
jamiejPlease does any one know is it possible to make ldm auto login now?00:45
=== Bambi_BO1H is now known as kgoetz
LaserJockhighvoltage: did I ping you?06:02
highvoltageLaserJock: yep06:03
highvoltagenight before last night06:03
highvoltagefirst time I see you online again now :)06:04
LaserJockI don't think I know what I wanted to ask you06:06
LaserJockcould have been something to do with edubuntu.org but I don't know06:07
highvoltageok, np06:09
LaserJockoh, maybe I remember06:11
sbalneavMorning a;;12:44
sbalneaverr, all12:44
dtraskmornin' fellas12:47
dtraskRichEd: You in here yet?12:48
stgraberI managed to install edubuntu on virtualbox, after 4 install :)12:48
stgrabernow let's create some thin clients12:49
dtraskmoquist_: you in here?12:53
dtraskIf anyone has the ability to do skype with video....I want to show ya'll who benefits from your awesome work12:55
pips1will the edubuntu weekly meeting happen, or are you folks all to busy?12:56
pips1busy / just getting up / grabbing breakfast / hung over / ...? :-)12:57
sbalneavpips1: Good question.  I don't know12:57
sbalneavI'm up, had breakfast, etc.12:57
sbalneavOllie's still putting his face on :)12:57
pips1what about the german lederhosen?12:58
dtraskwhere's moquist_?12:58
pips1who was at uds paris?12:59
pips1from in here?12:59
* pips1 glances at the channel participants list13:01
dtrasksbalneav: is moquist around?13:01
sbalneavdtrask: Haven't seen him as yet.13:03
sbalneavOllie's here now.13:03
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RIchEd
RIchEdyo dtrask13:06
RIchEdand pips113:06
dtraskRIchEd: hey13:06
=== RIchEd is now known as RichEd
RichEddtrask: let me check the schedule to see when we have a free slot this morning ...13:07
dtraskRIchEd: we're up for vid hookup if you guys are....just called moquist...I'm going to have him fire up Skype in a minute so I can show you guys the little kids using Tuxpaint to make Halloween pics13:07
RichEdcool ... just sorting out the schedule for the day ... will be with you as soon as possible13:08
stgraberdtrask: I'm currently at a roundtable, I'll be with the edubuntu guys at 9:5013:08
dtraskI basically have the 10:10 - 10:50 time period....15 mins should be more than enough if anyone can squeeze in there...if not...no big deal13:08
dtraskRichEd: we can watch you guys work  ;-)13:09
pips1dtrask: question: Is it possible to have a group video chat in Skype at all? where I could join you guys in the Skype session from here?13:10
pips1probably not...13:11
pips1I think video chat only works two-way...13:11
dtraskpips1: never tried...no idea....moquist has a MacBook Pro...and we tried it yesterday....if he could hook up to a projector that would be cool...are you at UDS?13:12
dtraskpips1: I'm not at the moment...was, but had to come back to teach a couple days...head back in a few hours13:12
=== greeneggsnospam is now known as jsgotangco
dtraskpips1: I have little 5 year olds in here using Edubuntu13:13
pips1dtrask: I've also started teaching a class here in zurich :-)13:13
pips1dtrask: 5 year olds! wow13:13
pips1I teach grown ups though13:13
pips1I guess the small and and the grown ups are fun to teach... perhaps the teenagers in-between can be a bit difficult :-)13:14
pips1I see mostly flash based multi-user video chats...13:22
dtraskok guys...that was very cool13:23
dtraskI'll use the LCD projector  later so they can all see13:23
pips1nice one13:23
dtraskRichEd: That was cool...so...if possible we'll try and hook up in the 10 o'clock hour sometime...I can put you guys up on the LCD projector and set the camera up so you guys can see more of the class13:25
dtraskRichEd: if moquist is able...you too can use a projector perhaps...we can even watch you guys work and I'll ask some simple questions about what you're doing and all13:26
* pips1 wonders if there is a record function in skype13:26
dtraskpips1: I'm actually using a firewire camera...so what I can do is record my end of things and post it.13:28
pips1meanwhile, I found out that skype can currently only do video calls with two participants, no video conference calls.13:29
pips1dtrask: nice13:30
pips1"Currently you cannot record your Skypecast from within Skype"13:30
dtraskpips1: do you have a Mac?  iChat can do video conferencing AFAIK13:31
dtraskpips1: dunno if moquist has an account, but it's a possibility13:31
pips1interesting. yes, we have an imac, my wife uses it mostly.13:32
pips1I think you guys should go ahead with what you arleady tested... only 30 mins to go. :-)13:33
pips1I was just thinking out loud... curious. :-)13:34
dtraskmoquist_: do you have a video dongle/adapter for your MBP?13:35
moquist_dtrask: not with me13:43
pips1hi moquist_13:45
dtraskmoquist_: it'd be cool even to just have a vid chat with you13:46
dtraskmoquist_: I'll keep the questions simple  ;-)13:47
dtraskmoquist_: I'll make you famous in the eyes of 9 and 10 year olds  ;-)13:48
ulissehello guys!13:49
ulissei have a little question about thin client:13:49
ulisseis it possible to serve the OS via an ethernet cable, but have the thin client connected to internet via a wireless card?13:50
ulisseI mean, the difficult thing should be to run the wifi card on the client, right?13:50
pips1ulisse: i don't have an answer to you question, but i'm curious why you want to do that.. :-)13:52
ulisseit is because an crazy law here in Italy13:52
ulisse(another crazy law, not the one we got slashdotted recently)13:52
ulisseI want to run the clients in an hotel, for free public acces13:53
ulissebut according to that law, I have to keep a log of the users connections13:53
ulisseif I can use the wireless, I could make the clients connect via the Free-Hotspot system13:53
ulisseand the log would be managed directly by their servers13:54
pips1i see13:54
pips1there seems no limit to what crazy setups people want to do :-)13:56
pips1your explanation makes sense though13:56
pips1sorry I'm no help13:56
pips1most edubuntu / ltsp devs are probably rather busy at the developer summit right now...13:57
pips1so you might not be heard / get an answer just now... :-/13:57
pips1got to run.. cu l8r13:58
ulissenp, I think the best solution will be to not use ltsp, anyway I'm talking about only two pc13:58
ulissethanks anyway13:58
dtrask_name of the gobby doc?13:58
pips1ulisse: cu13:58
sakhihighvoltage: hi14:01
dtrask_highvoltage: Hi!14:01
dtrask_the UI in italc is something that needs a lot of work14:03
dtrask_at least in my opinion14:03
sakhiI have just installed Edubuntu 7.10 on 2 servers, the thin client boots on the one server but it does not boot on the second server. what could be wrong?14:03
sakhiBoth the server's have the same spec14:03
sakhijvanrooyen: ohi14:07
jvanrooyensakhi: hey14:07
=== greeneggsnospam is now known as jsgotangco
dtrask_moquist_: the kids are here and VERY excited.  Even if we could just talk to you, that would be cool14:19
dtrask_RichEd: if you guys cn spare about 10 mins at some point in the very near future, the kids are very excited about the prospect of meeting you guys14:20
RichEdgreat ... can we do it in 15 mins ?14:20
RichEdmoquist_ is wrapped up with the italc BOF and note taking14:21
RichEddtrask_: it would be great if we could get a little exercise going along the line we spoke about with the kids contributing ... how about asking them to write an letter / email to the edubuntu guys on the topics:14:22
RichEd#1 why i like using computers at school14:22
RichEd#2 why i like using edubuntu14:22
RichEdeven if they all do not complete the "exercise" it should make for some sweet quotes we can put up onto the web site ?14:23
dtrask_RichEd: that would be perfect....class ends at 10:50...it's 10:22 right now...so it'll give us enough time to have a short chat14:23
RichEdcool ... raise the idea above with the kids, and it will give us a topic to chat about ... they can answer the questions verbally today, and then sit down to write them tomorrow14:24
dtrask_you bet14:24
RichEd(that is if they have recovered from the halloween sugar buzzzzzzz .... by the time they get back to school)14:24
* dtrask_ readies for the video conference...kids are PUMPED!14:30
dtrask_RichEd: we are ready when you are14:36
dtrask_moquist_: we are ready....can you begin?14:37
RichEddtrask_: moquist_ is firing up the electronic wormhole14:38
highvoltagehi sakhi and dtrask_!14:48
dtrask_RichEd: that was VERY cool for the kids...thanks so much14:50
RichEdthanks to you guys too ... it was a good seed ... we can grow from that little intro ... the kids can now visualise us if you set them tasks14:51
dtrask_RichEd: exactly...and it went vey well considering we threw it together in 10 mins  ;-)14:56
stgraberand video quality wasn't that bad with the poor bandwidth we had (probably something like 10kB/s)15:01
dtrask_stgraber: wow...that's pretty slow  ;-)15:04
stgraberwell we have a T1 connection for the whole hotel IIRC :)15:05
stgraberthey then use transparent proxying + mirror15:06
stgraberogra: I'm doing an italc install on Virtualbox so you can have an idea of what we'll need to do to have it working on thin clients15:07
dtrask_stgraber: good point15:17
ograstgraber, great !15:18
=== sgod51_ is now known as sgod51
stgraberogra: I have it working :)15:30
dtrask_stgraber: I'm blogging the video chat...where are you from?15:31
sbalneavThe land of Chocolate, Banking, and army knives.15:31
dtrask_thx....three of my fave things!15:32
dtrask_love the bobsleds too15:32
dtrask_oh..and a certain kind of cheese15:32
RichEdand don't forget .... Heidie15:32
dtrask_Oh yeah....I remember Heidi!15:33
=== moquist_ is now known as moquist
stgraberogra: only problem I have is a "Authentication failed" error in the notification area and I can't figure out what's causing it ...15:36
stgraberdtrask_: yep, switzerland15:36
stgraberogra: where are you ?15:36
ograin the corridor next to the mobile room15:38
groovedreamerhi gnomefreak15:45
groovedreamerbddebian: spox15:45
groovedreamerbddebian: not yet?15:46
groovedreamerbddebian: yes15:46
bddebianyes what?15:47
groovedreamerbddebian: sarge?15:47
groovedreamernow woman no cry15:49
bddebiangroovedreamer: I'm sorry, I am not following.15:49
groovedreamerbddebian:  you've got15:49
sbalneavThat was.... existential :)16:03
=== tck_ is now known as tck
stgraberogra: ping17:18
ograstgraber, pong17:20
stgraberogra: we are working on the italc thing, should we import the upstream svn and then re-upload on bzr or simply use bzr for the debian/ and then use dpatch ?17:21
ograstgraber, i hink LP has an option to point a bzr import to a svn root17:22
ograso create a team and a branch in that team17:22
ograpoint that branch to pull from upstreams svn17:22
stgrabernot directly, I managed to import the svn though and can re-uploaed to bzr so we keep the revisions17:23
stgraberbut do we want to work directly on the code and then create our own orig package or create an orig from SVN and then patch it as we do with most packages ?17:23
stgraberogra: ^17:28
stgraberogra: how can you answer "yeah" to a "or" question ? :)17:45
LaserJockstgraber: ogra can do anything ;-)17:46
ograstgraber, i can do that only if Burgundavia distracts me all the time :P17:46
stgraberogra: so ? :)17:48
sbalneavogra's being deliberately obstreperous17:50
=== tck_ is now known as tck
Nubaehi, I'm running gutsy on a thin client computer that seems to have apic problems...18:05
NubaeHow can I get it to start up with apic off?18:05
sbalneavEdit the /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default file18:08
sbalneavadd "noapic" to the kernel command line.18:09
Nubaethanks, but will that not do that for every client then?18:24
Nubaeor does that not really matter?18:24
ograLaserJock, did the wlan on your classmate under XP work ?18:26
LaserJockogra: yes it did18:28
LaserJockogra: I don't think I got it to work under linkux18:29
LaserJockbut I didn't investigate it much, it could've been on my side18:29
ograi cant get it to find anything here18:30
Nubaewell, the noapic variable worked, but now the system simply freezes and gets stuck just after stating loading initrd.img and then redy18:32
Nubaecant even ctrl+alt+del18:32
Nubaewhen I say worked I mean it took the 8254 bios timer bug message away18:33
LaserJockogra: yeah, basically it seemed like it didn't see any wireless networks18:34
ograso how did you get it to see one than ?18:36
* ogra tries to get this XP crap going here18:37
ograheh, my linux classmate actually sees the lpc mesh18:37
LaserJockogra: in Windows everything is fine, in Linux I don't think it sees any networks18:39
LaserJockat least I think that's what I remember18:39
LaserJockI can check tonight18:39
fgiraldeauogra : is it possible to update blueprint for italc, to set the wiki page?18:43
ografgiraldeau, url ?18:48
stgraberogra: busy ?18:49
ogra(flashing classmates here)18:50
stgraberogra: I have a 50% working iTalc (svn), the VNC part crash but no more authentication problem18:50
stgraberogra: we are just thinking of the way we should run it on the client18:51
stgraberso they can't simply kill it18:51
stgraber(as they can do with tcm)18:51
fgiraldeauno more authentication problem, since there is no authentication at all18:53
* fgiraldeau in the brooks room19:00
stgraberogra: I no longer have that ica icon :)20:15
stgraber(one line patch)20:15
stgraberwell, not even a line, one character patch acutally20:16
sbalneavstgraber: What was the character?  # ? :)20:22
stgrabersbalneav: yeah20:37
stgraberogra: I removed the info bubble too20:37
stgraberthis one is a 4 char change :)20:37
stgraberFALSE -> TRUE20:37
stgraberand I'm removing the no config file warning too (the first window you see when opening the teacher part)20:40

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