john_priest | altho i get alot of gtk errors | 06:26 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? it's a leadtek winfast tv2000 I'm pretty sure it's installed i just can't view it with any of the programs i've downloaded... | 06:26 |
FluxD | DaMic: I have no clue what is it is so was just checking :) | 06:26 |
MilitantPotato | maniaxmax: Those two plugins are not official and unsupported, if you want unsupported plugins you need to locate a Gutsy Compiz-Fusion Repository. | 06:26 |
john_priest | witch is normal for me... made my own lame gtk theme and i dont know wth i was doing | 06:26 |
DaMic | FluxD: k =) | 06:26 |
MilitantPotato | maniaxmax: I BELIEIVE trevino still has a repository. | 06:26 |
omegaweopon | brad016:Check your users preferences isnt there a group called vmware that you add yourself to? | 06:27 |
DaMic | is there an advanced ubuntu channel? | 06:27 |
MilitantPotato | levander: ? | 06:27 |
dekela | Guys | 06:27 |
surface | anyone here get hang while closing lid on dell inspiron laptop? | 06:27 |
shirish | guys anybody here who has installed mediawiki on their desktop/local machine ? | 06:27 |
maniaxmax | Jimdb: Screensavers is not in my configuration for compiz, am I missing something? | 06:27 |
MilitantPotato | DaMic: recarding? | 06:27 |
dekela | You wont believe what just happened to me | 06:27 |
gary_inNYC | and what happened? | 06:27 |
MilitantPotato | regarding* | 06:27 |
brad016 | omegaweopon, where is user prefs | 06:27 |
nrp | surface, is it set to suspend on lid close? if it is, that thatd do it | 06:27 |
DaMic | MilitantPotato: NIS? I'm just trying to find out if ubuntu has a NIS (yp) package | 06:27 |
nocho | DaMic The only thing I wish, it would lower the number of parking hd | 06:27 |
dekela | I tried to zip a big file using zip -r filename.ext . -i filename.zip | 06:27 |
surface | nrp, didn't set anything | 06:28 |
dekela | and it overwrited my original file.. left me with a zero leangth file!!!! | 06:28 |
omegaweopon | Brad016:System>Administration>users and groups | 06:28 |
MilitantPotato | DaMic: Tried #networking yet? | 06:28 |
surface | nrp, sometimes i logout to gdm, it also can hang | 06:28 |
dekela | My file has disssapeared | 06:28 |
brad016 | omegaweopon, ah | 06:28 |
surface | nrp, and i can't press any key, beside hard reboot | 06:28 |
DaMic | MilitantPotato: nope, people using ubuntu there? | 06:28 |
dekela | have you ever heard about it? | 06:28 |
ze_ | I'm really impressed with network manager it works very nicely with my intel wireless | 06:28 |
MilitantPotato | DaMic: maybe, ask them :) | 06:29 |
Jimdb | maniaxmax: you need to install the advanced settings manager to see all the options. they are there, you just have the basic settings manager installed. | 06:29 |
DaMic | MilitantPotato: will try | 06:29 |
nrp | surface, i think it defaults to that. i dont know the specifics of getting suspend working on your laptop. you might want to check the wiki or forums for that. but you can go to System, Preferences, Power Management, and set When laptop lid closed to Blank Screen | 06:29 |
brad016 | omegaweopon, how do i let it know to allow access for vmware | 06:29 |
maniaxmax | Jimdb: how do I go about doing this, Im new to linux... | 06:29 |
surface | strange, no one here uses dell inspiron laptop here facing hang issues? | 06:29 |
DaMic | nocho: reading closer | 06:29 |
surface | nrp, so ubuntu can't support suspend? | 06:29 |
omegaweopon | Select manage groups | 06:30 |
surface | nrp, feisty have no problem | 06:30 |
KL | levander: that didnt work, when i adjust the resolution, it only appears 1680x1050-75hz, not in 60hz, the appropiate conf. and now the graphics are a big mess, luckily i could open this window, compiz and other stuff didnt work, how can i return to the old condfiguration of xorg, i saw a message after the reconfiguring that says a backup was made... | 06:30 |
dekela | Anyway.. Linux is not for me... Still theres a lot of things to improve... I dont get it.. Why copying a large file still has to crash nautilus and zipping a file can cause such destructive results. | 06:30 |
cre8torx | anyone get there wireless internet working | 06:30 |
cre8torx | ? | 06:30 |
ze_ | cre8torx: mine worked fine :) | 06:30 |
maniaxmax | Jimdb well actually my settings manager is called "Advanced desktop effect settings" | 06:30 |
ze_ | cre8torx: hence why I'm impressed | 06:30 |
surface | dekela, nautilus is from gnome, its quite buggy | 06:31 |
dekela | Linux is not for day to day use , Unless u are adventurous | 06:31 |
nocho | DaMic: | 06:31 |
nocho | I am Hispanic speaker, I did not express myself wel | 06:31 |
cre8torx | how did you get it working | 06:31 |
cre8torx | ? | 06:31 |
DaMic | nocho: does the same hold true for you, if you use hdparm does it stop the clicking? | 06:31 |
dekela | surface: So Ubuntu should not use it | 06:31 |
nrp | surface, well, ACPI tends to have issues. its possible you can set it to enter a different sleep mode on suspend, but youre going to need to google around for the specifics on what your model of laptop needs | 06:31 |
DaMic | nocho: until reboot | 06:31 |
surface | dekela, u may try kubuntu | 06:31 |
jshriver | greetings | 06:31 |
Jimdb | maniaxmax: then look to see if you have the compiz extras | 06:31 |
ze_ | well i just clicked on network icon and it had found the wireless networks put the correct key in and bingo i was done | 06:31 |
jshriver | does anyone know of a small online timesheet program? probably php | 06:31 |
dekela | surface: I think I will try Windows with Total Commander | 06:31 |
brad016 | omegaweopon, dude I can't figure out how to allow permission for vmware, please tell m | 06:31 |
brad016 | me | 06:31 |
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_- | ||
kroynos | KL: just remove the xorg.conf and cp xorg.conf.# to xorg.conf | 06:32 |
Joshuaxiong1 | Hi | 06:32 |
omegaweopon | Brad: select manage groups is the a vmware group in there? | 06:32 |
Joshuaxiong1 | Dand so many people | 06:32 |
Jimdb | maniaxmax: in synaptic search for compiz. in there you should see a bunch of plugins. one of them is plugins-main. another is plugins-extras. another is plugins-unofficial, etc, etc etc. | 06:32 |
KL | kroynos: thanks, ill try that | 06:32 |
brad016 | omegaweopon, it still won't work | 06:32 |
Joshuaxiong1 | not safe | 06:33 |
maniaxmax | Jimdb: ok and what all do i need? | 06:33 |
DaMic | nocho: still there | 06:33 |
omegaweopon | Sorry brad thats as far as my knowledge goes. Sorry I couldnt be more assistance | 06:33 |
Jimdb | from what I can tell it is from plugin-extras. you'll just have to experiment till you get the plugin package that has the screensavers. | 06:33 |
DaMic | how do I search packages in ubuntu server, no gui? | 06:33 |
nrp | brad016, did you use the vmware server installer? it's likely its putting the virtual machines in a place you cant write. I imagine it would work if you do sudo vmware. the other option is to reinstall and choose a path in your home directory for where to put virtual machines | 06:33 |
brad016 | nrp, yes | 06:33 |
john_priest | damic apt-cache search nameofpackage | 06:34 |
DaMic | john_priest: thanxs | 06:34 |
Jimdb | maniamax: do you know what synaptic is? | 06:34 |
nocho | DaMic | 06:34 |
nocho | Always clicking, you change the value to 255 to hdparm "sudo hdparm-B 255 / dev / hda" | 06:34 |
brad016 | nrp, nice, so I just ask it to save vm's like in my home folder? | 06:34 |
john_priest | once you find a package you dig or w/e | 06:34 |
Joshuaxiong1 | dang max is 20 | 06:34 |
john_priest | sudo apt-get install nameofpackage | 06:34 |
Joshuaxiong1 | 30 | 06:34 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? it's a leadtek winfast tv2000 I'm pretty sure it's installed i just can't view it with any of the programs i've downloaded... | 06:34 |
Joshuaxiong1 | 5 | 06:34 |
brad016 | nrp, OH and vmware isn;t on the Gusty repo yet | 06:35 |
DaMic | nocho: the link you sent said that a value stopped the clicking using hdparm until reboot | 06:35 |
KL | kroynos thanks, yeah, i already rm the xorg.conf, ill rename xorg..conf.#... to only xorg.conf, right? | 06:35 |
nocho | DaMic | 06:35 |
nocho | Even continues to restart the minute the click hd | 06:35 |
bloony | anyone got time to look at my mbr/bootloader problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=596918 | 06:35 |
nrp | brad016, well, yes, but i think you might have to set that option during the install. itll ask you what path you want to use for virtual machines. I imagine there is a way to reconfigure it after its installed, I just don't know what it is | 06:35 |
maniaxmax | Jimdb: I have Compiz plugins, Compiz Fuzion Plugins Main, and Compiz Fuzion plugins Extra all installed already :( | 06:35 |
DaMic | nocho: are you sure its not a bad hd | 06:35 |
DaMic | nocho: whos the vendor of the hd? | 06:36 |
brad016 | nrp, I no what you mean, oh boy was that a pain steaking prossec though | 06:36 |
amadeos | * llalal | 06:36 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: you out there buddy? | 06:36 |
Jimdb | maniamax: if you type ccsm in a terminal window does it bring up the control panel for compiz and have a long list to scroll through? | 06:36 |
Jimdb | he's spamming us | 06:37 |
Magdin | Hi everyone. Running Gutsy on my notebook, and there is no sound - at all. I reinstalled ALSA drivers (v15), tried to play with different flags, no result. My sound status report is here: http://pastebin.ca/754770 Please help! | 06:37 |
nocho | DaMic | 06:37 |
nocho | I am sure, I checked. The clicks are counted with this command: sudo smartctl-a / dev / hda | egrep 'ID | Load_Cycle' | 06:37 |
shirish | nixternal: can you kick Joshuaxiong1 he is spamming the room | 06:37 |
KL | kroynos, i cant talk in prvate. | 06:37 |
maniaxmax | Jimdb: Yes thats what comes up, but I see no option for screensavers... :( | 06:38 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: Yep | 06:38 |
Jimdb | maniaxmax: you should ensure you have the unsupported plugins too. | 06:38 |
nocho | DaMic Toshiba | 06:38 |
omegaweopon | Does anyone know where the default location for the keyboard device is | 06:38 |
maniaxmax | Jimdb: I didnt see them in Synaptic, how do I go about getting them? | 06:38 |
Jimdb | maniaxmax: i can't say why then. only thing is that it should be a plug in from one of those packages. if it isn't there I can't tell you why it is missing. | 06:38 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: can we pv, I'm at cross-roads need some help, I know the things needed to get mediawiki up but configure is where I'm not good at. | 06:38 |
KL | kroynos: yeah, only is a xorg.conf.(a big number) i just need to rename it to xorg.conf, right? | 06:39 |
Flynsarmy | shirish: Fire away | 06:39 |
maniaxmax | Jimdb: Yeah I didnt have any "unsupported plugins" where would I go to download them? | 06:39 |
Ne1sd | Whats the command for unpacking .tar.bz2 with tar? | 06:39 |
kroynos | tar zxvf | 06:40 |
bloony | anyone got time to look at my mbr/bootloader problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=596918 | 06:40 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: I have set up what stuff is needed to be done for running Mediawiki on desktop at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual_talk:Running_MediaWiki_on_Ubuntu#Desktop_Installation_of_php | 06:40 |
Jimdb | maniaxmax: all of htem are part of the ubuntu repositories. you just need to enable the extra repositories provided by ubuntu. I would do it in the /etc/apt/sources.list file but i don't have the time to explain to you how to edit that file to enable those. you could try yourself and maybe someone else can assist you further. | 06:40 |
Ne1sd | kroynos: gzip: stdin: not in gzip format | 06:41 |
DaMic | nocho: that suck toshiba doesn't have an hd test util | 06:41 |
myusrnm | Hey, is there any grammar check in open office or anything? I'm sure there should be something marked wrong with the sentence "Apollo is a very morally ambiguous character, as we, as an audience cannot decide if his divinity outweigh what seems to be a 'terrible mistake'." but I can't think of what it is, and it's not getting marked wrong. | 06:41 |
KL | kroynos: i already delete the xorg.conf, only is the xorg.conf.####, do i need only to do cp xorg.xonf.### xorg.conf ??? | 06:41 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: I'm sure you haven't do much other than doing a bit of downloading mediawiki as shown as http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Running_MediaWiki_on_Ubuntu | 06:41 |
=== baiju is now known as baijum | ||
nocho | DaMic | 06:41 |
nocho | It seems that not only the problem I have, in any way will be the slope of the problem with hdparm. | 06:41 |
shirish | Flynsarmy: other than that you would be set as everything else is good , unlike me :) | 06:42 |
maniaxmax | Jimdb: Ok, I will see what I can do, Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it | 06:42 |
DaMic | nocho: right, well dude in article was setting some setting with hdparm, he just didn't know how to do it after reboot | 06:42 |
DaMic | nocho: easy hack is to put it in the rc.local file | 06:42 |
epax | shirish: You should always have one xorg.conf as backup if you mess the original one up. | 06:43 |
kroynos | nelsd: sorry here it is bzip2 -cd files.tar.bz2 | tar xvf | 06:43 |
shirish | epax: thanx for the tip, I always do :) | 06:43 |
Magdin | Hi everyone. Running Gutsy on my notebook, and there is no sound - at all. I reinstalled ALSA drivers (v15), tried to play with different flags, no result. My sound status report is here: http://pastebin.ca/754770 Please help! | 06:43 |
=== epax is now known as ePax | ||
bloony | anyone got time to look at my mbr/bootloader problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=596918 | 06:44 |
nrp | myusrnm, there is no grammar checker, kill the second comma, pluralize outweighs, and find a different channel for help with your english homework :p | 06:44 |
Name141 | where is the HOST file located? | 06:46 |
Joshuaxiong1 | Up Your ass | 06:46 |
miked595 | Name141, /etc | 06:46 |
AMDXP | wow | 06:46 |
kroynos | whoa | 06:46 |
Joshuaxiong1 | lol | 06:46 |
Name141 | OK. | 06:46 |
buttercups | !language | Joshuaxiong1 | 06:46 |
ubotu | Joshuaxiong1: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:46 |
nocho | DaMic: Rather, it is changing values in these files */etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf | 06:46 |
nocho | */etc/default/acpi-support | 06:46 |
nocho | */etc/acpi/power.sh | 06:46 |
Joshuaxiong1 | o.o | 06:46 |
miked595 | for shame | 06:47 |
christopher | hello all | 06:47 |
Joshuaxiong1 | Hello noob | 06:47 |
ePax | bloony: As i know you need to have one swap partition (wich is at least double the size of your ram memory if you have litle as 256. i personaly have one gig) one / ext3 partition and optional if you want one /home partition. | 06:47 |
h4rd-2__ | et | 06:47 |
Joshuaxiong1 | lol dumb | 06:47 |
kroynos | sounds like somebody isnt in a good mood tonight | 06:47 |
christopher | i have an issue after installing gutsy im back in 7.04 and all it installs a wifi driver that doesnt work with my card and i am forced to install ndiswrapper any help or point to a documentation would be nice | 06:48 |
KL | kroynos: thank you very much, i worked, i restarted the X and the desktop just fucked up, the i reboot and everything is ok right now.. | 06:48 |
Ne1sd | ePax: Just so you know, you dont "Haft to have" swap | 06:48 |
Bonster | whats the diff between firefox greasemonkey and ubuntu version? | 06:48 |
Ne1sd | ePax: I never use it on my system | 06:48 |
kroynos | AWesome KL glad to help | 06:48 |
bloony | ePax: yeah.. I got that.. but I got a boot one to.. maybe I dont need that? | 06:48 |
Ne1sd | ePax: but thats because I got 1gig ram and dont run any games | 06:48 |
trekkme | is there a script in ubuntu which executes commands, at shutdown? | 06:48 |
christopher | firefox is better | 06:48 |
sanguisdex | so is there a reason that now that I reformated and did a fresh install that smtp server would be timing out when i try to send mail? | 06:48 |
Joshuaxiong1 | !language joerlend__ | 06:48 |
kroynos | your welcome KL | 06:48 |
gary_inNYC | Nelsd how much RAM you have in your system? | 06:48 |
christopher | has anyone ran into problems with ubuntu gutsy and wifi not working? | 06:48 |
Joshuaxiong1 | cool | 06:49 |
Joshuaxiong1 | (11:48:28:pm) <ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:49 |
Joshuaxiong1 | (11:48:33:pm) <Joshuaxiong1> lol | 06:49 |
Joshuaxiong1 | (11:48:34:pm) <ubotu> Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 06:49 |
Joshuaxiong1 | (11:48:42:pm) <Joshuaxiong1> lol | 06:49 |
Joshuaxiong1 | (11:48:47:pm) <Joshuaxiong1> rofl | 06:49 |
Joshuaxiong1 | (11:48:48:pm) <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about rofl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:49 |
DaMic | nocho: huh interesting, it looks like its an acpi problem then | 06:49 |
louist | where are the default icons for HD located? | 06:49 |
riotkittie | that was obnoxious. | 06:49 |
ePax | Ne1sd: Swap is used if you have low memory as i know. Maybe i'm wrong. | 06:49 |
DaMic | nocho: you might try passing noacpi on boot to the kernel just to see what happens (i think thats the right kernel flag) | 06:49 |
Name141 | Alrighty, another thing is, I need to shut off my NIC after 5 AM, I suppose through crontabs. | 06:49 |
levander | MilitantPotato: I just saw you were wanting me, yeah? | 06:50 |
Varka | trekkme: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Skripte/Autostart-Patch | 06:50 |
kroynos | crontabs probably would be best name141 | 06:50 |
Joshuaxiong1 | dang thats fast registration | 06:50 |
DaMic | holly crap, ubuntu just makes things too easy | 06:50 |
KL | kroynos: but my usplash still isnt working, do you know whats the problem? i searched about that and do several things like change the resolution in usplash.conf and set the vga line in menu.lst to 791, but nothing... | 06:50 |
louist | Anybody know where the default icons for hard drives are located? | 06:50 |
MilitantPotato | levander: the plugin is called Scale | 06:50 |
miked595 | Name141, yea root's crontab | 06:50 |
Name141 | Seeing as sometimes I'm not awake then. kroynos: yes, but what is the command for the up/down ? | 06:50 |
Name141 | I forgot | 06:50 |
Varka | trekkme: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/20161/next/ | 06:50 |
christopher | how do i install wine? | 06:50 |
Joshuaxiong1 | Why you people keep saying name first like Joshuaxiong1, and Joshuaxiong1: | 06:50 |
gary_inNYC | christopher just go to synaptic | 06:51 |
levander | MilitantPotato: ping | 06:51 |
DaMic | setup nis, apt-get install nis, edit /etc/defaults/nis and stop restart nis | 06:51 |
Joshuaxiong1 | WTf | 06:51 |
Magdin | Hi everyone. Running Gutsy on my notebook, and there is no sound - at all. I reinstalled ALSA drivers (v15), tried to play with different flags, no result. My sound status report is here: http://pastebin.ca/754770 Please help! | 06:51 |
christopher | o ok sorry for my ignorance i musta missed it | 06:51 |
Joshuaxiong1 | are all these people bot? | 06:51 |
trekkme | Varka: THX | 06:51 |
miked595 | christopher, sudo apt-get install wine | 06:51 |
MilitantPotato | levander: pong | 06:51 |
levander | I just ejected a CD out of my drive. But, that CDROM icon is still on my desktop. How to get rid of it? | 06:51 |
riotkittie | Joshuaxiong1: because in a channel with 1000+ people, it makes sense to address the person with whom you speak. | 06:51 |
levander | MilitantPotato: Did you ever figure out how I could left click on the desktop and get an Application Chooser? | 06:51 |
KL | kroynos: ok, thanks anyway... | 06:51 |
sanguisdex | Magdin: I had that prblem check you PCM volume | 06:51 |
Joshuaxiong1 | Yes | 06:52 |
louist | hey guys. quick general question: where are the default icons for a hard drive located? I gave my USB thumbdrive and my ipod custom icons, but now i want to revert to the originals | 06:52 |
=== Joshuaxiong1 is now known as Jagex | ||
=== Jagex is now known as Zezima | ||
Zezima | l | 06:52 |
gary_inNYC | louist check your /media directory | 06:52 |
Zezima | s | 06:52 |
moDumass | hey all, um, how do i update my songbird? | 06:52 |
MilitantPotato | levander: no, but with scale you can flick the mouse to a corner and get an application chooser. | 06:52 |
gary_inNYC | oops nvm | 06:52 |
Ne1sd | ePax: Yes sort of, a poremans memory solution | 06:52 |
Magdin | sanguisdex: checked right now - its maxed up | 06:52 |
riotkittie | gary_inNYC: he wants icons, not the ... nm :P | 06:52 |
=== Zezima is now known as Runescape | ||
Runescape | wow someone own it | 06:52 |
levander | MilitantPotato: that's good, i'll try that... | 06:52 |
louist | riotkitties, do you know where i can look? | 06:53 |
=== Runescape is now known as Strider3282 | ||
miked595 | louist, i think it's in /usr/local/share | 06:53 |
MilitantPotato | levander: that's what I use, works great. | 06:53 |
Magdin | sanguisdex: i also played with other settings - no result. | 06:53 |
Strider3282 | s | 06:53 |
gary_inNYC | yeah i just realized riotkittie, it's hard sometimes when text is raining like glyphs in the matrix | 06:53 |
=== Strider3282 is now known as Joshuaxiong1 | ||
Ne1sd | ePax: if you must use swap, use a difrent hdd then OS, it speed things up alot | 06:53 |
Joshuaxiong1 | sang | 06:53 |
riotkittie | louist: try /usr/share/icons/ ... not sure exactly where maybe /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ or /usr/share/pixmaps/ ... i forget | 06:53 |
miked595 | ahh yea not local lol | 06:53 |
nocho | DaMic Proof boot the kernel that way | 06:53 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? it's a leadtek winfast tv2000 I'm pretty sure it's installed i just can't view it with any of the programs i've downloaded... | 06:53 |
KL | do anybody know how can i fix my usplash problem, i have an ati 200m card..i already edit the usplash.conf and menu.lst but the problem persists... | 06:53 |
riotkittie | KL: what exactly is your usplash problem? | 06:54 |
ePax | Ne1sd: Actually i have one gig ram but i have one gig swap as well... in case i start to play some games again... i hope note... waste of time (; | 06:54 |
Joshuaxiong1 | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 06:54 |
Joshuaxiong1 | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 06:54 |
Joshuaxiong1 | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 06:54 |
stdin | !ops | 06:54 |
ubotu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 06:54 |
miked595 | jebus kick that freak | 06:54 |
levander | MilitantPotato: I've got Scale enabled in "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings", but flicking the mouse to the upper left does nothing... | 06:55 |
Madpilot | already gone | 06:55 |
KL | kroynos: mm is the screen when you are booting, the problem is that when i boot my monitor turns off | 06:55 |
miked595 | sweetness | 06:55 |
KL | riotkittie: the problem is that when i boot my monitor turns off | 06:55 |
levander | Madpilot: that was quick | 06:55 |
MilitantPotato | levander: action tab in scale config | 06:55 |
riotkittie | that's one i wont be sad to see go :P | 06:55 |
Ne1sd | ePax: :) good to have a spare memory | 06:55 |
Joshuaxiong1 | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 06:55 |
gary_inNYC | he's back | 06:55 |
DaMic | nocho: still there? | 06:55 |
=== crummygummy_ is now known as CrummyGummy | ||
levander | MilitantPotato: I'm in there. | 06:55 |
riotkittie | KL: ahh. i have no idea, sorry. | 06:55 |
Ne1sd | Script error, when I try to run make config in the kernel ? anyone? | 06:55 |
Joshuaxiong1 | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 06:55 |
Joshuaxiong1 | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 06:55 |
DaMic | kewl articles, I under stand the problem now | 06:55 |
ViciousPotato | .. o.o | 06:55 |
Joshuaxiong1 | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 06:55 |
ePax | How about ban? | 06:56 |
DaMic | nocho: http://duggmirror.com/linux_unix/Explanation_of_Ubuntu_Hard_Drive_Wear_and_Tear/ | 06:56 |
Madpilot | there | 06:56 |
ePax | Bingo. | 06:56 |
ViciousPotato | \o/ | 06:56 |
miked595 | i wonder if this guy was hired buy M$ | 06:56 |
MilitantPotato | Initiate Window Picker for All Windows, choose a corner. | 06:56 |
riotkittie | am i lagging or is Madpilot just the slowest banner ever <ponders> | 06:56 |
warbler | G'day I'm trying to burn a compressed xvid avi file to cd but end up only making coasters - the cd shows the avi file but it won't play | 06:56 |
nocho | DaMic: | 06:56 |
nocho | I have not rebooted :( | 06:56 |
DaMic | nocho: do you know what its happening? | 06:56 |
levander | MilitantPotato: works brilliantly, thanks | 06:56 |
ePax | Ne1sd: I donw know if you know that but you have ubntu-se channel as well. :D | 06:57 |
ePax | ubuntu* | 06:57 |
MilitantPotato | levander: enjoy :) | 06:57 |
miked595 | warbler, you noticed that cds make the worst coasters too | 06:57 |
levander | MilitantPotato: I just wonder how many times I gonna accidentally do that flick to upper left thingie... | 06:57 |
ViciousPotato | MilitantPotato: I dislike you, your nick gets me highlighted :( | 06:57 |
MilitantPotato | ViciousPotato: Sucks to be you :) | 06:57 |
KL | my problem was posted here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/ubiquity/+bug/150930, bu i still cant fix the issue.. | 06:57 |
ViciousPotato | MilitantPotato: heh :< | 06:57 |
warbler | miked595: great for scaring the crows away as the swing in the breeze | 06:57 |
Madpilot | riotkittie, I wanted to set that ban wide - couldn't do the auto-banhammer trick we all enjoy | 06:57 |
MilitantPotato | ViciousTater to fix it :) | 06:57 |
ViciousPotato | MilitantPotato: hah, you registered a week before me! | 06:58 |
Ne1sd | ePax: oh thanks for the edvice | 06:58 |
brack10 | man this gutsy is pretty cool | 06:58 |
riotkittie | Madpilot: ahh :) | 06:58 |
Magdin | Hi, running Gutsy on my notebook, and there is no sound - at all. I reinstalled ALSA drivers (v15), tried to play with different flags, no result. My sound status report is here: http://pastebin.ca/754770 Please help! | 06:58 |
brack10 | last time I installed linux was when redhat was cool | 06:58 |
AMDXP | anyone use that nero linux | 06:58 |
AMDXP | is it pretty good | 06:58 |
DaMic | nocho: this is because your drive and most all drivers have SMART enabled. The drive in your laptop is trying to protect itself cause its in a laptop, when not in use its "parking" itself. However they have a limited number of "parks" if you disable SMART, which you normally wouldn't do it should solve your problem | 06:58 |
levander | MilitantPotato: damn, minimized windows don't show up for you to select from... | 06:59 |
cast | brack10: rh was never cool | 06:59 |
brack10 | haha | 06:59 |
brack10 | well cool to me | 06:59 |
brack10 | I don't even know how to use GCC to run like anything | 06:59 |
DaMic | nocho: you do this in the BIOS hopefully. | 06:59 |
brack10 | easier to install than windows | 06:59 |
louist | what is an index.theme file? | 07:00 |
brack10 | I can run steam in wine!!! | 07:00 |
brack10 | the only thing I'm missing so far is photoshop | 07:00 |
demosthenes | how do you reset Gnome settings? and how do you run Steam in Wine? | 07:00 |
demosthenes | does that mean Half Life will work? | 07:00 |
brack10 | yeah dude | 07:00 |
cast | gcc compiles things | 07:00 |
brack10 | I play day of defeat source | 07:00 |
KL | my monitor only turns off on booting, it says that i need to configure to 1680x1050 60HZ, i already do that but anything changed... | 07:00 |
brack10 | I know | 07:00 |
brack10 | but you generally need to compile source code in order to be able to run a program | 07:00 |
demosthenes | my other Gnome windows are blank (no panels) - do I need to wipe something like the .gnome directory and restart my session? | 07:01 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? it's a leadtek winfast tv2000 I'm pretty sure it's installed i just can't view it with any of the programs i've downloaded... | 07:01 |
brack10 | smarty pants | 07:01 |
nocho | DaMic | 07:01 |
nocho | My bios does not have that option | 07:01 |
cast | dena: is often a difficult path to walk, getting tv tuner working | 07:01 |
demosthenes | hey I have a AverMedia Hybrid DVB-T/FM card and I would like to know how to get that working too | 07:01 |
demosthenes | tried MythTV but can't get past the SQL setup | 07:01 |
brack10 | demosthenes I run DOD source at about 60 FPS | 07:02 |
DaMic | nocho: that suck, you can disabled ACPI that might do it as well | 07:02 |
brack10 | not bad for linux | 07:02 |
dena | cast mind helping me try. I believe that it is being recognized... | 07:02 |
gary_inNYC | is there a decent tabbed file browser i can get for Gutsy? | 07:02 |
demosthenes | brack1G how do you install Steam under Wine then? | 07:02 |
KL | kroynos: yeah, whats uo? | 07:03 |
demosthenes | brack10 I meant | 07:03 |
brack10 | you install wine, then you download steam | 07:03 |
demosthenes | that's it? | 07:03 |
DaMic | nocho: acpi=off as a kernel arg | 07:03 |
brack10 | copy it to your wine C drive | 07:03 |
brack10 | go wine steam in terminal | 07:03 |
MilitantPotato | levander: join #compiz-fusion and see if they know a work-around. | 07:03 |
demosthenes | of which I can't find as I want to move that to another partition | 07:03 |
brack10 | and if you have a compatible video card it works | 07:03 |
louist | is there a way to reset all icons to original values? | 07:03 |
demosthenes | I have an NVidia card | 07:03 |
louist | like a command line thing possibly? | 07:03 |
cast | gary_inNYC: does konqueror have tabs? | 07:03 |
brack10 | same here | 07:03 |
demosthenes | shame Audigy effects won't work though | 07:04 |
brack10 | 6600 GT | 07:04 |
brack10 | pci E | 07:04 |
brack10 | works great | 07:04 |
kroynos | KL if you see this. go here it might fix the problem https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/25011 | 07:04 |
demosthenes | Audigy never released any drivers for Linux right | 07:04 |
brack10 | i think they were reverse engineered | 07:04 |
gary_inNYC | cast: yeah, but i prefer to look for native apps w/out resorting to kde stuff | 07:04 |
louist | does anyboyd know of a way to return all icons to default? | 07:04 |
demosthenes | yeah me too | 07:04 |
demosthenes | my Gnome is stuffed | 07:04 |
KL | kroynos: thanks, im looking right now.. | 07:04 |
demosthenes | and how do you jazz up Gnome in Ubuntu? | 07:04 |
brack10 | hey I have a question for y'all smart people | 07:05 |
demosthenes | I remember Gnome being more 'sophisticated' than this and I have a powerful computer to use | 07:05 |
demosthenes | on the laptop it is *Great* as it works so fast but I have 2GB of RAM on this and dual CPU so would like to jazz it up if I cann | 07:05 |
murlidhar | my opera menu bar looks like windows 95. can anything be done to solve that? | 07:05 |
brack10 | I tried to open up my first torrent in azureus and it closed immediately and now it won't open. it shows the splash screen and initializes and then instantly closes when it launches | 07:05 |
demosthenes | something like http://www.lions-wing.net/lessons/customize/gnome-anakin.jpg | 07:05 |
brack10 | I tried reinstalling it | 07:05 |
brack10 | rebooting | 07:05 |
brack10 | anyone know? | 07:05 |
cast | don't bother rebooting for userland changes | 07:06 |
louist | Anybody know of a way to return all icons to their original values? | 07:06 |
dena | cast mind helping me try. I believe that it is being recognized... | 07:06 |
nocho | DaMic Thank you very much for this guide proves | 07:06 |
brack10 | okay | 07:06 |
cast | dena: since i was never sucessfull, i don't think i'd be much help :P | 07:06 |
DaMic | nocho: no problem | 07:06 |
murlidhar | brack10: did u do some configuring in azureus | 07:06 |
Fujitsu | brack10: Are you using Ubuntu 7.10 on amd64? | 07:06 |
brack10 | I changed the incoming port | 07:06 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? it's a leadtek winfast tv2000 I'm pretty sure it's installed i just can't view it with any of the programs i've downloaded... | 07:06 |
brack10 | in the setup wizard | 07:07 |
MilitantPotato | louist: Like size, or what? | 07:07 |
DaMic | nocho: if figured i got what i wanted answered here, I should help someone out. | 07:07 |
brack10 | and no 32 | 07:07 |
brack10 | fujitsu | 07:07 |
louist | militantpotato, no just the original icon--like the picture | 07:07 |
brack10 | socket 939 | 07:07 |
louist | militantpotato, what happened is i went into properties for a removable drive and my ipod and manually changed the icon | 07:08 |
Fujitsu | brack10: No idea, then. | 07:08 |
murlidhar | brack10: open the applications in the terminal and see what error is it giving? | 07:08 |
brack10 | hmm k... | 07:08 |
brack10 | might take me a while to figure out where it is | 07:08 |
brack10 | hold on | 07:08 |
brack10 | (n00b) | 07:08 |
Fujitsu | Azureus on 7.10 on amd64 is currently rather broken, but it's getting fixed. | 07:08 |
CyberMad | i create a shortcut to program on desktop.. i tried change the icon, where is the directory on ubuntu that store icons collection to use? | 07:09 |
gary_inNYC | Deluge is better anyway for torrents | 07:09 |
demosthenes | so any idea how to reset Gnome to default to fix problems and jazz it up like http://www.lions-wing.net/lessons/customize/gnome-anakin.jpg | 07:09 |
murlidhar | i am with gary_inNYC | 07:09 |
louist | militantpotato: will the revert option do it for me? | 07:09 |
demosthenes | do I need to install 'Enlightenment' or something? | 07:09 |
cast | demosthenes: that's not enlightenment, e looks better :) | 07:10 |
Fujitsu | demosthenes: Enlightenment replaces GNOME. | 07:10 |
demosthenes | what is 'e' | 07:10 |
demosthenes | oh | 07:10 |
murlidhar | CyberMad: perhaps in usr/share/icons though i am not very sure just check | 07:10 |
cast | Fujitsu: no, it doesn't. it replaces metacity | 07:10 |
demosthenes | so do I just need to download some Gnome themes or something | 07:10 |
KL | kroynos: ive already done that, put vgta to 791, but the problem persists.. :( | 07:10 |
jhonovich1 | I am using BASH on a new 7.10 and it says the file command not found, advice please? | 07:11 |
Fujitsu | cast: Doesn't it replace the panels and the like too? | 07:11 |
demosthenes | cast: what is 'e'? | 07:11 |
cast | Fujitsu: e16 is just a window manager, set e to your wm in gnome and you'll still have all your panels that you're used to, | 07:11 |
cast | demosthenes: enlightenment | 07:11 |
demosthenes | oh | 07:11 |
demosthenes | but enlightenment replaces Gnome | 07:12 |
demosthenes | I thought it sat on top of Gnome or something | 07:12 |
gary_inNYC | hey, i'm looking for a convenient way to transfer files to my Creative Zen Vision M 60GB. i know of gnomad2 and rhythmbox, but rhythmbox can only transfer music, and for some reason gnomad2 can't see my directories in the player | 07:12 |
brack10 | azureus %U | 07:12 |
brack10 | it says... | 07:12 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? it's a leadtek winfast tv2000 I'm pretty sure it's installed i just can't view it with any of the programs i've downloaded... | 07:12 |
brack10 | Aborted (core dumped) | 07:13 |
brack10 | Aborted (core dumped) | 07:13 |
brack10 | Aborted (core dumped) | 07:13 |
Bonster | !rename | 07:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rename - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 07:13 |
brack10 | sorry didnt mean to flood | 07:13 |
murlidhar | !pastebin | brack10 | 07:13 |
ubotu | brack10: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:13 |
brack10 | sorry | 07:13 |
brack10 | k | 07:13 |
corinth | hey, I want to be able to manage my Zune mp3 player from Ubuntu without having to install Windows as a virtual machine. Any idea how? | 07:13 |
murlidhar | brack10: wait | 07:13 |
cast | corinth: ouch. | 07:13 |
AMDXP | lol | 07:13 |
MilitantPotato | When using the Fiesty live CD, and making a partition have a home mount point, is it /home or home | 07:14 |
brack10 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42663/ | 07:14 |
gary_inNYC | i'm on the same boat with my Zen Vision M... gnomad2 is awkward (cant see directories in player) and rhythmbox can only transfer music | 07:14 |
demosthenes | yeah and how to I move my home directory, I tried but it failed | 07:14 |
DaMic | man i forgot how much fun IRC is. The Windows channel is great, I'm trying to convert. =) | 07:14 |
brack10 | update java? | 07:14 |
demosthenes | I guess I have to reinstall | 07:14 |
MilitantPotato | Anyone? | 07:14 |
murlidhar | brack10: try sudo dkpg-reconfigure azureus. Beware you will lose every setting and the torrents present in azureus . so do a back up of your torrents first | 07:15 |
Demo1 | I have mounted a three hard-drives into a HP Tower server, but Ubuntu cant find them. I have tried to list them with the command "lshw -C disk", but only the CD-ROM is listed. Can somebody help me? | 07:15 |
demosthenes | how do I reset Gnome to default settings? | 07:15 |
brack10 | okay | 07:15 |
warbler | MilitantPotatoe: /home is what you need | 07:15 |
brack10 | I hadn't even downloaded 1 torrent yet | 07:15 |
corinth | MilitantPotato, /home | 07:16 |
demosthenes | and do I need to reinstall the OS to move my /home directory to it's own home partition | 07:16 |
demosthenes | and is ext3 better than reierfs? one person advised me strongly against ext3 | 07:16 |
MilitantPotato | corinth: tyvm | 07:16 |
brack10 | that didn't seem to do anything | 07:16 |
murlidhar | brack10: what did it say | 07:17 |
cast | demosthenes: my desktop with e16, no gnome or other DE involved :) : http://s3.amazonaws.com/c-a-s-t/e16-071030.png | 07:17 |
corinth | What's the difference between ext3 and reierfs, really? | 07:17 |
gary_inNYC | ext3 is nice journaling FS, whereas reiserFS is fast. think i'm missing some details | 07:17 |
cast | corinth: go read wikipedia ;) | 07:17 |
brack10 | well when I ran the command you gave me it said invalid command | 07:17 |
brack10 | so i changed it to pkg instead of kpg | 07:17 |
murlidhar | brack10: k wait | 07:17 |
corinth | cast, Darn you, suggesting that I actually read something :-P | 07:18 |
murlidhar | brack10: ahh it should be dkpg | 07:18 |
=== Name141 is now known as Name141- | ||
cast | demosthenes: if you're asking if you should use ext3 or reiserfs, then its probably not important to you | 07:18 |
Squalish | I've spent several hours trying to study the differences, but as a generalist geek... I got nowhere | 07:18 |
brack10 | okay | 07:18 |
brack10 | it says command not found when I do that | 07:18 |
brack10 | after asking me for my password | 07:18 |
demosthenes | cast: that's one big screen shot! | 07:18 |
demosthenes | looks good though | 07:18 |
Squalish | just use ext3, it's the most common choice | 07:18 |
demosthenes | okay | 07:18 |
demosthenes | cast: thanks as long as it is not important then that works for me | 07:18 |
cast | demosthenes: i use a mix of XFS, ext3, ZFS - they all have different strenghs | 07:19 |
warbler | !dpkg | 07:19 |
ubotu | dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. | 07:19 |
demosthenes | cast: ext3 is safe though right (journalled?) | 07:19 |
murlidhar | brack10: i think i am missing the correct command | 07:19 |
brack10 | ah okay | 07:19 |
brack10 | I did already try uninstalling and reinstalling with the package manager | 07:19 |
murlidhar | warbler: do u how to reconfigure an application | 07:19 |
MilitantPotato | Can someone review this? http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/3515/screenshot2dm2.png | 07:19 |
cast | demosthenes: keep backups. then you don't care. ext3 is considered the safer, though | 07:19 |
MilitantPotato | I'm 98% sure this is correct, but I don't want to break this kids PC I'm trying to help. | 07:20 |
warbler | murlidhar: depends on the package - which one? | 07:20 |
demosthenes | cool | 07:20 |
corinth | MilitantPotato, That looks fine. | 07:20 |
murlidhar | warbler: azureus | 07:20 |
jhonovich1 | i dual my laptop with xp and ubuntu 6.06, it seem my battery life is significantly less with ubuntu; does this make sense to anyone here? | 07:20 |
MilitantPotato | corinth: thanks again. | 07:21 |
demosthenes | jhonovich1 no | 07:21 |
corinth | MilitantPotato, is sda1 his Windows partition? | 07:21 |
gary_inNYC | brack10 is azureus crashing immediately after splash screen? because completely uninstalling it, then deleting its config files, then reinstalling it will get you back on the same loop... it's broken atm | 07:21 |
brack10 | I didn't delete its config files | 07:21 |
demosthenes | jhonovich1: check screensaver setting / screen blank power settings and any applications chewing up CPU in the backround, could be a first time indexing service or something | 07:21 |
Squalish | jhonovich1: perhaps | 07:21 |
MilitantPotato | corinth: yes | 07:21 |
warbler | I use rtorrent for the speed - but sudo dpkg-reconfigure azureas would be a good start - not dkpg | 07:21 |
CyberMad | i got problem with the Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon), i tried do wine on dictionary application (Kamus.exe), but there is problem with the left border, I can not see the vertical scroll bar.. Well, there is no problem with ubuntu 7.04 (because i already install it on many computers) | 07:22 |
jhonovich1 | squalish - any theory why? | 07:22 |
corinth | MilitantPotato, why is the root partition so large and the home partition so small in comparison? | 07:22 |
brack10 | I wouldn't know where to start | 07:22 |
CyberMad | how to fix it? the screenshotL www.tinyurl.com/2j35cx | 07:22 |
Demo1 | I have mounted three hard disks into a HP Tower server, but Ubuntu cant find them. I have tried to list them with the command "lshw -C disk", but only the CD-ROM is listed. Do anybody have some debugging tips? | 07:22 |
murlidhar | brack10: <warbler> I use rtorrent for the speed - but sudo dpkg-reconfigure azureas would be a good start - not dkpg | 07:22 |
demosthenes | can anyone tell me how to reset Gnome to default (like delete a .gnome directory or copy from a new user directory or something) and how to jazz it up with themes or something | 07:22 |
MilitantPotato | corinth: No idea, as it sits my home is using 800mb, I figured 2500 would be plenty for /home | 07:22 |
cast | demosthenes: look at dmesg output | 07:22 |
warbler | ? | 07:22 |
brack10 | yeah did that | 07:22 |
demosthenes | cast: is that a command? | 07:22 |
Squalish | jhonovich1: Speedstep, HD spinup/spindown both are software based to some degree, and then there's activity levels - something seeking/writing all the time in one OS that isn't in the other, or occupying your full CPU | 07:22 |
gary_inNYC | well it's getting late gnite all | 07:22 |
MilitantPotato | / uses 18gigs, /home 800 for me | 07:23 |
demosthenes | cast: why? is that for jhonovich1 or me? | 07:23 |
brack10 | I think it's my JRE | 07:23 |
Squalish | jhonovich1: Nothing you shouldn't be able to fix, given research, though | 07:23 |
Squalish | jhonovich1: though I'm not sure on the speedstep stuff | 07:23 |
murlidhar | warbler: actually brack10 is having trouble with his azureus | 07:23 |
demosthenes | haha only afternoon over here | 07:23 |
jhonovich1 | squalish - i will research, i just thought i was going nuts at first | 07:23 |
cast | Demo1 sorry | 07:23 |
demosthenes | I know from a fact that Linux does use SpeedStep - a gnome app can tell you the speed of CPU's | 07:24 |
corinth | MilitantPotato, if he's planning on putting his music/video/pictures in the home directory, I'd recreate it a little larger. | 07:24 |
cast | Demo1: dmesg|egrep '^(sd)|(hd)' or similar | 07:24 |
demosthenes | that tey are running at | 07:24 |
MilitantPotato | brack10: your java is broken. | 07:24 |
warbler | brack10: were you typing d k p g instead of d p k g | 07:24 |
demosthenes | cast: what's that for? | 07:24 |
jhonovich1 | interesting article on ubunutu power management - http://spidertools.com/ub_power.php | 07:24 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? it's a leadtek winfast tv2000 I'm pretty sure it's installed i just can't view it with any of the programs i've downloaded... | 07:24 |
brack10 | warbler: I did both, and the dpkg command was accepted | 07:24 |
brack10 | warbler: but it did nothing | 07:24 |
murlidhar | warbler: his pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42663/ | 07:24 |
Squalish | demosthenes + jhonovich1: It's a matter of whether it's working in this particular case though... I'm merely saying that it's not entirely a static hardware situation | 07:24 |
kbasol | hi | 07:24 |
Squalish | it's dependant on software as well as load/conservation settings | 07:25 |
allorder | hi everyone, is it possible to run winxp with vmware on ubuntu to run my favorite games ? | 07:25 |
demosthenes | dena: let me know when you do please, through private message! | 07:25 |
demosthenes | I have a AverMedia tv card and no idea how to get it working | 07:25 |
MilitantPotato | corinth: he has a second drive for storage | 07:25 |
demosthenes | AverMedia seems to generally be supported under Linux | 07:25 |
santosh | i have installed apt-cacher in one of my machines and i was trying to update anothe system using local server where apt-cacher is installed but the spped at which it is getting update is very less can anyone tell me how to increase the speed | 07:26 |
cast | allorder: yes. but vmware doesn't support 3D acceleration [well, it does but its experimental] | 07:26 |
corinth | allorder, Yes, it is. WINE runs most games great I've found, though. What games are you planning to play? | 07:26 |
corinth | MilitantPotato, Ah, gotcha. All looks peachy, then :-P | 07:26 |
dena | demosthenes, lol ok | 07:26 |
dena | sounds like we could all use some help | 07:26 |
allorder | corinth: age of empire 3 | 07:26 |
warbler | brack10: what does - hs_err_pid6341.log - say ( it is from your paste ) | 07:26 |
Demo1 | cast: it does not return anything | 07:26 |
MilitantPotato | corinth: that is a very good point though, I'll keep that in mind next time I help someone. | 07:26 |
cast | Demo1: eh..huh...maybe i made a oversight, wasn't expecting that | 07:27 |
brack10 | warbler: does it give the absolute path? | 07:27 |
demosthenes | going away now, private message please with any responses or I will miss it | 07:27 |
mitch | Age of Empires 3 works great under WINE, no need to install XP on vmware for that. | 07:28 |
santosh | i have installed apt-cacher in one of my machines and i was trying to update anothe system using local server where apt-cacher is installed but the spped at which it is getting update is very less can anyone tell me how to increase the speed or what might be the reason for such a slow speed | 07:28 |
=== jessica is now known as jess^^ | ||
allorder | mitch: u sure, with late patch and expansion ? | 07:28 |
humblerodent | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBVmfIUR1DA | 07:29 |
warbler | brack10: I don't know - probably need to do a file search | 07:29 |
mitch | Are you playing any other games besides Age of Empires 3? | 07:29 |
allorder | no | 07:30 |
murlidhar | warbler: try reinstalling java | 07:30 |
murlidhar | sorru warbler that was for brack10 | 07:30 |
mitch | allorder, Alright, then. Just install WINE and use it to install AOE 3 | 07:30 |
mitch | allorder, Easy cheesy. :-) | 07:30 |
* murlidhar asks brack10 to try reinstalling java | 07:31 | |
warbler | murlidhar: brack10: it might need the sun version of java not just the open source version | 07:31 |
allorder | ya but I was a good online player and I heard It was problem online | 07:31 |
allorder | mitch | 07:31 |
mitch | allorder, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=2441 | 07:31 |
=== frank_ is now known as mrtswatup | ||
murlidhar | warbler: probly but never heard that open source version doesn't work on some applications | 07:31 |
mitch | allorder, Check that out. They gave it a GOLD rating. | 07:32 |
allorder | mitch: its writed rating and below, garbage... ? | 07:32 |
foxjazz | anyone use VirtualBox ? | 07:33 |
nun63 | ciao | 07:34 |
paulowsky | hi, can I do the alternate cd upgrade to gutsy from inside synaptic package manager? I don't get an upgrade message automatically when I insert the cd | 07:34 |
allorder | mitch: ok thx ill try it | 07:34 |
mitch | allorder, Which Ubuntu are you using? | 07:34 |
Dialntone | whats the good word on the latest, software for ubuntu.. any good exclusives??? | 07:34 |
allorder | mitch: 7.10 | 07:34 |
Demo1 | cast: do you thing the hard disk is undected by Ubuntu, or do you think it is l | 07:34 |
mitch | allorder, Well, it says GOLD under 7.10, so you should be good to go. | 07:34 |
Demo1 | ocated somwhere else than under /dev/? | 07:35 |
dena | can someone give me a hand getting my tv tuner card working? it's a leadtek winfast tv2000 I'm pretty sure it's installed i just can't view it with any of the programs i've downloaded... | 07:35 |
mitch | allorder, LAN play wasn't tested though, so good luck. | 07:35 |
=== _max is now known as max` | ||
Cyber_Stalker | whats the best way to get compiz fusion or themes going on feisty? | 07:35 |
paulowsky | hi, can I do the alternate cd upgrade to gutsy from inside synaptic package manager? I don't get an upgrade message automatically when I insert the cd | 07:36 |
Flannel | paulowsky: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#head-93ac2e597b9e0c5ff78111d4fd2bbe34a35799c7 | 07:36 |
krekon | could I, in any way, to connect a laptop on a desktop that has connection on the internet and the laptop has connection to the internet through this desktop? | 07:36 |
allorder | no lan, I juste want to play online, maybe all tester didnt buy the game | 07:36 |
warbler | dena: have you checked the supported hardware list on the ubuntu website - I tried a while ago to get that card working but had no luck | 07:36 |
MilitantPotato | paulo | 07:36 |
MilitantPotato | paulowsky: are you in linux now? | 07:36 |
paulowsky | flannel. okay | 07:36 |
cast | Demo1: dunno. | 07:37 |
paulowsky | militantpotato. yes I'm using feisty | 07:37 |
MilitantPotato | paulowsky: type this.... | 07:37 |
dena | warbler, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaLeadtek | 07:38 |
dena | should work fine | 07:38 |
MilitantPotato | sudo update-manager --dist-upgrade | 07:38 |
paulowsky | MilitantPotato. okay I'll try now | 07:39 |
Flannel | paulowsky, MilitantPotato, That'll upgrade via the intenret, he wants to upgrade with the CD, the command is on that page | 07:39 |
allorder | Hi everyone im using ubuntu 7.10 x86_64 whats the best way to emulate 32bits ? I taked a look at the forum and only found chroot for 7.04... ? | 07:39 |
MilitantPotato | Flannel: Oh, oops. | 07:40 |
paulowsky | Flannel. strange, but it works from the cd too | 07:40 |
paulowsky | Flannel.am I doing something wrong? | 07:40 |
Flannel | paulowsky: That'll work, it may or may not grab from the CD preferentially. | 07:41 |
MilitantPotato | paulowsky: if it's reading from the CD, no. | 07:41 |
cast | allorder: i setup a 32bit vserver environment | 07:41 |
gnubie | dena: http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Leadtek_WinFast_2000 have you looked here? | 07:41 |
allorder | cast: how ? | 07:41 |
foxjazz | from terminal how do you change drive? | 07:42 |
cast | allorder: how did i? | 07:42 |
allorder | cast: yes ? | 07:42 |
warbler | dena: found this - http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Leadtek_WinFast - did you add the card after installing the OS ? | 07:42 |
cast | allorder: i googled and read debian and vserver documentation | 07:42 |
paulowsky | MilitantPotato. it says 'running partial upgrade'. no sweat, I'll look at the link. | 07:42 |
dena | looking | 07:42 |
allorder | cast: ok, but does the old doc they told to do chroot for 7.04 work for 7.10 ? | 07:43 |
xipietotec | I installed OSS 4 from a deb, and the install broke, screwing up sound in my system, however, now I can't remove it due to an error in the package's uninstall script | 07:43 |
maniaxmax | Im new to linux, if I were to add programs to my startup what would the command be for that program? For instance Pidgin | 07:43 |
alveola | How can I determine | 07:43 |
Flannel | !startup | maniaxmax | 07:43 |
ubotu | maniaxmax: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 07:43 |
Evanlec | allorder, u want to install the ia32-lib package | 07:44 |
allorder | Evanlec: no I want to be able to run 32 bit game | 07:45 |
Evanlec | allorder, in wine? | 07:45 |
Oryn | xipietotec, you can remove the package from /var/lib/dpkg/status | 07:46 |
allorder | Evanlec: maybe.. ? or maybe not ? its different ? | 07:46 |
Thr34t | Hi everyone. I've googled my arse off and tried everything I could find in the forums, so I came here to hopefully find some live help.. I've got the "Could not initialize HAL" error. >_< | 07:46 |
xipietotec | thankyou Oryn =) | 07:46 |
allorder | Evanlec: in 7.04 I did chroot and was able to do it.. | 07:46 |
Thr34t | I think it may have something to do with an edit I did to my grub menu.. that or fstab. | 07:46 |
foxjazz | how do you know what version of gutsy that is installed? | 07:46 |
MobiusNZ | hey guys, i've got an hp dl380 with ubuntu 7.10 server on it... fresh install... how can i get the fans to quieten down | 07:46 |
allorder | Evanlec: but I didnt find any doc for 7.10 | 07:47 |
Oryn | xipietotec, once you have it removed use dpkg to find the location of all the files in the .deb and erase them | 07:47 |
Evanlec | allorder, as long as u can get it to install without errors with --force-architecture and it runs without complaining abou libraries u should be fine...thats what the ia32-lib package is for, it sets up the i386 libraries | 07:47 |
MilitantPotato | maniaxmax: Aside from that website's way of finding a program name, if the program is open, you can see the the program name in System Monitor. It's in System>Administration>System Monitor | 07:47 |
Evanlec | allorder, chroot is not the recommended way of doing it | 07:47 |
MilitantPotato | maniaxmax: you enter the program name in the command box | 07:47 |
allorder | Evanlec: so I should apt-get ia32-lib ? | 07:48 |
maniaxmax | militantpotato: thanks | 07:48 |
allorder | Evanlec: so I should apt-get install ia32-lib ? | 07:50 |
bloony | Im about to give up linux.. pleas can someone help me out with mbr installation? here's my issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=596918 | 07:51 |
levander | My CD drive is empty, but I've still got a CDROM icon on my desktop. How do I get rid of that? | 07:51 |
Jimme1 | has anyone here got the game XIII working? | 07:52 |
foxjazz | is there a way to tell if I have 64bit or x86 version running? | 07:52 |
allorder | foxjazz: uname -a in terminal | 07:52 |
MilitantPotato | bloony: sda1 | 07:53 |
MilitantPotato | hd** is for ATA drives | 07:53 |
MilitantPotato | SD* is for serial | 07:53 |
foxjazz | is x86_64 gnu/Linux the 64 bit version? | 07:53 |
allorder | foxjazz: yes | 07:53 |
bloony | militantpotato: Ive tried sda to.. :/ it says in my post | 07:54 |
MilitantPotato | sda1? | 07:54 |
foxjazz | when I try to bash the installer I get this message http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=596918 | 07:54 |
levander | bloony: #grub | 07:54 |
bloony | yupp | 07:54 |
foxjazz | This product only support 64-bit Operating Systems | 07:55 |
foxjazz | Setup will now exit | 07:55 |
MilitantPotato | bloony: grub-install /dev/sda1 | 07:55 |
Dialntone | i don't understand my 3d desktop isn't working :( | 07:55 |
warbler | bloony: from the live cd try in terminal - sudo grub - then find /boot/grub/stage1 | 07:56 |
Dialntone | whats wrong with it that' cube isn't working :( | 07:56 |
bloony | militantpotato : it says it cant find the device | 07:56 |
MilitantPotato | Dialntone: enable desktop cube and rotate cube | 07:56 |
Demo1 | I have mounted three hard disks into a HP Tower server, but Ubuntu cant find them. I have tried to list them with the command "lshw -C disk", but only the CD-ROM is listed. Do anybody have some debugging tips? | 07:56 |
MilitantPotato | bloony: is it mounted? | 07:57 |
bloony | warbler: I get some error | 07:57 |
ViciousPotato | Ah, what fun. | 07:57 |
MilitantPotato | bloony: from your post you're forgetting the number | 07:57 |
MilitantPotato | the number identifies the partition | 07:57 |
Dialntone | i tried MilitantPotato | 07:57 |
ViciousPotato | My monitors resolution, 1680 x 1050... | 07:57 |
Dialntone | doesn't work | 07:57 |
shane_ | hello, how do I change permissions of an interneral NTFS (vista drive) so I can write to it in Ubuntu. :) | 07:58 |
ViciousPotato | Isnt listed :< | 07:58 |
Dialntone | whats the keyboard command? | 07:58 |
bloony | hum.. yeah.. but Ive tried with numbers to.. | 07:58 |
riotkittie | !ntfs-3g | shane_ | 07:58 |
MilitantPotato | shane_: sudo apt-get ntfs-config | 07:58 |
ubotu | shane_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 07:58 |
bloony | have to edit my post :) | 07:58 |
MilitantPotato | in terminal | 07:58 |
Tarkus | anyone know what mp3 player company supports linux/open-source? so it would have support for OGG, FLAC, etc..? | 07:58 |
MilitantPotato | bloony: ah. | 07:58 |
Biju | Hi all Im about to install Ubuntu Linux 64-bit for my Computer , I have an AND 4400 , 2gb RAM and Asus M2N MX-SE MOtherboard with onboard display nVidia 6150, WOuld you recommend me downloading something first before I start to install to avoid any issues later? | 07:58 |
MilitantPotato | bloony: try asking in #grub yet? | 07:58 |
warbler | bloony: then the install didn't load grub - since it can't be found - try an install without the /boot and see what happens | 07:58 |
bloony | militantpotato: Format of install_device not recognized. | 07:58 |
Thr34t | Anyone know how to get rid of this pesky "Failed to initialize HAL" internal error? | 07:59 |
SuperQ | Biju: why 64bit? | 07:59 |
shane_ | MilitantPotato: I already have ntfs-config installed. And enabled I believe. However, I dont have permissions on the NTFS drive | 07:59 |
bloony | warbler: tried without the /boot to.. | 07:59 |
Biju | SuperQ, Its the only copy I have access to atm :( | 07:59 |
MilitantPotato | shane_: Are you the owner of it? | 07:59 |
panny | i wouldnt install 64 bit | 07:59 |
warbler | bloony: on a completely formatted drive? | 07:59 |
SuperQ | panny: agreed | 07:59 |
MilitantPotato | shane_: does it say you own the folders in the drive | 07:59 |
SuperQ | Biju: 64bit only has a few specific applications right now | 07:59 |
SuperQ | Biju: For most users, 32bit 7.10 is the best option | 08:00 |
bloony | warbler: yes the grub does not load in install I think.. cause when it comes to configuring bootloader the window just disapear | 08:00 |
panny | superq what does the q stand for? | 08:00 |
panny | :P | 08:00 |
bloony | warbler: I delete all the partitions in fdisk .. can I do anything more? | 08:00 |
shane_ | MilitantPotato: The owner is root, but it is read only? So maybe I have ntfs-config not working right? | 08:01 |
warbler | bloony: next advice is to try the checksum against your cd - to see if it is faulty | 08:01 |
SuperQ | panny: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_(James_Bond) | 08:01 |
SuperQ | :) | 08:01 |
MilitantPotato | shane_: in termianal type gksu ntfs-config | 08:01 |
MilitantPotato | make sure the top box is checked | 08:01 |
panny | superq ah ok :P | 08:01 |
Biju | SuperQ, the only work I do on my computer is office applications and browse the internet , ONce in a while use my IPod as well should I consider using 32 bit? | 08:02 |
shane_ | MilitantPotato: Actually, I see, ticking enable write support for internal NTFS is greyed out. I can tick it for external, but it is 100% an internal IDE hard disk. | 08:02 |
dena | Biju, yes | 08:02 |
SuperQ | Biju: Yes, 32bit is going to be easier for you | 08:02 |
bloony | warbler: checked the cd 4 times now :) | 08:02 |
dena | shane_, reboot | 08:03 |
shane_ | hahah, okay will try rebooting. Thanks. | 08:03 |
shane_ | brb | 08:03 |
slvmchn | i know realtime kernels will lower audio latency, but does it have any effect on processing overhead? | 08:03 |
Biju | Thanks all, I'll try to get that version then :) , I do have access to Ubuntu Ultimate 1.5 DVD from my friend also is that ok? | 08:03 |
Nel | salut | 08:03 |
Biju | Ive heard that it is based on Feist Fawn and the other Gutsy. Aer the differences huge? | 08:04 |
MilitantPotato | Biju: what video card do you have? | 08:04 |
SuperQ | Biju: yes | 08:04 |
Biju | Onboard nVidia 6150 | 08:04 |
SuperQ | Biju: Not huge, but important | 08:04 |
slvmchn | are the differences huge, yes, for the casual user, i would say no | 08:04 |
bloony | warbler: but can I do anything more than deleting the partitions in fdisk? to format it completly I mean | 08:04 |
bloony | ? | 08:04 |
MilitantPotato | Biju: give gutsy a try | 08:04 |
MilitantPotato | Biju: if you want most stability go with the LTS version | 08:05 |
SuperQ | Biju: Many things have been improved | 08:05 |
MilitantPotato | the most* | 08:05 |
Tarkus | anyone know what mp3 player company supports linux/open-source? so it would have support for OGG, FLAC, etc..? | 08:05 |
SuperQ | Biju: It's worth firing up a bittorrent client to grab the Gutsy CD | 08:05 |
SuperQ | Tarkus: there are a few | 08:05 |
Tyroazard | Hi? | 08:06 |
MilitantPotato | Amarok? | 08:06 |
shane | Hello, I rebooted - but the problem I see is that NTFS-config cant see all my NTFS drives. When I run the program it asks me do I want to add a list of NTFS disks for write support. However only one of my three internal NTFS IDE disks shows up? | 08:06 |
SuperQ | Tarkus: http://www.trekstor.de/en/products/detail_mp3.php?pid=66&cat=0 | 08:06 |
Biju | SuperQ, Thanks will do :) . Im kind of scared about some problems others have with their display is that easily resolvable? | 08:06 |
SuperQ | Trezker: if that's what kind of thing you're looking for | 08:06 |
Nel | i want to know how the procedure to get the key of my ubuntu | 08:06 |
MilitantPotato | shane: are you dual booting? | 08:06 |
SuperQ | Tarkus: erm, that was for you | 08:07 |
SuperQ | Biju: yes, the new release has a built-in safe mode for video settings | 08:07 |
SuperQ | Biju: one of the main new features :) | 08:07 |
shane | MilitantPotato: Im not duel booting, but I do have a version of Vista installed on one of the disks, no duel booting though. | 08:07 |
SuperQ | dual | 08:07 |
Biju | Thanks for the help . | 08:07 |
MilitantPotato | in terminal type... | 08:07 |
shane | MilitantPotato: Like its an old version I just havnt formatted. | 08:07 |
SuperQ | Biju: no prob | 08:07 |
Tarkus | SuperQ, ah, thanks. ill take a look.. | 08:08 |
Thr34t | Anyone have any ideas about getting rid of this "Could not initialize HAL" issue? | 08:08 |
Demo1 | Please help: I've inserted a new hard disk into my server, but Ubuntu cannot find it. What should I do? | 08:08 |
warbler | bloony: as far as I know that should be all you need to do | 08:08 |
MilitantPotato | sudo mount -a | 08:08 |
warbler | !mbr | 08:08 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 08:08 |
SuperQ | Tarkus: If you're looking for home stuff, SlimDevices has good FLAC support | 08:08 |
MilitantPotato | any error messages from that shane? | 08:08 |
SuperQ | Tarkus: I've given up on finding good portable mp3 players | 08:08 |
Tyroazard | Sweet. I got 1440x900 resolution without changing xorg.conf | 08:08 |
Tyroazard | >.> | 08:08 |
brownie17 | hi guys, i need to transfer one single file to my iPod, but gtkpod can't handle mp4's atm, and thinliquidfilm has decided to poo itself, what's the quickest way to do it? i have banshee, amarok and exaile installed also | 08:08 |
panny | does anyone know if there has been any progress with drivers for SB X-fi Xtreme sound cards? | 08:09 |
shane | MilitantPotato: It produced no results, but it didnt ask for a password like sudo normally does? Just returned to the terminal. | 08:09 |
inversekinetix | can you please tell me how to enable search on my root directory | 08:09 |
SuperQ | panny: you have one, or you want one? | 08:09 |
shane | MilitantPotato: Is it possible that, NTFS-Config doesnt support Vista NTFS? | 08:09 |
MilitantPotato | shane: would be news to me. | 08:10 |
panny | superq i have one and its sitting in my computer doing nothing..in ubuntu anyway | 08:10 |
MilitantPotato | shane: where those drives hooked up when you installed linux? | 08:10 |
Tyroazard | Why is my external hard disk showing up as Unknown owner and not letting me change any rights? | 08:10 |
shane | MilitantPotato: Doubtful | 08:10 |
MilitantPotato | shane: you have to add them to fstab | 08:10 |
panny | superq i have my onboard sound tho | 08:10 |
panny | which i am using here in ubuntu | 08:10 |
shane | MilitantPotato: Well I can see them and read from them, just not write to them. | 08:10 |
arooni_ | um, why doesn't gutsy seem to be indexing anything? when i try to use desktop search, it doesnt return results for filenames that I know are there | 08:10 |
shane | MilitantPotato: How do I add them to fstab? | 08:11 |
MilitantPotato | shane: ah. | 08:11 |
Tyroazard | Uh.. | 08:11 |
MilitantPotato | shane: I'm not sure | 08:11 |
MilitantPotato | I forgot what all I did. | 08:11 |
Crazy|One | i just installed ubuntu onto my laptop and i am trying to get a usb webcam working, I cannot find the drivers online and I have been searching everywhere, its an advent webcam | 08:11 |
SuperQ | panny: http://opensource.creative.com/ | 08:11 |
MilitantPotato | sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 08:12 |
brownie17 | this is really annoying me, how do i transfer iPod compatible videos onto my iPod? | 08:12 |
SuperQ | panny: personally, I use M-Audio for better than onboard audio | 08:12 |
shane | MilitantPotato: I will google it. It seems I have three IDE NTFS hard disks, and can see them all, but can only write to the one which was formatted in XP. The two others were formatted in Vista, perhaps NTFS-config doesnt quite recognise Vista partitiains. I will just search if others have the same trouble. | 08:12 |
Tyroazard | ... | 08:13 |
panny | superq m-audio? whats that? | 08:13 |
hylinux | hi, which package will provided pam header file? | 08:14 |
hylinux | I want to install the pam-mysql , but the system tell me no pam header file. | 08:14 |
panny | superq on the website you just gave it says its 64 bit support. is there a 32 version? why did they make 64 bit and not 32? | 08:14 |
hylinux | which package will provided that? | 08:14 |
hylinux | who knows? | 08:14 |
hylinux | thanks | 08:14 |
SuperQ | panny: I think the 64bit is new | 08:16 |
SuperQ | panny: 32bit support should be on the page too | 08:16 |
shane | MilitantPotato: Hey, sorry to bother you again, could you just tell me how to reinstalled the ntfs config tool? | 08:16 |
MilitantPotato | brownie17: have you checked synaptic? | 08:16 |
shane | MilitantPotato: sudo get-apt ntfs-config doesnt seem to work, but I know im close. | 08:17 |
hylinux | had got it this is:libpam0g-dev | 08:17 |
arooni_ | i just added a network printer to my gutsy config. but i can only see it in my printer control panel... i cant select it from any app............. do i need to restart? | 08:17 |
MilitantPotato | shane, through terminal it's sudo apt-get remove ntfs-config && install ntfs-config | 08:17 |
brownie17 | MilitantPotato, yes. extensively. not having much luck | 08:17 |
MilitantPotato | shane: or use synaptic and just right click it, do re-install. | 08:17 |
panny | superq just seems 64 bit | 08:18 |
MilitantPotato | brownie17: tried to purge thin liquid and re-install? | 08:18 |
brownie17 | MilitantPotato, nope. it does not require installation, just running a certain file. | 08:19 |
MilitantPotato | Tried gtkpod-aac | 08:19 |
MilitantPotato | ? | 08:19 |
MilitantPotato | http://www.gtkpod.org | 08:19 |
=== baiju is now known as baijum | ||
Bonster | ipod? | 08:19 |
tony_ | Are you trying to use your ipod on gutsy? | 08:19 |
Bonster | get floola | 08:19 |
SuperQ | panny: that sucks :( | 08:20 |
Thr34t | Hey everyone. I've got a "Could not initialize HAL" error. Any ideas? I've googled quite a bit & tried everything to no avail. | 08:20 |
tony_ | when does the error show up? | 08:21 |
panny | superq seems silly they jump ahead to 64 when most of the computers in the world are 32! | 08:21 |
Thr34t | at boot | 08:21 |
tony_ | Was this during installation, or has it been running fine already? | 08:21 |
omegaweopon | Does linux have a program that allows me to run a remote desktop to a windows pc? | 08:21 |
Thr34t | it was running fine for awhile, then I edited the grub menu.lst and /etc/fstab. bad decision. | 08:22 |
warbler | !vnc | 08:22 |
ubotu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 08:22 |
dena | omegaweopon, yes | 08:22 |
erUSUL | !info rdesktop | omegaweopon | 08:22 |
Flannel | omegaweopon: rdesktop can | 08:22 |
ubotu | omegaweopon: rdesktop: RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.0-2 (gutsy), package size 118 kB, installed size 440 kB | 08:22 |
omegaweopon | thanks | 08:22 |
murlidhar | share it is apt-get not get-apt | 08:22 |
jaco | hi guys. where can i get help for using WINE | 08:22 |
warbler | jaco: #wine | 08:23 |
jaco | thanks warbler | 08:23 |
warbler | k | 08:23 |
Bonster | #winehq | 08:23 |
tony_ | Can anyone recommend a good terminal based irc client? | 08:24 |
jaco | thx bonster better link | 08:24 |
plux | tony_: irssi | 08:24 |
tony_ | Thanks | 08:24 |
Tyroazard | Wine doesn't let anything with sound run | 08:24 |
Tyroazard | >.> | 08:24 |
murlidhar | plux: any other choice | 08:24 |
dena | Tyroazard, change sound from oss to alsa | 08:25 |
murlidhar | Tyroazard: join #wine | 08:25 |
dena | in winecfg | 08:25 |
Tyroazard | Alright, thanks | 08:25 |
brownie17 | MilitantPotato, for some reason gtkpod tells me i cna't transfer .mp4 without mp4v2 which i think i have | 08:25 |
Crazy|One | anybody here available to assist with usb webcam problems? | 08:25 |
Thr34t | i've reinstalled dbus and hal, checked hald manually and still no results | 08:25 |
Bonster | brownie17: get floola | 08:25 |
plux | murlidhar: bitchx, but I recomend irssi, It's the client I have always used. | 08:25 |
brownie17 | Bonster, k thanks | 08:25 |
Tyroazard | What about Driver Emulation? | 08:25 |
Tyroazard | Yes? No? | 08:25 |
murlidhar | plux: thanks | 08:26 |
plux | tony_: http://irssi.org/documentation/startup http://f0rked.com/articles/irssi there you have two whine guides about irssi, and getting started | 08:26 |
plux | murlidhar: also, I think x-chat has a ncurses ui | 08:26 |
plux | murlidhar: but that I never have used | 08:26 |
Quake_cn | right now i am having a problem with azureus--the built-in ip filters is not working properly on ubuntu.i have edited a list of ips to block,but it never worked.does anyone have a clue?any help would be appreciated | 08:27 |
paulowsky | I've got to format a flash drive in feisty. how can I do that? | 08:27 |
murlidhar | plux: great u gave me a lot of options. will check them all | 08:27 |
Bonster | any good mms streaming video player? | 08:28 |
Tyroazard | Thanks, dena.. Meh.. Joined #wine | 08:28 |
Bonster | Quake_cn: try moblock | 08:29 |
paulowsky | I've got to format a flash (removable) drive in feisty. how can I do that? | 08:29 |
misc-- | hello, how do I find out which package a certain file is from (a file that is not installed yet on my PC)? | 08:29 |
dena | np good luck Tyroazard | 08:29 |
Thr34t | tony_: any ideas? | 08:29 |
tony_ | thanks plux, I just got there myself! | 08:29 |
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP | ||
tony_ | Sorru Thr34t | 08:30 |
tony_ | I was off reading something else | 08:30 |
paulowsky | I've got to format a flash (removable) drive in feisty. how can I do that? somebody help pls:P | 08:30 |
tony_ | Well, I think your best bet is to post your error and your fstab file | 08:30 |
tony_ | so we can take a look | 08:30 |
tony_ | which you might have to do in the forums | 08:30 |
Tyroazard | Ah, everyone's too busy.. Might as well do trial and error | 08:30 |
Thr34t | k | 08:30 |
dena | paulowsky, sudo apt-get install gparted | 08:31 |
revx | hello...what desktop video capture program best for gutsy... | 08:31 |
paulowsky | dena. thanks :) | 08:31 |
dena | np paulowsky | 08:31 |
Thr34t | :P I'm trying not to be such a n00b, but the learning curve has been very steep ^_- | 08:31 |
simonova | I need help installing ubuntu on a friend's laptop | 08:31 |
Tyroazard | Ah damn. | 08:32 |
ePax | revx: Istanbul or gtk-recordMyDesktop | 08:32 |
dena | simonova, what's the issue? | 08:32 |
revx | gtk gave me error dependencies...il try stanbul | 08:32 |
simonova | I insert the install disk, I select star/install ubuntu, and hen I get a loading screen, then, black screen | 08:33 |
dena | revx install get-libs it works wonders with dependencies | 08:33 |
simonova | with a blinking underscore top left | 08:33 |
dena | simonova, did you try safe graphics? | 08:33 |
simonova | yes | 08:33 |
demosthenes | I found a resolution for fixing 1600x1200 resolution in Dell Inspiron 8200 laptops with a Nvidia chip and the Nvidia driver | 08:33 |
demosthenes | where do I submit this solution? | 08:34 |
levander | Why does gnome have a CDROM icon on my desktop even though my CD drive is empty? | 08:34 |
Demo1 | Please help: I've inserted a new hard disk into my server, but Ubuntu cannot find it. What should I do? | 08:34 |
demosthenes | I found it on Launchpad but it was buried pretty deep | 08:34 |
dena | you might want to do a google search for noapic ubuntu install that should lead you in the right direction i think | 08:34 |
revx | ok il try .. | 08:34 |
=== Shadow__ is now known as asdasdasd | ||
dena | levander, can you right click on it and click unmount? | 08:34 |
Crazy|One | if i install apache 2 onto my machine will i need apache 1 installed first? | 08:34 |
dena | Crazy|One, no | 08:35 |
Bonster | Demo1: sudo fdisk -l | 08:35 |
levander | dena: I can right click on it and click "Eject", but nothing happens. | 08:35 |
tony_ | Ok guys, what is the adress of this channel? | 08:35 |
ePax | levander: Is it CDrom icon or your mounted disks? | 08:35 |
Crazy|One | ok, I did sudo apt-get install apache2 | 08:35 |
Crazy|One | told me it installed but cant find it anywhere | 08:35 |
tony_ | If I'm trying to join it form irssi, /connect | 08:35 |
levander | ePax: CDROM | 08:35 |
dena | levander, try sudo umount /media/cdrom or cdrom0 | 08:35 |
levander | dena: It says "not mounted". | 08:36 |
ePax | !apache2 | Crazy|One | 08:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apache2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:36 |
tony_ | Crazy One: You will not find apache2 in the startmenu | 08:36 |
dena | Crazy|One, it's all command based do sudo updatedb then locate apache or try whereis apache | 08:36 |
ePax | !lamp | Crazy|One | 08:36 |
ubotu | Crazy|One: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 08:36 |
panny | superq sent them an email anyway. complaining :P | 08:36 |
Bonster | !Wmp | 08:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wmp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:36 |
dena | levander, did you reboot and it's still there? | 08:36 |
ePax | Crazy|One: You have to start apache from terimal. | 08:36 |
dena | what is in /media levander ? | 08:36 |
levander | I think it has to do with that hal died while there was a disc in there. I ejected from the command line, put a disc in, burned an iso to it, took the disc out, and that original CDROM icon is still there... | 08:37 |
levander | dena: haven't rebooted yet. | 08:37 |
dena | Crazy|One, sudo /etc/init.d/apache start | 08:37 |
levander | dena: have 42 days uptime, don't wanna reboot | 08:37 |
Crazy|One | k | 08:37 |
dena | levander, what is in /media? | 08:37 |
brownie17 | Bonster, you use floola? it tells me my ipod is not connected. i went to the help documentation on the website and the only help it could offer was to tell me to put my iPod on disk mode using iTunes, but on linux that's not possible. also i think it might already be in disk mode | 08:37 |
levander | dena: cdrom dvd dvdrecorder floppy floppy0 storage | 08:37 |
tony_ | Does anyone know the address of this channel, if I want to connect through irssi /connect? | 08:38 |
levander | dena: tried "sudo umount /media/cdrom", it says "not mounted" | 08:38 |
levander | tony_: irc.freenode.org is the server, #ubuntu is the channel | 08:38 |
dena | try dvd maybe? | 08:38 |
PyChild | Hello i have a weeeeeeeird gnome bug here and I don't know how even begin to describe it, basically, *I have ghost items in my gtk file chooser* | 08:38 |
levander | dena: just tried, same thing | 08:38 |
Bonster | brownie17: u have to use the itunes to unlock ur ipod to use HD mode 1st | 08:38 |
Bonster | brownie17: after that u never need it again | 08:38 |
PyChild | How do I get read of ghost items in my gtk file choosers? | 08:39 |
dena | hmm... not sure sry levander | 08:39 |
brownie17 | Bonster, do you have to do that to your iPod to use any other linux iPod program? | 08:39 |
Crazy|One | sudo /etc/init.d/apache start "Not Found" | 08:39 |
maniaxmax | What is the command to edit xorg.conf | 08:39 |
brownie17 | Bonster, because they all work | 08:39 |
levander | dena: I think internally GNOME just keeps a list somewhere of drives it thinks are mounted. If I could find that list... | 08:39 |
tony_ | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:39 |
brownie17 | Bonster, except they're kinda crashing atm | 08:39 |
tony_ | maniamax | 08:39 |
ePax | Crazy|One: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 08:40 |
Bonster | brownie17: thats how u use floola | 08:40 |
dena | fdisk -l? | 08:40 |
Crazy|One | yeah just realised it | 08:40 |
maniaxmax | tony: thanks | 08:40 |
ePax | Crazy|One: And to stop it use sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 08:40 |
tapas | hi | 08:40 |
tony_ | maniamax - be care if there though, do you know what your trying to do | 08:40 |
ePax | Crazy|One: And to stop it use sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop | 08:40 |
Bonster | brownie17: if is set to HD mode u can put ur floola inside and use it on any PC or linux box | 08:40 |
Crazy|One | it says it has started up, can I enter on my internet app to see if it works? | 08:40 |
tapas | in feisty removable usb drives that were attached to the computer upon logging into kde were automatically mounted | 08:40 |
tapas | since the update to gutsy this doesn't happen no more | 08:40 |
tapas | how can i fix this? | 08:40 |
brownie17 | Bonster, i fixed it. ipod was not recognized by computer at all for some reason. removed it and re-inserted it and it's working fine now. thanks for your time | 08:41 |
ePax | Crazy|One: Try it. | 08:41 |
simonova | dena, I used a boot: ubuntu noapic at the install option, and now i'm getting an error message | 08:41 |
dena | Crazy|One, no but you can enter ;) | 08:41 |
Tyroazard | Uhm.. It says VMware server conflicts with an installed program and tells me to go to the Synaptic Package Manager to resolve | 08:41 |
levander | tapas: i'd try #kubuntu for that, i know how to do it in gnome, not kde | 08:41 |
dena | simonova, what is it? | 08:41 |
Tyroazard | How do I resolve with the SPM? | 08:41 |
tapas | levander: ok | 08:41 |
Crazy|One | lol thats what I mean, nah its telling me cannot connect | 08:41 |
sebrock | Does anyone know if I can get ACPI to work on my G33-based chip? | 08:42 |
simonova | "Kernal panic - not synching: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(104,1)" | 08:42 |
Crazy|One | ok with it dont work, and with my network ip it does | 08:42 |
AnRkey | !embedded | 08:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about embedded - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:43 |
dena | Tyroazard, i think it is sudo apt-get install vmware-server? if not do a sudo apt-cache search vmware and replace vmware-server in first command with whatever package name is. | 08:43 |
ePax | Crazy|One: It does work but you need to have one index.html in your apache folder. | 08:43 |
tony___ | Alright, lol I'm finally in through irssi! | 08:43 |
dena | simonova, sounds like hdd issue? | 08:43 |
AnRkey | where can i download ubuntu embedded? | 08:43 |
marlowe | hi need help on which release should i download. I have a new laptop with AMD turion X2. I am not sure which desktop edition to download | 08:43 |
dena | hooray for tony___ ! | 08:43 |
simonova | I don't know what that means. | 08:43 |
jhonovich1 | i am using apt-get and trying to figure out where the package is normally installed, how does this work? | 08:43 |
Bonster | any player that does mms streaming? | 08:43 |
dena | marlowe, get i386 gutsy | 08:43 |
brownie17 | Bonster, floola is 100x better thank gtkpod. | 08:43 |
Bonster | brownie17: put the file inside ur ipod and use in any pc | 08:44 |
marlowe | Dena, will that maximize the the turion X2 features ? | 08:44 |
tony___ | Sorry Bonster, I'm not sure was mms streaming is | 08:44 |
dena | marlowe, i don't believe that you will see a difference at all. there is more software support for 32-bit anyway | 08:44 |
dena | marlowe, how much ram? | 08:45 |
marlowe | hmmm, i understand what you mean. Ok i will continue my download | 08:45 |
marlowe | Dena, Ram is 1GB | 08:45 |
dena | yeah you don't have to worry about 64bit until 4gb | 08:45 |
simonova | dena, if the issue is HDD related, would formatting the hard-drive fix it? | 08:45 |
marlowe | Dena, Hmmm sorry to be ignorant about it. Why do you mean dont worry until 4GB ? thanks | 08:46 |
tony___ | What about at right at 4GB? | 08:46 |
darren | I'm super new to Ubuntu, and I've gotten almost everything set up except nzb which when I connect gives me an "SSLFilter: unable to load unix openssl" error. Does anyone have any suggestions on what might be wrong? | 08:46 |
spasti | /exit | 08:46 |
dena | simonova, not necessarily try pulling the hdd then running live cd see if you still get the error | 08:46 |
Thr34t | tony_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3668049#post3668049 | 08:47 |
tony___ | --> marlowe --> a 32 bit processor can only use up to 4 gigs of ram, where a 64 bit can handle... much much more than that | 08:47 |
Bonster | any 1 got Windows Media Player working in ubuntu? | 08:47 |
dena | marlowe, 32bit doesn't handle more than 3gb of memory. :) | 08:47 |
dena | Bonster, why do you want wmp? | 08:48 |
demosthenes | dena: I thought it was 4GB limit | 08:48 |
marlowe | Dena, Tony. to confirm my understanding about AMD turion X2 and Intel Core 2 duo. The suggestion is still to be in 32bit mode ? | 08:48 |
Bonster | dena: none players on linux seems to support mms streaming | 08:48 |
dena | demosthenes, afaik 3gb is all that can be used so 4gb is limit | 08:49 |
dena | Bonster, mplayer does | 08:49 |
tony___ | --Thr34t - check out this thread possibly... http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/61350-failed-initialize-hal.html | 08:49 |
kwaio | net.org | 08:49 |
=== Afkninja is now known as Beardedninja | ||
dena | marlowe, yes | 08:49 |
void^ | dena: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension | 08:49 |
warbler | Bonster: vlc is supposed to support everything | 08:49 |
marlowe | dena, thank you for the help | 08:50 |
tony___ | marlowe --> It depends on what you want, 32 bit will be much easier to get everything working, or for all intents and purposed, with operate just as fast. However, as a power user, some people just love the feeling of maximixing there hardware, currently, that is the only advantage of 64 bit | 08:50 |
dena | thanks void^ for clearing it up | 08:50 |
Bonster | is not the same | 08:50 |
dena | np marlowe | 08:50 |
warbler | !dualboot | 08:50 |
ubotu | Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty | 08:50 |
Bonster | too many errors | 08:50 |
dena | Bonster, i totally agree with you! | 08:51 |
void^ | dena: default ubuntu desktop kernels aren't compiled with pae support though, afaik. server kernels are. | 08:51 |
Thr34t | tony_: i tried reinstalling dbus, no luck | 08:51 |
beruic | "gnome-screensaver" does not run upon boot. Which file should I edit to fix this? | 08:51 |
tony___ | Ok Thr34t, I will post my fstab file for you to compare with and check for differences on your thread | 08:52 |
dena | void^, that sounds about right but you could recompile it to support it. | 08:52 |
Thr34t | cool | 08:52 |
Tyroazard | Ugh.. Sound works now, but it only works for 1/8th of a second every second | 08:52 |
Tyroazard | >.> And it's crackly | 08:52 |
darren | Anyone know what's wrong when I get the error "SSLFilter: unable to load unix openssl" | 08:52 |
Crazy|One | if i have a domain pointed to my ip, can i not access it using the domain name on my machine? | 08:53 |
dena | welcome to the wonderful world of wine. There are tons of sound tweaks on the net though. I've been through some when i've run into issues... | 08:53 |
ishi | Hu, when I use the "connect to server" fuction of nautilus, where does the share get mounted then? | 08:53 |
astro76 | Crazy|One, if you are using a router, usually no | 08:53 |
revx | how can i configure my NTFS drive to always there when i boot up to gutsy...seems everytime i open Ubuntu i need to mount my NTFS drive. | 08:54 |
Crazy|One | kk | 08:54 |
Crazy|One | thanks alot | 08:54 |
Tyroazard | Huh? | 08:54 |
Tyroazard | Sound tweaks? | 08:54 |
erUSUL | !ntfs | revx | 08:54 |
ubotu | revx: ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 08:54 |
Tyroazard | Would you have a link? | 08:54 |
beruic | "gnome-screensaver" does not run upon boot. Which file should I edit to fix this? | 08:54 |
void^ | ishi: it doesn't get mounted, only gnome-vfs enabled software can see it. | 08:54 |
Tyroazard | Also, My external hard disks show up as unknown owner and I can't change the read/write rights | 08:55 |
dena | Tyroazard, not on my home pc. but i'm looking | 08:55 |
Tyroazard | And it's stuck on Read only | 08:55 |
Cyber_Stalker | how the heck do i install a theme? im downloading tar.gz files (GDM themes) and when i run theme manager and say install theme and select it it says file format not supported please some one help me | 08:55 |
Tyroazard | Not that important but.. | 08:55 |
Tyroazard | Would be grateful if you could clear that up for mr | 08:55 |
Tyroazard | *me | 08:55 |
tiago | has any one managed to get ati dual head + compiz-fusion working in gusty gibbon? | 08:56 |
Cyber_Stalker | erUSUL: your always helpfull any suggestions? im downloading these GDM themes from Gnome-Look.org | 08:56 |
Thr34t | tony_: thanks anyway :) cheers | 08:56 |
warbler | Tyroazard: have you tried changing the owner of you externals | 08:57 |
Tyroazard | How? | 08:57 |
tony___ | Hopefully someone with more knowledge will be look at your thread soon! | 08:57 |
warbler | *your | 08:57 |
Tyroazard | Keep in mind I just switched to Ubuntu >.> | 08:57 |
demosthenes | hey anyone know how to get full screen video working on a TV like it does under Windows XP? | 08:58 |
tiago | has any one managed to get ati dual head + compiz-fusion working in gusty gibbon? | 08:58 |
xep__ | hello, if i config "iptables" with ubuntu , after reboot will it stay N | 08:58 |
xep__ | ?? | 08:58 |
beruic | Please help me. "gnome-screensaver" does not run when I log in. Which file should I edit to fix this? I REALLY need users to be able to lock the screen on this computer. | 08:59 |
Tyroazard | Warbler? | 08:59 |
warbler | Tyroazard: in terminal - type " sudo chown -Rv you:you /path/ to /file - you = your login name - /path/to/file is found in /etc/fstab | 08:59 |
PyChild | talking about halloween, can sombody help with THE SPOOKY GHOST ITEMS in my gtk file chooser? | 08:59 |
PyChild | please help | 09:00 |
tony___ | For networking. Guys, with a Window manager like fluxbox, it doesn't come with many tools for networking and such. How would I go about changing my workgroup to MSHOME or something different? | 09:00 |
revx | already have my istanbul install from synaptic but seems it wont open when i double click the icon...Y? | 09:00 |
tiago | has any one managed to get ati dual head + compiz-fusion working in gusty gibbon? | 09:00 |
Tyroazard | sudo chown -Rv tyroazard:tyroazard .. and then? | 09:00 |
dena | tiago, dang it's hard enough to get compiz-fusion single head with ati ... | 09:01 |
darren | does anyone know how to successfully get hd-dvds and Blu-Rays playing properly? | 09:02 |
warbler | !dvd | 09:02 |
tiago | dena: really? mine worked out of the box, and currently works beautifuly with the fglrx drivers and xgl, but working with a single monitor is killing me | 09:02 |
tony___ | Sorry Darren, I haven't even seen a HD-DVD or Blu Ray in person yet? | 09:02 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 09:02 |
dena | tiago, wow that's great! | 09:02 |
phate | Is there a cleartype font smoothing thing for ubuntu? cause the fonts are just bugging me :P | 09:03 |
tiago | dena: have you been having problems getting compiz running on your system? | 09:03 |
tony___ | Ok, so anyone know how to change your workgroup in fluxbox(ie, without network manager that comes with gnome)? | 09:03 |
* Tyroazard messes around with the settings and looks for a solution | 09:03 | |
Fuzzy | can someone recommend me an iscsi initiator other than open-iscsi? | 09:03 |
darren | tony___: yeah its a pretty new technology for computers yet, but they do work on PowerDVD in Windows. Thought there might be a solution for Linux now. | 09:04 |
dena | yes but i did have an AIW card... so i opted to save myself the headache and bought a nvidia card and a tvtuner... | 09:04 |
warbler | Tyroazard: no luck changing owner? | 09:04 |
Tyroazard | Well | 09:04 |
Tyroazard | I'm not sure what you mean | 09:04 |
Tyroazard | >.> | 09:04 |
tiago | dena: so is dual head working fine with the nvidia? | 09:04 |
tony___ | darren - its been done though, just type hd dvd in linux, and a digg article should come up, I havent read it though | 09:05 |
erUSUL | Cyber_Stalker: i allways installed themes through the gnome-art program install it and try it... also you can drag and drop the theme file in the window iirc | 09:05 |
dena | yes with twinview using it right now in fact | 09:05 |
revx | COMPIZ F must have NVIDIA cards think that will solved | 09:05 |
warbler | Tyroazard: ok - first things first - do you have an icon or file for the externals you can right click and check the properties? | 09:06 |
dena | tiago, i think it will change in the future when ati gives more to the community but this stuff is all still new | 09:06 |
Tyroazard | Uh, tell me in the query | 09:06 |
Tyroazard | >.> | 09:06 |
darren | tony___: yeah saw that one. All I get after following the current directions is a bunch of garbled video. I home VLC comes out with a solution soon. Then I wont need Windows at all <YAY> | 09:06 |
Tyroazard | Also, I'll check | 09:06 |
tiago | dena: hmmm maybe i should swap with my mums gfx card its an nvidia? | 09:06 |
phate | I have a x1400 ATI gfx card, what xserver package do I need for Compiz | 09:07 |
dena | yeah you will definately save yourself a headache then you'll need to do twinview not xinerama | 09:07 |
OpenGuru | Hi. I am thinking of purchasing new card. Which one you suggest me to purchase ? | 09:07 |
OpenGuru | new graphics card.* | 09:07 |
tiago | dena: is there still stuffing around in xorg.conf? | 09:07 |
=== iVlad is now known as _Vlad_ | ||
tony___ | Whats the difference between a domain and a workgroup | 09:07 |
dena | OpenGuru, what's the budget what interface? | 09:07 |
phate | OpenGuru, lol I was going to say 3.5 index card | 09:07 |
revx | NVIDIA | 09:07 |
dena | tiago, do you want to see mine? | 09:08 |
kale | OpenGuru: nvidia makes good cards, and they are supported too, amd has released information valuable to make drivers for their cards, but these drivers are not ready yet | 09:08 |
OpenGuru | dena, no limits on budget :) PCI x | 09:08 |
tiago | dena: yeah that might help, however im still not sure weather ill make the swap | 09:08 |
revx | im running Geforce 2mx 400 Nvidia Compiz Fusion | 09:08 |
MikeCamel | anyone out there with compiz guru-dom status? | 09:08 |
revx | Compiz runs | 09:08 |
Tyroazard | Is the PM getting through, Warbler? I know you're probably busy but could you help a little please? | 09:09 |
kale | OpenGuru: any requirements for gamsa etc. ? | 09:09 |
OpenGuru | kale, i was thinking of purchasing 2600XT, few days back AMD released new drivers AIGLX support. Whether they still suck ? | 09:09 |
Elephantman | hi :) | 09:09 |
OpenGuru | kale, well mostly for programming GPU | 09:09 |
MikeCamel | revx - any problems with compiz, or is it all OK? | 09:09 |
warbler | Tyroazard: #Tyroazard | 09:09 |
dena | that must be nice OpenGuru ! lol well i think they should all work fine. If you want something more compatible with games and such you're looking at one generation old the drivers don't tend to keep up it seems. | 09:09 |
kale | OpenGuru: i cannot say, but i know nvidia cards just work(tm) | 09:09 |
Elephantman | I'm wondering, is there a simple way to administer a bunch of machines at once (for things like upgrades) ? | 09:09 |
kale | OpenGuru: buy the cheepest nvidia card you can get then, it should be fine | 09:10 |
=== GTFr0 is now known as Fr0 | ||
dena | tiago, http://pastebin.ca/754835 | 09:10 |
revx | So far my old card seems going fine... | 09:10 |
revx | its only 64mb | 09:10 |
=== cast_ is now known as cast | ||
OpenGuru | kale, actually i have old nvidia card. 6200 which has black window bug. Its been around 1year since that bug, its not yet fixed :( | 09:10 |
tony___ | Elephantman- I would guess an ssh into each machine, and run aptiude update and aptitude upgrade would be pretty easy | 09:10 |
warbler | Tyroazard: I'm not registered | 09:10 |
kale | OpenGuru: what is the nature of this bug? | 09:11 |
revx | 1.8ghz/512mbram/gfmx40064mb v card | 09:11 |
MikeCamel | revx - could you please give me a list of related (and installed) packages? pastebin from 'dpkg -l \*compiz\* | grep ii' | 09:11 |
Elephantman | tony___> that's quite long, I'd like to find something that can reproduce the same command to all machnines at once | 09:11 |
OpenGuru | kale, its not possible to run compiz unless u use indirect rendering. | 09:11 |
warbler | Tyroazard: go to #warbler | 09:11 |
dena | OpenGuru, i'm running 6200 right now no bwb... | 09:11 |
OpenGuru | dena, 6200 with Turbo cache ? | 09:12 |
kale | OpenGuru: i stumbled into that when i had my 6200 card, but i solved it eventually, cannot remember how though, over a year ago | 09:12 |
dena | Elephantman, ltsp | 09:12 |
OpenGuru | dena, where did you get the drivers ? | 09:12 |
OpenGuru | kale, which card you have now ? | 09:12 |
dena | OpenGuru, not sure about the turbo cache thing 256mb onboard memory stock gutsy new drivers | 09:13 |
kale | OpenGuru: 7600GS on my desktop 7600go on my laptop | 09:13 |
tiago | dena: thanks mate, im opening up my mums comp now so ill be back on later gota shut down | 09:13 |
dena | np tiago | 09:13 |
OpenGuru | oh.. Thanks for the info.. | 09:14 |
revx | all i did was i dropped by to restricted packages..and there my card was installed...then go to appearance ...youll see Preference... | 09:14 |
mq_ | hi folks | 09:14 |
Karotte | hi | 09:14 |
mq_ | can i re-detect monitors without having to restart X? | 09:15 |
don16140 | Hhello | 09:15 |
installing-ubunt | greetings, how can I change the ssh port? I edited /etc/services and /etc/ssh/ssh_config but I get a connection refused error on the new port | 09:15 |
hdwow | Hi, where do I report bugs in drivers? | 09:15 |
chazco | Hi... I upgraded (fresh install in reality) from 7.04 to 7.10... everything seems to work except 1 webpage will no longer load. It worked on 7.04, works on my laptop (non-ubuntu) on the same LAN... any ideas? | 09:15 |
zerek | How do i make ubuntu 7.10 automatically detect my Fat32 USB stick? | 09:15 |
Karotte | are there docs to explain how exactly gnome does automount a device? I mean what is the procedere, how does it know it has to mount it with my user privileges etc? I know that HAL is somehow involved, but I would like to get more information about that | 09:15 |
mq_ | my notebook (lenovo x61) does detect vga when restart x. but i cannot (until now) activate vga during an x session | 09:16 |
mq_ | thx | 09:16 |
Merijn | hello, is there a command for apt-get that just shows updates that are available? | 09:16 |
dn4 | how do I get my cdrom mounted? | 09:16 |
dn4 | !mount | 09:16 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 09:16 |
dn4 | !cdrom | 09:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cdrom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 09:16 |
ghost | hi there | 09:16 |
LinuxInside | !scim | 09:17 |
ubotu | Chinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM | 09:17 |
ghost | is there someone who knows what paravirt does? | 09:18 |
kale | when i run rsync, press ctrl+c, it deletes the current file being transferred, rather than keeping it, can i change this? | 09:19 |
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crolle17 | how can i add an mail-footer in thunderbird? | 09:19 |
gluonman | I'm having a problem. When I try to change the greeting on my login window to a custom greeting, it automatically switches back to the default "Welcome" every time. Why is that? What can I do to change that? What does it mean when it says under the custom greeting "%n will be changed to hostname"? | 09:19 |
Cyber_Stalker | erUSUL: im busy installing gnome art | 09:19 |
askand | When I started my computer today I had 640x480..how do I fix that? | 09:20 |
Pergunta | how can i change room? | 09:20 |
installing-ubunt | how can I change the ssh port? I edited /etc/services and /etc/ssh/ssh_config but I get a connection refused error on the new port. I did reboot the computer after these changes ---- got it there was another config file sshd | 09:20 |
Pergunta | to xubuntu?\ | 09:20 |
=== redomino is now known as Luciana_Redomino | ||
Luciana_Redomino | hi | 09:21 |
Pergunta | #xubntu | 09:21 |
dgjones | Pergunta, type "/join #xubuntu" | 09:21 |
Luciana_Redomino | is this ubuntu chat for help? | 09:21 |
crolle17 | how can i add an mail-footer in thunderbird? | 09:21 |
dgjones | !support | Luciana_Redomino | 09:21 |
ubotu | Luciana_Redomino: the official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org | 09:21 |
Luciana_Redomino | thanks | 09:22 |
Luciana_Redomino | I apologize for my bad english | 09:22 |
Luciana_Redomino | so, I need help | 09:22 |
slapfaceware | is california a nice place to live? | 09:23 |
Merijn | lol | 09:23 |
dgjones | Luciana_Redomino, if you need help in italian language, you could join #ubuntu-it as well | 09:23 |
zerek | How do i enable autodetect/mount for USB drives?, ubuntu7.10, | 09:23 |
slapfaceware | i'm thinking about living there for a while | 09:23 |
Luciana_Redomino | I have to customize a distr. and I have a lot of problems with the making of repositories | 09:23 |
askand | When I started my computer today I had 640x480..how do I fix that? Can someone please help me? :( | 09:24 |
Luciana_Redomino | there's someone who can help me? | 09:24 |
installing-ubunt | askand: today only ? | 09:24 |
dgjones | !fixres | askand | 09:25 |
ubotu | askand: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:25 |
dn4 | askand, nano etc/X11/xorg.cfg | 09:25 |
tony___ | askand - are you using a normal ubuntu install with gnome? | 09:25 |
dn4 | look for resolution displays | 09:25 |
askand | tony___: yes | 09:25 |
dn4 | man | 09:25 |
Romantik_UkaLa | türk yokmu türk? | 09:25 |
dn4 | ubuntu gutsy doesn't allow me to use my nivida graphics card | 09:25 |
installing-ubunt | askand: try ctrl + alt + the plus key | 09:25 |
dn4 | I have a RIVA TNT2 | 09:25 |
wolliw | anyone here use Anjuta? | 09:25 |
dn4 | nothing has been able to solve it | 09:25 |
dgjones | !tr | Romantik_UkaLa | 09:26 |
ubotu | Romantik_UkaLa: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 09:26 |
askand | installing-ubunt: didnt work..its so strange I havent touched xorg.conf.. | 09:26 |
tony___ | well, as mentioned, you could edit your /etc/X11/xorg.cong file, but first you should go to System>Admin>screens and graphics to try and fix | 09:26 |
Cyber_Stalker | erUSUL: i run gnome-art and click themes and it downloads but then exits | 09:26 |
Romantik_UkaLa | sağol dgjones | 09:26 |
Cyber_Stalker | erUSUL: how do i enable the themes it downloads? | 09:26 |
askand | tony___: I only have 640x4880 there | 09:26 |
installing-ubunt | askand: is this the first time you rebooted since installing or something along thoughes lines ? | 09:26 |
askand | installing-ubunt: nope,, | 09:27 |
tony___ | askand - so it was working fine, until you rebooting or something? | 09:27 |
askand | tony___: yes turned off it yesterday..and when I started today I got this | 09:28 |
BYOCOM | hello, I have a quick desktop effects question | 09:28 |
tony___ | hmm, that is weird, especially if there were no updates | 09:28 |
tony___ | Are you using an nvidia card with restricted drivers? | 09:28 |
tony___ | go ahead BYOCOme | 09:28 |
askand | tony___: no im using intel..an xorg.conf looks fine to me | 09:29 |
BYOCOM | I run 7.10 and somehow now when I double-click a window title, the window minimizes. I'd rather it toggle maximized/unmaximize | 09:29 |
BYOCOM | how do I set that? | 09:29 |
BYOCOM | I've got the "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings" package installed | 09:30 |
Cyber_Stalker | does any one here using Gnome-ARt? | 09:30 |
tony___ | dpkg-reconfigure command <-- You can try that command | 09:30 |
tony___ | for askand | 09:30 |
Hoffmann_Peter | Hy, my name is Peter and I have a question the man pages would not answere me: If I list a module in /etc/modules is every entry loaded like 'modprobe' or like 'insmod'? | 09:30 |
jaco | whats the wine irc channel | 09:30 |
dgjones | !wine | jaco | 09:30 |
ubotu | jaco: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 09:31 |
Cyber_Stalker | Jaco #wine | 09:31 |
slapfaceware | #windows | 09:31 |
Cyber_Stalker | lol slapfaceware | 09:31 |
dgjones | jaco, sorry, though ubotu said which channel it was as well | 09:31 |
Cyber_Stalker | that is SOOO the wrong link | 09:31 |
askand | tony___: what command? | 09:31 |
Powerup | !wine | 09:31 |
darren | Anyone know what's wrong when I get the error "SSLFilter: unable to load unix openssl" | 09:32 |
dgjones | jaco, its #winehq, although #wine forwards you that channel | 09:32 |
tony___ | askand --> dpkg-reconfigure xorg | 09:32 |
jaco | isnt there a dif one? | 09:32 |
Powerup | how the heck do you download wine ? | 09:32 |
dgjones | Powerup, via synaptic | 09:32 |
tony___ | sorry askand not that one! | 09:32 |
tony___ | this one | 09:32 |
tony___ | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:32 |
jaco | thx djjones thats what i wanted | 09:32 |
dgjones | jaco, no probs | 09:33 |
jaco | powerup: use synaptic package manager | 09:33 |
Hoffmann_Peter | anybody can help me? | 09:33 |
dgjones | !ask | Hoffmann_Peter | 09:33 |
ubotu | Hoffmann_Peter: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:33 |
predaeus | Hoffmann_Peter, I would guess more like modprobe | 09:34 |
predaeus | Hoffmann_Peter, so it would install dependencies aswell | 09:34 |
Cyber_Stalker | does any one here using Gnome-ARt? | 09:34 |
dn4 | How do I get my RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro 0x0028 working with Gutsy? | 09:34 |
Hoffmann_Peter | predaeus: that exactly was my question, do I have to list all dependencies as well | 09:34 |
zerek | Powerup sudo apt-get install wine | 09:35 |
Cyber_Stalker | Powerup: "sudo apt-get install wine" | 09:35 |
tony___ | question guys, when using an ftp client like filezilla, can you copy folders, or does it always just copy the files | 09:35 |
Hoffmann_Peter | predaeus: Ok, I think I'll just try it an hope it works ;-) | 09:35 |
tarzeau | tony___: lftp can mirror directories | 09:35 |
Hoffmann_Peter | thx+bye | 09:35 |
BYOCOM | anybody? | 09:35 |
Mountaingod | Is there a better way to get Lexmark printers to work on Gutsy than this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49714&highlight=gutsy+printer | 09:35 |
tony___ | lftp? Does filezilla support that? | 09:36 |
Mountaingod | My z708 is detected automatically but cannot be used. That howto didn't work for me back on Feisty | 09:36 |
tarzeau | tony___: no lftp is another program/package | 09:36 |
Powerup | Cyber_Stalker: E: Couldn't find package wine | 09:37 |
LinuxInside | why? | 09:37 |
tony___ | hmm... tarz, is there a way I can 'get' a folder through a terminal command? | 09:38 |
BYOCOM | Anyone know how to specify that double-clicking a window title should cause it to maximize (rather than minimize)? | 09:38 |
carl- | someone here know how to reenable dualheadsupport for "radeon" on gutsy .. seems they took it out | 09:38 |
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Arafangion | BYOCOM: That's a window manager thing, not sure if Gnome allows that (It's relatively inflexible these days), but I'm sure there's window managers out there that will allow you to configure that behaviour. | 09:39 |
josss | thingummywut: still remember me? | 09:39 |
demosthenes | for some reason Ubuntu only has Evolution version 2.12.0 available in Synaptic - any reason why? | 09:39 |
Arafangion | BYOCOM: I warn you that it is much more usual to minimize or "shade" a window if you doubleclick on it. | 09:39 |
LinuxInside | lops | 09:39 |
tony___ | Bycom - try system>preferences>windows | 09:40 |
Giddion | hi, im just downloading ubuntu and geting ready to make my XP system into a dual boot system, What would be the best way to re partition my hard drive without screwing up my XP partition? does the ubuntu live cd come with its own partition program that i can use on install? or do i have to use Partition Magic in windows before i start? | 09:40 |
Cyber_Stalker | hmm | 09:40 |
Arafangion | Giddion: Yes it does, but I suggest you backup just the same. | 09:40 |
BYOCOM | Tony thanks! | 09:40 |
jaco | yes it comes with own partition program | 09:40 |
LinuxInside | use PQ | 09:40 |
jaco | very easy to use | 09:40 |
BYOCOM | I completely overlooked that | 09:40 |
Giddion | Arafangion already done mate :) | 09:40 |
josss | Giddion: ubuntu installer got its own partition tool | 09:40 |
Giddion | josss thanks :) | 09:41 |
tony___ | Byocom, no problem, I've done the same plenty of times | 09:41 |
demosthenes | evolution 2.21.1 is the latest version but Ubuntu does not show it in Synaptic package manager | 09:41 |
Arafangion | Giddion: Wow, you're a first! ;) I suppose you wash your hands before meals too? ;) | 09:41 |
Giddion | Arafangion if the girlfriends there..... no lol ;-) | 09:41 |
=== Ecnerifed is now known as DeFirence | ||
flokuehn | hey Arafangion. how are you doing? | 09:41 |
darren | Anyone know what's wrong when I get the error "SSLFilter: unable to load unix openssl" | 09:41 |
BYOCOM | one other question: in 7.04 running Beryl, I could shade a window by holding down the scroll wheel and scrolling up/down. How do I do this in 7.10? | 09:41 |
Arafangion | Giddion: Wouldn't you want to be on your best behaviour with your gf there? (Ie, you *would* wash your hands) | 09:42 |
Arafangion | flokuehn: Hey. | 09:42 |
tuxmaster1988 | is there anyway to get the keyboard shortcuts to work with something other than rythmbox or totem (maybe VLC) | 09:42 |
Giddion | Arafangion that was my point :) it was a joke i dont think you got :P | 09:42 |
josss | Giddion: ubuntu got one option which it automatically resize your windows partition and install straight away | 09:42 |
demosthenes | any reason why Ubuntu is stuck on an old Evolution version? | 09:42 |
Giddion | josss nice :D | 09:42 |
Arafangion | Giddion: Evidently not. | 09:42 |
mattl | does anyone know which package contains the 'mailboxes' command? | 09:43 |
zerek | anyone can tell me how i can make my ubuntu automount my fat32 usb stick?, (mount optiones in "Removable drivers and media preferences" are enabled.) | 09:43 |
tony___ | Byocom - I think for that your going to want to go advanced settings manager, and configure the 'opacify' option | 09:43 |
Arafangion | mattl: You want the 'apt-file' command, once you've installed that, you can type apt-file update; then apt-file search mailboxes | 09:44 |
tony___ | byocom, but I'm not as sure for that | 09:44 |
tiago | hi, i just resorted to swaping with my mums gfx card to resolve dual head issue, im now using an nvidia with restricted drivers, compiz is working, dual head is sort of working, the resolutions are really strange and the desktop is black can any one please help? | 09:45 |
flokuehn | Arafangion: how is your study and your lfs project going? | 09:45 |
tuxmaster1988 | Can the keyboard shortcuts in ubuntu be set to work with vlc instead of totem and rythmbox? | 09:45 |
tony___ | Hey guys, I have a question, why did they used to be called Chat-Rooms, and now its called an IRC? | 09:46 |
demosthenes | tiago: I have had similar problems - do a search on your monitor version and Ubuntu | 09:46 |
greencookie | tuxmaster1988: I would think so, you have to disable global shortcuts in totem and rhythmbox. | 09:46 |
greencookie | tuxmaster1988: and configure global shortcuts in Gnome. | 09:46 |
Arafangion | flokuehn: LFS is going good, got e17 running as my main DE, and it's very nice indeed. | 09:46 |
tarzeau | tony___: IRC is older than chat-rooms | 09:46 |
demosthenes | tiago: I eventually fixed with custom timing information entered in to the X config file, and for my Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop a custom EDID file I found off Launchpad | 09:46 |
tarzeau | tony___: and it's short for internet relay chat | 09:46 |
Arafangion | flokuehn: Got only 90 MB of space left, though, so things are getting interesting. | 09:46 |
tarzeau | tony___: besides it's channels. not rooms | 09:46 |
tony___ | Ok, but, they are essentially the same thing? | 09:47 |
tony___ | Or is there a fundamental difference | 09:47 |
aantn | is vlc faster than totem? | 09:47 |
Sonderblade | is there a way to search among only installed packages? | 09:47 |
tiago | demosthenes: so i must manualy edit the xorg.conf? | 09:47 |
tuxmaster1988 | only thing that gnome lets me change is the button not what program it opens | 09:47 |
flokuehn | Arafangion: yes i know e 17. its nice but i prefer xfce1.4. at least 90mb of space. ok this will be interesting | 09:47 |
Arafangion | tony___: They are both jargon. | 09:47 |
BYOCOM | naa, I dont see anything in Opacify. In the General Options setting on the Actions tab there is an item called "Toggle Window Shaded". It seems like that might be a way but I'm not sure how to specify that "hold middle click and scroll" gesture | 09:47 |
warbler | tuxmaster1988: there is a config for that- in vlc click settings - preferences - hotkeys | 09:48 |
Arafangion | tony___: And irc jargon does not have rooms. | 09:48 |
tuxmaster1988 | its not for that | 09:48 |
tuxmaster1988 | it doesnt let u set media keys on the keyboard | 09:48 |
Arafangion | flokuehn: xfce1.4 would have a decent file browser, at least. e17 is still extremely developmental | 09:48 |
tony___ | Byocom, I'm not sure how to specify that either, is there any way you could used to something else? :-) | 09:48 |
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demosthenes | tiago: I don't know but that seems to be a common solution | 09:49 |
demosthenes | tiago: the nvidia driver struggles with EDID probing apparently, I believe mostly due to monitors having a poor implementation of EDID or something | 09:49 |
BYOCOM | heh, no big deal. I'll dig around. Thanks for your help! | 09:49 |
=== Vark1 is now known as Varka | ||
demosthenes | tiago: so you may need to dig out your monitor manual or google search on your model | 09:50 |
warbler | tuxmaster1988: you need to install drivers for your media keys | 09:50 |
tiago | i have selected the correct models in the screen and graphics preferences and used it to set up dual head | 09:50 |
tuxmaster1988 | ? | 09:50 |
greencookie | Is there anyway in Xchat Gnome to highlight messages from a particular person? | 09:50 |
tiago | demosthenes: though for the main monitor it reverts to a rediculously large resolution and i must pan around the monitor | 09:51 |
_dillinger | hi, the guys at #xubuntu referred me here.... I updated to Gutsy and now my printer prints blank pages | 09:51 |
tuxmaster1988 | any particular name for these drivers | 09:51 |
_dillinger | I tried aa-complain cupsd, it set it to complain mode... I tried restarting it, nothing, and I have the latest version of cups... oh and my printer worked fine under the previous version | 09:52 |
_dillinger | any ideas? | 09:53 |
_dillinger | oh well, guess not v:(v | 09:55 |
Arafangion | greencookie: Yes, it's in the configuration somewhere. | 09:55 |
josss | tiago: there is a way to set resolution automatically | 09:55 |
demosthenes | tiago: but just be careful if you have enabled the binary nvidia driver | 09:56 |
tiago | josss: i just want them both at 1280x1024 | 09:56 |
demosthenes | and search for your monitor model and ubuntu and / or linux nvidia driver on Google | 09:56 |
tiago | demosthenes: i have inabled the proprietary accelerated nvdia driver | 09:56 |
demosthenes | tiago: I thought so... I've been down this path before | 09:57 |
tiago | demosthenes: my mums card is a 5600 | 09:57 |
demosthenes | tiago: generally involves sitting down with a big pot of tea and prepare for diving in to Google | 09:57 |
demosthenes | tiago: the monitor is generally the problem not the card | 09:57 |
demosthenes | tiago: well in my case anyway | 09:57 |
tiago | demosthenes: great thats what i have been doing all week to get the ati to work | 09:57 |
demosthenes | tiago: Nvidia is much easier to get going | 09:58 |
tiago | demosthenes: i thought nvidia would be plug and play | 09:58 |
demosthenes | tiago: it is, but monitors aren't | 09:58 |
tiago | demosthenes: lol, well am i using the right driver for a start? | 09:58 |
demosthenes | tiago: I think Nvidia do a great job but monitors let them down with poor EDID implementation - this is a common view I keep coming across | 09:58 |
demosthenes | tiago: Nvidia driver for nvidia card, yes | 09:59 |
josss | tiago: try this "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" in recovery mode | 09:59 |
demosthenes | tiago: you may have found this problem occured after enabling the nvidia binary driver on an nvidia card? | 09:59 |
tiago | demosthenes: it happened after setting up dua head in screen and display propertys | 10:00 |
josss | tiago: you know i hava an ATi card and it brings many problem to me | 10:00 |
tiago | josss: yes thats why i just swaped my 9600 pro for my mums 5600 | 10:00 |
tiago | demosthenes: should xinerama be enabled in my xorg.conf? | 10:01 |
demosthenes | tiago: not sure then, but could be... I have had problems with trying out such stuff.. I don't know, I am still a newbie myself | 10:01 |
masterloki | hey\! | 10:01 |
masterloki | thought time change was in nov 5th | 10:01 |
josss | tiago: i have a nightmare for setting up the 3D effects in ubuntu 7.10 | 10:01 |
masterloki | wats up wid that | 10:01 |
demosthenes | tiago: I hardly even know what xinerama does but I really want to work out how to send full screen video to the TV | 10:02 |
Radio1 | 1rst week in november. | 10:02 |
demosthenes | tiago: I generally have no problems with 3D acceleration on Linux with a Nvidia card and binary driver, once I configure the monitor properly and tweak the xconfig file for any tricky stuff | 10:02 |
tiago | demosthenes: well this seems like it will be easyer then trying to get my ati working, i had compiz working but no chance of dual head | 10:03 |
josss | next time better get a Nvidia card | 10:03 |
tiago | demosthenes: ill brb going to restart x | 10:04 |
josss | tiago: is resolution set up correctly? | 10:04 |
=== Arafangi1n is now known as Arafangion | ||
arejc | /help | 10:08 |
greencookie | Quick question: Should I switch over to KDE?:)\ | 10:11 |
punzada | that's all a matter of prefernce | 10:11 |
predaeus | greencookie, try all the live cds to see | 10:11 |
greencookie | Ah. I was wondering if i could get my graphics card to work in KDE. | 10:11 |
rubystallion | How can I switch to the console? ctrl-alt-f1 strangely doesn't work. | 10:12 |
OpenGuru | rubystallion, try other combination | 10:12 |
OpenGuru | f2 to f6 | 10:12 |
predaeus | greencookie, There is no difference with drivers between ubuntu and all the other versions. They all use the same drivers and base parts. | 10:12 |
rubystallion | OpenGuru: Doesn't work. | 10:12 |
greencookie | OpenGuru: None of them work for me as well. | 10:12 |
greencookie | predaeus: Ok, how can I go about installing kde from my gnome desktop? | 10:12 |
OpenGuru | rubystallion, are u running compiz ? | 10:13 |
rubystallion | OpenGuru: Yes | 10:13 |
=== saassa is now known as kopsd | ||
predaeus | greencookie, you could install kubuntu-desktop but I do not know if this is the recommended way. | 10:13 |
OpenGuru | I had same problem while running compiz | 10:13 |
OpenGuru | had the quit xserver and restart | 10:13 |
OpenGuru | rubystallion, press control alt backspace | 10:13 |
greencookie | predaeus: you mean command line? sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? | 10:13 |
Maxdamantus | By default, Ubuntu seems to spin down the HDs, so there's quite a reduction in noise.. How does it do that? | 10:14 |
OpenGuru | rubystallion, it will restart x11 after which you can goto terminal | 10:14 |
predaeus | greencookie, yes or in synaptic. | 10:14 |
Maxdamantus | The things I've tried in hdparm don't seem to help. | 10:14 |
OpenGuru | rubystallion, whether it worked ? | 10:16 |
rubystallion | Sorry, could you tell me your suggestion again? I pressed the keys too early. | 10:16 |
rubystallion | OpenGuru: Sorry, could you tell me your suggestion again? I pressed the keys too early. | 10:17 |
OpenGuru | rubystallion, there is some problem in compiz due to which its not possible to goto terminal. solution is to close x11 then goto terminal. | 10:17 |
OpenGuru | rubystallion, if you press control alt backspace, it will restart your x11 afer which you can goto terminal. | 10:18 |
HorZi | is there a howto to get keyboard layout ISO-8859-15 ? | 10:18 |
rubystallion | OpenGuru: Hmm, I pressed ctrl alt bs, then I had to login again and compiz restarted, too. | 10:18 |
OpenGuru | rubystallion, no no.. while you are in login screen goto terminal. once you login its not possible. | 10:19 |
_zz | Hi, i just installed ubuntu ver 5.1 on my work pc. Could someone tell me how i can upgrade this version online to the newest version? | 10:19 |
rubystallion | OpenGuru: Ah okay, I'll try that now. | 10:19 |
simplechat | sudo apt-get distupgrade ? | 10:19 |
OpenGuru | rubystallion, i think its dues same keys are used by compiz. check your shortcuts used by compiz. | 10:19 |
OpenGuru | rubystallion, best of luck | 10:20 |
rubystallion | OpenGuru: Thank you! | 10:20 |
dgjones | !upgrade |A _zz | 10:20 |
ubotu | A _zz: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 10:20 |
greencookie | _zz: Just open your upgrade program and it should ask you if you wanna do that? | 10:20 |
_dillinger | so like I said, my printer is printing blank pages, any ideas? | 10:21 |
_dillinger | it worked fine with the previous distro | 10:21 |
Kil3ble | anyone willing to look at a howto and offer their advice? | 10:22 |
jaco | wooohheheeee!!!!! | 10:22 |
jaco | UBUNTU ROCKS MAN | 10:22 |
jaco | woops all OS | 10:22 |
greencookie | Lol jaco join the club:) | 10:22 |
jaco | can even install windows apps | 10:22 |
jaco | ubuntu for life | 10:22 |
py_ | hello | 10:23 |
_zz | greencookie: ver 5.1 is not supported anymore so i can't use the upgrade program. I'll check out the forums | 10:23 |
jaco | Jesus Christ is really the only source of real life, but ubuntu rocks too | 10:23 |
greencookie | _zz: Ah sorry, didn't know. :) | 10:23 |
Radio1 | Amen jaco. | 10:23 |
Sim-- | anyone feel like answering a noob's question :) | 10:23 |
smoov | möp | 10:24 |
greencookie | Sim--: If I can I will. | 10:24 |
dgjones | _zz, you would probably be better downloading the gutsy install cd and doing a fresh install rather than trying to upgrade from 5.10 | 10:24 |
py_ | I've a Dapper server, and I would like to run Firebird 2.0.x on it. Are .deb packages available somewhere for that? | 10:24 |
=== smoov is now known as SmovomaN | ||
pavs | I just read an article about ZFS file system. I couldnt understand the big deal about ZFS and how is it better than etx2/3 or other file systems and more importantly can gutsy use ZFS ? | 10:24 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
SmovomaN | searching 4 Sexcahsn - qry - | 10:24 |
greencookie | py_: Um..Dunno the answer to that honestly:) | 10:25 |
Kil3ble | I've been trying to set up a pptp/l2tp cable connection to an ISP for 5 days now. I've had to re-install ubuntu three times. can someone experienced please look at the howto found at http://tx.technion.ac.il/~eyalroz/linux_cable_pptp.html and tell me if it makes sense? | 10:25 |
greencookie | !opensync | 10:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about opensync - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 10:25 |
rubystallion | OpenGuru: It worked. But I better try to change the compiz shortcuts. Actually I just wanted to disable all those shortcuts from X and the terminal like alt-tab. The console is a little too spartan for my taste. | 10:26 |
greencookie | !exaile | 10:27 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 10:27 |
SmovomaN | lol | 10:27 |
Sim-- | when i try booting from CD i burnt of Ubuntu it says missing NTLDR and won't boot (ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386) | 10:27 |
greencookie | Maybe you charred it instead of burning it:) | 10:27 |
greencookie | hehe JK. sry:D | 10:27 |
Sim-- | lol | 10:28 |
burningice_ | HI @LL | 10:28 |
Radio1 | loo | 10:28 |
greencookie | hello burningice. | 10:28 |
sebrock | I've got this issue with ACPI, it suspends instantly but will not wake up | 10:28 |
Sim-- | thats what i'm about to do to the disk :) | 10:28 |
sebrock | please help | 10:28 |
Kil3ble | I've been trying to set up a pptp/l2tp cable connection to an ISP for 5 days now. I've had to re-install ubuntu three times. can someone experienced please look at the howto found at http://tx.technion.ac.il/~eyalroz/linux_cable_pptp.html and tell me if it makes sense? | 10:28 |
greencookie | Sim--: Did you try checking disk for error? | 10:28 |
=== node123 is now known as rghhgjh | ||
Sim-- | it use to have windose xp on it, but guess i could check it for errors | 10:29 |
fuzzy | what is the easist way to move from fiesty to gutsy? | 10:31 |
fuzzy | on a already installed system? | 10:31 |
Radio1 | New hd. | 10:31 |
bony | how to play a file through ssh in vlc? | 10:31 |
fuzzy | alright how about the fact that this is a xen guest? | 10:31 |
fuzzy | nm i'll just debootstrap it | 10:32 |
Kil3ble | I've been trying to set up a pptp/l2tp cable connection to an ISP for 5 days now. I've had to re-install ubuntu three times. can someone experienced please look at the howto found at http://tx.technion.ac.il/~eyalroz/linux_cable_pptp.html and tell me if it makes sense? I shudder at the thought of re-installing again | 10:33 |
leperkhanz | I somehow borked my windows drive, when I try to switch back (dual boot), it says NTLDR missing or something along those lines. | 10:33 |
leperkhanz | help? | 10:33 |
inversekinetix | leperkhanz do you have XP? | 10:33 |
inversekinetix | leperkhanz | 10:34 |
LinuxInside | XP+UBUNTU | 10:34 |
LinuxInside | 2 OSes | 10:34 |
inversekinetix | leperkhanz just put it your windows XP cd and choose repair | 10:35 |
LinuxInside | right | 10:36 |
inversekinetix | leperkhanz:when the console starts type in "fixmbr" without the quotes, it will reinstall the boot files you need | 10:36 |
leperkhanz | ah, but won't that hose my linux partition?!? | 10:36 |
inversekinetix | leperkhanz: then install WinGrub to boot ubuntu | 10:36 |
inversekinetix | leperkhanz: that way you will be able to have ubuntu in your windows boot menu | 10:37 |
leperkhanz | huh. | 10:37 |
inversekinetix | leperkhanz: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p9.html | 10:38 |
leperkhanz | ok. But I was hoping I could just manually copy the files needed to my windows partition to make it boot. | 10:38 |
inversekinetix | its very simple | 10:38 |
leperkhanz | thanks! | 10:38 |
inversekinetix | np, i prefer using wingrub for dual booting | 10:39 |
brado | freeNX broken in 7.10 :( | 10:39 |
leperkhanz | Emerald causes all kinds of problems in 7.10. I found a good theme for the default though... :) | 10:40 |
inversekinetix | i have such a basic problem and no one has helped me yet, i need to be able to run a search through my root drive, it wont allow me to | 10:41 |
x_ | i got this error ... what should i do ?! ::::: W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com gutsy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 | 10:41 |
x_ | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 10:41 |
grazie | I believe my BIOS supports booting from from an external USB device. However I cannot get it to work. It's a Pheonix AwardBIOS. Any suggestions? | 10:42 |
void^ | x_: read http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb | 10:42 |
inversekinetix | grazie, go into your bios and make sure that boot from USB is enabled and add USB device to the boot sequence | 10:42 |
user_ | where i got download update 5.1 to 610 | 10:43 |
user_ | where i got download update 5.1 to 610 | 10:43 |
user_ | where i got download update 5.1 to 610 | 10:43 |
user_ | where i got download update 5.1 to 610 | 10:43 |
grazie | inversekinetix: I don't have that. All that is available is Removable in Advanced Settings boot sequence | 10:44 |
user_ | where i got download update 5.1 to 610 | 10:44 |
dgjones | !repeat | user_ | 10:44 |
ubotu | user_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 10:44 |
riomhaire | user_: do you want to update Ubuntu 5.10 to 7.10 or 6.10? | 10:44 |
leperkhanz | where is a good place to get big beautiful png icons? | 10:44 |
leperkhanz | I had some, but I lost 'em. | 10:44 |
inversekinetix | grazie: put the removable 1st in the list | 10:44 |
Demo1 | How do I install a HP Smart Array E200i Controller on Ubuntu? | 10:45 |
grazie | inversekinetix: it is - at the top! | 10:45 |
inversekinetix | grazie: strange, i cant help you in anymore detail, but i remember reading somewhere recently that if the sector?? size is wrong you cant use it as a boot device | 10:46 |
smartden | Hi | 10:47 |
smartden | need help to set up my Dual Core CPU | 10:47 |
dgjones | !upgrade | user_, you will need to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06, then from 6.06 to 6.10, if you want to go to the latest version, you then need to keep upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04 and from 7.04 to 7.10, it would be better to do a fresh install with so many upgrades needed | 10:47 |
ubotu | user_, you will need to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06, then from 6.06 to 6.10, if you want to go to the latest version, you then need to keep upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04 and from 7.04 to 7.10, it would be better to do a fresh install with so many upgrades needed: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 10:47 |
grazie | inversekinetix: sector size of the bootable media? How do I set that for CD images and USB pendrives? | 10:48 |
inversekinetix | grazie is it a HD or flash memory? | 10:48 |
Sonderblade | how do i check which package owns a file? | 10:48 |
tarzeau | Sonderblade: dpkg -S /the/file | 10:49 |
grazie | inversekinetix: tried usb flash pendrive and cd image on external usb cd-rom (just to test) | 10:49 |
smartden | can anybody help me with Dual Core processor? | 10:50 |
Sonderblade | tarzeau: thanks | 10:50 |
inversekinetix | grazie: what OS are you trying to boot | 10:50 |
grazie | inversekinetix: gutsy | 10:50 |
inversekinetix | grazie: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ | 10:51 |
=== Yancho is now known as YanchoAWY | ||
grazie | inversekinetix: followed that | 10:51 |
grazie | inversekinetix: problem appears to be with BIOS if I can't boot from cd-rom | 10:52 |
inversekinetix | you cant boot with optical media either? | 10:53 |
grazie | inversekinetix: exactly | 10:53 |
kidbuntu | !emerald | 10:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 10:53 |
kidbuntu | !compiz | 10:53 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 10:53 |
inversekinetix | grazie can you update you bios? or reflash it? | 10:54 |
grazie | inversekinetix: it's a brand new machine....I can look for an update but I doubt it'll fix this | 10:55 |
Warsaw | hello. is there Ubuntu for Intel 64? | 10:55 |
inversekinetix | grazie: i wish i could help you more but if your bios settings are correct and you followed the instructions in the guide I dont really know what else to suggest | 10:57 |
inversekinetix | can anyone tell me how to enable search for my root directory? | 10:58 |
grazie | inversekinetix: thanks...I'm stumped too | 10:58 |
leperkhanz | Warsaw, if your chip supports 64 bit, use the amd 64 disk. | 10:58 |
leperkhanz | intel basically duplicated amd's instruction set anyway. | 10:58 |
Warsaw | leperkhanz: i`ve got Celeron D | 10:58 |
leperkhanz | Warsaw: That may or may not be a 64 bit chip. | 10:59 |
leperkhanz | You will have to find out more info first. :) | 10:59 |
leperkhanz | AFAIK there ARE some 64 bit celerons out. | 10:59 |
Warsaw | leperkhanz: Wikipedia sayd: "it is a 64bit chip" | 10:59 |
Bonster | whats the best small linux distro? | 10:59 |
inversekinetix | can anyone tell me how to enable search for my root directory? << how can this be so difficult to figure out | 10:59 |
dgjones | !amd64 | Warsaw | 10:59 |
ubotu | Warsaw: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information. | 10:59 |
Radio1 | Bonster..distrowatch.com | 11:00 |
nalpha | Help.. I Install ubuntu server 7.10 but didn't input any username & passsord, now the installation is done and restarting the system, but can't login??? what's the default username and password? please help me. GBU | 11:00 |
redomino | hi | 11:00 |
leperkhanz | sounds like amd64 will work for you then. If it doesn't i386 definitely will. :) Truthfully, the performance diff is pretty small, for most real world apps. | 11:00 |
dgjones | Warsaw, if you go to the ubuntu download page, you can select an option for 64 bit processors which refers to AMD & Intel 64 | 11:00 |
nalpha | inversekinetix: using sudo? | 11:00 |
redomino | there's someone who knows how to create a repository afetr customization of a distro | 11:00 |
redomino | ? | 11:00 |
redomino | after* | 11:01 |
tony___ | I personally, would always recommend the 32 bit install instead of the 64 | 11:01 |
Warsaw | dgjones: thanks | 11:01 |
inversekinetix | nalpha i want to use the gui in the browser (thumar is it)? | 11:01 |
redomino | please | 11:01 |
kidbuntu | !compiz | 11:01 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 11:01 |
nalpha | inversekinetix: so I don't know.. | 11:02 |
dgjones | Warsaw, there are some problems with 64 bit system, have a look at ubotus link because that lists them - w32codecs, wine & flash are mentioned & may be better to use the i386 install | 11:02 |
inversekinetix | thanks nalpha, its so ridiculous | 11:02 |
leperkhanz | wine and flash work great on 64 bit gutsy.... | 11:02 |
leperkhanz | ...for me. | 11:02 |
Radio1 | With 32 bit firefox. | 11:03 |
tony___ | they alslo work great on 32 bit gutsy, but yes, I've heard there was improvement | 11:03 |
tony___ | I really don't think 64 bit systems will catch on until after 4 megs of ram becomes the norm | 11:03 |
minus | how do I uninstall the nvidia.com drivers? | 11:04 |
leperkhanz | what's a good link for big pretty PNG or SVG icons? | 11:04 |
leperkhanz | !icons | 11:04 |
ubotu | Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 11:04 |
tony___ | minus - sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx? | 11:04 |
sebastian_ | I need help with ACPI please | 11:04 |
tony___ | minus - how did you install them? | 11:04 |
leperkhanz | !ntfs | 11:04 |
ubotu | ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 11:04 |
minus | tony___, the ones from nvidia.com | 11:04 |
tony___ | !ntfs | 11:04 |
minus | tony___, with "sudo sh NVIDIAblablabla" | 11:04 |
leperkhanz | umm... isn't some of that data really old on the !ntfs? | 11:05 |
picosam | hello all; is there anyway I can browse my ubuntu server's hard disk just like I would on a local hard disk? | 11:05 |
Radio1 | hey (W). | 11:05 |
tony___ | minus - sadly, I'm not sure, I've never installed them like that, but I'm guessing they do not work? | 11:05 |
minus | picosam, yes | 11:05 |
picosam | and is there a way I would make my ubuntu server machine appear in the Network place on my ubuntu desktop? | 11:05 |
picosam | minus: how please? | 11:06 |
dgjones | !nfs | picosam | 11:06 |
ubotu | picosam: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 11:06 |
tony___ | picoasm - < I will have a good link for ya in a sec | 11:06 |
minus | tony___, well.. they work.. just that the resolution is 640x480 or something... | 11:06 |
blankthemuffin | Just wondering, is it possible for ubuntu to override a BIOS overclock? | 11:06 |
tony___ | picoasm http://rubbervir.us/projects/ubuntu_media_server/ | 11:07 |
picosam | thanks tony___ ! | 11:07 |
Radio1 | Mine didnt (blank). | 11:07 |
tony___ | picasm - just follow the 'setting up samba- guide, it worked great for me! | 11:07 |
leperkhanz | Is there a GUI way to make my ntfs partitions mount automagically every boot? | 11:07 |
tony___ | you will have to make sure your work groups are the same | 11:07 |
blankthemuffin | mmm, I'll investigate further then | 11:08 |
inversekinetix | leperkhanz: mine always mount, 4 of them | 11:08 |
Radio1 | But,,I would put clock to norman till I installed it. | 11:08 |
tony___ | minus - I really think your best bet is install envy | 11:08 |
leperkhanz | huh. I've got like seven. | 11:08 |
picosam | ok... one more thing please: how can I avoid typing sudo each time I want to run a privileged action on my ubuntu server? | 11:08 |
leperkhanz | I keep having to rescan my whole mp3 collection in rhythmbox. | 11:08 |
picosam | I don't wanna be root however, I want to keep my username | 11:08 |
[sLaSh] | are there any tools like a new theme for a toolbar or anything like that? | 11:08 |
tony___ | minus -->I used to always work through drivers by hand myself, but envy alwasys seems to do a better job | 11:09 |
inversekinetix | leperkhanz: that is a problem, I have 250,000 mp3s on here and i tried to add them to rhythmbox, never again! | 11:09 |
shemgp | picosam: sudo bash | 11:09 |
Radio1 | lol 250.000 | 11:09 |
picosam | oh | 11:09 |
picosam | lol | 11:09 |
tony___ | ok pocoasm, I have another link for ya in a sec ( I just setup a server, and still have the pages I used) | 11:09 |
picosam | thanks ! | 11:09 |
Radio1 | try vlc | 11:09 |
dgjones | leperkhanz, are the partitions on the same computer, or networked? | 11:10 |
tony___ | picoasm http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_server_ubuntu7.10 | 11:10 |
dgjones | leperkhanz, i don't know about a gui way of doing it, you might have to edit your fstab to add them as mount points | 11:10 |
leperkhanz | on this computer. | 11:10 |
inversekinetix | n e ways, ttfn, I guess Ill have to wait another day to try and find out how to do the simple task of searching my root directory | 11:11 |
leperkhanz | dgjones: sounds scary. | 11:11 |
leperkhanz | what's the best VM for ubuntu? | 11:11 |
leperkhanz | qemulator? kqemu? | 11:11 |
blankthemuffin | second question, is ubuntu forums down or is my internet really cracking up? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183686 | 11:11 |
blankthemuffin | yeah that would be right, there it goes - soon as I say something | 11:12 |
minus | tony___, Got it to work.. Just had to replace the Xorg.conf that the nVidida-xconfig had made with my old one that worked flawlessy | 11:12 |
Arafangion | leperkhanz: kqemu is an accelerator module for qemu. | 11:12 |
dgjones | !windowsdrives | leperkhanz have a look at this link, and see the part about mounting paritions manually, that talks you through how to add the entries | 11:13 |
ubotu | leperkhanz have a look at this link, and see the part about mounting paritions manually, that talks you through how to add the entries: ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 11:13 |
leperkhanz | right, I'm asking what the best GUI is or if there is one already included in gutsy. | 11:13 |
Arafangion | leperkhanz: For x86, I would say that the best *emulator* is probably VMware. | 11:13 |
tony___ | minus - thats great, glad to see you made a backup! I still would recommend using envy though for future driver configuration | 11:13 |
leperkhanz | huh. VMware. Maybe I'll go and use that and see if I can't get my x64 partition as a VM. :) | 11:13 |
tony___ | leperkhanz - I've had a lot of success with virtualbox in the pat | 11:14 |
minus | tony___, Well.. I didn't make a backup, nvidia.com driver did it for me ^^, And I'll give envy a try. | 11:14 |
nalpha | leperkhanz: gui??? gnome....... :) | 11:15 |
JaffaCake | I need to build/install a patched kernel, what's the recommended approach? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild has some errors (or is out of date, or something) | 11:16 |
leperkhanz | virtualbox it is. I liked that before. | 11:16 |
smartden | !Double Core | 11:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about double core - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 11:16 |
smartden | please help | 11:16 |
leperkhanz | !dualcore | 11:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dualcore - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 11:16 |
greencookie | join #kubuntu | 11:16 |
Lizarman | hi everybody | 11:18 |
smartden | can anybody help me? | 11:18 |
garf | hallo! | 11:18 |
scizzo- | smartden: just ask....don't ask to ask | 11:18 |
JaffaCake | need to build a patched kernel on gutsy, anyone help? | 11:18 |
Lizarman | I have some problems with my ethernet network | 11:18 |
Lizarman | I can't make it work with an static IP | 11:19 |
smartden | i did, but no one answer | 11:19 |
smartden | i have an AMD Athlon 64 x2 processor | 11:19 |
Hoffmann_Peter | I wan't my DHCP-Server to tell it's clients the DNS-Server-IP I get from my ISP via DHCP | 11:19 |
Lizarman | it works with the itinerant mode | 11:19 |
smartden | and Unintu runs just one core insteed two | 11:19 |
smartden | how can i activate the second one? | 11:20 |
Lizarman | how can I make the static IP conecto? | 11:20 |
poco | hi | 11:20 |
poco | i am trying to use a non local cups server, using the print tool i can "Go to" that server and fetch the printer list but i am not able to choose a cups server to be used in all other apps. should i modify a conf file to set my cups server each time ? | 11:22 |
picosam | please, how do I use nmap (or any other command that will do the job!) to scan my internal network (like ping, or something as simple) just to find out what IP addresses are responding | 11:22 |
cre8torx | ohla | 11:22 |
Hoffmann_Peter | Lizarman: please be more exact what you want to do | 11:22 |
greencookie | Which is better? Kontact or Evolution? | 11:22 |
scizzo- | smartden: sounds like the kernel is not registering the 2 processes..... | 11:22 |
Radio1 | evolution | 11:22 |
picosam | maybe even get the host names of those responding IP addresses ? | 11:22 |
smartden | scizzo-: what have i to do? | 11:22 |
Lizarman | anybody knows about the static IP problem? I think it's quite common in gusty gibbon | 11:22 |
greencookie | Ok. I just installed Kubuntu, now I wanna uninstall it:) too cluttered up:) | 11:23 |
scizzo- | smartden: did you install the 64 version of ubuntu or the i386? | 11:23 |
l0pht | I posted the solution for installing Ubuntu on an already arranged filesystem (reiser, ext etc) to Ubuntu Forums. | 11:23 |
scizzo- | Lizarman: I am using static IP on my internal network | 11:24 |
picosam | I guess what I really want to do is scan the network for machines that are up | 11:24 |
blankthemuffin | Wondering how to disable cpufreq, if thats possible. | 11:24 |
l0pht | I installed Ubuntu that way today, and my backups are still available. | 11:24 |
scizzo- | Lizarman: have no problem at all | 11:24 |
[sLaSh] | does anyone know a solution to synchronize my wm5 pda with ubuntu? | 11:24 |
smartden | scizzo-: i've installed standard version | 11:24 |
scizzo- | smartden: hmmm probably that then... | 11:24 |
scizzo- | smartden: probanly the kernel config | 11:24 |
Hoffmann_Peter | exit | 11:25 |
greencookie | Can someone help me enable 3D ? | 11:25 |
Lizarman | I want to set up my computer with an Static IP so I can open the NAT pots of my router, but I don't know why, Ubuntu doesen't conect with the static IP, wich is the same I use when I boot windows | 11:25 |
smartden | scizzo-: do you know the parameter? | 11:25 |
smartden | !kernel | 11:26 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild. Also, see !stages | 11:26 |
LinuxInside | ur router IP is?? | 11:26 |
ADminS | !media | 11:26 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 11:26 |
ZipZoom | hello, anyone here? | 11:27 |
cre8torx | hello | 11:27 |
scizzo- | smartden: I am afraid I am not sure | 11:27 |
LinuxInside | somemang here | 11:27 |
greencookie | ZipZoom: Yeah I am:) | 11:27 |
ZipZoom | I'm having a slight problem with my Ubuntu install on my PS3 | 11:27 |
greencookie | ZipZoom: Damn boy! | 11:27 |
LinuxInside | PS3?? yeah | 11:27 |
Cryx | Heya! Anyone know why my motd (/etc/motd) are undoing all the changes made in to it when i reboot the system? | 11:27 |
* ZipZoom np: Foo Fighters - Stranger Things Have Happened [05:21m/224Kbps/44KHz] | 11:27 | |
smartden | scizzo-: ok. thanks. i'll try to build new kernel | 11:27 |
ZipZoom | Well, I installed it fine, and it was running ok | 11:27 |
blankthemuffin | So no ideas on how to disable / override cpufreq? | 11:28 |
kidbuntu | how can i recover my normal desktop.. i did a "sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz* libcompizconfig" | 11:28 |
greencookie | ZipZoom: I wouldn't know anything about PS3 I dont have it :) | 11:28 |
ZipZoom | Then one day, it just stopped booting | 11:28 |
greencookie | kidbuntu: Ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 11:28 |
Radio1 | soooo sory.(sony). | 11:28 |
scizzo- | smartden: yeah try that if that does not work then check here again or check on ubuntu website | 11:28 |
ZipZoom | it's stuck at the black screen at the start | 11:28 |
kidbuntu | now i'm getting an Gnome power manager is not installed correctly | 11:28 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: ubuntu | 11:28 |
scizzo- | Lizarman: what? well I am using a internal network with router | 11:28 |
Lizarman | I'm sorry, but if somebody could help me, please, open a query, I don't think I can follow up with so much people | 11:29 |
greencookie | kidbuntu: Not so sure but I think you have to delete some configuration (personalization) files. | 11:29 |
leperkhanz | How do I change permissions for a file? I just want to right click it and change permissions. | 11:29 |
ZipZoom | can anyone help me with my PS3 problem? | 11:29 |
greencookie | leperkhanz: I think you have to log in as root and give yourself (your user) permission for that. | 11:29 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: is there someone you know who could help me.. i just got gutsy over an update.. i dont want to do the whole process again | 11:30 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: and what configuration are those... | 11:30 |
NakedDrummer | is there a way to shutdown a server from the internet? i mean like you open a file from the apache server then u get a small interface and then u can shutdown the server...? i know how to do it with putty over ssh but wouldnt it be possible with a small interface? | 11:30 |
leperkhanz | I alt+F2 and gksu nautilus..... that did it. | 11:30 |
ZipZoom | recap: I installed Ubbuntu easily on my PS3. It was working fine and everything, till one day (after I restarted) it just stoppped booting. It gets stuck on the black screen on the boot (where the text is). | 11:30 |
greencookie | kidbuntu: Tell me what you want to reset? GNome? Cuz as far as I'm understanding it, you messed up ure desktop/panels/menu rite? | 11:30 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: yes... even the keyboard behavior changed also... holding down the backspace doesnt work anymore.. i have to repeatevly press it | 11:31 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: yes. reset gnome.. if thats the way how to fix it | 11:32 |
greencookie | kidbuntu: have you tried installing KDE? | 11:32 |
cre8torx | fw | 11:32 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: no.. but i have a xfce here | 11:32 |
azuril | hi | 11:32 |
NakedDrummer | is there a way to shutdown a server from the internet? i mean like you open a file from the apache server then u get a small interface and then u can shutdown the server...? i know how to do it with putty over ssh but wouldnt it be possible with a small interface? | 11:32 |
ientzy | who can tell me how to install pci sound card? | 11:32 |
greencookie | kidbuntu: I'm no Linux expert here, but I would try to log into XFCE and uninstall entire GNOME and then reinstall it and see if it works. | 11:33 |
* ZipZoom np: Foo Fighters - Statues [03:47m/242Kbps/44KHz] | 11:33 | |
Lizarman | Ubuntu works nice conected at my home DSL router, but only when it's at default mode, I can't make it work with an static IP | 11:33 |
Pici | ZipZoom: Please turn that off in this channel. | 11:33 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: and what command do i use for that.. coz installing xfce is "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" | 11:33 |
NakedDrummer | is there a way to shutdown a server from the internet? i mean like you open a file from the apache server then u get a small interface and then u can shutdown the server...? i know how to do it with putty over ssh but wouldnt it be possible with a small interface? | 11:33 |
Donkey | Hiya - I'm looking for some way to monitor my GPU (ATI) temp | 11:33 |
Donkey | is there anything that'll do that? | 11:33 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: is it just "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" ? | 11:34 |
greencookie | well once in XFCE try sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop --reinstall and see if that works. | 11:34 |
=== b4d_ is now known as b4d | ||
greencookie | There may be a better way, but I don't know of that. | 11:34 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: i'll get back to you. | 11:34 |
NakedDrummer | is there a way to shutdown a server from the internet? i mean like you open a file from the apache server then u get a small interface and then u can shutdown the server...? i know how to do it with putty over ssh but wouldnt it be possible with a small interface? | 11:34 |
greencookie | kidbuntu: sure. | 11:34 |
huaxing | kkka | 11:34 |
Cryx | Heya! Anyone know why my motd (/etc/motd) are undoing all the changes made in to it when i reboot the system? | 11:35 |
Pici | Cryx: see the manpage for motd, you need to edit /etc/motd.tail | 11:35 |
Donkey | So.. no way to monitor the GPU temp? | 11:35 |
Lizarman | so anybody knows why I can't make the static IP work? I have heard that it's a comune problem... but anybody knows how to make it work | 11:37 |
Billies | how do I play DVDs? windows had WMP11, but those codecs and stuff aren't allowed to ship with ubuntu (ridiculous). what do I have to download to play em? | 11:37 |
NakedDrummer | is there a way to shutdown a server from the internet? i mean like you open a file from the apache server then u get a small interface and then u can shutdown the server...? i know how to do it with putty over ssh but wouldnt it be possible with a small interface? | 11:38 |
delire | how does one restore the default Ubuntu panel in 7.10, with all the icons in place as they were on install, having recently deleted it? | 11:38 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: no luck trying to do the reinstall... how about if i remove it permanently and then reisntall it by download again? | 11:39 |
AskHL_ | Billies, there's something called medibuntu, a repository which contains codecs that are not legal everywhere (libdvdcss2) | 11:39 |
=== rganogork is now known as abaris | ||
greencookie | kidbuntu: That would definitely work. Although I feel there's a quicker and more simpler (but elusive, to me) way of doing what you want. | 11:39 |
Lizarman | so anybody knows why I can't make the static IP work? I have heard that it's a comune problem... but anybody knows how to make it work... | 11:40 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: i'll try that.. since i dont know what else to do | 11:40 |
=== abaris is now known as rganogork | ||
kidbuntu | greencookie: what command do i use to remove it permantly? | 11:40 |
Billies | how do I download that package? I don't know how to install repos | 11:40 |
buttercups | !restricted | Billies | 11:40 |
ubotu | Billies: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:40 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: permanently | 11:40 |
greencookie | kidbuntu: If all fails, you can always install KDE (unless you absolutely hate it). | 11:40 |
Warsaw1 | hello. installing 64bit Ubuntu is poinless for me. i use Wine, and there is no version of Wine for 64bit | 11:40 |
greencookie | kidbuntu: I think sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop | 11:40 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: hmmm.. not really hate kde... its just the issue of its a heavy desktop.. or is it the same as the gnome? | 11:41 |
greencookie | kidbuntu: or sudo apt-get --purge ubuntu-desktop | 11:41 |
NakedDrummer | is there a way to shutdown a server from the internet? i mean like you open a file from the apache server then u get a small interface and then u can shutdown the server...? i know how to do it with putty over ssh but wouldnt it be possible with a small interface?. f.e. webmin or ipcop has this feature.. but webmin is quite big and ipcop is an own operating system for its own :) | 11:41 |
greencookie | kidbuntu: Personal opinion here, but I JUST installed KDE and I've been using GNOME for the past 2 months. I used KDE for a max of 30 minutes before it made me missing my familiar GNOME interface. Gnome is where home is for me ;) | 11:42 |
ngaba | hi, how can I get /proc/sys/usb "working"? | 11:42 |
ngaba | /proc/bus/usb, sry | 11:42 |
greencookie | #ktm | 11:42 |
ngaba | ok, I got it | 11:44 |
picosam | is there no way to install IPCop on a Gutsy Gibbon server? | 11:44 |
greencookie | Ok. How do I get Xchat NOT to show me join/leave messages? | 11:44 |
bjwebb | hmmm why is the mplayer plugin in multiverse | 11:44 |
greencookie | Its Xchat Gnome btw. | 11:44 |
Radio1 | use xchat common | 11:45 |
Radio1 | Rather..use pidgin. | 11:45 |
greencookie | Radio1: you mean the normal Xchat? but I like this one:) | 11:45 |
h4rd-2 | net | 11:45 |
Radio1 | loo..yes (normal> | 11:46 |
greencookie | Radio1: I don't like pidgin for irc chat:) just doesnt cut it:) | 11:46 |
greencookie | lemme try the normal xchat. brb | 11:46 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: still no luck | 11:47 |
Radio1 | Green will brb. | 11:47 |
raddy | Hello Everybody | 11:47 |
blankthemuffin | Radio1, you have much overclocking experience? | 11:47 |
Radio1 | some.. | 11:47 |
raddy | Is it possible to boot the ubuntu live cd without burning? | 11:48 |
blankthemuffin | you could extract it to a flash drive raddy | 11:48 |
=== robnyc` is now known as robnyc-work | ||
bjwebb | raddy: i think i saw a tutorial for booting the iso somewhere | 11:48 |
blankthemuffin | I'm wondering if cpufreq is just telling me that I'm running at 1.8GHz or if it's actually locked me down | 11:48 |
IdleOne | raddy: use VMware or some other Virtualisation sofware on Windows I am assuming | 11:48 |
greencookie | kidbuntu, :( I'm also having some problems with my Ubuntu although I love it :) | 11:48 |
juhoz1024 | Hi everyone. I've just installed Ubuntu and I can't set visual effects in Appearance Preferences, not even Normal. If I try a modal dialog box appears saying "Desktop effects could not be enabled", before it said the compositing wasn't enabled, or something similar, but I edited xorg.conf, I changed Option "Composite" "0" to Option "Composite" "Enabled". I've also tried adding some other lines to xorg.conf, based on some Web tutorials, but I couldn't get it | 11:49 |
Radio1 | R u clocking a 1.7 | 11:49 |
raddy | IdleOne: nope, i don't wanna use virtualisation softwares | 11:49 |
blankthemuffin | a 1.8 | 11:49 |
blankthemuffin | Athlon 3000+ venice core | 11:49 |
=== netcrash__ is now known as netcrash | ||
NakedDrummer | t/quit | 11:50 |
NakedDrummer | t/q | 11:50 |
Radio1 | Every one i clocked with Ubuntu stayed clocked. | 11:50 |
Odd-rationale | raddy: THere as section here on installing with out the cd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation | 11:50 |
blankthemuffin | mmm | 11:50 |
blankthemuffin | what cpu you got? | 11:50 |
Radio1 | go to sys mon it will tell U on front page | 11:50 |
revx | u check first your video card...make sure its supported | 11:51 |
kidbuntu | how do i uninstall the default gnome desktop? i messed up my gnome, my menus.. i'm using xfce currently | 11:51 |
atlas95 | hello | 11:51 |
greencookie | kidbuntu, did you try installing KDE? | 11:51 |
atlas95 | how to repair esound with gutsy? | 11:51 |
gvsa123 | hello | 11:51 |
atlas95 | I can't get working preview audio, sound system etc | 11:51 |
blankthemuffin | everything says it's at 1.8 | 11:51 |
Radio1 | did U click it to 2.0 | 11:52 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: havent yet.. | 11:52 |
blankthemuffin | Windows detects the overclock | 11:52 |
gvsa123 | how can i make my webcam work with gutsy? i get ioctl vidiocspict error when using webcam with gyache | 11:52 |
Radio1 | All mine showed my true clocking | 11:52 |
blankthemuffin | mmm | 11:52 |
Radio1 | I took a 2100 to 2200 and it stayed. | 11:53 |
blankthemuffin | mmm, seems to be doing this. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=568619&page=3 | 11:53 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: wait i'll boot up to my xfce and instlal kde.. | 11:53 |
gvsa123 | any ideas? | 11:53 |
greencookie | kidbuntu, you can do that from Gnome itself. | 11:53 |
greencookie | kidneybeans, use the synaptic Package manger. | 11:53 |
greencookie | kidb, use the synaptic package manager. | 11:54 |
Op3r | does anyone know how to fix a laptop keyboard? :( my number one is stuck even if I remove the key sometimes its typing one | 11:54 |
Op3r | :( | 11:54 |
blankthemuffin | mmm, I'll run a bench then clock it back and run the bench again :P that should give me a definitive | 11:55 |
Radio1 | k | 11:55 |
greencookie | How can I disable the quit/join messages? | 11:56 |
dgjones | greencookie, what client are you using? | 11:56 |
greencookie | dgjones, xchat | 11:56 |
dgjones | greencookie, right click on the channel name in the left hand pane & there should be an option to enable/disable join & part messages | 11:57 |
greencookie | Wow thanks! | 11:57 |
moya034 | server irc.synirc.org | 11:57 |
dgjones | greencookie, just remember you have to do it each time you start xchat, it doesn't save the setting | 11:58 |
greencookie | dgjones, that sucks but I guess I'll have to live with that. Thanks for the info though:) | 11:58 |
dgjones | greencookie, np | 11:59 |
Starcraftmazter | How do I do superscript and subscript in Ubuntu? (In firefox textarea?) | 11:59 |
Nokao | hi... I need a little support with apt: I have to install both libmysqlclient for amd64 and i386. I have both the .deb files but apt installs one and remove the other every time I try to do the trick. | 12:01 |
Nokao | I'm using the command: dpkg -i --force-architecture packagename | 12:01 |
Nokao | what can I do? | 12:01 |
jrib | Nokao: not sure, but why do you need both? | 12:03 |
osl | hi everybody , i am having a problem with setting up my DHCP to a certain interface ; i want the DHCP server to give IPs for requests received on one interface but not the other ??? | 12:03 |
PriceChild | Nokao, don't install i386 packages on 64bit ubuntu and vica verca | 12:03 |
Nokao | I need both cause I have an application compiled with lazarus for i386 (that works good) that searches for the library /lib32/mysql.so | 12:04 |
blankthemuffin | turns out cpufreq was just lying to me. | 12:04 |
Nokao | the i386 binary is correctly opened thanks to the packages linux32 ia32-libs lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 libc6-dev-i386 lib32bz2-dev | 12:05 |
Nokao | but the mysql component searches for a lib I have not installed | 12:05 |
Nokao | I resolved before that problem playing with apt but now I'm not more able to make the trick again | 12:05 |
Nokao | isn't there a way to force the installation of both the packages? | 12:06 |
Nokao | I don't know how I did it before... | 12:06 |
Nokao | but I have a server at 64 with both the libs installed that works perfectly | 12:06 |
Nokao | mysqlclient searches for the 64 bit lib and works good, and the application also searches for 32 bit libs and works perfectly | 12:07 |
piccolo_principe | salve | 12:08 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: i'm also having trouble with my metacity | 12:08 |
greencookie | !metacity | 12:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about metacity - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 12:08 |
=== boontoo is now known as winblows | ||
greencookie | kidbuntu, whats metacity?:) | 12:09 |
fargiolas | hi does anybody know how to disable trackerd in gutsy and restore nautilus quick search feature? | 12:09 |
blankthemuffin | metacity is the default window manager of Gnome | 12:09 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: oh i see you really new... i'm not much of a big user also... i dont really know.. it handles the titlebars and etch | 12:09 |
shishir | ok | 12:09 |
blankthemuffin | What problem are you having with it kidbuntu? | 12:10 |
greencookie | kidbuntu, lol I'm new as well hehe. I've just been around these IRC rooms for about a week now, but I try to help when I can:) | 12:10 |
winblows | I know you guys hate windows but here is my problem. I ran a registry cleaner, after i had just installed language packs before i restarted, it also screwed my xp partition, now neither will reboot, how can i run system restore for my vista partition _without_ a vista\xp boot cd? anyway to do it from linux? | 12:10 |
Tyroazard | I just got here >.> | 12:10 |
greencookie | blankthemuffin, He wants to reset his GNOME. | 12:10 |
MBR666 | i'm running xubuntu. i have installed xfce and kde. i want to completely remove kde from my machine. whats the package so i can apt-ger remove | 12:10 |
IdleOne | winblows: we dont hate windows , we prefer Ubuntu | 12:10 |
greencookie | blankthemuffin, And I was trying to help him but I dont know much:) | 12:10 |
Tyroazard | Yay | 12:11 |
Tyroazard | 7.10 is almost done | 12:11 |
osl | How can i dedicate the DHCP server for a certain interface | 12:11 |
osl | ??? | 12:11 |
osl | to* | 12:11 |
blankthemuffin | What did he mess up the menus and stuff or what? | 12:11 |
shishir | hey whats good in xfce?? i mean diff btwn xfce and gnome?? | 12:11 |
kidbuntu | blankthemuffin: after purging the compiz.. i did a metacity --replace.. and now my desktop is in a mess. the menu has no icons.. my typing behavior is different like i have to repeatedly press the backspace.. those sort of things | 12:11 |
Downix | I can't get 7.10 onto my machine | 12:11 |
winblows | IdleOne: me too, if only ubuntu could use a decent japanese typeset | 12:11 |
blankthemuffin | kidbuntu, oh I see | 12:11 |
winblows | and onboard audio drive | 12:11 |
Downix | it doesn't register the CD-ROM, and I have not managed to get a successful netboot | 12:11 |
Odd-rationale | shishir: Xfce is slimmer | 12:11 |
Dekkard | shishir, im running xfce4..its mostly good.. a little more lightweight than gnome | 12:12 |
xep_ | hello, | 12:12 |
shishir | you mean more terminal stuff?? | 12:12 |
greencookie | blankthemuffin, I'm guessing he messed up the look and feel of his desktop (panels, positioning, fonts, icons) | 12:12 |
blankthemuffin | kidbuntu, do you still have emerald running or something like that? | 12:12 |
Dekkard | no | 12:12 |
xep_ | i successfully can mount a nfs partition | 12:12 |
kidbuntu | blankthemuffin: now that i reinstalled the compiz.. doing the metacity --replace even at my xubuntu doesnt help... the title bar appears but the max,min,close buttons are not there | 12:12 |
piccolo_principe | can anyone help me with keychain & .bashrc? | 12:12 |
Odd-rationale | shishir: Not necessarily | 12:12 |
xep_ | i successfully can mount a nfs /home/xep for example | 12:12 |
greencookie | blankthemuffin, Isnt there a way to get ure GNOME back to brand sparkling new, out of the box, reset to complete default? | 12:12 |
xep_ | but NOT a /media/hda1 which is ntfs-3g | 12:12 |
shishir | what do you mean lighter no compiz-fusion?? | 12:12 |
kidbuntu | blankthemuffin: yes i have emerald running now just to have a max,min,close buttons, with compiz | 12:12 |
blankthemuffin | not that I could find last time I tried greencookie | 12:12 |
Odd-rationale | shishir: You can install compiz-fusion manually. | 12:13 |
MBR666 | i want to remove kde competely from my system. i run xubuntu 7.04. how do i completely remove kde? | 12:13 |
blankthemuffin | kidbuntu, do you have a theme chosen in emerald? | 12:13 |
kidbuntu | blankthemuffin: yes. | 12:13 |
Dekkard | shishir, no..we mean it draws less resources than stright gnome | 12:13 |
shishir | oh so boht gnome and xfce almost same?? | 12:13 |
shishir | oh less ram?? | 12:13 |
kidbuntu | blankthemuffin: yes a mac theme | 12:13 |
shishir | still same featurs?? | 12:13 |
Downix | shishir: they work differently. xfce gets rid of the eye-candy which makes iot leaner and meaner | 12:13 |
Dekkard | no they arent the same..they both use gtk thats ,bout it | 12:13 |
xep_ | /etc/exports /media/hda1,subtree_check) | 12:13 |
blankthemuffin | kidbuntu, tried any others | 12:14 |
xep_ | does not work | 12:14 |
blankthemuffin | ? | 12:14 |
xep_ | on client i cannot mount via nfs this ditstant ntfs-3g partition! | 12:14 |
MBR666 | shishir, xfce is tons faster than gnome. light weight as in less cpu, memory hungry and uses less hd space | 12:14 |
xep_ | any idea ? | 12:14 |
xep_ | please ? | 12:14 |
Dekkard | i use xfce mostly cuz i run old stuff.. p111 900 mhz | 12:14 |
xep_ | does anybody read me ? | 12:14 |
kidbuntu | blankthemuffin: all the themes in emerald are running good.. but going back to my metacity.. theres no icons.. as if my window decorator is messed up | 12:14 |
Downix | xep_: I was not aware that Windows had an nfs server freely available | 12:14 |
shishir | i have a 1gb and dual core 2.8ghz wil there be a diff i change?? | 12:14 |
fargiolas | no answer? it seems there is a bug about my question.. #150379 | 12:15 |
xep_ | Downix, i'm not on windows | 12:15 |
Dekkard | it should still be faster | 12:15 |
blankthemuffin | kidbuntu, oh ok | 12:15 |
xep_ | both server and clients are on linux | 12:15 |
xep_ | ubuntu | 12:15 |
xep_ | but in server side | 12:15 |
blankthemuffin | kidbuntu, let me just check that it works here... :P | 12:15 |
winblows | I know you guys hate windows but here is my problem. I ran a registry cleaner, after i had just installed language packs before i restarted, it also screwed my xp partition, now neither will reboot, how can i run system restore for my vista partition _without_ a vista\xp boot cd? anyway to do it from linux? i have hard access to both partitions any ideas? | 12:15 |
aczid | hello... I was wondering if there is a fix for udev going crazy on all my ttys after upgrade to gutsy | 12:15 |
shishir | you mean even the desktop startup will be better?? | 12:15 |
Downix | xep_: ok. | 12:15 |
INTit | ant1 done any linux socket programming ? | 12:15 |
xep_ | /dev/hda1 is mounted on /media/hda1 with ntfs3g | 12:15 |
INTit | any1 * | 12:15 |
kidbuntu | blankthemuffin: ok | 12:15 |
blankthemuffin | kidbuntu, mm ok that works fine. | 12:15 |
Dekkard | winblows, your ubuntu cd will not in any way restore your xp or vista install | 12:15 |
winblows | Yes | 12:16 |
jrib | winblows: try ##windows maybe | 12:16 |
winblows | ok ty | 12:16 |
* defrysk does not hate windows ? | 12:16 | |
defrysk | why would i ? | 12:16 |
greencookie | winblows, You can however access your valuable data on NTFS partition via Ubuntu | 12:16 |
Downix | defrysk, me either, but I do consider it sub-par. | 12:16 |
abhibera | hehe there is a windoze channel on IRC??? | 12:16 |
abhibera | lol | 12:16 |
shishir | can i have both gnome and xfce?? | 12:16 |
blankthemuffin | kidbuntu, you looked in the actual theme setting thing for metacity? | 12:16 |
shishir | i saw it in sabayaon | 12:17 |
Odd-rationale | shishir: yes | 12:17 |
Dekkard | 'why not.. windose useres need help too | 12:17 |
shishir | i mean sabayon | 12:17 |
blankthemuffin | kidbuntu, the one in the preferences | 12:17 |
Radio1 | Your vista is now adjar. | 12:17 |
benj007 | hi | 12:17 |
Downix | shishir: Yup. I have gmone, xfce, AMiWM, Sawtooth, Enlightenment and KDE. | 12:17 |
Dekkard | shishir, you can have as many sessions/desktop uis as you want | 12:17 |
* defrysk has a problem with people who misspell windows persistently | 12:17 | |
kidbuntu | blankthemuffin: yes.. i tried choosing different theme.. but still the same effect | 12:17 |
Dekkard | defrysk, should get over it.. :) | 12:17 |
defrysk | ;) | 12:17 |
shishir | then please tell me how to get xfce and any other desktop which has the most i candy | 12:18 |
Dekkard | lol | 12:18 |
xep_ | hello! can i NFS mount a NTFS disk ??? server:/media/hda1 is NTFS-3g-mounted client:i want "mount -t nfs ....:/media/hda1" but access denied ........ with a stanard dir it works ! | 12:18 |
Dekkard | shishir, install kde | 12:18 |
Dekkard | lol | 12:18 |
Odd-rationale | shishir: If you want eyecandy use gnome or KDE | 12:18 |
blankthemuffin | kidbuntu, that really is odd then. Sorry I've got to head off now. sleep time. | 12:18 |
shishir | i tried kde its same as windows borin | 12:18 |
Downix | xep_: is the filesystem shared? | 12:18 |
shishir | i want both | 12:19 |
blankthemuffin | shishir, google compiz-fusion | 12:19 |
shishir | so i need xfce also | 12:19 |
xep_ | Downix, shared by who ? | 12:19 |
xep_ | /etc/exports yes | 12:19 |
* Dekkard has no kde or kde apps.. | 12:19 | |
Odd-rationale | apt-get install xfce-desktop | 12:19 |
greencookie | How can I completely remove firefox along with customizations and preferences? | 12:19 |
shishir | i got compiz-fusion already on my gnome | 12:19 |
Dekkard | fluxbox babeee! | 12:19 |
* Tyroazard <3 Ubuntu | 12:19 | |
greencookie | same question regarding amarok | 12:19 |
blankthemuffin | then how can you want more eye candy | 12:19 |
Downix | xep_: No, is it setup within the FS itself? Windows-permissions. I ran into issue with an NTFS off of an old Server 2003, it would not be read over a network unless I took windows and flagged it as being shareable there | 12:19 |
MBR666 | i'm back | 12:19 |
greencookie | I can't get compiz to work on my GNOME:( | 12:19 |
shishir | so ok it boils down to this how do i get xfce?? | 12:20 |
greencookie | WB MBR666 | 12:20 |
shishir | synaptic?? | 12:20 |
MBR666 | ty | 12:20 |
Odd-rationale | yes | 12:20 |
Downix | shishir: sudo apt-get install xfce | 12:20 |
Dekkard | greencookie, open synaptic.. remove firefox.. an delete yer home .firefox dir | 12:20 |
greencookie | Dekkard same for Amarok? | 12:20 |
shishir | thats great.. rest will happen by itself?? | 12:20 |
aczid | i found the solution for the udev problem on launchpad, nm | 12:20 |
greencookie | will removing firefox affect ephiphany web browser? | 12:20 |
Dekkard | greencookie, yep it will uninstall it as well | 12:21 |
Odd-rationale | shishir: just choose the session in the login menu when yo're done | 12:21 |
xep_ | Downix, ok i will see | 12:21 |
shishir | ok links to learn using xfe plz | 12:21 |
Dekkard | greencookie, what is the prob with firefox? | 12:21 |
shishir | i mean xfce | 12:21 |
Odd-rationale | xfce.org | 12:21 |
shishir | no blogs?? that will be cakewalk then | 12:21 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | hi | 12:21 |
greencookie | Dekkard, it hangs often, i wanna do a clean install. | 12:22 |
Odd-rationale | shishir: dunno. should be too hard if you've been using gnome | 12:22 |
greencookie | Dekkard, what happens if i remove .Amarok dir in Home? | 12:22 |
Odd-rationale | *shouldn't | 12:22 |
Dekkard | personally.. xfce4 is so mature now its almost impossible to see the diff between it and gnome.. esp if you run the panel full width | 12:22 |
shearn89 | greencookie: you lose all your settings. | 12:22 |
Dekkard | i gotta take my son to school | 12:23 |
shearn89 | Dekkard: except xfce has the right-click menu, and is lighter. | 12:23 |
MBR666 | back again.. i think i found a bug in 7.04 | 12:23 |
shishir | ya but i am becming a cse engi so i thnk i should learn stuff.. shoudn i?? | 12:23 |
greencookie | shearn89, I can't find .amarok folder. | 12:23 |
xep_ | hello | 12:23 |
Almindor | hello, is it known that azureus is broken (libglib-jni problem) | 12:23 |
shearn89 | greencookie: press ctrl-h to view hidden files. | 12:23 |
greencookie | shearn89, is there a way to erase all amarok settings? | 12:23 |
Radio1 | Green..do a fresh install..and use vlc..opinion. | 12:23 |
Dekkard | shearn89, yes.. but you can disable tha tright click thing too cant you.. i dont get a menu with my right click.. | 12:23 |
MBR666 | anyway i had asked how to completely remove kde. i'm running xfce as my desktop now.. how do i remove kde.. | 12:23 |
shearn89 | Dekkard: maybe. I use Openbox. | 12:23 |
greencookie | Radio1, VLC? I got 20 gb of music I need to manage:) hehe | 12:24 |
Dekkard | i just use the panel button because my screen is only 17 | 12:24 |
Radio1 | oh..ok | 12:24 |
shishir | guys help | 12:24 |
shearn89 | shishir: ? | 12:24 |
shishir | how to get acquainted with using xfce | 12:24 |
shearn89 | shishir: just install it, and play around for a week or so. You'll pick it up. | 12:25 |
kelsin | shishir: google, and use it | 12:25 |
Dekkard | shishir, install it and use it!! | 12:25 |
Dekkard | its simple | 12:25 |
shearn89 | shishir: easier than trying to find a "how to do everything" guide | 12:25 |
greencookie | Guys, is the Amarok setting directory .xine in Home? cuz there's none called .amarok | 12:25 |
shishir | ok folks thanks for the tip | 12:25 |
shishir | lol | 12:25 |
Tyroazard | I think I just broke ubuntu. | 12:25 |
shishir | bye | 12:25 |
gejr | greencookie: .xine is for the mediaplayer xine ^^ | 12:25 |
shearn89 | greencookie: you could always uninstall, then install again. | 12:25 |
Tyroazard | By trying to turn on desktop effects | 12:25 |
dgjones | xep_, http://www.ntfs-3g.org/support.html about halfway down it suggests you can use ntfs with nfs but suggests reading the FUSE README.NFS | 12:25 |
Tyroazard | now everything's screwy. | 12:26 |
bloony | does the installation write a log file? | 12:26 |
Radio1 | oops | 12:26 |
shearn89 | Tyroazard: screwy how? | 12:26 |
Tyroazard | Uhm.. Icons are missing from top panel | 12:26 |
greencookie | shearn89, I tried that several times. But when i reinstall, amarok settings havent changed, still loads its old song database on 1st run | 12:26 |
shearn89 | greencookie: try using "sudo aptitude purge amarok". Should get rid of settings for you. | 12:26 |
Tyroazard | Icons are in middle of the window instead of the side | 12:27 |
greencookie | I did that as well shearn89 but settings still stuck:( | 12:27 |
Tyroazard | Close/maximize/minimize is missing | 12:27 |
shearn89 | greencookie: you definitely did "purge"? | 12:27 |
Tyroazard | Only one workspace | 12:27 |
Tyroazard | >.> | 12:27 |
greencookie | shearn89, right now I'm using exaile. | 12:27 |
shearn89 | !enter | Tyroazard | 12:27 |
ubotu | Tyroazard: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:27 |
greencookie | lemme do again shearn89 wait up brb. | 12:27 |
Tyroazard | Yeah, Sorry about that, just typing as I remember the problems >.> | 12:27 |
tommaso | cos'è sta roba??? | 12:28 |
snkmad | theres any program that can control some settings from nvidia drivers? | 12:28 |
PriceChild | snkmad, nvidia-settings | 12:28 |
gejr | snkmad: nvidia-xconfig ? | 12:28 |
gejr | oh my bad | 12:28 |
shearn89 | Tyroazard: its fine, just hard to read. You could check the #ubuntu-effects channel, they may know more about your prob. | 12:28 |
gejr | snkmad: PriceChild is right :) | 12:28 |
Poromenos | has anyone installed squid on ubuntu? | 12:28 |
PriceChild | gejr, that's a cli version | 12:28 |
LinuxInside | downlaod the NV driver? | 12:28 |
snkmad | PriceChild gonna try that thx, just need to adjust/lock the refresh rate | 12:28 |
exodos | hi, is it possible to run couple of X instances with 3d desktop capabilities avaliable on all of them? | 12:28 |
Crazy|One | I have ubuntu running on my lapto, and I have a large monitor. when I connect my monitor to the laptop i get nothing but a black screen on external monitor, any idea how I can activate the monitor? | 12:29 |
LinuxInside | theres any program that can control some settings from nvidia drivers? | 12:29 |
Tyroazard | Nah, I'll just let Ubuntu restart when it's done updating | 12:29 |
shearn89 | LinuxInside: have you checked !nvidia | 12:29 |
eJoJ | hi there, on my pentium m, is there a way to manually lock the speed? | 12:29 |
snkmad | err it wants to remove nvidia-glx-new and install nvidia-glx-legacy.... | 12:29 |
MBR666 | Crazy|One, you have to use the function key along with the monitor button on your laptop keyboard | 12:29 |
s_spiff | guy need to know if there is any gui based video converters for x64 Gutsy? | 12:30 |
gejr | eJoJ: yea, you need cpufreq-utils | 12:30 |
eJoJ | gejr: thanks will try that | 12:30 |
Crazy|One | The function keys are nt working on the laptop, I need to find drivers for it? | 12:30 |
gejr | eJoJ: or..perhaps just run "man cpufreq-set" | 12:30 |
ffm | How do I make a ln accross partitions? | 12:30 |
MBR666 | no it's hardware based | 12:30 |
gejr | eJoJ: it's probably already installed | 12:30 |
greencookie | shearn89, It worked! Thanks! Is there a difference between 'sudo apt-get purge amarok' and 'sudo aptitude purge amarok'? | 12:30 |
dapper-daniel | hej I have a problem with openoffice calc: Is it possible to change the value of a cell (A1) with a function in another cell (B2)? | 12:31 |
shearn89 | greencookie: yes - i don't think apt-get can purge. Aptitude is like it's big brother.... | 12:31 |
greencookie | shearn89, Doh! Ok, now I know:) hehe | 12:31 |
Crazy|One | hmmm the volume and display brightness works, I am pressing the monitor key and still nothing | 12:31 |
ffm | when I run " ln /home/ffm/.VirtualBox/VDI/XP.vdi " in /var/www, I am told it is an invalid cross device link. /home and /var are on different partitions. How can I make this work? | 12:31 |
shearn89 | greencookie: you can run "aptitude" on its own to get a terminal-based version of synaptic... | 12:31 |
naut-lk | http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/17116/ kanns sich das mal jemand kurz anschauen? hab ich nach dem ersten reboot nachdem ich die neue platte formatiert hab bekommen | 12:31 |
axel_s | Hi, with 7.04 there used to be a -low-latency kernel available... I can't find it with 7.10 anymore... What happenend? | 12:31 |
shearn89 | !de | naut-lk | 12:31 |
ubotu | naut-lk: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 12:31 |
naut-lk | sorry | 12:32 |
shearn89 | np | 12:32 |
kidbuntu | anyone can help me? i messed up my metacity.. :) | 12:32 |
jrib | ffm: do you need a hard link or can you use a symbolic link? | 12:32 |
shearn89 | kidbuntu: messed up how? | 12:32 |
naut-lk | shearn89 forgot to change the channel, bye | 12:32 |
ffm | jrib: as longas I can get to it from apache. | 12:32 |
snkmad | PriceChild err it wants to remove nvidia-glx-new and install nvidia-glx-legacy.... | 12:32 |
jrib | ffm: ln -s then | 12:32 |
PriceChild | snkmad, no.... | 12:32 |
PriceChild | snkmad, run nvidia-settings | 12:32 |
PriceChild | snkmad, don't install the seperate package | 12:32 |
ffm | jrib: thx | 12:32 |
PriceChild | snkmad, btw you'll need to run it with sudo in order to save the xorg.conf file | 12:33 |
kidbuntu | shearn89: theres no max,min,close button on my title bar, no icons on my menus, my typing behavior changed like i have to repeatedly press the backspace to move back. | 12:33 |
snkmad | PriceChild thx, i hope i dont destroy my X | 12:33 |
arun | !nvu | 12:34 |
ubotu | kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It will be in the Ubuntu repos for 7.10 ("gutsy"); meanwhile for other versions add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list: "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu {edgy,feisty} universe" (pick your release and list it without brackets, and no quotes) | 12:34 |
snkmad | how do i restart the X session? ctrl+alt+backspace? | 12:34 |
PriceChild | !xconfig | snkmad | 12:34 |
ubotu | snkmad: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes | 12:34 |
axel_s | what's the realtime kernel for? can anyone tell? is it similar to the low-latency kernel that existed in 7.04? | 12:34 |
greencookie | shearn89, I think I figured it, amarok's mysql lite db didnt get completely purged. anyway to do this? | 12:34 |
kidbuntu | snkmad: yes | 12:34 |
PriceChild | snkmad, use the second command there to reset your xorg.conf if things go wrong | 12:34 |
snkmad | lemme take nots | 12:34 |
shearn89 | kidbuntu: sounds like your xorg is messed up. Although not sure about the keybindings thing... | 12:34 |
snkmad | notes | 12:34 |
ffm | jrib: I still get an error when I try to get the file. | 12:34 |
kidbuntu | shearn89: is there a way to fix that? can you help me with it | 12:34 |
jrib | ffm: what error | 12:35 |
ffm | It is chmodded 744, yet http://intserverror.com:8080/XP.vdi is not accessable | 12:35 |
Tyroazard | Meh, I'm passing the time by typing in the Distribution update terminal | 12:35 |
shearn89 | greencookie: try doing "sudo updatedb" (takes a little while. Let it run). Then do "locate amarok". | 12:35 |
Tyroazard | >.> | 12:35 |
shearn89 | kidbuntu: not sure... what did you do prior to it breaking? | 12:35 |
snkmad | !FixRes | snkmad | 12:35 |
ffm | jrib: It is chmodded 744, yet http://intserverror.com:8080/XP.vdi is not accessable | 12:35 |
snkmad | !FixRes | snkma | 12:36 |
ubotu | snkma: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:36 |
snkmad | !FixRes | 12:36 |
Tyroazard | shearn89: I have that problem minus the backspace thing | 12:36 |
picosam | anyone knows of an IPCop package floating around? | 12:36 |
greencookie | so mysqllite is part of the kernel shearn89 ? and it has amarok tables in it as well? | 12:36 |
picosam | it seems that I can't succeed to building it on my Gutsy Server | 12:36 |
kidbuntu | shearn89: did a sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz* libcompizconfig | 12:36 |
jrib | ffm: you need to check permissions on ~, ~/.VirtualBox, ~/.VirtualBox/VDI, and ~/.VirtualBox/VDI/XP.vdi | 12:36 |
shearn89 | greencookie: i don't know... the locate command would just try and find any file with "amarok" in the title... | 12:36 |
kidbuntu | shearn89: then metacity --replace.. | 12:36 |
greencookie | kidbuntu, try the aptitude instead of apt-get | 12:36 |
eNons3nse | Does Gnash not work for youtube videos??? | 12:36 |
shearn89 | kidbuntu: sounds like some dependencies got screwed. Try "apt-get install --reinstall metacity" | 12:37 |
kidbuntu | greencookie: aptitude of what? | 12:37 |
kidbuntu | shearn89: ok | 12:37 |
Dekkard | eNons3nse, youtube may not recognize it | 12:37 |
eNons3nse | gah. it doesn't. | 12:37 |
Dekkard | i use flash-nonfree | 12:37 |
Radio1 | I dont think it will 4 U tube. | 12:37 |
shearn89 | greencookie: i think mysql is an extra package - not part of the kernel. | 12:37 |
Dekkard | mysql is a database proggie | 12:37 |
greencookie | shearn89, I tried using MySQL but it asked me for a usn/password and other information | 12:38 |
NET||abuse | Hey guys.. got a few upgrade gripes going from feisty to gutsy :) | 12:38 |
shearn89 | eNons3nse: check the medibuntu wiki - they have info on restricted formats. | 12:38 |
kidbuntu | shearn89: after doing that.. whats next? | 12:38 |
Dekkard | NET||abuse, NO! | 12:38 |
NET||abuse | got "subprocess post-removal script killed by signal (Interrupt)" for the 'gstreamer0.8-vorbis' package | 12:38 |
shearn89 | kidbuntu: try restarting X (ctrl-alt-backspace). Then sign on to irc again, and tell us what happened. | 12:38 |
gejr | eNons3nse: you using firefox? | 12:38 |
eNons3nse | Dekkard: yeah. i was using that too but flash video wasn't coming trough as clearly as in Feisty and it skipps like a CD a couple times. | 12:39 |
kidbuntu | shearn89: i'm on my emerald theme currently | 12:39 |
eNons3nse | gejr: yea | 12:39 |
NET||abuse | and during the cleanup process i got "installArchives() failed" | 12:39 |
gejr | i use gnash with the mediaplayer-connectivity plugin. There you can set which app to use for flash files. | 12:39 |
shearn89 | kidbuntu: oh! thats probs it - if you've removed all the compiz stuff, the emerald theme won't render properly. | 12:39 |
Dekkard | eNons3nse, yeah.. flash does that on linux.. ive learned to live with it | 12:39 |
gejr | eNons3nse: that's a plugin for firefox. | 12:39 |
kidbuntu | shearn89: no... compiz and emerald are working fine now.. but the metacity is not | 12:39 |
Dekkard | ahh | 12:40 |
Dekkard | i think i get it | 12:40 |
Dekkard | see.. | 12:40 |
snkmad | once i set the matching resolution/refresh rate, itll be locked? even if i change to a higher one later? | 12:40 |
eNons3nse | Dekkard: it worked just fine for me in Feisty. No problems like that. It did that crap all my previous versions of ubuntu though. | 12:40 |
Dekkard | i believe that if you use emereald.. it is your file manager..not metacity | 12:40 |
Dekkard | someone help me hear cuz my machine wont composite.. | 12:40 |
NET||abuse | otherwise,, i had a look for avant-window-navigator and i see an entry in the gutsy repo's flagged with a "c" what does that mean ? | 12:40 |
shearn89 | kidbuntu: hmm... try asking in the #ubuntu-effects channel. or | 12:41 |
NET||abuse | it doesn't want to install either :) | 12:41 |
shearn89 | kidbuntu: #compiz-fusion | 12:41 |
eNons3nse | gejr: i'll look for that firefox plug-in. i think i used to use it for something else a couple years ago. | 12:41 |
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gejr | eNons3nse: look no further http://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/446/ :) | 12:42 |
snkmad | the problem im having is, my desktop is set to 1280x1024 @60hz, but i wanna run games with 800x600 @ 85hz | 12:42 |
Dekkard | snk.. cant you set the games to lead in a window instead of fullscreen? | 12:42 |
Dekkard | or change yer desktop resolution before you play the game | 12:43 |
shearn89 | !resolution | 12:43 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:43 |
ffm | jrib: I checked the permissons, yet it still dosnt work! | 12:43 |
shearn89 | its all gone quiet.... weird. | 12:45 |
snkmad | Dekkard well, i wanted some solution for fullscreen gaming | 12:45 |
muzik | Hi, i have just upgraded to the 7.10 version of ubuntu, when i try to boot, the loading screen never starts, then this pops up: http://pastebin.com/d60ec0dbb | 12:46 |
snkmad | brb | 12:46 |
eNons3nse | gejr: are you sure this firefox plug-in applies to imbeded flash video? | 12:47 |
Dekkard | snkmad, sorry man.. than i think you will have to change your resolution before you game | 12:47 |
Dekkard | although you can do that in gnome prefs can't you? | 12:47 |
kidbuntu | !compiz | 12:47 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 12:47 |
shearn89 | muzik: looks weird. Can you boot to a preivous kernel version? | 12:47 |
ubuntu | salut le scococ | 12:47 |
ubuntu | coco | 12:47 |
muzik | hmm i'll try, please hold, and thankyou for your reply | 12:47 |
ubuntu | je suis un new user | 12:47 |
twoshadetod | ./j #wor | 12:48 |
h4rd-2_ | net.net | 12:48 |
shearn89 | !fr | ubuntu__ | 12:48 |
ubotu | ubuntu__: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 12:48 |
shearn89 | !fr | ubuntu | 12:48 |
ubotu | ubuntu: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 12:48 |
LiniX | Hi, I have a little problem. My Notebook install Ubuntu 7.10 , It can't Shutdown!! | 12:48 |
shearn89 | LiniX: what happens? any error messages? | 12:48 |
Dekkard | !notebook | 12:48 |
ubotu | Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org | 12:48 |
amadeux | How come compiz is much slower, less smooth, more laggy and have more tearing than it did on feisty? Is this an nvidia issue (and why not in feisty then?), a compiz issue, or ... ? | 12:49 |
muzik | shearn89: i booted into one ending in 14, and it _seems_ to be booting okay now | 12:49 |
vagamente | hi all... any joomla user here? | 12:49 |
koudelka_ | !compiz | 12:49 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 12:49 |
shearn89 | muzik: okay hold on a mo - just dug up something on google. | 12:49 |
muzik | shearn89: thankyou :) | 12:50 |
Dekkard | seems like compiz is a pain.. more queries about that than anything else | 12:50 |
startrstatik | Hey, my sound isn't working after this fresh 7.10 install. :[ I don't know what to do. | 12:50 |
koudelka_ | what's the name of the desktop effects channel? | 12:50 |
Dekkard | #compiz-fusion ? | 12:50 |
LiniX | Shearn89:It don't have error message. when i turn off, my monitor is turn off but my notebook isn't shutdown. | 12:50 |
shearn89 | muzik: some guy solved it by installing xubuntu... yawn. Is your laptop old?# | 12:50 |
shearn89 | LiniX: are you using Gnome? | 12:51 |
LiniX | yes | 12:51 |
muzik | shearn89: its a desktop PC, i guess it is quite old, its a combination of about 6 computers... | 12:51 |
koudelka_ | isn't there a special channel for dektop effects questions for ubuntu? | 12:51 |
amadeux | koudelka_, who should I ask in #compis-fusion if this is a gutsy issue? | 12:51 |
koudelka_ | gusty | 12:51 |
snkmad | Dekkard theres any way to make a script for that? | 12:51 |
dgjones | LiniX, have you tried "shutdown -h now" in a terminal to see if that will shut it down? | 12:51 |
Dekkard | snkmad, script for what? | 12:51 |
shearn89 | muzik: you might want to try Xubuntu then - works really well for old hardware, and you can always install gnome afterwards. Although if it worked for feisty, its strange it's just stopped... | 12:51 |
LiniX | dgjones: Ok I will try it. Thank You :-) | 12:52 |
muzik | shearn89: all i use it for is ssh access at college, and running as a IRC server | 12:52 |
bogdomania | hello all..i have one question ..why doesnt my amarok player support mp3 ?is it because no codec is installed?if so,hoe do i install a codec? | 12:52 |
Dekkard | snkmad, i think you don't need a script.. you should be able to do it from preferences | 12:52 |
snkmad | well, change res to a lower one, kill compiz-fusion, run the game, when the game exits, run compiz-fusion, and set the correct res | 12:52 |
amadeux | Dekkard, compiz fusion in itself works mostly ok. It did in feisty. It does not in gutsy. Also, gutsy is having trouble detecting the capabilities of my monitor from DDC, which I think is related to the compiz issue. It also has EDID issues that feisty did not have | 12:52 |
dgjones | !mp3 | bogdomania | 12:52 |
ubotu | bogdomania: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:52 |
Dekkard | as far as compiz.. im totally in the dark.. have never used it | 12:52 |
muzik | shearn89: thanks for your time, i'll just leave it to boot in the older version :) | 12:52 |
koudelka_ | i can't get the desktop effects to work with my dual screen setup on gusty. | 12:52 |
bogdomania | 10x dgjones | 12:53 |
koudelka_ | i have a nvidia 7800gtx, i've tried both to manually install drivers from nvidia and use the ones in the repo | 12:53 |
shearn89 | muzik: okay. It could be a Hard Disk bug - have a look at this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/104581 | 12:54 |
koudelka_ | !desktop effects | 12:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about desktop effects - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 12:55 |
shearn89 | !compiz | 12:55 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 12:55 |
shearn89 | !xinerama | 12:55 |
muzik | shearn89: ah yes, booting from either versions of the kernal i get a error about the age [1997 - 2000] that must be the problem | 12:55 |
ubotu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 12:55 |
kidbuntu_ | !compiz | 12:55 |
koudelka_ | !join #ubuntu-effects | 12:56 |
shearn89 | you need /join | 12:56 |
koudelka_ | i know.... | 12:56 |
kidbuntu_ | !compiz | 12:56 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 12:56 |
s_spiff | kidbuntu_: stop asking the same thing again and again! | 12:56 |
twoshadetod | Whats the name of that kid that sings chocolate rain? | 12:56 |
twoshadetod | I'm starting a hate site about him and want the spelling right | 12:56 |
shearn89 | twoshadetod: ? try google. | 12:56 |
twoshadetod | shearn89, can't im in communist china | 12:57 |
shearn89 | twoshadetod: hold on. | 12:57 |
shearn89 | twoshadetod: tay zonday | 12:57 |
twoshadetod | he no make song about yellow rain, he racist i makee site about him | 12:57 |
twoshadetod | shearn89, thank you | 12:57 |
BadPenguin86 | I cannot attain an ip address using nm-applet. Any help? | 12:57 |
bloony | anyone that can help me with the grub installation? the ubuntu installation doesnt even make a grub folder inn the /boot folder.. I've tried a lot of stuff but cant get it to work.. | 12:58 |
fevel | hey guys | 12:58 |
snkmad | theres any way for me to setup the combination of resolution/refresh w/out having to go to each one? | 12:58 |
fevel | I installed kubuntu-desktop but I really didnt like it. I like my ubuntu better with the simplicity of gnome. Should I sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop or just leave it? | 12:59 |
ffjia | twoshadetod: u can use google in china | 12:59 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: are you on wireless? | 12:59 |
twoshadetod | ffjia, yeah just didn't feel like going t it | 12:59 |
KenSentMe | Can anyone tell me where the settings for system-config-printers are being saved? | 12:59 |
Tyroazard | Meh | 12:59 |
muzik | shearn89: thanks again :) | 13:00 |
twoshadetod | anyone remember the file to edit to change the default size of the gnometerminal window? | 13:00 |
ffjia | twoshadetod: i can use google, and im in china | 13:00 |
shearn89 | muzik: np. | 13:00 |
shearn89 | ffjia: yeah, he just said its cos he couldn't be bothered. Although signing on to IRC and asking would take longer... | 13:01 |
twoshadetod | shearn89, ahh yeah you are right about that. thanks for checking though | 13:01 |
ffjia | shearn89: got it | 13:01 |
shearn89 | twoshadetod: np. isn't the size thing in the preferences? | 13:02 |
twoshadetod | shearn89, looking i dont see the option | 13:02 |
shearn89 | twoshadetod: hmmm. You could try using devilspie, but thats a hassle. Just install rxvt-unicode instead. Then customise it. | 13:02 |
twoshadetod | shearn89, i'll get it , somewhere on my file server is a bunch of textfiles i made whenever i learn something. I don't remember the exact name, either gnomecaps of termcaps | 13:03 |
twoshadetod | but it's something like that just dont remember exactly | 13:03 |
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twoshadetod | shearn89, what do you prefer for term programs? | 13:03 |
boontoo | im having trouble updating to 7.10 | 13:03 |
LiniX | Shearn89,dgjones: Thank You, Now It can shutdown :-) | 13:03 |
shearn89 | twoshadetod: urxvt recently, but i used to use xterm. It got too ugly. | 13:04 |
twoshadetod | shearn89, you ever use xfceterm? | 13:04 |
MilkmanDan | Wow that's a big channel... | 13:04 |
shearn89 | twoshadetod: yeah, for a bit - two slow. | 13:04 |
LiniX | Shearn89,dgjones: when use shutdown -h now it will shutdown normally | 13:04 |
fargiolas | does anybody know how to disable tracker and restore nautilus quick search? | 13:04 |
IdleOne | morning Pici | 13:04 |
jpastore | hey I need help with getting wammu working...it's asking for the port my phone is on. I'm doing lsusb but I can't figure out the device I should be using in /dev the one that shows up in the drop down box is: /dev/ttyACM0 when I use it it doesn't connect ...this is one of the last things I need to get rid of windows | 13:04 |
shearn89 | twoshadetod: install rxvt-unicode, then laungh with this: urxvt -tr +sb -fg white -bg black -tint white -sh 75 -fade 25 -fadecolor black -pr black -pr2 white -g 114x24 | 13:04 |
twoshadetod | shearn89, i might have to give that one a trie | 13:04 |
twoshadetod | er try | 13:04 |
shearn89 | lots of options, but it looks cool. | 13:05 |
sire1 | Maybe some oun knows how many times ubuntu was downloaded since official relaese? | 13:05 |
twoshadetod | yeah i hate a white background | 13:05 |
LiniX | Shearn89,dgjones: when use gnome shutdown it shutdown normally too, :-) | 13:05 |
twoshadetod | i like black background | 13:05 |
twoshadetod | so it sounds good already | 13:05 |
twoshadetod | lol giving it a "Whirl" | 13:05 |
shearn89 | LiniX: cool... what was the prob? why wasn't it working normally? | 13:05 |
BadPenguin86 | I cannot attain an ip address using nm-applet. Any help? | 13:05 |
shearn89 | twoshadetod: you'll have to play around to find out what they all do, as i can't find the man pages anywhere... | 13:05 |
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IdleOne | sire1: www.ubuntu.com email canonical and ask I am sure they have stats | 13:05 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: are you on wireless? | 13:05 |
LiniX | shearn89: i don't know, it don't have error message. | 13:06 |
shearn89 | LiniX: oh well. Glad its working now! | 13:06 |
IdleOne | sire1: Distrowatch might keep track of that also | 13:06 |
LiniX | Thank You Very Much | 13:06 |
twoshadetod | oh man shearn89 that is cool | 13:06 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn89: Yes. BCM43xx | 13:06 |
boontoo | !paste | 13:07 |
twoshadetod | daaamn | 13:07 |
kitche | IdleOne: nah distrowatch doesn't they just go by how many times people visit the page which is very bad stat collection way actually | 13:07 |
boontoo | !spam | 13:07 |
boontoo | == | 13:07 |
shearn89 | twoshadetod: i know... it rocks! and its v. fast! | 13:07 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 13:07 |
ubotu | Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-) | 13:07 |
IdleOne | kitche: indeed it is | 13:07 |
FastPutty | what issymbole lookup error, undefined symbol: use_default_colors | 13:07 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: do you get anything from "iwconfig" | 13:07 |
FastPutty | i got this message whe i try to get in into nano .. | 13:07 |
FastPutty | or somethin | 13:07 |
BadPenguin86 | Shearn89: Yes, that is the weird thing, it is all fine in there. Everything is in prder | 13:08 |
BadPenguin86 | order | 13:08 |
boontoo | heres my error i get when trying to upgrade http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42688/ | 13:08 |
Lhademmor | Hello, is XMoto known to have unstable graphics, or is my graphics card just screwing up? | 13:10 |
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shearn89 | BadPenguin86: can you get to the internet? | 13:13 |
Lhademmor | I think it broke when I upgraded to gutsy... | 13:14 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn89: I can at home, wireless with a proxy-dial-up, but not at school on an open wlan setup | 13:14 |
boontoo | heres my error i get when trying to upgrade http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42688/ ->> ANY IDEAS | 13:14 |
Alejandr0 | hello, repositories aint working, how do i fix that | 13:14 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: have you disabled your home proxy when you're at school? Or put it on automatic find? | 13:14 |
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shearn89 | Alejandr0: error message? | 13:14 |
jpastore | hey I need help with getting wammu working...it's asking for the port my phone is on. I'm doing lsusb but I can't figure out the device I should be using in /dev the one that shows up in the drop down box is: /dev/ttyACM0 when I use it it doesn't connect ...this is one of the last things I need to get rid of windows | 13:15 |
Alejandr0 | <shearn89> E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/bo.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_feisty-updates_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages, E:No se pudieron analizar o abrir las listas de paquetes o el archivo de estado. | 13:15 |
shearn89 | boontoo: looks like no net connection to the repo. | 13:15 |
boontoo | shearn89: so i cant update? | 13:15 |
shearn89 | boontoo: you can just disable that repo (it doesn't look like its an official ubuntu one), and then upgrade. It may just be that that repo is down. | 13:16 |
s00p | hi | 13:16 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn89: Yes, but the problem is connecting to the network moreso than the internet persay | 13:16 |
shearn89 | Alejandr0: have you tried "sudo apt-get update"? | 13:16 |
boontoo | shearn89: k | 13:16 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: if its at a school, they may not let you connect to their network. | 13:17 |
Shapeshifter | I turned off system beep in System/preferences/sound but I still get a beep and it's really annoying, how can I get rid of it? | 13:17 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: sounds like a problem with the DHCP. | 13:18 |
damike | hi | 13:18 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn89: No, they do. Windows, mac, and even another ubuntu computer can all connect | 13:18 |
atlfalcons866 | is dapper drake the most stable version of ubuntu | 13:18 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: hmmm... | 13:18 |
redrobin | I need help to install ubuntu to a usb drive. I am using the following site but whenever i type in commands to the terminal it always says command not found. http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ | 13:18 |
shearn89 | atlfalcons866: yes. Although its quite old now. | 13:18 |
damike | i have ubuntu 7.10 - but got several problems with my thinkpad x61s. how can i update to the latest software components? (kernel, gnome, ...) doesnt matter if its dev | 13:18 |
Niteye | i installed samba, but when i do \\layla\ on a windows PC, it asks for a password, how can i make my shares avaible to everyone (like was the case in windows) | 13:18 |
IdleOne | atlfalcons866: 7.04 is stable | 13:18 |
atlfalcons866 | shearn89: what do you mean its old | 13:19 |
shearn89 | Niteye: try just hitting enter. | 13:19 |
IdleOne | atlfalcons866: even 7.10 is stable | 13:19 |
Alejandr0 | <shearn89> still nothing wuth synaptic, i got the message error: E: Error de lectura - read (21 Es un directorio) | 13:19 |
Alejandr0 | E: Error de lectura - read (21 Es un directorio) | 13:19 |
Alejandr0 | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 13:19 |
atlfalcons866 | IdleOne: i know even gutsy alpha is more stable than windows xp sp2 | 13:19 |
shearn89 | atlfalcons866: it was released in 2006 (i think). The latest version is also quite stable. I would go with Feisty for stability. 7.04. | 13:19 |
shearn89 | Alejandr0: sounds like its trying to read what it thinks is a file.... | 13:20 |
shearn89 | Alejandr0: have you checked your sources.lst? | 13:20 |
Alejandr0 | <shearn89> how do i check that? | 13:20 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn89: Yeah. It is odd. My friend has the same ubuntu with a similar wlan card | 13:20 |
dgjones | atlfalcons866, 6.06 is a long term support release which means they'll be supported with security updates for longer, but 7.04 & 7.10 are newer versions | 13:20 |
shearn89 | Alejandr0: cat /etc/apt/sources.lst > mysources, and post the file on a pastebin. | 13:21 |
damike | anybody? | 13:21 |
Niteye | shearn89: unless i type something, the "OK" box is grayed out, and even my ubuntu user/pass isnt accepted | 13:21 |
IdleOne | atlfalcons866: depends what you need from the OS if you want to run the latest software then get 7.10 but if you are running server and want to stick to stability and Long term support then go with 6..06 | 13:21 |
shearn89 | Niteye: okay. You need something like "guest ok = yes" "browseable = yes" in your smb.conf | 13:21 |
atlfalcons866 | Idleone: i will use gutsy then | 13:22 |
Niteye | okay ill try that | 13:22 |
Alejandr0 | <shearn89> it says the ile is missing | 13:22 |
IdleOne | atlfalcons866: good choice | 13:22 |
Alejandr0 | file | 13:22 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: hmmm.. you may have to confer with the other Ubuntu user, and compare settings... | 13:22 |
shearn89 | Alejandr0: sorry - should be sources.list. | 13:22 |
redrobin | I need help to install ubuntu to a usb drive. I am using the following site but whenever i type in commands to the terminal it always says command not found. http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ | 13:23 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn89: Lol. He is not exactly the geeky type, he had his ubuntu set up by our uber-geek friend | 13:23 |
DeFirence | has anyone here used multiple instances of noip client before? i set 2 up, but they get the same ip address | 13:23 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: ah. What is in your /etc/network/interfaces file? (pastebin it). | 13:23 |
BadPenguin86 | !pastebin | 13:23 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 13:23 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn:ok | 13:23 |
redrobin | can anyone help me with my problem? I need help installing ubuntu to a flash drive. | 13:25 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn89: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42689/ | 13:25 |
IdleOne | !install | redrobin | 13:25 |
ubotu | redrobin: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 13:25 |
Alejandr0 | <shearn89> i think this is it... http://pastebin.com/m4d0e7f7c | 13:25 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: Do you really have 2 wired cards and 2 wireless ones? Try commenting out all except the "lo" lines. Then do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" | 13:26 |
kidbuntu | !compiz | 13:26 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 13:26 |
Niteye | how do i restart samba to see if the changes took effect? | 13:27 |
s00p | I cannot get Evolution to connect to gmail's imap server :( | 13:27 |
Niteye | without rebooting the pc | 13:27 |
nom_ | The question: I have a made in china web cam, it had cd for windows installation i lost that too, how do i install it on ubuntu? | 13:27 |
s00p | getting an imap timeout | 13:27 |
shearn89 | Niteye: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 13:27 |
BadPenguin86 | Shearn89: I tried that once, but it did not work, but I do not have that many cards. def not. just one of each | 13:27 |
Alejandr0 | on a side note, f#ck xp sp2, that unstable piece of cr@p made all my pc unstable | 13:28 |
shearn89 | Alejandr0: it sounds like the repos are down... not sure what else to do i'm afraid... | 13:28 |
Downix | anyone good at setting up a server for netboot? | 13:28 |
Alejandr0 | ok, ty anyway | 13:28 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: try commenting out eth2. Then do iwconfig, and comment out either ath0 or wlan0 depending on what gives you output. | 13:29 |
shearn89 | Alejandr0: sorry i couldn't be more helpful man... | 13:29 |
nom_ | I have a made in china web cam, it had cd for windows installation i lost that too, how do i install it on ubuntu? | 13:29 |
redrobin | I am completely new to ubuntu and I dont understand those instructions for installing ubuntu to a persistant usb. Can someone please give me a step by step detailed walkthrough. It would really help | 13:29 |
bsund | whats trackerd? it used 300mb of memory oO | 13:29 |
bsund | MB | 13:29 |
shearn89 | nom_: hunt the net for "<your camera model> linux driver" | 13:29 |
nom_ | shearn89, it has no model in windows it identifies itself as usb camera | 13:30 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn89: well, the problem might be that my "wlan" is eth1, but it is not on that list | 13:30 |
shearn89 | nom_: look on the actual camera for a brand/number. | 13:30 |
ffjia | can anyone play football manager (07/08) in ubuntu? | 13:30 |
panny | i have ubuntu and vista installed on one hard drive. can i tri boot with xp as well? would i have to reinstall grub? | 13:30 |
nom_ | shearn89, no nothing | 13:30 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: just copy one of the entries, but use "eth1" instead of whatever. | 13:30 |
shearn89 | nom_: You could try hunting for a generic camera driver. | 13:31 |
hwilde | Anybody familiar with rsync? It keeps timing out and I am wondering if there is a way to make it go backwards through the directories so that I can get the initial copy completed? Like sort -r | 13:31 |
bsund | how do i disable trackerd and why did they put it in ubuntu? :) | 13:31 |
shearn89 | panny: yes, and yes. Although triple booting may cause trouble... check the forums. | 13:31 |
nom_ | shearn89, i should search for exactly what? | 13:31 |
bsund | apparently crap | 13:31 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn89: I will try that, but I cannot get to school until tomorrow | 13:31 |
shearn89 | nom_: try "webcam ubuntu linux driver" | 13:31 |
hwilde | bsund, did you try to locate it? most things are launched in /etc/init.d | 13:32 |
shearn89 | BadPenguin86: cool. Just backup (or remember how it was) the file before you mess around too much. | 13:32 |
panny | shearn89 i was just a bit scared that unleashign xp and vista on one harddrive would result in armageddon. lol....a battle to the death between them | 13:32 |
hwilde | nom_, try pwc or v4l | 13:32 |
thing | Can anyone tell me how to install lamp in 7.10??? | 13:32 |
boontoo | can i resize ubuntu partition while its mounted? | 13:32 |
BadPenguin86 | shearn89: ok | 13:32 |
bsund | hwilde, i was thinking about some apt-get command? i don't like tinkering with stuff thats installed from packages | 13:32 |
nom_ | ok guys | 13:32 |
hwilde | !lamp | thing | 13:32 |
ubotu | thing: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 13:32 |
shearn89 | panny: well, they might eat each other... I'd hope that the more-stable XP would triumph against the power-hungry might of Vista and it's Aero cohorts.... | 13:33 |
hwilde | !find trackerd gutsy | 13:33 |
tushyd | shearn89: I'm having a problem too... all programs except for ekiga will not recognize my built in camera.... other programs like kopete say, "could not connect to video device /dev/video0" | 13:33 |
ubotu | File trackerd found in casper, tracker, tracker-dbg | 13:33 |
fevel | how do I remove kubuntu-desktop and all packages installed with the installkubuntu-dektop command? | 13:33 |
hwilde | bsund, look at the results from ubotu. trackerd found in casper, tracker, tracker-dbg. apt-get remove those packages | 13:33 |
redrobin | can anyone email me a step by step tutorial to install ubuntu to a usb drive with a persistant install. I am completely new and I dont even know the basics of linux. My email is indianballer24@gmail.com | 13:33 |
juan | im trying to write a really basic script to restart my buggy drivers , is there a way to execute a series of commands in bash? | 13:33 |
hwilde | fevel, use synaptic package manager | 13:33 |
shearn89 | tushyd: i'm afraid i don't know anything about cameras... You could try searching the forums for your laptop model + camera. | 13:34 |
hwilde | juan, just put them on multiple lines in your bash script | 13:34 |
panny | shearn89 vista is just xp with a fancy face....nothing new really. still crashes lol | 13:34 |
pike_ | fevel: most people just remove a common dependancy a qt library file or something.. there might be a more streamlined way now though | 13:34 |
bsund | hwilde, ok thanks :) | 13:34 |
tushyd | shearn89, thanks | 13:34 |
=== Pici- is now known as Pici | ||
shearn89 | panny: it also uses about 10 times more resources.... | 13:34 |
boontoo | can i resize ubuntu partition while its mounted? | 13:34 |
IdleOne | fevel: you cant. there is no easy way of doing it . you are going to have to remove everything pretty much by hand unless they have changed that | 13:34 |
Radio1 | xp is now adjar. | 13:34 |
fevel | I see | 13:34 |
shearn89 | panny: its like Godzilla versus barney the dinosaur... | 13:34 |
panny | shearn89 yeh 800mb on start up....compared to like 189 on ubuntu here.. | 13:35 |
IdleOne | fevel: check in #kubuntu also to see if there is a one stop command you can use | 13:35 |
boontoo | can i resize ubuntu partition while its mounted? | 13:35 |
hwilde | boontoo, use gparted | 13:35 |
shearn89 | panny: mmmhmmm. Brutal. Although a guy at my school built a computer that can get from cold to fully running 64bit vista in 8secs... | 13:35 |
boontoo | hwilde: i am but it wont let me | 13:35 |
shearn89 | !gparted | 13:35 |
ubotu | GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 13:35 |
snkmad | nice i got java installed | 13:36 |
hwilde | boontoo, boot from the livecd I mean... you can't resize active partitions obviously | 13:36 |
pike_ | fevel: id consider writing a little pythong/gtk to remove metapackages but.. itd probably end up breaking some systems and people would just end up yelling at me | 13:36 |
panny | shearn89 impressive. | 13:36 |
boontoo | hiwidle hehe ok | 13:36 |
juan | is there a way of getting a consistant output for checking if a modual is present, e.g i can use it in a script no just lsmod | grep which i need to look at | 13:36 |
IdleOne | !java | snkmad | 13:36 |
ubotu | snkmad: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 13:36 |
hwilde | juan, use the watch command | 13:36 |
* shearn89 is going to get lunch. | 13:36 | |
panny | shearn89 most impressive *in best darth vader voice8 lol | 13:36 |
shearn89 | haha... | 13:36 |
hwilde | juan, like watch -n1 "lsmog | grep package" | 13:36 |
hwilde | !offtopic | panny shearn89 | 13:37 |
ubotu | panny shearn89: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 13:37 |
shearn89 | sorry hwilde... | 13:37 |
hwilde | "random chatter" | 13:37 |
hwilde | esp vista | 13:37 |
VagaStorm | I'm trying to install ubuntu server 6.06.1, but thers no drivers for my network card, and the kernel source don't seem to bee in the apt on the cd, so I get an error when I try to compile the one from nvidia.... any sugestions | 13:37 |
panny | oh its the off topic nazis | 13:37 |
vivekraj | A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept. | 13:37 |
atlas95 | is ESOUND working for you | 13:37 |
panny | bleehh | 13:37 |
hwilde | !headers | VagaStorm | 13:37 |
ubotu | VagaStorm: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages | 13:37 |
boontoo | hwilde: should i be putting my swap at the front of end of the drive i never worked that out | 13:37 |
hwilde | boontoo, wherever | 13:37 |
sharkp | hi | 13:39 |
sharkp | I?ve a problem with my audio | 13:39 |
sharkp | it doesn't work | 13:39 |
IdleOne | !sound | sharkp | 13:39 |
manu__ | ubuntu italiano??? | 13:39 |
ubotu | sharkp: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 13:39 |
Pici | !it | manu__ | 13:40 |
ubotu | manu__: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 13:40 |
sharkp | but speakers and audio card work on windows | 13:40 |
snkmad | IdleOne thx but i said i managed to get java installed, no problems anymore | 13:40 |
hwilde | Anybody familiar with rsync? It keeps timing out and I am wondering if there is a way to make it go backwards through the directories so that I can get the initial copy completed? Like sort -r | 13:40 |
hwilde | !windows | sharkp | 13:40 |
sharkp | so, why donì't they work? | 13:40 |
ubotu | sharkp: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 13:40 |
IdleOne | snkmad: yeah I know I was just showing you that java is packaged and I am guessing you compiled it right? | 13:40 |
snkmad | nope, used the icedtea | 13:41 |
panny | mental health institute lol... | 13:41 |
Radio1 | icedtea is cool java..works good | 13:41 |
snkmad | but the ones in official repos dont work, had to install from another repo | 13:41 |
sharkp | hwilde: I don't want help for windows... | 13:41 |
sharkp | read better before speak | 13:41 |
hwilde | sharkp, follow ubotu's advice. | 13:42 |
sunup | hi all | 13:42 |
hwilde | !audio | sharkp | 13:42 |
ubotu | sharkp: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 13:42 |
sunup | i am new to ubuntu so hi | 13:42 |
fook | hi | 13:42 |
hwilde | Anybody familiar with rsync? It keeps timing out and I am wondering if there is a way to make it go backwards through the directories so that I can get the initial copy completed? Like sort -r | 13:43 |
sunup | just getting to grips with a new o.s | 13:43 |
IdleOne | need some help with Epiphany http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42692/ | 13:43 |
bloony | how do I edit a file in terminal? | 13:43 |
jpastore | hey I need help with getting wammu working...it's asking for the port my phone is on. I'm doing lsusb but I can't figure out the device I should be using in /dev the one that shows up in the drop down box is: /dev/ttyACM0 when I use it it doesn't connect ...this is one of the last things I need to get rid of windows | 13:43 |
hwilde | bloony, nano | 13:43 |
Radio1 | U will like it sunup. | 13:43 |
bloony | thx | 13:43 |
sunup | where does my downloads go to | 13:43 |
jpastore | maybe someone can suggest a channel? #nokia, #wammu and #gammu all virtually empty | 13:44 |
sunup | thanks radio 1 | 13:44 |
snkmad | how would i edit the equivalent of "hosts" file in ubuntu? | 13:44 |
hwilde | jpastore, look in dmesg and lshw to find your phone | 13:44 |
hwilde | snkmad, sudo nano /etc/hosts | 13:44 |
snkmad | thx | 13:45 |
VagaStorm | hwilde: I have the headers installed, but the install says I need the kernel source for 2.6.x kernel :( | 13:45 |
GuHHH | hey | 13:45 |
_slacker | hello | 13:45 |
sunup | where are most of you guy,s coming in from | 13:45 |
W8TAH | good morning all - whats the general consensus on Gusty for producton use at this time? | 13:45 |
cooly | hooray :-) | 13:45 |
IdleOne | W8TAH: go for it | 13:45 |
jpastore | hwilde, I did lsusb and found my found | 13:45 |
GuHHH | a friend of mine, installed 3 themes on gnome, and now it wont starts after login, it just gives him a grey screen (maybe xserver), how can we solve it? | 13:45 |
W8TAH | ok | 13:46 |
fevel | is dolphin a kde exclusive package? | 13:46 |
jpastore | hwilde, can't figure out how to access it. wammu says /dev/ttyAMC0 doesn't have a phone on it. let me try lshw... | 13:46 |
garu | hi everyone | 13:46 |
_slacker | Hi guys. I'm having a really strange problem with Gutsy and xorg. Basically my resolution is perfect in gdm everytime, but after logging in from gdm, gnome's resolution is different. Please PM me if you think you can help me. Thanks | 13:46 |
hwilde | jpastore, what does dmesg say is the port | 13:46 |
defrysk | _slacker, no pm here | 13:47 |
_slacker | oh ok | 13:47 |
sunup | some packages i,ve installed, i cant seam to find them | 13:47 |
kidbuntu_ | join #compiz-fusion | 13:47 |
jpastore | hwilde, Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0421:0405 Nokia Mobile Phones 9500 GSM Communicator | 13:47 |
defrysk | _slacker, system > prefs > screenresolution | 13:47 |
hwilde | VagaStorm, aptitude search linux-source | 13:47 |
kidbuntu_ | !compiz | 13:47 |
webvictim | j #kubuntu | 13:47 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 13:47 |
webvictim | oops :( | 13:47 |
_slacker | yes i keep doing that.. and ive edited xorg.conf to use the resolution i want | 13:47 |
_slacker | but the gnome desktop keeps using a resolution thats not even listed in xorg.conf | 13:47 |
monomaniacpat | Help!!! How do you open the trash gui from the terminal!? I accidentally deleted my panel settings and now I cant see the panel!! | 13:48 |
pike_ | fevel: you dont need to install kubuntu to use kde apps the package manager will automatically bring in what the app needs | 13:48 |
Niteye | my scalp is shedding skin | 13:48 |
GuHHH | a friend of mine, installed 3 themes on gnome, and now it wont starts after login, it just gives him a grey screen (maybe xserver), how can we solve it? | 13:48 |
defrysk | _slacker, system > prefs > screenresolution did you find your resolution there ? | 13:48 |
hwilde | jpastore, if dmesg is not assigning it to that dev then I dunno | 13:48 |
Tyroazard | Uhm.. I get this from Search | 13:48 |
Tyroazard | Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. | 13:48 |
jpastore | hwilde, dmesg returns a lot what am I looking for? | 13:48 |
Tyroazard | Everytime. | 13:48 |
monomaniacpat | !trash | 13:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about trash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 13:48 |
Pici | !icons | 13:48 |
ubotu | Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 13:48 |
pike_ | fevel: but i think dolphin is qt only | 13:48 |
hwilde | GuHHH, click on options safe mode | 13:48 |
VagaStorm | linux-source is not on the install disk respetory... I need it to get network drivers going :( | 13:48 |
jpastore | hwilde, is there something I can grep for? | 13:49 |
fevel | is dolphin better than nautilus? | 13:49 |
_slacker | defrysk, yes if i play with the monitor settings, but that "screen resolution" program does not seem to correspond to what is in my xorg.conf. and once i set it in "screen resolution" it doesnt not remember it and defaults back to that same resolution! | 13:49 |
hwilde | jpastore, you are looking for something like Nokia Mobile Phone high speed USB on /dev/ttyAMC0 | 13:49 |
_slacker | defrysk, i dont want to manually change the resolution each time i login, it doesnt make sense because gdm uses the resolution in xorg.conf fine but gnome doesnt? | 13:49 |
cast | greetings. | 13:49 |
monomaniacpat | Pici: I don't understand what ubotu means | 13:49 |
Niteye | okay my ubuntu shares are now viewable in windows now, but i cant view windows shares in ubuntu yet | 13:49 |
GuHHH | hwilde: and...? | 13:50 |
hwilde | GuHHH, on the login screen, bottom left, Options, fail safe login | 13:50 |
hwilde | GuHHH, then fix or uninstall the broken themes | 13:50 |
defrysk | _slacker, I have a feeling you have used sudo in a local setting preventing the setting to be saved or something | 13:50 |
hwilde | !fuse | Niteye | 13:50 |
ubotu | Niteye: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems | 13:50 |
GuHHH | hwilde: okay, thanks :) | 13:50 |
_slacker | defrysk, i am edting /etc/X11/xorg.conf thats not local right? | 13:51 |
monomaniacpat | Does anyone know a command to open trash with the terminal? | 13:51 |
jpastore | hwilde, http://nopaste.com/p/aJYzchkkjb | 13:51 |
Pici | monomaniacpat: install and run gconf-editor. Its layout is like the windows registry, navigate to /apps/nautilus/desktop in the app and change the the relevent keys. | 13:51 |
hwilde | jpastore, so it is ttyACM1: | 13:51 |
defrysk | _slacker, why would you edit that if the settings of GDM are correct ? | 13:51 |
jpastore | hwilde, sorry hit enter prematurely =) I meant to say that http://nopaste.com/p/aJYzchkkjb is the output in dmesg from unplugging and repluggin the phone | 13:51 |
_slacker | defrysk, because my settings in gnome are not correct | 13:51 |
hwilde | jpastore, so it is ttyACM1 | 13:51 |
jpastore | hwilde, ok...it was ttyACM0 before | 13:51 |
jpastore | hwilde, so it claimed let me try that | 13:52 |
hwilde | jpastore, when you unplug and replug it will reassign, if the driver is still locking ACM0 | 13:52 |
defrysk | _slacker, you must have screwed up some setting | 13:52 |
jpastore | hwilde, that makes sense | 13:52 |
defrysk | and I have no idea which one | 13:52 |
_slacker | defrysk, do you have any suggestions. it does not make sense for gdm to use the correct resolution and gnome to not. they should both be using the same xorg.conf | 13:52 |
defrysk | _slacker, sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg , run the defaults | 13:53 |
tushyd | exit | 13:53 |
_slacker | defrysk, thats what ive been doing. ive been experimenting with other options from nvidia-settings etc as well as suggested from the ubuntu forums | 13:53 |
monomaniacpat | Pici: thanks. Unfortunately it doesn't appear in the trash - is there any way to restore the files? I'm sure I didn't permenantly delete them. | 13:53 |
defrysk | _slacker, did you use envy or something ? | 13:54 |
jpastore | hwilde, wammu still claims phone not found...I continued anyways....can't retrieve contacts or anything else | 13:54 |
_slacker | defrysk, what is envy? | 13:54 |
Pici | monomaniacpat: oh... you want to restore stuff from the trash. | 13:54 |
monomaniacpat | yep :) | 13:54 |
defrysk | _slacker, never mind then | 13:54 |
Pici | monomaniacpat: if its not in ~/.Trash its gone. | 13:54 |
monomaniacpat | shit! | 13:54 |
Pici | !language | | 13:54 |
ubotu | : Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 13:54 |
dgjones | !envy | _slacker | 13:54 |
monomaniacpat | oh pardon me | 13:54 |
ubotu | _slacker: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 13:54 |
jpastore | hwilde, I already made a post on ubuntuforums regarding the issue...I'm going to drop a line on the nokia developers forum | 13:54 |
defrysk | _slacker, sorry , I cannot help you any further, have an appointment maybe someone else can help you further | 13:54 |
_slacker | defrysk, ok. thanks for trying | 13:55 |
defrysk | ok | 13:55 |
bachstudies | anyone use ubuntu 7.10 in virtualbox? When I tr y to install it there is an errno 5 input/ouput error...running from ISO on HD and checksum is ok. any ideas? | 13:55 |
jpastore | hwilde, thanks for the pointers....unless you have further suggestions? | 13:55 |
Tyroazard | VMware won't install, it says an old version is still here | 13:55 |
_slacker | defrysk, im going to continue trying but it looks like a bug in ubuntu as far as i can tell | 13:55 |
* genii sips a coffee | 13:55 | |
Tyroazard | But I uninstalled the old one | 13:55 |
xbeanx | what package gives QT apps a nice look in ubuntu? for example on my desktop computer at work, virtualbox looks very nice, at home on my laptop virtualbox looks very bad, like an unskinned X app | 13:56 |
monomaniacpat | Does anyone have a copy of the panel config file from the /home/ dir? I deleted it, restarted gnome-panel and now I have no panels! | 13:56 |
Niteye | i have an ecrypted EXT3 partition, do i need to umount it before i shutdown or does the shutdown procedure unmount it cleanly aswell if i didnt? | 13:57 |
atlas95 | Someone can explain me how to mount /tmp on the ram please??? | 13:57 |
BlindSide | hey guys is it possible to install programs made for i386 on amd64 ubuntu? | 13:57 |
atlas95 | I want to fast my system, I have 2go of ram | 13:57 |
monomaniacpat | Anyone here should have a file named something like .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 - I just need a copy, please? | 13:58 |
Pici | !chroot | BlindSide | 13:58 |
ubotu | BlindSide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 13:58 |
atlas95 | I must add something in fstab but what? | 13:58 |
BlindSide | cheers | 13:58 |
Pici | BlindSide: I dont know how any further than that, so... good luck :) | 13:58 |
atlas95 | and nobody reply to me on french channel :( | 13:58 |
stefg | atlas95: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-fs3.html | 13:58 |
baty | hey people does anybody knows how to get to work a xcell2000 mobo with any linux distro? | 13:59 |
bachstudies | has anyone installed 7.10 on virtualbox in XP SP2? | 13:59 |
monomaniacpat | Pici: could you look in your /home dir for a file like .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 ? If you could post the name and contents on the paste bin, I'd be real grateful | 13:59 |
spideyman | Im looking for something better than ktorrent for torrent downloads any suggestions | 13:59 |
snkmad | bachstudies no i have 7.04 | 13:59 |
Pici | monomaniacpat: let me take a look | 13:59 |
georg_l | does anyone know if its possible to duplicate a xwindow | 14:00 |
atlas95 | thanks i look ! | 14:00 |
PupenoG | Hello. | 14:00 |
bachstudies | snkmad, do you know what the errno 5 input/output error is? My checksums are fine | 14:00 |
BlindSide | spideyman: azeurous | 14:00 |
pike_ | Tyroazard: sudo find / -name *vmware* or locate vmware or somesuch | 14:00 |
PupenoG | Any ideas how to reset the configuration of a Gnome application (Workrave)? In KDE I would do rm .kde/share/confi/appnamerc .kde/share/apps/appname/ -rf. | 14:00 |
baty | hey people does anybody knows how to get to work a xcell2000 mobo with any linux distro? | 14:00 |
snkmad | no, but i remeber i had to set the HDD to grow dinamic, otherwise it would not partition the drive | 14:00 |
spideyman | azeurous is a system hog I want something very streemlined | 14:00 |
snkmad | spideyman i use utorrent over wine, works great | 14:01 |
cafuego | rtorrent | 14:01 |
cast | georg_l: duplicate as in? | 14:01 |
Pici | monomaniacpat: http://pastebin.com/f6a9f9b36 (note, I don't have a .gtkrc.mine in my home directory) | 14:01 |
cafuego | fast, tiny | 14:01 |
pike_ | spideyman: also cli ;p | 14:01 |
bachstudies | snkmad, set to dynamic and partitions fine. It comes up with the error anywhere between 30% and 60% of the install | 14:01 |
spideyman | cli ? | 14:01 |
georg_l | cast: ??? | 14:02 |
Pici | spideyman: I've heard good things about transmission and deluge. | 14:02 |
cafuego | rtorrent is ncurses, not cli. It's a gui :-P | 14:02 |
spideyman | <Pici> i'll have to look into that thanks | 14:02 |
snkmad | no didnt had that error with 7.04, and i installed twice, one with Vbox 1.40 and other with 1.50 | 14:02 |
Rainarrow | Hello guys, anyone running Gutsy on a machine with X300 Display Adapter? | 14:02 |
pike_ | spideyman: personally i choose to use wine and utorrent. transmission i havent tried deluge is good but its python and after a few days running it needs to be restarted usually | 14:02 |
monomaniacpat | Pici: thanks - what was the file called? | 14:03 |
Pici | monomaniacpat: that was ~/.gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 | 14:03 |
Rainarrow | I can't get my framebuffer working on a Thinkpad T43, which has a X300 display adapter | 14:03 |
tushyd | anyone know how to tell if your ISP is throttling torrent traffic? | 14:03 |
pike_ | tushyd: kidnap the ceo | 14:03 |
tushyd | ha | 14:04 |
Rainarrow | tushyd, I guess u just have to do some test on yourself | 14:04 |
Rainarrow | Anyone could give some hint?I am trying to configure the framebuffer console | 14:04 |
cafuego | Download an Ubuntu torrent, if it won't run at max speed, you're getting throttled. | 14:04 |
tushyd | even with 30 seeders and 1 peer (me), it starts out quick and and immediately dwindles down to nothing | 14:04 |
Rainarrow | (fbcon) and radeonfb on my T43, which has a X300 | 14:04 |
tushyd | cafuego, thanks | 14:04 |
cafuego | A fix might be to not use port 6886 or whatever the default is. | 14:05 |
monomaniacpat | Pici: thanks again. The panel is still not coming back, though! Is there any way anyone can think to get the thing back? | 14:05 |
Rainarrow | If I add a line "fbcon" in my /etc/initramfs/modules, I get a blank screen when starting X | 14:06 |
cafuego | Don't add it then | 14:06 |
Rainarrow | The kernerl is | 14:06 |
Rainarrow | cafuego, without it my virtual consoles won't work | 14:06 |
Rainarrow | when I press Ctrl+Alt+Fx, I get distorted screen | 14:06 |
cafuego | Then you'll probably need to specify an FB module on startup. | 14:06 |
baty | http://www.amptron.com/html/m748lmrt.html | 14:06 |
cafuego | s/module/mode/ | 14:07 |
hwilde | I have AlsaMixer v1.0.11. How can I update to v1.0.14 ? | 14:07 |
cafuego | or perhaps tell X about "UseFBDev" | 14:07 |
Rainarrow | cafuego, well I'm not very familar with the tweaks you are talking about, could you be a little more detailed? | 14:08 |
Rainarrow | cafuego, thanks in advance | 14:08 |
cafuego | rainNot really, the modes depends on your hardware. Best suggestion I can give is google :-( | 14:08 |
Rainarrow | cafuego, ok thanks anyway | 14:09 |
Biju | Are TV Tuner cards configurable on Ubuntu 7.10 I have a techCom Internal one ? Please note I'm a total newbie with Linux | 14:10 |
xep_ | hello, i'm printing | 14:10 |
Pici | 5 | 14:10 |
xep_ | but when i switch landscape/portrait in appllication | 14:10 |
astro76 | Biju, many work, try running tvtime and see if yours does | 14:11 |
xep_ | it doesn't swith the orientation in the driver | 14:11 |
xep_ | and the result is bad ! | 14:11 |
Pici | monomaniacpat: try this: http://www.celsius1414.com/node/878 | 14:11 |
Pici | monomaniacpat: let me know if it works | 14:11 |
astro76 | Biju, btw, hauppage cards (and others with bt chipsets) are well supported | 14:12 |
pike_ | Biju: id do a google search like site:ubuntuforums.org techCom tv or search the wiki.ubuntu.com also for your model. the answer though is for most popular cards yes | 14:12 |
soulrider | !dvd | 14:13 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 14:13 |
KenSentMe | !windows | 14:14 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 14:14 |
kl4m | !tickless | 14:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tickless - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 14:14 |
kl4m | !nohz | 14:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nohz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 14:15 |
kl4m | hmm | 14:15 |
hwilde | kl4m, /msg ubotu !help to test | 14:15 |
exx_2000 | Are TV Tuner cards configurable on Ubuntu 7.10 I have a techCom Internal one ? Please note I'm a total newbie with Linux (Got disconnected before so couldnt notice any answers if there were any) | 14:15 |
s00p | techCom sounds like a generic Fry's brand! | 14:15 |
=== |Whitor| is now known as Whitor | ||
dgjones | !tvcard | exx_2000 | 14:16 |
ubotu | exx_2000: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out | 14:16 |
astro76 | exx_2000, the answers were: most are.... try tvtime and see if yours does... | 14:16 |
exx_2000 | Thank you :) | 14:16 |
bauer | running vncserver on ubuntu. What is the name off the windows manager i have to start in xstartup ? | 14:16 |
monomaniacpat | Pici: thanks for your help | 14:16 |
Pici | monomaniacpat: did it work? | 14:16 |
genii | also gatos and v4l | 14:16 |
monomaniacpat | I don't know what it was that worked, but after a restart it was working | 14:17 |
monomaniacpat | and my text has changed colour on the panels, which is how I got into this mess! | 14:17 |
pike_ | bauer: normally youd do like exec fluxbox or exec gnome-session in ubuntu also i think you can exec startxfce4 or startkde maybe | 14:17 |
monomaniacpat | Now I can go out in the sun - yay! | 14:17 |
Pici | monomaniacpat: Okay, I'll test it on my own then. Resetting panels is a common question and we should have an uobtu factoid for it | 14:17 |
bauer | pike_, thx | 14:17 |
monomaniacpat | thanks again. | 14:17 |
Aethz | could you please someone help me to install synaptanic | 14:18 |
astro76 | !synaptic | Aethz | 14:18 |
ubotu | Aethz: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 14:18 |
ZipZoom | I'm having a problem installing Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.10. Can anyone help please? | 14:18 |
dgjones | !anyone | ZipZoom | 14:18 |
ubotu | ZipZoom: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 14:18 |
genii | ZipZoom: Details of where or how the installation fails will help us to help you. | 14:19 |
ZipZoom | Has anybody had this problem whilst installing Gustsy Gibbon. Something like it get's stuck shortly after entering "install" at kboot. | 14:19 |
hwilde | ZipZoom, check CD for defaults. | 14:20 |
ZipZoom | It starts to install fine, then gets stuck at USB bus 1 | 14:20 |
|Zippo| | anyone know another menu editor for gnome? | 14:20 |
|Zippo| | the default is terrible | 14:21 |
ZipZoom | it says "driver sb_06 : USB bus 1 | 14:21 |
chaosrl_ | i know this may be a stretch, but after using ctrl+cmd+3 in mac OS, i have a screenshot saved without any format. it opens up automatically on the mac, but i can't figure out how to open it in linux. would anyone happen to know? | 14:21 |
x00m | Can anyone tell me how to get network manager back on my panel in gnome? I have the network icon but that does not have the dropdown list of wirless networks. | 14:22 |
ZipZoom | my Ubuntu install keeps getting stuck at "driver sb_06 USB bus 1". Can anyone help please? | 14:22 |
KenSentMe | Does gutsy always have a pdf printer installed by default? | 14:22 |
Pici | chaosrl_: run `file yourfilename` and see what kind it is. | 14:22 |
chaosrl_ | x00m, i get that problem sometimes too, and a restart usually fixes it. you could try just rloading x. | 14:22 |
astro76 | KenSentMe, yes now gutsy install cups-pdf by default | 14:22 |
dgjones | KenSentMe, i would think so, i've got one and haven't installed it myself | 14:22 |
Sergio_LG | ci sono | 14:23 |
x00m | chaosrl_: so network monitor and network manager are one in the same? | 14:23 |
Sergio_LG | bisogna parlare inglese? | 14:23 |
ZipZoom | anyone? | 14:23 |
sharkp | hi guys | 14:23 |
Sergio_LG | oh inglese | 14:23 |
sharkp | I've a problem with SATA HD | 14:24 |
Sergio_LG | hi | 14:24 |
ycmarvin | hello..is there a firewall for ubuntu other than firestarter, that is easy to configure | 14:24 |
ZipZoom | Can anyone help me with my Ubuntu install problem? | 14:24 |
sharkp | I' ve two SATa HD,but on my laptop an ubuntu live cd can't read them | 14:24 |
sharkp | any solution? | 14:24 |
ycmarvin | sergio_lg maybe if you use english you'll be understood | 14:24 |
spideyman | I went through the upgrade to 7.10 but my /etc/lsb-release file still says 7.04 why? | 14:24 |
maxagaz | why firefox need so much of my cpu ? | 14:24 |
albech | ycmarvin: shorewall | 14:24 |
bulmer | ycmarvin-> its usually iptables is the netfilter(firewall), firestarter is the front end to manage it. | 14:24 |
KenSentMe | astro76, thanks. Ubuntu Studio doesn't install cups-pdf by default, but now i have | 14:25 |
Sergio_LG | oh ok sharkp is with me | 14:25 |
sharkp | Sergio_LG, what honour :-P | 14:25 |
PupenoG | Any ideas how to reset the configuration of a Gnome application (Workrave)? In KDE I would do rm .kde/share/confi/appnamerc .kde/share/apps/appname/ -rf. | 14:25 |
chaosrl_ | Pici, it says "Picture 1: data". any idea what that means? | 14:25 |
chaosrl_ | x00m, i'm not sure what you mean by network monitor? the network manager takes care of all of your wireless netowkrs as well as your wired networks | 14:25 |
ZipZoom | ... am I invisible? | 14:25 |
TPABKA | hmm | 14:25 |
BlindSide | hey is it fairly easy to compile 32bit binaries from amd64 ubuntu? (sorry for repetative theme of 32-64 :P ) | 14:25 |
sharkp | I' ve two SATa HD,but on my laptop an ubuntu live cd can't read them | 14:25 |
PupenoG | ZipZoom: no, just ask your install question. | 14:25 |
TPABKA | too many people :P hello people | 14:25 |
sharkp | I' ve two SATa HD,but on my laptop an ubuntu live cd can't read them | 14:26 |
sharkp | any solution? | 14:26 |
pacomontoro | helou fren | 14:26 |
heguru | sharkp: try the pci=nomsi option | 14:26 |
heguru | !hi | pacomontoro | 14:26 |
ubotu | pacomontoro: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 14:26 |
Crazy|One | can somebody tell me of a decent mailserver pls? | 14:26 |
sharkp | heguru, on boot? | 14:26 |
pacomontoro | heguru, wenas | 14:26 |
x00m | chaosrl_, the icon have on my panel now is "network monitor 2.12.1" and opens to "connection properties eth1" when clicked. I believe before I had network manager that listed wireless networks and other network connections. | 14:26 |
cast | Crazy|One: exim | 14:26 |
heguru | Crazy|One: if you need a complete mail solution get zimbra, if just MTA use postfix | 14:27 |
ZipZoom | I'm having a PROBLEM installing Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.10. Installation keeps getting stuck at "driver sb_06 : USB bus 1" | 14:27 |
BlindSide | hey is it fairly easy to compile 32bit binaries from amd64 ubuntu? | 14:27 |
sharkp | Sergio_LG, nota quanto lavoro in questo canale, ci sono 1300 persone totali | 14:27 |
sharkp | heguru, on boot? | 14:27 |
Sergio_LG | ho visto | 14:27 |
heguru | sharkp: yes on boot, in the livecd boot menu add extra boot option pci=nomsi | 14:27 |
chaosrl_ | x00m: is network manager not running at all? | 14:27 |
pacomontoro | heguru, chanel spanish?? | 14:27 |
Sergio_LG | sharkp tradotto? | 14:27 |
sharkp | heguru, ok, I'll try | 14:27 |
heguru | !es | pacomontoro | 14:27 |
sharkp | bye! | 14:27 |
ubotu | pacomontoro: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 14:27 |
pacomontoro | asias men | 14:28 |
x00m | It runs when I goto System > administration > network | 14:28 |
x00m | chaosrl_: It runs when I goto System > administration > network | 14:28 |
x00m | chaosrl_: It came on the gnome panel as default but I can't seem to add it back... | 14:28 |
samIam122 | Is there a way via ssh to findout what video card I have? | 14:28 |
ZipZoom | I'm having a problem installing Ubutnu. It keeps getting stuck. Can anyone help please? | 14:29 |
Flynsarmy | Does it get stuck at 82%? | 14:29 |
samIam122 | I'm at work and thinking about buying a new video card but I can't remember what I already have | 14:29 |
chaosrl_ | x00m you want the network manager on your panel right? | 14:29 |
heguru | samIam122: lspci | grep VGA | 14:29 |
ZipZoom | no | 14:29 |
genii | back | 14:29 |
yskchu | ZipZoom: what version | 14:29 |
ZipZoom | yskchu, gutsy gibbon 7.10 | 14:30 |
yskchu | ZipZoom: what's the issue? | 14:30 |
julien_ | exit | 14:30 |
yskchu | ZipZoom: fresh install? desktop or server | 14:30 |
samIam122 | heguru: Thanks, worked like a charm | 14:30 |
x00m | chaosrl_: ah crap, right click > add to panel works but that's not the program i'm looking for...the one set by default would list wireless networks in the area | 14:30 |
ZipZoom | yskchu, shortly after I enter "install" at the kboot, it gets stuck on a line that says | 14:30 |
ZipZoom | "driver sb_06 USB bus 1" | 14:31 |
ZipZoom | and it's a fresh install | 14:31 |
SirBob1701 | when you edit grub by hitting esc during boot then e to edit how do you save your changes? | 14:31 |
CarlFK | xorg log (WW) R128(1): Static buffer allocation failed -- need at least 22500 kB video memory | 14:31 |
CarlFK | will that keep the display from working at all? | 14:31 |
snpz | hi everybody! Searched in all forums, but couldn't find the answer to my problem! | 14:31 |
hwilde | I have AlsaMixer v1.0.11. How can I update to v1.0.14 ? | 14:31 |
heguru | SirBob1701: you cannot save changed there. after booting edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to make permanent changes | 14:31 |
SirBob1701 | ok | 14:32 |
snpz | i can't mount DVD-/+R | 14:32 |
chaosrl_ | x00m | 14:32 |
heguru | !elaborate | snpz | 14:32 |
ubotu | snpz: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 14:32 |
Aethz | how can i reinstall synaptic? | 14:32 |
yskchu | ZipZoom: so when you say kboot, are you loading teh live cd? | 14:32 |
mc44 | Aethz: why do you need to reinstall synaptic? | 14:32 |
ZipZoom | No, not a live cd. the one here > http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/custom/20071025-gutsy-ps3/ | 14:32 |
fevel | how can I make a disk mount at boot?? | 14:33 |
heguru | Aethz: sudo apt-get install --reinstall synaptic | 14:33 |
chaosrl_ | x00m, check your private messages | 14:33 |
ZipZoom | it says it's a custom one that's fixed the install issues with the other one | 14:33 |
yskchu | ZipZoom: are you running a ps3? | 14:33 |
snpz | blank, data and audio CD's are automounted, but DVD+/-R doesn't. checked /etc/fstab - everything is ok. i'm using Gutsy 7.10. Before used Feisty 7.04 and everything was fine | 14:34 |
ZipZoom | yskchu, yes I am | 14:34 |
ZipZoom | I've installed gusty gibbon 7.04 sucessfully before in the past | 14:34 |
yskchu | ZipZoom: ah; not sure then, only ever done it on PCs... maybe one of the other guys can help you more... :-( | 14:34 |
ZipZoom | then I reformatted, not I'm trying to install 7.10 | 14:34 |
genii | snpz: So udf is listed in fstab then as a possible filesystem to look for ? | 14:34 |
SirBob1701 | freaking desktop gets stuckin booting gutsy with just a blinking cursor trying to figure out whats holding it up but the tty's are all shot to hell | 14:35 |
x00m | chaosrl_: didn't get a private message | 14:35 |
snpz | genii, i even chancged udf,iso9660 to auto - no results | 14:35 |
dgjones | !register | chaosrl_, x00m you need to be registered with freenode to send private messages | 14:35 |
ubotu | chaosrl_, x00m you need to be registered with freenode to send private messages: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 14:35 |
* Gaz-RP wishes he hadn't upgraded to Gutsy from Feisty | 14:35 | |
chaosrl_ | x00m, oic. well. try this and tell me if it works. | 14:36 |
Karotte | hm | 14:36 |
genii | snpz: Do you have package udftools installed? | 14:36 |
snpz | genii, the strangest thing is that audio and data CD's are recognized correctly | 14:36 |
snpz | genii, 1min | 14:37 |
DamienCassou | hi | 14:37 |
Karotte | is the tracker application in gutsy working at all? it tells me it is indexing, and the datafiles are big, but when I search for something I *know* is in one of the text files, the search result is empty | 14:37 |
buzztu | how would i go about getting s-video out to work on a radeon mobility 7500 | 14:37 |
terlmann | ah, this channel is NEVER dead | 14:37 |
chaosrl_ | x00m: in terminal: "sudo su -" <enter password> "cd /etc/dbus-1/event.d" "./25NetworkManager start" | 14:37 |
DamienCassou | I've a widescreen which does not work right | 14:37 |
DamienCassou | the display is translated to the left and I have a black part | 14:37 |
snpz | genii, yes - udftools is installed | 14:38 |
thing | Hi all. Can anyone help with Apache?? I did follow the instructions on installing and everything went ok, but now when testing the new site I get the error that the docs warnded about ie: If you have not created /home/user/public_html/, you will receive an warning message | 14:38 |
benanzo | How do I find which version of Madwifi is included in linux-restricted-modules in Gutsy? | 14:38 |
foxjazz | anyone know how to install the xfi sound blaster driver? | 14:38 |
wirechief_ | DamienCassou: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 14:38 |
DamienCassou | wirechief: let me try | 14:39 |
thing | I do I create that directory?? | 14:39 |
DamienCassou | I already tried without the -phigh | 14:39 |
DamienCassou | wirechief nad it didn't help | 14:39 |
wirechief_ | DamienCassou: sounds like a xorg.conf problem though. | 14:39 |
DamienCassou | wirechief_: what can I do then? | 14:40 |
genii | snpz: How about package dvd+rw-tools ? | 14:40 |
chris__ | hello, i am using the bugtracker at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?advanced=1 . i cannot figure out how to query by package-names. am i blind or is this feature missing? (if it's missing, i almost couldnt believe it..) | 14:40 |
wirechief_ | DamienCassou: i would try it with the -phigh | 14:40 |
snpz | genii, installed | 14:40 |
chaosrl_ | does anyone know how to open a macOS screenshot? when i type "file filename" it gives me "data" | 14:40 |
terlmann | DamienCassou | 14:40 |
signer | too active channel;; | 14:40 |
x00m | chaosrl_: ok that launches 25NetworkManager but how do I add the icon to my panel? | 14:40 |
terlmann | the expert is here | 14:40 |
signer | i just connected from korea | 14:40 |
signer | -_- | 14:40 |
signer | hm.. | 14:40 |
=== tont_ is now known as tont | ||
Stargazers | Hello. I have a problem when trying to boot X server on installation CD in Gutsy. Blank screen always, X fails to start. Ati Radeon x1550. VESA driver, any ideas, how I can start installer? | 14:41 |
terlmann | DamienCassou : have you tried asking this in #xorg ? | 14:41 |
mc44 | chris__: go to the page for the package then click on bugs, that searches just that package | 14:41 |
chaosrl_ | x00m, do you have "notification area" as an item on your panel? | 14:41 |
chaosrl_ | it should show up there | 14:41 |
DamienCassou | terlmann: no | 14:41 |
LjL | chris__: you can search for packages at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu | 14:42 |
DamienCassou | terlmann: would that help? | 14:42 |
signer | launchpad;; | 14:42 |
genii | snpz: OK. As far as I'm aware these are the main ones you need for that. Are you putting media in the drive that physically it can deal with? some units cannot handle for instance DVD -R etc | 14:42 |
ZipZoomz | what's the point of having Ubuntu If I can't even INSTALL it?!? | 14:42 |
snpz | genii, yes - i tryed a lot | 14:42 |
snpz | blank DVD's | 14:42 |
LjL | chaosrl_, well, i have no idea what a macintosh screenshot format is like. 'file' knows quite a few formats, so perhaps it's just stored as a raw image? | 14:42 |
Stargazers | Anyone? | 14:42 |
terlmann | Stargazers, could you please try pressing Cntrl-Alt-F1 and typing "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" and giving us some feedback on what that gives you ? | 14:42 |
foxjazz | zipsoomz why can't you install it | 14:42 |
snpz | original movie DVD's, data DVD's | 14:42 |
chris__ | LjL: thank you | 14:43 |
snpz | in feisty everything was fine | 14:43 |
Stargazers | terlmann: I tried but X start fails | 14:43 |
x00m | Chaosrl_, I do now. | 14:43 |
LjL | chaosrl_: in which case, you'd have to know the horizontal and vertical resolution, the color depth and the bit arrangement | 14:43 |
genii | snpz: When you have a blank dvd in there you want it to ... format it for use like a floppy? | 14:43 |
terlmann | Stargazers | 14:43 |
Stargazers | Logs you meaN? | 14:43 |
chaosrl_ | LjL, i tried renaming to Picture1.raw but that didn't help me open it | 14:43 |
snpz | genii, it doesn't mount | 14:43 |
snpz | at all | 14:43 |
chaosrl_ | x00m, did that do you what you wanted? | 14:43 |
snpz | CD's do | 14:43 |
LjL | chaosrl_, the extension doesn't really matter... you should tell the GIMP (or whatever) to load as raw, and give it all the information i mentioned above | 14:44 |
terlmann | find the logs | 14:44 |
chaosrl_ | LjL, how would i go about opening a raw if i knew the horiz/vert resolution | 14:44 |
chaosrl_ | oh ok | 14:44 |
chaosrl_ | thanks | 14:44 |
snpz | a lot of bugfixes is out there, but no solution | 14:44 |
snpz | not buxfixes | 14:44 |
snpz | but bugreports | 14:44 |
snpz | :D | 14:44 |
fyn | how do i list all packages that don't have any sources in apt? when i upgraded to gutsy, the installer gave me a list of 'unsupported packages' ... how can i duplicate this? thx. | 14:44 |
Stargazers | Well, have to go. Have to try to install it better time... | 14:44 |
signer | just Print Screen? | 14:45 |
signer | haha -_- | 14:45 |
johnuah | hello everyone | 14:45 |
signer | hi | 14:45 |
LjL | fyn: of *which* packages? packages that you currently have installed, but are not in the repos - is that what you mean? | 14:45 |
fyn | LjL: yeap, exactly | 14:45 |
jatt | aptitude has "Obsolete and locally Created Packages" | 14:46 |
johnuah | which software could substitute Windows Internet Explorer | 14:46 |
LjL | jatt: good one, i was already going to write some very hacking thing with dpkg and apt-get | 14:46 |
jatt | firefox | 14:46 |
fyn | jatt: thanks, i'll poke around with that. | 14:46 |
LjL | johnuah: ... | 14:46 |
johnuah | what | 14:46 |
x00m | chaosrl_ , I see the nofication area with battery status but there is no network icon there :( I believe that IS what I am looking for though. | 14:46 |
johnuah | jatt: | 14:47 |
LjL | !browsers | johnuah | 14:47 |
ubotu | johnuah: Browsers available for Linux: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), Opera (Qt, proprietary) - HTTP servers: apache2 | 14:47 |
fyn | LjL: yah, i keep just using dpkg and apt-get for everything... as if it's still 1999 and i'm using debian :) | 14:47 |
LjL | fyn: debian actually recommends using aptitude ;) | 14:47 |
johnuah | and BT software? | 14:47 |
fyn | LjL: sure *now* they do :) | 14:47 |
LjL | fyn: but yeah, i often don't think of trying aptitude either. though it *does* have a lot of flexibility when searching | 14:47 |
LjL | johnuah: BT? | 14:47 |
johnuah | Bit torrent | 14:48 |
johnuah | like that | 14:48 |
foxjazz | how do you generate an iso from cd? | 14:48 |
LjL | ah | 14:48 |
LjL | !bittorrent | 14:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bittorrent - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 14:48 |
void^ | !torrent | 14:48 |
ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 14:48 |
LjL | uhm sorry | 14:48 |
void^ | there's a typo in the !bittorrent trigger iirc | 14:48 |
johnuah | thank you ubotu | 14:48 |
LjL | !bittorrent is <alias> torrent | 14:48 |
ubotu | I'll remember that, LjL | 14:48 |
fyn | LjL: but initially i saw dselect, hell no, and was so scarred by it that i clung to apt-get/dpkg and have been suspicious of all other deb packages since then. | 14:48 |
Pici | LjL: I was *just* about to do that too | 14:48 |
Lhademmor | !Xmoto | 14:49 |
johnuah | is there internal bit transport software? | 14:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xmoto - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 14:49 |
Lhademmor | is xmoto supported? | 14:49 |
johnuah | I 'm in Ubuntu7.04 | 14:49 |
jatt | what's internal bit transport | 14:49 |
johnuah | I mean , do 7.04 have any p2p software? | 14:50 |
x00m | adobe.com | 14:50 |
x00m | gah | 14:50 |
johnuah | so I need not to download anything | 14:51 |
benanzo | How can I find what version of Madwifi is included in linux-restricted-modules in Gutsy? | 14:51 |
Pici | !p2p | johnuah | 14:51 |
ubotu | johnuah: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). - BitTorrent: see !torrent - Direct connect: try valknut. - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information. | 14:51 |
gribouille | hi | 14:51 |
chaosrl_ | x00m have you tried just rebooting? | 14:51 |
chaosrl_ | or has it happened multiple startups? | 14:51 |
gribouille | I don't get any software updates. is it normal ? | 14:51 |
johnuah | ubotu: thanks , i will have a try | 14:51 |
x00m | Chaosrl_, No, not yet. I'll try that in a little bit and come back. Thanks for all your help. | 14:51 |
chaosrl_ | x00m np, sorry i couldn't fix it definately :( | 14:52 |
Pici | gribouille: In Gutsy? There really aren't that many updates now that we have released. | 14:52 |
buzztu | s-video out support? Radeon Mobility 7500... | 14:52 |
gribouille | Pici, but there were some or not ? | 14:52 |
johnuah | is there any way of making ubuntu7.04 updating to 7.10 | 14:53 |
PriceChild | !upgrade | johnuah | 14:53 |
ubotu | johnuah: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 14:53 |
tushyd | hey, anyone know if I could buy a GSM modem and make voice calls via Ubuntu?? (not data calls) | 14:53 |
koudelka_ | my network is really slow on gusty, is this common? | 14:53 |
Pici | gribouille: I'm not sure, I have the proposed update enabled, so I see stuff that hasn't been released to the main repos. | 14:53 |
PriceChild | koudelka_, I don't know, I've never used your network with Gutsy. | 14:53 |
johnuah | ubotu: you are really a good man ,thank you a lot | 14:53 |
PriceChild | !thanks | johnuah | 14:54 |
ubotu | johnuah: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 14:54 |
Flynsarmy | Is there any way to stop gutsy going back to full screen brightness after idling for 10-15 seconds? | 14:54 |
Pici | koudelka_: Try disabling ipv6 | 14:54 |
Pici | !ipv6 | koudelka_ | 14:54 |
ubotu | koudelka_: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 14:54 |
PriceChild | Pici, gah :/ | 14:54 |
gribouille | Pici, are you from the ubuntu team ? | 14:54 |
PriceChild | Pici, should fix his network preferably.... | 14:54 |
Pici | PriceChild: Preferably, yes. | 14:54 |
PriceChild | gribouille, there is no "ubuntu team"... | 14:54 |
PriceChild | gribouille, ubuntu is made up of lots and lots of teams | 14:54 |
koudelka_ | PriceChild, i don't mean common for me, i mean for everyone. i've heard people saying it's slow before i upgraded, and it really seems like it's much slower, i just get 1.7mb/s on 1gbit | 14:54 |
Pici | gribouille: I'm not an Ubuntu Member if thats what you're asking, I just hang out here and volunteer my time supporting people. | 14:55 |
PriceChild | koudelka_, mine is fine... I'd assume something wrong with your network. | 14:55 |
bloony | how do I copy a file or folder? | 14:55 |
gribouille | PriceChild, ok, s/the ubuntu team/one of the ubuntu teams/ | 14:55 |
PriceChild | bloony, on the terminal, or gui? | 14:55 |
bloony | terminal | 14:55 |
PriceChild | gribouille, well then pici is a member of the ubuntu irc operator team | 14:55 |
PriceChild | bloony, type "man cp" into a terminal to learn how to use the "cp" command. | 14:56 |
gribouille | Pici, I asked you because you said "we have released" | 14:56 |
bloony | kk | 14:56 |
bloony | thc | 14:56 |
genii | back | 14:56 |
bloony | hehe | 14:56 |
scent | join #ubuntu-classroom | 14:56 |
PriceChild | bloony, you can use the arrow keys to scroll, and q to quit. | 14:56 |
bloony | thx | 14:56 |
BijuM | Can I find out what chipset my TV Tuner is using if I have a live cd (Ubuntu 5.04) | 14:56 |
gutsy_gorilla | I have a WTF! kind of a situation here. I installed Ubuntu 7.1 on my laptop and when I tried installing mplayer it spewed out weird messages saying that mplayer depends on libaa1 libcaca0 ... libdv4 and so on but that "it is not installable" I've never seen any such thing with deb packages (reminds me of rpms though). What's happening suddenly in our well formed and cute universe? | 14:56 |
Jocke | I've got a NETGEAR 54 Mbps Wireless USB 2.0-adapter WG111v2 and try to make it work. How do I do it? | 14:56 |
etronik | Hey all! I need help getting Ubuntu to talk to my printer (they once did talk... butnot anymore) can anyone help me debug the cause of that ? | 14:56 |
bloony | k thx | 14:56 |
Pici | gribouille: Ah. I do quite a bit of bug testing/reporting. I was running Gutsy since the first Alpha. I mean We as in the Ubuntu community :) | 14:56 |
Dr_Willis | gutsy_gorilla could be you dont have the multiverse or other repository enabled | 14:57 |
gribouille | Pici, ah, ok | 14:57 |
PriceChild | gutsy_gorilla, Check your sources.list to ensure you've got the required repositories | 14:57 |
foxjazz | why doesn't gksudo nautilus bring up a window? | 14:57 |
PriceChild | gutsy_gorilla, you can easily add them from system > admin > software sources | 14:57 |
genii | snpz: When you put a blank CD in, it will not be able to mount that either. Unless the system has a filesystem to attach to storage it cannot mount. Instead of "mounting" it must be opening instead an application which is the default thing for handling blank CDroms. | 14:57 |
Dr_Willis | gutsy_gorilla be sure to do a update/upgrade after changing the repositories/sources also | 14:57 |
gribouille | in my sources list, I have "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner" what software does it contaon ? | 14:57 |
gribouille | s/contaon/contain | 14:58 |
IdleOne | what do I use to convert ogg to mp3 | 14:58 |
cberlo | Hi folks. Learn me something new here... If I install 64-bit Gutsy, what would be different? | 14:58 |
cast | IdleOne: a new mp3 player that plays more than 2 formats | 14:58 |
swill | any new word on what is happening with suspend and hibernate for ati cards using fglrx driver??? | 14:58 |
cberlo | IdleOne: I seem to recall soundconvert or something like that | 14:58 |
Dr_Willis | different in what way? there would be no appearance differance | 14:58 |
gutsy_gorilla | Dr_Willis, I added deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy universe multiverse | 14:58 |
gutsy_gorilla | deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy universe multiverse to my sources.ilst and did an apt-get update. This is after I did all that. | 14:58 |
PriceChild | gutsy_gorilla, you can easily add them from system > admin > software sources | 14:59 |
gutsy_gorilla | Dr_Willis, I used http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-mplayer-and-multimedia-codecs-libdvdcss2w32codecs-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html | 14:59 |
IdleOne | cberlo: the diff between 64bit and 32 bit is 64bit will give you a hard time using some apps and codecs | 14:59 |
Pici | cberlo: You'd have some diffuculty running proprietary applications, although I hear getting flash and java to work in Gutsy is a bit easier. | 14:59 |
lastent | hi, is it possible to restart the audio service? | 14:59 |
IdleOne | cberlo: sound convert doesnt do mp3 I believe | 14:59 |
snpz | genii, yes, but CD is recognized | 14:59 |
snpz | DVD doesn't | 14:59 |
cberlo | IdleOne: maybe it was soundconverter. I know one of them converted my entire collection seamlessly | 14:59 |
gutsy_gorilla | PriceChild, I forgot to mention that I use Kubuntu. But I added the sources by hand (and also tried using synaptic) | 15:00 |
=== foxjazz is now known as realNoob | ||
IdleOne | cberlo: I'll check it out thanks | 15:00 |
cberlo | IdleOne: It looks like a QT app. That's all I recall (only neede it the once...) | 15:00 |
Dr_Willis | gutsy_gorilla it installed here fine. could be the specific repo in your sources.list are confused. May want to check out that easysource factoid and let that site geenrate you a new source.list | 15:00 |
Dr_Willis | !easysource | 15:00 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 15:00 |
thanius | can anyone tell me why cpufreq refuses to change frequency when using ondemand? It's stays at 100% | 15:00 |
snpz | only using k3b i can write cd/dvd, with brasero it's impossible, it even doesn't recognize this DVD+/-R | 15:01 |
gutsy_gorilla | Dr_Willis, all right. I will give that a try. | 15:01 |
VINNY28 | how do i get a flash drive or mp3 player to hook up to ubuntu 7.10? | 15:01 |
bachstudies | does anyone know if virtualbox has an issue with gutsy? Can't get it to install sucessfully. errno 5 input/output error every time | 15:01 |
cberlo | Okay, so once I go 64-bit, I may have some issues with codecs. Alright. Flash and Java are difficult but not impossible. Better performance with 64-bit, I assume? And can I still play Urban Terror? :) | 15:02 |
PriceChild | VINNY28, plug it in | 15:02 |
VINNY28 | PriceChild: nothin happens | 15:02 |
cberlo | Oh, and how's WINE? Will WINE complain (whine?) under 64-bit? | 15:02 |
killown|away | hey I not found package ubuntu-lamp in apt-get | 15:02 |
killown|away | I have add any server? | 15:02 |
Dr_Willis | cberlo i doubt if you will find any noticeable preformance improvement with 64bit. | 15:02 |
Dr_Willis | cberlo i suggest you DONT use 64bit | 15:03 |
cast | cberlo: you only have issues when you use codecs thiefed from windows...i noticed openssl greatly speeds up | 15:03 |
gribouille | there is no Contents-i386.gz file in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/. is it normal ? | 15:03 |
* cast suggests you *do* use 64bit | 15:03 | |
cast | really, the only things that won't work seemlessly are closed source shit. | 15:03 |
Pici | cberlo: fyi, you can address your extra ram if you run the server kernel, it supports PAE (good wikipedia article about that) | 15:03 |
Pici | !language | cast | 15:03 |
ubotu | cast: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 15:03 |
cberlo | cast: strictly for a desktop use, not server. Still suggest 64-bit? | 15:03 |
cast | yes, my desktop is 64bit :) | 15:03 |
Lawke | Hi, i'm running Ubuntu 7.10 on my Dell Inspiron 1501, I love it, but if I go on my ACCU, its really going fast down, any ideas how to reduce the accu's going down so fast?? | 15:03 |
Flynsarmy | killown|away: Synaptic package manager edit - mark packages by task, tick lamp server | 15:03 |
Dr_Willis | this argument gets tossed about here all the time.. ive yet to see any good reasons. But do what you want this is linux. | 15:04 |
cberlo | Pici: only 512 MB RAM at present, so that's not an issue. As mentioned, it's only a desktop | 15:04 |
mc44 | gribouille: yes... | 15:04 |
gribouille | mc44, but there should be one | 15:04 |
killown|away | Flynsarmy lamp server not found in synapitc too | 15:04 |
boontoo | how do i change the ubuntu user interface to japanese? | 15:04 |
Pici | cberlo: I'd stick with 32 bits then, Its not worth the hassle if you dont really need it. But thats just my opinion. | 15:04 |
mc44 | gribouille: really? | 15:04 |
Lawke | Hi, i'm running Ubuntu 7.10 on my Dell Inspiron 1501, I love it, but if I go on my ACCU, its really going fast down, any ideas how to reduce the accu's going down so fast?? | 15:05 |
gribouille | mc44, that's how repositories are built | 15:05 |
gutsy_gorilla | Dr_Willis, seems like it is working. | 15:05 |
Flynsarmy | killown|away: If you're using feisty or gutsy it should be in that mark packages by task window | 15:05 |
cast | cberlo: move to 64bit and your eth tx/rx won't loop :D | 15:05 |
killown|away | Flynsarmy gustsy | 15:05 |
mc44 | gribouille: obviously not these ones | 15:05 |
tushyd | hey, anyone know if I could buy a GSM modem and make voice calls via Ubuntu?? (not data calls) | 15:05 |
wamd | Hi all, I have a problem with apt, I tried to install the latest version of libc6 on Edgy and now it wants me to fix broken dependencies but in doing so will remove anything that depends on the stock libc6 install with Edgy. | 15:05 |
bachstudies | Lawke, I also have a dell 1501 running 7.10. Have you got wireless working at full speed or is it still at 24mb/s | 15:05 |
killown|away | Flynsarmy, can you send me your sources.list? in paste.bin | 15:05 |
cberlo | cast: again, only a 10MB hub I'm attached to, so that's not much of an issue either (I don't think...) | 15:05 |
gutsy_gorilla | I just removed the sources.list and then added sources all fresh | 15:05 |
gribouille | mc44, do you know the structure of a repository ? | 15:05 |
wamd | Is there a way to abort the previous attempted install of the latest version of libc6? | 15:05 |
kidbuntu | !compiz | 15:05 |
killown|away | I think my source list is broken | 15:06 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 15:06 |
Lawke | bachstudies, I don't think it working at full speed, if I go to the upper floor, I don't get any internet at all! | 15:06 |
Jaggs | hey does anyone have any ideas on why my internet would stop connecting with certain sites? | 15:06 |
cast | cberlo: they loop at a measely 4gb, but i suppose if your uptime isn't much | 15:06 |
snpz | genii, k3b does recognize blank DVD, brasero doesn't - strange, isn't it? | 15:06 |
snpz | ;) | 15:06 |
tushyd | Jaggs, possibly a DNS issue... | 15:06 |
Lawke | bachstudies, what drivers do you use for your wireless card? | 15:06 |
bachstudies | Lawke, I am using the restricted drivers as ubuntu suggests | 15:07 |
mc44 | gribouille: I know the structure of those repositories works | 15:07 |
snpz | it means, that hal does the job, so where could be the problem? | 15:07 |
Lawke | bachstudies, same here... | 15:07 |
Jaggs | tushyd :forgive my lack of knowlage but DNS? what is that? | 15:07 |
snpz | ok, have to go now | 15:07 |
Lawke | i'm glad it works tho | 15:07 |
cberlo | cast: Nope, shut 'er down every day. typical "windoze" kind of use... :)\ | 15:07 |
bachstudies | Lawke, i've used SLED with my dell as well and after a bit of tweaking the wireless works full speed | 15:07 |
Lawke | bachstudies, do you have it at full speed now? | 15:08 |
bachstudies | Lawke, not in ubuntu 7.10 | 15:08 |
Lawke | ic | 15:08 |
foxgzy | ok | 15:08 |
Lawke | you think there will be upgrades soon or anything? | 15:08 |
bachstudies | Lawke, i'm giving up on it...just going to run xp on it i think | 15:09 |
tushyd | Jaggs, wikipedia it :) | 15:09 |
Jaggs | ok | 15:09 |
cberlo | Alrighty. Well just curious whether now's a good time to upgrade to 64-bit or not. If there's no real advantage to it, I'll just stay 32-bit for now. | 15:09 |
Jaggs | thanks | 15:09 |
cberlo | later folks! | 15:09 |
Lawke | bachstudies, where can I see the speed of the wireless? | 15:09 |
kelvie__ | what's the package with the manpages for glibc? | 15:09 |
bachstudies | Lawke, by right clicking on the wireless icon in the right hand corner i think | 15:09 |
cast | aes going 2x faster seems a pretty decent advantage but oh well :\ | 15:09 |
bachstudies | Lawke, hit connection information | 15:09 |
Lawke | bachstudies, your right, 24mbit here to :( | 15:10 |
tushyd | Jaggs, to fix the issue, you can try editing your /etc/resolv.conf file, replace the addresses with and (from opendns.com) | 15:11 |
crodgers | hello | 15:11 |
bachstudies | Lawke, not nice to say on ubuntu chat but try suse 10.3 or SLED | 15:11 |
Lawke | but this is so pretty :) | 15:11 |
qcode | Are there any multi-protocol IM clients out there for Linux like Trillian? | 15:11 |
tushyd | Jaggs, do that after you are connected to your network | 15:11 |
bachstudies | Lawke, if you want pretty suse is right up there | 15:11 |
pike_ | qcode: gaim? or er.. pidgin | 15:11 |
crodgers | i am trying to run 'apt-get install lilo' and i get an error saying it can't reslove http:\\archive.ubuntu.com | 15:11 |
dgjones | !msn | qcode | 15:11 |
ubotu | qcode: Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. | 15:11 |
gribouille | mc44, it doesn't work completely : I didt apt-get install opera, and then apt-file update. but if I do apt-file search /usr/bin/opera, there is no output | 15:11 |
rajappan | anybody with biggggg doubts????? | 15:12 |
qcode | Thanks | 15:12 |
root__ | how do I restart my nfs share? I made a change in /etc/exports but how do I make it update? | 15:12 |
mc44 | gribouille: because opera isn't in the repos? | 15:12 |
tushyd | hey, anyone know if I could buy a GSM modem and make voice calls via Ubuntu?? (not data calls) | 15:12 |
gribouille | mc44, it is in http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu | 15:13 |
qcode | I'm gonna give Kopete a try.... How do you pronounce it? | 15:13 |
Daviey | jabber | 15:13 |
brado | why does afp fecking only have plaintext passwords by default | 15:13 |
mc44 | gribouille: did you add the parter repository? | 15:13 |
mc44 | *partner | 15:13 |
foxgzy | qoode | 15:13 |
dgjones | root__, i think it's sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart | 15:13 |
gribouille | mc44, of course I did | 15:13 |
joerack | HEllo , could someone please help me with a permission (chown command) | 15:13 |
joerack | ? | 15:13 |
mc44 | gribouille: then how is gutsy proposed repo anything to do with your question? | 15:14 |
Dr_Willis | joerack and the actual problem is? | 15:14 |
MattJ | joerack: Sure, what are you trying to do? | 15:14 |
gribouille | mc44, what ? | 15:14 |
qcode | joerack: Ask the question... | 15:14 |
joerack | I cannot write to my sdb disk because i don't have permissions and amnot owner | 15:14 |
mc44 | gribouille: you were asking about gusty-updates (not proposed sorry) | 15:15 |
Dr_Willis | joerack what filesystem is on the disk? | 15:15 |
joerack | hfs+ | 15:15 |
qcode | joerack: If you type 'mount', does it show up as read-only? | 15:15 |
jamiejackson | i was trying the orca screen reader, and i've since unchecked the "enable assistive technologies" checkbox under the assistive technology dialog. however, it's still "reading" to me when i start ubuntu. how do i kill it for good? | 15:15 |
joerack | qcode: yep | 15:15 |
damianl | who here knows flashget for windows | 15:15 |
qcode | joerack, : In that case, you'd have to remount it, try something like this: mount -o rw,remount /dev/sdb1 /mnt | 15:16 |
damianl | most of u i guess popular program | 15:16 |
cast | damianl: nfi. i don't use windows. whats it do? | 15:16 |
damianl | download manager | 15:16 |
qcode | joerack, Substitute /dev/sdb1 and /mnt accordingly | 15:16 |
tushyd | hey, anyone know if I could buy a GSM modem and make voice calls via Ubuntu?? (not data calls) | 15:16 |
ferronica | the panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet". do you want to delete the applet from your configuration? | 15:16 |
damianl | basically | 15:16 |
cast | damianl: ahh, i use wget. | 15:16 |
damianl | i have a page of mp3's | 15:16 |
damianl | abput 200 | 15:17 |
thoreauputic | damianl: interesting assumption that most of us would know anything about windows :) | 15:17 |
Kohvihoor | Does anyone have new 64bit fglrx packages? | 15:17 |
gribouille | mc44, when you install a package P with apt-get, P'files must be displayed by apt-file search P | 15:17 |
damianl | im after something that can download the whole lot rather than me having to click the manually | 15:17 |
joerack | ok , you do know a program on linux that can burn DMG images? that would solve my problem much quicker | 15:17 |
Kohvihoor | because i get errors while generating | 15:17 |
damianl | im after something that can download the whole lot rather than me having to click them manually | 15:17 |
Helios | im getting an error trying to install ubuntu - installation cd couldnt be mounted - can any body please help?? | 15:18 |
mc44 | gribouille: perhaps you are thinking of dpkg -S package | 15:18 |
gribouille | mc44, obviously you don't know how apt works | 15:18 |
foxgzy | damian,flashget,u need? | 15:18 |
Asimoth | I'm having a problem with the Remote Desktop and my router. Is there any way to have it listen on a port other than 0? | 15:18 |
damianl | foxgzy? sorry explain? | 15:19 |
mc44 | gribouille: apt-file is nothing to do with what you've installed, it's to do with the repositories | 15:19 |
joyce | does anyone know what i would type after sudo apt-get install to get gcc and gdb? | 15:19 |
jatt | build-essentials | 15:19 |
IdleOne | joyce: build-essential | 15:19 |
joyce | thx | 15:19 |
Elephantman | I'm wondering, is there a simple way to administer a bunch of machines at once (for things like upgrades) ? | 15:19 |
joyce | and automatically, that is the latest version? | 15:19 |
Psi-Jack | I'm having an unusual problem. When I'm playing videos with VLC, after about 1-3 hours, my system just deadlocks, and nothing works. Even trying to ssh in from another computer, nothing, not even pinging back. | 15:19 |
mc44 | gribouille: anyway, I was talking about the repository structure of gutsy-updates and you started talking about a different repository altogether, so I'm not sure what the problem is | 15:20 |
thoreauputic | joyce: yes | 15:20 |
IdleOne | joyce: yes | 15:20 |
jatt | !memset | 15:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about memset - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:20 |
Helios | im getting an error trying to install ubuntu - installation cd couldnt be mounted - can any body please help?? | 15:20 |
Asimoth | I'm having a problem with the Remote Desktop and my router. Is there any way to have it listen on a port other than 0? | 15:20 |
tushyd | any know if one can buy a gsm modem and make voice calls (not data) in ubuntu? | 15:20 |
greg_ | Anyone heard about a fix for gnome-settings-daemon not connecting to dbus? | 15:20 |
damianl | i have a webpage of mp3's, about 200, im after something that can download the whole lot rather than me having to click them all manually | 15:21 |
eJoJ | I have a little problem after uppgrading to 7.10 package fbgetty can't be removed, how can I remove it from aptitude? | 15:21 |
damianl | i have a webpage of mp3's, about 200, im after something that can download the whole lot rather than me having to click them all manually any ideas anyonne | 15:21 |
cast | damianl: wget. | 15:21 |
Lawke | What is out-of-the-box PowerNow ? | 15:21 |
crodgers | anybody know why i would have a problem using 'apt-get install lilo' ? | 15:21 |
x3ith | hello, i have a little question, today i got update notice to ubuntu 7.10 do i need to update? | 15:21 |
joerack | urgh still haven't solved it, any more suggestion please | 15:21 |
thoreauputic | damianl: or look for a firefox ectension - I think there are several that do that | 15:21 |
damianl | cast so is there a firefox extension or something? | 15:21 |
IdleOne | damianl: I believe there is | 15:22 |
damianl | cool i will do | 15:22 |
fiyawerx | !awn | 15:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about awn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:22 |
thoreauputic | damianl: "Sown Them All?" | 15:22 |
bezibaerchen | damianl: down them all can do that without probs | 15:22 |
ebirtaid | crodgers: error? | 15:22 |
quaal | why dont i have audio on websites. both firefox and epiphany | 15:22 |
fiyawerx | !avant | 15:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about avant - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:22 |
thoreauputic | damianl: sorry s/Sown/Down | 15:22 |
Lawke | !out-of-the-box | 15:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about out-of-the-box - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:22 |
Lawke | !out of the box powernow | 15:22 |
greg_ | gnome-settings-daemon problems? Need Help | 15:22 |
ebirtaid | !powernow | 15:22 |
Lawke | !powernow | 15:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about powernow - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:22 |
ebirtaid | google then? | 15:23 |
damianl | could someone look fro me im having trouble finding i hvae just been searching | 15:23 |
Asimoth | Is there any way to change the listening port for Remote Desktop? | 15:23 |
Pici | !msgthebot | 15:23 |
ebirtaid | I'm quite sure its powernowd for laptops | 15:23 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 15:23 |
thoreauputic | !find powernowd | 15:23 |
ubotu | Found: powernowd, powersaved | 15:23 |
IdleOne | damianl: google Firefox Downthemall | 15:23 |
Ayur | Hello everybody, I have a small problem with the Live CD, once I choose the "Start/Install ubuntu" in the boot, it load ubuntu, and then there is a black screen with only the mouse inside! What should I do? | 15:23 |
Asimoth | Ayur, try Safe Graphics Mode | 15:24 |
kidbuntu | help please.. i'm not showing any icons on my menu.... and the behavior of my keyboard changed | 15:24 |
Ayur | Thank you Asimoth :) | 15:24 |
damianl | IdleOne thank you found it | 15:24 |
ebirtaid | what did you do prior kidbuntu | 15:24 |
principeb13 | ubuntubr | 15:24 |
Asimoth | So, no help on the remote desktop issue, huh? | 15:25 |
joerack | I cannot write to my sdb disk because i don't have permissions and amnot owner can anybody help me | 15:25 |
kidbuntu | ebirtaid: w8 i'll copy the command in terminal | 15:25 |
kidbuntu | ebirtaid: sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz* libcompizconfig then i did a metacity --replace... | 15:25 |
Ind[y] | How can I get the music from a video (i.e. turn a .mp4 (or .wav etc) to a .mp3 file)? | 15:26 |
goodhabit | Hello. Guys, give me please link to ati videodrivers manual for 7.10 please. | 15:26 |
ebirtaid | kidbuntu: dunno about the icons but the keyboard setting can be edited in the system menu from gnome control, maybe try installing another icon theme also? | 15:26 |
chrismac | hello all | 15:26 |
pike_ | joerack: this is a harddrive or usb disk? | 15:26 |
kidbuntu | ebirtaid: when erasing... i have to press the backspace repeatedly instead of just holding it down... and the icons on my menus are gone... just plain text | 15:27 |
goodhabit | Ind[y], you can use mplayer for it, of other software, like kdenlive | 15:27 |
Asimoth | Is there any way I can change the listening port for Remote Desktop? | 15:27 |
joerack | I cannot write to my sdb disk because i don't have permissions and amnot owner can anybody help me | 15:27 |
Ind[y] | goodhabit: how can I make mplayer do that? | 15:27 |
joerack | please | 15:27 |
ebirtaid | man seeing as compiz is installed by default with gutsy you may have removed some dependencies when you uninstalled it also | 15:27 |
chrismac | I need help install realplayer.bin....I've followed all the posts on the forums, but get this error about shared libstdc++.so.5 | 15:27 |
kidbuntu | ebirtaid: like what icon theme? if i'm trying to get back to metacity... theres no max,min,close on the title bar | 15:27 |
joerack | pike: harddrive | 15:27 |
chrismac | can anyone help me please? | 15:27 |
crodgers | ebirtaid: cannot resolve http:\\archive.ubuntu.com | 15:27 |
pike_ | joerack: ntfs, fat32 or ext3? | 15:28 |
kidbuntu | ebirtaid: and the alt tab doesnt work on my desktop anymore | 15:28 |
ebirtaid | htpt:// | 15:28 |
zynergi | http://*** | 15:28 |
goodhabit | Ind[y], man mplayer ) mplayer includes very usable tool - mencoder. With mencoder you can do much of media-formatting etc. | 15:28 |
zynergi | 3rd time's a charm | 15:28 |
joerack | pike : mac (HPF) | 15:28 |
IdleOne | I dont believe any of the apps in repos either dont work or cant convert ogg to mp3. can someone please suggest a app? | 15:28 |
crodgers | ebirtaid: yes, that was my typo, it is correct when i tried it | 15:28 |
Ind[y] | ok | 15:28 |
Ind[y] | thanks | 15:28 |
ebirtaid | ahhh | 15:28 |
goodhabit | IdleOne, mp3 to ogg or ogg to mp3 sorry? | 15:28 |
IdleOne | goodhabit: ogg to mp3 | 15:28 |
Pici | IdleOne: soundconvert says it can, but I've never used it. | 15:29 |
thoreauputic | IdleOne: Audacity can convert both ways - but you need the -dev library for lame | 15:29 |
pike_ | joerack: oh.. well you can ls -l /media and see who the owner and group are for your sdb drive if its a linux permission issue then it should be easy to fix.. can you write to it as root? | 15:29 |
ebirtaid | man it seems like you definately removed something you werent supposed to, try putting your livecd in and resintalling compiz from there kidbuntu | 15:29 |
ebirtaid | it might help | 15:29 |
=== BeerSerc_away is now known as BeerSerc | ||
ebirtaid | if you cant get it from the repos that is | 15:29 |
IdleOne | Pici: soundconvert does add a menu shortcut and typing soundconvert in terminal returns command not found | 15:29 |
kidbuntu | ebirtaid: i just obtaind the gutsy over the net | 15:29 |
goodhabit | IdleOne, try mplayer, or something like ardour I think. But I am not shure. | 15:29 |
chrismac | not sure how this works...I got help yesterday...but anyone help me with RealPLayer install? | 15:29 |
joerack | pike : linux says i'm not either the owner and am without permissions to change | 15:30 |
IdleOne | Pici: soundconvert doesnt add a menu shortcut and typing soundconvert in terminal returns command not found | 15:30 |
Dr_Willis | I always set up my external/extra driv4es with a directory thats owned by the user i want to have access to that drive. They just can only access their own direcory :) | 15:30 |
ebirtaid | joerack use sudo | 15:30 |
skipsjh | joerack...you can't sudo | 15:30 |
skipsjh | ? | 15:30 |
Steffa2 | I'm sorry to say... Ubuntu sucks! | 15:30 |
ebirtaid | whatever | 15:30 |
=== Yanch0 is now known as Yancho | ||
IdleOne | thoreauputic: will try audacity | 15:30 |
Dr_Willis | Steffa2 demand a refund. | 15:30 |
Pici | IdleOne: odd. I'm just looking through aptitude. | 15:31 |
joerack | skipsjh: i don't know the command to use.. mount ? | 15:31 |
Asimoth | Is there any way I can change the listening port for Remote Desktop? | 15:31 |
quaal | how do i make sound work on websites | 15:31 |
mcdomms | Is there anyway to fix the switch user function with the ATI proprietary drivers | 15:31 |
thoreauputic | IdleOne: be aware, it needs liblame-dev ( from memory) to encode mp3 | 15:31 |
etronik | Steffa1: eheh, well it has days, somedays it does suck like any other linux, and like any other OS | 15:31 |
IdleOne | thoreauputic: ty | 15:31 |
mcdomms | I tried the always restart X server in gdm.conf but it doesn't work | 15:31 |
skipsjh | joerack: sudo allows you to run a command application as a superuser | 15:31 |
baty | sudo judo patada | 15:32 |
skipsjh | joerack: just type "sudo <command>" | 15:32 |
baty | SUDO JUDO DOWN X SQUARE TRIANGLE R1 R2 and you perform the final fatality | 15:32 |
pike_ | joerack: can you pastebin /etc/fstab? 'gksu gedit /etc/fstab' | 15:32 |
Pici | !ot | baty | 15:32 |
ubotu | baty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 15:32 |
pike_ | !paste | joerack | 15:32 |
ubotu | joerack: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 15:33 |
joerack | i know sudo i just don't know how to mount HPF partition, ok will pastebin | 15:33 |
principeb13 | ubuntubr | 15:33 |
skipsjh | joerack: ah ok sorry i think i jumped in the middle on the conv | 15:33 |
principeb13 | quem coloca um link ai pra mim | 15:33 |
=== ante is now known as ant00n | ||
thoreauputic | !br | 15:34 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 15:34 |
baty | !ot Jesus | 15:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ot jesus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:34 |
looolcode | I upgraded from 7.04 to 7.15, then the installation said it had to stop (in the middle of the process), so now only half of my system is upgraded :P how can I run this upgrade again? so that it can succeed? | 15:34 |
genii | HPFS partition usually = NTFS | 15:34 |
PriceChild | looolcode, there is no 7.15 | 15:34 |
looolcode | 7.10 I ment | 15:34 |
looolcode | my bad | 15:34 |
baty | !ot Hitler | 15:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ot hitler - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:34 |
IdleOne | PriceChild: symantics :P | 15:34 |
heguru | !botabuse | baty | 15:34 |
thoreauputic | baty: stop it | 15:34 |
ubotu | baty: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 15:34 |
IdleOne | baty: deservers a ban for that botabuse | 15:35 |
ebirtaid | !op baty | 15:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about op baty - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:35 |
looolcode | I upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10, then the installation said it had to stop (in the middle of the process), so now only half of my system is upgraded :P how can I run this upgrade again? so that it can succeed? | 15:35 |
PriceChild | ebirtaid, we are here | 15:35 |
ebirtaid | ah | 15:35 |
ebirtaid | n/m then ;p | 15:35 |
thoreauputic | baty: don't do it again or you are out | 15:35 |
IdleOne | ebirtaid: you forgot the | | 15:35 |
baty | ok sry | 15:35 |
ebirtaid | I see :( failed | 15:35 |
baty | just testing in ubuntu-bot | 15:35 |
looolcode | thanks in advance for every help :) | 15:35 |
partin | can anyone help with a dual monitor setup under 7.10? I can't get a second monitor to work under even using the configuration file from 7.04. | 15:36 |
lmosher | Lame eyecandy question: What music player has very nice looking full-screen visualizations? | 15:36 |
thoreauputic | baty: /msg ubotu | 15:36 |
Dr_Willis | partin what video card? | 15:36 |
joerack | pike: there you go http://pastebin.com/m5e703875 | 15:36 |
partin | dr_willis: i'm using a compaq evo n1020v laptop with ATI IGP. | 15:36 |
VSpike | does ubuntu run ntpdate on startup by default? I'm getting a "Time moved backward" error from dovecot after bootup | 15:36 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: it used to - I don't think it does any more | 15:37 |
Dr_Willis | partin - well i cant help with ati. I only use nvidia. There have been some changes to the ati driver lately. but thats all i know. Good Luck | 15:37 |
Sweety__Pie | im using Ubuntu 7.10 , i wanna install windows 2003 and xp virtual machines and i wanna test some server and client connection betwwen 2003 and xp. Which is good vmware server or workstation | 15:37 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: people on laptops and disconnected found it a pain :) | 15:37 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: where would it be if it does? it's not in rc.local as far as i can see | 15:37 |
principeb13 | oi | 15:38 |
principeb13 | vc é br | 15:38 |
Asimoth | Can someone help me with my remote desktop problem? | 15:38 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: it doesn't - see above | 15:38 |
looolcode | I upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10, then the installation said it had to stop (in the middle of the process), so now only half of my system is upgraded :P how can I run this upgrade again? so that it can succeed? | 15:38 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: maybe i enabled it at some point a while back and forgot about it | 15:38 |
poing\moinch | Hi guys | 15:38 |
Pici | principeb13: /j #ubuntu-br | 15:38 |
kidbuntu | whats the name the one that handles the gnome's desktop icons? | 15:38 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: and rc.local is for the local admin to add stuff, in Debian and Ubuntu | 15:38 |
Pici | kidbuntu: Nautilus? | 15:38 |
amadeux | I know how to add an entry to fstab, but I was wondering of there was an "easy" way in gutsy to add a new permanent mount (in this case I want to mount my second hard drive permanently under /media/disk or something) | 15:39 |
kidbuntu | Pici: is it nautilus? | 15:39 |
Pici | kidbuntu: Thats what draws the desktop in Gnome | 15:39 |
ebirtaid | nautilus is wat draw the desktop icons | 15:39 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: the ntp start up would be /etc/init.d/ntpdate or similar | 15:39 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: i wonder... i configured my router to use ntp.. perhaps it's handing ubuntu an ntp server address of itself via dhcp | 15:39 |
kidbuntu | Pici: ok... thanks | 15:39 |
herbalise | Hi i have configured my ubuntu to join an ad domain an authenticate to the dc, is it possible when i connect to smb share using nautilus it passes credentials to it? stop it from asking me username and password? | 15:39 |
lmosher | Eyecandy question: What music player has very nice looking full-screen visualizations? | 15:39 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: yes, that's possible | 15:40 |
chrismac | okay I guess I will post | 15:40 |
Asimoth | Can someone help me with my remote desktop problem? | 15:40 |
joerack | pike: there you go http://pastebin.com/m5e703875 Btw... my disk i need is sdb | 15:40 |
chrismac | I see most of you are busy today.. | 15:40 |
baty | hey people does anybody knows how to get to work a xcell2000 mobo with any linux distro? | 15:40 |
chrismac | :) | 15:40 |
lmosher | Asimoth, What program are you using? | 15:40 |
amadeux | How do I mount my second hard drive permanently, also after reboots etc? | 15:40 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: you might have it configured to check time at intervals for example | 15:40 |
joerack | why everything in linux has to be so complicated... | 15:40 |
qncode | amadeux: Add an entry to /etc/fstab | 15:40 |
kidbuntu | !compiz | 15:40 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 15:40 |
Asimoth | lmosher, my problem is with the settings in Gutsy's remote desktop. | 15:40 |
crodgers | where does lilo get installed? does it create it's own directory? | 15:40 |
thoreauputic | joerack: it isn't - you just aren't used to it :) | 15:40 |
lmosher | amadeux, Edit /etc/fstab. Look at how your first disk is mounted and follow that | 15:40 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: unfortunalately i have no way of configuraing the damn thing remotely, because the admin interface requires javascript and i dont think any console browser support it | 15:41 |
ebirtaid | crodgers: /boot/lilo maybe? | 15:41 |
lmosher | Asimoth, I'm not familiar w/ gutsy's program. Do you know what protocol it uses? VNC? | 15:41 |
heguru | crodgers: why are you using lilo? grub is default boot manager in ubuntu | 15:41 |
IdleOne | thoreauputic: Audacity is a very nice program but I believe it is way more then what I need :) can you tell me how to quickly convert the files from ogg to mp3? | 15:41 |
Tyroazard | Argh. | 15:41 |
Asimoth | lmosher, allows VNC and RDP | 15:41 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: I think links2 supportws javascript | 15:41 |
Asimoth | my problem is with the port it uses. | 15:41 |
lmosher | Asimoth, Ok? You need to change the port? | 15:41 |
crodgers | heguru: i am double booting between OS X and Ubuntu and refit needs lilo to work properly | 15:42 |
Asimoth | I've got a linksys router, which is unhappy forwarding port 0 | 15:42 |
thoreauputic | IdleOne: I would use sox to convert to wav and then cobvert the wav, I think | 15:42 |
Asimoth | but I can't find any way to switch the listening port. | 15:42 |
Chousuke | ubuntu doesn't like EFI :( | 15:42 |
lmosher | Asimoth, Neither program should be using port 0. They usually use telnet port 20. | 15:42 |
herbalise | Hi i have configured my ubuntu to join an ad domain an authenticate to the dc, is it possible when i connect to smb share using nautilus it passes credentials to it? stop it from asking me username and password? | 15:42 |
heguru | crodgers: ok then. lilo stores its configuration in /etc/lilo.conf | 15:42 |
PriceChild | Chousuke, use osx's bootcamp | 15:42 |
lmosher | Asimoth, sorry by program I mean protocol, (vnc and rdp) | 15:42 |
Asimoth | lmosher, it listens on port 0 by default. | 15:42 |
crodgers | heguru: i have that file set up, but it's not recognizing linux at the refit menu | 15:42 |
Asimoth | Yeah, I know it normally uses a different port. | 15:43 |
heguru | crodgers: you have to run lilo after changing the file | 15:43 |
Pici | Asimoth: I'm comepletely guessing here, but check out gconf-editor /desktop/gnome/remote_access | 15:43 |
Chousuke | PriceChild: Boot Camp is stupid though. only allows one partition for some reason. | 15:43 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: ls /etc/init.d/ | grep -i ntp finds nothing, as does a grep of the process list | 15:43 |
crodgers | heguru: ah, i'll try that | 15:43 |
Chousuke | PriceChild: one non-OS X partition that is | 15:43 |
PriceChild | Chousuke, ah | 15:43 |
lmosher | Asimoth, I'm afraid I can't be helpful as I've not used the Gutsy program. IMO your best bet is to use realVNC, which lets you set the port very easily. I've also used an RDP client, but i"m not sure about a server. | 15:43 |
IdleOne | thoreauputic: guess that is what I will have to do. but earlier you said Audacity can do it but I cant seem to find the correct menu | 15:43 |
Asimoth | alright | 15:43 |
kidbuntu | how do i restart the nautilus | 15:43 |
Chousuke | Luckily Disk Utility is smarter in Leopard :) | 15:43 |
Sweety__Pie | #pardus-destek | 15:43 |
Sweety__Pie | heyy | 15:43 |
PriceChild | Chousuke, I think grub2 might do it... not sure... there's definitely a linux boot loader that handles efi | 15:43 |
Chousuke | but I still don't like mbr ;( | 15:43 |
z1pp3r | is it somehow possible to run .net application in linux? | 15:43 |
ebirtaid | kidbuntu: close it? | 15:44 |
Chousuke | PriceChild: yeah, but the intel chip doesn't work right with EFI | 15:44 |
crodgers | heguru: the problem is whenever i try to download lilo ( using 'apt-get install lilo' ) i can't get it | 15:44 |
ebirtaid | unless you need to restart x | 15:44 |
thoreauputic | IdleOne: did you install liblame-dev? | 15:44 |
Chousuke | PriceChild: it needs the bios on Linux :/ | 15:44 |
IdleOne | thoreauputic: yes | 15:44 |
Asimoth | Pici, thanks very much | 15:44 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: find /etc/cron.* -exec grep -i ntp {} \; finds nothing either .. very mysterious! | 15:44 |
Sweety__Pie | i wanna install Windows 203 and xp hosts on my Ubuntu but i don't know which is good? VmWare Server or Wokrstation | 15:44 |
Sweety__Pie | ? | 15:44 |
kidbuntu | ebirtaid: i mean the whole thing.. not just the window itself | 15:44 |
crodgers | heguru: i get temporary error resolving archive.ubuntu.com | 15:44 |
Asimoth | It has an alternative port listed | 15:44 |
ebirtaid | ah, ctrl+alt+bksp | 15:44 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: ps aux | grep ntpd ? | 15:44 |
lmosher | Asimoth, RealVNC works great and I used it for many years to connect to 3 or 4 computers around my office. It's pretty easy to configure, lots of documentation. If you want to stick w/ the Gusty program, I would ask google if there's a configuration file somewhere. | 15:44 |
ebirtaid | will restart x | 15:44 |
heguru | crodgers: well it seems like Internet is not working on the machine | 15:44 |
crodgers | i am using irc on the same machine right now | 15:44 |
Asimoth | lmosher, yeah, I use RealVNC too | 15:44 |
crodgers | heguru: and can view web pages | 15:45 |
VSpike | Sweety__Pie: you need server to create vm's | 15:45 |
Asimoth | keep the client on my ipod to access my home pc from college | 15:45 |
thoreauputic | IdleOne: from memory, you inmport the ogg, then export it as mp3 | 15:45 |
heguru | crodgers: ok then it might be overloaded ubuntu server, try installing using synaptic, it might be proxy settings | 15:45 |
IdleOne | thoreauputic: ok lemme check it out | 15:45 |
crodgers | heguru: trying... | 15:45 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: nothing, apart from itself :/ | 15:45 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: running out of ideas.... :) | 15:46 |
Bonster | !TFTP | 15:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tftp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:46 |
thoreauputic | Bonster: apt-cache search tftp | 15:46 |
Sweety__Pie | VSpike: ok tahnx | 15:46 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: time in the mail log definitely jumps back by about a minute and a half | 15:47 |
Psi-Jack | I'm having an unusual problem. When I'm playing videos with VLC, after about 1-3 hours, my system just deadlocks, and nothing works. Even trying to ssh in from another computer, nothing, not even pinging back. | 15:47 |
Asimoth | Alright. It's working with the alternate port. Thanks lmosher and Pici | 15:47 |
Dr_Willis | sounds like a memory leak to me. | 15:47 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: you can't access the router, right? Did you try links2 ? | 15:47 |
IdleOne | thoreauputic: thanks for the kick in the right direction got it figured out :) | 15:48 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: will do - just looking at logs | 15:48 |
Bonster | thoreauputic: which 1 is good for netboot? | 15:48 |
dwxreaper | any good tutorial for monitoring linux with cacti, processor, disk space, memory? | 15:48 |
zafy | hi everyone | 15:48 |
thoreauputic | Bonster: no idea - I just pointed you at where to find tftp | 15:48 |
Niteye | how can i make an icon which runs 2 terminal commands? i can only do one | 15:48 |
zafy | don't know if i'm in the right place | 15:48 |
thoreauputic | IdleOne: :) | 15:48 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: oh.. could it be because it synchronised with the machine's system clock on boot? | 15:48 |
zafy | I have question if that's alright | 15:48 |
Dr_Willis | Niteye bash basics - use a script and put & after the first command | 15:49 |
jay_ | I have this line in /etc/fstab // /home/jay/server/ cifs rw,uid=jay,gid=jay,credentials=/usr/local/share/credenfile 0 0 ... When I run sudo mount -a ... when i ls -l my home dir... I get this "?--------- ? ? ? ? ? server" | 15:49 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: If you don't have ntpd running I can't see how it could | 15:49 |
Niteye | i tried to put ; but it wouldnt accept it | 15:49 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: I run ntpd with various servers configured for lookups.. | 15:50 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: linux uses the system's inbuilt clcok when running? | 15:50 |
lmosher | Eyecandy question: What music player has very nice looking full-screen visualizations? | 15:50 |
quaal | why dont i have audio on websites. both firefox and epiphany wont give sound but i'm getting it on everything else | 15:50 |
crodgers | heguru: okay synaptic worked, but do you know where it puts lilo? | 15:50 |
VSpike | lmosher: look at projectm | 15:50 |
Thecks | lmosher: I want to know the answer to that as well! Something like Mac's | 15:50 |
Thecks | Macs* | 15:50 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: as I understand it, ntpd updates the drift of the clock | 15:51 |
zafy | SO I have ubuntu installed on a macbook and I wanna upgrade mac os to 10.5 | 15:51 |
VSpike | lmosher: it's a clone of milkdrop - can be linked into various things | 15:51 |
quittt | is there a mp3 manager for Ubuntu? | 15:51 |
Niteye | the gnome .desktop file doesnt allow for any batch scripting | 15:51 |
zafy | can anyone help me with that ? | 15:51 |
lmosher | VSpike, Is it a package? I've heard of it but didn't see it in apt. | 15:51 |
Psi-Jack | quittt: Define mp3 "manager" | 15:51 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: but without ntp, you're basically ising the harware clock direct? | 15:51 |
Dr_Willis | quittt ive been using 'songbird' lately. :) its not in the repos however. | 15:51 |
heguru | crodgers: run dpkg -L lilo to find out | 15:51 |
VSpike | lmosher: i think you have to compile it | 15:51 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: I don't know - I suppose so | 15:52 |
Psi-Jack | Dr_Willis: mpd rocks. ;) | 15:52 |
quittt | Psi-Jack, an application that can find your discs, mp3 names throw a disc repository... | 15:52 |
spupek | hi, sorry if i off, but can someone tell me where can ia ask about vrml? | 15:52 |
quittt | so I can get all the name correctly | 15:52 |
VSpike | lmosher: it's not too hard | 15:52 |
lmosher | VSpike, eww. I did like milkdrop... but I don't like the concept of compiling in a packaged-based OS (silly, I know). | 15:52 |
Psi-Jack | quittt: Why on high h*** earth would you want that? Store them on the HDD man. | 15:52 |
quittt | I used to use one, but I don't remember its name... | 15:52 |
delire | is there any easy way to restore a panel back to defaults once it's been deleted (icon placements and all)? | 15:52 |
Dr_Willis | Psi-Jack i think he means ripping to hd with the right name? | 15:52 |
lmosher | VSpike, I'll check it out though, Thanks! :) | 15:52 |
VSpike | lmosher: it's alright for top level apps upon which nothing depends :) but i agree, would be nice if someone packaged it | 15:52 |
quittt | Psi-Jack, I have a lot of mp3s! I want to organize it | 15:53 |
Psi-Jack | Dr_Willis: I can't tell what he means, fully yet. ;) | 15:53 |
MilitantPotato | z1pp3r: http://www.mono-project.com/ | 15:53 |
Psi-Jack | quittt: Why aren't you using ogg? ;) | 15:53 |
* Psi-Jack grins. | 15:53 | |
Dr_Willis | isent Juke, or what was that other gnome media player.. able to do that? | 15:53 |
quittt | Psi-Jack, because it is hard to get music in it... | 15:53 |
VSpike | lmosher: in fact, i think it should be included in ubuntu if poss | 15:53 |
Psi-Jack | quittt: Ahh. So you're a pirate. | 15:53 |
* Psi-Jack stops helping the pirate. | 15:53 | |
quittt | but when I digitalise my music, I put it on ogg vorbis | 15:53 |
Dr_Willis | Psi-Jack i took THAT as he was buying mp3 files from sites... | 15:53 |
crodgers | heguru: dpkg tells me it's not installed but synaptic tells me that it is. does it matter that i am chroot'ed into a mounted partition? | 15:54 |
gordonjcp | I don't | 15:54 |
Dr_Willis | !media | 15:54 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 15:54 |
gordonjcp | I almost never use ogg vorbis | 15:54 |
darkangel_ | can i ask a gusty question here | 15:54 |
lmosher | VSpike, it looks pretty cool. You're right, nothing depends on it, so if it works it's no big deal. I'll give it a shot | 15:54 |
lmosher | darkangel_, If you can work up the courage, go ahead an ask (pun joke, sorry) | 15:54 |
quittt | Psi-Jack, a pirate? no, I'm a normal human being =] | 15:54 |
Dr_Willis | quittt i like the bmpx player also. | 15:54 |
darkangel_ | lol | 15:54 |
Dr_Willis | !info bmpx | 15:54 |
Psi-Jack | heh, I /only/ use vorbis, for music. I even got an iRiver Media Player to play oggs. :D | 15:54 |
ubotu | bmpx: Beep Media Player eXperimental. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.40.0~rc3-1build1 (gutsy), package size 2999 kB, installed size 9264 kB | 15:54 |
gordonjcp | I would use it if I could find a player that actually worked with ogg | 15:54 |
heguru | crodgers: synaptic was rung from chroot as well? | 15:54 |
crodgers | heguru: yes | 15:54 |
darkangel_ | 1st dose gusty require more ran than fiesty | 15:55 |
gordonjcp | s/player/hardware player/ | 15:55 |
heguru | crodgers: then it shouldn't matter | 15:55 |
Psi-Jack | gordonjcp: iRiver makes them. | 15:55 |
crodgers | heguru: let me try again | 15:55 |
Dr_Willis | darkangel_ not really. | 15:55 |
thoreauputic | gordonjcp: ?? practically *every* player works with ogg | 15:55 |
gordonjcp | Psi-Jack: yeah, they're a bit cheap and nasty | 15:55 |
thoreauputic | in Linux | 15:55 |
Psi-Jack | gordonjcp: Not the newer ones. | 15:55 |
gordonjcp | thoreauputic: I corrected myself - *hardware* player | 15:55 |
venice | where is the alsa config file at? I'm not seeing it anywhere in /etc | 15:55 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 15:55 |
gordonjcp | Psi-Jack: do they do a car player? | 15:55 |
thoreauputic | gordonjcp: ah I see :) sorry :) | 15:56 |
delire | venice: ~/.asoundrc .. create one there | 15:56 |
Psi-Jack | gordonjcp: Sure, hook it up to the line in port of the stereo. Simple. :p | 15:56 |
Otaimerz | hye.. how to know that my requested from shipit ubuntu cd are approved? | 15:56 |
gordonjcp | Psi-Jack: I don't have a line in port, I have a CD player that plays back MP3s on a CD | 15:56 |
crodgers | heguru: can i run synaptic from the command line? nevermind... googling now | 15:56 |
darkangel_ | ok i upgraded from fiesty 2 days ago the update messed up most apps work and it lags sooooooo much can i reinstall 7,10 | 15:56 |
quittt | it is a similar app like The God Father for Windows... | 15:56 |
gordonjcp | furthermore, the other problem with oggs is the amount of time invested in ripping stuff to MP3 | 15:56 |
quittt | I used to use it, but I don't remember its name... | 15:56 |
Psi-Jack | gordonjcp: Then you need a better stereo that actually has a line in. LOL | 15:56 |
bruenig | heguru, synaptic is a front end for apt-get | 15:56 |
Psi-Jack | gordonjcp: Stock radio's suck. ;) | 15:56 |
gordonjcp | Psi-Jack: only really cheap shitty ones have line in these days, or stupidly high-end ones | 15:56 |
delire | crodgers: best just to use 'apt-cache search <keyword>' and 'apt-cache show <packagename>' and 'apt-get install <packagename>' to install. | 15:57 |
VSpike | crodgers: if oyu want a command line app try aptitude | 15:57 |
Psi-Jack | gordonjcp: Not really, no. | 15:57 |
IdleOne | thoreauputic: Audacity is a really cool App. thanks alot dude :) | 15:57 |
bruenig | crodgers, do not use aptitude | 15:57 |
crodgers | delire: will try hanks | 15:57 |
gordonjcp | Psi-Jack: I've never seen a stereo that wasn't basically Goodmans or TAG Mclaren that had line in | 15:57 |
thoreauputic | IdleOne: no worries :) | 15:57 |
Pici | !offtopic | 15:57 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 15:57 |
gordonjcp | Psi-Jack: well, that wasn't made over 10 years ago | 15:57 |
amadeux | Will Horney Horse have a built-in media center? I think that would really be a step forward for ubuntu | 15:57 |
VSpike | bruenig: why not? :) | 15:57 |
darkangel_ | Dr_Willis: ok i upgraded from fiesty 2 days ago the update messed up most apps work and it lags sooooooo much can i reinstall 7,10 | 15:57 |
kidbuntu | !compiz | 15:58 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 15:58 |
delire | crodgers: you can also apt-get remove <packagename> too.. | 15:58 |
bruenig | VSpike, http://pastebin.ca/653424 | 15:58 |
gordonjcp | leaving MP3 support out of Debianish distros is a major problem though | 15:58 |
quittt | it uses internet data to recognize the mp3... | 15:58 |
amadeux | Are there any good media center apps for Gutsy? | 15:58 |
Psi-Jack | gordonjcp: Anyway. iriver.com. Look at that nice lil B20. ;) | 15:58 |
darkangel_ | ok i upgraded from fiesty 2 days ago the update messed up most apps work and it lags sooooooo much can i reinstall 7,10 | 15:59 |
thoreauputic | darkangel_: don't repeat please | 15:59 |
VSpike | bruenig: curious | 15:59 |
Pici | darkangel_: You can reinstall it if you want, you dont need our permission. | 15:59 |
thoreauputic | !repeat > darkangel_ | 15:59 |
herbalise | amadeux: maybe mythtv | 15:59 |
bruenig | VSpike, assuming of course you don't like the complete removal of your system that is, I guess I should have prefaced my aptitude comment with that. If you enjoy such a thing, then aptitude is supreme. | 15:59 |
kidbuntu | how can i bring back my gdm login screen... ? | 15:59 |
IdleOne | amadeux: Horney Horse? where did you get that from lmao | 15:59 |
crodgers | delire: the apt-cache commands worked fine, but 'apt-get install lilo' failed with the message 'temporary failure resolving archive.ubuntu.com.' then it suggests 'apt-get update' or running with -- fix-missing | 15:59 |
darkangel_ | Pici is it possible to reinstall (im curebtally on 7.10) | 16:00 |
Psi-Jack | Bleh. MythTV doth suck, though. | 16:00 |
kidbuntu | i choosed kdm after installing the kubuntu desktop.. i didnt like the kdm | 16:00 |
bruenig | crodgers, change your mirror | 16:00 |
delire | crodgers: did you try 'sudo apt-get update'? | 16:00 |
crodgers | delire: no, trying now | 16:00 |
thoreauputic | crodgers: I haven't followed this - but why do you need lilo ? | 16:00 |
delire | crodgers: that will download the latest package list from the server. synaptic does this anyway.. | 16:00 |
amadeux | IdleOne, had to call it something | 16:00 |
Psi-Jack | The whole mythtv interface is kludgy. It's OKAY when you use a remote or something for it, but they disabled usability of it with the mouse completely, so it's absolutely worthless for a desktop. | 16:00 |
Pici | darkangel_: I'd backup your /home if its not on a sperate partition and you'll need a gutsy cd | 16:00 |
IdleOne | amadeux: it will be called Hardy Heron see !hardy | 16:01 |
crodgers | thoreauputic; i am dual booting OS X and Ubuntu using refit, and refit wants lilo rather than grub | 16:01 |
amadeux | IdleOne, oh. Hardon Heron ;-) | 16:01 |
thoreauputic | crodgers: ah i see | 16:01 |
lauriehammy | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToOYTM7je3w | 16:01 |
darkangel_ | Pici i was afraid of that and where is the upgrade data it never cleaned up | 16:01 |
lauriehammy | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToOYTM7je3w | 16:01 |
delire | crodgers: bear in mind (and as someone else points out) synaptic is just a GUI front end for these commands anyway.. | 16:01 |
IdleOne | amadeux: you are offtopic and just being stupid for stupid sake now | 16:01 |
crodgers | delire: for some reason my chroot'ed shell won't let me download the packages | 16:02 |
sandgrain | gutsy refuses to cooperate with my graphics card. it used to work with feisty.. is there anything i can do? | 16:02 |
delire | crodgers: yes, that's likely.. | 16:02 |
crodgers | delire: i can view them just fine | 16:02 |
thoreauputic | crodgers: do you have /proc mounted in the chroot? | 16:02 |
elliotjhug | sandgrain: Either downgrade to feisty, or explain your actual problem with your graphics card? What model is it for example? | 16:02 |
amadeux | IdleOne, not stupid, just a lame attempt at humour. Guess it's not allowed here :) | 16:02 |
thoreauputic | crocd: and your LC_ALL set ? | 16:02 |
crodgers | thoreauputic: checking | 16:03 |
IdleOne | amadeux: sexual/religious/political comments have no business in the FOSS world | 16:03 |
VSpike | thoreauputic: well links2 kind of looks like its working kut it doesnt. i need to get myself a router with ssh capability | 16:03 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: :( | 16:04 |
IdleOne | amadeux: see !CoC and !ircguidelines for more info | 16:04 |
herbalise | Hi i have configured my ubuntu to join an ad domain an authenticate to the dc, is it possible when i connect to smb share using nautilus it passes credentials to it? stop it from asking me username and password? | 16:04 |
thoreauputic | VSpike: can you use telnet with your router ? It's usually a pain, admittedly | 16:04 |
Ubersoldat | herbalise: no | 16:04 |
amadeux | IdleOne, yeah yeah, I get it... | 16:04 |
murlidhar | !CoC | 16:04 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 16:05 |
yell0w | hey guys, my /usr/local/bin is shown as binary. how can i make it a directory again ? | 16:05 |
joerack | I cannot write to my sdb disk because i don't have permissions and amnot owner can anybody help me | 16:05 |
elliotjhug | thoreauputic: its possible the router might use SSH without advertising it as an alternative to telnet | 16:05 |
herbalise | Suse Linux can do it | 16:05 |
sandgrain | elliotjhug: its a nvidia 8600gt. when i install the nvidia drivers, the pc starts in safe grafics mode and says it cant detect the card. i get "software source for package nvidia-glx-new is not enabled" error when i try to activate the restricted driver | 16:05 |
crodgers | thoreauputic: 'mount proc /proc' is this correct? | 16:05 |
thoreauputic | elliotjhug: possible - worth a try I guess | 16:05 |
IdleOne | amadeux: but to answer your question a media Center would be nice yeah | 16:05 |
Ubersoldat | herbalise: you've got the option to "Remember Password Until Logout" | 16:05 |
thoreauputic | crodgers: looks right | 16:05 |
joerack | I cannot write to my sdb disk because i don't have permissions and amnot owner can anybody help me please? | 16:05 |
herbalise | i know but not what i'm looking for | 16:05 |
Ubersoldat | herbalise: or you could also mount the samba shares using /etc/fstab and then forget about it | 16:05 |
thoreauputic | crodgers: mount -t proc proc /proc if I remember correctly | 16:06 |
yell0w | hey guys, my /usr/local/bin is shown as binary. how can i make it a directory again ? | 16:06 |
amadeux | IdleOne, I know there are several offerings, but one of the strong suits of ubuntu is that it chooses one main app for one purpose, and stick with that. When a mature enough media center is available, I guess it will be included in ubuntu | 16:06 |
IdleOne | amadeux: you can make a wish/request @ launchpad.net | 16:06 |
crodgers | thoreauputic: it tells me that i must specify the filesystem type | 16:06 |
thoreauputic | see above | 16:06 |
kidbuntu | !compiz | 16:06 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 16:06 |
elliotjhug | sandgrain: Ah, OK. Well your graphics card is in theory supported by ubuntu, especially since it ran on feisty, your actual problem is that you need to enable a software source... If you open System -> Administration -> Software Sources and let me know whats enabled in there | 16:06 |
amadeux | IdleOne, cool | 16:07 |
Ubersoldat | herbalise: have you tried using the option "Remember forever"? | 16:07 |
amadeux | What is the best way to watch Apple trailers on ubuntu? I have tried vlc-plugin for firefox, but it is not so good. It crashes firefox on occasion, doesnt like hd etc. | 16:07 |
kidbuntu | !compiz | 16:07 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 16:07 |
murlidhar | amadeux: ubuntustudio does have a lot of media applications | 16:08 |
a[2121]e | with ubuntu... can i play GTA game same im play at windows?? :0 | 16:08 |
elliotjhug | amadeux: I use the mplayer plugin thing | 16:08 |
amadeux | elliotjhug, I tried that also, but it is far from perfect. Do you agree? | 16:08 |
a[2121]e | ubuntu can run *.axe? | 16:08 |
elliotjhug | amadeux: Nothings perfect, it would be nice of apple to use Flash tbh, I've never had any major problems with it | 16:09 |
yell0w | hey guys, my /usr/local/bin is shown as binary. how can i make it a directory again ? | 16:09 |
amadeux | murlidhar, but that is a separate distro, right? Not something I can install on gutsy? | 16:09 |
elliotjhug | a[2121]e: Nope it can't | 16:09 |
kilts-R-us | i never had any problem with the mozilla-mplayer plugin. plays everything inc quicktime and divx flawlessly so far | 16:09 |
amadeux | elliotjhug, yeah, but I don't know if flash supports embedding 1080p x264 video | 16:09 |
amadeux | elliotjhug, also, I think they like to push their own container format, .mov | 16:09 |
murlidhar | yell0w: could u be more specific | 16:09 |
murlidhar | amadeux: u can | 16:09 |
cvd | oopenoffice channel? | 16:10 |
elliotjhug | amadeux: if you're that fussy about quality, you may as well mess around with mplayer till you make it work - personally I don't mind so long as its not too pixelated | 16:10 |
Pici | cvd: #openoffice.org | 16:10 |
yell0w | murlidhar, that folder is shown as a binary in nautilus | 16:10 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: what does the command "file /usr/local/bin" return ( no quotes) | 16:10 |
kilts-R-us | amadeux: you could always install quicktime player under wine | 16:10 |
elliotjhug | a[2121]e: if you're looking at playing games, take a look at Cedega - that can help | 16:10 |
elliotjhug | kilts-R-us: does that actually run in wine? | 16:11 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, /usr/local/bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped | 16:11 |
murlidhar | yell0w: just rename it . by opening nautilus using gksu nautilus or sudo apt-get install mc | 16:11 |
kilts-R-us | elliotjhug: i've never had a problem with it. use wine-doors | 16:11 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: do you know which app it is? | 16:11 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: you must have misnamed something | 16:11 |
elliotjhug | kilts-R-us: cool | 16:11 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, erhh it's supposed to be a folder of binaries installed manuualy | 16:12 |
sandgrai1 | elliotjhug: (multiverse) is enabled on software sources under "Ubuntu Software" tab | 16:12 |
amadeux | kilts-R-us, playing quicktime is not the problem | 16:12 |
ferronica_ | the panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet". do you want to delete the applet from your configuration? | 16:12 |
fiyawerx | !windows | 16:12 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 16:12 |
yell0w | murlidhar, erhh rename and then ? | 16:12 |
fiyawerx | !virtualbox | 16:12 |
ubotu | VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox | 16:12 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: well eveidently it isn't - move it out of the way and create a new /usr/local/bin directory | 16:12 |
kilts-R-us | amadeux: sorry, must have missed the start of the conversation | 16:12 |
elliotjhug | sandgrai: and Restricted? | 16:12 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, how about stuff that was in there before ? | 16:13 |
yell0w | wouldn't that break stuff ? | 16:13 |
yell0w | :/ | 16:13 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: I said move it - not delete it :) | 16:13 |
kilts-R-us | going | 16:13 |
sandgrai1 | elliotjhug: thats disabled... i guess ill try enabling it :P | 16:13 |
kidbuntu | having problem with my log out button.. instead of popping other choices.. clicking just lets me log out immediately | 16:13 |
murlidhar | yell0w: just remove the extension | 16:13 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: e.g. sudo mv /usr/local/bin /usr/local/mystery && sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin | 16:14 |
elliotjhug | sandgrai1: and that should fix it :) - if it still doesn't work you could try manually installing the driver - but you shouldn't need to | 16:14 |
thoreauputic | murlidhar: huh? it has no extension | 16:14 |
joerack | What is the command for the tool HFSPLUS | 16:14 |
thoreauputic | murlidhar: what are you talking about? | 16:14 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, so how do i get whatever's in there back to the new "bin" ? | 16:14 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: after you do the above, mobe it back with sudo mv /usr/local/mystery /usr/local/bin/ | 16:15 |
boubbin | what is similar to borland c++ editor ? | 16:15 |
thoreauputic | umm s/mobe/move | 16:15 |
murlidhar | thoreauputic: to make a folder of a binary i thought simply by renaming the extension would be enough | 16:16 |
sandgrai1 | elliotjhug: thanx :) btw is there any reason (main) and (universe) should not be enabled? | 16:16 |
tarzeau | boubbin: mcedit (from package mc) | 16:16 |
thoreauputic | murlidhar: umm - it's an elf binary, not a directory | 16:16 |
ebirtaid | fn'murlidhar: he made /usr/local/bin executable I think | 16:16 |
thoreauputic | murlidhar: this isn't magic | 16:16 |
ebirtaid | oh n/m | 16:16 |
tarzeau | boubbin: or emacs, or the fte - Text editor for programmers - base package | 16:16 |
elliotjhug | sandgrai1: They should definitely be enabled! | 16:16 |
Vlet | I'm trying to mount a samba share, and I can only do it via sudo. The problem is that the mount winds up being read-only for my user account. Why? | 16:16 |
boubbin | im relaly looking graphical editor | 16:16 |
jatt | boubbin: xwpe | 16:17 |
sandgrai1 | elliotjhug: funny defaults gutsy has :P | 16:17 |
murlidhar | boubbin: ajunta | 16:17 |
* genii sips a coffee and ponders sudo mount /dev/somedrive /mnt/somemountpoint -t hfsplus | 16:17 | |
danielbw | Vlet: have you tried fusesmb or smb4k? | 16:17 |
elliotjhug | sandgrai1: Well it shouldn't have defaulted to that, might be worth reporting it as a bug | 16:17 |
Vlet | danielbw: hmm... I'll try fuse - I thought that was for ssh mounts | 16:18 |
elliotjhug | sandgrai1: very strange | 16:18 |
danielbw | vlet fusesmb works for me. | 16:18 |
danielbw | don't forget to read the docs | 16:18 |
Odd-rationale | Is there a system76 channel? | 16:18 |
lili_ | how can i configure ADSL with pppoe? | 16:18 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, that just move that binary blob inside my /usr/local/bin | 16:18 |
joanki | i don't know if anyone can help me, but i just downloaded ubuntu and installed build-essential .... the thing is, a program that i am positivce compiles willn to compile... did i get the right package for c++ compiler? | 16:19 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: correct - what were you expecting? | 16:19 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: have you tried running it? | 16:19 |
winkerbean | Anybody know how to get lpr to print a file with printer codes already embedded in the file? | 16:19 |
danielbw | joanki did you also do apt-get insatll linux-headers`uname -r` | 16:19 |
joanki | last time i installed build-essential i swear i used the word c++ or g++ or something dif than just build-essential | 16:19 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: it's a program evidently | 16:19 |
joanki | i didnt have to do that last time, danielbw ... do i have to do that? | 16:19 |
sandgrai1 | elliotjhug: hmm in "third party software" tab the "archive.canonical.com" is disabled too | 16:20 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, it's supposed to be a directory | 16:20 |
danielbw | joanki: apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 16:20 |
joanki | ok | 16:20 |
Pici | joanki: cpp and gcc are the two compilers which I think are in there,. | 16:20 |
sandgrai1 | elliotjhug: how do i report a bug? :) | 16:20 |
joanki | thank you | 16:20 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: we have established that it is NOT a directory | 16:20 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: witht the file utility | 16:20 |
joanki | danielbw, type it JUST like that? | 16:20 |
elliotjhug | sandgrai1: Its at launchpad.net | 16:20 |
malocite | Can someone give me a quick hand adding a new harddrive to fstab? | 16:20 |
lili_ | anyone can help me | 16:20 |
danielbw | joanki no put sudo in front of it | 16:20 |
joanki | right | 16:20 |
joanki | and sorry, but what exactly am i getting there? | 16:21 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, it's SUPPOSED to be a directory, somehow it's converted to be a binary. how do i make it a directory again ? | 16:21 |
danielbw | joanki you only need the linux headers if you are building a linux kernel module. So I don't know if you need it. I always do it when I do build-essential though | 16:21 |
lili_ | how can i configure pppoe on ubuntu | 16:21 |
lili_ | ? | 16:21 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: you can't magically turn an executable into a directory ! :) | 16:21 |
Pici | !pppoe | lili_ | 16:21 |
ubotu | lili_: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 16:21 |
sandgrai1 | elliotjhug: thanx again. ill try the new settings then :) | 16:21 |
joanki | danielbw, it didn't work, terminal just froze | 16:21 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: try running the mystery executable and see what it does | 16:22 |
joanki | had to ctrl_c out | 16:22 |
elliotjhug | sandgrai1: np, good luck | 16:22 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, how about a directory into an executable ? | 16:22 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, nothing | 16:22 |
rsfriends | i use gdesklets, but i have seen that some people can get more animation, do you know how do i get | 16:22 |
danielbw | joanki: what are you trying to build? | 16:22 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, i was thinking of something along the line of chmod | 16:22 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: they are *entirely* different things ! | 16:22 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: a directory *cannot* be at the same time a binary executable | 16:22 |
arnath | hi, i have just written a small how-to for ubuntu and i would like to upload it to the ubuntu.com site, how do i do this? | 16:22 |
joanki | just a c++ code | 16:22 |
darwich | c/join #ubuntu-effects | 16:23 |
malocite | Can someone give me a quick hand adding a new harddrive to fstab? | 16:23 |
danielbw | joanki: I have never had a terminal freeze on: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 16:23 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: id the execute bit set on your mystery app? | 16:23 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, i've seen a text file shown as a binary in nautilus | 16:23 |
joanki | it deidn't exactly freeze | 16:23 |
danielbw | joanki those are bacvkticks, btw thats the same key with the tilde symbol | 16:23 |
joanki | i got this: | 16:23 |
joanki | > | 16:23 |
MarcC | how do I tell which numbers mean what when I look at my Load Cycle Count? | 16:23 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: that;s because it might be for example a script | 16:24 |
dbrewer_rjr | i did a 'perfect setup' of feisty from howtoforge, with ispconfig. I can receive emails, but not send them! Help! | 16:24 |
Pici | joanki: Make sure that you are using the grave accent (on the same key as the ~ on US keyboards) | 16:24 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: use the file urility - nautilus is not a reliable guide anyway | 16:24 |
danielbw | joanki, uname -r is surrounded by backticks. Thiose are not apostrophe's | 16:24 |
rsfriends | i have seen that some people did get animation gdesklets, how do i get that, that looks cool,;) | 16:24 |
spanks | When I try to convert avi to mpg (dvd) with avidemux, i get "incompatible output format" | 16:24 |
roaet | Does Ubuntu support hotswappable SATA harddrives? | 16:24 |
joanki | ohhhh | 16:24 |
joanki | ~ | 16:24 |
joanki | not ' | 16:24 |
joanki | ? | 16:24 |
joanki | ` | 16:24 |
joanki | i mean | 16:24 |
Pici | joanki: no, ` :) | 16:24 |
joanki | haha | 16:25 |
Pici | joanki: exactly. | 16:25 |
joanki | ok let me try | 16:25 |
danielbw | no, the backtick is the same key as tilde without the shift key pressed | 16:25 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: a script is not a binary, but it shows as executable | 16:25 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, something's seriously fscked up . i've never knwon a /bin to be a binary | 16:25 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: indeed | 16:25 |
joanki | interesting | 16:26 |
shishir | hi room | 16:26 |
joanki | it says: reading package lists done | 16:26 |
joanki | building dependency tree | 16:26 |
joanki | reading state information Donoe | 16:26 |
shishir | shishir is back with a silly question again | 16:26 |
joanki | package linux-header is not installed, so not removed | 16:26 |
=== mcogoni is now known as zabovo | ||
joanki | e: couldn't findpackage 2.6.22-14 - generic | 16:26 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, i thought you can switch a flag or something in a way similar to chmod that signify that it's a directory | 16:26 |
danielbw | take the space out | 16:26 |
JebJoya | hey, quick question, i've just got my replacement graphics card (nvidia 7600gs), to replace my ati 9600xt, when i boot up again, what gfx drivers should i use before i get the nvidia ones? | 16:26 |
danielbw | type uname -r | 16:27 |
danielbw | what does it say | 16:27 |
JebJoya | the "interim" one if you like" | 16:27 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: which is entirely pointless, since it is a binary *not* a directory | 16:27 |
JebJoya | -" | 16:27 |
shishir | guys which is the best torrent client | 16:27 |
joanki | danielbw, says 2.6.22-14-generic | 16:27 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: as we established some time ago | 16:27 |
murlidhar | shishir: rtorrent and deluge | 16:27 |
danielbw | joanki: type uname -r in the console and tell me exactly waht it says | 16:27 |
OSCAR_ACOSTA | how come my grub-screen is just text based and not graphical? | 16:27 |
Cochise | shishir, delue | 16:27 |
Cochise | shishir, deluge | 16:27 |
elliotjhug | JebJoya: I use Vesa - but it should default itself to appropriate drivers when it turns on | 16:27 |
rsfriends | ktorrent works good;) | 16:27 |
danielbw | ok, so now do this | 16:27 |
shishir | ok | 16:27 |
OSCAR_ACOSTA | i did a normal 7.10 install | 16:27 |
shishir | thanks port fowarding?? | 16:27 |
Vlet | danielbw: Just realized fusesmb just creates a "mountpoint" to the local net, not a mount point :-/ | 16:27 |
JebJoya | elliotjhug: thanks, i've just had... issues with gfx drivers and wanted to check :) thanks :) | 16:27 |
Cochise | shishir, wat do you mean by port forwarding | 16:28 |
danielbw | joank do: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic | 16:28 |
sakis_ser | hello everyone! can anybody provide some help with setting and configuring my sound card in Ubuntu 7.10? The sound card is not recognized by Ubuntu and no sound output is generated. My sound card is a mo-bo builtin "Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] PCI Multi-Channel Audio Controller (rev 01)" as seend in lspci | 16:28 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: what is this weird thing, anyway? | 16:28 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, so it is possible though ? | 16:28 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, it doesn't do anything | 16:28 |
Pici | OSCAR_ACOSTA: Grub has always been text-based. | 16:28 |
danielbw | Vlet: is this a desktop or server? | 16:28 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
shishir | port forwarding is a technology.. i dont know exactly how it works | 16:28 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: NO - a directory is a directory - a binary is NOT s directory | 16:28 |
shishir | well it makes good upload speed | 16:28 |
OSCAR_ACOSTA | Pici, ah alright. :) | 16:28 |
Cochise | shinao1, delue uses port 6881 by default do you have a router? | 16:28 |
shishir | check out portforarding.com | 16:29 |
dbrewer_rjr | i did a 'perfect setup' of feisty from howtoforge, with ispconfig. I can receive emails, but not send them! Help! | 16:29 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: you can't magiclly make an ELF binary become a direcory | 16:29 |
OSCAR_ACOSTA | Pici, do you know how to get the default vga back on console? It uses some weird resolution or font. | 16:29 |
Cochise | shishir, , delue uses port 6881 by default do you have a router? | 16:29 |
DG19075 | 16:29 | |
shishir | yep | 16:29 |
lili_ | where can i add a command to start a program at boot? | 16:29 |
murlidhar | shishir: as far as i know there is no torrent client that supports port forwarding | 16:29 |
shishir | beetel router | 16:29 |
Pici | !boot | lili_ | 16:29 |
ubotu | lili_: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 16:29 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, ok | 16:29 |
thoreauputic | lili_: /etc/rc.local usually | 16:29 |
shishir | Utorrent | 16:29 |
murlidhar | shishir: only router have port forwarding | 16:29 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, so in that case something's written over that directory | 16:29 |
yell0w | :/ | 16:29 |
OSCAR_ACOSTA | thank you | 16:29 |
Pici | OSCAR_ACOSTA: I dont know off the top of my head. I remember seeing some fixes on the forums though,. | 16:29 |
Vlet | danielbw: the remote server is a windows server. the local system is a desktop. | 16:29 |
tapio | I need to make room on my / partition. Would deleting the contents of /var/lib/ screw my over very badly, or just badly? | 16:30 |
murlidhar | shishir: could u tell me where is the option in utorrent | 16:30 |
sakis_ser | I already tried finding information about my issue but I saw that they suggest installing a new version of alsa. I already tried it but I rendered my installation unusable. | 16:30 |
Pici | tapio: very badly. | 16:30 |
Cochise | shishir, you need to allow the port your torrent client uses to pass through to your computers ip address so the torrent client can connect directly to the internet | 16:30 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: which is why I told you to recreate the directory after movingthe silly thing out of the way | 16:30 |
shishir | i dont know i made so many changes to my router config and made Utorrent access port 55982 | 16:30 |
murlidhar | shishir: k deluge has the feature | 16:30 |
shishir | the Utorrent client shows a green right sign only if the port is forwarded | 16:30 |
lili_ | thoreauputic, thx | 16:30 |
lili_ | Pici thx | 16:30 |
thoreauputic | yell0w: afk - back in a bit | 16:30 |
yell0w | thoreauputic, ok thanks | 16:30 |
shishir | but i have to make it the virtual server again i think?? | 16:31 |
roaet | anyone have any information on hot swapping sata drives in ubuntu? | 16:31 |
* N3bunel saluta | 16:31 | |
tapio | Trying to update to 7.10. Where does the update manager store the temp files? | 16:31 |
_skt|busy | so is it true that there aren't any ati problems on gutsy? | 16:31 |
Cochise | shishir, in your config port forwarding may also be called NAT | 16:31 |
shishir | ya | 16:31 |
shishir | i know | 16:31 |
Whitor | _skt|busy: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Installation | 16:31 |
_skt|busy | cause fiesty was a tragedy | 16:31 |
murlidhar | shishir: as far as i know there is a option in deluge to configure the access port | 16:31 |
Pici | tapio: /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 16:31 |
murlidhar | shishir: i am sure of it | 16:32 |
_skt|busy | i would have used fiesty if it didn't freeze every random amount of time. | 16:32 |
Whitor | _skt|busy: but that is an unstable version | 16:32 |
shishir | ok fine but i have to change the router settings again?? | 16:32 |
danielbw | Vlet: check out smb4k | 16:32 |
murlidhar | shishir: no | 16:32 |
vadash | hi! | 16:32 |
_skt|busy | so things are better for ati in gusty | 16:32 |
Zippy2 | i thought feisty was a release | 16:32 |
_skt|busy | looks like i'll have to dl a gusty disk. | 16:32 |
sakis_ser | hello everyone! can anybody provide some help with setting and configuring my sound card in Ubuntu 7.10? The sound card is not recognized by Ubuntu and no sound output is generated. My sound card is a mo-bo builtin "Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] PCI Multi-Channel Audio Controller (rev 01)" as seend in lspci. I already tried finding information about my issue but I saw that they suggest installing a new version o | 16:32 |
_skt|busy | gutsy | 16:32 |
vadash | can someone helpme with xlink??? | 16:32 |
murlidhar | shishir: u can confiugure deluge as per ur router settings | 16:32 |
genii | _skt|busy, composite support still seems broken in ATI drivers. Some say newest 8.42.3 fixes this, i have not yet any firsthand evidence | 16:33 |
spanks | When I try to convert avi to mpg (dvd) with avidemux, i get "incompatible output format" | 16:33 |
shishir | ok i will try thanks murli... | 16:33 |
Whitor | _skt|busy: ask in #compiz-fusion | 16:33 |
shishir | from blore?? | 16:33 |
murlidhar | !hi | vadash | 16:33 |
ubotu | vadash: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 16:33 |
_skt|busy | does it really have anything to do with that? | 16:33 |
murlidhar | shishir: nope from vizag | 16:33 |
_skt|busy | i mean i didn't have any of the effects on. | 16:33 |
shishir | oh.. cool which ubuntu?? | 16:33 |
_skt|busy | i just "started up" ubuntu and it would freeze every like so often. | 16:33 |
Whitor | _skt|busy: or #ubuntu-effects | 16:33 |
openstandards | hi i'm experiencing sound problem on my dell lattitude d600 use to work fine up until yesterday now it sounds like if a speaker has blown but it also sounds like this on headphones too | 16:33 |
tapio | thanks Pici | 16:34 |
Cochise | _skt|busy, im using gutsy with the new ati driver and its sweet | 16:34 |
_skt|busy | it hasn't frozen on you? | 16:34 |
_skt|busy | well if that's the case i'll have to bag me up a gutsy dl. | 16:34 |
shishir | ok anyways bye murli should study got test tom | 16:34 |
Cochise | _skt|busy, when installing it follow this link; http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2007/10/23/fglrx-8423---finally-with-AIGLX-support | 16:34 |
Cochise | _skt|busy, yup no freezing | 16:34 |
_skt|busy | sweeet | 16:34 |
_skt|busy | i just got a second hdd that i want to use for something | 16:35 |
_skt|busy | :D | 16:35 |
Cochise | _skt|busy, save my email addy and ill help you on msn if you get stuck | 16:35 |
_skt|busy | :D | 16:35 |
crodgers | is there anything special required to use 'apt-get install PACKAGE' from a chroot? | 16:35 |
Dr_Willis | not that i have seen crodgers | 16:36 |
vadash | someone use xlink??? | 16:36 |
Dr_Willis | vadash aparently not. | 16:36 |
Dr_Willis | !info xlink | 16:36 |
ubotu | Package xlink does not exist in gutsy | 16:36 |
crodgers | Dr_Willis: for some reason i cannot get apt-get install lilo to work | 16:37 |
sakis_ser | hello everyone! can anybody provide some help with setting and configuring my sound card in Ubuntu 7.10? The sound card is not recognized by Ubuntu and no sound output is generated. My sound card is a mo-bo builtin "Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] PCI Multi-Channel Audio Controller (rev 01)" as seend in lspci | 16:37 |
Cochise | crodgers, did you put sudo infront of apt-get | 16:37 |
vadash | i know is software tu tunneland play with xbox and other videogms | 16:37 |
Shapeshifter | I turned off system beep in System/preferences/sound but I still get a beep and it's really annoying, how can I get rid of it? | 16:37 |
crodgers | Dr_Willis: it says that it can't resolve archive.ubuntu.com, but my internet connetion is working fine | 16:37 |
nanda | I just formatted my windows drive to put on ubuntu and realised there was still some stuff I needed on there =(. Do you guys know any free data recovery tools ? | 16:37 |
Dr_Willis | crodgers LILO when it runs - will want to access the /dev/ things. You will need to have the /dev/ mounted properly for the chroot enviroment to access it | 16:37 |
malocite | Can someone give me a quick hand adding a new harddrive to fstab so that when I boot the drive will mount on its own? | 16:37 |
thoreauputic | crodgers: you created a /etc/apt/sources.list file in the chroot, right? | 16:37 |
crodgers | Dr_Willis: yes, same resut | 16:37 |
thoreauputic | crodgers: ah scratch that | 16:37 |
Dr_Willis | crodgers i always cheat and check the gentoo install docs. :) i know they got the proper commands to remount /dev and /proc to the chrooted place. let me see if i got my notes | 16:38 |
crodgers | Dr_Willis: i will look there too | 16:38 |
Dr_Willis | crodgers i cant find them. theres somting ya got to do with /proc and /dev befor you chroot I belive | 16:38 |
malocite | is there a better program to use for unzipping files than file-roller??? | 16:39 |
Vlet | malocite: better how? | 16:39 |
Dr_Willis | !info unp | 16:39 |
ubotu | unp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.12 (gutsy), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB | 16:39 |
x00m | Are there any known issues with the Intel Pro/100 VE notebook (on-board) network adapter? Mine seems to be running incredibly slow. | 16:39 |
crodgers | Dr_Willis: i mounted both the partition and the proc before i chrooted | 16:40 |
shishir | hey unpacking rar files?? | 16:40 |
thoreauputic | !rar | 16:40 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 16:40 |
malocite | vlet well, file-roller has this really annoying bug. If you right click on a ZIP file for example, and say EXTRACT HERE it never works - it says "Ann error occurred while extracting files" then when you click on command line output it says "warning: stripped absolute path spec from / | 16:40 |
malocite | mapname: conversion of failed | 16:40 |
malocite | " | 16:40 |
Cochise | shishir, open a terminal type sudo apt-get install unrar | 16:41 |
Shapeshifter | I turned off system beep in System/preferences/sound but I still get a beep and it's really annoying, how can I get rid of it? | 16:41 |
shishir | ok | 16:41 |
thoreauputic | Shapeshifter: xset b off | 16:41 |
Cochise | shishir, to unrar them then open a terminal go to the dir with rar and type unrar e filename.rar | 16:41 |
Vlet | malocite: strange.. extract here works for me :/ | 16:41 |
Dr_Willis | Shapeshifter some programs have their own beep functanilty also. | 16:41 |
shishir | oh.. no gui?? | 16:41 |
Shapeshifter | thoreauputic: k, thx! I'll try that | 16:41 |
shishir | even in gutsy?? | 16:41 |
malocite | its listed as a bug | 16:41 |
malocite | it did it to me in Feisty (but the FIRST file would always unzip first) | 16:42 |
Cochise | shishir, if after you install unrar you could try right click the rar and extract here it might work | 16:42 |
malocite | now that I am in gutsy it extracts nothing | 16:42 |
Shapeshifter | thoreauputic: aand it worked, thx genius ;) | 16:42 |
gribouille | how can I use compiz with kde ? | 16:42 |
thoreauputic | Shapeshifter: :) | 16:42 |
Vlet | malocite: yep, works fine for me | 16:42 |
murlidhar | shishir: u just have u install urar once . after that u just have to use your existing file-roller applications for extracting | 16:42 |
Pici | !compiz-#kubuntu | gribouille | 16:42 |
ubotu | gribouille: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 16:42 |
malocite | vlet: well, back to my original question, is there another program I can use | 16:43 |
shishir | whts file roller?? | 16:43 |
gribouille | Pici, thanks | 16:43 |
thoreauputic | Shapeshifter: won't survive a new login, of course | 16:43 |
Pici | shishir: Its the tool that decompresses stuff in Gnome. | 16:43 |
malocite | shishir: gnomes compressed file manager | 16:43 |
Vlet | malocite: xarchiver perhaps | 16:43 |
thoreauputic | Shadowpillar: but you can type it when you need it :) | 16:43 |
Vlet | malocite: or 7zip | 16:43 |
malocite | shishir: handles zip files etc | 16:43 |
x00m | Dell Latitude D505 + Intel Pro/100 VE network adapter + very slow connection = known issue? | 16:43 |
shishir | oh.. i have never seen it | 16:43 |
shishir | i mean not in menus | 16:44 |
murlidhar | the default application in ubuntu to read or extract . archived packages like zip, rar, tar and so on | 16:44 |
malocite | vlet: p7zp? | 16:44 |
malocite | err p7zip | 16:44 |
Pici | shishir: Its what is invoked when you right click and extract compressed files. | 16:44 |
murlidhar | shishir: the default application in ubuntu to read or extract . archived packages like zip, rar, tar and so on | 16:44 |
shishir | oh ok | 16:44 |
Vlet | malocite: yes | 16:44 |
shishir | got it | 16:44 |
shishir | ubuntu irc channel roccks | 16:44 |
Shapeshifter | thoreauputic: Well is there a easy way to stick it to any logon? else I'll just put it into a script that loads on startup anyway... | 16:45 |
shishir | another prob booting slow.. | 16:45 |
shishir | shows some error all the time during starting all process | 16:45 |
Shapeshifter | thoreauputic: or, let's not say "easy" but "correct", putting it into that script is in fact very easy ;) | 16:45 |
thoreauputic | Shapeshifter: might work for example if you put it in ~/.gnomerc | 16:45 |
Pici | x00m: I've seen bad network performance if IPV6 is enabled and you don't need it. | 16:45 |
Pici | !ipv6 | x00m | 16:45 |
ubotu | x00m: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 16:45 |
shishir | " boot sector and its back up not same" | 16:45 |
shishir | wont fix this automatically | 16:46 |
murlidhar | shishir: i am not sure about that. srry i can't help u | 16:46 |
shishir | last prob plz solve | 16:46 |
Dr_Willis | that sounds almost like a anti-virus feature of the bios | 16:46 |
Cochise | shishir, stumped, | 16:46 |
MikeCamel | anyone with compiz experience recognise this behaviour? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compizconfig-settings-manager/+bug/158662 | 16:46 |
murlidhar | shishir: somebody else will surely do that / | 16:46 |
shishir | i had added a splash image to the boot screen then removed it.. is it because of that | 16:47 |
shishir | ?? | 16:47 |
Dr_Willis | shishir that proberlymeans you are now seeing messages you dident see befor. | 16:47 |
Pici | MikeCamel: Have you asked in #compiz-fusion ? | 16:47 |
Dr_Willis | shishir is the system not booting? or any other proboems ? if not - id just ignire ut | 16:47 |
shishir | yep | 16:47 |
MikeCamel | tried #compiz | 16:47 |
MikeCamel | will try #compiz-fusion. | 16:48 |
shishir | no no problems but delays stuff | 16:48 |
danielbw | so, i installed ubuntu server lamp and i also installed phpmyadmin | 16:48 |
sandgrain | whats the channel for ubuntu/nvidia specific questions? | 16:48 |
shishir | my gnome also starts slow.. | 16:48 |
malocite | Can someone give me a quick hand adding a new harddrive to fstab so that when I boot the drive will mount on its own? | 16:48 |
shishir | i hav to wait for secs b4 i see my pannels | 16:48 |
danielbw | the mysql databases' Collation is: latin1_swedish_ci while all other databases' Collation is: utf8_general_ci | 16:49 |
Cochise | malocite, whats the hard drives location hd? sa? | 16:49 |
danielbw | the mysql databases' Collation is: latin1_swedish_ci while all other databases' Collation is: utf8_general_ci. Should I do anything about hte mysql databases' Collation? | 16:49 |
shishir | sda sata hard disk | 16:49 |
x00m | ubotu: Thanks! | 16:49 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 16:49 |
Pici | danielbw: Kind of offtopic for this channel, try #mysql | 16:50 |
shishir | still no clue?? | 16:50 |
dhuv | hello all | 16:50 |
malocite | Cochise: I think its /dev/sdb1 - Thats what it says when I type MOUNT after mounting it manually with ubuntu | 16:50 |
danielbw | Pici, I just did. I just now realized that it was a mysql question | 16:50 |
thoreauputic | boysgotcocks: I strongly suggesr changing your bick | 16:50 |
malocite | Cochise: it is also a linux formatted drive - it used to be the main drive in this machine | 16:50 |
thoreauputic | aargh typ city | 16:51 |
* thoreauputic gives up | 16:51 | |
Dr_Willis | thoreauputic that could of been a very bad typo. :) | 16:51 |
Cochise | malocite, where do u want to mount it to, so its ext3? | 16:51 |
thoreauputic | Dr_Willis: it was a close call :) | 16:51 |
shishir | hey guys can i help in development of ubuntu anyway i know c and c++ and related stuff | 16:52 |
dhuv | I have Kubuntu Gutsy installed on my T42 and am having a problem with my sound, when playing file or watching a video on YouTube, I notice that if there is a part of the song where the volume is very low, my speakers shut off, I hear a click, then when the volume increases, I hear another click and speakers turn on | 16:52 |
Mountaingod | Can anybody help me get a response from my Lexmark z708? This is one of two problems that need solving before the end of the day or I'll drop ubuntu and return to windows. After 4 months or so, the novelty factor has been superseded by the necessity of having a working computer again. Everything on the forums has been tried and has failed. I hear the odd faint whispering of somebody having managed to get this model printer workin | 16:52 |
gribouille | can I use compiz without loosing my window decoration settings ? | 16:52 |
ebirtaid | dhuv: internal speakers? | 16:53 |
downhillgames | lol Mountaingod "or I'll drop Ubuntu and return to Windows" | 16:53 |
downhillgames | bye. | 16:53 |
malocite | Cochise: is ext3 just like a regular drive? so that I can access its files (sorry, I am not clear on that part) If so then yes, I want to be able to read and write to it normally | 16:53 |
Zippy2 | Mountaingod: linux isnt a novelty; it's an os | 16:53 |
dhuv | ebirtaid: yes | 16:53 |
thoreauputic | Mountaingod: lexmarks seem often to be problems | 16:53 |
Mountaingod | they do indeed | 16:53 |
heguru | shishir: join #ubuntu-motu | 16:53 |
malocite | Cochise: and we can mount it wherever /mnt/500gig or whatever | 16:53 |
thoreauputic | Mountaingod: can you afford an HP ? *grin* | 16:53 |
Zippy2 | ext3 is a fs. you need linux or a win/mac driver to see it not in linux | 16:53 |
Cochise | malocite, ok so open a terminal and unmount the drive | 16:53 |
ebirtaid | are you sure it isnt a hardware problem? | 16:53 |
dhuv | ebirtaid: I actually think its a software problem | 16:54 |
Mountaingod | thoreauputic: It was bought before I got ubuntu, and I was considering that. As I say, that isn't the only issue though. | 16:54 |
malocite | Cochise: done | 16:54 |
dhuv | before Kubuntu, I used Debian and I do not recall this problem with that | 16:54 |
kroynos | first check to see if the drives is listed in /etc/fstab or do a DF in terminal command line | 16:54 |
ebirtaid | what programs does it happen with dhuv? | 16:54 |
Mountaingod | thoreauputic: So I'm less inclined to spend money because in the end I might still end up giving up | 16:55 |
thoreauputic | Mountaingod: unfortunately unless manufacturers give out specs, it's hard for the Linux gurus to write drivers... | 16:55 |
kroynos | there is a script driven program called diskmounter | 16:55 |
Cochise | malocite, in terminal type sudo mkdir /media/sdb1 | 16:55 |
dhuv | I am using Amarok right now but it also happens when watching videos in YouTube with Adobe's flash plugin | 16:55 |
Zippy2 | dhuv: i think debian lenny is better. i did the same as you | 16:55 |
malocite | Cochise: done | 16:55 |
Mountaingod | thoreauputic: To be fair, it is another case of M$ dominance being the problem rather than a deficit on the ubuntu developer's part. The same can't be said for my gutsy not shutting down without freezing though | 16:55 |
Cochise | malocite, sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 16:55 |
thoreauputic | Mountaingod: have you submitted a bug report? | 16:56 |
Shapeshifter | Does someone know a good consistens guide how to complie a new kernel on gutsy? | 16:56 |
dhuv | Zippy2: there are great things with Ubuntu/Kubuntu, it has been working well for me on the laptop, I am continuing to use Debian on my servers | 16:56 |
Shapeshifter | *consistent | 16:56 |
ebirtaid | not sure, I have never experienced it | 16:56 |
pike_ | Mountaingod: lexmark is i gather pretty bad its almost a winprinter or something | 16:56 |
malocite | Cochise: done | 16:56 |
Cochise | malocite, /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 ext3 defaults 0 2 | 16:56 |
Cochise | malocite, add that line above to the end of the file | 16:56 |
Zippy2 | dhuv: i tried install full disk crypto on debian and it worked after a long time. i found out there was a new kubuntu and tried that. same installer, didnt work | 16:57 |
pike_ | Mountaingod: typically what i do is a search of linuxprinting.org like in google 'site:linuxprinting.org printermodel' to see if there is hope | 16:57 |
mkz | I've just instlled gutsy (in the last 24 hours) and I can't help but notice that strigidaemon continues to suck up 50%+ resources. How long must I wait before strigi is done cataloging the files on my system (I'm assuming that is what the daemon is doing)? Or am I better off just shutting the CPU hog off? | 16:57 |
x00m | After blacklisting ipv6 (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4) and having no output of ipv6, I still have slow network connectivity. | 16:57 |
malocite | Cochise: done | 16:57 |
Zippy2 | i dont know how they did it, but debian's management is actually getting something done | 16:57 |
Mountaingod | pike_: Indeed. If only I had foreseen my switch to ubuntu when the printer was bought :( I'll re-check linuxprinting | 16:57 |
Cochise | malocite, make sure the line you added is in line with ones all ready there, when done save the file and go back to the terminal | 16:57 |
dhuv | Zippy2: Kubuntu is based on Debian | 16:57 |
malocite | Cochise: yup | 16:58 |
dhuv | all of the Ubuntu releases are | 16:58 |
Zippy2 | dhuv: i know | 16:58 |
thoreauputic | Mountaingod: there is also a hardware compatibility page on th eubuntu wiki I believe | 16:58 |
ganeshhegde | an unknown sound is coming in my comp..it's like a smily sound..can any 1 help?v | 16:58 |
Zippy2 | dhuv: ubuntu is backed by a company tho and debian is doing better | 16:58 |
Zippy2 | except for that vmware vmi thing in the kernel | 16:58 |
fdty34g | Hi, I would like to know how to record calls with Ekiga | 16:58 |
malocite | Cochise: that did it! Thanks so much, looks like I was close before, just doing one or two things wrong | 16:58 |
Cochise | malocite, thatĺl auto mount it but itĺl be unwriteable unless your root so | 16:58 |
Zippy2 | ok gotta go to work afk | 16:58 |
dhuv | Zippy2: I actually like the polish that has gone into the Kubuntu Desktop | 16:58 |
Cochise | malocite, in terminal sudo chown -R yourusername /media/sdb1 | 16:59 |
Zippy2 | dhuv: i dont use desktops so it doesnt matter. i do like how kubuntu 7.10 made their menus more compact; that was nice. | 16:59 |
thoreauputic | Mountaingod: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 16:59 |
Zippy2 | i install kubuntu at work | 16:59 |
Mountaingod | thoreauputic: Yeah, I've seen various such lists around. I think that particular bug has already been reported, it's quite a common one in various guises. Gutsy not shutting down | 16:59 |
Zippy2 | for a computr lab. ok afk | 16:59 |
shoot^ | guys, i've been running gutsy since yesterday and am getting frequent crashes that can only be resolved by power-down. Checking the syslog, it appears it might be something to do with the network manager (specifically wireless) on my laptop, which worked stable and fine under feisty. any suggestions? | 17:00 |
x00m | After blacklisting ipv6 (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4) and having no output of ipv6, I still have slow network connectivity. | 17:00 |
thoreauputic | Mountaingod: there is also for examphttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportRecommendedHardwarele | 17:00 |
malocite | shoot^: Did you do an UPGRADE or a fresh install? | 17:00 |
Cochise | malocite, after typing the above line enter this one sudo chmod 664 -R /media/sdb1 | 17:00 |
ganeshhegde | fdty34g: an unknown sound is coming in my comp..it's like a smily sound..can u help? | 17:00 |
shoot^ | malocite, fresh install | 17:00 |
malocite | Cochise: Should that take a while? | 17:00 |
dhuv | does anybody know why I am having my sound go totally silent after a certain threshold | 17:00 |
shoot^ | malocite, 3, infact! | 17:00 |
thoreauputic | oops bad link try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportRecommendedHardware | 17:00 |
graulich | I just installed xubuntu-desktop. On the first time I loaded the xfce session all was well, but since then every time I try, xfce4-session doesn't start and I have to start all the bits and pieces of xfce one by one. | 17:01 |
Cochise | malocite, depends is there much on the drive? | 17:01 |
malocite | shoot^: I did an upgrade and had NOTHING but trouble. Firefox would crash constnantly, network manager, everything, popped in a new drive, did a fresh install - and boom, everything worked | 17:01 |
bobodclown | hi there, After upgrading to gutsy, my graphics card and screen (geforce 5200 gts) no longer detect and ubuntu ignores all my attempts to define it (using gui and manually edited xorg.conf) any ideas? | 17:01 |
ganeshhegde | dhuv:an unknown sound is coming in my comp..it's like a smily sound..can u help? | 17:01 |
malocite | Cochise: Its a 500 gigger with lots of video... so I guess it'll take a whi;e | 17:01 |
shoot^ | malocite: i figured that would be the case so didnt even bother with an upgrade, just a clean install :( | 17:01 |
malocite | Cochise: What does that last command do btw? | 17:02 |
dhuv | ganeshhegde: I know the sound coming out of my computer :) | 17:02 |
Cochise | malocite, yup did you see the second command i listed for you too (sudo chmod 664 -R /media/sdb1) dont forget to type that after as well then just reboot and it should work | 17:02 |
dhuv | what kind of sound is coming out of your speakers | 17:02 |
penba | can anyone check if pearpc is in the universe repositories? | 17:02 |
dhuv | did you turn the volume up? | 17:02 |
malocite | Cochise: Yeah I saw it thanks, I was just wondering what it did | 17:02 |
Cochise | malocite, (664 gives owner and group read/write and others read only) | 17:02 |
penba | It should be, but apt-get returns a "can't be found" | 17:02 |
malocite | got it | 17:02 |
Cochise | malocite, if you want all users and groups to be able to read/write change the 664 to 777 | 17:03 |
malocite | I switched to ubuntu in July, and now use it as my primary OS on my system, even bought another machine to use as a mythbuntu mediacentre | 17:03 |
dhuv | I got "pearpc - PowerPC architecture emulator" | 17:03 |
thoreauputic | Cochise: that would be 666 not 777 | 17:03 |
malocite | Cochise: Will I need to do that if I want to be able to copy files from a different machine onto that drive? | 17:03 |
ganeshhegde | dhuv:its like hooooooooo...haaaaaaa..heeeeeee.(2 seconds it repeats..) | 17:03 |
penba | dhuv: thanks... there's something weird with my repositories, then | 17:03 |
thoreauputic | Cochise: 7 includes the execute bit | 17:03 |
penba | dhuv: what mirror do you use for universe? | 17:04 |
dhuv | ganeshhegde: if you turn the volume up does it get louder (what you should find out is if it is something coming out of your speakers or if its a sound that something else is making (hdd perhaps)) | 17:04 |
janerik | Help needed. I messed up my boot splash screen, and now it\s gone. Only text showing on boot. Anyone please._- | 17:04 |
elwario91 | bonjour | 17:04 |
Jimdb | malocite: shoot^: I did several types of installs on my computers upgrading from feisty to gutsy. One machine had to be wiped and reinstalled from scratch. The other upgrade went ok but I had various config issues with numerous programs. I think it is common and expected to have some issues. My reinstall from scratch I had to attribute to an upgrade from edgy to feisty to gutsy. Luckily that machine was secondary to my daily use. | 17:04 |
axisys | i can eject a dvd-r 4.7 but cannot mount it.. why not? | 17:04 |
Cochise | malocite, depends if the other machine windows or linux windows ignores file premissions | 17:04 |
axisys | i can hear it is trying to read | 17:05 |
elwario91 | quelqu'un peut me dire si il/elle peut charger sa jaquette personnelle sur americas army 2.50? | 17:05 |
ganeshhegde | dhuv: its speeker... | 17:05 |
graulich | I just installed xubuntu-desktop. On the first time I loaded the xfce session all was well, but since then every time I try, xfce4-session doesn't start and I have to start all the bits and pieces of xfce one by one. | 17:05 |
malocite | Cochise: It'll be an ubuntu box | 17:05 |
axisys | tail -f /var/log/messages does not show anything | 17:05 |
thoreauputic | !fr | elwario91 | 17:05 |
ubotu | elwario91: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 17:05 |
elwario91 | sorry | 17:05 |
malocite | jimdb: fun eh? :) I did a clean install this morning, and so far everything is fine | 17:05 |
bobodclown | hey all, can someone help? Since upgrading to gutsy i cant get my geforce 5200 configured. Have tried xorg.conf editing and gui's. any ideas? | 17:05 |
Cochise | malocite, one way to find out, if it doesnt work on another machine just come back to me im here alot | 17:05 |
KlrSpz | i have my alsamixer unmuted, just upgraded to 7.10, and now my sound doesn't work (fresh install) and alsa-utils is started... any ideas on what to look for?? (actually using xubuntu) | 17:05 |
IdleOne | need some help with Epiphany http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42692/ | 17:05 |
shoot^ | Jimdb- the problem is im getting instability following a completely clean install, seemingly related to the network manager. Any ideas? | 17:05 |
malocite | Cochise: thanks, now I'm just gonna figure out how to access that drive from my other mahcine, and I'll be money :) | 17:05 |
malocite | Cochise: Can't get this kinda service on windows :) | 17:06 |
Jimdb | malocite: it's about the learning experience for me. but had the reinstall issue affected my main machine I would have been perturbed. | 17:06 |
Cochise | malocite, johnshortland | 17:06 |
malocite | Cochise: :) | 17:06 |
Cochise | malocite, johnshortland@gmail.com (msn) if you need help quickly | 17:06 |
Jimdb | shoot^: my suggestion would be to disable the network component in bios and see if the problem persists. if it does, get a cheap add-in card and try again. | 17:06 |
fevel | how can I connect automatically to wifi networks? | 17:07 |
Jimdb | shoot^: that is "if it doesn't" | 17:07 |
doubled | anyone know a good ftp server with ssl/tls capability ? | 17:07 |
IdleOne | !ftp | 17:07 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 17:07 |
malocite | jimdb: Yeah, I am learning sooo much :) | 17:07 |
Lord_Illidan | fevel, try wicd | 17:07 |
stefg | !ftpd | 17:07 |
ubotu | FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 17:07 |
shoot^ | Jimdb- ok. Its a laptop with inbuilt wireless, so an addon card isnt out the question. Seeing as it was stable under Feisty i'd really rather not have to buy some new hardware! I might just have to downgrade again if the problem persists. | 17:07 |
ferronica_ | the panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet". do you want to delete the applet from your configuration? | 17:07 |
Jimdb | shoot^: that should help eliminate the nic as the potential cause. | 17:07 |
ganeshhegde | dhuv:when v move mouse near an add in some siteit makes some sound right?samething but even if i restart it ll be running contineously | 17:07 |
dhuv | penba: "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe" | 17:07 |
penba | thanks | 17:08 |
Cochise | malocite, need anything else? | 17:08 |
Jimdb | shoot^: i guess you can only try turning off networking. and then watch for stability. if you don't have issues then it is the driver. aside from that I can't say. | 17:08 |
stefg | graulich: try to add another user and see of it's the same with that | 17:08 |
HorizonXP | has anyone got Cisco VPN working on Gutsy 64bit? | 17:08 |
HorizonXP | !cisco | 17:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cisco - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 17:08 |
HorizonXP | !ciscovpn | 17:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ciscovpn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 17:08 |
HorizonXP | !vpn | 17:08 |
ubotu | From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD | 17:08 |
fevel | Lord_Illidan: its not on synaptic | 17:08 |
dhuv | ganeshhegde: shut down your browser | 17:08 |
shoot^ | Jimdb, assuming it is the driver causing problems, what would my next step be? | 17:08 |
Jimdb | shoot^: test first, then investigate | 17:09 |
Mountaingod | thoreauputic: thanks. I'll take a look sometime. I really like a lot of things about ubuntu, but at the minute I can't afford to have a computer that has this many problems. When I first started dual-booting, I hoped the issues with windows (which I was sick of) would be a thing of the past. They are, but replaced by bigger issues that I would like to resolve so as to keep using ubuntu, but can't afford to spend any more hours on | 17:09 |
Mountaingod | cheers :) | 17:09 |
bobodclown | hey all, can someone help? Since upgrading to gutsy i cant get my geforce 5200 configured. Have tried xorg.conf editing and gui's. any ideas? | 17:09 |
graulich | stefg: I'll have to wait a bit before I can do that (I'm in the middle of things). Is there anything I could do to see what the problem is without logging off? | 17:09 |
Jimdb | shoot^: turning off the nic in bios is a 2 minute thing. you could test it in a few minutes. | 17:09 |
pike_ | graulich: tried generating a new xorg.conf with dpkg-reconfigure yet? | 17:09 |
Jimdb | shoot^: that notebook should also have a wired port for networking. | 17:10 |
Lord_Illidan | fevel, it's on sourceforge with a deb | 17:10 |
doubled | i ment ftp client | 17:10 |
shoot^ | Jimdb, this is true | 17:10 |
pike_ | bobodclown: ^^ | 17:10 |
KlrSpz | i have my alsamixer unmuted, just upgraded to 7.10, and now my sound doesn't work (fresh install) and alsa-utils is started... any ideas on what to look for?? (actually using xubuntu) | 17:10 |
graulich | pike_, no, but the problem started after I messed with the xkb options in there to get multiple layouts | 17:10 |
bobodclown | pike_: not yet, ill give it a shot, thx | 17:10 |
fevel | Lord_Illidan: ok thanks | 17:10 |
Jupp2 | is there a way to check if my cpu has sse3? | 17:10 |
pike_ | Jupp2: cat /proc/cpuinfo perhaps | 17:11 |
ganeshhegde | dhuv:even if i close browser n switch off modem..its running.. | 17:11 |
stefg | graulich: not really. either the initscript is broken, or something prevents the things from being exec'd. you only know more if you know if it's a per user, or a systemwide problem | 17:11 |
joerlend_ | how can I update my own local language packs? | 17:11 |
bobodclown | pike_: sorry to be lame, but which package do i want to reconfigure to generate a new xorg.conf? | 17:12 |
Jupp2 | pike_, I tried that on a cpu I know has sse3 (an Intel Core Duo) and the sse3 flag wasn't there | 17:12 |
stefg | bobodclown: what have you done up to now? actually all you need is nvidi-glx-new, and restricted manager should do it for you | 17:12 |
thoreauputic | bobfarrell: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 17:12 |
pike_ | bobodclown: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' typically i choose enter or default for most everything but driver and screen dimensions | 17:12 |
thoreauputic | umm that was for bobodclown sorry | 17:12 |
Aligi33 | Hi, all | 17:13 |
soumya | hi | 17:13 |
stefg | !hi | 17:13 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 17:13 |
bobodclown | pike_ stefg: i had enabled the nvidia driver in restricted drivers manager but have just checked and it was unabled.. gonna try rebooting again. | 17:14 |
dhuv | ganeshhegde: what if you kill X? | 17:15 |
pike_ | Jupp2: thats odd you using default ubuntu install? updated kernel and such. sorry im not going to be alot of help with that one | 17:15 |
stefg | bobodclown: a reboot (or rther X restart) is required to enable the driver | 17:15 |
SirBob1701 | hey guys I have an interesting situation. I formated to gutsy and it worked fine for 3 - 5 boots. then it would just go to a blinking screen half way though boot. I reformated again and it worked fine fore 3-5 boots and now I left it for 2 hours and it was still on a screen just blinking. At this screen I can't access ttys and recovery mode doesn't even boot. Do I have to format again? | 17:15 |
stefg | SirBob1701: that might be an IRQ or ACPI problem. you might need special boot parameters | 17:16 |
JebJoya | hey, have just installed a new nvidia gfx card (7600gs), installed restricted gfx drivers (after it used vesa in safe gfx mode or whatever), and rebooted - still in vesa safe gfx mode, and not finding my monitor - any suggestions? | 17:16 |
stefg | !boot | 17:16 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 17:16 |
KlrSpz | can no one hlep with sound? | 17:16 |
Jupp2 | pike_, Thanks. Do you have a x86 cpu with sse3? If you do, do you mind looking at your cpuinfo to see if it says sse3? | 17:16 |
stefg | !sound | KlrSpz | 17:17 |
ubotu | KlrSpz: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 17:17 |
KlrSpz | done | 17:17 |
SirBob1701 | stefg: would it seem normal that this would only happen for gutsy? worked fine for fiesty | 17:17 |
stefg | SirBob1701: what kind of CPU? | 17:17 |
SirBob1701 | AMD 4800+ X2 | 17:18 |
KlrSpz | stefg: yeah i've foudn all those, none fix my problem.. i'm not getting any reported errors, just no sound output | 17:18 |
stefg | SirBob1701: hmmm... what changed is that gutsy introduced a tickless kernel. But this is usually a problem with older CPUs. | 17:19 |
softwork | how i see my screen name? | 17:19 |
SirBob1701 | hmm | 17:19 |
stefg | !intelhda | KlrSpz | 17:19 |
ubotu | KlrSpz: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 17:19 |
Astrophix | Hello... | 17:19 |
genii | I've noticed the same behaviour, freeze on every-so-many boots in Gutsy. In my case seems to be searching for a hibernate image to restore from every so often. | 17:19 |
SirBob1701 | is there a way to save all the installed packages without having access to the installed systems apt? | 17:19 |
softwork | i have a problem, how i see my screen name? | 17:20 |
axisys | anyone can help with why I can only eject the dvd but my laptop does not detect it ? no log in messages file either | 17:20 |
Dekkard | screen name? | 17:20 |
stefg | KlrSpz: what does aply -l tell about your card ? | 17:20 |
stefg | KlrSpz: what does aplay -l tell about your card ? | 17:20 |
KlrSpz | tells me it sees an analog and a digi version | 17:20 |
Astrophix | I've set up a LAMP server. How do I connect my windows box to a host in stead of an IP-address? | 17:20 |
KlrSpz | stefg: why did this work in fiesty, but not gutsy? | 17:20 |
bobodclown | stefg pike_: hey guys, no luck, rebooted and now restricted drivers shows it enabled but graphics driver still defaults to vesa and wont let me change it, any ideas? | 17:20 |
stefg | KlrSpz: because gutsy has all sorts of problems due to a bad kernel | 17:21 |
Dekkard | got restricted modules installed? | 17:21 |
KlrSpz | ghey | 17:21 |
Manignug | how do I run something in a script multiple times | 17:22 |
SirBob1701 | arg this is pissing me off | 17:22 |
stefg | KlrSpz: and you need to tell make/model of your card, not 'one analog, one digital' | 17:22 |
Hex2 | Hi, is there a way to enable remote desktop from the command line? i have it to enable on boot, and logon on boot, but for some reason, i get conncetion refused, but i can get into the ssh | 17:22 |
xargon | can someone tell me how to write to a mac formatted external hd | 17:22 |
SirBob1701 | stefg: i'll reformat again is there output from any specific programs you think might help me find the solution? | 17:23 |
xargon | i installed hfsplus support using sympatic package manager but i still can't write to it | 17:23 |
stefg | xargon: hfs+ support is readonly, no way | 17:23 |
xargon | ahh | 17:23 |
Ubersoldat | sympatic? | 17:23 |
xargon | typo | 17:23 |
Dekkard | synaptic | 17:23 |
Cochise | xargon, did you try installing hfsutils i dont know if itĺl work but could be worth a try | 17:23 |
KlrSpz | stefg: http://rafb.net/p/z8iUZm78.html | 17:23 |
SNy | Typo. | 17:24 |
xargon | Cochise, i think i did | 17:24 |
stefg | SirBob1701: don't boot with 'quiet splash ' so you see what's going on during boot | 17:24 |
NET||abuse | hm, anyone know anything about getting some kind of replacement os or adding 3rd party apps to a PSP? | 17:24 |
KlrSpz | stefg: ahhh nm bbl, i have a few meetings to get to... | 17:24 |
Cryx | Heya! Anyone know why my motd (/etc/motd) are undoing all the changes made in to it when i reboot the system? | 17:24 |
I_G0dzzzz_I | swiftirc.net | 17:24 |
stefg | KlrSpz: follow the !intelhda howto | 17:24 |
stefg | !intelhda | KlrSpz | 17:25 |
ubotu | KlrSpz: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 17:25 |
bobodclown | stefg pike_: hey guys, no luck, rebooted and now restricted drivers shows it enabled but graphics driver still defaults to vesa and wont let me change it, any ideas? | 17:25 |
fevel | Lord_Illidan: wicd IS THE BOMB | 17:25 |
fevel | Lord_Illidan: thank you very much | 17:25 |
stefg | !fixres | bobodclown | 17:25 |
ubotu | bobodclown: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 17:25 |
shoot^ | guys- in my syslog, the entry immediately preceding a crash is "--Mark--" ...what does that mean? | 17:25 |
sidlet | bobodclown: What GFX card, & do you have the module loaded in your xorg config? | 17:25 |
bobodclown | stefg: thanks ill check | 17:26 |
Astrophix | I've set up a LAMP server. How do I connect my windows box to a hostname in stead of an IP-address? | 17:26 |
bobodclown | sidlet: its a GF 5200 GTS and i do but it never 'works' ie i reboot and it just defaults back to vesa | 17:27 |
venice | What group does my user need to be in to have access to a usb joystick? | 17:27 |
venice | i can only access it as root | 17:27 |
sidlet | bobodclown: Feisty or Gutsy? | 17:27 |
bobodclown | gutsy, it worked fine in feisty | 17:27 |
sidlet | heh, i'm no help then. I use -stable releases :P | 17:27 |
bobodclown | :) | 17:28 |
delta89 | hi | 17:28 |
CokcPUSY | Hi | 17:28 |
CokcPUSY | I am getting this error in GRUB | 17:28 |
CokcPUSY | Disk has been damaged. | 17:28 |
h4wk | hi, my kde bar is hidden. dont know where it is ? restarted my pc and now its hidden | 17:28 |
* stefg suggests a class action suit against Canonical for delivering a defective gutsy. WE WANT EVERY PENNY BACK THAT WE PAID! :-) | 17:29 | |
mgol | hi, I use Ubuntu and Scite. When I enter a "compile" command, everything's ok, but when I do the same with make, I get sth like that: | 17:29 |
SirBob1701 | stefg: do you delete the 'quiet splash' in menu.lst or do you leave splash and just remove quiet. sorry i forget | 17:29 |
mgol | make: *** Objects were not given and makefile wasn't founded. Stop. | 17:30 |
mgol | I don't know what to do, I installed build-essential | 17:30 |
stefg | SirBob1701: you might delete it from menu.lst to wtach the situation for a while. YOu cann add it back when you feel it'S stable | 17:30 |
Lava | hello, is it normal that the scroll-wheel on my mouse doesn't work well in ubuntu? | 17:30 |
Lava | or do i have to install something | 17:31 |
SirBob1701 | ya i deleted 'quiet splash' and nothing showed up like it should | 17:31 |
mgol | * "wasn't found" of course, sorry for my English :) | 17:31 |
stefg | SirBob1701: don't use framebuffer resos like vga=791. these are broken, too. | 17:31 |
SirBob1701 | ok | 17:32 |
thoreauputic | mgol: so it can't find the Makefile - is there one in the directory? | 17:32 |
Dekkard | Lava, you need to edit x.org config | 17:32 |
IdleOne | need some help with Epiphany http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42692/ | 17:32 |
Dekkard | !scrollwheel | 17:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about scrollwheel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 17:32 |
IdleOne | !mouse | Dekkard | 17:32 |
Dekkard | lava.. its a pretty easy fix | 17:33 |
b1n42y | can any1 tell me how i can kill X to install nvidia drivers ? | 17:33 |
ubotu | Dekkard: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto | 17:33 |
Lava | thx Dekkard | 17:33 |
Lava | how do i do it? | 17:33 |
thoreauputic | binarydigit: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 17:33 |
=== Cochise is now known as CochiseIRL | ||
ArrPirate | I'm really new to Ubuntu, so forgive me if this is a simple problem... I opened the search utility thing on the gnome dock and checked the preferences | 17:33 |
b1n42y | thanks thoreauputic | 17:33 |
thoreauputic | binarydigit: are you sure you need the nvidia drivers from their website? They are in the repos.. | 17:34 |
babo | Does the colorpicker extension for FF2 work on anyone else's system ? | 17:34 |
mgol | thoreauputic: no, there's no makefile in the directory. But I'm not doing this by oneself, Scite is entering these commands, so I don't know what to do to make it work with Scite... | 17:34 |
ArrPirate | I noticed there's a couple plugins with errors, namely beagle... so I went to the package manager thing and downloaded and installed beagle... but now Beagle Live is giving me an error | 17:34 |
b1n42y | i read somewhere that repo doesnt keep latest..correct ? | 17:34 |
ArrPirate | "Could not load beagle, libbeagle has been compiled without python bingings." ... how do I fix that? | 17:34 |
Astrophix | I've set up a LAMP server. How do I connect my windows box to a hostname in stead of an IP-address? | 17:35 |
thoreauputic | mgol: ah, that's a different issue - have you read the scite help? It's pretty comprehensive if I remember correctly | 17:35 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: i read somewhere that repo doesnt keep latest..correct ? | 17:35 |
Dekkard | lava.. i havent had to do it in years..In the /etc/X11/XF86Config file (in the mouse (Core Pointer's Input Device section)): | 17:35 |
Dekkard | Uncommented the following line | 17:35 |
Dekkard | Option "Protocol" "Auto" | 17:35 |
Dekkard | Added the following line | 17:35 |
Dekkard | Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" | 17:35 |
charles^^ | j'ai enfin resolu mon probléme de carte graphique | 17:35 |
stefg | Astrophix: you need a DNS server for that | 17:35 |
thoreauputic | b1n42y: I don't know, to be honest | 17:35 |
Dekkard | !fr | 17:35 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 17:35 |
Astrophix | stefg: thanks. | 17:36 |
dud_ | WHAT IS UBUNTU? | 17:36 |
stefg | Astrophix: or rather use a fxed IP and enter this in /etc/hosts | 17:36 |
Pici | !ubuntu | dud_ | 17:36 |
ubotu | dud_: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 17:36 |
ArrPirate | So, can anyone help me with my deskbar/beagle live issue? | 17:36 |
dud_ | thanks | 17:36 |
SirBob1701 | wtf did they do to break framebuffer resos anyway? | 17:37 |
stefg | SirBob1701: that's story so incredibly stupid that i don't dare to tell | 17:37 |
SirBob1701 | haha | 17:37 |
thoreauputic | Arron: I would think beagle would conflict with trackerd | 17:37 |
ArrPirate | I have another issue as well... when the screen dims to ask me for the admin password when I do things like mess with the package manager it doesn't shade my entire screen, just the upper left two thirds | 17:37 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: ok i c its downloading same file from repo but doesnt look like its for 64 bit arch | 17:38 |
bobodclown | stefg: hey dude, i followed the webpage, set up the card and screen, restarted xwin, and it came up with the "your graphics card/monitor could not be configured correctly" window and defaulted to vesa again. | 17:38 |
SirBob1701 | stefg: seems like this release got really screwed up on the important areas | 17:38 |
stefg | SirBob1701: that's true | 17:38 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: nevermind didnt see you response | 17:38 |
thoreauputic | b1n42y: don't know about 64 bit - I have an old 2 GHz Celeron :) | 17:38 |
Bonster | is it possible to mount an ISO of another distro and have it boot at start? | 17:39 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: thanks mate ill give it a go from repo than work my way back if it fails | 17:39 |
stefg | bobodclown: have you gone through 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' and selected nvidia as driver ? | 17:39 |
SirBob1701 | stefg: there were errors on the filesystem and it needed an fsck run but i couldn't tell cause i had vga=792 on. thanks for the help. I just wonder what the hell caused the filesystem errors | 17:40 |
Dr_willis | Bonster, ive heard of some tricks to get grub to boot an 'iso' file. but not sure of the specifics. It may only work with some specific disrtos | 17:40 |
aluno | hi | 17:40 |
ArrPirate | on a side note, anyone know of a way to stream video files from my computer running ubuntu to my 360? | 17:40 |
kale | Bonster: it is | 17:40 |
Dr_willis | ArrPirate, theres some sort of way to do that with MythTV - but it may need a modd'ed 360 | 17:41 |
thoreauputic | ArrPirate: vlc will stream video on LAN | 17:41 |
stefg | SirBob1701: install smartmon-tools and check if your disk might be in the process of dying | 17:41 |
SirBob1701 | ok | 17:41 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: looks like all good it was d/l a 64 bit version. | 17:41 |
thoreauputic | b1n42y: ah, good | 17:41 |
* thoreauputic reminds himself to hit tab twice when tab completing nicks... | 17:43 | |
b1n42y | ;p | 17:43 |
* stefg reminds thoreauputic to use a proper irc client :-) | 17:43 | |
bobodclown | stefg: yup did all that configured it asi had it in feisty (brb 5 min) | 17:43 |
thoreauputic | stefg: no, PEBCAK in this case | 17:43 |
fevel | can someone help me?? I need a disk to mount at boot | 17:44 |
b1n42y | off topic but anyway to disable 'user has joined' user has left room etc ..im using pidgin | 17:44 |
thoreauputic | stefg: there are too many similar nicks in this chan :) | 17:44 |
rubystallion | I tried to install stumpwm via aptitude. Does the stumpwm package just consist of the sources? I was expecting to find a stumpwm executable somewhere... | 17:44 |
b1n42y | its so annoying | 17:44 |
fevel | how can I set it to mount automatically...I need to click it and give password | 17:44 |
thoreauputic | b1n42y: you'll probably find most people here use a dedicated irc client like irssi or xchat | 17:45 |
imscifi | is anyone here familiar with setting up cisco vpn clients on ubuntu? | 17:46 |
marxchan | how do i know the character codes of my input devices? | 17:46 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: ahh yes rings a bell cheers | 17:46 |
heguru | b1n42y: tools > plugins > Join/Part Hiding | 17:46 |
thoreauputic | b1n42y: install xchat if you prefer graphical clients | 17:46 |
mouhamed | bonjour tt leemonde | 17:46 |
marxchan | i want to configure a program to use a specific key to a specific task, and i need to know the input code of my joystick button, how do i do that? | 17:46 |
stefg | b1n42y: or chatzilla ... that's an easy one | 17:46 |
thoreauputic | !fr | mouhamed | 17:46 |
ubotu | mouhamed: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 17:46 |
yachi | i wonder why my system monitor shows my network connection is keep downloading | 17:47 |
thoreauputic | mouhamed: bonjour :) | 17:47 |
b1n42y | heguru: thanks | 17:47 |
Minnozz | anybody knows why 'pand --connect 00:19:63:FA:62:63 --ethernet bnep0' doesn't create a network interface for my bluetooth dongle? | 17:47 |
SirBob1701 | stefg: is smartmon-tools in the repos? | 17:47 |
heguru | Minnozz: did you run with sudo? | 17:47 |
stefg | yachi: install etherape and watch what is happenning | 17:47 |
mouhamed | je gere un cyber sous ubunru qq1 peut m'aider pour la gestion | 17:47 |
stefg | !info smartmon-tools | 17:47 |
ubotu | Package smartmon-tools does not exist in gutsy | 17:47 |
stefg | !info smartmontools | 17:47 |
ubotu | smartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.37-5ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 280 kB, installed size 684 kB | 17:47 |
stefg | SirBob1701: smartmontools, see above | 17:48 |
thoreauputic | mouhamed: ceci est un canal anglais | 17:48 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: xchat = better program than pidgin in your opinion ? | 17:48 |
Minnozz | heguru: yes (well, actually in a root terminal) | 17:48 |
SirBob1701 | saw | 17:48 |
linadicti | hello. does someone know how i can disable mouse acceleration curve.? but still be able to linearly change its speed? i dont understand why linux mouse has an acceleration curve it gives me and many otehrs RSI | 17:48 |
thoreauputic | b1n42y: for irc, definitely | 17:48 |
Niteye | i really dont like the orange ubuntu theme and all that "human" thing with the african sounds going on | 17:48 |
kkathman | Niteye, change it | 17:48 |
thoreauputic | Niteye: so change your theme... | 17:48 |
Dr_willis | :) | 17:49 |
Niteye | i still dont like the default | 17:49 |
mouhamed | excuser moi je suis nouveau sous ubuntu le canal français S.V.P | 17:49 |
heguru | Minnozz: is it giving any errors? | 17:49 |
ToHellWithGA | when i try building madwifi on my c2d macbook the build works fine, it installs using checkinstall, then i can't modprobe the kernel modules. the error says it is an invalid module format | 17:49 |
Pici | !fr | mouhamed | 17:49 |
ubotu | mouhamed: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 17:49 |
b1n42y | stefg: thanks | 17:49 |
Dr_willis | I want a 'jazz' theme. :) with soft blues music and a sultry sound. | 17:49 |
Bria | is there a skype package for gutsy somewhere? | 17:49 |
mgol | thoreauputic: I tried to find this in scite help, but I didn't manage. Scite is entering the following commands: | 17:49 |
kkathman | Niteye, no need to gripe - just change it to what you like :) | 17:49 |
Minnozz | heguru: nope, no output at all | 17:49 |
thoreauputic | mouhamed: /join #ubuntu-fr | 17:49 |
mouhamed | merci beaucoup | 17:49 |
kkathman | ooo that rhymed :) | 17:49 |
mgol | mgol@mgol-laptop:/media/sda5/_KOPIE_/Djgpp/moje$ g++ -pedantic -Os -c bigint.cpp -o bigint.o | 17:49 |
pike_ | Bria: /msg ubotu skype | 17:49 |
mgol | mgol@mgol-laptop:/media/sda5/_KOPIE_/Djgpp/moje$ make | 17:49 |
mgol | make: *** Nie podano obiektów i nie znaleziono makefile. Stop. | 17:49 |
heguru | Minnozz: try running with -n | 17:49 |
mgol | mgol@mgol-laptop:/media/sda5/_KOPIE_/Djgpp/moje$ | 17:49 |
torpedo|dog | I have a program listening at port 443 and I don't know what it is. How can I find this out? | 17:49 |
heguru | torpedo|dog: netstat -ntpl | grep 443 | 17:50 |
sdrowkcab | how do i crack wpa wireless networks? | 17:50 |
sdrowkcab | how do i crack wpa wireless networks? | 17:50 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: cheers | 17:50 |
mgol | Nie podano obiektów i nie znaleziono makefile. Stop. = The objects were not given and makefile weren't found. Stop. | 17:50 |
heguru | torpedo|dog: run it with sudo | 17:50 |
torpedo|dog | heguru: thanks :) | 17:50 |
b1n42y | polak | 17:50 |
ToHellWithGA | mgol: what language is that? there are language specific #ubuntu channels | 17:50 |
stefg | !paste | mgol: don't paste | 17:50 |
b1n42y | czesc | 17:50 |
ubotu | mgol: don't paste: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 17:50 |
thoreauputic | mgol: too specialised a question for #ubuntu I think | 17:50 |
stefg | !pl | mgol | 17:50 |
ubotu | mgol: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 17:50 |
b1n42y | omg ubotu polisk too | 17:51 |
Minnozz | heguru: what's that? | 17:51 |
b1n42y | polish* | 17:51 |
stefg | !build | mgol | 17:51 |
ubotu | mgol: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 17:51 |
heguru | Minnozz: it will run it in the foreground so you can see the messages | 17:51 |
kkathman | ubotu isnt polish - just speaks the language apparently | 17:51 |
imscifi | which kernel package comes with the build folder? | 17:51 |
torpedo|dog | hm...nothing is listening to port 443. Why, then, can't Apache listen there? | 17:51 |
b1n42y | nah hes just a good op i realised | 17:51 |
imscifi | I've tried headers and source, neither give what I need | 17:51 |
thoreauputic | stefg: it sound more like a specific scite question really | 17:51 |
heguru | torpedo|dog: do you want to configure https on apache? | 17:52 |
Sippy | Im having problems with gstreamer encoding aac files for ipod use. Can anyone help me? | 17:52 |
Niteye | do i need to unmount my data drive when i shutdown or does shutdown umount every mounted device cleanly? | 17:53 |
thoreauputic | imscifi: what are you actually trying to do? | 17:53 |
kkathman | Niteye, no | 17:53 |
torpedo|dog | heguru: it worked in 7.04, but now I get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42708/ | 17:53 |
Niteye | no on the first or no on the second? | 17:53 |
kkathman | on the 1st | 17:53 |
stefg | Niteye: shutdoen runs umount -a , so you don't have to care | 17:53 |
thoreauputic | Niteye: shutdown unmounts everything | 17:53 |
manu__ | ubuntu italiano?? | 17:53 |
Niteye | okay | 17:53 |
Minnozz | heguru: connection timed out | 17:53 |
thoreauputic | !it | 17:53 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 17:53 |
imscifi | thoreauputic, I'm trying to compile the cisco vpn adapter for wireless access | 17:53 |
heguru | Minnozz: the other device to which you are trying to connect is not listening | 17:54 |
torpedo|dog | heguru: and when I do "netstat -ntpl | grep 443 | 17:54 |
thoreauputic | imscifi: you have installed linux-headers-$(uname -r) ? | 17:54 |
torpedo|dog | " I get nothing | 17:54 |
heguru | Minnozz: what exactly are you trying to do? | 17:54 |
imscifi | its looking for linux/config.h | 17:54 |
imscifi | through synaptic yes | 17:54 |
b1n42y | wow italian too how efficient are you ..NICE 1 | 17:54 |
Minnozz | heguru: I want to create a network bridge between eth1 and my bluetooth dongle => mobile phone | 17:54 |
imscifi | but none of them have a build directory, which is where it is looking for it, I ran a updatedb and locate and did not find it | 17:54 |
Minnozz | heguru: so I can internet via my phone on adsl | 17:55 |
stefg | !cn | b1n42y | 17:55 |
ubotu | b1n42y: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 17:55 |
stefg | :-) | 17:55 |
b1n42y | :) | 17:55 |
tbic | :q | 17:55 |
b1n42y | u guys rock | 17:55 |
ToddEDM | hey guys, would i be able to have Ubuntu kubuntu and Mythbuntu ... and select which one i want at login? | 17:55 |
puh`mecho | :D | 17:55 |
vulcanius | ToddEDM, yes | 17:55 |
panosru | Hi, evolution filters are not applied on mail upon incoming messages? :S | 17:55 |
heguru | Minnozz: then you have to configure pand listener on your phone and then run the command using phone bluetooth ID, for pand one is listener and other connects | 17:55 |
ToddEDM | i did sudo apt-get kubuntu desktop ... what is it for mythbuntu? | 17:56 |
vulcanius | ToddEDM, I'm not totally sure about Mythbuntu | 17:56 |
ToddEDM | vulcanius: I SEE | 17:56 |
b1n42y | stefg: (04:55:02) stefg: !cn | b1n42y ............wot is !cn| mean ? | 17:56 |
Pici | ToddEDM: its kubuntu-desktop, althought I dont know if it works with mythbuntu. | 17:56 |
Minnozz | heguru: hmm ok | 17:56 |
ToddEDM | i will try it | 17:56 |
stefg | !ubotu > b1n42y | 17:57 |
Dr_willis | ToddEDM, ive installed kubuntu-desktop on my mythbuntu box. :) | 17:57 |
Dr_willis | ToddEDM, it worked fine. | 17:57 |
thoreauputic | imscifi: apt-cache search suggests it is in several packages including xen-headers - but I don't think that is relevant actually | 17:57 |
ToddEDM | hmm | 17:57 |
Dr_willis | ToddEDM, you might want to disable the autologin features of MythTV however | 17:57 |
vulcanius | ToddEDM, it should be mythbuntu-desktop | 17:57 |
sdrowkcab | who knows how to use aircrack? | 17:57 |
b1n42y | ahhh | 17:57 |
downhillgames | pretend to sniff? :D | 17:57 |
downhillgames | like airguitar | 17:57 |
vulcanius | i never realized there was a mythbuntu meta package, it's kinda nic e | 17:57 |
pike_ | ToddEDM: mythbuntu is xfce4 basically you just click the sessions button at login screen to choose but the myth menues and stuff should be in kde and gnome too | 17:57 |
ToddEDM | vulcanius: you are correct | 17:57 |
JebJoya | hey, have just installed a new nvidia gfx card (7600gs), installed restricted gfx drivers (after it used vesa in safe gfx mode or whatever), and rebooted - still in vesa safe gfx mode (even though restricted drivers manager claims the nvidia drivers are in use), and not finding my monitor - any suggestions? | 17:57 |
imscifi | thoreauputic, probably not | 17:58 |
Javid | can anyone help with the install from USB stick thing? The instructions on the wiki didn't work for me | 17:58 |
PriceChild | !offtopic | downhillgames | 17:58 |
ubotu | downhillgames: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 17:58 |
downhillgames | relax | 17:58 |
PriceChild | sdrowkcab, have you read their site for tutorials? | 17:58 |
b1n42y | this is nuts | 17:58 |
thoreauputic | imscifi: maybe the installer or whatever is looking in the wrong place - you said "locate" can't find it even after a "sudo updatedb" ? | 17:58 |
imscifi | thoreauputic, correct | 17:59 |
thoreauputic | imscifi: have you tried installing the full kernel source ( linux-source) | 17:59 |
boris_ | i got a problem | 17:59 |
Kravejs | govori | 17:59 |
boris_ | everytime i restart computer my upper panel's settings are lost | 18:00 |
boris_ | how do i correct this ? | 18:00 |
Kravejs | #ubuntu-ru | 18:00 |
imscifi | thoreauputic, I searched through synaptic and selected anything that said kernel source, including the 386 version, if you can, do you have the apt-get for the exact one I should try? | 18:00 |
thoreauputic | imscifi: try linux-source | 18:01 |
tuxmaster1988 | does ubuntu support 3D acceleration with X1300 card? | 18:01 |
thoreauputic | imscifi: not "kernel" | 18:01 |
thoreauputic | !info linux-source | 18:01 |
ubotu | linux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB | 18:01 |
imscifi | thoreauputic, alright, do you know if thats available off the 386 dvd? Since I can't connect to the network without the vpn here lol | 18:01 |
Pici | tuxmaster1988: Yes, but you need to use the restricted drivers and the xgl server if you want a composite desktop | 18:01 |
Radi01 | Etherape is cool..thanks for mentioning it. | 18:01 |
LjL | is there any software in the repositories (or, well, somewhere) allowing to create organizational charts - i.e. tree graphs, basically, with nodes represented as squares - automatically, i.e. by just feeding it a hierarchy/dependencies list? | 18:01 |
thoreauputic | imscifi: no idea :) Try it and see :) | 18:01 |
imscifi | thoreauputic, good idea, be back in a few | 18:02 |
imscifi | and thanks for the help | 18:02 |
PriceChild | !pm | sdrowkcab | 18:02 |
ubotu | sdrowkcab: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 18:02 |
thoreauputic | no worries :) | 18:02 |
PriceChild | sdrowkcab, have you read the documentation on the aircrack site? | 18:02 |
ToddEDM | so im getting bored with Ubuntu already...... gimme something fun to check out | 18:02 |
Pici | LjL: graphiz might be able to do that. | 18:02 |
Dr_willis | !find rocksanddiamonds | 18:02 |
pike_ | ToddEDM: just play tremulous | 18:02 |
stefg | ToddEDM: write some cool shellscripts | 18:03 |
thoreauputic | ToddEDM: http://inx.maincontent.net | 18:03 |
TomaszD_ | hi, I'm looking for a binary newsgroups reader for ubuntu | 18:03 |
ubotu | Package/file rocksanddiamonds does not exist in gutsy | 18:03 |
tuxmaster1988 | i remember enabling the restricted drivers on 7.04 and i ended up with a terminal no X | 18:03 |
Dr_willis | !find rocks | 18:03 |
ubotu | Found: rocksndiamonds | 18:03 |
foxjazz | how do you tell linux to eject cdrom? | 18:03 |
tuxmaster1988 | is that fixed | 18:03 |
Hex2 | same tuxmaster1988 XD | 18:03 |
Dr_willis | ToddEDM, check out rocksndiamonds :) | 18:03 |
thoreauputic | ToddEDM: increase your command-foo :) | 18:03 |
Radi01 | Check out bsd 7.0..we expect a full blown sys up and running by 6pm (today). | 18:03 |
stefg | !cli | ToddEDM | 18:03 |
ubotu | ToddEDM: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 18:03 |
Dr_willis | foxjazz, you can use the eject command | 18:03 |
JebJoya | what's the name of the restricted nvidia graphics driver (latest cards)? (so i can do a dpkg-reconfigure and see if that works)? | 18:03 |
sdrowkcab | i found a tutorial but i am stuck | 18:03 |
pike_ | Radi01: eh? | 18:03 |
ToddEDM | yes, i think i will increase my command -foo | 18:03 |
stefg | !ifo nvidia-glx-new | JebJoya | 18:04 |
stefg | !info nvidia-glx-new | JebJoya | 18:04 |
thoreauputic | ToddEDM: disclaimer: I wrote the stuff in INX ;p | 18:04 |
ubotu | jebjoya: nvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.19+ (gutsy), package size 4896 kB, installed size 14848 kB | 18:04 |
JebJoya | awesome thanks stefg :) | 18:04 |
alessio | list | 18:04 |
thoreauputic | ToddEDM: well, the glue for it anyway :) | 18:04 |
tuxmaster1988 | Is the Xorg blackscreen fixed? i dont want to kill a cofmputer again | 18:04 |
sdrowkcab | you are suposed to type sudo airodump-ng eth1 but it says its not a network interface | 18:05 |
torpedo|dog | does anybody know why Apache might not be able to bind to port 443, even though nothing else is bound to it? | 18:05 |
JebJoya | stefg - what's the name it'll come up as in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 18:05 |
pike_ | torpedo|dog: are you SURE nothing else is bound to it? | 18:05 |
stefg | torpedo|dog: you have inetd/xinted running? | 18:05 |
JebJoya | stefg - nvidia? | 18:05 |
stefg | JebJoya: right | 18:05 |
torpedo|dog | "netstat -ntpl | grep 443" returns nothing at all | 18:05 |
torpedo|dog | ^as root | 18:06 |
s00p | is there a way to write HFS+ drives in Gutsy? | 18:06 |
JebJoya | stefg: is it normal for it to not be able to discover it itself? | 18:06 |
tuxmaster1988 | anyone? | 18:06 |
Lava | azureus is going terribly slow | 18:06 |
stefg | JebJoya: in gutsy *nothing* is normal | 18:06 |
leal | hello | 18:06 |
Lava | heard that is because of java | 18:06 |
Lava | how do i fix it? | 18:06 |
Javid | can anyone help with the install from USB stick thing? The instructions on the wiki didn't work for me | 18:07 |
leal | with mythtv and ubuntu, i can watch tv on my monitor, right? | 18:07 |
pike_ | s00p: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions | 18:07 |
pike_ | Lava: uninstall java? | 18:07 |
Psi-Jack | leal: tvtime is a nice tv-watching tool. No need for something like mythtv just to watch tv. | 18:07 |
thoreauputic | pike_: then azureus will be *really* slow - it won't run at all :) | 18:08 |
pike_ | Lava: i like rtorrent for cli and for gui utorrent+wine or deluge or ktorrent | 18:08 |
enetic | Hey, does anyone else have the problem with gutsy regarding displaying .jpg files? When i double click on a .jpg file, i get a strange warning.... | 18:08 |
JebJoya | stefg: *facepalm* | 18:08 |
Lava | pike_, i finally got azureus to run, it just goes very slow | 18:08 |
JebJoya | restarting x | 18:08 |
Lava | ok, are you suggesting i take another program pike_ ? | 18:08 |
stefg | leal: to just watch TV you better use something like vlc . mythTV is a fullblown mediaserver PVR suite | 18:08 |
pike_ | Lava: did you install firestarter or another firewall gui? also chekc port forwarding on the router | 18:08 |
thoreauputic | Lava: try deluge - a lot of people like it | 18:08 |
Psi-Jack | Lava: Azureus is pure putrid crap. Really it is. As-is Java. ;) | 18:08 |
sven_ | Hi there, I just installed aircrack, and I need to patch my bcm43xx driver.. Im doing that right now with helpl from a website (http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/index.php?topic=2045.0) but it requires a modules recompile, and then a sudo make modules_install.. is this not going to overwrite the kernel modules that already exist? as in, is this not going to cause problems like a dead machine? | 18:09 |
bieb | I hear joost is good to watch TV on your pc | 18:09 |
Lava | i'll try deluge then if you recommend it | 18:09 |
thoreauputic | Psi-Jack: in your not so humble opinion ;p | 18:09 |
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=== macism is now known as macsim | ||
leal | Psi-Jack: ok, but i need to connect my sky decoder to the computer (tv board), and make the output to the monitor (LCD). | 18:09 |
leal | i can make it with tvtime or vlc? | 18:09 |
thoreauputic | Lava: deluge is pretty nice and works well | 18:09 |
pike_ | Lava: azureus should download/upload fine it just tends to slow the comp down. id check port forwarding on router if your download speeds are really slow and you have few seeders | 18:09 |
b1n42y | i can say i have used alot ktorrent deludge..az so far deluge is no1 | 18:10 |
thoreauputic | Lava: as others have said, check your port forwarding | 18:10 |
JebJoya | hmm... no luck | 18:10 |
void^ | Lava: make sure you don't use the azureus package in ubuntu's repo. | 18:10 |
Lava | thoreauputic, if you can tell me how i can check that? | 18:10 |
Psi-Jack | I've used ktorrent a lot, but I've started looking into Deluge, since it's GTK-based. | 18:10 |
JebJoya | it's still using vesa... | 18:10 |
Cobr1 | hi all, i have a problem, i'm using a old pc where the on-board ethernet is broken, so i pluged in a new one and disabled the on board one in the BIOS. now Internet works, but i cant use the auto update or install any other software with the add/remove software app. can you help me ?? | 18:10 |
thoreauputic | Lava: it depends on your router - make sure you forward the port for deluge to your machine | 18:10 |
thoreauputic | Lava: deluge will tell you the number | 18:11 |
b1n42y | and u access it through your web browser | 18:11 |
shishir | lava: portforwarding.com might help you | 18:11 |
Lava | ill try deluge then, ill come back and harass you guys if i still have problems then ;-) | 18:11 |
Lava | thanks all | 18:11 |
b1n42y | sumtin like password is usually admin | 18:11 |
Hex2 | | 18:12 |
b1n42y | erm indeed | 18:12 |
Hex2 | XD | 18:12 |
thoreauputic | b1n42y: it's wise to change your router password :) | 18:12 |
stefg | Cobr1: if internet works, apt should work, too. That doesn't relate, IMHO. rather check your sources.list | 18:12 |
Hex2 | default is | 18:12 |
JebJoya | right, i can't stop it using ruddy vesa. stupid thing. | 18:12 |
pike_ | Cobr1: thats not a nic problem id be super suprised if it was. you have internet but software packages dont work? | 18:12 |
stefg | !easysource | Cobr1 | 18:12 |
ubotu | Cobr1: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 18:12 |
thoreauputic | Hex2: that depends on the model etc. | 18:12 |
b1n42y | indeed i just rechecked | 18:12 |
Cobr1 | ok i will try thad | 18:12 |
b1n42y | for me ;p | 18:13 |
shishir | ya mine is | 18:13 |
Hex2 | correct, but if a customer asks, i just tell thme that first | 18:13 |
thoreauputic | Hex2: for instance mine uses | 18:13 |
Hex2 | ;o mine | 18:13 |
pike_ | Cobr1: i heard there where some issues with repos earlier today | 18:13 |
b1n42y | hex u must have belkin correct ? | 18:13 |
Lord_Illidan | Can someone help me with sharing folders on smb? | 18:13 |
tuxmaster1988 | if i enable the ati restricted with an x1300 on 7.10 will x die again? | 18:13 |
Hex2 | nope, netgear, 3 of them | 18:13 |
shishir | it has to be 192.168.1. | 18:13 |
b1n42y | lol had belkin that used that ip | 18:13 |
shishir | then anything btn 0 to 255 for the last number | 18:13 |
thoreauputic | shishir: no, it can be 10.**** too | 18:14 |
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JebJoya | i've just installed a new nvidia 7600gs graphics card, and have installed the restricted drivers from the restricted drivers manager, but it still always defaults back to vesa after a x restart or reboot. Also, it's not recognising my monitor - should i just reinstall ubuntu for the second time in a week and assume it will work? | 18:14 |
thoreauputic | shishir: or 192.168.0.* etc | 18:14 |
Hex2 | in xp, you do a ipconfig, it tells you your gateway, i not sure how to do in linux | 18:14 |
thoreauputic | Hex2: route | 18:14 |
Hex2 | i knew that | 18:14 |
Hex2 | thankyou :) | 18:14 |
Cobr1 | pike_: i have been trying to get this to work for 2 days now. soo i guss it is me | 18:14 |
pike_ | Cobr1: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 18:15 |
shishir | think for tarceroute you will need another aplication | 18:15 |
pike_ | !paste | Cobr1 | 18:15 |
ubotu | Cobr1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 18:15 |
pike_ | Cobr1: try pasting this and giving us the url | 18:15 |
JebJoya | ... aaaagggghhh.... right, reinstalling linux. again. agh. | 18:15 |
tuxmaster1988 | ok so is x1300 sopported now n 7.10 | 18:16 |
shishir | thoreauputic: u a ubuntu dev?? | 18:16 |
tuxmaster1988 | answer plez | 18:16 |
thoreauputic | shishir: no :) | 18:16 |
Lord_Illidan | I have an smb share, yet I can't access it..it says that folder doesn't exist | 18:16 |
b1n42y | ati eek | 18:16 |
shishir | thoreauputic: just a enthu or comp engi?? | 18:16 |
dragonero | hey | 18:16 |
thoreauputic | shishir: btw for traceroutes, mtr is nice | 18:16 |
mechler_ | After much searching online, I'm unable to figure out a way to disable the sound on the login screen. The loud sounds are really driving me nuts and make loading up ubuntu during class terribly embarrassing. | 18:16 |
Elephantman | bye :) | 18:16 |
thoreauputic | shishir: just an obsessive user ;p | 18:16 |
b1n42y | tuxmaster1988: IMO dont get ati if u want to run linux | 18:17 |
dragonero | can anyone help me with installing ubuntu? | 18:17 |
Hex2 | dont get ati full stop... | 18:17 |
Hex2 | but thats imo :) | 18:17 |
shishir | ok thanks bro i read whatever i told in some book named hacker high school | 18:17 |
thoreauputic | shishir: My code is restricted to amateurish bash scripts :) | 18:17 |
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tuxmaster1988 | but is it sopported | 18:17 |
tuxmaster1988 | well it work | 18:17 |
tuxmaster1988 | will it work lol | 18:18 |
shishir | why do you call me an obssesive user?? | 18:18 |
b1n42y | i *doubt* it mate | 18:18 |
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Radi01 | Press #1 for english. | 18:18 |
mgol | thoreapeutic: too specialised? so where should I ask? | 18:18 |
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Radi01 | *click* | 18:19 |
shishir | thoreauputic: pagal | 18:19 |
thoreauputic | shishir: no, I meant *me* | 18:19 |
tuxmaster1988 | n e thing ne body going to answer | 18:19 |
b1n42y | tuxmaster1988: get yourself a small HD and try if you cannot get a straight answer | 18:19 |
shishir | oh ok | 18:19 |
thoreauputic | heheh | 18:19 |
mechler_ | wow... then I find it with virtually no effort right after mustering up the gall to ask. Nevermind, then! | 18:19 |
Cobr1 | well, manualy updating the sources list did the trick, i think the problem was thad i didnt disable the broken ethernet when i instaled ubuntu, thanks for the help ! | 18:19 |
b1n42y | why........coz LINUX rocks | 18:19 |
delire | is there any easy way to restore a panel back to the Ubuntu defaults once it's been deleted (icon placements and all)? | 18:19 |
mgol | thoreapeutic: that' strange. In SciTE I can only enter "compile", "build" and "go". But "compile" makes only a *.o file, no makefile. So "make", which is run when entering "build" will not find any makefile. I don't get it. | 18:20 |
Radi01 | I threw all my windows crap in the garbage. | 18:20 |
pike_ | delire: you have .config directories in your home folder these are similar to windows registry. if you delete these they will be recreated by the app (gnome in this case) so yeah that would give you default again | 18:20 |
Pici | !resetpanel | delire | 18:21 |
thoreauputic | mgol: I have only glanced at scite - maybe you can find more info on scite's home site? | 18:21 |
ubotu | delire: To reset the GNOME panels back to their defaults, delete ~/.gconf/apps/panel/ , log out, then back in. | 18:21 |
juan_ac | Hello! Last week I upgraded my ubuntu version form festy to gusty. Everything works fine, everything but wine. So i completly remove wine using synaptic and then install wine 9.4.7 using the repositories listed in the documentation webpage. Still does not work. Every time I tried to run Wine or winecfg the system just freezes and I have to restart the computer manually. Can somebody help me? | 18:21 |
dragonero | My problem: i've downloaded ubuntu and ive written it to cd. when i boot up, i select the first option (use and install). Ive set up my drvie so it has 4 partitions, 1 with windows, 1 spare, 1 is a linux switch and the third is ext3. i then open up install and follow it through and all goes well until it actually starts installing. then when it gets to 15% it freezes totally | 18:22 |
pike_ | juan_ac: rm -fr ~/.wine ? | 18:22 |
mrlinux | :) | 18:22 |
mrlinux | :) | 18:22 |
pike_ | juan_ac: then rerun winecfg again maybe | 18:22 |
shishir | dragonero:perform cd check | 18:22 |
pike_ | juan_ac: er.. youll lose all installed apps if you do that | 18:22 |
delire | thanks pike_ i've tried deleting these config directories to know avail. i'll try ubotu's advice now.. | 18:22 |
delire | s/know/no | 18:22 |
dragonero | cd is fine | 18:23 |
hashfreak | # ubuntu-de | 18:23 |
ksivaji | is there anyway find recently deleted file , i just deleted a file when i was trying to clear download list in opera | 18:23 |
shishir | i think this feature is removed in gutsy cd | 18:23 |
juan_ac | pike_: I removed /.wine still doesn't worl when i run winecfg it says creating /.wine and then it crashes | 18:23 |
shishir | hey cd check in the sense sometimes while writing only some files corrupetd a crc error occurs | 18:23 |
Rambo3 | juan_ac : type wineboot | 18:23 |
vulcanius | ksivaji, you can check your /home/username/.Trash file | 18:24 |
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shishir | i think you should try and install using some one else's cd | 18:24 |
vulcanius | ksivaji, but if it's not there, it's probably gone | 18:24 |
juan_ac | Rambo3: ok | 18:24 |
shishir | because there is a chance that your package might be corrupted the one you downloaded | 18:24 |
dragonero | right.... | 18:25 |
jamiejackson | last i looked was a year ago, and didn't find anything too compelling: is there a decent GUI SVN client for linux yet? (a la TortoiseSVN) | 18:25 |
dragonero | so basically order ubuntu and wait for it to arrive? lol | 18:25 |
rtan | is that possible to host asp.net app on ubuntu server? | 18:25 |
bsdnewb07 | asp.net is a MS thing so technically no | 18:25 |
shishir | well try downloading once again can also be a choice :( | 18:26 |
bsdnewb07 | hwoever there are some tweaks for ASP plain but as far as i know asp.net is strictly windows for the moment | 18:26 |
cached | Is it possible to view the windows registry from ubuntu? | 18:26 |
dragonero | ok... well that kinda sucks... | 18:26 |
Rambo3 | and lets hope it will stay strictly windows | 18:26 |
dragonero | and if that fails? | 18:26 |
fevel | can I drag and drop files between host and client on virtualbox??? | 18:26 |
rtan | bsdnewb07: but is that true we can develop #C using monodevelop in ubuntu? | 18:26 |
cached | my system is dual booting, sort of. i have a windows drive. is it possible to read a single key from the registry? | 18:26 |
cached | rtan: yes. | 18:27 |
bsdnewb07 | rtan yeh | 18:27 |
KlrSpz | rtan: last i recall, windows.forms was shoddy in mono | 18:27 |
vulcanius | rtan, are you talking about hosting a web based asp.net app? | 18:27 |
bsdnewb07 | u can install xen and use MS ... | 18:27 |
rtan | vulcanius: tes | 18:27 |
rtan | vulcanius: yes | 18:27 |
b1n42y | !ubotu | 18:27 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 18:27 |
Rambo3 | cached try wine /media/hda1?/WINDOWS/reg | 18:28 |
DiGitalX | hi guys | 18:28 |
vulcanius | rtan, well that is certainly possible using apache or other web servers | 18:28 |
rtan | i am trying to migrate from asp.net app into ubuntu web app | 18:28 |
Rambo3 | cached try wine /media/hda1?/WINDOWS/regedit.exe | 18:28 |
bsdnewb07 | use php | 18:28 |
Radi01 | Who has the most secure online email..that will allow pop. | 18:28 |
bsdnewb07 | its multi OS, faster, securer and has much more functionailty | 18:28 |
KlrSpz | regedit should work as well | 18:28 |
KlrSpz | but, you'll have to load the node yourself | 18:29 |
pike_ | Radi01: just get a gmail account :) | 18:29 |
jorge__ | hola | 18:29 |
muhammedc | hi ppl - keyring not remembering nm-aplet details after reboot... any ideas? | 18:29 |
Radi01 | Gmail has to allow java..right?. | 18:29 |
KlrSpz | javascript, not java | 18:29 |
vulcanius | bsdnewb07, if you want something with those capabilities your better off with python than php | 18:29 |
cached | I get "wine: Call from 0x100ca7f to unimplemented function msvcrt.dll._except_handler4_common, aborting" around 100 times | 18:29 |
vulcanius | ;) | 18:29 |
Radi01 | ok..thanks | 18:29 |
thoreauputic | Radi01: no, javascript - althought there is a non javascript version of the gmail site too | 18:30 |
juan_ac_ | Rambo3: wineboot didn't work. The system crashed | 18:30 |
Radi01 | Thats what I want | 18:30 |
pike_ | ah thatd be nice for my links2 i didnt know that | 18:30 |
Radi01 | Thanks guys. | 18:30 |
Rambo3 | juan_ac the system? . try reinstalling with purge flag | 18:30 |
cached | I just don't have my CD case for a program with me and I want to wine it ;) | 18:30 |
cached | and i need the cd key | 18:31 |
Briin | hello, how can i install drivers for radeon hd 2600?? on my gibbon, i have tried, but i have problems with it | 18:31 |
thoreauputic | Radi01: for non-javascript, try http://mail.google.com/mail?nocheckbrowser | 18:31 |
stelt | where should i go with ideas for spreading ubuntu? (i have an idea that might put ubuntu in the hands of half a million people) | 18:31 |
andycr | what's that command you can use in console to display a dialog with that you want, like a custom title, a progress dialog, etc? | 18:31 |
cached | oh. there's a trial. that should last until i get the case again | 18:31 |
muhammedc | keyring not remembering nm-aplet details after reboot... any ideas? | 18:32 |
thoreauputic | stelt: have you caontacted Canonical ? | 18:32 |
juan_ac_ | Rambo3: The screen just freezes and I can't do a thing just manually restart. How do I reinstall with purge falg? | 18:32 |
jamiejackson | that started with me after gutsy upgrade muhammedc don't know the answer yet either | 18:32 |
Noezmalo | admin | 18:32 |
muhammedc | yeah - worked like a charm in 7.04 - but broken in 7.10 | 18:33 |
vulcanius | andycr, you're probably thinking of kdialogs | 18:33 |
muhammedc | was hoping som1 figured it out ye! | 18:33 |
Briin | hello, how can i install drivers for radeon hd 2600?? on my gibbon, i have tried, but i have problems with it | 18:33 |
vulcanius | Briin, what problems are you having? | 18:33 |
andycr | vulcanius: It's similar to that but for GTK, and it has a very odd name. That's all I remember | 18:33 |
andycr | I know it was used a lot in nautilus action scripts | 18:34 |
cached | When I run something fullscreen in WINE, it does cover up the entire screen but if i scroll to the edge the actual image moves. that is, if i scroll right the image moves left | 18:34 |
cached | you know what i mean? | 18:34 |
vulcanius | andycr, oh, zenity | 18:34 |
thoreauputic | andycr: vulcanius zenity | 18:34 |
thoreauputic | yup | 18:34 |
cached | almost like it's running in a window and my screen is too big to fit in my monitor | 18:34 |
andycr | Ahhhhh thanks vulcanius, thoreauputic | 18:34 |
thoreauputic | there's Xdialog too, but it is gtk 1.2 | 18:34 |
Briin | vulcanius: after install by "sh *.run" and restart, its running in safe mode | 18:34 |
Rambo3 | juan_ac sudo apt-get remove --purge wine | 18:35 |
Billies | I connected a SATA harddrive that has windows XP, how can I browse its contents and copy files? | 18:35 |
pike_ | !ntfs | Billies | 18:35 |
ubotu | Billies: ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 18:35 |
graulich | I installed xubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu Gutsy. Ever since my second xfce session, when I log on as myself xfce4-session doesn't start. I made a new user to see if this is a systemwide problem, and the new user loads xfce4 just fine. What could the problem be? | 18:35 |
vulcanius | Briin, have you tried using the Restricted Drivers utility in ubuntu? | 18:36 |
Cpudan80 | So ehh I have Gutsy Gibbon on my desktop | 18:36 |
kroynos | graulich: what did you do as in any script modifications you recently did? | 18:36 |
Cpudan80 | Do I have to worry about this HDD problem? | 18:36 |
vulcanius | Briin, Applications >> System >> Restricted Driver Manager | 18:36 |
Cpudan80 | With the degraded life? It's on slashdot this morning | 18:37 |
thoreauputic | graulich: something in ~/.config ( I think that's where sfce puts users settings - check) | 18:37 |
graulich | kroynos, the only thing I manually changed was xorg.conf, and only to set up multiple layouts for xfce | 18:37 |
Billies | helpful as always guys, thanks | 18:37 |
vulcanius | Cpudan80, no | 18:37 |
Cpudan80 | vulcanius: How bout if I put it on my laptop? | 18:37 |
juan_ac_ | Rambo3: Done. Now sudo apt-get install wine? | 18:37 |
Rambo3 | juan_ac yes | 18:38 |
thoreauputic | graulich: check for ~/.config - if another user can log in, your personal settings are at fault | 18:38 |
graulich | thoreauputic, looks like that's the right folder, what should I look for there? | 18:38 |
vulcanius | Cpudan80, if you're absolutely paranoid and plan on keeping it forever sure. but in all honesty no you don't | 18:38 |
riotkittie | degraded life? | 18:38 |
Rambo3 | juan_ac install alsaoss wrapper also | 18:38 |
RachelLane | mon parcours sur find et je disais que je n'avais plus trops envie de venir sur find et même par ici | 18:38 |
kroynos | ff | 18:38 |
Pici | Cpudan80: please read: http://ubuntudemon.wordpress.com/2007/10/30/ubuntu-is-not-causing-aggressive-power-management/ | 18:38 |
Pici | !fr | RachelLane | 18:38 |
ubotu | RachelLane: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 18:38 |
thoreauputic | graulich: hard to say :) Try renaming it and logging in again | 18:38 |
balzac | greetings ubunthusiasts | 18:38 |
thoreauputic | graulich: that should reset to defaults | 18:38 |
RachelLane | excusez-moi j'ais changé de canal sans m'en rendre compte | 18:38 |
RachelLane | bonne soirée | 18:39 |
balzac | I'm trying to get my wireless working on an acer notebook with ndiswrapper | 18:39 |
Pici | RachelLane: type /j #ubuntu-fr | 18:39 |
graulich | thoreauputic, okie, gonna try that, brb | 18:39 |
meezfohgi | hi alll | 18:39 |
r3m0t | hello, is it possible for splashy to run at 1680x1050? | 18:39 |
snsone | does anyone have the time to help me with a dns problem in ubuntu gutsy please? | 18:39 |
linuxpoet_ | test | 18:40 |
rtan | hello is anybody using Turbo C#? | 18:40 |
thoreauputic | !anyone | 18:40 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 18:40 |
=== linuxpoet_ is now known as linuxpoet | ||
b1n42y | OMG !! i just configured compiz HOLY COW | 18:40 |
r3m0t | linuxpoet_: test says moo | 18:40 |
Briin | vulcanius: i`m going to install game UT2k4, and i don`t know that this game will go with this drivers, they do? | 18:40 |
thoreauputic | linuxpoet: failed | 18:40 |
rtan | what is the different between using Visual Studio and Turbo C#? | 18:40 |
vulcanius | Briin, which drivers? the restricted ones? | 18:40 |
snsone | dns keeps reseting please help | 18:40 |
meezfohgi | how change permission to usb drive | 18:40 |
kroynos | rtan: made by different companies | 18:41 |
andycr | b1n42y: :) first time is always awesome | 18:41 |
b1n42y | OMG | 18:41 |
mac` | hello all, | 18:41 |
thing | Hi all | 18:41 |
kidbuntu | how can i change my kdm to gdm? | 18:41 |
kroynos | hi | 18:41 |
juan_ac_ | Rambo3: I'm sorry i typed sudo apt-get install alsaoss wrapper didn't work... How do I install alsaoss wrapper? I'm sorry | 18:41 |
mac` | hYe | 18:41 |
mac` | wondering if anyone can help me with this error | 18:41 |
mac` | Unpacking replacement mysql-client-5.0 ... | 18:41 |
mac` | Errors were encountered while processing: | 18:41 |
mac` | /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server_5.0.38-0ubuntu1.1_all.deb | 18:41 |
mac` | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 18:41 |
Rambo3 | !info alsa-oss | 18:41 |
ubotu | alsa-oss: ALSA wrapper for OSS applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.14-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 50 kB, installed size 216 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc) | 18:41 |
thing | anyone here know how to set up a file server? | 18:41 |
dgjones | !paste | mac` | 18:42 |
ubotu | mac`: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 18:42 |
Rambo3 | juan_ac install alsa-oss | 18:42 |
b1n42y | andyer sure is .......cant wait till everyone i know sees this | 18:42 |
juan_ac_ | Rambo3: already installed the latest version | 18:42 |
snsone | please anyone?dns keeps reseting and internet speed is very slow in gutsy.need help | 18:43 |
meezfohgi | my usb drive permision read only..how to i change permission to write | 18:43 |
rtan | kroynos: does it mean the project or files written in VStudio can be opened in Turbo C#? | 18:43 |
thoreauputic | thing: no, out of 1338 people, there is not one who knows how to set up a file server ;p | 18:43 |
stefg | !ipv6 | snsone | 18:43 |
ubotu | snsone: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 18:43 |
snsone | its disabled | 18:43 |
snsone | but no changes | 18:44 |
luXi | ? | 18:44 |
snsone | sns@sns-desktop:~$ sudo lsmod|grep ipv6 | 18:44 |
snsone | [sudo] password for sns: | 18:44 |
snsone | sns@sns-desktop:~$ | 18:44 |
luXi | hi | 18:44 |
pike_ | !ipv6 | snsone | 18:44 |
ubotu | snsone: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 18:44 |
pike_ | snsone: also you have more than one nameserver entry in /etc/resolv.conf? | 18:44 |
cached | How do I prevent a fullscreen app in wine from causing panning when i move my cursor to the edge of the screen? | 18:45 |
kidbuntu | how can i change my kdm to gdm? | 18:45 |
kidbuntu | how can i change my kdm to gdm? | 18:45 |
luXi | I tried to install ubuntu 7.10 in my IBM T20 today with no success. I get this screen: http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/6370/image106ew4.jpg | 18:45 |
snsone | yes | 18:45 |
Pici | kidbuntu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 18:45 |
snsone | i have 2 | 18:45 |
thing | ah, reading your sarcasm, perhaps I should rephrase the question... Is there anyone here who would not mind helping a newb get a file server working? | 18:45 |
kidbuntu | Pici: thanks | 18:45 |
ikonia | thing: whats the problem | 18:45 |
graulich | well thoreauputic, now when I log in *nothing* starts. before at least tomboy would start and checkgmail. now neither does | 18:45 |
Rambo3 | juan_ac install wine | 18:45 |
stefg | !ftpd | thing | 18:46 |
luXi | I tried to install ubuntu 7.10 in my IBM T20 today with no success. I get this screen: http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/6370/image106ew4.jpg | 18:46 |
genii | kidbuntu, first make sure kdm is installed,eg: sudo apt-get install kdm then to change which is default,: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm and chhose kdm as the default | 18:46 |
petengy | HI TO ALL | 18:46 |
genii | *choose | 18:46 |
ubotu | thing: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 18:46 |
kidbuntu | genii: ok thanks | 18:46 |
thoreauputic | graulich: hmm _ I don't run xfce at the moment - maybe there's a #xfce ? | 18:46 |
graulich | there's a very inactive #xubuntu | 18:46 |
mac` | http://pastebin.com/m7e23b925 | 18:46 |
thing | the main problem is that i am clueless but i need to know how to create a share folder on the ubuntu box and then how to reach it from all the windows machines here in the office | 18:46 |
genii | at least there should be #xubuntu | 18:47 |
stefg | !samba | thing | 18:47 |
ubotu | thing: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 18:47 |
snsone | any ideas? | 18:47 |
thoreauputic | graulich: there seems to be a #xfce chan - maybe ask there | 18:47 |
graulich | will do | 18:47 |
luXi | can someone plz help me | 18:47 |
juan_ac_ | Rambo3: Done | 18:48 |
yonkeltron | my laptop drive is being killed by that ubuntu bug!!! i added my data to the bug report and such...does anyone know if there is a fix underway? | 18:49 |
snsone | please help | 18:49 |
mac` | http://pastebin.com/m7f3ad444 | 18:49 |
kidbuntu | Pici: the command... its says it failed | 18:49 |
thoreauputic | thing: the sarcasm was lighthearted :) But samba is the right place to start | 18:49 |
b1n42y | OMG i just rotated the cube with the mouse...... gooooooooo LINUX | 18:49 |
stefg | luXi: do a CD self check first | 18:49 |
Pici | yonkeltron: please read: http://ubuntudemon.wordpress.com/2007/10/30/ubuntu-is-not-causing-aggressive-power-management/ | 18:49 |
thoreauputic | thing: for windows shares at least | 18:49 |
Pici | kidbuntu: let me check something | 18:49 |
luXi | i did this and there is no defacts | 18:49 |
luXi | it was OK | 18:49 |
kidbuntu | Pici: on gutsy | 18:49 |
thing | i know the sarcasm was meant in a nice way... looking up samba and GProftpd now | 18:50 |
thing | thanks all | 18:50 |
stefg | luXi: then you might need some additional boot parameters | 18:50 |
stefg | !boot | luXi | 18:50 |
ubotu | luXi: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 18:50 |
Pici | kidbuntu: How did it fail? | 18:50 |
petengy | a simple question: someone know if exist an app to use a tape backup unit (DAT) in a graphical way ? someting like kdat but for gome.. | 18:50 |
avarner | hey guys is there an explanation for why when you are upgrading from feisty or gutsy beta to gutsy release that you have to reinstall the bcm43xx-fwcutter and driver? | 18:50 |
kidbuntu | Pici: this is the message invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed. | 18:50 |
stefg | !backup | petengy | 18:50 |
ubotu | petengy: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 18:50 |
luXi | ok thank you very much. this should solve the problem? | 18:51 |
MonsieurBon | weiss jemand, wie ich die schriftfarbe im gnome panel ändern kann? | 18:51 |
pike_ | !obscureddcommand | petengy | 18:51 |
stefg | luXi: don't know. but it could be acpi or interrupt-problems | 18:51 |
Chris12349 | what's the best spam filter for gutsy (evolution) bogo or spam assassin? | 18:51 |
Pici | kidbuntu: Are GDM and KDM installed? | 18:51 |
snsone | please can anyone help me with my dns problem?it keeps reseting the dns (i have 2 dns)..ipv6 is turned off and yet internet is still slow | 18:51 |
stefg | !de | MonsieurBon | 18:51 |
luXi | ok i'll try it now | 18:51 |
ubotu | MonsieurBon: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 18:52 |
kidbuntu | Pici: yes.. cause on the boot screen.. kdm is the one showing | 18:52 |
MonsieurBon | oh sorry! wrong channel | 18:52 |
petengy | pike_, ?? | 18:52 |
kidbuntu | Pici: if not how do i install it | 18:52 |
heguru | Chris12349: both together bogo is bayesian filter | 18:52 |
pike_ | nm sorry joking | 18:52 |
b1n42y | channel for compiz please | 18:53 |
ompaul | !compiz | 18:53 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 18:53 |
b1n42y | ahh good all ubotu | 18:53 |
snsone | please can anyone help me with my dns problem?it keeps resetting the dns (i have 2 dns)..ipv6 is turned off and yet internet is still slow | 18:53 |
stefg | snsone: uninstall avahi and network-manager | 18:53 |
Pici | kidbuntu: you may need to do `sudo invoke-rc.d kdm stop` sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start` to get it to work the first time. | 18:54 |
=== Noezmalo is now known as ROMPE-K3 | ||
humbolto | is there a short way for sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start? | 18:54 |
kidbuntu | Pici: i did it the opposite way.. while on gnome desktop.. i did instead of reconfigure gdm i did kdm | 18:54 |
Pici | kidbuntu: it doesnt matter if your reconfigure kdm or gdm it brings you to the same menu. | 18:55 |
kidbuntu | Pici: ok | 18:55 |
heguru | humbolto: invoke-rc.d apache2 restart | 18:55 |
snsone | ok so unistall the avahi-daemon? | 18:56 |
heguru | humbolto: that should with sudo as well | 18:56 |
fevel | hey guys | 18:57 |
fevel | has anyone seen arch linux | 18:57 |
madraz1 | Hi all | 18:57 |
heguru | fevel: i think it lives in #archlinux, try looking there | 18:57 |
Badmaster | any has a solution this problem? apt-get update just hangs at: | 18:58 |
Badmaster | 0% [Connecting to ch.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (] | 18:58 |
=== naka is now known as nakanaka | ||
madraz1 | Can someone help me running Java Servelets I have tomcat already installed and I am able to run the example programs given there | 18:58 |
madraz1 | so plz help me | 18:58 |
=== docta_v_ is now known as docta_v | ||
petengy | nobody has a tape backup unit here ? if yes how they use them? only by shell or exist some GUI app ?? | 18:58 |
stefg | madraz1: #java | 18:58 |
=== Pici- is now known as Pici | ||
fevel | no no heguru...im asking here for a reason, I would like to know if anyone who used both sincerely thinks its better than gutsy...some fanboys say it is | 18:58 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: try a different mirror ? | 18:58 |
madraz1 | stefg: I feel this is Ubuntu specific | 18:58 |
meezfohgi | my usb drive permision read only..how to i change permission to write | 18:58 |
madraz1 | stefg: The paths etc etc | 18:59 |
snsone | stefg: uninstall avahi-autoipd | 18:59 |
janerik | Dolphin problem.... Can anyone check this and tell whats wrong. | 18:59 |
snsone | stefg: ? | 18:59 |
Badmaster | thoreauputic how? | 18:59 |
heguru | fevel: then try discussing in #ubuntu-offtopic , #ubuntu is only for support | 18:59 |
pike_ | petengy: kdat | 18:59 |
Badmaster | thoreauputic, is there something like mirrorselect in gentoo? | 18:59 |
principeb13 | Como eu fasso um lik | 18:59 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors | 18:59 |
stefg | madraz1: sudo update-alternatives --config java should tkae care for that | 18:59 |
fevel | heguru: ok | 18:59 |
principeb13 | ubuntu br | 18:59 |
meezfohgi | my usb drive permision read only..how to i change permission to write | 18:59 |
janerik | dolphin error message ::http://pastebin.com/m4e2048d2 | 18:59 |
benzon_ | Hmm diddent they release a update to gimp so it gets 2.4.0 Final hmmm | 18:59 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: or go into System - Admin - Software sources | 19:00 |
pike_ | meezfohgi: ntfs or fat32? | 19:00 |
Badmaster | thoreauputic, where would I put the mirror? | 19:00 |
stefg | snsone: avahi-daemon and all the rest f the avahi-crap | 19:00 |
Badmaster | thoreauputic, I am using the server version.... | 19:00 |
albert_ | can anybody help me, im at a complete loss here. im not able to upload anything (torrent) | 19:00 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: try the second way | 19:00 |
petengy | pike_, kadt doesn't work well ..... I must run it as sudo rights and make much error messages :( | 19:00 |
principeb13 | #ubuntubr | 19:00 |
meezfohgi | pike: fat32 | 19:00 |
meezfohgi | pike_: fat32 | 19:00 |
madraz1 | stefg: Which option should I select there?? | 19:00 |
madraz1 | there are 3 | 19:00 |
snsone | stefg: it uninstalls ubuntu-desktop also. is that ok? | 19:00 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: ah, OK - edit /etc/apt/sources.list | 19:00 |
Niteye | gnome keeps crashing once or twice a day, how can i prevent this | 19:01 |
pike_ | !fat32 | meezfohgi | 19:01 |
ubotu | meezfohgi: ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 19:01 |
Badmaster | thoreauputic, not sure what to edit there.... | 19:01 |
stefg | snsone: ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage, that's ok | 19:01 |
Badmaster | thoreauputic, commented out the cdrom but didn't change anything else | 19:01 |
albert_ | im usuing transmission and rtorrent both arent uploading any of my torrents | 19:01 |
CochiseIRL | does anyone know if the gfxboot bug has been fixed in gutsy or do we still have to use the suse one | 19:01 |
meezfohgi | ubotu: vfat=fat32? | 19:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vfat=fat32? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 19:01 |
Naitse | hi all!! | 19:01 |
meezfohgi | ubotu: vfat=fat32? | 19:01 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: look at the file - just add new URLs for another mirror, or move the old file and make a new one | 19:01 |
heguru | !ubotu | meezfohgi | 19:02 |
ubotu | meezfohgi: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 19:02 |
Naitse | is there a way to install ubuntu from a hard disk? | 19:02 |
janerik | does someone have an Idea why I got this error message in Dolphin??? http://pastebin.com/m4e2048d2 | 19:02 |
principeb13 | #ubuntu br | 19:02 |
Naitse | is there a way to install ubuntu from a hard disk? i don have cd, floppy or usb | 19:02 |
Naitse | dont | 19:02 |
pike_ | Naitse: i suppose you could just dd it | 19:02 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: it's pretty straightforward - just remember to run sudo apt-get update after editing and saving th file | 19:02 |
principeb13 | #ubuntubr | 19:03 |
Pici | principeb13: /j #ubuntu-br | 19:03 |
Naitse | is a notebook | 19:03 |
CochiseIRL | does anyone know if the gmailfs bug has been fixed in gutsy? | 19:03 |
Niteye | gnome keeps crashing once or twice a day, how can i prevent this? | 19:03 |
pike_ | Naitse: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation | 19:03 |
Biju | hello all, can various packages required for Gutsy on Windows to a USB stick and then use that to install the packages on my new Ubuntu system? (Im downloading the packages from a virus infested internet cafe :( should I be concerned that it would affect Ubuntu? ) | 19:03 |
Badmaster | thoreauputic, okay, so replace http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu with http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/ubuntu/ for example and leave the rest (arguments) as is? | 19:03 |
thoreauputic | Biju: re: viruses - can't run on Ubuntu or any Linux | 19:04 |
heguru | Naitse: it is possible, check this link out: http://www.linuxine.com/2007/10/guide-for-installing-ubuntu-710-from.html | 19:04 |
KalEl | how do metapackages work? if i install one, say kubuntu-desktop, and then decide to remove it, will all the dependencies be removed too? | 19:04 |
Ragnaroek | you tell me ;) | 19:04 |
snsone | stefg: libavahi-client3 uninstalls a lot of packages like the screensaver or amarok or compiz etc | 19:04 |
ompaul | Biju, however it is not the best way to get them - find somewhere more trusted | 19:04 |
heguru | KalEl: no, removing metapackage does not remove dependencies | 19:04 |
stefg | snsone: so leave it alone.. don't uninstall | 19:05 |
Biju | I only have a dial up which is why I wanted tot ry the internet cafe | 19:05 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: ummm .... whatever the correct URL is for the archive, with added at the end main , updates, security and so on | 19:05 |
Biju | Are the codecs large downloads? | 19:05 |
Naitse | thanks pike_ :D | 19:05 |
KalEl | heguru: ok... | 19:05 |
albert_ | is there a reason that my torrents upload speeds are 0 with two different programs(transmission, and rtorrent)in ubuntu? | 19:05 |
tom_ | Hi can someone help with a networking problem in Gutsy?? Everything is fine until I start a bittorrent app the network slows to a crawl for all computers on the network...I've tried Bittorrent client, Deluge and uTorrent, all with the correct ports open on the router. I can sometimes get 600Kb/s from Synaptic, so it isn't network connectivity in general. It isn't my ISP throttling bittorrent traffic either because an XP box has no problems. | 19:05 |
fyn | Biju: prolly easiest would be to download the cd onto your usb stick and just burn that rather than fiddling with trying to make your usbstick bootable | 19:05 |
KalEl | can i see a graphical dependency chart for my installed packages? | 19:06 |
snsone | how about the slow internet connection?what is there to do?ipv6 is off | 19:06 |
=== web_know1 is now known as web_knows | ||
b1n42y | just want to thank the guys helping here on behalf of myself and everyone .... u guys are the brick and mortar | 19:06 |
Biju | Fyn: Oh no I have the DVD version with me. I heard that certain codecs might not be available on it | 19:06 |
merlin_ | biju:try a library or university,very fast & free | 19:06 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: for example, here is one line from mine using a different mirror: | 19:06 |
Badmaster | thoreauputic, yay found an online tool which generates the file for me :) | 19:07 |
thoreauputic | deb http://mirror.pacific.net.au/pub1/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted | 19:07 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: heh | 19:07 |
fyn | Biju: which version of the dvds? | 19:07 |
Badmaster | thoreauputic http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ ;-) | 19:07 |
Badmaster | thoreauputic thank you for your help! :) | 19:07 |
Biju | fyn : Ubuntu 7.10 DVD | 19:07 |
thoreauputic | Badmaster: yes that's Seveas' tool - works well :) | 19:07 |
cached | I'm trying to change my resolution but that doesn't seem to work. any ideas? | 19:07 |
Biju | No universities or libraries with broadband near me unfortunately :( | 19:08 |
Biju | I was told this "fter install get the plugins etc gstreamer,xine,flash,java,win32codecs etc downloaded and installed.you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list to enable universe and multiverse repositories.aptoncd saves if u have low bW." | 19:08 |
fyn | Biju: Excellent. Then it should be almost completely up to date and if you are missing any codecs you can just get the .deb packages for what you want--I don't know how much (if any) of multiverse is on the dvd as I'm lucky enough to have a quicker 'net connection. | 19:09 |
grazie | Could someone tell me how to bul | 19:10 |
Biju | Thank you ! Migrating is hard | 19:10 |
meezfohgi | my usb is read-only drive what to do i want write my usb drive | 19:10 |
tom_ | can anyone help solving a networking problem in Gutsy?? Only happens when running bittorrent?? Or suggest a place more suited to networking problems? | 19:10 |
andycr | meezfohgi: How did it get to be read only? | 19:10 |
meezfohgi | i dont now i just plugin..to usb port.. | 19:11 |
thoreauputic | tom_: checked your port forwarding? | 19:11 |
Hammerhead | Hello all | 19:11 |
albert_ | tom i also need network/torrent related advice, if somebody could tell us where we could go to find out | 19:11 |
andycr | meezfohgi: Is it a normal fat-formatted USB stick? | 19:12 |
andycr | Or is it EXT2 etc? | 19:12 |
meezfohgi | andycr:yes | 19:12 |
Hammerhead | Anyone having to start Synaptic package manager twice to get it to start? | 19:12 |
meezfohgi | andycr:fat32 i think | 19:12 |
andycr | meezfohgi: Hmm. No guarantees on this, and it's an ugly hack, but | 19:12 |
thoreauputic | albert_: whatever client you use, the Azureus wiki has good torrent info | 19:12 |
zOap | I'm currently using Dapper, but thinking about installing 7.10. But I've got lots and lots of userconfigured programs. What is the best way of getting these into 7.10? | 19:12 |
andycr | sudo chmod 777 /media/(diskmountpoint) | 19:12 |
stelt | thanks thoreauputic, i mailed Canonical | 19:12 |
tom_ | thoreauputic the ports are open | 19:12 |
lophyte | hey all.. I've got an Intel 915 graphics card and I'm having troubles setting the resolution higher than 1024x768.. I've tried 915resolution and looked around for help, but I can't figure it out... anyone? | 19:12 |
thoreauputic | tom_: OK just asking the obvious :) | 19:13 |
meezfohgi | andycr:i try first...thank | 19:13 |
tom_ | thoreauputic it seems like a denial of service | 19:13 |
andycr | np | 19:13 |
atlfalcons866 | how do i convert to psp | 19:13 |
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Judgegeo | Ahh. Help please. I decided to get rid of ubuntu and start a fresh on my dual boot. So i deleted the partition. Now grub is still the bootmanager and no Windows VIsta wont boot. | 19:13 |
Baader_Meinhof | olá! | 19:13 |
albert_ | thoreauputic: im using two clients and have the same result which is that my upload speeds are zero altough my ports are open according to firestarter | 19:14 |
Baader_Meinhof | alguém sabe como faço para por o k3b em português?? | 19:14 |
tom_ | thoreauputic, network runs fine until I start a bittorrent app and then grinds to a halt for all computers on the network | 19:14 |
Pici | !br | Baader_Meinhof | 19:14 |
ubotu | Baader_Meinhof: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 19:14 |
feca | hali | 19:14 |
_skt|busy | SUPER GRUB DISC | 19:14 |
thoreauputic | andycr: there are almost *no* situations in which chmod 777 is justified | 19:14 |
mg | hola | 19:14 |
_skt|busy | or just install from cd again | 19:14 |
mg | soy nuevo en ubuntu | 19:14 |
feca | van itt valaki aki tud magyarul? | 19:14 |
Pici | !es | mg | 19:14 |
ubotu | mg: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 19:14 |
thoreauputic | tom_: is your router able to handle a lot of connections? | 19:14 |
andycr | thoreauputic: Yeah, that's why I said ugly hack... I don't know how else to help, and nobody else does, so I gave the advice I knew | 19:15 |
b1n42y | mg what language ? | 19:15 |
Judgegeo | Ahh. Help please. I decided to get rid of ubuntu and start a fresh on my dual boot. So i deleted the partition. Now grub is still the bootmanager and no Windows VIsta wont boot. | 19:15 |
mg | gracias pici | 19:15 |
b1n42y | ubotu | 19:15 |
b1n42y | !ubotu | 19:15 |
albert_ | thoreauputic: do you know another room where i might be able to get help? | 19:15 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 19:15 |
tom_ | It is fine on an XP box with uTorrent set up for 450 max connections, 100 per torrent | 19:15 |
feca | peace :D | 19:15 |
thoreauputic | albert_: I assume your ports are properly forwarded etc. Does your ISP do evil things with bit torrent ? | 19:16 |
b1n42y | ah spanish | 19:16 |
Cnerd | hi | 19:16 |
tom_ | thoreauputic: It was also fine with Feisty | 19:16 |
Cnerd | where can i found a command line in ubuntu? | 19:16 |
albert_ | thoreauputic: not that i know because i was getting excellent speeds on windows with azureus | 19:17 |
meezfohgi | andycr:no luck | 19:17 |
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Pici | !terminal | Cnerd | 19:17 |
ubotu | Cnerd: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 19:17 |
=== gunirus is now known as Gunirus | ||
Bax | what's the terminal command to unpack a tar.gz file? | 19:17 |
meezfohgi | andycr:have u know any solution | 19:17 |
Pici | Bax: tar xzvf file.tar.gz | 19:17 |
andycr | Bax: I -think- it's tar xf file | 19:17 |
andycr | ah thanks | 19:17 |
norman_ | danm im getting tired in linux | 19:17 |
andycr | meezfohgi: No, sorry :( | 19:17 |
norman_ | its too dificult | 19:17 |
grazie | How can I obtain the source to build kernel module e1000_ich9.ko (a patched e1000 I presume) for use on a none ubuntu distro? | 19:17 |
meezfohgi | oraitt ..thank | 19:17 |
thoreauputic | tom_: personally I would run a network monitor like iftop and see if there are huge numbers of connections to my BT ports | 19:17 |
Bax | ty! | 19:17 |
tom_ | thoreauputic: ok I'll try that | 19:18 |
phichipsi | hi all; i have a strange problem: yesterday i openend my notebook and wanted to play music with xmms: but I get no sound | 19:18 |
Judgegeo | I need help with my dual boot. Grub is still the bootmanager after i deleted the ubuntu partition and now i cant boot to windows. | 19:18 |
albert_ | thoreauputic: the only thing is that im not sure if i forwarded my ports correctly in linux, im using firestarter and im asuuming that opening the ports through firestarter is good enough | 19:18 |
phichipsi | now i don't know how to chase the problem. how would i do that? | 19:18 |
thoreauputic | albert_: are you using UPNP ? I have found that manual port forwarding works best | 19:18 |
phichipsi | i mean the drivers seem to be installed as before, in xmms the "bars" are moving up and down when i play a cd and no errors do show up | 19:19 |
thoreauputic | albert_: you need to make sure the ports are forwarded from your router | 19:19 |
albert_ | thoreauputic: no upnp is turned off in both clients, it has to be something in linux because its the same problem with two different torrent clients | 19:19 |
phichipsi | how could i verify that the integrated sound boxes are e.g. burned | 19:19 |
thoreauputic | albert_: if your port forwarding is wrong, nothing will work, of course :) | 19:20 |
ice9__ | I can't upgrade to gusty at all so if I take the cd and use that is it going to write over everything I have or will the install do an upgrade instead | 19:20 |
Judgegeo | !grub | 19:20 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 19:20 |
tom_ | thoreauputic: could you tell me what command line to use for wlan0? sorry for being dim | 19:20 |
thoreauputic | albert_: if you trun the firewall off ( clear iptables), does it work? | 19:20 |
andycr | ice9__: Depends whether you have /home as a separate partition | 19:20 |
thoreauputic | tom_: with iftop? | 19:21 |
albert_ | thoreauputic: how do i clear iptables | 19:21 |
cached | why can't i lower my resolution? | 19:21 |
tom_ | thoreauputic: yes | 19:21 |
cached | the options are on the list, but when i click them it asks me if i want to keep the settings that were not changed :\ | 19:21 |
thoreauputic | tom_: something like sudo iftop -BP -i wlan0 | 19:21 |
ines | hi | 19:22 |
thoreauputic | albert_: might be best to just turn the firewall off through firestarter | 19:22 |
feca | re | 19:22 |
tom_ | thoreauputic/ thanks | 19:22 |
thoreauputic | albert_: if you aren't familiar with iptables | 19:22 |
albert_ | thoreauputic: yeah im still a linux newbie and because of that am not yet familiar with iptables | 19:23 |
thoreauputic | albert_: sure - just use the firatarter front end GUI then | 19:23 |
SpeCon | hi i need an FTP client for ubuntu can somebody tell me wich one | 19:23 |
src | albert_, iptables -F | 19:23 |
SpeCon | for apt-get install please | 19:23 |
heguru | SpeCon: gtpf | 19:23 |
heguru | SpeCon: gftp | 19:23 |
SpeCon | heguru okay man tnx | 19:23 |
imscifi | thoreauputic, hahaha! | 19:24 |
riotkittie | apt-cache search ftp | grep client | 19:24 |
phichipsi | is there no way i can check the sound system? | 19:24 |
thoreauputic | src: iptables -F clears, but doesn't remove some things - best to not use it without restting policy | 19:24 |
Pici | !sound | phichipsi | 19:24 |
ubotu | phichipsi: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 19:24 |
imscifi | thoreauputic, finally got the vpn working, had to use an older one | 19:24 |
genii | fireftp extension also for Firefox is not so horrible | 19:24 |
SpeCon | UBUNTU OWNssssss | 19:24 |
SpeCon | :) | 19:24 |
thoreauputic | imscifi: ah | 19:24 |
SpeCon | very userfriendly guy's!!!! | 19:24 |
SpeCon | keep up the good work | 19:24 |
b1n42y | !mp3 | 19:24 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 19:24 |
DShepherd | thank you :-) | 19:25 |
DShepherd | hehehee | 19:25 |
red | hi | 19:25 |
src | thoreauputic, it clears all the rules, what else does he want? | 19:25 |
albert_ | thoreauputic: ok turning it off isnt doing anything unfortutanetly for either client | 19:25 |
osmosis | what does *** stack smashing detected *** mean ? | 19:25 |
Srandom | Hi, I was considering installing the new Ubuntu realease 64-bit. But I've been reading about a lot of issues with the NVidia 8800 series of graphics cards. Also, people say that the 64-bit has some problems with software support. Can anyone give me some insight into these issues? | 19:25 |
ines | i ave just insalled gusty on my compaq laptop but it was taking too long to boot so i modified my boot/grub/menu.lst, in my kernel line i deleted the quiet plash options and added irqpoll,, but when im afraid when i upgrade my kernel iwill have todo it again | 19:25 |
red | hey, one little question some package server down or unreachable ? | 19:25 |
thoreauputic | src: yes, but depending on POLICY ( eg if default is DROP) you can get problems with a simple iptables -F | 19:26 |
albert_ | thoreauputic: my download speeds are also not up to par but ill worry about that later. right now the thing thats bothering me is that my upload is not going at all | 19:26 |
ines | is there line in my men.lst where it does the same thing for every kernel | 19:26 |
thoreauputic | src: believe me, I've been there :) | 19:26 |
src | thoreauputic, the default is not DROP | 19:26 |
b1n42y | Srandom: I have insatlled 64 bit and have 8600GT so far have played around with compiz...CUBE workspace switching etc ..with no apparent problems | 19:26 |
thoreauputic | src: ? in Firestarter? maybe not | 19:26 |
src | thoreauputic, dunno what firestarter is. but in iptables it's not | 19:27 |
thoreauputic | src: my DEFAULT is DROP however :) | 19:27 |
Srandom | b1n42y: have you gotten Java to work successfully? | 19:27 |
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sanguisde1 | is there a way that I can recompile my alsa drivers w/ the package manager | 19:27 |
b1n42y | havent tried | 19:27 |
thoreauputic | src: I'm talking about how the iptables script is written | 19:27 |
dahitokiri | so i just installed the latest ubuntu release on my desktop on my second harddrive, it boots up fine, gnome loads up fine, i even installed applications. but for some reason after some time, say 15 min, the applications freeze. i can move the mouse, but that's it. nothing is responsive, even the caps lock or num lock keys don't register. what could be the problem or how can i go about fixing it? | 19:27 |
thoreauputic | src: not the Ubuntu default | 19:27 |
pike_ | ines: the only thing that will change is the vmlinuz name and then initrd will be same number as vmlinuz | 19:27 |
thoreauputic | src: which is permissive on all chains | 19:28 |
src | thoreauputic, exactly. | 19:28 |
phichipsi | Pici, I tried. it does not help | 19:28 |
Srandom | Anyone have any idea if/when the nVidia 8800 graphics driver issues will be solved without a series of workarounds? | 19:28 |
thoreauputic | src: the reason I gave the suggesion was that I don't personally know what policies firestarter puts in place | 19:28 |
pike_ | Srandom: when the 9800s come out :) | 19:29 |
Srandom | Anyone else care to comment about the difficulty of getting software (like Java) working on 64-bit? | 19:29 |
Srandom | pike_: sweet.... *sigh* | 19:29 |
ines | pike bt when i updte my kernel, i will loose the changes ive made... | 19:29 |
albert_ | src: either way its not changing my problem when i disable the firewall | 19:29 |
dahitokiri | anyone? | 19:29 |
adayah | hello. finally solved my monitor situation on my own. but now gnome settings daemon fails at login. i do sudo gnome-settings-daemon to restart things but as soon as i close the terminal things revert to a lesser theme. i have a poste bin of the terminal display at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42715/ | 19:30 |
src | thoreauputic, well i guess he should -X, -F,X nat, mangle, and change INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT to accept | 19:30 |
pike_ | ines: you can put an entry in menu.lst to prevent it from being recreated when you update i dont know syntax though.. maybe it is already there but commented out | 19:30 |
thoreauputic | albert_: if you are not uploading at all then it is almost certainly a port forwarding issue | 19:30 |
thoreauputic | src: yes, something like that | 19:30 |
thoreauputic | src: but he's new, so that is a bit much to walk him through | 19:31 |
FoSsiL | anyone know what is safe to delete under "Orphaned file" in Kleansweep? | 19:31 |
AncientRelic | Is there an ubuntu hardware channel that's seperate? | 19:31 |
pike_ | ines: alternative=false | 19:31 |
heguru | ines: find the line # defoptions=quiet splash and change to # defoptions= | 19:31 |
albert_ | thoreauputic: yeah well my router is set up as an accesspoint with NAT disabled and i therefore cant set up portfowarding on the router, could that be the problem | 19:31 |
Cnerd | ubunu says: acces denied, is there a administrator user? | 19:31 |
thoreauputic | albert_: yes :) | 19:31 |
pike_ | ines: ach thats not it | 19:31 |
src | albert_: try thius iptables -X; iptables -t nat -F; iptables -t nat -X; iptables -t mangle -F; iptabes -t mangle -X; iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT; iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT; iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT | 19:31 |
pike_ | ines: updatedefaultentry=false | 19:32 |
mechler_ | what's a good text editor with syntax highlighting? | 19:32 |
thoreauputic | src: that isn't the problem - as you see, he can't port forward... | 19:32 |
Cnerd | ?? | 19:32 |
andycr | Cnerd: Yes, but I wouldn't reccomend messing with it unless you have some experience with Linux first | 19:32 |
tag | ant keeps trying to use the wrong version of javac since I upgraded...the alternatives setup is right, but for some reason ant is using who-the-hell knows what compiler (I think gcj) | 19:32 |
andycr | It can do -anything- as root | 19:32 |
tom_ | thoreauputic: thanks for the help, I'm going to leave it for today | 19:32 |
pike_ | mechler_: vim if youre comfortable with it | 19:32 |
theonex86 | hey everyone!! | 19:32 |
andycr | (a | 19:32 |
mechler_ | not really comfortable with it. | 19:32 |
andycr | ("admin" in Linux is called root) | 19:32 |
thoreauputic | tom_: no problem - good luck :) | 19:33 |
src | bummer | 19:33 |
theonex86 | im trying to get 7.10 to play dvds with totem-xine and is not working? any tips? | 19:33 |
timo | hi. I have abit of an annoying problem. I want to run flightgear in full screen mode but it seems compiz fusion is making the full screen a little transparent which means I can see all the other windows underneat | 19:33 |
mechler_ | i understand the benefits but... there have to be other ones that have regex support and block highlighting and stuff... | 19:33 |
sanguisde1 | Cnerd: if it is you machine that you set up then you are the admin user but you need to invoce su privs by using the sudo prefix on yotu cammmands | 19:33 |
Cnerd | I will install GCC | 19:33 |
Cnerd | root with passsword? | 19:33 |
andycr | Cnerd: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 19:33 |
andycr | root is sudo <command you want> | 19:33 |
Cnerd | :) | 19:33 |
andycr | that should get you gcc, g++, and make | 19:34 |
Aridhol | Anyone know why my screen would go into standby after a couple hours even though I have power management set to never turn it off? | 19:34 |
MobiusNZ | or sudo -s | 19:34 |
mechler_ | is there a shortcut to open a terminal by default? | 19:34 |
jaco | hello | 19:34 |
dena | MWUHAHAHHAHAHAHHA I got my tv tuner working!!!!!!! | 19:34 |
andycr | mechler_: "By default"? I don't understand | 19:34 |
Cnerd | THNX | 19:34 |
andycr | Cnerd: np :) | 19:34 |
mechler_ | andy: on install | 19:34 |
Cnerd | it was already the newest version :s | 19:34 |
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Cnerd | :) | 19:34 |
atlfalcons866 | do i need a license to use win32 codecs | 19:34 |
theonex86 | hey guys can someone help me get dvd playback in ubuntu 7.10?? | 19:35 |
mechler_ | also, i need a nice irc client with nickcomp etc. :( | 19:35 |
andycr | atlfalcons866: License? | 19:35 |
adayah | Hi. my gnome-settings-daemon fails at long and i restart it using sudo gnome-settings-daemon and the dark theme comes back only as long as terminal remains open. once closed i revert. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42715/ for terminal output | 19:35 |
tuna-fish | I've got a simple question that I think should be easy but I'm not getting it. On machine startup, I want to start a daemon process that is owned by a specific unpriviledged user. It is really easy if i want to run it as root, but how can i start it as some other user? | 19:35 |
andycr | theonex86: Is libdvdcss installed? | 19:35 |
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andycr | I assume it's an MPAA dvd | 19:35 |
dena | theonex86, there is a screencast for it on screencasts.ubuntu.com | 19:35 |
theonex86 | im gonna check hold on | 19:35 |
atlfalcons866 | andycr: i dont think so | 19:35 |
slimaq | hi anybody have ubuntu and ati mobility 7500? | 19:35 |
jaco | i have mp3 files on my pc. how do i make an audio cd with them, to play on normal cd players? | 19:35 |
dahitokiri | so i just installed the latest ubuntu release on my desktop on my second harddrive, it boots up fine, gnome loads up fine, i even installed applications. but for some reason after some time, say 15 min, the applications freeze. i can move the mouse, but that's it. nothing is responsive, even the caps lock or num lock keys don't register. what could be the problem or how can i go about fixing it? | 19:35 |
thoreauputic | atlfalcons866: strictly speaking, probably. If you alredy own a version of Windows, it's a moot point | 19:35 |
X-Sleepy-X | What happens if you install all the packages? | 19:36 |
andycr | atlfalcons866: No, I mean what do you mean license? | 19:36 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: trying to install nvidia-settings and its asking me to uninstall nvidia-glx-new............any ideas ? | 19:36 |
andycr | The codecs AFAIK were developed independantly | 19:36 |
ines | pike, ive uncommented it, what exactly will this do? | 19:36 |
andycr | b1n42y: nvidia-settings should be preinstalled | 19:36 |
atlfalcons866 | thoreeauputic: my windows 98 copy broke but i have the certificate of authicity on my computer | 19:36 |
theonex86 | i have libdvdread3 installed | 19:36 |
andycr | try nvidia-settings in terminal | 19:36 |
andycr | theonex86: To play encrypted dvd's youll need the decoder | 19:36 |
theonex86 | what's the command from terminal to install that ? | 19:36 |
andycr | !dvd | theonex86 | 19:36 |
ubotu | theonex86: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 19:36 |
jaco | i have mp3 files on my pc. how do i make an audio cd with them, to play on normal cd players? | 19:37 |
heguru | andycr: no, w32codecs are proprietary closed-source codecs | 19:37 |
thoreauputic | b1n42y: not really - I have a known-good xorg.conf that I just plug in, and it works. I know very little about nvidia's binary blobs | 19:37 |
andycr | heguru: Ah, my mistake | 19:37 |
theonex86 | do you think it will work fine for 7.10?? | 19:37 |
sharkp | Hi | 19:37 |
andycr | theonex86: Yes, it will | 19:37 |
theonex86 | ok | 19:37 |
sharkp | I need a module that isn't in gutsy kernel | 19:37 |
sharkp | how can I do? | 19:37 |
pike_ | jaco: gnomebaker or k3b most people prefer k3b | 19:37 |
theonex86 | ill try right now andycr | 19:37 |
thoreauputic | !caps | slimaq | 19:37 |
ubotu | slimaq: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 19:37 |
andycr | slimaq: My friend does, but btw, your caps lock key is stuck | 19:37 |
heguru | sharkp: what module do you need? | 19:38 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: thanks ill try andy solution | 19:38 |
sharkp | heguru: I need ati_piix module | 19:38 |
pike_ | jaco: youll need the plugin for mp3 support libk3b2-mp3 | 19:38 |
jaco | pike: i tried k3b...it says i need to convert the files to wave format first | 19:38 |
sharkp | there's in edgy | 19:38 |
Maligen | hi, is there any way to make my windows transparent ? (7.10) | 19:38 |
sharkp | but not in gutsy | 19:38 |
pike_ | jaco: yeah that plugi should gix | 19:38 |
pike_ | fix | 19:38 |
slimaq | sorry | 19:38 |
Asterix_ | I'm having a problem that doesn't seem to be on the forums anywhere. I'm trying to mount a game dvd in my drive but after right clicking and selecting mount nothing appears in the drive. But if I put the previous dvd in and mount the files will appear. I've tried putting in some random third cd but cannot get the data to appear after mounting. Any ideas on what I could do? | 19:39 |
Aridhol | Anyone know why my screen would go into standby after a couple hours even though I have power management set to never turn it off? I can't seem to find any other settings that would control the monitor going to standby | 19:39 |
thoreauputic | atlfalcons866: unless this is a corporate machine or something, I doubt that anyone will chase you to the courts for installing w32codecs :) | 19:39 |
sharkp | heguru: so, how shall I do?ù | 19:39 |
jaco | pike: what do you mean? | 19:39 |
thoreauputic | atlfalcons866: the decision is yours | 19:39 |
heguru | sharkp: shouldn't that be ata_piix ? | 19:39 |
foxjazz | anyone know how to share a network drive in linux? | 19:39 |
pike_ | jaco: sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3 if youre on gutsy 7.10 | 19:39 |
pike_ | jaco: then k3b should work for mp3 to audio | 19:40 |
atlfalcons866 | thoreeauputic: what do you mean corperate machine? | 19:40 |
sharkp | heguru: oh, yes yes | 19:40 |
sharkp | scuse me... | 19:40 |
thoreauputic | foxjazz: using what? NFS? Samba? sshfs? ftp? | 19:40 |
b1n42y | andycr: thoreauputic: FYI how did you know...synaptic shows it as uninstalled tried running from terminal nvidia-settings and BAM ..... u guys rock | 19:40 |
jaco | wow ur super clever if that works..thanks man | 19:40 |
pike_ | jaco: np | 19:40 |
heguru | sharkp: thats included in the kernel | 19:40 |
knoeki | okay, tricky one here. I googled and RTFM. Right, so I recently acquired a laptop (( 2GHz P4, 512MB RAM, NVidia GeForce 4 Go )), and installed the CD of Kubuntu 7.04 I had laying around. But, since 7.10 came out, and I prefer Gnome over KDE, I burned Ubuntu 7.10. Now, it installs fine, then reboots, after which I log in. This is when I get asked for updates and restricted drivers (( which worked fine on 7.04 )). Now, after this I reboot. | 19:40 |
knoeki | the splash-screen shows up, but as soon as it's done, I just get a blank screen, backlight dims too. I then have to switch into a VT, log in, delete a temp file for xorg, then start xorg again, dropping me into the Gui. but, after this, I can not access any VT, nor can I hybernate, shutdown, or whatever (( which I could in 7.04 )) | 19:40 |
andycr | b1n42y: Nobody seems to know why nvidia settings is listed separately in synaptic :/ | 19:40 |
foxjazz | thoreauputic nfs | 19:41 |
andycr | Probably be fixed in hardy | 19:41 |
chandeller | hello all | 19:41 |
chandeller | coldfusion ubunto and bluedragon, i need help | 19:41 |
sharkp | heguru: but it isn't loaded, couse I' ve tried an wedgy alternaste and it worked | 19:41 |
sharkp | with a gutsy, no | 19:41 |
jaco | pike: installation done...now for the test..... | 19:41 |
thoreauputic | atlfalcons866: I mean if this is your personal machine the legalities don't matter so much: whether you want to install w32codecs is up to you | 19:41 |
desertc | Turned on my computer today and all the files from /var/lib were gone after fsck repaired. | 19:41 |
sharkp | heguru: can I force its loading on boot? | 19:42 |
ines | pike what exactly will the un-commenting of updatedefaultentry=false will do? | 19:42 |
foxjazz | using the shared utility I have shared a folder. but I can't seem to access it | 19:42 |
thoreauputic | foxjazz: have you read the bfs howto? Have you installed nfs-kernel-server? | 19:42 |
atlfalcons866 | thoreeauputic: ok thanks =) | 19:42 |
thoreauputic | s/bfs/nfs | 19:42 |
heguru | sharkp: you can add it to /etc/modules to have it loaded automatically | 19:42 |
sharkp | heguru: yeah but, with a live cd? | 19:42 |
foxjazz | where can I get general how-to's on linux. Please help | 19:43 |
thoreauputic | foxjazz: is the server running on the machine you are trying to access? | 19:43 |
jaco | pike: wow man it put the files on...but are u sure it wont write it as an mp3 cd? | 19:43 |
heguru | sharkp: don't know | 19:43 |
Asterix_ | I've got 7.10 and for some reason a data dvd I've tested on another machine will not mount. It pretends to mount but if I open it up there's no files showing. Any suggestions on what I can try? | 19:43 |
chandeller | /j newatlanta | 19:43 |
foxjazz | the server is vmware virtualbox | 19:43 |
thoreauputic | !docs | foxjazz | 19:43 |
ubotu | foxjazz: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 19:43 |
Maligen | can I make my windows transparent (7.10) ? | 19:43 |
andycr | Asterix_: No idea. Sometimes a given optical drive will not like a certain type of media | 19:43 |
mechler_ | Can anyone recommend a syntax-highlighting window-based text editor that works well in ubuntu? I'm not comfortable with vim. | 19:43 |
theonex86 | guys i tried what you told me but i can't get dvd playback on 7.10 any help? | 19:43 |
andycr | Maligen: If compiz is running, mouse over one and hold down alt while scrolling the mnouse wheel | 19:44 |
b1n42y | andycr: do you mean in a different repo... because I have a screenshot here of listed as not installed yet it works from the terminal like you said | 19:44 |
dahitokiri | so i just installed the latest ubuntu release on my desktop on my second harddrive, it boots up fine, gnome loads up fine, i even installed applications. but for some reason after some time, say 15 min, the applications freeze. i can move the mouse, but that's it. nothing is responsive, even the caps lock or num lock keys don't register. what could be the problem or how can i go about fixing it? | 19:44 |
knoeki | mechler_: gedit | 19:44 |
thoreauputic | sharkp: don't shout | 19:44 |
john83 | hi guys | 19:44 |
knoeki | mechler_: it's the standard text editor in ubuntu. | 19:44 |
Asterix_ | andycr: This is disc 2 of a game and the first disc was mounted fine. | 19:44 |
mechler_ | Does it have syntax highlighting built in that I'm missing? | 19:44 |
Maligen | andycr: is that permanent ? | 19:44 |
andycr | b1n42y: I mean that it's strange that they list it separately, and hopefully they will remove the useless nvidia-settings package in hardy heron in april | 19:44 |
john83 | hi i have no sound problem..plz hlep me | 19:44 |
andycr | Asterix_: If it's a pressed disc I don't know :( | 19:44 |
GuHHH | does someone uses bacula and could help me with a simple question? | 19:44 |
andycr | Maligen: No, it isn't | 19:45 |
knoeki | mechler_: it should have syntax highlighting yes | 19:45 |
andycr | I think you can set it for all windows permanently in ccsm | 19:45 |
Maligen | andycr: isn't there any permanent ? | 19:45 |
andycr | sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settingsmanager | 19:45 |
theonex86 | andycr: it didn't work!! | 19:45 |
Evanlec | s/settingsmanager/settings-manager | 19:45 |
andycr | theonex86: Could you please refresh my memory? | 19:46 |
Maligen | andycr: I'm going to try it | 19:46 |
andycr | Was it about the DVD's? | 19:46 |
knoeki | heh. I guess my question many lines up was also out of reach for anyone here... no-one seems to know >.> | 19:46 |
theonex86 | ook | 19:46 |
gonzaloaf_work | hi, I have added a script to /etc/rc*.d/ run when my system boots, the problem is that the script executes twice at boot, what could be the problem? there are the Start and Kill instances of my script in /etc/rc*.d http://pastebin.ca/755552 | 19:46 |
desertc | dahitokiri: What happens when you go to a console? | 19:46 |
theonex86 | i tried to get dvd playback in ubuntu but didnt work | 19:46 |
theonex86 | i tried installing gstreamer plugins (all) | 19:46 |
b1n42y | andycr: ahh so its installed with NVIDIA or something else and yet they list it seperately ..is that what you mean ? | 19:46 |
andycr | theonex86: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=575729&page=4 should contain a package that will work | 19:46 |
Gizmo_the_Great | anyone know why, when I try to open more than one Bittorrent at a time using the standard Ubuntu BitTorrent app, I get the error : "Couldn't listen - (98, 'Address already in use)" | 19:47 |
theonex86 | and i already installed libdvdread3 | 19:47 |
ArrPirate | I have a graphical problem... when my screen dims to show the password dialogue for the admin password only the upper left two thirds goes dark, also when I hit super+tab to do the cool windows switcher thing a similar thing happens where the upper left two thirds is blocked by a smaller version of my wallpaper | 19:47 |
desertc | Gizmo_the_Great: Oh - I know the answer !!! | 19:47 |
ArrPirate | anyone know how to fix this? | 19:47 |
nicolah | enabling temporized login would increase the possibility of one non fisical - intrusion ? I mean it's just about someone who would access my pc phisically, nothing about remote-login or stuff like that. right ? | 19:47 |
foxjazz | well docs aren't helping at all | 19:47 |
dahitokiri | desertc: i can't escape from the desktop when it happens, so i can't see any output from xorg. but i've never booted directly into the console. | 19:47 |
thoreauputic | Gizmo_the_Great: because the first instance is already listening on your bit torrent port | 19:47 |
keeroy | hi there | 19:47 |
graulich | any change I make to xorg.conf should be in effect once I log off and back in, right? | 19:47 |
desertc | Gizmo_the_Great: You need to change the settings of the gnome-bittorrent to increase the maxport | 19:47 |
Niteye | i cannot change the screen resolution in ubuntu 7.0 | 19:47 |
theonex86 | will this work for totem? | 19:47 |
desertc | thoreauputic: WRONG | 19:48 |
thoreauputic | desertc: does the gnome torrent vlient allocate ports automatically? | 19:48 |
Gizmo_the_Great | thoreauputic, desertc thanks guys. Also found it here just after asking! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2195260 | 19:48 |
progress0r | I added a headset usb device to my gutsy-amd64 and now I cant hear anything out of my onboard audi via the normal audio jack. It looks like its using the headphone usb interface. How can I tell ALSA to use the other freakin device? | 19:48 |
theonex86 | andycr:will this work for totem? | 19:48 |
Maligen | well, I experienc a huge anomaly: I can't reach synaptic or anything else (whic install or remove package or software) because: package hamachi needs a reinstall but there is no archive | 19:48 |
desertc | thoreauputic: Sorry to be harsh, but everyone criticizes the default BT client | 19:48 |
Duddy | guys, I just figured out how to set up ubuntu server and clients | 19:48 |
thoreauputic | desertc: if so, yes, a range should be possible | 19:49 |
desertc | thoreauputic: no it doesn't | 19:49 |
progress0r | Maligen: can you do a dpkg -P | 19:49 |
Duddy | its freakin awesome! | 19:49 |
Duddy | screw my mcse! | 19:49 |
desertc | thoreauputic: I mean to say, read the link gizmo found | 19:49 |
thoreauputic | desertc: so how can the second instance listen ( i'm genuinely trying to find out) | 19:49 |
desertc | Duddy: Welcome to the new. | 19:49 |
Duddy | how can I get ubuntu certified? | 19:49 |
Duddy | its soo seamless! | 19:50 |
mechler_ | The application switcher for me is shifted down and to the right? (Alt-Tab preview window) | 19:50 |
Maligen | progress0r: you will laugh: hamachi needs a reinstall before remove :D | 19:50 |
desertc | thoreauputic: read the link - you just set up more ports. I already told Gnome this was a bug | 19:50 |
thoreauputic | desertc: OK | 19:50 |
theonex86 | ?? | 19:50 |
andycr | theonex86: Yes | 19:50 |
dahitokiri | desertc: i can't escape from the desktop when it happens, so i can't see any output from xorg. but i've never booted directly into the console. | 19:50 |
thoreauputic | desertc: but setting up more ports is kind of the answer to it already hogging a port, right? | 19:50 |
andycr | theonex86: There is a .deb file there listed near the beginning | 19:50 |
ArrPirate | mechler_: you mean that when you hit alt+tab the little switcher window is down and to the right instead of centered? If so I have a similar problem, except it's up and to the left | 19:51 |
b1n42y | Duddy: I just had some minor linux achievements with CUBE etc i tellz ya linux rocks | 19:51 |
andycr | That is what you want to download then double click | 19:51 |
desertc | dahitokiri: That sounds bad. I would try to exit Xwindows and just use a terminal for 20 minutes and see what happens. Monitor the /var/log/messages file | 19:51 |
mechler_ | ArrPirate: Yeah. I'm not sure why. =\ | 19:51 |
theonex86 | andycr: the link is broken | 19:51 |
theonex86 | but ill try anyway | 19:51 |
mechler_ | ArrPirate: Let me know if you figure anything out. =\ | 19:51 |
andycr | theonex86: Sorry, let me find a different one | 19:51 |
ArrPirate | mechler_: Ditto. | 19:51 |
Duddy | is 8.10 going to be an LTS release? | 19:51 |
progress0r | Maligen: try this...go into aptitude, hit 'g' and you should see it listed. Highlite it and if its scheduled for removal hit '+' to cancel. If it is scheduled for add, hit '-' | 19:51 |
Gizmo_the_Great | thoreauputic, desertc thanks guys. It has worked. U sed gconf-editor to increase the port range :-) | 19:51 |
andycr | Duddy: No, 8.04 | 19:51 |
thoreauputic | desertc: sorry, just read the link and what i said was not wrong, just incomplete | 19:51 |
desertc | thoreauputic: Yes, when you put it that way, then it needs one port per instance, | 19:51 |
dahitokiri | desertc: just so i'm sure, what's the escape sequence to exit x? | 19:51 |
Duddy | oh ok | 19:51 |
ArrPirate | mechler_: For me it's every graphical thing shifted to the upper left... the alt+tab switcher, the super+tab switcher, and the screen dimming when the password prompt comes up | 19:52 |
thoreauputic | desertc: exactly | 19:52 |
feklee | How do I change the FQDN of my system. Currently, when I run "hostname -d", I get nothing. In Slackware there's the file /etc/HOSTNAME, but /etc/hostname in Ubuntu seems to be stw. different. Anyone? | 19:52 |
progress0r | Maligen: that will cancel the pending problem - OR even easier just go into aptitude and do a CTRL-T and one of the menus has a cancel pending actions. oops | 19:52 |
pn | question: where does one configure compiz? | 19:52 |
Asterix_ | What is the proper way to mount a dvd from the command line? | 19:52 |
desertc | thoreauputic: I tried to find out the answer to that same question when I started using Ubuntu, and everyone told me to switch bittorrent clients. I may be touchy about the subject now. | 19:52 |
andycr | theonex86: http://yoten.blogspot.com/2007/10/play-encrypted-dvds-under-ubuntu-gutsy.html | 19:52 |
andycr | try that | 19:52 |
ArrPirate | pn: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/10/04/compiz-fusion-on-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbin/ | 19:52 |
b1n42y | pn ill help you with this 1 mate | 19:53 |
thoreauputic | desertc: I never suggested he switch clients :) | 19:53 |
graulich | any change I make to xorg.conf should be in effect once I log off and back in, right? | 19:53 |
Duddy | i'll probably deploy an ubuntu network for my next contract. | 19:53 |
b1n42y | damn beaten to it ;p | 19:53 |
Maligen | progress0r: it says hamachi will be removed | 19:53 |
dahitokiri | desertc: just so i'm sure, what's the escape sequence to exit x? | 19:53 |
ArrPirate | pn: I had the same question, looked it up just like 5 minutes ago :D | 19:53 |
Duddy | they want to keep it cheap | 19:53 |
progress0r | Maligen: ok cancel that pending action or you wont beable to do anything else. | 19:53 |
gonzaloaf_work | hi, I have added a script to /etc/rc*.d/ run when my system boots, the problem is that the script executes twice at boot, what could be the problem? there are the Start and Kill instances of my script in /etc/rc*.d http://pastebin.ca/755552 | 19:53 |
ArrPirate | I really need my problem solved and I have no idea what to look for it under on google | 19:53 |
desertc | dahitokiri: Just use the GNOME exit button | 19:53 |
desertc | ArrPirate: What seems to be the problem? | 19:53 |
pn | hmm, cool. thanks | 19:53 |
sandgrain | does it make a difference if i install the nvidia drivers before or after activating the restricted driver in system->administration? | 19:54 |
Duddy | quick question though, how do I set up a raid-1 in ubuntu server? | 19:54 |
Maligen | progress0r: I don't know, what should I see after cancel ? | 19:54 |
b1n42y | i love how people help each other here ... pitty it doesnt happen on the streets etc ;p | 19:54 |
progress0r | ArrPirate: I struggled endlessly to get compiz to work with no avail. Not sure i used that howto but i looked at several and all were different. I have an ATI card which i curse now. Should have stayed with nvidia. | 19:54 |
Duddy | lol | 19:54 |
dahitokiri | desertc: no buttons are responsive. isn't there an escape sequence along the lines of ctrl+alt+backspace? | 19:54 |
desertc | sandgrain: You need to use the Ubuntu methods if you want it supported | 19:54 |
thoreauputic | sandgrain: if you activate tehm, the system should offer to install them for you | 19:54 |
desertc | dahitokiri: that doesn't exit | 19:54 |
schlumpf- | hi im trying to build a prog but confront a problem i pasted the last lines from the terminal to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42720/ | 19:54 |
ArrPirate | I have an intel integrated laptop graphics card progress0r | 19:54 |
kev_b | hi all, when i was browsing an ssh (sftp) share with nautilus in feisty I could search files in the current directory and subdirs... but with gutsy it now seems to be searching a cache of the local filesystem and totally ignoring my current directory and all network shares | 19:55 |
desertc | progress0r? | 19:55 |
feklee | Anyone? How do I change the FQDN? | 19:55 |
ArrPirate | progress0r, the name of the guy who just talked to me | 19:55 |
andycr | intel cards should work with compiz out of the box | 19:55 |
mechler_ | ? | 19:55 |
ArrPirate | they do... except there's a bug with my setup or something | 19:55 |
Maligen | progress0r: I think nothing happened | 19:55 |
ArrPirate | every compiz effect is shifted up and to the left | 19:55 |
andycr | that's weird. | 19:55 |
andycr | "shifted"? | 19:55 |
andycr | how so? | 19:56 |
Asterix_ | Mounting my data dvd from the Computer file browser doesn't seem to be working right. Is there a way I can do this from the command line? | 19:56 |
mechler_ | everything is normal for mine but my window switcher is shifted down and to the right | 19:56 |
ArrPirate | alt+tab switcher window, super+tab switcher window, and the dimming effect when the password prompt comes up is all shifted up and to the left | 19:56 |
eXeCuTeR | guys | 19:56 |
eXeCuTeR | i need help with ventrilo | 19:56 |
progress0r | Maligen: go into aptitude (sudo aptitude) then press CTRL-T and a menu should drop-down. Use your arrow keys to navigate the menus until you find 'cancel pending actions' that will cancel the remove. then you can use apt again. | 19:56 |
mechler_ | other switchers are normal for me | 19:56 |
kev_b | feklee: in /etc/hosts i think | 19:56 |
m00n | anyone knows all stack security implementations on ubuntu 7.10? | 19:56 |
m00n | can get my eip overwritten | 19:56 |
ArrPirate | andycr: as in instead of being centered in my screen or filling my whole screen they seem to act as though the upper left two thirds of my screen is my entire screen, meaning 'centered' effects are up and to the left and the dimmer only dims the upper left part of my screen | 19:56 |
feklee | kev_b, I already tried my ususal settings there, but I'll check the man page again. Thanks. | 19:57 |
andycr | ArrPirate: That's bizzarre. Never had that happen, so I can't help, sorry | 19:57 |
sandgrain | desertc, thoreauputic: ok, thanx | 19:57 |
Maligen | progress0r: I hit enter on it, and nothing happens | 19:57 |
mechler_ | mine shows it in the middle of the screen like normal for just a split second, then shifts it down and to the right and continues to show it there normally (other than the obvious translation) | 19:57 |
kev_b | feklee: "man hostname" also, i think there is a single hostname command/file for fqdn too | 19:57 |
Diano | hello | 19:57 |
Duddy | if somone helped me about raid-1 on the server edition, could you say it again please | 19:58 |
Maligen | progress0r: what about "forget new packages" ? | 19:58 |
feklee | kev_b, /etc/hosts did the trick. Thanks for pointing me to it. | 19:58 |
Duddy | my IRC client crashed | 19:58 |
kev_b | feklee: np | 19:58 |
ArrPirate | I'll see if I can make a screenshot gif of this | 19:58 |
andycr | Duddy: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/5653 turned up in a google search, -might- help | 19:58 |
Duddy | thanks! | 19:58 |
andycr | Duddy: I've never used it, so I can't vouch for... Darn, he left. | 19:59 |
mechler_ | i'd really like an irc client as good as mirc =\ | 19:59 |
progress0r | Maligen: no there should be a cancel pending actions but you may have to use your right arrow key to find which menu ;) | 19:59 |
mechler_ | xchat and bitchx are just really bare-bones :( | 19:59 |
ceil420 | lol | 19:59 |
mechler_ | i understand people have some kind of attachment to them but they just don't do it for me . :( | 19:59 |
ceil420 | xchat ftw | 19:59 |
Maligen | progress0r: yes I found it and hit an enter on it, but still nothing happens :S | 19:59 |
MaxTraag | How do I create shared folders for pure-ftpd users? | 19:59 |
thoreauputic | mechler_: the power is under the surface :) | 19:59 |
andycr | mechler_: Try mirc in wine, what can go wrong :) | 19:59 |
schlumpf- | hi im trying to build a prog via make and make install i followed the steps of a walkthrough but confront a problem i pasted the last lines from the terminal to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42720/ | 19:59 |
andycr | sudo apt-get install wine, wine (mirc installer) | 20:00 |
progress0r | Maligen: ah ok - hit 'g' and you should get a popup saying 'no packages selected or something like that | 20:00 |
Syirrus | question: how do you install: debuild ? | 20:00 |
andycr | some windows apps work, some dont | 20:00 |
andycr | mirc is simple enough that it should work | 20:00 |
=== loucas is now known as Soteriou | ||
Alan | anyone here have a Mobility Radeon 9000 working with desktop effects? It seems that nothing i do will persuede it to work... | 20:01 |
thoreauputic | what's wrong with xchat that you would want to use mirc ? | 20:01 |
ArrPirate | hmmm | 20:01 |
ArrPirate | odd | 20:01 |
=== Soteriou is now known as LoucasSoteriou | ||
b1n42y | amazing how much stuff you learn idling here | 20:01 |
Maligen | progress0r: I hit g and I see : --\ packagesthat are partially installed | 20:01 |
Maligen | under that: c hamachi | 20:01 |
progress0r | Maligen: crap lol | 20:01 |
thoreauputic | b1n42y: I learnt most of my Linux idling in #debian some years ago :) | 20:01 |
Maligen | progress0r: It is :D , shall I reinstall the OS ? | 20:01 |
ArrPirate | the recorder program will only record the upper left part of my screen... for some reason some programs are only registering the upper left portion of my screen as existing... | 20:02 |
ArrPirate | what could cause something like that? | 20:02 |
progress0r | Maligen: NO NO you dont need to go that far. I run into this often, google for partially installed apps | 20:02 |
andycr | thoreauputic: I learned most about Linux by mashing things into the terminal until it worked 5 years ago :/ I guess I should have used IRC... | 20:02 |
andycr | wold have made things easier | 20:02 |
progress0r | Maligen: we arent using windows - you dont have to reinstall that often lol | 20:02 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: which is what i should have done ..instead of winblows | 20:02 |
ArrPirate | I'll be right back | 20:02 |
thoreauputic | andycr: both approaches work :) IRC accelerates the process :) | 20:02 |
MaxTraag | How do I create shared folders for pure-ftpd users? | 20:02 |
graft | yo, why is ubuntu installing Xgl without my say-so? | 20:02 |
Maligen | progress0r: good to hear :) | 20:02 |
graft | i don't want to run Xgl. It sucks. It shouldn't be running unless I ask for it. | 20:03 |
L0GAN | Why does linux not allow watching LEGAL DVD's? | 20:03 |
pn | well, i'm pretty impressed. i'm a hardcore debian user but mums solaris box had a dead disk, so i took the oppotunity to install 7.10 on it | 20:03 |
andycr | graft: XGL or AIGLX? | 20:03 |
graft | andycr: XGL | 20:03 |
andycr | graft: As in compiz fusion, or actual ugly-hack can't-run-opengl-apps-with-it-on xgl? | 20:03 |
Duddy | does iTunes work? I would love to use my iPhone on ubuntu | 20:03 |
thoreauputic | !libdvdcss | L0GAN | 20:03 |
ubotu | L0GAN: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 20:03 |
graft | i just had to remove xserver-xgl, because it was borking up my system and making it crawl | 20:03 |
rhalff | when I do a apt-get source linux-image-2.6.22-14-xen I get the normal kernel source, how do I get the xen source ? | 20:03 |
graft | andycr: the latter | 20:03 |
andycr | L0GAN: Same reason Windows doesn't out of the box. | 20:04 |
graft | this is the second time this has happened to me upon upgrading to gutsy | 20:04 |
andycr | graft: to my knowledge only AIGLX is preinstalled | 20:04 |
andycr | Can be disabled in appearance | 20:04 |
Syirrus | how do you install: debuild ? | 20:04 |
graft | andycr: doesn't seem tobe the case. maybe it's because I have an ATI card? | 20:04 |
andycr | Never heard of XGL being preinstalled | 20:04 |
L0GAN | still... | 20:04 |
andycr | graft: ah, not sure | 20:04 |
graft | andycr: i'm using dist-upgrade, not from CD | 20:04 |
andycr | L0GAN: Still? Either Ubuntu breaks the (stupid, yes) law, or it follows it and gives you a slight inconvenience | 20:05 |
crdlb | graft: if you have xserver-xgl set up, and you upgrade to gutsy, it gets set up | 20:05 |
crdlb | err | 20:05 |
andycr | They would rather stick around for a few years than save their users a few keystrokes | 20:05 |
crdlb | graft: if you have xserver-xgl installed* | 20:05 |
L0GAN | yeah maybe, but then again it does allow playing illegal dvd rips | 20:05 |
graft | crdlb: i'm pretty sure i didn't have xserver-xgl installed before, and it definitely wasn't setup to run | 20:05 |
crdlb | because the new package sets it up automatically | 20:05 |
crdlb | graft: you did | 20:05 |
MaxTraag | How do I create shared folders for pure-ftpd users? | 20:05 |
hExDj | would 8GB be enough for installing Ubuntu? | 20:05 |
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PixX | Hi all! | 20:05 |
peppych | Hi all, are there any unattended-upgrades users out there ? | 20:05 |
crdlb | I'm 100% sure | 20:05 |
andycr | L0GAN: So does all Windows decryptors | 20:06 |
thoreauputic | hExDj: yes, but more is nice | 20:06 |
andycr | Heck, illegal rips probably aren't even encoded | 20:06 |
andycr | That's what makes it so ridiculous | 20:06 |
graft | crdlb: i didn't, i don't have any cached debs for it | 20:06 |
schlumpf- | hi im trying to build a prog via make and make install i followed the steps of a walkthrough but confront a problem i pasted the last lines from the terminal to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42720/ | 20:06 |
=== brauerle is now known as goros | ||
desertc | hExDj: Sure | 20:06 |
crdlb | graft: yes you did, and if you want to whine about it, do it somewhere else | 20:06 |
graft | crdlb: and i'm damn sure i didn't on the other machine this happened on | 20:06 |
crdlb | this is not #ubuntu | 20:06 |
crdlb | err | 20:06 |
crdlb | haha | 20:06 |
crdlb | yes it is | 20:06 |
andycr | ahahaha | 20:06 |
hExDj | I just got a new laptop with vista and it comes with a recovery partition but its only 8gb and I don't want to start from 0 | 20:06 |
andycr | made me look, too | 20:06 |
b1n42y | thoreauputic: andycr: Do you guys get paid for this? I assume not. | 20:06 |
=== FlaskOrm is now known as blippe | ||
andycr | b1n42y: No, just bored :P | 20:07 |
thoreauputic | b1n42y: hahah - umm, no | 20:07 |
mechler_ | wow! | 20:07 |
MaxTraag | How do I create shared folders for pure-ftpd users? | 20:07 |
b1n42y | THEN YOU ROCK !!! | 20:07 |
dasfas | hi all | 20:07 |
ArrPirate | Hey, I found my problem and fixed it :D | 20:07 |
andycr | b1n42y: :) thanks | 20:07 |
ArrPirate | Ubuntu had the wrong setting for my monitor | 20:07 |
andycr | hExDj: Let me guess, HP? | 20:07 |
PixX | Guys, I am new to ubuntu... I just downloaded a new theme that has .emerald extension. I installed the prog. emerald but the file will still not open. | 20:08 |
hExDj | andycr: yup! | 20:08 |
andycr | hExDj: If you burn the recovery DVD's, you can nuke that partition | 20:08 |
ArrPirate | had it set as 'generic plug and play' with the right resolution... changed that to LCD with my native resolution and here I am, all fixed | 20:08 |
graft | PixX: emerald is a decorator that runs with Compiz Fusion - are you running Compiz? | 20:08 |
=== hirak99 is now known as KalEl | ||
andycr | hExDj: Also, you can resize your Vista partition from within Vista if you need more than 8gb | 20:08 |
hExDj | andycr: I know, I don't need the crap that's in it, but I wonder if it'd be enough | 20:08 |
thoreauputic | PixX: sounds like a Beryl theme - Beryl is now merged with compiz-fusion | 20:08 |
=== dm_ is now known as DM| | ||
PixX | yes, I have compiz | 20:08 |
andycr | Let me look up how | 20:08 |
hExDj | andycr: really? | 20:08 |
graft | PixX: is it running? do you have t hem wobbly windows and such? | 20:08 |
darkangel_ | dose the /home folder have linux version related stuff or can i back it up reformat and up to gusty and just copy it back over | 20:09 |
marmot | Anyone here running Ubuntu under Microsoft Virtual PC? | 20:09 |
PixX | no... no wobly windows | 20:09 |
=== nop20105 is now known as Jerem | ||
andycr | hExDj: Start->Computer->Manage...->Disk Management | 20:09 |
=== Jerem is now known as Jerem_x | ||
desertc | darkangel_: yes, you got it exactly | 20:09 |
andycr | hExDj: Right click the partition, Shrink | 20:09 |
dasfas | heyy! | 20:09 |
graft | PixX: are you SURE compiz is running? try 'ps -ef | grep compiz' in the shell | 20:09 |
andycr | type in new size, let it do it's thing | 20:09 |
andycr | and you should be good to go | 20:10 |
MaxTraag | How do I create shared folders for pure-ftpd users? | 20:10 |
andycr | That's how I have 25GB for Ubuntu and 100 for vista | 20:10 |
darkangel_ | desertc ohh so i dont have to worry about messing up gusty when i recopy it over | 20:10 |
desertc | darkangel_: In fact, if you had put /home on a separate partition, then you could blow away the rest of the disk and start from scratch | 20:10 |
andycr | On an HP | 20:10 |
=== dasfas is now known as arcangel_Py | ||
graulich | what's the simplest way to have a command run every time I log in (Xfce)? | 20:10 |
arcangel_Py | alguien habla españolo? | 20:10 |
arcangel_Py | speak speñol? | 20:10 |
thoreauputic | !es | 20:10 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 20:10 |
arcangel_Py | spañol? | 20:10 |
hExDj | andycr: and that shinking gives the rest of the space to my ubuntu partition? | 20:10 |
Stavros | does aptitude/apt-get support wildcards? | 20:10 |
mechler_ | ArrPirate: I just disabled the window switcher and re-enabled it and it fixed my problem. | 20:10 |
desertc | darkangel_: And Ubuntu would use that drive again. You can also move /home to a totally different distro and use it there | 20:10 |
mechler_ | in compiz-settings-manager or whatever... | 20:10 |
graft | Stavros: yeah | 20:11 |
brend | can anyone help me about this problem ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=597543 ) | 20:11 |
Stavros | graft: how? | 20:11 |
graft | Stavros: a limited set, anyway | 20:11 |
graft | Stavros: apt-get install whatev* | 20:11 |
Maligen | progress0r: what if I remove the files manually ? | 20:11 |
darkangel_ | desertc i only have a 6gb hdd lol | 20:11 |
andycr | hExDj: Sadly, no, it just marks it as free space, so you would have to either reinstall Ubuntu deleting the existing Ubuntu partition and making a new one filling up the old and new space or create a new partition in the new space and mount it somewhere on the existing ubuntu install | 20:11 |
Stavros | graft: only apt-get? not aptitude? | 20:11 |
graft | Stavros: aptitude ought to do whatever apt-get does, but i never use it except for looking at cows, so i dunno | 20:11 |
hExDj | andycr: I don't have installed ubuntu yet | 20:11 |
Stavros | graft: aptitude does not have super cow powers | 20:12 |
graft | Stavros: that's what you think | 20:12 |
necrite_ | anyone have one product: AR5006EG 802.11 b/g Wireless PCI Express Adapter working on ubuntu 7.10? | 20:12 |
Stavros | graft: it really doesn't | 20:12 |
andycr | hExDj: Perfect, if you resize the partition then nuke the recovery one after burning the recovery discs, you can set Ubuntu up to use all the space | 20:12 |
b1n42y | can I kill 'user has joined' 'user has left' in xchat ? lookd through options i gather its a command line thing ? | 20:12 |
Stavros | graft: it has little prince powers | 20:12 |
desertc | darkangel_: Is that stopping you from partitioning it? | 20:12 |
janerik | Can someone tell me how I can install libdvdcss???? Can't find it in Synaptic | 20:12 |
SmoothOp | gnome or kde? | 20:12 |
graft | Stavros: aptitude -v -v -v -v -v moo | 20:13 |
arcangel_Py | uihfsadfsadjsadjbkd+ | 20:13 |
spideyman | I can see my webcam in kinfocenter but camorama wont detect it any ideas ? | 20:13 |
Stavros | yes | 20:13 |
hExDj | andycr: how do I make a new partition with the space that I fred up? | 20:13 |
Stavros | not cow | 20:13 |
Stavros | elephant eaten by a snake | 20:13 |
Maligen | progress0r: are you there ? | 20:13 |
Stavros | =little prince | 20:13 |
graft | Stavros: that's a cow being eaten by a snake, as far as I'm concerned | 20:13 |
desertc | janerik: Sorry, discussing how to get around electronic restrictions is illegal in my country. | 20:13 |
andycr | hExDj: I reccomend in the installer clicking manual, then selecting free space, creating a new 1gb partition as swap, then clicking the rest of the free space, creating a new partition of the full size (it will default to the new size) as ext3, mount point as / | 20:13 |
graft | Stavros: and you can't prove otherwise | 20:13 |
Stavros | graft: haha | 20:13 |
arcangel_Py | sexo0o0o | 20:13 |
andycr | Don't touch the Vista partition during the process | 20:13 |
arcangel_Py | Pezo0o0oo0on | 20:13 |
necrite_ | janerik, i guess this is what u need libdvdread3 - library for reading DVDs | 20:13 |
Stavros | graft: aptitude -v -v -v -v -v -v moo | 20:14 |
andycr | While in the ubuntu installer | 20:14 |
vaidas_ | umm... what do I do to make ark be able to use rar files? | 20:14 |
Stavros | i CAN prove it :P | 20:14 |
darkangel_ | desertc maybe i have 4 partitions 7.5mb (fat) 398mb (linux swap) 5980mb (ubuntu) 80mb (backup incase i fill my primary part ) | 20:14 |
janerik | desertc: ok, but in norway it's legal to backup own dvd's | 20:14 |
clars | any ideas if intel 2200BG mini-pci wireles card work out of the box in 7.10? | 20:14 |
Asterix_ | Ok, I mounted my dvd drive with the command line and now the last line of "mount" says /dev/scd0 on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev) but nothing is showing up when I browse to the drive. Any ideas why the files aren't showing? | 20:14 |
andycr | vaidas_: To my knowledge sudo apt-get install unrar, then restart | 20:14 |
graft | Stavros: mutter, mutter | 20:14 |
Stavros | graft: haha | 20:14 |
thoreauputic | arcangel_Py: watch your step... | 20:14 |
andycr | restart kde, that is | 20:14 |
graft | Stavros: okay, we're badly offtopic, better shut up | 20:14 |
Stavros | graft: agree | 20:14 |
necrite_ | anyone have one product: AR5006EG 802.11 b/g Wireless PCI Express Adapter working on ubuntu 7.10? | 20:14 |
desertc | janerik: You should ask someone in your Ubuntu LoCo. | 20:14 |
hExDj | andycr: is there any risk I might mess up my Vista partition? | 20:14 |
uzak | bonsoir | 20:14 |
andycr | hExDj: Only if you do so yourself, barring a strange bug I've not seen in hundreds of installs | 20:15 |
graft | hExDj: yes, there's always a risk. how attached are you to that partition? back up anything you care about | 20:15 |
andycr | User error is always a risk | 20:15 |
darkangel_ | desertc i tried to install gusy but it messed up and it didnt delete the install data and i rerun the install data | 20:15 |
vaidas_ | andycr: nope, don't work | 20:15 |
oz_ | hi can anyone help me boot via ISO ? | 20:15 |
JDahl | I installed mythtv and chose default values in the configuration, but mythtv-setup complains that it cannot connect to the database. Is there a way to verify that username=mythtv, password=mythtv for the database? | 20:15 |
andycr | vaidas_: Don't know then, sorry :( | 20:15 |
hExDj | andycr & graft: will back up, thanks | 20:15 |
janerik | desertc: Tryed googled the question, but did not find any answer. Need to back up my dvd's | 20:15 |
xeer | i'm running photoshop 7 with wine, how can i install windows fonts similar to ones you would find on a free font site? the fonts folder under the .wine directory doesn't even have files in it | 20:15 |
oz_ | I tried following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux but not much sucess | 20:15 |
brend | can anyone help me about this problem ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=597543 ) | 20:15 |
arcangel_Py | [thoreauputic] Q onda!?? | 20:15 |
arcangel_Py | Whats Up!!??? | 20:16 |
* andycr will be back in a few minutes | 20:16 | |
Maligen | Progress0r: are you afk ? | 20:16 |
graft | xeer: stick 'em in /usr/share/fonts/truetype, for example, then run fc-cache | 20:16 |
hExDj | how do I know if there are drivers available for my computer in Ubuntu? | 20:16 |
thoreauputic | arcangel_Py: it looked like you were spamming earlier :) So nothing really - just a warning :) | 20:16 |
graulich | what's the simplest way to have a command run every time I log in (Xfce)? | 20:16 |
arcangel_Py | I dont stend | 20:17 |
darkangel_ | desertc can i rerun the install data for gust its still on my hdd | 20:17 |
graft | graulich: try #xubuntu, mebbe | 20:17 |
thoreauputic | graulich: I think there's an autostart dir in ~/.config | 20:17 |
arcangel_Py | reboot | 20:17 |
arcangel_Py | or | 20:17 |
arcangel_Py | shutdown | 20:17 |
graulich | thoreauputic, there is. I don't know how to actually get a command in there. would a bash script work? | 20:17 |
desertc | darkangel_: Why did the install not work? | 20:18 |
bsdunix | i have question. does ubuntu-server LAMP install option use apache or apache2? - Both are all over my system. | 20:18 |
=== OSIRIS_ is now known as ThermalX | ||
graulich | graft, I'm already there as well | 20:18 |
thoreauputic | graulich: yes I expect so | 20:18 |
progress0r | Maligen: im back sorry | 20:18 |
OpenSorce | Hi folks, anyone heard of Ubuntu thinking a acx wifi adapter is a wired device? | 20:18 |
Maligen | progress0r: It's okay :) | 20:18 |
progress0r | Maligen: you might beable to remove the file from the cache yes | 20:18 |
thoreauputic | OpenSorce: check your /etc/iftab | 20:19 |
Maligen | progress0r: shall I try to remove it manually ? | 20:19 |
brend | can anyone help me about this problem ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=597543 ) | 20:19 |
OpenSorce | thoreauputic, really? what would I be looking for? | 20:19 |
thoreauputic | OpenSorce: you might want to remove it actaully, if its there | 20:19 |
bsdunix | OpenSores: maybe it has to see it as a wired device as a shim | 20:19 |
progress0r | Maligen: do an apt-get clear | 20:19 |
Maligen | progress0r: I mean the files from the file system folders | 20:19 |
progress0r | Maligen: no dont do that | 20:19 |
OpenSorce | thoreauputic, this happens in Live CD mode as well..... | 20:19 |
darkangel_ | desertc well it saterted to install so i was like ok then my internet started to not work so i was ok its installing now it dosent need the internet but then towards the end it aparentally needed the internet and then it messd up some things work and some dost and it lagay | 20:19 |
thoreauputic | OpenSorce: just read the file and see what interfaces it has asociated with which mac :) | 20:19 |
hExDj | how do I know if there are drivers available for my computer in Ubuntu? | 20:20 |
Maligen | progress0r: It doesn't do "apt-get clear" | 20:20 |
progress0r | Maligen: since its a debian package its good to stay with the deb tools - one sec....have an idea | 20:20 |
OpenSorce | thoreauputic, then if it's wrong edit and init q you think? | 20:20 |
progress0r | Maligen: apt-get clean sorry | 20:20 |
OpenSorce | also, is ndiswrapper-common supposed to include the utils? | 20:20 |
Maligen | progress0r: done | 20:21 |
thoreauputic | OpenSorce: I edited mine some time ago - I guess that would work. I think I just restarted the network, but I forget if that was enough ( from an arp viewpoint I think that sjould be enough) | 20:21 |
bsdunix | use of ndiswrapper as opposed to raw capture is not compatible with kismet | 20:21 |
thoreauputic | OpenSorce: I assume dhcp will arp to the designated mac | 20:22 |
progress0r | Maligen: ok what exactly does it say when you do apt-get remove himachi (or whatever) | 20:22 |
desertc | darkangel_: Sounds like you are having multiple issues over there! | 20:22 |
OpenSorce | thoreauputic, I'll restart the Live CD and try it out | 20:22 |
PatcherMan | hello | 20:22 |
graulich | thoreauputic, my bash script didn't run on startup =\ | 20:22 |
darkangel_ | desertc: well if i can rerun the install data i will be fine | 20:22 |
thoreauputic | OpenSorce: "All care but no responsibility" *grin* | 20:22 |
ThermalX | h1 411 | 20:22 |
darkangel_ | desertc: but i dunno how | 20:23 |
Maligen | progress0r: well, it's hungarian, but I try to translate: Hamachi package needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find archive for that(it) | 20:23 |
PatcherMan | i need some help, ubuntu doesn't detect my usb tv card | 20:23 |
progress0r | Maligen: AHA | 20:23 |
thoreauputic | graulich: I'm kind of groping in the dark since I don't run xfce :) I can't see why it would not run... | 20:23 |
chaosrl | does anyone know how to open a SimpleTEXT Picture in ubuntu? | 20:23 |
PatcherMan | pixelview playtv usb 2.0 pro | 20:23 |
brend | can anyone help me about this problem ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=597543 ) | 20:23 |
graulich | thoreauputic, I'm pretty sure there was some simple way involving gdm but I can't recall what it was. | 20:23 |
thoreauputic | graulich: there are some useful docs on the xfce site if I remember correctly | 20:24 |
progress0r | Maligen: can you give me the exact name and the version of the file? the debian package? do this dpkg -l | grep hamachi | 20:24 |
spideyman | I can see my webcam in kinfocenter but camorama wont detect it any ideas ? | 20:24 |
Maligen | progress0r:ok | 20:24 |
Stavros | what's an easy way to rewrite the ubuntu boot sector? | 20:24 |
=== arcangel_Py is now known as Pezon | ||
Maligen | progress0r: rFR hamachi | 20:25 |
progress0r | Maligen: ok one sec | 20:26 |
progress0r | Maligen: what distro you using? | 20:26 |
kl4m | Stavros: you could follow the instructions from "Lost grub after installing windows" | 20:26 |
kl4m | !grub | Stavros | 20:26 |
Maligen | progress0r: Ubuntu 7.10 gutsy | 20:26 |
ubotu | Stavros: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 20:26 |
Odd-rationale | QUESTION: In System ->Preferences -> Sessions, what is the command to have the network manager start up? Thanks! | 20:26 |
peacepipejv | wut up. Hey brodies, I need to rip an image. Any good apps? | 20:26 |
progress0r | Maligen: 32bit or 64bit | 20:27 |
Maligen | progress0r: 32 I hope :D | 20:27 |
ArrPirate | I've been tinkering with the compiz config settings manager ... it's really easy to navigate and I now have it set to do all sorts of cool things | 20:27 |
Maligen | progress0r: it must be 32 | 20:27 |
progress0r | Maligen: ok - im switching irc clients be right back. | 20:27 |
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: nm-applet | 20:27 |
Odd-rationale | thoreauputic: Thanks! | 20:27 |
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: there's an additional parameter - hang on | 20:27 |
=== Pezon is now known as joerrr | ||
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: nm-applet --sm-disable | 20:28 |
Odd-rationale | thoreauputic: What does the 2nd part do? Is it defualt? | 20:29 |
Stavros | kl4m: that should work, thanks | 20:29 |
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: it's default , and I have no idea :) | 20:29 |
Odd-rationale | thoreauputic: That should do, Thanks! | 20:29 |
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: looks like "session manage disable " or something | 20:29 |
Odd-rationale | thoreauputic: Alright, can hardly go wrong with the default. | 20:30 |
progress0r | Maligen: ok im back one sec | 20:30 |
MilitantPotato | wrong button | 20:30 |
Maligen | progress0r: I'm glad to see you again | 20:31 |
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: well, I seem to recall doing it without --sm-disable and that worked OK, so try noth if one doesn't work | 20:31 |
aoupi | hi, I installed xserver-xgl to get compiz working, it worked great, then I installed enlightenment, went back to gnome and now my menues are gone, what should I do? | 20:31 |
jimmygoon | I snubbed my nose at articles, about ubuntu and hd-death liek the one on slashdot's front page, but this will be my second new hard drive in less than 3 months :S :/ ... w/ only ubuntu on it | 20:31 |
thoreauputic | s/noth/both | 20:31 |
thoreauputic | jimmygoon: ? link ? | 20:31 |
jimmygoon | thoreauputic, http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/10/30/1742258&from=rss | 20:32 |
Odd-rationale | thoreauputic: Alright. Ubuntu Studio did not have anything for the NM! So I forgot what the command was. | 20:32 |
thoreauputic | jimmygoon: thabks, looking | 20:32 |
alesan | hey, I don't know what to do, I tried to configure my xorg.conf for 1440x900 resolution, no way | 20:32 |
alesan | I even specified the modeline in the Monitor section | 20:32 |
thoreauputic | !resolution | 20:32 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 20:32 |
alesan | but I get this error in Xorg.0.log | 20:32 |
bobgill | I'm having problems playing DVDs in Gutsy... I've done everything in the Restricted Formats page on ubuntu site and I've also installed libdvdcss2 via Medibuntu... still a no-go.. anyone ?? | 20:33 |
thoreauputic | alesan: have you read the final link in ubotu's factoid? | 20:33 |
boubbin | !fusion-icon | 20:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fusion-icon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 20:33 |
boubbin | !compiz | 20:33 |
alesan | (II) I810(1): Not using mode "1440x900" (no mode of this name) | 20:33 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 20:33 |
MilitantPotato | I'm on ubuntu and I installed Kubuntu-Desktop, if I disable the KDM Graphical Login Service while leaving GDM enabled, will KDE still work? | 20:33 |
Odd-rationale | BTW can you start the applet from the alt + f2? | 20:33 |
alesan | thoreauputic: let me check | 20:33 |
markgreene | Hey guys. I am annoyed because when I launch a program my mouse does not change to any sort of animation to confirm I clicked the launcher. It's annoying bc it's hard to determine if I clicked it or if I need to click it again. Any thoughts? | 20:33 |
thoreauputic | alesan: please read http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 20:33 |
alesan | anyway I do not know why they make these silly widescreen monitors | 20:34 |
konqi | hi guys, someone running Xen-desktop with nvidia-glx-new ? | 20:34 |
thoreauputic | !anyone | 20:34 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 20:34 |
graft | why isn't fusion-icon in gutsy? | 20:34 |
bobgill | !dvd | 20:34 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 20:34 |
Evanlec | graft, unstable | 20:34 |
graft | unstable? in what way? | 20:35 |
Condoulo | Ok, I have a general question, how would I be able to do text-to-speech. | 20:35 |
Odd-rationale | thoreauputic: Can i start the applet from alt+f2? | 20:35 |
graft | it's a fricking icon | 20:35 |
abelabel | I'm trying to upgrade to 7.10, but lack space on my boot partition. As I'm running Ubuntu Studio, both generic and low latency kernels are installed. I'm always selecting the low latency one; can I now delete the generic kernel or will that break my system? | 20:35 |
Evanlec | graft, it was developed outside the compiz-fusion dev team | 20:35 |
progress0r | Maligen: ok as root go to /var/cache and look for that package. | 20:35 |
graft | Evanlec: so what you meant was 'bureaucratic nonsense', not 'unstable' | 20:35 |
Evanlec | graft, yea basically ;P | 20:35 |
MilitantPotato | graft: Install Compiz with NVIDIA-GLX-NEW and XGL and open fusion-icon, it gives you a white screen | 20:35 |
MilitantPotato | graft: it has a bug or two. | 20:36 |
Evanlec | graft, same reason reiser4 isnt in the latest kernels yet | 20:36 |
jannen | can someone help me get a sa 7134 tv card working with mplayer or tvtime. tvtime starts but a black screen only. I looked at ubuntu forum but I still dunno. | 20:36 |
Maligen | progress0r: there is no package | 20:36 |
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: I don't know - just do this in gnome-terminal : nm-applet --sm-disable & disown %1 | 20:36 |
jannen | *saa 7134 | 20:36 |
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: then save your session | 20:36 |
graft | Evanlec: i thought reiser wasn't being developed actively for many years now? | 20:36 |
progress0r | Maligen: are there directories there? | 20:36 |
Maligen | progress0r: yes | 20:36 |
progress0r | ok do this | 20:36 |
Evanlec | graft, no reiser4 is done but they wont put it in the kernel cuz of politics...reiser4 is super speedy too | 20:36 |
progress0r | Maligen: ok do this: find . | grep 'hamachi' | 20:36 |
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: if nm-applet doesn't pop up, run sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart | 20:37 |
bobgill | !Medibuntu | 20:37 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 20:37 |
FurryNemesis | hi all | 20:37 |
jimmygoon | hm, I've only had this hd since august and it already has almost 100,000 locks :| | 20:37 |
FurryNemesis | is medibuntu down? | 20:37 |
Mountaingod | Roughly speaking, I've been told HP are best for linux-friendly printers. Is this true? | 20:37 |
ompaul | jimmygoon, you keep kill -9 something? | 20:37 |
yoshx | hello | 20:37 |
FurryNemesis | yep! | 20:37 |
Maligen | progress0r: I got 3 results | 20:37 |
terrifiedkiller | hiyas i'm having a wierd issue | 20:37 |
thoreauputic | Mountaingod: roughly speaking, yes | 20:37 |
jimmygoon | ompaul, no | 20:37 |
Odd-rationale | thoreauputic: actually, i found out I don't have NM installed. :) Thanks for your help anyways! | 20:37 |
FurryNemesis | my dj 450 works pretty well ootb | 20:38 |
Maligen | progress0r: 2 xpm 's and a directorie | 20:38 |
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: well, having it installed would help, yeah ;p | 20:38 |
thoreauputic | Odd-rationale: and you're welcome :) | 20:38 |
MOD_Cleo | friends this will be the most epic raid yet, | 20:38 |
Mountaingod | thoreauputic: cheers, again | 20:38 |
MOD_Cleo | this raid is in memory of the original 7/12 raid | 20:38 |
MOD_Cleo | of approximatly 300 nigras that found their fate | 20:38 |
MOD_Cleo | by a ban hammer, | 20:38 |
MOD_Cleo | the original nigras did not wish tribute, | 20:38 |
MOD_Cleo | or song, | 20:38 |
MOD_Cleo | no monuments, | 20:38 |
MOD_Cleo | no war poems or alla. | 20:38 |
terrifiedkiller | 1 i lost access to my windows partitions 2 i lost access to most of the stuff in myadministrator tab on the system tab 3 i lost the add remove software function on the applications tab 4 i cant install anything 5 i lost audio and i dont know how to get it all back | 20:38 |
MOD_Cleo | their dieing wish was simple: | 20:38 |
MOD_Cleo | they wanted to be remembered, | 20:38 |
progress0r | Maligen: I think you should beable to purge that package with the --force command.... | 20:38 |
Evanlec | LOL | 20:39 |
ArrPirate | I like the plugin for compiz that puts an animated set of gears in the middle of the cube... but wasn't there one with fish? | 20:39 |
Maligen | progress0r: can you tell me more exactly ? | 20:39 |
MilitantPotato | Remebered for being lonely and having empty meaningless lives. | 20:39 |
andycr | terrifiedkiller: That's odd. | 20:39 |
MilitantPotato | Meh, trolls. | 20:39 |
Odd-rationale | ArrPirate: Atlantic | 20:39 |
Prestwick | Hi, trying to get 7.10 to run on an AMD 64 based system. Basically after the ubuntu menu it says its loaded the kernel and then it reboots. I can load it in recovery mode but it just goes to the prompt. Any ideas? | 20:39 |
alesan | thoreauputic: I read it, in particular the paragraph near the end "Well, it worked for me: Feisty, Intel i810 video & Widescreen LCD" | 20:39 |
crdlb | Atlantis* | 20:39 |
terrifiedkiller | what triggered all of this seemed to be one command | 20:39 |
alesan | but there is nothing new there for me... | 20:39 |
Randomist | When I have any sound program running and then go off to do stuff in the background, the sound gets choppy. | 20:39 |
jimmygoon | ArrPirate, it was called atlantis I thik | 20:40 |
andycr | LOL poor cleo | 20:40 |
Odd-rationale | crdlb: my bad. atlantis. | 20:40 |
Randomist | How do I get rid of the choppiness? | 20:40 |
progress0r | Maligen: try this: dpkg -P --force-all (name of the package) | 20:40 |
meezfohgi | my usb is read-only drive what to do i want write my usb drive | 20:40 |
Asterix_ | Is there a way to completely reset the mounts and stuff on a dvd drive from the command line? | 20:40 |
terrifiedkiller | sudo usermod -G cdrom username | 20:40 |
andycr | Randomist: No idea. I have that issue in Vista, but not in Linux. What card? | 20:40 |
ompaul | andycr, racism should not be tolerated - one day you will be its victim | 20:40 |
terrifiedkiller | i was having troubles mounting this cd | 20:40 |
andycr | ompaul: I didn't see the whole thing, my bad | 20:40 |
Maligen | progress0r: It's funny but I must reinstall before remove | 20:40 |
rhalff | anyone here happen to have the nvidia driver working with xen ? I'm on amd64 and it just hangs | 20:41 |
progress0r | Maligen: even with the force? | 20:41 |
yassine | any one of you guys have an idea how i can set my domain name while trying to connect to to a vpn ? | 20:41 |
Maligen | progress0r: yes :( | 20:41 |
terrifiedkiller | and tried that command as suggested on this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=550002 and this all started happening and i cant mount this one quake 4 cd due to permissions still and all the stated started | 20:41 |
Randomist | I have an onboard Intel card. | 20:41 |
Randomist | It only does this on Ubuntu and some other distros for some reason. | 20:42 |
Java-Man | linux for the win! | 20:42 |
Randomist | I never figured out how to fix it. | 20:42 |
Maligen | progress0r: and I got an error-code: 127 | 20:42 |
andycr | Randomist: Same as I. No idea why. With mine mixing is weird but on vista it's -totally- unusable | 20:42 |
terrifiedkiller | did that command now i cant install anythign even with command line i cant add users i dont have sound and most of my administrative options are missing completely as is the add remove programs button | 20:42 |
andycr | But never that issue on ubuntu | 20:42 |
Prestwick | Hi, trying to get 7.10 to run on an AMD 64 based system. Basically after the ubuntu menu it says its loaded the kernel and then it reboots. I can load it in recovery mode but it just goes to the prompt. Any ideas? Sorry I meant to say it was 7.10 x64 | 20:42 |
andycr | Intel "HD Audio" | 20:42 |
Randomist | Intel 82801DB-ICH4. | 20:43 |
MilitantPotato | Prestwick: did you check the hardware support list for 7.10 x64? | 20:43 |
Randomist | (It's actually a Realtek card, but for some reason it's reported as being Intel). | 20:43 |
=== The_Marauder__ is now known as The_Marauder | ||
progress0r | Maligen: we need to find the root problem as to why its doing this. do an apt-get update then an apt-get check | 20:43 |
=== RainC1 is now known as RainCT | ||
RainCT | hi | 20:44 |
Johnation33 | hey everyone | 20:44 |
MilitantPotato | terrifiedkiller: Did you enter your username or just 'username' ? | 20:44 |
Johnation33 | I'm a recent convert from vista to ubuntu but I really need some help | 20:44 |
Bax | what's the terminal command to unzip a .exe file? | 20:44 |
terrifiedkiller | tyes i used my username | 20:44 |
chmoder | Hi this is my first time in an IRC and I have been using Ubuntu for a long time. I am wondering what language I should pick up. and where I should start assisting ubuntu? | 20:44 |
Maligen | progress0r: apt-get update is going well, but after apt-get check I got this (hamachi must be reinstalled ...etc..etc) | 20:44 |
Johnation33 | does anyone know how to solve the problem of the monitor flickering every 6 seconds? | 20:44 |
mozilla-user | hi is there any way to download files from megaupload or do i need to whait 5-8hours | 20:44 |
bastid_raZor | Bax, you can not unzip an exe file | 20:44 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: what video card? | 20:45 |
terrifiedkiller | the stranger thing was before i did the command all cd's but the cd 2 of my 4 cd set for quake 4 mounted | 20:45 |
Johnation33 | Nvidia 8400GS its on a laptop | 20:45 |
Johnation33 | i have a sony vaio SZ680 | 20:45 |
chmoder | edit the xorg.conf file | 20:45 |
Maligen | progress0r: should I try to reinstall hamachi somehow ? | 20:45 |
Johnation33 | hmmm my xorg.conf file is screwed up i think though | 20:46 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: one second. | 20:46 |
Johnation33 | it has multiple listing of all the monitor settings | 20:46 |
chmoder | using 7.10? | 20:46 |
terrifiedkiller | i'm using 7.10 btw | 20:46 |
Johnation33 | yep | 20:46 |
Johnation33 | 7.10 | 20:46 |
mozilla-user | hi is there any way to download files from megaupload or do i need to whait 5-8hours | 20:46 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 20:46 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: choose vesa video driver | 20:47 |
Prestwick | MilitantPotato: Yes I did. I did manage to boot the liveCD properly, but only after removing the tags "splash" and "quiet" from the boot command. | 20:47 |
chmoder | can you cp paste your xorg file in here | 20:47 |
peeps[work] | when an application crashes, what log can you look in to search for a reason? | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | sure | 20:47 |
Asterix_ | My dvd drive seems unable to mount anything besides a certain disc... is there a way to force the mount to happen? I tried using the mount command but it still doesn't seem to work properly. | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Section "Device" | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Identifier"nVidia Corporation G80 [GeForce 8400M GS]" | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Boardname"nv" | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Busid"PCI:1:0:0" | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Driver"nvidia" | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Screen0 | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | EndSection | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Section "Monitor" | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Identifier"Generic Monitor" | 20:47 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: !pastebin | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Vendorname"Generic LCD Display" | 20:47 |
chmoder | thanks | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Modelname"LCD Panel 2560x1600" | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Horizsync31.5-99.0 | 20:47 |
andycr | ayyyy | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Vertrefresh56.0 - 65.0 | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | modeline "800x600@56" 36.0 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625 +hsync +vsync | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | modeline "800x600@60" 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync | 20:47 |
Maligen | don't spam | 20:47 |
MilitantPotato | !pastebin | Johnation33 | 20:47 |
ubotu | Johnation33: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | modeline "1280x768@60" 80.14 1280 1344 1480 1680 768 769 772 795 -hsync +vsync | 20:47 |
Maligen | omg | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | modeline "1280x720@60" 74.48 1280 1336 1472 1664 720 721 724 746 -hsync +vsync | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | modeline "1280x800@60" 83.46 1280 1344 1480 1680 800 801 804 828 -hsync +vsync | 20:47 |
andycr | !pastebin | Joh | 20:47 |
ubotu | Joh: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | modeline "1440x900@60" 106.47 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | modeline "1600x1024@60" 136.36 1600 1704 1872 2144 1024 1025 1028 1060 -hsync +vsync | 20:47 |
MilitantPotato | this is going to take all day. | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | modeline "1680x1050@60" 147.14 1680 1784 1968 2256 1050 1051 1054 1087 -hsync +vsync | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | modeline "1920x1200@60" 193.16 1920 2048 2256 2592 1200 1201 1204 1242 -hsync +vsync | 20:47 |
terrifiedkiller | fixing my problem could be much simpler if i could just add a user or get root to work :( | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | modeline "2560x1600@60" 348.16 2560 2752 3032 3504 1600 1601 1604 1656 -hsync +vsync | 20:47 |
MilitantPotato | John leave the room :) | 20:47 |
Prestwick | MilitantPotato: Also, not only does it boot in recovery mode, I can start X properly. | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Gamma1.0 | 20:47 |
Serge | he has pasted already | 20:47 |
andycr | good grief. | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | EndSection | 20:47 |
bruenig | !ops | 20:47 |
ubotu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 20:47 |
dgjones | !ops | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Section "Screen" | 20:47 |
peeps[work] | !ops | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Identifier"Default Screen" | 20:47 |
LiMaO | joh: STOP POSTING THAT | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Device"nVidia Corporation G80 [GeForce 8400M GS]" | 20:47 |
Johnation33 | Monitor"Generic Monitor" | 20:48 |
Prestwick | Stop | 20:48 |
Johnation33 | Defaultdepth24 | 20:48 |
Prestwick | STOP | 20:48 |
MilitantPotato | poor guy. | 20:48 |
Prestwick | The pain. | 20:48 |
bastid_raZor | dumb ass guy | 20:48 |
dgjones | thanks thoreauputic | 20:48 |
MilitantPotato | he pasted his Xorg.conf and it kept going | 20:48 |
=== loucas is now known as LoucasSoteriou | ||
LiMaO | Johnation33: when you call down, check out pastebin service | 20:48 |
sacater | *bows to thoreauputic* | 20:48 |
LiMaO | !pastebin | Johnation33 | 20:48 |
ubotu | Johnation33: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 20:48 |
ompaul | Johnation33, you will be allowed to talk again in a couple of mins - have to let buffers clear please sit there thanks | 20:48 |
chmoder | how come you have "modline" in your conf file? | 20:48 |
=== LoucasSoteriou is now known as SoteriouLoucas | ||
Asterix_ | My dvd drive seems unable to mount anything besides a certain disc... is there a way to force the mount to happen? I tried using the mount command but it still doesn't seem to work properly. | 20:49 |
thoreauputic | ompaul: done already - hope for no repeat :) | 20:49 |
riotkittie | dont blame him, blame the genius who said "can you cp paste your xorg file in here". | 20:49 |
Condoulo | so who here knows how I can do Text-to-speech in Ubuntu 7.10, 64-bit | 20:49 |
Prestwick | Sorry MilitantPotato, as I was saying, I did manage to boot the liveCD properly, but only after removing the splash and quiet commands from the boot line. | 20:49 |
MilitantPotato | Prestwick: have you tried to reconfigure X? | 20:49 |
LiMaO | [18:46:40] <chmoder> can you cp paste your xorg file in here | 20:49 |
DM| | Does VirtualBox OSE have USB support? | 20:49 |
andycr | Condoulo: I do | 20:49 |
LiMaO | chmoder: please DO NOT instruct users to do that again | 20:49 |
peeps[work] | when an application crashes, is there somewhere I can look to try to find the cause? | 20:49 |
andycr | Condoulo: The voice is a bit odd, but | 20:49 |
LiMaO | !pastebin | chmoder | 20:50 |
ubotu | chmoder: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 20:50 |
Johnation33 | hmm am i unsilenced now? | 20:50 |
MilitantPotato | peeps[work]: run it in terminal | 20:50 |
hamadooo | hii .. i have server problem .. while im trying to upgrade to 7.10 | 20:50 |
riotkittie | Johnation33: indeed you are. :> | 20:50 |
LiMaO | Johnation33: yes you are. please do not post large texts in here again | 20:50 |
Prestwick | MilitantPotato: I was thinking it must be something to do with X or my GFX at least. I am running an ATI x850 by the way. | 20:50 |
anonuser | anyone here have any experience with bluetooth headphones. | 20:50 |
thoreauputic | Johnation33: yes - don't do it again! | 20:50 |
* Condoulo moves xChat to desktop with terminal- | 20:50 | |
anonuser | I have them up and running with a2dp and all that jazz. | 20:50 |
Johnation33 | ok sorry | 20:50 |
Johnation33 | i did the pastbin | 20:50 |
Johnation33 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42732/ | 20:50 |
anonuser | I just can't get things like firefox to like playing through them. | 20:50 |
andycr | Condoulo: Install these packages: festival festival-kallpc16k | 20:50 |
anonuser | They don't show up as alsa devices. | 20:50 |
MilitantPotato | Prestwick: pastebin your xorg.conf | 20:50 |
chmoder | yea i said how come you have "modline" in your conf file? | 20:51 |
thoreauputic | Johnation33: you can imagine what would happen if everyone here pasted their xorg.conf ;p | 20:51 |
Johnation33 | yep sorry thoreauputic, idiot moment :) | 20:51 |
replay3 | hey, is there any good security howto/document for the latest version of ubuntu? | 20:51 |
Johnation33 | chmoder: i have no clue what modline means? | 20:51 |
Skwerl | How do I add directories for inclusion of enclosed header files into gcc compiles? | 20:51 |
chmoder | did you get your driver off of the restricted driver thing? | 20:51 |
Condoulo | ok andycr | 20:51 |
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna | ||
thoreauputic | Johnation33: OK :) | 20:51 |
sacater | !security replay3 | 20:51 |
andycr | Condoulo: Just a sec | 20:51 |
sacater | !security | replay3 | 20:51 |
chmoder | Johnathion33: i have no idea eather | 20:51 |
ubotu | replay3: If you feel the need to adopt security measures for your system, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server | 20:51 |
terrifiedkiller | when i do sudo adduser test according to this guide is supposed to start a process to walk you through creating the user i did it and nothing happened i cant even logg on the username i created even after giving it a password with another command | 20:52 |
bastid_raZor | 7.10 added modline it seems.. 7.04never had that crazyness | 20:52 |
anonuser | :( | 20:52 |
Condoulo | andycr- it could not find the second package you listed | 20:52 |
replay3 | thanks sacater! | 20:52 |
hamadooo | help ...... with upgrading | 20:52 |
chmoder | Johnation33: where did you get yor driver | 20:52 |
Johnation33 | is my screen flickering every 6 seconds possibly because my refresh rate is slow? | 20:52 |
andycr | Condoulo: My bad, it' | 20:52 |
hamadooo | i have this error everytime i try to upgrade my ubuntu | 20:52 |
Johnation33 | hmm the nvidia drivers | 20:52 |
andycr | it's festvox-kallpc16k | 20:52 |
sacater | Johnation33: possibly, or too fast | 20:52 |
Johnation33 | that came with ubuntu 7.10? | 20:52 |
Stormx2 | Anyone have any experience with named? | 20:53 |
Condoulo | ok | 20:53 |
davf | I want to compile a custom kernel BUT FIRST I just want to compile the current kernel with all the standard ubuntu defaults. Using gutsy. | 20:53 |
Johnation33 | my refresh rate is 53 hz right now, on windows its 60hz and it runs fine | 20:53 |
hamadooo | failed to fetch ........ (site) | 20:53 |
Condoulo | andycr- it is all now installed. :) | 20:53 |
chmoder | will you go to system > administration > restricted drivers manager | 20:53 |
Johnation33 | ok | 20:53 |
davf | Any one have experience compiling kernel? | 20:53 |
Prestwick | MilitantPotato: thanks for the suggestion, I'll give reconfiguring X a whirl. | 20:53 |
hamadooo | so no help here ;/ | 20:53 |
chmoder | and yes your refresh rate should be 60 at least. vios probably handle like 75 | 20:54 |
andycr | Condoulo: OK. Run festival in terminal. To say something, type: (SayText "Text") with parenthesis included | 20:54 |
MilitantPotato | Prestwick: post your xorg.conf in pastebin :) | 20:54 |
andycr | Condoulo: To say a file, run (tts "filename" nil) | 20:54 |
Johnation33 | chmoder: I can't change refresh rate, it only gives me 53hz | 20:54 |
Johnation33 | under the restricted drivers manager, it lists nvidia accelerated graphics driver | 20:54 |
MilitantPotato | Prestwick: or, give the vesa drivers a try via dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 20:54 |
Johnation33 | as enabled and in use | 20:54 |
Prestwick | MilitantPotato: *Pastes into main channel* ha ha ha, I can't really, I'm in windows right now. Let me reboot into recovery mode, switch to vesa and give it another go. | 20:54 |
chmoder | ok | 20:55 |
chmoder | thats good | 20:55 |
Jawshie | Hey guys. I'm having a problem :( I searched Google and Ubuntuforums.org but failed to find what I needed. The other day AVI files ran fine. Now when I try to play them with any media player they show up with green squiggles and no possible recognition of the picture, however there is sound. I dont know what to do. | 20:55 |
hamadooo | i got error everytime i try to upgrade from 7.3 to 7.10 | 20:55 |
robilive_ | hola | 20:55 |
chmoder | just edit the config file with sudo and save and ctrl alt bckspace | 20:55 |
hamadooo | it's a server error or something ....... | 20:55 |
nico1a | robilive_, hola | 20:55 |
chmoder | make your resolution what it should be and then make the refresh rate 60 | 20:55 |
robilive_ | :D | 20:56 |
Johnation33 | hmm how do I exactly go about doing that? | 20:56 |
chmoder | then try 75 | 20:56 |
chmoder | terminal | 20:56 |
chmoder | sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 20:56 |
hamadooo | plz ? | 20:56 |
Asterix_ | My dvd drive seems unable to mount anything besides a certain disc... is there a way to force the mount to happen? I tried using the mount command but it still doesn't seem to work properly. | 20:56 |
MilitantPotato | chmoder: shouldn't he try changing drivers? | 20:56 |
MilitantPotato | chmoder: or maybe choosing his monitor from the screens list? | 20:56 |
chmoder | Asterix_ type umount and mount in terminal | 20:56 |
Johnation33 | chmoder I get an error | 20:57 |
Jimb | F | 20:57 |
chmoder | he could install the defaults | 20:57 |
chmoder | i mean | 20:57 |
Johnation33 | While connecting to session manager: Authentication rejected | 20:57 |
chmoder | the nvidia official | 20:57 |
Asterix_ | chmoder: ok I typed umount and mount... did you want me to paste the output somewhere? | 20:57 |
chmoder | yea i forgot there is an easy way now | 20:57 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: Does your monitor show up in the screens and grafics section? | 20:58 |
chmoder | john listen to militant potato | 20:58 |
RainCT | hi | 20:58 |
Johnation33 | ok | 20:58 |
radioaktivstorm | quick question, Ive forgotten how to make modprobe changes permanent. can someone explain how to do this? | 20:58 |
chmoder | it gave an error to asterix | 20:58 |
chmoder | yucky | 20:58 |
Johnation33 | well | 20:58 |
anonuser | Anyone? | 20:58 |
MilitantPotato | radioaktivstorm: man modprobe | 20:58 |
anonuser | :-\ | 20:58 |
Johnation33 | here's the thing miltantpotato, i dont know the model of my LED monitor | 20:58 |
ArrPirate | in compiz... the widget layer... what kind of widgets is it talking about? | 20:59 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: check for a sticker on the back :) | 20:59 |
radioaktivstorm | >_< oh yah. thanks MilitantPotato! | 20:59 |
KDEusr1 | alright so if i install kde4, how can i use it? | 20:59 |
Johnation33 | hmmm well its part of my laptop, and its made by SONY, and sony is notorious for not giving too much detail | 20:59 |
chmoder | wow i need to do homework. I wish it wasnt so busy here. | 20:59 |
RainCT | If I ping localhost or the pings don't arrive.. any idea why that could be? (I'm on Gutsy, installed from the CD) | 20:59 |
andycr | ArrPirate: Whatever widgets you want. You decide which program to run when widgets are activated | 20:59 |
Johnation33 | no sticker or anything | 20:59 |
andycr | You can drop in any number of widgets apps | 20:59 |
ArrPirate | andycr: How would I do that? | 20:59 |
chmoder | thanks guys | 21:00 |
andycr | All compiz does is dim the screen then run the widgets app you specify, to simulate OSX widgets | 21:00 |
andycr | ArrPirate: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/08/24/osx-like-widgets-with-ubuntu-screenlets-and-compiz-fusion/ | 21:00 |
andycr | might help | 21:00 |
chmoder | type in google ((<<Problem>> and "ubuntu")) all will be ok | 21:00 |
andycr | though out of date | 21:00 |
Hellsbovine | Alright.. I seriously.. truly, really... absolutely need help. This isn't a oh darn I don't have sound for a day issue, this is I cannot get past the damn fsck that keeps failing... | 21:00 |
Condoulo | andycr- how would I save the sound to a file | 21:00 |
Johnation33 | mpotato, should i change my drivers to something else from nvidia then? | 21:00 |
ArrPirate | andycr: thanks | 21:00 |
andycr | Condoulo: Never tried, don't know | 21:00 |
andycr | Must be a way | 21:00 |
* andycr will brb | 21:01 | |
majortom | when i boot the gutsy livecd my sata drive doesn't show up, its brand new and unformatted, i think my mobo sees it as an ide but idk.... any ideas? | 21:01 |
andycr | np | 21:01 |
Asterix_ | chmoder: here's my mount output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42735/ | 21:01 |
opensorce | thor, you still around? | 21:01 |
opensorce | quite odd that ndiswrapper driver will recognize this adapter properly in *buntu but acx will not | 21:01 |
Hellsbovine | The amount of days I spent on this months ago.. | 21:01 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: is it a laptop? | 21:01 |
Hellsbovine | Anybody willing to tackle a big problem? | 21:01 |
opensorce | great.....no nick complete....who puts pidgen as the default irc app in their distro?!? | 21:02 |
MilitantPotato | I like pidgin :) | 21:02 |
anonuser | So no bluetooth help here? | 21:02 |
ciaron | my ubuntu install doesn't seem to want to transfer at abot 200k/sec now i've upgraded to gutsy | 21:02 |
slugplug | default irc app? say it aint so. >_> | 21:02 |
troopperi_ | something you have, something not | 21:02 |
MilitantPotato | anonuser: #networking | 21:02 |
LiMaO | !ask | Hellsbovine | 21:03 |
ubotu | Hellsbovine: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 21:03 |
Johnation33 | militant potato: yes its a laptop, sony vaio | 21:03 |
Hellsbovine | LiMaO Please read up, the question has been asked. | 21:03 |
Hellsbovine | fsck problem, no idea how to fix. | 21:04 |
anonuser | MilitantPotato, Not a networking issue, it's a sound issue. More specifically without bluetooth-alsa and alsa actually communicate. | 21:04 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: model? | 21:04 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: have you tried running fsck manually? | 21:04 |
Jimmey | How do I install GIMP 2.4 on Fiesty? | 21:04 |
anonuser | with how rather | 21:04 |
Johnation33 | militantpotato: Sony Vaio VGN-SZ680 | 21:05 |
MilitantPotato | anonuser: ah, toughy :) | 21:05 |
Asterix_ | Anyone have some insight as to why a dvd won't mount even though it seems to mount okay? | 21:05 |
Hellsbovine | LiMaO when I try and do it (not even knowing if I am doing it correctly) it does something... but nothing of any benefit (talking 9 hours of just sitting there) | 21:05 |
MilitantPotato | anonuser: have you tried man bluetooth-alsa ? | 21:05 |
anonuser | MilitantPotato, yeah. I'm struggling to get firefox to play nicely with aoss, but it seems getting ALSA to play niceless. | 21:05 |
Hellsbovine | LiMaO I don't think I know how to do it "manually" | 21:05 |
anonuser | MilitantPotato, you know it. | 21:05 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, what do you mean when you say it seems to mount okay? | 21:05 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: you may have a problem with your drive.. but let me explain it to you | 21:05 |
MilitantPotato | anonuser: good luck :) | 21:05 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: just a second | 21:05 |
MilitantPotato | anonuser: join #alsa | 21:06 |
anonuser | MilitantPotato, there's not alsa card or anything in this box. Just bluetooth. And asoundconf tells me to screw off | 21:06 |
anonuser | MilitantPotato, ah thanks :D | 21:06 |
Asterix_ | Jimmey: I put the disc in, right click the drive and choose mount, the icon changes but yet there's no files when I browse to it. I've tested the cds on another computer and they work properly there. | 21:06 |
scrapbunny | i have ubuntu 7.10 on a dell latitude d600 and i got hybernate to work but my wireless won't work after sleep or hybernate. any help? | 21:06 |
Alejandr0 | Hello, i cant use repositories, whar can i do? | 21:06 |
puli | hi | 21:07 |
Asterix_ | hi | 21:07 |
puli | hi guys can i use konqueror as a browser? | 21:08 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: http://www.hmug.org/man/8/fsck.php | 21:08 |
b1n42y | puli yes | 21:08 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, is there any reason that it doesn't mount automatically? | 21:08 |
Condoulo | now I'm getting this error in festival "can't open /dev/dsp" o_O | 21:08 |
Johnation33 | hey militantpotato what should i do next? | 21:08 |
Alejandr0 | Hello, i cant use repositories, what can i do? | 21:08 |
slugplug | Alejandr0: can you elaborate on 'can't use repositories'? | 21:08 |
Z4mb0 | My Ubuntu 7.10 don't find the shortcut button of my Toshiba Satellite A100 but in Ubuntu 7.04 it work fine | 21:09 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: I'm hunting for what screen it uses | 21:09 |
cwill747 | that could mean a lot of things | 21:09 |
antix | in gutsy it doesn't work for me to email pictures using thunderbird in f-spot anymore.. any ideas? a dialog comes up saying ~"Error opening window for emailing.." | 21:09 |
Asterix_ | Jimmey: well I was trying to install a game with Wine and I had to force unmount the first disc... now Ubuntu is giving me problems with mounting any other disc that I try with. | 21:09 |
Johnation33 | kk thanks ill help too | 21:09 |
Alejandr0 | i cant download nor update programs via synaptic or sudo apt-get | 21:09 |
Hellsbovine | LiMaO you just sent me to a man page... one that I have bashed my brain against for quite some time. Thanks, but please, assume I have scoured the internet already. | 21:09 |
b1n42y | puli, Yes | 21:09 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, ah, that's no fun. | 21:09 |
puli | bln can u explan me how it can be don | 21:09 |
Johnation33 | its hard, sony never releases which monitor it uses, i wonder if there is a techinical specs sheet somewhere | 21:09 |
puli | it gives me an error message | 21:09 |
b1n42y | puli, browsing files or internet | 21:10 |
b1n42y | t? | 21:10 |
b1n42y | ? | 21:10 |
Asterix_ | Jimmey: if I put the first disc in and mount it I can read the files fine... but any other cd I put in will pretend to mount but the icon for the first disc shows up and if I browse there's just nothing. | 21:10 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, try System >> Prefereces >> Removable Drives and Media before we try anything else - Make sure everything in there relating to that drive is alright | 21:10 |
b1n42y | puli, what is the error msg | 21:10 |
puli | bln no just like mozilla | 21:10 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: i sent you to a man page because you said you probably don't know how to do it manually. you should check what options would you need to use within fsck to have your problem fixed. if still fsck doesn't work correctly, probably you have a dead drive | 21:10 |
Hellsbovine | I need quite a bit of help with a messed up fsck. If anyone would help me get my computer up and running, it would be most appreciated. | 21:10 |
b1n42y | web browser ... what is the error | 21:10 |
eidolon7k | hello there | 21:10 |
puli | says malformed URL | 21:11 |
Hellsbovine | LiMaO Or: the filesystem is mounted... or I need to be runlevel 1.. or.... | 21:11 |
Hellsbovine | LiMaO Thankyou anyways. | 21:11 |
eidolon7k | I've lost the "restricted drivers manager". Where can I find it? | 21:11 |
Z4mb0 | and AutoMount in 7.10 on Toshiba A100 don't works to | 21:11 |
dwxreaper | hell: why don't you copy the data somewhere else then format | 21:11 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, ah. Also try running "winecfg" and setting the drives correctly - Then try "wine eject d:" | 21:11 |
antix | gnome-settings-daemon doesn't seem to start up correctly all the time so I get big bulky fonts etc.. | 21:11 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: use a livecd and do not run fsck on a mounted drive | 21:11 |
Asterix_ | Jimmey: the first three check boxes under storage are checked... beyond that I don't see anything out of the ordinary | 21:11 |
Hellsbovine | LiMaO Tried.. failed. | 21:11 |
graft | puli: what URL are you trying to browse? | 21:11 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: failed with what error? | 21:11 |
b1n42y | puli, hang on ill have a look | 21:11 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, ahh, that's okay then. | 21:11 |
Hellsbovine | LiMaO drive is readable | 21:11 |
dwxreaper | hell: or touch fsck, it reboots on run fsck | 21:11 |
puli | thanks | 21:12 |
Asterix_ | Jimmey: I ejected with wine and if I try to do it again it says there's no drive. | 21:12 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: readable? that's not an error | 21:12 |
Hellsbovine | dwxreaper eh? | 21:12 |
puli | i put google in the address bar and preesed ctrl enter | 21:12 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, have you tried mounting the drive using the "mount" command? | 21:12 |
eidolon7k | I've lost the "restricted drivers manager". Where can I find it? In which package? | 21:12 |
davf_ | anyone have a few min to help me patch my wifi driver? | 21:12 |
Hellsbovine | LiMaO I was giving you another piece of information, I can read stuff off the drive with a live cd. | 21:12 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: oh ok | 21:12 |
dwxreaper | hell: yesh, there is a command that runs fsck on next reboot | 21:12 |
dwxreaper | touch fsck, something like that. man touch | 21:12 |
KDEusr | once i have compiz installed, how do i start it? | 21:12 |
Hellsbovine | The error code is many lines but here is is as follows | 21:12 |
slugplug | eidolon7k: oh dear. how does one lose that? uhm, i'm not sure. lemme search. | 21:12 |
Skwerl | hell yesh! | 21:12 |
KDEusr | is there an icon somewhere? | 21:13 |
eidolon7k | slugplug, thanks | 21:13 |
Asterix_ | Jimmey: yes, I've tried it manually... here's the command I used sudo mount /dev/scd0 | 21:13 |
LiMaO | dwxreaper: just run fsck on a mounted drive. it'll execute on the next boot | 21:13 |
slugplug | ubuntu-restricted-extras, maybe eidolon7k ? | 21:13 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, try instead "sudo mount -o loop /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0" | 21:13 |
eidolon7k | slugplug, it doesn't appear anymore under system>admin! :( | 21:13 |
buchiach | can anyone help me get connectable for torrents? I have the port forwarded correctly in my router and on windows i connect no problem...it just doesnt sem to work with ubuntu | 21:13 |
Hellsbovine | [ 360.568000] Buffer I/O error on device sda4, logical block 8496823 | 21:13 |
eidolon7k | slugplug, gonna trying | 21:13 |
Hellsbovine | lots of stuff.... | 21:13 |
dwxreaper | touch /forcefsck i think | 21:13 |
Bax | what terminal command do I use to execute a .package file? | 21:14 |
puli | thanks bln and graft it is working my mystake.i put the complete address and it is going thru | 21:14 |
pike_ | buchiach: sudo iptables -L should say ACCEPT to everything by default does it? | 21:14 |
puli | thanks guys | 21:14 |
KDEusr | anybody? | 21:14 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: you probably have a dead drive then.. | 21:14 |
replay3 | is there any good linux program for use with an exchange system? something that can replace outlook with calendar services etc? | 21:14 |
Asterix_ | Jimmey: I've got new files when I browse the disk now!!! | 21:14 |
dwxreaper | i didn't think you were supposed to run fsck while the OS is changing files | 21:14 |
Hellsbovine | error reading block 8496823 (ayttempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) while reading indirect blocks of inode 4193730 | 21:14 |
Jimmey | replay3, Evolution | 21:14 |
KDEusr | compiz fusion | 21:14 |
buchiach | pike: i get this "iptables: No chain/target/match by that name" | 21:14 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, they all there? | 21:14 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, err, is that good or bad news? :-P | 21:15 |
dgjones | replay3: I use Evolution to access an Exchange server for email, calendar etc | 21:15 |
Asterix_ | Jimmey: and now when I clicked okay in the installation it's loading just fine! | 21:15 |
eidolon7k | slugplug, however I only seen that manager under Gnome, never under KDE. Why? | 21:15 |
Hellsbovine | LiMaO I seriously doubt dead drive... I can read files off of it... >.> | 21:15 |
b1n42y | puli, no problems that sounded intense for a minute | 21:15 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, ahh! Great! :-) Out of curiosity - Which game is it you're installing? | 21:15 |
pike_ | buchiach: try again that should work if not umm thats bad 'sudo iptables -L' | 21:15 |
Asterix_ | Jimmey: what exactly did the extra command do to fix it? I'm doing Orange Box | 21:15 |
buchiach | my fault.. i accidently also put should in there after -L...everything says accept | 21:15 |
pike_ | heh | 21:15 |
slugplug | eidolon7k: it should be in there somewhere.... kubuntu-restricted-extras | 21:15 |
replay3 | Jimmey: does evolution connect directly to the exchange server? when I tried it read data from the webmail? or am I doing something wrong? | 21:15 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: you may read files off it, but probably not files that are or could be stored on bad sectors of the drive | 21:15 |
slugplug | but i'm not a big user of KDE so i'm not sure exactly where it's hidden | 21:16 |
puli | bln42y do u know if the konqueror has got support for all the language fonts? | 21:16 |
gordonjcp | replay3: I use evolution with IMAP on our exchange server at work | 21:16 |
mary_ | I have an ati mobility radeon 9600 fglrx how can i get compiz-fusion working? | 21:16 |
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holycow | hey guys | 21:16 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, the "-o" passes an extra option to the "mount" command - CDFile Systems (ISOFS) need the "loop" option in mount to work properly, I'm pretty sure | 21:16 |
replay3 | gordonjcp: how does that work with the calendar functionality, the shared tasks etc? | 21:16 |
b1n42y | KDEusr, cant start compiz in KDE ? | 21:16 |
Hellsbovine | If I could just somehow... get walkedthrough.. getting to a piont where I am runlevel 1, and have an unmounted filesystem... I would be so very happy | 21:16 |
Johnation33 | hey militantpotato, should we look for a workaround? i can't find it anywhere i google | 21:16 |
replay3 | I need to use those or my boss will be mad at me | 21:17 |
gordonjcp | replay3: no idea | 21:17 |
Johnation33 | maybe use generic monitor? | 21:17 |
buchiach | pike: it is still listing things and now some of them say DROP | 21:17 |
gordonjcp | replay3: I don't use any of that | 21:17 |
eidolon7k | slugplug, the restricted extras are MP3 plugins and more.. (as you can easily read by typing apt-cache show ubuntu-restricted-extras) | 21:17 |
replay3 | gordonjcp: I wish I didn't have to either, but it's kind of company policy. we book meetings and such with that crap | 21:17 |
Asterix_ | Jimmey: well going through the man file wouldn't have gotten me to choose the -o loop... thanks a ton for the help! :) | 21:17 |
b1n42y | !compiz | 21:17 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 21:17 |
prodigel | Hi. I'm having a problem with my laptop display. I;m not sure if it's related to my upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 but after it my screenbecame shifted to left with a some 5 pixels. also on the right the extra pixels are repeated. I'm using an old dell if it helps | 21:17 |
web_knows | boring day | 21:17 |
holycow | on gutsy i noticed it creates a whole bunch of default folders for users ~/ ... i know how those are confgured but inoticed that applications seem to expect them to be in a specific place now. does anyone know if gnome has a 'preferred folders' type of thing where gnome apps assume you want to put things like documents and pitcutres in? | 21:17 |
slugplug | eidolon7k: restricted-manager then | 21:18 |
eidolon7k | slugplug, I'm having a driver issue, and in every forum everybody solve this issue by unchecking a box into restricted driver manager.... | 21:18 |
RainCT | I can't ping localhost (on Gutsy), does anyone have an idea of what the problem could be? | 21:18 |
slugplug | and/or restricted-manager-core | 21:18 |
web_knows | RainCT, firewall rules | 21:18 |
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gordonjcp | replay3: we do to. I don't bother with them | 21:18 |
RainCT | web_knows: how can I check that? (I don't think I've changed them however) | 21:19 |
gordonjcp | replay3: stuff them and their meetings, I've got work to do | 21:19 |
wirechief_ | prodigel hello does your dell use intel chips ? | 21:19 |
replay3 | gordonjcp: word, but I wonder what my boss would say if I answered him that :) | 21:19 |
web_knows | RainCT, sudo iptables -L -nv | 21:19 |
replay3 | "dude, I got work to do. stop inviting me to meetings!" | 21:19 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: well, to have a drive unmounted, type 'sudo umount /dev/you-drive-here' | 21:19 |
dgjones | prodigel: which old Dell is it? | 21:19 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 21:19 |
wolliw | does anyone have an opinion on a good GUI ToolKit to use with Python/Ruby? | 21:19 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: use vesa drivers, if that doesn't work, use nv | 21:20 |
wolliw | I don't know why I capitalized ToolKit like that | 21:20 |
Johnation33 | ok | 21:20 |
b1n42y | trying to get dual monitors working nvidia settings says to write to .conf and restart but it has problems saving backup and upon restart only 1 screen is working ...any ideas any1 ?? | 21:20 |
prodigel | wirechief: it's a latitude CPt | 21:20 |
MilitantPotato | b1n42y: did you do sudo infront of it? | 21:20 |
holycow | wolliw: gtk, qt, wxwidgets | 21:20 |
gordonjcp | replay3: depending on the line of work you're in, you can often get around the problem by going to one meeting, and then announce that if you get dragged away from *real work* to discuss minute differences between particular shades of purple in the client logo, then you will beat everyone senseless and torch the building | 21:20 |
Johnation33 | hey militant potato i got an error saying hte package isnt installed | 21:20 |
wolliw | holy: i'm thinking about using wx because it's crossplatform | 21:20 |
peacepipejv | ANy apps for ripping ISOs? | 21:20 |
holycow | so is gtk and qt | 21:21 |
wolliw | well | 21:21 |
b1n42y | err no will run sudo nvidia settings from terminal | 21:21 |
wolliw | wx uses native widgets on other OSes | 21:21 |
replay3 | gordonjcp: I think I need to be looking for a career change. any tips? | 21:21 |
wirechief_ | prodigel check #xorg they might have some help for you. | 21:21 |
Jimmey | Asterix_, you're welcome - It's worth noting too that if you copy CD's to your computer, you can mount the .iso file copies of any CD using the same command - "sudo mount -o loop /home/username/nameof.iso /media/cdrom0" - It will behave like the CD you copied the ISO from has been entered into the drive. If you fiddle with WINE a little bit, with some games, it works almost as a really-big noCD patch | 21:21 |
holycow | so does qt | 21:21 |
davf_ | Can anyone tell me how I can patch just one kernel module without having to recompile the whole kernel? | 21:21 |
b1n42y | MilitantPotato, thanks ill get back 2 you | 21:21 |
mary_ | I have an ati mobility radeon 9600 fglrx how can i get compiz-fusion working? running gutsy ubuntu on an ibm t42. xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/755732 when i type compiz --replace i get: http://pastebin.ca/755736 | 21:21 |
wolliw | oh right | 21:21 |
wolliw | Opera is QT isn't it? | 21:21 |
LjL | yes | 21:21 |
prodigel | dgjones: dell latitude cpt, some 300 mhz | 21:21 |
replay3 | gordonjcp: what do you recommend? I work with Project Management and Mergers & Aqcuisitions | 21:21 |
gordonjcp | replay3: don't work for webby companies | 21:22 |
wolliw | I'll take a look at that | 21:22 |
LiMaO | Hellsbovine: to be on runlevel 1, run 'sudo /sbin/init 1' | 21:22 |
holycow | i don't know if gtk does native tho .. | 21:22 |
wolliw | pretty sure no | 21:22 |
gordonjcp | replay3: ideally, don't do any job that involves computers | 21:22 |
LjL | i don't think s | 21:22 |
replay3 | gordonjcp: hah | 21:22 |
peacepipejv | I need tp rip an image from CD to my desktop. whatup | 21:22 |
holycow | rigbht click and rip | 21:22 |
wolliw | thanks | 21:22 |
gordonjcp | replay3: the pay is rubbish and you deal with idiots all day | 21:22 |
holycow | done | 21:22 |
buchiach | anyone know what I need to do to get connectible? | 21:22 |
RainCT | web_knows: there isn't any. ah, I already tried with iptables -F (somewhat) before (if I understood right when I read it that's to delete them). didn't change anything | 21:22 |
b1n42y | MilitantPotato, looks like its gona work .....x server restart brb | 21:22 |
replay3 | gordonjcp: word | 21:22 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: open synaptic, seach for xserver-xorg-core | 21:23 |
gordonjcp | replay3: I used to earn more fixing farm tractors than I do working for a very high-end web design agency. 'nuff said. | 21:23 |
Jimmey | gordonjcp, lies! | 21:23 |
Jimmey | :-P | 21:23 |
elpepe344 | cant get an ip from a wireless router with dhclient command ... any ideas? | 21:23 |
gordonjcp | Jimmey: sadly not | 21:23 |
Jimmey | :-( | 21:23 |
Jimmey | gordonjcp, much respect for knowing how to fix tractors | 21:24 |
gordonjcp | Jimmey: I grew up on a farm, in the far north-west of Scotland | 21:24 |
gordonjcp | Jimmey: I needed to know how to fix *everything* | 21:24 |
Jimmey | gordonjcp, Ahh, was about to ask where you were from. Where about in Scotland? | 21:24 |
gordonjcp | Jimmey: the wet and windy north-west ;-) | 21:25 |
replay3 | gordonjcp: fixing farm tractors sounds like something that could actually be relaxing and fun | 21:25 |
MilitantPotato | replay3: untill one kills ya :) | 21:26 |
Jimmey | gordonjcp, I've been to Scotland a few times...It's true the weather is RANDOM in some parts of Scotland | 21:26 |
gordonjcp | yup | 21:26 |
gordonjcp | Jimmey: don't like what it's doing? wait 15 mins | 21:26 |
replay3 | MilitantPotato: yeah but then you're dead and it doesnt matter | 21:26 |
replay3 | =) | 21:26 |
gordonjcp | replay3: it has its moments, like anything else | 21:26 |
Jimmey | gordonjcp, XoD, yeah | 21:26 |
arnath | i can't seem to find my network-manager app? where is it? | 21:26 |
RobotBanana | Hey guys, I just had a really weird problem. I loaded up the Ubuntu LiveCD on my computer for the first time, and it ran fine. Maybe a little slower than I remember it being on other PCs. Then I tried to restart, and it beeped twice and immediately powered down. | 21:27 |
RobotBanana | Then my PC wouldn't turn on again.... | 21:27 |
Jimmey | gordonjcp, I walked the West Highland Way a few years back, the weather was nice enough then, but there were enough midges | 21:27 |
RainCT | web_knows: if I execute "route" it doesn't show, is this normal? | 21:27 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: are you sure you typed it correctly? sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 21:27 |
RobotBanana | I had to turn off the power supply, unplug it, then plug it back in and go. Then it worked. | 21:27 |
gordonjcp | Jimmey: yeah. You want Avon Skin-So-Soft | 21:27 |
gordonjcp | Jimmey: it's the only thing that works against midgies | 21:28 |
arnath | anyone? how do i start up network-manager? | 21:28 |
Jimmey | gordonjcp, some dick sold me and my Dad some stuff that did absolutely NOTHING to repel them - Fire was our best deterrent | 21:28 |
MilitantPotato | RobotBanana: did you flip the switch in back, wait 30 seconds and try again? | 21:28 |
nullfs | Anyone know of a resource that attempts to keep track of the amount of linux servers using a particular distro on the net? | 21:28 |
gordonjcp | Jimmey: seriously, the Avon stuff is brilliant | 21:28 |
MilitantPotato | RobotBanana: make sure a video card or sound-card didn't come out the slot also. | 21:28 |
RobotBanana | MilitantPotato: Yeah, and that worked. But before I did that it wouldn't power up. Any idea what caused that? | 21:28 |
kimitsu_desu | erm hello anybody! it is very pleasant to meet you such day or night. It is all about ubuntu is it? i would like to thank you very much ubuntu. is it going to be like lion? or even a dragon, yes! | 21:29 |
kimitsu_desu | but now what do you think about raid0-stripe array of two hdds? isn't it fast and all beautiful like lightning on the sky. why ubuntu doesn't like it, i can't understand. | 21:29 |
kimitsu_desu | maybe ubuntu should spend more time sitting on a cliff and watching sunsets? | 21:29 |
MilitantPotato | RobotBanana: could be bad hardware? | 21:29 |
* Jimmey notes Avon Skin-So-Soft | 21:29 | |
RobotBanana | MilitantPotato: Windows doesn't have any problems.... | 21:29 |
MilitantPotato | RobotBanana: i386 or x64? | 21:30 |
RobotBanana | MilitantPotato: I have ubuntu on my laptop, and I decided to try the LiveCD for shits and giggles on my desktop, then that happened. | 21:30 |
Johnation33 | militantpotato my mistake, typed a space wrong | 21:30 |
RobotBanana | Well, it's an AMD64 X2, but I'm just using the i386 CD. | 21:30 |
wolliw | why? | 21:30 |
wolliw | oh | 21:31 |
wolliw | sorry out of context | 21:31 |
RobotBanana | wolliw: Like I said, it was just to play around with. That's the CD I use on my laptop. | 21:31 |
RobotBanana | ;) | 21:31 |
wolliw | I just think a lot of people are scared of amd64 releases for some reason | 21:31 |
ouaibe_ | sconnect | 21:31 |
Johnation33 | hey millitant potato, it won't let me press ok | 21:32 |
MilitantPotato | RobotBanana: In your bios is any of the "cache to RAM/Memory" options enabled? | 21:32 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: did you do sudo infront of it? | 21:32 |
RobotBanana | MilitantPotato: Haven't checked. Although I did update my BIOS today... | 21:32 |
peeps[work] | is there a way to make headphone volume affected by "master volume" | 21:32 |
Johnation33 | yep | 21:32 |
Bax | when I try to configure a file (./configure) and i get this error "bash: ./configure: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied | 21:32 |
Bax | ", what does it mean? | 21:32 |
babo | guys, has anyone ported gimp 2.4 yet ? | 21:32 |
MilitantPotato | Bax: put sudo infront of it? | 21:33 |
Jimmey | Bax, try "bash ./configure" | 21:33 |
pike_ | babo: alot of new lib dependencies i dunno if itll happen | 21:33 |
peeps[work] | the fact that master volume has no effect on headphones is absolutely ridiculous | 21:33 |
Jimmey | Bax, try my method first ;-) | 21:33 |
MilitantPotato | peeps[work]: does for me. | 21:33 |
MilitantPotato | Bax: try jimmey's first. | 21:33 |
Bax | what does bash do? | 21:33 |
Johnation33 | militant potato, i get the configuring xserver-xorg screen | 21:33 |
Jimmey | Bax, it's another type of shell. | 21:33 |
zOap | how do I release alsa? my soundcard is hung.. | 21:34 |
babo | pike_: really ? why can't they just use the same libs that other distros use ? What about the alien tool ? ( or is that for RH ) | 21:34 |
Bax | Jimmey: that configures in a different way? | 21:34 |
nicolah | Hi guys, what's the difference betwenn "bugzilla" and launchpad ? thanks | 21:34 |
babo | Bax: it does what you tell it to do ( sometimes ) | 21:34 |
Jimmey | Bax, nope. | 21:34 |
Johnation33 | but i dont know what to do next | 21:34 |
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Jimmey | Bax, what are you trying to compile? | 21:35 |
babo | hmmm .... no gimp 2.4 ... | 21:35 |
ArrPirate | I'm trying to share a folder with my windows machine... how do I do that? I went to System - Administration - Shared Folders and shared my folder... but when I try to connect from my windows computer it asks for a password and my account password for this computer isn't working | 21:35 |
Jimmey | babo, that's what I came here for - I don't know how to install it | 21:35 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: Keep going through the steps, when you get to video drivers, choose Vesa | 21:35 |
RobotBanana | MilitantPotato: Hmm... While I was in the LiveCD, I tried to install the NVIDIA drivers through the restricted package manager, and I have an 8800. Do the drivers maybe not support 8800s? | 21:35 |
Johnation33 | i cant get past the first screen | 21:35 |
Jimmey | !samba | 21:35 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 21:35 |
Johnation33 | the <ok> button is just text | 21:35 |
MilitantPotato | RobotBanana: did you install nvidia-glx-new? | 21:35 |
Johnation33 | im pressing enter on the keyboard but that doesn't do anything either | 21:35 |
babo | Jimmey, you don't know how to install it ? You have a binary then i take it ? | 21:36 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: did you use the arrow keys to get to the OK button? | 21:36 |
scizzo- | RobotBanana: 8800GTS you mean? | 21:36 |
RobotBanana | MilitantPotato: Just the drivers in the Restricted Package Manager.... not sure what those are. | 21:36 |
Bax | Jimmy: oh a file, and the bash seems to work, but I get this error "checking whether the C compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs. | 21:36 |
Bax | " at the end. I don't know why I keep having trouble with a c compiler in ubuntu | 21:36 |
RobotBanana | scizzo-: Yup. | 21:36 |
replay3 | I must say | 21:36 |
Johnation33 | haha no i didnt thanks that worked | 21:36 |
replay3 | ubuntu is really cool | 21:36 |
Jimmey | babo, nope. I would like a .deb, though | 21:36 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: haha | 21:36 |
scizzo- | RobotBanana: I have a 8800GTS and runs just fine with the nvidia-glx-new drivers | 21:36 |
replay3 | I haven't been using linux for like 4 years | 21:36 |
replay3 | man it has evolved! | 21:36 |
Jimmey | bax, "sudo apt-get install build-essential" | 21:36 |
RobotBanana | scizzo-: And are those the drivers that the restricted package manager installs? | 21:36 |
kaptengu | I want to move /boot to its own partition, is there a howto for this? | 21:37 |
Ahmuck | !root | 21:37 |
ubotu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 21:37 |
MilitantPotato | scizzo-: doesn't restricted drivers not install the "new" version? | 21:37 |
Johnation33 | what do i put for amount of memory for video card? | 21:37 |
jluk | i try to install xsystem to the pc but doesn't work a little help to configure this ? | 21:37 |
scizzo- | RobotBanana: yes | 21:37 |
replay3 | back then I compiled my kernel fifteen times before I got all drivers | 21:37 |
scizzo- | MilitantPotato: depends on choice | 21:37 |
scizzo- | MilitantPotato: usually there is nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new | 21:37 |
RobotBanana | scizzo-: Hmm, so that probably isn't it... Oh well. Hopefully the problem just doesn't move to Windows. | 21:37 |
scizzo- | RobotBanana: ? | 21:37 |
scizzo- | RobotBanana: if you are using a livecd there is nothing really written it does not save it on the CD if that is the question... | 21:38 |
RobotBanana | scizzo-: Since the Windows installation on this computer is fine, I'm hoping that was just a weird bug in the LiveCD. | 21:38 |
Bax | Jimmey: know I'm getting this "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 21:38 |
Bax | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 21:38 |
Bax | " after I typed in your command. | 21:38 |
RobotBanana | scizzo-: Yeah, I know it won't affect the hard drive. I'm just saying I hope that isn't an indication of bad hardware or something. ;) | 21:38 |
bruenig | Bax, close synaptic | 21:38 |
Jimmey | Bax, is Synaptic Package Manager running? | 21:39 |
Bax | Jimmy: yep, sorry! | 21:39 |
Elliot | Im having issues with my VLC and moive player..the moive player shows weird colors anf the VLC makes the video all scratchy but the sound is just right ne ideas | 21:39 |
Elliot | i installed the restricted files | 21:39 |
Elliot | from synaptic | 21:39 |
scizzo- | RobotBanana: well no...trying the livecd is...well something that you only try to get into a interface of the install and also you can use the livecd for doing some tasks....you can't really use the livecd as a _operating system_ if you understand... | 21:40 |
salistrari | i have ubuntu 7.10 and the driver nvidia get installed automatically | 21:40 |
Bax | Jimmey: does this package give the essential compilers or something? | 21:40 |
PyroSama | Hello | 21:40 |
Jimmey | Bax, yep | 21:40 |
PriceChild | salistrari, no it doesn't | 21:40 |
super | Hi, i want to check if i'm using the latest bios for my mobo but cant remember the exact model of it. Is there a command to find out what it is? | 21:40 |
Jimmey | super, try installing lshw-gtk | 21:40 |
Jimmey | super, it's a very nice program that will tell you most things about your computer :-) | 21:40 |
super | thanks i'll try it now | 21:41 |
PyroSama | I have a computer that will only boot to a hdd and has room for only 1 ide device (laptop) so I'm trying to figure out how to boot the installer disk from my hdd and install onto the source drive | 21:41 |
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RobotBanana | scizzo-: I know. I told MilitantPotato earlier that I was just loading it up on my desktop to toy around with (I have it installed on my laptop), and that's when I had this problem. He said it could be an indication of bad hardware. | 21:41 |
freak_ | hey, i just installed irssi under ubuntu 7.10 and i can't change my current windows with Meta-Number i just get these chars: ±²³´µ¶· how can i fix this? | 21:41 |
pike_ | PyroSama: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation might help | 21:41 |
slugplug | !install | PyroSama (you might find something useful here) | 21:41 |
ubotu | PyroSama (you might find something useful here): Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 21:41 |
MilitantPotato | Johnation33: 0 | 21:41 |
Lightenix | hello, anyonek nows how can i see how many or which threads are currently executing? | 21:41 |
Lightenix | currently running* | 21:42 |
slugplug | doh. | 21:42 |
RobotBanana | scizzo-: I'm hoping it was just a weird bug or something. | 21:42 |
pike_ | freak_: alt 3 or whatever doesnt work? how about /window 3 | 21:42 |
babo | Jimmey: well apparently there aren't any .debs cause of some lib dependencies. That's kinda strange though. I wonder who wrote the RH-compatible libs and why the can't be used for ubuntu ? | 21:42 |
MilitantPotato | RobotBanana: if you installed proprietary drivers that's probably what did it. | 21:42 |
freak_ | pike_: windows 3 and esc 3 works, i just found the solution for xterm in the faq | 21:42 |
Jimmey | babo, could either compile it or upgrade to Gutsy :-# | 21:42 |
pike_ | freak_: k | 21:43 |
dadude | anyone have issues with mplayer crashing when trying play videos in 7.10? (audio works fine, as long as I use -vo null, gmplayer doesn't work at all (segfault)) | 21:43 |
RobotBanana | MilitantPotato: I hope so. I'm a little scared to try loading the CD up again though just in case, hehe. :) | 21:43 |
mistik1 | Hey guys, what is the defacto GUI tool used in unbuntu for controling iptables? | 21:43 |
pike_ | dadude: how about -vo xv and then -vo x11 either work? | 21:43 |
{An0n|M} | Hello all | 21:43 |
=== {An0n|M} is now known as Paola | ||
Paola | /nick {An0n|M} | 21:43 |
=== Paola is now known as {An0n|M} | ||
dadude | pike_: neither work, "MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: preinit_libvo" in both cases | 21:43 |
Oleg | anyone get ubuntu installed on a b100s? | 21:43 |
MilitantPotato | RobotBanana: Run memtestx86 from the liveCD overnight, aswell as prime95 (two instances, one per core as the afinity) in windows for atleast 6 hours | 21:44 |
{An0n|M} | Hey all | 21:44 |
MilitantPotato | That should rule out memory and CPU issues. | 21:44 |
{An0n|M} | excusa me I m deaf | 21:44 |
{An0n|M} | I`m Paola | 21:44 |
shooood | hey i've downloaded the xubuntu-desktop and the kubuntu-desktop and installed them and there r some program for audio files installed too but these programs don't support the mp3 format is there anything i can do something like codecs or so ?????????? | 21:44 |
{An0n|M} | plese to help me | 21:44 |
=== Gunirus is now known as [Gunirus] | ||
pike_ | dadude: im having issues with libvo too i think nvidia driver + xv = badness for me hoping an update will fix since i need to use nv presently to get fullscreen scaling | 21:44 |
babo | Jimmey: is it available for Gutsy ? | 21:44 |
{An0n|M} | how join proxy botbounce win xp ? | 21:44 |
babo | Is gimp 2.4 available for Gutsy ? | 21:45 |
Jimmey | babo, installed as default I'm pretty sure | 21:45 |
scizzo- | shooood: its a closed format | 21:45 |
dadude | pike_: ah, ok, thank you | 21:45 |
scizzo- | shooood: you have to get the restricted drivers or what it is called installed | 21:45 |
babo | Jimmey: well why are you here then ? | 21:45 |
Pici | !windows {An0n|M} | 21:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about windows {an0n - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 21:45 |
Pici | !windows | {An0n|M} | 21:45 |
ubotu | {An0n|M}: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 21:45 |
Jimmey | babo, don't want to install Gutsy or compile, wondered if there was a .deb | 21:45 |
super | Thanks Jimmey, great program | 21:45 |
shooood | scizzo/ forgive me but am afraid i can't understand u . am new in linux | 21:45 |
scizzo- | shooood: apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 21:45 |
pirast | when booting ubuntu with my new laptop, it freezes. i even do not see a spalsh screen. just a black screen afer the kernel has been loaded | 21:45 |
Jimmey | super, you're welcome | 21:46 |
shooood | scizzo/ i'll try it | 21:46 |
{An0n|M} | Thanks | 21:46 |
frojnd | I wanna to compile ndiswapper: wget http://internap.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper-1.47.tar.gz this one. And when I try to make: sudo make uninstall, I get message: NOTE: Not all installed files are removed, as different distributions install ndiswrapper files at different places. Run uninstall as many times as necessary untill no "removing" message appear below. I done this command "sudo make uninstall" fro over 100 | 21:46 |
frojnd | times, but I still get this message. any ideas how can I install this???? | 21:46 |
{An0n|M} | but wht channel for proxy txt free ? | 21:46 |
{An0n|M} | but wht channel for proxy txt free ? | 21:46 |
b0nn | Hi, Ive just tried to upgrade from edgy -> feisty and when i reboot it hangs at setting up console font and keymap' any ideas on what I should do? | 21:46 |
=== [Gunirus] is now known as Gunirus | ||
=== Gunirus is now known as [Gunirus] | ||
Pici | {An0n|M}: This is offtopic and not encouraged for this channel, please stop. | 21:46 |
juan | flash player keeps freezing up my firefox, whats the most stable choice gnash or ndiswrappering it or summit else? | 21:47 |
shooood | scizzo/ downloading | 21:47 |
{An0n|M} | ok | 21:47 |
RudyValencia | Hello | 21:47 |
{An0n|M} | Hello RudyValencia | 21:47 |
=== Bianca is now known as _bianca_ | ||
intint | juan: adobe's flash is more stable | 21:47 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, are you trying to boot from the LiveCD? | 21:47 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, yes | 21:48 |
RudyValencia | I try to boot the Ubuntu Gutsy CD and my network card fails to work. | 21:48 |
hExDj | I am trying out Ubuntu with the Live CD and I'm loving it but I can't seem to figure out the wireless networks | 21:48 |
juan | intint: so if its crashing do i have a problem? | 21:48 |
=== _bianca_ is now known as _bibi | ||
RudyValencia | I have an onboard Realtek RTL8100B NIC | 21:48 |
RudyValencia | and it doesn't want to work | 21:48 |
hExDj | it asks for a key and I enter the right one, which I am using in another computer but it won't take | 21:48 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, ok, you do get the initial menu that allows you to load or install? | 21:49 |
intint | juan: feisty or gutsy | 21:49 |
juan | intint: gusty | 21:49 |
RudyValencia | I'm thinking of trying a 3Com 3C905 LAN | 21:49 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, yes | 21:49 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, the kernel also works fine. then i see a cursor blinking... and nothing happens.. | 21:49 |
juan | *gutsy swear im dyslexic | 21:49 |
RainCT | web_knows: (got it working, it was because I had disabled ipv6 to test something -.-. thanks) | 21:49 |
=== noone is now known as jimmygoon | ||
pirast | Geoffrey2, the laptop even does not seem to do something (the dvd drive also).. | 21:49 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, when that menu comes up, there's an option to hit F6 to type in additional boot commands | 21:50 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, for the graphical mode? | 21:50 |
intint | juan: sorry, I'm still on feisty... | 21:50 |
arnath | anyone know of a good guide to using openvpn in ubuntu? cause i'm having numerous problems | 21:50 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, hang on a second | 21:50 |
dstadulis | ever since upgrading to 7.10 I am unable to mount any usb device. anyone heard of a similar problem? or point me in a direction | 21:50 |
hommer | join ubuntu-br | 21:51 |
T` | is it safe to just do a apt-get update/dist-upgrade after changing fiesty to gutsy in sources.list? | 21:51 |
hommer | \join ubuntu-br | 21:51 |
T` | my upgrade manager doesn't show a new distro like the wiki says. | 21:51 |
MilitantPotato | hommer: /join #ubuntu-br | 21:51 |
frojnd | any ideas how to make uninstall for ndiswrapper if keep getting this message: NOTE: Not all installed files are removed, as different distributions install ndiswrapper files at different places. Run uninstall as many times as necessary untill no "removing" message appear below. ?? | 21:51 |
RainCT | T`: try pressing Alt + F2 and there: update-manager -c | 21:51 |
T` | ok | 21:52 |
MilitantPotato | T`: don't change the sources. | 21:52 |
MilitantPotato | RainCT: sudo update-manager -c right? | 21:52 |
Geoffrey2 | can someone confirm for me that F6 from the LiveCD menu is what allows you to enter optional boot parameters? | 21:52 |
dstadulis | T`: sometimes it is hard to see, the first go I didn't even see it | 21:52 |
T` | hmm | 21:52 |
RainCT | MilitantPotato: ah yes, would be gksudo in this case :P | 21:52 |
T` | ok lemme try | 21:52 |
dgjones | !upgrade | T` | 21:53 |
ubotu | T`: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 21:53 |
frojnd | this is driving me crazy... anyone??? | 21:53 |
RainCT | T`: gksudo update-manager -c , sorry | 21:53 |
T` | Your system does not check for updates automatically. You can configure this behavior in Software Sources on the Internet Updates tab. | 21:53 |
T` | ah now i see it at the top! | 21:53 |
T` | lol | 21:53 |
T` | ok cool | 21:53 |
MilitantPotato | frojnd: have you tried --purge | 21:53 |
Ward1983 | how do i use fdisk on my cardreader? | 21:53 |
T` | thanks | 21:53 |
T` | how do i make it use my local mirror? | 21:53 |
steve_ | can anyone hep with installing ubuntu from a USB drive? | 21:54 |
T` | we have a local mirror to upgrade from at work | 21:54 |
{An0n|M} | plese give me it download for mclone with proxy id nick adduser own bot for windows xp | 21:54 |
Ward1983 | and is there a GUI for fdisk? | 21:54 |
{An0n|M} | please :| | 21:54 |
Jimmey | Ward1983, try GParted | 21:54 |
Ward1983 | Jimmey, ok i'll try it thanx :-) | 21:54 |
Ward1983 | that was fast :-) | 21:54 |
batrix | anyone have any idea why when i did an upgrade from feisty to gutsy i get a segmentation fault when i try to use wine? I tried to reinstall wine and reinstall my nvidia drivers and I still get the same thing. It worked fine until I upgraded to gutsy. | 21:54 |
frojnd | MilitantPotato, but I wanna to make uninstall. Before this version I didn't have any other ndiswrapper... | 21:54 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: did you add the wine gutsy repository? | 21:55 |
batrix | MilitantPotato, yes | 21:55 |
dgjones | {An0n|M}: this is a support channel for Ubuntu, for Windows problems and help, you should join ##windows | 21:55 |
Pici | {An0n|M}: This is the Ubuntu Linux support channel, not Windows, Not proxy. This is offtopic for this channel, ##windows exists for windows questions. | 21:55 |
dstadulis | ever since upgrading to 7.10 I am unable to mount any usb device, I have an install of xubuntu (feisty) and the devices work in xubuntu but not in my regular ubuntu partition. anyone heard of a similar problem? or point me in a direction | 21:55 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: did it upgrade wine to the gutsy version? | 21:56 |
steve_ | can anyone hep with installing ubuntu from a USB drive? the directions on the wiki do not work | 21:56 |
MilitantPotato | frojnd: If it's uninstalled it won't uninstall anymore :) | 21:56 |
frojnd | ok MilitantPotato :D | 21:56 |
FluxD | Hi, when I lock my computer and leave for a few hours, my computer is shut down for some reason, and I hae no clue why any suggestions? | 21:56 |
|_James_Bond_| | I finished to install the Ubuntu Studio 7,10 and alone I have a problem my existing partitions in the hard disk that in NTFS had not disappeared as I make to come back them to have... this after happened to restart the computer... need help to resolve this problem... | 21:56 |
|_James_Bond_| | plz | 21:56 |
batrix | MilitantPotato, i'm not too sure i get a seg fault when i try wine ver | 21:56 |
Ward1983 | is it normal that my SD card appears to be FAT16??? :s lol | 21:57 |
=== marmot is now known as Ch33se | ||
Ward1983 | weird | 21:57 |
bulmer | steve_-> from a USB drive? | 21:57 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: sudo apt-get update | 21:57 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, ok, yes...you'll get the first ubuntu menu, with Start or Install Ubuntu as the first option...at the bottom is a list of function keys you can use, F6 says Other Options | 21:57 |
steve_ | bulmer, from a USB drive, yes | 21:57 |
Faust-C | Ward1983: maybe cause thats the format | 21:57 |
FluxD | Hi, when I lock my computer and leave for a few hours, my computer is shut down for some reason, and I hae no clue why any suggestions? | 21:57 |
batrix | done in 1s | 21:57 |
|_James_Bond_| | e tambem não consigo aceder nem as disquetes e nem ao cd no linux só a partição / | 21:57 |
steve_ | bulmer, tablet without a CD drive, it can boot from the USB drive but just gives me a "no OS found" error | 21:57 |
Faust-C | FluxD: that doesnt sound like a OS problem | 21:57 |
steve_ | !es | 21:58 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. | 21:58 |
MilitantPotato | sudo apt-get upgrade wine | 21:58 |
phaedra | FluxD, Check System>Preferences>Power Management... | 21:58 |
Ward1983 | Faust-C, yeah but i thought they come formatted as FAT32 ? :s | 21:58 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: do sudo apt-get update | 21:58 |
linuxape | FluxD: I have seen similar behavior but not since upgrading to gutsy | 21:58 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: followed by sudo apt-get upgrade wine | 21:58 |
Faust-C | Ward1983: cameras will format a disc as it needs | 21:58 |
Faust-C | Ward1983: does it really matter | 21:58 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, when you hit F6, you'll get a line that says Boot Options...go to the end of the line and add hpet=disable, and hit enter, at which point hopefully Ubuntu will boot successfully | 21:58 |
Faust-C | its not gonna handle huge files | 21:58 |
|_James_Bond_| | e also I do not obtain to only accede nor the floppies and nor to the compact disc in linux the partition / | 21:58 |
Faust-C | |_James_Bond_|: english | 21:58 |
Ward1983 | Faust-C, no i jsut thought it was weird thats all, sorry i asked ffs | 21:59 |
linuxape | can't tell you why though | 21:59 |
bulmer | steve_-> umm, maybe you have to find another desktop, that boots off of USB and install it that way first, then move it over to your tablet | 21:59 |
|_James_Bond_| | no | 21:59 |
|_James_Bond_| | portuguese... | 21:59 |
Pici | !br | 21:59 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 21:59 |
crazy6 | is there a gcc-ARM compiler package for ubuntu? | 21:59 |
steve_ | it does boot off USB, the instructions on the wiki just don't produce a properly bootable drive | 21:59 |
batrix | MilitantPotato, no go man | 21:59 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: any error messages from the upgrade? | 21:59 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, great :)thank you | 21:59 |
|_James_Bond_| | this a not resolve this problem form to channel ubuntu-br adn ubuntu-pt | 22:00 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, i am going to try it tomorrow | 22:00 |
|_James_Bond_| | need help | 22:00 |
batrix | MilitantPotato, none at all | 22:00 |
|_James_Bond_| | plz | 22:00 |
bulmer | steve_-> what is missing or what error are you getting ? | 22:00 |
steve_ | bulmer, "operating system not found" | 22:00 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, it's a confirmed kernel bug that the design team is looking into, my desktop did the same thing until I used that option | 22:00 |
dstadulis | ever since upgrading to 7.10 I am unable to mount any usb device, I have an install of xubuntu (feisty) and the devices work in xubuntu but not in my regular 7.10 ubuntu partition. anyone heard of a similar problem? or point me in a direction | 22:00 |
bulmer | steve_-> you're confusing me, you just said it boots off a USB? | 22:00 |
|_James_Bond_| | i using ubuntu struido... | 22:00 |
|_James_Bond_| | ubuntu studio... | 22:01 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: do wine --version | 22:01 |
batrix | MilitantPotato, are you familiar with snes9express | 22:01 |
steve_ | bulmer, the system will attempt to boot from the USB drive, but it then gives me that error | 22:01 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, do you have a link to the bug report? i am interested in it ;) | 22:01 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: nope | 22:01 |
batrix | MilitantPotato, seg fault | 22:01 |
pirast | pirast, and what does hpet=disable disable? does it work with feisty? | 22:01 |
scizzo- | |_James_Bond_|: the NTFS partitions are suppose to be gone but are still there? | 22:01 |
bulmer | steve_-> what am asking is can you use same USB drive and boot another desktop with it? | 22:01 |
IMYojimbo | hi, do u know where i can get scalable/vector icons of popular applications e.g. firefox ....?? | 22:02 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: sudo apt-get purge wine | 22:02 |
blue42 | hey guys, wondering if anybody can test some video behavior: Try running a video in totem, then start some other program, scroll around, etc... does the video jerk when cpu goes up? | 22:02 |
batrix | MilitantPotato, i'll just compile it from source i guess :) | 22:02 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: wait | 22:02 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/138305 | 22:02 |
snkmad | theres a shortcut to make the program fullscreen in compiz-fusion? or theres any way to set that? | 22:02 |
MilitantPotato | did you try purge yet? | 22:02 |
scizzo- | IMYojimbo: www.gnome-look.org | 22:02 |
steve_ | bulmer, I haven't tried, good idea though, I will | 22:02 |
wckdkl0wn | i am having problems browsing with 7.10 gutsy. takes me 20-30 seconds before a webpage will load. it pauses while looking for the page. but my downloads are fast still | 22:02 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, thanks | 22:02 |
batrix | MilitantPotato, yeah | 22:02 |
nicolah | Hi, I have a strange problem with pidgin and tab in irc. have a look at this video http://s105.photobucket.com/albums/m224/nicoladimaria/?action=view¤t=pidgin.flv thanks | 22:02 |
snkmad | wckdkl0wn try to disable IPv6 | 22:02 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, I can't swear it'll work with Feisty, it was fixing a problem that kept Gutsy from loading | 22:03 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: Got me beat :( | 22:03 |
scragar | blue42 try changing the nice value of totem, it happens because it's not using the proccesing power it needs to display properly | 22:03 |
wckdkl0wn | snkmad, ok i will try that.. would that also be why my modem doesnt see my ip on it>? | 22:03 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, does hpet is something important? | 22:03 |
Lightenix | hello, can anyone tells me where can i see how many threads are currently running? | 22:03 |
MilitantPotato | batrix: /join #winehq | 22:03 |
batrix | MilitantPotato, i'll just try compiling it from source | 22:03 |
blue42 | scrager: thx for reply... maybe I'm not understanding this, but I thought the fair scheduler took care of renicing? | 22:03 |
snkmad | wckdkl0wn i dont know, i just a little search on ubuntu wiki, and after disabling IPv6, surfing seems a little faster, next step is Local DNS cache | 22:04 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, it's called the High Precision Event Timer....it's desribed in detail here...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Precision_Event_Timer | 22:04 |
peeps[work] | I keep having my applications randomly close on me, and I get this message: "X connection to :0.0 host broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)" | 22:04 |
wckdkl0wn | snkmad, well i never had a problem on the version before this one. how would i disable the ip6? | 22:04 |
=== david___ is now known as david____ | ||
peeps[work] | when I haven't issued any kill commands | 22:05 |
scragar | usualy, it occasionally misses things though, I always readjust them as necessary(often by assigning lower priotity instead of higher) | 22:05 |
Geoffrey2 | pirast, so far, I've seen no significant problems caused by disabling it | 22:05 |
b1n42y | woohoo forget about running 2 sep X on 2 sep monitors....w00t Xineram way to go | 22:05 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, great, thanks.. let's see to get it fixed.. | 22:05 |
peeps[work] | and the server(X i'm assuming it is referring to) is running fine | 22:05 |
Ademan | on the ubuntu forums is there any way to see which threads you created or have posted in? | 22:05 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, the ubuntu devs do not reply a lot to bugs, so I'd suggest to maybe have a look at the upstream reports.. | 22:05 |
peeps[work] | Ademan, do an advanced search for username with your forum user name | 22:06 |
nanonyme | luckily ipv6 works nice and fast on my xubuntu gutsy... | 22:06 |
MilitantPotato | peeps[work]: have ya tried in #xorg ? | 22:06 |
peeps[work] | no | 22:06 |
Ademan | thanks peeps[work], kinda roundabout, wish it was just stored in your profile like gamedev.net does, but meh, thanks again | 22:06 |
Stargazers | Hi. I added one option to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base and now I need to reload the driver (don't wanna reboot machine), how I can reload that sound module? | 22:06 |
Stargazers | Wihtout reboot. | 22:06 |
Stargazers | I just added one Option line on it. | 22:06 |
snkmad | wckdkl0wn https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4?action=show&redirect=DisableIPv6 | 22:07 |
peeps[work] | Ademan, if you are subcribed to a thread, it should show in User CP | 22:07 |
peeps[work] | Ademan, you can set your settings to auto-subscribe to any thread you post in. I usually do this, and turn off automatic email notifications | 22:07 |
Ademan | peeps[work]: yeah, it just seems to me that "subscribing" should be automatic when you post in it | 22:07 |
wckdkl0wn | snkmad, ok ty i will try that, hopefully it works, if not then i am going back a version | 22:07 |
Ademan | peeps[work]: ah, that's pretty good | 22:07 |
Ademan | thanks again peeps | 22:07 |
Geoffrey2 | could someone using Mozilla Firefox and Flash look at this page, it's Citi (as in CitiBank), and I'm having problems with it's flash content causing the screen to go totally blank on me.... https://www.citicards.com/cards/wv/home.do | 22:07 |
IMYojimbo | scizzo-: i cant find any scalable icons there | 22:08 |
MilitantPotato | Stargazers: modprobe -r "program name" | 22:08 |
Stargazers | Thanks. Propably snd? | 22:08 |
mutable | Hello all, I've put this line to my script: "export MYVAR=varvar". However after running this script the variable MYVAR is still undefined ? | 22:08 |
Ademan | Geoffrey2: well, i haven't been to that page particularly (i don't think) but i use citibank's page all the time to manage my account with no problem, with firefox and epiphany | 22:08 |
MilitantPotato | Stargazers: whatever the .ko file was named | 22:08 |
blue42 | Geoffrey2: tried it, indeed it loads up and goes blank | 22:08 |
Stargazers | MilitantPotato: How I can see it? | 22:08 |
vmlinuz- | How do I check which wine version is in the apt-get repos? | 22:09 |
marthin | Hi,im very new to linux and i have a problem with my wlan. Im running a WEP64/ASCII cryptation and my networkmanager doesnt connect to the wlan. But if im running uncrypted it connects....anybody know why? | 22:09 |
peacepipejv | need to rip an ISO from CD to my desktop. ANy ideas? | 22:09 |
Ademan | mutable: what script? something like that should probably go in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc | 22:09 |
TurkuM_TuRk | þ | 22:09 |
Xyverz | anybody know where I can get a small banner to put on my site to help promote ubuntu? | 22:09 |
kbrosnan | Geoffrey2: there is likely no solution to that at this time | 22:09 |
blue42 | Geoffrey2: likely because of the flash overlay bug (flash sits on top of everything in firefox, in windows this behavior is not there) | 22:09 |
Geoffrey2 | interesting that the Windows and Linux versions of flash work so differently on the exact same page | 22:09 |
bulmer | peacepipejv-> the orinal cd is iso ? | 22:09 |
jluk | hi | 22:09 |
mutable | Ademan: yes, but i want to set this variable on demand | 22:09 |
MilitantPotato | Stargazers: try /etc/rc.d/alsasound restart | 22:10 |
phaedra | marthin, Is the LAN running unencrypted when you connect or the cpu? | 22:10 |
peacepipejv | no, i just want to rip the image to my desktop | 22:10 |
pirast | Geoffrey2, I'm going to bed now. let's hope that the bug get fixed. goodnight ;) | 22:10 |
void^ | mutable: your script is executed in its own shell process, and the parent process doesn't inherit the child process's variables when it dies. use 'source' or '.' to run a script in the current shell process. | 22:10 |
FluxD | Xyverz: a sec theres one on ubuntu homepage I think | 22:10 |
buttercups | Geoffrey2, did for me too, uncheck java in your firefox prefrences under content | 22:10 |
MilitantPotato | Xyverz: www.ubuntu.com | 22:10 |
threethirty | Geoffrey2: i cant find a problem on that page, can you be more spacific | 22:10 |
Xyverz | I had the ubuntu countdown counter on my page, but now I just want a small static image. | 22:10 |
mutable | void^: omg, thx very much | 22:10 |
babo | I'm continually prevented from upgrading to Gutsy by the error .... | 22:10 |
Brandenatwork | i can't get ubuntu to recognize my flash drive on this computer. It is recognized on my ubuntu at home. What should I do? | 22:10 |
Ademan | mutable: considering it's a single line and variable it couldn't be that bad to type it could it? (also #bash is pretty knowledgable about this kind of stuff) | 22:10 |
Xyverz | I'm trying to find it, but they've buried it pretty deep | 22:11 |
babo | 404 : can't find the mediaubuntu site ... | 22:11 |
TurkuM_TuRk | seLam | 22:11 |
TurkuM_TuRk | seLam millet | 22:11 |
Pici | !medibuntu | babo | 22:11 |
ubotu | babo: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 22:11 |
TurkuM_TuRk | seLam millet | 22:11 |
arcil | Your source hostname. Useful when you're on a multi-host system, and you want to look like you're connecting from a particular host. | 22:11 |
peacepipejv | need to rip a cd image to my desktop. Whats a good app to do this | 22:11 |
arcil | This setting tells irssi which IP to bind to. | 22:11 |
void^ | !tr | TurkuM_TuRk | 22:11 |
arcil | Your source hostname. Useful when you're on a multi-host system, and you want to look like you're connecting from a particular host. | 22:11 |
ubotu | TurkuM_TuRk: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 22:11 |
arcil | This setting tells irssi which IP to bind to. | 22:11 |
TurkuM_TuRk | tr void^ | 22:11 |
Pici | TurkuM_TuRk: ubotu | 22:12 |
vmlinuz- | is package "ubuntu-restricted-extra" important to install? | 22:12 |
nandi | hi | 22:12 |
babo | Pici: well then why is the upgrade looking for it ? | 22:12 |
Stargazers | Humm. | 22:12 |
hExDj | ubuntu seems a lot like mac OSX | 22:12 |
Pici | babo: Because it was in your sources file | 22:12 |
Geoffrey2 | threethirty, the page loads up, and then everything disappears, leaving me looking at a completely white screen.... | 22:12 |
jluk | hello , i try to install on an old pc celeron , but i cant start X , XIO fatal erro 104 ... some idees ? | 22:12 |
TurkuM_TuRk | tr void^ | 22:12 |
TurkuM_TuRk | !tr | 22:12 |
ubotu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 22:12 |
Pici | TurkuM_TuRk: /j #ubuntu-r | 22:12 |
vmlinuz- | can anybody give me an idea about ubuntu-restricted-extra? | 22:12 |
buttercups | Geoffrey2, did not unchecking java under content in your firefox preferences work? | 22:13 |
Stargazers | MilitantPotato: It didn't still load my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base line. | 22:13 |
elias85 | hello | 22:13 |
peeps[work] | MilitantPotato, no one is awake in #xorg :-( | 22:13 |
magnetron | vmlinuz-: if you want flash, java and audio codec support (and you live outside USA) ubuntu-restricted-extras is helpful | 22:13 |
dgjones | !ure | vmlinuz- | 22:13 |
ubotu | vmlinuz-: Ubuntu Restricted Extras is a new way of getting common "restricted" codecs, etc. See !RestrictedFormats | 22:13 |
threethirty | Geoffrey2: i jsut had that happen to me, I have no idea what the problem is. have you tried it on another OS? I would try it but I'm Linux only :) | 22:13 |
TurkuM_TuRk | what girl? | 22:14 |
crackintosh | Should I be afraid to upgrade to 7.10? Has anyone heard reports of any major problems? I use my machine as an office server and I cant afford any problems. | 22:14 |
PiNoYBoYiTaLiA | can anyone help me with my resolution problem? right now as i type it's at (800x600) well i did a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop. then did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. went through the prompts then did sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start. after all that the resolution is back to normal (1900x1200). my problem is when i restart my computer it's goes back to (800x600). | 22:14 |
vmlinuz- | magnetron: cool what if I live outside of USA. and all my java & audio are working perfectly. but I don't have the ubuntu-restricted-extra. do you recommend me to still install it? | 22:14 |
wckdkl0wn | snkmad, ty so much. that fixed my problem | 22:14 |
b1n42y | MilitantPotato, hey thanks 4 before, all is well with 2 screens ...just cant get cube to work now.. i guess it wasnt meant to do it with 2 screens ? | 22:14 |
snkmad | glad i could help | 22:14 |
magnetron | vmlinuz-: it will only install it for you, as a help. if you don't need help, install java, flash and codecs by yourself | 22:15 |
arsenip | is there much effort required to access wpa2 networks (AES) & server certificates | 22:15 |
Xyverz | well, if they've made it this hard for me to put official artwork on my site, I guess I won't bother. | 22:15 |
Geoffrey2 | buttercups, had to disable javascript | 22:15 |
snkmad | what is gawk? i cant run the xchat ircinfo, says gawk: command not found | 22:15 |
Xyverz | thanks for the help tho. | 22:15 |
replay3 | snkmad: gnu awk | 22:16 |
replay3 | snkmad: a scripting language, much like sed | 22:16 |
johnficca | so I got me a realtek rtl8185L wireless card for my desktop, does any one know how to install the driver for it? | 22:16 |
replay3 | some call it a programming language, I beg to differ | 22:16 |
Black_Cat | hello. are there skins for audacious in repositories? and how can i use winamp skins in this player - where do i put them? | 22:16 |
Geoffrey2 | threethirty, it only seems to be a problem with the linux version of flash...using the windows flash plugin in windows or under wine doesn't cause that to happen | 22:16 |
MilitantPotato | b1n42y: you can do compiz in two screens | 22:17 |
phaedra | johnficca, Yes. | 22:17 |
johnficca | phaedra: do they have drivers for it | 22:17 |
Alan | What would be my best bet for getting a Radeon Mobility 9000 working with desktop effects? AIGLX or XGL? radeon or fglxr? | 22:17 |
snkmad | replay3 looks like im missing that lib then? | 22:17 |
MilitantPotato | b1n42y: join #compiz-fusion | 22:17 |
tanath | is there a way to save an epiphany session that causes it to segfault? | 22:17 |
johnficca | phaedra: or do I need to nidsswarrper it | 22:17 |
Alan | or should it be working out the box? | 22:17 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: XGL | 22:17 |
UltraNav | any bind/dns wizard here thank can help me with some questions regarding SRV and NAPTR entries ? | 22:17 |
* assasukasse is away: #dpkg-reconfigure brain | 22:17 | |
babo | Canonical no longer provides support for Emacs ? Only for vi ? Are they insane ? | 22:17 |
phaedra | johnficca, Use ndiswrapper and the XP drivers from the install disk you got with the card. | 22:17 |
Alan | MilitantPotato, with fglrx? | 22:18 |
danfg | in ubuntu, is there a standard way of setting up/removing rc scripts? | 22:18 |
johnficca | phaedra:have you got this card working that way? | 22:18 |
Stargazers | Anyone, do you have anything knowledge about ATI Radeon X1550 and Gutsy Gibbon? | 22:18 |
b1n42y | MilitantPotato, i can ctr + alt plus arrows which brings up 2 screens and another 2 screens if thats what you mean... but cube wont work for instance unless you have any ideas | 22:18 |
marthin | anybody know how to fix the WEP problem? Cant connect with NetworkManager to wlan using WEP, but uncrypted it works fine | 22:18 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: Yep | 22:18 |
tanath | epiphany keeps crashing on me when i recover the session, but i don't want to lose it. can anyone help? | 22:18 |
replay3 | snkmad: it's actually not just a library, but a complete set of tools + library. just install it with aptitude install gawk | 22:18 |
juan | !flash | 22:18 |
bulmer | danfg-> man update-rc.d | 22:18 |
marthin_ | anybody know how to fix the WEP problem? Cant connect with NetworkManager to wlan using WEP, but uncrypted it works fine | 22:18 |
babo | marthin_, well if it works fine unencrypted then perhaps you haven't turned on encryption ? | 22:18 |
ubotu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 22:19 |
Alan | MilitantPotato, you use the same? could i see your xorg.conf? | 22:19 |
phaedra | johnficca, Yes, My laptop has a PCMCIA card using this chipset. | 22:19 |
danfg | bulmer: thanks :) | 22:19 |
johnficca | phaedra: oh cool | 22:19 |
johnficca | phaedra: I'll try it | 22:19 |
Alan | MilitantPotato, i can't get X to even start with fglrx | 22:19 |
marthin_ | babo: then alotof neighbours will use my connection | 22:19 |
Stargazers | Alan: Same problem. | 22:19 |
MilitantPotato | b1n42y: ccsm General options, Desktop size tab, horizontal to 4, also enable desktop cube and rotate cube. | 22:19 |
yaser | quick quiestion: if i install something wih GDebi, does it goes to /var/apt/cache/archive/?? | 22:19 |
Stargazers | Alan: Thought, I can't run X at all in any driver. | 22:19 |
juan | marthin_: possible a driver issue | 22:19 |
Stargazers | With ATI X1550 | 22:20 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: one second. | 22:20 |
johnficca | phaedra: what are the commands for nidswrapper? | 22:20 |
Alan | MilitantPotato, thanks | 22:20 |
phaedra | johnficca, Remember to use the -m options with ndiswrapper too. After installing restart the net with sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 22:20 |
snkmad | replay3 thx that worked | 22:20 |
juan | marthin_: consider using wpa as wep takes about 3 minutes to crack or summit like that | 22:20 |
Stargazers | MilitantPotato: Is Ati Radeon X1550 known for you? | 22:20 |
snkmad | Kernel: 2.6.22-14-generic Hostname: snkmad-desktop Uptime: 1 h Ubuntu 7.10 Codename: gutsy CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ Cache: 512 KB 512 KB Bogomips: 4022.34 4018.56 Swap: 18484 kB RAM: 879 Mb Graka: nVidia Corporation GeForce 6100 nForce 430 (rev a2) X.Org version: 1.3.0 Treiber:nvidia Resolution: 1280x1024 GLXINFO: GeForce 6150S | 22:20 |
snkmad | E nForce 430/PCI/SSE2 2.1.1 NVIDIA 100.14.19 NIC: Client: xchat | 22:20 |
phaedra | johnficca, Just run ndiswrapper with no options it'll list them for you. | 22:20 |
vmlinuz- | is HARDy beta out? | 22:20 |
johnficca | phaedra: ok | 22:21 |
Black_Cat | are there skins for audacious in repositories? and how can i use winamp skins in this player - where do i put them? | 22:21 |
phaedra | johnficca, Remember, ndiswrapper needs sudo | 22:21 |
riotkittie | beta? BETA? vmlinuz- :o no. | 22:21 |
johnficca | phaedra: I'm new to nidswarpper | 22:21 |
replay3 | snkmad: glad do help. another tip would be not to use xchat at all. try irssi for example. character based irc clients are way better imho | 22:21 |
vmlinuz- | >_< | 22:21 |
marthin_ | juan: yeah i read but my neighous arent that into computers....mostly old people | 22:21 |
tanath | epiphany keeps crashing on me when i recover the session, but i don't want to lose it. can anyone help? | 22:21 |
vmlinuz- | then how come i find some hardy repos online. like this | 22:21 |
Pici | vmlinuz-: Not even close. We might be in in pre-alpha. | 22:21 |
vmlinuz- | deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/stevenharperuk/ubuntu hardy main restricted universe multiverse | 22:21 |
vmlinuz- | deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/stevenharperuk/ubuntu hardy main restricted universe multiverse | 22:21 |
snkmad | well i really liked xchat, reminds me mIRC | 22:21 |
zhaz | Is some firewall setup in GB? | 22:21 |
phaedra | johnficca, You'll pick it up quickly... ;) | 22:21 |
Pici | vmlinuz-: Because its being worked on. The Gutsy repos were there this soon after feisty release too. | 22:22 |
Stargazers | 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV516 [Radeon X1300/X1550 Series] | 22:22 |
Stargazers | 02:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV516 [Radeon X1300/X1550 Series] (Secondary) | 22:22 |
riotkittie | vmlinuz-: because hardy's being worked on. but. | 22:22 |
johnficca | phaedra: how do I install nidswrapper | 22:22 |
johnficca | ? | 22:22 |
Stargazers | I have this kind of ATI card, but can't run X at all. | 22:22 |
juan | vmlinuz-: you can also find the complete development repos online begins with a g i think | 22:22 |
riotkittie | working on > more working on > more working on > pie > more working on > tribes > beta > rcs > april | 22:22 |
Pici | vmlinuz-: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule | 22:22 |
yaser | quick question: if i install something wih GDebi, does it goes to /var/apt/cache/archive/?? | 22:22 |
phaedra | johnficca, It should already be installed... Just open a terminal and type 'sudo ndiswrapper' without quotes. | 22:23 |
riotkittie | pie may not exist in the larger scheme of things, but it should. | 22:23 |
vmlinuz- | some people are talking about hardy heron alot, also some packages are out for it... | 22:23 |
zhaz | Is there something easy to make SSH work to the ubuntu machine? | 22:23 |
vmlinuz- | like Easy Crypst | 22:23 |
vmlinuz- | easy crypt | 22:23 |
johnficca | sudo: ndiswrapper: command not found | 22:23 |
juan | multichil:what drivers are you using | 22:23 |
multichil | juan : Que? | 22:23 |
johnficca | phaedra: it says sudo: ndiswrapper: command not found | 22:23 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: XGL with fglrx is right. | 22:23 |
juan | multichil: never mind i got the wrong person | 22:24 |
phaedra | johnficca, Hmmm... Is this the live cd? | 22:24 |
johnficca | no | 22:24 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: I deleted my old xorgs, I'm using the latest AMD drives that support AIGLX | 22:24 |
juan | marthin_: what drivers are you using | 22:24 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as RudyValencia | ||
* RudyValencia managed to get networking running with an external netcard | 22:24 | |
peacepipejv | need to rip an image. What app | 22:25 |
bsund | how do i listen to internet radio? both totem and audicious hangs when conneting to www.scenemusic.eu | 22:25 |
johnficca | phaedra: its not even in the synaptic package mamnager | 22:25 |
RudyValencia | but why doesn't it work with the RTL8100B on my motherboard? | 22:25 |
John_R | anybody know how to get a desktop shortcut to work with a VMX file in VMWARE? | 22:25 |
yaser | quick question: if i install something wih GDebi, does it goes to /var/apt/cache/archive/?? | 22:25 |
Alan | MilitantPotato, what's to stop me doing that? or do the new drivers not support mobility 9000? | 22:25 |
marthin_ | juan: im very new to linux...i installed the once that ubuntu toldme....how do i check? | 22:25 |
MilitantPotato | RudyValencia: did ya search google? | 22:25 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: Are you on gutsy? | 22:25 |
brad016 | I installed azerus and left it on over night to download, when i woke up it was closed, not even on the little dock bar thing at the top, now whenever i go to open it it opens for a second and then closes right away | 22:25 |
phaedra | johnficca, It should be in synaptic... Which version/distro are you using? | 22:25 |
Alan | MilitantPotato, yeah.... | 22:25 |
johnficca | phaedra: 7.04 | 22:26 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: XGL+FGLRX is faster | 22:26 |
johnficca | phaedra: 7.10 had big problems with slow internet | 22:26 |
MilitantPotato | the AIGLX support from the new ATI drivers is poor. | 22:26 |
Don_jr333 | what is the package name to get the entire x and kde desktop agen installed to a server version of ubuntu please? | 22:26 |
tanath | brad016, i'd recommend deluge... | 22:26 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: Also, standby won't work. | 22:26 |
peacepipejv | i need to rip an image. app suggestions? | 22:26 |
zhaz | How do I enable SSH on Gusty Gibbon? | 22:26 |
Alan | MilitantPotato, with fglrx? | 22:27 |
phaedra | johnficca, It should be in 7.04... I don't know why it isn't. If 7.10 is slow you need to disable ipv6... | 22:27 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: something about gutsy using SLUB and ATI's drivers using SLAB | 22:27 |
dgjones | !ssh | zhaz | 22:27 |
ubotu | zhaz: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 22:27 |
RudyValencia | hm | 22:27 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: only with the ATI drivers from ATI AFAIK. | 22:27 |
RudyValencia | apparently I have to start with "noapic" | 22:27 |
brad016 | tanath, ya i tried that for a while, it was good and all, just, it wasn't named after a poisnous frog is all | 22:27 |
brad016 | tanath, okay i'll try it again | 22:27 |
Don_jr333 | Can I search the repository online so I can see everything? | 22:27 |
Alan | MilitantPotato, I only want the basic desktop effects.... can i not get that with the opensource driver? | 22:27 |
tanath | brad016, lol... didn't like it? | 22:27 |
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP | ||
=== arcil is now known as jabez | ||
phaedra | johnficca, But you need to get ndiswrapper... I don't know how you can get it though... | 22:28 |
tanath | brad016, i find it's faster & more efficient | 22:28 |
=== jabez is now known as fuku | ||
brad016 | tanath, but in all reality it was pretty good | 22:28 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: yes, if you want 3d accell you'll need XGL | 22:28 |
sabgenton | is there any free ocr for linux? | 22:28 |
johnficca | phaedra: do they have some type of gui front end for nidswrapper in automatix? | 22:28 |
sabgenton | scan something tern it to text | 22:28 |
Brandenatwork | how do I change my workgroup from samba sharing. I cannot remember where it is at | 22:28 |
peacepipejv | any app suggestions for ripping an image? | 22:28 |
yaser | quick question: if i install something wih GDebi, does it goes to /var/apt/cache/archive/?? | 22:28 |
phaedra | johnficca, Maybe, but I know nothing about automatix... | 22:29 |
juan | marthin_: to find out your driver try "lsmod | grep usbcore" | 22:29 |
phaedra | !automatix | johnficca | 22:29 |
ubotu | johnficca: Automatix2 is a 3rd-party product attempting to automate installation of additional software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A technical analysis from a Debian/Ubuntu developer can be found at http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (See also: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 22:29 |
peacepipejv | automatix is not supported | 22:29 |
peacepipejv | here | 22:29 |
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johnficca | phaedra: thanks I know | 22:29 |
Alan | MilitantPotato, so basically, i can't get any effects and still have a usable laptop? | 22:30 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: Enable restricted drivers. | 22:30 |
johnficca | phaedra: what is the gui called | 22:30 |
tanath | peacepipejv, brasero? nautilus? k3b? | 22:30 |
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peacepipejv | k3b, really? What a dummy I am | 22:30 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: As far as I'm aware, untill ATI fixes their driver, correct. Or go back to feisty and standby + 3d effects will work. | 22:30 |
phaedra | johnficca, For ndiswrapper? It doesn't have one that I know of. I just use the cli. | 22:30 |
htaccess | whats the url for the official documentation for doing a fiesty to gutsy dist upgrade? | 22:30 |
marthin_ | juan: usbcore 161584 6 snd_usb_audio,snd_usb_lib,hci_usb,ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd | 22:30 |
marthin_ | What does that tell me? Or did i do it wrong? | 22:30 |
tanath | htaccess, using the update manager should work find | 22:31 |
MilitantPotato | Alan: Otherwise you're SOL for standby | 22:31 |
havchr | Hi, just a quick question. How long time does it take usually before i.e a new ati driver becomes available in the official repo after it's released? | 22:31 |
tanath | htaccess, *fine | 22:31 |
Alan | MilitantPotato, meh, would be silly for me to downgrade.... | 22:31 |
johnficca | phaedra: ok I think its called ndisgtk | 22:31 |
htaccess | thats in the gnome menues somewhere? | 22:31 |
wirechief_ | havchr a long time | 22:31 |
Don_jr333 | Can anyone tell me if I can search the repository online please? | 22:31 |
MilitantPotato | havchr: a very, very long time. | 22:31 |
arghh2d2 | I got a question. If I clone my /home partition to a new partition, what do i have to do to make it loadable? | 22:31 |
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tanath | htaccess, System > Admin > Update manager | 22:31 |
pell1 | Hi, Is it possible to install KDE 4 in unbuntu (not kubuntu) | 22:31 |
phaedra | johnficca, I just checked and yes it is ndisgtk... | 22:32 |
Don_jr333 | tanath was that for me? | 22:32 |
tag | so | 22:32 |
MilitantPotato | arghh2d2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46866 | 22:32 |
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juan | marthin_: i think i gave you the wrong command you dont have 1 of the 2 drivers ive come across, im fairly new 2 you may want to try !wifi | 22:32 |
htaccess | tanath: thanks ... im using ion, but ill log on in to gnome | 22:32 |
bulmer | arghh2d2-> why do you think you must have it loadable? | 22:32 |
steve_ | can anyone hep with installing ubuntu from a USB drive? the directions on the wiki do not work right | 22:32 |
Don_jr333 | guess not | 22:32 |
MilitantPotato | arghh2d2: First link in google. | 22:32 |
juan | pell1 yes | 22:32 |
arghh2d2 | pell1, i think you just type sudo apt-get install kde-desktop | 22:32 |
johnficca | phaedra: I still don't see nidswrapper in there | 22:32 |
tanath | Don_jr333, er, no. but you can search with Synaptic | 22:32 |
bulmer | steve_-> can you use same USB drive and boot another desktop with it? | 22:32 |
pell1 | arghh2d2: that's 3rd edition? | 22:32 |
MilitantPotato | pell1: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 22:32 |
havchr | so the newly released ati drivers go hand in hand with gutsy with a bit of grease to get them installed, or should I keep out? | 22:33 |
tag | I can't upgrade to gutsy from feisty. Since the new rollout, the update-manager hasn't recognized the new distribution version. I even downloaded the CD, and sticking it in -- it still doesn't recognize the new version. Does anyone know what would cause tihs? | 22:33 |
steve_ | bulmer, no, it just gives me the same error | 22:33 |
juan | pell1: not that you have to select kde4 from repos there should be a metapackage | 22:33 |
MilitantPotato | pell1: then log out, click sessions, and choose KDE | 22:33 |
pell1 | MilitantPotato: ok | 22:33 |
tanath | tanath, or in the terminal with 'apt-cache search blah' | 22:33 |
juan | MilitantPotato: he wants kde4 | 22:33 |
marthin_ | juan, !wifi ? | 22:33 |
ArrPirate | I'm trying to get my brother into using Ubuntu because all he uses his windows machine for is chatting with MSN and Yahoo Messenger and I know pidgin is good for that but he's really addicted to voice and video chat. Is there a way to get pidgin to do this or another program that will work? | 22:33 |
MilitantPotato | juan: oh. | 22:33 |
mEck0 | It is QT4 which is used in KDE4 right? | 22:33 |
snkmad | theres any way to hide the panels when going fullscreen with compiz on? | 22:33 |
pell1 | think i've installed kde4-base or something, but can't find it in sessions menu | 22:33 |
phaedra | johnficca, It should be ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 or something like that. I'm on 7.10 | 22:33 |
bulmer | steve_-> look into how DSL does it..damn small linux | 22:34 |
dgjones | ArrPirate: possibly aMSN | 22:34 |
esnip | hi! can anyone help please i've installed ubuntu 7.10 i got internet connection because i can ping websites, but when i open firefox it doesn't retrieve any websit help please | 22:34 |
juan | marthin_: [22:33] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 22:34 |
steve_ | hrm | 22:34 |
pell1 | juan: what do you mean by metapackage | 22:34 |
tanath | htaccess, you may need to add the repositories yourself, but other than that, there should be no problem with using the update manager, or Synaptic | 22:34 |
marthin_ | juan, ok. thx | 22:34 |
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phaedra | johnficca, If you search in synaptic for ndiswrapper they should all come up... | 22:34 |
wirechief_ | esnip sounds like your missing the dns servers | 22:34 |
danielbw | something very strange on my ubuntu server just happened | 22:34 |
danielbw | I have my network configuration set to static | 22:34 |
havchr | esnip, try wget and see if you can grab pages | 22:35 |
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juan | pell1 a package that lists most of the stuff in kde4, not sure if metapackage is the right name | 22:35 |
snkmad | its strange, coz mplayer goes fullscreen with no panel visible, anyway to take that behavior to games? | 22:35 |
danielbw | but about 10 minutes ago, it sent a dhcp request and got an ip address from the dhcp server | 22:35 |
esnip | wirechief_: ? | 22:35 |
Geekomancer1 | Hello! I'm having a permissions problem with an external USB drive, and I need to take ownership of it so I can play all the music on it! Can anyone help? | 22:35 |
pell1 | juan: probably the kde4-base package | 22:35 |
pell1 | juan: installed that one, but it's not in the sessions menu | 22:35 |
wirechief_ | esnip check your etc/resolve | 22:35 |
MilitantPotato | pell1: no, you need to add a 3rd party repository | 22:35 |
arghh2d2 | Geekomancer1, sudo chown Geekomancer1 <usbdrive>? | 22:36 |
havchr | esnip, if you can ping web-addresses then it's probably not the dns. if you can only ping ip, then it is probably dns | 22:36 |
danielbw | something very strange on my ubuntu server just happened. I have my network configuration set to static. but about 10 minutes ago, it sent a dhcp request and got an ip address from the dhcp server. Why would it do that? | 22:36 |
MilitantPotato | pell1: but chances are you'll need to compile it | 22:36 |
tag | goddamnit | 22:36 |
johnficca | phaedra: I did that and I get nothing | 22:36 |
tag | why wont ubuntu upgrade | 22:36 |
bulmer | danielbw-> why it do what? | 22:36 |
pell1 | MilitantPotato: think I activated one of those 3rd party in the menu | 22:36 |
tag | I have two virtually identical computers, one upgraded, the other refuses to even see the update. | 22:36 |
esnip | havchr: i can ping websites | 22:36 |
esnip | havchr: i can ping webadresses i mean | 22:36 |
phaedra | johnficca, :( | 22:36 |
tag | I'm about to upgrade with apt-get | 22:36 |
tag | although I've heard repeatedly that's the wrong way to do it | 22:37 |
bulmer | tag it has internet access? | 22:37 |
pell1 | MilitantPotato: i'll try some more, thanks | 22:37 |
arghh2d2 | tag, i upgraded to glitchie gibbon once, shortly after i clean installed feisty. | 22:37 |
wirechief_ | esnip using ip it works but not with url's ? | 22:37 |
danielbw | why would my ubuntu server ask for a dhcp server after 1 day of uptime when it''s /etc/network/interfaces specifies a static ip | 22:37 |
Winnar | !traffic | 22:37 |
ubotu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 22:37 |
tag | bulmer: Yes, it has internet access. It even has the gutsy cd plugged into it | 22:37 |
juan | pell1 i think youve done everything right but something is missing, kwin4 or summit like that should be installed | 22:37 |
johnficca | phaedra: I had some updates and I going to let them finish then I look again | 22:37 |
havchr | esnip, try "wget www.db.no test.hml" in your console | 22:37 |
bulmer | esnip-> if you have w3m a text base browser try that | 22:38 |
arghh2d2 | tag, you sure you burnt the right iso? | 22:38 |
esnip | wirechief_: it works also with urls also | 22:38 |
danielbw | Why would my ubuntu server ask for an IP Address from my dhcp server after 1 day of uptime when it''s /etc/network/interfaces specifies a static ip? | 22:38 |
travm | hi, does anyone know how I can tell which partition my windows install is. In gparted it says /dev/sda1, but how do I relate that to what I need to tell grub to boot? | 22:38 |
tag | arghh2d2: yes I'm sure | 22:38 |
tag | arghh2d2: I used it for a fresh install on another computer | 22:38 |
bulmer | danielbw-> pastebin your /etc/network/interface file contents | 22:38 |
johnficca | phaedra: do they have any native drivers for this card? | 22:39 |
arghh2d2 | tag, bios settings? | 22:39 |
wirechief_ | esnip do you get your dns server settings when you cat /etc/resolve.conf ? | 22:39 |
tag | arghh2d2: what would the bios have to do with the update manager? | 22:39 |
juan | pell1 do you have a kwin command or something | 22:39 |
arghh2d2 | tag, sorry, i thought you were having trouble with the cd | 22:40 |
johnficca | phaedra: I need to reboot | 22:40 |
esnip | wirechief_ : when i cat resolv.conf i have nameserver myrouter IPaddress | 22:40 |
* N3bunel away | 22:40 | |
tag | arghh2d2: No, I'm having trouble with the fact that update-manager refuses to report the gutsy release | 22:40 |
unl33t_home | hello | 22:41 |
wirechief | esnip ok they should have your isp ip's in them | 22:41 |
danielbw | bulmer: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42753/ | 22:41 |
arghh2d2 | tag, i dunno what to tell ya, but imo gutsie isnt ready. | 22:41 |
unl33t_home | anyone know if ppc ports is no longer being supported? | 22:41 |
ArrPirate | amsn seems to be just the trick to solve my brother's MSN addiction... is there a program that handles voice chat and audio chat using Yahoo Messenger's network? | 22:41 |
dxdemetriou | from one friend that upgraded to Gutsy, there are some problems related to eth0:avahi that can't take an ip from router for dsl connection. I saw different posts about wireless but not about wired connections. from other distro live cds and from Feisty was ok | 22:41 |
roy | gutsie is not ready yet? | 22:41 |
|_ocke | hows 7.10 treating everyone that upgraded already? | 22:42 |
esnip | wirechief_: but my router have automatic dns on, shouldn't it be that way? | 22:42 |
MilitantPotato | tag: gksudo update-manager --dist-upgrade | 22:42 |
PriceChild | !offtopic |_ocke | 22:42 |
ubotu | _ocke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 22:42 |
tag | arghh2d2: that's nice. I'm running it on this machine. The stupid X-configurator thing didn't work worth a shit but other than that gutsy fixed a lot from edgy. | 22:42 |
|_ocke | and anyone had any issues in particular with using update manager? | 22:42 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | tag | 22:42 |
ubotu | tag: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 22:42 |
tag | MilitantPotato: tried that :-) | 22:42 |
MilitantPotato | tag: gksu update-manager --dist-upgrade i ment | 22:42 |
travm | I have an install of edgy that I can no longer boot windows. I can see the partition, it has the right used space, but how do I know what I should put into grub to boot into windows? | 22:42 |
EnigmaCurry | Does anyone know of a GUI scripting tool? I want to automate a task such as opening gnome-sound-recorder and automatically clicking the record button.. all from a script. | 22:43 |
danielbw | Why would my ubuntu server ask for an IP Address from my dhcp server after 1 day of uptime when it''s /etc/network/interfaces specifies a static ip? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42753/ | 22:43 |
bulmer | danielbw-> i do not see anything glaring that would have your server send a dhdiscovery | 22:44 |
Taras | hello | 22:44 |
tag | MilitantPotato: no dice. It claims my system is up to date | 22:44 |
johnficca | how do I install nidswrapper? | 22:44 |
bulmer | danielbw-> does it have an ip address at the time it made the request? | 22:44 |
m4jkl | hi there | 22:44 |
danielbw | bulmer: I have the answer. I have not killed the dhclient3 program since changing from dhcp to static | 22:44 |
MilitantPotato | tag: maybe it is :) | 22:44 |
Taras | OH SO THIS WORKS | 22:44 |
bulmer | danielbw-> there you go, you got it figured out | 22:44 |
MilitantPotato | !caps | Tara | 22:44 |
ubotu | Tara: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 22:45 |
MilitantPotato | s* | 22:45 |
tag | MilitantPotato: it's running feisty | 22:45 |
danielbw | bulmer, i ran ps aux|grep -i dhcp and I saw this: dhclient3 -e IF_METRIC=100 -pf /var/run/dhclient.eth0.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases eth0 | 22:45 |
tag | MilitantPotato: the apt sources.list is all labeled feisty :-) | 22:45 |
tag | Taras: please turn off your capslock | 22:45 |
AngryElf | so I just created a divx/mpeg4 movie with devede and it asked me where to put the "image" so I expected an ISO or something, all it outptted was a mpeg for each movie I put in and an XML file -- what am I suposed to do with that? | 22:45 |
Taras | ok | 22:45 |
juan | !ask > Taras | 22:46 |
Taras | I am new , i just dont know how to install ubuntu firewall | 22:46 |
ArrPirate | ok, that's odd | 22:46 |
danielbw | ok, now everything is a little more sane, haha. There is alwasy an explanation, isn't there? Unlike Windows mysterious Windows errors | 22:46 |
LjL | Taras: i don't know of a thing called "ubuntu firewall" | 22:46 |
MilitantPotato | tag: gedit /etc/lsb-release | 22:46 |
bulmer | danielbw-> sometimes it requires another pair of eyes ..just to ..hehehe | 22:47 |
snkmad | whats bonobo-acitivation-server? | 22:47 |
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ArrPirate | I have a weird error... when I go to log in the text is HUGE, looks like at least 72 point font... but I go to the appearance settings once I'm logged in and the text is all set to 10 point | 22:47 |
juan | Taras: use synaptic and search for a firewall, but unless your doing something networky you wont need 1 | 22:47 |
esnip | wirechief_: if i set up manually the dns server, when i try to connect, in university or something will it change? | 22:47 |
travm | gparted shows my windows drive as /dev/sda1 is that hd(0,0)? | 22:47 |
MilitantPotato | Taras: sudo apt-get install firestarter | 22:47 |
ryanakca | Ok, gparted screwed up my home partition, basically it shrank the partition, but never updated the superblock to tell it that the partition is 9GB smaller. How can I fix this discrepency? | 22:47 |
Taras | i was just thinking if ubuntu has it already like in windows for example | 22:48 |
LjL | !firewall | Taras | 22:48 |
ubotu | Taras: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 22:48 |
Q_Continuum | Anyone gotten dual-display set up on Gutsy, preferred via the new GUI? | 22:48 |
bulmer | Taras-> you have to think why you might need it? | 22:48 |
wirechief_ | esnip can you come to my pm | 22:48 |
Taras | ubotu thanks | 22:48 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 22:48 |
Taras | well for protection | 22:49 |
roy | my 5.1 surround sound plays only 2 speakers but I have 5.1 chosen in Amorak any ideas | 22:49 |
tag | this is going to piss me off | 22:49 |
MilitantPotato | tag: gedit /etc/lsb-release | 22:49 |
tag | MilitantPotato: 7.04, feisty | 22:49 |
bulmer | Taras-> what you feel like protecting? | 22:49 |
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scion_ | http://www.ubuntu.com | 22:50 |
juan | Tara: in linux firewalls just point out, if your in a home network or behind any type of router firewalls, you dont really need 1 | 22:50 |
Taras | computer from hackers and viruses u know | 22:50 |
fiXXXerMet | I have a number of hard drives connected to my computer: 2 IDE (1 on each channel), and 2 on a pci-sata card. Why is it that the drive order changes? Sometimes the first PATA drive will show up as sda, and sometimes as sdc, etc. | 22:50 |
tag | MilitantPotato: ...what am I to do with this file? | 22:50 |
snkmad | how do i enable my middle mouse click? it can roll, but not click | 22:50 |
Taras | i mean i am new to linux and have been always using windows, so i am just curious of what i got to do | 22:50 |
tag | MilitantPotato: I'd be weary of editing it manually | 22:50 |
bulmer | Taras-> what you got to do is read more tutorials | 22:51 |
juan | Taras: you wont really need a firewall, unless your doing something networking or not behind a router | 22:51 |
wirechief_ | esnip can you come to my pm? will be able to get into more details | 22:51 |
MilitantPotato | tag: nothing, don't edit it. | 22:52 |
MilitantPotato | tag: just double checking you're on feisty :) | 22:52 |
Taras | ohh in that case its all nice, thanks guys it was helpfull | 22:52 |
tag | MilitantPotato: I'm on feisty :-) | 22:52 |
travm | does someone know where I find what to put into grub to try to boot my windows partition? It wasnt detected on install | 22:52 |
Taras | bye | 22:52 |
tag | MilitantPotato: Now why the heck doesn't it try and upgrade me? :-) | 22:52 |
juan | Taras in the wild there are no linux viruses, however if you want to be safe look in synaptic for anti-virus software | 22:52 |
MilitantPotato | tag: what does sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 22:52 |
MilitantPotato | do? | 22:52 |
John_R | it tried to upgrade your whole distro | 22:53 |
tag | MilitantPotato: zero zilch nada | 22:53 |
MilitantPotato | any errors? | 22:53 |
John_R | you update your sources.list with the proper repository | 22:53 |
tag | no, just something held back | 22:53 |
John_R | then apt-get update | 22:53 |
Tyroazard | Argh! No! Ubuntu updated Wine.. | 22:53 |
John_R | and apt-get dist-upgrade | 22:53 |
tag | libc6-dev | 22:53 |
bulmer | travm-> detailed info can be had if you google for them..grub+double booting+windows | 22:53 |
Supaplex | how do I do this in ubuntu? http://wiki.debian.org/BuildingCross is there an ubuntu wiki page for this? | 22:53 |
Tyroazard | :< The only reason I reinstalled Linux was so I could have the old Wine, and now the update updated it | 22:53 |
Tyroazard | ... | 22:53 |
tag | John_R: My understanding (and experience) is that upgrading that way does not always work. | 22:53 |
roy | feisty to gutsy upgrade does it start from scratch again or can are your files saved? | 22:54 |
John_R | no tag it doesnt | 22:54 |
hubuntu | hei.. may be a rude question but: | 22:54 |
John_R | it works with debian fairly well | 22:54 |
John_R | fairly meaning not always | 22:54 |
John_R | hhehe | 22:54 |
ryanakca | Ok, gparted screwed up my home partition, basically it shrank the partition, but never updated the superblock to tell it that the partition is 9GB smaller. How can I fix this discrepency? | 22:54 |
travm | bulmer-> i know, basically, I want to know how i find out what to put in for hd(x,x). | 22:54 |
tag | John_R: Right, I had debian croak on that a number of times :-) | 22:54 |
John_R | yep | 22:54 |
travm | everything else i know, i have gparted open, and menu.lst open | 22:54 |
hubuntu | ubuntu ttf font... can it be installed in another system?= (mac, windows) have a designer who is creating the logo for our loco, but he does not use ubuntu (as of yet :) | 22:54 |
John_R | it is better if you update your repositories, then apt-get update, then update the kernel only | 22:54 |
John_R | then do the dist-upgrade after | 22:55 |
tag | it even has gutsy in my sources.list, as a result of the cdrom being plugged in | 22:55 |
Pici | hubuntu: Yes, I believe it can be installed on anything that supports ttf fonts. | 22:55 |
hdevalence | can someone help me set up a virtualbox Windows Vista? | 22:55 |
tag | what the update-manager does not seem to be realizing is that gutsy > fiesty | 22:55 |
bulmer | travm-> umm the articles you have read should guide you to what parameters to put in..but let me see what i got | 22:55 |
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travm | well, im tempted to just put hd(0,0), that is what is in the examples in menu.lst | 22:55 |
hubuntu | Pici, I know, but where can I get the font file? just out of my own fonts directory? | 22:55 |
juan | ive just found a couple of really stupid problems in the repos where do i file a name&dependency change | 22:55 |
alex__ | hia | 22:56 |
travm | Last night i was cautioned to check in gparted to see which actual partition my ntfs partion was so I put the right one in. | 22:56 |
hdevalence | I want to tell it to use thehard drive from my dual-boot. | 22:56 |
fiXXXerMet | I have a number of hard drives connected to my computer: 2 IDE (1 on each channel), and 2 on a pci-sata card. Why is it that the drive order changes? Sometimes the first PATA drive will show up as sda, and sometimes as sdc, etc. | 22:56 |
hubuntu | and if so.. where is the font directory (always wondered where that is...) | 22:56 |
travm | but it shows up as /dev/sda1 , which clearly isnt hd(0,0) or is it? | 22:56 |
Pici | hubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing | 22:56 |
JPP_kimsufi | hello | 22:56 |
hubuntu | Pici been there... need the font type to be installed on a mac | 22:56 |
tag | hurm | 22:56 |
Pici | hubuntu: Macs dont support otf? | 22:57 |
alex__ | does anyone know anything about the white-screen bug with the new ATI drivers, after starting up Compiz Fusion? | 22:57 |
tag | John_R: forcing the distribution label and then running update manager seems to have given it the hint to do a partial upgrade | 22:57 |
tag | John_R: I'm going to roll with it | 22:57 |
hubuntu | HNI | 22:57 |
Pici | hubuntu: er, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Ubuntu-Title.ttf | 22:57 |
Pici | hubuntu: Its right on the bottom of the page | 22:57 |
JPP_kimsufi | using terminal if i press F10 to close MC it show me the terminal menu instead, is there a way to change this shortcut ? | 22:57 |
John_R | tag: sounds good | 22:58 |
mikec | emerald is not loading 'properly' when gutsy starts up, the title bar text is too small. running 'emerald --replace' again fixes it. Anyone know what would cause that? | 22:58 |
John_R | l | 22:58 |
DreamFiller | HELLO PPL | 22:58 |
hubuntu | Pici: thanks! I løove this community! :) Rock on! | 22:58 |
juan | fiXXXerMet: travm i think its a bug that was introduced back in feisty, or atleast thats when my desktop renamed all the hda to sda | 22:58 |
alex__ | anyone? :< | 22:58 |
tag | now if only my email filtering would start working again. | 22:58 |
ArrPirate | I'm having a problem... my system font for some of the things (the text in a window's title bar, the login text prompt, etc) is HUGE. I don't know how to fix it. Can someone please help me? I took a screenshot and uploaded it to yousendit.com if someone wants to look at it to more clarify my problem: http://download.yousendit.com/3CB40CBD18F2300A | 22:58 |
travm | so what do i tell grub? | 22:59 |
fiXXXerMet | juan: bad example. My sda and sdb change places, for example. | 22:59 |
GuHHH | how can i search a text in every file in my system? | 22:59 |
fiXXXerMet | (seemingly randomly - has happened on two machines) | 22:59 |
fiXXXerMet | GuHHH: grep -R 'text string' / | 22:59 |
fiXXXerMet | text string has to be an exact match | 22:59 |
alex__ | did Ubuntu fix the wear-and-tear on hard drives bug? | 22:59 |
Pici | alex__: Its not a bug. | 23:00 |
temp1234 | does anyone know about the laptop hard drive acpi bug in ubuntu posted on slashdot today? | 23:00 |
alex__ | o:? | 23:00 |
afries | anyone know how to erase pingin settings so it wont load a certain IM service without starting the program | 23:00 |
rpedro | ArrPirate: try a different font for the title bar | 23:00 |
alex__ | how's it not a bug? | 23:00 |
ArrPirate | repedro: I'm not sure how to do that. | 23:00 |
Pici | alex__: temp1234: please read: http://ubuntudemon.wordpress.com/2007/10/30/ubuntu-is-not-causing-aggressive-power-management/ | 23:00 |
DreamFiller | Here is a bad question for you guys..... But WHERE IN GODS NAME CAN I DOWNLOAD WINDOWSXP | 23:01 |
zach_ | Hello. I have an HP dv6500t notebook and my webcam is not working. I am running Gutsy Gibbon. Would someone be willing to help me figure out how to make it work? | 23:01 |
Pici | !warez | DreamFiller | 23:01 |
ubotu | DreamFiller: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 23:01 |
juan | travm: tell grub whats right, erm there shoud be a file in /boot or /boot/grub that translates what ubuntu sees to what grub sees | 23:01 |
DreamFiller | LOL | 23:01 |
rpedro | ArrPirate: go to System -> Preferences -> Fonts, and change there the font for 'Window title' | 23:01 |
Fryguy-- | I just came home and noticed my server is running very slowly. It seems like udevd has gone crazy and is taking up all of my cpu, what does udevd going crazy mean and how can I fix it? | 23:01 |
travm | ok, i'll look in there | 23:01 |
MilitantPotato | DreamFiller: www.windows.com | 23:01 |
Brandenatwork | my computer recognizes my usb hardware, but my flash drive is not recognized. What should i do? | 23:02 |
DreamFiller | lol | 23:02 |
MilitantPotato | DreamFiller: it's like 100 bucks. | 23:02 |
rpedro | ArrPirate: or System -> Appearence -> Font tab , in Gutsy | 23:02 |
Pici | !windows | 23:02 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 23:02 |
alex__ | does anyone know anything about the white-screen bug with the new ATI drivers, after starting up Compiz Fusion? | 23:02 |
travm | so it says /dev/sda = hd(0) | 23:02 |
Pici | alex__: Havent heard of it, have you asked in #compiz-fusion ? | 23:02 |
ArrPirate | rpedro: I just went there and tried to change the font style and point, but it didn't really do much... still huge | 23:02 |
travm | does that mean /dev/sda1 = hd(0,0)? or hd(0,1)? | 23:02 |
MilitantPotato | travm: sda1,0 | 23:02 |
alex__ | ill try, thanks :D | 23:02 |
DreamFiller | actually its 90 bucks | 23:02 |
MilitantPotato | travm: well, the 0 depends on what partition. | 23:02 |
phaedra | alex__, Yeah.... My system whited out too... | 23:03 |
bobby_ | Im trying to free the most memonry I can and making my system the faster I can, is it safe to stop the anacron service? | 23:03 |
redhatrik | anyone here running 64Bit ? | 23:03 |
alex__ | damn.. | 23:03 |
kingnothing | I just bought a 500GB hard drive. I'd like to partition 400GB of that to use as a new /home directory. How do I do that? | 23:03 |
zach_ | I hate to be obnoxious. But will someone help me? | 23:03 |
juan | travm: hd(0,0) | 23:03 |
twoshadetod | redhatrik, no but i ran it about a year ago and notice no differnece at all | 23:03 |
travm | ok, well /dev/sda1 is my windows partition. /dev/sda is mapped to hd(0) | 23:03 |
twoshadetod | redhatrik, this was the the core 2 duo, but it probably is alot better now | 23:03 |
travm | juan, thanks. i will try that then. Thats what i thought. | 23:03 |
redhatrik | just wondering ...........I've booted the live distro of Gutsy and am wanting to get Beryl/Compiz working | 23:03 |
travm | /q thx | 23:04 |
travm | bah | 23:04 |
redhatrik | was much frustration under Feisty | 23:04 |
redhatrik | twoshadetod: Did you get it working when you were playing with it? | 23:04 |
astro76 | bobby_, if you are looking at the system reported free memory, keep in mind in a normal running linux system will have much of it's memory used for disk cache, which can be freed as necessary | 23:04 |
holycow | zach_: i can help with an overview | 23:05 |
juan | zach_: what have you tried | 23:05 |
astro76 | bobby_, and you want anacron | 23:05 |
twoshadetod | redhatrik, it "works" now on the single version (smp ? i think) but has some problems | 23:05 |
holycow | zach_: what you need to know about webcams is this: | 23:05 |
BrightEyes` | can you please tell me the name of the standard C math library? i want to install it in ubuntu from the repositories | 23:05 |
redhatrik | understood twoshadetod | 23:05 |
redhatrik | tks | 23:05 |
holycow | 1. there are no known webcam manufacturers that actually ahve opened their drivers or provided documentation | 23:05 |
twoshadetod | redhatrik, but i installed it along time ago and never tinkered with it, like boxes dont have minimizers and stuff..It's also beryl which at the time i was told was the "good" one but now I here that compiz is better but thats just passing comments in here | 23:05 |
zach_ | Searching the ubuntu forums. It seems to work in the gstreamer-properties when i chose v4l2 | 23:05 |
holycow | 2. this generally means there is no webcam support | 23:06 |
holycow | 3. with one exception | 23:06 |
redhatrik | ah, kewl. Tks twoshadetod | 23:06 |
nanda | any tips on gettng WEP working with network manager on a dell 1505 with the broadcom card? | 23:06 |
twoshadetod | redhatrik, but im not a good authority the regs in here know alot more , dont give up on my answer | 23:06 |
zach_ | but thats all it works in that test mode in gstreamer-properties | 23:06 |
holycow | 3 a) there is rudimentary webcam support via built in drivers but thats model specific | 23:06 |
temp1234 | Pici, laptop mode is set as disabled in /etc/default/acpi-support, but I noticed from sysv-rc-conf that laptop mode is still in the run levels of boot? | 23:06 |
juan | nanda: what drivers you using, i find bc drivers have better performance but ndiswrapper is more stable | 23:06 |
zach_ | Well can you help me identify my webcam. and then make v4l2 the default | 23:06 |
holycow | 3 b) there is a very very nice french fellow who is a doctor as a full time job that writes webcam drivers in his spare time. he has support for dozens if not hundreds of models out there | 23:07 |
redhatrik | twoshadetod: Not to worry. I've been running Linux since it came out as a "full" distro back in 92-93 | 23:07 |
matthieu | bonne nuit/good night | 23:07 |
T` | anyone know how to make upgrade-manager use my own mirror instead of its own? | 23:07 |
twoshadetod | redhatrik, looks like I'll be bothering *you* for help soon hahhaa | 23:07 |
T` | its taking forever to download the packages it wants to upload | 23:07 |
T` | we haev a local mirror for this | 23:07 |
holycow | zach_: your basic bet is kinda like this: a) google your laptop webcam model and check out the support b) search out the french dude that writes drivers and see if he has something you can use and find out how to install/compile them properly for your ubuntu version | 23:07 |
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redhatrik | I was just wondering since the graphics drivers for my ATI200M on a 64Bit laptop are a _pain_ | 23:07 |
holycow | zach_: i hope that answers a few of your questions | 23:07 |
Geekomancer1 | Thanks so much! I'm just waiting for the files to load, but it's grabbing more of the music than before! Tahnks! | 23:07 |
redhatrik | anytime twoshadetod, anytime | 23:07 |
ryanakca | Ok, gparted screwed up my home partition, basically it shrank the partition, but never updated the superblock to tell it that the partition is 9GB smaller. How can I fix this discrepency? | 23:08 |
twoshadetod | redhatrik, I use a notebook also | 23:08 |
astro76 | T`, edit /etc/apt/sources.list, or system >administration > software sources | 23:08 |
twoshadetod | redhatrik, funny thing is , i hated them before, i always said i wouldn't use one, but this one changed me, and i love it (hp dv6000) what kind do you have | 23:08 |
zach_ | Did you read what i said. It doesnt work in any programs except in gstreamer-properties and only then when you go to test mode for v4l2 | 23:08 |
juan | ive just found a couple of really stupid problems in the repos where do i file a name&dependency change | 23:08 |
astro76 | !bugs | juan | 23:08 |
ubotu | juan: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 23:08 |
T` | astro76, if i edit /etc/apt/sources.list it seems to overwrite it | 23:08 |
redhatrik | twoshadetod: it wouldn't be the gateway mx6440 would it? | 23:09 |
Noodels | Hi, just came to ask, what do I say to someone who say "Python is rubbish, no-one uses it."? | 23:09 |
redhatrik | Noodels: just ask 'em what they're trying to do | 23:09 |
GuHHH | can anyone help me with ldap? http://pastebin.org/6544 | 23:09 |
redhatrik | Noodels: it's been my experience that some folks don't explore other languages because they haven't had a need to use 'em | 23:10 |
Tiberio | hi, I'm using Gutsy. I got the error message "error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so" | 23:10 |
T` | astro76, hmm.. my local mirror shows up as "third-party software" here.. and i can't seem to add a custom mirror in Ubuntu Software section | 23:10 |
BrightEyes` | can you please tell me the name of the standard C math library? i want to install it in ubuntu from the repositories | 23:10 |
Noodels | Nothing, just someone complaining about linux because "It's ****". | 23:10 |
EvilAIM | Hey, is there a way to load IRSSI via menu? | 23:10 |
EnigmaCurry | Noodels: Tell em google uses it quite a bit. | 23:10 |
EvilAIM | or do I have to run it via virtual console? | 23:10 |
twoshadetod | EvilAIM, you could probably make a launcher for it | 23:10 |
twoshadetod | EvilAIM, I'm sure you can do the same by adding it ot the menu manually | 23:10 |
Noodels | It's python he's specifically annoyed at. | 23:11 |
redhatrik | Noodels: If you really want to impress them, tell 'em that MetaSploit uses it rather heavily :-D | 23:11 |
eegore | is there a package that allows the mouse to work in a text terminal for something like lynx | 23:11 |
EvilAIM | got it. | 23:11 |
kitche | ast time I checked metasploit uses ruby redhatrik at least now | 23:11 |
EvilAIM | I had to change "TYPE" from application to application in terminal | 23:11 |
twoshadetod | /secretly googles "metasploit" grinning to himself | 23:11 |
astro76 | T` you should just be replacing the URL in the lines for the standard repos, not adding new lines | 23:12 |
EnigmaCurry | eegore: I'm on a fresh install of gutsy and the mouse works in links2 | 23:12 |
redhatrik | yes, one of the last changes to it (from 1.0 to 2.0 I believe) was to implement more ruby-related constructs | 23:12 |
Noodels | Does world of warcraft use any python? | 23:12 |
T` | astro76, but do i have to change the feisty to gutsy as well? | 23:12 |
redhatrik | sorry; from 2.0 to 3.0 | 23:12 |
* redhatrik was suprised at how much more quickly the latest ver loaded than the prev......... | 23:13 | |
astro76 | T`, sorry I thought you said, update, you said upgrade | 23:13 |
T` | yea | 23:13 |
T` | astro76, any idea on how i can do that from upgrade? | 23:13 |
EvilAIM | hmm | 23:13 |
eegore | EnigmaCurry: I have to use Feisty on this lappy | 23:13 |
astro76 | T` yeah the upgrade manager changes the sources.list first thing... if I had to guess I'd say a manual apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade | 23:13 |
eegore | power control for Gutsy is problematic | 23:14 |
EnigmaCurry | eegore: Sorry that I don't know what package makes it work.. it's just stock. It's pretty neat though.. even works over SSH | 23:14 |
T` | astro76, i was wondering if that would be ok to do or not | 23:14 |
astro76 | T`, not sure if there's a way to use the upgrade manager to do that, maybe someone else does ;) | 23:14 |
Brandenatwork | need some help, I cannot log completely into gnome cause my initial boot sound (drums) keeps repeating. How do I kill this process | 23:14 |
EnigmaCurry | eegore: maybe you should just try installing links2? | 23:14 |
astro76 | T`, I've read in here that the upgrade manager is the way the upgrade should be done now, I don't know what the difference is | 23:15 |
T` | astro76, oh ok.. np | 23:15 |
T` | i'm reading their sources | 23:15 |
CyberSlug | Hello all! Does anyone know how to recover the notification-daemon popups? Or which package provides them? | 23:15 |
Tornadochas3r01 | hi | 23:15 |
Brandenatwork | how do i kill the audio process? | 23:15 |
CyberSlug | My avant-window-navigator once stole them, but thereafter, it never worked the other way. | 23:16 |
Tornadochas3r01 | \i need help with apache 2 setting virtual server up on without a domain, | 23:16 |
tanath | epiphany keeps crashing on me when i recover the session, but i don't want to lose it. can anyone help? | 23:16 |
Tornadochas3r01 | i have webmin | 23:16 |
Tornadochas3r01 | also | 23:16 |
astro76 | !webmin | Tornadochas3r01 | 23:16 |
ubotu | Tornadochas3r01: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system | 23:16 |
=== Helzibah_ is now known as Helzibah | ||
Tornadochas3r01 | webmin works fine | 23:17 |
buttercups | Brandenatwork, you can disable the sound, System>Administration>Login Window>Accessibility tab | 23:17 |
kitche | Tornadochas3r01: if you use webmind and trying to configure apache using it then you proibably won't get support here | 23:17 |
shingoki | Anyone know if anything is being done about this? https://launchpad.net/bug59695.html | 23:17 |
Ahmuck | anybody using vbox on gutsy? | 23:17 |
Tornadochas3r01 | well | 23:18 |
Tornadochas3r01 | with apache | 23:18 |
Kenny3 | how can i use my canon pixma ip4000 printer ? i know that driver u gotta pay for, but no thanks.... | 23:18 |
Tornadochas3r01 | how do i set it up without havinmg a dopmain like having a website on a dif port e | 23:18 |
bulmer | Tornadochas3r01-> there is a #apache channel you can ask for specifics | 23:19 |
Tornadochas3r01 | ok | 23:19 |
codeshah | anyone use PIXEL instead of GIMP? | 23:19 |
Kenny3 | no graphic tablet, no printer, no hardware supported at all... bye bye ubuntu/linux | 23:20 |
wamty | anyone know what i need to do to get ubuntu to recognize those 2 side buttons on my mouse? | 23:20 |
carbo | can i get help with an external drive problem? | 23:20 |
tekteen | sure | 23:20 |
tekteen | what? | 23:20 |
* juan cries over kenny3 leaving | 23:20 | |
carbo | I have an 80g ex drive...and ubuntu cant read it | 23:20 |
bulmer | lolz | 23:20 |
wamty | anyone know what i need to do to get ubuntu to recognize those 2 side buttons on my mouse? | 23:20 |
shingoki | Kenny3: Really? my tablet works ok, it just needed a minor change to a config file, and event that wasn't necessary in feisty | 23:21 |
tekteen | is there an error message> | 23:21 |
tekteen | ? | 23:21 |
carbo | um yea...one sec | 23:21 |
juan | wamty: it does, just no programs work with it | 23:21 |
BrightEyes` | whats the name of the c math library? | 23:21 |
Kenny3 | shingoki: what tablet? wacom? i hav aiptek hyperpen 8000 u | 23:21 |
bulmer | libmath.so ? | 23:21 |
wamty | Anyone? | 23:21 |
shingoki | Kenny3: Ah yeah, a wacom | 23:22 |
juan | wamty: you need to add some stuff to xorg.conf but after that only ff will work withit unless you install another program, give me 2 minutes to remember | 23:22 |
akial13 | hello and good bye (night) ;-)) | 23:22 |
juan | a.k.a google | 23:22 |
carbo | haha nvm? | 23:22 |
wamty | for whatever reason, right now it's recognizing them as just left and right click... | 23:22 |
carbo | it works now for some reason | 23:22 |
tekteen | nvm? | 23:22 |
carbo | earlier i got just a weird error | 23:22 |
wamty | so i keep trying to use the left one to go back in firefox and end up clickin on all these ads. | 23:22 |
tekteen | ok | 23:22 |
carbo | yea im fine now...thx tho | 23:22 |
tekteen | np | 23:22 |
juan | wamty: o right so you alread enabled them, and they were working fine? | 23:22 |
kingnothing | Can I get some help using fdisk to partition out 400gb of a 500gb hard drive? I want to leave the other 100gb alone to use with a separate windows install | 23:23 |
vlt | Hello. I have installed Ubuntu 7.10 and the pkg nfs-kernel-server. When I copy files from a client the server totaly freezes within the first 60 seconds of data transfer. There's no hint in syslog. Any idea? | 23:23 |
holycow | kingnothing: use cfdisk instead | 23:23 |
wamty | so? | 23:23 |
j85wilson | odd problem: during screensaver, my display froze, and no input (keyb/mouse) was accepted. ssh was still available, but killing nearly all processes (even going to runlevel 1) didn't fix things. | 23:24 |
kingnothing | holycow: why's that? | 23:24 |
j85wilson | Xorg was taking 100% of the cpu, and even kill -9 $Xorg-PID didn't stop it. | 23:24 |
shingoki | kingnothing: yup that should be possible - are you planning to install and boot windows on the same drive? | 23:24 |
juan | wamty: what happend that changed it from working to not working | 23:24 |
j85wilson | it turned into a zombie process, still taking 100% of the cpu. | 23:24 |
holycow | kingnothing: mainly because it has a nice curses interface to let you partition out an hd | 23:24 |
j85wilson | I filed a bug report, but I was wondering if anyone else had seen something like this in Gutsy? | 23:25 |
b1n42y | damn i was going to tell kenny not to give up | 23:25 |
kartika78 | Salve O ¤ « #ubuntu » ¤ -={®} |[ R3L04D3D.ScRiPt ]| {®}=- | 23:25 |
kingnothing | shingoki: right now, i have a drive with windows and ubuntu on it. I bought a 500gb drive i'd like to use for what I said, with the new 400gb partition to be used as a home directory. the rest for windows is just going to be extra storage, formatted ntfs | 23:25 |
kartika78 | hi | 23:25 |
b1n42y | try a different distro its worth it | 23:25 |
b1n42y | / | 23:25 |
tekteen | van someone help me with my preseed file? It does not answer the questions but I do not get an error that it can't find the preseed. The file is pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42757/ | 23:25 |
Tornadochas3r01 | no one is helping ): | 23:25 |
Tornadochas3r01 | on apache channe; | 23:25 |
juan | j85wilson you can kill the vt xorg is on alt+prtsc+k | 23:25 |
kitche | kartika78: spamming the channel with your script when you join is very bad :) | 23:25 |
kingnothing | holycow: thanks | 23:25 |
shingoki | kingnothing: ah right, I was just checking you weren't going to install windows after ubuntu and kill ubuntu :) | 23:25 |
holycow | np | 23:25 |
j85wilson | juan: does that work over ssh? | 23:26 |
k2yak | hello ppl | 23:26 |
juan | j85wilson: dont think so | 23:26 |
b1n42y | its a bad time...ive been on all night... there where ppl on here b4 that where like gurus | 23:26 |
kartika78 | i need help with wifi, it worked on my previous kernel but when i updated i cant manage to get it work | 23:26 |
j85wilson | juan: I tried to kill X with Ctrl-Alt-backspace | 23:26 |
j85wilson | juan: but no keyboard input was getting through. | 23:26 |
kartika78 | anyone can help me in pvt? | 23:27 |
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juan | alt+prtsc+r switches keyboard into raw mode but im not sure it works remotly | 23:27 |
kartika78 | anyone can help me in private? | 23:27 |
j85wilson | hmmm, raw mode sounds like it might have been useful.... | 23:27 |
j85wilson | kartika78: patience. If someone can, they will. | 23:28 |
j85wilson | asking every 30 seconds won't help. | 23:28 |
kartika78 | ok | 23:28 |
Supaplex | kartika78: try 'smart questions', like what kind of wifi problem... | 23:29 |
j85wilson | if after several minutes, you've had no response, repeat your question, possibly with more detail (what card you have, that sort of thing) | 23:29 |
tekteen | can someone help me with my preseed file? It does not answer the questions but I do not get an error that it can't find the preseed. The file is pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42757/ | 23:29 |
dstadulis | ever since upgrading to 7.10 I am unable to mount any usb device, I have an install of xubuntu (feisty) and the devices work in xubuntu but not in my regular 7.10 ubuntu partition. anyone heard of a similar problem? or point me in a direction | 23:30 |
wolliw | can i use 32bit drivers in 64bit ubuntu? | 23:30 |
j85wilson | http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html is a verrry good read for those needing help. | 23:30 |
kartika78 | my card is a Broadcom, the kernel is 2.6.20-16-generic, the problem is no connectivity | 23:30 |
Hellsbovine | Looking for a good bootable harddrive diagnostic CD image. | 23:30 |
bulmer | kartika78-> what have you done to test? | 23:31 |
wolliw | Yes, it is... | 23:31 |
johnny_ | hi folks, ssh bash completion doesn't seem to work out of the box on gutsy | 23:31 |
j85wilson | kartika78: I doubt I can help, not my area of expertise, but what have you tried? | 23:31 |
disinterested | does mencoder no longer convert a wmv into .avi? | 23:31 |
kartika78 | if i boot with the old kernel it works | 23:31 |
johnny_ | i looked into known_hosts, do you happen to know why? | 23:31 |
johnny_ | it doesn't seem to contain normal host names anymore | 23:31 |
juan | j85wilson: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key#Command_line_access_and_configuration , you seam to knwo quite alot so this will be easyier for you to figure out than me | 23:31 |
kartika78 | if i make a ping it tells me destination unreachable | 23:31 |
chris85 | I currently have ubuntu 7.10 (no dual partition, only Ubuntu). I have to put windows xp back on (so I can run a few windows only programs for work.) If it is possible to create a new partition for windows, that is fine but only using windows for a while might be easier. I have found a lot of info online for partitioning ubuntu from windows, but not the other way. Any help? | 23:32 |
j85wilson | juan: thanks | 23:32 |
kartika78 | if i do ifconfig it find it | 23:32 |
sabina | Hi I am spanish , anybody have Mercury messenger? | 23:32 |
Hellsbovine | Looking for a good bootable harddrive diagnostic CD image. | 23:32 |
kartika78 | if i do lsmod all seems ok and also ndiswrapper | 23:32 |
j85wilson | ooh I forgot about sysrq stuff... yay for kernel black magic! | 23:32 |
juan | thank compiz for driving me to learn it | 23:33 |
kartika78 | if i run wifi-radar it connects and disconnects me repeatedly | 23:33 |
kartika78 | what do i have to do? | 23:33 |
phaedra | Hellsbovine, systemrecue cd... | 23:33 |
=== Leslie_ is now known as jisatsu | ||
bulmer | kartika78-> type dhclient wlan0 | 23:33 |
Hellsbovine | phaedra ?? | 23:33 |
kartika78 | i dont have dhcp | 23:34 |
phaedra | Hellsbovine, http://www.sysresccd.org/ | 23:34 |
kartika78 | i usually insert the ip [M^A^N^U^8^1] ally | 23:34 |
j85wilson | juan: thanks again. This is pretty slick stuff that I didn't even know about. | 23:34 |
kartika78 | i usually insert the ip manvally | 23:35 |
Hellsbovine | phaedra looked, doesn't seem to have a badblock checker. | 23:35 |
Magdin | Hi everyone, have a problem with sound - no sound at all with Gutsy! I installed manually latest ALSA (v15) and no success. My sound log from alsa-script.sh is here - http://pastebin.ca/755861. Please help | 23:35 |
bulmer | kartika78-> you must respond with a prefix of the nick to whom you're responding to | 23:35 |
j85wilson | Magdin: did you install from CD (clean install) or upgrade with upgrade-manager from feisty? | 23:36 |
kartika78 | bulmer-> i was talking to you | 23:36 |
kingnothing | for this second hard drive i'm adding, is there any reason I need to reserve 5% for root? 20gb seems excessive | 23:36 |
Magdin | j85wilson: from CD. I updated but i got million other problems. so i reinstalled from live CD | 23:36 |
bulmer | kartika78-> who owns the AP? | 23:36 |
j85wilson | harrumph. Well, that's the only fix I know of... :-p | 23:37 |
phaedra | Hellsbovine, fsck should do that... fsck -c | 23:37 |
j85wilson | But then I don't know much about the sound. | 23:37 |
Magdin | j85wilson: can i have alsa and oss installed at the same time? | 23:37 |
j85wilson | Magdin: have you checked your mixer levels? | 23:37 |
Magdin | j85wilson: i did, even installed alsa gui mixer, nothing works | 23:37 |
kartika78 | bulmer -> i answered in pvt | 23:37 |
Magdin | j85wilson: how can i debug it step by step? | 23:38 |
bulmer | kartika78-> i dont do prvt messaging | 23:38 |
j85wilson | Magdin: checked lsmod for appropriate modules? | 23:38 |
kartika78 | -> ok.. the AP is mine | 23:38 |
m1sha | update-grub will not update grub. It makes no change to menu.lst (even when I delete it). Short of writing it by hand can anyone offer any help? | 23:38 |
Magdin | j85wilson: have a look here - http://pastebin.ca/755861 is it all i need? | 23:38 |
kartika78 | bulmer-> ok.. the AP is mine | 23:38 |
j85wilson | Magdin: I'm not sure... sound is a bit of a black box to me. My experience has always been either that it just worked, or just doesn't... :-/ | 23:38 |
bulmer | kartika78-> did you try iwlist wlan0 scan and gets connected? | 23:39 |
Hellsbovine | phaedra alright, checking it out... | 23:39 |
bulmer | kartika78-> did you try iwlist wlan0 scan *rather see the access points in the area? | 23:39 |
=== Hellsbovine is now known as Omegacenti | ||
j85wilson | Magdin: speakers plugged in ;) | 23:39 |
j85wilson | ? | 23:39 |
Magdin | Guys, can I have alsa and oss installed at the same time? | 23:39 |
tekteen | anyone know haw to write a preseed file? Mine is not working! | 23:39 |
Magdin | j85wilson: its a notebook :) | 23:40 |
j85wilson | heh | 23:40 |
m1sha | Magdin: yes | 23:40 |
=== vmlinuz- is now known as vmlinuz` | ||
kartika78 | bulmer-> if i write that line i get the data of my AP | 23:40 |
j85wilson | Magdin: when you say you installed the latest Alsa manually, do you mean from ubuntu reps or from upstream source? | 23:40 |
tekteen | my pressed does not answer the questions but I do not get an error that it can't find the preseed. The file is pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42757/ | 23:40 |
bulmer | kartika78-> you are using static ip addressing you say? | 23:40 |
j85wilson | tekteen: what is a preseed file? | 23:40 |
tators | so I'm in a directory where I can't create a new document | 23:40 |
kartika78 | bulmer -> yes | 23:41 |
Magdin | j85wilson: got sources (driver, lib, util) compiled installed | 23:41 |
tators | how do I allow myself to create the document? | 23:41 |
j85wilson | tators: a permissions problem? | 23:41 |
bulmer | kartika78-> how do you know its not in conflict with the dhcp server on the AP? | 23:41 |
tators | j85: I guess so | 23:41 |
tekteen | the file u use to answer questions to the debian install so the user does not | 23:41 |
j85wilson | Magdin: you tried it with the ubuntu ALSA first, I assume? | 23:41 |
Ward1983 | i'm about to run ubuntu in vmware to format a SD card (with reiserfs, and cardreader not supported in native linux), whats the best option to get gpart running? is that possible with the liveCD somehow? | 23:41 |
kartika78 | bulmer->because if i boot with the old kernel it works fine | 23:42 |
tekteen | It pre answers questions | 23:42 |
NolanG | This may be the wrong place to ask, and if so, please direct me somewhere else: I have a bash script that opens a new X display and starts a program. If I run it from inside gnome-terminal, it works fine. If I run it through a launcher, X starts, but the program that runs in X never starts. This occurs even if the launcher command is "gnome-terminal -x myscript.sh". Any thoughts? | 23:42 |
j85wilson | tekteen: thanks. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to help you. | 23:42 |
temp1234 | ive had about 10 cycles in the last 10 mintues for my hd, does that have anything to do with that bug? | 23:42 |
tekteen | ok | 23:42 |
Ward1983 | i mean gparted | 23:42 |
tators | j85: how do I fix my permissions problem? | 23:42 |
j85wilson | tators: what directory, if I might ask? | 23:42 |
tators | var/www | 23:42 |
j85wilson | (want to make sure its something that it is kosher to change the permissions on) | 23:42 |
j85wilson | ah | 23:42 |
j85wilson | ok | 23:42 |
j85wilson | what does ls -l /var/www say | 23:43 |
m1sha | does anyone know anything about grub? please? | 23:43 |
Magdin | j85wilson: yes bu i couldnt run sound recorder and skype want working eather (no sound). Now i can round sound recorder but all apps without sound | 23:43 |
bulmer | kartika78-> pastebin your iwconfig results please | 23:43 |
j85wilson | Magdin: did aps other than skype have sound? | 23:43 |
tators | drwxr-xr-x 2 root root apache | 23:43 |
Magdin | j85wilson: yes | 23:43 |
tators | -rw-r--r-- 1 text.php | 23:43 |
j85wilson | ack! tators stop, my bad. | 23:43 |
Magdin | j85wilson: some of them did | 23:43 |
j85wilson | should have been ls -ld /var/www | 23:44 |
tators | drwxr-xr-x /var/www | 23:44 |
j85wilson | Magdin: that is a very odd problem indeed.... It is quite likely out of my league... | 23:44 |
Omegacenti | phaedra, if the bad blocks turns out okay, does that mean the hard drive is still good? | 23:44 |
bulmer | m1sha-> your system wouldnt boot? | 23:44 |
j85wilson | tators: is that cut and pasted? if not, who are the owner and group? | 23:44 |
m1sha | bulmer: it will boot, just not the right kernel | 23:45 |
bislo_ | join #ubuntu | 23:45 |
tators | I am the owner, its a local box | 23:45 |
tators | but it doesn't have internet | 23:45 |
tators | so I'm typing this on a diff box | 23:45 |
Magdin | j85wilson: yeah im confused. i can try to reinstall it again, but i'm sick of doing it again and again | 23:45 |
j85wilson | Magdin: fair enough... I really wish I could be more help. | 23:45 |
bulmer | m1sha-> then modify the /boot/grub/menu.lst to point to correct kernel | 23:45 |
Magdin | j85wilson: no worries, thanks anyway | 23:45 |
bulmer | m1sha-> or at grub prompt you can type boot=/where/the/kernelis | 23:46 |
j85wilson | tators: what are the three fields after drwxr-xr-x ? | 23:46 |
tators | root root 4096 | 23:46 |
j85wilson | ahhhh | 23:46 |
kartika78 | bulmer-> i'm not writing from that machine(it is my notebook) i'm writing from desktop, anyway the iwconfig tells: lo no wireless extension eth1 no wireless extension wlan0 IEEE 802.11g ESSID: "Sitecom" Nickname:"Siteco"........ | 23:46 |
m1sha | bulmer: ok. but shouldn't update-grub do that for me? (also typing that at a grub prompt will throw an error, you need to load it with "kernel" first) | 23:46 |
j85wilson | tators: that means that /var/www is owned by the user root and the group root. | 23:46 |
phaedra | Omegacenti, If fsck reports the blocks as good, the drive should be fine... The fs might have been corrupted oe something. | 23:46 |
tators | ok | 23:46 |
tators | well I'm the root too | 23:47 |
Omegacenti | phaedra can that be recovered? | 23:47 |
tators | its my box :) | 23:47 |
phaedra | oe / or | 23:47 |
j85wilson | tators: so, to write to that directory, you must be root (as in sudo), or change the permissions, or change the group or owner. | 23:47 |
bulmer | m1sha-> i dont know what update-grub? | 23:47 |
bulmer | does | 23:47 |
robilive_ | good night! | 23:47 |
Ward1983 | nvm, i can just isntall it apperantly :-) | 23:47 |
dstadulis | How would I use the output of <locate query> in a cd command, I tried cd 'locate query' but that did not work | 23:47 |
tators | j8wilson: I su rooted in bash | 23:48 |
tators | but I still can't create files | 23:48 |
j85wilson | tators: try sudo touch /var/www/dummy-file | 23:48 |
m1sha | bulmer: it's a program for automatically adding all installed kernels to the grub menu (among other things) | 23:48 |
bulmer | kartika78-> is an ip address assigned now to your machine? how about "route" does it show it has a gateway? | 23:48 |
tators | j8wilson: what does that do? | 23:48 |
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j85wilson | tators: that should either give an error or create an empty file named dummy-file | 23:49 |
tators | ah it did | 23:49 |
tators | what did touch do | 23:49 |
j85wilson | it had better not give an error, though... | 23:49 |
phaedra | Omegacenti, If you use -p yes... It will autorepair with no questions... | 23:49 |
j85wilson | touch just creates a file. | 23:49 |
JediMaster | hey guys, got a weird one, just setting up gutsy on a friend's laptop, and with all the powersaving timeouts disabled in the BIOS it appears to send the laptop to sleep (while plugged into mains) after 1 minute, despite keyboard and mouse activity, any ideas? | 23:49 |
tators | is there a resource I can read about ubuntu permissions | 23:49 |
j85wilson | welllll | 23:49 |
j85wilson | ooh | 23:49 |
j85wilson | let me find one. | 23:49 |
tators | thanks | 23:49 |
phaedra | Omegacenti, You should really run 'man fsck' though... | 23:49 |
Omegacenti | phaedra what if it starts spitting out errors like nobodies business? | 23:49 |
j85wilson | touch updates timestamps to the current time on existing files (it touches them), and if a file doesn't exist, it creates it. | 23:50 |
JediMaster | very annoying when in the middle of typing and it just falls asleep | 23:50 |
JediMaster | it's a narcoleptic laptop | 23:50 |
phaedra | Omegacenti, If the drive is that bad it's time to retire it... | 23:50 |
buttercups | !permission | tators | 23:51 |
ubotu | tators: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 23:51 |
phaedra | Omegacenti, How old is this drive/ | 23:51 |
kartika78 | bulmer-> if i write route it gives: localnet * U 0 0 0 wlan0 | 23:51 |
j85wilson | ahh, thanks buttercups | 23:51 |
kurisutofuaa | When I do a apt-get install "Package" how do I set it up so that it will install all the recommended packages every time a install a "Package" with apt-get install? | 23:51 |
Omegacenti | phaedra Dec 2005? | 23:51 |
kartika78 | bulmer-> default UG 0 0 0 wlan0 | 23:51 |
bulmer | kartika78-> and what is the static ip address you assigned? | 23:52 |
kartika78 | | 23:52 |
JediMaster | anyone have any ideas on the power saving going nuts? (also disabled in ubuntu's controls) | 23:52 |
j85wilson | tators: it is easy to open up permissions on that directory, but that directory is one that you usually want pretty strict permissions on for security reasons. | 23:52 |
tators | ah ok | 23:52 |
tators | !directory | tators | 23:52 |
bulmer | kartika78-> its hard to read what you pasted, pastebin the result | 23:52 |
phaedra | Omegacenti, Wow... It shouldn't be that bad unless it took a power hit while writing but it still should be recoverable... | 23:53 |
tators | is there a good resource describing the different directories on ubunut | 23:53 |
kartika78 | bulmer-> how? | 23:53 |
j85wilson | if you wanted to open up the permissions, you would do sudo chmod a+r /var/www | 23:53 |
bulmer | kartika78-> can you copy and paste? | 23:53 |
j85wilson | tators: the first link that ubotu gave you. | 23:53 |
tators | cool | 23:53 |
Omegacenti | phaedraI saved up this problem just for you. | 23:53 |
b1n42y | does anyone know where wine gets installed to ? | 23:53 |
LjL | b1n42y: dpkg -L wine | 23:53 |
tators | then one last question: is there a good resource on the commands like chmod a+r ... | 23:54 |
j85wilson | b1n42y: usually, my stomach. | 23:54 |
tators | so I know what I'm actually doing | 23:54 |
j85wilson | tators: man chmod | 23:54 |
b1n42y | LjL, thanks | 23:54 |
* JediMaster screams at the power management | 23:54 | |
kitche | b1n42y: umm /usr/bin/wine unless you mean the config files and such | 23:54 |
phaedra | Omegacenti, the last time I had trouble like that was last month. I had to reformat the drive but all sectos/blocks were good. | 23:54 |
LjL | !man > tators (tators, see the private message from Ubotu) | 23:54 |
b1n42y | thanks | 23:54 |
Omegacenti | phaedra how did your data turn out? | 23:54 |
tators | thanks | 23:55 |
j85wilson | tators: also the second link from ubotu, the one about permissions, does go into chmod and such. | 23:55 |
j85wilson | !man > j85wilson | 23:55 |
astro76 | j85wilson, try this ;) /msg ubotu man | 23:55 |
eegore | there are not a lot of pages that support text only browsers | 23:55 |
j85wilson | astro76: thanks. | 23:55 |
phaedra | Omegacenti, fsck repaired it enough to mount it properly but only 75% of the data was recoverable. I have since put all my external drives on a power cord to the ups. | 23:55 |
j85wilson | text only pages support text only browsers. | 23:55 |
twoshadetod | how do i burn an .img file ? I see an option for .iso but not .img in k3d | 23:56 |
kitche | twoshadetod: you don't you need to convert it to an iso | 23:56 |
kartika78 | bulmer-> Kernel IP routing table | 23:56 |
kartika78 | Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface | 23:56 |
kartika78 | localnet * U 0 0 0 wlan0 | 23:56 |
kartika78 | default UG 0 0 0 wlan0 | 23:56 |
geirha | twoshadetod: ln -s the-image.img the-image.iso | 23:56 |
astro76 | !iso | twoshadetod see this link to convert to iso | 23:56 |
ubotu | twoshadetod see this link to convert to iso: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 23:56 |
twoshadetod | kitche, how do i burn it? | 23:56 |
astro76 | !paste | kartika78 | 23:57 |
ubotu | kartika78: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 23:57 |
=== LOOK_ITS_POO is now known as shenjing | ||
j85wilson | twoshadetod: someone else probably knows better than I, but if I had to guess, I'd say that a .img file is the same as a .iso file. | 23:57 |
twoshadetod | geirha, does that change it to ? | 23:57 |
tag | oh wow | 23:57 |
tag | compiz...c'mon | 23:57 |
CarlFK | how do I print in gimp? (not sure what to put for "Printer Name" ) | 23:57 |
geirha | twoshadetod: it looks at the file-ending, so just make a symlink with .iso-ending | 23:57 |
adrian | In am a complete newbee to linux and I am getting realy frustrated I have installed countless releases of ubuntu tried removing hardware and not installing updates but I can't get Linux MCE to mount in my HTPC | 23:57 |
twoshadetod | j85wilson, it's looking that way i wonder if i can just rename it? | 23:57 |
geirha | twoshadetod: and you should get the "write to disc" option | 23:57 |
astro76 | twoshadetod, no no no, see the link ubotu gave you for img2iso, convert it then burn the iso | 23:57 |
jburd | twoshadetod: Open a terminal and type `file whateverfile.img` Read what it tells you. | 23:57 |
bulmer | kartika78-> that localnet, what is that? do you get same results as route with netstat -ran? | 23:57 |
geirha | astro76: oh, img and iso are different formats? | 23:58 |
j85wilson | twoshadetod: if my guess is right, then yes. Also, listen to jburd. | 23:58 |
JediMaster | anyone any good with kernel power management features? | 23:58 |
astro76 | geirha, indeed | 23:58 |
shenjing | CarlFK: if you installed the printer using Admin -> Printing | 23:58 |
shenjing | CarlFK: you should be able to select a printer | 23:58 |
astro76 | .img is CloneCD apparently | 23:58 |
geirha | twoshadetod: sorry, seems I was mistaken, don't listen to me :) | 23:58 |
twoshadetod | jburd, "clay@youngman:~/Desktop/007$ file liveandletdie.img | 23:58 |
twoshadetod | liveandletdie.img: UDF filesystem data (version 1.5) 'LALD " | 23:58 |
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kitche | adrian: might want to ask the MCE channel for help since that's not supported here | 23:59 |
kartika78 | bulmer-> no | 23:59 |
bulmer | kartika78-> whats that localnet equating to? | 23:59 |
adrian | HOW DO i FIND THEM | 23:59 |
j85wilson | adrian: calm. | 23:59 |
kartika78 | bulmer-> | 23:59 |
astro76 | adrian, please no caps, find what? | 23:59 |
phillywhitetrash | how do i force a file system check after a reboot | 23:59 |
CarlFK | shenjing: I just plugged in the printer, and got a "ready to print" bubble, and the printer shows up in Admin, Printing | 23:59 |
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