evil_tech | fluxbuntu is a full desktop environment. it has a browser, chat, email and text editor out the box | 00:00 |
PowerGo | That would probably run better than Xubuntu for my machine ? | 00:01 |
Aviatrixie | AntiX ( mepis derivative) is a nice lightweight fluxbox distro | 00:01 |
Mark76 | Do you have a CD burner, Power? | 00:01 |
PowerGo | Yes | 00:01 |
Mark76 | Cool | 00:02 |
Mark76 | I don't :( | 00:02 |
PowerGo | when I go to install mpg123, it can't find it. And it also tells me I need to "You will have to enable component called 'universe'" | 00:03 |
evil_tech | Mark76: its in mine and all repos are active and none look out of the ordinary from a xubuntu sources.list | 00:03 |
PowerGo | How do I enable the component called "universe" | 00:03 |
Mark76 | So, how can I install it Evil? | 00:03 |
evil_tech | open up a terminal and type sudo nano etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment out the lines | 00:03 |
Mark76 | If I can't tell it apart from Xubuntu | 00:04 |
evil_tech | hmm | 00:04 |
evil_tech | !pastebin | 00:04 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 00:04 |
Mark76 | Oh come on it wasn't that big | 00:04 |
Mark76 | :p | 00:04 |
evil_tech | i got to go to school so i will give you my sources.list. maybe you can see something im not | 00:05 |
PowerGo | I see. | 00:05 |
PowerGo | even then I get Package mpg123 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 00:06 |
evil_tech | grr how do you copy stuff in the terminal | 00:10 |
PowerGo | select, right click, copy ? | 00:10 |
evil_tech | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42630/ | 00:11 |
evil_tech | there is my sources.list on my fluxbuntu machine | 00:11 |
evil_tech | i got to go to class take it easy all of you | 00:11 |
PowerGo | later homes | 00:12 |
Mark76 | Linux: It's the environmentally responsible choice! | 00:13 |
PowerGo | where is the HOST file located? | 00:14 |
Mark76 | What host file? | 00:14 |
Mark76 | Welcome back Casey | 00:16 |
Casey | ;o | 00:16 |
dgimse | is there a way to bypass the root password to change a document? | 00:18 |
Mark76 | Nope | 00:18 |
dgimse | o | 00:18 |
Mark76 | Why would you want to do that? | 00:18 |
dgimse | i'm trying to change my menu.lst | 00:19 |
Mark76 | Ah | 00:19 |
Mark76 | God, that's a apin | 00:20 |
Mark76 | pain | 00:20 |
dgimse | buecase i get this error when i try to boot xubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=576087&highlight=kernel+panic+-not+syncing+VFS%3AUnable+to+mount+root+fs+on+unknown+block%280%2C0%29 | 00:20 |
Mark76 | Do you have a settings menu? | 00:20 |
dgimse | on the live cd yes | 00:20 |
Mark76 | Ah | 00:20 |
Mark76 | You want to change it on the live CD? :/ | 00:21 |
Mark76 | :-/ | 00:21 |
dgimse | no on the hard drive | 00:21 |
dgimse | i'm trying to get my install to work on a daul boot (with xp) | 00:21 |
TheSheep | !sudo | 00:22 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 00:22 |
Mark76 | Then you should have a settings menu | 00:22 |
dgimse | is that accessed through the terminal? | 00:22 |
Mark76 | I'm able to edit the main menu from mine | 00:22 |
TheSheep | dgimse: yes | 00:22 |
dgimse | thanx sheep | 00:22 |
TheSheep | dgimse: you can also run 'gksu thunar' to get thunar window running as root | 00:22 |
TheSheep | gksu is a graphical version of sudo | 00:23 |
dgimse | isn't thunar the file manager though | 00:23 |
dgimse | o | 00:23 |
dgimse | i open the graphical equivalent of the menu.lst but it won't save the changes | 00:24 |
Mark76 | Hmm | 00:26 |
TheSheep | dgimse: 'graphical equivalent'? | 00:27 |
dgimse | yes i think the instructions they speak about on the thread are for the terminal window | 00:27 |
TheSheep | !boot | 00:28 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 00:28 |
TheSheep | bah, wrong links | 00:28 |
TheSheep | .sng ubotu dualboot | 00:29 |
TheSheep | !dualboot | 00:29 |
ubotu | Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty | 00:29 |
dgimse | the graphical equivalent is what i mean by double clicking throgh folders and using the mouse program | 00:29 |
TheSheep | here :) | 00:29 |
TheSheep | dgimse: you need to be root | 00:29 |
TheSheep | dgimse: so you have to start the file manager as root, for example | 00:30 |
TheSheep | dgimse: so that it has permissions for saving | 00:30 |
Mark76 | Bed time | 00:32 |
Mark76 | Night Sheep et al | 00:33 |
dgimse | good night | 00:33 |
dgimse | how do you remove file extensions in the boot folder? | 01:18 |
dgimse | can i use the nano editor to do that too? | 01:19 |
dgimse | well here goes wish me luck see yas | 01:24 |
rainrunner87 | Hey all. Anyone have any recommendations for a program to manage file and/or bookmark tagging? | 05:34 |
kirika | i was wondering if anyone could answer a question i have about performance | 06:39 |
rainrunner87 | kirika: There's one good way to find out: ask it. | 06:41 |
rainrunner87 | So, does anyone here have any recommendations they'd like to share for a program to manage file and/or bookmark tagging? | 06:44 |
kirika | sorry, my question is that i previously had ubuntu and i was testing a lot of applications and my computer started to run real slow so i decided to switch to xubuntu because i read that it will run a lot faster on slower machines, i really like hat way it looks and my browser is faster but when i stream videos it is not | 06:45 |
Name141 | where is the HOST file located? | 06:46 |
kirika | /etc/hosts | 06:48 |
Name141 | OK | 06:49 |
kirika | oh sorry was that a question for me | 06:50 |
rainrunner87 | kirika: what specifically are you looking for? Are you trying to get faster streaming videos? Are you trying to get the performance you had before you started testing applications? | 06:50 |
kirika | yes im trying to get the performance before i started testing | 06:51 |
rainrunner87 | kirika: Anyone can answer any question, provided they do their homework and have the right answers. | 06:51 |
kirika | it actully ran pretty good | 06:51 |
kirika | in performance issues i read that xubuntu would run faster than ubuntu with a 32 bit system | 06:54 |
highvoltage | kirika: it's certainly less memory intensive | 06:54 |
rainrunner87 | kirika: Also, please use nick-completion to direct your responses. For example, to direct a response to you, I type kir[tab], and "kirika:" appears in my input box. This lets me clarify who I'm talking to (and may produce a helpful "beep" noise on the computer of the person you're talking to) | 06:54 |
Name141 | kirika: god I hope so | 06:54 |
kirika | sorry i havent used irc in years im not very good with it anymore | 06:55 |
rainrunner87 | kirika: That's ok, everyone has a learning curve. | 06:55 |
kirika | rainrunner87, i really like the xubuntu layout and the simplicity of it but the only thing i was concerned about was the streaming issue | 06:57 |
Name141 | Would this distro be better to run on and older computer than Ubuntu? | 06:57 |
Name141 | an | 06:57 |
kirika | Name141, yes it stated that its faster with older machines, xp was slow, ubuntu was fast, (until i had a lot of stuff on it) | 06:58 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: Xubuntu? Quite probably. The XFCE-based distribution is much simpler and less memory intensive, in part due to a decreased amount of eye candy | 06:58 |
Name141 | kirika, rainrunner87: Ubuntu was 10x slower than XP with even fading on. | 06:59 |
kirika | Name141, you think so? | 07:00 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: Definitely try Xubuntu, disable what little eye candy there is, and, if you're still slow, check to see what the most memory-intensive processes are and look them up to see what they're attached to. There might be something you don't need. | 07:00 |
Name141 | kirika: yes, It would take 30 seconds to open a program, then it would work OK with it, untill I had to start alternating windows, such as going to IMs, going back to the program, opening/closing programs, etc. | 07:01 |
kirika | xp was really slow, because i have a 1 gig processer and 351 meg ram | 07:01 |
Name141 | I am on a p2 450 MHz, 320 MBs of PC100 SDRAM, Voodoo3 3dfx 8 MB. | 07:01 |
Name141 | 10 gb internal | 07:01 |
Name141 | And Ubuntu ran like it was a stuck pig. | 07:03 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: Hmm... half-decent computer there. Xubuntu should run fine on it. Just don't try to use that thing for heavy graphics or eye candy. Stick to lightweight apps and you should be fine. | 07:03 |
kirika | Name141, hmm well i dont really have a problem with the programs itself because i use GIMP alot and i browse with firefox a lot, and it runs a lot faster but i was just wonderig if anyone had a similar problem with streaming videos | 07:04 |
Name141 | rainrunner87: that's all I heard from people "your system would run linux smoother" , but then after Ubuntu, I had to disagree and be skeptical now. | 07:04 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: Which release are you running? | 07:04 |
Name141 | rainrunner87: I am not running one right now. I was just thinking about going back and trying it. But it would be the 7.10 | 07:05 |
Name141 | Atleast I think that's the version of the newest. | 07:05 |
kirika | rainrunner87, yea it was the newest i believe | 07:05 |
rainrunner87 | Which did you run, when you last tried it? | 07:05 |
Name141 | Ubuntu 7.10 | 07:05 |
rainrunner87 | Hmm... | 07:05 |
Name141 | Then I looked at Kubuntu on the live disk | 07:06 |
Name141 | And I rememebered why I hated KDE. | 07:06 |
Name141 | Then I put the Xp disk back in. | 07:06 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: Gutsy (7.10) had a bit more eye-candy installed by default than I liked. It's actually why I switched to Xubuntu. Standard Ubuntu comes with Compiz enabled. | 07:06 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: Compiz=Shiny graphical things you can make your desktop do, most of which are completely unnecessary. | 07:07 |
Name141 | rainrunner87: I don't know what it was, but that crazy box in box, to box, the finally minumized or closed was the most annoying thing. | 07:07 |
Name141 | then finally* | 07:07 |
Name141 | I must say though, Videolan ran video clips a ton faster. | 07:08 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: Yep, sounds just like fancy eye candy enabled on a box that wasn't build to handle it. | 07:08 |
Name141 | Besides WMV, they still sucked. | 07:08 |
rainrunner87 | Give Xubuntu a shot | 07:08 |
rainrunner87 | built* | 07:08 |
Name141 | I am thinking about it. however , my XP CD-KEY only has 1 more useage on it. And God knows what the idiots will make me do when I use that up to get another activation. | 07:09 |
rainrunner87 | I have about 50 CD-KEYs lying around that I've never used. | 07:09 |
Name141 | LOL, this is a legal copy | 07:10 |
rainrunner87 | Legal CD-Keys | 07:10 |
Name141 | I just installed an external HD to make the computer change | 07:10 |
Name141 | and I could no longer use the one on the box | 07:10 |
rainrunner87 | Completely legal. Still shrink-wrapped | 07:10 |
rainrunner87 | Sitting in a neat little stack. | 07:10 |
Name141 | (That came with the upgrade) | 07:10 |
Name141 | rainrunner87: LOL | 07:11 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: You won't be short a CD-Key, trust me. | 07:11 |
Name141 | Another thing I was having trouble with, was Xchat, I never liked it. And I couldn't figure out how to do things such as on mIRC, like.. on *:Connect:{ preform this stuff here for this network } | 07:11 |
rainrunner87 | Did you use XChat, or XChat-gnome? | 07:13 |
Name141 | XChat | 07:13 |
Name141 | or whatever was installed with apt-get install xchat | 07:13 |
kirika | i can be either i believe | 07:14 |
rainrunner87 | Then xchat. xchat-gnome is in a package labeled, conveniently enough, xchat-gnome | 07:14 |
Name141 | hm, where is the network help channel here? Or how the hell do you recover a nickserv pass | 07:15 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: Good question. I'll look it up after I finish explaining how to do on-connect commands for specific networks | 07:15 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: From the menu bar in xchat: XChat> Network List. From the Network List window: Select a network, press the Edit button. In the Edit window, there is a field labeled Connect Command. This should do what you're looking for. | 07:16 |
rainrunner87 | Name141: Now, I'm going to look up the nickserv pass recovery | 07:17 |
Name141 | I registered this through a BNC I can no longer access. | 07:17 |
Name141 | oh well | 07:18 |
=== Name141 is now known as Name141- | ||
kirika | well i guess its safe to assume my programs are running faster, i just wish i could stream faster, but as long as GIMP and firefox runs well im satisfied, i will just have to look for some downloads | 07:18 |
rainrunner87 | kirika: Try googling this: firefox flash slow xubuntu | 07:21 |
rainrunner87 | I'm sorry I can't answer the bigger questions myself, I just have a bed to finish assembling... | 07:22 |
kirika | rainrunner87, thanks i really appreciate it, i googled it before but this looks like it has more info on what i need. but i should go to sleep soon sice i have to work in a few hours but i just want to say thanks for the help | 07:24 |
rainrunner87 | kirika: Gladly. Good luck, and sleep well. | 07:25 |
kirika | thanks | 07:25 |
kirika | see yah | 07:25 |
jess^^ | hey, fresh install of xubuntu and I have no sound. what gives? | 07:29 |
jess^^ | everything looks like it's configured right... | 07:29 |
TheSheep | jess^^: check the volume | 07:31 |
jess^^ | i did that, but y'know | 07:32 |
jess^^ | i just went into alsamixer, and stuf started working | 07:32 |
beruic | Anyone here? | 08:49 |
TheSheep | I don't know | 08:50 |
beruic | "gnome-screensaver" does not run upon boot. Which file should I edit to fix this? | 08:50 |
TheSheep | beruic: I guess it's started when you log in, not on boot | 08:52 |
beruic | TheSheep: Well, which script do I modify to make it actually start? | 08:53 |
TheSheep | beruic: maybe check the autostarted applications in your settings menu? | 08:53 |
fifafrazer | I have a "1K Volume" icon on my desktop.. What is that, how can I remove it? It cannot be mounted. | 08:53 |
beruic | TheSheep: Done that, but it shouldn't be there. | 08:54 |
TheSheep | fifafrazer: it's another partition on your hard disk | 08:55 |
fifafrazer | But I've not created it, it's only 1KB in size, and it cannot be mounted | 08:57 |
_dillinger | anyone here? | 09:18 |
predaeus | never | 09:18 |
_dillinger | :) | 09:18 |
_dillinger | any idea why my external monitor stopped working when I upgraded to Gutsy, even though my xorg.config file is untouched? | 09:18 |
=== Name141- is now known as Name141 | ||
_dillinger | also, my printer now only prints blank pages... | 09:19 |
predaeus | hm | 09:19 |
predaeus | is the printer still configured correctly? | 09:19 |
_dillinger | well, it worked fine before I updated | 09:20 |
predaeus | did you check Settings/Printing? | 09:20 |
predaeus | maybe your configs got lost. | 09:20 |
_dillinger | yes, there's nothing abnormal about the settings as far as I can discern | 09:20 |
_dillinger | well, I re-installed the driver, that didn't change anything | 09:20 |
_dillinger | the settings seem fine as well | 09:20 |
_dillinger | I mean, it's not like there even are that many settings | 09:21 |
_dillinger | I tried playing around, changed A4 to letter and back again... no change | 09:21 |
TheSheep | I think there were some people complaining about their printers stopping working before | 09:21 |
TheSheep | maybe search the bugs, there might be a workaround | 09:21 |
TheSheep | or the forums | 09:21 |
_dillinger | also, someone said it might be stuck on "print pages 2, 3, 4" or a similar problem, changed it to 1 and that had no effect | 09:22 |
predaeus | there is at least one bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+bug/131470 | 09:22 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 131470 in cupsys "AppArmor profile breaks printing with hplip" [High,Fix released] | 09:22 |
_dillinger | thx, lets see | 09:22 |
predaeus | _dillinger, about the monitor I don't know either, I think the goal was to have Gutsy detect such things automatically, might have broken your settings. Check if the drivers you need are active. Apart from that I can hardly help, never set up dual monitors in Linux before, sorry. | 09:23 |
=== LastMall is now known as JimCroce | ||
_dillinger | well, I did aa-complain cupsd, it set it to complain mode | 09:28 |
_dillinger | but that didni't help :( | 09:28 |
_dillinger | unless a restart helps I guess | 09:29 |
_dillinger | and, I have the latest cupsys drivers.... | 09:30 |
_dillinger | so I'm stuck again | 09:30 |
predaeus | _dillinger, I think a sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart should be sufficient. | 09:32 |
predaeus | "sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart" | 09:32 |
predaeus | to be sure | 09:32 |
_dillinger | printer warming up... | 09:34 |
_dillinger | and nothing again... | 09:34 |
_dillinger | frustrating | 09:35 |
predaeus | _dillinger, also ask in #ubuntu and scan the forums and launchpad bug reports. | 09:37 |
_dillinger | I'm also seeing a noticable slowdown of my system on top of all my problems, I want to kick myself for upgrading | 09:37 |
_dillinger | okay, thanks for trying to help anyway! | 09:37 |
_dillinger | I guess there's no easy way to downgrade? any way to do it and keep my settings etc? | 09:39 |
aboyousif | was there a problem in xubuntu gutsy CD .. it display the booting menu but don't load the kernel at all .. i check the md5 and it was ok for the iso and the cd | 09:39 |
predaeus | aboyousif, probably try downloading the image from the main mirror or something. somebody else had problems before with installing the cd image. md5 was ok for him too. I think there were faulty cd images circulating on release day, but I am not sure. So maybe the md5 on a mirror might differ from md5 on the main mirror, to indicate this problem. | 09:41 |
TheSheep | aboyousif: another option might be that you need some boot options on your hardware | 09:42 |
aboyousif | TheSheep, don't think so .. it is the first time to face this problem on xubuntu cd .. i use it since edgy | 09:42 |
aboyousif | TheSheep, on the same machine i mean | 09:43 |
aboyousif | predaeus, well i think i need to recheck md5 against the one in the main mirror .. | 09:43 |
predaeus | please tell us if it differs | 09:44 |
aboyousif | predaeus, it is not differ .. | 09:47 |
aboyousif | predaeus, my last option is to test the iso itself on a virtual box to see if it is going to load or not .. | 09:48 |
predaeus | hm | 09:50 |
aboyousif | predaeus, i have to leave for 10mintues .. will check after i come back and tell you the results | 09:51 |
benpicco | Hi, this machine is only downloading data from any network at ~7kb/s to 14kb/s - while it's connected over a 100Mbit NIC to a proxy serving it with DSL6000! | 09:55 |
benpicco | even from the local network no more speed is possible | 09:55 |
benpicco | any Ideas? this is a real pain in the a... | 09:57 |
benpicco | the NIC is a Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10) | 09:59 |
TheSheep | benpicco: maybe the cable is poor quality? | 10:10 |
TheSheep | benpicco: we had that here, long cable and poorly attached plugs, and it could only negotiate 10Mb/s connection | 10:11 |
benpicco | The Cable is ok, I've already tried one from the machines that get the full speed | 10:13 |
aboyousif | predaeus, | 10:22 |
_dillinger | damn, well, no help for my printer problem :( | 10:24 |
_dillinger | I can live with the missing monitor but I really need the printer for work, it's starting to be a problem | 10:25 |
predaeus | _dillinger, did you try the PDF printer to see if cups works? It prints to a pdf file in ~/PDF/ | 10:30 |
_dillinger | ach, good idea | 10:30 |
aboyousif | predaeus, strange the iso works with the virtualbox | 10:32 |
_dillinger | well, I'll be damned, nice blank .pdf file | 10:33 |
_dillinger | so, what should I do? cups obviously not working then | 10:33 |
predaeus | _dillinger, did you try other applications? what app are you using? | 10:36 |
predaeus | aboyousif, yes that is strange indeed. No idea what is going on. | 10:36 |
leche_y_galletas | hallo ihr, mit welchen irc client benutzt man in xfce? | 11:22 |
aboyousif | leche_y_galletas, i use xchat .. others use irssi .. others use something else .. it is your choice i think | 11:26 |
leche_y_galletas | oh sry, its the english channel | 11:26 |
leche_y_galletas | im trying xfce for the first time | 11:27 |
leche_y_galletas | ok, will switch to xchat now, the one im used to | 11:27 |
* gnomefreak cant live without irssi | 11:44 | |
* ffjia like konversation | 11:45 | |
MBR666 | 'm running xubuntu 704. i installde kde along side. so i could run either xfce or kde. now i decided kde is crap i want to remove it completely. how do i do that? apt-get remove --- whats the package name | 12:17 |
MBR666 | i'm back | 12:19 |
Pixilarion | MBR666: just remove the package you installed to get kde | 13:38 |
Pixilarion | maybe kubuntu-desktop? | 13:38 |
MBR666 | i tried it didn't work. so i removed a primary library and it removed all of kde | 13:39 |
MBR666 | i googled and google and googled til i found my answer | 13:39 |
Pixilarion | MBR666: so now it is ok? | 13:39 |
MBR666 | yup | 13:39 |
MBR666 | ty anyway | 13:39 |
Pixilarion | ok, glad to hear that | 13:39 |
Pixilarion | np | 13:39 |
MBR666 | have you or are you using 710 ? | 13:40 |
MBR666 | just wondering if it's worth an install | 13:41 |
Pixilarion | yep, I'm using 7.10 | 13:41 |
Pixilarion | works fine for me | 13:41 |
Pixilarion | only Skype isn't performing well | 13:42 |
Pixilarion | worked better under 6.10 | 13:42 |
Pixilarion | but the updated packages makes it worth upgrading | 13:43 |
Pixilarion | *make | 13:43 |
MBR666 | thats cool. i was scared it might take my system down. ya know those infmouse upgrade issues that come up with OS upgrades | 13:49 |
baty | hey people does anybody knows how to get to work a xcell2000 mobo with any linux distro? | 14:00 |
nick4_ | where does xubuntu store Trash? | 14:07 |
mindframe- | in da trash bin | 14:08 |
maxamillion | heh ... | 14:09 |
nick4_ | :P | 14:09 |
mindframe- | the trash bin should show up in your file manager and possibly on the desktop | 14:14 |
maxamillion | nick4_: try /home/<username/.Trash ... i honestly can't remember but i think that's it | 14:14 |
mindframe- | how do i modify which shortcuts show up in the file manager? | 14:14 |
nick4_ | maxamillion thank you | 14:14 |
mindframe- | it's showing a shortcut to my /boot partition, which i really dont want to see | 14:14 |
maxamillion | nick4_: np | 14:15 |
nick4_ | I can't find some files that I see inside the desktop icon but managed to locate them with "find" | 14:15 |
nick4_ | ~/.local/share/Trash/files/ | 14:15 |
maxamillion | ah, good ol' find | 14:15 |
maxamillion | i actually don't run xubuntu anymore and i don't have xfce intalled here at work so sorry i wasn't of much help :( | 14:16 |
Mark76 | Woohoo! My games are working again :D | 14:20 |
nick4_ | maxamillion no, it's ok :) | 14:20 |
Mark76 | When you create a new partition on your hard disc what should you label it as? | 14:26 |
Mark76 | All the choices are confusing | 14:28 |
TheSheep | Mark76: label it 'MyPorn' :) | 14:30 |
Mark76 | Ha ha | 14:30 |
Mark76 | Be serious :p | 14:31 |
TheSheep | I'm *always* serious | 14:32 |
TheSheep | label is just a label | 14:32 |
TheSheep | a name | 14:32 |
maxamillion | Mark76: he speaks the truth, TheSheep does not goof around | 14:32 |
Mark76 | I tried to install Mandriva on a new partition yesterday and I'm pretty sure I used the wrong label | 14:32 |
Mark76 | Tag? | 14:32 |
Mark76 | Erm | 14:32 |
TheSheep | filesystem? | 14:33 |
TheSheep | mountpoint? | 14:33 |
maxamillion | wrong filesystem could potentially mess some stuff up | 14:33 |
maxamillion | also mountpoint | 14:33 |
Mark76 | Maybe | 14:33 |
Mark76 | Yes | 14:33 |
maxamillion | but name ... name shouldn't matter | 14:33 |
Mark76 | That's the one | 14:33 |
TheSheep | Mark76: mount point is where you want it to appear | 14:33 |
Mark76 | Must be file system. Give me some examples | 14:34 |
TheSheep | Mark76: usually somehting inside /mnt/, /media/, or your own home is a good choice | 14:34 |
TheSheep | Mark76: filesystem can be ext2, ext3, reiser, xfs | 14:34 |
Mark76 | That's the boy! | 14:34 |
maxamillion | ? | 14:34 |
TheSheep | Mark76: ubuntu recommends ext3 | 14:34 |
maxamillion | Mark76: i recommend ext3 | 14:34 |
Mark76 | I think I made my Mandriva partition ext3 | 14:35 |
maxamillion | TheSheep: what do you personally recommend? | 14:35 |
* maxamillion is just curious | 14:35 | |
TheSheep | maxamillion: for what? :) | 14:35 |
TheSheep | maxamillion: for desktop -- ext3 | 14:35 |
Mark76 | BTW, 3D acceleration is working again :D | 14:35 |
TheSheep | maxamillion: on a server, you'd want to have different mounts with different filesystems | 14:36 |
maxamillion | TheSheep: on a server i would rather run opensolaris for ZFS ... but i'm still waiting on Nexenta to go stable | 14:36 |
maxamillion | but that's a different story/conversation for a different day | 14:37 |
Mark76 | They should have a 3D option for Kopete and Pidgin | 14:37 |
TheSheep | maxamillion: well, /tmp would be pretty happy with ext2 or even tmpfs :) | 14:37 |
Mark76 | tmp is temporary, right? | 14:37 |
maxamillion | TheSheep: true | 14:38 |
maxamillion | TheSheep: but ZFS is so freaking fast | 14:38 |
Mark76 | FS is file system, right? | 14:38 |
Mark76 | What's the Z? | 14:39 |
TheSheep | Mark76: yes | 14:39 |
TheSheep | Mark76: usually the author's name or some cool sounding codename :) | 14:39 |
Mark76 | Ah | 14:39 |
maxamillion | Mark76: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zfs | 14:39 |
Mark76 | ANyone fancy writing a 3D app for Pidgin? | 14:39 |
TheSheep | Zettabyte | 14:40 |
maxamillion | Mark76: a 3d app for pidgin? ... i don't follow | 14:40 |
TheSheep | haha | 14:40 |
maxamillion | TheSheep: yeah ... | 14:40 |
Mark76 | You could have your conversations on a cube | 14:40 |
Mark76 | Save cluttering up the tabs bar if you're a chronic chatter | 14:40 |
TheSheep | Mark76: or in a form of a comic strip | 14:40 |
maxamillion | Mark76: that would be pointless ... things like that should be handled by the window manager, 3d applications just clutter things and become unusable | 14:41 |
TheSheep | Mark76: microsoft did that | 14:41 |
Mark76 | Did they? | 14:41 |
TheSheep | Mark76: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Comic_Chat | 14:41 |
Mark76 | Well, OS would do it better :p | 14:41 |
Mark76 | Okay, for the Evil Empire that's pretty neat | 14:42 |
TheSheep | no, that's exceptionally evil | 14:42 |
Mark76 | Lol | 14:42 |
TheSheep | especially the way they communicated the facial expressions | 14:42 |
Mark76 | What's wrong with them? | 14:43 |
TheSheep | [dfhgiosehgehbcersdfklsd] no idea | 14:45 |
maxamillion | what's not wrong with them? | 14:45 |
Mark76 | :p | 14:46 |
fyn | i's on a machine with 256mb, is there a nice guide somewheres for trimming out unnecessary items for the best xubuntu memory footprint? | 14:50 |
TheSheep | fyn: just remove the services you don't use | 14:50 |
Mark76 | Yep | 14:50 |
Mark76 | Easy as that | 14:51 |
Mark76 | Or you could try Fluxbuntu | 14:51 |
maxamillion | Mark76: fluxbuntu is having some issues at the moment ... they still haven't released gutsy because they haven't reached a stable release image | 14:51 |
Mark76 | Ah | 14:52 |
Mark76 | Later then | 14:52 |
maxamillion | ;) | 14:52 |
Mark76 | Is Fluxbuntu an official family member? | 14:52 |
maxamillion | Mark76: no | 14:53 |
maxamillion | Mark76: something to do with politics | 14:53 |
Mark76 | http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7067962.stm | 14:53 |
Mark76 | Ah right | 14:53 |
fyn | hm ... is fluxbox really much lighter than xfce or more just a subjective preference thing? | 14:54 |
maxamillion | Mark76: xubuntu is kinda in limbo in my opinion | 14:54 |
maxamillion | fyn: well it is much lighter becuase it doesn't depend on any gtk libraries at all ... but once you get all your applications running and such, its "more lightweight" features normally become neglegable and its mainly just a preference thing after that | 14:55 |
fyn | heh. | 14:55 |
maxamillion | fyn: i run openbox and pypanel on some machines, xfce/gnome/kde on others ... all depends on the machine, what its for and who is using it | 14:55 |
Mark76 | Limbo, Max? | 14:56 |
maxamillion | Mark76: huh? | 14:56 |
Mark76 | *lowers the bar* | 14:56 |
maxamillion | lol | 14:57 |
Mark76 | Xubuntu is in limbo? | 14:57 |
maxamillion | Mark76: well, xubuntu is "officially recognized" but we are kinda the red headed step child of the ubuntu world from and internal view of the *buntu family | 14:59 |
Mark76 | Ah | 14:59 |
Mark76 | Oh well, give it time | 14:59 |
maxamillion | meh, i stopped using it long ago ... Xubuntu is a great project, but its main drawback is that ubuntu updates constantly break things .... 7 years of debian with *zero* issues | 15:00 |
* maxamillion knocks on wood | 15:00 | |
Mark76 | Lol | 15:02 |
maxamillion | TheSheep: can i try/catch an import statement in python? | 15:02 |
* maxamillion can't remember | 15:02 | |
Mark76 | I'm off | 15:15 |
Mark76 | Bye for now | 15:15 |
fyn | is there an epiphany build sans extraneous gnome deps for use with xubuntu or some other lightweight gecko implementaion? | 15:18 |
garuhhh | hi! what's the easiest way installing vlc if my pc is not connected to the internet? | 15:35 |
Pixilarion | !epiphany | 15:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about epiphany - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:35 |
Pixilarion | garuhhh: isn't it included on the cd? | 15:36 |
Pixilarion | !vlc | 15:36 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 15:36 |
Pixilarion | !VLC | 15:37 |
garuhhh | if it's in the cd, won't it be installed automatically? | 15:37 |
Pixilarion | nope | 15:37 |
Pixilarion | just try sudo apt-get install vlc with your cd inserted | 15:38 |
aussieman | anyone using gutsy yet? im having problems with network manager .. | 15:38 |
Pixilarion | aussieman: I am | 15:38 |
Pixilarion | without NM problems :) | 15:38 |
aussieman | Pixilarion, is nm and the aplet going ok? | 15:39 |
aussieman | i keep having drop outs in the connection, it wont display the cable connexion if i have the ewifi on roaming and everytime i start up i have an increasing number of applets in my task bar | 15:39 |
aussieman | how is that for a start? | 15:39 |
TheSheep | maxamillion: yes | 15:40 |
aussieman | pues mal | 15:40 |
aussieman | ok well ill just keep hunting for an answer | 15:40 |
Pixilarion | aussieman: if you wnat you can disable the networkmanager alltogether | 15:40 |
Pixilarion | Settings > Autostarted Applications | 15:41 |
Pixilarion | but I only use a cable connection | 15:41 |
aussieman | how? | 15:41 |
aussieman | Pixilarion, how? | 15:41 |
Pixilarion | so I can't help you with wifi | 15:41 |
Pixilarion | how what? | 15:41 |
Pixilarion | the disableing? | 15:42 |
Pixilarion | just go to, like i said, Settings > Autostarted Applications | 15:42 |
Pixilarion | there you can switch off the applets | 15:42 |
aussieman | ok thanks | 15:42 |
Pixilarion | like update manager and network manager | 15:42 |
Pixilarion | they annoyed my like hell | 15:42 |
Pixilarion | :) | 15:42 |
aussieman | done | 15:43 |
aussieman | i dont mind them when they work properly but i recall when i got fiesty it took a few weeks for them to settle down i suppose this will be the same | 15:43 |
Pixilarion | lol | 15:44 |
Pixilarion | don't know about that | 15:44 |
aussieman | thats linux | 15:44 |
Pixilarion | well, the update manager for me was a real pain because I'm working on a slow machine | 15:45 |
Pixilarion | and at boot time it took all my resources | 15:45 |
Pixilarion | and the networkmanager isn't necessary for my because of 1 permanent cable connection | 15:45 |
aussieman | yeh i know i had one of them until the spanih gvt decdied to give us all cheap loans | 15:45 |
Pixilarion | well, my iBook broke down a few eeks a go and as a poor student I can't afford a new one | 15:46 |
Pixilarion | so I'm stuck with this Dell from 8 years old | 15:46 |
Zettabyte | Hello | 15:47 |
Zettabyte | a question ! | 15:47 |
Pixilarion | Zettabyte: hi | 15:47 |
Pixilarion | shoot! :) | 15:47 |
TheSheep | zfs... | 15:47 |
Zettabyte | Shared folders in xubuntu ??? | 15:48 |
Pixilarion | Zettabyte: System > Shared Folders? | 15:48 |
Zettabyte | but !! Windows shared folders for viewing on xubuntu | 15:49 |
Pixilarion | Zettabyte: man, please make some nice phrases | 15:50 |
Pixilarion | What are you asking actually? | 15:50 |
garuhhh | pixilarion: thanks! i'll try that first... | 15:52 |
Zettabyte | As to see the shared folders of a pc with windows on my pc xubuntu | 15:52 |
Zettabyte | I need to access windows shared folder from xubuntu desktop | 15:53 |
Pixilarion | Zettabyte: ok, I understand you now | 15:53 |
Pixilarion | give me a minute | 15:53 |
TheSheep | !smbfs | 15:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smbfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 15:54 |
Zettabyte | In ubuntu, there is an option from the dropdown menu but on xubuntu it doesn't have. | 15:54 |
TheSheep | Zettabyte: you need a separate client for that, or a smbfs mount | 15:54 |
TheSheep | Zettabyte: xubuntu doesn't come with an smb client | 15:55 |
TheSheep | Zettabyte: you need to install one | 15:55 |
Zettabyte | Like that? | 16:02 |
winkerbean | Anybody know how to get lpr to print a file with printer codes already embedded in the file? | 16:21 |
pilibeen | so is it a good idea to upgrade to gutsy gibbon right now? | 16:25 |
vinze | pilibeen, be sure to back up your stuff if you can | 16:25 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
vinze | Hey people, I've got this other harddrive in my computer that I plan on using for backups... Which filesystem would you recommend? Just normal ext3? | 16:46 |
zoredache | how are you going to make backups, and what are you backing up? | 16:54 |
zoredache | if you where to use something like dirvish for example you would want to use ext3 | 16:55 |
vinze | zoredache, I think I'll use sbackup to backup my personal documents and perhaps my settings | 16:55 |
zoredache | but generally unless you are doing something unusual it is best to stick with ext3... it is probably the most well tested and most stable filesystem | 16:57 |
vinze | OK then I'll go with that, thanks | 16:57 |
zoredache | oh, and let me put another plug in for dirvish... It is a great backup tool... I think it is what Apple stole their idea for time machine from | 16:59 |
* vinze looks up dirvish | 16:59 | |
vinze | Hmm... Is it commandline? | 17:00 |
zoredache | the really neat feature is that it uses hard links to effeciently store multiple backups | 17:00 |
zoredache | yes, it is basically just a perl script that runs rsync | 17:00 |
vinze | I prefer GTK applications... | 17:00 |
graulich | I just installed xubuntu-desktop on Gutsy Ubuntu. On the first time I loaded the xfce session all was well, but since then every time I try, xfce4-session doesn't start and I have to start all the bits and pieces of xfce one by one. | 17:02 |
Toshibi | Hello....I have a question about Upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10 | 17:10 |
evil_tech | ok | 17:11 |
vinze | I can't unmount a partition because "it disagrees with fstab", what should I do? | 17:12 |
Toshibi | I am getting an MD5Sum error on the last file | 17:12 |
evil_tech | vinze: i think there is a command to force unmount | 17:15 |
vinze | evil_tech, when I ran Thunar as root I managed to unmount it without errors, but Gparted takes ages to scan my hard drives now | 17:15 |
brick__ | how do i make compiz-fusion autostart when starting up/rebooting? | 17:16 |
vinze | Ah well, I'm off for dinner, I'll try again later | 17:16 |
brick__ | nevermind. got it. | 17:17 |
evil_tech | how did you do it brick__? | 17:18 |
evil_tech | i've been trying to get it to run at boot for a while | 17:19 |
brick__ | just added it to autostarted applications with command compiz --replace | 17:19 |
=== maxamillion is now known as notMax | ||
evil_tech | hmm i tried that and it didnt work | 17:19 |
brick__ | hmm. running 7.04 or 7.10 ? | 17:20 |
evil_tech | 7.10 | 17:20 |
brick__ | it didnt work for me in7.04, had to make som startupscript that i cant remmember, and havent tested in 7.10 yet, ill restart now and be backin a second-- | 17:20 |
brick__ | evil_tech, worked perfectly here. | 17:22 |
brick__ | rebooted and got compiz running right away.. | 17:22 |
evil_tech | hmm must not have done it right | 17:22 |
evil_tech | i'll have to double check when i back in xubuntu | 17:23 |
brick__ | its in meny - settings - autostarted apps. name and description to what ever you want and command is compiz --replace | 17:23 |
brick__ | in xfce menu editor, there is an --- include --- system line.. how can i edit whats in that "system" meny ? | 17:42 |
TheSheep | brick__: you can add your own entries bove it and they will 'cover' the included ones | 17:43 |
TheSheep | above | 17:43 |
brick__ | yeah, but if i just want to add something to that system menu? a launcher for fireftp in the network menu? | 17:43 |
TheSheep | brick__: make a 'network' submenu and a 'fireftp' launcher in it | 17:44 |
TheSheep | brick__: just make sure to put it above the include | 17:44 |
brick__ | but will it overwrite the values inside the systems network menu ? | 17:44 |
TheSheep | brick__: only the ones named the same as those you add | 17:45 |
TheSheep | brick__: submenus will be 'merged' | 17:45 |
brick__ | ok... | 17:45 |
brick__ | shame,, i lost the network menu icon.. any idea on what name it has? cant remmember how it looked and its looks crappy with "holes" in the menu | 17:52 |
TheSheep | brick__: xfce-network afair | 18:02 |
brick__ | no suck thing here. only xfce-internet | 18:02 |
brick__ | but i think its the one:P | 18:03 |
vinze | Hey, I want to format /dev/hda, but when I open Gparted while it is unmounted, it will takes ages to start (it hangs with "Scanning all devices..."). Any ideas? | 18:29 |
zoredache | did you say you are trying to format a partition while it is mounted? Also, do you really want to format /dev/hda, or do you want to create a partition on it, and format that? | 18:32 |
vinze | No, I want to partition it, for which it needs to be unmounted, but when it is, Gparted won't start normally.... | 18:34 |
vinze | And yes, I want to format /dev/hda (there are two partitions on it now), but Xubuntu is on /dev/hdb ;-) | 18:34 |
zoredache | you probably should repartition while you are booted from a livecd.... | 18:35 |
vinze | Hmm... Yeah, I'll try that then, thanks | 18:35 |
zoredache | repartitioning while on a running system tends not to work out very well | 18:35 |
vinze | Well, /dev/hda has nothing to do with my running system, but from a LiveCD will probably work better indeed | 18:36 |
graulich | I installed xubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu Gutsy. Ever since my second xfce session, when I log on as myself xfce4-session doesn't start. I made a new user to see if this is a systemwide problem, and the new user loads xfce4 just fine. What could the problem be? | 18:36 |
vinze | zoredache, apparently Gparted has now finished loading so I can still partition it now :) | 18:40 |
schlumpf- | hi i am trying to build "openVeoh" i followed the steps as said in the walkthrough but i had the following errors during the make command i have no clue so ill just c&p the last lines | 19:47 |
schlumpf- | ../include/veohsql.h:38:21: error: sqlite3.h: No such file or directory | 19:47 |
schlumpf- | ../include/veohsql.h:42: Fehler: ISO-C++ verbietet Deklaration von »sqlite3« ohne Typ | 19:47 |
schlumpf- | ../include/veohsql.h:42: Fehler: expected »;« before »*« token | 19:47 |
schlumpf- | ../include/veohsql.h: In destructor »VeohSQL::~VeohSQL()«: | 19:47 |
schlumpf- | ../include/veohsql.h:56: Fehler: »db« wurde in diesem Gültigkeitsbereich nicht definiert | 19:47 |
schlumpf- | ../include/veohsql.h:56: Fehler: »sqlite3_close« wurde in diesem Gültigkeitsbereich nicht definiert | 19:47 |
schlumpf- | make[1]: *** [clientinfo.o] Fehler 1 | 19:48 |
schlumpf- | make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/openveoh/src/core' | 19:48 |
schlumpf- | make: *** [libopenveoh] Fehler 2 | 19:48 |
evil_tech | !pastebin | 19:49 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 19:49 |
Rodents210 | I set up my wireless adapter but I can't set it to "No security" and it can never get get a connection | 19:51 |
Rodents210 | it lights up and says it can connect but signal strength is 0 | 19:51 |
Rodents210 | I think what I'm using is p54usb because it works, and the ndiswrapper driver does not | 19:54 |
=== dm_ is now known as DM| | ||
graulich | what's the simplest way to have a command run every time I log in? | 20:11 |
evil_tech | cron job? | 20:11 |
graulich | how do I make one? | 20:12 |
evil_tech | um i cant remember and my linux book seems to be missing | 20:13 |
graulich | isn't there a relatively simple way involving gdm? | 20:14 |
evil_tech | i think there is a GUI of it | 20:14 |
evil_tech | you could poke around in synaptic for one | 20:15 |
graulich | I just need to put one command in, I wanna poke around as little as possible =\ | 20:15 |
evil_tech | http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-add-jobs-to-cron-under-linux-or-unix-oses/ | 20:18 |
evil_tech | crontab -e in a terminal | 20:18 |
evil_tech | is there an equivalent program to DVDFab in linux? | 20:37 |
=== notMax is now known as maxamillion | ||
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna | ||
julesa | And there you have it. | 21:38 |
harryc | now I have a question to ask someone. how do I do that? | 21:38 |
julesa | Just ask. | 21:39 |
D4vid | I have an old laptop with 800 mhz and 182 mb ram | 21:43 |
D4vid | will xubuntu run smoothly | 21:43 |
D4vid | + | 21:43 |
D4vid | ? | 21:43 |
harryc | I installed a feisty fawn version of xubuntu on an old ibm thinkpad. it worked great for a while and then one day I turned it on and the menu bar across the top of the desktop had disappeared along with all the menu options. I got up a terminal and tried to update, but it wouldn't let me do it. anyone have a fix? thanks very much. | 21:43 |
julesa | D4vid: That's a bit tight. You might want to look at something smaller like xubuntu. | 21:47 |
julesa | D4vid: Though, honestly, 182Mb of ram is kind of tight. Have you thought about upgrading it. If it's even possible? | 21:47 |
D4vid | i wrote xubuntu | 21:48 |
* julesa chuckles. | 21:48 | |
D4vid | and this is the xubuntu forum | 21:48 |
D4vid | channel* | 21:48 |
D4vid | i think it's possible | 21:48 |
julesa | Did I type xubuntu? Yes, space aliens took over my fingers. | 21:48 |
D4vid | what did you mean then? | 21:49 |
T` | is it safe to just do a apt-get update/dist-upgrade after changing fiesty to gutsy in sources.list? | 21:49 |
T` | my upgrade manager doesn't show a new distro | 21:49 |
T` | i dunno why | 21:49 |
julesa | D4vid: How about http://www.puppylinux.org/ or DSL? | 21:50 |
D4vid | xubuntu says that it only need 64 mb ram | 21:51 |
D4vid | and it is only going to be used for internet, email and wordprocessing | 21:51 |
julesa | D4vid: Well, there's only one way to find out! | 21:51 |
D4vid | yeah hehe | 21:52 |
D4vid | i think it's going to be faster than xp anyway | 21:52 |
julesa | Can you even boot XP in that amount of ram? | 21:52 |
D4vid | julesa, yes it works but it's slow sometimes | 21:55 |
jjmiv | what's going on | 21:58 |
unl33t_home | hello | 22:25 |
|PeReGiL| | buenas tardes gente | 22:26 |
|PeReGiL| | bunisimas tardes | 22:26 |
|PeReGiL| | alguien q hable español ¿? | 22:26 |
unl33t_home | lo siento, no, no hablo mucho | 22:27 |
|PeReGiL| | ni modo | 22:27 |
|PeReGiL| | alguien q me ayude | 22:27 |
|PeReGiL| | tengo problemas con glx en mi xubuntu gutsy | 22:27 |
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP | ||
unl33t_home | not working? roto? | 22:28 |
unl33t_home | o not installed? | 22:29 |
|PeReGiL| | no esta instalado | 22:29 |
|PeReGiL| | de hecho no puedo instalarlo con | 22:29 |
|PeReGiL| | apt-get install xserver-glx | 22:30 |
|PeReGiL| | no me permite instalar por que me pide la clave de root .. se la pongo .. pero me señala como clave incorrectar | 22:30 |
unl33t_home | que vidio card? ati? nvidia? | 22:31 |
|PeReGiL| | nvidia | 22:31 |
|PeReGiL| | tengo activada la aceleracion 3D | 22:31 |
|PeReGiL| | rendering yes | 22:31 |
dgimse | hi i was wondering how to change file extenaions in the boot directory | 22:32 |
|PeReGiL| | puedo instalar ubuntu en xubuntu | 22:34 |
unl33t_home | PeReGil: aptitude install nvidia-glx-new | 22:34 |
|PeReGiL| | ok | 22:35 |
|PeReGiL| | tnaks | 22:35 |
|PeReGiL| | tanks | 22:35 |
unl33t_home | no problem | 22:35 |
unl33t_home | that should do it | 22:35 |
unl33t_home | si no trabajo, aptitude search nvidia, por file list | 22:36 |
|PeReGiL| | ok | 22:37 |
|PeReGiL| | algo mas | 22:37 |
|PeReGiL| | se puede instalar gnome sobre xubuntu ¿? | 22:37 |
unl33t_home | sobre? | 22:37 |
|PeReGiL| | en xubuntu | 22:38 |
|PeReGiL| | gnome in xubuntu | 22:38 |
unl33t_home | ah | 22:38 |
unl33t_home | install gnome-desktop, but will replace xubuntu-desktop meta backage (profile) | 22:39 |
unl33t_home | anyone know if they are no longer doing a ppc port? | 22:40 |
unl33t_home | i want to install xubuntu on my powerbook... | 22:40 |
|PeReGiL| | unable to lock the admisitration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) are you root? | 22:41 |
stinkyfoot | anyone in here? | 22:41 |
|PeReGiL| | unable to lock the admisitration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) are you root? | 22:42 |
unl33t_home | around ish | 22:42 |
|PeReGiL| | no reconoce mi contraseña de root | 22:42 |
unl33t_home | sudo <command> | 22:43 |
stinkyfoot | my firefox always crashes | 22:43 |
stinkyfoot | at odd times | 22:43 |
stinkyfoot | any advice? | 22:43 |
unl33t_home | off the top of my head, not really, whats it running on? | 22:44 |
stinkyfoot | meaning what kind of computer? | 22:44 |
unl33t_home | x64? x86? | 22:44 |
unl33t_home | yeah | 22:44 |
stinkyfoot | 86 | 22:44 |
stinkyfoot | it happens on both my desktop and laptop | 22:44 |
unl33t_home | odd, should work fine | 22:44 |
stinkyfoot | its not when i ahve a bunch of windows open or anything | 22:44 |
unl33t_home | on my system its usually java or flash related | 22:44 |
|PeReGiL| | ok | 22:45 |
|PeReGiL| | tnaks | 22:45 |
|PeReGiL| | tanks | 22:45 |
stinkyfoot | yea i guess it could be that | 22:45 |
stinkyfoot | how do i fix that? | 22:45 |
|PeReGiL| | install compiz fusion in xubuntu ¿? | 22:45 |
unl33t_home | make sure they're installed, you might have to enable the commercial repositories | 22:46 |
stinkyfoot | well they're definitely installed | 22:46 |
stinkyfoot | what other browsers can i run that are compatible? | 22:46 |
stinkyfoot | with lots of websites? | 22:46 |
stinkyfoot | other than opera | 22:46 |
stinkyfoot | which crashes sometimes as well for me | 22:46 |
unl33t_home | gnome used to have a browser, kde still does, but both are mozilla based | 22:47 |
stinkyfoot | kde has konqueror yea | 22:47 |
stinkyfoot | that one was working fine when i was running kubuntu | 22:47 |
stinkyfoot | but it's also a file manager and i'm wary of installing it in xubuntu because of that | 22:47 |
unl33t_home | if you enable the kde libs in the settings, don't remember the menu path off th top of my head, sorry | 22:48 |
unl33t_home | doh | 22:48 |
stinkyfoot | i dont want it to take over my file management | 22:48 |
Zettabyte | Hello | 22:48 |
Zettabyte | I have a problem mounting shared folders on xubuntu in fstab | 22:48 |
|PeReGiL| | install compiz fusion in xubuntu gutsy ¿? | 22:48 |
stinkyfoot | no likely peregil | 22:48 |
|PeReGiL| | cuales son los repositorios | 22:49 |
Zettabyte | peregil eres duro en xubuntu? | 22:49 |
stinkyfoot | que significa duro | 22:49 |
|PeReGiL| | not | 22:49 |
Zettabyte | I have a problem mounting shared folders in fstab | 22:49 |
Zettabyte | guru | 22:50 |
stinkyfoot | did i say that right? | 22:50 |
stinkyfoot | que significa? | 22:50 |
|PeReGiL| | nose | 22:50 |
|PeReGiL| | pero soy novato | 22:50 |
Zettabyte | quice decir que si es un guru de xubuntu | 22:50 |
|PeReGiL| | comnece con xubuntu | 22:50 |
|PeReGiL| | mi primer contacto con linux | 22:50 |
|PeReGiL| | fue por xubuntu | 22:51 |
Zettabyte | tengo un problema montando carpetas compartidas | 22:51 |
Zettabyte | si las monto manualmente bien | 22:51 |
D4vid | how do install? | 22:51 |
Zettabyte | pero en fstab para que quede cada vez que se inicia linux no funciona | 22:51 |
D4vid | i get this Busybox thingy | 22:51 |
|PeReGiL| | se puede instalar compiz fusion en xubuntu gutsy ¿? | 22:51 |
Zettabyte | creo que no | 22:52 |
|PeReGiL| | uhmmm | 22:52 |
|PeReGiL| | ni modo | 22:52 |
|PeReGiL| | me cambio a ubuntu con gnome | 22:52 |
unl33t_home | no se, aptitude search compiz o aptitude search fusion, possible | 22:52 |
Zettabyte | pero para xfce lo dudo | 22:52 |
|PeReGiL| | si llevo semanas intentandolo | 22:53 |
unl33t_home | anyone know if the ppc ports been dropped compleatly? | 23:02 |
aoupi | hrm, how can I get the command of an item in the menu? | 23:12 |
unl33t_home | i think through one of the two menu editors, haven't played with it too much yet | 23:13 |
unl33t_home | under settings | 23:13 |
aoupi | well | 23:14 |
aoupi | it says --- include system --- where the item is :) | 23:14 |
TheSheep | aoupi: if you add another item with the same name above it, it will 'cover' the system one | 23:14 |
TheSheep | aoupi: and the submenus are merged | 23:15 |
aoupi | TheSheep: yea, but I want to know what command is run when I click a certain item in the menu | 23:15 |
aoupi | Display Settings | 23:15 |
aoupi | how would I invoke that from a terminal | 23:16 |
TheSheep | grep 'Display Setting' /usr/share/applications/*.desktop | 23:16 |
TheSheep | then see into the files listed | 23:16 |
aoupi | TheSheep: thanks :) | 23:16 |
TheSheep | aoupi: the command is: xfce-setting-show display | 23:17 |
aoupi | yea, found it thx | 23:17 |
unl33t_home | there should be another menu editor that goes more in depth to what is in the system menu | 23:25 |
TheSheep | unl33t_home: these items are not user-editable | 23:27 |
unl33t_home | hrm, sorry :\ | 23:27 |
TheSheep | unl33t_home: there is a work in progress for a new menu system for xfce 4.6 that fixes this issue | 23:27 |
TheSheep | unl33t_home: but it's liekly to take a while | 23:28 |
unl33t_home | i've waited for gnome to make it where it has and dabbled in fvwm ;) i can wait for xfce :) | 23:32 |
unl33t_home | ok, time to clean... gotta bounce, and soon i'll replace osx with xubuntu :) | 23:33 |
evil_tech | how do you start xfce wm | 23:42 |
TheSheep | xfwm4 | 23:43 |
evil_tech | grr i made compiz break stuff | 23:44 |
evil_tech | there fixed | 23:46 |
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