
Peakeris it possible that the repository recorded my g-w permission bit when I first created it, and now is using g-w on all mkdirs because of that?00:10
fullermdIt doesn't record it, except in the perms of the dirs.00:11
fullermdIf you chmod -R xyz .bzr/*, it'll use xyz.00:11
Peakeroh maybe its n04m's .bzr that has g-w bit...00:12
Peakerhe is the one making dirs with g-w :)00:12
=== mc_ is now known as mc__
fullermdWell, obviously.  '04' doesn't include g+w   ;p00:16
Peakerya I am not sure what the deal with the l33tsp34k is there :)00:17
nekohayohi jelmer, I'm trying to fix some things up in olive, but it seems that any changes I make to /ui.py do nothing... any ideas?00:19
lifelessjelmer: bugmfiling time on the cli00:19
jelmerlifeless, which cli?00:20
jelmernekohayo: hi jeff00:20
nekohayoI want to alleviate those jumping progressbars, but no changes are visible... even if I change the window title from "Progress" to "Monkey", it does not work00:20
lifelessbranch registration00:20
jelmernekohayo: maybe it's using the one installed on the system?00:24
nekohayojelmer: that's strange, locate "ui.py" |grep bzr does not return an exact match00:25
jelmernekohayo, not sure then what may be causing it00:26
abentleyPeaker: Did you set the *remote* umask?00:27
Peakerabentley: Its fixed now, the problem was the commiter's .bzr directory, not mine00:28
Peakerabentley: when he created branches under my .bzr, permissions from his remote .bzr were used00:28
abentleyThat seems extremely unlikely.00:28
Peakerabentley: he used:  bzr get URL-TO-ME  URL2-TO-ME       and URL2-TO-ME inherited the .bzr permissions of hiw CWD, not of URL-TO-ME00:29
abentleyWhen you use bzr+ssh, the permissions of the remote bzr are used, as if you were ssh-ing in, and creating the files by hand.00:29
Peakerabentley: Looked a bit at the bzr+ssh code, it has an mkdir method that takes a mode and which means its likely that his local machine is telling the bzr+ssh url handler to set the modes inherited from his local .bzr, which in fact happened (as he fixed his .bzr permissions, the url2 started being created with g+w)00:30
abentleyOh, you're not talking about creating files over bzr+ssh.00:30
nekohayojelmer: hmm. Now that makes me wonder, what is ui.py for inside the bzr-gtk trunk?00:30
nekohayoif it doesn't use it00:30
jelmernekohayo: it *should* use it00:30
abentleyYou're talking about retrieving data from bzr+ssh, and creating files locally.00:30
nekohayojelmer: any way to *force* it to use it?00:32
abentleyOwner and group can be inherited from CWD, but permissions cannot.00:32
jelmernekohayo: It should be using it in all cases00:32
nekohayothen wtf o_o00:32
Peakerabentley: no, I am talking about creating a remote bzr+ssh branch of another bzr+ssh branch. For some reason it used his local unrelated CWD repository perms for that00:32
abentleyPermissions, i.e. r/w/x, come only from the umask.00:32
lifelessnekohayo: do this; python -c 'import bzrlib.plugins.gtk; print bzrlib.plugins.gtk.__file__'00:32
nekohayoah ha! wtf² :) /me removes that dir00:33
abentleyWell, I consider it extremely unlikely that his local CWD permissions have anything to do with it.00:34
Peakerabentley: Nope, the umask was and is 002.  He created branches and they had g-w until he changed his local CWD .bzr to be g+w and then the branches he created remotely in my machine started having g+W00:34
Peakerabentley: that's just what happened00:34
abentleyOkay, if you say so.00:35
nekohayoyay, it works, thanks lifeless and jelmer... I can get back to trying to sanitize that progress dialog00:35
nekohayoholy cow00:39
nekohayothose progressbars are weird00:39
nekohayothey remove themselves dozens of times per second!00:39
nekohayodon't quite know what to do with that00:40
fullermdTell 'em to quit taking so many breaks or you'll fire them?00:40
nekohayoI should00:40
jelmernekohayo: I've been thinking about making it possible to set a "progress bar widget"00:40
jelmerso windows can tell the progress bar to appear in a specific place before they start doing something00:41
nekohayojelmer: ?00:41
jelmer(like viz analysing history)00:41
nekohayoa big question I'd like to ask00:41
nekohayowouldn't it be simpler to just have *one* master progressbar?00:42
jelmernekohayo: There is a top-level progressbar00:42
nekohayothat doesn't jump around and hold-up grandma00:42
jelmerso you could choose to ignore all sub-progress bars00:42
jelmernekohayo, not display00:43
Peakerwhen I "bzr pull" into a bound checkout, does it pull into my working-dir/branch, or into the remote bound branch and syncs us both?00:45
nekohayojelmer: hrmm. Do you have a branch of that or something?00:46
fullermdPeaker: The latter.00:46
nekohayoa bit beyond my skillset i think, but if you want a UI reviewer I'd be glad to comment, etc00:46
Peakerfullermd: cool, what I'd expect :)00:46
nekohayo[the coding being beyond my skillset :]00:47
jelmernekohayo: No, not yet. The progress bars need a lot of work, not just the way they look but also the way they're handled inside of bzr-gtk/olive00:47
jelmernekohayo: Comments the UI are more than welcome on the mailing list or the bug tracker00:48
nekohayojelmer: do you have a bug/discussion thread about what you're planning to make them look like yet?00:48
jelmernekohayo: Ideally, they'll be integrated in the various windows00:49
jelmernekohayo: and no longer be standalone windows00:49
jelmernekohayo: they really need a lot of refactoring first before we can look at the specific ui00:49
fullermdjelmer: Hm.  Is the weird clipboard interaction of the post-tab viz intentional?00:50
jelmerfullermd: clipboard interaction?00:51
fullermdI'll take that as a no, then?   ;)00:51
nekohayojelmer: actually, I think the best way would be having an "info pane" like gedit's at the top below the toolbar00:52
nekohayohave you ever seen it?00:52
jelmerfullermd: yes :-)00:52
fullermdI pull up viz, flip over to the Relations tab.  When I flip back to General, it highlights the revid and sticks it in my clipboard.00:52
fullermdOdder still, when I flip back to Relations or exit viz, it restores the clipboard to what it was beforehand.00:52
jelmernekohayo: bzr-gtk is not just olive, the various dialogs can appear without olive as well00:52
nekohayojelmer: but then how would you integrate them into the various windows?00:53
jelmerfullermd: Ah, I see it now too00:53
jelmernekohayo: integrate them into the various windows themselve rather than in some top-level window00:54
jelmernekohayo: or did I misunderstand you earlier?00:54
nekohayojelmer: well isn't olive just one top level window?00:55
jelmernekohayo: some of the windows that can appear with olive as top level window can also appear standalone00:55
nekohayojelmer: that's what I was thinking about, with one and only master progressbar http://blogs.gnome.org/lucasr/files/2007/02/eog-error.png00:55
jelmernekohayo: the problem is, the master progress bar isn't always linear00:57
lifelesswe can't do linear00:57
nekohayolet's have an infamous mac OS beach ball :)00:57
lifelesswe can do linear so some parts of the operation00:58
jelmernekohayo: so you may want to see the subprogressbar in some cases00:58
jelmernekohayo: I think this would be an interesting thing to bring up on the list01:00
jelmerbut I'm getting some sleep first, g'night!01:00
nekohayojelmer: I'll copy-paste snippets of this chat onto https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+bug/12773401:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127734 in bzr-gtk "Progress bars as widgets" [Medium,Triaged]01:05
nekohayo(I'm really not comfortable with mailing lists)01:05
Peakeris it safe to delete ~/.bazaar/svn-cache/ ?  bzr-svn is giving me weird trouble01:09
jelmernekohayo: sure, that'd be useful01:12
jelmerPeaker: yes, it'll just be a bit slower trying to regenerate that data next time you use it01:12
jelmerPeaker: how is it giving you trouble?01:12
Peakerjelmer: depends on which svn branch scheme i use and which URL, I either get "invalid revision id", or divergence errors, or bad scheme/svn url01:13
Peakerjelmer: at one point pull failed on the same URL but bind+updatee worked, but then commit failed claiming divergence01:14
jelmerPeaker: which version are you using?01:15
PeakerBazaar (bzr) 0.90.0  - how do I get the bzr-svn version?01:17
jelmer"bzr plugins" should print it01:17
Peakerit just printed the directory. I got it from dpkg -l: ii  bzr-svn            0.4.1-101:17
Peakerbtw: now it seems completely stuck at pulling from the svn...01:18
jelmerPeaker: stuck how?01:18
Peakermaybe its downloading, I don't know01:18
PeakerI used "bzr pull https://eyal.lotem@enough.googlecode.com/svn"01:18
Peakerentered the password, and its working for a looong while01:19
jelmer0.4.1 is quite old01:19
jelmerand it worked fine on that url before?01:19
PeakerYeah, I think its decided to re-download the entire history, because my network is working01:20
Peakerwhich is weird because I am pulling into a branch inside a repository that already has the entire history01:21
PeakerI hope it wont do damage to my repo :P01:21
jelmerwhether it pulls doesn't depend on whether your network is up01:22
jelmerPeaker: it says "fetching revision info" ? or "copying revision" ?01:22
Peakerjelmer: my network is "working", as in something's downloading. I dont have progress report, so its my only way of knowing01:23
Peakerit doesn't say anything beyond "https://enough.googlecode.com/svn is permanently redirected to http://enough.googlecode.com/svn/" after the password prompt01:23
Peakerits just waiting01:23
jelmerPeaker: are you sure it worked earlier? because I wouldn't know what could be asking for a password...01:25
Peakerjelmer: it worked days ago, since then I pulled/pushed and did lots of things to that branch01:26
Peakernm, its not that important I gave up on pushing back to svn01:26
Peakerhow do I get a diff out of a "bzr missing"?01:26
jelmerPeaker: I'm very curious why it broke, because it really shouldn't01:27
Peakerjelmer: Well, I used trial&error and messed around with it a lot, so it will be hard to separate the variables here01:28
Peakerjelmer: maybe I did something wrong..01:28
jelmerPeaker: bzr diff prints diffs, missing can't01:28
jelmerPeaker: if you've only used the bzr command-line, it shouldn't break01:29
jelmer0.4.1 is quite old though.. :-/01:29
Peakerjelmer: I edited and then deleted ~/.bazaar/subversion.conf too01:29
Peakerit had "trunk0" I tried changing to "trunk" to "none" and then to delete it01:30
Peaker(in branching-scheme)01:30
jelmerthat shouldn't be a problem01:31
Peakerwell, I think debugging a non-important problem on a non-recent version of a plugin in a not-documented state of branches is probably not a priority :)01:32
PeakerIf I want to review the work done on a branch, relatively to its base branch, do I have to merge back, look at the diff, and then revert?01:32
Peakerwow I'm getting 4KB/sec of ARP/DHCP background broadcast noise from my ISP :)01:33
Peakerwas wondering where that is coming from01:34
lifelessPeaker: diff -r ancestor:../base01:34
Peakerancestor is a special rev token?01:35
fullermd -> help revisionspec01:37
Peakerah thanks. "bzr vis" seems like a nice way of reviewing branches too01:37
PeakerI wish it showed the whole file in meld/kompare tho01:37
Peakera diff is not showing me enough context. meld doesn't seem to take input from stdin, and kompare hangs :( How do you view/review your diffs?01:42
fullermdYeah, niom spelt backward.01:46
Peakeris that a way to view diffs? :)01:47
Verterokups, I just was saying Hi!01:52
VerterokPeaker: try with, bzr cat -r revno file_name > file_name_revno, and then use kompare/vimdiff/kdiff301:53
PeakerVerterok: I want the diff of a branch, not a specific file01:54
PeakerI guess I can just do the merge, and then use emacs's dvc01:57
VerterokPeaker: I just executed, bzr diff -r branch:../trunk | kompare -01:59
Verterokand (for me) worked just fine01:59
lifelessPeaker: bzr difftools can run meld for you IIRC02:00
PeakerVerterok: it should, it just hangs here :-(02:00
lifelessnight all02:00
Peakerlifeless: what command would that be?02:01
Verterokmaybe this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sward-dev/bzr-difftools/trunk or http://mysite.verizon.net/sward.dev/projects/bzr_difftools.tar.gz ?02:03
Peakerlifeless: thanks, night02:07
Peakerdifftools is giving me a diff on the .bzr dir itself :P02:11
Peakerok, kompare eats a -p1 diff just fine! whew02:22
Peakerit probably doesn't like that the src/dest are identical in the default diff02:22
Peakeror kompare doesn't like actually finding the involved files02:24
VerterokPeaker: try passing -n switch to kompare02:25
Verterokto avoid search for the files02:26
Peakernope it hangs anyway02:27
PeakerIf I use -p1 and replace old/ and new/ with parent-branch/ and this-branch/ it works tho02:27
mc__i  killed bzr while commiting,now i cant comit cause there still is the lock.what shall i do?02:27
VerterokI'm using kompare 3.5.8, maybe it's fixed in this version02:28
Verterokmc__: try with 'bzr break-lock'02:28
mc__Verterok: you saved my day!02:29
PeakerVerterok: 3.5.8 here too02:30
PeakerVerterok: you can bzr diff | kompare -o - ?02:30
Verterokyes, it's work fine here, my branches are small ~50 revisions02:31
Verterokand I'm making a diff of 16 revisions02:32
PengWow. 2592. is an AWESOME revno.02:33
mc__Verterok: well i did  bzr break-lock,and it worked great. but now it hangs while commiting first it goes super fast but then it hangs with "[======================           ] Uploading data to master branch - Stage 4/6"02:34
mc__the command i use is "bzr ci -m "now we've got working scaffolds(really)""02:35
Peakerwhy does difftools show the .bzr in the diff?02:36
mc__ 02:36
mc__bzr(python) uses 0% cpu02:36
fullermdSure, but what's it using on the network?02:36
fullermdUploading data doesn't take much suds.02:36
mc__i dont how i can find out its bandwith usage02:37
PeakerI guess I can use difftools and ignore the .bzr dir02:37
mc__but it shouldnt take that long,the files are only several kb02:37
Peakertrying to write a plugin to create a command that combines two commands. How do you invoke a clean-tree --missing via bzrlib? and other commands?02:40
=== mw is now known as mw|out
fullermdIsn't clean-tree bzrtools, not bzrlib?02:41
Peakeroops it is yeah02:41
PengYes it is.02:41
Peakerok but to run remove_tree does it make sense to instantiate its cmd_remove_tree and run that?02:42
mc__hmpf,now i got "Read from remote host austriangeekforce.net: Operation timed out02:42
mc__" today is not my luckiest day02:42
Peakeror use bzrdir.BzrDir.open(location) that's behind the cmd_remove_tree?02:42
fullermdThat, I have no idea.  I suspect reimplementing the command isn't the best course, though.02:43
PeakerI am not sure how to instantiate a cmd_* object02:45
Peakerok cool I have a new remove-full-tree that kills ignored files and then runs remove-tree :)02:52
Peng"find . -exec 'rm -rf {}' ';'"?02:53
PengWell, excluding .bzr. :P02:53
fullermdYeah, that sure would save some space...02:54
fullermdAs a bonus, it not only cleans the tree, but removes unreferenced revisions from the repository   :p02:54
Peakerfullermd: heh its also to avoid a mess where by my emacs is editing files from multiple branches02:54
PeakerI prefer to have only the active branch's files in place02:54
PeakerI think ignored files should be considered disposable, and thus remove-tree should remove them... since it doesn't I made this plugin02:55
mc__now this looks like a bug,commiting small changes work,but if there are several files added bzr hangs for several minutes and then aborts03:08
Peakerwhere can I publish a branch of the plugin I made?03:09
mc__Peaker: launchpad.net ?03:09
Peakeropen a whole project for it? overkill, its 10 lines of python03:10
Peakeris there some wiki somewhere where I can paste a branch address?03:10
mc__if the project is on launchpad you can list your branch there i think03:10
Peakeryeah I don't want to open a whole project for it03:11
mc__contact the original author,maybe he will adopt your changes03:12
Peakerediting the site wiki table is insane03:14
jdubjelmer: about?03:27
Odd_BlokePeaker: You can push a branch to your own personal space without creating a project.04:09
Peakerbzr currently 'crashes' when it tries to make a symlink on Windows, instead of just printing a warning and doing nothing or making a text file like in svn08:19
Peakers/currently/Bazaar (bzr) 0.90.008:23
Peakerwhen making a light weight checkout, does the download not include the history either?08:25
Peakercause a friend is making a light weight checkout from my machine and its taking ages, as if its downloading the entire history08:27
Peakeror can that happen because I'm using a dumb server here?08:29
PengPeaker: Lightweight checkouts don't save any of the history, but if it's a dumb server, it probably needs to download quite a lot to get the latest version of all files.08:35
PeakerPeng: Yeah that's what must have happened08:35
PeakerPeng: I was wondering if there's a silly download-history-to-discard-it thing08:35
Peakerbut I guess that's only because of the dumb server08:35
Peakeranyhow, thanks, gotta go08:35
BlogedGood day everybody09:05
BlogedI've got a, probably easy, question09:05
BlogedI have a file that contains (default) configuration options. Users edit this file with for example their username.09:07
BlogedI've want to keep track of the default. But want to ignore the edits made by users.09:07
BlogedIs there a way to ignore edits to this file. Except when explicit commited?09:07
luksI usually version myconfig.conf.default, which everybody has to copy to myconfig.conf09:10
BlogedOk... that's a solution09:11
BlogedThanks until a better solution is found this one will do09:14
luksI haven't found anything better yet :/09:14
BlogedOk... to bad .bzrignore ignores only those file not yet in the repository09:15
PengSomeone else asked for that feature a couple months ago. It would be pretty useful.09:30
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BlogedYes it would be very useful was there a feature request or something created?09:36
PengYeah, I think so.09:36
PengA spec.09:36
BlogedAny idea where I can find that one?09:36
PengHonestly, I didn't like it much. It was kind of complex.09:37
PengBloged: Somewhere on http://bazaar-vcs.org/ :P09:37
BlogedYep that is something I thought so... but I've searched for this feature and couldn't find anything remotely like it... Feature/Specification or already implemented :|09:38
PengMaybe it was deleted.09:38
BlogedShouldn't it be on launchpad?09:42
fluidics_ss2i'm trying bzr for the first time. i want to push something using bzr+ssh but i run ssh on a different port. is it still possible?10:40
BlogedI've never tried it but: <ip>:<port> isn't working?10:40
fluidics_ss2doesn't seem to be10:41
fluidics_ss2ahh no10:41
fluidics_ss2i'm lieing it does work!10:41
fluidics_ss2i was putting a slash in the wrong place10:41
fluidics_ss2ok i'm getting somewhere, it's saying something about the langauge is incorrect10:45
fluidics_ss2i have to set $LANG somewhere for the python interpretter10:46
fluidics_ss2how do i do that?10:46
ubotuNew bug: #158972 in bzr "http server use both settimeout and makefile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15897210:46
fluidics_ss2bzr: warning: unsupported locale setting10:52
fluidics_ss2  Could not determine what text encoding to use.10:52
fluidics_ss2  This error usually means your Python interpreter10:52
fluidics_ss2  doesn't support the locale set by $LANG (en_GB.UTF-8)10:52
fluidics_ss2  Continuing with ascii encoding.10:52
fluidics_ss2bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: end of file reading from server.10:52
fluidics_ss2^^^ that's what i'm getting10:52
luksfluidics_ss2, the remote server is probably missing the en_GB.UTF-8 locale10:53
fluidics_ss2is that in python?10:53
* fluidics_ss2 knows very little about python10:54
luksbzr+ssh just calls bzr on the server10:54
fluidics_ss2oh ok10:54
luksyou just need to install the locale10:54
luksnothing python related10:54
fluidics_ss2what's a locale?10:56
fluidics_ss2i mean, what sort of package name am i looking for to install it?10:57
Blogedlocale stands for Language Collection10:57
BlogedWhat kind of server?10:57
Blogedsudo apt-get install language-support-en10:57
Blogedto search for packages via command line use "apt-cache search <search_string>10:58
BlogedMinus the "10:59
Blogedapt-cache search <search_string>10:59
fluidics_ss2yeah, i trying that10:59
fluidics_ss2well that just installed a lot of stuff10:59
fluidics_ss2stuff to do with fonts and open-office11:00
fluidics_ss2i'm not sure that was particularly good11:00
BlogedIf it works now you could always autoremove this metapackage11:00
fluidics_ss2well i'm still getting the same error about locale but i don't think that's the real issue11:02
lukssudo locale-gen en_GB.UTF-811:02
Blogedsudo apt-get autoremove language-support-en11:02
BlogedThat will undo your install of the metapackage and dependencies if you want11:03
fluidics_ss2do you mean autoclean?11:03
fluidics_ss2yeah that didn't do anything11:03
BlogedNo autoremove is remove and autoremove dependencies11:03
fluidics_ss2autoremove only works on edgy and newer it would seem11:05
fluidics_ss2don't worry11:05
fluidics_ss2i think the bzr push is completing11:05
fluidics_ss2i'm trying to push a branch like this bzr push bzr+ssh://ip:port/test11:05
fluidics_ss2and it's creating the test dir on the remote machine11:06
fluidics_ss2but it's empty11:06
fullermdNo it's not, it's got .bzr/ in it11:06
fluidics_ss2ls -a reveals: .  ..  .bzr11:06
fluidics_ss2where's my stuff then? :P11:06
BlogedI'm still very new to Bazaar to... but that seems to be correct11:07
fullermdIn .bzr   :)11:07
fluidics_ss2.bzr really is empty11:07
fluidics_ss2ls -Ra /test11:08
fluidics_ss2.  ..  .bzr11:08
fluidics_ss2.  ..11:08
fullermdWell, then push didn't complete.11:08
Blogedbranch  branch-format  branch-lock  checkout  README  repository11:08
fluidics_ss2yeah, i think this error "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: end of file reading from server." might have something to do with it11:09
fluidics_ss2btw thanks for all the help so far guys11:09
fullermdIf you're getting that locale error, then yeah, that would probably be stopping it at that point.11:09
fluidics_ss2hmm ok11:10
fluidics_ss2well the apt-get install lang.... stuff didn't seem to fix that11:10
fluidics_ss2i ran it on both servers11:10
fullermdThe problem there is likely to be not a lack of a package on the server side, but that your LANG is set wrong.11:10
fluidics_ss2set | grep LANG outputs nothing11:10
fullermdTry 'locale'11:11
fluidics_ss2well yes, now we have identified a discrepency :)11:12
fullermdMaybe it's set via LC_ALL or something.  I'm not entirely clear on the intentional difference between the ways of setting it.11:12
fullermdAnyway, the problem is likely to be that you've set your locale to ".UTF-8" and your system-defined locales are ".utf8" or something like that.11:14
fluidics_ss2on one of the servers the locale is blank11:14
fluidics_ss2which can't be right :)11:15
fullermdBlank would mean C, which should be fine (may be _incorrect_, but it's not broken)11:15
fluidics_ss2ok, i've run export LANG="en_GB.UTF-8"11:16
fluidics_ss2and now locale output is the same on both servers, yay!11:16
fluidics_ss2ok lets give this push thing another go11:17
fullermdShouldn't matter if they're different, as long as both are valid.11:17
fluidics_ss2made no difference11:18
fluidics_ss2i think it's python saying "i don't support en/gb utf-8"11:18
fullermdWell, yeah.  That's my point   :p11:19
fullermdLook at what locale tells you it's set to, and look at what locale -a says are valid choices.  You'll probably find a discrepancy.11:19
fullermdAnd it's probably a .UTF-8 vs .utf8 thing (at least, that's the most common one I've seen)11:20
fluidics_ss2one server says:11:20
fluidics_ss2and the other says:11:20
fluidics_ss2locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory11:20
fluidics_ss2locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory11:20
fluidics_ss2locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory11:20
fluidics_ss2so i guess the remote server is missing some files11:21
fullermdThe second, I presume is the one that was C (or blank), and you set to en_GB[...]11:21
fullermdAnd the first...  well, there it is.11:22
fluidics_ss2yep i pasted both in up there11:23
fluidics_ss2i have no idea how to fix this11:24
fullermdEh?  Set the locale to the valid choice.11:24
fullermdFind where you're getting en_GB.UTF-8 set, and change it to en_GB.utf8.  Computer don't guess words that 'look close' when you tell 'em something  :p11:25
fullermdIn your shell rc file, most likely.11:26
fluidics_ss2~/.bashrc mentions nothing about locales11:28
fullermdMmm.  I'm not sure what sequence of files bash reads.  I think there's a .profile or .bash_profile somewhere in the lineup too.11:28
fullermdIt may be set in the system-wide ones in /etc.11:28
fluidics_ss2yeah ok i'll have a bit of a dig around11:29
fluidics_ss2i can't find anything11:35
fluidics_ss2i've grepped * on /etc and ~ for en, gb and utf8 and the only mentions seem to be irrelevent11:35
fluidics_ss2what's the difference between declare and export?11:39
* fullermd mutters.12:06
fullermdYeah, so who needs power anyway?12:07
fluidics_ss2this locale thing is a nightmare12:08
fluidics_ss2i give up (for now)12:08
fullermdHow's that?12:08
fluidics_ss2i think i need to do something with localedef12:09
* fullermd blinks.12:09
fullermdDoes just overriding the env not do the job?12:09
fluidics_ss2i get errors in locale -a if i do that12:09
fluidics_ss2locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory12:09
fluidics_ss2locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory12:09
fluidics_ss2locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory12:09
fullermdWell, that's the server that did have it all unset, right?12:10
fullermdIt should be left unset, since it doesn't have any other locales anyway.  Your problem was on the other one.12:10
fluidics_ss2but seeing as i'm in the UK shouldn't it be set as so12:11
fluidics_ss2having it blank doesn't seem right to me12:11
fullermdC is a perfectly valid locale.12:11
fluidics_ss2what does the locale affect anyway?12:11
fullermdIt may not give you everything you want, but that's not relevant to your _problem_.  Your problem is on the other server, where you have it set to an invalid value.12:12
fullermdA number of things, but the most important in this connection is character set.12:12
fluidics_ss2basically the crux of the problem is i didn't have breakfast this morning12:13
fluidics_ss2and so i'm not functioning12:14
fluidics_ss2after lunch this will probably all be easy12:14
fullermdUrg.  Yeah, that sounds like the root issue to me.12:14
fullermdAt least you had coffee, right?12:14
fluidics_ss2nope, i don't think that would help really12:14
fluidics_ss2coffee makes me nervous12:15
fullermd...   and you're still alive??12:15
fluidics_ss2yep :)12:15
fluidics_ss2i like the taste of coffee very much but i generally avoid it12:15
fullermdMan.  The world _is_ full of weird people   :p12:15
fluidics_ss2are you a bazaar developer?12:16
fullermdOh, no.  My role in life is mostly to sit around trolling unwary bzr developers.12:17
fluidics_ss2google says "deliberately provoking arguments on newsgroups or bulletin boards, with no other intent than to gain attention for the sake of attention"12:19
fluidics_ss2well that sounds very rewarding12:20
fullermdWell, everybody needs a hobby.  It keeps me off the street   :)12:20
fluidics_ss2i think i'm going to have chicken and chips12:22
fluidics_ss2with tomato sauce12:22
jelmerjdub: hi12:25
=== bigdo1 is now known as bigdog_
lifelessmorning sabdfl13:33
=== mw|out is now known as mw
=== BasicMac is now known as BasicOSX
lifelessdebs of 0.92~rc1 up14:13
lifelessjam-laptop: check your mail :)14:59
Lo-lan-doIs there a way to replay more than one revision at once?15:01
james_wLo-lan-do: you mean with rebase?15:01
Lo-lan-doI'm thinking of the rebase plugin15:02
james_wIt will do as many as it can in sequence.15:02
Lo-lan-doBasically, I'd like a merge where individual commits aren't collapsed.15:02
james_wAh, I haven't rebased a merge, so I'm not sure what happens.15:03
Lo-lan-doBut in the other direction as compared with rebase: I'd like to graft the remote revisions on top of the local ones, instead of the other way round.15:03
fullermdTricky.  You'd need a full DAG rebase.15:04
Lo-lan-doI'm not trying to rebase a merge, that was just a functional description of what I'm trying to achieve :-)15:04
james_wI think you would need to have a local branch of the remote one, reabse in that, and then pull across.15:04
Lo-lan-doHmm.  Makes sense.15:04
* Lo-lan-do gets paper+pen and starts drawing graphs15:06
jelmerLo-lan-do: "bzr replay" can accept ranges of revisions these days15:06
LeoNerdOoh.. is that like "tla replay" ..?15:06
Lo-lan-dojelmer: Oh, yay :-)15:06
jelmerit's not the exact reverse of rebase though, doesn't skip already completed merges by default for example15:07
Lo-lan-doAny chance it could take the whole range of missing revs when no range is specified?15:08
Lo-lan-doYeah, I see.  Also, it won't change history.15:08
jelmerLo-lan-do, replay is basically an automated diff+patch+commit that keeps revision metadata15:10
Lo-lan-doHm.  Right.15:11
jelmerif you want a reverse for rebase, I think that should be a different command (or perhaps an option for rebase)15:12
Lo-lan-doI think what I'm looking for is something that would do one merge+commit for each remote rev I don't have locally.15:13
Lo-lan-doDoes that make sense?15:13
* fullermd blinks.15:13
fullermdYou mean use this instead of merge?  Why?15:13
jelmerto have all remote revisions in the lhs history15:14
jelmerLo-lan-do: is this so all revisions show up in svn when you push into svn?15:16
Lo-lan-doExactly.  And so that I don't have to re-type messages.15:16
jelmerso you're really trying to work around bug 15888315:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 158883 in bzr-svn "ability to push non-lhs revisions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15888315:17
Lo-lan-doI guess that can be scripted rather easily, though.  If there's no interest for that kind of workflow.15:17
jam-laptoplifeless: I still can't get to the other machines15:18
ubotuNew bug: #159021 in bzr "Unkown branch format after copy from Linux and Win32" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15902115:21
datosiretart: I saw your commit in pkg-bazaar, but no upload?15:23
siretartdato: yes, for two reasons: I'm on very limited bandwith right now, and I wanted to wait for the bzrtools release15:25
siretartdato: if you think it is a good idea to upload right now, go ahead!15:25
datoah, I had forgotten about the latter.15:25
datosiretart: nope, I wanted to wait myself, but forgot about it :)15:25
gotgenesHey, you updated the debs! Thanks, guys!15:27
n04mhi, my bzr failed in the middle of a commit (on bound branch) with the following:16:20
n04mTooManyConcurrentRequests: The medium '<bzrlib.smart.medium.SmartSSHClientMedium object at 0x85ebf6c>' has reached its concurrent request limit. Be sure to finish_writing and finish_reading on the currently open request.16:20
n04mand since that faillure,  a lock as been leaked and I cannot work anymore because it keeps waiting for the lock to be released16:21
lifelessbzr break-lock16:21
n04mthanks! but why did it happen in the first place?16:22
n04malso: after bzr break-lock I just ran commit again and it failed again.16:23
n04mwith the TooManyConcurrentRequests error16:23
n04mraceback (most recent call last):16:24
n04m  File "/usr/bin/bzr", line 116, in <module>16:24
n04m    sys.stdout.flush()16:24
n04mValueError: I/O operation on closed file16:24
n04mbzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.TooManyConcurrentRequests: Th...........16:24
jam-laptopn04m: normally you get that error when the ssh connection closes on you16:30
jam-laptopbug #8263416:30
n04mhow can i find why does it closes?16:30
jam-laptopn04m: are you sure the other machine is up and running?16:31
jam-laptop(ssh host)16:31
n04mi can ssh to it, and bzr update also works16:31
jam-laptopIs it a large commit?16:31
jam-laptopI don't know any specific reason it would close16:31
jam-laptopyou could try switching from bzr+ssh:// to  sftp://16:31
n04mi don't know if he set up sftp16:31
jam-laptopbut it would be the 'ssh' program that is closing its connection16:31
jam-laptopmost people with ssh have sftp access16:31
jam-laptopyou could at least try it16:32
n04mok, one sec16:32
n04mseems to work except for this error:16:36
n04mmodified gui/CompletionWidget.py16:36
n04mmodified test/test_completions.py16:36
n04mbzr: ERROR: Permission denied: 'f0/test_completions.py-20071031004151-wqg45t4c1dj6gdnf-5.knit': [Errno 13] Permission denied16:36
n04mmaybe that's what causes the ssh to close ?16:37
lifelessyes, there is a bug open on this16:39
lifelessits largely fixed in 0.93 - current bzr.dev - IIRC16:39
n04mok. but what's this permission error?16:39
lifelessprobably file system permissions on that file; does it have g+w ?16:40
n04mlocally yes16:40
lifelessjam-laptop: whats the flag in the branch branch to set permissions manaagement on ?16:40
lifelessn04m: remotely16:41
n04mi was about to say: also remotely16:41
n04mbut i'm not sure i'm looking in the correct place16:41
n04mmy friend set up a bzr repository, and put it where i can access with sftp/ssh16:42
n04mbut he also has his own repo on that same machine - i'm not sure it matters16:42
n04m(his own repo with branches bound to the same repo/branch i am working with)16:42
n04mhow can i know in which directory bzr was trying to access this file 'f0/test_completions.py-20071031.......'16:44
Pengn04m: .bzr/repository/knits/16:45
n04mweird...there are several files in that directory, some of which are owned by peaker:group (ok) and some by peaker:peaker16:47
n04mi guess that's the problem16:47
n04mi'm not sure why that happens - but thanks!16:47
lifelessjelmer: the inspect button of bzr-gtj commit-notify seems bust16:55
jam-laptoplifeless: you mean the rwx bits? (those are always on, afaik)16:57
jam-laptopIt is the old "sftp strips permissions" issue I'm guessing16:58
jam-laptopor if he is using bzr+ssh16:58
jam-laptopthen he needs to be setting the umask to 000216:58
jam-laptopand then chmod g+s16:58
jam-laptop(the directories16:58
n04mumask is already 000216:59
n04mi don't know about g+s16:59
n04mi guess we'll have to wait until he get's up.... :)16:59
jam-laptopfind . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 277016:59
jam-laptopn04m: ^^17:00
jam-laptopyou may not have the permissions17:00
jam-laptopfind . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 277017:00
jam-laptopfind . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 66017:00
jam-laptopand then17:00
ubotuNew bug: #159046 in bzr "bzr check uses too much memory for large trees" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15904617:00
jam-laptopchown -R :group .17:00
n04mok, doing17:01
n04mno permissions to do that...we'll have to wait for him17:01
datojelmer: oh, you fixed #140001. I don't have to do it! thanks a lot. :)17:26
datojelmer: I poked it a bit, and I have some comments: (1) typo in FAQ, and svn timestamps should be UTC -> patch: http://dpaste.com/23821/; (2) pushing my name to svn:author raises a TypeError exception (http://dpaste.com/23823/); independently of that, in my opinion svn:author should be set to eg. the user part of the email address, to follow standard svn practice; but that's just my opinion :) and, uhm, I think not everybody who wants svn:date ...18:06
dato... set will want svn:author as well, not sure about that.18:06
datojelmer: (3) how about not making it fatal when setting svn:foo fails? so that eg. override-svn-revprops can be globally set to True? (4) not related to this particular feature, I'm encountering a "Invalid diff stream: insn 0 cannot be decoded'" error when pushing a certain repo; if you need a test-case: http://dpaste.com/23825/; (5) thanks!18:12
lifelessjam-laptop: ping18:16
jam-laptoplifeless: ??18:19
lifelesslet me run an idea past you18:19
lifelessnative pack reconcile.18:19
lifelessI'm thinking the best thing to do is:18:19
lifeless - start a new pack18:19
lifeless - clone data to it, correcting as we go18:19
lifeless - if nothing was wrong, abort the write group18:20
jam-laptopso a repack + a reconcile in one step?18:20
jam-laptoppushing everything into a single pack file?18:20
jam-laptopwhich would be deleted if we find nothing wrong18:20
lifelessthe alternative is to wait until we detect that something is wrong before we start cloning18:20
jam-laptopit seems okay, but it sure would be nice to know without having to write out all the data18:20
fullermdThe question comes to mind "should manual repacks check/reconcile too as long as they're touching all this data"18:21
lifelessanother alternative is to only copy the contents of packs that we think are corrupt; but index shadowing may lead to two reconciles in a row both having to move data18:21
lifelessfullermd: no; because packing does not process all the same data to the same degree.18:22
lifelessfullermd: but it's a good question.18:22
fullermdWell, not now.  But the eventual manual repack will re-preen through all of it to re-cross-delta stuff and all, right?18:22
fullermd(leaving auto-repack out of the picture, natch; 'fast' is the key there)18:23
lifelessfullermd: that doesn't require e.g. parsing the revision xml's and generating testaments to check signed revisions18:23
fullermdHm.  I guess.18:25
fullermdIt would be nice to have the option to do 'em all in one shot, though.  "Pack down my repo to all small and optimized, check everything, and fix any inconsistencies you can.  I'm gonna go grab coffee."18:25
jam-laptopwell, you could have a "bzr pack --check" sort of flag18:26
fullermdThat may just be an extension of my desire for check --fix as well, though.18:26
jam-laptopI know I'm not convinced that 1 giant pack is going to be optimal18:27
jam-laptopI think having 1 pack for ancestry18:27
jam-laptopand then some small packs for new data is a good thing18:27
lifelessjam-laptop: we'll generate that naturally as additional commits are made18:30
lifelessjam-laptop: having a single pack for lots of history works well18:30
ubotuNew bug: #159089 in bzr "specific error if format strings have newline corruption" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15908918:31
jam-laptopI wonder about having a big history pack, and then one pack with just the current fulltext heads18:33
jam-laptopbut it is just hypothesising18:34
jam-laptopAnyway, I understand your point about not wanting to only write out the bad stuff18:34
jam-laptopsince that means the old records are still around18:34
jam-laptopand you aren't sure which one a client will get18:34
jam-laptopso you would have to rewrite any pack which contained a bad record18:34
jam-laptopAnd at that point, you have to track what packs need to be processed, and it is certainly easier to just start from the beginning18:35
siretartjam-laptop: against what version of bzr is bzr-builddeb.dev supposed to work with?18:37
siretartjames_w: : against what version of bzr is bzr-builddeb.dev supposed to work with?18:37
siretartjam-laptop: sorry, never mind. dammit tab completion :)18:38
james_wsiretart: the one you just pulled?18:38
james_wit should work with 0.92. I'm not sure when compatibility last broke though I'm afraid.18:38
siretartok. the build-dependencies in debian/control imply it should work with 0.91, but it doesn't, because bzrlib.errors.UncommittedChanges is missing18:39
james_woh, I didn't expect that.18:40
james_wI'll bump the dependencies.18:40
siretartjames_w: http://paste.debian.net/4119618:41
siretartis the build error18:41
ubotuNew bug: #159093 in bzr "TooManyConcurrentRequests while committing on bound branch" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15909318:46
lifelesshi abentley18:49
abentleyHi there.18:50
lifelessany chance of a bzrtools release ?18:51
abentleylifeless: Sure.  I'll get that out today.18:52
PengI saw a typo in the knitpack.txt doc earlier, and I just went searching for it, and I couldn't find it, but I did find 4 or 5 more.18:54
fullermdThose were the decoys it meant you to find.18:55
ubotuNew bug: #159098 in bzr "bad "bzr info" output on dangling branch reference" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15909818:55
PengI think I'm going to submit a patch for the typos. Mind if I fix whitespace too?19:05
Peng(I mean, remove whitespace from the ends of lines.)19:06
lifelessfine by me19:06
PengHa! Now I have a mail client running! You can't stop me from sending patches!19:07
* Peng wanders off.19:26
gotgenesI rebound my branch to the Subversion it was checked out from (and unbound from when I was waiting for bzr v0.92), but when I did a push I get a traceback19:47
gotgeness/the Subversion/the Subversion repo/19:47
gotgenesSubversionException: ('Invalid diff stream: insn 0 cannot be decoded', 185003)19:48
gotgenesNobody has access to the repo but myself so it hasn't changed since I checked it out19:48
gotgenesjelmer: Any ideas? Have you seen this error before?19:49
gotgenesI just did a bzr up and got the following message:19:50
ubotuNew bug: #159103 in bzr ""bzr push" occasionally creates a branch reference instead of a branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15910319:50
gotgenespending merges:19:50
gotgenes  Chris Lasher 2007-10-29 Moving all to legacy.19:50
gotgeneshow do I enact the pending merges?19:51
lifelessgotgenes: 'enact' ?19:59
gotgeneslifeless: bzr enact?19:59
gotgeneslifeless: ah, no, sorry. To "go ahead" with the pending changes20:00
gotgenes"make it so"20:00
gotgenes"give the 'go ahead'"20:00
datogotgenes: bzr commit20:01
gotgenesdato: any way to use my previous commit messages?20:02
gotgenesthey're obviously stored somewhere because I was shown it when I did the bzr up20:03
gotgenesObviously I can copy and paste, but just wondering20:03
gotgenesWell, I just did the commit and hit the same exception again20:04
gotgenesSubversionException: ('Invalid diff stream: insn 0 cannot be decoded', 185003)20:04
lifelessgotgenes: File a bug on bzr-svn please; jelmer should see it soon. I don't know what the bug is.20:07
gotgeneslifeless: will do20:07
poolieis the pack/ssh bug actually filed? can't find it...20:19
gotgenesI just filed Bug #159111 for bzr-svn.20:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159111 in bzr-svn "bzr-svn can't push, commit to rebound SVN repository" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15911120:20
jelmerlifeless: please file a bug (bzr-gtk commit-notify inspect button)20:21
jelmerdato: please file a bug on that, with the bundle attached20:22
fullermdIt'd be nice to be able to set a flag to tell merge "No, really, I will never ever care about changes to this file, so don't resurrect it on merge"20:27
datojelmer: you want all issues mentioned in the same bug report?20:43
ubotuNew bug: #159118 in bzr "can create a pack repository over bzr+ssh, but then not open it" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15911820:50
jelmerdato: All the ones you've fixed21:35
jelmeror just send me a bundle / branch url21:36
mc_hi im trying to get bzr working with CIA. im using this plugin https://launchpad.net/bzr-cia/  i already copied the directory into ~/.bazaar/plugins/cia/* and i set my cia user name. but now when i try to do bzr cia-project name i get the follwoin error "bzr: ERROR: unknown command "cia-project""21:40
gotgenesmc_: shouldn't you just copy the directory under ~/.bazaar/plugins/?21:41
jelmermc_: does 'bzr plugins' list it?21:41
mc_hey you're they guy who wrote it jelmer (cool) :)21:42
mc_nope it doesnt21:42
jelmermc_: so you have a file __init__ in ~/.bazaar/plugins/cia ?21:44
mc_jelmer: yes21:44
jelmersorry, I meant __init__.py21:45
mc_of course,it's in there21:45
mc_the whole error message is "Unable to load plugin 'cia' from '/Users/mc/.bazaar/plugins'21:45
mc_invalid command name 'cia-project'"21:45
jelmerah, so it's actually unable toload the plugin21:46
mc_ah im missing "compare_trees"21:46
jelmermc_: where did you get your copy of bzr-cia ?21:47
mc_i executed __init__.py and it says that21:47
mc_jelmer: https://launchpad.net/bzr-cia/ I checked out trunk21:47
jelmermc_: Strange, I can't find compare_trees in the source here anywhere :-/21:49
poolielifeless, i guess we'll need to run reconcile in the bzr.dev repo?21:49
poolieand on vostok?21:49
He1I've got a setup at home where I do most of my work and I can sftp into where I store my branches no problem, however when I try to do it from my comp at work using bzr in windows (where I am right now) I get a 10013 error, I've set my firewall to allow ssh to the comp where I store my branches, and can access it fine via putty, but its no dice using bzr in windows, any help would great21:49
mc_jelmer: seems to be an bzrlib issue not specific to that plugin21:50
mc_Traceback (most recent call last):21:50
mc_  File "__init__.py", line 36, in <module>21:50
mc_    from bzrlib.delta import compare_trees21:50
mc_ImportError: cannot import name compare_trees21:50
jelmermc_: I think you're using an older version - what exact URL did you branch from?21:52
jelmermc_: what files are in your local branch? just __init__.py ?21:54
datojelmer: I'll file a separate bug for the rest, then21:54
mc_jelmer: README__init__.pycsetup.py21:54
mc_hm,hope you can decrypt that....21:55
datobug #15911121:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159111 in bzr-svn "bzr-svn can't push, commit to rebound SVN repository" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15911121:58
jelmermc_: ah, looks like launchpad is just out of date21:59
jelmerone sec21:59
jelmerdato: thanks21:59
jelmerdato: there's no bundle attached (yet)22:01
mc_jelmer: so i'll checkout the location directly then22:01
jelmermc_: i've just updated the location to http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-cia/trunk22:03
lifelesspoolie: yes, when we switch them to the 0.92 code base running their commits22:03
mc_jelmer: still the same22:04
mc_Unable to load plugin 'cia_bzr' from '/Users/mc/.bazaar/plugins'22:04
mc_ImportError: cannot import name compare_trees22:04
jelmermc_: what does "bzr revno ~/.bazaar/plugins/cia" say?22:05
mc_jelmer: 2522:06
jelmermc_: Should be 29 if you pull from http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-cia/trunk22:06
datojelmer: now, seems launchpad can't accept attachments by email (bug #159140)22:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159140 in bzr-svn "svn:date should be set to a UTC timestamp + wrong option name inFAQ" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15914022:06
jelmerdato: Yeah, hit that bug a couple of times too :-/22:07
jelmerbug 3022522:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 30225 in malone "Attach files via email" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3022522:07
siretartdato: if you can, feel free to upload bzr & bzrtools. I'm on very limited bandwith here, which makes updating my sid chroot painful :(22:08
datooh. I'll subscribe to that. thx.22:08
datosiretart: sure, np. will do tomorrow.22:08
mc_jelmer:  working :)22:08
mc_jelmer: thank ya very much mate!22:08
jelmerno worries :-)22:08
He1 I've got a setup at home where I do most of my work and I can sftp into where I store my branches no problem, however when I try to do it from my comp at work using bzr in windows (where I am right now) I get a 10013 error, I've set my firewall to allow ssh to the comp where I store my branches, and can access it fine via putty, but its no dice using bzr in windows, any help would great, also go slow, I'm new to vcs and only know the basics of using ssh22:14
jelmerHe1, no idea what a 10013 error is and perhaps nobody else here does22:17
jelmerplease consider mailing the list, there are probably more people familiar with windows reading that22:18
He1its a permission denied error, when i googled it, it seemed to be a standardized error22:18
He1for multiple protocols22:19
lifelessjelmer: dato: It's being worked on, some months away though (attachments via email)22:19
lifeless(I just asked the manager of that area :))22:22
ubotuNew bug: #159147 in bzr "pack progress bars incorrect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15914722:35
hendrixskiummm..... when I try to install from the bazaar repositories, I get this message:   bzrtools: Depends: bzr (< 0.92~) but 0.92~rc1-1bazaar1 is to be installed22:42
hendrixskiin feisty22:42
hendrixskilooks like somebody put in a version of bzr that breaks the dependencies elsewhere... is there a way I can specify an earlier version with apt?22:43
datohendrixski: try `apt-get install bzr=0.91-1`22:43
datoor if that doesn't work, do `apt-cache policy bzr`, and substitute the version for one that exists22:44
* hendrixski tries those22:44
dato(or wait until bzrtoos 0.92 gets uploaded)22:44
hendrixskidato, sweet the first one worked.22:45
hendrixskicool, I didn't know you could do that with the equals sign :-p22:46
datohendrixski: good :)22:46
hendrixskiyay and now bzrtools installed too.  SUCCESS22:46
* hendrixski hopes this will do more stuff than version .15 did (default in the Ubuntu Feisty Repo's)22:47
hendrixskidato, Happy Halloween :-)22:47
ubotuNew bug: #159150 in bzr "co --lightweight connects mutiple times" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15915022:51
=== NfNit|oop is now known as NfNitLoop
hendrixskiI'm having some trouble following this manual http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/index.html#publishing-your-branch-with-sftp  I set up a repository on an ftp server, but now I can't seem to put my changes up there :-(23:56
beunohendrixski, what do you get when you try and push?23:58

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